#brown skinned lentils
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Fiber is an important nutrient that supports digestive health, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and promotes a feeling of fullness. Including a variety of high-fiber foods in your diet can help support overall health and well-being. Here are some foods that are rich in fiber:
1. Whole Grains: Whole grains like oats, brown rice, quinoa, barley, whole wheat, and bulgur are good sources of fiber.
2. Fruits: Berries, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, and avocados are all high in fiber.
3. Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes, and artichokes are all packed with fiber.
4. Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are excellent sources of fiber and plant-based protein.
5. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are all high in fiber.
6. Whole Grain Pasta and Bread: Opt for whole grain pasta and bread made from whole wheat, oats, quinoa, or other whole grains for a fiber boost.
7. Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is a whole grain snack that is high in fiber and low in calories.
8. Potatoes: Sweet potatoes and white potatoes with the skin on are good sources of fiber.
9. Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are all high in fiber and antioxidants.
10. Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are a superfood that is rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants.
Including a variety of these high-fiber foods in your diet can help support digestive health, promote satiety, and regulate blood sugar levels. Aim to incorporate a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds into your meals and snacks to ensure you are getting an adequate intake of fiber.
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confetti-cat · 4 months
Twelve, Thirteen, and One
Words: 6k
Rating: G
Themes: Friendship, Self-Giving Love
(Written for the Four Loves Fairytale Retelling Challenge over at the @inklings-challenge! A Cinderella retelling feat. curious critters and a lot of friendship.)
When the clock chimes midnight on that third evening, thirteen creatures look to the girl who showed them all kindness.
It’s hours after dark, again, and the human girl still sleeps in the ashes.
The mice notice this—though it happens so often that they’ve ceased to pay attention to her. She smells like everything else in the hearth: ashy and overworked, tinged with the faint smell of herbs from the kitchen.
When she moves or shifts in her sleep (uncomfortable sleep—even they can sense the exhaustion in her posture as she sits slumped against the wall, more willing to seep up warmth from the stone than lie cold elsewhere this time of year), they simply scurry around her and continue combing for crumbs and seeds. They’d found a feast of lentils scattered about once, and many other times, the girl had beckoned them softly to her hand, where she’d held a little chunk of brown bread.
Tonight, she has nothing. They don’t mind—though three of them still come to sniff her limp hand where it lies drooped against the side of her tattered dress.
A fourth one places a little clawed hand on the side of her finger, leaning over it to investigate her palm for any sign of food.
When she stirs, it’s to the sensation of a furry brown mouse sitting in her palm.
It can feel the flickering of her muscles as she wakes—feeling slowly returning to her body. To her credit, she cracks her eyes open and merely observes it.
They’re all but tame by now. The Harsh-Mistress and the Shrieking-Girl and the Angry-Girl are to be avoided like the plague never was, but this girl—the Cinder-Girl, they think of her—is gentle and kind.
Even as she shifts a bit and they hear the dull crack of her joints, they’re too busy to mind. Some finding a few buried peas (there were always some peas or lentils still hidden here, if they looked carefully), some giving themselves an impromptu bath to wash off the dust. The one sitting on her hand is doing the latter, fur fluffed up as it scratches one ear and then scrubs tirelessly over its face with both paws.
One looks up from where it’s discovered a stray pea to check her expression.
A warm little smile has crept up her face, weary and dirty and sore as she seems to be. She stays very still in her awkward half-curl against stone, watching the mouse in her hand groom itself. The tender look about her far overwhelms—melts, even—the traces of tension in her tired limbs.
Very slowly, so much so that they really aren’t bothered by it, she raises her spare hand and begins lightly smearing the soot away from her eyes with the back of her wrist.
The mouse in her palm gives her an odd look for the movement, but has discovered her skin is warmer than the cold stone floor or the ash around the dying fire. It pads around in a circle once, then nudges its nose against her calloused skin, settling down for a moment.
The Cinder-Girl has closed her eyes again, and drops her other hand into her lap, slumping further against the wall. Her smile has grown even warmer, if sadder.
They decide she’s quite safe. Very friendly.
The old rat makes his rounds at the usual times of night, shuffling through a passage that leads from the ground all the way up to the attic.
When both gold sticks on the clocks’ moonlike faces point upward, there’s a faint chime from the tower-clock downstairs. He used to worry that the sound would rouse the humans. Now, he ignores it and goes about his business.
There’s a great treasury of old straw in the attic. It’s inside a large sack—and while this one doesn’t have corn or wheat like the ones near the kitchen sometimes do, he knows how to chew it open all the same.
The girl sleeps on this sack of straw, though she doesn’t seem to mind what he takes from it. There’s enough more of it to fill a hundred rat’s nests, so he supposes she doesn’t feel the difference.
Tonight, though—perhaps he’s a bit too loud in his chewing and tearing. The girl sits up slowly in bed, and he stiffens, teeth still sunk into a bit of the fabric.
“Oh.” says the girl. She smiles—and though the expression should seem threatening, all pulled mouth-corners and teeth, he feels the gentleness in her posture and wonders at novel thoughts of differing body languages. “Hello again. Do you need more straw?”
He isn’t sure what the sounds mean, but they remind him of the soft whuffles and squeaks of his siblings when they were small. Inquisitive, unafraid. Not direct or confrontational.
She’s seemed safe enough so far—almost like the woman in white and silver-gold he’s seen here sometimes, marveling at his own confidence in her safeness—so he does what signals not-afraid the best to his kind. He glances her over, twitches his whiskers briefly, and goes back to what he was doing.
Some of the straw is too big and rough, some too small and fine. He scratches a bundle out into a pile so he can shuffle through it. It’s true he doesn’t need much, but the chill of winter hasn’t left the world yet.
The girl laughs. The sound is soft and small. It reminds him again of young, friendly, peaceable.
“Take as much as you need,” she whispers. Her movements are unassuming when she reaches for something on the old wooden crate she uses as a bedside table. With something in hand, she leans against the wall her bed is a tunnel’s-width from, and offers him what she holds. “Would you like this?”
He peers at it in the dark, whiskers twitching. His eyesight isn’t the best, so he finds himself drawing closer to sniff at what she has.
It’s a feather. White and curled a bit, like the goose-down he’d once pulled out the corner of a spare pillow long ago. Soft and long, fluffy and warm.
He touches his nose to it—then, with a glance upward at her softly-smiling face, takes it in his teeth.
It makes him look like he has a mustache, and is a bit too big to fit through his hole easily. The girl giggles behind him as he leaves.
There’s a human out in the gardens again. Which is strange—this is a place for lizards, maybe birds and certainly bugs. Not for people, in his opinion. She’s not dressed in venomous bright colors like the other humans often are, but neither does she stay to the manicured garden path the way they do.
She doesn’t smell like unnatural rotten roses, either. A welcome change from having to dart for cover at not just the motions, but the stenches that accompany the others that appear from time to time.
This human is behind the border-shubs, beating an ornate rug that hangs over the fence with a home-tied broom. Huge clouds of dust shake from it with each hit, settling in a thin film on the leaves and grass around her.
She stops for a moment to press her palm to her forehead, then turns over her shoulder and coughs into her arm.
When she begins again, it’s with a sharp WHOP.
He jumps a bit, but only on instinct. However—
A few feet from where he settles back atop the sunning-rock, there’s a scuffle and a sharp splash. Then thrashing—waster swashing about with little churns and splishes.
It’s not the way of lizards to think of doing anything when one falls into the water. There were several basins for fish and to catch water off the roof for the garden—they simply had to not fall into them, not drown. There was little recourse for if they did. What could another lizard do, really? Fall in after them? Best to let them try to climb out if they could.
The girl hears the splashing. She stares at the water pot for a moment.
Then, she places her broom carefully on the ground and comes closer.
Closer. His heart speeds up. He skitters to the safety of a plant with low-hanging leaves—
—and then watches as she walks past his hiding place, peers into the basin, and reaches in.
Her hand comes up dripping wet, a very startled lizard still as a statue clinging to her fingers.
“Are you the same one I always find here?” she asks with a chiding little smile. “Or do all of you enjoy swimming?”
