#but i wanna show off my eyebrow crease so what can you do
“You’re gorgeous.”
Lips brush softly against Billy’s temple. Fingers card into his hair at the base of his scalp, holding him like he’s something precious.
Billy scrunches his nose.
“Knock it off,” he scoffs.
When he bats his hand around, shrugging away from the touch, his wrist is snatched with a gentle grip.
“So fussy over nothing,” Eddie muses. He smooths his thumb from side to side against Billy’s inner wrist, leaning forward and planting another kiss on the bridge of his nose. “Why do you always get so grumpy when I compliment you, hm?”
Now, Billy’s brows draw together. Eddie kisses the crease, snorting into Billy’s palm when his free hand flies up to shove at his face.
“‘Cause it’s gay.”
“Well, I have some news you’re not gonna like.”
The brunet’s voice is muffled. He wiggles his eyebrows from between Billy’s fingers, and Billy only retracts his hand when lips press against his palm.
He makes a show of wiping his hand against the front of his shirt, and Eddie snickers.
“I don’t like it, okay?”
“Don’t like kisses? Blondie, I’m wounded.” Eddie closes the short distance between them, crowding Billy against the headboard. “You sure seemed to like ‘em a minute ago when I was—“
“Shh, stop,” Billy interrupts.
He can feel his skin grow hot when Eddie cracks a face-splitting grin, so close he can almost taste it.
In the back of his mind, on loop, is the sound of the headboard thunking against the wall over and over. The box springs creaking. Those damn fucking handcuffs rattling around his wrists.
As if sensing how deep his embarrassment runs, Eddie reaches up to tuck a curl behind Billy’s ear.
Just enough softness to cut the edge. Always.
“C’mon, you know how pretty you are, how can you expect me to not wanna smooch all over your face?”
“I said knock it off,” Billy warns.
Eddie stays close. Lingering well within the short reach of Billy’s personal bubble, but his expression dulls ever so slightly. Like a switch being flicked off, the light behind his eyes vanishing.
It has Billy holding his breath.
“Do you think we’re doing something wrong?”
The brunet’s voice is lower than before. Quieter. Billy opens his mouth and closes it again, looking for the answers in the other’s expression.
When he doesn’t provide a response, Eddie huffs amusedly and tilts his head to the side. Releases Billy’s wrist in favor of interlacing their fingers.
“Just ‘cause you don’t want love to come your way doesn’t mean it won’t, y’know.” He leans back against his free hand, giving Billy adequate space to breathe, and chews his lip in brief thought. “Don’t have to be naked to be loved, either.”
For a long beat, Billy just stares. He almost wants to run to Munson’s bathroom and look in the mirror, just to check and make sure his thoughts aren’t written all over his face for Eddie to read aloud. It’s a silly urge, all things considered.
He’s sitting in a trailer that he spends more time in than his own bedroom, wearing a stupid t-shirt and boxers that aren’t his, surrounded by pillows that he forced Eddie to buy because one pillow just wasn’t up to code.
The devil is in the details, and suddenly the air feels thin.
Even with the small space between them, Billy is still boxed in with no feasible way out. He furrows his brows and clenches his jaw.
“You don’t love me,” Billy spits.
Then Eddie laughs and it brings his blood to a simmer.
“I kinda do, though,” he lilts. “I get this happy little rush whenever I see you, I think about buying you cassettes and other shit with my negative account balance, and I quit lookin’ at nudie mags a little while back. If you’re mopping up what I’m drippin’.”
He fucking winks and Billy’s sure his face is redder than a tomato right now.
“What do you look at?” he hears himself ask.
His voice sounds far away over the thundering in his ears. Eddie snickers and leans over towards the edge of the bed, pulling the top drawer of his nightstand open and routing around.
How he keeps track of anything in this room is beyond Billy. Still, he manages to produce exactly what he’s looking for; a Polaroid.
Eddie sits back up, looking over the picture fondly for a moment before he hands it over. Billy accepts it with shaky hands.
The camera has made it into a few of their sessions before. For later, Eddie always says, and then snaps the most diabolical picture any lens has ever seen. The pervert probably has a whole shoebox full of them by now.
Not that Billy would ever ask to see.
He’s expecting something filthy when he turns it over in his hand. A shot of cum all over his face, or his mouth full of cock with a fist in his hair, shoving him deeper. The last thing he needs to see right now.
Instead, it’s an image of him smiling. Fully clothed. Eyes shut, and crinkled at the corners.
He looks genuinely happy, and he can’t even recall when the picture was taken. All he can deduce from the background is that he’s in Eddie’s room.
Go figure.
“We were smoking,” Eddie says, leaning closer to tip the picture down so he can peak at it once more. “One of those first times, before we ever did anything, and you were so giggly. Laughed at damn near everything I said, and I knew I wanted to remember that sound and how pretty you looked when you smiled all big like that.”
“Wanted to remember?”
“Mhm, you immediately smacked the camera out of my hand and yelled at me,” Eddie snickers. “Wasn’t sure I’d get another opportunity.”
He sighs fondly, like that’s endearing to him, and Billy presses his lips into a line.
“You jerk off to this?”
“Well, when you say it like that—“ Eddie pauses. Dawns a bit of a blush and shrugs one of his shoulders, still peaking at the picture. “You look relaxed. Totally at ease and happy, and it just gets me excited, I guess.”
Billy nods.
“How many times have you whacked to it?”
Eddie clears his throat and averts his eyes, sitting up straight reaching to toy with a lock of his hair.
“Like, uh, I dunno. A lot?”
“What’s a lot?”
Briefly, Eddie’s eyes flit back to Billy’s, and he looks away again. Tugs his hair in front of his face to hide his rapidly reddening complexion.
“Maybe something like 20-ish?”
Billy’s brows shoot upward.
“20 times?”
“Just counting the times I’ve used it exclusively.”
“Christ.” Billy shakes his head, spreading the faintest hint of a smile. “No wonder you keep saying you like me so much, you fuckin’ Pavloved yourself.”
“No, I felt that way the first time!”
Billy laughs, and he doesn’t miss the way that Eddie stares at him through half-lidded eyes. Like he just did something sexy with the intention of getting a rise out of the brunet.
It makes everything too real.
The air between them is suddenly hot again like it was mere minutes ago. Billy swallows thickly.
“That’s really your ultimate fantasy? Making me happy?” he asks. Glances back down at the picture. “More vanilla than I would’ve guessed.”
“Oh, you saying I can’t fuck you nasty and make you happy at the same time? That’s a challenge I’m willing to accept.”
Eddie crawls closer again. Dips down to nudge his face into Billy’s chest like a cat, pressing kisses against the worn fabric of his shirt.
When a hand brushes up his side, Billy goes rigid. Takes a few calming breaths and fights the urge to squirm away when Eddie kisses at his collarbone. He warily pushes his fingers through the brunet’s hair instead, cradling the base of his scalp.
Because maybe he’s something precious, too.
“You’re weird, Munson.”
Eddie chuckles, nosing fondly at his neck.
“You’re gorgeous, Hargrove.”
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ftm-radio · 1 year
I pulled an exaggerated frown in the mirror one time when I was washing my hands the other day and I realized that sometimes I get this one vertical crease between my eyebrows that's rather prominent and I'm honestly a little obsessed with it now???
dysphoria works hard but this little line on my forehead works harder 💪🏻
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abbyscherry · 6 months
ㅤ ㅤ— 🎀 apparently i can’t get enough of meanish lawyer!abby ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤhighly inspired by this post.
mean lawyer!abby who refuses to touch you or do anything that you pleaded for her to do simply because you’re acting out and being a brat while she’s trying to finish up some stuff for a case she was currently working on. Instead, she just sits there, looking at you unamused as you prance around your shared apartment in nothing but the thinnest pair of panties that you own— could find, and one of her white button-ups. huffing and sighing every time you walk back into the living room.
“babe, i love you, so much, but can you please stop huffing, i’m trying to work” abby muttered. eyebrows pinched together, and her glasses slid down the bridge of her nose. “just 10 more minutes, is all i ask for”
“you said 10 more minutes, 15 minutes ago” you grumbled under your breath. practically throwing your body onto the couch and kicking your feet up on the coffee table. “i can wait another 10 minutes i’m sure” you scoffed. picking at your nails with a shrug.
you were too busy staring off at the black screen of the TV to notice the way her jaw clenched and uncleaned. the way her eyebrow rose at your remark, and the way she shook her head at yout attitude. “i told you—” 
“and i told you i would wait” you couldn’t help but cut her off with a scoff that had her holding her breath. “simple”
“and i wasn’t done talking” 
you gulped down the bratty remarks that clawed at your throat and threatened to spill at the sound of her voice and when the sound of the floorboard creaking beneath her foot rang through your ears and it was then that you finally noticed she was standing on the opposite side of the coffee table, staring at you with a hard glare. a few of her buttons undone, loose strands of hair flying in different directions, and those cute glasses of hers no longer on her face. she looked annoyed but so tired at the same time the longer she watched you. “abby—” you whispered, sinking your teeth into your lower lip.
“i do not want to hear another word coming out that mouth, do you understand?” she growled lowly. blue eyes piercing through yours as her chest rises up and down with each breath she takes.  “i have a little work to finish, so give me 10 minutes, and then i am all yours—”
you just had to run your mouth again. cutting her off with a sigh. “but you promised we would watch this new show—”
abby had somehow maneuvered herself from the other side of the table until she stood right in front of you. shivers ran down your spine when she crouched in front of you slowly, her pants creasing as she moved, and your eyes gazed upwards so damn slow until they met hers. still looking at you angrily. “try that again” she was still able to stay calm. “c’mon, you want to be a brat, so use your fuckin’ words” she scoffed, jaw clenching.
“i’m sorry—”
shaking her head slowly, like she couldn’t believe you dared to apologize now when you knew you were in trouble for your attitude problem. your eyes widening quickly while your lips part once she curls her finger around your chin, pulling your face closer to hers hard enough to have you gasping. “yeah baby? now you wanna be sorry?” she questioned. nodding her head with a click of her tongue.  “i don’t think you are, you just love to run that fuckin’ mouth of yours whenever you can, huh?”
looking up at her with wide eyes, she has the audacity to chuckle when she spots the tears welling up. “you cryin’ baby?” she mumbled. squeezing your cheeks together with one hand while the other wipes the one that threatens to fall. “what happened to my good girl, hm?” 
“just wanted to spend time with you” you mumbled truthfully. your thighs clench together tightly when her grip on your jaw tightens. the feeling has you holding back a whine when she just hums, nodding like she was listening but was more focused on the way a tear droplet falls down your cheek. “i am sorry”
abby leans her face closer to yours. so close that her breath is clashing with yours and she can see your pupils are so dilated because of her actions and the way she was touching you. chuckling softly, she tilts your head back, rising to her normal height, and the sight has you finally whining quietly in your spot. “keep up this attitude and we’ll see where it gets you” she mumbled. squishing your cheeks together a final time before licking her lips. “because as much as you love it, i would hate to bend you over my knee and make sure you can’t sit down for a week because you keep being a fuckin’ brat” she grinned wickedly.
safe to say, you waited the whole 10 extra minutes.
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curtsycream · 4 months
i saw your requests are open
Can you do poly price x reader x simon where they all get into an argument (Reader is lonely while they're deployed, she's not getting on their case, just expressing it) and the boys get really defensive and take it a little too far, resulting in reader staying in the guest bedroom for the night bc she doesn't wanna cry in bed next to them. The boys come to their senses and realize they fucked up and there's make up sex? Lots of reassurance and whispers of how much they love you?
Feel free to ignore, just figured I'd pop in :)
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Could You Understand?
John Price x F!Reader x Simon Riley
My first COD request I hope I did right. I’m still getting down their personalities and such in writing but it’s a fun challenge. Kinda base level smut. Ps. Would never ignore ❤️
warning: mentions of anxiety (described?), light stomach bulging (I mention it twice I have a problem), double penetration, not proofread at all
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Confrontation was never a strong point for her, the idea of accidentally starting a conflict made her cautious with her words. Nibbling at her lower lip she adds the final dish to the washer before closing it. Turning it on she leans against the counter with folded arms. Many times has this feeling of loneliness crossed her mind. Whenever they were gone it was a constant reminder of the fear she felt. She always found herself holding back the words. But it was as if a dam finally broke and she couldn’t help but let them spill.
Making her way into the living room she wraps her arms around herself. It was a first defense similar to showing a dog that you’re not a threat. Her eyes fall onto the two men she loved with all of her being. They sat together with the television on but it was clear they weren’t entirely focused on it. They spoke in rushed tones as if forgetting the rule of leaving work at work. It wasn’t much but it was enough to ensure they wouldn’t dwell on work-related stuff.
Clearing her throat she realized just how hard it was to speak up. It was an odd feeling as she usually found herself talking without much of an issue. When they turned to look at her the words felt stuck, unable to claw their way out of her throat. “We need to talk,” she finally uttered. The words felt hard and cold when she said them.
John was the first to speak though the way his eyebrows creased seemed to verify his confusion. “About what, sweetheart?”
The gruffness of his voice was enough to make her hold the subject off. To instead crawl into his lap and give him a kiss or two. But she knew that wouldn’t solve anything let alone reassure her.
Simon on the other hand said nothing but his eyes were focused on her. And that was enough, it was always the simple things with him. His attention was always undivided, “well..I’ve been thinking a lot while you were both deployed. I just feel alone, you know? It terrifies me knowing you’re both out there and not knowing if that’s the mission that will end with me living my life without you. I—I’ve spent so many nights worried about how or if you’ll make it back to me. Maybe I’m just thinking too much on this but I can’t help but think that way. It’s like my brain won’t allow me to think positively. Like there’s this sense of impending doom when nothing bad is really happening,” she explained.
