#crystal tree price
copperproduct · 6 months
How to Choose the Right Amethyst Crystal Tree for Your Needs
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Are you considering adding an amethyst crystal tree to your collection? These beautiful pieces not only serve as stunning decor but also carry various metaphysical properties that can benefit your well-being. However, with so many options available, it’s important to know how to choose the right one for your specific needs. In this guide, we’ll explore the factors to consider when selecting an amethyst crystal tree.
Purpose and Intention: Begin by clarifying your intention for obtaining an amethyst crystal tree. Are you seeking spiritual healing, stress relief, or simply aesthetic beauty? Understanding your purpose will help guide your selection process.
Size and Shape: Amethyst crystal trees come in various sizes and shapes, ranging from small desktop ornaments to larger statement pieces. Consider where you plan to display your tree and choose a size that fits the space appropriately. Additionally, pay attention to the shape of the tree – some may have more branches and clusters, while others may be more minimalist in design.
Quality of Amethyst: The quality of the amethyst crystals used in the tree can significantly impact its energy and effectiveness. Look for trees with vibrant purple hues and minimal inclusions or imperfections. High-quality amethyst will emit a stronger energy and provide greater benefits.
Energetic Alignment: Each amethyst crystal tree carries its unique energy signature, influenced by factors such as the source of the crystals and the craftsmanship of the tree. Trust your intuition and choose a tree that resonates with you energetically. If possible, hold the tree in your hands and feel its energy to determine if it aligns with your own.
Intended Use: Consider how you plan to use the amethyst crystal tree. If you’re primarily interested in its aesthetic appeal, focus on finding a tree that complements your decor style. Alternatively, if you’re seeking specific metaphysical benefits, such as calming energy or enhanced intuition, look for trees that are known for amplifying those qualities.
Personal Connection: When selecting any crystal or gemstone, it’s essential to forge a personal connection with the piece. Take your time exploring different options and choose the one that speaks to you on a deeper level. You may find yourself drawn to a particular tree without fully understanding why – trust your instincts and embrace the connection.
Budget: Set a budget for your amethyst crystal tree purchase and stick to it. While high-quality specimens may come with a higher price tag, there are plenty of affordable options available that still offer beauty and energetic benefits. Remember that the value of a crystal extends beyond its monetary worth and encompasses its spiritual significance as well.
Care and Maintenance: Finally, consider the care and maintenance required for your amethyst crystal tree. Keep it cleansed and charged regularly to maintain its energetic properties. Additionally, avoid placing the tree in direct sunlight for prolonged periods, as this can cause fading of the amethyst’s color.
In conclusion, choosing the right amethyst crystal tree involves a combination of practical considerations and intuitive guidance. By clarifying your intention, assessing the quality and energy of the tree, and cultivating a personal connection, you can select a piece that enhances your space and supports your well-being. Whether you’re drawn to its beauty, its healing properties, or a combination of both, an amethyst crystal tree can be a valuable addition to your spiritual practice and home decor.
Q: What is an amethyst crystal tree?
A: An amethyst crystal tree is a decorative object made from amethyst crystals arranged to resemble a tree. These trees are believed to harness the metaphysical properties of amethyst, such as calming energy and spiritual protection, making them popular in holistic and spiritual practices.
Q: How do I choose the right amethyst crystal tree?
A: When choosing an amethyst crystal tree, consider factors such as size, quality of the crystals, energetic alignment, intended use, personal connection, budget, and care requirements. Trust your intuition and select a tree that resonates with you on a deeper level.
Q: What are the benefits of having an amethyst crystal tree?
A: Amethyst crystal trees are believed to offer a range of benefits, including calming energy, spiritual protection, enhanced intuition, and stress relief. Many people also find them to be beautiful decorative pieces that add a touch of elegance to any space.
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komal09 · 7 months
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Dad!John Price/female reader This has been living in my head
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“Beautiful out, isn’t it?” 
The old woman on the docks hitches her shoulder bag higher, eyes fixed on nothing in the distance. John hums an agreement, low pitch slow to rise from his chest. It’s not a dismissal, but not conversation. Non-committal. About as much as you’ll get from him, on a day like today. 
He keeps his focus on the expanse of the bay. A metamorphic magma layered coastal cradle holding entire populations of people, and animals, those that live on land… and at sea. 
He’s waiting for a fleck of dust on the horizon, a small speck that will slowly turn into ferry, one that carries some passengers, a few packages, bundles of mail by the heap. It is beautiful today; he doesn’t disagree. But it’s not because of the weather.  It’s because the ferry is carrying more than just a few passengers home. It’s carrying his worst nightmare. The final nail in a coffin. His own personal hell.
His brightest light. His favorite part of everyday. His everything. The reason his heart still beats.
Both on the same boat. 
The sun shines through the tips of the trees, bright on his face, casting an amber yellow glow over the harbor, and he basks in it, even with the brittle cold. 
The warmth of the light is foreign this time year, a time year when creeks all run underneath a quickly thickening layer of ice, morning frost lingers beneath cloud cover, and bears sleep.  
The town will be full of life today. The bar at the top of the hill, the only one in town, will be burning the midnight oil, everyone appearing at some point throughout the night, eager to have one last rousing round with neighbors and friends before the true cold of winter sets in. 
Of course, they don’t hate the cold. They wouldn’t live here if they did. 
Life is different in the winter. Year round. Life here revolves more around the weather and the seasons than anywhere else he’s ever been, or lived, and everything from the kelp to the whales, the deer and sea lions, the people, and the wolves, depend on the promise of perpetual change. 
The tide washes through little pebbles of ancient volcanic rock like a lullaby, one so familiar he swears he can hear it when he’s working, when he’s worlds away in his mind. It’s peaceful, full of memories, nostalgia beating in his blood for something long gone, long past. 
His heart aches, for a moment. Long enough that his brow furrows, and his hands find his pocket, anxiously feeling for the chain. 
The ferry shatters his memories, blaring across the beach, and the old woman gives him a smile. 
“Early today.” This time, John does respond. 
“You must be John.” She offers her hand, face half hidden beneath a large hood and knit muff, black pants and coat nearly matching his. 
He hesitates, fingers flexing, and she doesn’t miss a beat, moving on to step around him, speaking briefly to the ferry captain, an old grizzled man who stared at John the entire trip, blatant curiosity wrinkling his frown lines. 
The wind cuts through his jacket, snaking beneath his layers, forcing his muscles tense. 
Bloody freezing. He's been cold, plenty, but this bitterness has bite.
She squints and jerks her head towards the end of the dock, sunlight glittering in her eyes. They’re beautiful, a rich shade of coffee and hazel, golden spotted and drusy, a cluster of crystals inside dark pupils. They’re a color he could drown in. The kind of eyes he could see in his dreams for the rest of his life.
The kind of eyes capable of disarming him, before he's even drawn a weapon.
“C’mon. Truck’s got heat.” 
“Mari says you’ve never been a Ranger before.” She tries to make casual conversation with him, patting the steering wheel as the truck sputters to life. Gears grind, they churn, and she smiles, glancing at the road before putting it in gear. It’s old, rusted in a quaint way, the kind that makes him think of old industrial parks and aging tanks, a rugged red chipped away above the passenger wheel well, rubbed raw by salt air. 
“I have… relative experience.” He’s careful with his words, hesitant about over divulging, and she shrugs. 
“With people? Or wildlife?” He points his face out the window. With people, sure. With bears and wolves and whatever else lurks in these woods, less so. 
The truck climbs a windy road, pushing up above the cove, narrow pitted pavement flanked by forest so black he can hardly see a meter inside the tree line. The shadow that lingers inside the tree line is primordial, alive, and he blinks when he thinks he sees something moving, deep in the dark. Douglas fir, silver fir, white pine flash by, occasional road signs with pictures of animals and speed limits dotting the way. “Logging is big industry out here. Forestry feeds a lot of families in this area, but it can be a point of contention.” She motions past him to another cove, one tucked just around the bend from where the ferry came in, its surface covered in shaved logs, all nearly uniform in size, floating together in rows upon rows, waiting for their next voyage. 
“That what you do? Er… logging?” Her hands are rough, skin cracked, nails trimmed short, and the coat is utility. Built for labor. For weather. It’s a natural conclusion. 
“No. I run the nature center in the late spring and summer. No tourism in fall or winter though, so I find other things to do. Work for the park. Tag trees. Winter trail maintenance. Wildlife management.” The truck rattles into a left turn, and she waves at someone in an oncoming car. “Guess I kinda work for you now.” Her chuckle is light, sweet, and his cheeks feel warm. “What brought you all the way up here?” 
Bloody hell. 
“Needed a change of pace.” 
“Long way to come for a change.” She muses, and he agrees. It is very, very far. Three planes, two ferries, this truck. Hours of travel, temperature dropping in ten degree increments every time he stepped outside. He doesn’t know how to answer that, how to tell her, what he’s doing here, how to say he had to leave things behind. 
The island changes, geology shifting, granite turning to mud and grass, darkness fading as the truck putters into its final descent.
He instinctively taps the tags in his pocket, a nervous tic that’s develops over the last few months since he took them off for the last time and clears his throat. 
“Yes. It is.” 
The ferry sidles up the wooden dock, rocking in the waves, captain giving the small, older woman next to him a friendly wave. At his side, a woman stands, straight backed and proud, eyes sharp against the setting sun. 
Is that…
You catch his gaze, glancing at the Ranger badge on his coat, and then nodding, hand lifting in acknowledgement. 
His breath freezes in his chest. You’re stunning. Beautiful, like the land, like the strait, and for a second, he forgets himself. 
Igneous rock hardens in his stomach, in his heart.
He's lost at sea. Lost in the swell. An eddy line of devastation sweeps him out, past the lighthouse on the rocks, past the pod of resident orcas, past the point of no return.
He's drowning.
Only to be brought back by one of his favorite sounds in the entire world. 
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the-clumsywitch · 6 months
So, you just realized you're a witch...
Well here's a guide to some things you might find helpful.
If it's something tangible, chances are you might already own some of these things, if not please don't stress about getting them. For some items I will include stores that you can find them as well as price points using the dollar symbol.
These can be in the form of chime candles, pillar, taper, glass, votive, tea light, etc.
You can get them in various colors but if you are trying to save money you can get white candles. And add your intention and herbs (or just your intention) to achieve your desired outcome.
They can be found at:
The Dollar Tree ($)- Best for votive, pillar, taper, tea light, jar, floating, and glass candles. They can often be found in multiple colors and scents.
Michael's craft store ($-$$) - Best for tall/large pillar and taper candles.
JoAnn Craft store ($-$$)- Best for the same candles as Michael's craft store.
Metaphysical shops ($-$$) - Chime candles and speciality candles such as glass candles with writing on them (exp: love, Orisha, justice candles) and figure candles.
Stores that sell scented candles ($$) - Examples of stores like this are Bath & Body Works and Yankee Candles. These are best for looking for candles that have scents that correspond with your particular spell. For instance, if you're doing a peace spell you may want to look for a candle that smells of lavender or a candle that puts you in a peaceful state of mind regardless of the scent name or ingredients.
Incense are excellent for air magick and you can often find them rather cheaply in most stores. I personally try to find them as toxin free as possible but you purchase what incense makes the most sense for you. Just as with candle scents, look for incense that either corresponds with your spell by the herb they are supposed to smell like or by feeling.
The Dollar Tree ($) - The ones I've been too have mainly been good for chakra incense.
Etsy ($) - There are multiple sellers with a lot of different scents and quite a few with free shipping!
Magick.com ($)
Amazon ($)
Metaphysical store ($)
If you decide that you want to work with herbs you can usually get away with the ones you already have. However, I would caution against burning herbs that aren't organic but of course that is your decision to make. Some places to get herbs are:
The Dollar Tree (they don't have organic but they have a decent selection)
Your local grocery store
Metaphysical store
Note: If you can't find the herb you may want to consider using the essential oil instead. Only use a drip of the essential oil. You can also get a tea bag with the herb you need, rip it open, and use that.
Nail Polish
Color magick is the main thing here, but I have come across some scented nail polishes as well. Either way, you can choose a color and/or scent that corresponds to your spell. Here are some affordable brands (by that I mean the polishes from their main collection are not over $10.)
Wet n' Wild
LA Colors
Sally Hansen
L.A. Girl
I know a lot of people typically include nail polish in this group but I tend to save this category for things such as lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and blush. Once again, the main purpose of this category is color magick but it can also be used for glamour magick. Some brands are:
elf cosmetics ($)
Wet n' Wild ($)
Revlon ($) - Mainly their lipsticks
Rimmel ($) - Lipstick and Blush
Nyx ($)
Revolution Beauty ($)
Essence Cosmetics ($)
If you are interested in divination there are so many types that you can easily find one that you connect with. Some forms of divination are:
Tarot, oracle, and playing cards
Water scrying
Crystal scrying
Mirror scrying
Automatic Writing
Types of Magick/Witches
It is not necessarily important that you pick a particular type of magick but I think some witches take being able to study multiple types of magick at once for granted. Not everyone is able to maintain focus while looking at magick as a whole, that's why I think separating magick and witches into types can be helpful. This is by no means a complete list but it's a start.
Celestial/cosmic magick
Elemental magick
Green witch
Hedge witch
Water magick
Earth magick
Air magick
Fire magick
Draconic witch
Eclectic witch
Lunar magick
Solar magick
Fairy magick
Kitchen magick
Sea witch
Candle magick
Ceremonial magick
This is by no means a comprehensive list and I will likely add more things to it over time or create more lists similar to this one. But I hope this was at least somewhat helpful!
-Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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dlartistanon · 5 months
Shining and Nightingale: Connection, Plot Beats, and How Their Story Makes (Even) More Sense If You Read It As Romantic
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Belonging to the Followers faction, Shining and Nightingale were among the first 6* operators introduced at launch. With damage mitigation as their niche, Shining is a single-target medic who specializes in reducing incoming physical damage, while Nightingale is an AoE medic whose specialty lies in reducing incoming Arts damage. This post will delve into everything we know about them and how it's so gay, oh my god
Design Analysis
Upon first glance, you notice how they compare and contrast each other visually: Shining is dressed mostly in black, Nightingale in white. Shining has long, thin white horns that gently jut outwards, while Nightingale has thick, black horns that fold inwards. Shining keeps her hood on by default, giving her a mysterious and secretive appearance. She has dark brown eyes, Liz has light blue ones. Shining’s outfit is tattered and ragged, really giving off the vibe of a wanderer (a “roaming doctor”, as she puts it), in stark contrast to Nightingale’s clean and put-together attire. If you squint, Shining almost looks like a harbinger of death, whereas Nightingale is angelic. Both of them wear the insignia of the Followers, a Terran version of the Caduceus. Shining wears it on a necklace (and is the actual leader), while Nightingale has it etched onto her clothes. One of the black straps on Nightingale’s outfit also reads “The path to light is dark”.
