#but the arc dragged out way too long and stopped making sense a couple books in
thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
I’m definitely not saying that the old Star Wars Legends books were all good, and I’ll be the first to criticize them for all the interesting creative decisions and sometimes questionable writing quality, but there will always be a little part of me that’s salty about how they got almost completely discarded in favour of the Mouse’s new canon hegemony.  Was Legends really that good?  Eh, not really.  So often, it was a case of ‘Cool concept, completely dropped the ball on the execution.’  Are there a lot of good things about the new canon that we wouldn’t be able to have with Legends?  Absolutely.  Is it still a shitty thing to overwrite decades worth of creative effort and collaboration for the sake of corporate marketing?  Generally, yeah.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
I have read your thought about the Batfamily, now I really want to know your thought about the one who started it, the Batman himself. We can't ignore the fact that Bruce is abusing his children, but there's also some moments where he's being a good father to them. But some of his act doesn't make sense.
He's beating his children, then calling them his son after. He act like a mad man after Damian's death (yeah, they did Jason dirty in here), feeling sorrow and desperately wanting to ressurect him, but then neglecting him continously in the future. I didn't know much about Cass, Bruce seems to always be a good father to her. But her fans once pointed that Bruce (or DC) is too hard on her to not killing/too soft on the others, because the other batkids has killed some villains while under Batman and still got to continue putting on their costumes.
What is exactly Bruce character? How is his relationship with every one of his children?
I feel like Batman can't be in a good relationship with one of his children without destroying his relationship with the other. I always love parents and children relationship in comics, but with batfamily sometimes it just so 'fanon-y' and some are hurtful.
I stopped reading Batman book for a long time. And come back reading that wedding and city of bane arc, because I want to know how they killed Alfred. And honestly those run are terrible. The issue basically just a batcat fanservice, with the worst Batman and Catwoman characterization ever. The batkids didn't even got many appearance and treated awfully as if they are just extras, even if they all are capable and have connection with Alfred.
Hey there Anon!
My thoughts on Batman and Bruce have changed over the last few years, he wasn’t the character that introduced me to DC comics but what I got to read from him at the time seemed good. As time went by, I started to feel like the whole concept of Batman was overrated and he kinda tired me in entertainment such as movies and all that. He never truly was a character that I actually liked so by the time that I read Under the Red Hood I knew that I liked Dick and Jason better than Bruce.
Batman was interesting but I was completely indifferent about Bruce. That whole thing changed around the time that the New 52 was sort of ending, there I started to heavily dislike Bruce and then that turned into pure hate. Now, I am just tired of the guy and every time that he appears in Dick or Jason content my day is ruined.
I hate that DC has been writing Bruce as an abusive and manipulative person and father to his “kids”, he has done a lot of wrong to them in comic history but all went to shit (in current comics) when Bruce tried to manipulate Jason into reliving the day that he died and his resurrection in Batman and Robin vol2. #20 and when he beat Dick and manipulated him into becoming a spy after telling him that he had told everyone that he was dead in Nightwing vol.3 #30.
Bruce was a horrible human being in the pre-New 52 timeline too sometimes, mostly towards Dick but in a way, it felt like Dick was able time and time again to get away from him a little bit. Now none of his kids are given the opportunity to turn their backs on Bruce, they are kept in his surroundings no matter how abusive he becomes towards them.
My biggest problem with Bruce’s abusiveness is the fact that the writers never treat it like he acts in an abusive way, they never make him apologize or have an internal discussion where he realises that he was in the wrong. “Bruce is a horrible person to his sons but it doesn’t matter because he is right and he is Batman so that’s that”, that’s the message that I feel DC is selling us. Bruce never receives punishment or is called out for his behaviour, Dick was never able to tell Bruce that what he did to him was unforgivable, he never got the chance to explain to anyone that he didn’t play dead, and when he came back from Spyral he took all the shit from his “family” himself.
Sometimes DC does something even worse, they try to hide Bruce’s neglect with things that never happened like they did with the Ric thing in Dick’s case. Dick was passed around from villain to villain when he was most vulnerable and at the end of it all DC had the guts to say that Batman had been watching over Dick all the time. Like, why lie in such a blatant way? Does Bruce enjoy watching his son suffer from a far or was he too much of a coward to tell Dick that he was a shit father, got stuck in a hole and then decided to play “Cat and Bat” with Selina instead of caring for any of his children?
The situation with Damian’s death and resurrection was a whole thing that was meant to prove that Bruce loved Damian and considered him his son. But in their effort to make Bruce look like a good father to Damian they completely destroyed his relationship with his other kids and that was also the start of Bruce referring to Damian as his ONLY son. And like you said after Damian was resurrected Bruce ended up neglecting him afterwards which ultimately led Damian to run away.
His relationship with Cass and Duke is something that I cannot explore because I am not into those characters and they are involved in books that I am not interested in. So I cannot say anything about that.
With Tim it’s complicated because I feel like his relationship with him was never actually father/son it was more like mentor/mentee and that seemed to work better for them, ever since they started the whole family thing Bruce started to act a little bit too rough towards Tim and that ended with Bruce punching Tim during the “City of Bane” arc. Bruce never apologised or was shown realising his mistake, but DC made sure to explain that Bruce was going through a rough time so that’s why he did it. It was pure rubbish and I dislike it a lot.
I answered an ask a while ago about how I thought Dick and Jason could become family the way that DC treats the “Batfamily” within comics and I came up with the idea of the “Dickfamily” because I felt like DC made a big mistake the moment they revolved the Bat family around Bruce and not Dick. Bruce is a character that is known for being lonely and for being surrounded by darkness that he only manages to escape through the light of Robin (Dick Grayson because he was the first), he was always depicted as someone who is hard to work with and considers his teammates only co-workers and not friends. He is a difficult person to connect with, so why on earth did DC come up with a family surrounding that man? (I actually know the answer to that question and it is: money, DC did it to sell more comics under the Batman name but we are going to forget about that here, let me be petty).
Why would DC make it all about a man that doesn’t connect or goes out of his way to say that he “works alone” when Dick Grayson is standing right there? DC hates that they created a character like Dick because he is just better than Bruce at everything, he just is, he is better family to Alfred, Jason, Tim and Damian, he was even written as a better father to Damian than Bruce ever was!
Bruce is just not a people person or a person that forms strong bonds with people. And that makes the whole “Batfamily” concept suffer and come off as something forced that doesn’t actually work.
Tom King was one of the writers that tried to kill the concept of the “Batfamily” with Bruce and Selina becoming a couple and by continuously saying that Selina was who was the most important person in Bruce’s life and the one that made him a better person. All Tom King did with that is make fans and non-fans of the “Batfamily” feel rage. Like, I might not like the “Batfamily” but there is no way that Selina comes first to Alfred, Dick or Damian, there is just no way and if that were actually true then that’s boring.
All the writers that have pushed the “Batfamily” concept (try) do it in a way that makes it look grand and of actual essence but without putting any work on it, if you ask me the “Batfamily” (if there has to be one) should only include Bruce, Alfred (he do be dead though), Dick, Tim, Cass and Damian (I suppose Duke too, I don’t know much about him). The “Batfamily” has to be small because that way you can actually build relationships and make them matter. Having Kate, Steph, Jason and so many others involved in a concept that was made to fit around Bruce looks stupid! Bruce has had almost zero connection to Kate and Steph in the last ten years and Bruce’s “relationship” with Jason is a complete joke!
Bruce is just not the character that is meant to be surrounded by too much people, and he is not a good person towards his family so the whole ass concept should be thrown to the trash and finally let it die. But money is important and if there is something that DC will never stop doing, is milking Batman for content that can be (sometimes) pretty basic.
All in all, I think Bruce sucks and that his “kids” shouldn’t be dragged back to him ever again or at least for a long while. All of them would actually benefit from not being involved with anything relating to Batman. Dick could benefit from Bruce and other Bat-related characters staying away from him and letting him live his life in Bludhaven. And Jason? My sweet Chonky? He would be in such a better place if Bruce disappeared from his life, imagine the actually good books we would have if Jason was free to act the way he was meant to do as the Red Hood…
(We saw a little bit of that in the back up story of Detective Comics by Rosenberg, Batman is still involved but he and Jason are definitely not on the same side of the story! So excited for Task Force Z!)
I don’t know If al that I just said answers your question but I hope you have a fantastic week Anon!
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highsviolets · 4 years
ne plus ultra
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summary: you encounter acclaimed scholar obi-wan kenobi after an academic conference
rating: mature (not explicit)
notes: all my love and affection to brit and mia. @profkenobi​ you are my prompt muse & @goldenkenobi​ you win many awards by listening to my endless rambles about this fic. // CHAPTER TWO 
ne plus ultra (n). 
(1) the highest point capable of being attained 
(2) the most profound degree of a quality or state
the story starts in medias res, as all lives do. the beginning of your life is always in the middle of someone else’s. your death coincides with another’s gallant ebullience, your semi-colon failing to incise upon their life. so the scholars say.
the conference — your first since you passed your dissertation — had made you nervous, and you were glad to be spending an extra night before returning to the real world tomorrow.
your palms are slick, as they always are after too long spent in the company of other academics. the anxiety that swells in you is ballast and the deadweight forces you to slump forward slightly, the visible seam on your the shoulder of your shirt sashaying inwards.
when you smile at the concierge, it is tight, like a formation of soldiers in Napoleon’s day, and does not quite reach your eyes. still decked with traces of freckles and darkened by a summer spent abroad under the sun’s penetrating gazes, your skin fails to comply with demands of minuscule muscles pulling and stretching, commanding it into a thin arc.
but it is no matter — you receive your key and you sign the paperwork and are ascending the winding staircase to the seventh floor. emerald green carpet is your guide, swathing your ascendancy in a sheen of dark-hue velvet. sir gawain chasing after the knight in green armor, a lecture on virtue streaming from the knight’s mouth, materializes on the steps. the galloping thought makes you smile, this time more relaxed. that story is something you know. something you know so well you could almost touch it. indeed you had fingered its pages, during your apprenticeship at the British Library.
hope. the words springs forth, nearly unbidden, from your lips. the word is spoken so softly — merely a breath and a hint of sound disturbing the stairwell’s precious physics. it is a reflex of association. green means hope, the scholars had said, and during the course of your studies you had been disappointed to find that you agreed with them. you did not want to agree with the fashionably smug expert in the field. you wanted to rattle him. shake him to his sacrosanct core, the sanctimonious scum.
you had never met the man: the mysterious OWK. your advisor had raved about his breakout lecture series that had taken place years ago, when he was a newly minted phd and you were still in undergrad. sipping a cup of cafeteria coffee (they always forgot you preferred tea, all these years later), they had rambled on about the poetry of OWK’s phrasing and his decisiveness in speech and the unparalleled skill of his primary source research. the lectures had been sadly lost, the footage deleted, or archived, they didn’t know which. just that the man had refused to distribute them and speak on the matter further, nearly abandoning academia entirely.
the beverage was bitter but you laughed lightly. “is this thomas moore and his lectures on st. augustine, then? so legendary that no one can find them?”
your advisor had inclined their head, congratulating you on your witty reference. “i suppose so,” they had mused, leaning back in their office chair and staring at some point above your head, at the oaken bookshelves with brightly colored book jackets lining the walls. “now, your latest draft—“
the memory fades as your purpose alters. a simple twist of the key and the door opens. but you remain on the threshold, stuck between two modes, between here and there.
there is a man in your room, and he is as handsome as sin. he sits in a chair in the corner of the room and one leg is resting on the other’s kneecap at a ninety degree angle. he is wearing glasses, and has short auburn hair that gleams in the dull light of the lamp beside him (although, a few wayward strands obscure his eyes, layering over the frame of his glasses). he is reading. the cover is folded over so you cannot see the title but it is hefty, judging from its position on his thigh. shadows have formed over high cheekbones.
the man removes himself from the task, focusing his gaze on you. you see now that he has bright blue eyes.
“hello there!” his greeting is polite, and amiable, and accented, though not pleasantly so. “can i help you?”
“I’m afraid there seems to be a mix-up!” you say in your ‘adult voice.’ it’s same one you used on your dissertation defense. “it seems we were placed in the same room.”
“ah.” he nods sagely, as though this were to be expected, and unfolds himself from his chair.
you place a hand on your hip — near the phone snug in the back pocket of your jeans — and shrug. “I’m sorry.” the apology is saccharine and tastes like grenadine. “I’ll pop back downstairs and find out what the problem is.”
he urges you to stay, to let him call from here rather you lugging your things all the way down and all the way back up again. “it’s not proper,” he insists, dragging you in and closing the door behind you. in the time that his is so near to you and you feel the way his frown matches the steady grip on your upper arm, something warms in you at his indignation. your hand drifts away from your phone. he retreats to his corner to make the call while you linger just beyond the threshold.
the conversation is hushed and decorated with the raised tones of inquiry. when he hangs up, he sighs.
“they were under the impression that we were a married couple. apparently we booked under a similar last name.” his voice turns down at the edges. he sounds the way his frown had earlier: weary, confused, and a dash of inexplicable certainty.
“but—“ you gesture to the beds — “two beds?”
something of a grimace shadows his face. “all that was available, apparently.”
“oh.” there is a pause. he does not continue. “but they got me a room, right?” if you sound slightly desperate, perhaps it is because you are. you are sweaty. you are nervous. you want to relax. in your own room.
he zooms past your query. “i know you,” he says, and sounds as if he is surprised he knows how to speak.
“i —“ you shake your head — “i don’t think so.”
when you give your name and recognition fails to present itself, he falters and twists to stare through the glass behind him. “i thought…” but he breaks off.  in the end he rights himself and tells you of the situation — how there is no vacancy, but he does not mind the sharing a room with you, just for the night, it wouldn’t be a bother.
there is something different about him. maybe it is the way that he emphasized the word can. maybe it is the way he is pushing the hair from his eyes, and removing the glasses from his face. maybe it is the way that, now pausing his actions, the man cants his head and furrows his brow.
air grows thick with the brush strokes of caravaggio: he is in the spotlight, sure and solid and steady, pure against the whirlpools of unknowing realism.
you are on the cusp of stepping into his white light when he offers his name. the first letter of each word drags itself from his mouth and burrows into your ear, until you almost divorce the meaning but for the particulars.
the first instinct that you are aware of is one you cannot name — it is an anger that is sweet, and one that is shielded by sadness, yet fueled by frustration.
there are dozens of others that your heart and mind have already examined, of course, turning them this way and that, inspecting their corners with bloodied hands. but they are rejected, and expelled into the waxy shadows, without your being aware of them. that is the job of the soul: to know before you are even aware.
he senses the shift. perhaps uncertainty has clouded your eyes. obi-wan kenobi, OWK, takes a step back from rising mist and shadow and once more turns to gaze out the window. through the glass there is a gentle village scene, all cobblestones and iron street lamps and hills keeping time on the horizon.
“i — “ you start, but you stop again. you must start, you feel, but you do not know what path to take, and you halt. the time he thinks you consider you are in fact not considering at all. there is only one answer (answers that are wrong are never really answers, after all, just more questions).
“i’ll stay.”
Obi-Wan is courteous and deferential and demands that you permit him to treat you this evening as an apology. he departs to give you privacy as you shower, and the flash of shimmering emerald carpet you spy as he exits makes you wonder if you are the Lady Bertalik to his Sir Gawain.
the steam and the water beat down clenched muscles with gentle hands and lingering touches. it is for several minutes that you linger in their warm embrace, but as you wipe away fog from the mirror you cannot help but encounter the sensation that you are alone, and wrongfully so. you cannot feel Obi-Wan’s presence and the air feels stale without him — like there is no current disrupting the atmosphere’s mundane course.
droplets decorate your shoulders and the hollow of your throat. they hold fast even when you pad softly to your belongings for a fresh change of clothes.
The ache in this room is stronger. The walls themselves are mourning his absence. You feel it settle in your gut, a gluttonous mass that lightens when you consider that he should be returning soon. the sky outside the window is orange and gold, flattering the leaves of maple trees in autumn.
the room is pretty, in a simple way: the emerald carpet of hope has been exchanged for a darkened hardwood. Chrome accents gleam in the reflection of the wood, and two beds — one at opposite ends of the wall — are smothered silver-white sheets. a series of Malevich paintings are hung up in a neat grid, as though the dissembling artist would come barging in, screaming of the devil, if the French theories of symmetry were not obeyed.
as you dress and begin to comb your hair, you wonder why you miss someone whom you have just met, and someone you are not disposed to like. can you miss someone you don’t like? he is sporadic and paradisiacal; in motion and steady. his kindness had surprised you, as had his beauty. he was less corrosive than your advisor had made him out to be, less ambitious than the accolades awarded to his name. but he is zealous, hungry, seeking: you could see in the way his eyes bunched around the edges, in the crick of his neck when he sought wisdom from the hills, how he had contorted his body in the chair.
(he is like you, both here and not here, and although you did not yet know, your soul was aware and reflective in wonder)
when your flesh-and-blood sir gawain returns, you muse that you are a poor temptress in an thick-knit ivory sweater that encases your body from neck to wrists. it had been a steal from a second-hand store a few years back, and you had never found the heart to give it up. it was like a childhood book, or a favorite mug — the object, in all its durable materiality, was akin to you.
Your smile pleases him. Obi-Wan says he has found a place for this evening, nothing special, but nice. “We are celebrating after all,” he says, shrugging off a dark woolen coat.
“We are?” you look at him through the reflection of the mirror. blue eyes meet yours.
“Of course!” the phrase suspends itself for a moment, maybe two, as though it is waiting for something to slip in and complete its trinity. but it falls, tumbling back down to terrestrial concerns. “We are celebrating our meeting.”
He is absurd, and you laugh. Obi-Wan’s theory of festivity is not so mercurial as his speech — the declaration sticks to your ribs, pumping blood to your heart and flooding your cheeks with a natural flush.
Obi-Wan continues to examine you. “Might I ask,” he starts, hands stilling in their expedition of finding suitable attire, “where you bought your sweater?”
you respond: it was from a second-hand store, you found it during your apprenticeship, it was the only thing that kept you warm that terribly dreary winter, it was your constant companion.
“does it have a trio of red threads on the left cuff?”
satisfying his quench takes precedence to mystery of his request.
Obi-Wan’s smile engulfs the spirit of the room, and the two of you, and the bedding, and the glass window, too.
“that was my sweater,” he says. “my uncle made it for me, and i gave it to my brother after we adopted him. he wasn’t used to the dampness of English winters, but he didn’t like the itchiness of the knit. he always had an aversion to gritty textures.” he reaches out a hand with a faint smile, like the combined power of his simple offering can cross space and time and memory and return him to the days of him and his uncle and adopted brother.
you do not know what to say. you watch him for several moments. you want to speak, but your mind is blank, thrumming with the idea that it is so very right that part of him has been with part of you all of these years. parts have him has seen you through the long hours of a dreary apprenticeship and discovering the healing properties of English tea and catching tears and wisps of smiles and witnessing ink spill over pages as you churned out dissertation drafts until the argument was smooth and refined.
the idea makes you feel very alive, and alert, and you want to offer him comfort. “would you like to take it back?” one hand tugs at the edge of the cloth, near your waist. “it’s yours anyway.” the pain of parting is lessened by the joy of giving.
he demurs, you coax. eventually it is determined that he will wear the garment for the evening, but only if you wear something of his, too. “that way it’s even,” he says, and you laugh again to hide the dip in your stomach at thought of wearing something of his, of wrapping yourself in his scent, of placing your body in a place his had once inhabited.
you settle on a light gray blazer that you think must compliment his eyes, which sparkle with aquamarine and crystal. it is paired with a turtleneck and when you emerge to show him the completed ensemble, spinning in a circle, he chuckles.
“you look like me,” he says, one hand cupping his chin.
a feeling pulses in your mind but you let it go. you may like him after all, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a pompous academic whose theories had made your life hell.
you expect him to take you to a cozy place. somewhere where they serve the local brew and make homemade shepherd’s pie, but he doesn’t.
he takes you a bar that is sleek and modern, with soft yellow lights and paneled ceilings and marble counter-tops. Obi-Wan escorts you to a high table in the corner, a hand on the small of your back. the warmth from his palm spreads through his jacket and your turtleneck and it feels like cinnamon and candlelight.  
later, you will not remember what you ordered to eat, but you will always remember the two cups water that appear on the table.
the glasses have smooth edges and and rounded sides, curving around themselves ad infinitum or perhaps reductio ad absurdum. faint golden orbs hunch against the surface; integers of light cling to any sort of tactical reassurance. even the glass will do.
the cups are hefty, and not just with the font of life. the vessel is weighty, durable. Obi-Wan tells you that they are recycled.
he does not talk about what he does now and how he teaches, and you do not mention your work. you do not need to: what these truths have taught you is in every swallow, every glance, every gentle barb. the two of you do not need shields of citation guidelines to understand one another.
the conversation dances. he pulls you in with a question. you twirl around him, brushing his five o’clock shadow. artifice glistens and then falls away. with every pass and dip and pas de chat resentment and assumption weaken, and your eyes become bigger. he changes the time signature, the style (first it was a waltz, and then a swing step, and now it is easing into something unknown). the fabric of his jacket is smooth, and comfortable, and smells like him — warm and spice and clean. you ease into it like it is your birthright.
you do not see, but Obi-Wan notices, and grins into his water.
he does not see, but you notice, the way he couches into your sweater, and your eyes curl in some form of elation.
“what were they about? the lectures, i mean.” this is the question you have been waiting to ask. here, in the bar, with glass, you are emboldened to let go of one last grudge.
he looks at you, and his gaze stabs you, but then it softens — like the needle from a shot easing into muscle before retreating as swiftly as it came.
“what did your advisor say they were about?” he fiddles with his glass.
“they said…” you close your eyes in recollection. eyelashes flutter against freckles. “they said the lectures were about grief.”
Obi-Wan’s smile is wry, but he does not seem displeased. he is still too relaxed to be angry. how you can read his body language so quickly, you are not sure — maybe it is because he is wearing your sweater. so many things you are unsure of, but he is not one of them. not really.
uncertainty is different with him. he is not an ever-fixéd mark, nor a staid anchor in the waves. but he is resolved, and you can separate him from the rest of the particulars that impede your life. he is not just krei: distinguishing and judging and explanatory and crisis all at once, all at everything.
yes, uncertainty with him is less about judgment and is rather imbued with mystery. it is krei mixed with mysteriam: separating the hidden things from that which is known.
Obi-Wan taps his finger on the glass and the sound returns you to the present. he has caught you wandering, again, wandering the wayward halls of esoteric remembrance.
