#date always. kudos mean absolutely nothing
mecachrome · 6 months
landoscar ao3 stats — 2023 overview
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retrieved ~sometime in march 2024
methodology: scraped metadata for every fic in the landoscar tag and...... that's it. however one important constraint is that all temporal data is date updated (not posted), so the above timeline isn't exactly a true representation of fic growth but rather how many fics were last-updated at that time. of course this is still its own reflection of fandom health in a way since dead fandoms don't update old fic but well... it's just not quite the same!
this is just info about general trends, fic content, tags etc... so nothing about kudos/comments or any authors specifically
i decided to focus solely on fics last-updated in 2023 (unless otherwise mentioned) because i wanted a tidy set that i can maybe compare & contrast in a year's time, because i expect a lot of details to look different then (tho as stated above this set isn't exactly static... 🤷‍♀️)
ngl i had to re-scrape a bunch of times because i forgot about it for like 3 weeks and then there were 100 new fics 😭 so if there are some minor discrepancies across the post it's because of that halfskh.
also i wanted to include more global comparisons (aka how 814 stack up against the f1 rpf tag in general), but this is also considerably difficult in some contexts since i can't exactly scrape 31,000+ fics can i... or i didn't even want to entertain the thought of trying to do so!!!
why did i do this? who knows.
anyway here's some viz T__T
ship growth
as evidenced in the opening graph, landoscar have been a very fast-growing ship over the past year — although interestingly enough they didn't really start growing substantially until july / the ~better half~ of the 2023 season. here are two views showing their "growth" (by date updated) alongside two other ships on the fringes of the f1 rpf top 10 (sebchal & galex):
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landoscar are very much on-track to surpass them and officially enter the top 10 soon, likely before mid-april ❗️ :o
ship characteristics
onto the ship content — another thing i was mildly curious about was how landoscar differs in certain areas from other f1 ships, or the f1 rpf "global" average you could say. for example, here's a breakdown of rating popularity in their ao3 tag:
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seeing as explicit is their most common rating, and that i don't necessarily expect this to be true for all ships/fandoms, i compared these percentages with the general f1 rpf tag to see whether some ratings are more commonly represented in 814 fic than average, which produced interesting results:
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do lando ships simply skew more HornyTM in general? is it oscar? a secret third thing??? who knows... actually i think it would be fun to do more analysis in this direction but that can wait for another time!!!
similarly i also wanted to see which ships are the most "public" on ao3, as in have the highest share of fic that isn't user-locked... i will refrain from peppering in my feelings about the 4th wall too heavy-handedly but i was curious to see whether some sort of perhaps... er, generational gap (?) of sorts between ships that are more public vs. not could be identified. however i don't pretend to have any takeaways from this LOL i conclude absolutely nothing. (for ref landoscar is currently 72% public, vs. a global avg of 63%)
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note that this graph is current stats, not filtered for 2023
looking at relationship tags, i also wanted to know whether landoscar suffer noticeably from Second-Ship Syndrome, so i tallied the first-tagged ship of every fic to find out. i know this doesn't necessarily mean that it's always the "main" ship but it's a good enough approximation. the results were quite positive!
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filtered to top ships with count of >1 only
i then also calculated the number of ships tagged for each fic to discern the profile of multi-shipping in 814 ficdom; i did have to do a little bit of string standardization (all instances of implied / background / hinted collapsed to hinted for simplicity's sake + removal of other redundancies), but otherwise i left everything mostly untouched.
as you can see, landoscar also have a fairly promising amount of OTP: TRUE fic:
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by the time you get to the fics with 10+ ships tagged, landoscar are less likely to be the primary ship, which makes sense just on a basic statistical level... this is also a very small sample size though
i also lazily tallied the 10 most common ships that weren't NOR/PIA or NOR & PIA to diff their shares of the 814 tag vs. of the general f1 rpf tag, to see which other pairings are more represented in the 814 tag than on average (because lestappen are the most popular by pure count but this is also true of fandom in general, so it would be a misrepresentation to say that their popularity is out of the ordinary):
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maxiel's gap isn't really that surprising since i think that, generationally, in terms of when both pairings were teammates there is quite a gap; with carlando—actually let me tally this again but including all instances of "implied" and "past" as being part of the same ship, since that's how ao3 tag-wrangles as well:
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Aha ! obviously as a direct ship there is competition between 814 and other lando or oscar ships, but this difference is somewhat less pronounced once we include all formats. tbh none of this really means anything but i thought i'd add it anyway... (it's also very possible that there are several errors in this, in which case my b 😔)
before we move on to additional tags, there are a few more basic characteristics of 814 fic we can calculate. i realize i never offered an overview of Super Basic Stats, so here are a few:
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plus, looking at word counts, here is a distribution of those in 2023-updated fic, which shows that a majority of 814 fics were under the 5k mark:
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85% of landoscar fics were under 10k & nearly 97% under 25k
i don't really have any reason to believe that landoscar's wc stats differ significantly from average ? so this is kind of just Data To Have Data, and it most likely reflects normal ao3 trends in general... but i thought i'd include it anyway because i already made it lol. similarly, here are word count distributions but stratified by rating:
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& same info but heat map view:
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i feel like this is also probably something you'd find across fandom in general — that gen fic is likely to have a higher share of under 1k works, since Building Up to sexual content often takes... Literal & Metaphorical Foreplay ! and the longer a fic is the more opportunities an author has to include a sex scene or other explicit content (ofc, not necessarily just porn but also graphic violence & so on). but i thought this was fun to visualize haha
additional tags & aus?
back in my old f1 rpf stats post, i made a table comparing fluff/angst "ratios" (not exactly a direct ratio because of how tag wrangling works, but an approximation) of the most popular f1 ships, and now that landoscar are somewhat popular i thought i'd first do an update:
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also current data, not 2023 to make things easier
just like before, simi are one of the most fluffy ships and brocedes are by far the most angsty, but it's interesting to see 814 also extremely high up on the charts, with far and away the lowest % of angst. will be exciting 2 see how that holds or changes as the seasons progress !
finally, i also wanted to do a bit of au/additional tag analysis because you can kind of see this when you use additional filters on ao3 but the previews are limited and get bogged down by the prevalence of *checks notes* Fluff, Angst, PWP, Anal Sex and what have you. which are nice stats to have and all but what of the rest !
disclaimer that the set for these tables is a biiiit outdated because by the time i'd wrangled everything i was like I Am Not Changing It Again. unfortunately i clean my data with shoddy queries and regex functions in googsheetz...
there were 48 tags with at least 10 instances from 2023 fics, shown below, with ones that are (some ~vaguely) nsfw in red just to kind of get a rough sense of which tags get commonly used in M/E fic:
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getting a bit too much into small sample size / specific fic territory so if you're an author i sincerely apologize for that... do not mean 2 put u on blast... TT__TT but i also tried to tally the most popular aus people write for 814, which is a bit dubious because people tag in really different ways and i had to accommodate for a lot of string formats but ... it's close enough ! (?)
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i feel like this is very little interesting info but idk what else to add so i will stop here for now... well!!! if you made it to the end i hope u learned something or even vaguely enjoyed reading T__T and most of all thank you :')
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ominoose · 11 months
Honoured to have been tagged by @my-secret-shame, legendary paw patrol stan.
How many works do you have on AO3? Three. All abandonded, two are Naruto and ones DC. Darker times...
2. What's your total AO3 words count? 7,541. I haven't posted there in years.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Oscar Isaac almost exclusively. In my head I also write for... is cryptids a fandom? I write the best horror novels in my head, putting HP Lovecraft to shame. One day someone will give me an Oscar character with a horror prompt and it will be the best day ever.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Since I don't even have five fics on AO3, I'll do tumblr instead. Also just gonna stick to Oscar stuff, the only other posts are slasher ones.
Pumpkin Porno In My VeinsTo Be Involved Blue Jones The Makeup Artist Oscar Characters Dating a Witchy Reader
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I response to almost all of them! There's some where I don't know what to say so... I kinda don't. But I do try my hardest, I appreciate when people take time to say a kind word to me and like to return that.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uh... I don't know that I've ever written one. I do absolutely love angst and I feel I could write it decently well, but to end with angst? I simply cannot. Maybe Caladan Attacks, since its basically on the line of non-con with no hope of escape?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Moon Knight system playing minecraft with you post is just silly, self indulgent fluff that was so funny to write. So thats a very happy one.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have never, which I'm happy to keep like that.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind? I've written about maybe six smut ever, it's all here and it's... the Oscar Isaac character kind. Or it's always got plot even when I don't mean for it too. I'll get 1k wc in and go "Why the fuck have I not even gotten to the smut yet?".
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I wrote the Steven Grant Travelling the Oscar Verse thingy, where Steven accidentally teleports to Poe Dameron, Leto Atreides and Basil Stitt. Was crazy because I didn't make Steven and Leto bang.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No. Unless they stole it really well and I don't know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Once with an MHA x reader thing back in the day. It also got put on youtube! Highest achievement.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Nope, no clue how it works and too nervous to accept an offer.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Oh no idea, it always depends on what I'm into. Currently in the Oscar fandom I have a bunch of random ships in my head I imagine for god knows what reason.
Steven/Jake Steven/Cecil William/Jake Blue/Jake Me/Jake
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There's a MK system x reader breeding request I've stared at so many times yet cannot muster the strength to finish. Idk why. I just cannot. Won't delete it though.
16. What are your writing strengths? When I'm in the zone I can crack out four fics in a day. I feel I can put a decent amount of character depth.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I burn out so, so easily when writing. Maybe I need more practice, but it burns out my want to write and my love for the thing I'm into.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I only know English and Scots, but there's nothing to write Scots for and people are rude about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Naruto, back in the dark ages.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? A Fake Taxi because the concept is so fun, I was encouraged by a friend and it's my first ever smut so that's a milestone!
Thanks again for the tag <3 My no pressure tags are: @winniethewife @minispidey @lunaesidus
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lizthewriter · 8 months
💖!! Please !! (MCU)
Name: Lydia
Sexual orientation: panromantic (asexual but with a high sex drive - we do in fact exist)
Hobbies/interests: reading, writing, colouring. When I write I write fanfic cause I’m a huge fan girl - don’t know if that’s note worthy.
Around friends I’m really open - especially with my sexuality because I’m coming to grips with that and they make me feel safe. I crack a lot of jokes and I’m quite flirty. I’m always outwardly grateful around my friends. I like to express that I love them and am grateful for them whenever I can.
Other details 🧐
I loveee my sleep. I’m absolutely a night owl so I spend my time awake at night and enjoy a good sleep in, in the morning.
I’m physically affectionate and adore cuddling. I absolutely love to be held - maybe I’m a little touched starved. I’m definitely very needy and clingy. I’m very much aware. In romantic relationships I absolutely adore my partner and express it often. I express my love through physical touch, words of affirmation and gifts I mean and acts of service. I’m basically a little of everything. My love is very well rounded in terms of how I express it - I enjoy taking care of people and making them feel good.
Huge super hero fan and science fiction fan. Star Wars and DC are my holy grails (I’m a huge fan of marvel obviously but nothing comes above DC and Star Wars for me lol they’re my special interests.)
I study health and social care at college and want to be an adoption social worker.
Hope that was enough <3
thanks lydia, that was perfect!!! you are the first person to play my request game, so thank you very much <333 here we go:
after reading your bio multiple times and making many assessments in my head over the course of a few hours, i think that i've come to the desicion that you would most definitely mesh well with peter parker. peter, of course, is also a huge star wars fan (dc second, star wars first, so i feel that's something the two of you could bond over. he also loves people who are kind and compassionate, so i feel he'd definitely fall for someone like you, who wants to be an adoption social worker (a very admirable job by the way, kudos to you!) and while peter is a morning person, i find that opposites (in this scenario) do attract!! peter loves hugs and cuddles, loves physical affection, however might be a little hesitant to accept gifts considering that he was raised poor and refuses help from others.
how do i see the two of you getting together? i can readily imagine you falling asleep in an early morning class - you weren't able to get into the section you wanted, so you had to enroll in an earlier class you REALLY didn't want to go to. peter has been your deskmate for a while and the two of you had made small talk every once in a while after class. peter wakes you up at the end of class and hands you a page of handwritten notes. "here. you looked really tired so i took some notes for you while you slept. see you next time!" he would leave with an awkward wave and friendly smile. slowly, the two of you start to grow closer. bonding after class, grabbing coffee or breakfast, talking about your hobbies and interests. you said you're flirty, so i think peter would definitely be flustered when you flirt with him. you would have to be the one to approach the topic of dating, but once you do, everything changes. you hand out almost everyday, watching movies, reading, studying, building LEGOS (if that's something you're interested in), and stealing free food from the events on campus. he would love the nights that you could cuddle up on the couch together and pop in empire strikes back or the quiet study sessions you spend together where you pretend to not catch him glimpsing at you with wide "oh my god i can't believe their mine" eyes. overall, i think it would be a very wholesome, sweet, loving, HEALTHY relationship.
i hope you liked this 😭😭😭
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prettyrealm · 1 year
Long rant ahead! Watch out!
