#but like mostly when we draw of some au stuff they might be from same au
narudoblog · 1 year
I just realized how much we have au:s and how often we forget about them and then come up with something new that has some similiarities to the old au:s.......
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pixiestickie · 1 year
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so . i did something ^}*#*}*%+%
(more parts might come and if that happens this post will be the masterlist)
ramble ⏬
so . ok here goes nothing. first things first.
this is like the “fisherman meets mermaid and they are in love” AU trope but jamil isnt a fisherman: he pretty much retained his canon life, aka he is a servant and one day he found a merman and he just hangs around him to escape from his shitty life situation (and the merman is completey enamoured).
so, apart of NRC not happening, more details about the canon divergence should be revealed at a later date
thiat is the info about the au out of the way. ill just do personal rambling here esp bevause im insecure about some things about this so you can stop reading if you want.
this is a trope ive seen around a lot, especially on twitter, so ive had this idea since a bunch of months ago. i then proceeded to forget about it until i saw a twitter post about this same exact trope again except it was with fucking miguel o’hara but thats besides the point. the original post that made me get the idea were 2 ocs (they had the blood-cut-to-call-merman idea. I completely stole it from that. im coming clean) and i was like “wow do you know who else is a mermaid? azul fucking ashengrotto”
ok so no the art style i used. i started using it really recently to doodle stuff, since 2 days ago actually im so serious. i tried using it here as well bevause its an easy art style, really quick to draw with it and also looks good. or so i thought. because im now having doubts about wether it looks good or not and i fear it might just look weird. i kinda wanna hear if people prefer this art style or my “actual” one from my other posts
this style looked way better when i used it to doodle stuff, but i dont think im capable of using it in comic format. the style i was going for is mostly evident in the colored “poster” because ive actually redrawn the comic sequence a bunch of times so the style was lost there. I do like how the “poster” looks but im not sure if y’all would agree so id love to hear wyt
now the biggest part. ive never made comics in my life!! so these are going to look so damn akward. u can already notice it here!!!!! crowd starts booing
also i cant draw water and also i dont know how to draw azuls octo patterns bc the material we have of his design are so vague and fragmented but his patterns are not easy to draw so im struggling and i need to make a reference of him for myself 😭😭
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master-of-the-game · 28 days
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Commissions in Summer Drop!
You know that there would be summer art sale and I decided to try to take some commissions along with other stuff. I’ve never done this before and feel like trying now.
How many slots do I open?
10. Here I will update how many free slots are still available.
Count: 8/10
100$ + shipping (the last time there were some accidents and problems with cheap shipping, so this time I plan to send the items as parcels and a via a priority shipping option)
What do you get?
For this money you get:
B\w graphic drawing on fine quality paper (material object, NOT a print of a digital one) A5 or any format smaller (A4 is possible if you need it but it will increase shipping cost) + high quality digital scan of it.
This drawing is made only once for you personally. They are NOT to be repeated as those from my blog, so you just get a unique graphic work.
Bunch of themed handmade stickers
Some other themed surprise stuff in package 😊
You may look at examples of drawings below
(examples are copies of drawings I’ve already made, your drawing will be unique)
What you can order?
Any StarTrek character (Mostly DS9 and those Cardassians from books I draw regularly, may be TNG, VOY or ENT) in mostly any situation/outfit/AU etc.
SFW (for this time), NO gore, body horror or same stuff.
There might be two or three characters on drawing (+30$ for each. Additional children (like cardassian babies), pets, animals, etc. go for free).
PG-13 is maximum because of law of sending country ☹ All is discussable, if you have any ideas you are welcome.
The most important part: Till when? When they will be sent? How do I order?
You may order till July 15 (or till there are open slots left)
The parcels will be sent soon after July 22.
You write me a DM. You order, we discuss, I confirm, create a drawing, send you a photo, pack it. Then you tell me your postal address and other coordinates, and few days before sending I give you card number to pay. Attention! You pay after the item is created and I learn the shipping cost! Then the item is sent and I give you a track number and send a scan of your drawing. Examples (copies)
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AU Batboys as Cyberlife Androids
I have 100% a bit more than I can chew with this. As I mostly know these fandoms from fanfiction. And I haven't even played the game. But that doesn't stop me from going of the deep end and make a AU in my head featuring the bat boys as cyberlife androids. And of course, Bruce is the but of the jokes too. So how does this work? Let me tell you what I came up with at work doing busy work that requires low brain power, and I pretty much autopilot and AU craft. So the idea is that Dick, Jay, Tim, and Dami have all ended up deviating. And due to damage taken, has either managed to cram themselves altogether in child model Android (or some sort of USB system storage). Anyway, that's how we get Robin, who managed to sneak away using a circus as a cover, and they end up in Gotham. (I think Dick might have been a police android before the transfer to the Robin collective, and Jay maybe was modified by the past owner for crime, no idea about Tim and Dami yet, though.) So, even if they are at risk of getting hurt, they still try to do good in the world. They some how run into Batman. With a lot of back and forth, Bruce managed to convince Robin to come with him. What they don't tell Bruce at first is that there are more of them. So, after some time, Robin asks Bruce if he could get an adult frame, please. Brucie managed to convince the public that he got the child boot secondhand. And there has been a lot of speculation as to why of the not-so-savory variety. So when Bruce requests a blank model with no programming to be sent to Wayne Tech for the transfer. The only reason Cyberlife agrees to it is that someone in Wayne tech RND convinces them Wayne is probably just gonna .... the bot. and yeah, that's how Dick gets the cake. As the others were like no, you've been in charge of Robin for so long now, you go first. So Dick agrees to transfer to the new custom model, which can change to Mr. Wayne's preference. To Bruce's surprise, Robin is operational, just different as Jay is in charge of the collective now as the next experienced model in the line. This is where Dick and the others come clear that Robin is more of a Matryoshka situation. It takes some time for Bruce to get to terms with that situation. But after some time has gone by, they come up with a plan to get another clean slate android body. Brucie is now gonna be in to role play, for his second android. He manages to get one of them beefy security bots. So yeah, he leaves Wayne RND with the forwarding request for a new blank bot from Cyberlife. And some techs are thoroughly amused by the goings on that the requests go through. And That's how we get a big beefy boy for Jay to jump to. Making it Tim's turn to be in primary control of Robin for a time. Bruce asks Robin just how many there are in there now, as it seems like the supply is never-ending. Tim calms Bruce down by saying that if they get one more android body, they'll have one each. more time elapse. And Brucie has to make yet another request, this time for a android secretary. Lucky for Bruce, the same guys as the last time are still changing and approving his request again, sending what they laughingly call "an Androgynous Twink for Mr Wayne" this time. And That's how we get Tim and Dami separated again.
And that's what I got so far, as I have no clue what more to do than possibly draw stuff. ---- So I posted on Discord to and the oh so wonderful @bucketorandomness
Added this; yes, I asked if it was okay to do the edit with credit
Option for more after-market additions for the boys:
Damian was originally a security model who was changed into an assassin by unsavory folks
Timothy was still a Drake, purchased as a kind of “test run for a real child” which they think is going great when it really wasn’t. Extra learning modules and some advanced reasoning in his base programming were mandatory for purchase
Cassandra, like Dami, was repurposed into a stealth-based assassin from a dancer base. Language programming was removed to make more room for the modifications. She follows one of the others home after recognizing a fellow android
Duke gets adopted into the Robin Collective temporarily while they drag his model back to Bruce and demand he fix it
Stephanie isn’t an android, but she did jokingly offer to join the Robin Collective once science figures out how to download a consciousness. Whether or not that already exists is up for debate.
Barbara can be a secretary model for the GPD or she can be another human like Steph if you want. If she is an android, I suggest Jim Gordon notices her deviancy and decides to adopt this new person and teach her how to people like a daughter. Also maybe self-installed body mods. I feel like she’d get a tattoo without supervision so why not upgrade her own RAM and other abilities?
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
We must be psychically linked for real cause I was just thinking of the dark au and you start working on it again LMAO. Me personally I think reader should have some kinda mutation that allows them to copy other mutations or a time/dimension jump one so it could be revealed that oops! reader accidentally sent all of them away! And cause some big feelings in the yans, like they want to blame reader for what happened but they still love them so dearly and it wouldn’t be fair to reader who is still learning and growing their powers to be solely blamed, or it’s a wrong place wrong time type thing where reader and one of the teens powers interact in such a way that they get sent to where ever they are/stuck in the time stream a la batman the return of Bruce Wayne
That is a good idea, Spino Anon! It's really creative! I don't know if that's how I will write the au, but you have given me a thought or two on how to explain the four teens ending up in the dark future/au. I hope you are doing alright! I think as a treat, I can do a few headcanons I have for the Dark AU.... Let's do it:
• I headcanon that for the Dark AU, it's set in a reboot-esque au of X-Men Evolution, so things are mostly the same, but a little different. Such as more found family dynamics and less trying to toss children and rivals off of cliffs ( it's a reboot/retelling/reimagining due to platonic yandere stuff/adding Reader/adding more adventures/wanting to rewrite certain scenes/wanting to add further to it/etc.)
• Reader is a friend to both groups of teens, and likely joined one, if not both, at some point
• Reader took care of the others a lot. Reminding them to eat (mostly the adults for that, plus a handful of the teens, Reader would also make dinner/breakfast/snacks/treats for the platonic yans, maybe teaching a teen or two how to cook)... making art and craft projects for them (such as handmade scarves or stuffed animals, friendship bracelets and best friend necklaces, even full canvas paintings and notebooks full of sketches and drawings)... having small (platonic) dates where Reader does something they (the teen/s or adult/s) want to do, but can't do with the others or that doesn't interest the others... Reader was the sort to toss a blanket around someone if they fell asleep on the couch, made coffee or hot chocolate in the mornings/nights when it was cold, just trying to keep their friends family happy and cared for
• Reader was friends and still is in this au with the other teens who had the bad thing happen to them (being Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro). Probably was the one who played it straight between the four, still a bit more light-hearted and joking, but more toned down. I am undecided if Reader is the same age, older, or younger than them
• When the bad thing happens, let's just say the remaining X-Men and Brotherhood kinda... lost it. I mentioned before a person or multiple persons was behind what happened, but I never went into full detail on what it might have been. Whatever it was (no spoilers yet!) led the platonic yans to believe that they were dead, and that it wasn't quick or painless. They know it wasn't an accident. So they go mad with grief, in a way. They take vengeance on those who caused it, more-or-less send a message out warning what happens if anyone targets their loved ones, and (maybe?) take control over the world... Or at least parts of New York and Canada...
• The platonic yans become more... dark. If they were holding their punches before... they aren't now. They become ruthless when dealing with enemies, they learn new skills and tricks and tactics, they aren't going to let the same thing that happened in the past happen now
• I imagine that it's somewhere between three to five years before Reader and the others end up in the future/au, and they are still wounded from what happened. The worst of their wounds healed up enough, but not everything else, so they aren't as quick or as fast as they want to be when moving through the changed world around them
• When they are found to be alive and are confirmed to be the Dark AU platonic yans kids/friends/siblings, the platonic yans are hunting them down as fast as they can. They don't want them to disappear, they don't want them to die, and they aren't about to have them ripped away from them again. Even if it means they have to keep them under house arrest or sedated or otherwise...
(And this is what I can say without revealing any spoilers! Enjoy😊💛🧡🍯🐝)
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elalalune · 15 days
I was wondering if there would be a sequel to your buggy in wonderland au fic. I'm assuming the au is based on the 2010(?) movie, which I watched only to know more about your fic because before that I had only watched the 1953(?) animated film and according to that your au made no sense but when I watched the 2010(?) film it made perfect sense.
