#dads!jegulus at it again!!
breadcat-xx · 4 months
22.05.2024 - control - 539 words
“We’ve got everything under control, right Haz?”
Regulus smiles fondly at the screen of his phone when Harry appears next to James. He’s wearing his dinosaur jammies, the blue one with red triceratopses all over it. He smiles widely at the camera. It’s an adorable sight; one of his front teeth is missing and his glasses are a little askew. Regulus wishes he could pull him into a tight hug right then and there.
“Daddy, I learned about stars at school today!” He exclaims excitedly, prying the phone from James’ hands in an attempt to get all of Regulus’ attention. “I told Ms. Jones you’re an astrologist.” Harry puts great care into pronouncing the word, wanting to get it right. It took him a while to get the hang of the exact pronunciation, so he takes pride in being able to say it correctly.
“Did you?” Regulus asks with a smile, shifting against the headboard of his hotel bed. It’s not nearly as comfortable as the bed they have at home, but it does the job.
“Yes! I also told her you’re in America for a big science party.”
It’s endearing how proud Harry seems to be, even if he doesn’t fully understand what it is his dad does. By now, he’s told all of his teachers and all of his friends that Regulus is away for the week. It’s a little embarrassing, but mostly sweet. Harry loves loudly. He really takes after James when it comes to that.
“I know you’d love to talk to dad for hours, but I’m afraid it’s already past your bed time.” James interrupts their conversation. Harry whines and pouts, which makes Regulus smile again. “Come on, darling.” He says. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? I promise we’ll talk longer then.” Harry makes a face, but eventually nods and gets up. “I miss you.” He says. “Not as much as I miss you.” That makes the boy smile a little. They exchange i-love-you’s and then he’s off to brush his teeth.
When James appears on his screen again, his husband looks tired. He can’t blame him; taking care of a six year old all by yourself is one hell of a task. “You’re doing so well, love.” He tells him. James looks at him with warm and loving eyes and doesn’t say anything for a moment. “I can’t wait to pick you up at the airport on Thursday.” He mutters eventually. “Me either.”
They simply look at each other in complete silence for the next minute or so. They’re so far apart, and yet, Regulus feels so loved by the man on the screen. Words can’t describe how much he means to him. The peace is disturbed by Harry’s “I’m ready!”. James chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair. “I’ve got to put the little monkey to bed.” He says. “Text me later?” Regulus nods. “Will do.”
“I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you.”
When the call ends, Regulus feels recharged and ready to go to the fifth stand-up reception he’s attended in three days. He can’t wait for Thursday to come around, but in the meantime, he’s at peace knowing his boys back home are doing perfectly fine.
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calamitoustide · 3 months
okay so Harry is Lily’s kid and James is his uncle and one day Lily’s in a bind and needs him to pick Harry up from daycare so of course he does it and he goes in and finds this… really hot dad. And his daughter is talking to Harry so James takes the chance to go talk to him. He learns his name is Regulus and is so obsessed with it as James always is and Reg points at Harry and asks if he’s his son. James being the idiot that he is says yes (he’s struggling). Also they look pretty much identical cause he was the sperm donor so it makes sense that Reg asks. James has been asked it before... but Reg is hot and he short circuited. They leave and agree that they should rearrange a play date… you know for the kids.
James has to keep asking Lily to borrow Harry to take him to these places and it’s this huge mess.
And Reg has to keep coming up with reasons to Pandora and Xeno why he always wants to take their daughter out places.
chaos ensues.
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t1oui · 3 months
hi everybody i'm having some thoughts right now and i need to share them. mentions of walburga black's a+ parenting in this fic idea so do be aware of that
what if regulus's parents send him to "conversion camp" after he comes out as trans but the conversion camp actually turns out to be a safe house for queer kids run by effie and monty that's masking as a conversion camp so homophobic parents send their kids there.
so reg arrives dressed up in a nice dress and with walburga aggressively using she/her pronouns and his deadname and the second she leaves effie is like "well that sucked, why don't we get you some more comfortable clothes and you can tell me your actual name?" and regulus is like oh. oh this is the best thing that's ever happened to me and my parents are idiots
i'm envisioning that the place is a farm and so the only rules for kids at the safe house are 1. be nice to each other and 2. find something to spend your time on every day that's not just a device (it doesn't have to be farm related) (this is a muggle au if you couldn't tell)
and ofc because it's effie and monty's place james is there and he likes helping out on the farm. reg takes one look at him and is like yeah ik i was gay but this man confirms it
that's all i have rn as far as plot and story (i mean james and reg fall in love obviously but other than that idk) so here's intros to the cast of characters and their roles in the story !! (this is my favorite part):
james potter (18) - he/him pansexual (+ maybe ace) - son of effie and monty - helps out on the farm
regulus black (17) - he/him gay & transmasc - sent there after coming out as trans (or just after walburga finds out bc let's be real he probably knew not to tell her) - currently trying to figure out his hobby
sirius black (18) - he/him gay - knew james in school, came here after fight w/ parents when he was 16 - makes art
remus lupin (19) - he/they bisexual & transmasc - father disowned him and his mother, with the best of intentions, sent him to the farm when he was 16 in hopes that his father would reconsider cutting him off - works in the garden/greenhouses, helps with the bees
barty crouch jr (17) - he/him bisexual demiromantic + hypersexual - sent there at 15 by his father after some scandal with another politician's son - makes pottery, some of which he sells at the farmer's market every saturday
emmeline vance (19) - she/her queer - sent at 17 by her parents after they caught her with a girl - works in the orchard & cooks
marlene mckinnon (18) - she/her lesbian - lives down the road and comes by to help james
lily evans (18) - she/her lesbian - sent at 15 by her sister after her parents died and petunia got custody of her - makes her own clothes and sells them at the market
mary macdonald (18) - she/her bisexual - adopted by the potters at 13 after her parents died in a car accident - looks after the goats and llamas & helps with the horses
pandora rosier (18) - she/her pansexual transfem - sent at 17 after her parents found out she was trans - works w the horses
evan rosier (18) - he/they biromantic asexual & bigender - sent at 17 after their parents caught them wearing "girl clothes" - writes + draws, helps rem with the bees
dorcas meadowes (17) - she/her lesbian - sent at 17 (a few months before reg) after her parents caught her watching... adult content of two women - makes & sells bouquets, effie helps her <3
peter pettigrew (18) - he/him aromantic (NOT ace) - marlene's next door neighbor, has had sex with barty multiple times and these two fuck in the WEIRDEST spots (poor james keeps catching them :')) - helps emmeline in the orchard
severus snape (17) - he/him bisexual transmasc - sent by his father at 14 after starting to present as a boy - cooks, helps lily with her clothes making sometimes, writes sad boy poetry (/half joking)
narcissa, alice, and xeno will also be in the story i'm just not sure exactly where they fit in... xeno's another neighbor and narcissa's a former safehouse resident who's now living w alice but that's all i know rn
now as for SHIPS...
so i know there will be jegulus of course, and since sirius is totally going to pine for gardener/beekeeper remus wolfstar too. i want rosekiller, but because of barty and peter's dynamic, i'm thinking romantic rosekiller w/ sexual party and queerplatonic... peter x evan (idk their ship name 😭)
as for the GIRLS... omg i have so many thoughts guys AAAAA
first of all i cant decide between pandalily and dorlily for lily and i don't want a triad (i don't ship panda x dorcas) and i don't want both so that's... rough
and then there's also marylene.... BUT DORLENE-
i wanna put sev with someone (ik he's not a girl but i'm having thoughts for him rn)... maybe he smooches w emmeline?? but i feel like she'd make fun of him 💀 (in a joking way but yk)
or maybe emmeline could go with mary panda with lily dorcas with marlene... and... sev with xeno?? guys am i a genius
so yeah other than jegulus, wolfstar, and partyvan idk what to do. live laugh love multishipping am i right
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theprongspotter · 1 month
Terrify - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 12 - 767 words
Regulus is nestled up against his husband’s side on the couch, flipping through Les Misérables. The book’s well-worn pages speak to the many times it has been read, each word a comfort to Regulus as he gets lost in the story. James sits beside him, gently combing his fingers through Regulus’ soft curls, humming along quietly to the classical music playing in the background. The warmth of the fire crackles in the hearth, casting a golden glow over the room, but James still pulls the fluffy blanket tighter around them, savoring the closeness.
