#female podcasts
clown-eating-pig · 5 months
I really love gertrude robinson bc how often do you get an older woman character who just really sucks? She sacrifices ppl that trust her. She is so focused on keeping the world from ending that she completely doesn’t notice one of her assistants routinely torturing the others. She dismembered a guy. She does her job badly on purpose. She’s cunning and sneaky. She dares her murderous, immortality seeking boss to kill her. She gets murdered by her murderous, immortality seeking boss. She’s not particularly friendly. She somehow had access to plastic explosives. She’s a manipulator and a liar. She’s bound to the avatar of destruction. She helped a guy get rid of a pig by telling him to put it in conk crete. She is like the opposite of a sweet little grandma and that’s beautiful.
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cutielando · 4 months
always ~ max verstappen
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Summary: When Max can't deal with the hate he gets from his fans, you are there to help him through it and give his fans a piece of your mind.
Words: 1.1k+
Other works: my masterlist
Max got hate.
It was a known fact, but one you vehemently despised. It broke your heart seeing the comments on posts, hearing what people thought of your boyfriend and what things they had to say about him. 
Everyone hated people when they were at their best, they loved dragging them through the mud. Max had started getting a lot of hate after winning his second World Champion title. Due to the fact that he always stated that he didn't care about anyone's opinion of him, it only added to the fuel of hate already coming in.
The biggest amount of hate came swirling in after he had won his third World Championship. Max had absolutely dominated the 2023 season, rendering it obvious that he would be the one ending up winning the Championship once again. 
As amazing as that was, the fans didn't seem to share the same thoughts. They started spreading hate that Max was taking all the fun out of the sport, that the races had become predictable and a lot of fans had given up watching because they had got sick of seeing Max win all the time. It broke your heart when you would see the toll it would have on your boyfriend.
The night after you guys celebrated in style in the clubs of Qatar, the mood dropped when you guys made it back to the hotel and Max finally opened his phone.
You had been taking your make-up off, starting on your night skincare routine, while Max settled on changing out of his clothes and getting into bed.
"Max?" you called out, the silence coming from the room being unusual for your boyfriend. He was always one to talk about everything and anything while you did your skincare, knowing you would get bored otherwise.
No response.
It made you slightly suspicious, but you let it go for the moment, figuring he had just fallen asleep.
Finishing up, you dried your hands and tied your hair in a loose ponytail before exiting the bathroom. You, however, were not prepared for the sight that met your eyes.
Max was sitting at the edge of the bed, silently sobbing in his hands, his phone discarded on the floor by his feet. You immediately sat down next to him, enveloping him in your arms.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, you're okay" you cooed in his ear, rubbing soothing circles on his back and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
His sobs were wrecking his body, his tears soaking up your shirt. He was holding onto you tightly, afraid that you would just vanish in thin air if he let go of you for even a second. You didn't know what had brought this on, Max had never been one to cry or let what others said about him affect him. 
His sobs slowly started dissipating and turning into little sniffles after a while, his body now void of any tension, slumped against your own tiredly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" your voice was soft, your hands still caressing his soft hair and his back. 
He was silent for a moment, so you didn't press any further. You didn't want to make him feel obligated to talk about what was bothering him if he didn't want to.
"They all hate me" he spoke up, making your eyebrows furrow.
"Who hates you?" you questioned, still keeping up your soothing motions.
"The fans. They all hate me because I've come first this season. They're all saying they hate the sport because of me and that I never give anyone else a chance and it-s getting boring. It's not my fault that I win, I just do it because I like it" he confessed, sniffling before straightening up and pulling away from you.
You shook your head, watching him as he picked up his phone from off the ground. He unlocked it and glanced at it for a second before handing it to you.
"He's taking all the fun out of the sport, I gave up watching it because of him"
"He should honestly just give up and make some room for other people. Nobody likes him winning all the time"
"He's definitely cheating, there is no way someone is that dominant compared to all the other drivers. Does Red Bull honestly want us to believe he's winning on pure talent and with a good car? Not buying it"
"Max should go and kill himself, nobody wants him in this sport anymore. It was fun at first, but now it's making me hate even hearing about Formula 1"
The comments made your heart break little by little. You couldn't understand how people could be so cruel, how they could hate on someone so dedicated and talented, judging him for anything he did.
"Oh, baby. None of those things are true, Max" you said to him while cupping his face, but he shook his head and looked down.
