#dc universe swamp thing
thornheartless · 25 days
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I've been fighting for my life against autocorrect
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apollodd · 1 month
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My favorite green devils
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sclerites · 1 month
one of my main gripes with the DC cinematic adaptations is that they don’t capture how absolutely FUCKING INSANE the world is. In the background of superman and lex beating each other up and/ or kissing or whatever, Constantine rolled a blunt made from swamp thing plant stuff to spite the swamp thing who had grown in his flat out of Constantine’s ash tray, only to get possessed by the swamp thing so that he could fuck his wife so they could have a kid or something, while etrigan, a centuries old man possessed by a demon (I think) and the phantom stranger, who is apparently the reincarnation (I think) of fucking Judas from The Bible, watch them. Meanwhile in the 25th century a man who named himself Booster steals some superhero shit from a museum, travels back in time and becomes famous by saving fucking president Ronald Reagan from dying. It is at least heavily implied that magaret thatcher (or at least conservatives, generally) are Actual demons from Actual hell. Actually, scratch that. Fucking Margaret thatcher canonically exists in the same universe as the flash, period. Also, on that topic: the flash, a man who possesses the superhuman ability of speed, as gifted to him by the speed force, one of the seven cosmic forces of the universe which also includes: the emotional electromagnetic spectrum, life force, the sphere of gods, dimensional superstructure, collective unconscious, and faithfulness. And that’s not even starting on the seven hidden forces. Also I might have skipped past it but also fucking god and satan exist, and so does probably every other god from every pantheon and religion but that’s all kinda brushed over except when it isn’t. And that isn’t even scratching the fucking surface, good god.
Big shoutout to DC for being just absolutely goddamn bizarre please never change 💛
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longwuzhere · 4 months
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome back everyone! Here we are season 2 of My Adventures with Superman! What a fantastic first two episodes and as usual they're full of fun Easter eggs which I will point out and explain to those who aren't familiar so you can be in the know with the comics book readers! My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
Spoilers if you haven't seen it
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I might be reading too much into it but maybe this is a subtle reference to the Adventures with Superman comic title or it could just be a complimentary episode title to My Adventures with Superman. Who knows.
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The episode starts with Waller waking up getting ready for her day (shout out to Waller's daily affirmations btw) and she goes down to meet Sam Lane, Lois's father who I talked about here.
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Nice call back to Season 1 Episode 3 when Lois and Clark break into Stryker's Island again and entering into Siobhan McDougal's cell again but this time going under the island's jail to Task Force X secret operations. I talked about Siobhan McDougal aka Silver Banshee and Stryker's Island here.
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Later on we see Clark and Lois infiltrating the Task Force X hideout and Clark uses his X-Ray vision but can't seem to see through the walls here. If you know your Superman lore, these walls are made of lead.
Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster, Superman's creators, first introduced X-Ray vision to Superman in Action Comics #11 (1939) where Clark is investigating some shady dealing involving oil and the death of someone involved in this deal. It wasn't until later in Action Comics #69 nice (1944) [W: Jerry Seigel, P&I: Ed Dobrotka] that we see there is a limit to Clark's X-Ray vision.
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Superman rescues Lois from the Prankster and his henchmen after surveying the area with his X-Ray vision and seeing that one of the buildings is made of lead and can't see inside it and he goes in to save her.
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Later as Sam, Lois and Superman escape the compound Waller sics one of her soldiers after them, a green skull-faced, radioactive soldier aka Atomic Skull.
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MAwS Waller calls Atomic Skull as Agent Martin, so we can assume this is a reference to Joseph Martin, the second Atomic Skull who first appeared in Adventures of Superman #383 (1991) [W: Jerry Ordway, P: Jim Fern, I: Doug Hazelwood, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Albert DeGuzman]. In the comics Joseph Martin was a student. Later in Action Comics #670 (1991) Joseph, at a S.T.A.R. Labs for a check up, gets struck by a grounding cable and that triggers his Metagenes as the building collapsed. He was able to escape but stumbles back to his apartment and begins to lose his hair. Trying to figure out what is wrong Joseph gets jumped by some muggers and Joseph murders them and walks into the theater that is playing an Atomic Skull movie (yes in the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths continuity Atomic Skull is a movie character). Superman investigating the muggers murder discovers Joseph Martin at the movies and sees that he has changed and takes up the name the Atomic Skull as seen below in Action Comics #670 (1991) [W: Roger Stern, P: Bob McLeod, I: Denis Rodier, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Bill Oakley].
