#but the fact that they look exactly alike feels so important
thinking about the fact that eris and jenny look exactly alike
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savanir · 1 month
DP x DC prompt [17]
Tucker meets Danny (no not that one, Danny Temple)  through a Reddit about being a reincarnated important person.
They bond over a period of several weeks over their struggles with sudden positions of power and the responsibilities that come with that and surprisingly also over having a vigilante friend.
Danny Temple laments the fact that he hasn't seen his vigilante friend in a long while and his cult is keeping him busy so he can't just go out there and meet up
Tucker figures he could do his new buddy a favour. Kidnap some vigilante as a show of... friendship? General approval? To Signal that are allies or something. Drop him in egypt or wherever Danny's cult is at so they can catch up without anyone getting suspicious or whatever.
Shouldn't be too hard...
Though, wait, maybe he should keep kidnapping more as a last resort kinda thing. He should first just try to get the vigilante to act on their own by simply leaving an anonymous tip about their hidden, secret, possibly nefarious meeting. That seems less risky than full on kidnapping.
Tucker plans on asking his Danny, the Phantom one, on how he might get lured into a situation like that. Tucker doesn't really want to involve him in the actual action though... he'd feel bad if Danny took a hit on his reputation for this.
On that note. Tucker should ask his other Danny who exactly his vigilante friend is.
"Oh! It's Red Robin" he looks so proud about it.
Tucker realises he's going to have to step up his game a bit more cause he's sure tricking one of the Gotham birds is going to be a bit harder than your average teen hero (the kidnapping plan is starting to look even less appealing now...). But let it never be said he backs down from a challenge!
During a video chat while team Phantom is at Nasty Burger;
"Hey Danny come meet Danny"
Danny looks up from his food to see what Tucker is doing, "You're having way too much fun with our names being the same"
A voice pipes up from Tucker's PDA with laughter,  "it's very confusing sometimes"
"Anyway, hi Danny, I'm Danny"
Danny T can be seen grinning on the screen, "Hello Danny I'm- oh damn, that's even weirder"
Now Tucker and Danny are both confused.
"You look just like my buddy Tim"
Danny seems to find the whole thing funny so Tucker leaves the two of them to it and focuses on his own extra mega beef burger until he overhears Danny T go "oh he's in Gotham now sadly so-"
"Hm? Who?" Tucker asks and Danny distractedly goes "Tim" before going back to his conversation with other Danny and Tucker's brain is slowly putting a few pieces together before tossing it aside.
Massive coincidence that this Tim guy and Red Robin both are in Gotham, and besides, there are a gazillion Tim's on the planet. So without a last name there is no way he-
"-and last time I heard he's majority shareholder in WE and works closely with the CEO Lucius Fox. So we're both in like, leadership positions"
Oh his friend is Tim Drake.
"You're friends with Tim Drake!" Tucker butts in
A startled "woah" can be heard from both Danny's.
Meanwhile Sam finished pulling up Tim's latest news article that has a photo attached. "He's right, you two do look alike"
Danny T makes a little surprised noise "oh he stopped wearing glasses"
But really, it's probably just a huge coincidence that both are in Gotham, his friend, haven't been in touch in a while, Tim clearly has the money to do vigilante stuff if he felt like it.
... Tucker figures he could keep an ear out for any drama in the Wayne family before he makes his move. It might actually keep any other bats and birds from getting involved, and isn't that insane to think about?
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matt0044 · 3 months
Regarding the "Does RWBY like women?" poll (yes, yes it does BTW).
You know... the whole poll debacle reminded me of something.
RWBY helped me expand my media diet by telling me that just because people hate something enmass, it could just all be bullshit coupled with mob mentality.
Instead of hatedoms getting me to think:
"Damn, I don't even wanna be associated with that show based on the rage it inspires."
My more skeptical brain is like:
"Okay, so why is it reeeeeeeally hated? Is it reeeeeeeally bad or are people going along with the crowd because critical thinking is too much of a burden in this capitalist hellscape?"
Because bad media literacy is in part a result of the fact that most geeks and normies alike aren't out to be legit critics but rather just want to enjoy the thing, gush about the thing and so forth. They can't exactly articulate their reasonings why like they're trying to get an A+ in Therapy Studies.
And THAT is how the YouTube Video Essay and Angry Critic scene takes off.
We dunk on the Nostalgia Critic (often for VERY real IRL grievances) but his catchphrase: "I remember it so you don't have to" is something many who'd come after would take to heart. These video maker people are taking about a thing you like and are explaining it in a way you not only agree with but makes you feel vindicated.
Be it for love... or for hate.
Because hatedom circles like the RWDE looks to video essays that reassure them, keep them from doubting their stance on the thing and how they enforce it.
With the burden of actually seeing the thing and thinking hard taken off of them, people can confidently say things like "RWBY prioritizes Jaune" despite not looking at any potential evidence in the show that might contridice it.
Which is why this is a call for everyone to question the popular opinions.
Does Jaune Arc reeeeeeally get that much narrative importance at the expense of the main girls?
Was Jaune reeeeeeeally a self-insert?
Was Ironwood reaaaaaally derailed in his character arc?
Was Adam reeeeeeeeally representative of the Faunus?
Was the Faunus reaaaaaally offensive?
And of course...
Was Monty Oum reeeeeeeeally the only one who's vision matter to the show above all else?
Ask yourself these questions and do the work to back them up. If people are giving you responses that contridict you, responses that take evidence from the work itself more often than not, then try to do the same in turn.
Think about that show or movie being panned? What if... you actually like it?
Not everybody is a critic... but we can at least try to.
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nonamenonamenon · 6 months
It's a rainy day in the human world when Solomon attends your funeral. You're surrounded by the brothers, the angels, and the friends you made during your time in the Devildom.
It's a bit cliché, he thinks. How time seems to stop. How the skies seem to weep at your death, too. It feels as though all three realms mourn at the loss of such a special lifeー your life.
Though, who wouldn't?
You're surrounded by people you've saved. The people you cherish, and those that cherish you back. Those who've come to experience the kindness you lent to demons, angels, humans, reapers, and other creatures alike. The amount of people saddened, and standing at your casket right now is only proof of that fact.
Solomon can't bring himself to cry.
It's something that he should be used to by now. It's something that he's a little too used to, given his long life.
It's not as if he expected himself to wail and sob at your death. He loved you. He loved you so much. He'd be willing to risk everything for you. Willing to sacrifice it all for you.
It's why the lack of any real feeling at learning of your death hurts him so much.
When you had died, his first thought was to tell his dearest apprentice the news. The realization sets in, and he laughs, thinking about how idiotic he is. Oh, Solomon. You've lost the only person you were ever truly comfortable with.
He doesn't feel... sad. Or angry. Or anything, really. He feels empty. Like a part of his soul had been taken from him, and crushed beneath someone's heel.
The sorcerer merely accepts it. It's not as if he can bring you back to life now, can he? Even Thirteen couldn't do anything.
He feels powerless. He laughs a little to himself. The strongest sorcerer in all three realms, and he's utterly powerless to stop you from leaving him again.
He's got so many regrets. He didn't think he spent enough time with you. Didn't think he told you he loved you enough. He didn't cherish the times he had with you enough.
Still, he doesn't feel anything well up in his eyes. He doesn't feel the lump in his throat when he speaks. He's composed, cordial with the other guests at your funeral, even daring to greet them with a smile. The others, who didn't know him so well, sent him dirty, disgusted looks.
He ignores, and ignores, until the funeral comes to an end, and time continues to move again. Everyone will soon move on with their life, forgetting about you. And it breaks him to think about how he'll have to keep moving forward, regardless, too.
Solomon doesn't use teleportation when he walks home. He thinks he'll take his time today. He... wants to take things a little slow, today.
Walking home, he remembers your little lectures on human superstitions. Both of you had taken an interest in them back then, so it naturally came up in a conversation while walking home.
He remembers you mentioning one in particular. It was something related to stopping somewhere after a funeral, to 'shake off' any spirits that may have followed.
He can't remember. It felt like he was just walking home, conversing with you, but how come he's unable to remember?
Anyway, you told him, jokingly, that if you'd ever died, to go somewhere else before stopping home, or else you'd haunt him for life.
He thinks it wouldn't be such a bad idea. His pace speeds up a bit. Solomon wanted to take it slow, but... he wants to rest at home for a bit.
His brisk walking pace evolves into somewhat of a light jog. He remembers he left some important papers at home that he needed to review for a new spell.