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The predominant colors in both their respective skins are the complementary blue and orange. Just as black and white are opposed, so is the contrast between blue and orange. Within Shining's Silent Night, there are flickers of red-orange accents in the form of crystals, while in Nightingale's Elegy, there is the vibrant blue of her bluebird and its wings/feather. Despite Shining’s skin being a summer/beach outfit, the overall atmosphere is foreboding, given the moonlit background, presence of crows/ravens, and color choices. The backdrop in Nightingale’s is very characteristic of Gothic settings.
The strongest theme tying both their designs (and stories) together is The Gothic, an atmosphere and aesthetic best exemplified and symbolized by moody, somber colors (often black) and the gnarled, twisted branches of dead trees found in both their designs, as well as pertinent cast. (We will discuss more on their narrative ties to The Gothic)
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Nightingale is featured (alongside Myrrh) in the song “Spring’s Pulse”, while Shining’s song is called “Winter Absolution”. Spring and Winter are opposing seasons, different times in which life either flourishes or hibernates. Green and red (as well as blue and red) are contrasting colors, highlighting life and death. As well as white and black, often symbolic of purity and sin.
Additionally, one of the Latin verses in Shining's song translates to:
"Sing, my tongue, redemption. Of my flesh, the mystery sing. Of the blood, all price exceeding. Shed by my immortal being. Destined for the world's redemption. From a noble womb to spring."
Profiles/Voice Lines
For the longest time, the most we could gather from their past was that Nightingale was a victim, a prisoner, forced to heal others while captive and that Shining had rescued her before they came to Rhodes Island. She has a host of ailments that mere Oripathy can't be the sole cause for, including amnesia. Through other clues, we eventually learn that Shining had a connection to someone called "Confessarius" ("Confessarii" when referring to a group), something she is noticeably evasive and uncomfortable about.
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Later, the mystery slowly began to unravel as many theorized that Shining herself was involved with Nightingale's imprisonment, evidenced by Liz drawing the similarities between Shining and her captors. A shared past dripping with intrigue.
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It was these seeds that provided a tantalizing story of atonement, of redemption, from someone who had committed a terrible transgression against another, complacent in her pain and suffering, whom she eventually grew to care about--so much so that Shining decided to sever all ties to her former compatriots, slaughtering many and freeing Nightingale, running away together. Shining, disgusted with her actions, spending the rest of her life atoning for her sins, of which she feels she can never be forgiven for.
The juxtaposition of Shining, unyielding with her sword, covered in the blood of her once-fellow Confessarii, and her being exceedingly gentle with Nightingale as she leads her to someplace safe, away from that room, her captors, that tower, where they (she) can’t hurt Liz ever again. The fanon that Shining was complicit in what made Nightingale the way she is, and that she is currently atoning for those sins, was largely embraced by fans.
Nightingale’s Operator Record #1 - A Song and a Blue Feather
The Op Rec is a good showcase of the Followers dynamic (with Liz as the Lady and her two knights), but it also serves to show more of Liz's personality. We only get a very baseline interpretation of who she is as a person via her official file, but seeing her interact with Nearl and Shining gives us a clearer picture of just how strong-willed she is. She goes against Shining's warnings in order to soothe the pain of an Infected child, particularly because his father was inadvertently exacerbating his condition through what Liz calls "a cage of love" (foreshadowing?).
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Throughout, we learn more about Liz's Arts, specifically that they give her empathic qualities and come with the drawback of shortening her lifespan every time she heals. The game-breaking ability to reverse Oripathy symptoms comes with equivalent exchange. Liz takes on the pain of others in order to make them feel better.
Near the end of the record, Liz asks if Shining is mad and to not blame Nearl for helping her. Shining's original call to avoid the town was born out of being concerned with Liz's health, but she admits that she should've respected Liz's decision. This is a stance that we then see get repeated in their future appearances in both side stories and the main plot--Shining prioritizing giving Liz agency, when she previously had none. Even when it results in Liz's condition worsening, something that Shining struggles with accepting at the same time, communicated through her asking Liz if her feeling more pain was necessary.
Nightingale’s Module #1 - Closed Hope
The module basically states outright that Nightingale views herself as a burden for having to rely on Shining and Nearl to help her navigate through life. This is another example of Liz's strong-willed personality peeking through.
"But for me, results speak loudest. Because I endured a little more pain, others can be born anew. This is very good. But… if I could be like ordinary people, without this physical pain, that spark of hope in my heart would surely shine a little bit brighter. Unfortunately, as I am now, I can only rely on others to survive. Like a light crystal in a lantern. Even if the lantern door is open, even if the light can bring warmth to others, the crystal itself is still fixed inside. It is fixed there, because it has no ability to move on its own. 'Nightingale, Nightingale––' I hope that one day, I will also be able to spread my wings and fly… just like the bird next to me. 'Nightingale, wake up already––' Until then, I must impose upon them yet more to take care of me.
'What's the matter, Shining?'"
In her Op Rec, she had even told Shining that if her legs had cooperated with her, she would not have asked Nearl for help, and that she would've gone out to heal that boy on her own. It's letting us know that she longs to be independent, and that she can't idly sit by as a passive observer when she has the ability to help others. Liz won't even let her own disabilities stop her from doing what she wants.
It's not a coincidence how Shining's presence in her module is represented by the analogy Liz uses to describe her predicament. Shining rescued her = the cage door is open. However, the crystal itself can't move = Liz's debilitating condition. Shining played her part in putting Liz in the cage to begin with. Shining is not only her savior, caretaker, and companion, there's a darker undercurrent as well.
Near Light
In Maria Nearl, Nightingale and Shining get a brief mention and cameo around the time Nearl crashes into the Major stadium. A connection can be made with Liz's Op Rec in which we evidently see that she and Nearl have a more physical (and arguably openly affectionate) dynamic compared to Liz and Shining. Before Nearl leaves to help her sister, we a get a brief look into her and Liz's parting conversation, in which Nearl assures Liz that she'll be okay and that Liz still has Shining with her.
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In Near Light, where they get more screentime, we have the iconic Nearl and Nightingale slow dance underneath the streetlights. In the CG itself, Shining can be seen hanging back, sporting a smile. She calls Liz beautiful unprompted, which results in Liz getting a little bit flustered, already so from dancing with Nearl.
Beyond these instances fleshing out the NearLiz leg of the triangle, it's also a purposeful depiction of Shining intentionally distancing herself from Liz, presumably due to her guilt for her past actions. And how that can be extrapolated into Shining feeling as though she is unworthy to partake in that same kind of intimacy. This self-loathing mentality is once more reflected in Nearl the Radiant Knight's second Module--here's a rough translation:
"I suddenly felt a little regretful - after all, I have always hated my bloodline. I have never tasted the beauty of home and the meaning of family. She deserved to have it all, deserved to be noticed and blessed and I deserved not to be a part of it."
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However, at the end of Near Light, we get the scene where Shining makes a decision to go back to Londinium with Nightingale, preparing us for their subplot with Confessarius. This exchange hangs over them like a cloud, as well as further cementing Shining's firm resolve to always remain by Liz's side, no matter her own misgivings about everything else. Even if the rest of the world is muddled in her eyes, the only thing that stays clear and in view, is Nightingale. Nothing else matters more.
Chapter 10-18
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The depth of Shining’s feelings for Nightingale is truly something to take note of. "My place is always at your side" is practically a textbook subtextual/indirect confession. "I will always be at your side... for as long as you’ll have me." Because we must know that Liz has a choice. She will not impose her own wants onto Liz. Should the day arrive where Liz no longer wants her, Shining will honor it, as much as it hurts.
The way Shining navigates and conducts her feelings towards Liz in this manner is very reminiscent of the medieval concept of courtly love, which is essentially a kind of romantic love without ever imagining it to go any further. The lack of consummation is not only expected, but ideal. That the love existing in and of itself is satisfying.
The scenes where we see Shining holding back help supplement this reading. It also plays well into how the Followers are basically the "knight in shining armor" idea codified into three individuals with corresponding dynamics. For bonus points, courtly love has ties to spirituality, which coincides with another aspect of Shiningale's story with identity, fate, and their conflict with Confessarius.
The fact that Shining 's most immediate plans for the future all have to do with Nightingale is only the tip of her unending devotion. "I’ll stay with you, and go wherever you want to go, as long as you want me". And for Liz to quickly ask if Shining will come with her wherever she wants to go suggests that the love is reciprocated.
Chapter 11-10
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Through a series of revelations, we discover that the current head of the Confessarii is Shining's father, who is possessing the body of her younger brother. And that Nightingale was an experimental subject whose physical body is a construct, making her the equivalent of an artificial human/homunculus.
The whole scene we see just how both Confessarius and Salus view Shining, Nightingale, and their relationship. As randmsapphic puts it, the method in which they talk about Liz as an object with a purpose and that Shining's attachment to her is nothing short of a phase speaks volumes as to how dismissive and strangely self-assured that Shining will come to her senses and do the right/rational thing and bring Liz back to help her. They entertain the notion of saving Liz by way of pushing Shining to return to them, because they are the only ones who can save her. Instead of immediately resorting to threats, they rely on manipulation, pulling the "family" card, preying on and weaponizing Shining's guilt and desire to help Liz. It's not subtle--this dynamic could very easily be seen as the reactions homophobic relatives would have.
In particular, Confessarius's fixation on bloodline purity is insanely creepy and not only comes off as very homophobic, but ableist as well. Him suggesting they can build Liz a new body is coercion to get Shining to obey him (which also implies that he thinks Shining's attraction to Liz is purely physical). Salus emotionally abusing Shining by saying that all of Liz's pain is Shining's fault. Attempting to shame Shining by claiming she abandoned her family for a stranger. Does it not have the vibes of homophobia saying that Shiningale's love/relationship isn't real and will never work?
Chapter 12-10
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The way Shining utterly ties her sense of self-worth to Nightingale, literally describing herself as Liz’s sin… she will not refer to Liz with possessive pronouns, but will do it to herself for her. The longing, the guilt, the resolve, the codependency… is incredibly yuri. Back in Chapter 10, Shining has an exchange with the Nachzehrer King where she says the moment she was born, she had carried sin. After the dinner in Chapter 11, she tells a Confessarius soldier (before cutting him down) that she hates herself most of all.
Of all the ways to describe her relationship with Liz, Shining decides on "I am her sin". There is poetry in how she refrains from using any kind of possessive language about Liz. Shining belongs to Liz, but Liz belongs to no one. "I am hers, and she is everything to me". It goes back to how she somewhat keeps her distance despite the overwhelming devotion. "I cannot touch her with these sinful hands".
Shining truly exemplifies devotion. Whoever was responsible for writing Shining’s dialogue is pulling out all sorts of stops to have her express her love for Liz in every way without outright making her say the words "I love Liz".
Chapter 13-9 (unfortunately tumblr has an image limit so i can't cap the entire subchapter; you really should read it yourselves for that delicious Shiningale goodness)
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Kal'tsit: The way you look at Nightingale isn't just with compassion. You're not just her doctor—she's healing your fears too. Her body has its issues, but she's a member of the 'Followers', as well as your companion, and not a delicate flower that needs your protection.
Nightingale: I'm fine, Shining. You don't have to look after me so meticulously.
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More examples of Liz's strong character! A dynamic becomes even more interesting when the one you thought was less-dependent turns out to desperately need the other. By this point, you should know that Shining places Nightingale incredibly high up her list of priorities. The narrative makes it no secret. They continue to hammer home that, despite being her caretaker, just how much Shining is dependent on Liz. Liz has already internally talked about how she hates having to rely on Shining and Nearl because of her ailments. In her other appearances, she makes it even more apparent with her dialogue. While Shining mends Liz’s aching body, Liz is the one who soothes Shining’s hurting heart.
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Confessarius: Poor 'Liz'. She think it's all her fault, because of the momentary kindness you showed her.
When you remember that Liz's Arts make her empathic to pain, it takes on another layer of meaning when she wants to take away Shining's suffering. It's reasonable to assume that Liz also had an attachment to Shining, even if you see it as such because Shining "brought her to life". But the vibe you get from her dialogue shows a strong affection and compassion for Shining. Arguably instinctive, considering the "nature" of who Liz originally was. A wandering spirit, a memory, a soul that was drawn to Shining because she felt her crushing pain and wanted to help her. An intangible presence given life by an achingly lonely and hurt individual.
Another post by randmsapphic suggests that Liz's "childhood memories" of her and Shining were in fact fabrications that Shining had imposed onto Liz, in some desperate attempt to have a connection with another person, which this scene confirms. Shining was so happy with Liz's creation that she quickly became attached to her. Is this a sort of twisted love/affection that was born out of Shining's self-loathing? Or her being born into a very dark and messed up lineage in which her fate is a doomed one, and so she latched onto Liz as a means of escape and a way to feel close to someone? It may have started off as such, but by the time we reach this point, the love grew to be genuine.
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Remember in Liz's Op Rec, where she described the father hurting his son by keeping him in a cage of love?
The bluebird losing its strength the farther it travels away from home is a metaphor and reflection for how the Confessarii treat Liz, their experiment. This is the basis for her captivity. Combined with Shining's sudden shift into a cold demeanor when she had previously been warm to Liz, this only served to psychologically and emotionally damage Liz, as well as compound Shining's guilt for having continued to follow the wishes of her family.
At some point, prior to deserting, Shining had wiped Liz's memories, perhaps out of said guilty conscious, or a means to a fresh start, or even her own way to stop Liz from feeling any pain associated with those memories, but she was still afraid of what would happen should Liz recover them, which had been happening little by little. Shining had resigned herself to believing that Liz would hate her, would want nothing to do with her, if she ever found out the truth. She had to wrestle with the very real possibility that attempting to save Liz could mean losing her, or being separated from her. Shining never once saw Nightingale as a burden; she was only ever happy that Liz exists.
Credit to randmsapphic again: Every time Shining draws her sword, it's a viscerally unpleasant reminder of her eventual destiny. It's both the only way to truly free Liz, and is the bind that keeps her shackled to a doomed fate. When Confessarius offers her the sadistic choice between killing him (thus giving up her soul) or return Liz to captivity... what should she do? There is no choice here.
