#both of the opinions shown have thought behind them
delicious-p4ncakes · 1 year
Tsubasa Yamaguchi, you have done it yet again
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lxmelle · 23 days
Those letters for his students was like Gojo’s way of showing consideration for them.
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That’s what Geto Suguru, the “Gojo translator”, would say to them, if he was there.
I mean, there was a reason they were best friends - Geto understood him the best. He helped him learn how to (and the importance of) connecting to others - how to not be lonely.
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It was the same in the scene with Kuroi. Right before he shouted for Gojo over the time, he just instinctively knew how to connect with Gojo and helped others with sympathising with Gojo.
I didn’t play the JJK game but I think the undercurrent dynamics is similar. Their bond. The exclusivity. Love. The whole breakup was about their friendship. The change the new generation got was also due to the path forged by them. As it stands, Gojo is shown to be largely misunderstood and nobody aside from Yuta has shown much affection for Gojo. Maybe Yuji ... to some degree. But I digress.
Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but considering how Geto-centred Gojo’s GIGA Character book was, he was likely influenced by Geto’s strong protective love for his “family”.
It makes sense to me that Gojo thought it would be important to put the students’ minds at ease with any thoughts/questions about their family. Hence the letters to help tie up loose ends.
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Megumi was shown to be thinking about his father, whin he assumed was out there somewhere. Even if he didn’t want to know, there is a subconscious level of unfinished business from thinking this. And to know that Gojo killed him, may have helped him realise that his sensei had his back all this while. He was worth protecting all this while. That chapter of his life can truly close.
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And just how bloody typical of his sensei, who has no “delicate-ness” about him!
As a sensei, and as a person, Gojo always protected others from his own personal concerns. He and Geto both stubbornly lived & fought “alone” because this was just their belief as the burden of the strongest = to protect others. The line was drawn and Gojo only ever wanted Geto to understand him, hence his conversation in 236. Only ever needed Geto by his side: hence his only complex was Geto leaving him behind.
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We see this in how Shoko felt distant from them both. Stating in her inner monologue how she could never love either of them, but she was there - insinuating what they had between them was not something she could give (love) but her friendship was there if only Gojo let her in. And we see it in how, when she tried to connect with Gojo post-unsealing, by including Geto’s body as someone to be retrieved, he was a bit taken aback, starting his sentence with a long pause “……...” and keeping it simple / not elaborating (だな - it’s like the equivalent of a “yeah” but implies agreement).
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Also, the fact the students and others can joke and call him an idiot, etc. means he really hid it well. Gojo protected them all. (As a teacher and adult should, I guess.)
I’m reminded of this scene.
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Geto helped Gojo empathise & “not bully the weak”, but to also consider what else may be important... even if they may not think so themselves.
Until they receive what they thought they didn’t want, only to realise it was what they needed after all.
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Cuz… y’kow: people (especially children) don’t always know what they want or need.
Sometimes what you want isn’t what you need. What you need isn’t necessarily what you want.
Gojo & Geto lived through that too... didn’t they? On so many levels… wanting, needing, denying, losing, yearning. Carrying their burdens they had nobody to share with. Making decisions on their own. Giving to the other a piece of their heart. Sacrificing themselves. Accepting each others loneliness as their own. Thinking they were better off loving the other by being apart.
The painful lessons that shaped the way for the new world. Children given the protection from The Strongest Sorcerer of the Modern Era. Granted a world with fewer curses for 10 years due to the Strongest Curse User.
Children who had adults to guide, protect, and care for them.
Children who do not have to be killed for the mistakes of others, who were forced to commit sins, or for being born a certain way.
I think every single sorcerer who were adults helped the kids in some way. The layers and layers of this story is just... overwhelmingly beautiful.
Much remains to be seen now. I’m worried that Yuta will have to live in Gojo’s body and that Kenjaku’s eerie words of Yuta being “the next Gojo Satoru” will extend beyond that battle.
People on X seem to be speculating whether a world without curses will exist (going back to jjk 0 and Geto’s ideals). What of the barriers without tengen? Some question reality as we are being shown - is it an elaborate dream? Hm.
I hope for the plant/flower trio at least... Megumi and Yuji can use their shared tragedy as vessels who committed sins to bond and support one another. Nobara is a great buffer and heroine in her own right. Their dynamics are really amazing. Independent, yet so bonded.
I’d love to see Gojo & Geto at peace. I guess whatever happens, chapter 236 is a bit like salvation. And doesn’t Megumi’s smiling pic (above) look similar? If these two smiled as if they had no regrets , we can assume Megumi smiled sincerely upon receiving the letter, too.
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As long as Gege doesn’t do anything to change it.
Please please don’t. They deserve a reward for their hard work and sacrifice!
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daisyblog · 5 months
First Date
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Unexpected Love Masterlist Summary: Harry and YN are set up on a date.
Jonny had separately nagged YN and Harry to let him set them up on a date. Harry’s argument was that he was in the middle of writing his second album, and wanted to be on his own after his last break up. YN’s protest was that she was a single working Mum who didn’t have the time, and added “nobody wants to date a single mum”. 
After what felt like months of constant begging, Harry and YN both gave in to their friend and agreed to go on a date. Jonny had arranged for them to meet at a small quiet restaurant on the outskirts of London, knowing Harry would want to stay under the radar. 
YN had been nervous all day. She had messaged Jonny several times to try and cancel but he insisted that it was just nerves and she should give it a chance. Harry felt mixed emotions, part of him was nervous, he was meeting someone new but the other part of him was excited because he knew Jonny wouldn’t set him up with just anyone. 
Harry arrived at the restaurant first, being fifteen minutes early. He was shown to their table which he was grateful was tucked into a corner away from other tables. He knew that was down to Jonny’s request. Wanting to calm his nervous, Harry ordered a bottle of wine for them, hoping YN liked it too. 
He had just taken a small sip from his glass, when he saw the waiter walking towards him with a woman following behind. Harry stood from his chair, ready to greet her. “Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you”. Harry spoke first, bringing YN in for a hug. 
“Jonny and his persuasive ways huh?”. YN joked, causing Harry to smile knowing Jonny must have nagged YN as much as he had nagged him. 
Harry pulled YN’s chair out for her to sit before taking his place back in her own. “I ordered wine, I can get you something else if you’d prefer”. 
“No…wine is perfect, thank you”. YN smiled with appreciation, showing her little dimples. “I like your tattoos”. She complimented as she noticed them on his arm, that was exposed due to his short sleeved shirt. 
Harry glanced down as he looked at his arm, smiling slightly at the mixture of ink that covered his skin. “Uh thanks…I have too many to count”. He giggled. “Do you have any?”. He gestured to his tattoos. 
YN hesitated before explaining. “I have one…on my wrist”. She turned her hand over to reveal the delicate ink on her right wrist. “It’s my son’s name”. YN watched for a change in Harry’s response or how he may end the date now. 
But what surprised YN was Harry’s genuine grin as he looked down at her wrist. “What’s his name?”. His question was genuine, YN could tell by how he looked at her directly in the eye which a soft look. 
“Jacob”. YN smiled as she thought about her favourite person. The little boy who saved her in more ways than he would ever know. “He’s five and a real sweetheart.”. Harry noticed how YN’s whole face lit up as she spoke about him. “Does me having a son not bother you?”. YN couldn’t help but ask.
Harry frowned at her question before shaking his head. “Of course not…I don’t date people based on if they’re a parent, or if they have a certain job or x amount of money in the bank…I date people for them.”. 
“I’m sorry…I couldn’t help but ask, I’m not used to people being so understanding when it comes to Jacob”. YN apologised, hoping she hadn’t ruined the date before it had started properly. 
“Hey…it’s fine, you can be yourself tonight…there’s no judgement from me.” Harry reassured her, knowing how it felt for someone not to get to know you and having a false opinion. 
“Thank you…that really means a lot”. YN smiled before taking a sip from her glass, needing to treat her dry throat. 
“So tell me about you and Jacob…I can see he’s your life and I want to know more”. The sentence caused a spark in YN’s chest at how interested Harry was in not only her but the one person who mattered the most. 
Harry and YN had talked, laughed and smiled all evening. YN couldn’t remember the last time she felt like herself and was able to be just YN and not just a Mum. Harry wondered how he hadn’t met YN sooner because for once someone didn’t want to speak to him because he was Harry Styles, he could see that YN was genuinely interested in getting to know him as just Harry. 
Harry had learnt that YN was in university studying business when she fell pregnant but had to drop out before graduating. But now owned her own florist in London. He noticed that she hasn’t mentioned her family apart from Jacob, but decided it was best to leave it that way for now. She didn’t ask one question related to the band or his music, she asked questions about his family, where he grew up, his childhood memories and all the little things that built up who he is today. 
After they had finished their meals and nicely argued about how the bill was going to be paid, they found themselves walking through a quieter part of town, still chatting and giggling like two teenagers. They wanted to blame the wine but deep down they both knew it was from the excitement of each other. 
Harry had arranged for a taxi to drop them both back home. They were both supposed to realise that YN didn’t live far from Harry’s Hampstead house. He walked YN up to her door to make sure she was home safe. They both stood staring at each other, waiting for the other to break the silence. Smirks covering their smiles. 
“I had a really nice time tonight”. Harry broke first, meaning what he had said. 
“Me too!”. YN felt shy for the first time all evening. 
“Can I see you again?”. Harry was bold, he hadn’t felt like this after a date before and he wasn’t willing to lose his chance. 
YN smiled, she felt special and chosen for once and inside she was screaming with happiness. Harry really wanted to see her again. “I’d love that”.
They quickly swapped numbers and Harry was eager to arrange to see YN again. Before making his way back to the taxi that was waiting patiently, he leaned in to hug YN goodbye. It was like neither of them wanted to let go but the feeling of Harry’s lips leaving a peck on her cheek is what caused YN to jump around in happiness once she closed the door behind her that night.
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hawtlineblingz · 1 month
My Thoughts on Zayne's Hidden Motive Discourse
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pic : chibiayato (x)
Disclaimer : this post is made as a response and purely written by my understanding and opinion on recent discourse that happened on tiktok regarding the hate and mischaracterization on Zayne. This post isn't proof read and English is not my first spoken language so i appologize for bad grammar / spelling mistakes and i hope my points and arguments can came trough correcty.
! DO NOT REPOST TO OTHER PLATFORM (link shares are okay) !
Context :
I'd like to put out my arguments, as proof that i highly do not support the narration, the hate train from TikTok community has on zayne saying "they made him a pushover wattpad boy on this card" and said this card is Zayne being very OOC.
Before putting out my thoughts. I want to point out that i wrote this based on the game's JP Dub because i understood Japanese better and i just want to say that there are alot of contexts and implied language that unfortunatelly got lost on the EN translations.
[Proof media shown below]
Quick summary of the card and proofs :
At the beginning of this memory MC got injured on a mission and zayne suddenly was positioned as the helping medical staff for the area that MC we're working on though he lied about his reasoning during this moment.
Their interaction is highly implied that zayne communicates with her as Zayne the Doctor and Zayne as MC's romantic partner.
Its clear that zayne uses different words when talking with her as a Doctor and as a non platonic partner and so is his tone when speaking.
Proof 1 :
After treating her wound as a doctor, he put MC hair behind her ears and, told her that he's going back to work.
(Vid down below)
If u watch the JP dub u can clearly tell this is him playing 2 different figures at the same time.
Proof 2 :
When MC we're talking to the kid that she saved, Alfred, he told her that she was very strong, and she asked if he wants to see her solid abs. But then Zayne came in, while coughing, and said
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Though on the JP dub he says "That's useless, a kid shouldn't be seeing that". In a teasing way, though his tone is very stoic and he said it with a poker face.
And after that he spoke to her switching being a doctor and a partner again, when he told her to wait in the treating room 5. He does this for litterally the whole menoria, but i think 2 examples are enough as a proof.
Proof 3 :
The mention of "fortune telling". A reference to Zayne's MYTH 2. It's not really important but i just wanna point this one out to argue that during this conversation Zayne n MC clearly have a healthy realtionship he mentions alot about her wellbeing as a very important part of his stress management, seeing her well and able to banter with him put his mind at ease, knowing MC's nature to be a little bit reckless and clumsy.
Proof 4 :
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When Alfred told MC and Zayne that they we're invited to the farewell ceremony, and asked them if they could attend, she bargained Zayne for his time to appreciate the people on the area, calling him "医者のおじさん" or Uncle Doctor. And Zayne referes to himself as both Uncle Doctor and Brother Doctor or "医者のお兄さん" now this is very important. Because this shows a concrete proof that Zayne has been playing 2 person figures during his time at the local's hospital. As Dr. Zayne and 'just' Zayne.
On the JP dub he said "Uncle Doctor might be busy, but Brother Doctor might have some time to spare". This important context is basically not translated well on the EN dub. And he is not acting OOC.
