#but we can also celebrate their strengths and positive qualities
d-targaryenshoe · 5 months
Dearest Triangle - Luke Thompson
Word Count: 841
Summary: What is more pleasant than talking about a show that contains you and your lover?
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The lights in the studio are dimmed, and a spotlight focuses on the three celebrities perched on trendy mid-century furniture arranged in a semi-circle. 
The interviewer, a lively woman with a professional smile, introduces the interviewees.
"Welcome everyone. Today, we have an incredibly special treat. Joining us are the stars of the well-known and very popular Netflix series ‘Bridgerton."
"Luke Newton, Luke Thompson, and our very own heroine, Y/n Y/l/n, who all have kindly agreed to sit down and talk about the upcoming season."
The audience explodes with applause. You give them a gracious smile and wave while the person beside you, Luke Thompson, who is also your boyfriend, gently squeezes your hand.
The interviewer starts off, "I've watched the new first and second seasons, and it's mind-blowing. But the new trailer where we see a little bit of a love triangle, really shows the stakes are much higher, and there's so much going on in this season!"
"Absolutely, yeah, couldn't agree more!" you reply, "Just the friendship between y/n and Colin on itself, really."
"But this season, fans can expect more intrigue and emotional roller coasters. More passion, the love triangle, especially,that, is a part of the story which we all poured our hearts into." You smiled proudly, looking over the mass of fans. "For you."
The first fan question is directed at Luke Newton, by a girl that tries to contain her nerves, looking at Luke. "What's it like playing Colin, who is caught in the middle of this love triangle?"
"Well, I think Colin is just confused at this point," Luke replies, shrugging, chuckling slightly. "He's always admired y/c/n from afar, but her interest in my brother Benedict, played by Luke Thompson, over there, complicates things."
 "I believe Colin would be quite invested in this very special emotion of not knowing who you truly desire." He finishes, smiling at the girl.
The audience cheers, and a mixture of Team Colin and Team Benedict declarations ring out, causing all of you to laugh.
The next question is for Luke Thompson, a young man in his 20's. "As the more mature and serious brother, where does Benedict's heart lie in Season 3?"
He looks at you for a moment before responding, after the fans finish their cheering. "Benedict is in a difficult position, honestly. He's attracted to y/c/n, but he also respects his younger brother's feelings." He spoke.
 "But things do get more complex as the season moves forward, but I believe you all will enjoy the ups and downs of this journey." Luke smiles, as the fans begin cheering once again.
"Now, y/n, fans love your character's strength and independence. So, what do you think draws her to both brothers?" asks the interviewer.
You nod thoughtfully, "She's drawn to different qualities in each of them. Colin is charming and spontaneous, stages that the dashing man she dreams of also has." You said, running a hand through your hair.
"Then there's Benedict, who is reliable, very mature, and has wisdom beyond his years, and artistic talent as well. It's difficult for her to reconcile these two completely different appeals - but that's what makes it so exciting!" You finished, handing the microphone over to your boyfriend.
A fan then asks, "What's it more like in real life playing this on-screen love triangle versus your real-life love relationship with Luke?"
You laugh and glance at Thompson who chuckles. "It's a question we get very often, if not in interviews then when a fan notices us on the street."
"But to be honest with you, it's all professional. Both Luke and I understand the difference between acting and real. What unfolds on screen is purely fiction, and it doesn’t impact our relationship in real life, i love him with my whole heart."
"Can the same be said about me? I feel so left out, y/n" Luke Newton teases, causing all of you to erupt in laughter.
But you answer. "Yes, of course I do! Our friendship together has always been stronger than any on-screen complexities!"
The interviewer nods, turning to the audience for the final question, "Is there a message you want to deliver to our expecting fans?"
You lean forward, "For all fans anxiously waiting for Bridgerton part I on May 16th, prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride of emotions and passion."
"We've put in tonnes of love and effort into bringing these complex relationships to life. Not just us, but also Claudie Jessie, Nicola Coughlan, Jonathan Bailey, and everyone else."
"So, dearest viewers, enjoy the show, and let us know what you think!”
Applause echoes throughout the studio as the lights dim, marking the end of an exciting session filled with laughter and anticipation for Bridgerton Season 3.
As you walk off the stage hand-in-hand with Luke, glancing at Newton who’s waving to the audience, you can only hope that you have managed to intrigue your audience enough to eagerly await the unveiling of the thrilling new season.
Sometimes, life feels just as dazzling as the world of the Bridgertons.
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astrolovecosmos · 11 months
~Leo Season~
There can be a lot to say about Leo, a famous sign that people tend to "love or hate" and those who love them, LOVE them. Is Leo made up of crowns, gold, stage lights, and amazing hair/looks or paint, clay, all sunny things and the shadows they cast? Leo can be unique, complex, but at times also stubborn, controlling, and maybe a little predictable. Below are 3 major Leo traits that can shed light on this noble sign.
Confidence: Leo is famous for being an impressive sign. Usually described as being outgoing, brave, and always in the limelight. While many fit this description Leo is not spared self-doubt. Leo is highly associated with self-esteem, pride, ego, and personality. Because of this they can actually have a complex relationship with confidence. It isn't unusual for a Leo to face many challenges with confidence - whether it is a lack of it or too much of it. Imposter syndrome, fear of rejection or being forgotten, and being torn between timidness or grand courage can be familiar to these lions. Leo is also associated with power and responsibility. A fear of power or responsibility or abuse of these can be connected to their archetype and for some how they develop and handle confidence. On the Leo-Aquarius axis Leo represents self-focus while Aquarius represents the group/collective, but Leo has it in them to be highly group-oriented, caring about what others think or what makes others happy. There can be insecurity here but also the strength and purpose of a leader.
Love of Life: This sign can be indulgent, pleasure-seeking, joyful, competitive, and hungry for power, excitement, or adoration. Enjoying all that life has to offer is instinctual for them. Being the sign of creativity and self-expression, these individuals may have a lot of passion and determination towards their hobbies or recreation. Leo knows that comfort, happiness, luck, and love are all things we should never be ashamed of going after, thriving with, and protecting. Leo is known as an optimistic and generous sign. They have a warmth and may be good at inspiring others through how they carry themselves and go after what they want. Leo also shows a great love for the self by staying true to their individuality. This love of self can be compatible with a love of life. Leo tends to go big or go home, no matter what they do, they like to do it in a fancy, loud, or large way.
Exuberance: Leo's natural love for life tends to exuberate. Exuberance is defined as "the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience." They are known as a positive sign. They don't hesitate to praise, celebrate, and exalt themselves, their life, others, or beliefs. Most Leos likely have a sunny, charming, self-assured, or maybe at times an intimidating persona. This sign may also overindulge in things like pride, greed, selfishness, or vanity. Their celebration could turn sour and bitter into shaming, a temper, or to frequent sulking, self-pity, or depression. Some have notated that Leo despite their idealistic reputation can seem as moody and sensitive as a Cancer or as dark and stormy as a Scorpio. It may be that because the lion never hesitates to share their large or small feelings, they get this "watery" reputation. But many will find that Leo's emotional language still tends to be fiery. Leo may shine and burn with happiness, but they can fill a room with their joy or sorrow, influencing the vibes, the voices, and dynamics.
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th3dailyoverload · 3 months
Knowing Your Worth: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
As a young adult navigating the complexities of adulthood, imposter syndrome can often rear its head and make you question your abilities and worth. Let's define imposter syndrome first: imposter syndrome is that nagging feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt, despite evidence of your accomplishments and capabilities, individuals experiencing imposter syndrome often attribute their achievements to luck, timing, or other external factors, rather than their own capabilities.
It's a common phenomenon that many young adults experience as they push themselves to succeed in their personal and professional lives. Today, we'll explore how to overcome imposter syndrome with enthusiasm and a judgement-free perspective, and helping you embrace your worth and confidently step into your authentic self.
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Recognise and Acknowledge Your Feelings
The first step in overcoming imposter syndrome is to recognize and acknowledge your feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. It's important to understand that these feelings are common and that you are not alone in experiencing them. By acknowledging your imposter syndrome, you can begin to address and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from recognising your true potential.
Challenge Your Inner Critic
Your inner critic can be a powerful force fuelling imposter syndrome— we are in fact our own biggest critique. Challenge these negative thoughts and beliefs by reframing them with more positive and empowering statements. Practice self-affirmations that highlight your strengths, accomplishments, and unique qualities. Remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes, that no one is perfect, and that failure is a natural part of the learning and growth process.
Seek Support and Validation
Don't be afraid to seek support and validation from trusted friends, family members, mentors, or colleagues. Share your feelings of imposter syndrome with someone you trust and let them provide you with encouragement, perspective, and reassurance. In some cases you'll even find out that those very confident friend you have have also gone through it or are still going through the same imposter syndrome that you are. Surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who believe in your abilities and value your contributions.
Embrace Vulnerability and Growth
Embrace vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness. It's okay to not have all the answers or to feel uncertain at times. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, take risks, and step out of your comfort zone. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, and remember that progress often comes from pushing yourself beyond your perceived limitations.