The way Confessarius keeps (creepily) phrasing it as Shining “giving birth” really does paint him to be a disgustingly vile patriarchal figure set on destroying not only Shining’s autonomy, but her life and relationship with Liz. How a woman is treated as an object, her worth limited to only serving as a breeding ground for the next generation. This read continues to make even more sense because remember the Confessarii dinner scene? The way they talked like they expect Shining to come home after having had her fun with Nightingale reeks of how society views lesbian relationships as not real/practice for men/just a phase. The proverbial Class S? Shiningale really is just Arknights-flavored Class S Yuri. If a Shining Alter has her pick up her sword again, it could very well symbolize her reclaiming her bodily autonomy and fighting for her love, and for the chance to have a life outside of what the patriarch(y) wants for her.
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The more I read about the Shiningale in Chapter 13, the more I’m thinking that this can’t be anything else but yuri. Even the role Confessarius is playing as a villain/obstacle they have to overcome. A man getting between them by manipulating their feelings for nefarious purposes?
Liz telling Shining that she prefers her current name, how it encapsulates so much of who Shining is as a person; she's not just a means to an end for the Confessarii, she's more than what they've instilled in her since her birth. The Followers are all light-themed, and Shining is no exception. She broke Liz out of her cage and showed her the world. And Liz is the light of Shining's life, as was mentioned all the way back to her voiceline.
Liz telling Shining that she's always loved the name that she gave her... that she holds dear any and every part of Shining that's a part of her. Her gently chastising Shining for making the decision to sacrifice herself to save Liz... Don't give yourself up for me, especially without asking me. That's not what I want. For all the times that Shining made sure Liz knew she had a choice, this was the one time she didn't. Couldn't. And Liz won't have that. Whatever trials that await them, she wants to face them together with Shining.
The way Confessarius described Shining’s feelings towards Nightingale as “your rebellious love for her”. He knew that she would love Liz and factored that into his plan/manipulation of Shining. I don't know about you but… I don’t think there’s any other way to interpret that. No heterosexual explanation.
Realistically speaking, we know actual gay characters can’t make it past the censors unless it’s tragic (see Scavenger) or unrequited (see Tomimi). But Shiningale have like… playable immunity. It’s “implicit” enough to not trigger the censors but at the same time how can you not see it as romantic?
Their relationship is basically up there with Talulah/Alina. And I'd even go so far as to say that it's more explicit than Talulah/Alina. To my knowledge, they never used the word “love” to describe how Talulah felt about Alina. Just "friend". I know there's a point where subtext gets ridiculous enough to become maintext, but then that leads you to question why some get the "friends" label while others are allowed to use "love".
Could it be platonic love? Sure, of course you can love your friends. But would you pledge your entire life to a friend? What's so "rebellious" about loving a friend? (Interestingly, I think the JP translation calls it "immoral love", which is even more eyebrow-raising) Regardless, love exists between Shiningale. Confessarius knew it, and factored it into his schemes. He counted on Shining to love and cherish her. Shining loves Liz, that much is undeniable. And Liz loves her back, enough to stop Shining from sacrificing herself to save her. He's literally weaponizing the love they have for each other.
Shiningale and The Gothic
I had mentioned before that both characters' designs as well as the narrative beats of their story have Gothic literature elements. I want to make a list of the ones I could find that relate to them as characters and as a narrative:
A focus on medical conditions, doppelgangers (the "pure" Confessarii looking like each other), forbidden power/knowledge, the dichotomy between light and darkness, imprisonment, rebellion, isolation/seclusion, gloominess or a gloomy setting, the grotesque/macabre, terror/horror, justice vs revenge, good vs evil, fear and suspense, the supernatural/paranormal, female victims, prophecies/curses/omens, mystery and secrets, involvement of the clergy/religious figures (confessor/absolver of sin), the dead don’t stay dead/hauntings, romanticism
The Gothic hero is “weakened by love”, they either rescue their love interest or pine away in despair
Significance of blood (relations) and inheritance, the duality of giving and denying life
An examination of family structure, patriarchy, hereditary suffering
Dreams/nightmares, memories
Secrets, past sins, sins of the father, darkest deeds
Driven by love, duality of man (appearance)
Dwelling on the melancholy, of wistfulness and regret, but not overcoming kindness
Concept of “othering” from society (Shining split herself away from her blood family to be herself and with Liz, her chosen family
The protagonist’s passionate love is torn between his desire to achieve the beloved and the family’s disapproval, control, and choice. Gothic novels also tell the tales of love in vain. The lovers are parted due to the conspiracies of the people opposing them being together
Gothic sexuality is usually somewhat repressed—women are expected to be pure and somewhat helpless while men are expected to be quietly predatory. It's also patriarchal, with men making moves and women reacting to them
Homosexuality = the love that dares not speak its name. Repressed sexuality, forbidden desire
Female Gothic protagonists are often committed to justice, unwilling to compromise their values, loyal, respectful of others, curious, intelligent and devoted to their faith. Some are gentle, kind, likeable, clever, witty, quiet, supportive, thoughtful, hard-working, independent and strong. Others are courageous, witty, brave, determined, knowledgeable and socially competent. On the flip side, some are also strong-willed and outspoken to a fault. They’re often socially awkward, depressive, melancholy, brooding, solitary and selfish. Some are jealous, fiercely territorial, deceitful, powerless and deceptive. Others, like their male counterparts, are prone to violence
Male Gothic protagonists are often conflicted, solitary, tortured, brooding, and secretive, self-loathing, wracked with guilt, have a self-hate of their own existence
Female-centric Gothic stories often trend towards obscured/anticipated fears, focuses on persecuted women and the domestic space she risks entrapment within/disturbed spaces
Food for Thought
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Ryuzakiichi has a knight original character. Tell me... this doesn’t just look like Shining without horns? THE RESEMBLENCE IS UNCANNY.
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Knowing this, I'm convinced that he split the concept of a "knight in shining armor" into two characters: Nearl and Shining. Nearl embodies chivalry. Shining embodies devotion.
The followers dynamic can best be summarized as two knights swearing fealty to one lady, but what's interesting is that while Nearl is the most obvious depiction of a knight, it's actually Shining who serves the role even harder, because she is quite literally Liz's knight. Which tracks with how Shining looks nearly like a carbon copy of his OC. She's the one who rescued the princess from her tower, while simultaneously being the "wicked witch" who put her there in the first place. And just like a Gothic hero, is tormented and sees herself as a monster.
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Comparison to the main plot of Shadow of the Colossus. The driving force is that Wander commits acts (largely agreed to be treasonous) in order to revive Mono. The relationship between Wander and Mono is left up to interpretation as to whether it's platonic, familial, or romantic, but most fans of the game seem to theorize that Mono is indeed Wander's love interest.
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Normally I despise turning the Followers into a nuclear family unit in any direction (especially people saying Liz is a minor and infantilize her to be the designated "child"), but for a moment, seeing Shiningale looking at Nearl’s portrait, my brain interpreted them behaving like Nearl’s (substitute) parents being proud of her accomplishments.
This was not helped by stuff like Shining’s teasing ("Look at you, our knight acting snarky"), Liz asking if she and Shining were also Nearl’s family, and some apparent discussion about Mlynar being a "bad end" Margaret who lost his own light (his brother and sister-in-law, Margaret’s parents).
If Shining and Nightingale are to Nearl as Schnitz and Yolanta were to Mlynar, then that might also explain why he dropped his jerk behavior for one second just to compliment how the two Sarkaz were good for his niece. If Nearl had never met Shining and Nightingale, her own light might’ve gone out too...?
Shiningale are complementary in so many ways. It really feels like several aspects of their characters are tailor made to match; you can’t have one without the other, their development is tied together… soulmates. Hopefully this post helps encourage you to consider their story in a certain lens if you hadn't before.
To quote a CN post I saw on the matter after Chapter 13 was released (rough translation): "Shining's sword pieced Nightingale's heart, and Liz came alive. Liz's existence helped give Shining emotions. Liz became Shining's redemption. Shining renounced her old name and Liz cherishes hers, a transformation of two people choosing to fight and change their destiny. Although Liz is physically fragile, her spirit and will are very strong. Although Shining has excellent swordsmanship, her self-hate and inner turmoil weigh her down. They are truly complementary in every sense."
They each want to take away the other's pain. Shining doesn't want Liz to die. Liz doesn't want Shining to die for her. They are each other's mutual salvation.
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randomarttalent · 5 months
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Pie's family redesigns + Family tree
Original posts, info and links down below
Maud "Slate" Pie + Mudbriar "Walnut"
Maud "Slate" Pie I've kept Maud mostly the same all over, her pallet and color scheme are already good in my taste. She now has spots to match Pinkie but also as a hint to her special talent, as I wanted it to look like an opened geode. I didn't like that her cutie mark was only just a rock, it didn't say a single thing about her special talent. Now it says a bit more, showing off that she can find true beauty under what others might just see as a rock.
She wears her normal dress, as I didn't see a reason to change it. I've however added a small bracelet, which has different beads, to represent her sisters. As she might not show or say it much but she loves them all dearly.
Mudbriar "Walnut" I've darkened his pallet a little, more so his overall design didn't end up too light or dark. I've given him cloven hooves and a long tail, as I see him from a family of mixed unicorn and earth ponies. His markings are like branches/roots of trees, showing his connection to the trees. Same story for his cutie mark as Maud's, it was too simple for what his special talent is. So I've added a book but it's standing by its opening, as a small hint to tents, as he travels to examine trees, learning about as many as he can and writing it down for others to read.
Mudbriar now wears a travel backpack, which is for his travels. He doesn't wear much else, as he doesn't see the need to.
Gilda "Glory" + "Shady" Limestone Pie
Gilda"Glory" I've darkened her whole pallet and added some markings. As she's a mountain lion + tiger in this AU. Her design hasn't been changed much, I've added some jewelry but not much else.
"Shady"Limestone Pie Limestone's pallet is mostly the same, its his patterns that darken his look. Lime is trans in my AU, as his anger issues were caused by him not feeling whole/as he should be. His cutie mark has been changed to a broken opened geode, with lime-green stone, which resembles a lime.
He has a few pricings and wears a his band's t-shirt, which says ROAD KILL, Gilda also has one but she mostly wears it to his concerts, showing her support.
 Trouble Shoes + Marble "Droplet" Pie
Trouble Shoes I've made Trouble Shoes slightly darker and added a few lighter strips to his mane and tail. He also now has a beard, which to those who don't know him, makes him look even more scary than before. For his cutie mark I wanted something more than just "bad luck". He of course still struggled to find out what he was meant to do, as he thought the clown nose and wig was some cruel joke the world did to him.
As for his clothing, I went with a nice jacket, kept his hat and his weeding ring.
Marble"Droplet"Pie Marble's pallet has mostly stayed the same, only receiving slight changes and the usual markings that come along with my redesigns. Her cutie mark now shows off how well she makes jewelry with the beautiful gems they find in Appleloosa. To me, her cutie mark never told a single thing about what she was to do, it said marble but what else? So now, she's a crystal collector and seller.
The clothing she wears is a simple shawl, her weeding ring, a few earrings, a few flowers from her middle oldest son, a sun anklet to represent her oldest son and a small bat wing hair tie to represent her youngest son. 
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elysianightsss · 5 months
Regency Price thot🌹🤍
I am working on Limerence and Part two of both mountain man and the pen pal au by popular demand. But while you wait for me to write those please enjoy this lovely Viscount John Price and his Viscountess.
Price sat waiting patiently, newspaper in hands reading the latest gossip of the ton. “Aristocrats.” He scoffed low under his breath. Being one of the wealthiest, best-connected members of the middle class came with privileges but too much gossip as far a Price was concerned. Unless it directly affected him he couldn’t care less.
The doors to the dining room opened and in walked a butler, white curly wig on top of his head, his hands wringing together in nervousness as he looked at his master. “Well?” Price asked without looking away from his newspaper, an interesting snippet about a whistle or a lady down or something or other caught his eye.
“My Lord she..” the lack of answer was beginning to agitate him, he rolled up the paper and slammed it on the table, finally making eye contact with the butler.
“What?” Price snapped.
“She doesn’t seem to be here My Lord.” He said, gulping with unease clear in his voice.
“One of the horses is gone too.” A maid had said a little too loudly as she rushed into the room with the important information. Everyone in the room cringed, each and every servent, perhaps at this point even the entire ton, knows if the Viscountess and one of the horses are missing, someone will either be fired or end up in the hospital.
A wave a darkness crashed through the room as John growled out “Find me who by the time I’m back from retrieving my wife.” His orders were clear as crystal as he rushed from the room, Simon, his number two following swiftly after him.
“My horse Simon.” John grunted pulling out his pocket watch from his jacket. After years of being married to you, he always knew exactly where to find you based on the time of day it was or day of the week.
You thrived in order and schedules, one of the many things that he loved about you. Loved knowing he didn’t have to worry where you’d be at eleven in the morning. Always the drawing room catching up the on stitching you’ve been putting off, frustrated when the cross stitch didn’t form the absolute way you wanted it to.
Simon, ever the loyal to a fault number two replied quickly and lowly, “Yes Viscount.” He began to rush ahead of John making it to the stables before him and barking orders at the stable boys to fetch the masters horse and saddle. Price didn’t bother with riding clothes or shoes, simply latching his everyday boot into the stirrup and hoisting himself up into his horse.
“Shall I follow My Lord?” Simon asked head bowed as usual.
“If you wish.” John didn’t stick around after that, whipping his reigns and taking off on the beautiful brown stallion. “Come on boy, we’ve not got long before it rains!” John shouted to his horse as if the creature actually understood him, though in his fear he did not care.
The looks of the sky had him worried, the last time you went riding in the rain you caught pneumonia. He remembers how you shivered, how you were covered in sweat yet cold and how you burned to the touch. He never wishes to see you that way again. These thoughts had him pushing his horse harder to get to you faster. By the cherry tree you should be, and oh does he hope you are.
You however had just become done with your rage fit and were about to leave. Stupid Miss Carmichael, one of the bitchiest women in the ton. Not even married and yet she had the gall to mock you about not getting around to giving John a child yet. Joking about possible infertility, the words made you sick as did her audacity.
You had been married to your husband two years now and yes you were yet to bore him a child. Though the first year of your marriage, due to it being a simple arrangement, you spent it away from him. Always avoiding him, even on your wedding night you locked yourself in your room.
Though finally he managed to get you to open up to him, taught you many things, you began to love him. He had loved you however since the first moment he saw you. More so when you had advertently put him in his place after he was rude to a servant.