His light jog turns into a full blown sprint home. What was he hoping for, exactly? That you'd appear there as an apparition, welcoming him back home, like normal?
What a joke.
It's just some dumb superstition. It's not real. You won't be back.
He arrives at the door of your shared home. He's scared. Scared to open the door and have it fully set in that you're gone. Scared, that your lack of presence there will turn your shared home into just a mere house.
He fiddles with the key in his hand, and inserts it into the doorknob. He twists, and he hears a click.
He opens the door. The lights are shut. The movies you were supposed to watch and games you were supposed to play together are still stacked messily on the table. Your dirty clothes are still strewn about the apartment.
He doesn't... know how to feel. He enters, closing the door behind him, and sits on the couch in your living room.
If he waits any longer, will the lights start blinking?
Will the tap suddenly start running?
Will the room get colder, as he feels chills run down his spine?
Will something break, so suddenly, that it frightens him a little?
He wishes for something, anything, to happen. Just so he can feel your presence in your home again. Just so it doesn't feel like you're truly gone.
But nothing ever arrives.
The floorboards don't creak. The lights don't start flickering. The door doesn't move, suddenly. Nothing. Nothing happens.
After an hour of waiting, Solomon... breaks.
He breaks.
Tears well up in his eyes, and he feels that unfamiliar lump in his throat. It's as if a dam had fractured, and had been continuously breaking throughout the day.
And everything had started spilling out.
He cries. Solomon cries. He feels his tears drip down his face, drop after drop. It's not something he's used to. He's not used to feeling so strongly about a death like yours.
You passed of natural causes. Just like everybody else. Just like his family. Just like most of his friends.
How come... how come he's crying so hard at your death, then?
It's something he should be used to by now. It's something that he's used to.
However, when he feels the lack of warmth, the lack of life, the lack of you in your shared home...
Solomon realizes that he'll never get used to not having you with him.
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pagannatural · 7 months
-Route 666
-Sam’s hackles are up the minute Dean says they’re dropping everything to help a woman he knows. Sam is alternately irritated and amused by Dean’s trysts but he draws the line at someone else actually being important to Dean.
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Sam acts exactly like a jealous wife. He says “so by old friend you mean…?” And then he crosses his arms and accuses “you never mentioned her” and “you mean you dated someone. For more than one night.”
-Sam is even angrier to find out Dean told Cassie he’s a hunter.
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He looks like a scorned wife. He never told Jess, who he wanted to marry, the truth about his life shared with Dean. In the pilot, before she died, Dean challenged Sam by asking, Does she know the truth about you? She didn’t, she couldn’t know this part of Sam that Dean knows. Now Sam finds out that there is someone else in Dean’s life who knows their secrets. He’s threatened.
-Cassie is ridiculously beautiful and likable. Sam is too sweet to hold anything against her.
-Sam is paying very close attention to Cassie and Dean. He’s studying them, which means it’s really important to him to figure out what’s going on between them. He observes to Dean that she’s fearless and wouldn’t take his shit. He notices that they don’t look at each other at the same time, that they have unfinished business.
-Sam and Cassie are a lot alike. She’s educated, she stands up for herself and speaks her mind, and she’s the type to call Dean out. Dean specifically told Sam he admired the fact that Sam stands up for himself and goes after what he wants, and we know Sam challenges Dean all the time. Reporters also tend to do quite a bit of research, which is Sam’s thing. She was even in college at the same time Sam was, when she and Dean dated.
Dean met her and had the most serious relationship of his life during that first year Sam was away at college. John wrote in his journal something about Dean talking to a woman who is a reporter about Sam on Sam’s 20th birthday as they leave Athens, Ohio. Dean probably sought comfort from Cassie about missing Sam and definitely told her about him. Dean tried to fill the Sam-shaped hole in his life with Cassie.
-Dean can either have Sam or he can have a girlfriend (or he can have neither) but he can’t have both.
-Sam won’t let this go. He’s kind of teasing Dean about it but then he gets serious when he says “you loved her.” His vibe changes again when he guesses that she was the one who dumped him. He looks hurt. He probably thought he was the only one who had ever dumped Dean.
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It makes him so insecure.
-Did Sam just think that Dean would never fall in love or get into a relationship? Is this the first time he’s considering that possibility?
-Sam reflects that when he was at college his life was so simple. Something about this particular case makes Sam miss when his life was less complicated, and the only thing different about this case is that Dean has feelings for someone. It would fit with Sam running away from his feelings for Dean.
-Sam coughs loudly when Dean and Cassie kiss and tells Dean to admit he’s still in love with her. Dean doesn’t. Imagine Sam’s face if he had.
-Sam watches Cassie and Dean kiss goodbye and then looks away with this expression on his face
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-He asks Dean if a girl like Cassie ever makes Dean question if what they’re doing (hunting) is worth it. He also says he likes her, like he’s giving his approval. He’s doing the same thing Dean did in Hook Man, seeing if his brother wants to stay behind for a love interest.
They’re testing each other. They’re pushing to see who will leave first. Sam’s abandonment issues come from not feeling chosen and feeling left out, left on his own constantly while Dean and their dad hunted, the odd one out. It’s part of why he left in the first place. He thinks Dean needs his help, but he doubts that Dean would truly choose him when it came down to it. Before this he thought that Dean was choosing hunting over him, but now the possibility arises that he could choose another person. He thinks now that this is what Dean truly wants.
-Dean doesn’t answer Sam’s question outright. He just looks at Sam with so much love and tenderness and tells him to wake him up when it’s his turn to drive. There was never any contest.
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jadeazora · 3 months
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Quite a long read below, but I have to admire the dedication to the meme 😂
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Feeling blue? It’s because there’s too much water. Your mood can turn gray on rainy days. From a broader perspective, water is the cause of all the world’s woes. All life exists on land. It is where Pokémon hatch from their Eggs. Where they train, battle, and evolve. It’s the source of the Berries that heal and sustain them. Even the mighty Mudkip, Hoenn’s beloved Water-type first partner Pokémon, sees a limited future for itself in water. Why else would it evolve into the Water- AND Ground-type Marshtomp?
Deep down, we all recognize the dangers of water. Land rhymes with grand. Boom! Roasted. Speaking of which, you can’t roast anything in water, and roasting is one of the five best cooking methods—but back to water’s imminent dangers. Even a puddle can ruin someone’s day, so the only safe amount of water is none. While humans fall victim to technology, turning away from nature’s sanctity, Pokémon remain deeply connected to nature. And Pokémon know that water is dangerous; why else would Dragonite dedicate its precious time to flying over immense stretches of sea to rescue people from drowning? How far have we sunk morally that this noble Pokémon must exhaust itself rescuing humans from this dire threat when there is an alternative solution at hand?
If we’re being honest—which the anti-water faction can afford to be with the advantage of facts and Groudon on our side—water tastes terrible. There’s an entire line of products specifically designed to enhance its flavor. It’s worth noting that there are no products to enhance the flavor of earth, because it tastes fine exactly the way it is. If you were thirsty in the middle of the ocean, what would you do with all that water? Clearly, the deranged water apologists bent on marinating us all in this deadly liquid have failed to accurately assess the threat that it poses to humans and Pokémon alike.
It’s no accident that many sports and leisure activities are devoted to avoiding the water. Boats are the most common method of traversing the stuff, and yet their entire purpose is to help you stay dry. Surfboards, jet skis, wetsuits, and even ridable Pokémon like Lapras, Mantine, and Basculegion are all indicative of humanity’s natural and entirely logical aversion to water. In reality, you can enjoy all these activities on land. Sandboarding is every bit as thrilling as surfing. And from a purely fashionable perspective, life vests and flippers ruin any ensemble. Of course, to each his own. Who am I to judge if someone likes the frayed shorts and bandana look? As a person whose style is impeccable, though, I’m much more aware of how important it is to look your best.
Like any person of reasonable logic, I could pontificate on the many dangers, drawbacks, and downsides of water for longer than Groudon’s subterranean slumber, but I have responsibilities elsewhere. I hope I have managed to plant the seeds of doubt concerning this insidious substance. Should you decide to take up our cause, you know where to find me.
