#dedicated to vigilante. he's done something to me
metronn · 2 months
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[ID: a poster with "JAWBREAKER!" in golden balloon-like lettering, featuring golden star stickers, rainbow outlines reminiscent of jawbreakers, and an illustration of a broken jawbone and teeth.]
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thebisexualdogdad · 11 months
Jason Todd x Male!MMA fighter reader headcanons
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*Oliver Stark used as a fancast*
● you're a personal trainer by day and underground mma fighter by night
● meeting Jason at the gym you work at and always checking each other out
● you'll be with one of your clients and smiling at him across the room while he tries to impress you by upping the amount of his weights
● "I noticed you've got a lot of scars, must have a lot of good stories to tell" you say when you finally talk to him for the first time
● "well how about you let me take you out to dinner and tell you some of them"
● while he doesn't exactly lie about how he got his scars he doesn't tell the entire truth about him being a crime fighting vigilante either
● he plays it as he just happens go be at the wrong place at the wrong time a lot
● you guys spend a whole lot of time together at the gym
● competing to see who can lift more
● and run a mile quicker
● sparring until you can't feel your arms anymore
● he's at the gym so much all of your clients know him
● "So how long until I get biceps as big as your boyfriends Y/N?"
● "it takes a lot of dedication to get biceps like these" Jason says flexing proudly
● Jason actually learns a lot of new moves from training with you
● Dick after a fight where they took down twenty bad guys "that was impressive Jason where did you learn that from"
● "Y/N taught me, you should take a few lessons from him maybe you could actually be a good fighter too Grayson"
● "ha ha very funny don't forget who's been doing this longer"
● going on long motorcycle rides with Jason
● you two race throughout Gotham weaving in between cars
● and loser has to pay for dinner
● Jason doesn't do much upkeep of his apartment
● he's got leftovers in his fridge that are so old its created its own ecosystem
● and there's dirty laundry laying all over the floor
● "when was the last time you did a load of laundry?"
● "well considering I haven't worn any underwear in over a week I'm gonna say a while"
● the very first time you went to his place you were surprised by all the books scattered around
● "I didn't take you to be such a bookworm"
● "do I get to keep my bad boy title if I tell you I'm banned from three libraries for not returning books?"
● this leads to a lot of coffee shop dates where you just quietly read next to each other and enjoy one another's company
● Jason goes to all of your fights
● he always gives you a good luck kiss in the locker room, "go out there and kick some ass babe!"
● you win the majority of your matches so there's a lot of celebrating with Jason after at the bar
● but the one time you got the shit beat out of you Jason had to fight the urge to not to murder the guy right there in the ring
● he and your manager carry you back to the locker room and get you cleaned up and Jason is pissed
● "Jay you gotta calm down I've done worse to people in the ring"
● "yeah but those guys aren't my boyfriend"
● your manager "you've got a lot of passion kid you ever think about signing up to fight?"
● "trust me I do enough fighting just not for money"
● your manager "what, are you involved in a gang or something?"
● "something like that"
● Jason thinks you still don't know about his secret identity but you figured it out a long time ago
● you don't say anything because you want him to feel comfortable telling you himself
● whenever that may be
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tskumoyuuma · 22 days
I FINALLY got around to playing thru the villain joker route in telltale, and despite it taking me this long to actually complete it, I already knew going in that I was going to like it a lot more than the vigilante route.
now, dont get me wrong, I still like the vigilante route, but more in a "this is what I'd/want/ to happen more" way for johns fate.
but the thing is, for a route dedicated to the joker vigilante who wants to help batman and be his partner fighting crime .... he hardly interacts with batman at all. the focus is on Waller and what shes done w the agency, and what shes done and going to do to him and people like him. I understand and can appreciate this kind of plot and why vigilante joker would focus so hard on it, but.. it makes the route overall feel so. impersonal.
meanwhile the villain route is nothing but personal. it almost entirely focuses on Bruce wayne and joker. anything Walker did or was going to do pales in the face of what Bruce did when he didnt fully trust john and he realized just how much bruce had been using him. the whole plot is purposefully set up as a "bad breakup" between joker and Bruce, and the whole reason joker is doing any of this is to make bruce watch and suffer, suffer in the same way he did. and because it's so much more personal, the emotions are so much more heightened as well, culminating in a final battle that really rips at your heart, if you let it. it's why I knew from the moment I understood what the two routes would really entail that I would personally prefer the villain route over the vigilante one.
that's not to say that I think the vigilante one serves no purpose. in fact, I really love the dichotomy between the two, which includes the fact that one is more personal than the other. batman vs bruce. the agency's coldheartedness vs intimate betrayal. a vigilante who kills people vs a villain who just wont kill his enemy. and yet theyr united by one key thing: love, and how it can get twisted and turned into something wrong, no matter the true intentions.
it's there, it's always there, no matter how you play. love is always there.
and it's always wrong
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imthepunchlord · 5 months
What would be the perfect "Miraculous team" for you?
At this point, the characters that do stand out most to me as major players that could be on a plausible team are: Marinette, Adrien, Felix, Alya, Nino, Kagami, and Zoe.
Honorable mentions/maybes: Ali, Aurore, Chloe, Lila, Juleka, Ivan, and Kim.
Marinette is a must. I do really enjoy writing her, and making my desired tweaks, and it is kinda a shame a lot of recent writing with her is in salt response to canon treatment. It's a big part of the reason I'm on an ML writing break. But she's a must. Most likely with kwami swaps as I am kinda done with her as Ladybug and working off Tikki. Tikki I think could better serve elsewhere and Marinette could be refreshing working off a different personality.
Adrien by default is kinda a must, though his biggest help is that he has a lot of options in what can be done with him. Could go along canon as starting off as a goofball hero that will get serious (though still keep his sense of humor), and be at a crossroads of working with his father or going against him. He could also work with Gabriel at the start, either openly or secretly, and through friendship finds himself as a crossroad. Could also do him joining later, initially exploring him as a civilian, maybe he runs the Ladyblog and wants to unmask heroes and he's extra excited cause his father is actually supportive and invested in his interest. There's some good options for him.
Felix is a must, partly from bias, but he does have a good established arc from starting as an antagonistic loner to turning to a true hero. And the stiff, skeptic, passive aggressive personality he can have could be a good counter to other personalities. And if you want to work off cnaon, he can go absolute gremlin.
Alya is another must. Frustrating as she is, she's a character I see a lot of potential for. Like, a lot of the "lessons" Marinette is expected to learn would better apply to her. And like Adrien, she'd be a great character if she was allowed to learn and improve. And I see a lot of potential in exploring her as a hero at the start, cause you got Alya wanting to start out for glory and attention, kinda treats it as a game initially, and she's on the side of reckless with secrecy, and I just see a lot of good potential for her as a major lead to follow at the start. Learning that heroing isn't all fun and glory, sometimes it's hard, and with reveals, there are pros to it, but there are also cons. She could really add to the secrecy vs reveal debate.
Nino is kinda here by default, but the boy needs something. Ideally something to let him stand on his own, especially outside Alya and Adrien. And one of the best ways to do that is explore him as a Miraculous hero at the start. And he wants to be a film director, so, maybe his focus arc could relate to leadership, learning to develop those skills, awareness of his team and what they can do, and how to best direct them. I will say, of this list, I could also roll with Nino as the supportive civilian friend who grounds one of the leads as he is a character who doesn't have a lot going on.
Kagami, despite all her issues as a character, is a character that caught my attention in Riptose. And while she got a lot of odd choices and polarizing characterization, taking the scattered pieces I can see a potential character being crafted. You got potential in her as the blunt ice queen who's overly dedicated and a little too serious, she wants to make friends but she's socially awkward and can come off as mean, she wants to make her mom proud but she also feels stifled. And by her official skills, she's one of the few characters that could actually vigilante and help the heroes without a Miraculous, or try to compete with them as her mom is tasking her with the chance to fight superhumans and prove herself.
Zoe is in a weird boat as she came in so late and I stopped watching ML so I didn't click with her all that well, but seeing more of her as Kitty and the apparent partner for Alya, it did prompt me to think and consider her more and brainstorm ideas. There's definitely something to work off of with her wanting to please Chloe and pretending to follow her along, but that's not who Zoe is and she can have an arc of figuring herself out, dealing with the tension and mistrust that her relation with Chloe brings, and letting herself flourish. Adjustments though would have to be made for her to come in sooner or be at Paris at the start, either as Chloe's younger sister or maybe twin, or her cousin, or we rip off the bandaid of the vague Bourgeois union, say they're divorced, and Audrey remarried and Zoe is Chloe's stepsister and she's up in Paris so they can "bond". I will say, with her coming in so late, she's also a character I can just exclude.
For honorable mentions where I can see potential or fun or I wish they had more attention:
Ali has a lot of the same appeals as Adrien, is shown to be very sweet, and I am bummed so little was done with him. He's not present enough to warrant being on the main team, but I like him enough that I should try and write more with him.
Chloe I can acknowledge has potential as a character, and that chance of a redemption arc is there, and she can be loads of fun to write. But I also feel irritated with her as she was a waste of time. I get they were halfheartedly going for "will she be good or will she be evil", but it was such a butcher job and you could tell the team was split, and instead of compromising, they just put in both potential to be good and her clearly not going to get better. And I'm just stuck in that irritating spot where I can SEE the potential but she may ultimately better serve as a villain/antagonist.
And this is where Aurore comes in, having all the perks of Chloe being haughty and proud, but none of the downsides. She was a lot of fun to write in Leave for Mendeleiev, and honestly, when I started ML with Stormy Weather, I actually thought she was a major character since she had the initial focus point. Color me surprise when she ultimately became a background character. And then disappeared for a while.
Lila is in a similar boat to Chloe, and honestly between them on who should get a redemption, it's pretty even them for me as they're both terrible. But we didn't NEED two mean girls to go against Marinette. Now, if they were a rival/foil to another character, and Marinette just worked mostly off one of them, then having two mean girls could've worked better. Either way, Lila redemption would have to be around Volpina, cause Chameleon and onward is a trainwreck and there's no way to pick up the pieces of that. And for a chracter who lies a lot, can be petty and spiteful, she has promise to be a lot of fun, and to bring a lot of chaos.
Between the two Couffaine siblings, Juleka is the one I see a lot of potential for writing wise, as she does have that established struggle of trying to find her voice. And by her livelihood, you could play off the comedy of her being chaotic but chill, and ready to take things to the extremes (like kidnapping). And there's the friendship potential that canon tapped into with her and Marinette's shared interest in fashion (I actually think that if the show was more realistic on friend pairs, Marinette would've been in a trio with Juleka and Rose).
Kim is on this list because he cracks me up. Peak himbo but surprisingly wise. That is if we can ignore how he got ruined in s5.
Lastly, Ivan. He was actually the first classmate I really paid attention to, and I saw a promising story to work off with him. Watching Origins, you see most of the class is intimidated by him, so I thought he could have an arc of changing people's perspective, instead of him being feared he's seen as a protector. Which kinda got speedran in the background, but I guess we can't have a plus size character as the focal point. But I'd like to do him as a major lead sometime.
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siconetribal · 1 year
Put It On My Tab: Chapter 5
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout
Warning: Cursing, The universe strikes again, Luck so bad...it's good?, Jason does good
Everyone deserves time off, and the vigilantes of Gotham are no exception to the rule. The boys decide to take a weekend to let loose. Who knew a few drinks would lead to a stranger in bed?
Author Note:
I'm back with part 5! So, I was trying really hard to close this on part 5 and keep to my plan. However, no matter what I did I just couldn't get it to tie up nicely and that just led to a plethora of other ideas coming in. So...I don't have a clue how long this is going to be anymore. (^_^;)
If you're new to the story, here is a link to the other parts:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Of fucking course, Jason stared at the building in front of him. He had followed Dick's advice and managed to find her IP address. From there it was a simple tracing, converting to GPS coordinates, and following directions. There was no way this plan would fail. And yet, here I am…again, at the intersection of "what the hell" and "you've got to be kidding me". He squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe if he closed them hard and long enough, his surroundings would change, and magically he would not be standing here. Where was here exactly? Here was a small, dated strip mall that had brown brick with chipped and weathered awnings and pillars. Here was a bowling alley that looked like it was closed down and an old dry cleaner's. Here was a vacant parking lot aside from his motorcycle and a few cars. His golden ticket, the IP address, led him to a shabby looking gamer's lounge in the middle of what looked to be a dying strip mall, if not dead already.
How, how is it so hard to find this chick?! I just want to pay her for the bill! Why is it so fucking hard to do something nice ?! He glared up at the poorly working lit up sign, hearing the buzz of a dying bulb. All sense of accomplishment crashed and burned to the ground the moment he parked. Ruffling his hair, he ducked his head and let out a heavy sigh. His frustration was at an all-time high in ways he never thought possible for him. Normally, he would be able to quickly release this pent-up feeling through the cathartic action of smashing some goons face in or squeezing the information out of someone who was scared out of his mind and in over his head. Normally, Jason did not have to deal with this heavy feeling for too long. However, it was noon, and he was out in Gotham not as Red Hood but as Jason Todd.
What was the point in all this? It was increasingly clear that the universe was doing its very best to keep him from finding her and paying his dues. They met, they happened to be online gaming buddies, and that was all there was to it. He should throw in the towel and move on. Why should he care so much about this? She was not searching for him. He was the one going out of his way to find her. Yeah, I shouldn't care. This is bullshit. I didn't ask to be taken to some hotel. He was aware he insisted she let him walk her back home that night. Plus, she clearly doesn't give a crap. He glared at his leather jacket that she had taken the time to hook onto the chair that night. He also recalled how she tried to get him to stop screaming with his hangover. "She cares about the wrong things, there's something screwy in her brain." 
It was moments like these that made him want to quit. Throw his hands up in the air like he just did not care in his usual cavalier fashion. Who was she to him to warrant such dedication to repayment? What leverage did she have over him? Nothing and none. She was some stranger he tried to help, and he had done just that. A very attractive stranger who was pretty mouthy and fresh with him, who happened to be his online gaming buddy. Who, he was not keen being left to foot a hefty bill because he wanted coffee in the morning. 
