#but they're willing to do whatever it takes to get strong enough to... something
dravidious · 11 months
Been in an imp mood lately, so I kinda made a villain character who's an imp. May or may not do anything with them.
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notherpuppet · 4 months
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I wrote the full parody to Ready For This in the Role Reversal AU because I wanted to lol.
Transcription below.
Ready For This (Role Reversal AU parody)
Alastor: Have you ever wanted something
That was so clear in your mind that you could taste it?

Susan: You mean like ice cream you get for a friend?

Alastor: Ha! No.
It's a feeling like a rumbling in your gut
That you could finally be faced with
A million greedy faces, I guess what I mean to say is

For the first time in my life
I might have to be ready for this
Ready to be the one who's leading from the front

Couldn’t do it on my own
And history has shown
Legends cannot win wars alone

The burden is a bit too heavy
So I need to be ready for this

Have you ever felt like you're willing to kill
To save the people on your own team?

Susan: I don’t know, seems a bit extreme…

Alastor: Not to me!
'Cause right now, we need a leader
And it seems to be that
Charlie is forcing me to be that
because she’s pissy

So who's with me?

Wouldn't it just be swell to see more of Hell?
Join up now if you like travel
Come on girls, prepare for battle!
Lotta sights to see en route to the hotel
Not to mention all of the glory!

Yes indeed, your enemies will cower
And heads will be severed!

Charlie: You’ll make a bunch of brand new friends!

Alastor: Whatever.

Exorcists: New friends!?
I'm in
Oh whoa
I’m so lonely

It's time now to act
They're on the attack
When they move to strike
Just know we’ve got your back!

We'll follow your lead
We're eager to see
everyone we meet
On the hellish retreat!

From this moment on, you can count us in
To be organized and disciplined

Our thirst for justice
keeps us strong, fierce, and brave
So I say, "Ho hey! Let’s join in his crusade!"

Alastor: Now thats the spirit! Can we amp it up?
Vaggie: Oh, don’t mind their hesitation, that’s just their new inclination

Alastor: But I can awaken their bloodlust!
Vaggie: Careful, kid. Don’t push your luck!
Alastor: Fair enough…

Alastor and Vaggie: We're super duper grateful
To have you gals aboard

Exorcists: We can’t wait to hug an overlord! (Alastor: Yeah, sure...)

Alastor: For the first time in my life
Maybe I can be ready for this
I can be the marshal leading the parade

I can come into my own
And I think I've always known
My destiny could never be postponed

When they come for the hotel
I’ll give em hell cuz I’m ready for this!

Vaggie: They're dancing along?
They're singing his song!?
Charlie: Surprised?
Why, I knew he could do it all along!

Charlie and Vaggie: He’s bound to be redeemed, the dream has a chance!
Though he seemed hopeless at first glance…

Charlie: He’s filled with potential that I could guide!
Vaggie: Fine, I’m in.

Charlie and Vaggie: Stick with him, he will surely see the light!

All: For the first time in our lives
We know that we are ready for this

Vaggie: We’ll show them we can forgive and forget!

All: It's time to lend a hand

Alastor: It is time to take a stand! (Exorcists: Woohoo!)
Against overlords and their deadly threat!

All: We can provide your support
The time has come to stop a war
Defend your home, we're ready for...

