#but it all goes in hand with that extreme over-hype of having to have everyones pronouns immediately or else you're evil and bad
hungry-hobbits · 2 years
i'm saying this as an almost 30yr old person who has kinda come to terms w the fact that i'll probably never be properly gendered in public and am at peace with it: BUT i think a lot of trans people are too hyped up over the idea that you have to be gendered correctly by everyone you ever meet, no matter how briefly, or they automatically have bad intentions - which isn't always the case because unfortunately you're not the main character and people are gonna make mistakes (yes that includes people close to you because everyone slips-up)
people get so hung up over casual, unintentional, and well-meaning misgendering, and are so quick to categorize it with the purposeful, blatant, bigoted type of misgendering when its really like - the old lady scooting past you in the grocery store calling you ma'am/sir out of politeness towards a stranger while she says 'excuse me' is probably not doing a microaggression towards you believe it or not
if theyre doing it maliciously then yes obviously you can feel bad about it, i'm not saying that at all, but its like when sam smith talked about how they were gonna be misgendered til the day they died; it's a hard thing to accept but you gotta accept it if you literally wanna get through any interaction with strangers ever
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nightsmarish · 5 months
hiiiii this maybe weird but could i request a wolfstar x reader and she has like a lovey stuffed animal from when she was a baby she still needs to sleep with that she was trying to hide from the boys and how they’d react to finding out?? I love your writing :)
Poly!wolfstar x reader (Remus Lupin x Sirius Black x Reader) | 700+ words
A/n: a little short than I planned, but that's okay. Thank you for requesting, boo!
Tw: sleepy Remus, anxiety, first time the boys sleep at ur flat, kinda modern-ish, werewolf thing in implied a secrete r doesn't know? Kinda like a mid fic at best
Most couples sleep over at eachother houses. It's completely normal. But, despite that fact, the nerves are eating you alive.
It was agreed before hand that the boys would crash at your place after your date. It is extremely late since the drive-in double feature ended at 2 a.m., and your apartment is much closer than Remus and Sirius' flat. Which means you've had ample time to hype yourself up, to tell yourself they won't judge you for sleeping with that bloody stuffed animal.
But now? Sitting in the passenger seat of Sirius' car with Remus half passed out with the nearly illegal amount of blankets and pillows the three of you brought? Your very not prepared for them to see the small stuffie.
Everyone stayed rather quiet throughout the car ride. Remus was already tired before the movies, probably because the moon was a few days ago, but you have no real conformation that affects him; all just speculation you've made the past few months of dating the boys. And Sirius is coming down from a sugar high, which leaves him calmer and more tired than usual. As well, with the added fact that he doesn't want to disturb your shared boyfriend as he goes in and out of sleep.
And the quietness stayed when the car parked infront of your apartment complex. Grabbing the blankets and pillows and helping a groggy Remus to his feet, the three of you manage to make it safely into your flat.
And while the boys just happen to conveniently be a bit distracted on assessing what blankets and pillows will be used to properly sleep in your bed, you sneak away to the bedroom.
There, laid out in the middle of your bed lays the little creature you've had for probably too long. You scurky on over to it and grab it, trying to quickly find a place that is both safe and well hidden for the night.
But, alas, one does not simply walk away from Sirius Black and expect him not to follow.
"Whats that, love?" Your shorter boyfriend stands in the door way, fluffy, dark green blanket in his arm. Behind him, in the living room, Remus is fighting, a little lazily, with two blankets that got tangled together.
"Wha-?" You glance down at the plushie in your hand, "This? Nothing. Nothing, why?"
Sirius quirks a brow, and dear Salazar, he can be intimidating; it's like his gaze is boring into your soul.
"Pads, leave 'em alone." Remus joins him in the door way, successfully having one of the two blankets.
"I'm not doing nothin' just wanna see who will be joining us tonight." He walks further into the room, throwing the green blankets onto the bed. Turning to face you again, gently grabbing your hip with one hand and cuping ome of your hands that holds the plushie, "assuming he will be joining us?"
You pause for a moment before practically melting into Sirius, who chuckles as he hugs your waist properly, "yeah- he's gonna join us. If that's okay." Your voice is muffled into the black t-shirt he's wearing.
"'Course, that's okay, dovey." One of the two is behind you now, having dropped the extra blanket on the bed as well. You can feel him press a light kiss to the top of your head from behind.
You move your head from where it laid on Sirius, looking at the two extra blankets that taint your bed. "I have enought blankets, we didn't need more."
The smile never leaves the boys face, letting go of you and landing unceremoniously onto your bed, looking up to you and Remus, "nonsense, darlin, how else will be over heat in the middle of the night?"
"We won't overheat in the middle of the night." The tall one gets in the bed as well, much less dramatically and soooo ready for bed.
"You are so confident in that." Sirius twists his body to see Remus getting comfy in the extremely messy bed, then glancing at you. "'Cm'on, doll, bring your friend and come join us."
A small smile graces your lips as you join the boys, one halfway to a dead sleep and the other welcoming you into his waiting arms after you turn off the bedside lamp.
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brittle-doughie · 8 months
In the Golden Cheese Kingdom, there’s the coliseum where the Brave Gang have to fight their way out while cookies watch for entertainment. Could I request a scenario where Y/N Cookie is traveling with the Brave Gang (Black Raisin, Gingerbrave, Wizard, Strawberry) and Y/N is absolutely stoked to fight in the coliseum being extremely overconfident and excited for any challenge from the coliseum. I’d like to see the reactions from Mozzarella, Smoked Cheese, and Cheesenbird as well to the peculiar joy of Y/N
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The crowd roared with their cheering and shouts of excitement, ready to see the monsters duke it out amongst each other within the colosseum.
You, Gingerbrave, Wizard, Strawberry, and Black Raisin had made your way there for the Monster Games, determined to see if Golden Cheese would make her appearance.
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“There’s so many Cookies that gathered to watch the monster fight, huh Y/N Cookie?”
You were too busy having your eyes dart around the various monsters, growling and thrashing at their caged cells. Mouths adorned with sharp teeth that want nothing more then to tear into whatever they get a grip on.
Afraid? Nervous? Head out the way you came?
You. Were. Excited…
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“Instead of trembling in fear, these Cookies reverse the invaders’ aggression on each other! Pretty smart, in my book!”
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“I-Is Y/N Cookie okay? They look to be twitching a lot…”
“Y/N Cookie? Where are you going?!”
You dashed towards the center of the colosseum as you brandished your golden blade, the colosseum lights making it shine.
You called out to whoever was in charge and listening that you wanted to face the monstrous horde! You’ve handle every caliber of creature Earthbread had thrown at you and these monsters will join them in the dirt!
“Y/N Cookie! What’s the plan here?!”
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“Hang on, Y/N Cookie might be onto something here. By fighting the monsters, we’re creating chaos in the arena. Doing that has to bring Golden Cheese Cookie out to see what’s going on.”
Black Raisin runs to the center and goes to Y/N Cookie’s side, holding their hand as she hyped up their appearance in the colosseum.
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“Oh? It looks like we have new unexpected contenders! Especially that joyful one with the sword, hehe~ How overconfident and so sure of themself, yet so brave and intriguing~ I’ll place all my coins on them~”
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“Too overconfident…especially from a cookie that came from the outside. An outlander…I’d like to come down there and wipe the smile off their face myself…”
“They don’t seem to be overselling themself to me, maybe they really are that strong. Or is that just an excuse to get up close and personal with them~? I wouldn’t blame you~”
“That’s NOT what I meant…”
The two would then glance at you, still boasting about your strength and determination to tear through the groups of monsters in waiting. Mozzarella’s smile only grew wider as Smoked Cheese’s glare got harsher…but couldn’t help giving a small smirk himself.
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“And if they do get bruised, I shall give them lotz of healingz! Chirp! Chirp!”
Black Raisin turned to you as she gripped your hand tighter, nodding to you as you did the same to her.
“Time to wreak havoc!”
Adventurer Cookie was startled when Olive Cookie suddenly tear the text in her hands, Olive herself was taken aback by what she did.
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“Woah! What happened?!”
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“I-I don’t know! I think the olive oil made my hand slip!”