So basically what I'm asking is if there will be a sequel to this au of yours cause 'Alice Through the Looking Glass' is amazing and it instantly made me think of your fic (as most AiW things do nowadays) and if your are making a sequel I feel that a good plot would be Time (whose identity does not fit any one piece character I know well) being obsessed with Shanks and being jealous of Buggy and trapping Buggy in his past where we actually meet the Buggy Pirates and then Buggy breaks out of the illusion and rescues Shanks and they get present time Buggy Pirates who are really worried about Buggy and theyalllivehappilyeverafterinwonderland.
Sorry for the rant 😅
Anyways, even if you don't have a sequel planned it's no big deal, the idea has just been swimming in my mind for a bit and I had to get it out.
P.S: How did you come up with the 'Buggy in Wonderland AU'?
Hello! The AU is mostly based on the original novels (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass)! Especially things like the roles for the characters (ex. Robin = the Mouse in ch.3 of the novel that talks about history to Alice (sidenote, the Mouse also mentions a poem that really fits as foreshadowing for the trial and I can imagine Queen Shanks being like this to Buggy 🫣) (another sidenote, ch.5 has a poem called Father William and I thought it fits Garp 😂)), but I didn't have the plot follow the same events because I'd get bored if everything has to be exactly the same story and I wanted to throw in my own ideas (merging some roles/titles, the pawn/queen candidacy, etc) + I gave Mugi (the fic writer) a lot of creative freedom on what happens in Buggy's adventure
The part where Buggy comes back to wl is based from the 2010 movie but other than that I can't remember anything else since I last watched it when it came out 😂 so I cant claim that as my main inspo
I made this AU because I really love wonderland themed stuff!! I've read so many alice inspired manga and games too (HNKN my beloved 🫶) so I wanted to draw Buggy in Alice's outfit (someday,,) and at first I planned for Shanks to be Bill the Lizard and that he's secretly the Jabberwock but Red Queen/Queen of Hearts worked out better
Your idea for a sequel sounds interesting! Unfortunately I'm not really into Shanks/anyone-that-isnt-buggy even if it's unrequited so I don't have any thoughts on this 😔
Mugi and I do have some ideas for more fics of this AU and it's mostly going to be about their past since we haven't really touched upon most of the world building I mention in the asks because the main fic was in Buggy's pov 😂 though it might be a while before I start bugging Mugi again into writing this
Here's the poems:
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draco-dormiens · 2 years
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
warnings: conversation has sexual themes towards the end, strong language, alcohol, the characters are 18 in this story fyi :)
wc: 3906
pls let me know if you want to be tagged!! tags below:
@slyth3rin-princess @lovesanimals0000 @cappgyuccino @lightning1ce @onlygetaway @honeyyypeach
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Chapter Three - Christmas
Christmas Day Draco woke to another silent house. Through the curtains he saw snow hurtling down, a small heap pressed up against the window. As used to being alone as he was, your invitation had played on his mind ever since you left. If you asked because you felt sorry for him, then he'd rather you laugh in his face about how pathetic his life was instead. There was nothing Draco hated more than acts of sympathy, mostly because he was so sick of them. People would assume he needed comfort, or that he needed their company, but he had built himself a wall and he was perfectly happy staying alone within it. (Or so he had trained himself to believe, anyway)
He dressed himself and headed down the stairs, a Merry Christmas from the house elf along the way and stood by the tree to observe the gifts beneath it. His mother had left a note with his name on and several neatly wrapped gifts. He sat crossed legged on the floor and began reading his mother's note.
Merry Christmas, my dear. We hope you like your gifts. Wish you were here. Mother x
A smile crept across his face, putting the card down and ripping the first few open. It was the usual stuff, his favourite cologne, cauldron cakes, a knitted green jumper, new shoes, new suit, even a bottle of fire whiskey. He popped the cork out and sniffed the amber looking liquid, and suddenly a wave of memories came rushing back from his time at school, before all the madness and heartache. The first night he got drunk, he was almost sixteen, at the end of his fifth year. Himself, Blaise Zabini, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson snuck out into the night to drink and smoke cigarettes. He got so plastered that him and Pansy ended up in his private dorm room and one thing led to another. Does he regret it? He didn't really know. But Pansy thought that it meant they were destined for each other and became even clinger than normal after that. He took a swig of it and exhaled after, tasting the bitter, sugary substance on his lips. He kept sipping away at it as he opened the rest, and then took himself, the whiskey, and a box of cauldron cakes to the one drawing room he liked. With a flick of his wand, the fire was lit, and he plopped himself down on the couch for a long day of nothingness. After nearly half the bottle of fire whiskey and a tray of cauldron cakes, he started wondering what you might be doing right now, and then cursed himself out loud for even thinking it.
Your Christmas morning was very different. Draco had crossed your thoughts when you woke, but your mother had soon taken your mind off it when she burst through the bedroom door in a Santa hat and a hot cup of tea. The morning went by like it usually did in your house, presents, your younger siblings arguing over what the other one got (they get the exact same thing), and then a slap-up Christmas dinner and midday nap for your father. Being a muggle, he was huge fan of muggle alcohol, and kept a rather stocked up stash when it was Christmas. He'd drunk three glasses of wine before 12:30 and passed out in his armchair with a paper crown on his head from a cracker. You loved Christmas. It was about family, friendship, and the act of giving. Hermione had sent some peppermint toads and a Christmas card from her family, and Luna had crafted you a beaded necklace with your initial dangling from it. They should have opened their home baked cookies you had gifted them by now. After resting your stomachs for a while, you helped your mother wash the dishes as the rest of the house slept peacefully, a muggle Christmas movie going unwatched on the TV.
"So, how is that project of yours coming along?" your mother asks, "getting on with your partner?"
"He's fine," you tell her, drying off a dinner plate, "he's really stubborn and argumentative, likes everything his way and his way only, but apart from that he's okay. I think we're sort of friends at this point, but it's hard to tell with him."
"Oh my," your mother laughs, "he sounds like a treat. What's his name, again?"
"It's Draco. Draco Malfoy."
She froze for a moment, and you saw from the corner of your eye. She began scrubbing away again.
"I'm familiar," she tells you, looking across and smiling, "can't say I have that much of an opinion."
"I'm going to guess it's the same as everyone else's," you chuckle, "I'm not the biggest fan, but he seems to be mellowing a little since we started on the project."
"Maybe that's your influence," your mother nudges you, "you have that effect on people."
"Well, he complains at me a lot, so I doubt it. He's just one big mystery, I know nothing about him apart from that his parents leave him alone at Christmas."
"He's alone today?" your mother exclaims, passing you a soapy tray to dry, "that's awful. Did you invite him over?"
"I asked but I think I just made him feel awkward," you said, cringing at how shocked he looked, "we're only just getting on with one another."
You mother fell quiet for a second, and then left momentarily and returned with a wrapped present.
"Here," she says, handing it over to you with her yellow-gloved hand, "take this to him."
"What? I can't do that," you shake your head, looking at her like she'd just asked for your presents back, "we don't know each other well enough for me to just turn up at his doorstep, on Christmas."
"But he's alone, darling," you mother says softly, "and as a family, we never leave one out, even if they've made bad choices in the past. Go. Take them to him. It's only chocolates."
You sigh, knowing that it was a nice gesture. You wouldn't have to stay long, just take the chocolates, wish him well, and come home. It was an easy enough task.
"Fine," you say, taking the gift, "I'll be back soon. Thanks, mum."
Malfoy Manor looked as daunting as ever in the early evening dusk and white sheet of snow. It stood, grey and foreboding, with one light on in a top left window. You stood for a while contemplating whether this was a good idea, taking a few steps forward and then shuffling back.
"Just knock on the door, hand it over, and leave," you tell yourself, "It's just a nice gesture."
Taking a deep breath, you walked up to the doors and knocked. After a few minutes, the tiny house elf appeared at your feet. He smiled brightly.
"Merry Christmas, miss Y/L/N," he said, "are you here to see Master Malfoy?"
"Well, actually, I suppose you could pass these-"
You look up from the elf to see Draco stood just behind, dressed in his green hoodie and sweatpants. His hair is little more tousled than normal, and he's holding an empty cauldron cake box.
"Draco," you say, "I was just dropping this off for you."
He pads over to you, and the elf moves out of his way, but not before he shoves the empty packet into the elf's tiny arms.
"You bought me a gift?" He says, taking the box from your hands and eyeing the wrapping paper.
"I just thought, as you're alone today, you might like to see a familiar face," you tell him as he unwraps the bow from around the box, "even if it's mine."
He removes the packaging to reveal a box of chocolates, and the ghost of a smile curls at the corner of his mouth. Of course, he had lots of girls give him presents in the past, lots of secret admirers and heart shaped gifts, especially at Christmas. But this was different, this was an act of kindness and selflessness, and it was for him. He didn't understand why, but you were here, and suddenly he didn't feel so alone anymore.
"Thanks," he said, looking up at you and smiling a bit more, "that was, uh, real nice of you. You didn't have to."
"I wanted to," you shrug your shoulders, "I should probably get going. Merry Christmas, Draco."
"Wait," he calls, and you turn back to see him awkwardly stood in the doorway. That sounded far too eager, he thought, "do you want to come in for a bit? I can't offer you much, just tea. Think there's some cake somewhere. And we have these."
He held up the box of chocolates, and there was a hopeful glint in his eyes that you would say yes, although if you mentioned that he'd probably throw the box at you and slam the door in your face.
"Sure," you agree, thankful as the cold had started making your toes numb, "tea sounds great."
He took you inside and you walked through the now familiar corridors to the drawing room you first met him in, the fireplace roaring and empty boxes of cauldron cakes on the coffee table, along with an empty bottle of fire whiskey.
"Sorry about the mess," he says, quickly gathering up the rubbish, "I just sort of like cauldron cakes."
"Seems that way," you giggle, taking off your coat and basking in the heat of the fire, "is that all you've eaten today? And the whiskey, have you had any water?"
He stopped what he was doing and looked across at you warming yourself in front of the fire. The outfit you had on was nice, he thinks, but he physically shook his head to rid the thought. I need to slow down on the whiskey. You seemed so casual about asking him, like you were his mother or something, and it wasn't the first time you'd made him think of her, either.
"I uh, well, I haven't had time."
"Haven't had time?" you said, spinning to scold him directly, "Draco, just because it's Christmas doesn't mean you shouldn't eat properly. You need to eat some proper food."
He begins to grin, really grin, and it was strange but nice to see. It even made you smile back.
"Have you come here to tell me off, Y/L/N?"
"No, of course I haven't," you defend yourself, going over to him and taking some of the rubbish from his hands, "and I don't tell you off, I inform."
He just keeps grinning, and you can't help thinking how nice his smile is. You look down at the empty whiskey bottle in your hand and contemplate knocking yourself out for a few hours.
"C'mon," he says, and you look back up at his smiling face, "I'll make us some tea."
Time seemed to go by so quickly from the minute you got there. You drank tea in his favourite drawing room whilst the fire burned away, played a game of chess, and after a glass or two of water, cracked open a bottle of wine and began drinking it. It was expensive wine, but Draco said that his mother had so much of it that it was almost a waste not to drink it. The entire time you were thinking about going home, but each time you thought about it the less you wanted to go. The wine was good, and surprisingly, so was the company. Draco was turning out to not be as tightly wound as you previously thought, especially with some wine in him.
"That is not how to you play this game," he slurs, glass half full in his hand, two almost empty wine bottles on the side. You giggle, and it's so infectious he can't help himself, and you know you've never been this drunk before, not even on your eighteenth birthday party.
"S-shut up," you hiccup through your laughter, trying to line the cue up with the ball on the pool table, "I know what I'm doing Malfoy, just w-watch."
You go to hit the ball and completely miss, breaking down into a fit of laughter, and so does he, and it's so refreshing to see someone who is always miserable laugh like that. He makes his way over to you, putting down the wine glass and taking your arms from behind.