Alastor: I really hope that they’re ready for this...
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agirlwithglam · 25 days
becoming selfish is the best thing i ever did.
✧*. * · ~ thewizardliz 💖🕯
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💖 stop going into arguments with people who are not willing to listen. it is completely useless. if your boundaries were crossed, and the other person is not willing to say "im sorry for doing that, i won't do it again", then conversation over. its done. its not worth your time or energy.
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🕯prioritise your own needs and wants. fill your own cup! are you okay? are you whole? if you don't want to do something, dont do it. whatever you want, comes first.
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💖 stop being always available and trying to save everyone. if you keep on being there for people- again and again and again, you are letting people use you. people will only reach out to you if they have problems or they need help. but what about when everything is going good? then what? do they come to you? you are showing them that they can always come to you and you will always be there but that shouldn't be the case. be able to say "i dont want to listen to your problems today. i have enough of my own problems and goals to worry about." the only reason they come is because YOU allow them to come.
you ask yourself why does anyone not make sure i am ok? thats because YOU do not make sure you're okay. remember that you cannot save everyone. IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO SAVE EVERYONE.
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🕯sometimes god gives you situations so you can grow. also if you are constantly trying to step in for God to help and save everyone, you may also be sabotaging God's plan. people give certain problems/ situations in their life because God gives it to them so they can grow wiser and better! why are you trying to save them? its not your responsibility.
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💖 be okay with people misunderstanding you. if you have a goal or a dream in your life, NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO UNDERSTAND YOU. people come from different households, religions, schools, etc. they will not understand you or have the same mindset/ heart as you. be OKAY with people not understanding you. they are not you.
"oh why did they hurt me/ treat me like that, i would never do that to them" honey, they're not you. they don't have the same personality or heart as you. if you're constantly gonna go through life thinking that everyone has the same heart as you, you will be hurt. i have done that so often thinking that i'm a good friend to them so they will do the same back, its not always true. you will be hurt. people are just different. and thats okay! let them be.
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🕯realise that you can only change yourself. stop trying to change people. they will not change unless they are willing to. our human nature is comfort- humans love comfort. in order to change, it takes going through discomfort. it takes strength. some people are completely oblivious to themselves- they think that everything is perfect and nothing is wrong with them, etc. and yk what? let them be. you cannot change them. but you can change yourself. and if you do not want to change, you're not going to change. no one can force you to change unless you want to. by trying to change others and help them become their best version, you're wasting your energy to become YOUR best version and to create your dream life!
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💖 stop needing people to validate your self worth. "i dont need anyone to tell me how good i am. i dont need anyone to tell me how beautiful i am or smart i am. because i see those qualities in myself already." KNOW who you are. if you get a compliment, say thankyou, be grateful. but don't crave it. be okay with not receiving it and not needing it because you already know that you're all that. if you need that compliment or words from other people, then they are basically in charge of you because their opinion can change your reality entirely and shake you. when YOU are the one that always creates your own reality! be strong in your ownself otherwise you'll be like their little puppet. know that you know what? im amazing. i've been through so much stuff in life but i'm still coming out strong and i'm still standing.
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🕯treat yourself as your own best friend. talk to yourself! in her video, liz said that she talks to herself before bed and tells herself about her day. (for that i recommend videoing yourself! its so much fun) or when she's stressed she says to herself why are you feeling stressed? what exactly are you feeling? and then she tells herself and talks to herself. BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND. hype yourself up in your mind! comfort yourself, have a conversation, etc. give the advice to yourself. go on dates with yourself, hug yourself, love yourself.
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💖 less chasing, more attracting. being feminine basically means letting it flow and go. being calm and at peace. being relaxed because you know that you attract all your blessings. when you're not desperately looking for things, or chasing after things, then your whole. your energy is whole. when the energy of desperation is gone, then you can attract everything you want into your life.
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🕯only add great people to your life. make sure that whoever you date, are friends with, hang around- they need to add value to your life. its not only in terms of money, its also in terms of are you making me happy? are you reciprocating my energy? people that are always negative or always complaining, do not allow them into your life. do not be friends with people who are being miserable then complain about being miserable but don't do anything about it.
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💖 stop seeking other people's permission to do whats best for you. you don't need someone to say "you can do it!" because you know you can. be independent- liz doesn't need to ask anyone for money because she is already making her own money. she is doing everything for herself. she has everything she need to support herself and people she loves.
like how cocky are you to think that you know be better than i know myself? lol. you have not been through what i have been through. you have not lived my life and yet you're here deciding whats good for me and what i should be doing? um, no thanks! xoxo.
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miss-musings · 14 days
"Can't You See They're Using You?": The Parallels Between Cid and The Empire as Exploitative Employers in "The Bad Batch"
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In rewatching "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" after the series finale, I've realized just how many similarities there are between Cid and the Empire as employers for the Bad Batch and Crosshair, respectively.
I know I'm not the first person to point out how badly Cid used and abused the Batch, even from their very first meeting in 1.05 "Rampage." In fact, @xylionet has a great post summarizing just how much Cid took advantage of the Batch's -- mostly Hunter's -- desperation and inexperience dealing with the galaxy's shadier people.
But, beyond that, the show ultimately drew a lot of parallels between Cid and the Empire as employers, from their attitude toward clones to their manipulative personalities. Even the timelines for the Batch's and Crosshair's employment align very well, down to the conditions at which they start working for them and why they ultimately reach their breaking points.
Before we dive in, a few clarifications:
I'll mostly be focusing on Cid in this analysis, as I think the Empire's faults are pretty clear.
And, when I say "the Empire," I mean the Imperial officials Crosshair interacts with and/or takes orders from -- mostly Rampart and Nolan, but to a lesser degree, Hemlock and Tarkin as well.
Manipulative personalities
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From the beginning, Cid did whatever it took to leverage the Batch into working for her.
Once she realizes that they're 1) desperate for information/money and 2) inexperienced/gullible/etc., she very quickly works to get them on her side.
She offers an exchange of information and money if the Batch bring in Muchi, but she neglects to tell them Muchi is a Rancor, probably because she figured they wouldn't have accepted the job if they knew.
As she gives Hunter the information and 30% of the cut, she says that with a bounty hunter after the Batch, they'll need "friends and money -- mostly money." It's objectively not an incorrect assessment, and she offers them more work. Hunter says he'll think about it, and that's when she pulls out the blackmail card. She knows how valuable they are and knows people are after them. If they cross her, she can turn them in.
Cid ultimately uses whatever tactics she has to get the Batch to do what she needs, whether that's sweet-talking or strong-arming or leveraging them (either financially or via blackmail).
Likewise, Rampart especially gets on Crosshair's good side by initially praising him as an experienced clone and elevating him to commander of an elite non-clone squad. He also seems to give Crosshair plenty of clone troopers as well when needed. However, once we get to the Ryloth arc, we see that Rampart is more than willing to threaten Crosshair when he feels like he's underperforming.
Even in Season 2, Rampart continues to play this game with Crosshair by praising him just enough that he still feels valued, while also demoting him and then insinuating that Crosshair needs to continue proving his worth or risk losing his position.
Assigning morally questionable jobs/missions
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While this is obvious for the Empire, it's something I don't see talked about much regarding Cid.
Her clients are shady people, and she either doesn't ask her clients a lot of questions or doesn't provide that information to the Batch.
After she strong-arms them into working for her in 1.06 "Decommissioned," she sends them after a tactical droid. The information it has could be useful against the Empire, but it could also lead to the deaths of thousands of clone troopers -- the Batch's reg brothers.
This is something the Martez sisters point out to the Batch, and Hunter says they're "being paid to acquire and deliver," admitting that who the client is or why they want the information isn't a priority. The Martez sisters argue that it should be.
Granted, a lot of the jobs we actually see the Batch doing for Cid are later hand-waved as being a good thing. They deliver arms to freedom fighters on Ryloth, they reunite Ruby with her owner, they free Muchi from slavery, etc. But, there are plenty of jobs we partially see them do or hear about them doing, which could easily have been "bad" things, especially given how shady Cid's clients are.
Arguably, if Cid ever gave them information or the Batch guessed that a given job was a "bad" thing, they could just not do it for her. But, again, she has leverage over them, so I don't know whether they have much of an option.
Dislike of clones
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Basically all the Imperials we meet in the show don't like clones.
Rampart pretended well enough in Season 1, but we know from later episodes that he hates them. Nolan is very brazen in telling Crosshair how much he abhors working with clone troopers, saying he "doesn't like used equipment" and that the clones are ultimately expendable. And, obviously we know of Tarkin and Hemlock's hatred for clones.
But, Cid inexplicably hates them as well.
I think she was willing to bring the Batch on because she felt she could use them, but she's very rude Rex in 1.07 "Battle Scars" and apparently didn't like hosting Gregor in 1.15 "Return to Kamino."
She tells Rex and the Batch that she's "done taking in strays," that she's not running a charity, and that her parlor "isn't a clone clubhouse."
She could feasibly have concerns that, if enough clones start hanging out at her parlor, they'd get on the Empire's radar. But, if that was her concern, there were 100 better ways to say that.
We don't get to see her interactions with Gregor, but I don't understand why she was immediately so hostile to Rex. For all she knew, he could've been there to pay her for information or hire the Batch for a job -- something where she would've gotten paid. Shouldn't she have been trying to get on his good side and at least see what he wanted first? But, instead, she immediately and very rudely dismisses him.
Also, Cid has a clone trooper helmet on the wall in her office. (It's on the lefthand side as you look at her desk.) Considering she used to be an informant for the Jedi, I wonder how she got that helmet. Was it a gift? Why would a clone trooper give her a helmet? It seems more likely that it was a trophy of some kind. She seems to have a lot of strange items around her office, but a clone trooper helmet should've been a red flag for the Batch.
Asking a lot & giving little in return
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Cid ultimately had the Batch risking their lives for her and her clients, and was apparently only giving them 30% of the payout.
By 1.07 "Battle Scars," they're also in debt to her despite doing at least 10-12 jobs for her. In 1.10, Cid tells them that the Batch needs "a big score for us to be square," and Omega ultimately pays off the debt by hustling people at the strategy game.
So, even if after 1.10, the Batch renegotiated off-screen so that Cid started covering their expenses and that their standard 30% is pure profit, that still seems incredibly low to me. I would think 40-40-20, with the 20% going to cover expenses would be a decent starting point.
But, apparently, they're still doing jobs for her in Season 2 and still only getting 30% -- their standard rate. We're not sure what their success rate is, but they've been able to complete some big jobs for her. They definitely should've renegotiated up to at least 50% or something, especially considering how frequently they were endangering themselves and Omega on these jobs.
With Crosshair and the Empire, he doesn't really have much in the way of benefits, because the Empire ultimately considers all the clones their property.
They were never given a choice on whether they wanted to serve the Empire once it replaced the Republic. They're assigned these dangerous and morally questionable/reprehensible missions. If they question their orders or refuse, they're labeled traitors and arrested; and if they leave, they're branded deserters.
Crosshair at least gets room and board, but he probably isn't getting paid much or at all. Once Senator Chuchi's bill passes in 2.08 "Truth and Consequences," he might be eligible for a retirement/severance package like we see the clones talking about in 2.12 "The Outpost," but he likely wouldn't have a say on when he gets to retire/leave.
Meanwhile, Crosshair and the other clones are risking their lives for the Empire. We see in 2.03 "The Solitary Clone," that the clone troopers are sent in to complete the most dangerous work -- securing Desix and freeing the Imperial governor. But, once it comes to actually occupying the planet, the Empire assigns stormtroopers.
I also always found it interesting that the clone troopers bothered to get Crosshair medical attention in 1.08 "Reunion," but Nolan doesn't in 2.12 "The Outpost." I feel like the clones, at minimum, cared about each other even under Imperial command. But as more non-clones started taking command, they basically said, "Why bother? Clone troopers are a relic of the past, and we have millions of TK troopers who can take their place."
Lack of intel/resources to complete missions
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Speaking of 2.12 "The Outpost," we hear about Mayday's predicament: The Empire doesn't provide enough men to defend the oh-so-valuable cargo at the Outpost and doesn't provide the equipment needed to keep their troopers safe. They have to wrap their armor to stay warm; the conditions degrade the sensors; they don't have the tools needed to disarm mines; and so on.
Similarly, the Batch bring up several times in Seasons 1 and 2 that Cid withholds information about their jobs.
Wrecker in 2.11 "Metamorphosis": Limited intel. Huh. There's a surprise.
Maybe sometimes her clients or sources don't give her information as we see in 2.11 "Metamorphosis," but there are plenty of times where she purposely withholds information, like Muchi being a Rancor in 1.05 "Rampage."
Cid was either accepting jobs without much intel because she was getting overconfident in the Batch's abilities, or -- more likely -- she was getting greedy and sending them on as many jobs as possible regardless of the conditions.
The latter seems more likely, especially with how it aligns with how the Empire treats the clones. They're more than ready to put money into the TK trooper program -- and we know from the Original Trilogy that TK troopers are also essentially treated as expendable -- but the Empire clearly doesn't give a crap about the clones, especially after 2.08 "Truth and Consequences."
Ultimately, both the Batch and Crosshair and the other Imperial clone troopers have to make do with the little that their given, despite putting so much on the line for their employers.
“All you’ll ever be to them is a number”
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Something I haven't talked about much yet is how Hunter is so prescient about Crosshair being used by the Empire, but doesn't see how Cid is using him and his family to a similar degree.
This is something @xylionet pointed out too:
It’s rather ironic that Crosshair and Hunter are both able to see each other’s situations for what they are, but not their own.
One of the things that hit me during my rewatch of 1.15/16 was Hunter telling Crosshair: "All you'll ever be to them is a number" referring to the Empire.
Admittedly, Hunter isn't wrong. As we see, all the Imperial officials Crosshair interacts with only call him by his CT number, never by his name. (The only exceptions are fellow clones like Cody, Mayday and Emerie.)
And, in 2.03 "The Solitary Clone," when Crosshair asks Rampart about Commander Cody, Rampart acts like he's never heard the name Cody before in his life. He ONLY knows Cody -- one of the most famous commanders in the entire Galactic Army of the Republic -- by his number. Hell, even EMPEROR PALPATINE knew Commander Cody's name in "Revenge of the Sith."
But, while the Empire being a bunch of assholes makes sense, what gets me is that Cid is the exact same way:
She ONLY ever called the Bad Batch members by her little nicknames.
Cid absolutely knew their names. She would have to if she was ever planning to turn them in, as she eventually does. Maybe she didn't know their clone numbers, but she definitely knew what they called each other.
Yet, even in those moments where they came through for her like in 1.13 "Infested" and 2.04 "Faster," she never uses their names as a sign of respect or gratitude. Hell, even after Tech dies, she still only called him "Goggles."
Now, I'm not saying that nicknames are inherently bad. I have plenty of nicknames for people, and vice versa. But, I think there has to be an established relationship first, and then the nickname should be a sign of affection rather than a way to demean someone.
Cid calls the Batch mostly by their outward appearances or accessories -- Tiny, Muscles, Goggles, Bandana, Dark & Broody. (Note: she uses "Dark and Broody" for both Echo and Hunter on different occasions.) It just indicates how she sees them -- not as people but as objects. She's only looking on the surface because that's all she cares about.
“Blind allegiance makes you a pawn”
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It's obvious to see that Crosshair's misplaced loyalty to the Empire ultimately made him one of its pawns, to be used and abused.
But, as I've outlined, the Batch was in a similar position with Cid.
Hunter definitely sees that their "mutually beneficial arrangement" with Cid isn't great, but he doesn't really have much choice. They're on their own; they're deserters/traitors; and now they're in charge of a kid and being pursued by bounty hunters.
However, as I'll talk about more in a second, the Batch had several opportunities to walk away from her and try to find some other ways of "making a living." Yet, they continue to work for her despite all the red flags that they definitely see but choose to ignore. This is partly why Echo eventually leaves, because he disagrees with Hunter's decision to maintain this lifestyle rather than fighting for their fellow clones.
While Hunter is arguably the most at fault for letting Cid use and abuse them as long as she does, Cid takes advantage of Omega's loyalty the most.
Even as Omega is trying to convince Hunter and the others to -- and I can't believe I'm about to say this -- pit two crime syndicates against each other just to get Cid's parlor back ... all Cid can say is, "You tell 'em, tiny!"
Twice she asks/convinces her family to stick their necks out for Cid despite all the risks involved, and yet they get little to nothing in return -- including respect.
Despite all the risks they take for her and all the money they bring in, Cid doesn't give a crap when the Marauder gets stolen and the Batch are stranded on the mining planet in 2.09 "The Crossing." That's when the Batch -- particularly Omega -- finally reach their breaking point.
By 2.11 "Metamorphosis," Tech suggests that they only do this last job for her to ensure they leave her on good terms, because she knows so much about them. But, it's clear Omega and Hunter are fed up with how badly Cid used them, which happens to coincide nicely with Crosshair coming to the same realization about the Empire.
Which segues into the timeline analysis:
Reluctant employees (early S1)
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As mentioned, the Batch and Crosshair start working for their respective employers because they don’t have a lot of other options.
Crosshair is, of course, practically abducted by the Empire and forced to do its bidding under the effects of the inhibitor chip. This starts in 1.01 "Aftermath."
Meanwhile, the Batch do the initial job for Cid in 1.05 "Rampage." They do a one-off job to get intel on the bounty hunter(s) after Omega, as well as earn some much-needed cash. The Batch didn't really have much of a choice in either finding or working for Cid, because Cid was the only Jedi informant Echo knew how to find, and they were desperate for the intel.
Then, as mentioned, she subsequently uses strong-arming and blackmailing as needed to get them to work for her in 1.06 and beyond.
Falling into a routine (mid-S1)