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Seeing red? You probably need more water. Irritability is a proven side effect of dehydration. There’s no problem that can’t be solved by water. Water is life. Without it, there would be no Magikarp struggling heroically to overcome the limitations of its biology, inspiring us all with its courage. No surfing Pikachu lifting spirits with its gnarly moves. No Squirtle, and certainly no Squirtle Squad. Eager young Pokémon Trainers would visit Professor Birch, excited to meet the Mudkip that would become their first partner on their Pokémon journey, only to find an empty Poké Ball.
What’s so great about land, anyway? There’s a reason land rhymes with bland. You know what isn’t bland? Soup. Everyone knows soup is the epitome of culinary ambition and delight, and what is soup if not seasoned water? If only being bland were the land’s only crime. Land is dangerous—volcanoes, quicksand, drought, and so forth. You know what extinguishes volcanoes, liquefies quicksand, and ends drought? Water. In fact, Kyogre, that magnificent master of aquatic realms, is known to save people suffering the effects of droughts. Without the parched, overrated land, the world and its many beautiful Pokémon would never know the horrors of another drought.
If the land is so safe, explain shoes. While swimming or otherwise interacting with water, we shed our footwear, instinctively wanting to maximize our physical contact with water. When walking on land, though, we wear shoes, acknowledging the inherent danger and uncleanliness of the earth. It’s not unreasonable to theorize that any pro-land faction is secretly funded and driven by Big Footwear.
If land is so wonderful, explain the existence of swimming pools. What are these giant, land-bound containers if not an expression of humankind’s yearning for the soothing, invigorating embrace of that life-giving liquid? Similarly, we embark on cruises because we long for the sea. Without water, we would forever lose the majesty of jet skis, gliding as effortlessly as Lapras. Snorkeling, kayaking, diving, windsurfing, wakeboarding, and water polo would all cease to exist without water. Water aerobics, which we can all agree embodies the nobility of the human spirit and incredible capability of the human body, relies entirely on the presence of water. Without it, we would be left with just aerobics—a pale and paltry imitation.
Finally—our bodies are roughly 60% water. Without it, we would be dried, unrecognizable husks, which is an accurate description of anyone unfeeling enough to dismiss the beauty and wonder of soup, the sea, jet skis, Squirtle, and our existence. Long live the water. I hope these arguments have sufficiently piqued your interest and whet your appetite for knowledge about the benefits and necessity of water.
Article here.
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
Sakura Haruno fic recs: ANBU
AHHHH!!!! I love ANBU fics, especially when they involve Sakura. It was such a cool concept, which was unfortunately never fully expanded upon. However, our lack of knowledge regarding the shadow corps allows for some really cool fic ideas since authors can take creative liberty on the structure and workings of the division.
In my opinion, Sakura had the most potential out of team 7 to join ANBU (at least more than Naruto). It's all about being discreet and efficient and although she wasn't strong during og, she possessed abilities that would be valuable for this. Her clever mind, chakra control, and genjutsu potential would've made her a good fit. Naruto was too flamboyant and Sasuke was too reckless and cocky, but this is just my take. However, with her new skill set from her training with Tsunade, I don't think she would be able to go down that path anymore.
Started: 2024.08.06
Last Updated: 2024.08.29
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Masks by mads999 || ao3 || kakasaku || E || canon divergent || complete
1. Sakura's Inner is far more diabolical than anyone ever expected 2. Crows prove to be cruel mentors 3. Sakura comes to learn exactly how much she hates Kakashi (as well as how alike they are, in the most terrible of ways)
Kakashi is a hateful turd and Sakura is spiteful! I hate this ship and I'm not a big fan of Kakashi here, but boy is this fic good. One of the best character developments I've read for Sakura and she certainly becomes of force to be reconned with. The ANBU lore in Masks is absolutely phenomenal and I love the whole system that is put into place as it adds for some drama (lol). Also, can we talk about how awesome crow summons are????
Five Kingdoms for the Dead - Evil Is A Relative Term || ffn || M || canon divergence || complete
After the Forest of Death, Sakura comes to realize that being weak is no longer an option. However, she finds that change is sometimes painful and that truth doesn't always come easy. Luckily, she'll have some help along the way.
It's been a while since I've read Five Kingdoms for the Dead, but I just remember it being absolutely great! I'll be honest, I found a lot of the mind stuff pretty confusing at times, but it was still enjoyable. Also, some great characters are utilized in this fic such as Neji, Sai, and Itachi. Makes me really wish that we saw more of Sakura and Neji working together in Naruto since I think they compliment each other quite well.
Trials of Change - Espoiretreves || ao3 || gen || time travel AU || complete
Haruno Sakura made a promise. Looking in the eyes of her Shisou and the reanimated Hokage, she took on the most important mission of her life. Go back in time and try to prevent the 4th Shinobi War. Now, Sakura is back to her 5-year-old body, with all the knowledge and haunting memories of the future. She vows to keep her precious people safe and stop certain events from happening, without altering the timeline too much. The trials her emotions and logic put her through have her questioning her very existence, but for the sake of peace, she has to push forward. No matter what.
Trials of Change is actually apart of a time travel series and I have to say that it is probably one of the best of the genre! Now, Sakura is not in ANBU here, but she works very closely with team Ro (Kakashi's ANBU team) and it's a huge part of the story, so I'm choosing to count it anyway. I really adore all of the worldbuilding and backstories going on here in addition to the fact that there are breaks. Yes, the story keeps moving, but there are other things going on, like playdates, and not just Sakura trying to save the world. Also, if you love Shisui then definitely check this out since he has a huge role and his and Sakura's friendship is just so precious.
bite me and see, said the fly to the spider - MirrorImage003 || ao3 || itasaku || T || non-massacre AU || ongoing
In which Sakura is not initially a part of Team 7. In which she wears her failures like armor and brandishes her fears like her most trusted weapons. In which I do what hundreds of other authors have done before me, and rewrite Sakura's story. Non-massacre AU. Canon Divergent. Slow-burn.
After Sakura's first team, consisting of the graduating class's "expendables," dies, she joins team 7 and faces backlash along her shinobi journey. Sakura doesn't join ANBU until the later chapters so fair warning that there isn't too much content in that regards (unless it updates). Nonetheless, Sakura views ANBU as vital to her career as it offers her the highest clearance she can get. Gaining her opportunities for information her civilian-born status didn't allow her privy to.
The Sixth Shadow - thinknicht || ao3 || kakasaku || M || canon divergent - eventual time travel AU || ongoing
No one seemed to find it odd when little Haruno Sakura threw herself smack dab in front of a Chidori and Rasengan. Not even Kakashi stopped to wonder.(He really should have.)
The story of how Sakura came to be the sixth hogake despite all of the challenges thrown her way. I especially love Sakura's drive in addition to the political aspects. However, be warned that Kakashi is an absolute HATER (in the beginning), but he gets better! The Sixth Shadow is extremely long and I only just recently got to Sakura's introduction to ANBU, so I can't say too much in that regard.
Daughter of Fire - justjstuff || ao3 || kakasaku || E || canon divergence || incomplete (maybe ongoing)
Sakura got up and didn’t bother brushing the dirt from her dress. She had a feeling she was about to get even dirtier.She looked at the memorial stone one last time, memorizing the characters without even realizing she was doing it. It would serve from that moment on as a reminder of her determination. She wouldn’t let Naruto and Sasuke join the names carved on that stone.That was her nindo.
Sakura's growth throughout Daughter of Fire is great and realistic all while pointing out aspects from the original series which were flawed and dare I say misogynistic. I struggled a bit in the beginning to justify her abilities, but overall the story is really well done and the ANBU aspects are quite intriguing.
cut the head off the snake - itsthechocopuff || ao3 || T || time travel AU || complete
when eighteen-year-old, post-war Sakura is thrown back into her tiny, pre-Academy body, she makes a decision. she'd had a childhood once already, and this time, she's more interested in Not Dying when the inevitable shit hits the proverbial fan. so she will work harder, care less, kill more, and smile when she's done.and hey, if she ends up reviving an extinct nature transformation to attract the most corrupt, power-hungry man from her timeline, all the better for her, right?
Such a unique take on a time travel AU and Cut the Head Off the Snake executes it perfectly. Sakura decides that her first order of business is to infiltrate ROOT and that's exactly what she does. Sai, Shin, and Shisui are all great characters and team Ro is present as well. Very good!