It was silent for a moment that is until Simon scoffed, the sound seemed to echo in her mind. “And you think it’s any easier on our end having to leave you here? It’s not a friendly thought knowing we’re miles away while you’re here by yourself,” his tone was defensive. It was as if he assumed her words were to evoke a change or start an argument.
“I’m not denying that Simon, I just get so worried that-”
“We understand that you get worried sweetheart, but we can’t change our profession. We spend just as many nights worrying about whether we’ll make it back or not. We have to live through that not you,” John spoke up.
Whether he meant to or not his words seemed to cut her deeper. It was as if her attempt at getting through to them was blocked off by their defense. “I know I don’t have to live through that, but it still worries me when you leave this house. I feel so helpless for lack of a better word when I know you’re miles away and I can’t help.”
Simon shook his head, “how would you even help? You can’t help, you can barely help yourself.”
His words were sharp like that of a knife willingly piercing her heart. Maybe that’s why it hurts more hearing words like that from someone you love.
“I’m not trying to argue with either of you, I wanted to get my point across,” she said simply.
“Then why even bring this up, you always dance around what you’re feeling. We’re not mind readers, there is only so much we can do when you won’t even say what you feel. It’s exhausting,” The words left John's mouth without much of a thought.
Opening her mouth she closes it, her eyes flashing with hurt from their words. “I know you’re both probably just tired from your mission and that’s why you’re acting like this. Just forget I said anything,” she tells them.
She had walked away quicker than she meant to not wanting to say another word to them. She knew deep down if she had she would have started crying.
Placing her hands on her chest she holds back the tears that are brimming in her eyes. She holds off until she makes it into their guest room upstairs. The second she closes the door she lets out a low sob. Sitting down on the bed she wraps her arms back around herself. It was a horrible feeling as if she’d been yelled at. Having people you love downplay your emotions when you finally speak upon them.
Lying down on the bed she curls up her arms still wrapped around her. It was as if she was protecting herself from what was already done. Sobs racking her body as she found no use in calming down.
It wasn’t until they made their way upstairs later into the night that they realized. Simon assumed she would be in bed, their bed. Yet the absence of her presence in the room was like a punch to the gut. His eyes found John’s in the darkness as they stood in the space.
They didn’t have to think before they made their way towards the guest room. The door ajar allowing John to slowly push it open. There she was in the middle of the guest bed curled up. She looked smaller than she should have as if closing in on herself.
John to a step forward which turned into a few then a few more before he was sitting on the bed beside her. His hand cupping her cheek, wet with tears, “Sweetheart..” The utterances of the pet name seemed to work as her eyes opened slowly. Groggy from crying so much as well as sleep she stared at him. It was easy to tell that was what she was doing in the darkness. The tears not yet split made that easy to notice.
With crossed arms, Simon makes his way over to him, “We shouldn’t have—I should have said those things to you.”
She seemed to perk up, it was a first for Simon to say something like that. Not that she expected him to do so often but it was refreshing. “It’s fi-“
“It’s not fine, the things we said to you were uncalled for. You didn’t deserve any of that especially when all you wanted to do was express your feelings. We took our frustration from the mission out on you,” John told her. His thumb caressed her cheek a touch she leaned into without hesitation.
“You do so much for us even when you don’t think you do. Most don’t expect to be greeted at home with a smile and a warm meal. You do everything you can to make sure we’re okay. It’s time we do the same,” Simon says.
Sitting up a bit she looks between the two men with a puzzled look. She didn’t catch on until she had John’s lips on her own. The smell of tobacco and pinewood was strong as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It was comforting yet sensual as she felt Ghost behind her. His lips feverishly trailing kisses along her neck and shoulders.
Her mind seemed to move slower than her actions which was evident when she found herself naked between them. Her hands rested on John’s chest as he lined himself up with her sopping-wet hole. Eager wouldn’t describe what she was feeling especially when he finally thrusted into her. He was always attentive and careful at first, “how’s that feel, sweetheart?”
The words didn’t come but a simple nod followed by a moan was enough for him. Resting his hands on her hips he set a slow and steady pace. One that seemed to draw on the moans leaving her body. “Still so tight for me,” he grunted against her warm skin.
The gentle touch along her spine was enough to remind her of Simon’s presence. The way he was looking down at her caused her to squeeze around John’s cock. A swear left the older man’s lips due to the feeling. Keeping her eyes on Simon she spoke up, “want to feel you both..”
It was new territory something she hadn’t done before. But she wanted to be closer to them in a way soft touches wouldn’t do. “Are you sure, lovie?”
She nodded her head right away at Simon’s words as he seemed to be silently communicating with John. Looking between them she waited for an answer as John continued to thrust in and out of her.
That was all Simon needed to say before she leaned against John. Her arms were around his neck while her fingers curled around the hair at the base of his neck. Simon held her hip as he pumped himself in his hand before lining himself up with her stuffed hole. It was already a tight fit with John’s cock inside. Willing himself forward he groaned when his cock began to slide inside of her pussy.
Digging her nails into John’s back she muffled her noises on his shoulder. “That’s it sweetheart, such a good girl wanting to take both of us.”
John’s words seemed to calm her down as she felt him pull out some to allow Simon room to fit. She wasn’t fully prepared when she felt both of them inside of her. Neither of them moved, letting her adjust to the new feeling. Resting her hand on her stomach she moved it a bit lower feeling the bulge there. The subtle reminder of just how big John was in girth.
“Oh—please move..” her voice was a gasp barely above a whisper. She had never felt so full before, but oh did it feel perfectly right. Moving his hands up to cup her breasts Simon thrusted into her. At the same time, John pulled out before slamming himself back in.
Groaning from the feeling of John’s cock rubbing against his own as her pussy squeezed them tightly left Simon on edge. “Feels so good,” he breathed the words out.
Her mouth opened letting out a flurry of moans as their paces varied. While John was moving steadily, Simon’s pace was almost erratic. “Fuck—just like that,” she begged no one in particular.
Yet her words seemed to set both men off as they moved in tandem. Their pace seeming to match both went faster pistoning their cocks in and out of her. “So good for us lovie, always so good for us.”
The words of affection caused her to whimper before she felt his lips on hers. The kiss was dragged out and slow only fueled by John’s lips on her throat. The light prickles of his beard on her skin were comforting in a way. “You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. Always so caring and sweet for the both of us,” John’s voice vibrated against her soft skin.
She knew she wouldn’t last long from their affectionate words to their unyielding thrusts. Breaking the kiss between herself and Simon she whines, “So close, please.”
“Please what, lovie?”
The teasing tone he took on made her clench around their cocks. The action caused both men to groan as their cocks rubbed against her gummy walls. “Please let me cum, I’ll be good..”
“You’re always good, sweetheart,” John assured.
“Go ahead, lovie.”
She didn’t need to hear more as her eyes screwed shut. Her mind felt fuzzy as the warmth in her lower stomach began to spread. Gripping John’s shoulders she let out a cry as she came around their cocks with a tremble. However, they didn’t stop not yet at least as they were chasing their highs. To her, it felt like minutes but it only took seconds before they reached their own. Gripping her hips firmly John thrusted his hips up before releasing inside of her. Simon wasn’t too far behind as his cum mixed with that of John’s and hers.
Sighing breathlessly she shifted her eyes to the bulge in her stomach she had forgotten about. She could still see the outline of John’s cock against her lower stomach. But it didn’t last long as she felt both men pull out of her. Leaning back on Simon she watched as John left the room. Her eyes were concentrated on his back before they trailed to Simon.
“Lovie I-“
Shaking her head she leans up her lips pressed against his shoulder. “I’m fine, I guess I just worry a lot when you’re both not here. It’s scary to think something can happen on a mission and I wouldn’t know for a while until the mission ends.”
Simon noticed how shaky her voice was as if the thought of them getting hurt lingered in her mind. Placing his hands on her cheeks he leaned forward until his nose was touching hers. “It is scary, I couldn’t imagine having to stay home and wait for us to return. But I can promise you this, with everything in us we will always try our hardest to get back home to you. That’s how much you mean to us,” his words melted into her mind.
Keeping her eyes focused on his own she nodded her head, “I know you guys will. You always do and I’m grateful for that.”
“And we’re grateful for you,” John chimed in as he walked back into the room. He went straight to her using the towel in his hand to clean her up before pressing a kiss to her stomach. “We will always be grateful for you, I couldn’t picture myself loving anyone else besides the two of you.”
It was comforting to hear words like that from the men she loved. “I love you,” she said her words directed to both men. Pulling her close Simon kisses her forehead as he lays behind her. In front of her was John who also delivered a kiss to her forehead. “I love you too, sweetheart. Don’t be afraid to tell us when you’re worried or scared. We promise to think before we speak,” John’s words reassured her.
The same way that Simon’s touch did as his thumb rubbed her hip. “I love you, now get some sleep it’s almost four in the morning.”
That was all it took before she was closing her eyes allowing the feeling of both men beside her to lull her to sleep. She felt safe and protected between them, no longer as fearful as she was before.
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seriesxwriting · 4 months
I can’t get you off my mind <3
- w Rafe Cameron
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Series: outer banks
warnings: Swearing, kissing, female objectifying (by topper).
Summary: topper stirs the pot by lying about what rafe was doing at the party last night. Do you believe him or not?
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 <𝟑
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“What are you doing later? Do you wanna stay?” I mumbled into his top. I was laying on his chest and we were wrapped up in my green flowery covers. His arm was around me resting on my hip, he was wearing a black T-shirt so I could see his muscles where the sleeves ended. My right hand was on his bicep. I liked just holding onto it. “You want me to stay already, I’ve only been round twice” he giggled making me look up at him. His blue eyes staring deep into mine.
“Not to do anything” I shoved his face jokingly “I just like your company- you ever had a girl say that to you before?” I raised my eyebrow when he looked back at me with his famous smirk. “Something similar, but I’ve never reciprocated that” he told me dragging his thumb across my jawline. “No? Never?” I smiled showing my teeth, his head bent down. “I’ve never liked anyone like I like you” he licked his lips before pressing them against mine hungrily.
Me and Rafe were in what the kids call today a ‘talking stage’. He claims to have these deep feelings for me and I know I have them for him. Who on figure eight didn’t have those feelings for Rafe Cameron. He was in the year above me and everyone in my year creamed over the sight of him, I know it was the same for the girls in his year and even probably some of the boys. But with the reputation of Rafe Cameron I asked him to keep us on the low down.
We’d only told our friends really and we never went to crowed public places together. I wanted to just share this with him right now, so I can build trust with him and see if there is any room for a relationship.
“So, are you staying?” I questioned pulling away from him and running a thumb across his lips. “As much as I’m tempted right now, I’ve already rsvp’ed to a party” he told me tucking my hair behind my ear. My stomach sank. The weather had been crap recently, it had been storm after storm after storm. There hadn’t been any party’s not since me and Rafe started talking. “I know, this is the first one huh” he raised his eyebrow as if he could read my mind. “Yeah” I answered smally. “I told you that I’m going to prove to you my reputation don’t apply to you”.
“I hope that’s the case” I smiled taking his hand in mine and playing with his fingers. I rolled over onto my back so I could look at the ceiling. “I promise you, no drugs, no hoes, just me, the boys and a few beers” “but what if they egg you on?” “Babe I have my own mind, you’re all that’s on it” he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back towards him. His arms wrapped around my torso and his head in the crease of my neck. “Okay Rafe” I kissed the top of his head. He kissed my neck and then my jaw in response.
We stayed wrapped up just talking for a couple of hours before Rafe left me with a long kiss to remember him by before he went to his party. I didn’t know who was hosting it, but the fact that I wasn’t invited meant it was probably one of rafes drug friends that hadn’t gone to school with us. His replies weren’t too bad at the beginning of the night. But around eleven ish he stopped replying to my texts. I gave it two hours before I rolled my eyes and went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up to rays of sunshine slipping through my blinds and onto my face. I rolled over after rubbing my eyes and snapped my charger out of my phone. Rafe had replied, and also added a good morning text on the end of it. I smiled to myself forgetting all the worry and negativity I was feeling last night. I answered him back before getting up to go and brush my teeth. He asked me what my plans were for the day and seems I never do anything on a Sunday I told him I was free. He invited me round his and seems the weather was nice, told me to bring my swimming costume.
I quickly showed and got myself all ready to go to rafes. He lived a five minute walk away so I chose to not take my car and soak up the sun as I made my way to his house. As I turned the corner topper was driving past me. He slowed down stopping next to me and looked me up and down. “Hey y/n, looking good these days” “you alright top?” I nodded at him gripping my bag tightly. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. “Not too bad, just heading down to the beach to meet kelce, where you off to?”.
“Going round rafes, think we’re just going to chill by the pool” l shrugged looking around the street. “Oh? Didn’t realise you guys were still on tings” his eyebrows slammed up and this shocked look spread across his face. It looked so genuine. “Why’d you think that? Has he said something” “no- no he hasn’t said anything, just thought well- the things he was doing last night didn’t exactly scream happy in a relationship”. My heart sank. “What- what things top?” I questioned walking closer to his car.
“I don’t wanna mess anything up y/n- look maybe it was all just- an accident because he was high” topper but his hands up in defence. “but he told me he wasn’t going to do any drugs” my eye slimmed as my heart kept cracking. It was getting closer and closer to shattering. “Maybe I should just stop talking” “no topper- please tell me what happened” I begged with my eyes, they were probably glossy in the moment. “You wanna know more? Or I can take you back to mine and I can show you how a real man treats a girl like you” he shinned at me.
“You’re a pig” I stepped back scowling at him. “Let me know if you change your mind babe, I can be a rebound” he winked at me before pulling away from the curb and driving on. I watched as his car got smaller and smaller down the road. My eyes were fighting back the waves right now. My heart physically hurt. I turned back the way I’d come and went straight back home. I bravely walked past my parents but as soon as I reached my bed my eyes started leaking. I didn’t bother changing I just flopped onto my mattress and cried into it. My covers still smelt of Rafe. That made everything worse.
