#crowley (semi current)
green-tea-crow · 8 months
I've been through many, many names, never stuck with one for longer than several months. I've been pucking ambigous names so far but, lately I've been thinking... should I just name myself Frank? Be honest
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cobragardens · 1 year
CORRECTED & UPDATED Clothes + Equivocation = Romance: The Husbands in 1793 (Part 2)
From Part 1:
Crowley and Aziraphale share clothes as a common interest. They don't have the same style, but they're both aware of current fashions, and Heaven and Hell aren't. You can't tell me Hastur or Uriel would recognize the significance of Crowley saying "Dressed like that, he's asking for trouble" about someone else while wearing black stockings and cravat and waistcoat himself. And that means Anything the husbands communicate to each other through clothing choices goes undetected by their masters.
SO. With all this in mind, let's go through the 1793 scene again and look at what the husbands communicate to each other without using words or actions to do it, and how their clothing choices help them do that.
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Hello. I'm here and I know you're in a spot of trouble. I like you.
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It's you! I'm so happy you're here!
Sheen's voice and face when Aziraphale says Crowley's name in this moment makes me think that Aziraphale is in love with Crowley--the demon Crowley, not the angel who became Crowley--long before he consciously realizes it in 1941. The way Sheen has Aziraphale say Crowley's name is so soft.
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The way you're he way you're lounging there and what you're wearing are uncomfortably sexy and also incredibly inappropriate for the Bastille at this moment in history. I suppose this is very on-brand for you.
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Crowley: I listen when you talk about your interests and goals and keep track of your general whereabouts and pursuits.
Either they've spoken with each other recently or Crowley has been keeping tabs on Aziraphale. Aziraphale isn't upset that Crowley knows what he's been up to, which suggests the former, which in turn suggests they're in semi-regular (every few years or decades) contact at this point.
Also we've now got a general idea for when Aziraphale opens his bookshop.
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Okay, brief tangent while I point out two things here.
One, my favorite thing about Aziraphale is that he is a sensualist. This is libertine behavior, y'all. He 'popped across the Channel' during the Reign of Terror because he wanted a specific carnal experience of a specific really lovely food.
And two, even when Aziraphale does weird, frivolous, silly, ill-advised things like this, things that clearly baffle Crowley...Crowley never makes fun of him. He never laughs at him. He always has this look of disbelief on his face, like Am I hearing this?--
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--but Crowley never, not once, shuts Aziraphale down.
Until Aziraphale asks him to go back to Heaven.
Anyway. Back to our scene.
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Aziraphale: I am unwilling to abandon my sartorial sensibilities even when it threatens my corporation, and I am insane, so I think this is reasonable. At least I'm not wearing a Slutty Monarchist outfit.
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You're happy to see me, aren't you. You're relieved to see a demon. Go on, say it.
Tennant's delivery of this line cracks me up. It is so gloating and flirtatious and smarmy and indulgent of Aziraphale.
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I am very happy to see you and lucky you're here, and I am willing to say so sincerely even though you are gloating about it.
And then there's the exchange where Crowley very carefully doesn't answer Aziraphale's question about why Crowley's in the area but also reassures him that he didn't cause the French Revolution and Aziraphale can still like him.
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We can't speak openly about this. It's dangerous for me.
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Message received: I won't mention what you did again. But I want to show my gratitude and spend time with you; is it safe for us to get lunch together?
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Yes, but one of us is going to have to change so we can walk the streets of Paris without getting arrested again, and I'm the one doing the rescuing here so it's not going to be me. Your 'standards' will have to take the hit.
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Fine, you've got me over a barrel. But hey, if I have to wear the silly hat anyway I might as well go all the way and wear your colors. Except not monarchist. And not slutty.
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Oh, I don't know, I thought you looked pretty slutty too. (Meaning 2) I'm having this guy killed for touching you, btw. I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. Immediately. I see you are having the guy who assaulted you killed in a copy of the clothes he would have killed you for wearing. I wholeheartedly approve of this (Meaning 3), your sexiness in those clothes notwithstanding. The utter insouciance of Crowley's little sniff and the inquiry about what they'll have for lunch drive home hard that Crowley could not be more unbothered by Aziraphale having the man who tried to harm him beheaded.
What really tickles me about this line is not only that Crowley's joke has three distinct meanings, but that Meaning 1 (the meaning that exists without reference to Crowley's clothes) is the opposite of Meaning 3--Anybody wearing clothes like that deserves what they get (Meaning 1) versus It rocks how you just killed someone who tried to kill you for wearing those clothes (Meaning 3)--and yet because of the clothes he's wearing, both meanings come through with perfect clarity, dependent only on whether the listener(s) can see his clothing and know its significance. Aziraphale can, and does, so he receives Crowley's real meaning. Hell/Heaven can't, and don't, so they just hear Meaning 1.
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And then we get Aziraphale's pleased little smile and look of tranquil interest as he watches Jean-Claude dragged off to his death. Its such an interesting facial expression for an angel watching a demon have someone killed having someone killed, isn't it?
Crowley has just told him they're probably being listened to by Hell. That means Aziraphale, Crowley, and the audience all know this is the most Aziraphale can safely react. Aziraphale can't show any overt approval of anything an agent of Hell does, because by definition anything a demon does is demonic and angels must be against That Sort of Thing. In light of the fact that Aziraphale is the one who causes Jean-Claude's death, I now argue that this responsibility not to react too positively to something the other side has done falls on Crowley, and that the reason he makes this joke is primarily to tell Aziraphale I see what you've just done, and I like it without identifying aloud what exactly has just happened for their presumed eavesdroppers because an angel arranging a human's murder is the sort of thing in which head offices might take undue interest.
The awareness that their conversation is not private means the audience and Aziraphale know they need to be watching and listening for multiple meanings from Crowley, and it also means the audience and Crowley know we need to be watching Aziraphale's face closely right now. And that little smile shows us that Aziraphale has received Meanings 2 and 3 of "he was asking for trouble."
Or, at minimum, Meaning 3; even if Aziraphale picks up on Meaning 2--You looked really sexy in your vintage clothes, you crazy weirdo--that's not a message he can afford to react to at all. But he does react to the other coded communication Crowley is sending when he says "Dressed like that, he was asking for trouble" while dressed for trouble himself: I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you. Immediately. People who think your clothes give them the right to hurt you can go to Hell, and I am delighted you just sent one of them there.
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You just had someone beheaded for assaulting me, I acknowledge and am pleased by your delight at my cleverness. and I could not be happier. Would you like to come enjoy one of my very favorite sensual pleasures with me?
EDIT: To be honest I like this reading better than my original, incorrect understanding of the story despite the fact that it is slightly less romantic, both because I love the idea of Crowley as a thirsty witness to Aziraphale quietly being a vengeful badass, because it gives us a glimpse of something important about Aziraphale's character that we don't get to see elsewhere: Aziraphale doesn't have a problem with killing per se.
We learn from the business with the Antichrist that, like Crowley, Az. can't bring himself to kill children. We learn from his perturbation at the Flood and the Crucifixion that he doesn't hold with killing innocents. He gave away his flaming sword. But this scene establishes that Aziraphale will actively cause someone's death if he feels they deserve it. That seems like an important character note for him that may become relevant in Season 3 (feathers crossed that it happens).