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The original Atomic Skull, Albert Michaels, first appeared in Superman #303 (1976) as a piece-of-shit but smart AF scientist for S.T.A.R. Labs. Twenty issues later in Superman #323 (1978) [Cover art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez] , Albert Michaels dons the Atomic Skull costume after siding with SKULL and is given a radium implant in his brain that would grant him the ability to harness bioelectricity from his cranium and convert it to energy to shoot out from his visor.
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Back at the Daily Planet, Jimmy is called out by Perry for not giving him a video and we see that the Flamebird team is composed of the Newkid Legion and Steve Lombard. I talked more about them here and here.
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We get one Wilhelm scream as as Task Force X soldier gets carried back into the dark hallway by Parasite/Ivo who I talked more about here.
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And finally after stopping Parasite from attack Waller, Lex Luthor shows up finally giving his name to Waller striking up a new partnership.
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Lex Luthor first appeared in Action Comics #23 (1940) [W: Jerry Seigel, P: Joe Shuster, I: Paul Cassidy] where he was exploiting European countries in WWII. This iteration of Lex goes by Alexei Luthor. Still smart like his other Lex Luthor counterparts with a knack for machinery technology. He apparently dies in his debut issue.
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In Action Comics #125 (1948) [P&I: Al Plastino] we see the debut of silver age Lex Luthor . In the comic Alexis Luthor here, uses his scientific genius to manipulate a hermit who's making prediction come true. This Lex Luthor has beef with Superboy back when he and Clark were kids. He swore revenge on Superboy for ruining his research after a fire broke out at his laboratory causing his hair to fall out thanks to the chemical fumes. This iteration of Lex is the one who creates the famous warsuit that Lex Luthor is usually depicted in.
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Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths Lex Luthor makes his first appearance in Swamp Thing #52 (1986) [W: Alan Moore, P: Rick Veitch, I: Alfredo Alcala, C: Tatjana Wood, L: John Costanza]. This version of Lex is the scientist and business man that pop culture knows and he goes by Alexander Luthor. His origins is rewritten so that instead of Lex being from Smallville and having met Superboy back then, he meets Superman in Metropolis where he created Lexcorp and almost everyone is under his employ whether they know it or not (see the Man of Steel miniseries from 1986). In that miniseries, he also has the red hair and eventually he goes bald. This version of Lex was also a former President of the United States.
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Post-New52/DC Rebirth, because of some comic book shenanigans and retcons, some of Lex's origins pre-New 52 blends in this this current continuity now where Lex Luthor joined the Justice League as shown on the cover of Justice League #30 (2014) [Cover art by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis], was Superman when New 52 Superman died as shown in the variant cover of Action Comics #967 (2017) [Cover art by Gary Frank and Brad Simpson], and started the Legion of Doom seen on the cover of Justice League #5 (2018) [Cover art by Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, and Wil Quintana].
And with that episode 2 is done! Come back next week for episode 3's references and Easter eggs! My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and refereces in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
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comicarthistory · 1 month
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Justice League Dark #31 cover. 2014. Art by Michael Allred.
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stonecoldaries · 1 month
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wonder how their relationship is in harley quinn universe
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whynot-animations · 5 months
Batman and Harley Quinn (2017)
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ungoliantschilde · 2 years
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Kelley Jones
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An au if batman characters including the bat family were in the avatar universe
Jason would be like jet most likelubsteal from the rich give to the poor and would fight against the fire nation would also probably be a mercenary and a nonbender, would have knowledge of how to chi block and would be unofficially a dual sword master and great with hand to hand combat as well as have deadly precision with throwing stars/blades like mai
Dick would be the male version of tai Lee he'd be a master chi blocker light on his feet wouldn't kill definitely would make life for fire nation soldiers difficult if he sees them harassing people of weaker means he'll do something about it with a smile he'd also be your worst nightmare trying to take him in hand to hand combat even if your a bender
Damians weapon of choice would be a katana he'd be quick and deadly you'd think you have him then surprise you don't when he attacks it would feel like it came from the shadows you wouldn't have time to think he'd have deadly precision and hed be light on his feet hed be able to go toe to toe with benders like its nothing and would know how to use there strengths against them hed also have short blades to throw and an array of poisons on hand jusy in case hed have a shit ton of contingency plans
okay Bruce obviously nonbender he'd probably know a bunch of techniques he'd be similar to iroh in terms of knowledge minus the spiritual aspects and the kindness portion as well he'd be similar to asamis dad hirashi sato he'd have all the advanced technology even during aangs time only he wouldn't rely only on thr technology and inventions hed also be a sword master, know how to chi block and how to counter most bending techniques remember how iroh swung those boulders with his chains with just shear strength and howw zuko smashed them with his foot yeah that would be bruce minus the fire bending, he'd also have bombs similar to sokkas stink bombs only they'd knock u out...