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By 1.07 "Battle Scars," we can see the Batch has fallen into a routine of doing jobs for Cid. As she said, they need friends and money with bounty hunters after them, and they don't really have any other ready sources of income (as demonstrated in 1.04 "Cornered').
Yet, despite all the jobs they've done for her, they're also in debt to her. Meaning, they can't easily walk away without giving her even MORE reason to turn them in, so they have to continue doing jobs for her in hopes of paying off the debt.
Meanwhile, Crosshair and his ES troopers have been continuing to operate under Rampart, presumably carrying out missions under his command. Granted, we don't see any of these except the Onderon mission in 1.03 "The Replacements," but based on how effective they seemed to be in 1.08 "Reunion," I imagine they were doing missions together off-screen.
The first possible turnaround point (late S1)
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If we accept the fan theory that Crosshair's chip was removed or deactivated/damaged around 1.08 "Reunion," then Crosshair has regained his free will by the next time we see him in 1.11 "Devil's Deal."
Yet, despite the Empire hijacking his mind and body and forcing him to do all sorts of terrible things, he continues to work for them of his own free will. He has an opportunity to walk away, but he doesn't.
Likewise, the Batch have an opportunity in 1.13 "Infested," after Cid's parlor gets taken over by Roland Durand.
But, thanks to Omega's misplaced loyalty, Cid's blackmailing and other factors, Hunter decides to pit two crime syndicates against each other to get Cid's parlor back and continue working for her. (I cannot emphasize how stupid of a decision this was!!)
Even after Cid's schemes get the Batch in trouble with the Pykes to the point that Omega is taken hostage, the Batch continue to work for Cid. They're lucky this was a "family show," or the Pykes would've definitely killed them or injured Omega or something else just as bad.
If ever there was a time for the Batch to walk away from Cid, this would've been it -- either before the job or after. But, like Crosshair, they don't take the opportunity to walk away.
The second possible turnaround point (S1 finale)
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Crosshair had another opportunity to leave the Empire and rejoin his brothers at the end of 1.16 "Kamino Lost." But, instead he decides once again to double-down and stay with the Empire for a myriad of reasons that might have to be its own meta some day. (I touched on it a bit in my S1 Crosshair/loyalty meta.)
But what might be overlooked is that the fall of Kamino was another opportunity for the Batch to leave Cid.
Again, the reason they sought her out and one of the reasons they started/kept working for her was because bounty hunters were after Omega. The bounty was active through 1.09 "Bounty Lost.” At that point, the Batch learn that Lama Su put the bounty on Omega because she's crucial to their cloning operation.
But, as the Batch see for themselves, Tipoca City is decommissioned and destroyed. The Kaminoan cloning facilities are gone. The Kaminoans aren't in a place where they need Omega anymore, because the Empire has effectively ended cloning (at least for military purposes).
So, they could've left Cid after the events of Season 1. Maybe they could've even left her on good terms after saving her ass in 1.13 "Infested." But, they don't.
Starting to second-guess (early S2)
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Admittedly, Hunter was never super-comfortable about their arrangement with Cid, but he persisted because he didn't see a lot of alternatives.
But, Omega (and Tech and Wrecker) clearly start to have doubts about working for Cid during 2.04 "Faster." They once again stick their necks out for Cid by offering to clear her debt with Millegi. And, while Cid is grateful at the time, we see later that her gratitude is short-lived.
Based on what Millegi tells them, especially at the end of the episode, it's clear Omega (and the others) are beginning to doubt whether Cid is someone worthy of their loyalty.
Likewise, Crosshair's experiences in 2.03 "The Solitary Clone" start to plant doubts in his mind. He was stranded on Kamino for a month and comes back only to get demoted and sent on a dangerous and morally questionable mission. And while Crosshair and his squad complete the mission, and Rampart even praises Crosshair for it, we also see that Rampart really doubts Crosshair and the other clones' loyalty.
Ultimately, after his experiences with Cody and their mission on Desix, it's clear that Crosshair is beginning to doubt whether the Empire is worthy of his loyalty.
The breaking point (mid/late S2)
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As I've pointed out in another post:
Both the Batch and Crosshair fell into a routine that provided them security and stability in an otherwise chaotic time in the galaxy; and both only reached their breaking points when their employers left them for dead.
For the Batch, this is a combination of 2.09-2.11. The Marauder gets stolen while they're on a job for Cid. They ask for her help, and she doesn't readily or easily commit any kind of assistance. They get the Marauder back on their own, and Cid is more than happy to give them another job, framing it as: "Do you wanna make money?"
It's become clear to them that she views them as tools -- only useful to her, not the other way around.
Meanwhile, at the start of 2.12 "The Outpost," Crosshair sees that the Empire has started to retire clones, but at least he's still getting missions.
But, Barton IV ultimately becomes his breaking point when he sees just how expendable he and all clones are. Based on what he said in 1.15 "Return to Kamino," he thought he was "superior" to the other clones, but as Nolan proves, the Empire didn't care either way.
As Mayday points out, the clones sacrificed everything for the Empire while getting nothing in return. Crosshair and Mayday are essentially left for dead, and when they come back looking like absolute hell, Nolan first yells at them for not retrieving the cargo and then tells them to get to work.
As Nolan blatantly tells Crosshair, he and all the other clones are expendable -- only worth keeping around as long as they're useful.
Not out quite yet (late S2)
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By 2.13 "Pabu," we can see the Batch has completely cut ties with Cid and are working with Phee instead. Cid leaves them a message, saying that their absence has cost her a lot of money and she once again threatens to turn them in.
Despite emotionally cutting ties with her, they're still physically at her mercy to a degree. Plus, even once they made it clear they didn't want to work for her anymore, she still wants something from them and she's willing to hurt them if they don't cooperate.
Thankfully, Phee comes through for the Batch and introduces them to Pabu -- their future forever home.
Crosshair, meanwhile, is imprisoned at Tantiss. Despite emotionally cutting ties with the Empire, he's still physically at its mercy.
Hemlock offers him a deal: his freedom in exchange for helping him find Clone Force 99. Crosshair refuses to give up his family, even under torture.
Just like the Batch, despite Crosshair's attempt to "walk away" from the Empire, they still want something from him and they're willing to hurt him if he doesn't cooperate.
The fallout (S2 finale and beyond)
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Of course, everything falls together in 2.16 "Plan 99," as Cid sells out the Batch to the Empire. The Batch's and Crosshair's former employers temporarily join forces to screw everyone over in the worst ways possible.
Although it was clear to us from the get-go that Crosshair was wrong to trust the Empire, 2.16 confirms to us the audience just how wrong the Batch was to trust Cid. They came to her in a moment of need, and she betrayed them.
Granted, I think this was mostly Hunter's failing, as they never should've gone back to Ord Mantell. I understand they were hurt and desperate to have AZI heal Omega, but Cid told them multiple times she was willing to turn them in. Plus, they just showed on her doorstep after striking a high-level Imperial compound. They knew -- or at least suspected -- that they were already being targeted based on Crosshair's message, but after hitting Eriadu, they would've been on the Empire's "most wanted list."
Jumping to Season 3, Cid's nature is made even clearer as she gives up the Batch a second time.
It's unclear whether CX-2 bribed or tortured Cid -- probably the latter -- but Cid also sold out Phee. And Cid told the Batch she considered Phee a friend. (Although based on Phee's comments in 2.13 "Pabu," that feeling wasn't mutual.)
For all Cid knew, CX-2 could've tortured or killed Phee to find the Batch, and she still gave up the information.
Once again, the Batch's and Crosshair's former employers work together to screw them over.
One last thing I'll add is how the show gave us glimpses of Crosshair and Cid's true colors around the same time. Crosshair is first bribed and then tortured for information about his family, but he doesn't give them up; meanwhile, Cid sells them out after everything they did for her. And, if CX-2 really tortured Cid in Season 3, it just proves how little she cared about the Batch (or even Phee) compared to how much Crosshair cared about them despite everything that happened in S1.
I want to state for the record that, as frustrating as it is to see our favorite characters allow themselves to be used and abused by their employers, I don't hate any of them.
These characters are human. They're not perfect, and hindsight is 20/20.
I know several people who were hoping that Cid would come through for the Batch, that she would be a true ally even if she was grumpy and rude (and that's putting it mildly).
If anything, I think this all shows just how similar Hunter, Crosshair and Omega are. They share a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses. Hunter and Crosshair see just how terrible the other's situation is, but not their own; and Crosshair and Omega are loyal to a fault.
They all just wanted some security and stability in what was a very chaotic time for the galaxy and their family. I can understand, to an extent, why they made the decisions they did even if I find them frustrating.
If you want to take any of this meta and apply it to your own lives, by all means. Despite what some folks might think, Star Wars has always been political, and I don't want any of you to end up like our favorite Bad Batch characters.
At the end of the day, "The Bad Batch" is a family show with a lot of morals and lessons about the importance of love, hope and family -- whether blood relatives, adopted or 'found.'
But, it's also a show about the evils of political systems and corporate greed, and how the forces around us will profit off our blood, sweat and tears while giving us little to nothing in return.
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sunshine-jesse · 5 months
In defense of Andrew Graves: Facing Yourself​
Alt title: Andrew Graves: The Will to Plow Her
I think my analysis of Andrew is one of the best essays I've written so far. But since then, I think I've expanded my understanding of his character in a way that urges me to add on to my prior essay. What I intend on doing is further fleshing out my reading of Burial, and going deeper in detail on why I think Decay ends up panning out the way it does. This essay will end up sharing a lot of text with my prior one, but will add enough scattered throughout that I think it merits a complete reread instead of just scrolling down and seeing what's new.
I've focused a lot on Ashley in my past writings. She's my favorite character in the story (and depending on how episode 3 pans out, maybe ever) and I'm pretty mortified by how some parts of the fandom have reacted towards her, so I pretty much made it my life's mission to push back against that. From highlighting the ways Andrew mistreats her, to coming up with justifications for her behavior that aren't just being a manipulative bitch, I really wanted to prove that a more favorable picture of her could be painted than most were willing to.
But in doing so, I've left Andrew in the dust.
In highlighting his flaws and the ways he mistreats Ashley, I think I've implied a level of intentionality to his actions that I don't believe he has. When I say that Ashley did nothing wrong, it's in direct response to the idea that she holds the most responsibility and agency in how their dynamic plays out, when in reality, I believe she has very little. Most of her actions in-story are in reaction to a variety of stimuli that come directly from Andrew, that he has control over and are aware of how Ashley feels about. His refusal to use clear and direct language to deny her most toxic tendencies causes her more and more stress as time goes on, and instead of giving her clear answers he opts to be catty, passive-aggressive, or, at his worst, threatening. Never direct and never clear, except when establishing boundaries over his name after the choking scene. Andrew fails to help Ashley be better in some frankly depressing ways throughout the whole story, especially in their childhoods, so we never get to see where she'd fall short if given a better influence.
Kind of. More on that later!
In mentioning his thing about preferring to be called Andrew instead of Andy, I also implicitly mention one of the places where Ashley falls short in their dynamic and could stand to do better: recognition.
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This scene says a lot. It's the most heartbreaking scene in the game, if you ask me, and probably the single most profound and well-written moment in the entire story. I could write a whole 2000 word essay on it alone, but I've already said most of what I have to say about it through what I've said in other essays, so I'll spare you all that. Instead, I'll use it to highlight something:
"I had fun."
Their dysfunction is fun to her. She's so used to abuse and alienation that even the most awful, stressful (as far as we know) route of the game is still fun to her. And that's not a sign of her being a secret evil sociopath or whatever; that's actually not abnormal behavior to develop for a lifelong victim of abuse. Those highs and lows, those strong emotional highs and lows are -addicting-. They're -fun.- Part of why abuse victims get into so many abusive relationships is because it's easy to pick up on those patterns of thought and take advantage of them, and the cycle of abuse is often furthered when a victim of abuse tries to draw out mutually abusive behaviors in someone with no interest in having that kind of dynamic.
This is where I'm willing to acknowledge Ashley's manipulative tendencies. Not just as a matter of controlling Andrew for its own sake, purely out of jealousy or possessiveness, but as a matter of trying to further the only dynamic she's ever known in her life. Better the devil you know, right?
That push and pull- that emotional rollercoaster- is all many of us know. And it's all Ashley knows. This dynamic is something she's so used to that she reacts incredibly harshly to any attempt to change it, because she doesn't know that things can be better. Because of this, she refuses to engage with who Andrew really is, and tells herself- and him- that she *hates* Andrew:
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This scene is almost as heartbreaking as the above one in a lot of ways.
Andrew putting his foot down about the Andy/Andrew name dichotomy wasn't arbitrary and it wasn't just about his comfort. It was about Andrew giving a clear indication about what needs to happen for their relationship to improve. He's recognizing the cycle between them and wants to put a stop to it, because he's confident that things between them CAN get better and evolve into something healthier. Ashley, not understanding that their dynamic can get better, because their "fun" little push and pull of abuse is all she knows, rejects that. She rejects the unknown, and says- in Andrew's mind at least- that she'll never accept that new dynamic, nor will she accept who he really is.
Ouch. No wonder he looks so sad in that screenshot.
They have a conflict of understanding here, and I think it's fair to pin most of the responsibility on Ashley. Andrew was clear in what he wanted, and Ashley just... Didn't. She didn't see the importance of it ("...whatever that means in practice") and didn't really ask. This gap in communication, perfectly displayed in this scene, is likely what causes the Decay ending. He wants things to be better, and wants to treat Ashley better, and whether or not he understands the ways in which she communicates with him is in part what determines what he sees her as.
But there's a lot of evidence that he always wanted things to be better, that he always wanted to treat her better. But external factors have made it very, very difficult, and I think there are two key points in which he started to shed the importance of those external factors and seek that better relationship, both of which happening in the apartment: The killing of the warden and the 302 lady. In the first case, he was forced to do it to protect Ashley in a way he hadn't done before, or depending on how you look at it, since the death of Nina. But the intentionality was the key point here. After this point, he calls Ashley Leyley, which may or may not seem important at this point, but it's something I'll draw attention to later, so keep that in mind.
Next is the killing of the 302 lady, which is the much, much bigger point. We don't learn much about it until later on- as at first he just gives an excuse about the nail gun that doesn't line up with what we see on the map- but during the dream, it's revealed it was a calculated, intentional killing that he did to make sure there was no evidence left behind, and because Ashley (supposedly) would've wanted him to do it anyway. I say supposedly because Ashley herself doesn't seem to ever want Andrew to kill for her past Nina's death, because he only ever kills for her to defend one or both of them. If you want more evidence that violence for violence's sake isn't something she wants, look at this part in the final dream:
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A knife isn't what opens the door, despite it being placed on the ground in that very map. While it seems obvious that the knife (violence) would be the key to solving the puzzle, it's put there explicitly to show you that it isn't. It's not what she wants; what she wants is a flower.
So, why is this important? Why am I centering Ashley- again- when this essay is supposed to be about Andrew?
It's because these two killings are when Andrew's self-delusion over who he really is starts to break down. It's still there, mind, as he still relies upon Ashley as an excuse to justify it, but, as well as what I've said before, the name ultimatum is an implicit confession that the normalcy he finds comfort in is starting to lose its grasp on him. There's a lot that's been said about Andy being something close to a "moral impulse" for Andrew, given his child self's reaction to Nina's death being the only thing he does that approximates a normal moral response to his and Ashley's actions, but if you do think that- which I think is a reasonable thing to think even if I don't necessarily agree- there's something you must also keep in mind:
-He- is the one who doesn't want to be called that anymore. -He- is the one who wants to let that moral impulse go, and Ashley is the one making it difficult.
That reading is assuming that Andy is a moral impulse, which I think is... either wrong or too simplistic. Every time I see that reading, it's from someone who's trying to paint him too sympathetically and absolve him of most moral responsibility. I also find it infantilizing to equate morality with childhood in such a way? But that's another tangent that I didn't sign up to talk about. What I do think, however, is that it's a useful framing device to display his own relationship with morality; the allegory to his child self doesn't have to be there for the general pattern to exist.
When Ashley starts to grill Andrew over the killing of the 302 lady, he gets mad. Very mad. Ashley sees it as pointless, as him covering his own ass, but he genuinely did it for her sake, because he thought that's what she wanted, and that it'd make her happy. But what makes her happy isn't violence- or any similarly extreme action for that matter- it's attention and validation. Something he's always reluctant to give her, despite the fact that he always chose her over the alternatives. But despite making that choice, it's always empty and meaningless, because in Ashley's mind, he never did it for her sake.
And hoo boy, does he not like it being framed like this.
He is perfectly willing to do whatever it takes to keep them happy and safe... but only for her sake. It has to be for her sake. He still needs that traditional role, and he still needs to have a narrative in which he's the good guy- a protector. Because it can't be for his sake. It can't be because that's what he wants. He has to uphold that romantic (in the literary tradition sense) ideal. His darkly romantic idealistic streak colors many of his actions and beliefs. This is most plainly visible in his quip about a double suicide being romantic, but it's also visible within the symbolism present within his dream, such as how he can only pave his own path in blood unless Ashley lights the way. It's visible within his appreciation for poetry, and it's visible with how the cultist within the dream speaks in Shakespearean English.
But the transient nature of this ideal is also revealed within this dream, because there's never a cohesive, guided path, even with Ashley there to light it up. Contrary to Ashley's dream, where you literally have maps showing you where to go, Andrew's dream has many more dead ends and no map to guide him. The symbolic role he acts out gives him no clarity, and there's no overarching narrative; merely a bunch of disconnected symbols.
This is contrasted with Ashley's dream, which has narratives so clear that the story literally gives the dream an episode title.
In a sense, he wants to view himself as an actor acting out a role in a story. He wants his life to be poetic, to represent something greater, and to have a cohesive narrative. This is why he's so disconnected from his true desires: He's more concerned with acting as a representative of an ideal than a person with agency. But every time the mask drops, every time he stops acting, his true self becomes visible. He naturally settles into being comfortable around Ashley, in treating her with warmth and kindness, and their banter becomes much less toxic. As intent as he is on acting out his role, it does nothing for him, and as his dream sequence shows, it doesn't even form a cohesive narrative, because he can't act one out. It's too contrary to who he really is, and what he really wants. But that idealization doesn't just apply to himself, it also applies to Ashley. Specifically, who Ashley is, vs who he wants her to be.