And I think there's something else in there too, something about how Aziraphale kills Jean-Claude, not with outright violence but with a trick. One party thinks he's in control of the situation; with a wave of his hand, suddenly a turnip has turned into an inkwell an executioner has turned into the condemned--or at least it seems that way long enough to get the job done. It's a bait-and-switch, like stage magic, and it slots right in to the motif in Good Omens of sleight-of-hand, of characters wearing other characters' appearances (for more on this, see fan theories re: Maggie is possessed), of supplying false meanings to an audience to disguise the true actions going on behind the scenes.
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violenteconomics · 16 days
Honestly I’m surprised there hasn’t been a twisted Mary Poppins event yet, it feels like it’s make so much sense since she deals with rowdy kids and that describes every single freshman and then some
headmage dire crowley: i helped give rise to a brand new generation of powerful mages.
former rsa alumnus, current traveling magician, come to give a sermon to the freshmen, merlin peters (twst!mary poppins): you screwed up some semi-decent kids is what you did. look at them, they're burning down the school.
yuu, match in hand, deadened expression on their face, with nrc burning down in the background: the child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.
merlin peters: shh, shhh, little one, put down the match and come with me. let's fetch your friends and go hop into a painting.
yuu: yay
but fr tho i love this idea.
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dalliancekay · 25 days
AFTER pt. 2
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I posted yesterday's thoughts on Twitter too which resulted in thinking about what might happen after after, to humans and Heaven and Hell.... so in addition to After pt. 1: I don't think Aziraphale and Crowley will become humans or that they will change who they are (Aziraphale Falling or Crowley not being a demon anymore). They will stay the same but the definitions of who angels and demons are might change somewhat. We don't know what dead humans do in Heaven currently but I bet they are not exactly having fun. At a best guess they are incredibly bored. At worst... I'm not sure. They are mostly isolated like the angels are? And most humans in Hell don’t really belong there either. I mean, like why all the Bachs? Beethoven was a drunk curmudgeon who mismanaged his family affairs badly, but does that deserve eternal punishment? The man was beaten as a kid and kept losing his hearing most of his adulthood - and still is the best composer ever (fight me). So what if that changed. The places got connected. Humans cooperated to make it all better. We ... can be good at that. And you know what Hell needs? Angels. Angels like Muriel. What if angels went to Hell to speak to and/or heal those who did bad things. Why did they do that? Biology? Brain tumour? Terrible childhood? Wrong neighbourhood? And what if humans from Heaven had chats with demons. How did they cope with awful times? How to find joy when the world keeps throwing tragedies at you. What gave them hope. Etc. And the Husbands would help set this up and then they’d semi-retire but still get plenty visits from friends on both sides and regularly help out as they know so much about Earth. And its humans.
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jolynejay · 1 year
I think Ch. 7/4 may have just given us both Crowley's identity as well as the identity of his "dear esteemed benefactor"
Obvs. Spoilers Ahead in this analysis and speculative hypothesis (which will link the prologue to the current events in Ch. 7):
This moment is the moment that sent me down this rabbit hole:
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General Lilia essentially calling Lady Malenore Briar Country's "most evil" princess.
I went over the prologue again semi-recently to see if the knowledge we have gathered since the start of the game recontextulizes some things. And while the purpose of the analysis then was different, what I did take special note of was that Crowley is speaking to a different but very specific person. To quote the man himself (from the English version):
"Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor...
My proud, beautiful flower of evil.
You are truly the fairiest one of all."
The way Crowley addresses this person is very interesting because it at once seems very subservient and almost intimate.
But what is even more interesting is the original Japanese phrasing. I will go through the lines one by one to point out the notable details:
"愛しい" (itoshii) is generally used to describe something that is lovely, dear. "我が君" (waga kimi) is generally understood to mean "my lord/ruler/master". The translation as "my dear esteemed benefactor" is... alright, though it does seem to detract a bit from the portrayal of this person as someone that has a lot of power over Crowley.
What I'd like to note though is that since Japanese is a very context dependent language this line might also be read a very different way: if "kimi" was used in the context that Crowley knows this person very well, being allowed to address them directly like this... then the line could also be read as Crowley calling this person "My beloved." There is still the underlying power dynamic underneath but it is more finely tuned and something that reminds me more of a pair of royals.
This would certainly not be the first way for someone to understand this line but subtext and double meanings can reveal a lot.
Notable here is mainly that Crowley is using a lot of archaic words to describe the person he is speaking to (e.g. using the kanji "華" instead of the modern "花" - both pronounced "hana," meaning flower). This may indicate that this person is of a people whose culture does not move as fast as the rest of the world's - still bound to old ways of speaking and thinking.
Now, this last line is spicy. The English version of this line is pretty gender neutral after all - the fairest of them all. But what the original line makes very explicit is that Crowley is talking to/about a woman.
"貴女" (anata) - not "貴方" (anata), not "我が君" (waga kimi) but "貴女"
Crowley is addressing a noble woman directly in a manner that implies they are of equal standing. Like a husband addressing his wife.
Now let's circle back to that conversation Lilia, Silver, Sebek and co. are having about Malenore for a minute.
Because what Lilia also calls Malenore is this:
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Malenore is the only daughter to Queen Maleficia and she the ruling Lady of "Wild Rose Castle" (野ばら城). Which is known to Silver only as "Black Scale Castle" (黒鱗城).
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In other words, Malenore is one of the most powerful noble women in the Twisted Wonderland, she is strongly associated with with Wild Roses/ Briar Roses, and on top of that described as the "most evil" princess by her own general (whether in jest or not is of little consequence).
And this description should ring very familiar after going over Crowley's introductory monolog. A noble, beautiful "Flower of Evil" as it were.
But if that is the truth, then the familiar way Crowley addresses Malenore can only mean that Crowley's true identity is Malenore's husband. Who else would be allowed to speak to her im such an intimate and familiar manner.
Malenore's husband whose status hasn't actually been confirmed, other than he is missing in some capacity. And while I have seen a many transcriptions of his name, no one seems to have gotten it right yet:
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The Sleeping Dragon Lord Raven
And what is the associated animal of our dear Night Raven's headmaster?
A crow.
A corvid.
A raven.
Crowley did always had something of the mad hatter to him, didn't he? And he might just have something with a raven and a writing desk..
After all, a raven is nevar the same front to back as back to front.
And thus, at the end, we have the lost parents of a little dragon, summoning a human with no magical ability to this Twisted Wonderland - a human that cannot be influenced by blot.
Curious, curious...
Curious indeed...
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artsybelle1015 · 1 year
Vil x Anxious!Female!Reader
A short fic about Vil being worried for the prefect.
warnings: reader is a female and uses she/her pronouns, also is Yuu, panicking and anxiety, spoilers for book 5!!! not proof read!
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“You,” Vil snapped to her. “Get up and fix your posture, you own this place now act like it.”
Life had been bothersome for [Y/N] ever since the SDC group had to intrude on her home. First off is Ace and Deuce, they were loud and hurt her ears, she loved them but couldn’t be around them too long because of the pain. Then, there was Kalim and Jamil, who always were arguing one sidedly. Kalim was loud as well, but Jamil was scary, he seemed like he would snap at any second. Lastly, surprisingly took the cake for the worst scenario of people who could live with him, the Pomefiore trio.
