#even if they had never met Batman a day in their life it’s bc of who they are as people that you know they’d end up wrapped in this shit
starlooove · 7 months
It’s not even voting Duke over Guy; Guy is crazy. It’s all these illiterate braindead bitches fighting to prove they’re THEE child left behind providing the shittiest reasons ever to excuse their own racism with themselves and their just as stupid followers. Like that person listing the reason every batfam member is insane and ending with ‘6. tim Drake’ I’m so sick of it you WILL be dealt with.
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thebirdsandthebats · 1 year
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Okay @s-p-r-i-n-g-t-i-m-e I’m sure you know plenty BUT I’m going to use your wonderful and hilarious comment on this as an excuse to talk about Bernard, bc I realized recently that there are plenty of ppl who haven’t read most of the comics he’s been in. So get ready for my long overdue:
UNPACKING BERNARD DOWD + HIS TRAUMA (for those who cannot keep up with comics but want to get to know him)
So to start, Tim met Bernard years ago ofc, when they were in high school. It’s established pretty quick that Bernard is an extremely Unserious guy LMAO, the first thing he does is literally circle Tim and try to feel him out socially, see what kind of guy he is. He’s the kind of guy who gets himself in trouble with his big mouth, and seems to enjoy poking at Tim and testing his patience. By the time we meet Bernard again in the recent years, he’s grown a lot, but at his core he’s still the light-hearted, fun, goofy guy with very strong opinions. Just less stand-offish, maybe
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Throughout the time Tim spends at this school though, Bernard does experience some wild shit. He lost Darla (somebody he really cared about), he experienced a shooting at his school, and then Darla came back from the dead, kind of scared the hell out of him, and used him to contact Tim again. It was kind of played for laughs, but like. That’s gotta fuck you up. (Robin #140)
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Obviously this is the kind of thing that maybeee has a lasting effect on you. And BECAUSE Tim Drake: Robin got cut so short and the writer had to rush to wrap up the series, we’re left to fill in a lot of gaps and draw conclusions about the years we didn’t see Bernard ourselves. But we absolutely get some insight as to his life after Tim left that school and we stopped seeing him in the comics. Spoiler alert: it was hard.
In TDR, Bernard discusses the the cult that he’d been in that Tim saved him from in Urban Legends. He says that “he’d accepted himself”, but others hadn’t. Obviously there’s the natural reading that he means his queerness (which has me chewing through drywall), but I think that he’s speaking very broadly too. Bernard is a very odd example of a civilian, because he’s always getting dragged into things much bigger than him. And even before that, he had his big ideas, his conspiracies, his loud personality. He tended to rub people the wrong way in high school. Then in issue #7 of TDR (the Bernard pov issue my most beloved, weird pacing aside) Bernard refers to this “oozy, sticky feeling” that he ALWAYS feels when Tim isn’t around. He says when he’s alone it’s harder to put one foot in front of the other. To keep GOING. To wake up every day.
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I think that Bernard has always felt like an outcast. (Robin #121, he doesn’t fit into any clique). He wasn’t as okay with it as he acted. And I think he wasn’t getting any attention from his parents. (Batman: Urban Legends #5, Bernard’s parents nonchalance to the days leading up to his kidnapping)
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So just like Bernard explained to Tim, that feeling got bad. and he wanted to let go. The chaos monsters, the cult, all of it was a means to an end. But then Tim agreed to see him again, and I think that sparked something in him. Because he started learning to fight. When he was tied down to that alter and Tim was saving him, I think it fully sank in to Bernard that he didn’t want to die. Reconnecting with Tim gave him hope and made him really feel something good for the first time in ages.
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So now that they’re dating after the cult fiasco, we get to know this current Bernard. A less goading, maybe calmer Bernard. But he’s still himself, of course, rambling about his ideas and making bad jokes and sticking to his guns (he has NEVER been a pushover, no idea where people get that idea?). I think a lot of people complained that Bernard mellowed out too much in terms of attitude, but I think if he seems “nicer” it’s because 1) he’s grown now. It’s been a while since we last saw him, and he’s clearly changed a lot. And 2) because he’s dating Tim now. He likes him a lot, and he’s an affectionate partner. He wants to lift Tim up.
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But the fact that he was pulled into a cult still remains. And as lighthearted as Bernard tries to be, that traumatic experience still happened. It said in Urban Legends #5 while Tim was searching for him that Bernard had welts on his arms and legs and had been acting different, so it’s not like he was just snatched up on a whim. He’d spent significant time there. For those who haven’t read much abt the ways cult trauma specifically can fuck you up, I recommend doing a search if you’re in a good headspace for that and want to understand him more. because it’s pretty bad.
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And then! yeah. you guessed it. Bernard gets kidnapped again. Chained up next to a BOMB that’s counting down. RIGHT WHEN HE’S WORKING ON HEALING FROM ALMOST BEING SACRIFICED BY A CULT.
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And surely this can’t get crazier. He’s almost died twice in the past 6 months. except, remember his parents? In TD:R #7, we really see a little more of his relationship with his parents. He doesn’t live up to their standards, and his dad specifically seems to just want to argue with him. The restaurant they’re at is attacked, and everything goes to shit, and. you know, I think these panels really speak for themselves.
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And for the record, when it’s revealed that everyone is seeing their worst fears, Bernard’s parents fears are not about him.
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So now Bernard has to deal with that. And we start to see that Bernard is really not as okay as he’s tried to be. He keeps a baseball bat by his door because he’s been kidnapped twice now. And just when he’d likely thought things couldn’t get worse, he heard the Chaos Monsters were back. I can’t imagine he feels safe. He lashes out for the first time since all this has happened and yells at Kate and Tim, because while they’re doing what they feel is necessary to save more people (AND I DONT BLAME THEM AT ALL), Bernard can’t talk about it.
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And I will forever be sad and insist that TD:R got cancelled too soon, just before we could get into the really juicy stuff, because things had to be wrapped up pretty quick and this was the only comic Bernard was consistently appearing in. But when Tim is giving himself up to the chaos monsters, Bernard goes out and rallies anyone he knows can help. Things were rushed because there was no more time to flesh out the story the way it could have been, but I’m including these panels just because I love Bernard Audacity Dowd using a fucking flashlight and shadow puppet to call Batman. geeking out for a minute. And then leading the battalion to save Tim with a SLEDGEHAMMER. gay people rule.
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So yeah! While I see the vision of how a lot of Bernard’s trauma was meant to be semi-resolved and let him come to peace after saving Tim back, we just didn’t have the time for him to heal properly. I’d give anything to get inside his brain again. UHH IF YOU READ THIS I HOPE YOU LOVE BERNARD NOW and don’t come at me if I left something out, some of my comics aren’t with me rn. Bonus TimBer for the road:
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robinofgothamcity · 6 months
"so i cry and i pray for you to love me, love me, say that you love me."
♡ character: damian wayne x reader
♡ pronouns used: she / her
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / hiiii ik i haven't updated in a while but like life bro lmao anyway im trying to find a new job bc a bitch needs money so like big girl stuff happening around here anywayyyyyy here is a blurb/drabble thing i kinda made it up on the fly so sorry if it's shitty
your rose gold dress was dragging against the floor as you were going around from league member to league member introducing yourself on the behalf of black canary. the annual JLA gala was one with a bunch of uppity superheroes and their sidekicks trying to get on everyone's good side which did not interest you at all.
your domino mask was not comfortable at all, nevertheless, it clashed with your very expensive dress. you knew dinah would have liked you to make your rounds with everyone but you were not interested in making friends with anyone that you weren't with usually.
you had been looking for jon or jaime but you figured that they must have gotten dragged around the gala by batman or even superman for things they didn't want to do themselves.
as you approached the snack table, you noticed the R patch standing right in front of you. you had yet to met the infamous robin and although you figured that batman was going to need your assistance in the teen titans one day in the not so distant future, you assumed that your first encounter with the boy wonder would be there.
you handed robin the drink he was looking for and smiled, "figured it beat having to reach across the table for it," the boy gave you a smirk, instantly making your face warm up, "(sidekick name) right? canary's righthand woman?" you nodded, "interesting way of meeting each other," you replied.
robin chuckled as you heard jaime finally scream your name frantically from the other side of the room, "sorry for cutting this short, duty calls when your dumbass best friend is calling for you," you stated as you grabbed your dress and darted to where jaime was.
damian swirled his drink around for a moment before grabbing his phone. he knew bruce hated when he was on his phone but he never thought that canary's sidekick was this....cute. damian also knew everyone's name, no thanks to bruce, so he knew it wasn't going to be too difficult to retrieve your information.
damian had found your instagram which was public and immediately scrolled through it. he found what was normal for girls your age. pictures with you and your sorority friends in some and others showed pictures of you and your family.
as damian continued to scroll he noticed the eye twitch he'd get when he saw a photo of you and a guy friend with his hand a bit too tight on your upper thigh. he knew that he didn't have any reason to get even slightly jealous, however; it wasn't a secret that whatever damian liked he eventually got.
he chuckled at the picture he saw of you looking up at dinah as you hugged her with a simple heart as the caption. damian knew that you weren't stupid enough to give off any real connection that you had to dinah but he figured that you must've wanted to appreciate for taking you under her wing.
damian made his way to where you were with jaime, bart, jon, and a few others. you were leaning against the bar, having a beer with jaime and jon as jon was the first to notice him.
"hey robin, fancy seeing you here with the rest of us mere mortals," he joked. it wasn't very common to see damian with the rest of the titans and young justice team. he was usually glued to batman's side as it was his duty to fulfill any questions he had of his own but he figured that since had taken an interest with you, one night like this wouldn't be so bad.
jon followed damian's eye trajectory and chuckled in amusement.
"shooting for the big leauges, huh?" jon asked. damian looked over to him so he could elaborate, "canary's sidekick is a very popular girl to say the least. the media loves her, i can't begin to explain how man lovesick letters i've had to sort through from her fans, and the league themselves love her. plus, i've noticed that a lot of our teammates are very interested in getting to know her, if you get what i'm saying."
damian scoffed, "and i'm damian wayne so lets see how that fairs for everyone else," jon knew damian was as cocky as they came but he knew that his confidence was on another level and what he wanted he usually got whether it meant getting his hands dirty for it or not.
the lights in the roomed had dimmed as he noticed that you were now by yourself with a wine glass between your fingers. damian fixed his tie as jon dusted his best friends shoulders off in encouragement. jon was always ready to support his best friend in anyway that he could even if that meant slightly sabotaging his other friend's chances with you in the process.
you were sipping your red wine as damian approached you cooly, "hey robin! nice seeing you again!" he smiled slightly as he took your cheap wine and set it on the table and handed another one for you to tase, "a red wine from napa, 1909 to be specific," your eyes widened as you took a sip.
"it's slightly bitter but it's pretty good," you replied as you took another drink, "thank you for this, i didn't think i'd be getting any kind of drinks from anyone tonight," you added on.
damian put his shoulder against the wall as he noticed how he practically towered over you, "do you think i could have this dance with you?" he asked as he heard the next song start to play.
you were shocked to say the least.
you knew how hard it was to get on robin's good graces and you had practically done nothing to achieve it. the song was slow and he took your hand softly as he led you to the dance floor.
thankfully, the room was dark enough to where others wouldn't notice that it was him dancing, "thank you for asking me. i didn't think i was interesting enough to get a dance from thee boy wonder tonight," damian laughed, "the pleasure is all mine. i didn't think canary had such an interesting protege,"
"i can't say i'm that interesting, i'm still working my way up the league ladder," you replied. damian scoffed, "it won't take long to make you an official hero," he stated, "with someone of your strength and abilities alone, i can imagine you'll be called up in no time."
you giggled excitedly as damian spun you around and had you face him but closer now, "but before that happens i guess i'll teach you the ropes," he whispered, "and can i ask what that might include?" you asked.
damian lifted your chin and stared at you with his emerald eyes.
"i think i can give you a taste test before the exam approach."
damian was never this straight forward, especially when it came to other league members and their sidekicks but he knew what jon said was correct. it didn't take an idiot to realize how loved you were by everyone and he knew his competition, mainly jaime and connor, could easily win you over so he did the only thing he knew to do in a situation like this, act like his playboy billionaire father as much as he could and from what he could tell, he was on the right track.
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davidlcki · 2 years
Could you write a smutty fic for Bruce Wayne, where he saves his crush, brings her back to the manor where he insists she never leaves bc it's safer for her there & even convinces her to quit her job, with offers to provide for her!
