#daily pop quiz
cutest Poptropica character
Ishmael :)
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Ishmael compilation
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therileyandkimmyshow · 7 months
Video Invite To Our Daily Positive Podcast
#video invite to our #free #daily #positive #talk and great memories #nostalgia based #podcast Our #podcasts offer uplifting conversation void of negativity/hate. Please listen to our daily podcast for escapism with uplifting discussion...memories & #trivia https://youtu.be/vF5W74WWDZQ
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cupidsdolll · 2 months
The Feeling Came Late
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Chapter One: When You’re Young, They Assume You Know Nothing
pairings: grumpy!college student!Harry x fem! sunshine!reader
summary: Harry hates Y/N, it seems like it's been like that forever. He's quick to insult and correct her even when she's right, he's just always been the only one to pick on her no matter what she does. She doesn't understand why it's like this between them or what she did to make him dislike her so much, but what if it's all just a lie?
overall warnings: slow burn, eventual smut, sexual tension, kind of enemies to lovers, angst, alcohol consumption and drug mentions, foul language, Harry is a major asshole in this tbh, heavy on the grumpy x sunshine in this.
chapter 1/? (wc: 3.3k)
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Y/N's always loved mornings, she loves being able to wake and watch the sun rise. She loves being able to listen to nature's song, the birds chirping, the different buzzing and humming of the insects and the various sounds of all the animals that stay around her house. She always wakes with a bright smile on her face and enthusiasm to start her day, she'll turn on her favorite playlist and sing along as she begins to start her day.
Y/N didn’t love this morning though, it started out differently than her normal morning started. It was different because she had stayed up much later than she should have trying to get some last minute studying in for a pop quiz, which caused her to wake with a slight frown and a loud huff as she shuts off the blaring beep coming from her alarm clock.
"I get it, I'm up. Now shut up." She mumbles as she tiredly rubs her eyes and sits up; she grabs the various sheets of paper strewn across the bottom half of her bed and stacks them as neatly as she can in a hurry on the wooden nightstand next to her bed. She sighs as she stretches her arms over her head and leans back some, feeling only slightly better as she feels her body loosening up.
She makes her bed, tucking the thick blanket underneath all of her pillows and making sure there's no wrinkles anywhere before grabbing her phone and clicking on the 'Music' app and clicking her morning playlist. She smiles as her favorite song begins to play as she walks over to her closet to pick out her outfit for the day. After several minutes of aimlessly searching through her clothes she settles on a knitted sweater, a brown tartan skirt, some white open toe sandals and a white tote bag.
She heads into her en suite bathroom and sets her outfit on the gray granite countertops before turning on the faucet and letting the water warm up. She hums along to the current song playing as she splashes the warm water on her face and dries her face slightly. She grabs her face wash and begins to do her daily morning routine, the small feeling of normalcy making her feel better already.
Once she's dressed, done her makeup and in a somewhat better mood, she heads into the kitchen while singing along to another one of her favorite songs and begins to grab a banana and some leftover oatmeal from the fridge. Making her way to the small dining room table, she sighs happily and sets the oatmeal down and begins to peel the banana and break it into small uneven pieces to eat in her oatmeal.
After eating everything, she washes the bowl and sits in the dish rack placed next to the sink and grabs her purse and her phone, putting all her essentials in the bag and walking to the front door. Smiling as she shuts off the living room light and closes the door behind her, she begins to make her way to the front of her apartment complex and towards the small bike rack, filled with various bikes of all sizes and colors.
- - - -
It takes her roughly less than twenty minutes when she reaches her university and sighs as she hops off her bike and ties it to the bike rack in front of her school. As she makes her way into the school, she stops as she notices a few new flowers on the side of the steps. As she makes her way over, she can feel her smile growing, the flowers are absolutely beautiful. They're a beautiful shade of pink carnations, the bright color popping against the stark bricks of the stairs and she quickly takes her phone as she snaps a picture of them.
"Leave it to the professionals, and move out my way." She hears a voice coming from somewhere behind her, she recognizes this voice. She could pick it out in a crowd and not because she likes it, but because it’s one of the only ones that can upset her. This voice throws out insults and mocks her, jeers at her for seemingly no reason, the one voice that she’ll never understand why it hates her so much.
She turns around with a frown already set on her face at the voice behind her. His long brown hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, a cotton white t-shirt paired with a pair of light wash denim jeans and a black leather jacket. His signature smirk is plastered on his face as two of his friends laugh and pat him on the back, he’s making his way towards her. For as long as she can remember she and Harry have been at each other's throats or more like he's been dead set on giving her absolute hell since the end of their high school while she ignores him.
"Shouldn't you be getting to class anyways, miss goody two shoes?" He asks and snickers as he purposely bumps into her shoulder as he passes as if there’s not plenty of room for him to walk, her frown deepens as she messes with her bag and makes her way to the entrance door. Just before she opens the door, she turns around and gives him a glare, a small smile slowly beginning to take over the frown.
"Oh you’re one to talk, Styles. At least, I’m not the one failing English! " She yells back before quickly walking in the door and heading to her first class of the day.
While she loves her classes, loves interacting with the teacher and adding her input in group discussions, the lack of her normal amount of sleep makes her brain unfocused and easily distracted. Her eyes flit across the room with every sound that occurs, she can't seem to sit still. She's fidgety, her hands play with the pen in her hands as if she's not supposed to be taking notes right now. She wishes she could be focused enough to take even the bare minimum of the notes on the board, she can't stay focused on anything for long before her attention is grabbed by something new.
Time seems to fly as she looks down at her bare page in the notebook; nothing written on it beside the title of her notes and she sighs. Quietly she leans over and asks the girl behind her if she can take a picture of her notes after class, she thanks her when the girl nods before going back to writing on her own paper.
A knock on the door grabs her attention as well as the sound of her fellow classmates whispering amongst each other, the scratching of the pencil of the girl next to her, and she watches the teacher make her way to the door. The clicking of her heels echo in the small classroom and finally her hand reaches for the door knob, the teacher begins to twist it and pull the door open. She can hear him before she sees him, his voice carrying through as he speaks.
"Mornin' Liz. How's my favorite girl?" She watches as the teacher rolls her eyes and swats his arm as he goes to give her a hug.
"You're late Mr. Styles. Have a seat." She says as she makes her way back to her desk and Harry chuckles as he opens the door fully, his emerald eyes scanning the room.
The only available seat is next to Y/N and he scowls. Briskly walking over to someone at the table furthest from her and asking to switch seats quietly, they shake their head and he sighs. He walks over to another table and asks to switch and in response he gets another no. Frowning, he walks over to Y/N's table and grabs the chair and moves it as far away as he can, mumbling a few words under his breath as he sits down.
Not bothering to pay attention, he lays his head down on the desk and closes his eyes. Allowing the outside noise to become faint murmurs, he bounces his leg quickly as he begins to drift to sleep.
"Can you stop please? You're shaking the table?" He huffs and rolls his eyes as he lifts his head.
"S'not bothering you." He says and she shakes her head gently.
"I'm trying to take notes." He scoffs as she points to her notebook.
"That doesn’t have shit to do with me though, does it? Gotta make sure you pass the exams, right? M'surprised you don't have it all memorized." He says dryly and lays his head back down. He can hear her sigh and the crinkling of the paper as she moves over some towards the opposite end of the table. He snickers softly to himself before closing his eyes once more.
He wakes up to the feeling of someone shaking his shoulder, it's soft, small and gentle as it shakes him. He groans as he sits up and stretches his arms over his head. When he turns he sees her standing next to him, her side of the desk cleaned up and the room’s silent.
"The fuck do you want?" He mumbles and frowns, he's never been on to be happy whenever he wakes up, especially grumpy because it’s her waking him up.
"Class is over, just figured you'd want to head wherever you need to go." She says, her voice soft and sweet and he frowns once more.
"Sure." He stands up and moves the chair back to its original position. He barely catches the sight of a small frown etched on her face before she leaves, he waits a couple of minutes before he's heading out the door and onto his next class. He doesn't care that she's upset, she lives in her own world and doesn't seem to grasp the fact that not everyone's as nice as she is or was raised with such manners, it's not his problem.
On the way to his next class, he hears his name being yelled from behind him. He turns around and sees the principal yelling and jogging his way.
"Harry! A moment please?!" He yells and Harry frowns. He knows what he wants to talk about, it can only mean one of two things, it's either his failed midterm or be found out that it's him graffitiing the various parts of the school walls and parking lots. He doubts that he knows about the graffitiing so it has to be the exam, and he just doesn’t want to talk about the exam with him at this point.
He shakes his head as he begins to walk opposite of the voice calling his name. He's never been one to care about time and his grades so he waits until the last minute and does just enough work for him to be at a D level.
"Harry Styles!" The voice booms and he huffs before turning around and grumpily begins the short trek to the principal.
"Yeah?" He says and crosses his arms, the principal nods shortly before asking Harry to follow him.
As Harry follows the older man into his office, he grumbles the whole time about how unfair and stupid all of this is. Passing by all the lockers and the small gaggle of students littering the halls as he walks, head held high and confidence is his walk because he can't be seen being embarrassed. It'd be the end of the world if that were to happen, not that he’s embarrassed about this in any way. He’s not.
When the principal opens the tall wooden door leading to his office, he steps aside to let Harry in and smiles as Harry mumbles a rough thank you in response. Harry immediately frowns when he sees the figure sitting in a chair in front of the desk, her fingers messing with her bag and her eyes seeming to stare a hole in the desk. Sitting behind his dark oak desk and opening up his laptop, the sound of clicking filling the room as he types.
"So, Harry, you know why I brought you here?" The older man asks and Harry nods.
"Think so, s'about the midterm right? And if so, I have some words. Knapick's crazy if she thinks that test was anywhere near suitable to give to us. I suggest you look into that." Harry says and the principal shakes his head, Y/N only lets out a soft scoff as if she doesn’t believe him.
The principal leans back and adjusts his glasses as he stares at Harry.
"No, Harry. It's just you I believe. Almost everyone else passed the exam with at least a C average if not better." Harry frowns at that and shakes his head.
"No way, the test is rigged I tell you. I knew Knapick never liked me. She's trying to fail me Oscar."
"No, you barely did effort. And if you wanna be able to graduate on time, I suggest you get a tutor." The principal says and Harry's frown deepens.
"No way."
"Yes, Harry. I'm serious. I'm trying to help. I can give you a list of our best tutors in the school but it’d be pointless on both of our parts, we both know you won’t take this seriously or you’ll just find a way to get them to give you the answers. I don’t want you wasting their time.
Harry shakes his head furiously, the ponytail slowly beginning to slip from the elastic's hold causing a few of his curls to frame his face.
