#female-aligned male
lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
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diversity win! your doomed greek tragedy ship is genderfluid!
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Some fandoms and otome game creators "forgetting" y/n isn't just fem aligned and y/n is everyone, and y/n isn't some straight brown haired white woman and other people exist:
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And still, some writers on here tag it as #male reader. And make the character have female pronouns,wear a dress, talk about them having big boobs. Like theirs already not a lot of masculine aligned y/ns in stories so stop using #gender neutral reader or #male reader if you're so fucking clearly making it a women 💀🙏.
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uncannyarcade · 1 month
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Aporvir: A term for someone whose male and/or male-aligned gender is aligned to qualities or attributes that aren’t masculine, feminine, or gender neutral in nature.
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Aporlier: A term for someone whose female and/or female-aligned gender is aligned to qualities or attributes that aren’t masculine, feminine, or gender neutral in nature.
These terms are somewhat based on the already existing term Neuvir, which is similar but is connected to being gender neutral rather than Aporine, an Abinary Allogender quality, and/or any other qualities.
An example of another quality could be one that belongs to someone’s self identity rather than specifically their gender.
The definition for these terms are broad even though they have semi-specific names, so I may add other things to call them later.
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catgirltoes · 2 months
Gotta be honest the constant objectification of women's bodies is a bit tiring sometimes.
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bigenderpolls · 3 months
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epicdogymoment · 6 months
gender and sexuality labels are so fucking hard how am i supposed to know how what i experience (already hard to pin down) compares to what "normal people" experience (completely unknown to me)
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blacktobackmesa · 1 year
btw human Sunkist in my dog post still uses she/he pronouns. He is both goodest girl and best boy
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shk0lstun-flagz · 2 years
Enbyspec Flag
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A flag that represents all nonbinary identities on the spectrum, kinda like the rainbow flag but for the nonbinary community specifically
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coochiequeens · 6 months
Yes the mom didn't want her son harassed but the other parents had a right to know that their daughters were sharing a locker room with a bio male and faced an increased risk of injury
Mom at heart of Broward transgender athlete controversy: My daughter was wrongly outed
Brittany Wallman
Mon, December 4, 2023 at 1:52 PM EST·3 min read
One of five Monarch High School employees whose jobs are on the line for letting a transgender girl play on a female volleyball team criticized officials Monday for outing the student — who is also her daughter.
Jessica Norton, an information technology worker at the high school in Coconut Creek, issued a public statement Monday thanking the community for its support and identifying herself as the mother of the transgender athlete. In her statement, she said that “forced outing, particularly of a child, is a direct attempt to endanger the person.”
Though the athlete was not identified by name by state or local officials, her identity became clear at Monarch, her coach said Monday. Norton and four others, including the principal, were shifted to jobs off campus last week as the Broward County School District investigates the apparent breach of state law that says a person born biologically male may not play on a female sports team in secondary public school in Florida.
Norton’s daughter was born male but has identified as a girl since before elementary school. She took testosterone blockers at age 11, and is on estrogen now to experience puberty as a female, according to related court documents.
Norton is a volleyball coach at Monarch but did not coach her daughter this year.
“The outpouring of love and support from our community this past week has been inspiring, selfless and brave. Watching our community’s resistance and display of love has been so joyous for our family — the light leading us through this darkness. I want everyone to know that we see you, and we are so grateful for you,” Norton said in a statement released Monday by the national Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group.
“A lot of things were taken from my family this week — our privacy, sense of safety, and right to self-determination,” Norton’s statement says. “There is a long history in this country of outing people against their will — forced outing, particularly of a child, is a direct attempt to endanger the person being outed. We kindly ask everyone to respect our family’s privacy, and to give our family the space we need to speak to our experience on our own terms and timeline.”
Norton’s daughter, a sophomore at the school, played on the varsity volleyball team the past two years.
The Norton family sued the school district and state officials in 2021 in hopes the law would be found unconstitutional and she could play high school sports. The Human Rights Campaign provided legal representation. A judge ruled against the family in November, though allowing time for the lawsuit to be amended.
