#can it be any worse honestly tumblr you SUCK
andorerso · 1 year
Chapter 22 - Mirror | Blood Red Rose
After the night Jyn and Cassian spent together, it's time to return to reality and start making battle plans...
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queer-ragnelle · 13 days
I'm honestly kinda disgusted by the way a lot of authors just seeped their misogyny onto Guinevere to make her so horrible, lol. effectively destroyed a lot of people's view of her and she gets blamed for everything?? people keep shitting on her, saying Lancelot should be shipped with "someone better" and I'm just really annoyed because.. Guinevere is horribly characterized by these weirdos authors 💀. It does not take much to portray her as a complex character while also not making her shitty on purpose because you don't like her for her affair, lol.
I love her so much and it's disappointing how she's been treated :(( which is why I'll never be able to hate Guinevere or her ship with Lancelot
My friend it’s honestly so exhausting at this point. It’s not even limited to writing Guinevere herself as insufferable, but writing other characters behaving worse toward her than they ever were in medlit. Arthur hitting and degrading her when he cheats on her? (Warrior of the West by M. K. Hume) Lancelot using her for political gain and never loving her at all? (Enemy of God by Bernard Cornwell) Owain blocking her passage as she flees danger? (Legend in Autumn by Persia Woolley) Agravaine threatening to rape her? (The Road to Avalon by Joan Wolf) Gawain threatening to rape her? (Guinevere by Lavinia Collins) WHO are these characters bro you got me fucked up!!! The subtext here is that the authors hate Guinevere (read: women) so much they’re willing to warp everyone around her to treat her like garbage!!!
“Guinevere is bad because she has sex outside marriage.” Yeah so does Arthur. He fucked his own sister. In the dark. Leading her to believe he was her husband. So there’s Mordred, but there’s also Loholt and Arthur the Less etc. Arthur has many bastards from his extramarital affairs. (Vulgate and Post-Vulgate) Yet he isn’t canceled. Hm. Wonder what the difference could be? Let’s investigate. Seems authors treat Morgause and Morgan similarly to Guinevere. Gee, what is the common denominator here? Meanwhile in medlit, Morgause didn’t commit any crimes—she didn’t rape Arthur to have Mordred, she never neglected her children, she never cheated on Lot, and she didn’t prey on young men, she had ONE consistent lover who was younger than her AFTER her husband died. And she was murdered for it. (Post-Vulgate) Yet every other author writes her as a rapist (The Once and Future King by T. H. White), child grooming (The Wicked Day by Mary Stewart), pedophile (The Book of Gaheris by Kari Sperring), trying to put one of her sons on the throne (many examples). Now, Morgan is evil. But not for lewdness, for trying to murder people. In literally every source. Hello. It’s very simple. These authors are ridiculous. They care more about highlighting their opinion that fictional women having sex is BAD than writing a good story. When there are plenty of actually bad things happening in medlit they could condemn instead. You know, like the misogyny? Burning Guinevere at the stake??? You couldn’t make this up. It’s the utter disdain for the material for me. Assuming these dumbasses are even reading the material. Write something else where I can’t see it. (To be clear, I don’t even hate all the books I listed as examples, but they are unfortunately examples.)
Thankfully I haven’t encountered the blogger discourse regarding this. At least not lately. My advice to anyone who sees people shitting on something you like is to block them. Just do it. Fuck that noise. It’s not worth it.
Also I have to laugh at ship discourse about Guinevere/Lancelot. Of all pairs! It’s so unserious. They’re not some random comphet duo from the newest tumblr trending fandom. They’re mythological characters from a medieval literary tradition. Lancelot was created for her. In the 12th century. That was 900 years ago. It feels juvenile to reduce them to ship discourse. Especially because the story is fluid, it can be reshaped to fit the author’s narrative. So if Guinevere sucks, it’s because they made her that way. This is the epitome of making up a girl to be mad at.
“Oh but in Knight of the Cart—” Shh stop talking. If you’re pulling out KotC like some “gotcha” about Guinevere’s treatment of Lancelot, then you’re lost, buddy. You may be seeking entertainment in the wrong place! Guinevere and Lancelot aren’t real. Nobody was “abused” because they’re characters, narrative tools, to tell a story. Guinevere is flawed. Nobody ever said she wasn’t. If that’s too much complexity for you then I don’t know what else there is to say.
Honestly? Nobody is obligated to like Guinevere. I think it’s stupid to dislike her but the real take away is—if you dislike Guinevere so much, hate her even, why the are you writing so poorly about her? She’s as old a character as Arthur himself. Show some fucking respect or get out.
Anyway I’m going to end this with a recommendation! Today I started the third book of Sharan Newman’s Guinevere trilogy. The first two, Guinevere and The Chessboard Queen were utterly AWESOME!! Lots and lots of named women, like Guinevere’s mother Guenlain, Cador’s wife Sidna and daughter Lydia, Guinevere’s handmaiden Risa, and so on. The one downside is Morgause and Morgan are your typical modern retelling baddies, but overall it’s two thumbs up from me. Many points of view, but Guinevere is fascinating and complex and most importantly she is beloved!!!!!! Really hoping it stays enjoyable through to the end. Miss Newman is still in print, so I encourage everyone to seek these books out at your local library or from your favorite bookseller. Here’s a quote from book 2, The Chessboard Queen.
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ravenwoodalum · 10 months
on karamelle, why it sucks, and redeeming azteca's reputation.
I just got to Karamelle for the second time, and good lord. I hadn't forgotten how much I hated it, but it hit me like a wall of bricks. And I'm already preparing myself to marathon it and be fucking done questing here for at least a year.
I think it breaks down like this.
Baby's first workers rights movement/sugary-sweet surveillance state Listen. I know this is a game that doesn't allow for player characters to have much individual impact on the in-game narrative. I know we've had to do errands for cops. I know we work for a war criminal. I KNOW there are flaws in the system. But there's something about the way that Karamelle's set up that makes it all feel so. much. worse. And that's the fact that Karamelle has such a stellar reputation within the Spiral before this. The happiest place in the Spiral, the sweetest treats in the Spiral. Everyone seems to fucking love this place. Almost no one outside of those actually working there seem to understand how corrupt it is. And so the YW is talked down to at every turn, like this is their first exposure to a corrupt environment. And sure, maybe it is within, canon. YW gets isekai'd at a very young age and then made into a child soldier, maybe this is actually the first time in canon that they've been introduced to these concepts. But (and this may just be me) it feels really rude to the player -- who might actually have experience with these ideas -- to make them feel like a fucking idiot with the dialogue options. Karamelle's characters just feel rude.
Oh, so the Gobblers were a fatphobic, Roald Dahl type thing from the start. Cool cool cool. Any of you ever read Roald Dahl's book "The Twits"? It's a very unremarkable story all things considered, except for this bit.
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Aside from Roald Dahl's unavoidable history of antisemitism, does this remind you of anything? Honestly, this reminds me of the Gobbblers.
We first meet the Gobblers around level 10 in Wizard City -- creatures driven by consumption. And then we get to Empyrea and hear that the Alphoi -- skinny "civilized" creatures -- can become Gobblers if they eat too much or are unhealthy in their eating habits. Which makes one of our oldest running enemies a loop-around fatphobic thing, ESPECIALLY when we get to them in Karamelle, the home world of the Gobblers. Rosina, especially, just oozes fatphobia and diet culture. The literal vilification of being fat isn't even subtext, it's just text.