"It is, they're right. Maybe I should just retire and stop racing, that way everything could go back to normal" he shrugged, but the idea sounded ridiculous to you.
"Baby, listen to me. Those people have no idea what they're talking about. They have no idea how much work you put in during the whole year to be able to drive the car. Nobody knows how much pressure you're under, they have no idea. Baby, you've worked so hard to get here and it's finally paying off. You're so talented, so driven and so dedicated to this sport, your wins and titles are just the fruit of your labor. Don't let people tear you down just because they're frustrated and have no idea what they're talking about" a new wave of tears started falling from his eyes and down his cheek, but he was smiling at you this time.
"I don't deserve you" he whispered, hugging you and burying his head into the crook of your neck. 
"You deserve me and everything that you have achieved. I love you, and I am proud of you. Next time you're feeling like this, please come to me. I hate seeing you cry over this" you felt him nod, which brought small relief to your heart.
"I love you too. Thank you for always being here for me, I don't know how I would be able to cope with everything if it wasn't for you" he replied, leaving small kisses on your neck.
"You're never going to have to know what it's like without me. I never plan to leave" you reassured him, giving him a squeeze.
You couldn't even begin to thank your lucky stars for giving you such a perfect boyfriend, someone you were sure you were going to love for the rest of your life.
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yayobabydoll · 26 days
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my future apartment
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stayathomegirlfriends · 9 months
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Hello girls, gays, and theys of Tumblr! Are you in need of two loving gay aunties to share some wise words and help you feel less alone?
We are Cam and Gabriella, a couple of girlfriends who stay at home, and we just started a podcast aptly called Stay at Home Girlfriends. It's an advice podcast and a positive queer and also female-focused (though ALL are welcome) community and we'd love you to be a part of it!
Click the links below to check out our latest episode! I think you'll be glad you did 🥰
Listen on Spotify here:
Listen on Apple here:
OR watch us on YouTube here:
And click here to check out our socials or submit an advice request!
Hope to see you on the other side and remember you yourself as much as anyone in the entire universe are deserving of your own love and compassion! 💜
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madeinheaven2008 · 1 year
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got your bible, got your gun
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islandoforder · 29 days
on a train to the seaside, crocheting a sundress, and listening to the complicated women podcast which is real and on spotify
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saturncodedstarlette · 6 months
Philip Graves : If I ask you what’d you do yesterday—
Philip Graves : —and you tell me “oh just hung out with the wife and kids”
Philip Graves : we’ve wasted our time.
Ghost : Uh huh? 🤨
Philip Graves : that’s the answer you give to people you don’t know.
Philip Graves : “ah you know just hung out with the kids and the old ball and chain” 🤷‍♂️
Ghost : I don’t refer my wife as ball and chain—
Ghost : She doesn’t weigh me down, she picks me up bitch
Ghost : She’s the wind beneath my wings
Captain Price, holding back ghost from ruining Graves’s face :
Ghost, snarls : Don’t you ever fucking say that again, you bitchless suckup
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[tucking a bloody rapier behind her back] why is it that when marie murders a man and has a mysterious/cursed figure tied up in her house she’s a badass, but when i, the witch-
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femmefatalevibe · 8 months
Hi sweetie, how are you? Do you have some podcast’s recommendations? I don’t mind the topic, it could be about finance, mental health, self development, powerful women! Thank you <3
Hi love! Sharing some recommendations below. Hope this helps xxx
Stuff You Should Know
The Psychology of Your 20s
Bad with Money
Ted Talks Daily
The Daily
How I Built This
Stuff Mom Never Told You
The Michelle Obama Podcast
Lady Don't Take No
Our Body Politic
Sounds Like A Cult
Betwixt the Sheets 
You're Wrong About
Ladies, We Need To Talk
Hope this helps xx
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whamber · 10 months
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feeling inconsolable about Lydia Stormborn...
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jungjungmochi · 1 year
How you met - The Group Chat
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- BigT, Issacwhy, Softwilly, Yumi, Larrrycroft, Grunk
- Reader has no gender and is not descriptive in any way. Please imagine the reader as you wish!
- Grunk’s is pure fluff! And note there will never be smut! I will not overstep his boundaries with nsfw!
- Grunk’s name is in here but note that he really just prefers you calling him grunk! Only because he really only wants people close to him to call him by his name, so reader will refer and learn him as grunk.
- Reader is Isaac’s sibling! By birth or adoption is up to you!