“Papa? Dad?”
The soft voice interrupts the tranquility. Regulus remains calm, his eyes still on the page, but James jumps slightly, startled by the sudden sound. He looks up to see Harry standing in the doorway to the living room, his small figure illuminated by the flickering firelight. Harry’s eyes are glassy with unshed tears, and his hair sticks up wildly, more unruly than usual. It takes an awful lot to terrify their brave little boy, and the sight of him so shaken tugs at James’ heart.
“What’s wrong, Haz?” James asks gently, standing up from the couch. Regulus bookmarks his page with a thoughtful frown, setting the book aside as he watches the scene unfold.
Harry walks slowly to James, who bends down to pick him up, cradling him close. “I had a bad dream again,” Harry whispers, his voice trembling slightly.
James places a tender kiss on Harry’s temple, his heart aching for his son. “Do you want to talk about it, beta?” he asks softly.
Harry shakes his head, burying his face in James’ shoulder. “No.”
“That’s alright,” James murmurs, rubbing soothing circles on Harry’s back. “What would you like, then?”
Harry lifts his head, his gaze shifting to Regulus, who stands up and crosses the room to them. Without hesitation, Harry reaches out for him, and Regulus grins, his heart swelling with love as he takes Harry into his arms. Harry clings to him, burying his face in Regulus’ neck, seeking comfort in the familiar scent of his dad. James smiles at the sight, his heart swelling with pride.
“Dad, will you sing to me?” Harry asks quietly, his voice muffled against Regulus’ shoulder.
“Hmm, I don’t know…” Regulus teases, pretending to ponder the request, though he already knows the answer.
Harry pulls back slightly, giving Regulus the best puppy eyes he can muster. His bottom lip sticks out in a perfect pout, so reminiscent of Sirius that James has to bite his lip to stifle a laugh. “Please? Pretty please?”
Regulus can’t resist the pleading look. His smile widens, full of warmth and affection. “Yes, Harry, of course I’ll sing to you.”
“Yay! Thanks, Dad!” Harry cheers, his face lighting up with a bright grin as he throws his arms around Regulus’ neck.
Regulus’ smile softens as he carries Harry back to his room, James following close behind, his heart full at the sight of his family. Once they reach the room, Regulus gently sets Harry down on his bed, letting him get comfortable under the covers. The soft light of the bedside lamp casts a warm glow over the room, making it feel even cozier.
Harry looks up at Regulus and points to a spot on the bed. “Sit,” he orders, his tone firm but full of trust.
Regulus chuckles at the command but obliges, sitting beside his son. James leans against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching with a fond smile as Regulus brushes a hand through Harry’s messy hair, just as James had done minutes before. Harry nuzzles into the touch, his eyes drooping as he finds comfort in the warmth of his dad’s hand.
Clearing his throat softly, Regulus begins to sing Hymne à l’amour. His voice is soft and soothing, filling the room with the beautiful melody. Harry’s eyes flutter closed as the familiar song wraps around him like a warm blanket, his breathing slowing and evening out as he drifts off to sleep, feeling safe and loved.
When Regulus finishes the song, he stays still for a moment, watching Harry’s peaceful expression before quietly getting up from the bed. He moves carefully, not wanting to disturb his son’s sleep. As he reaches the doorway, James pulls him into a gentle hug, whispering, “That was beautiful, my love.”
Regulus smiles, his heart full, and pulls James into a tender kiss, the warmth of their love filling the room, a quiet promise that they will always protect their little family, no matter what terrors may come.
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cressthebest · 4 months
i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again!
if harry was raised by jegulily (even jegulus if that’s more your cup of tea) he would be slytherin. without a doubt.
all three of his parents would encourage him to be gryffindor, because reg knows the prejudices in slytherin house and against slytherin house and doesn’t want harry to go through that with his mother being a muggleborn and raised by three parents (leaving room for lots of homophobic teasing). regulus also isn’t proud of the racist reputation gained by slytherin house and the people like his family and voldemort and death eaters in it. he’s proud of his house, just knows that there are many negative views of it. he doesn’t want his child to have a hard time.
so harry honestly thinks he’s gonna be gryffindor. then the hat tells him he’d do great in slytherin. and in this universe, instead of arguing, he thinks, “my dad is one of the bravest men i know, and he was a slytherin. i want him to be proud of his house again. i’ll prove everyone wrong. i’ll make my dad proud”
and he did. he made all of them proud.
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fredtheemoplant · 4 months
June 7: welcome – @jegulus-microfic – word count: 414
It all starts with one small question.
“Reg? Do you think you would want to stay at my house for the Easter break?”
It’s mumbled into Regulus’ bare shoulder one night while he and James are in the come-and-go room together, arms wrapped around each other, and legs tangled in thin sheets. When James asked the question, though, Regulus pulls back to look him in the eye.
Regulus shouldn’t. He really, really should not. His mother would not allow it. But, he could just not go home. Regulus rids himself of that idea immediately. He can’t. His mother would hunt him down. The last heir to the Noble And Most Ancient House of Black? Regulus is mad if he thinks she wouldn’t leave him be for a single second.
“James…” Regulus murmurs back. There would be no way he would be able to go.
“No, I know. Just think about it, yeah?” James rushes out. “Besides, we have plenty of space, and Mum and Dad wouldn’t mind at all. You are always welcome back home. Sirius would be ecstatic. So would I.”
“Mother wouldn’t allow it, James,” Regulus says, but, Merlin, does he want to say yes.
“What if you just, like, don’t? Like how Sirius did?” James sounds hopeful. Can this man read Regulus’ mind?
“Run away, you mean?” James nods. “James, I’m their final heir. Mother would hunt me down. Maybe bring Sirius with me, while she’s at it. She would hurt us.” James presses his lips fiercely against Regulus’ cheek. “I don’t want that for Sirius. He got out, and now I have to stay. So that he can be safe.”
“I will keep you safe. Both of you,” James declares, and he appears to be confident that he, a seventeen year old, who is still in school, could fend off Walburga Black, a fully-trained, fully-grown dark witch. “Mum and Dad will help. They can fight, I’ve seen them dueling once. And they’ll set up wards, and they will contact the ministry and the school and we can talk to Sirius and we’ll–”
“Okay, James,” Regulus interrupts. Regulus wants to get out, and he has full trust in Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. They are brilliantly talented wizards. If they all work together – all five of them – Regulus trusts they can defeat Walburga and Orion.
“Okay? You’ll leave?” James eyes glitter with how thrilled he is. He swoops in and kisses Regulus on the forehead before swaying away again.
“Okay, James.”