—————————four days later————————
I’d avoided Rafe for four days. He’d spammed my phone for the first two, the texts got less and less over the next two days. Probably because he came to my house and I got my father to turn him away. Nothings more scary than the dad of the girl you’ve hurt. I’d seen him around school but I dodge him and was able to hide anytime he saw me. I’d turn the other way, drive off as quickly as possible. Left no room for him to start conversation. I didn’t want to talk to him, look at him, fall for him again by him waving a wand and saying sorry.
I had to be strong. But it was day five now meaning we’d reached Friday. And this Friday was the film night. Me and my friends had been planning out the snacks and the chairs and the pillows and the blankets we were bringing for months now. There was no way I could get out of it. There was a possibility Rafe would be there, it wouldn’t be a hundred percent but there was a chance.
The car stopped in the car park and the girls got out with all our stuff, ready to find a space and set it all down. “Y/n do you wanna go get the drinks?” One of my friends asked with a big smile. I nodded feeling slightly hesitant. They wouldn’t let me use Rafe as an excuse, none of them were surprised when I told them what happened. It was kind of disheartening, I thought my friends would be way more supportive. I wondered towards the drinks table before hearing a “y/n! what’s up”. I turn around to see Rafe walking away from his boy group and towards me. He tried to do it calmly acting like he didn’t care in front of his friends “Rafe- um- not much” I turned from him giving him my back. But I could see the panic on his face.
He raced in front to catch me so I was looking at him “how are you, why are you avoiding me?” He questioned looking down at me. Our bodies were almost touching and he was leaning in close to my face whispering. I got goosebumps. “I should have known you were playing a game Rafe” I folded my arms creating space between us. “What are you talking about y/n, I can’t get you off my mind, what games” his hand flew up to his temple as if he was desperate. His eyes looked sad as he stared directly into mine. It wasn’t like that day he was at mine, they were desperate now not flirty. “Uh it’s such a shame Rafe- I really thought we had something” I shook my head stepping backwards.
“Top told me what happened at the party Rafe”. The words felt like I was being stabbed in the heart all over again. I wanted to melt into the floor. His eyes widened and his teeth gritted together. He really looked like he was going to give up and admit what he’d done. “The fuck you mean topper told you? Told you what?” Rafe shook his head pulling a face of disgust as if I didn’t know what I was talking about. I just laughed and began to walk off. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back staring into my eyes hard. “Y/n, I didn’t do anything at that party, I promise” “that’s not what he told me”. Rafe looked across at the boys before saying “Come on then” he interlocked our fingers and pulled me over to his group.
“Rafe- please no” I shook my head trying to pull back. “I’ve got you I promise” he rubbed my my hand. “Top, what is this about you telling y/n I was doing shit at the party, what type of shit?” Rafe question raising an eyebrow. All the boys turned to look at topper. He looked around before looking me up and down. I was wearing Jean shorts and a little lacy white top, his glare always felt so sexualising and uncomfortable. He started laughing as if he didn’t know what to say, his arms came out and then slapped his knees.
“Does anyone else remember me doing shit at the party?” He looked around the group and all the boys either shook their heads or shrugged. “So- why’d you stop replying to me?” I asked him in a small, innocent voice. “Around eleven?” Kelce asked me, I nodded my head a bit confused about how he knew. “Rafes phone died so he went to put it on charge in the kitchen, but we were outside”. I turned back to rafe and he was looking at me already, as if to say I told you so. I self consciously wrapped my arms around my waist. He saw this and took a step closer to me putting an arm on my shoulder blade.
Rafe then turned back to topper “what the hell did you say bro?” “I may have indicated that you did some drugs- and acted- un loyally” topper shrugged with a smirk on his face not caring at all that he’d caused massive problems between me and Rafe. “Why would you lie to me? I’ve never done wrong by you topper” I frowned furiously, wanting to know the why behind all this. “Same reason rafe’s with you, to get you into bed” he shrugged as if that wasn’t disgustingly downgrading, uncouth and disrespectful. I stood there horrified, my stomach twisted.
“Don’t fucking talk to her like that” Rafe made a massive step towards topper but the boys all jumped up and held him back. “Calm the fuck down Rafe, she’s just a girl” “she’s my fucking girl topper! You remember that!” rafe pointed at him angrily shouting and struggling against the boys. At this point lots of people were looking towards our little group. “You’re telling me you actually have feelings for her?” Topper threw his head back laughing.
“Yes! I fucking do! And you almost ruined it, your a selfish bastard- get the fuck out of here” Rafe pulled away from the boys backing up next to me again. “Rafe calm down- I didn’t think it was that deep” “it is” he replied, still pointing at him in furry. “Go home” Rafe ordered moving his hand now to the truck. Topper looked around for support from the other boys but he didn’t receive it. “Fine, god you’re so sensitive these days” topper rolled his eyes picking up his chair.
Rafe watched as he packed up his things and got into his car without looking back. “I can’t believe he’d make shit up because he wanted to sleep with your girl” kelce scoffed watching as the car drove away. “I promise you y/n nothing happened at that party, you have this guy wrapped around your finger, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you, you’re all he talks about, the way he smiles when you text him- I’ve never seen him like this” kelce relayed to me confidently, making Rafe stand there awkwardly rubbing his arm and turning bright red.
“Shall we go and talk?” I smiled genuinely brushing his arm with one finger, Rafe nodded his head and threw his arm around my shoulders like a scarf as we left. But before we did he gave a little head nod to his friend as a sign of respect to him. Me and Rafe went over to the side of the field where it was a little quieter. We sat down on a bench and I took his hand playing with his fingers. “I’m sorry I didn’t just- speak to you about it” I sighed talking in a small voice, I was embarrassed about how I handled the situation.
“Y/n I’m not mad at you, I’m not surprised you believe him I know I- have a reputation” rafe chewed on his lip, looking around. “But I’m done with all that, túnel visón now only, ya know” he nodded to make sure I agreed with him. “You really like me?” “There’s no words for how much I like you babe, but yeah let’s go with that” he smirked, I put my hand on his cheek and mirrored his smirk before leaning in to kiss him.
He kissed me like he thought he’d never have the chance to again. He kissed me like he had missed me and that I loved. I matched his energy feeling my insides grow butterfly’s and my cheeks get hot. “I really like you back Rafe” I whispered leaning my forehead against his. “So no more secrets? Let’s be official, that way you can come to the parties with me” he smirked rubbing my cheek with his rough thumb. I nodded excitedly throwing my arms around his neck hugging him.
“Gosh, the privilege of being your first girlfriend” I giggled. He squeezed me “first and last, babe”.
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pedgito · 2 years
i just saw your post about glasses!eddie munson and whenever you have the time, would you be able to write a cute series of reader finding out about his glasses ITS JUST ADORABLE
author’s note: this was meant to post sooner than now but here it is lol, i finished this pretty quick but got sidetracked. glasses!eddie has invaded my brain and it’s never leaving.
cw: sfw, glasses!eddie, eddie’s not so subtle flirting, acquaintances to friends, once again another fic where everyone bullies eddie (give this man a break), if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 2.5k
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“Do you wanna switch seats with me?” Your voice is soft, leaning back toward Eddie, whose eyes are nearly closed from how hard he’s focusing on the board, blindly scribbling something down on the paper. He’s lost on where the voice comes from until you’re in focus, looking back at him with a smile.
Eddie wasn’t a friend, but he wasn’t an enemy either. He was the boy who got picked on relentlessly and as much as you wanted to help, you weren’t sure it would change anything. Plus, he didn’t seem that bothered by it—or he was just really good at faking like he wasn’t.
“Oh,” Eddie replies, still confused, “I’ll be fine—Mr. Donahue’s handwriting is always shit, I can barely understand it.”
It wasn’t a total lie, but it was still legible.
“Munson!” The teacher's voice rings from the front of the classroom, “let's stop trying to distract other classmates and focus on our own work, okay?”
And if it wasn’t the condescension in his tone that pissed you off, it was the way he so quickly blamed Eddie for the interaction. He shrinks slightly, sending you an apologetic look.
It happens a few more times that week, catching Eddie glancing at the board as if it’s nearly impossible to see—and maybe he was telling the truth, but it’s also obvious that Donahue hates Eddie for no other apparent reason than just because he thinks he’s up to no good, which isn’t fair to Eddie.
You show up early to class the following week, bag resting in the chair of the desk beside you—Eddie’s usual seat, waiting. He’s always bordering on being late, making it to class as the bell rings, looking more frazzled than the others.
You weren’t sure what he got up to between classes, but he definitely seemed overwhelmed.
“This seat taken?” He asks with a smug smirk, pointing at your backpack. You smile slightly, reaching for it.
“Sorry—I just wanted to make sure I could sit beside you.” You tell him honestly. It throws Eddie off, his eyebrows furrowing together slightly before relaxing, eyes roaming over you curiously. “You said you can’t understand his handwriting, I was gonna let you copy my notes.”
“Can I copy your work too?” Eddie asks jokingly, but you can tell he means it. “I’m barely scraping by with a D in this class.”
You snort out a quiet laugh. “Let’s worry about the notes first.”
Eddie spends most of the class still struggling, forehead creased up as he sifts through your notes, writing things down sparingly. It’s almost like he’s trying not to be mean, focusing a little too hard on one word every now and then as he looks over, your papers perched on the corner of the desk.
“If my writing is horrible you can tell me,” You say, which makes Eddie chuckle, “seriously, I won’t be offended.”
“It’s not that,” He assures you, “it’s just—the angle, it’s a little hard to read them—“
“Oh, well,” You grab the papers in a bunch, extending them toward him, “here, just take them.”
Eddie ignored you, his fingers wrapping around the leg of your desk to pull it flush against his—it’s quick enough that it doesn’t make much noise, only a slight shifting that draws a few eyes.
“Or…that works too.” You say shyly, face heating up at his straightforwardness. “Better?”
He glances over, shifting the papers to his side and gives a subtle nod as his lips pull together in a tight line, “Yeah, actually.”
And it’s almost blissful silence as Eddie copies them down, asking a few questions when your words meld together out of habit when you’re writing too quickly, he still leans in slightly but you don’t pester him on it—eventually Eddie’s actions are noticed, all eyes shifting toward the back of the classroom.
When you look up, everyone is staring back, including the pensive and threatening eyes of your teacher.
Eddie mumbles a soft, “Sorry.” as he pushes your desk back.
“Do I need to remind you two that this isn’t a matchmaking class?”
And it’s a ridiculous comment to make, but it has Eddie scoffing slightly underneath his breath.
“I’m letting him copy my notes,” You say innocently, “is that okay?”
You can’t remember having a problem in any of your classes, either flying under the radar or one of the usual favorites—you’ve never felt this tense, staring down the entirety of the group that was staring right back, though your gaze was focused on Mr. Donahue.
Eddie looks at you briefly before settling his eyes toward the desk, fiddling with pen in his hands to soothe his anxiety.
“If Eddie has a problem, he can come sit up front,” He says coarsely, “I don’t think you have the wiggle room to be socializing, do you?”
And suddenly his gaze on you is forgotten, flicking toward Eddie.
Eddie doesn’t give him the satisfaction, shuffling his shoulders forward in an effort to hide himself, scribbling something random down on the paper in front of him—it’s something he did when was bored or uncomfortable, even, a comfort.
You catch Eddie toward the end of class, gripping his sleeve before he can sneak away.
“How far behind are you?” You ask him, peering up at him curiously. Eddie looks sheepish, glancing away for a moment.
“Uh, I haven’t really taken notes all semester—I kinda just..scribble shit down so it looks like I’m working.”
Your eyes slant down slightly, in an ire of disbelief as your mouth parts, “Eddie, are you serious?”
He shrugs, reaching a hand up to scratch his jaw. You huff through your nose, snatching the pen perched in Eddie’s pocket and uncapping it before shoving it into his hands.
“Give me your address.” You insist, holding out your arm to him. Eddie seems skeptical, fingers wrapping around your arm gently, shifting your sleeve up, “I’m getting you caught up—don’t look at me like that.”
And truly, he’s not sure how to respond. Kindness and niceties weren’t at all familiar, feeling like there was always some ulterior motive. Still, he scribbles down the information with slow strokes, careful that it doesn’t smudge—leaving a small smiley face out of spite, forcing a similar expression onto your own face.
“I’m free after six,” He tells you, “so unless you want to get caught up in awkward conversation with my uncle, wait until then.”
You laugh at that, pulling your sleeve down.
“How else am I supposed to uncover all of your secrets?”
Eddie smirks slightly, eyes averting toward the floor.
“I’ll tell you whatever you want to know—you just have to ask.”
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He spends most of his nights—sans the ones where he’s performing for the small audience at The Hideout or hosting Hellfire meetings—organizing campaigns and writing down random things that come to his mind, feeling the need to get the thought out on paper, even if it’s song lyrics or a drawing.
He adjusts the thin rimmed glasses up his nose, eyes hurting from the strain he’s forced them through all day. He knows he should spend a few minutes resting, even just closing his eyes for a moment, but he can’t help it. Eddie knows it’s his fault, the beginnings of a headache forming as he tries to focus, his finger sneaking up to rub at his eye—he can feel the haziness, willing it away.
But then you’re knocking at his door and every thought is thrown out the window—part of him never expected you to show, his heart thrumming in his chest as he leaps from the bed, tossing the papers away haphazardly and forcing the glasses up into his hair without a thought, pushing his bangs away from his face.
Eddie whips the door open, causing you to startle slightly.
“Hi.” You say wearily, a soft smile on your face.
“Hi,” Eddie responds slightly out of breath, before clearing his throat and offering a smoother, “Hey.”
Your eyes glance up, noticing the difference in his face. His bangs were like a trademark, constantly hiding his eyebrows. You point up curiously, speaking before you can think things through.