When will people realize that at the end of the day, men WILL ALWAYS be men. Obviously not all men are the same...but A LOT of them are.
Giiiirrrrl honestly, don't these kpop fans and stans feel embarrassed? Personally as I'm losing ALL interest in celebrities and I'm just starting to see them as people who have more money and fame than me, the way these fans and stans be acting is honestly concerning. Korean celebrities especially idols have said time and time again how their companies will literally assign them roles to play in their groups. Do y'all really believe that most of these idols -especially the male ones- are completely genuine? Have y'all forgotten that South Korea is a conservative, homogeneous AND misogynistic country?
Kpop fans/stans will use the excuse of these idols being from a conservative country to excuse their racism, colorism, homophobia etc but at the same time will deny the possibilities of these idols being misogynistic? Shit babe just like how majority of these idols are most likely racist, colorist, and homophobic...they're most likely misogynistic as well. It is what it is. Y'all will watch vids of Korean women themselves telling y'all the truth about living as a woman in South Korea and y'all will agree yet at the same time say "bUt NoT mY bIaS/iDoL" but I'm never surprised because I also believe that most of these fans have internalized misogyny as well. Just because you're a girl/woman doesn't mean that you can't be misogynistic OR have internalized misogyny.
Also have you not seen the OBSESSION with these idols "future spouse/twin flames" or whether or not they'll date "foreigners?" there's nothing wrong with being curious about celebrities but whew! 😭😭😭 a lot of fans are just too fucking obsessed. Why are you more concerned about someone else's future spouse/twin flame when you have your own? I could NEVER be 20+ years old and worried about JK or V future spouse/twin flame, I'd be worried about my own future spouse/twin flame. TF!
Also I definitely agree about the racist part too! There's a lot of infantilization going on as well. The way these kpop stans/fans baby these idols especially the adult ones, is just weird. Imagine "western" fanbases doing that shit. Imagine the beyhive calling Beyonce "baby bee😙😙" or some shit the way armies be calling JK "banana bunny cookie milk" or whatever tf they be calling him. Calling Suga, a grown ass man mind you, "Meowmeow"....WTF????😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂💀💀💀💀 The way that K-pop stans and fans go out of their way to defend these idols and excuse them for literally everything that they do whether it be racism, colorism, homophobia makes me believe that they really do view them as Godly beings that can absolutely do no wrong. Y'all DO NOT have the same energy for western celebrities- especially the black, white ones! Don't you realize that they're human just like you...damn...para-social relationships will have people going absolutely crazy over people that shit and piss just like every other human on earth. Luckily there are some kpop fans and stans that are completely sane and normal! Kudos to y'all! 💗💕💖
They’ll never apply “men will be men” to kpop boys because they don’t see them that way. These are not ordinary men, these are imaginary boyfriends. They’ll never be able to get that they can be just as bad as any other guy in their life. You said it perfectly, celebrities are normal people with way more money, fame & power than you and it’s crazy how people want to assume that somehow makes them better people instead of worse…& yeah i think a lot of that infantilization stuff mostly just come back to not seeing them as humans or normal people because no matter how fine my friends think a guy or a celeb is they’re not about to be calling no grown man no sugar plum or gumdrop idk..
I agree Internalized misogyny 100% plays apart as well, like the fact that I, a woman, receive hate from what would mostly be other women & girls for saying a man has misogynistic tendencies says A LOT.
People will make the argument that these idols are humans and you shouldn’t even entertain the possibility of them being misogynistic/racist/homophobic or whatever & I feel like that’s not only illogical, but dehumanizing in itself because like you said, we never see this grace being extended to non Asians or people outside of that industry. No matter how much these stans wanna yell “my idol is human” they don’t actually mean it or view them that way. They mean their idol is the PERFECT human that can do no wrong.
& that’s what really blows me is how OBVIOUS they make it that this is a racial thing. I didn’t have people sending me hate when I said Matty Healy, Timothee Chalamet & Blueface had issues w misogyny. Didn’t get hate when I said Pinkpantheress has problems with women either. Seems you just aren’t allowed to say it about Asian men 🤔🤫
But yes, luckily they’ll always be people like you and a few others who are actually able to see understand that these idols are just as human & flawed as your brother, sister, neighbor or coworker! Thank you so much for your support and taking the time to reach out! 🩷🩷🩷
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afaramir · 4 months
20 questions for writers!
tagged by @emyn-arnens literally over a month ago and im finally getting to it now lol much love thank you for continuing to tag me in things even though im the worst at doing them sometimes.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 65 (15 of them are under my archive pseud though lol)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 265,381
3. What fandoms do you write for? actively writing for lotr, pacific rim, my secret little marvel rarepair
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? these are so funny they're all my avatar work from before i remade on this blog. well throwback i guess. they're still dear to me.
open arms, atla sokka coming out to his dad
earth system history, atla sokka/zuko college au where zuko is an earth scientist
[redacted h*rry p*tter work from 2016]
love's not for show, atla bato/hakoda sokka creates a master plan to get his dad and bato to admit that theyre dating but they're NOT
knife loves heart, human loves human, james bond 007/q post-spectre fixit fic (my Only 00q and possibly also my only fixit fic?)
5. Do you respond to comments? i try so so so hard but the executive function that allows me to say anything coherent only comes around every so often lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? a couple contenders for this one but if we're talking strictly the ending probably i'm not leaving (til we make it home) (exu calamity patia & laerryn / patia & the ring of brass exploring her relationship with love and loneliness and finally being free to express how much she loves her friends only in the last hours of her life and dying happy for it).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? also a couple contenders for this one but i feel like many of them are tinged with not a small amount of melancholy. so we are going with a big throwback to sun through open windows (atlok mako/wu plotless little morning routines fic that is about nothing in particular but also about realizing you have everything your younger self thought you would never have).
8. Do you get hate on fics? not in a long long time (like probably 7-8 years) thank god!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes although none of it is published (yet). what kind? idk man whatever im horny about this month. ok but for serious. really been into character developing smut. do u know what i mean. i’m telling you something about who each of these people are and how they view each other through the way they fuck. this probably says quite a lot about me
10. Do you write crossovers? i'm not much for the kind where characters from different franchises Interact, but i am partial to taking some guys and translating them to a different setting. ah to put characters in a situation and watch as the fundamental core of their being stays the same....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? hope not lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? not that i'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes! we have not finished it but it's absolutely CORE thesis-level influential on my entire psyche. even if we never get back to it i'll think about it until the day i die and that is not an exaggeration.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? of ALL TIME? i straight up dont know if i can answer this one. ALL TIME???? my long-term emotional permanence is NOT good enough and my recency bias is too strong for this. ok i think the only way i can answer this is with the ship that has gotten the deepest into my psyche and my soul. which is yancytendo pacific rim. they. affect me. on a level i will probably never be able to fully explain. the 'giving a guy built only to be a thematic device a personality and a history and deep gut-wrenching grief' of it all. the 'you are in love with a guy who is doomed by the narrative and despite your best efforts it means that he is a personification of all the grief you carry inside of you' of it all. yancy becket you will live forever in my heart tendo choi you will ALWAYS be famous. augh. yeah i picked right
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm probably something about the way you look tonight, my mallorytanner thesis statement fic, the genesis of which was genuinely a life-altering event to me. i was listening to the titular elton john song walking home from a general chemistry exam in the snow and i was struck so violently with An Image for truly the first time in my life. truly not ONCE before that moment had that happened to me. this was in my freshman year of college this fic has existed in various forms for going on FIVE YEARS. will it ever be done. GOD i fucking hope so. i actually do hold out hope for that one.
the one i am actually hopeless on ever finishing is orogenesis, the sprawling expanded stemverse pianjeong backstory au fic. the whole structure of it is quite clear in my head actually. i just didn't have the life experience to create the plot structure to go with the emotional beats when it generated itself in my mind in 2020-21 and now that i DO have it the problem is that the inciting event is incredibly clear to me and yet bears too close of a resemblance to. personal events and horrors. for me to ever finish it! i'll think about it forever though. creating and writing that au changed my life for real it was the longest thing i'd ever written and the best when i wrote it and it's still very close to my heart.
16. What are your writing strengths? characterization and character development baby. evocative use of metaphor in descriptions of both character and setting. lavish description.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? PLOT. cant create that from my brain and i rarely attempt it. i have plenty of stuff to write about that does not require it. relatedly not great at worldbuilding.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? generally don't do it much except for a stray word or two. i don't mind reading it though! tolkien fic writers who translate full sentences you are god's strongest soldiers.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ough this one will be embarrassing. entering the archive pseud. wait is it also tolkien that's funny. life is a circle in some ways. this is first fandom on my ao3 account btw. the VERY first one i wrote for...i will take that knowledge to the grave.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
ah i feel like my answer for this one changes every time but i can't help it, i love many of my darlings equally. this time im giving the spotlight to life holds onto you, my chris pike & jim kirk post-star trek 2009 fic that is a few thousand words of 'what if your sort of son feared that you thought he was taking everything you ever wanted from you and he is right that you have thought that but you are learning how wrong you are.' i cried in the university library writing it and reread it recently and remembered it was good. recency bias baby
tagging the usual suspects @potatoesandsunshine @aaronstveit
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2af-afterdark · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
I got tagged by @fickleminder and @theevilpretty1. Gotta answer here since many answers are NSFW
1. How many works do you have on AO3? >Officially: 233, Unofficially: I have a looooot of orphaned works, so probably closer to... around 300?
2. What's your total AO3 word count? > Officially: 621,923, Unofficially: Again, many orphaned works, so idk
3. What fandoms do you write for? >Mostly Obey Me and What in Hell is Bad? I have also written for: Twisted Wonderland, Homestuck, Ikemen Prince, Bustafellows, Tears of Themis, Fire Emblem (Awakening and Fates), A Date with Death, Fate/Grand Order, Ikemen Vampire, Undertale, Degrees of Lewdity,
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? > She Would be Queen, This Court is Full of Jesters, Punishment for a Brat, Dark ABCs, Bonding Time
5. Do you respond to comments? > I try to. Eventually. Sometimes I am bad and I don't respond for several weeks. That's my bad everyone. Sorry.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? > Hands, Mine to Hold or If Only This Tale Had No Obligations Welcome to nothing but sadness.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? > She Would be Queen I think it's the only long fic I have with a happy ending, so it's kind of the only option.
8. Do you get hate on fics? > Sometimes. Mostly people who get upset that I write about problematic things (noncon/dubcon, abusive relationships, etc.) Strangely, I have written about waaaaay more problematic things (in my opinion), yet no one ever talks about those things.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? > Yes. I write a lot of smut. It's all bad because I have to think of how sex works as an asexual and... lol. I don't know. I have a limited knowledge of that kind of stuff.
10. Do you write crossovers? > Never. I don't read them either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? > Stolen? No, but I did have a fic where the back half of it was copied. So... plagiarized.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? > Someones asked to translate a fic into Chinese once, but I don't know if they ever did. Oh well.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? > Yes? Sort of? I mostly wrote it and asked the other person what their OC would say in a given situation.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? > I am a shipping junkie. I love shipping. I have many ships and am a multi-shipper. I cannot pick a favorite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? > To Have and Hold or Absolutely Nothing. I know exactly how each one goes. I know everything that happens. I just... I have started to really fall out of Obey Me, plus both of those fics are very taxing for different reasons. I may just release a plot summary at some point if people want them?
16. What are your writing strengths? > I have no idea? People tell me I am good at characterization and I accept the compliment, but... I don't know how much I agree with that. (Y'all caught me on a down swing in my self-confidence, sorry)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? > I have always hated overly descriptive language so I am not great at it. If it takes you 3 pages to describe the couch someone is sitting on... I am out. No thanks. Not my thing. However, that means I suffer when it comes to vivid descriptions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? > It's cool. I don't speak a second language, so I try to only use fictional languages in my fics so that I don't accidently say anything weird or offensive.