When she places her hand on the soft spring grass, the lizard darts off of it and into the underbrush. It doesn’t go as far as it could, though—something about this girl makes both of them want to stand still and wait for what she’ll do next.
The girl just watches it go. She lets out a strange sound—a weary laugh, perhaps—and turns back to her peculiar chore.
A song trails through the old house—under the floorboards—through the walls—into the garden, beneath the undergrowth—and lures them out of hiding.
It isn’t an audible song, not like that of the birds in the summer trees or the ashen-girl murmuring beautiful sounds to herself in the lonely hours. This one was silent. Yet, it reached deep down into their souls and said come out, please—the one who helped you needs your help.
It didn’t require any thought, no more than eat or sleep or run did.
In chains of silver and grey, all the mice who hear it converge, twenty-four tiny feet pattering along the wood in the walls. The rat joins them, but they are not afraid.
When they emerge from a hole out into the open air, the soft slip-slap of more feet surround them. Six lizards scurry from the bushes, some gleaming wet as if they’d just escaped the water trough or run through the birdbath themselves.
As a strange little hoard, they approach the kind girl. Beside her is a tall woman wearing white and silver and gold.
The girl—holding a large, round pumpkin—looks surprised to see them here. The woman is smiling.
“Set the pumpkin on the drive,” the woman says, a soft gleam in her eye. “The rest of you, line up, please.”
Bemused, but with a heartbeat fast enough for them to notice, the girl gingerly places the pumpkin on the stone of the drive. It’s natural for them, somehow, to follow—the mice line in pairs in front of it, the rat hops on top of it, and the lizards all stand beside.
“What are they doing?” asks the girl—and there’s curiosity and gingerness in her tone, like she doesn’t believe such a sight is wrong, but is worried it might be.
The older woman laughs kindly, and a feeling like blinking hard comes over the world.
It’s then—then, in that flash of darkness that turns to dazzling light, that something about them changes.
“Oh!” exclaims the girl, and they open their eyes. “Oh! They’re—“
They’re different.
The mice aren’t mice at all—and suddenly they wonder if they ever were, or if it was an odd dream.
They’re horses, steel grey and sleek-haired with with silky brown manes and tails. Their harnesses are ornate and stylish, their hooves polished and dark.
Instead of a rat, there’s a stout man in fine livery, with whiskers dark and smart as ever. He wears a fine cap with a familiar white feather, and the gleam in his eye is surprised.
“Well,” he says, examining his hands and the cuffs of his sleeves, “I suppose I won’t be wanting for adventure now.”
Instead of six lizards, six footmen stand at attention, their ivory jackets shining in the late afternoon sun.
The girl herself is different, though she’s still human—her hair is done up beautifully in the latest fashion, and instead of tattered grey she wears a shimmering dress of lovely pale green, inlaid with a design that only on close inspection is flowers.
“They are under your charge, now,” says the woman in white, stepping back and folding her hands together. “It is your responsibility to return before the clock strikes midnight—when that happens, the magic will be undone. Understood?”
“Yes,” says the girl breathlessly. She stares at them as if she’s been given the most priceless gift in all the world. “Oh, thank you.”
The castle is decorated brilliantly. Flowery garlands hang from every parapet, beautiful vines sprawling against walls and over archways as they climb. Dozens of picturesque lanterns hang from the walls, ready to be lit once the sky grows dark.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen the castle,” the girl says, standing one step out of the carriage and looking so awed she seems happy not to go any further. “Father and I used to drive by it sometimes. But it never looked so lovely as this.”
“Shall we accompany you in, milady?” asks one of the footmen. They’re all nearly identical, though this one has freckles where he once had dark flecks in his scales.
She hesitates for only a moment, looking up at the pinnacles of the castle towers. Then, she shakes her head, and turns to look at them all with a smile like the sun.
“I think I’ll go in myself,” she says. “I’m not sure what is custom. But thank you—thank you so very much.”
And so they watch her go—stepping carefully in her radiant dress that looked lovelier than any queen’s.
Though she was not royal, it seemed there was no doubt in anyone’s minds that she was. The guards posted at the door opened it for her without question.
With a last smile over her shoulder, she stepped inside.
He's straightening the horses' trappings for the fifth time when the doors to the castle open, and out hurries a figure. It takes him a moment to recognize her, garbed in rich fabrics and cloaked in shadows, but it's the girl, rushing out to the gilded carriage. A footman steps forward and offers her a hand, which she accepts gratefully as she steps up into the seat.
“Enjoyable evening, milady?” asks the coachman. His whiskers are raised above the corners of his mouth, and his twinkling eyes crinkle at the edges.
“Yes, quite, thank you!” she breathes in a single huff. She smooths her dress the best she can before looking at him with some urgency. “The clock just struck quarter till—will you be able to get us home?”
The gentle woman in white had said they only would remain in such states until midnight. How long was it until the middle of night? What was a quarter? Surely darkness would last for far more hours than it had already—it couldn’t be close. Yet it seemed as though it must be; the princesslike girl in the carriage sounded worried it would catch them at any moment.
“I will do all I can,” he promises, and with a sharp rap of the reins, they’re off at a swift pace.
They arrive with minutes to spare. He knows this because after she helps him down from the carriage (...wait. That should have been the other way around! He makes mental note for next time: it should be him helping her down. If he can manage it. She’s fast), she takes one of those minutes to show him how his new pocketwatch works.
He’s fascinated already. There’s a part of him that wonders if he’ll remember how to tell time when he’s a rat again—or will this, all of this, be forgotten?
The woman in white is there beside the drive, and she’s already smiling. A knowing gleam lights her eye.
“Well, how was the ball?” she asks, as Cinder-Girl turns to face her with the most elated expression. “I hear the prince is looking for fair maidens. Did he speak with you?”
The girl rushes to grasp the woman’s hands in hers, clasping them gratefully and beaming up at her.
“It was lovely! I’ve never seen anything so lovely,” she all but gushes, her smile brighter and broader than they’d ever seen it. “The castle is beautiful; it feels so alive and warm. And yes, I met the Prince—although hush, he certainly isn’t looking for me—he’s so kind. I very much enjoyed speaking with him. He asked me to dance, too; I had as wonderful a time as he seemed to. Thank you! Thank you dearly.”
The woman laughs gently. It isn’t a laugh one would describe as warm, but neither is it cold in the sense some laughs can be—it's soft and beautiful, almost crystalline.
“That’s wonderful. Now, up to bed! You’ve made it before midnight, but your sisters will be returning soon.”
“Yes! Of course,” she replies eagerly—turning to smile gratefully at coachman and stroke the nearest horses on their noses and shoulders, then curtsy to the footmen. “Thank you all, very much. I could not ask for a more lovely company.”
It’s a strange moment when all of their new hearts swell with warmth and affection for this girl—and then the world darkens and lightens so quickly they feel as though they’ve fallen asleep and woken up.
They’re them again—six mice, six lizards, a rat, and a pumpkin. And a tattered gray dress.
“Please, would you let me go again tomorrow? The ball will last three days. I had such a wonderful time.”
“Come,” the woman said simply, “and place the pumpkin beneath the bushes.”
The woman in white led the way back to the house, followed by an air-footed girl and a train of tiny critters. There was another silent song in the air, and they thought perhaps the girl could hear it too: one that said yes—but get to bed!
The second evening, when the door of the house thuds shut and the hoofsteps of the family’s carriage fade out of hearing, the rat peeks out of a hole in the kitchen corner to see the Cinder-Girl leap to her feet.
She leans close to the window and watched for more minutes than he quite understands—or maybe he does; it was good to be sure all cats had left before coming out into the open—and then runs with a spring in her step to the back door near the kitchen.
Ever so faintly, like music, the woman’s laughter echoes faintly from outside. Drawn to it like he had been drawn to the silent song, the rat scurries back through the labyrinth of the walls.
When he hurries out onto the lawn, the mice and lizards are already there, looking up at the two humans expectantly. This time, the Cinder-Girl looks at them and smiles broadly.