"Dammit, just you wait, I'll find you and give you that money IAmBatman!" He shouted into the parking lot, his chest puffed with renewed motivation. I've officially gone insane, I'm shouting Batman in broad daylight in an empty parking lot. Pushing his momentary lose of reason aside, Jason surveyed the surroundimg area once more. There was a newer and larger shopping center next door with a filled lot, a few nice restaurants in the area, and the famous coffee chain Barbara and Richard like so much and Damien kept insisting he deserved espresso from. 
She complains about customers, so she's definitely in the service industry. This place looks like it's upscaling quite a bit, it isn't hard to see the type of clientele she talks about being here. But where? She works multiple shifts and possibly multiple jobs. The building has CCTV cameras, but who knows what the quality is like. " Fuck, if I knew this was a gaming lounge I would've stopped by in the evening!" He kicked an unsuspecting rock and sent it flying into the parking lot, he was back at square one.
Y/N loudly sneezed for the third time in a row, and Citlalli quickly handed her a tissue. "Damn, are you sure you aren't getting sick? I told you before, I'll say it again, my ass ain't cheap. If you're expecting me to go swinging on a pole, estás loca! Do you think I'll just settle for anyone. The president himself couldn't afford me!" She pointed her nose up to the sky and flipped her hair over her hair shoulder.
"I'm not sick, it's just a sneeze!" Y/N rolled her eyes and wiped her mouth. "There's probably a lot of dust or some shit."
"You said that last time as well. You know, maybe your fancy date is thinking about you? Don't they say one is saying something good about you, two is someone is taking shit, three of someone in love with you, and four is a calamity?" 
"Yeah, where were those four sneezes when I met wonder boy? 4k sounds like a pretty big calamity to me." Y/N scowled.
"Don't look at me, you're the one who didn't sneeze!" Citlalli put her hands in the air. "Take it up with your nose!" She turned and started to clean the espresso machine, wiping down everything.
"Right, because the sneeze manager decided to snooze on me. I'll be sure to file my complaints through the proper channels." 
"Don't you get smart with me! If you aren't sick, get to wiping the tables, it's your turn this time!"
"Y'know, now that you mention it," Y/N cleared out her throat and forced a slight rasp on her voice, earning a glare from Citlalli who threw the damp table rag at her.
"Tables. Now." Citlalli pointed to the front of the café. "Don't make me come over there," She warned, and Y/N laughed.
"Or what, you'll throw your shoe at me? You can't, you're wearing laced up sneakers today!" Y/N pointed down in triumph, which only angered her best friend.
"You think I won't untie, then to throw 'em?"
"You'll get fired if you do." Citlalli took a step forward, and Y/N quickly ducked under the counter gate and popped up on the other side. "Alright, alright, I'm going! No need to be so violent, just stating facts. Pass me the spray, and I’ll get out of your hair.”
 “Those tables better be spotless, ya hear me? I wanna be able to see my reflection on those tables!”’ Citlalli firmly placed the plastic bottle on the counter top, making sure she made eye contact with her friend. “If they don’t shine, I’m making you do it all over again!”
“Excuse you, what did I ever do to you get the rough treatment?”
“Come home with a bill that’s worth more than two of us combined! I told you, I’m no-”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re not doing tricks! Keep that up, and I might start to think you actually want to from how often you’re bringing it up!” Y/N turned and made her way to the first table. She could feel Citlalli glaring a hole in the back of her head. With a bit of elbow grease, she began to scrub the surface in circles to clear away the residue of the last customer. It was slow progress, but she was making progress towards her paying off the large bill that weighed over head. It’s a miracle the manager agreed to my payment plan option instead of demanding it all in one go. I guess they realized I’m not lying about not knowing, and I’m willing to cover the costs…though they didn’t give me a choice on that matter. I swear, if I ever see that jerk again, it’ll be too soon! Her eyebrows scrunched together as she scrubbed harder at a hard ring stain, imagining it was the handsome price tag who got her in this mess. “Life couldn’t get any better,” she muttered to herself as she sprayed the somewhat sticky surface. 
The electronic chime of the front door being opened rang behind her followed by Cici’s chipper voice greeting the new customer. The heavy steps of the boots stopped and Y/N knew they were at the counter looking over the menu. The lengthy pause was clue enough for her to know they were new.
Not many newcomers here, but there are the occasional pop ins that are driving through. They’ll probably ask for Cici to help suggest something. She shrugged it off and moved to the next table, the chairs left scattered out. “Would it kill people to push in their chairs?” She muttered under her breath, slipping between two to get to the table first.
“Damn, I don’t know what half this shit is. Just a large coffee with some cream and sugar and whatever this is.” He had a deep voice that had a hint of rasp to it. The girls nearby were giggling at the sight of the rugged man, while Y/N was frozen in place. There was no way, right? There were plenty of guys with that kind of voice, and those girls could be giggling for other reasons. Maybe he’s dressed in a hot dog suit and had a bad cold? There’s no way he would be here, right?
There’s only one way to find out. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to continue wiping the table, slowly moving around while keeping her head down. Tugging the bill of her hat to cover her face more, she moved until she had a good view of him. Ok, ok, just a tall guy with broad shoulders wearing leather. That isn’t anything special. I’m overeating, she let out a sigh of relief and was about to get back to her cleaning when something caught her eyes. Something so very distinct that only he would have. The flash of white hair right at the front of his head. It was him.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
STS time! (No pressure tho)
All your characters got arrested, oh no! What crimes did they commit to land them in jail (and which ones could talk their way to freedom)?
Thanks for the ask! So glad I managed to make it here before midnight.
Let's categorize these. You said all characters so this is a long one. Every character of importance in TSP. Not just the core cast. But I'm not doing minor characters lol. And SOTL isn't developed enough I'm not going too crazy with this.
Also I'm likely to be vague about the specifics of the arrest to get the sense of their personalities. Also I think I'll include a few arrests now that I think about it. Thanks!
All of it is under the cut. Uh sorry I picked a lot of characters.
Least likely to break the rules
Carmen - her whole thing is doing things The Way They Are Supposed To Be Done. She would have to be driven to quite the breaking point. She's extremely loyal, more so than people think. So if it comes between her and her loyalty she may just break the law out of loyalty. Could she talk her way out of freedom? Eh she'd yell but she'll need help. If she managed to get the upper hand and control the situation maybe but I doubt it.
Noelle - similar to Carmen though with an intense loyalty mainly through blood family, but her problem is following the law. May be arrested if she oversteps her power. She could be pushed for murder. Could not talk her way out. Punch, sure.
Lexi - I think this poor girl would cry if she were arrested. Also a loyalty thing to push her, but it would be a long time coming. In a state of emotional turmoil she may do something drastic. Actually I know she will. Could be pushed for murder. Can talk her way out if she manages to calm down.
Akash - probably would have a crisis if arrested too. If pushed really far could get into a physical fight but honestly it would be hard getting him arrested. He could easily talk his way out. Probably by annoying someone.
Gabriel - oh man. He's arrested because it's someone else's fault. He would never intentionally. He probably caved enough to help a little bit but then got over his head and got arrested for kahoots. Probably could talk his way out.
CJ - more easily coerced to do illegal things than Gabriel but it also will be for helping someone else. Could talk his way out.
Hye-Jin - if someone provoked her she will provoke back, so that's a prerequisite. Something personal probably came up and she was defending someone. Doing the right thing kind of deal. Probably could not talk herself out.
Kelsey - same as above but she will definitely get physical and lose control of her powers. Could not talk herself out but if calm she could complain up a storm.
Would do something illegal
Gwen - won't consider breaking the law unless she has personal stake in it. That being said she would steal something. Maybe even something classified. If possible, she can use others weaknesses to get out of a situation. It has to be just right for her.
Jedi - mans would break the law more if he wasn't so conflict adverse. He wants to uproot the system trust me. If he manages to crawl out of the hole he has dug himself, that. I don't think he could talk himself out.
Robbie - probably vigilante justice. Yes he could talk his way out. Even annoy his way out.
Teo - could be arrested for anything honestly. If dedicated he will just do things on a whim with no regard for the law. Could talk himself out I think.
Wade - also vigilante justice. Probably trying to expose a corrupt government. Could talk himself out.
Issa - you'd think she would never break a rule but she will. If she's pissed off enough. If you get her to that point run. Capable of seriously injuring you. Could talk her way out.
Carla - what she needs is a confidence boost and then she'd easily be able to break the law. She would do something relatively minor, no violence involved, usually for another person's benefit. She'd try to talk her way out but 50/50 if it works.
Ewan - has the confidence to break the law but he wouldn't want to do it alone I feel. A sense of justice seems to be common in this section. Might be able to talk his way out, surprising many.
Tyler - yeah he would break the law if something was stupid. The kind of person who would break a law for the sole purpose of proving how dumb it was. Probably could talk his way out of it.
Anathi - would break the law because he hasn't exactly interacted with people before. He doesn't know what's going on other than that it doesn't sound right. Could not talk his way out.
Raissa - well I mean she has murdered and kidnapped and overthrown a government for herself so. Yeah she could be arrested for those things. I'd say she be able to talk herself out of it. But some things you cannot talk yourself out of.
Atsila - yeah extortion or trying to overthrow a government sounds right. She's confident she did the right thing and will be able to talk her way out of it. She cannot
Liam - bro could overthrow the government and be able to talk himself out of it. But honestly he's more likely to do smaller scale things. Could break into places or maybe spy.
Xitlali - same as Liam only she'd actually decided to overthrow the government
Love rule breaking
Rose - the girl has been emotionally repressed for years she has a lot of steam to burn. Probably could just be graffiti though. I think she has it in her to talk herself out of the situation.
Niri - honestly I don't think he'd be caught. He's so unassuming but he has a huge rebellious streak. Would take a lot of rule breaking to get him caught. Might be persuaded to break a bigger law which would get him caught. He can't speak orally but has the potential to "talk" himself out if he's given the means.
Maddie - physically attacking someone for sure. Maybe something really bad due to her shapeshifting abilities. So many animals are deadly. She won't feel any guilt. She'd try to defend herself. Could not talk out of a situation.
Ash - she'd break the law in pursuit of her own pleasure. Drugs, doing other crimes to get drugs. I can't imagine the mess she'll be as an adult let alone now. Could not talk her way out. Psychic powers may be activated.
Parker - he'll break the law because he's bored. Get arrested for the thrill. Can 100% talk himself out of most situations.
Jazlyn - slightly more bothered than Parker about getting arrested but she had fun doing it. More likely to be for an emotional reason if it's really bad though. She'll deny it. Yes she can talk herself out.
Sam - probably she got emotionally compromised and lashed out at something. Maybe also was doing it for a thrill ride to cover something bothering her. Honestly could talk herself out of the situation once she calms down.
Alex - less bothered than Sam for sure. May bring a few friends in, too. Will have so much fun doing it she won't think of the consequences. Could talk herself out of it unless she's unfamiliar with the law she broke.
Hope this was good and if you read this far thank you??? This is also a good resource for ME because I definitely need more arrests in Part Three specifically.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
And if one of the batfam just so happen to develop not-quite-so-platonic feelings for the reader, so be it :)
Honestly I've consumed Batman media but when it comes to comics and the lore of the Robins and all that, I'm remarkably uninformed, but the one I'm leaning towards the hardest, besides Bruce obviously, is Jason
I mean, for the sake of informing those not in the know, the original first Robin was Dick Grayson and after he became older, Batman found another protégé in Jason Todd, but at some point Jason is kidnapped by the Joker and horrifically tortured over the course of i think its a full year, beaten with a crowbar, and presumably killed with the "evidence" sent to Batman who believes he's dead and, never finds Jason, who is resurrected with the Lazarus Pit (something something evil league of assassins and also the mother of Bruce's blood son Damian is here, Talia Al'Ghul)
Eventually Jason comes back to Gotham as his own antihero identity, Red Hood, and he has his own take on justice greatly varying from his mentor: he now uses guns and even kills when he deems it necessary. And when Jason and Bruce finally meet and Bruce finds out Jason was alive this whole time, Jason's reaction is "I wasn't mad you never found me. I'm mad you let Joker do that to me and you still let him live" like he was deeply wounded by this betrayal and has to be basically rehabilitated back to being a hero (and also that performance is by Jensen Ackles which I never knew until today lol)
So I can just only imagine the levels of unhinged if Jason gets over his, you know, constant killing and is finally back to being like somewhat relatively normal and a vigilante again and then you have a situation like "oh Reader is kidnapped and hurt by the Joker too, maybe even sexually assaulted" and when Jason finds out it just triggers him being Red Hood all over again. I can imagine him wanting to take you away from this horrible life and this man (Bruce) who keeps getting everyone around him hurt and still doesn't have the balls to get the job done, at least in Jason's eyes
I remember watching this scene from Death in the Family and thinking about, what if Jason is just sitting there in that bed having this angry monologue and his thoughts shift to Reader and he has no hatred or animosity towards them at all, in fact, he's horrified. Why is Bruce risking your life by bringing you into this sort of lifestyle? So the man doesn't love Jason OR you? And he makes the decision that you're only going to get hurt if you stay with "the family" as it now disgusts him to even call it that
Like can you even imagine the rage and trauma and anguish he would feel if you know, the Batfam is gathered around and welcoming him back, and then, after everyone else has gone, you come into the room and you're just an absolute mess, shaking at the sight of him, instantly crying. "I wanted to keep looking for you," just absolutely weeping "they told me you were gone and I needed to move on but I kept wanting to at least-at least find your body and they... they...!" And Jason finds out, well of course YOU never could have rescued him or killed the Joker, because Jason's disappearance and 'death' was the last straw that finally sent you into a mental breakdown after dedicating yourself to Bruce's "mission" and you're not even allowed to leave the manor by yourself anymore and he can tell by looking at you that you've lost so much weight and not in a healthy way
And just like that, Jason readjusts his plans. He is not the only one who is going to escape from this mansion tonight. He feels rage boiling his blood as Bruce finally realizes you've spent so long in his room talking to him and one look at your puffy eyes and ragged breathing and the man decides, well you're just simply too overwhelmed to keep talking to Jason right now, you better go eat dinner and get some rest. And Jason grits his teeth as he sees you just, relent, as if you're used to not even having an option, still crying and obviously not wanting to go, still wanting to see him and touch him and talk to him and know he's still alive, but Bruce says to go, and so, you go.