19. First fandom you wrote for? > My first fanfic was for Babe so... I was, like, 8. If you mean when I actually started writing in modern times though... it was Homestuck.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? > Umm.... I don't know? My comfort fic is Follow Someone Home so... I guess that? But it's not my favorite in the way I think this question is asking. It's just to one I type away at when I need something relaxing.
I feel anxious to tag others so... please do this if you want. No pressure.
Questions Below:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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gatemains · 2 years
Play one night stand game
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#Play one night stand game software
So it’s all of the time and energy aside from the artwork that was spent on the game was the writing, as opposed to a controller heavy game where they’re focusing on the mechanics,Ĭourtney: Right! Like you mentioned that we’re playing through Dark Souls again. Like you said, it’s a choose-your-own-adventure. Depend– depending on what kind of game you’re playing.Ĭourtney: The thing is the writing is often very, very good and then people don’t always expect that from something like a visual novel or a dating sim, but… A lot of the dating sims that we play, it isn’t to romance fictional characters, it’s for the writing which is often comedic. Royce: That’s the thing about a lot of dating sims. Not– not everything is super realistic anyway, but this game does seem very much rooted in realism. Which as an asexual couple, some people might think it’s a little silly that we sit down together to play video games of dating other people, but it’s actually– a lot of them are just silly. And you got absolutely hammered the night before, so you don’t remember getting here, you don’t remember her name… I’m sure some people can relate to that, but I personally cannot say that I have ever done that. You play a man who wakes up in the bed of a woman whom, you know, nothing about. It is the aftermath of a one-night stand. Royce: This is a dating aftermath simulator…?Ĭourtney: This a– Yes. And we’ve actually– We, as silly as it might sound, we’ve gotten really into playing dating simulators. And we love games like this, because there are multiple endings, and so you can replay through it multiple times and get a different experience. And in this game, like– like many visual novels, you have a selection of choices, things to say, things to do, and you pick your way. It’s really like a Choose Your Own Adventure story of sorts, you’re placed in a scenario with characters. But this style of game is something that we’ve been playing very frequently and it is a Visual Novel.Ĭourtney: Visual Novels are great! If you have never considered yourself to be a gamer, I want to highly encourage you to not discount visual novels. Recently we actually went back and played the original Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. Royce: We have played a lot of different genres of video games over the years. On Twitter she’s over there Kinmoku being the online alias of this game developer. I’m going to shout her out right off the bat because I want you guys to pop over to her website, follow her on Twitter. So, like right off the bat massive, massive kudos to the developer of this game. There’s the writing, there’s the artwork. There’s so much that goes into a video game. It’s– it’s hard to make a complete game as an individual.Ĭourtney: Oh, it absolutely is! I mean the same is for video games, or any large scale creative project.
#Play one night stand game software
I ended up landing in general software and after spending a couple of years there, decided that’s where I wanted to be, but I have had a history of working on video game related things that usually didn’t pan out because I got hyper focused on something very technical and then stopped caring after that. I never ended up doing any work for the games industry itself. My bachelor’s in Computer Science was focused in video game development. My Collegiate background is in video games. You actually have credentials, you are educated in the video games. So, as far as video games, I mean Royce, you and I play quite a few video games together and we have throughout the entire span of our relationship. So we love supporting creators from within the Ace community. And in fact, the developer of this game is actually a part of the Asexual community as well. We’re also going to be talking about just the general concept of a one-night stand from an Ace perspective. So even if you are not a video game player yourself, I really hope you’ll stick with us because we have a lot of great points that we want to touch on, even if you yourself are not a gamer. The video game in question that we’re talking about today is called One Night Stand. Courtney: Hey everyone, and welcome to the first episode of The Ace Couple Podcast wherein Courtney and Royce discuss a video game that they played.
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opheliawillowbrook · 3 years
How the Cookie Crumbles
To say his brothers fought would be an understatement: They warred. That. That was the better word. However, it was Dick who was the peacemaker among them. The mediator extraordinaire, translating all his brothers’ woes and misunderstandings into less doom-pending transgressions. But to say this unofficial, yet very necessary part he played was tasking was yet another understatement of unspeakable proportions. It was a FUCKING LOT.
“I swear to God, Drake. You and Brown are a special kind of stupid.”
“Shut up, Damian! It’s a good idea!” Tim grumbled in reply.
“Yeah! You’re just mad you didn’t think of it first!”
Dick’s face fell upon hearing the argument and considered turning the other way, but he’d learned the hard way that his lack of interference could result in bloodshed. Damian did have a history of stabbing Tim, and Robin had an impressive body count, according to Jason. I’d better  make sure he doesn’t add two more.
“Well, fuck me and my  entire life,” Dick droned in frustration. “What are you three bitching about now?”
“Damian keeps saying our idea is stupid,” Stephanie tattled.
“Yeah!” Tim added with crossed arms. “He says we lack the fortitude for good ideas!”
“You do!” the current robin exclaimed.
The youngest batboy rolled his eyes and reasoned, “Listen, I know these two brain donors barely have two brain cells to rub between them—”
“That’s not the only thing they rub!” Jason called from the other room.
Damian again rolled his eyes in contempt and continued, “And I’ve accepted, as a member of this family, that everyone gets to act a little stupid from time to time. However, as much as I would like to respect their commitment to their shared stupidity, I feel as if they are abusing the privilege and it needs to stop before one of them gets hurt.”
“Wow, he actually cares,” Jason added from still in another room.
“Have you been sitting there listening the whole time?” Dick asked, near facepalm.
“Affirmative,” Jason confirmed, entering from the hall.
“And you did nothing to stop them fighting?”
“It’s funnier this way.”
“Do I always have to be the responsible one?”
“Affirmative,” all four said with little thought.
“Okay then,” Dick sighed with reluctance. “Damian, I know you find it hard to accept the choices of others, but you need to understand that free choice and expression is about accepting that others may not make the same choices as you, and that’s okay. It’s the same as you choosing not to take my dating advice and ask Raven out because you’re afraid of rejection—”
“Shut up, Grayson! This isn’t about me!!!” Damian spat.
“Damian has the hots for Raven?” Jason teased. “You have good taste, Mighty Mouse. She got a great—”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Todd!” Dick and Damian ordered in unison.
“I was gonna say personality,” Jason droned. “Get your minds out of the gutter. I mean for fuck’ sake.”
“Sure you were,” Tim replied with a glower.
“Yeah Tim, cause you never stare at her tits while you talk to her,” Jason added, throwing him doubly under the bus.
“Dude, are you trying to get me killed?” Tim said, shooting an elbow into his brother’s ribs as Damian and Stephanie both glared. Spurring Dick into a further mood for murder.
“My point being is, just because you don’t like other peoples’ ideas, doesn’t mean they’re stupid.”
“Tell them the idea, guys!” Jason urged, stirring the pot.
Stephanie and Tim looked at each other and nodded, as though they’d discovered the holy grail itself. “We’re gonna write a series of YA novels and sell them on the web!” Steph sang optimistically.
“Yeah, it’s a huge and diverse market,” Tim added.
“And with established characters, we’ll make a killing.”
Dick’s brow furrowed. “That sounds like fanfiction?”
“It sounds like utter bullshit,” Damian sneered, not single fuck given.
“It’s not bullshit,” Tim snapped. “YA novels make up a huge portion of the market. People love those things.”
“Then name one YA novel that has sold more than a manga in the last 10 years?”
Tim shrugged. “I can’t think of one at the top of my head, but there they definitely exist and sell.”
“Yeah, so does my fanfiction based on this family,” Jason added under his breath.
“What?” Everyone asked.
“Nothing. Continue.”
“So anyway, I told Damian it’s a foolproof plan.”
Dick rolled his eyes with a bit of doubt, but who was he to judge or discourage their creativity. I mean, he dropped out of college after all? “I’m not saying I believe it’s bulletproof, because frankly, nothing is. But I’m curious why you would consider telling Damian? I mean, he hates most things.”
“And Drake. I hate Drake.”
“We’re all very aware, Dami,” Dick drawled in annoyance. “But yeah, why would you tell him anything important to you? Especially that?”
“Well, we kinda needed a loan. I knew Bruce would undoubtedly say no and, well, Damian has money.”
“Because I make good business decisions.”
“I don’t know why I thought of asking you?”
“You didn’t, Jason told you to,” Stephanie confessed, recalling an earlier conversation.
“Jason, really?” Dick tsked.
“Hey, Damian does make good business decisions. Who do you think cleans and invests money? It’s certainly not Alfred.”
“Because Alfred would have nothing to do with your blood money, Jason. And Damian, I’m very disappointed in you!”
“Grayson, I don’t know what high horse you are riding on today, but you better come off it. Father told me if I wanted money, that I needed to earn it and that I should get a job. So I got one.”
“Laundering money for Red Hood’s criminal Enterprise is not a job!”
“Actually it is. Mighty Mouse made us an LLC and everything. I own several Wash & Folds, all legitimate! Thanks to Hell Spawn here! I’m actually considering making him a partner.”
“So will your LLC fund our YA Novels?”
“Oh fuck no!”
“Come on, Jay! We have a solid business plan,” Stephanie pleased.
“You’re business plan is a bunch of meaningless numbers written on the back of a napkin and poorly illustrated versions of us,” Damian said, holding up the napkin in question.
“Okay, so it’s not the final draft, but we’re working on it!” Tim said pointedly.
“Yeah, as tempting as this all sounds, I didn’t make my money making half baked business decisions,” Jason reasoned
“No, you made it by taking over Gotham’s drug trade,” Dick clarified with disapproval.
“Which was a solid business decision.”
“Why do I even talk to you?”
“I don’t know why I talk to any of you,” Damian scowled, arms crossed, grateful there was no shared genetics between him and his adoptive kin. “I don’t understand what father saw in any of you.
“I can’t answer that,” Jason replied. “However, I can tell you, from personal experience, what he saw in your mom.”
“Do you wanna die, Todd?”
“Do you wanna not have a job?” Jason wanted. “Also, been there done that. But hey, if I died twice then I’d have buffy status so don’t threaten me with a good time, kid.”
“On that note, I’m leaving,” Damian grimaced. “I have to meet Raven, anyway.”
“Oh,” Dick sang. “You have a date!”
“It’s not a date.”
“Bet you wish it was a date,” Stephanie teased. “Y’know, if you just stopped acting like a dick all the time, I bet she’d go out with you.”
“Shut up, Brown.”
“Oh no,” Dick smiled. “I know it’s hard to believe, but he’s nice to Raven.”
“Hey keep that shit up,” Jason added. “If you’re nice to her, she’d be nice to you!”
“I hate all of you,” Damian proclaimed and stormed away.
“Fuck you too! See you at work Monday! Jason called, earning a tiger middle finger.
“He might be an asshole, but he’s a good kid,” Jason nodded with a sense of pride, causing to Dick to silently scoff. “Still needs to get laid though.”
“Bruce is gonna be so pissed when he finds out you pulled Dami into your bullshit.”
“You’re using Raven’s pet name for him now?” Jason mocked. “And fucker’s gonna have to prove it first; there’s a reason I hired ‘Dami’ for that job.”
“Dude, fuck you; dig your grave,” Dick lamented. “And don’t come at me with one of your tired ass death jokes, they’re getting old.”
“Suit yourself,” the Outlaw glowered as silence set in.
“So Dick,” Tim dared sheepishly. “You, um, wanna invest in--”
“Absolutely not,” the elder hero replied.
Leaving Jason to chuckle. “And that’s the way the cookie crumbled.”
If you enjoyed that feel free to leave me kudos 👉 here on Ao3 lol. If you have any remdom prompts send them my way; maybe I’ll feel inspired 😘
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princecharmingwinks · 4 years
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Sterek Fic Rec - February 2021. Ah the month of love! And what better way to spend the second month of the year than to read about our two adorable dorks. Enjoy another list of fanfiction recommendations!
It's A Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes by fairytalesandfolklore (1/1 | 1,825 | Teen)
For a while, there's a whole lot of nothing, just the sound of water splashing against tile, the scent of Stiles's Old Spice body wash wafting in the summer air, and— Wait. Is that…is Stiles singing Taylor Swift? Derek tilts his head to the side, catching sight of what is unmistakably Stiles's silhouette framed in the open window, towel wrapped around his waist, using a hairbrush as a makeshift microphone and belting out what Derek is 99% sure is the song Love Story by Taylor Swift.
Derek Hale Is Not Romantic by ash_mcj (1/1 | 3,507 | Teen)
Derek Hale is not romantic. He’s not. Sure, he cares about Stiles...he guesses he has changed a little as a side effect of dating the guy. But he has not become, and will never become, one of those stupid romantic boyfriends.
