#even a bad solution would be better than none you know
sebastianswallows · 2 days
The English Client — Eighteen
— PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: The year is 1952. Tom is working for Borgin and Burkes. He is sent to Rome to acquire three ancient books of magic by any means necessary. One in particular proves challenging to reach, and the only path forward is through a pretty, young bookseller. A foreigner like him, she lives alone, obsessed with her work... until Tom comes into her life.
— WARNINGS: none, but a little bit of angst
— TAGLIST: @esolean @localravenclaw @slytherins-heir
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The mornings were getting colder. They both felt it as soon as they woke up. The solution was obvious while in bed: snuggle up together, steal each other’s warmth, ignore the bites and scratches from the night before. It was harder to endure on the way to work. Riding on the tram together sometimes caused a fuss — a young couple sitting so close to each other, his hand between her thighs, hers nestled in his coat, head resting on his shoulder while she covered her lap with her modest little hat to hide his fondling. They tried to be more subtle at work. Even after they started leaving home together, one arrived at the shop some time before the other. That morning it was her turn to go in first while Tom was tasked with bringing breakfast.
“I’m in the mood for a brioche,” she said as they hopped off the tram. “And a croissant. And an eclair for later.”
“Is that all?”
“Oh, you’re grumpy this morning, are you? Then I want a cream puff too,” she said, sticking out her tongue.
“I’m leaving,” said Tom, raising his hands in surrender and making good his escape by crossing the road. “Have tea ready!” he called out to her.
He arrived some fifteen minutes later with a bag full of pastries. She saw him through the window and rushed to open the door, looking far less cheerful than she’d been before.
“Am I late?” asked Tom.
He handed her the packet and she got up on her tiptoes for a quick peck on the lips, but she was clearly quite distracted.
“Ah, not alone, I see,” he said, even though there was nobody else around.
“Yes. He’s here.”
In truth, he didn’t need to see or hear anyone to know exactly who was there. Nothing else could have robbed her of the cheer he’d left her with that morning. He took his coat off and went to lean against the desk.
“Downstairs, I take it?”
“Yes, he went there with two other men,” she said in passing on the way to the back room to bring the tea out. “And he seemed anxious.”
It wasn’t like the old man to be anxious in his own shop, but Tom was more intrigued about who his company could be. He sighed. He’d actually been looking forward to a quiet breakfast…
“And I had half a mind to go looking for a tailor before Oso wakes up. I passed by a couple on my way here.”
“I don’t think you can,” she said, flitting back into the room.
Tom took his cup of tea. “I know that.”
“He didn’t say anything about wanting to see you, but I think you should go down anyway. If nobody’s there, it would look really bad…”
“Then it looks bad already,” mumbled Tom into his cup. “Alright, alright, I’ll go. Save a brioche for me, at least.”
Tom stepped through the undershop as if he owned it, and most days it felt like he did. When Oso was asleep and nobody else came down there — at least not without his knowledge — he was free to learn its every spot from the oldest dustiest corners soft with cobwebs and dead mould to the most pristine seats of the auction hall. He had Alohomora’d past most locked doors already and rifled through every shelf and drawer. It was partly done in his pursuit of getting Oso out of the way, but Tom also did it out of good old common sense. It was healthy to be in control of one’s surroundings. As he advanced through the narrow corridor he started hearing an exchange off in the distance, and the cadence of both voices was familiar. By the time he saw their shadows slinking out from a doorway to the right, Tom could better understand what they were saying. He slowed and softened his steps.
“And so when can I meet him?”
“He should be here soon. He works quite long hours. I always find him here when I visit.”
“I see. You visit often?”
“Well… He is my best, in fact, my most reliable employee. Very dependable. In spite of his eccentricities, which, you know, talented employees tend to have —”
“If you say so.”
“And best of all, he is discrete.”
“I’m sure.”
Tom listened with a smirk on his face. At first, he’d thought the Baron was talking about him, but then remembered they had both come to see Ambrogio. How sweet the truth is for some, he thought, and how bitter for others.
“Yes, he’s been with us for — Ah, hello, Tom.”
“Good morning, Baron,” he said as he stepped into the doorway. “Sir…”
He’d been correct about which Malfoy he’d have to deal with. It was Abraxas’ father, Septimus, who stood there. Beside him was a pale young man.
“Where’s Oso?” asked the Baron. “Why isn’t he here?”
“He should be here in a few hours. He always is.”
“No, no, that can’t be right. Bring him at once.”
“Yes, Baron. Only… I, er, don’t know where he resides.”
The old man’s face paled and inflamed at once, and between mumbles and curses, he dug into his breast pocket for a key.
Tom looked to Mr. Malfoy, whose gaze was fixed on him, and beneath the familiar hauteur, he sensed fear. It was an emotion not at home on Mr. Malfoy’s face but there it stirred, looking quite at odds with everything going on around them. That family in general did not like fuss, and their hatred of muggles was notorious. If word should spread back in England, through Tom as an intermediary, that Septimus Malfoy was doing business with muggles abroad… Why, that information might be worth almost as much as the Delomelanicon itself.
Tom shifted his attention to the thin shadow at his side. With silky brown hair and pale blue eyes, a boy scarcely older than twenty stood at Mr. Malfoy’s right gazing from one person to the other in genuine confusion but with a practised smile upon his face. He was dressed in a fashionable muggle attire of a double-breasted suit in navy blue with brass buttons, as otherwise was Mr. Malfoy except that he was all in black. Was he his secretary? His nephew, perhaps?
“There’s a suite down the corridor, through door B75,” said the Baron as he threw him the key.
“Thank you, sir.” Tom bowed again and turned on his heels.
He knew where Oso’s chambers were, of course, but until now had had no excuse to be there. The room that led into it, B75, was meant for storage, but the door to Oso’s room was not exactly hidden. Painted black with red light coming out from under it, it was tucked between two crooked dressers, menacing and mean.
The vampire was as unhappy as he had ever seen him. A stumbling and clambering shuffle preceded his opening of the door to peek through only to find on the other side Tom’s coldly smiling face. The eyes were red and tired, the bramble of hair hidden underneath a fez. Tom wondered what was behind that pyjama’d shoulder, if he slept in a coffin or a crate… Or perhaps on a bed, as some vampires managed.
Ambrogio hissed at him something venomous that almost belied a sentence.
“He wants to see you,” said Tom.
“Oh, I don’t know… But he has a guest.”
A subtle change came over those dead eyes. They gleamed now not so much with irritation as with intrigue.
“Five minutes,” said Ambrogio. “And you had better wipe that grin off your face by the time I’m out, you obsequious ass.”
Tom nodded and kept his smile as the door closed in his face.
The vampire might’ve been surprised to know that Tom didn’t care that much about finding out where he slept — which, for any predator, was a closely guarded secret. No, what Tom was most delighted with was learning that the Baron didn’t even know he’d hired a vampire.
The rest of the morning went on like any other once the four of them went on their way — the Baron to his office, Oso with Mr. Malfoy, and his secretary with them in a far-off room. Tom was alone. He worked through a valuation of an 18th-century edition of the Arbatel, complicated by a number of notations one of its past owners had left along the margins. Oso seemed to think such things increased the value of a book, gave them “character”. Tom just saw them as besoiling scribbles. He was grateful when he got to go to lunch, even if a flurry of questions awaited him upstairs.
“He just wanted to see Oso.”
“So what was the issue?”
“I had to go find him, you see.”
“He really wasn’t there!?”
“You know he always comes to work around the evening.”
“I know, but I didn’t realise it really was every day…”
“Apparently, neither did the Baron,” Tom chuckled.
She hugged herself as they walked to the restaurant. She was more at ease now that the Baron had left but was scandalised by everything that happened. Tom had forgotten how much she really cared about her work… She treated it perhaps more seriously than the Baron did himself.
“Why did he want to see Oso, anyway?” she asked as they arrived at the restaurant. The sky was grey but they took a table outside nonetheless.
“To introduce him to Mr. Malfoy,” whispered Tom as he pulled the chair out for her. “And his… young companion.”
She cocked a brow at him over her shoulder. “No…���
Tom settled in the seat before her, a slick smile on his lips. He shrugged.
“You don’t think…”
“What?” he asked.
“That he’s… you know.”
“Who, Oso? I don’t know…” he grinned. It amused him to let her imagination carry her away, even if it was in the completely wrong direction. He was so tempted to tell her the truth if only to see her reaction. “What do you think he is?”
She smoothed a napkin over her lap as she thought through all that Tom had told her. He didn’t expect her to guess at Ambrogio’s vampiric nature, that would’ve been beyond what she could conceive of.
“It sounds like… like this Malfoy person is using the boy as… as payment.”
But he also didn’t expect her to say something so astute. Her clarity of thinking was impressive for a muggle.
“That’s an interesting theory,” said Tom, leaning back to think.
“Oh, that would be quite depraved, wouldn’t it?”
“More than you know…”
She scrunched her nose up at the scenario while Tom paused in contemplation at the intrigue before them.
“But payment for what?” she said.
Their eyes met across the table as the same thought crossed their minds. Their discussion on the underhanded tactics of Ambrogio had been all but forgotten but returned now to them fresh and frightfully relevant.
“I didn’t think the Baron would be the type to… lower himself to tricking his own customers,” laughed Tom. “Sells some books for cash, and others for fresh meat. Then again, lowering himself should be easy.”
“Tom,” she berated him. “We don’t know the first thing about it. We shouldn’t speculate. And anyway, it’s none of our business.”
Tom cocked a brow but didn’t bother correcting her that, until he had the book in his hands, it was still very much his business — which made it hers as well.
To his surprise, she would not let him buy her a dress for the opera. No matter how much he regaled her with details of the elegance, the luxury, the sophistication those he’d seen in shop windows while he was searching for something for himself — a tuxedo of standard fare, unremarkable except for the smooth gleam of the lapels which shone like a pane of ice over the soft material of the jacket in a blue so dark that it seemed black — she wouldn’t hear it, and insisted on purchasing her own.
“Besides,” she said, after listing all the things men got wrong about women’s clothing, “I want it to be a surprise.”
Tom sighed and rolled his eyes. “It’s not like it’s a wedding dress.”
“Why? Are you offering?” she purred, batting her lashes.
“Well, I couldn’t ever marry a girl who won’t even leave this horrid city with me.”
“I thought you loved Rome!”
“It’s a ruin.”
“Yes, and people still live in it. It’s beautiful.”
“I still wouldn’t wish to live here for the rest of my life,” he said — which, for the owner of two Horcruxes, was quite a long time indeed. “But anyway, you changed the subject.”
“Oh, I don’t even remember what your point even was,” she said with a wave of her hand, then moving to the kitchen for good measure.
While it wasn’t Tom’s intention to bind himself in matrimony, he couldn’t help feeling angry at how quick and definitive her dismissal of the notion was. He had to keep that little exchange in mind and punish her for it later. And later would mean after their evening at the opera. The tickets cost a whole month’s wages, and in a moment of rebellion, he decided not to transfigure any leaves into banknotes this time. Giving it away felt… dangerous, and freeing.
“Who knew muggles experience such thrills,” he drawled, chasing away the odd sensation almost as soon as it took root inside him.
The opera house was marvellous, large and cold with decorous serpentine marble veined green over white, blood-red carpets, golden trimmings. Tom felt a bit like a god walking up its billowing steps between pillars and high arches. In his sleek blue suit, he felt himself standing taller, broad shoulders pulled back. Even his curls were behaving that night. And his pride of self only swelled when he looked at her walking by his side. Perhaps her secrecy had been worth it because the sight of her emerging from beneath her coat once they got out of the taxi at the Teatro dell'Opera froze time and thought and the breath in his lungs.
There wasn’t one thing in particular that made him look at her again and again throughout the night, but rather the whole picture. The shape of her body so sensuously held by the dress that it seemed caught in an act of love brushed against his side as they went up the stairs arm in arm and made the blood rise in his loins. The gown was cupped high on her breasts in such a way that made it seem to Tom — and perhaps to other men that evening, no matter which side of her he moved to — like her flesh was held by two greedy ghostly hands. He would have to untangle them later. She looked to him like a goddess of wisdom, a deadly siren slinking through a crystal palace, a playful nymph tempting him from his straight path, and for a full evening, Tom was happy. Her eyes shone every time she looked up at him and her lips, like a slice of fruit flesh, were smiling, but so tight and tense. Tom wished he could part them with his fingers, with his tongue, and feel their softness on his —
“What is it?” she asked with an awkward laugh. “You’re staring again.”
“N-nothing,” he said, still indulging himself with a slow lingering gaze.
She was so perfectly framed by the opulent surroundings... How someone like her was content with a mediocre life of drudgery and thankless work would mistify him after tonight more than ever.
She blushed under his intense attention and her eyes crinkled at the corners. “Oh,” she said. “Well, you look… very handsome. I mean, even more than usual.”
Ah, was she expecting him to call her beautiful? As if he’d ever be so gauche, so obvious, so… vulnerable. Tom cocked a brow at her flattery and said nothing, but squeezed her hand and held it tighter after that. He didn’t let her go until they took their seats. She looked away and didn’t complain like she usually did when he did something wrong, which was good enough for Tom to think that all was well.
The opera was Lucia di Lammermoor. Their seats were high up in a loge flanked by lavish curtains downed in velvet with a dominating view toward the stage as well as the other patrons below. She amused herself by watching them, leaning over the balcony while the orchestra was getting ready. She leaned back to whisper to Tom, although there was nobody else to hear them, when she saw a particularly beautiful dress or a luscious set of jewellery. She seemed especially fond of white silks and verdant gems. Tom made a mental note, for no reason in particular. Then the opera started, and he was grateful for the darkness as he mostly kept his eyes on her and the way the stray lights played on her enraptured figure all night long.
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talaok · 2 years
A small bed
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader Summary: During a cold night at Nevermore, you seek shelter in your friend's, Xavier, room, but as it turns out, sleeping on a single bed in two, is not as easy as it sounds. Warnings: SMUT (protected sex and oral sex- female receiving-) a/n: Let's play a game. Guess who's depressed and has done nothing other than "write" and watch Wednesday for the past few days? Please find the answer in the following text.