⤓ Headcanon’s Down Below
BigT ((Tanner))
You met Tanner through Yumi’s birthday party
He would not let you back down from meeting everyone
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It all started when Yumi had called you up to let you know him and his housemates would be throwing him a birthday party. Despite the desire to stay at home and enjoy yourself on a day off from work, you knew deep down, you in fact did miss your best friend, especially when he relocated to Austin, Texas. No denying it, you wanted nothing more than time with Yumi, life’s been boring without him and having him gone sucked. So when the agreement fell from your lips, you felt yourself not regretting the happiness in his tone. It was nerve wracking, you never met his housemates, this was a first but if Yumi seemed happy with them, that means they were good people, right?.
The drive was dreading, very but calling to take your vacation and just spend time with him, it was enjoyable. Yumi made it clear it was going to be late when you showed and there’s a chance his friends would be asleep but you couldn’t keep him up. “Just go to bed” you spoke as he sighed over the phone. “I can stay awake?” He raised a brow. “No it’s fine. Traffic is awful anyway. I’ll get a hotel, be there for the party, I promise.” You hummed. Yumi knew you were a bit stubborn and he never attempted you to be pushed to the edge of doing or agreeing with things. Which you enjoyed most when you two held small banters. And just like that, Yumi agreed and let you know you were always welcomed, hotels cost a lot and creeps were always around. So just to let him know you made it safely.
The stay there wasn’t bad, indecisive on what to wear to the birthday party, you decided not to show up and show out. Again, you didn’t mind but Yumi made it clear they’d be having the birthday party at the house, and had no intentions to relocate the party elsewhere so dressing like a star wasn’t entitled nor obligated. And with your best outfit on possible to at least look decent, it was time to show yourself at that party for the sake of your best friend.
“Y/n!” Yumi spoke loudly as he walked towards you, one hand holding a drink as he approached the car you just got out of, hugging him tightly back, you missed your best friends embrace. “It’s so good to see you again Blake!” You chuckled lightly. “Tell me all about it” he shakes his head playfully. It was nice to be back and around one another but of course, you knew you’d have to meet his friends eventually but again, you just had nerves, normal when it was around new people. “Come in!” He gestured, you could hear chattering and a bit of music, he meant it, you would in fact be stepping into the home.
With your best friend walking off to make conversation as his name was called, that’s how you found yourself alone, but only for a split moment till someone approached you. “Stiff much?” The person asked. Looking over at the voice, you found nothing but a guy standing beside you. “Oh. Well I’m pretty unfamiliar with this layout.” You spoke back with some hope your tone didn’t shake. “Oh no worries. BigT.” He held out a hand, looking down before your grabbed it with yours, giving a careless shake. “Y/n, drove all the way down here for Yumi.”. Tanner knew your name, Yumi never shut up about his best friend Y/n showing to his party. He was pretty aware of who you were. “Heard all about you. Get yourself comfortable. I’ll take you to meet the others.”
Tanner didn’t want you to feel like a stranger amongst them. You were a friend of yumi’s who took vacation days to make it to Texas just to be there. No way in hell would he waste your trip to be a stranger the whole stay. When he formally introduced you to the others, you realized they genuinely weren’t bad people and your nerves sort of washed away. But that didn’t stop you from spending some time with tanner before you got dragged off by Yumi to come check out something cool. So much for the fun you two were having.
Hours passed, people left the party and you wished them all a safe trip back home or wherever they’d be going afterward. You noticed the boys fast asleep, flushed face indicating some of them did some serious drinking. Gently placing the blankets on them to leave them to rest, you overlooked them, noticing tanner was missing. “You going?” Tanner spoke as you turned around. A smile on your face as you nod your head. “Yeah. I’m staying at the hotel in the meantime…” you shrugged. “You’re fine here.” Tanner nods his head. Though you knew the boys were playful, tanner couldn’t help but notice the drinking you had done and the sleepiness in your eyes. You were in no state to drive to a hotel. “Take Yumi’s bed, he’ll be asleep down here with the boys. I’ll show you to his room.” He smiled. “Thanks BigT…” you said as he chuckled. “Just call me tanner.”
Coming to Austin wasn’t a bad idea, considering you had time with Yumi, met his friends, and had the most fun talking and drinking with tanner. Who made your stay worth it.
