#c'mon I've got stuff planned
mysteryshoptls · 6 months
2024-2025 Player Birthday Login Message Lines
These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in on the birthday that you set in-game from 18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2025! For those that want to hear them, you can find them in the Archive, under the tab その他 → 監督生バースデー④. (This will not be in your game archives until the birthday you set passes.)
You can find the 2021-2022 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2022-2023 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2023-2024 Birthday Login Message Lines here!
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. Thanks for always looking out for those two dorm students of mine. Actually, we're planning on hosting a reception this weekend at our dorm. I would like to invite you, as part of your birthday celebration. Heh. My apologies. Looks like that has caused you a little anxiety. No worries, I'll be beside you teaching you the proper manners the whole time.
Yo, [Yuu]. Happy Birthday― Mmkay, so let's get started on the birthday party. I'm just gonna pop on over to this one restaurant in town and nab some tasty-lookin' stuff! Just chill and wait here at Ramshackle... Hey, c'mon, I ain't tryin' to pull anything over on ya. Sometimes I just want to have a normal celebration too, y'know!
[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Let me take you to go buy a prese... Eh? You're saying that I've already given you a present because I fixed the broken lights in Ramshackle the other day...? No way, you don't gotta hold back like that! I want to go all out for my pal's special day. That's what makes me happy.
[Yuu]-chan, Happy Birthday―☆ Did ya post on Magicam that it's your birthday? Oh, not yet? Then, let Cay-kun here with all his power and wisdom write a post for you! We'll attach a cool photo and some slammin' hashtags... Whaddya think? A perfect gift from me, or what?
Happy Birthday. So, about your present... I do have one. It's just... I was asking around for what to gift you and in the end, I couldn't really figure out what I should get... So in the end, after being at a loss, I ended up getting you this shirt. I look at it now and wonder what possessed me to pick this pattern... Yeah, I know, it's just laughable.
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Yeah, yeah. Your birthday's come 'round again, hooray. ...What're you doing, setting up a chessboard on the floor like that? You practiced just to win a game against me? Oho, so you're challenging me, then. Look at the pluck on this herbivore. So, what're you willing to bet, then? No way you're gettin' away with just a simple game after throwin' down the gauntlet at me like this.
So, it's your birthday today. Have you set up any new goals yet? What, you're going to surpass me in our classes? Heh, that's a hilarious joke. You really think you can beat me? But I'll take you on. If you get a better score on our next test, I'll get you some kind of present.
Happy Birthday―! 'N that means, I got you somethin' that's fittin' comin' from an upperclassman like me. Ta-da! A homemade fishing rod~ ...Ah, you totally just thought it's a cheap gift, didn'tcha! But this totally works! I know what it's like to go hungry too, y'know~ You're probably always goin' through things, so if you're ever in a pinch, make sure you use this!
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A very Happy Birthday to you. Have you thought of a gift you'd like to get for yourself? Please, allow me to procure it for you... ...Oho, you have a keen eye to request something of that caliber. It may be considerably difficult to just anyone to acquire. HOW-EV-ER! If I were to handle it, that is a different situation altogether. I shall definitely make sure to retrieve it for you. Please wait expectantly.
Happy tidings for your birthday. I do hope this year will be another fruitful year for you. By the way, [Yuu]-san. Have you eaten yet? Oh, not yet, how wonderful. As a matter of fact, I thought I would treat you to something in my own little way. I only offer this with the best of intentions, of course. Fufu.
Oh hey, Shrimpy-chan. It's your birthday today, huh. Mmkay, then I'll give you some snacks. I got these strange tastin' gummies, these wicked hard cookies, and some squishy jerky. Awesome, right? I got a ton, but all of them expire today, so. These are my presents to you, so you better eat them all without wastin' any, 'kay?
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[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Here's your present, from me to you. Ahaha, did that surprise you? I tried making a pop up birthday card just for you. I also tried making a ton of paper flowers that we use during celebrations back in the Scalding Sands. Don'tcha think they came out real pretty?
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. It isn't much, but here's your present. Ramshackle is a fairly old building. I'm sure there are bugs that will find their way in and try to settle down here. However, if you use this, you can rid yourself of all of them in an instant. I can vouch for its effectiveness. Use it as soon as you can.
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Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. ...You wish for me to come to your party here, at Ramshackle? And to top it all off, you've prepared a healthy menu just for me... Heh, how considerate of you. Very well. I suppose I can make an appearance out of respect for your enthusiasm. I do hope you're honored that I'll be there to celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday! I put in a lot of thought picking out a present for you. Here ya go, fingerless gloves! Nice design, right? Makes using your phone a lot easier, too. It'll make you look super cool, and the more you use it, the more comfy it'll feel. I hope you use it tons!
I've been waiting, Trickster. Waiting, that is, to celebrate your birthday with you. A spectacular day requires a spectacular memory. That is why I've come up with a wonderful plan of my own. First, we watch two back-to-back theater performances, then attend a poetry reading, and finally, watch a movie in the evening. There will be no time to rest. Come, we must quickly fly towards the theater!
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Kk, time to pretend we all get along and celebrate a birthday again... Eep!? D-Did you hear that just now...? Uh, so... Happy B-day, I guess... Soz, I don't have a present for you. Didn't even know it was your birthday... What, you're seriously just happy hearing me wish you a happy b-day? [siiigh] Nah, I'll order something small online and have it shipped to Ramshackle sometime later.
Happy Birthday! Here's your present. Go ahead and open it! Hehe, you see what I did? I used a laser to engrave a birthday message on a glass tumbler for you. It was a little difficult fine tuning the power adjustment for the more detailed parts, but it came out pretty good, don't you think? I really hope you like it!
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Child of Man, I see today is your birthday. ...Hm? What's the matter? You look a tad glum. Ah, I see, you are struggling to carry all your presents. Well, allow me to deliver them to Ramshackle with magic in your stead. No need to protest, this is an effortless task for someone like me. You should enjoy your special day to the utmost.
Happy Birthday. You're curious about this braided cord? It is your present. Lilia-senpai explained it to me thusly... If a string wrapped around your wrist or ankle snaps off on its own, then your wish will be granted. I strung this cord together in hopes that you may have your wishes come true. It may be a tad ill-shaped, but if it pleases you, it is yours.
As I recall, today is your birthday... Hm? You want me to come to your birthday party? What poor semblance of a joke. I don't have the spare time to waltz into some human gathering like... WHAT!? MY LIEGE HIMSELF WILL ALSO BE THERE!? THEN SAY THAT FIRST! For goodness' sake, humans like you are just... so thoroughly thoughtless. Hurry and provide me the location and commencement time!
Ooh, nice. So today's your birthday. Just look at how big you're getting. ...Khee hee hee. Don't look so downtrodden. It's just me pretending to be a doting gramps. The other guys in my dorm don't ever let me joke with them like that. And so, I have a present for you. Here, a CD of my performances, specially made! Take this and enjoy my raging screamo music with your whole heart and body.
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Crowley and Rollo do not have new lines. Theirs are repeated from last year's.
Today's your birthday, huh. Happy Birthday to you! ...Huh? Do I got a gift for ya? What're ya even saying? Shouldn't ya be happy enough that you're my number one favorite henchie? Fiiine. Guess I can use my paws to pad you a massage sometime. Wouldn't want to hafta sit in a hard and uncomfy lap, after all!
Ta-daaa! What do you suppose this could be? That’s correct, it’s an exchange coupon for use at the Mystery Shop! You have been a consistent helping hand, so… This is a special gift for you. Happy Birthday. Incidentally, that is only worth 500 madol (5 Thaumarks). It cannot be exchanged for something pricier than that. Please don’t hold it against me.
It seemed rather rowdy in here, but now I see it was just you, pup. Are you excited simply because its your birthday? I see, well, in that case, I have a special present just for you. As for what it is... It is a special alchemy homework assignment. You should be happy; you'll be able to improve your skills even further with this, don't you think? Haha, Happy Birthday.
Whatever is the matter, [Yuu]-kun? There is a strange glimmer in your eyes… ...Ah, I see. Today is your birthday. A present? Hmph. I hardly think that it should be something you request of others… But no matter. Indeed, birthdays should be treasured. However, what would be an acceptable gift…? I am afraid I’m rather unaccustomed to this. I would hope I do not disappoint you with a poor gift choice.
Oh, my, hello there, my learned scholar! I've been searching, and finally, I've found you! I was fervently hoping to wish you well for your birthday. Here, your present. ...As fellows lacking in magical abilities, we should get along together, don'tcha think? Happy Birthday! Fwahaha!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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thewritersofdeceased · 3 months
HELLOO!! Soooo I so love your Tbp content!! And This is my first time ever requesting anything, and I'm so excited for tbp 2 anyways enough of my rambling :>>
Can you please make a Vance x Reader, like for example Vance is like very into Reader but reader is terrified of him bc of his reputation and all yk? If that makes sense lol
Hey, hey! No worries about the rambling I love it! This was a blast to write!! (please anyone request more Vance stuff I love writing him so much)
Gender neutral pronouns ! 
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Vance was in love.
That’s right. For once in his life, Vance Hopper was in love. It felt weird. He saw how this sort of stuff affected his parents, but he hoped this wouldn’t end up the same. His parents were a terrible duo. At least his father was. He worked with the law, and he was usually the one to show up and drag the blonde into the station. He always got annoyed. Not like Vance cared what his father thought. Let alone how many times he got dragged to the station.
No. Vance cared about what someone by the name of Y/N thought about him. That's who he was in love with. But Vance was a violent kid, a kid with a hot-temper and a couple records in the cops record book. The amount of fights he got into and the amount of times he got arrested because of them. Or the threat of charges. Now that was hell when ever a parent of a kid would threaten him with charges, let alone when it was Moose. He hated Moose. Moose was a bully, everyone knew this. Though he despised the man whenever he would go after Y/N. The amount of times those two fought and got sent to the principles office was crazy.
Way too many times could Vance recall that. But here he stood again, leaning against his locker and standing beside a couple boys. They were younger than him, he could see that. Vance was around fourteen, the oldest of the group. He was the one about to go to highschool whilst the others entered their separate grades. That was fine with him. The boys would still have connections to him, they didn't live that far and the middle school wasn't a far walk. So if any of them got hurt or in a fight, Vance could run to the middle school and help 'em. Until Billy finally hit his own Freshmen year. Griffin was the youngest, so of course it would take a bit of time for him to reach High-School.
But what if y/n and him went to different high schools? What if y/n's parents decided to leave Denver and go somewher else? A soft sigh escaped Vance as a voice to his right rang out. "C'mon, Vance. You have to talk to them sooner or later." The voice to the right of him was Bruce Yamada, the second oldest of the group. "Right. They're scared of me, dumbass." Vance commented, rolling his eyes as he leaned his head against the locker. It only stiffed a laugh out of Bruce, who raised his brow and gently nudged Vance's shoulder. Bruce knew why people were weary of the group, and it was all because of Vance's reputation. But he wasn't the one to speak up next, no. Griffin did. Even if the boy hardly spoke, being selective Mute. "It's your reputation, Vance." The youngest boy thought of the blonde like an older brother.
Which, Vance didn't mind. He would protect the youngest kid with his life. He'd protect any of these kids with his life, even if he died. Well, he didn't want to die, that was for sure. A sigh escaped him as his arms crossed. "Well, then I've gotta pick up my act, ain't I? If I want a chance with them?" This surprised the younger and second oldest. "You really plan on changing your ways, Vance?" Bruce asked as he stared at the blonde with messy hair. It'd be a challenge for the fighter. He knew that for sure. But he needed to change if he'd have a chance with Y/N. A low sigh escaped Vance as he crossed his arms and hummed. "I have to. I like 'em, you all know this." He reminded, trying to keep himself calm as he watched y/n interact with their friends.
This may take a while, but if he wanted to talk to them? He had to do it. He had to stop getting into fights, as bad as that would be. Specifically when it came to Moose. Or Buzz and Matt, and even Matty. He was a fighter, but he'd stop for his crush. Lower his reputation one way or another.
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uvuyai · 7 months
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© uvuyai 2024
ძᥲᥡ 2 ~ һᥙmіᥣіᥲ𝗍і᥆ᥒ + 𝗍ᥡіᥒg ᥙ⍴ [EVENT]
Yandere! Blade x FEM! Reader
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–genre. Smut, nsfw
–tw. Blood, skin carving, humiliation, skin writing, non-con, creampie, sadist!blade, spanking, porn with plot(maybe), size difference, stomach bulge, choking, overstimulation, possessive behaviors, blade is called ren, mentions of the hard R in the beginning, neglect, degradation, reader is blades reincarnated lover, prone bone, MINORS DNI, non consensual touching, nipple play, SW and Kafka is helping blade, headlocking, dub-con, blood,
–synopsis. You've been kidnapped by the swordsman of the Stellaron Hunters and brought to their headquarters. It's Valentine's Day and he planned something special.
Mari/yai's message – just know i was very uncomfortable with writing this. I've been drawing lately so it's been a while.
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You were tied up in the basement of the Stellaron Hunters headquarters. You were just walking down the streets of luofu till you were grabbed into an alleyway and a cloth covering your mouth and then you inhaled chloroform, passing out into the person's(or thing) arm. When your captor brought you back to where they lived, they introduced themselves as Blade but he told you to call him ren.
Blade. As in the wanted criminal and part of the Stellaron Hunters?
After a while he got tired of your useless attempts at escaping (mostly snitched on by Kafka or Silverwolf by telling blade you escaped.), and then forcefully forced himself onto you. After that he left you.
He would come back occasionally if Kafka told him so if he didn't want you to die. He would bring you clothes and food to keep you alive and helped you take care of your hygiene. You didn't eat in front of him and just pretend to be asleep most of the time in the corner of the mattress.
You tried talking to him but couldn't since your stuttering held you back and you couldn't make eye contact with him since he fiery red eyes would stare into your soul, stunning it immediately.
He brought you stuff like a note book to draw or use it as a diary. Since you barely could get your words out, you wrote ‘Why did you kidnap me?’ on a page. He only muttered the word “Lover” and left it at that.
Well today was Valentine's day as you'd know by the calendar beside your bed. You still didn't love him or let yourself develop Stockholm Syndrome. If you could tell, he hated it.
You behaved well for the days, months, or even years he captured you. He let you out of your ropes and lets you walk around the basement. Various furniture was added like a desk that faced a window(that was very hard to break), a bed set, and a built in shower.
Silver Wolf gave the glory to Blade that he can have one of her old games but he decided to give it to you so you wouldn't be as bored when he went.
Kafka came down and called out for you. You raised your head from your pillow and looked at her with sleepy doe eyes. “C'mon dearie, Blade will be home soon and he has something planned for you.” she grabbed your forearm and dragged you to the bathroom and ran you a bath as if you were her child. She helped you shave your legs(and everywhere else including pubic) and did your hair into something simple. She gave you pink Valentine's Day themed lingerie undergarments to put underneath the white lace night gown.
You wished you knew why Blade suggested Kafka to give you this. The clothes fit you nicely. Your mind was all over the place as you thought about how Blade got the correct measurements of your bra and panties.
Kafka led you out of the bathroom and back to your bed and went back up stairs and came back down with a low black gift box. She skied the top off the box to reveal red ribbons. The box was branded so it must've been from a sex store or somewhere that was expensive. You thought it was for your hair otherwise it's weird to come in a box like that.
Kafka placed her hands behind her back and closed her eyes and let out a pitiful sigh. “I'm sorry, dear.” Before you could turn around something rough and hard hit the back of your head. It put you to sleep on impact.