“they were about grief,” he nods, staring at the transparent material in his hands.. Obi-Wan’s voice is kingly and aromatic, like basil. it lilts and sways around the words he speaks as in a courtly dance, like those Anne Boleyn performed for King Henry.
lifting his gaze to yours again, he adds, “and they were about joy. those lectures were about everything, and nothing.” a hand rises, and rhythmic fingers sweep away invisible cobwebs. “they were,” Obi-Wan concludes, “about life itself. phenomena, as it were.” the hand floats down and rests on the table.
it is perilously close to yours now: mere inches from the edges of your body. you both look down at his hand in a brief moment marked and scratched with silence, and you are alone with  your thoughts. his hands are worn, like they have been used — little scars and wrinkles and a slight puffiness that tells you that he spent a lot of time writing today. you like that.
you point to the swelling, at the v of his hand where thumb and palm meet. the tip of your index finger hovers above the spot and your confession must linger too, because it takes several moments for him to drag his eyes upwards to study your face.
“how many ACE wraps did you fray while writing your dissertation?” he asks, and you want to push him for being such a competitive brat.
your hand is still suspended above his.
you tell him your answer, and he cups his fingers around yours in a spasm of revelation. “me too!” his grip tightens. “academia is one son of a bitch.” he catches you in a sideways glance, and when you laugh, he relaxes into a smile.
“I read your dissertation, you know.” the sweater itches against your wrist, where the sleeve of his blazer has ridden up and exposed skin.
“i didn’t.” you take a sip. “but i do know how you feel about scholars such as myself.” another sip. are you biding time? you are not sure. “you feel very strongly about the color green, Dr. Kenobi.”
his grip slackens but he does not release your hand completely. “please. call me ben.”
“no?” your eyebrow arches. “not OWK, either?”
“I don’t use that name with friends.”
“Are we friends?”
his eyes are earnest, open, porous, like blue tulle on ballet costumes. “yes. i dare say we are.”
when the two of you stand to leave, there is a still a table that prohibits unity. emptiness subsumes you; he is so near and yet so far; Ben should be next to you. the distance continues, grows, as you exit, and an ache pours forth from your soul, because you now know what you did not know before. you had seen it in the glass, and in the reflected light, and the way you had seen yourself in his eyes when you danced with him without touching his hand.
you halt, he pauses. you take a step forward and Ben watches you. darkness blankets the town’s cobbled streets; the stones gleam dully and swallow the street lamps all into an abyss. except his eyes: Ben’s silken azure eyes are your anchor.
people don’t make sense but you do.
a few steps more and the two of you are very close. you tilt your head to look at his face. you are there, reflected in his pupils. “maybe i am you.” you mean for it to sound teasing, but your soul knows before you do, and the words are laden with imperial import, like a royal seal.
those gemstone eyes flicker over your face. he has felt it too, he is telling you, but how you know this you cannot say. “no, i do not think so.” letters drip out, leaking in a slow stream. “but i think perhaps we are a part of each other.”
and then you have narrowed down the sum to its composite parts. the glass has shattered and the left hand swims in its sand and calcium carbonate and ash, drifting through a process of becoming. particles glimmer on skin, under nails, brandishing depth and texture and a pantone coloring book of the human heart.  
it is a mutual kiss, one where individualism no longer endures. his hands — swollen, calloused, firm — are grasping your cheeks. your arms are around his waist, winding around sweater and skin and soul. when you close your eyes, you think it will be dark. you are wrong. tenebrism creeps away and shadows vanish, and there is only him, and a resounding tenor of colors.
ben’s lips are soft, and his breath is warm, and it is the kiss for which you feel like you have spent your whole life preparing. he is safe (tender) and unexpected (his tongue grazes your teeth). he likes it when you grip him harder, the knit no longer coarse against your palms, not when his hand is wandering through your hair in flashes of blue and gold and pearl.
when you pull away, and nuzzle his cheek, Ben smiles — soft and comforting like the garment on his back. maybe this is why glass shatters and cracks around your feet, crunching as you sway slightly in each other’s arms — you have worn his jacket, and he has worn your sweater.
it is predawn the next time he kisses you. the two of you are on his bed, near the window. sweaters and blazers have been exchanged for baggy t-shirts and sleep shorts. Ben is facing you, cross-legged on the pale sheets, and he watches you as you take in the metamorphosis of the sky, from black to navy to the merest smidgen of blue and grey on the horizon, skating across the silhouette of the hills.
he watches you as you speak, too, about the way you loved the ocean as a child, and your favorite book is Moby Dick. it was so very ethereal to you, the way that sailors used the stars to navigate. it was like they were communing with the heavens.
Ben thinks that your voice glitters. it is weary with much talk and too little sleep but it shines the way diamonds do when they are stitched onto spanish lace, supported with the strength that is only found in delicacy.
your eyes, he thinks, are more like satin, for the way they gleam and mix their depth and shadows without losing their sheen, glassy in their wonder.
but you notice his regard, and you pause. he cannot see it, but he can feel a blush jogging from your neck to your cheeks.
you stare at each other. and then — he is next to you, and laying you down, and you are learning his labyrinthine ways even as you begin to come undone.
he is coming alive, or waking up—you’re not sure. his ends and beginnings are still a unknown to you: you must fashion yourself a mystic to enter his realm. somehow you suspect he is yours. your alpha and omega, the moral force that has driven you forward to now, to this point, where his forehead is meeting the jut of your jaw as he kisses his way down your neck.
you are hot and cold all at once and when he licks your pulse point, and sucks, you gasp. it is a gentle thing, more like a deep breath than an exclamation. you feel yourself leaning into him, straining for his touch. his auburn hair under your fingertips is soft and slick with his gel and you tug at it in an act of encouragement.
he pulls away. hovering over you, eyes blue and silver in the pale light — twin moons, perhaps — he smirks. “are you trying to tell me something, darling?” he asks lowly, and his voice is dark molasses. it is sticky and sweet and bitter, inching down your body. you want his kisses to follow its tortuous path, staining you with vermillion and black and dying you with pleasure.
he is color. you are cloth.
the durability of your nature returns in a rush marked with grains of steel. “no.” you swallow and the action traces where his lips met your skin just moments earlier. “i rather thought you were trying to communicate with me.” you sound ragged, coy, on the verge of aching.
Ben does not take your bait. “i was.” his breath is hot against your ear, and arresting. he pauses. the molasses continues to drip. “i was just wanted to make sure i had a clear answer.” and he nips your earlobe. you bite your lip in response: the two of you are in sync.  
“yes.” you are fabric, and your voice is terrycloth.
“Yes?” he repeats your fiat. Shards of glass collapse around you as he again meets your gaze.
this must be how the Virgin prayed her Magnificat, you think as his heart errantly beats against his throat. She must have been like he is now, brimming with humble righteousness and bound by understanding. Tenderness cords through you; it tempers your breathing, smoothes the bubbles of molasses. Reaching up to to cup his face, you let your fingers splay over his cheek, resting on stubble and skin. your pinky finger meets the angle of his cheekbone. the image falls into place and the symmetry causes you to smile.
“yes. etiam. ja. sí.” you are about to conclude in greek — ναί — but he halts your litany of assent by placing an offering on your lips. the greek is in the twists of his tongue in your mouth, and so is the hebrew, and the arabic, and all the languages yet to engrave themselves in your memory.
it is like the first time you experienced champagne at your father’s christmas party. one of his students had poured you, then sixteen, a glass and said with a wink, “the monks declared it was the taste of the stars.” you had raised the flute to your lips and drank as you were bid, and when you had swallowed, you knew the world was different now. or perhaps the old world had not changed, you had merely adapted to fickle ways.
your tongue did as it had then, skating across your front teeth onto your upper lips in quick, jabbing motions. unsatiated and incomplete.
he pulls away again and you frown. eyes closed, you tug at his shoulder in a nonverbal ask to come back.
silence meets your plea and you open your eyes. he is still above you, weight resting on his forearms, and he is smiling.  “you are so impatient.” the rebuke is fond and he soothes its burn with a kiss to your cheek. your eyes flutter closed, briefly.
“i am not impatient.” arms cross over your chest and eyes roll. “i am —“ the phrase is paused as he kisses your other cheek. you open your eyes. “i am.” he waits for you, as he always has, but after a few heartbeats he gleans the completeness of your meaning. existence is the watchword of this night, or this dawn: let sartre and his kind be put to rest.  
so the two of you kiss again, and when his arms get tired, you drape your legs over his lap and press yourself into his chest. the last vestiges of moonlight have settled upon you, but it is no thing, not when skin feels what eyes cannot. lips are languid and hands stroll up and down pathways and alleyways and sidewalks. brittle substances of impatience are burned away through the silk of his fingers. you are content to rest in chiaroscuro.
there is another breaking: transparent and fortified compound of ash and sand — let in by the moon and the rising venus — twinkles around your head, his spine. a whispered ask, a tender assent: shirts glide over shoulders and he guides in your descent.
breathing is knowing, feeling is seeing: for here essence and existence bleed into one consummate act of communion.
lips touch your collarbone, your breast. your hands plane over his chest in a crusade of knowledge. he does not begrudge your gasps, now, or the arches your back erects to his honor. ben’s lips, hands, the vehicles of his words to the world, at once analyze and soak in praise.
clothes fall away, skin uncovering skin, manifesting a reality that had resided in your souls far before today. before the bar, the hotel, the sweater, there was always the two of you, striving for eudaemonia.
“this is phenomena,” he whispers against the curve of your hip. ben presses a kiss to the bones that give form to your body politic (the totality of your shattered glass made whole).
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #234: The Witch’s Tale!
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August, 1983
“Seasons of the Witch!”
If Wanda offers you a free Halloween mask, politely tell her no thanks.
A lot going on in this cover. Because this is one of those issues that summarizes a character’s continuity because wikipedia doesn’t exist yet and back issues aren’t super easy to get. 
Last time: There was an Avengers/Fantastic Four sorta crossover where Annihilus tried to blow up the universe. The primary fallout of that is that Vision walked into a null-field and then collapsed. He’s basically in a robot-coma recovering.
This time: the Avengers bring Vision home in a tube.
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It looks like the kind of coffin you shoot into space but it’s not. It’s just a life-support capsule that looks like a space coffin.
Now though it sucks that Vision is in a robot coma, this does mean that he and Wanda are back involved with the book again. We briefly checked in with them during the Trial of Yellowjacket arc.
But we’ve been pretty short of Scarlet Witch and Vision since #211 when they left the team to try to have a go at a regular life. I’ll summarize in brief how that’s been at the appropriate time. Point being, that’s twenty some issues with a very low amount of my second favorite comic couple.
She-Hulk and Thor carry the capsule into the basement of Avengers Mansion because that’s where their medical center is. The basement. Of course. Why wouldn’t you put your medical center in the basement. Best place for it.
Wanda thanks Wasp for inviting her (and Vision) to stay at the Mansion when they could have stayed at the Baxter Building.
Wasp: “Nonsense! That place was left in a mess by Annihilus! Besides, the Avengers take care of their own!”
(Tangentially, the Avengers have always been more of a family to Wanda than anyone else aside from Django and Marya Maximoff who raised her and Pietro. The Avengers are Wanda’s family basically.)
Also, it’s not said anywhere but I feel like probably Reed Richards never did do that procedure that was supposed to help Vision recover more quickly as distracted as he was by Franklin’s injuries.
While Wanda hovers (metaphorically) around Vision’s tube, Wasp reflects on how hard this is hitting her.
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Wasp: “She and the Vision were such a strange match, but they’ve been so devoted to each other their marriage worked -- !”
Oof, that bold hurts, Jan.
Wanda asks for some time alone with her husband so the Avengers leave the basement level medical center, all thinking thoughts as often happens.
Wasp feels guilty because she’s the one that called Wanda and Vision into action but justifies that they were needed. Even though they didn’t really accomplish much.... Kinda makes it worse.
Captain America asks Thor off to have a private chat.
Captain Marvel laments that they couldn’t destroy the field before Vision was injured. And Starfox muses about the sensitivity he senses from Captain Marvel.
Kinda wondering if Stern is trying to set up a love triangle between Starfox, Captain Marvel, and She-Hulk.
Speaking of She-Hulk.
She-Hulk: Any of us could’ve wound up in a tube... or on a slab. But that’s the risk we have to take!
A very typically She-Hulk of this era kind of thought. She’s very direct.
Wasp calls a rain-check on apartment hunting. Which is what she and She-Hulk were doing before the whole invisible dome thing.
And She-Hulk finds other ways to occupy her time.
She-Hulk: “Hey, Starfox! You have any plans for tonight?”
Starfox: “Well, I’d considered checking out the local sights, but if you have a better offer -- !”
She-Hulk: “Spaceman, I can show you some things you won’t believe!”
She’s very direct.
Over at Captain America and Thor’s private conversation, Captain America catches Thor up on the happenings re: Iron Man, i.e. Tony Stark.
Cap(tain America): “It’s Iron Man, Thor... the Wasp and I paid him a visit to find out why he’d resigned from the Avengers. I... don’t quite know how to say this, but... Tony Stark hasn’t just left the Avengers! He’s given up his identity as Iron Man... turned his armor over to another man!”
Thor: “Eh? ‘Tis most passing strange!”
Cap: “That’s not the only thing that’s ‘most passing strange!’ When we talked to him, Stark was so drunk, I’m surprised he was able to stand up! And when I suggested that he’d had too much to drink, he ordered Jan and me out of his apartment!”
Turns out that off-panel at some point, Tony confided his problems with alcoholism to Thor.
Another example of the close relationship that Thor and Iron Man used to have and lamentably don’t seem to have anymore.
Cap even says that Thor has known Tony longer than the rest of the Avengers. While Wasp has been on the team just as long as Thor has, yeah, Thor has known the man in Iron Man longer.
So Cap asks Thor to try to talk to Tony because maybe he could get through to him.
Thor: “I could try, Captain! But if he rejected your advice, while under the influence, I fear for my ability to do better!”
Cap: “What about your mortal identity? Maybe if you approached him as Dr. Don Blake... man to man...”
Thor: “Mayhap. I shall give this thought.”
Thor then hammer-whirl flies off, leaving Cap to think about whether there’s anything additional that he could do, maybe in Iron Man #172, which was on sale at the same time.
Since this issue is otherwise going to be a lot of recapping Scarlet Witch’s entire life, why not pop into another book briefly for some additional content?
I’m the boss and I’ll allow it.
So over in Iron Man in general and issue #172 specifically, Tony Stark is on hard times. We know about the alcoholism and Rhodey taking over as Iron Man. But a man called Obadiah Stane is also attempting an incredibly hostile takeover of Stark International. He’s bought up all the company’s debt (and it has a lot), he has a bunch of civil suits pending against the company, and he’s secretly been the architect behind Tony Stark’s imploding life. That and Tony himself. Takes two to implode.
The last hope Stark Int. has is a writ that will force Stane to back off for a week or two. It’s not a lot but it’ll be some breathing room. Only problem is that it needs Tony Stark’s notarized signature before 5 PM and they kinda lost track of him after he broke into a museum to put on some knight armor and had to be bailed out of jail.
Rhodey decides to call Captain America for help and that’s how we get the asterisk indicating that you should check out Iron Man #172.
Cap does find Tony but unfortunately, Tony slips away in the confusion when an old Iron Man foe called Firebrand (unfortunately not a gargoyle) sets the hotel on fire because he’s just incredibly pissed off at the idea of Tony Stark.
Cap’s less-nice confrontation with Tony about his drinking is decent drama (but possibly not the right tactic to take) though so have some of that.
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Anyway. Back to Avengers.
Meanwhile, over on Long Island and at the Cross Technological Enterprises building, industrial espionage gets aggressive as some men in jumpsuits and balaclavas climb the building to sneak in.
One of them is worried because that Avenger guy Hawkeye is in charge of security but the boss is like pssh Hawkeye is a chump with a broken leg.
Then Hawkeye arrives on a hover scooter because insulting Hawkeye probably just summons him to prove you wrong. He has that kind of contrarian energy at times.
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He shoots all of their guns out of their hands and pins them to the wall with arrows all before they can really do anything.
His leg may be broken but his arms aren’t. And those are the limbs that do archery.
Sure, his style is slightly harshed by having only one swashbuckler boot on but that still doesn’t stop him from shooting arrows.
A woman and a photographer show up instantly to take pictures of Hawkeye’s cool victory. Apparently the woman is Sheila Danning and she says that she’s in charge of PR for Cross Technological Enterprises.
People showing up to take pictures of how cool he is makes Hawkeye feel very appreciated so he happily poses for some pictures with the captured intruders.
I feel like this is going to end up related to the Hawkeye solo miniseries that’s published around this time. The events of the miniseries cost Hawkeye his hearing but gain him a wife. So we’ll call it a net positive for Clint.
I’ll possibly summarize the relevant parts of the series when it becomes relevant to Avengers, which I’m sure it will.
Several hours later, back over at Avengers Mansion, She-Hulk wakes up after a night with Starfox.
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So let’s discuss a thing.
In a later She-Hulk series, the moral iffyness of Starfox’s ability to shoot pleasure at people’s brains and make them become infatuated with him is explored. In a legal sense. As in, Starfox gets put on trial for sexual assault and accused of using his powers to seduce people.
The question is raised whether he had ever used his powers to seduce She-Hulk in regards to them getting together like this in Avengers. And when he won’t give her a straight answer, she beats the shit out of him.
Eventually, the case goes all the way up to the Living Tribunal, the cosmic judge of all realities because of course there’s one of those, and a mind probe proves that Starfox did not use his abilities to influence She-Hulk’s decision to have sex with him.
They’re both just horny people.
Anyway, Starfox and She-Hulk get on first name non-codename basis with each other. Then Starfox takes off to go explore New York, but he and She-Hulk do make plans to get together again in the evening.
She-Hulk’s post-implied-coitus giddiness is rained on when she learns that Wanda hasn’t slept at all and has spent the whole night at Vision’s side.
So now its time for She-Hulk brand very direct friendship.
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She tells Jarvis to go make breakfast and she’ll deal with Wanda.
As we saw in and about the Trial of Yellowjacket, She-Hulk doesn’t really beat around the bush.
So when Wanda says she’d rather stay at Vision’s side rather than get breakfast, She-Hulk grabs her and tries to physically drag her towards self-care.
She-Hulk: “Look, watching your hubby won’t make him get well any faster. You’re coming with me! You’ll feel a lot better with a little breakfast in you!”
It doesn’t go over well.
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Wanda blasts She-Hulk away and now Jen and Wanda are angry at each other and Wasp arrived just in time to play baffled mediator.
She-Hulk: “I hope you have a good dentist, Red!”
Wasp: “Jennifer!”
She-Hulk: “She started it, Wasp! I was just showing her some hospitality, and she sent me flying with her crummy hex bolts!”
Scarlet Witch: “What?! You physically pull me from my husband’s side, and you call that hospitality?!?”
Wasp: “Girls, girls! We’re all friends here! I know how upset you must be, Wanda, but you mustn't let worry get the better of you! I think we all need a spot of breakfast! Please join me, Wanda. The She-Hulk will relieve you at watching over the Vision... we all will!”
She-Hulk: “That’s what I was trying to tell her!”
Jen’s heart was in the right place but she lacks much in the way of tact?
Anyway, Wasp and Wanda set up in the library and Jarvis brings breakfast pastries to them, though Wanda refuses any.
Free breakfast aggros Captain Marvel and now she’s here too. That and She-Hulk trying to make up through a proxy.
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Captain Marvel: “A little bird told me that you were serving your continental special, and I just couldn’t stay away!”
Wasp: “A little bird, C.M.?”
Captain Marvel, whispering: “Well, a big bird! She-Hulk radioed me that the Scarlet Witch was still a little down, and suggested that I might be of help, cheering her up!”
You have a good heart, Jen-Hulk.
Also, Monica just beams right in through the library window as a sunbeam before forming back into her human shape. And that’s delightful. But would be startling. Jarvis is startled. He’s seen it all but all keeps expanding.
Monica and Wanda briefly bond over both speaking French when Monica praises that Jarvis’ pastries rival the best of the French Quarter. Jan is a bit lost because she doesn’t know any French but Monica and Wanda were just very excited because they don’t get to French very often. The language.
AND with the ice broken, Monica smoothly shifts topics over to asking Wanda about herself.
Captain Marvel: “You know, there’s so much I’d like to ask you. I’ve read all about you in the files, of course -- but they’re so impersonal. You’ve led such a fascinating life.”
Scarlet Witch: “Fascinating? I suppose... but I was too young to appreciate some of the more fantastic moments.”
DAMN WANDA, exposition under pressure?
So Wanda tells Monica about how she was born in WUNDAGORE, a Balkan mountain in Transia with a super-advanced city built on it. The High Evolutionary was making furries for reasons which escape me but it explains why a cow-woman answered the door when Magda, supposedly Wanda’s mom although that has changed, came knocking on the door.
She was double pregnant and on the run from a husband who had developed terrible problems and an attitude problem.
The cow-woman Bova, invited Magda into the city and helped deliver her children Pietro and Wanda. And then Magda walked off into the snow to die, pulling a Padme-on-purpose-but-years-ahead-of-time by dying just after having twins.
Her thought process was that Mystery Husband would come looking for her but if he found her frozen in the snow, he wouldn’t find out that she’d had children? I dunno, this logic is a bit spurious.
I’m glad that Wanda’s current in the year 2021 real mom isn’t someone who walked off into the snow to die because it seemed like a good idea.
Showing what an awful idea this was, Magda left Wanda and Pietro in the care of Bova who had no idea what to do with two babies. So she took the matter to the High Evolutionary who also didn’t want to deal with it and decided to dump the babies on a childless Roma couple.
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Except the comic doesn’t say Roma, they say the g-slur. I don’t think Marvel ever stops doing that. Its a weird case where the portrayal is overall sympathetic but tinged with stereotypes and using a slur.
Shape up, Marvel.
I also notice that Wanda’s recap leaves out Fake Dad Robert Frank, the Whizzer.
The first time Wanda’s parentage was Totally Revealed For Real, it was revealed that not only Magda but Robert and Madeline Joyce Frank were hanging around Wundagore waiting to give birth.
I’ve already been into it before but originally it was just the Franks kids but the Whizzer whizzed off in grief when he learned his wife died in childbirth. Then when someone got it into their head to retcon otherwise, Magda was at Wundagore and gave birth to twins and then the High Evolutionary had Bova try to give the kids to Robert but he ran off in his grief so shrugged and passed them off to Django and Marya Maximoff AKA the real parents even if not biological.
To editorialize, the Maximoffs actually raised Wanda and Pietro so no matter what, I’ll always consider them the twins’ real parents.
Anyway, the Franks aren’t part of this retelling. Which is funny because for a while Wanda thought the Whizzer was their dad and treated him like one and now she’s dumped him like raw meat for ease of retelling. Tsk tsk.