And Jason would rather die a second time than let things end here.
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adenthemage · 2 years
Okay fine I’ll do it
[rattles you]
Tell me your thoughts on Bishop!!!!!!! I wanna hear!!!
— Trauma
[Is rattled!!]
Oh boy I am so sorry my dear friend but as it happens pushing the Bishop button is even worse than pushing the OC button. I have done extensive historical research for this asshole, and I am totally using this ask as an excuse to infodump about it. God Forgive Me for the length this post is about to be.
Anyway before I get into all that, first the catalyst! The thing that got the part of my brain dedicated to analyzing Agent Bishop turning in the first place: in the post I tagged, you brought up the idea of how much power Bishop actually has, which is something I find super interesting! To me, there are two especially relevant pieces of evidence to consider, and they are as follows:
The first and most compelling to me is that Bishop seems to report directly to the president, which suggests-- as far as I can tell-- that he is pretty high-ranking within the government, or at least takes some priority in getting meetings with important people. It was also shown, briefly, that Bishop worked directly with at least one other president in the past, very early in America's development iirc. However, we know for a fact he does not outrank the president and relies on them for funding, so we can at least draw a hard line there. (There is another discussion to be had from Bishop's relationship to the presidents, which I'll come back around to after this point.)
Second, the level of technology at EPF's disposal. Now, some of it can be said to come from scrapped alien tech and indeed I think some of it is very much implied to be so. But it's clear from the numerous bases, modes of transport and level of defenses that EPF is and has been well-funded. The amount of resources at Bishop's disposal is kinda crazy, and he is also able to fund his own research projects, when the money's not used on the field.
There might also be something to be said of Bishop plausibly being head of EPF for 200 years, and being implied to have founded it. It could suggest a high level of trust and effectiveness, though that's more speculation than evidence. Otherwise, that's mostly why I feel Bishop and EPF do indeed have pretty strong influence within America and its government (wish I could say I had any solid thoughts on his influence outside of the US but tbh what we have suggests he absolutely does not lmao)
As for how Bishop may view the Justice Force, I think your read on it-- him not having much concern because they originate from Earth-- is pretty accurate. Bishop's main priority is protecting Earth from forces outside of it. When it comes to strife within, he doesn't seem too bothered. Despite his greater goals aligning morally good in theory, he very much believes the ends justify the means, and we've seen him dismissive of possibly causing the deaths of innocents because there would be overall long-term benefits. (Which is also why I think an invalid reasoning would be that he leaves JF be because they help people; he doesn't really care about the plight of the individual.)
Them appearing clearly humanoid helps, of course. He is definitely also xenophobic.
On that note, actually! It's also worth noting his interest in the turtles wanes a little after getting their DNA. After that first confrontation most subsequent run-ins with him tend to be the turtles crashing in on an unrelated op. Would he be chill with them getting endorsed by JF, though, that I'm not so sure ghdgdg. There might be a case to be made that vigilantes who regularly screw with government operations should not be getting a JF stamp of approval, and I think he's vindictive enough to press that.
Also on that note I just wish we got to see Bishop's thoughts on those more fantastical parts of the 03 universe more. How much is he aware of the Y'Lyntians and other non-human races native to earth? How aware is he of other dimensions, and did his knowledge and/or protocols change following the events of Turtles Forever? How about time travel and Time Keepers and all that? Given s5 I'm inclined to say he has some awareness of chi, mystics, and/or spirits because he's armed and ready with an arsenal of weapons that are effective against True Shredder's ghost demon army. Things to consider.
Also also! To loop back around on the presidents point: one thing I found really interesting about that is that it suggests the American government has Bishop on record as being alive for 200+ years and counting. So I think it's funny to imagine that after a certain point, every new president has to be sworn to secrecy and let in on the fact that yeah, one of the black ops leaders is functionally immortal, he reports directly to you, have fun.
Anyway those are all the thoughts I had based on that one segment from the radio post ghdvshs I warned you I warned you it's ridiculous
At this juncture I will now be rambling about various other observations, until the event that tumblr forcibly stills my hand:
-Bishop will chameleon into whatever his job requires of him. This is something that became obvious to me (and my captive audience of friends left to suffer my liveblogging my watchthroughs on discord,) after finally learning what the fuck was up with Bishop in Fast Forward. When I originally watched through, I was having trouble reconciling this Bishop with the one I knew and loved, even with the explanation we were given to why he changed his tune. So I posed my issue to The Gang (captive audience) and we stumbled upon a Great Truth on the nature of Agent John Bishop
Bishop, at his core, is fueled by the trauma he experienced when he was abducted so long ago, and it turned into a strong motivation to keep Earth safe so no one would ever have to experience that again (and also revenge. Revenge was a big part of it, too. But I digress.) At the core, Bishop's motivations are morally-good. And here's the other thing about Bishop, he's willing to throw away ANYTHING to achieve his goals. Nothing is sacred, not even human lives. As such, it follows Bishop will become whatever is most needed of him to accomplish his goals, too, including overhauling his behavior. This has likely already taken place numerous times in the "present," given Bishop comes from a different time period and would have to be constantly adapting to modern etiquettes and sensibilities. But this becomes even more likely in the event that he wanted to achieve and maintain an elected position, like the presidency he holds in Fast Forward. And indeed he succeeds, as we hear through Cody that he's extremely well-respected and beloved by the public.
I think it is very likely a majority of the Bishop we see in FF is a well-practiced act to become as personable as possible. He decided the best way to protect Earth was to ally with other planets, and chameleoned himself into the perfect ambassador in order to achieve this. So because his ultimate goal aligns morally-good, he became good in pursuit of it, despite his true nature (which is a sadistic mfer.) I also think it's way funnier to think FF Bishop is constantly surpressing urges to choose violence.
And piggybacking off of that, the other really interesting idea here is that Bishop's ultimate goal will create a world were people like himself will have no place. Bishop is, again, a sadistic fuck, he enjoys inflicting suffering on others. And here he's so effectively created an era of peace that even staged wrestling is considered violent and barbaric. How bored out of his mind must he be on the regular? How must he feel knowing he can never sate those violent tendencies or the world he built will turn on him in a heartbeat? What keeps him working for the same goals regardless?
(I still think the execution was clunky in FF despite how great the ideas behind it are. Are you telling me Bishop isn't internally obsessing over how the fuck the turtles just showed up 100 years in the future looking like teenagers still? You telling me the turtles don't listen to Bishop go 'hey guys I'm good now want to work with me :)' and don't immediately have 20 million alarm bells going off cuz that is DEFINITELY A TRAP and HOW IS BISHOP HERE if he has access to time travel that's REALLY BAD)
-Despite being an antagonist, Bishop almost always succeeds. THIS RIGHT HERE is one of the things I find most fascinating about Bishop as a character. Motherfucker can't stop winning. And it's especially interesting because as an agent in the story he is aligned to nobody but himself; he's just as likely to come into conflict with the turtles as he is to pick a fight with one of their enemies. Sometimes he does both at once!
But like, when it comes to the greater goals Bishop sets out to accomplish his success rate is pretty damn high. The Slayer might be the most overt failure, he got skewered and his creation ran off to live with the rats so rip to that one. But like, he succeeds in getting the turtles' DNA samples, he succeeds in tricking the president into giving him more funding, he's able to blackmail fuckin Oroku Saki, he's able to trick the turtles into doing his dirty work, and so on and so forth. This goes hand-in-hand with his chameleon abilities. He is ruthless, willing to sacrifice anything to win, and he has been shown very capable of thinking outside the box. I think the fact that he's from a different time and lived through so many cultural shifts has a big part in the latter.
Also, this guy takes on 6+v1 odds multiple times and holds his own. Like what the hell. I could go into a whole other thing about his fighting style but this is gonna be long enough as it is-- all I'll say on that point for now is that Splinter is the only character shown to consistently give him trouble in a fight, which has an amazing effect of hyping both of them up.
-Bishop must have some level of medical background. This is mostly just speculation based on the fact that, when we're first introduced to Bishop and he's trying to perform vivisection on the guys, he's the only one in the room. I imagine you don't want to screw up your samples with something like a vivsection? Though I can't say I'm terribly knowledgable on the subject, considering the vested interest he has in actually getting the samples, I doubt he cleared the room without knowing he'd be able to do so. (The other reason is definitely just for his own sadistic thrills, of course.)
-I mentioned before, but Bishop seems to be lenient with scientists, even those not under his employ. Obv he's pretty indulgent with Stockman despite his attitude (at least, as close as Bishop can get to Not Terrible,) and he remains as loyal to keeping Stockman employed as Stockman is willing to stay in EPF. Bishop is also shown to have some level of respect or acknowledgment for both Donny and Leatherhead's intelligence, and iirc he's also seen to have some investment in Dr Chaplin Not Dying in s5.
This also could suggest Bishop is just a good employer in general, which I think would be a funny contrast to how we usually see him portrayed.
-Bishop's current accent is probably not his original one. This has no bearing on anything, but John Bishop was born in 1773 and they did not talk like we do, now. I'm not sure if he would develop a contemporary accent naturally, since he has been alive and actively working with people this entire time, or if this would be something he'd had to have worked to change intentionally.
-After running the math, Bishop was probably about 43 when he stopped aging.
-Who tf is the monster to Bishop?? Seriously this is going to haunt me forever we never get any closure on that and it's the closest we see to Bishop having a personal life or connections outside of just his work. One thing I've extrapolated from this, though, is that he was probably working on a way to reverse whatever transformed that man, and this meant he actually had a bit of a head-start on a formula to reverse mutations when the outbreak happened. 
-Despite my opining for more Bishop content, I actually love how ambiguous a lot of his personal information is. It makes him stand out as an audience member, especially before they reveal anything about him and we see this dude just get up and walk off being impaled through the chest. It also just enforces a sense that nobody really knows him. We're only even privy to the fact that he's from the 18th century because it's an opening stinger for an episode, none of the other characters are aware of it. I love that.
-If you ever need some vibes for playing out a scene with Bishop, I cannot recommend the Utopia soundtrack enough. Monarch's Pyramid, To You All Kids Will Come, Meditative Chaos, and Jessica Gets Off are the ones I give the most listens.
-Given how very little we're shown of Bishop outside the context of EPF, I'm partial to thinking he literally never takes a break. Every waking moment he's working, he hasn't had a vacation day in 200 years. That's just a headcanon, though.
-Whenever Bishop appears on-screen, you can usually bet the show is about to dip 20 shades darker. This is initially what got me so invested in him, he's a harbinger for when the show's like Get Fucking Ready.
Anyway. I think about him too much. I intend to rewatch 03 after finishing my binge of 87 and compile even more observations, too, so maybe I'll have even more to say by then, who knows loL. In the meantime please take some extra Bishop doodles from my sketchbook and this moodboard of what my discord ramble box has looked like for the past few months
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vigilante shit is @battlehamster ’s wywm regulus’ song. here is why:
draw the cat eye, sharp enough to kill a man
okay, this line is obviously about being able to paint sleek, clean eyeliner on, which we know regulus can do, even after a period of an inability practice.
‘Taking in a deep breath, Regulus lets muscle memory do its job with quick, short strokes [of eyeliner], until he’s got a sharp line on the very corner of each eye. And it’s the best feeling he’s experienced in fuck knows how long. He turns to look at Sirius with his middle finger up[.]’ - ch17.
you did some bad things, but i’m the worst of them
sometimes i wonder, which one will be your last lie? they say looks can kill and i might try
these lines are about power, which we know regulus has. he’s a Black, and yaz has established in wywm that the Black family blood is important. it gets people places, it gets people fired, it gets shit done (and they look good while doing it). 
‘looks can kill’ here could have a double meaning, in that regulus always looks good - ‘[regulus is] pretty in absolutely everything he wears.’ - ch17 - and that his wrath is enough to kill someone. he even mentions a willingness to have lily killed for her neglect and awful treatment of james and harry. ‘Murder has never figured among the list of his crimes, even the ones he wasn’t put to trial for. But he’s also well aware of the fact that dismissing of Lily wouldn’t keep him up at night, because just like Sirius used to say, half of him did come from Walburga Black, after all. If James asked him to, Lily wouldn’t make it alive ‘til sunrise.’ - 17
i don’t dress for women, i don’t dress for men
lately i’ve been dressing for revenge
since moving into james’ place for house arrest, regulus wears clothes that make him happy. he doesn’t wear the trousers and shirts he was essentially forced to wear when he was engaged to barty and working for his parents. his freedom in his clothes and stylistic choices are is ‘revenge’, a “fuck you” of sorts to walburga and the control she had over him.
‘He’s allowed to wear something that makes him feel pretty. Especially if that something happens to be something that would’ve made Mother throw a fit if she saw him in it. And it’s not that oversized t-shirts and cool socks don’t make him feel pretty, mind you. He’s pretty in absolutely everything he wears. But he can’t deny there are certain things that bring him some extra happiness when he puts them on, like overalls.’ - ch17
i don’t start shit, but i can tell you house it ends
so, obviously, regulus didn’t initiate the corruption of the Black Empire. once his parents, lucius, and other employees/members of the family land themselves in prison, and regulus is able to get out via sirius, regulus is able to direct where the future of the Black Empire is headed. he does so by influencing amos into doing his bidding, with the promise of power.
‘“And I will, of course, occupy her place. So, when this shitshow ends, I am going to need a new COO. Someone dedicated and intelligent, but above all, someone loyal. That someone will be you if, and only if, you keep me as far away as you possibly can from Black Industries until I can walk free.”