You had spent the second year, still getting to know each other and becoming one as husband and wife didn’t happen until three months ago. It had been essentially two years of little innocent hand touches here and there, longing looks and John standing too close to you at balls and events just so he could feel your warmth and smell your scent for longer. You were both still making up for lost time, having children was not at the forefront of your minds. Well not yours anyway.
You sighed glancing at the horse you’d rode here on, you’d best get back to join John for breakfast was your first thought. Even though it would take barely a minute for him to see you were upset and demand who had made you that way. You didn’t need to put your burden on him as much as he always insisted that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do as his wife.
Blinking up at the sky, you saw rain clouds rolling in and started to feel the drizzle of water falling down from above. Then a clap of thunder and you instantly regretted your decision to ride out here after your awful interaction with Miss Carmichael earlier. “Wonderful.” You sighed annoyed as you pulled your cloak hood over your head and made your way back to the black horse waiting patiently for you. One last look at the cherry tree and you set off into the eye of the storm.
“That’s it girl yah!” You whipped your reigns, both feet tight in the stirrups. You never rode side saddle like most women do, preferring to ride properly. Just as the cherry tree was almost out of a view, the most spectacular sight came bounding toward you. Your husband Viscount John Price gallantly riding his brown steed toward you.
“Darling!” His yell was so quiet in the midst of the rain and thunder, though it was enough to have you stopping your horse and remaining stationary as he began to slow down the closer to you he got.
Pulling on the reigns John came to a halt, horses next to one another legs touching. “Before you say anything,” you began blinking up at your handsome husband who was staring down at you heatedly, he nods encouraging you to go on. “It wasn’t raining when I started riding.”
You give him a smile, and despite the fact that you’re wet through, chilled to the bone, and as far as John is concerned in desperate need of a hot bath, he thinks you’re the most beautiful sight to behold. He smiles back leaning in close to you until his nose brushes against yours, his strong hand coming up to cup your jaw as he whispers into your mouth, looking you dead in the eyes.
“I’m not mad my love, but make no mistake, once you’re warm and dry I plan to bend you over my desk and fuck you from behind. Keep you stuffed with my cum all day, then you can tell me the reason for your riding today and who I need to talk to.”
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baambastic · 6 months
Woo Be Upon Ye:
Medieval fantasy TimKon AU where Kon is a half-dragon prince of the realm who elevates commoner Tim to the Royal Guard on a whim. Also has Bart as an apprentice mage, Donna and Cassie as Themiscyran ambassadors, many of Tim’s school friends as Royal Guards, Wildcat as a mentor, the Daily Planet staff as the royal council, and more! Planned as part one of a four-part series.
Bernard Dowd vs. The World:
After hearing Tim’s many, many, many stories about his friends, Bernard realizes that almost all of Tim’s guy friends were hitting on Tim at multiple points. Failing to convince Tim of this, however, Bernard makes it his mission to obtain written testimonies from as many of said friends as he can to support his case. Such friends include Superboy, Danny Temple, Sebastian Ives, Lonnie Machin, and more.
Two for the Price of Them:
In this AU, Tim’s 100th cloning attempt is a success, and so clones of both Kon and Bart are created. Partway through the artificial aging process, however, an agent of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (overhauled from the same metahuman-abduction organization from the New52) attacks. Tim is forced to go on the run and off the grid with the two clone babies.
The World Didn’t Stand Still:
When Kathy Branden plugs a Phantom Zone Crystal into her teleportal and visits the Phantom Zone, she comes back with a young Krytonian boy, Chris Kent, who claims to be the foster son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Effectively taking pre-boot Chris from after his debut story and transporting him into post-Rebirth continuity. Part of a planned trilogy of fics centered on Chris. Guaranteed that they will not end with Chris getting punted into the Phantom Zone for an unknown length of time.
The Dichotomy of Lor-Zod and Chris Kent:
In post-Infinite Frontiers continuity, Lor-Zod begins getting flashes of a life before his own, of a life where he was family to the loathsome Kal-El of the House of El. Lor’s father, Dru-Zod, convince Lor that his affliction must be the machinations of the Justice League’s Martian Manhunter, a psychic attack meant to weaken New Kandor for invasion. Along with Non as a chaperone, Lor-Zod goes on a quest to hunt the Martian Manhunter, though he’s really on the path to restoring his pre-boot history and identity, and all the internal conflict that comes from the contradictions between his two selves. Effectively how I would approach reconciling the current iteration of Lor-Zod with Chris Kent. Guest-starring Martian Manhunter and M’gann M’orzz.
The Cola Caper:
Upon hearing the devastating news that an embargo on the island nation of Santa Prisca will halt the distribution of Zesti Cola in the United States, Dick and Tim go on a mission to infiltrate Santa Prisca and abscond with as much Zesti as they can, and maybe even the secret recipe if they’re lucky.
Stray Little Tiger:
A Billy Batson-centric fic placed in a Stray!Tim Drake AU. Selina Kyle, on her way home from a caper, comes across a lightning-struck boy in an alley. Clearly homeless and in need of help, she decides to take the boy in until he’s healed, though the lightning seems to have severely damaged his vocal cords. She doesn’t know that this boy is Billy Batson, that he’s Captain Marvel, or that there’s something deeply wrong with the Rock of Eternity. This story is told mainly from Selina’s POV, with occasional sidetracks to Tim’s POV, but never Billy’s POV. Identity shenanigans, found family, magic problems, and more.
A Single Word Spoken:
A girl in the shape of a weapon is brought to Fawcett City, where she fulfills her purpose for the first and last time.
The girl who can no longer be a weapon hides from her wielder in an old subway and finds herself transported to a place of great magic.
There, the girl who wishes to be more than she was made to be finds a Wizard, who sees the girl for her heart and not for the blood staining her skin.
The Wizard teaches the girl a name.
Cassandra speaks her first word.
And in so doing, she speaks power.
Also featuring Cass navigating the anachronistic Fawcett City, befriending Billy Batson, codependency issues, an old man who’s also a Bengal tiger, ancient grudges, a different old man who’s barely qualified to give Cass life advice, and more.
Fake it For the Win:
While on a cruise, Tim and Kon decide to fake being married in order to compete on an onboard game show for married couples. When they actually win, though, they have no choice but to keep up the act for the rest of their trip. Fake dating to real dating, with a focus on comedy.
Crossroads of Fate and Eternity:
JLI-era fic with a couple of canon-divergent indulgences. Kent Nelson, helped by Khalid Nassour, decides to take Billy Batson under his wing as a student of the mystic arts. Magic lessons, Tower of Fate and Rock of Eternity shenanigans, Bromfield family stuff, an ancient entity and an ancient demon, philosophy, and other such tidbits.
A Little Ways Along the Family Tree:
When a villain travels through time to the future and accidentally takes Robin with him, Damian Wayne must team up with Mar’i and Jake Grayson to defeat the villain and return Damian to his proper time.
A High-Speed Romantic Tryst on an Open-Water Murder Shack:
When a couple of thugs steal a houseboat belonging to one of Tim’s marina neighbors while he and Bernard are hanging out, the two of them give chase in Tim’s own houseboat. Comedy, crack treated seriously.
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wh0r3-for-klaus · 23 days
draco malfoy x sister whose dating theo and like draco is lowkey a bully to her and she takes the spell for one of them and dies and they reminisce
I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I hope you like it! I tried to make it so they reminisced together and separately. Warnings: death, grief, Draco being remorseful for his d!ckhead past self, I think that's it? Let me know what you think in the comments. If you want to be added to my tag list, leave a comment. My works are not to be reposted.
Beneath the Malfoy Oaks.
Dinner in Malfoy manor was a formal affair, and the long dining table was set with silver and crystal. As y/n and Theo sat together, Draco joined them, his posture stiff and his eyes cold.
“Lovely to see you two making yourselves at home,” Draco said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Although, I must say, it’s rather amusing watching my best mate choose such unsavory company.”
Theo kept his voice calm. “We’re here to enjoy a meal, Draco. Can’t we have one evening without your disdain?”
Draco’s smile was tight. “Oh, but this is just the beginning. I’d hate for y/n to forget what it means to be a Malfoy."
Draco couldn’t stop remembering the last family dinner that he shared with y/n, he wished he would have been kinder to his twin, he had always been so cruel to her, but he didn’t even know why. Draco wished he could have told y/n how much he admired her, she never let her emotions control her actions and he needed her to keep him in check.
The large oak trees that stood in the middle of the Malfoy estate gardens had red and orange leaves, the air was getting a bit chillier, and the days were shorter, it was close to winter. The gardens, more precisely the oak trees, had always been y/n’s favorite place to escape to when the siblings were home from Hogwarts. She would most of the day just sat beneath the two oaks reading or just looking up at the sky, y/n had a habit of falling asleep in this spot too on occasion.
Draco looked down at the blanket hung over his arm, the once pristine purple and black quilt was now old and had started to rip, but y/n did love the quilt, and it showed how well loved the blanket was. The silvery-blonde male laid the quilt on the ground beneath the two oaks, in the middle of the large trees, in the same spot his siter always would and sat down on the worn blanket.
The Slytherin common room was unusually quiet for a Saturday evening, the usual murmur of students replaced by an uncomfortable silence as Draco Malfoy approached y/n and Theo Nott, who were sitting close together by the fireplace with their hands intertwined.
Draco’s gaze was icy as he swept into the room, his presence commanding attention and declared self-importance.
“Must be nice to have such a cozy little corner to yourself,” Draco sneered, his eyes flicking disdainfully over y/n. “Too bad it comes with the price of your dignity.”
Theo’s jaw tightened, but y/n stood, stepping between them. “Draco, what do you want this time? Don’t you have something better to do with your time?”
“Just making sure my best chaser isn’t being dragged down by anyone who isn’t up to our standards,” Draco said, his voice dripping with condescension and cruelty.
Once the Malfoy male had walked away, Theo turned to his beloved girlfriend and looked at her concern and sympathy. "I'm sorry, amor mio. It's not fair for him to treat this way without any reason, and even then you don't deserve his cruelty." Theo's arms wrapped around the Malfoy girl and he pulled her into a tight embrace, which the girl happily returned.
Theo thought back to that day in the common room, it was only four months ago but it felt like years, wondering if he had chosen to stand up for y/n if things would be different. If she would still be here, standing beside him with her nearly silver hair pulled back all pretty and her lips pulled up into a smile, her hand held in his as they looked at the rose bushes that were no longer blooming for the winter.
The once heavenly scented rosebushes that y/n always smelled nearly identical too, were now devoid of any flowers even though the thorns remain. Theo wondered if the roses died when she did, if the thorns remained as a reminder that even after the beauty is gone the danger still lurks. Flicking the ash of his cigarette onto the ground, Theo felt like there was a hole in his heart, where y/n had claimed the moment he met her.
The blonde-haired male sat beside someone he considered to be one of his best mates, someone who would have potentially been his brother-in-law a few years from now, Theodore Nott. The two men sat beneath the two Malfoy oak trees on the purple and black quilt, a box filled with parchment stained with ink sat in front of them, the box was one of the many things’ y/n had left covered in her favorite book quotes and little drawings.
 It was y/n’s safe keepings box that was kept under the floorboards in her closet, so she always knew where it was, and she could look back on memories that were import to her. Now it was filled with the little trinkets that the younger Malfoy twin had placed inside, and the many letters that she had given to her brother and her boyfriend over the last seven years.
Y/n had only been gone for four months, but if you asked Draco and Theo, they’d say it couldn’t have been such a short time ago, it felt like it had been four years. The months have seemed to just drag on and to the rest of the wizarding world, it seemed like the two men were either just going through the motions or numbing their grief with alcohol or other substances.
Theo reached forward and grabbed the first piece of parchment from the box, being careful not to cause any damage to the page. He smiled when he read the first few words that were written, turning his head towards Draco and handing it over. A quote from the play “Hélas, Je Me Suis Transfiguré les Pieds” was written at the top of the page, the rest of the piece of parchment was covered in drawings and spells with their use/purpose.
“Y/n really did like to read that play, didn’t she read it like eight times in like a month?” Draco asked with a hint of amusement, his lips were upturned in a slight smile as his fingers faintly ghosted over the handwritten quote that his sister had written. He knew that his younger twin had liked to write this line from her favorite play, he was never sure why, he was sure the girl didn’t even know herself, but he had found it annoying then.
“Yeah, she really did love to read, it didn’t really matter what she was reading as long as it wasn’t boring.” Theo said with a small chuckle while shaking his head, his brown eyes were focused on the next piece of parchment that he was lifting from the box.
The corridor of Hogwarts seemed to freeze in time, the echo of the battle outside muffled as if the world had narrowed to the space between them. Draco’s and Theo’s eyes were wide with terror, watching helplessly as the dark figure advanced, wand raised, a curse poised to strike. Their breath came in short, ragged gasps.
In the chaos, it was as if nothing else existed but the impending doom and Draco’s sister, y/n, rushing forward with a determination that seemed both fierce and fragile. Her face, usually calm and composed, was now a mask of resolute bravery and determination.
Y/n, her light hair tumbling in disarray, reached them just as the curse left the enemy’s wand. Her own wand flicked in a desperate counter-curse, but she was too late. The dark magic surged forward, relentless and unstoppable.
“Y/N, NO!” Their scream was a raw, desperate sound as Theo lunged forward, but she was faster, throwing herself in front of them.
The curse hit her with a sickening, sickly glow. For a moment, time seemed to slow, the world holding its breath. Y/n’s eyes widened in pain and shock, and then her body crumpled to the ground with a shattering finality.
Draco and Theo rushed to her side, Theo’s hands trembling as he cradled her limp form. Her eyes, still open, looked up at them with a serene acceptance. The light in them was fading, dimming like the last embers of a once-roaring fire quickly.
“Y/n, no, stay with me. Please,” Draco begged; his voice choked with tears. He shook her gently, desperately searching for a sign that she was still there, that she could hear him and would be okay.
Her lips moved slightly, forming words that were barely a whisper, but they were enough. “I... I’m sorry...”
Her breath grew shallow, and then it stopped altogether. The finality of her absence hit both men with an unbearable weight, leaving Draco and Theo alone in the shattered remnants of what was once in this world.
The sun had set a long while ago and it had grown cold, but the two men still sat beneath the two oak trees in the Malfoy gardens on the purple and black quilt. The box of keepsakes had been gone through long ago, but now they just discussed different stories about y/n. They weren’t ready to say goodbye, the realization that they would never get to say anything to her face to face hadn’t fully sunk in, they didn’t want to accept that she was gone.