“Hello, all. So—how do you do it?” she asks the woman. Her eyes shine with eager curiosity. “I had no idea you could do such a thing. How does it work?”
The woman fixes her with a look of fond mock-sternness. “If I were to explain to you the details of how, I’d have to tell you why and whom, and you’d be here long enough to miss the royal ball.” She waves her hands she speaks. “And then you’d be very much in trouble for knowing far more than you ought.”
The rat misses the girl’s response, because the world blinks again—and now all of them once again are different. Limbs are long and slender, paws are hooves with silver shoes or feet in polished boots.
The mouse-horses mouth at their bits as they glance back at the carriage and the assortment of humans now standing by it. The footmen are dressed in deep navy this time, and the girl wears a dress as blue as the summer sky, adorned with brilliant silver stars.
“Remember—“ says the woman, watching fondly as the Cinder-Girl steps into the carriage in a whorl of beautiful silk. “Return before midnight, before the magic disappears.”
“Yes, Godmother,” she calls, voice even more joyful than the previous night. “Thank you!”
The castle is just as glorious as before—and the crowd within it has grown. Noblemen and women, royals and servants, and the prince himself all mill about in the grand ballroom.
He’s unsure of the etiquette, but it seems best for her not to enter alone. Once he escorts her in, the coachman bows and watches for a moment—the crowd is hushed again, taken by her beauty and how important they think her to be—and then returns to the carriage outside.
He isn’t required in the ballroom for much of the night—but he tends to the horses and checks his pocketwatch studiously, everything in him wishing to be the best coachman that ever once was a rat.
Perhaps that wouldn’t be hard. He’d raise the bar, then. The best coachman that ever drove for a princess.
Because that was what she was—or, that was what he heard dozens of hushed whispers about once she’d entered the ball. Every noble and royal and servant saw her and deemed her a grand princess nobody knew from a land far away. The prince himself stared at her in a marveling way that indicated he thought no differently.
It was a thing more wondrous than he had practice thinking. If a mouse could become a horse or a rat could become a coachman, couldn’t a kitchen-girl become a princess?
The answer was yes, it seemed—perhaps in more ways than one.
She had rushed out with surprising grace just before midnight. They took off quickly, and she kept looking back toward the castle door, as if worried—but she was smiling.
“Did you know the Prince is very nice?” she asks once they’re safely home, and she’s stepped down (drat) without help again. The woman in white stands on her same place beside the drive, and when Cinder-Girl sees her, she waves with dainty grace that clearly holds a vibrant energy and sheer thankfulness behind it. “I’ve never known what it felt like to be understood. He thinks like I do.”
“How is that?” asks the woman, quirking an amused brow. “And if I might ask, how do you know?”
“Because he mentions things first.” The girl tries to smother some of the wideness of her smile, but can’t quite do so. “And I've shared his thoughts for a long time. That he loves his father, and thinks oranges and citrons are nice for festivities especially, and that he’s always wanted to go out someday and do something new.”
The third evening, the clouds were dense and a few droplets of rain splattered the carriage as they arrived.
“Looks like rain, milady,” said the coachman as she disembarked to stand on water-spotted stone. “If it doesn’t blow by, we’ll come for ye at the steps, if it pleases you.”
“Certainly—thank you,” she replies, all gleaming eyes and barely-smothered smiles. How her excitement to come can increase is beyond them—but she seems more so with each night that passes.
She has hardly turned to head for the door when a smattering of rain drizzles heavily on them all. She flinches slightly, already running her palms over the skirt of her dress to rub out the spots of water.
Her golden dress glisters even in the cloudy light, and doesn’t seem to show the spots much. Still, it’s hardy an ideal thing.
“One of you hold the parasol—quick about it, now—and escort her inside,” the coachman says quickly. The nearest footman jumps into action, hop-reaching into the carriage and falling back down with the umbrella in hand, unfolding it as he lands. “Wait about in case she needs anything.”
The parasol is small and not meant for this sort of weather, but it's enough for the moment. The pair of them dash for the door, the horses chomping and stamping behind them until they’re driven beneath the bows of a huge tree.
The footman knows his duty the way a lizard knows to run from danger. He achieves it the same way—by slipping off to become invisible, melting into the many people who stood against the golden walls.
From there, he watches.
It’s so strange to see the way the prince and their princess gravitate to each other. The prince’s attention seems impossible to drag away from her, though not for many’s lack of trying.
Likewise—more so than he would have thought, though perhaps he’s a bit slow in noticing—her focus is wholly on the prince for long minutes at a time.
Her attention is always divided a bit whenever she admires the interior of the castle, the many people and glamorous dresses in the crowd, the vibrant tables of food. It’s all very new to her, and he’s not certain it doesn’t show. But the Prince seems enamored by her delight in everything—if he thinks it odd, he certainly doesn’t let on.
They talk and laugh and sample fine foods and talk to other guests together, then they turn their heads toward where the musicians are starting up and smile softly when they meet each other’s eyes. The Prince offers a hand, which is accepted and clasped gleefully.
Then, they dance.
Their motions are so smooth and light-footed that many of the crowd forgo dancing, because admiring them is more enjoyable. They’re in-sync, back and forth like slow ripples on a pond. They sometimes look around them—but not often, especially compared to how long they gaze at each other with poorly-veiled, elated smiles.
The night whirls on in flares of gold tulle and maroon velvet, ivory, carnelian, and emerald silks, the crowd a nonstop blur of color.
(Color. New to him, that. Improved vision was wonderful.)
The clock strikes eleven, but there’s still time, and he’s fairly certain he won’t be able to convince the girl to leave anytime before midnight draws near.
He was a lizard until very recently. He’s not the best at judging time, yet. Midnight does draw near, but he’s not sure he understands how near.
The clock doesn’t quite say up-up. So he still has time. When the rain drums ceaselessly outside, he darts out and runs in a well-practiced way to find their carriage.
Another of the footmen comes in quickly, having been sent in a rush by the coachman, who had tried to keep his pocketwatch dry just a bit too long. He’s soaking wet from the downpour when he steps close enough to get her attention.
She sees him, notices this, and—with a glimmer of recognition and amusement in her eyes—laughs softly into her hand.
ONE—TWO— the clock starts. His heart speeds up terribly, and his skin feels cold. He suddenly craves a sunny rock.
“Um,” he begins awkwardly. Lizards didn’t have much in the way of a vocal language. He bows quickly, and water drips off his face and hat and onto the floor. “The chimes, milady.”
Perhaps she thought it was only eleven. Her face pales. “Oh.”
Like a deer, she leaps from the prince’s side and only manages a stumbling, backward stride as she curtsies in an attempt at a polite goodbye.
“Thank you, I must go—“ she says, and then she’s racing alongside the footman as fast as they both can go. The crowd parts for them just enough, amidst loud murmurs of surprise.
“Wait!” calls the prince, but they don’t. Which hopefully isn’t grounds for arrest, the footman idly thinks.
They burst through the door and out into the open air.
It has been storming. The rain is crashing down in torrents—the walkways and steps are flooded with a firm rush of water.
She steps in a crevice she couldn’t see, the water washes over her feet, and she stumbles, slipping right out of one shoe. There’s noise at the door behind them, so she doesn’t stop or even hesitate. She runs at a hobble and all but dives through the open carriage door. The awaiting footman quickly closes it, and they’re all grasping quickly to their riding-places at the corners of the vehicle.
A flash of lightning coats the horses in white, despite the dark water that’s soaked into their coats, and with a crack of the rains and thunder they take off at a swift run.
There’s shouting behind them—the prince—as people run out and call to the departing princess.
Mist swallows them up, so thick they can’t hear or see the castle, but the horses know the way.
The castle’s clock tower must have been ever-so-slightly fast. (Does magic tell truer time?) Their escape works for a few thundering strides down the invisible, cloud-drenched road—until true midnight strikes a few moments later.
She walks home in the rain and fog, following a white pinprick of light she can guess the source of—all the while carrying a hollow pumpkin full of lizards, with an apron pocket full of mice and a rat perched on her shoulder.
It’s quite the walk.