Celebrate Your Achievements
Take time to celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small they may seem. Acknowledge your hard work, dedication, and perseverance in reaching your goals. Keep a journal of your accomplishments, positive feedback, and moments of success to remind yourself of your worth and capabilities during times of self-doubt.
Practice Self-Compassion and Self-Care
Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion on your journey to overcoming imposter syndrome. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend facing similar challenges. Make self-care a priority by engaging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, such as mindfulness practices, exercise, hobbies, or spending time in nature.
In conclusion, overcoming imposter syndrome as a young adult in the journey of adulthood requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and the willingness to challenge your inner critic. By recognizing and acknowledging your feelings you can cultivate a sense of self-worth and confidence that empowers you to thrive and succeed. Remember, you are worthy, capable, and deserving of all the success and opportunities that come your way. Embrace your worth and step boldly into your authentic self – the world is waiting for your unique talents and contributions.
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aty-art-blog · 1 year
Broomquet birthday Ace Trappola flowers meaning💐
I think the bouquet meaning of Ace might be a huge clue on his character development in chapter 7. Ily Ace💗
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-Light pink roses convey a sense of comfort, femininity and grace. The pale pink color is commonly used to show gratitude for loved ones and sympathy for those who lost a loved one. 
Represents: Femininity, grace
Conveys feelings of: Comfort, gratitude, sympathy
When to use: Thank-yous, hardships, loss
(I can see this fitting for Yuu going back to it's word, and sympathy for diasomnia guys if Lilia goes away,,)
-Medium pink roses can be used to show appreciation for important people in your life. With their more vibrant color, they can also convey a sense of joy and celebration for special occasions.
Represents: Joy
Conveys feelings of: Appreciation, happiness
When to use: Thank-yous, congratulations
-The main meaning of lilac roses is life.
This rose variety is associated with eternity and long life. Generally speaking, the meaning behind the lilac rose is considered positive and symbolizes not just life, but also happiness, quality of life and health.
(Since there's only one lillac rose in the bouquet, I guess it could means also to live the only one life we have(?)
-Red gerbera flowers have a meaning of unconscious love or to be fully immersed and surrounded by love.
Also dark pink gerbera means "gratitude"
-Red dahlias are symbols of strength and power, perfect for sending to someone whenever they could use a little extra strength. For example, if they're unwell or about to go to a job interview. Red flowers in general tend to symbolise love and passion, and this is also true of red dahlias.
Red Dahlia flower symbolizes strength and power that we want to give to the person who is receiving this flower. Color red in general symbolizes love and passion, but it can also be a symbol of power, strength and importance. We gift red Dahlias to people we care about and who we want to see rising up from the ashes. They are very important to us and we want to see them succeed in all areas of life. You can gift red Dahlias to your partner or a friend who is going through some difficult moments in life. Bouquet of red Dahlias is going to send a clear message of support and love that can’t be better expressed by any other flower.
-Rose campion: The genus name, used by Theophrastus from the Greek work lychnos which means “lamp”, is thought to refer to the use of the woolly leaves as lamp wicks in ancient times. The common name of rose campion supposedly comes from the use of its flowers to make garlands for athletic champions.
(This makes me guess that whatever we will be facing in chapter 7 we will succeed I guess(?)
-Red sage flower: This Scarlet sage plant is known for its spiky, striking flowers. As with most red flowers, red sage flower meaning is closely linked to passion and adoration. Traditionally associated with romance, desire and young love. Its vibrant red blossoms are said to symbolize forever mine feeling. In some cultures, they are also believed to expel negative energy, purify body and soul and usher in good fortune.
-Hypericum Berries derives its name from a Greek word that means: “Resembling Heather”. Since this plant is known for its healing properties to fight depression and calm anxiety, it is can be associated with good health.
-Rowan berries: The colour red was considered to be the best colour for fighting evil, and so the rowan's bright red berries have been associated with magic and witches. 
If you are interested in more content I just got a Twitter page: https://twitter.com/Athy_tehehe?t=h3zCmGpl4d2d4cuA1bxBzw&s=09
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sixthwater · 1 year
Pick a Card: Check in + Advice
Hi! Today is a quick little pac. I tried to do a positive or light-hearted one like five times but apparently a check-in was very very very so important so here we are lol. Next time will hopefully be another fictional one? I haven't done one in a while and I miss those. Anyway, this one might be a miss for most, but if you feel called to it:
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: Raider-Waite, After Tarot, Traditional Manga, Tarot Familiars, Luminous Spirit, Woodland Wardens, Seed & Sickle, believe in your own magic
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Pile One
Check-In Cards: Justice, V of Swords, III of Wands, The Devil, Page of Pentacles, The Hanged Man Rx Despite these cards, very cool and collected. It’s like a simmering energy. Something has taken place and you’re just waiting for karma or the right moment to strike back. Or you already have. It kind of reminds me of Mary Shelley, the novelist. Also huge side note because I cannot ignore it considering it’s physical; I’m getting nonstop side pains and they started as soon as I begun your reading so I’m not sure if this is just emotional/mental pain or stress that starts to manifest as physical? Usually I ignore these considering, but this is a little weird because it’s not going away. So considering Justice is here, let’s just hope you’re in good graces when it swings down. Anyway, this energy is kind of…vacant. You’re not too angry or too sad, you’re just calculative and in a ‘I see how it is’ mindset right now. Yeah it’s taking over your focus a bit or it’s something that you give a lot of thought to. I’d be wary of letting it be the thing you obsess over, but I don’t — like it feels very detached. So in a sense you’re very focused on when is the right moment to strike, I don’t think you’re too stuck on how. I believe you have that figured out. Page of Pentacles is someone who is offering or presenting an opportunity, even if it’s rough around the edges. It’s a page so there are still qualities of being a bit childish or naive, but considering the earthy quality, there is more care to how they go about it. This doesn’t have to strictly be about getting the upper-hand, it can also manifest as showing someone or others that you’re a better person or proving people wrong through actions. So withstanding a lot of bullshit only to come out on top (but I feel like strength would’ve come through). This can also be about conflicts at your workplace, not being seen or treated fairly and planning on proving yourself. The main point is understanding that you have a moment to strike in the future to prove someone wrong who might’ve made a sly remark or slighted you in a way recently or in the past. Maybe made you feel like a fool or incompetent because there’s a lot of pointed energy here towards one direction/person. Since this is general I’m trying to run through a lot besides the pretty straight-forward answer lol.
Advice Cards: Knight of Cups, Page of Swords, II of Wands Rx, Ace of Pentacles Rx, II of Swords Rx, The Emperor Be direct, but wary. Take your time. I think you’re already slightly in this energy but you might get restless. There is a message here to figure out ways to eloquently relay your thoughts to either the person who slighted you, or in general for the next month or so. Knight of Cups is somewhat slow so he doesn’t spill his water, but in this he’s drinking it (usually bc he just refilled it). A mix is listening to advice from others, but also knowing when to bite your tongue if it’s fueled by emotions and nothing else. Filter those who are trying to get certain information out of you or get you to look a certain way (reminds me of certain paparazzi trying to catch celebrities in certain spots or positions to fit a narrative). Also be mindful of plans or things going awry or not living up to how you imagine them in your head. It’s for a reason. Don’t lose your cool or balance because this conversation or opportunity isn’t as great as it was supposed to be. I heard ‘isn’t dogpiling on someone’ so whoever that’s for? Anyway, what can you do with it in the meanwhile? Build up your confidence and ability to be okay with people just…having a perceived image of you. It might be wrong, it might be right, but you know who you are. The people you love know who you are, so what does it matter, and if they try to cause conflict, set that conflict right as much as you can. If they continue to bother you it depends on the situation; social media gets a block, workplace needs a discussion with a supervisor on scheduling or office placement, friend groups are a bit more difficult but it’s just ‘I don’t like being around this person so catch you later’ to be honest. However you can’t dance around or avoid the situation forever. For others, sometimes it’s just being neutral to a situation that doesn’t pertain to you, playing mediator for everyone, all the time, will not benefit you.
The Otter and Cattail Rx, Oleander, Clover Hmmm so I don’t know if you’ve already done whatever you’re thinking of. Some of you might, some of you might have not. I’d like to think nothing extreme is happening beyond maybe some petty actions, nothing causing physical harm. Regardless, yeah some emotions or mental anguish could be manifesting into physical ailments because you’re thinking or agonizing over this. I want to think it has something to do more with words or spilling secrets but I’m moving on. Anyway, this talks about these issues weighing on you. For some it could be that you’re an overthinker and as much as you want to, you’re the type of person to weigh the pros and cons and you get stuck before you even do anything. You’re in limbo feeling guilty about something that you didn’t even do, but the fact that you considered it makes you feel crappy. For others, I mean one of these cards literally talks about a situation where someone screwed over their employers and then tried to secretly take care of them afterward as a means to appease and fix the balance. Justice. Saturn in Pisces coming up could be influencing this remorseful feeling as well. Could also deal with love issues, very lightly. Anyway, the point is to figure out these emotions within yourself before you interact with others. If you haven’t situated these conflicts mentally or emotionally, you’ll basically emotionally vomit onto a bunch of people and they are not going to understand you at all or it might cause more problems. Not to say don’t seek advice, but what tends to happen is that when you try to balance the two (inner nurture while solving the problem), sometimes you get moments of enlightenment while trying to explain and you go on tangents and accidentally just…spill. Maybe more than needed. So really just put some time aside for yourself to figure these parts out, pick out what you should mend with others and things that you’re beating yourself up for, and realize that the world still goes on. It’s easy to want to burrow away into a hole after mistakes or major mishaps, but unfortunately we have to adjust and figure out ways to keep moving. “Clover: Release Your Guilt”. Journaling in some way might also help (not specifically writing, could be photo journaling).
