#boosts are appreciated 💗💗
tmpttion · 9 months
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it’s probably not a lot to some of you jdsjjjwd but it’s the first time i reach this amount on any social media hehh and since it’s fun i decided to host a little event to celebrate <3
send an idol + era/clip of your choice (the more specific the better) and i'll make you a gifset*
please make sure the idol belongs to one of these groups: txt, le sserafim, enhypen, xg, fifty fifty, nct, aespa, red velvet, itzy, ive, astro
i made the list because making gifs of groups i’m not the most interested in takes the fun out of it (+ i probably lack the knowledge to 💔)
*only txt sets will be posted here, the rest will be posted on my main blog (@drmzone)
‼️ please keep in mind the requests will take some time, i'll definitely do them but i can't assure you i'll be fast 🥴
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witchesnet · 9 months
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Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble, it’s time for our fourth HALLOWEEN HEXATHLON!
We welcome all new witchy creations from any fandom (gifs, fics, videos, fanart, moodboards, etc.) The event is going to be between the 26th and 31th of October and each day you can pick from a separate prompt or song to give you inspiration.
Day One [Oct. 26.]
prompt: A Witch Who Deserves The World
song: Madalen Duke - How Villians Are Made
Day Two [Oct. 27.]
prompt: A Witch Family/Found Family/Coven/Group You Love
song: Florence and the Machine - Which Witch
Day Three [Oct. 28.]
prompt: A Witchy Quote ↳ your favourite quote said by a witch or your favourite quote about witches
song: Lola Blanc - Angry Too
Day Four [Oct. 29.]
prompt: Witch(es) + Element(s)
song: Dominique Fils-Aimé - Where There Is Smoke
Day Five [Oct. 30.]
prompt: The Witchiest/Most Magical Color(s) of Your Choice ↳ one color, more colors, color palettes - as many colors you want :)
song: Elley Duhé - Middle of The Night
Day Six [Oct. 31.]
prompt: Free Choice
song: The Pretty Reckless - Going To Hell
💫We are going to track #halloweenhex as well as #witchesnet so make sure to tag us in the first 5 tags. ✨⭐
To further your creativity consider listening to the playlist specifically created for the event. If you’d be interested in last year’s halloweenhex posts, you can check them out here.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send us an ask! 🥰
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windrider01 · 3 days
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Emergency Commissions (Pricing here) to save my 9month old Kitten Edward who was just recently diagnosed with FIP and I am not in a good financial spot atm and not sure how much it'll be to get him the meds he needs to get better and beat FIP.
He's just a little baby at 9 months old and I want him to have a long and happy life with his brother Alphonse, the top cat shown below and give him all the love, treats and snacks he very much deserves as he is such a sweet boy. He's been such a trouper through all the poking and prodding at the vet
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If you rather donate I do have a gofundme https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-edward-beat-fip
Any donation big and or small would be very much appreciated 💗 even if you can only donate a dollar it would still help so very much thank you 💗
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jiminsproof · 2 years
fi-lter -> jiminsproof
shifting into comeback mode. 💅✨️
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
💖 Day 3 Updates! 💖
If you haven't already joined da 14DWY Discord, here are all of the Day 3 screenshots I've shared over the past months!
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⇢ More under the cut!!
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💖 General updates! 💖
(Some updates here are a continuation of this post!)
Translations have been put on hold until I push out more content for the game.
Most of the spites have received a few minor adjustments to (hopefully) fix the art inconsistency issue.
There will be another woohoo scene in Day 3... The 14 Nights With You DLC is slowly turning into a reality.....
You will be able to invite the cast to your apartment (or visit a few of them!) to hang out one-on-one 💗
I created a new and improved "relationship screen"! Now you can see the status and affinity meter of the cast more clearly.
To all of the 2017 Ren enjoyers… I see you I hear you I feel you 💕 Enjoy having the option to choose Ren's hair length now hehe
I changed up some of the UI so that the overall theme is more consistent.
There's now a new Dead End, a Fox Ren easter egg, and updated CG art to match Ren's hairstyle!
Still no ETA yet on when the beta version will be released to the public >.< But Discord "Server Boosters" currently have access to the beta build!
💖 Day 3 Beta Build! 💖
As a way to show my gratitude towards those who choose to boost the 14DWY server, I've decided to release the Day 3 beta build for them to test out! Because of them, we're able to have over 200 emote slots, a custom banner, and a vanity link!! I appreciate y'all very much!