Provider, protector, needy soft Dom Battinson... please 🖤
stab wounds
unfortunately, i don’t write smut! i thought this was a cute idea, so i wrote it without, i really hope that’s ok <3 for insight this is when bruce is not as experienced with being the batman. lowkey went a little overboard w this but i hope y’all enjoy! bruce is so needy in this lolololol
pairing: pattinson! bruce wayne/ f!reader
warnings: cursing, movie typical violence, lmk if i missed anything
words: 4,389
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bruce had seen you on the streets many times before. it started the day he spotted you nearly getting mugged on your walk home from work. you were screaming for someone, anyone to help as the mugger ripped your belongings out of your hands and shoved you to the ground. when bruce stepped in, handing your purse back, it was hard to ignore his feelings. it seemed the instant the two of you touched hands and locked eyes, he was in love. from then on, making sure you were safe almost became a habit. he learned your work schedule quickly and although you never saw him, he was almost always there. upon the rooftops or around the corner, he couldn’t leave a pretty girl like you unattended on your late night walks home through gotham.
the second time the two of you met was a few months later. you were avoiding a catcaller who stumbled out of the bar to follow you around. bruce couldn’t hear what he was saying because he was too far off, but he could tell you were annoyed. there was a clear look of disgust as you shoved the man away from you and picked up your walking pace, but the man wasn’t letting up. the second his hand grabbed your wrist, bruce was there to knock him out. your eyes gleamed with fear and wonder as you looked up at him. bruce didn’t scurry away into the dark like last time he encountered you. he felt frozen in place as he stared down at you. when you realized he still hadn’t ran off, you spoke.
“so we meet again?” a small awkward smile graces your lips as you glance down at the unconscious man and back to him.
“i guess so” bruce watches as you eyes grow impossibly larger at the sound of his voice. never in a million years did you think you’d be standing in front of the batman, for a second time. let alone conversing with him.
“thank you, sir, for saving me. again. i feel a lot safer with you around” your voice was small as you spoke to him, but you weren’t afraid as most of the people of gotham were. there was something about him, something in his eyes that told you you could trust this man with your life. you thought you saw a glimpse of a smile, but you couldn’t be sure. the batman turned, about to make his way into the shadows, but he stopped, and looked back towards you.
“i would invest in some pepper spray. or a knife.” and with that, he was gone.
you took his advice, and from then on you didn’t go anywhere without either. luckily, you haven’t had to use them, yet. it’s been many months. maybe half a year. as the presence of the batman grew, the crime was steadily going down. you’ve never felt safer in gotham before, you’ve only had to deal with the occasional cat call. for bruce, he was seeing you many times a week as he secretly watched over you, but you still hadn’t seen him since that night. you found yourself almost wanting to come across a criminal, for someone to try to snatch your bag from your hands, because you wanted to see him again. you wanted him to come down to save the day so you could look into his eyes and hear his voice again. you didn’t want to admit that you missed him, even if you’ve only had 2 sparing moments together. you needed to see him again, or you were afraid you’d forget what he sounded like, and the little details on his suit, and the icy blue color his eyes were.
more months pass. it had been over a year now. when you thought of the batman, you hardly thought of the batman you met that night anymore. it had been so long, he was almost merely a tv character to you. he was whatever the news said he was. on some nights, you found yourself longing to meet him again. you’d sit up late, scanning the rooftops and alleyways, but you told yourself he wasn’t who you thought he was. you didn’t know him, or his intentions. he was a vigilante. that’s at least what the news made him out to be. it was getting harder and harder to see him as the man you encountered on those cold nights.
it was a january night, and the wind was blowing fiercely against your red cheeks as you made your walk back to your apartment. you made a mental note to ask your boss again to give you less night shifts. you knew it wouldn’t do any good though, nobody wanted the closing shift. the cold that was biting through you was urging you to take the shortcut back to your home. you looked wearily down the dark alleyway as you considered your options. it was really cold… and the city is safe now, right? you make your way into the ally.
halfway through your trudge had you regretting your decision. you felt like you were being watched. closer than you usually did. what you didn’t know, is that you were. bruce had spent a ridiculous amount of time mulling over if he should speak to you again. he tried to forget you, he really did. he told himself you were only a random civilian he had encountered twice, just like everyone else. but you weren’t like everyone else. he couldn’t get you out of his head no matter how hard he tried. tonight, on impulse he decided now was the time. quickly he scaled the wall down to the ground on the other side of the alley. his breaths were shaky as he waited for you to get closer. he seemed to misjudge the distance you were at, because when he stepped into view, you nearly ran into him. you didn’t think, all you knew was you screamed, and your pocket knife was in the side of who you thought was a burglar. the string of curses that left the ‘burglars’ mouth, alerted you to who it really was. you’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“fuck” you watched as the batman gingerly held his side, your knife was still sticking out of him.
“holy shit! i am so sorry! i… should i call an ambulance? please don’t die!” you held your hands out in horror as you stared wide eyed at him.
“no… no ambulance.” you swore you saw a hint of amusement in his eyes as he looked down at you.
“follow me, i- i have stuff to stitch you up at home” you stuttered through your words and quickly led him to your apartment which was only a few minute walk now. bruce followed, his mind bouncing between the pain in his abdomen and the fact that he was being lead to your apartment. he felt like a teenager with a crush. your apartment was small, a one bedroom, but it was adorned with your personality. posters and plants hung from the walls and ceilings, and there were books strewn about and filling the various shelves. bruce took a second to look around as you frantically grabbed things you’d need.
“okay, umm… sit here.” he sat down on the kitchen chair and watched as you thought through how you’d go about this. neither of you had dealt with something like this. whenever bruce was hurt, which was usually minor, he had alfred to stitch him up, but he couldn’t pass up this opportunity with you.
“i’m sorry about your suit” you say in advance, before grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting through it. bruce made a mental note to use much stronger fabric for his next suit. once his torso was exposed, you grabbed hold of the knife. you splay your other hand out on his stomach as if to brace for the pull, and bruce had to force himself to focus on the pain instead of your touch.
“okay…. one…… two…..” you pull the knife out in a swift movement. bruce stifles a whimper, blood was now gushing from the wound.
“at least you know it works” bruce attempts a joke and points at your pocket knife. his voice was strained and you were to focused to let out more than a snort. you press down on the wound with a cloth and wait for the bleeding to slow.
“i hope i’m doing this right… i mean you, you’ve been stabbed before i’m sure right? you know what to do?” you look at him desperately for advice, the guilt was prominent on your features. this is not how you wanted to meet. the thing was, bruce had only been stabbed once, in the arm. he had gotten used to bruises and cuts and fractured bones, but never a stab wound like this.
“no…. this is a first for me” another smile crosses his features as he attempts to lighten the mood. you couldn’t help but smile back. how often to you see the batman smile?
“glad i could do the honors”
once the bleeding was slowed, you cleaned the wound with rubbing alcohol, earning a hiss of pain from the man. after everything was sterilized, you began to stitch him up to the best of your ability.
“is this… good?” you question yourself wearily as you observe the stitching you had learned 5 minutes ago on a youtube video.
“it’s great. thank you. and sorry for scaring you.”
“no, i’m sorry for stabbing you. what were you doing there anyways?” you think back to him stepping out in front of you so suddenly.
“just a coincidence” he responds quickly and looks down at his hands.
“seems we have a habit of running into each other, huh?” you smile, and he smiles back before standing up and heading for the door.
“where are you going? you don’t have to go so soon”
“i have to get back. i’m sorry” bruce already had your door halfway open. in reality, he couldn’t bear being around you like this. he realized how deeply he was beginning to fall in love with you by every second he spent with you. he was afraid. he’s never experienced something like this.
“when will i see you again?”
the batman didn’t respond as he closed the door behind him and disappeared into the night.
you thought that was the last you’d see of him. why was he standing at the end of the alleyway? was he there to see you? who was he? questions ran through your head like clockwork, but one thought stayed consistent.
you blew it.
he was obviously not happy about you stabbing him, and that’s why he left in such a hurry. that’s why you haven’t seen him again. six months later, you decided you needed to get out of gotham. stories of the batman filled your head every day, weather on tv or in the papers or from your work buddies, you couldn’t escape him.
on your final night in your apartment before you were to move back to your home town, there was a knock on your window. you nearly jumped out of your skin as you checked the time. 3AM. cautiously, you turned, although you had a feeling you knew who it was. you locked eyes with him as he stood outside your window on the fire escape, rain pattered and trickled down his suit that was seriously updated since last time you’d seen him. your pocket knife would break on it before his suit did. you slid out of bed and opened the window almost eagerly. you were filled with excitement, and frustration.
“what are you doing here? i thought you didn’t want to see me anymore. since i stabbed you… and all….” you stepped aside so he could hop into your apartment. rainwater dripped off his suit and began to create a puddle on the floor. the batman didn’t seem to hear you as he looked around your once decorated apartment, that was now strewn about with boxes. you seemed to read his thoughts as his brows furrowed with confusion.
“i’m moving out of the city. it’s… it’s too much for me.” his head snapped towards you as you said these words, and you saw a type of desperation in his icy eyes that you’d not seen before. you were taken back. finally, he spoke.
“move in with me.”
“you can move in with me.”
“i-i couldn’t…”
“you’d be safe. you wouldn’t have to work 6 days a week anymore. you wouldn’t have to worry.” you wondered how he knew how many days you worked.
“i don’t even know who you are, or where you live. i don’t know, i’d only be in the way. i have plans to move back to my home town.”
“you do. you know who i am.”
your brows furrowed, and with that, the batman lifted his helmet. it felt like you were cemented in place. you could only stare at his face and wonder, how hadn’t i noticed this before?
for a while, no one spoke. the two of you stood, observing each other, taking in your features. bruce felt naked, standing before you like this. soaking wet, black eyeshadow surrounding his eyes. it felt like the two of you were meeting for the first time. really seeing each other for who you really were. you were in your night clothes, shorts that were too short for you to wear in public and a t-shirt that was too big. the cold wind that now blew from your open window ran a shiver down your spine.
“please” bruce’s voice was smaller than he expected. desperate. “move in with me” this felt like a life or death moment for him. he felt like if it wasn’t you, it wouldn’t be anybody. he of course wouldn’t force you to move in with him. he would let you walk away, never to meet again. he would let you punch him in the face. he would let you stab him over and over again. if that’s what you wanted. he realized that he’d die for you. despite his doubt, he felt it. he felt the electricity between you both, and he knew you did too.
something changed when he took his helmet off before you. you realized the connection, you realized he wanted this just as bad as you did. you realized it wasn’t just you. wordlessly, you nodded.
wayne manor was incredibly large. larger than tv made it out to be. alfred greeted you with a friendly smile, and upon touring the place around, you realized theywere the only two actually living in it.
“any room you want, it’s yours”
you felt like a little kid as you went inside the bedrooms that were larger than your entire apartment. eventually, you decided on a room at the other end of the ridiculously long hall from bruce’s. he leaned against the door frame and watched as you ran a hand along the beautiful furniture and took in the view from your window.
“hey, i haven’t gotten your name” bruce suddenly realized. his cheeks were painted red at the sound of your laugh. you still couldn’t process what was going on. you found it funny that you only just now were getting the chance to tell him your name.
“oh right, that might be useful. i’m Y/N”
“Y/N” the way your name rolled off his tongue sent a shiver down your spine. “it’s beautiful”
you look down to hide your smile as you utter a thank you, busying yourself with opening your suitcase and beginning to unpack.
you settled into wayne manor much easier than expected. it took a little while, but you and bruce got on well. one night while bruce was out and you were helping alfred tidy the kitchen, he gave you his insight.
“never in my entire life have i seen bruce be so sweet on someone. never. you’re special to him, Y/N.”
more months flew by in what seemed like the blink of an eye. bruce was completely enamored with you. on one night in particular, bruce came home injured. he threw you a pained smile as he stumbled through the door holding his side.
“jesus!” you stand up and place your hands on his shoulders, giving him a once over. “what happened?”
“just- just a gang of kids. im okay, alfred’s got it” he waves off your concern and pulls his helmet off hastily.
“looks like more than just a gang of kids to me. let me get it, let alfred rest.” you look him in the eyes, and he couldn’t say no. he tried to avoid you when he was injured like this, he never wanted you to worry.
once in the bathroom, he watched with dull amusement as you rushed around the bathroom. you’d think he’d have his own little hospital in here with the amount he gets hurt. bruce was pulling his armor off carefully.