It was so cold in the room. Those stupid wooden thin walls never actually isolated the building from the cold. Funny how the headmaster seemed to have money to donate to the Mayor's campaign but none to invest in the infrastructure she herself was managing. The bedroom was way too large and the ceiling way too high for the mere thermostat to be enough to fight the cruel Jericho's cold. You could hear Edvin's low snoring coming from the opposite side of the room. You wondered how she did it, how she could fall asleep with this temperature. Maybe it had something to do with her nature, and if that was it, you wished for a moment to have been born a werewolf too. Able at least to close your eyes without the fear you'll freeze to death in your sleep keep you from doing so. you sighed. there was no way you were gonna do it. The alarm on the nightstand indicated the time. 3:46, plastered in red lightning, the only thing illuminating the room besides the sheer light coming from outside, the moon still emanating her immortal glow through the branches. The howling of the wind seemed almost sinister, as it infiltrated from the window. You gripped the blanket and wrapped it around yourself, sitting up on the bed. There had to be something you could do right? You intently thought about it, as the cold spread itself all over your body. They were no more blankets, so that was a no. there was hot tea in the kitchen, but that meant stepping outside, where the cause of your suffering had originated, not to mention you were still going to have to come back to this infernal room after, so that was another no. the gears in your brain were desperately operating, trying hard to find a solution, but it seemed the temperature had compromised also them, not just your body, which was now trembling, as the only one they could find was the first one you had thought of, but had deliberately discarded. It's not like it was a bad idea, he would have said yes, you knew. there was just something about it that didn't convince you, a feeling or, better even, a presentiment, that made you doubtful on whether it was a good idea either. But you didn't have time to think about it as you slipped through the door, glancing one last time, at that shadow-filled space.
The sound resonated through the whole corridor as your knuckles met the door's hardwood. Silence filled it just moments after. It's not like you were expecting a prompt reply, or one at all for that matter. Light footsteps echoed in your ears just before the doorknob turned. "Y/n?" Xavier whispered, his voice still hoarse and full of sleep. "I know, I'm sorry. can I come in?" He frowned, visibly confused "Uhh, sure" "Thanks" you immediately sneaked in. He closed the door and leaned on it, still incredibly perplexed. "Did-did something happen?" "No, nothing like that" You smiled "I just-" you bit your lip nervously as you looked up at him "I can't sleep in my room. It's too cold." "Oh" he exhaled relieved, calming you with him. "I didn't know where else to go. I'm sorry. I can go if you want" you said, realizing just now how crazy you must look. Showing up to his room at 4 in the morning trembling and without shoes on. "shit you're freezing" he noticed, immediately taking his bed's blanket and walking up to you. He was silent as he gently wrapped it around you, his hands remaining on your arms once you had gripped it. "Thanks" "don't worry." he shook his head. A sincere expression spread over his face, and you let yourself stare at it, loving the way he was doing the same. "so, can I stay here?" you asked again "Of course" he said, looking offended by the fact you even had to ask. He glanced at his bed, an eyebrow-raising itself "There's only one thing" he offered you an apologetic smile "There's only one bed. Rowan's old one doesn't have any blankets". You looked around. He was right. Only the single bed surrounded by drawing-filled walls seemed to be suitable to sleep in. Especially today. You laughed softly. It wasn't funny, well maybe just a bit, but most of all it was ironic. you had come here for shelter and the only one you had found was a very thin mattress you now had to share with someone else. You wouldn't have accepted if it wasn't for the fact that there was no other option. You definitely weren't going back to the hellhole you had just escaped from. "I think we can fit" "you sure?" "Well, we at least have to try" you said "If I go back to my room there's a 90 % chance that I'll die of hypothermia" "and we wouldn't want that" he chuckled, his thumbs stroking your arms through the cover. "no" you smiled "we definitely wouldn't". You liked looking at him, the moon illuminating only the left side of him, lightening his long amber hair to champagne ones. "all right then" he let his arms fall to his sides before indicating the way     "Ladies first" "Why thank you, kind sir" you grinned as you went to the bed, laying down on it. It smelled of him. His scent was soaked in the sheets and in the pillow and you immersed yourself in it as you closed your eyes. You liked it. More than you should have, probably. "comfortable?" he asked, and you nodded sleepily as your eyes stayed shut. He laughed softly at how cute you looked, peacefully sleeping in his bed, and a weird feeling invaded his chest. He didn't pay attention to it as he walked towards you. You felt the bed creek and move as he climbed on it, laying just beside you. You hadn't really understood how small the bed was when you had looked at it before, but as you laid here, your two bodies glued together, you realized just how wrong your estimate had been. Silence filled the room again as he set the cover on you both. You were still shuddering, it seemed like the cold had made its way into you and had now little to no intention of ever leaving you. "You're still cold" he whispered, his hand finding your arm again, just to caress it kindly. His touch felt like fire on your frozen skin. You opened your eyes, finding his already on yours. You swallowed nervously at how close you were, a few inches was all that separated you. If you hadn't been best of friends this would have looked romantic, you thought. But you were, so there was nothing to think about. "mh-mh" you nodded. "can I-" he murmured as he turned to lay on his side "I can hug you" he bit his lip "if that's ok" "Y-yeah sure. I'd like that" you said shyly and he smiled "ok" He scooted closer to you and you turned to your side, just like he had,  facing the wall. You admired the extremely detailed spider on the drawing in front of you as he put one of his arms around you, tightly holding onto your chest, pushing you against his, and the other under your head. His body was flat against yours, from head to toe following your body's position. You could feel every inch of his body, his hair brushing against your neck where his breath was giving you goosebumps, his chest moving up and down against your back, and his knees on the back of your legs. He was warm, and as much as you were grateful for the cold beginning to leave your body, you weren't thinking about it anymore. What you were thinking about, was his hand on your stomach, and your ass-well- your ass dangerously close to his crotch. You gulped, if you had been on the verge of falling asleep before, you doubted you were ever gonna do it now. You kept staring at the drawing as you let yourself melt into his touch, so gentle and yet so reassuring. It felt nice. More than nice actually. Your neck was starting to hurt and you readjusted yourself to get more comfortable, inadvertently moving closer to him, and well,  grinding against his lap. A small groan, clearly not intended for you to be heard, left his throat. "sorry" you whispered, faintly "don't worry" his hoarse voice traveled to your ears, as he tightened his hug. Shit. There was a weight on your chest and a familiar feeling in your belly, and you preyed that you would have fallen asleep soon, zeroing out all the possible mistakes that you were afraid you couldn't stop yourself from making, and that right now were all you wanted to do. All the thoughts passing from your head were things you knew you would have regretted later, like what would have happened if you ground again against his crotch, or if you turned and leaned just a few inches over, meeting his lips with yours. They were all potential, doable possibilities, that you could have explored in a matter of seconds, but you couldn't, you shouldn't. You were just tired, that was it. Xavier was your friend, and friends don't kiss each other, even if they really really want to. "Y/n?" a soft whisper in your ear. "Hm" you hummed "are you sleeping?" You turned your neck around, now really inches from his face, from his nose, eyes, and stupidly pretty mouth. "no" you answered There was a moment of silence, as he inspected your whole face, his eyes traveling from your eyes to your mouth and then up again. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You had never understood that expression, but now, all of the sudden, it seemed to make a lot of sense. "are you feeling better?" "yes, thank you" He moved his hand from your belly and brought it up to your face "good" he murmured, as he stroked your cheek. You felt your cheeks turn a brighter shade of pink. "I-" your voice died in your throat, as you forgot what you wanted to say. "You're very pretty you know?" he kept caressing your face "I don't think I've ever told you before" he smiled "but you really are" shit. He was making it really hard not to want to explore the possibilities. "I- thank you" you murmured. He looked at you, seriously now, penetrating and studying you, like he was really seeing you for the first time. "Y/n" he murmured, his eyes blinking slowly. "Xavier" you whispered too, before he slowly leaned over, indecisively getting closer and closer to your lips. you looked at him as he reached them, pressing his mouth on yours, in a chaste kiss. you barely reciprocated, still shocked this was actually happening. He leaned away, his eyes moving between your mouth and your eyes, desperately trying to understand what you were thinking, while also desperately wanting to kiss you again, this time, like he really wanted to. You looked at him, his beautiful eyes always so confident, now looked so hesitant. It was a weird image, a new one. You smiled subtly as you leaned over and pressed your lips with his, this time better, harder and more passionately as his hand on your cheek traveled to your hair. He stroked your hair as he kissed you lovingly, his warm mouth on yours, as you both closed your eyes. It felt like floating, like flying on cotton candy clouds. You had never felt something like this. he smiled as he leaned away, and you couldn't help but do the same. "you're a good kisser" he murmured" better than I expected actually" you gasped, pretending to be mad " you expected me to be bad? " you asked, realizing just at that moment something "and what do you mean by expected?" "well" he moved a lock of your hair behind your ear "let's just say there have been times when I wondered about this" "have there?" you grinned "yes" he kissed  you again quickly "there have been" " Good to know"  you bit your lip "and by the way, you're a good kisser too" "Oh I know" he chuckled, retracting his hand from under your head to place it on your shoulder, his fingers trailing on it. "I'm good at a lot of things" he looked at you. A fire burned in his eyes. Your mouth opened slightly in surprise, and he kissed it uncaringly. His tongue infiltrated your lips as he forced your head together with his hand. You could taste him in your mouth, Xavier, all of him. from his toothpaste to the tip of the pencil he bit constantly. It was all there. "And do you want to show me those things you're so good at?" you said, surprising even yourself "pleeeease" he begged, desperation clear in his voice as he gripped your head one more time, kissing you hard and messily as he pushed you to lay down on the bed. He didn't waste any time as he got on top of you, peppering kisses all over your face, while his hands explored every inch of your body, leaving a trail of shivers with his touch. You whimpered as one of his hands found your breasts "We can stop if you want" "no. please no" He smiled "thank god" he lifted your shirt and sweater "I was just getting to the good part," he said, as he lifted it over your head with your help and shamelessly stared at your bare tits " fuck you're hot" he said bending down to spread kisses all over them while groping and caressing them hungrily. "so" he started kissing down your belly "fucking" he trailed down under the covers "hot" he said, kissing your fully clothed pubis. You moaned softly at the hint of a touch he just gave you. You were desperate "please" as I said, desperate "patience my dear" he whispered sarcastically, as he hooked the hem of your pants under his fingers, toying with it. You whined softly "a virtue you clearly don't possess" he chuckled under his breath as he slowly took your pants off, finally freeing you. he bent down immediately between your thighs, looking up at you smugly. You met his gaze and bit your lip. This was crazy. You were friends and had been such for so long, and apparently, all it took was a very cold night and a much too small bed to make you forget about it, and for him to end up between your legs. Fuck, he looked pretty that way. He brought you back to reality as he bent down and kissed your clit, still looking at you. You moaned softly, and then he did it again, this time for longer, and your moan became louder and kept doing so until he was sucking your clit and you were screaming his name, your hands gripping his hair and the sheets mindlessly. Lost in the pleasure he was provoking you He was looking at you mesmerized as you threw your neck back, your eyes shutting close and your mouth open, those filthy sounds coming out of it. Xavier thought he had never heard something so beautiful in his life. "you taste so good y/n" he said, his words vibrating against your cunt, as his fingers came up to your pussy, slowly moving towards the entrance. You cried out as they entered you, Xavier pumping them in and out relentlessly. A very dirty sound echoed through the room as he kept doing that, not even your voice able to cover it, as he went back to sucking and licking all he could find. "xavier" you mumbled "s-shit" you tried to speak, but the pressure forming in your belly distracted you "I-I'm coming" you finally spat out, and he smiled against your cunt "then cum y/n, come all over me" he stopped just to resume again, even harsher than before. You felt a knot in your stomach and as he scissored his fingers inside of you again, hitting your g-spot perfectly, it broke down. Making you come undone, loudly moaning his name as you came down from your high. "shit" you sighed incredulously, as he came back up to your face, pressing his lips with yours once again, letting you taste yourself in his mouth. "you weren't joking when you said you were good" you giggled, and he smirked "I'm a man of my word" his hand found your side again "now" he looked at you "let me show you my full potential" he said, making you laugh giddily, exited for what was about to come. His hands left you momentarily as he took off his shirt and just moments after, his pants. You had never seen anyone undress that quickly. He leaned over you to reach into one of his nightstand's drawers, his hand reappearing with a tinfoil package between his fingers, the same ones that were inside of you moments before. You squeezed your thighs shut, just at the thought He looked down at your legs and smiled knowingly, as he slid the condom on his cock. You weren't nervous. It was weird, usually, you were always nervous at moment like this but you felt safe, and more than a bit turned on. "you're gonna have to open your legs y/n" he raised an eyebrow, and you tilted your head to the side, biting down a smile "and what if I don't?" he bent down over you "then I'm gonna have to open them for you" he ghosted your lips. you swallowed thickly. Fucking shitty shit. Hot. That was hot. You spread your legs and he smirked smugly " so obedient" he joked and you rolled your eyes. "look at me" he commanded as he positioned himself at your entrance "I want you to look at me when I'm inside you" Your mouth slaked open but you still nodded "use your words" "ok" you answered finally, and he looked at you proudly before slowly pushing himself into you. A series of stroked and interrupted moans escaped your mouth as he bottomed out, filling you up completely. You were doing as he requested, looking at him intently as your face contorted in all sorts of expressions. "you're perfect" he sighed faintly, as he placed his hand on your stomach, stroking it gently " so fucking perfect" he looked at you, making your heart miss a beat. his lips twitched up into a very thin smirk as he started moving in and out of you slowly, his veiny cock wrapped tightly around your walls. "feel so good " he groaned as he quickened his pace. One of your hands flew to his shoulder as you gripped it to bring him down to you. You wanted to feel him, all of him. And you did, as you hooked your arm beside his neck and reached up to kiss him desperately, leaving pointless little whines in his mouth as he kept thrusting into you. "shit Xavier" you cried out as he brought one of his hands down to circle your already overstimulated clit. "I know," he said without an ounce of real sorriness "just take it " he pecked your lips again "It'll be worth it" You were out of breath as you kept bouncing on his bed, your tits moving with you. his movements were fast and you were feeling so many things at once that you weren't sure you knew exactly where you were at the moment. The same knot from before was starting to form itself again. "you're coming" he said, through his panting, anticipating you. Some of his hair were stuck to his forehead, and his mouth was open, gasping for air in between his sporadical groans of pleasure. "mh-mh" you nodded desperately, your hips moving with his to get even more friction. "come baby" he murmured, the pet name echoing through your ears, and traveling straight down to your cunt "come for me" "oh god xavier" you had the time to murmur before a wave of pleasure overwhelmed you, a series of little fireworks exploding inside you as he kept moving, chasing his own orgasm while letting you ride yours out. "fuck" he growled as his thrusts got more sloppy "you feel- so f-fucking good" he groaned, before with one final push, he came, a series of profanities leaving his mouth before he collapsed on top of you, his head resting on your shoulder. You smiled as you realized what had just happened, and when he raised his head, you could see he was doing the same. "I think the bed was too small" you grinned "What makes you say that?" he laughed
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mushroomates · 10 months
legolas headcanons:
is, by all accounts, the worlds most awkward elf
most of the fellowship doesn’t even realize how weird he is
thranduil did not socialize his boy well. legolas is not aloof he just has no idea what he’s supposed to be doing.