Regulus slides the stack of papers back to him, and extends his hand.
“Do we have a deal, Amos?”
A bit wide-eyed, Amos is quick to nod, taking his hand.
Regulus shakes it firmly, with a grin crossing his lips.’ - ch11
don’t get sad, get even
regulus has demonstrated a vengeful streak, which i elaborate on a bit more in the ‘vigilante shit’ section, but is shown in this quote: ‘“Of course I do,” he snaps. “I can make her disappear from the face of the Earth and never inconvenience you or Harry ever again, if that’s what you want.”’ - ch17. regulus is willing to have lily killed for her mistreatment of the boys he loves; that is, james and harry. to regulus, this is ‘get[ting] even’. 
so on the weekends, i don’t dress for friends
lately i’ve been dressing for revenge
she needed cold hard proof, so i gave her some
she had the envelope, where you think she got it from?
now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride
after all the miserable years regulus endured away from james, whilst with barty or in prison, he gets to be reunited with his lover, he gets a kid, gets to move into james’ house, and his finally reaching a happy ending. ‘“Not you, Dada!” Harry grunts. “I was talking to Papa!”’ - ch30/31
‘“I can make you the happiest man alive.”
Regulus stays quiet for a long time, enough to make James wonder if he stepped out of line, but then his lip curves tenderly at the corner and the night becomes brighter. “You already do, darling.”’ - ch32
‘“I love you more,” he whispers close to Regulus’ ear, but Regulus shakes his head.
“I regret to inform you that’s impossible,” he tells James. “I love you more.”’ - ch32
picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife
and she looks so pretty drivin’ in your Benz
regulus was gifted a mercedes-benz on his birthday. ‘“Someone sent you the keys to a bloody Benz.”’ - ch17 
also, james got a new car after getting into an accident. and im sure james (im making james the ‘she’ here, hope that’s ok with you all) definitely looks pretty when he drives :) ‘“I should have the new car by then so I’m going to drive down to the office for that, you won’t have to see Bobby again.”’ - ch24
lately she’s been dressing for revenge
well, he was doing lines
and crossin’ all of mine
someone told his white collar crimes to the fbi
this line is so self-explanatory, i feel like this headline will more than suffice. ‘‘REGULUS BLACK SENTENCED TO SERVE ONE YEAR AND EIGHT MONTHS BEHIND BARS IN AZKABAN FOR WHITE COLLAR CRIMES.’ - ch1.
and i don’t dress for villains or for innocents
once more, just elaborating on how, with his newfound freedom (ironic, given the most freedom regulus has is during house arrest for his crimes, but i digress) regulus dresses only for himself. ‘Oh, nothing, besides the fact that he spent years forcing himself to put on suits and ties and leather shoes and fucking belts every time he had to dress up like a proper businessman, even when he was in uni, and then the time he spent sitting behind a desk, eating grilled salmon for lunch and resisting the horribly strong urge to tell his secretary to cancel all his meetings because he was going to jump off the balcony. To be fair, putting on some jeans will never, ever amount to that sort of torture, but still.‘ - ch11.
i’m on my vigilante shit again
i think it’s safe to say regulus would consider himself a vigilante. by definition, a vigilante is someone who undertakes law enforcement without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate. this definitely rings true with what we have seen with regulus. most obviously is with the lily situation, and having her deported from india back to england, and stripping her of her ability to work where she had been. notably, regulus does his vigilantism behind james’ back. repeatedly. 
(1.) ‘“Hold on, is this about you getting Lily deported back to England?” James wonders. Regulus doesn't think he's ever been robbed of his words as quickly as in that moment. “What?” he wheezes, shoulders falling on his sides. “How the fuck did you know about that?”[...]
“I know you, Black, whether you like it or not. And that night you asked me if I had any news on her, you got that look in your eye... The look that always, always means trouble,” James tells him. “Every time you got that look I used to fear for some poor soul's safety, (2.) like that time some Hufflepuff called me some names and you got his head and eyebrows shaved off right before the Yule Ball.”’ - ch17.
james goes on to say he never knew how regulus did ‘that’ - shaving the hufflepuff’s eyebrows off before the yule ball - and regulus then tells him. as previously mentioned, regulus also intends to reform the Black Empire with amos diggory’s assistance, which could be yet another example of his vigilantism.
ok. that’s all i got rn.
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roobylavender · 10 months
i read your post about a potential harvey murdersueicide and while that is a fantastically tragic idea i cant help but notice you always believe bruce should meet his demise early😭 as in, he doesnt get to experience true old age.
its not actually that i disagree or even not understand where youre coming from. i feel like, since dc insists batman has to exist and has to be a big player, the main character, gotham can never truly improve. because stories need to be told with him. theyre stuck, the city is stuck, and thus bruce is stuck, he only continues because he feels he is needed. in order for him to retire i think hed have to look at the progress hed made and go, yes ive done enough, but that will never happen because books need to be sold.
i think there could be potential for him to reach this conclusion and retire in a more limited series like a show or movie series, but do you think hell ever get to a point where he feels comfortable naturally retiring, and if so what would you think needs to happen?
i should probably clarify the reason i'm so invested in the idea of bruce dying early is bc denny o'neil said that by his early 40s bruce would either be married to talia or be dead and since he vehemently opposed the former i imagine had his editorial stint continued that he would have led us to a conclusion of the latter. so in my case it's less about a supposed impossibility for him to ever escape the life he leads as batman and more me being morbidly intrigued by this ultimatum denny set for the character. i'm not sure what his intended end for bruce might have looked like but ig in my imagination i either love the potential drama of the bruharvey murder sewercide or the sheer inconsequential nature of bruce dying while saving a life. not anything too grand or complex but simply being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and dying as anyone would, while doing something he wholeheartedly believed in. like a car crash. the dark knight rises for all of its faults has a few plot decisions i dearly love, bruce's retirement and passing on of the mantle being one of them, but i think that's a development that, complementary to what you said, works more in a medium where things have to end. the trilogy was finite so it made sense for bruce to move on. comics however are never-ending. and even beyond that ig i don't think bruce would be the type to retire even if he did sort out a lot of his emotional issues or feel like the city was on the right path. he's a very stubbornly selfless person and so long as he has a working body he'll be putting it to use. in that sense batman beyond definitely took a logical path in that bruce only gave up the mantle when he could no longer physically maintain it. the only problem there was that the timmverse's bruce is progressively depicted as an isolated loner so his retirement feels almost like a defeat that is subsequently revived once terry enters his life. and maybe there is a world where bruce could sort out his issues and retire of his own volition instead but for some reason i find there to be more meaning in bruce dying doing what he believes in. and maybe he's happy and gotham is on a path to being better bc he's reconciled with his children and maybe he's slowly trying to dedicate more of his time towards abolitionist work on the ground rather than encompassing all of his spare time in vigilante work. but i would like to think if he died in the mask at a point where his life is like that that it would still be meaningful. bc the mask would no longer be a prison. it would be what it was always intended to be: the truest representation of himself and his desire to help others
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batfam-horror-au · 2 years
This post is dedicated to @wesavegotham! They inspired me to go further in depth on this topic, and it’s helped me get out of my writers block! Or I suppose you could say post block. Either way, feel free to send me more questions, I’ll always be happy to answer!
Anyway, Tim Drake was absolutely abused. But I didn’t necessarily say it was his parents.
He was on some levels neglected by them, of course. I think it might’ve been later in life that it happened, but Tim was still a child whose parents were gone way too often. I won’t say I know the timeline for Tim’s childhood, nor do I know how bad the Drake’s neglect was. He did have Ms. Mac, but again I don’t know that much about her cannon behavior to tell you anything. I also think he was in a boarding school for awhile, but I don’t know when that happened. But I do think there was a level of emotional neglect that led him to seek out Bruce as a mentor and parental figure.
And on the topic of Bruce, he was definitely abusive towards Tim.
1. He let a minor be a vigilante. Of course this is popular in superhero culture. If we are looking at it from a purely fictional standpoint than it would, kinda, be fine. But since we are talking specifics here, Bruce brought a kid into his shit. The fourth kid, actually. Barbra got shot, Dick flew the coop as soon as possible, and Jason died. Which, if I am recalling correctly, was mostly because he was Robin. A child died because of that suit, and Bruce brings another into the fold?
2. Tim might’ve chosen Robin, but it sure as hell wasn’t something he could’ve consented to. He was a minor when he made that decision. I’ve seen many variations of what age he was when he took up the Robin mantle. 11-14 years old is the usually ages, and let’s be real, if you got the chance to help your hero wouldn’t you take it? Especially as a kid who has little concept of how bad the world is.
3. I have to say this again, Tim was a minor!!! If he had the choice, he probably wouldn’t go to school for the rest of his life!!! But Batman, the adult in the situation, let a minor be Robin again. He has an emotional reliance on Robin (both as a concept and as a person) that is genuinely frightening. This codependency is unhealthy. He might’ve said no time and time again, but that doesn’t matter because he was the adult in the situation. He had the ability to stop Tim, or at least try his hardest to keep him from going out. There’s a million things he could have done to stop him (namely being him not taking minors into dangerous situations in the first place (actions have consequences)) but he didn’t.
4. Batman has actually hit Tim on multiple occasions. And hard too. I’m not talking about just training either, though I have heard that Bruce has definitely hit hard enough during these so called spars to bruise. Not that Bruce would ever know about easing into training. But no, I’m talking about when he punched Tim in the face. In the Batman comic book titled “The Fall and the Fallen: Part 2” Batman slugs Tim across the face. Hard enough to send his head reeling back, and we all know Batman punches hard. We also know this isn’t a first time thing either. He has hit his kids over and over in the comics, who’s to say this will be the last time he’ll hit Tim? And I’m not saying he got the worst of it- Jason got his throat sliced open and Damian was practically handed over to Dick for him to raise. But Tim definitely didn’t get win the lottery with that man.
5. Take a good look at what these vigilantes do practically every single night. They run out and beat up bad guys right? Bad guys who have no qualms about killing this little slip of a boy in bright ass colors with a gun. And Batman dressed him in that, and I do not care what you say to try to make it okay, it is very much a not okay thing to do. It’s like he wants them to get shot.
6. He is dependent on a child. He literally goes crazy if he does not have a literal child telling him what’s right and wrong. Tim felt the need to save these people because he knew Batman’s secret. He chose that life to save Batman and be his moral compass. Maybe he did want to be Robin, sure, but the only reason why he even told him he knew was because Batman was beating the shit out of purse snatchers and nearly killing them. Tim, a child, felt like he had to make Batman need a Robin. If Bruce had half the emotional regulation of a bloody child all of that could have been avoided.
There’s definitely more I can say on this subject but I’ll leave it for later. I feel like this is good enough for now. I have a few other posts in the line but, but this one was at the forefront of my mind! And don’t worry folks, this is only the beginning.
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albinotapeworms · 1 year
Dinner time!!
Chapter 5 of for our world!
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I admired his dedication as a vigilante, he’s doing something i could never do.. I wonder how he does it
“I shouldn’t get lost in thought” I snap out of it
After dressing really nice I get up to
Get all the ingredients out but I’m missing some.
“Just my luck” I roll my eyes
I text izuku to get flour, eggs and oil and start preparations.
A short while later, Izuku arrived at my apartment, carrying a bag of groceries. He had a bright smile on his face as he greeted me at the door.
"Thanks for having me over," he said.
“It's my pleasure.“
“What did you want to cook?"
“I was thinking of making some chicken katsu and rice. It's a dish I learned from my late mother," i explained.
“Can I help?”
“Oh yeah sure, start cracking the eggs”
As we began to prepare the meal, We talked about school, our hero work, and our plans for the future.
As he helped me cook, I couldn't help but notice how focused and skilled he was in the kitchen. He moved with precision and care, and soon the aroma of the food filled the apartment.
When the meal was ready, we sat down at my small table and dug in. The chicken was crispy and flavorful, and the rice was perfectly cooked.
As we ate, we talked about our plan to stop All For One and save Tomura.
I explained that Tomura was targeting me because of my quirk, which was very much new to him, I told him tomura was after my quirk because it was considered very useful, and it was very useful, I can see why it’s classified as such a dangerous quirk now, coming up in age I never really cared for it.
I just saw it as a means to get ahead in life but izuku made me have value because seeing how determined he was, it made me wanna follow him in the path he was heading.
But I won’t be able to follow him if I don’t save Tomura.
I only saw him once but it was enough to use my quirk on him to get his information, he’s being manipulated by all for one, he was brung up so wrong… comparing izuku and tomura.. they are VERY much alike.
“I pity tomura though..he’s a lot like you, he could have really been something”
His eyes widened with pure horror.
“What do you mean… he’s like me?…”
Was Tomura Shigaraki like him… does he have something in common with him??
How can that shigraraki who is so twisted and evil… a psychopathic villain who commits inhumane crimes… be just like him in some way…?!
That is absolutely terrifying and sick to think about…because the fact is, if he was brung up like Shigaraki.. he would have been the same way.
“He used to be just like when you were younger izuku”
His mind instantly connected the dots, and that thought made him utterly horrified… utterly nauseous…
Tomura Shigaraki was like him… when he was younger.
That that is absolutely unthinkable…
But it makes perfect sense if he was like that…
He must have had some kind of trauma.. something, anything that just made him become like that
Because no person is born evil at all.
So all that goes to say is Tomura Shigaraki, the most evil, most inhumane person to walk this earth... used to be a sweet and kind person before All For One turned him into a twisted and dark hearted monster.
That is just…
No words can really describe this
It’s so Sick..
just beyond sickening that all for one would make him kill people… it just makes me sick
“That’s why we need to help him, you said it yourself, during that battle, he looked like he needed help, like he was desperate for it and if we could touch something in him we could very well do so”
He immediately went into thought and consideration…
Help him…
Could they really save this monster?
Someone who’s done so much evil who’s caused so much pain, destruction, and misery?
Could they really manage to help tomura?
Could they really do that…?
He thought for a moment…
Save tomura and have him pay for his crimes and his vile acts of violence against humanity.. and maybe have him save the heroes..