She dragged your body to your bed and threw you on your bed, grabbing the ribbon and tied it tightly around your legs and wrist. The extras went around your waist and torso. You were truly a beautiful doll. She wrapped soft cloth around your mouth and eyes. Just breathe through
She left the room and as if on cue, Blade stepped through the door. In his deep voice, he spoke. “Did you do what I asked?” Kafka nodded her head and gave off her signature smile. “I did but I had to neutralize her because she was struggling too much for my comfort.” she was obviously lying. He could obviously tell too.
He stepped his way to the basement where you were. He heard distant whimpering and sobs which were coming from you. He reached you and noticed your squirming. Your breath hitched as you heard boots stepping your way. The ribbons were hurting way too much to even ignore for a bit.
“Hey waterlily, It's really disappointing how you didn't behave for her.” he breathed. “You should be punished for that. I see she did most of the work.” you heard something slam on the nightstand next to your bed.
He hooked his finger underneath the blindfold to reveal your doe stricken eyes.
His lips lifted into a smirk while he trailed his bandaged fingers from your face to your collarbone. He noticed your squirming got more vapid. You shook your head as you didn't want him to continue.
His hand ripped the strap that was holding the gown, revealing your covered breast. Your face felt as if it was burning from embarrassment. He pushed you onto your back and got on top of you. Your muffled protests became unheard as he grabbed scissors and cut the straps from your bra, removing it, and revealing your tits.
“You look like a slut... Begging for someone's attention.” he laughed. “That someone's attention you want is me.” he dug into his pants pocket and pulled out a knife and a permanent marker.
He slid the knife down your torso, the force was enough for it to draw blood. He leaned down and lapped at the blood while maintaining eye contact with you. Tears ran down your face and dried ones were replaced.
He fully discarded your dress and panties and threw them somewhere on the bed or ground. He used his gloved hand to finger you. Your slick immediately gathering on his hand. “Has all this fear got to you? I would've mistaken you for being a masochist, y'know.”
He unbuckled his pants and slid down his boxers that revealed his large, thick throbbing dick. It was flushed red at the tip and a white bead of precum was drooling from the slit. He thrusted two fingers into your cunt. He wanted to prep you since it's been a while since he had done anything with you. The stimulation was overwhelming. You desperately tried to kick him away but he grabbed your waist and replaced his finger with his dick rubbing against your pussy. Your juices covered the downside of his dick.
He leaned back to position his dick between your pussy lips. He thrusted up into your pussy, hitting your spongy spot on impact. A little blood covered his dick as well. A bulge would pop up with each thrust of his hips. Your scream was muffled and you leaned your head back on the pillow. You were biting at the cloth that was covering your mouth. It was covered in your saliva as well.
Blade hooked a finger underneath the cloth and pulled it down. Your breathing was harsh in a way that if it was cold, air would come from your mouth. As his thrusts started to pick up and your juices webbed his whole dick, he picked the knife back up and started to engrave a letter below your tits. The letter was his initial, the letter ‘B’. The icy hot pain was all over your body(it wasn't but it felt like it but mainly between your thighs), Blade licked the blood up, enjoying the metallic iron taste from it. His dick landed painful hits to your cervix, making you grimace at the feeling.
During that, yelps, whines, and moans were heard through the basement. If you were loud enough, Kafka and Silver Wolf would hear.
His thrust got more erratic. His thrusts were sure that by the time he finished your pussy would be gapping open and molded into the shape of his cock. You tried to cover your moans by turning your head to the side and trying to muffle them as much as possible. Blade was quick to grab your face, squishing your cheeks together as he got up in your face while looking at your unfocused eyes filled with tears. He trailed his eyes down back to where he drew the letter below your tits.
He slowly itched a small cross(which was a plus sign,) and after a while, he carved your first name initials after. It looked like those cheesy trends where it shows what initials are meant to be for example; B + Y. He did all of this while keeping his thrusts while you squirted your juices onto his lower abdomen and cock. He grabbed the permanent marker and drew a small heart around the heart.
He grabbed you by the shoulders and squished you against his chest. He rocked his hips back and forth and wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you steady. “You are such a slut. Nothing but my cum dump.” The cold permanent marker touched your skin, sending shivers down your spine and to your core. He wrote a few words like “CUMDUMP”, ”SLUT”, and “Blades/ren's property” on your back. He placed a few humiliating words on your collarbone so anyone could see it and also remind him what you are to him.
You pussy clenched around his dick, signaling your. “You wanna cum, yeah? Then cum. Cum for me.” he said between grunts. Your string of moans and mewls of being overstimulated, he released his cum inside you. Your stomach was slightly bloated and thick, sticky cum leaked out of your cunt and onto the bedsheets(it had little bubbles in them and stuck together like a spider web).
Blade was quick to flip you onto your stomach with your ass in the air. He grabbed the knife and released your wrist from the ropes binding them together. Your wrists were finally able to breathe. His rough hands grab at your wrist, pulling them to make you arch your back further.
He angled his cock back at your entrance, pushing his hips forward and his cum and your juices acting together as a secondary lube. The movement of his hips grew faster as time passed.
He leaned down to where his chest was touching your back. He resumed his torcher and thrust into you so hard he could break into your cervix and split you apart. His hand snaked up to your neck, squeezing it slightly so it wasn't hard enough to stop your breath. He used it to angle your head so he could kiss you. You moaned into his mouth and drooled all over his tongue.
His thrust started to get sloppy and he felt your breath get harsher from you breathing through your mouth. He wrapped both of his thick bulging arms around your neck, placing you in a loose headlock. A hand slipped down and tugged at your nipple. You released the kiss as you tried to get your breath back by sticking your tongue out. He placed a loud smack on your ass which made you come on his dick, stunning you.
He came inside you for the second time. You don't know how long he'll be doing this for as you feel his dick hardened inside you.
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dotster001 · 9 months
How they Get You under the Mistletoe, Part Two
Summary: Staff and Non NRC students x gn! Reader
Part One
CW:It's in my pinned post, and I've mentioned this in a couple posts, but if this is the first of my stuff you've read, I view NRC as an actual college, so reader here is 18+. If it makes you more comfy, imagine it as grad school age. Also, use of alcohol in Crewel's part.
Dire Crowley
Rage Bait
The ghosts thought they were helping. They had decorated Ramshackle, and you were having a holiday party before your friends left for winter break. But they'd also put up mistletoe. And every time you tried to take it down, they'd float up and move it farther out of reach.
“Surely there's a special someone who'll be here tonight,” one of them said with a giggle.
“We just don't want you to regret not making a move, when you're our ages,” another one said with paternal softness.
You grumbled and stormed back over to the party, which was quickly getting out of hand. The later it got, more people showed up, and now there were more strangers than friends in your living space. And as though that wasn't bad enough-
You groaned when you heard the headmage’s voice. You turned around from the broken glass you were sweeping up, and sighed.
“What can I do for you, headmage?”
“I consider myself very generous, and can overlook a simple celebration, but this is out of hand.”
“Yah think?” You shouted, gesturing at the fight that had just broken out in the corner.
“How do you plan to shut it down?”
“I'm working on it!” You snapped, walking away with a dustpan full of glass, ready to sweep up the newest disaster.
“I have an idea,” he said, half a step behind you, not missing a single beat, despite the crowd doing its darndest to separate you.
“What is it?” You said, only half listening as you set down the dustpan.
He grabbed your arm, yanking you to the side.
“Kiss me,” he said with a wicked grin.
“What the fuck!”
He smirked even deeper, pointing up. And there was the mistletoe from earlier….but you could have sworn it was over there….
You made eye contact with one of the ghosts who winked at you.
“H-how is that gonna help?” You stuttered.
“Surely, your peers would find it unsettling to see the Headmage kissing his lover.”
“Lover?” You rolled your eyes. “You're not my lover-”
“But you'd like me to be,” his eyes twinkled.
“You don't even give me enough money to reward Grim when he actually passes a test.”
“Doesn't matter. I'm a handsome man. You can't say you're resistant to my charms.”
You pulled out of his grip and snapped.
“Oh please! If I was going to go for any of the staff, I'd go for Crewel!”
“Really?” His eyes narrowed. “Perhaps you're too scared to kiss me.”
“You're worried that if you kiss me, you'll be forced to accept your feelings.”
“Shut up!”
“I'm a very generous lover-”
You slammed your lips against his, angrily. He kissed back with just as much force, his hands twining in your hair. The anger turned quickly to passion, and you were soon overwhelmed by the feelings inside you, shoving him away from you as you pressed your hands to your open mouth in shock.
He smirked, and you realized no one was in your dorm, except Ace, who was staring in complete disgust.
Divus Crewel
Double dog dare you
Vargas and Sam were both drinking with Crewel at the staff holiday party. It was meant to be a calm relaxed evening. But you'd shown up to interrogate the Headmage about something, and now Sam and Ashton were acting like fools.
“C'mon, man up!”
“We know you want to.”
“Gentlemen, please, let's be professional,” Divus grumbled as he threw back his glass.
“They aren't in your class anymore!”
“And my friends say that they are head over heels for you.”
“C'mon man up!”
“If you say man up one more time!” Divus scowled.
“If you don't, he will,” Sam snickered, pointing at Crowley, who did, indeed, seem to be trying to huddle you over to the mistletoe that someone had decided to put up for some reason. Though, the longer Crowley was shifting you, the clearer it became that this was a malicious plot.
“I dare you to swoop them up from under his wing, and give them a kiss they'll never forget,” Vargas said childishly.
Divus looked over at you, snatched Sam's drink, chugged it down, then stormed over to the both of you, buoyed on by the cheers of his friends.
“Scuse me Headmage,” he slurred, yanking you to him and kissing you sloppily.
When he woke up the next morning with a killer hangover, he would have thought it was all a dream. Until he saw you sleeping in a chair by his bed, holding a bucket full of vomit.
Mozus Trein
The Parent Trap
He'd invited you to the holiday party at his estate in the country. He thought it would be a low key way to introduce you to his daughters. If you got overwhelmed, you could blend into the crowd, or hide in his guest room upstairs, and no one would even notice you'd slipped away.
His daughters were a little too excited that he was dating again.
“Papa, you gotta!”
“It would be so romantic!”
The good news was, they liked you. Unfortunately (fortunately?) they might have been a little too excited.
“I'm not going to pull them away from the party, just to kiss them under a leaf,” he said with a glare.
“Don't worry, you don't have to pull them away!” Ania said with a smile, pulling out her magic pen. Unfortunately (fortunately?) Ania was incredibly gifted with flora magic. Materializing mistletoe above the two of you would be simple.
“I absolutely forbid it,” he hissed.
“Y/N! Over here please!” Darleen called to you. You politely excused yourself from the conversation you were having, and walked over to the group, eying his children nervously. Your gut instincts were definitely right.
“You don't have to-” Ania covered Trein’s mouth with her hand, giggling excitedly.
“What's going on?” You asked, eying him in concern.
“Just stand right there!” Darleen said, both daughters taking three steps back, before Ania quickly muttered a spell. You looked up and saw the mistletoe, your eyes widening. You looked over to his daughters, but they were already running away, hiding in the crowd.
You looked at Trein, feeling your cheeks warm as he stared at you with an empty expression on his face.
“We don't have to-”
He said, gently taking your hand in his, caressing the back with his thumb.
“I would be a fool not to accept this gift,” he said, sounding bitter, but there was light in his eyes. You smiled softly, and he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
Ashton Vargas
Decoration Team
He'd somehow tricked you into decorating the employee lounge with him. You always thought he was more brawn than brains, but this wasn't the first time he'd tricked you into manual labor, so maybe you were the dumb one.
“Hah! Good work!” He slapped your back affectionately, and you stumbled into the table you were decorating, causing a couple of the tchotchkes you'd just placed to tumble forward. You frowned, and sighed, but he laughed again.
“Forget the table. I need you for something,” he snatched your wrist, dragging you to a corner of the room. Then, with absolutely no warning, he picked you up, and placed you on his shoulders. You gripped his head, absolutely terrified that you'd tumble.
“Don't worry. I got you. That's why I built up these muscles!” He momentarily let go of your left thigh to flex. This did not ease your panic.
He reached into his pocket and handed you something.
“Hang that on the ceiling right above ya! Let me know when you're finished.”
You stared at the mistletoe, and sighed. The sooner you put it up, the sooner he'd put you down.
“So, uh, is this a popular decoration for a staff party?” You asked, trying to ease your anxiety through conversation.
“Nah? Done, by the way.”
He gently let you down from his shoulders, then turned you to face him.
“This won't get much use at the party. This decoration is for my….personal…enjoyment,” he purred as he took your chin in his hand.
*Gasp* you tripped!
Sam's shop always had weird things. But definitely the weirdest thing it had at the moment was the out of control mistletoe bush. A student had bought it, tried to cast a spell on it, then promptly returned it when he realized it was growing beyond his control. Normally, Sam had a strict no return policy. But he'd stared at it for moment, then agreed to the return.
It was the end of the night, and he was finally getting around to fixing it. He was simply staring at it, trying to puzzle out how to clean it up. You were staying far away. Partially because the monstrosity the mistletoe had become was horrifying beyond the realms of imagination, but also because….
You know…
Not that Sam wasn't unbelievably attractive. It just would be awkward if you both ended up near it. And Sam was a professional. He'd probably just laugh lightly and send you on your way. But still…it would be awkward.
“Sam,” you said, but he was so engrossed, he didn't hear you.
“Sam, I'm gonna clock out-” you had taken a step forward, but tripped over what felt like an outstretched leg, right into his arms.
“Ah! Are you alright, my little imp?” His voice sounded concerned, but the expression on his face didn't quite match.
“Y-yeah,” you said, trying to pretend you didn't notice just where you both were standing. He looked you up and down, rubbing your arms, as though looking for any injuries.
“You're certain?”
The mistletoe creature thing wrapped around the two of you, and you stiffened as you were pushed closer together. You tried to keep your mind off of the muscle you were feeling under his clothes.
“I know how to fix this. But should I?”
“Huh?” You gasped, mildly horrified about the implications.
“I can get out of this easily, but I could leave you as a sacrifice to the mistletoe.”
He snickered. “Or we can make a deal.”
Uh oh. You've seen him do this to other people, but never to you….
“Sam, you write my paycheck. You know I don't have any money to give you.”
“I don't want money. But you do have something I want,” he leaned in so that your noses were pressing together. “I'd like your heart. Think that's a deal you can make?”
Neige le Blanche
Marketing Campaign
After the SDC, Neige had pushed to get his manager to take you on. And now you were a notable up and comer, doing projects with Neige.
This campaign was for a cologne. It was winter themed, with hints of cinnamon and cloves, and Neige was to be the figurehead of the campaign. But he'd been insistent that you be his partner in this ad. You hadn't tested the product, you hadn't received a script or any information, other than the fancy outfit you'd been given for the photo.
Your manager was quickly giving you the rundown as hair and makeup worked on you, and you were just kind of nodding along, until,
“Wait, say that again?”
“You're going to be kissing his neck while you stand under the mistletoe?” Your manager said.
You stiffened, earning a scolding from your makeup guy for wrinkling your forehead.
“I know it's a big jump for his image, but your face will be at an angle, so you might not be associated with the image cha-”
“Does Neige know about this?” You asked, your voice squeaking a little.
“Yes. Of course he knows,” you manager rolled her eyes, before continuing with the brief.
Your manager continued briefing you, but you felt light headed and couldn't focus on her words.
Now that you were on the photo set, you stood stiffly waiting for the photographer to pose you.
“Sorry, Y/N, I meant to tell you about the shift in my image, but I forgot.”
Would it be unprofessional to say that it wasn't the image shift that had you tense?
“Don't worry about it, Neige,” you tried to laugh it off, but quickly you were being positioned for the photo, Neige tilting his head back, fully exposing his neck, where it was implied that he had used the cologne from the campaign.
