#eve also trying to avoid getting triggered !
bright-and-burning · 7 months
everything SUCKS nobody TAGS anything and i am sick as a DICK
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Ooh may I request some yan hcs for Adam with Angel! Darling who dislikes him?
I honestly like this idea due to how Adam is... here's my thoughts. @okchijt also helped with some ideas in this :)
Yandere! Adam with Angel! Darling who doesn't like him
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Narcissism, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Condescending behavior, Stalking, Implications of intimacy, Mind break, Forced relationship.
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Adam is a rather egotistical and self-centered character.
He expects others to worship him due to being the first man.
He's unsympathetic and expects others to essentially bow to him.
He no doubt tries to get with every angel that comes into Heaven.
He really does think he's just 'all that'.
He can pull any angel he wants.
Except you, apparently.
Your plan once entering Heaven is enjoying your afterlife.
Then suddenly you meet Adam, someone who has now made it his goal to pester you.
It's honestly not hard to hate him.
He can be annoying and often makes things about himself.
Your first meeting isn't that great as he immediately tried to flirt and bed you.
You rejecting his offer is almost humbling to him.
How... How dare you...?
Adam would have trouble accepting your decision.
Normally people immediately get on their knees for THE First Man.
But you?
No, you push him away and walk past him like he's hot garbage!?
He's insulted by your audacity.
A good challenge couldn't hurt, could it?
Yeah, rejecting Adam only makes him want you more.
After all, having other angels bow for him is nice and all...
But the thought of winning you over, of "courting" you?
He feels it'll make his win even more exciting.
Which leads to your time in Heaven often disrupted by Adam.
He refuses to leave you.
He pursues you because he just doesn't believe you couldn't want him.
Plus, he hates the idea that he needs you... but you don't need him.
Your rejection reminds him of his previous partners.
Deep down he yearns for that same genuine attraction he had with Lilith and Eve.
Then they left him... leaving him alone.
He hates feeling that pathetic.
Now with you rejecting him, the one he realizes he feels that same soft love with...
He can't deal with that rejection again.
How DARE you make him INSECURE!
As a result, he is determined to make you his.
He follows you around, inviting you on outings, and he even turns his attention away from other angels.
Why would he want anyone else?
He has his eyes on a much better prize.
You can try to avoid him all you want.
He'll find a way to follow you again.
I imagine Adam is relentless with flirting, all in an attempt to get you to like him.
As you can tell, he hates being told no.
He's so used to getting what he wants that he's just oblivious to why you don't like him.
In fact, it may start getting to him after a bit.
Courting you drives Adam insane.
He just... doesn't get it...?
At first he just thinks you're playing hard to get.
That's fine, he likes that.
Although, his patience only goes on for so long.
There's a point where he doesn't want to play this game anymore.
You should stop with the act... you know you like him~!
Why don't you just make up... maybe even bang, wink wink~?
Yet when you stand your ground and tell him off, he pauses.
Oh... you're serious!?
He's just... stunned...
"Oh, come on, baby... I can show you a good time! You don't really hate me... do you?"
Honestly, if you tell him off he sees it as... feisty.
It only makes him want you more.
Unfortunately, the more you turn him down, the more he gets irritated... yet also desperate.
He hates that he can't have you.
Who do you think you are? Some pure angel?
Oh please... you're both humans, why not indulge?
He's prideful but I think he can break at some point.
Fine, do you want him to beg?
God, you're such a handful.
If he was desperate enough then he'd probably try to win you over by being... nicer.
He hates that he has to be so pathetic but at this point he just wants one taste.
You'd make this man depraved if you neglected him.
He's possessive, hovering around you even if you don't like him.
Fine, don't like him.
He'll find a way to make you like him.
He's ADAM. The first damn MAN.
If you don't like him now, he isn't trying hard enough.
He'd cling to you, he lives off your attention, he'll do anything just to have you.
No other angel matters, Lute's concerned for his obsession, but he wants you too bad to care.
So, overall, if Adam's obsession didn't like him it would break him over time.
He starts wondering if you like making him suffer.
How sadistic for an angel! (he's one to talk-)
You aren't trying to break him.
You just want to enjoy Heaven, not be courted by Adam.
Even with him clinging to you as your feet, begging you to just praise him at least... you still won't like him.
That drives Adam to insanity...
He starts to think Lilith and Eve were right... and he hates it.
Your rejection makes him topple over the edge and break.
He really can't get you out of his head now...
But he'll get you to like him eventually, right? He needs that...
He just needs to show you what you're missing.
"Babe~ You can't ignore me forever! You're stuck here with me. Why won't you let me welcome you properly?"
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cakerybakery · 5 months
To further the After Eden idea of Lucifer/Lilith/Adam/Eve having adventures on untamed Earth.
I would give Adam an axe as a weapon/tool. He’d be more the fighter/protector of the group as one of the strongest in it. He’d use it of course for normal axe stuff, chopping wood, makeshift hammer, can’t think of a third thing. But also against wild animals trying to eat them. Plus he uses a guitar or axe as a weapon in the show so it’s fitting.
He’s a bit more likely to stick around camp when they make camp. He’ll explore with everyone else but he’s not prone to going off alone, at least not very far. He was created to be the first man and protector, it makes him uneasy if he can’t quickly get back to the group he low key thinks of as his to keep safe. But he has a disproportional sense of danger.
He’s over confident in himself and under confident in everyone else. He lacks a sense of danger about terrain, particularly if they’re in a group as he’s overly confident he can keep them safe from a few rocks or a little bit of water. But if someone is doing something by themselves, even mildly dangerous, it freaks him out.
A half rotting log over a river? It’s fine. Eve in a tree? PANIC!!
Eve I think would have a cast iron pot. Lucifer used a good deal what was left of his power to make it for her. It’s heavy but she won’t let anyone carry it for her as she feels it’s special since Lucifer had to use up so much of his powers to make it. It helps keep them all fed as she now can make stews or boil oats, roast foods too. It’s more versatile than just roasting on a stick or eating things raw. If she figures out bread she could make some in it too. Plus it packs a wallop.
She’s a bit of a gather by nature and does tend to wander off or climb stupidly high just to reach possible food. Adam practically has a full time job keeping an eye on her. He is easily goaded into getting things for her when he says that’s it’s too dangerous.
“But I need that fruit for breakfast tomorrow. I’m sure my big strong protector can get it for me if it’s too dangerous for little old me.”
“Darn rights I can! Just watch me!” … “wait, how did I get in this tree??”
Lilith would rather avoid danger at all costs, not just for the group as a whole but to avoid putting Lucifer in a position that might trigger his anxiety. She carries a spear/trident. Mostly it gets used for fishing. I’m not sure which I prefer she has so I’m thinking she has both. She tried to use a spear for fishing but the fish too easily slipped off so she and Eve developed the trident to hook fish. But the spear is better for protection. She uses a sharp rock for the spear as it lasts longer in a fight but the trident is wooden and carved since that’s easier to replace or fix if she smashes it against a rock trying to fish.
She thinks Adam is too protective. She can take care of herself, thank you very much, and so can Eve. They don’t need Adam hovering all the time. And then immediately hovers over her tiny husband.
Lucifer doesn’t really want a weapon. He’s just as strong as Adam, having been reduced to a mere mortal man (mostly). Which is still hella strong as the only mortal man is Adam, he just doesn’t look it and is incredibly weak compared to how he was as an angel.
He has a bow and arrow, he was a cherubim according to one version of the bible and in modern times we tend to associate cherubs with cupid and bows and arrows so I thought it was fitting. It also gives him a long distance attack which I think would be similar enough to his angelic powers that he’s more comfortable with it than Lilith’s spear or Adam’s axe.
Most of his powers have been reduced to some fire starting and mild healing. He tends to be more of a support role.
Adam looks at him and goes, “you’re a tiny guy, you should stay here with Eve.”
Lilith looks at him and goes, “you’re too sensitive for this, why don’t you sit this one out.”
Eve looks at him and goes, “do it anyways.” Partly to get him out of her ‘kitchen’ and partly because she knows he’s not as weak and helpless as the other two think. He’s an angel for goodness sake, wings or no wings. He’s just as strong as Adam, he has some of his powers left, he’s way more resilient than the three of them, and he’s not going to get better mentally if everyone treats him like some delicate little flower.
It’s one thing not to purposely upset Lucifer, it’s another to act like they can shelter him from the fact that Earth is wild and dangerous and they will on occasion be in danger and they’ll get hurt, this is what they signed up for when they decided to tell heaven to fuck off.
And because I forgot this bit last time. Lilith and Lucifer are married. Adam and Eve are married. But Adam and Lilith sleep with both Lucifer and Eve but not each other, much. At least not one on one and she doesn’t want to get pregnant by Adam so that’s 100% out. Lucifer and Eve sleep with Adam and Lilith, but not each other, much. They’re more a friends with benefits type thing.
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typicalopposite · 2 months
𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙸 𝚃𝚛𝚢 𝚃𝚘 𝙵𝚕𝚢 (𝙸 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕)
BuckTommy Fic | M | Chapter 4/7 | 6263 words
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | ao3
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛: 𝙸'𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 (𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍)
Buck has sat in the same seat— tucked away in the farthest corner of the ICU lobby— for so long he has lost track of time. He finally thinks to check his watch. It’s late. Really late… So late, it’s technically early. He hasn’t slept, or eaten, or scrolled through his phone. Just sat and stared off into space… torturing himself with the repeating visions and words that have been haunting him, honestly since Gerard first mentioned Jay. 
The 118 has long since had to leave. Most of them have shifts tomorrow. Buck has a shift tomorrow, but Bobby told him he’d better not see him in that station, regardless. “You can leave here, but the only place you’d better go is back to your apartment,” he’d said. 
Bobby likely knew, even if Buck wanted to leave—even if the 217 all rallied together to collectively force him to leave—he would never actually walk out of that hospital until he knew for certain Tommy was going to be okay; or at least until he woke up. The likelihood of either feels slimmer with each passing hour. Most of the 217 have also left, having to go get ready for their own shift, or to get sleep for one the next day. Buck is eventually left alone with Lucy, Morris and Sal; which one of the three depends on whoever is not in the room with Tommy. 
Right now, it’s Sal, and the two have been very clearly trying to avoid each other's eye since he came out of Tommy's room and sat down on the opposite side of the lobby. Buck picks at some skin around his nails, careful to not pick too much lest he ends up doing more damage to his hands; he’d love to not have to deal with Mama Hen on that when she eventually ends up back at the hospital (likely to check on him, as much as Tommy). He makes himself stop and goes back to strumming his fingers on his knees, and looking at the TV so it appears he’s watching it. 
There’s a deep sigh, coming from suspiciously close to where Sal is sitting. Then out of Buck’s peripherals he sees Sal stand up and start towards him. Great… Buck thinks, and has half a mind to get up and leave. Not because he thinks Sal is coming to put more blame on him; if anything Sal has taken up for him against people on the 217 who have tried to attack him. It’s just—and maybe this is a little selfish… a little childish—the last kiss Tommy had, might ever have, was with Sal. Buck still isn’t sure how he feels about that… He knows he has no right to feel anything about it. But he does. Regardless of hearing from everyone (and probably about to hear it from Sal as well) that he is straight and the kiss was his impulsive attempt to help fix Buck and Tommy’s problems. 
“Heya Ev— er Buck… it’s Buck right?” Buck lifts his eyes to meet Sal’s… The man looks as exhausted as Buck feels. “You mind?” Sal asks, gesturing to the empty seat beside him. He’s not a hundred percent sure he doesn’t mind; but he shifts over and shakes his head anyway. Sal sits down and for a moment Buck thinks they’re just going to sit in silence. Perhaps he just didn’t want to sit alone. Buck can relate… but he deserves to be alone, Sal doesn't. “So— uh— what’cha watchin’?” 
Buck looks back at the TV; it’s some game show. “Family feud… I think.” 
“Ahh… that’s cool. Cool, cool, cool…” Sal nods, and shifts in the seat awkwardly. This is all so awkward. Buck wishes he would just spit out what he’s come to say, before they both get an ulcer from the anticipation. “Listen… I uh— I want to apologize…”
“Sal, you don’t—”
“No. I really do,” Sal says firmly. He turns to look at Buck and his eyes are puffy and red; Buck is kind of jealous he’s actually been able to cry about the whole situation… Meanwhile he feels ready to explode from withholding his emotions. He swallows around the lump in his throat and waits for Sal to continue. “I just— I wanted to help him out, ya know. He’s my best friend… and I don’t think I have ever seen him so happy, as he was with you… or— or as broken up as he was without. You— you meant the world to him… ” Sal stiffens his jaw. “S- sorry— it wasn’t my place, I know. I just wanted to help, and I only fucked it up worse.” 
There’s a part of Buck that wants to take him up on the blame. He could just hand it over and let Sal shoulder it, at least for a while. He could lash out like so many have on him. He can’t stop the weak laugh before it bubbles up and comes out. “It’s not your fault, Sal.” Buck says. “Sure, maybe the kiss hurt to see… but I deserved the wake up call of thinking I’d lost him to someone else. Someone way better.”
That pulls a laugh out of Sal. He loosens up a little and runs a hand roughly over his face. “Thanks for the flattery, kid… but— uh, I’m not exactly an upgrade. Hell, I don’t even know why he’s kept me around . I mean… I was right there with the people who kept him trapped in the closet for so long.” He sighs and glances over guiltily at Buck. “Even when I started to have suspicions, I didn’t let up on how I acted. Hell, maybe I was even worse… because— because I made myself believe that since he was doing it too—making the jokes, using the names— the slurs—that even if he was, he must be cool with it. I knew deep down that was bullshit, but I just couldn’t bring myself to bring it up. I guess I was scared things would change— he would change. Doesn’t make it any better… didn’t make it any less a slap to the face when I realized he never was comfortable enough to tell me.”