I also don't have a specific date in mind, but once I'm satisfied with all of the feedback + bug fixes, I'll release Day 3 for everyone else to play. So no need to boost the server!! Feel free to wait until I release it to the public (which should be soon >:3).
Thank you all again for your endless patience and support!! ♡
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winterrrnight · 2 months
PAIRING: frat!soft!rafe cameron x fem!reader
SUMMARY: rafe has had his eyes set on the girl who isn't falling for his charms the way every girl seems to do.
WARNINGS: college!au; reader is hard to get, an ambivert, reserved; rafe is just frat!rafe in the start but slowly develops into extremely soft!rafe; a lot of comfort; rafe calls reader princess; intentional lower case
EDITH SPEAKS: this was initially just a little concept on rafe pining for a hard to get reader, but it got longer than the usual word count of my concepts so it's now a little fic! i hope this is extremely comforting cause I swear we all need this 💞🥹 just wanna say I'm here for every single one of you 💗💗
please reblog if you liked reading this! feedback is always highly appreciated 🌻
navigation || join my taglist || requests
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rafe’s heard it all; hot, sexy, handsome, charming, and boy, does he eat it up each time. he knows he is a 10 out of 10, and when each girl in college is always on her knees for him, it doesn’t help but only boosts his ego.
but when you come around, it is all so different.
you don’t give into his charms the way everyone else seems to give. you aren’t running after him like a lost puppy, you aren’t pining for him, and that sets rafe off.
and that’s exactly why he needs you.
he catches you any moment he can; before class, after class, in the cafeteria, in the huge lawn, outside your dorms; any moment he sees you, he’s coming over to you, and never being able to keep his mouth shut.
“so princess…”
“shut up.”
that’s basically how all your conversations go. you roll your eyes at him each time and just walk away, but he has a smirk pulling on his lips all the damn time, always walking right next to you.
it’s like he’s forgotten about all the other girls in college. the ones who are willingly ready to take him, to give him attention every second of every day; but here he wants you, who doesn’t even make eye contact with him for more than two seconds without you rolling your eyes at him.
he always looks at you as the reserved kind of person. you aren’t seen around with a big group of friends, but just two or three close ones. you aren’t always talking, but you are quite open with your close friends. it’s hard to gather much information about you from around, and he believes that if it was the other way round, information about him would be so easily accessible. oh, and it does not help that your instagram is private and you still haven’t accepted his request.
if anything, that intrigues him even more. he wants to get close to you, to find out more about you, to unravel every thread of your existence till he knows you better than you know yourself.
it’s a nice spring afternoon, and rafe had quite few classes as compared to usual. he decides to head to the library – a place whose exact location he didn’t even know until 5 months into college – to finish this goddamned essay that’s been hanging on his head for the past week now.
as he walks inside, the vexed look on his face is instantly replaced by a quite simpered one when he spots you. he’s already making his way to you, around 20 different one liners in his head he can kick start the conversation with to see that irritated look on your face which he adores with his whole heart. but the coy smile leaves just the next second when he gets a clear look at you.
you’re crying.
your head hangs low as you’re quietly sobbing so absolutely no one else can hear you; but then the library is quite empty. your eyes are shut tight as tears roll down your hot cheeks, and rafe feels his heart physically break.
break in such a way that if you hear carefully, you can hear it shattering.
a frown etches his lips and a deep furrow forms in his brows as he slowly makes his way to you.
“princess…” he mutters softly, keeping a gentle hand on your shoulder. you’re startled at the sudden touch which causes you to gasp and makes you look up, your blurry eyes coming in contact with his warm, blue ones.
“not now rafe…” you whisper, shifting your shoulder which causes rafe’s hand to drop. you move a hand to your face to wipe off your tears, sniffling silently.
“hey talk to me…” he whispers softly, sitting down in the empty chair next to you. he doesn’t touch you in any way, just keeps a soft gaze at you and notices how you still keep your head down, trying your best to not sob as much as you were earlier. he makes a quick note of how your fingers are pulling onto each other, pinching and squeezing the flesh of them.
rafe knows for sure he’s never experienced anything sadder than watching tears roll down your pretty face. he knows it’s the last thing he wants to see. and he knows he wants to be the one who makes sure a tear never falls down your face ever again.