“You wear glasses?” You ask, eyebrows knitting in confusion.
“No—no uh, of course not.” Eddie responds quickly, adamant in his refusal. “Why would you—“
He’s clearly caught off guard, standing awkwardly in the doorway, eyes crossing as he follows your finger, only realizing his mistake when you drag the glasses down slowly, pushing them gently up the bridge of his nose.
“Well, that is definitely an interesting pair of non-existent glasses.” You say jokingly, grinning at his embarrassment, cheeks flushing a deep red.
It’s hard to explain how perfectly they fit his face—like it’s the missing piece that pulls him together. He’s not dressed up like usual, in a faded graphic shirt and gray pair of sweats, no jacket or rings in sight. It’s natural—and it’s in that split second you can see the real Eddie. Not the threatening, menacing Eddie Munson that everyone played him out to be.
Eddie nods wearily, beckoning you inside.
“I won’t tell anyone,” You promise him with a tinge of amusement, rounding on him as he closes the door, shoving the stack of papers at his chest, “—if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Eddie pulls the glasses off of his face, folding them up.
“It’s not that,” Eddie tells you, “—didn’t mean for you to find out about them, it kinda ruins the whole image, you know?”
Image. It makes you laugh to yourself silently.
“You didn’t seem like you were trying to hide them,” You giggled slightly, “besides, I don’t think they ruin anything.”
“I kinda forgot you were coming.” Eddie lies, knowing he had been riddled with nerves since he stepped foot inside of the trailer that evening, not understanding why he was so anxious to begin with.
“Look, I don’t mean to overstep or anything—“ You stop briefly, sighing softly, “but if you need a tutor or even just…some help, I don’t mind.”
Eddie doesn’t really know how to take it, staring at you like you’d grown a second head.
“I study with Nancy a lot,” You explain, “it’s really not a big deal.”
“I’m a lost cause,” Eddie admits with half-smile, “there’s no saving me.”
“I don’t believe that,” You tell him honestly, approaching him to shove the glasses back toward his chest, his other hand still stuffed full with the papers containing your notes, “—seriously, put them back on and I can spend a couple hours seeing where you’re at.”
Eddie listens, though skeptically, placing the glasses back onto his face—you smile without really thinking, causing him to react similarly.
“It’s okay to let someone be nice to you,” You assure him, “as many assholes as there are at Hawkins, there’s still a few of us who mean well.”
“I can’t be taught, I’m just warning you now.” Eddie remains adamant, leading the way toward his room. You follow behind eagerly, taking in the abstract way of decoration littered around the trailer.
“Fine—you can at least show me your drawings then.”
Eddie looks back at you briefly, a confused grin on his face.
“I’m really observant,” You tease, “and curious.”
“Promise not to tell anyone?” Eddie asks.
“I’ve already got one secret to keep,” You respond, teasing him lightly, “what’s one more?”
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“How bad is it?” You ask him, staring up expectantly.
“What—oh, my eyes?” Eddie asks, “Uh, kinda bad. It’s okay, though—I manage.”
You crease your eyebrows together, motioning for him to remove the glasses. He does, watching as you reach for a paper, holding it up in front of him.
“Tell me when you can read it clearly.”
Eddie nods, squinting as you move the paper closer and closer, until it’s only a few inches from his face, your eyes widening in shock.
“Eddie,” You stress, “you can’t be serious?”
“I told you I manage,” He argues with a slight laugh, “but it’s bad, I meant that.”
Your expression remains the same, arms falling to your side as you discarded the paper.
“They look weird,” Eddie defends, “that’s why I only wear them at home—I already get enough shit at school anyways.”
“Bullshit,” You say boldly, “they do not look weird.”
Unfortunately, you did see all of the relentless teasing he caught at school, that wasn’t lost on you.
“You don’t have to lie,” Eddie says, “it won’t bother me.”
“I’m not,” You counter, smiling as the glasses returned to his face, his eyelashes touching the lenses, bangs brushing against the rim, “they fit you—they’re…cute.”
Eddie snorts in disbelief, “Okay, enough.”
You smile to yourself, watching as his cheek flushed a faint pink.
“Can I try them on?”
Eddie doesn’t answer outright, pulling them away from his face and handing them over—they’re a little bigger, his more prominent facial structure different from yours and causing the glasses to slide down your nose slightly. You push them up with your finger, squinting at the strain it puts on your eyes.
You can see Eddie smiling over the rim, admiring how perplexed you look in the moment, “Don’t look at me like that,” You say playfully, “these things are really strong.”
Eddie shakes his head, “It’s—nothing, nevermind.” He pulls the glasses from your face gently, placing them back on his own.
And Eddie’s never been shy, but suddenly he can’t force the words out, afraid of the mix of both rejection and embarrassment.
“I like you like this,” You tell him, hoping it eases him, seeing how tense he was—clearly unloved by many, “I mean, I like you both ways but this—it’s nice.”
“You’re the first.” He says flippantly, not aimed at you for any specific reason. He’s not immune to the words thrown at him, they do start to wear on him after time, even if he brushes them off for the most part.
“They’re insane,” You tell him with a surety, “all of them.”
“Careful,” Eddie treads, “Jason would have a fuckin’ field day if he heard you say that.”
You shrug, smugness in your expression.
“He’s terrified of me.”
“Jason—terrified of you?” Eddie asks, begging for more clarification.
“Our parents are friends—I’ve seen…a lot.” You say cryptically, not wanting to dive into details, “I’m not one for blackmail but I’m not totally above it.”
“You’re so interesting,” Eddie speaks candidly.
“I’ll take that was a compliment?” You respond, “Hopefully.”
Eddie nods with a subtle smile.
“Well—like you said,” You start, repeating his earlier sentiment, “I’ll tell you anything, just ask.”
You hold your finger up as his mouth opens—
“But, notes first—secrets later.”
Eddie pushes his glasses up comedically, forcing a quiet laugh from you—it’s the exact reaction he wants. He settles, agreeing with your rules.
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Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this fic! It’s makes a huge difference. ♡
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talaok · 1 year
Okay I have another request lmao but Spencer and reader playing one of those couples card games? Could be a cute Valentine’s Day fic. And the questions are all varied like for example ‘how do I show you I love you without telling you’ ‘how would you describe me to a stranger’ ‘what’s the sexiest thing about me’ ‘are you lying to yourself about anything’ ‘what non sexual part of me turns you on’ etc which means you can make it as fluffy, angsty or smutty as you want to or all 3 lmao and gives you a lot of creative freedom <3
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God I'm so single this made me feel lonely thank you tho, amazing request as always❤️
Time to play
"what is that?" he laughed, his eyes following you as you entered the living room.
You had just finished eating the surprise dinner he had spent weeks planning, and you had disappeared into the bedroom just to come back with a little pink cardboard box.
"a game" you explained with a grin
Spencer knew that smile,
something was up.
he raised an eyebrow questioningly as you sat down close to him.
"ok it's a couples game"
"ah" he hummed amusedly
"c'mon it's fun"
He looked at you,
How could he ever say no to that face?
Spencer often thought of how dangerous the effect you had on him was, about how you could literally ask him to do anything and he would do it without missing a beat if it meant making you happy.
"does it involve taking your clothes off?"
You giggled "would you want it to?"
He bit down a smirk, already more interested "yes" he said like it was the most obvious thing on this earth
You smiled "too bad it doesn't"
"ugh," he huffed, disappointed "you're cruel"
"you still love me though" you leaned closer, kissing him briefly
Too briefly according to Spencer,
"I do" he nodded, smiling hazily as he kissed you once more.
"Alright, then pretty boy, time to play"
He sighed “fine, how does it work?”
“You just answer the questions when it’s your turn and ask them when it’s mine”
“Seems easy enough” he nodded
“I certainly hope so, Mr. Genius”
He laughed softly “you’ve gotta stop calling me that”
“When you’ll stop being a genius”
“That’s not really in my control”
“Well then I guess you’re doomed”
“When was I ever not with you?”
You smiled wide at that, hiding your reddening cheeks as opened the box.
You placed the cards on the table and looked up at him
“Ladies first” he gestured
“What a gentleman” you snickered, drawing a card.
“Ok this is nice” you cleared your throat “how would you describe me to a stranger?”
“Uhh-“ he thought, creasing his forehead “why would I need to-“
“Just answer the question babe” you laughed
“Ok. Well I guess I would say you’re really smart” he started “and stunning, of course” he paused to think “ and funny, talented, and kind” he listed “and well- the love of my life”
You rolled your eyes, your mouth betraying you as it twitched into a smile.
“You’re so cheesy” you leaned closer to him
“And you like it” he kissed you
“I do” you scrunched your nose “your turn”
“Alright,” he took a card “this is interesting- who was your first crush?”
You smiled, settling some hair behind your ear” Jhon Malley, he was a senior when I was a freshman, and he used to tutor me”
“Tutor you?”
Spencer knew you never needed tutoring
“What? I needed an excuse to be with him”
“Should I be jealous?”
“Well he was pretty jacked...” you giggled
“Noted, I’ll start training with Derek"
"no please don't " you waved your hands desperately "I don't wanna have to take care of you for a week because you can't move last time "
"fine I won't" he agreed "did anything ever happen?"
"nope" you tsked "he started dating a cheerleader"
"well he missed out"
"agreed," you said, drawing a card
"Oh I like this one" you bit your bottom lip "what is the sexiest thing about me?"
he smiled, wide "everything"
You hit his chest with the card playfully "no, give me a real answer"
"ok, well your... personality then"
"spencer..." you glared
"oh c'mon, you know"
"I do" you smirked "but I wanna hear you say it"
he sighed "your boobs" he confessed with a thin voice
"I knew it"
"well it's not really a secret" he laughed "what about me? what's the sexiest thing about me?"
"your butt definitely" you joked, making him snort as he took another card
"mh, I wanna know this- Is there something you've lied to your partner about in the past week?"
you smiled guiltily
"spill it"
"ok you know the other day when you asked me where your jumper went and I told you I didn't know" you shrugged "I had kinda stolen it"
He grinned "Oh I knew that"
"do you think I haven't noticed how my part of the wardrobe is getting emptier and yours magically growing?"
"and plus, you don't know how to lie"
"That's not true"
He tilted his head, clearly mocking you
"you smile when you lie, and you can't look me in the eyes"
you gasped feigning offense "maybe you just have an advantage because your job is literally to read people, mr. profiler"
"maybe" he agreed "but you're still an awful liar"
"shut up" you stole the card from his hand, and drew a new one.
"What's the first thing you noticed about me when you first met me?"
he didn't even have to think about it "your smile, the moment I saw it I knew I was done for"
You felt your cheeks warm "that's sweet"
he raised an eyebrow "it's the truth" he said, drawing a card.
Oh, he liked this one.
"what would you say is my hidden talent?"
You smirked, only dirty dirty thoughts passing through your mind, and from the look of it, his too.
"I think you know"
"oh I do" he rested his elbows on his legs, leaning closer "But I wanna hear you say it" he gave you a taste of your own medicine.
"Well Doctor-" you bit your lip, leaning so your face was just before his, as your finger traced mindless patterns on his shoulder and chest "you do have a very talented mouth" you murmured "and tongue" you added, kissing his cheek, as you noticed his breathing quicken "and well-" you kissed his neck now "other things too" you suggested.
"mmm" he hummed, his hand reaching for your thigh "how about I use some of those talents right now?"
You laughed softly, "sure thing baby," you agreed "right after we finish playing"
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chiharuhashibira · 9 months
Could I please request reader grinding against Giyu’s thighs please
I crave that please uwu 😩🥹
YES~ I would love to write about Giyu @pinejayy
Ughhhh~ I wanna write this one-shot so baddd and now I have the time so buckle up your seatbelts...
Here's the Giyu train~
But of course my babes, before I continue this...
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𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖
𝐀 𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
Content Warnings: Matured Themes/NSFW/Curse Words/Aggressive Giyu/Penetration/Round 2
NOTE: AGAIN, Minors. Do. Not. Interact.
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(All images are not mine)
As Giyu Tomioka's tsugoku, you need to keep your cool around him. But honestly, the Water Hashira takes your breath away. His fine movements always made you wonder if he'd be great on be—
You stopped yourself before your thoughts drifted away again. You're attracted to the Water Hashira, as he was one of the finest and greatest demon slayers out there. But then, you can't show that easily. Even if your mission with him is done, if he sees you not focused, surely he'll be disappointed.
Giyu is silent, as always, as he settles down in the room, placing his sword gently on the table at the corner of the room. You also did it, assuming that, like you do with other demon slayers, you'd share a room with him. You looked at the Water Hashira in disbelief because he was astounded by your actions. It was the first time that both of you had a mission together, so you never knew if he had some rules or whatnot.
"You're sharing a room with me?" He asked with a surprised tone. You blinked in confusion and looked at him. "I guess? That's what we usually do, Tomioka-san. Unless there's a special rule that comes if your mission is with a Hashira?" You said firmly.
He just shrugged his shoulders, and that made you annoyed. He was the one who asked you to be his tsugoku, as you were trying to be Lord Tengen's. Yes, you wanted to learn Sound Breathing at first but this enigmatic man convinced you to learn Water Breathing instead.
He was nicer before, asking you how have you been but now, Giyu treats you coldly—colder than how he treats Shinobu—and that bothered you.
That's it... I'm so done with this.
"Do you hate me?" You asked, making him shoot a surprised glance at you. If looks can kill, you're definitely dead right now.
"I can't fathom why these thoughts bother you at all." He finally spoke up, crossing his arms and facing you completely.
"If I were Lord Tengen's tsugoku, he wouldn't just shrug me off. Surely he would make me feel like I'm one of the greatest tsugokus out there."
It was too late when you realised that what you said was too much. You gulped as the Water Hashira's eyebrow creased in frustration. He walked towards you, taking you aback. "T–Tomioka-san, sorry, I didn't—"
Your words were cut off as he suddenly wrapped his hand around your neck, tightening it but not too much to kill you. That made your eyes widen, and tears formed at the corners of your eyes. You tried to push him away but he caught your hand, squeezing it tight.