That sounds like it’d be the best case scenario here..
He can’t help but feel some kind of hope…
He’s never saved anyone quite like this person but
He needs someone to save him
He needs someone to help them… so I will.
I cut off his train of thought and continue
"And I think we could work together on this. I trust you to help me stop Tomura and All For One."
Izuku nodded, looking serious. "I agree. We need to come up with a plan and act fast."
As we ate, we discussed our plan in detail, coming up with strategies to stop All For One and save Tomura. I could see the determination in Izuku's eyes, and I felt a small flutter in my heart.
After we finished eating, we continued to talk and laugh, enjoying each other's company. As he was leaving, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that our time together had come to an end.
But as he turned to leave, i stop him so he turns to me “Listen, I know we've only met a few weeks ago but I feel like we have a connection.
I enjoy spending time with you, and I'd like to get to know you better, that’s one of the reasons I asked you to even come to dinner with me… so do you want to go somewhere else with me, like a park or something in like a few days…
SO we can talk about more plans to stop all for one obviously… and maybe some brief talking, I mean you totally need it anyways, you need to stop working yourself so hard, But other than that do you wanna come?”
He felt his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but smile. "I would love to," he replied, feeling his cheeks flush at the obvious excuse.
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gryffindor-jedi · 1 year
The Night Fox - Chapter 6
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Based on @royalhandmaidens Vigilante Commander Fox theory. The story will eventually lead into Foxiyo and a happy au.
I just realized that I forgot to post. Sorry about the delay, but I promise another chapter in around 2 weeks. There's also a mini-illustration that's slightly spoiler, for one of the scenes of this chapter here.
Prologue • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5
Summary: Commander Fox uses Commander Thorn's help to deal with the Night Fox's capture, but tensions swirl within the Coruscant Guard. Senator Chuchi realizes that Commander Fox may be more capable than she thought.
Word count: 1373 words
“You keep putting me in difficult situations, Fox. And you even force me to go against the laws of the Republic, which could get me in big trouble with the Commander of the Coruscant Guard.” Thorn smiled, as he locked the prison cell.
“Shut up.” Fox smiled. “But maybe I was just a tad too stringent at times.”
“That's putting it lightly.” Thorn laughed.
Fox looked closely at the hooded figure, wearing his red armor and mask.
“How long until someone realizes that we have a droid in there?” Fox asked in a low murmur.
“Well, it's a well-known fact that clones hate droids, so I highly doubt anyone would guess. Even if someone does find out, they'll just assume that the Night Fox escaped, and used a droid decoy to cover his tracks, and the Coruscant Guard is too inept to figure it out.” Thorn said amicably. “It'll be fine.”
“I'm so sorry for doing this, but you understand why, right?” Fox pleaded.
“For the last time, WILL YOU QUIT APOLOGIZING?” Thorn clenched his teeth. “I told you before, it's fine, and no one's career has to be ruined for no reason. But if you say you're sorry one more time, I can promise you that you'll regret it.”
Thorn looked at Fox, whose lower lip had started trembling.
“Listen, I'm sorry. I forgot this is the first time you've done something against regulations.” Thorn patted Fox gently on the back. “Lighten up, live a little. I've done so much worse, without you knowing about it. Everyone else is pretty easy to fool, but you… you're too dedicated, which can sometimes be a pain, but it's helped me perfect my, shall we say unique, means of dealing with things outside of the rules.”
“At any other time, I would have been furious that you have snuck around my back, multiple times, but now, I can't help but be grateful.” Fox smiled again, as he began to tear up.
“Plus, now you'll owe me. And I intend to collect.” Thorn said cheerfully.
“Any idea how you've managed to keep the Night Fox's arrest from the Holonet?” Thire asked curiously.
Thorn shrugged. “Everyone assumes that if we arrested the Night Fox, we would be bragging about it, so since we haven't said anything about last night's search, the assumption is that we failed.”
“Which is good, since we don't want to deal with copycats.” Fox sighed. “This Night Fox situation seems to be connected to a string of break-ins at multiple senatorial apartments, the latest of which was the break-in at Senator Chuchi's apartment. Someone appears to be looking for something, and this individual has resources, since most senators hadn't noticed the break-in until days later.”
“Hang on, we actually have the Night Fox, right?” Rys asked cautiously.
“Yes, we do. Now–” Fox confirmed.
“Well, I must be off. Duties and all. Come on, Thire.” Rys said, innocently pulling Thire with him.
“I'm worried about those two.” Fox said darkly. “They really hated the Night Fox, and they might do something.”
“I'll take care of it.” Thorn reassured him. “The Night Fox tip was a sighting by a police droid, although we haven't been able to identify which one.”
“Why would the Night Fox allow himself to be seen by a police droid? It's not like they're hard to avoid.” Rys chimed in. “Maybe, his arrest is a trap?”
“No, no.” Fox started pacing. “He probably feels safer here, since it looks like someone's trying to hunt him.”
“Maybe that's a good thing.” Rys crossed his arms. “The Night Fox was sighted at Senator Chuchi's apartment. Someone could have hired him to break-in, and is trying to eliminate him for financial reasons.”
“The thing is… the Night Fox seems to be pretty forthcoming. He doesn't have anything to lose by lying to us.” Thorn said. “I believe him, and he doesn't seem to be against us.”
“Even if he is lying, it's clear that he isn't the mastermind.” Fox tried to convince Rys. “We want to find out who's in charge. It might even be the same person the Jedi are hunting, the one who started the war.”
“I don't know, but we should at least try to keep the Night Fox alive for now. We might be able to use him as bait.” Rys said thoughtfully. “I won't let my personal feelings affect my duty.”
“I don't like this either.” Fox agreed. “But we don't really have a choice.”
“Is it true? Did you really capture him?” Riyo had been persistently asking Fox the same question, from the moment she had seen him coming towards the apartments.
Fox shook his head, and replied. “We are unsure if the individual in our custody is the real Night Fox, or merely a copycat.”
“You keep saying that, but if you would just let me speak to him, I can tell you if he is the actual vigilante.” Riyo pleaded.
“And I have once again told you that I cannot.” Fox said. “I'm here to clear out my apartment, and return to my quarters.”
“You didn't bring anything, remember?” Riyo said under her breath. “I was kind of hoping you were bringing news or even just visiting…”
Fox grimaced. He had come to the apartment to check on the Pantoran, but he wasn't sure if she had wanted to see him. Maybe he could even clarify the whole Night Fox catastrophe.
“Fox, I have something to say.” Riyo straightened and looked him in the eye. “I was with the Night Fox on the day he was captured, and I really needed to tell him something very important and rather time-sensitive.”
Fox smiled despite himself. “He already told me about the armor, and my men and I can handle a Separatist spy who has infiltrated the highest levels of the Republic.”
“It's just that finding such a clever mastermind requires…” Riyo looked away. “Skills that you may not have or are unwilling to utilize.”
“Believe me, Senator, deceit is among many tools that I can use.” Fox's smile widened. The Night Fox may have captivated Riyo, but it looked like he still had a chance.
“Good to know, Commander.” Riyo started walking back to her apartment.
Fox entered his own temporary bedroom, and decided to spend one last restful night. However he had ended up here, he would probably miss the incredibly comfortable bed. As he changed, he noticed a small paper sticking out of his pocket. Fox sat down on the bed, and unfurled the slightly crumpled, heart-shaped paper. It was a card that a drunken Thorn had persuaded him to write last Valentine's Day, when he figured out Fox's little Pantoran secret. Fox looked over the card, which was rather plain, with a single 'Happy Valentine's Day from an admirer' written neatly in the center. It wasn't really worthy of Riyo, and Fox decided to throw it away the first chance he got. Soft footsteps interrupted Fox's musings, and he was shocked to see Riyo Chuchi standing in the doorway.
“I, uh…” Fox stared at her, as he tried to think of a way to hide the card.
“I hope I didn't scare you, or invade your personal space.” Riyo said, looking at the wall behind Fox.
“No worries, but why are you here?” Fox asked, discreetly trying to put the card in his pocket.
“I thought I'd give you a hug. You know, for like, umm, lending me your bed.” Riyo still refused to make eye contact. “It was a Jedi's idea, so I would rather not go against it.”
Riyo gave a very short but nonetheless comforting hug, even as Fox sat still.
“See you later!” Riyo waved, and dashed out.
“Wait!” Fox called after her.
Riyo looked slightly embarrassed, but stopped. Fox cleared his throat.
“As a clone, I've never really been hugged before.” Fox smiled. “Thank you. Would you like some fruitcake?”
Riyo smiled as well. “I would love some.”
“Well, it's a well-known fact that clones hate droids, so I highly doubt anyone would guess. Even if someone does find out, they'll just assume that the Night Fox escaped, and used a droid decoy to cover his tracks, and the Coruscant Guard is too inept to figure it out.” Thorn said amicably. “It'll be fine.”
“I'm so sorry for doing this, but you understand why, right?” Fox pleaded.
“For the last time, WILL YOU QUIT APOLOGIZING?” Thorn clenched his teeth. “I told you before, it's fine, and no one's career has to be ruined for no reason. But if you say you're sorry one more time, I can promise you that you'll regret it.”
Thorn looked at Fox, whose lower lip had started trembling.
“Listen, I'm sorry. I forgot this is the first time you've done something against regulations.” Thorn patted Fox gently on the back. “Lighten up, live a little. I've done so much worse, without you knowing about it. Everyone else is pretty easy to fool, but you… you're too dedicated, which can sometimes be a pain, but it's helped me perfect my, shall we say unique, means of dealing with things outside of the rules.”
“At any other time, I would have been furious that you have snuck around my back, multiple times, but now, I can't help but be grateful.” Fox smiled again, as he began to tear up.
“Plus, now you'll owe me. And I intend to collect.” Thorn said cheerfully.
“Any idea how you've managed to keep the Night Fox's arrest from the Holonet?” Thire asked curiously.
Thorn shrugged. “Everyone assumes that if we arrested the Night Fox, we would be bragging about it, so since we haven't said anything about last night's search, the assumption is that we failed.”
“Which is good, since we don't want to deal with copycats.” Fox sighed. “This Night Fox situation seems to be connected to a string of break-ins at multiple senatorial apartments, the latest of which was the break-in at Senator Chuchi's apartment. Someone appears to be looking for something, and this individual has resources, since most senators hadn't noticed the break-in until days later.”
“Hang on, we actually have the Night Fox, right?” Rys asked cautiously.
“Yes, we do. Now–” Fox confirmed.
“Well, I must be off. Duties and all. Come on, Thire.” Rys said, innocently pulling Thire with him.
“I'm worried about those two.” Fox said darkly. “They really hated the Night Fox, and they might do something.”
“I'll take care of it.” Thorn reassured him. “The Night Fox tip was a sighting by a police droid, although we haven't been able to identify which one.”
“Why would the Night Fox allow himself to be seen by a police droid? It's not like they're hard to avoid.” Rys chimed in. “Maybe, his arrest is a trap?”
“No, no.” Fox started pacing. “He probably feels safer here, since it looks like someone's trying to hunt him.”
“Maybe that's a good thing.” Rys crossed his arms. “The Night Fox was sighted at Senator Chuchi's apartment. Someone could have hired him to break-in, and is trying to eliminate him for financial reasons.”
“The thing is… the Night Fox seems to be pretty forthcoming. He doesn't have anything to lose by lying to us.” Thorn said. “I believe him, and he doesn't seem to be against us.”
“Even if he is lying, it's clear that he isn't the mastermind.” Fox tried to convince Rys. “We want to find out who's in charge. It might even be the same person the Jedi are hunting, the one who started the war.”
“I don't know, but we should at least try to keep the Night Fox alive for now. We might be able to use him as bait.” Rys said thoughtfully. “I won't let my personal feelings affect my duty.”
“I don't like this either.” Fox agreed. “But we don't really have a choice.”
“Is it true? Did you really capture him?” Riyo had been persistently asking Fox the same question, from the moment she had seen him coming towards the apartments.
Fox shook his head, and replied. “We are unsure if the individual in our custody is the real Night Fox, or merely a copycat.”
“You keep saying that, but if you would just let me speak to him, I can tell you if he is the actual vigilante.” Riyo pleaded.
“And I have once again told you that I cannot.” Fox said. “I'm here to clear out my apartment, and return to my quarters.”
“You didn't bring anything, remember?” Riyo said under her breath. “I was kind of hoping you were bringing news or even just visiting…”
Fox grimaced. He had come to the apartment to check on the Pantoran, but he wasn't sure if she had wanted to see him. Maybe he could even clarify the whole Night Fox catastrophe.
“Fox, I have something to say.” Riyo straightened and looked him in the eye. “I was with the Night Fox on the day he was captured, and I really needed to tell him something very important and rather time-sensitive.”
Fox smiled despite himself. “He already told me about the armor, and my men and I can handle a Separatist spy who has infiltrated the highest levels of the Republic.”
“It's just that finding such a clever mastermind requires…” Riyo looked away. “Skills that you may not have or are unwilling to utilize.”
“Believe me, Senator, deceit is among many tools that I can use.” Fox's smile widened. The Night Fox may have captivated Riyo, but it looked like he still had a chance.
“Good to know, Commander.” Riyo started walking back to her apartment.
Fox entered his own temporary bedroom, and decided to spend one last restful night. However he had ended up here, he would probably miss the incredibly comfortable bed. As he changed, he noticed a small paper sticking out of his pocket. Fox sat down on the bed, and unfurled the slightly crumpled, heart-shaped paper. It was a card that a drunken Thorn had persuaded him to write last Valentine's Day, when he figured out Fox's little Pantoran secret. Fox looked over the card, which was rather plain, with a single 'Happy Valentine's Day from an admirer' written neatly in the center. It wasn't really worthy of Riyo, and Fox decided to throw it away the first chance he got. Soft footsteps interrupted Fox's musings, and he was shocked to see Riyo Chuchi standing in the doorway.
“I, uh…” Fox stared at her, as he tried to think of a way to hide the card.