The prince makes a declaration so grand that the mice do not understand it. The rat—a bit different now—tells them most things are that way to mice, but he’s glad to explain.
The prince wants to find the girl who wore the golden slipper left on the steps, he relates. He doesn’t want to ask any other to marry him, he loved her company so.
The mice think that’s a bit silly. Concerning, even. What if he does find her? There won’t be anyone to secretly leave seeds in the ashes or sneak them bread crusts when no humans are looking.
The rat thinks they’re being silly and that they’ve become too dependent on handouts. Back in his day, rodents worked for their food. Chewing open a bag of seed was an honest day’s work for its wages.
Besides, he confides, as he looks again out the peep-hole they’ve discovered in the floor trim of the parlor. You’re being self-interested, if you ask me. Don’t you want our princess to find a good mate, and live somewhere spacious and comfortable, free of human-cats, where she’d finally have plenty to eat?
It’s hard to make a mouse look appropriately chastised, but that question comes close. They shuffle back a bit to let him look out at the strange proceedings in the parlor again.
There are many humans there. The Harsh-Mistress stands tall and rigid at the back of one of the parlor chairs, exchanging curt words with a strange man in fine clothes with a funny hat. Shrieking-Girl and Angry-Girl stand close, scoffing and laughing, looking appalled.
Cinder-Girl sits on the chair that’s been pulled to the middle of the room. She extends her foot toward a strange golden object on a large cushion.
The shoe, the rat notes so the mice can follow. They can’t quite see it from here—poor eyesight and all.
Of course, the girl’s foot fits perfectly well into her own shoe. They all saw that coming.
Evidently, the humans did not. There’s absolute uproar.
“There is no possible way she’s the princess you’re looking for!” declares Harsh-Mistress, her voice full of rage. “She’s a kitchen maid. Nothing royal about her.”
“How dare you!” Angry-Girl rages. “Why does it fit you? Why not us?”
“You sneak!” shrieks none other than Shrieking-Girl. “Mother, she snuck to the ball! She must have used magic, somehow! Princes won’t marry sneaks, will they?”
“I think they might,” says a calm voice from the doorway, and the uproar stops immediately.
The Prince steps in. He stares at Cinder-Girl.
She stares back. Her face is still smudged with soot, and her dress is her old one, gray and tattered. The golden slipper gleams on her foot, having fit as only something molded or magic could.
A blush colors her face beneath the ash and she leaps up to do courtesy. “Your Highness.”
The Prince glances at the messenger-man with the slipper-pillow and the funny hat. The man nods seriously.
The Prince blinks at this, as if he wasn’t really asking anything with his look—it’s already clear he recognizes her—and meets Cinder-Girl’s gaze with a smile. It’s the same half-nervous, half-attemptingly-charming smile as he kept giving her at the ball.
He bows to her and offers a hand. (The rat has to push three mice out of the way to maintain his view.)
“It’s my honor,” he assures her. “Would you do me the great honor of accompanying me to the castle? I’d had a question in mind, but it seems there are—“ he glances at Harsh-Mistress, who looks like a very upset rat in a mousetrap. “—situations we might discuss remedying. You’d be a most welcome guest in my father’s house, if you’d be amenable to it?”
It’s all so much more strange and unusual than anything the creatures of the house are used to seeing. They almost don’t hear it, at first—that silent song.
It grows stronger, though, and they turn their heads toward it with an odd hope in their hearts.
The ride to the castle is almost as strange as that prior walk back. The reasons for this are such:
One—their princess is riding in their golden carriage alongside the prince, and their chatter and awkward laughter fills the surrounding spring air. They have a good feeling about the prince, now, if they didn’t already. He can certainly take things in stride, and he is no respecter of persons. He seems just as elated to be by her side as he was at the ball, even with the added surprise of where she'd come from.
Two—they have been transformed again, and the woman in white has asked them a single question: Would you choose to stay this way?
The coachman said yes without a second thought. He’d always wanted life to be more fulfilling, he confided—and this seemed a certain path to achieving that.
The footmen might not have said yes, but there was something to be said for recently-acquired cognition. It seemed—strange, to be human, but the thought of turning back into lizards had the odd feeling of being a poor choice. Baffled by this new instinct, they said yes.
The horses, of course, said things like whuff and nyiiiehuhum, grumph. The woman seemed to understand, though. She touched one horse on the nose and told it it would be the castle’s happiest mouse once the carriage reached its destination. The others, it seemed, enjoyed their new stature.
And three—they are heading toward a castle, where they have all been offered a fine place to live. The Prince explains that he doesn’t wish for such a kind girl to live in such conditions anymore. There’s no talk of anyone marrying—just discussions of rooms and favorite foods and of course, you’ll have the finest chicken pie anytime you’d like and I can’t have others make it for me! Lend me the kitchens and I’ll make some for you; I have a very dear recipe. Perhaps you can help. (Followed in short order by a ...Certainly, but I’d—um, I’d embarrass myself trying to cook. You would teach me? and a gentle laugh that brightened the souls of all who could hear it.)
“If you’d be amenable to it,” she replies—and in clear, if surprised, agreement, the Prince truly, warmly laughs.
“Milady,” the coachman calls down to them. “Your Highness. We’re here.”
The castle stands shining amber-gold in the light of the setting sun. It will be the fourth night they’ve come here—the thirteen of them and the one of her—but midnight, they realize, will not break the spell ever again.
One by one, they disembark from the carriage. If it will stay as it is or turn back into a pumpkin, they hadn't thought to ask. There’s so much warmth swelling in their hearts that they don’t think it matters.
The girl, their princess, smiles—a dear, true smile, tentative in the face of a brand new world, but bright with hope—and suddenly, they’re all smiling too.
She steps forward, and they follow. The prince falls into step with her and offers an arm, and their glances at each other are brimming with light as she accepts.
With her arm in the arm of the prince, a small crowd of footmen and the coachman trailing behind, and a single grey mouse on her shoulder, the once-Cinder-Girl walks once again toward the palace door.
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philtstone · 5 months
if you’re still taking prompts from that list, I’d love to see your take on the nemesis one for any of your modern AUs!
sorry it's not an EXISTING modern au but it is. a modern au. partially inspired by many many many things most significantly a post i literally cannot find again no matter how hard i look... also by anne from anne of green gables. anyway, this is mostly just vibes. and my own salad shirazi opinions. in that order.
In Arwen's house growing up family dinner was always a shared time of day, so it makes her glad that the small apartment her father moved into last year honours the same principle.
“It’s not that he irritates me,” eighteen year old Eowyn, fresh out of her first term of university and with her long gold hair in a tangled braid down her back, is explaining from the dinner table. “I hardly get irritated easily — it’s just that he’s so sweet and friendly all the time, I am sure he’s up to something.”
“Eowyn dear,” says her uncle. His attention is mostly absorbed by the newspaper in front of him. “If you might repeat that first part aloud, and reflect on it a bit.”
Eomer snorts from the sink. Gandalf had tasked him with washing the dishes — he had more or less nothing to contribute to meal making. Eowyn makes a face at him.
“I am good tempered. It’s just no one who’s normal is that nice. Certainly not a man.”
Gandalf, who’s in the midst of a very complex chess game with Arwen’s father, chuckles a bit. 
“Indeed?” Ada asks, with a wry smile. Eowyn blushes.
“Do not tease her, you men,” Arwen says, sweeping in to add hot water to the tea cups. The pale green flats of the fragrant tea leaves sent in express overseas mail by her maternal grandparents swirl in the kettle’s pour. Authentic green tea has a potency Arwen has not found in anything purchased around here. “You know she isn’t talking about you, and anyway, she’s right.” 
While Gandalf says, “Do tell us more, then,” charitably, Arwen returns to the small kitchen island. The rice is coming into its own in the cooker. Rice is always a comfort; it unites across cultures and races. Admittedly to this day Ada will prefer jasmine to basmati, no matter Arwen's own fascination with the latter. She sets about peeling two thick skinned cucumbers and dicing them, along with tomatoes from Mr Bilbo's garden, into a bowl. Then comes the shallot, and its lilac purple skin. Arwen has always loved the colour lilac. She has a nightgown a shade lighter than this onion, which her fiance sighs over dreamily every time it’s taken out.