"It's either you get the help you need or you're gonna be repeating, and I know you don’t want to ruin your little reputation by having to repeat." Harry huffs and rolls his eyes once more.
“I guess.” Harry says and the principal nods.
“Great! That’s where you come in Y/N. I know you’re real patient and won't fall for your game, Styles."
"No game. I just have the charm the ladies want, Oscar." Harry says and smirks - only briefly though, he absolutely hates the idea of spending any time with her; just being here in the same room for this short period of time is excruciating and annoying.
"But I don't want her, give me someone else."
"I'll see what I can do but I think she would be best. She’s already here, I don’t want to have to waste her time and I'm sure she works fast."
Y/N only sighs, it’s quiet and barely noticeable if Harry wasn’t already trying to stare a hole into her head.
“I can tutor him, sir. Only if he wants me to, which we all know he doesn’t.” She says and Harry huffs obnoxiously loud as he uncrosses his arms.
"She makes me want to tug my hair out." Y/N laughs to herself at this and Harry frowns again, he didn’t say anything funny.
"I’m sure she knows that. Have a good day Harry." Harry grumpily walks out of the office as fast as he can, eager to get away from her and her annoying voice, her eagerness to help, her unwavering kindness, and heads to his next class. He hears her calling after him, he doesn’t care about whatever she has to say. He hates the fact that he has to spend time with her, listen to her annoying voice and that he has to learn from her. He’s already late of course so once he’s out of the office and doesn’t have to worry about her chasing him down he slows down, walks slowly because quite frankly he doesn’t care about this class. His thoughts become a chant of how much Y/N annoys him and why she has to be so smart. If he had to be paired with her, he'd make it the worst tutor session ever. He's really gonna make her life hell, and he’s really gonna have the best time doing so.
Harry doesn’t share many classes with Y/N thankfully, but he absolutely loathes the few classes he does share with her. He hates watching her take notes in her stupid notebook, and listening to her answer any questions the teacher has and adding her own input or asking a question about whatever the teacher is talking about. When he walks into his next class, about ten minutes late because of his purposefully slow walking and sees her sitting in the front row with her notebook about and all of her colored pens and pencil laid onto her desk he immediately frowns.
Her presence just irritates him to no end, having to watch her be on top of her game all the time just doesn’t make sense to him. He doesn’t get how she’s able to do it all without wavering or failing. Either way, it just fucking irritates him. He walks to his seat towards the middle, the teacher refuses to let him sit in the back because he won’t do anything other than be on his phone. He can feel her gaze on him which only frustrates him more so he stares straight ahead, purposefully ignoring her. There’s nothing for them to talk about anymore, he just needs to get what he needs from her with no other complications or distractions.
The class drags by slowly and Harry still can't seem to shake the feeling of her eyes on him, so he just lays his head onto his desk in hopes that it’ll make the time go by faster. He can’t help but to bounce his leg as the teacher drones on about something related to History he thinks, and quite frankly he just doesn’t care. He just wants to be done, to be out of the room. He knows that he could easily just walk out and be done with this class for the day, but that won’t do him any good. He’s going to have to come back and grab his assignments if he’s assigned any and he’s going to have to come back tomorrow and suffer through.
Finally the teacher dismisses the class for the day and Harry’s one of the first ones out, or he would be one of the first one’s out if Y/N hadn’t called his name and caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder. He jerks it off roughly and turns around.
“Leave me alone. It’s bad enough that I’m going to have to deal with you for God knows how long with these stupid tutoring sessions, make both of lives easier and just fucking write down the answers to anything and give it to me.” He says, ready for this encounter to be over with. She shakes her head firmly, a frown beginning to form on her face.
“I agreed to tutor you, I’m not just going to give out the answers. I need your number so I can communicate with you,” She says with a roll of her eyes and Harry can’t help but to feel a small sense of pride and enjoyment at irritating her, to be the reason she frowns and rolls her eyes.
“You don’t need my number, just give me the answers and all of this will be done and over with. I’m not giving it to you anyways.” He says with a huff, here she goes again wanting to fix him. She wants to help him and allows her kindness to seep through even though he’s the last one she should be treating with kindness, he doesn’t want her kindness. She huffs once again and Harry can only smile briefly before he remembers why they’re even having a conversation to begin with.
“Fine, be stubborn if you want to. I’m not going to allow you to stress me out.” She says and walks past him, and because he takes joy in annoying her he makes sure to walk along with her only to bump into her before laughing and turning around.
He’s definitely going to have a lot of fun with this.
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urfavstargirl1 · 2 years
Here’s a little prompt ig you can call it for you Eddie fluff buttttt Eddie is crushing on shy!reader? Idk if that helps with ideas but yea :)
hey anon, don't think I forgot about you babe. still in the mood for fluff but finally found the time to write
"Psst," Eddie hisses from the desk next to you.
You look at him from the corner of your eye, turning your head slightly to the other side.
“Hey," he gently taps your desk, giving you no other choice than to nervously peer up at him, "Do you have a pencil I could borrow?”
Borrow. No amount of stars in his eyes or sweetness in his smile could distract from the fact that this would be the fourth pencil in a row he’s borrowed this week.
You almost want to say something, but it’s not worth the trouble. Why make a big deal out of something as small as a pencil?
“Please,” he whispers as the person in front of him passes a stack of papers to him.
You reluctantly oblige. You always have a stash of pencils in your bag. Eddie seems to have observed as much and was poised to use it to his advantage.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. At least that’s what your parents always said.
So, of course, you were always prepared for anything. Having a backpack with extra pencils, a sharpener, mini first aid kit, period products, hair ties, and even a snack or two has come in handier more often than you'd like to admit.
It always astonishes you to see people like Eddie who don't seem to be prepared for anything. At least not that you could see in class.
However, it was just your luck that Eddie Munson would be the one to identify this fact of yours, thanks to the stupid seating chart Ms. O’Donnell had in class forcing Eddie sit to right next to you.
You almost resented her for it. Teachers were always sitting the bad kids or the loud kids next to you, hoping your shy and quiet demeanor would somehow cancel theirs out like some stupid pemdas math equation.
But no, that was not how the laws of the universe worked. Sitting next to Eddie didn't make a difference in his behavior, much to Ms. O'Donnell's dismay.
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver,” Eddie grinned at you, making your eyes widen and heart constrict in your chest. And perhaps that was one of the few plus sides, not nearly enough to counteract the many downsides to sitting next to Eddie: that thing you couldn't quite put your finger on.
Some could call it charm. Others might call it charisma. You weren't sure what to call it. But all you knew was that before this class, you wouldn't have given much thought to Eddie. If you saw him in the hall, you would either not notice him completely or if you did, you probably wouldn't get any goosebumps or an alarmingly high pulse like you do now.
Whenever he smiled at your or talked to you, even about something as simple as borrowing a pencil, he always said it like you were special, and his smile or words were for you and you only.
No one had ever made you feel that way before.
You could barely admit to yourself how much you liked your minute daily interactions with Eddie, let alone tell him.
So like always, you turned your attention forward, failing to ignore that thump thump, thump thump feeling of your heart beat somehow louder or maybe just faster as a result of that stupid smile and tried desperately to ignore the feeling and instead, get to work on your pop quiz.
After you've turned in your pop quiz, waited a mind-numbingly boring amount of minutes between the quiz and the end of class, the bell rings.
The sound of the tinkly metal chime brings you back to life. You organize your things in your bag and get up from your desk.
From the corner of your eye, you see Eddie barely finishing up with his quiz.
Just like yesterday and the day before, you know he's not going to give you your pencil back. For all you know, he'll need it for his other classes. Which makes you wonder how he survived the periods before yours.
But for now, you're just relieved class is over and you can enjoy a much needed break at lunch.
You make your way to the door of the classroom and exit into the hall, thrust into the sea of students making their daily migration to the cafeteria. Before you can even make it to the end of the hall, Eddie catches up to you.
"Hey neighbor," a deep voice reverberates behind you and suddenly, a warm shoulder lightly presses into yours.
You turn your head to the side of the offender and find a wild head of frizzy tousled waves framing the face of none other than Eddie Munson.
Your eyes widen and lips part. Your expression frozen as you process the fact that Eddie is currently standing next to you, and closely enough that you can feel the warmth of his body.
"H-Hi," you say as more of a question than a greeting.
"I believe this belongs to you," he says as though he's handing you some sort of precious gem despite only the wooden pencil being offered from his rough ring clad hand.
"O-oh. Thanks," you say in bewilderment, slowly accepting the pencil from him.
He smiles at you again and it that same heart-wrenching smile that just makes you want to faint into his arms.
"I should be the one thanking you. Can't army crawl my way to a D without the proper equipment," he jokes.
You smile and awkwardly laugh, instantly feeling guilt about being so annoyed by lending him a pencil when he's obviously struggling in class.
You settle into a silence. Something you're usually comfortable with, but as you've somewhat gotten to know Eddie in class, realize he may just be the opposite.
"So, you don't really talk much, huh?" Eddie ask as you both continue walking to the cafeteria.
You guess you and Eddie are walking to lunch together now.
You shrug at his question. This isn't the first time someone has asked you this and it definitely won't be the last. "What's there to say?"
"Lot of things," Eddie shrugs and smiles at you.
How can you talk, when Eddie's stupid smiles send you into a mental frenzy, preventing any sort of coherent speech.
You shake your head and try to find the right words, something you seem especially to have trouble with around Eddie.
"I don't know. Talking's overrated. You can learn way more about a person by listening."
"Gotcha," Eddie nods, "So what have you learned about me?"
"That you never come to class prepared," you say without even thinking.
As soon as the words come out of your mouth, you wish they hadn't. Instantly feeling remorse and embarrassment at the fact that the filter you are usually good at using when speaking to anyone besides your friends has somehow seemed to disappear in the presence of Eddie Munson.
Meanwhile Eddie is doubled over laughing at your blatant response.
"I'm sorry. What I meant was-"
Eddie places a hand on your shoulder and smiles at you with both his mouth and his eyes, "Don't be. It's true."
You face forward and nod, already feeling a warmth crawl to your cheeks.
"Hey," he nudges your shoulder, making you look into his warm brown eyes, "But if you don't talk, how am I ever gonna learn anything about you?"
You gasp as though you got sucker punched in the stomach.
Your brain can barely even scramble to mutter a coherent response.
Your eyebrows raise and your eyelids blink.
This is also why you don't talk a lot. Half the time, the thoughts in your brain don't seem to know how to make it to your mouth, and the other half, well, your mouth just ends up doing all the talking for you.
"Watch where you're going freak," someone shouts near you and Eddie.
Before you've even realized it, you've made it to the cafeteria and got into the lunch line with Eddie.