Proof 5 :
At the farewell ceremony, MC and Zayne talked about life and death meaning and value, as a hunter and a doctor. On this part u can clearly hear Zayne is a little bit upset on how reckless MC is as if she doesn't value her life enough to help people. She told him about already having her last wishes but she stopped herself because he interupted her, Zayne is upset, again, u can hear him clearly not happy at the way she positioned herself and her life against danger and death.
He made his boundaried clear especially having to positioned himself as a cardiac surgeon on how it's hard when he had touched someone's naked beating heart on his own palm, doing an OC-CPR. Trying to save that person.
During this time MC fell silent as she think about everything and rechoose her words, reminding herself how difficult it is to prevent and save someone from death.
Proof 6 :
When the lanterns being released to the sky MC said that the lights is beautiful, he nods at her saying "yes, its beautiful" but he didn't even turn around to look at the lantern, his eyes are glued to her posing for the picture. A VERY IMPORTANT POINT, he admited that he IS talking about her, not the lantern. You can tell on how his yearning for her is growing here, It's not everyday Zayne can be this transparent with his intentions especially when being asked.
Proof 7 :
As MC fell asleep on his car after the flight he asked if she wants him to drop him off at her place, but then he asked again, gently, if she wants to just stay at his place. Again, hints for his yearning on his voice.
NOW. This one has been a point of hate on Zayne because on the EN translation he said this :
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While on JP he said "if u can't answer it now, i'm assuming it's a okay". Now this sentence implying a hint of worryness on how tired and sleepy she was.
The people on tiktok pointed out that Zayne did not care about her consent while on the card, is clearly said that MC did KNEW and RECALL she went straight to Zayne's house. The situation isn't like as if Zayne took her somewhere shady without her consent. And he treated her with so much care by cooking her breakfast.
Proof 8 :
Now here Greyson exposes Zayne to MC that he insisted that he wanted to took the medical mission on a high risk quaranteened area, even though he was positioned on a less dangerous area beforehand. He even said Zayne acts like he doesn't care much trough his words but Zayne is actually CARES and WORRIES about her alot.
We can see trough out his latest cards, every emotions are drawn on his voice and body language.
Proof 9 :
During this part it stated that Zayne did gave MC permission to overstep his boundaries by pursing his lips, giving permission MC to touch his skin.
- every convo during this part is Zayne  flirting with MC and the boombayah happened and they took a nice nap-
Proof 10 :
Post sex nap convo between Zayne n MC shows how Zayne has changed as a person, his tone is very gentle and witty, clearly he's comfortable with her, and another clear sign of a healthy relationship. On this moment, Zayne starts up a topic about being open, and straightforward is very important to him, but MC revoked Zayne by saying he also isn't being transparent with her, Zayne kisses her forehead and said that he hates hearing things about her wellbeing from other people, it made him feel like an outsider. And the rest of the conversations is MC and Zayne giving each other reassurance regarding keeping each other safe and sound.
Now i'd like to mention a few things from Zayne's previous card, Snowy Serenity, and a few things from Zayne's Find Tobias' (Abyssal Chaos) coversations with MC.
That the main 2 problems within Zayne and MC's relationship are :
1. Zayne is really bad at letting people hear what they wanted to hear even if it's to give the other person a sense of security, he sometimes a bit too blunt and too honest, but he's willing to work it out. This was also briefly mentioned on the Heartwork Routine Event.
2. Zayne and MC is struggling to be alot more open with each other because they don't want to worry their partner.
On Abyssal Chaos MC said that Zayne has changed by being more bold and flexible with her. Shown how much he's being alot more confident in engaging PDA.
The pattern with them is they both need something impactful and intimate to be able to open up. On Snowy Serenity Zayne was missing. And on Hidden Motive MC was injured. But after that theres an improvement between their relationship as the intimacy gave them a safe space to be open to one and another.
The Zayne hate on TikTok mainly focuses on how they said Zayne is turning into another wattpad boy and everything is OOC, but from the proofs i have stated above clearly i dont agree with that because i see it as Zayne and MC are both working out their relationship, and Zayne is constantly working himself up to be a better person who is willing to communicate.
The crowd on TikTok are blaming Infold and Sylus for "dragging" Zayne into another Wattpad based character while, again, I think Zayne character development is very well written, i don't feel like this card is fanservice-y, even though this whole game is a fanservice, i get it, it's one of the selling point of an otome game.
The thing with Zayne being bolder when it comes to intimacy shows on how much MC already trusts him, and how he has become very comfortable with her, Zayne is the type of person who has a habit of bottling his emotions, even though he got praised by almost everyone for his incredible self control. But Zayne on this timeline is a normal human being with physical - spiritual needs and emotions, not a demigod, not a mythical creature. Zayne himself has a breaking point considering how much restraint, yearning, has been closed of from affections he already been trough growing up. AND him letting loose his self control and lowering his guard down is not an incredibly OOC act, in fact most of the time initiated the intimate acts as shown on his previous cards, once MC flags up her green flag he took the lead.
Plus, this is a relationship is between two consenting adults. Everyone can tell this isn't the first time they engage in intimate / sexual activity.
As time goes by and the story progresses obviously we're going to see changes, and process within the characters. Zayne is not a block of wood and he is not an exception. Blaming Sylus and Infold writter for this is also not a solution, even Sylus himself is not a typical wattpad / booktok CEO. Though, again in otome games it's very common to have tropes between the love interest and the protagonist. I just hope the hate on Zayne stops, because i honestly enjoys his character writing. Same with the TikTok community hate on Xavier saying he gr00med MC, and saying Caleb is into inc3st relationship, i don't even understood how the mischaracterization on the boys are so severe on TikTok it's kind of sad.
Infold writers incorporates so many linguistics and cultural reference that's also a shame it's not translated well enough to the EN sub and dub so often times people missed their opportunity to understand why the card title is "Hidden Motive".
Ending statement from me is that i wish many players would do their own indepth reading and understanding before making a misleading scene on social media, this is why sometimes a certain fandom / community can't have nice things because of their own fandom and actions can lead to a train of hate and misconceptions regarding the game and our boys.
Proofs exhibit below
I highly suggest to watch the whole card on EN dub and other language dub (on this case its JP dub) as a comparison because the underlying contexts on some of the sentences are different.
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satzumosupremacy · 11 months
Elite Bodyguard Series:
Give And Take
Male reader x Yuna 2.3k Words
Tags: Smut, Virgin Yuna
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“I told you to drop the honorifics last time, Yuna.”
The elevator dings and both of you come out.
“No, sir,” Yuna said laughing.
The day only started, and Yuna was going to be an exhausting client since her manager left early. Never in your life have you imagined working another part-time job as her manager for a day. But it was straightforward work.
“Okay, Miss. Where are we going?”
If Yuna wanted to joke around—no matter how much you’ve seen her in the building many times—you'd play along with her games. You’ve seen how she is on camera, unusually being somewhat sexual in a way. But you never had a thought of taking off her clothes or even hooking up with Yuna.
“The thrift store in Gangnam,” Yuna replied as she gives you the address. You drive to the thrift store and get inside with Yuna. She checks out the bright clothes as you follow behind her. She takes a shirt and puts it in front of her to get your opinion. “How do I look?"
“Be honest, Sir.”
“Beautiful, Yuna.” You said it again, repeating and being straightforward. 
She holds onto the shirt; you gently take it from her to hold so she can shop freely. You follow and look at Yuna shop for another hour before getting tired. She goes into the fitting room, and you sit down to relax after her shopping spree. “How do I look, sir?" Yuna came out of the fitting room.
“You’re beautiful, Yuna.” She smiles and goes back to change into a different outfit. She comes out again, and you compliment her until all her clothes are shown to you, repeating all her other outfits. It was already exhausting enough to get you tired. Meanwhile, Yuna was full of energy. 
“You’re tired; let’s go to the checkout.” Yuna grabs your hands, and you get up, walking behind her. The worker scans all the clothes and puts them in a bag. You carry the bags out of respect for her. “Can I be with you for today, sir?” 
“What do you mean?” You said as she walks alongside you to the car and get inside.
“I don’t want to go back to the dorm.”
“So you rather go home with me?”
“I can ask Yeji and her manager to get me later if that’s okay, sir.”
“I don’t mind sending you but I guess.”
During the drive home, she became very touchy about your car until she reached for your thighs. 
“Yuna, careful where you put your hands.”
“May I ask for something?” And there’s a slight pause that Yuna was hesitant about: “Oppa, I know what’s been happening with you and Twice. Maybe you could give me something and take something from me; give and take?”
“I’m sorry, Yuna. I can’t.”
She heard you and looked out the window. Upon getting to your house, Yuna is surprised to see a house like yours. Although you call it a house, it’s a villa on paper. You open the gate and get into the garage as she sees your Porsche. “Wow, you’re rich."
“You probably earn more than me, Yuna.”
“I don’t even have a license or a house,” she pouts.
“You’ll get there, Yuna.”
You both get out the car and she follows you inside. “Wow, the interior design is amazing,” Yuna complimented.
“Thanks.” You put your keys on the hanger and walk her to the living room. “You can explore the house. I’ll rest for a bit on the couch; wake me up if you need anything."
Yuna nods and explores your house. You close your eyes, quickly falling asleep right after a tiring day. Yuna comes back after some time. She slowly undresses you and makes you feel her presence with your closed eyes. “Yuna, why are you doing this?"
“I want to see what Jihyo and them are having.”
“Yuna.” You get up and grab her hands. She becomes surprised at your aggression. But maybe it was what Yuna wanted.
“Oppa…” She said hesitantly with a whiny tone.
“So you’re calling me Oppa when it doesn’t go your way?”
“You don’t want to fuck? Am I not pretty enough?”
“You’re pretty, but….”
And she cuts you off, “Oppa. Please, just once.” Yuna is already rubbing your bulge to turn you on. “Take my virginity. You won’t regret it.”
As Yuna looks at you with puppy eyes, she stands up and strips naked just for you to see her figure. “Yuna….”
“Can’t take your eyes off my hips, can’t you?"
You gulped, hating the fact that she was seducing you straightforwardly. Yuna’s body was worth the stare; even her hourglass figure got you turned on. The room became silent for a split second as she smirked at you for checking her out. However, Yuna turns around, knowing you’re not going to take your eyes off. And you didn’t.
“Touch me if you want, Oppa." Yuna comes closer to you and her midriff was right in your face, just waiting for you to put your lips on it.
“Just for today, Yuna. Just for today.”
“That’s all I came here for; maybe next time if I ever need you again? I’m not sharing you with Itzy, though.” 
You look up at Yuna, "I'm not sure about next time, but that’s greedy of you, Yuna."
“You’re hot, Oppa. Just looking at your muscular arms, turn me on.” It sounded like she wanted to see more, and you took off your shirt just for her to be left speechless. Yuna couldn’t say anything but hesitantly reached for your chest for a feel. Her gulps could tell you how much she’s hungry.
You glanced back at Yuna, her face all glowing red, to see a man naked in front of her. However, Yuna couldn’t stop gulping. “You’ve never seen a body like this or what?”
Like you expected an answer from her as she felt every bump and muscle. Yuna couldn’t keep her eyes off your body. You grabbed her arm, which startled her. “Yuna, you’re so hungry. Is this why you’re always like this on camera?"
The slight aggression you showed was only a testimony to see if she wanted to fuck.
“Can you please give it to me? I want to know how it feels.”
“You want me to lead you, Yuna? You should have a good first time.”
“That’s considerate of you, Oppa,” she nodded, and you got up to guide her down on the couch. 
“It’s going to hurt a bit. But you’ll get used to it,” you assured her. Yuna stares at you with a tense look, happy at the same time that you’re the one she wanted. You slowly insert your cock into Yuna the slowest way possible to not hurt her. No lubricant was needed; she was already wet from how much she was turned on. Her moans got more erotic the more you’re deeper inside. You trace her body, feeling the curves of her hips. “Tell me if you need me to stop, Yuna.” 
“No. It feels so..” And her mouth opens slowly with each thrust you give her. You kiss her neck to her soft lips. It’s the new sensations that Yuna was experiencing—a cock right inside her. 
“Fuck, Yuna. You’re fucking tight.”
She couldn’t respond but grip the side of your shoulders with her forehead against your collarbone. Yuna’s breath becomes heavy, and her moans get even louder, squealing hesitantly. She starts messily kissing you, tumbling and losing grip as she gets penetrated. 
You pick up the pace slowly, and she’s taking it with a clenched teeth while you watch her body language cautiously. Yuna closes her eyes, only holding your shoulders with a tightened grip. 
Of course, someone would be very lucky to even see her naked, but that very someone was you that Yuna was praying for, and you’re taking her virginity. Her walls are tight; it’s her first time. But it was problematic to you that your cock throbs with each stroke. 