Behind her Aragorn chops tarragon for the lentils, which are bubbling. He has embraced jasmine rice since childhood. His hair is tied out of his face and just barely escaping the doom of a man bun (Aragorn is too sincere about everything to accidentally look like the smarmiest versions of his countrymen) and he smells of fried onion and rose oil, like he often does when in this place. In matter of fact he smells like this kitchen is decorated: the multiple little knick knacks lining the sil, the old silver, the warm reds of the woven rug in the floor (one of an innumerable number kept in Iverworn’s house), and the cracked old laminate tiling – brown. There is some comfort in the idea that Gilraen's old apartment is still in the family. Only now, Ada has his little shrine in the den which doubles as his study, and a few more photographs have been added to the baby pictures lining the front hallway.
On the other end of the table Gimli and Legolas sort through Bilbo's rock collection while the old man gives running commentary on where he found each one. Arwen’s cousin is being educated on geology in the process. Frodo and Sam and the rest are still at school; Aragorn has volunteered to go pick them up in a half hour.
“This ought to go in the sedimentaries pile, Legolas. You see the distinctive layering – to really know we’d check for carbonate, but I’d say this is a solid limestone.”
“I don’t understand. Many of them have layers. That one with the crystal –”
“Running in parallel. Look, they’ve sedimented. It’s in the name, for Mahal’s sake. The geode, a sedimentary rock? Preposterous.”
“I found that one in Dale you know. It was, oh, twenty years ago or so now — I’d just had a pint with your dad, Gimli – you remember what he was like twenty years ago, wearing those garish red turbans (though they suited him well) – and when we came out on the street there it was by the lamp post, a little lump of a thing. I thought to myself, why, that looks just like Lobelia’s terrible laddoo – you haven’t tried them, but they’re glorified pebbles, with how dry and small she makes them – and then I turned it over and thought, where might a pretty piece of rock like this come from in the middle of such a town? But then, Dale is very metropolitan …“
Absently, Arwen begins humming to herself.
“Won’t someone put on some decent music?”
“Don’t look at us old men, Eomer. Haven’t the youth got a stereo system?”
“Oh, it's all Bluetooth now. Ah — I have your rook there, Elrond.”
“No he hasn’t; that’ll put his queen in jeopardy.”
“Keep your eyes on your lentils, Estel, my own function perfectly well. He’s been doing this since he was a boy.”
“Oh, yes, yes,” says Gandalf, with the wise knowing of someone who was there to witness such behaviour in person.
Between it all, everyone is somehow still managing to listen attentively to Eowyn as she expounds her theories and suspicions.
“He’s asked four times if we could study together after class. Four times. The next major exam we have is worth sixty perfect of the grade and I’m sure he saw me speaking with the professor last week because I was so determined to pass it. No one passes that exam, according to the third years –”
Arwen stirs the lentils and wonders if they ought to take a little bowl to the shrine.
“Perhaps he’s looking for a friend,” says Gandalf philosophically.
“Maybe he’s a creep, like Wormtongue was,” suggests Eomer darkly.
“He’s only starstruck by a girl in the engineering course,” says Bilbo, with a bit of (not unkind) humour in his voice. Then he reaches into his large duffel, which he lugged indoors with Aragorn and Eomer’s help, and extracts a box of fresh sweets for the table. These, Arwen hopes, are better than Lobelia’s – though she is sure they will be much too sweet for her own taste.  
“There are girls in engineering these days, old friend,” Gandalf interjects with a raised eyebrow, but Eowyn is not really paying attention to either of them.
“Last week at lab he gave me a book about zoological diseases I mentioned off hand almost a month ago,” she says with that earnest way she has. “That doesn’t have anything to do with engineering. Do you think he was trying to throw me off my game before our lab quiz?” 
It is very hard to keep a straight face at this inquiry, but Arwen – and many others present – manage it. “Have you considered that he might have just thought you’d like it?” asks Arwen.
“But that’s none of his business,” Eowyn says, as though this was obvious. 
“How did he know you liked it then?” asks her brother, baffled.
“We’ll — I told him,” says Eowyn. She flushes a bit. “But he initiated the conversation. We should have been talking about closed circuits.”
“Or nothing at all, apparently,” says Ada gravely.
“You don’t know him. He’s got a look in his eye. I can just tell.”
“Oh look, I’ve found him on Facebook.” 
And so Legolas has, and they all converge around his smartphone while Eowyn glares defiantly. 
“Faramir, is it? You know, he kind of looks like you, Estel.”
“Yeah – if you were much scrawnier and looked like a dweeby engineering student.”
“They look nothing alike,” says Eowyn hotly, crossing her arms – Arwen cannot help but catch Aragorn’s eye (he looks like he’s trying very hard not to laugh, not helped at all by Gandalf, who is looking right at him, and skillfully masking his own merriment besides) “and Aragorn would never be such a — a — a snake, anyway.”
Arwen agrees with this hypothetical assessment, at least. She rummages through the fridge and retrieves the fresh clutch of herbs she needs for her salad.
“But what has he done, Eowyn. The poor boy. There is a bit of dweebishness there, isn’t there … indeed …”
“Look at the last name; isn’t that Denethor’s boy?”
“Oh yes, that would explain it. Engineering? Of all things? I always thought he had a poet's soul when he was a kid.”
“I wonder how they’re doing – haven’t spoken to the man in an age, you know.”
“Denethor you mean?”
“Well, not since the incident with that poor tree in the synagogue’s front yard,” says Gandalf sadly. “You were there Aragorn, you remember –”
“Hmmm,” says Aragorn grimly.
“Well I told you,” interrupts Eowyn. “I haven’t got proof, just suspicions! He’s trying to psych me out of this program. But I tell you – I won’t let him!” 
Arwen wonders if perhaps Eowyn had grown up around sisters, she wouldn’t insist so very hard on sticking it out through a degree she is not really interested in. These ruminations are interrupted by a soft touch at Arwen's waist. “Hm?” she says.
“I’m off to pick up the kids,” Aragorn begins in a low voice (the assembly continues to chatter behind them). She smiles at him, then stops: for reasons unexplained he is suddenly offering her a horrified expression he usually only reserves for conservative Tik Tok mommy vloggers and occasions where Pippin is about to grievously injure himself on the park playset.  “... What are you doing?” he asks.
“Adding the mint,” she says serenely. 
“Fresh?” Like she must be mad.
“Doesn’t it have mint?” 
It is his grandmother's recipe, after all; silly man.
“Your mother always said it had to be fresh.”
“Fresh dried mint,” he clarifies, gravely.
“Really Estel.”
“Take over the lentils.”
“That was your job — and you’ve got to pick up Frodo and his friends.”
“In ten minutes.”
“You’re going to ruin it. Mr I Can Subsist On A Can Of Beans.”
“I can subsist. That doesn't mean you can add fresh spearmint to a perfectly good salad. It tastes completely wrong.”
“Estel …” But Aragorn has already ducked beneath the counter to reach deep into the recesses of their spice cabinet and retrieve an extremely dusty repurposed jar of dried mint, now cradled in his brown hands. The half-peeled label is for sour cherry preserves, which Arwen is sure no one in this family has bought from a store since they discovered the tree in Ada’s backyard.
“This is hardly fresh,” Arwen says archly.
“I dried it last week,” he says, all innocence. His t-shirt is worn and ratty enough that its low collar shows off her old necklace. She can see the jade flower and her own name etched in the characters of her mothers language at the center.
She sighs. Kisses his cheek; takes the mint. “Go fetch Mr. Bilbo’s wards.”
“They’re going to make a mess of my car,” he says, as if he did not happily volunteer for this task.
“Your car is already a mess, my love.”
So he goes, grinning. Arwen adds the mint to the salad and renters the fray.
“Eowyn,” she says. “Perhaps the next time he asks to study, you might take him up on it. That way you can get close enough to catch him at his awful scheme.”
Eowyn's mouth widens in a ponderous oh, as if she had never thought of this. Arwen pats her shoulder comfortingly.