In his unique dream sequence, he sees two versions of Ashley; the child version of her- Leyley- and the adult version of her- Ashley. And the differences in the ways he interacts with the two of them are stunning. Leyley is an obstinate, annoying child. She's the one he NEEDS to take care of, and he hates that. He hates Leyley for what she did for his childhood. He hates that he needs to provide for her. He has the option of trying to kill her, even, over something as small as a candle!
But in the room with all the murders, the gilded cage, he sees Ashley as an adult. This version of Ashley is stuck in a closet that he himself has to open- and to choose to see. Their interactions are calm and friendly. She teases him a bit, sure, but she's still helpful, and they have fun together. He doesn't need her, and she doesn't need him. He needed Leyley- needed the candle- but here, there are other limbs strewn about for him to take. And, crucially, he doesn't even have the option to kill this Ashley for one of the limbs.
And during the choking scene, he lets her go the moment she acknowledges that he doesn't need her anymore. This is the first time we know of that he seems comfortable enough to set a clear boundary, which is acknowledging that their prior dynamic is dead and that they're now Andrew and Ashley, not Andy and Leyley. It's a bit late to express a clear boundary -after- literally acting like he was going to kill someone, but it's the first time we know of that he sets a clear standard for what, in his mind, would improve his relationship with Ashley.
After all, what he wants is to want her, not need her. He wants Ashley for Ashley's sake. Not for what she can provide him. He doesn't even need her for sleep, he just wants her. But Ashley has trouble acknowledging this, because he's never before shown that WANT. Only a NEED. She keeps trying to find ways to make him need her, because she's never seen what his desire for her is really like. She's only ever seen him desiring someone else, someone other than her.
She's only ever seen him as Andy, because she's never truly seen Andrew, only the violence he can inflict on others. But Andrew can see both:
He can see Leyley, the needy, bratty child who always needs his attention, that he needs to provide for. The one he hates and wants to get rid of. The one he kills for to protect.
And he can see Ashley, the one who engages in friendly and cute banter with him. Who comforts and shows him physical affection. The one he loves. The one he kills for to make happy.
He just can't choose which one he wants to see. Every outside influence- from his parents, to Julia, to Nina- makes him see her as Leyley. Ashley herself makes him see her as Leyley too, whenever she brings up all the things he did for her, and calls him Andy, his child self, instead of Andrew, his current self. And as long as he sees that child, he feels like one too, and can never give Ashley anything that comes from the heart.
But he really, really wants to see Ashley as an adult. He wants to take pride in her, how much she's grown, and how driven and competent she really is.
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But god damn, does that bitch ever make it hard, because there IS no real difference between Ashley and Leyley. She's grown and changed over time, taking more adult (and stereotypically feminine) responsibility upon herself, but the fact that her temperament and personality hasn't changed much obfuscates that growth. When you talk to Ashley in the closet during the dream after getting the limb, Andrew asks Ashley to come out of the closet, but she refuses to come out because he won't invite Leyley over to play, which is a pretty strong metaphor for how he interfaces with different aspects of Ashley's personality and refuses to accept others. But the reality is that he needs to accept both, or rather, see her whole self as Ashley, rather than just the parts he likes.
In the end, it's him who has to make the choice how to see her. Ashley can only see what she's been shown, but Andrew can choose.
And in the basement scene, he makes that choice.
If Ashley refuses to leave him alone with their parents, that's it. In one of the most critical and important moments of his life, she couldn't give him the space needed to make up his own mind. She couldn't treat him as an adult. She couldn't see him as Andrew. If she does give him that choice, she chooses to acknowledge that Andrew is an adult who can be trusted to make his own decisions, even though she (perhaps foolishly) believes that this choice lines up with her own interests. And frankly it does either way, but in accepting their mom's offer, her chooses to see her as Leyley once and for all. He chooses not to reciprocate what Ashley showed him. He does it because he needs to, not because he wants to. Because it's his duty, not his desire.
This is what results in the Decay ending. Through his inability to see Ashley as an adult, he surrenders his agency and views all of his actions as an extension of his responsibilities, his role, which he no longer wishes to uphold. He dissociates fully from who he really is, acting in accordance with that disconnected, barely-cohesive narrative that exists only within his mind. The game starts to resemble the heartwrenching tragedy that many seem to take for granted that it is, as their dynamic fully doubles down on its painful toxicity. And, in an example of a poetic book end, Ashley's dream shows a double suicide, closing the book on their tragic tale.
It's tragic. It's heartwrenching. It's poetic. It's beautiful.
...Except it's not. Not at all.
It's actually fucking stupid, pointless, and brutal, and Burial shows us that. When we view their spiral as beautiful, we project the same darkly romantic ideal that Andrew possesses onto the story.
But the actual reality is horrifying.
Ashley spends most of Decay terrified of Andrew, the one person she found comfort in. He acts cold, distant, and aggressive towards her, showing pointless cruelty instead of any warmth. All she wants is comfort; all she wants is to not die. She doesn't want to engage in this death spiral at all, and, in her dream sequence, shows none of the same willingness to die alongside Andrew that Andrew does with her. The moment we stop focusing on the end of the Decay dream sequence, which has very striking imagery, and if you choose not to shoot, one of the most beautiful scenes in the game, we can see it for what it really is:
A scared animal running away from a predator.
The moment you see Decay through Ashley's eyes, and not the perspective of some romantic ideal, Decay becomes terrifying, tense, and painful. There is no catharsis to be had in this tragedy. It's easily avoidable as long as Andrew chooses to engage with reality, and not the empty promises of his mother and incoherent narrative of his ideal.
Finding beauty and meaning in tragedy is how we cope with the harshness of reality. But there is no coherent narrative to the tragedies we experience, just like there's no coherent narrative to the ideal Andrew wishes to uphold. It's something we create- that he creates- but it's not something that actually exists.
And when Andrew casts aside his desire for that ideal, and the responsibilities it shackles him to, it grants him clarity that he never had before. He sees the world for how it really is, and acknowledges that nobody- the least of which their mother- is as different from Ashley as they pretend to be.
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They're no better than her, and he's tired of people pretending that they are. People are all the same, no matter what ideals they try to uphold and represent. They still sacrifice others in the name of advancing themselves, still punch down whenever they can, and still lay blame on those beneath them rather than try to take control of their lives. They just use those ideals to justify themselves, but Ashley, and now Andrew, reject even the need for that justification.
This is why I believe the story is nihilistic. Not in that it asserts the inherent meaninglessness of life, but in that it grapples with the ideals we uphold and how they obfuscate the reality of the world we live in. The story, intentionally or not, highlights how ideals are often but a pretense we use to justify what we were likely going to do regardless, and how holding to them too strongly can lead to our ruin- and how monstrous they make us look to those who do not share them.
Consequently, this is how I view the part of the fanbase who thinks Decay is a good ending.
(the characters themselves represent existentialism rather than nihilism but i couldn't really fit that analysis in here without it feeling forced so i might cover that another time)
From that point on, their relationship becomes a lot more friendly, lighthearted, and playful. They ironically start acting more like children, but to quote CS Lewis:
"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence."
He's not ashamed of being playful with Ashley, or showing affection towards her. He's grown up. He finally sees her, and himself, as an adult- although he still doesn't show that in full until much later on (more or that later). But in Decay, he still sees her as a child, and to an extent, probably himself. Let's compare the ways in which he reacts to being called Andy. In Decay, he lashes out at Ashley and gets angry, even threatening her. But in Questionable Burial, he calmly says that Andy is dead and doesn't need Ashley's comfort, but still tries to reassure her that she's still needed. He's not ashamed of or hostile towards their prior dynamic, because he's grown past it. He still acknowledges Ashley's need to feel needed, but here, he recognizes its importance to her, whereas he was hostile towards it before.
It's a display of respect towards her feelings.
This interaction doesn't happen in the Sane ending, however. He doesn't play games with her and is just a lot less fun to be around all together. Why is that? Because he still hasn't yet shaken viewing Ashley as Leyley there. He still views her as a burden, as someone who needs taking care of. He's calmly accepted that, too, mind you, but he lacks respect for her because she's still a child, in his mind. But in Questionable?
The vision did more than just make him extremely embarrassed and lay his deepest desires bare. It forced him to recognize Ashley as an adult. When choosing between "Never" and "Never say never," if Never is chosen, the burden of thought is lifted off of him. But if Ashley chooses "Never say never!", he has to reckon with the fact that Ashley is an adult, someone who can consent to those kinds of things. Someone who MIGHT. Someone who has agency, and can make her own decisions. And more importantly… someone who can trust him to make his own.
Whether he desires sex or not is secondary; he's always had those feelings and has always been ashamed of them. But now that the part of him where that shame came from is dead and buried, there's no childish impulse to grow up. There's no attachment to the hate and bitterness he had before. Look at what he worries about when he picks up that she's uncertain or confused about who he is now:
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It's her feelings.
He wants to be fun to be around. He wants to make Ashley happy. He loves her, and not as a romantic interest or even as a sibling. He loves her independent of all that baggage.
He loves her as a person.
Their relationship runs contrary to societal ideals in some pretty huge ways. So contrary, in fact, that it's hard for some to accept it as anything good, that it can ever be best for the people involved. It's incestuous. It involves them killing and eating their parents. It involves them distancing themselves so much from society that it's hard to believe they'll ever fit in it again. It's chaotic, it's messy, it's codependent, and maybe even toxic. And yet, here they are. They're coexisting. They're happy. They're healing. They're navigating the world in the only way they can: together.
Meanwhile, in Decay, Andrew refuses to allow himself to get closer to Ashley. He surrenders all agency to her, buys into his own narrative, drinks his own Kool-Aid, and may or may not condemn one or both of them to death in the process. Like it or not, the only path where Andrew takes ownership of his life is the one where he's closest to his sister. It's the one where he decides where they will go next, the one where he decides his own feelings matter, and acts in accordance with what he wants instead of how he thinks he should act.
His agency, his freedom, and his growth don't happen in spite of his codependency; they're happen because of it. They can't grow alone. They can't heal alone.
In reading the story, one must interrogate how important those societal ideals are in the face of the realities of what makes people happy. Are those ideals worth upholding in spite of this? Can we really allow people to fall through the cracks in the name of social norms? Can we blame people for taking rash actions when the social contract has failed them?
Or are we so blinded by those ideals that we can't see that people can be happy while blatantly disregarding them?
All I know is that in Burial, Andrew, having cast aside normalcy, now appears to be truly happy for the first time in his life.
Who are we to take that from him?
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neverchecking · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet- Wild Edition
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
At the start, he's...not the best. But-BUT, hear me out, he learns. He's such a good learner and he's quick at learning things too. You could mention something offhandedly during... fucking lunch or something and he's remembering it for the next time you have sex. So while it takes time, he does eventually become a king at aftercare. Massaging muscles, lotion-ing bodies, helping Reader to the bathroom, etc...
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His partner? Everything. All of it. Anything Reader is willing to bless him with he's all over. But if he had to chose? Their tummy honestly. It's a sign of their health to him. If it has a little chub? His favorite. It means he's doing his job and their eating well. Their remaining safe and healthy and happy. And he loves just holding it and anchoring his hands there.
On him? ...His hands. I know I said this with Twilight (Lmao I wrote Twilight's before Wilds), but Wild likes his hands too. They're talented. They have to be. With his knife skills, and his rock climbing and whatever else, he has strong fingers. And he knows how to use them. If it makes his partner happy, he's happy.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Oh, he loves painting his partner's chest and stomach in his cum. Watching the ropes paint their skin a pretty white while bliss makes their gaze loopy and blank drives him absolutely nuts, probably making him hard all over again as he's pouncing once more to do it all over again.
He'll never say no to giving you his own personal pie though. I'm so sorry for that I hate myself lmao /s
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would love if you pegged him while he was wearing the Vai outfit. Lay him down and take it slow? Lace kisses up and down his scarred body? Take your sweet time with him and ensure his own pleasure no matter what while taking him apart? All of it. He wants all of it. He wants to feel you, hold you, let you take charge so he can let his guard down for once.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Nope. Clueless. If he had sex before dying, he forgot. He considered himself a virgin when you two met and says he lost it to you when asked. Maybe he had sex before he died, but fuck if he knows. He only knows you.
And he loves learning with you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
This is a toughie because he is so erratic as a character. Somedays he probably loves you ass down face up, others he just needs missionary. Depends on his mood and how the day is going/went.
But his ultimate favorite is probably the pretzel dip. Having you on your side with one of his legs hooked over your bottom leg is perfect in every way. He gets that intimacy that comes with eye contact, and he gets all the benefits of doggy style. It has that special place in his heart.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He definitely lets out a few jokes and quips. It relaxes him, it relaxes his partner. He sees it as a win-win. He loves making things as effortless as possible for both parties, and if that does it, so be it. Plus he loves his lover's laugh.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Oddly enough, yeah, I think he's pretty well groomed. It's a bush, but it's a controlled bush, yk? No. it's cleaned and groomed and trimmed. probably a little lighter than his normal hair color.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be super romantic! Flowers, candles, soft words of praise. He can do the whole package. But he can also do everything else. He's a wild card, heh, in the sense that he can be whatever you need from him.
He does love those intimate nights of reestablishing your love for one another. Sure, you can have the bells and whistles that come with kinks and toys and whatever else, but those nights where its just you and him and the love between you two manifesting itself into this act are always going to be some of his favorites.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He used to do it every once in a while. Not often, but when the nights got a little too lonely he would take the twenty minutes to rub one out. It de-stressed him and got his muscles relaxed enough for him to take a breather for an hour. After meeting you? It's so incredibly rare. He loves just having you there because not only does the release relax him, but so does your presence alone.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He definitely likes cuffing his lover's hands together with metal bracelets and using magnesis to hold them up. Or using just a bit of Cryonis to cultivate small ice cubes that leave shiny tails along your body. Or maybe he's uses stasis to freeze you place while he does whatever he wants with you? Hard to choose really.
For sure has a exhibitionist kink though. He loves the thrill of almost getting caught. Makes him feel alive.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere he can get his hands on you. If it has reasonable privacy and you guys have twenty minutes, he's taking you then and there. His favorite place is probably his own home. Or in an alley in Gerudo? Maybe behind a rock formation in Eldin? Perhaps a cabin up in Hebra?
Maybe he can't pick a favorite afterall~
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He's kind of like Twilight in the sense of everything, but when there's something that gets the adrenaline pumping, he's especially ripping, ready to go. Especially if it's right after a near death experience. Those have him spitting out an excuse before pulling you out of ear shot and pinning you to the nearest tree while his body still thrums with the rush left over.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that comes even remotely close to non-consensual play. Like consensual non-consent? He fucking hates it. He hates the idea that he could ever be capable of hurting you in such a way. It eats at him and he fucking refuses to do anything that bares any resemblance to that. He needs clear, verbal consent to any and everything.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Also a giver! He loves hooking your legs over his shoulders as you lean against a tree, fingers threading in his hair. Or slipping between you and the counter you lean onto for support pulling your hips in time with his tongue. Or simply letting you use his mouth as your own personal toy <3
When it comes to receiving, he is the biggest whiner. He doesn't have the patience for teasing, so he's constantly bucking his hips, and he doesn't keep quiet doing so either. He's begging and pleading for more, all while whimpering out your name. If he gets especially desperate, he may forgo your pace and fuck your mouth instead.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Can do both. He likes the soft and sensual side, being reminded that he's worth something, but he also likes just ruining you and having you beneath him. Putting him in charge and trusting he knows how to deal with you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves them. All the time. He's a busy man with a lot on his plate and if he can destress and restart with just a twenty minute break? He's doing it. Any chance he gets he's taking it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
So down for any risks. He loves the idea of it all. Sucking his dick in an inn bathroom while a group of men walk past? He's biting his lips at the thought of them walking in to see you on your knees. He's going down on you behind some pasture while people bargain for horse equipment? Nearly cumming in his pants at the though. Anything his partner is up to, he's ready to follow.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
So many rounds. You cannot stop him by trying to exhaust him. It doesn't work like that. His lover either taps out or their going until the sun is shining down on them, lettings its rays cascade over their worn and tired bodies.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He does. He's into all sorts of things and is always open to try something new. I don't know what the kink scene is like in Hryule, but Wild probably comes up with new things all on his own ;) Pretty silken ropes, or plugs made from shined and polished metal, maybe even a bar meant to keep his beloveds ankles spread just for him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves teasing. Winding up his partner tighter and tighter, waiting for them to snap, and watching with glee as their own frustrations build up. He's letting his touches linger and his words dip into a husky whisper against their ears, only to walk away right after, whistling a hearty tune.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He makes the prettiest noises. Loud and pretty and even when he tries to muffle them, he just can't. It's like it goes against his very soul to hide how good you make him feel from the world.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Okay, so I know some people tag him a brat/ power bottom, and you're right, but I also like the idea of him just being this no nonsense dom. He's had a taste of being in total control of himself, and what he does, and loves it. From the bits he remembers, pre-Calamity, he wasn't happy. Not with his every move monitored and carefully dictated. So when his partner not only gives him control over himself, but also them?