“He never told you?” 
Sal shook his head. “We hadn't spoken much after Bobby transferred me out of the 118, and I just happened upon him one night on a date…” he says. “Worst part… I knew it was a date. I saw how they looked at each other; definitely not how you look at just a friend… and I still made it seem like I thought they were just… out for a beer. Brought up the last girl he’d said he was dating back before Bobby had me transferred. I watched how awkward it made the poor guy he was there with… and a selfish part of me still hoped he’d go along with it.”
“Did— did he,” Buck asks. He feels like there’s a knife in his chest twisting a hole into his heart at the similarity to his first date with Tommy. He feels sick. 
“No. He excused himself from the table and asked to speak to me alone. He told me he was on a date, and then he made it very clear that if I wasn’t okay with that, he’d understand… and that he wouldn’t preach to me about acceptance just to keep me around. If I couldn’t accept him, then it was nice knowing me.” Sal laughs. “And all I could think was, same old Tommy; doesn’t sugar coat anything.” 
“But you did… accept him, you two got close again.” 
“We did. It was a little different at first, but I had grown a lot since working under Gerard… and even more after Bobby put me in my place. It wasn’t long and it was just like old times— minus, you know… all the racist, sexist, bullshit stuff. It was better even.” Sal smiles, “He’s a great guy, a great friend… he didn’t mean for this to hurt you, Buck.” 
“He didn’t hurt me… I hurt him!” Buck says, and Sal gives him a sympathetic look. “I— I was just so sure there were no secrets between us…” Buck continues. “I thought that even though he hadn’t told me much about his past… it was just because there wasn’t much to tell. Then Gerard— and I couldn’t stop thinking about it… and it turns out it wasn’t even anything he’d done wrong… I just kept telling myself it was… until I believed it. I’m so stupid—” 
“You’re not stupid Buck,” Sal says; Buck scoffs. “Tommy understands why you were curious. He isn’t mad that you went looking for answers and he regrets not telling you when you first asked. There is just— There’s so much to that story… So much more than just some old articles… It was a really hard time for him… and he had to go through most of it alone…” Sal looks towards Tommy’s room and sighs. “Now— god, now we’re here, and it’s like time is repeating itself. He wouldn’t want you to be going through this alone…” 
Buck deflates. He deserves to be alone—he knows Sal won’t want to hear any of that, though. He just doesn’t respond, and Sal doesn’t say anything else; the lobby falls back into mostly silence, save for the beeping coming from patients' rooms. 
Tommy’s door opens and Morris walks out. He looks over to where Sal and Buck are sitting, his brows pulling together in confusion (surely as to why Sal is sitting with the enemy). Sal sighs, gives Buck an apologetic look, and pushes to his feet, walking over to Morris. They talk for a while, low enough that Buck can’t hear them. Morris gives Buck one final glare, then leaves. 
Sal watches after him until he’s inside the elevator, before he goes into Tommy’s room, and Buck is once again alone. It’s only a short while, though, before Sal comes back out and Lucy is with him. Her arms are crossed tight over her chest; she looks tired, and she seems to have just stopped crying. Sal stalls by Tommy’s door, but Lucy crosses the room towards Buck; again he braces himself, this time it is for an attack. 
“Hey— um, do you think you can… sit with him,” she asks, nodding her head back towards the room. 
Logically Buck knows who she means, he still replies, “With Sal?”, anyway. 
“No…” Lucy says, rolling her eyes. “With— with Tommy. I don’t want him to be in there alone… in— in case he…” Her lip begins to tremble. And she quickly covers her mouth. 
“In case he wakes up,” Sal says, speed walking over to wrap an arm around Lucy’s back. “Just in case he wakes up.” He says it more so like he’s trying to make her believe it; possibly make himself believe it. “We won’t be long, just taking her home to finally get changed out of this uniform.” 
“Mrs. K should be here soon, anyway…” Lucy adds. Buck wonders if she still believes he doesn’t truly want to be there. 
Buck looks towards Tommy’s room; he couldn’t even look through the door as he passed to get across the lobby to his seat… How is he going to sit in there? He could say no. Hell, maybe he should say no… He’s nothing but a bad omen, and they are just going to prop him up like a cursed object next to his latest victim? “O- okay…” he says anyway, breaking his eyes away from them, and pushing up from the chair he has been glued to for the past— he doesn’t even know how long. 
Lucy actually smiles at him; nothing too friendly, more so of appreciation. Sal reaches out and squeezes his shoulder. Then they are gone. 
And he is once again alone.
Except he’s walking towards Tommy’s room and, in a way, in there he won’t be alone, will he? He stops just shy of the door, looks around at the nurses sitting in their stations. (Gotta keep it together, Buckley… gotta suck it up and just do this. You owe him that much.) He grabs the door handle, and pushes it in, preemptively biting the insides of his jaws as he steps inside. 
The lights are dimmed, probably to help the headaches he’s sure everyone who has been in the claustrophobia-inducing room, sitting in the little uncomfortable chairs have gotten throughout the day. There’s a concoction of scents floating around the air. They mix together putridly; they smell like death. Buck wonders if it’s because the reaper himself is lingering unseen in the room… just waiting for the perfect time. 
He pointedly avoids the bed; he can’t look there, not yet. 
The room’s small so he doesn’t have much else to look at. Loud machines that are keeping Tommy alive. A patient’s board with the nurses and doctors names that are keeping Tommy alive… A TV Tommy can’t use; a window Tommy can look out; a table Tommy can’t eat the terrible hospital food at. A chair next to Tommy’s bed… Buck chooses the one further away (and pulls it even further into the corner of the room) but when he turns around to sit down he does catch a glimpse of Tommy. 
Maybe he meant to. 
Maybe it was just another subconscious way he could hurt himself for hurting Tommy.
And boy, does what he sees hurt… 
He thinks of all the horror he has seen since becoming a firefighter. He thinks of the people he’s lost. The lives that he wasn’t able to save. How he dwells on each of them for a little while, and then tucks them away, because that’s the job. Par for the course, just like he told Gerard. He knows he’s done all he could do. It wasn’t always that easy of course but he learned how to manage the guilt… he wouldn’t have lasted this long if he hadn’t. 
But some losses are more… personal. Did Kinard tell you about his?
Buck thinks of his personal losses—or rather his personal near losses, because in reality he hasn’t lost anyone close to him… yet. 
He nearly lost Maddie. That was terrifying. Then Eddie got shot… another close call that worked out in the end. Then just so recently with Bobby…
But this—this—is different. This is Tommy. Big, strong, brave Tommy. Sweet, kind, loving Tommy. Even if his face is so swollen and discolored it looks nothing like him. There's so many wires, and so much of him is wrapped up in bandages or cast. He tries to break his eyes away— he needs to break his eyes away. He can barely even see him from the tears welling up. 
What have I done…
He thinks of the last thing he said to Tommy. I’ll see you around. So sarcastically played on the end to their disastrous first date… 
He thinks of what Tommy said just before he left. How he apologized.  As if he had even done anything wrong… When it was Buck who let Gerrard get in his head. Buck, who went digging into Tommy’s past after everyone told him not to. Buck, who took what he found and used it as a weapon against Tommy in an attempt to get some kind of validation for his fragile and damaged feelings. 
And Tommy still apologized. He even offered—begged really—to tell him everything. He was willing to rip open a wound he had spent years closing for Buck to just leave him standing on the sidewalk anyway.
Tommy loved Buck like he was the center of his universe, like he could hardly go a moment without him… They were truly the greatest love story Buck could have ever thought up for himself… and look at what Buck did. 
Lucy was right… he doesn’t deserve Tommy.
I’ll tell you everything… Baby, I can’t live like this— without you. -September 19
I would have actually cared about making it back in one piece… or making it back at all. -September 28
I wish I had been enough of a reason for you… -August 8, 2010
Man jumps from bridge into LA Harbor late Tuesday afternoon.  -August 15, 2010
My forever <3
He blinks back the tears and walks towards the door— runs, actually. He needs air, and suddenly there is none left in the room. He steps outside and gasps, sucking in sharp breaths and shakily blowing them back out. The nurses look up from their station, and he attempts a smile. He doesn’t really care that it’s definitely not convincing. 
He should leave. Why is he even here? There is a chance Tommy isn’t going to wake up—the thought digs into his chest, sharp and jagged, causing it to seize up and ache—and even if he does… Buck is not the person he needs to see. 
He can’t leave though. The elevator is just to his left, and he walks over to the coffee bar instead. His hands are vibrating as he pours himself a cup and brings it to his mouth. 
“Evan?” A soft voice says behind him; startling him enough he spills some of the hot liquid down his chin, hissing from the burn. Buck turns around and is met with a warm smile—much too warm, given who it’s aimed at—and kind, tired, red rimmed eyes. Tommy’s mom takes a step towards him, reaching out for his hands which she grips tightly, using them to pull him down into a strong hug. “Oh, how I wish this wasn’t how we finally met,” she says swaying him back and forth; all he can do is cling to her body and try to hold himself together. She hooks an arm around Bucks when she finally lets him go and looks towards Tommy’s room. “Have we heard anything new?” 
Buck tries to find his voice; apparently he left it in the room with Tommy… Good thing—actually, it’s definitely not a good thing—she is leading him right back in there. She stops just before the door when he still hasn’t answered, looks up at him with so much concern it takes the breath, he’d finally got back, away. 
“Oh, sweetpea,” she says, reaching up to cup his face. “Look at me… coming in here and bombarding you like this. You're probably exhausted and I’m asking you questions.” Buck stares down at her like she can’t possibly be real. He has passed out from lack of sleep, and dreamed up this little saint of a woman who just happens to look like Tommy’s mom. There’s just no way she’s being this way with him after—well, after everything! 
“I- I- I’m— I’m fine,” he finally manages, reaching up to take her hand and squeeze it for reassurance. She gives him a look— Tommy’s look. That little head tilt, with questioning eyes. Buck laughs before he can stop himself. “I promise, I am.” He’s not. He’s really not, but he’ll be damned if this woman is going to come to see her son, who is fighting for his life, and in turn have to comfort his undeserving, fully responsible, asshole of an ex. 
He wonders if she even knows they broke up… 
Mrs. K—a name given to her back when Tommy was in school, that has stuck through everyone he introduces to her now—gives him another warm smile, then looks through the door at Tommy. She is quiet as she lets go of Buck and walks past him into the room. “Oh…” she says quietly, sitting down in the seat next to him. She takes his hand, and holds it as best as she can around the wires and tubes and bandages. 
She sucks in a sharp breath and Buck can see her shoulders start to shake. He steps into the room—maybe it’s a stupid idea for him to be comforting, but he can’t let her sit in there and grieve alone—and touches her shoulder. She startles and looks up at him. “Sorry,” he says quietly. 
“Oh, you’re such a sweet boy,” Mrs. K says, taking Buck's hand and patting it. She looks back at Tommy and strokes the back of her hand over his check. “My baby… I’m here,” she whispers and Buck gets a sudden (sickening) feeling… What if he was just waiting for her. 
There’s a knock on the opened door; It’s Lucy and Sal. “Hi, Mrs. K…” Lucy says, already misty eyed again. She looks from Tommy’s mom to Buck, and for a second looks confused—probably wonders why he’s still there, especially still in the room, if he no longer needs to be. 
Mrs. K reaches her free hand out to her and Lucy hurries over to grab it, bringing it up to her lips before wrapping her arms around the older woman. “There are so many people here for you, Tommy,” she says, laying her hand against Lucy’s cheek. “Lulu, and Sal… and of course—” Buck fully planned on stopping her from mentioning him, but Tommy’s doctor comes to the room first. 
“Dr. Murillo,” the woman introduces herself as, shaking everyone’s hands and offering a friendly enough smile once they are all out of the room. Mrs. K thanks her for taking such good care of her boy, and Dr. Murillo asks if she’s been filled in on his condition.
Mrs. K sighs, “I know he was in an accident… that he fell pretty far.” Buck feels sick listening to her retell the story he has had to tell multiple times. He tries to excuse himself—there’s no need for him here.. Mrs. K lays her hand on his arm, giving the slightest squeeze. He doesn’t miss the flash of confusion that crosses Lucy’s face again. 
Dr. Murillo nods before going over the extent of his injuries, and Buck feels even worse rehearing that. But more so he hates watching Mrs. K having to hear it. The entire time, however, she remains calm, put together… She’s so strong; Buck sees where Tommy gets it from. “Something you need to consider is the… possible… next steps. If he makes it through—”
Mrs. K puts her hand up, abruptly stopping the doctor’s speech. “With all due respect, doctor… I do understand the severity of this situation… but my Tommy is a fighter. He’s going to make it through this night— and every night— until he wakes up.” Buck feels himself nodding along to her statement. She’s right. Tommy’s so strong. He’s been through so much. He has to be okay. “So instead of if, how about we say when…”
Dr. Murillo opens her mouth, then closes it back and blinks a few times. She looks into the room at Tommy and sighs, then offers a faint smile. “Okay. When Mr. Kinard wakes up, you need to prepare yourself for what recovery will most likely look like. He is going to need extensive physical therapy, nerve therapy… It's very common for patients who come out of comas after severe accidents to need psychological therapy as well. He will have to work towards walking again, and that is no guarantee...” 
Buck's brain goes fuzzy at the mention of places to contact for wheelchairs. She says she will give Mrs. K some information once they know what style he might need—they have to wait to see his range of motion— and that he will likely need home health care, if he lives in a two story house he might need to move. Lucy informs her he doesn’t, his house is plenty big enough for a wheelchair, a hospital bed, whatever he needs. 
“So— so you’re saying he’s gonna be paralyzed?” Buck blurts out. Dr. Murillo looks from Mrs. K to Lucy and Sal, to him. 
She furrows her brows in confusion. “I’m sorry… and who are you to Mr. Kinard?”, she asks… which makes sense—seeing as he has stayed tucked away as far from Tommy’s room as he could possibly be—she wouldn’t recognize him. 