You guide her to the side as she follows everything you do, handing you her trust.
“Don’t spread your legs, Yuna.” It was a bad call from you, as her walls were tighter without her legs being spread. You were confident that you wouldn’t cum early. 
Her body was at a ninety-degree angle, and she couldn’t stare at you for even a second. Yuna’s in paradise—a feeling that she never had until today. Only her moans went from cute to more seductive, then erotic, as she whimpered with heavy breaths. You’re also checking up on her; there's no way you would hurt an inexperienced woman. And you fall closer to her with both your hands to the side, thrusting deeper yet slow enough for her comfort. 
It remains quiet, apart from your soft groans and her moans. Yuna starts to hug your back, just grabbing anything she can while squirming. You glide your hands down to her clit with a grin and rubbed in circles slowly. No doubt, her moans did get more erotic while her body got tense.
“How do you feel, Yuna?” You said, grunting quietly right after.
Yet, you don’t expect an answer from her at all, although you weren’t rough on Yuna. If she was more experienced, you wouldn’t go easy on her. You grab onto her tits and slowly massage them for your pleasure. 
“Oppa,” Yuna moaned. “I think I’m going to…"
It was too late for her to tell you, and Yuna screams as she starts cumming and squirming while holding your arms tight. Her pussy hugs onto your cock tighter as you could only thrust. 
Not only was this her first sex experience, it was your first time taking someone of an idol’s virginity—to your knowledge, and you’re glad to take Yuna’s—without a doubt. 
“Yuna,” you said in a worried tone. And to your surprise, your cock was pulsating, cumming right inside of Yuna. She felt how warm and how much you came inside her. 
To her surprise and yours, talking about where to finish wasn’t brought up, but she didn’t mind where, as you look at her. 
“Don’t run your mouth to your members now. Otherwise, I will have them here without you knowing also,” you threatened Yuna playfully.
“I’ll keep my mouth shut, Oppa.”
“If you are, there is something you still need to finish, and keep shut for several minutes.” You pull out of Yuna. "Show me how you can use your mouth." 
“Don’t judge me.” Yuna gets on her knees in front of you.
“Just for practice, Yuna. It would help someday.”
“Apart from being a bodyguard, you’re pretty kind. But you’re much colder when working.” Yuna starts to kiss your cock and looks at you to see if your pleased enough.
“Yuna, I’m not judging you. Be confident.”
She doesn’t answer and wraps her mouth around your cock, bobbing slowly while choking halfway. The assurance you gave Yuna only gave her more confidence; she bobbed her head faster and slower when she needed to breathe. 
Although it’s her first time, it wasn’t that bad—rather surprised that Yuna kept on sucking you off with no more guidance. You grunt softly, just holding her hair in a ponytail. The slight chokes she made going deeper turned you on.
Not like you wanted to fuck Yuna from the start, but she’s a beauty, as you only appreciate her facial features: Yuna’s hair, cheeks swollen with your cock, the feel of her mouth and throat, and the way she’s holding your cock while sucking you off.
You were damn glad you didn’t turn her down. It didn't take long to caress her cheeks and gently brush through her hair.
“Yuna. I want to cum on your face.”
She pulls off with heavy breaths, her chest pumping for air while looking at you desperately. “Whatever you like, Oppa. I can’t describe the taste, but I want to keep sucking on it.” 
It wasn’t long after she said that and starts sucking you off more sloppy. You couldn’t hold back but grunt—a natural she is. Her hair brushes along your thighs with every bob Yuna makes.
From the very moment you met her months ago to how she’s naked right in your house today, it was surprising. All the time, she’s sexual in the most natural way, now doing what cameras won’t even see, and she’s here, sucking you off after spreading her legs for you.
Minutes went by, and your cock was pulsating and throbbing. Yuna could only assume what she was getting on her face and pulls off with webs of saliva and cum, then wrap her hands around your cock.
“On my face. On my face, please,” Yuna continued to jerk you off, squeezing your cock as it throbs more.
“Fuck, Yuna!”
She closes her eyes, tongue out to catch every cum that lands on her face, and her warm breath that you faintly felt. You’re grunting the moment you cum, body tensing and jerking. Just painting Yuna’s face, your cock erupts all over her hands as well.
“Yuna,” you said gently with a pleased tone.
“Look at me, Oppa; it’s all over my face and hands.”
You look at her licking off your cum, finger by finger, with closed eyes and a delightful smile. It doesn’t stop there; Yuna scoops your cum from her cheeks and lips, just staring right at you seductively. 
“Careful of your eyes,” you said quietly within a breath.
“It’s so thick and warm. Just like how it was inside me.”
All you did was stare at her until she licks off every cum. “Get dressed, Yuna. I can’t have you here before evening.”
“How was I? Good or not?”
You grab her bra and hand it to her like nothing happened minutes ago. “For a first-timer, you’re good at using your mouth. But stay here until you get your ride home.” 
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m1d-45 · 11 months
ink, ink, ink
summary: overworking yourself all on your lonesome? not on the northland bank’s watch.
word count: ~1.3k
-> warnings: the name and title of a harbinger not shown in game. yeah.
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @ryuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept
< masterlist >
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you slumped over your desk, digging the heels of your palms into your eyes. a headache pounded behind them, the words on the documents before you losing all meaning.
it was late. later than you’d normally be up. later than what’s healthy. but the stack of unfinished files was barely as high as your nail was long, and you knew you could finish it. you just had to finish it tonight, and then you could have the next week entirely stress free. no more paperwork, no more forms… nothing.
you honestly didn’t expect being the creator to be this stressful, though you probably should have. you weren’t bothered about day to day activities, but with your permanent residence under construction, your opinion was required for everything. fabric samples for the sheets—inazuman silk or liyuen?—and tiles for the floor, or would you prefer to have rugs or carpet? the flowers in the front, gold or jade for the inlays, what style of plates or mugs? tea or coffee or both? would you like a garden in the back to rest in? please provide measurements for your clothes, as well as which nation’s style you preferred. please and thank you and we’re honored for the opportunity to serve.
you knew they meant well. you were never talked over or dissuaded, and the envoys from the nations you visited were always impartial in their descriptions. they knew you loved teyvat as a whole, and even if you had a preference for where to stay, you wouldn’t abandon the rest of the world for that one place. so they advised you about weather and the local wildlife, politely waiting when you stopped to let a crystalfly land in your hand. the people of teyvat were kind, accepting your answer with a smile and a bow, only wanting the best for you.
you suspect they knew your answer from the beginning, but nobody brought it up. it was nice to see the nations, and you never regret your final choice. especially not now, when the thought of your lover being so close to you gave you the strength to pick up your pen.
just a bit more, then you can go rest. lie down and be welcomed with warm arms, for he’s certainly long retired by now.
did you want a wardrobe, closet, or both?
would you like curtains around your bed?
how many pillows? what kind of blankets?
a tub combined with your shower, or separate?
blinds or curtains for-
knock, knock, knock.
you blink. you look up. by the time you’ve set down your pen and it’s registered to your tired mind that there’s someone at your door, the person in the other side calls your name in a soft voice.
a voice that you instantly recognize, automatically inviting in. a voice carried in the chest of a harbinger, but one that looks at you with adoration all the same.
pantalone closes the door behind him softly, barely the slightest click heard as he locks it. “when you asked to work in my bank, i had assumed you would be doing so responsibly,” he says, voice quiet. his eyes are low, shadows sharp from the candles lit on your desk, but you know he’s checking the clock the same way he knows you have a headache, silently reaching to pinch out the flame of one of the candles.
your headache eases a bit, and he wipes the ashes from his gloves on a handkerchief.
“is work-“ you wave at your desk, at the cluttered sprawl of invitations and letters across it “-not responsible?”
“at this hour?” his head tilts the slightest amount, and your already fragile will to keep working crumbles. “the only responsible thing to do this late is rest.”
you don’t fuss when he comes around to your side of the desk, sweeping your papers into neat stacks. you just lean against his side, watching as he quickly tidies everything, down to throwing away the napkin you kept on hand for ink spills.
you weren’t used to their fountain pens when you first got here, needing assistance to simply check boxes for a to-do list without the ink bleeding everywhere. your regrator was by your side even then, kindly walking you through the proper form and pressure. he’d been the one to teach you the code used within the fatui as well, and had gifted you the very pen that laid at your desk for your birthday.
the room dimmed again, smoke rising from his fingertips as he pinched out another flame.
“come now.” his hand pats at your shoulder gently, and you sigh as you straighten. he pulls you to your feet easily, bringing you a step closer than strictly necessary. with a neat flourish, he takes his jacket from his shoulders, wrapping it around yours instead. you don’t protest as he helps you put it on, nor as he removes his gloves, flexing your hands to absorb as much of the warmth from the leather as you can.
“won’t you get cold?”
he smiles, his hand warm as he raises it to your cheek. “i was born in snezhnaya,” he says simply, “you were not.”
he puts his hand around you and extinguishes the last candle, this time directly with his handkerchief instead of his hand. he walks you out of your—his, really—office, locking it behind him with a key he tucks away just as fast as he brought it out.
once you arrive at your shared—his, again—quarters, he sits you on the bed, letting his hand linger for a moment to ensure you stay there. you wait as he moves around the house, bringing you water and food, making sure you have at least a bit of each before handing you a painkiller.
when you try to take off the gloves, he stops you with a hand over yours. there’s a thin papercut over the side of his thumb. “not yet. your office was cold, and you’ll need the dexterity.”
“won’t they get dirty?”
“then i’ll have them cleaned, or simply commission another pair.” onyx tumbles over his shoulder as he takes out the tie from his hair, running his fingers through the dark waves to check for knots. “you are my priority. not them.”
once you’re finished with your food and are adequately sleepy from the warmth of his coat, he coaxes you to stand once more. this time your proximity is not of simple selfishness, but because your head keeps drooping and he’s afraid you’ll nod off where you stand.
he removes his coat and gloves as reverently as he put them on you, tossing them to a chair to stay close to you. he lets you remove your socks and shoes then tucks you in with a kiss, glancing back at you the entire time he removes his own. it’s endearing to see you try to stay awake to wait for him, his chest warming at the clear sight of your affection.
eventually he does join you in bed, reaching out to pull the blanket over your shoulder on instinct. your hand fumbles for his, squeezing once. “thank you.”
your heart is in your ears as you watch him lift your hand, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. he pulls away with a smile, brushing his thumb over your fingers. “anytime, my lord. now please, get some rest.”
his glasses are left on his nightstand and your responsibilities were checked at the door, your eyes long closed by the time he settles you against his chest.
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will80sbyers · 7 months
What makes you believe that byler is real? I ship Mileven personally, but I'm trying to understand byler shippers' logic, because a lot of the time it feels like it makes no sense.
I personally think there are some scenes in the show and there are some choices that the writers made that are telling us that the plot of the show is going towards Will getting a "pay off", in terms of writing, at the end of the show and Mike and El finding out they are better as friends instead and Mike discovering he has romantic feelings for Will!
The writers have emphasized Will's sadness in relation to Mike and El as a couple both thematically and visually, in the writing & filming of the show there are too many scenes like this especially in season 3 and 4 they have made it clear that he will never be happy if Mike and El are the endgame relationship, even during Mike's love monologue after he supposedly decided that he was ok with El having his own feelings for Mike by saying that the painting was a thoughtful gift from El when it wasn't... They put a shot of Will's sad face in the middle of the monologue, and also he was framed behind Mike when he said "I love you" which in film is a EXTREMELY weird choice unless it means something more is going on that should make us not want El and Mike's relationship to work - the writers have been sabotaging the emotional connection of the fans with mileven by doing this and I don't think that professional filmmakers don't know that, I think it's on purpose!