"Look like this," he tries to show you how to hold it, chest pressed against your back but far too drunk to even care, "hold it like this, and then try."
He tries aiming you, but it fails miserably, and you both end up in another fit of laughter. You drop the cue, but Draco stays behind you, and your head falls back against his shoulder.
"You're so funny," you tell him, gasping for air as you did so. His laughter dies down, but you're still giggling to yourself.
"You think so?" he asks you, and you turn around, face an inch away from his and your cheeks are rosy and eyes hazy from the wine. You're pretty. He thinks you're pretty. Or does the wine think you're pretty? He didn't know right now. He was running on cauldron cakes, chocolates, whiskey, and wine. Oh, and some bread that you made him eat.
"Y-yeah," you hiccup again, "like, I find you really annoying but I kind of like it when you laugh. Is that weird? That's weird, right?"
"No," he shakes his head, feeling so dizzy he just might collapse, "I mean, I don't think it's weird? Is it weird that I think you're really pretty tonight?"
His words register slowly in your mind, and suddenly you feel a lot more sober, remembering you'd just said that you like it when he laughs.
"Woah," you chuckle breathlessly, pushing him away slightly for some space, "I think we've drank too much. My mum is going to murder me."
He starts to understand his words himself, and then repeating what you had said about his laugh, and his stomach does a small flip, and he thinks he might vomit.
"Yeah, way too much," he agrees, stepping away and leaning against the wall, "we should call it a night. Can you make it home?"
"Oh shit," you grumble, holding your stomach because of the nausea, "I cannot apparate like this, I'll be violently ill."
Draco runs a hand down his face. The room is practically spinning.
"You can stay in one of the spare rooms," he manages to get out, not without having to hold his head to stop the spiralling, "I have some clothes you can borrow."
You just nod, tired and drunk and in need of a toilet right now. You can explain to your mother tomorrow, when you're not wanting to throw up over a pool table that probably cost a million Galleons.
The room he gives to you is so neat and tidy you feel bad about using it, but it had a toilet to empty your guts into and water from the sink. After some serious glugs of water and a few moments over the toilet seat, you start to feel a bit better. Draco had disappeared for some time, doing the exact same thing, but he was standing over of his private bathroom sink after vomiting up everything he had digested that day. He looked across at the clock on the side. 1:30am. That's how long you had been there drinking with him. It had only felt like a few hours.
"Fuck," he mumbles to himself, looking up at his reflection. You'd only come to hand over a gift, and now you were being sick in his guest bathroom. He kept thinking about calling you pretty, and each time he feels like lurching again. How utterly embarrassing, he barely knows you.
"Merlin, I'm pathetic," he says to himself, pulling away from the sink and taking a few deep breaths. He heads towards your room and knocks on the door gently, and soon after it clicks open and you appear, looking much more yourself.
"Better?" he asks, and you just nod in relief.
"So much better," you sigh, "are you?"
"I'm just so hungry now," he says, and you laugh at his answer.
"Snacks?" you suggest, "I think I might need something to dry up the wine."
"Sounds good," he said, gesturing for you to follow him, "and I know the best place to eat them."
Draco's pantry is like a muggle supermarket. You tell him this, but it goes unappreciated. You both take an armful of biscuits, crackers, cheese, and Christmas cake, followed by a more sensible choice of pumpkin juice. He takes you to the very top floor of the house and into a room that you think is going to be the attic but ends up being like the Astronomy tower at Hogwarts. There's a giant window in the roof and all you can see is stars, moonlight shining in and casting a beautiful light across the room. It was breathtaking.
"I can't believe you have a place like this in your house," you say, putting down the snacks on the floor as Draco pulls out a huge blanket and lays it on the ground, "the best I have is my bedroom window."
"This is my favourite place," he admits, sitting down and patting the space beside him, which you take happily, "I come here a lot to think."
He screws open a pumpkin juice for you, and you take it with a thank you, as he begins opening all the snack packets and previewing each one as he did so. As he's munching and opening, you just stare up at the black sky with little white specs across it. It's all so far away, and you wonder who might be looking back at you and not knowing it. They might just think they're looking up at the stars, too.
"Thinking hard?" Draco asks, breaking your thoughts.
"I was just thinking how big the world is, you know?" you tell him, "Like, all those little specs in the sky are something, and we're just here. Looking up at them. A small piece in a big puzzle."
Draco looks across at you staring up at the sky, and even with less wine in his system, he thinks you're pretty when the moonlight hits your face, and that outfit is cute.
"That was deep," he says, and you look across at him with a glint in your eye.
"I like being philosophical," you said, "can't handle the truth of the universe, Malfoy?"
He laughs, and then takes a sip of his juice.
"You know, you're the last person I'd imagine bringing up here."
You scoff, but you're still smiling.
"Gee, thanks."
"That wasn't a jab," he chuckles, "I just meant that a week ago we hardly knew one another."
"I guess we don't know all that much now." You admit, looking back up at the ceiling. He peers across at you, and for a little while, he just looks. How much a week can change is truly unbelievable.
"What do you want to know?" he asks you, and he gains your attention once more.
"What do you mean?"
"About me," he elaborates, "what do you want to know about me?"
You stare back at him, but this time you really look at his features. His eyes are a grey, blue colour, and his hair is so unnaturally white he could have bleached it. His jaw was sharp, like his nose, but he was overall quite handsome. Minus his awful attitude sometimes, he was quite a catch.
"Have you ever loved anyone?" you find yourself asking him, and you aren't entirely sure why. Were you curious if the great Draco Malfoy has ever been in love, or were you asking because the wine was still very much in your bloodstream? Either way, he seemed to really think on it.
"No, I don't think so," he answers quietly, looking up at the stars, "I've been with a few girls, but not really had a girlfriend in my eighteen years, so I'd say no."
"Not even Pansy Parkinson?"
He laughs. A genuine belly laugh, and the sound makes your heart feel happy.
"Merlin, no," he says as he calms down, "she was a friend if anything, we hooked up once but that was it. I don't even see her anymore."
"You slept with Parkinson?"
"Yeah?" he says casually, "what? I'm not exactly proud of it. She was my first."
This time you belly laughed.
"Seriously?" you say, and he just nods as he sips his drink, and then wipes his mouth on his sleeve.
"Alright, now you know mine, who's yours?"
You fell quiet and began to play with the rim of your pumpkin juice bottle. Should you tell him? You weren't entirely sure you could trust him yet, but when you looked back at him, there was something that told you he wasn't going to blab it to the entire school.
"A muggle guy," you admit shyly, expecting him to scold you to the ends of the earth, but instead he just hums and drinks his juice.
"A muggle, huh?" he says, "was he, like, your boyfriend?"
You could tell he was uncomfortable asking you that because the label on the pumpkin juice bottle just became interesting to him.
"No, he wasn't my boyfriend. I have muggle friends who don't know anything about this world, and it was one of them. He was sweet. It was at my seventeenth."
Draco just nods.
"I was fifteen."
"Huh?" you almost spit out your drink, but Draco seems unphased.
"Well, I was almost sixteen. It was just before the summer of our fifth year."
You wipe your mouth on a nearby napkin.
"I don't know why I'm surprised, really," you said, "you do have a reputation."
"For being a dick?"
He just bites his lower lip, smiling as he did so. You caught him doing it, and your eyes fell to where his pearly whites sunk into the flesh of his lip. Was this guy attractive or were you still drunk?
"You've changed, though," you say quickly, and his eyes fall on yours again, "you're still an arse, but this last week I've seen you change. It's good."
Draco doesn't say anything for a moment, but he's looking at you and his eyes are dancing across your features and the moonlight is reflecting in them and if this was anyone else the situation would have been romantic.
"I don't want to be the person everyone thinks I am," he confesses to you, his eyes still locked on yours, "I don't want to be the person you think I am. The other day, when you threw that stupid drawing into the fire, that was the nicest shit anyone has ever done for me. Can you believe that?"
You just listen, absentmindedly leaning towards him as you do so. He continues.
"People don't know but I find socialising really tiring and awkward, especially if its genuine, and honestly I just want someone to hang out with. That's how sad I am."
"I don't think that's sad," you say softly, and his eyes are on yours and you're closer and he smells so good and you realise, that was no Amortentia, that's just how delicious Draco smells, "besides, we're buds now, right?"
He chuckles deeply, taking those grey eyes away and putting them back on the sky above you.
"Yeah, we're buds now," he agrees, looking down at you through the corner of his eyes, "and you're not bothered what your other friends might think."
"Why would I be?" you say, "you're not the devil, Draco. Anyway, I get to choose who I'm buds with."
"You're not half bad, you know that Y/L/N?"
You sit up a little straighter and look him up and down playfully.
"Neither are you, Malfoy. And call me Y/N, yeah?"
He smiles and forces some air through his nose.
"Y/N," he repeats, "alright then."
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disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
dividers from: @firefly-graphics & @happy-ash-edits
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prophet-of-calamity · 1 month
Red & Spinel : AU Apocalypse SU Fanfic
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Beach City's destroyed, infested by it's newly transformed corrupted gems.
A new form of corruption, more powerful and dangerous than ever before.
Steven and the Crystal Gems are nowhere to be found.
Everybody else, either presumed dead, missing or corrupted, an apocalypse.
A dark past buried deep in history, threatening to uncover and upend everything we know about gemkind...
And a mysterious Red gem at the center of it all.
How can Spinel, and less than a handful of others can save the world and the people they love?
Credits to the amazing @zoe3py for making this wonderful art of Red and Spinel! You can find more of her works/follow her here:
Author's Note & Q/A's:
Hey there! My name's Mor, and welcome to my SU Fanfic of Spinel! I've made this blog as a way to post updates on my fic, post lovely art for SU, and as a way to interact with the fan base!
But mostly, to spread the word out for my fic bcuz it is my pride and joy and I want people to read it :3
I know it's been 4+ years since the show ended, but I think Spinel deserves her happily ever after>:) and I want to give her that, even if it is only in the realm of fanfic.
The show means a lot to me, and I'm sure most of you feel the same way with me when I say that Future season wasn't all that fulfilling. I just think that there are some storylines that haven't ended yet, like Spinel's, and some ships that are in need of development, like Lapidot. This fic aims to do that, and I hope you'll have fun reading it!
Q: What inspired you to write the fanfic?
Aside from the aforementioned reason of making it a better ending, the major reason would be a dream I had 2 years ago, specifically one scene with Spinel.
I don't wanna spoil, so let's just say I was so captivated to the point where I was sobbing in my sleep, screamed at the top of my lungs in my pillows, fist pumped in the air, celebrating in the bathroom as to not be embarrassed, grabbed a notebook, and spent the next 5 hours writing down every little detail of that dream to make sure that I don't miss anything, that I just HAD to make the fic. It's that amazing, and it is taking all of my willpower to not spoil every single one of you of the ending.
Q: Is it any good?
I'd like to be modest and say that I am NOT so good in writing. Literacy isn't my course, in fact it's quite the polar opposite really (Accounting) and my love for reading books and SU is HARD CARRYING this fic.
But I'll let you be the judge of my work :3 this is my first time in like, ever, writing something so commentary would be appreciated!
Q: What day do you release/how often?
Once every 15th/30th of the month.
... supposedly. I'm not very good with schedules lmao, but I'll be sure to update every so often! It all depends on the schedule of my classes, and whenever I have free days.
Q: Can I repost/draw fanart/write fanfic about your work?
Yes, absolutely, most definitely.
In fact, I implore you to interact with me, because my dumbass decided to get into the fan base long after the show had ended.
I crave interaction, hits and kudos are the lifeblood of an author, and you don't know how much joy a comment brings to an up-and-coming smalltime author.