Draco and Theo thought back to that day in the corridors of Hogwarts, to the sound of battle and carnage that left many dead, injured, grieving, or traumatized, To the day that y/n had jumped in front of them to stop a curse from hitting them. Even though Draco had never been anything short of a bully she still saved him. Y/n sacrificed herself to save her boyfriend, the man that had confessed his love for her in the astronomy tower under the night sky in fourth year.
In that dark, sorrowful moment, Draco Malfoy and Theo Nott were left with nothing but the memory of y/n’s bravery, her final gift to them, and the unbearable silence of a future that would never be the same and the past that can never be rectified.
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trollmaiden · 5 months
With the economy in shambles it’s hard to buy yourself a new home, well don’t worry because I got the home for you!
No paperwork! No Lying! No refunds!
7357 64th Lilac road BT 56537
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1 Bed, 1 Bath, 1 Foot,
This open concept is perfect for a single dime sized person or a random chipmunk, you choose! This cozy den sits on the Edge of the Bright Tree Court and right beside a summertime spring, we will not be held responsible if a bored noble Kicks your home across the forest or for any other kinds of damages that occur.
Price : water collected from the inside of a geode or crystal
5834 48th Stump Rot 107
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7 ? bed, 9 ? bath, and 1 mushroom ring,
This spacious abode is perfect for those who love to host and it even comes with it’s own natural aroma of moss, wet dirt, and decaying wood. Under the home is a long and complex tunnel system which includes some strange creature that sings Lady Gaga songs upon being offered a bowl of porridge, the map for the tunnel is not included in the purchase.
Price : the beating heart of a oak tree, ice that never melts, and a Man without folly
82766 73rd Magenta Ave apartment 04
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1 room, 2 bees,
If you’re here for the hustle and bustle of life you’ll be at home staying here, to your north is the Court of the glass winged Queen Alfhild the gracious, to your east is a goblin market, in the west there’s a spirit Halloween except for the month of October and sometimes November, and finally down south there is a fox that offers free rides in exchange for gossip.
Price : find the answer to my riddle
What lives in both wine and bread? What speaks without a mouth? and What blooms during death?
53881 25th Dickcissel Rd apartment 13
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2 bed, 1 Bath,
A comfortable fit for new parents, It’s not just a apartment, it’s a community. There’s plenty of sweet smelling flowers that bloom for spring till early autumn, there is also a public bird bath with a wonderful view, If a serpent or squirrel devours your eggs you can’t cursed us or any of our descendants.
Price : your most beautiful Feature
1263 274th Brook vile 739
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1 room,
It might be tight but it sure is cozy! There is a pond not too far away and following the dirt trail will lead you to your new neighbors, Mr and Mrs tuftear who own a bookshop, and Miss Dormouse, who will share her garden with you as long as you eat dinner at her place every once in awhile and are nice to her thirty five grandchildren
Price : you have to marry Bogus, he is a very respectable and talented young man who will treat you right,
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komal09 · 7 months
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0 notes
stalkerofthegods · 10 months
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Lady hera deep dive.
Lady Hera is the queen of the gods and goddesses and the shared ruler of the skies, she deserves respect, and I adore her, as a researcher, and as a person in the community, I do not worship her, but she is welcoming, she is a wonderful goddess and kind, and as a mother and a ruler, she is amazing.
Herbs • lilies, poppies, irises, white roses, waterlilies, Golden roses and white roses, Vitex agnus-castus, poppies, stephanotis, cypress, coconut, maple trees, all white flowers, Marigold, Patchouli, Sage, Rosemary, Frankincense, oak, asterion flower, hyacinths (from when Zeus swept her up in a cloud in Bed of hyacinths in the Iliad 14.340-50)
Animals•peacock, the crow, the cuckoo, carrion-crow, Cow, snake, dragon, crab, snail, and other shelled creatures, eagle, young cow or lion, Wide-winged hawk, Cranes, heifer, goat
Zodiac • Cancer 
Colors •White, royal blue, purple, dark green, grey, and silver, yellow, gold, red,  blue, purple, rose.
Crystal• pearls, garnets, citrine, amber, diamonds, star sapphires, platinum, Morganite, Rose quartz, Lapis lazuli, Peacock ore, herkimer diamond, iris agate, apophyllite, morganite, turquoise. 
Symbols• the crow, the cuckoo, the peacock and the pomegranate, Milky Way, the cow, the seasons of the year, Lotus-staff, the scepter.
Jewelry you can wear in their honor rings• wedding veils, and veiling in her honor. 
Diety of • marriage, women, childbirth, and family, she also used to be an earth goddess, Matriarchy, fertility
Patron of • married women, presiding over weddings and blessing marital unions, bringing a woman fertility, protecting her children, helping a woman find financial security, overseeing both private and public affairs, and protecting women in labor. She also has domains in life, death, and the rebirth cycle. And is the patron of earth and cows before marrying Zeus, the Air, Clear skies, Rain, Storms, the Constellations, Maidens of marriageable age, Maiden virginity, Betrothals, Bride-price (dowry), Widows, Menstruation, Heirs, Dynasties, Fidelity (legitimate heir & not the product of adultery), Inheritance, sanctity of the home, kings, empires, heaven, showers, and breezes, prosperity, progeny and military victory, luck in battle, heroes 
Alter ideas• She likes big alters, and I would put them near a lake, she was raised near a lake, and she likes extravagant things. 
Offerings• Honey, Breads, grains, homemade sweets, Pomegranates, Fruits, Milk, Wine, Pure water, Peacock paintings, peacock statues, peacock patterns, Cow paintings, cow statues, cow print patterns, Cuckoo bird art, cuckoo bird statues, Cuckoo clocks, Diadem (crowns), Throne imagery, Framed family photos, Chocolate, Pomegranate seeds, Peacock feathers, Peacock jewelry, Cuckoo feathers, Snail and hermit crab shells, Cow jewelry, Toy peacocks or cows, Perfumes, Silver and gold jjewelry (especially rings), White or gold rose petals, Golden roses, Art that you’ve created (especially if it is an art of Her), Poems are written for Her, Any crafts you’ve made, Stories that you’ve written, Photos of your S.O. and children, goat meat, goat cheese, the asterion flower, Nemean lion imagery, shields/shield imagery, wedding related (ex- rings, veil, garter, copy of vows), she likes sweet things, snail shells, any shelled animal leftover shell
Devotional• Donate your time or money to charities that help women and children, find a fallen branch and burn a small part of it as an offering to Hera (based on the festival Daedala), don’t cheat, don’t make others cheat (don’t be a side chick), tame your jealousy, Read the story of Zeus and the Daidale (“wooden bride”), As you make your bed ask Hera to bless it and Bring romance to your marriage bed, Take a day to indulge in love, keep your home clean, be kind to children, do house chores, take care of your physical health, take care of your mental health, speak your mind, donate to and support domestic abuse victims, write her poems, donate old maternity clothes and baby clothes, Campaigning for women’s rights and equal marriage, gardening, painting, making music, do colour magick, Celebrate solstice and changing seasons, Setting a boundary in life (especially in love).
Ephithets•  Cow-Eyed, White-Armed, The Virgin, Queen of the Gods, Protectress, Queen of Heaven, Protector of Women, Hera Alexandros (Protector of Men), Lady of the Beasts, Of The Golden Sandals,   Ἀλέξανδρος (Alexandros) - Protector of Men, Αἰγοφάγος (Aigophágos) - Goat-Eater, Ἀκραῖα (Akráia)- She of the Heights, Ἀμμωνία (Ammonia), Ἄνθεια (Antheia) -  flowery Ἀργεία (Argéia)- She of Argos, Βασίλεια (Basíleia)- Queen', Βουναία (Bounáia)- She of the Mound, Βοῶπις (Boṓpis) - Cow-Eyed or Cow-Faced, Λευκώλενος (Leukṓlenos)- White-Armed,  Παῖς (Pais)- Child (in her role as virgin), Παρθένος (Parthénos)- Virgin, Τελεία (Teléia)- as goddess of marriage, Χήρη (Chḗrē) - Widowed, Τελχινία (Telchinia) - She was named like that because according to a legend, that the Telchines were the first in the island and also the first who created statues of gods, Ζυγία (Zygia) - as the presider over marriage, Hera Nympheuomene - Hera the betrothed bride, Hera Pais - Hera the girl, Hera Parthenia - Hera the maiden
Equivalents (not the same but alike)• Hathor (Egyptian), Juno (Roman), Frigg (Norse), Isis (Egyptian)
Aspects• Khaos-Aer (the Air), Hemera (Day), Nyx (Night), Titanis Rheia (Flow), Selene (the Moon), Eos (Dawn), Mother of Typhon (Typhoon, Smoke)
Attendees• Eleithyia (Goddess of Childbirth), Hebes (Goddess of Youth), Iris (Goddess of the Rainbow), The Horai (Goddesses of the Seasons & Heavenly Law and Order), Okeanides (Cloud-Nymphai)
Signs they are reaching out• Sudden imagery of peacocks and her animals, sudden mentions of what she is the goddess of, feeling an intense pull to her 
Morals• Morally grey 
Courting• Zues
Personality• Hera has a fast temper and is quick to administer justice
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact• Hera’s temples may have been the first to be roofed, her temples were some of the largest ever built (she is very big on big alters and on temples) 
Blessings• Good betrothal, Marital harmony, Successful birth, Heirs, Dynasties, Birth of a male heir, good luck in battle, successful birth
Curse: Marital discord, Punishment of adulterers, death in birth, Protracted labor
Roots• her origin could’ve been as a Pelasgian goddess, she was nursed as an infant by the three daughters of the river Asterion: Euboia, Prosymna, and Akraia. But in the Iliad, Hera states she was given by her mother to Tethys to be raised, aspected to be raised in Argos in Argolis Greece and her birthplace being Samos on a Greek island. She also claims to be the oldest, but so does Hestia.
Parentage• Kronos and Rhea
Siblings• Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, and Demeter, half-siblings with Chiron 
Pet• peacocks (peacocks pull her chariot)
Children • Angelos, Ares, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Hebe, Hephaestus, and the Kharites, many say she adopted Heracles, (he built a temple for her and etc)
Appearance in astral or gen• in Greek and Roman art as a large woman, fully clad, wearing a diadem radiantly beautiful woman, shining like the sun, however, she is also a shape-shifter with many forms and is usually wearing a veil. She also has 3 aspects, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone aspects, She comes with the scent of flowers, and the earth blooms at her every step.
Festivals • Daedala, Heraia, and Anthesphoria were also common in the Peloponnese (where it was celebrated in honor of  Hera Antheia at Argos, and of Aphrodite Antheia at Cnossus.)
Month• June 
Sacred places• Heraeum at Nemea in the Argolid, the great temple on the island of Samos, and the temple at Olympia. A sanctuary at Argos, a seventh-century BCE temple built over an earlier shrine, is among the oldest Greek temples, Argos (Samos).
Status• Queen of the gods, and a major deity before and after marriage. 
What angers her • Cheating, the Trojans. 
Music she likes• wedding music. 
What she likes in people• Women, heroes, moms.
Planet•  Venus, and the full moon 
Her Tarot cards• The empress, the world. 
Scents/Inscene • rose, iris, myrrh, civet, jasmine, and patchouli, Rose, stephanotis
Hera, queen of Olympos, the bride of thundering Zeus, protector of marriage, of the joining of hearts and the creation of bonds, of the building of home and the finding of family. Great Hera, whose presence honors any wedding day, whose favor graces any marriage, I pray to you, O goddess, grant to me a joyous union, a love to last, a harmonious home. I ask your blessing on my household, O Hera–may it be a place of happiness and affection. I ask your blessing on my marriage bed–may it be a place of joy and pleasure. May my mate and I share our lives; may we grow old together, merry and content; may our words be honey-sweet, and may our love be ever strong. Shining Hera, I ask your blessing.
“O Hera, Queen of Gods, divine protector of marriage, From your throne above, look upon us with favor. Majestic and exalted, cloaked in unyielding loyalty, Bless the bonds we forge, and the promises we make. Grant us the strength to uphold love’s sacred vow, To support and cherish, through trials and time. May our hearts reflect your undying commitment, As we seek harmony, guided by your wisdom. Hail Hera, the eternal matriarch, in reverence we call, With offerings of peacock plumes and lilies white. Embrace us in your grace, bestow upon us unity, As we honor you, now and in all our days.”
I praise you bright and noble Hera, great lady of Olympos, gracious queen of the deathless gods, dark-eyed goddess, fairest of the children of Rhea, graceful and comely, cloaked in the starry skies, garlanded in poppies fragrant and blood-red, crowned in brightest gold, the lotus wand in your hand, your form ever draped in the finest of silks, majestic one whose blessing is sought by all, whose gifts are treasured, whose favor is a surety of good fortune. Hera, champion of great cities, gurardian of ancient Argos and the pretty isle of Samos, warder of the bounds of marriage, protector of women in the old world and the new, unparalleled goddess, white armed one, sovereign of the high-reaching heavens, I honor your might. 
Deep-eyed Hera, beloved bride of mighty Zeus, mighty goddess, fair of face and silent of step, noble your manner, stately and poised your form, a queenly presence is ever yours, godly in glory, womanly in grace and beauty. Beloved Hera, patroness of kings and princes, friend of women, of mothers, upholder of marriage, of the right of lovers to join hearts and hands; lavish your gifts, liberal your hand, limitless the blessings you bestow on those you favor. Hera, the broad sky is yours, and the sweet air we breathe; to you we turn to for harmony and wedded bliss; to you we turn to for strength in the passion and turmoil and hard work of marriage; to you we offer our thanks for a life of love. Well-crowned Hera, beautiful one, revered one, greatest of goddesses, I praise and honor you.