For a split second he almost says his boyfriend before he remembers he no longer has that title. He sputters trying to think of what exactly to call himself, and Mrs. K’s hold on his arm tightens. “Is that what you’re saying, Doctor?” she asks. 
Dr. Murillo sighs. “We won’t know fully until he wakes up. However, there is swelling and damage to his spinal cord; so yes, it is a possibility.” 
Mrs. K gives the doctor a small nod, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Thank you,” she says, and the doctor shakes all their hands again before walking off. 
“Would you like some coffee, Mrs. K?” Lucy asks, wrapping an arm around the older woman’s shoulders. 
“Oh that would be nice, sweetie,” Mrs. K smiles and reaches up to pay Lucy’s face. “Thank you.” She gives Buck’s arm one final squeeze before letting herself be led across the lobby to the coffee bar, Sal giving him a sympathetic look before following behind them. 
As soon as Buck is left alone in the hallway, he hurries off in the direction Dr. Murrillo went. “Hey— umm, doc,” he says once he catches up to her. “A- About what you said back there… that’s just— that's the worst case scenario right? That he’ll be paralyzed…” Buck pointedly ignores the deep sigh his question pulls from the doctor, barreling straight into his next. “What— what’s the best case scenario?”
She turns to fully face him, in her hands is Tommy’s chart and she grips it a little tighter. “Sir,” she says, her voice stern but not entirely harsh. “Mr. Kinard fell almost 30 feet, landing directly on his back. The fact he survived that at all is a miracle.” Buck takes in her words, swallows them down to be with the other thoughts and emotions he is trying to ignore. “I’m not sure of his and your relationship, but you are clearly having trouble allowing yourself to accept the severity of this situation. You have to understand this is not something he will just bounce back from. Best case scenario is going to be that he wakes up at all.” 
Buck takes that in and tries to swallow it down, but it’s just too big. He can feel tears rushing to his eyes and he thanks the doctor so he can turn away and try to stop them. The walk back down the hall to the ICU lobby feels like it takes forever. Definitely long enough to repeat the doctor's words over and over in his head. The fact that he survived… is a miracle. This is not something he is just going to bounce back from… best case scenario is… he wakes up at all. Buck feels sick. He bypasses the lobby and gets in the elevator, pushing the button for the ground floor. 
He doesn’t have his Jeep… so he calls Bobby. 
“Hey kid,” Bobby says in that soft fatherly voice Buck thinks he desperately needs right now… but definitely doesn’t deserve. “You okay?”  
Buck climbed into the passenger seat, already prepared to lie and say yes. His breath hitches before he can draw in enough air to speak. He tries to stop it but the sob rushing out of him too quickly. He digs the pads of his hands into his eyes to stop the tears but they are coming too fast, too strong. An arm wraps around his shoulder, and pulls him into as good a hug as possible over the center console. 
“I know, Buck… I know. Let it out, kid,” Bobby says and any resemblance of hold Buck has on this situation and his emotions crumbles. He sucks in another shaky breath and just lets it all go. Through sobs, and gasping for air, he tells Bobby about the grim outlook the doctor has, and tells him Tommy might be paralyzed. Bobby listens with a look of understanding and sympathy, as he keeps one hand firmly gripping Buck’s shoulder. When he’s done Bobby reaches in the back seat and grabs a bag of food. “Eat something or I’ll drag you back in there to have a feeding tube inserted.” 
Buck feels his lips twitch into a smile, and opens the bag. It’s just a sandwich, but to be fair Bobby’s sandwiches are next level, top tier… he has it eaten within a few minutes. (Could have something to do with him not even knowing when the last time he ate was… too.) 
It turns out the rangers didn’t keep his Jeep, and instead returned it to the station, as he had taken off into the forest without taking his keys. Bobby pulls into the parking lot of the 118 and parks beside the Jeep, before pulling the keys out of his pocket. “Aht,” he says before letting Buck take them. “What are you going to do once you get these?” Buck thinks on it… he was honestly just planning to drive home and wallow in self pity until he withered away. 
“Go home?” 
“Go home to sleep,” Bobby corrects. “Then what?” 
“I— I’m guessing you still won’t let me come back to work.” Bobby smirks, arching one brow. “Yeah I didn’t think so… I don’t know…” 
“Have you talked to Tommy yet?” 
Buck furrows his brows, unsure if he’d heard Bobby right. “Cap he— he’s…”
“He’s what? You talked to me, didn’t you? We all talked to you; hell you even admitted you could hear us.” Buck sighs, Bobby smiles. “I told you, you needed to talk to him and straighten all this out before you came back and I still mean that. Buck, this is— it’s serious, okay? You need to make some sort of peace with all this—with him—in case you— you don’t get another chance to.” He drops Buck’s keys into his hand, grabs his shoulder and squeezes. 
“Thanks Cap…” 
Buck walks into the hospital. 
Bobby’s gonna be pissed if he finds out he didn’t go home first. He meant to go home first. He is exhausted and still dirty (a bathroom sink with multiple people watching him to make sure he didn’t go crazy with the scrubbing again can only do so much). He pulled out of the station and just ended up back at the hospital. 
He returns to his corner chair; perhaps he can get a little sleep here. His eyes fall closed, he’s not sure for how long, then suddenly he feels warm. He feels his head being lifted from the wall, feels it being laid back down onto a crinkly pillow. He opens his eyes and sees Mrs. K. She clicks her tongue and smiles. “I really thought I could get you set up without waking you.” 
Buck blinks and looks down at himself. A blanket—one of the warmed ones the hospital offers—is draped over him, and a pillow is between his head and the wall. “You didn’t have to—”
“Oh hush with that, of course I did!” She sits down next to him and pats his leg. “You have been here all this time and I bet you haven’t got a lick of sleep.” Buck can feel eyes burrowing into him, and when he glances up at the lobby some of the 217 have returned; Morris has returned. He is glaring at Buck. “Colin,” Mrs. K says, and Morris’ eyes break from Buck to her. 
“Yes— uh, yes ma’am…”
“If there’s something you feel the need to say, please just say it, and stop wearing it across your face…” she says, bluntly. Buck is stunned, Morris is stunned, and the other firefighters… look like they might laugh. She turns her eyes to them and they all go quiet, before just sitting back down. She turns her attention back to Buck. “Alright, sweet pea, what’s all this—” she gestures wildly around his body. “—about?” 
“I don’t— I don’t deserve this…” Buck whispers. Mrs. K looks at him confused, and something inside him finally gives. “I don’t understand why— how you can be so welcoming to me after I…” He takes a deep breath and looks towards Tommy’s room. “I hurt him so bad…” he says. “How can you even look at me when I’m the reason we’re sitting here now.” 
“Did you cause the helicopter to crash?” 
“What— no… but I—” I might as well have… 
“You what? You broke up with him? You went digging and found out about Jay?” 
He feels his eyes widen. “You— you knew about that?” 
She smirks, actually smirks, squeezing Buck's hand. “Oh honey… Tommy tells me everything. He was ringing me before he even got back to his car. Saying he’d messed up, he blew it…”
Buck takes a breath, it catches in his throat and he knows he’s going to start crying. He frantically tries to blink back the tears and shakes his head. “He didn’t— it wasn’t his fault?! I messed up. I— I invaded his privacy,” he gasps. “I hacked his account. I threw it all in his face even after I saw how upset it made him the first time… everyone tried to warn me not to go digging for a reason to be angry, just like everyone told me he was spiraling… and I didn’t— I completely deserve all the hate I’m getting, I know that. I am the one who blew it…” He pulls the blanket off of him, and sets it in an open chair. “I shouldn’t even be here… he— he doesn’t need me here. I’m only making it worse being here… you’re here now… that’s what he needs, what he was waiting for.” 
Mrs. K stares at him for a while before sighing. She shifts in the seat to face Buck. “Sweetie, I know how difficult this all is for you… the guilt you’re putting on yourself… I watched Tommy do the same thing when—” she pauses, takes a breath. “He needs you here… to know you’re here,” she says, voice suddenly heavy, and trembling like she might cry. “He is not holding on for me…” she says softly, giving him a smile. “Or anyone else. He is holding on for you... He loves you so much, and he would never forgive himself in this life or the next if he put you through the heartache he had to endure.” She stares up at Buck, tears filling her tired eyes. “You don’t believe me?” 
“Oh, it’s— it’s not that…” 
Mrs. K sniffles and wipes the falling tear off her cheek. “Then, get up,” she says, standingss as, and tugging Buck up by his hand. 
“Wha— uh, what are we—”
“Come on.” 
Buck follows behind Mrs. K, who still has a firm grip on his hand, across the lobby to Tommy’s room. She lets him go at the door and walks into the room. Lucy looks up from her phone, Mrs. K asks if they can have a moment. Buck dips his head to avoid seeing the surprise look that causes. Once Lucy leaves Mrs. K beckons Buck over to Tommy’s side. Seeing him this close is hard. He’s so discolored and swollen. 
“Sit down,” she instructs, and Buck does. She lifts one of Tommy’s hands, and reaches for one of Buck’s, gently laying Tommy’s in it. 
“I don’t—”
“You shush, and you’ll see…” she says, offering him a smile before running her fingers through Tommy’s hair. “Hey baby, you know who’s here?” Buck makes a strangled noise, about to protest, and gets Mrs. K’s finger over his lips. “It’s Evan…”
Tommy squeezes. 
Buck gasps, and looks at their hands. Just like in the forest, Tommy’s hand is closed tight around his, then releases. “T- Tommy…” he says, and the hand tightens again. “Oh my god… your— you can—” Buck can feel tears pooling in his eyes. Tommy squeezes his hand again and they topple over. “I can’t believe it—” he cries. 
“I’ll give you a bit,” Mrs. K says, laying her hand on Buck’s shoulder. 
“Um… H- Hi…Hey— hey Tommy,” he starts, smiling when he feels the squeeze like a response. “I— um…” He runs his thumb over Tommy’s hand. He has half a mind to lace their fingers together… he doesn’t. “I don’t even know where to start. Sorry doesn’t cut it… you deserve so much more than that. I was wrong, I was cruel… I hurt you, and for what? To be right? To prove you were like the others… that you weren’t this amazing, wonderful, beautiful person… who only ever loved me, for me. You were the first person who loved me like I was enough…” Buck’s lip trembles, his tears fall, he lets them. They drop down and land on Tommy’s hand. It squeezes. “I don’t deserve you, I know that… and I will spend the rest of my life regretting what I did. But— But I need you to be here, so I can spend that time making it up to you, okay? And— and I will… Tommy. I will spend everyday making it up to you… forever.” 
Tommy’s hand squeezes. He takes in a deep breath, and lets out a gagged noise around his breathing tube. Buck looks up, bracing himself for the worst… what if it was him Tommy was waiting for… because wouldn’t that just be his luck if the reaper in the room used his apology as an opening to swoop in and take him. What he is met with is Tommy’s eye—the good one (i.e not the swollen one)—open and looking at him.
And for the tags <3
@bucksxkinard @30somethingautisticteacher @do-androids-dream-ao3acc @girlwonder-writes @sira1420 @kinkley-are-adorkable-flirts @somethingaboutfirefly @ilikethe-internet @itsametaphorok <3
(if you'd like to be added to the tag list just let me know 😊)
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ash-says · 6 months
How to tackle Fragmented Sleep/ Sleep disruptions :
This post is inspired and geared to help @thisisneededfmr .
Also to every one of those who are going through similar issues. It becomes extremely taxing when you can't sleep peacefully at night. You keep on waking up in between after some hours if not then suddenly you are half asleep which according to me is even more annoying. Being an insomniac or nightmares can make this condition even worse.
Sleep fragmentation can be described as frequent interruption or disruption in the normal sleep cycle. It can cause various chronic health issues as well as have repercussions on mental health.
Ways to tackle Fragmented Sleep:
1) Develop a sleep schedule:
Instead of being a night owl jump into your bed and try to sleep. It will be difficult at first but slowly and steadily you might fall asleep. Count numbers?? Try to sleep at the same time everyday. Because once it becomes a habit you will automatically feel sleepy.
2) Avoid Caffeine or any foods that result in hyperactivity:
Coffee is infamous for making you feel nervous and jittery. So avoid it before bedtime hours. Any kind of foods that result in a hyperactive nervous system cancel them out.
3) Practice relaxation techniques:
Listen to calming music, do breath work, meditate, read a nice book before you fall asleep. This might help in calming your nerves.
4) Exercise regularly and do yoga before sleeping:
The benefits of exercise are well known to us. I don't want to waste my time in convincing you about it. There are some specific yoga asanas you can do before sleeping and trust me it works like wonders. One of my friends when I used to live in a dorm made us do it and the sleep after that was just a chef's kiss.
5) Limit screen time before bed:
The radiations emitted by the phone or electronic devices disturb your sleep cycle. So try not to use your phone before you fall asleep. In fact at my home this is a rule we never sleep with the phones near us. They are kept at a great distance so that the quality of sleep is not disturbed.
6) Try not to do work or other activities in bed:
I read it somewhere on Tumblr long back please if anyone knows the blog kindly tag them in comments so I can give the reference here. It stated that you should only use your bed for sleeping as it will automatically signal your brain to sleep once you are in there.
7) Address your mental issues:
Most of the time sleep fragmentation is caused by psychological problems. Is there something you are trying to escape from? Or are you in a stressful environment? Depression? Anxiety? Adhd?etc you get my point right. Try to fix those issues. Your problem might be arising from there. Who knows.
8) Check your medicines if you are on any:
Literally!!! I am not kidding. It's really serious. Some medicines put your nervous system in hyperactive mode resulting in fragmented sleep. Check with your doctor and share these things with them. If the problem has started after you started the dosage maybe it's responsible for it.
From here the suggestions are based on personal experience with no scientific data to back it up. Use your own discernment.