“just like old times, huh?” you smile wearily as you inspect his wounds. he had another stab wound just above the scar where you had stabbed him that night. you lift up his discarded armor and inspect the ripped hole in it.
“hm. gaps in the armor”
“what?” he looks at you with confusion.
“no wonder this wound is so bad. gaps in the armor!” you stick your finger through the hole in his suit and bruce rolls his eyes with feigned annoyance.
“you gonna let me bleed out or what?” he takes his bloody gloved hand and wipes it on your shirt, leaving a bloody handprint.
“oh! come on! i like this shirt!” bruce was giving you a playful smile, and you had to suppress yours as you kneel down to stitch him up.
“i’ll buy you a new one”
once you stitched the wound on his side, you took a rag and carefully wiped the makeup and blood from his face. he closed his eyes and let you do so. you found him leaning into your touch as you pushed his hair back and tilted his head towards you. once his face was clean and you assessed he didn’t have any head damage, you broke the comfortable silence.
“could you hop in the shower? i cant tell what blood is yours and what isn’t. and you smell like sweat.” you poke at his shoulder, and bruce reluctantly agrees.
“alfred dosent make me shower” he pouts, turning the faucet. water spurts from it and quickly fills the room with steam.
“well, i’m not alfred” you cross your arms sternly and begin to head towards the door. “i’ll be outside when you’re done to double check those wounds.”
“wait” bruce’s voice stops you in your tracks “could you stay? it’s nice. having someone to talk to, i mean.” his voice was quiet and it reminded you of the night he asked you to live with him.
you sat on the toilet seat and make casual conversation as he washed the sweat and grime off of his body.
when bruce was turned away from you, you would observe his back. the way scars full of bad memories adorned it and the way his muscles flexed as he moved. you had to force yourself to train your gaze on the ground until he was done and wrapped in a towel. you checked him for any more injuries, and upon finding nothing more than bruises decided your work here was done.
“okay, you seem alright. just that stab wound and a few bruises. i think you should really fix those gaps in your armor.” you elbow him teasingly and he flicks your forhead in response.
once he was dressed, he met you in the kitchen. “hey,” his voice alerted you of his presence, you finish your glass of juice and turn fully towards him “wanna help design my suits?” by the look on your face, bruce could tell you were shocked.
“i need someone else’s input. what about the gaps in the armor, you know?”
the two of you didn’t sleep that night. instead, you spent your time drawing out suit ideas on a large piece of paper. you realized very quickly how much you enjoyed doing so, and bruce realized how good you were at it.
“see, this way you still have full mobility, but these areas are completely armored.” you point at the paper with your pencil and bruce nods along in awe. how had he not thought of these ideas before?
you were on your stomachs, elbow touching as you observed the new suit plans. bruce turns his head towards you.
“you’re really smart, you know that?”
his sincerity caught your attention and you turned to meet his gaze as well. your face flushed at the closeness and you found it hard to keep eye contact.
“not as smart as you” you knock your shoulder into his and smile. you could tell bruce was thinking about something. he looked at you for a long while, before pulling his head back towards the papers. you tried your best to ignore the tension as you drew onto the paper.
alfred found the two of you sprawled out on the floor in the batcave the next day, fast asleep on top of your blueprints.
“perfect for each other” alfred smiles to himself, and leaves the two of you to your slumber. for a while, you both spend your nights this way, in the batcave, passing out on the floor after hours of talking about suit designs or random topics that came to mind. slowly but surely, you were finding it harder and harder to fall asleep on your own.
one night, you were half asleep, but the sound of mumbling encouraged you to sit up and blink the grogginess away. you recognized it as bruce’s voice echoing down the long hallway, and he sounded afraid. your feet hit the cold floor and you slowly tiptoed your way into the hallway and over to his door. you pressed your ear against it, and realized he was dreaming, mumbling incoherently. slowly, you push the door open and peer inside. whimpers we’re escaping his lips as he tossed and turned in the bed.
“bruce?” you whispered his name, but he didn’t wake. you stepped to the side of his bed and poked his shoulder lightly. you’d never heard bruce talk in his sleep before. he still didn’t wake.
“no…. no please” you couldn’t barely make it out as the words escaped his lips, his brows were furrowed and you swear you saw the gleam of a tear on his cheek. finally, you placed your hand on his shoulder and shook until he woke up. he came to with a gasp, sitting up sharply and sliding away from you. he looked like a scared animal, scanning the room frantically and taking heavy breaths.
“bruce it’s okay! it’s me, it’s Y/N. you’re safe” you hold your hands up in defense, afraid that if you touched him he would jump back again. finally, he snapped out of it. he took a deep breath and ran a hand through his black hair.
“fuck” was the only thing he said as he sat up and pulled his knees to his chest unconsciously.
“nightmare?” bruce nods in response and watches as you sit across from him on the ridiculously large bed. you match his position and rest your chin on your knees, peering over at him. when the moonlight hit his face, you saw the tears welling up in his eyes. the expression he had was something you’d never seen before on him. you realized he was being completely vulnerable with you. you didn’t say anything, instead deciding to take his large hand in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. a tear escapes his eye, you move to sit besides him and lean in to wipe it from his cheek before it can make it any further. bruce was looking deeply into you. he seemed far away in thought. you look back and decide not to lean away just yet.
“Y/N…” his voice was raspy and he maneuvered his hand to intertwine his fingers with yours. you didn’t say anything else. instead, you closed the gap and pressed your lips against his. you couldn’t wait any longer. there wasn’t any hesitation. he was on you in a second, his lips and movements were desperate, and you were shocked to discover someone like him did not have much kissing experience.
in retrospect, this should have happened a while ago. tension was built over months and months of tiptoeing around one another. this deep want, deep need, came out in an explosion. your hands were in his hair and he had a death grip on your hips. he was afraid if he let go, you would disappear. you almost didn’t notice the way he pushed you down on the bed and crawled on top of you because of how entranced you were in the kiss. he pushes you down into the bed with a roughness you weren’t expecting. he interlocks his other hand with yours as well, and he holds them besides your head as he continued his attack on your lips. then you noticed, he was saying something. whispering it against your lips.
“please…. i… i need you. don’t leave me, please” his voice was shaking as he removed his hands from yours, now cradling your face. he was holding you like you would die tomorrow. “i don’t have anyone else.” you felt the sensation of one of his tears dropping onto your cheek. your brows furrow as you place your hands on top of his. your lips were brushing together ever so slightly as you spoke.
“bruce. never in a million years would i dream of leaving you. i love you.” he presses his forehead against yours and breathes deeply with seemingly relief. bruce slides down your body until he can rest his head on your chest. his large arms wrap around your frame and you almost don’t hear him when he says it.
“i love you too, Y/N.”
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necrotic-nephilim · 8 hours
HI!! hope ur having a good day.
do you have any headcanons about how/when jeantim would happen? :]
hello!!! i am having a lovely day, i went to the library and somehow between four people, we got 28 books. which is even funnier given one of those people is an infant who can't read. but i would LOVE to talk about JeanTim headcanons oh my god-
so the thing i can never decide on with JeanTim is if i prefer them getting together during or after AzBats. i *think* for like, a longterm relationship, i lean toward afterward. don't get me wrong, i *love* dub-con JeanTim where either Jean-Paul outright non-cons Tim, or more my speed, where Tim offers himself sexually to Jean-Paul as a desperate attempt to get him to be a less violent Batman. the joy of Tim is his need to serve and placate Batman, so i think if he thought offering himself sexually to Jean-Paul could do anything to control Jean-Paul's violence, he'd do it in a heartbeat. regardless of his feelings or lack thereof for Jean-Paul. which is very fun for fucked up porn, but as a longterm relationship, i think eventually it wouldn't work out. Bruce comes back and Tim deals with the emotional consequences of being with Jean-Paul sexually. still very fun as a fucked up thing Tim has to live with for the rest of his life.
for a serious relationship, i think it makes the most sense it happens afterward. i like the idea of Tim checking up on Jean-Paul after Bruce comes back (during Batman: Prodigal Tim believes Jean-Paul's innocence regarding a recent crime even when Dick doesn't, so there's some kind of faith Tim has in Jean-Paul) just to make sure he's okay. once Jean-Paul is back on his feet, the visits peter out and stop entirely. they work together now that he's Azrael, sure, but it's not the same as Tim coming over with hot soup to play a card game and ask how Jean-Paul is doing. and i think Jean-Paul misses it. i *love* the idea of Jean-Paul's Catholic guilt manifesting around sexuality, especially if he's not only attracted to a man but a teenager, it'd fuck him up. him liking Tim since they met but being unable to face those feelings. no matter how much he prays and clears his mind, he can't get them to go away. and unlike his violent tendencies, he can't blame these feelings on the Azrael personality. i like his love for Tim to be a soft, innocent thing. his sexual attraction for Tim is quite violent and possessive, but his love? that's all gentle. it's such a dichotomy of Jean-Paul wanting to ravage Tim but also just hold him. i love ships that are sexually feral but desperately soft at the same time, especially when it's born out of trauma bc Jean-Paul doesn't understand how relationships work.
given how much i love Sword of Azrael (2022), i would *love* to write JeanTim that takes place after that arc, and after Jean-Paul sort of has this spiritual rebirth, being an angel of mercy instead of an angel of vengeance. because no matter how much Jean-Paul has apologized and made up for what he did as Batman, especially to Tim, that guilt has clung to him for years. and so i think after that arc, with a more stable sense of identity, him going to Tim to just properly talk about it would be so good. especially because now, Tim's not some teenage boy. he's taller, broader, holds himself higher. it's impossible to deny how much he's changed and grown since he and Jean-Paul last *really* spoke. and all those feelings Jean-Paul had for a young teenager, all those gentle visits that came after, just come rushing back to him. and he's stumbling over his words trying to give an honest apology and just talk about everything he's been through but the words won't come out and he feels so selfish talking about himself and not asking about TIm. so he asks how Tim has been while they drink tea and just go on and on for hours.
and then i think, when it's getting dark out, Jean-Paul awkwardly says he's going to leave and Tim would just. offer to let him stay the night. being very clear what he's implying. and Jean-Paul is *mortified* bc he never realized his feelings would've been obvious to *Tim* of all people, a well-trained detective. i think it'd take a lot of coaxing, with Tim insisting that he wants this. maybe even slightly dubcon, with Tim dragging Jean-Paul to bed. not bc he wants to force Jean-Paul, but bc he knows Jean-Paul will never let himself have what he wants, especially when he's afraid of hurting people. but Tim always gets what he wants so <3 he and Jean-Paul sleep together and start a weird, shaky relationship
i think it's particularly funny if Tim doesn't explain it to anyone. he's just dating Jean-Paul now and daring anyone to question him. he *could* hide it, and he probably should, but he knows he won't get away with hiding for long anyway. it'd be a very slow relationship that's one half very sweet and one half absolutely unhealthy and unhinged because of all of their complicated history. but Tim just leans into it and if anything, enables how weird Jean-Paul can be able religion. religious kink and blasphemy dialed up to the max.
anyway i just think there's so many ways they could get together in varying degrees of fucked up and it makes it so fun. this is *the* peak Batman/Robin ship to me and i won't be convinced otherwise. it's all of Tim's need to fix Batman thrown into a man who should've never been Batman. it's Jean-Pauls religious guilt over being infatuated with a teenager and pushing him away because of it. it's so good.
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mikeylivesattheend · 8 months
SO I finally read the first Unwind book by Neal Shusterman and wowowowow people were not lying it's so genuinely incredible. Like no joke, even if you read this goofy post read the first book. It's not perfect (looking at you 2007 era feminism) but it's haunting my thoughts. I don't think it will ever fade. And you know the one scene. You know.
What I'm saying is, even after reading (and starting the 2nd book) of this very grounded, fleshed out world, I had to look it up on a03. With Jason Todd 💀💀💀
It doesn't seem to exist so here's some AU ideas/HCs
Note: This is for fun, and I do not know the ending to the series. This post will spoil general plot points of the first and second books.
-Bruce is a moderate on unwinding. He would, of course, never unwind HIS kids but he trusts s c i e n c e and it follows logic
-just for fun, maybe the person who killed his parents was an awol unwind, and hes grateful that person was able to live on in a better form
-bruce wayne has great security, and the family is intense about preventing storked babies. But if a mother does try, they usually send at least 1k to help, and a lot of mothers go to his house to get some financial assistance
- dick traveled a lot, met a lot of different people. I think he met a lot of unwinds, and his parents were pro not murdering teens, but they couldn't house them for more than a day or two. The law pays more attention to transient spaces they can track after all
-all of this to say dick loved meeting and showing off to new people, and doesnt like the cops, and doesnt like that they get so scared. His parents/troupe influenced him a lot but no one has really said any of this aloud to him since he's so young. Hes never feared being unwound, not seriously.