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Pile Two
Check-In Cards: IV of Cups Rx, VIII of Cups, Ace of Pentacles Rx, Page of Cups Rx, VII of Cups Rx, IX of Swords Rx, X of Cups Oh something happened and you’re over it. Pretty generic statement but it’s very: ‘Oh…whatever let me grab my bags’. I don’t know if it’s job searching but it kind of feels like doing something that’s unfulfilling or numbing, and something happened that gave you some insight that this is not where you want to be. It wasn’t like a huge event but it’s just one of those things where you wake up and realize that life is so much more than what you have. There might have been a point where you had goals or a mindset that wasn’t fully fleshed out in terms of where you were headed, but that’s solved now. Like you got an ad or someone said something in a video you were watching and everything clicked into place. On the other hand, there could be a possibility of escaping into a dreamland, like Alice, to run from what’s happening around you right now. However I get a strong sense of clarity and I feel like it deals with the future in regards to yourself and who you want to be. So everything feels a bit more concrete even if it’s not fully visible. There could be a possibility of going back to college or a vocational school and the family funding it, or just finding support in loved ones around you even if they’re not blood relatives. OR it could be dealing with the type of people you want to keep in your life, snipping ties of those that no longer suit you or don’t bring you happiness. Either way this feels very soft and relaxed, but slightly motivated and a positive outlook for the future. I’m not gonna lie this is pretty…clear so there’s not much else to say lol.
Advice Cards: VI of Swords, III of Swords Rx, Page of Pentacles, The High Priestess, VIII of Wands Rx, II of Wands You will have to leave behind some things that are no longer suited for you, which might cause some trouble within yourself but it’ll pass (growing pains). Get more comfortable with things not working out immediately, or get used to rejection; it’s not a reflection of your abilities or who you are. What’s not meant to be in your life isn’t meant to be. You’ll need to take some time to yourself in order to heal so you can take advantage of the new opportunities being presented to you. Speaking of which; don’t be afraid to put yourself out there when you’re ready. It’s a mix of both. You might be the type to try and prepare for everything, and what’s here is saying; there is no perfect time. You need to gain experience and world skills, throw yourself in there or you’ll always find a way to talk yourself out of it. Trust in yourself, your gut, your skills — your everything. You wouldn’t be presented with this if you couldn’t do it. Another message about delays and interruptions as well, but I think this speaks more to revising options and make sure everything is good to go and there aren’t any mistakes on other people’s ends. Not like you’re perfect but — I got communication issues as in like foreign languages? So let’s say you’re applying for a VISA and there’s a typo or something isn’t filled out correctly on the form. Things like that. Back to the communication, there’s a possibility of moving or traveling somewhere, I’m not sure if it’s long term or just for an internship or what, but there might also be an issue with communication for a minute. As well as possibly getting ready to go there lol so be wary of that as well. A cool mind will deal with it well. Don’t get impostor syndrome.
The Crow and Dogwood Rx, Belldaonna, Mural Oh wow excuse me something is in my throat DON’T GET IMPOSTOR SYNDROME. You are very capable, shit just happens. If you happen to have kids and had to put your passion projects or education on hold due to your situation, that happens. Taking care of sick family happens, financial issues happens. External factors are not a reflection of your capabilities. Another element is that there might be something you cannot avoid that puts all of this on hold, besides what I mentioned earlier. Maybe due to what’s currently taking place, you happened to miss a deadline to apply for a dream chance of yours. It will come around again, or hey this just gives you a year to strengthen that area for the next time they open admissions. Don’t take this as a sign that this isn’t meant to be and you should never put yourself first. That is never the answer. You can’t take care of others if you’re ill right. Besides that, you deserve to be happy. Point blank, there should be no clause to that. So yes, take care of family friends whatever, but if there’s something you want to do, go for it. Express this want, talk it out, and go for it.
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Pile Three
Check-In Cards: Page of Pentacles Rx, The Lovers, The Emperor Rx, Knight of Wands Rx, VIII of Swords, VIII of Wands Rx (X of Pentacles) Either this is a worry or this is happening in real time. Someone or a family member might have proposed a relationship to you? A sort of ‘oh you’d fit my son perfectly’ type of thing. This or it could be someone within your energy that’s trying to get with you but their energy is just…not it. They’re trying to offer something feasible but it’s not actually anything. I don’t sense that you’re with them, or at least it doesn’t seem like it. It feels like play-dating. There’s a bit of control here too so there’s a second option that it might be a job but I’m saving that for the end cause I’m not getting that as strongly. For those resonating with the romance topic, I’m feeling you as the bottom row here. Considering or actually doing a few impulsive things to get out of a situation that you feel tied to. It’s like you want to get out of dodge as soon as you can but the timing is always off or you always get caught by someone involved with this person so then you’re forced to stand there (feels like children desperately wanting their mom to stop talking post thanksgiving dinner). Kind of feels like Miley Cyrus rebelling to get Disney to drop her, same energy. Which now that I’m thinking about it, she did have an ‘identity change’ (reclaimed her name for herself), so this could just be an issue with how your family views you and how you feel most comfortable presenting yourself. LGBT+ or not, there’s conflict surrounding how they want you to be and who you want to be. Now for the job option, it feels like working with people that give off…unfavorable energy to put it politely. A mix of a superior and maybe a co-worker or two? You like your job but you don’t like these people you have to constantly put up with. They either don’t carry their weight in the project or they don’t respect you. The project is moving slowly causing you to be a bit reckless because you want it done.
Advice Cards: X of Pentacles Rx, Knight of Swords Rx, Knight of Wands Rx, VI of Pentacles Rx, King of Cups, Ace of Swords I think this is less reliance on family and seeking out an older mentor who will listen to you and also assist you. I…I’m not going to lie this feels like a dating trope, the whole fake-dating to get out of a situation thing, but give me a minute. Okay like, it’s basically saying to throw caution to the wind and put them to the test. Don’t rely on them, go against tradition, leave, all that stuff, which is a lot easier said than done hello lol. You’re already being impulsive, so check. You need to be more honest and blunt. Usually I would say to filter your thoughts but in this case, let it fly. Children acting out will get their parents attention, it sets a red flag and maybe the original plan will work. However the point is for them to realize that something is wrong in some manner. Now traditional families or those that are set in structure (children don’t ask questions and obey the parents), getting them to listen to you is going to be a bit more of a struggle. Which is why I believe this King of Cups came through. I’m not sure if you have an older sibling, but if you do reach out to them. They might give you an idea without realizing it. Or just a different perspective. If it is somehow that fake-dating trope, this really just speaks of a deal; using someone for personal gain, striking a deal, etc. They don’t gain much out of it but you do. This King of Cups influence might also give you some advice and let you vent or give you space to be yourself.
The Opossum and Peony Rx, Foxglove Rx, Red Oh so that Miley reference was speaking to something here. Interesting how the cards speak to outward motion but your oracle speaks to inward reflection. Embrace yourself even if it’s been rejected by those who were supposed to be close to you. When you are comfortable enough, feel free to come back out and unapologetically be yourself. Obviously, take precaution where and when you need to, even if not LGBT+ (we’re not about to risk housing just for being alternative), but life is too short to not be comfortable in your skin and to enjoy your favorite hobbies. There is no timing or due date on when you need to figure out your feelings or discuss them with those who have hurt you. Trying to do that will only confuse you or force thoughts out to be honest. All of this is just speaking to finding peace within yourself first, enjoying life again the way you want to, and then coming back to all of this chaos when you have the strength to. As I always say, there is a community for everyone out there, and you’ll find yours. Go listen to Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield.
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Pile Four
Check-In Cards: Page of Wands, X of Pentacles Rx, Ace of Cups, VII of Cups Rx, The Chariot Rx, The Hermit Rx No direction almost? Or it looks like you have no direction. So what it feels like is someone who is a backpacker — I also said expat so that could also be up in the air? That’s the thing it feels like these are ideas you’re contemplating or working towards and it feels like they were not necessarily favored in the eyes of close ones, so it created some conflict. I don’t think you necessarily care lol. It isn’t stopping your adventurous spirit at all, and you’re very much still looking into ideas as well as coming up with them — but they’re all still in the…drafting phase? You also don’t seem to have any clear direction, which isn’t an issue, but it seems like you’re just chill with being directed by almost anyone, which might turn into a problem. Usually The Hermit will point to either direction, but this is very flimsy right now. It’s neither engaging with the world technically nor is it doing self-introspection. It seems like it, but there is no actual self-conviction. You’re willing to try out a lot of options but the concern that was voiced before was that it’s way too risky as opposed to just switching majors in college. Also I don’t believe that you fully don’t care for your parent’s opinions. Objectively no one fully ever gets over a broken family, but it’s kind of split between wanting to prove them wrong and also wishing this didn’t cause an issue in the first place. Or a small percentage is wanting to see who you are without your family (like a life test), so that could be another thing. I think we get the point so let’s see what this deck has to say.