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sommerregenjuniluft · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic feb 12 - fireside - 1k words
aka teenager!Harry and jeggy dads comforting him
Regulus startles awake at the sound of the front door and blinks his eyes open to Harry standing before it, shoulders tense and a deep crease between his brows. He slips into a little more sheepish expression when he realises he’s just woken Regulus up.
James is still snoring lightly next to him, one arm thrown over his head and shirt rucked up to expose the wide happy trail over his belly.
“Sorry,” Harry mumbles, visibly gnawing on the inside of his cheek as he kicks off his converse.
“That’s okay,” Regulus responds, voice raspy from residual sleep, and he watches Harry stiffly hang his jacket and then just stare back at their front door like it personally offended him.
Regulus sniffs and detangles himself from James’ big, heavy arm half thrown around his shoulders to get up. Harry only swivels his head once Regulus comes up right behind him, plush slippers shuffling against the hardwood floor.
The hard line looks even deeper up close and Regulus’ heart clenches with it as Harry looks up at him with a stormy kind of torment in his beautiful, big eyes. He clasps his son’s neck with a palm and tugs him into motion, nodding down the hall. 
“Kitchen,” he decides and Harry nods, letting himself be guided into the adjacent room.
Regulus seats him on one of the stools at the kitchen island and tugs a few scratch cards from the mail on the counter in front of him. Harry pulls his wallet out of his jeans’ back pocket, letting it slap down on the tabletop before grabbing it again and rummaging for a fitting coin as Regulus goes to grab two mugs for them. 
He grabs Harry’s favourite—a birthday present from Ron and Hermoine engraved with a bunch of pictures of them, the handle and inside dark red—and then the curvy white one with a cat wearing sunglasses sketch art for himself. Regulus pours milk and pops them into the microwave.
When he turns Harry is furiously rubbing away on the sweepstakes, already through his third and bouncing his knee restlessly in his seat.
Regulus lets him do as he needs, watching him as he waits for the microwave to ping. He grabs the honey from the shelf, fishes for a spoon in the cutlery drawer and assembles their hot beverage once the mugs are ready to be taken out.
The spoon is clinking against the ceramic as Regulus mixes in the viscous sugar and when he turns to join his son, Harry is already standing in front of him, expression troubled, still.
His back to the kitchen light Regulus can see Harry’s eyes glassy behind his specs so he puts the mugs down on the counter again and opens his arms for Harry to step into.
His son goes immediately, slumping forward and wrapping his arms loosely around his back, forehead coming down on the top of Regulus’ shoulder with a heavy sigh. Regulus cups the back of his head, fingers scratching soothingly and the other hand driving long strokes up and down his back. His hoodie smells smoky, his hair too—he must have been at the fireside with his friends again.
“Bad evening?” Regulus mumbles into the black bird’s nest of his son’s hair.
Harry ruts his forehead against him in a nod, grunting an affirmative.
Regulus sighs, “I’m sorry about that, bug.”
There’s a sniffle, more nodding and Regulus suspects Harry is carefully choosing not to use his voice again lest it breaks.
“Want to tell me about it?”
Harry lifts his head and Regulus’ hands go to cup his cheeks. “Maybe later,” he answers with a shrug, eyes averted.
“Of course,” Regulus nods, swiping his thumbs over Harry’s temples.
“It’s just–” he breaks off with a huff and Regulus ducks his head to catch his gaze.
Harry takes a deep breath, “There’s someone.” He scrunches his nose so hard is dislodges his glasses, “They’re fucking infuriating, honestly.”
“Okay,” Regulus nods. He lightly narrows his eyes, “In a feelings kind of way?”
Harry groans bitterly at that, head tipping back and eyes clamping shut. “I hate being a teenager.”
The corners of his lips tug but Regulus reigns it in quickly enough before Harry sees. He rakes his fingers through his son’s hair instead and pulls him into a fierce forehead kiss.
Harry sighs explosively and simply returns back to the embrace just when James, expression sleep bleary and hair somehow more awful than their sons, shuffles into the kitchen, scratching through the hair on his stomach. They exchange a quick glance once James blinks the situation into consciousness, noticing the violated scratch cards and probably the smell of sweetened milk in the air as well.
“I love you, baby,” Regulus mumbles in a remindful tone, arms squeezing around their son.
Harry’s hair tickles Regulus’ nose when he nods. “I know.”
James drapes himself over Harry’s back, his hands sliding along Regulus waist and down until he can comfortably hook his thumbs into the waistband of Regulus’ sweats. “Love you, Hazza,” his husband mumbles, voice firm despite the sleep clinging to it and his beard scratching against the lining of Harry’s hoodie.
Regulus kisses the crown of his head and then the side of Harry’s.
They make an additional mug for James—with double the amount of honey for his husband because that glorious dad-stomach doesn’t come from just anywhere—and then all pile on the couch, huddled close together under the throw blanket as James puts on Brooklyn99 on Netflix.
Regulus’ arm is numb in a matter of ten minutes and James is back asleep in a matter of five. The soft snoring seems to be great background white noise though because they barely get through one episode when Harry’s breaths start coming slower as well where he’s cuddled into their sides.
He clicks the TV off, sinking deeper into the sofa cushions and when Regulus falls asleep it’s to the sounds of his family and the smell of warm honey and a whiff of smokey bonfire. 
They should make smores tomorrow.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
Wanna play mermaids?
Barbie dolls: jegulus x reader (James, regulus, you)
Words: 3.4k ish
Summary: you and regulus work as mermaids at the renaissance fair and shockingly a lot of dads hit on you guys but what if one of them was hot?????? OH GOD PLEASE RELASE ME I WANT PEACE PLEASE GOD PLEASE
Warnings: your mermaid name is meryn, I personally think mermaid is a gn term but I understand why you wouldn't view it that way I was a mermaid kid so all I did was read books on them so to me personally I just feel like they wouldnt care about gender norms or gendered language BUT I UNDERSTAND so you and regulus are referred to as mermaids but there is no other gendered language, morden au, marylily is real, regulus is trans with stars around his top surgery scars and he's a tad insecure about the scars but it's cool, that's all.
You and your boyfriend, Regulus, loved working at fairs. You both had spent a very long time honing your costumes and characters. So when the biggest fair in your area hired you both, you were giddy. After you hung up, you and Regulus both screamed and jumped around the kitchen, holding onto each other. After waiting and picking at the fine details, the fair had finally opened again.
Every summer for about three months the fair on the outskirts of town was open. People dressed up, fairies, witches, queens, knights, regular old Renaissance peasants, came from all over to join in the festivities. Behind the large, fake, castle gates was a massive amount of care and love. People worked to fill their booths with handmade products. People spoke with old accents, calling out to thou to payeth for a large pretzel with your Chime credit card. You loved it. All the costumes, all the activities, all the love people put in, seeing the joy in children's eyes as they met real life mermaids. Even if it was just you and your  dumbass boyfriend in costume, it was real to them. You were even more excited to go to the one in town, you had seen how their mermaid tank was set up.
For quests they had to find the building with the painted mermaids all over it. It was open concept mostly, as most things at the fair were, no ac, all wood, and still beautiful. The building was mainly there for the gift shop, if the people wanted to see the real mermaids they'd have to follow the small stone path. Through a small arched gate, vines climbing up it, was a small winding garden path. Stunning flowers and vines growing around them as they made their way down the line. Eventually they'd turn the corner and see it. The large tank of water, usually with a mermaid inside. Around the tank were large fake rocks, making it look less like a tank and more like a tiny cave. Inbeaded in the rocks were gold dabloons and seashells. False seaweed twisting around the rocks. It was convincing enough for a child. Then there was another small path that led the guests out of the garden and back to the gift shop.