will walk very slowly with exaggerated movements around hobbits because he thinks they won’t see him otherwise.
the hobbits thinks this is elf custom. frodo theorizes this is because elves want to rest their eyes and ears when they’re at home, so other elves like to announce themselves so no one gets spooked.
this is aided by the fact that legolas loudly announces his presence whenever he enters the room, just incase you missed it.
this conclusion is false. legolas will approach other elves by charging at them, full speed. alternatively, shooting an arrow in their vicinity for a vibe check.
he also likes shooting at people to wake them up and/or scare them
legolas likes that it’s a gentle reminder to his companions that he could kill them at any time and they should be honored that he doesn’t.
aragorn has options about this. legolas tells him that he should be grateful that such a skilled elf is on his side and cares for him. aragorn maintains that if legolas really cared, the elf would stop waking him up with ‘good morning’ shots. he also would like to note that legolas’s loud singing is only slightly better than an arrow flying at you first thing in the morning:
legolas tries to make friends by staring at them from afar and when they look at him he looks away. like a cat. he will also blink at u as if to say “look! i like you! i’m closing my eyes!!!” again, like a cat.
will bring you small gifts to curry favor, also like a cat. interesting rocks and pretty feathers, samples of dirt, fallen leaves in different shapes and colors, and whatever flowers are near by and catch his eye. gets very upset if you don’t marvel at them for the appropriate amount of time.
will eat bites off of your plate. this is a form of endearment. he’s showing he trusts you and likes you. he’s also showing his inability to cook and hopes you’ll take pity on him by sharing your food.
sometimes will intentionally walk loudly around the camp if he’s bored, angry, or lonely so he can wake aragorn up and they can be awake together :)
likes to sing, loudly, at inappropriate times
no one in the fellowship has seen him piss. some of the hobbits are under the impression that elves don’t pee. aragorn and gandalf do not correct them.
up at the asscrack of dawn. this is annoying, because he’s chipper, looks amazing, and is a tad judgements that you aren’t as well.
captain obvious as well as worlds most unhelpful elf ever. will point out your mistake, claim to know how to fix it and half the time not offer the solution or his assistance.
cannot do laundry. he doesn’t even get dirty enough to consider it, and with how little people in middle earth wash their clothes anyway, none of his clothes have been cleaned for easily centuries.
is very confused by dogs. doesn’t understand what he’s supposed to do with them. they’re always so happy and want (physical???) attention and,, it’s not a one and done thing either. you’re supposed to keep petting them? after you already pet them.
they’re like wolves, but smaller and maybe stupider. they also stink. boromir has explained to him many times that dogs are man’s best friend and are beautiful creatures. this worries legolas, because that means either dogs are more evolved than they let on,, or men are significantly further behind than elves than he first thought..
can not play the harp. is upset by this fact.
never really bothered to learn how to harp, either.
he believes he should be able to play the harp regardless because the harp is just a big bow with many strings. this is, in fact, false.
will eat anything. mushrooms and questionable berries mean nothing to him.
this upsets aragorn as he believes legolas is setting a bad example for the hobbits, dispite hobbits having the most durable digestive systems. (note: elves can eat almost anything, but hobbits have the stomach of a labrador retriever. they are always hungry, can can eat anything, even what they’re not supposed to)
DID set a bad example for boromir, who mistakingly ate some of the berries legolas offered him and had the shits for weeks.
is like 90% sure who frodo is. it’s definitely one of the hobbits. it’s probably not the one with the pony.
is faceblind. he can’t recognize other people’s faces for the life of him. if you asked him to pick out aragorn in a sea of humans, he’d panic dispite knowing the man for 50+ years.
this also goes for all races, including dwarves. gimli thought he might just be racist and covering his ass, but then watched him stall for like 30 minutes making small talk with some lorien elves and try (and fail) to pick celeborn out of the crowd.
does know what galadriel and thranduil look like. has a hard time pointing out elrond.
will forget your name almost immediately after you tell him. guys like 3k old and has met a lot of people give him a break
to be fair he does know who you are and what you sound/look like. defining features like voice and hair help a lot. it’s just if you were to give him a book of cropped faces and ask him to name, just one,,, he’d panic and throw it at you.
feels robbed of the golden ages,, resents the fact that the world he knows is drastically different that the world he could have been. wishes there were more elves his age and just more elves in general.
that being said he wouldn’t change this for anything as the world he’s in gave him the friends he’s made and the adventure of a life time :)
he doesn’t wash his hands. like ever or at all.
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pholla-jm · 6 months
Stealing Clothes
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Day by day, Law has noticed something very strange. Every single time he has opened his closet, there seem to be clothes missing. At first, he brushed it off. Making the excuse of just maybe he misplaced it. 
However, as weeks passed by he noticed that his closet was looking a lot emptier than usual. Now he knows full well that he doesn’t wear all those clothes. 
He could only come up with one solution. 
You had once commented how comfy his clothes looked. He didn’t think much of it then, but now that he is putting together the pieces, it would make sense that you would take it. 
Now Law was on a mission. To get his clothes back. 
He knew that you would be in your room, so he headed straight to where you resided. Once he was faced with the metal door of the room, he knocked rather loudly on the door. 
However, you were used to his loud knocking. 
“What?!” You shouted from the other side of the door. 
You could basically hear his harsh stare from the other side of the door. But did you care? No. 
“(y/n). I’m missing some hoodies. Have you seen them?” 
There was long silence, and that was enough for Law to know the answer. 
“Uh. No I haven’t.” You finally answer and Law rolls his eyes. You were a terrible liar. 
“You’re wearing one right now, aren’t you.” 
“You’re lying,” Law says, holding his hand out and activating his powers, “room. Shambles.” 
The next thing Law saw was you sitting in your bed, reading a book. And wearing his hoodie. 
When his presence was made, your eyes widened making you look like a deer in headlights. Normally, Law would stop and stare at you. Thinking that you were just too cute. Especially since you were wearing shorts under the hoodie, so all he could see were your smooth legs. 
However, he needed to know if all his missing clothes were here. 
“Law,” you nervously say with a chuckle. 
His gaze was harsh on you, making you even more nervous. 
“So, yes. I lied. I have your hoodie. I just didn’t want to give it back. It just smells like you.” You say and Law just shakes his head. 
He doesn’t say anything else, and walks over to your closet. 
“Wait!” Your calls fall on his deaf ears. He swings open your closet door, eyes widening at the sight. It was a lot more than he expected. 
It was more than just hoodies. His shirts and some sleepwear. 
He turns to you, eyebrow twitching from annoyance. You nervously laugh again, hating that you were caught for taking most of his clothes. 
“Why are you taking my clothes when you have your own?” 
A sigh leaves your lips as you close your book. 
“It’s too embarrassing.” “I promise you it’s fine. Just tell me.” 
A subtle blush forms on your cheeks. “Well, you’re usually busy… so sometimes I miss you. But I don’t want to bother you. So I just take some of your clothes… and just pretend that you’re here.” 
Law’s gaze on you wavers. Heart skipping a beat at your words. He then felt bad. He hadn’t realized that he's been so busy that he's been neglecting you. With a sigh, he sits on the bed, pulling you close to him.  You were basically sitting on his lap, one arm wrapped around your waist and the other rubbing up and down your bare legs. The warmth of his hands beating the warmth of his stolen clothes.
“I’m sorry (y/n). But you don’t have to steal my clothes to feel better. You can just come to me next from now on.” He says and you nod. “That sounds good to me.” You lean forward to give him a small kiss. 
When you pull back, his eyes flutter back over to your closet. His eyes catch something peeking out from a pile of clothes. He recognizes that pattern anywhere.
“(y/n).” He looks back over to you with his eyebrows furrowed, “are those my boxers?” You laugh, “I swear, they’re actually really comfy.”
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keyotosprompts · 1 month
not easy to please ⋆⭒˚。⋆
alternatives to popular tropes
⇴ siblings's worst enemy
they're your sibling's enemy, so of course they're yours too. they're despicable and you seriously want them dead. luckily for you, the feeling's mutual.
⇴ struggling ceo and their know-it-all office worker
how did this mf become the ceo of one of the most progressive countries in the world?? they're clueless and you're the one that has to fix all their mistakes. you seriously don't get paid enough for this (unless they can come up with another way to pay you).
⇴ marriage of inconvenience
what happens in vegas stays in vegas. except when you've signed an official marriage contract, and everything is so much more complicated before. now this person is stuck with you until you can divorce! (or will you?)
⇴ forbidden hate
your parents absolutely adore the idea of the two of you together. they have wedding pinterest boards, future plans, and baby names for the two of you. only one thing: you two kinda hate each other, and hell would have to freeze over before you'd ever get with them.
⇴ no more second chances
sorry dude! f'ed up really bad the first time, and now you're not giving anymore chances, and your ex has to deal with the consequences. one problem: they can't deal with the consequences bc they're literally in love with you. hm. just what will this person do to get you back?
⇴ not so secret identity
everyone knows who they are. not even the old mask and hat trick could prevent people from identifying them. and it's fine–they absolutely bask in the fame. one problem though: they're a constant target to the entire world. perfect!
⇴ separated from each other
they never get any alone time. alone together in an elevator? too bad, a party of ten just showed up, pushing the two of you on the opposite side of the elevator. finally alone at home? nope! unfortunately, your friends make a surprise visit! oh how will you two ever get past this?
⇴ "you deserved it."
a normal person would've asked "who did this to you?" except your bond is not normal. not in the slightest. i mean seriously, what does this person want from you?
⇴ "i can't have you, so i'll let someone else take my place."
they know that they're not good enough for you, and that you deserve someone better than them. so, they choose to let you go, and hope that someone else can make your world light up like they used to
⇴ the one that is still here
everywhere you go, this person is there. whether it's physically, mentally, or spiritually, everything ties back to them. everything reminds you of them. you couldn't even escape if you tried.
⇴ playboy but he's actually a nerd that cannot get play
he's gorgeous–he's the most attractive man you think you've ever seen in your life. you think he's probably got it all–girls or boys coming up to him nonstop. only, that's not true in the slightest. somehow, he's managed to fumble every single time.
⇴ nobody wants the bad boy
he's troubled. there are rumors of him starting fights 24/7, and he lives in a bad area. he could really fuck someone up. nobody wants him.
⇴ "you must be delusional"
lovers that know that they're in love with each other, but when admitting it to their friends, they shut down their feelings.
⇴ loving someone to save them
none of that breaking up nonsense. love is power. their love and support causes you to be stronger than ever. knowing that there's love out there gives you a reason to keep on going. love saves you.
⇴ too smart to live
you've outdone yourself this time. bypassed every guard, rule, and law without anyone catching you. so, of course, there's only one solution here: to eliminate you.
⇴ different worlds (revised)
you grew up poor while they grew up rich. now, in the present, you are the more successful one, while they are struggling to get their life together. now, you must help the one who used to be in your current position, and fix things together.
⇴ one-sided blind date
rule one of having a blind date: you should not know who you're meeting. well, too late! you sneaked a peek at your friend's phone and found out who you'll be seeing soon. now, you're scrambling to get out of this date because you know exactly who it is.
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hyperfixatedbastard · 3 months
Hi i hope you doing well. I have a resquest... more like a headcanon. What if Adam was a dad ? What his behaviour will be ? Does he be a good or a bad father ?
I understand if you don't do it. I don't want to force you for something you don't want to.
Dadam (Dad!Adam) Headcanons
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we bringing out the daddy issues on this one boys
A/N: I haven't done a headcanon type of post yet, but they're easier to write than regular one shots and I'm too tired for that shit. The request didn't specify what kind of Reader (spouse or child), so I just went with general headcanons that don't specify the Reader at all. Insert yourself as you wish!
Also, thank you all for your patience! It's been very busy for me lately and I've been too exhausted to write much, so expect a lot more of these kinds of posts (the formatting is easier and I don't have to write a bunch of dialogue lol).
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As the father of humanity, Adam had...a lot of kids. The guy lived for 800+ years just populating the earth. That's a LOT of kids. We all know how the first two turned out. That is, not fuckin' well. To be honest, I don't think Adam valued his children. It was just kinda... a thing he had to do. (When Abel died and Cain got exiled, he fr just went and had another kid to replace them.) But I am in deep, deep denial and this is for my enjoyment as someone with severe daddy issues. So fuck all that.
At first, Adam is 100% the guy that freaks the fuck out when he finds out he knocked someone up. That man is SWEATING. He's actually pretty chill if it's someone he's in an established long-term relationship with, though. He still freaks the fuck out, but to a significantly lesser degree and with a much smaller chance of up and leaving. Once he's over the initial shock, he's shocked to find that he's kind of excited. Back when he was alive, having kids was just normal because it was such a common occurrence.