So if your willing, please leave a like and repost this on your blogs! It would mean the world to me 🫶💟
(That's all for now! I'll probably add more stuff in the future if ever I forgot/the situation calls for it)
There's currently 3 chapters out as of now! So hey if you're still reading at this point, might I indulge you to read the actual fic, hmm? Thank you for your time ♥️ 🩷
Edit: An image description as requested:
(Image Description: A picture of two pink colored women side by side each other. On the left side, Red, wearing a pink and white fancy dress, makes a cute pose, her right hand next to her face showcasing her Red gem. Her red-pink ponytails point upwards, braided to shape like drills. She exudes an adorable aura, sparkles and roses float around her happy expression, a playful smile between her cheeks. On the right is Spinel, holding a scythe at her right arm, the scythe's blade made of light above their heads. She wears a jet black scarf covering her mouth, flowing to the bottom of the picture, enveloping them. She wears a dark pink coat, showing her upsidedown heart gem on her chest. Her dark pink ponytails are messy. Her pink eyes glow menacingly, black mascara tears flowing down her cheeks, a pink bloodstain streak across her cheek. Her face visibly darkens, having the look of a predator staring down at its prey intimidatingly. A princess and her dark knight.)
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hollow-indigo · 6 months
hiii !!! ik this isnt abt the 3 main ocs but ... do u have any more info on the maskmaked, the messenger and their siblings ? i saw them in a wisteria and fallen post once and ever since ive been so curious but i cant find any stuff abt them ! thank uuuu !!!
Ah yes! some of my silliest OCs
Let’s start with…
The Maskmaker (They/Them)
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of course, the Maskmaker lives up to their name, making masks that either serve as a cosmetic item, or something to help up your defense, attack, etc. They’re taller than most people (I believe last time we talked about it we decided 14ft fall through for convenience of getting through doorways that might change). They are very playful and lighthearted… unless you’re a rude customer. Rude customers get used for the Maskmaker’s personal project. The Maskmaker is also wearing a mask of their own creation. one that makes their face look more friendly, so people aren’t scared to approach them. They are the one who helped Fallen learn to hop between AUs, as well as the one who made their mask for them. They always greet people with “Welcome back”. their eyesight isn’t usually the best, so when they think they’ve seen you before, either they’ve seen an alternate timeline of you, or an AU of you.
The Messenger (They/Them)
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A Creature made of a mist/smoke like substance, with 5 glowing yellow eyes and is cold to the touch. I only say the eyes part because the best image I have of them is a side profile, which is the image above. The Messenger is a being faster than light. Summoning them to deliver a message is often more effective than anything else, especially since their messages can be delivered across universes and even multiverses. As is obvious in the Image, the Messenger and Wisteria are quite close, the Messenger being the few people Wisteria trusts to actually fall asleep around for once. However, unfortunately due to how busy the Messenger tends to be, they can’t always help Wisteria when he needs it. Messenger’s voice claim (aka the only solid voice claim I have) is Markiplier. While their face and probably their jacket will stay the same, their design is mostly unfinished and is subject to change.
The Ringmaster (They/Them) (is currently being redesigned so i’m putting their inspiration image as a replacement)
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The Ringmaster is quite different from the other two, their job focuses more on entertainment rather than a craft or a service. The Ringmaster hosts their own game show, only accessible to few. All contestants are picked randomly, their consciousness being transported to the game show while they sleep, causing many people to think “woah. weird ass dream”. The two ways to wake up from what the players perceive as a dream is to either lose a game in the game show (which “kills” them) or to win the entire thing. If you win, you get a few things. Some money, a signed poster, and an invitation to be a spectator of the show whenever you wish. If you lose, the pain lingers from the death suffered for only a few minutes after waking up. (So, essentially, deadly mario party. but, no one actually dies, and also you can end up in a game with Kris Deltarune and an Inkling from splatoon.) If someone refuses to cooperate and play the game, then the Ringmaster threatens the life of the person they love most. They always know who to choose, and it always works.
The Dollmaker (They/Them) (who is also currently being redesigned but I have no replacement pictures)
🐇 (<- the placeholder)
The Dollmaker, resembling a living rabbit plushie, if you can guess, makes dolls! Similarly to their siblings, they are also quite tall, but less in the menacing way and more in the “holy shit giant huggable creature” way. Both their presence and their dolls create a sense of comfort to anyone nearby, which naturally draws the attention of those who wish for something to remember their lost loved ones by. The Dollmaker has squeakers in their paws, and their mouth is actually on their chest, giving the illusion of a doll with a voice box. The Dollmaker constantly gives off the scent of cotton candy. They have a strong sense of justice and for what certain things the Messenger does, they don’t have the best relationship with them. The Dollmaker often feels too guilty to charge any sort of price for their dolls if it’s one made to mimic the appearance of someone who had passed, but they’ll eventually give in if you’re insistent enough.
those are the only ones so far, this post will probably be edited once I have actual references for all of them, and once I have a proper tag for the Maskmaker’s family
I hope I didn’t miss anything lol-
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waywardsalt · 4 months
Can you please tell more about your redeemed Bellum that hangs around with the main cast in post-canon? Or, like, your hum!Bellum ideas in general?
Ooooh, I have a lot I could say about Bellum. I'll go a bit off this ask and just talk about him in the context of post-ph and some other aus, since he's fun and because most of them share the common thread of him being in human form often. This will probably be messy, but I'll divide it into sections to force myself to stick to one topic at once to keep this from devolving into what might as well be a transcript of a discord dms infodump.
(there should be a keep reading just under here- there are a few thousand words under the cut- if it's lower than it should be then idk, even while drafting this i had issues with it moving further down than i put it)
Human Bellum Basics (mostly design stuff)
It's less of a human Bellum au sort of thing, and more like a design for what if Bellum had a human form that he could change into. Kind of like Oshus having his human form while actually being a whale, it's the idea that Bellum can switch between his human form and his demon form at will, and I have spent... way, way too long trying to figure out this design.
I can't quite remember why I decided to give Bellum a human form (could've been anything from doing it for the hell of it to for shipping purposes) and it took AGES to decide on his final design.
Describing it would take a few paragraphs, so there's art! Commission pieces by @roskii specifically, he's great, he did great, check him out. (i dont know how to make these smaller :)))))) enjoy)
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Half of it is directly taken from his demon design, he keeps the tentacles (not always present, he manifests them at will and tend to have much less reach when he's human), his eye, his teeth, his hair color (kind of), and half of it is more... brought in by ideas related to Bellum in general, with some vague references to that demon design; specifically him being scarred all over is a mixture of the idea of him as a violent and almost warlike creature, while also vaguely referencing the markings on his demon body (in the earliest drawing I ever did of a human Bellum design, he did just straight-up have those markings. That picture no longer exists, I'm sure).
As a basic reference, I suppose, in the second image, the character to the right of Bellum (Damien Fletcher) is an oc of mine, and therefore a character I designed (totally worth mentioning tho that with both Damien and Bellum while I did technically design them and gave roskii my notes for how they look, he also took some small liberties with their designs and... ugh theyre great im keeping them), so those two could provide some insight to my character design sensibilities, even if they're just a small fraction of the (mental) character designs I have.
Bellum is made up of pieces of his canonical design, pieces that I think make sense considering what we know about him, and just pieces of other character designs. He has more or less the same haircut as Joker/the protagonist from Persona 5. His hair has been like that for a while, but seeing Joker's hair helped me figure out specifically what I wanted.
It's been... hard, trying to give him a humanoid design, I've seen a bunch of other human Bellum designs, looked at other Zelda characters with both human and inhuman forms, took inspiration for what I could do and how and what parts could be carried over. His hair is easy to explain, it literally is meant to look like he does as a demon. Easy. It is absolutely directly inspired by that bitch from Tokyo Ghoul. I'm not looking up the character name I don't care about Tokyo Ghoul.
I keep him having sharp teeth, I've transposed those markings on his bodies as being scars (which I'll elaborate a little more on later), kept his eye and that he only has one main eye (there is nothing under the eyepatch. It's just smooth. If you've seen The Goonies, it's like what's going on with One-Eyed Willy. That's probably where I got it from tbh), the yellow and black color scheme is further kept with a yellow tank top-esque shirt and black pants and boots, and while they're not constantly present he still has access to his tentacles.
He's not human, just pretending to be.
Leading me to some other little details, such as his lack of ears. And nails. And. Other things not visible that he didn't bother with. He pretends to be human, but doesn't care enough to look truly human- though he can pass as human. When he does bother to actually look human, he does have nails and ears, and changes his eye to a human one, with a color of choice. He goes by 'Warren' when actually pretending to be human. It doesn't mean anything in particular it's just a play on how 'bellum' is latin for 'war'. But, most of the time, he's not really trying. A sense of lack of real care is something I try to communicate with his humanoid design, hence him having generally baggy and plain clothes.
The 'war' thing about his character I think is decently expressed in game with him having an army of sorts with the phantoms and him just coming off as sort of violent but strategic. He also seems very scrappy, mostly attacks with direct contact including just straight up running into Link, and seems to put a lot of stock into sheer force and just fucking killing you at any cost after a certain point, but seems genuinely wary and cornered once someone is shown to be capable of actually posing an actual threat. I like the idea of human Bellum being a bit of a brawler in a sense, fighting with his bare hands and just being incredibly violent when he fights like a human, really only breaking out his more supernatural abilities when he just wants to get shit over with.
Part of the fun with Bellum is that there isn't much to him, so I'm taking a lot of liberties with him. His loose clothes are something that won't really get in the way of him fighting and do the bare minimum, and the boots he wears have metal toes for just a bit of extra ways to hurt people. He's built but still soft in places, not intended to be a muscular as Damien, he's intentionally designed his own human form to be a bit unassuming, so I've kept that he's made of a lot of circular shapes, his face is meant to be a bit of a round shape, his hair gives a round shape, and though he's fairly tall (he and Damien are 6 feet tall btw Linebeck throws off every post-ph cast height comparison) I think of him being a bit... small? If that makes sense? His clothes help with that, they're slightly oversized, and his posture isn't great; He's a bit like a delinquent, starting fights intentionally for the sake of violence and putting little effort into his appearance.
His scars are technically cosmetic. They aren't results of injuries; technically nothing but the Phantom Sword and things like it can hurt him. His scars are references to the markings on his demon body, and just further reflection of him being a creature all about violence and conflict. They aren't totally consistent between the times he uses his human form, but some of the bigger ones are, most notably the scar across his face.
I'll be honest. My earliest human Bellum designs were some Tumblr sexyman shit and I've been trying to ditch that SO BAD ever since. I think I've done well. The scar across his face is a big one. An added imperfection, a massive facial blemish that isn't really conventionally great to look at. His nose specifically has been though some development stages, at first I kept switching between different full nose shapes, then brought in the facial scar and decided that he'd be missing a chunk of that nose, then, decided, fuck it! I can't decide on a nose shape, so he gets no nose at all. I think it works pretty well and I like it.
I really tried to get in a lot of his personality to the design, and I don't want to go into all of it in this section, so just keep in mind that a lot of his design has been influenced by the way I've decided to write him, and some stuff I've already mentioned might be made a little clearer when I get into that. As a quick aside, he's pale partially because I've intentionally made him look halfway similar to Link, and partially because I figure he does not get a lot of sun; you literally meet him in what is effectively a basement, and from the way he operates, probably hasn't made himself seen in a while by the time the events of the game happen. He can't get sunburns, but, as he cannot change a lot of extremely major things about his human form, he can't manually change his skin tone in a major way, and it's likely that when he was considerably younger and newer and spent time in the sun, his skin tone would be closer to Oshus's, so a bit more tan.
In the Context of Phantom Hourglass and Post-PH
Moving swiftly on, as there is pretty much no real info about Bellum's background, I have taken matters into my own hands and decided a lot of it for myself in headcanon; Bellum is technically Oshus's son. Not in the traditional sense, but he was created by Oshus and can very much be considered his child, and to an extent, Ciela, Leaf, and Neri are all also Oshus's kids due to them being created by him (yea even considering Ciela calling him 'grandpa', in her and my defense she lost her memories and he is old as a human), therefore making (in some terms) Bellum to be Oshus's son and the brother of the three spirits. I think it's an interesting dynamic, to have Oshus be the one responsible for Bellum's existence, and for the three spirits you travel with and help you defeat Bellum to be closely related to him.