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The writers have shown Mike and Will as having a deeper relationship than all the other relationships Mike has, putting him in the same category of El as one of his possible love interests in the plot, they have multiple scenes bonding in a tender way than Mike has with any other of his friends, they happen in private usually or in emotionally charged moments that they film to make you as a viewer feel like they are in private and show how they have this connection that's more than just friendship
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The writers have wrote in the show since season 1 MANY parallels between Mike and Will and other official couples (Mileven too!!!) that are, in my opinion, hinting at them ending up together at the end of the show
You can find the parallels here
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The writers have continously shown El and Mike to have some kind of problem in their relationship and made El decide to leave Mike behind multiple times even if to save his life because she loves him, the writers have been showing us how Mike is not her PLOT priority and instead they have put having a romantic relationship with Mike as Will's deepest desire since season 3
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The writers are building up El's character to have a coming of age that has recurrent themes of her finding herself without the influence of others around her, her becoming completely free from any kind of influence, and Mike has been represented as having too many internal fears to overcome at the moment about their relationship, especially with the love monologue at the end of season 4, he has beliefs about himself as a person that clash with El's character arc about not having to feel influenced in any way, the end of the show for El should be her having complete freedom in all aspects of her life because of the circumstances of her upbringing... Not saying that Mike is influencing her in a bad way necessarily, I think they both love each other a lot but having a relationship with someone that is that much insecure about his role in your life because you have powers will always be a type of influence
The writers have shown Mike and El as not being a team at the same level by separating them constantly after s1, instead they have shown the other couples that work as working together in the supernatural plot (Jancy, Jopper, Lumax, Byler)
The writers have paralleled Mike and El's relationship to all the ships that are not working for some reasons/are not endgame and have more infatuation than a real "true love" kind of relationship (Steve x Nancy, Karen X Ted, Bob x Joyce)
The writers have wrote in multiple scenes of Mike acting awkward with Will (Mike!!! Not Will) or them having coded conversations about how much they care for each other that have no sense to exist unless there is a pay off at the end
The writers have presented El, Mike and Will as being in a love triangle and have been framing them in a love triangle composition in the framing of multiple scenes, with Mike at the centre
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When during season 4 the writers talked about all the movies that have inspired season 4 and 5 they have put multiple movies with love triangles that are almost identical to the situation between Mike, El and Will
Will and Mike have multiple fight scenes that are scenes you give to two possible love interests usually, the way the fight happen is written as two lovers having emotional fights instead of as how you would write two friends fighting
The writers wrote in the show a precise parallel in all the scenes of Vickie and Robin... between them and Will and Mike, paralleling Mike to Vickie specifically... who is a canon bisexual character and even paralleling Steve and Jonathan in that context as observers of the couples!
The directors filmed their scenes how you would film romantic scenes in stuff like Bridgerton or a romcom lol
The whole painting scene was Will making Mike feel so loved that he felt comfortable being vulnerable with El, but this means he was still not comfortable on his own relationship with her, he didn't feel safe enough to open up on his own and needed that talk and needed to believe all of those ideas about him being the heart came from Eleven so that he made the jump and told her how he felt instead of being selfishly silent on it because he was too afraid of her possibly leaving him one day... When you are really deeply in love with someone in the context of movies the characters don't let those type of fears influence them and if what gives him courage is the feelings of another character in the love triangle it means he's the right person for the character
( idk if you saw gossip girl but the was a love triangle situation between Blair, Dan and another character where Dan made Blair believe the other character felt some type of way towards her, she understood that she loved Dan because of this act because she wanted those words to be from him and not from the other guy... The whole painting lie is that same trope)
The writers are obsessed with IT from Stephen King and there are clear parallels with it in the show, the whole plot of s4 about the painting is a reprise of the plot between the romantic relationship of Bev and Ben in IT (with the postcard and the poem) Beverly is supposed to be Mike, Ben is Will and Bill is El.... Mike and El share a kiss at the end of season 3 that is supposed to parallel a kiss between Bill and Bev (they did love each other and liked each other but are not endgame)
Both Will and Mike are queercoded multiple times during the seasons
There are WAYYYY more reasons but this post is becoming too long so I'll leave it as this lol
You should rewatch the show and imagine if Will was a girl, I think many people would be seeing what I'm talking about way more and take it as a sign that Mike is going to choose "Willow" and see how Will is the better love interest for him...
Maybe it's all just queerbaiting, who knows, but at the moment I believe this is way too much for it to be queerbait!
I personally think Mike is bisexual
Masterpost about it here
and has feelings for both of them, but his feelings for El have always been a "puppy love" type that is growing to become more platonic than romantic with time, and I think he's a best match with Will, I think Will is able to make him be the best he can be, he's capable of making Mike feel worthy in a very natural way unlike the relationship with El does at the moment!
In my fixed post in the blog you can find all these things in more detail if you're interested!!
Thank you if you read all of this, regardless of what I believe I think everybody should be free to ship what ship they like best!! 😊
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Hob Gadling - A Queer Romantic?
I have been listening to The World's End chapters of The Sandman on Audible lately and just finished Hob's Leviathan. I didn't pay this story much attention when I first read the comic, as I tended to read through the stories quickly and put more focus into the stories where Dream had a larger role. But one of the reasons I like listening to the Audible book is because it allows me to absorb each story more thoroughly and take my time thinking about each one and the (usually multiple) meanings behind them.
Hob Gadling is a character that fandom has fallen in love with. I think this is clear to anyone that takes even a partial glance at Sandman fandom. This isn't a criticism - Ferdie's performance as Hob in the Netflix show has done wonders for Hob's character. He has made his version of Hob very easy to fall in love with!
But the truth is that in The Sandman comics, Hob is a minor character who we only get to know very little about. The story Hob's Leviathan appears in The Worlds End Sandman book. We only meet him twice before this, once in The Doll's House, where we are introduced to him in Men of Good Fortune, and again in Season of Mists when Dream comes to let him know that he may miss their next meeting. In both these issues, Hob is introduced via the narrator, and therefore I like to think that we are given a fairly honest representation of the kind of person he is. We watch him grow and learn throughout the centuries in MoGF, but one of the major takeaways from this I believe is that he tends to always be on the wrong side of history. He makes bad choices and can be a bit narrow minded. He is rude and selfish and also rather self-absorbed. I actually think that the performance of the voice actor who plays Hob in the Audible book emphasises these character flaws making him even more unlikeable in many ways, though I am aware that this could just be my own experience and opinion.
But Hob's Leviathan takes a different view of Hob. Literally. The narrator of this story is a young boy of 16 called Jim. Jim met Hob on a ship travelling from Bombay to Liverpool in 1914. Jim was working on the ship as a cabin boy and Hob had bought his passage back to England - though it is revealled at the end of the story that Hob actually owned the ship they were travelling on. It is clear that at this point in time, Hob is extremely wealthy.
Jim attends to Hob throughout the journey, and grows very fond of him. In Jim's tale, Hob is a good man, who is kind and thoughtful and cares about others. He saves the life of a stowaway (who turns out to be another immortal). He is shown to be patient, and funny, and very intelligent. Jim waxes poetic about how smart Hob is, and how much he impressed him. It is particularly clear in the Audible book that Jim is taken with Hob, to the point that it could arguably be a crush.
It is fascinating how much more likeable Hob is when narrated from the viewpoint of someone with a crush on him, whether this story is exaggerated through rose tinted glasses is of course something to consider. All the tales in World's End are just that, tales. There is a constant undercurrent of exaggeration and make believe to them where even the other patrons of the inn question elements to each of the stories. We are not supposed to take these stories as absolute fact, rather they are supposed to reveal to us more about the narrators as well as their own experiences existing in this magical and strange world.
When it is revealled that Jim is actually a girl called Peggy in disguise so they can get work on the ships, the quite obvious crush makes more sense to a heteronormative audience, but what I particularly like about this story is its queer potential. See in the comic, it isn't really clarified if Jim goes by Jim because they feel more themselves as a boy, rather than a girl, or if they are disguising themself as a boy just to get work as a means to an end. I would argue that the latter is the more obvious interpretation. Jim tells the other World's End patrons that they are getting too old to keep up the disguise and will eventually have to stop working in shipping, and that when that happens, they will take on a new name, a new identity and do something else, but that for now, the patrons can keep calling them Jim.
*for a lack of clarity around the point in the comic, I am going to use gender neutral pronouns for Jim going forward*
Now from Hob's POV, he figured out that Jim was a girl, and they talk about it briefly along with the sea serpent they saw. I think that at this point, Hob is impressively progressive compared to the previous times we have met him. Now whether or not this is biased storytelling from someone who has a crush on him remains to be seen, but if we take Jim's word as truth, not only is 1914 Hob a fair and honest man who is willing to pay the way of a stowaway and fully respect the secrets of a young girl disguised as a boy so they can work on ships, but he's also totally comfortable flirting with them.
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I like that he calls Jim the "handsome cabin boy". I like that this version of Hob, whether real or an exaggeration skewed by Jim's feelings for him, respects Jim's identity. Jim may be a girl in disguise, but Hob doesnt call her pretty, he calls him handsome.
It's all just a bit subtly queer and I like that for Hob (But then I would do, I'm a Dreamling shipper HA)
When Jim finishes their story, they state that they didn't see Hob again after that, but the comics later do give us a possible outcome to Jim's story...
We next see Hob in The Kindly Ones where he is mourning the death of his girlfriend Audrey. He briefly reveals that Audrey was the first person he had loved since Peggy, who was his lover until her death during the Blitz. Whilst it isn't made clear that Hob's lover Peggy is the same Jim that we meet in World's End, it is a bit too much of a coincidence. The timing adds up. If Jim was 16 in 1914, they'd be in their early 40s during the Blitz. Hob remains forever in his early 30s so I'd say its a safe bet that Jim eventually found Hob again and they were together. Hob loved them enough that he wasn't with anyone again until Audrey in the 80s. That's 50 years worth of mourning. A long time not to be with anyone, even for an immortal.
It's funny because we know so little about Hob, but one thing that I have seen commented on here a lot is that comic Hob is deemed to be as Straight as an arrow. Now I admit that the voice actor in the Audible book plays him very straight, but that is still only one interpretation.
All this is to say that I am fascinated with how the Netflix show will adapt this, since Hob in the show already comes across much kinder and more selfless than his comic counterpart. He already has an entire fandom viewing him as queer, and the comics certainly don't outright shut down such interpretations. There are moments in the comics that you have to wonder on. He does call Jim handsome rather than pretty, and when he talks to Audrey's grave he mentions his wives and loves as separate groups. He talks about finding it easy to get sex if you want it, and he talks about it in generally gender neutral terms. In Sunday Mourning Gwen reveals that she thought he was gay when she first met him, though her reasonings were that he knew so many dead people (a dark reminder that these comics were published at the height of the Aids epidemic). He reacts very badly to the news of Morpheus' death. He states on several occassions just how much he liked Morpheus, and he is one of the few people to wake up from the Wake with tears running down his cheeks. I would arguably state that its between Hob and Matthew as to who had the worst reaction to Morpheus' death, showing just how much both Hob and Matthew cared about him, and placing Hob on par with Matthew in the comics is a big deal. He seriously considers accepting Death's gift when she offers it, simply because Morpheus is dead. He doesn't, because at the end of the day, its just not in his nature to do so, and given he then dreams of Morpheus, I like to think that it was a test, that he passed.
When it comes to how the show will adapt all this, I genuinely think it will take a new approach with Jim/Peggy. I think they will be either a trans man, or at least non binary. But I think having Jim be a trans man is the better option. In the comics, Jim's tale is only very subtly queer, Jim clearly likes being Jim, but it seems like its a means to an end, a convenience in order to get work on the ships, rather than being something that is core to Jim's feelings on their gender. Besides, if we assume that Jim is indeed the Peggy Hob talks about in The Kindly Ones, then we know that Jim goes back to being Peggy when they get older and apparently continues living as a woman whilst they are with Hob, otherwise I doubt Hob would have referred to one of his greatest loves by a name they themselves rejected and only used she/her pronouns when talking about them. Nevertheless there is no reason for the show to take this approach, and if they DO decide that Jim should be a trans man, then their relationship with Hob is canonically a queer one. Trans men are men and if one of Hob's greatest loves is a trans man, then Hob is a queer man himself. I genuinely believe the show will take this route and I can't wait to see it.
Going back to my point about narrators bias, if MoGF, SoM, tKO, and TW are all narrated by a neutral third party, then this must be the true Hob. A not overly likeable rather selfish man. He has his good points, and he has certainly grown and changed over the centuries, and carries a lot of guilt for his past mistakes, but he is still quite self absorbed. Jim paints a picture of a rose tinted Hob that is far more the dreamy romantic older gentleman that took a young person under his wing. Which is fair enough.
The show is of course its own adaptation, with changes from the comics as it sees fit, but I do feel it's my duty to remind you that the show also has a narrator guiding the audience through its many stories. Dream of the Endless, Lord Morpheus, King of Nightmares and Prince of Stories himself. Take from that whatever you will.
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judasgot-it · 4 months
Early Sunsets Over Yokohama
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Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance
What Once Was - Her's
Part 1
Scenario: He found you.
1.2 k words
Dazai was terrified for once in his life.
The comforting thought of death was something that he had used to protect himself - he could imagine everyone in his life dying because he knew that when they did, he didn't want to cry.
It helped when he had lost people in other ways. He had lost them through breakups, drifting apart...
They were all natural.
So he would imagine that they would die in horrific and disgusting ways, far too vile to speak of. He would kill them in his head in order to protect himself.
But he didn't know where to start if he had ever lost you.
You were the only exception to this rule.
Dazai tried so many times to imagine your death - to kill you in his head, to destroy your image, to distance himself. Just to gain some control over his own self.
It never worked. He would lose himself if you died.
He was living for you, and he couldn't even tell it to you.