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The Miami Herald is not identifying the student. But the Human Rights Campaign’s deputy director of communications, Aryn Fields, said the family consented to having Norton’s name and relationship to the athlete published because “they’ve already been outed to their community.”
The student’s varsity coach, Alex Burgess, said he was not aware she was transgender until the school district’s investigation.
Burgess, a 21-year-old former player at Monarch, was not a full-time staffer, but is among the five under investigation. He said he was told not to return to campus. The volleyball season is over.
“I had no clue,” he said Monday. “I guess there was some people who already knew, but I guess whoever came in to kind of investigate kind of pointed fingers at her.”
The school district’s handling of the case drew criticism from the organization Safe Schools South Florida. The district did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
“The potential inadvertent outing of a minor, who may not have publicly disclosed their transgender status, is deeply troubling,” Scott Galvin, the organization’s executive director and a North Miami city councilman, said in a written statement last week. “Such actions can inflict irreversible psychological harm and betray the trust that every student should have in their educational institution.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the Fairness In Women’s Sports Act into law in 2021.
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penissirius · 2 years
Secret Secret pt2
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Lee Know x male reader  
SUMMARY: Part 2 is ‘you’re a secret and you’re sick of it’ Part 1 was ‘you’re a secret’ and I’m sure you can guess what part 3 will be! If you can't, you’ll have to wait until that’s posted! (Uh I got lazy so this is part 2 and 3 lolll, part 3 is ‘you’re a secret no more') 
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: M/n is a very famous and well-known gamer and content creator. Idol Stray Kids still. M/n has braces but if you don’t you can just skip that part and imagine the hair as something else as well. I tried to keep it generally plain tho so you could more imagine yourself. 
AUTHORS NOTE: This is part 2 (and 3 lol) of this 3-part series! part 2 already ommmggg time flies lol, I’m looking forward but not looking forward to writing this! This one is more angsty than the first part but not by that much cause writing angst hurts me and because I used to be forced to do it so much with a certain ex-friend of mine it’s become something I avoid. It is slightly sad though! There is arguing! I repeat there is arguing.  
WARNINGS: arguing, angstish ig, jealousy from the reader, insecure thoughts, idol AU, famous gamer reader. Slight ooc Lee Know? Idk I don’t write for him a lot or imagine for him a lot so I don’t think I capture his attitude and his demeanor correctly- 
*2 Months after the conversation with Lee Know* 
M/n was chilling on stream yet again but this time he was just talking and chilling with fans while drawing new chapters for his webcomic. It was actually a pretty good stream, M/n was in a good mood, the comic was coming along nicely with no issues in the design and the questions people were asking weren't all that bad until they were. ‘So, M/n how’s you and the boyfie doing’ One of the comments was read aloud to him by the computer. “Hm? Oh! We’re doing great! I absolutely love being in this relationship and I’m much happier than the last one I was in. He is such a sweet and amazing guy. I can’t believe it’s getting to almost 2 years together” M/n smiled looking up for a second.  
‘That’s good, we’re glad you’re happy again M/n!’ ‘We finally have our happy boy back!’ ‘It’s been almost 2 years when are we going to know who’s the idol boyfriend’  
M/n looks up, “Now you guys know I can’t do that. He’s an idol and they have dating bans and stuff. It wouldn’t be okay to announce we’re dating let alone that he’s dating some twitch streamer like me.” 
‘It’s okay M/nnie! It’s enough to know he exists!’ ‘Or maybe he doesn’t and this whole thing has been a lie’ ‘well it can’t be a lie cause we’ve seen him pop in sometimes, wearing a hoodie and a mask but he comes in and gives M/n a kiss before leaving!’ ‘Yeah, and even so we believe and trust M/n!’  