"What attention do you want to receive? This?"
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You felt like you were drowning in the sound of your heartbeats as Giyu's lips smashed against yours, aggressively kissing you as he pinned you on the wall. All your strength slowly ebbed out of your body as he held your hands above your head and his kisses became sloppier.
Tomioka pulled out, looking at you with lust in his eyes. You gulped as your body betrayed you. You love what Tomioka does to you right now.
"I bet the Sound Hashira won't be able to make you feel this special with his three wives around him."
"You'll never know how I kept my calm with you, Y/N. But fuck! You're trying my patience!"
That was the first time you saw Giyu unleash his frustrations, and it shocked you. But the Water Hashira took this as an opportunity to carry you down the futon, making you straddle his thighs. You tried to protest, but the man slammed his lips against yours once again, squeezing your ass over your skirt.
The adrenaline surged through your body, causing you to moan as you began to kiss him back. You slowly felt him get hard as you slowly grinded on his clothed thighs. Giyu pulled your hair back and started kissing your neck, using his other hand to unbutton your uniform.
"Do you want this?" He said it through his kisses. You knew that his biting and sucking on your neck would leave a mark on your skin, but you didn't care. "Y-Yes... Tomioka-san... I want this!"
He stopped kissing you for a moment, and for the first time in your life, you saw a smile on his lips. But that immediately faded as he pulled you closer once again, moaning in your mouth as you grinded your hips against his thighs.
With your underwear wet with your passion, you slowly wrapped your arms around Giyu's head as he buried his face between your exposed breasts, licking and sucking on the sensitive nipples.
"G-Giyu..." His first name rolled smoothly off your tongue, which made him chuckle. "Calling me... *kiss* by... mmm *sucks on your left nipples and gropes your right breast* my first name... now huh?" He said, biting your nipple a bit—enough to make you moan louder than earlier and squirm on his thighs.
He slowly worked his way through your underwear, pulling them down so you could feel him more. You moaned as your wet pussy finally grinded on his clothed thighs. It's so good, but you bet that his skin would feel better.
You aggressively rubbed your wet pussy against his thighs, moaning between his kisses and chuckles. And with a blink of an eye, you felt the familiar churn in your stomach, and you finally almost screamed, "F-Fuck! I'm cumming,"  when Giyu covered your mouth and gave you a smile as you grinded on his thighs faster.
"Cum for me, Y/N... You're so good." He gave you a sly smile, looking at your eyes with oozing lust in them. "You've always been a good girl, Y/N. Great at fights, great as my tsugoku, and of course, perfect to be fucked on my bed. You've always made me proud, baby."
The man gave you compliments that sounded so seductive that you never expected to hear them from him. That aroused you more, and you finally bit your lip, held tight to his shoulder, and locked eyes with the Water Hashira.
"Ahhhhh~" You finally said, as your pussy throbbed in pleasure as you rubbed it against his thighs. When the waves calmed down in you, Tomioka placed you beside him, looking at you with such intense eyes.
"You've come already. How about me?" He said it so casually that it made you blush. Tomioka's head was resting on his hand as he looked at you with building lusts in his eyes. You looked back at him once again and saw how wonderful he was against the rays of the moonlight.
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You were so drowning in passion that you kissed his hand, which was reaching out to touch your cheeks. Tomioka suddenly went over you, slowly undressing you as he showered your body in kisses.
"I'm not *kiss* as showy as Uzui-san *sucks on your neck* but if *massages your titties* you have told me *kisses your lips* that it bothers— haaaah~"
As you slid your hand inside his pants and felt his hardened cock between your palms, he was caught off guard. "Fuck... just like that..." He said as he pulled his pants down and lifted your skirt. You felt his hot cock against your stomach as he removed your shirt and tossed it aside.
He stopped kissing you for a moment and looked into your eyes once more.
"If you only told me that it bothers you, I would've shown you how special you are to me."
"And you wouldn't even think that Uzui-san would treat you better. Because I know I can treat you the best, as my tsugoku and as my girl." He said with his voice sounding so confident.
"I didn't mean to say that..." You blushed, ashamed of what you had said earlier. You know how nice Giyu is, but it's just that you're not happy with his coldness.
"Do you really want this?"
He asked politely, caressing your cheek as he rubbed the tip of his cock on your clit. You can't help but squirm with the stimulation. The Water Hashira's next question definitely triggered your fuck-me mode once more.
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"Would you like to cum with me, Y/N?"
"Y-yes please. Fuck me hard, Giyu. I'm fucking thirsty for you~."
The Water Hashira spread your legs and finally entered you. A moan of pleasure escaped both of your mouths in unison as Giyu buried his face in the crook of your neck as he felt how tight you were.
You held tightly on his shoulders as he buried himself deeper, making you almost scream in pain and pleasure.
"Fuck, Y/N. Is this your first time?" He asked in a whisper as he soothed you with a kiss on the lips. "Yes..." you said, making him chuckle. "I want to tell you that I'll be gentle, but you pissed me off earlier. But I'll definitely make this feel good, love."
The nickname he gave you made you bite your lip, and as you did so, Giyu finally managed to enter you completely, filling your pussy with his hot and warm cock.
He slid in and out of you, making your breasts move up and down with his motion. Giyu savoured this as he licked your sensitive nipples, moaning loudly as he did so, causing you to nearly cum once more.
But whenever you feel your peak, Giyu will slow down and kiss your lips, both of your tongues fighting for dominance, which leaves you a happy loser as he wins over and over.
Giyu's hands wandered over your body, touching every crevice that he never imagined reaching. "You're mine." He said this as he fucked you so hard that you were on the verge of passing out in pleasure. The first time he did it, when he heard the most erotic sound coming from your lips, he repeatedly hit the sweet spot in you.
As quiet as he is in fights, Giyu's definitely a moaner in bed. With his sexy groans and raspy voice coming to your senses, you can't help but feel like you don't want this to end.
"Mmmm~ Giyu almost there!"
With this, the Water Hashira felt the warmth building up on his stomach as well. The dam will break soon, and you're happy to be flooded by it. "Me too, love..."
He said as his thrusts became quicker and deeper, making you moan harder in pleasure. As he fucked you harder, Giyu lifted your legs and placed them on his clothed shoulders. He held on to your waist and kissed your lips so passionately.
"Ahhhh!" You shouted in unison, as both of you hadn't been able to stop yourselves from doing so because of too much pleasure. His cum filled your pussy and you definitely loved it.
Giyu passed out over you, feeling his strength ooze out of his body. You embraced him and buried your face on his shoulders.
"Sorry for what I said earlier... I'm just frustrated because... I like you." You said you were still feeling guilty about what you did. "I'm sorry too for not showing you how much I appreciate you. I really like you too, Y/N." He whispered back, making your heart jump inside your chest.
Giyu finally looked into your eyes, giving you a smile. "But at least now I know how I will show you how proud I am of you."
You blushed at his words; you clearly know what he's implying.
The night ended with you kissing and fucking over and over again. At least you also know now how the Water Hashira performs on bed. You love it, and you definitely look forward to it again.
𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒚?
As a Giyu's girl, I crave this too soooo thanks again for requesting @pinejayy☺️
I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. YES I DID ENJOY WRITING GIYU SMUT HAHAHA My gosh, the man's so hot. I can't contain it anymore XD
And I am definitely lucky to find those pics on Google, so shout out to the owner XD It boosted my imagination! HAHAH!
Anyways, that's it for now. 💓 Feel free to request anything ^^ Also, check out my chaptered fic, 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔) as more surprises will come soon~
NOTE: AGAIN, Minors. Do. Not. Interact.
Ja ne~
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beanlot · 2 years
okay hear me out- cowboy!ellie x fem!reader having *cough* raunchy sex uhm i just. i needed to share these art (not by me btw!) to u aka my all time fav au! writer and yes u can do whatever u want with that prompt ;) i'm just sharing cuz i don't wanna be alone on this 🤭
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if red dead was a lesbian porn game, it would have its perks - discrete and secretive sex, if you’re into that. but i’m gonna try and maintain some realism and sadly declare that it’s the 1890s and homophobia is lividly prevalent, hence said discrete and secretive sex. and with ellie’s.. not so ladylike shenanigans, she’s gonna raise a few eyebrows.
you’ll meet on a tuesday night shift at the bar, and at first, it’ll be just another evening frothing root beer and artificial laughter to camouflage snide remarks on why you aren’t married yet. ellie blends with the maelstrom, you won’t notice her until she’s directly infront of you, jagged scars that slice through her eyebrow.
just some whiskey.
and she’s gonna be pretty reserved, tactical with her eyes when she clocks what a god damn showpiece you are. there’s some moments where ellie maintains her jagged character, dry and insensitive - but there’s some moments, like these, where maintaining that character leaves her stomach curdling.
so she’ll pay extra than what’s needed, sliding over two quarters.
oh, it’s only one o-
i know. one for the whiskey and one for you.
and maybe it’s not essentially unorthodox for you to get tipped, but being tipped by a woman? what was usually plain sailing and rather satisfactory as sliding an extra coin into your palm becomes dithering, a dilemma of whether or not to accept - which solves itself when she walks off without a thank you.
you’re wondering where does the raunchy sex start; it kinda starts when you realise she isn’t just some hallucinogenic succubus bandit waiting to claw at you when you’re most vulnerable, although rationally, that’s what it’s gonna fucking feel like. she’ll be sat down, creased maps against the oak and eyes that should be thinking logically.. but just can’t resist the temptations of looking at you, but in particular, your left hand.
it kinda starts when you realise she’s checking if you’re married.
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to abbreviate an extensive romance story,
you’ll subtly invite her in during a snowstorm. and let me just say that this ellie has a thing for thigh-riding, the kind where you’ll be kissing at eachother’s lips as you sit on her lap, losing rhythm because her salacious fingers are guiding your hips back and forth into her. but in terms of vulgarity, i don’t think this ellie would be super experimental just yet; she wants to appreciate you for the fine woman you are, and if that means warming up to the burliness of her thigh against your clit gets that message across, then so be it.
but despite that, this ellie wouldn’t particularly be so vanilla either - she’s still a little bit of a lovemaker, it’s just that this is one of the au’s where i could see her being more dominant presenting. fingers not so timid to part your legs against her thigh, gliding so silkily through your slit, a tone of velvet that whispers what a beauty you are against your cheek. her firewood scent whisking with the kerosine of your bedside lantern as she’ll undress you bare.. and sorta just, lay back and enjoy the show.
gorgeous girl, letting me see you like this.
that’s it, very pretty.
you’ll go to slide the beige suspenders off her shoulders, and you want to do more - but shit’s getting super sensitive as you rock against her waist, your hands quivering against her breasts. she’ll whisper that she knows, her fingers doing the dirty work that you’d seemingly been anticipating for too long; manipulating the fabric so teasingly that your thighs can’t help but start to tremble - clit scorching with agonising vim when you see her abdomen, pearly scars faintly residing against the muscle.
does this excite you?
another undone.
you won’t be able to answer, the sweltering so damn near that it paralyses your body, only instinctive thrusts against her skin that leave you pathetic and nodding breathlessly.
and then another undone.
the precise line of her breasts only slightly visible - she knows you’re close by how impulsively you grind against her, with dilated pupils dazed and so gravely out of character.
but the night’s just starting.
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avanatural · 2 years
That Simple
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Summary: Beau goes to Y/N, a new friend of his, for some dating advice. Is the charming new Sheriff gonna get the date that he’s hoping for? 
Pairing: Beau Arlen x female Reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1.8k
Chapter warnings: None
A/N: This is my very first story about Beau. I hope you like it! Send me an ask if you want to get tagged in my future fics about him ❤️ 
Series Masterlist | Beau Arlen Masterlist | Part 2
Main Masterlist
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The bell above the door announced his arrival.
Beau looked around as he entered the hair salon, his eyes scanning the place for a certain someone. Once he spotted the familiar face he was searching for, a grin appeared on his mouth.  
Y/N looked up from her day planner, holding the phone in her hand as she spoke to a customer. Once she spotted the new Sheriff, she smiled, just like she always did when she saw him.
Beau Arlen was like a wizard who cast a spell on everyone around him. He spread his charm wherever he went, drawing people in without even realizing how hard he made them fall for him.
“Yeah… See you on Thursday.” Absentmindedly, Y/N ended the phone call.
Beau walked up to the counter. Up to her. “Hi there,” he drawled.
“Hey, Beau, what can I do for you?”  
“Actually…” The tall man leaned against the counter, his stance casual. His voice lowered as he breathed, “I have an emergency…”
“An emergency,” she repeated and touched the base of her neck, already wondering how she could fit another appointment in her schedule.
“Yeah.” He clicked his tongue. “I’m here for some advice, if you don’t mind.”
“Hm…,” Y/N hummed and crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s relieving.”
Beau moistened his lips, his tongue sliding slowly across his mouth. “Why’s that?”
“Because I wouldn’t wanna chop off any of that gorgeous hair.”
The skin around his eyes creased as he beamed at her. With dimples showing on his scruffy cheeks, he pointed his finger at her. “And you call me charming.”
“What can I say? I learned from the best,” she chuckled, “So, what’s the emergency?”
“Well…” He shifted on his feet and sighed, but the sparkle didn’t leave his eyes. “I wanna ask out this… Beautiful, kind, intelligent woman, you know?”
Y/N arched a teasing eyebrow. “Oh? That sounds like an emergency, alright.” Had the new Sheriff actually come to her for dating advice? “What’s holding you back?”
“I don’t know if she sees me that way… She’s kind of a mystery.” He hissed, dragging a breath of air into his mouth through his teeth. “And she seems way out of my league.”