Swamp thing would definitely be a water bender like the swamp water benders but way more powerful and he'd love in the same swamp the gang visits and finds out they need to seek out toph I also feel like he'd be an incredibly powerful blood bender
Poison ivy would also be a water bender I actually feel like she'd be similar to swamp thing but also very different she wouldn't live in the swamp but off the grid she'd travel all over the world of Avatar just studying medicine and poisons she wouldnt really feel a need to truly interfere with the war unless someone outright makes it her problem or goes after her personally or her home
Harley would be a non bender similar to Dick but like way worse because she's incredibly unpredictable she'd also use blasting jelly at any given moment and God help you if u underestimate her because she's not a bender I feel like she'd have knowledge of a bunch of different weapons as well as an intimate knowledge of explosives she would be a bit of an anti hero in the avatar universe she wouldn't necessarily support ozai but I don't think she'd feel any need to truly go out and attack fire nation soldiers unless she sees them attacking kids or women or forcing themselves onto someone shss huge on consent
Joker are u insane I'm not giving him bending absolutely not no thank you lmaoo y'all really thought I'd give an actual thought for the joker nope but feel free to comment if u like
The flash would be an air bender not monk gyatso level air bending but still powerful
Wonder woman I can see her as being a bender but also a kyoshi warrior and definitely against the fire nation and would oppose them at every turn I feel like she'd be a metal bender and the way she'd metal bend would be similar to how Lynn does in legend of Korra but more powerful then lynn
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weathermanone · 4 months
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The Swamp Thing 12 (2022) by Ram V & Mike Perkins
Cover: Mike Perkins
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asscrasher · 8 months
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Hellblazer: Dead in America #1 was so fucking good! From the metaphysics to the horror to the politics, I’m obsessed!
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dcdreamblog · 2 months
love the blog! Just curious, are you just focusing on the World War II Era heroes? Because I've heard stories about a swamp creature in Louisiana you might want to look in to.
Of course! While my professional interest is in the wartime era, I would not have walked away with my degree if I didn't have an interest in a little bit of everything. And ah yes. The Swamp Thing.
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(Photograph from The Houma Courier with the headline "Something ALIVE in the swamp?!") I've talked about some figures being enigmatic before but he is to the point of not WANTING to be found or studied. He's (It's?) not a superhero, at least not by choice and while he's associated with the community through various cases and capers he seems mostly to just be some kind of supernatural being or metahuman that would much rather be left ALONE with his wife and child outside Houma, Louisiana While I of course find him fascinating, and welcome the question. After what happened in Gotham when people freaked out about him the FIRST time. I say we take the hint and @#$%^ leave him be. A little philosophy statement on my port of study is probably helpful so I put it below
I am a Superhero Studies major. One of the most important things I was told is what that means. I study SUPERHEROES. People who make the choice to take on that mantle and its responsibilities and their effects on modern history.I do not study metahumans as a class. That would be a function of biology, or anthropology. I am a HISTORIAN. Putting the microscope to random metahumans or others who have not made themselves public figures is a REALLY good way to piss off people who have every resource available to make sure they're not found or bothered.
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celticcatgirl2 · 9 months
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“…you mad lads have finally done it…you’ve touched grass!!
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justiceleague · 2 years
The first 10 projects in the works for the DC Universe have been unveiled by DC Studios chiefs James Gunn and Peter Safran. The current plans see the DCU kick off with 5 series and 5 films, spanning live-action and animated TV series and theatrical films.