This man knows every little detail about pregnancy and infants. With the amount of kids he's had? He has seen it ALL. Sure, all his information is thousands of years old, but knowledge learned through experience is super valuable when it comes to this shit! He doesn't know what the fuck a uterus is, but he knows exactly how to make his partner the most comfortable, how to deal with cravings, etc. If his partner has a problem, he's got a solution. It might be a fuckin' weird one, but it works! He'll probably grumble and complain, but he doesn't actually mean it. Bitching is just his thing, y'know? But... pregnancy hormones + Adam's douchebag-ness = feelings getting hurt. If his partner starts crying because of some shit joke or complaint he made? He's scrambling so fast. "Shit, babe, fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, fuckfuckfuck, don't cry—"
Once the baby is born, he definitely surprises literally everyone but his partner by actually doing helpful shit. Changing diapers? Easy fuckin' peasy (he does watch a tutorial online because he doesn't know how tf modern diapers work but he's a fast learner) Feeding? No problemo. Getting up in the middle of the night to do both of those things? His sleep schedule's already fucked, this shit ain't new.
When it comes to parenting and raising the kid, though... that's definitely where Adam struggles. He'd struggle with bonding. A lot. Adam mostly talks about things that you really shouldn't say around children, much less bond over. I think he'd be better at just letting the kid ramble while he's just sitting there, fully engrossed in whatever bullshit his child is saying. He's not just passively listening with little 'uh-huh's and nods, this man is active in the discussion. Have you ever heard a small child speak? They say the most random shit ever, and Adam would love it. It's peak entertainment to him. Even if it's just incoherent babbling, he'll have full-on conversations with this baby.
He'd definitely have some shared interests as the kid gets older. I think Adam's favorite shows/movies are a mix of action movies and shit like Power Rangers. He's not ashamed of it either—'fuck you, the Power Rangers are fuckin' cool.' This also goes for video games. I know that man is a toxic COD gamer boy and you can't prove me wrong. Basically, the only thing that keeps him from becoming one of those husbands that locks himself away in a man cave to play video games is the fact that he can game with his kid.
And once they get into school, he just gets really invested in the drama. Elementary school drama is such bullshit, and it'd be the best reality TV he's ever seen. "Oh, don't tell me—it's that bitch Cindy. The fuck did that little shit do this time?" He'd be gasping like it's a damn soap opera. 'Oh no she didn't!' kinda vibe.
He'd talk so much shit around his kid about the parents of their classmates, the teachers, anyone. Then the kid would repeat it and Adam would get sat down in the office with his kid like: "Your child said, and I quote, 'My dad says your mom's a bitch.'" "What? She fuckin' is." And yeah, he's not wrong - some of those parents are fucking nightmares.
If his kid got in trouble for fighting, his reaction would depend on the situation. If it was unprovoked and/or a part of bullying, he'd originally laugh it off but would be freaking the fuck out internally. He's probably a little traumatized by what happened with Cain and Abel. But if the fighting was an act of defense (whether of themselves or someone else) he would be the proudest dad ever. Fist-bumps his kid in the office in full view of the principal.
You cannot trust this man to give his kid the sex talk. It just will not go well. Like, if his kid needs advice when they're older (basically anything beyond 'where do babies come from') then he's your guy, but it's still gonna be awkward and uncomfortable. He'd probably have Lute handle most of those issues just so he doesn't have to know about his kid's sex life but can still trust that they have a responsible(?) adult if they have questions.
In terms of where Adam is lacking as a parent, there's a few areas in particular to focus on.
Emotional availability? Not his strong suit. At all. He can't deal with his own feelings, let alone his kid's. Most of the emotional support will be coming from his partner. That doesn't mean he doesn't try. But he can't show it with words all that well. He'll show emotional support in other ways—quality time, gifts, and acts of service for the most part. Like going out for ice cream, watching a movie, etc.
He's not good with discipline. To him, everything's no big deal. If his kid hasn't killed their sibling, that's good enough for him! Generally, his partner will choose when/how to discipline (with Adam's input ofc), but Adam's job is to just enforce it/not overrule it. He's 100% the type to be sneaky about it tho. If his kid is grounded, he'll go out with them to give them a break from being stuck in the house, y'know, stuff like that. Because of this, his kid forms a closer, different kind of bond than with Adam's partner. It's more friendly, I guess is the word? Like, his kid won't go to him for actual helpful advice, but if they fuck up somehow or are in a bad situation that they kinda got themselves into (drinking, car accident, etc.), then Adam is the parent they call.
I think Adam's peak parenting era would be when his kid is a late teen/young adult. 'Cause then he can actually be himself, for the most part. His personality is not very kid-friendly, so once his kid isn't really much of a kid anymore—he is so fucking excited. His relationship with his kid would be a lot more unconventional as they grow older. Like, he's really close with his kid once they're an adult. (totally not basing this off my relationship with my mom) His advice would be shit, but he'd give it if his kid needed it!
Definitely the type to text his kid more often than most parents. Mostly because he texts more like them and has the same sense of humor. Lots of shitty memes.
Also!! I think Adam would definitely make time for his partner. Date nights are a must. His kid better get comfortable with sleepovers at friends' houses or getting babysat by Emily 'cause he ain't letting parenthood fuck up his sex life.
I think that's all I got. Not sure how to end this so uh... shoutout to all you bitches with daddy issues lmao
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Taglist: @little-miss-chaoss @fakeguysarehot @3sire-777
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randombush3 · 10 months
roadside romance
leila ouahabi x reader
summary: when leila’s car breaks down, you come to the rescue
words: 2037
notes: this is an ode to british weather and hot mechanics. i know nothing about cars but i learnt something while writing this!!!!
this was requested btw 🫡
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It’s just fucking inconvenient. A closure on the motorway means that they have to take a detour down winding, country roads. And Leila has a sneaking suspicion that her car is going to stop functioning at any given minute now that the blinking, red light has become a permanent fixture on her dashboard.
Leila had looked at her friends apprehensively the minute the light had appeared, but Ona didn’t care and Laia was too wrapped up in posting their day trip to Blackpool on her Instagram to offer any worthwhile advice.
So, lacking expertise and a good enough grasp of English geography to find a nearby mechanic, Leila had carried on with their journey. It was only another hour to Manchester after all.
Which leads them to now, stranded on the side of the road. Laia and Leila stood outside of the car, while Ona spreads out as she naps in the backseat, none the wiser to the situation they have landed themselves in.
“Can’t you just fix it?” Laia asks her friend as they stare at the bonnet helplessly. “You seem like you know how to fix cars.”
Leila places an uncertain hand on the shiny metal, wondering if she even knows how to get the bonnet open. “That’s Mapi, not me. I have no idea what to do.”
They try to call someone, but there is no service and no pavement to walk down the road to see if elsewhere has a few more bars.
Frankly, it’s so unlucky that this has happened that Laia and Leila both have to hold in their laughter, not wanting the other to think they don’t understand how bad the situation actually is. Because, being stuck in a foreign country with no service and no knowledge about the inner-workings of a car is quite comical. It would be a great scene of a movie.
It’s Ona, when she returns to the land of the living, who comes up with a solution.
The defender gets out of the car, joining her friends as they sit on the grass verge adjacent to the road. “We’ve just got to wait here and look like three damsels in distress until someone drives past and helps us.” Though Leila knows she could probably think of something better if she really put her mind to it, she agrees to Ona’s plan, too lazy to do anything other than wallow in her misery. Now she’s going to have to take her car to the mechanic, and she hates doing things like that here because she has to drag Hempo with her to translate strong Mancunian accents into normal, more understandable English.
“Yeah, I’m coming. The motorway’s just chock-a-block and so I’ve taken a back route,” you tell your impatient sister, who is annoyed that you are late to her daughter’s birthday party. “Don’t be angry with me, be angry with the M6.” She chides you for your tardiness anyway, and you internally curse her for moving to Blackpool. It’s not like she’s a ballroom dancing fan or anything.
The countryside looks miserable when it’s just your car zipping down the empty roads, and it doesn’t help that the grey sky above makes you think it’s going to rain. While you have lived in Manchester your whole life and strive to not get bummed out by the weather, it makes you a little annoyed that the country can’t get its act together. You wish you had the power to teleport to Spain or something.
You pity anyone who is stuck outside as it begins to drizzle.
“Can we get in the car now?” Ona whines, completely going back on her plan after feeling the droplets of rain hit the top of her head. “I don’t want to get wet.”
“Please, Leila,” Laia adds. She hopes to sway her friend's adamance to stay where they can be seen, in case a helicopter flies over and lands in a nearby field to offer their aid (which seems more likely than someone driving past at this point).
“No, it’s only a bit of rain,” she tells her friends. A low rumble of thunder echoes in the fields. Ona and Laia raise their eyebrows. “Fine. You two be pathetic. I’ll stay here, doing the saving.”
“Our hero,” Laia replies sarcastically, chasing after Ona as she sprints to the car. “Have fun getting wet!”
It begins to chuck it down.
When a black Ford pulls up, a bit further up the road, coming from the direction they were heading in, and you get out, Leila finds that getting soaked has become worth it.
“Are you alright?” you shout to her, crossing the road and walking along the grass verge to get a better look at what is happening.
“My car is not working!” Leila shouts back.
You frown, approaching the brunette with concern. She has had to sit in the rain so that someone notices her. You’re a sympathetic person.
“Hi,” Leila says shyly as you help her up, wiping the water from her eyes so that she can see you properly.
“Hi.” You give her a once-over (solely for the purpose of checking she’s okay), and then turn to her car. “What’s wrong with it?” She squints at the sound of your strong accent, and you flush red, embarrassed. “What is wrong with your car?” you repeat with more clarity.
“I don’t know.”
“Was there a red light on the dash?” Leila’s vindication comes out in a muttered Spanish swear, before she nods and follows you down the verge to the road. “Can you pop the bonnet? I’ll give it a look.”
And, while you are doing that, Leila is giving you a look. Along with Ona and Laia.
“Es guapa,” an enviably dry Ona comments to her friends as Leila settles in the driver’s seat. You have instructed her to stay put for a moment while you puzzle at the state of her engine, wanting to know what is wrong before you explain it to the pretty woman you have found on the side of the road.
“Y lesbiana,” Laia points out as you tie your sopping hair up into a bun. Your t-shirt is so soaked that it is no longer of any use, so you pull it up over your head, getting to work in just your bra after wringing out enough water to fill a swimming pool. On your wrist is a bracelet from a Pride event you were dragged to by your friend the other day. You are secretly hoping Leila notices it. “Lei, dile tu nombre. Coquetea con ella.”
“Sí, pregúntale cuál es el problema.”
Leila scoffs, unimpressed with herself at how easily they have picked up on her attraction to you.
“Va. Es de Manchester, también.”
“Guapa, local, y lesbiana. Es perfecta.”
“No sé…” Leila starts, undecided as to whether she should let them convince her she has a chance or not.
Just when Laia and Ona are about to list more of your enticing physical qualities, you appear by the door, knocking on the window to tell her to open it.
“Good to see you’ve dried off a bit,” you joke, feeling as though you are so drenched that you will never be dry again. Leila blushes, but you are unsure whether it's because your joke is terrible or because her friends in the backseat have squashed together in the middle so that they can see what’s happening. You clear your throat. “So it’s a coolant leak. Took me a minute to realise half the water on the ground was actually your coolant and not the rain, but I figured it out eventually! The radiator’s hose clamps were damaged and, obviously, they’ve failed…”
But Leila isn’t listening to you telling her what is wrong with her car, because her friends are whispering in Spanish about how good you look topless. And she is inclined to agree with them.
It is only when you stop talking and the white noise of your ramble is no longer present that she realises what has happened, and she snaps out of staring at you. “Perdón, please could you repeat that?” It’s a phrase she has become very accustomed to, after all.
You laugh, and Leila likes the sound of it very much. “There was a leak, but I can fix it for you. If you’d like?”
“Yes!” Ona answers for her, making Leila practically jump out of her skin.
At Leila’s apparent hesitance, you remember you never introduced yourself to the three women in need of a car mechanic. It’s handy that that is exactly what you do for a living. “Fuck, sorry. I’m Y/n.” You hold out your hand for her to shake, and ignore the tingles where your skin meets hers. “I’ll need, like, an hour to do it, but I can. I’m a mechanic.”
“Es tan perfecta,” Laia giggles, poking Leila to remind her to tell you her name too.
“My name is Leila. I am not a mechanic, but can you… teach me?”
It’s an excuse to watch you fix her car.
You both know it.
“Yeah, sure. I have an umbrella in my car, and I’ll need to get my toolkit and stuff. I’ll bring it over, and then you won’t get wet.”
“I already am.”
You blush, though you know it’s probably not what she meant. All three of them speak with strong Spanish accents, reminding you of your grandmother.
It takes slightly longer than expected to sort out the clamps, but you don’t mind having an excuse to not go to a little kid’s birthday party. You love your niece, but the thought of thirty hyper five-year-olds running around and begging you to play with them makes you gulp. You’d rather arrive when the guests have left and your niece has crashed from her inevitable sugar-high.
Leila stands beside you as you work, holding the umbrella above both of your heads. You are too focused on your task to see her check you out every so often, but she has left the car door open so you can hear the eager encouragement from her friends. Ona even takes a picture because the scene is so hilarious.
“What does this do?” Leila quizzes as you finish up, pointing at the engine and enjoying the way you answer so effortlessly. “And this? And that?”
You wipe the sweat (and rain) from your brow, sighing as you step back to observe your work. For an impromptu fix-up on the side of the road, it’s not bad. She may need to bring her car into the garage to get it properly sorted once she gets to her destination.
“Could I borrow your phone?” you ask after catching her staring. It gives you a surge of confidence.
Confused, Leila nods, handing it over to you.
“Mi madre es de España.” All three Spanish women feel their mouths open in shock. And horror. And the realisation that you definitely heard everything they have been saying about you.
Leila feels like jogging to the nearest motorway and diving in front of a truck.
“I’ll give you my number and you can update me on the car? You’ll need to get someone to look over it more thoroughly.”
“Sí,” Leila breathes, hoping that you are signing yourself up for that job.
“I’m based in Manchester, so if that’s convenient, you could always bring it into my garage.”
“We live in Manchester too,” Laia helpfully shouts from inside the car. “And she will do that!”
“And… I could also text you a restaurant where you can ask me even more questions about car engines over dinner?” You grin at her, and she grins back.
“Sí, por favor.”
“It was nice to meet you, Leila,” you say slowly, pleased with yourself but dignified to hold in your cheering until your return to your own car.
“Igualmente,” Leila replies, handing you your t-shirt that you had previously discarded onto the floor. She’s still embarrassed that you understood what her friends said about you, but at least that means she now has a date.