“Beau… Listen to me.” Y/N leaned across the counter, inching closer to him as she supported herself on her forearms. “You’re a catch. Any woman would be lucky to have you. I say go for it. No grand gestures, just walk right up to her and go ‘Hey, you wanna go on a date?’”
He pinned her down with his intensely bright green eyes and cocked his head to the side. “That simple, huh?”
She blinked at him kindly. “That simple.”
“Alright.” Beau cleared his throat, as if to prepare himself, and tossed a wink in her direction. He then turned around and walked back to the door.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, close to laughing. He was so goofy sometimes. She was about to ask him where he was going, and if she should wish him luck, but he held up his pointer finger, signaling for her to pay attention.
Beau took a deep breath and pushed back his shoulders. Next, he moved his head from left to right as if to pop away the stiffness in his neck. He then gazed into one of the mirrors in the salon and adjusted his growing hair.
At this point, Y/N couldn’t stop the series of soft chuckles that escaped her lips.
Finally, Beau plastered a lopsided smirk on his face and walked back up to the counter. His bowlegs strolled forward casually as if he was stepping across a made-up catwalk. He leaned against the table, looked Y/N straight in the eye and said, “Hey, you wanna go on a date?”
The smile on Y/N’s face faded, quickly swapped for wonder. “Wh-“ Her head tilted to the side. “Are you practicing, or-“
He shook his head ‘no’ and gave her a genuine smile that made her heart hammer violently against her chest.
Astonished, she pointed a finger at herself. “I’m the mystery?” The smile returned to her lips, lighting up her entire face. “You wanna go out with me?”
He opened his arms widely, ready to offer himself to her. “If you’ll have me.”  
Her lashes fluttered against her cheeks with excitement. The grin on her face easily reached her eyes. “So, you think I’m beautiful, kind, and intelligent, huh?”
Beau placed his forearms on the counter, bent forward and slid closer to her. “Those are just a few of many good qualities, but yes.”
Y/N’s head lowered on its own accord as she smiled to herself.
“Oh, there it is!”, he exclaimed, pointing his finger at her face, “That gorgeous blush I’ve been waitin’ to see!”
“Beau!”, she scolded with flushed cheeks and slapped his shoulder. The two of them were attracting attention by now.
He laughed wholeheartedly and slid even closer across the counter. “What? I could make you blush all day.”
Her eyes narrowed at him. A coy smile tugged on her lips. “I bet you could.”
His brows wiggled like two happy dancers. “So… You wanna go on a date with the new Sheriff in town?”
About ready to burst with eagerness, Y/N reached across the counter and placed her hand on top of Beau’s. “I’d love to.”
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As their date came to an end, Beau walked Y/N to her door. He’d taken her to a fair a few towns over. They’d played games, gotten on rollercoaster rides, and she’d even managed to get him on the ferris wheel.
His warm hand on her lower back made the butterflies in her stomach go wild. He walked so close to her that she could smell his cologne. His scent was a mixture of old spice and vanilla. It was intoxicating.
“I had a great time tonight. Thank you, Beau,” she said once they reached her front door. She held on to the cute little teddy bear that he’d won for her. ‘So you don’t forget about little ol’ me’, he’d said as he’d handed her the stuffed animal. As if she could just forget him.
“So did I.” He paused, then wiped his brow. “I know I’m usually one talkative bastard, but… Tonight actually left me pretty speechless,” he chuckled.
Y/N suddenly realized that he still hadn’t removed his hand from her lower back. Having his arm around her waist made her feel like she was floating, her head in the clouds. “Yeah… Me, too.”
“Listen, uh…” His adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped. His brows knitted for a second. “I really like you, sweetheart. And I wanna keep this up.” His free hand gestured back and forth between their bodies. “But there’s somethin’ I gotta get off my chest.”
She studied his face closely. There was a hint of concern in his eyes, something she’d never spotted on him before. Her heart took a leap of worry, scared of being disappointed. “Okay, shoot.”
“So, I have a daughter…”
Y/N pursed her lips and nodded her head. “I know. You talk about her all the time.” She couldn’t even count the number of times that he’d mentioned his daughter since they’d gotten to know each other. It was endearing. He was a very loving man.
“Yeah…” Beau’s mouth curved into a fond smile. “She’s my pride and joy. The thing is…” He let go of Y/N’s back and shoved his hands into the pockets of his brown jacket. “Her and I, we sorta come as a package deal, you know.”
“I understand.” She placed her hand on his upper arm, giving him a gentle squeeze. “If things get serious between us… I’d feel honored to get to know her one day.”
Beau’s face loosened up and brightened with awe. His brow relaxed, and the corners of his mouth quirked up. “Wow. That simple, huh?” Honestly, he’d imagined that being a single dad would make getting back into the dating world more difficult.
“That simple.”
“So, can I book the next date right away, or…?”
Y/N chuckled, captivated by the light that shone in his eyes. “I’m free on Saturday.”
He did a graceful little bow and nodded his head. “Saturday, it is.”
She just couldn’t seem to lose her smile around him. He was good for her, she knew it. And he was in the process of stealing her heart, after just one date. Y/N chewed on her lower lip. She didn’t miss how Beau’s attention was drawn to her mouth.
“So…” She stepped closer, knocking the tips of her flats against his boots, feeling the heat radiating off of his body. “Are you gonna kiss me or not?”
“Been thinkin’ about it all night, darlin’.” His warm, apple green eyes bored into hers. His arm snaked around her waist. With a crooked smile, he pulled her flush against him. He lowered his head for the tip of his nose to bump against Y/N’s.
She giggled against his lips, anticipating their first kiss, and got up on her tiptoes to nuzzle her nose against his.  
Beau helped her out by tightening his grip on her waist. He kept her pressed up against him, his free hand coming up to caress her cheek. Affectionately, his thumb brushed against her cheekbone. Her skin was so soft. She was like a porcelain doll to him. So delicate and beautiful. A treasure.
When their eyes fell shut and their lips finally connected, sparks flew. Beau’s lips felt like soft, plump pillows as they molded against hers. His beard brushed against the skin around her lips. His kiss felt like a breath of fresh air during a heatwave.
Time seemed to stop around them as they exchanged gentle pecks of their lips. Beau’s hands remained on Y/N’s lower back and on her cheek. She was a perfect fit for his embrace. Her mouth tasted of cherry lipstick. If he could, he would have lived through this exact moment in a never-ending loop.
After they broke apart, the taste of her lipstick lingered on Beau’s lips. He wished he would be able to taste her forever. His enamored eyes roamed her facial features. Damn, he was one lucky guy. The sound of her laughter soon echoed through his ears, pulling him back to reality.
“What?”, he asked with a smile on his face.
“Come here,” she giggled. Y/N’s thumb found his lips and gently wiped away the lipstick stains on them.
Beau caught her hand in his and pressed an affectionate kiss to her fingers. “Thank you.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he vowed and gave her hand a squeeze.
Y/N responded with an encouraging nod. “Please do.”
Beau didn’t let her out of his sight as he stepped away. Their hands remained intertwined until the growing distance between them forced them to let go.
“Good night,” she said, already missing his warm touch. She could still feel the tingling sensation of his beard on her chin.
“G’night, darlin’. Sweet dreams.” He winked at her before finally turning around and walking back to his car.
A dreamy sigh came out of Y/N’s mouth.
Oh, she was going to have sweet dreams, indeed.
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Part 2
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foolforharrry · 1 year
Nails And Croissants
Word Count: 2.5k words
Summary: Harry and Willow go to get their nails done
This is just a short little thing to get the feel of how I wanna write the characters in a book that I'm planning. I an really excited about this and I hope that when I get to posting the actual chapters, you guys are going to like them and love them too.
This blurb is obviously way down the line from where the story is going to start but I wanted to give you guys a small taste of them.
This is also not that carefully written and is probably messy af, but I hope you still enjoy reading it.
if you wanna read more of my work, I have it all linked on my masterlist.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and if you have any requests please feel free to give them to me and I will do my absolute best to do it.
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Harry Styles Butterflies erupt in my stomach when I catch her eyes across the room.
The sunlight beaming in through the windows of the small nail salon makes the lighter strands of her brown hair look golden.
"What are you getting?", I ask her once she's sat down at the table right next to mine.
Her cheeks tint an adorable shade of pink when Willow's nail tech for today, Aspen, sets the bottles of nail polish Willow's chosen for today. "I swear it wasn't on purpose," she hurries out, her eyes flicking between the colours next to my own hands.
"Damn. And here I was getting excited thinking you wanted to match with me," I say with a playful roll of my eyes.
The laugh she lets slip is like music to my ears, and all I want to do is lay a kiss on her pretty, pink lips. But Mona coating my nails with a clear layer of base polish prevents me from doing so.
Instead, I settle on storing the image of Willow's face scrunched up with joy and laughter to memory. Her freckled, sun-kissed skin and the smile that doesn't just light up the room but my whole entire life.
"You're an idiot," Willow giggles, letting Aspen arrange her hands the way she needs them.
"I'm your idiot, though.", I remind her. To my delight, my words have another heartbreakingly beautiful break out on her face as she mouths 'I love you'.
Out of my peripheral vision, I can see Mona and Aspen exchange a look as I mouth 'I love you' back.
And God do I love her.
I never thought that I would ever be the kind of man who happily takes his girlfriend to get a manicure on my day off feeling like my heart is about to fucking burst from the love that's flooding it. The part of my heart I had tried so hard to keep under lock and key to protect it from being burnt again. But instead, Willow came along and took it in her soft hands. The calm of the sea in her eyes is all I needed to see before I let her.
"You ok, baby?" Willow asks, a crease of concern between her eyebrows.
Clearing my throat, I offer her a genuine smile, "Yeah, Blue. I'm ok." I can tell that she isn't entirely convinced, so I add; "Was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you."
The blush returns to her cheeks as Mona asks me to remove my hands from the UV-light machine. Which means that she's ready to give my nails some colour.
For the rest of the appointment, we make small talk with Aspen and Mona with the comfortable hum of the radio in the background. When a song by Taylor Swift I still haven't learnt the name of, Willow was out of her chair to turn up the volume with the permission of Aspen with a childish glee that she rarely lets show with anyone other than her closest people.
I swear I fell more in love with Willow when I watched her dance her way back to her chair.
Hand in hand, Willow and I walk out of the nail salon, freshly painted nails and bright smiles on our faces as we wave goodbye to Mona and Aspen. Our names are already on their calendar for next time.
I can't help myself from glancing down at our cojoined hands every couple of seconds, my heart fluttering at the way hers match mine.
Baby blue and pastel pink.
"H?" I don't even have to look at her face to know that Willow has her bottom lip tucked under her teeth and round eyes that'll have me giving into whatever comes out of her pouty lips.
"Blue?" I mimic her tone, tugging her closer to me so she doesn't bump into the man walking past us.
Willow lets go of my hand and before I can reach for it again, a pout on my lips, she snakes her arm around my back, my own going around her shoulders. "Are you hungry?"
I'm not. But knowing that she is and doesn't want to just ask directly, I don't say that. "What do you want, baby?"
It's like her shoulder deflates in relief the second the words leave my mouth and it has me turning my head and planting a kiss in her hair as I let her take her time settling on what she wants. Almost like she'd read my mind, she perks up, pointing across the street to what looks to be a small bakery.
"How about some croissants?", Willow suggests as I meet her eye.
"Croissants sound lovely," I agree, pouting my lips for a kiss.
Willow drops her gaze to my mouth at the action. Standing on her tiptoes, her hands gently cup my face as mine drop to her hips and peck. Her lips are soft as she presses them against mine in a way that has my heart doing somersaults in my chest. I can smell the coconut from her favourite lip gloss when she pulls away with a dopey smile, swiping away the product she left just below my bottom lip.
Blush heats my cheeks as I kiss the pad of her thumb, "Thank you, baby."
Thankfully the crosswalk is just down the street, the lights turning green for us after only a few seconds so we can make our way across the road safely and efficiently with my arm back around Willow's shoulders and her hand on my hip.
The bakery Willow picked out for us has a homey vibe to it. Flowers stationed on every single table with warm pinks and soft yellows everywhere you look. The smell of baked goods strong even from outside the shop. For a Thursday afternoon, it's rather busy.
Willow and I stood in silence as we waited for it to be our turn to order, content just watching the different people come in and out of the bakery every time the bell above the door rang.
The display of all the different options of baked goods is god damn mouth-watering and I make a mental note to bring Evelyn and Willow back sometime during the weekend. Knowing Evelyn, she would be over the moon over a cupcake that looks like a rainbow.
When it becomes our turn, I order us two croissants, thanking the lady behind the counter with a smile as she hands us the paper bag. And then we're on our way again.
"I was thinking that we should take Evie there," I speak as I take her hand in mine, resuming our walk back to the car with my eyes switching from the path in front of us to her face.
Meeting my eye, Willow nods with a hum, "When were you thinking?" "Maybe Sunday?"
Before she can ask, I add, "They're open."
"She's gonna have a hard time picking, poor thing," Willow laughs light-heartedly.
"Mhm," I hum in agreement, the smile that rarely ever seems to fade whenever I'm around her. If we're being completely honest, Willow and I both know that I would buy Evelyn every single one she wanted just to keep a smile on her face.
"I miss her," I say with a pout as we round the last building, my eyes landing on my car.
Willow rolls her bottom lip into her mouth before she opens it and says something I never in a million years thought I'd hear from her; "I don't know how you're gonna survive when she's off to college, babe."
Dropping her hand, I clutch the material of my t-shirt over my heart as if I was in pain. "Don't hurt an old man like that, Blue. I'm fragile."
"Oh shut up, H. You're not that old," Willow giggles with a hand on her stomach. Her nails match her pretty sundress and it has another swarm of butterflies flapping around in my tummy.
"It was still mean," I grumble with a pout, the thought of my little girl leaving one day isn't exactly one I enjoy.