Isaacwhy ((Isaac))
You met Isaac through your job
Upon meeting, Isaac stuck behind just for you
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The boys had decided to film that day, making a blog for Willy's channel. Isaac tagged along with them since they would be going to eat and thankfully it wasn't as packed as they thought. When you glanced over, you took the sight of the table you would be serving, seeing if they were troublemakers you'd have to kick out or not. Thankfully though, they didn't bother people like most other young groups did when they came in.
You had approached the table and offered to get drinks for them, Isaac thought you were very beautiful when he first laid his eyes on you, you were a bit nervous but pushed past your nerves to tend to orders for the boys. Once you got their drinks down, you went to make sure it was placed, hiding the hue on your cheeks from the man that stared at you. Even if you couldn't fully see his face, he seemed to be a handsome guy and thankfully he and his friends kept it down.
"Are you boys ready to order or do you need more time?" you asked as the boys shake their heads, it seems they very much were ready for food. You checked every order they possibly made, Issac of course, deciding he would speak to you. "If you want...for the video we're making, I can make sure your face remains blurred?" He raised a brow. A little confusion happened, maybe the first ten seconds till it clicked they were vlogging. "you're all good, no worries." You shake your head. "Well, you guys heard it, Y/n is going to be serving the table," he said as you waved at the camera before clearing your throat. "I'll get the food for you boys already!" you assured.
And you did, you made sure they ate plenty, refilled drinks, and listened to them chatter at the table and share laughs. Sadly though, your time to hit up the masked man came to an end when you realized closing came around the corner. You didn't want to say bye to the boys since they made your night at work entertaining. What you didn't expect was the masked man, walking over. "Excuse me," he said as you turned to him with a raised brow. Not many people stayed around later than usual, so you assumed you charged too much or not enough. "I just...without the camera here." he sighed as you noticed he had something to ask. "Are you cool if I come back?" he asked. "If you boys like to film here?" You shrugged as he chuckled. "No. I mean just to come here and eat if you work here tomorrow again. just me, not my friends." he said. That's when you caught on to what he meant, he wanted to come back and eat so he could see you again.
"I don't work tomorrow. I'm sorry, it's my day off." you winced slightly as he nods his head. "Could I get your number?" he asked. "Without treating me to a date?" You teased. He chuckled as he shakes his head. "so?" he smiled under the mask as you nodded your head, taking out your phone so he could get your number. After the exchange, he noticed his friends waiting outside and they were ready to get home. "I'll see you another time masked guy!" you said as he smiled. "Just call me Isaac, Y/n," he said as you hummed. "Got it."
Softwilly ((Nick))
You met Nick through social media
And you two actually lived around the same area
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You were a content creator yourself and usually when you posted it was either to update people about your upcoming plans or you posted gym videos, even going far as to encourage those around you. Often your streams did good and people would go to your latest post to check out every aftermath of a chill and vibrant stream you held. Which you didn't know would reach Nick, something about you spoke to him, in a way he couldn't let go of, he was intrigued but he knew his audience watched him. Some fans would put themselves in the spot to stop romance or a chance to connect, Nick knew if he followed, someone might mention it but again you were two creators, and this would be normal to do. So he did. He followed your Instagram and Twitter.
Upon some passing days, he would tend to like your latest gym post or stream post, even a random photo here and there. When you mentioned wanting to vlog with your home in Austin, Texas. Nick knew right at that moment you were possibly nearby somewhere, maybe even the same area, so he hit you up. Sitting on the couch and noticing it, you felt a bit nervous, usually, messages were with love or by haters, and often you would get the between deal. Or just creeps who troll online. Assuming that's what it would be, you wouldn't expect to see him in your messages and didn't waste a single bit of time replying to him either. The two of you hit it off and it became an instant-like thing for you both, you could hold a conversation and have no issues.
Over time, the two of you agreed to collab to surprise his viewers and yours, agreeing on where to meet and how to make the collab possible with both of your points of view you even found out that he lived nearby, so it became an even bigger bonus to spend time together. The two of you would finally meet right in town, a smile on his face. "Y/n!" he chuckled as you waved at the camera, walking over to him. You gave him a hug, one arm wrapped around you as he gave you a slight squeeze. "Good to finally meet you!" he chuckled. It felt like a dream come true to both of you. Finally being this close, face-to-face. Both of you wanted to keep a decent conversation on camera as you did off of it, and even went far to make the most of the vlog with the idea to go do something.