Eddie scowls and merely flips the student off before turning to you and smiling.
You shyly smile back, but still severely aware of the comment he had made.
Eddie... wants to learn about you?
"Seriously though," he laughs, a certain sort of rasp more pronounced in his voice, "What's a guy gotta do?"
You shrug, not sure how to answer what is a rather loaded question for you.
"I don't know," you answer frankly. "Talk is cheap. A lot of times people are saying things without really saying anything important, you know?"
"So you only talk when you really want to say something, when you mean it?"
"Yeah, I guess you could say that," you nod.
"I see," Eddie nods and gestures for you to go before him as you approach the food station.
As you grab your tray Eddie leans over to you and says, "Why don't you sit with me and my friends today? They can be a bit of a riot but I think you'll like 'em."
On any other occasion, his offer would practically give you a heart attack, but seeing as all your other friends are either in study hall or have a different lunch period leaves you no other choice.
"Um, sure," you nervously smile and let him lead the way to his table.
"Gentlemen, meet Y/N. She'll be sitting with us today so let's give her a warm Hellfire welcome," Eddie announces as he sets his tray down at the end of the table. Two rows of boys sit on either side of the table, letting about six sets of eyes land on you.
You smile nervously and wave awkwardly, "Hi."
There's no empty seats next to Eddie, but before you can find another one by the other end of the table, Eddie shoos some of the boys to his right to scoot down a seat creating an empty one next to his.
You gracefully take a seat and mutter a quick thanks to the closest boy.
"So, what's Hellfire?" You ask nonchalantly. But perhaps it was a naive question because it causes the rest of the boys to go into a full tizzy.
"You didn't tell her?"
"It's the only saving grace in this god-forsaken hell hole."
Comments and exclamations come flying at you meanwhile Eddie can only smile and stare at you, simultaneously making your chest feel warm and like you want to crawl under a rock.
Eddie lays a warm palm along your forearm, "Patience, young jedi, you'll soon learn the ways of the Hellfire Club."
You eyes instantly shoot down to look at his limb connected to yours. And instinctively, you look up at the boy across from you, as if to silently ask, "Are you seeing this too?"
And he looks at you with widened blue eyes and eyebrows that almost reach the head of light brown wavy hair as if to say, "Yeah, I'm seeing this too. It's weird, right?"
You subtly nod, because it is weird. Not entirely unwelcome, but definitely unexpected.
Eddie retracts his hand and begins to say something. The table has all eyes on him, but not you. You're still replaying what just happened in your brain over and over again like a carousel projector caught on the same slide.
"Right Y/N?" Eddie asks.
You shake your head and mutter a quick apology. "Huh?"
"Well while you were off in la la land and, trust me, I don't blame you. I do it all the time myself. But we were just talking about tonights Hellfire meeting. You in?"
Oh no, he caught you. Does he have any idea you were thinking about how warm and rough his hand felt on your skin? Or how strong his fingers felt?
Hopefully not.
But the more important thing to worry about now is the fact that Eddie just invited you to Hellfire Club!
What does this mean?
Should you say yes?
You kind of have to say yes right? It'd be rude not to. And it seems like a big enough deal to him and his friends. But you still have no idea what Hellfire is or what's gonna happen tonight. But you guess you're just going to have to find out.
"Um, yeah," you reply with a shy and bright smile.
"Yeah," Eddie fist pumps in the air. "Okay, so I gotta warn you, these guys can get pretty reckless. But I know you can handle it."
You smile with your lips closed and nod. Oh god, what have you gotten yourself into?
"Meet us in the drama room after school, okay?"
"Sure," you nod and shyly smile at the other boys.
After school comes like clockwork and you find yourself nervously approaching the drama room doors. A poster with messy handwriting reads, "Hellfire Club Meeting in Session."
Okay, here goes.
You open the door, and enter the dark space. You wander through the room, guided by the warm stage-lights turned on further inside.
You eyes land on Eddie, who's sitting at a throne prop no doubtedly used by the drama club for the upcoming play. He's seated at the head of the table, just like at lunch.
He goes between reading a piece of paper and adjusting figurines on the table.
As you walk further into the room, you see no one else is here yet. It's just you and Eddie.
And before you can even say anything, your footsteps are enough to announce your presence causing Eddie with a face of concentration adorning his scrunched up brows and pursed lips, to a full on grin and lit up eyes as he sees you.
"Hey neighbor," he gets up from the throne and jogs over to you.
You nervously grin and offer a small squeaky, “Hey.”
He gets closer to you and swiftly encloses you in a bear hug.
Your body tenses and your eyes flinch shut. You didn't expect him to make such a move, much less so casually. But then you take a second to embrace the feeling of his strong arms around you. The warmth of his body against yours. Or the scent of soap and tobacco lingering on his clothes.
And before you can even think to hug him back, he pulls away, but leaves one arm wrapped around your shoulder and guides you to the table, "I'm glad you could make it."
You make a sound adjacent to a nervous laugh, “Yeah.”
Eddie pulls the chair closest to throne out for you to take a seat. Eddie sits on the edge of the table and looks down at you.
“Alright so before everyone else shows up let me fill you in on how things go down in Hellfire.”
The feeling of your surprise and almost fear at the unknown of what will happen must be evident on your face because Eddie leans forward and places a comforting hand on your forearm again.
“Don’t worry okay, it’s gonna be fun,” he says in a voice you find utterly endearing but aren’t poised enough to really appreciate it because all you can focus is on is the feeling of flames at the point where Eddie’s skin and your meets.
“O-Okay,” you force yourself to utter.
You focus as best as you can while Eddie explains the game of Dungeons and Dragons to you, but by god is it easy to get lost in those stars in his eyes.
Soon the rest of the boys start showing up and they help explain a few other things too.
Before you know it, you're in the midst of your first campaign. You have no idea what you're doing half the time, but Eddie was surprisingly right. It is fun.
So much fun in fact that you've lost track of time. And now you really should be heading home before your parents start to worry.
But Eddie has hypnotized you. You don't want this night to ever end. But it has to. And now, all the boys are packing up their things and getting ready to leave. And so should you. So you do.
And as the boys begin to trickle out of the room, Eddie looks at you and says the magic words: "Hey, can I give you a ride home?"
If someone would have told you earlier today that you'd be spending the evening with Eddie Munson at Hellfire Club and would even be getting a ride home from him, you would have never believed them.
But anything could happen.
"Yeah," you nod breathlessly.
The night sweeps you by as you find yourself in the passenger seat of Eddie's large beat up van with loud metal music blaring from the speakers.
But it feels oddly comforting. And you don't mind being the passenger seat princess with Eddie's music and fast paced train of thought filling the space.
You could listen to Eddie talk for hours. Whether it be in that silly medieval accent he does for Hellfire or in his normal voice with just enough rasp and deepness to it that you love.
As Eddie's van crawls along the curb to your front yard, and as he shifts the gear into park, a wave of sadness overcomes you.
You look out the window and over to Eddie. You press you lips together and shrug, pointing out the window with your thumb, "This is me."
Eddie nods and rubs the palm of his hand along the nape of his neck, "Yeah. Listen, uh, I had a lot of fun with you today."
"Me too," you squeak.
Eddie's eyes light up as he looks into yours, "Yeah?"
"Yeah," you shyly smile, feeling heat crawl to your cheeks and neck.
"Cool, yeah, I'm glad," Eddie flounders around his words as he lays his palms flat along his thighs and rubs them along the denim, slightly avoiding your gaze.
"Eddie," you ask as you shift your head, looking for his eyes. When he lets you find them, he smiles nervously.
Eddie. Nervous? No way.
"Sorry, uh, I don't usually get like this," Eddie looks away and awkwardly laughs. "Kind of funny how I'm the shy one now."
"It's okay," you reassure him.
He pauses for a moment, and you decide to do something unexpected. You place a gentle hand on his forearm, attempting to comfort him the way he had for you.
He briefly flits his eyes up to yours and lets out a breathless laugh. With his other hand, he guides your hand to move down and interlock with his. He squeezes firmly, grounding himself in your touch.
"You're really cool, you know that?" Eddie smiles at you earnestly.
"No, but thanks," you shyly smile back, feeling about one million butterflies erupting in your stomach.
"Would it be cool if I, um... Could I have your phone number?"
Now, you've officially died and gone to heaven.
You nod giddily and sweetly whisper a soft, "Yeah."
You take out a notebook and pencil from your bag. You tear off a corner from a blank page and write your phone number.
You hand it over to Eddie and you can practically feel the buzz of electric excitement coming from him.
"So, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, just don't forget to bring a pencil this time," you tease as you put you things back in your bag and unbuckle your seatbelt.
"Then what excuse will I have to talk to you," Eddie responds.
You laugh at first until you realize he meant it. He was actually doing that just as an excuse to talk to you.
Holy shit.
"Um, I'm sure you'll come up with something," you nervously laugh. "You seemed to work that Munson magic pretty well today."
It was something you said rather off-handedly, but that sort of is what drew you to Eddie. Some sort of magic he seemed to possess. Someone who was rather unsuspecting from the jump, seemingly with magic had you utterly charmed.
"Munson magic, I like that. Guess you'll just have to find out tomorrow then," Eddie said confidently.
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
Eddie laughs and shakes his head, "Whichever one you want it to be."
You rolled your eyes and smiled as you opened the car door and slide out of the seat, "Goodnight Eddie."
Eddie smiled at you as you looked at him one last time.
"Goodnight Y/N," he smirked.
You close the door behind you and giddily walk up the driveway to your house, hoping Eddie nor your parents would be able to tell just how giddy you'd felt.
Or how strange this whole day has been. Or how Eddie's Munson magic has you feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
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jaeclerc · 10 months
just 3.1K of my maxiel demon au for the lovely @powerful-owl ! happy birthday <3 i knew i needed to gift you a little something because you are literally one of the reasons I started to publish any of my f1 works!
cw: mentions of death, blasphemy, and tail fucking
“Maximus,” Daniel greeted him, making Max look up from where he was fucking around on his computer instead of sorting some of the files that he was supposed to be sorting “Tell Torger I have a date so the SEED meeting is a no from me but a huge yes from Charles. And you.”
Max rolled his eyes, staring Daniel down. He was still floating from probably showing off to whoever this date was, trying to impress them with the fact that he was The Devil. Max had seen him try and pick up when they went to the occasional Earth-side bar and he always pulled out the floating and tail as if most people weren’t scared of such a figure like The Devil. He was always baffled when it worked and Daniel ditched them to go off and do whatever he did on these trysts.
(Max tried to never think about it, lest he has to address the deep jealousy that crops up)
“I do not want to go, Daniel.” Max sighed, his fingers going back to pecking out the email he had already pulled up to draft to George, Toto’s assistant. He did not want to go but he still would, because he knew that these small pleasures came rarely to Daniel.