“listen princess…” he whispers, leaning just a bit closer to you, “you can trust me okay? you really can,” he gently places a hand over your snaked fingers, causing you to stop your fidgeting. his hand is warm, and as he gently caresses the back of your hand with his thumb, you can slowly feel your tears dying down.
rafe gently holds one of your hand and brings it up to his chest, placing it right above his heart. you look up to him, your glassy eyes slightly widened at his action. “just feel it okay?” he whispers. “try to match your breathing with it.” you feel the rhythmic thumping of his heart under your palm, and your expression softens as your eyes flutter shut, your breathing starting to match with his.
“good… good…” he whispers gently, moving his other hand to gently wipe your cheeks. his breath gets caught in his throat when he sees you don’t move away, but ever so subtly lean more into his touch.
“talk whenever you feel like, I’m not putting you in any hurry…” he mumbles, his thumb now gently skimming your cheek in a periodic manner, his palm resting against your cheek, and your face nuzzling against the warmth of his hand.
you nod at his words, just letting his soothing words, touch and presence take all over your senses, before you slowly collect your thoughts to talk to him.
if rafe would’ve earlier known that the way to your heart wasn’t dropping a snarky one liner each time he sees you, but to provide you a safe and comforting space to open up in, he would’ve done it way sooner.
because he’s finally doing what he wanted.
unraveling every thread of your existence till he knows you better than you know yourself.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @shores-kayla @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @rafesgiirl @theoraekenslover @fals3-g0d @personalfavsthatarerandom
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prettieinpink · 6 months
Hi lanny! Could you provide a guide on how to get into working out? 💗💖
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hi lele 💝☀️ hope this guide helps you w your journey!!
The first step to working out is setting goals related to exercise, not physical appearance. Avoid things like fat loss, muscle gain, smaller waist, bigger glutes and so on. 
While you can make this a separate goal, the reason why I don’t want you to associate it with exercise is that we then allow the way our body looks to dictate whether we believe the exercise we’re doing is good enough. 
Exercise and body aesthetics are two different things. Exercise is a means of nourishing our body, soul and mind, while body aesthetics is how ‘good’ our body looks. 
On that topic, I want you to stop focusing on your physical appearance when starting to exercise and I want you to start implementing a new mindset shift about your body. Instead of seeing your body as something to look at, appreciate it for what it can do. 
For example, your hands create meals, hug your loved ones and help you with essential tasks. Your legs help you to get around, especially to your favourite places. Your stomach helps with digesting all the yummy food you eat. 
Some goal ideas:
Lift 15kg+ 
Be able to do a plank for more than 5 minutes
Learn how to do a push-up
Be able to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 
Gain more stamina and exercise for longer 
Moving on, set a time each day in which you prioritise exercise. This can be for however long you want and the times can vary daily. 
So, during this period, you are not allowed to do anything else other than exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a specific exercise either, if you’re feeling lazy and laps walking around the house is what feels best, do it. 
However, avoid obsessing over working out and losing yourself to exercise. This kills motivation, in exercise starts to feel like another obligation in the day and not a privilege. 
Now, you have to choose what exercise is right for you. I don’t believe you’re limited to one exercise, if you want you can have more than 1. 
Gym – Perfect for a mix of strength and cardio, however not the best option if you want to exercise for free.
Yoga – Tones muscles while also being a mindful experience. Low low-impact, but recommend doing it after cardio. 
Cycling – Tones the legs and the glutes, but cycling may not be the best idea depending on where you live. 
running/jogging – Strengthens muscles and bones, however, if you don’t have flat areas, may not be the best idea. 
Pilates – Improves flexibility and tone, while still being low impact (still may be challenging).
Weightlifting – Makes you stronger and boosts your metabolism, best done at the gym. 
There are plenty of ways to exercise that I haven’t mentioned here, but these are just ideas so you can research the ones that suit you best.
I recommend talking to a doctor if you haven’t done exercise in a long time, as that can open up the possibility of injury. 
Then, once we have our goals, times and what we’re doing, we need to exercise. Implementing exercise in your life is best done slowly. 
Start with simple, and smaller versions of workouts, even if you think you can do more. Do this for about a week, then try to extend yourself with something harder. If it is too hard, don’t be afraid to go back a step. 
Make it fun, create a motivating exercise playlist or watch your favourite TV show while doing it. 
However, the main thing about exercising is that every day you are not always going to feel like it, but that is when we have to discipline ourselves, talk to the mirror and say; ‘Me exercising is a privilege, I get to nourish my body because I love and respect it so much’. 
This was the best way I disciplined myself into working out. Treating it like a privilege and something that is very benefical, rather than a painstakingly challenging activity.
Or, instead, you can visualise what you would look and feel like if you continue like this for the next 5 years.