[or: Derek (and his pack) realize that he has totally become a hopelessly romantic boyfriend]
(For~ Sterek Valentine Week 2021; Day 1: Hopeless Romantic)
I Know You by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemilyj) (1/1 | 1,733 | General)
“I thought I’d find you here,” Derek said, placing a gentle kiss on Stiles’ temple. He could barely feel Derek’s lips through the thick hair he had let grow during his senior year. He was never expecting to rid himself of his signature buzz cut, but it wasn’t exactly a priority when battling the danger they so often faced.
“Am I that obvious?” Stiles asked.
“To me,” Derek said simply, squeezing Stiles’ shoulder.
Shirt Thief by allourheroes (1/1 | 4,113 | General)
Derek's wardrobe has changed...which wouldn't be such a big deal if he wasn't wearing Stiles's shirt. What the hell?
In which Derek is a thief, witches are basically unimportant background characters, and Malia is the only one who understands what's up.
i got you on my mind by nicotinedaydream (1/1 | 1,263 | Teen)
"Are you Stiles?"
Stiles groans. He admits it is fairly immature, but fuck it. He hates his life right now. He wishes everyone would just go away.
"No. I'm not. I'm 'Leave Me Alone'," he gripes, pulling at his hair aggressively. He hears the person snort. He looks up, nostrils flaring. "Seriously, dude. Leave me the fuck alo—"
His brain just—stops. Warranted, it never does that. But this stranger is beyond-this-universe level of hot.
Dark black hair, light yet murky grey-green-brown-blue (what the fuck???) eyes, jawline that could give him a paper cut if he touched it, and bulging arm muscles under the tight-knitted maroon sweater the guy is wearing.
He coughs, swallows, tries to not make a fool of himself. "Actually, yes. I am Stiles. How may I service you—fuck! I mean, how may I be of service?" He face-palms. Epic. Fail.
Happy Birthday To Me by clottedcreamfudge (1/1 | 10,819 | Mature)
"Hi there, and welcome to Full Moon Jewellery. Thanks for browsing! I’m a designer based in California whose only dream in life is to get through art school without having to sell off my organs - which, by the way, is still on the table. You need a kidney? Let me know in your personalisation request, and I’m sure we can work something out. Guy’s gotta have that dollar to buy curly fries."
It's Laura's 30th birthday and Derek sucks at buying gifts. Then he stumbles across 'Full Moon Jewellery', an Etsy store run by an art student who has strange ideas about nutrition, and whose enthusiasm for his new commission is actually kind of adorable.
In which the whole pack wants Derek to get a life, and Derek just wants some peace.
(But not really)
If The World Was Ending by spaceprincessem (1/1 | 2,315 | General)
Derek swallowed the lump in his throat. “If the world was ending,” he started, eyes fluttering open to meet Stiles’ doe brown ones, “I would find you and tell you-”
He broke off, biting down on his tongue hard. He felt Stiles’ fingers trace over cheeks, thumb brushing softly against his bottom lip.
“And if the world wasn’t ending?” Stiles asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Give you that thing you can't even imagine by LunaCanisLupus_22 (1/1 | 10,999 | Explicit)
The omegas came out onto the stage next, and Derek did his best to smile and shake hands with enough polite distance as possible, to avoid giving the impressionable ones ideas.
Or the one where mateless Derek thinks no omega can affect him like they do other alphas and he's about to find out he's very, very wrong.
the other shoe by stilinskisparkles (1/1 | 4,633 | Teen)
They’re lounging on Derek’s bed one afternoon, Stiles halfheartedly trying to make headway on an essay, and Derek’s supposedly helping. Instead, Derek’s spent the last eight minutes mouthing lazily at Stiles’ shoulder, and Stiles is five seconds from giving up completely.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Stiles? by LadyMerlin (1/1 | 1,955 | Teen)
The problem with Stiles is that he absolutely totally 100% thinks he's hilarious.
It's not so much a problem as it is... No, it's a problem.
Because he really isn't, except maybe when he snorts milk out of his nose, or when he mimics Coach Finstock perfectly, or when he goes to Deaton's to play in the puppy pens and ends up with the same grumpy Pomeranian chewing his hair each time. But that's entirely besides the point.
Nothing about the way Stiles is fellating that Popsicle is funny. Nothing.
princecharmingwinks special mentions (this fic has badass Stiles with magical glowing tattoos and is sooo well written. the feels!!!)
Beltane by DevilDoll (1/1 | 8,254 | Explicit)
"Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
It appears I was mostly in the fluffy mood this month (not a lot of smut - oh dear! I’ll have to include some more E rated next time hehe). Hope you enjoy this fics. Remember to leave kudos and comments. <3 
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
ML Fic Recs - Ladynoir
I think most readers can appreciate a good rec list, but it’s often the same fics that I see recced again and again. I get why they’re recced - they’re amazing! But I want help finding fic I haven’t already read. So I decided to be the change I want to see in the world. The rule: the fic must have less than a thousand kudos on AO3 (but I’m trying to limit to fics that have less than 500.) Obviously this means a lot of my favourites are not included here, but you’ve probably read all of those already anyway. 
If you enjoy these, please reblog so more readers can find these awesome fics!
To get things started and in honour of the quality ladynoir content we just got (which I’m hoping will inspire even more quality fan content!), let’s have some ladynoir recs. Fics are in no particular order.
Amnesiac? More like Amnesi-Chat by therealjanebingley
Oblivio's back, and this time only Chat Noir gets hit. Based on his limited knowledge and the way Ladybug acts towards him, he makes some assumptions.
One-shot. This is hilarious. From Chat’s genuine glee about his superheroes to Ladybug’s affectionate indulgence to having Chat provide an “outside perspective” on Ladybug’s non-platonic behaviour towards him to the teasing... I could see this actually happening in an Oblivio 2.0 episode.
Experimental Kisses by @komorebirei
Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?”
Chat Noir looked up.
“I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.”
Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in.
One-shot. Ladybug offers to kiss Chat since he doesn’t remember their kiss and the way she reacts to the kiss...it lives in my mind rent-free. I have fallen asleep many a night fantasizing about what the repercussions of the kiss might look like. 
What's your favourite colour? by @hermionemonica
Ladybug and Chat Noir sit on a rooftop, watching the sunset.
One-shot. This fic is short and sweet and absolutely lovely. It’s set post-reveal and despite only being 566 words it’s full of sweetness and feeling.
Margins of Error by orphan_account
“Do you…” Ladybug's voice is at an almost-whisper. He can feel her breath fire-hot against his face. “Do you want me to show you how I think they should write our kiss?”
Adrien isn’t here anymore, leave a message after the tone.
Adrien was raised on order. His life is meticulously planned, each day as reliable as the equations he studies in physics and calculus. But Ladybug- Ladybug always has him at a loss.
One-shot. Okay, so I know the author of this one since I download all my favourite fics, but since they’ve orphaned it I’m going to respect that. However, since the author was kind enough to leave the work up so people can continue to enjoy it, I’m going to suggest that people do so! Ladynoir kisses featuring my absolute favourite dynamic: sexually assertive Ladybug and receptive Chat Noir. (Don’t take this to mean the fic has sexual content - it’s just kissing.) AMAZING.
Liquid Luck by @somethingvaguetodo
Ladybug enlists Chat Noir's help in decoding the remaining ingredients for the power-up transformation potions. Together, they work on creating them, and possibly destroying the barriers between them.
Multi-chapter. The riddles of the secret potion ingredients are fun to think about, Ladybug and Chat Noir both get to show off their smarts, and the trust and support between the two of them is showcased. Perfect ladynoir.
when you weren't mine to lose by @bugsandchatons
Change is a scary thing, especially when it feels like nothing has stayed the same.
It's been a year since Marinette became the Guardian of the Miracle Box - a year of struggling beneath a burden she never asked for, a weight that has her leaning on her partner more and more as the hours fly by, of letting him come to her, too, when he needs a soft place to land. A year of falling for the boy who takes on the world by her side with a smile made of sunlight, and fighting the growing urge to tell him what he means to her.
After all, they'll have time enough for that when Paris is safe.
But when the unthinkable happens, Marinette learns the tragedy of loving someone quietly, and the lines she'll cross to save him.
Multi-chapter. This is what happens when Ladybug loses Chat Noir. It hurts in all the best ways and the writing is absolutely gorgeous and somehow we still get a happy ending!
well if i'm beautiful and you're beautiful then who's saving paris? by celebreultimaverba
Chat flirts. Surprisingly, it works.
And then it backfires.
One-shot. This one is so cute and sweet! It’s a quick read but you’ll be smiling by the end of it.
sometimes the dreamers finally wake up by magesamell
"Four days ago a mermaid flooded Paris and an ancient guardian introduced himself to his father as a substitute Chinese tutor. He had thought that would be the end of it."
Ladybug tells Chat Noir all of her secrets.
One-shot. Post-Syren. The fic we all desperately need about Ladybug actively working to restore the balance of her and Chat’s relationship after Fu messes with that. It’s not overly romantic, but it’s absolutely perfect.
i fall in love just a little, oh, just a little by @mlady-noir
If she was asked, Ladybug wouldn't be able to give a specific date when her heart decided to fall for her pun loving partner, but she could point out the night she realized it.
One-shot. Sofffffttttttt. This is just a beautiful narrative of Ladybug’s fall for Chat with a sweet, sweet ending.
Someone I Can’t Fall In Love With by @yslen54
Ladybug agreed with Chat Noir when he suggested that they should finally share their identities with each other, but she’s been dreading it ever since.
One-shot. This is short and sweet. An identity reveal that explores Ladybug’s feelings for Chat Noir and then plays with the divided heart trope.
The following fics are amazing and absolutely worth reading, but do feature sexual content, so minors beware.
You can’t stay away from me by plikki
When Adrien sides with his father, he expects to protect Ladybug and buy some time. He doesn't expect that his emotional state will make it so much harder to resist the girl that he loves, until he just gives in.
Multi-chapter. Rated M. Not-quite an enemies AU, but with all the beautiful angst and tension of one. There’s a fair amount of sex, so be warned but it’s SO SO GOOD. And all of the pain and angst is followed by a sweet happy ending.
baby, we don't have time to be coy by Molebear
"What are we doing?" Chat breathes, the words sending a tendril of lucidity back into Ladybug's hormone-addled brain.
It's a fair question.
The origins of this tryst are a little hazy in her mind at this point. Something about a lovesick akuma, maybe? Ladybug vaguely remembers Chat Noir getting struck by something, only seconds before it hit her too. There was a fight, or... there was something she and Chat Noir had been in the middle of doing - something important, like.... save-the-world important - before she'd dragged him underground with the sole intention of climbing him like a tree.
A scorned lover gets akumatized and gains the power to cast Lust. When it comes to distracting Paris' beloved superhero team, this power turns out to be... rather effective.
One-shot. Rated M. The UST of this one damn near killed me. It’s hot AF and I would commit homicide to read the conversation these two have after that lmaoooo
Charmed, I'm Sure by @chatonne-rousse
Friends with benefits. It's right there in the name, and it's what they are - friends. Best friends. This is just a way for two consenting adults to relieve stress after akuma fights, with the only person they'd trust with this level of intimacy. Really, what could go wrong? (The real question is, what could go right?)
Multi-chapter. Rated E. The sex is really, really hot. It’s in character and full of emotion. And there’s an amazing identity reveal followed by “I’m so happy it’s you!” sex. 
A Little Too Far by imploder
Ladybug gets handsy, and Chat Noir lacks self-control. Alternitavely: "Plagg's Worst Nightmare".
One-shot. Rated E. This one is hot and in character and just absolutely amazing steamy ladynoir content. Features my favourite: sexually assertive Ladybug. Because who doesn’t love playing with gender role stereotypes?
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copias-thrall · 3 years
How would Mary goore react to hurting someone he genuinely cares about? I absolutely Love your writing!💕
Hello, nonny! Thank you, I love this ask!
This was going to be  alist, but it got away from me! 😅 
Enjoy 😘 
It wasn’t anything big.
Just a few of Mary’s favorite beers (the craft kind—not the shitty beer he drank on his shoestring budget), some of that chronic shit you’d scored and have been saving for a special occasion, and a VHS box set of horror movie classics.
Mary comes in and out of your life at will, and that was something you accepted—knowing he was As Is or not at all. And honestly—no, really—you liked that. You had your own shit going on, and being Mary’s expected caregiver was NOT something you wanted to add to that list.
(If someone else wanted to try to tame him and pick up after him, well…kudos to them. Less work for you.)