He’s spent over 40 years with Daniel and Charles, he knew them better than he would wish to admit. He knew that Charles was riddled with guilt for disparaging his mother and then dying and he still visited her salon when he could, disguised as a random teen.
He knew that Daniel felt so heavy with the burden of what put him in the position to be The Devil that he rarely gave himself any sort of actual happiness. Underneath the cherry red eyes and poker tail, he was scared of what he had to do daily to maintain his existence. He was secretly devastated that he and his fellow soldiers had died in a war that was supposed to end them all, just for another one to pop up 20 years later. He held his responsibility heavy around his neck like a collared dog.
“I know, Maxi-Pad, but: I’m your boss and I want you to attend. It’ll be good to help you get promoted.” Daniel simpered, a sly smile on his lips at his own joke.
“Promoted to what?” Charles chimed in as he walked in, angel dust still on his cheekbones from his angel boyfriend. Max didn’t understand why he always had to be Daniel’s assistant when there were two of them and Charles was perfectly capable of file organizing and emailing.
“To my two favorite demons!” He wrapped his arms around the both of them, dimples showing as he hugged them close. Letting out a pleased hum as he saw the email that Max was drafting
“We are, of course, the only demons you have.” Max snorted, signing his email off and sending it, even with Daniel squeezing him close. The Devil smelt like La Labo and Old Spice deodorant, as well as the Downey softener that he made all of Hell use.
All of Hell was just the three of them plus Charles’ boyfriend, but he still insisted that they all used it.
“Exactly! But, you’ll be my favorite demons out of alllll the demons and angels there are and that’s pretty sweet.” Daniel let go of them as George replied, confirming that it was alright for them to attend rather than Daniel.
“Great, now that we have that sorted: Charles I need your help picking out an outfit.” Daniel pulled Charles along and Max glared at him as Charles mouthed “Sorry!” over his shoulder.
Max went back to fucking around on reddit forums about being in love with your boss and the implications of it. Just for research. Humanity had become so informational since Max had died.
Max stewed about as he waited for Charles to finish helping Daniel, waiting to pounce on the other demon and quiz him on everything he knew. Daniel and Charles were each other’s gossip partners, but Max was Daniel’s movie and grocery shopping partner so it evened out in time given. But, Charles still always had the information that Max felt like he was missing.
When Charles finally walked out with a faint grin that bloomed into an intense smile when he saw Max, giggling to himself as Max glowered at him.
“Max, you are so silly.” Was all he said when he finally stopped in front of him, hands crossed as he looked quite smug.
“What do you mean?” Max said, huffy and indignant even if he was admittedly acting super silly and like a teenager with a crush. Which was: accurate but embarrassing. He was only a teenager in body, but in his 50s in spirit and yet he was acting pouty and jealous.
“Just tell Daniel that you like him! He adores you, you guys are always going on little trips together, no?” Charles was always so cryptic with him, it was frustrating.
“That doesn’t mean-you know, the world wide web says that it’s unethical for a boss to sleep with an employee.” Charles snorted, flopping next to Max on the living room couch, sprawling out and putting his feet under Max’s legs, which Max just accepted. It was 15 years too late to shove Charles away, anyway.
“We’re not his employees, we are his friends. Seb told me that Daniel was so lonely before we were chosen and that’s why he picked us out. He needed someone like us. Someone like him.” Charles said.
“Insane?” Max asked
“Gay and lonely.” Charles amended, pausing before adding “And insane.”
Max huffed a laugh, hugging his arms around himself, before preparing himself to ask. But, he didn’t have to, Charles already coming out with it.
“The guy’s name is Emiliano.” He said, a small smile playing on his lips “And Daniel really seems to like him. He couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful his, ah, turquoise eyes were.”
Max openly stared at Charles. What a best friend he was, saying all of this to him when he knew how Max felt!
“Come on, let’s get ready for the meeting. We can go out afterwards.” Charles had that look in his eyes that he had whenever he was planning something. Probably going to try and set Max up at the club they frequent, just so he wasn’t stewing so much about what Daniel could possibly be doing with his tail.
Charles had him dressed in his best white button up, the ripped black jeans that hugged his ass and thighs but weren’t too tight, and even let him borrow a pair of Jordan’s that were pristine and baby blue.
He made him wear his best cologne and style his hair in the nice tussled style that Charles said he looked best in, a sly grin on his face the entire time.
Unusually, Charles wasn’t dressed up with him, he was just in a faded t-shirt and some sweats. But, Charles had a face that distracted from anyone paying attention to anything else and he was taken, so he didn’t need to look good like Max did when they went out.
When Max walked through their transporting door (not to get confused with the door that dropped into the fiery pits), he was surprised to find himself without Charles and in a low lit restaurant, not the pristine marble halls of Angel Court.
He was also surprised to see Daniel smiling at him, horns and his tail out. Just like Max liked him, unashamed and glowing in his pseudo-godhood.
“Wha-We are missing the meeting.” Max was confused. Someone had to show up at the meeting, it was important and they had already pushed it back twice. It was to review their efficiency and what they needed to fix, which was a lot in Max’s opinion.
“No, Charles is at the meeting, Maxy. We are here.” Max frowned as Daniel stood up, walking towards him. He didn’t understand. Daniel was supposed to be on a date with Emiliano with the blue eyes while Max stewed and tried to convince Toto to give them another demon just so Max could do less desk work and more in the field work with Daniel.
“What about your date?” Max asked, voice softening as Daniel pulled out the chair for him and lightly pushed him down into it.
“You are my date, Max Emilian.” Daniel smiled at him, head tilting as he looked Max up and down, making him feel like there were a bunch of ants crawling up and down his spine with the way he shivered.
Daniel sighed, amused as he continued to just look at Max with his red fire filled eyes, tail flicking behind him absentmindedly as he reached out, hesitant. His thumb brushed Max’s clenched fist, rubbing softly over his knuckles.
“You like me, Max.” It was a fact, a statement that Daniel seemingly knew to be true with the way it came out of his mouth. Max flinched, feeling suddenly exposed,
“I like you too. Have since ‘97 when you rescued that cat from one of the sinners we had to confront.” Max was still silent, which seemingly amused Daniel.
“You also leave those forums that you browse open on the computer.” He added, which Max flushed at. He still felt a little out of depth.
“I was only on Earth for less than 20 years.” Max defended, unclenching his fist as Daniel’s hand wrapped loosely around his. “I don’t know these things. I lost my virginity and then died.” He flushed again at that admission. He had only told Charles about that little fact.
“I know all of that already. I also know that you would’ve never told me you liked me because you’re afraid that it’s against company policy.” Daniel’s thumb rubbed absentminded circles on Max’s knuckle, making his brain only able to focus on how wonderful it felt to have Daniel touching him.
“Turns out: I make the policy and I’ve decided it’s perfectly fine that you like me and I like you. It’s actually encouraged.” He continued, pausing his thumb to get Max to actually look at him.
Max felt deranged with how the suppressed want flowed through him, with the hope and adoration in Daniel’s eyes. Those eyes were looking at him, staring him down and Max wanted to lunge across the table and seal Daniel’s mouth shut with his own. He wanted to strip both of them down until all they had on was their matching horns (red for Daniel and gold for Max). He wanted to cry and yell that they’ve could’ve been together since 1997.
Instead he just replied, quite even and simple if he were to say so himself, “Well if it’s not against company policy and my boss is encouraging it, then, of course, as the star employee, I have to do it.”
Daniel beamed at him, lacing their fingers together.
Dinner was a quiet, tension filled affair. By the time that Max had his polite three bites of dessert, he was ready to go back home and present himself to Daniel like a cat in heat.
Instead, they walked out the door of the cute Italian restaurant and started walking, Daniel swinging their hands between them as he chatted with Max about small things. Max just wanted to get home, back to Hell and the comfort of their shared house so he could kiss Daniel, too nervous to kiss him in public, unsure how people would react around them.
“Are you good?” Daniel asked as he noticed Max start to slow down, dragging his arm out.
“Can we go home?” Max asked instead of answering. Daniel tilted his head before nodding, his face looking a little less excited than he was before. He snapped his fingers and guided Max through the next available door, right into their living room.
“What’s-“ Max didn’t let Daniel finish, gripping his shoulders and pulling him in for a frankly messy kiss, all nerves and inexperience. Daniel relaxed, hands coming up to cup Max’s jaw, tail wrapping around Max’s waist as they fell into each other.
Daniel was a lot more smooth than Max, coaxing him out of his frantic kissing and into something a little more slow and exploratory, gently tasting each other’s mouths.
Max wanted more and more. He secretly knew that if he ever had Daniel, he would actually lose his mind. He would never be able to have his fill, the endless void of want opening itself up to consume everything Daniel could ever give him and that scared him. The enormous feelings that encompassed him whenever Daniel was around. It was a million times worse already, now that he knew Daniel wanted him back.
He was canting his hips into Daniel’s without even realizing, seeking his warmth to soothe the burn of his own need.
“Max.” Daniel chuckled as Max let out a soft gasp, his own eyes flying open as he felt flooded with embarrassment. He had also feared that his desperation would be so easy to see the moment that he was ever in this position. It wasn’t easing his mind that he was right: Daniel was going to make him absolutely sick with love and want.
He pulled away, wanting to curl up and hide from his own arousal, his body pulsing like he had a heartbeat still.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.” Daniel soothed, his tail still wrapped around his waist, drawing him in. He pressed a kiss to the space under Max’s ear, pulling him close. Max could feel Daniel’s dick against his hip, half hard and pressing against him as Daniel trailed small kisses against Max’s neck, making his head tilt to the side.
“Daniel-“ He cut himself off before he continued, trying to find the words “Let me.”
He pulled away just a little so he could make Daniel feel good but paused when Daniel’s hands covered his, stopping him.
“Don’t worry about that, baby.” Daniel assured him, his hands guiding Max’s hands to his waist. “We have plenty of time for me. I’ve been tortured into watching you wear these jeans for years without being able to appreciate your thighs.” His hands dropped from Max’s to grab at Max’s ass, palming it before sliding down and gripping Max’s thighs.
Max let out a soft sound, his hips twitching into thin air as Daniel gripped him before letting go and unhooking his button and unzipping his jeans with quick efficiency that had to come from practice. Max would ruminate over that later when he didn’t have Daniel’s hands down his pants, cupping him gently through his boxers.
Max had always been secretly ashamed of what he was (or wasn’t, rather) packing. Even the guy he fucked in the confession box had seemed a little shut down when he realized that Max didn’t exactly have the length to fuck him and so he’d have to top.
