#colonel moon
obiwhat · 8 months
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she’s always been his light ☀️🌙
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"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the Fire Powers
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satoru-is-the-way · 1 year
(Aka who I write for )
Miles Quaritch x reader ( Given Enougn series)
Given Enough (series!)
Tenoch Huerta x Reader
Jimmy Kimmel Show
Remember When
Are You Falling In Love?
Two Is Better Than One
Shame Shorts
Midnight Rain (Summer Maybe?)
PLEASE READ THIS it regards Namor x Hispnic/Latino/ Indigenous Reader
The Bath
Sea Goddess
A Whisper
Oscar Issac
Two Is Better Than One
Moon Knight
Mr Sandman: Part one Part two
(might finish someday)
Benedict Cumberbatch
Stephen Strange
Let Them Go
The One Exception (discontinued)
Reed Richards
Last Of Us
Joel Miller
Little Lion Man (Series!)
Tommy Miller
Star Wars
Din Djarin
Only We Know
A Home
Poe Dameron
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leonsrightarm · 6 months
me: i'll keep working after one ror2 run
the ror2 run:
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movies-tv-more · 2 months
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TV Show & Movie Collections for April 30th, 2024
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lady-murderess · 2 years
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I miss them so much, so I think it's about time I work on another fic for them or something 😌
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nerds-yearbook · 11 months
In 1970, the United States was considering setting up a base on the moon and sent up a woman and two men to investigate, but not everything was as it seemed. (“Project Moon Base” flm)
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lildoodlenoodle · 2 years
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Idk where Jake found a trumpet, but if any of the three of them are musically gifted it is most certainly not him
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dalu-grantkylo · 2 years
Hello lovess in Looking for a fanfic of the MoonKnight guys that has like breeding kink or “forced creams”🫣lmk if any good yeah 🤞🏼
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faeriecap · 1 year
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mooncustafer · 1 year
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tacticalprincess · 1 month
Imagine reader and König having triplets🥹🥹 (the dude would have like super sperm) and they’re running up to their dad while everyone else is scared of him
your kids have changed könig’s outlook on life drastically. their opinion becomes the only one that matters to him, willing to power through it all just to make them proud. come to find out, it’s much easier to ignore the whispered disapproval and horror on people’s faces when he has three adorable children running up to him with the brightest smiles on their faces, looking at him like he hung the moon and stars. he’s big enough to scoop them all at once, letting them use his body as a jungle gym, each one taking their pick of limb to cling onto like a koala when he picks them up from school as a surprise after being deployed.
they’re always so happy to show him off, dragging him to every career day. giggling and nodding excitedly while he awkwardly explains his job to a bunch of slack jawed children and concerned teachers. simply having könig as their papa makes your kids exempt from bullying. their peers laugh at it at first, not believing their dad is an almost 7 foot tall colonel in the military… until he shows up at the school, looking scary and menacing before he lays eyes on his kids, his face softening completely. it’s safe to say they’re not bothered anymore after that, and there’s nothing more fulfilling for könig than being able to absolve them from the treatment he went through.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
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"Why do people laugh whenever I say 'culownal?' That is how it is pronounced, yes?"
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frogchiro · 9 months
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Beauty is in the eye of The Beholder
Author's note: My first kinktober entry!! Yay! We're staring with a new-ish concept so I hope you like it!
Also I apologize for the short story but I was moving into my dorm for uni today and it literally took all day so I apologize in advance :((
Warnings: slight nsfw, reader is female, general creepyness, whatever König is (human or not) isn't explicitly specified but he does some unnerving/possibly uncomfortable stuff like stalking so keep it in mind, mentioned death but nothing explicit.
The almost suffocating warmth coming from behind you is almost too much. Almost. However considering the events of the day you guess that it could be called comfortable to be cuddled and nuzzled by König, your colonel, your superior and...well, mate as he calls it. It can be sometimes tricky to hear him, for a man that size he's unnervingly silent and stealthy and his voice is low and quiet, almost whispery, not to mention that König just doesn't talk much so to hear him rasp that one word, 'mate', in your direction is a feat in itself.
While at first you were terrified of the enormous male due to all the stated reasons something about him was equally unnerving and yet alluring, like an invisible pull towards him.
At first you thought you were going crazy, everywhere you went you saw the tall, lean figure of the colonel doing nothing but just...watching you. His bloodshot eyes stared at you without ever blinking as you laid a USB stick with data you managed to hack with a tremble in your hands, your eyes not daring to meet his. Another such instance was when he almost scared you to death in an empty hallway at night when you just wanted to get a quick midnight snack from the kitchen and just barely held in a scream when you noticed König standing in a dark corner, silent and static like always, his head wasn't even moving under his cowl except for his eyes which followed you as you were scuttling and whispering shaky excuses.
You were KorTac's newest asset, a skilled hacker and yet many soldiers underestimated you; you guess you can't really blame them, you're only in your early twenties and your soft build isn't really military-esque so you suppose you kinda look a little mismatched, but that doesn't excuse what people were whispering behind your back. Not all of them, not even the majority as you were considered friendly and overall harmless, and yet these few whispered sneers cut deep into your self esteem which eventually led you into the moment you were now in.
You were laying under a thick blanket with König plastered against your back, your quiet sniffles the only thing that disturbed the otherwise quiet room. You felt bad that you were taking up König's time, after all as a colonel he surely had better things to do than lay around with his 'mate' and comfort her after some asshole insulted her although a small, selfish part of you was over the moon with happiness that the huge male behind you was cuddling and comforting you so sweetly despite not muttering anything besides the occasional nuzzle and a raspy 'pretty...soft...mine'.