The one person who knew everything.
If he couldn't find you, protect you, and know you were alive - he wouldn't survive. His heart might not make it past that heartbreak.
But he forced himself to push that human fear, to find you and know that you were alive.
The ADA wanted you alive as well.
It had been days of searching, after the disaster of what had happened at the airport.
Maybe it was weeks. It was impossible to know the time anymore, as he hadn't moved the calendar from the last date you had marked down.
Your life seemed to have ended since he had been arrested. The day he had proposed to you.
That was when you stopped marking down the dates so meticulously, and instead filled your shared apartment with work and caffeine.
Up until the day of the event, you had been working tirelessly. And then you had disappeared - leaving behind an unfinished bottle of whiskey, a spoiled convenience store bento box, and a letter of encouragement from Kenji.
As much as you tried, it seemed Dazai had rubbed off too much on you. He wanted to laugh at the thought.
Dazai didn't sleep unless his body shut down. The man couldn't even walk, but all he did was force his weak body to think and listen to reports and read documents from all over Japan.
You both had become the same when the other was absent - although Dazai found that instead of one bottle of whiskey, it was three. And you had never bothered to touch the suspicious pills he kept.
He was running on those more than food. Dazai couldn't ever finish his meals before they went stale or bad, so he stuck with a single can of food a day, or half of whatever he was forced to eat in the office.
Life was bleakest in that period - however long it was.
Maybe a month? The weather had changed very little, but time felt like it had passed for an eternity.
He would end up finding you in a small abandoned bus station, like a pawn that was thrown across the board. A very random place to end up, in his opinion.
There was nothing valuable there.
It was impossible to understand how you ended up there - no buses even went there, and the walk to that station was nearly impossible.
But actually thinking about the logistics of your reappearance was something Dazai wanted to not care about for once in his life. Even if you were looking at him, terrified that you weren't the same person as before.
No one understood how it happened. Not even you.
You were suffering from severe memory loss, but it might have been a good thing - you had shown up in that spot with injuries and severe fatigue. It was possible you had crawled your way to that spot, but it didn't seem like you had left a trail there for very long.
The ADA wanted to know what had happened - day and night they would question you, driving through the same points to figure out where you had been, and what could have been done to you.
But Dazai didn't care. He didn't think.
You were here.
All he would do is hold you in his arms, ever since he saw you - dirty from trekking in the mud of the wet woods, and smelling from the days without showering, and he would simply kiss you with abandon.
You tasted terrible, with fuzzy teeth and oily hair. And he fucking loved it.
It was you. All you, here, in that moment, with him.
Since then, he only ever saw you.
In your shared apartment, Dazai couldn't bring himself to ask you:
'What happened?'
All he would do is swaddle you in blankets and hold you in his lap. His arms would wrap around your sides and he would cradle you between his thighs, as if trying to trap you in a cacoon made entirely of his limbs.
Not once did you ask him a question:
'How was prison? How was defeating Fyodor?'
It was as if all of that didn't exist to either of you anymore.
There was no war between the two of you. No abilities, no missing time - the calendar wasn't missing any X's and it didn't have a distinct lack of your handwriting across it.
Everything was the same. The air smelt like alcohol and mold; dirty hair and mud. But it smelt like home.
Dazai could smell you underneath everything, and he could still taste you despite the whiskey on his breath. Everything was familiar, despite the changes.
Even if you lost your face, he was sure he was going to remember what you looked like - the way you were looking up at him was something that had been burned into his mind, something that chased him in his dreams.
There was a small feeling Dazai had, where he wanted to lock you in this room and never let you go. To handcuff your wrist to his, and keep you by his side so he could never let you go.
The best he could do was pull you closer, feeling your ribs contract against his hold as you struggled to breathe in his hold, giggling as if he were being playful.
He would let you think that. Your hands were pulling at his greasy hair, and he played along - hiding his face in your neck so you didn't know that if he let go right now, he just might have to eat you so you never left him again.
Fyodor almost won.
"Dazai, are you alright?" You were pulled at the back of his hair by the handful, your knuckles the first thing to touch his scalp in weeks. God, he needed a shower.
Simply sighing, he brushed his nose against the back of your neck, kissing your spine and smiling as your breath stuttered. You were like a virgin underneath him, even when you were both a disgusting mess like this.
"Just thinking about how much I wanna marry you." If he could, he would wear your skin and die in his grave like that - there would be no other way to be closer.
But the ring on your finger was close enough. He thought a lot about that when you were gone. He knew you did too.
"We should do it soon."
Your hand pulled harder, making Dazai wince a little. Of course, you were going to be mean about it.
"Get married, asshole." There's an ending to that - 'because we almost lost each other.' But neither of you were brave enough to talk about it now.
Maybe not ever. This already was a big statement.
There wasn't much of a conversation to be had about it. Not now, at least.
Dazai was sure he was going crazy a little bit, trying to choke you in his arms while still running on nothing but the takeout he had in the car - a meal he only ate half of, given he shared it with you.
His skin was disgusting, and the apartment was disgusting. For once, the dirt he usually surrounded himself with was bothering him.
Maybe he needed to be better for you now.
Before he realized it, he was staring at his dark ceiling, illuminated only by his small box TV and your face looking right above him. The lighting was a little scary - making you look more like a creature from a horror film than the angel he knew.
But your matted hair and tired eyes weren't exactly giving an 'angelic glow' either.
"We should sleep"
Dazai only hummed along, his hands feeling your curves and pulling you down towards him, trying to absorb your skin onto his - if he was a little more mental, he would have skinned you and eaten every part of you now.
Never let you get away from him.
But as your hands and body shifted around, trying to make his skinny frame more comfortable, he could feel the ring he gave you catching on his ratty old pajamas. It was going to have to be close enough, he supposed.
For the people who wanted a pt. 2 -> @aquaberrydolphin @skelkitty @queen-of-fanfic, this was so off the tracks but like we yolo this shit
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starogeorgina · 8 months
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𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐯𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫
Paring: Oberyn Martell x Baratheon OC
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of animal cruelty
Chapter: 1.01
You stand before the iron throne teary-eyed; this was the goodbye you had been dreading for over a year. It was time for you to leave your home and travel to Dorne to meet your betrothed, Prince Oberyn Martell, the red viper.
The king's eyes move over the different entrances to the throne room, and many knights from the king's guard, including your uncle Jamie, stand at attention, ready to cut down any threat to the king and his family. “Your mother?”
Your mother visited your chambers the night before to inform you that Dornish men were known for ravaging women, and your wedding night will be one of the most unpleasant and painful experiences you’ll ever live through. You hadn’t seen her since then.
“We said our goodbyes last night, my king.”
He knows you’re lying; you often did when it came to Cersei. He stands and motions for you to step closer.
Your grandsire, Tywin Lannister narrows his eyes and nods. He was in full agreement that using you as a political pawn was the way forward. Joffrey stands beside him, looking bored, while Myrcella and Tommen both cry. You didn’t want to leave them, but it was your duty.
As the first legitimate child of King Robert Baratheon, you should have been next in line to the throne, but you were a daughter. So the throne would bypass you and go to the eldest male, Joffrey. The irony was that your father made you sit in his council meetings, would ask your opinions on different matters, and allowed you to sit in on your brother's sword lessons, something that your mother disapproved of. Your father had never once shown any interest in Joffrey or prepared him to rule one day.
Your father cups your face, wiping away a fallen tear with his thumb. “Cassana, my daughter, do not cry again, as I won't be there to wipe your tears anymore.”
“I will miss you, father.”
“Next time I see you, I will be at your wedding, and you will be the most beautiful bride the seven kingdoms have ever seen.”
“There she is.” Ellaria nudges Oberyn's shoulder and points in the direction of a young, timid-looking girl sitting on a staircase overlooking one of the ponds. “I expected her to have the famous golden lion hair.”
“Perhaps this one really is a Baratheon,” he quips. The Prince wasn’t sure if it was common knowledge or not that Cersei’s three youngest children were rumored to be fathered by their uncle Jamie. However, it appears his future bride wasn’t the result of incest.
“Princess Cassana Baratheon, the eldest daughter of King Robert, and Cersei fucking Lannister.”
Oberyn smirks at hearing the venom in his lover's voice; she hates House Lannister just as much as he does. He watches as the girl, who couldn’t have been much older than seventeen, twitches her jaw; she can sense them looking at them. He had argued with his elder brother, Prince Doran, when he agreed to the betrothal between Oberyn and the daughter of his enemy without his permission.
“Trust me, brother, this is the way.”
He should be going over to at least introduce himself, but the girl looks so terrified that Oberyn thought it was best to give her some time.
Ellaria Scoffs asks, “Why did she bring those things? Does she think Dorne doesn’t have cats?”
“Because if she left them behind, Joffrey would have killed them.”
Oberyn looks away from the girl and turns around to see the infamous imp, Tyrion Lannister, walking towards them. He was the only one willing to travel to Dorne with the princess.
Tyrion graciously accepts a cup of wine, then sits down and indulges the drink in full before continuing. “Years ago, Robert gifted my niece a kitten on her name day; he picked that particular one because he said it had curious eyes that matched his oldest daughter’s. She named it Milady. Cassana loved the little thing, and against my sister's wishes, she let it sleep in her bed, and it followed her around the keep, wherever my niece was, the kitten wasn’t far behind. It was quite cute, actually. Then one day it went missing, and Cassana searched the full red keep and cried herself to sleep every night for weeks missing it.”
Tyrion had a way of telling a story that was very intriguing, almost as if it were an old tale passed down through generations. The prince sits down on a plush yellow chair across from his quest, his arm casually swinging over the back of it. “Then what? Did she ever find it?”
A look void of emotion passes through Tyrion’s features; he clicks his tongue while refilling his cup with wine. He takes a large gulp. “One evening during dinner, Joffrey claimed to have a gift for his sister, something to cheer her up. He had a servant bring in a red silk bag, and inside it was whatever remained of Milady. Robert was horrified, of course, but Cersei stated that cats were horrid little creatures and continued eating her meal as Cassana bawled her eyes out.”
“A cunt.”
Tyrion lifts his cup in agreement with Ellaria’s statement. A Lannister’s cruelty never surprised him, but a brother being allowed to treat his own sister like that was... Oberyn had no words.
“And that was my sister being kind to her. Does that answer your question?”
“What question?”
Tilting his head back, Tyrion gives them a knowing look, as if he knew what question was burning on the tip of their tongues. “Why is this marriage allowed to go ahead? It’s because even Robert, a drunken fool of a king, knows he can’t protect his daughter from her mother’s hate.”
“The girl's eyes are swollen; is she scared that the Dornish aren’t as kind as the people of King's Landing?” Ellaria asks sarcastically.
“Cassana didn’t want to leave her father, Tommen, or Myrcella,” Tyrion answers truthfully. “She’s been shipped off to a foreign country to marry a stranger who’s twice her age, with customs she doesn’t know or understand, and it may have possibly crossed her mind that she may be used to get revenge for the sack of King's landing. Of course she’s scared.”
Ellaria's brows pull together; being a mother herself, she couldn’t fathom the idea of putting her own child in harm's way. “And the Lannisters were still willing to send her to Dorne, thinking we were nothing more than monsters wanting revenge?”
Oberyn clenches his jaw. “What was done to my sister and her children—”
“Was a travesty,” Tyrion says, cutting him off. “But my niece had nothing to do with it. And the girl is not dim; she’s under no false allusions to who her mother, father, and grandfather are.”
“And yet she loves them still.”
Tyrion shrugs. “Hmm, she loves Robert, but I wouldn’t be so sure about her feelings towards my father and Cersei.”
Oberyn crosses his legs; he was curious to learn if Tyrion was saying these things in the hope he would be sympathetic towards the girl. “Why do you think princess Cassana should be married to Martell?”
Looking over his shoulder, Tyrion smiles, observing his niece take in her new surroundings for a moment before answering. “Because I don’t believe you’ll treat her any worse than she already has been.”
After speaking with his guest for some time, Oberyn decides to go and introduce himself to Cassana. From everything Tyrion had told him, he felt nothing but pity for his future bride. He looks across the garden and notices his paramour glaring at the girl, who seemed content playing with her pets. Since the wedding would be held in a few months, Oberyn had extended the invitation for Tyrion to stay in Dorne so that Cassana wouldn’t be so alone.
Cassana doesn’t look back as he gets closer to her, even though she would have been able to hear him since the Prince was deliberately making his steps louder than normal. The Baratheon girl looks out of place by the way she was dressed; he’d need to have clothing that was more suited to the Dornish climate made for her.
A large black cat was stretched out across her lap, while two others playfully fought on the ground beside her feet, the sand sticking to their fur.
Oberyn sits down on the step beside her. Cassana was so caught up in her creatures that she merely offered him a polite nod before turning her attention back to the cat, which caused him to smile. “What’s its name?”