But Daniel looked down at what his hand was cupping and audibly moaned when he saw Max’s cock jutting out, barely the length of his middle finger and flushed an angry red from his want.
“I’m so-“ Max started and Daniel cut him off with a shake of his head, palming Max and wrapping his thumb and forefinger around him, stroking him as he used his other hand to press his thumb against the mole on Max’s lip, effectively shutting him up.
“You drive me insane with how perfect you are, don’t you dare apologize.” Daniel’s eyes flared with more fire as he spoke. Max’s lips parted, not to disagree but to take Daniel’s thumb into his mouth, sucking in long draws when he couldn’t think of anything else. He needed something to ground himself before he came all over Daniel’s hand from some heavy petting and praise.
Daniel’s tail crept down the back of Max’s boxers, which were now sagging down his thighs, the poker end gently pressing against him as if Daniel was trying to breach him. Max’s hand flew up to grip Daniel’s hair but caught on his horn, grabbing the first thing felt for purchase as the end gently probed against him, his toes curling in his borrowed shoes.
This was going to end embarrassingly quickly if Daniel didn’t stop using everything he had against Max.
Max hissed, sounding muffled against Daniel’s thumb as he continued to use his tail on him, not pushing far, just enough to make Max feel set on fire from his greatest fantasy coming to life.
“You want my tail?” Daniel asked, seemingly blown away by Max’s reaction to some light exploring. Max felt feverish at the suggestion, just nodding as his eyes fluttered open and then shut, the whole image too much for him.
Daniel took his thumb from Max’s mouth, even as Max tried to chase it, worrying that he would spill just how much he wanted every part of Daniel inside of him at once and how much he had fantasized it.
He heard a snap before he felt something cold drip down his crack and over hole, slick and viscous. He realized, probably a couple seconds too late, that Daniel had conjured lube so he could give Max just that.
The first press of Daniel’s tail inside of him had him feeling light headed as Daniel slowly stroked him, thumb pressing the under side of his cock deliciously, seemingly deeply aware of what made Max tick already.
Max gasped as it breached him fully, curled up inside of him and just tad too hot to be fully human, making him swear as he attempted to rock back against it, his fingers curling around Daniel’s horns even more, yanking him down as Daniel gasped as well, mouth instinctively sealing against Max’s collarbone.
Max’s horns were very sensitive and they were only a third of the size of Daniel’s, so he can’t imagine just how sensitive Daniel’s were with how Max was holding onto them.
Daniel’s tail curled inside of Max again and he felt himself hurdling down the cliff into pure bliss as he moaned, spilling onto Daniel’s hand embarrassingly quick, clenching around Daniel’s tail as he came down.
Daniel as breathing heavily, his hand that caught Max’s cum furiously stroking himself off, his mouth still sucking on Max’s neck as he hurdled down after Max, spurred on by the way that Max was stroking his horns, watching with his mouth dropped open in awe.
“Fuck.” Daniel half laughed once they were both breathing normally, his tail still in Max. “We need to see just how much of my tail you can take.”
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katboykirby · 8 months
Insane how fans can write the characters more in-character than the actual devs in this fandom
Do you remember that personality inconsistency thing happening w/ Satan?
So OM has it's writing staff, but that doesn't mean that the same writers will always be working on the same things, or even that there will be consistent communication between the different writers.
OM splits its writing team up in order to tackle things like the main story, the Pop Quiz events, all the different character Devilgrams, the daily and unlockable chats, etc. This is very much standard for the industry. It's entirely likely that someone who was writing a Mammon-centric Devilgram on one day will find themself assigned to the new Simeon-centric Pop Quiz event the day after, and then be tasked with writing scenes for the main story after that. It's very unlikely that any one writer will be assigned a single task or single character to dedicate 100% of their focus to... everyone is kind of just working on everything, which may make the process faster (since your writers are working on three or four different plots/stories at once) but it also spreads focus and creativity much thinner.
Solmare has also been known to bring in guest writers from outside the regular OM staff, whether it's writers from other studios or independent writers/freelancers. So we'll sometimes even have people who aren't actually fully familiar with the characters (or at least, not familiar to the level of the regular OM team) writing for them!
Writing for mobile games (or any constantly-updating medium, really) is always going to be an uphill battle. If the demand is for new Pop Quiz events to be released every 2-3 days, along with Devilgram stories and unlockable chats for the Nightmare banner and Pop Quiz reward cards, then it stands to reason that the writers are basically running on fumes at all times. And if the main story is actively in a current/updating season, then you have to add that to the writer's workload as well.
All of this doesn't even take into consideration things like edits, rewrites, script changes, etc. It's extremely common to send in a completed scene or story for review and approval, only to get your script back full of notes about everything that needs to be changed. With the constant turnover time for things like events and stories in mobile games in general (not just OM specifically) I wouldn't be surprised if new content is only getting finished and approved within hours of it going live - which would also explain the occasional text errors and typos that we see in-game, considering that there likely just isn't time to fix everything before releasing it.
All of this is really just a very long way to say "this is why fans of a series or character are often thought to understand or write for the series/character better than the actual staff" and in a lot of ways it's fairly true. Especially when many fans are writing out of sheer love, and some official writers are possibly only writing for a paycheck.
(Writing for a paycheck is in no way bad, especially in 2024 with the economy and cost of living crisis the way it is. And many official writers love the series and characters they write for, this just isn't a universal thing)
As for Satan himself, when it comes to OM specifically he is fairly lucky in that the brothers are typically given a lot more attention and care than the rest of the cast. This is a problem in itself (OM has a long history of sidelining beloved characters in order to constantly spotlight the 2 or 3 most popular money-makers, this being Lucifer, Mammon, and sometimes Leviathan) but in this particular case, it means that Satan usually isn't victim to being thrown out-of-character by the writers, or at least not as often as someone like Solomon or Barbatos.
From what I've noticed, it tends to be the "Satan loves cats" thing that gives him the most OOC moments. Yes, Satan loves cats very much. Very big catboy energy. However, there have been times where his "obsession" with cats is so overblown for the sake of comedy and silly wacky hijinks that it goes directly against his actual character. Yes, Satan loves cats, but not enough to knowingly endanger himself or the people around him, which has happened more than once - the biggest examples being S2 and S4 of the original game, where Satan's IQ suddenly dropped into single digits during a very serious situation and he abandoned his actual goals in order to chase after a random cat. In S2 he did this despite the fact that it not only endangered his own life while he already knew that the cat was not real, but also at the detriment of the rest of his family and MC (as the fake cat was a known trap meant to prevent him from helping MC and Lucifer save Beel's life)
Yes, Satan loves cats. But he also loves MC and his family more than anything else, and the idea that a random cat that he literally knows is a trap can cause him to suddenly become stupid and abandon everything at the drop of a hat when he knows that it will risk him and everyone else is so wildly, ridiculously out of character for him it's almost laughable.
We know that Satan would not ever put himself or anybody he cares about in serious, life-threatening danger on purpose.
But the story needed a little ✨️drama✨️ so the writers decided that Satan's established characterisation was worth sacrificing in order to write the scene they wanted.
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jrooc · 3 months
✨Weekly Tag Wednesday✨
Thanks @energievie for the amazing and random questions (and tag) this week. And thanks @suzy-queued @mybrainismelted for the tags!
Name: Jess
Age: A Nosho and a half
Location: Toronto, 🇨🇦
And now...
What is your DJ name? Having had no idea wtf to answer here I turned to the always faithful internet quiz. So I present: DJ BoomKitty 😅 yikes...
If you were a genre of music, what would it be? Folk/alternative with the occasional pop indie jam
What would you title your biography? "Good Fucking Grief, Why?"
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? Maybe sneak on a plane to somewhere tropical and live out my days on a beach switching between empty hotel rooms and lounging by a pool
What subject do you wish was taught in every school? Useful math like taxes. Social relationships. Dealing with anxiety.
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? Ummmm.... I've had to start gardening for the first time this spring and it takes a forever and I'm afraid to kill everything. Also weeds are horrible.
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited? Ferrara, Italy. So cute. When I was there (a decade ago) all the residents went into the square on Friday night and shop and have drinks.
What day in your life would you like to relive? A day cycling with my Dad
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? Cleaning the house. Blech.
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? 91 days. Exactly. 'Cause I'm blind as a motherfucka and I'd have that 90 day contact pack and then I'd be totally fucked. You know those glasses are gonna get stepped on immediately. Yes ... I have thought about this a lot. Almost legally blind problems.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? So many. Other habitable planets? Regenerable healthy food that doesn't taste bad. Easy space flight. Brain broken... too many things.. 🫠
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? I want to say the ocean maybe? But also a garden with a bunch of cats in it would be pretty cool
tagging or just waving hi to:
@roryonic @spookygingerr @gallapiech @creepkinginc @ian-galagher
@blue-disco-lights @heymacy @deedala @michellemisfit @transmickey
@stocious @transmurderbug @transsexual-dandelions @mickittotheman @astaraels
@crestfallercanyon @solitarycreaturesthey @mickeysgaymom @gallavichsuperfan @palepinkgoat
@ms-moonlight-inn @rayrayor @guinguin1984 @sgtmickeyslaughter @bellezabelize
@look-i-love-u @callivich @lee-ow @vintagelacerosette @rereadanon @ardent-fox
@krysmiss @wehangout @iandarling @iansw0rld @sandrashaine
@especially-fuk-u @doshiart @i-think-you-mean-reduction @tv-obssessions
@mickeym4ndy @darlingian and anyone else seeing this! Yes, you!
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takalzuoom · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a nice day! I wanted to request savanaclaw with a bear beastman s/o? They have a huge appetite, is cuddly, and is almost as lazy as Leona.
Gasp? I’m doing requests again?? ik ik this is really really late, (and this was one of my more recent ones lol)
but there’s no time like the present!
𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐬/𝐨!
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black bear
Oh god, they’re everywhere, from swamps to desserts, even to fucking jungles. You don't realize how prominent bears are until you research em.  They also come in other colors?? Which is so weird to hear)
As much as I like to say Leona curls up into your bigger stature when you sleep, he doesn't, sorry babes 🤕
But oh my god, bears are adorable, like ah
Also, bears are (obviously) taller than lions… so except for an obvious height difference 🫦
And unfortunately… it's by a lot… Leona is 185cm / 6'0 so you’d be 200cm and 6’3 😺
I don’t make the laws, I only enforce them 😋
People don’t think you're a beast man, yeah I know, crazy right? Mainly because of your short ears and tails (Like how I found out Ruggie had a tail from one of his cards)
And since a lot of people think you won the genetic lottery, they just assume that the rising atmosphere is because you’re so tall and braully 
But Leona knew, oh god he knew the moment you entered Savanahclaw
Anyways, yall are like night and day. I mean, yeah, you're a bit sluggish, and a little slow, more of a gentle giant than a force of nature compared to Leona. Especially with his cold and calculating personality.