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After that one, I got another thought―
Platonic Yandere! Strawhats with Y/n likes to make DIY gifts? Like little bracelets with supportive and reassuring words, paper stars of different colors, handmade stickers and this kind of stuff?And one day , Y/n out of boredom made DIY gifts for each of crewmembers?
I swear, I even made samples.
Nami - Yellow paper ring with words "Best navigator"
Usopp - Paper bracelet with his name and with words "1# Sniper"
Chopper - Yellow with pink glitter paper medal with words "Best doctor"
Sanji - Another yellow paper medal but with golden glitter and with words "Best cook"
Zoro - Green thick paper bracelet with words "Best swordsmen"
Robin - Purple handmade paper bracelet with "Best archeologist"
Luffy - Red thick bracelet with words "The King of the Pirates"
This is super cute!
Nami loves her ring and only takes it off to keep it safe. She may have a preference towards high end clothing and accessories, but if anyone so much as looks at her ring funny, she's throwing hands with them. She'll buy you something in exchange, and she doesn't even add it to your debt to her!
Usopp, for all of his personal hype, is extremely caught off guard by this. Yeah, he tries to play it off that of course he's deserving of such a title, but he's self aware enough to know that he's got a long ways to go before he can live up to this. It takes a few tries, but he makes you a bracelet too. It says '#1 Usopp Pirate'.
Chopper is full on ugly crying from the medal. He loves it and hangs it up in the infirmary. As much as he wants to wear it, he's afraid that he would break it during a fight. He makes one for you too! It isn't perfect, and will be shedding glitter for its entire existence, but it's the thought that counts. He's very proud of it, so you better compliment the hell out of it.
Sanji is dead, you killed him. He's a crying lump on the floor while cradling the medal to his chest like it's his firstborn child. Once he recovers, you can expect to be fawned over (even more so than usual). You're getting all your favorite foods for the foreseeable future. He wears it constantly, only ever choosing to take it off when he bathes so the water doesn't damage it. He goes out of his way to make sure Zoro can see it while talking about how you made it for him.
Zoro looks at it, looks at you, back at it, then asks if you wanted him to give it to Mihawk or something because he knows he isn't the best swordsman yet. He's hesitant to take it even when you insist it's for him, but eventually caves when you suggest he can hold onto it until he can become the best swordsman. You never see him wearing it and question if he even kept it, but that changes when you see him fish it out of his pocket to look at when he thought no one was watching.
Robin smiles at the gift, but can't help but ask just how many archaeologists you know. She's just teasing though and absolutely cherishes it. You never see her without it after this. She makes you a very ornate bracelet herself that honestly makes yours look like it was made by a small child, but she still thinks the one you made is better regardless.
Luffy will never shut up about this. He wants everyone to see it and tells all of them that you made it. The bracelet is on the same level as his hat in terms of not wanting anything to happen to it... Which is unfortunate because he breaks it almost immediately. He is inconsolable, pitifully clutching whatever was left of it after he snapped it by stretching his arm. He doesn't emotionally recover from this tragedy until you make him a ribbon that can be added onto his hat saying the same thing. He makes you a bracelet too (with help), and while it may be the most misshapen thing you've ever seen, you can't help but wear your '#1 nakama' bracelet with pride.
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world0fmadness · 2 months
øystein “ euronymous ” aarseth x reader
♡ general dating headcanons for euronymous!
୨୧ my second headcanon request, eek! i hope you like it anon! euronymous was such a cutie <3
♡ requested by anon | related hc available here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: parasite by venom - poser killer by death grips - chariot of fire by bathory
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♡ unlike a relationship with varg, your relationship with euronymous isn’t complicated in the slightest!
୨୧ euronymous is extremely open about how much he’s in love with you, no matter who is around and watching
♡ he couldn’t care any less, he’ll make out with you and love on you in front of anyone and everyone
୨୧ he can’t get enough of showing you off to his friends and random people at concerts, always introducing you as “ my girlfriend ” before your name
♡ if he ever sees people ogling you, he just smirks knowingly, yeah, you’re hot shit alright but you’re with him
୨୧ when you first started dating, he was kind of a hardass when it came to being romantic but after a couple weeks, his walls crumble and he reveals his cheesy side
♡ when it comes to dates, he will never say no to taking you on a good old movie date!
୨୧ he’ll take you to see a horror movie anytime, buying any overpriced snack your heart desires ( as long as you let him get a little dirty with you in the back row, that is ) <3
♡ if he sees something in a store that reminds him of you like a plushie or a necklace, he’ll buy it with no hesitation but will glare at the cashier if they look at him weird for buying a plushie… you try to tell him to hold back on the gift giving due to you knowing helvete really isn’t doing that great and the rent is way too high but he never does, he lives to spoil you
୨୧ before a concert, euronymous basically needs to make out with you for at least five minutes before going on stage
♡ you’ll do his corpse paint all nice and pretty for him whilst sitting on his lap then when you’re done and admiring your work, he’s pulling your head down to him, connecting your lips and mumbling a “ thank you ” against your lips… he’s SUPER grabby and handsy during make out sessions, his hands cannot be idle, he has to be squeezing your ass or groping your boobs or at least just running his hands up and down your hips
୨୧ after a concert, euronymous is always SO hyped up and energetic, damn near running over to where you’re standing backstage before taking you into a deep, sloppy open mouthed kiss and wrapping his arms around you, twirling you around as you giggle against his mouth
“ fuck! y’see how many people were in the audience, vakkar? holy shit, i was good, right? ” ( he’s confident in his playing but he loves getting compliments from you, he eats them up like a starved man )
♡ you always help him dye his hair, pointing out whenever he needs a re-dye and making lighthearted jokes at how his natural colour is showing through really bad
୨୧ he’ll glare at you whenever you point it out but make a mental note to pick up some hair dye later… he prefers when you dye it for him, he likes the feeling of your hands massaging his hair and you make much less of a mess in the bathroom
♡ a personal little headcanon of mine about him is that i think he’d have a little button pin machine at home! he has absolutely taken a picture of your boobs and made it into a pin before… giggling like a dumbass teenager seeing boobs for the first time whilst making it
“ look! it looks good, no? i think it looks good, god, you have amazing tits… ” ( he genuinely goes to put the pin on his jacket and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you yell at him, he’s so pouty when you tell him that no, you do not want your tits on show on a pin on his jacket )
୨୧ i’ll say it, i think euronymous is a bath person instead of a shower person
♡ he absolutely loves taking baths with you! having you leaned back and relaxed into his chest as you chat about your day, one of his arms hanging over the edge holding a cigarette in his hand
୨୧ he’ll act like he’s just so annoyed by the bubbles caused by all the bubble bath you poured into the warm water but you can tell he likes them
♡ you think they take him back to his childhood a little, back to easier times when bubble baths were just awesome
୨୧ he’ll always scowl when you give him a bubble beard or bubble mountain on his head before it turns into a cheeky smile and he begins softly splashing your face with the water
“ oh, you don’t like it? no? quit it with the bubbles, vakker ” ( that nickname? and in the bath no less? yeah, it takes less than a minute for you to jump his bones, even more water splashing to the floor as you bounce on him, steam coating the mirrors and his cigarette long forgotten on the tiled ground )
♡ if you’re not from norway ( like me hehe ) he would absolutely have your home country flag on the little flag wall in helvete!
୨୧ hey, why wouldn’t he want to celebrate the country that gave him his beauty?
♡ speaking of helvete, you probably become kind of close with faust with him working there and all!