9) Hug someone or something and sleep:
This works for me sometimes. If there's someone you are close to then try asking them if they would be okay to sleep while hugging you or holding you close. It's therapeutic. Plus it helps in relaxing the adrenaline in your body and brings you out of the survival mode.
10) Sleep in an open space:
Sometimes our bodies are not able to relax in a confined place. It's part of a phase especially if you have trauma related to closed areas. It can be triggering for your body and your brain might wake you up in between to look for danger. So sleeping in an open space like a balcony or something might work.
11) Keep a knife under your pillow:
I know this sounds ridiculous but it's a belief in our culture that doing it solves sleep related issues. Especially if you are having nightmares. And even if it doesn't work you have a knife to swing if someone attacks you in case. It's cool.
12) See a doctor:
When nothing of the above helps and even your own techniques that you might know it's high time you take professional help. It's not something you should ignore.
Being stated all that I really wish you a GOOD NIGHT SLEEP and pray that you overcome these issues. There are a lot of underlying causes that result in sleep fragmentation but the main one being Stress, Trauma, Emotional distress,etc.
So find a friend and vent it out if you are going through any negative state of mind. If you don't have anyone my ask box is always open. Drop a message and I will try to reach out to you as soon as I can.
Reminder: You are doing great given the circumstances. So keep fighting on and don't let anything have power over you.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
PLEASE i need Adam as a dad and having his daughter (reader) come out as transmale (FtM) because i myself have daddy issues and in desperate need of comfort
Their child come out as transmale
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Adam & Eve ]
[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
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I decided to use the term child instead of daughter because if you are transmale you are male for me and calling you daughter will be wrong, also I want to avoid the posibility of triggering any kind of dysphoria
I know you asked only for Adam but I just can't leave Eve behind, so i added a little more with Even and your new idiotic brothers, see it as a lovely bonus ❤️💙
Time for some comfort with the best father ever!!!
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Since you were born Adam and Eve were happy to have you, it doesn't matter if born before or after your other two brother they welcome you to the world with an inmense happiness and love
Since you were born with a femenine body they treat you a like a girl, specially Eve who were constantly giving you compliments about how cute girl you are, or constantly styling your hair and dressing you with more femenine ways
It doesn't matter how long it takes you realice that the femenines things or those pronouns doesn't fit you, if is in a early age or even after a long time it would be the same because at the end all your family will be really supportive over you
The first one who notice your discomfort while emphasizing that you are a girl is Adam, he is always looking after his beloved family, always paying a lot of attention and ready to protect them from everything, so when you start to show hints of being uncomfortable or even irritated he is immediatly worried, Adam waste no time before asking you whats wrong, explaining that he noticed that you seem troubled by something, is up to you if you explain to him in that moment how you feel or wait (even if you don't tell him right away Adam will understand that you may don't feel ready to talk if is something serious, still he reminds you that you can always count on him, he is your father after all)
Eve will realice it after, she loves doing girly things with you but after a while she will start to notice how she is the only one smiling at it, even if you try to smile she will notice how you don't seem to enjoy it much, or at least not as much as she does, at some point (when she is sure that you aren't enjoying it) she will ask you about it, asking if you don't like it or if you will prefer to do other things, even if you try to reasure her that is fine (maybe for not wanting to upset her) she will insist that you don't have to, it sadden her a little that you don't like doing this with her but not for that she will force you to be girly with her, you two can enjoy other activities together!
When you finally open up to them and explain how you don't like the fact that you are a girl, that you don't feel like it and it makes you uncomfortable being refered as such it would be some confusion between Adam and Eve at first, this is something complete new so they will like to talk more about this, wanting to know more about what you feel and what you want, it isn't because they don't believe you or are judging you, it is because they want to be able to fully comprehend what you are going through to be able to help you
At the end you get the conclusion that you would prefer to be a boy, you feel more identified as a boy as will love to be refered as such, Adam ask you one more time if that is really what you want, wanting to make sure that this is what you want and not just trying to trying to cover up other feeling or get a conclusion already for being tired of argue about it, when you confirm that you are completely sure that that is how you feel both smile at you before start saying words of comfort and support, Adam calmly tell you that if that is how you feel then is alright, they will start refering to you as a boy while Eve is more excited, saying how happy and proud she is of her beloved son for following his heart
Adam and Eve are complety supportive over you and even help you explain the situation to Cain and Abel and tell them to now refer to you as a boy because that is what you are, they have a lot of patience to explain them and will make sure they understand that even when you had born with a femenine body you aren't a girl, Adam and Even want for them to understand this correctly and respect it just like they do (your brothers had some troubles to understand but they support you nonetheless)
It doesn't take much time before everyone get used to your new pronouns (if you want to change your name it will alright for them too, even will suggest some names that they think could fit you really well). It doesn't take Adam no time to get used to it, he never calls you the wrong way not even for accident, with Eve it isn't probably neither, still it could happen at the start but she is quickly to realice how she called you and apologize imediatly, while with your brothers will be a little more common for them to call you by the wrong way, specially just after you told them, when it happens is Adam or Eve who point out their mistake and make them apologize to you (they would do it anyways), also there are some times where is one of them who calls you by the wrong way accidentally and is your other brother who scold him for doing it (is a silly situation, funny to see)
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Now… we all know König is the epitome of a comphet man. Sadly, he has suppressed his homoerotic feelings (this guy has bathed in comics filled with half nude barbarian warriors, be they men or women, since he was a teenager) and will never address his bisexuality in any way because he's fixed on the ideal of some het idyll.
GODDD YOU WRITE!!! toxic kön so well it's actually unbelievable like it's so "traumatized person's idea of love that they based almost entirely on the dynamics of their family". like in that "im going to do it right and im gonna perform this role so well and ill be happy"
probably even better for him if his gf also comes from an awful family since she's willing to try and make the shoe fit all the time no matter if she fits that, if her own needs come out and she can admit them to herself because nothing can compare to the euphoria she (or könig) feels when he comes back home from deployment, meeting her in the kitchen where she's preparing food for him. and the house is clean and almost quiet and she has her hair and makeup done, she's so dressed up you'd think they're having guests over
probably bc the ghosts of their families (the arguments the physical abuse the fear and desperation and hopelessness and false promises of love and safety) are those omnipresent guests lmao. in their head there's a weird voyeuristic need to show off the perfect het relationship even when no one is watching
cw: im getting weird about gender in this next lart
but i bet könig and his gf in this case would also probably get scared shitless when put into a position that is the opposite of gender conformity.... (?)
his beloved would hate being compared to anything masculine, he hates being percieved as anything feminine. gender non conformity is something they feel is tied to being in a nonhet relationship so they will avoid it at all costs.
being in a het relationship, a traditional one especially, creates some kind of invisible boundary that they feel they can't cross 99% of the time, can't be forced into that other role of their "opposite" no matter what they do because the performance of masculinity and femininity is there in every other aspect of their lives and it makes them feel safe
he is the perfect man, the perfect husband and she is his perfect wife, a woman that only belongs to him and nothing can go wrong
"probably bc the ghosts of their families (the arguments the physical abuse the fear and desperation and hopelessness and false promises of love and safety) are those omnipresent guests lmao. in their head there's a weird voyeuristic need to show off the perfect het relationship even when no one is watching"
This is perfection, this whole message and esp. the paragraph above is art and you're so right!
And your analysis got me thinking...
What if they sometimes stray to the edges of conformity, for example Engel raises her voice and finally snaps at him? König gets to see something unusual: a woman being strong and putting up some boundaries and standing her ground... And he doesn’t get mad, he actually gets intrigued (even aroused??) So he continues to push those boundaries again and more often, tries to carve out that reaction so different from how his mother behaved when he was a child.
Or when Engel sometimes gets to be on top and ride him while having a wicked little twinkle in her eyes? König gets to witness the blunt force of her lust, sees a glimpse of this woman who is comfortable in her sexuality while he’s lying there under her, seemingly vulnerable, as she takes him, uses his body for a change? Fuuuuck
Or how Engel feels in those rare moments when König is seconds away from crying, he's sniffling in her tits because of this or that trauma response or trigger, when König, this big, broad, controlling and protective giant is the one who needs protection and support?
She feels so out of her element and at the same time feels such a relief when the eternal masculine monument of power finally crumbles, even if just a little, and she gets to caress his head and soothe König during his breakdown.
Then back to their “preferred” gender roles they go, König clears his throat and Engel cooks another dinner, giggles in his lap while he treats her like a fragile little princess…
Gahh I want Engel to try on his hood and like choke him a little in bed or something while König looks up at her with the tiniest tinge of submissive adoration. Also, why can’t these two just be normal and work their way out of their stupid problems in a healthy way lol… (I wouldn’t have anything but wholesome fluff to write then would I!)
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progmetol · 6 months
Cecil Headcanons #2
Once again, assorted with no order or theme. Under the cut.
- Thinks Mark’s persistence in standing up for what he believes in is admirable, even if he thinks what Mark believes in isn’t necessarily correct. Same with Eve, probably.
- Has beaten Super Mario on the NES without warp pipes. Not in recent years though, during the 80s when he was a field agent with barely any responsibilities.
- He’s developed an allergy to cats. It isn’t a huge deal, because he prefers dogs, but it is still a disappointment to him. He wasn’t aware of this for a very long time. Pets them anyway.
- Used to enjoy skiing a lot. Still does, but rarely if ever has the time to (he can occasionally make an excuse since it doubles as a workout). He continues the Floridian tradition of invading the rockies to complain about the cold and go skiing.
- Has nerve damage from his incident and occasionally is non-perceptive or hypersensitive to pain and temperatures, depending on the day. Tries to avoid places with extreme weather temperatures in general.
- Turns red in the cold, and burns red in the sun. Notably, to both. Can’t tan at all. Blond moment. His fake skin was built using his DNA so it still has this trait as well.
- He got the scar in the later half of his field career. I thought about this one a lot since I used to think he got it earlier, but hear me out. The field injury would put him in bad condition to continue being a field agent for four major reasons. One being inconsistent pain and temperature tolerance. Though on days where he is more tolerant and less perceptive to it he can take more hits, he often doesn’t realize he’s hurt which can lead to liability. The second reason being that having a scar in such a prominent location on the face makes him extremely identifiable unless he is covering his face. As a stealth/infiltration specialist, this isn’t a great thing. He did continue to work as a field agent for several years after but eventually he had to call it. Number three is the fact that he needs daily skin treatment for it, meaning he needs to have access to it at most every 24 hours (he can technically go longer but at a risk). This limits the length of time he can operate. The fourth reason is PTSD which gets its own bullet point.
- His PTSD mostly triggers in situations where he has to be somewhere without clean air. Humid rooms, saunas, low visibility areas, smokey areas, fog, etc. Certain strong smells also can trigger it, usually that of chemicals or other similar scents. He has worked hard to overcome this (using self-performed exposure therapy) because it limits his operational ability but occasionally it can come back in full force. Usually just results in him activating flight or fight. Dude powers through it because he thinks he has no other options.
- Eventually takes Prozac for PTSD and anxiety, which is a whole ordeal for multiple reasons. The first reason is that there are a lot of bad people that would think he is better off dead. So he has to make sure nobody in the pharmacy is actively trying to tamper with the dosage. The other reason is basically Tony Soprano’s dilemma: he’s in a position of power, and if people were to know he took it, it would make him look weak. Weakness is something that Cecil believes that he can’t afford.
- He wasn’t unrewarded for his work, though. After being a field agent, he became a mission control operative and was apart of support teams for his field successors. He rose very high in stature over time and eventually became about as prominent as Donald currently is to the GDA.
- It was in this role in which the Pentagon came under fire and he was assisted by the terrorists that just about killed him. Hence why he is in a suit and tie during that event and not fatigues or armor.
- He’s an optimist—hear me out. He’s very confident and puts his entire faith in those he employs. In a world as volatile as his, being a pessimist would absolutely destroy any hope for the planet, considering the amount of incidents that happen on a weekly, if not daily, basis. He prepares for the worst, but hopes for the best. He thinks that in the end, everything will be okay—and if it isn’t, it won’t matter. But that won’t happen.
- Takes adderall. He actually has a prescription for it too. Not for ADHD or anything, but because of his unusual work schedule of 23/7 demanding some help keeping focused. Man, this ain’t healthy.
- When he first joined the GDA, he burned off his fingerprints DIY with hydrochloric acid. Later, after he had his skin reconstructed due to the incident, he had them not reconstruct his prints. Most biometric systems that he makes use of work based on other features that are harder to replicate.
- Can hold his breath for 5 minutes.
Bonus: Some very sloppy edits. Proof of concept for young Cecil in the show.
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mizartz · 2 years
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more dp x pkmn doodles (it’s free serotonin) this time with valerie!!
rambling about her team under the cut:
Valerie’s pokemon were difficult to choose… I wanted her to have a relatively uncommon fire or fighting type for her bc because 1. I just think those types fit her, and 2. she used to be a spoiled rich kid, so i doubt she’d accept just any old pokemon for her partner.
chosen as her starter for its fierce personality and also bc its normal typing coincidentally gives it immunity to ghost types.
Probably lazy 90% of the time but gets super aggressive when challenged. It isn’t very interested in ghost hunting unless its perceived territory (the apartment, school, and/or nasty burger) is under attack.
Maybe has a personal grudge against Cujo? (havent decided on a pkmn for him yet tho...)
The other option for her starter was Vulpix bc its evolution is characterized as “spiteful”, which i think matches her pretty well lol. Some of the fire starters would be… okay for her, but I wasn’t a fan of any of their final evos.
baby pokemon gifted by Vlad. Perfect IVs/EVs, trained with dark-type TMs, has Foresight to negate ghost immunity, yada yada. It’s been raised from birth to be Valerie’s ghost hunting partner and doesn’t know much else about the world.