He's drooling at the thought of it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Not overly girthy, pretty average in fact, but the length. 6.5 inches with a few veins running up the sides. The head is a darker red than the rest of his skin and he's surprisingly circumcised. (His dad was in the military as well, so it's probably a result of his dad following those strict guidelines.)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. He's under a lot of stress okay? He needs something to let it out on. Plus, that alone with his energy reservoirs leads to him needing something pretty near constantly. He's normally able to push it back, but if you offered him whenever the urge hit you, he'd be up for it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not for a while. Even after something like sex drains his energy, Wild has the innate need to ensure that his sweetheart is okay. He's watching them for a while, just making sure their chest is rising and falling the way it's supposed to. When fatigue does eventually tug at his bones, he's burrowing into their side and letting them hold him as he drifts to sleep, content their okay for the night.
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dandylovesturtles · 8 months
Leo & Donnie, trick (Please no character death, thank you!)
This will make more sense if you read the previous trick or treat (the Leo and Draxum trick)
Unfortunately this has become. a whole Thing. I didn't plan for it, it just happened. I'm currently calling it the Sidelined AU
CWs: Internalized ableism, light passive suicidal ideation
Here's what being stuck in a demonic suit of armor for two days gets you:
Brittle bones.
No mystic powers.
Hovering brothers.
A catatonically depressed dad.
A catastrophic decrease in muscle mass.
Chronic fatigue.
A concerning amount of brain fog.
A bedroom on the ground floor (under construction).
Sensitivity to light and smell.
And a wheelchair. Apparently.
Donnie brought it in ten minutes ago, and he's spent that long infodumping about all the features he's built into it. Leo hasn't really kept up, because of the whole brain fog situation, and because he doesn't normally listen to infodumps of this length, anyway.
Instead he's been focused on keeping his lunch down. Something about the wheelchair twists his gut in a sharp way. It just feels so... final. Like if he sits down in that, he's officially given up.
Donnie is still rattling on. He's been smiling the whole time. Leo doesn't know what about his situation invites smiling.
(Some part of his brain, the less bitter and angry part, notes that it's the same smile Donnie has whenever he shows off new tech. Leo ignores that part of his brain.)
"Any questions?" Donnie asks him suddenly, and Leo blinks his way out of his own thoughts. Donnie is looking at him expectantly. Still smiling, his hands gesturing at his creation. The wheelchair. Leo's gut twists again and he swallows forcefully. Reaches over and sucks down the last of the water from his water bottle, and even that simple motion takes Herculean effort.
He's already forgotten what the question was, so he says, "No," because he feels that sums up all his feelings about the situation.
"Excellent," says Donnie, because he can't read a room to save his life. "Then do you want to take it for a test run?"
Leo stares at him so he doesn't have to look at the chair.
"No," he says again.
Finally, Donnie's smile falls. It morphs into something concerned, and Leo isn't sure he likes that any better.
"You said you were feeling alright," he says.
Sure, he did say that, because all he ever says when they ask how he's feeling is "alright." Well, that's not true. Sometimes it's "okay." Or "fine." Or, "Jeez, Raph, stop worrying about me before that chasm gets any bigger."
The point is, he did say he was feeling alright, but alright isn't good enough for... whatever this is.
He struggles over his words for a bit before finally getting out, "I don't need a wheelchair," which is the main point, as far a he's concerned.
Now Donnie's expression turns more frustrated. "Yes you do."
"No, I don't."
He sighs. "Leo, we've been over this. Your legs aren't strong enough to carry your weight, and you can't risk a fall in your condition. Do you want to be healing from a broken pelvis on top of everything else?"
He doesn't. But he doesn't say that, just stares stubbornly at Donnie to avoid looking at the chair.
"The wheelchair is only for now," says Donnie. "Once you've recovered enough, a walker, then a cane, or crutches. We've been over this-"
"I don't need a cane," says Leo, cutting him off. "Canes are for old people."
"They are not," Donnie argues. "They're for whoever needs them. Which includes you."
"I don't need one."
Donnie grumbles something under his breath that Leo can't hear, because damaged hearing is another one of the things being trapped in a demonic suit of armor for two days gets you. "Alright. Is there something wrong with my engineering?"
He frowns. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, is there something unsatisfactory about the chair that I can fix so you would be more willing to use it." He gestures at it. "It's okay if my design isn't to your liking. I have others."
Leo shakes his head. "This isn't about your engineering." This isn't about you.
"Well maybe if we make it about my engineering then you'll stop being so stubborn!" Donnie snaps, and Leo feels his hackles rising.
"Oh, screw you, Donnie."
"Screw me?" Donnie spits back. "Screw me for trying to help and not just watch while my brother lets himself waste away! Yeah, screw me."
"You don't have to watch anything," Leo snaps back. "The door's right there."
"What's your end game here?" Donnie demands, taking an angry step forward. "You complain about Raph carrying you everywhere, but you aren't doing anything to fix your situation. You won't exercise, you won't use the wheelchair - you're giving up!"
"I'm not giving up!" Leo lies.
"Yes you are and I'm sick of watching it!"
"Then leave!"
Donnie opens his mouth like he wants to argue further, but then he throws his hands up and turns on his heel. "I'm done," he says, then stalks out. He tries to slam the curtain behind him as he leaves, but because it's a curtain it just ends up swinging back and forth.
Which means Leo can clearly see as Raph and Mikey duck out of sight.
"Donnie, maybe you shouldn't have-" Raph begins, but gets cut off.
"I'm not treating him with kid gloves. If he wants to rot in bed then let him."
"He's having a rough time, so-"
"You can keep coddling him. But I'm done."
Leo hears retreating footsteps, then a heavy sigh. Raph is still right outside his room.
It takes him a moment, but he pokes his head in eventually.
"Heeey buddy," he says, adopting his baby voice, and Leo wants to scream but he doesn't have the energy. "Need anything?"
"No. I'm fine," he says instead.
"You sure? Because Raphie can-"
"I'm fine," he says again, tired, and lays down so he can stare at the ceiling. "I'm just gonna sleep."
"...Okay. Night Leo."
He's gone and doesn't come back. Mikey doesn't come, either.
Leo regrets his decision a few minutes later, because all that yelling made his throat dry and painful, but his water bottle is empty, and he doesn't have the energy to get to the kitchen, and if he uses the chair...
He groans, pulling his blanket over his head. Already, the brain fog is turning his thoughts to white noise, and the fatigue is pulling him down. Thirsty or not, sleep will come.
Another thing being trapped in demonic suit of armor for two days gets you: a cure for insomnia.
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 4 months
Honkai Star Rail A/B/O: Dr.Ratio As An Alpha With An Omega
cw: omegaverse, nsfw
Dr. Ratio treats his omega fairly well but he doesn't baby them. He'll certainly get them whatever they need though he might have a smart thing to say here and there. He doesn't mean anything bad by it, he just wants the best for his omega.
Doesn't praise his omega when they make their nest, he thinks they should know how wonderful of a job they did if they're letting him in it. He will offer up praise if they do need it though it won't be some long winded flowery paragraph about how wonderful they are and how he's so lucky to be allowed into such comfort like some alphas. He's brief, a simple "this looks comfortable" is enough.
The omegas he's interested in have to have some brains though most think they have to be on the same level as him this isn't true. He's perfectly content with having an omega that's not a scholar so long as they're willing to learn and better themselves, their honest efforts would win his heart.
Doesn't care too much what his omega smells like though something that doesn't overwhelm the senses like mint are preferred as they can be distracting. A scent like honey and tea might attract him as it's more subdued but still strong enough to catch his attention.
Before their heats he's as meticulous as usual and preps in advance to make sure they'll be well taken care of before, during, and after their heat. Gathers their usual pillows for their nest, his most recently worn clothes, and scents each item thoroughly before placing them in a neat pile just outside their usual nesting area for them to get to work without stress.
During the heat he's calculated just how many times he can get his omega off before he knots them to keep them satisfied. It seems a bit cold but he's taking in account what are the best times to give them food so they don't go hungry for long and have the strength to eat on their own. Of course he'll feed them himself if they want him to he just understands if they want to be independent while feeling miserable. He cares quite a bit he just won't admit it.
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k-martins · 4 months
When I think about itfs, love languages and itfs love languages, I imagine something like:
Yuji obviously being someone who shows his affection through words of affirmation. He praises his friends and teachers a lot in the manga/anime from what I've noticed, so maybe it's a proven fact (I digress, anyway). So, when ITFS begins their romance, Yuji constantly says how "amazing" and "smart" Megumi is, how "beautiful", "kind", "adorable" and "STRONG" his boyfriend is. And of course, Megs always blushes and tells Yuji to shut up, which only makes Itadori smile even more and plant a kiss on Megumi's still red cheek. (I just AKSJSKSJKSANSK they look adorable in my head)
I think he would also fit into acts of service, as he is quite selfless and sincerely cares about others around him. This would become clearer after the canon (whatever happens), with Yuji taking care of Megumi and always being willing to help him with something, to the point that Megs has to just pull Yuji's hand to do so if sit/lay down next to you and simply REST. So when Yuji was trying to escape Megumi's grip, Megs would just mumble "The soup can wait, I just want YOU now" and Yuji would melt into that hug, because FOR THE SAKE OF GOD, MEGUMI IS HUGGING HIM!!!!
Look, this is going to sound a little ironic, but I think Megumi would be the PHYSICAL AFFECTION type! Except he doesn't know how to ask or show it, lol, but Megs definitely likes to be hugged by those he loves and hides it very well through a neutral expression. Then, when he gets comfortable enough to reciprocate and start cuddling (and also because being in pain for a whole month has made him more touch-hungry), he hugs Yuji at random times of the day, holds his hand when they're just relaxing together, if keeps close in the midst of crowds and affectionate and chaste kisses. (Megs needs kisses and hugs, please give them to him)
I think quality time also suits him. Megumi seems like the guy who would complain about an impromptu movie night, but would be a few minutes early with a bag of snacks and blankets to wrap up in. He may not even pay attention to the film, but he will try to follow the plot at all times to have a conversation with Yuji about the plot. Cooking together is also on the list, as Megumi really enjoys listening to Yuji chatter or the peace of being in comfortable silence as they work together to prepare meatballs.
In fact, I think the two share the same love languages and that's why they get along so well.
In the end, I'm just rambling. I miss them so much :')
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Slashers x child!reader… except it’s CHILDREN, because they are TWINS
Uhm I made the twins energetic hope you didn't mind it 👉👈
Warnings: mentions of murder and luring. Idkk??? Fluff??
Characters in this : Michael Myers, sinclair brothers and Bubba sawyer SORRY SO SHORT.
Relationship: Platonic! Father/uncle/older sibling figure? Yes?
Slashers x twins! Reader
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*immense sigh inserted from Michael*
How he'll take this is a matter of how they act.
Just two quiet timid little munchkadees and he shows a thumbs up.
But two little sly mischievous pranksters are a big no no from him. But let's go with that for the rest of the oneshot.
One was already hard enough for him but two?? He's gonna be breaking them spine and knees a little earlier... You can just imagine him sitting on a chair while two little children run around him and you can see the exhaustion behind his mask.
They can mess with him and ask him who is who and most of the time he gets it right or says idgaf. But if it's peepaw Michael he's a bit more willing to play along. Orr says idgaf too and points to whoever.
He doesn't necessarily hold those two but if they ask reeeeaaaallllyyyyy nicely he might. When he did though he thought it felt weird holding two children in his arms and intended to drop them after 10 seconds but seeing how happy and excited it made them he extended it to a few minutes. (And moved around the house a little since they asked really nicely about that too.)
If they get into an argument and get mad at each other and they turn to him for help he's panicking inside because he doesn't know wtf to do. He just grabs whatever their favorite food or drink is and hopes they make up.
One moment he goes into another room and comes back to find the twins throwing things around and screaming and he glares at them and gave them a little bonk on their heads and made them clean up.
If he finds out the twins had a bully he's ready for bone breaking or stabbing but if he also finds out the twins are tormenting the bully back for revenge and he just- he's so proud. (He came up to them and gave them a thumbs up.)
Overall he doesn't really love it nor does he really hate it. And he wouldn't say he wishes one of them to disappear cause he doesn't. I guess he kinda loves likes the both of you equally.
Sinclair brothers
Bo looks at the both of them together sometimes and smiles because they lowkey remind him of him and Vincent when they were younger. (The children twins get along wayy better) he tries not to mind and lash out when they're acting especially chaotic but you know the romantical relationship between him and anger so he yells at them. But then he later feels super guilty and tries to apologize with ice cream or something. Actually he's pretty lenient on them cause there's two of them and in his sense that means if one is in trouble then the other one will get them out of it. Boy was he wrong. He found them both wailing in a ditch with leaves as bait somewhere that they dug up because they wanted to catch animals for food but they forgot it was there. He also bonked them in the head after lifting them up. You can see him a lot with the twins and lure tourists in like 'heh... Yes come follow these two innocent looking kids...' He would rather die than admit it but he really likes having the twins company. He acts so nasty and detached but yk he would be so hurt if they didn't talk to him more than 10 times a day. Whatever tourist that picks on them or acts extremely suspicious around them would be dead before the sky turns deep blue. I bet he lets them hang on his arms and turns so smug when they comment about how strong their 'uncle' is. Wait did they say uncle? He accidentally dropped them. And crode later. Overall he likes them more than he could ever admit.
Vincent he loves watching them play (not in a weird way ofc) he watches them and sighs because he highkey wishes Bo would be a bit nicer to him sometimes. And for some reason he is a little nicer when the twins are around. When days are getting long and there's nothing to do he's playing with them, whether it be tag or dressing up in tutus he's fine with it. He gets worried a lot when the twins are on their own. Instead of a mindset like bo (and Lester) he thinks what would happen if BOTH of them get in trouble. He doesn't want to find two dead bodies somewhere so he tries to keep a close eye on them. A scenario where the twins are also running around in circles around Vincent sitting in a chair except he doesn't mind it and smiles. Contests where the twins draw Vincent and makes him choose whose art is better but he doesn't have the heart to choose which are inevitable. Anybody who looks at them weird? Gone. Not even wax just gone. Treats them like they're his own (he is their father figure). Since lester isn't always in ambrose Vincent does most of the raising since Bo apparently is always doing something (he tries.). So Vincent is the twins favorite and always comes to him for help unless it's about mechanical or such. Probably holds the twins in his arms a lot and scurries or runs around because it's so cool for them to look at everything from the height of 6'1 - 6'ft. His soul almost leaves him when they play and run around in the house of wax. Vincent thinks it's kinda hard handling twins but he loves it either way.
I said before Vincent was their favorite but boy do they get excited when they see Lester. He doesn't always come but he doesn't always decide to not visit. To be honest because of the twins he visits more frequently oh and they loveee jonesy. And for the record he's the fun-est and also funniest so when he pulls up with them truck the twins will be yelling, "omg look uncle Lester came!!!" Bo will give shit. Not to the twins but to Lester for some reason. The whole day you'll be spending time with Lester and they play stuff like who can hit the most animals with uncle Lester's car. (Sorry they don't actually play that.) But hes convenient because when the twins are refusing to do Or eat something and knowing how competitive chaotic kids are, Lester does the good ol' who can eat/clean the fastest and also does it with them so it'll be more fun. And he's carefree too and then he also finds the twins somewhere in trouble. I'm imagining a scenario where he tells a creepy tourist to get in a car and then he was driving really fast around a cliff and then he opens the tourist's side of the car door and roughly pushes them off the cliff. They were there to witness it all and honestly they were high key rooting for Lester. The kid twins get into mischief with Lester a lot and Bo finds it so annoying and Vincent is just concerned. Them and Lester are literal partners in crime. They work together like legitimately. Also when the twins get mad at each other Lester makes them apologize to each other and then treats them with food or some activity for doing so. Because it's important to apologize <3. Overall, he loves em' and they love him.
Bonus, jonesy!!: did I mention they love jonesy? Everytime the kid twins aren't playing with Lester they're most definitely being playfully chased by jonesy. Ofc she catches them every time and also gives them little kisses on the cheeks :,). 🩷🩷🩷 jonesy is just a natural at everything that's why she got along so well the first time they met with the kid twins, in fact she's the head master and wears the pants in the sinclair family. She's extremely vital. Someone acts mean to one of the twins? The other one and jonesy team up and start beating the person. Somehow they three team up and torment the other Sinclairs and the brothers have no idea how but they allow it. Overall 100/10, she's their second partner in crime.
Bubba sawyer
He loves taking care of them! Just whenever he can he plays with them. Wayy too attached to the twins since they're really the only ones who treat Bubba like an actual human being.
Will get so stressed if they mess up somewhere in a room because Drayton will yell at both the twins and Bubba. (The twins shit talk about Drayton and let Bubba on it too but he gets nervous.)
He also runs around the house holding one twin on his arms and one on his back. The twins love pulling that "guess who is who" Question and watch as Bubba struggles and fidgets as he tries to figure out.
There isn't really a quiet day with twins chasing each other but Bubba loves it. It doesn't make him feel alone. As much as he dislikes it, the twins help and lure victims in and also watch the brutal killings. If they insist it doesn't really bother them that much then he'll be put a little at ease.
He gets the big sad when the twins come crying to him after Drayton yelled at them for acting like the kids that they should act like. Knowing Bubba has a soft heart he can't really do anything other than comfort them physically by stroking their hair/heads.
He tries his best to keep them safe at all times knowing how dangerous this can be if the victims get smart or lucky. Overall he loves them to death and he wouldn't have it any other way.
This is the end. I'm losing my creativity and it took me like 6+ to finish this because I'm so indecisive. Anyways tell me if you want a part two :))
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masuchu · 2 years
pairings. dazai x reader, chuuya x reader, fyodor x reader
warnings. none!! this is probs one of the most fluffy things i’ve ever wrote :33
love, masu. this is literally my favourite thing ever :(( i’ve been so busy and tired lately, so i decided to write all these before i got some revision done >///<
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DAZAI — [太宰]
dazai gives love with physical touch and words of affirmation. dazai feels, a lot. these emotions of love aren't unheard of for him, but they're certainly new to feel. so how does he cover up how devastatingly confused and lovesick he is? he touches you! his hands are always creeping along your skin, wether that be gripping your thigh, holding your hand, peppering kisses all over you face or pretending to fall on you so he can take a nap on your chest. he also loves to compliment you, always preaching to other about how heavenly you are, and how your beauty is angelic. just because it's covering his emotions, doesn't mean it's fake, of course not! he feels all of these things, but he's only ever known being loud and teasing, so it'll have to do for now.
he likes to recieve what he gives, that being physical touch and quality time. if there's one way to wrap dazai around your finger, then it's to have your skin pressed against his. if he was to die with his face pressed in your chest and your hands in his hair, then so be it. another thing that gets his heart racing, is when you go out of your way to spend time with him. he's experienced too much loss and loneliness, spending nights by himself and having nobody left of whom he trusted and loved. but when you softly ask him "would you like to spend the night together, osamu?" or when you whine "this is so boring, wanna ditch and go that café across the street? i've heard it does great milk tea!" he can't deny how his heart beats faster and his mind swoons, and honestly, he'll take anything you give him. he loves you so much, more then he's willing to admit, and he'll take whatever your love brings with his arms wide open.