Or two.
Or three.
It depends on how many more problems she can find with her car.
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fyotherat · 8 months
May i request headcanons of Ranpo, Dazai, Lucy and jouno with a s/o who hates being alone?
Like always afraid of being alone with their thoughts and uses other people to distract themselves from them and is afraid of them leaving and abandoning them? Could be angst or fluff or both i dont really mind!
Abandonment Issues
Characters: Ranpo, Dazai and Jouno
Warnings: None I assume?
Note: Thank you for requesting! I wrote for Lucy but I'll share it together with Yosano and Higuchi on a second part!
It wasn't usual for you to be separated in the first place, you two were always clinging to each other like koalas.
Because of that, it took a while for him to catch a glimpse of how you felt and behaved when left alone.
He couldn't deny that he felt the same in some situations, you are what feels like home to him, and he never enjoyed leaving your side.
As much of a direct person he is, he wouldn't directly confront you about it, he knew you couldn't help it.. so he decided to do his part to make you feel as safe as possible even without him by your side.
Long cuddle sessions are a must before any mission, or any outing for that matter! He will subtly do his best to let you know he isn't going anywhere.
If he has to be gone for a while, he would make sure to leave some of your favorite candies around the house for you to find, I can even imagine him leaving sticky notes with random compliments and cute faces drawn on them!
"Da-daan! y/n found the hidden candy! 10 points from the world's greatest detective!(・v<)☆"
And if you need a distraction? He would be glad to leave some of Poe's newest mystery novels for you to solve, they're too easy for him anyway!
He is similar, even if he doesn't show it to you, he always has that lingering anxiety about you leaving him behind.
He knew it was unlikely but.. what if you somehow learned about his past? Learned about the horrendous things he did without a second thought..? Or maybe you would just find someone better than him..
With those thoughts always in the back of his mind, he didn't have a problem catching onto yours either, he was sharp after all.
It would take a while for him to find a solution or something to distract you from those thoughts.. he didn't have the best ways of distraction, as his first resolute was turning to the bottle, and the fact that he sometimes disappeared for days didn't really help your case.
But he had to find a way to ease your mind and distract you from those thoughts and fears.
He started with small gestures, maybe draping his coat over your shoulders before leaving to visit a crime site would suggest to you that he will be back?
He already declares his undying love to you a hundred times a day, but that was just a part of his personality, playful and teasing.. so he decides to do something a bit more proper, at least before long missions.
Taking your hands in his, he would lean in with a promise, a promise he swore he'll never break.
"No matter what, I'll come back home to you."
The hardest case is by far Jouno... He knows how attached you are to him, and something about it brings joy to this sadistic man. Saying words like this.. with that damned smile..
"My my, can't live without me y/n? Too bad I have to leave for work now."
His words of teasing weren't helping you at all, even a small joke about him 'maybe not coming back' from a mission made your stomach curl.
One day, after a long mission that took him away from you, he returned home just to pause at the doorstep, with his sharpened senses he could hear your silent tears.
But the question was.. why were you crying..? It couldn't be because you felt alone.. right..?
With a sigh, he opened the door, closing and locking it behind him.
That night, he finally caved in to listen to your growing fears and your displeasure about his teasing.
How could he keep hurting you for his own amusement when you clung onto him so tightly and sobbed silently in his arms..?
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hello!!!! i love ur work sm omg i’m so excited that requests are open <333 i wasn’t sure if they’re still open or not since your pinned says closed but if you did close them feel free to ignore this! anyways i wanted to a request a little skz reaction to their s/o complimenting them after they’ve had a tough day and are kinda doubting themselves? they’re the best boys and i refuse to believe otherwise
stray kids reactions to their s/o cheering them up after a bad day
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genre: fluff, hurt / comfort
warnings: none
a/n: sorry i forgot to change my pinned when i announced requests were open 💀 my bad
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chan definitely has his bad days. and sometimes he feels like nothing, nothing will be able to lift his mood. but, to his surprise, you prove him wrong every time. without even meaning to, you will soothe his mind and somehow make his day better just by existing. just by being you. the natural praises that come out of your mouth when you talk to him make him realise his worth <3
contrary to chan, minho doesn't have a lot of bad days. but that means, when he is faced with them, they hit harder than he would like them to. he really appreciates it when you're just there for him. when he's ready to talk about it, he will explain his frustrations. after this, you run your hands through his hair and tell him how proud you are of him. he would never want to admit it, but those words made him very emotional. you touched his heart deeply.
word of affirmation is important to changbin. when he comforts others, he tends to be very supportive with his words, showing that he cares whilst also trying to provide a solution. sometimes his own problems can't be solved. nevertheless, when you see him upset or sense he's worried about something, he really appreciates the praises and the words of comfort you give him. he realises, in these moments, how much he loves you.
hyunjin definitely relies on your words of wisdom and comfort. when he has bad days, he feels like there is a grey cloud following him, constantly there and something he just can't shake. even with loved ones around him, it's hard to shift out of his negative head-space. so when you leave your little words of encouragement ringing in his ear, telling him how well he did today, telling him how well he did always... he tears up. words such as these keep him going.
hannie can feel down about himself when he feels like he isn't doing enough. it hurts him, the idea that he should be doing more. the idea of being in a slump. he can't stand it. all he can think about is coming home and burying his face in the crook of your neck. and when he does this, you cuddle him close and praise him for how well he has done today. "you tried your best. and that's perfect to me." he will look up at you with shining eyes and whisper a 'thank you.' he is truly touched.
unfortunately there are a lot of times when felix doubts himself. it can be quite disheartening to watch this sunshine boy talk badly about himself. he deserves to be praised because he doesn't give enough to himself. you recognise this and always try your best to offer sincere words of love and support. even if he might not believe your words at the time they are spoken, they will stick with him in harder times, and he will be grateful that you were there for him on those days.
seungmin can get frustrated with himself if he isn't learning things as quickly as others or if he's not hitting the notes he wants to hit. you giving him compliments on these days, even if it's something small like 'you look handsome today', you know, something he hears every day, suddenly means a great deal more to him now that he's sad. you make him much, much happier.
jeongin can get down about himself when he compares himself with others or makes little mistakes frequently. when he feels he isn't improving, his mindset can turn quite negative and he may feel disheartened. so he really does appreciate your efforts to lift him back up. it's nice hearing the good things he has done from the one he loves rather than his own negative thoughts.
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
Mission save the human race pt.4
Previous part next part
TW: Breeding kink, Rough sex , Smut, degrading
Before you could realize what was happening, Simon had already grabbed you and carried you down to the room where Johnny was. He was faster with you in his hands than you could be on your own.
You thought he was getting better. He lay in the bed, uncovered, his body glistening full of sweat, and he was shaking. Fever, possible sepsis—fuck, fuck.
You dont have any medication to save him from sepsis - if that were the case. You could stop a fever with your trinkets and the medication you prepared. Hell, you could try this natural healing stuff your grandma swore by, but you are fucked right now, and Johnny too. You can't panic; you need to stay calm for Simon's sake and his friend's sake. They'd make your attempts to save Johnny even worse if they knew how overwhelmed you are right now.
"Cold water, towels, onions, and Paracetamol now." Simon immediately ran down, gathering all the things you would need to save Johnny.
"What the fuck?" Kyle questioned.
"I don't have anything better. As long as none of you are ready to raid a hospital now, this must do the job," I screamed at him.
"Where is the nearest hospital?" John asked.
"16 miles away."
"We will be back in a day. What do you need?"
"Paracetamol, Morphine, Tylenol, gloves, new surgical equipment, as many disinfection wipes or solutions as you can get, new bandages, everything you can get."
"Yes, ma'am," Alex chanted.
The boys left the house in minutes, fully equipped with gear. If you weren't so focused on Johnny's safety, you'd notice the ache between your legs as soon as you saw them with your gear and how Kyle kissed you goodbye with so much passion.
"Gathered the stuff." Simon came up with all the things in his bulky arms. You took the towels and soaked them in cold water, putting them on his muscular legs. Simon watched every movement, making sure you saved his Johnny.
"It's just a fever, probably, and John went away with the others to gather some stuff from a nearby hospital."
"I can't lose him."
"I know."
You repeated that procedure for over an hour until his fever went down. He was still a bit drowsy, but he was safe.
"You saved him again."
"I did."
Two days later, Johnny was as healthy as he could be. He still slept a lot, but he woke up more often. And he was a pain in the ass; he never took his medication and always flirted with you, telling you that you're a pure angel and that he can't wait to finally be on his feet again. And how the others wouldn't be able to put some cubs in you like he could.
You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren't charmed by him. He made butterflies pop up in your stomach, and when you saw him kissing Simon, it was over for you. You wanted both so badly. The others still haven't returned from their raid, so you lay on the couch with Ghost, reading a book; he gave you one of his shirts to wear around the house.
"Can we cuddle a bit? It's getting cold in here."
"Sure, go ahead," he replied, sitting back down on the couch. He patted the spot next to him, indicating for you to join him. As you curled up against him, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. "What are you reading?" His eyes glistened with interest. You waited years for someone to be interested in you, and now you had five men—well, seven—but you didn't meet the other two, who were completely interested in you.
"Just a romance novel," you replied shortly. You knew it was a bit steamy, but you didn't want to tell him.
"Ah, I see. Well, make sure you share the juicy parts with me," Simon teased. He leaned his head against yours and started to flip through the pages of the book. "This isn't too bad," he commented after a few minutes. "Oh, do you like these things?" He pointed to a passage where the male spanked the woman, and you couldn't stop blushing; of course, you liked that.
"No, it's embarrassing when you read it. Stop, Simon."
Simon chuckled and closed the book, setting it down on the coffee table. "Alright, alright, I was just trying to be nice," he said, pretending to be hurt by your response. He leaned back onto the couch, letting out a content sigh.
You leaned against him, burying your face in his pecks. You lingered in his smell; he smelled fantastic, like sandalwood and pine. You inhaled his scent and sighed contentedly.
Simon's eyes closed as you buried your face in his chest. He could feel his heart racing and his breath becoming short. This wasn't supposed to happen, he told himself. But the warmth of your body against him, the softness of your skin—it was all too much.
"Si, do you think we are alone for a long time?" You wondered when the others would come back.
Simon opened his eyes and looked down at you. "Honestly, I don't know," he said quietly. "We could be here for hours, or we could be interrupted at any moment." He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face.
"You saw Alex and me, didn't you?"
"He made me feel good," he did; in fact, he made you feel desired. Every one of them did, but in different ways, but you still weren't sure about Simon. He loved Johnny, and even if both of them desired you, they had each other. Maybe they just wanted to use you as an incubator to get them a child, but nothing more. Alex at least gave you the feeling of truly respecting you, while Price worshiped the ground you walked on. Johnny was amazed by your appearance, but Simon awakened a lust in you.
Simon frowned at your comment. "Alex made you feel good?" he asked, trying to keep his voice even. "Is that why you went to him instead of me?" He sounded jealous. How did they agree on sharing you when all of them were so possessive and jealous all the time?
"No, look, I'm just sometimes not sure if you see me like that. In one moment, you're cuddling me, and in the other moment, you glare at me like I'm some scum."
Simon sighed heavily, knowing he'd messed up. "I'm sorry," he said sincerely. "I don't mean to treat you like that. It's just... sometimes I get frustrated and take it out on you." He paused for a moment.
"I can understand that with Johnny's injury, it took a toll on you."
"Yeah, well, that's no excuse," Simon said with a frown. "I should be able to handle my emotions better than that." He paused for a moment before reaching out to gently squeeze your hand.
"Did you like how I took good care of him?"
Simon hesitated before speaking. "It was nice of you to help him, but I wish I would have been able to be as useful as you," he said eventually.
"You aren't useless. I'm useless. I can't even use a fucking gun," you admitted.
"Yeah, well, things are complicated," Simon admitted. He squeezed your hand again before letting go and standing up. "I'm gonna go take a shower or bath or whatever you call this."
"It would be good in times like this to save some water," you said cheekily, sounding like a fucking man on Tinder. You needed to improve your flirting skills.
Simon rolled his eyes but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Alright, smartass," he muttered under his breath before heading into the bathroom to clean himself.
You were thinking of joining him, but you didn't want to intrigue him or make him uncomfortable.
You thought about using the short alone time you had to acknowledge the ache between your legs. You slowly started to remove the lingerie under his oversized shirt and rub your clit. It felt so good; you missed Alex's touch and John's. You needed them all.
You started to finger yourself, pumping your short fingers in and out in frustration since they didn't reach the right spot. You were so concentrated on getting the slightest bit of satisfaction that you didn't notice him joining the room again.
Your one hand was pinching your hardened nipple, the other fingering your sweet spot, your back ached, and you noticed how you got closer to the sweet release you needed: "Fuck Simon, fuck me."
Simon couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before him. You were so caught up in your pleasure that you didn't even notice he was there. He stepped closer, his hard-on tenting his towel, as he watched you pinch your nipple and finger yourself.
"Mhm, fuck," you whined as you slipped in another finger. The sound of your moan and the sight of your fingers sliding in and out of your moist folds sent a shudder of desire through him. You were so wet and eager for release; it made him want to pull you up for a rough fuck.
He slowly started to stroke himself. The sight of his shirt coated in your juices only made him harder. He loved the thought of you being so turned on by him that you couldn't help but cum all over his clothes. "Mmm, you're such a dirty little slut."
"What? Oh god, Simon, how long are you watching?" you said, removing your fingers that were coated from your throbbing core in embarrassment. In all your years alive, you had never been caught masturbating before.
"Long enough to see you get yourself off," Simon smirked in response, his voice laced with amusement. The smell of your arousal, mixed with the steam from the shower, was driving him wild. His cock twitched at the thought of being buried deep inside you.
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, I was just so woken up."
"Don't apologize," Simon said, his voice low and rough. He stepped closer, his towel dropping to the floor as he revealed his erect cock. "I quite enjoyed watching you pleasure yourself."
You swallowed as you saw his hard-on. When you thought John was big, you were wrong. Simon was massive; he had at least 9 inches. How was this even possible? He was deliciously curved with an oh my god, is that a piercing?
"Oh god, it's fucking big. How does that fit in someone?" he just smirked before replying.