So, Wanda and Pietro lived a good life and “better parents could hardly have been found.” Then when adolescence happened, Pietro suddenly could run really fast and Wanda “discovered that strange, unpredictable things would happen if I was in a certain frame of mind and gestured in a particular way.”
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That’s a pretty specific mutant power. And she relates that she kept causing accidents by gesturing in the particular way while in a certain frame of mind, it’s like, Wanda, don’t gesture that way? Get mittens or tie your fingers together. Its not hard.
Your powers are so specific!
Stereotypes happen and an angry mob burns down the Maximoffs’ camp.
Pietro ran Wanda to safety and the shock was so great that they got AMNESIA.
Marya, I think, died but Django survived and went a little mad with grief, assuming he lost his wife and kids.
For a couple years, Wanda and Pietro just kicked it around Eastern Europe, Pietro using his superspeed to catch game. Things were going okay but not great up until the time that Wanda wandered into a village and made the fuck-things-up gesture and whoops fucked things up.
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I’m telling you, Wanda, mittens.
Anyway, she set a house on fire, WITH HER MIND, and now there’s an angry mob after her assuming that she’s a witch.
As sometimes happens in Marvel Eastern Europe.
The mob chased Wanda to camp where Pietro lost his shit and superspeed tried to beat up a mob but wound up getting pinned down and beaten.
Then Magneto showed up and yanked all the crude farming implements away and told the mob to gtfo.
Magneto: “Come no further, homo sapiens! The two whom you attack are under the protection of Magneto!”
An idiot: “With power such as his, he can only be Satan himself!”
An idiot who has the right idea: “Run! Run for your lives!”
Wanda thanks Magneto for the save and he demands “Let neither of you ever forget what you owe me... ever!”
Cool. Cool cool cool.
Wanda: “He took us in... fed and clothed us... but never did he show us any human kindness. We were supposed to be above that, he said... we were mutants, and under his tutelage, we became Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch!”
What a dick.
Anyway, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were forced to join Magneto and his other agents Toad and Mastermind.
Magneto’s Brotherhood clashed with the X-Men multiple times. And then the Stranger just sorta yoinked Magneto into space.
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Early X-Men is a bafflement to me.
Wanda: “Our debt had been repaid to Magneto many times over. We were beholden to him no longer... We were free. And... we were alone. We had just begun to realize the potential of our mutant powers, but we did not know how best to use them. Cut off from Magneto’s cruel exploitation, we didn’t know what to do. I don’t know what would have become of us, had we not been accepted as Avengers! The Avengers gave purpose to our lives, gave us something to be part of.”
Anyway, being on the Avengers meant dangers and foes to fight but it also meant allies, friends, and ROBOT BOYFRIENDS.
Wanda: “Were it not for the Avengers, I might never have met the Vision! He was the product of a laboratory -- and many thought him to be inhumanely cold -- but I grew to love the warm, feeling inner man.”
Of course, if you tell Vision he has feelings he gets mad and insists NUH UH.
And dating Vision pissed off Quicksilver who basically disowned Wanda for a while.
But who gives a fuck what Pietro says, Wanda also learned WITCHCRAFT and (although not explicitly mentioned) how to summon METEORS TO SMASH HER FOES.
And she got married in a double ceremony where the other bride married a tree! That tree part doesn’t get mentioned.
After this, Wanda and Vision went on a short honeymoon but found that the hashtag Avengers life kept them so busy that they didn’t have a lot of time to themselves.
Then Real Dad Django Maximoff showed up and Wanda and Pietro went with him to Transia to learn their backstory.
Annnnnd Wanda got possessed by Chthon. Won’t be the first time ha ha.
Thankfully, the Avengers managed to do a care bear stare to unpossess her. Oh, and Django died. A misstep if you ask me. There was too much character potential to just kill him off after one arc.
Alas, alas.
Anyway, the recap skips over a whole bunch of stuff and doesn’t mention Moondragon’s role but we get to the point where Wanda and Vision quit the Avengers.
Wanda: “When the Vision and I were finally reunited, our thoughts began to turn inward. Our life with the Avengers was fulfilling, but apart from our careers, we had no real private life of our own. Would society accept us on our own, away from Avengers Mansion? We didn’t know -- but we had to at least try to find out. Taking our accrued Avengers salaries, we bought a modest little home in Leonia, New Jersey.”
So a brief recap of their adventures in the first Vision and Scarlet Witch miniseries.
In the first issue, Captain America’s Halloween housewarming gift of a cursed book winds up being cursed and contains Samhain. When Wanda didn’t immediately free him, he got angry and turned some trick or treaters into monster versions of their costumes to attack Vision while Samhain attacked Wanda. She manages to set the cursed tome on fire, ending Samhain’s power. FOR NOW. Then Not-Actually-Their-Father-But-Doesn’t-Know-It-Yet the Whizzer shows up.
In issue two, the Whizzer is looking for Wanda’s help in regaining custody of his son Nuklo the Nuclear Man. With their help, Whizzer manages to get the court to agree to release Nuklo to his custody. But the lead doctor managing Nuklo is secretly ISBISA! ... Y’know, the Whizzer’s old foe from his All-Winner’s Squad days? No? Okay, well he also masterminded the nuclear ‘accident’ that led to Nuklo’s birth in the first place. And now he’s back to finish the job with radiation siphoned from Nuklo. In anger at Wanda being drawn into Golden Age drama, Vision reveals that Wanda isn’t the Whizzer’s kid but it little matters because Whizzer has a massive heart attack and dies. Nuklo helps defeat Isbisa and both of them are drained of atomic power leaving them human. Oh and Vision’s arm gets melted off. That’s kinda important.
In issue three, Vision is in a robot coma and he needs an energy donation from Wonder Man, his brain brother, to recover. Comic books! Vision has a meaning laden coma dream where Ultron screams at him a lot. Grim Reaper attacks and tries to kill Vision and Wonder Man while they’re incapacitated because he has one character beat and its that. But Vision manages to subdue him.
In issue four, is the pertinent one for this issue.
I’m going to say, I think the second Vision and Scarlet Witch series is better. This was a series of loosely related mishaps. The second volume does more with Vision and Scarlet Witch living in suburbia as a concept.
Anyway, in the fourth issue and in this Avengers recap of Wanda’s entire life, after Vision lost his arm, he and Wanda went up to Attilan to get it replaced. Because the Inhumans can casually just build him a new arm that works with his powers.
And people say the Inhumans aren’t good for anything.
While on the moon, Wanda and Vision decide to visit with Pietro and Crystal and their new daughter Luna. Pietro was even not a dick to Vision. It was a nice moment until Magneto barged in and started a fight by insisting he wasn’t here to fight while trapping everyone inside the building. Also, he threatened Bova to get information on who his kids were and frankly, that’s unforgivable. Bova is an angel. A cow angel.
They fight fight fight and then the fight is ended when Luna cries and Magneto realizes he’s doing a big superhero/supervillain fight in the same room as a fragile child and realizes ‘wow maybe i’m the dick here.’
Now the Vision and Scarlet Witch series ends with the internal-reveal that MAGNETO is the father (for now) of Wanda and Pietro. Magneto asking them to accept him as such. And on a confused moment of ‘shit what now.’
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The Avengers issue picks up on that and finishes out the scene.
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While Wanda is too stunned to know what to say, Pietro has some choice words.
He snatches his daughter away from Magneto and tells him fuck off, you’re no father to me.
Magneto’s argument is ‘hey genetics is the only thing that matters you’re my son like it or not.’
Pietro’s counter argument is ‘nuh uh’ and that Django Maximoff is the only man he calls father. And Wanda agrees.
Its good to see some Django respect.
Magneto tells them they’ll see the error of their ways and flies off.
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Which is the wrong tack to take to prove that you’ve changed and are ready to get some good dadding in and won’t kill your granddaughter for being a human.
He’s super bad at this.
After that, Wanda and Vision went home to New Jersey and just stayed at home for a while, Wanda was so horrified by the reveal.
Wanda: “Even now, I can hardly begin to express the horror, the shame! It’s as if I suddenly discovered Hitler lurking in my family tree! Part of me wishes that he is really sincere about tempering his hatred for non-mutant humans. But even if he was telling the truth, that can never excuse his past crimes... Nothing can!”
Its really surprising how ready people are in-universe to compare Magneto to Hitler. From Wanda to Cap to Xorn.
Wasp: “Wanda... you mustn’t torture yourself this way! Magneto has no claim on you, and you’re certainly not responsible for him! I know it must be tough, but you can’t let him ruin the rest of your life!”
These are helpful things to tell Wanda to calm her down.
Less helpful is when Wasp speculates that hey maybe it was okay not to believe Magneto when he said he’s changed because maybe he’ll become worse! Maybe his newfound tolerance of humanity will lead him to try to save humanity from itself rather than wipe it out. In reference to how Moondragon tried to do that on that planet we never heard from again.
Wanda: “Heaven help us, if such a thought occurs to Magneto!”
I’m pretty sure he’s going to be too busy in the near future trying to be teacher to the most death-prone idiots this side of Westchester. And then after that when he decides to be evil again, he’s going to do some nonsense with Asteroid M. But I don’t think he ever hits the ‘save humanity from itself’ point.
Wasp and Captain Marvel reassure Wanda that if Magneto Strikes Again the Avengers will be with her!
The following day, Wanda returns to Leonia, New Jersey to put together a suitcase of stuff since she’s going to be staying at Avengers Mansion for a while.
Wanda: “Jan was nice enough to offer me a few of her things, but they’re all too small for my figure. And that robe the She-Hulk lent me last night fit like a tent!”
Wasp and Scarlet Witch usually look the same size and shape but that’s important canon body shape information for someone, I guess. If they wanted to draw Avengers But Not All The Same Paper Dolls character designs.
Anyway, the issue really ends with Dr Strange showing up to pull Wanda into a crossover with his own book in Doctor Strange #60.
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Ergh. This era sure has a lot of stuff going off on the sides.
I’ll synopsize Scarlet Witch’s time in Doctor Strange’s book if it becomes necessary but I’ve already looked at five non-Avengers issue for this post and am probably going to have to cover the Hawkeye series in brief too when it intersects with Avengers.
Follow @essential-avengers​ for grudging contextualization of everything that’s happening in Avengers, when I feel like it. Like and reblog if you liked.
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep17 (part1)
Part 1 is romance in the air, while part 2 is the sinister foreshadowing!
Romantic Decision & its emotional effects on character’s behavior: Kyo & Arisa mirror each other a lot this ep with one difference but similar outcome.
The difference: Kyo is the one deciding to not confess to tohru & leaving her without telling her abt his love, while Arisa is the one left behind by Kureno & not told whether he loves her or not.
Both Kyo & Arisa realize they’re in love with their significant other & both decided to quit pursuing it. Both are miserable throughout the trip due to their decisions & their helplessness towards their situation.
Both react logically & realistically given the situations they’re in.
Both restless, sad, annoyed, grumpy & furious at themselves for still wanting romance & wishing for more.
Arisa tries to indulge in other ppl’s business, tease & fight to take her mind off kureno while kyo just wants to be left alone & not talked to at all.
The wrong confession & its outcome:
The nameless girl confessed to kyo ignoring the glaring signs of his rejection. The scene was shown in the middle of their talk, kyo states “I told you already /Idon’t love/don’t even know your name” yet, she still persists & grabs his arm demanding forced attention. It backfires horribly & kyo rejects her physically & verbally. Personally I don’t think kyo is wrong with how he handled the girl, I was thinking he could’ve been nicer until she grabbed his hand. Kyo’s “Why the hell are you dreaming of dating someone like me” is him rejecting himself. This line isn’t for the nameless girl. It’s for Tohru. kyo’s a horrible man in his book. While kyo has accepted tohru’s love, he didn’t allow himself to dream that the basis of her love is romantic. She’s a kind person who loves everybody. She just loves him as a friend. nothing more. it can’t be more.
The hidden depths of tohru’s emotions:
Tohru is so sensitive & perceptive of other ppl’s emotions but ignores & denies herself. Plus, she’s never been romantically in love with anyone, it’s always harder to notice one’s self. As the others gossip abt kyo being dragged for confession, tohru wants to follow up but is reluctant. Yuki’s “Don’t worry, he won’t accept” is epic! basically Yuki’s is frankly telling her I know You love him. I can see through you. be assured, he’ll be back to you. Tohru is exposed. Still, she can’t mask her worry. They’re all back & she can tell by everybody’s reaction that the confession didn’t go well. yet, she WANTS to hear it from kyo. She asks him “ what’s the fuss abt in the first place”. Tohru isn’t deaf nor stupid. She saw them running to spy on kyo, Yuki’s frank words & kyo’s annoyed face. Tohru can read the signs! YET, tohru wants KYO to reassure her nothing happened! That he isn’t swayed by other girls! It has to be KYO saying it. There’s this overwhelming hint of worry that she lost him & jealousy that he might’ve accepted another girl’s love. (It has to be HER. selfish love?!!!) Am I getting my wish for tohru?! or am i seeing too much into nothing?!!!!
Kyo’s “it’s none of your business” is objectively a correct response. He isn’t dating tohru, there’s nothing official love between them. He owes her no explanation as she doesn’t owe him anything.This response in particular hurts tohru cuz it’s true!! it’s not her business & he isn’t hers & that’s why it hurts!!. Just like him wishing her a boyfriend hurts cuz it means it’s not HIM. All these feelings boiling inside tohru faintly surfacing through her mask. Yuki steps in to smack kyo cuz he knows tohru has a right to ask kyo cuz she loves him & he wants kyo to see it. to accept it!
“it’s not the first time someone said this to me,but it made my heart ache” The writer brilliantly tells us that love is illogical. tohru is hurt cuz kyo said the words not cuz the words themselves are hurtful.
Writing excellent visual scenes that speaks volumes: #1 (the red leaves)
(a) Kyoru’s scene: This scene screams parallel between tohru & kyo’s emotions, actions & thoughts in this moment & how much there are equal/mutual exchange between them & compares it to previous moment in SE01. Moreover, it showcased tohru’s ability to read the situation. Kyo’s “it came on its own & left on its own” means that he won’t pursue anyone. “ I can’t be nice to everyone” scared her as it mean he can no longer be kind to her. All these are signs of goodbye. “will he let go of me someday in the same way?”  She senses it. She fears she’s like that the nameless girl to him. she’s nobody to him. He’s leaving her. Tohru’s instinct takes hold of her as she grabs him. Kana style. Two fingers faintly touching his sleeve. Two fingers is all she needs. Their leg movement match up as they slow down to stop. She lets go. he’s grabs her now. But kyo isn’t after a sleeve, he takes her hand in his. gently pulling her closer to him with a kind smile (I’m nice to you exclusively) his “hmm” is melting her “what’s wrong?” telling her my attention is for YOU. Kyo is enveloping her in his presence. We live the moment thro tohru’s feelings, music, slow motion, windy hair, blushes, wide eyes & open mouth. tohru is deeply in love. They hold hands longer as they talk. Kyo once again demonstrates how much he’s paying attention to tohru & guesses what souvenir she’ll buy. This reassures tohru that she’s different to him. “he can make me happy or unsettled by a simple remark, kyo’s strange” It’s love, girl!!! You’re in love~ cuz when you’re in love you’re extra sensitive & easily hurt by anything the significant other does/says.
-Kyo asking her to hang out with him alone throughout the afternoon is a callback to Onsen scene in SE01, ep11 where he gifts her his presence despite hating to go with yuki. The writer brilliantly mirrors their reaction but with growth!. Onsen ep, kyo’s so awkward & reluctant while tohru is shocked by his presence, tearful & grateful. She’s the one who first wanted him to go & he agrees later. Now, He’s the one who wants her to be with him & she agrees. while still shy, he said it easily, his body is chill & relaxed, he smiles for her openly while she is pleasantly assured that he wants to be with her, comfortably & happily being together. Moreover, in the Onsen they’re surrounded by others while here their relationship is in an advanced stage & they spend time together as an unofficial couple. The rain of red leaves fly around them symbolizing their mutual love for each other & the equal give & take in their relationship ever since of SE01. He means to her as much as she means to him. 10 out of 10!
(b)the yuki/machi scene: Since they’ll be in stage 1 of their relationship soon, it is represented by ONE red leaf. Yuki is the one giving the leaf to her since he needs to be the one starting the relationship. Yuki craves the ability to give as much as he takes. He lacks such dynamic with tohru as he was dependent on her for so long now. He’s moving away by himself & growing but he’s fervor indebted & can never repay her unconditional kindness.(as one can never repay a mother). So if machi is his romantic interest, he’ll have to give her support & advice just like kyo gives tohru. The support kyo gives tohru is unique to kyo & his ability to see thro her. It can’t be matched by yuki. Thus Yuki must find his own person whom he’ll give unmatched support & advice. We’ve already seen machi destroy the room in her intro ep, which screams trauma & yuki saw it first!  Off course, they both doesn’t know it now. but the writer tells us through symbols. Is this the first time yuki’s story involved Show-not-tell?!! The first time there was No too much inner talk to hijack the scene?!!!!! & explains every single thing abt him to us?! Did I just get my wish for yuki?!! YES!!! See, how powerful & artistic this scene is? That’s the scene/visuals speaking! 10 out 0f 10.
Writing excellent visual scenes that speaks volumes: #2 (the Zodiac Cat Comes First)
this scenes is simple in its presentation. tohru bought the zodiac souvenir but the set comes without a cat. (the cat is never part of the zodiac). Tohru MAKES the cat. simple? No. powerful! No one says it in the scene. but tohru crafting the cat carefully by her own hands, so eager to finish it that she doesn’t change her uniform tells us tohru places the cat first. She always does since she’s little. But now, it isn't her baby self feeling sorry for the poor kitty in mommy’s story. She’s a woman working hard & genuinely to express her feelings. screw the folk tales, for me, you are number 1. Kyo sees it. He gets it. She’s shy but wants him to see it. He’s overwhelmed “ idiot” is perfection!! that’s tohru for him, so incredibly precious & endearingly idiot! he’s been saying it in response to her weird remarks or when he’s overwhelmed by her endearing gestures. Kinda like a pre-dating endearing term. XD. so cute & sweet! yuki’s voice-over “ add color & it shines” is perfectly done. One small voice-over line that comes to close the scene, doesn’t say anything you don’t already know but sweetly wraps the scene. Even if it isn’t there, it won’t affect the scene. it’s the cherry on top. 10 out of 10 scene!
Side Notes:
The writer brilliantly used the school trip atmosphere & kyoto’s unique natural settings to ignite & guide the romantic direction of the characters.
Dear Director, how is kyoto crowded if only Class 2D & Kakure & Kimi from class 2A, two shop owners, a cat & 3 or 4 deer exist there? the city looks breathtakingly pretty but weirdly empty...
Arisa sees herself in nameless girl, thus, wanted kyo to treat the girl nicer initially cuz, just like her, Arisa wanted to date a man she doesn’t knows much abt & wants him to accept her. yet she gets furious at herself seeing how unlike her this development is. “I’m never gona be her”.
Yuki, Once again pushes kyo/tohru together after the beach arc. He tries not to step in between them but tries to urges them closer. reassuring tohru & hitting kyo. So like him. XD
Yuki & Kakure’s friendship moves fast & yuki’s showing it, not only to kakure but to tohru’s gang. good for yuki!
I hope kyo’s two dumb friends get their wish & become popular. At least in furuba’s land, XD.
Hana & food is the best OTP.
I kept thinking of the choir’s part of Hercules “i won’t say I’m in love” song in tohru’s scenes. XD Try 2keep it hideen, honey we can see thro ya~U keep on denyin who U R & how U’R feelin, face it like a grownup, When U gona own up that you got bad~
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foxghost · 4 years
Joyful Reunion, Chapter 4
Translator: foxghost @foxghost tumblr/ko-fi1 Beta: meet-me-in-oblivion @meet-me-in-oblivion tumblr Original by 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang Masterpost | Characters, Maps & Other Reference Index
Book 1, Chapter 2 (part 1)
The next day is brilliantly sunny; after a bout of snow, Shangjing’s architecture seems ever more ornate, and the Viburnum resembles paradise. The maid brings them breakfast. “Madam would like to speak with you after breakfast, Lord Lang.”
“No need,” Lang Junxia answers. “There are things I have to do today, and lingering for too long would be detrimental. Please let her know that I very much appreciate her hospitality.”
Once the maid leaves, Duan Ling asks, “Are we going shopping?”
Lang Junxia nods. “Don’t talk too much when we’re out.”
Duan Ling hums a sound of agreement. Ruminating on what happened the night before, Duan Ling thinks he may have disturbed Lang Junxia, but he has no idea what Lang Junxia was doing next door so he didn’t dare say anything about it recklessly. Fortunately Lang Junxia seems to have forgotten all about it, and after breakfast he takes Duan Ling through the back alley the same way they came.
A carriage is parked outside; the curtain rolls up to reveal Ding Zhi sitting inside. “You’ve only stayed one night. Where are you going now? Didn’t you say that once you settle down you won’t be leaving? Come on up.”
Lang Junxia is holding Duan Ling’s hand and seems to hesitate. But then Duan Ling gives his hand a tug — he wants to go.
So Lang Junxia gives his reply towards the carriage, “I wouldn’t want to impose. There are things I have to do right now.”
Ding Zhi has little choice but to drop the suggestion. Lang Junxia takes Duan Ling to the heart of the city, and Duan Ling is practically overwhelmed by all that he sees along the way. Shangjing is a merchandise distribution centre for the entire north — three cities outside the great wall and forty-one non-Han tribes all trade their goods here. And just so the birthday of the empress dowager of great Liao is coming up too, so southern Chen’s envoys are here to congratulate her. The market is full of sugar-dough puppets, antiques, curios, treasures, delicacies gathered from the mountains, medicinal ingredients, hair ornaments, makeup … a dazzling array of items as far as the eyes can see.
Duan Ling wants to eat everything he sees, but the one thing he wants to try most of all is actually a fried rice cake2 he used to have a craving for back in Shangzi. Lang Junxia first take Duan Ling to the tailor’s to get a couple of sets of clothes made, then he takes him to a pen and ink shop, to buy what people call the “Four Treasures of the Study”.3
“Can you write?” Duan Ling asks curiously.
The shopkeeper produces the items one by one: ink stone from Duanzhou, ink from Huizhou, brush from Huzhou, paper from Xuanzhou.4
“These are for your use,” Lang Junxia says. “You must start school and learn to compose essays, otherwise it’ll be too late.”
“You have good eyes, sir.” The shopkeeper laughs. “This is good stuff, brought here year before last by north-going merchants. Not all the paper has arrived yet, so we’ll need to get some other shop to bring twelve more pads for you.”