M/n smiles giggling, happy that his fans believe and trust him. He ignores the few haters. “Honestly if it was up to me, I would've told you guys by now! But it’s not and I’m more than happy just me and a few friends knowing!” He goes back to drawing and the subject seems to change back to randomness. An hour and a half later he decided to end his live because his hand is getting pretty tired. “Alright guys, that's all from me. I promise that the normal gaming live will happen next week! There’s a poll up on what game I should play and I might pick a few of you to play with me! I haven’t done that in a while lol. But this is me and my hurting hand signing off! BYEEEEEE”  
After shutting everything off and reuploading it so people who missed it can rewatch, he goes to his living room to watch tv and FaceTime his best friend. He grabs his MacBook and after a few rings AJ finally answers and he sees him still in his training clothes which means he just got back to his dorm. “M/n! Hey dude!” M/ns energetic best friend said once he saw his face. “Hey AJ how was training?” M/n laughed seeing AJs face turn up at the thought of training. AJ puts his phone down to change into comfier clothes while talking.  
“Omg dude, training was literally the hardest today out of any other day. Dance wasn’t bad, and vocal practice wasn’t either. But rap class kind of kicked my ass and weird classes like selfie class and walking class because apparently there’s something wrong with my walk! ALSO, this stylist for one of the other groups said that I should consider cutting my hair because it’s ‘too long’ and ‘no one would know how to take care of your foreign hair’!” M/n was lowkey offended for his friend.  
Anyone who knows AJ knows that the curls in his hair that come from his mom's Hispanic side and not his dad's Korean side are his pride and one of the only things that keep him tied to home while he’s here in Korea. “What? Did she actually say that?” “Yeah, she did! And honestly, I don’t know if you’ve seen Bang Chan's curls before the stylist got a hold of them but I am NOT risking that happening to my hair. That’s a walking nightmare. Also, when my hair is straight it’s not that much longer than Hyunjin’s was before they recently cut it!” M/n just shook his head, “Honestly just continue to do your hair by yourself, you do great and if you have any complications then you can call your mom!” “You right you right!”  
They talked for a while and played some games together before they were just lying there doing separate things and talking after AJ had switched the call to his laptop. “Oh, dude did you see the new article?” AJ said looking up from his phone to his computer where the call was set up. “No? What’s it about.” M/n looked up suddenly interested. “It’s about Lee know. People are suspecting that he’s in a relationship. I’ll send it to you” “Alright” 
He got the link and the article said: 
Stray Kids' dancer Lee Know is in a relationship?! 
Recently it’s been suspected that the said dancer is in a relationship. He’s often not in the dorm when members have done vlives at night. In behind-the-scenes videos, you can see him smiling at his phone and texting someone. His and Han's friendship has seemed to get a little less touchy-feely but still the best of friends. Also, when he shows his Home Screen it’s a picture of him and a shorter/taller man hugging! It has been semi-confirmed that it can’t be one of the other members because the hair nor body type match…. 
It continues but M/n stops reading. “Why should I be worried about this? It’s not like they’re actually going to find out about me or he would even tell them.” He chuckles bitterly. “Yeah, but there is this really stuck-up trainee in the same class as me who is swearing that he’s the one dating Lee Know. I know that’s not true and so does Stray kids and Miyeon (female best friend) but others don’t. He doesn’t even look anything like you or the picture Minho has as his Lock Screen but everyone is starting to believe him.” M/n doesn’t know how to feel hearing this.  
“You and him need to do something about this. Talk about it. I think it’s time to let people know. I know he’s an idol and shit but his dating ban has been lifted, and JYP PDnim has started not caring if we are public with our relationships (at least in this universe 🤪), plus you guys have been dating for 2 years. I don’t think keeping you in the dark like this is fair. To have to deal with other people claiming to be dating him, and for you to have to deal with the constant hate you get for having an idol boyfriend but not saying the name. You’ve respected him and his feelings through all of this, but I think now it’s time for you to tell him how you feel.”  