Hera of the deep heart, the beautiful goddess whose true radiance would blind mortal eyes, whose steps fall softly in the golden halls of storied Olympos. In silks your fair form is draped, O Hera, heavy with jewels is your crown, the sweetest of perfumes surround you; in ancient times you received the highest honors, the finest of offerings were ever yours, your shining temples stood across the land. Hera, defender of cities, protector of marriage, champion of the love that upholds a family, that cherishes a child, you are the friend of those who hold the household dear. Queen of the heavens, holder of the lotus staff, the poppy and the pomegranate have you in hand. Hera, supreme in dignity and grace, unsurpassed in goodness and kindness, I praise you.
credits • https://spells8.com/lessons/goddess-hera-queen-of-the-gods-symbols/https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/intranets/students/modules/greekreligion/database/clunas/https://www.learnreligions.com/hera-greek-goddess-of-marriage-2561992https://www.tumblr.com/septemberfaerie/649491140077338624/simple-offerings-for-hera-honey-pomegranate https://www.learnreligions.com/hera-greek-goddess-of-marriage-2561992https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herahttps://www.reddit.com/r/Hellenism/comments/htocze/a_general_guide_to_crystals_and_which/https://vocal.media/futurism/ways-of-worship-hera https://vocal.media/futurism/ways-of-worship-hera https://screeching-0wl.tumblr.com/post/667043639626743808/a-guide-to-worship-of-hera-cheat-sheets/amphttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/649676050026086400/anthesphoriahttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640526545372479488/daedala-festival-of-hera-zeushttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640096332349079552/hera-epithets-of-life-stages-hera-ataurote-hera https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640148785696276481/hera-aegophagos-goat-eater-i-was-so-curious-about https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/686092860730327040/hera-and-the-river-gods-of-argos-i-go-now-to-thehttps://thegodsaremyhome.tumblr.com/post/690029452553601024/hera/amphttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/650505716453474304/heras-asterionhttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/644802181317427200/in-olympia-the-women-celebrate-their-hera-festival https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/655772113984159744/heraia-games-festival-sanctuary-of-hera-argos https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640021251498377216/i-am-a-fan-of-the-uncommon-belief-that-herakleshttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/642832991542984704/ive-just-been-called-to-hellenistic-paganism-i https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/649311039464325120/in-truth-three-cities-are-dearest-to-me-by-far https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/657033826078425088/months-before-each-games-the-olympic-flame-is-lithttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/646526356035862528/the-nemean-lionhttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/639110878639407104/notes-from-understanding-greek-religion-by https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/645426513103208448/hi-violet-what-kind-of-offerings-does-hera-love https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/648506401237385216/hi-violet-ive-been-curious-about-something-and-ihttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/687644696777031680/socrates-swore-by-herahttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/643457315969908736/zeus-and-heras-marriage-zeus-and-hera-are-the https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/638657086154309633/zeus-heraios-i-got-too-far-down-a-tumblr-rabbit https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/646775981494992896/the-myth-of-the-daedala-the-separation-of-zeushttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/646580512604995584/hera-and-the-cuckoohttps://pieandhotdogs.tumblr.com/post/86517296169/hey-can-you-tell-me-things-about-hera-anything https://natural-magics.tumblr.com/post/79253398032/i-think-hera-has-been-trying-to-contact-me https://www.theoi.com/https://www.theoi.com/greek-mythology/olympian-gods.htmlhttps://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Hera.html https://www.theoi.com/Summary/Hera.htmlhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Hellenism/comments/m00r3t/looking_for_hera_upg/https://athenaswisdom22.wordpress.com/list-of-prayers-to-the-gods/hera/#:~:text=I%20praise%20you%20bright%20and,your%20hand%2C%20your%20form%20everhttps://www.tumblr.com/tarotbee
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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kittynannygaming · 4 months
[Dead Boy Detectives] What's in a name?
This is my OWN interpretation of the names of Dead Boy Detectives' Characters.
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Edwin Payne – Edwin, from Old English Ēad (Wealth, Good Fortune) Wine (Friend) (Rich Friend); Payne, from Ancient Greek Poinḗ (Weregild -Man Price-, Ransom, Compensation)
The price paid by the rich friend
Charles Rowland – Charles, from Proto-Germanic Karilaz (Free Man); Rowland, from German Rhum (Fame) Land (Land) (Fame of the land or Brave of the land)
The brave free man of the land
Crystal Palace Surname-Von Hoverkraft – Crystal, from Ancient Greek Krystallos (Ice) ; Palace, from Etruscan Pales (Goddess of shepherds, flocks and livestock) or Latin Palus (Stake, Enclosure); Surname, from latin super (over, above, beyond) & nōmen (name) (above the name); Von Hoverkraft, Von from Proto-Germanic fanē (from), Hover from Proto-Germanic habjaną (to lift/heave, to hold/seize), Kraft from Proto-Germanic kraftuz (strenght, power) (to lift from strength)
The closed cold one that raised above their name with strength
Niko Sasaki – Niko, from Japanese 虹心 (Rainbow Heart/Mind) or 和心 (Harmony/Peace Heart/Mind) (Gentle Soul); Sasaki, from Japanese 佐々木 (The tree/wood’s help) or ??? (Wren)
The wren with a gentle soul
Monty – Monty, from French Montgomerie (Mont de Gomerie/Gomeric’s Hill); Mont, from Latin Mons (Mount,-ain), from German Gumaric (Man Ruler)
King of the Mountain
The Cat King [Probably a play with Tomcat (A male cat) or (a promiscuous man)] – Thomas, from Syriac Toma (Twin). Twin, from Proto-Indo-European dwóh (two).
Who is two
Esther Finch – Esther, from Old Persian Stāra (Star); Finch, from Proto-Indo-European (s)pingos (Finch)
The Starred Finch
Jenny Green – Jenny, from Hebrew Yochanan (God is merciful) or from Welch Gwenhwyfar (White Ghost/Fay); Green, from Proto-Indo-European gʰreh (to grow, to become green)
The flourishing White Fay
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suniix · 1 year
perfect match | (botw) link x reader
synopsis | you find a rock that perfectly matches link’s eye color
word count | 2.2k
note | saw this trend on tiktok and thought it was adorable :((
UPDATE my amazing moot rain made like an angsty continuation to this AND YOU SHOULD LIKE TOTALLY GO CHECK IT OUT!!
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Summer had hit Hyrule, hard.
Of course, the heat was not as bad as it was on Death Mountain, but it was damn near close. Fanning yourself was proving to do nothing, but you liked to think it helped just a little bit.
Link walked not too far ahead of you, seemingly unaffected by the heat. Despite keeping a steady pace you could see sweat beginning to drip down his neck. He was feeling the heat too.
“Link,” you called out, jogging a bit to catch up to him. “Why don’t we take a break for a bit? This heat is killing me.”
He paused, contemplating your words. Sensing his hesitation you leaned into him to look at the sheikah slate in his hands. “Look!” You pointed at the map. “There’s a river nearby! We can rest there for the rest of the day then head out at first light!”
You knew you won him over when he sighed. Giggling, you gently tugged him to follow you. “Come on! The river awaits us!”
Link can’t help but laugh at your excitement, allowing himself to be pulled along by you. The sound of running water is quickly heard as the two of you make your way past the trees, revealing the river.
You quickly dropped your backpack and Link did the same, squatting down to look for ingredients for tonight’s dinner. “Craving anything specific tonight?” He asked.
“Mm, not really. I’m fine with anything you cook! It always comes out amazing.” You replied, clumsily taking off your shoes before running off to the water.
Link is shocked for a moment but plays it off by laughing. He never got used to you complimenting his cooking, no matter how many times you told him. He’d gladly cook you any meal if you wished it.
Nearing the river you noticed the water was crystal clear enough to see a couple of tiny fish swimming by. You could also see various small stones littering the riverbed, painful for your feet but it was a small price to pay to cool off.
Cautiously dipping your toes in the water you nearly scream at the cold feeling. Although it was cold you gladly welcomed it. You take a few steps, slightly wincing at the feeling of sharp rocks digging into your feet. You were about ankle-deep when you heard Link clear his throat from behind you. Turning to look at him you see him standing a few feet away from you, quiver filled with arrows and a bow in hand. “I’m gonna go hunt, we don’t have much and I doubt you wanna eat mushroom skewers again.”
You made a disgusted face. “You’re right, as much as I love your cooking, if I have to eat one more mushroom I think I’ll vomit, no offense!”
Link merely laughs, shoulders shaking slightly as he does so. “None taken, I won’t be long.” He begins to walk away from your temporary camp.
“Stay safe!”
For a moment you think he’s too far to hear you, but to your surprise, he turns around and gives you a small wave. It’s a small gesture, but it’s enough to make you feel butterflies.
Once he’s out of sight you continue to walk into the river, bending down to roll up your pants so they wouldn’t get too wet. You’re about knee-deep when you stop, looking up to admire the scenery around you.
The branches from the trees extend about halfway across the river, if you walk any further you’d be in the sun. Despite the branches being long beams of sunlight manage to peak past the leaves and create patches of sunlight that reflect off the water. You look down, feeling the water rush past your legs. Beneath the surface, something catches your eye. Reaching down into the water you pull out a dark blue rock that shines once it catches the light.
Suddenly, an idea hits you.
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To say Link was surprised was an understatement.
He knew you were going to cool off in the river while he was out, but he didn’t expect to come back and see you fully drenched from head to toe while digging around in the river looking for something.
When you notice him you’re quick to stand, greeting him with a giant smile. “Oh, you’re here! Welcome back Link! Did you catch anything good?”
Link dropped his quiver and bow and walked towards you. “What happened?”
“I stepped on a big rock that wasn’t sturdy so I ended up slipping.” You shrug. “You should get in! I promise the water feels amazing!”
Before Link has the chance to respond you’re quick to splash him, a giant grin making its way onto your face when you see his pants had gotten soaked. He smirks before quickly kicking off his boots. “It’s on!”
He quickly ran into the river and chaos ensued. The two of you splashed around for a couple of minutes before you noticed the day was nearing its end. Knowing there was no way the two of you would be able to dry off properly in the dark, you both walked out of the river.
You get a fire started as Link rummages through his backpack for a towel. Once he finds it he walks over to you and crouches, placing the towel over your head and ruffling your hair. You can’t help but laugh at the action. “You don’t need to do that you know, I can do it myself.”
“I want to do it.”
His response is quick, which catches you off guard. You look down, feeling your cheeks and ears begin to heat up. If Link notices (he does) he doesn’t comment on it.
He leans down to catch your eyes, intentionally leaning in closer so you can’t escape his gaze. “You’re shaking, are you cold?”
It’s then that you notice a teasing smirk on his face. You punch his shoulder and he dramatically grabs it. “Ouch!” He pretends to cry out in pain.
“Stop teasing! Aren’t you supposed to be cooking?” You quickly try to change the subject.
“Yes yes, I’m on it. Are you ok with meat skewers?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” You say and stretch your legs by the fire. You place the towel over your shoulders and wrap it around yourself. Link was right, you are cold.
As Link throws ingredients onto the fire you fish around in your pocket, momentarily panicking when you don’t feel it. When you find it you breathe out a sigh of relief.
“Hey, did you lose something today?” Link asks while placing the cooked food on a plate.
“Mm? No, why do you ask?”
“Earlier in the river, when I came back it looked like you were looking for something.”
“Oh! I was actually looking for something for you!”
Link raises an eyebrow. “Me?”
You nod your head enthusiastically. “Hold out your hand.” He looks at you confused for a second before doing what you asked. You pull out what is in your pocket and place it in his palm.
Link immediately feels the wet and rough texture of the item. When you pull away he sees a blue rock in his palm.
“Tada! I found a rock that’s the same shade as your eyes!”
Link’s eyes widen upon seeing the small stone. “This is what you were looking for while I was gone? The whole time?” He questioned.
You sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck, thinking he was mad at you for wasting your time looking for a rock. “Well, yeah, but if you don’t like it that’s fine I just thought—”
“No!” Link quickly cut off your rambling. He clears his throat and you swear you see a hint of blush on his cheeks. He holds the rock close to his heart and looks at you, eyes overflowing with an adoration you thought only existed in fairytales.
“I love it, thank you. I’ll cherish it forever.” His tone was serious, you knew he wasn’t lying.
You quickly look away in embarrassment and grab the bowl of food he placed down. “You’re welcome..” You mumble, eyes refusing to leave the bowl.
He only chuckles before the two of you eat in a comfortable silence.
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You wake up to the sounds of splashing.
Groaning, you slowly sit up while attempting to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “Ugh.. Link?..” You call out, expecting him to respond.
When he doesn’t you look around and see his sleeping bag is empty and the fire has long been put out. “Link?” You call out again, this time a little worried when you don’t immediately spot him.
The sound of a yelp followed by a giant splash is heard and you immediately head to the river, sword in hand. You half expected to see him fighting a bokoblin or some other sort of enemy, but when you spotted him he was nearly fully submerged in the river. The only thing peeking out was his head, and judging by the look on his face he had taken a nasty fall.
You immediately run into the river, not caring if your shoes or pants got wet. “Are you ok?” You ask, holding out a hand for him to take. He nods and accepts your hand, allowing you to pull him up. You couldn’t see before, but now you can see he was completely shirtless. You clear your throat and quickly pretend to inspect him for any injuries. “What happened?”
“I stepped on a rock and.. ended up slipping..” He sighed, keeping a hand on his lower back.
You hold back a giggle, but Link spots your (very obvious) smile and pouts. “It’s not funny..” He grumbles while you walk him out of the river and back to camp. “It’s kind of funny..” You snicker.
He rolls his eyes and playfully pushes you away while you laugh. “What were you even doing in the river? If you craved fish you could’ve woken me up and I would’ve gotten some for us.” You asked while handing him a towel.
Link accepts it and wraps it around his body. “I wanted to get you this.” He says, fishing something from out of his pocket and holding his hand out for you to take it.
Hesitantly, you accept what’s in his hand and gasp when you see a rock. The color was scarily accurate to your eye color, with patterns swirling beautifully all over the rock. You wonder how long it took for him to find it. “Link, you didn’t need to!—”
“I wanted to.” He says while turning away, pretending to look for something in his bag so you wouldn’t see the very obvious blush on his cheeks.
You smile, holding the rock close to your heart. You felt warm inside, almost like holding the rock close to you was causing the feeling, but you knew better. Link always made you feel this way by doing the simplest of things, but for some reason, this gift had a bigger impact.
Walking over to him, you lean on his back and wrap your arms around his neck. “Thank you, Link.”
He turns to look over his shoulder, seeing you smiling against his back. If it meant seeing that look on your face again he’d find you a million rocks just like the one he’d given you. Anything to see you smile like that again. Chuckling he fully turns around with a flint in hand, not even attempting to hide his blush now. “Don’t mention it, now, how about you catch us some of those fish?”
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Extra (because I had I cute thought last minute)
“Hey, you still have the rock I gave you?” Link asked, turning to look at you from over his shoulder.
“Of course I do! Why?”
He held out his hand and made a grabby hand motion, wordlessly asking you to hand it over. Confused, you pull out the rock from your pocket and hand it to him. He gently takes it from your hand and turns around so you don’t see what he’s about to do.
You try peaking over his shoulder. “Link, what’re you doing—”
“Don’t look, I’m almost done.”