You were positioned with your lips pressed to his neck. You really doubted you even needed makeup for this shot, your face was barely visible, but whatever.
“I'm really sorry, Y/N,” he whispered, barely moving his lips as the camera whirred.
“Don't worry about it,” you whispered into his neck.
“Alright, slowly kiss up his neck, then you're gonna grab his hair and kiss him. Slowly. We want to do this in one take,” the photographer said. You felt your cheeks grow warm, and you made eye contact with Neige, whose cheeks were slightly pink.
“Sorry,” he breathed hoarsely.
“It's fine,” you whispered, following instructions, slowly, and kissing him, the taste of apples invading your mouth.
“Got it!” The photographer shouted, and you both separated quickly.
The photographer grinned at the photos on his camera, then raised that smile to you, giving you a wink.
“You were right, Neige, they were perfect for this one!”
You turned to Neige, your eyes wide, and you noticed he was heavily avoiding eye contact, his face bright red.
Rollo Flamme
Purity check
Can you tell from how I write him that I have religious trauma? 😂
Now that you'd been studying at NBC for a semester-long exchange program, you realized how close you'd grown to him. But still, sometimes you felt like you needed him to back off. You weren't a child, you could do what you wanted. Including-
“It's none of your business if I made out with someone!”
“There are rules to be followed on this campus. I don't know how they did things at NRC, but we have standards here.”
“Look! I didn't make out with anyone! And if I did, I don't need to tell you about it!”
You both glared at each other. He broke first.
“Come,” he said, grabbing your arm, and pulling you to the corner of the room where the mistletoe hung. He shot a glare at the couple that was using it, and they ran.
Come to think of it….this whole party was illegal. Why was he zeroing in on you? How was that fair?
“Kiss me,” he demanded.
“What!” You shouted, and his glare deepened.
“If you're worried about appearances, we are under the mistletoe, so it would be socially acceptable.”
“That's not-”
“Kiss me, and prove that you haven't been illegally kissing someone while at an illegal party,” he looked so fucking smug. Like he knew he'd won.
“How is that going to prove-”
“I'll taste someone on you. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.”
“Everyone here is kissing people-”
“You're here to purify you from those mage’s poison-”
“You're insufferable!”
“Please just kiss him!” You'd forgotten the vice president was with him, too caught up in the anger you were filled with. “If you just do it, we can all go home! Please!”
You both glared at each other, then you sighed, and kissed him. When you pulled away, he pursed his lips, eying you up and down, his cheeks dusted in pink.
“Return to your dorm within the hour, and you won't receive detention.”
And then he waltzed out as though nothing happened.
…I'm praying for your soul….
You stiffened. You knew that laughter. He was here. You'd locked every door and window, just in case. You'd told him you were spending a quiet night in, when he'd stolen Ace's phone to text you. And you intended it to stay that way.
But that voice was nearby…
You grabbed a throw pillow from the sofa, preparing for the moment he would appear.
You felt something smack you in the face. You looked at the thing that hit you, that had fallen to your feet. You picked it up, rolling it around in your hands, before your eyes widened.
“Wait…” you whispered, the implications of the mistletoe in your hands finally hitting.
The mistletoe was yanked from your hands, by an invisible monster. It reappeared above you, then a mouth was on yours. He tastes like stolen strawberries, and one too many desserts. The lips left yours, and you felt him disappear again. Then his tail appeared, wrapping around you, as you felt him set his chin on your shoulder, a purr making your heart rate calm.
“Mmm you're delicious. Glad I stole that little toy from Riddle,” he giggled.
“He doesn't know you're here, right?” You whispered.
“Hee hee,” he vanished with that giggle, as you heard.
“Y/N L/N! Relinquish the thief!”
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll @stygianoir @lucifer5lucy
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Ok so I guess this is a weird question, but what do you think about wally and dick being in a relationship? would it be healthy? would it last long? all those types of questions. I've been getting into dc recently, and I've been starting to realize alot of people ship those two, admittedly I can see why, I'm starting to like them too. Pretty sure I saw someone call them every Dick Grayson/Wally West stan "required phase", it would be a life if I said I didn't snort at that. But I've been curious if they would even work out, with their plans for their lives being so different, clashing with each other
In fact I think that if Dick and Wally ever got into a canonical relationship, they would never ever break up which would be a massive problem for DC because DC needs their IT boy Dick Grayson to be shipped with as many people as possible. lol.
No but really the reason they're so great together is because Wally really, really cares about Dick's mental health. He's canonically made it his mission to make sure Dick is happy and safe and he loves his best friend so much. Dick has grown up with wally since they were tiny kids and he knows every detail of Wally's life and loves him. The Flash Plus comic is just the two of them being best buddies.
So considering the amount of love and care Wally and Dick have for each other. In Titans (2016) Wally literally writes a love letter to Dick. (they call it a friendship letter but c'mon who're they tryna fool.)
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Titans (2016) Issue #15
Do you know what Wally does? He literally turns back time in order to prevent Dick from dying. Wally is retiring because he has a heart condition. He can't run. He can't be the flash anymore.
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Titans (2016) Issue #15
For Dick he killed himself.
I genuinely don't think it's possible for Dick to have a healthier relationship with anyone than he does with Wally. They're like cotton candy, white snow, salsa mix love. The purest, softest, fluffiest romance with a whirlpool of fun and excitement.
Something Wally mourns a lot in the comics is his loss of contact with Dick.
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The Flash (1987) Issue #210
The reason they don't talk as much is because Wally is busy with Linda and Dick can't just third wheel a marriage. I mean he sort of already does but anymore than now and he would be living with them. Permanently.
I think the only issue they would have is the different cities. Neither of them would be willing to move because Wally loves Central City and Dick loves Bludhaven. However they would still be able to maintain a long distance relationship easily because even as friends they go on annual vacations, just the two of them, simply to hang out with each other. Also the occasional drop ins.
As soon as Wally heard Dick and Barbara broke up-
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #88
The only time Dick and Wally have fought is when Dick is refusing self-care and Wally is so mad at him for neglecting his mental health. But even then it's more of a - fine. I'm leaving you alone for now until you get your stuff together. I know you can do it. - type thing. They would definitely work out despite the separate cities thing because Wally has unconditional trust and love for Dick and Dick loves Wally .just as much.
Besides, living in two cities is no problem for a speedster
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #15
They're the classic childhood friends to lovers trope without all the backstabbing and betrayal stuff you see in movies. It doesn't matter if people even ship them or not at this point because if you asked them they would probably just marry each other and call it "bromance."
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nerdygoth77 · 3 months
Some of my favorite Porter Gage lines!
“Keep your irradiated ASS away from me” 
“Piss me off and I’ll still kick your ass from here to the Atlantic.” 
“Sure was fun! Huh Boss?” 
“I ain’t got the brains for mazes” 
“How's it go? “This town ain't big enough for you and me?” Awh nevermind :(“ 
“Ain't no way people paid for this shit, I refuse to believe it.” 
“Who the hell's idea of fun was this shit?”
“Ever feel the tiniest bit hurt that the institute hasn’t tried to replace you with a synth? I mean c’mon! I’m important. I-I’m worth replacing......” 
“Think about it…. If beer is still good after two hundred years.. Is it really something worth drinking?” 
“Personally, wouldn’t ever trust anyone to knock me out with gas or whatever, even if they claimed they were going to help.” 
“Can you imagine… having so much extra shit you’d need someplace to store it all” 
“Not paying ATTENTION-” (I fuck up a lot and trigger traps LOL)
“Not a big fan of being underground, so the sooner we wrap this up the better.” 
“Once upon a time, I suppose folks had nothing better to do than sit around outside”
“Greeaaat, because I ain’t seen enough trees and grass.” 
“Like I hadn’t already seen enough glowing shit to last a lifetime.” 
“Believe it or not, this is more civilized than some places i've lived”
"One of these bugs ever takes me down you tell people I died from trippin’ over my gun, fallin’ off a cliff, anything! It would be less embarrassing.” 
“Places like this….Makes me realize life was mostly shit before the bombs fell” 
“God…. Being in here is soul sucking.” 
“I hope you know where you’re going, I forgot my map.” 
“Least we ain't gotta worry about being hit by a train…..Right?”
“No question that shit was made to last…Maybe the wrong shit but still.”
“Me? I like night time. Something about it just feels right.” 
“You’re a real stunner, ya know that?”
“Are you shittin’ me” 
“Ever seen a dust angel? Bettin’ I could make one.” 
“Shiiiiitt I hate getting weeettt” 
“I’ve got a strong stomach, but ewwugh.” 
“You’re my kind of crazy boss.” 
“Boy do I love watching you work.” 
“Anyone ever tell you….your ass looks great in that vault suit.” 
“Don’t know about you, but I can’t see in the dark.” 
“You’ll always be the overboss of my heart- Hehehehe I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t keep a straight face.”
“Don't mind me, just throwing up a bit in my mouth here.” 
“Damn, I hate insects. Like I needed something else to wipe off my fucking shoes” 
Everything. Just everything he says is wonderful. His voice is so fucking sexy.
"I'm not that big of a dick"
"Bullshit. Without me I'd be scraping your guts off the floor"
"Before you start pissing all over the plan, why don't you take a minute to hear me out."
"You ready to listen?"
"You're one ruthless son of a bitch aren't ya?"
"Awwwhh C'mon :("
"Just give this a chance, you might even have a little fun."
"Tell yuh whut."
"Everything all peachy with our friendly neighborhood psychopaths?"
"Welcome home, boss."
"I knew you had it in you."
"Next, the fun stuff."
"You look like shit."
He refers to getting high as "Getting blitz." LOL
"Well that oughta make things more interesting"
"hehehe OOPS."
"The fun we can have in this thing!"
"That one have pictures in it?"
"I like a good haul as much as the next guy-"
"You sure you got everything? There's a few more rocks you haven't picked up."
"I never had the hands for that kind of shit. Glad you do."
"You got some nimble fingers there huh?"
"You okay?" (When he shows concern?? UGH)
"Well now, would you look at that."
"Oh for the love of-"
"You gonna build me something nice?"
"Lookin good, Boss."
"oooh, gutsy."
"Pretty tough mutt you got there." (Any dialogue about Dogmeat is great)
"Aww, look at how nice and clean this is, and I here am, dirtying the place up." (one of my favorites)
There's so so many more but I didn't want this to get crazy long
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angel-of-the-moons · 7 months
Anselm Vogelweide x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Anselm being a shameless weirdo, sex toys, NSFW stuff, references to sex so not for kiddies!
A/N: I blame @reallyrallyauthor for this asjlsnodn. I haven't seen the movie yet but from your writings plus the scene comps I've seen I got this stupid ass idea in my head I have to spit out. Feeling a bit under the weather because of a tummy bug but I'm hoping to get over it so we can still make the family trip.
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When his private plane was down due to a recall on vital parts, Anselm was livid. He had planned on treating you to a nice rural trip for the two of you, where no distractions or "business" aims to worry about. Where--he hoped--the two of you would spend almost the whole two weeks fornicating like horny rabbits in springtime.
He was trying to find different methods of travel, even looking at private charters or possibly outright buying a new jet. He had the money to do it, of course.
But Anselm was completely flummoxed when you actually brought up the idea of flying on a public flight. Like a lowly... commoner!
"Oh, come on. It's cheaper, you don't have to do much..." You say, rolling your eyes as you clicked through flights on your laptop. "And it'd save a little bit of money, if you think about it."
Anselm huffed, licking the spoon free of ice cream (perhaps being a bit too messy with it, intentionally) and rolled his eyes right back. "Money is hardly a concern for me, my love."
"C'mon! It could be fun." You try, grinning and batting your eyelashes at him.
He shot you a skeptical look.
Yeah, he wasn't gonna budge on this, was he?
Well, it's a good thing you know how to talk and twist Anselm to bend how you want him. Both figuratively and literally.
You slowly slide your laptop off of your lap and stand from the expensive leather chaise, sauntering over to his desk and perching your ass firmly on the edge, scooting over until your legs bracketed his torso, your feet planted on either side of his hips and pushing into the cushioning.
Almost immediately, a hungry glare overtakes him, his eyes behind his glasses becoming dark and stormy as he quirked a thick brow.
You pull the handkerchief from the pocket of his suit and wipe his messy beard, tutting playfully. "Honestly, Anselm, you eat like a messy toddler, sometimes."
"Oh... I thought you liked it when I ate messy?" He crooned, tilting his head as your fingers brush through his beard. "Especially if how much you writhe and soak my beard with that sweet little cunt of yours is anything to go by..."
You scoff and chuckle, rolling your eyes at him as you flick him in the chest with the handkerchief. "You know what I mean."
"Hmm, yes." He purred, his hands immediately going to your inner thighs, his thumbs teasing the edges of your stockings, hiking your skirt up to playfully pluck at your garter straps.
Anselm's eyes immediately went between your legs, his tongue running along the seam of his lips as he stared at your crotch.
"Ah-ah." You say, fingers gripping his chin to force him to look at you.
"You're no fun, sometimes, darling." Anselm pouts, his brows furrowing. "Such a tease."
"Will you consider booking a flight, then?" You ask once more.
He frowns further. "No."
You pout in return, your fingers snagging the curls of his beard as you consider another approach.
"Well..." You purr, relinquishing your grip on his beard to grip at his messy salt and pepper curls, tugging his head down so you could look down on him further.
His eyes flutter closed and his mouth opens in a low, breathy sound as you continue.
"How about this... When we book the plane, when we get to the cabin..." You tug him up so you can brush the scars over his left ear with your lips, '...you can do whatever you want to me. Or vice versa."
The moan that comes from him is damn near pornographic, and he viciously licks his lips to moisten them.
"Yes. But we only fly first class." He rattles off, his breath hitching.
Got 'im.
You grin mischievously and hum, "Good boy, Anselm." You begin to turn to get off of his large, ornate desk to return to your laptop and book a flight.
His hands seize your thighs again, and he growls up at you.
"Where do you think you're going?" He rasps, his hands yanking your panties down and pushing your skirt up further.
His thumbs part your folds and once more he licks his lips like a hungry dog.
"If I'm to suffer the embarrassment of flying public... I demand some up front compensation."
Of course Anselm had booked all of the first class seats just so the two of you wouldn't have to sit around other people. It was such an Anselm thing to do.
You had to deal with him loudly complaining of the pitiful lounge you were able to wait in, swatting him on the leg when he would get rude with a random person.
However, watching him deal with a woman who was harassing the staff of the airport over a simple problem with a simple fix was funny. The woman was clearly intoxicated while he began to lay into her.
"Honestly, my dear. Could you make it any more plain that your parents are brother and sister?" He'd said, his tone neutral, the drawl of his native tongue heavy with each word uttered, much to the woman's shock (and the staff's amusement).
"You are obviously wading in the shallow end of your gene pool, judging by how misplaced your teeth seem to be. Your brain must not be developed properly either because you cannot grasp the simple solution to your problem." He clicked his tongue and you had to hide your mouth behind your hand to cover up the laugh that was trying to bubble free as the woman tried to flounder.
Anselm didn't let up.
"Did your mother-aunt drink whilst pregnant with you? Surely you're suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, or some kind of mental deficiency in a similar regard. Even your excuse for an "accent" makes you sound inbred and ignorant. You--"
The inebriated woman immediately began to bawl as she fled for the bathroom, her heavy mascara running down her face as Anselm slapped a wad of bills into the hand of the poor young worker, shoo'ing them off.
"Split it amongst yourselves. Honestly, I would have shot the bitch and called it a day." He dismissed, walking with you to the bag checking area, his leg brace squeaking almost as loud as you began to cackle.