M/n listens and thinks about what his best friend has told him. “But what if he doesn’t agree? What if he doesn’t want to be public? I mean he’s an idol and being with me publicly could ruin everything he’s working for.” AJ tsked, “Yeah but you have to consider your feelings. It’s been 2 years, I know you would like to be able to spend time and actually go on dates together. I can’t keep watching you put yourself and your own feelings on the back burner for him. At least just think about bringing it up dude, I've got to go now. I have early training in the morning” M/n nods. “Alright, night AJ. Tell Miyeon I said goodnight as well!” “I will, bye bro”  
After AJ hung up M/n really got to thinking and maybe he should bring it up. In the end M/n ended up not bringing it up to Minho. They haven’t been able to see each other in a while with all the stuff happening in Minho's schedule recently so they never gave a time to talk about it. Plus, M/n just didn’t want to start an argument about it when he knew it would just end with the same result and his feelings getting pushed back. But the topic always stayed in his mind.  
A week and a half later and the situation have blown up. The article continued, more came after. And soon the Trainee that was claiming to be Lee Knows boyfriend was pretty much everywhere. People were asking him questions, he was answering with fake texts between them, edited pictures, etc. Nothing was heard from Lee Know or JYP though and M/n was starting to get sick of it. It was like everywhere he turned was another fake post about this dude and Lee know. Honestly, he was pissed. Not being able to see his boyfriend, this dude claiming to be dating HIS boyfriend and JYP and Lee know himself weren't talking about it.  
This day in particular he had finally had enough. His ‘fans’ were making tweets saying how it was understandable that the trainee was dating Lee know but it’s kind of suspicious that M/n claims to be dating an idol but couldn’t talk about it like Dal (the trainee) could. There were a good 30% of his fans though that didn’t believe that Dal was dating Lee Know because to them it just didn’t make sense and would actually make more sense if M/n was the one dating him which made him feel slightly better. All in all, M/n was pretty much fed up with this. He texted AJ to go ahead and talk to JYP about the situation and article, to which the best friend was more than happy to. He even made a slide show for it, that fact made M/n laugh.  
AJ had brought the situation up to his CEO and was in the middle of talking to him about it when Lee Know texted M/n.  
Lee doesn’t seem to know 🙄 
Hey baby, how’s your day been?  
If M/n was pissed before he’s livid now. How’s his day been? They haven’t had an actual conversation in weeks and the first conversation that he started was ‘How’s your day been?’… M/n has thrown all previous feelings of not wanting to cause an argument out the window.  
My prince 👑💙 
It hasn’t been good, Minho  
They haven’t been good for the past few weeks.  
Lee doesn’t seem to know 🙄 
Minho? No baby?  
What’s wrong?  
My prince 👑💙 
Hm, I don’t know. Why don’t you ask that bitch Dal what’s wrong.  
Lee doesn’t seem to know 🙄 
Dal? Dal who?  
My prince 👑💙 
The fucking trainee that’s been claiming to be dating you for the past idk 2 weeks.  
Now a little part of M/n was starting to feel bad for coming off in such a harsh way instead of actually talking and having a conversation about this, and maybe he was being a little petty by changing his boyfriend's contact name last week. But there was the bigger part of him that was so tired of dealing with this bullshit. He’s bottled up these feelings for weeks and months and now they’re finally being set free.  
Lee doesn’t seem to know 🙄 
What are you talking about? I don’t even hang out with him.  
I’ve had like 2 conversations total with him.   
My prince 👑💙 
Well, those 2 conversations clearly seemed to be enough for him to say you’re dating.  
Clearly it was enough motivation to make fake texts and edited photos of you together. 
Lee doesn’t seem to know 🙄 
Where are these so-called texts and photos and why haven’t I seen them?  
I’m sure all of this will just blow over anyway it’s not like I’m actually dating him, I’m dating you!  
My prince 👑💙 
But nobody knows that. 
I’m tired of this secret stuff Minho.  
It’s been 2 years. This has been going on for weeks now. How can you say it’ll just blow over.  
Lee doesn’t seem to know 🙄 
I honestly haven’t seen anything or heard anything about it this whole time! Baby you have to believe me 
Send it to me.  