୨୧ he’s pretty quiet and doesn’t talk much but if you ever ask him about what horror movie he’s watching, he’ll definitely give you a couple facts about the production of said movie! he thinks you’re pretty and euronymous is very aware of that, always cracking sly jokes towards the boy whenever you’re around him which causes faust to blush like a madman before shaking his head <3
♡ this man is always playing his guitar for you and if you don’t know how to play, he’s trying to teach you
୨୧ he’s just super passionate about playing the guitar and loves that you really listen to him when he talks about playing and how you actually try to learn to play yourself
♡ you ADORE when he wears his glasses, always smothering him in kisses and baby talking him about how cute he looks as he grumbles and tells you to fuck off but the beaming smile on his face tells a different story
୨୧ he’ll never admit it but he loves being loved on by you <3
♡ euronymous will never get over how good he thinks you look when wearing his leather jacket…
୨୧ you don’t even need to mention that you feel cold for him to offer his jacket to you, he would honestly rather you wear it than him
“ look so pretty in my jacket, vakkar… y’wanna keep it tonight? ” ( as if he’d ever try to take it back from you )
♡ if you’re like me and cheap kebab food is a comfort food for you, euronymous is all over that shit
୨୧ oh you’re awake at 1 am, feel kind of bad because you’re on your period or just in a bad mood? he’s placing a kiss on your head before grabbing his jacket and going to grab you some kebab food from your regular place
♡ it’s got to a point where the owners of the kebab place know him by name and always know exactly what he orders for you and sometimes something for himself
୨୧ he just walks in, doesn’t even need to say a word before they ask if he wants his usual and he gives a “ yep ” before placing the money on the counter and walking out to have a quick smoke…
♡ you’ll eat the food together on the couch, cuddled up in a comfortable silence, euronymous holding a coke bottle in his hand and leaning down to take any bites you offer him, eyes glued to the tv as a horror movie you’ve already seen multiple times plays through his vhs player…
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Mortal Kombat 2021 with a Platonic, Child Reader
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Characters included: Cole Young, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sonya Blade
Note(s): This is an 'AU' of sorts where they have more time to train and and Shang Tsung doesn't attack Raidens Temple.
This has been in my drafts for about a year now, enjoy!
Cole Young
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Sleepovers with Emily? Yes. Absolutely. Cole and Allison get woken up at 5 AM by you two roasting Kano, he has to hold back punching the two of you because he knows that everyone in the Temple would make that personal.
When you're both training at Raiden's Temple, Cole always goes easy on you and views you as his own kid, he gets how finding your Arcana is difficult, especially when it seems like everybody else already has this figured out.
You probably don't have any fighting experience so he takes some extra time to help you, and while he can't teach you any deadly moves, mainly teaching you defense and how to knock out an opponent, he's still very helpful.
Cole gives you extras at dinner, it's not very sneaky, he doesn't even try to hide it. Cue the teasing from everybody else at the table.
If you have anxieties about the tournament he tries calming you down by reading a story, it helped Emily so he can only assume it will help you as well, even for your age it's childish, but it makes things melt away for a moment. There's no training, unfamiliar temple, or Outworld, just Cole and a story.
He gets a mix between anger and sadness whenever anybody mentions the fact you need to participate in the tournament, he's tried to convince Raiden to take you out, to no avail, it leaves him to spend more time with you, he's afraid he'll lose you when the time comes.
Has absolutely no medical experience, the best he can do is carry you to Liu Kang or other medics.
Liu Kang
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Liu helps with your temper or anxieties a lot, he's basically always behind you putting a hand on your shoulder, and views himself as an older brother to you.
He's very sympathetic and will give you advice or just listen when you need it, no matter what situation you're in. Liu is extremely truthful as well, if you're in the wrong he will tell you but he'll let you down easy with it.
Liu has a watchful eye on you at all times, he visibly sweats whenever you get close to Kano, Kung Lao teases him for it constantly.
He's like your doctor, and usually won't take you to any other medic in the Temple unless it's necessary, if you're injured in any way he's helping you and you cannot stop him. That is if you ever manage to get hurt anyway, he doesn't let Kung Lao or Kano use their Arcana on you.
Actually your personal hype man, the living embodiment of 'you're doing great sweetie', regardless of how many times you fall over in training, he only counts the times you get up.
Speaking of training, he tends to use repeated attacks so you can learn how to defend against them more easily, he doesn't use his fire unless he's certain you can move away from it, and he's very unsure about using heavier attacks on you.
That's why he's mainly instructing a fight between you and somebody else, so he can set ground rules to keep you not injured while allowing you to learn.
Liu Kang won't talk to you about it, but he's had multiple arguments with Raiden over allowing you to be in the tournament in the first place. He believes that since you're a child, you shouldn't be risking your life. Raiden doesn't listen.
Kung Lao
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Kung Lao is probably distant at first, he doesn't really know how to act around children, at least not as an adult. He shares the same opinion of all the chosen, you need to be taken out of the tournament, and while he won't say it out loud, he does back people up when the opinion is shared.
He's more willing to use his aracana and 'deadlier' methods of training, but he has such a control over his fighting style and hat that you've never gotten extremely injured. Anytime you do get injured, he picks you up, regardless of if the injury allows you to walk or not, and takes you to the infirmary himself.
He's not good at comforting words, if you're nervous for the tournament, the most he can say is that fate wouldn't have chosen you for this if it wasn't meant to be.
Kung Lao already despises Kano, but he makes one remark towards you and in his eyes he's about to be a dead man, Liu Kang has had to hold him back on a number of occasions.
Sneaks you extra, and makes some faces at the dinner table, it ends up making everybody else laugh more than anything, but their jokes at his expense make you laugh in turn. So, he technically didn't fail.
He's medically trained and can in fact help most injuries unless they're extremely fatal, like Jax's arms, and so most of them he can fix by simply walking to the infirmary and walking out a minute later, you with a bandaged injury.
Sonya Blade
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Sonya is a bit annoyed that a literal child got a mark before her, but then she realises that means you'll need to fight in the tournament, and she proceeds to dedicate everything to training you.
Even if she's not technically allowed to train with you before she gets her mark, she does sneak out with you. While she understands it's not exactly her place, in the short time she's known you she's become attached, and she wants you to have every chance of survival.
As part of the special forces, she's an expert in all types of combat, and will almost definitely teach you how to kill, even if it weighs on her conscience that a child could have blood on their hands thanks to her.
Everybody already knows about this, but even Kung Lao decides to back off once he notices how much she cares for you.
Sonya will get violent with Kano the second he tries to mock or tease you, she won't go too far, but she's teaching him a lesson and she wanted an excuse for months to do so just let her have this one.
At dinner she's firm with your diet, making sure you eat more healthy options every time, which, makes everyone at the table laugh. She's not a complete control freak, she just understands that in situations like these what you're eating is very important.
She's not the best person to come to when you're injured, but not the worst, either, she's very calm unless it's a serious injury, and knows the basics of at least disinfecting the wound / putting pressure on it so it stops bleeding while she brings you to a medic in the Temple.
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aza-writes · 1 year
The Columbia Party
college!matt murdock x reader
Summary: you're a law student at Yale and your friend takes you to a Columbia Law school party one night where you so happen to meet a really cute blind guy
Warnings: use of y/n, few curse words, alludes to future smut
Based on the quote: "Everyone knows that the only real Ivy's are the Holy Trinity; Harvard, Yale, and Princeton" because Blair Waldorf is an icon
requested: no
The music playing in the bar was so loud that you could barely hear the guy standing next to me. His smile was charming but he was trying way too hard to be Mr. Cool Guy. Bragging about how he went to an Ivy League when everyone here is doing the same. I fake smile and giggle, hoping it’s enough for him to buy me a free drink. And I was so close. One more playful touch on his arm and I would be sucking down something strong for free, getting buzzed after a minute. But no. My friend who brought me here, Bre, grabbed my hand and pulled me away into the crowd. 
“You have to meet my friends! You’ll have so much fun with them!” Even with her yelling, her voice is barely audible over the music and loud conversations. She pulls me through the crowd insisting that a quiet spot is only “a little further away.” It wasn’t until after we finished one song, listened to a full one, and started the next that we finally made it to a small corner booth with two guys and a girl sitting there. 
"Bre!" the long-haired guy who kinda looks like a hippy yelled toward us. He immediately stands up and hurries over to her. 
Bre grips my hand harder as she walks towards the hippy man. “Foggy! How are you?” She’s speaking louder than usual, indicating the buzz of alcohol in her system. She goes to hug him without letting go of my hand, leaving me awkwardly standing there. 
She finally pulls away after a few long seconds. “This is the girl I was telling you about!” She lets go of my hand and makes a grand gesture to me. “Isn’t she so pretty! I told you she was pretty!” I giggle at her drunk compliments. Bre was the type of girl to brag about her friends but she gets even more affectionate after she’s been drinking. The perfect hype woman. 
I was expecting him to hold out his hand for me to shake, instead, he pulls me into a big bear hug. “I’m Foggy,” he turns and points to a girl at their booth, “That’s Marci, and that one with the glasses is Matt.” 
I wave at everyone. “It’s nice to meet all of you. I’m y/n.” I smile as Bre again grabs my hand and pulls me to the booth to sit down. 