"I only punish the staff that deserve it, my love." Anselm said, kissing your cheek. "That woman was a filthy creature who needed to be told such things. Honestly, that poor child looked ready to crumble from that woman's verbal abuse."
You grin at him, your matching suitcases wheeling behind you as you pulled them. It was only fair after basically bullying Anselm into booking a public flight.
Honestly now it was more an experiment to see how he would act--to "loosen the leash" a bit on him, you might say--in a "low-budget" public setting such as this. You didn't regret it one bit.
You let the security crew help you hoist your suitcases up and slide them across the metal table, Anselm looking frankly bored already at the tedium. Checking his oxygen tank was rather simple--even if you had suspicions that it didn't contain "oxygen" at all--and it passed through quickly without much examination.
The x-ray beeps softly as the first suitcase is scanned--and the guards frown with concern as they pull it out to check it.
"People are like that everywhere if you're unlucky." You say as the second guard unzips the first suitcase. "Hopefully we won't have any more--"
Your voice goes silent as the top to the suitcase flops open, and placed nice and neat atop the folded laundry...
...was a rather large, ornate, custom dildo and a cushioned leather harness.
The guard slowly creeps his wide eyes up to you as his coworker turns to cough, his face reddening as he tried to hold in his laughter.
"Uh, ma'am--" The one holding the case stuttered.
"That's not my suitcase." You say.
You and the two guards stare at each other, blinking owlishly until all three of you slowly turn to look at Anselm, who was leaning on his cane, a bored but also slightly amused smirk on his face as he watched the debacle.
"...What?" He asked innocently, quirking an eyebrow at the lot of you. "I kept my luggage within acceptable weight limits."
"Uh... I don't... Uh, I'm not sure--" The guard turned to look at his coworker for help, his eyes wide and pleading for help, his cheeks flushed with color.
"I-Is there a protocol for... for--"
"Gah, will I not be able to bring it?" Anselm frowns deeply, an irritated tone slipping into his voice. "I had it custom made, you know. I'd hoped we could make use of it."
He clicked his tongue and shrugged boredly, "Either on the plane or at our destination, I don't care which..."
You pinch the bridge of your nose and curse, trying not to smile and laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Of course the shithead would pull a stunt like this.
The guards looked like a strange cocktail of amused, confused, worried, and aghast at the thoughts running through their heads.
"Uh... I don't... I don't think you can bring that on the flight. For... for security.... reasons..." The younger guard stammered out, awkwardly adjusting his collar with his finger.
Anselm sighs and rolls his eyes, waving his hand. "Fine, fine, you can keep it. I suppose I'll have to check what kind of stores I can order from while we're at our destination."
"Anselm!" You hiss, a grin on your face despite your mortification as the poor guard--in view of cameras and other people no less!--hoists the hefty glass dildo out of the suitcase and sets it in a separate container off to the side, coughing nervously as he checks the rest of your things.
As you boarded the flight, your suitcases being loaded and your carry-on bag thoroughly inspected--you elbowed Anselm.
"What the hell was that?!" You whisper-shout.
Anselm grinned at you, much like a hungry shark.
"Why my dear... If I must suffer the embarrassment of flying public... you deserve a little embarrassment yourself."
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spidybaby · 1 year
Begin Again | Part Three
Summary: Back to the start to fix the broken pieces just to find that you can get what you always dreamed.
Warnings: cursing
A/N: Hello! I want to apologize for the waiting. Most of that was because I got sick (I still am), but here it is. Hope you like it. Love you all 💛✨️
Part one | Part two
April 2027
The moving went smoothly, Elena and Paulo helped you with everything. Your parents didn't like the idea, but you shut them down.
You weren't supposed to start till the end of April, giving you enough time to mind a plan to fix everything.
You saw online that Pedro was on Manchester. Apparently, Manchester City wanted to buy him.
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"No sobre pienses tanto lo que haces, estas haciendo lo mejor para ti." (Don't overthink your decision. You're doing what's best for you)
Elena was the voice of reason in this situation.
"No sé ni donde empezar." (I don't even know where to start)
"Escuchame, eres una de las personas más inteligentes que conozco, venga tía, tu puedes con esto, es normal no saber ni donde empezar, pero estoy aquí para ti, para ayudarte en todo." (Listen to me, you're one of the smartest people I've ever known, c'mon dude, you can do it, it's okay not knowing where to start, but I'm here for you to help you with everything)
You hug her, crying a little, she makes you feel less alone.
Your mother stopped talking to you once she found out about the moving, telling you how much of a mistake you were making.
Your dad was siding with her, even when he didn't say you were making a mistake, he did tell you it was a bad decision.
But you didn't care, you pack your stuff and moved back to Barcelona. You even unblock his family from social media and didn't follow them, but unblock them was a start.
"Vamos por un helado." Elena says, drying your tears, "polito, amor mio, vamos!" (Let's go get some ice cream, Polito, my love, let's go)
She was carrying the diaper bag and your son, to say he even had a matching outfit with her.
"Oye, vamos a la playa, quiero una foto con mi bebé. Polito, te pondré tu chamarra de osito." (Let's go to the beach, I want a photo with my baby, Polito, let me put you your bear sweater)
"Tu bebé?" You laugh helping her with the sweater. "Amorcito, tienes nueva mami." (Your baby? Baby, you have a new mommy)
She laughed and made her way to the front door, grabbing your purse on the way out and your phone. You followed her.
"Crees que Pedro haría algo para quedarse con Polo?" You ask once you got to the beach. Your mom words did have an impact, even if you knew he wouldn't. "Yo sé que no, pero me da miedo." (Do you think Pedro would do anything to take Polo away? I know he wouldn't, but I'm scared)
"Y/n, claro que no, por favor saca esas ideas de tu mente, Pedro y tu tuvieron algo tan especial, él jamás haría nada para lastimarte." (Y/n, of course not, please take that idea out of your mind. Pedro and you had something so special, I know he won't do anything to hurt you)
You only nodded, not wanting to overthink those words.
"Mis padres me odian." (My parents hate me)
"No creo, solo están preocupados." (I don't think so, they're just worried)
But worried about what?
"Venga, Dame a mi hijo, vamos a tomarnos fotos." Elena says, throwing the empty ice cream cup in the trash can near you. (Give me my son, let's take some pictures)
"Lo bueno es que tu lo pariste, vieja tonta." (The good thing us that you birth him, dumbass)
Elena dances a little with him, singing a Quevedo song. The song makes you remember Pedro, he loves Quevedo music.
You take the pictures of Polo and Elena and she then takes some of you and him.
"Ay déjame subir esta." (Oh let me post this one)
You see the picture, it was cute.
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"La verdad la oferta esta muy buena, para mi que la tomes." Mario, who is Pedro's manager says, "O es que aún piensas en quedarte en el barça?" (I think the offer is really good, I think you should take it. Or are you still thinking about staying?)
Pedro was lost in his thoughts, Manchester was offering him 150 million euros, with full on benefits and even to keep the number 8.
But on the other side, Barça was the club of his life. He couldn't imagine playing for other club.
He played for another season, but due to a mistake in his contract, he could leave for free this summer.
"Creo que debo pensarlo, hablarlo bien con mis padres." (I have to think about it, talk with my parents)
His manager agreed and changed the subject. He was invited to a club, but he rejected it. Fer was not I the mood, and without him, he was not going.
"Vamos de regreso al hotel." (Let's go back to the hotel)
After the arrival, he and his manager went to their rooms. He was sharing one with Fernando.
"Cómo te fue chaval?" (How was it?)
"Mmm. Estuvo bien, es un puto dolor de cabeza pensar en esto, no sé ni que hacer." (It was good, but it's a fucking headache thinking about all of this, I don't even know what to do)
"Venga, vamos al bar del hotel, tomamos algo y hablamos, no te estreses Pedro" (Let's go to the bar of the hotel, let's have some drinks and a talk. Don't stress)
They both made their way to the bar, Fernando was telling him about a gift he bought for his girlfriend.
"Mira que linda foto," Fer says, showing him the picture Elena posts about a baby with a bear sweater. "Quiero un sobrino para vestirlo así." (Look at this beautiful picture, I want a nephew to dress him like that)
Fernando looks at him with funny eyes, Pedro only laughs, "eres un gilipollas, tu deberías darme un sobrino" (you're an asshole, you're supposed to give me a nephew.)
They laughed and forgot about the picture. Asking for drinks and some food to begin the night.
"Alguna vez has pensado en cómo serias cómo padre?" (Have you ever thought about you as a father?) Fernando asks.
That puts him in deep thoughts. He did think about it, even dream with it.
The little baby in your arms with the barça shirt, his number on the back of both yours and the baby's shirt.
"La verdad?" (You want the truth?)
"Macho, no como crees? Dime mentiras." Fer says as he hits him on the back of the head. "Pues claro tonto, por algo pregunté." (Man, not at all, tell me lies. Well, obviously, I want the truth, I asked for a reason.)
"Venga ya que la colleja no era necesaria." He laughs. "Siempre lo imaginé, usualmente era algo que hablamos y/n y yo, ella quería un niño, y hombre no te miento, yo también quería uno, pero luego miraba a nuestro primo con su hija y pensaba en una niña." He says, remembering all the late night talks you two had. (The hit on the head was not necessary, I've always pictured it. It was something y/n and I always talked about. She wants a boy and man, I do want a son too, but after seeing our cousins with his girl, I thought about having a girl)
Fernando looks at the way he talks about it, the shine of his eyes, he haven't seen that shine in months.
"Puedo preguntarte algo, pero no te enojas?" (Can I ask you something without you getting mad?)
"Por qué la dejaste ir?" (Why did you let her go?)
Pedro takes his eyes away from his brother. That question was one he asked himself every night since that December night.
"Recuerdas el anillo?" He asks, Fernando nods. "Yo sabía que ella quería que su padre estuviera de acuerdo con el matrimonio, la bendición, así que fui a pedirla, yo quería casarme con ella." (Remember the ring? I knew she wanted his father to be okay with the marriage, the blessing. So I went to ask for it, I wanted yo marry her)
"Pero?" (But?)
"Pero su padre me dijo que no podía darmela, que yo era un chaval con una vida muy distinta a la que el soñaba para el esposo de su hija. Me dijo que pensaba que ella algún día iba a darse cuenta y dejarme, como no lo hizo, solo esperó. Me pidió dejarla, diciendo que ella no quería irse de Barcelona por mi, porque no quería dejarme, diciéndome que sus sueños iban a ser siempre interrumpidos por mi, por mi carrera y me pidió dejarla ir, dejarla emprender su propio camino, brillar por si sola." He says angrily, remembering the words of your father. (But her father couldn't give it to me, I was a kid with a totally different life from the one he pictured his son in law would have. He told me he hoped for her to realize that and left me, but she never did, so he waited. He asked me to leave her, but she didn't want to leave Barcelona because of me, telling me her dreams were going to be interrupted by me because of my career. So he asked me to let her go, for her to shine on her own, to begin her own path in life)
Fernando was in shock. He always thought it was about a fight, maybe even a bad patch on the relationship. Even his parents told him he was making a mistake, but know it makes sense.
"Pedro. Por qué no me habías contado?" (Pedro, why didn't you tell me?)
He shrugs, not facing him. Drinking way too quickly.
"Pedro, por favor mirame."
He did, after a few minutes.
"Lo siento, por haberte criticado, haberte culpado y juzgado mal. No sabía lo que había pasado, ojalá me hubieras contado, para así apoyarte. Lo siento hermanito." He hugs him, the hug was tight, and Pedro needed that. (I'm sorry. For judging you and for blaming you. I didn't know, and I wish you had told me I would have supported you. I'm sorry, hermanito.
Pedro felt relief. The secret he kept to himself was now free from him.
"Has pensado en hablar con ella?" (Have you thought about reaching her?)
He shake his head no.
"La verdad siento que me odia, la hice mierda, la deje y luego ignore sus llamadas, sus mensajes. Me dolió el alma, Fernando. Pero era lo que yo en ese momento creía correcto. (To be honest, I feel that she hates me, I fuck her up, after I dumped her I ignored her calls and texts, that broke my heart, Fernando. But I thought I was doing the right thing)
"Escuchame, tu hiciste lo que en ese momento creíste correcto, no te culpes más, pero creo que es obvio que no la has superado, aún piensas en ella." Fer says, patting his back. "Venga, déjame ayudarte a recuperarla y si no se puede pues ayudarte a superarlo, juntos en todo, como cuando niños." (Listen to me, you did what you thought was the right thing, don't blame yourself anymore. I think it is pretty obvious that you love her. You still think of her. So, let me help you get her back, and if that's not possible, let me help you move on, but together, like when we were kids)
"Te amo, eres el mejor." (I love you, you're the best)
"Yo te amo más, venga que tenemos que pensar en algo." (I love you more, c'mon, we have to plan how you're getting her back)
Pedro smiled, high five his brother, and begins with the plan for that to happen. Like fer said, together.
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You were at the supermarket, you needed food for your fridge. Elena stayed with Polo. He was fussy, so you let him stay.
You got almost everything on the list. I'm picking a few fruits. Since Polo is now six months old, the doctor told you to start with some fruit based foods.
You grabbed some sweet potato, some bananas, and some avocados. Also some vegetables like broccoli, carrot, and some more.
You were so focused on picking some apples that when someone touched you to grab your attention you kind of jump.
"Ay Dios," you say, putting your hand on your heart, "Pablo?" You ask seeing him smile, trying not to laugh.
"Sigues siendo la misma tía que se asusta de todo al parecer." (You're still the same scary girl I see).
You laugh, hugging him. It's been a long time without seeing him.
"Cuando volviste?" (When did you came back?)
"Hace poco, a finales de marzo." (Not that long ago, end of March.)
"Y estas aquí para quedarte? O solo de visita?" (Are you staying or only for a visit?)
You smile, "Vine para quedarme" (I'm here to stay)
You talked for a while, and you both continued the shopping.
"Y dime, como vas de amores?" (And tell me, how's the love?)
You shrug, not knowing how to answer.
"Pues, sigo soltera. Los Italianos son muy intensos, te juro. Y tu que tal de amores?" (Well, I'm still single, Italian guys are way too much. What about you?)
"Recuerdas a Carolina?" (Do you remember Carolina?)
"La nena del agua?" (The water girl?)
He nodded, excited. "Hace casi un año estamos saliendo, ya no es la del agua, ahora es entrenadora de los niños en el club" (almost a year ago we been dating, and she's not the water girl anymore, she's a coach for the first starters in the club.)
"Eso está increíble, Pablito." (That's amazing, Pablito)
"Haz vuelto a hablar con Pedro?" (Have you talked to Pedro?)
If Pablo was known for something, it was two things, his anger on the pitch and not having a filter when he speaks.
"No, hace mucho que no hablo con él." (No, it's been a long time without talking to him.)
He nodded, understanding.
"Pero, de hecho he querido hablar con él desde que regresé. No sé si quiera hablarme." (But, I've been looking to talk to him since I came back, but I don't know if he would talk to me)
"Pero vamos, claro que quiere" (c'mon, he obviously wants to)
You smile at his words.
"Deja darte el número, tuvo que cambiarlo porque en un entreno le hicimos mierda el movil" (let me give you his number, he had to change it since once during training we fucked his phone)
"No me sorprende, siempre se hacian mierda las cosas ustedes" (I'm not surprised, you guys always fucked your things)
He grabbed your phone, saving Pedro's number.
"Te he guardando el mio igual, por si alguna vez necesitas algo, acá estoy." (I saved mine too. If you ever need anything, I'm here)
You hugged goodbye as you both went different ways.
You hurry to the line, wanting to get home so you can tell Elena the news.