The Old One, The Cabal, and what to do when your escape from the world ends up shoving what you were escaping from right back in your face. When I was in sophomore year of college, fall of 2019, I had one of the worst mental health periods of my life. Antisemitism was fucking everywhere, I was always a moment away from a panic attack, and it felt like no one understood. While I'm lucky in the fact that I was able to get an official diagnosis for genetically inherited PTSD, alongside the reassurance that I wasn't fucking crazy, there was a period when I just needed to go home for a moment. So when I was going back to my dorm from the dining hall to make sure all my stuff was ready to go, I opened up tumblr and made a post on a long-gone RP sideblog I had for the Swedish Chef (y'know, from The Muppets? long story), and before I'd even gotten halfway across campus, I'd received threatening and violent messages from someone RPing as Borat, which only got worse when they realized they were talking to an actual Jewish person.
That escape from reality didn't even last five fucking minutes before the horrors I was trying to avoid found me.
Now, Wizard101 has always been a source of comfort for me. I made my account fourteen years ago, and I do not know what my life would look like if I hadn't done that. There are flaws with this game, yes, sure, but over the past five years (since I got a wiz compatible laptop) I've developed a bit of a reliance on it to get me through the horrors. No better form of escapism.
But no art form is free of the horrors.
And Wizard101 has the fucking Cabal and Old One.
The Cabal within the fiction of Wizard101 is a secret, nefarious organization pulling the strings on events across the Spiral, controlling history from the shadows. This term literally originates in antisemitic conspiracy theory, with the term 'cabal' originating from the term for Jewish mysticism, 'kabbalah'. And I promise you, you've heard plenty of applications of this conspiracy theory in real life too. It feeds into the idea that Jews (or 'global elite') control the government, the media, the banks.
And then, we get to the man in control of it all. The Old One. Whether or not this was intended, he's a walking, talking antisemitic caricature. The octopus as a symbol for the mythical Elders of Zion is a longstanding dogwhistle (see attached for a guide to this and many other visual dogwhistles). "Oh, he's based on H.P. Lovecraft-" So he's based on the works of a famous racist and antisemite, cool cool cool.
It's just exhausting, walking through a world that is so clearly modeled after Germany and other parts of eastern Europe, and finding antisemitism around every corner. And even more exhausting considering it's almost impossible to tell if they meant to do it. Antisemitism is so fucking ingrained in the world at this point that I don't actually know what they meant to do here, what they did maliciously or out of ignorance, or if any of it was put in with the purpose of turning it on its head. Over the past few years, it has become glaringly obvious that a lot of people don't realize when they're running across antisemitism, or even taking part in it. Including people I really thought would know better.
Side note. For those of you who know I see Dasein as Jewish, you may be wondering how I balance that out with the antisemitic nature of The Old One, since they share a physical form. I think of it like this. Dasein did not choose The Old One. He did not choose to resemble that, but he can attempt to reclaim it. Dasein's Judaism comes not from the resemblance he holds to the hatred that haunts us, but from the love that keeps us going. He questions authority and longstanding tradition, chooses to do what's right instead of what's expected, and is kind in the face of hatred. He literally makes himself, and a world, out of nothingness. Something out of Nothing. He's so Jewish you guys.
The Spiral's "Worst World Award" goes to... I know we all say "fuck Azteca" pretty often on this website, but I don't think it deserves to be deigned the worst world in Wiz. My main gripe with Azteca is how inaccessible it gets after Xibalba strikes -- the flashing lights aren't exactly photosensitive friendly. Which further lends frustration to my completionist nature, meaning I have to finish all quests, badges, and fishing before I finish the world (making it take forever to finish). Aside from that, there really isn't that much wrong with the world (and if you argue that it sucks because you can't save Azteca, I get it, but some tragedies are inescapable by their very nature). It's a problem of gameplay, versus a problem of plot in the case of Karamelle. And maybe its just because I'm a writer, but problems with plot feel much more egregious. I really do think Karamelle deserves more vitriol than it gets.
G-d, I can't wait to get to Lemuria.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
Hello Sophie, I'm Rune, a tulpa in the "Ross" system. You've done some great wonders for our community and my system and for that I thank you a thousand times. I'm sure you've gotten plenty of responses to THAT post you blogged yesterday, and it made me feel pretty conflicted. I understand where you're coming from, but it still seemed harsh. Do you genuinely believe it's a mistake for anti endos to receive love? Or any of the other points you made (I didn't disagree with all of them)? Maybe I'm too much of a pacifist, but I felt like that crossed a line we as a community shouldn't. I'm aware they also use tactics like these and worse ones, but it still feels wrong to me.
Sincerely, Rune 💜
Genuinely? I don't know...
I had a whole post typed up saying that I don't honestly believe that, that it was mostly about getting a reaction, but the more I've thought about it the angrier I've gotten.
When SAS's main blog was doxxed by AEV and their friends, I watched the whole anti-endo community cheerfully defend it.
When there was a vent sent to AEV talking about wanting endogenic systems to kill themselves, the anti-endo community here ignored it.
When there was a post with a picture saying "Death to the Endos of Tumblr," their community said nothing.
It feels like the absolute lowest bar for human decency in a community is not calling for people to die for existing, and calling out that behavior when you see it, but most anti-endos have failed to clear even that bar.
And it would be one thing if these were small posts from blogs nobody cared about, but the picture calling for death to endogenic systems had 60 notes, and AEV is one of the biggest anti-endo blogs currently.
And let's not forget the "endophobic" flag, a twisted mockery of pride flags, made a few years ago that got 240 likes while the flag was all about how much they hate endogenic systems.
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And including that reblog about how they hope it helps people perceive endogenic systems as enemies and not people to really drive the point home.
(Also... why is there a thin "blue" line in this flag. I know it's not actually blue, but that's what they call it and it's a weird design choice.)
And then I think back again to how Aimkid was bullied off of social media by anti-endos for the crime of being traumagenic system who happened to be pro-endo.
And how despite anti-endos claiming to be doing this all for the sake of trauma survivors, using their trauma as a shield, many of the people who are most hurt by anti-endos are trauma survivors. Either purely traumagenic ones who are bullied by them like Aimkid was, or ones who are mixed origin with CDDs and are denied access to support because they're partially endogenic in some way.
I've said before that people can change. And I believe that. How people are now doesn't have to define them.
But as I look at the anti-endo community as it exists right now, the vast majority just suck and are terrible human beings. If they're not actively participating in the worst actions of their community, they're at the very least seeing it and choosing to remain silent.
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roach-works · 1 year
hi! I've always admired how you include infrastructure systems in your worldbuilding, and I was wondering if you have any book/documentary/podcast/etc. recs for someone who wants to go into gnarly detail about (for example) wastewater processing, O2 production, and simulated weather systems on a generation ship, but whose current level of knowledge is just "I read a lot of sci-fi?" I find the stuff fascinating in other people's writing, but figuring out where to start research is overwhelming.
shit, that's tough. most of my qualifications are 'i also read a lot of sci fi' but i also read a lot of those pop-up pocket news articles about technology and the environment... my brain isn't one of those kinds of brains where there's much differentiation between what im reading, what im writing, and who im in conversation with. im just always reading everything and having opinions on it and telling my friends what i just learned and learning more about what they learned and so on... tumblr's great for that, honestly. follow a lot of environment and good news blogs, and you'll get an interesting feed of interesting updates on the global ecology.
i would also suggest browsing national geographic, wired, and make magazine websites, if you can. get some good paywall blockers, or dish out for a subscription... the atlantic also has interesting stuff here and there.
'how it's made' type videos are great, especially older mr rogers era stuff, where the machines are less digital and more manual.
get a library card, especially for ebooks--if you're american you can use libby--and browse nonfiction. you can also just ask librarians to help you find stuff. i really admire science writers mary roach and randall munroe, think ryan north is very entertaining, and find malcom gladwell and bill bryson interesting if not particularly trustworthy.
hope this helps! i don't have any more specific suggestions, sorry.