Oshus himself (when you get the hourglass in ph) says that the sand of hours is made of force gems of the ocean king (whatever... that wording means)- which then suggests that at the end of the day, all sands of hours are derived from the power of the ocean king, and Bellum dissolves into that sand at the end of the game, and I am standing in front of a wild-looking conspiracy cork board trying to piece this all together. I find it interesting if Oshus was the one who created Bellum before he created the three spirits.
(This is a topic for another post/fic but Leaf and Neri were neglected so bad in ph and it would be interesting to see more of how they feel abt Ciela before she gets her memories back and how they feel abt... anything else ig. I think they're neat, too, and I like tying the spirits together with Bellum in this way)
In Phantom Hourglass, it's strongly suggested (mostly through dialogue) that it's been a decent amount of time since Bellum defeated Oshus and took over the Temple of the Ocean King and created the Ghost Ship (though I suppose it could be possible that the Ghost Ship's existence precedes Bellum taking over that temple and defeating Oshus), but things across that sea are relatively calm, despite the new influx of monsters and the Ghost Ship making most people too afraid to sail. No one knows it's Bellum, though, and people do know about the Ocean King, so I wonder if Bellum is known about at all by the general public, or is a being that's more or less completely unknown? My personal theory is that he's vaguely known in some sense, as an obscure deity, and that he was behind the collapse of the Cobble Kingdom, since they were aligned with the Ocean King and Bellum appears to be his direct enemy and would likely then target the allies of his enemy.
Bellum seems to do a lot of behind the scenes stuff, never been seen until the end of the game and not even being mentioned until halfway through. As I think I've said before, he's practically won by the time he comes across Link and Tetra, the Ghost Ship going out and collecting people for him while he sits at the bottom of the temple and drains anyone who might be heading directly for him. He doesn't even seem to concerned about hunting Oshus down for good, and I suspect he likely doesn't even know about Ciela being split apart, so (asides from my idea that gods/spirits/stuff like that only being able to be sealed away, only properly killed under certain circumstances) I bet there's a level of confidence that he's got things under tight enough wraps that he's good to do whatever he wants.
Aaaand then he panics when he realizes how much of a wrench in his plans Link is, throwing two sea monsters at him and causing earthquakes, he's a procrastinator, I think. That, or he underestimated this kid. Both are very possible. Either way, it's interesting to look at what he's done and caused, hiding away the spirits and beating back the Ocean King, taking over his temple, creating the Ghost Ship to roam indefinitely, screwing with the Yook and wiping out pretty much all of the Isle of Ember, and likely being the reason behind the increased number of monsters. If you really look into it, while most characters don't really seem to realize, things are kind of fucked at the start of Phantom Hourglass, and it's interesting how Oshus himself seems powerless and even dissuades Link from giving it a shot, even if he secretly wants him to go and handle things.
With my idea of Bellum being a sort of technical relative to Oshus and the spirits, it opens up a handful of new avenues for motivation beyond just being after securing control and a steady stream of prey, I enjoy the idea of it being a matter of him becoming more and more ambitious, far beyond the station he was created for; going off of his name and ability to create phantoms, I imagine Oshus created him specifically to be warlike, perhaps initially with the intention of having him as a more violent protector of the realm, maybe to keep monsters in check or maybe just as a secondary deity for the world of the ocean king; I'll admit, I'm still a little foggy on what Bellum would've been initially created for, the spirits are easy to figure out, but I do figure it was something not as passive as just representing something, I imagine it as a deliberate opposite to Oshus himself to account for his weaknesses. Either way, I figure a part of Bellum's motivation involves him wanting more than he was given access to by Oshus, and deciding to fully wage war against him in a sense. The short and silly version is that Bellum is Oshus' shitty disowned son. Oshus isn't entirely innocent in whatever I decide caused Bellum to turn on him and the spirits, but Bellum does suck: that is important. The Cobble Kingdom looks like it's been destroyed for a while, I figure that was Bellum's first major target when he started outwardly going after Oshus and hunting the humans of the realm.
In Post-PH, he's the group's pet evil squid on a very very very short leash until he starts behaving himself and having a character arc.
Effectively, Bellum doesn't die at the end of Phantom Hourglass, instead being broken down into the sand of hours he's made of and being sealed inside the Phantom Sword- after all, after the final boss, the sand Bellum turns into goes into the Phantom Sword. I imagine that the Phantom Sword, after breaking and restoring Oshus, turns into the hourglass for Link to keep, while Oshus and the spirits keep the remaining sands, therefore keeping a hold of Bellum. (A bit like Oshus just being left alone after Bellum defeating him, they can't really kill Bellum so they just keep an eye on him while he's in a weakened state) They kind of just keep him prisoner at the bottom of the Temple for a bit, and Oshus finally decides to send him to Link's world as a punishment, since he's at his weakest and Oshus wants to get him to learn some lesson, it's a work in progress. Bellum is grounded in Post-PH.
It's basically that 'the villain when you unlock him as a playable character' bit, where he's quite a bit weaker than he is in Phantom Hourglass, though mostly for the sake of keeping things balanced, so Bellum can't break everything for everyone. He's still powerful, he still accesses his demon form, can't be conventionally killed or injured, and move through walls and turn people to stone, the whole deal, it's just that his demon form's size is impacted (i hc that the size of his demon form can be manipulated at will, but the largest size is dependent of how much power/stored life force he has. he's small at the start of post-ph, but his human form isnt impacted at all. i imagine that for beings like oshus and bellum, their human form is a like a 'low power mode' kinda thing) So Bellum is the Post-PH crew's fourth member, the swabbie on the ship and pet sea monster when they need it and when he has the energy for it.
Bellum is kept mostly in line by a vague fear of Link and his general fear, respect, and curiosity about Linebeck. Linebeck is usually the one holding onto Bellum's leash. Bellum is decently civil with the group from the start, since he's weak and unable to return home until Oshus permits it or he gathers enough power to make that trip, and works mostly as a fighter- when he wants to. The earliest limitation I came up for him, since he's the member with the highest chance of breaking things, is that he will just straight-up choose not to help. He decides he's busy, decides it's not his problem, or other limitations, such as his involvement likely to cause more problems that they solve, since he's rather destructive when fighting.
He's the least sociable most of the time, for obvious reasons, but can pretend, and has the least... casual skills to offer to the group, hence why he gets stuck as swabbie (also general disrespect/as a punishment for the ph thing) and it takes a while for him to properly warm up to the rest of the group. He and Linebeck start off on decent terms and get closer through them just initially trusting each other, he and Link take the longest to get used to each other for... obvious reasons, it takes a lot of fighting together and seeing that they can rely on each other and they learn to be decent with each other just by existing in the same space, and things with Damien start off half decent, Damien was not present during Phantom Hourglass (obviously) and doesn't have the full context of how much he sucks, but it starts decent, gets worse when he learns what happened, and then gets good again because Damien's kind of amiable in general and sees that Linebeck thinks he's fine.
SO! To actually address your question about him being 'redeemed'- he does have a bit of an arc that I'm still mentally workshopping. He isn't entirely redeemed, as the group's general morality is a big off-kilter when Link isn't looking or is willing to get a little gray with things, and there's not really a whooooole lot of atonement Bellum can do in terms of the volume of bullshit he pulled in the past. It's less him atoning or w/e for the bullshit he's done, that's not entirely feasible, it's more him just. being forced to Be Decent and learn some actual kindness and think about more than just his own survival, he's essentially forced to actually appreciate life and the world, it's more him actually... experiencing the world for a reason other than consumption and war and conflict and doing what he's been told, he's effectively just on this long voyage with Linebeck, Link, and Damien, going with them from island to island and seeing what's up. I'm going to try and keep empathy out of it, so he's not really relating on a visceral level, more just choosing to be kind and take gentler paths to solving problems and interacting with others. He's also the group gremlin.
The way I write Bellum is definitionally inspired by other characters, Power from Chainsaw Man comes to mind in how he has a kind of shitty brat attitude at times, he'd fling vegetables across the room because he's a piece of shit who likes live meat. He's got his shitty messy delinquent loser side, where he causes problems and acts like some asshole teenager, and he's got his more serious, calm, almost professional seeming side that reminds the group that he's a few centuries old at the least and practically a god in his own right; generally outside of Post-PH I would pick one of these two sides to focus on for aus, but in Post-PH I need to figure out how the two of them work with how Bellum generally operates.
He's interested in Linebeck and initially decides to go along because he wants to figure him out, but grows to enjoy the rest of the group and that curiosity expands to involve the world as a whole; he experiences things like art and music, where he can't just brute-force his way into a satisfactory outcome and has to learn and find his own style, he reads books and listens to stories and sees the different ways humans live on the seas and I want his arc to, in some part, be about him just finding meaning in the world beyond what he does to secure survival, and the other members of the group introduce him to those other facets of life that he has access to, has had access to. The other part is the group getting Bellum to see most living things as more than just prey for him to hunt and consume, but that generally goes hand in hand with the prior point, as he actually enjoys life and figures out what he likes beyond the basic things he was created for.
He can't fall back on just smashing through everything or creating phantoms, since he's far too weak to do either effectively at the start, and I intend to just force Bellum into basically just being a human character with some unusually powerful magic at his fingertips, first just wanting to build himself back up to what he was in Phantom Hourglass, then just getting to see things in a new light. I'm not sure how to explain it or even what I'll want to do when I get to it, but that's the general gist of his arc, I think.
Other than that, he's just the fourth members of the crew with a serious knowledge of... a lot of things as a centuries-old demon and the hardest hitter in the group who can't and won't cook for shit and kind of just learns to actually live without constantly gunning for those bare necessities long after he's gotten them. I don't want it to be 'he learns to be human' because he... isn't human, but just him appreciating life and seeing some value in it, especially as something with as much power as Bellum, it's a bit messy and I'm still figuring it out, but I've got the general direction figured out.
Bellum is effectively the ship's best defender, and ends up fitting into the group as a friend and with his own specific role with the other individual members of the group. Linebeck kind of kickstarts his arc for him and connects with him the most and Bellum generally stays the closest with him, but Damien and Link help him see other little corners of life, as well as other characters he has to interact with, and I think I want Bellum's side of the story to have the most outstanding mundane-ity to it- there's absolutely meant to be a slice-of-life aspect to Post-PH, but I want the biggest points of Bellum's arc to be comparably the most mundane. It's the little things with him. The others have little things, too, but... I'm not sure how to express the difference, but I promise there is a difference.
Outside of Post-PH, though, when Bellum is present in a big way, his arc either tackles a similar idea in a different way, is just about something entirely different, or he doesn't have an arc at all, either due to not being a big enough part of the story or just straight up not being present.
In the Context of AUs
Bellum is only present in a handful of aus, either fully present as a character, halfway present, or just being referenced. When he is present in an au, he's usually some kind of major character, and he's notable in the crimson king au, the space au, the murder mystery au, and the horror au and one of my 'ruined hyrule' aus. (the horror and ruined hyrule au will be put together for this bc bellum's role in both are very similar) (for reference, here's my au explanation post)
In the horror au and ruined hyrule au, Bellum serves juuuust about the same role, just with different capabilities, contexts, all of that, but it's more or less the same thing. He's frequently present, but usually not acknowledged, and is very close to Linebeck in both, and the two of them pretty much rely on each other to live due to circumstances out of their control; they didn't really go into this whole thing liking each other, but have been more or less forced to become each other's friends due to proximity and just. Needing the others' presence in order to survive. In both, Bellum usually is a character who knows more than the others, but doesn't bother sharing that information since it's either not totally relevant or he just doesn't want to, and he tends to be protective of Linebeck, half because he needs him in order to live, half just because he's ended up liking him. (there is. more to say. but since i may actually write one of these aus [likely ruined hyrule bc the horror one has to be visual and it is VERY plotless rn] i'm not gonna go into much more depth since it would require spoilers lol)
Can't say a whole lot about the space au, either, since the story of that one is still a work in progress, and Bellum isn't particularly a major character, though he is important to some B-plot stuff. Without digging up too much world building and background and general story stuff and important plot bits, he's got a fairly close relationship to Linebeck in this au, as a general beneficiary and friend, and he actually tends to mind his own business and just wants to hold his own position; he's not really antagonistic or anything, but definitionally morally dubious even if he doesn't really directly do a whole lot.