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"Sabes que me encanta de Manchester, el ambiente es diferente a España, no sé cómo describirlo pero es diferente" Fernando says, looking around. (You know what I love about Manchester? The atmosphere is different. I don't know how to explain it, but it's different)
Pedro laughed, agreeing with him. Mario only nodded smiling.
"Bien, entonces dame unos días y te daré la respuesta, si?" (Okay, give me a few days, and I'll have the answer) Pedro says referring to the contract.
"Tomate una semana, meditalo y si tienes dudas podemos hablar, poner un pro y con sobre la mesa." (Take a week, meditate it, and if you have any doubts, call me up, and we can put all the pros and cons at the table to make up your mind)
After that, they changed the topic, talking about a game they were invited to, Fer and Mario were talking about one specific player and how he got a yellow card for something that was a clearly a red.
Pedro's mind was far away from that, seeing the text he got from Pablo.
She was back, and she wanted to talk with him.
He was out of breath, wanted to tell Fernando right away, but he knew better and wait for the night to be over.
As they entered the room, he grabbed his brother's shoulders, shaking him while screaming in happiness.
"Me vas a descalabrar capullo." (You're going to hurt me, idiot)
"Mira," he shows the text message.
Fernando is now screaming with him, happy for the news.
"A ver, calma ya" (okay, let's calm down), Fernando says, taking a few breaths. "Si te quiere ver y Pablo le dio tu número, ella te va a escribir, es obvio." (If she wants to see you and Pablo gave her your number, she'll text you, it's obvious)
And as Fer finished saying that, Pedro's phone lights up with a text from an unknown number.
Pedro checks it and screams, showing it to his brother, who screams with him.
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I hope you're doing great. I'm sending you this message to let you know I'm in Barcelona and I'll like to meet up with you to talk.
"Qué contesto?" Pedro says, full of nerves. (What can I text back?)
"Trae pa ca', tonto," he says, taking the phone from his brothers hand. (Give me that, morron)
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I like to see you, we can meet wherever, maybe somewhere more calm to avoid paparazzi)
Back in Barcelona, you and Elena are sitting in your couch, face to face.
"Ya contestó," you say excited. (He answered)
"A ver," Elena says, taking the phone from you. "Contesta" (let me see, answer him).
"No sé que poner," you say nervios. (I don't know how to answer)
"Ay, dame aquí, tonta" (give me that, idiot)
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("Do you still living I'm the same place." "Yes, do you remember the address, or do you need the location?")
"Crees que recuerde?" Pedro asks, seeing the answer his brother sends. (Do you think she remembers?)
"Callate, déjame ver que responde," Fer says, seeing the three dots. (Shut up, let me answer)
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("No, I do remember, what about tomorrow morning?" "I'll be back from Manchester tomorrow at noon. Let's meet at night, if that's okay with you.")
"Cierto que vi que estaba en Manchester," you say as you read the text, "Dile que si" (it's true, he's in Manchester, say yes)
"Calmate," Elena says. (Calm down)
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("I'll see you tomorrow at night" "7 pm?" "Yes, " "I'll see you tomorrow. " "Goodbye, Pedro.")
Pedro and Fernando were looking at the last text.
"Niño" Fernando says, screaming and hugging his brother.
Pedro is excited. He was getting you back. No matter how hard, how much he has to fight or work, he's getting you back. He's putting that ring on your finger. He's getting that dream family.
What he didn't know is that on Barcelona, Elena, and you are jumping and screaming on the couch.
"Dios, estoy tan nerviosa." You say as you calm down. "Necesito que me lleves, por favor." (Gosh, I'm so excited. Please, I need you to take me)
"Obvio, tonta." (Obviously, dummy)
You both look and start screaming again, until a cry make you stop.
"Oops," Elena says.
You laugh and go to collect your baby. He was crying due to your screaming, mad because his dreams were interrupted.
"Ya, ya mi amor, ven acá." You say picking him up, calming him. "No sabes, tu papi y yo nos vamos a ver." You say as he calms down. "Y estoy nerviosa, espero mañana puedas conocerlo." (It's okay, love, come here. You have no idea. Daddy and I are meeting up, I'm nervous, and I hope you both can meet up tomorrow)
You kiss him. Taking him with you back to the living room.
"Vente." You say to Elena, "ayúdame a escoger el outfit." (Come, help me pick my outfit)
You feel like a teenager getting ready for her first date.
The butterflies, the nervousness in your system, and the excitement.
Tomorrow, you're getting that family you both dreamed about.
Tag list:
@alwaysclassyeagle @footballerficsposts @gulphulp @cinderellawithashoe @jajajhaahaha @bellinghambby22 @pablogavisgirl @lunamelona @christinabae @fadinglovermuffintaco 💛✨️
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disassociationdive · 2 months
Tokyo Debunkers - Happy Birthday to you!
"The song I just played? It's G. F. Handel. He wrote it for the queen's birthday."
Eternal source of light divine. With double warmth thy beams display. And with distinguish'd glory shine. To add a lustre to this day. (…) Angels conduct her on the way. (Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne by G.F Handel.)
"Happy birthday. Perhaps it was a little presumptuous of me, but I've prepared a gift for you...Come now. There's no need to be so formal."
"Happy birthday, (PC)! We'll make this the best one— Hey, give those back! Those are the cue cards I made yesterday!!"
"Happy birthday, (PC). There is a reason you were born into this world, and it's something that should be celebrated."
"Today's your birthday, yeah?... Get your stuff. I'll take you for a drive."
"It's your birthday? I'll help you celebrate. Meet me behind the garage later."
"Know what this is, (PC)? Yep—an R&R permit. Today's your birthday, right? So, where are we going?"
"Happy birthday. The Capybus is all yours today—I've got a custom birthday tour all planned out for you!"
"Happy birthday, Dandelion! I picked this Aphrodite Orchid for you from a secret spot. Say "ah"!"
"Happy birthday, (PC)...Isn't it kind of rude to look so surprised I'd celebrate your birthday? That came from the heart, you know."
"Is it your birthday today? That little twerp told me. Okay, you can take one thing from my room."
"It's your birthday? I suppose I can celebrate it for you, but you'd better be aware of how much of my precious time you're using."
"Happy birthday. A year older, a year wiser. I have high hopes for your performance in the coming year."
Um… Happy birthday. I really hope this year will be a wonderful one for you.
"Hey, come over here a sec. Here. It's nothing special, but I got you a something. Today's your birthday, right?"
"I've planned the perfect day to celebrate the miracle of your birth... We'll start with an ode to you, accompanied by my biwa."
"It's your birthday, is it? I'll have to give you a present. What do you want? Go on, tell me."
"(PC)... Happy birthday!! C'mon, birthday girl, sit down and chill out! This is your day, you should take it easy!"
"It's your birthday, right? No, I only know 'cause that blond gigolo was yelling about it...Here's your present."
"I am here to celebrate your birthday. Do you feel honored? I've prepared a new formula for you. Let's continue this in the lab, shall we?"
"Oh, it's your birthday today, isn't it? What should I do? I suppose I'll go to your room later."
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mochamvgz · 1 year
home dates💽hyung line
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; hyung line x reader
; genre: headcanon, plain silly fluff, can be read as idol or non idol au
; warnings: none really, unless you count mexican food, legos and hoon having second lead syndrome as warnings 乁⁠[⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠ ⁠◕⁠ ⁠]⁠ㄏ
; 0.85k words
; perm taglist: @inkelea @bunreis
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heeseung || decorating your appartment
you and heeseung had just moved into your new appartment and you wanted to decorate it yourself instead of hiring someone. heeseung was totally on board with the idea and you guys started browsing for home decor on amazon and looking for inspo on pinterest. you also took a trip to your local craft store for paint and other supplies.
when you had all the stuff, heeseung played some music on his phone and you guys got started! you had never imagined having a date of this kind but you weren't complaining!
first thing you did was change into some old clothes and start painting the walls. it got pretty messy, especially after that mini paint fight you had. some of the rogue paint ended up of the wall where the paint was still drying but you didn't mind, it was a nice touch.
next up on your agenda was setting up furniture and placing the decor items like picture frames, a clock, lamps, etc.
you observed the finished result and were left in awe. you swear you've never had more fun.
jay || cooking
c'mon you can't tell me you weren't expecting that from enhypen's personal chef.
the plan was to make enchiladas since you mentioned how you were craving mexican food that morning (he isn't gonna tell you that tho ofc).
you guys had gone grocery shopping for the ingredients beforehand. you weren't the most experienced cook, more into baking, but you had jay by your side so there was nothing to worry about. you were more than glad to play sous chef.
he had assigned you the task of preparing the stuffing, giving some basic instructions he headed over to the stove to prepare the sauce.
ding! that meant the enchiladas were ready! putting on some mitts, jay took your dinner out if the oven and the smell almost had you drooling. when it was time to eat, however, your impatient ass dug in too quickly and burned your tongue. jay immediately got up to get you a glass of water but you knew he was gonna laugh at you for it later.
the enchiladas tasted heavenly after they had cooled down enough to eat.
jake || lego building
"darling i don't think that piece is supposed to go there" you looked back and forth between the manual in your hands and the unfinished model on the floor.
you had ordered a new lego set for jake for your 6 month anniversary. his eyes had lit up instantly, letting out a gasp with his mouth wide open making the ':0' face which quickly gave way to the puppy smile you adored, as you looked at him affectionately.
"do you like it?" "ARE YOU KIDDING??? I LOVE IT!! AND I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE!!! i've had my eye on this particular set for a while now!" your own smile widening at this reaction "i'm glad".
"let's do build it together!" "r-right now?" "why not?" you were caught slightly off-guard by his eagerness but went along with it regardless, finding him too adorable to resist.
and that was how you had ended up here. you weren't objecting tho. "are you sure?" you detached the piece and repositioned it at a different angle like how you had seen it in the manual, and gestured towards it after you were done to answer his question, "oh".
you stood up, dusting your hands as you surveyed the finished result, jake mirroring your actions. "i think we did a pretty good job" turning to look at him expectantly. "we did more than a good job sweetie". with that he picked up the model and placed it beside your tv and you knew it was staying there for a while, not that you mind of course.
sunghoon || movie marathon/tv shows
your favourite thing to do after a long day was curl up and binge netflix. after meeting sunghoon however, the activity was no longer something you did alone. being in his comforting embrace while watching some random kdrama or movie was the coziest and nothing short of therapeutic.
"what're we watching next?" you flipped through the various shows, you and sunghoon were clad in your comfiest pair of pjs with your blanket such that it covered both of you perfectly, you head nestled on his warm chest "i saw a clip from that one on youtube yesterday!" "okay! let's watch it!" you pressed play.
one thing you found out about sunghoon from these dates was that he had MAJOR second lead syndrome. you would often bicker over which male lead was better or in the rare case that you agreed over it, the two of you were just yelling at the screen.
remarks like these were always flying about.
turning into an ugly sobbing mess while watching 20th century and twenty five-twenty one, laughing at shin hari's antics till your stomachs ached while re-watching business proposal for the millionth time, whatever it be, you could always rely on these evenings to take away the stress of even the worst day at work.
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; a/n: hello there! hope you enjoyed the hc!💌 i'm still overwhelmed by the insane amount of love my previous hc received 😭 i literally can't thank y'all enough!! even tho ik I can definitely do better so here's me having another go! lmk if you would like a maknae line ver!
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© mochamvgz on tumblr | all rights reserved | do not plagiarise, repost or translate
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indecenthoney · 5 months
"The Puppy Problem"
There comes a time in your life when baby fever hits you a little too hard. Leaving you fully convinced that the only thing you need right now is to have a child. To the point, that you get a little too obsessed and the only possible cure is to actually get the deed done. This is exactly what happened to my girlfriend who has continually tempted me this entire week. Despite us both working, I have explained that raising a child takes more than just two paychecks. It includes saving and planning and a whole lot of other adult stuff. In her defense, she responded that it would be more than enough and threw in some "girl math" to sweeten the deal. If you had only seen the horrendous look on my face as she explained her reasoning.
"I-... No... What? No... We are not having a baby... Now can you please get off me? I know what you're trying to do and I am not going to breed you in the heat of the moment... Especially, if you just want to have a baby... Why not? It's because we're still young... You can barely get out of bed... How do you expect us to function? Okay okay... I know our kids are going to look cute... but that's not a reason to have a kid right now... No... And that's final... Ughhh c'mon don't look at me like that... Seriously... No... It's too soon... You're not going to let this go, are you? Okay... I am going to regret this but... This is how it's going to go... We'll adopt a puppy and if we raise him right... and you can prove that you'll be a good mother then I will think about having a baby... Emphasis on thinking about it... Deal? Alright alright... get off me now... Hey! Hey! Stop grinding... Fucking sneaky..."
After working out the details of the arrangement, I dropped by our local animal shelter to adopt a puppy. During the adoption, they had mentioned him being 4 weeks old and a golden retriever mix. Not that I had much intention of choosing a specific breed, but more so choosing him because he looked like the sun. Golden fur and a jovial personality. If we wanted a kid so badly, I thought the pup should also be similar to the mother. In all honesty, I've always seen my girlfriend as a sort of pup herself seeing as how she circles around me every time I am home. Maybe having a pup will bring out a motherly side of her. Who knows? She might turn out to be a wonderful mother. On our way home, I bought a few things: puppy bowls, puppy food, collars, a puppy bed, and even puppy toys. You can tell that I went a little overboard with all of this. After carrying all the things in, my girlfriend comes rushing to the door all excited. She played with Sol for hours and even took naps together. Completely tuckered out. We named him "Sol" by the way. After tucking them both in, I snapped a few pictures before hitting the hay myself. A few weeks passed by, and we soon learned that raising a puppy wasn't all fun and games. It also meant bringing him to the vet, cleaning up his mess, and working around our schedules to give him the attention he needed. It left us little to no time to do the things we wanted.
"Hey hun... I'm going to take Sol for a walk... No, it's okay you should rest... I think you need it... You look really tired... Get some more sleep and I'll handle Sol... I know I know... I want to cuddle too but Sol needs his walk right now or he's going to get antsy... You know how he gets... Now get some rest, I'm going for a jog and will be back in two hours, alright? Love you too..."
As Sol got bigger, he became a little too much for her. The little guy grew up to be very active and would often tire her out when it came to playtime. Luckily enough, I was able to keep up with Sol and used our time together to get the extra cardio in. Eventually, as the weeks passed, it would mostly be me and Sol spending time together leaving her to be home alone most of the time. It sort of led me to neglect her. Not that I knew, it was more of her not wanting to complain. Her mood quickly soured whenever I played or praised Sol. I would often find her tugging at my shirt but never really saying what she wanted. I would have sat down and checked on her, but Sol was already pulling on his leash for his walk. After our regular two-hour session, Sol walked off to his bowl to gulp down some water before knocking out in his doggy bed. After reaching the living room, I soon found my girlfriend completely hammered after nearly completing an entire bottle of liquor.
"Woah woah... What's the occasion? I didn't know we were celebrating... Jeez, you nearly finished the whole thing... I can't believe you're drinking alcohol... To be honest, I'm surprised you're still standing after all that... Hun? You... seem... mad... Why are you mad? What? Wait a minute... Hold on... There's no need to shout... and this was your idea, wasn't it? You're the one that wanted a kid so badly... I was only giving us a test run... H-hun? Awww hun... There's no need to cry... I'm sorry... Okay okay... I'm starting to get it... You must've been... really... lonely, huh? Drinking your sorrows away... What? Did Sol make you jealous? Yeah? See? And parenting is a whole other ball game... The baby would keep us busy 24/7... We wouldn't even have time to cuddle... What am I going to do with you? Mmm... I have an idea... Follow me... C'mon right this way... Ah, don't worry about him... Sol is going to be out for a couple of hours... More than enough to make up for lost time... Hahahaha... It's fine... It's fine... Let me take care of you, okay?"