Mary showed up on your pivotal days and he rubbed your feet and always invited you out to trivia. You'd held him when he was coming down from a bad trip and listened to his grievances and gave him a place to stay when he was persona non grata at his own. And in a way, that made you always feel like #1 in Mary’s world…and that was good enough for you.
A few months ago, Mary had been lying on your couch, picking the label off his beer bottle.
“I’m gonna be away for a bit,” he’d said.
“Oh?” you’d responded as you’d mashed the controls on your gaming controller.
“Yeah. I mean, I’ll be around…but I got some shit going on.”
You’d paused your game.
“Bad shit?”
He’d waved you off.
“Neg. Just tryna get myself out there. Signed up for open mics and shit.”
He’d shifted, his long legs receding from around you and folding under him.
“So, like…I got my job at the bowling alley…but nights and weekends are kinda shot.”
You’d tried not to let the disappointment show on your face. You supported Mary’s dreams, and that meant not making an issue that he was finally trying to do something about them.
This wasn’t against you. It was for him.
When you’d taken too long to respond, his face had scrunched.
“But if you want—”
“It’s fine, Mare,” you’d said as you’d made yourself smile. “This is important to you, so it’s important to me.”
You’d unpaused your game.
“Just don’t expect me to not beat this game without you.”
He’d grabbed the controller out of your hands with a snarl, causing you to cry out when you died.
“Fuck the game.” His hand had fisted your shirt. “Give me a night to remember.”
You had. Twice.
Mary had texted you occasionally over the next few weeks—a few memes, a few drunken key-smashes, a dick pic, and 2 grainy videos of his performances for critique—but such contact was sporadic, and you’d never seen him in real-time. 
He’d blown in one night, five weeks in, with a box of pizza just as you'd been heading out to meet your crew. When you’d told him you’d made plans, he’d looked so crestfallen that you’d caved and canceled on them.
While he’d been there, he’d given you a date in 3 weeks.
“That Saturday I have nowhere to be,” he’d said as he’d chewed. “I can spend the whole day with you.”
You’d been careful not to seem too eager.
“Oh yeah? Should I plan shit?”
He’d crammed the whole crust into his mouth and had given you a doughy grin.
“Why ’’ya think I told you?”
You didn’t know what you’d expected, but when he’d had to bounce 90min later, you were still surprised. (That was hardly enough time to digest!)
“Sorry,” he’d winced. “I gotta be on a bus in 45min.”
He’d left, and you’d been too embarrassed to join your friends who were only just going to the second bar.
Having fun with your man ;) ? one of your friends had texted.
What do you think? You’d texted back before changing into your pjs and turning on Netflix.
So maybe you were low-key excited about your day with Mary.
Perhaps you’d spent those 3 weeks figuring out the perfect date—something that said, “I missed you,” without saying “But in a clingy way.”
Beer and horror were two things the both of you were totally into, and you knew he’d be exhausted, so it seemed perfect. You’d bought the boxed set off of eBay and splurged for expedited shipping; you’d borrowed your brother’s old dual TV/VCR from his college days; and you’d forgone your weekly Chinese takeout for the craft beer funds. (And if things got steamy, well…even better.) 
A few days before The Date, you’d run into Mary on the bus. You were coming home from a shift, and he was going to his.
He’d brightened and waved you over—as if you weren’t already on your way—and you’d plopped down beside him with a tired grin. You’d told him of the latest entitled asshole, and he’d showed you another clip of him on guitar.
Before your stop had come up, you’d tentatively placed your hand over his.
“We still on for Saturday?”
He’d blinked at you a few moments before grinning.
“Should I plan a whole day for us, then?”
His arm had crept around your shoulders before pulling you into him to kiss your temple.
“Yeah, why not.”
That morning, you wake up happy. 
Mary will be over soon.
You roll over and grab your phone.
When should I expect you? :-* 
It takes him an hour to respond. You aren’t surprised—Mary isn’t known for being a morning person—so when your phone dings, you grab it up excitedly.
An excitement that dies when you read his text. And reread. And re-reread.
not 2day 
goin upste 2 show 
You blink.
What show? Didn’t we confirm? 
yeah. got me thinkin 
why no show? 
so i chked 
i missed one 
gotta do it 
Rage blooms hot, then cold behind your eyes and down your cheeks.
But you said we had the whole day. I made plans. 
save em 
ths is impt 2 me 
We’ve had this planned for weeks. 
i thot u suprted me 
on a bus cnt tlk 
You send a few more irate texts, but he doesn’t respond, and you toss your phone across the room with a shout of frustration. You scrub the hot tears from your eyes before they can fall.
And…on paper, Mary isn’t wrong. Nothing you had planned won’t keep: movies, beer, takeout.
It gives you a stark look at what you mean to Mary. He gave you this date and confirmed it. He knew you were making plans.
How long was he going to wait to tell you he wasn’t even in the city anymore?
You fight the urge to kick the VHS tapes across the floor, but you open the fridge and grab a beer. If Queen Elizabeth could have beer for breakfast, then it was good enough for you.
Once you’ve downed all eight, you move on to the jug of vodka you keep for cleaning.
When you empty only liquid from your stomach into the toilet, you grab your frozen fries out of the freezer. You roll a handful of the cold ones in your mouth as you wait for the others to crisp in the oven, and once you’ve consumed the cooked ones, you go right back to the vodka.
Opening your eyes the next morning is a mistake, so you take a few deep breaths and go back to sleep.
When you wake again, your heart is fluttering, your stomach turns, and it feels like there’s an ice pick behind one eye. Shuffling slowly, you make your way out to your kitchen where you take some painkillers, drink some pickle juice, and eat two slices of plain bread.
The sense that you did something awful stays with you, but you’re in no condition to find your phone and see what you’ve done. Instead, you go back to bed. It takes more deep breathing to settle yourself, but once you do fall asleep, you’re out for hours.
You don’t feel amazing when you swim to consciousness again, but you feel at least like a human being. 
Your phone is dead when you find it under the sink, and waiting the 5 or so minutes for it to charge feels like waiting to face the executioner.
It’s both better and worse than you expected.
You breathe a sigh of relief to see that there are no vague social media posts, and you didn’t drunk dial any of your friends, but…
The texts to and from Mary are ugly.
Apparently, you’d managed not to send him angry texts until he’d sent you another clip of his performing. But then the floodgates had opened.
You’d started with telling him you didn’t give a shit about the show, how he was an inconsiderate ass, and then you'd devolved into incomprehensible, typo-ridden texts that accused him of using you, that you were only something to do when he didn’t have anything better to do, that he was an entitled man-child and if he didn’t apologize, you were done.
Mary’s texts in response range from him being angry at your disregard, to heated retorts you were blowing this out of proportion (and he didn’t appreciate your “ad hominem” attacks), to a cool detachment that this wasn’t working over text and he’d finish this in person.
You put your head in your hands but are too dehydrated to cry.
Mary doesn’t text you again during his self-imposed time frame.
You don’t text him either, but that’s more out of self-preservation than pride. There’s no point exacerbating the situation…and you’re pretty sure there’s no coming back from this, so why speed up the inevitable?
The horror tapes taunt you every time you walk by them, and you wonder if you can return them (you can’t). You give the TV back to your brother, and when he asks you how it went, you plaster a smile on your face and say, “Great!” with forced enthusiasm you hope comes across as genuine.
The primo weed goes over to your friend’s house, and the two of you wax poetic all night about existential claptrap as you devour two cheese pizzas and a bag of bbq chips. You talk about Mary without talking about Mary, and you get a heartfelt, “Sorry, dude.”
You beat the video game anyway, but it’s mostly because you needed something to occupy your mind and less out of spite (though that’s there as well).
Despite waiting on tenterhooks to hear anything from Mary, you truly don’t really expect to. You know you’d been atrocious, even if it had been prompted by his careless disregard, and you know Mary isn’t really the kind of guy that troubles himself with relationships that are hard.
Not that you’re in a relationship.
So when there’s a knock on your door a week later and Mary’s behind it, you’re genuinely surprised.
You gape through the peephole in shock.
“Fuck. If you’re there, just let me in, ok?”
Fumbling with the chain, you unlock the door and crack it open.
“You gonna let me in?” he rasps.
You shrug and step away from the door, and he shuffles inside. He looks around like you’ve changed anything (you haven’t), before turning around to face you.
You close the door and stare back.
He folds his arms. “Breaking up with someone over text is tacky.”
What you think is, So you’ve come to do it in person, but what you say is, “Can’t break up if you’re not together.”
He winces and runs his fingers through his hair. 
“Yeah…apparently I’ve ‘taken advantage' of you.”
This…isn’t what you’re expecting.
“Can we sit down?”
You nod, and Mary sits rigidly on the edge of your couch. You curl up in the chair on the opposite side.
He rubs his palms down his greasy jeans before he speaks.
“I mean…you pissed me off, ok?”
You nod.
“But, like—you weren’t wrong, ok? I kinda knew that deep down, but I’m a dumbass, you know?”
You don’t nod.
“And I kinda bitched about the whole thing…but the resounding response was that I was the asshole.”
He angles his body toward you.
“I guess I’ve kinda been treating you like my best friend that I fuck sometimes.”
Your entire face flushes—you’d always thought you’d maybe ranked a little higher than that—and you duck your head so he can’t see the tears that you blink back.
There’s a swish of fabric, and you startle hard when Mary’s hand is at your chin. He jerks back with a Sorry.
“Shit—that’s not what I…” he blows out a breath and puts his hands behind his head before looking back up at you.
“But you aren’t, and…fuck this is harder than I thought.”
So this is it.
Waiting for him to do the deed is clearly going to be excruciating, so you take charge of this whole shit-show.
“I understand,” you say flatly.
“You do?”
“It’s ok, Mare-Mary. It’s my own fault for reading too much into it. I just…I saw what I wanted to see, I guess. I know you don’t need…” you look down into your lap, “…my shit in your life.
He makes a noise low in his throat, and then he’s squatting in front of you, his hot hands planting on your knees.
“But I want your shit in my life.”
You squint your eyes at him.
“But what I said…”
He grasps your hands in his.
“Pissed me off, yeah…cuz I wasn’t fucking thinking, ok? You’re like one of the only people who gives a crap about what’s important to me. And all I could see was you suddenly…not.”
Anger wells up in you again, and you yank away your hands.
“Weeks, Mary…weeks of you all over the tri-state area, and you thought I didn’t care because of one night?! A night you promised to me?”
He sits back on his heels. “I know…fuck. Ok? At the time, it just felt…like the show couldn’t be rescheduled. Our night could.”
Because you’re what he does when he’s bored.
You curl in on yourself.
“Shit.” He leans forward again. “Fuck, I’m sorry, ok? I’m fucking on my knees here.”
You blink at him. 
“Please, please don’t break—say we’re done.”
“Look, we can go into my shitty fucking psychological profile on why I fuck around later…but right now I need you to know that I knew it was you before I fucking knew it was you.”
You uncurl.
“That…’what’ was me?”
He knees forward and presses your hands to his face.
“The one I wanna spend my free time with. The one whose opinion means the most. The one who was the first person I wanted to share all my good shit with. You’re the one I missed, and—after that awful fucking night—everything felt pointless because I knew I couldn’t come over and jam about it.”
“Mare—what are you saying?”
“I’m saying I’m a fucking dumbass. I’m saying I thought I was pissed at you, but I was pissed at myself for fucking it up.” He sighs. “I’m saying no fucking one was on my side and they all told me to get my shit together.”
He looks up at you with wide eyes, and for the first time, you can see how they’re outlined in red, his subtle crow’s feet more pronounced.
“So, you’re not done with me? I’m not…too much trouble?”
He shakes his head in disbelief. “What? Shit, no. I’m asking you to not be done with me. I’ll give you all the nights you want. Fucking text me, and my ass’ll be here posthaste.” He shifts up, and his thumb ghosts over your lips. “Anything to get you to give me that secret smile again.”
“Secret smile?” you ask while trying to perform the action.
Mary actually blushes.
“Uh…yeah. You get this…” he makes a motion across his face, “…when you’re giving it back to me.” His fingers shove back through his hair as he casts his eyes down. “You don’t give it to anyone else.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I’ve made a study of it.”
You’re a swirl of emotions. Mary’s apologized—has admitted he was wrong and has asked for…more—but you’re still hurt. And embarrassed.
But he’s looking up at you with wet, hopeful eyes.
“Do you…” you start carefully, “…do you know why I got so mad?”
That statement was clearly not what he was expecting, and he blinks at you a few times before nodding and looking down at the floor.
