#ect ect and i know i’ll be tired and i just don’t know if it’s worth being miserable even though they’re literally top two favorite artists
robertsbarbie · 1 year
idk if i’m just emotional cause i’m tired and have been in an obnoxious amount of pain all day but i’m wanting to go into kansas city tomorrow less and less
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moonselune · 2 months
Hello seluney you godess you, I find that in bg3 the lack of being able to comfort our party after major events is shameful. Like I want to give all of them hugs after their personal quests and only shadowheart gets that after her parents but what about when she left her godess yk? Astarion after cazador karlach after gortash, minthara after orin ect. Please seluney give our gang the comfort they deserve (I feel jaheira when she says she's tired like lemme hug her)
You plea has been answered, I only hope I have done it justice
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The battle was over, the air still thick with the scent of blood and the echoes of clashing steel fading into the night. Gortash lay defeated, his ambitions shattered, Bane had abandoned him. You turned to find Karlach, her eyes fierce yet filled with a deep-seated anguish. She stood over Gortash’s lifeless body, her shoulders heaving with the weight of years of torment and betrayal. After she had lashed out at you, you approached her slowly, your heart aching for the torment she endured.
"Karlach," you called softly, reaching out a hand to her. Her fiery gaze softened when she saw you, and she let out a shuddering breath.
Without a word, she fell into your arms, her powerful frame trembling. You held her tightly, feeling the heat of her body against yours. She buried her face in your shoulder, her breath hot against your neck.
"It’s over," you murmured, gently stroking her back. "You did it, Karlach. You’re free."
She clung to you, her tears soaking into your clothes. "I never thought… I never thought I’d see the day," she choked out. "He’s gone, but the things he did to me… the things I’ve done because of him."
You pulled back just enough to cup her face in your hands, looking into her eyes with unwavering love. "You’re so much stronger than he ever was," you said softly. "You’ve fought so hard and survived so much. None of that defines you. You are more than your past, and you have a future now—a future we can build together."
Karlach nodded, her tears subsiding as she drew strength from your words. She leaned into your touch, her eyes closing as she absorbed your comfort. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you for being here with me, for loving me despite everything."
You kissed her forehead, your lips lingering on her warm skin. "Always, Karlach. I’ll always be here for you."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The eerie silence in the Bhaal temple was broken only by the labored breathing of your party. Orin’s twisted form lay still, the crimson of her blood mingling with the dark earth. Minthara stood over the body, her usual composed demeanor shattered by a torrent of emotions. You approached Minthara cautiously, her back to you as she stared at Orin’s corpse. Or at least what was left of it.
"Minthara," you called softly, reaching out to touch her shoulder. She flinched at the contact but didn’t pull away. Slowly, she turned to face you, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"She… she twisted everything," Minthara whispered, her voice barely audible. "Everything I believed in, everything I fought for."
Without hesitation, you pulled her into your arms, holding her tightly as she trembled against you. "It’s over now," you murmured into her hair. "Orin’s gone. She can’t hurt you anymore."
Minthara clung to you, her fingers digging into your back as if afraid you might vanish.
"I was so lost," she admitted, her voice breaking. "I did terrible things, believed her lies… How can you even stand to look at me?"
You pulled back slightly, cupping her face in your hands and forcing her to meet your gaze.
"Because I see you, Minthara," you said firmly. "I see the strength, the courage, the heart that refused to break despite everything. You are not defined by what she made you do. You are so much more."
Tears finally spilled down her cheeks, and she leaned into your touch, her defenses crumbling.
"I… I don’t know how to be anything else," she confessed, her voice a mere whisper.
"Then let me help you," you replied softly, wiping her tears away with your thumb. "Let us find the way together. You don’t have to be alone anymore."
Minthara nodded, her grip on you tightening as she found solace in your embrace. "Thank you," she whispered. "For not giving up on me."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The revelation hit Lae'zel like a tidal wave, her entire world turned upside down by the truth of Vlaakith’s betrayal. She stood, rigid and silent, staring into the distance with eyes that no longer saw the familiar landscape but the shattered remains of her beliefs.
"Lae'zel," you called softly, stepping into her line of sight. Her eyes flickered to you, filled with confusion and pain. Without a word, you reached out and took her hand, offering a silent promise of support. She looked down at your joined hands, her lips trembling.
"Everything I’ve ever known… It was all a lie," she whispered, her voice breaking. "My queen, my purpose… all for nothing."
You pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her as if you could shield her from the harsh reality.
"Not for nothing," you murmured against her. "You fought for what you believed was right. Your strength, your courage—they are still real. Vlaakith’s betrayal doesn’t change who you are."
Lae'zel clung to you, her rigid stance softening as she allowed herself to be vulnerable.
"I feel lost," she admitted, her voice barely audible. "I don’t know what to do now."
You pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, your hands resting on her shoulders.
"We’ll figure it out together," you promised. "You are not alone, Lae'zel. We’ll find a new path, a new purpose. One that is true and just."
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she nodded, her grip on you tightening.
"Thank you," she whispered. "For believing in me, even when I can’t believe in myself."
You pressed your forehead against hers, a gesture of solidarity and love. "Always," you said softly. "I will always believe in you, Lae'zel."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The air was thick with tension and sorrow as Shadowheart stood at the edge of the camp, her eyes filled with a storm of emotions. The decision to turn away from Shar, even at the cost of her parents' lives, weighed heavily on her. She looked lost, vulnerable in a way you had rarely seen.
"Shadowheart," you called gently, reaching out to her.
She turned to you, tears streaming down her face, her normally composed demeanor shattered. Without a word, you pulled her into a tight embrace, feeling her body tremble against yours.
"I'm here," you whispered, your voice filled with all the love and support you could muster. "You don't have to face this alone."
Shadowheart clung to you, her fingers digging into your back as if you were her lifeline. "I… I thought I was doing the right thing," she choked out. "But it cost me everything."
You gently cupped her face, your thumbs wiping away her tearss, trying not to tear up at the sight of her.
"You did the bravest thing anyone could do," you said softly, your voice trembling slightly. "You chose to be true to yourself, to be free from Shar, even when it meant losing what you loved most. That, my love, takes incredible strength."
Her eyes searched yours, finding solace in your unwavering gaze. "But my parents…"
"They would be proud of you, Shadowheart. Proud that you had the courage to make your own choices. And I am proud of you too." You assured her with a force that was tender and caring.
She nodded, tears still falling but her expression softening with your words. You pulled her close, the warmth of your embrace a balm to her wounded soul.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The news of the Harper infiltration hit like a bolt of lightening. Jaheira stood in the center of the camp, her posture rigid, her eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and betrayal. She had always been a pillar of strength and wisdom, but this revelation had shaken her to the core.
You approached her cautiously, understanding the depth of her distress.
"Jaheira," you called firmly, walking into her line of sight. She looked at you, her eyes filled with a rare vulnerability.
"I'm fine." She said, though her words betrayed her, you could see tears build in her eyes and you tilted your head at her.
"You are not fine and that is ok, my love." You told her, Jaheira opened her mouth to retort with something sharp and bitter but a choked cry came out instead. Without hesitation, you pulled her into a comforting embrace, feeling the tension in her body slowly ease. "I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how this must feel."
Jaheira sighed deeply, allowing her tears to fall freely, leaning into your touch. "They were like family to me," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "And now… I don't know who to trust."
You held her tighter, your hand gently rubbing her back. "We'll figure this out together," you assured her. "I promise."
"Thank you," she said softly. She pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes with a mixture of gratitude and determination.
You smiled, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "Always, Jaheira. You're not alone in this. We'll get through it together."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Gale stood by the riverbank, the moonlight casting a silvery glow on his contemplative face. The decision to turn away from Mystra had been monumental, and you could see the weight of it bearing down on him. He looked both relieved and uncertain, a man standing at the crossroads of his destiny.
You approached him quietly, your heart swelling with pride for the choice he had made. You knew it was hard for him but you couldn't help but also feel happy for him.
"Gale," you called softly, coming to stand beside him. He turned to you, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. Without a word, you pulled him into a warm hug, feeling the tension in his body slowly melt away.
"You did it," you whispered, your voice filled with admiration. "You chose your own path."
Gale hugged you back tightly, his breath hitching slightly. "It feels… liberating but terrifying," he admitted. "To turn away from a god, from everything I've ever known."
You pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, your hands resting on his shoulders.
"You are so much more than your connection to Mystra," you said firmly. "You are brilliant, brave, and capable of incredible things on your own."
A small smile tugged at his lips, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and hope. "You really believe that?"
You nodded, your smile widening. "Absolutely. You have the power to shape your own destiny, Gale. And I believe in you, more than anything."
Gale's smile grew, his confidence bolstered by your words. "Thank you," he said softly. "For believing in me, even when I couldn't."
You hugged him again, the warmth of your embrace filling him with renewed strength. "Always," you replied. "I'm here with you, every step of the way, my love."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The room was dimly lit, the flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. Astarion stood over Cazador's lifeless body, his chest heaving, his eyes wild with a mix of triumph and terror. Blood splattered his face, his hands still clutching the dagger that had finally ended his tormentor's reign.
"Astarion," you called, your voice breaking through the haze of his fury. He looked at you, his eyes wide and filled with a desperate need for reassurance.
Without a word, you reached out, gently taking the bloodied dagger from his trembling hand. "It's over," you whispered, pulling him into your arms. "He's gone."
Astarion clung to you, his body shaking with the force of his sobs. "I… I couldn't stop," he choked out. "I couldn't stop."
You held him tighter, your hand gently stroking his hair. "It's okay, it's okay" you murmured. "You did what you had to do. You're free now."
His tears soaked into your shirt as he buried his face in your chest, his sobs wracking his body.
"I had to, he had to die, he had to suffer," he whispered, his voice filled with anguish.
You wiped the blood from his face with your fingers, your touch gentle and soothing. "You did what you needed to survive, and I am so proud of you"
You pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, your heart breaking for the pain he had endured. You did what you could, you held him, you reassured him, you loved him. Promising him that one day this will all just be a distant memory.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Wyll stood by the campfire, his face a mask of disbelief and betrayal. The revelation that The Emperor, the mindflayer who had been manipulating you all, used to be the hero Balduran had shaken him to his core. He had idolized Balduran, and now the truth left him reeling. You approached him quietly, your heart heavy with sympathy.
"Wyll," you called softly, coming to stand beside him. He looked at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and confusion. Without a word, you took his hand, your touch a gentle reminder that he wasn't alone.
"I know this is hard," you said softly. "But the hero you believed in still exists. It's you, Wyll."
He looked at you, his brow furrowing in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with desperation.
You squeezed his hand, your gaze steady and reassuring. "You have the same courage, the same strength, and the same heart that you admired in Balduran," you explained. "You are the better man, because you've faced so much and still choose to fight for what's right."
Wyll's eyes filled with tears, his expression softening with your words. "I just… I wanted to be like him," he whispered.
You pulled him into a comforting embrace, your heart aching for his pain. "You are a hero, Wyll," you said firmly. "In every sense of the word."
He clung to you, his tears soaking into your shoulder. "Thank you," he murmured. "Thank you for believing in me."
"Always, my love," You assure him, pressing a kiss to his temple, rubbing his back gently. "And I will always be the there to remind you, if you ever dare to forget it."
Wyll laughed lightly, murmering in your embrace "I'm sure you will, my love."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The weight of the Shadowcurse had finally been lifted, but the aftermath left Halsin standing amidst the ruins, his heart heavy with sorrow. The destruction it had caused was immense, and the lives lost weighed heavily on his conscience.
"Halsin," you called to him, coming to stand beside him. He looked at you, his eyes filled with a deep sadness. Without a word, you reached out, taking his large hand in yours. "It's over," you said gently. "The curse is lifted."
"You are right, my heart," Halsin sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his grief. "But the destruction it caused… so many lives lost," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
You pulled him into a comforting embrace, your touch gentle and reassuring. "You did everything you could," you said softly. "You fought to lift the curse, and now there's a chance for healing."
He held you tightly, his body trembling with the force of his emotions. "I just wish I could have done more," he whispered.
You gently stroked his back, your touch soft and tender. "You did more than anyone else could have," you assured him. "And now, we can work together to rebuild and restore what was lost."
Halsin looked at you, his eyes filled with gratitude and a glimmer of hope. "Thank you," he said softly. "For being here, for understanding."
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Always," you replied. "We'll face this together, and we'll come out stronger on the other side."
Halsin nodded, his expression softening with your words. "With you by my side, I know we can," he said, his voice filled with renewed determination. "Thank you, my love."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
oooof, hope you enjoyed this ! - Seluney xox
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Wasn’t Fated To Succeed
{Spy Ace X Marine Reader}
(I thought of this idea from a manga side story where Ace breaks into a Marine headquarters and fucks around n thought “hey, I can make sum angst with this shit🤷🏻‍♀️” so tehe like look at him!!
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He’s such a silly goofy guy I love this mf so much!! Anyway-
Warnings⚠️: Angst, very sad angst, smut, p in v, virginity loss, use of nicknames "princess" "sweetheart" "good girl" ect, fingering, groping, very very slow burn, like this might take a while to read, death, daddy isn’t the best lol
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It didn’t take long for him to notice her.
That young woman maybe a year or two younger than him, sitting at the large table, leaning comfortably in her chair with her arms and legs crossed with an annoyed and tired scowl on her face. Whist on his infiltration mission, Ace got dragged into a Marine meeting. He was more in the back, hiding himself to stay unnoticed while listening in.
Something about her was trying to telling him something he couldn’t hear, and he was trying desperately to make out what it was. To be fair he had been listening to everything, making as many mental notes as possible.
“What about that Straw Hat kid?!”. His ears perked up. “That punk has caused enough trouble as is!”. A loud disgusted “uhg” echoes through the room, drawing all eyes to that girl. She’s wearing a white low cut sailor dress with a beautiful pink flower in her hair. “Is there something you’d like to say?”. She gets asked, the man talking in an angry tone. “First of all I don’t quite appreciate that tone of yours when talking to me”. She starts, her eyes like daggers.
Ace felt a shiver run down his spine, her cold tone freezing the temperature of the whole room. “And second I don’t think that child should be a problem of ours”. She leans forward in her seat, propping her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her laces together fingers. “He is a child, gentlemen. Us marines should be adult enough to not get too affected by him”. She finishes. “But miss! Haven’t you heard all the trouble he’s started! Lougetown! Alabasta! Water 7!?”. A man yells.
The girl rolls her eyes dramatically at his words. “Please, I quite frankly think we have much higher risks and problems than him! And even if we did follow through with his antics and arrest him, what exactly do we do? There’s no laws regarding child pirates so what? Do we execute a child? Just like how if a grown ass man committed theft we just give him a smack on the ass like a child who stole a cookie from grandmas kitchen?”. She questions.
The room goes silent, no one knowing how to respond or even daring to respond. Something switched in Aces mind, something that felt weird and funny and new. Seeing such a ice cold girl with a burning fire of true justice set his heart ablaze. She wasn’t wrong, there aren’t any laws about punishment for pirates under the age of 18. He couldn’t help but let out a quiet chuckle.
The girl stands up from her seat, resting her hand on her hip. “Now, personally I think we have more important things to deal with at the moment! Send a team out on a patrol of the city and see if there are actual problems we should take care of, report them back to me by the end of the day”. She explains as she starts to make her way to the door. “And if I find out that there’s been an incident that hasn’t been reported to me I’ll make sure to serve you at the next hot pot in the hot pot”. She threatens, then exits the room.