Firstly, Epel wasn’t as bad as the other two, but he was always making semi-sexist remarks and miserable around the house. Second, Rook was straight up creepy and had a vibe, he may mean well but at the same time she felt some privacy to be gone. Him even looking at her made her feel like he knew her darkest secrets.
Vil was the worst of them all though, making a strict eating plan, strict bedtime, and always judging everyone for anything. She was a frightened soul always, his stares made it no better. Those eyes were filled with disgust. Despite that, she could never be the confident manager he wants, she can’t support them the way he wishes.
She didn’t want part of this, it was the other three of her friends who did, but Crowley forced this on her. How cruel can someone be? Grim was already enough to deal with!
Although he had the best intentions, everyone was scared of Vil (apart from Rook) and thought he was out of line for his training. Deep down, everyone knew he was right and had the best intentions in mind, they all had a goal to win and he knew what to do.
He wasn’t a bad person, but she crumbled in the corner of the hallways, his figure looming over her. She had been triggered by Ace and Deuce arguing and just wanted some quiet, not to be interrogated. A cry broke out from her which caught even Vil by surprise.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, pushing the front of her body more towards the walls. Everything was getting to her, she just wanted some peace.
Instead of getting angry, he only sat down beside her. “I agree they are being horrendous now as of currently though, if it weren’t for them I promise you this would be a respectful house. You though, need to calm down and go somewhere more appropriate instead of breaking down in the hallways.”
This made her feel worse, shying away from him more.
He sighed, “Okay, how about we go for a walk.”
This surprised her a bit, she wasn’t used to that forward of kindness, she shot a look to make sure he wasn’t fooling around. He wasn’t, of course he wasn’t he is Vil Schoenheit, a celebrity dedicated to his crafts.
“May I hold your hand?”
She slowly nodded, still stunned. He merely just grabbed her hand and walked her to the downstairs and outside, ignoring any comment being made. His skin was silky and smooth as expected, and the dorm uniform sleeve felt like a comforting velvet.
“Listen, although crying isn’t a solution, I don’t wish for you to feel unsafe,” he declared, taking them to the main street. “You may or may not have realized this, but we rely on you too, so I need you to be in your best shape.”
“Rely on me?” she sniffled, tears may have calmed down, but her voice was still horsed.
He didn’t say anything, just held tighter onto her hand and continued to stride forward. Although he spoke the truth, he didn’t want to admit her he wanted to see her happy and well for peace of mind.
a/n: ik this is bad and not long, but it was practice for me with my own yuu basically and also because i haven’t completed my other two fics i’m working on since they’re long and detailed augh
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twisted-gremlin · 5 months
Second years and semicolon
First years and explanation
Riddle: since tattoos didn't exist in the day of the queen of hearts, or anythibg of the like in the area, there is no law for or against them. Riddle believes that the queen would have a rule that all must have atleast one as a show of strength and fortitude or loyalty or somethjng. He just would make sure that you took care of the tattoo during the healing process. His mother probably disapproved of Riddle himself ever getting one because they could lead to an infection. So, Riddle would defonately talk to you about it, and what your means to you. I think, when the time comes. He might get a heart and rose semicolon tattoo for himself when he is old enough. He takes so much pride in it and absolutely adores it
Ruggie: he might see tattoos as a waste of money. Growing up poor, he has seen some people tossing away their money for a new tattoo. So he might antagonize you a lil more. I think Jack would actually be the one to snap at Ruggie, saying that your tattoo means alot to you and shows a big milestone. Jack dosent open up about more, so Ruggie asks you. You may either tell him to fuck off, so he does and just kinda keeps his distance. The other option is that you tell him, and he grows a bit more of an understanding for that. He is a lil more respectful and may steal some stuff for ya because you are currently broke as shit (thanks Crowley for helping)
Floyd: he fuckin thinks tattoos are the coolest thing. I think, if he ever got a tattoo, he would get a sleeve of random ass things, going to 50 differnt artists while it's being done. He bites your tattoo because look, a homing beacon of bitting. He would respect ya is you do share your story with him, and he even helps you, in his own way. He will steal you away if you get stressed, or share your guilty foods(he does this with Azul, you can't change my mind), he likes seeing his shrimp friend happy admit all the chaos they are in
Jade: he probably isn't one to get a tattoo, he might get a mushroom one as a memory of his time on the surface. But I think he would put together what your tattoo means, and so, he helps by pushing you a bit further if you don't already push yourself. If you do, then he will present himself as an obstacle so you can take a break every once in awhile. He does this with Azul and it works well with him, so why not with another friend/patron who is struggling. He will listen to your story if you wish to share it and will be there for you, and even offer to take you on hikes with his club.
Azul: I think he would not care much for tattoos, he is a business man, a tattoo would take away from the business. But when he saw yours and put together the meaning behind it, after his overblot, he accepts that, something is also wrong with him, so he asks you to his office for drinks and to talk. So he brings up your tattoo, he identifies in some way with your story, the struggling around others, the fear, the insecurity. He apologizes for his behavior recently as it put you and your livelihood in danger. He makes an offer of buying ramshake, giveing you a place on Octanavile, and a job at the Monstro Lounge. He would get a small smiple semi Colin that could be hidden in his gloves. It's a promise, to you and himself that he would never do such a thing again, he hurt his friends, scared people, and nearly killed himself. So he wants to be better than he was, being better also seems to help with his businesses aswell so why stop?
Jamil: I think he would have a bit of a stigma against tattoos, white would be for the wealthy, while black would be for criminals. Even tough it's not entirely true, he has it a bit ingrained in him that if you have ink on you, he hates you. So before his overblot, he would be cold and distant to you. After the overblot, he decides to ask about what your tattoo means to you/your culture. When you share, he apologizes for his stigma and thank you about shareing your story. I think he would ask for permission from his family and the Al-Aslims for a white and black semicolon tattoo. He helped Kalim take care of his so he knows how to do it, but Kalim this time helps him.
Kalim: bean boi already has one! So the two fo you bond over them. Tattoos are probably a mix of cultural and a sign of wealth, specifically white ones. So when you share your and the meaning to you, this man does what he can to support you, inviting you over or comeong over for meals, checking in on you every once in awhile, just trying his best to be aware of the feelings of others.
Silver: I think silver would be fascinated by it. He was allways fascinated by oddities in whatever differnt kind of fae he talked to, multiple sets of teeth, wings, horns, pointy teeth, whatever would make himself differ from the fae. He would be very respectful about it and be sure to research each Species or ask his father about it before asking the fae themself, as to not appear as to be rude. He asked Jamil about Kalims tattoos because he knows that if there was a gaurd or a retainer nearby, it's best to adress them about some things that may be rude culturally. So he knows what a tattoo is, and ends up asking you about yours. He apologizes that you have had to go trough such hardships and is glad that you are healing and are there for Malleus whenever he needs someone to be with that isn't one of them. He honestly respects you alot for it since Jamil told him that it's a bit of a painful process. He may ask some more about your world aswell because he is genuinely curious about the differences between the worlds and helps you as a fellow human who is very much lost in this new world
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inmateofthemind · 7 months
Have Some TWST Fan Lore Part 1: The Arcane Exchange
First of all, credit to @cyanide-latte for coming up with the event name because it just sounds so lovely, doesn't it?