Flowers - Idunmy || ao3 || E || kakasaku || canon divergence || ongoing
Flowers only bloom just before they wilt When Sakura loses her fight against Ino in her Chuunin exams, she questions her ability to ever become a kunoichi, too weak to protect herself, let alone her village One wrongful promotion later and Sakura gets a second chance in the shape of a mysterious new teacher who against all odds is willing to put her faith in a young girl with potential and a willingness to fight. Or- a fix-it inspired fic where Sakura grows to be the powerhouse she was destined to become.
Flowers is a newer series (which has recent updates) and I love it! Critiques are made towards the medical ninja training, which I believe needed to be discussed and it's refreshing to see. In most ANBU fics I've read, Sakura is immediately put onto the strongest team, but here it's a bit different. She begins on a demolition squad, which not only suits her skill set quite well, but is a realistic approach to how she would be introduced to the corps. Anyway, it's one of my favorite reads at the moment and I really like where the story is going.
names. - waterpllar || ao3 || T || gen || canon divergence || complete
There are no names or faces in ANBU. Everything is designed to be strictly formal, efficient and professional. A recently orphaned Sakura, however, learns that some regulations aren't meant to be followed, and finds a place in Team Ro after being shunned from her former teammates. (fic prompt from anon on tumblr: orphaned sakura in anbu with yamato, genma, and team ro.)
AHHHH poor Sakura. After her parents' death Sakura seeks Tsunade's help out of desperation to become useful. Under recommendation, Sakura's new goal is to make it into ANBU.
Equinox - FM_White || ao3 || itasaku || M || anbu AU || complete
ItaSaku (Post Uchiha Massacre) AU: Climbing through the ranks of Konoha, Sakura finds herself with the invitation to join ANBU and a chance to learn from one of the most renowned and legendary ninja in the world. Despite her efforts to grow stronger however, she finds the world isn't as black and white as it looks and that some truths are easier to hide than others.
I don't remember Equinox very well, but I love most works by this author sooo. Anyway, Itachi stays in Konoha and instead it's Sasuke that goes rougue. Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru are newly joined ANBU members and all placed on a team with Itachi and things go from there.
stars in our eyes as we dream of the heavens (the gods walk among us, sweet child, do not forget) - snickiebear || ao3 || kakasaku || T || age-swap AU || oneshot complete
“Kakashi-sensei,” Naruto whispered, staring at his teacher, horror plain on his face. “You’re married?” Lazily, Kakashi looked down at his gloveless hand where his ring rested, “It would appear so.”
Sakura is born in the same generation as Kakashi and turns out as a badass ANBU married to him. This is super wholesome as it's a lot of the two of them bonding with Kakashi's genin team (Sai makes three) in an effort to help them out. It's a series so you can read more of the events taking place prior to the fic.
Anachronistic Drift  - Elesrea  || ffn || gen || T || time travel AU || incomplete
Her plan was flawless. Save Shisui. Save the world. Time-travel, Sakura-centric AU
Sakura spends years training to be sent back in time and save the world from Sasuke. She isn't in ANBU, but rather poses as one in order to keep an anonymous status on her doings both in and out of the village.
Sakura - lilac haze || ffn/ao3 || M || minasaku || time travel AU || complete
AU. Non-Canon. Time Travel. Please see inside for full warnings. Cross posted on Ao3. On his deathbed he was granted eternal peace and place to rest for all of time. Of course that was not appealing to him. Ever unpredictable to the end he had a counter offer. One that the Sage had to consider. In which Sakura's going to have a rough time. A really rough time.
Sakura is probably one of my all time favorite fics because the emotions are just spectacular. The story is pretty heavy on ANBU and ROOT aspects, which I always enjoy, but I wouldn't say it's a major focus. However, there is an emphasis on the unfair treatment towards kunoichi. Anyway, the characterizations and storytelling are beautifully done. Please share this author some love.
Check TWs before hand!!
Hope y'all enjoy these recs, and please feel free to send me some if you have any!!!! I really appreciate when you do :)
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itsgxsly · 2 years
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Summary: The drivers on the grid and many of the fans can't help but notice all the similarities between Charlotte and y/n, Arthur's girlfriend. It turns out that the Leclerc brothers have very similar tastes
Pairing: arthur leclerc x reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 658
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The similarities between the two youngest of the Leclerc’s were obvious. Similar faces with puppy eyes and charming smiles, an attitude that made anyone fall in love and that Monegasque touch that gave the perfect point. But what went unnoticed outside of public life was that Charles and Arthur not only clashed physically and mentally from time to time, they had very similar tastes.
That fact came to light the first time Arthur Leclerc took his girlfriend to see his brother's Italian GP. Charles wanted to have his family there for the Ferrari team's home race, and clearly his sister-in-law was also on the list.
You met the whole Leclerc family after a year dating Arthur, but out of all of them, the person you clicked on quickly was Charlotte, Charles's girlfriend. You assumed that she went because being an only child, you found that fraternal feeling that you didn't have in your chilhood, in Charlotte. The girl welcomed you like a little sister from the first moment. She had even started guiding you in the world of fashion and social media, making the entire Leclerc family smile at how alike you two were even if you didn't share blood.
On Friday you arrived with Arthur at the Paddock going to the Ferrari garage. You haven't seen Charles and Charlotte for a long time and you missed the couple. You quickly spotted the aforementioned next to Charles checking his cell phone. You trotted up to her and she looked up from her and you both locked in an excited hug, almost jumping in the middle of the garage. Arthur and Charles looked at each other after greeting, a little confused but touched by your relationship. Charles had to admit that his young sister-in-law looked adorable dressed almost exactly like his girlfriend, in a blue dress with wide sleeves and ruffles, black ankle boots on her feet. Arthur had told you that morning that he had to thank Charlotte for making you wear that outfit that make you look so beautiful that day.
While the four of you were talking, more like you and Charlotte were talking and Charles and Arthur were watching commenting from time to time, you ignored the cameras and some fans who saw the scene of the two girls and the two brothers so similar to each other. Arthur and you were like a mini copy of Charles and Charlotte and thousands of photos were already swarming the internet commenting on how cute it was that you looked so much like Charlotte or how the Leclercs shared a clear common prototype.
When you returned to the hotel after practices that day, your instagram full of mentions and with many photos posted to your stories, in the Ferrari garage, Charlotte and you and some with Arthur, you were ready to look at many of the mentions of your followers today while you waited for Arthur to go to sleep with you. You smiled a little embarrassed at the pictures of the four of you and you and Charlotte complimenting the two of you and saying how adorable you looked being a little copy of her.
"What are you smiling at?" Arthur's voice snapped you out of your reverie.
“From the photos they took of us this morning. Look, they say we look like a mini copy of Charlotte and your brother” you showed him the photos on your phone.
You watched them for a while, liking a few and sending one to Charlotte and Charles, who had to agree with the fans that you looked pretty alike. With that in mind, you and Arthur went to sleep, resting well for tomorrow's qualifying.
You liked having found a family in the Leclercs and in Charlotte, they were part of the important people in your life and you felt proud that they told you that you looked like such a good and admirable woman as Charlotte could be.
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tgmsunmontue · 3 months
Upon which our souls touch 1/?
Hangster Fantasy!AU for the "Elves/Orcs" and "Immortals" squares on my bingo card. (Previous Tumblr post/s).
Tradition and the stories have been the same for thousands of years. Until Bradley and Jake came along and broke all the rules without ever speaking a word to one another...
                On your sixtieth summer you’re permitted to enter the cavern.
                It is a horde of eggs, protected alike by the dragons and the elves and orcs that ride them, and live with them side-by-side.
                The eggs are all warm to the touch, all of them holding the promise of new life.
                Your egg glows for you, and only you. This means you have an unbreakable bond with that dragon and they will bond with you, no one else.
                If the dragon is big enough, they will permit you to ride them. Dragons however, can control their rate of growth, and some are just assholes who don’t ever want to be ridden.
                Some dragons are small things that ride on the shoulder of their companion instead.
                Some dragons fly, while others never grow wings.
                Eggs hatch only when they feel you are ready.
                When your egg hatches you stop aging, gifted near-immortality to be a dragon-companion forever, or until your dragon dies.
                Sometimes an egg may never hatch. Those people grow older and eventually die.
                Upon their passing the egg goes cold. The egg is used as a grave marker.
                Dragon-kind are beasts of the earth, the air and the fire that joins them and moves between them, the ashes floating up, to then later settle back on earth.
                While not all eggs hatch, everyone has an egg glow for them.
                Until Bradley.