-my ideal fic wouldnt be dick focused, so his character progression might be depressing here.
-he thinks unwinding is immoral, says it feels wrong, doesn't use words like soul. He is passionate about this issue when directly confronted, but he believes temporary help is the best he can provide.
-dick feels secure he wont be unwound for two reasons. Bruce knows hes too capable to be detained by cops. And dick knows that bruce couldn't live with himself if he condemned dick to a divided existence, no matter what his logic says.
-Unwinding is a huge blur of grey for batman in chaotic, unpredictable Gotham. For brucie wayne, clinking champagne glasses with a teenager's hands, complimenting an elderly investors washboard abs, unwinding is a fact of life. But for bruce wayne, the father, the son, unwinding would always be a prolonged muder. Bruce does not ponder those feelings deeply. He does all he can (he doesnt)
-Dick doesn't like that they rat on violent runaways/unwinding awols, but he knows they fill in lower gaps as goons. He hates it at first, and bruce does learn to ignore more. But dick learns the dangers of desperation. He meets nore people who agree with unwinding, tithes, and as he grows into larger scale problems/hero teams, he loses sight of the bigger government issue.
-all this to say, as an adult, dick does what all his parents did in a way (money, hidden spots he knows, advice he's picked up on) but his morals match bruces more than his parents. He thinks that tithing is okay if the kid is 17 and consents, understands that religion is personal, despises the state homes doing it the most (bruce has given so much to those leeches).
-i dont know enough about the teen titans to know how theyd feel, how that would impact dick, if he'd even /have/ the entire team or if some became unwound
-oh my god unrelated note clark as a teen, despite being very loved, was glad he was indestructible. Docs dont use kryptonite
-jason jason jason my boy jason. So yes unwind awols are pretty natural to him, working girls, hes against the process bc he knows a lot of families who do that to kids & he gets it
-in this au he could keep the canon backstory. It still hurts bc he especially feels then he was a burden, storked by one of willis' exes. Or he could be fully storked from the jump. His bio dad is dead, shelia is the only one alive. Bruce is more anti-shelia initially bc she storked him but he knows some people do want to see their kids later in life? This also impacts his early social clout, since storks are looked down on. Maybe especially so where he's a 'real' burden.
-hes a lot more intense than dick abt unwinds, is deeply paranoid bruce will unwind him and has to be reassured bruce would never personally do that. Jason doesnt want to use unwind body parts, but bruce will always choose jays life over his 'moral high ground.'
-honestly most of death with the family will feel the same, the main difference is Jay will have a guilty thought, wonder if it would have been better to let bruce unwind him, if robin should have served everyone (bruce did not threaten this, but kids have been unwound for a whole lot less).
- this au uses the movie version of utrh with talua stuff, but add in that the brain cannot automatically connect to the body, this is very untested, and it takes like a year to make it work at all. No laz pit, the body is a military buff 16 year old but not excessively violent yaknow
-he still loses it bc "oh my god I was unwound, how did this happen? did bruce do it? no no? he couldnt. i died. where am i? talias oh shit - gotta go fast yeet"
- he goes to gotham, doesn't try to kill bruce but does realize how fucked he is. He can barely open doors, has to think constantly to walk. After moping for a while talia finds him, offers to train him, explains he was meant to be a gift. Jay says he doesnt want to go back to bruce, talia fucked him over, she seems guilty so the training still happens, mainly as an urge to finish what she started, and maybe fulfill that initial goal someday
- im the most torn on this bc i think jason would never want to risk being their guinea pig again.
-he does not kill anyone until its a parts pirate. Talia sent him to increasingly pro unwinding people to force his hand for sure. Either to have a reason to cut him off, or to make their moral worldviews align more.
-Jay is def vaguely suicidal, self disgust. So this is punishment for him + scumbags. It also puts the body to a purposeful use, in honor of the kid.
-body dysmorphia duh btw. After this im extra fuzzy on details for jay
- i want him to be part of the anti divisional group, I want him to be a more community driven hero. But is that really in character for him? How would the unwinding world impact his priorities? Would he operate in gothan as the red hood, work as a human trafficker to save those kids?
- this is also the reason I'm not focusing on characters that come after jason much. His impact would need to be felt in some way in the stories, but I dont know where yet
-i think tim is part of a much, much larger family here and he didnt go to a fancy school. In canon his grades are mid, and even tho his parents love him, he has a lot of competition.
- him being robin makes his life a lot harder. Maybe after jack +janet die the gov actually orders most of the kids to be unwound bc state ho budgets etc. The uncle thing is very legitimately needed lmao
- steph storks her baby yes, but now she's able to keep track of their life in a really unhealthy way.
-i don't know enough about babs to know how she'd feel. I think she might be for it, she might even heal her spine with it. But I'm not sold on that fully
-cass is radically anti unwind. She does go to bruce, but honestly in this au she might leave because he does condone it through his inaction
- the justice league must be pro unwinding for conflict in this world to work, and finding out the reasons for that would be so interesting. Hell maybe the justice league wouldn't really be a thing at all, with such clashing morals.
-and idk how unwind ends so no fuckin clue on resolving the conflict AND adding superheroes
Sorry this was so long, and for at least 5 typos. Please steal my ideas and write a better fic than i can ty 😘😘😘
I'll probably end up adding more jason details to this if/when I find a game plan for jay or finish the unwind dystology
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arwainian · 2 years
Reading This Week 2023 #5
Welcome to the second week of my school reading heavy life and the weirdness of formatting this when i have to read things for class in chunks instead of all at once
Started and Finished:
fe3h fic (all on ao3)-
The Short Side of Eternity by wanderlustt Vexing by DistractedSiren What Never Was by HTFNoelle Smiles That Reach the Eyes by Recipe The Moon Behind Clouds by printers_devil yours is my spring by northofkites Let Your Heart Hold Fast by wearwind Tanaras by wearwind Agabhainn by wearwind Architects of Heaven, chapters 1-8 (all currently published) by wearwind things we cannot recall losing, chapters 1-3 (all currently published) by wearwind The Signet of His Lords by queenlua Deer Among Cattle by queenlua
can you tell i had a long trip back to my dorm this past sunday? the majority of these are fics on the shorter side that i read on the plane and train ride, and then the last two i read early on in the week. really enjoyed Deer Among Cattle since I just met Judith in my playthrough
Batman/Superman: World's Finest #11 written by Mark Waid, illustrated by Dan Mora
this was my sunday morning read before i left home, and i am just so enjoying this comic even though i have not read the superman stories that it is apparently referencing and building on (according to my dad, who very happily explained what the Reveal was)
"Base and Superstructure in Marxist Cultural Theory" by Raymond Williams
school reading! this will reappear in the coming weeks as the class instructed me to read through it all together once, and then read it again in chunks taking note of specific parts. this was for my 19th c. pop culture class
"Women, marriage and the family" by Tanya Evans, from British Women 1700-1850 edited by Hannah Barker and Elaine Chalus
always enjoy some evidence based social history, this is for my Jane Austen class
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
the reread for class continues! i fucking love the first proposal scene and i read portions of it outloud to my boyfriend
The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster
read a section of this about what Economic and Social Class of people are represented in Jane Austen's works which was very enlightening
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Constance Garnett, narrated by Frederick Davidson
audiobook my beloved, i love reaching parts and quotes that ended up in The Great Comet bc i just become a pointing meme every time
Sam Patch, the famous Jumper by Paul E. Johnson
this dude is fucking legendary and also reading about him makes me sad because he does not seem to be having a good time
Started and Ongoing:
The Gentleman's Daughter by Amanda Vickery
more for my Jane Austen class, this one is about like landowning but untitled women in Austen's day and Wow the chapter on pregnancy and childbirth and motherhood was heartwrenching
Oathbreaker by quandry on ao3
another fe3h fic, this one is multichapter and i'm getting through it slower. unsure if i'll continue it or just abandon it to pursue other reading, but i think it's an interesting trait on a character changing sides/getting recruited post-timeskip
Beastars, Vol. 4 by Paru Itagaki, translated by Tomoko Kimura
i started reading the first chapter yesterday and then remember that there's another book that I want to be reading during my free time because I know my dad is waiting to talk about it with me so then i felt guilty and. stopped reading this? i will power through it once i have read at least one chapter of that other book
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mermaid-trash · 2 years
For the song fic 'Are you satisfied?' by Marina for either Edward or Bruce please
Are You Satisfied?
Bruce Wayne x gn!reader
A/n: this is such a bop!! I’ve never really listened to Marina before but I liked this song, I’m not sure how good this is bc I’ve never written for Bruce before but the idea instantly came to me so here it is ^-^
Wordcount: 1k
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You had always known that being in a relationship with Bruce Wayne would be difficult, as a reclusive millionaire orphan that much was a given. But at least you had been aware of all of those things when you agreed to start dating him. You had not been aware of his night job, and how much more difficult a relationship with the Batman would prove to be.
It had been four days since you had seen Bruce, despite living in the same home and sleeping in the same bed. For four nights, you slept alone in that unreasonably large bed, feeling lonelier than you ever had when you lived alone. And over those four nights, your original disappointment at being thrown aside by Bruce had grown into annoyance, and then into anger.
Bruce was working on another case, some big psycho criminal trying to destroy the city again. You didn’t even remember the details; all of his cases seemed to blend together after a while, and the threat of danger had become nothing but a constant humming in the background of your life. All you knew was that this case was keeping Bruce busier than usual. He had been working at night and going over the events of the night until around noon, then sleeping for a few hours before going out again before you got home from work.
But tonight, you were determined to drag Bruce out of this routine.
You had booked the day off work at short notice, and were planning on waiting in the bedroom until he got back from his nighttime activities. You felt a little guilty for ambushing him like this, but you knew it was the only way to force him into talking to you, hearing your feelings about his disappearance.
When the large Gothic door finally swung open at around 11am, you were sitting upright against the headboard of the bed reading a book, and your heart leapt when Bruce emerged through the door.
He looked terrible. Dark bags had developed under his eyes, and he still wore the remnants of his eye makeup that he had failed to scrub away. His skin was pale, or paler than usual at least, and sallow, and you suddenly realised how little he had taken care of himself over the last few days. The anger that had built in your chest quickly dissipated into concern as he noticed you sitting there and froze in the doorway like a deer in headlights.
“Hi…” you whispered, feeling a little breathless at his presence after longing for him for so long.
“What are you doing here?” He asked in his signature murmur that you had so missed.
“I took the day off work. I wanted to see you, Bruce, it’s been days since I last saw you.” You explained, your voice slipping into a whine at the end despite your best efforts to keep it steady.
Bruce averted his gaze from you immediately, crossing the room towards a large dresser and rifling through one of the drawers for clean clothes.
“I’ve been busy.” He said, suddenly stoic. You always hated when he got like this; it was as though he would slip into being the Batman whenever he didn’t want to talk about something. He would shut down and refuse to engage with you beyond a few blunt words.
“I gathered that much.” You replied, and when Bruce didn’t acknowledge you any further, you rose from the bed and padded barefoot to stand beside him, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He tensed when your skin met his, and you suddenly felt like crying.
“I missed you. And I’m tired of sleeping alone. Why did I move in here, to never see you? At least before I moved in you made an effort to see me.” You said, and though Bruce didn’t meet your eyes, you saw his brows furrow a little, and you let out a breath; you knew that look meant he was thinking over your words carefully.
“You’re right.” He admitted, pulling a balled up t-shirt from the back of the drawer. “But I’m working on a case. Once I’ve found this guy, then I’ll-“
“Then you’ll start working on the next big case to protect Gotham.” You cut him off, and he glanced up in surprise. “You do so much for Gotham when it doesn’t appreciate you, but I do. I appreciate you, but you don’t seem to appreciate me anymore.” The words were pouring out of you uncontrollably, and tears were beginning to spill from your eyes. Embarrassed, you brushed them away with an impatient hand.
“I do appreciate you…” he began gently, but you waved his words off.
“It isn’t even about that, really. I just…I worry about you, I feel like you’ll never be satisfied. The city will never be safe enough for you.” You confessed, and his hand twitched as though he thought about touching you but decided against it. “And I’m the one that suffers from you never being happy with what you’ve already done for Gotham.”