But it surprisingly goes together??
No, you won't be able to pry Leona out of bed, but he can convince you to join him 😼🤭 (The most he’s ever done is offer you the spot with the most sun, and who are you willing to ignore an offer from the Leona Kingscholar)
Y/n: Leona get up, we gotta go to Trein’s class
Leona: And deal with his not-so-pop quiz, I don't think so. It'd be better for your health to take a nap, with me, in the sun. What’dya say 
Y/n :
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If Leona ever loses you- what am I talking about, you're the tallest beast man/student in the school, which he likes- loves to rub in Malleus’ face 
Leona: Bet those horns are trying to concentrate on something 
Malleus: Interesting, cause I believe that ego of yours is compensating for something as well
Ladies ladies, please!
Even though you're more easygoing compared to Leona, you are still a bear beast man
Yes, you are a big cuddle bug and love hanging out with your friends/boyfriend… But my guy, you’re a fucking behemoth. So, unfortunately, you're gonna have some issues, like when people scurry away in fear whenever you're present 
Or dodge your ‘bear hugs’ matrix style because of your natural strength  
But that’s okay! Cause you’ve made it a game out of your friends to play ‘hide and go squeeze!’. They go about their daily life in constant fear of being ‘found’ by you… And boy oh boy do you get excited when you spot one. 
Floyd loves you
Though, there are some.... altercations.. about your reasonings on why you like squeezing the soul out of your friends 
Running full force with a beaming grin on your face with arms wide open, your long legs practically disappearing under you with how fast you were. Your friend's screams of horror echo through the historic buildings of NRC.
Obviously, Leona hears the shrills of your friends. 
He smirks ‘better them than me’
There will be some barriers to take care of. Like Leona’s pride, and his ‘no PDA rule’ …
Bitch 🙄
As previously stated, I would love to write about you encasing Leona in your big beefy arms as you lounge on his bed with the sun warming you both…
I mean you could try, just expect him to get VIOLENT
Or at least do it begrudgingly. 
And thus sparks your mission of getting him used to you
Now having a policy of not 1, not 2, not even3 or 4, but 5! Hugs per day!
And if you don't meet that quota with your friends… well.. 😈 
“Hug me and you’ll regret it” 
You're bound to at least get one hug from him!
While you are more energetic than Leona; constantly chasing your friends around campus like Michael Meyers, you sometimes spend hours on end just lounging. 
Cause you, unfortunately, have a social battery that requires you to spend hours, and sometimes days alone. When your battery dies, it dies, and you won't budge. 
Becoming lazier than your boyfriend, you’ll just barge into his room, honey pot plushie in arm, and join him in bed. When he tries to wake you up... he can’t, cause you’re out cold
Of course, this had prompted some talks with Leona,  unfortunately for him (fortunately for you) you were in your mood and decided that you didn't care
Tbh, you're like an extremely toned-down Floyd
My guy, he loves you so much, he just doesn’t know how to show it 🥺
I’m lying, he buys you premium food and will dangle it over your head. 
If you aren’t terrorizing your friends or napping, you're munching 😼
Oh, you want that new black pasta with wagyu meatballs? Make Ruggie leave him alone
Ooooh, you want a bag of Doritos? Then deal with Ruggie
OOoooo you want this half-eaten lollipop he found on the field? Skip class and nap 
*double takes*
You are a human vacuum with an enabler
For my obey me fans, think of Beel
If Crewel takes away your emergency snacks, you're just pulling out more, if Trein confiscates those, you're simply pulling a bag of chips from your blazer???
Doesn’t help that your unique magic is honey pot. Allowing you to pull out what you want from any pocket/item you can place things in 
Ruggie: Man I’m starved… 👀
*Y/n pulling out a box of donuts from the trash*: Well I hope you have an appetite 
Y/n : *opens box*
Y/n: For nothing 🫵😼
you end up giving him another box cause you felt bad
You’re in the culinary club, sorry 🫤
Like yeah, you love having fun and physical activities and all… but free food 🤨
Delicious free food
But even if the food isn't all that great, food is food so you can't complain. And since you're the combined size of Riddle and Lilia, you need a lot
And you’re always bringing your food to Savanaclaw where you always feast with Ruggie. Sometimes when you're proud of your latest work, you’ll bring it to Leona to taste test
“Mid” This is the most delicious shit he's ever had-
Fine. If he can’t appreciate it then you’ll just bring it to Ruggie-
Leona: *Pulls out a slice of cake* Then you’ll miss out on dessert
Leona knowing that he got you to stay with him without actually having to put any effort / be vulnerable: 😼
You: 😦
I think that your tone shifts around Leona like with your friends you’re more outgoing. With Leona you’re calmer, not forcing yourself out there to not appear as the big bad bear you're implied to be. 
But just you. 
The good thing about Leona is that he doesn't care who you are (except if you're in Diasomnia) or what status you have in society. Cause if he likes you, he likes you
I think yall are cute, and many people don't see how you guys are even associated, let alone dating. 
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Also a black bear!
I know I didn’t go too into detail about your appearance in Leona’s, but let's be real, he'll use it to scare Ruggie / Malleus away
But Ruggie on the other hand….😺
Boy oh boy does he have fun scaring the shit out of people with it (Whilst you -pretend to- remain oblivious to it all)
For example, someone cut Ruggie in line for food, already seeing their grubby hands reach for Leona's lunch.
Ruggie has two options.
 He can of course use his UM 
      2. confront them 
what you didn't know is that there’s a secret third option!
 Work smarter, not harder! Is his motto for a reason. So he doesn't see the harm in having you (temporarily) go in front of him. tap them on the shoulder leering down at them. 
Cleanup on aisle 3🤭
Yeah you're also tall asf
Though something I want to get out of the way is that  male hyenas are more submissive to female hyenas… however
You're a bear, and as far as I'm aware, you're not female 
But you're taller than him, so I think you guys have a pretty equal relationship.
As long as you're happy, he can't complain. And as long as he's happy, you are too. 
The favoritism is awful. 
Like… lawd 🪑🧍🏻
If you cause trouble in the dorm all Ruggie's gonna do is groan, complaining how you're making his job harder than it needs to be
That's it. 
But if it’s someone else, he gets so annoyed, like passive-aggressive towards them for days on end
Like tripping, ignoring, glaring- basically the whole 9 yards. 
And if someone blames you or points out favoritism? 
Leona gets involved cause they’re just causing so much trouble now! Constantly spilling things, causing fights, and bringing down the dorm's average 
Sigh, if only they kept their trap shut, oh well!
The more I think about your and Ruggie’s relationship, the more I think about bees
Ruggie will do anything for you cause you're just so sexy
But, it’s an equal exchange. If he does something for you, you gotta do smthn for him
-Like crush him with your thighs-
Be careful, cause he would do anything you wanted (within his power) only to ask for smthn outlandish, (I’m thinking sexy time stuff)
Okay okay, he’ll ask you to take care of some heavy lifting around to dorm, how you react is up to you cause he’s your sweet whittle bf..
now let's see those muscles -
Fuck you, Ruggie likes em thick
Where he’s from food is scarce, so even now he likes someone with a little meat on their bones. 
Something about the way your tummy peaks through your shirt as your snoozing away just makes him want to bite you
You're taller than him. There's more of you to love!
Ik I’ve been making him thirst the whole time, but that's his doing, not mine. 
He values your quality time together, which isn't very often. 
When all is peaceful within the dorm and Leona isn’t man-babying it up, he's immediately running towards you for an impromptu hang out
Okay, there's something called Ruggie bucks. Hang with me here
The way it started was when he started charging you ‘Ruggie bucks’ for each food run 
Ofc you never heard of that, so you had to pay actual money for them 
He doesn't like to exploit you like that, but you know he loves you for you and not your money and valuables.. right?
Even so, the transactions begun
For every food/errand run, homework completion, and excuse on why you weren't in class, you had to cough it up
Luckily he gave you 50, but now you had to start spending wisely cause you were running low…
“Eh? You don't got enough Ruggie bucks? Hmm, that is a problem…” He thoughtfully said hand scratching his chin as he looked out into the distance 
Before you could even speak, a grin stretched across his face “Well, it seems like I’ve saved enough, and you're now technically indebted to me…so” he drawled out
“You have to do something for me”
Oh brother
You groaned, Ruggie’s laugh echoing as your brain wrecked itself for ideas on what Ruggie was planning
“15 Ruggie bucks for 2 hours of cuddle time”
… What?
Ladies n gents, that's how you request affection from your partner without outwardly saying your touch starved, thank you, n' good night!
But honestly, this is a win for you
This is canon, suck my dick
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A polar bear!
Okay- every mc is taller than their boyfriend 🤭
Jack is 192? (6’3?) Sucks cause you’re 205 cm (6’6) 😎
And like how 5’7 seems different on a guy and a girl, but you're still taller
Oh my god. Like Leona yall are night and day. you exude friendliness and Jack exudes emo wolf man. 
I believe that you two met before NRC, not like with Vil but you two were neighbors. 
He and his younger brother (more to come later) were out playing in the snow when he tripped!!
Jack, worried like how a big brother should be quickly went over to help (and to destroy the ice block that harmed his brother >:( 
As Jack was about to reach him, the ice block starts rising, snow trickling off and disappearing into the holes it created in the already snow-laid ground. Jack could no longer see his brother as there was an ice wall in the way. 
Alarm bells rang erractily in Jack’s head as his ears tensed up. He tried running faster, but his legs were too short to run efficiently in the snow 
“Aww you woke me from my nap,” the ice block said
Legs tripping from shock, Jack landed face-first into the snow, his ears twitching from the sudden coldness. 
As he lay there only one thing was running through his mind… ‘did that ice just talk?’
Though they were in a snow pocket, he was able to pick up the sounds of muffled voices.
Yep, it did
Ladies and gentlemen that's how I met your husband
But from then on you wouldn't leave him alone. Constantly there to play with him and his sibling(s) 
At first, it was begrudgingly, or more like he was watching out for his siblings not sure if you were a danger or not. By the looks of your tall, slightly pudgy exterior and white ears, you're a polar bear. He thinks, cause you certainly are lazy 
And that never stopped. Even at NRC
I like to think that you guys aren’t dating yet, but had a mutual pining for each other ever since you were little. 
Wolves mate for life, so when he revealed his crush to his mom at the fine age of 13, she made a huge emphasis to make sure you're the one
So that's what he's been doing, making sure. 