In the Crimson King au, though, Bellum is one of the main characters, and a bit different than in ph-related stuff. He spends a lot of time in his human form, only switching to his little demon form a handful of times, and usually just for fun. He plays the role of Linebeck's closest friend and beneficiary, practically being the reason why Linebeck is able to do any of the things he does in the story, helping him from behind the scenes at times and balancing that business with Linebeck with his more outward appearance as a mostly normal guy working for the person who runs his section of the city... who also happens to be him. The vague politics in this au would take a bit to explain in full, but Bellum in this au spends a lot of time keeping his actual identity under wraps, the basic premise being that he's decided to integrate himself into current mortal society like a normal person to see what trouble he can cause, how he could sustain himself while keeping things stable, and to see just how far he can go- essentially, the only danger he faces is if others figure out what he is, but even then, he knows he could very easily cut his losses and go back to what he's done best.
He's not very active in the main plot, mostly giving Linebeck assignments and pulling strings behind the scenes in order to help and keep him safe, but Bellum does occasionally meddle directly in Linebeck's situation whenever it relates to him, when he needs something extra done, or, later in the story, when he gets a bit worried about Linebeck. His general arc is essentially him owning up to the fact that he does, in fact, care about Linebeck's well-being. Crimson King Bellum is fun, because he can't really just be 'violent demon', and I just like the supporting role I've got him in. He's Linebeck's rich friend who hires him to kill people for him. It's fun.
How I Like to Write Him With Linebeck
Of course, Bellum is going to have stuff with Linebeck, both in aus and in post-ph. Bellum has interactions and relationships with other characters, but the dynamic(s) with Linebeck tend to be the most diverse and important.
With aus: There’s usually a general sense that Bellum is above Linebeck, both in the power sense and in the sense that he’s typically his boss or in charge of him, but in a handful they are on equal footing (specifically, the modern school one, where they’re just classmates.)- the most common dynamic is usually along the lines of Bellum hiring Linebeck to kill people for him. Bellum is typically someone that provides Linebeck with things like payment or equipment or safety- in the Crimson King au, he gives Linebeck a fair amount of money, and supplies his equipment and gives him a place to live when he does jobs for him.
I like to imagine there's a level of... recognition? Not empathy, trying to keep that to a minimum... He's almost gentle with Linebeck, and is uncharacteristically merciful towards him. In post-ph, Linebeck survives being possessed and this marks him as notable to Bellum, since most people he possess die very soon after being released, so he's initially motivated by curiosity and a desire to observe Linebeck when he acts less violently- that curiosity is the biggest reason why he's cordial with Linebeck across my aus as well.
With Phantom Hourglass-centric stuff (which is what I'll mostly just talk about here, since it's kind of the 'base' for all other Bellum and Linebeck stuff I do), Linebeck and Bellum start on halfway decent terms, I'm planning a Bellumbeck fic sometime in the future, which is a bit less focused on that actual fight and more on whatever's going on between Linebeck and Bellum. I'm still trying to pin down exactly what I want with Linebeck and Bellum's dynamic.
I’ve fallen back into shipping them, (Still iffy on ship name lmfao, Bellumbeck is taken by the game and ‘Linebellum’ is lame imo, so I’ve been sticking with just ‘bellum x linebeck’) but it’s not really typically romantic/sexual, though there are some aspects of both, it’s still kind of abstract and easier to define with example stuff rather than just trying to explain it in a concise paragraph.
They both go out of their way to effectively research each other before properly meeting, starting as just trying to find advantageous information, but eventually just doing research out of curiosity, especially on Linebeck’s end, hunting down any material that so much as alludes to Bellum while Oshus refuses to say anything extra on the topic. They have a mutual interest and curiosity about each other.
With Bellum, its a similar curiosity with how Linebeck survives being possessed, and a general interest in him as a person, as Bellum doesn't really care much about the world beyond how it can serve him, but felt the need to look into Linebeck. A lot of the time, Bellum starts with the intention of exploiting Linebeck in some way, then ends up actually caring about him, he usually goes through variations of the same arc regarding Linebeck. It works with Linebeck for me since I tend to read and write him as fairly morally gray, so he's more willing to reciprocate Bellum.
(There's also the whole bit with Linebeck being kind of a monsterfucker and having a thing for being tied up and just a handful of like. sexual stuff on Linebeck's end, but we're talking about Bellum's perspective here we can't be focusing on Linebeck)
Bellum primarily operates with survival on the mind, and at odds with anything that might get in his way, and secondarily treats mortal creatures as something to study. When his attempt to use Linebeck fails, he shifts to that studying, and therefore has some respect for him due to his survival. They both focus quite a lot on survival, and don't have the most interest in making connections, seeing most relationships as transactional. They understand each other; Bellum sees Linebeck's mind when possessing him, and therefore knows a great deal about him.
There are similarities between them; not-great relationships with their fathers, a strong desire for survival at any cost, generally low empathy and a habit of mostly viewing others for how they can be used, curiosity about anatomy, a higher tolerance for things like blood, gore, things that would likely make others squeamish, they both hate Ciela...
(As an aside to that last one, an idea I've decided to integrate into my ph stuff and may touch on in a future fic is that Linebeck calling Ciela 'sparkles' gives her a strong sense of deja-vu before she gets all of her memories back; it's something Bellum would call her, when he was more cordial with the other spirits)
Bellum hangs around on the ship, and he hangs around Linebeck the most, to the point of being annoying, but learns what boundaries are and ends up respecting them decently. I lean more into... things just working out, Bellum more or less being put in a situation where he chooses to change things up and be a bit kinder, starting with the guy he's decided was the catalyst for all of this.
He gets along well enough with Damien (damien ends up in that shipping, too, considering that he's already dating linebeck by the time bellum sorts his own feelings out, so in post-ph, bellum ends up being a sort of on-and-off polycule member), he is eventually friendly with Link, often because Linebeck likes him as well. It takes a very long time for he and Link to warm up to each other, so they'll likely end up in situations where they must rely on each other at the start of things.
Bellum is… very not used to social stuff or acting human, and isn’t even very used to his human form at the start, so he does spend that time with Linebeck while he figures things out, as well. Linebeck's not the best role model for decent social interaction, especially since he works on dismantling his own mask and figuring himself out for a bit at the start of post-ph, but he's the only person Bellum tolerates and respects at that start.
Bellum eventually gets roped into helping Linebeck cook, follows him around for ship maintenance, watches him patch up wounds, and just ends up as a crew member that can kind of fill any basic role, but he’s not making it much further than swabbie.
I haven’t actually written a ton of interaction between them yet, but what I have written always comes off as casual, almost humorous, they joke around with each other and Bellum is detached and unserious at times, but very capable of switching to dead seriousness. A lot of the time, Linebeck tends to take things more seriously at face value, but Bellum is more prone to joking around due to the fact that very few consequences mean anything to him.
He and Linebeck are typically close in one sense or another in most things where they're included, and I generally consider all dynamics between them to fall under the ship umbrella, because I don't consider it strictly romantic (though it usually ends up being vaguely like that), just more that there's some kind of intimacy between them at some point. It's a relationship whose dynamic I think is interesting given the... lack of actual interaction between them, but with just enough interesting conclusions that can be drawn.
I guess it's similar to the general stuff I have about Bellum, kind of just scraping ideas together from canon and then following whatever threads can be connected to them, while trying to make sure it still has roots in that canon. It's similar to my personal 'design philosophy' or whatever for my aus.
I've also considered making their relationship parasitic in someway, as a sort of homage/callback/reference to their canonical relationship, but it's not entirely a direction I really want to go in, and I feel like some aus get decently close.
Final Points
I think Bellum's really neat, so considering the general lack of information or depth to him, I've been playing with expanded ideas and building up my own ideas for him, specific within the context of Phantom Hourglass and a post-ph setting, while many of my other ideas with him tend to then derive from that.
His (human) design is one I've spent a very long time figuring out, trying to mix his demon design in with more human traits, trying to keep him distinctive without getting too complicated, and trying to have that design represent him decently with a fair bit of reasoning behind a lot of that design. It's something Bellum himself controls to a certain degree, so it's in a bit of a crossroads between portraying him based on his character, and being something he uses to come off as generally innocuous.
I've got a decent idea of what Bellum's whole deal is in Phantom Hourglass and afterwards, and I use him in a fair number of aus, often in tangent with Linebeck, whom I often give him some kind of intimate relationship, be it romantic or some other form of closeness, based off of ideas for ways they would interact and why.
Bellum's fun! He's fun as he is, and he's fun to build off of and develop further than what we see in the game. And giving him the ability to shift into a humanoid shape gives even more room to play around in. I don't know when I first came up with the idea, but I've had ideas for a human form Bellum for quite some time now, I've just only recently really started solidifying a lot of it. Even between the time when I got the ask and finished it, I came up with new ideas.
But for now, these are the broad strokes! Not just about post-ph humanoid Bellum, just about my ideas for him in general, though it all really relates back to that one in particular, honestly.
He's surprisingly fun to speculate about! I didn't really expect Bellum to end up as one of my favorite LoZ characters, but I guess any character can end up as your favorite if you spend enough time thinking about him. At the end of the day I think he's funky, and he's fun to use in a post-ph setting.
#asks#goopi-e#bellum#long post#salty talks#linebeck#he's important <3#phantom hourglass#post ph#i have like no excuse for why this took so long. initially it was bc i was waiting on that bellum commission but then like#the day i wrote this (+ the prior) tag i bought and played fallout new vegas for a few hours. it fell in with my other writing projects lol#i think rn myb iggest issue w/ post ph is that everyone seems to revolve around linebeck a bit much#idk if thats. terrible a breaker i mean hes their captain hes kinda the main character he's the one link (heh) between all of them#bellum probably has the biggest arc bc hes the shittiest at the start and everyone is already kinda partway through one#like i think links is gonna be abt him disconnecting from being a hero and just enjoying life on his own terms and doing non hero things#linebecks is uh. trauma recovery. among other things. like everyone has trauma recovery as a part of it but linebecks is the big one#damiens is... man idk hes just There i think his is gonna have smth to do with his relationship w/ linebeck and the others#damien is just some fucking dude hes not too terribly traumatized or has this huge place in the world he's jsut some trans guy#it kinda sucks that a lot of the stuff i think up for him relates to linebeck like i want him to have his own thing but i made him too...#hes too ok with things!!!!! hes just some fucking guy!!!! maybe i can have him just figure out his place in this larger world hes exploring#anyways bellum needs to be nerfed in a handful of different ways bc otherwise hes a get out of jail free card in a lot of contexts#ughhh this took too long im sorry but i just kept coming up with new stuff id practically classify this as a fic#this took a while to plan and this fucking thing is also so long and it still doesnt really cover everything#not even bc i havent fully figured out what i want to do with him like theres just stuff im uncertain on how to explain in a concise manner#the whole thing between link n bellum is kinda simple. they hate each other and then have to work together and decide that theyre decent#damien is just. pleasant most of the time. so hes kinda chill with bellum. he's had experience with minor gods n deities#his weird thing is that he is technically normal but he is on good terms with a lot of supernatural/godly beings#theres def a lot of random minor gods n spirits n supernatural creatures all over the great sea with the absence of larger gods' influence#kinda lost the point of the og ask so i hope thats ok
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tophattrio · 1 year
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Warden: Look at all this lovely art of us! We could fill a museum! Professor: There's so much it seems like we can't keep up... Once-ler: ..... Y'kno what guys? I'm gonna take a break...