Fuck. In the end, I was so focused on raising Sol that I ended up neglecting her own feelings. Even if I did have good intentions, I guess a part of me really wanted it to work out knowing how badly she wanted a kid. But seeing her this sad broke my heart. I wanted to make it up to her. Who knows how long she must've been feeling this way? After entering our room, I quickly pushed her against the door. Locking lips; intertwining ourselves. Pining for one another as if we haven't seen each other in ages. As cheesy as it may sound, I needed her like I needed air. It had been quite a while since I last tasted her sending shivers down my spine. The urge to take a bite out of her. To hear her scream my name in pain and pleasure. And though I hesitated, I would soon feel her hands pulling me in. Tempting me to do whatever I please on a condition. It being that all the attention in the world must be placed on her. No phone call or emergency could distract me from her gaze. And so I bite. Not a second wasted before pressing my lips against hers; muffling her moans. I acted on my excitement. Leaving her literally breathless. Abruptly, I retreat giving her some way to catch her breath. Only to see the desperate look in her eyes as I pull away. Longing for me to fill the void that I had placed.
"You know... You're really cute when you look up at me like that... Hun? Hahahah... There's not a single thought behind those pretty puppy eyes of yours, huh? Alright... C'mon, stand up... We can't have you melting in my arms just yet... Follow me... Mhm... Sit right here... Let's just take these off, yeah? What pretty little panties you have on... Hm? What're we doing in front of the mirror? Well... You're just going to sit down and see for yourself... Fuck... me... This wet already? Just from a little kissing? That's so embarrassing... Put it in? Hahahah... Sweetie... There's no need to rush... Of course, I can slide my fingers in... It's just a matter of if I want to... God... You're just soaking right through them... Look at the mirror... See? Aren't you fucking pretty... Now now... If you even think about looking away, I'll stop completely... Yeah? Good... girl... That's it... Mmm... Look at how leaky you've become... So naughty... It's okay... It's understandable... I haven't had much time to touch myself either, you know? So I know what you're going through... That being said, I'll stop teasing... Thank you for waiting so patiently... Good things come to good girls that wait, no? And you're a good girl, are you not? Exactly... I'm glad you think that because I have a little something something for you... Mhm... A collar... Pretty, right? There's no need to be shy... As soon as you put it on I'll give you what you want, deal? Hahahah... See? Nothing to be ashamed about... Now... Why don't we fill you with fingers you love so so so much... Ohhh fuck... Too much? You say that but you're not telling me to stop, are you? Let's go a little deeper... Fill those pretty little holes... Mmph... Hahaha... Yeah? That's my girl... Shhhhh shhhhh it's okay... It's feels good, doesn't it? Look at you... gripping around my fingers... I know you missed me... but I'm right here hun... I can barely pull my fingers back... Don't wanna let go, huh...? Such a needy little girl... "
After seeing how sensitive she was from just the rubbing, I opted to taking a much slower approach. It would have been boring to have her concede so soon. Knowing that, I guided my middle finger down; easing her in until she was ready for another. Her eyes rolled back in ecstasy as the second pressed up into her walls. Her once empty cunt now filled to the brim causing her to throw her head back. Shallow breathes to shakey motions. My other hand pulling her back into the gaze of the mirror. Forcing her to watch as I toy with her for my enjoyment. Stuttering moans and heavy breaths escape her lips. Failing to communicate between my pulsing fingers. My arms and legs coiled around her preventing any chance of escape.
"Hahahahaha... Uhm... What was that? Hun... You're gonna have to pull yourself together if you want the slightest chance of me understanding you... And what do you think you're doing? Stopping me all of a sudden... Ohhhh? A break? But we just started... I mean... This is what you wanted, no? And now you're telling me to stop? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't finger fuck you senseless right now... Huh? You're going to... what? Pee...? Hahahah... And, so what? I'm not scared of little waterworks... Awwww is the filthy little pup gonna piss herself... You poor thing... Must've been all that alcohol... What a way to bite yourself in the ass... Please? And if I say no? What if I wanna see you make mess out of yourself...? Hm? Anything? Really? Fine fine fine... You have yourself deal... Let's go to the bathroom, shall we? Oop- Before I forget... Where do I put that leash of mine? There we go... Just gonna put this on... and mhm... ready to go... Huh? Well... I'm bringing you to the bathroom, of course, silly... Joking? Me? Hahhaha... No no I'm dead serious... And all you have to do is keep your end of the deal... C'mon quickly... We wouldn't want to ruin the sheets more than we already have... The sooner we get this over with the better... So get on all fours... After all, you're just dumb little pup that doesn't know any better... How can I trust you to piss properly when I can't even leave you alone for a second? Now... be a good girl and crawl for me..."
With some reluctance, she made her way off the bed and to the floor. Her back perfectly arched leaving room for temptation to fuck her right then and there. She attempted to quickly scurry off to the bathroom to avoid any further embarrassment. But was brought to a complete halt as I tugged on her leash. In her confusion, I once again pulled to signal her back to me. Her gaze avoiding eye contact at all costs whilst questioning my motives.
"Well, aren't you excited? Hahahah... There's no need to rush... You should really know better, hun... We can't have you running off, can we? Let's take it slow... Mhm... You're doing such a good job... Almost there... Fuck... It's cute... The way your ass shakes with each step... I'm starting to think we should collar you more often... Would you like that? Hahaha I'm just kidding... Kinda... Here we are... Woah... Not yet sweetheart... You need to ask for permission... and then I'll let you piss... Good things come to good girls that wait, remember? Need to make sure that you're trained... Shake. You heard me... Shake. Good girl... Such a quick learner... Alright... Sit. Oh? Alright alright... Bark. What's the hold-up? C'mon, hun... Bark for me... Hahahah... Fuck... No no, you did good... You're allowed to piss now... but you have to piss like a mutt... Yes... Still on all fours... Raise your leg and piss... Embarrassing? Well... I could always stick my fingers in and mess with your insides until you piss yourself... No? Alright... so do your best..."
Relieving herself quickly took a turn for the worst as the golden liquid dribbled down her thigh. A rollercoaster of emotions were displayed before rivers of tears ran down her face. I found myself conflicted between guilt and the sick kick of her own embarrassment. Nonetheless, I was proud of her and praised her for her efforts. After wiping the tears, I hurridely ran a bath for the both us to better unwind from this interesting little experience. Unfortunately, my member was still fully erect. A particular part of me that couldn't really be ignored as it throbbed against her ass. I sat there in silence trying to repent for my crimes. But even then, she was gentle with me; easing me from my suffering. My cock that felt the cool sensation of the bath soon enveloped by her pulsing, hot cunt. Speaking too soon, I experienced a more insufferable punishment. We laid there motionless. God. I wanted to fuck her. But to risk ruining her mood even further would be a fate worse than hell itself. I was unsure of my disposition. Was she mad? Was that too much? I pulled gently on her collae to reveal the nape of her neck. Placing kisses awaiting some sort of response.
"I-... Uhm... S-sorry I really don't know what came over me... and if you're upset I completely understan- Huh? What... am I waiting for? What do you mean?"
My mind went blank over the course of this conversation. I was completely perplexed. Even after pissing herself, she had the audacity to question my determination. She sat there. Unsure of whether I was going to keep my word and take care of her or have her do all the work herself. In that instance, it would be said that I had completely lost, but I had my own pride for these sorta things. I honestly didn't give her enough credit. She wasn't just some puppy girl or frail princess. She was a lady. A lady with needs. It's not something complicated like a dog eat dog world. It's simpler than that. It is to use or be used. And how am I a man, if I were not to satisfy and fulfill those very needs. Fingers slipped through narrow openings and hooked their way around her collar pulling her down even deeper into my hips. The once, cold tension had subsided. Water violently splashed; spilling out from the sides due to shaking hips. The shrill shriek of her voice slightly choking. Truly a mix of pain and pleasure.
"Mmmph... Fuck... You don't understand how much I've missed this, baby... Aaa... God... I-I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I had spend another... FUCKING... week of not being able to touch you... Hahahah and from the looks of it... You feel the same way, huh? The way your pussy tightens every time I pull harder on your collar... Awww... Speak up, princess... Tell me how much you love it... Right here... Right now... I'll even reward you... Give you as many puppies as you want... Breed you over... and over... Fill your pretty little holes to the brim... No? Hahahaha a little too late for a no... A bit heartless even... Stopping me this late into the game... Do you not want puppies anymore? Not right now? Here I thought our kids were going to look cute... Well, you better do something quick... cause the closer I get I'm starting to think I really do want kids..."
Her splendid body towered over me as I lay watching in the tub. She straddled me but leaned in for a kiss before guiding my cock back into her. And here I thought, I had scared her with the whole bit but maybe she did want kids after all. At this point, I didn't really care. Nor was I in any position to stop her. Something was a bit off. A bit tighter than usual? I wanted to move but she had my arms in lockdown, asking for another minute to adjust. Even just kicking my leg up a bit would cause her to bite down into my shoulder. Maybe she came? After a while, I decided to do the moving on my own. Slow, shallow strokes. Fucking into her as if we had all the time in the world. Her bites slowly transitioned into moans muffled into my shoulder. She sunk deeper into my arms; placing kisses on her forehead. Reassuring her to leave everything to me. Nearing my limit, I grasped her waist with both hands before cumming into her. A euphonic blend of moans bounced off the bathroom walls which soon after was filled with laughter.
"Hahahah... I felt like I came buckets... That's kinda gross actually... I'll shut up... Hahahah... Youuuuu okay? We really have to find time for ourselves... I could always have the neighbor kids to walk Sol around... To be honest, why haven't we done that sooner? Right? Hahahah... Uhm I'm sorry for neglecting you... I should've checked on you sooner... Silly... I love you... I know how important having a kid was to you... so I wanted it to work... You know? I'm glad we got this sorted out... Now let's get you cleaned up! I don't want you catching a cold... And maybe... grab you a plan B... What do you mean no? You want to have a kid? But I came in you... I came in your... Oh... OHHHH! No wonder you were all flinch-y... That's kinda hot..."
After cleaning ourselves up, we took our time in bed to cuddle and talk about everything that happened. Luckily, Sol was still sleeping soundly in his bed by the time we were finished. It gave me more than enough time for us to reconnect and flirt. A kiss here and there. A little, spicy makeout session that almost turned into another round of explicit scenes. But I digress. I would even go on to tease her by calling her a "good girl". In my excitement, I guess I was a bit loud. That was when we heard scratching at the door. It was Sol pawing and whining wondering where we were. After opening the door, he would rush onto the bed and snuggle up to the mom. I quickly followed and joined the party. The three of us were happy and tuckered out after a long day. Who knows? Maybe one day soon, I wouldn't mind having a kid. Or two. Or... three.
With love and lust,
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tuxebo · 7 months
What do you think of John marston?
he's hot, that's about it (pretending i didn't just write this whole thing abt him.) while i've read that he gets better over time, i'm yet to see it so i have mixed feelings on him. he's not a good father, not a good friend, not a good husband. let's be real here, he wouldn't make a good partner unless he fell in love before joining the gang.
john marston who wasn't completely alone before dutch saved his tail from getting hung. there was this poor baker and his wife, they had a kid, you. you weren't wealthy folk, no, but you always brought john dinner or shared yours. it wasn't large portions, but enough to keep him from dying of hunger.
you first met him when you caught him trying to steal from the bakery, rather than telling your parents you just handed him to bread. you had a mini picnic on the bakery's front porch, you talking his ears off was more than enough payment for the food.
you brought him food a couple more times, talking about yourself while he ate in silence, eventually he opened up and started engaging in the conversations you started. he never told you much about himself, other than the orphanage you could find him at. he showed you which window was his and that you only need to toss a pebble at it to get his attention.
as time passed, john became more and more of a no b.s. little boys. the kind of little boy that got himself killed or in a gang, as your daddy said. he didn't put up with anyone messing with you, in that respect he got more aggressive with your bullies, but never with you. you taught him things you learned from your mother as she was your teacher, some of it didn't stick but you tried.
inevitably, john disappeared. he was either dead in a ditch or in a gang, your dad didn't mention a third possibility but you liked to believe he'd been adopted by a nice family and that you'd see him again. you were only about 11 years old and he was 12, it wasn't shocking for you to have such enthusiasm.
life continued as usual for about three decades. you never married, business was going well after your parents died and suddenly you had one too many responsibilities on your plate for any of that. the world was becoming more and more industrialized by the day, you wouldn't even recognize it to what it once was when you were a kid. the only place that felt like home was your bakery, which is part of the reason it was doing so well, the nostalgia.
having had been in the business for so long, you were no stranger to thieves ─ you even caught one before you were double digits. one a particularly slow morning, the grey clouds settling in as you prepared for rain, a quiet hum caught your attention.
stepping out from the back, you caught a young man staring down your trays of different breads. he wasn't quiet at all, practically begging to be caught. you smiled, planning on just giving some to him anyway, but the look he gave you rendered you speechless from deja vu. same type of bread, same guilty smile, same brown eyes, same thinking hum.
"aw c'mon, son ─ jus' had to be this one of all the damn shops on the block," a man swore, the same way your dad did when he read about some young-ins doing stupid stuff in the paper. the voice was familiar, deeper as it had been many years now, but before you was john marston and another younger john marston.
since leaving the gang and his son's mother, john marston was a changed man. finally able to pay you back for all the bread and the bread his boy tried to steal. this time he gave you a proper picnic, in the large yard on his property. he set up under on of his sycamore trees, just like you had described three decades ago.
john marston may not have been adopted by some nice family nor was he always a nice man, but he was ready to become one for his son and you.
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mysteryshoptls · 11 hours
SSR Deuce Spade - Birthday Boy Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Thanks for the birthday wishes! Let's make this another great year together.
Summon Line: I never expected to have this big of a birthday party... Eheh, I'm so happy!
Groooovy!!: I'm going to keep working at it so that I grow both inside and out. You can count on that.
Home: I get so pumped wearin' a specially-made outfit!
Home Idle 1: Jack came and pressed on my back while I was stretching. Why did he...? Oh, I wonder if that was his way of saying "Happy Birthday"?
Home Idle 2: Just because it's my birthday, it doesn't mean that I'll magically get good grades... The score I got on today's test might be the worst I've ever gotten...
Home Idle 3: When I woke up this morning, there was a box by my pillow. I thought it might've been a present, so I opened it, but it was a jack-in-the-box... Ace was definitely behind this!
Home Idle - Login: I'm going to be celebrating my birthday at the prestigious Night Raven College... That's not something I ever would've imagined I get to do!
Home Idle - Groovy: I'll cut the cake up so everyone gets a slice! ...Huh? There's an odd number of people? Uhhh... So, uh, how should I slice it, then?
Home Tap 1: These egg tarts looks amazing, don'tcha think? Clover-senpai made it special for me, since he knows I like eggs.
Home Tap 2: Hunt-senpai said, "Worn-down shoes can bring about injuries," and gave me new sneakers... How did he know mine were old?
Home Tap 3: When my upperclassmen were wishing me a happy birthday, I made sure to loudly enunciate a proper, "Sir, yes, sir, thanks!" each time, but for some reason, they all looked at me funny.
Home Tap 4: My mom sent me a picture of a rice omelette. She'd always make one for my birthday every year back home.
Home Tap 5: Hm? There's a speck of food on my cheek? ...Oh, you're right. I got so into eating that I didn't notice...
Home Tap - Groovy: C'mon, this is a party! You can't not stuff your face with everything like me and Grim are doing!