My prince 👑💙 
A part of me just can’t seem to believe you have seen it at all but I’ll send it to you.  
sends multiple links to articles and TikTok's on the situation 
It takes about 30 to 45 minutes for Lee Know to get through all the links and process the information. In that time M/n still hadn’t calmed down. The part of him that felt bad wanted to cry and apologize and just be held by his boyfriend, but he was too clouded by all the emotions that he had held back finally coming out. After those 45 minutes Lee Know was on a mission to put this all to rest and finally come clean, he texted Him back but M/n didn’t see it. He had put his phone on Do not disturb and was set on ignoring him because he took too long to respond.  
Lee doesn’t seem to know 🙄 
Give me a moment love, I’ll have everything explained I promise  
My prince 👑💙 has notifications silenced  
While M/n was locked in his room eating ice cream and watching his comfort show after he cried. Lee Know, AJ and JYP were setting up a last second thrown together live interview set up in one of the company's conference rooms. After getting one of the radio hosts under JYPE, Chase, who hosts Idol on Air and setting everything up, AJ’s job was to get M/n to watch it. AJ took off running to his car and speeding to M/n’s apartment, texting Minho when he got there. He unlocked the door with the spare key his best friend had given him a while ago. He quickly made a beeline straight to M/n's bedroom, shutting the door, sitting his best friend up and grabbing the remote and turning.  
“Hey, what the fuck! I was watching that!” M/n said confused and upset that his friend ruined his pity party. “There’s something way more important that you need to see” M/n pouted and watched as AJ quickly turned to where the interview was being broadcasted. He was quite confused when he saw his boyfriend on the live show that was clearly thrown together and not planned. ‘Maybe this is why he wasn’t responding- I feel so bad now. What is he even planning to talk about?’ M/n turned to AJ, “dude what is-?” “SHHHHH”, AJ cut him off, “it’s starting!” 
“And we are on! Hello and welcome to Idol on Air! I’m your host Chase and as always, it’s a pleasure to be here with you guys. Today we have Mr. Lee Know of Stray Kids with us!” Minho waves “hello”  
M/n looks at AJ unimpressed, “what does any of this have to do with me?” “You’ll see in a second just shut up and watch” AJ points back at the screen.  
“Today we will be talking about a topic that has been the biggest revolving said dancer and the JYPE trainee, Dal.” Chase said, looking back at the camera.  
Now that sparked M/n’s interest and made him pay attention.  
“As it seems, the trainee, Dal has been spreading and trending everywhere claiming that he is in fact dating Lee Know. This started when a big article speculated that the idol was in a relationship. These are the posts and quote on quote evidence given from Dal.” Multiple Instagram posts, tweets, and photos were shown on the screen and on one of the TVs behind the camera for JYP, Chase, Lee Know and the rest of the staff to see. “We are here today to debunk these rumors and fake posts” 
M/n stares wide eyed at the screen slowly processing what was happening and what it meant.  
Chase turns to Lee know, “Now I’ll let the man himself speak. Lee Know, are you dating the trainee Dal?” He sat up taller and looked dead at the camera before responding. “No, I am not. I have only had 2 conversations with him in total since he became a trainee here.” “Tell us more.” Lee Know smirked, “Gladly. The texts are fake for I don’t even have his number or social media nor do I have a personal Instagram at all let alone the one shown in the photos. All of the photos of us together are edited. I’ve only taken one photo with him and it is this one.”  
A picture of them in one of the practice rooms was shown. Lee Know and Dal are posing but to M/n it looks slightly off. He knows his boyfriend and that’s not the way he usually takes photos with someone who isn’t his members or friends.  
“Only this isn’t the actual photo. This is.” A different photo was shown, it was in the same room and they had the same clothes on but there were more people in the room and now M/n understood why it looked so off to him. The original picture was of Lee Know and Felix in a practice room with Dal and 3 other trainees clearly having just got done practicing. There were two trainees on the other side of Minho, then him with Felix being right beside him and Dal along with the other trainee on the other side of Felix. “This day me and Felix, along with Hyunjin who wasn’t there the whole time, had offered to help some trainees with their dancing and took a picture at the end.”  