“Food will be ready in ten minutes,” she says. Ada is smiling at her — a true smile, not without its own edges of memory, but no longer the bittersweet thing of three years ago. Arwen smiles back.
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healthy-liiviing · 3 months
Top 10 Healthy Foods for Your Diet
In a world inundated with fad diets and conflicting nutritional advice, finding the right foods to fuel your body can feel like navigating a maze. But fear not! We've compiled a list of the top 10 healthy foods that will not only nourish your body but also tantalize your taste buds. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to delicious, nutritious eating!
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Avocados Avocados are not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious due to their high content of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, potassium, and vitamins C, E, and K. They can be enjoyed in various ways, such as smashed on toast, whipped into guacamole, or sliced onto salads, making them a versatile addition to any meal.
Berries Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are not only nature's sweet treat but also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. Adding berries to your diet can have various health benefits, including boosting brain health, supporting heart health, and aiding in weight management. They can be enjoyed fresh, frozen, or blended into smoothies for a refreshing burst of goodness.
Leafy Greens Leafy greens like spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and arugula are nutrient-dense and offer a myriad of health benefits due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These benefits include improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Leafy greens can be incorporated into your diet by tossing them into salads, sautéing with garlic, or blending into green smoothies.
Salmon Salmon is a nutritional powerhouse rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin D, making it beneficial for heart health and brain function. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Salmon can be enjoyed grilled, baked, or broiled, offering a delicious way to reap its numerous health benefits.
Nuts and Seeds Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds, are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious snack. Snacking on nuts and seeds can help curb hunger, stabilize blood sugar levels, and promote heart health. They can be sprinkled on salads, added to oatmeal, or enjoyed straight out of the bag for a satisfying and nutritious snack.
Whole Grains Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and barley are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing sustained energy and supporting digestive health. They can also help lower cholesterol levels and are a smart choice for overall health whether as a side dish, in soups and stews, or as a breakfast staple.
Greek Yogurt Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics, calcium, and B vitamins, making it excellent for gut health and bone health. It can be enjoyed plain or mixed with fruit and honey for a sweet treat, and is a versatile ingredient that belongs in every healthy diet, whether as a breakfast staple, a creamy topping for tacos, or a base for creamy dressings.
Beans and Legumes Beans and legumes like black beans, chickpeas, lentils, or kidney beans are loaded with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them perfect for soups, salads, stews, and dips. Incorporating them into your diet can help promote satiety, stabilize blood sugar levels, and support digestive health.
Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, particularly rich in beta-carotene, which is essential for eye health, immune function, and skin health. Whether roasted, mashed, or baked, sweet potatoes are a tasty and nutritious addition to any meal.
Broccoli Broccoli is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering a myriad of health benefits, including immune support, heart health, and cancer prevention. Whether steamed, roasted, or sautéed, incorporating broccoli into your diet is an easy way to boost your nutrient intake and support overall health.
Discover the best morning routine for a healthier lifestyle and kickstart your day with our expert tips.
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nnataliabll · 24 days
Full Potential Challenge
A New Era of You: Unlock your fullest potential and become the best version of yourself. This is a challenge toward a holistic transformation that involves both external and internal changes. It's about nurturing self-love, embracing your authentic self and thriving in every aspect of life ♡
Week 1
Physical Health:
benefits: cardiovascular health, circulation, confidence boost, improve posture, reduce stress, muscle tone, physical attractiveness, core strength, release endorphins, good shape, improve heart and lung function, strength, endurance and flexibility, be and feel more energised and healthy
stretching yoga
{ workout }
pilates / yoga
go for a walk
do some cardio (running, cycling, swimming, or dancing)
weightlifting or resistance band training
establish a consistent workout routine
ensure proper form during exercises to prevent injuries
progressively increase the intensity or weight as you get stronger
use towel in the gym when sitting and change gym clothes immediately
listen to your body and rest when needed
maintain a calorie deficit through a balanced diet to support fat loss
ensure you're getting enough protein for muscle growth
take the stairs if possible
2. nutrition
benefits: feed your body with healthy nutrients to ensure overall health. remember that every time you eat, you either feeding an illness or fighting it
stay hydrated, drink 2L of water daily
keep a bottle of water on you at all times
{ practice mindful eating }
honour the food; think where the bites you are eating come from.
engage all senses and notice how you feel eating
control your portion
eat small bites and slowly to fully experience the food’s flavours
when you are about 80% full, stop eating
do not skip meals, so you do not get hungry
take your vitamins, supplements, probiotics or medications
eat healthy; focus on whole food (fruits, vegetables, whole grains (oats, brown rice, quinoa, and barley, bread and pasta), lean proteins ((poultry, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, and low-fat dairy products), and healthy fats (nuts, beans, fish, shellfish and eggs))
meal prep and cook for yourself
avoid processed foods, sugar, and sodas and watch your sodium intake
limit caffeine intake to one per day
avoid smoking & limit alcohol, it dehydrates your skin
learn how to balance hormones
learn how to lower cortisol
learn about gut health
✔ Define your exercise or nutrition goals.
✔ Include daily habits that support and align with your goals.
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fitscientist · 10 months
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The Power of Fiber: Fueling Your Health and Fitness Journey
While often overlooked, fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy diet and achieving your fitness goals. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. Instead, it passes through the digestive system relatively intact, offering a range of health benefits. Incorporating fiber into your diet can:
1. Promote Healthy Digestion: Fiber adds bulk to your stool, aiding regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. It also supports a healthy gut microbiome, promoting optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.
2. Keep You Feeling Full: High-fiber foods take longer to digest, keeping you satiated for longer periods. This can help control appetite, reduce overeating, and support weight management goals.
3. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels: Soluble fiber, found in certain foods, can slow down the absorption of glucose, preventing blood sugar spikes. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.
4. Support Heart Health: Studies show that a high-fiber diet can lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting overall cardiovascular health.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
1. Whole Grains: Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat pasta. These provide more fiber and nutrients compared to their refined counterparts.
2. Legumes: Incorporate beans, lentils, chickpeas, and split peas into your recipes. They are not only rich in fiber but also offer plant-based protein.
3. Fruits: Enjoy the natural sweetness and fiber content of apples, pears, berries, oranges, and bananas. Remember to consume them with the skin whenever possible to maximize fiber intake.
4. Vegetables: Load up on fiber by including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes in your meals. These veggies offer an array of vitamins and minerals too!
5. Nuts and Seeds: Snack on almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds. They provide healthy fats, protein, and a good dose of fiber.
From promoting healthy digestion to managing weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, fiber plays a vital role in overall wellness. So, make sure to include fiber-rich foods in your meals and enjoy the numerous nutritional benefits they offer. Stay fit, stay healthy!
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weedlovingweed · 4 months
just a little list for me to remember all the things i'm doing rn that are helping me...
mushroom complex (cordys <3, maitake, reishi, lions mane, turkey tail (shown in studies to help pcos/insulin resistance!), chaga)
probiotics... (gummies but i am getting back to being able to eat yogurt!)
waking up early & naturally and doing things immediately instead of laying on phone (been doing dishes or other cleaning things!) (also extra good when/if i can do stuff or walk for a while before eating breaksfast. good for mitochondria)
good breakfasts.. greens &/or whole grains with protein (lots of lentil daal/mole & brown rice)
less refined sugars... (mostly just having my tea/coffee with agave, less cookies and ice creams and etc.)
eating in middle of workday when i get hungry (nuts usually) (i want to get the pom blueberry pistachio kind bars... i never want to eat chocolate when im hungry ksjdfhdsjk)
things i'd like to do more of -
remembering to brush teeths in morning too (it's easier at night because i know i'm Done eating/drinking things that aren't water. in the morning it's so hard because after bfast im still drinking coffee/tea, eating probiotic gummies, etc)
yoga & stretching... (i was doing well for a bit but fell off, it's hard to have enough space bcs our room is too small. should try to do it at the cat's house for now.... just harder to follow videos on my phone.)
being more firm about not eating after ~8pm because i get weed in me then i wanna eat Snackies but i know i'm not actually hungry :'-(
tbh washing my face more bcs i basically only wash it when i shower and i am breaking out. also i need more lite sauce. & witch hazel toner. that's my perfect skin combo.