Willow shakes her head at my attitude. "I'm sorry, love," she says with a pinch of my hip.
"You're lucky I love you," I say as I take her hand again, loving the warmth of her soft skin against mine. She grins at me, "The luckiest."
The soft curls of her hair dance in the light breeze blowing past us. Her golden skin glows so prettily in the sunshine she doesn't even look real. The light reflects in her baby blue eyes makes them twinkle as if the sun was hung in the sky at this very moment just for her.
I'm convinced that Willow is an angel sent down to this plane from the heavens above. Her calm, beauty and grace is simply too delicate to be meant for the harsh, painful world that we live in. But somehow, with all that she's been through, she still leaves a trail of light in her wake. She has lit up my life the way the sun lights up the sky after a dark night with only specks of light so far away you almost don't believe that they're real.
"No Blue. I'm the lucky one."
I'm sure she can hear the emotion that has started to clog up my throat, but she doesn't comment on it. Instead, she guides my hand to press a gentle kiss to my knuckle just as we reach the car.
I reach into my pocket for my keys, pressing the button to unlock the black range rover as I walk around to the passenger side with Willow in tow to open the door for her, quickly pecking her temple as she slips past me and gets settled in her seat with the bag of croissants in her lap.
By the time I'm sat in my own seat, she's opened the bag and is munching happily on her croissant. Eyes closed, head tilted back against the headrest and humming in the way she something is particularly delicious. She's got her hand underneath the pastry to catch any crumbs that may fall when she takes a bite out of it.
Just as I get out on the road, Willow's phone connects to the Bluetooth system in the car, the song switches to 'Right where you left me' by Taylor Swift.
It's almost comical how fast Willow's jaw drops along with her hand just as she was about to take another bite of her croissant. Her eyes go from the screen where the title is written in clear letters to my face. Accusing frown on her face as Taylor's voice and the gentle guitar fill the silence.
There isn't even a point in trying to contain my smile at the way it takes her around 5 seconds before she is turning up the volume and singing along to the song. Dramatic hand gestures and facial expressions that I catch out of my peripheral vision.
When she twists her upper body so she is fully facing me and sings; "I could feel the mascara run. You told me that you met someone," I can't help but take her hand and join her.
Who would have thought singing a heart-wrenching song about being left and unable to move on with the love of your life while driving down the streets of Los Angeles would have images of her in a white dress flash through my mind and a certainty settle in my stomach like I have only felt once before in my life?
When the song ends, Willow turns the volume back down, her face flushed from her intense performance and a shy smile curling on her lips.
If there wasn't a chance that doing so would potentially end in both of our deaths, I would've kissed her until we were both dizzy.
"You want your croissant?" Willow pulls the untouched one out of the bag, holding it out to me with her eyebrows raised in question.
Instead of saying anything, I open my mouth expectantly, waiting for her to get the hint. And when she does, she rolls her eyes playfully, still obliges and holds the pastry right in front of my face. She waits for me to take a bite out of the soft, crunchy slice of buttery heaven.
"Fuck me, that's good," I practically moan through a mouthful of croissant. This is possibly the best croissant I have ever had in my life.
Chewing it slowly, savouring the heavenly taste, I catch Willow with her phone out, pointed in my direction and a sly smile on her face. "What are doing, Blue?"
"You look really hot, is all," she shrugs, stuffing her phone underneath her thigh.
Willing the blush I feel heating up my face at the compliment go away, I point out the obvious; "That doesn't answer my question." Only Willow can have me blushing like a schoolboy and biting the inside of my cheek at a simple compliment.
"I got myself a new wallpaper for my phone," she tells me matter-of-factly as she squeezes my hand.
I rub the skin of her knuckle as the corners of my mouth tug up into a smirk, "If that's the case, then you can take as many pictures as you want."
When she stays quiet, taking bites of her croissant before letting me do the same, her left leg bouncing under beneath our cojoined hands, I can't help but laugh as the realisation dawns on me. "How many pictures do you actually have of me?"
She says something, but it's so quiet I can't make out the words. "I can't hear you, baby."
"I said that I've lost count," she repeats herself with a sheepish look on her face. "You don't exactly make it hard, baby."
"You ever gonna let me see these photos?" Knowing her, it's probably half pictures where I look decent and half pictures that could be turned into memes.
Willow takes a minute before she answers, seeming to mull over the answer in her head. "No."
"Then I'm not letting you see the wonderful collection I've gathered of you, Blue." It may be childish, but it does exactly what I wanted it to. Willow's grip on my hand tightens ever so lightly and I can feel her practically burning a hole into the side of my face with the intensity of her stare.
But she is stubborn, so she keeps her lips pressed tightly together. She keeps her view directed out the window at the cars, buildings and people we pass by.
"Am I sleeping in any of them?" she eventually breaks the silence. Her fingers drum along with the rhythm of 'Sweater Weather' against the back of my hand, something that I've noticed that she always does when she listens to music.
"A couple," I confess, holding in the urge to laugh at the way her cheeks turn crimson.
Clearing her throat, Willow tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. "If they ever see the light of day, you're losing your dick."
Slightly taken aback by how casually such crude words flew out of her mouth, I swallow hard with wide eyes, "I will remember that."
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topherwrites · 6 months
pls pls elaborate singing in the shower & spy au im so curious!! <3
"Singing in the Shower" is the tentative title for a shower sex jake fic with too much plot added in.
here's a snippet from the rough draft under the cut, 18+ only:
His voice takes on a familiar tone, the same one from flight school when he’d be picking apart why a maneuver didn’t work, or more specifically why someone else had failed at it. Like your inability to orgasm tonight is just an engineering problem. A little math, a little grease, and he can fix this. “What isn't working?” “Well, every time I get close I remember whose dick is in me.” He rolls his eyes, his voice taking on a bored tone, “We’ve established that you do not hate me enough for that." You stay silent, refusing to admit that you do not, in fact, hate him enough to deny yourself an orgasm. He hasn't done anything genuinely hackles-raising in some time, having toned down at least twenty percent of his dickishness, so there's less active resentment being worked out while you're fucking.  It's easy and fun being with him. Oh god, you like seeing his texts light up your phone. You enjoy his purposively bad sexts, that you're sure he only sends so you'll come over and fuck him to get him to stop. You come to the horrifying, jarring conclusion that he may very well be your friend, sort of. Fuck. Biting your lip, you amend, “Fine, maybe it's not that.” “I gathered.” He nudges you, “I can tell something’s going on up there, wanna fill me in?” “No.” You admit with a little sigh, “I don't know.” “Well, I'm tired, so we’re just going to sit here.” “Sorry, my pussy is broken today.” Your phrasing draws a little stomach-tensing laugh out of him, eyes creasing as he looks at you. His perfectly calloused palms slide up and down your thighs. His lips are curved into a soft little smile. “It’s fine.” “You can just…” your eyes focus on a water droplet on his collarbone, eyebrows jumping in allusion, unable to really say it, “if you want to.” He catches the implication; he can just get off and be done with it if he wants. Annoyance twists his features, his brow furrowing, though it doesn't feel wholly directed at you. “Jesus, I can feel myself getting soft,” he scoffs, “You're not a fleshlight.” And you actually can feel him start to lose his erection under you.
The spy au I'm currently working on came about mostly cause I saw Greg Tarzan Davis in the newest Mission Impossible and simply couldn't help myself. I also love spy stuff, I've always been intrigued by media that had spies in it since I was a kid. I grew up watching the Bond movies and shows like Nikita, Covert Affairs, Burn Notice, and Chuck. Most of which have a decidedly more pg or pg-13 tone than my au.
I'm planning on it being a few different interconnected series (maybe?).
All of their call signs and the nicknames for the reader are codenames in this.
So, an agent who was previously presumed dead, Spectre, she and Jake, aka Hangman, were partners and after her death he was never really the same. He's been on desk duty for the past two years.
Bob, an analyst on the team, was asked by Jake to put an indefinite facial recognition alert for her. So it kicks off with him getting a hit for her in London. The Operations Manager, Mav, brings Bradley onto the case, ordering him not to tell Jake about the revelation until they know more, and sending him to London to track Spectre down.
There in London, to play nice with a foreign government and give the impression that they respect jurisdiction, he's teamed up with an MI5 agent, Rook.
Shit spirals from there.
here's a snippet:
A last wet little gurgle leaves his throat as he goes still, his eyes left staring toward nothing. His head hangs back limply, red clinging to the corners of his slack mouth, the viscera of his throat exposed. Blood rhythmically drips to the floor. The pool grows beneath him. This sort of thing used to shake you, now you just follow a well-run routine, not necessarily numb, but devoid of the emotions doing something as grotesque as this should provoke. Violence should stir, you know this, you used to be stirred by it.  The first time you killed someone it was sloppy and panicked, you cried afterward. Mav sealed it with the stamp of self-defense, a good kill, but it didn't rid you of the lingering feeling of being damned. Maybe, the last vestiges of growing up catholic. You used to be a mourner, silently giving them their last rights, knowing the weight of every life. A witness to people’s final drawn breaths. Now, you're a butcher. You don't leave the blood for long, scrubbing your hands in the sink before it settles and dries in the cracks.
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Epel, Lilia: Apple-y Ever After
Epel talks about how goals for studying potionology in the Harveston sledding event, so I thought to bring it up again in this piece! It’s pretty crazy what biotech is capable of…
I remember there was a Shrek x Skittles collab with a sour green apple flavor called “Apple-y Ever After”, so I now always think of that when I see any apple candy 😭
Note for EN only readers: “magical shift/magift” is the JP equivalent for spelldrive.
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What's something you would like to do this year?”
Epel's answer came as easily and as smoothly as spreading apple butter on toast. It came just as fast as a magical wheel, too. The reply practically smacked Lilia in the face.
“I wanna be a regular player on our magift team!” Epel declared, his eyes wide and shining. “Leona-senpai actually picks me a lot compared to other first years, and he’s complimented me plenty for my flying skills… but there’s still a lot I need to work on."
His interviewer smiled warmly. "Kufufu. Sebek has also been quite eager to prove his mettle in magift--he's been training nonstop in hopes of earning recognition from Malleus. To think that you've already caught the eye of a dorm leader, Epel... most impressive."
"Y-You think?!" The birthday boy's cheeks pinked. "Then... do you think one day I can be as big and as buff as Sebek-kun?!"
"Mayhaps if you continue your training."
"AW, HECK YEAH!!" Epel let out a whoop of excitement, pumping a fist. "Just you wait! Ah'll beef up 'n show ya what fer!!"
Ah, youth, Lilia chuckled, a curled hand to his mouth.
"It appears that you and Sebek are similar in many ways. Both fresh blood, both determined to show their strengths. However, our Sebek is very close-minded. It's good of you to be so willing to not only improve yourself, but look to ways to broaden your world view."
"Ah, Sebek-kun can be..." Epel trailed off, afraid to finish his sentence--but both of them knew exactly what he was referring to.
"If only he would be more willing to stray from his comfort zone..." Lilia heaved a deep sigh. "There are many wonders to behold in Twisted Wonderland, and I would like for everyone, Sebek and you alike, to be able to experience them.
"In one new city alone, you can find people from all walks of life coming together to live in harmony. Not only that, but it encourages the exchange of ideas--and with it, the ability to change the future."
"Change..." Epel clutched onto his broom tightly. The fingernails (that Vil had spent so long buffing and polishing to a fine shine for him) dug into its wooden handle.
"By the looks of it, that's already well on your mind, hmm?"
"Well, I kind of have to. Back in Harveston, we don't have a lot of people my age. It's mostly adults and the elderly. Harveston relies on farming as its main source of income, and without enough manpower..."
Epel frowned and shook his head. Lilac locks fell across his forehead, framing the sadness on his face.
“I want to find ways to make farming easier for my folks. Potions that help apple trees be more resistant to disease or bear more nutritious fruit, brooms so we can reach the apples on the highest branches easily, things like that.
“My grandparents and great grandparents are getting up in their golden years now. When I think about my meemaw injuring herself while on the job, it motivates me to think of new ways to make it easier for her and all of Harveston. If I can travel to the big city, I could learn even more, and I could use that to help my home.”
Then we could all live happily ever after.
“My, you have such wonderful aspirations, Epel,” Lilia hummed approvingly. “It’s nice that the youth of today are so mindful of their elders~”
"Eh, 'youth of today’?” The birthday boy’s eyebrows raised. “Er, but aren’t you not that much older than I am? You’re talking like you’re on the brink of retirement yourself.”
Lilia's eyes creased, catching a sunbeam. “Is it not natural for third years to show concern for their freshmen? After all, tomorrow will be shaped by both my hands and yours. Let's do our best to make it a future worth fighting for!"
"... Yeah!!" Epel nodded enthusiastically, hugging his broom to himself. Determination kindled, warmth blossoming like an apple blossom within him. "The future's ours for the pickin'!"
“That’s the spirit.” Lilia shaded his eyes and peered into the golden sky. “… It looks our time is up. You should get going to the future that awaits you. Show me some of your flying prowess that Leona has praised so much~”
Epel beamed broadly, his cheeks dimpling. “Alright, you asked for it! The Poison Apple of the Felmier family’s going to take flight!”
Violet sparks erupted against the sunset, fizzling out into lavender light. The contrast lasted for just a flicker before swallowed by the sun. Only the petals that trailed in Epel’s wake was proof that he had ever been there.
Rowdy, boisterous laughter kicked up. When was the last time he has gone full throttle like this? He would never tire of this exhilaration.
“… Huh?”
Epel felt his head, and found it barren. A sinking feeling set in. Gathering his nerves, he dared to look back—
“A-Ah, my hat!!” He wailed, reaching out for it.
The brim slipped away, sly as a snake. A wind blew hard, throwing hair into Epel’s face.
He smiled. Then, taking a deep breath, he let his truest feelings be known to the world.