“This is Balerion. The brown one is Vhagar, and the white one is Meraxes.”
His brows arch in surprise. “You have an interest in Westeros history?”
“Mainly house Baratheon and Targaryen.”
“Why those houses?”
She continues to focus on the animal sprawled across her, scratching behind the cat's ear. Cassana nips at her tongue before answering, as if she’s thinking of an acceptable answer: “I like learning about my family’s history.”
“I imagined you’re tired of hearing about Robert’s rebellion.”
She scoffs, “The septa who taught myself and Myrcella was rather skilled in telling us the histories she wanted us to learn.”
He raises his brows and asks, “Is that so?”
“Nobody was ever going to tell us the full truth of what happened, only the parts they wanted to be remembered.”
Oberyn becomes so lost in his thoughts of the sacking of kings landing that he doesn’t even realise one of the cats had climbed up onto him until he feels the pinch of his claw on his thigh. He swallows back the poison, ready to jump from his mouth, reminding himself that the poor girl couldn’t help who her parents were. “So, who’s your favourite Baratheon then?” He asks, hoping to lighten his sudden, tense mood. “Your father?”
“No,” she chuckles. “The founder of House Baratheon, Orys Baratheon. He was the bastard son of Aerion Targaryen and stepbrother to the three conquerors.”
“The Dornish refused to bend the knee to house Targaryen during Aegon’s conquest.”
“Your words. Ours are unbowed, unbent, and unbroken. You may burn us, my lady, but you will not bend us, break us, or make us bow. This is Dorne. You are not wanted here. Return at your peril.”
The prince was impressed; he didn’t think the Baratheon princess would have any knowledge of who Meria Martell was, let alone his house words. They sit in silence for some time, and Oberyn watches as the sun begins to disappear. The stillness is only disturbed when Cassana speaks again.
“I’m sorry, Prince Oberyn.” She finally looks up at him, her eyes full of sorrow as they meet his. “For what my family did to house Martell, I’m sorry.”
Oberyn was lost for words; he had accepted many thoughts from the daughter of Robert and Cersei, but for her to show genuine remorse wasn’t one of them.
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the-broken-truth · 8 months
Yuu - Child of the Great Seven [3]: The Queen of Hearts in Heartslabyul
Broken: Welcome back. Time for the Great Seven to venture to their Respective Dorms. Let us see how the Queen of Hearts reacts to how Riddle Rosehearts manages the Heartslabyul Dormitory.
[When Riddle asked the Students of Heartslabyul to gather in the foyer, they were confused when their Dorm Warden explained that they would be entertaining and serving a very special guest for a week; everyone was confused, but that confusion turned into shock when their eyes landed upon the Queen of Hearts standing between Riddle and Yuu, who stood there with their hands in their pockets; thinking about how Grim wanted to remain in Ramshackle to absorb the fact his 'henchman' was actually the Offspring of the Twisted Wonderland's Gods.]
Riddle (Clearing his throat): I am sure you are all very confused and on edge at the moment, but there is no reason to panic. Allow me to explain: Earlier today, the Great Seven arrived at our school to see their child, who was revealed to be Yuu, The Prefect of Ramshackle.
Yuu (Waves their hand): Hello, All. Good to see you again.
Ace: Wait... Yuu is the Child of the Great Seven?! I thought they were magicless and came from another world!
Yuu (Scratches the back of their head with a small chuckle): Well, I was kinda telling the truth: I was born in another dimension and I lived my life in another world, but I have always known who I was and where I came from. As for my magic... (Holds up their hand - revealing the ring) I wear this ring to conceal my magic because it's...stronger than average magic and I didn't want to hurt the people I came to care about.
Deuce: That is...a lot of information to process.
Cater: So... My Best Friend is the Child of the Queen of Hearts?
Ace (Glares at Cater): Your best friend?! Yuu is my best friend!
Deuce: Both of you are wrong, I am the one Yuu considers to be their best friend.
Trey: I am pretty sure that I am the one who holds that title.
Riddle (Glares at the 4 of them): Be quiet! This is not the time for your bickering!
Yuu (Walks over to Riddle and places a tender hand on his shoulder): Riddle, remember what we talked about.
Riddle: A True Leader has a cool and collected head; going off at the slightest thing is the sign of a tyrant. (Inhales then Exhales) Sorry, Yuu.
Yuu (Smiles at him): It's okay, Riddle; you're still learning, but you are getting better.
Queen of Hearts (Smiling): Your calming nature really seems to aid even the most stressed souls, My Little Heart.
Yuu: Thanks, Mum.
Queen of Hearts (Looking towards the Heartslabyul Students): As Dorm Leader Rosehearts explained, I shall remain here for one week while myself and the rest of the Great Seven spend time with our child at Night Raven. Yuu shall not be attending classes or attending the Headmaster's Whims; this is the week that they are going to relax.
Yuu (Looks at the Heartslabyul Students): There is also something else I would like to ask: Please, do not change your opinion of me or call me by unnecessary honorifics. I am still Yuu Arisugawa - Prefect of Ramshackle and Friend of Night Raven. Please, know that I am still concerned about all of your well-being.
[All the Heartslabyul Students watch Yuu, but all they can see is the blinding light of Yuu's Positive Personality shining behind them like a divine halo.] Heartslabyul Students & Riddle (Thinking in Unison): 'THEY ARE A LITERAL ANGEL! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!'
Queen of Hearts (Smiling at Yuu): It would seem you have captured the hearts of those in this dormitory, My Little Heart; I expect nothing less of you. Before I am given a tour of the dormitory and shown where I shall be resting my head, I would be ever so grateful if you were to make yourself presentable to the people of this dorm.
Yuu (Looks at the Queen of Hearts): You want me to don your colors, don't you, Mum?
Queen of Hearts (Smiles): I would be pleased if you did this for me, Little Heart.
Yuu: Very well. Your wish is my command, Mum.
[Yuu lifts their right hand and snaps: a flutter of rose petals seems to appear out of nowhere and spin around Yuu in a cyclone formation. The cyclone continues to flow around the Prefect until they snap again, causing the petals to scatter away from them and reveal their new appearance. Yuu is now dressed in a Heartslabyul-like outfit with a crown befitting royalty. There is a small red heart marking under their eye and a sea of crimson highlights in their coal-colored hair. Yuu moves their hand down and a scepter of hearts appears in their hand.]
Queen of Hearts: Oh! A splendid display of grace, My Little Heart! You seem to have placed your friends in a trance with your elegance.
Yuu: Your kind words please me, Mum.
[After taking a while to admire Yuu's New Appearnce & the Queen of Hearts, Riddle and Trey give the Queen of Hearts a proper tour of Heasrtlabyul Dorm as well as a glourious room where she will be straying for the duration of the time she is there to spend with Yuu. Once everything is said and done, Yuu proposes a tea party in the Rose Maze Garden. The Queen of Hearts agerly agree...before asking Yuu what day of the month it is, to Yuu states that is the 5th Day of the Month.]
Rule 25 of the Queen of Hearts' Court: There must always be a tea party on the 5th day of every month.
[The Queen of Hearts & Riddle sit at a grand decorated table in the middle of the Rose Maze as Yuu stands beside their Mum with their hands behind their back as Trey comes over to them with a fresh pot of tea and tray of strawberry tarts. Trey pours the tea while Yuu presents the tarts to Riddle and the Queen of Hearts before the two of them bow their heads and step away from the table before returning to their original posts.]
Queen of Hearts (Lifting her teacup to her lips): Now, Riddle Dear, I have witnessed a great number of things since the moment my Precious Yuu entered this world. I must say, I am rather pleased that you have taken the Mantle of Dorm Warden of Heartslabyul and you have enforced all 810 of the Rules of My Court; it pleases me greatly, Riddle Rosehearts.
Riddle (Bowing his head): Thank you, My Queen.
Queen of Hearts (Sips her tea and places her cup back on the saucer): However... Just as have seen the good things that have happened in this dorm, I have also seen the bad. Such as your Overblot Episode, Young Riddle.
[Riddle, Ace, Deuce, and Trey seem to stiffen up when the Queen of Hearts brings up the Overblot, but Yuu seems rather calm as they stand by their Mum.]
Queen of Heart: For the Dorm Warden of Heartslabyul Dorm to Overblot in such a way, destroying my garden, and threatening the lives of those in his court in the Name of his Queen's Rules are both admirable but it broke my heart to see you committing such atrocities. If I were not so understanding, it would be Off with Your Head, Riddle Roseheart.
[Riddle trembling in his seat.]
Queen of Hearts: However... I could not bring myself to do something like that to a soul that has suffered so much already.
[The Queen of Hearts reaches across the table and places a tender hand on Riddle's Head, gently caressing his red hair with sadness in her eyes.]
Riddle (Looks at the Queen of Hearts with wide eyes): My Queen?
Queen of Hearts: Through your Overblot & combat with my Little Heart, I have seen the life you lived and I am even more heartbroken at the way you have suffered, more than I am when a member of my court breaks one of my rules. To have a tyrant of a mother that would sculpt your life just as your own has would have broken the strongest of souls, but you have lasted for so long; I respect your strong spirit. That is why I would like to ask something of you, Riddle Rosehearts.
Riddle: Anything, My Queen.
Queen of Hearts: Ease up a bit. I am not saying that you should not enforce my rules, but I am asking that you be more lenient with the more uncommon rules of my court. When a rule is broken, find more appropriate punishments to fit the crimes instead of collaring someone and making their head roll. Consult with your Vice Dorm Warden to find proper solutions. Understood?
Riddle and Trey: Yes, My Queen.
Queen of Hearts (Leans back in her seat with a smile on her face): Perfect. Now, that is out of the way, we can speak to about more...pressing issues. Ace Trappola. Deuce Spade. Present yourselves to your queen at once!
[Ace and Deuce were trembling as they presented themselves before the Queen of Hearts. However, the Queen collared them and forced them to sit on their calves with their hands on their knees and heads down. She then started lecturing them about their disrespectful behavior towards Riddle and their constant rule-breaking spree. The lecture went on for two hours. Meanwhile, Yuu was being questioned by Riddle and Trey about their abilities as the offspring of the Queen of Hearts, and whether they would like to create their own set of rules to be enforced in Heartslabyul. (@sakurakudo - Thank you!!!).]
[When night falls, Yuu walks out of the Heartslabyul Dormitory with their hands in their pockets as they near the mirror when they are suddenly stopped as Riddle runs out to them with a pastry box in his hands.]
Riddle (Stopping in front of Yuu, bows his head to them, and presents the box): Please, accept this for coming to Heartslabyul.
Yuu (Looks at RIddle): Riddle, lift your head and look me in my eyes.
[Riddle slowly lifts his head and looks into Yuu's shining eyes - they seem upset with his display of respect. Before Riddle can ask what is what, Yuu opens their mouth to speak.]
Yuu: Riddle, do you remember when I first came here? You thought I was a rule breaker and you have collared me a few times. You overblotted and I had to save you, however, it was through all of that we were able to become friends. I am grateful that we are friends and I want to remain friends, I don't want you to change how you act around me just because the Queen of Hearts happens to be my Mum. Never bow your head to me again and embrace me as the first you have known me to be. Please.
Riddle: I... I understand. Sorry, Yuu. (Smiles at them)
Yuu (Smiling at Riddle): It's okay, Riddle. (Looks at the box in Riddle's Hands) What do we have here?
Riddle: The Queen of Hearts told us that you really liked Strawberry Cheesecake and Trey wanted to make you one since you don't really eat anything during the Tea Parties. Please, accept this.
Yuu (Takes the box): Thank you, Riddle, I shall enjoy this. I better get back to Ramshackle before Grim gets too bored. See you later, Riddle. (Turns and walks away)
Riddle: Please, come visit whenever you want! You are always welcome to Heartslabyul, Yuu!
[Yuu looked back at Riddle with a smile before walking through the mirror to return to the Hall of Mirrors; since there was no mirror that was linked to Ramshackle, Yuu used their power to teleport to their proper dorm, where Grim pounced on them the moment they entered the door and demanded scratches and cheesecake.]
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liyaauhr · 1 month
Logan & Ashlyn HEADCANONS
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— They're both pretty big dog people: Ashlyn loves cats and dogs equally while Logan mainly likes dogs (he prefers how dogs are more affectionate). Because of this, they've both started to volunteer at a local animal shelter together and it's sort of become their thing (the rest of the group drops by sometimes but not nearly as much as these two). Both of them bond over a mutual preference for choosing dogs over humans any day, Ashlyn likes how calm the atmosphere of the shelter is and finds Logan to be good company when she just wants to enjoy the quiet company.