…            …            …       
                Bradley enters the cavern and swallows, nervous. He’s been told that that is natural. Normal. But he feels like something is… different. He’s never felt the same affinity for the dragon-kind that his family have, but this is a rite of passage and he will fulfill his familial duty. He’s already different amongst their kind, his looks not as fierce or warlike. He has worked hard to be the strongest, the fastest, the most clever. He knows the other talk. About how no-one knows his true bloodlines. His father unknown, his mother tight-lipped but loving. No one can deny his abilities though.
                Compounding his physical peculiarities is the fact that his chest sigil is unusual as well. The sharp edges of the peaks are common enough, as are the circles. But to have two, ones that are the mirror of one another. The shape or the circle and triangle both almost equal in size which makes it unclear exactly what his purpose in life may be. Others may have questions, however no more than he himself has them when he looks down at them, runs a finger over the ink and wonders.
                He walks around the cavern, and all of the eggs are warm, all pulsing lightly under his fingertips and he can sense them all. But none are lit up like they speak of in the stories. He knows it can take time, that it’s important not to rush. To let his eyes adjust to the darkness fully so that a hint of glowing can be sensed, even from the smallest of eggs buried under dozens of others. The stories speak of that too, how eggs will grow extra bright if they are buried, if you need to uncover your egg. You must carefully move the eggs, until you are holding the one glowing one and you can then claim it, as it has claimed you.
                Nothing happens.
        ��       He spends the night in the cavern, lets sleep claim him for little bits here and there, hopefully upon waking that he will see a gleam of light coming from any direction. None comes, until morning when the sun reaches its long finger even this deep and there is a little patch of not-dark.
                It has been a day’s cycle and no egg has glowed for him.
                He doesn’t run, but he does leave.
…            …            …
                Twenty summers pass, no one forgets. Everyone has long memories. Bradley lives a quarter-day travel from the closest settlement, and a half-day from two others, however his affinity for plants and healing has made him sought after, if not exactly desirable. Some murmur wishes of death rather than seek help from someone seen as unworthy by the dragon-kind. However the dragon-kind do not shun Bradley at all, and his healing herbs work for them as well, many seek him out. Even though twenty summers are few, he does develop a reputation amongst them. He is the last hope of many.
…            …            …
                Jake enters the cavern and immediately needs to shield his eyes as it gets blindingly bright. He thinks that his egg must be as bright as the sun to be shining so vividly, but when he cracks open his eyes and peers through his fingers he’s horror-stricken to see that they’re all glowing. Every single one of them. He stands there, frozen, unable to think about what he should do. Should he just grab one? He can’t. He wants one that is meant for him, and him alone. He remembers sneaking in here as a child, something that is expressly forbidden and he wonders if that’s why he is now surrounded by hundreds of glowing eggs.
                He leaves the cavern the following morning empty handed, eyes downcast as he walks past the confused faces of his family. He gathers his things from where they were stored and hoists his bag onto his back. He might not know what is happening to himself, but he knows someone he can maybe ask.
…            …            …
                The elders, those who look only one-hundred summers but whose years number over one-thousand, as well as those who look every year of their three-hundred years, egg un-hatched, gather to discuss. To have Bradley not have an egg glow is one thing, they cannot speak as to his lineage and there is something there they may not know about, despite their many years and knowledge of the world. Jake though. For him, not to have an egg claim him is far more concerning. His family have been dragon-riders for generations, the large golden dragons almost exclusively choosing those from the Seresin Clan. Everyone had expected it.
                Everyone had been wrong.
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Bradley's chest sigils
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Looking back at Steven Universe I had a lot of criticisms, but there were also a lot opinions and discourse that REALLY didn’t sit right with me—one of the biggest ones was the discourse surrounding “Storm in The Room”
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I remember there being a lot of posts about how “Rose” was gaslighting Steven by asking him if he really believed she purposefully made him to run from her mistakes.
And I just. As someone who is close to their parents BUT also has had a lot of fights with them, and has had a lot of moments where I felt EXACTLY like Steven does during this scene, it was always very clear to me that this whole conversation and episode was Steven working out his complicated feelings about Rose on his own.
The “Rose” in the gif above is not real. It’s not actually Steven’s mom. That’s like. That’s the whole point.
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Steven asking Room!Rose if she just created him to run away from her mistakes, and her responding by asking him if he really believes that, is Steven having an internal dialogue. He is talking things out with himself. It’s something I’ve done myself MANY times when I get in arguments or need to untangle my own feelings about something.
Steven’s fear and anxiety is that he wasn’t created to be his own person, but to fix Rose’s mistakes. However, on some level he doesn’t really believe that, he knows rationally Rose loves him and did not INTEND for him to be hurt by her past actions. But regardless of her intent, Steven was still hurt. And that hurt is real and important.
This room manifests Steven’s desires, feelings and thoughts. I always interpreted that scene as Steven coming to terms with the fact that his mother isn’t perfect and wonderful like he previously believed her to be. It’s him realizing she’s a PERSON who had flaws and did bad things.
He has to let himself feel the anger and hurt and betrayal and be upset before he can think rationally again and realize that no, he doesn’t really believe that his mom only made him to hide from her mistakes. But it’s still upsetting. It’s still hard. And as he says in this scene, he has to pick up the pieces of everything Rose left behind.
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THAT is the point of this scene, and of “Storm in the Room” as a whole.
Something that I haven’t heard or seen talked about in regards to Steven Universe’s themes is the fact that, in life, you will hurt the people you love sometimes. And that you will be hurt by them in turn.
This happens multiple times through the series, and I personally think it’s done so well because the way the characters are written feel very true to life. The relationships in Steven Universe rupture and break, but the characters come together to repair their relationships again and again.
That is what a healthy relationship actually looks like—they are not devoid of conflict. Instead the people in the relationship work through conflict when it arises.
The reason the conflict in Steven Universe is so engaging to me personally is because its focus is on interpersonal relationships and how they take hard work and time.
This is something that is so important to understand, for kids and adults alike. That the people who love you become a part of you, and that they will hurt you—and while that doesn’t make them evil or malicious, that pain is still real and deserves to be acknowledged and those feelings should be treated seriously.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Chainsaw Man Chapter 137: Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura
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Oh what, you thought we were going to be thought provoking and actually dive into Denji's struggle as a character through a normal lens? Ha-ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is “Never get involved in a land war in Asia,” but only slightly less well known is this: "Never expect Fujimoto to be normal".
The whole chapter is expectation subversion, which perfectly captures both Fujimoto's sense of humor, and his absolute desire for b-list and camp. I mean, just look at how we open, Denji giving a surprisingly long winded (for him) monologue about maturing past the point of taking whatever kind of affection he can.... before it's revealed that it's all in his head and he's sucking on a dead devil.
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In all honesty though, this is rather unironically an important moment for Denji. Why? Because he knows better. He himself understands the situation that he's in, that he should be better than what he's doing, that he shouldn't be caving to the whims and mockery of a girl offering an empty promise. But he can't stop himself. He's so far below rock bottom in this moment that it doesn't matter if it's a lie, it doesn't matter if she's hazing him. What matters is that she's giving him attention, and a chance to delude himself from his current station in life.
Anyways, the pair go to a karaoke place and the girl gets going on a song, leading to probably one of Fujimoto's best action sequences in all of part 2 now.
And no, it's not the action itself that makes this an incredible moment, it's quite literally everything else. Denji fell for the trap, he took it hook, line, and sinker and is now stuck fighting off a small army of men with baseball bats while the girl sings an absolute rager in the background. The entire setup is just incredible, the sheer thrill that both viewers and Denji alike feel from the moment is impeccable, and it ends the chapter on just the right note.
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I mean, look at this, the pile of bodies littering the hallway, the three panel shot of Denji's face, the matchup to end the chapter. Absolutely masterclass Fujimoto work on display.
I'd really like to take a closer look at Denji's reaction (and all the guys with bats too). These three panels give sort of a double meaning to Denji's character, in my opinion. The first, is self-deprecating humor at the fact that he ever thought he might stand a fraction of a snowball's chance in hell for the trap to not be a trap. And the second, well the second is Denji finding that Chainsaw Man spark again. Pure unadulterated violence, the feeling of superiority, of a challenge or uphill fight laid against him. Denji's in his element now, and that's dangerous for our girl here.
Anyways, the guys with bats. Very funny idea considering the girl "gets around", so seeing a lineup of guys appear with bats while Denji and this girl are on a "date" is a pretty good type of humor.