For 3 years… 
Remember how I said Jack was a lone wolf? Well, it’s usually him alone or you trailing behind. The first years joining later on as you two were dragged into the group 
They were fine with Jack, as there were some people around his height in their respective dorms… but you? You were in another ballpark. 3 inches does not seem a lot, but when you're tall every inch counts *cue Epel clenching his fist*
Oh yeah, Epel keeps on staring at you for whatever reason… and Jack does not approve of it and immediately asks if you've noticed it
“Huh? Oh, yeah I have, but I don't mind since he’s kinda cute” you hummed, stretching your arms as you muttered something about an afternoon nap. But Jack didn’t like how easily you said ‘ Epel was cute’.
Jealously jealously
Leaving to ask Epel, you couldn't help the small chuckle leave your lips.
“Oh y/n? Yeah, I really admire them for their strength and for how tall they are…”
Now Jack may be a little naïve, but he wasn't stupid so he knows nothing's going on between you two and knows Epel wouldn’t try anything (if he wasn't stupid)
Mission success!
Jack tried to keep you happy, cause wolves are and were ahead of the times. Valuing their partners equally no matter who they are
And as long as you're happy, he’s happy. 
You couldn't do anything wrong in his eyes. Come in with mud dripping all over the floor, scratches littering your skin as another, smaller member of savannah claw comes in looking like he just got mauled by a bear
He’ll lightly scowl you while he’s just so passive-aggressive… no. While he's just so aggressive towards the other guy, even if it’s an upper-class man. 
You don’t even have to shed some crocodile tears to get out of trouble. Though when Ruggie comes along, or Leona...
They don’t care, just stop causing trouble. 
If you thought that did anything to improve your relationship with the wolf... you were wrong
Still dancing around each other in a love tango, everyone could tell Jack was getting more and more exhausted, from trying to convince you to join some kind of sports team, to stop napping all the time - and spend time with him :( - or to not miss class
And with you being the oaf you are, just turned around and shooed him away
At least once I see Jack trying to drag you out of bed. Ik ik ooc of him but he was tired of being ignored, plus you had classes to do and as your best friend it was his duty to make sure you were taking advantage of the education you were given (and to make sure he kept his promise to your mom to score mom points!)
So he did the only thing he could, brute force
Let’s say it sounded… quite misleading… and Ruggie wouldn't look him in the eye for a while
But back on track, he would try to get you to join a sports team as you have such ‘raw potential (as Vargas puts it) that it would be a disservice to both you and the school if you didn't. 
Plus he was getting kind of sad seeing Vargas so… depressed
Jack swore he saw his muscles deflate 
But eventually, you did join a club!
The cooking club!…
Okay yeah no you're forced into a sports club cause Vargas was going to deduct points from you
He has you join volleyball! (Sorry guys but I really like volleyball, sue me)
And Jack is a man of honor, so he doesn’t attend any of your games, but at that point, he gets tired of all the whispers around you about your uniform. With the constant bugging from Ace, decided to see what that was all about
He wouldn't lie and say you weren't on the heavier side, after all, you are a polar bear. You can get into all the different things about biology.
But mama mia you were thick and ripped. Sure you a little pudge but that only meant you were well fed and he's glad to see his friends so healthy! 🤭
Just image Jack twitching/ scowling every time he calls you a friend
But he ends up going to your game and enjoys it! you play middle blocker and you're just stopping these skinny white boys with ease. It’s hilarious. Had a proud smirk every time you would block a spike, or hell, even spike the ball so hard he swore it made an indent 
He was wondering if you even broke a sweat
But by the end you run over and gladly encase him in a hug 🤭 His face may be scowling, but his tail is wagging - which he hopes you don't see- 
You both leave together, going to Sam's shop for a cute little snack. Though Jack followed you rather than stood next to you to make sure no creeps would peep
Respectful king
Some part of me thinks Jack likes things the way they are, not wanting to ruin your relationship
But he can't stop the way he stares at the back of your head silently when you're talking so animated about volleyball (you didn't even want to take part of) 
He wouldn't admit it to himself, but he would gladly listen to you babble about your hobbies, interests, and thoughts any day of the week. 
Though, he could hear your chatters turn to mush as you spun around, your signature aloof grin on your face as you stared at him
“You should join the team!”
Now that stopped him in his tracks. And like Christmas morning everything erupted to sound again
“The volleyball team! You’d be amazing at it! You’re tall, fast, smart, and importantly: strong” you agreed with yourself. 
 Like a snake, you slithered, arms around his shoulders as you pressed against his back
“We could spend more time together”
He stiffened, ears and tail at alert as he knew you could feel his rapid heart pound against his rib cage. 
“Can’t” was all he could muster out, breaking from your evil clutches
“ ‘M already a part of the track and field club”
He turned to face your pouting face
“And besides” he smirked “I’d rather watch you”
I know this was more of a best friend kind of thing rather than relationship headcanons, but suck my dick 🫵😶
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i feel like this whole post was just ooc stuff 
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odinsblog · 6 months
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Everywhere you go online, you’re being tracked. Almost every time you visit a website, trackers gather data about your browsing and funnel it back into targeted advertising systems, which build up detailed profiles about your interests and make big profits in the process. In some places, you’re tracked more than others.
In a little-noticed change at the end of last year, thousands of websites started being more transparent about how many companies your data is being shared with. In November, those infuriating cookie pop-ups—which ask your permission to collect and share data—began sharing how many advertising “partners” each website is working with, giving a further glimpse of the sprawling advertising ecosystem. For many sites, it’s not pretty.
A WIRED analysis of the top 10,000 most popular websites shows that dozens of sites say they are sharing data with more than 1,000 companies, while thousands of other websites are sharing data with hundreds of firms. Quiz and puzzle website JetPunk tops the pile, listing 1,809 “partners” that may collect personal information, including “browsing behavior or unique IDs.”
More than 20 websites from publisher Dotdash Meredith—including Investopedia.com, People.com, and Allrecipes.com—all say they can share data with 1,609 partners. The newspaper The Daily Mail lists 1,207 partners, while internet speed-monitoring firm Speedtest.net, online medical publisher WebMD, and media outlets Reuters, ESPN, and BuzzFeed all state they can share data with 809 companies. (WIRED, for context, lists 164 partners.) These hundreds of advertising partners include dozens of firms most people have likely never heard of.
(continue reading)
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jovoy · 1 year
daily completely random intuition test pop quiz……………..what year do you think diet coke was invented in
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Where is Binary Bard, did he skip school
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Daily Check-in September 7th, 2023 🎀
Today was...not the most productive day for me if I'm being honest. When I'm using my Ipad to video call my boyfriend, I can't take notes like I want to, so I end up feeling like I'm behind on my homework. I'm genuinely thinking about buying a second Ipad to keep my personal life and academic life separate. I have a 2nd Ipad, but it's with my boyfriend, 1000+ miles away. My university sells one online for 300$ USD so I might buy it when I get paid next week.
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - leftover burritos with taco bell Diablo sauce
Lunch - spicy ramen with shredded fiesta blend cheese
Dinner - McDonald's
Snacks - one mint choco chip yasso bar, two cups of coffee with creamer
Not my healthiest eating day but I have been incredibly stressed so I turned to easy, greasy comfort food though all its done is upset my stomach. Tomorrow will be better.
🩷 Personal Habits/Goals I Achieved -
nightly skincare routine
studied Japanese for 10ish minutes
took out my bedroom trash
made a workout plan for the week
made a goal setting plan for working out
got in touch with one of my two assigned registered dietitian mentors
got my three week grown acrylics soaked off professionally
I'm hoping to implement the workout routine tomorrow, but I want to take it slow ish because I'm still recovering from a back injury and whiplash from last week so fingers crossed I don't irritate the injury! Also, I'm super excited to be a dietitian mentee. The one dietitian I'm in contact with currently is absolutely the sweetest!
🩷 Academic Achievements -
finished my Fitness For Health and Sport module 3 notes
posted my discussion post and one classmate response for the same course
completed and passed the module quiz for the same class
completed and passed my Food Fundamentals Chapter 5 Quiz
planned for the next few upcoming days
My job has me scheduled for ~35 hours Friday thru Monday, so I am going to be so tired this weekend, but I need the money because I have rent to pay, I want to buy a Genki 1 & 2 Textbook and Workbook + Answer key & hiragana/sentence chart (and some other resources), I want some more stationary, and I need to buy more groceries soon. I am also planning to buy another Ipad, and add some language app subscriptions to my arsenal of language resources for my lazy days.
🩷 Song of the Day - TT Japanese vr by Twice
I love that there are so many Japanese versions of kpop songs that I absolutely love, so this way I can passively listen to the language while enjoying music! There's also a ton of J-pop songs I'm currently in love with. Some of my favorite j-pop artists are liSa, Kenshi Yonezu, YOASOBI, Fuji Kaze, Suda Masaki, Ado, etc.
I did not workout today, I did not do morning skincare, and I did not make my bed. I am planning on getting back on track tomorrow. I appreciate this platform and my followers who help me want to stay on track. I appreciate all 300+ of you <3
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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batshikns · 5 months
Check-up List #30
(Yay!! A whole month of Mission: Getting Better >:3c)
Daily To-Do's:
-Got to school with in a tolerable mood: ✔️
(Got up in a tolerable mood: N/A)
-Laughed and made someone laugh today: ✔️
-Didn't get/make someone mad/upset: ✔️
-Got home in a tolerable mood: ✔️
(Went to bed in a tolerable mood:N/A)
-Showered: ✔️(highscore: 16) (15)
-Took a walk: ❌️
-Planning to go to bed soon: ✔️
-Eat breakfast: ✔️
-Eat lunch: ✔️
-Eat dinner: ✔️
Today's To-Do's:
-Do my work: ✔️
-Cuddle with Mom: ❌️
-Drink water: ✔️
-Try my best at band concert: ✔️
+ XP: Check-in with Dad and Pop: ✔️
+ 2× XP: Spend less time on the computer(phone): ❌️
+ XP: Do a whole month of check-ups
Had a band concert today!! I still... have to... work... on... my slides... but it's okay..! I got to work on my historical fiction lesbian story instead! (totally not procrastinating)
I was kinda hoping to talk with Dad and Pop more today, but I wasn't going to push it(they were probably super tired by the time I was ready to jump into a call).
I took a shower last minute, and, because i was feeling gender dysphoric, i cut my hair(and now my binder is itchy...)