As Riolu grows older and its ability to sense aura/emotions increases, it begins to doubt its training, leading to it refusing to hunt Phantom because it knows that he can’t possibly be evil. (This attitude gradually spreads towards other ghosts as well, but Phantom is the trigger. Alternatively, maybe Ellie is involved somehow?)
Riolu and Val get into a big fight over it and Riolu runs away, forcing Valerie to confront her grudge against ghosts or risk losing her partner forever.
Riolu’s admittedly a bit of an odd choice for ghost hunting since it doesnt have type advantage, but I’ve grown quite attached to the idea of Riolu/Lucario’s innate sense of justice coming to a head with Valerie’s quest for vengeance. And also Vlad not thinking his plan through by gifting her a pkmn known to detect ill intent is very funny to me… like why didnt u give her a pawniard or scizor or smthn?? congrats u played urself
Riolu has no idea half-ghosts exist btw! Vlad kept it in the dark so it wouldn’t turn on him or reveal his identity. it suspects SOMETHING is up with danny though, which leads to some awkward staredowns at school. (also going by pkmn game logic: riolu can’t see through illusions without attacking first, so danny’s hisuian zorua is safe so long as it assumes another form)
im trying to avoid giving out too many shinies but shiny riolu just fits val’s color scheme sooooo much better. lets just say vlad wanted to show off REALLY hard that day, ok? being one of the few ppl in school with a shiny poke would make her less unpopular than she is in canon, but she still doesn’t rejoin the A-lister crowd.
riolu being so recognizable does mean it has to wear a disguise when ghost hunting tho (which makes my red huntress sketch non-canon lmao). it either wears a mini huntress suit or just a black cloak!
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✨ Meowpheus ✨
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Prompt used: Bite, Flashbacks
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: The Sandman
Pairing: Dream of The Endless/Hob Gadling
Characters: Hob Gadling, Dream of The Endless, random OC Patricia created just for this
Tags: hurt/comfort, possible out of character,
! Warnings ! : flashback (if I succeeded) of an ambush (though it's probably more of a subtext), blood
Word count: 1868
This is one hell of a slippery slope, I swear.
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New Year's Eve is coming up.
Hob has a love-hate relationship of sorts with this holiday. Well... he doesn't have anything against the holiday itself, but what it entails — fireworks. 
It was the sounds that bothered him. That's also the reason for his near half-century hatred of poppers or bang snaps. Reminded him a bit too much of artillery shells bursting in the air. But after his participation in The Great War and WWII?
(However brief that one was. It got too dangerous too fast. Sue him for not wanting a part in that.)
He had found out the hard way that sudden flashes of light have joined "Hob's private party of various PTSD triggers".
He can certainly try to avoid getting triggered. But one can only go so far out of their way to do so. Been there, done that. 
Because surely a notorious tendency to move out of cities around New Year's Eve is such a fantastic habit. Heading to the closest available secluded and unpopulated areas can be a nightmare. There's traffic and weather to consider, and ughh, the iced-over roads. All in all not really ideal in the long run.
Nowadays, at times like this, he opted to staying inside and listening to music or other media with his noise cancelling headphones.
He'd stay holed up in his apartment. High stock of food? — some leftovers from Christmas Dinner, but most just from his excessive grocery runs for Christmas — ✓Check. 
Hob is sure to avoid any reasons to go outside. Whether he succeeds or not is a whole other thing. 
He did actually pick up the habit of listening to music when outdoors. It helps. It's not foolproof, that's for certain, but if it works - it works.
Nonetheless there are moments when taking off those headphones is simply polite and right thing to do. 
Like today.
Dream had found himself on high alert the second Hob had gotten out of bed. There was a tension to him that Dream hasn't seen before. He tried his best to provide comfort for his friend, but it didn't seem to be helping much. 
The entire time the air between them was charged with uncertainty and apprehension. Perhaps Hob can read him - even in cat form - like an open book. It shouldn't be surprising. After all, by their sixth meeting, in 1889, Hob already saw more than Dream had liked or let on at the time. The human hadn't even been afraid to speak his mind.
Dream witnessed how throughout the day it was getting worse. To an unobservant individual nothing would have been amiss. But Dream has known Hob longer, than any human ever could, therefore he saw those changes with no difficulty. Hob lead fewer conversations with even fewer words and little Hob-like expressiveness. 
Dream lazily follows Hob's movement. 
When push came to shove, it took mere seconds for Hob to cave. 
Back and forth between the fridge, the oven and the cupboards. 
A melody softly escapes the immortal's lips now and again. Not unfamiliar, but Dream won't delve into its name or by whom. 
After stewing the minced meat, Hob goes ahead with layering the pasta sheets, sliced cheese and prepared meat into a pyrex dish. 
The oven's digital clock struck 17:53 when Hob's phone starts ringing.
The response isn't audible that far from the counter Dream lies on. Scratch that, it would be hard to hear from a closer distance anyway, because Hob has earphones plugged in. Whatever it was, it was enough for Hob's shoulders to tense.
"Pat!" Hob turns to turn off the oven. 
"What's wrong? You never call me." Dream lifts his head at the worried tone and is quickly approached. Shaky fingers caress his head and neck. 
"Oh love," his eyes close, "do you need me to come over?" 
Hob slowly opens his eyes, eyebrows raise and with a softer voice, "Do you want me to?"
The answer must be positive, because his friend says, "Take some deep breaths for me, Patts." with that placating type of smile, and  "I'll be right there."
"-bert. Rob, hello. Earth to Robbie Rob Bobby-" 
Hob is shaken from his thoughts, only to be greeted by a finger poking his cheek repeatedly. His gaze flows from the finger up the arm to the shoulders and finally rest on Patricia's irritated face. 
"There you are! I've been trying to get your attention for minutes, Rob." 
"Sorry, Patts. I got to lost in my thoughts again." He gives a nervous chuckle, then adds with humor "Who would've thought bloodshed is so enticing." 
"Rob!" She gasps with indignation and hits him upside the head, "I don't need you to protect my honour. I can handle myself." 
"I know. I know you can." He brings up his hands in an "I-mean-you-no-harm" gesture. 
He clears his throat, "So...can we go through it again?"
"You know, if I wanted someone to sit around and ignore me I might as well have chosen Logan." Patricia stands up from the kitchen counter to resume pacing. "You are a fantastic guy, Robert. I need your help, so focus stays here mister."
"Full attention. Got it. No distractions." Hob nods his head and throws a sheepish smile.
Dream settles on Hob's lap and absentmindedly listens to the conversation between Patricia and Hob. From time to time Hob's hand goes down his spine or to scratch his head. That's fine, Dream is here to offer support and comfort. No more or less at the moment.
Patricia's earnest and expressive voice introduces an unnoticeable tune. Electric hum makes for a quiet echoic bass line. Freshly put kettle on the stove awaits its solo part.
It happens some time along Patricia's second retelling - a sudden noise that puts an end to this unheard odd melody and silent calm.
Dream's attention shoots to his friend. Immediately notes the distant yet focused look in Hob's eyes. Dream, not noticing Hob scanning the place, was just about to direct that focus to him, but-
A second cracking sound slips through the open window, and with it- 
Patricia gasps as Hob falls to the ground and scrambles away to a wall.
For a second there was nothing else, but Hob's heavy breathing audible.
Suddenly the kettle started to whistle and all hell broke loose.
Hob holds his breath, strains his ears and waits.
He listens and listens. His heartbeat strong and loud within his chest. Adrenaline rushing through his blood. He scans the room for the best place to hide, the closest weapon. Just in case his ears were right.
He doesn't know how long he waits but there it is again! 
He drops to the ground and swiftly crawls to the wall. Away from any door's or window's view. 
His hand itches. A wooden chair's leg will suffice. He has to break it away.
Not yet.
His heart hammers in his chest. He waits ready for an opportunity to present itself. 
With precise moves the wooden chair gives out with ease.
A long whistle blast, perfect. Good enough to mask that racket with.
Then he snaps his head around upon hearing a hurt yelp.
Hob for the first time acknowledges the other's presence. He sees Helen cradling her hand to her chest. Sees the blood staining her dress. 
God's wounds. It's one thing to witness fellow comrades being wounded in action. Quite another when it's innocent civilians. 
The sound of an opening window snaps him back to the present. He swings with force at it, anticipating someone to reach through it, to hurt them.
Except - no one did.
He can't go back to his waiting position, he compromised his location. He closes his eyes and inhales. He needs to think.
Dream jumps on a stool and without hesitation bites Patricia in her left hand. 
She yelps but brings her attention to the cat.
There, at least she's no longer frozen. 
Dream gestures his head toward the window.
Patricia with her hand pressed to her chest, looks back and forth between Dream, Hob and the window. Like she's unsure what Dream wants her to do.
At last she approaches the window and shuts it.
So he narrows his eyes and with theatrical exaggeration snaps his jaws. A clear intent. It's not hard to understand.
Suddenly Hob takes a big swing with the leg and Patricia misses being hit by a hair.
She takes multiple steps backwards. They both see Hob freeze.
In seconds his attention is back on Patricia. 
Hob opens his eyes and turns to Helen, and whisper, "Are you okay?"
Why is there so much blood?
He doesn't see her look at him puzzled. With efficiency he tears a fragment of his shirt, approaches her and wraps Helen's hand to stop the bleeding somewhat.
"That should do it."
He grabs her other hand and drags her to the bedroom. Once there Hob makes her sit behind the closet while he, himself, guards the door. Listening and ready to defend. He calms his heart. He looks at her and puts his finger to his lips. 
She nods. Good. 
He closes his eyes and focuses on his hearing.
Dream follows them close behind and stands near the sitting woman, watching closely both humans.
Minutes pass and the impromptu bandage on Patricia's hand is starting to leak. Drop by drop it adds to the main stain on her shirt, expanding it.
At some point Hob slid down the wall to the floor.
Dream in measured steps goes to Hob and decides to lie next to the immortal human's leg.
In took a few long moments, but finally Hob has opened his eyes and noticed Dream.
Hob lets go of the wooden leg. He groans and thumps his head on the wall behind him.
"You with us now, Robert?" Patricia speaks up shakily, unsure.
"Yep, body and mind in one place." Hob chuckles with no humor.
"You know that cat of yours is very protective of you. I have a wound to prove it." Patricia gestures at her hand. Dream narrows his eyes at the woman. 
Of course I'm protective of him, he's my only friend.
Patricia lets out a thoughtful hum, "I wonder if it'll scar..." 
A breathy exhale leaves Hob.
"Vicious, isn't he?" A crooked smile disappears as quickly as it appeared. Dream in response licks Hob's fingers.
"Are you alright? You gave me quite a scare there Robert. I bet your cat too."
"Hm?" Hob lifts his head, "Oh. Don't worry, I'm fine. It was a long time coming." A poor imitation of a carefree-like voice, but it still holds tention beneath. Such a simple thing betraying one's emotional state.
"If you say so." Patricia's voice is woven with doubt.
"Really, Patts. You don't have to worry." 
"Ok, I believe you.",
Hob raises his eyebrow, "Okay?" 
"Okay," then, "as long as you receive help... not my business."
Hob sends her a grateful smile. "Thanks."
He nods his head and takes deep breaths. Minute long silence passes.
"So listen, about your problem, I dunno if you want my advice or not. But if I were you I'd think it would be for the best if..."
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Also sorry for taking so long to write this. TwT
Positive and constructive criticism is welcome. I'll embrace any advice coming my way.
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damagedintellect · 2 years
Trafalgar Law x reader
💌 Fake it till you make it: Chapter 5  💌  
Summary:  To avoid an arranged marriage set up by Doflamingo, Law needs to bring home a girlfriend during the Christmas break and you just so happen to be a theatre major in the same dorm at One Piece University. What could possibly go wrong?  
Tropes: College AU, Fake Dating, Idiots in love, [This Chapter has 🍋]
💌 Word count: 6,125 💌 <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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You were in shambles! Ever since the festival three days ago things have been different between you and Law but you're not entirely sure why. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Maybe the love trials triggered something in you that you weren’t aware of? Whatever the case, everything he does appears to fluster you now. No matter how hard you try to keep your cool he does something that catches you completely off guard. You can't tell if he's doing it on purpose or if it's all one big coincidence. You wonder if he even notices that he’s flustering you in the first place. He can be pretty dense on occasion. Although if he does notice, he hasn’t said anything. You understand that the reason why you're here in the first place is to be his girlfriend and his mannerisms are perfectly acceptable choices to make when his family's around. That’s not the problem. Law has started doing it regardless if anyone was watching or even in the same room.
The other day you were getting hot chocolate with Sugar and she walked away to grab a napkin. Allegedly you had some stray whipped cream on the corner of your mouth. Normal Law would have simply pointed it out to you but instead he leaned over and just licked it off without a word. No warning no nothing and when Sugar came back to the table he acted like nothing happened. Meanwhile poor Sugar thought you had burnt your tongue. You couldn’t even confirm you weren’t imagining things because no one was around to see it. On top of Law blatantly ignoring your personal space, he’s started letting Corazon take pictures. Not too long ago he purposely dodged and weaved out of the line of sight but now he will quietly let it happen, while also pulling you closer. These new habits he’s suddenly picked up don’t even take the proverbial cake. Last night for some reason he decided he didn’t want to wear a shirt. You don’t know, you were trying not to stare. You felt like a school girl all over again. It’s not like you were uncomfortable or anything at most it was merely odd. Had it been anyone else you wouldn’t have batted an eye at it. Law claimed it was a little warm last night. Maybe he could feel the heat rising off of your cheeks. You’d hate to admit it but it sparked a less than innocent dream and when you woke up in his arms afterwards you panicked. You’re not sure how much more your heart can take of his unintentional torture. You have to tell him or maybe you don’t. Your head is a mess. You only had to survive one more night anyhow. Tomorrow morning was when Law planned to leave but tonight was the New Year’s eve gala. In your state of panic you missed the smirk Law gave you as you left to take your shower.