— Logan always brings Ashlyn custom flowers for her dance recitals: After hanging out, the group learns of these events and makes an effort to get involved and show support for each other's hobbies, for most of them it's their first time having genuine connections so naturally, no one likes to skip out on Ashlyn's recitals. Emma and Mike have started coming around often to the plant shop to buy flowers whenever Ashlyn has an important event. Seeing how often the Banners brought flowers for Ashlyn, Logan thought it'd be a great idea to show support by making a separate bouquet on behalf of the group. I imagine he'd have pretty good knowledge of flowers and their meanings so he'd always make a handmade bouquet for every event. So now Ashlyn often gets greeted with two bouquets after her shows: one from her parents, one from her friends. She always keeps them for as long as she can and texts Logan for advice on keeping them from wilting.
— Ashlyn always tries to be attentive to Logan: It's more out of instinct as the group leader, Ashlyn will always feel responsible for looking out for her friends and so unconsciously tries to be a better friend by trying to be observant to notice shifts in behaviours. Interestingly, this happened a lot with Logan early on in the group's friendship. He'd often linger behind the group or sometimes opt out of conversations in favour of staying quiet, valuing the opinions of others over his own. Whenever this happened, Ashlyn would always try to involve Logan by asking for his opinion or corner off with him to initiate a private conversation about Logan's own interests, urging him to speak more.
— Yapper + listener duo
— Aside from Logan I think that Ashlyn is the 2nd best with a gun (I know Taylor is shown to be good and implied to be the second best but logic tells me otherwise): Because of this they often go to shooting ranges together and always compete with each other in shooting arcade games.
— Ashlyn helps out at the flower shop and gets mistaken for being an employee by customers: She's known as the 'grumpy lady with braids,' eventually, she just gets given a nametag from James and Mary to try and help her out but to her dismay, the nickname just stuck. Even worse, Logan accidentally mentioned it in front of the group and now they use it to tease her.
— Ashlyn, Logan, and Taylor are known to be the strategists: While Ashlyn mainly plans the objectives for the night, Taylor and Logan like to chip in and offer their own opinions to keep things running smoothly.
— People think they’re related at school: Due to sharing a few similar features (and the fact that someone once saw Logan getting out of the car with Ashlyn & the Banners) most people assumed Ashlyn and Logan were cousins. Some people had even started theorising that they were secret siblings because no-one had seen Logan’s parents before. Both of them know about these rumours but Ashlyn doesn’t care enough to clarify.
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mixelation · 8 months
oh yeah i wrote this last night
“No,” Shisui said, flatly. “Absolutely not.”
He still maintained his proper at ease pose, feet apart and arms folded behind his back. It was a stark contrast to his rather blatant words. 
“I recognize you have a very… strong interpersonal relationship,” Minato said carefully. “But like all our shinobi, Tori knows how to behave professionally when on missions.”
“With all due respect,” Shisui replied, “if she wasn’t a problem, you could hand her to any other captain.”
Minato’s lips thinned. He had wasted so many years believing Tori was the most personable member of Team 4, and now look what he and Kushina had allowed her to become. Now that he needed to temporarily pull a fuinjutsu master for ANBU, it was becoming clear she’d somehow ended up on the shit list of several key ANBU members. She was as bad as Itachi in terms of reputation, except she had to clout within ANBU to command respect. 
He could just put Kushina on this mission, but her personality was wildly unsuited for ANBU. Tori was theoretically a much better pick. She could be incredibly discreet when she wanted to be. 
Shisui’s dark eyes watched him, waiting for a reply. Unlike any member of Team 4, Shisui was not openly judging him for his decisions, or the fact that he’d just let Tori piss off half of ANBU and done nothing to intervene. 
“Uchiha Itachi recommended you,” Minato said finally. “He believes your skills would complement, and that despite your differences, you would be able to read each other well, despite never having run a mission together.”
He could tell Shisui was fighting hard to not react, like a good ANBU. 
“Perhaps Itachi should captain this mission then,” Shisui said finally. “They have an excellent mission record together.”
“You know I can’t assign them together,” Minato replied. 
In theory, he could, because he could do whatever he wanted as Hokage. But now that they were dating, he didn’t want to throw them together into a high-stakes mission until after they’d had some trainings on workplace romances and run a few easier missions together, if they wanted to explore that. Romantic feelings and missions could be a disaster for both the mission and the relationship. 
(Kushina would be so upset if they broke up.)
Shisui took a deep breath. 
“If you force this,” Shisui said, steely eyed, “I will consider resigning from ANBU.”
Wow, Minato thought. He hadn’t thought they’d disliked each other this much. 
“I will take your opinion into consideration,” Minato said, and then dismissed him. 
Minato distracted himself with some more mission assignments for an hour, but he inevitably came back around to the Tori problem. 
The unfortunate truth of the situation was that he did have to build an ANBU team around her, rather than carefully pull the best agents from a range of different candidates. 
The mission was a rare invitation from the Water Country Daimyo. He wanted a certain political enemy eliminated, but all three of Kiri’s own attempts to assassinate the mark had failed, because the mark had somehow turned his home into a maze of fuinjutsu barriers and traps. So the Daimyo wanted Konoha to infiltrate, kill only the mark and his two partners, and also not leave any evidence a foreign ninja had done this so he didn’t have to explain anything to the Mizukage. 
The fuuinjutsu requirement, along with baseline ANBU requirements, meant literally only Kushina and Tori could reliably do this, and Kushina was horrible at being subtle. 
Could he maybe move the mission out of ANBU and widen his pool of other teammates…? No, it really had to be ANBU. 
What if he just did the mission?
Kakashi walked into the office to find Minato with both hands in his hair, glaring at the current ANBU roster. ANBU Jaguar would be perfect for this, actually, except Tori had brought Jaguar to Book Club the time Bounty Hunter Kakuzu had inexplicably shown up. 
“Have you also been speaking to genin?” Kakashi asked, dropping a folder onto Minato’s desk. 
Minato stared up at him helplessly. That was right; he’d asked for the newest Jounin Sensei to turn in their six month report on their genin teams in a tad early so they could discuss entering them in the Chunin Exams this round. 
Team 7 must have really done a whammy on Kakashi if he was the first to turn his in. 
“ANBU is sort of like speaking to children,” Minato said, and Kakashi dropped into a seat across from him to listen to him whine. 
“Just make Itachi deal with her,” Kakashi said when Minato finished. “Or are you afraid their relationship will turn them into a vortex of toxic behavior likes of which ANBU has never seen?”
“Something like that,” Minato replied. He absently picked up a pen and jotted down a note to himself to tell them they had to do workplace romance training so he never had to deal with this again. 
Then Minato said, “I really thought Shisui was a good fit. They’re not friendly, but they’re civil at Book Club.”
“Ah, it’s because Shisui is intimately aware she’s a manipulative little monster,” Kakashi said. He settled back further in his chair and crossed his legs. “He used to get weird about having to work with Itachi too.”
Minato sighed and tapped his fingers on the desk. He should have a conversation with Tori about being more pleasant. Except if he used that wording both she and, more importantly, Kushina would yell at him about being anti-feminist because… something something women were expected to be kind and gentle where men weren’t. 
He just wanted her to not use her teammates as psych experiments… 
“Hey,” Minato said, eyeing Kakashi up and down. “Do you want a break from your genin?”
Kakashi, currently fiddling with a pen, froze. 
“It’ll only be a couple weeks,” Minato said. “I’ll stick them with someone else and tell them it’s an evaluation for candidacy to the Chunin Exam.”
Kakshi looked less than convinced. 
“I of course enjoy my cute little ninja sibling,” Kakashi said very slowly. “But only in my personal time. When there’s other people to point her at.”
Minato could force the issue and just assign Kakashi to the mission. But he was trying so hard to get people to get along on their own. That was his philosophy as Hokage. 
Of course, sometimes people just didn’t want to get along, and then he had to use other tactics. 
“I’ll get you Jiraiya’s current manuscript,” Minato offered. “And just think: it’ll be really, really funny.”
Kakashi looked more considering. 
Tori stared down at the mask on the desk. Her eyes rose, meeting MInato’s. They had a certain dewey quality to them that almost made him feel bad.
“Why would you do this to me?” Tori asked, sounding betrayed. 
“Wow,” Kakashi said, putting a hand on a hip. He was a nostalgic sight, in full ANBU uniform again. “Usually people are overjoyed to work with me.”
Tori made a face like she didn’t believe this. 
“It’s just like any other mission,” Minato assured her. “Just with a couple extra rules.”
Tori reached hesitantly for the mask.
“If you make me ANBU Songbird,” she said, turning it over in her hands, “I am going missing-nin.”
“So,” Minato said blandly, “a stricter behavior code is part of your temporary ANBU assignment–”
“Maa, it’s a Nightingale,” Kakashi interrupted, completely undermining Minato lecture on how he should technically give Tori several demerits and send her off to a psych eval for her joke. “Which I believe is a songbird. Suborder Passeri, right?”
Kakashi had definitely looked this up beforehand, specifically for this. 
“Why would you do this to me?” Tori repeated. 
“I was being sensitive,” Minato defended. “You went on for a very long time about your ancestor Nightingale, and it was available.”
Tori stared at him, clearly confused. 
“The statistician?” he tried. 
“Florence Nightingale?” Tori said, sounding mildly scandalized. “She’s not my ancestor!”
Minato could have sworn Deidara had referred to this Nightingale person as “one of Tori’s people” to explain the strange given name. Maybe he hadn’t meant she was part of Tori’s family after all…?
“No one gets to choose their own mask,” Minato said, backtracking. “I try to allow people to turn down temp ANBU assignments, but we really don’t have anyone else with the required skillset.”
Tori scowled down at the mask some more. Minato would at least hear her out, if she decided to give an actual argument for not wanting to run an ANBU mission, but she didn’t offer one up. 
“Maa, I’ll try to fill the rest of the team with people you haven’t personally harassed,” Kakashi said. “Although that’s not a long list…”
Tori held the mask up to her face experimentally, then pulled it away. 
“Do you sterilize these between uses?” she asked. 
“Yes, of course,” Minato said. “But, um, that one’s been in storage for years. I’d clean it again.”
“Don’t worry, my cute little sister,” Kakashi drawled, “I will teach you in the way of mask hygiene.”
Tori shot Minato another pained, betrayed look. 
“He means that as your captain, he’ll brief you on how this works,” Minato said. He almost reassured Tori that Kakashi really was one of their best. But she already knew that. 
Kakashi swung an arm around her shoulder and walked her out, listing tips for cleaning her mask and borrowed armor as he went. 
Minato watched them go with conflicting emotions. Kakashi and Tori… made each other behave worse, in public. It was heartwarming when he looked at them as young people he’d mentored: their mutual interests brought each other out of their shells and they enjoyed each other’s company. It was also kind of a nightmare when he thought of them as soldiers under his command. He trusted both of them to reel it in once the mission started, but Tori’s orientation would almost definitely end with more names on the list of ANBU Tori had personally harassed. 
Ah well. It would be character building for whoever they ended up harassing.
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a-sadmilky · 1 month
Lets start at the beginning, just to clear the air. A lot of fans (including myself at one point) thought mha was a story on how midoriya was going to become the number one hero. Which is incorrect
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He says ���This will be my story, the journey to become the best of all heroes’. Now to clear the air again. At this time Midoryia was 14. The Midoryia that is narrating had graduated from UA, I'm sure there has been a time where he (Midoryia at 14)  said he wanted to become number one, but in that time that's all he knew. Him, Bakugou and all aspiring heroes at a young age assume to become the greatest is to become number one, When thats not the case at all. 
When we first get introduced to this idea of true heroism is when we meet stain. We come to understand that iida’s motives to become a hero stems from his brother. Iida’s brother was left paralyzed via stain and unable to become a hero, this fueled iida’s passion to become a hero and to defeat the “hero killer”. 
What stain says really changed the course of MHA
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(for context, before stains tries to finish iida off, he calls him and his brother weak. Iida, upset, yells at stain for calling his brother weak and defends his honor. Iida states ‘ill kill you’ to which stain replies, “Save him first”. Stain continues, telling iida that what he is doing is the furthest thing from becoming a hero.) Stain then recognizes Midoriya as a true hero. And iida starts to find his sense of heroism
Eventually class 1-A finds their sense of heroism one by one. Leading to Momo, Kirishima, Midoryia, and Iida all go against authorities and rescue Bakugou after the attack on the forest training camp arc. 
The forest training arc had to be the most confusing for fans. This is because is Tsuyu Asui
A lot of fans (me included) wondered why Tsu compares the group to villains and discourages them from saving Bakugou. Well, this is the same reason why Mirio Toogata stopped Midoryia from saving Eri. 
These characters both found heroism in a similar way. Both are taught to follow the hero code, wait until the authorities either handle the situation, or until they are called in for help. 
THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM BAD CHARACTERS!! Anyone that knows me KNOWS i love the big three. But this does make the story a little more interesting, you cant teach heroism. 