Now, the Arcane Exchange itself is a fairly straightforward "what it says on the tin situation"; it's Twisted Wonderland's version of a student exchange program.
For approximately three months a year (my friends & I are currently working off the idea that this begins very shortly after the end of Book 4's events), students from various arcane academies will host each other and participate in certain events meant to strengthen the bond between the schools without it necessarily having to be competitive. After all, one of the last events that happens before the students are sent back to their respective schools is the National Arcane Academy Culture Fair that mainly works as an expo/convention (aside from the SDC, but you know).
There's a fairly substantial number of students from each school that get selected to participate, and then those various groups are semi-randomly split up amongst the other academies. (i.e Night Raven will host only some of the students from the other academies. Meanwhile, the NRC students going abroad for the exchange will be separated among the other schools).
In the case of Night Raven specifically, all visiting students are distributed amongst the seven dorms in a shared learning experience 'like a great big sleepover'. This is met with mixed results most times, but nothing too crazy since there are enough empty beds based on the number of NRC students having gone off to the other academies.
Speaking of, lets get into the schools involved in the Arcane Exchange!
Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy are the obvious picks, but that's also a rather obvious recipe for disaster due to their long-established rivalry...if left on their own, at least. Hence the inclusion of other schools to act as a kind of buffer that actually tends to work due to the neutrality of the other two schools.
Noble Bell College does participate(probably the least since they seem to be the smallest school in both scope & population), and the group of myself, Cy, @ramshacklerumble, and @simons-twsted-children have even recently discussed an interesting debate on whether Noble Bell is co-ed. This is important due to the final participant of the Arcane Exchange.
Corlux Key Seminary(CKS), a paramilitary arcane institution of my own creation that will be discussed in more detail in a later post. Corlux is explicitly co-ed in both students and staff; the gender distribution is almost perfectly split down the middle if not outright in favor of the female-identifying population. Despite this progressiveness, however, the Arcane Exchange a bit of an interesting sticking point for CKS (& NBC to a certain extent). While the male students can be assigned to whatever institution they like, the female students of both schools are only ever exchanged with each other. In regard to any potential PR nightmare an incident occurring on campus could cause, this makes sense. Doesn't mean it's not a bit sexist though.
The Arcane Exchange is a fairly standard practice that has even fostered some grand shows of academic comradery, though there have been some....memorable moments over the years as well. For instance, the Arcane Exchange that happened the year before TWST canon starts was Not Fun for NRC as hosts because both the RSA & CKS kids were terrible. As in 'it was considered the 'trial by fire' for both Riddle as a freshman-year Housewarden & the OctoTrio as the staff of the newly-opened Mostro Lounge' kind of terrible. As such, none of the Housewardens are particularly excited when the meeting before the start of the canon-year's exchange approaches. And they're about to feel a lot more ill-at-ease when Crowley rather casually drops this little bombshell;
For the first time since the start of this most noble tradition, Night Raven College will be opening its doors to a selection of female students from Corlux as a kind of experiment of 'broadening horizons & relations' between the academies. If this particular Aracne Exchange proves to be successful (meaning nobody does anything to 'embarrass' NRC and/or CKS), then there's the chance of expanding the openings for female students to participate at RSA's end of the Exchange as well as Noble Bell being able to similarly 'branch out' as it were.
Now that begs the question; is Crowley really about to let a relatively small group of girls onto an all-boys campus & just have them shack-up in the dorms? "NO! Absolutely not; I would never do anything so foolish and dangerous to those promising young pupils! As a matter of fact, I have arranged for all of the female participants to have accommodations all to themselves for their comfort and safety. Oh how generous I am; it's almost unnerving!" Now if only Crowley had thought to mention to the host of those accommodations that they're about to find themselves with a LOT more roommates than the usual weasel.
Apologies to one Gia Yugo...
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NOT! This is going to be fun~ >:)
Taglist: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble (let me know if you also want to be tagged)
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casbutt67lue · 4 months
[BICU]My discord is lue01489 in which I use mostly for rp. If you don't have discord I can chat with you here or on Skype.
[B] please be as active as much as possible as I'm online a lot.
This is for my rp availability. I'm in college and temporarily out of work so schedule will eventually change. (American central time)
TBD= To Be Determined
I am an owl. I'm likely to respond even if it's past midnight.
I understand you have a life.
Just let me know ok?
[BIU] I need to know if your 16+, triggers, and your Timezone before we start the rp. Plz and thx
[BIU] SHIPS I WILL RP IS SABRIEL AND DESTIEL see rest of rules fore more details
[B]Some up front rules
In all honesty I perfer Sabriel with destiel as a background ship
I strongly perfer Gabriel
Plz no one under 16 though... I'm awkward around those younger than 16
I have no triggers so please tell me yours
I like to rp with trauma and mental illness and abuse(s) but have it as a back-story thing or mention it happening if were doing a 'save me' rp so if that bothers you please tell me up front.
I perfer AUs if you are not up to date with the show. Less risk of spoiling.
I'm not fond of real scene or play by play season episode rp and will steer clear of it but like I will be happy to do a non related to a season hunter in the Bunker or travel from motel to motel hunt style if you insist to not have an AU.
Feel free to drop a suggestion for an AU or plot.
I have a theory I like to use in rps for Gabe and if your interested ask me and I'll send it.
If OCs are asked about I'd rather be comfortable roleplaying with you before I allow them. If I like your style in character I'll give you the green light and I'll be comfortable to introduce mine. But I'll of course ask you first.
Out of character use () // to talk to me
Don't use ** for action this is not a script
Defining between paragraphs/scenes/characters just double shift or use ~ or ** between paragraphs. Nothing to fancy. I'm pretty basic.
I'll try and mirror your replys but my starters are almost always longer than the rest of my replies.
1. What is your Timezone- Country and State or city (mine is central and live in America in the state of Alabama)
2. What is your Age (I'm 21) (just say 16+ if your uncomfortable saying but again I perfer you to at least be 16) but I normally do 18+ rps unless your under 18.
3. Literate or Semi lit, 3rd person only, I write like a book, no less than 3-5 sentences as a reply
4. I allow OCs but not to fond of ocxmain-character... Sorry. I'll allow it on certain occasions as long as we can have one of my main ships.
5. I can play any spn character good or bad
6. I will play John if we do a Johnlock crossover with spn (currently not looking)
7. I will play Crowley if we do a Good Omens ship crossover with spn and can also merge the Sherlock ship
8. Nothing sexual if your a minor
9. I have AU's planned if you don't have rp ideas.
10. I mainly ship Sabriel and Destiel but accept certain ones... see ships wiki and non insest lgbt+ ships (perfer gxg, nbxany, poly, gxb as a backround ship and mainly bxb as the main though)
11. None of my OC's are straight (but straight is ok)
12. I will allow main characters and OC's to have a romantic FLING NOT PERMANENT relationship if only needed for drama or a non main character and OC can be together.