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2targir1 · 1 year
TW: ED 🤍er (only 4 me)
today 4/26/23
i was doing so good but today i ate 1,2?? cals… only healthy things such as.
lentil soup 235 cals
taco bowl with brown rice, ground beef, avocado, corn, and tomato 682cals
coffee w/ almond milk 15cals
seaweed salad calories 100cals
which estimates to 1,032 but i round it to 1,200 but i feel as if it’s more…. so tomorrow i’ll only be having the amount of calories i feel i had divided by 4
meaning……. maximum of 400cals
with a liquid cleanse and fasting for 23 hrs.
4 tomorrow 4/27/23
my plan:
1 banana smoothie w/ 1 cup of almond milk
145 cals
Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte with Almond Milk, Venti
200 cals
which estimates to 345, if i’m rlly hungry i’ll chew on gum then i’ll go back to maximum of 600cals.
let me remind you:
i’m on hydrocut 2 capsules x2 daily
metabolism gummy
hair nail and skin vitamins
detox greens pill 2 capsules x2 daily good for gas relief, bloating, and pooping.
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(will be tho 🤍)
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motherhenna · 9 months
Some recipe suggestions/tips from someone who hates cooking, doing dishes, and dealing with produce:
Ingredients I get in bulk/always have on hand:
corn tortillas (get the giant bag of them and stick it in the freezer, they make great snacks on their own, and you can put mish mash in there and call it a taco!)
Tomato sauce and paste
Canned/frozen veggies (I like beans, corn, potatos, and peas especially but to each their own. Chickpeas are usually pretty good too.)
canned refried beans
Ground meat (I buy in 1lb increments and stick in freezer for easy protein)
frozen chopped onions
diced garlic in water
spices (Garlic and onion powder, cumin, curry powder, paprika, cayenne, oregano, basil, rosemary, bouillon, etc)
condiments (soy sauce, sweet n sour sauce, mustard/ketchup, honey, peanut butter, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, etc)
Samosa filling
Boil potatos or heat up canned ones until hot and soft. Microwave frozen peas, corn, carrots (or whatever veggies u like) until not frozen, or used canned. Put some fennel seeds into a pan for a little while until toasty, then add some oil/ghee and dump in your veggies/taters, plus some onions and garlic. Mush with a spatula and add curry powder/cumin/paprika or other savory spice mix to taste and cook until it smells/tastes good. Put in a tortilla/pita with some sweet n sour sauce if u want.
Lentil/Chickpea mishmash
Boil lentils until soft and the skins are kinda peeling, drain. Add to pan w canned chickpeas. Add some broth or water, just enough not to burn. Add savory spices, stir until chickpeas are softened. Optional: Cook garlic/diced onions in pan before adding lentils and chickpeas.
In a pot, cook some ground meat until browned, add some italian/savory spices. Dump in canned veggies, if using frozen then microwave first so it doesnt mess w cooking time too much. Season to taste. Add broth or water and buillon until desired soup consistency. Bring to a boil, then add short pasta noodles (like bowtie or fusili). Cook until pasta is almost done, then turn heat down and simmer and add spices until it tastes/smells good. You can freeze portions for later too.
Homemade pasta sauce
Storebought is expensive so: diced onions in a pan until soft. Add garlic, then tomato sauce (enough to coat amount of pasta u want). Add some tomato paste and italian seasonings (oregano, basil), then cook until it doesn't taste like raw tomato. Salt to taste. (Optional: cook ground meat until browned with the onions. if cooking from frozen wait to add the onions until meat is halfway cooked.) Boil ur pasta, then drain mostly (leave a little water) and pour pasta into the pan ur cooking the sauce in. stir to coat pasta.
Smashed cucumber salad
look up a recipe, there's a thousand out there, but usually i just cut up persian cucumbers, pour some vinegar/soy sauce/sesame seeds/chili flakes on there and boom
Peanut cucumber salad
Peel and slice american cucumbers, put in bowl with a lid. Add halved cherry tomatoes and peanuts. Add balsamic vinegar, olive oil, peanut butter/peanut sauce. put lid on, shake vigorously. If u dont have lid, then combine sauce ingredients separately and whisk to emulsify before adding to salad.
Also quick and great: Bean and cheese burritos, peanut butter sandwiches, eggs, caprese salad.
Thanks so much! There's definitely a couple in here I could fuck with, and yeah having more canned stuff sounds like a good idea. Not as good as fresh obviously but better than fast food right? Also, truly wish I could eat refried beans without shitting myself to death afterwards lmao that and chalula or tapatillo is why almost every mexican dish makes my intestines radioactive
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wellbeingwise · 1 year
"Fuel your body the right way with a balanced diet" 
Importance of a balanced diet for overall health & well-being
"Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for achieving optimal health and well-being! A balanced diet provides essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that promote the proper functioning of our body. It also reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. So let's make conscious food choices every day to nourish our bodies and live healthier lives!" 
- Tips to create a healthy meal plan by including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources and healthy fats
1. Start by setting realistic goals and think about the foods you enjoy eating to create a balanced meal plan.
2. Choose a variety of whole grain sources such as quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread.
3. Incorporate fruits and vegetables into your daily meals in a variety of colors for different nutrients.
4. Opt for lean protein sources including chicken breast, fish, tofu, eggs or legumes (beans/lentils).
5. Include healthy fats like avocado, nuts/seeds or olive oil as part of your meals but in moderation to maintain energy balance.
6. Plan ahead by batch cooking and prepping snack options to avoid reaching for processed foods when time is tight.
7. Try new recipes that incorporate these key ingredients- there are plenty available online!
8. Keep portion sizes reasonable - use smaller plates or bowls if necessary 
9.Create an enjoyable eating environment , sit down at table  without distractions e.g electronic devices
10.Consult with a Registered Dietitian who can guide you on creating individualized meal plans based on specific needs and preferences 
- Benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated
Drinking water and staying hydrated have many benefits, including:
1. Regulating body temperature
2. Maintaining bodily functions 
3. Improving physical performance 
4. Boosting cognitive function 
5. Aiding digestion and preventing constipation 
6. Promoting healthy skin 
7. Reducing the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections 
Overall, drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing dehydration-related complications.
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bog--unicorn · 1 year
anyway just had a pan seared duck breast with perfectly crispy skin seasoned with cinnamon, orange, bay, rosemary, and black pepper, plus some cold brown lentil salad made with balsamic and lots of crushed hazelnuts.
old vine zin from ye olde bota box.
currently wearing jacocomo “silences”
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Boost Your Health: The Ultimate Guide to High Fiber Foods
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a balanced diet can be challenging. However, one of the simplest ways to enhance your overall health is by incorporating high fiber foods into your daily meals. Fiber plays a crucial role in digestive health, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and can even aid in weight management. This guide will delve into the importance of high fiber foods and provide practical tips for including them in your diet.
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The Importance of Fiber
Digestive Health
Fiber is essential for keeping the digestive system running smoothly. It adds bulk to the stool and promotes regular bowel movements, preventing constipation and reducing the risk of digestive disorders like diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.
Blood Sugar Regulation
High fiber foods help regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition.
Weight Management
Incorporating high fiber foods into your diet can aid in weight management. Fiber-rich foods tend to be more filling, helping you feel satisfied longer and reducing the likelihood of overeating.
Top High Fiber Foods to Include in Your Diet
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Here are some fiber-rich options to consider:
Berries: Raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries are packed with fiber.
Apples and Pears: These fruits are high in fiber, especially when eaten with the skin.
Avocados: Not only are they rich in healthy fats, but avocados also provide a substantial amount of fiber.
Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are great options for adding fiber to your diet.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are a fantastic source of fiber and should be a staple in your diet. Some high fiber whole grains include:
Oats: A classic breakfast option, oats are incredibly versatile and high in fiber.
Quinoa: This ancient grain is not only high in fiber but also a complete protein.