"I'll make sure it fits perfectly inside you," Simon replied, a sinister grin spreading across his face. He walked towards you, his massive cock bobbing with each step.
"Now, why don't you take care of that for me?"
You glided down on your knees in front of him, licking all over his tip and savoring his delicious pre cum "Oh god, I love your piercing down there."
Simon let out a low groan as you began to worship his cock, your tongue flicking over the piercing at the tip. "Yes, I have one," he said, his voice thick with desire. "Now suck on it and show me how much you want my cock inside you."
"Will it hurt if you fuck me?" You couldn't deny the fear of his dick splitting you in half.
"It might initially, but trust me, it'll feel fantastic," Simon replied, running his fingers through your hair. His other hand gripped your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. "I promise I'll take it slow and make sure you're ready for my cock."
You slowly wrapped your mouth around his cock, trying to fit it all in your sweet mouth, but it was too big. You almost gagged, and tears fell on your beautiful cheeks from the sudden loss of air.
Simon couldn't help but chuckle as he watched you struggle to take his cock in your mouth. "You're doing great, baby girl," he said, pulling back slightly. "Just take it slow and try not to choke."
You slowly bobbed your head up and down, and his tip hit your throat. Simon couldn't help but let out a moan as you bobbed your head up and down his shaft. The feeling of your soft lips and warm tongue wrapped around him was driving him wild. "Fuck, that feels good," he muttered, reaching down to stroke your hair gently.
Simon's hips began to thrust involuntarily as you continued to suck on his cock, your moans vibrating against his shaft. He gripped your hair tighter, pulling you away from him slightly. "Fuck, Babygirl, you're killing me."
You grabbed his balls and squeezed them in a teasing manner.
Simon groaned deeply, feeling the pleasure shoot through his body. "God, that's it," he murmured, pushing into your mouth again as you began to stroke his balls gently. "You're such a naughty little slut." The mixture of degradation and praise made you go crazy.
You bobbed your head faster, and Simon's moans turned into grunts as you took him deeper into your mouth, the head of his cock brushing against the back of your throat. His hips bucked forward, pushing against your face as he lost control. "I'm going to cum," As he felt his orgasm approaching, Simon gripped your hair tighter, pulling you away from his cock just enough for him to slide it out of your mouth. "Swallow," he commanded, his voice dark and demanding.
You swallowed it, but it was way too much; it ran down from the curve of your lips to your perfect breasts, making you look like a painting.
Simon watched as you swallowed his cum, a mix of satisfaction and pride filling him up. He admired the sight of it running down your breasts, making them glisten in the dim light. "That's my good girl," he praised, reaching out to cup one of your breasts. He scoped the cum from your nipples, putting it in your mouth.
He smirked as he watched you clean his fingers with your tongue, enjoying the taste of his cum. "You're such a dirty little slut," he said, his voice low and seductive. "But I love every fucking second of it."
"I'm not a slut; I'm a good girl," you protested.
Simon raised an eyebrow at your comment. "Is that so? Then why are you sucking my cock and letting me cum all over your face and tits?" he asked, his tone full of sarcasm. "Sounds like slutty behavior to me."
"Because I'm a good girl, and good girls satisfy their men."
Simon couldn't help but chuckle at your response. "Well, I guess that makes sense," he admitted, his grip on your breast tightening slightly. "You're a good girl when it comes to pleasing me."
"Can you maybe return the favor?" you asked shyly.
Simon grinned at your request. "Of course, baby girl," he said, reaching down to stroke your pussy. "You've been such a good girl for me today; I think it's only fair that I return the favor."
He admired the sight of your wet pussy, glistening in the dim light. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy," he growled.
"I need your tongue there, please."
With a devilish grin, Simon leaned down and teased your sensitive folds with his tongue. "You want my tongue, huh?" he asked before pushing past your entrance and thrusting his tongue deep inside you. Simon chuckled at your moan as he continued to lick and probe your tight little pussy. He loved the way you responded to him, especially when you begged for more. "That's it, baby," he whispered between licks.
"Fuck Simon, so good."
Simon loved hearing you moan his name. It only fueled his desire for you more. With one hand on your hip, he used the other to slide two fingers inside you, finding your G-spot and massaging it while his tongue continued to lap at your pussy like a hungry dog. "That's right, baby," Simon growled against your wet folds. "You like that? You want more?"
He picked up the pace, his fingers thrusting deeper inside you as he sucked harder on your clit.
"Yes, please, more feels so good."
He grinned at your enthusiastic response. "Good girl," he praised you, sliding his fingers in and out of you while still working your clit with his tongue. "You're so wet for me. You taste so fucking divine."
"Please Si"
"Please, what, baby?" Simon asked, lifting his head to look down at you with a smirk. "You want to feel even better?" He asked, sliding his fingers deeper inside you before circling his thumb around your hard, swollen clit.
"Make me cum, please. Simon's thumb began to rub circles around your clit, making you squirm beneath him.
"Cum for me, baby girl," he demanded, his voice rough and full of desire. "I want to see you lose control." You came on his tongue, screaming, whining, and shaking. Simon felt you tighten around his fingers as your orgasm hit, and he couldn't resist sucking harder on your clit to milk every last drop of pleasure from you.
He loved the way you screamed and whined, your body shaking with the intensity of your release.
"Stop Stop it too much."
Simon smirked as he felt your walls clenching around his fingers, knowing that you were on the brink of squirting. "Go ahead, baby," he encouraged you. "Let it all out for me."
"Mhm, fuck Simon too much."
Simon chuckled as you begged him to stop, but he couldn't resist the urge to push you further. With one hand, he gently pressed against your belly to make it even worse, while he continued to stimulate your clit with the other. "You like being controlled?"
You tried to move your legs away, pushing them together, not wanting to lose control.
Simon watched as you tried unsuccessfully to move your legs away. He smiled cruelly at your futile efforts before tightening his grip on your thighs. "I think you need to learn who's really in charge here," he growled.
Simon relished in the power he had over you as he brought you to yet another orgasm. He could see the pleasure and frustration warring on your face, and it only fueled his desires. "Do you like feeling so helpless?"
"Yes, Simon," you whined, enjoying his dominant behavior.
"Good girl," Simon praised you, his voice thick with satisfaction. He continued to tease you, pressing his fingers inside you just a little bit deeper each time, seeking out any remaining pleasure centers within your tight little pussy.
He started to place small slaps on your abused clit.
"Ahh, fuck."
Simon moaned as he felt your walls clench around his fingers. The combination of pleasure and pain from your reactions was addictive. He couldn't help but increase the intensity of both, slapping your clit harder with each passing moment. With a hard slap, you came a fifth time, squirting all over his face - coating him completely, and the couch under you,
He let out a low growl of satisfaction as he felt your pussy clenching tightly around his fingers one last time before releasing them from their grip.
"I'm sorry," you said.
"Don't apologize," Simon murmured, his gaze lingering on you. "That was fucking beautiful; you taste like pure heaven."
You looked at his throbbing dick, reaching for it.
Simon saw the look in your eyes and grinned, wrapping his hand around his throbbing erection. "You want more?" he asked, already knowing the answer. "You're such a greedy little slut," he teased you before guiding his cock to your entrance. You winced as he put it inside you, inch for inch.
"I know it's big, but you can take it," Simon grunted, his eyes locked on yours as he began to pound into you. The head of his cock hit your cervix with each powerful stroke, filling you.
You were so tight around him that it felt like heaven itself was wrapped around his shaft.
Feeling your legs wrap around his hips, Simon groaned low in pleasure. The sensation of being so tightly held while he thrust into you was exquisite. He reached down between your bodies, his fingers finding their way to your clit.
"No too much, Si."
Simon couldn't help but laugh at your attempts to pull him out. "I told you it was going to be big," he teased, slamming himself into you harder. His hand on your clit moved faster, his fingers tracing over the sensitive nub.
"Hurts so good," you admitted.
"You like pain, then?" Simon growled, his face twisted with lust and anger. With one last hard push, he buried himself deep within you, as far as he could go. "Say it, you fucking slut. Tell me you love it."
"I love it when you're rough with me, Si," you moaned. He felt like heaven and hell at the same time inside of you. His big cum-loaded balls hit your ass all over again, leaving his mark on you.
"Fuck yes, you do," Simon hissed, grabbing your hips and slamming himself into you over and over again. His fingers on your clit were relentless, rubbing in circles to drive you closer to the edge. "I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight," Simon warned, his voice low and rough. He pulled out of you with a wet pop and spun you around, pushing you on all fours and arching your back.
Simon slammed himself into you from behind, his hands gripping your hips as he thrust into you with all his strength. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, and he could feel you clenching around him, trying to keep up with his powerful strokes.
Simon's fingers dug into your hips as he pounded into you, his breathing becoming ragged. "You like that?" He asked roughly, knowing the answer well. "You love it when I take you hard and rough, don't you?"
"Yes Si"
Simon's pace quickened, his movements becoming more frantic as he reached the edge of release. He leaned down and bit your shoulder, growling incoherently as he felt himself about to cough. "Your pussy is so fucking tight."
As you begged him for more, Simon's cock throbbed even harder, the head hitting your cervix with each powerful thrust. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, exposing your neck to his hungry mouth. "No one took me so good as you did."
"Mhm, fuck, best cunt you ever had?"
Simon grunted as he felt himself about to explode inside of you. "Best cunt I ever fucking had," he growled into your ear, kissing you all over your neck.
"Mhm, Si, please fill me up."
He smiled, his teeth bared in a devilish grin. "You want my baby in your belly?" he asked, his voice a low growl. For the first time, you betrayed yourself and nodded. You wanted his fucking baby and nothing more than it.
"I'm going to fuck a baby inside of you." Simon's thrusts became even more powerful, his hips slamming into yours as he felt himself reach the peak of pleasure. "You're going to be a Riley," he growled, feeling his cock twitch and throb inside you as he filled you with his seed.
As you both came together, Simon's seed mixed with your sweet nectar. He continued to push his cum over and over again into your cervix, lifting your legs, not allowing one drop to escape before he impregnated you.
After he turned soft, He pulled out of you and collapsed on the couch, panting heavily as he watched his thick, white cum drip from your pussy onto the fabric.
You couldn't stop laughing as you saw his cum dripping from your fucked-out core.
Simon grinned at you, his eyes glinting playfully. "You think that's funny?" He asked, reaching over to give you a light swat on the ass. "Just wait until we have to deal with a tiny little mini-me running around."
"Oh god, that will be hell." You laughed, but somehow you wanted this baby to be his. It was selfish; he had Johnny, and you were only a tool for him.
"You know you aren't a slut; I just thought you liked the degrading," he kissed you on your forehead and then down to your nose, to your plump lips.
"I loved it."
"You look sad for someone who had six orgasms."
"It's just that sometimes I feel like an incubator for all of you, not like a person." Small tears escaped your eyes, and you felt pathetic. You should have said this to Alex and not to Simon.
"Oh, baby girl, you aren't. The captain is smitten with you. Gaz is obsessed with every word you say. Alex made love to you. And Johnny and I look. I know we're a couple, but we are Poly, and we don't want to have just your baby. All Johnny talks about is the sweet angel who saved him. You are important, and I'm sorry if I made you feel that way." Your heart swells at his words.
"You made me feel amazing, Si."
"And I will continue, baby girl, and now on your belly, let me give you a massage. You deserve it after taking it like a champ."
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temis-de-leon · 16 days
Day 17 - Jealous kiss
Characters: Solomon x gn!MC
25 kisses challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
CW: none, just fluff. Developing relationship.
Getting used to only seeing the moon, especially an unfamiliar one, was something that took more of MC’s time than they would like to admit. The darkness, loosing track of time and the drop in temperature were one thing, but it was the lack of vitamin D what proved to be a significant problem. Their body weakened and their mood plummeted to the point where even Lucifer panicked.
Fortunately for all of them, the solution was as simple as adding certain foods to their diet, mainly fish, and of course the brothers bought enough to feed an entire army. In the end, however, MC grew sick of it and resorted to consuming vitamin D supplement pills.
Then they had the dilemma of finishing the whole stack of seafood that filled the entire kitchen, including the fridge, the freezer and the cabinets. Not even Beel could force himself to gulp it down and soon Satan had the genius idea of feeding it to the stray cats.
They would get rid of the awful smell that roamed the house and other cats would visit in hopes of getting more gourmet treats, because where else would they find salmon or trout? At first, obviously, Lucifer refused in fear of any animal creeping inside the house while no one was looking, but once Asmo begged for the damn dead fish to get out, no one dared to complain.
So that’s where they were, the Avatar of Wrath almost crying in happiness while cats climbed all over his body, his younger brother beside him taking selfies with the cutest kittens and MC in a more secluded space giving all of their attention to a particular cat. It had greyish blue eyes and striking long white fur, stained with dirt, but beautiful nonetheless.
A certain sorcerer with similar features stared at them while they cooed at the cat, kissing its nose, scratching its ears and massaging its little paws.
“If I didn’t know you any better”, MC said with uncharacteristic pompousness “I’d think you were jealous”
“Me? Jealous?”
Solomon’s expression was mischievous, but a glint in his eyes betrayed him. He was definitely jealous.
“You must be imagining things, my dear MC”
The term of endearment made their heart flutter, still vulnerable to his teasing even after weeks of endless flirting. Those who weren’t close to them already thought they were dating and after the kiss they’d shared a few days ago during RAD’s latest festival, they might as well be.
It had been a nervous gesture, too short for both of their likings, but MC hadn’t stopped thinking about it. The taste of soda on both of their lips, his hands on their waist, gently keeping them close.
The memory made them feel like a love-struck schoolgirl.
“From the way I see it, you’re simply being too selfish with your affections”
They turned to the side to look at him with an incredulous smile, hugging the cat close to their chest and rubbing its belly. Solomon’s eyebrow twitched at the sight.
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Isn’t it clear?”
“Enlighten me”
Solomon opened his mouth to speak, but his words got stuck in his throat when MC shimmied their way to his body, resting impossibly close to him and letting the cat smell his RAD uniform. He smiled with genuine care and scratched its chin, once again unknowingly increasing MC’s heartbeat.
“Look at him, how handsome he is” murmured MC, their head oriented towards the cat, but their eyes directly looking at the blushing sorcerer “His white hair, his grey eyes… I could kiss him over and over and over again…”
And so they did, hoisting it until their heads were at the same height and enthusiastically pressing loud kisses on the fur. It smelled bad, but they did it anyways.