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CHUUYA — [楚雅]
chuuya's love languages are physical touch and gift giving. being a mafia executive and all of that, chuuya earns a lot of money. too much to spend, really. he's got a accommodating, fancy apartment, his bills are paid, he has food, he's got wine and he has enough clothes. heres where you come in! the extra few thousands of yen he earns either goes straight into your bank account or into a dazzling new pair off designer earrings. what's that? he shouldn't spend so much money on you? don't be stupid, anyways, heres a new limited edition pair of gloves! they match his, aren't they nice? if he catches your eyes lingering on a certain piece in a shop window for even a second too long, he's dragging you into the store and purchasing the whole range! as well as giving the cashier an ungodly tip, she may as well quit! like dazai, he likes to be touching you at all times. he's a bit more laid back, but something does feel off if his hand isn't intertwined with yours. it also affects his general mood throughout the day if he hasn't supplied you with kisses. oh and he'll pout if you don't let him cuddle you. maybe he is just as bad, but can you blame him?
chuuya likes to receive physical touch and words of affirmation. he's a simple man, as long as he can come back home from a long day of work and hold you in his arms, pressing kisses into the skin of your neck, then he's living his life correctly. he'll pretend to hate it when you dote over him and smooth your hands all over his skin, but if he's honest, he gets shivers when he feels the soft pads of your fingers drag against his. another thing he can't deny get's his heart racing, is when you praise him. he knows he's the best martial artist in the port mafia, he gets told on the daily, but hearing it from your mouth just makes it so much more special. his heart pounds when you tell him "woah! chuuya, you're so strong!" or when you softly whisper "chuuya, you're so special." to him at night. your praises, compliments and words of affection do wonders to him and his heart, and he hopes that he makes you feel the same.
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FYODOR — [费多尔]
fyodor's love language's are quality time and physical touch. fyodor is a stranger to love, to put it simply. he sees himself as somebody solitary and normal people are unworthy of his devotion. however, with you, he always has the time of day. when he gets off his computer, he finds himself seeking you out, his feet moving for him and taking him where he knows he wants to be. he'll spend this spare time playing songs to you on his cello, discussing his favourite pieces of writing with you, basking in the silence or on good days- telling you how much he loves you. touched starved and greedy, though he won't admit it. he loves to do soft things such as run his fingers through your hair, gently play with your fingers or cup your cheeks with his palms. he's enigmatic, you'll never know what's going on in his head, but you know for sure that "i love you" is floating around in there.
fyodor likes to receive words of affirmation and acts of service. he has an ego- we all know that, and the idea of you doting on him and making sure his life is easier makes him happy in both a sense of love and superiority. not that he sees himself as entirely above you, you're the first person in his life that has come close to a feeling of equality in his mind. he still feels as though he should pampered, however. hearing praise fall from your lips makes a smirk creep on his lips, an unfamiliar feeling bubbling up in his chest. the way you can say and do such beloved things for a man so far from grace really does amaze him, he isn't an insecure man in the slightest, but it gives him a sense of relief. the feeling of possessiveness overwhelms him when you say things like "fyodor, you're so pretty.." or your soft mummers of "you're perfect, love." everything about you is just perfect in his eyes, he wouldn't settle for anything less of course.
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ddollfface · 2 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲
𝙆𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙞 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙪 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 (𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 1.)
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Warnings; reader is a girl, yandere behaviors, misogyny, groping, letters/stalking, Kiyosumi is just an asshole, obsessive thoughts/idealizations, ngl this is a little rushed, bad writing, and me rambling some more :) If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Heyy, this is part two for the Kiyosumi headcanons. I'm still so confused as to why there's a word limit on Tumblr, nor do I know how I'm exceeding it?? Like I swear I've seen other authors go far pass what I'm writing (?). I don't know man... but we live on anyways :/
The second type of reader I can see Kiyosumi with is a spit-fire darling, someone who doesn't take any shit, and will call you out on it. She may or may not have some anger issues, willing to scream in your face if she thinks you've disrespected her (or someone she's close to). I like to think of this darling as an enemies-to-lovers troupe, and this darling is likely a fighter of some sort, bonus points if she practices karate.
Now, Kiyosumi originally hates you, absolutely wanting nothing than to tear you into pieces, pound his fist into your face.
Everything about you pisses him off, down to your stupidly soft hair, your firey eyes, your smooth skin, and god dammit, your muscles look abnormally nice today-
Okay, he may have a thing for you, but what can he say? You're a girl in the martial arts world, something that's not common whatsoever. And you're mildly attractive, just a pretty thing to look at, that's what he thinks anyway.
Kiyosumi will try to degrade you, saying that you're just a trophy wife, some inclusion hire, or some crap, anything to push off his feeling for you. He hates that he finds you attractive, strong, and all the things. He's jealous. He wants to be you, you, you.
Why do you get all the recognition? What does Doppo fawn over you, congratulating you on your success, teaching you new things? Why didn't he get that same treatment? It just isn't fair, he's just as good as you, no, he's better, stronger even.
Kiyosumi is no doubt a misogynist, someone who doesn't respect women on the level he should. He doesn't believe that women should be in the martial arts world, something about how they're far too weak, not capable enough to survive in that type of environment (if you're wondering, I think majority of the fighters have this type of sentiment, some more than others).
So imagine his surprise when he sees you waltzing into the arena/dojo, or whatever fighting environment the two of you are in. At first, he laughs, not beliving his eyes, then he's taken aback, eyes blown wide when you take down your opponet with ease. Now his ears are bright red, completely embarrassed that you clearly surpass him strength-wise.
I'm not too sure if you know this quote, but I first heard of it from this Holocaust survivor named Elie Wiesel, and he stated, "The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference..." I believe that to be immensely true, especially in this situation with a yandere Kiyosumi!
His hatred quickly turns into this selfish want, into a need to prove himself to you and keep you for himself. Though his thoughts were already twisted; how can they not? Especially when all he could think was how much better you'd look with your face crushed in, his hands bloody, and your legs contorted in all which ways (not like that). Nothing better than to see that kind smile wiped from your face, replaced with tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. Yeah... he likes that far better.
But what is he supposed to think when those dark desires become... warped. Now, when he thinks of you, he thinks of how pretty you'd look covered in... him, not blood, but something different. He begins to think you're pretty, not just covered in blood, with teary eyes, but in a sundress with your hair up. Not only that, but he stops cringing whenever you smile, instead, he thinks that the way your eyes crinkle is pleasing to the mind, or how your hair frames your face nicely. Your fighting style isn't stupid anymore. Now it's fuckin' awesome! And how dare those other men even glance at you while you look so badass? Who do they think they are? Do they think they even have a chance with a babe like you? Hell no, that's for him, him, him.
Oh boy, and when you meet Katsumi? Sheesh, that's when things go downhill. Kiyosumi is now paranoid, obsessing over you, you, you. Everything you do is monitored by Kiyosumi, whether you know so or not, wanting to know what you're doing at every waking moment. Kiyosumi has strayed from his original intentions. His feelings for you become warped as he slowly drifts further and further away from reality.
If you really think about it, Kiyosumi is like Katsumi but far grosser. Actually, I take that back. As yanderes, Kiyosumi and Katsumi are on the same level, but Katsumi hides behind this boy-next-door mask, allowing himself to get away with far more. Kiyosumi doesn't have that privilege, so he turns to... unorthodox methods of courting you.
Now you have these creepy ass fotos of you appearing at your work, doorstep, hell, even your purse! They're everywhere, and all you know is that it's from "K...", as your stalker titles it. (Kiyosumi is drunk out of his mind when he sends you these little letters, meaning his penmanship isn't the best... half the time he can't even write his whole name, leading to the K to be pronounced, but the rest of the letters to turn into scribbles lol)
Not only that, but now you feel like you're being watched, like there's a pair of eyes always on you, especially when you're taking a shower... creepy. It's as if there's some kind of shadow always looming over you, causing others to steer clear of you, not wanting to have to do anything with your stalker. It's as if he's right next to you.
And you have a hinting suspicion that it's Katou, seeing as he can't keep a straight face with you, baring his heart on his sleeve. Besides, you can't help but feel unwary whenever he's around.
He stands far too close to you, taking every chance to spare with you, touch you, smell you. Yeah... let's just say you've beaten his ass once or twice. The guy just won't take a hint! Now, it's beginning to piss you off, and you're just about ready to give him a piece of your mind!
Like who does this guy think he is? Touching you as if he has the right? Letting his hands wander down your thighs when you're just supposed to be having a friendly match, does he think you're going to let that slide? Yeah right! His advances just make you punch harder, and him fall deeper.
It's an endless cycle that's coming to a climax rapidly. This onesided romance is just brewing tension between the two of you, one is romantic, and definitely sexual, while the other one is spewing vile hatred.
Kiyosumi doesn't even take a hint when you scream in his face, telling him to fuck off. All he does is adjust his pants and grin, loving how heated you're getting, which just encourages your anger more.
He wants you to keep running your mouth. Yeah, get mad at him, yell at him, tell him how much you hate him. God, it really gets him hard when you talk to him like that, sweets. Don't you know you have quite the mouth? Don't worry, babe, he knows you love 'em, just give it time, time is all he needs.
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sophsicle · 10 months
Hi soph! I hope you're doing well! I've been wondering, who's your favorite Mauraders era character and why? And how about from the golden trio era?
Sending you lots of love <3
my favourite marauders character is Sirius, but James is a very very very close second. if we're being honest, james/sirius is my favourite thing about the marauders so they're basically a package deal in my mind. but if i am being FORCED to choose i will inevitably choose Sirius
and why? i love sirius and james because we so rarely get platonic love that rivals romantic love and i feel like they really do that, and there is something about their devotion to one another that verges on unhealthy, that will do whatever the other one asks no matter what it is that i am absolutely OBSESSED with, and i've said this before but i think sirius is attracted to James's light and James is attracted to Sirius's dark and there is something so ooey gooey about it all
but sirius specifically it's cause i feel like he is a properly morally grey character, he is selfish and reckless and overflowing with flaws and also has this huge heart and is incredibly brave and strong and that is very intriguing to me golden trio is kinda a similar answer tbh it's fred and george, george and fred, i love them with my whole heart, they are my light, my life, my joy, they are so funny and so protective and such good brothers ugh i just want more of them tbh, not enough fred and george content in this fandom i say
in a way those two characters really stick out, they're very chaotic good, they complicate the Weasley family dynamic, but i also think they're undervalued in terms of how much they really do take care of Harry canonically, like from day one they are out here fighting for him, walking beside him in the halls, arguing with Oliver Wood, creating distractions for him when he needs to talk to Sirius, they just have such strong wills and such fierce love and i am so enamoured with all of it
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
✨My Unhinged Visions for the TMBS Kids’ Villain Arcs: ✨
Based on this poll, and this post by @kaslynspeaks and @sophieswundergarten. They activated the brain bees, and you can blame them for this.
Warning: Insanely long post. I go through each kid individually, discuss a premise for their fall to villainy, and then I give you a hastily written scene which I did not proofread, that probably contains typos and misspellings. Some are longer than others, some end abruptly, some are a lot darker than others, but they all have happy endings so you're welcome for that at least.
I also kept it vague whether I was talking about the book or show characters so while I draw on elements from both, you can imagine most of these with either character.
Please enjoy!
I'll start with Kate Wetherall.
The Premise:
I picture her as a teenager or young adult for this. Her villain arc is pretty brief tbh, but I think that fits Kate. She'd impulsive and emotional and maybe even the most likely to go dark the quickest for those reasons, but she also has strong morals, and I don't think she'd fall very far, and I also think she might be the most likely to turn around.
Here's the scenario. The society has won, and now they've started working together to take down bad guys.
Kate loves it, but she starts getting carried away sometimes. Seeing men that are willing to hurt children the way that she was hurt sets something off in her. Sometimes she takes things too far, or acts impulsively in the heat of the moment. The others protest this, insisting that Kate only needs to use enough force to stop other criminals, not harm them.
Kate feels frustrated, not only because she feels like her friends are criticizing her, but also because this is what she's good at. She's the one who fights. Why should she hold herself back when the others can use their intellect to their full potential?
The others don't realize how much of this is connected to Kate's inner turmoil, her feelings of frustration. They simply remind her that "that's not how they do things."
But maybe it should be, thinks Kate.
Maybe it would send a message. Not just to the criminals but to the children they hurt. To let those children know that someone cared to make sure that the people who hurt them paid for what they did. So that they wouldn't feel abandoned. So that they wouldn't feel how Kate always felt.
So she works in secret. She couldn't bear another condescending lecture from her father or the others. I picture her leading a sort of vigilante circus themed squad. They're all strong and athletic, obviously, but they're also incredibly creative. Whatever a bad guy's fear is, they can use illusions, contortion, and all sorts of creepy imagery to make it come to life. To make them pay for what they did. To break them, to reduce them to nothing.
And Kate as a leader finally feels respected, valuable. For once, she isn't told to hold back her impulsiveness, her emotions, her abilities, her creativity. In fact, she's praised for her lack of restraint. And she tells herself she doesn't need to feel bad either because after all, these are the bad guys. They deserve it.
But eventually the others find out. Kate tells them there's no point in another lecture, but this time, they don't lecture. They don't even know what to say.
Because they're horrified. They're horrified that Kate could ever think that punishing people like this, criminals or not, is a suitable use of her talents. Kate reminds them that they always got to use their intelligence to their full potential whenever it suited them.
And now, the scene (picture this occurring in a circus themed lair. Idk just role with it. Brain tired):
"I was the one who was too much," Kate reminded him.
"You three were the brilliant ones. The psychic, the scholar, the genius. But me? I was just the muscle. The "creative" one. The impulsive one. The liability," she scoffed.
"My talents were only useful when they were directed by my intellectual superiors. What you wanted. What you planned. But here? Here I'm a leader, Reynie. I get results and I get justice my own way. And I'm not interested in hearing another lecture about acting impulsively, or going too far, or about how all of your know so much better than I do. So save it."
"Fine!" snapped Constance. "Then we'll spare you the lecture, if you want to skip straight to the fighting."
Kate paused, and the look of betrayal in her eyes was evident.
She thought they might be here to lecture or disapprove of her methods, but had they...had they really come here to...to...
Kate shook her head.
"I don't want to fight you. And even three against one, was all know that would hardly be a fair fight."
Sticky winced and held himself back from the overwhelming urge to nervously polish his spectacles, remembering how many times he'd watched his friend take down men (grown trained men) like it was nothing.
Constance, still bitter from Kate's deception, raised her fists.
"I'd still take those odds."
"Constance-" cautioned Reynie, but it was already too late.
"Very well," said Kate.
Her followers stepped forward to assist her, but Kate motioned for them to step back.
"Trust me," she said to them. "I appreciate the offer, but I can take handle this one on my own."
The others knew that wasn't a lie.
Kate raised her own fists and addressed the trio.
"You always thought your minds made you so much better than me, so let's see how well you can actually do without me. Good luck. You'll need it. Even if I do intend to go easy on you."
Kate groaned.
"This is none of your concern."
"I should say that it is," her father replied, stepping out from the shadows to confront his daughter. "Considering I raised you better than this."
"Raised me?"
Milligan immediately realized his mistake.
"Katie-Cat, I-"
"Didn't mean to leave me?" Kate snapped. "I know Dad. I know you didn't mean to. No, you just chose a dangerous job working for a dangerous man and put your own life at risk, when you knew your child had no one else but you."
The hurt in her father's eyes made Kate regret her words, but only for a moment.
After all, it's not as if what she said wasn't true.
"I'm sorry," said Milligan earnestly, realizing perhaps for the first time how much his child was still hurting.
How much she'd been lying every time she said that she was fine. How much she'd been hiding her pain from him, from everyone.
"It wasn't fair to you. I promise, I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you."
"Really?" said Kate. "Well then. I suppose there is something you can do for me."
"Anything Katie-Cat," said Milligan softly, his eyes brimming with tears.
"Stay out of my way," Kate ordered, looking her father directly in the eyes, doing her best to look tall, strong, and intimidating.
Milligan's face hardened slightly. He knew that look. It was a look he'd seen in his daughter's eyes before, her fearsome determination, her resolve not to back down.
It was normally one of the traits that he admired most about her.
"I can't do that Katie-Cat," he replied, seriously but still with a tone of affection in his voice.
"I love you too much to let you waste your talents and potential like this."
Kate laughed.
"Of course you do," she replied, gesturing for her followers to step forward.
"It looks like I might need some help after all. But try to go easy on them," she advised her followers. "Most of them aren't trained fighters and their biggest crime is shortsightedness. Hardly worth our best or most painful efforts."
"Don't fight them," interrupted Milligan. "They don't need to fight this. Just you and me."
Kate eyed him suspiciously.
"You hurt your leg last month," she reminded him. "You're not in peak fighting condition. If this is some kind of trick-"
"It isn't," replied Milligan. "You and me. If you win, we'll let you keep your operation and leave the decision up to you. If I win, you end this."
Kate's face became thoughtful, carefully considering his offer.
"Uh Milligan," interjected Sticky. "I know that you're pretty well trained, but you were just injured, most doctors wouldn't recommend-"
"Deal," said Kate, charging forward without warning, as Milligan side stepped.
It was hard to tell who had the upper hand. Milligan was stronger and had a clear height advantage, but he was still recovering from his injury and Kate was faster, and more flexible.
They held nothing back, but still neither of them succeeded in doing much damage, mostly because the skill with which they dodged the other’s attacks was just as impressive as the fighting techniques they employed.
"Tired old man?" she asked.
"Oh believe me," said Milligan. "I haven't even started yet."
They fought for hours, until at last Kate found something else that gave her the upper hand.
Environmental knowledge.
One of the circus' tricks was a series of platforms that were triggered to fall when you stood on them for a certain amount of time. They sent the performers falling to either be caught by a fellow trapeze artist or (worst case scenario) fall into one of the safety nets.
It was simply a matter of cornering her father onto one of the platforms, and removing the bridge.
"The fall is too far, and we haven't put the net out," Kate reminded him.
"You lost. Surrender."
Milligan looked down for a moment, judging the distance, then he looked back up at his daughter.