Law went to check back in with Corazon to make sure he had the right time of departure when Doflamingo pulled him into his office. The surgeon only rolled his eyes as Doffy had them both sit down at the desk like a proper business arrangement. Law crossed his legs scowling at the blonde waiting for him to speak.
"Law, I’m willing to cut you a deal that will benefit us both but it requires your complete cooperation at the gala.”
Law sighed “And if I refuse?” Doffy grinned “Do you even have to ask? I know your weakness now. It's not as bad as you think it is. All I want is for you to perform that cute little song from a few years back. What was it, Dr. Heart Stealer?” Law grimaced, rubbing his face in his hands. That had been a mistake and his biggest regret for a while now but only a few people knew about it. It was Eustass’s idea so he really should have known it wasn’t going to work out in his favor but anything to spite Doflamingo. They were pretty wasted at the time but Eustass suggested to write and perform a song as a fuck you to Doflamingo. Almost like throwing it back in his face that Law was capable of being the Donquixote performer like the rest of the family was, he just chose not to. He wasn’t expecting Doflamingo to enjoy the performance and lord it over him. The worst part was that Corazon pretty much immortalized it by making copies of the video and burning CD’s of the song.
“It better be a damn good benefit or no deal.”
Doflamingo chuckled “Sing at the gala and I’ll give you the choice of whether or not we continue with your arranged marriage, how does that sound?”
“What’s the catch? I know you won’t give up that easily.”
“No catch, it’s your choice to either continue with your current relationship or I’ll choose a suitor. I’m being rather generous.” Doffy leaned forward resting his elbows on the table with his head in his hands as if to say “your move.” Law was wary of the offer. Doflamingo was giving him exactly what he wanted which was never a good sign and the only thing he wanted in return was for him to sing. Not to be his successor but to sing? Something wasn’t right here, he had a feeling that was very unsettling. What did he mean by weakness? It could be a bluff for all he knew but he wasn’t going to take that chance. Besides if Doflamingo does stick to his word then problem solved. He could also use this as another opportunity to fluster (Y/N) which would definitely be a bonus. As it stands it’s a win win but he couldn’t help the off feeling in his gut but what does he have to lose.
Begrudgingly he sighed “Fine, I’ll sing.”
It was a very lazy day everyone was pretty much just twiddling their thumbs until it was time to get ready for the gala. You had been reading the book you won Law the other night on the couch when he finally emerged from Doflamingo’s office. You didn’t look up when he joined you on the couch. He sat there in silence for a while before laying down on your lap. You tried to focus harder on the words you were reading but you could feel his gaze on you. “Can I help you?” you asked, finally looking down at him. He hummed for a while before answering “Not particularly.” was all he said as you stare at each other. You went back to reading after that. Trying not to let it get to you. He wouldn't win this round.
You may have underestimated how long Law would stay in your lap for. He really didn't have anything better to do you guess but you would have at least thought he would get up at some point to grab something to occupy his mind. You refused to look down just in case he's still staring at you but then it hit you. Why not fight fire with fire? As it stands he's beating you at your own game. By being flustered you are letting him win. You glanced back at Law but his eyes were closed and had been for a while. You were internally panicked over nothing. Although you wonder if he's just resting his eyes or if he managed to fall asleep like this. Back at the dorms the surgeon was notably an insomniac which made it interesting that he fell sound asleep in your lap on the first night. Not to mention he's kept a relatively consistent sleep schedule while here. Maybe being around his family requires more energy. While lost in your thoughts you idly run your hand through Law’s hair as you pick back up reading where you left off. Playing with his hair as if he was a cat that had jumped into your lap. He mumbled something incoherent as he shifted on his side slightly allowing you more access to his soft mane. He genuinely is like a big cat, it was cute. You giggled to yourself.
"What's so funny?" Law questioned turning his head to meet your gaze. Ah, so he was awake. You smirked, peering down at him.
"You're cute."
The moment the words left your mouth you could feel Law tense a light dusting of color rushing to his face. His neutral expression morphing into bewilderment. Clearly startled by your bluntness. He couldn't seem to look away either, his mind stopped in his tracks briefly before he swiftly positioned himself in the gap between you and the book meeting you eye to eye. The sudden movement causes you to lean as far as you can into the couch further trapping yourself.
"Hey before I have to bleach my eyes again, I'm stealing your girlfriend and Doffy wants you to practice your speech."
Law sighed glaring at Monet knowing she ruined the moment on purpose. You raised an eyebrow "You're giving a speech?"
"Something like that"
As Monet dragged you away from the scene she mentioned that Giolla was getting sick of waiting and was turning people into her little art projects. Baby 5 was already her first victim and Monet didn't want to be next in line. She claimed if she was with you there was a zero percentage chance that Giolla would ask. Instead Monet offered to do your hair if you would do her makeup. You thought about it for a moment but agreed when you passed Baby 5 in the hallway. She didn't see a problem with it since she was helping Giolla out and felt needed but you and Monet exchanged a look that meant you both had a mutual understanding on the matter. You were not going to become some abstract expressionism art piece. Not today and hopefully never.
After you were finished you made your way back to Law’s room to put on your dress. You're not sure why, maybe at the time you were thinking of teasing him with it but when you were packing for the trip you put your favorite sexy lingerie in your suitcase. This must have been something you did when you were drunk the night before because you don't remember putting it in there. You glanced around the room stopping at the door feeling your face heat up. No one's going to know. It's not like your dress is super thin or anything. You hastily put them on trying to get into your dress as soon as possible. Unfortunately you couldn't get the zipper by yourself. You should have tried the dress on earlier instead of assuming Doflamingo somehow magically guessed your size. It wasn’t that it was super tight, it fit well there just wasn't enough give in the fabric for you to have enough grip to pull it up by yourself. In the midst of your struggle you didn't notice Law come into the room. It wasn’t until a foreign hand guided the zipper did you realize he was back. You jumped at the contact.
"Calm down, it's just me,” Law said indifferently as he also started to get ready. You didn't trust yourself to make a retort instead you watched him dress. He was staring at himself in the mirror, smoothing out his vest and adjusting his tie. As he put his coat on he adjusted the cuffs so that the cufflinks peeked out slightly. Law begrudgingly discarded his hat and ran a hand through his hair loosely slicking his hair back. It didn't stay that way, some strands fell back in his face. It was weird to see him like this. You already knew he was handsome but this was such a turn on for you. A lot of people swear by a man in uniform but clearly they've never seen a man in formal wear. It felt like a dream, like you were being swept off your feet the same way the female lead in a play would. This time you didn't turn away when he caught you staring.
"Are you ready to go?" Law asked while offering his hand. If the guys back home could see you now they wouldn't believe you. Sure he has always been well mannered but this was almost gentlemanly. Law wasn't exactly known for his congeniality. You smile at the rarity and take his hand. Of course when you made it down the stairs Corazon wanted pictures of everyone. Similarly to the past few days Law obliged. This earned him some strange looks from his uncles but no one voiced the concern out loud. They all just motioned to him and shrugged.
Once you arrived at the venue Doflamingo was greeted by Caesar Clown as he gave everyone a short tour through the arrangements he prepared. An elegant open ballroom with the most divine chandelier at the center, a live orchestra and of course light refreshments. Next would be dinner in the next room over. This would be when most of the official business would be taking place speeches, toasts, maybe light entertainment. You had never been to a charity Gala before so you're not quite sure what goes on. The only thing you did know was there was an after dinner party to ring in the new year, again in the next room over from the dining hall. A red carpet laid across the two rooms connecting them through the entryway reaching the other side of the space. They had a main stage set up with a live band and at every nook of the room an open bar, that was on top of waitstaff holding trays of champagne nearly every two feet. You already know you can't say no to a free drink, especially to champagne. Champagne is expensive. By no means were you an alcoholic but with the week you've had, you think you've earned a drink or two.
"Ah Caesar you've outdone yourself, this time around." Doflamingo states although you're unsure if it was supposed to be a dig at him or a compliment. As more people arrive Law makes his rounds greeting everyone ushering you by the waist keeping the introductions brief. The sight was riveting to behold. Law talking to people unprompted. Mostly because he didn't give a damn one way or the other but he could also feel Doflamingo's unsettling gaze from across the room. He grips your waist tighter as he whispers that it seems Doffy was going to introduce someone to you both.
"Law, you remember Linlin of Big Mom Bakes. This is her daughter Charlotte Pudding." Doflamingo gestured to the girl next to him. She was a little bit taller than you were but not by more than three inches. Her light hazel hair was pulled into high pigtails, admittedly an interesting choice for a formal event. Her dress was almost identical to yours but instead of pastel pink it was a soft lavender. Weird coincidence or so it seemed. You don’t trust Doflamingo's wicked grin but maybe he got help picking out your dress. You raised an eyebrow as Doffy continued. "Please see to it that she has a pleasant evening. It's her first time at an event like this. We wouldn't want her to feel overwhelmed."
It was only for half of a second but you could see the annoyed look flash across Law’s features before slipping back to formality. He pulled you closer before denoting "It's (Y/N)'s first time as well if you'd like to accompany us later on. I was about to ask for a dance." He glanced at you for confirmation as you nod. It was the first time he called you by just your name and not with his polite vocal tic. While he led you away you could see Doflamingo introducing Pudding to Baby 5 and Monet. Law grabbed your hand as you got into position waiting for the next song to start.
"You're not overwhelmed right? I tend to run on autopilot at these events." The music picked up and you started to dance but he looked at you with uncertainty. Doflamingo's words must have struck a chord. You laughed at that "I'm not but it is fascinating having little knowledge of what's going on." You both glide across the room as if no one is around. Law twirls you and you take that moment to survey the party. Corazon seems to be recording your dance with Law. You smile at that when Law pulls you back in. The atmosphere was like that of a movie. It was pleasant but you could feel someone glaring at you. The next opportunity you had you tried to locate the presence. It seemed Pudding was rather cross about something and when the song ended she approached you again with a smile.
"May I have the next dance? You make it look like it's the most enjoyable experience."
Law looks to you asking for permission and you wave him off. "I won't be long." He reassured you as he led Pudding to the dance floor. When Law turned away you could have sworn Pudding shot you a glare as she felt up his arm. You didn't know what to make of it so you shrugged it off.
"I would offer to dance but I'm afraid my clumsiness would get the best of me. Are you enjoying yourself (Y/N)?" Corazon greeted you by handing you a champagne flute. You clink your glasses together taking a small sip "Of course! It's not everyday I get to see this side of Law." Which was true, you’ve never seen this side of him.
"You bring out the best in him you know. I've never seen him so happy before," he took a sip of his drink. His smile grew softer as he looked at the surgeon. "When I adopted Law his heart was closed off. He had a lot of trust issues with the world since it treated him so unfairly. I was always worried his cold demeanor and his uncaring attitude would isolate him from connecting with others." He paused polishing off the drink in his hand. You wondered if Corazon was a lightweight as he continued. "I'm very proud of the man that he's become. I can tell he truly cares about you whether he shows it or not." He put a hand lovely on your shoulder. "He can be difficult at times but please do continue to take care of him." One of the waitstaff came to take his empty glass, replacing it with a full one. It feels like Corazon just gave you his blessing. You drink, feeling the bubbles against your tongue as it goes down. "At least I know for sure that my life won't be boring. Although I might be gray earlier than most." You giggled, running a hand through the end of your hair for emphasis, Corazon laughing along with you. "I know I've said this before but thank you for that. If you’re ever in need of anything just say the word. As far as I'm concerned you're family now." You nod as Law joins you confused as to why you and Corazon were snickering to each other. Neither of you explain. Law chalks it up to the champagne as the doors open to the dining hall.
You sit between Monet and Law, Pudding on the other side of him and Baby 5 on the other side of Monet. Sugar and Buffalo were also at the table but they were having their own conversation. You weren’t really paying attention as speech after speech rolled on. You half wonder when Law would be giving his but it never came. You shrugged the night was still relatively young; the event ran past midnight so who knows. During the rest of your meal you stay relatively quiet but notice Pudding's odd behavior of hanging off of and laughing at everything Law said. You didn't think the story he was telling was meant to be all that funny but maybe she was a nervous laugh-er. You might be imagining it but you feel like Pudding keeps trying to put her hand on Law’s shoulder. You shake your head finishing your second or third drink. You’ve lost count since they keep refilling it.
For light entertainment they had a small trivia game. The winning table would receive some sort of mystery prize. Your table doesn't try that hard but Pudding makes a comment about how Law was "so smart" You rolled your eyes at the cringey comment. Who says that? You could feel Monet having a similar reaction. Law as always was indifferent.
As dinner finished up Doflamingo sought out Law. He requested his assistance with something as you and the rest of the girl's made your way to the after party room. You chimed in very little to the light chit chat but you made a few notes about Pudding. She was the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family. She was a prodigy studying to be a patisserie but ended up finding her true talent in being a chocolatier. She's good at both but prefers to work with chocolate more. At some point the band started playing their sets and you finally noticed Law wasn't back yet.
He had been gone for a while, you wondered what Doffy needed with him. You knew he would be saying a few words at some point but he's been gone for at least twenty minutes. Long enough to get Pudding's life story. You leave them to get another drink. As the song changed you turned your attention to the jazzy music being performed on stage. The lights dimmed red enough to see the silhouette of the band handing a microphone to a familiar looking shadow. The next thing you knew the lights on stage faded back up and Law’s voice filled the room. You nearly fell over, you were so weak at the knees. No one and you really mean no one, told you that Law would be singing. On top of that you had no idea that Law could sing let alone sing, like that.
