#educators for justice in palestine
violottie · 4 months
🇵🇸 very very important. please read. alt text included.
"1 minute to read - a lifetime with your eyes wide open." from Key48, 30/May/2024:
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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kaapstadgirly · 5 months
"The Jewish colonial project cannot be achieved without force because no country, no people give up the land without fighting for it."
Gabor Maté is a renowned physician, speaker, and bestselling author with a focus on addiction, stress, and childhood development.
via conflictechoes
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sunbeamedskies · 4 months
It is a PRIVILEGE to be able to say that the entire population of a country or region are inherently guilty and deserving of death. It is also exactly the same shit the alt right does.
I've seen people do this to both Palestine and Israel. If you honestly celebrate the murder of Palestinians or Israelis and try to justify it, you are no better than an alt right cult member.
Real people are dying and suffering while you pretend this is a video game.
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agentfascinateur · 1 year
Palestinian educators have previously told Middle East Eye that Israeli authorities were aiming to eliminate its curriculum in favour of the Israeli version, in an attempt to erode Palestinian identity and "distort" history. 
Academic content Israel has sought to censor, they said, includes the logo of the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinian flag, lessons that discuss the Palestinian struggle against occupation, the right of return and prisoners, settlements, the immigration of settlers to Palestine, military checkpoints, the intifada, displaced villages, and considering Zionism a racist political movement.
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 9 months
Book recommendations for reading on Palestine with overviews or access to the content:
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine - A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917 - 2017 by Rashid Khalidi
The Palestinian - Israeli Conflict: A Very Short Introduction by Martin Bunton
Voices of the Nakba: A Living History of Palestine edited by Diana Allan
Freedom is a Constant Struggle - Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement by Angela Y. Davis
The Palestine Laboratory - How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World by Antony Loewenstein
Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappé
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé
On Palestine by Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappé
A History of the Arab Peoples by Albert Huraini (Afterword by Malise Ruthven for later editions)
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rebelcaptain4life · 11 months
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If you weren't Pro-Palestine already, I hope the fact that the US government is literally trying to censor people that don't agree with them opens your eyes
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caitlinjohns77 · 6 months
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dayinadream · 9 months
What are Israeli soldiers being taught in their military schools?
Israeli academic David Sheen breaks down some of the lessons in Israel’s top military academy.
Via Mintpress News
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bfpnola · 1 year
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ID by our volunteer Wren: all slides have a background of a pale green-yellow to light blue gradient. The first slide is titled "who are we?" in light blue text with a thin dark blue outline. The title follows the curve of a large white ring in the center of the slide, which circles BFP's logo. Inside the ring and below the logo, blue text reads "building a better future worldwide for youth. by youth." End ID.
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ID: all slides except the first have a dashed-line white border around the slide. the second slide is titled "welcome!" in blue text on a white rectangle. the rest of the slide has blue text on a white background that reads, "hey! we're better future program (BFP)! founded in 2016 in bulbancha (so-called new orleans, louisiana, usa), we are an entirely youth-run registered nonprofit [globe emoji]
our mission is to globally expand peer-led political education, support, and imagination for marginalized youth!
we actually achieve this goal through offering 3,000+ free resources through our liberation library, providing 60+ youth with the leadership roles and tools to host their very own social justice teach-ins, 24/7 peer support through our discord server, mutual aid-based fundraising campaigns, and so much more to come! [speaking emoji].” in the bottom right corner, the number 1 is circled. End ID.
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ID: the third slide is titled "guiding principles" in blue text on a white rectangle. the subtitle reads "what sort of values guide our work?" in blue text on a white rectangle. the rest of the slide has blue text on white backgrounds which reads, "[chick emojil youth-centricity [arrow] we understand youth as an oppressed class and thus we center the voices of youth in everything that we do!
[fist emoji] self-liberation [arrow] all volunteers should be at the forefront of their own liberation. allies are meant to uplift, not overstep
[window emoji] transparency [arrow] staying open and honest about all BFP-related actions and intentions
[check emoji] accountability [arrow] holding ourselves and our peers responsible, with an eye to fairness regarding capabilities and knowledge". in the bottom right corner, the number 2 is circled. End ID.
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ID: the fourth slide is titled "guiding principles" in blue text on a white rectangle. the subtitle reads "just a few more! keep going!" in blue text on a white rectangle. the rest of the slide has blue text on white backgrounds which reads, "[equal sign emoji] horizontality [arrow] valuing the decision-making abilities of our volunteers and thus, fostering power alongside one another rather than over each other
[hug emoji] community [arrow] valuing the impact of a shared story, collaboration, and an effective, non-carceral support system
[woman emoji] intersectionality [arrow] recognizing how various aspects of a person's social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege". in the bottom right corner, the number 3 is circled. End ID.
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ID: the fifth slide is titled "core beliefs" in blue text on a white rectangle. the subtitle reads "we wholeheartedly believe in and support:" in blue text on a white rectangle. the rest of the slide's text is a list, starting with red text at the top, with each list item changing to another colour of the rainbow until the list ends with red again.
The list reads: "the right to organize, youth liberation, religious liberty, climate action, gender equity, bodily autonomy, abolition, anti-authoritarianism, educational equity, anti-racism, disability justice, decolonization, queer/lgbtq+ liberation, fat liberation, caste abolition, anti capitalism.”
at the bottom of the slide, blue text on a white background reads "[magnifying glass emoji] betterfutureprogram.org/about-bfp". in the bottom right corner, the number 4 is circled. End ID.