“I hope I didn't scare you, or invade your personal space.” Riyo said, looking at the wall behind Fox.
“No worries, but why are you here?” Fox asked, discreetly trying to put the card in his pocket.
“I thought I'd give you a hug. You know, for like, umm, lending me your bed.” Riyo still refused to make eye contact. “It was a Jedi's idea, so I would rather not go against it.”
Riyo gave a very short but nonetheless comforting hug, even as Fox sat still.
“See you later!” Riyo waved, and dashed out.
“Wait!” Fox called after her.
Riyo looked slightly embarrassed, but stopped. Fox cleared his throat.
“As a clone, I've never really been hugged before.” Fox smiled. “Thank you. Would you like some fruitcake?”
Riyo smiled as well. “I would love some.”
Tag list: @penguinkiwi, @kris-styx, @abbsbats
(Just ask to be added!)
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scarletttries · 2 years
Till Death Do Us Part (Adrian Chase Request)
Pairing: Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
Rating: Not explicit, mentions of severe injury
Word Count: 2.3k
Request: “Hello! Adore your writing ✨ May I request for Adrian Chase x Reader in which there’s an attempted murder of the reader in their wedding and she almost did die but they got in the hospital in a lucky time? (clearly saw that you implied it in one of your fics and got me wondering) thank you 😊💖”
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for this request, I am actually wedding planning for my own next year so it was really cute to write something wedding based! 😊And the fic this request loosely links to is here.
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Till Death Do Us Part
"Almost done, just a few more minutes." Harcourt negotiated, watching you shift uncomfortably in the chair she had held you hostage in for what felt like an entire morning. You were cranky from waking up in a bed alone for the first time in years, stomach too unsettled to handle any breakfast, and now frustrated from the torture she was inflicting upon you, bringing tool after tool to your skin and eyes.
"There." She stepped back admiring her handywork., "You really do make a beautiful bride." She said softly, melting all that stress and anxiety away as you shifted in your seat to face the mirror. You were finally ready for your wedding day.
It felt like far more than six months ago that Adrian had asked you to marry him, haphazard as ever and tripping over every word as he laid out the life he dreamed of having and how it would only be possible with you by his side. It was the easiest yes of your life, not a single doubt that he was the man you wanted to spend your life with, even after only a year of knowing each other. You were never the sort to be certain of much, especially when it came to dating, but now you knew that was just because you had been waiting for him, crashing into your life with absolutely everything you didn't realise you needed. His loyalty and dedication were the stuff of fairy-tales, making every day more fun and loving than the last. And now you were going to make the promise to stay together forever. You had never been more ready.
Adebayo came into your dressing room without knocking, clutching a clipboard like her life depended on it, taking her maid of honour duties incredibly seriously from the moment you had asked. Her face was serious as she gave you a once over, a smile breaking through the professional demeanour she was trying to hold herself with,
"Damn, Mrs Chase, you scrub up real nice!" You blushed, more at the use of your soon-to-be name than her compliment, but feeling wonderful about yourself none-the-less.
"Thank you both, I don't know how we could have pulled this off without you." You said softly, giving them each a quick hug, careful not to hold it long enough for tears to form in your eyes in fear of smudging Emilia's hard work.
"We wouldn't have it any other way." Adebayo nodded back, checking her watch. You had 15 minutes until you were expected down the aisle, and you were counting down every second. As you all shared a drink from a flask Harcourt had snuck in especially for this moment, giving you the obligatory 'you can run away now if you want, we'll steal a car, just say the word' speech, you heard shouting from down the hall.
"I swear it's this way! Just hold it for a fucking second dude." You heard Chris's voice echo through the doorway, and without time to react, he and Adrian burst through the door to your dressing room. You locked eyes with Adrian, sharing a silent moment of taking in how beautiful you both looked, before Harcourt was up and shoving the door shut in their faces.
"Wrong door assholes!" She called out angrily and you heard a dramatic shriek from the other side of the door,
"NOOO! I saw her! That's bad luck! Oh fuck I've ruined our wedding day. fucking shit, fuck! Chris I'm going to kill you! But not right now, because I don't want to get blood on my suit. But Fuck you man, this is the worst thing you've ever done." You could hear Adrian spiralling, slamming his fist against the wall behind him, genuinely terrified that this would be enough to stop you promising to be his wife.
"Adrian," you called softly through the door, stopping his monologue in a single breath, "Nothing can stop this from being a perfect day. Because I get to marry you, my best friend. So don't panic, and definitely don't kill anyone, because I love you and can't wait to be married to you very soon, okay?" You heard a deep sigh from the corridor as he responded, his tone more relaxed than before,
"Okay, you're right. And I love you too. And I only saw you a tiny bit but I already know you look out-of-this-world beautiful babe. See you properly soon." You smiled as Adebayo stuck her head carefully out the door,
"Okay, so move along! Bathroom is two doors down, then you better get up that aisle so help me god!" You laughed as you heard the shuffle of their feet, embarrassed by their scolding, and you all went back to making all your finishing touches were perfectly executed.
The moment you stepped through the double doors into the hall, it was like time stood still. Your eyes locked on Adrian, beaming with pride as you stepped towards him, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. Watching the way you floated down the aisle in your dress, a kind smile spreading across your face as you looked at him in his suit, he truly felt like somehow all the good he had tried to do in his life still didn't measure up for him to deserve you. You could see his eyes start to shimmer as you drew closer, so overwhelmed that this dream was finally coming true for you both, and Chris set a firm hand on his shoulder, a rare display of affection as he was genuinely pleased for his best friend. As you took the final step to stand face to face with Adrian you caught him in a rare moment of being truly speechless.
"You look beautiful Adrian, I love you." You broke the silence, before turning to Adebayo and Harcourt stood behind you. As you extended your bouquet for them to hold, you watched both their faces contort in confusion and then drop in horror, staring at your chest. You looked down to see what had caught their attention, praying it wasn't a stain or bug, only to find a bright red dot had appeared on your dress.
"Adrian." you mumbled quietly in confusion before a shot rang out, pushing you to the floor with its force. As the room quickly swirled into chaos you heard a sea of screams, and felt yourself being moved carefully, before you couldn't fight off the darkness encroaching your eyes any more.
Beeping. That was the first thing you could bring yourself to focus on as you returned to the realm of the living. Too tired to open your eyes, you focused on the beeping, counting along to ensure you didn't slip into darkness again. You felt the chill in your body as you became aware of your limbs again, a deep ache in your shoulder like someone was pressing all their weight on a bruise forming there. You counted along with the beeping machinery for a few minutes before deciding to take the next step, ready to face whatever stood on the other side of your eyelids.
As you blinked them open slowly, the blinding light distorting your vision, you could make out the cold clinical environment of a hospital room, and you let out a deep breath piecing together what must have happened. You felt a shift in weight next to you at your deep sigh, and glanced down to see a crumpled form leaning on the side of your bed. Slowly tilting his head upwards, his eyes met yours, blinking in disbelief as you returned his stare.
"Adrian." You choked out croakily, voice laced with concern at the state of him. His eyes were red from crying and sleep deprivation, his skin grey in pallor as if he had spent the last two days on the brink of death as much as you. He was still dressed in his wedding suit, jacket now discarded, and white shirt stained with blood, and you knew instinctively it must be yours, from refusing to let you go as they brought you to the emergency room. Finally his stunned silence was broken with a loud sob,
"You're alive. " He scrambled to sit up, carefully climbing up to sit on your bed and cup your face in his hands, unsure he'd ever see your smile again, and unwilling to face a world where that was a possibility.
"Are you okay love?" you asked as his whole body seemed to shake, tears falling freely from his eyes, loud sobs filling the room. He managed to let out a laugh, sounding near hysterical as a smile broke out across his pale face,
"You get shot by a government assassin on our wedding day, bleed out on the way to the hospital, spend two days unconscious and your first question is if I'm okay!" You instinctively smiled at his tone, as medical staff started filling the room, drawn in by his hysterical cries. They ran a few tests, happily reporting you were stable and through the worst of it, but that you'd just need to stay in a few more days. You nodded and tried to listen to their advice, but your focus was taken up almost solely by Adrian, unwilling to move from his perch on your bed, still staring at your face in disbelief as he thought he might wake up from the dream at any moment. The nurse in charge said she would tell your friends in the waiting room they could come in, and you thanked her, moving your tired arms to wrap around Adrian, trying to console him. As you were left alone again he took your hands in his,
"Promise me you'll be okay. I know I cursed our wedding, but you are my whole world, and all I've thought about for the last 48 hours is how I'd go on without you, and honestly I realised that I couldn't do it. If you die, I die. There's nothing else to it, I can't live with out you, I can't go back to feeling like I did before we met - feeling so alone I thought I’d never get past it. You are my life, there's nothing for me without you." You used all your strength to sit forward, cutting him off with a kiss he eagerly responded too, threatening to never stop. You leant back for a breath and reassured him,
"I'm not going anymore Adrian, I will never leave you." Your firm tone alleviated his immediate fears and he sat up a little, nodding and wiping the tears around his eyes.
"Hey! You know there are easier ways to get out of marrying Adrian right?" Chris burst through the door all smiles, earning a soft slap from Harcourt for his comment, who immediately moved to your side, placing a soft kiss on the top of head,
"I knew you'd pull through tough guy."
Economos immediately held a cup of water with a straw to your lips,
"You're going to need to keep hydrated okay, it'll be a long recovery." fulfilling his usual role as team medic. Adebayo joined you last, carrying a balloon and a teddy but looking almost as distraught as Adrian had. She kept her eyes fixed to the floor as she said gingerly,
"I don't know how to tell you this, but your wedding dress is completely ruined, like unsalvageable. There was nothing we could do." She looked up through her tears as you laughed loudly, genuinely moved by her concerns for your dress, as if any of that felt important to you right now.
"I appreciate it Ady but I'd be happy wearing this hospital gown as long as I got to marry Adrian." You squeezed his hand, so warmed by all the love in the room. He shifted to lie in bed next you, avoiding your injured shoulder as he pulled you into his chest.
"We had a feeling you might say that," Emilia said as he nodded to Economos, who stood at the end of your bed as Adebayo joined Harcourt on your left and Chris moved to stand by Adrian's side. John started to speak, doing his best to keep a measured tone as you and Adrian let out confused laughs.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite these two beautiful idiots in less than holy matrimony. Does anyone have any reason why these two should not be married right here, right now?" He looked to you and Adrian to gage your reaction, to which Adrian responded,
"I can't face being unmarried another second." You nodded and John continued, as Emilia pulled a small box out of her pocket, having spent two days desperately clutching your rings in hands and praying you would get the chance to use them.
"Do you, Adrian Chase, take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He had already said yes a dozen times by the time John had finished the question, hand shakily taking a ring from Harcourt and sliding it on your finger, tears trailing over his cheeks again.
"And do you (y/n) take Adrian Chase to be your husband?"
"Really think about it!" Chris chimed in, ruffling Adrian's hair with pride.
"I absolutely do." You smiled, gilding his hand with the small gold ring you had picked together.
"Then, by the power vested in me by the internet, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss, Carefully!" Adrian planted a delicate kiss on your lips, tenderly cradling your face as your friends applauded. It wasn't the wedding day you had planned, but with your new husband by your side, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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roll-da-credits · 2 years
Helloooo! I hope you are doing well :))
I saw you’re taking requests for your Confessions on Valentines event hehe
I’d like to request prompts 2 and 5 for Hawks! ❤️
Thank you so much!
Hawks // Jealousy + Secret Admirer3.6k words (got carried away)
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I'm in love with someone who's in love with someone, and that someone is never me.
Who would've guessed it?
Who would've guessed that the flirtatious heartthrob of a hero would fall so head over heels for a mere detective?
Certainly, Hawks himself wouldn't.
He didn't expect to feel his heart strum against his chest whenever he saw you. Likewise, he never would've thought in a million years that he'd send someone flowers almost every significant event or big day, especially not someone like you.
It wasn't that he didn't think of you as noteworthy or anything like that; it was more like he didn't expect you to make him fall so hard that quickly.
From the first moment he saw you, the first thing he thought of was that you were just another dedicated detective. But then, the more he worked with you for a tough case, the more he realized just how exceptional you were.
Sure, you were as motivated and admirable as many of your co-workers, but there was just something about you that made you shine brighter than the rest. But, unfortunately, he couldn't quite place his finger on it until one rather dangerous mission to acquire more information about the organization you were all trying to crack down on.
It was a standoff between the police and the group, armed and on equal terrain. The only difference is the offender having a group of hostages and your side having a particular hero that the other doesn't know was creeping behind them.
"Come on, it doesn't have to be this way, let's just talk about this nicely, and I'll make sure you'll get a light sentence." You yelled out to the other side, trying to get them to relent the hostages without using Hawks.
If you engaged with Hawks right now, something terrible could happen. The criminals may get shaken up and attack in a panic. Which would cause more issues because then many people could get hurt. Including their allies, your co-workers, and the hostages.
"It doesn't have to be this way, think about it logically, these people got nothing to do with whatever you're doing right now. This is between you and the cops, so let them go and we can just fight it out. Wouldn't that be fairer?" You tried one more time.
"This isn't getting anywhere," your co-worker whispered beside you, bringing up her radio transmitter connected to Hawks, "It's a go; they aren't responsive."
"I can see that, take cover." Hawks answered briskly.
You spotted Hawks outside the warehouse, flying and aiming his feathers towards the criminals from behind a window. Only to focus on someone not so far behind him on a hill, holding a rifle.
"Hawks disengage; there's someone behind you!" You tried to yell out, but the shot rang faster than finishing your sentence.
The tension broke between you and the criminals from the sound of a gunshot. Not long after, more gunshots filled the air. With bullets flying through the air, you heard the hostages screaming when you ran towards them and quickly took cover.
"Hawks are you alright?!" You didn't hear a sound from your transmitter for a while, but thankfully he answered, "I'm fine! I had to deal with the guy with the rifle, does anyone have any dangerous quirks there?!"