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indouloureux · 2 years
Hi!! I hope you are well!! I absolutely LOVED honey baby! I was wondering if you are taking requests? If possible could you right something about Joseph and the reader going to a Fleetwood Mac concert? (I saw the clip of him at a Paul McCartney show and can’t get this idea out of my head) if this isn’t your type to write then I understand completely! Thank you!!!! 
i had to listen to fleetwood mac for a while to get the vibes going so i hope this pleases you! tysm for reading honey baby ily 🫶
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at first you were hesitant to ride on top of him, afraid of falling and hitting your head and possibly his. but here you were — legs on either side of his shoulders, the back of his head on your crotch, hand holding his hair securely and the other holding the hand that's on your knee to keep you in place.
he's singing along with the crowd, voice almost unheard from how many people there are. everywhere by fleetwood mac has him singing like it's the end of the world — or like he's eddie munson in corroded coffin except their genre isn't metal.
"can you hear me calling out your name?" joseph pats his hands on your knees, index finger twirled around yours. your left hand leaves his hair, patting down the curls you pulled and instead massage with them to ease the anxiety he got earlier that you think is still there. "you know that I'm falling and I don't know what to say,"
he turns his head to look at you, back of his head now pressing on your thigh. joseph grips you tighter this time, smiling up at you with one eye closed from the blaring sun. " 'y alright, love?"
"yeah," you shout back. "just keep looking forward. i don't want to fall."
"oh i, i wanna be with you everywhere," he sings with you, the smile never leaving his graceful face. you try to bend down and kiss his lips, but you end up kissing the top of his head instead. joseph blushes at the display of affection, and returns it with a sly kiss on your knee.
"do you wanna go down now?" he's literally struggling to see, and his neck must ache. you nod, because you don't want to make his back hurt, and mostly because you can't get the thought of you falling to the ground out of your head.
joseph crouches, very carefully, until your feet can touch the ground. you hop off his shoulders and laugh at the way he groans as he stretches the weight off his back. you massage it, hand going up and down as you appear beside him.
"hurt?" you say in his ear amidst the roaring crowd. joseph nods, but he's not blaming you. "sorry,"
"'s alright," he chuckles. "here,"
he bends down to pluck a capri-sun off the bag. he takes the plastic off the straw and pushes it inside the hole and gives it to you. and when you take it, joseph wraps and arm around your shoulders even though his still ache, and he kisses your forehead even though he's not much for pda.
"c'mon baby we better make a start," he leans his head sideways, sings it with eyebrows scrunched and raised and lips slightly pouting like he's asking for a kiss. but he doesn't kiss you, instead tucks the strand of hair behind your ear with the hand on your shoulder. "you better make it soon before you break my heart,"
"ah!" you wince slightly. somehow the crowd's gotten louder to the point they might have been louder than the speakers. you try to cover your ears, even with the capri-sun pressing against one of them. joseph gently removes your hands away and replaces it with his own, his back against the stage.
his face etches with worry, creases over his forehead and an upset frown on his face. "i got you," he yells. you smile at him, feeling proud of yourself when he rids of the frown and smiles back.
as a thanks, you offer him your capri-sun, facing the straw against his lips. he opens them and takes the plastic inside his mouth, sucking his cheeks in for a bit to take the juice down his throat. "good?" he nods, mouthing the words thank you.
you place your hands on his wrists, and he takes this as a sign to kiss you. a bold move in a crowd where half of them knew who he was. it's soft, chaste, swapping the taste of orange juice between your pink lips.
joseph breaks away, but never removing the hands off your ears as you faintly hear him sing with the crowd once more. "I want to be with you everywhere,"
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would very much appreciate feedback and reblogs!! <3
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ittostine · 9 months
for the first time
kinktober day 1: begging
a/n - hi guys im joining kinktober and i'm gonna be writing little oneshots and small scenes throughout the month! if you want the prompts i'm using, i'm using @/a_blk_a's prompt list on twitter
itto and gorou have their first time together and gorou’s a bit shy to take off his clothes, and itto reassures him and that he really wants to see; gorou has an epiphany hearing itto beg to take his clothes off
“please? i really wanna see it, please please please gorou?"
“itto, is this really okay?” a hushed whisper came from the dog general, worried about the cacophony of noises from the victory party outside. “what if someone notices we’re missing- and hears us?! i could never forgive myself..”
itto chuckled, shaking his head. “no one’s gonna hear, babe.”
“besides, it wouldn’t be so bad if they did, no?”
with a harsh red taking over his face, gorou lightly punched itto’s muscular arm. “yes! it would!”
“trust me, it’ll be fine. now let’s get steamy.” itto wiggled his eyebrows, tugging his jacket off, revealing his entire torso to gorou. the latter suddenly realised, that to have sex, most of your clothing need to be off.
now, gorou usually doesn't really have any issues with his body. his scars were something that made him look more manly and strong in front of the soldiers, but now, in a vulnerable moment with the oni he loves, a self-consciousness clouded him. as itto took off his own clothes, gorou was still covered with his armor and clothes underneath it all. as he slowly unbuttoned it, itto was salivating to see it underneath. 
“c’mon, babe. let’s take this off,” itto started, helping gorou take it off before realising how tense the general was before him. “or is something wrong? your tail’s scared straight.”
curses, gorou thought to himself. curse his tail for showing all the emotion itto needed to stop, and curse the oni for being so observant of his lover. “n-no, it’s just… can we do it with my clothes on?”
this confused itto. “but why? your body’s pretty exposed in your outfit anyway..”
“it’s just…” gorou hesitated, but seeing itto so eager to know what’s wrong, he couldn’t help but open up to him. “the scars. i-i’m sure you don’t want to see anything like that- so, let’s just go back to the feast-”
“no!” itto’s eyebrows creased, a worried hand grabbing the scared dog’s wrist. he made sure he wasn’t grabbing it too tight, and he continued to speak. “i swear it’s fine. It’s- it’s not even a bad thing! if anything, it’s kinda hot- i mean, i kinda wanna see it. so please, can we continue?”
gorou looked at itto hesitantly, seeing his boyfriend so worried and ready to reassure gorou made him feel less doubtful of himself and his scars. even as he was about to speak, itto comfortingly kissed on his cheek, and his chin and continued, starting to beg.
“please? i really wanna see it, please please please gorou? i’d do anything if it meant i could have this moment with you. you’re so beautiful, gorou, so please let me see you, i really want to!” itto pleaded, holding gorou’s hand tenderly and kissing it as he got on his knees. gorou was probably the first to see the oni at such a vulnerable position.
with the same harsh blush he had on earlier, gorou’s switch was flipped. itto’s behaviour right now was more than enough to convince him, but seeing him so sincere and earnest about him is making his own cock throb. he wanted to see more of it, more of itto so needy and eager for the general, more of itto needing to breed and pump him full of his seed. 
“um,” gorou’s voice cracked, before he shook his head and said, “surely you don’t need to do it that bad, do you?”
“yes, i do!” itto almost cried out, like he’s the dog instead of gorou, grabbing at his leg and looking up at him with the most pitiful puppy eyes. “i want to do it so badly! i need you, gorou, please!”
awkwardly coughing, gorou slowly got more in the mood and slowly gained confidence. “then, what is it that you need, hm, itto?”
“to fuck you! i wanna fuck you so bad, you don’t get it! gorou, i need you! please, let me fuck you, gorou! clothes on or off, i just wanna do it! can i, please? please please please?” 
gorou sighed, reaching down to itto’s cheek. hearing the big, muscular, strong oni itto beg and plead to use him like a dog in heat while he was bare naked and throbbing had changed the general’s mind, willing to push his insecurities aside and have a little fun. “then why don’t you help your general take this off then?”
itto’s eyes sparkled. like a dog and a chew toy, itto attacked the dog’s poor clothes, having gorou fully exposed within record time. itto kissed down gorou’s chest, planting small, warm pecks around gorou’s scars, showing them the amount of love the general deserved. itto’s kisses rapidly covered gorou’s body, and gorou’s little hums and groans of pleasure when itto would reach sensitive spots only made the oni more determined to show his boyfriend how much he loved him.
as his mouth reached gorou’s pulsing cock, he kissed his boyfriend’s length, making him let out a few sighs of satisfaction. his tongue licked the tip, dragging itself around the girth like a snake trapping his prey, his teeth slightly touching it. he put his lips around the head of gorou’s cock, assured at the sight of his general moaning and groaning.
“you’re so good, itto- ah..” gorou threw his head back in pleasure, his sticky precum already leaking out of his tip as itto nibbled and kissed on it. “right there- it’s so good.”
“general, i love it- ngh.. fuck..” itto groaned as he touched his own cock while sucking on gorou’s tip. “i wanna put it in you so bad.. can i, please? general…”
hazed in a cloud of pleasure, gorou continued playing along. “i couldn’t hear you, itto.. what was that?”
“please…” itto whimpered as he rubbed his precum all over his needy cock. “please let me breed you, general gorou..” 
gorou almost came at the sight and sound of his needy oni begging to fuck him dumb. “you’re a good one, itto. such a good oni…”
“now get up and let’s play a little more.” he whispered into itto’s ear, watching from above how the oni’s dick start twitching from the neglect.
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faithinhome · 2 years
Neighbor Next Door- Doctor Strange/ Female OC
18+ | Minors please DNI
Summary: anna had always thought the doctor next door was attractive. and one interaction left her itching to get more of him.
Tags: age gap (25F & 40M), cheating (but not in the way you’d think), strong language, smut.
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anna made her way through the crowd currently gathered at her apartment as someone rings the doorbell not once, not twice but five times now and she was starting to get frustrated.
she opened the door with an annoyed huff and raised a brow as she came face to face with her neighbor, stephen, was it?
she never admitted it to anyone, but she thought stephen strange was probably one of the hottest men she had ever laid eyes on. sure, there was a 15 year age gap but it didn't bother her in the slightest.
her heart immediately picked up pace as she leant against the frame with her arm, flashing a sweet smile, "hey neighbor.”
"hi" stephen responded awkwardly, clearing his throat. anna was dressed in a tight bodysuit that clung to every curve of her body, her neckline a little too deep. and despite being married to christine palmer, it took effort to maintain strict eye contact with the girl in front of him.
anna previously had a hoodie over that bodysuit but she’d lost it somewhere after she got a little drunk.
"um, listen" he started. "i don't mean to interrupt what's going on but it's past 11, and it's starting to get a little too noisy and me and my wife are having quite the trouble going to sleep.”
anna’s smile dropped a little when he mentioned his wife but she blinked up at him innocently.
"is that so?" she responded innocently, checking her phone. "oh gosh, i'm so sorry, doctor."
she tried to sound a little sultry at the end, with a lopsided grin.
she was a little tipsy, okay, maybe extremely drunk and it was difficult for her to get a grip on herself when pure hotness was right there in front of her, interacting with her no less.
stephen had no change in expression, so she figured she didn't come across sultry at all. "yeah so," he started. "i mean, i know it's a saturday night and the last thing you need is a 40 something year old man telling you you’re partying too loud. but if you could turn it down maybe just a little bit, we'd really appreciate it."
"no, i totally get it,” anna said. "you’re a doctor. you work incredibly hard and long hours. and so, i can do you one better. " she left the door open and stepped back into the apartment.
she grabbed her phone and turned off the music, causing everyone to groan loudly in protest.
"alright, alright" she reasoned loudly, rolling her eyes . "it's getting too late. everyone, get out!"
everyone protested and stephen stepped in, shaking his head. he approached anna and she caught a whiff of his cologne.
wow, this man really smells like sex on legs.
“hey, that's okay, that's not really necessary" he whispered softly and anna shook her head and gave him a wink.
"i remembered i have to get up early for like, a funeral or whatever" anna announced casually. "so everyone please, get out. unless you wanna help me out with rent day tomorrow. grab whatever alcohol and snacks you want!"
stephen sighed softly as everyone began to leave and he smiled softly over at anna “you really didn't have to."
“yes i did" she giggled softly, causing his smile to grow. her stomach flipped at having finally gotten a reaction out of him of some sort. "doctor strange shows up at my door with a request and i don't comply. now, that would make me a shitty neighbour, wouldn't it?"
anna could see the crease form between stephen's eyebrows as she said that. he didn't know what to make of that statement but the woman in front of him was clearly drunk so he decided it meant nothing.
he just let out a soft laugh. "that's sweet of you. and please call me stephen.”
anna smiled and nodded as she walked him out. "if you say so. but i like doctor better."
again, weird comment but strange let it slide. they eventually said goodnight to each other. and anna leant against the closed door, a grin on her face as she let out a dreamy sigh.
sam walked over to anna and flicked at her forehead, causing her to glare at her best friend.
"wake up, princess" he warned sarcastically. "there's a passed out stoner on your couch."
anna glanced over at a guy passed out on their couch in the oddest pose possible, his mouth wide opened as he drooled and snored, the last person to have stayed behind after everyone left.
"are you sure pot was the only thing he was doing?" she chuckled softly before shrugging. "it's okay, let's just let him crash. i'll see you in the morning?"
“yeah okay" sam shrugged and downed the last bit of his beer. "and you're gonna have to tell me all about whatever the fuck just happened with the doc from next door."
. . .
a/n : ok so this is my first doctor strange fanfic ever! i honestly don’t even know if anyones gonna read this and i’ve never written a fanfic on tumblr before. but i’ve been having a lot of fun writing it and i just wanted to post it on here to see if there’s anyone else that would enjoy it just as much as me!! i don’t have a schedule yet for uploading. i just wanna see how this prologue and the first few chapters do! i might also edit tags later! i will add information regarding any tag edits if that happens. but i don’t think it would be anything too big. please please let me know what you guys think if you read the prologue! and any advice on formatting or generally the fic would be much appreciated! 🥰
(also i’m probably gonna be interchanging neighbor and neighbour a lot bc i grew up with both so bare with me please!)
fic index: Neighbor Next Door
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