Duo: [DEUCE]: I’ll show you how much I’ve improved, Epel! [EPEL]: I look forward to it, Deuce-kun.
Birthday Login Message: Hey you, do you have any plans today? …No, I should stop being indirect. Today, they’re going to hold a birthday party for me at Heartslabyul. Won’t you come too?
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Requested by Anonymous.
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uceyliyahh · 3 days
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Summary; After her difficult breakup, Tiana wanted to start anew with her life. That's when she realized her life would be better when she met him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 5282
Smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso X Tiana
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
But I’ll be writing along the way since this story is in my drafts on Wattpad right now so yuh 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tagged 🏷️
@pinkwithhearts @jstarr86 @empressdede @paigereeder @biancasreign
it was ten in the morning, and the sunlight was beaming down from my curtains. I had woken up from my slumber after a wild night that I had with Josh; I've seen him sleeping on his stomach, snoring loudly.
I played in his mullet, which was a mess, as I saw him shifting in his sleep while I went towards the bathroom to take a shower to soothe my body.
As I was in the shower letting the warm water hit my body a sigh of relief came out of my mouth, I wasn't expecting to get my back blown out by this man last night he was so rough and dominant with it something that Malakai didn't have in that department.
I heard the bathroom open knowing that it was Josh coming in probably looking me, but I didn't really pay attention to it.
I felt the cold breeze as the curtains were open turning around seeing Josh standing there looking at me as I smiled at him.
"I was looking for you." Jey said.
"I figured you were c'mon, boy, you are getting me cold." I said as he came in the shower behind me while closing the shower curtains.
"My fault, mama." He had wrapped his arms around my waist nuzzling his neck onto my shoulder kissing me on the cheek.
I just smiled at him as him and I showered together I shared my body wash and stuff with him since he didn't bring any masculine body wash.
We were in the shower longer than expected due to us having a make out session in the shower since he couldn't control himself around me then end up taking pictures together in the bathroom.
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biancabelairwwe replied to your story: IF YALL DONT GET YALL FREAKY ASSES OUT NEOW! shelovesemma replied to your story: Kai ain't going to like this one. uceyjucey replied to your story: 🤍 shelovekai replied to your story: WTF IS THIS? TEXT ME NOW UNBLOCK ME RN!😠
I chuckled at Bianca's reply to my story, knowing that she was probably downstairs watching it right now, but we both walked inside my room, drying ourselves off.
I've seen Josh with the towel wrapped around his waist, looking all good with his hair all wet, making me want to pounce on him so fast.
But he threw on the clothes he had on yesterday as he watched me put on some clothes since I had a few clients that needed their nails done for today.
"What'chu got plan for today mama?" Jey asked me.
"Well, I got a few clients today that need their nails done for like a special occasion that they're having after that I'm probably going to go to the mall to get me something." I said while fixing my hair in the mirror as I've seen him walking up to me.
"Mhm, you tryna spend the night tonight with me?" I turned around while staring up at him as he was gazing down at me.
'He wants me to spend the night? Ova at his crib? Wait until Bianca here's about this.'
"sure ion mind spending the night in your home." He nodded his head while grabbing my chin to give me a few kisses on the lips.
"Ight then pretty lady I'll see you later then." He was about to head out but I stopped him in his tracks as he looked down at me.
"What's up mama?"
"Don't you wanna take you some breakfast to eat before you leave?" I asked him as he nodded his head yes.
"Hell yeah, girl, I be starving in that bitch man."
I just laughed at him as we both went downstairs together so I could fix breakfast for everyone, including him.
✧.* OMNISCIENT Tiana was doing her friend Emma's nails for today since they needed to catch up with a lot of things that's been happening in their lives including Tiana's of course.
As they were gossiping about their lives Tiana's phone started to buzz as she seen the caller ID but couldn't recognize the number but it had clicked to her that it was Malakai calling her.
"Is that Kai?" Emma asked.
"Yeah it's his ass again girl, ion know what imma do."Tiana said while painting her nails.
"Girl ask ya new man he look like he could fight."She just chuckled at her response, Josh is really dominant and strong so he'll probably be able to punch Malakai's head off.
Her phone rang again, but this time it was a FaceTime call from Josh, so of course, she picked it up.
FACETIME Jey: hey mamas what'chu doing right now? Tiana: I'm doing my friend Emma's nails she's my last client for today why? Jey: I wanted to see if I could come get you early from work today since you staying at my crib for tonight. Tiana: I mean I have my own car but you can just pick me up at my house. Jey: ight then mama.
"Ouuu you spending the night at your mans house girl." She said as a hit her in her arm.
Tiana was cheesing like a mother fucker like this man got her hooked and attached to him; meanwhile, we aren't a couple.
"Shut up Emma, you're making me blush bro."Tiana said as we continued to laugh together.
She saw a car pull up in the parking lot. She thought it was Josh coming to visit, but when I saw the body figure, she already knew it was going to be some shit.
Malakai came in there all furious as her and Emma looked at him.
"Oh, what's good Kai." Emma said.
"What's up Em, I need to speak to you Tiana like now?" Malakai said sternly as Tiana scoffed at him.
"Nigga anything you need to say you can say it in front of Em." She said while multitasking.
she noticed that he had a frustrated expression on his face wondering how is he going to be manipulate her this time around since he don't like the fact that she moved on from him.
"Who the fuck this dude huh? Tiana?" He asked as he showed her a picture of her and Josh together.
She just rolled her eyes at him, "what? Are you jealous or sum' about me moving while being happy with someone that isn't yo' ass Kai?"
"Like why are you still stuck on me when YOU fucked up by fucking ol' girl." Tiana continued as he stood there.
"Mane fuck allat' shi I apologize didn't I? So that means we are still together." He said as she snicker at him this man is delusional.
"An apology comes with accountability and actions dummy and you did none of that, you literally proved my point." She argued back while curing Emma's nails in the curing light.
"Whatever Tink, where's your supposed to be man at or is he imaginary?" 'This goofball right here, bro. He can't be serious, right?'
"He's at work right now I mean I can FaceTime him real quick so you can see what he looks like since you think he ain't real." Tiana said as she pulled out her phone while calling Josh on FaceTime call.
FACETIME Jey: what's up mamas? Tiana: Josh, somebody wanna see you because they don't think you aren't real Jey: who?
She turned her camera around on the FaceTime call showing Josh her ex Malakai she could sense that Josh's eyebrows were furrowed up a bit.
Jey: is that yo' ex mama? Tiana: yeah that's him he said you wasn't real so I had to show him proof that you were. Jey: hm, give me a minute imma pull up real quick so he can see me in person seems like he gotta problem with me.
She placed her phone on the table, running her fingers through her hair, and looked at Malakai, who was staring down at her.
"Omg, tink I love my nails girl you get me right all the time." Emma said.
"Of course girl you know I got'chu." She said as she paid her the money while staying there probably she wanted to see who was her "new man" is.
After waiting for him to pull up we've seen his car pull up in the parking lot as he came out the car looking all good in his daily work clothes.
Jey opened the door seeing everyone staring at him as his eyes darted towards Tiana's way then to Malakai's way too, he ignored him as he came up to Tiana.
Scooping her up by her thighs as she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him on the lips causing Malakai to be pissed at this.
"Is this supposed to be your "new man" T?" Malakai asked.
Before she could say anything, Jey had spoken, "Yeah, I'm the one that's rearranging her guts in real good while yo' ass is up here being delulu."
His voice sounded deep and raspy kinda turned Tiana on as she seen her ex trying to walk up on Jey but he stood his ground while looking at him.
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"Yo' ass might wanna back up." Jey said sternly while getting all close and personal with Malakai.
He could sense the fear that Malakai had, so he chuckled a bit before having a smirk on his face.
"What's with the smirk bum." Malakai taunted.
"Me? A bum? If I were so much of a bum, I would've been dressing like yo' goofy ass dawg." He retorted.
He looked towards Tiana's way as she looked at him with them deep deer eyes she had it just made him want her so badly.
"You can leave now Kai I got things to do and I'm not staying here to hear nun else you got to say." Tiana replied as she was beginning to sanitize her equipment.
"Nah you ain't goin' with this lame Tink." He warned her.
"She is, so get yo' ass off of her shit." Jey threatened while pushing him roughly.
Malakai threw his hands up, "fuck it, whatever but this ain't over Tiana."  Then he left the building all pissed off.
"Woah that was crazy." Emma said.
After spilling the beans to Bianca about what had went down today at work she was livid but also happy that Josh came through before things got worse.
Meanwhile I was packing my bag with some clothes to wear at Josh's house since I am spending the night over there tonight that could give Bianca and Montez some privacy.
"Girl when is you and Joshua going to make it official chileee." She asked.
"I don't know it really all on him to make that decision, I already made up my mind." I said while shrugging my shoulders as I went towards my bathroom to grab my feminine products.
"I hate to say this buuuut, I TOLD YO' ASS." I rolled my eyes at her while throwing up the middle finger.
'She wasn't wrong. I was going to fold for this man. I mean, he takes care of me, loves on me, and he even listens to me, something that Malakai couldn't comprehend since he was too busy with his "rapper" career.'
'So yeah I'm attached to Josh but still keeping my guard up.'
"Yeah, yeah, all I hear is yapping B." I retorted as we saw a car pulling up, knowing that it was Jey.
"Well ya' man is here hurry up!" She said.
'Not her rushing me outta here bro like what?'
I made sure that I grabbed everything before leaving my bedroom to be greeted by Josh standing there waiting on me.
I walked up towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes, and giving him a peck on the lips.
"Hey, pretty mama you ready?" Jey asked.
"Yeah, I'm ready to leave." I said as he grabbed my bag while opening the door.
"Ight let's go then." He said as him and I walked out.
Until I heard her big ass mouth shouting, "HAVE FUN BESTIEEE BRING ME A NIECE HOME!" I wanted to bob her upside the head for saying that shit out loud while Jey found it amusing.
I got inside his car while putting my purse in front of me on the floor as I buckled my seatbelt waiting on him patiently.
He finally came in the car looking towards my direction as he turned on his ignition to his car while he back out of the driveway driving towards his house.
Him and I were listening to my playlist on the AUX cord as he pulled out a pre-roll blunt from his glove department giving it to me to light up since he was driving.
I lit it up and took some puffs out of it before passing it back towards his way, I loved this, this was something that I always wanted to do when I was with Kai but I'm doing everything that I wanted to do with Jey.
He's so different everything about him is different I just have to get to know him more and learn his past.
He passed me the blunt as I smoked some from it as I blew it out of my nose, feeling that sense of relief.
"I got a pool out back if you want to use it, ma." He said this while getting the blunt from me.
"Ouuu I would love to use it Josh." I said excitedly as he smiled at me.
We finally made it to his crib as I grabbed my purse while unbuckling my seatbelt when I got out of the car my mouth was wide open at the sight I am seeing.
His house was so modern and homey like, we went inside of his house seeing all of this aesthetic stuff in his home especially the color scheme of the house it just looks so good.
I noticed him placing my bag down while walking towards me.
"Welcome to my home, lil' mama." He said.
"It looks so beautiful, Josh. I love the color scheme and everything else that's in here." I complimented as he smiled at me showing his grills.
"Thank you mama."
"Lemme show you around." I nodded my head yes as I followed him around the house.
After he showed me around his house I noticed that he had a mini studio in his house I guess that's where he does his other tattoos at or whatever but I went upstairs towards the guest room to put my things in there and went to go change into my bathing suit.
I bought it recently for something like this because I knew he would have a pool out back so I'm glad I bought it he probably won't be able to take his hands off of me.
I looked a the mirror in the bathroom one last time before heading out towards the pool making sure I grab my phone and towel.
I walked downstairs seeing Jey already swimming in the pool looking all good so I walked towards the sliding door opening it which caught his attention as he trailed his eyes down onto me as I put my things down.
He licked his lips while looking at me deeply. I knew he wouldn't be able to control himself.
"Damn, mama, you look good as fuck." Jey complimented as I came inside the pool with him.
"Thank you Josh, you're handsome too very." I replied as I enjoyed the warmth of the pool.
He came swam towards me as he scooped me up by my thighs as I wrapped my legs around his torso keeping myself in place.
Jey started to place a few kisses onto my lips as we both looked at each other cheesing like little ass teenagers.
"Josh." I called for him.
"What's up mama?" He responded as we continued to look deeply into each other's eyes.
"I wanna know more about you and your past experiences if you don't mind me asking." I could read his expression that he was certain that he wanted to be open with me.
"I got'chu mamas, but I was in a toxic relationship with this girl I was dealing with at the time, and she would be on my ass about everything and was curious about my whereabouts when in reality I was at work trying to start a future for us but she had to ruin it by cheating on me with some lame so I just decided go focus on myself after that." He vented as I sat there listening to him.
Our stories were similar to each other, both of us dealing with a toxic ex that cheated and ruin the relationship so I can understand where he is coming from because it happened to me too.
I feel like with Jey I could find love again he probably feels the same way too I just don't know honestly.
"I understand where you're coming from because I've been through that with him." I reassured him as I was playing in his hair.
"With ol' boy?" He asked while rubbing my thighs with his hands.
"Yeah it was a pretty messy break up, his parents tried to convince me that he'd had changed but I ended up with the same result I stopped being friends with the girl that I was close with after that happened." I said.
He hummed as a response while rubbing his hands on both ends of my body, continuing to look up at me licking his lips.
'This man is making me blush so hard right now. God, why did you bring this fine specimen to me?'
I looked away for a second trying to keep my composure around him as I heard he chuckled softly while grabbing my chin making me look at him.
"Why you keep doing that?, do I make you that nervous?" He asked.
"Yes Josh you make me feel nervous every single time we are around each other." I confessed while looking down at him.
I saw him smirking while rubbing his beard, "hm, didn't know I had that effect on you mamas." I just rolled my eyes at him as me and him continued to swim in the pool together.
I was in the kitchen cooking some dinner for the both of us as I felt him all up behind me with a blunt in his hands as he passed it to me while I grabbed it with my hand that I wasn't using and took a few puffs outta it before passing it back to him.
He gave my ass a little smack before heading back to the living room to play the game with the guys, I was cooking us some steak with mashed potatoes and asparagus I always will be thankful for my mother for teaching me this.
I'm so grateful that she is still around and dad too, hearing Jey screaming his ass off at his brother and his cousins because they were losing had me rolling.
He darted his eyes towards my direction while giving me a glare like 'nigga it's not my fault yo' ass is losing the damn game.'
I just smiled at him while focusing on cooking the food because I know that boy loves food fr.
I was done cooking dinner as I walked over to Jey with his plate as he looked down at it while smiling hard as hell.
"Damn, mamas, you can throw it down in the kitchen, I see." Jey said as he began eating his food I could tell that he loved it so much.
"Thank you Josh got it from my momma." I said as I sat down next to him while eating our dinner together until I heard his brother say something in the mic
"Uce, you gotta new shawty or sum dawg? that I didn't even know about? Or we didn't even know about.'
Jey was stuffing his mouth with food not even paying attention to his brother while I just looked at him and started snickering at him.
"yeah Uce, who's this shawty that's cooking you dinner I hope it ain't Kehlani ass."
'Kehlani? Was that his ex-girlfriend that he was talking to me about?'
Jey stopped eating for a moment and began speaking into the mic, "nah uce, it ain't her ass y'all will meet her soon ight now let me be im tryna eat."
'He wants me to meet his family? I hope they'll like me.'
After we ate dinner I was washing the dishes as I felt Jey wrapping his arms around my waist while kissing my shoulder.
I've seen turned around wrapping my arms around his neck while pulling him into a kiss knowing that he was still on the game with the guys and his mic wasn't muted.