A large part of Nick had enjoyed what felt like years already with you. The two of you brought topics for your channel to discuss, laughed, and played around. Both of you go places together and just spend time as if there was never a camera involved. When it came time to split ways, you couldn't help but yawn. "We filmed today..." You chuckled as he nods his head. "That we did." he nods his head in agreement. "Even though it was our first time meeting, I did enjoy your company." you hum. "I enjoyed yours too." he looked over at you. Half of you wanted to spend more and more time, you were sad deep down that the day was going to end soon. "One more?" You opened your arms, and Nick nodded his head as he hugged you, sinking into your embrace. "Next time let's hang out...without the vlog." he said as you smiled. "yeah...without the vlog."
Yumi ((Blake))
Met Yumi through your best friend Nick who held a surprise party for your birthday
You two hit it off really well and Yumi liked your personality, a lot
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“My friend is coming over tonight, don’t spoil it.” Nick said as he overlooked the boys who were ready to get it started. Nick had planned a surprise party for you at the house and the boys agreed to help despite not knowing much about you or what you’d like but thankfully Nick was able to get it perfectly prepared for you and tell them exactly what they needed to know. While you glanced at your phone, laying in bed. He hadn’t sent you a happy birthday message and it hurt because you instantly assumed your best friend forgot all about you. Wanting to sleep it away, you closed your eyes and decided a nap was better than nothing.
Time passed and you woke up to the sight of the sun going down, days almost over and you were thankful deep down it was ending. Grabbing your phone to glance at the time, you checked the countless miscalls and messages from Nick, apologizing and claiming he was super busy but he didn’t forget, some relief washed over you. That’s when you encountered his message telling you to come over so you can spend it together; thinking nothing of it, you were out of bed and getting ready to go spend time with him.
Arriving to see your best friend, you noticed the lights out and a small sigh left your lips, did they fall asleep already?. Either way, you weren’t backing down, you wanted an explanation. So marching to that door and opening it, you were going to yell out to Nick for how bad that hurt you but not before the lights came on and a large group of people wished you a happy birthday. “Nick!” You said as he hugged you tightly. So that explains a lot. “You are so lucky you had this party in mind! Cause I assumed you just pushed it aside.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Saved you from getting yelled at.” You giggled. “Well. Happy birthday! Let’s get the party started!” He said as everyone agreed.
With people enjoying themselves and Nick off talking, your face was a tint of red, the liquor setting into your system. You had no reason to be shy, you were actually enjoying yourself and you pushed all feelings out to feel good and happy. Isaac pointed it out that you were drunk, even giggling that you were a light weight but Nick alerted them you couldn’t hold much before you became that type of person. “Careful. You’ll fall back and hit someone or the floor.” Yumi spoke as he held your arm, guiding you to the kitchen. He was over crowded along with you and the kitchen wasn’t too full. “Y/n? Right?” He asked as you raised a brow. “Whose that?” You slurred as he chuckled. “You.” He said as you hummed. “You have a cute smile. So how do you know Nick?” You asked as you leaned against the counter. “I’m surprised we never met.” He smiled.
Yumi explained everything to you and a lot of what he said made sense, you two went from that to drinking together and doing something stupid. “His face is squishy.” You smiled softly as you squeezed Grunk’s face. He let out a laugh as Yumi chuckled. “Happy birthday to you!” You said as Grunk shakes his head. Moving from grunk you two had fun a large time of the night and you couldn’t recall ever having a bad encounter amongst the whole night but Nick knew you were enjoying yourself and that’s what he wanted.
With the party coming to an end, Nick couldn’t find you and you went searching for you to see if you left. But instead he found you out in the backyard, sitting by Yumi, he decided to give you two alone time, he’d have a talk with you later or by tomorrow. “Thank you.” You hummed as he raised a brow. “For what?” He asked as you shrugged slightly. “For wishing me a happy birthday. And helping nick fix up a party for me..thank you.” You hummed. Yumi watched as you laid your head against him, a small chuckle passing his lips as he let you remain passed out. “You’re welcome…” he soothes your hair. “You’re very welcomed.”
Larrrycroft ((Larry))
You met Larry during moving in
And when you two finally talked, everything went smoothly and just right
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You didn’t always like the spotlight, or making the biggest deal out of things, so you hardly spoke to family about the big move to Austin. Sure, you were young but you and your friends were gonna be moving in together and it was all mapped out and going to plan so it seemed fine with you making the drive just so you can have a fresh start plus everything was talked about, how could you pass up the chance like this.