You quirked your eyebrows slightly; he sounded more panicked than he usually was.
"None as far as we can tell, some just have physical manifested quirks that shouldn't pose too much of a threat! The hostages are the priority!"
You turned off your transmitter and stuffed it into your belt before going out of your hideout and aiming directly at the criminals' hands. You were rather frustrated you couldn't just shoot them in the head and be done with this. But you're a cop, not a vigilante; you didn't have the right to kill.
Once all the perpetrators were apprehended, you quickly signalled your team outside the warehouse, making sure no backup from the criminal side came, whilst you calmed down the hostages enough so that they could calmly go back.
You didn't anticipate the criminals having a trump card they've been hiding. Within mere seconds of you trying to calm the group of hostages, the metal around the warehouse came falling around you. Cutting you off from your entire team and Hawks.
Hawks, from outside, panicked. He couldn't believe how foolish he was not to keep his eye on you. But, of course, they were going to target you. You were the head of the entire operation; if they could take you down, the team's morale would plummet. Maybe buy them more time.
He quickly went to work ripping the steel apart from the now-closed off warehouse using his feathers. Thankfully it didn't take him long. Once he was inside, he quickly apprehended the criminal responsible for the attack and took a look at you.
"Shit! We don't have a medic!" Hawks exclaimed when he saw the piece of metal lodged into your side; blood pouring like water out of it.
Beside you, the group of hostages looked absolutely horrified and defenceless.
"Relax, it's fine, I'm fine," you directed your words at Hawks before moving to look at the closest hostage beside you; a man in his early 40s, one you've read the files about, "You're a doctor right? Breathe, calm down, I need your help here."
Hawks watched with awe as you calmed down the panicked hostage enough for him to take a grip on the situation.
"Hey, you two, calm down, breathe, he's not going to be able to help me alone here, I need to ask you guys a favour and help him."
With a few more sentences, you somehow were able to calm down the hostages enough to help your current predicament and keep them busy enough to forget the dire situation. Of course, the threat of more criminals coming before your own backup arrived was looming, but you made the hostages feel helpful in a defenceless situation enough that they were calm.
At that moment, Hawks remembered what made you shine so brightly. You were able to see something special in everyone; you brought out the best in everyone. And that was something he never thought could exist in a person.
"Instead of staring all day, why don't you help out in clearing this mess, bird brain? Our team would need a bigger entrance than the one you shimmied yourself through to get everyone out."
Hawks left you in the good hands of the three hostages with a chuckle. Working on trying to get rid of the steel around the area.
Not long after, reinforcements from your side came. Including actual paramedics that treated everyone's wounds. Including your own. Thankfully to your quick thinking on calming the hostages down. They were liable to be questioned immediately, answering another detective's questions on what they saw to land them as a target by the organization.
Unfortunately for Hawks, the information they gave the cops landed the final breakthrough in the case. A few weeks after, a giant raid was set up in their hideout and the mission that took a year was finally over.
"I think we make a great team bird brain," Hawks turned to see you smiling at him, right after the entire office celebrated yet another successful case under your belt.
"Unfortunately, I work alone," He chuckled.
"You're starting to sound like Mirko, worked with her once, interesting personality, but wouldn't listen to instructions well enough." You leaned on the desk beside him.
Shit. Hawks was definitely going to miss these conversations. The conversations between you and him were usually short and brief. But it didn't mean that it held no weight to it. Though brief, he felt vulnerable with you. Like he didn't have to act like Hawks like he could be Keigo.
Whilst that scared him a little bit, it was also a breath of fresh air. That small fact made it easy to talk with you.
"With you gone, the higher ups said they'll be partnering me up."
At that statement, Hawks' wings perked up slightly. So you'll have a partner? But why? You worked just fine alone with your team.
"And here I thought you were the loner type." He quipped, causing you to roll your eyes and playfully shove his side with your elbow.
"They said I looked great working beside you, thought me and my partner would do well together." Now, this was getting his attention.
"You know who it is?" Hawks asked. You shrugged, "Nope, but I hope it's the guy who keeps sending me all those flowers. They're flattering to be honest."
Hawks would've choked on his spit out of sheer shock if he wasn't the one giving you those flowers you were talking about. But for the sake of his cover, he pretended not to know. As he's never even seen your office to know.
"Sorry for being brash, never saw you as someone who got flowers." He maintained his cocky attitude.
"You're terrible," you laughed, "On a serious note, I really have to find out who keeps giving me the flowers. It's always the same thing, gorgeous seasonal flowers on every special day, like last year's thanksgiving when we first met for this mission, then Christmas, then my birthday, then New Year's, hell they even gave me flowers for Halloween!"
There was a slight blush on your cheeks as you pretended to be tired of all the flowers you were getting. Hawks made a mental note of how cute you looked, denying that flowers' romantic advances were romantic at all.
"They were all accompanied by an extremely simple letter just wishing me whatever day it was with red inked and signed K." You sighed loudly, "Pretty ominous to be honest, I wonder if it was one of the criminals from the organization we just cracked."
"Are you saying a villain could be head over heels for you?" Hawks joked.
"Hey who knows? If I'm not any of the heroes' type maybe I'm a villains' type."
That was one thing you hilariously accidentally confided in Hawks about. Your rather depressing dating life. Ever since you threw yourself into your work, you haven't had the time to meet people outside the criminal and justice world. Unfortunately for you, somehow no one was interested in you.
"But I guess we'll know in a few days, I mean, valentine's day is coming soon and if I don't get flowers then that means the admirer's a criminal behind bars right now."
You shrugged before pushing yourself off the desk to join the celebration of your co-workers. The hawks stayed there for a good moment. Truth be told, he completely forgot that it was soon valentine's day.
He had to think of a bouquet to get you. Something extra special, not only because it was valentine's day but because it'll also be a farewell bouquet of sorts. Having to now go onto separate ways. As of now, he'd have to continue back his routine hero work, and you'd have to move on to a different case.
A case that wouldn't require him but require your new partner.
"What's wrong, partner?" You rolled your eyes at the way the man beside you accentuated the final word.
The two of you were teamed up right after you and Hawks' mission finished. Which meant you and him, as of now, only had a few days under both your belts as partners. So it took a lot of getting used to, especially the communicating part.
But hilariously enough, the two of you hit it off quickly. He was easy to talk with, and your skills completed his.
"Nothing much, just feeling a little bit stressed." You slumped at your chair in your secluded, now shared office.
Your partner walked around the desk towards you, leaning to sort of sit on the edge of your desk. Looking to his side to chuckle at you.
"This about the flowers thing?" You nodded. "Oh come on, just because you didn't get flowers today doesn't mean this K admirer guy is a criminal, maybe they're just a co-worker who lost interest, no biggie."
You glared at his statement. You both knew there was almost no way it couldn't have been a criminal. The timing was just too perfect. It started when you started the case and ended when you put everyone in jail.
"Stop mulling around, come on, higher ups said we had to familiarize with each other better before our first case. So," he mindlessly grabbed a manila folder from your desk, "Coffee?"
You thought about it for a moment. Grabbing coffee doesn't seem too bad right now; maybe cool your mind slightly. Then, after a short silence, you groaned, standing up and straightening your clothes.
"You're paying."
Just like that, the two of you left the office, chuckling at the whispers your co-workers let out. You both couldn't help but joke around at how you looked like you were going to go on a date. After all, it was valentine's day. And here were two co-workers who looked close, walking to a small café to grab a coffee.
It honestly did look like a date.
And it seems like your co-workers weren't the only ones who thought of it as such. Unknowingly to you, not so far from the café you decided to go to, was Hawks, finishing a fight he broke up.
"Could you tell us the details on what happened here? Was this the work of the League?" A reporter went up to him.
"It's nothing worth panicking over, I can assure you of that, the offender here simply attacked the victim after being rejected." Hawks chuckled at the absurdity of the situation.
Surprisingly cases like these weren't that uncommon, especially on Valentine's Day. After he eased the reporter's panic, he wished he hadn't, as then they focused the question on him.
"Do you have a date for this Valentine's Day?" Hawks avoided it smoothly and simply laughed it off as he was expecting this question.
He, technically, had a 'date' but not one where the other person he was going to take out on a date knew that he was going to take them out on a date. Truth is, he already had a small bouquet of flowers sitting in his penthouse just waiting to be given; this entire time, he's just been gathering the courage to do so.
If you were to reject him, he was worried that the professional balance the two of you had made together would be breached. Meaning there'd be no way he and you would be partnered up again in the future for more missions.
But all that second-thinking went away the moment he saw you again. In a café, laughing, looking adorable, but with a different guy.
Hawks knows who he is; he's your new partner. And weirdly enough, he hates seeing what he's seeing right now.
"Seriously? Getting broken up on your birthday?! That's shit." You wiped the corner of your eyes from laughing too hard at your partner's tragic love life, knowing damn well yours wasn't so fruitful either.
"So, I take it you've got better experiences? Maybe even a date I'm holding you up on this Valentines?"
You only shook your head. Right then and there, as you turned to look at the window right beside where you two were sitting, you saw a fast red blur whizz past from not so far. You let a sigh escape your lips unknowingly. Familiar with the red blur.
"Ahhh, I see," your partner chuckled before taking a long, loud sip from his coffee, "Oh shut up." You rolled your eyes at him.
Only to be met with a shrug and feigned innocence, "What?! I get it! I really do! Guy's got that effect on most people he meets. He's charming."
You wanted to punch him in the face for that. But decided against it, you guessed assaulting your partner in the first month you were working with him wouldn't look too good for you.
"Wonder what kind of crimes are happening on Valentine's Day though, he seemed to be in a hurry."
You didn't respond back to him. Thinking about the same thing. You had placed your radio on the table to make sure you and your partner would be able to quickly leave if anything were to need your attention. But so far, there weren't any reports on any types of crimes in the area. So, the Hawks shouldn't even be rushing right now.
Not long after, the two of you finished your small break and decided that it was finally time to go back to work. The walk back to the headquarters was fun; once again, your partner proved to be easy to talk to and easy to work with. Silly banters made you laugh and forget about the blonde hero stuck in your brain.
Once you both reached your now shared office, the two of you immediately started working. Chatter becoming far and few in between, as you two focused. That is until a knock on your door made both your heads quip in the direction.
"Come in." You both spoke at the same time.
The door opened slightly, only enough for your subordinate's head to peak in.
"Detective, pro hero Hawks is looking for you."
"I found something weird in our old case detective." Hawks' voice could be heard behind your subordinate.
You didn't even want to look in your partner's direction. Knowing damn well, he's probably looking at you with a wide smirk. You simply nodded at the person at your door and stood to go over to her.
Once you were outside, though, Hawks didn't say a word as he led you outside the building. Even as you asked question after question. Hawks stayed silent. Much to your frustration and dismay.
"Hawks, if this about you thinking I'm not as qualified as you heroes in making sure the job gets done, I can assure you I've checked every single detail in our case. There isn't a single thing we missed."
It seems that was the thing that ticked him off because then, just as you two stepped outside the headquarters, he turned towards you with furrowed brows.
"No, that's not it, why would you even think that?" You scoffed as you placed both your hands on your hips.
"I see the way you were apprehensive about leaving me alone most of the time," You saw the gears starting to turn in his head, "Do you think I'm not strong enough to deal wit-"
You couldn't even finish your sentence as all of a sudden, Hawks had scooped you up in his arms and brought you to the sky. Ripping a loud scream from you at the unexpected takeoff. Your hands instinctively latched onto him. You held onto the hero with all your might as you pushed your body closer to him and closed your eyes.
The bastard simply laughed.
"I don't mind holding you all the time but we've landed you know."
You slowly opened your eyes and made sure the two of you were on solid ground before letting go of Hawks and standing on your own two feet, both of which were still shaking from shock. After dusting and straightening your clothes, you cleared your throat.
"The fuck was that about?!" You'd have chosen your words more carefully in normal circumstances, but this wasn't a normal circumstance.
"Relax detective, turn around." Oh how you wanted to hit the grinning man in front of you right now.
But instead, you turned around and physically gasped at the sight in front of you. It looked like something straight from a movie. Only then did you realize where you were. The rooftop of Hawks' penthouse.
The sun was setting perfectly over the horizon and in front of you laid an alright sized table and two chairs with two still steaming meals on each side. On the middle of the table stood a small scented candle.
"Now you're welcome to reject all my advances and go back to your partner," you wanted to chuckle at the amount of poison that was held in Hawks' voice when he spoke the last word, "But I'd really appreciate it if you just have dinner with me."
You turned around to thank him, only to gasp at what he now offered you. A shy bouquet of gorgeous flowers. It wasn't the biggest or the most extravagant, which was good. It looked simple but elegant.
"Hawks, I can't accept this I-" "Keigo, it's, uh, Keigo."
There was a slight pause when he said his real name. Something he kept to himself most of his life, but he trusted you to keep it. Even if you ended up rejecting him. He knew to trust you with it.
"Keigo?" You thought about it for a moment, the light bulb suddenly turning in your brain, "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO GAVE ME ALL THOSE FLOWERS?!"
Keigo, K, of course!
Hawks only laughed loudly when you grasped both his collar and pulled him to you.
"Maybe?" He scratched the back of his neck, feeling slightly awkward at how fast you pieced it together, "If I say yes would you accept my dinner invitation?"
You chuckled before letting him go, sauntering towards the table and sitting down on one of the seats. When you turned to look at him, he stood there like a statue. Shocked that you actually accepted his invitation.
"You know, you have a staring problem."
That seemed to break Hawks out of his trance as immediately he shook his head and went to the table. Then, sitting on the other side of you, place the bouquet of flowers on the ground near the two of you.
"And here I thought you were on a date with that new partner of yours." "Jealous?"
I'm in love with someone who's in love with someone, and that someone is finally me.
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As you can see, I got carried away aha.. aha... Also light reminder. Today will be the last day I open my requests for this specific event. HC requests are always open! Also this was inspired by a song I saw on TikTok but I genuinely can't find it anymore.