“Everything that was said about me dating Dal was indeed false. We aren’t even friends let alone dating. I don’t know where he got the idea that we were or why he came up with this idea to fake like he was dating me. I knew nothing of this situation until today and I’m putting it to rest immediately” He nodded before turning back to Chase. “Well now we have that settled and put to rest. Lee Know and Dal are in fact not dating and everything the said trainee has said has been false. I do have one question though. Are you dating someone?”  
M/n held his breath awaiting his boyfriend's response. He knew this would be when he’d say no, he wasn’t and they’d go back to being a secret and no one knowing that the idol was indeed taken. He was upset knowing that he’d never get to be public about his relationship with Minho. But a very small part of him held hope that he would say he was, although it was unlikely, he subconsciously hoped for it. AJ just smirked and watched his brilliant plan unfold, ignoring the curious gaze from his friend beside him.  
“Actually, yeah I am dating someone, and he is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.” The look on the idol's face when he was saying this was one of pure love and happiness. You could tell that he was being genuinely serious about what he said. “Oooo? Who’s the lucky guy?” Chase said, looking at Lee Know waiting for him to spill the tea. “His name is M/n! He’s a popular twitch streamer. We’ve been dating for a while now; I love him so much.”  
M/n was about ready to start crying when he confirmed he saw taken but he definitely started crying when his boyfriend not only said to the world, they were dating but also mentioned him even if he didn't have to. The hate that he was getting would finally stop. He could finally be open and talk about his relationship. He didn't have any other thoughts in his head other than to immediately get to his boyfriend and kiss him silly.  
Some more things were said before they closed up the interview but M/n was no longer interested instead he was hurriedly putting his shoes on, dressed in some shorts and one of Lee Knows hoodies that he had left. He forced AJ up and ushered him to the front door ordering him to drive them to the company, not without complaints from the Hispanic about him being comfortable. By the time they got to the company, the interview was just finishing up. M/n sped into the building as soon as they were parked, with AJ rushing behind him. He had to eventually wait for his best friend because despite how many times he had been to the building he didn’t know where he was going. When he finally got to the room where Lee Know was, he throws all rational thinking to the side and the second Lee Know walked out he jumped on him wrapping his arms and legs around him like a koala making the dancer hurry and support him with his arms under M/n's butt.  
“Omg, I love you so much! I love you I love you I love you!” M/n says with his face hidden in his boyfriend's shoulder starting to tear up again. AJ and the staff members had gone about their business putting things away and doing whatever they had to do, to give the newly public couple some privacy. Lee Know walked into the room that was right beside them and sat in the chair with M/n still in his arms. “I love you too, I’m sorry it took all of this for me to finally do this love.” he kissed the top of the love of his life's head holding him tighter. M/n looked up at him with the biggest smile Minho had seen in weeks, “No it’s okay! The fact that you not only said we were in a relationship but said it was me and confessed your love for me on live where people everywhere can see made up for how long it took!” Before Minho could say anything unless M/n had grabbed his face and kissed him. After the initial kiss, he left a ton of kisses all around the dancer's face smiling brightly. Looking at the smile on his boyfriend's face, all the doubts Minho had in his mind about how his lover was feeling washed away and he knew they would be okay.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Authors Note: So I combined the last 2 parts into one because A) I really didnt want to write 2 more parts B) My friend who was Beta reading thought it would be better in just one part and C) if it had been three parts I don't think part 3 would have been too long- but anyways I hope you liked it and im sorry this took me so long to write I was struggling to think of new stuff plus writing my book and school and work all on top XD but its finally out now even if it is awhile after I said it would've been posted. (Lmaooo this has been ready since Sept 11 and I’m just now posting it- sorry)
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icouldbeozzie · 2 months
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A gender that feels like an amalgamation or mix of several different male aligned genders, or a gender that is an amalgamation of male aligned xenogenders while also feeling nonhuman.
Possible prns?
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A gender that feels like an amalgamation or mix of several different female aligned genders, or a gender that is an amalgamation of female aligned xenogenders while also feeling nonhuman.