The room bursts into whispers and murmurs. The room started to clear out, the meeting ending basic after the girl had left. As Ace starts to make his way out, he hears whispers about her. “I don’t get why she’s here”. “Bitch really think she’s the boss of us”. “Hey! Don’t say that!”. “Why? Scared her daddy will kill you?”. “Yes!”. So her dad has a lot of power in the Marines then. Interesting.
The room had emptied, the halls slowly emptying with people heading off to their jobs. With not real job, Ace scrambles down the hall and walks into a random room. He sighs as he closes the door, the click of a sword being unsheathed makes him freeze. ‘Oh fuck’. He slowly turns around, seeing the girl from before standing behind her desk holding her swords handle in her dominant hand ready to pull out. “You’re not supposed to be in here”. She tells him. “Why are you here? And what’s your rank?”. She asks him.
He straightens up and chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck. “I just wanted to say that what you said back there was cool! A real sense of justice, I’ve never seen something like that from a marine”. He admits to her. “I see”. She mutters. She clicks her sword back into place and makes her way over to the little kitchen in the office, opening a cupboard. “Care for a coffee?”. She asks without looking at him. “No thanks, not a fan of bitter stuff”. He answers.
She nods. “Very well”. She only takes out one mug. “Tell me, are you new to the marines? With your wording ‘I’ve never seen something like that from a marine’ implies that you haven’t seen a lot of marines talk or any meetings”. She explains as she puts coffee grounds and sugar in her mug. “Yep! I haven’t been here too long!”. He answers. Technically he’s not wrong. “Tell me then, how are you finding the marines?”. She asks. “Definitely not annoying and sick of people telling me what to do”. He explains in a chuckle.
She lets out a small chuckle as she fills her mug with milk. “I can’t imagine having to listen to marine would be easy for someone like you”. She states as she stirs the milk. “Especially for someone like you, Fire Fist Ace”. She adds. Aces eyes widen, but he gets back his cool demeanour and tilts his marine cap up as if it’s his classic hat, his finger alit. “Guess it was only a matter of time before someone figured me out”. He chuckles.
She lets out a chuckle again, walking over to the kettle. “It only took me a second. Unlike my colleagues I’m good with faces. As soon as you walked in I was able to recognise your face”. She explains as she fills up the kettle with water and set it on the stove. “However I do not wish to report you or arrest you”. She adds. She tries to turn the stove on, but it’s refuses to turn on.
She lets out an annoyed sigh, turning back to the pirate. “Mind giving me a hand?”. She asks, her voice in a more softer tone. “Uh…sure!”. He agrees happily, walking over to her. He places his hand on the kettle and sets his hand on fire, the kettle slowly starting to boil. “So…how come you’re not gonna report or arrest me?”. He asks her. “Because I hate the marines”. She blatantly states.
The kettle quickly starts to whistle causing Ace to move his hand away, the girl grabbing the kettle by the handle and filling up her mug. “I’ve always hated the marines”. She walks towards her desk, taking a seat. She gestures him to take a seat in the chair across from her, which he does. “Ever since a young age we’re all taught the black and white of marines good and pirates bad, however those with a brain can tell you that it’s mixed. I’m only young but I’ve seen good pirates and bad marines”. She explains.
She leans back in her seat and takes a sip of her drink. “For example…That Straw Hat Luffy”. Aces eyes widened. “I had been keeping an eye of what’s been happening in Alabasta for a few months now but because of our affiliations with Sir Crocodile the marines never did a thing. I felt terrible, for the king, Princess Vivi, and their people! I honestly thought that Sir Crocodile was going to distort that poor country, until I heard that Straw Hat arrived and was able to take care of it. I’m honestly surprised someone just a year younger than me was able to take him down, colour me impressed”. She explains.
Ace let’s out a chuckle as he leans back in his chair, arms propped behind his head. “That’s my little brother for ya! He’s full of surprises!”. He laughs loudly. “You’re joking! You and Straw Hat are brothers?!”. She yells out in shock, almost dropping her cup. “Nope, Luffy’s my baby brother”. He confirms. “Hm, you learn something new everyday I guess”. She mutters. “So if you hate marines so much, why become one?”. Ace asks her. “Because like hell I’d let the corrupted marines stay in power and continue to ruin the world government. I’m just waiting for the day the head admirals kick the bucket and I’ll take over! With them gone, I’ll finally be able to fix this twisted government up”. She explains to him.
“Now it’s my turn to ask a question”. She sets her coffee mug down on the table, crossing her legs and setting her hands down on her knee. “Why are you here?”. She asks. “Simple! I’m here to gather information, is there anything else to it?”. He responds. “Well if that’s the case”. She takes a key out her pocket, opening a filing draw at her desk. She grabs a note pad and a pen, sliding it over to Ace. “What would you like to know?”. She asks him with a growing smirk, Ace smirking and chuckling in response as he takes the note pad. “Whatever you know”.
Ace had been around the marine base for over a week now, working as a small team with a very powerful woman in the marine world. (Y/n). That’s the name she told him, he trusts that it’s her real name and not a name she’s giving him just to play with him. They where a team of people from two worlds. Ace had thought she would have outed him by now, but instead she’d always vouch for him if he was ever in trouble and let him sleep in her office. In his eyes she’s truely an amazing person.
The room was quiet, the faint light of a candle lighting up the desk enough for the woman to work. She lets out a sigh as she finishes reading the last of the reports, crossing her arms and laying them on the desk to use them as a pillow. The door to her office opens without a knock, she knows who it is. “Hey hey! There’s my favourite marine!”. She giggles to herself and she looks up, seeing Ace closing the door behind himself. “Evening Ace, how was your day?”. She ask him in a soft tired tone. “Ah ya know! Pretty good! Almost got my ass beat today but I in fact was the one who did the beating!”. He says proudly as he walks over and takes a seat across from her.
“I wouldn’t recommend drawing too much attention to yourself”. She says as she look up at him. “I’ll be fine! I have you!”. He responds. She smiles to herself, tilting her head. “I can only do so much you know, have you forgotten the kind of number that’s on your head?”. She tells him, then letting out a yawn. “Hm? You okay?”. He asks her. “Yes yes, just tired from work is all”. She explains. “You want me to leave and let you rest?”. He asks her, concern in his voice. “No no no, it’s good that you’re here. It’s better when you’re here, I feel like I don’t have a stick up my ass”. She explains to him, laying her head back down.
“Aawww, you chill out around me! Aren’t you cuuuuuute”. He coos at her, heat rising to his face. “I mean you’re not a marine, I don’t have to try to impress you”. She admits in a soft tone, looking back up at Ace for him to see her reddening cheeks. “I wish you never have to leave”. She adds, smiling up at him. “It has been fun, but if I stay here any longer it might start to cause you trouble”. He adds to her statement.
“Hey, how about tonight we drink? To a better future!”. He suggests to her. She hums, smiling at the idea. “That sounds quite nice, I approve”. She agrees. “Actually-“. She gets up from her chair, walking over to the fridge and taking out a bottle of fancy expensive alcohol. “I’ve had this since my 18th birthday and I thought now would be a good time to use it”. She explains, grabbing two glass cups. “Wow! Pulling out that good stuff! Very nice very nice”. He responds, his hand on his chin as he rubs it.
“Only the best…for me!”. (Y/n) says happily as she grabs glasses, shrugging. She walks back over to her desk, popping open the bottle and pouring the liquid into the glasses. She takes a seat, the two taking a glass each. “Well, even with this funny predicament…I’ve enjoyed our time together”. (Y/n) admits, swirling the drink then taking a sip. “Why not come with me?”. Ace suddenly asks. (Y/n) looks at him wide eyed. “What?”. She asks simply. “Leave the marines, come join the White Beard Pirates with me! The old man would love ya, take ya in as if you where his own daughter”. He explains to her.
She continues to look at him in shock, then turning to look away from him. “Ace I-… I can’t just leave the marines! It’s all I know, it’s what I’ve grown up with. Besides, if I left the marines to become a pirate my father would for sure kill me”. She explains, the thought of death sending a shiver down her spine. “By the way, who is your father?”. He asks. “He’s a…an Admiral”. She answers, refusing to look at him. “Damn! No wonder everyone is so shit scared of you!”. Ace yelps, almost spitting out his drink.
“Hey! Don’t spit that out! It’s expensive!”. (Y/n) snapped at him. “You never told me that your dad was a fucking Admiral!”. He snaps back. (Y/n) scoffs and rolls her eyes. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You wouldn’t know what it’s like to have a father like that, especially a father that kills the innocent despite being a “man of justice”, yeah justice my ass”. She mutters, chugging the rest of the drink. “I’m guessing you don’t know my father then”. Ace chuckles. “Hey, I have a lot of people to do background checks on and to keep track of!”. She defends. Ace let’s out another chuckle, chugging down the rest of his drink. “Ever heard of Gol. D. Roger?”. He asks. “Okay now you’re fucking with me! No way your father is the King of Pirates like 20 years ago!”. She snaps. “Yeah…”. He mutters out. (Y/n) leans over and refills both of their glasses up.
“So tell me lil Roger Jr. What do you think about him?”. She asks, taking a sip of her refilled drink. “I don’t really care, I don’t see him as my father anyway! White Beard is my father and always will be”. He answers. (Y/n) smiles softly as she looks at the older man. “That’s cute”. She admits. “What about you? What do you think about your old man?”. He then asks her. “Ah. I don’t know, he treats me like his own personal army toy. He raised me to be a marine and I never really got to have a life. No friends, no other family, no hobbies, no nothing to me! I never wanted to be a marine or even a pirate, I’d rather just be a normal girl”. She goes on. She sees Ace looking at her with a soft smile, causing her to take another sip of her drink to hide her plush.
“I didn’t mean to go on”. She apologises. “No no no, it’s fine”. Ace reassures her. “I just…never really had the chance to talk to anyone like that”. She hums. “Oh Ace, you have no idea how badly I wish I could go with you. Travel the world, find who I am as a person, meet people of all different…well…everything!”. She rants. “But…I’m stuck here”. She chugs her drink again, quick to fill it up again. “Come on kid, you’re drinking a little too much”. Ace states, getting up from his chair and walks over to take her drink from her. “I’m not a kid! Don’t you dare call me that!”. She snaps, quickly chugging the drink before it can be taken away.
“Maybe we should get you to bed”. Ace says, taking the glass from her and placing it on her desk. “I’m fine, okay? I don’t need you to baby me like everyone else!”. She snaps, looking up at him. He chuckles down at her, amused by her cranky face. He reaches and grabs her chin with his thumb and pointer finger. Without thinking, he leans down and presses his lips against hers. Regret immediately flows through him, but it instantly vanishes when he feels her hands on his cheeks to pull him closer.
He could taste the alcohol on her lips, tasting it more when she opens her mouth to let him slide his tongue in. He pulls away from her, looking down at her to see her big pleading begging eyes and kiss puffy lips. “For a marine you’re absolutely beautiful”. He whispers just loud enough for her to hear. “For a pirate you’re incredibly handsome”. She whispers back loudly. This time, she leans up and kisses him. She pulls him closer by wrapping her arms around his neck, Ace leaning over and easily picking her up to wrap her legs around his waist.
He sits down in her chair, letting the younger girl sit on his lap. She pulls away from Ace, the two panting of the lack of air. Fire, want, and need builds up in their bodies, (Y/n) slowly starting to grind herself over Aces growing length. He chuckles at her neediness, rubbing her hips up and down. “Never in my life would I ever think I’d see a marine be so needy for a pirate”. He chuckles as his hands travel to her thighs and going over her dress.
He uses one hand to move her panties aside and the other running a finger through her wet folds. “Ah! Ace~”. She moans out, grinding against his hand. “Jeez you’re so wet already, it makes me want to take you here and now”. He teases. “Then why don’t you?”. She asks in a giggle, running her hand down his chest to his hardened bulge and rubbing it through his pants. Ace hisses at her actions, causing (Y/n) to giggle as she leans in close to his ear. “Although I’d rather be the one to take you~”. She whispers into his ear, then kissing his ear lobe.
“God!”. Ace let’s out in a loud groan. He grabs her chin again with his spare hand and grabs her chin, pulling her in closer. (Y/n) moans into the kiss, letting out a cry of pleasure as she feels him slide two finger inside her warm wet entrance. She pulls away and whimpers at the new slightly painful feeling, her legs shaking as he slowly drags his fingers in and out. “I just realized…you’re a virgin”. Ace states. “Oh shut up”. She gasps, slamming her lips back on his. Ace picks up the speed of his fingers, using his thumb to rub against her clit.
He pulls away from the kiss, moving his hand from her chin to the low cut neck of her dress. He smirks as he pulls the dress neck down, her boobs sliding out from the motion. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t at least wanna cop one feel of her tits while here. He aggressively grabs her breast and squeezes it, pulling and pinching on the nipple. “A-! Aaaaaace~ please!”. She cries out, needing something more. “Pleeeeease let me feel you inside me!”. She begs. Ace smirks as he lets out a single chuckle, pulling his hands away from her as he goes down to his pants. With ease his undoes his belt buckle, belt and zipper, easily being able to hop with her on top for him to slide his pants and boxers down to his ankles.
(Y/n) feels a shiver go down her spine as she looks down at his erection. He’s so long and thick, probably the first time in her life she’s ever felt intimated. “What’s the matter? Scared?”. Ace chuckles, grabbing the base of his cock. “Quiet!”. She snaps. She puts her hands on his shoulders to use to keep herself stable. She lifts herself up and hovers over his cock, feeling his hot leaking tip against her entrance. “Take it slow princess~”. Ace coos her, his hands back on her hips and rubbing them to comfort her.
She sinks down on his cock, feeling his tip slide inside her aching hole. The aching feeling of need grows stronger and stronger, craving him to fill her up. Without thinking she sinks her whole body onto his cock, his tip slamming painful against her cervix. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”. She cries, feeling as if electricity shock through her body. “Sssshhhhhhit! Ah fuck me! Shit you’re tight”. Ace pants out as he squeezes his eyes shut, feeling his cock getting squeezed so tight inside her he could explode inside her already.
He opens his eyes but his vision isn’t the clearest, light headed from the feeling of her insides. He looks at the girl on his lap, seeing her still trying to catch her breath as tears run down her cheeks, a painful grip against his shoulders. He slowly starts to rock her hips, sliding her up and down on his length. Her cries turn onto moans, starting to move her hips on her own. “That’s it, good girl~”. Ace praises, rubbing circles on her hips over her dress.
(Y/n) picks up speed, smoothly bouncing up and down on the pirates cock. Ace happily leans back in the chair, his limit approaching fast at the feeling of her right pussy sucking him in and trying to milk his cock of every single drop of his cum. More. More. He grips her hips tight, getting a tight hold on her and pulling her up and down on him, using her as a toy. A very pretty, very off limits, very hey she’s literally your enemy, toy.
He can’t help but start thrusting his hips up into her as he slams her down, the two meeting half way as Ace oh so desperately tries to chase his fast growing high. He needs to cum. Specifically he needs to cum in this marines perfect tight pussy. A now strong believer in the idea of if he cums in her it’ll make all his dreams come true. Without warning and a hard slam he releases deep inside her, his hot seed filling up her insides. (Y/n) shutters at the feeling of his warmth.
She pants as she tries to get off of him, but Ace slams her back down, drawing a whimper from her when she whimpers. “I don’t think so”. He pants out. He moves his hands under her thighs, swiftly picking her up and laying her on her desk. Ace smirks as he looks down at the marine, seeing her breasts raise up and down with each breath, her pussy still stuffed with his cock as cum starts to leak out the sides. He reaches over and grabs the forgotten bottle of liquor, taking a massive chug of it till the last little remaining drops are gone.