Advice Cards: The Moon Rx, Queen of Wands, The Magician Rx, King of Swords, The Devil Rx, Ace of Swords Okay listen this deck is kind blunt plz forgive it You need to be a bit more realistic. Figure out all the details in what you want to do, and then go for it. It’s not that you need to give up on your ideas or anything, but right now there’s room for failure. The King of Swords is a person who will spend about six hours going over every single fact to make sure everything lines up, and that’s the energy you need to be around (not like the type of people, but simulate that energy when it comes to this), and the magician for this deck literally says: out of touch. It’s weird cause it’s saying ‘Don’t give up on your dreams but hey not like that’ essentially. Keep your passion, drive, and confidence. Don’t treat this or let anyone tell you that you were wrong or this would never work out, but the way you’re approaching it is the issue. Take a step back and don’t be so obsessed with the destination. I’m not sure if there’s a place or person you’re trying to reach, but it won’t leave you. Or you’ll get to it, at some point — basically don’t stress yourself out over it. Plus sometimes stepping back will help you see things in a different way and maybe you’ll be able to achieve this in an easier way!
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lifephilosophys-blog · 6 months
Valuing ourselves and others for who we are as individuals, rather than for our possessions or material wealth, is an important aspect of developing genuine and meaningful connections. In a world that often places great emphasis on material success and external achievements, it is crucial to remember that our true worth lies in our intrinsic qualities, character, and the way we treat others.
When we value ourselves and others for who they are, we are recognizing the inherent dignity and uniqueness of each person. This approach fosters respect, empathy, and understanding, as it encourages us to look beyond external appearances and societal status to recognize the value of every individual. By focusing on personal qualities such as kindness, integrity, compassion, and empathy, we create a foundation for authentic and fulfilling relationships that are based on mutual respect and appreciation for each other's intrinsic worth.
Furthermore, valuing people for their character and virtues rather than their possessions or achievements promotes a more inclusive and egalitarian society. It encourages us to look beyond material wealth and social status, acknowledging that true worth is not defined by external markers of success, but rather by the richness of one's character and the positive impact they have on those around them. This mindset promotes a more compassionate and empathetic worldview, which can lead to increased social cohesion and a greater sense of community.
At the same time, valuing ourselves and others for who we are as individuals allows for a more holistic understanding of human worth. It encourages the recognition of each person's unique talents, experiences, and perspectives, fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated and differences are seen as strengths rather than as barriers. By appreciating the richness of human diversity, we create a more inclusive and supportive community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute in their own unique way.
It is also important to consider the impact of valuing ourselves and others for who they are on our own well-being and sense of fulfillment. When we place greater emphasis on character and virtue, rather than external possessions or achievements, we are more likely to experience deeper and more meaningful connections with others. This can lead to increased feelings of belonging, acceptance, and genuine connection, which are essential for our emotional well-being and overall sense of fulfillment.
In a similar vein, valuing ourselves for who we are rather than what we have can lead to a more balanced and contented life. By recognizing our inherent worth and embracing our unique qualities, we cultivate a sense of self-acceptance and confidence that is not dependent on external validation or material possessions. This can result in greater resilience and a more positive outlook on life, as we learn to find fulfillment in our relationships, personal growth, and the richness of our inner world, rather than in the pursuit of external markers of success.
Ultimately, valuing ourselves and others for who they are promotes a more compassionate, empathetic, and inclusive society, where the richness of human diversity is celebrated, and genuine connections are formed based on mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation. It encourages us to look beyond external appearances and material possessions, recognizing the inherent worth of each individual and fostering a greater sense of community and belonging. By embracing this mindset, we can create a more fulfilling and equitable world, where the true value of each person is acknowledged and celebrated.
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rabbitcruiser · 28 days
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Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and join a movement of no-shaming body positivity and health-focused education on International No Diet day.
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There has been a long-standing movement to shed the shame typically associated with being less than Hollywood perfect. The photoshopped images found in fashion and beauty magazines have been marked as a direct cause of a rising instance of eating disorders among the youth.
Too long has health been associated with unrealistic body types and unhealthy, dangerous fad diets. International No Diet Day has been pushed forward with the intention of promoting healthy lifestyles for all body types.
History of International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day was first started by Mary Evans in 1992. The purpose of the day was to help men and women around the world to appreciate their own bodies. Having gone through anorexia herself, Mary began Diet Breakers, which is her organization. She then created the first International No Diet Day, bringing attention to the cause, and of course, her organization as well. Now, the day is used to help tackle tough issues regarding diet and body awareness, focusing on a number of agendas. This includes the following…
Educating people about the right way to diet responsibly and effectively
Having all people take a one-day break from their diets
Celebrating the diversity of different shapes and sizes
Bodies can be beautiful at all shapes and sizes, with both the svelte look of the athletic beach nut and the more Grecian and Rubenesque body types merely exemplifying the natural body type. Considering that the failures of dieting often result in yoyo-ing weight, with all of the weight lost being regained in almost every case within 5 years. To combat these incredibly unhealthy habits organizations all over the world have been engaged in forcing the fashion industry to label those images that have been modified, or outlawing the use of photoshop altogether.
How to celebrate International No Diet Day
Celebrating International No Diet Day is best done by recognizing that your own body is beautiful exactly as it is. De-emphasizing your efforts to shed weight to look a particular way, it is far better to celebrate the holiday with efforts at beginning to live a healthier lifestyle altogether. Worry less about your final goal, and more about getting out and being active and keeping your body healthy. Losing weight rapidly or shooting for unrealistic body types is an excellent way of causing yourself harm in the pursuit of greater health. Instead, love your body by finding active hobbies and love yourself the way you look!
There are a number of different ways that you can participate in International No Diet Day. This includes the following…
Help end weight discrimination, fatphobia, and sizeism.
Understand the inefficacy of commercial diets and learn about the diet industry.
Embrace body diversity and challenge the idea of one ‘right’ body shape.
Declare a day that is free from dieting and obsessing about shape and weight.
Compliment colleagues on contributions, achievements, and skills, rather than focusing on appearance.
Here are some of the suggestions that we have to help you make the most of this day…
Eat what you love! Don’t worry about the calories or anything like this. Instead, eat what you truly want to eat because it tastes good. Let that be your only concern today.
Throw away your scales. Don’t judge yourself based on a number. You will be surprised by how liberating this feels.
Instead, celebrate and embrace your intrinsic qualities, such as your uniqueness, quirkiness, kindness, or strength, for instance!
Be adventurous and cook something that you have always wanted to but you have never cooked before.
You can also use International No Diet Day in order to make people aware of different eating disorders. There are so many ways that you can go about this. If you have had your own personal experience and you feel ready to share it, you may take this opportunity to start a blog about it. You could also decide to fundraise for those who are struggling with eating disorders. Whether you raise funds or you simply raise awareness, you are going to be doing a great thing to help a lot of people.
However, you should not feel guilty about simply using this day as an opportunity to look after number one! After all, we all need to care for ourselves as well. Why not make a list of all of the things you love about your body? Now is the perfect time to start focusing on the positive rather than the negative. Most of us have a tendency to focus on the things we dislike instead of focusing on what we do like about our bodies. Today is the perfect time for you to change this!
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roshanrajwadi69 · 2 months
A Journey Towards Authentic Manhood
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In a world where societal expectations and stereotypes often dictate what it means to be a man, navigating the path to authentic masculinity can be a challenging journey. From childhood, boys are bombarded with messages about what it means to "be a man" – be tough, stoic, and dominant. However, true masculinity is not confined to these narrow definitions. It's about embracing one's unique identity, values, and emotions, while also respecting and uplifting others. So, how can one embark on the journey to becoming a man in the truest sense of the word? Here are some steps to consider:
* Self-Reflection and Awareness :- The first step towards authentic manhood is self-reflection. Take the time to examine your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Question the stereotypes and expectations placed upon you by society. What does being a man mean to you? What values do you hold dear? Understanding yourself is crucial in shaping your identity as a man.
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*Embrace Vulnerability:-Contrary to popular belief, being a man does not mean suppressing emotions or vulnerability. True strength lies in the ability to acknowledge and express one's feelings. Embrace vulnerability as a sign of courage and authenticity. Seek out spaces where you can open up and share your thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment.
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*Cultivate Empathy and Compassion:- Empathy and compassion are essential qualities of authentic masculinity. Take the time to listen to others and understand their perspectives. Show kindness and support to those around you. Recognize that strength is not about dominating others, but about lifting them up and building meaningful connections.
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*Challenge Toxic Masculinity:- Challenge the toxic aspects of masculinity that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and behaviors. Reject the notion that being a man means being aggressive, controlling, or emotionally distant. Instead, strive to be a positive role model for healthy masculinity by promoting respect, equality, and empathy.
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*Celebrate Diversity:- Understand that masculinity is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It is diverse and multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of identities and expressions. Celebrate the diversity of masculinity and respect the experiences of men from different backgrounds, cultures, and orientations.