The U-haul was open and your friends were inside claiming bedrooms while you were sighing, the huff falling from your lips. You made this whole drive, got here late because of stupid traffic and they haven’t even come to help you. You glanced over at your neighbors before giving a small wave. “Sorry if they disturbed you with the yelling they were doing out here.” You apologized but the tall guy shook his head. “No worries, we came to see if you needed help?” He asked. “Uh…sure! Yeah! That would be great! Thank you!”
Thankful you were that your neighbors were helping you move every single bag and box of you and your friends stuff inside since you struggled with it a bit. It was going by very fast. “Oh cool! What’s this?” One of them asked as you glanced at what he held, a small chuckle leaving your lips. “My friends collect some weird things…I think it’s like something old. I’m not sure.” You shrugged. He nods his head as he clicked his tongue. “How old?” He glanced over at you as you smiled. “Honestly. She’s cleaned it but it’s had some dust on it so probably really old or the store is just dirty.” You two chuckled at your reply. It felt natural to have a talk, almost like you two had known each other already. “So what’s in your bag?” He asked as you sighed. “I hate to disappoint but probably not old collectibles with dust.”
You didn’t disappoint at all, you spent a lot of time showing Larry something’s you brought. His friends were smiling ear to ear, they’d tease him about this later for sure. You two held up in conversation for hours. “So your all housemates? Wow. Wanna exchange?” You asked as he shakes his head. “You’d hand them back over after an hour.” He said as you shake your head. “How bad can they be?” You asked as he smiled. “You’ll figure that out yourself.” He said as he took your bag. Your friends had been upstairs bickering and bantering on a room you’d sleep in but nonetheless it was fine. You had your room chosen.
“What are you even putting in it?” Larry asked as you sat on the floor together in your new bedroom, door closed as you went through some things. “Probably gonna decorate it a lot more than my last so it’s not so bland.” You shrugged as he hummed. Hours and hours passed, jokes and countless laughs, conversations about hobbies and such, it was all there. Your friends weren’t even minding it, assuming you were too busy, they did their own things.
It was now around four in the morning, Isaac grew concerned and went to make sure that Larry was okay since the lights were on in your room but no one was speaking and no noise was heard. He gently knocked on the door as your friend opened it, rubbing her eyes. “What’s up?” She whispered as she yawned. “Larry still here?” He asked as she shrugs. “You can check. Y/n’s light is on, she might know” she stepped aside. Isaac thanked her as he quietly made his way to the source of your bedroom.
When he opened the door, he found you fast asleep with Larry, heads laid back on the pillows you brought. It was a relief to Isaac that he was okay and he left you two to be alone and sleep, but not before he placed the blanket over you both, keeping you warm. The photo he had taken would be shown to tease Larry when he woke up and got home the very next day.
- Thank you for reading! Remember if you send in request, you can request three at a time before requesting more♥️
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tweedlebugged · 1 year
I think what’s really frustrating about the Scary situation is how unbelievably different the Discourse on social media would look if literally the only difference was that she was a boy.
Like, picture this: a teenage boy with a deadbeat dad is manipulated and isolated by his evil pseudo-father figure into betraying his friends in service to some bigger mission. He’s meaner than usual the next time they meet, but during a journey through everyone’s inner demons we get a deeper glimpse into the source of his daddy issues and find out that the person who makes him angriest is himself.
The poor little meow-meowing and thinkpieces in his defense today would be UNREAL. Olympic gold level mental gymnastics to justify his behavior.
And it would be even worse if ALL the genders were reversed and it was three teen girls angrily confronting their angsty, misunderstood, emotionally vulnerable former guy friend. Keep every word the same and the teens’ anger at the betrayal every bit as justified, and a sizeable chunk of the fandom would still be sending themselves to the eighth level of hell over girl!Link right now.
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cutielando · 6 months
legacy ~ max verstappen
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Summary: Yours and Max's son is starting his karting career and continuing his father's legacy, making Max and you reminisce about his glory days in Red Bull.
Words: 1.2k+
"I'm so nervous. Why am I so nervous?" Max asked you as he stressed around, going in circles.
"Now you know how I've been feeling for the best 15 years, honey" you chuckled as you patted him on the back.
Yours and Max' eldest son had his first karting race today and Max has been the most worried parent in the world. 
From checking his car over and over again, to making sure his gear would keep him perfectly safe, to talking him through every single thing he would ever need to know multiple times leading up to the race.
Your son was more than ready.