13. No dating yourself. If two characters are both played by you they can't date unless you give me one of the characters to play
14. Straight characters and relationships are allowed but I perfer bxb or gxg or poly of a mix if needed
15. I can play your OC if needed and you can play mine if needed
16. I'm open for suggestions like topic change
17. Loki from Marvel is allowed and usally given to you, the other roleplayer, use him as you please but must have a relationship good or bad with Gabriel (I rather love Loki tbh. Not spn version much but mcu Loki. And I love it if you know Norse Myth version of Loki and combine him/her/them) NGL I usually turn Loki into a tired soccer mom or Gabe's best friend who keeps trying to get into his or his partners pants if we're not using my OCs I have for Loki specifically.
18. What season of spn are you on? cuz I've seen them all
19. I do time skips just tell me before doing a timeskip
20. If a rp gets boring say it is and we can change it, or I will if it gets dull
21. I perfer Gabriel and he will be involved in any way possible (unless you want him telling me ahead of time)
22. I ship Destiel, Sabriel mainly and will allow Crobby, megstiel occasionally, and others, just read the ships wiki, and never wincest. Ever.
23. What season are you on? I'm up to date.
24. I mainly rp with AUs and plots which I also have a wiki to
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deadmensproduction · 6 months
Reverse the Madness chapter 2
Prolog 1.1
When Vertin Comes to, they realize several things. One, their surroundings are dark. Two she is in some kind of box. Three, there is a voice coming from right outside of the box. We go through the usual scene of grim light, the coffin/Gat on fire and is surprised when Vertin is Awake, and quickly demands that Vertin hand over this robe. Vertin is confused as they had never seen a talking Carbuncle before, which Grim takes offense to.
With quick thinking and a quick spell* Vertin is able to make a getaway, and runs through a series of unfamiliar hallways. It wasn't long before they managed to arrive at a semi-safe place, specifically a library. It's at this point Vertin stops running. Thankfully she had her suitcase on hand, Vertin at this point sets it down, and opens it to check on the condition of those inside. Upon unlocking and opening the lid Mr.APPLe Flies out slightly dazed from having been jumbled while in the case, followed behind by Sonetto. Both were slightly dazed from the shalking, and quickly managed to collect themselves, and asked what the situation was.
At this point Grim shows up and demands Vertin hand over their clothing. APPLe and Sonetto are both surprised to see a talking critter, which they voice and offend Grim. Before a fight can break out they end up interrupted as a leather whip quickly emerges from the dark, and snares Grim.
The Group are Surprised as a tall figure emerges from the shadows, proclaiming that he had found their wayward student, but stops upon seeing the Trio.
“Wh-what? There should be on missing Student, and you young miss how did you get in, No Never mind please follow me back to the Mirror Chamber,” the man instructs.
Vertin and Sonetto are confused, but decide to follow, as they have no leads, and the man manages to handle the critter called Grim for them. The man walks and is exclaiming how he had never seen such an eager student to break down the Gate, at which point Vertin infers that he was talking about the Coffin in which he had emerged from. Sonetto pales slightly at this information as she couldn't imagine what it must have been like to suddenly have woken up in a cramped space, only to find out it had been a coffin.
While they are walking back to the Mirror Chamber, Vertin asks who the man is, and where they were. The man asks if Vertin was still disoriented by the teleportation onto the campus. The Man introduced himself as Headmaster Crowley, and that they were currently at Night Raven College, one of the most prestigious school for budding young mages. This surprised the Trio as they had never heard of a school for arcanis outside of the school of discipline set up by St. Pavlov Foundation.
At this point APPLe comments on how he had never heard of a school like Night Raven College, or of any school designed for Arcanist. Crowly stops and turns to face the floating Fruit, not having realized that he had been following them, or that he was even alive to begin with.
“You are… alive and able to speak? Are you the familiar* of one of the two youngsters, or a product of their Unique Magic?” the Crowman asked. The Trio didn't respond not sure what a Unique magic was, nor having heard of anyone refer to Mr.APPLe as a familiar before.
Neither agent were able to voice their confusion as they had arrived back at a n ornate set of double doors.
The Group could hear voices coming from inside, and some commenting about how Crowley had gotten a stomach ache. At that point the Crow man, whether to maintain some dignity, or simply to be dramatic, pushed open the door loudly proclaiming he had not.
Everyone turns to the door where the group entered from, and murmurs quickly begin to run rampant as they note Sonetto with them. Vertin and Sonetto are confused as they pick up small comments, and about why a girl was here, if they were both students, and why Sonetto was out of uniform.
With a wave of his hand Crowley quickly silences the chatter as he then instructs Vertin to stand before the Dark mirror. Upon stepping up to the Dark mirror, a mask appears illuminated by green fire within the surface of the looking glass.
Sonetto pulls out her wand prepared to let fly a spell but stills her hand as the mask begins to speak asking for Timekeeper’s name.
Vertin states their name, and the mirror pauses for a moment before it begins to speak.
“A soul that Stand before the Storm, yet sings in harmony with Nature. How Strange the power lies deep within, yet to fully flower.they Are suited for all Dorms, and yet none at all.”
This causes the Hall to break out into more commotion as they hear this. Crowley attempts to get everyone to quiet down once more, stating that such a thing had never happened, and how in all the time the Dark Carriage had never brought someone not able to be sorted into the school. 
At this point Grim manages to break free from Crowley’s “Lash of Love,” and claims that if Vertin couldn't be sorted, he'd take their spot. To show his ability, Grim then began to let loose a series of fireballs, and began to set the room on fire, causing many people to panic.
Vertin managed to dodge out of the way of the sudden conflagration, and Sonetto managed to pull APPLe, and Crowley to the ground avoiding several more flame blasts that came their way.
It was pandemonium as people began panicking, on Student proclaiming how he had caught fire, and was panicking. The fire quickly spread and students were panicking trying to get away from both the flames, and the fire spitting Critter. Amongst the panic, several figures and one floating tablet where being calm, and talking amongst each other, as they debated on who had to deal with the Critter, whine finally one Azul, and Riddle decided to manage the situation.
Both took off to chase down Grim and stop the constant flame. Meanwhile Sonetto, APPLe, and Crowley stood back up taking in the scene and began to try to maintain order. APPLE also began to assist attempting to guise many students who were confused about the floating, talking apple. Sonetto moved to help the kid who had caught fire, and was able to quickly put out the fire on his robe.
Vertin meanwhile quickly analyzed the issue, and went to their case, and opened it, and as if knowing what was going on out popped a new person. In a spectacular display of flame Ulu emerged from the chase shining brightly as she was quickly wrapped in her own flame. Everyone watched in amazement as this newcomer quickly began to hand the blue flames, absorbing them, and dispersing the inferno before it could spread even further. Grim was taken aback by how easily someone was able to handle his flame, and seemed even more powerful with fire magic than him.
It was in that moment of distraction that Sonetto and Riddle both took a shot to stop Grim before he could cause more damage.
“Off With Your Head!”
“ Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle!”
With Sonetto’s Spell, Grim was quickly incapacitated preventing him from casting more offensive magic, and with Riddle’s A heart shaped collar with a checkered pattern snapped around  his neck, selling his magic until it would be removed. Azul upon seeing both Spells couldn't help but make comments about wanting them, but quickly covers himself saying he wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of them. Vertin and Sonetto both made notes to be careful around the lavender haired man.