EDIT: GET DUCK DUCK GO AS YOUR SEARCH ENGINE AND FIREFOX WITH UBLOCK AS YOUR BROWSER. i can't emphasize enough how much more useful your search results will be when you need to learn real information about things like ships and sewage systems and oyster farming. these days google only sends you to amazon, wayfair, and pinterest, it's fucking useless if you're not shopping, and sucks even if you are shopping.
there's other, more specialized browsers too that are worth a look.
and of course the internet archive has the wayback machine plus a lot of cool old books for free:
edit edit: here's another post on good search engines
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weirdozjunkary · 1 year
Been thinking about the movie version of the MVA AU and how it would play out in that universe. So I created a small Tumblr exclusive fic of how I think it would go down. Honestly it’s not that vastly different from the movie, but that’s just how I like to write au tie-ins. Enjoy and happy reading!
The big problem
(a movie MVA AU oneshot)
The night was dark, and so was the house. As sonic had turned off every light in the house in order to create the best movie watching experience. He was still vibrating with exitement from earlier in the day, two full days to himself. Left home alone with Ozzie while Tom and Maddie visited Rachel for her wedding.
As much as he wanted to go, they all nunanamously agreed that it would be best for sonic to stay at home. Rachel still wasn’t accustomed to the brown hedgehog that had warranted himself child status in the wachowski house. Plus the people outside of green hills didn’t exactly know about him yet, nor was he really allowed to let them know about him.
So here he was, the couch l pushed in, practically inches from the tv, front row seats for the blue hedgehog and his non alien animal companion right beside him.
“Alright Ozzie-bozzie! It’s movie night at cassa-de-Sonic! And as esteemed second in place animal companion, you can pick the movie this time!” He twirled the remote in his hand. “Just don’t pick any of the channels next to the news ones, those movies SUCK!”
The tv shut off, and just as quickly became a noise of static. The sudden roar caused Sonic to practically leap from his seat in surprise.
“NO!” He yelled. He pressed his face to the tv and pleaded. “YOU CAN'T DO THIS! DON'T DIE ON ME! DON'T DIE ON MOVIE NIGHT!!!” Ozzie’s bark snapped him out of his delusion. “You’re right ozzie.” He said, wiping a dramatic tear from his eye. “If I'm gonna save movie night, I’m gonna need to get to the source! Be right back!” And he zipped away in a blink of an eye.
Up on the roof the speedy hedgehog pulled up a heavy box of tools, prepared to use as many as he needed to save the night he always dreamed of having since he met Tom and Maddie. Well, more like stalked, as up until a year ago, they weren’t really… accustomed, yet. Though, he most likely wouldn’t need a full box of tools on a satellite dish.
“Hmm, looks like mister Jet hasn’t come back to build his nest on the dish again.” He folded his arms and stuck his head up in a snobbish manner. “Good! I don’t want to see that dumb hawk again! Stupid jerk! Stealing my chilidog…!” He looked back at the dish. “Oh, right! Movie night!”
He popped open the box and pulled out a screwdriver. “Let’s do it to it!” And he began his work. He wasn’t really fixing the problem, more like just messing with the dish. He’s seen Tom try his hand at fixing it once or twice before, but he didn’t really understand what he was doing. Still, he was going to try and get this thing working again, zipping back and forth from the living room and back up onto the roof to see if the static had went away. But it didn’t, in fact, what he was doing seemed to make the situation worse, as the static began to have an eerie green glow to it.
“What the heck am I doing wrong?” Sonic puzzled, scratching his head with the end of the screwdriver. “It can’t be that hard to fix a satellite!” He banged the end of the screwdriver against the dish. “Come on you stupid thing! Work!”
There was a blur, a flurry of green and browns and neutrals that flooded his eyes till everything went black. His vision had only just begun to come through as the pain did. A soreness that was all around his body, but mostly on his head and back. It was a familiar pain. Similar to when he fought Robotnik for the first time and won. But Robotnik wasn’t here. At least he didn’t think he was here.
There was something else. A shade of golden that pulled him out of the rubble of the living room by his arm. Through his blurred vision he could only suspect it being Ozzie.
He lifted himself up, using him as a crutch as the world still wobbled like his legs did. “Good boy Oz.” He mumbled and petted his companion weakly. Ozzie stayed next to him as he helped guide the disoriented hedgehog to the hallway. Sonic was a trooper though. As just like before, his vision finally focused again, though the room still swayed like he was on a boat.
A deafening click entered his eardrums, snapping him back to reality. The sound made his stomach drop and he grew seasick in his stomach once again, though he didn’t know if it was from whatever had happened on the roof or not. No, it wasn’t from the roof. As the door opened, Sonic was face to face with the man he thought he’d never see again. Standing right there, illuminated by the porch light, was Dr. Robotnik.
“Hello, hedgehog.” He said through a wide grin. “Did you miss me?”
“Eggman?!” Sonic sad in disbelief. He half expected this to be a hallucination from hitting his head to hard. The headache he had should be proof of it. But no. He was here. Somehow. “I don’t know how you got back. But you made a big mistake coming here!”
“On the contrary. The only mistake here was thinking that you had won. But that was but a prelude to what I have planned for you! An hors d’oeuvre, an aperitif, an-“
“I get it!” Sonic growled.
“Oh-Ho Ho! I don’t think you do!” That creepy smile stretched farther across the mad doctors face as he finally stepped into the house. “But you’re about to… and so will that idiot sherif and his wife! And your little dog, too!”
He had enough of this. Sonic charged at Robotnik, ignoring his body's cries for him to rest. But he couldn’t get near him, as a split second before he could give the old doctor what for, a gloved fist careened into his face.
Sonic flew back into the living room which had more mess to clean up as he had been sent flying through a wall. That feeling of dizziness and discomfort came back to him as he slowly stood back up and faced his threat. There, standing through the hole in the wall was a figure he never thought he’d see again, not robotnik, but an echidna.
He was large and muscular, thick red fur coated his body, and he had spines that draped down and framed his face like thick dreads that could be a weapon of their own. But the real weapon was his fists, as large spines poked out from the bottom of his gloves. He stared down Sonic with a fury in his eyes he had never seen before, and while he said nothing, his expression told a thousand words to the hedgehog.
“Now where are my manners!” Robotnik butted in. “Sonic, I would like you to meet, Knuckles! My new BFFAE— Bested Friend Forever And Ever!” That wide grin was still stretched across his face.
How in all of green hills did he manage to do this— to get an echidna on his side? Especially him, one that looked like he would snap Sonic in two if he took even just a single step. He looked like Robotnik’s guard dog. No. He was his weapon.
“Look robotnik, I don’t care who you’ve brought to help you. I’m not going to let you walk in here and take my home from me!” Sonic’s fur crackled with energy as he stared them both down. The feeling felt odd, though. But he didn’t pay any attention to it.
“I am not here for your pathetic home!” The echidna growled at him.
Those words enraged Sonic, and he bared his gums to the red echidna. His eyes and quills began to glow, but it wasn’t amber like it had been before, no. The colour now had turned to a bright, almost neon, green. He clenched his fists tightly as green electricity crackled around his fur. Though he was furious, he was still scared.
Of course he would be, this echidna was part of the same clan that had made him hide for most of his life, that made him run from his home, that took his guardian, Longclaw from him. But here, he wasn’t going to let the same thing happen to this one. He won’t let it be taken from him again. Sonic reeled back a fist and…
Sonic wrapped his arms around himself and began screaming as pain began to overwhelm his body. His yell managed to make even the echidna and doctor pause in surprise.
“W-WHAT IS… GOING ON!!! AAAAAAH!!!” He shouted once more as the green electricity began to crackle around the room, and as well, his height suddenly jolted from 3-feet to 5-feet.
Robotnik reeled back in disbelief. “Um, what?!”
“Deceiver! You never told me he had the master emerald!” Knuckles barked at the doctor.
“The, uh, master-what-now?”