He leans down with each of his hand on either side of her head, her hips trying to move to chase the aching need of release she still hadn’t gotten. “We’ll be here all night until morning, hope you like the shitty coffee they have here cuz you’ll need it”. He tells her as he slowly grabs her ankles and pushes them up to her chest. “A-Ace~”. She whimpers, feeling him so deep inside her he might just be inside her womb. “You’re in for a looooooong night sweetheart~”.
The wind was cold, giving a gentle touch every time to touched her face. There’re no clouds in the sky, just a blue ocean above and in front of her. The sound of ringing and feet pattering rush over to the young lady’s sitting spot, some marine in a much lower rank than her running towards her with a transponder snail. “Miss! Your father is calling!”. The man calls. She reaches out and answers it. “Hello father”. She greets him. “Hello (Y/n)”. He responds with his bored gruffed voice. “What is the pleasure I have for you to call me out of the blue?”. She asks. “I wanted to check in that you’ve arrived to the base safely”. He answers. “I’d prefer you’d be here but you made the mistake that lead not to”. He adds. Ah yes, a mistake. A living, growing “mistake”. She runs her free hand over her stomach, only a few month’s pregnant by this point. “I’m sure everything would go smoothly without me, besides I’m not really in the mood to see something like an execution”. She informs him. “Yes, I’m sure”. He agrees. “How long now?”. She asks. “8 hours until that Fire Fist is dead”. He answers.
(Y/n)s grip tightened, her hands shaking. “Mr Akainu! We have to go!”. A voice is heard in the background of the call. “These idiots need me, I’ll be leaving”. And without a goodbye, he hangs up. (Y/n) ends the call on her end, shooing away the marine. She takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes, feeling the soft breeze on her face. She starts to hum a random tune as she rubs her stomach, hot tears falling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, little one. I’m afraid your father won’t get to meet you”. She mutters under her breath. “Oh Ace, I’m sorry that this happened…I hope…I hope somehow that brother of yours saves you so I can see you again…and…and you to meet our little one…”.
The winds where fast, the breeze smelling like sea salt as music rode along the winds. “CAPTAIN!”. The crew pause their antics, looking towards the navigator. “MARINES APPROACHING!”. He yells. The Captain shoots to the head of the ship, sitting on the lions head. “Do we attack?”. The cyborg asks, getting ready to ready for an attack. “THEYRE WAVING A WHITE FLAG!”. The sniper informs them. “What do we do captain?”. The swordsman asks. Their captain looks at the oncoming ship, laughing. “This could be fun!”. He laughs.
The ship slowly gets closer, the two ships setting down their anchors. The pirates watch as the marines look over their ship to look at them. A young woman walks up to the side, a high ranking woman. Without a second thought she jumps down, easily landing on the ship. The woman is wrapped in a long white cloak, maintaining eye contact with their captain. “You’re Straw Hat Luffy, correct?”. She asks him. “Yeah? So what?”. He asks her. “There’s something I’d like to discuss, is there somewhere more private for us to talk?”. She asks. “Don’t worry, if you’re questioning my intentions your crew mates are free to join which I think you’d rather”. She adds. “Yeah sure, we can talk in the kitchen”. He answers.
He leads her to the kitchen and dining room of the ship, the crew following behind them. “So, what’s up?”. Luffy asks, taking a seat at his spot at the head of the table. “If I remember correctly your older brother was Fire Fist Ace, yes?”. She asks. Luffy shivers, looking at her with murder in his eyes. Why would a marine come to him asking about his brother NOW?! “Yeah, what about it?”. He asks. The woman smiles softly as she takes off her coat hanging around her shoulders, setting it on the table to reveal a sleeping toddler in her arms. A little girl, long black hair with freckles. She looks like… “I know Ace never got the chance to meet her, but I thought her uncle should at least know she exists”. The woman explains.
Luffy looks down at the girl wide eyes, his eyes softening as he looks at her. “Wh-what?”. He stutters out. “WHAT?!?!”. The other crew members yell out, causing the baby to stir and begin to wake up. She looks up at her mum, who sweetly looks at her. “Mama?”. She asks. The woman giggles as she points Luffy to her, the little girl turning to look at him with wide eyes. “Rouge, this is your uncle! You know that stretchy guy that grandpa yells about? Say hi”. She tells the little one. “Hi”. The little girl greets, giving a little wave. “Would you like to hold her?”. (Y/n) asks Luffy. He doesn’t answer, just taking the girl from her arms and holding her close to himself. The other crew members crowd around their captain, looking down at the girl with aws and coos.
“Aawww she’s so adorable!”.
“She’s so pretty!”.
“She sure does look a lot like her daddy”.
“Wow! You’re an uncle!
“Uncle Luffy!!”
(Y/n) takes a seat at the table as the Straw Hats coos and laugh at her daughter. “How old is she?”. Robin asks the mother. “She’s two”. She answers. “She’s so adorable! You and Ace really made the cutest baby I’ve ever seen”. Nami compliments, taking a seat next to the mother. “Thank you! A day doesn’t go by that she doesn’t remind me of her father”. She thanks. “Honestly with how much she looks like her dad I’m surprised there hasn’t been anything in the news about it”. Nami points out. “No one’s figured it out yet, which I’m hoping never happens. If anyone asks about her father I tell them it was a random I had a drunk hook up with at a hotel so I don’t know what he looks like”. She explains. “Hey Marine Lady”. Luffy calls, the mother turning to him. “Yes?”. She responds. “What’s your name?”. He asks. “It’s (Y/n)”. She answers. “And hers?”. He asks, referring to the girl in his arms. “I named her Rouge, after Aces mother”. She answers.
“Luffy, I have a request”. She then starts. “Yeah?”. He responds. “If something happens to me, weather I die in war or I get executed for birthing Aces child, no matter what if anything happens to me…please take care of her. Either she’ll get raised to be a marine soldier like I was or killed as well, I want her to live free and I know you and your friends will teach her the right things. I know you’d be an amazing uncle and teacher for her”. She explains to him. He smiles brightly and nods. “Of course!”. He says happily. His expression changes into a more serious one, but still with a smile.
“If anything happens, I’ll make sure to protect and save her! I won’t make the same mistake again!”.
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One night stand… gone wrong| 2
Tw’s: pregnancy, birth- ect ect- if any of these topics are sensitive to you please read at your own discretion <3
Also please excuse the terrible time skips- enjoy(:
Recap: You spent the rest of the day talking to him, coming up with plans- ideas, simply trying to figure it out with him and now you were laying in bed his arms wrapped around you, you didn’t think it was romantic… simply in a comforting way. But either way you didn’t mind. He was bringing comfort to you either way. The tv played quietly in the background your eyes fluttering shut tiredly his breathing soft and quiet in your ears almost acting as a lullaby to send you into a peaceful sleep after all the panic and stress you had felt. “You can go to sleep” he comforted gently “I’m not going anywhere… ‘m here to stay.” He murmured softly his own voice laced with tiredness and slight sleepiness his head lightly resting on your shoulder his eyes fluttered shut as you relaxed back into him “mm…” you hummed out happily just glad he was there to stay. As the more you relaxed the more you started thinking “think I wanna keep it” you murmured and he let out a tired hum “alright… keep on thinking until you know what you want to do okay” he murmured quietly and you nodded your head relaxing back into him as you closed your eyes sleepily “if you do choose to keep it… just know you’re gonna be a great mum.” He whispered into your ear and just like the first time you had met him butterflies gently cascaded around your stomach a little smile remaining on your lips as you slowly dozed off to sleep… maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all?
Harry spent the next few days and weeks and even months with you, being right there to support you he didn’t dare leave your side- even if he had concerts to do or interviews he either opted to do them by FaceTime or if he had a concert he simply couldn’t postpone he either brought you along with him or just performed it after you convincing him you’d be fine. He had grown rather protective over you so much so you were now confused what your relationship status was with him- friends? Partners? Friends with benefits? You weren’t entirely sure but you didn’t really mind as he was clearly protective over you and just wanted you to be okay. Your stomach had been growing constantly the baby bump soon showing to the point you weren’t able to hide it anymore but you didn’t mind. Your parents were supportive and so were your friends. Harry was the sweetest and most supportive and you couldn’t help but fall more and more in love with him, he came to every scan and every single check up with you no matter what was happening he came with you and as he promised was there to support you throughout it all and some of it was scary terrifying even, and you knew if he wasn’t there and you were alone then you wouldn’t have a clue what to do… he made you feel safe. Very safe. And you were forever grateful.
“I’ll be fine Harry” your voice was tired as you weakly dropped your head to rest against the toilet seat, you had been puking up whatever contents your stomach held for a good 45 minutes now, the morning sickness was exhausting. “Yeah sure. Don’t give me that. Let me take care of you.” He said as he slowly walked into the bathroom a bottle of water held in one hand and a large plastic bowl held in his other hand before he placed them down his large hands immediately working to pull your hair back away from your face as he held your hair up in a pony tail, a hair tie on his wrist as he gently tied your hair into a loose messy bun before he crouched down beside you his hand slowly rubbing up and down your back in a soothing manner “feel like shit” you grumbled out and he nodded slowly not wanting to say anything wrong like ‘I know I know’ as he in fact did not know… for one he wasn’t a woman and he most definitely couldn’t get pregnant and experience morning sickness so he simply remained silent his hand continuing to gently rub up and down your back slowly and gently. “What do you want?” He asked softly and you furrowed your brows “what?” You asked confused “boy or girl” he said and you let out a soft laugh “sorry, just trying to make conversation” he murmured with a little smile even if he didn’t like to admit it he was scared, nervous even… he was a top tier celebrity who was constantly in the eye of fans and paparazzi…. He wanted to keep you and the baby out of their way… he didn’t care- he wasn’t letting those pigs get money off of photos of you or his child. Photos of him were fine but he had become protective over you extremely protective to the point he was willing to smash a camera if needs be. Paparazzi tested his limits constantly and usually he was pretty good at not being affected but if you were brought into it then he would freak. He wouldn’t let them take pictures of you. Nor would he let them hurt you. “I think I want a little boy… don’t mind though.” You spoke snapping Harry out of it and he smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead “I don’t mind either way… but if I’d have to choose I’d want a little girl… bet she’d look just like you.” He spoke sweetly and you smiled but that smile quickly was turned upside down as you dry heaved into the toilet “ugh I hate this.” You shined out as he continued to gently rub up and down your back slowly and gently “you’re doing so well. So well.”
A few weeks had passed by and now was your baby shower, you didn’t want a massive one only you and Harry and a few friends as well as your parents. You had your mum make cupcakes and one of the cupcakes had coloured fondant in it. “Okay dad you go first” you said excitedly as you smiled, Harry’s hand lightly resting on your knee as you was happy too. He was excited. He couldn’t wait to see what gender the baby was. Your dad quickly showed that there was no fondant in it a few groans echoing around as you laughed softly, your friends did the same but they didn’t have it either and by the end of it the two cupcakes left were yours and Harry’s “let’s do it together” he suggested and you nodded excitedly as you held onto his hand before you both at the exact same time bit into the cupcake “oh my god!!” Harry’s voice was excited and you were quick to follow his excitement as your mum had sneakily had two cupcakes filled with fondant for both you and Harry specifically “we’re having a little boy!!” You exclaimed your arms quickly wrapping around the man as he held onto you tightly a wide smile on his face as he held you in his embrace before he pressed a little kiss to the top of your head “a little boy…” he said with a warm smile the excitement you both shared with one another being totally indescribable. You were nervous before but now you were beyond excited you couldn’t wait to meet your little boy.
Weeks turned into months and before you knew it your due date was only a few days away, you and Harry had gotten closer. He was starting to go out more to achieve his concerts and such but he was always only a call away always making sure you were okay after every concert he did. You were sat on the couch, Harry sitting beside you arm loosely wrapped around your shoulders- it was early in the morning and he didn’t have to be at work until 3 ish so you had all day with him practically. You held the first scans and most recent scans of your baby boy in your hands a wide smile on your face Harry’s chin gently resting on your shoulder as he looked at the scans too “he’s going to be so handsome… gonna have the best mum ever.” He murmured to you as he pressed a light kiss to your cheek and you smiled softly, he had been very kiss-y with you yet you both hadn’t been able to establish proper feelings yet. “Going to have the best dad too.” You said slowly turning to look at him forgetting just how close you were with him your breath gently fanning over his lips as he gazed into your eyes his lips mere inches away from yours his eyes searching yours and yours searched his right back you didn’t think you would ever fall in love with someone like this… not ever… but maybe the baby was a blessing in disguise?
And on that last thought you gently leaned in pressing a kiss to his lips your hand caressing against his cheek and he was quick to caress his hand against the nape of your neck pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss that slight bit more- he kissed you so deeply and so passionately as if he was kissing you for the first time all over again, the first time was beautiful- slightly sloppy and needy but right now it wasn’t that, right now it was perfect… gentle… slow… full of no need or want- simply full of love. You slowly pulled back looking into his eyes “too soon?” You asked worriedly but he instead of saying anything simply pulled you back in again his lips pressing against yours as he wrapped his arms around you kissing you deeply and passionately as you and him had a slight make out session and you both knew you both needed that… needed it because it was simply brewing, it had been brewing for a long time the tension being strong “not too soon, no…” he murmured assuringly as he smiled into your eyes “just on time” he said softly before he kissed you again, you both kissing until you were both left breathless over and over again.
That evening was nice, Harry left for work and you were just resting on the couch watching Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. You weren’t really paying attention to it your attention mainly on your phone as you scrolled through social media eyes slightly tired and after a while you stood up off of the couch attempting to walk to the kitchen but before you could even make an attempt a wetness quickly began dripping down your legs, as if you had peed yourself but you hadn’t. You were confused and slightly horrified to say the least a slight pool of liquid forming just below you but that’s when it hit you… Shit it didn’t take long for you to put the puzzle pieces together and you were quick to ring Harry your hand resting on your belly, this wasn’t good- this couldn’t be good. Your waters had broke! Fuck. His phone went to voicemail over and over again before finally someone answered “hello,” it was a males voice but it wasn’t Harry “h-h-hi… get Harry please…” you practically begged “I’m sorry who is this?” The voice questioned “I’m Harry’s friend! Y/n! Please!” You spoke desperately hearing a sudden sharp intake of breath before the sound of screaming fans were heard- Harry was performing… of course your waters broke whilst he was performing. Typical! Your breathing was heavy as you squeezed your eyes shut holding your tummy, you felt weak and dizzy and terrified you didn’t know what the hell to do.
The stage manager continued to try and get Harry’s attention but he was dancing and talking to the fans, the stage manager however was quick to radio over to the people who controlled the music the music fairly quickly shutting off as Harry looked around confused his eyes soon landing on the stage manager who was quite honestly freaking out, Harry’s phone in hand as Harry put two and two together “one second everyone I’ll be back” he spoke into the microphone trying to not alert anyone to something being wrong before he ran off stage quickly taking the phone from him as he put it up to his ear “y/n?” He asked taking his ear piece out of his ear as he stuck his finger into his ear blocking out the screaming fans so he could hear you better “h-harry my waters broke… I-I need help” and at your words and quivering voice his heart dropped, the rest of his band quickly leaving the stage too to see what was the matter “I’m going to be home soon, Mitch I need you to get onto the phone with 999- call an ambulance right away.” Harry shot demands at his friends, telling them exactly what to do as he immediately went into protective mode.