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ID: the sixth slide is titled "our structure" in blue text on a white rectangle. the rest of the slide has blue text on white backgrounds which reads, "BFP reinforces our principle of horizontality through committees! each committee forms its own interdependent goals and initiatives to fulfill which are discussed during international, weekly meetings via zoom [film camera emoji].
additionally, we use 'consensus-based decision making', in which every concern is acknowledged before moving forward
this horizontal structure also allows for more flexibility and adaptability in terms of our roles! this doesn't mean there aren't challenges, of course, but we think those challenges are worth the benefits! [green heart emoji]”. in the bottom right corner, the number 5 is circled. End ID.
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ID: the seventh slide is titled "upcoming" in blue text on a white rectangle. the subtitle reads "what we've been working on lately [hand clapping emoji]" in blue text on a white rectangle. the rest of the slide has blue text on white backgrounds which reads, "we're in the process of starting global liberation schools, inspired by Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, the Black Panther Party's Oakland Community School, and Huey P. Newton's theory of ractionary and revolutionary intercommunalism.
and we've already got 3 schools in the making! look out for BFP in washington, dcand new orleans, la in the united states as well as sydney, nsw in australia! [australian flag emoji]
if you're confused about any of those names/titles/theories above or want to start political education classes near you, join us (& bring a friend!) [smiling covering mouth emoji]". in the bottom right corner, the number 6 is circled. End ID.
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the eighth slide is titled "getting involved" in blue text on a white rectangle. the slide has blue text on white backgrounds which reads, "1) BFP is always looking for new youth volunteers to uplift and empower. if you're 25 or younger, you may be eligible for a leadership position! application in our bio!
2) if you still want to get involved but with fewer responsibilities, we've also got a general volunteers committee just for you! same application, same bio [hand holding pencil emoji]
3) if you don't have the time or capacity? don't worry! we'll still be here. instead, you can interact with our international community via discord! we've got game nights, cultural presentations, study sessions, and more, so feel free to join us! ([link emoji] in bio. again. lol)". in the bottom right corner, the number 7 is circled. End ID.
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ID: the ninth slide is titled "donate" in blue text on a white rectangle. the subtitle reads "feeling a lil generous? [looking eyes emoji]" in blue text on a white rectangle. the rest of the slide has blue text on white backgrounds which reads, "we're now accepting donations! your gift will go towards promotional and material resources for our teach-ins, supporting artists of color, our mutual aid network, and even creating paid internships in the future!"
below, blue text with a dark blue outline reads "scan the qr code.” it's beside a qr code.
below, blue text on a white background reads "EIN: 88-2043966.”
[magnifying glass emoji] betterfutureprogram.org/donate". in the bottom right corner, the number 8 is circled. End ID.
Welcome, welcome! We'd like to reintroduce ourselves, especially with such an exciting initiative on the way! BFP (@bfpnola) is starting GLOBAL liberation schools and we'd love your support. Get the word out! And if anyone ever asks, "Oh, what's BFP? What are they working on?," just send them this post! 🤍
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shayne-the-sage · 2 months
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Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re someone with a lot of voting power.
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polar-artist · 29 days
Dear friends
thanks to your donations and participation, we are approaching the halfway point of the goal, with only less than €950 left.
I hope to reach it today with your participation and donations.
Dude, this is actually amazing news!! I hope you are able to reach the goal today, and if not today then as soon as possible! Free Palestine!!! 🇵🇸🍉💗
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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chaithetics · 4 months
Free Palestinian Films!
Hello Tumblr besties! Here's some links for films about Palestine, set in Palestine, and some films by Palestinian filmmakers. These sites have films that are free/accessible, one link does list some films that aren't available/but are on streaming services depending on region. Free Palestine!!! 🖤❤️🤍💚
Palestine Films - an archive of numerous Palestinian films and documentaries.
Palestine Film Institute - Streams and makes numerous Palestinian films accessible, and was set up by Palestinian filmmakers to share and preserve Palestinian filmmaking.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Lists of films which include some links to free films and other free resources.
Arab Film & Media Institute (Palestinian Voices series) - Regularly hosts free online film events and collections, currently has a collection for the 76th Nakba anniversary that's available to watch till the 21st of May.
The Palestinian Al-Falastini (1977) - An influential and important documentary about the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO).
Occupied Palestine (1981) - Another important documentary that was heavily censored and threatened upon release.
Kanopy - A great streaming service that is free and accessible via your public library and/or university! Has a pretty broad range of films and depending on your region it will have Palestinian films and documentaries - it's a great service to have and it's important to support and access library resources!
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sunbeamedskies · 5 months
People on here spreading propaganda that the Iranian government is good...stop.
You are hurting Iranians, Jews, Muslims, Arabs, and more.
The Iranian government does not give a fuck about Palestine. All they are interested in is spreading their power and influence across the Middle East. They even hurled missiles at Al-Aqsa Mosque, which potentially could have destroyed or damaged it if the Iron Dome didn't exist. The only seriously injured victim in Israel was a 7 year old Muslim Bedouin girl. Many Arab countries understand how dangerous the Iranian government is and intercepted some of their missiles.
Iranians have been screaming at the top of their lungs that they don't want war and they are tortured and murdered by their government, but your desire to view the Middle East as a sports match makes you want to root for anyone who is against Israel. The Iranian government literally hosted a Holocaust denial convention in 2006 which included David Duke, one of the former leaders of the KKK. They are not against the Israeli government for the right reasons, but for antisemitic ones. The growing antisemitism in Iran due to their rule drove out thousands of Iranian Jews, many whose only option was to move to Israel.
Please do research before spewing ignorant bullshit that harms everyone. There is no shame in admitting you were misinformed. Peoples' lives are worth more than your bruised ego.
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
Support Miss Rachel
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