“I am talking about the device that wields ultimate power! Something that that hedgehog now has possession of!”
Another painful yell from Sonic made them jolt again in surprise. His height had doubled again, now he was 10-feet.
“Wait, ‘Ultimate power’ you say?” Robotnik said quietly to himself, partly ignoring the hedgehog who was still groaning and crying as his body kept passing each foot, his fur and quills changing its colour with it. He grinned gleefully as a sinister plan began to cross his mind. “Now you speaky my language!”
“HELP…. ME…. AAAAAAAH!!!” Sonic shouted again and his height jolted once more. 25-feet. He could barely fit in the living room now. His back pressed against the ceiling making it bend and crack. He continued to cry and howl in pain. Whatever was happening to him wasn’t done yet.
Knuckles ran out of the house to the backyard with robotnik trailing on not far behind. They had made it out just in time, as only a few seconds after, the hedgehog had finally bursted out of the side of the house, sending rubble flying across the yard.
“HOLY GEARS AND STARTERS!” Robotnik shouted in awe. He gripped the sides of his head that was reeling from the sight he was witnessing.
Sonic stumbled out of the house, his feet breaking more of the rubble beneath him. He panted and huffed, still feeling awful and tingly from the pain that now faded with him along with the green electricity. It was only a couple more seconds for the vertigo to subside, and he finally saw what had happened to him.
His fur and quills were now a bright blue colour, and they were all messy and ragged from the electricity that shot out of him only a few moments ago. But that wasn’t what made his stomach drop, no. He realized he had suddenly grown 50-feet in only a few minutes.
“Holy crap…” Sonic exhaled in fright. He looked down at his feet. The deck was completely ruined. Broken boards that had snapped against his weight. They were so small now. Everything was so small now.
A bark fell into his ears making him whip his head around to the house. It was Ozzie. Oh no, please don’t let him be hurt.
“Ozzie!” Sonic yelped in fright. “Oh, no no no no! Please be okay!” He knelt down, sending a knee crashing into the wooden floor that broke as soon as it had collided with it. He dug through the rubble, tossing it out to the yard behind him. “Ozzie! Ozzie!” He called out to his canine friend. He heard him bark once more. There, just outside of the living room. He was okay.
“Ozzie!” Sonic shouted in relief and in a flash, he grabbed the retriever in his hands and hoisted him up to his face. “Oh my god I’m so glad you’re okay!” He exhaled through teary eyes, relieved he wasn’t hurt. Ozzie didn’t seem to have any change of view of him, as he wagged his tail at the sight of the now massive hedgehog that held him up carefully.
“Um excuse me! We are right here!” Robotnik shouted.
His voice pierced his eardrums like nails on a chalkboard, and Sonic’s relieved expression faltered. He slowly placed his companion back in the house. “Stay here Ozzie. I’ll be right back.” He said gently to him before he turned to Knuckles and Robotnik.
“What did you do to me?!” His voice boomed.
“Me?! I didn’t do anything to you this time!” Robotnik said. “Though I have to say, it is a good look on you!”
“What he looks like doesn’t matter.” Knuckles bellowed. “No matter your size, I will still strike you down and take the power of the master emerald from you! Even if I have to rip it out of you one cell at a time!”
“Master emerald…?” Sonic muttered in surprise. He looked at his feet again. That old bedtime story that Longclaw had told him many times before. It was actually real? It’s what made him like this?
“Face me, giant!” Knuckles shouted. “Or are you now a coward?” He made Sonic’s eyes glide back to him. “You are unworthy to hold such immense power that belongs to my tribe! The size you are now is proof enough! Now will you stand and fight? Or will you lay down your life to me?”
Slowly, Sonic stood up and shifted away from the house that he had broken a hole through the side of it. He clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes at the echidna below him. Robotnik slowly shimmied away to avoid the crossfire.
“Alright, you want me…” He raised his fists and took a stance. “Then come get me!”
A pleased toothy grin stretched over the echidnas face. Finally, someone who wouldn’t keel over with just one strike from his fists. He reeled back his hand as he stared sonic in the eye, ready to strike him with all his might.
A loud siren shot through the air. It was the last sound that Sonic would had ever expect to hear, especially now. Was it a hallucination? No, they heard it to. As like Sonic, Knuckles and Robotnik turned their attention to the noise, and that was right before a police cruiser broke through the fence and rammed itself into the echidna, driving itself head first into the tree that sat just off of the middle of the yard.
Sonic was in disbelief. How, or even why did this happen? Who was even driving this thing? Was it Wade? Or… The door flung open and a little yellow fox tumbled out of it. A yellow fox… an alien. Just like him.
“Agh! I’m okay!” He huffed. Boy, did he sound young, he looked young. This kid looked to be no more than 8 years old, and yet he was here driving a police car. You have to be at least 18 to be able to drive one of those!
“Uh, I’m sorry. Who are you?” Sonic said.
“Don’t worry, I’m on your side!” The young fox said as he stood up straight. “My name is-“ He paused once he caught sight of him. “Oh gosh! I came too late!”
“What?” Sonic exclaimed in confusion. “What are you even-“ Knuckles’ groaning cut him off, as he finally had begun to wake up from being knocked out and pinned by the police cruiser. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. We need to move!”
He grabbed the fox and dashed away at the speed of sound, creating a violent gust of wind trailing behind him. He left just in time, as the red echidna unwedged himself from the car and just as fast began tailing them behind.
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bigtittiecomitte · 11 months
[Small Rant!]
(Hope this is alright!! Sorry for my ask being so long and all over the place, but I just had so much to say!)
I honestly might leave the fandom, I'm REALLY tempted to at this point. Because, I don't know how much more of this toxicity, the behavior of Envy and V stans (NOT ALL, BTW) and the Nuzi hatedom, I can take..especially knowing that Envy and V stans are doing the same thing they did back when episode 6 released, attacking and harassing Liam Vickers + sending death threats...it's absolutely disgusting and unacceptable and shouldn't be normalized, AT ALL. These individuals who are doing this aren't real fans of the show and don't care about it, they don't give a shit about the love, dedication and care that goes into Murder Drones or all the hard work that goes into the show. They only care about wether their ship becomes canon or not and if they don't get what they want, they start harassing and shitting on the crew behind the show, especially the creator (Liam) and say they don't wanna watch the show anymore and it just proves they were probably NEVER fans in the first place and only cared about shipping and that's just so damn sad, it's especially pathetic and childish how some of these fans act..
I've said it before and I'll say it once more, SHIPPING ISN'T EVERYTHING, STOP MAKING IT A BIG DEAL. There's so much more to love and appreciate about the Murder Drones and there's so much to love about the show and shipping shouldn't be something you should even go into and look forward to when getting into any piece of media, MD isn't even a romance show. I'm overall just so damn tired and sick of this fandom, like REALLY TIRED..it's just so damn draining and exhausting especially when the same arguments are used again and again. The fandom just sucks and I fear it'll only get worse and I really don't know if I can stay for much longer. (I'm seriously missing the pilot-era days when the fandom was small and not that bad) but even though the community isn't the best, I'm glad we have some respectful and caring individuals in the fanbase like you and others, I honestly don't think the fandom isn't as bad here as it is on both TikTok and Twitter, the MD fandom side of things on Tumblr is more tame compared to the other social medias I mentioned.