Still confused, you take a step back and let him do whatever it is he’s doing. After a few seconds, he looks over his shoulder. “Close your eyes.”
You do as told and close your eyes, feeling him get closer to you. You feel something go over your head and your heart begins to beat faster at the thought of what it could be. “Alright, open them.” Link tells you.
Your hand immediately reaches to touch your chest and your previous thought is proven correct when you look down and see. The rock he had given you was now wrapped in thin rope, being held together at the top by a small knot and the rope continued upward around your neck. It had turned it into a necklace.
“Look, now we’re matching.” He grinned, showing you his own necklace.
Having no words, you could only stare at him in awe. He laughed at your reaction, tugging you forward so the two of you could continue your journey together.
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thank you for reading till the end! reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
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laurentidal · 2 days
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Aphrodite's Pool
Deep in the woods of the Filla Islands there is a crystal clear pool of water. It is a perfect half-sphere in shape and you can see to the bottom as if no water were there. It's waters are always warm and pleasant and always the same depth, despite no known source. And if you can find it, getting into the pool will change your life forever.
They say that the water is a single teardrop fallen from the eye of Aphrodite herself. It crashed to the ground and formed this perfect crater for itself to inhabit. They also say that any who enter the pool and expose themselves for Aphrodite's pleasure will be given visions of their true love.
Sasha, broken-hearted, arrived at the pool at mid-day. The sun was high and the air was warm. No animals could be heard in the trees. She removed her clothes and stepped into the clear water. Tears began to well in her eyes. Her love had abandoned her. Left her for another woman. And now she knew that she could never go on with her life unless she found the person she was destined for, and found him quickly.
She stood in the middle of the waters, naked and weeping. Then the pleasure began to build. She could feel her. Aphrodite's touch on her skin. Anywhere that was submerged felt as though tender hands were caressing her. She felt fingers reaching her pussy. Circling her clit. Pressing into both her holes. She gasped and began to sink her body lower. She needed more of that feeling. The hands pinched and groped her nipples. Eventually, they reached into her mouth. She sucked on them contentedly. All thoughts of her former lover vanished from her mind.
She came with a shudder and a shout, and she erupted back out of the waters.
"Tommas," the wind said as it blew through the trees. "Tommas."
Sasha nodded at the sun-lit sky.
"Thank you, Goddess," she said as she raced back to land. She threw her clothing back on and ran back through the trees toward town. Of course it was Tommas. He'd been by her side so long. How could she not have realized.
Back at the poolside, Tommas stepped out of the tree line with the potion master.
"As promised," the man said. "So it was 30 for the Potion of Hands, 10 to spread the story about the pond, and 20 for that love spell I put on her former man. I'll even take 10 off because that was the best pair of tits I've ever seen."
Tommas smiled then laughed. He handed the man his 50 gold pieces, and the two parted ways with a handshake. Not a bad price, all things considered.
Thanks for reading! If you are a fan of my work, consider buying me a coffee. Any contribution is insanely appreciated. 💖
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fl100r · 9 days
||ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ x ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇꜱꜱ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ||
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・┆✦ʚ Chapter 3 ɞ✦ ┆・
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
"𝙄 𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩"
"𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙒𝙝𝙮?.."
"𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩. 𝙙𝙪𝙙𝙚"
༻✦༺ ༻✧༺༻✦༺༻✦༺
Bakugou is so depressed after war shi happen so god game happen to him too, meet a gyatt goddess wow fell in love real? or cap?
{ Slowburn }
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. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - :
As Bakugou woke up in the morning, a heavy ache pulsed through his head. He groaned, sitting up and rubbing his temples, but the sharp burn in his chest pulled his attention away from the headache. Throwing the blanket aside, he froze, eyes locked onto the crystal now embedded in his skin.
The memory of the goddess and their deal flooded back to him. Her words echoed in his mind: "May your days be many and your woes few." He clenched his fists, staring at the glowing gem, realizing the price he'd paid for the chance to reclaim his lost glory.
Bakugou stood up, stretching his sore muscles. The campfire had already burned out, leaving only faint embers. He began packing his belongings, but when he reached for his food supplies, he frowned. His stock was almost depleted. "Huh?" he muttered. Didn't I just buy some bread a few days ago? His mind flickered to a memory—vague and distant—of meeting someone.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his head, and he clutched his temple. "Augh!" he groaned, feeling the headache return. Shaking it off, his thoughts shifted to the immediate problem: restocking food. He needed to find a nearby town or village quickly before hunger became an issue.
Bakugou heard the faint sound of rushing water nearby, a river flowing through the forest. He finished packing his belongings and slung his bag over his shoulder, heading toward the sound. The cool morning air brushed against his face as he walked, his chest still faintly burning from the implanted crystal.
Reaching the riverbank, Bakugou grabbed a nearby sturdy stick and, with swift precision, began sharpening the end with his axe. The sound of metal scraping against wood echoed through the quiet forest as he shaped the stick into a makeshift spear.
With his weapon ready, Bakugou stepped into the cool river, feeling the current tugging at his legs. He crouched slightly, eyes scanning the water for any movement. Fish darted beneath the surface, unaware of the predator now stalking them.
With a focused gaze, Bakugou waited patiently. The moment one of the fish swam close enough, he swiftly thrust the spear into the water, aiming for his breakfast.
After catching six decent-sized fish, Bakugou felt satisfied. He laid them out on the riverbank, their silvery scales gleaming in the sunlight. Bakugou set up a small campfire, the familiar crackle of flames filling the quiet of the forest. He skewered the fish on a stick and held them over the fire, watching as the heat began to cook them, the scent of fresh fish starting to fill the air. The morning was still young, with a slight breeze that made the trees rustle around him.
As he stared into the fire, his mind wandered back to the deal he'd made with the goddess. The crystal embedded in his chest still burned faintly, a constant reminder of the weight of that decision. He couldn't remember everything, but the feeling of that deal lingered. 
As Bakugou stared at the fire, his thoughts wandered. He couldn't quite place where he was or how far he had traveled. All he knew was that he needed to keep moving, to find the nearest village, and to restock his supplies. As his mind drifted, the soft crackle of the fire was interrupted by a sudden rustling behind him.
His instincts kicked in immediately. Without a second thought, he grabbed his axe, muscles tensing. He stood still, focusing on the sound coming from the bush behind him. Whatever it was, he was ready for it. The rustling grew louder, and his grip tightened on the handle, eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. 
A hooded figure suddenly charged at Bakugou from behind, sword raised to strike. Instinctively, Bakugou swung his axe, blocking the blade just in time. The clash of steel echoed through the air as the two exchanged blows. The hooded man was skilled, landing a few solid hits on Bakugou, but the warrior's instincts kept him fighting.
With a swift movement, Bakugou managed to drive his axe into the man's side, wounding him. The man stumbled back, and as his hood fell away, Bakugou saw his face—red and white hair, a severe burn scar covering part of it. His clothes were regal, like royalty from a kingdom Bakugou didn't recognize.
Bakugou pressed the attack, determined to finish the fight, but the man retaliated, casting a blast of ice magic. The freezing energy slammed into Bakugou's arm, encasing it in ice. The man took advantage of the moment and fled into the forest, leaving Bakugou with his arm frozen and a head full of questions.
"Who the hell was that...?" Bakugou muttered under his breath, frustrated by the encounter and the strange circumstances.
 ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .Meanwhile at The The Grim Wastes.˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : ✧ : -˚̣⋅
Damien slammed his fist on a nearby table, the force of his frustration sending a ripple through the papers and artifacts scattered across it. "GODDAMN IT! OUH, WHY IS MY MORTAL SO BAD AT KILLING PEOPLE!?" he roared, his voice echoing through the dimly lit room.
He paced back and forth, his anger palpable. His plan to eliminate Bakugou, Y/N's mortal, had been thwarted. The very same mortal he'd hoped to vanquish for revenge and to flaunt his triumph to Y/N. Now, with his efforts in shambles, Damien felt a bitter sting of defeat and irritation.
"Not only did he fail to kill Bakugou," Damien continued, grumbling to himself, "but now I have to deal with this embarrassing mess. I'll never hear the end of it from Y/N."
He threw a nearby object against the wall in frustration, watching it shatter into pieces. As the dust settled, Damien's thoughts turned to how he might salvage his plan and regain some semblance of respect. "All I want is Bragging rights.. Ugh I'm betting she's laughing her ass off right now.." Damien groans in annoyance.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... At The Abyssal Sanctum (Y/N's Realm)⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : 
Y/N, lounging in a luxurious pool bath, burst into uncontrollable laughter. The water splashed around her as she clutched her sides, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of Damien's failed attempt. "AHAHAHA, BRO FAILED SO BAD!" she cackled, her laughter echoing through the room.
She glanced at the cat lounging beside her. "Lil bro just put the fries in the bag, eheh!" she said, barely containing her amusement.
The cat, unimpressed, flicked its tail in annoyance. "You know, you could show some sympathy for your cousin.."
Y/N waved a dismissive hand, still grinning. "Dawg, come on, it's too funny! Besides, Damien's always been a bit too proud for his own good. He'll bounce back. Or at least, I hope he does—it's fun to watch him squirm." She turned her attention back to the mirror, her gaze falling on Bakugou's figure.
Despite the light-hearted tone, she wasn't genuinely worried. Damien's mortal, already fleeing in a panic, had proven to be no match for Bakugou. Y/N sipped from her luxurious glass of wine, the rich, velvety liquid complementing her indulgent mood. Her magic servants, creations of her own dark magic, gracefully fed her a variety of fancy foods.
As she savored the delicate bites and sips, she glanced back at the mirror, her expression a mix of amusement and contemplation. The drama unfolding in the mortal realm provided a welcome distraction from her otherwise routine existence.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... Bakugou⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : 
Bakugou gritted his teeth as he struggled against the encasing ice. His hand was growing numb, and the intense cold was sending sharp pains through his arm. Each movement felt like dragging it through a thick, unyielding substance. He needed to break free quickly before the ice caused irreparable damage or before the attacker returned.
With a fierce growl, Bakugou swung his axe with all his might, trying to chip away at the frozen mass. His breaths came out in visible puffs of steam as he exerted every ounce of strength he had left. The ice began to crack, but it was a slow and arduous process.
The sounds of the forest seemed distant and muffled, with Bakugou's focus narrowed to the icy prison around his arm. His attempts to melt the ice with the campfire he'd built proved futile; the spell could only be countered by fire magic or dragon's fire.
Footsteps approached from behind Bakugou, prompting him to react instinctively. He swung his axe in the direction of the sound, glaring at the figure emerging from the underbrush.
"Wow! Hey man!.. I'm just here to help!" said the newcomer, a red-haired man with dragon horns and a tail. He held up his hands in a gesture of peace, taking a cautious step back. "I can breathe fire onto your arm if you want me to. Eheh!" He smiled, remaining positive despite Bakugou's threatening stance.
Bakugou hesitated, his grip tightening on the axe as he weighed his options. The dragon-man's offer was tempting, given his limited choices. With a reluctant nod, Bakugou lowered his weapon, though his eyes remained wary. "Fine. Do it. But if you try anything, I'll make sure you regret it."
The dragon-man nodded enthusiastically and stepped closer. He took a deep breath, his eyes focusing on the ice-encased arm. With a controlled exhale, he released a stream of dragon fire, directing it carefully onto the ice. The heat began to melt the frozen prison, and Bakugou could feel the immediate relief as the ice started to dissolve.
As the warmth spread, Bakugou's arm gradually became free, the pain easing as the ice melted away. The dragon-man continued his work until the ice was completely gone.
"There, all done!" he said, wiping his brow with a satisfied grin. "You should be good now."
Bakugou, still wary but grateful for the assistance, and Eijiro Kirishima ate in relative silence, the campfire crackling between them. Eijiro's gaze occasionally flickered with recognition and respect, revealing his knowledge of Bakugou from past battles he had witnessed as a child. The red-haired dragon hybrid had seen Bakugou's feats from a distance during an old war and had since looked up to him, admiring his strength and determination.
As the two finished their meal, Eijiro's admiration was evident in the way he spoke of the past battles, even though he carefully avoided mentioning his own observations directly. Bakugou, sensing the underlying respect and familiarity, felt a slight shift in his attitude towards the dragon hybrid. 
"Hey, what's that scar? The one with the gem? It looks like mine!" Ejiro asked, pointing to the crystal implanted in his own chest. His gem was green and glowing, while Bakugou's was a darkish purple.
Ejiro didn't make the connection, but Bakugou did. He immediately recognized that Ejiro had made a deal with a god, but which one?
"What god did you make a deal with?" Bakugou asked cautiously.
Eijiro, realizing the implications, responded with a hint of nervousness. "Oh, um, the God of Nature."
Eijiro, sensing the shift in Bakugou's demeanor, quickly changed the subject. "Eehe, what about you? Who's your god?" 
Eijiro's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the God of War but he quickly masked his surprise with a grin. "Oh, that's pretty intense! Well, I guess we're both in this together then, huh?" He clapped Bakugou on the back, trying to lighten the mood. "Anyway, if you need anything else, just let me know. I'm always up for helping out a fellow warrior!"
Bakugou and Eijiro talked some more, getting to know each other better. Eijiro suggested that Bakugou visit a bathhouse to help relieve his stress, and Bakugou agreed. Eijiro then led him into a nearby city. Bakugou and Eijiro walked through the vibrant streets of the nearby city, the bustling activity a stark contrast to the quiet forest they had just left. The scent of fresh pastries and the distant murmur of conversation filled the air as they approached a grand bathhouse.
The bathhouse stood with its ornate wooden carvings and gentle steam rising from the open windows, offering a sense of relaxation and luxury. As they entered, the warm, humid air was a welcome change from the chill of Bakugou's frozen arm.
Inside, the bathhouse was a tranquil retreat, with a variety of steaming pools and softly glowing lanterns casting a soothing light. The staff greeted them warmly, providing towels and refreshments. Eijiro led Bakugou to a private section, where he could unwind in peace and let go of the stress from their recent encounters.
As Bakugou settled into the warm water, the tension in his muscles began to ease, and he allowed himself to relax for the first time in a while.
Eijiro, washing his hair in the large bath pool, glanced at Bakugou with a slightly anxious smile. "Ahh... So, uh, did your god, uh, ever give you any instructions or anything? Like, maybe some tasks?" he asked hesitantly.
Bakugou, relaxing in the water, responded with a bit of suspicion, "No. Why, did your god give you any instructions?"
Eijiro hesitated before answering, "Nah! I just... I just heard that people who are chosen sometimes get instructions, that's all!" His nervousness was evident. He quickly called an employee to order some food, trying to distract himself from the awkward conversation. 