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*Continuous Growth and Learning:- True masculinity is a journey, not a destination. Commit yourself to continuous growth and learning. Be open to feedback and willing to challenge your own biases and assumptions. Seek out opportunities for personal development and self-improvement.
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*Be Authentic:- Above all, be true to yourself. Authenticity is the cornerstone of genuine masculinity. Embrace your strengths and flaws, and strive to live in alignment with your values and principles. Remember that being a man is not about conforming to societal expectations, but about being true to who you are.
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In conclusion, the journey to authentic manhood is a deeply personal and transformative experience. It requires self-reflection, empathy, and a commitment to growth. By embracing vulnerability, challenging toxic masculinity, and celebrating diversity, we can redefine what it means to be a man in today's world. Let us strive to cultivate a culture of masculinity that is rooted in respect, compassion, and authenticity.
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sinceileftyoublog · 6 months
Olivia Rodrigo Album Review: GUTS
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Olivia Rodrigo had wanted to title her second album "GUTS" since she was making her debut, SOUR, because she was interested in the various colloquial contexts in which we use the word. No, you're not going to find the singer-songwriter's second album on the shelf next to Exhumed's back catalog--referring to entrails is about the only meaning Rodrigo doesn't conjure from the word. She mentions "spill your guts," and the album certainly has the same diaristic quality as her first record. She also brings up the phrase "hate your guts;" lo and behold, at times on GUTS, Rodrigo foregoes the sarcasm and facetiousness of SOUR for full-on diatribes and revenge fantasies. But the connotation that stands out most to me, listening to the record for months after it's now come out, is one of courage. Simply, it takes a lot of guts to make an album like this.
From the start, Rodrigo sets up the unrealistic expectations she's under, physical and behavioral, both as a young woman and as a celebrity. On the Joan Didion-inspired, dynamic and choral "all-american bitch", she sings "I'm grateful all the time / I'm sexy, and I'm kind / I'm pretty when I cry," fully aware that she's encapsulating a caricature more than a real character. Appropriately, she spends the rest of the album contradicting the idea of the ideal feminine. Knowingly regretful, she hooks up with an ex on the stuttering power pop jam "bad idea right?" She's jealous of a "dazzling starlet, Bardot reincarnate" on the layered and ghostly "lacy", her vocals and producer Dan Nigro's synthesizer skyward before they come crashing to a painful, realized whisper. On piano and strings ballad "the grudge", she posits that while "It takes strength to forgive...I don't feel strong." Rodrigo swims in imperfection.
Rodrigo's deep dive into her own humanity, though, sets her up for longer lasting strength. For every lambast of "bloodsucker" and "fame fucker," iconic as they are, there's a line like on "logical" where she sings, "I know I'm half responsible / And that makes me feel horrible." Synth rock standout "love is embarrassing" is especially impressive, as Rodrigo collates all the cringiest things she's ever done--the type that would keep most people up at night--and turns them into a singular anthem of teenage awkwardness. On "making the bed", she realizes that as much as she's resentful of certain aspects of her life, from the toxicity of the music industry to her penchant for social errors due to homeschooling, she has the ultimate agency to change things. She's stated the song was the hardest on the album to write, and the delicate balance between blame and acceptance is palpable. There are even multiple layers to "get him back!" Sure, Rodrigo wants "to meet his mom and tell her her son sucks," but she also wants to reconnect. Otherwise, why would she care?
Ultimately, GUTS has proved to be one of the most rewarding pop records of the year due to its sheer humanism. You can find solidarity in a song like "pretty isn't pretty", a shimmering dream pop standout instrumentally wedged between "1979" and Alvvays, one that decries the extent to which capitalism promotes unrealistic standards, beauty or otherwise. But it's closer "teenage dream" that ensures the album ends not on a bang, but on a relatable wince. Small moments, like the pseudo "you're not from around here" record scratch after the first chorus, build up the unease to emphasize Rodrigo's final moment of self doubt: "They say it gets better / But what if I don't?" Kudos to Rodrigo for putting to words and music what we're all thinking all the time.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Incorrect sb+ib with she ra and the princesses of power quotes?
Max: Imperfection is what makes scientific experimentation possible! Imperfection is beautiful!... At least, to me.
Alya: Isn’t it obvious? There’s an amok spy somewhere in the school! *Thunder and lightning* And no one is going anywhere until we figure out who it is!
Scarlet Beetle: He’s just so cute!
Monarch: I am not cute!
Rose: It’s not easy being the friendly and upbeat girl all the time! And I get that it’s hard being friends sometimes. You gotta work at it. So why am I always the only one who’s willing to work at it?
Jean: I can’t cry on cue. Whenever a roll calls for tears, the only thing that works is thinking about people falling. They’re tears of laughter, but no one can tell the difference!
Ikati Black: Ooh! Are we messing with Scarlet?! *Sits in Scarlet Beetle’s lap and purrs*
Scarlet Beetle: Ikati, do you have to sit right there?
Aurore: The Scarlet Akumas are wreaking havoc across Paris! We gotta find a way to survive, and-
Cosette: Leave this to me! *Slams their notebook on the table and opens it to a few illustrations* I've been keeping track of everyone’s weakness. And I've figured out the best tactical strategy to overpower every one of them. Nath’s weakness is obvious.
Aurore: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Real obvious. And, um, ahem, what is it exactly?
Cosette: Everyone knows he twisted his ankle when he was a kid. If you keep him off balance, his injury will act up on him. *Flips to a page of them kicking Nathaniel’s ankle* So if we come across Evillustrator, I'll target it, and subdue him, and take his akuma, and save him, and remind him of it every time he tries to take the last cupcake at lunch! *Shows a drawing of Nathaniel handing her a cupcake*
Simon: Right. But could we circle back to your not-at-all-weird-and-very-detailed theories on our weaknesses?
Ismael: Yeah, not all of us will be as easy as a twisted ankle.
Cosette: Oh, you don't believe me. That's--That's fine. I'll just demonstrate. Simon’s weakness? *Pushes a laptop off of a desk which Simon quickly catches* tech.
Simon: Demon!
Cosette: Mireille- loud noises. Reshma- also loud noise. Aurore can't act to save her life. Also, EXTERME pigtail-envy with Stormy Weather. Ismael- crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris.
Ismael: Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's, like, really personal compared to loud noises.
Denise: What about me?
Cosette: An inability to unleash your full strength due to your overwhelming fear of hurting the people you care about.
Denise: Some might say that's actually a positive quality.
Cosette: It's really not. Jean weakness... *Scrolling through a comments section* Terrible reviews of plays he was in.
Jean: NO! *Smacks the phone out of Cosette’s hand* You've spent a lot of time thinking about this, huh?
Cosette: Contingency plans are how you win, and we will win.
Lacey: Okay, we get it. They are easy to take down. You and your files don't have anything on real threats, like me. *Sees Cosette holding a picture of her brothers over a lit match* You monster!
Marinette: *After meeting Audrey* Chloé… *Holds her hands* You’re worth more than what you can give to other people. You deserve love, too.
Monarch: I’m like, the only one who’s not a hero.
Denise: I Am Brave, Strong, Loyal, And I Give Great Hugs!
Simon: What does it say?
Alix: *Reading her dad’s note* It says, “What did the ancient Greeks say when they burned dinner?” … “It was ruined.”
Cosette: So, we all pitched in, took Jean’s ration bars for a week, and made this! *Points to a cake*
Jean: I’m hungry, but celebrating your victory is worth it.
*After the Wish was made, it’s now the canon universe*
Lila: *Sits next to Nathaniel* Hi. I’m Lila.
Nathaniel: Oh, hey. Nathaniel.
Lila: … *Stares at him* You know, I don’t know what it is, but I do not like you.
Nathaniel: *Pulling Alix along* Come on, let’s get you outside. You need some air.
Alix: No, Nath, I don’t need air- *Suddenly, she and Nathaniel are on the roof of the school* … How… How did we get out here?
Nathaniel: We climbed up, like we always do. Don’t you remember?
Alix: I don’t know what’s happening to me. It’s like I’m losing my mind!
Nathaniel: You just need to relax.
Alix: Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I’m fine. Everything’s fine. *Looks at Nathaniel, and for a brief second, he turns into Monarch* …
Nathaniel: Of course, I’m right. Everything’s perfect. I mean, unless you count HawkMoth running around, but, that’s why we got Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Lila: *Pouring some chloroform into a rag* In fact, Kim, I think I know some nice people who can help if you just-
Kim: *Quickly turns around and Lila hides the rag* Lila! You have to remember something! Tell me you remember! Everyone’s acting like things are perfect, except for you. Oh, and don’t get me started on Nath-
Lila: Nath?… Nathaniel?… *Has a flashback of Monarch striking her with his cane and a pink tambourine cracking*
Kim: … You do remember.
Lila: … N-No, I… *Has a flashback of Monarch snatching Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black’s Miraculous* I mean, I don’t know. And, Nathaniel, he… Did he… Do something? *Looks around, startled* … What’s going on?! I keep forgetting things!… This is all wrong! How did we get here?