Overall, MD is such a comfort show for me and has had such a huge impact on me, it's seriously one of my favorite shows, I'm not even joking. I'm incredibly thankful and happy for it's existence and also thankful to Liam, GLITCH, the animators, the VA's and just the entire team as a whole for making such a great and wonderful show! It means so much to me and I'll never stop loving it despite it's ups and downs + the community not being the best at times, I'm truly thankful for this show and those I've met in the fandom. ❤️💞
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Hey you Dorky goober
No need to apologise for the long rant. Generally I adore long rants so win win for both of us (if anyone does need to rant about something then I’ll totally be here for you, I know what it feels like to not rant about something but you really do)
With you thinking about leaving the fandom due to the toxicity honestly I would not blame you at all. I’m someone who’s comfort ship is Nuzi so just seeing any hate would make me think about it for the rest of the day
Usually what I do when I see any toxicity is just laugh at it, laugh at how stupid their take is. Recently I had a fight with this Lesslie person and all I did was laugh at how silly it was like bro was getting aggressive bc people preferred Nuzi
I’m trying not to dogpile on toxic V fans + Envy shippers cause I don’t want to seem too obsessive over drama but for some reason it always gets worse
There are toxic Nuzi shippers but there aren’t as many as toxic Envy shippers like never in my life have I seen an Envy shipper getting doxxed because they like Envy. For some reason it’s always the toxic Envy shippers that make this fandom miserable
I don’t think they even know that they’re toxic shippers and desperately need to leave the fandom, most of them are kids but that never excuses any actions that they do because it’s the internet, once you post something it’s there forever
Murder Drones has so much in store than just romance and I’m saying this as someone who mostly posts Nuzi related things although I really do want to post more about the lore and I even planned for a full post on the details (I was pretty busy so I didn’t complete that but it’s in the drafts lol)
Not only the lore but just Murder Drones in general, the romance is great but so is the show, just everything about this show is filled with so much love and you can tell just by all the silly things they put in the backgrounds and the writing by Liam
Like the N x Uzi scenes are just small scenes like they’re put in different places but it works because the show isn’t focused on romance. I do think people forget that the N x Uzi scenes are quite literally important for the plot as well, it’s not just there for fanservice. Liam knows what he’s doing and anyone that tells him otherwise can go fuck off honestly
There are bad people but there are also a lot of good people in this fandom, a lot that do appreciate Murder Drones for even continuing. Screw whatever those 13 year olds on Twitter say, they don’t know crap about respect
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Out Like a Light - Cole Cassidy
notes - my tumblr bbygurl bff gave me a cute little brainrot, so i had to write this tee hee. Honestly, thank you for sharing his beautiful face with me dude because i forgot how much i loved this cowboy. Would kiss, 10/10 word count - 585 summary - you finally get a break from your job, but miss your boyfriend. when he comes home, you don't have much of a break, but get to finally relax with him like you wanted <3 tags - @cerezzzita <3333
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You hummed to yourself while you made dinner, wearing nothing but a tank top and some low sweatpants. Today was a good day, so you were smiling like an idiot while the frying pan was sizzling.
Not often did you get breaks from Overwatch, but when you did, it was always a good time where you could just stay home and do whatever you wanted.
It just kind of sucked that you couldn't spend that time with your boyfriend, who didn't get to take the day off.
But then again, it was always nice to get a break from that cowboy sometimes.
Speaking of, you heard the door click open and the spur of his boots clink on the ground.
"Cole, baby, is that you?" you asked over the sizzling food.
"Yup. Just me, pumpkin, don't worry." He sounded tired.
"How was your day?"
You saw him turn the corner and gasped as he was covered in scratches and bruises that were covered up to their best ability.
"Oh my god, what happened?" you asked, rushing over to him.
"Oh this? It's nuthin'. Don't worry about me, m'kay?" He pressed a kiss to your forehead and took a seat at the dining room table.
"Dammit, Cassidy, I hate when you come home looking like this."
"You've come home worse." he chuckled.
"Yeah, but I can deal with it. I don't like you all hurt."
"I'm fine." he reassured you, watching you cook. "It's just little stuff, that's all. Hurts like hell, but I'm fine."
You sighed. "You better be."
"You know what would help though?"
You cocked an eyebrow when you saw him smirk. "What?"
"Warm dinner. A nice shower. And some cuddle time with my honey."
You smiled. "That does sound nice."
He stood up and walked over to you semi-weakly, but managed to wrap his arms around you, rubbing his thumbs lightly over your waist.
"Smells good." he said.
"Mhm." He kissed your head and leaned his chin there, just watching you cook. "How was your day off?"
"Relaxing. But I missed you."
"Course you did."
"Shut up." you giggled, plating both of your food.
As you two ate, he told you all about his day fighting dozens of different people and winning, but leaving with pain like no other. How Torb had to swoop in and help, trying to carry Cassidy's fat ass.
You laughed with him and he couldn't help but blush at you.
"All right. Wanna take that shower?" You took both of the empty plates and put them in the sink for later.
"Yes please." he sighed.
You pressed a kiss to his jaw and led him to the shower.
You helped wash all the dry blood off of his body and even washed his hair, which he nearly melted due to the way your nails dug into his scalp.
After the shower though, he wanted to spoil you and carried you to your bed, pressing kisses all over your face.
"St-Stop!" you giggled. "Be careful, Cole, you're still recovering."
"Eh, I'm fine." He kissed you on the lips and looked at you with loving eyes. "If anything, this is making me feel better."
You cupped his face and gave him a kiss on the nose before scratching his beard. "God, you're so pretty." you told him.
He laid next to you and held you in his arms. "You're so pretty."
"Good job today." You kissed him one last time, but he was already out like a light.
overwatch masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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pucktoxicity · 8 days
Hi, I really like your blog! I was wondering if you've met any wags and if so have they been kind? (i've read awful things about a lot of wags in tumblr and i refuse to believe everyone sucks)
hi! thank you, i’m so glad you like it here! this is gonna be long, i’m sorry, but here it is!
i’ve met a lot of WAGs. for me, the general conclusion i’ve drawn is that it’s the younger WAGs (in their early 20’s aka my age group) that are… not too nice. 😬🫢 they’re young, that frontal lobe isn’t fully developed, and instead of being humble and just appreciating their boyfriend or their boyfriend’s fan that knows hey, that’s my fav’s girlfriend!, they come across incredibly entitled, and even worse, they’re pretty condescending. there’s a sense of superiority that they have over everyone else at a game in younger WAGs, even though they’re normal as fuck. they’re not celebrities, they’re not important (sorry, but it’s the truth), and most, if not the majority of fans in attendance and staff at the game have no idea who the fuck they are. it can be pretty off-putting and honestly, laughable, to be that way, because fans all talk. everyone will find out that someone’s girlfriend was making fun of fans in the arena quickly, if that makes sense.
ironically (and i said this a while ago), the girls hooking up with a player that aren’t even actually dating them but show up to games, are the worst of the worst. i’ve had several, and i mean too many than i care to admit, abhorrent encounters with that group in the devils’ tunnel, where they’re loudly making fun of fans and girls who are at games with signs. they’ll loudly say it’s embarrassing to be standing in the tunnel with fans (and say fans with blatant disgust).
older WAGs, in their late 20s or in their 30s, and the WAGs with children, are always nice. they’re all incredibly sweet women, very respectful of fans of every age, and they appreciate when people compliment them or say hello. they know their living the fucking dream life, and they appreciate it all, appreciate the people who show up to the arena multiple times a week to watch their partners play, they’re just on a different level compared to younger WAGs who don’t understand any of that yet. 😁
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
That classic "getting sold to" fic (Papa Emeritus IV x g/n reader)
Summary: You get kidnapped and sold to a band. No, not One Direction. Ghost.
A/N: LISTEN. You know when you're struggling with writers block and decide to write something really weird and dumb to try to fix it? This is that fic. It's humor, it's satire, it's not meant to be taken seriously. Please, don't laugh at me on Tiktok, Reddit or any other place.
However, you can laugh at me on Tumblr. That's it.
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“Can I, uh, help you?”
The man standing right in front of you seems uncomfortable, maybe even more than you. He’s odd, that’s all you can conclude. The way he’s dressed in sport clothes doesn’t match the intricate, gothic design of the place that surrounds you.