“I made a…uh, commitment…to you. And I treated it like it didn’t mean anything.”
He gives you a look like, Did I get it right? and that’s close enough—even if he’s missing some of the nuance.
You nod. “And I know I…wasn’t…the best.”
His face contorts, and your heart sinks.
“You…” he shakes his head. “You said some awful things…some hurtful shit—and it really got in my head.”
Mary gives you a complicated look.
“Shit that you’d been pissed about for a while.” He traces your knee. “Shit you could’ve said to me…but shit I should have noticed. Fuck.” He presses his forehead into your knees, and you can’t stop yourself from sinking your fingers into his hair.
He takes it as encouragement and presses into you before looking up again.
“I just kinda wanna put that whole night behind us. It feels like a fucking ouroboros of fault. And like maybe I created it. But let’s agree to like…not do that again.”
You look down at him, and his eyes search your face.
“Ok…but what does all this mean, Mare? I can’t…I need to be something to you, ok? More than just your friend.”
Mary nods emphatically, and he takes your hand and curls his into it.
“No more fuck-ups, and no one else…can we start there?”
He’s saying all the right words, but you’re still trepidatious—you know Mary, and he doesn’t like constraints.
“I…just…how can I believe you?”
He shakes his head like he can’t believe you even have to ask. He rises and awkwardly reaches out to touch your face before drawing his hand back.
“Cuz you’re important to me. I care about you, and I don’t want to lose you. Ever.”
And yeah. Ok.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" from The Owl House
Wow. They are really pushing it for that secret message, huh?
Anywho--Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
I think it goes without saying at this point that Season Two of The Owl House is setting itself up as a season without filler. Now, filler episodes aren't always bad. Yes, it hurts when a series turns away from the main plot for a week. But at best, they're utilized as a chance for the writers to play around with the characters and developing said characters without it relating to the overarching story. So, some people who see that consider it a bad thing that a series doesn't have that many filler episodes.
I like to call those people: F**king morons.
Don't get me wrong, I see where some of you are coming from. And I'd be willing to agree...if The Owl House was a plot-driven series. Which it's not. It is a character-driven series. Because for every plot thread and narrative that the show presents, they always relate to the characters and develop them further each time these threads get brought up. For example, look at "Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty's Door" (It pains me just to write that). Several narratives move forward, and it’s all done to make the characters grow. And to explain how requires going into spoilers. So keep that in mind as you continue reading.
Now, let's review, shall we?
Hooty: Might as well start with the character that this episode is about.
To tell you the truth, I wasn't a huge fan when I found out we're getting a Hooty-centered episode. I've grown to love him over time, but he is a comedic character that's best used in small doses. Primarily due to how his voice is grating to me (My ears are still bleeding...). With that said, I do really love his contributions in "Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (Seriously, there couldn't have been a less awkward title?). Hooty's antics when trying to help everyone are as hilarious as they are heartwarming. He deeply cares for his friends but just doesn't understand how his plans could do some unintended harm, which is pretty lovable if you ask me. We also get some surprisingly great insight into his character, as he feels insecure about basically being the comic relief who doesn't really do that much other than being funny. Rarely do you get that level of dimension from a comedic character, and it's even more uncommon for that to work out as well as it does here. It once again proves just how competent the writing is in this series to the point where we get an episode about Hooty, and it's funny and heartwarming instead of being annoying. And whoever is responsible for that, you're the best.
Lilith’s Letter to Hooty: I mean it when I say that I love how Lilith kept her word about her and Hooty becoming penpals. Their friendship was something I would have never expected to love, and I'm still shocked that it works so well, so seeing it continue like this just warms me to the bone. Plus, it is pretty sweet that Lilith's kind words are what inspired Hooty to do what he's done in this episode...meaning it's Lilith we should thank here--SON OF A WITCH! Even when she's gone, she's still working her way into my heart!
King going through Puberty: What?! KING IS EVOLVING!
(There, I made a Pokemon reference. Do I get my cookie now?)
Eda Keeping Herself Awake to Train Herself: I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that this has everything to with Raine getting captured last week. If Eda was still the most powerful witch in the Isles, she might have actually saved them. But she isn't, and now the love of her life is in the clutches of a tyrant planning something that could potentially be the end of everything. So I can understand Eda pushing herself to her limit to get back on top again, as I would probably do the same. It's not healthy in any way, and Eda would be doing more harm than good. But when it comes to the people you love, logic doesn't always win out in the end.
Luz Wanting to Make her Way into Amity’s Heart by Making the Echo Mouse Happy: ...That's it. I Just...I just love everything about it, ok?
This was also when I knew that I was wrong to doubt that there would be zero Lumity in this episode. I realize my follies now, and I humbly apologize.
Hooty Teaching King About Demons: This was so funny. So, so funny. Probably doesn't come as a surprise, especially since The Owl House proves itself as a comedy before, but the jokes have never hit as frequently and as hard as they did here. From Hooty getting offended by King's dance to him and Dana's insert wanting a "DNA sample," everything managed to successfully make me lose my s**t. It does come at the expense of King suffering, but I can stomach that much more than if it were Eda or Luz. And, as a bonus, we get lore about how demons work, added with another great joke of King getting in trouble with Hooty for saying he already knows this stuff. Humor isn't always the show's strong suit, but when it works, it f**king works.
King Wanting to Know What he Is: But despite how funny King's vignette was, we still get to see more of his character grow. We learn that he's frustrated now that there's this big question mark over his life now, feeling extra angry that his father "abandoned" him to leave such a present mystery. It shows the hidden resentment he has that Lilith inadvertently brought out, made even worse when King's father hasn't responded to the video yet. King hasn't really gotten that much development until "Echoes of the Past," so it's pretty cool that the writers haven't really slowed down on it. Especially when it leads to these great moments of King venting his frustrations.
King’s Shouting Powers: KING learned FUS RO DAH!
(And now that's a Pokemon reference AND a Skyrim reference. WHERE'S MY GOSH DANG COOKIE!?)
Eda’s Nightmare: If King's vignette hits you hard with the laughs, Eda's will absolutely hit you harder with the feels (never make me say "feels" unironically again). Knowing that Eda's life got thoroughly screwed over by the curse is something we could figure out on her own. But seeing just how much the curse ruined her life and tore apart relationships that mean the world to her really does a swell job at ripping apart the soul. What's even more tragic is, technically speaking, it's all sort of Eda's fault too. She kept hiding the curse, refusing to be a burden to others who would do all they could to help. If she had only been open and honest, things probably wouldn't have changed much, but they most likely would have been better than they are now.
Eda Attacked her Father as the Owl Beast: ...I don't know what I was expecting when "Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances" hinted that there was some possible tension between Eda and her father...but it definitely wasn't this.
The fact that we see blood where his eye used to be doesn't make things any happier, either.
Raine Broke Up with Eda: Before we get into anything else, let's celebrate the fact that it's now confirmed that Eda and Raine really did use to date in the past. Because this show is just f**king phenomenal with its LGBTQA+ representation!
But, seriously, this is a fantastic reveal that goes far beyond just shipping...well, sort of. It shines a new light on Eda and Raine's interactions from last week, revealing that while they're not a couple anymore, they still very much love each other. It helps make their last interaction especially tragic, as they were both on the same page now and could very well be together again. Only for them to be forced apart for the second time in a way that's much worse than the first. And I frickin' adore that this series changes the impact of one episode one week later. Again, it shows just how competent these writers are, and kudos to them for making something so...perfect.
The Moon Person: WHO THE FU--Nope. Nope! We have more than enough mystery bulls**t to deal with through CreepyLuz and Philip Wittebane, so I am PUTTING YOU ON THE BACKBURNER FOR NOW!
(They're probably nothing more than a one-off character, anyway)
The Owl Beast and Eda are Connected: Through visuals alone, we, the audience, can clue into what the curse really means. The Owl Beast doesn't want to be a part of Eda as much as she doesn't want it to be a part of her. Whether they like it or not, and they very much don't, they're stuck together. The thing is, and this is what I love the most, they still decide to make the best of their situation rather than let it ruin their lives even more. This might be the best possible turn Eda's curse could have made. It'll still affect her, and there are probably more negatives than positives, but at least now, it's not the worst thing in the world. And I feel like that's all anyone can ask when in a position like her own.
Eda's “Pretty Dream”: I don't know what emotions are toiling inside me more with this moment. Awe and wonder over how beautiful Eda's dream is, or heartbreak over the implication that she has only had nightmares since getting cursed...I'm gonna say both. Yeah, it's definitely both.
Eda’s Harpie Form: Well, fan artists are gonna have a field day with this...especially the freaks.
(You know who you are. And you're weird!)
Luz Calling Amity a “Cotton-Candy Haired Goddess”: ...Have I ever mentioned how much I love this show?
Hooty Kidnapped Amity: ...Hooty, if your stupidity wasn't charming, I would be more than willing to call the authorities over how you kidnapped a girl in your version of a knapsack and locked her in the basement. For that is going to ring SO MANY alarm bells in people's heads.
Amity and Luz Stuck in a Tunnel of Love: *Smacks lips* Mmm. The adorable awkwardness of this moment is just *chef's kiss* magnifique!
Luz being afraid of getting made fun of:
Amity’s look of hope: I mean...just...f**king--LOOK AT HER:
Tumblr media
That is the look of a girl who, while embarrassed as hell, still is ecstatic to learn for a brief moment, everything that she is hoping for has a high chance of being real. Who, in their right mind, wouldn't go "Aw!" at something so pure and innocent?!
Luz Destroying the Tunnel of Love: This is how to effectively utilize dramatic irony. The audience can understand why Luz is tearing the place apart because she explicitly states that she's afraid of Amity rejecting her in the end. They also know that's bogus, thus making it extra painful to watch Amity's heart break more and more with each second (which is perfectly represented through Amity's expressions). You feel bad for both of them, and even worse when you know that it can easily be prevented by the simple art of communication. That's what makes it great dramatic irony. Knowing the point of view of each character results in a scene that evokes emotions in two different ways.
Hooty’s Breakdown: This was...genuinely hard to watch. Not that it was badly written, far from it. It just...hurt seeing how destroyed Hooty was when he realized he failed the people he has such an admiration for. On the upside, a wholesome moment follows soon after as the Owl House gang tries to reassure Hooty that he's done a lot of good that night. It's a pure action that shows even though Hooty gets on their nerves all the time, they still care about him...damn it. I think I'm gonna cry.
Eda’s Advice for Luz: ...Eda...You're the best.
You found out that your surrogate daughter wants to ask a girl out, and not only were you quick to deliver the best possible advice ("Just go for it!"), but you also quickly reassure her that it doesn't need to be perfect.
And you know what? That's it. Eda is the best cartoon mom! She might not technically be Luz's mom, but I don't give a s**t because she is the best!
Luz and Amity Ask Each Other Out: Shh-sh-sh-sh...
Do you hear that?
...It's the sound of dozens of Lumity fans collectively losing their s**t...and I'm one of them.
HOLY S**T! Holy s**t! Holy s**t...might just be the best way I could possibly describe this! Finally, after all the waiting, speculating, and praying, THESE TWO IDIOTS FINALLY GOT TOGETHER! AND IT WAS PERFECT! I mean, it was awkward as s**t, but that's what makes it perfect! You know why? You wanna--Hey! *snaps fingers*. You want to know why? It's because they're teenagers. Of f**king course, it's going to be awkward! This is their first relationship, so there will be a lot of missteps along the way. And that, in itself, brings me to the best (second best part?) thing about it happening in episode eight of the new seasons. Most endgame couples get together in the climax or even at the end of the series. But to have them get together this early on, means there will be quite a few episodes dedicated to showing them grow as a couple.
And better than that--EVEN F**KING BETTER THAN THAT--dozens of kids are going to see these two, a realistic depiction of young love that just so happens to involve two girls, and are going to learn once and for all that there is nothing wrong with being who they are. That fact alone is f**king incredible. Yes, it sucks that season three got cut short, and we'll have even less time with Luz and Amity, but knowing how many kids have felt seen today almost makes it worth it in the end.
And if I see one mother f**ker saying this was poorly paced, I might just hunt them down for SPORT...Sorry if that was an overreaction. I'M JUST SO HAPPY! Because they're happy! Look at them. Listen to them! It's so...GAH-HAHAHA!
“They’re adorable! And deserve all the happiness!”: You're darn right, Hooty! You're darn right.
King’s Father(?) Shows Up: What the--WHAT?! They're doing this now?! Here?! After everything else?