For the mermaids however, the path was different. You entered in through the gift shop, an employee showing you behind the beaded curtain in the back. Through there you found two doors, both painted teal that was now peeling and dim. Through the door on the left was a bathroom aka changing room. Through the door on the right was a small pool, the half of the tank that wasn't visible to the public. On two of the walls there was a space to walk, sidewalk wide. There were regular old swimming pool steps off in the corner, a lovely space to sit and take a break in your opinion. Then across from the door was an entryway. It started at the bottom of the tank and raised all the way up to just above the water. You entered the tank for the children to see you by getting into the pool and then swimming through the entry. It was most definitely one of the nicer set ups. There was one time where you showed up and found a troft waiting for you.
You and Regulus had gotten dressed, slid into your tails, and flipped yourselves into the pool all within an hour. You still had about thirty minutes to waste before you were needed outside. You had noticed that Regulus was quieter than usual but you just assumed he was tired. It was early in the morning and he was more of a night owl. Though now as you were both sitting on the steps, passing time in silence, you felt worried. You nudged his shoulder with yours. You asked him if he was alright and he seemed to sink. He shrugged. There a moment of silence before be started whispering to you.
"I'm just worried someone might say something." You raised an eyebrow at him.
"About?" Regulus rolled his eyes and gestured at his chest. He had scars, but so did millions of people. Regulus once vented to Sirius about his insecurities over his scars and Sirius offered the solution of tattoos. Of course he would. Regulus took it though. He went and got stars littered around them. Regulus was definitely more confident in them when you were alone or with friends but he always seemed to get a little antsy before working. You shrugged.
"Has anyone said anything before?" You already knew the answer. You just needed to remind him of it. Regulus pinched his lips together, shaking his head. "Then why would anyone say something now? What makes this job any different?" Regulus sighed and dropped his head on your shoulder.
"I have no real merit behind my anxieties." You nodded. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, glad he finally came to a proper conclusion. You slipped off the step, dropping to your shoulders in  the water. Regulus soon joined you. You swam through the opening. The outside part of the tank was much nicer than the inside. It was still early in the morning, the fair opening accnoucment started at 7:40 but no one really entered the fair until 8 ish. If you looked to the side you could see the sunrise. Regulus' head popped up out of the water next to you. You smiled at him. There were two small false rocks with flat tops in the two corners at the front.
You loved how Regulus looked in this lighting. He glanced over at you when he noticed you staring at him. Regulus rolled his eyes and made his way over to the corner across from you. He plopped himself down on the rock and rested his arm over the edge of the tank.
His tail was purple. You were there when he got his inspiration. You and Regulus were shopping for Luna's third birthday present when a little girl ran up to him holding up her Barbie doll. She kept pointing at them both. You saw the similarities instantly. It was a little mermaid doll with short black hair and a purple and blue tail. After her mother came running around the corner apologizing a million times and throwing the girl over her shoulder. Regulus turned to you. You shrugged and looked back to the dinosaurs. Luna was going through a dinosaur phase. She only wanted dinosaurs. Dinosaur chicken nuggets, dinosaur socks, dinosaur cereal, if it wasn't dinosaurs she wasn't having it. Regulus sniffed. You looked over at him. He was wiping at his eyes. You wanted to laugh a little. He was crying over a Barbie. All things considered though you've done the same so you hugged him and cooed.
Now he really was a spitting image of the doll. Your tail was orange. For no other reason than you thought it looked cool. You kept flapping your tail over Regulus'. He looked away from the garden to glare at you. A man in full peasant garb came around the corner, scrolling on his phone. He turned it off and shoved it into his leather pouch attached to his belt. He smiled at you two.
"Hey you guys, I'm John. I'm basically going to be right by you guys at all times if you need anything, if anyone gets weird. And also so I can direct people towards the exit but majority I'm here to support you." You both nodded at John. You shook his hand, introducing yourself and Regulus with both your names and mermaid names. Regulus gave John a short wave before looking back out at the garden.
"Yeah we're already having a line build up out there, your first meeting time is at 8:30, that's when the gate opens. Then the second meeting time starts at 9:30. And then so on and so forth, but after 11:30 that's it until 1:30 so we all have lunch time then." John explain, pulling his phone out the scroll down the schedule. You didn't have the heart to tell him you already knew the schedule.
After Regulus had celebrated with you for the first 5 minutes of finding your new job he was pulling out his laptop and reaserching everything. He took notes. Color coordinated notes. Regulus then helped you memorize everything. From the schedule to the blueprints to the faux accents people put on. He even went over your characters' lore with you again.
However you appreciated John's kindness to explain the schedule to you anyways. So you thanked him. You decided if he didn't run off to have lunch with his other peasant friends you'd find a way to get your lunch outside and eat with John. John notified you when the other workers opened the gate.
Quickly after that the first family was rounding the corner, jumping over the vines. Regulus fixed his posture, sitting up straight and smiling wide at the little boy. He was clutching onto a cloth mermaid doll like it was his lifeline. He squealed when you both waved at him. he was quickly advancing on you two, leaving his loser family behind. He was more interested in Regulus than he was you. The little boy told Regulus his favorite color was actually blue. He also explained siren lore to Regulus. Regulus smiled and nodded along. The boy asked Regulus what his name was. Regulus pressed his finger to his lips before pointing to you.
"His name is Llyrrick." You said, smiling at the boy. He pouted looking back to Regulus. Regulus had quickly realized after your first few jobs, talking to people for that long, masking for that long really, was extremely tiring. So you both adapted. Suddenly Llyrrick just didn't talk and Meryn, you, was talking double time.
"Do you not talk?" The little boy asked, tilting his head to the side at Regulus. Regulus pinched his lips together, shaking his head no. The boy's smile grew, letting out an excited squeal. He quickly ran back to his family, who was standing awkwardly next to the tank. He latched onto what looked to be his older sister. She looked to be only a few years older than him. He dragged her over to Regulus.
"This is my sister, she doesn't talk either. So sometimes I talk for her at restaurants and stuff, like you." He said smiling at you. Regulus smiled brightly, waving at them both. The girl looked more than giddy to meet a mermaid who was like her, her smiling biting back at her cheeks. Regulus held up his finger before flopping himself off his rock seat. He quickly swam back through the opening. Both the kids looked back to you, with sad looks, scared he was running away from them.
"Llyrrick is getting you two presents. Hey do you two where we merfolk keep our money?" They both shook their heads at you. "At the riverbank." You giggled at your own joke, even though you didn't really find it funny. Both the kids chuckled at your joke. You kept running off puns to keep them entertained. Regulus was back in few more seconds. He pulled himself back into his rock seat. Regulus reached into his now soaking cloth bag. It was small but it held a lot of false mermaid coins. Regulus reached into the bag and pulled out two, dropping one in each of the children's hands. You both waved them off as John pointed them to their way out of the garden.
You and Regulus gave each kid a coin before they left. Some of them spent more time talking to you, some talking to Regulus more, and some just stared at you both in silence. As the hours passed you started looking more and more to your lunch. You loved watching the childrens' excitement at seeing real life mermaids, but it was still tiring. Lunch was quickly approaching, you were already at the end of your 11:30 line.