But Max still couldn't help but worry.
He was so happy when Y/S/N started showing interest in karting at a young age, glad that he could share his life's work with his son. 
He had taken your little family to multiple races ever since he decided to retire from racing after he won his 10th WDC title. He loved explaining to your boy all about the cars, how they worked and how they managed to go so fast, basking in the curious gaze of your little boy.
Now that it was really down to his first karting race, Max was slowly starting to regret indulging his son's passion for racing sports.
"This is karma biting me in the ass, isn't it?" he asked slowly, still agitated.
"Yup" you smiled, crouching down when you saw your son running towards you.
"Mommy! Daddy! Are you ready to watch me?" Y/S/N asked once he reached you and gave you a hug, going to hug Max's tall body next.
"Of course we are, sweetie. We'll be cheering you on the entire time" you kissed his head before getting up, checking your phone quickly.
You had left your baby girl at home with your sister, skeptical about bringing her to the rink when she was still so young.
Y/S/N understood, even though he had wanted her there with him. He knew she was too young to even understand what he was doing.
"Now, remember what we talked about..." Max started telling your son and you zoned out, watching the two of them interacting.
You had come such a long way from when you first started dating. You never believed you would actually get to this point, happily married with 2 amazing and beautiful children. And yet, here you were, happier than ever, Max stressed as ever as well.
"Mommy, can you tell dad to stop worrying?" your boy asked as he took your hand and pulled you out of your thoughts.
You laughed and ruffled his hair. "Believe me, it's all I've been trying to do ever since we left home this morning" 
Max rolled his eyes but smiled, worry still etched on his face.
The race was well underway and your son was absolutely dominating every other small driver in the race. 
He was leading and had managed to create a very impressive gap between him and the others, doing wonders on the track.
You kept stealing glances at Max who didn't let up his focus and concentration for even a second, his eyes glued to the screens and sometimes darting to the track when your son would pass you.
"And the winner is... Y/S/N Verstappen!" the commentator yelled out when the race had finally finished and your boy had come in first.
Max cheered loudly, quickly disregarding his headphones and scooping you up in his arms, both of you laughing and cheering.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Y/S/N yelled as he parked his car, got out and immediately spotted you in the big crowd of proud parents.
"You did it! You were so good, my love" you gushed as you helped him take off his helmet so you could hug him properly.
"Daddy! Did you see how good I was? I did it for you!" Y/S/N yelled out as you let go of him and he jumped into Max's awaiting arms.
"You did so good, my boy!" Max kissed the boy on the cheek and squeezed him tightly, making eye contact with you over the boy's shoulder.
You teared up a little, watching the two most important boys in your life embracing after such a big moment in your little boy's life.
It made you think of Max in his racing days, how you got the exact same feeling when he would be the one winning races.
He had some competition now.
After taking Y/S/N for some well-deserved ice cream and some cheat food, the three of you made your way home, knowing your sister would probably be overwhelmed with your little girl.
"We're home!" you announced as soon as you entered the house, your sister and your daughter immediately appearing out of the kitchen.
"Hi, baby!" you cooed as you took your girl, her eyes wide and her smile wide as she recognized her mama cradling her.
"How was she today?" Max asked as he gave your sister a quick hug before opening the spare room and depositing Y/S/N's karting gear.
"Can I talk to her, mom?" your boy asked eagerly, and you knew he wanted to tell her all about his race.
You nodded and after saying goodbye to your sister, the four of you went to the living room, taking a seat on the couch.
You carefully put your daughter in your son's arms, and the moment she had settled down, Y/S/N started telling her every single detail about the race, her blabbing away happily as she watched her brother with wide eyes.
You knew she couldn't understand a word he was saying, but watching him with her made your heart explode with happiness.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked Max once you went back downstairs after putting your children to bed.
Max was sitting on the couch, holding a trophy and a photo frame in his hands.
As you took a seat next to him, you recognized the trophy as being the last World Champion title he received before retiring, and the photo was of you two, holding newborn Y/S/N in your arms on the podium with him.
You smiled at the fond memories, remembering both days like it was yesterday.
"He reminds me of myself" he quietly said, a ghost of a smile present on his lips.
"He will give you a run for your money one day" you joked, bumping your shoulder with his.
He chuckled and nodded, but you noticed his smile didn't reach his eyes like it usually did when you would talk about your son.
"What's wrong?" you started rubbing circles on his back, feeling the tense muscles under your touch.