"You want anything, Bakugou?" Eijiro asked.
Bakugou shook his head, indicating he didn't want anything.
"Make it two, please!" Eijiro told the employee.
Bakugou shot him an irritated look.
"Oh, come on, Bakugou! Relax, it's just some food. You're probably hungry, and it's my treat!" Eijiro said, grinning from ear to ear.
As the food arrived, Bakugou excused himself to check something in his backpack. Eijiro also went to his backpack, quickly pulling out a bottle of sleeping liquid. He discreetly poured the liquid into Bakugou's drink and food, making sure it was absorbed. Once done, he tossed the empty bottle into a nearby trash bin and returned to the bath section.
As they both ate and drank the food Eijiro ordered, Bakugou and Eijiro continued with their small talk. After finishing their meal, Bakugou started to feel a bit sleepy and tired. Eijiro suggested they stay at a nearby hotel, and despite Bakugou's lingering wariness, he agreed due to his exhaustion, He's starting to Trust Eijiro bit by bit.
At the hotel, Ejiro requested a room with one bedroom and two beds. After settling in, he suggested visiting a nearby tavern, and Bakugou, feeling the effects of the food and drink, agreed to rest. He quickly fell into a deep sleep, placing his belongings beside him.
An hour later, Ejiro returned to the room carrying a bottle. As he approached Bakugou, who was soundly asleep, Ejiro opened the bottle and prepared to pour its deadly, poisonous contents into Bakugou's mouth. However, upon seeing Bakugou's peaceful, drooling face, Ejiro hesitated. His expression shifted to one of guilt and regret. The thought of harming someone he had just begun to consider a friend weighed heavily on him.
With a sigh, Ejiro placed the bottle on the bedside table, then picked it up and poured the contents down the hotel sink. He discarded the empty bottle into the trash can and decided to go to bed himself, feeling conflicted but determined to sleep, as it was already 10:00 PM.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... The Emerald Labyrinth⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - : 
Viridianis, the Envious Empress, Goddess of Greed and Jealousy, sighed in disappointment. "He made a deal with me, but he can't even complete a simple task like killing a friend? It would have granted him much more power, too. But nooo, he's too nice. I want to trade my mortal.." 
As Viridianis rubbed her temple, one of her servants handed her an incoming call. She answered with a curt "Hello," only to hear Y/N's voice on the other end say, "Loser," before hanging up.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Viridianis shouted in frustration, her irritation directed at both her incompetent mortal and the insult. She demanded that her servant contact Koemi to arrange a trade for her mortals. Despite being tired of the Greed Goddess's yelling, Koemi agreed to the request
now Koemi Ramírez The Goddess of Love is now the Owner of The Dragon mortal Eijiro Kirishima.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile... Bakugou⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - :
Bakugou found himself waking up in a dream once again. This time, he stood in front of a dense woods with a nearby house. As he looked behind him, he saw the same realm as before, the one connected to his goddess. But he pressed forward into the woods, stepping into another realm.
Approaching the house, the door suddenly burst open, and out came a little girl, exclaiming loudly, "I am a god! I'm going to kill anyone who thinks I can't be a god, aha!" She brandished a stick triumphantly, standing on a tiny rock with an air of authority.
From inside the house, a little boy emerged, looking up at her with curiosity. "And, uh, what am I in your story?" he asked, his stature noticeably shorter than the girl's.
The girl's eyes lit up with excitement as she replied, "Yeah! You and I are going to be the best magic users ever!" The two siblings joyfully played together, lost in their imaginative world.
Suddenly, a woman's voice called out, "Sweethearts, your father is almost home. Let's prepare some food!" As she walked out of the house, Bakugou noticed something horrifying—her face was just a hollow, featureless void.
"Mamaa..." the little girl whispered, her voice trembling. Bakugou, deeply concerned, watched as the scene before him began to dissolve into chaos. The ground and surroundings started to melt away, black goo seeping in like thick, dark mud, consuming everything in its path. The once vibrant and playful scene was swallowed by the encroaching darkness.
Bakugou turned around to find Y/N standing behind him, her presence imposing yet oddly calming amidst the chaos. "What are you doing here?.." he asked, his voice tinged with confusion and frustration.
Y/N smiled softly, her eyes glinting with a hint of amusement. "Oh, I forgot you can enter my realm whenever you're sleeping! Sorry for the sudden interaction," she said, her tone light and apologetic. "As for what I'm doing here—well, I'm in my own realm, of course. That's my question to ask you instead. What are you here for?"
Bakugou flushed, realizing he had accidentally walked into his goddess's private moment. Y/N, looking serene and relaxed in the pool bath with soaps and bubbles clinging to her body, noticed his discomfort. Bakugou immediately turned his back, trying to avoid any appearance of disrespect toward the celestial being before him.
Y/N's voice was light and teasing, but with a hint of curiosity. "Oh, right. Ehehe! It's fine to look I don't mind mortals seeing my naked body, especially you, my mortal. Now, back to my question what are you doing here?" 
Bakugou, still a bit flushed but regaining his composure, replied, "I just appeared here. I saw something before you showed up, my... uh, Lady," Bakugou said, unsure what to call Y/N. "What did you see?" Y/N asked, sipping her wine in the soapy pool.
"I saw a little girl and a little boy, I'm guessing they're siblings. They were playing, and then their mother appeared, but her face was just a hole right through her head. Everything turned dark, and then you appeared, my... Lady."
Bakugou, still unsure of how to address her, said the last part hesitantly. He had never called anyone, let alone a deity, in such a manner before. But with a goddess before him—a celestial being who could end his life in an instant—he felt he needed to show respect.
Y/N smiled gently and said, "Mhm, how about you join me in the pool?" She moved to the side of the pool to make space for Bakugou. In her thoughts, she reflected, Jeez, that crystal really does make me connected to him?, huh now he's seeing my old memories.
As Bakugou took off his clothes and joined Y/N in the soapy pool, he immediately felt his muscles relax. The warm water was soothing, and he had the urge to submerge himself completely. However, he controlled the impulse, reminding himself of the presence of his goddess.
Y/N settled herself elegantly on the edge of the pool, her presence both commanding and serene. "Since you're here, allow me to elaborate on why I selected you as my mortal," she began, her voice smooth and melodious. "You've likely noticed that others bear similar gems, albeit in different hues. These gems mark individuals chosen by various deities, each for their own purpose."
She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. "As deities, we revel in orchestrating intricate games and challenges. You, my dear, are but a piece in this grand tapestry. The essence of our pact demands that you eliminate competitors bearing the same mark. This ensures that the terms of our agreement are fulfilled, and that the ultimate prize can be attained."
Y/N placed her wine delicately upon the ornate, marble-tiled edge of the pool. She glided gracefully towards Bakugou, her every movement exuding an air of both power and grace. "Your role is crucial to the unfolding of this game. By removing others who stand in your way, you simplify the path to achieving your heart's desire."
She extended a hand towards Bakugou, her fingers brushing against the water with a gentle ripple. "In essence, you are not merely a pawn, but a key player in a grand, celestial design. The more adversaries you overcome, the more favorable your position becomes. This is not just a test of strength, but of cunning and resolve."
Her eyes met his with a look that was both reassuring and intense. "Do not misunderstand—while your actions are guided by our agreement, the choice to rise or fall remains yours. Embrace the challenge with the vigor and passion that defines you, and the rewards will be yours to claim."
Y/N's smile widened, a touch of mischief dancing in her gaze. "Consider this: every move you make, every rival you defeat, brings you closer to the ultimate prize. The path ahead is fraught with danger, but also brimming with opportunity. How you navigate it will determine not just your fate, but the outcome of our game."
Y/N's hand traced the curve of her chest where the gem was embedded, her touch delicate and almost reverent. The gem pulsed softly under her fingers, a subtle reminder of the power and responsibility it bestowed upon Bakugou. As she leaned in closer, her eyes locked with his, a knowing smile playing on her lips.
Bakugou's expression remained serious, but the proximity and the gentle caress had a noticeable effect on him. A faint flush colored his cheeks, betraying the calm he was trying to maintain. The sensation of Y/N's touch, combined with the intimate setting, stirred a mix of emotions within him—admiration, awe, and an unexpected tinge of desire.
Y/N, sensing his reaction, maintained her composed demeanor, her voice a soft, seductive whisper. "I can see you're beginning to understand the weight of the role you've been given. It's not merely about the battles you fight, but the essence of who you are becoming in this journey."
She moved her hand away, letting it glide through the water, and took a step back, her eyes never leaving his. "Remember, the choices you make from this moment forward will shape your destiny. Embrace them with the same fervor you've shown so far, and you may find yourself closer to the ultimate prize than you ever imagined."
With a final, lingering glance, Y/N settled back into the pool, the water shimmering around her. "Now, reflect on what I've shared with you, and prepare yourself for the challenges that lie ahead. Your path is just beginning, and I am here to guide you through it." 
Y/N's hands, warm and gentle despite their wetness, cupped Bakugou's face. Her touch was both tender and reassuring as she guided his face closer to hers. With a soft, deliberate motion, she used her thumb to gently close his eyes, her gaze softening as she looked at him.
"Trust in the path you are on," she murmured, her voice a soothing melody in the tranquil ambiance of the bath. "Let go of your doubts and fears, and embrace the journey ahead. Sometimes, the most profound revelations come when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable."
Y/N's voice, a melodious whisper in the serene bath, carried a weight of both authority and affection. As she continued to gently cradle Bakugou's face, her eyes glimmered with a mixture of reassurance and expectation.
"My dearest mortal," she began, her tone imbued with a regal grace, "I entrust you with a crucial task. Proceed to the Divine Gods' Gauntlet, a sacred arena where all chosen mortals shall converge. It is there that your true mettle will be tested. Be vigilant and astute, for many trials await."
She leaned in slightly, her breath warm and soft against his skin. "Remember, I shall observe from above, my gaze ever watchful. Strive not to falter, for the weight of my expectations rests upon your shoulders. Don't Disappoint me"
With a final, tender brush of her thumb against his cheek, Y/N's smile held a blend of encouragement and unspoken promise. "We shall meet again, my dear. Until then, may your path be illuminated with courage and determination."
"May your Days be many and, your woes few. My sweet mortal.."
Bakugou woke up on the hotel bed, feeling like he had the best sleep of his life, though he didn't realize his cheeks were flushed with a red tint. As he looked around and saw that Kirishima wasn't in his bed, he called out, "Hey dude! Good morning! Ready to go to the Divine Gods' Gauntlet?" kirishima said. "Wait Your god told you that too?.." Bakugou asked confusion.
Kirishima, who was in the bathroom, poked his head out and said, "Yeah! Come on, we've got to hurry—the hotel staff is bugging us to check out! Haha! Oh, and by the way... you seemed to have had a really good dream." Kirishima pointed at Bakugou's crotch, causing Bakugou to react immediately. "DON'T FUCKING LOOK AT IT!" Bakugou shouted, Angrily. Kirishima laughed as he continued with his morning routine.
As Bakugou and Eijiro went through their morning routines and packed their belongings, Bakugou noticed Eijiro's gem was pink. "Hey, weird hair, why is your gem pink?" he asked, puzzled.
Eijiro scratched his head, looking slightly embarrassed. "Oh, uh, my god... well, traded me. I couldn't complete the task the god gave me, so out of annoyance, the god traded me to the Goddess of Love."
Bakugou frowned, his irritation clear. "So, you messed up and got handed off like a bad deal? Great. Guess it’s a good thing I’m not in your shoes." 
Kirishima huffed, "Hey! What's wrong with not doing a task you don't want to do?"
Bakugou didn’t respond, heading out of the room and leaving Kirishima behind.
“Hey! Wait up, dude!” Kirishima called out, rushing to catch up with him.
Bakugou stepped into the hallway, trying to shake off the lingering unease from his dream. Kirishima quickly caught up, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Seriously, man, what’s up? It’s not that big of a deal, right?” Kirishima said, catching his breath.
Bakugou grunted in response, still processing the information about Kirishima’s god and his own situation. He was more focused on the upcoming Gauntlet and what lay ahead.
As they made their way down the hotel stairs, Bakugou’s mind was already racing with thoughts of the challenge ahead. The last thing he needed was more distractions, especially ones involving Kirishima’s past failures and divine trades.
“Let’s just get to the Gauntlet,” Bakugou said abruptly, his tone leaving no room for further discussion.
Kirishima, sensing Bakugou’s tension, nodded and followed his lead. The two headed out into the bustling city streets.
As Kirishima asked how they would get to the Gods’ Gauntlet, both of their gems began to glow brightly. The shimmering beams of light pointed them in the direction of the arena.
“Great, let’s follow it,” Kirishima said, his excitement evident.
Bakugou rolled his eyes but kept his hands in his pockets, following the glowing beam with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. The path was clear, leading them through the bustling streets and eventually out of the city and into a more secluded area. The anticipation of the Gauntlet loomed large, each step bringing them closer to the divine competition that awaited to their long Journey.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒Meanwhile...⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : - ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ - :
“Uraraka, wait up... pant Sigh…” A green-haired man, Midoriya Izuku, struggled as he climbed up a steep mountain. His breath came in heavy gasps.
The brown-haired girl, Ochako Uraraka, floated gracefully up to the mountain top. She looked down at Deku with a bright smile, “Need help, Deku-kun? Ehe!”
Uraraka landed beside him, and Deku, still catching his breath, replied, “Now? Yes, please. I thought this climb would be easy, but... pant”
With a flick of her staff glowing with a light pink aura, Uraraka cast a spell, gently lifting Deku up and easing his ascent. “There you go!” she said cheerfully as they reached the summit.
“Come on, the God’s Gauntlet is still quite a way off,” Uraraka said, glancing at the gem embedded in her chest. Deku caught his breath, looking around the expansive view from the mountain peak. The journey ahead was daunting, but the shimmering light from their gems guided them toward their destination. He nodded, determination setting in.
“Yeah, let’s keep moving,” he said, straightening up and adjusting his gear.
Uraraka gave him an encouraging smile. “We’ve got this. Just follow the beam and we’ll get there.”
As they began their descent, the light from their gems seemed to grow brighter, leading them through the rugged terrain. The path was challenging, but they pressed on, driven by the promise of the upcoming contest and the hope of achieving their goals.
The journey took them through dense forests and across rocky ridges. With each step, the anticipation built. Both knew that the Divine Gods’ Gauntlet was a place where their skills and resolve would be tested to the limit.
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Thank you!! :D
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