((A small fraction of my old old old trio art, most of which has never seen the light of tumblr (under the cut)! None of this is colored. Some of this is pre-blog or just... REALLY early-era Trio art, so some of it is... dated. Also, as indicated by the top, this is part 1. Meaning there will probably be more, LOL...))
((I hope it's okay if I ramble some fun facts in the middle of this!))
We're gonna start off with this silly lil doodle of the lads! This was drawn during the era where I did my silly crossover drawings, before I mustered the courage to turn them into an askblog.
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Based on the date, I must've drawn this next one while I was in the process of actually making the blog... potentially their original "profile" images? Or just a doodle I did to get me hyped...
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As you can see, all the drawings so far are pencil and ink... that's because (if I remember correctly) this is when I was VERY new to computer tablets! I felt more confident in my traditional art so I would slap quick colors onto the back of a bunch of ink-drawn replies and make minor adjustments with the tablet. I remember being hesitant to switch to a fully digital style since I felt the sketchiness was almost part of the style of trio? But I've come to accept change is good! Everything post-Greed M!A is all (or mostly) digitally lined (with the occasional trad sketch), but if you look closely at the trio in this (and many other) early-day responses, you can definitely see the pencil marks!
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Unposted Thneedville High Trio!!! I was SO obsessed with the Once-ler Askblog AU's back in the Once-ler Fandom's hayday... they were a lot of fun to observe on the side and I wanted to be part of that in my small way, but unfortunately, I was a coward so I never did LOL... I'm thinking this was drawn in February or March 2013...
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And, something I drew on the same page, Truffula Flu Trio!!!! I think I briefly thought about making it (and thneedville high) a sideblog but I felt like I couldn't commit for multiple reasons: (1) AU hype was dying down a little, (2) It was a bit too serious a concept for Trio; I wanted to keep them lighthearted and silly (covers bad end with a hand). And (3) I was still doubting whether or not my blog counted as a Once-ler blog (being only 1/3 once-ler) and whether I was valid to participate in events. Eventually I got over that fear when I joined Camp Weehawken and participated in the fandom revival of 2015, but the fear was definitely there at the very beginning and I hesitated to jump in on some stuff because of it!!
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These were some of my earliest (unanswered) asks! I think for a while I thought I accidentally deleted the Pinkie Pie one, but it mysteriously came back one day?? I don't plan to finish these but might as well get some closure since I already drew them. I had to look up which troll typing was the one being used here so I might be wrong, I know nothing about homestuck except chapter 1 and 2 and whatever I osmosis from my mutuals LOL...
Peacock was drawn before I knew anything about Skullgirls...... within the past few years I recently watched her gameplay/storyline! She's defs a fun character. Trio are probs neutral about her. I'm not confident enough to do anything major with her, but I would love to cameo her more!
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I got a few asks / M!A's about genderbent versions of the trio back in early 2013 and these were my doodles for that. The designs were based off of different designs floating around tumblr at the time that I liked. I'm not interested in doing this M!A anymore, but the dresses are cute!
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Some glasses shenanigans I never posted for some reason?? (For reference: (1) (2) (3) (4).) It's silly stuff like this that make me realize Trio!Professor is a little bit like "Cheerful Mystery" Professor but like... waaaaay more tame HAHA (I never read the manga back then because I was upset they made Layton OOC, but from what I've seen he's... a lot more chaotic there). Which, ykno, good chance explains why Trio!Professor stays sane around Once-ler and Warden and their wacky selves.
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Some wardlers and layclaires!! Also a few super old things I doodled out for Lovestruck M!A part 2 (including warden being a perv and oncie being flustered and confused, LMAO) but... idk if I have the energy to commit to it at the moment... partially bc thinking about getting an influx of shippy-type asks gets me overwhelmed and idk if I can commit to another magic anon all my magic anons manage to kill the blog somehow 😭, but ykno... saving the anons in my inbox in case I change my mind... Love these guys dearly regardless,,, <3
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Some doodles of Layton and his rivals!! I think someone sent a small "Descole takes over the blog" M!A (hence the itty bitty chibi head LMAOO) but (again) I don't have the energy to commit to anything but vanilla THT right now. I still thought the idea was fun enough to draw out and anticipate in advance! If I change my mind y'all will know about it...
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My first drawing of Wilson from Don't Starve!! I didn't even play Don't Starve at the time, but I wanted to do research if I was going to properly execute the magic anon and I fell in love with him immediately. Unfortunately he (and his game) became my new brainrot and I still feel really bad about that LAUGHS, but hey! Was worth it! Maybe someday I'll redo trio mods for DST...
I may have him cameo again, but potentially after his character update in Don't Starve Together eventually drops, of course, :3 chants give us lore lore loRE LORE-
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Aaaaaand that's all I'm gonna show for now... until next time everyone!
PART 1 (you are here!) || PART 2 (TBA) || PART 3 (TBA) || …
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visixv · 2 years
On the topic of originality and “idea stealing”
I’ve been thinking, and I got a lot to say but I don’t want to rant on this post for too long, so I want to keep it short and sweet.
I want to talk about something. Originality, ideas, and “copying” or “stealing” Nowadays, I don’t think there’s a single truly original concept. Everything has been done over and over, by different people, in different mediums.
So claiming that by being first nobody can do the same, but different, is crazy. It reminds me of an artist I follow and love. A person accused them of stealing their idea for drawing something similar, a starry library. The artist had never seen the person’s artwork before, they only shared the subject.
I don’t read much fanfiction, but from what I can gather around, how many times have people written about coffee shops AUs? Forbidden love? Enemies to lovers? Or any other, with even the same characters involved? Don’t people read the same subject with the same characters, but written in a different style by different people because they want to read about it, but different? Are they accusing each other from “stealing” ideas because someone wrote them first? How many retellings of stories have been done? For better or worse, quality aside.
How many similar pieces of art can you find? If someone draws a sky first, nobody else can do the same but different?
How is modding any different? How is photography any different? Why can’t we get ideas and get inspired by each other to create things that may follow the same idea, but executed differently?
If I draw Judy as a mermaid, can nobody draw her that way as well?
When there’s limitations, like in the game, there’s bound to be similarities. Nobody owns a color scheme, some people might think of certain characters because of the color they mostly use for them, but that doesn’t mean nobody can use those colors or concepts either. Why would we limit ourselves and other people like that when it comes down to creativity?
I saw another peep using metallic freckles, like Mun. I didn’t say anything. Why would I? I don’t own that concept, or idea. They might have came up with the same concept on their own, maybe they saw a couple of Mun’s pics and wanted to get shiny freckles too. And ofc, it’s fine! Their OC looks really pretty with them! I want to make a public version in the future, with other colors and stuff, but for now, people can make their own if they want to!
And this is how it should be <3
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oneslimybastard · 2 years
The Nunpire AU Masterpost
Aka, that one AU I fucked with a little bit that got me some attention on twitter, where Piers pokémon was a nun... but also a vampire! Yay!
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From 2020 baby. I'm just really tickled by the idea of this Very Obvious Impostor with no one really questioning why they're there. Oh, the one walking around in a sexy Halloween costume? That's just Sister Piers, he never comes out during the day, he probably just gets sunburnt because he's so pale so we don't worry about it. Yeah no he's a guy, why? He's gay and devoted to our lord, amen, so the sisterhood sees no issue with having him be part of it.
I also made it part of the lore that his particular method of hunting was to play a ditzy innocent nun who'd gotten lost, then he'd get down on his knees and just suck 'em dry like a packet of coolaid ripe for M I L K I N G.
For the lord of course, amen, ave maria.
The increasing amount of corpses with Suspect Bitemarks on their wieners was what initially sent off alarm bells in town that there might be a vampire lurking around, so the ~Demon Hunting Agency~ just sent out ya boi Raihan out to deal with it, because I was way into kbnz at the time so Why Not Shippify It (still am for the record, the fixation has just died down)
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Raihan was a weredragon you see, because why keep things simple when you can follow your heart? I never drew him more than once in his dragon form though which is kind of a disgrace because I still kinda fuck with it. It's very Todd Lockwood but in these gaudy colors of bright orange and dark blue, it's a fun color scheme, and I like the proportions I came up with for it. Also I got some compliments on his Hat, which agreed, the Hat is pretty Neat.
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I didn't really consider the world building that intensely beyond what would make my ape brain go Unga Bunga, so he kiiinda had sealing magic or something but could also puke? Fire? He could do what he needed to for Piers' silly little vampire ass to end up in Magic Holy Bondage, that was the point, that was the ends to the means.
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Similarly, I made it a Thing that if dragons like Raihan started to munch on demon hearts they'd get more powerful — but also addicted. Because if you can't tell already, I have a little thing for blood and violence and liked the idea of this dragon man trying really hard to not eat his way into Piers' ribcage to just gobble that heart up.
Piers for the record was kind of into it, and they made a deal that when it was time for Piers to just peace out for good, Raihan would get to eat his heart: because vampires are demons, their souls are tied to hell, but if you get eaten by a dragon your soul will get entrapped within them instead, which was a bit more appealing than eternal punishment for the crime of just kinda being born.
The last related thing I drew for the Au (as far as I can remember at least lmao, might be some other doodles scrambling about that I've forgotten about) was mainly inspired by VtM brainworms, where I just played with the idea of Piers having access to Blood Sorcery, because that term is fucking metal.
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I did doodle some more stuff but for other ships in the same universe (mainly huntershipping) but only like. Three things. And I never really posted them anywhere nor do I intend to do so ,':)
Cus my fixation just kinda fizzled out like it usually does so I stopped drawing for it, and now I'm just kinda sitting here on a phat pile of Lore my brain spawned in because I can't help myself. Things got real cursed real fast once my Ghetsis-enjoying burst out into full bloom and I began to ponder what he'd be up to in there 8) spoiler alert: no fun very bad time for Natural Harmonia Gropius, 0/10 do not recommend.
But that's the Nunpireverse! I still like it, and might flesh it out with more art one day, right now it's mostly just a testament to what my brain looks like on self-indulgence run amok. Cross-dressing nun-vampires with dragon-shifter men and also blood kink shenanigans out the ass.
Cultured and refined tastes, you see.
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vegalocity · 2 years
Hello. I hope you don’t mind me asking but I was wondering something about the Tyrant Prince Oblivion au. You see there was a recent ask from @unseelie-robynx about Syntax in that au and in it it was mentioned that her for of “wifed-up” design was being thought up and it got me wondering if there where other interesting things about the other characters who will be “wife-ified”. So can you tell us anything? Also I’m asking you since you did Wife Red’s design so…yeah
I will say first off both me AND @unseelie-robynx are making the Tyrant Prince AU, we're mostly fleshing it out via an extended rp between us, so you can ask either of us and we'll have roughly the same answers about this kind of thing give or take a bad end or a differing timeline one of us came up with on our own (the Red Wakes Up Bad End was almost entirely Robynx's for instance and I've been plotting out one I like to call The Cavalry Falls)
But in relation to the question, i will say we do have a couple of 'Wife' setups depending on the timeline, and all of them have specific Vibes and Aesthetics that are brought to the table.