"Sorry, he doesn't know how to flirt. He just kinda stares with his mouth open." She whispered to you, trying not to disturb Harry The Number One Mermaid Fan and Llyrrick's conversation. You shrugged.
The last family was rounding the corner. A small boy and three adults following after him. The boy was in jorts, light up lighting McQueen sneakers, a red shirt with a cartoon mermaid plastered on the front, and glasses too big for his face. He looked to be 7 or so. He was holding onto what was most definitely his father's hand. They looked like carbon copies, even in matching glasses.
Behind them both were two beautiful women.  One was in all green, with long red hair and the other was in as many bright colors you could imagine, her curly hair pulled into two buns. If you didn't already think it was the hottest set of parents you most certainly did now.
The man had a mustache that could truly only be described as a pornstache. Even worse, he made it hot. His muscles were large. You felt sympathy for his tshirt sleeves. You slowly turned your head to stare at Regulus. He gave you the exact 'you seeing this?' look you were giving him. You smiled and turned back to them as they got closer.
The little boy was dragging his father to the edge of your tank, his two mums following behind them. You thought they were the hottest throuple you ever did see. If you were the mirror mirror on the wall and they asked you who was the finest of them all you'd consider death. It'd be easier than picking. The boy smiled at you two as his father froze at the edge of the tank. You said hello to the boy as Regulus waved. He introduced himself as Harry, The Number One Mermaid Fan. You smiled at him. He talked to you both. Regulus gave him encouraging looks. Regulus crossed his arms over the edge of the tank, dropping his chin on his forearms.
You noticed the father was staring at you both. It unfortuently wasn't as uncommon as you wished it was.  A lot of people would stare, most of them making you uncomfortable. You glanced over at him. His jaw was slack and his shoulders slumped, making him look like a child salivating at a candy store window. You stared back, raising an eyebrow at him. The red headed woman came up from behind him, giving you a smile.
"I'm not flirting with your husband. I'm actually just sitting in a tank. Us merfolk don't flirt we give each other seaweed bouquets for courtship." You stated blankly. It wasnt the first time a partner of someone has chewed you out for looking at their loved one. Apperantly an orange fish tail was quite flirtatious.
"Oh gross no. I'm married to her, not him. Anyways just give us a second." She pulled the man away, over toward the other woman. They both gave you a small smile before gripping onto the man's shoulders. You continued to talk to Harry The Number One Mermaid Fan and ignored them entirely. As Harry started to ask Regulus more questions about sea life, all of which Regulus answered, the father came back up to you clutching his phone tightly. He had shinked into himself, looking as small as a buff as shit dude could.
"Excuse me, sorry I don't mean to be irritating, but do you think it's possible I could get both your numbers?" He was muttering so quietly you barely even heard him. You looked over to Regulus. He was already staring at you. Regulus gave you a light nod before answering Harry's question on the economy system with his hands, John stepped over to him, pressing his hand to the father's chest, giving him a light shove.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." John whispered. You reached out and tugged on the edge of John's shirt.
"Thank you, John. It's alright." John looked back at you to check a second time that you were speaking and not clone. You nodded. John looked back to the father, looking him up and down with the stink eye before moving away.
As John shut the exit gate you looked at Regulus. He groaned and slumped lowing into the water. You nodded, understanding completely. Regulus stared at you, you could see his admiration simmering under his gaze. You gave him a knowing look as he continued to slip lower and lower under the surface of the water. You rolled your eyes as his head disappeared under the water before popping up next to you again. Regulus pushed him up next to you on your rock seat, dropping his head on your shoulder and interlocking your elbows.
"Well I can't give you my cell phone number but i can give you my Shell-phone number" Your smile grew as you said your own pun. The man started laughing at your joke as he opened his contacts. You warmed, most people ignored your puns. Who would've thought a dad would enjoy your dad jokes?
You quietly whispered your number and real name to him. He was giddily smiling the whole time, giggling as he entered in the numbers. When you were done you looked over to Regulus, silently asking if he was sure you can gave his number away. Regulus sent you a wink and pulled his hand out from under the water, a shell in his palm.
On occasion, you genuinely wondered if he was a mermaid because you never packed shells but he always had pulled some out from nowhere. You turned back to the man listing off Regulus' number and his real name. The man was bouncing on his heels. He looked to be fighting off the urge to do a jig in celebration.
Just as you were finishing handing off Regulus' number, Regulus was dropping two coins into Harry's hands. The man thanked you a million times before lifting the boy off his feet with ease and throwing him over his shoulder. The boy squealed and laughed as the four of them left. Both of the women sent you two bright smiles.
"He was hot." Regulus whispered against the skin of your wet shoulder.
"Fuck, I know. Jeez Louise." Regulus nodded understanding your exasperation. He gently kissed your shoulder, sitting up. He looked back at John.
"Thanks, John." John stared at Regulus with wide eyes. You looked over your shoulder to smile at John.
"Right well, I'm going to go to pop over to the food court. I'm going to wander around a bit but I'll be back before 1:00, okay?" John said. You both gave him a nod. He left through the garden.
You and Regulus ate lunch in the inside tank. After that you both continued to meet more children and families. As the Fair closed for the day, you were slightly ashamed to say you glad. You and Regulus were out of your tails, not bothering to wipe off the painted scales on your faces. All the guests had left, you both leaned on each other as you left through the faux castle walls. Staying in a pool all day and being exhausted made your legs slightly wobbly.
"Mm bath, dinner, bed?" Regulus muttered, his voice slightly hoarse from not using it all day.
"Would you still love me if I said, A bath is too much energy?" You really weren't sure if you could last another second in water. Regulus hummed.
"Okay, Dinner, stinky bed time?" You nodded against his arm. He dropped a kiss to your forehead as he lead you through the parking lot.
"Glad we got that sorted, now the question is what are we having for dinner?" You groaned at Regulus asking you so many questions.
"Hey maybe that guy from earlier will be up for coming over. I'm entirely positive he won't mind being dinner, he was jumping up and down getting your number." You offered. Thinking about real answers was too hard.
"Really? I was thinking noodles." Regulus muttered, his tone flat. You lifted your head off his shoulder and smiled at him, lightly pecking his cheek.
“Noodles work.” Regulus nodded, pulling you off towards your car.
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marlsswrites · 3 months
Summer camp AU, part 4!!
July 4th <3
Wings - @jegulus-microfic - words: 901
TW: Referenced drug use
First part Previous part
“Are you lot supposed to be doing that?” Regulus snorted as he took a seat next to Barty under a tree near his cabin, Pandora sat with her legs in the water, splashing someone every now and again.
Regulus had a long day, he and James woke up early and took the kids for a tour around the camp. They visited some of the animals, planned some activities, and he nearly got pushed over by a thirteen year old when James convinced him to play tag with everyone. It’s a miracle no one got hurt, it was pure chaos.
Barty had a blunt between his fingers, holding it to his mouth and moving it to Evans.
“Me and Ev have never been caught before.” Pandora spoke slightly dreamily, smiling to the sky. “Plus it’s night, all the kids are asleep
Dorcas shortly followed from the direction Regulus had came from, throwing herself half into Regulus’ lap and half onto Barty.
“Want a hit Dory?” Barty asked, giggling, yes giggling, slightly as Evan stroked his hair.
“I will hit you if you call me that again.” She hissed, swiping the blunt from her friends hand and holding it up to her mouth, releasing a sigh.
Regulus made grabby hands to Dorcas, she passed him the blunt with a smirk as he blew smoke into the air.
“How was your day?” Pandora asked as she skimmed a stone on the river, it going shockingly far with a cheer from Evan.