“The Liao aren’t really all that particular about these things.” Lang Junxia says nonchalantly, “we’re just trying to get a good start, for luck. Deliver them to the Illustrious Hall before sunset tomorrow.”
“It’s too expensive.” Duan Ling plain feels bad for the money Lang Junxia’s spending; Lang Junxia is practically handing over a fortune.
But Lang Juxia answers him, “Study diligently, success and glory will follow. Schooling and the ability to compose essays is priceless.”
“Am I going to school?” Duan Ling asks.
Not without envy, Duan Ling used to watch other children go to school back in Runan. He never imagined that one day he’ll also get the chance to go to school too, and he feels joyful from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time he also feels so very thankful. He stops walking, and stares fixedly at Lang Junxia.
Lang Junxia asks, “What’s the matter?”
Duan Ling’s heart contains a multitude of emotions. “How can I ever repay you?”
The look in Lang Junxia’s eyes seems to mean that he finds Duan Ling pitiful, and yet there seems to be tenderness in his gaze too; in the end he forces himself to give Duan Ling a smile, and answers him solemnly, “Learning and going to school is a right. You don’t have to repay me. There’ll be plenty of people you’ll want to repay in the future.”
After they buy the writing essentials and have eaten plenty of things, Lang Junxia buys Duan Ling a hand warmer and an embroidered pouch. He places Duan Ling’s jade arc inside the pouch and makes Duan Ling carry it inside his undershirt.
“You cannot lose that ever, no matter what.” Lang Junxia gives him strict orders, “Be sure to keep that in mind.”
Lang Junxia takes Duan Ling out of the hubbub of the city centre, turning the corner into a secluded path. There is a rustic building with white walls and black roof tiles facing out towards the street, layers of snow piled onto the roof, a facade that is both simple and imposing. Snow-covered cypress stands behind the walls; through them he can hear the voices of children.
The moment Duan Ling hears children he feels suddenly invigorated — ever since he’s been with Lang Junxia, he hasn’t seen people his own age. He’s well-behaved all the time now, not at all like how he used to be in Runan, a wild thing hopping in and out of mud and water all day long. He wonders what children his age usually do in Shangjing.
Holding Duan LIng’s hand, Lang Junxia leads him inside. Duan Ling notices that inside the courtyard, the snow has been swept away neatly. Three youths, all about a head taller than he is, are standing ten paces away, each holding arrows and throwing them into pots placed not far from them. On hearing footsteps the youths turn to stare at Duan Ling. Duan Ling feels a bit nervous and moves nearer to Lang Junxia.
Lang Junxia doesn’t stop; he takes Duan Ling all the way to the inner parlour. An old man with grizzled hair is sitting in there, having tea.
“Wait here for me for a bit,” Lang Junxia says.
Dressed in an indigo gown, Duan Ling stands beneath the awning of the veranda as Lang Junxia goes inside on his own. Their conversation can faintly be heard outside. Duan Ling’s mind starts to wander, then he notices another youth approaching him from behind a pillar, sizing up Duan Ling standing in front of the bell. Slowly, the number of children gathered in the courtyard grow larger, all of them at least somewhere around eight or nine, each looking at Duan Ling from a distance and whispering to each other. Someone starts to walk over wanting to speak to him, but the tallest youth stops him.
He stands beneath the bell and asks Duan Ling, “Who are you?”
Duan Ling replies in his head, I’m Duan Ling, my dad is Duan Sheng … But he doesn’t utter a word. He senses impending trouble.
Seeing that Duan Ling seems scared of strangers, the children begin to laugh. Even though Duan Ling has no idea what they’re laughing about, he’s starting to get angry.
“Where’re you from?” The youth has an iron rod and he slaps it against one hand, taking a step forward.
Duan Ling instinctively backs away from him, but the youth places his free hand on Duan Ling’s shoulder and bossily pulls Duan Ling to him. He sticks the iron rod under Duan Ling’s chin to make him look up and teases, “How old are you?”
Duan Ling tries to get away repeatedly, but one of the youth’s arms is wrapped around him so he can’t move an inch. Once he finally manages to get away though, he daren’t leave. Since Lang Junxia has told him to stand right there, he has no choice but to stand right there.
“Oh.” The youth is a full head taller than Duan Ling, dressed head to toe in the northerner attire of wolf fur coat and fox tail hat. The black part of his eyes has a hint of star-blue to them, and his skin is dusky. Standing before Duan Ling he’s just like a nearly full grown wolf pup.
“What’s this?” The youth reaches out at Duan Ling’s neck to pull at the red string tie to the embroidered pouch. Duan Ling dodges out of the way again.
“Come over here.” Seeing that Duan Ling merely tolerates him and doesn’t blow up is like punching into a bunch of cotton — not at all fun. He pats Duan Ling’s face. “I’m talking to you. Are you dumb?”
Duan Ling watches the young man while his hands balled into fists and a vicious glint appears in his eyes. He’s scarcely realised that in the youth’s eyes he’s nothing more than an ordinary rich kid, and all he has to do is hit him with the stick for Duan Ling to beg and scream for his mommy and daddy. But before he starts using the stick, the young man seems intent to tease him some more …
“What’s this?” Leaning close to Duan Ling’s ear, the youth reaches out in an attempt to pull the pouch hanging on Duan Ling’s neck to him. He leans in and whispers mockingly, “Is the guy who went in earlier your dad? Or is he your older brother? Or maybe a man your family’s keeping to be your husband when you grow up? Is he in there imploring the headmaster by kowtowing?”
Now the children behind them are all starting to laugh. For fear of the pouch being torn open, Duan Ling lets the youth drag him this way and that, obstinately protecting the red string fastening the pouch.
“Gup—!” The youth puts on a serious show of directing him. “A donkey.”
The spectating children breaks out in uproarious laughter. Duan Ling’s face goes bright red.
Before the youth manages to say anything else, he sees Duan Ling’s fist grow bigger in his vision, then immediately he feels a fracture-like pain in his nose. The punch throws him backwards and he falls onto the ground.
A chaotic fight ensues. The young man is bleeding profusely from the nose but he doesn’t back down; he rushes forward wanting to toss Duan Ling, but Duan Ling drops low and throws his weight at the young man’s waist so they both fly out of the gallery and right into the garden. All of a sudden the children around them start cheering and hollering, forming a circle to watch the two of them scuffle in the snow.
Duan Ling gets a punch in the face, and a kick to the chest; there are stars in front of his eyes. The youth is sitting on him now, punching him; Duan Ling’s neck is covered in the other boy’s blood, and as he’s beaten his vision starts to darken. Saving up all his strength, he suddenly grabs the youth’s ankle, and ruthlessly flips him over onto the ground.
Duan Ling then throws himself onto the youth like a mad dog and bites down on his hand. The children around them are in an immediate uproar. It hurts so much that the young man howls, and seizing Duan Ling’s collar, he puts his forehead against Duan Ling’s and runs the back of his head right into the bell with a ferocious bang.
Dong! The bell rings, and Duan Ling falls bonelessly to the ground, a buzzing filling his mouth, his nose, and his eardrums.
I do not monetise my hobby translations, but if you’d like to support my work generally or support my light novel habit, you can either buy me a coffee or commission me. This is also to note that if you see this message anywhere else than on tumblr, do come to my tumblr. It’s ad-free. ↩︎
Ludagun, a Manchu snack called a “rolling donkey”. ↩︎
The four treasures of the study is pen, ink, paper, and the ink stone. ↩︎
The places mentioned here aren’t important; what’s important is that these locations each specialise in making each kind of item. They’re the best of the best, so to speak. ↩︎
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echodrops · 4 years
*Slides in on a office chair* Now that you shared some of your HaaH headcanons for Shiro and Hunk, can you do Lance and Lotor?
Didn’t want to post these until I finally had some time to update them a bit and trim out spoilers, but I got a second last night, so here you are:
HaaH Lance and Lotor headcanons:
(Under the cut to save everyone’s dash)
First, a warning: Neither one of these characters’ backstories or plot event headcanons remotely line up with the show, one because I originally wrote most of this stuff around the time season 2-3 was being released and two, because I stopped watching Voltron after season 6 and have no intention of watching the rest of the show due to my dislike for the directions the writing took. I went back and updated some stuff, such as the names of some of Lance’s siblings, to more closely match what came later in the show… but for the rest… I’m just gonna do my own thing and pretend canon does not exist.
- The literal definition of “rich as fuck.” When relaxations on economic policy were passed in Cuba that increased opportunities for private business, Lance’s grandfather made a solid deal for three massive sugar refineries. Today, artisanal coffee houses across the world utilize the sugar refined in Lance’s family’s factories.
- Grew up in a giant villa on the peninsula just outside the town of Varadero, on a sprawling property that included a long stretch of beachfront and individual bungalows for visiting family members and the family’s several live-in staff members.
- The whole family is incredibly down to earth despite this. Lance’s aunt and grandmother insist on having a hand in every family meal, Lance’s parents always make time to be involved in the children’s activities, and Lance was taught from a very young age never to take advantage of people, regardless of their position in the world.
- Lance is the baby of his immediate family by almost ten years. He was an accident that occurred after Lance’s mother believed she was too old to become pregnant. Of course his parents never treated Lance like an accident and loved him, but still, Lance has never been able to shake the idea that he wasn’t planned—and therefore he wasn’t wanted.
- He has four older siblings, two sisters and two brothers.
- All of Lance’s siblings are extremely successful in their careers. Lance’s oldest sibling, his sister Veronica, is a captain of the Cuban Navy and commands the impressive warship Audaz. Lance’s second oldest sibling, his brother Yuniel, is a decorated conservational ecologist working to protect Matanzas’ native forests. Lance’s third sibling, his brother, Marco, is a famous solo folk musician who made it big in Cuba. Rachel, Lance’s closest sibling, runs an immersion-based cultural heritage museum that preserves the rich and complicated history of Cuba and its people.
- In short—Lance grew up surrounded by the rampant success of his older siblings, watching as they excelled at everything they pursued—which just bred a greater and greater sense of insecurity in him, as he feared he would never be able to measure up.
- On Lance’s eighth birthday, in an attempt to cheer up his very depressed youngest son, Lance’s father dragged the family’s telescope down to the beach so that they could watch a space shuttle launching from the cape in Florida. At first Lance couldn’t work up the slightest interest, but when he finally saw the huge plume of the shuttle, arcing off into the unknown depths of space, he had a Moment™. Lance knew, right then and there, exactly what he was going to do with his life, something that none of his siblings had ever achieved: he was going to go into space and explore worlds unknown.
- Lance decided that he had, absolutely HAD, to go to Galaxy Garrison when he grew up. This part worried his parents, who pointed out that Garrison was not only in another country but also a solely English-speaking school and extremely competitive. Nonetheless, Lance was determined that he would not settle for anything less than the absolute best.
- Was totally that space obsessed kid. Still thinks Black Holes are the coolest thing in the universe. His parents bought so much “Astronaut” ice cream that they probably kept that entire industry afloat.
- Lance attended Garrison’s summer Astrocamp in Arizona when he was nine. Quickly made friends with his cabin-mate, Hyrum Tava. The nickname “Hunk” came about from a slip-up when Lance tried to compare his new friend to one of his favorite American cartoon characters, the Incredible Hulk.
- Even after leaving the Astrocamp, Lance and Hunk stayed close friends, exchanging frequent emails and phone calls, which helped Lance stay on top of memes popular trends back in the states.
- Shiro was Lance’s cabin leader at the Astrocamp, and his kindness and exciting stories about actually visiting space(!!) made a huge impression on Lance. Lance… may or may not have had a celebrity shrine to Shiro made of photos and news clippings taped to his wall for several years. Whatever, every kid does it and he took it down eventually, gosh!
- Identifies as bisexual, but has never successfully dated anyone, male or female. Due to several bad experiences and close calls, Lance doesn’t talk about his sexuality or express any attraction to men except around people he is extremely comfortable with. Hunk has known for years, of course. (In fact, it was Lance’s struggle with his feelings that helped Hunk develop strong sympathy for LGBT people, despite the fact that his religion is very against it.)
- Never had a real kiss. Might be just a tiny bit desperate to have a real first kiss.
- Also might buy a bit too much into the idea of needing to be stereotypically attractive to fit in. Although his nightly beauty regime is now a comforting routine, it originally stemmed from Lance being extremely self-conscious about his looks. He’s more comfortable about his body than he used to be, but he still frequently compares himself negatively against others; do you know what kind of hell it is to have to share a locker room with people like Shiro?
- Cries at the drop of a hat. Sad book? Sad movie? Abandoned kitten? Dropped something on his toe? Tears times ten thousand. Lance was never pressured by his family to “man up;” in fact, he was always encouraged to empathize, so Lance is extremely sensitive to others’ feelings. (He and Hunk are a great fit in this regard.) He can perceive even minute changes in people’s emotions and is always ready to cheer up people who are down.
- He can’t read Keith for crap though. Not really his fault. Keith’s a literal alien.
- Lance’s extreme empathy actually backfires on him. Because being sensitive to others is second nature to him, it’s often hard for Lance to remember that not everyone is as perceptive as he is. Lance has, many times, mistaken the other paladins’ obliviousness for indifference. Everyone on the ship cares deeply about Lance and would never want him to feel bad about himself—but not everyone on the ship is perceptive enough to notice when Lance’s insecurities are affecting him.
- Wasn’t put in the cargo pilot classes at Garrison because of his flight test scores—most green cadets have zero flight experience and all do pretty badly at first. Lance was placed in cargo class because he scored too high on a combat sensitivity test, indicating that he was a poor fit mentally for becoming a soldier. Fighting monstrous looking aliens is one thing, but Lance would have coped very, very badly if he’d ever been required to kill another human being.
- Struggled to fit in at Garrison. After the crushing disappointment of ending up in cargo class, Lance also dealt with a lot of people treating him like an outsider because he was an international student. “Why is someone from Cuba trying to join the U.S. military? Are you a spy?”
- Couple that with the complicated student visa process and how his status as an international student might affect his ability to take part in Garrison-sanctioned internships and cross-border activities, and Lance felt utterly alienated at Garrison in his first few months.
- May… or may not have done exactly what his parents taught him not to do by looking for a scapegoat to take out his frustrations on. Keith, the lone wolf, ace pilot pretty boy who was too cool to even talk to the rest of the cadets (really thought he was too good to even make eye contact with Lance, huh?!) was an obvious target. Keith had every single thing that Lance had ever wanted in his whole life—the combat class, the talent, the prestige, the respect, the effortless looks—and he didn’t even seem happy to have it!
- Lance had never hated anyone before in his entire life, but Lance hated Keith—Keith basically came to stand in for every obstacle in Lance’s way, every mocking insult thrown Lance’s way, every harsh reminder from the professors that he’d never even be close to good enough, never measure up when someone like that existed… Lance started to honestly believe that the only way he’d ever be able to achieve his entire life goal was if Keith was taken out of the picture—something that proved unfortunately true when Lance was bumped up to combat class the moment Keith went missing from Garrison.
- Lance never actually said any of this stuff to Keith’s face before Keith left Garrison (Lance dreaded his parents finding out he’d been rude), but he would shit-talk Keith to anyone who would listen, a bad habit that was reinforced by people actually accepting Lance more when he started gossiping and spreading rumors than when he’d just tried to be genuinely nice.
- Even though he’d like to repair his relationship with Keith now that they’re teammates, Lance has no idea how to do that after so much time has passed. He really has no clue how to treat Keith normally after building him up into such a bitter rival. It’s… a work in progress.
- A big fan of RPG games and roleplaying. Definitely gets the most in-character when it comes to Monsters and Mana. His favorite thing about meeting new cultures is discovering nifty space items that look like key items from video games. Used to play old school RPGs with his cousins every afternoon. Playing with Pidge is extremely nostalgic for him.
- Has a host of other hobbies that don’t get much use inspace but are nevertheless impressive: he can surf, dive, and was part of a traditional dance group all the up until he left for Garrison. He doesn’t tend to think much of his hobbies as they’re not exactly practical skills you need every day in a space war, but the other members of Team Voltron are quietly impressed whenever they’re reminded of the cool things Lance can do.
- Lance has the strongest bond with his lion of any of the paladins. His connection with Blue is so innate that he can actually activate Blue’s abilities from outside his lion.
- The first one of the paladins to transform his bayard and the only one whose bayard can take three forms. And no, none of the three is a sword because what was the point of that, even??? Lance can wield his standard blaster, a long rifle, and dual pistols. The strength of theshots from Lance’s bayard can be consciously controlled—his thoughts and intentions determine whether a shot has the strength to kill or merely stun.
- Lance’s incredible aim isn’t a natural talent. Actually he’s spent hours and hours in a shooting range he found in the castle, working on perfecting his shot. Just like the gladiator levels on the training deck, the targets in the range keep getting harder and harder, but Lance is progressing very well. No one but Coran knows that Lance has been training so hard with his bayard, since Lance desperately wants to pretend his skill is all natural and has sworn Coran to secrecy. Coran covers for him by pretending he’s sent Lance off on absurd cleaning missions all the time.
- Is 1000% Coran’s favorite of the paladins. Coran won’t even try to lie if asked. Although Coran has never expressed it out loud, he sees Lance as an example of the brave, kind-hearted son he would have hoped to raise—if his son had survived the war. (On Lance’s part, although he’s also never shared this, Coran reminds him very much of his beloved uncle, who passed away when Lance was very young, but whom he still remembers well and extremely fondly.)
- After his uncle passed away, Lance’s aunt moved in with Lance’s parents permanently, and Lance essentially helped to raise his two very young cousins, Nadia and Silvio. Lance does have very good experience with children—unfortunately for him, what human children respond well to doesn’t always work for Galra kids!        
- Has not spent 10,000 years kicking about the universe. We’re not doing that weird “If he’s immortal because of the rift creatures then how come his governess is still alive?” plot hole song and dance routine from the actual show. Lotor was born after the war decimated the Alteans 10,000 years ago, but due to Haggar’s condition (aka being, you know, dead), he was essentially unable to live on his own and was placed in cryostasis very shortly after being born.
- Roughly 20 years before the discovery of the Blue Lion on Earth, Haggar used advancements in quintessence manipulation technology to successfully revive the infant Lotor. But she didn’t wake him for no reason—she has a very specific intention for her son, a long endgame plan, of which Lotor and even Zarkon are currently unaware.
- We’re also not doing that dumb “How could Haggar—the only remotely Altean-looking being in all of Zarkon’s presence—possibly be my mother?” plot from the show either. Lotor is aware that Haggar is his mother, although he has never been able to infiltrate her research facilities and therefore has no idea how an Altean scientist ended up where she did, looking like she did, and siding with the Galra against her own people.
- Because his parents’ past and his own origins are such a mystery, Lotor is obsessed with learning the truth of the war, the Alteans, and every hidden secret from that time period, including Voltron and the mysterious “rift.” He devours any information he can get on this period of history, and especially on Alteans, voraciously.
- But even though he’ll take any pieces of information he can get, Lotor’s real favorite obsession is mythology. He’s a deep lover of folklore and fairytales, bestiaries and local legends, and more than one assassin has traded a good story in exchange for having his life spared. Lotor may or may not hunt for space cryptids in his spare time. However, no single legend occupies Lotor’s mind as much as the legend of the mythical realm of Oriande, home of the ancient Altean alchemists. As practical as he tries to appear, Lotor has never given up his deep-down childish wish to be the one who finds the promised land of Oriande and prove it is real. But when he thinks back… Where was it that he first heard about Oriande, again? Who told him…?
- That entire thing with the hidden Altean colonies is just… not going to happen. The writers were bad and they should feel bad. Although Lotor has looked, after 10,000 years and plenty of centuries of hiding any Altean connections, distinguishing those who still have Altean blood has become essentially impossible.
- Part of the reason Lotor has looked for Alteans is that he was born with a bizarre grab-bag of Altean instincts and abilities and no guidance on how to deal with them, because he’s certainly not going to reveal to Haggar that he has unexplained talents like precognition and the ability to speak to planets. Growing up with half of his bloodline extinct has been ROUGH on Lotor.
- Speaking of growing up… Even though he remains the crown prince on official record, Lotor took the first opportunity he could to leave his parents’ sphere of influence, and he has not physically been back to Galra Central Command in more than ten years.
- Lotor is effectively a universal wanderer. Aboard his personal ship the Urbanus (a Destroyer-class star cruiser which has been heavily modified and improved by Lotor himself), Lotor and his generals travel wherever they like, both within the Galra Empire and outside it, dodging Haggar’s frequent attempts to re-exert control over Lotor and even more frequent assassination and kidnapping attempts from Zarkon’s enemies.
- Although Lotor has a very specific goal in mind, progress on this goal has been slow and painstaking, and he’s often left waiting for the next bare bones clue to chase after; this has resulted in the young prince having an unfortunate abundance of free time, which is dangerous for everyone involved. In between progress on his mysterious life’s goal, Lotor and his generals frequently get into trouble with small planets, local governments, militaries both official and off-the-books, giant monsters, and at least two hundred museum curators. They may or may not be wanted for grave-robbing in 13 different star systems.
- Basically he’s space Indiana Jones, if Indiana Jones was still 20 and also purple and also not being paid enough to be a good guy.
- All that said, as much of a devil-may-care rogue as he’d like to be seen, Lotor did spend all of his childhood under the thumb of the empire’s brutal authoritarian dictators, and he is therefore every inch a crown prince; as befitting one of his stature, he speaks eight languages fluently, flawlessly matches his formal dress to the occasion, knows exactly which piece of silverware to use when, can engage in political battles of wits and diplomatic machinations with the best of them, and has been training in armed combat since he was three years old. Lotor’s impeccable manners and steely leadership ability were literally beaten into him, to the point that now, even among trusted allies, he sometimes finds it difficult to turn off his cold, calculated princely persona.
- Not that his generals really let him get away with that kind of thing for long. Only those who have lived with multiple older sisters can truly understand the constant state of teasing and mortifying blackmail that Lotor lives in. On official record, Lotor’s generals are a crack team of terrifying bodyguards; in practice, they’re more likely to be dragging Lotor for all he’s worth than rescuing him. They might keep up formal appearances in front of others, but they’re effectively a close-knit family behind the scenes.
- It’s not a coincidence that all of Lotor’s generals are women; besides generally being awful, most Galra men make Lotor uncomfortable. From a human standpoint, Lotor is ridiculously tall and powerful; but from a Galra standpoint, Lotor is a thin, unhealthy-looking thing whose stature doesn’t command authority or respect in the slightest. It’s exhausting feeling like you have to constantly prove yourself, so Lotor prefers to spend time with a group that doesn’t invite negative comparison.
- However, it should be noted that a Galra man having only female friends has completely different connotations than a human man having only female friends—Galra women are, on the whole, considered more aggressive, bloodthirsty, and over-bearing than Galra men, so any Galra man who would choose to surround himself with that many women must either be out of his mind or incredibly badass.