-Do your best on the (final) math quiz
-Take a nap
-Drink water
-Cuddle with Mom
-Keep in mind that you're trying, even if Mom, Dad, or even yourself don't realize it yet and urge you to speed up the process
-Extra points: Check-in with Dad and Pop
-Double extra points: Spend less time on the computer(phone)
-Extra 0.5 points: researchers more about Buddhism
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love-toxin · 2 years
Okay, please bear with me ellie, I love you so but I sincerely want your reaction to this because I made it just for you, it's a very special present! It is almost 11:00 p.m., I am off the shits because I am sleep deprived as heck, and I cannot keep my eyes open. So I am hoping that this will not be terrible, and that you will like it, and that you will maybe, just maybe, think that it is decent writing? I am a very much in love with your stalker Eddie series, and I very much love your ass in which you got yandere Steve and yandere both like soft yandere double teaming you, so this is kind of based on that soft stalker Eddie just entered my brain and would not let me go, so now this is yours.
Stalker Eddie actually trying to be a bit of a wholesome stalker. Like, he says nice things over the phone to you late at night when he calls you because he can see you've had a bad day and didn't get a good grade on the pop quiz that Miss O'Donnell assigned, or he leaves you notes in typed out paper (to hide his trail) saying that you look good in a certain outfit. He can tell that your parents are a little bit neglectful, okay scratch that a lot neglectful, and he can't see why anyone would neglect such an angel... that just means it's up to him to give the Angel the worship that they deserve. But alas, Eddie the Banished is a rapscallion, nay, a hellion, among the unsuspecting populace of Hawkins, and the Angel would only shy away from his presence! So Eddie the banished must roll for stealth, and carefully Infiltrate The Domain of the Angel to lay his offerings upon the altar of her sanctuary!
Ok... maybe he's got a crush. A small one! But he knows the minute that he's even seen or found talking to them, he'll never be allowed to be around them again, and everyone will poison the poor little Angel's mind with so many terrible things said about him, and then the angel will hate him and he'll be destroyed. So rolling for stealth it is.
On the one hand, you clearly have a stalker who not only knows you but sees you around school every day, knows your house well enough to break in even when all of the doors and windows are locked, and knows your daily routine down to your beauty products and what class schedule you have and when your extracurriculars are.
But on the other hand...
The mysterious voice you hear over the phone gives you so much emotional validation that you want to hear more, that you're left yearning for more emotional validation, the mysterious voice comforting you telling you it's going to be all right, that you didn't make it this time; that's okay because you're strong enough and smart enough and brave enough to do it the next time and you'll do it better than anyone else. You wake up to little notes on your desk table, suggesting outfits you should wear that totally "make you look hot" according to the person who sends them, and the thing is? You actually can tell that they're kind of right.... you do garner more attention in the outfits that the note sender recommends. On occasions before big tests or exams, you even wake up to your favorite muffins and even one time, a small cupcake left in a small package on your bedroom floor near where you would step in to get to your closet. You're left yearning, because no matter how much you've tried and attempted to figure out who the mysterious stalker is, you just can't seem to find out. They cover their tracks so well that short of putting up security cameras, which your family either A; can't afford to do, or B; won't do because they insist that you're "being silly" and "it's all in your head, darling" as they tell you to head off to school. You're left yearning for a small gesture from your mystery admirer or stalker as your parents once again dismiss your concerns for your safety as they tell you that they're going to be heading out to work as you go to school. You're left wondering and watching if this is the day that you finally go missing, if this is the day your parents will finally pay attention to you; if only to see a picture of you on the evening news as the news airs the segment about the missing child.
Your day at school is not good. Everything feels like it's too much, like your skin is too stretched tight. You end up skipping your study hall period and going to the bench in the clearing near the school parking lot, trying to clear your head. To your surprise, on the bench is a wrapped present, with the tag on it having your name. You reach for it warily, but nothing explodes, so you open it. Inside is a cassette mix, and having your Walkman with you, you slot in the cassette mix to see what's inside it.
It's beautiful.
It's a full-length cassette mix of the mysterious voice giving you emotional validation, telling you that you're beautiful, you're strong, and that they're so proud of you for being as strong as you have. It's the mysterious voice telling you that they left you muffins after a hard test, it's the mysterious voice asking you if you still liked blueberry muffins or if you like banana muffins better, it's just that voice. And you're lost in your own little world listening at that picnic table, your brain fuzzing out as you listen and listen to all the things you wish your parents had said to you, it's all these things that someone who you don't even know is saying to you and meaning with the amount of emotion that you can hear in their voice, it's someone taking an interest in you for something other than your status, or your looks, it's someone who's talking about you like you've hung the Moon....
Maybe your stalker is in the trees right now, watching you listen.....
He is. And he's so proud. Maybe one day, he can be worthy of having you, being seen with you, but until then....
He remains in the shadows, ever your present comforter.
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unfair. this is rotting my teeth. MY FLESH. WAAAAAAAAHHHH I WANT!!!!! THIS IS SO SWEET ����🥺🥺
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irishsparkleparty · 21 days
Weekly Music Haul
Music is a HUGE special interest of mine and I love sharing music so I thought I'd post what I find every week. I find new songs/artists almost daily!! I'll link to Spotify, YouTube, and Bandcamp if applicable.
I'm always open to recs!
All songs below the cut :)
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This Time by Tom Webber - Indie/Britpop - Really like this guy's voice! - Spotify YouTube
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Round Trip by Marcoca Ft. Hector Gachan - Bedroom Pop - I'm not familiar with Marcoca but I LOVE Hector Gachan. His voice is so smooth and his songs always have a great bass line. I can't wait for his new album to release - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp (Marcoca) Bandcamp (Hector Gachan)
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Go Cray by Hilary Ladd - Indie Pop - I can't believe she only has 29 listeners on spotify!! Thank you to @izzybutt for the rec! - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Weapon of Choice by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Garage Rock - Love me some punk/garage rock. Thanks to @a-daks for the rec! - Spotify YouTube
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Boarding Pass by Teenage Dads - Australian Surf Rock - New release from a band I love! I'm a sucker for some surf rock - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Sleeptalker by Royal Blood - Modern Rock - solid rock song with some crunchy guitar - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Natsu No Otoshimono by Yamato Mori - Alt Rock - I cannot believe this artist has less than 1,800 listeners. I'm in love with this song!!!! Amazing composition and gorgeous vocals, it has a very nostalgic feeling - Spotify YouTube
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Come Too Far by American Authors - Modern Rock - New release!! - Spotify YouTube
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Quiz Show Clue by Maximo Park - Britpop/rock - I haven't listened to this band since like 2009 and I had no idea they were still making music lol - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Moon Mist by Dead Horse Beats - Indie Soul - The bass in this is so groovy and smooth along with the violins - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Your House by Mandelbro - Alternative Jazz - The bass is so deep you can feel it, also some lovely piano! - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Weather by Spooky Mansion - Bay Area Indie - this feels very surf rock adjacent - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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You Never Fight On My Time by Daniel Noah Miller - Indie Soul - love the chill bass and guitar here - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Pieces of my Heart by Bombargo - Saskatchewan indie - Fun song that sounds great on a nice drive :) - Spotify YouTube Bandcamp
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Come Thru by JUNO - Brisbane Indie Pop - Another good driving song - Spotify YouTube
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Horseshoes & Hand Grandes by Cody Belew - Queer Country Glam Rock - I don't think that's a genre that actually exists but that's what I'm calling it. This song is so fun and funky! - Spotify YouTube
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On Cue by Ice Cream Social ft. Abhi the Nomad, JR Specs, Harrison Sands - Hip Hop - Last but not least! some super chill hip hop - Spotify YouTube
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vi0luet · 3 days
— noah fontaine biography
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( MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL. TWENTY-SEVEN. CIS MALE. HE/HIM. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( NOAH FONTAINE ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( TWO YEARS. )  i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( BARTENDER & CONTENT CREATOR. ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( BLUE JEANS, BASEMENT PARTIES, PLAID PJ PANTS, SKATEPARKS, LED LIGHTS. ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( IDEALISTIC, CARING, ABSENT-MINDED, SELF-ABSORBED. ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( CLOSED FILE... REDACTED. ). wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be (THE OPPORTUNIST. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade! ( SOPHIE, 24, PST, SHE/HER )
— basics
name: noah richard brown fontaine nicknames/titles: “the opportunist” age: 27 gender: cis man (he/him) sexuality: heteroflexible zodiac: pisces occupation: bartender & content creator strengths: caring, optimistic, adventurous, loyal, passionate weaknesses: naive, avoidant, immature, self-absorbed, lacking in brain cells
— background/backstory
noah fontaine, originally born noah richard brown, came into the world on march 20th, to parents michael brown and camille fontaine brown. his upbringing was colored by fond memories of a bustling household with three older sisters, where he, the youngest, often found himself vying for attention. whether he was forcing his family to sit through impromptu one-man-shows or wreaking havoc on his sisters, noah always found a way to make his presence known amidst the chaos.
as he transitioned into high school, noah's enthusiasm for traditional education waned, reflecting in his less-than-stellar grades and uncertain outlook on the future. instead, he found his place in the world of youtube. daily uploads became his creative outlet, ranging from movie and song reviews to vlogs featuring his friends. despite his efforts, success seemed elusive, leaving him questioning his path.
however, noah's journey took an unexpected turn. learning his father had an affair shattered the stability he once knew. his once harmonious home was filled with endless arguments, his parents encouraging noah and his siblings to pick a side. the divorce was ugly, his father taking most of their assets and leaving his mom with hardly anything (though the primary caregiver for him and his sistsers). noah ultimately decided to distance himself from his paternal ties for good.
he decided he no longer wanted anything to do with his dad. he adopted his mother's maiden name, severing the last link to his father before pouring himself into his career as a distraction.
noah's breakthrough arrived recently when a video of his went viral. he reshaped his youtube content to showcase his brand of humor, resonating particularly with a younger audience he labeled “fontainiacs”. he now does this part time while bartending as he attempts to figure out his future.
— headcanons
unapologetic swiftie (tried to rank them for a video but they all ended up in the S tier)
doesn’t hate a lot of people except his dad and Jake Gyllenhaal
knows a lot about pop culture, who is dating who, etc.
has never failed a brain rot quiz on TikTok
can’t have a single conversation without Noah bringing up Mr. Beast (career idol)
swears he was at Jake Paul’s wedding (you can’t prove that he wasn’t) 
irfst adult purchase was a supreme bag
PR teams worst nightmare, doesn’t known when to stop talking and cannot keep a secret
has difficulty reading social cues and often gravitates towards personalities that seemingly have life ‘figured out’ and speak their mind
a ham who is obsessed with the spotlight, assumes everyone has a crush on him unless otherwise stated
has a snake named jimmy
— wcs
childhood friend - someone he knew before his career started to take off
unlikely friendship - self explan!
dumb & dumber - two himbos with nothing but shenanigans and time
manager/ agent/ industry vet - someone to help with his brand
industry rival - someone he competes with for views
PR relationship
exes/ old situationships
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