Hell, you’re even certain there’s some sort of private cemetery to your right. “I…” You begin, shifting the weight from one foot to the other. “Where am I?”
“The Ministry?”
That reveals nothing. You huff softly, chewing on your lip as your eyes inspect the building. It’s ancient, the decoration is questionable and the air is cold, so frigid. Apparently, you’re in some sort of church, somewhere far away from home.
Great. Getting kidnapped and sold was bad, but being trapped in a place like this with a man like him is beginning to be worse. He’s clearly nervous, fidgeting with his gloves and looking anywhere but your eyes. This man looks like he’d rather be anyplace but here, and you agree.
Still, why is he so uneasy, if he’s the one who bought you?
“Bought you?” The man takes a step back, brows creating a deep furrow on his forehead. He’s confused, almost half tempted to slam the door in your face and just go hide back inside the Ministry. “I didn’t buy anything. I think so. Did I?”
“Listen, I don’t know. I barely heard my kidnappers talking about someone buying me in the auction and then I was left here at your door. That’s all.”
This time, the man sighs profoundly. The air exits his lungs slowly, causing a cloud of condensation to form. Fuck, it’s so cold outside you almost wish he would let you in. Rubbing your arms does little to warm you up, and it sucks the kidnappers didn't give you at least a few minutes to grab a coat.
Listening to your silent prayers, he steps aside. “Dai, entra.”
The hallways are long and empty, and the windows are made of stained glass. Overall, the building in beautiful, but you can’t allow yourself to enjoy it. These past weeks have been crazy, to say at least. Another legitimate impending reason to go to therapy, probably.
Following this strange man through the halls, you finally reach an open space. There are more people there, either sitting on the couch or standing by the bar counter.
Oh, well, they have their own private bar. This church is not as bad as you initially thought. Except maybe this isn’t a church. Everybody is wearing some kind of bizarre mask, completely concealing their faces. Is this a cult?
Great, you were sold to a cult.
“Who did this?” Your companion asks, stopping in the middle of the room. A couple of heads turn to stare at you, but no one speaks up. The man insists, voice in a commanding tone, until he obtains an answer.
“Did what?”
“This…” He hesitates, pointing in your general direction as if he’s only just now realizing he never asked for a name. “This person says they were sold to us. Does anybody know anything?”
For a long moment, no one mentions anything. Then, slowly, a few fingers rise to point at what you determine is a man. He remains silent, only shrugging his shoulders when the stares become extraordinarily intense.
“What? So that’s all it was? A regular human?”
The silence is deafening. If it possessed any weight, you’d be crushed into the ground. Yet, no one seems to be genuinely surprised, as if this wasn’t the first time something like this has happened.
Honestly, you don’t really want to know.
“I thought it was something more interesting. They really hyped it up during the auction.” The man stands up, long hair falling around the mask. He begins walking away, putting as much space between himself and the two of you as he can without leaving the room.
“You bought a person on the dark web?”
A few laughs reverb against the walls before getting lost in the long halls. Sadly, the man next to you is not as amused as the rest. “You little devil!” He yells, causing you to flinch. “What did I say about online shopping?!”
“You never let me do shit.”
The screaming match attracts even more people. At this point, you wish to shrink and disappear somewhere small and dark. An old woman walks in, followed close by an even older man who looks like he could have been buried outside a few minutes ago. He smiles upon seeing you, waving a hand as a salute, and you find yourself returning the wave.
Shit. These people are bizarre. Maybe this is all a drug induced dream, a hallucination.
No, no way. Your imagination is not this good.
Pupils locked on the ground, you allow the voices to become nothing but background noise. From the corner of your eyes, you see how some of the masked ones begin to get closer, in an attempt to get a good look at you, but you ignore them.
"Where's that website? Is there a return policy? Can we get the money back?" The woman yells, arms wildly gesticulating towards you.
"Seestor, we're talking about a person."
"And I'm talking business. That was hard earned money. We'll have to cut costs if we can't get it back. No more fancy robes, pizza nights or theme orgies. And say goodbye to the heating system."
Theme orgies?
What is this place?
"But we're freezing in here! We'll die from the cold before the worst part of winter arrives!"
"Great. You'll be warm when you're burning in Hell."
Step after step, you back away until your back hits something firm. The bar counter lays behind, now completely devoid of people. Without an invitation, you sit in one of the stools, wondering if it would be terribly challenging to simply sprint out of this place. You don’t think they will chase you but then, where will you go? You’re not even sure where you are.
A hand appears in your line of vision. The man who opened the door for you is behind the counter, leaning on the surface with a strained, polite smile on his lips. “So… What do you want to do?” He asks, waving an arm to gesture at the bottles.“Do you want a drink? Are you old enough to drink?”
“I’m an adult.” You reply, letting your head fall on the wood. This can’t get worse.
“Vabbè. Red wine?”
“It’s ten in the morning.”
“Oh, right. Let’s get white wine, then.”
The wine is cold and fragrant. Your fingers toy with the cup, twirling the liquid inside. This is good, probably one of the best drinks you have had in a while. It makes you want to strike a conversation. “What’s your name?”
The question takes the man by surprise. He takes a big sip of his wine before replying. “Cardinal,” he states, but then shakes his head. “No. Uh, Papa?”
"I'm not calling you that."
“Not like that! I mean, you can call me Cardi C?”
This time, it’s impossible not to let out a chuckle. You try hiding it behind the palm of your hand, but he sees right through it. “Cardi C? Like the rapper?”
“No.” A gloved hand runs through his hair, fixing a few strands of hair. “Copia. My name is Copia.”
“Are you sure?”
“I hope so. Do you have a name, or do you want one?”
“I already have one, thank you.”
“Si, right. Sorry.”
Copia seems even more uncomfortable than before. Gulping the last of his wine, he sets the cup back on the counter before gathering a deep breath. A part of you feels sorry for him, because he’s obviously awkward and anxious, clearly not too used to interacting with people outside this place.
It’s endearing. He’s a bit cute, too, in a rat kind of way.
Or not. The alcohol must be starting to affect you, considering the fact you haven’t had anything substantial to eat in a while. Upon noticing your stare fixed on his face, Copia swallows hard before focusing his gaze on the wall.
Okay, yes. He’s attractive. You can’t continue with your train of thoughts, because suddenly a woman appears next to you. The severe look on her face is practically impossible to decipher.
“Sister, we can’t let them go alone. They already got kidnapped once,” Copia pleads. His eyes are big and round on his face, and it should be illegal for a grown man to look like that.
Sister is not immune to it, but she stands her ground, nevertheless. “Well, we can’t keep them. There are no even tax benefits from having them here.”
“I’m pretty sure we can find them something to do. At least for a bit? Please?”
There is that pleading look, again. Sister tries resisting it to the best of her abilities, but then she gathers a deep breath before nodding. “Primo said he required help with the garden. Do you know anything about gardening?“
Behind her back, you see how Copia nods his head, in an attempt to urge you to agree. “Yes?”
“Great. They can stay, at least until we discover how to send them back home.”
Without sparing any more words, Sister and the older man disappear through the door. Your fingers uncurl from the cup, ultimately placing it on the wooden counter. Copia pours a bit more of wine, that you accept eagerly.
Fuck. It’s been a long day, but it’s not even noon.
"Thank you,“ you whisper, barely audible over the mumbling from outside the room. ”For a moment I thought I was going to get used as a human sacrifice."
Swaying his head, Copia hurries to reply. "Oh, no. Do you have an idea how hard it is to clean liters and liters of blood off the white stone walls? And the smell, hell, it impregnates everything. Mixing aceto and bicarbonato di sodio helps a bit, but it certainly doesn't do miracles."