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Overall, for how insane this chapter is, it's exactly what Denji needed. He needed to be beat down, he needed to feel that desperation, he needed to remember who he is. That even if he goes to school now, even if he has a little sister and a house and food and all sorts of stuff, that the part of him that became Chainsaw Man is still a part of Denji. That they're two sides of the same coin. That he's still strong and capable and dangerous, and that he can keep chasing all the dreams he could ever want.
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humanrindswrites · 10 months
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summary: lars works too much
pairing: lars ulrich x female reader
warnings: fluff, comfort, mentions of overworking and nervousness, food
word count: 1686 words
a/n: this takes place before the damaged inc tour in 1986
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The sound of drumming got louder and louder as she made her way through the house. She knew that Lars was going to spend the best part of the day practising for the tour, but she didn’t expect him to be playing so late into the night. The migraine she had from the noise wasn’t expected either.
She covered her ears and screwed her eyes shut as she got closer to the home studio he’d had built, unsuccessfully trying to keep the noise from reaching her eardrums. She braced herself for an onslaught of sound and shoved the door open, trying to make her movements as loud as possible to match him.
Inside, she found Lars at his kit, stripped down to his underwear and covered in sweat. His hair was tied back and held down by his headphones but what escaped stuck to his forehead. She watched him as he played wildly, his toned arms slicing the air as the sticks struck each of the drums, his eyes screwed shut in concentration. There was no way she would be able to hear him, but she was determined to get his attention somehow.
“Lars,” she said, her voice raised enough for her to hear over the beat but not enough for him to hear.
Gingerly, she stepped towards the kit, the vibrations forcing their way through her body until she swore she could feel her bones rattling. She shouted his name louder only for him to still not hear him. Starting to get frustrated, she carefully moved around to stand beside him, avoiding the wires on the floor and his flailing arms.
His headphones were plugged into a stereo beside him, presumably playing the song that he was practising. She pushed the pause button to stop the song and he kept drumming for a few seconds more before realising that there was no sound.
“Hey, what gives?” he said to himself as he took the headphones off and turned around, the shimmer of cymbals fading. “Oh, hey. What’re you doing here?”
“Lars, do you know what time it is?” she asked him and folded her arms over her chest.
“I dunno, about 7?” he said as he got up from the stool and set his sticks down on top of the stereo.
“It’s ten-thirty.”
Lars’ eyes went wide and he shot up from the stool to look at the time on the stereo. It was indeed ten-thirty at night.
“Fuck,” he breathed in disbelief. “I’ve really been practising all day.”
“You have and I want to go to bed soon,” she said and took his arm to lead him out of the room. “Have you even eaten today?”
The sudden sound of his stomach growling was exactly the answer she was looking for. To his friends and fans alike, Lars was known for always eating something. The fact that he’d been practising for so long without even getting up for a single potato chip showed how committed he was to the tour.
“I should go eat something, I guess,” he said as he stumbled around the kit. “No, maybe I should shower first.”
He babbled to himself over what he needed to do first and almost tripped on his headphone wires as he tried to make his way out of the room. Thankfully, she caught him before he could fall over and placed her hands on his shoulders to ground him.
“Okay, just take a breath for a moment,” she said. “Which is more important right now: food or not being sweaty anymore?”
Lars stopped for a second to think, his decision made for him by a bead of sweat running down his temple.
“Shower first,” he said. “Then food.”
“Good choice,” she said with a smile before leading him out of the studio, helping him to cross the wires without getting his toes caught on them. Lars’ habit of playing at home barefoot had caused many unfortunate accidents in the time since the studio had been put together and no amount of cable organisers helped.
“Join me?” he asked when they reached the hallway.
“I was about to go to bed,” she said, her voice trailing off as Lars stroked her face with one of his taped-up fingers.
“Please?” Lars asked, giving her his best puppy-dog eyes. “I’ll wash your hair for you.”
My hair is pretty dirty, she thought as she let him guide her to the bathroom.
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True to his word, Lars did in fact wash her hair for her in addition to his own. If they hadn’t been standing up under red hot running water, she would have fallen asleep from the feeling of his fingers massaging the suds into her scalp. They'd both had equally long days, but she hadn’t spent hers practising for an upcoming world tour. 
But that didn’t stop Lars from taking care of her. Even when his arms were aching and he could barely stand up anymore, he wouldn’t put himself before another person. Especially not her. 
Neither of them had the energy or willpower to cook, so she ordered pizza while Lars dried his hair, taking his time to meticulously style it despite going to bed soon. She’d never understood why he cared about how his hair looked before going to bed, but she wasn’t going to argue with him about it. If it meant he wasn’t going to bed with soaking wet hair, she’d put up with him causing an electric surge by using two hairdryers at the same time. 
The pizza had arrived just as Lars had finished drying his hair. Thanks to him being a notoriously unpicky eater, she’d ordered what she wanted for them to share. They sat together on the sofa, flicking through TV channels showing only test patterns before settling on one of the talk shows that were about to wrap up. 
“Y’know, I really needed this,” Lars mumbled through a mouthful of pizza. “You made a good choice.” 
“You think every food choice I make is a good one,” she said after swallowing a bite of her own. 
“That’s because they are,” he said with a smile before placing a greasy kiss on her cheek. 
She giggled and wiped her cheek before they continued to eat in comfortable quiet, watching the show and seeing what else was about to come on before the channel shut down for the night. 
When they’d finished eating, they cuddled up together on the sofa, letting MTV play in the background while they both fought off sleep. She knew Lars could practise for hours on end and still have extra energy left over, but this was different. It was as if he’d forgotten how to do anything but drum. 
“Are you feeling okay, honey?” she asked him softly.
“M’fine,” Lars mumbled into her shoulder. “Just tired.”
“No, you seem like you're worried about something. What’s going on?”
Lars sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he sat up.
“I just don't want to fuck this up,” he said, tiredness showing in his voice. “I don't want to let everyone down.”
“You’re not going to let anyone down, you’ve played so many shows now it’ll be as easy as breathing.”
“Yeah but this is a world tour,” he said, miming a ball as he talked. “Sure, we had that European tour last year but this is so fucking different.”
“It sounds exciting to me,” she said and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “But I can see why you’d be a little nervous. I wouldn't be able to even set foot on that stage and just stand there.”
“Hmm, you are a bit of a chicken in that regard,” he said and wrapped his arms around her waist before pulling her closer to him. “I wish you could come with me.”
“I wish I could come too,” she said and rested her cheek on the top of his head. “I always wanted to go to Japan but I think there are more important things for me here right now.”
“Will you come next time? It’s not easy being on the road all the time, but you being there would make it so much easier.”
“I’ll see if I can,” she said and softly kissed his head, the light scent of his shampoo filling her nose.
“I really do want you to come with me,” Lars insisted and unwrapped himself from her to take her face in his hands. “I miss you when you’re not around, and I feel like I’m not so stressed or worked up about performing.”
“That’s because I’m the one who’s always telling you to come to bed and stop working so late,” she said with a soft laugh and rested her hands over his, her thumbs stroking his knuckles. “You’re such a workaholic, I don’t know how to you it!”
“It’s called ‘being committed’, my dear,” he said and shot her his best fake smug grin. She laughed again and took his hands away from her face before kissing him, literally wiping the grin off his face.
“I think you should be committed to getting some sleep right now,” she said as she got up from the sofa and pulled him to his feet. “C’mon, we’re going to bed.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Lars said and grabbed the remote to turn the TV off. “But y’know I’m going to end up doing the same thing tomorrow right? I’ve still got a fuckload of practising to do.”
“I know, and I’ll just drag you to bed again,” she said as she led him to the bedroom, turning off lights as they went. “I don’t want you to be dropping dead from exhaustion before that first show.”
“I know, know,” Lars said, in a falsely resigned way. “I am the glue that holds this band together, y’know.”
“I dunno about that, the other guys may disagree with you on that one. Especially James,” she said as she made her way into the en suite bathroom to brush her teeth.
“They can disagree all they want, they know it’s true!” he called after her.
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bonnyhoddie · 2 months
Ocellus - Teenage Exocolonist OC
I need to post more so here’s something I made in February for a game I love a lot - I was a Teenage Exocolonist!