He snake his hands away from my waist towards my ass giving it a good grip as he placed me onto the counter top never leaving my lips.
My hands were in his hair as our tongues were fighting for dominance against each other feeling him rubbing up against me until his brother said something.
"Aye uce, mute yo' mic we don't wanna hear allat'" we stopped having our make out session as we both chuckled a bit as he pecked me on the lips.
"We goin' finish this later mama ight?" He said as I nodded my head.
I went upstairs towards the guest bedroom as I turned on the tv and started watching baddies caribbean while scrolling through my socials.
I posted a pic of me in my bathing suit that I had on earlier and the food a made for dinner not to long ago.
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biancabelairwwe, uceyjucey, shelovekai, and 289,999 people liked your post.
tianasworld: get you a women that can do both. 🫶🏽 uceyjucey: damn right mama phew look at allat. 😮‍💨 biancabelairwwe: girrrrrl can yall be together now im tired of waiting. 😀😀 tianasworld: @ biancabelairwwe im waiting on him. shelovekai: he can't handle allat like i do and wtf you ain't do this for me? uceyjucey: @ shelovekai most def can handle allat unlike yo ass so move around not goin' to repeat myself bum. shelovekai: @ uceyjucey bum? you the bum here messing what's mine. uceyjucey: @ shelovekai she ain't yours no more she belong to me that's fo' damn sure. biancabelairwwe: ooop the girls are fighting!! 😭😭
Read all 99,800 comments.
I was laughing at the comments especially Jey's comment towards Kai I loved how he claimed me as his even though he hasn't said it yet but I'm waiting patiently for him to speak on that matter.
He probably wanna take things slow first which I can most definitely understand because I wanna do that too ion wanna move to fast with this.
As I was watching Tv I heard footsteps coming up the steps knowing that it was Josh coming up probably done playing the game with the guys but I just continued to watch my show as I heard the door opening seeing him peek his head out.
"What'chu doing in the guest bedroom mama?" Jey asked while shutting the door behind him.
"Oh, I didn't know if you wanted me in your space  so I just put my bags in here." I said as I felt him walking up towards me.
He placed his hands on his hips like a typical mom while looking down at me.
"Tiana, stop playin' with me and go in my room." He said as I listen to him.
I grabbed my bag and everything that I had a moved it over towards Jey's bedroom, his room look way more better than the guest bedroom as I sat my bag down and putting my feminine products in his bathroom while sitting on his bed turning on the Tv continuing to watch my show.
I gotten a text message from Bianca and from Kai once again I just sighed thinking to myself 'is he ever going to quit?'
Breezy: heyyy girl how's the sleep over going? Tiana: it's going good I'm having a good time here like Josh is so generous and caring. Breezy: I see that him and Kai were beefing under your comments girl Tiana: yeah speaking of him, he texted me again from a new number. Breezy: what? That nigga is so weird bro. Tiana: ik right like he seems bitter honestly.
Breezy: sounds like it fasho but I'll let you be girl I'll text you tmr. Tiana: kk bye bestie.
I sighed, thinking if I should leave his ass on read so I can get back to my show because I find it ironic how he believes we are still together.
Weirdo: Tiana idk wtf you and ol' boy got going on but it needs to end. Tiana: nigga fuck you, you heard him i don't belong to you anymore. Weirdo: stop playin' with me Tiana. Tiana: blocked.
I blocked his ass again not wanting to deal with his bullshit for tonight as I continue to watch my show on Jey's Tv, Malakai is just weird and obviously obsessed with me.
I was laughing while watching baddies caribbean seeing them fight was amusing to me, I heard the door opening seeing Jey coming in I didn't really pay attention to him as he closed the door behind him.
He placed his phone down on the dresser while coming towards me, and my eyes darted in his direction.
He hovered over me while holding my waist pinning me down on the bed as we both looked at each other.
"You done playing with the guys?" I asked as he started placing kisses on my neck.
"Mhm, you have all of my attention now ma, why don't you take these panties off so I can beat that pussy in." Jey purred as he was tugging on my shorts.
I was on top of Josh holding his legs for support as I was riding him up and down on his dick as he watched while giving my ass a few slaps.
"Yeah, keep ridin' that shit mama." He praised.
"F-fuck J-Josh." I moaned while continuing to ride him.
As I kept riding him while my skin was slapping up against his legs I felt Josh pushed his dick further inside of me as I moaned loudly.
As my pussy was gripping onto him firmly as he threw his head back at the feeling.
"Fuck mama, keep gripping onto me like that." He moaned as he held onto my hips, guiding me to go faster. I was bouncing on his dick faster, causing me to feel pressure underneath me, "ouuuu fuck, this dick feels so good, Daddy." He smacked my ass while he pulled out, causing me to whine.
He bent me over as I was laying flat on my stomach while he put his dick back inside of my wetness while starting to pound into me.
I felt him gripping my ass as he was giving me good strokes from the back, making me look behind him seeing him move his hips into me.
He was biting the bottom of his lip while gazing down at me as he watched his dick go in and out of me.
"Mhmm, keep looking back at me, mama, with that pretty ass face." I was gripping the sheets right as he kept fucking me to the oblivion as my mind was seeing stars.
I had drool coming from my mouth that was running across my cheek as I rolled my eyes in the back of my head at the pleasure I was feeling now.
I felt the bed getting heavy as I saw him put his foot onto the bed while grabbing a whole load of my hair as he fucked me vigorously as I cried out.
"Ohhhh my goddddd Joshhhhh!" I cried out as I tried to place my hands onto his abs to slow him down.
But he pushed my hands away, thrusting into me harder as I mewled weakly, "Josh fuck..." every deep stroke he had, he gave it to you, making you feel every inch of him.
"Mhmm, don't run mama take this dick." He grunted as he trapped his lip between his teeth, gazing down at me.
As he was hitting my g-spot so good causing me to bite the bottom of my lip as he let go of my hair while my body collapsed onto the sheets as he kept going.
He slapped my ass while grunted, "arch that damn back and take this shit." He was fucking your shit up, making you feel lopsided as you were gasping for air.
I couldn't keep up with him as I felt defeated letting him do whatever he wanted do me as my mind went foggy, I felt a pit going down my stomach knowing that was I was finna cream on this man.
My walls were clenching onto him as he groaned in pleasure doing his worst to me he could sense that I was finna cum on him.
He didn't stop his pace as he was thrusting his hips deep inside of me knowing that he was hitting my spot good.
"Talk to me mama, I'm hitting that shit?"
"Yess daddy yess..." I moaned weakly as he slapped my ass seeing him all sweaty.
"This my pussy mama? Hm?" I couldn't comprehend what he was saying while he grabbed me by the throat pulling me up closer to his body as he kept thrusting deep inside of me.
"I'm not going to repeat myself mama, tell me that this is my pussy." He choke me firmly.
"Fuck yes, Daddy, this your pussy!" I felt his lips pressed onto my cheek.
He loved the sound of that and the way I looked right now all fucked up and miserable under him I  felt my legs tighten as I cried out loudly "fuckkkkk Josh I'm cumminggg!" Feeling my legs shaken as his thrusts were becoming sloppy.
I felt so weak and tired out from all of this as I held onto his neck for support as his movements were getting sloppier and sloppier every single thrust he was giving me.
"fuck mama, I'm finna bust." I heard him moan softly.
He kept his pace going pounding my shit, causing me to see stars as I rolled my eyes in the back of my head, trying to catch my breath with this man; he was making me feel over-simulated.
He gave it his all as he cursed under his breath while pulling out of me, "fuckkkkk mamass." he groaned as he came onto my back as I fell onto the sheets, feeling defeated.
OMNISCIENT Jey and Tiana were breathing heavily as Jey went to go get a warm wet rag to clean Tiana's back as she lie there face in the sheets.
He threw their clothes into the dirty bin that was next to the dresser as he picked up Tiana placing her on the other side of the bed.
He pulled the sheets over her as he came crawled onto the bed while getting in the bedsheets with her pulling her closer to him.
Nuzzling his neck onto her shoulders as he kissed her on the cheek while drifting to sleep.
Under your Touch.
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jonathanfatu, trinity_fatu, zillafatu, and 200,567 liked your post.
uceyjucey: I think I found the one fasho. 🫶🏽 jonathanfatu: damn uce, we gotta meet her uceyjucey: @ jonathanfatu I have something planned. trinity_fatu: ouuuu I smell a new friend coming? 😌 zillafatu: I see you cuz is she better than Kehlani hoe ass? uceyjucey: @ zillafatu yeah most def. theyhatelani: who tf is this bitch? And she ain't even close to being better than me you know you love me still Josh. uceyjucey: @ theyhatelani girl yo' ass is so delusional move around. tianasworld: you know I do baby. 🥰 uceyjucey:  @ tianasworld 😚😚
Read all 100,456 comments.
A/N: lawd this is starting to unpack pretty soon Jey love him some Tiana would do anything for her but I hope yall enjoy this chapter! Lmk in the comments.
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therobotmonster · 1 month
Sculpt as Play Feature
While the last several weeks have been very bad for my pain levels and general state, I've lucked out in that the hand pain has been minimal and my brain has decided sculpting is its preferred stim for the moment. So lets hit some previews of stuff I've got in the pipe.
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Turtles of Grayskull Mekanek is... baffling. I mean, what's the reference? Is it some kind of snapping turtle armor? But part of being a toy customizer-enabler is fixing mis-steps by the official companies.
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So I'm making bits to turn Mek-a-Nek into a mutant giraffe like I mis-predicted here, because c'mon!
This sculpt is in-process. I already have a neural-expression version sculpted, so this is the playmates-style variant. One thing I love about playmates' TMNT work (esp in the old days) is the classic assymetrical face sculpt, because especially on characters with long muzzles, it can get you three expressions in one head sculpt depending on how you look at the toy.
I'm going to add the tongue, possibly lolling out the left side of the muzzle, and a lot of other mods I'm sure. The current plan is to offer a pack with several variant heads (basic giraffe, wearing Mek-A-Nek helmet & goggles, and Halfcourt, with neck-extensions and a basketball hoop collar-piece for Halfcourt builds.
Minor variants are pretty easy to implement in 3d sculpts, so if I have a good idea for one I tend to include it as a bonus.
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The Mutant Cringer/Panthor set, for instance, is going to have a bunch of variant options. Here we've got (Cringer/Panthor/TigerMan), BattleCat, TigerClaw/Old Hob (flip left to right), Ninja Cringer (a be-hatted Scratch is likely to follow) and I might do a Dupli-cat/Manx. Of course, since these are basic cat/tiger heads, once colored the options are endless.
On to the Big Stuff:
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The Modular Sky-Sled/Doom Buggy Pack is entering final testing.
The Sky Sled was the most commonly used vehicle of the original series, being basic transport for both sides. As such, it makes sense to me that they would be heavily customized and adapted for individual users. Since 3d printing requires assembling the toy anyway, why not make that part of the fun, and provide options?
The pack includes 1 chassis design, 2 each of side guns, hood gun, control yoke, side panels, thruster assemblies, and removable engines. The initial pack also comes with six gargoyles, and at least 3 control panels.
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This modular system is going to spawn a lot of vehicles and creatures, with cross-compatibility wherever it works for the release. The control panels, for instance, work with the newly revised (and currently in testing) Verminus Rex:
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Who now no longer requires flex filament and has working mandibles that move in unison and numerous sculpt improvements.
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Sprin-Tor (very early in development) takes full advantage of the modular system. Sprin-Tor assembles around a wild-west variant sky-skiff, and you can use the base Skysled chassis (and most of the other parts) with the Sprin-Tor parts to make your own variation, and as other vehicles in the series come out, the options expand with each.
He's even got a jingle.
You like this stuff or my general vibe?
My Cults 3d Store, my Patreon, wishlist of stuff I'll make add-ons for, my paypal.me.
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svltzmans · 1 year
more hope mikaelson nśfw headcanons <3
a/n: i feel like you all will appreciate these gay thoughts i've compiled
warnings: smut (18+), this is so filthy i'm sorry, if you are under 18 and read this i'll call ur mom, semi-public sex, phone sex, etc.
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hope is such a boobs girl it's crazy
she's obsessed
and when she can't touch them she is ALWAYS staring
like always
especially if you wear anything low cut
she loves ass too, of course
and sometimes when you're walking in front of her she'll grab yours
(when you're in private)
but not always in private
hope is the type of girlfriend to take you out to the shops
and stand closely behind you, hidden by a rack of clothes
and she'll move her hands down from your waist
and get close to your face and whisper
"god, you're so sexy. can't wait until we get home."
hope has quite the sex drive, she takes "anywhere, any time" to a literal level
and that includes when you are away from her for any reason
if you're on vacation for a week or if you're just in class for an hour
you'd pick up your phone and see that you got a photo message from hope
and you'd open it to see a collection of photos of hope in front of the mirror, starting with her wearing lingerie and ending with her being completely naked
she'd also send something short but unbelievably hot and needy
wish you were here to fuck me
i miss your tongue baby
thirsty stuff like that
inevitably this would escalate to phone sex because duh!
i've said this before but hope has big switch energy
one day she'll be telling you exactly what she wants you to do for her
hearing your moans though the receiver
and the next she'll be begging for you to take the control right out of her hands
hope's biggest kink is dirty talk so hearing you encourage her and tease her over the phone gets her off effortlessly (a/n: this might be slightly self indulgent)
after a few minutes of you saying things like
"good girl, hope. faster baby, just like i would do it"
"you sound so pretty when you whine for me"
"that's it, let me hear you"
hope would be a MESS
trying to respond to you in any way she can
probably just nonsensical mixes of words
"y/n, feels so good. more. please more, oh god.."
"gonna cum, can i cum? please let me.. fuck"
phone sex with hope >>>
in the summer hope would plan swimming dates specifically to see you in a bikini
and you'd have some fun with it of course, buying some slightly more revealing swimsuits
because it's entertaining to see hope trying to keep her hands to herself
if she took you to the beach, she would use the ocean to her advantage
because the water is cloudy and hard to see through
(see where i'm going with this?)
"c'mon baby, let's go for a swim."
and you'd agree, because it's hot on the beach
hope would take you out far enough into the ocean that nobody could see what you were doing
and to any bystander it would look like you and hope were just swimming next to each other
hope would swim behind you and wrap her arms around your waist, innocently enough at first
until she leans close to your ear
"think i could make you cum out here without anyone noticing?"
at first you don't think you heard her right
until you see the look on her face, mischievous as ever
and you realize she absolutely said what you thought she did
and meant it
"you're so naughty, mikaelson," you'd tease, not being able to help giggling at the boldness of your girlfriend
she wouldn't even respond, positioning herself behind you and sneaking her hand into the water
and directly into the bottoms of your swimsuit
something about the thrill of possibly getting caught turns hope on to the absolute max
and she doesn't waste any time, toying with your clit with no mercy
"my god, hope," you'd whisper, trying to hold back any unintentional noise.
"you like this, huh? me fucking you out here? where anyone could see you being my whore?"
when hope takes control, she does it one hundred percent, knowing you are putty in her hands
before you can even respond, hope puts two fingers inside of you and curls them
and you almost completely lose it, your composure draining by the second
"close, hope," is all you can manage, feeling your body start to collapse in hope's arms
"there you go, pretty one. gonna cum for me, huh? come on baby, wanna feel you cum on my fingers."
before hope's last word is off her tongue, you're already crashing down, biting your lip and sinking deeper into hope's arms
hope finally swims out from behind you, letting out what sounds like a fake evil laugh
"well that worked out well, huh?"
a/n: guys is this too much i'm a whore but i'm also shy i don't usually write smut this intense 🫣
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