This time, the silence is louder than before. Your eyes are big, lids completely open. He detects the sudden change in your demeanor, but doesn’t show any indication of his words being a joke.
"Don't ask me how I know all that." It’s all he mutters, before gulping another sip of wine. “Anyway, the gardening. I’ll tell you what you need to know.”
“I can’t guarantee I’ll be of much help.”
“Don’t worry. Everything Primo touches dies, ” Copia comments. He looks in your direction, deep in thoughts. Then, his shoulders shrug. “Wear long sleeves and gloves, just in case.”
Aw, fuck.
Ps: take this as an apology for the angsty Antichrist Copia fic I updated yesterday. If you are struggling with writers block, give up your desire of perfection and write something dumb like this. It helps.
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wendytestabrat · 9 months
why kyle is actually the one gaslighting cartman, NOT the other way around (FROM THE VAULT [2021])
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Kyle gaslighted Cartman for YEARS into making Cartman look like the crazy one just for Cartman calling Kyle out on his shit bc Kyle just couldn’t fucking handle any criticism LMAOOOO. I mean yes, Cartman isn’t perfect he has his flaws, and yeah Cartman shouldn’t have been stereotyping Kyle and shit for being a Jew but all Kyle did was just make Cartman worse and act even more crazy for constantly trying to make him look like the bad one. We saw in this episode here how Cartman does have a heart and he’s capable of redeeming himself and Kyle is STILL acting like a little bitch so that says A LOT. I saw people on Tumblr like “everyone’s gaslighting Kyle 😪” like no bitch can you not see how much Kyle gaslighted Cartman???? I hate how whenever Cartman would get on Kyle’s ass about something and accuse Kyle of shit throughout the show, everyone just took Kyle’s side and thought Cartman was being a bully to Kyle. It’s not Cartman’s fault Kyle’s a little pussy and can’t take a joke jesus fuck. Like yeah, the Jew jokes were irrational, but a lot of the time Cartman was just making valid points about Kyle and calling him out on his shitty behavior just like Kyle had been doing to Cartman. It really shows how fucked up and manipulative Kyle is that he got away with always framing himself as the innocent victim and Cartman as the bad one just bc he couldn’t fucking take any insults or criticism LMAOO. I remember in the early seasons Cartman would get really upset at Kyle for him making fun of him for being fat, but in the later seasons Kyle still would call Cartman fat and fatass all the time and Cartman wouldn’t even care or say anything anymore, and he even admitted he was fat in the episode “Raising the Bar”. But Kyle still always gets offended whenever Cartman makes fun of him for being a Jew (which he hardly does anymore). Cartman’s been trying and trying for years to stand up to Kyle and defend himself bc Kyle’s been bullying Cartman and shit but whenever Cartman speaks up for himself he just gets framed as the bad guy and Kyle is the innocent angel saving the day. Kyle just projected all of his bullshit and all of his flaws onto Cartman for years and Cartman had to carry the weight around of that with him and that made Cartman act even more crazy and evil. And I think it always did annoy Cartman how Stan always believed Kyle and agreed with Kyle no matter what. Which was why in this episode Cartman told Stan he doesn’t stand up to Kyle enough but that also reminded me of this moment in the episode “Rehash” where Cartman is like “Stan is such a douchebag he agrees with Kyle no matter what”. Cartman was always a huge dick to Stan & Kyle bc they were huge dicks to him, and neither of them ever had his back and defended him. They were always bullies to Cartman about him not having a dad and him being fat and stuff like that which Cartman had every right to be upset about. And this is def a big reason why Cartman likes to hang out with characters like Kenny and Butters a lot. I mean it’s also bc he can take advantage of them and shit but also Butters is like the only kid that’s actually been nice to Cartman LMAOOO. After watching that episode tho it’s definitely making me second guess Kyman. Like honestly Kyle doesn’t even deserve to have Cartman in his life anymore after the way he treated him, I hope Cartman can get some peace and happiness away from that douchebag HDJDJSJSK. I really thought that after Cartman redeemed himself with the pangolin shit Kyle would grow the fuck up too once he saw that Cartman had matured but it really sucked that Kyle just seems to be getting worse and worse.
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blankd · 2 months
wow DnD 5e 2024 Ranger sucks!
I like what I see from most of the other 2024 classes, especially the martials, my only quibble (prior to Ranger) was for Paladin to standardize all Smites to 1x per turn but still trigger on player hit and to not count as a Spell
Anyway, since 2024 Ranger is so dire, I might end up just doing a 2024 Ranger Retool, not because I or any of the people I know play Ranger, but because it seems like a fun game design challenge
"How can you still be playing DnD 5e? all those tumblr posts have so many crits!" unfortunately most of them are making factually wrong crits (a feat, honestly) which betray that they've never actually read the Dungeon Master's Guide and then go on to recommend systems that are worse for the experience I'm looking for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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jamiesfootball · 11 months
Opinions on Nathan Shelley? I think he’s a way more interesting character than people give him credit for and I think the fandom goes way harder on him for his actions than they do on say, Jamie or Rebecca. probably because with Jamie we only see him suck shit and then improve throughout the show but with Nate we get the whole arc. Anyways I’m rotating him in my head microwave sound mmmmmm
I like Nate a lot! I wrote a fairly lengthy post a while back about how him and Ted misunderstood each other throughout season 2. This being tumblr, I can't find that post anymore, but yes. Nate Shelley. Big fan. I love me an insecure, highly intelligent, sensitive nelly who gets one taste of power and accidentally lets it corrupt him. I like a character who has grown used to kindness and respect being expected from him, but never given. I like a little guy whose struggle is that he learns what he thinks is self-respect but is actually just a new form of self-hatred. I like a smol bean who eventually realizes that actually, the kindness was one of the parts of himself he did like, and he has to learn how to do it all over again without falling back into bad habits. I like a gifted kid who never succeeded until he did, but then still didn't know how not to be a disappointment. And I love love love characters who play violins. One of my top weaknesses, that.
Shame the didn't do anything thrilling with his story though. Messy season 3 plot, and way too divorced from the other characters. I did eventually grow to love his girlfriend (once they gave her dialogue that wasn't canned from the box), but honestly I didn't need the focus of it.
Nate's conversation with his dad, while cathartic, didn't feel earned from a directorial perspective. I think even showing us a little bit of his dad cracking in some of the earlier scenes with him would've spoken volumes to get the audience there. Like, I see how it happened, but I didn't see it happen, you know?
Nate and Beard and the loaf of meth? Excellent. 10/10.
The fact that after that initial scene of Nate as a coach we never see him interact with any of the West Ham players again? Booooooo. Missed opportunity. Especially given that West Ham was actually successful throughout his tenure. That could've been interesting parallel to Ted's tenure as a coach at Richmond - the coach who is successful at the game but not necessarily the players vs the coach who is successful with the players but not necessarily the game.
(Yes, I think the football show needed more football.)
Instead we got scenes with Nate and the higher ups at West Ham, who are all some version of worse than him, and while that highlighted how much Nate didn't fit in there, it didn't serve him much in terms of narrative growth.
Oh, and then the finale kind of forgot about him and handwaved the rest of his story. But the finale forgot about a lot of things and then handwaved the rest of the story.
But back to your original question- Nate Shelley? Very interesting character.
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randomsebs · 20 days
I am not trying to be mean when I say this. I completely agree with you and think that AW is a horrible person. But the more attention she gets the longer she’s going to stick around. If we’d stopped talking about her a year ago, Sebastian would’ve been rid of her a long time ago. Please keep this in mind as you’re tagging your posts and engaging in discourse.
I understand and agree with your frustration. I, however, am at a point where I am drained from the situation. She is truly someone who makes me sick to my stomach. She has lurked on blogs like a maniac from the very beginning. She has engaged in stalker behavior and has targeted any fan of his who doesn’t worship the ground she walks on. And even worse than that, she’s encouraged many of his unhinged fans who just want his validation to do the same. She is cruel, shallow, thin skinned, lazy, and egotistical.