Turning around, you smiled tiredly at the man beside you, his wide blue eyes never blinking as they continued to stare at you with the devotion and love someone may only give their god and yet here you are, loved and cherished by this huge man, a monster many call him, a merciless goliath that kills and destroys everything in his path like a god of war but you know better. König's huge hands ran up and down your soft sides, lightly grazing your belly and finally his large, warm hands slipped under your pajama shirt and up to your breast where he squeezed lightly, pinching at your nipple.
"König...Please I-", your pleading for...whatever were quickly cut short when the long haired male leaned in with a purr deep in his chest and nuzzled his hooked nose against your cheek, scarred lips making tiny movements as if kissing you making you giggle wetly, your former awful mood lifting, instead being replaced by a warm feeling of love and pleasure as the big male above you kept nuzzling and kissing you insistently, his hand working your sensitive breasts and slipping down to your pants to finger at your clit making you moan out.
Unbeknownst to you, König already had a plan in his mind. A plan he started to make the moment his sensitive ears caught your distressed sniffles making a concerned whine come up from his chest and the moment he saw you, he could clearly see right through you. Someone hurt you. S̷̙̭̦̜͚̑͝͝o̷̹̺͓͙̭̍̚ͅͅm̸͕̹͖̩̰͝e̸̤͖̞̯̍̂̋̚͜o̷̝̫͎̬͎̟̲̦̞̍̆̿̀̀͛̐ņ̴̧͉̭̪̣̖͆̉̅̀e̵̜̜̪̯͛͑́͘ ̶͎̣̱͎̹̻͍̥̔́͝h̵̙̰͊̈́̑͛̌̚u̷͉̝̤̾̆͌̂̓̀̏̕r̸̛̞̘͉̦͙͈͎̫̩͒͊͗̓́͝t̶̯̝͎̮͕̩̹̀̍ ̷̧̨͔̮͉͇͊͂̏͌̆̅͠y̸̡̛͕͉̖͈͗̿̅ơ̷̢͖̼͉͚͔͊̍̊̂̈ͅŭ̷̦͔͚̈́̊̚. And now he needed to know who. Ah. It was Gavin huh. That overly confident, cocksure rookie who thought that the military was rainbow and fucking sunshine, shaded glasses, cool uniforms, huge expensive cars and women to fuck left and right.
He suspected that that prick made some unwanted advances towards you and the moment you rejected him it was 180 and he was nitpicking everything you did or even how you looked. König knew he was gonna be a problem from the moment he laid eyes on him and now he though it funny to make his mate cry?
You know what they say: beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Him being the mentioned beholder and König isn't known to be the most benevolent person...If someone doesn't appreciate your beauty of a goddess, why would they need their eyes?
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crimsonbubble · 10 months
Dudee if you make more of colonel!reader w ghost tag me 🤭 Got me giggling tbh
Just imaginin this man training with you and he does something wrong (accidentally or purposely we'll never know..) and you grab him by behind, teaching him n going like "No, no, do it like this. Ain't that easier?"
Hes not paying attention to a word you say and you both know it by the stupid grin and the way his eyes shine under his mask <33
cw. fluff/suggestive, gn!reader, colonel!reader, simon has a praise kink *not proofread, just pure horny
[honestly lowkey loving the colonel!reader x ghost idea 🤭🤭] link to the original post
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he loses sparring matches on purpose
simply because he likes being pinned down by you
loses on purpose just so you have an excuse to touch him
stand over him with your feet on either side of his hips and peer down at him and he'll go feral
if he wasn't surrounded by other recruits, he would've pulled your hips down onto his face so fast-
had to nonchalantly hide his bones once he gets up
but still, he wouldn't mind suffocating himself with your thighs
coming up to him afterwards and going;
"you're a big boy, simon. use those muscles of yours."
literally short circuits after you say that
bc like *#(#$*##?#,*-
you called him a big boy? him? a big boy? he's flying over the moon
but don't worry about him, he'll always be your big boy <33
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lady-murderess · 2 years
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June is the life of the party, of course. And Rick? Yeah, he’s not all that bothered... He would rather be asleep.
Not really being one for parties, Rick would very much prefer to stay in the house. He’s quite happy to hand out candy and leave it at that.
June is more than happy to stay at home, watch some movies with Rick and have a big night in cuddled up on the couch together, but a big part of her wants to be out celebrating with him and their friends.
Leading up to the day, June convinces her grump to help her put up the decorations. He secretly enjoys helping her out decorating the front yard because she makes sure to go all out each year with some sort of display and does a damn good job at it.
Turns out June's in some sort of competition with the neighbours to see who has the best displays. The neighbours ought to consider themselves lucky that Rick hasn't gotten involved in the competition... He's a whole lot more competitive than June.
Pumpkin carving? Definitely not for Colonel Flag. He can’t stand the smell of them, so there ain’t no way he’s going to carve any…
June likes to buy all the novelty Halloween stuff... So you can guarantee that she's bought Rick a good few pairs of underwear and socks with pumpkins, ghosts and other monsters on them.
“June, I’m not gonna dress up. I’m puttin’ my damn foot down.” He ends up dressed up anyway…
If he finds he has no choice, Rick will leave the costume choices up to June. it's just easier that way.
If they do go to any parties, Rick will complain like hell on the way there but once he's there, he's like a completely different person. With a beer bottle in hand, his friends and June by his side, he lets loose and allows himself to enjoy the night.
He tries to deny it, but he seems to end up enjoying himself a little more as each year goes by.
I know Halloween was a couple of days ago, but I've been a little too busy to upload this and I didn't fancy waiting until next year...
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