The character is called Ocellus (yes, like the changeling in MLP I could not think of anything else that sounded sciency or eccentric enough, ideas are welcome!) and their augment is chameleon, because I thought it’d be easiest for my mental health and art block to create a character with obvious signs such as that, without going into classic animals, like a cat or mouse. (Also I had a snake as a pet called Misty and I wanted to give a character a reptile tail)
The idea sketches (as you’ll find from the inconsistent outfits and lazier style, and also Ocellus being pink and blue to match the butterfly, when in the reference, it became decided that those colours would be romantic (I might change them actually)) and the reference drawing was actually made either on the same day or a day before I left my toxic environment lol
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Also, fun fact, someone accused me of character theft because a bunch of members were planning to make a mod called Extracolonists (NOT Extracolonist by Seraphic on Reddit) so, AFTER I made Ocellus and just had to do some final details, I was like “omg how cool would it be if I joined in on the mod, they have some space left” so I looked through the discord search thing, looking up “chameleon” and I found a character called “Chanterelle”.
So, finding a chameleon augment character already I was like “oh ok so it won’t go in the mod, ah well, I’ll just post this in the art channel and make a little joke about it.”
Important thing to note: These characters looked nothing alike, aside from being POC and having multi-coloured hair. However, Chanterelle was default blue/pink and all I saw was an image, so I imagine a lot of the functionality stuff like the sign language and the tongue being too big in the mouth, is all mine (or, it’s ours now because sadly I did probably give too many ideas to them). Another thing to note is that I was exclusively following Exocolonist eccentric explorer styles, while the image I saw was Chanterelle’s child version just kinda in a blue hoodie.
And, at first I got compliments and, what confirms my thoughts about the functionality being mine, is that I was being COMPLIMENTED for my ideas AND my character. UNTIL, one person, decided to be like “I’m really uncomfortable with this” and, when I asked why, I get “Because it’s character theft! The characters look exactly alike!”
(They don’t, at all, whatsoever, again, aside from being POC and having multi-coloured hair with COMPLETELY different types of hair texture and multi-coloured types (Ocellus has straight thick hair that’s essentially just very tiny chameleon scales, so it’s a little heavy, with colours at the ends, while Chanterelle had afro space buns and split dye), which, is probably telling that those features make characters look “exactly alike” but idk I’m white, I don’t think I get to decide on what’s telling)
So then, the ENTIRE group, even ones that were COMPLIMENTING me, decided to just turn on me LMAO, (fucking pick a lane a stick to it dudes lmao /j) which, from the perspective of “I had just joined a few days ago and they don’t know me and they have established friendships” I get, but, first of all, I was doing a bachelor of ARTS at the time, which I stated on the first day, I’m sure that I wouldn’t be doing that if I was uncreative enough to be a thief, and, whenever I tried to defend myself and prove my innocence, I was not listened to and I had the EXACT SAME PHRASE repeated to me “you know how it looks right?” Over and over and over again no matter how many times I responded to that, it just was not going anywhere, my attempts of defusing the situation just was not working at all, and I was not being listened to. So then the person who “called me out” decided to post in another channel “let’s make another server for the mod because this doesn’t feel like a safe space for me anymore :(“
EXCUSE ME??? YOU accused me of character theft and dismissed my Timelapses, which is the ONLY way of proving that I didn’t steal a character design. I was reasonable and polite the whole time because I wanted to calm things down and clear up a misunderstanding, while you wanted to argue, and accuse me and my friend of being toxic because she has harsh tone sometimes, while YOU YOURSELF were displaying extremely toxic behaviours, the only bad thing I said to her was:
“I’m so sorry, this saying is only ever said in a mean way and I have no other way of saying this, but, I’m not gonna lie, I feel like it has to be said, you aren’t special, not every coincidence you see in a character is theft against you, and I’m literally in Uni for ART and MAKING CHARACTERS, where I am watched and observed when doing character design tasks, I’m not gonna be uncreative and steal a character design. I just checked to see if Ocellus could be in the mod, that’s it”
Because, I’m gonna be honest, the character wasn’t basic, and was fucking adorable, I’m not trying to insult the character, BUT, she had a LOT of popular character design choices when I checked, and not really much to separate her too much from the norm, which is absolutely ok, BUT, that means that that person is going to see a LOT of characters that look similar, and they can’t expect people to NOT have coincidental ideas of things that ARE unique to the character.
So I just sent a really long message about how I’m gonna leave because I TRIED to peacefully and calmly settle the issue, but everyone was willing to just attack me DESPITE complimenting me before, and not listen to me at all despite showing my Timelapses to show my thought process. And then for the person who started this whole thing to suddenly feel “unsafe” despite the fact that I was the one being attacked.
So, one of my friends (me and 3 others joined because we wanted to be a part of a community) stayed in the server, either that one or an 18+ one to see what happens after or for anyone to try and talk to me through her, and one of the mods did contact her, super sweet like:
“Hey I’m so sorry your friend went through that, we had a talk with the others, we don’t think Chari (me) did anything wrong and we’re gonna make a ticket system so things never escalate like this again, so if they want to join back at all, they are free to, again, we’re so sorry, we don’t let these things slide without a reaction.”
Anyway, I haven’t joined back since, because I said that I would if the person who called me out apologised, and, if I DID rejoin, I should get an apology from the people who escalated everything (bit immature I know and I did state that), but the mod kindly explained that she wouldn’t apologise and would just leave if I joined back, so I just decided that, instead of chasing her out of possible safe spaces by just existing, I was just gonna stick to talking about it with my friends and maybe in the future join another server, which I haven’t done yet. Also there was some Vace lovers /j
So yeah, fun story lol, I wonder how they’re getting on and I do hope the project is going well for them.
Might also add some more patterns and details to some parts of Ocellus and make an Ocellus mod, not out of spite at all, I promise, but because I really wanna do something with them and I really wanna make mods.
Also, despite how it seems, I’m not actually mad, I find this haha funny. I was also stressed and annoyed at the time but not exactly angry.
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hyenahunt · 6 months
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 9
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: Tatsumi, Kaname
Proofreading: Remi (JP) & honeyspades (ENG)
Translation: Peace
Tatsumi: We are mirrors of one another, kindred souls.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: At the same time, on the stage of Reimei Academy's "Third Auditorium"
Tatsumi: "My beloved peers of Reimei Academy, thank you for coming."
"I, Tatsumi Kazehaya, have something of great importance to tell you all today."
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Kaname: ......
Tatsumi: (Whispering) Hm... They don't seem particularly pleased, though I expected as much.
The Special Students don't seem to like how I’m speaking on my own at the moment. If it wasn't for your persuasion, HiMERU-san, I don't believe any of them would have shown up.
Kaname: I didn't really persuade them, I just gave them money.
Or rather, I gave them the job of gathering here as an audience, with a promise of receiving more concessions and such for their future work.
The time for compassion and persuasion has long passed, Tatsumi-senpai.
Tatsumi: Not so. I'm certain that anyone who isn't a Special Student must feel sympathetic — look at everyone who's come who won't be getting a cent out of it.
Kaname: That's because they're still expecting great things from you. They have hope you might be able to change this hellhole of a school.
Tatsumi: ......
Kaname: Anyway, let's stop chit-chatting and return to the topic at hand. The money I tossed around will be a waste otherwise.
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Kaname: ... In the end, I wasn't as beloved as you were.
Reimei Academy's Top Idol. It feels like a position I just bought rather than earned. The academy's higher-ups would give me plenty of money...
And using that, I simply got to where I am today. But in the end… no one, not a single person, loved me the way they did you.
Do you hate me for learning such dirty tricks, Tatsumi-senpai?
Tatsumi: Of course not. In fact, I believe that knowledge must be your strength — I respect you for doing what I could not.
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Kaname: You really do speak from the heart. Don't ever become like me, senpai.
Remain as pure as you are in this moment.
Better yet, I'll do all I can to ensure that you do.
I've made up my mind. Maybe I am an idiot, but in my own stupid way I've thought desperately of what I could do and chosen my own path.
I want to die for your ideology.
With you as a model for sainthood, I'll become a bit of a better person than I am now.
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Tatsumi: I am not a saint, however...
If someone believes in me, if they expect something of me, then I shall act as they wish. Though it would be disrespectful to myself — though it is most certainly a sin to the body as a vessel of life...
If it would make others even a little bit happier, then I will gladly wear a crown of thorns.
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Tatsumi: "— Students of Reimei Academy."
"Are you happy right now?"
"I would like each of you to put your hand to your heart and truly give my question some thought. Are you satisfied with the life you've lived thus far? Are you lacking in something? Do you feel as if you've experienced misfortune?"