Bre giggles as we sit down, then immediately stands up. “I’m gonna get us drinks!” She smiles and dramatically kisses the top of my head with a “mwah” before she runs back into the crowd to the bar. 
“So,” Foggy breaks the silence, “Bre said you’re in law school too.” 
Matt perks up at this, finally allowing me to see his full face and the upper half of his shoulders. I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol but he has a very pretty face and extremely broad shoulders. Nice muscles too. Before I got to respond, Matt asks another question. 
“You go to Colombia too?” He faces me, with furrowed brows. You can see the wheels in his head spinning but I have no idea what he’s thinking. 
“No, I go to Yale.” I smile softly, uncomfortable with the fact Bre left me with three strangers. I only know Marci from the one time we met. I was staying the night in Bre’s dorm when Marci hurried in and packed an overnight bag to meet up with what Bre refers to as ‘mystery whipped man’ which I now think is Foggy by the way he’s sitting so close to her. 
Marci giggles at this and looks up at Matt. “Oh, this is just perfect!” I look at her confused until she turns to Matt. “Weren’t you just saying that people that go to Yale are-” 
“Shh-” Foggy cuts her off, but that doesn’t stop her. 
“A bunch of pretentious-”
“Shhhhhh!” This time it was Matt trying to get her to stop talking. 
My eyes widen. “Oh really?” I look back at Matt. “Everyone that goes to Yale.” 
“That’s not at all what I meant.” His voice is a bit more defensive but nervous beyond everything else. “It’s just a lot of people there are a bit more high class and um,” he looks at Foggy, trying to get his help in the situation. Foggy just sits there and puts his hands up in surrender. “Snobby?” 
“Shit that isn’t the right word.” 
“Snobby? Says that guy that goes to Colombia. You probably think that you’re too cool for one of the top law schools in the country.”
Matt scoffs. “Colombia is an Ivy League school, just like Yale.” 
“Oh please, everyone knows that the real Ivy’s are the Holy Trinity; Harvad, Yale, and Princeton.” 
Matt opens his mouth, about to rebuttal, when Bre returns with two Long Island ice teas. 
“Sooo, what did I miss?” She smiles and sits right next to me, trapping me next to Matt. “Is everyone getting along?”
“It’s going just great.” I give her an obviously fake smile before sipping my drink. I’m too sober to deal with any of this right now. 
• • • • • •
An hour passed, as well as two Long Island ice teas, two rounds of shots for the table, and something fruity Bre brought me. I was too buzzed at that point to even ask what it was, but it was good. I was doing relatively okay, drunk enough to feel fine but I could still think logically-ish. Bre on the other hand, was wasted out of her mind. She was so drunk to the point Foggy and Marci had to get her back to her dorm. 
“I’ll drop her off then run back to grab you and Matt.” And with those three leaving, it left me and Matt alone. 
I don’t feel like talking to him and I don’t want to talk to him, but the awkward silence was enough to make me want to bang my head into a wall. I’m honestly considering it. I slowly turn my head to look at Matt who was taking a sip out of his beer. His hands look so good holding the bottle. His jaw tense as he drinks it, his lips wrapped around the opening. 
Fuck he’s hot. 
He pulls me out of my daydream by chuckling a bit as he sets his beer down. 
“What’s so funny?” I’m at that stage of drinking where I say anything that comes to my mind. I can’t tell if I like this part or hate it. 
He just shakes his head and smiles. “I-it’s nothing,” he tries to compose himself but he starts laughing again. 
“Tell me. It’s not like I’m gonna remember it in the morning.” I lie, I’ll remember it perfectly fine. I just want him to tell me. What about this whole thing is so funny he can’t help himself from laughing. 
He chuckles a bit more and turns to me. “Okay then.” He smirks then leans in close. “When I took a drink your heart rate spiked, your skin is hotter, and your breath quickened. You find me attractive, don’t you?�� 
My eyes widen. How the fuck did he know that? “Excuse me?” 
He chuckles again. “It spiked again.”
“H-how do you know that? And I don’t. And how the fuck do you know about my heart rate?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” he straightens up, his smirk still lying across his face. 
I wanna smack it off of him… Or fuck it off. 
Only a few seconds after I let that thought slip in, he’s smirking and giggling like a fucking mind reader. 
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alk4li · 2 years
bodyguard!xiao x supermodel!reader
you're a supermodel and xiao's your personal bodyguard, who’s extremely flustered by you
– suggestive themes
a/n: i got inspired from another fic i saw
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paparazzi swarmed your villa, people standing outside your gate flashing their cameras at your door. being a supermodel is tough work but being harassed by paparazzi on your vacation is so obnoxious.
you sat on the large beanbag in the living room, sipping on wine at 8pm. sighing as you slightly pull the curtains apart to be greeted by flashes of white and shutters. after shutting the curtains again, you turn to look at your bodyguard, xiao, who was stiffly sitting on the couch. "why so tense?" you inquire.
xiao looks over at you and clears his throat, "no offence, lady y/n- but perhaps it would be more professional if we refrain from such casual interactions."
hearing his words, you cock your eyebrow, using your finger to gesture between the distance between the two of you, "you can just call me y/n, and i like having a relationship with my staff, y'know." you drone out, staring at the wine.
xiao merely nods, looking away. "it's not that.. i just need to leave before i suffocate," he thinks, xiao stares back down at the way you were only adorned in a simple tank top and shorts and couldn't help but feel a rising tension inside him. the way you breathed and how easily you let yourself relax around him makes him feel.. a type of way.
a soft knock was heard on xiao's door, followed by a sleepy y/n who trailed in slowly. rubbing your eyes you point at the empty spot next to xiao. he looks over at the spot and gets your memo, he scoots off the bed and tries to walk over to the empty couch, before being quickly block by you.
you shake your head, "uh-uh," your voice raspy and quiet, you grab his pinky with your hand and drag him into bed with you, immediately you snuggle into his chest, letting yourself relax as the little spoon.
xiao had his whole body and soul praying up to the lords above, hoping you couldn't hear his heart beating against his ribcage, about to jump out. he reluctantly moves his arms to pull you in closer, placing his chin on your head.
after a long and tiring day of work, you were heading back to your vehicle. but of course, nothing goes your way. a crash could be heard in the distance, a female fan ran up, pushing past your body guards by ducking beneath them. at this point, she's inches away from you, trying to grab onto your arm. before you know it, xiao who was on your left grabbed you by your waist and switched positions, effectively making the fan crash right into his chest. the other guards escort her away as she's yelling for a photo.
"it's fine! let her go," you yell while xiao guides you by your waist to bring you into your car. he quickly seats you down and shuffles to the other side of the door.
he enters the car and double checks your okay, you give him the greenlight and he sighs in relief.
that catches your attention, "thank you," you prode his cheek, smiling at his tense expression.
xiao jolts slightly, side eyeing you. "la- y/n, this is no joke. you could've been hurt," he warns, pointing out to the fans who were yelling your name.
"ladies and gentle folks! today, on the midnight show, we have a special guest. the one, the only, y/n l/n!" the tv host hypes the crowd as you make your way on stage.
soon, you settle in and the tv host plays a footage of xiao protecting you from the fan. "ms y/n. i'm sure many people here are curious, there seems to be an unspoken intimacy between you and your bodyguard here. is this just an employer-employee relationship- or something more?" the crowd oo's and everyone seemed to really be interested.
you giggle, shrugging. "well, he's cute. all i can say is, i would choose him over any other a-list celeb,"
you silence your phone, the amount of notifications you've gotten from social media is absolutely demented. headlines and trending topics everywhere about your recent interview where you indirectly confirmed something was going on between you and your bodyguard.
a knock, xiao opens the door and steps into your room. "y/n, i just saw the- interview." he murmurs, avoiding eye contact.
despite your bold words during the interview, your face is still flushed, "happy april fools...?"
xiao pauses, now staring right at you. "y/n, can i ask, are you leading me on?" he abruptly says and began walking up to you, "are you playing with my.. feelings? i have to know,"
you open your mouth, before xiao walks up right in front of you, covering your mouth with his hand, "no, not yet. i need to know, because day and night i keep feeling this unbearable feeling of anxiety."
his teal eyes pierce your soul, xiao moved his hand from your mouth and began backing you into a wall, "so enlighten me miss, what are your intentions?" xiao stops as your back hits the wall, placing his arms on either side of your head, caging you in.
staring at his fierce and desiring eyes, you gulp. "xiao, what do you feel about all this?"
xiao stares, "i'm going insane for you, y/n."
at that, you suddenly feel a pair of plush lips crash on your own, a feverish hunger unleashed, you lean in, signalling your consent. sloppy kisses and body pressed up, a hot minute passes with the two of you clinging to each other. you pull away, but as you do so, xiao leans back in craving for more. like a starved beast, he lets go of your arms and pulls you in by the waist, lifting you up and carrying you.