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kikissh · 2 months
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❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Boosts appreciated! -- super cutie Luna Dragon Baphometta adopt just dropped over on my patreon! available to claim by 5+ patrons! 💗💗💗
EDIT;; She hath been claimed!
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Hello! And thank you!
I appreciate all of yall, fellow writers and my readers and mutuals. You're all spectacular human beings.
Tomorrow, my final update will go up for the week and likely... a while. A while could be a few days or a few weeks. But I have decided to make August a month for relaxing and recovery.
I am burnt out. I have felt it coming and if any of you have felt the effects in any negative way I apologise.
This doesn't mean I'm going away. I'll be lurking, having fun, chatting, answering any asks yall still have for me, and thirsting over fictional dick. I will also be continuing my work on @the-slumberparty . This months will have a very special challenge which is so exciting! I'd love to boost others while I take a break.
To everyone reading this, take care of yourself and be patient with yourselves. I'll be trying to do the same.
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sunburntmarigolds · 1 month
Seen a lot of messed up hate recently, just thought I’d say…
LGBTQIA+ people, I love you. Look for what makes you happy, and stick to that. You are valid, and valued, you deserve respect and happiness as does everyone. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚧️💛
Straight/cisgender people, I love you, I hope you’re doing ok. You are valid and valued,and deserve respect and happiness, just like everyone. 🤟
People of color, I love you. You are valid and valued, and you deserve respect and happiness. As does everyone. 💗💗💗
People who are working through any sort of illness or difficulty, physical or emotional, I love you, you’re doing such a great job. I hope you feel better soon. ❤️‍🩹🥰
Students of any age who are running low on energy, keep pushing if you can, you are completely capable. If you just can’t, it’s ok to take a break and it’s ok to ask for help. I love you 📖📓💙
People who are generally struggling a bit, the same goes for you. I love you, and there are lots of others who love you too. 🧡🧡🧡
People who are thriving and doing well! I’m so happy for you! Keep doing great things, and remember, great things are not always huge efforts. They can be simple too. I love you ⭐️💛🌟🌻🌼
Just general people, I love you, including all of your faults and imperfections. Whatever you are ashamed of, whatever it is that is holding you back, chances are that it is not as bad as you think it is, and even if it is, I forgive you and you deserve to find happiness.
I respect you, I value you, as do many others, I am confident that things are going to be better for all of us someday.
Reblogs would be greatly appreciated bcuz my blog is small and I want to make sure this gets to the people who need to hear it. Feel free to tag whoever you think needs a positivity boost, and add whatever message you would most like others to hear.
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celestialtarot11 · 4 months
Why mercurial signs are the gateway so consciousness! ☁️✨
Hi friends! 🤗✨ We’ll be looking closer at Virgo & Gemini to see how they play a huge role in astrology & reaching higher consciousness. Although any sign can of course reach higher consciousness, having strong mercury aspects, mercury placement, or virgo/gemini can help with this. Lots of spiritual readers have virgo/gemini placements but not limited to 🤍
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Understanding Virgo ♍️- Virgo and Gemini both have different ways of channeling higher consciousness, even though both share the same goal. Virgo is in tune with the body, the senses, nature, and physical aspects. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of visions, communication, telepathy, and knowledge, Mercury does not necessarily mean physical communication between two people. But also communication with spirit guides, deities, higher beings or spirits. Virgos are constantly in tune with the spirit realm and energies of others. Virgos receive higher knowledge through their body, because Mercury sits in the body physically, which elevates Virgos health. Their senses have a way of communicating with them, strong gut feelings. Without the ability to communicate with their senses, their emotions and awareness of their body, Virgo feels greatly disconnected and may even get sick. Lots of Virgo’s I’ve seen got sick very easily (this does not replace health advice just something I’ve noticed as I studied!) And when they did feel better internally and externally, was when they practiced listening to themselves, their intuition. They don’t necessarily need to become spiritual, but just to listen to themselves is enough to boost their life force.