- When asked what it’s like to live with four beautiful women, Lotor is basically ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ personified. Despite living together for years, none of the generals are romantically interested in Lotor and he’s not romantically interested in any of them.
- Many people have incorrectly assumed that Lotor and Axca are a pair, but Lotor helped Axca escape from a slave colony and she will never let another man touch her in her life. Axca is extremely grateful and loyal to Lotor, but given that Axca was Lotor’s first real friend, he’s just as grateful to her.
- If you think I’m killing off Narti, you’re out of your mind.
- Despite the fact that Lotor does not feel connected to the Galra Empire or the Galra as a whole, he’s somewhat more traditional and more likely to conform to Galra social standards than he wants to admit (even to himself). He insists that he has no interest in upholding the classic values of the Galra or meeting their expectations for how a prince should behave—but in truth, it’s impossible to fully kill that deep-down desire to just fit in. When push comes to shove, Lotor always finds himself falling in line with the Galra’s oldest and most deeply ingrained beliefs.
- With Lance in the “has never had a real kiss” club. Is not with Lance in the “wants a real kiss” club. Lotor is actually uncomfortable with being touched by strangers (36 assassination attempts will do that to you) and doesn’t make real friends, let alone anything closer, remotely easily. Some people are open books; Lotor is that one book from Harry Potter that bites people’s fingers off when they try to open it. Once you’re in his inner-circle, he’ll let you hang all over him, but before that, the space bubble is ten feet in every direction.
- Doesn’t actually put any special effort into his appearance. He just Looks Like That™.
- In fact, he actually kind of hates that stupid cowlick hair that’s always in his face but no matter how many times he cuts it off or slicks it back, it just keeps falling right back in his eyes. He’s basically given up at this point.
- His sword’s name is Eris and it was actually forged in the heart of a dying star.
- Kova the space cat hates Lotor. Lotor hates Kova. It’s a mutually antagonistic relationship. Somehow though, Lotor never makes any effort to get rid of Kova and Kova never takes the opportunity to leave. No one else understands it either, especially since Lotor gets along great with basically every other animal he meets.
- He’s not a pacifist by any means, but he is painfully practical and knows that, on occasion, sparing the life of one’s enemy nets more gain than indiscriminately crushing opponents beneath his heel. More manipulative than outright aggressive, he’s easily capable of twisting even the worst of situations to his advantage. Has an unfortunate tendency to be overly cunning—sometimes the tricks and twists he comes up with are unnecessarily full of flourish just because he thinks manipulating people like pieces in a board game is extremely entertaining. Riddles and mind games are Lotor’s favorite—the more convoluted, the better.
- Although most people refer to him by the basic “Prince Lotor” (Lotori Ahn in Galra), Lotor’s full name and official title is Lotori Kir Ahnja Avel i’ya ne Daibazaal, His Royal Highness Prince Lotor of the First Star. As the emperors and empresses of the Galra are said to be physical representations of the goddess, the firstborn children of emperors/empresses are always called “the first star,” after the supposed first creation of the goddess.
- Extremely competitive, but mostly about weird things—like sure he’s going to win if you challenge him to a swordsmanship duel, but challenge him to a staring contest? Your eyes will rot out of your head before this boy will blink. Do not think he will let you beat him in a spelling bee. More than once the generals have had to drag him away from getting involved in the bizarre competitions of the alien cultures they come into contact with. He was 1000% ready to learn to knit eight-armed sweaters with Rikrik fur, thank you. Would totally take up pig-farming JUST to win an Earth state fair.
- Likes to collect interesting artifacts and trinkets of lost civilizations by force if necessary. His ship is basically a floating museum at this point. The generals are starting to worry that they’re going to have add a whole ‘nother deck for all the war prizes Lotor wins himself. Lotor’s gathering hobby extends to games too—he’s a big fan of games that involve sets of items, like Renni, the Galra collectible card game. Would 110% be that Magic the Gathering nerd back on earth.
- In terms of other interests, Lotor is the picture definition of a Renaissance man. Although he’s not a flawless genius savant in every field, he is wicked smart and has studied a vast array of subjects; he’s a capable engineer, a skilled mathematician, a deft philosopher, a good scientist, and extremely well-read, and he is not going tolet you forget any of those things at any point in time. Lotor is always going to be better than you, please just accept your fate.
- Art is… another story. He might be able to sketch detailed architectural blueprints without breaking a sweat but ask him to draw a dog and you’re going to be in for some trouble.
And that’s more than enough for now I think! XD
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bssaz97 · 4 years
Fun Times #1
*Atlas Academy, Recreation Room*
The RWBYNOR group have been experiencing a problem that many Huntsmen experience from time to time....boredom. They had no missions as of late and everything else was pretty much run of the mill errands to do. Something that they all either didn’t want to do or found too tame. The door to the rec room opens and comes in Jaune Arc with frizzed hair and a ‘STOP’ sign he got from his babysit- er, primary school voluntary work. He took a look at the room around him and found a spot to sit at on the end of a couch, in between RWBY and NOR. He sat down and sets the sign on his lap.
Yang: ....Ok I’ll bite, what happened to you Vomit Boy? Did those kids become rascals and tried to climb you like a tree?
Jaune: Pff, I wish, the kids were fine. It’s the mothers of those kids that I had to ward off.
Ruby: Wait what? Those ladies are still giving you trouble?
Jaune: (Rubs his face) No, it’s not that, they’re actually very friendly. A bit too friendly. I swear I had so many of them trying to ‘thank me’ for taking care of their kids that it’s really starting to get on my nerves. I think I’ve been given so many casseroles from Mrs. Lars that it’s starting to pile up in the fridge faster than we can get rid of.
Ruby: Well have you tried I don’t know......telling them to back off or that you’re not interested in their advances.
Jaune: I’ve thought about doing that but I’m worried that if I do that and they take it the wrong way, or maybe they aren’t trying to flirt with me and were just trying to be nice in a over friendly way and they’ll look at me like I’m the one getting the wrong idea.
Nora: Mmm. That’s a good point, a lot of ways they could spin it to make it seem you’re the bad guy. Thirsty moms are a scary thing.
Ruby:(Murmurs) I’ll give 'em something to be scared about....
Jaune: What was that Ruby?
Ruby: What? I didn’t say anything. I was....thinking about that casserole that you mentioned. I’m gonna go get some! (Saying the last statement very tightly then left for the kitchen)
Oscar: So, I’m gonna assume we’re going to be having casserole again for dinner?
Nora: Looks like it. I gotta say, I loved the idea of you getting more attention from the ladies because of the new haircut, but now it’s starting to become old. I miss eating other food!
Blake: Maybe we can go out somewhere to eat so that we have something to do.
Weiss: Actually that does remind me of something. Winter said that the academy was going to be holding a ceremony for a class reunion for older Atlas graduates that she’s going to be attending this evening. Perhaps we can go there.
Oscar: Wouldn’t you all need clearance for that from Ironwood?
Weiss: Nonsense, the event is open to all the Atlas students and hunters, besides it more of a formality for old friends to reacquaint with old peers.
Blake: Well that could be fun. What do you think Yang? ....Yang?
She turned to see that her partner was locked on to her scroll and was having a content smile. Yang looked to be texting someone when all of a sudden she feels a nudge on her shoulder. Yang looks away from the screen and sees everyone’s eyes looking at her inquisitively.
Yang: (Closes her scroll) Haha! Sorry guys you were saying?
Nora: Well.~ You seemed in a good mood, who were you texting?
Yang: Hmm. Oh! I was just reading a message from a pen pal of sorts.
Weiss: Pen pal? I wasn’t aware you had kept in contact with any social relationships outside the rest of us.
Yang: Well Weisscream, I’m sorry to disappoint but I do have a life outside of you all and saving the world. Plus you can’t tell me talking to the same people everyday doesn’t sometimes get on your nerves.
Weiss: Hmm. Fair point. So who are they?
Yang: Oh they’re called Nunya.
Weiss: ‘Nunya’? That’s a interesting name.
Yang: Yeah and their full name is Nunya Business!
Weiss: What kind of name is.....Hey wait a minute!
The other remaining friends starts to laugh at the expense of former heiress. While on of the more intellectual of the group, slang was still foreign to her.
Weiss: Alright! Alright! I get that I walked myself into that one. Sense you are not willing to reveal the identity of your friend Xiao-Long, I will not pry any more.
Yang: Great. Glad to hear Weisscream. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go to the dorm.
Blake: You’re not going to the ceremony with us?
Yang: Sorry Blakey but I’m gonna be flying solo tonight. Miss me too much you guys!~
With that Yang left the rec room and was out of sight from the group.
Jaune: Well sense she’s gonna be doing her own thing, maybe we should try going out someplace fun. Be nice to spend with people my age than moms and kids. By the way is Ruby back yet? She’s been in the kitchen for awhile.
Ren: I’ll check. (Walks from couch to rec room Kitchen) Ruby were you able to-
Ruby is seen looking at a burning pile of what smelt of casseroles in a trash bin. She looks at Ren and they make eye contact for a brief moment before he slowly backtracked his steps and made his way back to the couch.
Ren: Just checked with Ruby, turns out we’re out of casserole. Went bad.
Jaune: Dang it! I knew we wouldn’t be able to finish them before they spoiled.
Ruby:(Coming back from kitchen) Welp! Since we’re out of food, I vote we go do something fun! Maybe we could get Penny to join along.
Weiss: I think she maybe too busy attending the ceremony with Winter as she’s a Atlas representative.
Ruby: Oooohhh yeah. Bummer.
Jaune: Hey Ruby how about we all go see that new movie that we’ve been seeing on the posters lately?
Oscar: Can I come along?
Ruby: Oh, sure I don’t see why not? Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah that’s sounds good the more the merrier!
Oscar: Yes!
Nora: Well you can count us in too! Beats going to a snore fest like a social event. (Grabs Ren and wrapped her arm around him)
Weiss: Well I guess that just leaves you and me Blake.
Blake: You know actually I noticed that the Atlas library had a book that really seemed interesting to read-!
Weiss:(Grabbing her via summon arm) Oh no you don’t! I refuse to attend this event by myself, and you’re the only one singled out by everyone here. So dare try to weasel your way out of this!
Blake: But-! Books!
Weiss: (Dragging her friend to the exit of the rec room exit) They aren’t going to grow legs and run away, they’ll be there when we return.
Soon both W and B of team of their group left the rec room leaving only five of the eight friends by themselves.
Jaune: Guess that just leaves us. Kinda funny, this may be one of the first times we’ve had a chance to hang out as team RNJR.
Ruby: Wait really?! ....oh yeah! Oh this’ll be great then, this will be just like when we had time to relax during our time in Anima!
Nora: Oh yeah Team RNJR is back baby! Wait a minute, we have Oscar with us so that does kind of chance the name a bit.
Ren: So what should we call this arrangement then?
Jaune: Guys we don’t need necessarily a new name for the group, we’re just going to see a movie, not fight a final boss Grimm.
Ruby: Besides, it’s just like Jaune said, doesn’t matter what we’re called. As long as we’re together. (Smiles)
Nora: Yeah you’re right. I’ll think of something later. Anyway let’s make this night a killer!
Ruby/Jaune: Yeah!
Ren/Oscar: Yeah.
*RWBY Dormitory*
Yang entered the room and sighed. That was a close one, she almost didn’t think they would let her leave that easily. Before she could think about the matter further she felt her scroll vibrate as her friend had messaged her once more. She opened the scroll to view the message.
White_Knight: Are you still up for tonight? I didn’t rush you too soon did I?
White_Knight: I could always reschedule!
Sun_Dragon: Nah . You’re good, just my friend was trying to be nosey.
Sun_Dragon: Anyway, you still want to go see that new horror flick that’s out now? Heard it’s supposed to be intense.
White_Knight: Most definitely. I’ve reserved private seats for us on top where we won’t have anyone being ‘nosey’ as you say it.
Sun_Dragon: Really?! Dang I thought reserving a seat was hella expensive on primere night!
White_Knight: Never to fear, I have good connections so the seats are very much legit.
Sun_Dragon: ....bet?
White_Knight: On everything.
Sun_Dragon: Geez Knight, keep tryin’ to impress me and you might get yourself a girlfriend by the end of the night cutie~ ;-)
White_Knight: I like to impress my dear. But let’s keep it slow before we start talking about relationships. Or you might come off as desperate ;-)
Sun_Dragon: Ok see you tonight <3
White_Knight: Can’t wait! <3
Yang smiled after the chat with her pen pal. She originally started talking to Knight after download Instaspam on her scroll when she took that selfie with Blake. Originally she got a lot of likes for how the two looked like a cute lesbian couple but she put a plug on that real quick. While she and Blake we’re getting back to better times, she wasn’t really interested in starting a full on relationship with her partner. Kind of brought bad thoughts about her own family dynamic so that was a no-no. Of course she did lose a few subs for the apparent ‘queer baiting’ from some of the ruder people on the app, but others were actually glad that she made the clarification early on so that people wouldn’t make inaccurate assumptions.
It was actually how she met Knight, through a personal message saying how brave she was to tell the truth and not to take the fake friends words seriously. Yang was a bit suprised about the message so she thanked him later and one thing lead to another and they were talking almost everyday whenever she wasn’t on missions. She got a look at his profile and it looked like he was a music enthusiast and played multiple instruments like the piano and violin. She of course teased him of being a nerd for apparently liking classical music for being a young man. However to her suprise he sent her a link to one of his tracks of his music and while not of fan of classical, he was very good at playing piano covers. He didn’t have a profile picture so she asked if she could send her a picture, she had to be sure he wasn’t a creepy old man or something. To her suprise he did send a picture. Granted he was wearing a hat and a pair of glasses but he definitely looked young. Maybe a bit too young. She was a bit uncomfortable about this little tidbit about Knight, but she knew he was definitely only two years younger than her.
Yang’s sisterly instinct was too let Knight know that he shouldn’t try to flirt with girls older than him but the more she thought about it....it couldn’t be that bad. They stayed only as friends and besides casual teasing it wasn’t anything excessive that would send people the wrong message. So she kept in contact with him. Besides her own sister had a massive crush on a guy two years her senior so it wasn’t that bad. Besides Knight was a nice guy, always polite, never vulgar or tried to ask for body shots of her. What really got her was his respect for women. He apparently had a family mostly consisting of women so that put some insight. So Yang was very glad that Knight didn’t turn out to be a creep. Who knows, maybe she might give him a reward if this first outing goes smoothly.
Yang: Guess I’ll see you tonight Mr. Knight.~
*Schnee Manor*
Whitley has been rereading the chat for the past two minutes and couldn’t believe how far Sun_Dragon and him have come from complete strangers to good friends. He originally gotten Instaspam as a way to entertain himself and share his musical taste to other musical enthusiasts. When one of his recommended came up one day and he saw a picture that immediately took his breath away. That was when first was introduced to Sun_Dragon. He saw at the time how people were bashing her for the honestly miss assumptions about her relationship with a friend. He couldn’t believe how others could be so ignorant and uncouth behavior they were treating the poor dear. He normally doesn’t try to engage in these types of topics but he knew he needed to say something that would let her know that not everyone was like these wolves who just enjoyed to harass her. From their their interactions developed then blossomed into the first genuine relationship he’s ever had.
Truthfully if he had to say, Sun_Dragon may have been his only friend. A friend that he had grown especially fond of. Whitley tried to reason that he was only had a small crush because of her majestic beauty, but soon he began to realize that he found everything about her wonderful, her personality, her casual attude and her plain honesty she told. He had never met a more genuine person than Sun_Dragon. The only problem he was worried about was if his age had worried her some, because being a underage minor made some who were female admirers scared off because of fear of being called a pedophile. However she seemed not too worried about the age gap as she was only two years older than him. That made his whole day when she told him that. Whitley was content for the most part with the screen conversations they had but soon he desired to step up the pace, to meet in person. Whitley was sure she would turn down his advances but surprisingly Sun_Dragon favored the idea as well and now brought him to this moment. In a mere few hours he will meet the woman of his dreams. So naturally he only had one response.
Whitley: YES!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes, yes! Whitley you’re a genius! Oh my gods! Thank you! Oh......this is officially the best day of my life.
So yes, he was excited.
*Trying something different just a bit of a side story, not canon to anything just a spoof or omake if you will. More for comedy than anything. Hope you all enjoy!*
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piercebaron · 4 years
episode 22 and adaptations
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Actually, I do want to talk about it! I feel like episode 22 encapsulates my “weird” feelings towards the anime adaptation and how it has cut and reframed certain things. It’s not bad? Just weird. 
Spoilers for the Plunderer anime and for the manga, up to chapter 36. 
prefacing all of this with a general note: if you’ve only seen the anime, please read the manga. You’re valid, I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the anime, but please read the manga because as horny as Minazuki is (and the man is . . . very, very much so), his art is also amazing and some of his panels deserve a second, third, or even a fourth look. The little details here and there actually crop up later and become important, and it’s just great. Chapters 46 - 53 are some of my favorite in media in a long, long time and I absolutely cannot wait until they’re released in an official capacity so I can fork over my money for them.
(seriously, you guys don’t know how hard I’ve tried to legally purchase volume 13. I want to give my money to this series so bad.)
This will also be a little scattershot and bounce around between other episodes, so apologies in advance. I’m trying to double-check chapters and whatnot as I go but if I get something wrong or miss something, please don’t hesitate to correct me in the replies! I’ve been watching the anime through Funimation’s site -- dubbed up through episode 11 and then subs from then on. 
Adaptations! Adaptations. By their very nature, they are not a 1:1 sort of thing. A lot of times, you’ll hear people say “read the book” when a movie adaptation of said book comes out. This is because by its very nature, a movie adaptation simply can’t capture everything in the book -- nor should it. Little things will slip through the cracks. This doesn’t make the movie adaptation bad, necessarily, just that it loses something. 
By the same token, if someone tried to do a direct 1:1 adaptation of a book where, say, the book is used as a script (which is an extremely bad idea for so many reasons, please have a script oh my goodness), chances are it’s not going to be a very good movie. There are musicals, for example, where when filmmakers try to make them into films, they flop because they’re not “cinematic.” The directors didn’t take into account the shift in mediums or, more likely, they sorely underestimated it. Understandable, since it’s two visual mediums, but still.
This is all leading up to me talking about Plunderer, I swear.
Manga to anime is a tricky, tricky thing. A manga has [X] amount of pages to work with, depending on if it’s a weekly or monthly series (or even some different increment!). The author, then, has to structure their chapters accordingly, moving things along to keep the reader interested while also controlling the ebb and flow of the story. Note how when the chapters end, they’re engineered to keep you wanting to read more!
Anime is similar in that respect, except the crew has 20-22 minutes to fill over the course of 12 to 24 episodes depending on the series order. Plunderer, ftr, had a 2 “cour” order from the get-go. They have to plan out the series as a whole, figuring out certain things like, where will the season end? What are the big beats, when will we hit them? Etc. It’s no coincidence that the “school” arc started right around episode 12, which is the halfway point of the series; note how there was that filler episode with Hina and Lynne cooking, after all. 
When I started watching the anime after reading the manga, I assumed they’d end the season with, roughly, the end of chapter 36. It’s a nice “resolution” to a lot of things that had been building up over the series. Hina and Licht are finally together, Licht has resolved to keep his mask off and face the future, Jail has a new direction, Lynne -> Licht is basically resolved, and Pele’s layers finally get peeled back just a bit. 
I saw some predictions online that they’d leave off at the cliffhanger in chapter 39 and while that’s a good guess, in terms of narrative ebb and flow for an anime, it doesn’t really line up. They’d really have to rush some stuff (Charles!! i love you, charles) to get there and in terms of a product that they want to be able to market in several territories, it makes more sense to give it some feeling of resolution. That said, what’s more likely along that vein is us potentially getting some sort of stinger at the end of episode 24 with one character talking to That Certain Character, and us getting a brief, shadowy shot of said character to make people go “ohhhhh shit, dude.” 
but idk this anime has made some strange choices.
Going into that! I’ve mentioned this here and there and talked about it with a friend, but the choices the anime has made in terms of adaptation is, uh, pretty strange at times. When changes get made, my instinct is to try and think through why they were changed and, ultimately, if it really affects the story in any way. If I went through the entire anime, it would be an extremely dull read; please know, however, that I am forever sad we missed Jail’s computer antics and Pele being the ultimate shit when it comes to Nana’s video, even if I understand why they were cut. 
That said, episode 22 is a perfect example of this, so uh. Let’s dive in, shall we?
The chapters that episode 22 covers are chapters 33 and 34. The events leading up to it are pretty much the same, but episode 22 contains some divergences. Going through them quickly:
We see more of Pele and Hina trying to stop Douan from going after Lynn.
Sonohara doesn’t show up during this confrontation. Hina gets her “the body was too clean” line instead.
Because Sonohara doesn’t show up, it’s Douan who attacks Lynn instead, causing her injuries with rocks. In the manga, Sonohara shows up, is drugged by Douan, and shoots a couple of bullets at Lynn.
Nana is just randomly lurking around?? In the manga, it’s clear she got caught at the same time. I’m really not sure what was up in the anime. Douan just yanks her out from behind a wall.
Douan sits with Nana, Hina, and Pele until morning, telling them he’ll kill them at dawn if Licht doesn’t show up. In the manga, he sits back and lets Sonohara terrorize them with a game of Russian Roulette, and Hina promptly (without words) calls Sonohara’s bluff.
Jail doesn’t show up in this episode at all. Instead, Hina gets his “did you check?” line.
We actually see Nana leave with Pele when he takes Lynn off. It looks like we’re going to actually see Doctor Pele in action, maybe? Hina is later sent off to help them.
Sonohara shows up towards the end, already drugged. Based on Douan’s line, it’s assumed that she was drugged off screen by the Secret Service. In the manga, he forcefully injects her.
The end of the episode sets up episode 23 to be Licht vs. Douan and Sonohara, with the preview showing Jail jumping into the fray.
whew, that’s a lot. 
I actually get why most of these changes were made! Setting up the penultimate episode of the series to be this big battle is a necessary change for an anime. And narratively speaking, this is much cleaner than it was in the manga, where Sonohara shows up briefly at the beginning of chapter 33, is drugged, and then basically exists to be crazy and antagonize people. It’s less balls in the air for the staff to have to juggle and for the audience to follow.
Douan’s character also gets some more depth. It’s funny because I feel like in the anime, he’s much more cruel than he was in the manga originally -- which is a feat, let me tell you. The anime flipped that in this episode, though, by not having Douan force the drugs onto Sonohara. 
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The manga frames it as him doing it because he believes he knows what’s best for her, he’s trying to protect her in his own awful way, but it’s also, you know . . . nonconsensual as hell and gross on so many levels. This takes that off his shoulders which is a good change, honestly. 