You tried to remain calm as you gripped onto your tummy breathing heavy “I’m nearly home.” Harry said, he had stayed on the line with you the entire time and after a few more minutes the sound of car keys jingling were heard before the front door was pushed open “c’mere we’re going to the hospital what do you need?” He asked calmly and you let out a shaky breath “I-I don’t know…” you whimpered out and Harry knew you needed him to help and so he did, easily and quickly packing a hospital bag for you before he helped you out of the house and into his car “I-I- the baby’s gonna come… I- I cant…” you whimpered out and Harry hushed you gently strapping the seatbelt over you knowing it would be uncomfortable but he wanted you to be safe “look at me…” his hands gently cupped your face making you look at him “you can. You can do this.” He then pressed a kiss to your forehead before making his way round to the drivers seat getting in as he was immediately quick to start driving, he made sure to drive as safely as possible but he was in a mad rush to get you to the hospital so did risk running a few red lights. But he had to. He hadn’t experienced this before so was worried for your health and the baby’s health.
Everything flew by in a blur for you, first you were in a car now you were laying down on a hospital bed Harry to your left and doctors and nurses to your right, the doctors voices were muffled due to your pounding head and Harry lightly grabbed onto your hand “here… I’m here… right here.” He said softly giving your hand a squeeze, Harry’s eyes were on the doctors and nurses but every so often he would look down at you and press kisses to the back of your hand “give her some gas and air… she’ll be ready to push fairly soon.” The main doctor spoke as nurses immediately helped you- placing the oxygen tube into your mouth so you could breathe- apparently it was laughing gas but you sure as hell didn’t feel like laughing. If anything it made you feel sick.
A soft cry soon left your lips your eyes screwing shut the agony tearing throughout you being absolutely horrible, Harry hated seeing you like this… but this was raw natural birth for you. He squeezed your hand tightly “you’re doing so well honey… you’re okay.” He soothed as best as he could gently pushing a few hairs from off of your forehead as little grunts of pain continued leaving your lips, each contraction hitting you harder than the one prior. “Keep breathing in and out-“ “I am breathing!” You exclaimed and Harry bit down on his lip, looking at a few of the nurses whom had seemingly had patients like you before and Harry although a tad bit amused was quick to go back to comforting you gripping onto your hand tightly your grip on his hand making your fingertips turn white as you panted heavily, you pushed hard a slight groan leaving your lips as you fell back into the comfort of the hospital bed tears of frustration and pain trailing down your cheeks “I-I can’t do this…. I can’t Harry.. I-I cant..” you whimpered out looking at him fearfully the nurses around you quickly assuring you that you could as Harry stroked your cheek wiping away your tears “yes you can darling. You can do this… you’re so close… he’s nearly out. I promise. Just a few more pushes c’mon. Deep breath and then push as hard as you can” he said copying what the nurses had said prior trying to help you as he felt helpless. He hated seeing you in such agony.
You nodded before taking a deep breath as you squeezed your eyes shut pushing hard. Incredibly hard. Before a sudden relief surrounded you sudden cries from a baby were heard… your baby… tears sprung to your eyes as Harry looked at you eyes full of warmth and love and even some tears as well “you did it… you did it. You did so well.” He said pressing a kiss to your forehead as you closed your eyes tiredly a weak smile forming on your lips…. The pain was worth it. Soon enough your baby boy was rushed into your arms his tiny face was beautiful he had Harry’s nose and had your eyes, he looked exactly like you and Harry. A spitting image practically. “He’s perfect” Harry whispered to you and you smiled looking into his eyes with a lot of happiness, the nurses were fairly quick to leave to give you and Harry alone time but one left a little teddy for the baby something they apparently did for all newborns- the teddy was small and had a little stuffed bow and arrow attached to its paws and you couldn’t help but smile as you looked into Harry’s eyes “Archie styles” you whispered out to Harry watching as his eyes practically lit up “even more perfect” he whispered kissing your shoulder and you smiled looking down at baby Archie your eyes full of nothing but love for the little boy.
Tiredness soon overcame you and Harry was more than willing to take the little boy from you “rest up my love,” he soothed and you obliged exhausted and Harry took Archie into his arms the small boy snuggling into his arms as Harry sat down looking down at him “you’re such a small thing yet caused your mummy so much pain, hm.” He smiled before letting out a soft chuckle his eyes filling with tears as he looked down at the newborn before he looked to you watching your peace as you slept and he smiled pulling Archie closer to him… this is all Harry ever truly wanted… a family of his own and finally he had it. Now he could spend time with his family… his girl… his little boy… the people who would soon become his favourite people ever. His family.
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comfort-person · 1 year
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One night stand… gone wrong| pt 2
Tw’s: pregnancy, birth- ect ect- if any of these topics are sensitive to you please read at your own discretion <3
Part 1 is below this one(:
Recap: You spent the rest of the day talking to him, coming up with plans- ideas, simply trying to figure it out with him and now you were laying in bed his arms wrapped around you, you didn’t think it was romantic… simply in a comforting way. But either way you didn’t mind. He was bringing comfort to you either way. The tv played quietly in the background your eyes fluttering shut tiredly his breathing soft and quiet in your ears almost acting as a lullaby to send you into a peaceful sleep after all the panic and stress you had felt. “You can go to sleep” he comforted gently “I’m not going anywhere… ‘m here to stay.” He murmured softly his own voice laced with tiredness and slight sleepiness his head lightly resting on your shoulder his eyes fluttered shut as you relaxed back into him “mm…” you hummed out happily just glad he was there to stay. As the more you relaxed the more you started thinking “think I wanna keep it” you murmured and he let out a tired hum “alright… keep on thinking until you know what you want to do okay” he murmured quietly and you nodded your head relaxing back into him as you closed your eyes sleepily “if you do choose to keep it… just know you’re gonna be a great mum.” He whispered into your ear and just like the first time you had met him butterflies gently cascaded around your stomach a little smile remaining on your lips as you slowly dozed off to sleep… maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all?
Harry spent the next few days and weeks and even months with you, being right there to support you he didn’t dare leave your side- even if he had concerts to do or interviews he either opted to do them by FaceTime or if he had a concert he simply couldn’t postpone he either brought you along with him or just performed it after you convincing him you’d be fine. He had grown rather protective over you so much so you were now confused what your relationship status was with him- friends? Partners? Friends with benefits? You weren’t entirely sure but you didn’t really mind as he was clearly protective over you and just wanted you to be okay. Your stomach had been growing constantly the baby bump soon showing to the point you weren’t able to hide it anymore but you didn’t mind. Your parents were supportive and so were your friends. Harry was the sweetest and most supportive and you couldn’t help but fall more and more in love with him, he came to every scan and every single check up with you no matter what was happening he came with you and as he promised was there to support you throughout it all and some of it was scary terrifying even, and you knew if he wasn’t there and you were alone then you wouldn’t have a clue what to do… he made you feel safe. Very safe. And you were forever grateful.
“I’ll be fine Harry” your voice was tired as you weakly dropped your head to rest against the toilet seat, you had been puking up whatever contents your stomach held for a good 45 minutes now, the morning sickness was exhausting. “Yeah sure. Don’t give me that. Let me take care of you.” He said as he slowly walked into the bathroom a bottle of water held in one hand and a large plastic bowl held in his other hand before he placed them down his large hands immediately working to pull your hair back away from your face as he held your hair up in a pony tail, a hair tie on his wrist as he gently tied your hair into a loose messy bun before he crouched down beside you his hand slowly rubbing up and down your back in a soothing manner “feel like shit” you grumbled out and he nodded slowly not wanting to say anything wrong like ‘I know I know’ as he in fact did not know… for one he wasn’t a woman and he most definitely couldn’t get pregnant and experience morning sickness so he simply remained silent his hand continuing to gently rub up and down your back slowly and gently. “What do you want?” He asked softly and you furrowed your brows “what?” You asked confused “boy or girl” he said and you let out a soft laugh “sorry, just trying to make conversation” he murmured with a little smile even if he didn’t like to admit it he was scared, nervous even… he was a top tier celebrity who was constantly in the eye of fans and paparazzi…. He wanted to keep you and the baby out of their way… he didn’t care- he wasn’t letting those pigs get money off of photos of you or his child. Photos of him were fine but he had become protective over you extremely protective to the point he was willing to smash a camera if needs be. Paparazzi tested his limits constantly and usually he was pretty good at not being affected but if you were brought into it then he would freak. He wouldn’t let them take pictures of you. Nor would he let them hurt you. “I think I want a little boy… don’t mind though.” You spoke snapping Harry out of it and he smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead “I don’t mind either way… but if I’d have to choose I’d want a little girl… bet she’d look just like you.” He spoke sweetly and you smiled but that smile quickly was turned upside down as you dry heaved into the toilet “ugh I hate this.” You whined out as he continued to gently rub up and down your back slowly and gently “you’re doing so well. So well.”
A few weeks had passed by and now was your baby shower, you didn’t want a massive one only you and Harry and a few friends as well as your parents. You had your mum make cupcakes and one of the cupcakes had coloured fondant in it. “Okay dad you go first” you said excitedly as you smiled, Harry’s hand lightly resting on your knee as you was happy too. He was excited. He couldn’t wait to see what gender the baby was. Your dad quickly showed that there was no fondant in it a few groans echoing around as you laughed softly, your friends did the same but they didn’t have it either and by the end of it the two cupcakes left were yours and Harry’s “let’s do it together” he suggested and you nodded excitedly as you held onto his hand before you both at the exact same time bit into the cupcake “oh my god!!” Harry’s voice was excited and you were quick to follow his excitement as your mum had sneakily had two cupcakes filled with fondant for both you and Harry specifically “we’re having a little boy!!” You exclaimed your arms quickly wrapping around the man as he held onto you tightly a wide smile on his face as he held you in his embrace before he pressed a little kiss to the top of your head “a little boy…” he said with a warm smile the excitement you both shared with one another being totally indescribable. You were nervous before but now you were beyond excited you couldn’t wait to meet your little boy.
Weeks turned into months and before you knew it your due date was only a few days away, you and Harry had gotten closer. He was starting to go out more to achieve his concerts and such but he was always only a call away always making sure you were okay after every concert he did. You were sat on the couch, Harry sitting beside you arm loosely wrapped around your shoulders- it was early in the morning and he didn’t have to be at work until 3 ish so you had all day with him practically. You held the first scans and most recent scans of your baby boy in your hands a wide smile on your face Harry’s chin gently resting on your shoulder as he looked at the scans too “he’s going to be so handsome… gonna have the best mum ever.” He murmured to you as he pressed a light kiss to your cheek and you smiled softly, he had been very kiss-y with you yet you both hadn’t been able to establish proper feelings yet. “Going to have the best dad too.” You said slowly turning to look at him forgetting just how close you were with him your breath gently fanning over his lips as he gazed into your eyes his lips mere inches away from yours his eyes searching yours and yours searched his right back you didn’t think you would ever fall in love with someone like this… not ever… but maybe the baby was a blessing in disguise?
And on that last thought you gently leaned in pressing a kiss to his lips your hand caressing against his cheek and he was quick to caress his hand against the nape of your neck pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss that slight bit more- he kissed you so deeply and so passionately as if he was kissing you for the first time all over again, the first time was beautiful- slightly sloppy and needy but right now it wasn’t that, right now it was perfect… gentle… slow… full of no need or want- simply full of love. You slowly pulled back looking into his eyes “too soon?” You asked worriedly but he instead of saying anything simply pulled you back in again his lips pressing against yours as he wrapped his arms around you kissing you deeply and passionately as you and him had a slight make out session and you both knew you both needed that… needed it because it was simply brewing, it had been brewing for a long time the tension being strong “not too soon, no…” he murmured assuringly as he smiled into your eyes “just on time” he said softly before he kissed you again, you both kissing until you were both left breathless over and over again.
That evening was nice, Harry left for work and you were just resting on the couch watching Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. You weren’t really paying attention to it your attention mainly on your phone as you scrolled through social media eyes slightly tired and after a while you stood up off of the couch attempting to walk to the kitchen but before you could even make an attempt a wetness quickly began dripping down your legs, as if you had peed yourself but you hadn’t. You were confused and slightly horrified to say the least a slight pool of liquid forming just below you but that’s when it hit you… Shit it didn’t take long for you to put the puzzle pieces together and you were quick to ring Harry your hand resting on your belly, this wasn’t good- this couldn’t be good. Your waters had broke! Fuck. His phone went to voicemail over and over again before finally someone answered “hello,” it was a males voice but it wasn’t Harry “h-h-hi… get Harry please…” you practically begged “I’m sorry who is this?” The voice questioned “I’m Harry’s friend! Y/n! Please!” You spoke desperately hearing a sudden sharp intake of breath before the sound of screaming fans were heard- Harry was performing… of course your waters broke whilst he was performing. Typical! Your breathing was heavy as you squeezed your eyes shut holding your tummy, you felt weak and dizzy and terrified you didn’t know what the hell to do.
The stage manager continued to try and get Harry’s attention but he was dancing and talking to the fans, the stage manager however was quick to radio over to the people who controlled the music the music fairly quickly shutting off as Harry looked around confused his eyes soon landing on the stage manager who was quite honestly freaking out, Harry’s phone in hand as Harry put two and two together “one second everyone I’ll be back” he spoke into the microphone trying to not alert anyone to something being wrong before he ran off stage quickly taking the phone from him as he put it up to his ear “y/n?” He asked taking his ear piece out of his ear as he stuck his finger into his ear blocking out the screaming fans so he could hear you better “h-harry my waters broke… I-I need help” and at your words and quivering voice his heart dropped, the rest of his band quickly leaving the stage too to see what was the matter “I’m going to be home soon, Mitch I need you to get onto the phone with 999- call an ambulance right away.” Harry shot demands at his friends, telling them exactly what to do as he immediately went into protective mode.
You tried to remain calm as you gripped onto your tummy breathing heavy “I’m nearly home.” Harry said, he had stayed on the line with you the entire time and after a few more minutes the sound of car keys jingling were heard before the front door was pushed open “c’mere we’re going to the hospital what do you need?” He asked calmly and you let out a shaky breath “I-I don’t know…” you whimpered out and Harry knew you needed him to help and so he did, easily and quickly packing a hospital bag for you before he helped you out of the house and into his car “I-I- the baby’s gonna come… I- I cant…” you whimpered out and Harry hushed you gently strapping the seatbelt over you knowing it would be uncomfortable but he wanted you to be safe “look at me…” his hands gently cupped your face making you look at him “you can. You can do this.” He then pressed a kiss to your forehead before making his way round to the drivers seat getting in as he was immediately quick to start driving, he made sure to drive as safely as possible but he was in a mad rush to get you to the hospital so did risk running a few red lights. But he had to. He hadn’t experienced this before so was worried for your health and the baby’s health.
Everything flew by in a blur for you, first you were in a car now you were laying down on a hospital bed Harry to your left and doctors and nurses to your right, the doctors voices were muffled due to your pounding head and Harry lightly grabbed onto your hand “here… I’m here… right here.” He said softly giving your hand a squeeze, Harry’s eyes were on the doctors and nurses but every so often he would look down at you and press kisses to the back of your hand “give her some gas and air… she’ll be ready to push fairly soon.” The main doctor spoke as nurses immediately helped you- placing the oxygen tube into your mouth so you could breathe- apparently it was laughing gas but you sure as hell didn’t feel like laughing. If anything it made you feel sick.