Brown Rice: An excellent alternative to white rice, brown rice offers more fiber and nutrients.
Whole Wheat Bread and Pasta: Opt for whole wheat versions of bread and pasta to increase your fiber intake.
Legumes are another excellent source of dietary fiber and can be easily incorporated into a variety of dishes:
Lentils: These small legumes are packed with fiber and can be used in soups, stews, and salads.
Chickpeas: Perfect for making hummus or adding to salads, chickpeas are a versatile high fiber food.
Black Beans: These beans are great in soups, burritos, and even brownies for a fiber boost.
Peas: Whether fresh, frozen, or dried, peas are an easy way to add fiber to your meals.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are not only rich in healthy fats but also provide a good amount of fiber:
Chia Seeds: These tiny seeds are a powerhouse of fiber and can be added to smoothies, yogurt, and baked goods.
Flaxseeds: Ground flaxseeds can be sprinkled on cereals, salads, or added to baking recipes for an extra fiber boost.
Almonds: A handful of almonds makes for a great fiber-rich snack.
Sunflower Seeds: These seeds can be added to salads, trail mixes, or eaten on their own for a fiber increase.
Tips for Increasing Fiber Intake
Start Slowly
If you’re not used to a high fiber diet, it’s best to start slowly. Gradually increase your fiber intake to give your digestive system time to adjust and to prevent bloating and gas.
Stay Hydrated
Fiber works best when it absorbs water, so be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This helps to keep your digestive system functioning smoothly.
Incorporate Fiber into Every Meal
Try to include high fiber foods in each meal. For example, add berries to your morning cereal, include a salad with lunch, and opt for a fiber-rich side dish at dinner.
Read Labels
When shopping for packaged foods, check the nutrition labels to find options that are high in fiber. Look for at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.
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Incorporating high fiber foods into your diet is a simple yet effective way to improve your overall health. From enhancing digestive health to aiding in weight management, the benefits of a high fiber diet are extensive. By making small changes to include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds in your meals, you can enjoy the many advantages that fiber has to offer. So start today and make high fiber foods a staple in your diet for a healthier tomorrow.
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ukdamo · 15 days
Anjoli Roy
I washed the dal six times today, once for every year we’ve been together. The baby is seven months. I tell her her mamu is worried she hasn’t had Indian food. I tell her her dadu will be so excited to cook for her when we fly from our home in Honolulu to Los Angeles in a few short weeks. 
The baby has had poi, maiʻa, ‘uala. She’s had peas, carrots, broccoli. She’s had beet greens. She had bone marrow when her skin was flaring. She chews on kale and celery stalks, without their leaves, to soothe her gums and her new razor-sharp teeth.
My spouse, my love of six years, holds the baby next to the stove as I skim froth from the top of the bubbling lentils. I tell her cooking is a little witchy, that our people don’t measure, that you have to go off scent, taste, feeling. I tell her our ancestors come closest when we cook the food they like to eat. I tell her if my thakuma was here, she’d hold her full baby cheeks. She’d lean close and murmur to her in Bangla. I show baby what I mean. I cup her face with both hands. 
I add the five seeds of the panch phoron, then the cumin and coriander, paprika, red pepper, and turmeric. I add the onions I’ve browned and the onions I’ve mashed, the fresh ginger and garlic. I add salt last.
For the umpteenth time today, my mind flashes to Palestine, to all the children, the elders, the ones brimming adulthood, perished and parentless. For the umpteenth time today, I feel salt at the back of my throat.
I blow and blow on a spoon before I bring it to baby’s lips. She’s kicking her feet for it. She considers it, this new taste, texture, flavour, then coos for more. She cries when I put the lid on the pot and tell her it’s for after we go to the ocean, that we’ll let it sit and stew a bit longer. 
It’s a small pot, this dal. I wish it was big enough to feed us all. 
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healthy-liiviing · 1 month
The Power of Protein for Weight Loss
Protein is a crucial macronutrient for weight management. It helps build and repair tissues, keeps you feeling full for longer, and boosts metabolism. Aim to include protein sources in every meal and snack.
Protein-Rich Foods: Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds
Tips for Increasing Protein Intake:
Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast like eggs, Greek yogurt, or a smoothie.
Add protein powder to smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt.
Choose lean protein sources over fatty cuts.
Snack on nuts, seeds, or hard-boiled eggs.
Article 3: The Importance of Fiber for Weight Loss
Fiber is another essential component of a weight loss diet. It promotes digestive health, regulates blood sugar levels, and increases satiety. Aim for 25-35 grams of fiber daily.
High-Fiber Foods: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds
Tips for Increasing Fiber Intake:
Choose whole grains over refined grains (brown rice over white rice, whole-wheat bread over white bread).
Load up on fruits and vegetables at every meal.
Add beans or lentils to soups, stews, and salads.
Snack on fruits with the skin on or raw vegetables.
Here weight loss meal plan 1200 calories Click here
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unique-hospital · 1 month
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A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for maintaining a healthy body and reducing the risk of cancer. Here’s how different food groups contribute to cancer prevention, according to Dr. Ashish Gupta, a USA trained, American board-certified medical oncologist, and Chief of Medical Oncology at Unique Hospital Cancer Centre, Dwarka, India:
Fruits and Vegetables: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in reducing the risk of various cancers, especially those affecting the digestive system. Incorporating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet can provide protective benefits against cancer.
Whole Grains and Legumes: Opting for whole grains like brown rice, oats, and whole wheat, along with legumes such as lentils and beans, can help lower the risk of colorectal cancer. These fiber-rich foods aid in digestion and promote overall gut health.
Lean Proteins: Choose lean sources of protein such as fish, poultry, tofu, nuts, and seeds over processed meats like bacon and sausage. Processed meats have been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer, making it advisable to limit their consumption, especially in children.
Healthy Fats: Incorporating sources of healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and nuts into your diet can help reduce the risk of certain cancers. Conversely, diets high in saturated and trans fats, often found in processed and fried foods, may increase cancer risk, particularly prostate cancer.
Dairy and Alternatives: Opt for reduced-fat dairy products and alternatives to maintain a healthy balance of calcium and protein in your diet. High intake of dairy fat has been associated with an elevated risk of prostate cancer, so moderation is key.
Lifestyle Factors and Cancer Risk
Dr Ashish Gupta said, in addition to diet, several lifestyle factors can influence the likelihood of developing cancer. Here are some important considerations:
Smoking: Tobacco use is the leading cause of lung cancer worldwide. Quitting smoking and avoiding second-hand smoke are crucial steps in reducing the risk of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers.
Physical Activity: Regular exercise not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also reduces the risk of various cancers, including breast and colon cancer. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
Alcohol Consumption: Limiting alcohol intake can significantly lower the risk of several cancers, such as those of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and breast. It’s recommended to adhere to moderate drinking guidelines to minimize cancer risk.
Sun Protection: Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays by wearing sunscreen, protective clothing, and seeking shade can reduce the risk of skin cancer, including melanoma.
Specific Foods and Their Impact on Cancer Risk
Understanding how certain foods can affect the risk of specific types of cancer is crucial for making informed dietary choices. Here’s a closer look at some common cancers and dietary recommendations by Dr Ashish Gupta:
Lung Cancer: While fruits and vegetables offer some protection against lung cancer, the most effective prevention strategy remains avoiding tobacco smoke, including second-hand smoke.
Breast Cancer: Incorporating mono-unsaturated fats from sources like olive oil and increasing vegetable intake can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Limiting alcohol consumption is also important for breast cancer prevention.
Prostate Cancer: Men can reduce their risk of prostate cancer by maintaining a healthy weight, consuming vegetables like tomatoes rich in lycopene, and avoiding a high-fat diet predominantly from animal sources.
Bowel Cancer: A diet high in fiber from vegetables and grains, along with limited consumption of red and processed meats, can help lower the risk of bowel cancer. Additionally, maintaining an active lifestyle is beneficial.
In conclusion, adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. As per Dr Ashish Gupta, incorporating nutrient-rich foods, engaging in regular physical activity, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, you can take proactive step
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ispychef · 2 months
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