“Here at DC, we have Metropolis, Gotham, Themyscira, Atlantis, Bialya… This is the world that we’re creating,” Gunn shares. “We’re coming into a world where superheroes exist and have existed for some time in one form or another, and that’s the universe. We are telling a big, huge central story [...]. What we’re starting with today is the first part of the first chapter of our universe,” reveals Safran. “The first chapter’s called ‘Gods and Monsters.’ Many of the following projects are already being worked on, but we’re remaining flexible and we’re going to adjust because we’re never going to put a project into production before the script is right. This is a general timeline, but there will be flexibility within it.”
Among the 10 projects, Gunn and Safran announced one animated series (Creature Commandos), four live-action series (Waller, Lanterns, Paradise Lost, Booster Gold) and five theatrical films (Superman: Legacy, The Authority, The Brave and the Bold, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, Swamp Thing).
Currently, of all the projects, only Superman: Legacy has a release date planned for July 11, 2025. More details under the cut:
The projects listed below are in order of announcement. No other release date has been unveiled yet. All the series will be released on HBO Max, and all the films in theaters. 
“Creature Commandos” — Series, animated The main characters appearing in the series will be The Bride of Frankenstein, Eric Frankenstein, Rick Flag Sr., Nina Mazursky, Doctor Phosphorus, G.I. Robot and Weasel.
“Waller” — Series, live-action Viola Davis will reprise her role as Amanda Waller, with characters from the live-action Peacemaker series appearing as regulars too. Christal Henry (Watchmen) and Jeremy Carver (Doom Patrol) will write the series. The story will be set between the first season of Peacemaker and the second.
“Superman: Legacy” (2025) — Film, live-action Not an origin story, the James Gunn written film will focus on Superman balancing his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing. The film has been set for a July 11, 2025 release date.
“Lanterns” — Series, live-action Starring two of the most famous Green Lanterns — Hal Jordan and John Stewart — it’s going to be more of a True Detective-type mystery, a terrestrial-based mystery that leads into the overall story that will be told throughout the different movies and television shows of the DCU. “We find this ancient horror on Earth, and these guys are basically supercops on ‘Precinct Earth.’” — James Gunn
“The Authority” — Film, live-action A lot of WildStorm imprint characters will be included in the DCU, and this is an example. The Authority will focus on a group of characters who are good-intentioned, but they think that the world is completely broken and the only way to fix it is to take things into their own hands, whether that means killing people, destroying heads of state, changing governments—basically, whatever they want to do to make the world better.
“Paradise Lost” — Series, live-action Paradise Lost will be envisioned as a Game of Thrones-type story about Themyscira/Paradise Island, home of the Amazons and the birthplace of Wonder Woman. The story will take place before Diana’s birth and will involve all the darkness and political matters behind the society of Themyscira.
“The Brave and the Bold” — Film, live-action This will mark the introduction of the DCU’s Batman. Not Robert Pattinson, not Ben Affleck. This is a story of Damian Wayne, who’s Batman’s actual son that he didn’t know existed for the first eight to ten years of his life. He was raised as a little murderer and assassin. It will be based on the Grant Morrison comic run. Other members of the Bat-Family will be included as well.
“Booster Gold” — Series, live-action Booster Gold is a total fan favorite. A loser from the future who uses his basic future technology to come back to today to pretend to be a superhero. Per Gunn, “it as basically the story of a superhero’s imposter syndrome. How do you deal with that? (It’s about) how he tries to use this future technology to be loved by the people of today and what is really at the base of that. It’s a character story that’s going to be a very different type of show.”
“Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow” — Film, live-action In this story, which will be based on Tom King (and Bilquis Evely)’s wonderful comic, “we have Superman who was sent to Earth and raised by incredibly loving parents while Kara was on Krypton. She was on a piece of Krypton that drifted away from the planet and she lived there for the first fourteen years of her life in a horrible situation where she watched everyone around her die. She will be a much harsher Supergirl than you’ve been used to thus far.”
“Swamp Thing” — Film, live-action According to Peter Safran, “it’s important to point out that in these stories, although they’re interconnected, they’re not all tonally the same. Each set of filmmakers bring their own aesthetic to these films, and the fun is seeing how these tonally different works mash up in the future.This is brought us to include a film that will investigate the dark origins of [the very-well known character of] Swamp Thing.”
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stonecoldaries · 1 month
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