But we lose some little character moments for the others in terms of streamlining. I think the thing that bums me out the most is Jail’s stuff. In the manga, after the confrontation with Alan, Jail steps in, calls Sonohara out and snaps her out of her drugged stupor without much of a fight (”without conviction, your bullets can’t pierce me”) and then slaps down the iron throne, telling Douan to shut up because Licht is coming. Chapter 34 ends with him just dead-eye staring at Douan like yeah, it’s annoying, but look. You’re the one who calls him a cockroach. Jail saying “did you check?” is a major mic drop moment and it’s basically when, from then on, Jail does not give a single flying fuck about the barons / aces. 
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It definitely should be noted that some of these Jail moments will probably pop up in other ways in the next episode. I fully expect the bit about Sonohara’s bullets to come up, at least.
We lose out on Sonohara stuff too, though. She willingly throws herself into the lion’s den, shooting at Douan to distract him for long enough to allow Lynne to get away. It’s Sonohara who points out that Licht’s body was too clean -- something that makes more sense as someone who’s known him for 300+ years, knows what it means to be a baron / ace, and wasn’t immediately dragged off by the Secret Service. Her then terrorizing them while drugged is also a moment because when she forces Nana to play Russian Roulette, Hina immediately grabs the gun and points it at her head, firing all the “shots.” It’s empty, showing that despite the drugs, Sonohara didn’t want to kill them and Hina knew that all too well.
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with all that said, I should note here that it’s entirely possible this scene will show up in some form next episode. Sonohara is still drugged and Hina, Nana, and Pele are all together in the bunker that is right nearby. I kind of doubt it given how the episode is framed and because narratively, it makes more sense to focus on the Licht vs. Douan and Sonohara -> Licht and Jail vs. Douan and Sonohara fight than to have Sonohara split off to randomly terrorize them, but. Like I said, this anime has made some strange choices.
Of course, character moments we get instead are Hina and even Pele being metal as hell. As much as I’m flapping my hands about losing the little character moments for Jail and Sonohara, it’s clear that they thought about how to utilize those moments while streamlining things, and they do work for Hina. And honestly, it’s really nice to see more stuff with her and Lynn? They get some cute panels later on in the manga (think chapter 55), but I like ladies and I like some lady solidarity. And Hina getting those little moments is on the same level as her straight up pointing a gun at her head all “you won’t kill me.”
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and on a selfish note, I am actually really excited to see Pele tend to Lynn. The anime has been good about fleshing them out more and giving them little moments. My little shipper heart is delighted.
In the end, does it change much? Not really. These are small things, ultimately, just like how we didn’t lose much with the added filler and cut moments during the school arc. It’s all ultimately in the name of adaptation and while it’s weird, it’s not necessarily “bad.” It’s jarring for me as someone familiar with the manga (and having stared at some of these panels for so long, I’ve gotten really familiar with it), but thinking on it critically, yeah, I can see why. 
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they better damn well do the “how did you know I could do surgery?” scene in the last episode though or I will be super bummed, okay. 
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tahnex · 4 years
Road to Graduation Chapter 2
Chapter 2 time! I’m going to try (emphasis on TRY) to upload these chapters once a week, probably on a Saturday, but it depends on what the best day to post the chapters are as to when it’ll come out.
“Penny?! What are you doing here?” Ruby jumped with surprise; weariness completely forgotten. Everyone else, whilst not as quick to forget the tiredness seeping through their bones, was equally surprised.
 Penny saluted and grinned from ear to ear, “I’m on a top-secret mission from General Schnee and Professor Goodwitch.”
 Everyone turned to look at Professor Goodwitch. She rolled her eyes and glared over her glasses at the seven teenagers before her, “Miss Rose, you and your teammates can return to your previous dorm to reacquaint yourselves. Miss Polendina, Mr Arc, Miss Valkyrie, and Mr Ren can follow me. We have several things to discuss.” Turning on her heel she marched through the doors. Penny smiled, waved at Ruby and then followed her. Team JNR sighed as one, before following after the two polar opposites.
 Yang waited for Professor Goodwitch to be completely gone before muttering “Guess she’s in more of a witch mood.” Ruby stared at her, Weiss shook her head, and Blake placed a hand on Yang’s shoulder comfortingly. “Okay, okay, so it wasn’t the best in the world but I’m out of practice.”
 “Let’s just go back to our room and get some breakfast.” The four of them started walking to their old room, but at Weiss’ words Ruby looked up eyes wide, “No you cannot have Pumpkin Pete’s Marshmallow Flakes for breakfast, they’re hideously unhealthy.” Ruby’s face fell.
 “Please Weiss? I haven’t had them in months!” Ruby begged, looking at Weiss with big silver eyes, her bottom lip sticking out slightly. Walking a couple of steps behind the pair, Blake gave Yang a knowing look and held up two fingers, whilst Yang held up one, the pair of them betting on how long it would take Ruby to convince Weiss to let her the sugary coated cereal for breakfast.
 “No, they’re drenched in sugar and the last thing I need is you bouncing off the walls” Weiss’ voice was still quite strong but Ruby sensed weakness and moved closer, bending her knees slightly to put her below Weiss’ eyeline and looked up at her.
 “Pretty please? I promise not to eat them again for aaaaaages…” Ruby quivered her bottom lip after she finished talking.
 Weiss looked into Ruby’s eyes for a moment, taking in everything about her, before “…F-fine.” She caved into Ruby’s puppy dog eyes, knowing she could never hold out against her partner for long.
 “Yay! Thank you Weiss, you’re the best partner ever!” Ruby jumped in the air punching her fist, before hugging the smaller girl next to her.
 “G-get off me you dolt! And it’s the last time you get them until at least Christmas!” Weiss tried to scold her partner, but Ruby was too happy to really take notice of her.
 Yang grinned at Blake “I win that one, Ruby hasn’t pulled the puppy dog eyes out in a whiiiiiile.” Blake rolled her eyes and smiled as the four of them walked down the hallways and finally arrived back at their old dorm room. They all looked to Ruby and motioned that she should be the first to go through. Smiling, she pushed their door open and found the room, not exactly how they’d left it.
 “Where are the bunk beds?!” Ruby cried stopping in the doorway.
 “Pretty much the whole school got taken over by Grimm, did you REALLY think everything was going to be exactly the same as it was when we left?” Weiss sighed as she walked around Ruby and leant her case up against one of the beds.
 “Awwww” Ruby’s face was crestfallen as she dragged her feet across the floor and sat down heavily on the bed next to Weiss’.
 Blake spoke up as she moved her case up against the wall, “We could always make it how it used to be?”
 “Yes! That’s exactly what we’ll do!” Ruby jumped in before Weiss could object, only for a loud and long gurgle to come from her stomach and Ruby’s cheeks to go pink. “…After breakfast?”
 Even Weiss couldn’t keep a straight face once Ruby’s stomach began to growl and the others started chuckling before the four headed down to breakfast in the hall. As it was a week before school was due to start back up again, they were the only four in the hall, and after getting their food and sitting at a table, they glanced around a little sheepishly, feeling out of place in the giant room. Yang was quiet the whole time, and under the table Blake slipped her hand onto Yang’s leg and gave it a quick squeeze, letting her know she was next to her. Yang breathed out slowly and heavily before smiling sadly back at Blake and starting to eat her breakfast, whilst opposite them Weiss and Ruby had noticed the short exchange of glances and smiles but left the two partners to it. Ruby looked down and took the first spoonful of Pumpkin Pete’s Marshmallow Flakes from the bowl and put it in her mouth. Eyes glazing over, she thought there was nothing that would ever taste this sweet, nothing could ever taste so good (other than chocolate chip cookies and milk of course!), but for breakfast? This. Was. Heaven.
 Yang burst out laughing as Ruby started to wolf down the cereal as fast as her arms would move, splattering milk all around and Weiss immediately started berating the redhead to be more careful or else she’d choke. Blake smiled and started to chuckle as well, laughing even more when Ruby tried to apologise to Weiss with a mouth full of cereal, nearly causing Yang to fall off her seat she was laughing so hard.
 Having finished their breakfast (with Ruby managing to get through three bowls of cereal before Weiss could stop her), the four girls headed back to their dorm, Ruby speeding off ahead of them, leaving petals in her wake. “Bet Goodwitch forgot about that side effect of having us back” Yang chuckled as she strolled leisurely along, arms behind her head, Blake beside her and Weiss slightly in front of the two. Ruby suddenly appeared again, skidding to a halt.
 “Comeonyouguys! Whyareyousoslow? Letshurryitup!” The words shot out of her mouth almost too quick to catch before she turned and was gone again.
 Weiss sighed heavily. Why did I give in to that excitable idiot so quickly? This is going to be a disaster. I really need to stop letting her convince me. But she just looked so...She shook her head vigorously. No. Not the time for those thoughts.
 “Come on you two, if we don’t hurry up she’ll probably try to make the bunk beds by herself.” Weiss started to jog after Ruby only for the red tornado to come back, barely screech to a stop in front of her, grab her hand and, with hardly a chance for Weiss to say “Ruby, wait...” the pair were both off, a swirling red and white blur around the corner.
 Yang looked to Blake and smirked, “Now that those two are gone, shall we actually hurry up or just continue to take a slow walk back?”
 “We probably should hurry up, or else Ruby will try to make the bunk beds all on top of one another”
 Yang pouted, “Awww no fair, I wanted to take a nice long walk around campus before going back...” She ruined the pout by grinning wildly at the end.
 Blake felt something in her stomach flutter, “On your own...or with me?” She asked looking at the floor, not sure why she was so nervous to ask.
 “Obviously with you! There’s no one else I’d want to go with,” Yang replied immediately before realising what she’d said, “O-of course that’s if you’d want to do that with me.”
 Blake brushed a bit of hair off her face and murmured “Yes. I‘d like that.” She smiled shyly at Yang, trying to keep the butterflies in her stomach from overwhelming her completely. “But we should probably go rescue Weiss from your sister.”
 Yang rubbed the back of her head with one hand, not looking Blake in the eye, “Yeah…yeah I guess we should catch them up.” The rest of their walk was mostly silent but neither of them minded, each content to just be in the other’s company.
 A couple of doors away from their room they heard a high voice call out “Ruby for the love of Dust, just stop for a minute!” The door was open and there were ropes on the floor next to one bed, a very loose knot attaching one to a single bed post, an exhausted Weiss, and a very hyperactive Ruby bouncing on the spot, clearly unable to stop moving. Weiss turned to Blake and Yang as they walked in and mouthed “Help me...Please.” Blake gave Yang a look who rolled her eyes and went over to Ruby and placed a hand on her shoulder, causing Ruby to look straight into Yang’s eyes.
 “Ruby, why don’t you do as Weiss says and let her take the lead on building the bunk beds ok? She’s your partner so help her out with this?”
 Ruby stopped bouncing, nodded, turned to Weiss and rapped out a salute. “Yes, Madam Schnee, what are your orders?” Ruby could only keep her face straight for a second or two before bursting into a massive grin and going back to bouncing on the spot.
 Weiss sighed. “Tie the ropes around each bed post first, and make sure they’re as tight as you can make it.”
 Ruby saluted again and zipped to the first bed post, redoing the knot again and again until it was as tight as she could make it. Blake and Yang meanwhile wandered over to their beds, stacking some hardback books on top of each bed post before the two of them threw the mattress off Yang’s bed and put the frame on top of the books. After checking it was as secure as they could make it, Yang grabbed her mattress and sheets, put them back on her bed, and sat down next to Blake to watch the carnage unfold on the other side of the room.
 After a few minutes of enjoying the sight of Weiss try to wrangle Ruby to either stay still out of the way, or to do what she’d actually asked, Yang and Blake got up and helped their teammates set the bunk beds back up. When they had all finished the beds looked like nothing had changed. Weiss sighed and brushed some stray strands of hair off her forehead, then suddenly realised something, “Wait Blake, where did all those books for your bed come from?”
 Blake suddenly looked down and away from them all, “Well...when I...left...Beacon, I didn’t really take any of my luggage back to Menagerie with me, so all my books stayed here. They must have been gathered up by one of the professors and then put back in the room before we arrived earlier.”
 Weiss accepted the explanation and decided she needed to clean off after dealing with the hyperactive dolt and putting the bed up, so said to the room in general “I’m getting a shower.” Grabbing her suitcase, she marched to the bathroom and went in.
 Yang looked at Blake, shrugged, then climbed onto her bed and pulled her scroll out, flicking to her favourite game, “Now then, how many updates have I missed? What?! 39 gig? Oh boy I have SO much to catch up on...”
 Blake sighed a little then curled up on her bed, pulling a book out, discarding the bookmark inside it, and started again from the beginning. The relative calm was only broken by the faint sounds of rushing water from the bathroom, and the soft thumps of a teenager bouncing on the spot. After a minute or so of the soft thumping starting to drill into her brain, Blake looked up to Ruby, “Why don’t you start coming up with some new team exercises or moves we can practise? Other than briefly back in Atlas, we haven’t had much time to just practice as a team together.”
 “That is the best idea! I’ll come up with so many awesome new moves!” Ruby immediately grabbed a pencil and some paper from the desk and zoomed up to her bed. Lying on her front she kicked her legs back and forth whilst humming a quick tune to herself as she started to work on new practice sessions and team moves.
 Weiss opened the door, dressed in a more casual (for her anyway) white blouse and light blue skirt, savouring the feel of her bare feet on the carpet. She’d wrapped her hair up in a towel to get most of the water out and she padded over to the dressing table in the corner of the room, sat down with one leg resting over the other, placed her scroll on her knee and started to dry her hair with the hairdryer she’d brought with her, knowing that none of the others would have thought to have brought one with them.
 Just as she was finishing drying her hair, they all heard a commotion in the corridor. Yang looked to Blake who had got up with a strange expression on her face, almost like she was unsure of what she was hearing. “Blake? What’s up?”
 Blake tilted her head slightly to one side, “That’s…interesting.”
 “What?” Yang sat up and put her scroll to one side, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
 “It seems we’ve got a new neighbour.”
 By this point the three girls didn’t need the ears of a Faunus to hear a recognisable pair of voices getting ever closer.
 “I’ve never tried that many pancakes before. It was definitely an experience!”
 “Well Ren knows the best way to make pancakes, his are always so much better than the school’s, but it isn’t fair to get him to make that many pancakes when we’ve only just got back, plus it’s SO much easier to order them from the school caf, as I can get UNLIMITED maple syrup as well, cos when Ren makes them he only lets me have a small amount of maple syrup for each when the best way to eat pancakes is to smother them in it.”
 By this point, the voices had gotten loud enough that Team RWBY had got up and wandered over to the door and stuck their heads out, Ruby climbing on top of Yang to see over her head.
 “Penny!” Ruby scrambled over Yang’s head, causing her hair to get ruffled, and if it had been anyone other than her little sister Yang would have blasted them into next week, but it was Ruby…a hyperactive-not-thinking Ruby, so she let it go. But just this once.
 The redhead sprinted the few steps to jump at Penny and give her a massive hug. Jaune ducked under Ruby’s swinging legs and kept walking to their dorm room, head slightly bowed and a dark expression on his face. He barely even noticed the others before walking into the room and going straight to the bathroom. The three girls looked at each other, then turned to Nora and Ren for an explanation.
 “Professor Goodwitch told us that to graduate we need four people in a team.” Ren answered the questioning looks, “So Penny is now part of our team.”
 At this the whole of Team RWBY turned to look at the android, even Ruby who was still swinging from Penny’s neck giggling. “That is absolutely correct! My secret mission from General Schnee and Professor Goodwitch is to gain control of my new powers, and to protect the Fall Vault. My second mission from my father is to learn more about being a human and interact with you more.” Penny beamed as she said it, “So for other students to accept why I am here, and so that they can graduate successfully, I have joined Team JNPR! I will be an excellent teammate and will not let you down.”
 She suddenly looked a little downfallen “But I do not fully understand why Jaune is so angry. I thought he wanted to graduate…”
 Nora looked slightly awkward, “It’s…it’s complicated Penny, come on. I’ll show you your new room!” Brightening up as she changed the subject Nora skipped to the dorm door and started to take Penny on a tour of the room. Ren shrugged and followed the two girls in.
 Ruby sat cross legged on the floor, breathed out, and suddenly dropped her shoulders, yawning massively, “I’m exhausted.”
 Yang looked at Weiss, “You let her eat that much cereal, you’re dealing with her comedown.” Lifting her hands up in the air she walked back into the room, Blake following behind her.
 Weiss sighed and shook her head “Come on you dolt, get off the floor.” Ruby wasn’t in the mood to move much, if at all, so Weiss ended up having to sling an arm over her shoulders, lift her up and try to convince Ruby to walk the few steps back to their dorm, taking the majority of the weight on her shoulders whilst trying not to blush too much at Ruby being so close.
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oasis888 · 4 years
Scarlet Roses Surround Nightmares.
Both Ayame and Belphie are tired. One of Satan's books ends up in the attic, spiralling things out of control when Belphie's sleep is once again interrupted.
Tw: a little bit of blood, nothing much.
Rating: Sfw.
Ayame always loved teasing her friends. It meant she was comfortable enough to be herself without being scared of pushing them away.
Stealing was something she familiar with. Almost, too familiar. Belph's cow printed pillow always caught her attention, for the sole reason he always held it as close as he did.
16 year old Ayame would see that as something she could potentially abuse if she played her cards right.
20 year old Ayame, on the other hand, found it cute. A demon, most likely over 1000 years old, had a cow pillow he took everywhere.
The perfect item to steal, and the perfect item to snuggle when the raging storm outside felt like cold claws tearing you apart.
The Avatar of Sloth was in a pretty bad mood today. First, some lesser demon ruined his already shitty day by bumping into him roughly in the RAD hallway. Then, his nap was interrupted by Asmo's shouting at some random demon chick that gave him the wrong compliment on his new shoes or whatever.
The walk back to the House of Lamentation flashed by in the blink of an eye. He couldn't even remember passing the dark, steel gate.
He made his way up the endless stairs, absentmindedly looking at the countless faceless portraits helplessly hanging on the walls all around him. After some time, he opened the door, and walked into the attic.
It was a place he went to when he needed to spend some time alone. Either because he was angry, or extremely tired. Usually, it was the latter.
Belphie and Ayame always spent time together in the attic, so much so, the hushed yet sweet smell of caramel always managed to linger in the cold air.
After some time, he let her come up whenever she wanted and hang out. Most of the time, she was on her D.D.D sending cursed pictures to Mammon as they talked about their day, or what they wanted to do later. Many movie nights and pillow fights took place in that room. Judging shitty tropes and character arcs all night only to lead into a pillow fight in the most ungodly(ha) hours of the morning thanks to lack of sleep.
Ayame came back to the House later than she expected. Levi wanted to show her a new game that just got released a few days before, only for her to spend the next couple of hours walking around the mall and looking at all the video games Levi pointed out; which was most, if not all of them.
By the time she walked through the front door, she was already exhausted as hell. Her shoulders ached from having to carry her heavy bag for so long and her honey brown eyes seemed dull, as the sleep deprivation was finally catching up to her.
Wanting nothing more than to nap away the blurriness that wrapped itself around her eyes like heavy mist, Ayame dragged herself up the stairs to her room. Nonexistent eyes tracking her every move, their angry stares judging her.
She threw her bag on her chair, and finally took off the RAD uniform she was begging to dislike more and more by the day. Wearing her more casual outfit, she looked to her bed only to see a bunch of clothes, shoes and accessories on it.
She totally forgot about how she spent all night trying to convince Asmo to let her wear her own clothes and not some outfit he bought that barely covered her body. She couldn't even remember why she accepted going with him to a party later that week, but if it had good alcohol, Ayame didn't really care that much.
With a heavy sigh, she tore her eyes away from her bed and back to her door, trying to decide what to do next.
She only had one other option left, the attic. Of course, she could just tidy up her room and sleep in her own, comfy bed, but that was too much work for someone who was barely even awake at this point.
She struggled to open the heavy wooden door, her tired arms barely obeying her. Soft footsteps echoed in the silent room, the fading, familiar scent trailing behind her like a voiceless compliment. As she looked at the bed, she saw that Belphie was already sleeping. His favourite pillow held tightly in his arms, as if it would scare away the nightmares that patiently waited at the edge of his blissfully unaware, dreamless sleep. Almost as if waiting for an opportunity to attack with horrid pictures of death and gore he'd rather keep forgotten.
Ayame knew better than to wake him up. She could tell from the cold aura that was suffocating her. It felt like freezing thorns were snaking around her throat-
He wasn't in a good mood.
Less than four hours of sleep was not doing the pinknette any favours. She slowly got used to the numbness spreading all over her body like a wildfire, claiming more senses as each second passed by.
Her surroundings suddenly stopped moving, a hint of panic became visible behind her eyes. A thick, royal purple tome with elegant golden letters on the front cover was lying on the ground. She was sure she'd seen it somewhere before, probably Satan's room.
She stumbled, losing her balance and falling directly onto the sleeping demon, making him groan in annoyance, as he was suddenly woken up.
He shot up, anger clear on his face as his sleep was once again cut short. Without realising, he transformed into his demon form and in one swift motion, threw the girl off of him, shouting threats in his sleep delirious state at whoever it was.
A dresser caught her, the sharp corner of the dull, grey polished wood sliced a deep wound in her side thanks to the force she was sent flying back by.
In a desperate attempt, she swiftly tried to press a shaking hand on her side, clutching it for dear life. She could feel the wet stain on her shirt slowly growing larger, and larger. Red like roses, it blossomed and bloomed.
Belphie was angry; no, he was fuming. Who dared to wake him up like that? Did they have a death wish?
His magenta eyes immediately softened when he saw who it actually was. Shock and confusion took over not a second later.
Her head was spinning. There was a stabbing pain she'd rather do without. A sharp breath escaped her lips as she applied more pressure in a feeble attempt to stop the bleeding.
Crimson drops silently fell to the ground, small crowns of regret and guilt formed beneath her shadow as she tried to keep her ragged breathing stable. The last thing she saw before she was pulled to a breathless void, was a very scared and panicked Belphegor rushing towards her.
He caught her as she slumped forward from where she was sitting against the wall. Her light pink hair silently fell in front of her pale features when she lost consciousness. Her body went limp against his. Kept in a weak yet gentle embrace, in the deepest part of the swirling thunderstorm that was her mind, she surprisingly felt safe.
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deadletterpoets · 5 years
I disagree with the idea that someone's a better Cass fan than people who want to see Cass as Batgirl again just cause they support her as Black Bat or Orphan. Saying that we don't care about Cass unless she's Batgirl is ignorant. DC doesn't care about Cass unless she's Batgirl.