A soft cry soon left your lips your eyes screwing shut the agony tearing throughout you being absolutely horrible, Harry hated seeing you like this… but this was raw natural birth for you. He squeezed your hand tightly “you’re doing so well honey… you’re okay.” He soothed as best as he could gently pushing a few hairs from off of your forehead as little grunts of pain continued leaving your lips, each contraction hitting you harder than the one prior. “Keep breathing in and out-“ “I am breathing!” You exclaimed and Harry bit down on his lip, looking at a few of the nurses whom had seemingly had patients like you before and Harry although a tad bit amused was quick to go back to comforting you gripping onto your hand tightly your grip on his hand making your fingertips turn white as you panted heavily, you pushed hard a slight groan leaving your lips as you fell back into the comfort of the hospital bed tears of frustration and pain trailing down your cheeks “I-I can’t do this…. I can’t Harry.. I-I cant..” you whimpered out looking at him fearfully the nurses around you quickly assuring you that you could as Harry stroked your cheek wiping away your tears “yes you can darling. You can do this… you’re so close… he’s nearly out. I promise. Just a few more pushes c’mon. Deep breath and then push as hard as you can” he said copying what the nurses had said prior trying to help you as he felt helpless. He hated seeing you in such agony.
You nodded before taking a deep breath as you squeezed your eyes shut pushing hard. Incredibly hard. Before a sudden relief surrounded you sudden cries from a baby were heard… your baby… tears sprung to your eyes as Harry looked at you eyes full of warmth and love and even some tears as well “you did it… you did it. You did so well.” He said pressing a kiss to your forehead as you closed your eyes tiredly a weak smile forming on your lips…. The pain was worth it. Soon enough your baby boy was rushed into your arms his tiny face was beautiful he had Harry’s nose and had your eyes, he looked exactly like you and Harry. A spitting image practically. “He’s perfect” Harry whispered to you and you smiled looking into his eyes with a lot of happiness, the nurses were fairly quick to leave to give you and Harry alone time but one left a little teddy for the baby something they apparently did for all newborns- the teddy was small and had a little stuffed bow and arrow attached to its paws and you couldn’t help but smile as you looked into Harry’s eyes “Archie styles” you whispered out to Harry watching as his eyes practically lit up “even more perfect” he whispered kissing your shoulder and you smiled looking down at baby Archie your eyes full of nothing but love for the little boy.
Tiredness soon overcame you and Harry was more than willing to take the little boy from you “rest up my love,” he soothed and you obliged exhausted and Harry took Archie into his arms the small boy snuggling into his arms as Harry sat down looking down at him “you’re such a small thing yet caused your mummy so much pain, hm.” He smiled before letting out a soft chuckle his eyes filling with tears as he looked down at the newborn before he looked to you watching your peace as you slept and he smiled pulling Archie closer to him… this is all Harry ever truly wanted… a family of his own and finally he had it. Now he could spend time with his family… his girl… his little boy… the people who would soon become his favourite people ever. His family.
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vviolame · 1 year
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feel free to use! (dialogue and scenarios)
please tag me, i wanna see what you do!!! 😽 vviolame 23’
“i love you, i hope you know that.”
“i love you in a kind of way that’s kinda hard to explain.”
“wanna go for ice cream?”
“do you still like oranges?” (or any other food uhghshsh)
“hey, do you remember-“
“hey, dad?- sorry-“ (IM WEAK)
“hey, mom?- sorry-“ (IM WEAKER)
“oh that’s so cool!” “you want me to teach you?”
“you’re like.. like, my safe place.”
“could I sleep on your lap?”
“can I put my head on your shoulder?”
“hey, would you mind if I took a quick shower?”
“i will never let that happen to you again.”
“anyone even tries to get near you? they’re dead.”
“yo, what flavor of slushee do you get?”
(bad ending) “you’ve never had a slushee.”
“your shoes look a little small..”
“are your feet tired?”
“i can carry you.”
“you know what’s thicker than blood? chocolate.”
“hello? do you know what fun is?”
“it’s okay, I’ll be right there with you.”
“you wanna make cookies?”
“oh, dude. you have no idea.”
“where are my socks?”
“you don’t know how to do laundry?”
“dude, when did you get so good at laundry.”
“i can help with the dishes”
“hey- are you safe?”
“where are you?”
“do you need me to come?”
“I’m coming to get you.”
“I’m so glad to be away from there..”
“oh, also, i saw this shirt I thought you’d love,”
“okay, just breathe. I’m right here.”
“you don’t have to deal with that here.”
“i know you’re scared, but you’re home now.”
“you guys are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“it’s like a weight got lifted off my chest.”
“this is so weird.. It’s so calm here..”
“you’re not mad?” “why would I be mad?”
“do you mean it?” “of course, I’ll never lie to you.”
“you trust me?”
“i trust you.”
“can I trust this?”
“oh my god, you look so good.”
“knock ‘em dead.”
“hey, what kind of cereals do you like?”
“i love you guys.”
“I’m declaring, movie night is tuesday.”
“yes, or course.”
“do you need more shampoo?”
“here, use my phone.”
“didn’t think I’d ever enjoy a car ride, until you hopped in my passenger seat.”
“huh, partner?”
• they wake up from a nightmare, and go to their person (or people) for comfort, and after some calming down, they both (or all!!) fall asleep cuddling.
• they ask their person to go to the gas station late at night.
• they get hurt (fall, bike accident, cooking burn, ect.) and try to patch it up themselves, but get found and person b (forcibly) (but gently forcibly) patches them up.
• (adult/teenager and child) it’s bring your kid to work day, and they make a bet to see who slips up in their act of “this is my child” first.
• painting their eventually bought house together.
• sharing earbuds
• brushing the others hair
• reading them to sleep
• humming them to sleep
• setting up matching halloween costumes
• them all huddled up by a fan on a hot day
• learning recipes from each other.
and that’s all I have in me 😮‍💨. again, please tag me !!!!!! i would love to see all of your lovely lovely work!!!! thank you for reading !
(image via @you2onlyme on tiktok)
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gojocumdumpster · 10 months
You got any nsfw Erwin Smith headcanons? THAT MAN DRIVES ME CRAZY
Yes ma’am I do.
Type of story:🌹🔥
Afab reader
Warnings: Nsfw, cum, mentions of toys, dicks,ect
If you don’t know what they mean please search it up i’m so tired rn😭
I don’t know how to do headcannons like that so ima do a alphabet if that’s fine!
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A-aftercare: 100/10 He will probably need to rest a little bit before he gets what you need because your gonna need something with how hard he pounded you
B- bodypart: His favorite body part might be his legs or arms one of those 2 and for you would be your thighs, the way they expand whenever you sit and when you suffocate him while he’s going to town between your legs
C- Cum: I feel like his cum is thicker a lot of people say it’s on the thinner side but he really gives off the thicker side. He like to see you swallowing it especially when you stick your tongue out and.
D- Dirty secret: He always wanted to fuck you on his desk or in levi’s room…😭
E- Experience: 8.9/10, in his teen years i’ll tell you this…he was a whore. But not as much now because he has to much on his plate and plus he was reckless as a teen.
F- Favorite position: Probably missionary to grip your thighs or riding.
G- Goofy: Not really, he really takes it seriously yours and his pleasure.
H- Hairy: I would say he’s shaven but not fully bald, like he leaves a little hair behind but it’s every blue moon he’ll go bald.
I- Intimacy: Same thing for Goofy, but if your bratty or just being disrespectful it’s the opposite.
J- Jerk off: Befote he got with you it would be like every 2 weeks.
K- Kinks: I can only think of Bdsm,daddy kink, school girl..😭
L- Location: His desk, or levi’s room.
M- Motivation: Something that has to do with your thighs like them expanding when you sit, you being bratty and others like that.
N- No: Pegging,piss,shat..
O- Oral: Giver, the debate is over. (and recevier to..)
P- Pace: And again like intimacy depends on your mood and his but its a steady medium pace just enough to get to cum.
Q- Quickie: Sometimes, if he's on his break and he needs to let go some stress.
R- Risk: He'll do it in Levi's office, that's enough to explain it all.
S- Stamina: You see what this man does on a daily bases? Not even getting paid. At least 2-5 hours..
T- Toys: He has a vibrator for you, belts, gags, cuffs lots of things.
U- Unfair: Only if your acting bratty, or not. AllI gotta say is you'll either be begging to cum or begging for him to stop.
V- Volume: Lots of groans, and fast breathing and moans when he's close.
W- Wild card: Want's to do it in a empty alley way..
X- X-ray: 7inches, thicker side with veins and tanish-pinkish tip.
Y- Yearning: Like 8.9\10 he can wait but not for to long before he pounces on you.
Z- Zzz: Waits a couple minutes then falls asleep yk yk yk.?!??!
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louscartridge · 1 year
⇢ ˗ˏˋ(not so off) off day
han jisung x gn reader.
cw- mention of reader slightly crying, domestic fluff (han gets reader ready for bed. changes their clothes, brushing their teeth, ect), kinda hurt/comfort, not really proof read. half of this was written on a phone and the other half was written on my computer and i cant be asked to fix it so itll look weird or something idfk. 
summery- reader leaves han home without her on their only off day. saying the least, theyre both pretty sad and han helps both of you feel a bit better.
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a/n- i kinda gave up like halfway through the fic so this sucks and my fics, ESPECIALLY my kpop fics have been flopping, but i need to post so whatever.
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It was Sunday, so both you and jisung had off. however, you insisted on going to your company’s building to practice anyway, leaving jisung home with Chan, hyunjin, and changbin. the day went my exhaustingly slow for Han.
Chan had been in him room pretty much all day, doing god knows what, Hyunjin has been in his art studio all day, and changbin has been playing video games, leaving Han alone. He would alternate from being in his room to the living room, occasionally getting a “hey” from one of his roommates if they came out to get something to eat or something. Jisung had been laying on the couch in the now dark living room. the only light that was on, being the light that was coming from the tv. he took a short lived nap on the couch before being woken up to the sound of the door being opened and then closed. jisung rubbed his eye with his fingers, adjusting to the small yet bright light. He turned around and was greeted with you putting your bag beside the arm end of the couch. you plop down next to your boyfriend on the couch and snuggled into his side with a sigh. You burry your face into his neck and wrap your hands around his waist, your legs going over his thighs. he can feel that your eyelashes are slightly wet against his neck and jisung wraps his arms loosely around your hips.
“Rough day?” He asks in a sweet tone.
You shake your head yes slightly in an attempt to not shift your position. “mhm”
“m’sorry love” jisung moved his hands slightly so he can rub circles on your hip with his thumb.
“how was your day?” You ask him.
“boring. I missed you.” His voice is lazy, still laced with wanted sleep.
“I know I’m sorry. I missed you too.” You said pressing a few little kisses to his neck, close to his collar bone.
jisung could tell you were getting tired and on the verge of falling asleep in his embrace. Your words were getting merged together more with some slurring, your breathing was changing slightly, and you would randomly shoot your eyes open, fighting to stay awake.
“you want me to bring you our room and we can go to sleep?” Your boyfriend asks calmly.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep if I move” you said.
“you’ll get there” he knew you would. It might take you a bit, but you would. you always did. with the comfort of being in jisungs imbrace and knowing you werent alone, youve felt more comftorble sleeping. not only, did you have just your boyfriend with you, but three other men to protect you.  
han turned the tv off before he picked you up and grabbed your legs so they were wrapped just above his hips. you wrapped your arms around his neck and kept your face in his neck. 
he brought you to your shared room and then into the bathroom. he closed the bathroom door and sat you on the counter before taking your toothbrush and toothpaste out of the drawr next to your leg. 
han grabs your chin gently, tiliting your head up to the side a little. “open up baby”
you lazily open your mouth and soon after you can feel the tickiling sensation of han brushing your teeth. 
once he was done, he brought a little plastic cup to your mouth and held your hair back. 
you brought your head down a bit before spitting everything in your mouth out into the cup. 
“good job.” 
you smield slightly from his words. “mhm. thank you” 
han patted your head before opening the bathroom door. “ill be right back”
when han came back, he had one of his t-shirts and a clean pair of underwear in his hand. 
“here wait stand up for a second”  
you hopped off of the counter so you were now standing infront of jisung. 
“can i take your pants off?” han asked
“wow so romantic” you laughed. “yeah.” you awnserd with a shake of your head.
once he was done taking your pants off, he also slid off your underwear with your promisiom, before sliding on a new, clean pair of underwear. after that, you jumped back onto the counter and he took your shirt off to replace it with his. he didnt bother bringing you a pair of pants since he knew youre not on your period and you dont like to sleep in pants half the time anyway.
he picked you back up so you were holding onto his same as before, and threw you onto your bed, earning a giggle from you. 
you moved onto you spot of the bed as han took off his shirt and put on a clean pair of boxers and sweatpants.  
once he was ready, he climed into bed with you and you turned over and burried yourself deep into his chest. han gently took your face in his hands and kissed your forhead before wrapping his arms around your body.
you and han loved eachother. and han will always hold your hands when youre anxious and hell always kiss your forhead when you sleep in his arms. 
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reblogs are greatly appreciated!! 
if you liked this fic, you may also like- selenite (sh tw)
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Hey guys, Wings (she/her or they/them) here!
The rules are basically going to be the same as my previous blogs, but if you’ve never met me here’s the rundown:
Important general rules:
I can be a very s l o w replier, and often have a tendency to drop threads. Because of some medical issues I get tired and worn-down easily. I also am a part-time student. First off, I’m very, very sorry. Please talk to me if I forget or drop something you really want to do.
Relating to the above, there are some nights where I only have the muse for certain threads, or even just memes or drabbles. Please respect that and don’t take offense that I’m not replying.
I’m painfully shy. While I refuse to use this as an excuse to avoid interacting with other people, just know that if I don’t talk to you or interact with you. This is something I'm working on improving on, but I'll admit it does help if I get hints of interest from you (even if it's just liking some of my other posts)
OOC will be tagged as ‘Out of History’’ 
IC =/= OOC; If one of my muses doesn’t like your muse please don’t assume that I don’t like you. Val can be a dick sometimes. Chances are I do, very much like you.
IMs/DMs can cause me a lot of anxiety. This doesn’t mean that you can’t send them, but please understand there are some days I just may not reply. It’s not anything you did, it just spares me some stress because otherwise I’ll hyperfocus on them and not get anything done, resulting in a sense of guilt. So please just respect that. Also please don’t IM me just because I’m online; chatting is one of the hardest things.
You may have noticed this is now a sideblog. I don't feel like I can handle blog-hopping right now, or know for certain if I'm going to be able to keep things up. If that dissuades you from interacting with me, that's perfectly understandable.
I do not follow back without at least a rules page, and preferably a rules and an about page. If you're new to rp and new help on where to start, I'd be happy to help.
I have the usual roleplay rules-no godmodding, ect. Usually I give a warning, but if I do please don’t take it lightly. If you aren’t sure, or you’re new to rp and keep seeing the word ‘godmod’ floating around without understanding, just come talk to me and we’ll figure things out.
I don’t have much experience with Pokémon Special, so this will primarily be a game-verse blog. That being said, I’m more than happy to do crossovers of any sort, including between fandoms. Just understand that I may not be well-versed in the world from which your character comes, so you may have to give me some details.
OCs, multi-muse blogs, gijinkas, and Pokémon are welcome. I’m not very picky about who I thread with, so long as you understand the italicized rule above.
I also rp with multiples of the same muse. I do not have a main verse.