Possible prns?
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A gender that feels like an amalgamation or mix of several different nonbinary genders, or a gender that is an amalgamation of nonbinar aligned xenogenders while also feeling nonhuman.
Possible prns?
Omg first real post!!! Requests for xenogenders and neopronouns are open in my ask me anything.
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uncannyarcade · 7 months
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Xinvir: A gender identity that is male and/or male-aligned, but is entirely xenine, rather than masculine. It can also be described as a someone who is miaspec, but is xingender, rather than mingender. It only refers to the gender itself and may or may not be related to one's gender presentation.
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Xinlier: A gender identity that is female and/or female-aligned, but is entirely xenine, rather than feminine. It can also be described as a someone who is fiaspec, but is xingender, rather than fingender. It only refers to the gender itself and may or may not be related to one's gender presentation.
These terms are highly based on the already existing term Neuvir, which is similar but is connected to being gender neutral rather than xenine.
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nonbinarymlm · 2 years
I don't know who needs to hear this, but not all nlw are sapphic or lesbians and not all nlm are Achillean or mlm.
Also all nlm are welcome on my blog if they're cool being in mlm associated spaces. You don't have to be a nonbinary man to have solidarity and shared experiences with me
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thebluestbluewords · 9 months
I’ve had the stupidest omegaverse idea and it’s bringing me so much joy to write fictional inheritance law as it applies to the extended Cinderella family in my incredibly silly omegaverse universe. It’s also providing the precedent that I needed to establish in order to make some of my convoluted political marriage ideas work, so I am feeling very accomplished in my daydream universe today
#please somebody talk to me about my convoluted political marriage ideas#I am Desperate To Talk#my fiance is wonderful as a human but he doesn’t like omegaverse and therefore is not a useful sounding board here#I have so many thoughts about inheritance law as written by people who are trying to legitimize themselves and their kingdoms only#while fully not thinking about the possibility of their families not working out to be perfect and heteronormative#like what’re you going to do if you’ve written in that only men can inherit??#sure you added a clause that your daughter can many a nobleman and he can rule by her side as a team situation#and her children will be considered legit for inheritance purposes#but what if your daughter can’t produce children with this man???#what if you’ve written specific inheritance clauses into your law because you are soooo worried about royal bloodlines??#what if there’s no eligible royal men who could help get you out of this situation??#anyway this is why there’s adoption and surrogacy laws regarding inheritance that are specific to Charmingsburg#which is Cinderella’s kingdom in my heart#Charmingdale is where Snow White lives but that’s actually just the city not the kingdom#I have a lot of thoughts that aren’t just hehe omegaverse sexy for this AU#like the population of the isle has way more male omegas and female alphas than Auradon does#in part because they’re less common in the general population and considered weird and deviant on some level#which means that they’re sort of pushed aside for being inconvenient and not fitting into the Prince/Princess dichotomy#and being pushed aside means that more of them are likely to align with villains#and therefore get sent to the isle#also talk to me about my incredibly useless chart of alpha/beta/omega subtypes#I have a whole fake scientific history about how they were established…..
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secretariatess · 3 months
True crime narrator whom I generally like: To verify to get in this chat room, they had show what they considered were male parts-
Me: They ARE male parts! I don't care if you think you're a man or a woman- male parts are male parts! This is absolute, biological fact!
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cuchufletapl · 1 year
Not a fully formed thought, just something that's been rattling around in my brain, but — there's something very interesting to me about the general similarities and differences between shonen and shojo isekai trends. If isekai is (nowadays) mostly fantasy-fullfillment, I think the fantasies in question say something of the audiences to which they're targeted.
A random guy who's dropped into his favourite fantasy world and immediately becomes a badass hero who can do anything versus a random girl who gets reincarnated as the antagonist of her favourite story and now has to try to avoid the fate that she knows awaits her. Something something self-insert escapism, but also the betterment of the self portrayed in two different ways — the gaining of power and status (effortlessly, most of the time) in contrast to the improvement of interpersonal relationships. Hm.
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