Oh, man. What could this mean? What dynamic changes will this cause in the main cast? How could the writers fit this in during the next two episodes? And what--
Hooty Eats the Letter: ...Pfffft--HAHAHAHA!
Oh, man...I should be mad, and I wouldn't blame others if they are...but that is too much of a brilliant f**k you that I can't help but appreciate it. Bravo writers. Bravo.
...Dislikes? Dislikes? You would honestly believe that after everything I witnessed in this episode, that I would have the gull to list anything wrong with it?!
HOW DARE YOU ASSUME THAT I WOULD BE SO CALLUS TO--Actually, I do kind of have an issue with the episode's title. It's just too much of an awkward mouthful for me to get behind. I understand that the writers wanted to sneak the K into the secret message, but were there really no other titles starting with K that they couldn't come up with?
But that's just a personal issue, and in no way do I think anybody else would feel the same way. Especially with how well-written everything else is anyway.
"Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door" (title aside) is another A+ episode. It was hilarious, heart-wrenching, and downright adorable while keeping me entertained with every minute. I'm sure there are some issues I was willing to ignore due to how expertly written everything else was, but why bother looking for the chinks in the armor when I could just enjoy a perfect episode for being so...perfect! Some of you might be willing to disagree with me, but to that, I say: Don't knock it till you've tried it.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I'm going to go lie down. It's...It's been a day.)
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i get so lost inside your eyes || h. styles
warnings: mentions of a break up, swearing, kissing, mentions of alcohol
word count: 1.5k
summary: you and harry are alone on valentine’s day, so decide to spend it together...
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“I brought wine!” Harry smiled, showing you the bottle he’d bought on the way to your home. 
“My hero,” you joked, opening your front door wider to let Harry in. 
“And I got you flowers,” he shrugged, his cheeks coated in a light tinge of red. 
You smiled, “Why did you do that?”
“Just felt like it. You deserve them anyway,” he sighed, passing them to you. 
“Well, thank you, Harry,” you grinned. 
You took the wine and flowers from him, taking them through to the kitchen. He shrugged his coat off and head through to the living room. It was dark outside, the sun having set two or three hours prior to Harry’s arrival. 
You’d know Harry for a long time. Nearly seven years. And you’d been good friends for that time, enjoying one another’s company perhaps too much. He’d been there for you when it felt like nobody else was. Harry had seen some of your ugliest moments and his adoration for you had never faltered. 
Due to you both being single, you’d made the mutual decision to spend Valentine’s Day together. Spending the evening together, binging cheesy romcoms and crying over fictional characters’ love lives, sounded like the perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day to you. And evidently to Harry too, for he was, sat on your couch, flicking through Netflix. 
You placed the two wine glasses down on your coffee table, pouring the bottle out between them. You sat in silence as the title sequence of Harry’s selected movie rolled, taking occasional sips of the wine. “How’s Valentine’s Day being single then?” he asked suddenly. “You know, since you and Peter broke up.”
“Thanks for reminding me of that,” you joked. “Just what I wanted to hear today.”
His eyes widening, realising how rude his question was, “Oh, Y/N, I’m-“
You chuckled, “Harry, it’s fine. I was kidding.”
“Oh, right,” he laughed. “Obviously. Are you looking for anyone right now?”
Your throat suddenly became very dry. You were in the midst of trying to suppress your feelings for Harry before looking for anything serious with somebody else. After you and Peter had broken up, you had assigned yourself a ‘no guys’ rule, in which you’d stay away from dating altogether for at least six months.
 But then you began to see Harry under a different lens. You’d always found him attractive and you were never to deny the fact that Harry was good-looking, even before you first met him. But you’d never seen him under a romantic light. And then you began to, and it made hanging out with him feel completely different. You were hyper-aware of everything he did and you picked up on the small things he did. It became exhausting. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you forced a shrug, “Not really. No point forcing something with somebody when I’m not in any rush to be in a relationship.”
“Oh… fair enough,” he nodded, his eyebrows knitted together slightly. “Yeah, why force it?”
He prayed you hadn’t picked up on his slight shift in mood. The awkwardness and the slightly disheartened tone. But you had. You weren’t going to mention it though; it would be mean to put him on the spot like that. So, instead, the two of you stayed silent as you watched the movie. 
About an hour and a half later, the credits rolled. You yawned, stretching your legs slightly, they were dead from the position you’d had them in for the duration of the movie. “I’ve got ice cream, come and tell me about yourself,” you said, getting up to fetch the tub of vanilla ice cream from the freezer. 
He followed, beginning to talk about how the band were and how writing was going. You nodded along, genuinely interested in how his music career was going, as you fished out some spoons. The pair of you sat down at the kitchen island, sharing the tub of ice cream as he told you about the many love songs he was writing. He’d tell you about a date he went on, which inspired this song, and a crush he had, which inspired that song. And, though hard for you to listen to, you still nodded along eagerly, wishing he wouldn’t notice the frown that was playing on your lips. “How’s Gemma?” you asked, hoping you didn’t seem desperate to change the topic of conversation. 
He shrugged, “She’s good. She was actually asking how you were today, I was on the phone with her.”
“Oh,” you smiled. You adored Gemma. “That’s kind of her. Tell her that her podcast has been keeping me sane.”
“She’ll be glad to hear that,” he chuckled. “Have you still got that piano?”
It was a random question and it took you by surprise slightly. It was so off-topic. You nodded. He smiled, “Can I teach you one of my songs?”
You grinned, “If you’d like.”
Playing the piano was something your parents had forced you to do when you were a child. And, it wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy it, you certainly did now that you were an adult, but it was never something you were necessarily passionate about. Not like Harry was about music anyway. It was more of a hobby for whenever you could make time to play now. 
You followed him through to the dining room, deciding the empty tub of ice cream could wait until later to clear away. He sat himself down on the stool, patting the space beside him. “Come on, Y/N,” he laughed at your hesitancy.
Sitting down beside him, you felt your cheeks suddenly heat up. Your thigh was pressed against his, your arms grazing slightly. And you realised, as he was playing one of his songs, his eyes flicking between the keys and you, how intimate this really was. You felt like you were in school again, getting incredibly too nervous whenever you were partnered up with whoever you were crushing in at the time. “See, it’s just like this,” he said, playing it slower. 
You nodded, “Kudos to Charlotte for remembering all of this.”
“I remember it too!” he said, acting as if the compliment you’d just offered Charlotte was the most offensive thing anybody had ever said to him. 
You stifled a laugh, “Yeah, but you don’t play it in front of thousands of people. God, you’re such a drama queen.”
He shrugged, “What can I say? That’s showbiz, baby.”
You felt ready to pass out. He’d just called you ‘baby’, and though you knew it was part of the saying, it still felt weird to have him direct the name at you. You laughed anyway, trying to act as normal as possible. “If you say so,” you smiled. 
“Right, now you try,” he said, taking your hand and placing it on the keys. 
“Harry, it’ll sound terrible,” you sighed. 
“Just give it a go,” he smiled supportively at you, staring into your eyes. “You’re great at everything anyway.”
You scoffed, “Well, that’s just a blatant lie. Play it again. I’ve only seen you do it once.”
He nodded, repeating what he’d played before. You took note of the notes, lodging them into your brain somewhere. Besides, it was only the intro of the song. And so, you gave it a shot and it sounded somewhat decent. That was until you noticed Harry staring at you out of the corner of your eye. This completely ruined your concentration and you managed to absolutely butcher the beforehand beautiful tune. “Shit, sorry,” you said quickly. 
“Don’t apologise, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” he said softly. “It was great for a first attempt.”
You turned to look at him, only then noticing how dangerously close your faces were. It was a tight squeeze on the piano stool as it was, but now it was forcing your faces inches apart. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. 
You expected him to suddenly recoil, realising what he’d just said and apologise. But he didn’t. He sat silently as if waiting for you to say something back. “Can I kiss you?” he asked before you had the chance to return the compliment or thank him for it. 
You nodded, “Please.”
And he did. And it was wonderful. Better than anything you’d dreamt up inside your head. His hand on your cheek, the other on your thigh, you felt safe with Harry. This kiss with Harry felt more natural than anything else you’d shared with previous partners. As he pulled away, he grinned, eyes fluttering up and down your face. “Sorry,” he said quietly as if he was second-guessing the perfect moment of intimacy you’d just shared. 
“Don’t apologise, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” you repeated his earlier words, earning yourself a grin from Harry and another peck on the lips. 
He smirked slightly, “Do you want to maybe end Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend?”
“Is that an offer, Harry?” you grinned. 
“Perhaps it is, yes.”
“Then I might just take you up on it.”
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lululawrence · 3 years
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lululawrence’s April 2021 Fic List
Previous Fic Lists / Fic List Podcast Masterpost
April has been a bit of a roller coaster, hasn’t it? But here we are, already almost May! I was able to read so many incredible fics this month. Like... truly, so many STELLAR fics. I’m finally back to reading more of last year’s Big Bang fics, plus a couple that I betaed have already posted, and then I threw in some other shorter ones for fun as well, and I cannot wait to share them with you and tell you what I loved about each one.
In fact, if you’d really like to hear me rhapsodize about these fics, you can listen to my podcast here.
As always, be sure to show your love and appreciation for all of the hard work our fandom authors have put into their fics with kudos, nice comments, and (when applicable) reblogging their fic posts!
Falling in the Wrong Direction by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (25k, E, Harry/Louis, past Liam/Harry, Big Bang fic, based on Catch and Release, grieving Harry, Liam has recently died when the fic starts, Louis was Liam’s best friend, enemies to friends to lovers, roommates Niall and Zayn, secrets, for real the grief is real in this one, soooo many emotions and all of them perfectly navigated, i loved it all so very much)
sustenance by Anonymous (12k, E, Harry/Louis, Girl Direction, Induced Lactation, Breastfeeding, Lactation Kink, Footballer Louis, Public Breastfeeding, I mean it kinda is public cause they’re surrounded by others due to the nature of the experiment, It’s a whole science thing, it’s... listen it’s all for smut’s sake and it’s fucking hot so, if lactation kink is your thing you gotta do it lol)
Let Me Kiss You by Anonymous (4k, G, Harry/Louis, Zayn/Louis, Liam/Louis, Niall/Louis, Canon Compliant, Louis kisses everyone, I think he and Harry are actually dating and he isn’t dating the rest, anyway, Recreational Drug Use aka weed lol, It’s back when the band was together but kinda seems to float across some years?, Fuck, listen, this fic was just so incredibly pure and good, I loved it so much, I loved how each kiss had a different reason, and the way it is all framed???, IT’S WONDERFUL I LOVED IT PLEASE READ IT)
Hooked With Just One Taste by @dinosaursmate / dinosaursmate (49k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Cam Boy Louis, Rich Harry, Former-Celebrity Harry, he’s still kinda famous but not actively if that makes sense lmao, side Ziall, I LOVE THE ZIALL OKAY OMG, Also listen, this fic is sooooo smutty and hot and great, but it also is so pure and good?, Like the way Harry and Louis interact and grow to be so into each other for more than just sexy times?, SO GOOD, anyway read itttttt, the art is PERFECT for it too!, props to @wilywolf for that hehe)
your crimes are quiet, my love by @lightwoodsmagic / lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes) (98k, E, Zayn/Liam, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Miss Congeniality AU, but make it darker and more realistic, lolllll It’s still sooooo much fun though omggggg, MI5 Agents Liam and Zayn, Ziam are partners for work, pining, SO much pining, friends to lovers, oblivious boys seriously, Louis is the pageant trainer/consultant, Harry is Liam’s roommate for the pageant and a contestant, I cannot express to you how incredible this fic was and how much it sucks you in, the storyline was such an original and incredible and creepy yet really lovely take on the original story, i fucking loved it, oh there’s side Shiall too and I loved them even if they weren’t in it nearly so much as the rest!)
Favourite Boy by @quelsentiment / wordsnnotes (9k, T, Zayn/Louis, pining, lack of communication, Friends with Benefits to Lovers, Except they’re more just... the benefits?, I guess it’s more like... Regular Booty Calls to Lovers, lmaoooo, for real though this fic omggggg, it sucked me right into Zayn’s head and the whole issue of it all, and they just won’t talk!!!, SO CRAZY GOOD OMG)
But I’m the Quarterback by @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (52k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, But I’m the Cheerleader AU, quarterback Harry, Conversion Therapy Camp, Sexuality Crisis, Gay Awakening, Crisis of Faith, Self Harm, Listen, this fic is heavy at times, but for the most part it really is so lovely and gentle, The way Harry comes to learn about himself and accept himself, all with the wonderful people around him going through the same thing, AND LARRY AND LLOYD OMGGGG I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHH, anyway, i love this fic please give it a chance if you can handle the tags!, and MASSIVE shout out to the artist @whatagreatproblemtohave for the amazing art!)