"No," he replied.
Kate was confused.
"What do you mean no?" she asked.
"I mean no," Milligan replied. "The fight's not over until it's over. I don't surrender."
"I'm not putting the bridge back," Kate reminded him. "Whatever trick this is, I'm not falling for it. Don't be stupid."
Milligan stood firm.
So did Kate. They were both stubborn. Like father, like daughter.
The seconds ticked by.
"20 seconds," Kate reminded him.
"Milligan we'll find another way!" Sticky yelled. "Just surrender, it's not worth it."
"This is my daughter," Milligan replied. "She'll always be worth it."
Kate scoffed.
"15 seconds," she announced.
Milligan didn't respond.
Kate still waited. Her father was fast. He only needed a few seconds to make it back in time, and would no doubt run out the clock.
10 seconds.
9 seconds.
8 seconds.
Kate groaned. Of course he would play it like this.
She walked over to the bridges control panel and pressed the emergency stop button.
It wasn't working.
Kate felt as if her heart had stopped.
"It's not working," she whispered.
"Kate it's your dad!" yelled Reynie. "You won! You won okay? Just press the button, put the bridge back!"
"It's not working," she yelled, the panic rising in her voice.
4 seconds.
"DAD-" she yelled, turning to her father, the father she'd missed for so long, the father she loved, the father she didn't want to lose again.
2 seconds.
"I love you Katie-Cat."
0 seconds.
The platform dropped.
And so did Milligan.
And so did Kate, diving after her father, clinging to him tightly as if that could somehow save him.
The others surrounded them as soon as they landed.
Kate was mostly undamaged, Milligan had broken her fall.
But he wasn't moving, wasn't responding.
"Dad?" Kate whispered, tears in her eyes.
"Dad I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I-please don't go. Please. I can't lose you again."
Kate reached down and hugged her father.
"You won," she whispered. "You won okay? Just please come back. I love you."
At once, Kate felt her father sit up and wrap his arms around her, wrapping her in an embrace that even she could not escape from.
"Victory," he announced, looking down at his daughter.
"And I love you too Katie-Cat. I'm sorry for the dramatics. I assumed you'd be able to put the bridge back in time, but it's always nice to have a plan B."
"What-" said Kate, who was too relieved to see her father alive and well to be upset that she had been tricked.
"But, but the fall-"
"I've fallen before," Milligan reminded her. "From greater heights than this. You get better at falling the more you practice. Just uh...don't tell Mr. Benedict. Or Number Two. Or Rhonda...perhaps it would also be wise not to mention this to Miss. Perumal."
Kate sighed.
"I'm sorry. I guess I just got tired of your criticisms."
"We didn't mean to sound critical" said Reynie. "I'm sorry you felt that way. But you were never a liability. You're our friend, and we need you."
The others nodded.
Kate sighed again and smiled.
"I need you guys too," she admitted, as her friends joined in hugging her.
And now for Constance Contraire.
The Premise:
I picture her being pretty young in this, but not too young, teen years at the most. The story here is that Constance succeeds in destroying the Whisperer and saving the day.
But this time, it leaves her mind damaged, seriously damaged. So damaged that her powers become uncontrollable and scary. Some government researchers offer to help Constance, but Mr. Benedict, suspicious of their intentions, turns them away. Nicholas vows to protect Constance, insists that they will figure out what's wrong, that they will help her, but then one day Constance ends up hurting him on accident, basically incapacitating and nearly killing him. At this point, there isn't much left to do, accepting outside help is the only option. The others promise to visit Constance and make sure she's taken care of and happy until Mr. Benedict recovers.
They never get the chance. Something goes wrong, and the story is that Constance is on the loose and dangerous, causing out of control destruction and physical harm. The police and government agents try to bring her in several times, but all end up hospitalized from the encounter. The society seeks Constance out, and they eventually find her hideout.
The Scene:
"Why are you here?" demanded Constance.
"What do you mean "why are we here?"" asked Kate.
"We're here to bring you home Connie girl."
Constance scoffed.
"Connie Girl."
They always acted like this. Like she was still a tiny defenseless child. Even though she was now older than the others had been when she'd first met them, they still acted as if they were her older siblings.
Or at least, they did with their words. But their body language sent an entirely different message. They stayed on the other side of the room, not daring to approach her, not daring to put their arms around her like they would have done before.
"You're afraid of me," she observed.
"Constance, we care about you!" Reynie protested.
"That doesn't mean you're not afraid."
Reynie didn't answer. There wasn't much he could say.
They'd all seen what she could do. And Reynie had never been a good liar.
"We just want to talk to you."
"We're talking now," observed Constance.
"Not here," said Kate. "Not in some secret lair or hideout where you've hidden yourself away."
"Where then?"
"Home. Your home."
For a moment, they can see it. The longing in Constance's eyes.
She quickly puts that aside.
"Right," she responds. "Home. Where the government will no doubt be waiting to take me away again."
"What? No!" Sticky exclaimed. "Constance, we would never let that happen! Mr. Benedict would never let that happen!"
Mr. Benedict.
She disregards the name and the emotions that come with it.
"And yet, it's happened before," she replied.
"You even let them take me.”
Her friends hung their heads and looked away at the reminder of their guilt, the unbearable weight that they would forever carry with them.
“They told you what I did to them. But do you have any idea what they did to me?” asked Constance.
“What they put me through? The things they made me do?"
"We thought they could help you Constance," said Reynie. "You were scared and in pain, and they offered help, and we wanted to help you. We didn't know...if we had known-"
"You would have stopped them?" asked Constance. "How? By asking nicely? And would you really have let me stay with you? After knowing what I could do to you?"
"We would have figured it out," Reynie insisted. "We're a family."
Constance laughed.
"Family? Gosh Reynard, you always were so childishly sentimental. It's a terrible weakness of yours"
Sticky and Kate briefly glared at Constance on their friend's behalf, but Reynie could hear the pain behind his little sister's insult.
He took a small step forward.
"Constance please-"
"Get away!" Constance barked, a hint of panic in her voice as she took a step backward.
"You know what will happen. Don't be stupid. Just leave. It's what's best for everyone. I'm a monster now. I'm only going to hurt you. And deep down, you all know it."
The voice came from behind her. Constance didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
The others were immediately horrified. They'd told him not to come; he'd promised not to come, for his own safety.
But they should have known better. Nicholas would not be kept from his daughter.
"Dad?" Constance whispered weakly, then silently chastised herself for having spoken aloud.
She refused to turn around.
Nicholas still hobbled towards her. Constance could feel his mind. Still split, shattered from what she'd done to him, but slowly healing. And his emotions towards her...pain, lots of emotional pain, but no anger. No, there was something else, something far more powerful.
The others warned Mr. Benedict back, but he ignored their warnings. He wouldn't be deterred. His daughter needed him.
He limped over and knelt down, as best he could for an injured man so that he could address his child.
"Constance," he whispered. "Look at me please."
Constance turned away and shook her head.
"Please," her father whispered.
"I-I can't," she responded, a tiny tear rolling down her cheek as she squeezed her eyes shut.
Nicholas looked at her sadly, but affectionately, as if she was the most precious thing in the entire world.
And to him, she was.
"Oh...oh my dear Constance-"
"You should go," she ordered, pushing her father away.
"Go now. Or I'll hurt you again. I'll hurt them too," she threatened, but there was no malice behind her words. Only fear, fear that her threats might not be empty promises.
Nicholas ignored his daughter’s threats.
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.
He could feel her emotions in his mind. His daughter's power, too great and uncontrollable for her tiny body, made so much worse and so much stronger by what she'd been subjected to. Her power radiated from her mind, seeping outward and infecting every mind it came in contact with.
Nicholas let it come. In fact, he embraced it fully. The pain didn't matter. If that was the price he had to pay to keep his child safe and let her know that she was loved and forgiven, then that was a price he would gladly pay.
"Oh Constance," he whispered, as the tiny girl collapsed into a puddle of tears. "There's nothing you could do that would stop me from loving you."
Now for Sticky Washington.
This is largely inspired by @sophieswundergarten's amazing fics and posts about Sticky and his anxiety. I can't possibly link all of them, so if you're not following her and reading her fics, that's your own personal problem, and I pity you.
Sadly, I didn't write a reunion scene between him and his aunt or the Washingtons for this, because I wanted it to kind of work for the book or show versions of the character, but please know that in the full version of the fic that exists only in my brain, Sticky does reconcile with his family.
The Premise:
Sticky is older in this, an adult, maybe 20s or 30s. The story is that even after the Whisperer, after Curtain, the nightmares, the anxiety, it still haunts him. He can't get over it, but at the same time, he doesn't want to burden his friends, he can't burden them.
So he distances himself. He doesn't want to, but the voice inside him tells him that this is for the best. He would only burden them; he would only weigh them down. The others aren't sure why he's doing this, but assume it's because he wants his space and they try to respect that.
The anxiety, the fear, the flashbacks, it all gets worse. Finally, Sticky can bear it no more. So he does the unthinkable.
He builds his own version of the Whisperer. Not to control people. Just to calm his anxiety. And maybe, as the show version of Sticky says "[...] put good thoughts into people's heads. Make them feel happy." Nothing intrusive, nothing exploitive, nothing selfish. Just things like advising people to wear a seatbelt when they drive, and use dangerous equipment properly, and basically anything else that's unsafe or would make Sticky nervous. After all, what's the harm in that? He's making the world safer. And it's not like his old friends would care enough to bother with him.
But that's where he's wrong. The society detects the machine's influence, and they know it's not Curtain. They don't want to believe that it's Sticky, even when the evidence points to him. But eventually, they have no choice but to accept the truth and confront him.
The Scene:
Sticky looked up at his visitors from behind his desk. His office was nice, not extravagant or expensive, that wasn't his style, but it was neat, clean, and organized. As for Sticky himself, he was hardly the boy he was when he'd first met his friends. He was older, taller, stronger. Handsome. Confident.
Reynie told himself that he had nothing to fear. Appearances might change, but underneath it all was his friend.
"Sticky-" he began, but Sticky cut him off.
"It's Mr. Washington now," he corrected in a professional tone, trying his best not to reveal how much he'd been hurting. "Though I suppose I could allow you to call me George, for old times sake."
"Okay Mr. George," said Constance. "Having fun playing supervillain?"
Sticky frowned.
"If you came here just to criticize me, then I'll have my secretary show you out. Better her than my security," he added, glancing at Kate, who had her hand on her bucket.
"That's not why we're here," said Reynie quickly.
"Oh?" said Sticky, raising an eyebrow.
"Your family misses you," clarified Reynie, hoping to appeal to his friends' sentimentality.
"Well they have no reason to miss me. I brought them some lovely property, send plenty of checks, and cover all their medical expenses, which is all they ever wanted me for anyway," said Sticky.
"Would you ever go to visit them?" asked Reynie. "I um...I don't want to get involved in your family's personal lives. But I think they might want more than money. I think they...I think they really miss you."
And then he sees it. A sense of longing, and a yearning in Sticky's eyes.
But it vanishes almost instantly.
"I'm a busy man," Sticky reminded his friends. "I have businesses to run."
"Honest businesses?" asked Kate suspiciously.
"Yes," said Sticky, glaring at her. "You might disagree with my personal hobbies, but I assure you, I make my money fairly."
"You call brainwashing the world a hobby? Really Mr. George?" asked Constance.
Sticky sighed.
"I'm fixing the world," he lectured them. "Crime is down, addiction is down, people's rates of anxiety and depression are down-"
"Including your own no doubt," muttered Constance, but Sticky ignored her.
"-and it's all thanks to me," he finished.
Reynie looked horrified. Kate looked disgusted.
"But you're doing it without their consent!" Reynie protested. "And you don't know what the side effects could be."
"And the way you're justifying it," said Kate, "you sound exactly like-"
And then she stopped, realizing that what she was about to say would have gone too far, way too far.
But it was too late. Sticky knew what she'd been implying, and his faced morphed from a look of uncomfortable and false politeness to sudden rage.
"Like who?" Sticky snapped, and his friends jumped at the sound of his voice. It was so much louder and deeper than it had been when he was a child. It was a man's voice now, but it wasn't just the maturity or the confidence of his voice, but the anger it possessed. The harshness that had been so absent from him as a child.
Constance was the first to recover.
"You know who "Mr. George,"" she answered, glaring at her former friend.
The other two glanced at each other. What Constance was saying was cruel, especially after all that man had put Sticky through, but it was also undeniably true.
"How dare you?" whispered Sticky, the anger rising in his voice.
"How dare you compare me to him? AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO ME!"
Sticky rose from his desk.
His friends had never seen him look so furious.
"Sticky-" began Reynie nervously.
The others took a step backward.
Sticky's self-consciousness and compassion suddenly returned to him when he saw the fear in their eyes.
That’s the thing about anger. If you are someone who is small, short, nervous, mild mannered, someone who is perceived as “weak”, then your anger, no matter how justified, is often belittled, patronized, or dismissed as "cute", unless you can find a way to be taken seriously, to yell louder, to make yourself more threatening. Of course, the other side of this is that if you are someone who is tall, strong, loud, powerful, and intimidating, then it doesn’t take much anger to make others afraid of you, even if that’s not your intention, unless you learn to moderate your emotions and remember how threatening you look from their perspective.
For most of this life, Sticky had been on one end of this spectrum, always needing to yell louder and be more insistent to make his voice heard. Now he found himself on the other side of the spectrum. But although his height, physical appearance, and position in the world had changed, the emotion felt the same to him as it always had, and he often forgot just how frighting he could seem.
Even to those who had once called him friend.
Sticky sighed and took a deep breath.
"I'm not like him," he insisted.
"I'm not giving myself fame, money, power, or anything like that. That's the difference. When I say I'm doing this to help people, to make them feel happy, I mean it."
He looked at his friends, glancing over their faces, trying one last effort to get them to understand.
"You know me," he reminded them. "You know I wouldn't do that. I'm not doing this for power. I'm doing this for peace."
There was silence for a few moments.
"We know," said Reynie.
"We know you are Sticky. And we know you've been hurting. We should have noticed earlier, and we should have offered to help sooner. I'm sorry. But whatever your intentions are, that doesn't make this right."
Sticky didn't reply. He knew that Reynie was right; he always was.
"What do I do?" he asked, his voice suddenly sounding softer.
"Stop this," said Kate. "Turn yourself in. We'll help you, we'll- we'll get you the help you need. So you don't have to feel this way anymore."
Sticky was surprised.
His anxiety...his fears...he tried to act like it didn't bother him anymore. He didn't want to be a burden. He didn't want to drag his friends down with him.
And yet they were here, right next to him, not as adversaries, but as friends.
They didn't have to come. They didn't have to forgive him.
"You've needed help for a while," said Constance, her voice suddenly gentler and far more compassionate then even her friends were used to hearing from her.
"Haven't you George?"
Sticky didn't answer. He could feel Constance tentatively poking her way into his mind. But he didn't fight it. He sat back down and nodded silently, feeling weak and exposed, the reality of his pain revealed at last.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I thought I could deal with it on my own but I...I can't. I'm not- I'm not strong enough. That's why I needed to do this. I thought I could help not just me, but others, because the truth is I...I'm just not enough. I'm not strong enough."
His friends ran forward to hug him.
"You don't have to be dummy," said Constance.
"None of us are. That's why we have each other."
And finally, Reynie Muldoon.
Ngl, I went pretty dark for this one. He's the only one I actually gave a body count to (I know I'm sorry don't blame me blame the bees and I apologize if you think any of these are OOC I'm trying my best here. Also Reynie is older in this and there are darker themes mentioned so consider this your warning). This is based on @kaslynspeaks amazing post here and her awesome comments on my poll where she talks about the whole book conversation where Reynie can "only see snakes" so he lets himself be bitten and becomes a snake himself? Genius. 10/10. Set off the bees for sure, so thank you for that.
The Premise:
This one blends a lot of elements from the others. Like in Kate's situation, the society has won, they're fighting crime, but Reynie becomes disillusioned, though for different reasons. He's older than Kate was in her version, he's late 20s, 30s, maybe even pushing 40. It took a long time for him to get to this point.
You see, at first, Reynie is fighting for what he believes in: bringing bad guys to justice, keeping his friends on the straight and narrow, and doing what's right. But being a leader has a cost. He's always the one emotionally supporting the team, he gives more than he gets back, and that starts to take a toll. As he gets older, he encounters more bad guys, ones that make him sick to his stomach, but what's worse is the lack of people who seem to care. The politicians with empty promises, the corrupt police, the ordinary citizens who look the other way instead of helping. Nothing changes. There's always another crisis, another bad guy, another problem that needs the society, and the society needs him. So Reynie drains himself until at last he can give no more. Finally pushed to the brink by what he's seen and the sense of hopelessness and isolation he feels, he makes the decision.
He starts by cutting himself off from the society, at least professionally. They respect his decision, but are surprised by it. Once he's free of that obligation, Reynie tells his mother he's getting a new job and needs some space right now to figure himself out.
What he actually does is get involved in the criminal underworld. He tells no one of course, they'd never approve. But Reynie has learned that there is one thing that can control a snake: a bigger snake (or as the expression goes "there's always a bigger fish").
And his intelligence, knowledge of others, leadership skills, and experience with criminals quickly leads to Reynie becoming the boss of the criminal underworld (how did he do that so quickly? What is this "criminal underworld" I keep mentioning? Like. Is it a gang? The mafia? The ten men? Some random group of thieves? Idk, don't question it, just use your imagination).
Anyway, now that Reynie has control he determines what crimes happen, when they happen, and how many people get hurt. Which he views as damage control. He keeps his real occupation hidden from his mother, telling her he's involved in important government work, and it's better that she didn't ask questions. Eventually he completely cuts off ties with the rest of the society, knowing it's only a matter of time before they put together what he's done.
They do figure it out, eventually, and they're heartbroken of course. They can't believe it. Especially that Reynie, out of all of them, would ever do something so terrible. They want to confront him, but they can't find him.
Until one day they receive an anonymous coded message, tipping them off to his location.
Reynie's security team laughs when they tell them they're his friends. Their boss doesn't have any friends, and no one shows up to see him without an appointment unless they either have news that can't wait, or some kind of death wish. And he certainly never takes social calls.
Still, they let Reynie know about them. And of course he recognizes their description. Turning them away unharmed shows weakness, which his team would never accept from their leader, but Reynie doesn't want to harm his friends either.
Which gives him only one other option: to confront them. He has his security bring them to his office.
The Scene:
The men roughly shoved them into the room.
"These people came to see you boss. They said they were friends of yours."
Reynie looked up at his friends, who had just been pushed unceremoniously into his office.
"Thank you," he nodded, waving his hands to dismiss his security team.
Then he sighed.
"How did you find me?"
His friends didn't answer at first.
"That's what you want to know?" said Kate. "You're running the criminal underworld, and that's the first question you have for us? The route we used to get here?"
"Not the route. My location. How did you find me?" asked Reynie.
"Anonymous tip off. A coded message," said Constance. "Seems some of your men aren't as loyal as you thought."
Reynie looked disappointed, but shrugged.
"That's not all that uncommon in this line of work," he clarified. "Whoever it was will be dealt with accordingly. Snakes will be snakes"