Listen I am well aware that plenty of fans prefer Steph's run as Batgirl over Cass. I've read Steph's run because of that so when I talk about it I know what I'm talking about and have an actual opinion on it. However I find it hard to believe that Cass's time as Black Bat was a high point for the character and when I see someone trying to argue that point it's hard to take them seriously. DC did nothing with her in terms of actually development. She just showed up when she was allowed and they randomly gave her a new code name that for me at least fell flat. Could Black Bat have been a new era for Cass bringing her to a new sense of self after giving the Batgirl mantle to Stephanie? Yes. Was it? No. Gates of Gotham is the closest we ever got to true development for Cass during that era and they rebooted the universe quickly after that. Black Bat was the era when DC finally figured out a way to get rid of a character they didn't want anymore, but fans loved so they let her cameo in other people's stories but never going so far as allowing her to be the focus.
A similar thing is happening right now with Rebirth!Cass "Orphan". At this point in time she's basically the distant cousin of the batfam. Once she was the daughter of Bruce Wayne, now she's that girl they call when they need some extra muscle. Rebirth!Cass's development is slow, it's happening sure, but it's slow and painful. Mostly because DC won't let her exist outside of team books. We have barely gotten a glimpse into what her life is like outside of the batfam and then when she's around she's only ever in service of Batman or whoever the team leader is. Even in Tynion's Tec during the League of Shadows arc which was specifically for her, it was basically long version of Batgirl #25 (granted a lesser version) and she was still sidelined often in her own arc. It was more about Batman/Batwoman and the Colony trying to stop Shiva and the League of Shadows, even throwing in Ra's for a couple issues. All while in the background Cass has an existential crisis about Shiva being her mom. That's what it was. And then after that we got some decent Cass and Clayface stuff and then Cass discovering the old timeline when she was Batgirl and wore the symbol. Good stuff. Unfortunately it all went nowhere cause Tynion left. Now Hill is writing Rebirth!Cass and I'm excited about that. I hope he's able to give Cass the development she deserves, but it's STILL A TEAM BOOK! So he can only do so much. He even said he decided against doing a Cass focused arc first cause he was to scared he'd end up making it a solo Cass book. Team books are great, but when a character isn't getting focus anywhere else they can be a drag on the development of said character. I don't expect Hill to make Outsiders a Cass solo, nor would I want him to. I want him to write a team book. Unfortunately, much like Tynion's Tec that means we could go months with no real development for Rebirth!Cass.
Now I say all this to say. Of course most Cass fans want her to be Batgirl again. It was the high point for her as a character. It showed her developing constantly, gave her a supporting cast, gave her interesting stories that challenged her as a character with such a deep seeded moral compass, it let us as readers learn more about her with every issue and also made her part of the batfam in a way Black Bat never was and Rebirth!Cass could only dream. However as someone who is friends with a crap ton of Cass stans who love her more than me, we all continue to support her even now in Rebirth when she's going by possibly one of the most insulting names ever given to a character with her backstory. So yes, we want Cass to be Batgirl again, not because we don't love Cassandra Cain only when she's Batgirl, but because we want the company that uses her to love her too. And right now the only time we've seen them show that love is when she's Batgirl. Also Cass as Batgirl just works. She defines that role in a way Babs never could and Steph never had the opportunity to. If Rebirth!Cass were to take that mantle it would be more character development in a single issue than she's gotten in a very long time cause the implications of it. She's wearing the symbol again, her relationship with Babs would come back into play (seriously that's just gone now), her relationship with Batman comes back into play, her relationship with Gotham as a city comes back into play. It opens up a whole world of storytelling that isn't being explored right now. Now could all of these things still happen with her not going by Batgirl? Yes. However there's been no indication that it will. Now I'm cool with different things happening. I miss Cass and Babs or Cass and Steph, but I love Cass and Clayface and think Cass and Duke could be something special.
So to end this, yes I want Cass back as Batgirl. I think that mantle is her's to carry till she doesn't want to. Not cause Bruce tells her to pass it on, not cause editorial wants a white girl to be Batgirl again, but because she actually does find herself moving on from the mantle (to Batman, but that's another conversation). However I also continue to support Cass when she's not Batgirl cause I love her character. Two things can be true at once. I don't consider ppl that only support Cass when she's Batgirl less Cass fans than me. I don't consider Cass fans that like the Black Bat era or Rebirth!Cass less Cass fans than me. And neither should you. We're all fans of Cassandra Cain. And that's what matters.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
I know you dont watch GoT anymore. And that Braime and Sansa are your favorites. But I know you've read the books and are obviously really interested in the story. And I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the whole Jon killing Dany thing? Is that something you can see happening in the books? And if it is do you think it'd be in the same context as the show did it?
Ahaha, welp. Just jumping right in there.
(Also, you never have to apologise for asking GOT/ASOIAF questions. I obviously have been a fan for 16 years and wrote fuckin’ TNR with its half-million-plus words, so I clearly do have Thoughts on the story/characters, especially with the bag of lukewarm cat vomit that was s8 of the show.)
I already answered this ask discussing how much I hated the Mad Queen Dany thing, both because a) it was horrifically badly handled and b) these mediocre misogynist douchegobblers have managed to outdo themselves in terms of the gross messages they’ve sent about women, after 8 seasons of that. (These are the same people who made Sansa say that she was grateful for her rapes and who claimed that Dany’s turn into madness was foreshadowed by her having a “chilly” reaction to the death of her abuser, Viserys, in s1, so…. make of that what you will.) I’m not saying that it was narratively impossible, especially since GRRM has been toying with the same thing in the books and has more than his own share of Male Author Syndrome. But at the start of 8x04, Dany is in Winterfell, perfectly sane, toasting Arya as hero of the battle. By the end of 8x06, she’s crazy, a war criminal, and dead, murdered by her boyfriend, because… well, something something plot reasons. Even if you didn’t like Dany or were rooting for her to go mad or whatever, that was wildly badly handled.
I personally think it would be pretty gross for GRRM to also go down the Mad Queen route, though at least if he does, we will have had Dany’s POV chapters beforehand and presumably something resembling a justification and a building narrative momentum toward it. But she also got stuck in Meereen for so long because by his own admission he didn’t know what to do with her there or how to get her out of the situation and moved onto Westeros, which remains, theoretically, her outstanding goal in the books. It would obviously not be outside the realm of possibility for this to happen, given GRRM’s focus on “grittiness” that the show took to max factor 5000. I would still find it reductive and trying to make a Clever Postmodern Point and etc if it happened in the books, because literally why invest us in a character this long, especially one who has tried so hard to overcome the circumstances of her past/to not be her father, and then just do exactly that? Obviously there would be elements of Shakespearean tragedy to it, and if done well it could be compelling, but I personally just have a different approach to fiction and what people want out of a story (especially one now as famous as GOT/ASOIAF and how universally betrayed everyone seems to feel by the ending). I’m not saying Dany’s ultimate ending needs to be sunshine and roses and getting what she wants, because often character arcs and resolutions become all the more powerful for being subverted and thwarted (think the “I said I wanted [x] but [y] was there instead” sort of endings). But whatever it is, it needs to be…. not that.
Also, Jon in both books and especially show has been the epitome of Mediocre White Man. I stopped watching in s4, but Kit Harington’s acting was so wooden and the writing for him was very much Standard Misunderstood Brooding Fantasy Hero that I could barely pay attention to his scenes. I find him somewhat more interesting in the books, though ADWD dragged for everyone and it was obvious GRRM was writing in circles. But everyone has noticed that especially in the show, Jon does absolutely bupkis. His ass is constantly saved by the women in his life, he makes an absolute hash of any power that he is given and doesn’t want it anyway, and his ultimate ending was…. going back to the Night’s Watch (as their idea of satisfying narrative storytelling is to literally put everyone back where they were in the very first episode, apparently). Never mind the fact that there’s no need for the Night’s Watch, but the point is, even the fact that Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna’s son ended up being relevant for like half an episode. That has been one of the major plot points/secrets of the books (although not so much anymore) and it just…. fizzled out like a damp squib. Dany actually TRIED for multiple seasons to be a good ruler and to learn how to handle power and become a queen, so for her to have to be the one to die for Jon to once again do diddlysquat is… well, as I have said before, the misogyny leaps out. They ended up wasting so much potential and so many other things that were also foreshadowed (and far more convincingly than “wah wah she was gonna go evil!”). For this? So Jon can just go brood in the snow again? Cool.
Not to mention, I find it gross on principle that Dany’s boyfriend had to be the one to kill her, especially after rape/sexual violence/loss of agency was such a big part of her early-season storylines (and how horrifyingly and grossly that has been handled on the show overall). We’re obviously supposed to sympathize with Jon in this scenario and to feel that it is justified to “stop a tyrant” or whatever. Also, if the episode was going to be called “Queenslayer,” why the fuck wasn’t it Jaime fulfilling the valonqar prophecy, another thing they forgot about, and killing Cersei, at great personal grief/cost, to once more stop an insane monarch from burning down King’s Landing? But that, of course, would be actual character development/overall arc, and they preferred to also trash that by having Jaime “killed Aerys Targaryen literally to save half a million innocent people and lived with his reputation being destroyed ever after” Lannister unironically claim that he never cared about the lives of the innocent and only wanted Cersei. After she again tried to kill him and Tyrion like three days ago, not even to mention what they did to Brienne and with that whole arc, but I will have a ragestroke if I think about it too much. 
Basically, the ending wasn’t “bittersweet.” It was tragic, reductionist, ham-handed, hugely disappointing for everyone who put years of investment into these characters, and ended up in the amusing position of making Bran Stark the younger and more beautiful queen who comes to cast Cersei down. He became king because… reasons? Whatever? And he knows literally everything about everyone thanks to being the Three-Eyed Raven, so there’s no way that can go horribly wrong. He has basically done nothing except sit in a wheelchair and look creepy for several years now, his arc has never been remotely about being king, and Isaac Hempstead-Wright himself is apparently on record as saying he genuinely thought it was a joke script when he read it. This after both Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington broke down over learning what happened to their characters/Kit apparently realized it for the first time at the read-through and was horrified. Emilia already talked about wandering for five hours and having a crisis and calling her mom and asking to be talked off the ledge like….. fictional choices/characters completely aside, that’s a gross thing to do to your actors. I know they’re all proud of their work and they have apparently and understandably been defensive about the existence of the petition to rewrite s8, but they’ve all been pretty clear, while still being professional and supportive, that there is stuff that they’re just as much WTF about as we are.
Basically, as everyone keeps saying, the acting, cinematography, visual effects, music, etc was clearly up to as high a standard as ever, but was betrayed fundamentally and comprehensively by this god-awfully shit writing by a couple of hacks who clearly rushed the final season to get on to ruining working on Star Wars. They have also been on record about saying “you can’t do what the audience expects or it’ll get boring blah blah blah,” which is a profoundly flawed storytelling strategy if you’re paranoid and trying to outsmart your audience and do something that nobody has ever thought of because you’re an Intellectual Postmodern Commentator On Our Violent Society. If your audience can guess where a story is going, but are still surprised by major twists along the way that then make sense in hindsight, you’ve done your job. If you’re relying on grimdark and cramming in gimmicky plot twists and deus ex machinas and Shocking Moments rather than authentically developing your story, it’s going to bite you in the ass in a big way, as was just proven. 
Nobody expected a completely happy ending from GoT. But the fact that they went to such lengths, especially in s8, to build up characters/ships (Jonerys, Braime, Gendrya were all torched after major canon moments completely unexpected by fans, especially the latter two – why even include it unless to just be more Tragique, and Gendrya is the only one that has even a chance in the future since half of it didn’t end up idiotically dead) and then just wrecked all of it…. as I’ve said, good endings don’t need to be rainbows and unicorns and kittens. But if you’ve asked eight years of audience investment, there has to be something that makes it worth it and that doesn’t make everyone feel like they were duped and stupid to get involved in the first place. They have been beating the “it’s a hard world and bad things happen to the characters” drum for all they’re worth, but… it’s just bad. You can analyse and ask why the hell they did things and so forth, but it’s bad. At this rate, the show should have either ended after 8x03, or they should have taken the money HBO offered and done the proper 10 episodes and let Bryan Cogman write all of them. He was the only one who appeared to remotely give a shit about the characters, and since D&D wrote the last four episodes themselves, yeah, this disaster is on them.
Fortunately, I left the show years ago and have TNR and am used to ignoring their version of things. And I knew all along that they never really got the characters or the story. But I feel really bad for everyone who has had this thrown back in their face, and it seems like a communal disenchantment with this ending is going to enter the pop-culture consciousness on a possibly unprecedented level. So if GRRM does do the Mad Queen Dany killed by Jon in the books (though he has apparently called the show’s ending “traumatic”), I’ll probably still not like it. He has a chance to sell me it on/justify it to me narratively, which the show categorically failed to do. I don’t think I will, just because as I said, I don’t like anything about it, but yes.
Anyway. This is a long post already, and I probably have more to say still, but it’s pretty obvious I think it’s just really, really bad, and that’s about the essence of it.
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borderlandscast · 5 years
starwarscast rythian
this au is essentially rythian playing himself in a dnd game set in star wars, pre clone wars. everyone else is also playing themselves. the last post i did was listing the current cast’s characters and their species, plus a sneak peek into nilesy and rythian’s stats.
below is all my cleaned up and compressed notes on rythian’s timeline, trivia and backstory.
honorable mention of this rythian goes here because i rarely return to this au (i blame all the ‘canon’ worldbuilding we’re finally getting on rythian’s species, now decades after the original books were published) and i’m still fond of him.
hold up your thumb and index finger. now put them together so there’s the a gap but they’re not touching. that’s how much less gayer he is than blcast rythian.
long haired; keeps it well maintained with lush products bc he’s kind of vain about it. has it in a french braid that runs down his back. if he ever suggested cutting it, a petition would go around to stop him. he still has the pale/grey stripe running down the middle of his hair.
he still can’t cook. if anything, he’s even worse at it. whether or not he deliberately plays it up is a running joke. it’s a mystery how he survived as zoeya’s padawan. zoeya jokes about watering him whenever others ask. he doesn’t appreciate it.
rythian’s full name is in the archives, and he never uses it. he goes by a much shortened version (thanks to the circumstances by which he arrived at the temple, and zoeya’s help). keep reading for why.
the slightest mention of a holocron (sith or jedi) or lost knowledge is the fastest way to summon him from across a room. he’s one of the best artifact hunters and puzzle solvers.
his main job in the jedi temple is a librarian, and he has a reputation as a strict but helpful master. don’t run any of the texts, and you’ll keep staying on his good side.
he’s actually younger than he looks; he became a master in his late teens, and zoeya had to make a solid case about him taking the exams to become a master that young. it distanced him from a lot of his peers.
now that he’s older, he gives slightly less of a f*ck, and is fairly outspoken as a grey jedi since he sometimes uses fairly questionable means to accomplish his goals (something zylus takes after him in that regard).
lightsaber is purple. he’s never been prouder. he uses the same style as obi-wan, but has a decent grounding in other styles to throw someone off if he ends up in a duel.
his species is exceedingly rare. to give you an idea of how rare, he’s the only chiss residing within the bounds of known, explored space; his species exists in a difficult to navigate, well isolated patch. it also causes him some minor grief whenever he leaves the temple, since most think he’s just a freak, mutant or a hybrid pantoran.
even funnier is that he’s the only jedi of said species, but is not the only force sensitive of his kind (go read timothy zahn’s latest triology, it’s got some good tidbits at last about how his species views and treats their force sensitive individuals). i know there was a canon chiss jedi padawan but the old star wars canon is a mess i’m not touching with a ten foot pole, or else rythian would have died of happiness to meet another one of his species even if neither of them know anything about them.
his arc revolves around gaining acceptance that sometimes things happen even if we don’t want them to, and that not all answers sought out will give happiness, including the truth.
his backstory was that his parents (a happily married trio, consisting of a fleet commander, a governor and a scientist) made the decision to give him away as a baby due to two events: restless political climate nearly resulting in baby rythian’s death from assasination, and his ridiculous force sensitivity, which immediately marks him for a risky career as a hyperspace navigator once he’s old enough to walk and talk. they don’t hold family ties once they start this career, so.
not wanting to risk their child’s life, his parents sneakily flag down a passing jedi ship carrying one jedi master zoeya (who is a sentient, old af tree, known as ‘neti’). she is very surprised that she is now in charge of an unknown alien infant but understands that for reasons unknown, he is now in her care. for who knows how long.
rythian spends his childhood at jedi temple. he matures way faster than the other kids, and excels in his studies. apparently, that’s normal for his kind, but it’s abnormal to others. it’s made even worse because nobody knows what species he is. he befriends a kel dor named will strife, another padawan after strife stops a couple of older teens from hassling rythian.
zoeya officially takes rythian as her padawan. she also secretly gives him an ecrypted disc containing a basic dictionary and guide to chiss language, the only link rythian has to his parents (aside from the hand stitched blanket and baby clothes). rythian never knows zoeya gives him the disc since it’s left on his bed. it’s the only knowledge he never contributes to the jedi temple’s extensive archives.
stuff happens to zoeya; rythian loses her as a master due to her past trauma catching up. he learns that he’s her third padawan (the second being lomadia, who is still alive); her first died hundreds of years ago, and zoeya’s memories keep overlapping so she’s confusing him for them. she leaves the order after her memory’s adjusted so she can start fresh as a civilian. the last thing she says to him before she goes for treatment are a string of numbers, and a single, nonsensical name. rythian is advised that it’s best not to find her or risk a relapse.
will strife voluntarily leaves the order as well due to pressing circumstances; i.e., a fabricated scandal with him and a well known politician (played by lalnable). rythian gradually accepts that everyone he knows and cares for will eventually leave him. he still maintains strife as a contact after strife takes up a career as a traveling merchant.
rythian takes a teen zylus as a padawan and resolves to do better than zoeya, as a mentor and parental figure. he did bring baby zylus to the temple after all. he keeps an eye on zylus as zylus grows up, occasionally nudging zylus to stay focused.
that said, rythian had his nose in a book during the candidate lightsaber matches, thus narrowly missing zylus leaving. zylus dropped by the libaray on his last day at the temple, which was where rythian found him and dragged him of to get him approved as his official padawan.
zylus successfully graduates, and to rythian’s great relief, he stays to work on the archives with him as a fellow holocron hunter and decrypter.
and then the chosen one, nilesy, arrives at the temple in search of how to best temper his newfound force sensitivity. in tow is ravs, a sith. rythian volunteers to be the sith watchdog, and nilesy’s trainer, and it’s not just because this is his golden chance to hit up a sith for secret forbidden lore or anything.
unfortunately, ravs has no interest in helping rythian unlock sith holocrons; he advises that his fellow sith buddy, daltos, might be of help but he has no idea where said buddy is. this greatly annoys rythian (unbeknowst, several months later, zylus has the honor of said first meeting).
ravs constantly hides in rythian’s room from jedi padawan nanosounds, who is eager to test her formidable lightsaber skills on a sith. rythian eventually gets used to ravs randomly chilling in his room.
he and ravs have a thing. zylus is completely oblivious to it, and nilesy pretends that he’s not aware of it.
rythian decides to go on holiday, which immediately sparks suspicion from everyone because everyone has to literally pry rythian from the archives on a daily basis. ravs secretly tails him, and sees rythian about to board a chiss ship.
afraid of losing him forever, ravs butts in, and discovers that rythain is meeting his parents, who also react to ravs like he’s a threat. rythian persuades his parents that ravs means no harm, and gets ravs permission to board as well.
rythian tries to reconcile with his parents’ decision to ‘abandon’ him, and their aloof attitudes after finally reuniting with them as an adult. he has no memories of them, to their disappointment. he eventually discovers in one of his parent’s offices, a hidden compartment containing two photos of him as a child and padawan.
he confronts his parents, and finds out that zoeya met his parents in secret one more time to deliver these photos. reassured that they’d made the right decision, they ask her to pass on a message: if ry’thia’nuruodo wishes to learn of his heritage, meet us at these coordinates on this day. we shall return yearly, without fail, until we are unable to. this was zoeya’s message, which she’d passed onto him, albeit incomplete.
rythian also has to contend with helping ravs make a good first impression; his parents don’t speak basic (or pretend not to, wanting to test if rythian retained his knowledge of his species’ language), and ravs can’t speak their language. they don’t approve of him having a relationship with ravs since he’s an alien and they don’t know what he’s capable of, but eventually concede that ravs will do since nobody else can match their son’s capabilities.
as for the issue of who exactly rythian’s family members are? i don’t know anything about chiss society so this entirely headcanon. their society is very rigid, and is based on doing your job correctly and loyalty to their houses (ie, family branches). all chiss tend to be fairly straight faced, calm and composed and intelligent individuals. rythian is an exception, which is why he doesn’t initially understand why his parents are so cold to him at first, but clues in eventually that they’re exceedingly subtle about their affection and praises (and insults, too).
his biological father is ry’aratalla’nuruodo (aratalla for short), cedef fleet commander. rythian takes after him in sense of humor, looks and height but inherited all his teeth from his other biological parent, sev’adira’csapla. very level headed, accomodating, quiet and grounded; rythian is a little intimidated by him, and assumes his dad has the final say in everything. this is utterly wrong and his dad is whipped by the other two parents.
sev’adira’csapla (vadirac, or adira) is a colony governor and ship provisions officer. nonbinary, goes by they/them. has a mean, petty and haughty personality, can also be called a tsundere. unfortunately, rythian gets his vanity and dramatic flair from them. he doesn’t get along with them, and the two spend a fair amount of time insulting each other (which adira actually enjoys).
radar’isoto’inrokini (isoto for short, a triple wordplay on ‘risotto’, ‘radar’ and ‘isotope’). rythian’s ‘mother’, in a sense. rythain gets his curiosity and love of knowledge from her. she’s like zoeya; full of optimistism, disarmingly charming, frightening when angered and is actually one of the sharpest minds around. she’s a exceptional mixture of physicist, linguist, biologist, geologist and chemist, being the chief scientific officer serving on the same ship as rythian’s dad. she gets along with ravs a little too well, and takes on the giant task of learning basic so she can communicate with him.
rythian leaves with ravs, having learned a great deal about chiss. he’s supposed to be a big secret since his parents spread a rumor that he died from ‘weak constitution’. he and ravs are to keep everything they learned and visited a secret.
rythian, nilesy and zylus learn of a secret mission to assassinate the sith who’ve been more or less friendly towards nilesy: minty, ravs and daltos. minty escapes, but ravs and daltos aren’t so lucky, resulting in nilesy, rythian and zylus interfering. the three let ravs and daltos escape, causing the three jedi’s standing to plummet within the temple. don’t worry, it doesn’t stay that way for long.
right after the above happens, the clone wars occur. rythian doesn’t meet ravs for months; ravs ghosts him. they end up reuniting on a mission much later when ravs frees him from a seperatist jail at the risk of compromising his cover. it’s a very emotional reunion. ravs is in hiding since he suspects a bigger conspiracy, and has been compiling clues and evidence. he and rythian agreed to meet up and share what they know.
rythian assists nilesy in further training his powers. unfortunately, without ravs counterpoint, there is no balance for nilesy. nilesy is confined to the temple since he can’t take part in any of the life threatening missions.
rythian takes ‘tom’ (angor) as his clone officer. tom assists him in piecing together transmissions and intelligence to send off. ravs passes him information every now and then. rythian is a dad to a clone trooper, okay.
order 66 occurs at the climax of the clone wars. the temple is under siege by a traitor jedi and the clones. rythian and any jedi on the scene attempt to escape. rythian almost dies when tom fails a will check to stop himself from shooting rythian due to order 66. nilesy and ravs pool together their resources and wills to save him.
when all hope is lost, nilesy ascends as a ‘chosen one’, bringing a fragile balance to himself since he failed the galaxy. through his connection in the force, he learns that the other chosen one (thanks, skywalker) went off the deep end. nilesy unlocks the secret of mortis, and drags the survivors of temple massacre inside before closing the rift.
rythian recovers, forgives tom, and stays on as nilesy’s teacher, having successfully saved several important texts and holocrons from the archives prior to leaving the temple.
nilesy wishes to join the rebels once he hears news of them.
i got this far before having to stop due to real life circumstances interfering, and felt that this was a safe stopping point as well.