“Potter was a piss take, as per usual.” Regulus spoke with a shrug. “The kids are decent enough.”
Pandora hummed, waiting a few moments before speaking. “My day was amazing, thanks for asking!” She smiled. “Lily Evans was so-“
“Hot?” Barty and Dorcas asked at the same time.
“Beautiful?” Regulus queried.
“Sweet?” Evan added.
“All three!” She squealed with heart eyes. “Let me finish though.” Her face dropped into a face of curiosity and soft thoughts as she spoke.
The group groaned in unison, there goes the rest of the night.
Regulus wasn’t entirely sure what time it was now, but it had to be late… or early morning. God knows.
The group seemed to get louder and louder as the night went along, Regulus just prayed they didn’t wake any of the kids up or this would be his first and last summer working at the camp.
“Where would you fly if you had wings?” Pandora spoke drearily, now on her back on the grass, her blonde hair splayed everywhere.
“Mars.” Dorcas replied.
“I’d scoop my dad up and drop him into the ocean.” Barty snorted.
Regulus pointed at Barty and nodded vigorously. “Yes, that one, but with both of them.” He spat.
The group talked and laughed, joked and splashed, complained and smoked, until the sound of rustling leaves broke Regulus out of his current trance.
“What the fuck are you lot doing?” The groggy voice of James Potter spoke as Regulus turned around, smiling innocently.
“Oh- hi Reg.” James’ face lit up, something unreadable taking place in his eyes before disappearing quickly.
“What does it look like, Potter?” Barty snapped.
James gave Barty a wary look, his eyes still slightly sleepy and his morning voice cracking as he spoke. Regulus will not be addressing how endearing he finds him right now. “How do you even know my last name?“ He snorted. “You don’t even know me.”
“Oh I know plenty about you, James Potter.” With a threatening tone to his voice, Barty scowled. Taking a step forward into the light, James’ brown skin reflected the slowly dispersing moonlight, that was the main thing that Regulus took high notice to due to his total lack of shirt.
Regulus sat in silence and tore his eyes away from the addictive sight, sipping at one of the cans of beer that Evan brought, despite the fact that his can had been empty of liquid for the past half hour.
“Barty stop being a prick.” Regulus mumbled into the can.
“I actually don’t think it’s physically possible for him to stop, it’s who he is.” Dorcas spoke with a dramatic sigh and a hand to her chest.
Pandora pouted and reached over to give Barty a forehead kiss. “Poor baby.” She tutted.
“Do you know what time it is?” James asked with a twitch of his lips, looking Regulus directly in his slightly bloodshot eyes.
“No.” The five of them spoke.
“Well.” James started. “It’s four in the morning and you lot are obnoxiously loud.”
Regulus scoffed, attempting to stand up but failing and resorted to sitting back down on a tree stump. “Says you.”
“And we,” James pointed to Regulus. “Need to be up early for first aid training tomorrow- well, today.”
Groaning into his hands, Regulus attempted to stand up again, James now rushing towards him and offering him a hand. Normally, Regulus would scowl and hit it away, but his slightly drunken brain just took it and registered how soft it felt.
He really likes holding James Potter’s hand, he thought to himself.
Stumbling forward into James, the brunette caught him and laughed, pushing him back towards the nearby cabin.
He swore he heard his friends laughs and whispers as he held onto James on the way back, but he really didn’t have the energy to question anything right now.
The questioning would come tomorrow, his brain is already fried enough.
Next part
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static-radio-ao3 · 9 months
@jegulus-microfic // january 7 // prompt: headache // words: 451
Regulus taps his foot against the ground, chewing nervously at his lip. “One sec!” Someone calls from inside.
Another moment later, the front door swings open. A man about his age with messy hair and glasses greets him, a kitchen towel slung over his shoulder.
“Hey, I’m Regulus, Harry’s piano teacher,” he says. “Is his dad home?”
“Sorry?” The man asks, not unkindly, eyebrows scrunching a little.
“I’m Regulus?” He tries again. “I teach piano?”
It’s a fairly new gig, Sirius had suggested it after he found himself in need of money after being cut off by his parents. No school would take him on to teach, so he ended up hanging flyers in cafes and miraculously, it had worked. It’s his third student this week, so the nerves are settling a bit, but they come back full force when the man smiles at him.
“Yeah, no, I caught that. Just— You’re looking for Harry’s dad?”
“Yeah, is he home?” Regulus asks, peering over the guy’s shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse inside. When there’s no response, his eyes flit over to the man again who has a playful smirk toying about his lips.
It dawns on Regulus then. “No.”
The man laughs, head thrown back. Regulus swallows. “Oh, this is doing wonders for my ego. I’m James, come on in.”
“You’re kidding,” Regulus mutters as he follows James inside. He is torn between getting a better look at the man and walking straight out the door again.
“I wish I was.” James tosses a wink over his shoulder at Regulus, who feels heat bloom in his cheeks. “I’m not that funny, though.”
“I somehow doubt that. But you’re serious? You’re Harry’s dad? Not his hot older brother or something?” Regulus claps his hand in front of his mouth as soon as the words leave his lips.
He is rewarded with another laugh, though. And strangely, Regulus wants to chase the sound. Cause it. “Keep going, this is really doing it for me.”
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, this sounds like the start of a bad porno." And really, someone should revoke Regulus’ speaking privileges. Should hand him a script with pre-approved lines because why is every word out of his mouth worse than the last?
His face pulls together in something akin to a wince and an apology is on the tip of his tongue, but then James laughs again and a giddy feeling worms its way into Regulus’ veins. But before James can respond, a tiny voice calls from down the hall: "Dad, what's a porno?"
Oh, this job is going to be a headache, he can already tell. Regulus thinks it might be his favorite yet, though.
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ninety-two-bees · 6 months
happy birthday, james potter
jegulus microfic | 861 words | age gap + parenting au
Regulus has never baked a cake before, and he’s not sure why he believed today would be the perfect day to learn. There are already a handful of failed attempts scattered across James’ kitchen. Some of them are…edible, but none of them are perfect. James deserves perfect on his birthday.
Technically Regulus isn’t supposed to be here at all. He’s supposed to be in class while James is at the museum with Harry, but taking one day off to treat his boyfriend on his birthday can’t do any harm, right? The countertops are almost entirely hidden by spilled ingredients and empty packages, but he finds space and perches on the counter with a mixing bowl in his arms.
The last batter was too thick, and this one seems suspiciously too runny, but he has no idea how to fix it. He even went as far as to call Barty and Evan, then Remus and Sirius—all of whom were entirely unhelpful. And now James’ kitchen is a mess.
Before he has a chance to put the next batch of cake mix in the oven, or even think about cleaning up, he hears the front door open and freezes in place. James is home.
Harry makes it to the kitchen first, walking right up to where Regulus is sitting and staring up with that wide bug-eyed stare Regulus has gotten so used to in the past year.
“Hi, buddy. Where’s your dad?” he asks, climbing off the countertop and swapping the mixing bowl out to pick Harry up instead. When Harry points over Regulus’ shoulder, he freezes up all over again.
“Please don’t be mad,” he begs softly, not daring to turn around to face James. His boyfriend has never been angry with him before, but there’s a first time for everything, right? And knowing Regulus’ luck, he has probably ruined James’ entire birthday.
James doesn’t say anything, but only a moment passes before Regulus feels familiar arms around his waist and a comforting chest against his back. He leans into James’ embrace instantly, struggling to fight off a smile as Harry wraps his arms around him too. This is his favourite place to be—in the arms of his family.