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allmightluver · 3 years
**bnha spoilers** I'm just sat here with renewed realisation of what All Might is going through. 40 years. /40 years/ he held and refined that power and dedicated his every waking (and sleeping if Vigilantes is anything to go by) moment towards the goal of defeating AfO and creating a society in which people could feel happy and safe. And now as it turns out AfO is still alive, society is broken and he has given a literal piece of his soul to this young boy leaving himself with only phantoms
Yes. I don’t think people quite grasp what all he’s going through.
It’s been shown recently to us that some, if not most, heroes have underlying ambitions in becoming a hero. Whether for money, glory, fame, popularity, doesn’t matter. They’re ultimately in it for themselves. Toshinori’s intentions from the beginning have been the most pure- he wanted to be a symbol that people can look to and know things will be ok. A symbol of hope. This boy was only around 14 years old when he decided this. What kind of 14 year old sees the world that clearly? Sees that people have no hope, that a veil of darkness covers them. The only thing I can think of is- Toshinori did not have a good childhood. Something had to have happened to a boy that young to stop seeing the joy in life so early, and see the world’s flaws. Truthfully, I believe he was an outcast- due to his quirklessness. Most likely an orphan, perhaps abandoned by his parents, as we’ve never seen him have any family. I do truly believe Toshinori has been alone all his life. I don’t doubt more could have happened to him as a child before he met Nana. 
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Some may argue that Izuku is the same age, and therefore it shouldn’t be that hard to see why Toshinori wanted to be a hero at such a young age. BUT, Izuku had someone to look up to, ever since he was a child of four years old, to inspire him to be a hero his whole life *cough cough* All Might. Izuku also was quirkless, much like Toshinori, and an outcast because of it (hence where I assume Toshinori was much the same). But ultimately, Izuku wanted to save people because he saw his hero do it. It really wasn’t until Izuku was a bit older, has been in UA, has been on rescue missions, has seen what the heroes see, that I think he’s truly realized how dark the world really is. Toshinori didn’t have that. He didn’t have someone to inspire him as a child, someone to look up to, a hero to inspire him to help others. At that time, heroes hadn’t become as popular as they are in present times. Toshinori saw the world for what it was, on his own, at a tender age. I think that day Nana ran into this blonde hair kid, she eyed him up, noticed his scraggly form, looked into those captivating blue eyes, and saw a man who’s lived through the world’s horrors- experienced the worst it has to offer-, and wants to save everyone he can from the same fate, all in a 14 year old boy. 
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Then after only a few short years with the woman he saw as his mother, she’s killed in front of him because of his own weakness- he wasn’t strong enough yet to protect her. The only other person his life, Gran Torino, literally abused him. He beat him to a pulp, taking his own emotions out on a teenager, and I doubt Toshinori said anything of it. He probably thought he deserved it. He’s still afraid of Gran Torino to this day, remembering the beatings and expecting more for his failures- even if he doesn’t know what they are surely he’s at fault for something, but he’s the only person who’s stood by his side for this long. Even while at a distance, and spouting nothing but criticisms along the way. But Toshinori had to put aside his own emotions to be that hope for everyone. He left everything he knew to go to a new country on his own, to learn how to be a hero, to be that hope for someone.
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Vigilantes showed us just how hard he worked. Toshinori literally stayed awake with no sleep for days on end- 3 in the chapter I’m referencing- because people needed help, people needed saving, and no one else stepped up. He fought villains, rescued civilians, repaired damage, cleared rubble, (even accept and eat food that was against his dietary restrictions after his injury) whatever the public needed, all while draining himself further. He worked himself to the point of exhaustion because he had no help, once literally falling asleep while mid-leap across the city because he simply could go no further. 
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^^These happen in succession of each other^^
No one stepped up to say “Hey, Mr. Number 1, you’ve been working hard lately. Let me help you!” No one tried to take over his position. Even the Number 2 hero, Endeavor, never tried to take some of his burden. His only goal was to try to be better than All Might in terms of power- he was never trying to be the hero that the people relied on All Might for. Everyone relied on him when things looked grim. He was the back up plan. And all of this happened before Toshinori’s injury. 
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The only thing he ever wanted to do- help people- he can’t do (at least the way he’s always known how to). The ability to save people has been taken from him in the most gruesome way. He was finally able to fight the man that killed Nana, and in a rage that I’m sure echoed with all of the emotions of the previous users, he smashed that man’s head like a grape. But not without consequence. Several organs are gone. The pain is excruciating. He wears that man’s mark on his body for the rest of his life, never truly able to rid himself of the filth.
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Then we have Nighteye’s betrayal. The man that helped him as a sidekick, the man that grew to be his only friend. Now some people may ask why Toshinori flipped like he did to Nighteye looking into his future when he was concerned about him making it through his injury. What I believe is Toshinori didn’t want to know when he would die (and really, who does). Now he knows he’s on a time limit, knows the clock is ticking. Time is running out to keep the world at peace, and with him as he is now, how long can this go on? 
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I think the betrayal, doing something that Toshinori specifically asked him not to do, is what hurt the most. How can he trust Nighteye anymore? He already can only count on one hand the people he can trust, let alone befriend.
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He’s wasted away into a skeleton, a shell of the man he used to be. He can’t over exert himself without his only lung bleeding in protest. It’s canon in the side books that he really doesn’t eat much, which isn’t good for his diet without a stomach now (he’s supposed to have several small meals a day). He is quite literally punishing himself by starving. (Granted, he doesn’t feel hunger anymore.) He’s a sick man, beyond medical help at this point. They can only stabilize him and hope for the best. For five years now he’s in constant pain, every day. He loses blood like sweat. Surely his veins are bruised and collapsed with how many times he would have needed to be hospitalized. Whether from losing too much blood, being too dehydrated or starved from “forgetting” to eat, or an organ failing as body continues to fall apart. “...even as my body rots and grows frail...” - Toshinori People are bound to stare at him as he walks down the street. A tall, willowy, skeleton with a grimace on his face and blood stains on his clothes as he coughs up more into his own hands. There would be the ones who outright ignore him when they walk by, the people who offer pitying smiles and sympathetic glances or just outright stare, and then ones who are afraid of his appearance- children screaming at the mere sight of him and running to their parents to hide from the monster. Each one is another knife in Toshinori’s side, an ache in his chest. If only they knew who I really am.
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Losing Nighteye took a toll on his hero work as well. Mirai was a huge help in the past, and took care of all Toshinori’s paperwork, while also reminding him to take care of himself. Without him, Toshinori was even more buried beneath his responsibilities. Plus, now he was on a time limit. He even snapped briefly in his first meeting with Tsukauchi, accidentally revealing himself as All Might because he was under too much pressure, and telling the detective he literally couldn’t handle doing everything by himself (who graciously took over the paperwork side of things for him). 
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He was living a double life now, having to lie to people left and right about who he was while in his small form, about how he became so sickly, why he was here in the first place who the heck is this skinny old guy. Surely he had multiple visits to the doctor while continuing to repair the damage done by AFO (there’s a limit to how much the body can handle at once. And things I’m sure continued to fail as time went on). Then he would be bedridden for as long as the doctors could keep him strapped to a bed, until he couldn’t take the people’s cries for help any longer, and would jump into action. (It’s also revealed he has something of a super hearing- able to hear danger- which may have been a form of danger sense of OFA that was never fully unlocked?. Either way, he surly could sense disasters happening while he could only lay and heal from his latest surgery. Those poor doctors must have had to re-stitch him several times). People blame him for not preparing society for his retirement, that he failed in passing on the torch so to speak, but in reality he did everything possible to keep society from falling for 40 years, doing all within his power just to keep things afloat. He is only one person. One human being, he can’t do everything despite trying to. Society failed All Might.
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People blame him for not being a good teacher. He didn’t exactly have the greatest teacher himself to learn from. He’s never had to teach anyone anything, he just punches! He’s learning. And for his own credit, he’s an incredibly wise man, he has years of experience under his belt, and an intelligence score of 6/6, scoring up there with Nezu! He may not always have the right way to bring something up, but he’s doing his best. Yet even he blames himself for Izuku not being able to control his quirk better. Every time the boy hurts himself, it’s just another tally on the chalkboard of Toshinori’s failures. He himself knows the boy deserves better, better than him. Useless. Pathetic.
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Then his friend from America, Dave, essentially became a villain trying to preserve Toshinori’s legacy after Toshinori told him about his injury. Dave went behind his back, threatened people, injured people (pretty sure people died), all for Toshinori’s sake. Something he didn’t want to begin with. Having to put your only other friend in jail for trying to help you surely couldn’t have been easy.
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Oh, by the way? All For One isn’t dead. All Might will fight him again, publicly, have his weakened form exposed to the world, and have his own emotions toyed with as he finds out about his master’s grandson in the villain’s hands. Would Nana hate him for leaving her son alone like she’d asked, and dooming her grandchild to be raised by the greatest villain? Could he have done anything to save him? But Toshinori isn’t allowed to feel, he has to smile and push his own feelings aside once again, because there’s a villain to be fought, and only he can fight him. Despite coming out on top, he’ll have suffered severe head trauma, broken left arm, destroyed right arm, and several cuts and bruises that are sure to scar. And then, his quirk, the only thing that’s been allowing him to help people, the gift given to him that he carefully held for 40 years and molded into his own until his very consciousness was permanently carved into it, blows out like a match in the wind. And he’s done. Used up. Empty. Broken. Hollow. Alone, again.
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He overhears his student, Bakugo, admit that he blames himself for All Might’s retirement. If he hadn’t been captured, All Might wouldn’t have had to save him, and he wouldn’t have had to fight AFO. Of course Toshinori knows that’s not true, his time was about to run out anyway. It would have happened one way or another. But how can he explain to this child that he wasn’t the cause of his hero, the world’s greatest hero, fighting for his sake, bleeding for his sake, being forced into retirement to keep him safe. Every time Bakugo sees the bandages covering Toshinori’s body is another reminder of the pain and sacrifice Toshinori willingly gave to keep him safe. Toshinori wasn’t held when his mentor died. He wasn’t told it was ok to be sad, that grief and mourning was a natural process, that it takes time to heal. He wasn’t told it was ok to cry. Instead his feelings were beaten out of him as he wondered if Gran Torino blamed him for Nana’s death. He already blamed himself How then, does he comfort a child mourning for him? For what he lost.
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And then he gets the call to come to the hospital. Mirai, Nighteye, his old sidekick friend, has been gravely injured, much like he himself was only a few years ago, and most likely won’t survive the night. And to his horror, Nighteye is happy to see him, smiles at him, says he doesn’t hate him for what happened, only wants Toshinori to be happy. He can’t accept that, at least let him apologize, reconcile his sins before it’s too late! But it is. Another fractured piece of his heart gone.
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Of course, seeing your students beat up and their arms completely destroyed must have hurt. Instead of being able to save these kids, they’re the ones that hurt themselves to save everyone else. And if Bakugo had kept OFA, things could have been very different (especially with what we know now of OFA and people with quirks). Toshinori wasn’t mad at Izuku for transferring it away, he’d never regret choosing Izuku, and I believe he still would have stayed by Izuku and Bakugo’s side should it have stayed in Bakugo, doing whatever he could to help.
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As he tells Aizawa, “I’ve decided to live,” -that statement seems so melancholy, besides obvious reasons. It sounds more like another task he has to accomplish. He didn’t die he was supposed to die with the AFO fight, and now the whole life he lived is over. The world has no use for him anymore. If not for Izuku, he’d have nothing left keeping him here. But because his boy made him promise to live, he’ll do so. Though it almost seems like he says those words with regret. “I’ve decided to live.” Not, “I’m going to live!” “Nothing can kill me!” “I won’t go down without a fight!” No. “I’ll live if I have to, only because you asked me to.” The man is obviously and outwardly depressed. He has so many things against him. No doubt has severe PTSD, anxiety, among others. Not to mention his own physical health. Every day hurts. It’s painful to be alive. Why would he torture himself if he doesn’t have to? For you, my boy. You’re the only thing keeping me here. The only light in my dark world.
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He tries to help Izuku find out the previous holder’s quirks, to help his boy in any way he can now that he’s worthless, and goes days on end without sleep, running his body into the ground. He even forgets Christmas. Only to find that by giving the boy the same gift he had received, he may have just doomed him to an early death, among psychological torture (danger detection). (Granted, he really doesn’t know how everything works, and he’s afraid to talk to anyone about it). His boy could live only half a life.
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It’s only been a few months since he retired, and society has fallen into shambles. People are blaming him. People are dying. He watches helplessly as his colleague fight his fight for him, and end up battered, bruised, crippled, dead. He students, his boy, battle the monster he should have killed. Children are bleeding. This shouldn’t happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Is everything he worked for, everything he fought to protect, to build up, to inspire, is all for naught?! Did he live a foolish dream and doom the world? Was all the the friends he lost, tears he shed, the organs he destroyed, the pain he endures on a daily basis from the hole in his side, and the blood he continues to bleed every day, for nothing? The public, the ones he protected for so long, mourn his absence, but surely there are those among them who also blame him. The statue from his last fight in Kamino one that he never asked for was decimated in a mock of his catch phrase- the one that was supposed to give hope.
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Now he can feel his own vestige speaking with Izuku in the OFA realm, even with out OFA in his own body anymore. His clock as nearly reached it’s limit, Nighteye’s prediction is due any day now. The only thing he wants is to see his boy smile at him, to give him some shred of hope. Yet the child remains unconscious, and Toshinori can’t even hold his hand from the bandages covering his arms. Will he still be able to fight? Is there any coming back from this now? Did I break him?
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With all Toshinori has been through, I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen him just outright break down. Anyone, anyone, else should have crumbled under the pressure of holding up the world for 40 years alone. And instead of being able to pass it on to someone when he can no longer bear its weight, it simply falls to into the abyss. People don’t credit All Might enough for everything he’s done. Most don’t realize the sacrifices he’s made. His character is so unbelievably profound and deep, it’s more than just the “I am here!” people focus on. He’s a deeply troubled, layered, complex character. And I can’t find fault within him.
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