"Dr. Heart Stealer~"
Your eyes met and your heart leaped out of your chest. Your hands flew to your overactive organ to try and calm it down as Law proceeded to wink at you. He had you swooning. What the actual fuck was happening here. You stare back in disbelief as he continues to make a show of the song. When did he even have time to do this? Where did this flirty bastard come from? This was not the Law that you came to Dressrosa with. When he finished his last line he blew a kiss and winked in your direction causing you to choke on your drink. You had been doing so well to not be flustered the entire evening.
You had to calm yourself down before Law saw how flustered that made you. You turned around almost tripping over the edge of the red carpet that was laid on the floor, luckily you caught yourself before you bumped into someone. Unfortunately the person behind you, an older woman, managed to trip on the same spot and wasn't so lucky. As they fell to the floor they dropped the drink they were holding. You rushed to their side to help them up, completely oblivious to the wine staining the lower half of your dress. The good news was they didn't get hurt that badly but the bad news was your dress was ruined. You frowned, you definitely needed another drink.
"How did you manage to do that?"
You whipped your head around to see Law motioning for you to turn around so he could see the damage. You sighed looking at the mess. People were starting to stare and you felt defeated. "Someone dropped their drink. I don’t think this stain is gonna come out." You lift up your dress to see how bad it soaked in the bottom. It was pretty awful. More people started looking at you and you could hear the group of people start to murmur. "I know we were going to stay till midnight but I think I should leave before I embarrass myself further." You walked past Law with your head down but he grabbed your arm and ushered you away from the crowd. "You don’t have to leave. Stay here okay, I'll be back."
You watched him leave talking to some of the waitstaff. Eventually he came back with a pair of scissors. "Turn for me while I cut." You did what you were told and suddenly your long evening gown transformed into a sexy cocktail dress. You looked at Law in awe as he instructed the waitstaff to take care of the mess. You must have been staring for a while because he looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows
"First the song, now this, are you trying to get me to fall in love with you?" You didn't mean to say that out loud. That was the champagne talking, but you were definitely thinking it.
Law chuckles in response "Depends, is it working?" He slipped his hand around your waist leaning down staring into your soul. The direct eye contact made your face flush. You wonder how many drinks Law had, whether or not his flirtiness was attributed to the alcohol or if this was an accumulation of what he had been doing to you the past few days. That's when Monet and Baby 5 walked up still accompanied by Pudding. Monet rolled her eyes as she approached "We get it, oh my god get a room already."
Baby 5 pointed to your dress "Has your dress always been that short?" You laughed and retold the story. The next few hours were a blur of mingling and small talk as other guests came up to your group to talk to Law and the others. For some reason the waitstaff was being extremely attentive to your glass being empty; you had to refuse the refill a couple of times. You wondered if they had nothing better to do or were tired of dealing with the more “drunken” patrons of the event. You were delightfully tipsy but were trying hard not to drink too much. You didn't want to be drunk in this setting. Lest you be too honest.
Your attention was on Law again. It felt like a dream since you've never seen the man so talkative but you guess under the circumstances he's forced to be. It didn't even occur to you how late it's gotten until Pudding mentioned there was only a minute left. She had tried to drape an arm around Law to show him the time but he moved out of the way and closer into your personal space. Come to think of it, she has been pretty handsy and near constantly hovering around you guys all night. You wondered why but didn't have time to question it.
The countdown started but all you could do was stare back at Law. You never pegged Law as a superstitious person but a midnight kiss was a part of German folklore and widely known around the world as well. It's said to strengthen a budding romance. This is what you were waiting for and it seemed like Law was on the same page as he pulled you closer. Once again staring at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. He shouldn't be able to make you feel this way but it's one night and what do you have to lose.
"Happy new year!"
Your lips touch, both melting in each other's embrace. He makes you feel like you're flying, like your stomach is filled with butterflies and everywhere he touches sends tiny sparks through your body. Your hands move on their own musing his hair as his hands pull you closer than you already were. For you the party was long forgotten about. Although you could feel Law flip off his sisters in response to something they said. You're not sure how you manage to make it back to the manor while stumbling around trying not to break your passionate make out. You were only vaguely aware of your surroundings when Law pressed you against his door taking a breath letting his forehead rest against yours.
"I won't be able to stop myself if this continues" his breathy tone jumpstarts your dirty mind.
"Then don't," you huffed out of breath smirking "I want this just as much as you." You sounded desperate as you leaned forward slowly but deliberately closing the gap again. It didn't hold the same effervescence as before. It was much more soft and tender, almost like you were going to lose him. You hoped it got your point across as you pulled back to stare at him. The mere sight of his slightly disheveled form stirred your arousal in the pit of your stomach reminding you of the dream you had that morning. You don't think you could hold back either. Wrapping your arms around his neck you whispered in his ear "Please for the love of God make love to your girlfriend already." You liked the ring of that. His girlfriend.
He pushed you away to examine your face searching for any sign that you had been joking. Once he was certain that it wasn’t just the drinks talking he pushed you against the door again letting his hands explore the curves of your body while he tried to taste the desperation on your lips. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as they wire shut in pleasure. You moan into his mouth and he takes that as his que to slip you the tongue. You grind your hips into his feeling how hard he was for you. How hard you made him. Rolling your hips upward against his desire you elicit a moan from Law. Your name tastes good from his mouth. He pulled away for a moment panting as he kissed down your jaw latching on to your neck. You gasp bringing your hand up to stifle the embarrassing noises you were making. He bit you a little harder than he had been as a warning, taking your wrist and pinning it above your head as he murmured into your neck “I want to hear you.” and went back to leaving marks on your neck. Fuck that was hot.
He chuckles, satisfied with himself at your whimpering. He releases your hand to start taking off your dress when you feel his hot breath on your ear “Good girl.” the praise with the way his voice dipped lower than usual sent shivers down your spine. You followed suit unbuttoning Law’s ensemble. You stepped out of what remained of your dress once it hit the floor as Law discarded his coat and vest. The shirt was only half unbuttoned; it could stay for now you were impatient. You throw your arms around his shoulders so can jump and wrap your legs around his midsection. You stare at each other for a brief moment with lust filled half lidded eyes as you reconnect your lips. Law’s hand cups your ass as he moves to lay you on the bed. He grinds against you, feeling the wetness of your panties smirking into the kiss before pulling away. "You're already so wet and I've barely done anything to you." You squirm underneath him as he starts fondling you. "These as well," mentioning the lacy lingerie you forgot you were wearing "I guess you weren’t kidding when you said you wanted it." slipping his hand under your bra he unlatches the back of the garment tossing it aside.
Your breath hitched at the sudden exposure. Law peppered more kiss marks all over your body causing you to whimper and moan at the slight ache each bruise left. He looked over his handy work before settling to tease your nipples, pinching one and lapping up the other swirling it around his tongue. You were a mess by the time you felt his fingers trace your entrance. "Hng, L-Law~" you lift your hips enough for Law to discard your soaked panties. Now that you're fully exposed he pulls away to remove his shirt.
"You told me to make love to my girlfriend, I can't just skip steps now can I?"
He watches you with an intense gaze as he lightly caresses your inner thigh dipping down to kiss it before harshly biting down leaving another mark. You screamed out as he kissed around the mark. He looked back at you as his fingers teased your folds before entering. You throw your head back at the sensation moaning his name. He enjoys watching you squirm practically fucking yourself on his fingers. He leans down to kiss your clit and you close your thighs around him as he swirls his tongue around the sensitive area. Your breathing was ragged as he started to overwhelm you. His finger exploring your insides finding exactly where to drive you crazy as he repeatedly brushed against the area. His tongue was doing wonders, making you see stars as you come undone at his mercy. You were on the edge, tensing around his fingers as he pushed them deeper. You tangle your hands in his hair "Haah, L-Law I-I'm gonna" you trail off as you meet your climax. You scream out once more but Law doesn't stop; he continues pumping his fingers in and out of you as you squirm curling your toes riding out your high. You were breathless as he finally pulled away, giving you a kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue. In-between kisses you can hear him ask "Do we need protection?"
"In my wallet." He looks at you in amazement as he fetches the object. "Were you actually planning on this happening?" Law rids himself of the last few articles of clothes as he tore the condom with his mouth. "That was hot," you pant still coming down from cloud nine. "But no, we use condoms to prevent our mic packs from being soaked in sweat. I always carry one out of habit. It comes in handy sometimes." He crawls back between your legs lining himself up. You gasp as he pushes in completely Law groaning as well.
He started rolling his hips into you keeping a steady rhythm going nice and slow. It was mind numbingly slow. It felt good but you wanted more. Law smirked at you, he was doing this on purpose. You shifted underneath him trying to get a little more friction. You feel embarrassed you just came yet you still felt so needy so horny for Law to ruin you into the mattress. Screw making love you wanted him to fuck your brains out. You moan as he thrusted a little deeper.
"Law please." You whimper as he barely misses the spot you want him to desperately stimulate. "Please what? Use your words." He was toying with you. You know he knew what you meant. Your cheeks flushed a deep crimson. Why was this so embarrassing to admit. "Please Law just fuck me already!"
"As you wish." He picked up the pace thrusting harder and faster catching you off guard despite you asking for it. The sounds you were making was music to Law’s ears. Your legs were shaking, you were already so close again. Law dropped to his elbows to speak directly into your ear "You feel so good (Y/N)." The praise made you clench around him as he abused the place that drove you crazy. "Ah f-fuck~" you mind was short circuiting as you felt wave after wave of pleasure.
Law was getting close, it was increasingly more difficult to keep up the pace he set. His movements started becoming more sporadic and the faces you were making only fueled his desire more and more. With every thrust his breath became more shaky and labored. He shoved himself as deep as he could as he came, sending you over the edge again. You laid like that for a while listening to each other's pants and heartbeats. Law eventually got up to dispose of the condom but the moment he got back into bed you cuddled up next to him. Neither of you said anything more as you both drifted to sleep.
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eclipsewarrior101 · 6 months
A fun angsty oneshot for @missparamelontea Poppy playtime Matron in the playground au. ( none of this is canon)
Please check out @missparamelontea au for poppy playtime it’s really cool. She did read this but I did add done more details to help.
Trigger Warning: this story will contain mention of blood, body horror, gore, torture and stress. ( please don’t read this if any of this triggers you)
No one had seen daddy long legs for a full day. It wasn’t supposed to be this long. He said he had needed to go face to the game station, it should have been a quick trip. But something was wrong. Eve got nervous and after a day she wanted to go find him despite Dog day saying it was a bad idea. He reassured her daddy long legs was a tough toy….god if only he wouldn’t regret saying that later
Three days later Eve went off to find him. She looked around trying to avoid catnap and his minions. Which was not easy. It seemed like they were more protective of something which gave Eve suspicion. What were they protecting, or maybe…they were guarding something important.
After following a hunch she eventually found something that gave Eve chills….daddy's hat. It was torn up bad and looked bloody. Eve tried to hide her fears and immediately moved onward. She after sneaking down further came into an area not explored. She saw the mini critters were more grouped up in a certain area, biting on something on a giant wooden cross in a corner of the room and as she moved closer she heard light groans of pain. She moved very carefully around trying to see what they were biting.
She could see a person but couldn’t make it out, until she saw a familiar shade of blue and had to stop herself from making a sound. Eve immediately waited until the critters went off after hearing a noise and what she saw horrified her and made her heart stop.
Daddy’s body was tied very tightly to cross with thin but coarse barb wire, you could tell that it was too tight due to the blood dripping from the wire cutting into him. The wire looped all the way around, painfully pinning his arms and legs to the piping so he couldn’t move. The other wire made an x shape on his chest keeping him from moving. His clothes were bloody and torn up, exposing some of his rubbery skin to the elements. When he weakly looked up due to her feet making noises she saw to her horror his mouth had been sewn shut with coarse wire, forcing him into a permanent bloody smile. When he saw her, his eyes weakly widened and flashed with exhaustion but fear. He didn’t want her here, especially if she could get hurt. His eyes also looked very bloodshot and puffy. Despite being in so much pain and close to another sobbing fit he tried to hide how much pain he was actually in, not wanting to stress his friend out.
Eve immediately ran over and tried to test the grip of the wire seeing if it will come loose, but every pull of the wire made him groan in pain, shaking lightly. His body had deep bite marks and nibbles that looked like animals had used him as a chew toy, some were fresh and lightly bleeding while others were old. He groaned at her weakly though he couldn’t tell her anything, his mouth in so much pain. Though she knows it will be very painful, Eve knew she had to free him. She tried to think. She tried to look for anything to cut him loose.
She then remembered her axe and began to swiftly but carefully cut him lose. He groaned as the barb wire that was in digging into his skin stuck a little making him lightly bleed as Eve tried to carefully pull it off. She helped him to his feet though he was very light headed and his body didn’t look like he was in a good condition to walk far. She gently let him use her shoulder to help him walk and he gave her a soft nod as a thank you in the only way he could since his mouth was sewn. He was so close to collapse but he stayed awake for as long as he could and he was scared to go to sleep then wake up and find out this was a sick illusion or dream.
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paramouradrift · 8 months
#Avatar BioShock Crossover AU" 2023 please!!!
This one's a doozy.
I don't remember precisely what triggered this one, but there was a period of a couple weeks last year where I got really into the idea of an Avatar/BioShock crossover AU. This spawned several AUs, only one of which made it into my WIP folder, apparently, so the rest must be lurking on discord with my beta reader. This particular AU has a few scant character notes, some timelines, and a discussion of themes that paint what I would consider a compelling but overly-ambitious picture.
The themes in play: destiny, causality, consciousness, free will, and moral choice. We are pulling material from BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock 2: Minerva's Den, BioShock Infinite, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Legend of Korra. Rapture exists in its own right, whereas Columbia is replaced with Republic City. Tears, Spirit Portals, and Spirit Wilds are all the same thing, linking Rapture and Republic City across time and space. Bending and Splicing are the same, as well, with the "Avatar" being someone who has spliced up to an incredible degree and not died of every kind of cancer. The Avatar State is thus a kind of berserk mode that uses up all the EVE in the Avatar's body, leaving them powerless and vulnerable at the end. Past Avatars exist as coherent ADAM ghosts.