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liesmyth · 8 months
Happy end of January! here are all the books I read this month
Black AF History: The Un-Whitewashed Story of America by Michael Harriot.
Exactly what it says on the tin! Very good pop history book, tremendously well researched; actually very funny. I HIGHKEY recommend the audiobook if you can get it. Favourite book of 2024 so far.
Benjamin January mysteries by Barbara Hambly. I've read three of them this month because they're excellent. (A Free Man of Color, Fever Season, Graveyard Dust.)
Historical fiction + murder mystery set in 1830s New Orleans, and I love the atmosphere as much as I do the characters. You know those books where the city is its own character? THAT. Excellent vibes, very thoughtfully researched, and the character dynamics are excellent. (CW for period typical racism all over the place as the main character is a dark-skinned Black man in 1830s New Orleans; no gratuitous edginess)
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky
THIS BOOK HAS SPIDERS IN IT. Just putting it out there because I very much missed it, and the spiders are a big deal. Scific, space opera. 10/10 would rec unless you're violently arachnophobic, then proceed with caution.
Don't Fear the Reaper by Stephen Graham Jones
Second book of the Indian Lake Witch trilogy. Unfortunately not as cool as the first but I'm hype for the third book coming out! If you like poetically described gore, and badass horror ladies, read the first book first. This one isn't quite on that level but there IS death and destruction <3
Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman
I can't believe I 1) finished a self-help book and 2) I'm really out here recommending it to people, but I really found it useful. Will wonders ever cease?
Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird by Agustina Bazterrica
Horror short stories collection. A couple were bangers, a few were absolute duds.
Take My Hand by Dolen Perkins-Valdez
Do yourself a favour and don't read this. Allegedly historical fiction; in practice, the "fiction" part is extremely dull and the book doesn't have anything going for it except the ripped-from-the-headline case of the Relf sister. The cover is pretty, I guess.
Unwell Women: Misdiagnosis and Myth in a Man-Made World by Elinor Cleghorn
Tremendous read. Medical misogyny through the ages, with an eye to intersectionality; I have some nitpicks about the tone of the writing but I'm still going to recommend it to everyone. (link goes to my GR & we should be friends)
Vendetta ai Mondiali by Paolo Foschi
This is a prize for a few elects (Italian speakers). Italian sports-themed detective novel except the grizzly detective is gay... I feel like this was written for ME personally.
The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett
Unfortunately, I'm running out of new-to-me Discworld novels! This made me very happy but also very emo.
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prototypelq · 10 months
This is by no means hate, but putting that one post in the BG3 tag was an interesting choice. The tag is predominantly occupied by fans of the game and kinda comes off as a bit needlessly antagonistic? I just don't want people to be hurt and I also don't want you to end up receiving hate. Again sorry if my tone doesn't come through very well in this, this is just meant as a friendly heads up type thing. Hope you have a good day!
Hi, thanks for the message. No worries, your post doesn't come off as anything but a cautious message for me. And it's warranted.
Eh, I don't care about upsetting some toxic fans, they will be upset no matter what you do, and I think this is an issue worth highlighting. Obviously, a big fandom attracts...I can't phrase this any better - a bad crowd. And, well, while I am outside the fandom I can kind of not care about them most of the time, but the one comment about BG3 deserving the Best Narrative over Alan Wake 2 had me a bit foaming myself xD
I value arguemented opinions of all kinds, but fans like those are usually just rabid. Mostly for Astarion. Which, yeah, from what I've seen he had the most of the writer's an animators attention, so it's valid he is a fan-fave, however it does come at an expense of Almost Every Other Companion and you can't really remove or ignore that context now, can you. Thing is, again, not really my problem at the moment.
What is my problem is when the hype goes so out of hand it starts spreading out of it's fandom containment. If I see a person claiming 'BG3 is the best game ever', or 'RDR2 is the best game ever' or 'Witcher 3 is the best game ever' or any other popular title, I can and will confidently say in your face - No. It might be the best game TO YOU, and that's great! Everyone should have a favourite title!
But no game is perfect, so having a favourite doesn't mean you can barge everywhere screaming 'my game is so superior why didn't it get every single award i'll write death threats on twitter about it'. And those kinds of rabid fans usually are the type to do just that.
I would gladly listen to anyone discuss/write an essay about their favourite game, and it can absolutely be any of the titles I mentioned above, they are popular for a Reason, after all. At least, in these cases they are popular for a reason, that's not applicable to everything in my experience. But, when it comes to critics awards things are different, that should be a time for a more critical view. Which, to be fair, is extremely freaking hard to do, as being objective about anything is impossible, and being 'objective' about thing you're Emotional about is impossible by definition. That's why the end of the year awards are such a conflicting time and topic to discuss. Valuable critics opinion is also absolutely NOT to be expected from TGA as it's a hype train for the hype train and ads sake, but it's also a cool fun show, and we can enjoy what we get there.
tldr Alan Wake 2 absolutely deserved that Best Narrative Award, BG3 fans I am open to discussion about this. oh, and all rabid fangirls get immediately blocked, of course, I don't need you here or anywhere on the internet at all.
Anon, again, thanks for the warning, but I'll be fine) I also hope my reply doesn't come off as antagonistic to you in return. Have a great day yourself!
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
For the fic ask game! 18+6 in general, and 25 x 3 from fics of your own choosing
6. How did you decide what tense and POV(s) to use?
I generally default to third person present unless there’s some kind of meta element I want to toy with. I feel like it’s a lot easier to figure out past/present/future tenses from that starting point, whereas starting from past tense it can be harder to keep track of past tense (current) and past tense (pluperfect/past continuous/etc whatever).
As for what point of view character, it ranges from ‘barely a decision because the fic inherently needs to be from this character’s perspective’ to ‘going back and forth writing snippets of scenes from different perspectives to find out what works’ but in the end, the decision’s made based on what perspective drives the fic the furthest and the easiest. I might be swapping a pov of a wip to see if it goes further..
18. Talk about your editing and revision process
I generally don’t write in a way where I do major revisions, I usually have a Very Specific Idea about the atmosphere and the intention I have for a scene, so it’s more about filling in gaps and fine-tuning something. I remember a while ago I had a foxskull fic where the emotional cohesion wasn’t working out, and air was like ‘I think it’d make more sense if there was conflict here’ & while they were right about that as a possible solution, and while I love conflict, I was like. no. I think what ended up happening was pushing the vibe to more extremes, like cautiously defusing an emotional bomb.
If I can, I like getting a pal who can read over and give notes on what works and what doesn’t. I like thorough notes on atmosphere and phrasing and pacing, and I need the positives to be pointed out so The Agonizing Process Of Being Edited is offset. Which is a pretty common experience of editing preference, I’d imagine. If I’m writing in isolation it’s easy for me to lose focus and motivation, but fortunately I’ve had friends who were willing to hype me up as I dragged my corpse over the finish line… there’s no way I would’ve finished night flowers without liz or april lol
25. Share your favorite line (x3)
I never like just one singular line so I’m gonna change it to ‘section’
from as it turns out, dying isn’t the romantic gesture you might think it is
Despite being explicitly told not to get involved, Shang Qinghua involves himself for a couple reasons, neither of them flattering.
Reason number one: jealousy.
Listen. It took years for Shang Qinghua to close the gap between him and Mobei Jun, to get them from an undefined relationship between strangers… to an undefined relationship between acquaintances. And that was fine. That was great. Who could ask for more, especially from someone like Mobei Jun?
Shen Qingqiu, apparently! In less than a day, fucking Shen Qingqiu swooped in from nowhere and usurped what Shang Qinghua had built over the better part of a decade! Who wouldn’t be bitter!! Who wouldn’t go mad!! Fuck!!