“Are you being mean on purpose?”
MC laughed at his childish complaint, trying not to make too much fun of his pout and his crossed arms. He only looked at them again when they finally let the cat go and threw themselves at him, making Solomon gasp in surprise.
“You’re funny”
The whisper clashed against his lips and became inaudible to everyone but them.
This kiss was even shorter than the one they shared at the festival, but it eased Solomon’s frown and it made his small smile reappear. He hugged their waist before they could get too far and deepened the kiss, not letting them go until a delighted screech reached their ears.
By the time they turned around, Asmodeus had already taken a picture.
Taglist: @ourfinalisation  @owlisbuffering  @chizukimp4  @ravenredwine @darkflowerav  @craftysclown   @mehkers
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cceanvvaves · 8 months
coffee mugs; p.jh
(moved to isanggayfrog) warning: none
You glared, so she glared harder.
Moving in with Jihyo is, so far, the biggest step you two have taken in this relationship. You used to fantasize about it - think of all the late night talks and breakfasts and bed there would be! However, the first few weeks - months, even - were... worse than expected. The two of you had never lived together before, which meant that you didn't know each other's living habits.
You always fought about little things: where to leave dirty clothes, whether to keep the curtains closed or open, what time to wake up on weekends, and so on, and so forth.
Thankfully, you and Jihyo had sat down and talked and came to agreements, so things became better, and living together became natural for the both of you.
That doesn't mean you didn't get into disagreements from time to time.
Jeongyeon had come over earlier that week with a mug set for you and Jihyo. Unfortunately, you didn't get the chance to open it until now.
There were two mugs inside: a brown mug with the words 'TOP' in white, and a white mug with 'BOTTOM' in brown.
You and Jihyo simultaneously understood that this was one of Jeongyeon's not-so-funny pranks, but the competitive flames in both of you ignited. Neither of you would accept to use the 'BOTTOM' mug, because that would admit that you were... well, the bottom in the relationship.
Of course, the mugs didn't actually connect to your real-life dynamics, but you felt the need to show your dominance nonetheless.
"Y/N, please," Jihyo repeats for the nth time. "Just take it. It's not as if you'd be crowned 'World's Biggest Bottom' or something."
"You begging like that doesn't seem very 'top' either," you point out, somewhat teasing.
"I'm not begging." She huffs. "I'm simply trying to convince you."
"Not gonna happen."
The two of you stand there for a couple more minutes, glaring with your arms crossed in an attempt to intimidate the other. Neither backs down.
"It's just a mug," you finally sigh. Jihyo's eyes light up, but her face falls with your next words. "You take it, it fits you more."
Her lips part. "Are you crazy? What if the girls come over and see me holding that? They would never live it down."
"Then why don't we just keep it in the cupboard?"
Jihyo blinks. It's a logical solution, but she shakes her head. "I'm really close with Jeongyeon. She might feel bad if she doesn't see us using it."
"Then you take it." You purse your lips to prevent yourself from laughing at Jihyo's expression. "I'm pretty sure Jeongyeon only gave this to us for a laugh, Jih."
"I knew that the moment we opened it." She smirks. "I just wanted to see you admit that you were a bottom for me."
"What?" You gasp. "If anything, you're the one who-"
You weren't able to finish your sentence because a pair of soft lips smash onto yours. You immediately melt, hands falling to rest gently on her hips, smiling when you feel her playing with the hair on the back of your neck.
Jihyo's lips part, allowing you to deepen the kiss. You're pretty sure this kiss wasn't innocent - this is definetely still related to the mugs. And you're not losing.
You turn around to pin her carefully on the counter, making sure not to hit the mugs so as to avoid breaking them. Cleaning up wasn't on your to-do list today.
Jihyo's grip on your hair tightens when your hand slips underneath her shirt, your cold fingers caressing her stomach.
Smirking, you pull away only to put your lips on her neck instead, kissing and even softly biting at her skin.
"Not in the kitchen," she forces out, a blissful sigh escaping from her throat when you reach that certain spot.
She whines when you stop. "I'm thinking you didn't kiss me because I looked hot, did you?"
"No," she admits. "I wanted to catch you off-guard and make you agree to take the white one."
"That's cheating," you complain. "But it didn't work anyway, did it?"
"No," she repeats, rolling her eyes.
"Instead it was the other way 'round." You grin.
Jihyo frowns. "I didn't agree to anything."
"Your body certainly did."
"Y/N!" She scolds, lightly slapping your arm.
"What? Forget about the mugs." You're laughing now. You take her hand in yours and kiss the pout off her lips. "You said not in the kitchen. What about in the bedroom, my love?"
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tumblezwei · 4 months
I am a Ruan Mei defender, not because I think she's a blameless misunderstood character, but bc I am very afraid of people interpreting her terrible actions as bad writing bc "the game still expects us to like her" or overexaggerating her bad traits in order to make Dr. Ratio look better by comparison.
And that's not to say I think Ratio is a "bad" guy either, I think the whole point of introducing him alongside Ruan Mei was to highlight how different the Genius Society operates compared to "normal" academics. Ratio's over the top arrogance makes him off-putting at first, but his genuine desire to spread knowledge to everyone who wants to learn it is the perfect contrast to the obsession and selfishness of the Genius Society, who only ever care about fulfilling their own desires without concern for those below them. Even Screwllum, the member who seems the most sociable and friendly, let Ratio carry on with his antics on the space station just to see what would happen, even though it put the Trailblazer in danger and threatened the whole facility.
So that is to say, Ruan Mei is like that on purpose. We aren't supposed to see her drugging us and sending us after an incomplete Emanator of Propagation and be confused as to how she's a "goody guy." She isn't. None of the members of the Genius Society are "good" people just bc we're allied with them. Herta uses Traliblazer as a guinea pig for the Simulated Universe after all, and we now know that as long as it's something he's curious about, Screwllum won't interfere to protect us even when he's already figured out the solution to the problem we're facing.
But I also want to do a little apologism for Ruan Mei bc sometimes the accusations I see lobbed at her is a bit much. Like, yeah, she drugged us, but it was a temporary inhibitor that literally only stopped us from giving people information about Ruan Mei. And she didn't do it just to fuck with us? Ruan Mei is incredibly aware of how emotionally detached she is and knows it's almost impossible for her to understand the affection given to her by her creations. She doesn't drug us out of some evil desire to control information, she does it bc she knows her time on the space station is temporary and wants to avoid leaving behind any memories of her being there. That doesn't make it okay and it's still presented alongside everything else she does that's uncaring towards TB and her creations, but it makes it a little more complicated than just "she's an unfeeling sociopath that would happily watch us die." It's bad, but it's also one of Ruan Mei's weird and not good ways of showing consideration.
It's interesting, is what I'm saying. It's compelling. And I don't really dig how it she gets reduced to a two-bit manipulator.
I'm a bit of a stickler for this particular thing bc it's something I truly adore about HSR's writing, and also something I see as one of the game's core themes. There is no clear divide between "good" guys and "bad" guys. The Genius Society is full of emotionally constipated weirdos who wouldn't pay a single bit of attention to us if we weren't interesting to them, but they're also important allies to the Express. The Stelleron Hunters are our biggest opposition and wreak havoc on whatever planet they enter, but we know that their goals somewhat align with our own and unless you go out of your way to be mean to her with every dialogue option, it's pretty obvious that Kafka is someone Trailblazer loves.
And even Cocolia, someone who almost destroyed the last remnants of civilization on her own planet, gets treated with sympathy. Bronya is allowed to mourn her mother and still see her as an aspirational figure, all the while Serval is allowed to break off ties with her and definitively move on from her past.
It's a theme that carries over to a lot of HSR's important side quests too, where often you're expected to choose between two options that both have some pretty heavy downsides no matter what. You have your own moral compass, and along the way the choices may seem crystal clear, but it's never so black and white as you predict. It's a game about decisions, about making your own way in life and learning about the different worldviews of those you meet. Good or bad, helpful or hurtful, it's not always so obvious as "this person did something bad to me, now I will forever dislike them."
"When there is the chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret," "explore, understand, establish, and connect," "the Express welcomes everyone" etc etc
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theepisceswriter · 10 months
JJK characters comforting a stressed out/overworked significant other ( Gojo, Nanami, Toji, Mei Mei)
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TW: none really apply, GN!reader, headcanon format
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He's QUICK to notice the signs when you're under distress, any slight change in your mood and he's on the case like Olivia Benson.
It's during times like these that he really clings to you and is an attentive partner because he's seen what the weight of stress can do to people close to him and he REFUSES to let them succumb to it if there's anything he can do to stop it.
He becomes so soft and vulnerable with you the moment he notices your eyes are a little too bloodshot
"What's wrong baby? Do you want to talk about it? We can lay down if you'd like."
He turns into your therapist for the day and purposefully clears his schedule for the day so you can rant to him for as long or as little as you'd like. You can take it all the way back to drama from grade school if you wanted to and he'd listen genuinely to try and come up with solutions for you.
Did I mention all of this is happening while you're laying on his chest and he's stroking your hair? V U L N E R A B L E !
The moment the source of your stress is identified don't even worry about it anymore, he's most definitely going to take care of it and you.
Oh and he's going to throw you a stress-free themed party with the jjk kids that seems so silly but actually helped all of you in the long run.
Nanami is a stressed out and overworked man in general so you would do your best to hide the fact that you’re stressed out to not add on to his stress, but Nanami isn’t falling for any of that “I’m okay, I swear (:” nonsense when it comes to you. He recognizes those bags underneath your eyes all too well. Not to mention that he can hear you typing away on your laptop and shifting around in bed checking your email at god forbidden hours of the night when you should be sleeping.
He moves in silence for real unlike the people who post those quotes on their IG stories, so you most likely wouldn't even notice that he knows how stressed and overworked you are. You should absolutely know better than to think you're tricking him, when this man gets partners he STUDIES them to a T!
You'll just come home from work and he'll have dinner already made for you along with special pastries that he prepared himself and a night of self-care prepped for you to complete; he's big on acts of service as a love language.
"But Nanami I have wo-" "You didn't ha-" AHT! He's not hearing that, he'll just gaze at you and then motion to the table with his head. You have no choice, this man is going to make sure you're stress-free for certain by the end of the night.
And yes, you are going to get a lecture on the importance of mental health and self care and no you cannot tell him about himself.
“Darling, why do you work yourself so hard when I can just take care of us?”
Mei Mei is a sugar momma and you can’t convince me otherwise. Half of that money she finesses out of others? Yeah, it’s going towards you and your expenses.
The first sign of distress and she’s sending gifts to your house that she knows will cheer you up. New shoes, a couple of new expensive outfits, some roses, etc, etc.
I also feel like she's a master baecation planner too, so don't be surprised when she sends you that "pack your bags" text at 8pm and the next thing you know you're in Aspen skiing with socialites.
Though, depending on how much she likes you and values you this could be a good or bad thing. If she's not really vibing you like that but thinks you're cute enough to keep around then she's doing all of this just to get you to shut up about ranting to her.
"Stress is just a mindset and one that causes wrinkles so knock that off."
BUT, if she reaaaaallllyy likes you then these are genuinely just the perks that come with having Mei Mei as a girlfriend. Best believe she'll find a moment in the midst of spoiling you when you two are alone to get to the bottom of your stress and help you figure it out.
He don't give a FAWK what you got going on baby !
I'm just playing yall, he cares but because he's emotionally unavailable its very hard to tell that he cares sometimes.
Hit him with a "I've just been so stressed lately" and he'll hit you with a "So stop stressing 😐" he means well I promise.
It's when he sees it take a toll on your mental health that he gets concerned, or as concerned as someone like Toji can be. Once he notices the fatigue, lack of eating, and dark eye circles his protection instincts kick in. As someone who's traveled into the deepest and darkest parts of his mind, the last thing he wants is for someone he cares about to end up in a place like that because he knows how it feels.
Just like Mei Mei, his acts of service and the amount of support he gives you depends on how far along and serious you two are as a couple.
If you're casual he'll just give you verbal reminders like; "Don't you think you need a break?" "Go eat you look like a witch" "I would suggest a nap to help with those dark circles." He's apart of that sassy man apocalypse we're.
BUT, if you two are locked in then he'll go out his way a lot more to make sure you're comfortable like buying you comfort food, watching a movie or two with you, and fucking to keep your mind off of it.
He'll physically take your work laptop away from you and put it on a high shelf purposefully so you won't be able to reach it. Your job keeps calling you in on your off days? He'll pickup the phone next time and let them know the Toji way why you can't come in. Boss irritating you over a project? Don't let toji see him in person or get ahold of any office numbers!
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soapoet · 1 year
W.I.T.C.H. pick-a-card reading
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Will Vandom; a letter from the past
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Four by The Wrecks
you should stop to take a breather. do you realise how far you've come? no, seriously, turn around and look at that distance. no matter how many times things have stalled and obstacles have forced you to go around, you never really stopped. remember the times you felt weak and weary? frustrated and lost, perhaps even worried and afraid? so many what ifs keeping you awake at night, worries nagging in the back of your head about how you're trudging through a swamp with baby steps and getting nowhere. when you thought you weren't moving, you still did. one step is always better than none, and you haven't acknowledged the immense strength that it took you to keep going. 'no biggie, it is what it is, you gotta do what you gotta do' you might say, but there are plenty of people far behind you who stop, turn around and give up when the path gets fuzzy. you didn't. you're proof humans are persistence hunters. you always try to figure it out. no matter how far you need to stray to get a better vantage point or mcguyver a solution to a problem, you do it. when you've stopped it's only been a pause in the long run, even then you felt like such a loser for, what exactly? taking a break? gathering yourself? you've been way too hard on yourself. you really need to start clapping, because your resilience is commendable.
your past self would be amazed by who and what you are today. even mundane, simple things are impressive for who you were long ago. something in you, a vision or a burning desire, has kept the magic alive, and kept shining a light on your path so that even when you stumble and fall, that light in the distance beckons you forward. please hold on to that dream. your past is cheering for you, and believes in you even when you can't muster the faith in yourself in the present. you are so close to making your dreams a reality, so don't let the doubts cloud the view of the finish line. you deserve the world, and the world needs to know your name.