At this point Crowley steps back in and quickly exclaims for Vertin to keep an eye on his Familiar, holding grim by the Collar that Riddle had put on him, and to explain who the Girl(Ulu) was and why she had emerged from her Suitcase.
Vertin comly refutes that Grim was his familiar, stating she had never seen them before today. As for ULu Vertin explains she was part of his team, and at that point  APPLe, Sonetto, and Ulu go back to stand by Vertin, who explains who they are, and that they may have ended up at Night Rave College by mistake. Now knowing that Grim was not connected to any of the individual members had him taken out and released outside school grounds. Lillia who was coming in to check and see if Mallous had been invited and saw the instance of Ulu emerging and helping put out the flame, impressed and curious unfolding, the elder fay decided to watch and observe, noting the strange magic the newcomers were emanating.
Crowley sensing things had become significantly more complicated, instructed that the Housewardens take the student back to their dorms at which he notes the missing Housewarden of Diasomnia, and comments on whether he had been notified of the sorting ceremony. Many mummers come from people in surprise, and slight fear of one of the five most powerful mages actually attending the College.
The Housewardens all give excuses, and eventually Lilia makes his way over simply stating that Malleolus never received his invitation.
Without much more hullabaloo the students are walked out through various Mirrors to their dorm rooms. After they all are cleared Crowley decides that it was best to have Vertin and his group go back to where they came, and everyone agrees as it would be the easiest thing to resolve the situation. Crowley watches as Vertin opens her case once more, and to his surprise sees Sonetto,  and Ulu transformed into animals, before leaping into the open case, followed by APPLe, who was already small enough to fit inside.
Once they enter and Vertin reselas the case, Crowley instructs them to stand inside the Gate, and imagine where they wish to return to. Vertin does as instructed, and Crowley chants to the Dark Mirror to return them to where they came from, only for it to fail. And the mirror explains that the place they belong to is nowhere in the world.
Once more Crowley cries out of the impossibility, but quickly calms down, and states how so many impossibilities had been happening. At that point Crowley decided to attempt to see what was going and decided to get the facts from Vertin.
Vertin explained once more that they From the St. Pavlov Foundation a group that bot researched a strange Phenomena known as the Storm, and attempting to bridge the gap between Arcanist and Humans, which confused Crowley as he had never heard of St. Pavlov Foundation, or any strange Storm. Crowley also noted the strange term used to describe mages that Vertin used.
At that point Crowley decided that it would be best to simply have Vertin bring his teammates back out so they could try and decide how to best handle the four of them. At the mention of his team Vertin paused, and decided it would be best to rip the bandage and show Crowleyjust how extensive her team was.
“Sir there's… something you should know, Sonetto, APPLe, and Ulu are not the only individuals that were teleported with me, the Rest of my team is in The Case, and given the situation it might be best for you to meet them, and we can decide where to go from there.”
Crowley was surprised to hear that there were more people in the case but fingered that it must be some kind of magic item that allowed for multiple people to travel together, and given what Vertin had told them about the foundation such a tool must have been useful for large groups. Crowley watched as Vertin opened the Case and began to speak into it to call  ‘everybody’ out and that they needed to discuss the situation. Setting the case down to the floor, Crowley watched as the familiar shapes of APPLe, and Sonettos dog form popped out, followed by an unfamiliar bear cub, and then as spider, followed by a dolphin with a triangle on its Dorsal Fin, and more and more came out. Each time each animal would turn into a person once they had reached a spot where there was enough space to do so without bumping into someone else.
Crowley could feel himself getting paler and paler, as he saw more and more people, from different age groups, gender, and species appearing. There were men, women, children, a scarecrow, even a dog dressed like a king. It wasn't long before a large gathering had formed, and the headmage watched as a small armie had emerged from within the case.
“Well sir that is everyone,” Vertin said as Pickles simply took a seat next to Diggers who was happily looking around the room making comments on the unique vibe the room gave. Crowley could only stair for a moment mouth agape before he did the only thing any person could after seeing the parade of people suddenly appear before him from someone's luggage.
Crowley passed out.
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Crowley and Aziraphale's Argument #1
Thoughts on 1.11: Crowley and Aziraphale’s argument 
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I know that European countries tend to be small, and Britain is also small, but in my mind, Dartmoor is not that far away from London! 
If something terrible is going to happen to Gabriel, driving him up to Dartmoor does not seem like a very effective solution. 
(I also wasn’t sure if it was going to come up or not, but Dartmoor always reminds me of The Hound of the Baskervilles, so I was on the lookout for that throughout the rest of the season.  *ACD Sherlock spoilers ahead* Nothing huge came to mind, but I would like to point out that The Hound was the first story published after The Final Problem, so it was almost like getting a Season 2 for a novel published in 1990.  And just the fact that The Hound is not the problem/antagonist of the story, but other people are!  Which isn’t exactly a parallel, but I feel like matches this season if you squint!  Because in the end, the main problem / conflict is not the dangers posed by Heaven and Hell;  it’s the effects and costs of connections, of relationships between people: Beelzebub and Gabriel, Nina and Maggie, and - of course - Crowley and Aziraphale!) 
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I know it comes up repeatedly throughout the season, but I adore how much of an issue Crowley takes with Gabriel’s attempted murder / execution of Aziraphale! 
I also don’t have anything new to add, but the “carved it out for ourselves” line! GAH! 
Also, the whole bit about the “exactlies.”  Even when they’re arguing and the stakes are relatively high, they are both such dorks, and I love that about them.  It is a fantastic demonstration of their mutual incompetence. 
I would also like to recognize Aziraphale’s character growth, even if he may or may not revert to other strategies later.  (Progress is not linear!)  I am so proud of him for being so direct in what he wanted and in explicitly asking for Crowley’s help (with the acknowledgment that Crowley - at least, theoretically - can say no.)  Like, “you're at liberty to go,” “No, I would love you to help me,” “I’m asking you to help me take care of him,” But if you won’t, you won’t.”  I’m not saying that Aziraphale was not still angling for what he wanted / trying to persuade Crowley to see things his way, but I do feel like this is a lot more direct than what we’ve heard from Aziraphale in Season 1 and the Lockdown video. 
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“You’re on your own” was so painful, even though I didn’t expect it to last long.  (But I also didn’t expect the end of Season 2…) It reminded me of “we’re on our own side” which Crowley technically says in the preceding episode.  And like, yes, the precious, peaceful, fragile existence is important and, dare I say, nice.  But what about Our Side? 
Lastly, I would like to point out that when Crowley was faced with a similar situation, he did not abandon the loosely innocent and helpless being his side fobbed off to him.  When Hell gave Crowley the Antichrist, he thought about simply tossing “the basket” away, but he didn't.  And some of that was because he was still officially working for Hell and hadn’t semi-retired yet, but I also believe that a good part of that was because Crowley is firmly against killing kids (human, quasi-human, or goat.)  Instead, Crowley hatched a scheme that involved him and Aziraphale watching over the Antichrist as godfathers while they both knew that the fate of the entire world (in theory) depended on their success and that failure would mean an end to their current versions of existence.  They had less knowledge about the terrible thing that could happen to Gabriel, but I feel like there is precedence for Aziraphale's attempt to convince Crowley to help this random, not entirely welcome being together as they desperately work to prevent future Bad Things from occurring. 