Reason number two: desperation.
I liked going all in on stupid bitter jealousy and resentment and then figuratively switching to the next powerpoint slide. I think I’m hysterical. In general, mo/shang is where some of my funniest writing is
from “I can’t stay” and other lies to tell
The thing about being a blindingly competent genius with a very specific skillset is that everyone wants to use Han Sooyoung in completely inconsequential ways. It’s a waste. It’s overkill. It’s as insulting as buying a sword from a master craftsman and using it to chop vegetables.
“I’m not editing your essay,” she says, looking up from the three sheets of paper that Lee Gilyoung had shoved into her hands.
I love when sooyoung is annoying <3
from reprise, refrain
“Then it sounds like we’re all on the same page!” Lance claps his hands together, clearly pleased with himself. “All we have to do is get in the cat-stack and we’ll be fine, right?”
this is buried in a vld gen fic which means hardly anyone would’ve seen it. I still really love lance describing voltron as ‘the cat-stack’ and it’s one of my favorite lines I’ve written for him even though I’ve for sure written much more overtly funny lines for him.
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Hiii!! I love your work and I have an idea! How would jjk men react to a situation where reader got some real happy news and subconsciously jumps on them out of happiness and kisses their cheek and runs away....IN FRONT OF EVERYONE HAHAHAHAHA
Like how would they deal with everyone looking at them cause everyone else OBVIOUSLY knows who they have a crush on.
Thanks and have a lovely day 💕
Itadori Yuji
Yuji is already a touchy and expressive guy so he barely even processes your behavior as out of the ordinary. He was just more happy that you were sharing your excitement with him. That you enjoyed him enough to think of him first about your happy news.
He is all happy and jumpy with you and automatically holds you when you pounce on him. Yuji doesn’t start malfunctioning until you kiss his cheek.
He turns bright red and is still processing if you had really just done that as you’re running away. His hand grazing over his cheek where he can still feel the ghostly touch of your lips.
His peers are laughing and pointing at him, teasing him about how red he got and that they’ve never seen him so flustered. He just tried laughing it off and playfully tells them to shut up.
Yuji can’t focus on anything else for the rest of the day. His mind keeps wandering off to the thought of you kissing him. And this behavior definitely doesn’t slip past his friends either.
Megumi Fushiguro
Teasingly tells you you’re being too loud but can’t stop himself from smiling from seeing how happy you are. He also is super touched that you thought of him first when you found out about your happy news and practically ran to him to update him.
Let’s out a groan followed by a small chuckle when you jump on him but immediately holds you. His grip tightening a little because he doesn’t want to let go and wants to hold you against him a little longer, even for a split second.
When you reach up to kiss his cheek his whole body goes rigid and his heart drums against his chest. Heat immediately rising in his face and a prominent blush spreading across his cheeks. Shouts at you when you start running away.
His friends are laughing so loud to see him so flustered and keep teasing him about it. He aggressively tells them to shut up and storms away to escape everyone’s gaze to allow himself to cool down.
Toge Inumaki
Toge hypes you up even more, he’s extremely supportive about whatever you’re happy about and loves that you came to him first to tell him.
The biggest smile is on his face and when you jump on him, he holds you tight and brings you in closer to him. When you kiss him on the cheek his eyes go wide and stared at you. He’s giving you a look of disbelief and is processing if you had just done what he thought you did. You run off before his mind can fully wrap around it and is standing there in a daze.
Panda wastes no time to tease him and laugh at him. Talking about how lovestruck he looked from getting a kiss from his crush. Keeps talking about how that’s the first step and next is a committed relationship. Toge is slowly getting more and more red as he tries to shush Panda with his limited speech.
Yuta Okkotsu
Super happy and matched the same energy with you. A big smile on his face as you blather on about your happy news. He holds you like it’s nothing to him and a usual occurrence when you jump on him.
You kiss him on the cheek and his face immediately turns a bright red. Let’s out a little squeak of shock and stands there frozen as you run off. His classmates are laughing their asses off over how red and dazed he is. They also keep joking about how dense you must be if you haven’t realized yet how hard this man is crushing on you. Yuta is so obvious about his crush on you because of how nervous and giddy he gets around you and only you.
Nanami Kento
The cutest little smile on his face as he stares at you in admiration as you excitedly tell him the news that made you so happy. His heart swells from how extremely cute you look to him right now.
Nearly spilt his coffee when you jumped onto him but would rather catch you and stop you from falling instead of his coffee. Holds you tightly around your waist but tells you to not act like that at work. (But in the kindest way)
You peck him on the cheek and he stands there frozen. He can very clearly hear his own heartbeat in his ears and he feels his whole body start to heat up. Watches you run away and groans out, thinking how unfair of it was of you to fluster him like that and then just run away.
Glares heavily at his coworkers for laughing and pointing. Gojo’s laughing the loudest and nearly rolling on the floor with tears in his eyes. Kento just “tch’s” in annoyance and leaves the room
Gojo Satoru
Hyping you up as well and matching the same energy with you. Super happy that you’re happy and gladly turns off his infinity to let you jump on him. Holds you tight against him and his smile widens.
You peck him on the cheek and run off, leaving poor, flustered Satoru a mess in the staff’s lounge. His hand reaching up to touch the spot where he swears he can still feel your lips. His heart pounding against his chest as his body heating up from embarrassment.
Looks back at his coworkers to see them pointing and laughing and it makes him even more flustered. He just points right back at them and tells them to shut up.
Geto Suguru
Such a cute little genuine smile on his face. His hands tucked away in his sleeves as he just admires how cute you look going on about telling him the good news.
Easily catches you and holds you when you jump up on him and lets out a small laugh, warning you to be careful not to fall. His hand tightens around you, savoring the feeling of you being so close to him. You kiss his cheek and run off and his eyes widen. His gaze watching you as you run and he calls out your name to try and bring you back.
His heart is thumping loudly against his chest but he manages to keep his blushing at bay. He turns to his family to where his two girls are pointing and laughing. Nanako taking pictures of his flustered form on her phone as she laughs loudly. He warns her to delete the photos before he takes her phone away for a week.
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Amusement Park Date
notes: chaos ensues. also expect more writing in the next few days as I am the dancing queen, young and sweet, now in quarantine. my stepdad has covid so I'm doing social-distancing extreme rn
characters included: deuce spade, floyd leech, kalim al-asim, malleus draconia
contains: character x gn!reader
warnings: none
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Deuce is so hyped to go to the amusement park with you. He's been to amusement parks with his mum when he was younger and he loved them. He especially adored the rollercoasters. So he was super excited to experience them again with you.
He gets you stuff at the souvenir shop from his allowance. A nice plushie or a keychain. And candy. He blushes when giving them to you
Holds your hand while walking through the amusement park with you
He gets spooked in the haunted house and makes you promise to never mention this in front of Ace. Or anyone else for that matter. Let's out a little high-pitched scream and his voice cracks a bit. He instinctively reaches for your hand. Acts like you're holding it because you know he'll protect you
Bumps into at least 3 mirrors at the fun house mirror maze
Enjoys all the street food that's sold at the amusement park with you. He lets you try from his and takes pictures with you that he uploads to Magicam.
Loved the rollercoasters so much as a kid but now that he's on one again he's realizing too late that he's now actually kinda scared of them. Clings to you.
His legs are wobbly when he steps out of the rollercoaster and you chuckle and hold him.
Loses orientation. He has a map of the amusement park but he's struggling to properly read it. Goes in circles with you at least twice
Doesn't mind doing your favorite attractions in the park over and over again if you like them a lot
You get him a cute hat from the amusement park souvenir shop and he wears it for the whole trip
Also likes the slower rides. He does a small boat tour with you or walks through the indoor garden and butterfly house. He takes a photo when some of the butterflies land on your shoulder and hand and makes it his wallpaper
He watches the sunset with you while there's romantic music playing and you eat ice cream and look at the Merry-go-round that's illuminated by lights and absentmindedly watch the people pass by. Deuce holds your hand and rests his head on your shoulder. "I love you so much", he says quietly and squeezes your hand
He took you to the amusement park specifically on the day there was a fireworks show. You kiss when the fireworks go off.