Understanding Gemini ♊️- Gemini in esoteric astrology is ruled by Venus. The rulership being Venus here, Gemini’s process to higher consciousness involves unity, community, and oneness. Gemini’s process is to understand the oneness in the Universe, the Cosmos, and in mass consciousness as a society. Gemini sees past the wounds and bounds of unhealthy love, to form a healthier relationship with spirituality and oneself. Gemini also has the ability to channel divine truth and wisdom, as in traditional astrology Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Gemini’s process is all about embracing duality itself, which creates unity. Usually Gemini is depicted with two faces. Embracing their inner light and darkness, like yin and yang is how Gemini’s tap into love. Through Gemini’s mind they have the ability to see opportunities, prosperity, and love in all. Also in Gemini’s process, they understand and accept the ego, whilst creating space for their growing and learning self. Gemini can move forward by facing their shadows, and making room for the side of them that is learning. Releasing codependency, attachment and mental prisons can help Gemini in healing 🤍
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Thank ya’ll for reading! 💗 It definitely taught me a lot on Virgos and Geminis ☁️🤍 Let me know your feedback always! Likes comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Paid readings ☁️💗
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konigsblog · 5 months
arghhhh how to du grow ur blog. icl i’m ded jealous of u and all it followers and all ur requests and stuff. help a girl out 😭🙏
sure, here's what i could think of !!! :3 💗
use tags like "konig x reader" or "konig x reader smut" instead of "call of duty modern warfare 2" because using the cod mw2 is really broad and vague, people will be searching for something specific, so using tags like "konig x reader" or "ghost smut" will boost your account onto the dashboard (hopefully!)
i post quite often, and multiple times a day. honestly, i think uploading often, or having a schedule is important. of course, prioritise your needs first, don't push and force yourself on bad days because you'll lose motivation. but personally, i like to keep a schedule. (i do really enjoy writing though, i find it passes time!)
interact with your followers! reply to comments, reply to requests, help people out, and if you're comfortable, answer their messages! you don't have to do whatever you don't want to do, but i enjoy speaking with the people that support my work - i love responding to dms, i love reading their work when they want feedback and talking about their ideas. :)
this is more of a personal thing i do when writing (don't force yourself to do this if it isn't your writing style), but i usually describe the 5 senses; smell, sight, hearing, touch, taste. i think it adds detail and gives more context :3
and most importantly in my opinion, find what works for you. if you think that your long fanfics don't get as much traction, or don't get boosted, try other methods, such as drabbles or small blurbs. some people (myself included) enjoy to read smaller blurbs, that don't take a while. i like reading quick posts, small ideas that people want to share with their followers.
and TAKE YOUR TIME, it doesn't happen over night! i started in may 2023, and i'm so appreciative of the community of people, supportive and kindhearted people who always manage to brighten my day <3 🌷
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rustbeltjessie · 4 months
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Hey friends—I, once again, could really really use some $$, and I decided to add a poll for traction cuz that seems to work on other people's posts. Anyway. I'm not in dire dire straits, in that my rent and utility bills are paid for the month, and we currently have food, but I'm basically entirely out of money otherwise. I need to make sure I can put gas in the car (it's almost on empty, and my kids both have doctor and dentist appointments coming up in the next couple weeks), as well as have money for other bills, household goods other than food, and anything else that might come up. My goal right now is $150-$300, but of course more than that would be even more helpful, as it would leave me in a better place heading into March.
Ways you can support me:
I have a Ko-fi, where you can purchase things I made, commission me for a custom collage, or hire me to proofread or line-edit your writing. If you're looking for zines to read, I have many. My main project right now is a year-long zine subscription, where I send you 1-3 mini zines every month. It's never too late to sign up—you can do it month-by-month, a six-month subscription will get you any combination of past and future zines that total up to six months' worth, and if you sign up for the full year at any point you will receive all past and future issues. February's zines, which will be sent out sometime in the next ten days, are going to be one containing a couple excerpts from the novel I'm writing, and another that's a remembrance of an old friend and a favorite band. I also got a pin (badge) maker for my birthday, and I've now put some of my designs up for sale on my Ko-fi.
Speaking of pins: I'm unofficially offering custom pin commissions. I'm not offering the type of service where you can send me your own design and I'll make hundreds of pins from it. What I mean is, for a base fee, you can commission me to design a custom pin for you. The base fee will include one pin made from the custom design. For an extra fee, you can pay for up to 10 more. If you are interested in something like that, please DM me, or email me at coeur(dot)de(dot)fantome(at)gmail(dot)com.
And, as always, if you appreciate the art and writing I share for free on my blog, in my Substack, and elsewhere, you can just tip me—either directly through Tumblr, or via Ko-fi, P*yP*l, or V*nmo.
P.S. If you live outside the US and need help calculating shipping costs, or you want to order something/hire or commission me but you prefer to do it outside Ko-fi, please DM or email me.