"I don't want him going through the same things I did" he explained, setting down both the trophy and the photo frame.
You took his face in your hands and made him face you.
"He's not going to go through that because he has us. We will make sure of that"
"I know, but we both know there will be talk because he's my son. Just like there was talk about me when I first started racing" he continued, looking down at his lap.
"Listen to me. Y/S/N has talent like I've never seen before in someone his age" Max mimics a look of offense, but you continue nonetheless. "People are going to see how talented he is and they won't even think about saying bad things about him or belittling him or his talent. He still has a very long way to go, my love"
Max pondered for a moment but nodded, wrapping his arms around you.
"I love you so much, you're the best mother I could have ever asked for for them" he whispered in your ear, kissing the spot just behind it.
"And you're the best father this world has ever seen. I love you, baby"
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bqu1nns · 5 months
intermittently - brian q.
my first fan fic ever!! [clap] [clap] in this fanfic, brian is a minor, 16-17 years old???? and the reader is a minor as well so no freaky stuff!!! leave comments on how i can improve PLEASEEE i love ya bye bye !
word count : 713
january 29th 1992
“i think i love you”, brian says to you, as the confession echoes through the late winter air. his words are pouring out more than he would have hoped. his gaze remained focused on your eyes only, observing your reaction with a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty. 
he is certainly not the type of highschool teenager to get all shy and nervous around other people but whenever he was around you, brian's demeanor shifted in your presence. he became a gentle and caring soul, a stark contrast to his usual self. from the first day you stepped into high school, he took it upon himself to ensure your well-being, guiding you through the hallways and making sure you found your classes.
the place of confession, in all honesty, isn't ideal. but, it does hold sentimental value – just right outside the back doors of your highschool that had witnessed countless moments between the two of you. from accidental hand touches in the cafeteria line, exchanging silly faces in the hallway and sharing lunches by the football field, this place held a trove of shared memories.
 you always thought to yourself that it was impossible to ever get bored of him. brian had a knack of turning uncomfortable moments into wholesome jokes, gently caressing your shoulder in hopes of making you feel better. everytime he leaves those innocent touches against your skin, you can't help but blush, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. 
with the help of the cold january breeze nipping against your neck, you snap back to reality. the very boy that you've liked for a year just said the words that you've spent nights fantasizing and giggling against your pillow about. the soft wind tousled his soft brown hair, revealing his furrowed eyebrows, still awaiting for an answer while you were daydreaming.  
a subtle tension lingers in the air between the two of you, like a red string tied to the both of you. brian senses that you felt contemplated in the moment, took a step back, and let you figure out what you were going to say next. he places his hands over his face in complete embarrassment, letting out a nervous laugh and says, “look, i didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything. i just wanted to let you know how i feel for you since i've been sensing some things have changed between the two of us.” 
god! hes sickeningly sweet.
“i.. i never would have expected this,” you say, trying to control your heart from jumping out of your chest. you finally look up to brian to see how beautiful he looks. the winter sun had casted a soft glow on his face, accentuating the sincerity of his brown eyes. 
i wanna kiss him. badly. 
brian, who can't stop smiling, stood in front of you, softly brushing the hair from your face with his fingers. his hands then moved down to your jacket, anxiously playing with the zipper. the awkward silence was filled with unspoken emotions. 
“you know, brian,” you begin softly, “this might sound crazy but, i've been trying to muster those words for the longest time myself.” his lips part gently, waiting to hear what you’ll say next. 
“i love you,” you confessed. his eyes, wide with surprise and joy, met yours, and the entire atmosphere shifted. brian’s mittens, warm against your gentle skin, cupped your cheek. “i've been waiting to hear those words for so long,” brian whispered against your forehead, pressing a kiss against it. 
a moment of hesitation flows through the both of you as your bodies are close against one another. everything is silent except for the sound of the two sounds of breathing and giggles leaving the both of you. he leans in closer to your face, merely inches away. without any needed words, both of your lips met in a kiss. 
you finally feel the lips you've been wanting to kiss ever since the day he lended you his coat when you were feeling a “bit cold”. since the day he held you gently in his arms as you cried in his arms. since the day he “accidentally” kissed your cheek when you accomplished something that you've been wanting. 
since forever. 
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we need more flat-chested adult women in media im serious
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yourdailyqueer · 9 months
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Sarah Costello
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual Aromantic
DOB: N/A  
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Podcaster
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