"No matter your answer, I ask that you listen to my announcement until the end."
"I have decided that HiMERU-san and I shall form a unit from today on, for the sake of bringing a little more happiness to the Academy.
"Fufu. Those of us in Reimei Academy might not be too familiar with such a concept, of course..."
"However, the concept is more normalized within another long standing idol training school, Yumenosaki Academy."
"In short, an idol unit is exactly as it implies: rather than doing things individually, he and I shall be performing them as a group."
"A 'unit' shares a common destiny. They are alike to a family, company, or even a nation."
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Tatsumi: "We are mirrors of one another, kindred souls."
"As we move together from hereon, all that we earn will be distributed fairly among our members."
"Those who have previously joined me in the catacombs will understand what I mean when I say that."
"However, those who are Special Students may not be as aware of this arrangement. In Reimei Academy, our rewards are based on how well we do individually; it's a very result-focused system."
"I'd like to ask that all Special Students adhere to this arrangement from here on. Our unit shall not allow any one person to monopolize wealth nor to run wild on their own."
"In doing so, we shall seek a joyous future where one and all can live together fairly."
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Tatsumi: "... I see there's some pushback. You may be asking yourself, ‘Why should I work for others when I can simply work for myself? Why should they reap the rewards I sow?’"
"However, this is the best way forward. Let us say, as an example, that you make a mistake or incur an injury and can no longer work."
"Or rather than earning money, you find yourself falling into debt."
"Our unit would never abandon anyone to such a fate."
"By taking responsibility on behalf of the individual affected, we will compensate for their losses and ensure that no one falls victim to circumstances outside of their control."
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Tatsumi: "The present day idol industry is on a decline. As a result, there are numerous pitfalls that can cause one to fall to ruin; we'd like to support one another in such times of despair, to overcome them."
"No, we absolutely must support one another if we wish to survive. Unfortunate as it is, we have already been driven to such a point."
"I'm sure some of you have already realized that by now."
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Tatsumi: "This is Hell. We aren't able to live as we once did, not when the end is nigh."
"It is already so difficult to breathe — and if you allow your attention to slip for even a moment, you face miserable repercussions immediately."
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Kaname: " — We wish to change that."
"From this moment on, we are inviting you all to form a unit with us."
"Through a simple process, you will be welcomed immediately as one of ‘us’."
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Tatsumi: "And finally, the most important point: all are welcome to join us, whether you are a Special Student or not."
"Unfortunately, as it stands... We, who are Special Students, and those who are not, dislike each other immensely."
"I'm certain that there will be a great many who won't wish to work together."
"However... If you can, please swallow your doubts and walk with us. I firmly believe this is the only path towards a happier future."
"Ideally speaking, we'd like to make every student in Reimei Academy part of our unit — and in doing so, have a truly fair and just school."
"All would work, and all would reap the rewards sown equally."
"At present, you gain only a little by stepping on the backs of others so arrogantly — it's a deplorable practice, so let's stop it."
"If it continues, then the disparity will never disappear. If we do not strive to create an impartial environment, then there will always be those who are fated to be trampled on."
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Tatsumi: "I don't wish to witness such a sight any longer."
[ ☆ ]
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sunshinechay · 10 months
Not gonna lie, I do like the twist that the gang finds out Nont isn’t Nant early on in the series.
As much as I love the “twin takes the other’s place secretly” trope (Not Me and Twins my beloved) there honestly was no reason for Nont not to tell them now.
Porsche may be sus af but I’m starting to think it’s just sus in a usual way (bitchy little asshole who will sell you to Satan for one corn chip) and not in a “I killed Nant and I’m trying to be super cool about the fact that his look alike showed up unexpectedly”.
I’m not sure if Nuth did it either to be honest. He seems like a red herring if ever I saw one but I don’t know who else it could be.
I’m also tentatively ruling out Aob as the actual murderer but not as any kind of mastermind/co-conspirator for the same reason I’m ruling out Soong for now. The murder doesn’t have any noticeable tattoos while both Aob and Soong do. And again, it’s only a tentative ruling out, that could change. Plus Aob is way to muscular to be the murderer (the fact that that is part of my evidence).
It’s pretty clear that Prom had/has some kind of feelings for Nant, though with what little evidence we have, I think it’s more likely that he is developing feelings for Nont rather than Nant. As well, he didn’t have a dog mask which I think is also important. He could have gotten rid of it but somehow I don’t think he did.
Captain had a vested interest in keeping Nant alive. He was selling the clips that Nant was filming. Why kill your source if in come. Plus, Captain is way too smart to film himself killing Nant.
Do Keen or Puen even know who Nant is?
Finally, Zouey is turning out the be exactly what was said on the tin for him. The naive virgin in over his head and falling for a boy he has no business falling for. Plus I’ll bet my last nickel he had a massive crush on Nant. While him murdering Nant could explain he fear of sex, he seems to have other reasons that First at the very least knows what it is.
So having seen a few episodes my suspect list is narrowed down to (for now):
- Teena (unlikely but still a candidate)
- Jump (also unlikely but still possible because he has the smallest connection to Nant, could change very quickly)
- Nuth (again I think he might be a red herring but I digress it could still be him)
- Phop (if you think I’m ruling out the guy who “bought” Nant’s laptop then you are wrong)
-Porsche (again I think he’s just kind of sus in the usual way, not the murderer kind of way but alas)
And my dark horse of this competition:
- First (highly unlikely but I’m not ruling him out completely)
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships headcanons for mals mom because i
She treats lilly like her own daughter. In hell when she feels like Aponi is not included enough in mother daughter bonding with mal, she makes sure she joins as well because she knew exactly what kind of mother deborah was
Carmellia is just so generous fr. She gives the hotel crew snacks
She never found love again because Mal was enough for her. Literally no one could compare to her own baby. Her hope and lifeline.
She had a chance to go to heaven and redeem herself, but she chose to stay because Mal didn’t wanna leave hell.
Teaches Vox how to cook because all he probably knows is to make cereals and sandwiches
every time Mallory (when she was little) would come home to Japan Carmellia always checked her body for bruises to make sure. Whenever she bathes her she would always check and make sure nothing is getting covered up.
the mom aponi wished deborah was fr. She’s such a great parent it was a shame James had more power over her.
like she would not just check on Mal but on Aponi as well.
this means she does not threaten only Vox iyk what i mean
But with her gentleness comes with a “stern asian mother who would throw sandal”
only she can call mal “Mallory”
”the right person isn’t something you find.. it’s something that finds you.. all of a sudden.. without warning. It’s not a necessity that you need to have to survive.. It’s more of a luxury. We all long for pretty jewels but not having them doesn’t make us worthless now, does it?” Carmellia says, comforting a heartbroken aponi in hamilton au getting cheated on
no like fr James probably cheated on her with even more women. Al was the lesser of two evils
so she gets it and she understands.
like.. instead of aponi thinking “it’s easy for them to say because they’re in a happy relationship (Mal for example)” she thinks she’s speaking facts
babysat emma obvi
Okay while Ma was a great mom she still needed help and I guess Emma just really likes her grandma
Carmellia: “oh, there’s two of you now.” *she says to Mal seeing how hyper toddler Emma was*
While I love aponi killing James I think his ex wife fucking him up slays
Like lils babe save some for a very much vengeful mother who would fuck someone up with a sandal and a knife
She makes sushi VERY loudly when Chaz is around, looking straight into his eyes
so I guess mal is her mother’s daughter
One time Carmellia was like “Oh, I wanna watch my daughter perform!” And when she actually saw her perform, half the time she was like “🫣”
Also Roxxie!! She’s very supportive of her! Aponi’s friends are important to her as well because she’s basically been a daughter to her.
she’s kinda scary asf tho because how can someone that nice be able to survive hell for years hmmmm
Vox wondered that aloud and told Mal they were VERY alike
Mal: it’s almost like she’s my mom
Vox is like “im a powerful overlord yet here I am in a fucking apron with my wife’s mom and I am TERRIFIED”
Aside from all the “protective mom who threatens boyfriend” stuff her and Vox got along well
and ofcourse, Carmellia showing Mal baby pictures to him.
Mal: MOM NO—
how did she get them, you say? *I.M.P jingle plays in the background*
Aponi: ..why do you care so much about me? I’m only your daughter’s best friend.
Carmellia: That doesn’t mean I should care less..
basically she had everyone with mommy issues wrapped around her finger
hell, even Alastor likes her
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