Aang, in this story, is a Jack/Eleanor Lamb character originally from Rapture who escaped into Republic City through a tear, and set about trying to find a way back to Rapture's past to undo all of the damage he ended up causing. He's a man haunted by guilt whose efforts are ultimately futile, because that's not how causality works.
Korra is our Elizabeth, whose ability to open and close tears makes her valuable to Aang in his quest for redemption, but also makes her a target for everyone on both sides of the veil who wants a slice of the Rapture/Republic City pie. But opening and closing tears destroys entire sections of probability space, creating fixed points in spacetime and releasing a ton of spiritual energy that gets eaten by the bioluminescent mass that sits beneath Rapture, spitting ADAM slugs back out into the world, accelerating the chaos and decline of both cities.
I have here that Aang somehow travels back to the past and becomes the founder of Rapture, which means he later creates and then kills himself while trying to do everything he can to avoid that outcome. It probably made more sense in my head the time. The other members of the Gaang are listed as Rapture's Best & Brightest: Zuko and Sokka are divorced and miserable, with Zuko trying to be a single dad and Sokka inventing the Thinker; Katara is the city's foremost doctor and philanthropist; Suki is a detective/private security chief; and Toph runs the banks because nobody else is capable. She also laid a lot of the city's foundation.
The Mechanist is here inventing things. Wu is a popular singer with his own radio program. Suyin is a prima donna ballerina. Asami is...presumably doing something amazing, but I didn't write that bit down.
The villain rogue's gallery is all here as well, moving back and forth across the tears and causing mischief and mayhem. Zaheer's radical spirituality causes Aang (Rapture Founder) to ban religion, and Unalaq tries to get control of the Avatar Program so that he can become an Avatar himself. Ozai and Zhao extend their feelers throughout both cities, seizing power and resources for themselves. Amon slots himself nicely into the Atlas role (plot twist and all), so nothing really more to say there. Kuvira is apparently a former police officer turned mob boss capitalizing on the chaos for her own gain. Long Feng is a cold technocrat who runs a private security firm and manages assets for city big wigs. My note on him is "a less affable Sinclair."
Pro-bending/ADAM boxing is a thing, so Mako and Bolin are here trying to make it big in the big bad city/ies, which probably means I planned some background Wuko.
I have no idea what my endgame was. I don't know what the actual plot was going to be. This project wasn't one I seriously considered planning out in detail because I was in the middle of H&V/J&R work, and that takes priority over anything else with this level of ambition. Having said that, it might be interesting to take another pass at the concept and see if I can turn all of that up there into something workable.
WIP Game master post.
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bcolfanfic · 23 days
how does micha react initially when he notices Wyatt being more sexual? He’s young, and i imagine he would be freaked out, not on purpose or because he believes Wyatt is doing anything bad. But I can imagine how shocking and maybe ‘weird’ (idk how else to put it) it would be for him. Knowing his bf just went through something so terrible, and like most people, isn’t necessarily aware of how sexual trauma can result in hyper sexuality. Does he regret Wyatt’s advances in a stern manner that maybe upsets him? I can imagine Wyatt breaking down ‘why don’t you want me’?? Micha is just so out of his depth (Idk if what I’m saying makes any sense sorry lol I just love this au)
“micah is just so out of his depth” yeah. that’s the crux of it. more below the read more line.
micah is out his depth like you said- and also a good few years younger than wyatt which doesn’t help either. i wouldn’t say he’s ever scared of him. and a lot of wyatt’s shit is internal to the extent that micah doesn’t really know things are as wrong as they are till it becomes less internal with wyatt getting upset about micah thinking they shouldn’t be having sex again yet. wyatt is never aggressive or truly forceful about it, he just gets upset. tries not to cry- ends up crying anyways and gets worked up talking really fast telling him he’s so wired and just wants it to go away and doesn’t know how else to make it.
he does get stern with wyatt at times. which is when the fights get bad because he’s so out his depth and doesn’t exactly. navigate being stern well. wyatt starts talking to him less bc he thinks he hates him- starts seeking out bucky for support more and. wy/micah have a hugeee blow out fight bc micah is like “you’ve been avoiding me because i don’t think we should have sex yet and now you’re trying to steal my dad.” doesn’t necessarily mean it like that but that’s how wyatt takes it. (and he’d rather die than tell micah this but a part of it is him lashing out because he’s started feeling attached to bucky in a way that makes him feel a sick with shame. not bucky’s fault or wyatt’s fault. he just needs better, different help and needs space from wyoming).
big fight that the bucks have to intervene with and that’s the trigger for gale calling ev to tell him this is. not working anymore and wyatt needs to come home.
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hautevaux · 2 months
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@sephaeroth asked: 🕯️ MEME: send me 🕯️to hear my character’s inner thoughts about your character.
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Thoughts. It is ultimately not often that Vaux allows himself the time to sink into their expanse, to contemplate or ruminate, to brood or to bask. His fatigued mind is usually far too strained on thoughts of threads and materials, deadlines and trends to slink toward other subjects, but sometimes he avoids it simply because he fears what dark recess he will slink down, what would come to trigger nightmares next, what would leave him feeling bereft of air and emotional.
That eve, however, is different. He's soaking in his bath, eyes blandly looking out of large windows to observe the glow of the city, the night time late and yet stars were not visible through thickening cloud. Thoughts wander, the question of what one was thankful for recalled - an exercise, apparently, in asking ones self to to boost spirits, but it has never been so easy for Vaux to relate those questions to himself.
So he think - and he thinks - briefly and blandly of all of the people he has met and whether or not he is glad to have done so and ultimately very few names ring true.
Sephiroth is the name he lingers upon, the choice an easy one for it is based not only from a business point of view, there bares something more organic in his hum of further contemplation.
Initially, he had thought the other as precisely what all of the news articles or interviews portrayed him as. A hero, a strong and sensational individual who had their safety and greatest interests at heart - but, over the course of their getting to know one another through fittings and design sessions, Vaux had begun to see more than what ShinRa plastered everywhere: hints at a person beneath it.
The heroic air still stood, but the gentleness of eye contact and the sensitivity to ones surroundings and the emotions of those he kept company with had been unexpected. It was, at times, almost difficult for Vaux to remember that the fellow in his company was one well versed in conflict and not simply some perfect gentleman.
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Always was there an intriguing air about Sephiroth, one that Vaux had always wanted to dive deeper into, pry open those cracks of the person he was beneath ShinRa 's propaganda. Those hints he had tasted, of avoiding his own security details, of talking to the tailor about near nothing into the late hours of the night to simply avoid something else, to aid him when the tailor grew too overwhelmed... He wanted to know more of that Sephiroth.
Was the hero, while factually accurate, also an outward persona, much like the one Vaux had constructed for himself? Was there something he didn't like about ShinRa, was that why he wanted to avoid them sometimes? Was there far more than met the eye? Vaux was sure of it, and the more he thought on the subject the more he felt compelled to dive further.
Vaux wanted to reach out, to try and offer an ear, company, a companionship that meant he would always give support and be there should he be needed, regardless of hour or day - - but he was also very cautious about stepping out of line, of breaking the fragile trust already in place.
He did worry for Sephiroth at times - wasn't it all too much for him? Didn't he need more rest and recuperation than he was getting? The more Vaux thought about it, the more it twisted his stomach into a knot.
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deathbyseventeen · 1 year
DBS Masterlist
Hello! You’ve found my mobile masterlist. Congrats! Hopefully you find something you like here ���� 
Trigger Warnings can be found in the descriptions of the fics when you click on them! 
GUIDE: A Personal Fave [ ✨] | Popular Post [❤️‍🔥] |  Angst [💔] | Fluff/Romance [ 💕] | Part of a Series/Same Universe [🧩]
> Click a Prince ❤️‍🔥 💕
Curse your bullshit destiny. It was decided that on the 100th anniversary of peace in your kingdom, the eldest princess would marry a prince from the other thirteen kingdoms. That day has finally arrived and thirteen princes have gathered. Who will you pick?
> Mirror Stage 💔
If his math is correct, and he sorely doubts it isn’t, then it’s almost time for them to wake. The clock is ticking. He’s waiting.
> AU ideas from the FEAR teasers
5 AU ideas that popped into my mind from the teasers. 
> Blinded 💕 
This isn’t what Seungcheol meant for Jun to do. 
> Trauma 💔
Again? Again. They said to each other as they started the simulation again. 
> Friendship? 💔 💕
He liked you. But no. You liked him. But no. They knew. So why not help a friend out?
> Before Christmas 💕
A Nightmare Before Christmas AU. 
Crossing through a door in the woods, you and Chan end up on Earth. And you really just freaked out a man named Jeonghan. 
> 3lue ✨ 🧩 💔 💕
(World: 3lue AU)
Blue. His powers were blue. It’s been years since you last saw him. Your memories of him were also blue. 
> A Dance Meant for Two 💕 💔
> Because You Were Gone ❤️‍🔥 💕 💔
You never knew when to give up. It wasn’t your superpower but it sure seemed like it.
> Guardian Angel 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: of Guardian Angels) 
You had taken some notes on the page, not many— the professor’s lecture had been brief and had ended with a “simple” question. One single question that for some unexplainable reason — except that the topic had always existed in the depths of your brain — seemed to rattle you.
You blinked, the words came into focus: Renaissance Art 14th to 17th Century: Religious Depictions: Angles.  
> I Saw 💕
Maybe you should have thought of your wishlist beforehand….
> Untitled AU 
From a Song+Member inbox night
> The Switch 💕 💔
Perhaps it was karma that he wasn’t in his own body anymore, living it up and spending his money the way he wanted to. To you that was a bittersweet blessing. Maybe he could change (you doubted it), but at the very least, you got to meet Seungcheol (and Woozi). 
> What is Love?
A 100-word drabble 
> Breathless Words 💕
Being alone on Christmas Eve isn’t as rare as everyone makes it out to be. Then you go and meet him.  
> Princess, Please  ❤️‍🔥 💕
You tried getting out of the field trip to the reindeer ranch. Hoshi’s family owned it and you’ve been avoiding him as much as you could. 
> Secret Santa 💕 💔
You spent so much time, and thought, trying to find Hoshi the right Christmas present. You’d only forgotten the Secret Santa exchange was going to happen during class. 
> G&R: Yule Ball 💕
Anger came when things didn’t happen like you hoped. But at least he loved you and overlooked your outburst. Now just…confess.
> Missed Connections  ✨ ❤️‍🔥 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: Between the Dusty and the Sparks)
They’re from different societies, meant to hate each other. But when you don’t know where the other’s from…there’s always the possibility of love. But when they find out, what are they meant to do?
> The Marionnettiste || Part 2 💕
Too shy to pursue. Too bold to let you go so easily. Want to play a game a chess? Some one has to make the first move.
> Guarded 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: of Guardian Angels)
He hadn’t seen you in so long. There was a reason for that.
> Letting Go ❤️‍🔥 💕
All Wonwoo had wanted was for you to show up to Mingyu’s party. It’s bene hours since it started and he’s already lost all hope. 
> Untitled AU
From a Song+Member inbox night
> Saving Colors 💕
Black is black, red is red - find it, find me - before All Hallows Eve ends. Before it’s too late.
> Night ❤️‍🔥 💕
When the cute guy you keep staring at in the campus cafe turns out to be your neighbor (and you’ve been unknowingly annoying them for a while). Christmas break just got better. 
> Miraculous Ladybug!Woozi || Part 2
Woozi as the Miraculous Ladybug headcannons. 
> I’ll be your Heaven, I’ll be your Hell 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: of Guardian Angels) 
He saw you often, even through the pain because it was the only wish that kept coming true.
> Since the Day I Met You || Part 2  ✨ 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: Between the Dusty and the Sparks)
For better or worse, he’s been your friend since the day you met. You’ve been through a lot together already, you, Jihoon, and your ragtag rebel family. But someone messed up, someone made the elitist Sparks government focus on you all– a group of nobody rebels in the cast-off City of Dust that have never even seen the luxury of the walled-off City of Sparks. With a heavy, love-stricken heart, choices have to be made; and, as the leaders of this family, for better or worse
they will be made.
> Warmth  🧩 💔 💕
(World: 3lue AU) 
Ice had to meet Sunshine at some point, but they had to learn how to stand on their own.
nothing here, sorry :( 
.THE8/HAO. > Drunken Mornings ❤️‍🔥 💕
A party long into the night gives you a hungover morning, and memories of a drunken morning. 
> Ashes 💔
You weren’t ready to admit what it was, the song you kept hearing in your head as grew up. Neither of you were. But, it never changed what it was: a curse teasing you about its impending arrival. 
> Fight or Fight 💕
...He’s forgetting something… isn’t he?
> Peppermint 💕
(Soulmate AU) 
Who was to guess that it was in demise that Head Elf #11, otherwise known as Seungkwan, would finally meet his soulmate. 
> Monster Mash 💔
It’s at a Halloween party two weeks after an accident, that Vernon and you are haunted. 
> Snowed In ❤️‍🔥 💕
Arrangements are made when no one can go home because they’re snowed inside. 
> Sleigh Bells 💕 💔
I jingled some bells. You didn’t notice. They threw bells. You noticed.  You said bells rang in your head - so could you listen to mine?  
> A Dream of You 💔
It’s only in your dreams that you’re still able to see him.
> 5:15pm: As the World Caves In (Teaser)💕 💔 
Coming home after the apocalypse. Home sweet home. 
> As the World caves In (Full Fic)  💕 💔
(Post-Apocalyptic AU, Zombies!AU)
The world ended on a Tuesday in November, days after Halloween, when the sun was less than an hour away from setting. Chan had just left his dorm’s building, late to his History of Dance 136A lecture, when it happened. You hadn’t been as lucky on the day the world began to crumble.
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