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cheeseplants · 3 months
Tagged by @doonarose
How many works do you have on ao3? 12
What's your total ao3 word count? It's 176,820 if you count the massive Choose Your Own Adventure fic, but 59,604 if you don't.
What fandoms do you write for? Good Omens, obviously
Top five fics by kudos:
The Human Manual (E) - Angel Crowley & Angel Aziraphale Make an Effort for the first time in Heaven after reading through the Human Manual. Silly humorous fluff written for the @goodomensafterdark Smut war.
Angel, it’s cold outside (E) - I wanted them to spoon. It's cold outside, Crowley turns up to help Aziraphale warm up... in bed. Also written for the smut war!
I’m Dreaming of a Light (and Dark) Christmas (T) - A cute fluffy as Hell Hallmark-inspired Christmas fic of human Aziraphale and Crowley fighting with over-the-top Christmas decorations.
One Night in Bethlehem (E) - A random sort of PWP Christmas one-shot of Crowley teaching Aziraphale several firsts on the first-ever Christmas. The aim was to write porn but not have them kiss! There is plenty pining.
The Ecstasy of Eden (E) - My current WIP, a rather ridiculous 5 in 1 fic written for the High Pollen Sex Pollen event. 5 times they used sex pollen, and the one time they didn't Through the Ages fic.
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I think I am fully caught up on responding to all of them.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Well, I wrote a lot of the bad endings in the Choose Your Adventure fic Coming Home, if you found yourself being like - noooo, that was likely me. I have also left my current WIP in a state of angst before updating. And fully completed I'd probably say Angel, it’s cold outside has a pretty bittersweet ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It's got to be I’m Dreaming of a Light (and Dark) Christmas, no canon compliant messiness to deal with there. Just good ol' Christmas cheer.
Do you get hate on fics? I got a weird comment that made no sense, but it wasn't hate.
Do you write smut? YES. And so much more than I ever would have thought. I am literally writing a back-to-back porny WIP that is 30k long. Though after that I may take a break and write a bit of Gen/T, I have some cute Outsider POV ideas I want to do.
Craziest crossover: I mean it has to be Good Omens and Clippy the Microsoft paperclip for a collab Christmas fic.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I doubt it!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, Clippy as above. And the CYOA adventure fic was an insane collab. Trying to do a couple of collabs at the moment.
All time favorite ship? Azicrow! But I am tempted to also write some Angelfish (Dagon/Michael) and big up to @isiaiowin for making me into Shax/Furfur (PHEW 🔥).
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I found a random draft of a WIP where Aziraphale Falls to Hell and sets up a bookshop down there and slowly falls back in love with Crowley. And it's a great concept but is on the backburner alongside all my other WIPs.
What are your writing strengths? Humour! I can write some silly set pieces, and people often say they cackle at it. I have been complimented on making silly stuff also hot. I guess that's a strength.
What are your writing weaknesses? GRAMMAR. OMG I am slowly learning how to use commas correctly and semi-colons and all that. Description I feel I need to do more of, I am often like - action, dialogue and forget to set the scene.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I mean my husband speaks like seven languages and often roasts me for people a typical Brit who can half cobble together a sentence in terrible Spanish. But if I needed to write any, he's right there!
First fandom you wrote in? I'm a newbie in my thirties! So I guess this one Good Omens. I think I probably wrote some Postman Pat and Animals of Farthing Wood stories when I was a child, so maybe them?
Favorite fic you've written? EEEP it's hard. I have a special place in my heart for I’m Dreaming of a Light (and Dark) Christmas. It was the first fic I properly wrote, and I love I still get kudos and comments on it in summer despite it being a Christmas fic. I also have a WIP currently titled Small Town Romance which is my baby, and hopefully it will soon see the light of day!
I tag: @zin-lynn-c, @isiaiowin, @fuzzygoblin, & @kneelbeforeyourdogbabylon
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dulcisregnumdorm · 5 months
Vincent Scotch Von Schweetz
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More info under the cut
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Name: Vincent Scotch Von Schweetz
Age: 23
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: Any
Year: 3
Best Subject: Practical Magic
Birthday: July 23rd 
Twisted From: Vanellope Von Schweetz
Class:B( No 3)
Club: Motorsports Club
Height: 6’5
Hobby:Making Kandi bracelets,Racing,Fixing up old technology,collecting cassette tapes
Homeland: Glace Duchy (current) Shaftlands(former)
Likes: Collecting things,Frutiger aero Dislikes:Bullies
Unique Magic: 404 ERROR (Can use her glitch to destroy objects and people)
VA: Tetsuya Kakihara
Nicknames: Sea cucumber (Floyd),Glitch
Pet Peeves: Glitching randomly
Favorite Food: Food with a jelly/gummy texture
Least Favorite Food: Carbonated drinks (gives them a TV static feeling)
Talent(s): Fixing old tech
Zodiac: Leo
Personality type: ENTP-T (Debater)
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Personality: On the surface Vincent has a snarky yet bubbly personality with interests as colorful as the bracelets they make and the car they drive. It is a great persona to have if you are trying to make up for your siblings, less sugary and more spiteful personality. 
However don’t think that Vincent is all sunshine and rainbows once you manage to piss them off all the pleasantries instantly drop. This side of Vincent is very cynical and sadistic. Top that off with semi unstable glitching abilities and a UM that could very much end your existence, you are looking at a side of a cy-being that hardly comes out but once it does, start praying that they show you some mercy.
Fun Facts:
Even though she fights with Temperence and Terrence she is just as protective once someone messes with them.
Has made a candy bracelet for every.single.member of Dulcisregnum
Loves anything Frutiger Aero
I’m not joking Vincent has collected first gen PC monitors and other outdated pieces of technology to either fox or repurpose them
That’s where they get most of their skills in fixing old tech
Most of the time you can see them hanging around Luxolite at inter school events or doing basic parkour on candy cane trees in the dorm
Has gotten into many physical fights with Temperence, Terrence just recorded them
Despite his nice demeanor Vincent has been described by others as being very selfish at times.
Speaking of which Vincent is the main reason as to why the dorms mirror stopped working
^It took days for Crowley to get it working and freeing the students trapped inside
^Since then Temperence and Vincent have been on some shaky footing
Sometimes Vincent will place shorter members of Dulcisregnum in air jail (aka just holding them like a cat)
That being said Vincent is 6’5 so almost everyone is shorter than them
Unlike Temperence and Terrence, Vincent has been able to control his more eldritch cy-bug form and has currently awakened a new one
^she's not ready to show it off yet tho, she's shy
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I'm going to put out my own feelers here, the hyperfixation and brain rot for Good Omens is BAD. I think about nothing but the Ineffable Spouses and stuff that I'd love to write or roleplay. Currently, I'm still working on 30 prompts for October, and I'm slowly getting through the second one now. As well as working on my own story about them finding, or well- A lil girl finding them.