Your words hung in the air for a long beat, before Bruce took a step towards you, placing the t-shirt he had picked out back on top of the dresser.
“I don’t do this for Gotham anymore…” he murmured, and your eyebrows arched in confusion. “If…if anything ever happened to you…” he trailed off, and your heart ached at his unspoken thoughts.
The realisation that Bruce was overworking himself in an attempt to protect you from the dangers of the city made you feel stupid, and ashamed for confronting him so bluntly.
“Bruce, I…I’m sorry. I didn’t think…” You whispered, slipping your hand into his and squeezing lightly.
“No, I’m sorry…I’ve missed you too.” He mumbled, his blue eyes meeting yours with that hint of warmth that he seemed to reserve just for you.
“I know, baby.” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your body against his, relishing in the way his skin feels against yours for the first time in days. Bruce allows you to hold him, even going so far as to rest a hand against the small of your back, as if to pin you against him.
Pulling away slightly, you offered him your best doe eyes.
“Come to bed with me?” You asked softly, and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips.
“Anything for you.”
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accursedvoid · 3 years
Okay but Bruce Wayne with the Gotham series backstory is SO funny in hindsight because this man hasn’t had a normal day in his life since he was 12 in this context.
Just Bruce peppering in the wild shit he’s had to deal with since he was a literal child bc he’s been technically batmanning even before there was a batman. this man met most of his rogues gallery as a TEENAGER, been kidnapped by them, nearly killed and kidnapped/harassed by multiple cults and enemies multiple times - he’s literally the epitome of ‘you know those days where you’re like this might as well happen’.
just casually mentioning these wild anecdotes from his early years while his kids immediately go ‘??? I’m sorry what? you were kidnapped by a cult when you were 12?’ ‘The first one yeah’ ‘THE FIRST-’ - and Alfred is here to nod in the background BECAUSE HE WAS THERE AND CAN CONFIRM ALL THIS DID INDEED HAPPEN and half the time he was running after bruce who was off parkouring around Gotham already when he wasn’t being kidnapped.
like man, no wonder he didn’t see a problem with child sidekicks with this as another added reason its just ‘well I was doing this at that age and hey at least this time I’m here to protect them’.
the JL complaining about the joker when he threw one of his schemes that wound up also involving them bc idk some fuckery and Bruce is just ‘well at least it’s only the one joker we ever have to deal with this time’ and they’re just ‘only one? was,,,was there more than one joker? BRUCE WHAT DO YOU MEAN-’ and the inevitable ‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAD TO DEAL WITH TWO JOKERS AS A TEEN’ ‘-wait, what do you MEAN this time?’ jerome lives au maybeee
hell no wonder he’s Mr ‘contingency plan’ given everything always seems to happen to him so much, this man is so tired, let him rest - no wonder he’s never phased by anything.
Bruce 'Clark just punch out darkseid I've gotta get home before damien converts the manor into a zoo, make sure Tim actually has rest, Jason doesn't start another turf war with the maniacs, fetch the riddler’s 30 fuckin trophies he’s placed around the gd city or else he'll blow something up, stop poison ivy from converting the park into a man eating jungle, stop the jokers from trying to kill each other and inevitably dragging half the city into hellfire with them and Ra’s is back on his bullshit again-' Wayne.
me and @connerluthorkent​ were chatting about this on discord and how Gotham Bruce’s entire existence with this backstory is just this gif and its WILD to imagine.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
you know how dc keeps forcing this sudden "we're a family" narrative out of nowhere? I'd love batfam content but years of hurt among them make the recent content seem unearned.
bc you know more about dick and jason than the others, how do you think they would realistically become family to each other, or would it even be in character for them to be the "bros" they're written as now?
Oh anon, this question is amazing, I love it! I saw it when I woke up and since then my brain has been brewing this answer, I was thinking about it as I brushed my teeth and as I was making breakfast, and now I am ready to give you the answer, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed thinking/writing about it!
DC keeps forcing the wrong relationships, and they keep forcing the wrong centre of this supposed family, they make it out to be the Bat-Family when in reality the Bat (Bruce) should have never been invited to this party.
This is why I give you the… Dick-Family!
Oh yeah baby, I am going there. Dick is the centre of this “family”, he is the guy who is actually connected with everyone, he has been around for so long and he has been present when almost all of the remaining characters were introduced! Bruce might have come first but that guy has nothing on Dick Grayson.
Dick has cared and loved for everyone in this family in a true and beautiful way, no matter how much fanon and DC try to tell us otherwise. This man was an amazing son to Bruce and Alfred (my love for Alfred and Dick is brought to you by @hood-ex), a fantastic brother to Jason, Tim and Cass as well as a phenomenal father/older brother to Damian.
Dick Grayson is the centre of this whole thing, and thanks to DC now being an Omniverse I will be able to explain my line of thoughts. But first let me clear some ideas up.
The way I see it Jason would only get along good enough with Dick. I am not here for Jason and Tim having brunch together (honestly, Lobdell, what were you thinking), Jason never cared for Tim, and then writers that didn’t know how the Red Hood worked made him try to kill Tim so, to me, that relationship is non-existent, Jason doesn’t really perceive Tim (yet).
Jason and Damian, listen, I know that there is this fanon theory that Jason knew and cared for Damian while he was in the League, but that is just fanon talk and it doesn’t really fit in canon either. Jason wasn’t really capable of doing much other than fight, and after he was put in the Lazarus Pit he either had to leave because Ra’s wanted to kill him or Talia took him to the All-Castle. So, Jason’s only real interactions with Damian would be when Jason was written as a crazy, blood thirsty dude that actually tried to harm a child. So, him and Damian wouldn’t really have a good relationship (yet).
Jason and Cass… that’s just a no. Jason and Barbara, I mean Barbara was older than Dick when she first met Jason, so they wouldn’t have much of a relationship.
Now, lets move on to how I will make the Dick-Family work.
Dick (bless him) actually talks and listens to people, unlike Bruce, so the change would start there. Let’s set the timeline, I will stand right after the events of Under the Red Hood. Bruce just chose saving Joker over letting Jason kill the Joker and the building they were in exploded.
Batman keeps on being himself (trash) and Jason, having survived the explosion, moves on to keep on building his empire. He really wants to control the drug trade in Gotham, so he works on that, he slowly but surely takes his place as a drug lord again and is a constant pain in Black Mask’s ass.
While Jason is doing that, Dick is trying to put together his life after Bludhaven was attacked with Chemo. Let’s say that Bludhaven isn’t completely erased from the map but he does have to leave so the city can be re-built. He goes to Gotham, where the Red Hood works.
Let’s say that Alfred told Dick who was under the Red Hood, so Dick being a good brother goes looking for Jason. Their first interaction out of the mask wouldn’t be nice, Jason barely remembers his life before the pit and he really is convinced that Dick is the absolute worst.
But then Jason being a nosy man would make an appearance, for some reason, let’s say that he hacks into the Batcave and when he does that he finds some footage… The footage in question would be the one which shows Bruce punching Dick and sort of blaming him for Jason’s death. (Oh yeah, I am going there). The footage will make a memory come to mind, Dick taking Jason on a skying trip.
So, the next time that Dick and Jason see each other is because Jason went looking for Dick and here is where these two actually talk. The way I see it, Dick is more flexible with the no killing rule, he has worked many times with people that are villains or that just have different ways of doing things. So, I think that he would understand where Jason’s coming from with his ideas. As they begin to understand one another Jason begins to recover more and more memories from before the Pit.
They get together once a week and they chat about life as well as vigilante stuff. They become friends.
At the same time Dick is also very good friends with Tim and also acts like the amazing big brother he is with him. They chat, they sometimes work together and one day they come across a very complicated situation involving a new drug being introduced in Gotham.
Dick would call Jason and now both of them and Tim are reunited in a safe house working together so this new drug doesn’t fall in the wrong hands. Jason and Tim wouldn’t really like each other. Both of them are there for Dick and because they have to get the job done.
That’s how I see Dick forming the Dick-Family unconsciously. Hell, I will introduce Barbara now. Do you guys remember that in UtRH Barbara was mad with Bruce and didn’t want to work with him but she was still in contact with Dick? Well, I am using that so it can fit my narrative.
Dick, Jason and Tim need more intel so Dick calls Oracle (real Oracle) and because Barbara trusts Dick she works with them.
Here is where it gets interesting, through Barbara, Dick meets Cass, through Tim he meets Stephanie. You see that Dick’s connections are leading him to form a group of people. Cass and Stephanie are trained by Babs and Dick and they become the new Batgirls.
As all of that keeps developing Jason and Dick become “partners in crime” they help each other, they start building a brotherly relationship again. Although Jason refuses to say that out loud.
Then comes in Damian, a difficult child if there has ever been one but he has Bruce so Dick doesn’t have to jump in that fast… right?
Oh brother! Bruce is dead (omg what would we do? Battle for the cowl maybe? No!). with Bruce gone there is only one person who can take his place and everyone knows it has to be Dick.
Dick would feel a lot of things as he is taking Bruce’s place as Batman but he has a group of people ready to back him up (Alfred, Jason, Tim, Babs, Cass, Steph), and he also has to take care of Damian, he is a child and with his father gone then maybe his mother would want to take him back to the League of Assassins, Dick obviously doesn’t want that so he talks to Tim and tells him that he sees him as his equal and that he has a plan to make Damian stay and it involves making Damian his new Robin.
Tim would obviously be sad and a little hurt, but he understands Dick’s decision because they talked about it and Dick actually took the time to explain why he was doing what he was doing (really DC half of the problems you guys come up could be fixed in seconds if people would only take some time to just TALK!).
Dick and Damian work as Batman and Robin and Dick starts assuming the position of his father. They would live with Alfred in the penthouse and maybe Tim will join them from time to time (when he wasn’t busy with Young Justice/Teen Titans stuff). Slowly Dick and Damian will become the Dynamic Duo that we love today.
So, Dick would have his own Robin, Oracle (who is also managing her own team with Black Canary and (why not) the Batgirls), Red Robin and Red Hood working with him if he needs them. They are always a call away. Jason is the most difficult to reach and he will only involve himself in that kind of drama if its about controlling the drug trade or scaring the living shit out of some very shady people.
So, Red Hood wouldn’t be working with the new (and improved) Batman but Jason would hang out with Dick sometimes.
From there they build up. Dick renovates Arkham Asylum and makes it work they way that it is supposed to work. He might also recruit Catwoman when he needs someone really sneaky, they have known each other for so long, I bet Selina loves Dick, she would certainly help him out.
But as all things do, this happy and well-connected Dick-Family is disrupted when Bruce comes back, he inserts himself slowly back into his role as Batman and as he does that Dick starts to move away from it.
But Dick’s connections are strong and well cared for, so, even when he goes back to Bludhaven and starts fresh (again) as Nightwing those connections remain. Oracle still gives him intel, Robin and Red Robin come over to Bludhaven to patrol, maybe they even have their own rooms at Dick’s place.
With Bludhaven functioning again, all of the terrible people that were working there also come back, maybe some of them never left and they have been corrupting the city from its very core. So, when Jason tells Dick that he would like to expand his operations to Bludhaven, Dick says yes, as long as Jason keeps him updated on his work and also lets him know what is going on.
I think it works! What do you guys think so far?
From then on with the whole Dick-Family being connected and strong I think they can actually act and solve their problems as a family. All those arcs that didn’t work very well because Bruce was in the middle of it being a jerk, I think they will work if Dick is at the centre of it. Let’s say that Bruce hid the fact that Joker knows their identities and all that, with such a strong family the second that the Joker tries to manipulate Jason into believing that he created him, Dick will come out of the shadows and shut that bullshit down. If Joker tries to do something to the Circus, then the Birds of Prey and the Robins will be there in seconds helping Dick.
The Court of Owls, those little shits wouldn’t stand a chance against this team, this force of nature! Jason would be the one working from afar because you know my boy wouldn’t be subjected to the “no-killing” rule but if he does it, he has to do it away from the children (Damian) and away from Cass, if he doesn’t want to know real trouble. (He probably arranged those things with Dick a long time ago and he is happy with it).
Now, please forgive me but for angst reasons I will actually let the events of, Batman Incorporated #8, Forever Evil, Nightwing #30 and Spyral run its course.
Let me explain, after Damian’s death Dick holds the Dick-Family together, as well as Bruce because he is amazing like that, but then after Dick supposedly dies, things change just a little bit. Jason would retreat back to his own corner because the only thing attaching him to the Dick-Family was Dick but he would also keep his eyes open and he might also have a direct line with Oracle if things go south.