Both Mirio and Tsu are left feeling guilty in the aftermath
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Though they both felt distraught, we start to see Mirio and Tsu started to carve their path for heroism. Im not saying that Tsu and Mirio didnt have heroic traits since both are in the hero course to save others. But Midoryia demonstrated to them that to become a true hero is to act.
Lets talk about Dynamight 
Bakugo has been with Midoryia since childhood, and has seen midoryia want to become a hero. Even when he is quirkless. It (in my opinion) is not an easy thing to grasp for Bakugou. 
Imagine living in a world fulled with strong powers and amazing heroes. Where quirks that are “useless” dont get to become heroes, instead they have normal jobs. Crime is arising and heroes are fighting tooth and nail to save the world while losing loved ones in the process. You are now 4, and your quirk is explosion, you are praised by everyone since showing the classroom your new power. You can see it now, you becoming just as great as your idol. Imagine your face when you find out your best friend became unlucky, and became quirkless. Imagine your face when they still want to be a hero. Sounds like a death wish, right? 
I feel like bakgou cares about midoryia. Does he have a wrong way of showing it in childhood, yes. 
Baukgou states that he feels like hes always behind. Bakugou feels completely side wiped at the idea that his quirkless classmate actually had a very powerful quirk. This also makes him feel as though Midorya is the one looking down at him
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Bakugou has shown the MOST character development i have seen in MHA. (my opinion of course). I think its very refreshing to see them both learn from each other. Dynamight learns to become a true hero and Deku learns courage.
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[There are more examples of deku imitating bakugou.. I can not find them :( ]
I always see the same argument within the fandom, “Why does Mineta get to be in the hero course and not Shinsou”. Mineta has a strong physical quirk that allowed him to pass the entrance exam. (and not to mention he placed 9/20 in the end of the term test).
((To clear the air. i am NOT a Minteta fan. But the fans constantly fails to understand how he is in the hero course. it was never about 'How cool is your quirk?' it was 'Can you defeat a robot?'))
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I think what the fandom means to say is that quirks like Shinsou are often slept on.. But why?
In the society of MHA, there is a common conception that a strong quirk is the gateway to becoming a hero, especially number one. This is extremely emphasized when we are introduced to the entrance exam for Yuuei. This is completely rigged for characters with non physical quirks like; Aizawa, Shinsou, Monoma, and more.
Obviously this is not true. Even though he is not in the top 3, Aizawa has a powerful quirk that he had to learn how to strengthen and control on his own. He walked so that Shinsou can run. 
The reason why i mention Monoma is because him and Shinou are very similar. They’re quirks depends on someone else. They can activate it all they want but if the recipient is not interacted with they are both ‘useless’. 
I’m unsure if this is true, but I'm glad Monoma gets a statue. It opens up a window for those who don't have physical quirks. It shows that even they can become heroes. 
In my opinion, Midoryia having a statute instead would not have been as impactful. It would have pushed the same narrative. Strong physical quirk = success. ((Also! did everyone just forget that Monoma literally carried the war along with Aizawa by keeping Shigaraki’s quirk erased and was able to copy Kurogiri’s quirk and teleport the heroes to the field?? That kid deserves a metal. ))
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The only sad feeling i have about the ending is Midoryia losing the embers. Seeing him grown up and releasing the gifted power as if saying “thank you” still brings me to tears. To see him hon the powers and get stronger then to release them will always stab me in the heart. BUT THIS ENDING MAKES PERFECT SENSE. 
Why, would Midoryia, knowing the trouble it carries, the pain it can do to the human body, would give that quirk to another? Its a good ending to finally have that power rest. Imagine that quirk got passed on again. Whoever has it next would have become number one easily, society would have learned nothing. 
Midoryia becoming a teacher at Yuuei, and trying to open his own hero agency is the perfect ending for my hero academia. Teaching and aspiring others with different quirks. And we all know how he loves learning about other quirks and mutations. This is perfect for him!
‘So.. it was all for nothing?’ you might ask. If you do believe everything Midoryia did was for nothing then im sorry, you did not watch My Hero Academia. 
Midoryia did not become number 1. But he most definitely became the greatest hero. 
If you think being the greatest means to be number one then you have completely lost the plot of My hero. Being number 1 is not about heroism, its statistics. When you start bringing numbers into this, it starts to become a job. When you start to want to become a hero only for money you are not a true hero. Uraraka joined because she needed money, but her point of view changed. Sure now she gets money but that's not her main focus anymore. She wants to save, she wants to help others like Toga. When you want to become a hero for fame like Denki, you are not a true hero. Denki’s focus has changed. This is exactly what Stain was talking about in the beginning, society creating fake heroes.
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Those are my thoughts. I love this anime so much please feel free to comment your thoughts and feelings
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nightwings-robin · 9 months
Some of y'all act like Tim hated Jason when Tim was Robin and Jason was still dead but I disagree.
Not a lot of people do this but I've seen it enough times that it's gotten to bother me a little bit.
Let's take a look at some early Tim opinions on Jason.
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Detective Comics (1937) #618
"Just a boy like me... One day I'll be as good as Jason."
This issue came out in 1990, so it's rather soon after Jason died and Tim was introduced (which happened in 1988 and 1989 respectfully). This is what Tim thinks about Jason very early one. This doesn't read as even remotely like hatred to me.
But wait, there's more!
The very next issue shows Tim having sympathy for Jason.
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Detective Comics (1937) #619
Tim is noting the similarities between Dick, Jason, and himself. This issue is in the same arc when Tim's parents get kidnapped and his mom is killed. He has sympathy for Dick AND Jason, who both lost their parents. Tim is faced with the same pain and it shows his compassion for Jason.
Now this isn't to say that Tim was unaware of some of Jason's problems and maybe did blame him for his own death a bit, as shown with this panel:
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Batman (1940) #455
Tim knew that Jason had times of anger and says he won't let that happen to himself. I don't think Tim is being quite fair here in claiming that he won't let his anger get the better of him like Jason's did, but Tim is hardly the only character to think this way about Jason and, again, this doesn't read as hatred to me. If anything, to me this reads as a character with preconceived notions about how another person died and not wanting to make the same preconceived mistakes as that person.
Is he being a bit harsh and 'holier-than-thou' here? Yes. Do I think this is hatred or some other malicious view of Jason? No.
There is also that time Tim hallucinated Dick and Jason, and they gave a sort of "pep-talk" to him about being Robin.
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Batman (1940) #456
These are Tim's own thoughts manifesting through Dick and Jason. I do dislike that he imagines Jason blaming himself for his own death but think about why Tim would think this about Jason. Tim never met Jason. Wasn't there when he died. He only knows what he read and what he was told about Jason from other people. People like Bruce, Dick, and Alfred. And while those three loved and cared for Jason, they also unfortunately reinforced the belief that Jason was responsible for the Joker murdering him. It's not great but it does stand to reason that Tim would think this about Jason.
But it's not all bad stuff. Tim imagines Jason cheering him on alongside Dick:
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Batman (1940) #456
Tim imagines not just Dick but also Jason telling him he can do it. That he can figure it out and be a good Robin. I feel like if Tim really did hate Jason, he wouldn't imagine Jason rooting for him.
Tim goes on to imagine Dick and Jason later helping him out with a fight:
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Batman (1940) #457
Again, Tim imagines both Dick AND Jason encouraging him during a battle. He imagines that they both want him to succeed as a hero. Why would Tim want Jason's approval if he dislikes Jason? Because he doesn't dislike Jason. Tim respects him enough as Robin to think that he wants Jason's encouragement.
and then at the end when he officially becomes Robin:
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Batman (1940) #457
"Dick made it a symbol... Jason gave his life for it. Failing them... what they fought so hard to build... worries me."
Tim sees being Robin as not just carrying on Dick's legacy, but also Jason's. He wants to live up to Jason just as much as he wants to live up to Dick. He wants to be a Robin that both of them can be proud of.
Like none of this says to me that Tim hated Jason. Did he look up to and idolize Jason the way he did with Dick? No, but that also doesn't mean that Tim hated him.
I get the feeling that Tim viewed Jason's death as a tragedy but since they never met, he didn't have any personal feelings about him, only wanting to live up to the Robin name that Jason left behind.
Now I DO think that Tim did eventually end up hating Jason after Jason came back and tried to kill Tim and others multiple times but this post is specifically referring to the time before Jason returned from the grave.
And I guess I should make it clear that I've not read every single comic issue of Tim Drake ever so maybe there are moments that refute my claim that I just don't know about. I'm simply going off of issues that I have read and I've only read Tim's very early days as Robin.
Feel free to disagree and add on if you want.
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gz-missfit · 6 months
I wanna talk about Tubbo and Phil
I know there's some strong opinions from many on either character so I wanna share some thoughts on their relationship from someone who's watched both for a LONG time (way way before qsmp).
Tubbos and Phil's relationship kinda is, the closest I can get to explaining is is Bads and Foolishs, by that i mean is that at first glance you would not necessarily think these 2 had the dynamic they actually DO have. It's easy to get swept up in their banter and chaotic messing with eachother or in the way they mostly communicate through jokes and teasing but those 2 TRUST eachother a LOT.
I'm gonna try to not bring the kids into this cause obviously they don't have the knowledge we as the audience do in this sense, but Phil is not someone who trusts easy, the closets one he has to fully being honest with is Fit and even he doesn't know everything. But Phil trusts capabilities, that's why he trusts Fit so much cause he knows the other veteran is incredibly capable. To bring this back to Tubbo, Phil knows that Tubbo is INCREDIBLY capable and smart, he knows the kid is talented, hard working and determined beyond believe. But those who know Phil also know he's just not good at showing this, but believe me when I say he thinks incredibly highly of Tubbos capabilities.
Tubbo is someone Phil trusts relentlessly, even if he sometimes gets things wrong about him as a character it is never with any malicious intent and he sees that kid as family, meaning he'll do everything to help him if called.
Now to Tubbo, tubbo is interesting because his trust is rare, at least his FULL trust is. Obviously he has people he relies on more than others but true transparent trust is something he really only has with the eggs. He does have people he trusts, he just doesn't want/like to rely on others and it's kinda weaving into his need to be the one that people rely on. Now for me I definitely think Tubbo thinks of Phil as a friend, no doubt about it. And I feel like he's also very aware of how Phil works, a lot more so than others (definitely due to their long term irl friendship too). Tubbo knows where Phil's strengths lie and when he can just ask him for tips or advice, Tubbo knows Phil is reliable when called for, Tubbo knows Phil does not talk about his relationships or emotions a lot. Tubbo has been on the receiving end of a few things no other had to see from Phil yet, Tubbo was one of the only ones who during Purgatory got shown how Phil lost all hope in himself and for his kids (seeing in him being genuinely shocked Tubbo was still fighting for them too), But he also got to see how even with that doubt Phil would never leave someone behind he sees as his flock. Phil sacrificed his wings for Tubbo and both know he'd do it again a thousand times over.
Another moment I like to take as example is very early day of Tubbo joining, it's funny cause u can definitely see a like mentor/apprentice vibe which quickly fizzles out once Tubbo finds his footing in what he is good at. A moment that has always stuck out to me though is the kids disappearance day and those leading up to it. Tubbo was responsible for Chayanne and Tallulah during that time (quick side note, Phil's instant trust with those 2 for Tubbo is HUGE especially the fact that Phil knew Tubbo would take his explanations of how to be there for Tallulah seriously) and once the realization hit Tubbo kinda went into this dooming mindset, he saw himself as a failure and was worried about losing the fact that Phil relied on him, basically afraid of losing his usefulness, he spiraled and was terrified of Phil's response but when it actually came to that day? Phil was nothing but instantly understanding, reassured Tubbo, never lost trust in him with the kids down the line and showed Tubbo where his anger truly falls. It was such a simple moment but Neither have lost any trust in the other when it comes to absolute necessity.
And I think that's where a lot of their headbutting or appeared distrust comes from cause those 2 don't want nor like to rely on others. They're used to being the ones that are relied on! But when it comes down to it, when it comes to push and shove they know the other is someone they could rely on in a heartbeat (when I say necessity I mean necessity btw, like full on life or death)
Because when the people who do not ask for help need to ask for help you know shits bad, and it's a little easier when the person you know is so similar yet so different from you that you're aware this will never be talked about again, it's easier to ignore the heaviness if you've gotten used to hide it with banter and jokes. But a flock will never leave eachother down, even if they don't say it.
(Also Tubbo logging out infront of Phil today and Phil wanting to prank him with a spawn trap only to go "I was gonna put Lava here, but he can't die so no I'm not gonna be a dick" is something like, once Phil is aware of something he instantly adjusts to it, he asked for Tubbos equipment before bringing him a boss mob to fight, gave him food during it etc. Cause again once both are aware of something they do instantly jump in or adjust to it)
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