Marinette: *Having flashbacks of Monarch transforming back into Nathaniel, putting on the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous, and smirking* Nathaniel. It was Nathaniel! Nathaniel did this. He… He was dressed as Shadow Moth, he took… *Flashes back to Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black unconscious on the ground transforming into him and Max* The Miraculous… He made the Wish?!
Kim: Oh, wow. This is gonna be a lot to explain. And it’s gonna sound a little weird, but I swear, it’s all true. *Sighs* … Reality is collapsing in on itself because of the Wish Nathaniel made back in a different reality. The Nathaniel here had the Butterfly Miraculous in the other world except you guy don’t remember because the Wish altered memories. It was pretty crazy. The Butterfly Miraculous is now in Hawkmoth’s hands, but I promise, it used to be Nathaniel’s, and Marc had the Peacock Miraculous, and I was fighting Nathaniel and Marc when they had the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous, because I had the Ladybug Miraculous and I was fighting them alongside by partner, Ikati Black. I had the same powers as Ladybug, but a cooler suit, but Nathaniel- Monarch, used the Ladybug and Black Miraculous to make the wish, and I need Ladybug and Chat Noir to help re-do the wish and save all reality. *Takes a deep breath and starts panting*
Master Fu: I… Uh…
Marinette: *Grabs Austin T’s shoulders* Austin, I know what I’m about to say sounds crazy, but-
Austin T: Is this about the unstable portal caused by Nathaniel’s wish that’s slowly consuming and warping our reality?
Marinette: Now, you’re not gonna believe- What did you just say?
Austin T: Oh, I figured it all out a while ago while you guys were still freaking out about Nath and Marc being villains in another reality.
Marcelle: Nino! You aren’t the spy!
Nino: You don’t know that! It all makes sense. Who else could it be? *Thunder and lightning*
Cosette: I think I saw Marinette with Nino’s phone.
Nino: Wait, you guys have been here the whole time?
Cosette/Simon/Lacey: Uhh…
Cosette: *Offers a cupcake* Cupcake?
Sabrina: I can’t believe you read those two! Dark Mystery: The Mercury Case is my favorite.
Alya: Ugh, that one’s so predictable. I saw that twist coming a mile away.
Chloé: *Posing on the table*
Kim: Chloé. You weren’t even there.
Adrien: I told you how I took out 100- No, 150 guys, right?
Alya: *Groans*
Nino: You have to arrest me for everyone’s safety! Otherwise my evil alter-ego might do it again!
Max: Nino. Knock it off.
Chloé: *Posing with a ball and chain*
Kim: Still no! And put that back!
Max: *After interviewing Manon and Kiran, Mme. Bustier and Mendeleieve, and Denise and Simon who look a little irked after their date was interrupted* Not them. No. No.
Lacey: Okay, so, I think, like, maybe Scarlet Beetle did it!
Alix: Hey! We already questioned you!
Lacey: Oh yeah, I came back for the cupcakes!
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dryades-angeli · 7 months
Let´s talk about Silentshipping
Silentshipping is a shipping from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Fandom and describes the pair Seto Kaiba x Serenity Wheeler/Shizuka Kawaii. It is one of my favorite shippings, then and now. So I was rely pissed when I went looking for stuff about the couple and found People hateing around. ~*~
Serenity is too weak and too stupid to duel: Yes. Tea and Mai make a much stronger impression and are better equipped to duel. But if you look closely at the scenes, you can clearly see that Serenity is still a beginner. Insinuating that she's too stupid to duel when she's just learning the game... And yes. She's not particularly strong. But does she have to be that way to get together with Kaiba? And does she have to be good at dueling to have a relationship with Kaiba? However, she saved her brother from drowning and ultimately won the three-way duel against Nezbitt. So she's not just weak. Seto and Serenity only have one interaction in the anime and none in the manga: Yes. They only had one interaction together, where they actually talked to each other. But I prioritize quality over quantity. if we set this convo in contrast with the most popular shipping in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Fandom, Puppyshipping Seto x Joey, they acted respectfully to each other. He didn't devalue her, wasn't annoyed by her, nor did he react to her negatively in any way. Seto and Serenity fulfill the cliché of a sweet innocent girl that melts the cold bad boy's heart aka SasuHina vibes: I think it's funny. That most people celebrate ships like Seto X Joey, which for me is the most toxic ship ever, and badmouth Seto x Serenity, because it´s to clicheé. lol Do you know which yaoi ships are always the most popular in every fandom? The hot-blooded, temperamental, goofy guy with the cold-blooded, calculating, emotionally dead guy. Basically, half of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Fandom ships the biggest cliché of all. But there is a heteroshipping that is at least as SasuHina-cliche and is also one of the most popular ships with Seto. Bluesshipping Seto x Kisara. Kisara is just as weak as Serenity, but just like her, she has her strong moments. She's just as shy, reserved and sweet as Serenity and fulfills the chichee spirit just as much. Kisara shows that a relationship between Seto and Serenity can definitely work. ~*~ Serenity is pink and sweet, which very few people like. And I won't deny that their relationship fulfills that good girl x bad boy chlichee. You can like it or not. But the ship is not alone on this track. For a beginner, Serenity did well and she may be weak, but she definitely showed strength as well. It may have been just one interaction, but it didn't have a negative impact on their relationship. It looked more like Kaiba had only called the medical team, because of Serenity's request. Which has a positive effect on their relationship. In any case, I don't understand the hate that this shipping has, because for me there are much worse pairings.
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legacywealthjoy · 10 months
How My Family Achieves Happiness and Success
Establishing Generational Wealth: Our Strategies and Insights
Our last post introduced us and our journey to create generational wealth and happiness. In this post, we’ll share steps and strategies to build a legacy for your family. My family has a financial plan that helps us achieve our goals and live comfortably. We also invest in education, personal growth, and development to improve our future. Here are some strategies we use.
Financial Plan
We follow a 50/10/25 rule to manage our money. We spend 50% of our income on needs, 10% on wants, and 25% on savings. We update our monthly budget to keep up with inflation and find ways to earn more. We save automatically and have different accounts for emergencies, retirement, education, and travel. We avoid debt as much as possible and pay off our balances in full every month. If we ever get into debt trouble, we use the snowball method to pay off our debts from smallest to largest. These habits help us achieve financial security and freedom for ourselves and our child.
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Investment Portfolio
My husband taught me how to invest wisely and build a diversified portfolio. A mix of different types of assets can lower your risk and increase the growth potential of your investments. We don’t invest for the short term or put all our money in one sector or region. We balance our portfolio between risky and safe assets and adjust it according to age, goals, and market conditions. We also review and rebalance our portfolio regularly to keep it on track.
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Education is one of the critical factors that influence wealth. Education increases human capital, improves financial decision-making and planning, and controls asset diversification and leverage. These factors affect income, wealth potential, and intergenerational wealth transfer. However, education can also create or reinforce inequality, depending on different groups’ access to and quality of education.
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Personal Growth and Development
Personal growth and development are essential for achieving happiness and success in life. They help us discover our strengths, overcome our weaknesses, and pursue our goals. In my family, we implement personal growth and development in various ways, such as:
Reading books, articles, podcasts, and videos that inspire us, teach us new skills, or challenge our perspectives. We share what we learn with each other and discuss how we can apply it to our situations.
We are setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals for ourselves and supporting each other in achieving them. We celebrate our achievements and learn from our failures. We also review our goals regularly and adjust them as needed.
By seeking input from others and being open to constructive criticism, we value honesty and respect in our communication and give and receive feedback positively and helpfully. We also acknowledge our mistakes and apologize when we hurt someone.
We are practicing gratitude and optimism every day. We express our appreciation for what we have and what others do for us. We also look for the bright side of every situation and focus on the opportunities rather than the obstacles.
We eat well, exercise regularly, sleep enough, and meditate daily. We also manage our stress levels and cope with our emotions healthily. We seek professional help and care for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We are having fun and enjoying life. We make time for hobbies, passions, and interests that make us happy. We also spend quality time with our friends. We laugh often and create positive memories.
By implementing personal growth and development in these ways, we have experienced more happiness and success. We have also grown closer as a family and strengthened our bonds.
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In this blog post, I wanted to share some tips and avenues for building generational wealth: the ability to pass on assets and opportunities to your descendants. I explain why generational wealth is essential, especially for marginalized communities, and how to overcome common challenges and barriers that prevent us from achieving it.
I also invite you to share your experiences and insights on building generational wealth and any questions or feedback you may have. We hope to inspire and empower others to take action and create a lasting legacy for yourselves and your loved ones.
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greenweightloss · 11 months
how to lose face fat
Effective Strategies to Reduce Face Fat: Your Ultimate Guide
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#1 Recommendation
Many individuals struggle with the desire to shed excess fat from their faces, aiming to achieve a more defined and sculpted appearance. While spot reduction is not possible, there are several practical steps you can take to help reduce face fat and enhance your facial features. In this blog post, we will explore a range of effective strategies that can assist you in your journey towards a leaner face.
Embrace a Healthy and Balanced Diet: Diet plays a crucial role in overall weight loss, including reducing face fat. Focus on consuming a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid excessive intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages high in calories. Additionally, stay hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day.