“Why would I be mad, baby?” James mumbles, pressing a kiss to the top of Regulus’ head. “You made cake!”
“I made a mess,” Regulus points out with a soft laugh.
One of the agreements within their relationship is that Regulus isn’t allowed to spend money on James until he finishes his degree and goes back to working full-time. It’s done wonders for the health of the bond between them, but Regulus still wanted to offer James something as a gift.
“Harry has made worse messes with much less time. We can clean it up together,” James insists. He lets go of Regulus as Regulus lowers Harry to the ground, and the two of them—three, if he counts Harry “helping”—make quick work of the baking disaster.
Hours pass, all of which Regulus spends no more than a few feet away from James. They decorate the house together for his birthday, drop Harry off with his grandparents for the night, and kill the last bit of time before the party breaking in James’ new mattress.
“You really are getting old, you know.” Regulus has taken to straddling James’ lap on the living room couch despite the dozens of party guests around them. No matter how popular James is, Regulus knows he will always be at the centre of his boyfriend’s world. It’s as if the rest of the party doesn’t exist.
“I’m still a couple of years off forty! I’ve still got some youth left in me,” James argues. “And in fifteen years, when you’re this age, you’ll be saying the exact same thing.”
With laughter spilling from his lips, Regulus drops his head onto James’ chest, allowing James to wrap his arms around him in a warm embrace. If anyone is judging them for the blatant PDA, they don’t say anything
“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you anything for your birthday,” he mumbles against James’ neck, eyes fluttering shut as James’ fingers trail up and down the length of his spine.
They had to throw out all of the cakes Regulus attempted to make, and ended up buying one at the nearest supermarket instead. James had insisted that it’s the thought that counts, but Regulus still wishes he had done more.
“There is…one thing you could give me, but it’s entirely up to you.” Regulus lifts his head again, gazing at James with intense curiosity. “Move in with me.”
A moment passes between them, and Regulus is certain his heart beats twice as fast as it ever has before.
“You really mean it?” he whispers, voice laced with trembling disbelief.
“I really mean it,” James promises.
Another moment passes. And then; “Absolutely. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
One of James’ hands comes up to hold the back of Regulus’ head, and then they’re kissing. It must look as intense as it feels, because someone whistles and a few people laugh just before they pull apart, breathless.
“Happy birthday, Jamie.”
this microfic is based on james and regulus in be good to me (i beg of him) because i missed them <3
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birdieardley · 3 days
"Wolfstar angst", "Jegulus angst", can we talk about the Rosekiller angst??
Barty's only goal is to piss off his father so he joins the death eater as soon as he can. Evan follows him because the only thing he wants is to be with Barty, wherever that means. Barty knew that Evan did not desire to be a death eater but his conflict with his dad and the abuse is all he's thinking about, and then Evan died. Evan died, killed, trying to protect him. And now, Barty spends the rest of his life alone, in Azkaban and under his father's abuse again, believing he killed the love of his life, all of it because he couldn't love Evan more than he hated his father.
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3473-warrior · 11 days
Frozen - September 9 - Jegulus dads - @stag-microfic - word count: 626
“James! Harry! I’m home!” Regulus called entering their small home. The quiet of the house confused him. “Chéri? Petit soleil?” Regulus furrowed his eyebrows and entered the kitchen. Flipping the tea kettle on, he saw a note sitting on the island.
Went to the park, we’ll be back by 4:45
Love James + Harry
Regulus smiled at the little note and pulled out three mugs. Knowing James and Harry they would probably be back in about 5 minutes with the cold outside. Shuffling through the small pile of mail, Regulus glanced up when the sound of laughter rang through the opening front door. Heading into the living room, Regulus laughed when Harry came running around the corner bundled in snow clothes.
“Papa!” Regulus grunted when Harry jumped into his arms.
“Did you have fun at the park, beau soleil?”
“Yup! Daddy took me to the one with all the big slides, and I made a new friend!”
“Did you?”
“Yup, his name is Ron, and we played monsters!”
“Oh! That’s always a fun game. Now, why don’t you change into some warm pajamas, and then, we can sit down and watch a movie with some dinner and hot cocoa?”
“Yay! Hot cocoa!” Regulus set Harry down, and he took off towards his room. Rounding the corner into the entrance hallway, James is flushed and rubbing his hands together.
“So, did you bundle up just as much as your son, or should I expect for you to push your freezing hands up my shirt if I come to hug you?” James chuckles as he looks up.
“I definitely didn’t wear enough clothes, and I most definitely will shove my hands up your shirt if you decide to hug me.” Regulus hums but walks forward anyway.
“Merlin,” Regulus exclaims after he grabs James’ hands, “You’re practically frozen to death!”
“Yeah, I definitely didn’t wear enough clothes this time.”
“Come on, you big oaf. Let’s get you warm.”
“Yeah, okay.” James shrugged out of his shoes and jacket before following Regulus to the living room. “I’m sorry for not dressing warmer.” Regulus huffed a laugh while re-entering the room.
“I’m not mad at you, chéri.”
“But we’ve talked about this before. I said I wouldn’t do it again.”
“James, love, I know. You don’t think about this kind of thing until you’re already cold or hungry or something along those lines. I’ll still love you through it. Every time. I promise.”
“Until this kind of thing gets me hurt.”
“Then we’ll deal with it, together, like we always do.” Regulus grasps James’ hands. “What’s really bugging you about this? You know that I don’t mind the ADHD. I never have.”
“What if I hurt Harry because of it?”
“Oh, James,” Regulus breathes, “you wouldn’t.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because your paternal instinct is stronger than anything else in your brain. It’s normal to feel like this. You have before and you will again. That’s a part of life.”
“I just don’t want to hurt him because of it.”
“You won’t.”
“Papa, Daddy! Did you start on hot cocoa without me?” Harry’s aghast question breaks the slightly solemn atmosphere in the living room. Regulus and James chuckle before pulling Harry up onto the couch with them.
“Never, petit soleil. That would be a great dishonor.”
“Good. Now, I want to watch Zootopia. Can we watch Zootopia?”
“Of course, we can, calabaza.”
“I’m going to get started on dinner.” Regulus dropped a kiss to Harry’s forehead before standing. “Are you okay with that, chéri?”
“Mmm, oh, yeah,” James hums hesitantly. Regulus gently cups his face and examines him softly. “You’re only a few feet away. I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Regulus gently kisses James’ forehead before going to start on dinner.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 12 - Challenge
@jegulus-microfic June 12, Word count 871
Previous part First part
Regulus watched James dart out of the room, Effie Potter’s voice still shouting down the phone as he shut the door. 
“Mum, Mum, I’m sorry… Yes, I know it was stupid and I promised… Dad, tell her… Mum, please… Fine.” James came bursting back into the living room. He thrust his phone at Regulus and Regulus automatically took it. He stared in horror at the device. Slowly, he put it to his ear. 
“Hello?” His voice was crackly, so he cleared it as best he could. 
“Oh Regulus, darling is that you?” Effie asked sweetly. 
“Yes, Mrs Potter,” He answered.
“Now, don’t you start that, it’s Effie or when you’re ready, mum. If you call me Mrs Potter, again, Regulus, we’re going to fall out.”
“Sorry Mrs Pot—Effie,” His brain was freezing over. He couldn’t think properly. 
“Is my James behaving himself?”
“Yes, Effie.”