Aside from Jason, I do see the others working on keeping their connections intact. When Damian eventually returns the land of the living, I can see all of them coming together even more because that’s what Dick would have wanted.
And then Dick will come back from Spyral and here is where the Dick-Family will show the “Bat-Family” why its superior to it in every aspect possible.
The Dick-Family will notice that something must have happened, Dick would never play dead and leave them like that, but Dick loves Bruce and he doesn’t want to tell them the truth, Bruce has no memories now and his family doesn’t deserve that kind of drama BUT Jason and Tim are suspicious, they know Dick at this point and they trust him so they firmly believe that he is hiding something to protect someone. And here is where life repeats itself. Let’s review the Batcave’s footage, yes, I did it again, I just love the fact that Bruce has footage of himself being the absolute worst to his kids, how does DC not use it! Anyway, Tim and Jason find the footage from the events of Nightwing #30 and suddenly the Dick-Family have their “Dick defence squad” jackets on and they are ready to party.
After all that Bruce eventually gets his memories back and he is held accountable for his actions. Also, around this time the events of Robin War would have already happened so Duke is also introduced. Dick lets him join and all that, and then Duke and Cass become besties and they work together.
And yeah, as Rebirth comes closer the Dick-Family would be more united than ever.
The end.
That is how I would have done it. But this way is slow, and DC wouldn’t be able to monetize it as much as they would want.
Jason wouldn’t be giving hugs and calling everyone their brother or sister, he will only get along with Dick and he would be professional with everyone else.
Tim and Damian would get along but they wouldn’t go for ice cream together on a sunny day. Steph and Damian would and so would Cass and Tim or Cass and Duke.
Oracle would work with Dick and the others as a side thing because her main thing would be the Birds of Prey, this time with Helena too.
Alfred would spend his time with Bruce but he would also be very aware of Dick and his influence on everyone around them. Bruce eventually would be integrated to the Dick-Family because Dick is a sweetheart but Dick would also make Bruce follow his rules, Dick is a little bean but he is also the most badass person in the room (whichever room) so you better listen to what he has to say.
The Dick-Family would be something that grows silently and doesn’t need a “Joker War” in order for them to be there for each other, they would try their best each step of the way and they will talk things out when mistakes are made.
This is the way that I see this family dynamic working.
I would even go as far as to say that Talia can be part of the Dick-Family because she is connected to three people, Dick, Damian and Jason.
Dick is the person with most connections in the DC Universe, the Titans, the Justice League, Deathstroke, they all have connections to this treasure of a man. If he needs help in Gotham or Bludhaven then he can call people from the “first circle”, if things are beyond a “street level” threat them he can call the Titans and if shit really hits the fan, Clark and the others are a call away.
Anyway, this was unnecessarily long, I am sorry about it but I am also not because I really don’t know how to answer your question without going on a long rant.
In conclusion the Bat-Family doesn’t work and sadly it wouldn’t work no matter how much they force it. These people don’t have connections, Bruce is not able to make connections between people. And DC has erased entire relationships that Dick used to have. I mean, they got rid of Dick and Tim being close brothers just so they could give us a shitty brunch between Tim and Jason? Only yesterday we saw a true and beautiful interaction between Dick and Damian.
DC is handling the “Bat-Family” in all the worst possible ways. It just doesn’t work.
They should have used Dick all those years ago and they shouldn’t have destroyed Jason’s characterization with Lobdell’s ideas.
So, sadly, my dear anon, I don’t see the Bat-Family as a in character thing for any of these people as they are written currently, but I hope that you enjoyed my version of it. May the Dick-Family bring everyone who reads about it a little joy!
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ectonurites · 4 years
for the character headcannons ask game, jason and cass?
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT im putting this one under a cut because it got SUPER long bc i cant shut up ever
lets start w jason
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok using the ‘realistic’ category here loosely but GOD i love the idea of Damian & Jason having interacted while Jason was staying with the League before getting dunked in the Lazarus Pit. like. this obviously would need to be set more in preboot and following the Lost Days & Batman Annual 25 version of Jason’s resurrection, but god the idea of it just makes me scream in a good way. Like... these are things Jason likely doesn’t remember very clearly once he’s brought back to life more fully by the pit because he was uh pretty catatonic, but Damian being a little kid and knowing about the boy that his mother keeps around the base, that she’s trying to help bring back to health. Damian not even knowing that’s his big brother, just that he’s a presence that shares his mother’s attention. Jason again being unresponsive but like, ok god you know that part of lost days where Talia shows the others observing him that he only fights back at those he perceives as genuine threats trying to hurt him, 
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Because Jason can perceive that she’s safe, she’s not actually trying to hurt him, he trusts her because she saved him? thinking about lil child Damian who is ya know already being trained in fighting stuff and like the idea of him trying to provoke Jason just to see what happens but Jason not fighting back because on some level be it his connection to Talia or even little baby Damian visually reminding him of Bruce, he knows that Damian is safe too 🥺 
and then when Jason and Damian meet again in Gotham as Red Hood & Robin respectively, Jason not really remembering because there was so much going on back then for him, but Damian realizing that oh... that was Him
B (hilarious): 
alright so if we are looking at comics currently, in modern stuff jason is what, like 22? hes old enough to drink in the US but still definitely early 20s so around my around my age, thats what im using as a basis here. if we adjust timeline and still consider his death having happened when he was 15, that puts it around 2013. and then coming back to like interacting with people about three years later if we still kinda base things off of the preboot timeframe (since we never got a super solid retelling of the timeline of death -> resurrection -> training -> tries to get revenge aside from knowing he went to the all-caste instead of the lost days version of the story) making him reenter the regular world and stuff around age 18 in 2016. meaning a solid three years of pop culture that he was entirely missing, and like im sorry but he really doesn’t strike me as the type to bother looking into what he missed, he’s kinda busy focusing on other stuff. lets take a quick look at some major things from those years. 2013 gave us ‘what does the fox say’ and ‘the harlem shake’ . 2014 had that time U2 just put a fuckin album on everyone’s phones, The Fault In Our Stars movie came out. 2015 introduced the phrase ‘Netflix and Chill’ and the whole blue & black vs gold & white dress debate happened. imagine any of the other batkids (or even arguably roy during rhato stuff) bringing these things up and jason’s ensuing confusion. thank you for your time
C (heart-crushing): 
so. there are two specific instances from rebirth era Jason i want to bring up here and much like a lot of these it’s less a headcanon and more of an inference based on observations, but i wanna take a sec to discuss Jason’s relationship with other people’s death. early in rebirth, Tim ‘dies’ from that whole thing in detective comics. he didn’t actually die, we as readers know, but in-universe they all very much so thought he was dead. frustratingly a lot of the batfam wasn’t really shown mourning him aside from in the Detective Comics Rebirth title itself (which just. when a major character dies even if its temporary- that should have a ripple effect) BUT an exception to that is in RHATO 2016, where we get this offhanded comment in Jason’s internal monologuing
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similarly later when Roy, who like, had an incredibly close relationship w Jason that had just gotten mended before Heroes in Crisis, gets fuckin murdered in that whole thing... Jason doesn’t go to his funeral either. He leaves a dramatic voice mail and then visits the grave on his own later, choosing to instead keep working on the mission they’d started rather than going and taking the time to mourn properly.
Jason’s relationship with death is incredibly complicated, obviously. He has died, he has come back, and he now is willing to cross the line most other bats won’t and will kill people when he deems it necessary. I think thats something important though- he doesn’t just like... go around killing for fun (usually, some writers preboot made him a little murder happy but even then usually this still was vaguely followed) he kills people he thinks deserved it. Like, even looking back at the mess of Morrison’s Jason during Batman & Robin 2009, Jason was still trying to bring a sense of justice with who he was killing (”punishment that fits the crime”), it wasn’t killing for the sake of killing. He sees things in this kind of almost black and white ‘people who deserve it’ and ‘people who don’t’ way, and he has no problem dealing with death when it’s with the people he thinks deserve it. 
but when someone who doesn’t in his mind ‘deserve it’ gets killed? i think he just goes into total avoidance mode. throws himself into other things he’s doing, tries not to dwell on it too much no matter how much he still thinks about it (this is especially evident in him consistently telling people “i’m fine!” after what happened to Roy, despite bringing Roy up literally like every few issues for a WHILE after he died and very clearly still struggling with it, Artemis is the only one who gets through to him on it a little bit) 
but yeah, I just think that from Jason’s relatively unique situation of having been murdered, he knows what it’s like and he is perfectly fine wishing that on people he thinks are bad and deserve it, but it crushes him to imagine the people he loves and cares about having to experience something as painful as what he went through. not to mention the whole “I came back, why do I get a second chance at all this when they, who are a much better person than I am, probably won’t” mindset we get some implications of him having 
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
hello DC i am once again insisting a batfam member is bisexual
A (realistic headcanon): 
ok so we know cass likes ballet. thats canon. however i think we also should in general explore cass experiencing other types of dance/performance as well, be it herself as a performer or even just watching. like... god imagine her & like my brain just automatically for group activities puts her with tim steph and duke but also for this in particular I feel would be a Jason embraced activity, but like them going to see a broadway show or some other professional theatre or something, and her just being enthralled by the reading of body language of the performers! like again by any point in current stuff cass does have like, the ability to speak fine (reading still hard tho) but even so I think like. okay im a theatre kid if that’s not obvious from the Everything About Me but one thing I always do after seeing a show is ya know spend dinner afterwards discussing it with whoever i saw it with.
I just think that like, bringing those people i just mentioned to the table to discuss seeing a show after would be so FASCINATING because cass would bring this whole perspective of critiquing their acting on a whole different level- not based on how well they delivered lines out loud, but by what their body language was saying as they moved on stage. like im very amused by the idea of cass getting a totally different picture in her mind about what a character’s motivations were because she was paying way more attention to what their physicality was saying vs the words that were written and how they were delivered. i think the debates her and the others would have would be EPIC there. jason defending the text as it was written adamantly and cass being like ‘ok yeah sure but thats not what they did’
B (hilarious): 
cass having no concept of money because why would she bother? is SO funny to me. like it’s not that she couldn’t be reasonable if she wanted to, but like, she knows that the Waynes are well off so it’s not something she actually needs to be concerned about, so she just goes hog wild. takes steph out to fancy dinners and makes steph order for them since cass ya know doesn’t really read the menus, and steph’s like ‘jesus christ this costs-” “don’t worry about it” “but cass-” and she just holds up one of bruce’s credit cards and steph’s still like “but you don’t even know the range-” “it is fine”
bruce does not have the heart to tell her to stop
C (heart-crushing): 
i mean this is pretty much canon but especially now after death metal where she’s remembering, not just being told by a guy using weird alternate timeline technology, that she used to be an adopted member of the Wayne family... like that hurts so bad. To look at these people who have ya know been kind to her, Bruce has still been a father-like figure to her (i mean literally from the moment they met in New 52 canon during the flashback in Batman & Robin Eternal, where he’s telling her that she’s not a monster just because of what people forced her to do.... that she’s a hero... that hug.... dad behavior), and they do to some extent treat her as family... But to then really know, to feel and remember that she was actually adopted! She was a part of their family. To look at how she’s been calling herself Orphan while working with them this whole time... that’s so heartbreaking! I have cried about this idea so much! I want so badly a conversation between her and Bruce now where he offers to officially adopt her again, I need it so bad and if it doesn’t happen at some point in the next year or two I will be so distraught.
D (canon is a coward and won’t) 
i want an in-depth exploration of cass’ relationship to her own gender. being raised without language and you know with so much of her life being independent (remember: CASS RAN AWAY AROUND THE WORLD WITHOUT REALLY KNOWING ANY SPOKEN LANGUAGE) and outside of an organized society impressing too much of gender expectations on her, i feel like the way she experiences it would be very unique! like sure she’s so far been fine with being assigned ‘girl’ (ya know that comes with batgirl, and how people just automatically treated her based on how she looks) but in terms of gender expression and like her actual relationship with ‘traditional femininity’ etc like... because of how she was raised I just think she’d have a really different perspective on it that could be cool to explore, and I think she’d fall outside of the binary after she really thinks about how she identifies.
tldr on that: she/they nb cass is what i’m getting at here
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Heyo can I request a hq matchup thingy? I've been all over yer blog and its cute!