Likewise, I will do one-liners, para, and multi-para threads, though I lean towards multi-para. Sometimes my replies will be short, so please forgive me. I’ll try to match your length. Don’t feel compelled to match mine if you can’t think of anything, but I’d appreciate a thoughtful reply that I can work with.
This is a multi-ship blog. Unless relationship conflict is discussed between all involved roleplayers and agreed upon, no muse is cheating on anyone. 
I am all for having pre-established relationships. Come talk to me if you want to do that. We can also retcon a relationship if we’ve already started something.
I do not do greeters.
Most of the time I wing interactions, but I’d be happy to plot as well. Just remember that sometimes I take awhile to reply to asks.
Open to M!As, but I maintain the right to refuse any M!A or change the duration (including ending it early if need be)
While I don’t consider myself super strict on reblog karma, if I only ever see you reblogging memes from my blogs and never sending things, I will be disheartened and less inclined to interact with you. I’m working on gently reaching out to people if I see them doing this, and the majority of the time I reblog memes from a meme source if you can’t think of anything to send me personally.
However, if I've only ever seen you reblog memes from me (usually over a decent period of time because I'm slow to notice stuff), without interacting with me. you will be soft blocked.
The mun does not claim ownership of any art unless it’s tagged ‘Wings arts’.
Mun is of age, as are most of the muses, but it’s worth double-checking. Sexy fun times may occur on 18+ muses but are unlikely, and will be put under a read more. Other NSFW topics, like gore, may appear as well.
Similarly, triggers will be tagged, including gore. I tag ending with TW (ex: violence tw). Because I’m human I occasionally miss things, so don’t be afraid to message me if I have to go back and tag things. Please tell me if there’s anything you need me to tag for you, and I’m more than happy to do so.
I’d love to rp some Pokémon battles. However, instead of just jumping into a battle, I’d rather we either discuss the battle and outcome beforehand, or use a RNG to decide what attacks hit and such (I have a system I’ve used in the past that worked wonderfully, and would be happy to share it). 
If at any point you want to ship, just let me know. I can’t promise that my muse will feel the same, but I’m willing to at least give it a try as long as there’s chemistry and you respect my other rules.
Please feel free to come talk to me OOC, even if we don’t thread. I’m a shy birdy, but I do enjoy meeting new people and making friends. Usually my ask box is the best way to reach me, but IMs/DMs are open, too.
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biirdiee · 1 year
Here’s one thing you should know about me-- no matter what kind of media I’m consuming (TV, movie, book, ect), without any doubt, the female character is going to be my favorite. 
It doesn’t matter if all the main characters are male, and the only female character has a miniscule role or barely has any part in the plot, she’s going to be my favorite. I’ll take any insignificant thing and run with it, I’ll give her a backstory and personality myself if I have to. 
I honestly can’t explain it. I know a lot of people say the reason they chose to ship MLM over F/M or WLW ships is because the male characters are fleshed out and given depth, while the female characters are one dimensional and used for plot development or to develop the people around them...but I don’t care. 
NOW-- don’t get me wrong, I want my female characters to be fully developed and given the same treatment that we usually see male characters get, but for the pieces of media that don’t do that (and there’s plenty of them unfortunately) my love for women doesn’t come to a standstill. If the creators don’t take the time to give her life then I will, because I’m just so tired of watching women get pushed to the side over and over just because of the automatic preferential treatment that men get. 
MLM ships deserve love and happiness, but must the original female interest be tossed to the side, killed off, or demonized just to make it happen? It’s like watching the little bit of female characters we get slowly disappear one by one. 
Anyway...I guess I’m just tired, don’t mind me, I’ll sit over here in my little corner and hug my little women close. 
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findingmypeace · 2 years
I had ect this morning and I am so tired and restless at the same time. Technically I’m working remotely today but I don’t know if I have the energy to do that. I just have to complete some online trainings and I probably will do it but I need a minute to breath.
On another, a few months ago LS saw a news clip on treating depression with ketamine and suggested it to me. I have used ketamine before. My old psychiatrist prescribed it to me a few years ago but it was an older version of it because I had to pay out of pocket and that version was cheaper. It didn’t do much for me. But I decided to talk to my current psychiatrist about giving it another try. He said he wouldn’t be opposed to me trying it but his other clients who have tried it haven’t seen much success with it. He suggested I try spravato since insurance companies are starting to cover it. He also gave me the number of a friend of his who prescribes it and told me to give him a call.
I think I’m going to give it a try. I just need something to help in those moments when the depression feels unbearable. There are moments where all I can do is just sit there because I don’t have the energy to do anything else. I’ll probably give that psychiatrist a call after the holidays and see if I can work something out.
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
Happy STS Ren! Okay so wait, there are TWO new champion duos in the Forgotten Gods universe?👀 A chaotic siren goddes and stuffy champion and a stuffy god with a chaotic champion? That sounds so cool! Would those two belong to the same story? Any more details about the characters? 👀 And a writing update so I don't miss on any cool project thoughts if any come around^^
 Dreams! :D Always good to hear from you <3 You always have the best questions.
 Starting with your writing update since it is the quickest - Hope you enjoy the ramble @writingonesdreams
 I have been buckling down on Shackles of Time. I knocked out the final chapter of The Stormy Road Ahead arc! Just need to rewrite and schedule the last two chapters of that arc, and it’ll finished up in December. Then, I started a new word document with the next arc - A Prayer from the Past. It’s the first arc featuring the new team - Drusilla + her familiar, Lucien, and Azalea.
 You’ll be excited to know that their story is going to take them to a place from one of the first Shackles of Time rambles you got out of me - The Ivory Moon Island. The floating island with a temple to the moon God, and they’re also looking for a character whose been mentioned from the very beginning of the story but hasn’t made her grand appearance - Riya. So it’s all looping back together ^^ It’s like a dream come true! I get to drag in another of my legendary hero charries and run a team through a floating island ruin. *happy screaming*
 I’ll be alternating the teams’ arcs from this point forward, and will be adding occasional mini arcs like an important date for Glenn and Zephyr, some Time Keeper and Wyndulin scenes, ect. My goal is to keep the original trio at the main focus of the story, but plot elements have demanded a second team to start exploring some of the threads that I need to bring to the surface but didn’t make sense for the main trio to be involved in.
 Now onto your question -
 Yes, there are two more duos, but they are entirely unrelated stories since they are in different parts of the world. Actually the Siren Goddess’s black sea is on another continent entirely from the rest of the champions :D
 So for the original pair, the chaotic champion and serious god - This is the least developed pair at the moment. I’m only getting small snippets for them.
 I’m thinking that the champion is young, late teens early twenties, and has been in trouble for pretty much his entire life. I don’t think he really has a family, though the exact circumstances surrounding that are still a mystery to me.
 I’m thinking that someone finally got tired of it, maybe a priestess, and dragged him to the local temple of the God, I’m not entirely sure on domain yet but I’m thinking something along the lines of Honor and Valor, a God favored by warriors and like town guards; and so in an effort to turn this kid’s life around, the God decides to make him a champion.
 The problem with this plan is is now this chaotic little gremlin has magic powers and can do even more chaos, so babysitting the champion has become a full-time job for this poor God and their priestess, lol. I imagine it’ll be a story where we get to see a lot of direct interference from the God of the champion’s life, maybe even a quest in a desperate attempt to try and get this kid on the right track. The Siren Goddess and her champion - This one I do have more solidified and fleshed out, though I’m debating on if it’ll become spicy or if I want to keep the adult content out. It’d be something entirely new for me to write something spicy, but it would fit the theme of the Goddess in question. I guess we’ll see when I get there.
 The champion is a woman who is fleeing her past to another continent via ship. Everything in the journey goes smoothly until we reach the black sea. Singing starts catching everyone’s attention, a haunting bewitching song. The crew starts to panic and a storm starts brewing. The woman and other passengers don’t know what’s going on. The ship goes down and the singing gets stronger. Some even fall under it’s spell and start diving down. The woman is dragged under and is face to face with a siren who is pushing her down deeper and deeper into the waters while singing a different song. She’s struggling and fighting but as her vision is going dim, she starts to see something, someone else.
 The Siren Goddess makes her a champion, and when she wakes up, she’s on a blue sandy beach, the only survivor of the ship wreck, and every once in awhile she swears she hears faint singing on the breeze and wicked laughter in her ear.
 I think that there’s also a priest of the siren goddess, trying to guide her down their path, and I think that the story will be the struggle of her trying to fight her way tooth and nail onto her own path while the Siren Goddess of the Black Sea tries to drag her into her fold. It’s a push and pulling turbulent dynamic with corruption and temptation.
 That’s all I have on them at the moment. I’m keeping them vague until I know which story is coming next.
 Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a lovely day/evening.
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rainneverstopped · 2 months
July 29th 2024, 4:30pm
Another day of intense grief, guilt, confusion and so much sadness because you don’t belong and need love that never, ever comes. I woke up so tired today for no reason and I wasn’t sure I would be able to function. The constant sleepiness is becoming a daily thing. I’m scared of having moments of calm because I don’t want to be magically punished for them later. I miss having weeks where I felt all right and had fun. When did it become this fucking helpless?. The worst part is everyone’s unwillingness to see any of this as a serious issue. I did have a very good session with my psychiatrist on Saturday. I don’t want to flatter myself by thinking I’m important enough for him to give me an emergency session (I sent him an upsetting message while having a crying fit) maybe he just works on Saturdays but it was so nice regardless. I felt heard which is rare, I felt ok for a moment. Of course in true “me” fashion I asked him if he disliked me and he laughed and said he didn’t dislike his patients. I figured it would be better to ask than to wonder like I always do. I walk down the street and feel like I’m witnessing some kind of theater play where everyone is “in” and I’m kinda there watching. It feels like being somewhere where I’m not supposed to be. Like going to a foreign country except that it’s not fun or positive or constructive in any way and no part of my soul feels nourished. If anything it feels drained. This is particularly funny because at the same time I constantly feel I’m putting on a show and pretending to be human and I’m pretty sure most people just exist and leave it at that, they don’t have to spend hours wondering how to react or behave. Cried myself to sleep yesterday because I got attached to someone (not romantically) that is not in my life and now I miss him and cry desperately whenever I feel alone or just in general. I feel asleep and had some weird sleep paralysis where I could breathe (I generally can’t during sleep paralysis) but couldn’t move and I kept hearing construction like noises and voices of people yelling and calling my name. I would struggle to wake up and felt scared for my life and kept thinking I needed to walk to the window and check that everything was all right but couldn’t get my body to stand up and as soon as I opened my eyes and tried to snap out of it, they would close again and I would drift into this half asleep state where it would continue. I was terrified. Whenever I opened my eyes the voices would dim a little bit they were still there. Eventually I managed to fully wake up by moving my toes around and got up and checked at the window and the voices went away, it was deserted outside. I stayed up a bit with my phone because if I go straight back to sleep it usually just happens again. It’s like my brain needs to reset before I keep on sleeping. I went to sleep after a while. Today at the subway there was a woman who was selling pens and stationary because she was hospitalized and on disability benefits. She was schizophrenic and the hospital had allowed her to leave for the propose of selling those things to cover for the cost of her soap, toothpaste, shampoo, ect. Apparently the government doesn’t cover those things and it has to come out of her own pocket. What kind of evil, gross hellscape are we existing in?. I want to opt out. Tired of my country, tired of waking up, tired of the dark, dark sadness of it all and the constant, debilitating fear that doesn’t even let me enjoy reading a fucking book. Living should be reserved for the most horrible of humanoid monsters, nobody else deserves this perpetual panic. I hope nothing bad happens to me. I know I have it good in many ways but I wish I could spend the rest of my life crying in somebody’s arms, heavily sedated.
Edit: I noticed I sometimes write “you” instead of “I” when talking about myself. I usually core t it but I’ll leave it because it’s interesting to me and I should probably think why that is.
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yumeasmrscript · 3 months
[M4F] [A4A] Hiding a panic attack from your boyfriend [Anxiety] [Panic Attack] [Breathing] [Comfort] [Loving relationship]
Hellllllo everyone!
I wanted to pause from my series to make another comforting OS for those who needed it. This script is written as M4F just for a few details here and there, you are free to change both speaker and listener gender!
You are allowed to monetize with the script, just please credit me. You are also allowed to make small changes, as long as characters and story remain the same. (Also, English is not my first language so feel free to fix anything that might sound “weird”).
If you suffer from panic attack, please reach out to those who can help you. Remember that you’re loved and you deserve happiness, remember that whatever you’re going through, things can get better as long as you allow yourself to heal. It’s not easy, I know, but you can do it. You have more strength than you think! And you have all the power you need to control the demons inside your head. You just need to learn how. You can do it. Stay safe <3
Hope you will enjoy!
Summary: Your boyfriend comes home at night, and finds you locked in the bathroom. A series of events led you to have a panic attack, but because of past experiences, you do not want to show these moments to your partner. (Un)luckily for you, your boyfriend notices you're not fine and tries to help you relax.
[Action/things happening/Moods] Emphasis on word
[Door opening and closing]
[During the first part of the speech, there are sounds of shoes being removed, keys placed, ect.]
[Slightly tired, but happy] Hey honey, guess who’s back from a very boring working day? [Chuckle] I’ll give you a hint: he’s the most wholesome, most caring, and -above all- most humble boyfriend of the world who, on the way back, got some ice cream for a movie night!
[Confused] ...Honey? Where are you?
[Jokingly] What, do you want to play hide and seek instead of watching a movie tonight?
[Confused] No response… Maybe she’s in the bathroom? [Footsteps] For now, I guess I’ll just put the icecream in the freez- [Even more confused] wait, why is the kitchen a mess? Looks like a hurricane has passed here. And is this smell… [Worried/surprised] oh shit, the oven! Aaah…!
[Opening the oven, some coughing for the smoke]
Yes, definitely burnt potatoes.
[More cheerful] Are… are those even potatoes? Oh gosh, what kind of dark magic is this [chuckle]. [Oven tray is being placed] Seriously though… how long did these stay in the oven to get this black?
[Confused, much more worried here] Wait a moment… is this… blood? Did she accidentally cut herself?! It looks like she was slicing bread here, and… Oh, no, is... she okay?
[Hurried footsteps, door knocking]
Honey, are you in the bathroom?
Yes, I just got home, but… are you okay? Can I come in?
Why not? You’re making me worry like this… Did you hurt yourself while making dinner?
If you say so… but if the bleeding stopped, why are you still inside? Are you sure you’re okay?
...I’m sorry sweetheart, but I’m coming inside-
[Tries to get inside, but the door is locked]
[Frustrated] Huh? Why did you lock the door? You never do that-
Please honey, open up the door for me. If there’s any kind of problem, I want to help you.
[Resigned] [Sigh] Okay, okay, I’ll wait for you here.
[Door opening]
[Calm, sad] Hey…? Are you… sure that everything’s okay?
Please, be honest with me. I can see it from your face. And your voice. I’m not asking if you’re okay just to have a standard answer of “yes I’m fine” when you’re clearly not. Can’t you just tell me what’s wrong? Does you finger still hurts or, I don’t know, something else happened?
[Frustrated] If you try to hide whatever it is, you’re going to make me even more worried, and moreover I’ll feel powerless as I don’t know what should I do to help you.
[Firm] No, no, no, come back here, you’re not going to avoid my questions like this.
[Sigh] Wait, come on, baby, what’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Are you upset for something? Do I have to punch someone that hurt you?