Felt Nothing Like Home by @becomeawendybird / QuickedWeen (62k, E, Harry/Louis, Big Bang fic, Bon Appetit Test Kitchen AU, Specifically a Brad/Claire AU for those who are familiar hehe, Pastry Chef Harry, Professional Chef Louis, YouTube AU, Pining, All the fucking pining, Friends to Lovers, Secret Relationship, This fic is so warm and lovely and soft, And funny omg so funny, but also so sweet, it was absolutely stellar, I love)
The Journal by @wait4ever / RecycledStardust and @evilovesyou / 4ureyesonly28 (14k, G, Harry/Louis, Alternate Universe, Magic, Spells, Mystery, Twin Flames, Soulmates, Reincarnation in a way, Rituals, 1990s AU, but also a Historical fic in certain scenes, and NO the 90s aren’t historical yet FIGHT ME, anyway sorry lol, This fic is so special and I keep getting choked up just thinking about it, It is absolutely lovely and the found friends/family aspect is also so so lovely, and I just, Oh gosh it is a must read please read this fic I’m begging you)
Things Unsaid by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (4k, G, Harry/Louis, Soulmate Fest fic, which of course means Soulmates!, Soulmarks, Meet Cute, Or well kinda a meet ugly whoops, lol, Lilo Friendship, Humor, Listen this fic is borderline crack in the best way and I laughed so many times reading it, It was lighthearted and wonderful)
To the late night double feature show by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry (2k, NR, Harry/Louis, Halloween fic, Cryptid Harry, kinda? I think he’s considered a cryptid?, lmao ANYWAY, meet cute, Clifford, Crack, This fic was once again adorable and silly and yet soft and warm and once again, I love it, Let’s all just sit and admire the way Emmu’s brain works shall we?)
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FISI’s Favourite Zutara Fics
A lil late for ZFAW’s Saturday prompt, sorry about that! Haven’t had any internet over the weekend. But better late than never!
I’m not gonna lie… a lot of these are angsty af. But I promise you they’re not gratuitous angst! They’re well written, beautiful stories that will make you feel like a better person for having read them. These are my favourite all time fics, ones I’ve read more than once and will continue to read (even though I’m taking a week break from fandom and fic).
 Multi-Chaptered Fics
The Sparrowkeet Series by audreyii_fic
To be honest, this story’s summary doesn’t do it justice so I ain’t including it. Originally a one shot, Sparrowkeet is headcanon for me now. Move over canon, this is where it’s at. Audreyii_fic’s characterisation, world building, and writing is exquisite. It’s incredible. She manages to channel the same fun and whimsical energy from the show while allowing the characters to grow and develop to places I wish they had actually been taken.
This one is a fandom Must Read and one I return to regularly.
 Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow by sadladybug
It is not the memorial she deserves, nor the one she would want. But it can't be helped. He owns no property in the other nations, and he needed to keep her close. Closer than she was in life, anyway.
Zuko's reflections on a life lived and a life that could have been.
This is one of the best written fics I’ve ever read. It’s tragic and deep and will hurt you in all the tender places but you would be doing yourself a favour if you read this. There’s a real bittersweet feeling to it and the love between them is just… urg, visceral.
 Lovable by LadyCharity
Zuko knew that he could not save Azula. He could only try to forgive her. Fittingly enough, those two were one in the same.
I love stories that make Zutara their centerpiece but every now but then a story like this comes along. A story where their relationship builds almost incidentally because the plot and character development straight up hijack your emotions. I got so invested in this story. Zuko is amazingly well characterised and his complicated thoughts and feelings around his father and Azula are incredibly well written!
 One Shots
Lunar Ephemerality by @formerlygoldilocks (goldilocks23)
After multiple failed attempts on his life and years of self-set expectations, Fire Lord Zuko is a shell of the man he used to be. But Katara won't turn her back on those who need her.
I really didn’t expect this to hit as hard as it did. This straight up snuck up on me, fly-kicked my feelings, and by the end I had written an 800 word comment that was too big for AO3 and I had to contact the author directly to send it to her. Awkward. I couldn’t help myself. The side to Katara we see here is so good, her empathy and love for her friends are one of the things I love seeing most in AtLA fanfic. I’m a sucker for Zuko having complete breakdowns and having to piece himself back together too. So sue me. I like it when they suffer a lil bit. The writing is absurdly good and I will be keeping an eye out for any new stories by goldilocks23!
 31 Minutes by @ifyouwereamelodymeg
It's quite astounding, really, how quickly she's learned to translate him. They've spent a grand total of zero time together outside of training, and he's hardly big on chat so she knows next to nothing about his life.
But she knows him, probably better than she knows anyone at the moment – with every tap of his fingers, every crook of his lips, every turn in his voice, he just...
He makes sense to her. It's weird.
I’m a sucker for fic writers playing with style to make the story pop and boyo does this fic deliver. This is one of the rare times that I’ve been dumbstruck at the end of a story— I just couldn’t accept the ending. Because I’m a sucker for pain, (and this story will bring The Pain) I loved it. The ease of Zuko and Katara’s growing relationship in this bowls you over, it’s absolutely beautiful and you find yourself nodding along emphatically when Zuko calls himself an idiot for waiting… “Life’s short, kids, live each moment as though it could be your last,” says this fic as it pulls my heart out and dropkicks it off a cliff.
 i count to five (and life passes by) by @markedmage
Five heartbeats.
I still haven’t forgiven Mage for this one. I think it’s the best thing she’s written to date! I mean, tragic and painful and heart-rending but holy shit is it powerful <3
 The Lake of the Dismal Swamp by @thewhiitelotus
Spook af. Spook (horror) is real hard to do well but thewhiitelotus is coming for your goosebumps and those shivers down your spine. She has a way of balancing beautiful, evocative imagery with action (in this and other stories of her) that just keeps you reading!
 Calloused by @rideboldlyride
Iroh hadn’t been able to watch. The pure horror of a man - a father- burning their child for a slight infraction... He couldn’t do anything to stop it, but he will stop his brother from destroying entirely the kind boy he knew Zuko could be.
This is a painfully underappreciated fic for how great the characterisation is. I know we in the zutara fandom tend to not read stories that aren’t Zuko/Katara centric as often but do yourself the favour of reading this (or listening to it: RideBoldlyRide has done us the gift of recording a podfic for this and it’s stupidly *good*). This story is Iroh confronting Ozai just after he burns Zuko’s face and it kicks.
 four days and three nights by @hinaoyamas (lettersfromnowhere)
Zuko discovers firsthand that nothing is more fleeting than happiness, or more enduring than memory.
Do you like reading stories with a distant, omniscient narrator? The kind that read like a myth from the ancient world? Welp, hit the hyperlink, friend, cause this one’s for you. Not only is the writing exquisite but the characterisation and painful inevitability of the plot is grade A.
 For the Fire Nation by tullyblue12
He falls in love with her for his country before he falls in love with her for himself. A Zuko/Katara AU that explores how love and duty aren’t always mutually exclusive.
There are about 40,000 exquisite lines in this story but here is just one of my favourites: “He falls in love with her for his country first. That’s what his people never understand.” This fic says a lot with so few words, which is something I really look up to! In 2,800 words, tullyblue12 does what some 100,000k fics cant: They make you feel.
 Guide Me Home by Rashaka
To sleep, perchance to dream. Katara and Zuko find a friendship they never expected in a place that seemed impossible.
This is a one shot I will forever wish for a continuation of. The setup is just… so juicy. There’s a real sorrowful innocence to this story that the unique short, dialogue only scenes really punch home. I know some people don’t like dialogue only fics but when done well like in this one, it leaves you with the impression of something deeper than a 1,185 word fic has any right to! 
 Other Favourites!
Hopeless by tullyblue12 — Kids grow up fast when a cruel world awaits them. In times of hopelessness, Katara and Zuko grow together. In times of separation, they hope to see each other again.
Speechless by goldilocks23 — Zuko has a medical condition. Or: Zuko speaks in haiku at inappropriate times.
Don’t Follow Me Down by eleventy7 — Katara is the dread queen of the underworld, ruler of the dead, destined to reign her cold kingdom alone. Until a sun god catches her eye. A Hades/Persephone retelling with incredible writing.
I Don't Speak Meow Language by @botherkupo (Boogum) — In which Zuko adopts a cat and Katara just wonders what spirits she pissed off to deserve this fate.
I have the privilege of being friends with some of these authors (they know who they are) and am in near daily awe and gratitude for the works of free fiction they provide us, the fandom. And not just any old stories: Guys... Really good ones!! Can I ask that if you go check out these fics, can you just drop a kudos or a comment their way? If you’re feeling shy just copy and paste this into the comments box anonymously: “WOW! Loved this! Thank you so much for writing it!”
I know it would mean the world to this talented bunch <3
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estrel · 4 years
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so i’m not really sure how to make one of these but i felt inspired so! here goes nothing!
it was really...different, coming back to tumblr in the year of our lord 2020, but jesus, am i glad i did. the acceptance and just!! overall kindness! that i have found on here is truly overwhelming and i’m grateful to anyone who has interacted with me in the past few months, from mutuals to anons- i care about you so deeply and you really don’t understand how much the kind words mean to me!! i finally have a place where i can just,, be myself and indulge myself in my interests (singular interest, if we’re being honest) while also meeting so many awesome new people that just!! light up my day! thank you for inspiring me and being there for me, i hope i can do the same to you 💗
so...here are a few shout outs to some of my favorite people on here, because it’s nearing midnight and i’d do a follow forever but...ahaha...do not have time for that. expect one soon, though!! for now, keep reading (,:
@writtenmemxries - elena, thank you so much for being my first friend on here. you’ll always have a special place in my heart and i love you to pieces 💗
@thiscastielhasflown - crazy how me commenting on your post about cheesecake led to @rambleonspn and all that it is today (and will become!) i love our late night convos and going apeshit over destiel via video messages or calls, truly a highlight of my year, so thank you for being there for me and always being a shoulder i can lean on, jay (,:
(side note: while we’re here i’d also like to say that everyone involved in RO is an absolute blessing and you guys are SO FUN to chat with !! you’re all fuckin NERDS and i love you so much for it!!!)
@galaxycastiel - esha, darling, you are the sweetest in the world. you have such a kind heart and talking to you is always super calming for me and you’re basically like my rock. you are so talented and awesome!! don’t forget that!!
@castielology - kai you are simply too nice to me. really, you are!! i’m gonna 🔪🔪🔪 but also!! talking with you is so fun and you teach me so much?? kudos to you for putting up with me 😌
@heller-jensen - you are. sO FUNNY?? the mOST amusing and cool and talented and?? our dates are extremely fun and you’re a huge dork and i think we’re really cute and stuff,, but shh don’t tell anyone i said that 😡
@castee-yel - dee, i admire you so much. also you’re talented as fuck and i’m super jealous no i’m not yes i am. i know i’m a dumbass but you tolerate it and i love you for that 🥰
@kara-merlin - dude. i just have a lot of love for you. i’d also die for you. pls never forget that 💗
@i-think-im-humanbut-cant-besure - bro (gender neutral) whY you continue talking to me is a mystery. if you ever need me to punch someone for you, i’m there with brass knuckles. i want to give you a hug. 
honorable mentions (aka i’ve loved talkin to you this year and you make my days better!!): @acabdean @samdyke @credentiast @belajess @lesbianovak @casandeans @scoobydean @angxlsgrxce @shelikestv @sinnabonka @freckledean​ @bluefirecas​ @randomblabbling​ @hopeblossom50
okay now for some people who i don’t talk to much (or at all ://) but really admire for their Talent and i get real excited when they post!! also who i’d love to get to know better in 2021 if they’d allow it 💙: 
@dreamnovak @acklesy @willyouboy @avaarts @holytran @tearsofgrace @seraphlm @mishha @casjpg @delusionalcas @dykecas @sunforgrace @winchestersingerautorepair @aurastiel​ @s-ammy​ @antifacas​ @valleydean​ @fiercedean​ @celestialcastiel @joharvele​  @bisexualrowena​ @cursed-or-not​ @celestialjack @kingjackless​ and like. quite literally, all of my mutuals/everyone i follow, lmao. please, my dms are always open, come say hi if you so desire 🥺💗 
thank you for welcoming me back to the fandom and being so supportive of me/my content/my work this year!! here’s to many more :D !!
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