But my brain is always running, like an overactive golden retriever or pitbull. I desperately need to roleplay with someone. I really have been enjoying writing as Crowley, so I suppose I'd like to find someone who would like to write as Aziraphale. Must be 18+, preferably 20 and up.
I prefer to write on Discord, as it's much simpler to just make a server and use it for role-playing purposes, in case other storylines are wanted alongside it.
I do love angst, fluff, and NSFW elements. ( Though NSFW isn't necessary, I do enjoy writing it. )
My replies are done in 3rd person, and I consider myself semi-lit, to advance. My replies always tend to be quite long, because I love throwing in as many details as possible.
I am absolutely open to plotting out something together and talking outside of roleplay to get to know one another. Though I do have a few ideas already in mind, and you can always share any you've got in mind.
Drop me a message if this interests you! I know I'll probably find no one with this, but my brain is just- EXTREMELY WILD. And I need to roleplay. Writing with yourself doesn't hit the same, though it's still fun.
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nyxnightshade1332 · 1 year
Expectations When Expecting (Prologue)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
The monster and the pregnant young lady had won, but at the cost of their dignity. Grim lay on the floor, panting heavily from exhaustion. Yuu was currently on the ground with her head between her knees in an attempt to stave off the nausea that came from Crowley's last minute attack.
He'd caught them off guard by bringing back the other ghosts, circling them and moving at vision blurring speeds, turning the pair around before Grim had finally had enough, managing to land a hit on all four of the ghosts, who had backed off. Yuu had promptly fallen to her knees, much paler than before, forcing Crowley to yield.
"I apologize, my dear." He spoke awkwardly, handing her a cup of water and a fan.
Yuu looked up shakily, swallowing slightly. "Never do that again..." She huffed, taking a slow sip of the water.
Grim stood up, still panting. "... Well?"
"Incredible... I've never seen anyone bend a monster to their will quite the way you have." Crowley gave her a smile in an effort to have her accept his apology. "I must confess, my educator's intuition did sense something about you after the brouhaha at orientation, Yuu."
"You mean aside from the pregnancy?" She said, slowly emerging from her fetal position, her earlier comment being completely missed by the little monster.
Crowley nodded, waving her off. "Yes, yes. I could tell you had a certain animal trainer-y, beast master-ish quality to you. Oh, yes." The tone his voice held told her what he was truly thinking. Crowley began to mutter to himself, as she fought the desire to roll her eyes.
She sighed. "Hey, Headmage Crowley? Would it be possible for Grim to stay with me?" She asked, earning a surprised squawk from both Grim and Crowley.
"WHAT? A monster, stay HERE?" The man gaped as she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah. I mean, I owe him something for getting rid of the ghosts. And besides, you literally beat him out of his senses a while ago. I think he deserves to stay." She remarked, looking at the surprised cat monster.
"Whoa, did you just...?" He sputtered, blinking his eyes to see if he were dreaming.
"Besides, What if there are more ghosts? You can't expect someone with my condition to be able to defend herself alone, could you?" She stated, using as much information to her advantage.
The headmage looked as if she had finally managed to corner him, sighing in defeat. "I suppose I cannot deny your plea. Very well." He responded.
"REALLY?!" Grim yelped, his voice on the edge of excitement.
"Let me be clear!" Crowley spoke. "Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror - especially not a monster!" He began, earning a groan from Yuu. He turned to her. "Nor do I intend to allow you to freeload until you're able to return home."
"Hmm. Called it." She huffed.
"Hrmph. Never shoulda got my hopes up..." Grumbled Grim, puffing out his cheeks to display his anger.
"Now, allow me to explain!" Crowley backtracked, trying to avoid the wrath of a pregnant woman and a semi-feral, fire-breathing cat. "It was the Dark Mirror that transported you here. Therefore this school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So I will allow you to remain in this dorm, free of charge."
Yuu looked unimpressed. "Okay. What's the catch?"
"I see you catch on quickly! Well, you will need to pay for your own food, clothing, and incidentals. As to how you will do so, penniless as you are..." Crowley thought for a moment before chuckling to himself. "... Yes, a fine plan indeed!"
"Let me guess, free labor?" She deadpanned.
"Oh, come now. No need to put it like that, my dear." The bird-man gave a hearty laugh, a definite confirmation. "However, yes. I'm simply going to ask you to do a few odd jobs around campus. From what you've done here, Miss Yuu, I can tell you know your way around a broom. So what do you say to you two working together as a janitorial team? If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow you to remain on campus."
Yuu narrowed her eyes at him. "... Fine. But I better be getting maternity leave once I hit my third trimester."
"Of course! I'm not heartless! As a matter of fact, I'll also allow you use of the library, so that you may study, and research ways to return home." Great. So I'm basically looking for my own way home.
"How soundlessly charitable I am. Ah, but only when your work is over, of course!" The headmage crowed.
Grim did not seem as on board with the idea of becoming a janitor, making this abundantly clear with the feline growl that escaped him. "What kinda deal is that?! I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms and be a student, not sweep up people's junk!"
Yuu looked the cat monster in the eye, exhausted. "Grim. It's either that or we get thrown out. As of now, there clearly isn't much room for debate." She explained to the cat as he got closer to her. "Besides, we might even get the chance to earn you a seat as a student here." She whispered, earning a surprised expression.
"Really?" Grim questioned, hopeful.
"Yeah. So, do you wanna do this or not?" She asked, earning a nod from the cat monster. She gave him a tired smile before looking up at Crowley. "Okay, we'll do it."
Crowley looked over the moon at the thought of free labor. "Wonderful. Then I beseech you both... To work hard as the newest members of the Night Raven College's janitorial staff!"
Yuu nodded, pushing herself to a standing position, testing her legs. "Alright, cool. I'm gonna eat and then we'll go clean up the bed so we can sleep." She dusted herself off, yawning before turning to the headmage. "Oh, and Crowley? Please be aware that my priorities do not lie with you, but with my baby. If anything happens, there will be hell to pay." She said coldly, making the headmage flinch.
"Y-yes, of course! Have a good night, all of you." He stuttered, excusing himself by rushing out of the dorm. Yuu watched him go before finally closing the door.
"... Hey, human? Why were you talkin' about a baby?" Came a meek voice behind her.
She turned to him, awkwardly. "Well... you remember when you told me that I had a nice smell and how my stomach was warm? Well..." 
Chapter 8
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
The plan is ineffable, isn't it? 👼😈
Looking for discord partners to double up on rps within the world of Good Omens! Looking for something a little specific at the moment but also willing to double if that helps!
Seeking: Gabriel x Female OC (myself).
Aziraphale (myself) x Crowley.
I can write as Crowley too, though my preference would be to write Aziraphale currently.
Setting: Season 1- Season 2. I have a few different ideas and I'm willing to brainstorm with my partner on how best to make it work. Willing to do AUs. I have a bit of brainrot for a potential college setting AU and would love someone willing to explore this with me.
Spicy content 🌶 is welcomed and appreciated but not required.
Requirements: Must be 21 or older, give more than one liners, and be okay with someone who isn't always able to reply every day.
About: 30+ NB, semi-lit to literate responses. Generally not a novella replier but can manage on occasion. Try my best to reply every day but it doesn't always happen. Fine with a lot of OOC chatter or not much at all.
Like this and I'll reach out!
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