"But since when are you one of them?" asked Kate.
Reynie sighed.
"I don't expect any of you to understand."
"You're right Reynie," said Sticky. "We don't understand. You were always the best of us. The one who reminded us who we were, what we stood for. How could you ever think something like this was right?"
"The best of us?" Reynie repeated disbelief.
"I was the average one, the one who wasn't special. I wasn't a genius, or a psychic, or some sort of super athlete. I was just me. I'm not special."
"So that's why you're doing this?" asked Constance. "To feel special?"
"No," said Reynie. "I'm doing this because it's inevitable. The cycle just repeats itself. We fight another bad guy, we almost fall apart, I hold us together, it takes everything out of me, I finally recover, and then we go around again. The only way to end the cycle is to become a part of it."
"Takes everything out of you?" repeated Sticky. "Reynie, we had no idea-"
"It's fine," dismissed Reynie. "Like I said, this is for the best."
"You really believe that?" asked Kate, shocked her friend could ever really think something like this was right. "You...your men...you're criminals! The worst criminals!"
"We are," agreed Reynie. "I won't deny that. But when you make yourself the king of the snakes, you decide how poisonous they are. These men follow me because they know I'm intelligent and powerful enough to let them get away with the crimes they want and have all the money and power they desire. That's a better deal than most other bosses could give them. But they also know that comes at a price, that certain things are off limits. If I hear any rumors of human trafficking or exploiting or harming children, well, then I'm sure to make an example of them. To remind them that I'm in control and that I have my standards."
"Make a example of them?" said Kate, her eyes widening.
"That...that doesn't mean what I think it means...right Reynie?" asked Sticky.
Reynie couldn't help but feel a little ashamed as he watched Constance, who had always looked up to him as her protector, her big brother, take a step away from him when she saw from his face that his words meant exactly what Sticky thought they meant.
But he didn't back down.
"They were human traffickers and people who abused children," Reynie said simply, trying his best to remain logical. "You can't say they didn't deserve it. If I wasn't running the criminal underworld, someone else would, someone who would be just as cruel, maybe worse, and would likely choose less deserving targets. It's no different than carrying out justice."
"And who made you the judge, jury and executioner?" asked Constance, crossing her arms.
"We're going to stop you," said Kate, raising her fists.
"Really?" said Reynie, his expression turning dark at his friend's declaration.
"I think you'll find that harder than you expect. You three might have been the talented ones, but I was the one who kept you together. I know you. I know how to build you up, and I know how to bring you down."
His friends looked horrified by the threat. Even worse, they looked hurt.
"I don't want it to come to that," Reynie clarified. "But it will if you stand against me. I don't want to hurt you, but trust me, I can. Worse than you can imagine. And I will. I know how it sounds, but believe me when I tell you that this is the only way."
The others were shocked by his words. Reynie cared for them; Reynie protected them.
How could he threaten them so easily? How could he have become so misguided?
Sticky thought a bit about what his friend had said, and tried one last time to reach him.
"We understand where you're coming from, really Reynie, we do," said Sticky. "But this isn't the way to do things. You're still hurting people in other ways, and I agree that people need to be brought to justice but this...this isn't the way to do it."
"We didn't know it was so hard for you," added Kate. "You were our leader Reynie. And you're right. You held us together, you kept us strong, and you were always there when we needed you. To remind us who we are. I'm sorry we didn't appreciate that more. But now it's our turn to be there for you. To remind you who you are."
Reynie didn't answer for a moment.
"And who do you think that is?"
"Our friend," said Kate.
"Some who is kind, gentle, intelligent, wonderful, and anything but average," added Sticky.
"Someone who knows deep down that this is wrong," said Constance, poking her way around the edges of Reynie's mind.
"Someone who's better than this."
Reynie couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You...you really think that?" he asked. "After everything I've done... you really think that's who I am?"
"We do," said Sticky.
"We all do," agreed Kate.
"I know it," said Constance, as Reynie felt her enter his mind, unearthing the guilt, shame, exhaustion, and pain that he'd kept buried for so long, as well as the love, compassion, and the values he'd put aside and tried to forget about.
They were still a part of him. An unused and forgotten part, but nevertheless, they were still there.
"Your friends are right Reynie."
Reynie turned to see his mother enter his office.
"Amma?" he asked in a small voice.
"But, but I don't understand- how...how did you-"
"For the leader of the criminal underworld, you have pretty bad security. They're easy enough to knock out with a few blow darts and they are much too unsuspecting of a simple old woman," his mother replied with a sad smile.
Reynie's heart dropped. She knew?
One look in her eyes told him everything. Of course she knew. She knew when he started staying out late and never telling her where he was going, when he came back with scars and a haunted look in his eyes that he couldn't explain, when he begged her for the millionth time to stop asking questions, when he moved her into a bigger fancier private house and had the property constantly surrounded by security guards because of a "promotion" that he refused to explain.
His mother was kind, but she certainly wasn't stupid.
And then Reynie realized.
"The coded message. You brought them here."
Dipika nodded.
"You needed them Reynie. You needed to be reminded of who you are."
Reynie hung his head.
"Amma-" he began, but his voice trailed off.
What could he say? What words could ever make it up to the woman who'd taken him in, who'd given everything to him? There was nothing he could say, not when she knew what he'd done, what he'd become.
"Oh Reynie," said Dipika, walking forward to hug her son, who trembled at the affection he knew he didn't deserve.
"I know," she whispered. "I know you're sorry. And I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I wasn't enough. I'm sorry I couldn't reach you. But it's not too late. I promise Reynie. It's never too late."
At last, Reynie broke down, returning his mother's embrace as the three people who refused to give up on him even when he'd given up on himself stepped forward to hug their friend.
I apologize for nothing, or maybe I will if enough people tell me this was disturbing and that they didn't like it, which honestly? Fair enough. Anyway, have a lovely evening! 🥰
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xxrainbowvibezxx · 6 months
Fluff ABC for Taleena
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This was fun to do. Remember, I'm not a writer, and this is the first time I've ever written something like this. Enjoy❤️
Due to their duties, they don't always have free time, so they cherish every moment they get. Mileena enjoys hunting. Tanya goes with her to make sure nothing happens to her. Along the way, Mileena goes into detail about different hunting techniques for different animals. Tanya watches/ listens to her with a smile on her face.
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
In Tanya's free time, she likes to read and brush up on her light magic and Pyromancy. She'll tell Mileena about new techniques she wants to learn or is learning. Mileena sits back and encourages Tanya. Mileena is very proud of her when she perfects her technique.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
They love everything about each other.
Mileena admires Tanya's strong-willed, take shit from nobody, stoic attitude. She likes that Tanya takes down that facade when they're alone.
Tanya loves Mileena's confidence. She knows how strong Mileena is and defends her when people say otherwise. She sees strengths where people see weakness.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Mileena deals with arguments from her mother and people doubting her. All that weight on her shoulders becomes overwhelming. Tanya knows Mileena well enough to know when she's upset. Tanya sits with her and embraces her. Letting Mileena cry and talk about what made her upset (if she wants to talk about it). Tanya just listens and rubs her back.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Both hope their future together is secure and whatever obstacle comes their way, they will overcome it together. Mileena pictures ruling Outworld together with Tanya. Eventually, start a family.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Despite their different ranks, they see each other as equals. When they're together, titles don't matter.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Every good relationship has a few disagreements here and there. When they fight, Tanya usually apologizes first. Mileena can be stubborn sometimes. Depending on how big the fight was, they both realize their wrongs and forgive each other. They don't like being upset with each other for a long time. Especially if it's something small.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Both are grateful. Mileena acknowledges everything Tanya does for her. Protecting her, helping her with tarkat, and just overall being there for her when she needs her. She is forever happy that Tanya stayed by her side after she got tarkat. Tanya is grateful for Mileena's protectiveness as well. It's a mutual thing. They both fight for and protect each other.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Over the years, they've built a strong, deep connection. They tell each everything.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Mileena is very insecure about her tarkat. It's unpredictable. She feels isolated from her family sometimes. Tanya stuck with Mileena after she got sick. She didn't/ doesn't care if Mileena has tarkat. Tanya helps Mileena see beauty in her imperfections.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Mileena has a jealous side. Mileena likes to down play her jealousy but eventually talks about it. I think most of her jealousy comes from people thinking Kitana deserves the throne more than her. She'll vent to Tanya about it.
I don't think Tanya gets jealous.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Mileena, for sure, is 10,000 years old, I'm sure Tanya is around the same age. They have had years to perfect kissing. So when it comes to kissing, they're both good. Their first kiss was probably a quick peck on the lips after confessing their feelings. A short, quick kiss just because they were worried they'd get caught. They were both a little flustered and made a plan to secretly meet later.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Their love Confession was a spur of the moment. Mileena can be impulsive, and sometimes, she doesn't know how to express her emotions. Tanya had feelings for Mileena for a while and felt guilty about them. Due to her umgadi vows, she felt like she was betraying her sisters and the gods. Mileena confesses first while they're alone. Tanya smiles and thinks for a moment. Thinking about the risks, the scandal, her vows, how all of that could bite her in the ass if they get caught. She decides to follow her heart and confess her feelings, too.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes. They have a small proposal first in secret. They would wear the rings as necklaces, so people won't question it (the ring). Once Mileena becomes empress, she changes the umgadi rules so her and Tanya can be together freely. With rules changed, they have a bigger wedding.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Mileena's nicknames for Tanya: Dearest, dear, my love
Tanya's nicknames for Mileena: beloved, my love, princess/ empress
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When they first got together, they were both giddy on the inside. Due to the circumstances, they hid their relationship well. As time went on, they got a little loose with their flirting. Kitana, Sindel, and li Mei picked up on it first (in reality, everyone and their mother know). They both express their love through quality time and acts of service. Behind closed doors, they express their love through physical touch and words of affirmation.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
No. Their relationship is secret.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Both have the ability to change their schedule to see each other. Since Tanya is an umgadi leader, she has Khameleon fill in for her while she goes to see Mileena. Mileena can easily come up with a reason to have Tanya come to her. Any excuse, and no one questions it because Mileena is the princess/ heir. Although Kitana suspects there's something going on, because why has Mileena called for Tanya 6 times this week, and it's only Tuesday😒.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Mileena is a romantic. She loves buying little gifts for Tanya. She thinks Tanya deserves everything for what she does every day for the royal house. Tanya loves leaving little letters or notes with a flower in Mileena's room. Mileena saves each letter and sometimes writes her own. They take turns choosing the location of their dates. They go to hidden locations around Outworld and have a little picnic.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
They support each other 100%. On top of keeping their relationship secret, Tanya also keeps Mileena's tarkat secret to ensure Mileena can claim the throne. Tanya believes in Mileena and continues to support her as she becomes empress.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
They don't feel like they have to change or try anything new. Their comfortable with the current routine of their relationship.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
As I said before, their relationship is built on a deep and strong connection. They've been together for thousands of years. They know each other inside out. They notice a change in each other's body language, eye contact, voice, and/or actions. They both notice small changes in each other's behavior.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Very important. Both knew before their relationship that it was risky. They love each other so much. Their bond is so strong that they risk banishment or punishment to be together.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
They like going for walks and sparring together. When they go for walks, they get as far away from the palace as they can. Mileena makes up an excuse to her mother before she leaves. "I just want to test my skills against one of the strongest umgadis, mother." This will give Mileena and Tanya a couple of hours together. They'll actually spar for a bit, then take a break. Leaning against a tree or lying on the ground, talking about everything and nothing.
They love to hang out around the palace gardens at night
Tanya knows how to cook. She'll cook for her umgadi sisters and save some for Mileena. Mileena can't cook for shit. When she can, she'll watch Tanya cook or help her cut things.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Mileena is very affectionate. She loves lying in bed with Tanya and cuddling. Mileena is small spoon. She loves leaving kisses on Tanya's face and neck. Tanya loves holding Mileena in her arms after a long day. She caresses Mileena's side and kisses her shoulder and neck.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
They're used to not always being with each other. Even when they are together, they can't be like a couple. Tanya tends to her umgadi duties, and Mileena tends to imperial business. When they miss each other, they occupy themselves with their duties.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Both are willing to go to great lengths. Tanya has made it clear plenty of times that she would give her life for Mileena. She would fight for her no matter the opponent. Tanya betrayed her vows to be with Mileena. That is a huge thing considering how important the umgadi is to Tanya. Mileena wants to change the umgadi rules once she's empress so that her and Tanya could have a normal relationship.
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max1461 · 7 months
From @raginrayguns:
More generally, I think I have a much more uh. I don't know what to call it. I think lots of ethics and aesthetics does and should cash out in very "practical" stuff like having money and not dying, you think it's much more arbitrary and "practical"-sounding justifications are ad hoc. But also my view leaves a lot of room for like, simple pleasures that are part "behavioral loops" that result in practical stuff. Like, don't just clean your house in order to avoid getting sick from black mold etc, tidy it and make it look nice and decorate it. Don't just take care of your health, instead try to make your body more to your tastes not just in health and function but also in appearance and gender expression. Objectivists are like this too, that's why there's so much sex and partying in Atlas Shrugged and the evil dictator is a slob (it keeps mentioning that his shirt has a droopy collar and he doesn't get it starched).
So, for me, it's not exactly that I think ethics and aesthetics are especially arbitrary in actuality, it's more that I think it's better to model them that way.
Like, in reality I do think that a lot of the desires that people have cash out to a small-ish set of "practical"/"visceral" desires, things like self-preservation, desire for food, for sex, for companionship, for admiration, for entertainment, etc. And even a lot of these basic desires share an evolutionary origin, e.g. we evolved to want food because that urge is useful to keep us alive and so on. But, speaking about any individual person and why they seek out food, their answer isn't going to be "because I want to survive, and I rationally concluded that food is necessary for that". It's mostly a pre-rational urge, they're hungry so they seek food. It's effectively axiomatic. This is evident in the fact that they may eat foods which actually aren't good for their survival, like junk food, because those foods taste better or sate their hunger better, etc. People also usually have a desire to survive, which might be strong enough to motivate them to stop eating junk food, but it's certainly best to model these two desires as separate things, individually axiomatic and sometimes conflicting, even though in a biological sense they derive from the same place.
Right, so, I assume(?) you agree already to some degree or another with the above, it seems pretty necessary for modeling human behavior. But I think that what I do is basically to extend this model to more types of desires, even those that indeed may be rationally derived from more "basic" ones as above. Like, if someone tells me they want to live in a snowy, cold weather place... maybe it's because they feel better at that temperature, or they like the smell of pines, or they are more attracted to the way people dress in cold-weather climates, or whatever. Probably it's a complicated mix of a bunch of factors. Unless I know them really well, I can't model all that. So it's useful to just be like "what they want is to live in a cold place; noted" and treat it as basically an axiom.
I guess this is all really tied up in the way that I see ethics generally, which is something that I think about as like, diplomacy, negotiation, an attempt at finding a satisfactory compromise between different people with different wants. So it's useful to think in terms of "what demands are people laying out? What's on the bargaining table?". I can't possibly model everyone's internal reasons for wanting what they want, what I need is an understanding of what people seem to want, and knowledge of how they're willing to trade some wants off against others. Obviously internal modeling can help with this, but at a certain point it's not practically achievable. You just gotta take people's word for it.
Right, so, that's part of it. But the other part is that I think this kind of, uh, official agnosticism towards where desires come from is useful for dealing with psychological variation. Because while it's true that lots of people's desires seem to cash out to a small generating set common to most of us, I think it's also true that some of our desires cannot be derived from this set, and furthermore that perhaps most of us have at least a few desires of this type.
Like, a big part of this is informed by being unusual in various ways (I don't love "neurodivergent", but it's true), and having to argue with people to get my needs met.
A lot of people seem really dedicated to their own substantive system of right and wrong, derived from what they think the wants and needs of "ordinary" people are. Often I'll have some need that is not covered by this, and I'll go "look, I have need X, I'm happy to go out of my way and do Y to accommodate the fact that I am asking you to be considerate of X, let's figure out something that can work for both of us". And their response is very often something like "no, [according to my substantive ethics] it's unfair of you to ask X, and it would also be unfair of me to ask Y ". So what's happening here is that their dedication to this substantive system is getting in the way of them making a compromise that would be good for everyone. And I then need to frame my own need X in terms of some substantive things that they already endorse, make it comprehensible within their system, before they take it seriously as a negotiating point. I find things much easier when people are willing to skip the substantive analysis step and just go straight to "ok, you want X, I want Y, let's negotiate".
So that's really where this is coming from. Yes, I think the bulk of human desires seem to derive from some fairly small set of axioms/terminal goals/whatever, but I also think:
It's really hard to know what exactly is in that set, and to usefully predict what people's on-the-ground desires will be from it, because modeling people psychologically is hard.
There is enough psychological variation in people that an individual's own personal set of terminal goals may differ from the consensus set in a morally- or socially-relevant way, and this happens often.
And so if you see ethics as being about negotiating some sort of "ideal" compromise between different people with different desires, it's better to imagine that anyone could walk up to you one day with basically any old want and be prepared (at least in some philosophical sense) to be able to handle that.
Uh, something like that.
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