Shufflemancy: Yes & no by XYLØ
if you aren't in your lone wolf era already, you might consider it. your past self is a little horrified by how you've been treated. you're no doormat, and people need to stop walking all over you. daydreaming of things like true friends and truer lovers sounds depressing. loyalty and reciprocation should be the bare minimum. do not get gaslit by words you've been told in the past. there's nothing wrong with you. your past aches watching you suffer, even more so as it witnesses you wonder if it's what you deserve, or think that there must be something you've done, maybe faulty wiring making you inherently flawed. the past knows you're better than this and deserve more. you have every right to be angry and upset at the world and those around you. just please, do not take it out on yourself or burden yourself further by accepting these negative views of yourself. if not out of love and care for yourself, then at least push back out of spite. you probably got plenty of that.
if you need to burn some bridges, be sure to build them too. it may be better to be alone than to be in bad company, but you do deserve those good connections that you yearn for. don't be afraid of reaching out and seeking help, going out and meeting new people. there are many in the horizon who would love to connect with you on a deeper level. people who take genuine interest in you and take initiative, check in on you, wish to learn about you and your world and share theirs with you fully. have faith in yourself and the enigmatic nature you possess. it is just as interesting and desireable as you wish it was, you just need to keep going and be true to yourself. the right ones will find you.
Shufflemancy: Trying my best by Anson Seabra
has no one told you that your 100% looks different every day? and that that's totally okay? marathon runners don't just finish a race and run another with the same results the next day. hell, they don't even run the next day! they rest. and my god, do you need some rest. genuine rest. it's time to really assess how you're doing and even look back to the past. time does not heal all wounds. some wounds were cut deep and need to be tended to, not ignored and left alone to risk infection. you've been through so much, and i guarantee that if this was about a dear friend of yours you'd be up in arms, ready to protect them, make them smile, bend over backwards to make them see how precious they are. because that's the kind of person you are. always have been. a true friend, an ally. someone who could move mountains and declare loudly from the rooftops how deserving of love they are. why can't you do the same for yourself?
please be gentle with yourself. it's okay to hit pause and hide away for a little. do not feel guilty or ashamed if you need time to yourself. if all you can do for a while is to exist and not much else, let yourself simply exist. recharge, have a good cry if you need it. recognise your strengths and skills and talents, and applaud yourself for who you've grown up to be. you are your past's hero, because just look at you! you've grown to be so kind and strong and fun. it's okay to not be okay, and you deserve some tender love and care like everybody else. you're not weak for needing space and time, nor are you somehow lesser for having scars. you're beautiful and deserve to treat yourself with gentle kindness and compassion.
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apocalyp-tech-a · 2 months
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Hello! This is my Bad Batch XReader Exchange gift for @deezlees for the @cloneficgiftexchange run by @ghostofskywalker!!! 💜
Prompts: Learning to ride a horse || Going on a vacation together || His first time at a history museum || Confident reader persona
Words: 2500
Warnings: None except flirtation maybe
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55173340
A/N: Having background in public history and having already written Tech at museums, this was a perfect matching!!! Hope you enjoy it! 🤓 And thank you to @cloneficgiftexchange for running it!
The sun shone through the early morning commute of speeders and ships traversing Coruscant's sky, its pale blue color muted by smog that even the planet's filtering system could not alleviate. Towering skyscrapers of grays in every hue passed by as you navigated to the Grand Army of the Republic's base.
Upon pulling up in your speeder, a bright millaflower red Mustang XD38, you saw your future passenger salute you by casually flicking three fingers from his brow. You brought the speeder to a stop and flirted. "Hey good looking. Looking for a ride?"
"That depends," he said as he hopped into the passenger side with one dexterous and confident move.
"Depends on what, Tech?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
"On if I can be the driver." He adjusted his goggles hopefully.
"Can I pilot the Marauder?"
"Then you can be my CO-pilot. Just remember, I am the Captain here." You winked at him playfully.
You revved up the engine, but it wasn't loud enough to cover Tech's large sigh of frustration. You chuckled to yourself proudly before shooting him a grinning glance. "Aw, don't be like that, maybe you can drive back."
"That is exactly what you said on our previous two outings." Tech held up a pointed finger in a very casual, yet disgruntled manner.
"Yes. Hence the word "maybe."
Tech's propensity for arguing about who was driving dissipated as the museum came into view. His eyes were wide with excitement, though you knew he was trying to keep that emotion at bay. You had seen him go on one of his excited know-it-all rants before. You found them amusing, endearing, and most of all impressive. He was the smartest person you knew, whether it was from Kaminoan meddling or not, didn't matter.  You loved listening to him, and he loved to talk. And you didn't just like listening to him because of the pleasing sound of his voice and looks, but because he actually did talk about things that were interesting. 
After parking, you both walked to the museum's main entrance. Tech adjusted his goggles as his head tilted back to take in the much larger than necessary doors adorned by a full arch of sculpted marble, stone, mythological figures from all over the galaxy.
"Shall we?" You suggested with a smile.
Tech nodded in the affirmative. "After you, Madame." Tech took note of the strange face you gave him upon being called 'Madame.' Perhaps it was a little old fashioned, but he still had not figured out what else he could use in place of your name without being too forward or disrespectful. Sometimes you called him 'Hot Shot' or 'Ace' which were exceedingly better than the names his brothers called him.  
As for you, his brothers were not without suggestions. Crosshair suggested 'Doll,' Hunter suggested 'Sweetheart,' Echo suggested 'Dearest,' and Wrecker suggested 'Booboo-tooka.'  
None of those monikers were quite sufficient, however, but Tech knew a solution would eventually present itself.
Since you had already purchased tickets as a surprise for him since he had not only repaired, but upgraded and heavily modified the repulsor system for your speeder, you were able to acquire visitor badges quickly and began your mosey through the museum.
With twenty levels, there was no way you could see everything in one day let alone a few hours, but you knew Tech had marked out an itinerary on his datapad to follow at your suggestion. You knew he only had so much leave to see what most piqued his interest. Even though he wanted to see everything, you finally convinced him to whittle it down to four floors.
"Let's start with the Paleolithic and Neolithic," he said with a tweak of his goggles. He started walking toward the lifts as if he had been there before, but you knew he had simply memorized the entire museum's layout.
"Sounds good to me," you said walking beside him. As you stood in the lift, you tilted your head up to study his profile as he continued to look down at his datapad. You wanted to blame the movement of the lift tube for the slight buckling in your knees, but you knew it was all due to his handsomeness. 
Your heart pitter-pattered the moment you had seen him at 79s three months ago. You weren't one to go pick up guys at bars, but there was something unique and enticing about him. You thought little of it or him, figuring to never see him again until he came into your electronics shop in search of a capacitor.  
Apparently your knowledge of computers made an impression because he came in the next day looking for a hyper-regulator. With fate on your side, you asked if he wanted to meet you for a drink and after some adorable awkwardness, he agreed.
The lift doors slid open and you stepped into a carefully curated world of wood and stone. Dioramas with the first humans, the first Trandoshans, the first Rodians, Twi'leks, and Pantorans were set up along one corridor.  
"It is fascinating, the similarities between different species as pertains to the genesis and evolution of technology," Tech marveled as you came to the exhibit of like tools from all over the galaxy. "The Twi'lek arrowhead is quite similar to the Devaronian and Human. The same goes for ax-heads and needles. But once you get to items like beads and pottery vessels, you see the cultural trajectory lose conformity and develop based on materials available by individual local environment and customs."
"I had never really thought about it like that. I'm used to technology and more recent history I guess."  You shrugged.
"Indeed. One can hardly expect the modern mind to memorize all of the information whether historical or technological. Though I do try."
"You have some 'exceptional' advantages that the rest of us do not," you teased. You had not known him three rotations when he went on a detailed explanation of he and his brothers' 'defects' which did not sound like defects at all to you. Then he continued to explain how those traits made them more deviant than defective. You certainly understood that side of him as he often met with you when he should have been attending to GAR duties.
Satisfied with your visit to the 'stone' ages, you next traveled through time and to the fifth floor to the rise of cities and nation states.  
Tech stared at the first exhibit with fascination.  "The agricultural revolution varied by planet. Those that did not have crops that could be mass produced could only sustain small settlements, whereas those with large crops could maintain large cities that grew exponentially into kingdoms and nations."
"And wars and starvation."
"Yes," Tech turned to you, his brow furrowed with concern at your statement. Did you not find history as fascinating as he did? He knew your views on the war and cloning. He dared not ask, but all he could do was agree with you.
When Tech continued to stare at you, you realized maybe you had gone too far and put a damper on an outing that was supposed to be fun. "I'm sorry, Tech. I didn't mean to rain on your parade."
He adjusted his goggles thoughtfully. "I have seen plenty of rain on Kamino," he said understandingly. "You need not apologize. That is an unfortunately correct assessment of civilization. With growth and progress comes conflict and suffering. The two seem to go hand in hand, but I think rather to have faith that intelligence and good intentions have the advantage."
"In that case, it's almost as if sentient life is collectively "defective." You smiled, grateful for his understanding and wisdom. For being a clone maybe a third your age, if that, you can not but admire his calm and collected approach to situations and problems. The only thing he seemed to ever be nervous around is you, but that was understandable because you knew the clone troopers didn't exactly get lessons in romance in the GAR.
Tech merely pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose with a knowing smile. He was never quite sure how to take your sarcasm, probably because he was self aware of his own and that of his brothers, Crosshair in particular. But the affectionate twinkle in your eyes and gentle flourish of your smile made his heart beat a little faster and the tips of his ears feel a little warmer.
He had not expected to become interested in a female. He was engineered to be a soldier, nothing more. Yet, you made him feel like he was more than that, that he wanted more even. He found himself returning to your shop even though he really did not need to.
And yet he did 'need' to.
Tech found himself smiling back at you. "Indeed. I must apologize. We have been to two floors of exhibits that I wanted to see. Is there something you would like to see?"
"No, Tech. This was all for you."
"I should very much like to learn about what interests you."
"Well, there is an atrium level. Gardens and ruins from other worlds. I remember being taken with the one from Naboo when I was a child." You felt a little weird saying that considering Tech was technically the same age as you were at the time. "You can actually sit there and relax. Or meditate like a Jedi." You shrugged.
"I would very much like that."
After browsing the garden exhibits of Kashyyyk, Chandrila, Selonia, and Old Coruscant, you settled in the Naboo section. A small waterfall splashed down a rock cliff before flowing through a makeshift river that encapsulated the area and then recycled back to the top of the waterfall. Lush green grass spread across one half before melding with a more tree and moss covered rocky area that housed some Gungan head statues. But what really amazed you not only as a child, but as an adult as well, were the guarlara statues that guarded the Naboo area.  
Tech studied you as you gazed upon the statues, content to witness your own fixation with something in the museum since you put up with his. "The guarlara, a quadrupedal mammal native to Naboo, having evolved the physical trait of speed on that planet's grassy plains and also a long mane of hair. Used as transportation before the speeder was invented and now only used for official royal business such as coronations."
"Sadly, I don't think I'll ever get a chance to ride one."
"No. They are reserved for royalty," Tech said a little too bluntly. But you knew he didn't mean anything by it and that he for the most part sympathized with you.
"Indeed," you echoed a word he had a habit of saying. "Let's sit over on that fancy stone bench. My feet are a little sore from all of the walking we've done."
"Indeed," Tech said in reply with a grin. He forgot you were probably not used to walking five or ten klicks or more as he was.
You both sat in silence as the sound of the waterfall drowned out the low chatter of the museum. You took extra satisfaction because Tech is sitting right next to you, so close that your arms and legs were touching.  
You knew he was a little nervous because he continued to look down at his datapad rather than enjoy the soothing sound of the waterfall, but maybe water just wasn't his thing.
“Hey Ace. What cycle are we heading for next?”
There it was. 'Ace.' One of your pet names for him. He wanted so badly to find one for you as well, but he wanted a special name, not the usual. He knew you liked driving and piloting as he did, but Ace could not work for both of you. He knew you also liked guarlaras, but there were not many equus related monikers that seemed suitable. Guarlara itself did not roll off the tongue very well. Pony was not very romantic. And mare simply sounded unsuitable.
Tech's eyes went from studying his datapad to studying the floor. He was disappointed that he could not find an ideal solution to this very simple quandary.
He now turned to you, studying your delicate features, so content to be in your favorite part of the museum, yet you were so colorful as well, not like anyone he had ever met before. When you turned to him, he took to studying the sparkle in your eyes, that seemed to represent everything he admired about you.
“What is it?” you asked, noticing Tech staring at you strangely.
He took your hand in his. "I was simply thinking about what an extraordinarily colorful woman you are. You remind me of the rainbows on Kamino. They were always so vibrant after a storm. And you are a vibrant beacon after all of the missions we go on. You are like a rainbow to me, albeit in adult human female form."
“Awwww...” You squeeze his hand and place your other hand over your heart. "I think that might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."
Tech could not help the large smile that spread across his face. “Then it is settled, Rainbow.”
You could not stifle the huge goofy smile that was spread across your face, beaming with happiness at Tech, whose eyes reflected your contentment. “You know, Ace, I think you might have earned the title of Captain.”
“That is not possible. Hunter is our Sergeant and first in line for that- Oh. You are referring to your speeder. You are going to let me pilot it?” Tech asked with a hopeful tweak of his goggles.
You laughed at him. “Come on, Captain Tech. Let's finish out the rest of the museum, then you can take me for ride.” The sly wink you gave him gave you exactly the fumbling reaction you desired.
Tech pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose nervously and cleared his throat. “Yes. I shall take you for a ride in your speeder.”
After you were all done at the museum, you took note of Tech's excitement to sit on the pilot side of your speeder while you took the seat he had earlier.  Before you knew it, you were speeding away from the museum, up into the sky at a breakneck, but controlled speed, but it didn't matter, you knew he was a skilled pilot, and you trusted him with your life, and your heart.
Tech looked over at you, a huge smile spread across your face as the speeder breezed through the bright, neon signs and beaming lights of the other vehicles in the skylanes and shining through the windows of the skyscrapers.  All of the colors of the Coruscant evening did not compare to the lovely colors of you, his own personal Rainbow.
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