#endo c
kathegoose · 10 months
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Endo Slumber Party!
An another request... that I foolishly decided to do on mspaint, one of the tackiest art programs imaginable (aside from like tux paint idk)
Left to right: Justin (Endo-C), Reginald (Game Tester Endo), Tom (someone's OC), Mimic, and Tina from the fnaf movie :)
I like to think that this was supposed to be a guys' night, but after Arnold (another name for the movie endo??? afaik) couldn't come to the party, he sent his sister Tina. Justin & Tom aren't so delighted. (they think girls are gross and icky)
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myrmidon-hearts · 4 months
“the other day” means either today or 6 years ago. no inbetween
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mentallystrawberry · 4 months
Shout out to the other chronically mentally ill systems who’s disorders and traumas have severely impacted your quality of life and functioning
shout out to polyfragmented or complex and highly complex did systems
shout out to the systems who are RAMCOA survivors, childhood sexual abuse survivors, or childhood torture survivors
shout out to systems diagnosed with other comorbid mental disorders
shout out specifically to systems with BPD🫂
shout out to systems who have lost relationships with people because of your mental health
shout out to the systems struggling with substance abuse issues or addiction
shout out to the systems who’ve been in and out of mental hospitals
shout out to fellow black systems and other poc systems with many intersecting marginalized identities
shout out to systems who can’t attend in real life school or are graduating late due to their mental health
shout out to the systems who can’t get a job or a drivers license
shout out to the systems who lost their childhood and teenage years due to constant mental health struggles
shout out to systems who have to take multiple medications for their disorders
shout out to the lonely systems who can hardly ever leave their homes and build friendships
shout out to the systems that struggle with the scars their sh addictions leave
shout out to systems who can’t take care of themselves without needing support
try to keep in mind that you are not the average persons, so we shouldn’t expect ourselves to be able to function just like the average person would. know you are all loved and are trying your best to navigate a society that wasn’t designed with poc and disabled or neurodivergent people in mind. i wish you systems the bestest recovery possible and i’m sending much love and support.
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sysboxes · 8 months
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[Text: This system is primarily male/male aligned.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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thethornzsystem · 3 months
A message to endogenics:
Please for the love of god STOP posting on our tags! The #systempunk tag exsists because of Endos like you who keep stealing/posting in our tags!
You guys claim to not steal our tags, but then you do exactly that. It hasn’t even been a WEEK sense the tag has been created and you guys have already infiltrated the tag!
#Systempunk is STIRCTLY anti-endo. The same thing goes for its shorter version: #Syspunk. It amazes me how much you guys not only spread misinformation, but also disrespect ACTUAL systems!!! You need repeated/severe trauma to be a system! Take a SNIFF of the DSM-5 and you would know that! It literally says in the DSM-5 that if the symptoms that the patient is experiencing is because of religious beliefs or any other reason BESIDES TRUAMA, then DID/OSDD should not be diagnosed. Don’t believe me? You can go look it up yourself; Google is free.
So please- just stop stealing/posting in our tags, and please stop spreading misinformation. That shit is fucking dangerous. Especially to younger people who may just be figuring out that they’re a system.
-Alex Mason
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polyfrag-mess · 3 months
Please, please, do not listen to what Sophie has to say
Nobody is going after you. You are safe. Nobody is going to go after your family, or your friends. I understand the things she said are scary and hurtful and dangerous, but it's just to scare you. You are going to be okay
Please, take care of yourselves out there
- Vash
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manyeyed-cataclysm · 3 months
I think the wider sysblr community as a whole would benefit significantly if endos realized that a lot of us anti endos don’t want to kill their entire bloodline and debunk every single bit of why they’re wrong. I don’t have time for that. I just don’t want to look at stupid people on my dash
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sistematraumado · 4 months
Ways I call the alters of my system:
The babies
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one-without-a-name · 1 year
maybe it's just me but I'm so tired of seeing autistic headcanons for characters that clearly have a personality disorder instead. we really are invisible aren't we
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sirenium · 6 months
If your trauma caused you to split, then you were traumatized 'enough' to be traumagenic/have DID, OSDD or what have you. Trauma isn't always from a parent: it can be peer bullying/shunning, sibling abuse, near death experiences, experiencing death of a loved one or even a stranger, medical trauma, etc.
I will go one step further and say that if your system experience isn't purely traumagenic, and you're pushed out of supposed safe spaces because of it, don't feel pressured to change the labels that feel right for y'all. I have half a heart to not post this in traumagenic tags, because SO MANY traumagenic systems are anti endo it seems. But mixed origin systems exist, endo systems exist, non-disordered traumagenic systems exist, etc and plurality is such a large umbrella of different experiences (even yours!).
You're doing nothing wrong by existing.
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Having AvPD is like: I’m so open, everyone knows everything about me. That’s terrifying, everyone must hate how much I share. God I feel so exposed I feel sick. And the last time you opened up to someone was October of 2021 when you told your mom you were a little stressed.
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kathegoose · 10 months
Some more Justin-related doodles because I missed him a lot lot...almost 2 years of justin....
(his bday is 31st december‼️)
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happy justin!!!
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a tad flirty justin!!!
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and TERRY! I finally found out what his name was :) he's the miserable little fourth wheel to the justin group, he needs a hug
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doomsdayradio · 2 years
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the systems journey of discovery has certainly been interesting
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sysboxes · 8 months
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[Text: This system splits fictives easily due to being autistic.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
autism creature art by: @/magentasnail
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thethornzsystem · 3 months
Us: We’re stressed.
“Just clear your mind! :D”
Us: There is 106+ of us in this bitch and they’re never going away, this shit is never gone be cleared out.
-Raúl Menéndez
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polyfrag-kero · 7 months
i love all the alters in our system
even the ones that are violent, or severely traumatized, or have unhealthy habits to cope with trauma, or who want to have our abusers back in our life for one reason or another, or ones that can't sleep at night due to paranoia, or have panic attacks at every little trigger
no matter their role or what they've been through, i love them. we've all been through so much, and im so so proud of everyone in the system
- 🐀
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