“Good. Now, do you think your brother and Remus, of course, would like to join us for dinner tomorrow evening?” Regulus felt his stomach sink. She wanted to ask his brother? Second best yet again. 
“Sirius, James’s mum wants to know if you and Remus want to go over to theirs tomorrow for dinner?” Even to him, his voice sounded hurt. Sirius jumped up and grabbed the phone from Regulus’s hand. 
“Effie, it’s Sirius… Yes, we’d love to… Oh, anything, put it on a plate, and we’ll eat it…” Regulus blocked out his brother’s voice. James was hovering over Sirius, trying to get his phone back, and Remus was laughing at whatever Sirius had said. They all seemed so happy. Regulus got up and left the room. No one stopped him. 
He disappeared through the back door, into the garden. The house had one of those secret gardens, where the front of the house looked like it should only have a concrete yard area out the back, but in reality, it had an expansive garden.  
He opened the ancient greenhouse. It was huge, all metal and glass. The roof had little spiked spires on top that Regulus had always admired. He carefully shut the door and observed the dormant plants. There was nothing for him to do really, not until the spring. That was when the real challenge started; keeping on top of seed trays, watering, and pruning. It was a full-time job in itself with the amount of plants Regulus had and kept adding to his collection. He watered a few of the pots that were looking dry. He looked up as the hinges creaked as someone opened the door. 
James stood there looking confused.
“Hey, love, where’d you go?” He didn’t move towards Regulus and let him get on with what he was doing. Regulus was glad of this as he could feel the tears coming, and he didn’t want to cry in front of James, not now. 
“My plants needed water.” He said, his voice thankfully not betraying him. 
“You just disappeared.” James pushed. Regulus had no idea what to say, so he opened the metal cabinet that held his tools and seeds for next year and other bits and bobs that he didn’t want lying around. He busied himself making a list of the seeds he had and what he needed. He then checked that he had enough seed trays. “Regulus, what happened? Did my mum say something to upset you?” Regulus felt his jaw quiver, and he clamped down, trying to stop it. “Reg?” James’s voice was so quiet and scared for him that Regulus couldn’t hold the tears back any more. They slid down his cheeks and dripped onto the dusty stone slabs beneath his feet.
“She invited Sirius to dinner,” He whispered, any louder and his voice would get stuck on the words. 
“Yeah, so?” James said, not seeing the problem. Regulus spun around and snapped at James.
“She invited him and not me. How do you think that makes me feel? That my own boyfriend’s mother would rather have my brother over for dinner before she invites me? Always second choice.” His voice broke as his heart bled. James burst into laughter. 
“No, no, sorry,” James held up his hands when Regulus glared at him. “No, she was asking if Sirius and Remus would like to have dinner with us. Us, as in mum, dad, me and you. You were always going to be there, love.” James looked sheepish. “I was meant to ask you and I forgot,” Regulus took a deep breath, trying to settle his nerves. He’d been invited. Sirius was just an afterthought. Effie hadn’t asked him because he was already supposed to know he was coming. 
“Forgetting important things seems to be a recurring problem for you, doesn’t it?” He asked, folding his arms across his chest and cocking an eyebrow at James. James strode forward and wrapped his arms around Regulus, pulling him in close and holding him tight. 
“That’s why I need you, love. Mum asked for your number, so you can order me around. Hope that’s okay.” Regulus leaned back, so he could see James’s face. 
“Hmmm, I think I could get on board with that.” James grinned down at him and caught his lips with his own, kissing him deeply. 
Next part
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sebbianas · 1 year
fuck it parent trap jegulus au
jegulus having twin girls named aurora jamie and selene leona their nicknames are rory and sel
after the divorce regulus and rory went to france and james and sel stayed in london
sirius, the annoying uncle he is, decided he wants to be in both the girls life and he doesnt care about jegulus’ drama so every summer he gets to have the twins but during separate days
how it works is rory is with sirius the week when summer starts and sel the week before summer ends
(rory goes to beauxbatons and sel goes to hogwarts she’s a slytherin lol)
one summer when sirius was busy both at the start and end of summer (he’s a freelance artist his sched is hectic) he ends up planning the twin’s visit at the same time (he refuses to have to give up one or the other he wants to see them both because he’s loves them)
when the twins met they immediately clicked and pestered sirius for all the details about their family and sirius, the weakman he is when it comes to his nieces, told them everything
sirius never really understood jegulus’ reason for divorce has always wanted to fix their shit for them or at least get them to see each other again because he knows they still love each other
taking advantage of the situation he with the twins planned to get them back together
the plan involves getting james and regulus into his house (he usually travel with the twins to bring them home to their parent)
he started with regulus and he threatened to keep rory in his house forever if regulus doesnt come and pick is daughter up (and regulus promptly replied “sirius we dont need another black kidnapping drama just give me back my daughter you mother—” eventually he let up and said he’ll arrange for an international floo
james was relatively easier all sirius had to do was pout and beg him to come pick his daughter up and that he misses him dearly and james was already packing his back
james arrived before regulus and they didnt need any dramatics and sirius just let the twins greet him and when james saw rory he immediately pulled her into his arms and cried goes on and on about how beautiful she is and he cant believe she has a french accent and is fluent in french (then he hugged sel and proceeded to tell her how proud he is of her scheming)
regulus they decided needed to be prepared so when he flood into sirius house the person that greeted him was just rory
as soon as he settled in rory told him she made a friend and regulus just smiled and said thats wonderful mon cheri and rory just smiled and goes do you want to meet her and regulus nodded of course and almost had a heart attack when his daughter’s new friend looks exactly like her
he freezes and then let out a soft “sel, my darling, my baby” and then he pulls her into his arms and holds her and he pulled rory into the hug as well and he cries because its his girls and he never thought he’ll see them together and he loves them so much and the memory of buying two of everything he buys for rory because he wanted to buy things for sel even if he knew she’ll never get it
and then as he holds him he tells them he’ll do everything to make sure they’ll see each other again and make arrangements with james so he could get to know sel and make sure he’s part of her life again
and rory goes “thats good dad’s here”
and he looks up and there leaning on the doorframe is james potter looking as handsome as ever and all the walls he had built around his heart just breaks he knows he was still hopelessly in love with james
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stormygrievances · 8 months
@jegulus-microfic February 1st, shower, 253 words
“Harry, that’s it. You’re going in the shower, like it or not,” Regulus reprimands, scooping the crying child up from the floor and propping him on his waist.
He has the same struggle with this little demon every single day. No exceptions. It’s like Harry’s allergic to water, honestly. Their neighbors must think they’re torturing their child by the way he screams. It’s a miracle he hasn’t been reported to child services so far.
Harry puts up quite a fight for a toddler his size, tugging harshly on Regulus’ curls and pushing him away with all the strength his little body can muster. “Harry. Stop,” he scolds, again.
They hear the front door unlock, James striding into the living room whistling a little tune and calling out to them. “Where is the love of my life…” he sing-songs. “And my husband?”
Harry, ever the traitor, squeals with glee at the sound of his Dad’s voice. “Papa, Papa, put me down!”
Not in the mood for another screaming match, Regulus puts Harry down, who wobbles his way over to James, making grabby hands at him. Regulus’ heart melts at the picture, but then he remembers he’s still angry with their toddler. “Funny as always, Jamie. Want to know what your son did today?”
“Oh, so he’s my son now? I’ll keep that in mind when you want his midnight cuddles,” James teases, winking over at his husband.
Regulus sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. “He doesn’t want to go in the shower, again.”
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