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Just say you want the most chaotic date in the history of mankind....or fishkind
Literally I don't even know where to begin with this one
He's the scariest thing in the haunted house
Literally finds the haunted house boring and makes it his personal mission to scare the crap out of everyone else in it, including you. Though he's still lenient with you. He will spook you a couple of times and then cackle and kiss your cheek when you shriek. "Aw Shrimpy got scared", he grins and then turns around the corner with you, smiles at another stranger in the haunted house with wide eyes and like he's going insane. Then Floyd starts cackling like an evil demon and charges after the stranger at full speed. He stops eventually after the strangers have run away
Gives you the smile he has on the header. "Look, now we're all alone in here, that's romantic isn't it?", he says and kisses you. "Yeah....Floyd....you literally made everyone else leave."
Exits the haunted house like "This was fun :)"
Also turns the fun house into a haunted house.
Makes sure you are soaked by the end of the water coaster. Literally throws himself into the water when the coaster comes to a halt and either pulls you in it with him or turns into his merman form and splashes water not just on you but onto everyone else in the coaster. They almost called security because of the giant eel lurking in the small pool at the coaster exit
You buy him a balloon in the shape of a shrimp and he's so happy about it. He carries the balloon with him for the whole trip and also puts it in his room at NRC and carries it to Mostro Lounge when he has to work
He buys the most useless trinkets at the souvenir shop and brings them to you like a little treasure
If you leave him in the souvenir shop unattended he'll end up walking around with a shirt of the amusement park, a hat and one of those giant foam fingers
Makes the gondola on the ferris wheel move left and right at a dangerous height by throwing himself against the sides of it with his full weight. When the instructions specifically said to avoid a lot of movement on the ferris wheel.
Cackles on the rollercoaster and when you exit it turns out he accidentally removed his safety belt during the ride and was still just vibing in there
His favorite thing is the bumper car place and his objective is basically to bump into everyone else with his cart as hard as possibly.
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Another one who couldn't be more excited.
Kalims family actually owns the amusement park you go to and he's been there multiple times as a child. He always brought Jamil along and Kalim was excitedly introducing you to all the attractions and waiting for your reactions to them
You have to wait at the entrance to the park and in the waiting line, Kalim makes at least 5 new friends, accidentally starts a flash mob and ends up dancing with all the people to Scalding Sands music
Buys a cotton candy bigger than his head. He shares it with you and repeatedly stops during the walk through the park with you just to give you a hug.
He wants to try out all the attractions, even the ones that are for children. Has the time of his life on the Merry-go-round. He tries to hold your hand on it.
His favorite attraction is the chairoplane. It always plays fun and upbeat music during the ride and especially after it has gotten dark, it's decorated with all sorts of colorful lights
Actually scared af in the haunted house. Clings to your arm and flinches at every minor thing.
Has the most fun at the fun house. He's so excited about everything in there and INSISTS you take pictures with him in front of the image-distorting mirrors
He's like a Golden Retriever on a parkour
Takes lots of pictures with you and Jamil checks his phone at NRC and receives like 120 messages from Kalim. All of them are pictures he took at the amusement park. On some he literally just took a photo of the pigeons on the street.
Actually tries not to hit anything with the bumper car. Apologizes everytime he does.
They have a pond with swans on it at the park and Kalim gets hissed at by a swan and it follows him and he's calling out to you to help him
Buys ice cream and accidentally drops it. He's like "oh no :(" and you wait in line to get him a new one because you can't say no to his sad puppy eyes
Totally hyped for the tunnel of love thing with you. Kisses you repeatedly and snuggles you. And he tells you that he loves you at least 20 times.
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Now, before you two go on this trip, Malleus actually has no idea what an amusement park is and even after the explanation he can't really imagine it before he sees it and let me tell you, it's one of the most fascinating experiences of his life.
You buy him cotton candy and he's so surprised at the texture of it but he loves it. It's one of his favorite foods now.
Just imagine how cute he'd look with a surprised facial expression and repeatedly putting cotton candy in his mouth
He's staring at everything with his surprised Malleus face™ and he asks you like, a million questions. "What is this? What is its purpose? Why do people scream on the rollercoaster? Why does the park want money from me for using the toilet?"
Doesn't really get the rollercoaster. Or the haunted house. He isn't scared of the haunted house at all because of how powerful he is and he's used to the feeling of flying so the coaster and the chairoplane don't really do anything for him
Loves the water coaster though. Splashes you with the water and tells you your facial expression is cute. He presses a kiss to your cheek and tells you he could make a tornado with his magic on the water. You cup his cheeks and softly whisper "don't."
There's one coaster that's indoors and completely in the dark and he makes fireflies appear around you to impress you. It's really beautiful
Doesn't really get the love tunnel but is convinced he has to show you all his love and affection so he just kisses you for the whole ride and holds you close
Also gets a shirt of the amusement park at the souvenir shop. Really just loves unique, colorful shirts from different places he's been at.
Likes the songs they play at the amusement park and you show him that you can use your phone to find out what the song is. You might compile them on a playlist for him
There's a dragon on the Merry-go-round that looks similar to his GaoGao Dragon-kun, so he wants to try it out. Just imagine this 2m tall man of on a Merry-go-round with a bunch of children
Takes some photos with a polaroid camera so he can show them to Lilia later
Marvels at all the street food they sell at different parts of the park. Wants to try a lot of them. He makes a mental note to ask you to find a recipe for his favorite ones online so you two can make them together
This was the most fun day he's had in a long long time. Everything was so new and exciting and he was glad to get to experience it with you. You were both basically glowing with happiness and he's clinging to you for the rest of the day
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dr4kenlvr · 3 years
pairings: baji keisuke, draken, hanma shuji x fem!reader
genre: fluff, crack (?)
request: heyyyy would be hella cool if u could do some hcs for tokyo revengers boys with a idol s/o who is a rapper on a girlcrush group <3 xoxox
a/n: omg this was so fun bc i used to be so into kpop!! i still have so many photocards and albums displayed in my room <3 thanks anon for requesting, and the freedom in choice of characters xoxox
part 2 / part 3
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"you're.. an IDOL?! AND YOU'RE THE GROUP'S LEAD RAPPER??!!" - is the first thing he says (yells) when you tell him you're apart of a music group that specializes in a girlcrush concept
i hc baji doesn't really listen to music,,, he only knows some stuff through chifuyu (who i hc listens to kpop) so he doesn't really know about your group
so one day, you show him the most popular music videos and songs from you guy's
he's prancing and jumping around when he hears your verses come on
"oh shit.. oh SHIT.. OH SHIT !! YUH GET IT BABE!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!"
he's swinging his hair everywhere and you're dying at the sight of him- he's the cutest, and he is always hyping you up and promoting your group to his gang
he downloads your songs on his phone and listens to them on the way to and from school
one time he handed you and earbud to share and it was your guy's debut song
"baji, y'know im tired of hearing my own songs over and over."
"okay... and im not so either listen or give it back."
baji is so so fucking impressed how you can spit such verses at such fast paces, but also while dancing??? and you can sing too???honestly how... he can't comprehend it
which is why he's so proud about your career, he knows you've worked incredibly hard to get to where you are now
but he is also extremely cocky,, he doesn't shut up about you to chifuyu but chifuyu literally doesn't mind
he wishes he could rap but he won't try, nope, not with you in the room to make fun of him in front of everyone!
aw man this big bitch is so happy to see you living your dream on stage, being the bad bitch you are
his heart pounds at the sight of your bright smile
he is your number one supporter, and constantly streams your music in hopes of your group winning an award one day <3
and he streams it properly, like no loops, watches on regular speed, switches the video now and then- he knows what he's doing ;)
if he can attend your shows, he's really loud- yelling, cheering, whooping, all while waving your lightstick around LMAO
the girls at his brothel also know about you and your group! he sometimes shows them your music awww
when you first told him about your career, he immediately wanted to see some content
he was surprised that you were so.. famous- and that he was dating you.. a famous person
he knows how tiring it can be to be an idol, so he's always there to hand you a helping hand
he keeps a keen eye on your health, knowing the physical strain that constant training and practice does to someone
you need something? he's got it for you asap
water bottle empty? oh it's filled now. you hungry? boom he's got snacks in his bag. you want something more filling? he's already ordering takeout for you. whatever you need, draken's got your back
and he lets you know every single day, with a tender kiss on your forehead and a gentle smile <3
shuji is so excited for you
when you show him your group's music, he is over the moon estatic that he's dating an idol omg
and he thinks you're so cool and just the energy you exude when you perform is so attractive to him
"you're fucking insane for that ♡"
asks you to rap one of your verses for him, and is awestruck- he just looks like :D HELPPP
he finds himself falling for you all over again!