I'm 5'8 (on the verge of 5'9), sorta athletic build, lanky but not really slim and more on the curvy side, she/they, light redish brown skin tone, I have shoulder length coily dark brown hair with bangs, glasses, i wear beanies to hide my bedhead and I have a slash on my left eyebrow from when i scraped it on a desk at age nine it was very fun. Totally unrelated note but my friends say i smile like Squirtle and when I'm mad i just look like a really intimidating baby duck 😞
I'm a sagittarius, I have ADHD, a little tomboyish personality wise bc i wear a lot of skirts but im nowhere near girly, I'm a bit rowdy but I'd never do anything to make someone uncomfortable, i gots mommy issues and a little bit of a temper but I'm very approachable, I speak fluent sarcasm and can come off a little rude if ya don't know me that well but I'm very respectful but i kinda swear a lot....
Despite my 'sense of instability' i come from a family full of lawers and veterans (kept separate my parents broke up before i as born), growing up I didnt have the best childhood so i always have empathy and best believe i will fact check you if your out of line 🤬. I'm the one who's willing to cheer you on and support you through thick and thin as well as being at almost every game or event your preforming/ playing at :), I'm very generous and a bit of a care giver(more of a simp if ya squint): ya want water?? "here have mine", hungry? ''oh want McDonald's? i can pay if ya want'' cold?? "here my hoodie im pretty warm already"
My hobbies include singing, playing bass and acoustic guitar, both traditional + digital drawing, dancing and i play a lot of sports like volleyball (i spike and/or set), softball (pitch), boxing + track and field (are those two even a sport???). I've always wanted to be a really big artist and if it doesn't work out i can always try out voice acting bc even though my voice is pretty low i can make it really high pitch like shoujo anime girl high pitch or become a sports journalist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm the memer of my friend group and i like to think my sense of humor and style are on point. I'm a big horror movie junkie... from 80s to late and early 2000s, every slashers, thrillers to sci-fi trust me I've watched it all >:), i loveeeee Pokémon i may or may mot have had a huge crush on Brock and James when i was 6 , and Sanrio, i stick kuromi stickers on everything i own 😅. I also have a really big Batman obsession (grew up around a lot of bois other than my brothers) but i prefer MARVEL...
Sorry this seems pretty long and totally disregard if yer busy but have a good day/night <3
Romantic Matchup
Semi Eita
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How Y’all Met
So you we’re new to Shiratorizawa
And you we’re just walking around campus when you found a gym
When you peeked inside you saw a empty gym
But what really intrigued you was the volleyball net and balls inside 👀
The gym looked pretty empty so you decided to mess around with the volleyballs for a bit
You got so into your practicing that you didn’t notice Semi walk in
Semi was a little confused on why there was just a random person in the gym
But he couldn’t deny that you had some skill 😗
However he saw that you were struggling with your sets
So he decided to help you 😃
Ngl you we’re very kinda embarrassed about getting caught practicing
But he assured you that he didn’t really care and that the rest of the team wasn’t coming for another 30 minutes or so
After hearing that you gladly accepted his offer to help you practice
You two actually got to know each other quite well during this time
So when the rest of the team started filing in to practice
You gave Semi your number and told him to text you if he ever wanted to hang out
You left just before Tendou started picking on Semi for blushing 👀
Anyways you guys became really good friends and would hang out A LOT
So nobody was too shocked when you both decided to start dating
But apparently Tendou and Shirabu had made a bet on it 😅
What They Love About You
He loves the fact that your kind
But will fuck someone up if needed 🙂
He knows he never has to worry about you
He loves that your a fellow musician
To him it’s just one more thing you two have in common
And it’s one more thing he gets to do with you
He loves how supportive you are
Even though you know that semi doesn’t get to play that much
You still show up to EVERY one of his games to cheer the team on
And oh god when he does get to play
I swear people from OUTSIDE the gym can hear you cheering for him
Honestly he doesn’t mind if your a simp 👀
There’s a teeny tiny 🤏 part of him that likes to be babied
Favorite Things To Do Together
Oml he loves for horror movie marathons
He absolutely loves them
Because A: he gets to watch almost EVERY single horror movie made
And B: he gets to watch them with you :D
Oh and he also loves to watch any and all marvel movies with you 👀
But other than movies
He loves to make music with you
It’s usually you both playing instruments together
But every now and then one of you will sing 🎶
Random Hc
You two write the CUTEST songs together
But you never ever sing them
Like wtf you two
One time semi offered to help you practice your spikes
And you accidentally hit him in the face 💀
Now he swears you have a better spike then ushijima 👀
Your friends mentioned your squirtle smile to him...
And now he can’t unsee it 🥲
The security and flexibility they can give one another.
Once they open up to one another and to appreciate their different philosophies in love and in life, these two have potential for steamy relations, deep connections and heartfelt respect.
As long as they communicate and celebrate their differences, theirs will be a passionate relationship.
Both Scorpio and Sagittarius see each day as an adventure and as an endless opportunity to explore, to probe, to learn. Shared escapades bring them closer.
While Sagittarius may get fed up with Scorpio’s stubbornness and inflexibility, Scorpio could be thinking their Sagittarius mate is just a little too hotheaded.
They’ll enjoy learning together, and travel could be very beneficial for this pair.
Their relationship is always on the go!
Mars is the God of War, opening the door for Scorpio’s determined, courageous character.
Mars, when combined with Pluto, represents rebirth and renewal.
Jupiter focuses on philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel.
These planetary attributes — of growth, expansion and masculine energy — combine to create a sustainable relationship of mutual admiration.
Overall Aesthetic
No Scrubs - TLC
Say My Name - Destiny’s Child
She’s So High - Tai Bachman
99 Red Balloons - Nena
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delusionland · 3 years
long ass hcs that feature interracial batfam dynamics ( tw racism, mentions of this blog typical abuse )
my bruce is a ace bi trans man and alfred is a bisexual old queen so when it comes to gender & sexuality---this team of adoptive fathers has the game down. the kids always know it’s fine to be lgbt. bruce&alfred help them with vocal training if they want it. they have literally multiple billions of dollars for any gender confirmation surgery, hrt, doctors, tho therapists are sort of off the table. (reasons to become robin: free top/bottom surgery whats better than this.) it feels easy to come out to them, even bruce, bc brucie has always been public about being trans, and you ALWAYS know brucie before u know batman---and what a shock that is, this nice lgbt man who is wonderful & sensitive in every way is actually a bastard--and alfred is. well he’s camp as all hell. you don’t even really have to come out to bruce or alfred tho. one day u just go ‘i want u to buy me something’ or ‘i’m bringing my girlfriend / boyfriend home’ and bruce takes out a hundred dollar and alfred puts out his hand, and bruce goes ‘who is it.’ and if it’s who alfred thinks it is, he wins the bet LOL.
but when it comes to race stuff. bruce falls flat on his ass. don’t get him wrong. if you fuck with his kids in public or where he can see---he has ur job and ur life on the line, he will fucking ANNIHILATE ur career & ur livelihood. lose ur fucking house & probably get the shit kicked out of you for writing a shitty tabloid article about the new kid of color in a suit at the latest gotham gala. bruce has so much trauma from tabloids as the most publically out trans person from the SIXTIES, and he’s not letting that happen to his kids without brucie AND batman eviscerating them. it’s a bit of a ptsd response, in truth, but the only person who can really ‘cancel’ you in this world is bruce fucking batman wayne and he fucking will do it!!!!! don’t TEST him or his kids. ( several publications have gone out of business just bc of this shit and bruce refusing to stand for it. tmz and p/erez hilton and fuckin pie/rs morgan do Not Exist In The DC Universe Any Longer LOL )
but when it comes to connecting with them on that level, being the white parent that connects them back to their culture & mentors & friends of their own ethnicity after their parents of color die (or were just never around in the case of my jason & cass), he doesn’t really know what to do.
when bruce interacts with his children---in his best moments, it’s about HIS interests and hobbies and what he thinks a father should be, and its very. tvland in a lot of respects. it’s what HIS father would do in his mind---fishing trips, movie nights, fatherly advice, and his father was all about apperances and died when bruce was very young, so it’s like. bruce doesn’t have the best roadmap here, and then when u add interracial family dynamics on that and the ways white richness has insulated bruce---it gets harder to connect with his children on that level.
alfred on the other hand---is rich only by association and skimming off the top, and is only high society because he was an aesthete poor british kid from liverpool that wanted to be a shakespearean actor when he became a butler like his similarly poor father who sent money across the pond. he gets poor kids more than bruce does---but he’s also, just a better person and father and more willing to meet these children in ways they need him to meet them. alfred learns how to cook romani food with and for dick, writes down the recipes with him so he’ll have a piece of his family forever. alfred learns WITH cass & jason for fun how to speak mandarin & cantonese bc u know. why not. they pretend it’s for him or for fun as  well, but they never have to say ‘its embarrassing when other asian people think i know their language but i don’t and i feel like an idiot.’
there’s a disonance, always---between bruce & his children and alfred and his children. it becomes bruce is the ‘public dad’ and the dad they want to be a dad when they’re older---but at the time, bruce is kind of like a big brother and boss that is not emotionally mature enough to actually raise them beyond tvland affectations and cliches. alfred is the one that does the actual paternal & maternal instincts, that connects with them as a true caretaker---but just as alfred enabled bruce all his life, alfred often enables his other children more than he should. the thing that seperates bruce’s childhood from his friends, truly, and the way he is raised under the wayne household----bruce never got the discipline he needed, and the batkids get too much from bruce that alfred just kind of has to bandaid up the emotional wounds.
in a way alfred views that as his fault as well, though. if he had raised bruce better---maybe bruce would be a better father.
alfred has a hard time seeing bruce as anything other than a son, though. likewise, he ALSO views bruce & the batkids more as siblings than adult & children. just like bruce will always view his children as extensions of who he was when his parents died and the little boy & happiness he thinks he lost---alfred never stops thinking of BRUCE that way, as the little boy he was when alfred met him, to everyone’s detriment.
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heleizition · 4 years
I demand for fic recs from you!!!!!!! *excited screaming*
im guessing we’re going for dc fics here bc thats the only fandom ive posted for in a while sefojfseosjef sorry haikyuu u_u
ive been inhaling a few 1000k+ words of dc fics over the past three months so have this whole list because i couldn’t just choose some i had to give all of them
many of these were in the most bookmarked fics of the tags i was looking up so u might have already read them......
Damian Wayne sneezes like a kitten 
Gen, 3k, exactly what the title says, adorable, damian and tim shenanigans
Liminal Spaces
Serie, Mature, 195k, TW for violence, depression, tim really isnt doing so well, reference to attempted assault in the second big fic Compression. 
Bruce from the Young Justice cartoon rescue Tim from comics (but like worse) from letting him just, slowly kill himself with work and Depression, except the situation is worse than that and tim needs a hug.
Oh Brother
T, 10k, reference to the all for the game/the foxhole court books, but can totally be understood without any knowledge of them (idk shit about them). jay goes to college far away from gotham and his family just drops in and hes Annoyed.
Tim Drake is the saddest person I’ve ever met
Gen, 5k7, heavy references to depression. Damian gains some empathic powers for a little while and learns that Tim is really not doing so fine.
Gen, 4k, Duke and some moments with the members of his new family !!!!
Repeat your favorite mistakes and love them all again
Bruce/Clark, T, 160k, the kids get deaged and Bruce has to deal with them but Clark ends up helping. Dads.
hold him close.
Gen, 4k, ABO AU, Bruce gets hit with cuddle pollen and his victim is tim.
I’m alone here, I think
Tim/Kon, T, 93k, Witch AU, stuff happens and Tim ends up forgotten by his loved ones on a greek island, and then one day Kon shows up, even tho he doesn’t remember Tim. (honestly its a hard fic to explain without revealing that much but MAN its amazing)
Don’t touch me
T, 13k, Tim gets hit with a pollen that gives him unbearable pain when he doesnt have a skin to skin contact with another person, which causes problems when he’s never been fond of it to beging with
Love Song
Gen, 2k8, Tim is determined to make Damian call him a big brother, but Damian is stubborn.
The Antonym of Philtre
M, 3k, attempted assault. Dick gets roofied at a gala.
Watch this
Gen, 2k4, Hal and Barry are worried about Batman’s new partner.
Leap, Fall, Fly
Tim/Kon, E, 12k3, Tim and Kon figure some stuff out.
Two Bird, One Stone(d)
Gen, 5k8, mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts.Tim ends up stoned after a drug bust, and Dick and Bruce take care of him.
Bat Naps
T, 6k8, all of the batkids have learned to take naps in their own personal different way.