[Slightly angry] Why do you keep saying that?! This- [sigh] this is not like you at all.
How… how can I not worry when you’re clearly hiding something from me? Right now, you’re-
Oh, yeah, unfortunately the potatoes and… whatever else was with them, got burnt. [Trying to comfort them] But, hey it’s okay! We can still order something, these accidents can happens sometimes, so-
[Confused, worried] Wait, are you trembling? And your breathing is…
[Trying to comfort the listener] Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s not a problem if things didn’t go according to plan, it’s not your fault.
[Firm, but in a sadder tone] You didn’t ruin anything sweetie, this is not a failure, it’s just an unfortunate accident! Don’t say this things, I assure you, there’s no problem at all, we can still order food for tonight.
[Frustrated] No, wait, where are you going now- please, wait-
[Speaker grabs listener’s arm]
[Firm] No, I’m not letting you go, honey. Please just- calm down, it’s only potatoes, this is not the end of the world.
[Realization, apologetic] Oh- oh gosh, I’m sorry, I’m so dumb- I’m making it worse, I’m so sorry... uuugh, I’ll let you go, okay? But please don’t just disappear in the bathroom again, let me at least help you slow down your breathing, please. I’m not new to this, I know I can help you, if you let me to.
[Again, frustrated, but more hurt] How can you tell me you can deal with this on your own when you’re like this?! You look like you’re about to collapse, barely standing on your feet! I’m here for you baby, please, have some faith in me.
Yes I can see it’s a panic attack what you’re having, but how can you brush it off as “just a panic attack” when you’re hyperventilating like this and-
[Sad] Huh? You… have already dealt with it? No, no, wait, you’re “used” to it?! Just, how… how often does this…
[Trying to relax] No, no, let’s talk about this later, okay? For now, just focus on me and try to calm down. You’re breathing way too fast, I need you to relax. Do you want me to hold you? Would it help you feel safer?
No, okay. Then what about holding my hand? You can squeeze it as hard as you want, and I promise it won’t hurt. And if it does, I’ll fake it won’t. I don’t care if you get your nails in my skin, I just want this to be an anchor for you, something you can focus your mind on.
[Gentle] Yes, that’s my girl’s strong grip. Now, let’s breathe together. This is the box breathing: every step will last four seconds, so you will breath in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, breath out for four seconds, hold again for four second, and then repeat. Alright?
Baby, you’re with me? Focus on my voice. You’re going to be okay honey, I assure you. Everything is fine, you are safe. I’ll help you breathe now, okay? You don’t need to talk, just a small nod is fine. Are you ready?
Okay. Breath in. [Pause] Hold. [Pause] Breath out [Pause]. Hold. [Pause].
Let’s do it again. Breath in. [Pause] Hold. [Pause] Breath out [Pause]. Hold. [Pause].
Breath in. [Pause] Hold. [Pause] Breath out [Pause]. Hold. [Pause].
You’re doing great honey. Once again. Breath in. [Pause] Hold. [Pause] Breath out [Pause]. Hold. [Pause].
[Repeat as much as you want]
[Relieved sigh]
You’re feeling better? Can you breath on your own now?
[Caring] I’m glad. You did it baby, you’re okay. Listen, do you want to sit on the couch? You don’t look much stable, and maybe you’d like to rest. I bet all of your muscles are in tension right now. Lean on me if you need to, here.
[Footsteps, sitting on the couch]
Hey, sssh, it’s fine. You don’t need to say sorry, you did nothing wrong. Do you want a hug now? You know my chest is always here for you, and just for you.
Come here honey. [Kisses here and there, stroking] You’re safe with me, in my arms, I got you. I’m not letting you go, you can relax. I will always be here for you baby, always, okay? You’re not alone in this, and you’ll never be.
Aw honey, don’t hold back. You can cry if you need to, I’m sure it will help you relax too after what you just went through. Cry as much as you want, as much as you need, until you will feel better. And I will be here, I will hold you close as long as you want. Slowly you will feel the trembling disappear, slowly you will feel your breathing going back to normal without the need to focus on it.
[Sad] Oh, honey, and what’s the problem if I see you like this? You are the one I love the most, that’s not going to change even if I see you crying or trembling or hyperventilating. I don’t want you to hide these things from me, sweetie, especially not if you think that you can’t let yourself to be vulnerable with me.
[Slightly upset, but still kind] Of course you can! Why are you even asking? I’m your boyfriend, not a random stranger who happens to live with you because they can’t afford an apartment on their own so they’re stuck with you. I want to be the one who stays with you in both good and hard times, not just when everything is going perfectly, because… let’s be honest, it’s not realistic at all. Life is not all fun and games, and you don’t have to keep to yourself every moment you’re feeling hurt, sad, alone, frustrated, angry… In fact, I would much rather you wouldn’t. I would prefer you’d be honest with me, and share with me whatever brings you joy, of course, but sorrow too.
But why do you feel like this? Do you not trust me enough to feel vulnerable when you’re with me? You said you’re used to having these attacks, but this is the first time I’ve seen you like this… and we’ve been dating for many months now, and we’ve been knowing each other for who knows how long. Just… why you never told me this? Why you never relied on me when you had these… moments?
[Sad] Honey, you’re not a burden. What makes you think that?
[Angry, but not at the listener] What?! I knew I had to punch someone in the face.
Well, no, that idiot told you a whole lot of bullshit. Nothing of what he said to you it’s true.
[Firm, but gentle] Baby, I’ll never, ever see you as a burden, okay? And, like I told you, I’m not new to this, and I promise it won’t affect me in a negative way if it happens. I won’t get tired of you, I won’t start having anxiety because you do, and I definitely won’t stop loving you when you’re not at your 100%. And I’m sure that these moments are not going to ruin anything that’s between us. The only thing I want is that you feel safe enough with me.
[Gentle] You are so much more than this. You are much more than your anxiety, you are so, so much more than these few minutes of irrational fear.
No, honey, panics attack do not define you as a person. I assure you that when people think about you, event those who saw you like this, will not remember you as “that girl with anxiety”. They will remember your smile, your funny personality, your kindness, [jokingly] your hilarious clumsiness that always make me laugh so much. [Gentle again] They will remember how you’re always willing to help others, and how much your face brighten up when you see a cute animal crossing the road. This is who you are, this is how people remember you. You are unique, wonderful, and this is something that panic attacks won’t change.
And trust me when I say that if someone ever remembers you for your anxiety alone, it mean either that they didn’t know anything about you, or that they didn’t even care about you enough, they just cared about themselves. And in all honesty, if that’s all they’re gonna remember about you, they don’t deserve you at all.
Stop apologizing, sweetie. I understand how you felt. I understand what your fear of opening up to me was. I only hope that, now, you also understand how I feel too. I want to stay by your side when you’re not feeling okay too, and if you let me, I gladly will.
Thank you baby. I love you.
[Chuckle] [More cheerful now] Of course I love you even if you burnt our dinner, honey. Did you forget that time when I baked a cake and I used salt instead of sugar? That was so gross. But we laughed at it and just got cookies from the convenience store. So how is burning some potatoes making you special now? [Chuckle] Remember also that time where I tried making soft croissant and somehow they were more like bricks? I’m sure you could have used them as a door-stopper. Or! That time when I boiled water for pasta, but I forgot about it and it all evaporated? You and your potatoes still have a long way to go to get to my level. [Laugh]
True, that night we ordered pizza after that. Listen, why don’t we get it tonight too? As I told you before, I also got us some ice cream! Wouldn’t it be a prefect combo for our movie night?
[Sweet] Aww, see? This is what I told you! Your beautiful, excited smile is what people will mostly remember about you. Yes, even if you have puffy red eyes, you’re still beautiful. Oh baby, if only you could see yourself the way I do.
One last thing, baby.
[Firm] Will you promise me that you will talk about your anxiety to those who can help you figure out why you have it and what can you do to overcome it? I want you to know that I will always be here for you, of course, but I don’t want you to suffer. It hurts me knowing that this is something you’re used to, because no one should be.
[Gentle] Good girl. Then, you’ve earned the right to eat your ice cream for tonight! [Chuckle] But first, let’s order our pizza. We’ll take care of the messed kitchen once you’ve completely calmed down. Until then, feel free to stay between my arms. I’m here to recharge you through cuddles and kisses, which I’ll never get tired off, because that’s what the girl I love the most deserve. All for free, too! Who doesn’t like free cuddling?
[Stomach growling]
...But I’m also hungry, so… Hey, don’t laugh at me! [Chuckle]
Oh, you’re hungry too?
Then, what pizza do you want to eat tonight? And which movie would you like to watch?
[Kinda upset, but still jokingly] What?! Oh, no, Twilight again?!
I see, I see, a great “comedy” movie to lift up your spirit. Alright, alright, you’re the boss here!
[Gentle] I’m glad you felt safe enough to open up to me, honey.
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acacia-may · 1 year
But I Always Thought That I'd See You Again (OMORI Fanfiction): CHAPTER 2
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Description: When Hero inexplicably locks himself in his room, Kel, Sunny, and Basil turn to Aubrey for help insisting that she is "the best at this kind of thing." She doesn't have the slightest idea when or how she earned that reputation, but Hero has always been there for her and for all of them really, so she knows she will do her best to be there for him too. Step one is, of course, getting him out of the house and away from everyone else so he isn't tempted to help with their problems rather than take care of himself, but that's easier said than done... Getting him to actually open up to her about whatever it is that's troubling him will likely be even harder, but along the way, Aubrey might discover they actually have a lot more in common than she thought...
Relationships: Hero & Aubrey Friendship, Extremely Functional Kelbrey (Romantic Kel/Aubrey), Hero & Kel Sibling Relationship, Past Romantic Hero/Mari, Past Aubrey & Mari Friendship. Some Hero & Aubrey & Kel & Basil & Sunny Friendship.
Characters: Aubrey (POV Character), Hero, Kel, & Mari's Memory. Mentioned Sunny and Basil.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Slice of Life. Some Angst. Some Past Hero/Mari Fluff & Current Angst, Some Extremely Functional Established Relationship Kelbrey. Multi-Chapter, Work In Progress.
Word Count: 3315 (Chapter 2)
Rating: T for some heavy themes and thematic elements (i.e. grief & healing from grief and trauma. Implied/Referenced Canonical Character Death & Implied/Referenced Mental Health Issues including depression & suicide).
Warnings: Major Spoilers for OMORI! Heavy themes and thematic elements (i.e. grief & healing from grief and trauma. Implied/Referenced Canonical Character Death & Implied/Referenced Mental Health Issues including depression & suicide).
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another website. All other interaction (likes, reblogs ect.) appreciated!
LINK TO CHAPTER 3. Link to Chapter 1.
Link to Story Masterlist.
A/N: This story's and this chapter's title were taken from the song "Fire and Rain" by James Taylor which heavily inspired this work. Here's the link to this story's playlist if anyone is curious.
Chapter 2 under the cut! Thank you for reading!! 💕
As Hero wearily stumbled out into the driveway to her car, Aubrey began to regret her choices. Still dressed in wrinkly scrubs and a ratty old sweatshirt with bedraggled hair which stuck up at odd angles much more askew than his usual polished, coiffed style, Hero really did look like he had just rolled out of bed. Aubrey didn’t know if she had ever seen him so disheveled or so behind on his laundry, for that matter. Suddenly that bloodshot puffiness of his eyes began to look far more tired than sad. 
Aubrey swallowed hard and bit her lip apologetically. Maybe she should have taken the rest of the guys out of the house and let Hero take a nap. He had said he couldn’t sleep but surely if he was half as worn out as he looked, he would eventually crash due to exhaustion. 
When Hero yawned—wearily rubbing his eyes for the umpteenth time, Aubrey finally asked, “When was the last time you slept?” 
Hero hummed, yawning again. “I dunno,” he mumbled. “Day before yesterday, maybe.” He sighed apologetically, leaning against the door of her car. “Sorry, I don’t think I’ll be the best company.” 
Aubrey shrugged, but her mouth twitched in the corners. Even an exhausted Hero was probably better company than the majority of people she knew. “You don’t have to entertain me. In fact, you don’t even really have to come…” Her voice trailed, and Hero’s brow furrowed. 
“But the batteries…” 
Aubrey sighed. “Right. The batteries.” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she frowned. Even if she really was convinced it was what was best for him, it was wrong to drag Hero out of the house for a ridiculous, non-existent problem, wasn’t it? With a slight shake of her head and another long exhale Aubrey continued, “Well, if you really want to tag along, you can always climb in the backseat and take a nap. I don’t mind.” 
“And make you my chauffeur? I couldn’t do that.” Chuckling lightly, Hero paused then climbed into the passenger seat of the car. Aubrey merely shrugged as she climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. She had barely left the driveway before Hero leaned against the window as if too drowsy to even sit up properly anymore. He yawned again, and as Aubrey turned out of his residential street, he said, “You know, when Sally was a baby, my parents used to take her out for a drive when she couldn’t sleep—just driving around in circles in Faraway Town until she finally tuckered out. I helped out with it once or twice, but never really understood how driving actually lulled her to sleep until now. It’s actually very soothing.” 
Aubrey stifled a laugh. “Well you should go to sleep if you want. I feel kind of bad for dragging you out of the house when you’re so run down.” She sighed. “We have a few residents in my ward right now, and they’re always complaining about being overworked and exhausted. I’m sure your hospital is putting you through the ringer too.” 
Hero shrugged. “Maybe, but I don’t mind. I like keeping busy.” The yawn which followed implied otherwise, however. “I kinda wish I was at work right now.” 
“You can barely keep your eyes open,” scoffed Aubrey, though there was a certain affection that crept into her voice. “You should be wishing you were in bed.” 
Hero shook his head, his voice drowsily trailing off. “I wanted to pick up an extra shift today, but they wouldn’t let me.” 
She hadn’t realized how vague or potentially confusing that question was until Hero answered, “I dunno. Probably some legal reason. I haven’t had a day off in…”—he paused, rubbing his head—”I honestly can’t remember.” 
Aubrey frowned. That hadn’t really been her question. Whether Hero was too tired to understand or was purposely avoiding talking about why he wanted to work today, she couldn’t be entirely sure. She debated it briefly then decided to try again. “Why did you want to work today?” 
Hero grew quiet, and though she couldn’t turn to look at him, she could feel him shifting and fidgeting in his seat before he finally mumbled, “Built in distraction.”  
As her brow furrowed, Aubrey slowed to a stop at a stop sign. She glanced over at Hero staring down at his twisting hands. “Tough day?” she asked, trying to strike a balance of concerned yet nonchalant. 
Hero hummed. “I guess. Kind of…But it’s fine,” he added hurriedly. “Please don’t worry.” He paused, then asked quietly, “Are you…all worried…? Is that why you’re all acting—?” 
As Hero stopped abruptly, Aubrey could almost picture that flush in his cheeks even though she couldn’t take her eyes off the road. She sighed. Hero may be embarrassed and barely managing to stay awake, but he wasn’t stupid—they should have given him more credit. 
Aubrey wrinkled her nose debating whether to double down on Kel’s lie about the smoke detector. Hero might not believe her, but he might drop the topic just to keep the peace and avoid an argument. However, considering this was all for his benefit, it didn’t feel right to lie to him. 
“We’re all here for you if something’s wrong or bothering you,” she said, choosing to evade the question. “You can tell us—er…can tell me since I’m the only one here. Or I can drive you home if you’d rather…?”   
“Do you think something’s wrong?” he gently interrupted. 
Aubrey shrugged her shoulders. “I mean…you did lock yourself in your room to start listening to sad music.” 