you always catch him watching fancams of you, and there's this specific one he always goes back to because 'you look hot as fuck that's why'
you better believe that when you have a late night practice, he will be outside waiting to pick you up on his bike
on the drive home he'll ask you about your day, if you ate yet, if you wanna eat, etc etc.
some days he'll offer you massages, he knows you're tired and he wants to help as much as he can
and my god are his massages the absolute BEST- he can really work magic with those hands
oh, and he will undoubtedly fight (kill) any creep or stalker that you may have- he knows the world is a fucked place and people will go to extreme measures to please themselves
taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @samu-sorbet (apologies! i forgot to do this initially hehe) <3
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slttygeto · 3 years
oh my goodness congrats on 900!!!!!!!!! u deserve all of it bc ur writing is godly 😭🙏🙏 i’d love to know ur thoughts on the jjk boys as college heartthrobs/players!
thank you so much pls!!!! you're so nice :((
and omg the way the whole college heartthrob/player thingy fits them so well? i mean satosugu are the perfect example of a college heartthrob tbh but i will go over them one by one.
nsfw warning!!
gojo satoru
do i even have to say anything
he's got the looks, the playful persona and a good way with his words
the only difference between him and geto is that gojo actually does a lot of one night stands. he's also very much okay with the idea of threesomes and sneaking to a room in the middle of a party with someone to makeout or fuck
of course condoms are always present, between him and suguru he's the one who carries them around with him all the time lol (joey moment)
always has a drink in hand
is always next to suguru
literally like a pair of shoes
geto suguru
love of my life
he's the chill one obviously but he's definitely a big flirt too
it's not that people dont pay attention to him but hes definitely more reserved which explains why gojo is more popular in parties
like i said in gojo's part, he doesn't do one night stands
he does them from time to time, probably when he's stressed or is just extremely bored but other than that, he wants a friends with benefits or someone that he knows will be ready to fuck when he goes over to their house
will definitely makeout with someone or go down on them in parties, doesn't ask for much in return. just winks at them and asks them to keep it a secret. their dirty little secret
gojo and geto's charms are both very different.
gojo feels like a disco ball at a party, very bright and likes to make everyone dance and have fun
geto is like that first smoke after a stressful day
toji fushiguro
oh definitely the one who girls beg for his attention even for one second lol
honestly he's definitely into one night stands and i feel like he even almost knocked up a few women here and there because they begged him to cum inside 😭
hes always given off dilf vibes and that's why he attracts the ones with daddy issues wheeeew self call out
toji would be that one guy in the party who's gulping down whisky like it's water and a girl is suddenly on his lap just making out with him cause she thought it was so hot
though i definitely see him as that one dude who cannot tolerate bullshit at a party. if he sees a guy being mildly disturbing to a couple of girls there, he will kick his ass
definitely started a fight before. i said what i said
nanami kento
only shows up to these parties because gojo begged him to come
another guy who's on the lowkey, he does have sex but he's not obsessed with it
no one around college sees him because he's always in the library reading something
he is very much aware of the fact that people swoon over him but he doesn't really get the hype
shouldn't you focus on getting yourself an actual partner instead of going for someone who's not emotionally available? ouch that hurt 😭
oh oh he definitely drinks. the only time he destresses is when he drinks.
he doesn't like hookups but he will definitely fuck your brains out over the sink if he's in the mood
god i love this man so much
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Can we please see some more Mothman Ingo headcannons like you did with Drider Emmet
... u want more sad eggpreg huh
▲Mothman Ingo▼
● As stated at the end of the previous HCs, he has started basically working at the station. Though, if he stays at home, he'll attempt to do things around the house. He cleans the house up; doing dishes, scrubbing the bathroom ceiling to floor, and hoovers any rugs or carpet that needs it. Ingo will do the laundry and presses the freshly dried warm clothes to his chest (despite the discomfort it provides) to spread some of his pheromones onto it. He's flustered about it, but it's a subtle way to mark you as his.
● Emmet has basically outed him as a moth to everyone working at the station, and they all accept him (until they realise he's also a hardass like his brother, but even more Loud.) People are less disturbed by him as he is extremely polite, if not a bit weird looking. Moth hybrids are usually well accepted, as people don't view them as aggressive (just annoying). While most employees don't say anything about their new hybrid boss, commuters have some comments. The younger twin is happy to provide them, a terrifying grin and a light freeze. He's a hybrid, too, after all. (White fur might be chalked up to body hair, but the weak ice manipulation and underdeveloped wings certainly aren't. Emmet was never able to cocoon himself properly from his larval state.)
● Elesa is happy to hype up the painfully average hybrid. Loud clapping and cheers for Ingo who is just walking in carrying a black coffee and thinking about you. Everyone starts playing along and Ingo flushes at this. Why is everyone so okay with him? Wasn't he a weird nonhuman? Posts of him to her social media show a normal guy who just happens to be an insect. Well, that and the time he flew up at a lamp post and swarmed around it for a few moments. He was extremely embarrassed by this. (He gains an audience of fans who love the idea of a moth who is just trying to be a normal working man. They fully support his endeavour to just be some guy. There's cheers when they heard he had a mate at long last.)
● Time with you is intimate and special. He would prefer to stay in with you to enjoy a sense of basic domesticity, but you can drag him out anywhere. Local mothman spotted at a grocery store comparing off brand and on brand canned soup prices. He goes with off brand, as he doesn't care that much. It's just broth. You're seen walking on dates and people tell him it's okay to have his wings out. He's nervous once more; why are people so supportive of him? Should you stay in, the moth cuddles with you and lets his unfortunate chill run through your body. Occasionally, he'll press your face into his fur. He's scenting you.
● You wake up freezing one night and have to tell him he's about to give you frostbite. Ingo is terribly embarrassed about it, with a bit of sadness lingering underneath. Cuddles are impossible for long periods of time, but all he wants to do is hold in his arms. He actually tears up over this. You then have to put up with the chill for longer as he hides his face in your neck, and you stroke his delicate hair. In the end, you let him stay with you for the rest of the night, but you have a blanket barrier to keep him from completely freezing you. (It saddens him still, the twin wants to feel your skin against his. Instead, he's cuddling the duvet curled around you.)
● Ingo knew your body would reject most, if not all, of his eggs. The pain of seeing you fighting a harsh fever and discarding his eggs was impossible to avoid. He knew this would happen, but the pain was a deep melancholy that bloomed with pointed thorns. Weren't all of his eggs viable? He takes them off somewhere unknown while he mourns the loss of what never was to be anyway. It makes him realise just how lucky Emmet and him were to be born at all. His chilled hand lays softly on your burning forehead; you needed his attention more.
● You don't reject them all and manage to keep a single egg. Ingo is overly doting and protective over you in this time. Gone is work while he takes care of you. Nutritious meals are made for you by him, he does all the household chores, you're given unyielding affection and all of his time. Though, when you go out in public, people notice how even the most gentle of hybrids are protective over their pregnant mates. No one is allowed within a certain radius of you unless it's allowed by him or you.
● The birth is a strange one in which the egg hatches inside you, but either way the child is brought into the world, wide-eyed and terribly confused. You are as well, they definitely aren't a moth. The lower half of their body shifts into an icy, translucent eruciform. Naturally, just as their counterparts, moth hybrids have a larval stage. They peer at you with eyes the colour of your own. Fluffy, cream hair tufts up on their head. Ingo is happy to explain the scientifics of how reduction works, if you'd like. You pass. The poor thing is unable to vocalise at all, so Ingo must alert you to their needs until you become aware of the nonverbal signs. They are undoubtedly more independent than you would like, but still often find their way into your arms.  The larvae is just as frigid as their father, yet contains the same level of neediness. They eat a lot, too. It's terrifying because Ingo eats next to nothing in comparison. (Emmet visits once while Ingo was out and take one look at them. “They're hungry. Please feed them.” He's quicker than his brother at reading them; it's actually pretty sad. The older twin pouts about this.)
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