Incorporate Cardiovascular Exercises: Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercises can contribute to overall fat loss, including the face. Activities such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and dancing can help burn calories and stimulate your metabolism. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio workouts per week.
Facial Exercises and Massage: Facial exercises and massages can help tone the muscles in your face, promoting a more defined and sculpted look. Try exercises like cheek lifts, jawline clenches, and pouting to target specific areas. Additionally, gentle facial massages can improve blood circulation and help reduce water retention.
Maintain a Consistent Exercise Routine: In addition to cardiovascular exercises, incorporating strength training and resistance exercises into your fitness routine can be beneficial. Strengthening the muscles in your body, including your facial muscles, can contribute to a more toned and firm appearance. Consult with a fitness professional to develop a well-rounded exercise plan.
Reduce Sodium Intake: High sodium intake can lead to water retention, which may contribute to facial bloating. Minimize your consumption of salty foods and processed meals, as they often contain excessive amounts of sodium. Opt for fresh, whole foods, and season your meals with herbs and spices instead of salt.
Get Sufficient Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and can also impact the appearance of your face. Lack of sleep can lead to fluid retention, puffiness, and a dull complexion. Strive for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to repair and rejuvenate.
Practice Good Posture: Maintaining good posture can help improve the appearance of your face and neck. Slouching can contribute to the appearance of a double chin and sagging skin. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and neck elongated to maintain a more defined facial profile.
#1 Recommendation
Conclusion: Losing face fat requires a holistic approach that combines a healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications. Remember, it is essential to embrace realistic expectations, as everyone's body is unique and fat distribution patterns vary. By implementing these strategies consistently and adopting a positive mindset, you can achieve a more sculpted and confident appearance over time. Stay committed and patient, and celebrate the progress you make along the way.
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clasinessme · 10 months
The Unyielding Spirit: Celebrating the Classy, Elegant, and Strong-Minded Women
In a world that celebrates diversity and progress, there are women who stand out as paragons of strength, grace, and intelligence. These women are not only classy and elegant in their demeanor but also possess an unshakeable determination that sets them apart. They inspire us to break barriers, challenge norms, and redefine what it means to be a modern-day heroine. 
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The classy and elegant woman is the epitome of refined taste and sophistication. Her sense of style is impeccable, combining timeless fashion choices with a dash of her own flair. Whether she's dressed in a chic evening gown or in a casual outfit, her confidence radiates, making her a magnet for admiration. 
Beyond her appearance, it's her strong mind that truly captivates. This woman is a critical thinker, unafraid to question the status quo. She engages in intellectual discussions, always open to learning from diverse perspectives. Her thirst for knowledge is insatiable, and she encourages those around her to be curious and informed. 
In the face of challenges, the strong-minded woman displays an unwavering resilience. She approaches obstacles with a steely determination, refusing to be swayed by doubt or fear. 
 She doesn't shy away from difficult decisions or tough conversations; instead, she confronts them head-on, unafraid to voice her convictions. 
Her strength of character extends to her relationships. She is a compassionate listener, a pillar of support, and a source of inspiration for her friends and family. She understands that true strength lies not in stoicism but in vulnerability, and she's not afraid to show her emotions or ask for help when needed. 
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In the professional realm, this woman is a force to be reckoned with. She breaks through glass ceilings, paves new paths, and shatters stereotypes with every step she takes. Her ambition is not rooted in competition but in a desire to create positive change and be a role model for others. 
As she navigates life's complexities, the strong-minded woman remains true to her values and principles. She doesn't compromise her integrity for short-term gains or societal approval. Instead, she stands firm in her beliefs and empowers others to do the same. 
A blend of class, elegance, and strength of mind, this woman leaves an indelible mark on the world. She shows us that one doesn't need to sacrifice grace and femininity to be formidable and influential. She defies limitations, embraces her uniqueness, and encourages others to do the same 
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So let us celebrate these exceptional women who embody the essence of class, elegance, and unwavering strength. They inspire us to embrace our individuality, to pursue our dreams fearlessly, and to stand tall in the face of adversity. In a world where we often grapple with self-doubt and societal pressures, these women remind us that true empowerment lies in embracing our authentic selves and unleashing the strength within. They are beacons of hope, guiding us towards a future where class, elegance, and strong-mindedness prevail in harmony. 
  Class and elegance are subjective concepts that can vary based on cultural norms and personal preferences. However, there are some common qualities that are often associated with a woman being considered classy and elegant: Poise and posture:
A classy and elegant woman carries herself with grace and confidence. She maintains
good posture and walks with ease and grace.
Polished appearance:
Paying attention to grooming and personal presentation is essential. A woman who looks well put-together with tasteful and well-fitted clothing tends to exude elegance.
Manners and etiquette:
Being polite, respectful, and considerate towards others is a hallmark of elegance. This includes using appropriate language, showing good table manners, and being attentive in social situations.
Modesty and subtlety:
Elegance often involves modesty and understated elegance rather than loud or attention-grabbing behavior or outfits.
Timeless style:
Classic and timeless fashion choices, as opposed to following fleeting trends, can contribute to an elegant image.
Confidence without arrogance:
Confidence is attractive, but being humble and approachable adds to a woman's classiness.
Communication skills:
Being articulate, a good listener, and able to hold meaningful conversations contribute to a woman's overall elegance.
Compassion and kindness:
Treating others with empathy and kindness is a characteristic often associated with elegant individuals.
Emotional intelligence:
Understanding and managing emotions in a mature and composed manner can be seen as classy.
Having self-respect and demanding respect from others is an important aspect of being considered elegant.
It is important to remember that elegance and class are not limited to any particular gender and can be embodied by individuals of all backgrounds and identities. Ultimately, what matters most is how a person carries themselves and treats others with respect and dignity.
Check out this amazinggg  dress. CLICK THE LINK.
THE LINK:https://a.co/d/8ruXS8E 
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oraclekleo · 2 years
OnlyOneOf Nine Couple Tarot Readings Extravaganza (with Kleo)
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck: E. A. Poe, Vlad Dracula
Spread: /
Shadow of the Moon
The Path of the Dragon - Relationship Progress ver.
The Power of the Dragon (Dragon = Nine)
Writer’s Wisdom
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Jung Wookjin
Stage Name: Nine
Group: OnlyOneOf
DOB: 13.12.1999
Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Sign: Earth Rabbit
Life Path Number: 8
Masterpost: OnlyOneOf
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Reading done: 13/03/2022
Kleo + Nine
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Libido
K's position
XXI The World - I have triumphed in the face of obstacles and reached my goal. The relationship is fulfilling and means a completely new era of my life as it brings a lot of changes and adventure. It's a harmonic and successful period of time.
Nine's position
Three of Cups – Nine is enjoying the happiness and joy and celebrating in the relationship. It gives him a completely new feeling of confidence, he's on top of his game and might be even planning engagement. He's not the dom, the three of cups suggest a collaboration and the partners to be not only in love but also good friends.
K's libido
Two of Swords – This suggests I might be reluctant to get physical with Nine. There's an important decision to be made and I need to have a frank and sincere talk with him to overcome my fear of the immorality of the relationship.
Nine's libido
III The Empress – Nine is full of grace, love and energy and he's romantic. His passion and desire are making everything beautiful for him. He is ready to swoon his partner using all five senses and indulge in the pleasures.
King of Cups – This relationship is warm and generous with the both of us being in balance and having a good tolerance for each other's drawbacks. We are compassionate with each other's needs and take turns in the control in order to get the best out of this relationship.
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Kleo + Nine
Deck: Vlad Dracula
Spread: Shadow of the Moon
Darkness - What’s his worst quality?
VI The Lovers - Nine is likely obsessed with honesty. He despises disguise and lies, even the white ones which are meant for his own good. He's likely to lose trust in a person easily if the person is not completely honest with him. Damage like that can't be repaired for Nine.
Shadow - What does he hide from me / his secret?
5 of Coins - Nine might secretly suffer from abandonment issues. He's internally terrified that people he loves might find him unworthy and leave him. He tries to play cool and cheerful but deep inside he truly craves for people he holds dear to love him and stay by his side.
Reflection - Where does his loyalty lie?
IX The Hermit - Nine is loyal to himself in the first place. His loyalty is something people have to earn. He's only loyal and faithful to those who he trusts completely. He's nobody's fool.
Smoke - What’s his deepest desire?
X The Wheel of Fortune - Nine desires for the control over his own destiny. He wants to use his skills for the best, he wants to achieve great things and gain respect and glory. He's counting on the fickle favour of good fortune and he knows he has to earn his success.
Mirror - How does it affect me?
VIII Strength & XIX The Sun - Nine’s internal insecurities would likely motivate me to help him, to use my own skills and abilities to encourage and support him just to see him happy and joyful. His childlike charm and sort of naive nature driving me into mothering mode. I'm likely firmly stand by his side no matter the circumstances and show my loyalty to him. I'm likely to be one of those completely, sometimes brutally, honest people in his life.
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Kleo + Nine
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: The Path of the Dragon - Relationship Progress ver.
The Offering (First Meeting)
4 of Wands
We are likely to meet through a common interest or through mutual friends or a community we both belong to. It’s likely for us to click for the first sight due to common topics to talk about. Our first meeting is likely to leave a feeling of joy and harmony, like if we met a soulmate.