And while I pity Sebastian somewhat, I am also deeply upset with him for even agreeing to be part of this in the first place. I enjoy him and his career and am tired of freaks tying every move he makes to her. The idea of him even being associated with a person like her sullies him for me. I will always wish well for him; he deserves joy, peace, and success. That being said, we cannot infantilize him. He is a grown man in his forties. He may be blinded by an obsession with his career, but he is not an innocent child. This man has been in Hollywood for twenty years. He knows the game and is playing it, too. That DOES NOT make him a bad man. But we have to acknowledge that while he may be under duress because of this situation, he is still, to a certain extent, a willing participant.
I also don’t think she’s brainwashing him. That would require her to actually be his partner, and she’s really not. She’s a job to him, and you can tell. I still think that she is and always has tried to force more on him, but I don’t see him budging.
So all of this to say: she sucks. I’m over it. And the more we talk about her, the longer she’ll stay around. And the more we infantilize him, the more we run the risk of not only not being taken seriously for our point of view, but also him allowing her to stick around longer for spite. He is a Leo, after all, and a Leo will lean into the thing they’re being criticized for just to prove a point, even if it makes them miserable. And if it’s something that they know people are right about, they will lean into it even harder to feel as though they’ve “won.”
Wow , this is well said. Thank you for this.
I have an Instagram account, which I tried to take a break on but the drama just keeps me coming back. I created this blog to share about it , and I completely understand.
I have friends who I can talk to about it (without giving her attention since it’s in a group chat) and so on.
I also believe if he truly wins anymore big awards this year/next year, she will stay longer. You’re absolutely correct though about it.
I think she also has a secret Tumblr page to stalk blogs that talk badly about her, or that just creates weird scenarios with her and Sebastian. She gives me that vibe, she’s a weird stalker.
My Instagram has all the proof and such so here’s the user: Margarita69_1982
I’m probably not going to post on there anymore anyways because it is a lot to handle, along with receiving many threats from their crazy fans. But I do post on my stories, she never views them so I highly doubt she even knows it’s about herself anyways.
This situation does give me headaches not to mention anxiety for the future. This woman is whacked and to think that she’s famous? It’s only because her parents are rich, she wants to make that known. Her and Sebastian have nothing in common honestly (if they do it’s probably 1 thing).
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luckydicekirby · 1 year
erin hasn’t read jade legacy yet and i have 700 pages worth of Opinions about it and you can’t put stuff under a cut in tweets so i am finally returning to “posting on tumblr”
this book did not fully work for me! and i am really chewing on why. I enjoyed reading it, and it made me cry several times, but it felt structurally disconnected and didn’t really come together for me like, Thematically. the ending was just kind of eh. points for ending on bero and the twice lucky, because i’m a simple woman i love a good bookend, but it feels really weird that the end was basically like “well, we won bc our family likes each other and the mountain all hates each other” guys your family is a nightmare!!!!!!!! 
on some level I think I had expectations the book ultimately wasn’t interested in fulfilling so I’m not a super fair judge--my called shot for this book was that niko was going to kill hilo for murdering his mom, or that at least that was going to be a major point of contention between them. at a certain point it became obvious this was not the direction we were going in, which is fine, but eyni’s murder was SUCH a great momentous “oh shit” moment in jade war and I feel like we never fully followed up on it--it makes perfect sense that hilo would see it as necessary and like it was the right thing to do, because he’s a freak and he sucks (affectionate), but we barely get to see niko react to it as an adult. like I really thought we were going to get a moment in jade legacy that was like, hey hilo, turns out you cannot just kill your nephew’s mom and kidnap him as a toddler without consequences, but I guess......you can? i feel like we missed out on sooo much meaty crunchy stuff in this vein.
also this should have been at least two or three books. I was excited about the time skips, because I wanted to see the kids as adults, but a lot of specific moments had to get skimmed over to fit everything in, and the kids kind of got the shaft as far as characterization--we get the most interesting character stuff with niko, and he barely has any POV! I liked what we got of Ru (and his death made me cry like a baby), but jaya was cool but completely flat. my mind palace ideal structure is like. one book still centered on the adults while the kids are growing up, and then one book centered on the adult kids where we actually get to dig deep into their character stuff/their relationships with each other. 
anyway, stray thoughts:
making anden and lott narrative foils but then not having them get together honestly kind of a power move. i kind of respect it. my read is that lott is gay but decided he would never be able to be out and be the horn, and stuck to that. which WOULD sure make him feel real weird about anden!
shae/ayt mada real and no one can convince me otherwise. they both tried to kill each other they both saved each other’s lives that is romance baybee
i did really enjoy the continuing bero throughline/his ultimate insignificance, and inability to even MAKE himself significant by confessing to lan’s murder to niko. that scene was so good. 
it feels like all the interesting thematic stuff in this book was coming together in the wake of Ru’s death, and then it all had to get dropped bc we were once again at like, “uh oh mountain’s gonna take over”. like no go back i want to talk more about senseless death and about how vital it is to die for a cause as a green bone but ultimately lan’s death was also a senseless accident and hilo HAS ALWAYS KNOWN THAT AND ALWAYS LIED ABOUT IT AND THAT’S THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE WAR!!! CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT!!
2 black 2 green made me lose it. 
anyway i AM staring at my hands like is it just that i’m a slut for tragedy and wanted a worse ending to this book where like five major characters died....am EYE the problem for wanting this family to be irrevocably broken...am i too successionpilled.....
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cheeseblind · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're doing well and thanks for keeping us all posted!
Because sharing is caring - just wanted to muse that its nice to see a part of a fanbase actually dealing with this rather well? I've kind of removed myself from fandoms on the whole as spaces I've thought were progressive have turned on female survivors on a dime just for quietly posting about harassment. I dunno - guess I'm kind of scared now of liking anything to the point that instead of giving it up I'd choose to be sus of accusations just because I like a persona. But at least from what I can see as a lurker, you guys have all been really cool about it, despite how difficult it is to deal with once you've invested in making content and a community. Even as someone who has only been into NRB for a couple of months, the last few days have really sucked but this lil slice of tumblr has helped. So yay <3 faith: restored!
I think for me now my main concern is why Carley thought it was maybe being swept under the rug, and if they did infact, deal with the situation as soon as they were made aware. Certainly, the statement is promising, even if its impossible to know if we would have got one if it all hadn't blown up like it did.
I wonder as well, if Adam does sadly need to be let go, if it's not better for them just to keep the accusations vague for the sake of privacy and not opening it up for debate like last time where everyone comes out of the woodwork to defend abusive behaviour. But then again, maybe that just gets the cast harassed for further info, who knows. Not sure how they'd handle it if he does remain with NRB.
But ive rambled in your inbox enough! Hopefully 4 player communipoly will get me excited for NRB again even with these caveats, because right now I'm being productive instead of watching BOTC all day and ugh, gross.
Enjoy D20!
i agree! while i have seen a couple of gross comments by and large this fanbase has been a kind and supportive place since we found out, which is definitely very nice to see (also my recent big fanbases before (and alongside) this were all sports, imagine the hell that is) so comparatively yeah. not awful. its been nice bc it hasnt felt like an argument at any point which sometimes it can in worse fanbases.
and yeah, idk, i def dont like it at all that nothing was said before it became a big thing but also i understand that from a legal + pr pov ig? and yeah ig im just hoping their statement is completely honest + they werent gna fully ignore it if it never came up but we will never know that now ig
and honestly personally i would prefer we get details bc of who i am as a person, but idk what theyre gna decide and idrk how im gna react to anything anyway icl
<3 hope youre well
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