So obviously there's Red, and his 'wife' look is very... 50's traditional i suppose you could say, very 'summer home in Stepford' as we call it
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But you all already knew that, Wife Red is one of the main visual draws for this AU lmao
Huntsman is another person that got wife-ified, and he and Red are the only two that are always put in this position no matter the TP Timeline. (since Huntsman 'willingly' went into things to get the rebellion access to the music for an eventual reverse to be made and then getting left there for too long on Spider Queen's call to call off the rescue to avoid detection is kind of the real reason why any PLOT can happen at all after a certain point)
But Huntsman's design is based mostly on the fact that Xiaotian is still decently arachnophobic, and from his bias it lead to Red's bias, and thus they directed Huntsman toward looks that 'covered him up' so to speak. we settled on a 'gothic lolita' type aesthetic and... ngl when i was drawing it out...
he honestly kills it
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(though my own art style might have some part in that since my artistic influences have a lot of Shoujo in them so my character art tends to come out a fair bit softer)
In the Bad End where Syntax gets wife-ified just by getting caught, we went for something kind of 'victorian' since, as Robynx has said, the Court (mainly Xiaojiao and Xiaotian, but Red's not innocent in this either) kind of took a lot of frustration out on him for how much of a troublesome prisoner he was, thus he'd be specifically put in stuff that purpousefully gives him some constant low level misery.
Corsets that are always a bit TOO tight and press the implant against his spine, big poofy skirts that are super NOT Good texture and he's the only one we agreed would be put in heels (since Red probs rarely wears shoes at all and Huntsman would more likely be in Mary Janes for The AestheticTM) all specifically to restrict his movement and make life as baseline miserable as possible but in ways that people wouldn't notice.
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but he IS more protected in the Red Wakes Up ending since these freaks do still consider themselves heroes and thus would probably honor the deal Huntsman struck with Red to come quietly in exchange for Syntax's general wellbeing
as such I think they'd probably put him in something softer, less specifically put together to hurt, though I personally do still like the 'period peice' concept for like irony's sake, so personally i'm fond of like, a 'turn of the century Gibson Girl' type look in that particular ending
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Robynx already told y'all our general ideas on what would happen to Spindrax in either of the ends that she appears in, but in a few of them she doesn't really show up at all, and in THOSE timelines we do have an alternate wife for Xiaojiao with her own aesthetic niche
She's a fully OC character named Shuyin, we've mentioned every so often that in the Tyrant Prince world there IS a growing cult full of people that know that Xiaotian is brainwashing people and are doing so to themselves willingly, and one thing lead to another until they were convinced that 'the court' was in fact a 'Pantheon' instead. and they became a real fucking Cult.
Shuyin was made as a way to examine the cult from the inside, but we accidentally got attached to her and so did Xiaojiao so in timelines where the court are made fully aware of the cult and as such are made fully aware of the whole 'brainwashing' thing (but since the cult is very good at recruiting people they tend to be able to get them On Board with the whole thing so now whoever discovered it goes from unknowing pawn to willing accomplice) Shuyin gets that 'coveted' title of 'Xiaojiao's Wife' first due to her worship of her making the idea of 'owning' someone particularly alluring.
But since she didn't catch Xiaojiao's attention by being a pain turned obsession and also has a physical disability Xiaojiao is far softer to her than she is to Spindrax in other worlds. And as such has a softer aesthetic to go with it. Specifically Xiaojiao likes elegant looks on Shuyin, long flowing peices that show off her height and such. Shuyin is CONSIDERABLY taller than Xiaojiao and it makes for a fun visual.
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After a certain point Shuyin also starts regularly wearing Xiaojiao's classic varsity jacket since in this AU she tends to wear her armor more often she doesn't wear it herself much anymore
Thats it for all the Main characters that get 'Wife'-ified though, there are a few minor characters that play out the 'husband and wife' dichotomy that are in the cult, but there's only a FEW people where you're horrified but also looking at them like 'they're killing it in that look tho'
and i will say that there ARE others that get OWNED that don't get Wife'd of course. any given bad end has Macaque getting Little Brother'd of course and there is someone else in a Bad End we haven't made public yet, but it's fine it's fine
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legendheroes · 1 year
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Welcome, this blog is full on delusional and crossover art/stuff between the Digimon TV series protags. Ah, and stuff from that peculiar XW AU setting i didn't shut up about on my artblog last year LOL.
Expect chaos and shitposts here. Also some canon divergence because some series i didn't rewatch for a long long time ago.
There's only love and unhinged energy here. Daisuke might be present in most of those because yeah, i love this kiddo a lot.
I won't tolerate any series/game/manga hate in this space. If you don't like any of them, please unfollow/block me instead.
Askblog → @tomorrows2top Artblog → @digitalgate02
Call me Ni (she/they), btw. Please be over 18+ to follow this blog, since some stuff might be not recommended for minors (mostly language, i don't draw/write NFSW/smut stuff). And don't steal or edit my stuff please! If you don't agree with my headcanons or ideas please politely block or mute this account 💦 I accept fact checking/corrections, but as long they're done in a non-passive-aggressive or non-mockery sense. And yeah, my English my not be perfect as well (and i can only read kanji and so little stuff in Japanese, having to double check stuff with friends with better skills than mine orz)
Blog status: Currently on depression season + trying to work on a few personal projects (YPD is one of them)
↓ Some important things to be said regarding asks are below the cut ↓
I won't write/draw AUs or Stories/Fanfictions, OCs or even headcanons/theories from other people. Even the old ones i've collaborated with i prefer to not touch them again (because, i lost contact with people and also lost all the posts/details of them )
Please avoid sending me many of "what do you think of [X]" questions because sometimes those kiiiinda make me get no idea what to answer, or perhaps i've been answered/posted something related to it before. Even so, if you would like to send one of those, first check if i hadn't answered it or something similar to it first!
At this moment, this blog is me being delusional about the AU thingy on the pinned post. Most of those posts might be about them.
My memory is foggy about certain series, so if i end up misremembering something... Yeah, please contact me asap.
I know i've said this on countless accounts but, I have little to zero knowledge of the American dub, so my portrayal/answers/headcanons/etc are all based on the original Japanese version and sometimes stuff borrowed from the BRPT dub (which is mostly the same as the original JP for most of the series -- except Fusion). So please, don't assume that I had watched the US dub or that I am American.
My stance on the digimon (monsters) are that there's more than one of each species within the multiverse. So, Daisuke's V-mon/Magnamon, OG & Reboot Taichis' Agumon/Omegamon and Takato's Guilmon/Dukemon are not related to the Royal Knights.
I will follow all canon material if possible when working with canon versions of the characters, BUT only what i can work with. If something gets in conflict with the main TV series (Adv99-02-Tamers-Frontier-Savers-XW-Appmon-Adv2020-GG) i will reject the contradictions and use only the stuff not affected or influenced by it. Basically playing with the idea the events we know in certain media are played differently in-universe, adopted from Pixiv Dictionary. Explained better by Shiha in this post here.
I don't like passive-aggressiveness. If you have something to correct in my posts, please do it politely.
Usual common etiquette -- No hatred towards people's religions, sexual/romantic orientation, gender (or lack of), PoC, ethnicities, etc. I won't hesitate to block if needed.
Do not edit my art or repost it. If you wanna use it as an icon/sidebar, ask first. And no, you cannot use my art on A/I & N/F/T for ANYTHING. If you do that, I will block you immediately.
If you like, ship them in the age of the AU setting, please don't ship the adults with the minors. I beg you to not tag me in anything suggestive about 20yo!Daisuke/Tagiru. Please. (however i do accept any adult Daisuke/Takato and adult Takuya/Daisuke SFW content.)
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nitroish · 2 years
I already commented on ur post asking for asks so just in case u didn’t see.
How do u figure out ur art style?
How did you drak fabric so well?
How do you draw body types so good?
Can you show me how to do the shiny effect you use for armor or golden stuff?
How do you draw such intricate people?
what is one of your first Zelda memories?
what are some Zelda core memories?
when did you come across the linked universe fandom?
I am also working on a au, it’s on my page and you shouldn’t have to scroll far, but long story short it’s called
linked universe: broken chain
and I was wondering if you had any ideas for additions to the new chain of links?
also there’s more details I’m thinking about posting later for the au, but if you have any design ideas for characters then I would love to hear/see them
also:what is your favorite OUTFIT(not person) to draw?
what one do you think is the prettiest or coolest? what one do you think looks funky/off? Is there anything you would change? What feels weird about them?
sorry if that’s too many questions, but you needed a distraction so I provided, I know ur probably not feeling good right now so I just want to make sure your at least happy, I know what it feels like to need to keep your mind from wandering. But also:
I hope to the golden three you’ve been feeding, watering, cleaning, medicating, sleeping, and generally taking care of yourself because i might pop though my iPad, through the internet, through whatever your using to read this, and into your room to strangle you and take care of you my self because you deserve it! You make so many people happy with your art and interactions and it sucks to know your in a less than great mood to say the least. So take this as you will, but more importantly take care of yourself and get some sleep, because I know you are probably reading this at fuck o clock at night. *makes pointed, intense metaphorical eye contact* I mean it, try and take care of thine bitch self. *smacks you with affection*
ill toss my reply under a read more since its a long ask eheh
ive already answered the questions in response to the reply you sent to the post and i greatly appreciate all the questions youve offered !!
what is one of your first Zelda memories? playing skyward sword !! i really REALLY enjoyed the wing ceremony - the introduction to flight using motion controls was one of my favourite things. i could spend hours flying around and using the wii-mote to pick a direction or flap the wings. it was gorgeous in my eyes as well. skyloft was a safe spot that i did not really leave, i was less interested in the rest of the game aside from faron. twilight princess as well !! i quite enjoyed running around on epona or in the wolf form. i did not get much done in either game, but i was mostly there for the sights, anyway.
what are some Zelda core memories? zeldacore memories ... my grandparents have an orchard that we would go pick from. sometimes if the apples werent good they would take us to a public orchard to pick apples there. when i was a kid i would grab a sword [ foam, of course ] and go out with my sister and we would hack down weeds and also pretend to battle one another to protect fake kingdoms that we would make up on the spot upon being questioned about it JFGHDFG we enjoyed running around and hiding in the orchard from one another. the same grandparents had some woods back behind their house, we'd go take walks through there sometimes and skuttle around thru the weeds and such.
when did you come across the linked universe fandom? mmm thats a good question. im pretty sure it was the start of 2019-ish? maybe 2020? im not very good with dates, but i knew of lu before i joined the server [ im no longer in that server tho ] !! i didnt really get into the fandom or whatever side of things until later, seeing as i was obsessing over loz at the time and ended up finding lu as an extension of that hyperfixation :)
what is your favorite OUTFIT(not person) to draw? i would have to say im biased towards my legend design's outfit !! i like adding details and embroidery to it. if we went with JUST canon lu outfits i would say im biased towards hyrule or twilight's :)
what one do you think is the prettiest or coolest? same answer as above !! my own for legend, but hyrule and twilight are pretty neat lookin. for Pretty i would have to say four - his tunic is rather ornate, especially when it comes to the embroidery in each square.
what one do you think looks funky/off? is there anything you would change? what feels weird about them? honestly i think wind's could do with some updates and upgrades, but im not entirely the best at designing characters either. his model has definitely gotten better over time though !! i think its the shirt and pants. i havent played his game(s?) so i couldnt entirely give answers on what i would change.
and i GREATLY appreciate the questions and your concern. youve no reason to apologize - im quite honoured tht u took the time to even type any of this out to send to me !! i am doing my best with what ive got currently, but rest assured im caring for myself just fine !! i definitely was readin that at fuck-o-clock at night ( and am answering this at the same time, if not worse !! its 5am just about now )
ill be heading off to bed here soon, but i have been thinkin on how to respond to this HDFGGDG no need for the smacks of affection, tho appreciated!! ill be cozied up and asleep soon enough :)
as for your au; ill check it out when i wake !! im sure its fascinating, feel free to toss an ask again on some information / the ideas behind it in here :)
have a good night / day !! here is to hopefully better times in the future
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