Ko-fi: ko-fi(dot)com/rustbeltjessie P*yP*l: coeur(dot)de(dot)fantome(at)gmail(dot)com V*nmo: (at) JessieLynnMcMains
And, as always, reblogging/boosting this post helps, too. 🖤💗
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misscoet · 9 months
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commission piece 💗🩷 thank you so much!!!
i’m still have opened slots available for this month so feel free to reach out to me 😊 any signal boost is also appreciated!
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Hey sweetie 💗💗💗
What about Rick with f!reader in S7 after the fight with Winslow? (he looked so 🥵)
The reader has medical experience and helps Rick with the wound on his leg 👉🏼👈🏼
I have been thinking about the reader being super seductive (cause she is crushing on him like forever) and Rick is trying to be the reasonable one (doesn't want to ruin their friendship)...but then he asks "are you trying to seduce me?"
And she is like "Yes Sir" (I'm dying for it 😫)
That's all for him to loose his good intentions and she gives him the blowjob of his life....
I hope you like it and I would be soooo happy to read something about Rick from you 🥺😫💗
hi! I hope you like it. I'm sorry it's so short and that I took so long to get to it.
warning - smut, oral sex, semi-public.
the gif isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Rick groans from pain and the struggle of having you on your knees before him. He tries to ignore how you softly stroke his non-wounded leg, your bottom lip going between your teeth as you stare at him with those big wide eyes. 
“So… Rick, I know other ways to relieve your pain.” Y/n moves slightly up, her face level with his crotch as she continues to tend to his wound. “I read that if you have an orgasm, all your pain disappears.” She nibbles on her lip, never breaking eye contact with the rough man.
Rick's brows furrow, clearing his throat as he tries to stop his cock from twitching. “Are,” he grips the closest thing to him, which happens to be some bandages, as he tries to stop himself from thinking of choking you on his cock. “Are you trying to seduce me?” 
Y/n giggles, feeling her cunt become slick from the sight of the man above. “Yes, sir.” She bats her lashes at him, her eyes flickering down to the bulge pressing against his pants. Her nimble hands slowly slide to his inner thigh, so close to the place she desperately wants to get to. “Haven’t I been a good girl, Officer?” 
Rick growls, feeling the last of his control snap as his hands fly down to his bulge. He quickly works to free his cock as Y/n sits back and eagerly waits. Her mouth falls open when Rick pulls out his thick, leaking cock. The member throbs as it stands tall, twitching under Y/n’s gaze, “isn’t this what you wanted, you little slut?” Rick reaches forward and grips the back of Y/n’s head, bringing her closer to him. “Go on, take my pain away.”
Y/n leans forward, slowly sticking her tongue out as she licks his tip. The grunt that falls from his lips gives her a confidence boost, her lips wrap around his cockhead, and she begins to suck. Y/n leans forward, wrapping her arms around his thighs as she takes his cock deeper down her throat. Soft gags fall from her lips when he hits the end. 
“Fuck! If I knew you were this much of a slut, I would’ve done this ages ago.” Rick groans, head falling back as Y/n continues to suck the life out of his cock. Her tongue swirls around his tip, and a choked moan escapes him as her hand comes up and tugs on his balls. “G–good girl, good fucking girl. I’m so close. You gonna swallow it all?” 
When Y/n nods, Rick grabs the back of her head and begins to thrust. Y/n begins to drool from how hard and fast he thrusts into her mouth, her wide eyes looking up into his as Rick’s hips stutter, cock twitching and his balls tighten. Rick watches her eyes flutter shut when his seed shoots out of his cock and down her throat. The small moan that leaves her causes him to grunt as his cock twitches. 
Pulling back, Y/n licks him clean before she swallows. She has a small smile when she spots pride in Rick’s eyes, his hand coming down and strokes her cheek. “Well… It seems you were right. Orgasms do seem to help with the pain.” He smiles when she giggles, the air light around them.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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8millionscorpions · 7 months
Grocery Assistance Request ❤️‍🩹🍞🌱
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here's my wonderful doggy Athena to boost attention 🐶🌷
if anyone can spare anything for help feeding us, a disabled and very small family living in a motel, it would be immensely appreciated
we're in between paydays rn. my younger brother w ARFID is having a growth spurt, and we have $20 to work with for going to the grocery store. that won't sustain us 😔
it would help us a lot if we had $30 more to work with. thank you sm in advance if you see and reblog this, and DEFINITELY thank you so much in advance if you are able to send us anything 🥺💗
(please please don't tag with b00//st or d0//nat//ion etc, and please ignore my deadname in pp)
🟢 $virgovenus
🔵 @/connermar
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