The Sacrifice (Dating)
10 of Pentacles
Dating is likely to be rich in events, experience and activities. We truly like to make the best out of the time spent together and we regret no expense. It’s likely for us to try new hobbies together, going to courses, lectures, workshops and evening classes in order to have fun together as much as improving our skills or discovering completely new ones.
The Fox (Kissing)
4 of Pentacles
We might become rather greedy kissers. It’s likely for us to attend this activity with overwhelming enthusiasm and thirst. It’s like there’s never enough, both of us wanting more. We both indulge in the physical sensations coming with the kissing.
The Punishment (Making Out)
King of Pentacles
Greedy kissing is likely to escalate into a make out session which is likely to involve a lot of physical contact - stroking, caressing, touching, pushing, pulling, pressing, pinching, squeezing, groping, tickling, biting, sucking and licking. It’s very likely for both of us to enjoy it so much that we intentionally drag it to last longer, building the lust and desire up steadily until it feels like we’re trapped in a furnace and ready to burn.
The Purifying Fire (First Night)
XIX The Sun
After the description of the make out session, it’s probably no surprise that the first night is going to burn like the sun. It’s likely for us to slip into it accidentally as the make out simply leads to it. Nine is a joyful and sensual lover without a doubt and the first night is likely to feel like an achievement and success. It’s likely to be a fun and cheerful experience with a lot of giggling on both sides. It’s a blissful moment and leads to an even stronger bond between us.
The Death (Sexual Chemistry)
Ace of Cups
The chemistry between us is abundantly flowing and overwhelming. We are nearly drowning in bliss and happiness when together. Through the course of the relationship we built an invisible but steel strong bond, nothing can come between us. It’s like we are constantly thirsty for each other. Only we can put each other's fire down and give each other a remedy for the perishing thirst.
The Dragon (Wedding)
Ace of Swords
If we decide to get married, there’s no force in this world to change our minds on it. It’s likely for us to discuss the matter in detail and be very sensible and realistic about it. It’s more likely to be a very private wedding with only the dearest people witnessing.
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Kleo + Nine
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: The Power of the Dragon (Dragon = Nine)
First Bite of the Dragon (How would he seduce you)
Page of Pentacles
Nine’s best chances to seduce me are through common activities and his genuine interest in them and me. I fall for no gifts nor fake sweet words. If he’s supporting me and motivating me to become a better person, that’s what makes me fall for him.
Hunger of the Dragon (His desire you would feed)
2 of Swords
I could become the brutally honest person to give him genuine and wise advice when he needs it, when he’s in doubt. I could become the lighthouse on his way to show him the true colours of things and help him to make important decisions.
Order of the Dragon (How would he wrap you around his finger)
V The Hierophant
He could easily wrap me around his finger by how many contradictions he impersonates. I’m usually no push over but whenever Nine would start to boss me around in his cute way, I would surrender completely to him. His ability to lead me and at the same time encourage me to seek my own freedom and become more daring would get me on my knees.
Shadow of the Dragon (In what way this relationship weakens him)
8 of Pentacles
Playing around with me might actually distract him from his professional endeavours. His work might start to suffer and he might make mistakes or lose focus.
Fire of the Dragon (In what way this relationship empowers him)
Ace of Cups
This relationship would give him the feeling of being truthfully and unconditionally loved and cherished. He would feel emotionally fulfilled and secure, all his fears dissolving in the sea of love and affection. He would become inspired by bliss and might actually take on more forms of art. Apart from writing lyrics and making music, he might actually start writing poems or draw or get interested in any other artistic way.
Whispering of the Dragon (Dragon's Relationship Advice)
VI The Lovers
The advice for this relationship is pretty clear - we should always be honest with each other and never try to hide anything. Only if there’s a complete trust in between us, we will feel as if we found our destined soulmate, the companion for life given to us by a sweet faith.
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Kleo + Nine
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Writer’s Wisdom
Pride & Prejudice (The way you empower each other)
9 of Wands
Nine and I encourage and support each other through life struggles. Whenever one of us feels like there is an opposition or that we are manipulated, the other will come and stand firmly by our side like a trusty rock. We make a very good team to handle everyday difficulties and to overcome hardships with determination and good spirit.
Sense & Sensibility (The way you balance each other)
Knight of Cups
We are perfectly balancing each other's needs for romance and joy in life. We instinctively know when the other needs to be swoon by romance or when they need to laugh freely. We make each other feel easy and relaxed, we know we can share any thoughts no matter how silly or dumb they might seem to others.
Persuasion (The way you fight with each other)
9 of Swords
As much as we get along well most of the time, there are moments when we fight, too. Our arguments are more likely to be based on assumptions and internal fabricated fears we have made up. All our quarrels are based on over-thinking and blowing tiny matters out of scale. We should learn to first ask and talk honestly before jumping to conclusions and creating non-existing problems.
Mansfield Park (The way you cherish each other)
4 of Wands
We truly cherish the quality time spent together, the relaxing and joyful moments when we can just stop rushing through the days and take a break to enjoy each other in the comfort of our home. It’s likely for us to actually give a lot of care and attention to our home, decorating, renovating, attending house plants and cooking together. Those would be our favourite activities.
Emma (The way you communicate)
5 of Swords
The way we talk with each other might seem rather violent and brutal for an outsider. It can even resemble an argument or fight. However, it’s only because we are so completely honest with each other that we never try to hide or sugar coat things. Others might find it intimidating but for us it’s only strengthening the trust we have.
Northanger Abbey (The way you fall in love with each other)
5 of Cups
We are likely to fall in love as it gives us peace and optimism. Sharing love helps us to overcome our internal fears and insecurities.
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amityamstrm · 7 days
Early Education at Amity International School: Building Strong Foundations in Holland 🇳🇱
Introduction to Amity International School
Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Amstelveen, Holland, Amity International School is a beacon of quality early education 🌟. Our institution prides itself on providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where young minds can flourish. With a commitment to fostering a love for learning from an early age, Amity International School ensures that every child is equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary for their future educational journey.
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Why Early Education Matters 🎓
Early education plays a pivotal role in a child's development. It is during these formative years that children develop crucial cognitive, social, and emotional skills. At Amity International School, we recognize the importance of these early years and offer a comprehensive early education program designed to support and enhance each child's growth.
Cognitive Development 🧠
Our curriculum is designed to stimulate young minds through a variety of engaging and interactive activities. From hands-on science experiments 🔬 to creative arts and crafts 🎨, our students are encouraged to explore and discover. These activities not only make learning fun but also help in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Social and Emotional Growth 😊
At Amity International School, we believe that social and emotional development is just as important as academic growth. Our educators are trained to create a warm and inclusive environment where children feel safe and valued. Through group activities, collaborative projects, and guided play, children learn to communicate, share, and work together, building essential social skills.
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Our Unique Approach 🌟
Amity International School stands out for its unique approach to early education. We combine traditional teaching methods with innovative techniques to provide a well-rounded education.
Multicultural Environment 🌍
Our school community is wonderfully diverse, with students from various cultural backgrounds. This multicultural environment enriches the learning experience, promoting understanding and respect for different cultures from a young age. Our curriculum includes global perspectives, helping children appreciate the world around them.
Play-Based Learning 🧸
We believe in the power of play as a vital component of early education. Our play-based learning approach allows children to learn through exploration and creativity. Whether it's through imaginative play in our well-equipped classrooms 🏫 or outdoor activities in our spacious playgrounds 🌳, children at Amity International School learn by doing.
Personalized Learning Paths 📚
Every child is unique, and our educators recognize and celebrate this individuality. We offer personalized learning paths tailored to each child's interests and abilities. By focusing on their strengths and addressing their needs, we ensure that every child reaches their full potential.
Facilities and Resources 🏫
Amity International School boasts state-of-the-art facilities designed to support our comprehensive early education program. Our classrooms are bright and spacious, equipped with modern educational tools and resources. We have dedicated spaces for art 🎨, music 🎶, and science 🔬, allowing children to explore different subjects in depth.
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Outdoor Learning 🌿
We understand the importance of outdoor play and learning. Our school grounds feature safe and stimulating outdoor areas where children can engage in physical activities and connect with nature. These experiences are essential for physical development and well-being.
Our Team 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
The heart of Amity International School is our dedicated team of educators. Our teachers are passionate about early education and bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the classroom. They are committed to creating a positive and engaging learning environment where every child can thrive.
Professional Development 📈
We invest in ongoing professional development for our staff, ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest educational practices and research. This commitment to excellence ensures that our students receive the highest quality education.
Join Us at Amity International School! ✨
Choosing the right school for your child's early education is a crucial decision. At Amity International School, we are committed to providing a nurturing and enriching environment where your child can develop a lifelong love for learning. We invite you to visit our school, meet our team, and see firsthand the exceptional education we offer.
Contact Us 📞
Ready to learn more about Amity International School and our early education program? Contact us today!
📞 Phone: +31 20 345 4444 📧 Email: [email protected] 🌐 Website: amityschool.nl 📍 Address: Amstelveen, Holland
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school community! 🌈
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