When Hero didn’t respond, Aubrey began to worry that she had been too blunt. She bit her lip—mentally kicking herself. She would never understand why everyone seemed to think she was the best at this. 
“You guys…heard that…?” stumbled Hero quietly. It wasn’t really a question. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry anybody.” 
“It’s okay. Everyone’s okay—even Basil. Don’t worry.” Her brow furrowed and she let out a heavy sigh at the realization, “We’re just going to keep saying that to each other aren’t we?” 
“Maybe,” Hero answered, but Aubrey could hear him exhale a bit louder and heavier than usual—a cross between a breathy laugh and a sigh of relief. Her mouth twitched into a dry, bittersweet half-smile. 
“We wouldn’t have to, if you told me what was wrong.” 
Hero sighed, and she could almost feel him pulling away, could almost feel that distance between them growing wider and wider. “It’s not really anything—nothing important anyway.” 
The silence which followed felt thick and heavy. Aubrey didn’t want to press Hero—didn’t feel it was her place to pry, but she had no idea what she could possibly say to get him to actually open up to her either. If she did, she would have already said it, not only now but years ago, but he was so private, so closed off. Even if the people closest to him knew he was hurting, he never let on enough for them to know what was wrong, let alone if there was anything they could do to help. Aubrey could understand that. After all, she was kind of the same way, but whereas Hero curled in on himself, she tended to lash out, not nearly as much anymore but she still would never be able to hide her feelings as much as him. The more she tried to push them down, the more she could feel the emotional temperature rising, could feel the pressure of too many suppressed feelings building up inside her until they finally just burst out with nothing she could do to stop them, but honestly, finally getting those feelings out usually tended to be a good thing. There were certain things that no one should have to carry alone. 
“Hero…” she began to stumble, unsure what she even wanted to say when she suddenly heard a familiar chord progression in the low rumble of the radio. Something panged in her chest, but suddenly struck by an idea, she turned the dial, raising the volume. “Do you know this song?” 
“Um…” She could hear the confusion and hesitation in his voice, though she couldn’t be sure if it was because he was confused by the question itself or by the fact she had asked it in the first place. “It’s…‘Fire and Rain,’ isn’t it?” 
Aubrey hummed and nodded in agreement. “I used to listen to it all the time after Mari died. You know my parents were always…”—her voice trailed— “hands off, but… after the funeral, my dad got out one of his records and played me that song. He said it got him through some really tough times.” 
If Aubrey was being honest, she was grateful that she had to stare at the road rather than look over at Hero as she took a long, shaky breath and continued, “I must have listened to it a hundred times—probably more. I was only twelve so I didn’t really understand it all, but when he sang, ‘But I always thought that I’d see you again’ with all the sadness that came along with those words…”—her voice hitched—“I knew what that felt like.” 
Hero placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Aubrey, I’m sorry...”
“Don’t be,” she quickly interrupted him as she bristled, shaking his hand off of her arm. “I didn’t tell you this so you’d feel sorry for me, and I definitely didn’t tell you so you’d make this about me. I just…I wanted you to know that it wasn’t just you.” She shrugged her shoulders slightly. “I mean who knew we both liked sad ballads from the 70s, huh?” Her delivery was dry, but there was a slight hitch and waver in her voice.
“I would never have guessed.”
Aubrey’s mouth twitched in the corners. “It’s usually not my style,” she admitted. “But there was just something about that song. I couldn’t stop listening to it…” Her voice trailed. “Of course, when my dad left, I got so angry that one day I just snapped the record in half—couldn’t listen to it anymore. I honestly kind of regret it.” With a sigh, she shook her head with a somewhat helpless shrug of her shoulders. “I still listen to it on CD sometimes or on the radio—makes me think of her, even though I honestly have no idea if Mari even liked James Taylor.” 
Aubrey chuckled lightly but loudly enough that she almost didn’t hear Hero when he said, “She put his version of ‘You’ve Got A Friend’ on a mixtape she made for me once.” 
Her brow furrowed. It wasn’t really the answer she was expecting but it was something. “How does that one go again?” 
Hero took a deep breath then sang a few lines from the chorus, “‘You just call out my name and you know wherever I am, I’ll come runnin’ to see you again…’” There was a hitch in his voice, then he stopped abruptly.
“It’s almost like they go together, huh?” A slight, sad smile tugged at Aubrey’s mouth as a bittersweet chuckle reverberated in her chest. 
“I didn’t think of it ‘til just now,” Hero admitted apologetically. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be”—her expression softened—“It’s nice to have songs to help us remember her and…help to…put words to those feelings.” 
Hero took a deep breath, but Aubrey saw him nod out of the corner of her eye. “You know the song I was listening to earlier–‘Without You’?” 
Aubrey hummed and nodded. 
“The first time I heard that after Mari”—he stopped—“I thought: ‘this is exactly how I feel’—like my whole life was over and I didn’t know how I was going to go on without her. Back then… it really felt like I would never be happy again.” 
He stopped, then sighed. “I don’t…really…feel that way anymore if that’s what you’re worried about, but I do still listen to the song sometimes when I think about her…and I always think about her today.” He swallowed hard then added hurriedly, “I know I probably shouldn’t. I should be over it by now but—” 
“No,” Aubrey interrupted him. “Don’t ‘should’ yourself—it will only make you feel guilty.” She did not add that she knew this from personal experience, but if she had to guess, Hero could probably figure that out on his own. “Grieving doesn’t really have an expiration date, you know? Losing someone you love is like losing a part of yourself—it isn’t something you can ever really get over. You just have to learn to live with part of you missing from now on—and part of that can be that you get to have a day that’s just for you and your grief.” 
“A day?” 
“You know, most of the time that would be her birthday or the anniversary of her death or funeral, but since we all loved her and all lost her, those days are about everybody and it’s easy to get caught up in everybody else and if they’re okay.” Aubrey sighed and shifted in her seat. “I know I do and you’re a much better person than me so I can imagine you spend each of those days so worried about Sunny or Basil or Kel or me that you just push all of your own grief aside. You deserve a day where you don’t have to do that, a day that’s just yours, that meant something to the two of you, and if that’s today, then it’s your day. Let yourself have that. I know I do…and it’s honestly really helped a lot.” 
When Hero didn’t say anything, even after a long and heavy pause, Aubrey found herself rambling, if only to fill the silence and provide further explanation. She had no idea if any of this was even helpful, but it was the best idea she had at the moment so she just went for it, losing herself in her own memories and feelings, in that dulled but familiar ache in the hollow space in her heart that Mari had left behind. 
“For my day, I picked the day of our last sleepover,” she said with a bittersweet smile. “Of course at the time I didn’t know it was the last one. Sometimes I wonder what I would have done to make it more special if I had known but… it was just normal girl stuff, I guess. Maybe it’s better that way… We stayed up ‘til three or four in the morning eating this big bag of sour candies, just talking and giggling about who knows what. I honestly don’t remember much about what we talked about except, she told me she had her first kiss.”
The words had just slipped out without Aubrey really thinking about them, without her considering that that may have been embarrassing for Hero to hear. She was somewhat embarrassed herself that she honestly hadn’t thought of that until she noticed that Hero’s face was about as red as the traffic light she had just stopped at. “She…she told you about that?” 
With a breathy chuckle, Aubrey hummed with a nod and a dry, bantering smile. “She said it was ‘magical.’” 
“Magical?” Hero repeated with an incredulous chuckle, tripping over his words. “Really? And after I was so awkward…I had no idea what I was doing...” 
“Mari didn’t mind,” Aubrey insisted as her expression softened. “The way her face lit up when she told me about it, I…I know it really was magical for her, as corny as that sounds…” She shrugged her shoulders. “But I guess that’s just Mari, huh?”  
As the light turned green again, Aubrey caught sight of Hero nodding in agreement, the slightest smile twitching in the corners of his mouth before it quickly faded. 
“You know, it’s actually…kind of funny that you…” His voice trailed until it tapered all completely, and he shook his head with a light, sheepish chuckle. “I’m sure you probably know the whole story already, then…” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard it from you,” she replied with a shrug of her shoulders and soft expression in her eyes as she turned into the parking lot of their local Other Mart. “But you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to talk about it. I understand if you just want some things to be private. You deserve that too.”
Hero nodded as Aubrey put the car in park, staring intently out of the windshield. She was beginning to think this was the end of the conversation before he sighed and gently said, “It’s okay. I don’t mind, not anymore. I think…it’s good to remember her.” 
Aubrey nodded in agreement, and Hero took a deep breath, a bittersweet smile spreading across his face. “It was the very first time I had ever taken her out on a date. I was so nervous. I just remember my hands were so sweaty and wouldn’t stop shaking. I spent way too much time picking out what to wear and trying to comb my hair and look my best. It wasn’t anything special, but it was the best I could afford as a teenager. I took her to Gino’s, and she teased me about ordering a sandwich at a pizza place.” 
When he paused and chuckled lightly, Aubrey laughed a little as well. “That sounds like her,” she said with a bittersweet smile. 
Hero nodded. “She always loved teasing, especially me, I guess, and Sunny. But I guess she kind of teased everybody–it’s how she showed she cared.” He stopped, before quietly adding, “I miss that…” 
There was a twinge in Aubrey’s chest, but she tilted her head towards Hero and replied, “Me too.” 
After a moment of silent remembrance and several deep breaths, Hero continued, “After that, we took a walk in the park, and I eventually plucked up the courage to ask if I could hold her hand. She said yes.” He paused, and she could hear the smile in his voice as he continued, “We just stayed there until sunset—sitting out in our favorite spot by the lake talking and laughing for hours. We were having so much fun just enjoying each other’s company that we completely lost track of time. I started to panic a little when it started to get dark and I thanked her for going out with me and asked if I could walk her home. She said ‘Yes, but first every perfect first date needs to end with a kiss…’”—he paused and sheepishly shrugged his shoulders—“and then she kissed me. It was so fast that I couldn’t even really process it. I didn’t know what to do. I kind of just froze and can only imagine how bright red I was. I think I…I think I actually said ‘thank you.’” 
Before she could stop herself, Aubrey interrupted him with a laugh. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand, trying to stop it, but Hero laughed too, shaking his head and pressing his palm to his forehead as his face flushed a slight but very endearing tint of pink. “I really was so awkward, and I think I just couldn’t even think. I could barely even say anything the whole walk home, but…I don’t think I had smiled so much in my whole life. I didn’t even know I could be that happy.” 
As his voice trailed, Hero took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Aubrey watched as something pained—a deep, aching sadness passed over his eyes.
“That was today,” he quietly admitted. Aubrey’s breath caught in her throat and her own heart ached at the words and the bittersweet hitch in Hero’s voice as he said them. “It would have been our anniversary.”    
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2-dsimp · 2 years
If you’re requests are open, can you do Childe or Kaeya if they were mermaids- with a story like the little mermaid but of course with a darker Yandere twist. If you have time of course, I don’t want to pressure you into anything and you seem to very busy with the Yandere simulator au ( which is amazing and so cool we can choose options and it just so good and perfect )
The Little Merman (Pt 1!)
Yandere merman! Childe! x lifeguard reader
Cw: yandere tendencies, gore, ect
He was always watching you.
From the beginning you’ve managed to catch his eye, as he hadn’t witnessed such a thing before. Seeing a human perched on top of the high white tower, paired with a small tool that mimics bird chirps. Carrying a long board attached to the hip, using it whenever someone was floundering in the water.
Childe couldn’t help but to be curious as to who you were, and whatever you do is called. Normally he’d mind his business and work on what needed to be done with his pod, the Fatui. But he was known to indulge in his impulses wether it be a good bloody fight or something as pure as wonder.
You’ve sparked his interest in how it would feel to have two legs that could not only swim. But also manage to close the distance separating the two of you.
And with that in his mind 24/7 he began monitoring you getting closer every time you’d swam in his territory. One time he even managed to snag a little keepsake from you, while you were too busy saving a life from drowning.
Apparently it was important, so to his pleasant surprise you’d frequently step inside the water. Making him all the more eager to ogle you and observe your bodily anatomy. Just a mere few inches away from you, without you ever noticing the predatory stares he’d shoot you from beneath the deep waves.
The longing gaze in his azure eyes began getting murkier as time went by growing tired of this invisible barrier separating the two of you. So he began to search for any and all means to bring you to to his side. He went to the Sea witch, an powerful eldritch being, hidden amongst the deepest of treacherous sea trenches and wind currents.
“Little one, what you’re seeking leads to a path bordering among that of insanity. “
The Eldritch warned.
Their gigantic mass hidden beneath a shroud of darkness, which failed to cover up the huge tentacle’s curling idly in anticipation. The many eyes they had glowed dimly, reflected off of the cavern lights planted within the sea cave.
“Are you sure you want to be separated from the seas embrace and be born once anew as a mere human?”
The Sea witch asked their voice echoing off the cavern walls eerily.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I wanna try having legs for a change instead of this huge tail haha”
Childe joked, making the ancient Eldritch look down on him in displeasure. Before continuing with the briefing on contract.
“I can give you what you need in your quest for love. However the sacrifices that’d be made should you fail to capture your Darlings heart cannot be undone. “
The Eldritch witch had been present for many centuries to come, to witness mainly tragedy and grief come from those who’ve failed to clear their unrealistic conditions. Nonetheless a request is a request, the Sea witch wished this time their client will achieve a happy ending.
They also hoped that the little merman knew what he was getting into.
“Do you understand, young one?”
“Yes, ma’am “
Childe answered in all seriousness. Straightening up his posture to look up directly into the Sea witches many pupils, taking them aback from his unshakable will.
They say the eyes are the windows into one’s soul. And from the unnatural desire eating away from behind his blue eyes, The Eldritch could sense something dark festering inside his heart. With a knowing sigh they knew it was too late for this poor unfortunate soul, and were curious of who the human that caused such depravity in his being.
“I require a multitude of sacrifices, you must provide me 5 hearts, each having met their demise differently. “
The Eldritch sea witch outreaches her hand towards Childe, who looked on in concentration of the illustrations coming to life from traces of magic dancing in their huge clawed palms.
“The first heart must be drowned.”
A blue heart is shown to flicker out erratically as it’s heartbeat slowly trickles down to a stop.
“The second heart must be strangled.”
A purple heart is shown to be squeezed until it pops, it’s heartbeat deflated until there was only silence.
“The third heart must be chopped into pieces.”
A Yellow heart is shown to be on the chopping block writhing in agony from being thinly sliced into cubes. It’s heartbeat spiked with every chop going out with a screech.
“ The fourth heart must be eaten alive…”
A red heart is shown to be thrown out to the wolves, surrounding the defenseless prey. Before Bearing their teeth and pouncing onto the heart, devouring it savagely until it’s pulse was no more.
“Lastly the fifth heart has to be the sacrifice of whoever your Darling holds dear as they will become the catalyst for this ritual to work.”
A pink heart is shown to be the only survivor, Childe could hear their pulse beat loudly. He could only grow a manic smirk as he just pictured this as a bloody good trial to test his devotion. Taking note from his old friend Zhongli’s mistake, he wanted to make sure that he’d be the one to undergo the transformation.
Since he was confident that he’d be able to overcome anything keeping him from his darling…
Now from beyond the dark waters ocean view, twirling around a trinket he stole from your unsupervised beach spot. A little bracelet with a small dolphin bead attached, that floated within his webbed hands.
Childe was waiting for the right time to strike…
“I’ll come up there to meet you soon baby, so just wait for me won’t ya?”
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