The Vulnerable
T, 3k2, attempted assault. Everyone is out of town so Jason is in charge of looking out for Tim.
Conner Kent VS the menstrual hygiene aisle
T, 1k, Trans Tim asks Conner to get him tampons because thats what bros do.
T, 68k, Tim gets kidnapped while helping Damian escape, mind break follows.
When you’re in pieces (and still falling apart)
Serie, M, 9k, mentions of assault and sex work. Dick disappear from Gotham and Bruce’s life after he gets kicked out.
free (as a bird)
T, 11k8, mentions of child abuse. Autistic Tim growing up as Robin.
On my chest, on my heart
T, 20k3, Tim/Kon, no capes or powers AU, high school AU where seniors get assigned a pen pal.
Mind you head, i’ve lost my mind
M, 9k6, Tim helps Conner deal with his anxiety.
T, 19k, Tim/Bart. Bart has a Tim related revelation. Teen angst follows.
Boys of Summers
T, 5k4, Tim/Kon, side Kon/Cassie. No capes/powers AU. Tim gets sent to summer camp and meets Conner.
The Stand-In
M, 2k3. Depression. Sometimes Tim feels like Tim Drake is just a stand in for Robin.
“no” and other four letter words
M, 24k, past abuse disussions, coping with trauma. In which Dick Grayson learns about consent.
(this last fic is actually the one my friend made me read and that got me really invested . .. these are my KIDS your honor)
ayyyy here we are i could have added much more but its half past midnight and i work tmrw .... hope i at least made you discover some fics!!!!
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thenewyorkghost · 3 years
Batfam Sorting
(Ok this includes other gotham characters)
Dick Grayson: Pukwudgie  Pukwudgie is for healers. And I think that perfectly fits Dick. He knows what makes each one of his loved ones tick and that level of understanding can be healing. He is a wonderful leader, not because he has a plan for everything like Batman, but because every one of his team members can trust him. He has a way of bringing people together. He is a person who is very in touch with the emotions of those around him, maybe not with his own at certain points, but he has built himself a good community that can heal him as well whenever he is down. He is someone who gives so much to those around him and loves very deeply that those around him become better people by being near him. 
Jason Todd: Wampus Jason Todd is most definitely a warrior, a survivor. He is someone who sees things how they are. Batman refuses to kill people and he thinks: if getting rid of this person will end up saving lives I’ll do what I have to do. And it doesn’t tarnish character, because he is logical and set in his ways. I think it shows how caring he is to those around him. He values their life so much so that he doesn’t care about the guilt or the mental strain he might put himself by killing a person. Although, in a recent comic, it showed a young Jason killing his friend’s dad, because he was being abusive or something, and he didn’t feel bad till he saw how it hurt his friend. He is just doing what he thinks has to be done. He is a very pragmatic, yet impulsive person. I think he has difficulty addressing his own emotions. He often rejects love directed at him or is just shocked by it, but over time he slowly accepts it more. And he’s always caring towards his loved ones in his own distinct way. 
Tim Drake: Horned Serpent The Horned Serpent represents the mind. When Cassandra Cain was pointing out what Dick, Jason, and Tim all fight with when she came to Tim she pointed to his mind. Tim doesn’t have the agility like Dick or the brute strength like Jason, but what he does have is a brilliant mind. He is quick thinking and very analytical. He is always one step ahead of others, not because he is physically fast but because he analyzes people and prepares for whatever they have in store for him. He knows his own limits and strengths and of those around him and that is how he is able to win the upper hand. He is not impulsive, but strategic and tactful. That is why when Damian, who is a trained assassin, went up against him the second time he lost. But his mind can at times also cause him to overthink things making him fail. 
Cassandra Cain: Wampus Cassandra Cain is extremely analytical and unbiased. She just sees everything as it is. So much so that she is capable of predicting what move people are going to make. All of her movements are second nature to her. Most of her life she wasn’t allowed to speak, but she had her eyes and used them to see the unsaid. When you’re able to see everything about someone you also see a lot of pain, so I think she has shown to be a very caring and understanding person. She’s not someone who pushes you to talk about your feelings, she just understands. And sometimes people just need someone who will just sit there with you and listen. Cassandra Cain is a warrior, but a very different kind of warrior. And even after everything she has been through, she continues to choose using her abilities for good. 
Duke Thomas: Wampus People sometimes just portray Duke Thomas as the straight man of the group, but he is someone who has this determination to him where nothing can ever get in his way. He is a straightforward person, but he isn’t the one person in the Batfam who Batman thinks is reasonable. If Batman lets Duke do whatever it is because he knows there is nothing he can ever do to stop him, so he constantly has to compromise. Dude literally jumped out of a moving car and a bridge, there’s no stopping him. He refuses to back down and, yes, it’s admirable, but I wouldn’t say it’s always reasonable. He radiates “I can do this all day” energy. Other than being a very driven character, he is also very passionate and confident. He is someone who has heart. He is a relaxed person that doesn’t plan for things, yet he is great in a crisis with his level of intellect, flexibility and spontaneity. He can be a tame person that knows how to prioritize- saving his spontaneity for a rainy day, then releasing that built up energy. Wampus is the house for people that just: do; therefore, I think he’d be best in this one. 
Damian Wayne: Pukwudgie While I think it’d be easy to just sort Damian into Wampus, because he’s literally an assassin, I think he definitely fits into Pukwudgie a billion times better. He was trained to be a weapon from birth, that doesn’t take love and encouragement. Before he met his dad he was sent on a mission to kill many people, once he was finished he was on his knees when a little animal came up to his face, kinda smiled at him, and then licked his nose. When that happened he began sobbing. This is where his love for animals began and I think it is because an animal was the first one to show love to him. Once he moved in with his dad and siblings and finally started seeing other people as his equals, we begin to see how he craves acceptance from those he cares about. We see how when he finds out that Tim has a plan in his computer for stopping Damian if he turns on them, really hurts his feelings. Anywho, when he first moved into the manor the only emotions he felt deeply was anger, but as time went on we see the range of his emotions. When he became friends with Jon both Batman and Nightwing pointed out how much happier and talkative he was. After Dick Grayson faked his death then came back, he ran into his arms and told him that he missed him. He is a more reserved person, but he forms strong emotional attachments to those he values. I think the older he gets the more he will be able to show how he feels about those around him. Pukwudgie is represented by the heart and all of Damian’s actions stem right from there. 
Extended Batfam:
Stephanie Brown: Thunderbird Stephanie Brown refuses to let herself be brought down by her misery. She’s an energetic and sassy person who makes quick connections with many people.  Though it doesn’t mean that they are deep connections. She is not someone that opens up really opens up about her private life, because she doesn’t know who to trust. Plus, the beginning of her life was really lonely. She seems to crave deep connections, while also loving action and risk. Her enthusiasm gets people to open up more. And she most definitely loves messing with literally everyone. It may seem like she can’t have close relations at first, but those develop gradually for her. One day you look back and realize ‘huh this girl is literally here every. single. day.’ Later in life this queen knows her worth and refuses to let anyone bring her down. Once she gets past all the anger built up from the pain caused by her father she becomes sure of herself. She is someone constantly trying to figure herself out or truly get to know herself. While at first I thought she fit perfectly into Thunderbird, because of her energy and love of thrill, but I think below the surface she cares more to be loved and to have that family. So, I don’t know, maybe she can go either Thunderbird or Pukwudgie. 
Barbara Gordon: Thunderbird I know that Barbara Gordon is a brilliant, tech-savvy individual who has a photographic memory. Yes, but I think her more defining characteristics are those that line up with the Thunderbird house. She is someone who cannot be tied down. From the very start she is this driven force to be reckoned with. Her whole life her defined by defying the expectations. She enjoys questioning everyone about their beliefs and is outspoken of her own. Before she became Batgirl she’d constantly argue with her father about becoming a detective. She’s very set on creating positive change in the world. She believes change is necessary and important. While she has a set moral compass it isn’t black and white. She is able to listen and work with people she does not agree. And her defining trait is that she is constantly pushing herself and never gives up. She’s a very grounded person and though she a force of change, she herself doesn’t change much. She grows a lot, but she is set with her core values from the very start. I think that makes her a reliable leader. 
Anyways, this is so difficult. I like hogwarts houses way better, bc it’s literally about what is most important to you. 
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gobydana · 5 years
Hi idk if you are up for it but could you do a HC for a batsister that is basically left out of the family bc she isn't a vigilant or something like that. I just need sadness.
Sadness and batsister? Why you have come to the right blog. Grab a cup of hot tea and a blanket cause I got a story for you. Also if you are wanting to read  more of me causing batsister to suffer, you can read my other fics:  Have You Ever Cared, 13 Beaches, Batsister Poison, This is What Makes Us Girls
Edit: I saw after writing this that you wanted headcannon but ummmm well I got carried away. I hope you don’t mind a story instead.  I can do a headcannon still if you want. Just let me know. 
Silence was a sound that Batsis had long since associated with the manor. Yet the silence held so much knowledge. Knowledge that no one was home yet down in the cave where she never ventured. Knowledge that what was once was a manor filled with genuine laughter, children running around, and the Wayne families would be no more. Knowledge that instead of a home the manor became a place of meeting not an escape from reality. Knowledge that she was left out of all of it. 
It had been this way for as long as batsister had come to live as a child with them. Her mother nor her father constant figure. Bruce gone for the Batman duties or for Wayne Enterprise. The same force that would pull her bigger and younger brothers away, even her sister Cass. Her memories of the place being big and empty. First through the eyes of a child and then through the eyes of an adult who long ago lost hope of it changing. 
Alfred long ago stated a rule of no work at the dinner table, a rule broken many times. When she was little, they did try. It got harder as she got older. Talking about people in capes she never met or battles she never saw. Teasing of Dick’s lastest girlfriend she would know nothing of. Tim’s gadgets she never saw work in the field. 
Alfred tried to keep in her the loop of family happenings, but eventually she told him no worries. The small, sad smile she gave him told the old butler more than she ever could. He could see the hurt behind her eyes of being left out, exclude. It wasn’t that the family didn’t try, but any good attempt often failed by calling elsewhere. Games missed because Two Face wanted to take over the city, parent teacher conferences abandon due to an emergency meeting.  
Just as Batsis hide her pain, Bruce hid the failure he felt he did as a parent. He wished many times to have been there when he needed her, but Gotham was the mistress that often called him away. Soon her absent yelled through out the manor. Her spot at the table long gone cold. The small child who smiled when he had some time gone. The sad face she would give as a child gone as well but this time it was glance of long time disappointment. 
Maybe that’s why he was surprised of all things the day he was home alone in the manor, recovering from injuries that he found her in the manor grounds. She would often not come by anymore, just on special occasion like Christmas, her birthday dinner for Alfred, and Alfred’s birthday. Yet here she was on her own free will standing there looking at a big oak tree. 
He came up behind her, her body giving away she could tell he was there, but not turning around to greet him. Instead she just started talking not once facing him until the end. 
“Memories are a funny thing you know. Some things stick and one can never forget. Yet others stick with us. My past birthdays are a blur, don’t remember graduation much, but this dumb tree. I can remember being eight and standing next to this tree. This stupid tree. I waited all day, it was a Thursday and I had one overalls with a pink hammer. We were suppose to build a tree house. The lumber sat there, only thing missing was you. You promised me no matter what we would build it that day. Guess you didn’t plan on Superman needing you. The sun went down and Alfred told me go to bed. You were gone so long and injuried, he couldn’t bring himself to lecture you. The lumber sat there and got wet in the rain. I remember after that I could never hold you to a promise. Dick and Jason were both around then, they saw the lumber get wet and moldy but too busy to help. That hammer sat in my bedroom, even now it’s still there all pink and glitter.”
As batsister turned around, he saw hurt that lingered there for far too long. Hurt he caused and his family. The very family that had abandoned them claiming they were needed elsewhere, even though there was an eight year old waiting at home who needed them. He went to talk only for her to hold her hand up to stop him. 
“I don’t want excuses, I heard too many. I am here to tell you I adopted a little girl, she is four. It’s just her and me, but I am going to do my best to give her the life she deserves. If you are going to be grandpa mirroring the father you were to me, please don’t come. I don’t want her to know the same hurt I did. 
With that she turned to leave, Bruce letting his daughter walk out and just maybe out of his life. He sat down on the ground and stared at the tree. He wish he could blame the tree, but this time he had no one but himself to blame. He sat there all day wishing he could change time. He did know one thing, he was not going to make the same mistake twice. 
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