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thawedpatriot · 5 years
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okay, my e.ndgame thoughts are below the cut. beware, they’re somewhat incoherent at times mainly just because my brain is still trying to wrap my head around some stuff. also it’s really really long. like 3k words long. major spoilers ahead!
-okay so the whole beginning felt. really rushed, if that makes sense? like, i’m glad that tony got back to earth fairly early on but that was very sudden, having carol show up and carry the ship to the compound. however, i can’t complain too much because watching steve book it to tony’s side as he was coming off the ship gave me life. the fact that he just hovered the whole time and was there to support him and show he cares just. pleased me.
- tony had every right to blow up at steve. i mean, god, the man’s been through so much. he’s lost so much and is still recovering from everything that happened. he’s frustrated and angry and hurting and steve pressed for information too callously too soon, and it set an exhausted tony off. totally valid. and tony was right, he saw all this coming and no one listened to him, even though half of that was just bc aou was a fucking mess writing wise. but steve told him ‘together’ and because they weren’t together when shit went down, they all lost. would it have killed either of them to call during the two years they had to do so? no, probably not. that probably would’ve been a step towards working back to that ‘together’ thing. because there’s years of unresolved tension and conflict between them at this point, none of it ever got resolved between them, so it’s finally coming to a head now that they’re properly in the same room again.
- that said, the ‘you weren’t there when i needed you’ bit rubbed me the wrong way. because it was bruce who ended up calling. tony never made a call, never asked for steve’s help. never let him know he needed him, even though he had that ability to. so yes, steve is at fault here too, but it’s not 100% on him that things went down the way they did, if that makes sense.
- tony shoving the arc reactor into steve’s hand???? killed me on the spot, thanks.
- the devastation steve must be feeling when they figure out the stones are gone??? gutting. he was so sure they would be able to bring everyone back wit the stones once they’d taken care of thanos. he was so ready for a fight, so ready to get his revenge and make things right, and there just. was no fight, no way to bring his friends back. he’d lost bucky all over again, and now he’s lost sam, too. sam, who he dragged into all this. that kind of guilt festers in him for those five years, no doubt.
- i wanna know what steve did for those five years. because, yes, we see him talking in that small therapy group, but not only is he giving advice he’s not taking himself, but he’s just not shown doing much of anything else. he’s holding on to all his trauma and grief and not dealing with it, just like he’s been doing since he left the ice. so what is he doing all that time??? but also seeing him in a therapy group setting made my heart swell a little bit because you know he did that for sam. he misses his friend and is doing that for him, i will not believe anything otherwise. sam was and is so important to him.
- this is unrelated to steve but is important to me as a bi: carol’s hair looked so good i made a noise when i saw it and my friend hit me in the arm 
- god i wish we saw more of steve and nat interact. because clearly they’ve been in contact with one another for the past 5 years and that’s probably the longest running friendship he’s had going besides bucky so. it’s nice to know he didn’t lose everyone in one way or another for those 5 years. they just know each other so well and recognize the similarities between one another and i’m just really glad he wasn’t all alone all that time.
- steve is so done with everyone throughout this movie, including himself. it’s beautiful.
- sidenote, i could not take bruce seriously as a character the way he was and i don’t know why. also they did thor dirty. they did thor so dirty. he was a joke until they needed him to fight. the level of guilt and trauma thor is dealing with is immeasurable and they turned it into comic relief by leaning into fat-shaming and joking about alcoholism???? nah man, that’s not okay. not at all. address that he’s dealing with ptsd, show that he’s using unhealthy coping mechanisms, and help him. don’t make fun of him, don’t just let him keep doing that to himself, help him. the only scene in the whole movie i genuinely liked with him in it was his scene with frigga. because she took him seriously, she was willing to listen and offer advice and tell him what he needed to hear. that scene was so important.
- another sidenote, as much as i disliked p.epperony in the past, this movie made me appreciate them more. because i’ve always loved them both as individual characters, pepper potts owns my whole soul, but as a couple they were just written in a way that made me not love it as the movies went on. however, this movie really showed growth in their development as a couple, in pepper accepting tony for who he is and the needs he has to do good. also tony is an amazing father and it’s just so validating to see a character who grew up with an abusive parent break the cycle and become soft and kind in any interactions he has with his daughter. you can tell how much he loves his family, and it’s what he deserved.
- okay so i hope we can all agree the time travel science in this movie was fucked and they did a really bad job at explaining how it works. it was not clear, did not make sense, and following standard time travel laws there were a million paradoxes happening and it makes me angry. nebula killing her past self? bullshit bc she should not exist after that. steve’s whole ending??? also bullshit but i’ll get to that later because that’s an essay in itself.
- tony giving steve the shield back was such a big deal okay. the fact that tony has acknowledged that holding onto the resentment was detrimental to his own health and being was so important. we got a handshake and i really thought they were gonna go for a hug but noooo that’d be too much to ask for i guess. but steve hasn’t seen or held that thing in like 7 years it has to be nice to have it in his hands again, seeing as he always refers to it as an extension of his arm and all. and to be getting it back, nice and polished, from tony probably means a great deal to him as well.
- okay now let’s get to the actual time travel bit. steve and tony being the ones to zap back to 2012???? my god its like everything i ever wanted was handed to me on a platter. that movie was what got me on this marvel train and as even with its issues, it holds such a dear place in my heart. so you know the second that ‘2012′ popped onto the screen i was ready to combust. and then it just got better because it felt like an extension of the movie, like we were seeing deleted scenes, which was just. really nice?? 
- god okay “america’s ass” gave me so much life as dumb as the whole joke was. because tony blatantly checking out steve’s ass?? my dude thats the gayest thing i’ve ever seen with my own two eyes. but then tony commenting on how his ass looks in the suit???? i was living, okay. living. and the fact that he checked out his past self’s ass and was like ‘yeah, damn straight’ amused me greatly.
- ngl the ‘hail hydra’ bit made me uncomfy initially, but honestly i’m just gonna appreciate how clever my boy is and how stupid hydra is. his ‘i’m clever and i know it and i just outsmarted piece of shit nazis’ smile as he walked away from the elevator with the case???? priceless. i was half expecting another elevator fight but i guess that wouldn’t really make sense sfdghj
- steve fighting himself? past steve reacting to the compass appearing and getting super fucking pissed over the concept that someone might’ve taken it or something??? the fact that it was ‘bucky is alive’ that had him going full stop???? oof. also, the ‘i can do this all day’ and ‘yeah, i know’ was funny initially but oh my god is my boy exhausted. he’s so tired. he’s been fighting for decades. someone let him rest. please. 
- also unrelated, i wanna know where the fuck loki fucked off to when he grabbed the tessaract. like is this where the concept for his spinoff show comes from???? what did he do????
- steve and tony being on the same wavelength and trusting each other??? steve trusting tony wholeheartedly even if he didn’t fully know what it was tony was planning?? important. so, so important.
- steve in camp lehigh. oh my god. why did no one recognize captain america???? it’s been twenty years, sure, but y’all slapped ‘birthplace of captain america’ on your sign and there’s probably pictures of his face around in more places than peggy’s desk. you’re telling me no one would recognize him standing in the middle of the military camp??? nah, i don’t buy it. y’all had poor disguises and didn’t even get him sunglasses or anything. c’mon guys, you’re better than this.
- okay look this isn’t a tony blog but what the fuck was that scene with howard,, i understand it in terms of why they included it when looking at the narrative. because of tony’s whole ‘resentment is corrosive, didn’t like it’ thing and the need for closure on that front before his story ends, but he didn’t owe howard jack shit, let alone a ‘thank you’. that man, even if he had the best intentions and wanted tony to succeed in the future because he knew he had potential, was neglectful and abusive. he was not affectionate, he did not make tony feel as though he were loved, and it deeply affected tony as a person. the fact that he doesn’t know how far along his own wife is with their firstborn child??? big red flag right there, friends. sure, it’s good to show kids with bad relationships with their parents that its possible to work through negative emotions and resentment and move on with their lives but this was not the example to give. tony did not owe his father anything at that point. he’d moved on, made himself better, became a better father than howard was to him. i’m just. so angry about it okay.
- steve looking through the glass of peggy’s office at her, believing this was the last time he was going to see her again??? broke my heart but i called it as soon as i knew time travel was involved in this movie. i knew they’d throw a ‘steve sees her while traveling and is really sad about it’ bit in there somewhere. and i would have been content if that was it, if that was all he got. if that was the closure he got, one last glimpse of her. the fact that twenty years later she still has the picture of him, before he was captain america, on her desk??? erases any of the development and growth we know she went through in her series and whatnot, but it’s a good reminder that peggy carter was one of the few people that saw steve for who he was. she saw the skinny kid from brooklyn and knew he had what it took to be a hero, she saw him for the good man he was. she loved him for who he was. that means a great deal to steve, who no doubt struggles with the line between steve and cap a lot. but by this point, peggy would have moved on. in the series, she had moved on. erasing all of that development is detrimental to her character and i refuse it.
- seeing jarvis again was a treat. i squeaked.
- what the fuck was that with natasha??? what kind of man-pain fuel was that??? and why didn’t she get the proper funeral/mourning she deserved??? she’s been around since im2, she was the one who united the avengers, she was the first female avenger (bc they swept janet van dyne under the rug but thats a whole other rant), and that’s the end of her arc??? as soon as i saw where her and hawkeye were headed i just knew. i knew what was gonna happen and i was hissing internally. because i knew there was no way she’d be like ‘yeah you’re my best friend, you have a family, you go ahead and jump’ and on behalf of all the mcu writers i wanna apologize to all c.lint.asha shippers for the mess the mcu gave y’all. i’m so sorry j*ss fucked it up for y’all bc he wanted something for two characters no one else wanted. she deserved to be mourned. she didn’t deserve to be forgotten for like the rest of the film after that initial ‘she’s gone’. she deserved a funeral, too. steve just lost one of his closest friends???? on top of everything else he’s lost, let him express that. please.
- so back on my s.tony shit, the ‘that’s my man’ when tony nudged steve awake to hand him back his shield after the compound blew up??? not heterosexual at all. y’all aren’t even trying to hide it anymore u bastards
- all the ladies fighting together?? shielding peter???? kicking ass together??? gave me life. that was the most beautiful scene in the entire mcu,,, it made my bi heart burst,, all it was missing was nat, but it was a nice way to be like ‘this is what she started’. and seeing pepper out there as rescue was just the cherry on top okay i love her sm she’s so cool and finally fighting out there alongside tony and rhodey. my wife carol danvers is also the coolest??? not even flinching when thanos does whatever head-butt thing he was going for??? god i love my wives.
- ‘on your left’ god damn yes let sam wilson be the one to announce that they’re all back my boy deserves it. i wanted a proper reunion between steve and sam and/or bucky. we didn’t get that. we didn’t get that!!!!!! we didn’t get anything like that!!!!! steve was primarily on his own for 5 years because he lost his two best friends and we don’t get a reunion scene??? i call bullshit, marvel
- also rocket trying to shield groot with his own little body during the aerial attack??? broke my little heart??? like he just got him back and is terrified that he’ll lose him again,,,
- no one talk to me about tony stark i can’t handle it, he deserved to be happy and live a long life with his family. he deserved that happy ending, but i’m so grateful that pepper just. understood what he needed. she knew what he needed to hear and was there for him and could just ‘we’ll be okay, you can rest’. and give him that peace of mind. he did it, he saved the universe, he brought everyone back, he can rest. but god he really deserved to be able to rest with his family, happy and alive, okay.
- steve’s small exchange with bucky was like a nice reference to the first cap movie, but that was all we got. steve has spent multiple movies trying to get bucky back and help him, and we don’t even get a reunion scene and then just this one little bit of back and forth. a soft ‘i’ll miss you’, even though its technically only supposed to be seconds for them?? like,,, does that means bucky knows??? like, he has a feeling he knows what steve’s gonna do??? idk man, idk. all i do know is that they deserved better in this movie. i’m also summing up bucky’s telling sam to go talk to steve as bucky’s ‘i don’t know if i can handle that’ admission tbh.
- god bless sam wilson. between being the one to be like ‘bring him back. where is he? get him back.’ the second something seemed to go wrong with the time travel was,,, really nice. like, thank you for caring about my boy. thank you for always having his back. i love you so much sam wilson. and anyone who thinks sam shouldn’t be the one to get the shield can meet me in a back alley okay, this man has earned it, he’s the right pick for the cap mantle. the cap theme playing when he was given the shield? Iconic. did i cry whenever the cap theme played during this movie?? Absolutely.
- time travel in this movie is a fucking joke but i wanna know if steve had to see the red skull when he returned the soul stone because can you imagine??? that interaction??? like, did anyone warn him??? did anyone tell him the red skull was there or was it only implied when clint said something about a red man or whatever after coming back and being upset about natasha???? but also where did steve travel back to in order to start his new life??? were there just two caps in the universe??? one in the ice and one living his life w/ peggy???? none of it makes sense. none of it. where does the shield go/come from???? guys??? guys.
-okay now we address the end of steve’s arc. i’m gonna start by saying i see both sides of the discourse it’s stirred up. i understand the intention behind it, not wanting steve’s story to just be one big tragedy. because that’s where it was headed. if they killed him, he would have been fighting for decades on end without rest, without knowing peace, and that would’ve been it. that’s not the end people want to see for their heroes. he deserves to be able to put down the shield and rest. he deserves that ending for himself after fighting his whole life. However, the way they did it not only flattened his entire arc, but it flattened peggy’s entire character as well. she built a life in his absence, she moved on, and he knows this. he knew this, and i refuse to believe that steve would selfishly go back and disrupt that, take that away from her for the sake of his own personal happiness. that’s not steve rogers, a good and compassionate man. because think about the life he’d have to lead, knowing all he does. because if he isn’t supposed to disrupt the timeline, he has to let everything with hydra happen and infiltrate shield, something he knows peggy’s dedicated to, he has to let everything with bucky happen and be okay with not stepping in and rescuing his best friend from that horrific life/killing tony’s parents, he has to watch both tony and sharon grow up knowing everything about their lives??? (not to mention how fucking weird everything with sharon would be  considering the mcu just forgot about her after they made out in the parking lot???? sharon deserved better.) 
- this wasn’t an end of an arc, it was the flattening of an arc. he didn’t actually deal with anything that he’d been through. tws was all about how he needed to move on, peggy herself told him that the world was changing and he had to move with it instead of lingering in the past and what he lost. he was supposed to be building himself a new life, addressing what he lost and the trauma he’s been through and work through it all to push onward. that’s development. he got away with not working on himself or anything he went through, the group therapy was never actually beneficial because he didn’t take any of his advice, he clung to his emotions and grief and wasn’t able to move on and says as much. giving him this easy way out just feels lazy in my opinion. like they didn’t know what to do with him, wanted him to end up happy, and this was the only way they saw that happening because he wasn’t properly developed over the course of the mcu. i’m happy my boy ended up happy, don’t get me wrong, i was very close to sobbing over him finally getting that dance, but it was highly unsatisfactory in terms of a story and character arc.
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cluelessrebel1988 · 5 years
Shipping questions
Saw that @hpfangirl13​ had done this and it looked like fun so I thought I’d give it a shot
Talk about the first ship you ever had.
One of the first pairs that I remember wanting to get together was Harry/Hermione as I was reading the Harry Potter series. I didn’t know what shipping was at the time (I’m not even sure there was a term for it yet), but I really thought they made a better couple than Ron/Hermione for the longest time. I eventually came around to Ron/Hermione (Book 7 was the game changer), but Harry/Hermione was the one I was rooting for for about half the series.
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
I mean, the first one is pretty important, right? The one that gets you started on wanting to see where a relationship or friendship goes. So yeah, Harry/Hermione would probably be an important one. Outside of that, the top three are Cartinelli (Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli) on the show Agent Carter was a big one for me because that kickstarted by deep and resounding love for f/f pairings;FitzSimmons from Agents of SHIELD. If for no other reason than that’s the one thing that kept me watching through some pretty dismal story arcs; And Riley Matthews/Maya Hart (Rilaya) from Girl Meets World, due to them being one of the few pairs I’ve shipped since day one.
What’s your current OTP?
Not gonna lie, I fell pretty hard for the budding romance between Jane Banks and Jack the lamplighter in Mary Poppins returns. It’s just so sweet and pure and just starting out and it’s damn near perfect.
What’s your current NOTP?
I don’t really have one at the moment. The most recent was probably Kara/Mon-El on Supergirl, but mostly because I thought the relationship was poorly written and that the arc that they gave Mon-El would have worked just fine if they weren’t in a relationship.
Do you have any poly ships?
No. I’ve never been able to get into that. No judgement against people that are, though!
How do you feel about love triangles?
I have yet to see one that didn’t get old fast and drag a story down hard. 
How do you feel about RPF?
Not really my thing. Feels too weird.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
I actually have. Generally when I’m testing out OCs in my head or in the canon of the story, I don’t have them mess with canon pairings, but I’ve got a Lord of the Rings OC that I ship with Eowyn and yes, it’s pretty much a self-insert situation. 
Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
Well, Cartinelli never became an actual couple, but I was never expecting them to. That’s probably the only one.
Do you ship any characters that have never met?
No, there’s gotta be some kind of meeting
Talk about your favorite first kiss.
Gotta go with FitzSimmons on this one. After a little over two seasons of slow burn, and just about every bad thing you can think of getting thrown their way (including one of them getting sucked into a portal to an alien planet), they’re back together, dealing with the long months apart, the fact that one of them is convinced they’re cursed as a couple and conflicting emotions abound, and the confrontation scene they’re having reaches a tipping point and Fitz kisses Simmons as passionately as he can. She kisses him a moment later, but more gently and for just a moment, nothing else matters. No one else matters. It’s just them. Still love that scene.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together?
Not really. Not that I can think of.
Has a ship ever broken your heart?
I had my heart broken about a dozen times over with FitzSimmons, largely due to a combination of amazing writing and an inexplicable desire by said writers to keep them from getting together.
How do you feel about will they/won’t they?
Oh, if it’s done well, it’s about as perfect as it gets. But you gotta do it right. 
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”?
I think most, if not all, of my ships started at first sight
Talk about a ship you initially disliked.
I was never on the Reylo train, and I’m still not even after ‘The Last Jedi’ (though I get why a lot more people started shipping them after that movie). I’d be lying if I said I hated it, but it’s just one that I never got on board with.
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically.
I really can’t think of any.
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.
I really had a hard time understanding the SkyeWard (Agents of SHIELD) ship after it was revealed that Ward was Hydra. Pretty much everything about him after that was just...ugh. I’ve maintained for a while that his character deserved a redemption arc and that said arc would have been a more interesting story than just straight up making him the bad guy, but the two of them together never made sense to me after that reveal.
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?
Not really. I know what I like and what I don’t and my ships tend to fall in line with that.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping?
Probably just about any pairing from ‘The Great Escape’ but that’s largely because it’s a movie from 1963 and I’m not sure how many people in the shipping culture of today have even heard of it.
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against?
Not really. Most of the ships I don’t get I have problems with, and the ones I don’t ship, but don’t have a problem with I at least understand 
Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
FitzSimmons has always had amazing chemistry and just continues to get better
Which of your ships deserve better writing?
FitzSimmons deserves writers that will just let them be happy for five fucking minutes, okay?
Do you mostly ship canon pairings?
There’s a bit of balance, I think, maybe leaning toward canon pairings.
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar?
Not that I can think of.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
It’s what I (and a lot of Tumblr users) call the Slytherin/Hufflepuff dynamic. You’ve got the tough character who would set world on fire to protect their less world-weary counterpart, and the eternal optimist who will forever see the best in their significant other, perhaps most especially when they can't see it in themselves.
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life?
I guess my longest, most consistent ship has been FitzSimmons which I’ve been shipping since 2013. Cartinelli is a close second, that one’s since 2015
Does shipping come easily to you?
Oh yeah. It takes very little for me to start shipping something, even if its casually.
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic?
I don’t know if I NEED to ship something to enjoy the source material, but I’d be hard pressed to think of a situation where it doesn’t improve it at least a little.
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships.
I’m not currently shipping anyone on the show Manifest, so there’s that.
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.
It’s not one that I came up with, but I did see a FitzSimmons headcanon a few years back that he didn’t know how to tie a tie (despite wearing them all the time) and she tied them for him but no one knew about that. I really liked that and it’s kind of the epitome of their relationship in season 1
Name your favorite fan artist(s).
I don’t really have any favorites, not that I could list.
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP.
I did come across a Cartinelli fanmix a while back that I liked. I don’t remember all the songs in it, but I do remember it included ‘La Vie En Rose’ and “Someone to Watch Over Me’ which are songs a lot of people associate with the ship
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for your ships?
I’ve made a few fanvids for a couple of my ships, and I’ve written a fair share of fics for others.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP?
My favorite FitzSimmons AU is one where they get a happy ending (I’m a bit bitter about this, can you tell?)
Do you like and use ship names?
Dear God, yes. The more creative the better.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself?
I mean, apart from one where I’m a rider of Rohan and am able to romance Lady Eowyn, no
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
Angie Martinelli plays a bigger role in season 2 of Agent Carter and there’s no forced love triangle BS with Peggy.in Los Angeles. Cartinelli happiness (romantic or otherwise) ensues
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