#for Rook and for Black Sails.
I will say, it's really funny how much got glossed over at the end of season two of Black Sails. Like, I 100% know what they were going for, and it was probably the right choice to not bog us all down with details after such intense moments, but I will never not find it funny how it's never discussed that Vane and Flint have to share a ship for weeks, or that the Walrus somehow was damaged to the point of no longer being seaworthy at the bay where the gold was. Idk, I just find it really amusing.
Again, I know that it was the right choice for pacing and ending a season on an interesting note, but there's so much room for weird and interesting stuff to have happened over that time... I'd LOVE to know what happened, yk? (Though I suppose for people who read fanfic, that's what fanfic's for. Filling in the gaps left by canon.)
(No spoilers past the end of season 2, please!! <3)
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
9k Followers Special
In which Crewel and Crowley somehow manage to destroy the time-space continuum and end up with dozens of mysterious children to care for.
Little do they know that these are (Y/n)'s children from various timelines where she married different NRC students.
Idea by @tickledpink31.
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"By the Great Seven, why are there so many children here?!"
Just as Crewel had set a foot into the headmaster's office, he was immediately overwhelmed by the sudden noise of high-pitched wails and children's screams. A barrage of small children had taken over the office, some running around happily while others destroyed the furniture and knocked over vases. There were more than twenty small children, and the oldest couldn't have been much older than seven years. For a while, Crewel merely remained at the entrance and gaped at the crowd of children.
The papers he had intended to deliver to the headmaster sailed out of his hands and fell to the floor. There was pure chaos going on, and his paper spill had exacerbated the issue even more.
It took the headmaster a while to notice his visitor. He had been busy wrangling his poor top hat away from an especially mischievous fae child. After a little while, the headmaster succeeded and managed to put the mangled hat back on his head. Only then did he give his attention to his colleague by the door frame. "O-Oh, Divus! Come right in! Just make sure to shut the door—" the headmaster announced hastily. "Rook Jr is quite the stealthy one..."
Just then, a blond boy tried to zoom past Crewel, but he managed to grab him by his collar and raise him into the air just in time. The professor eyed the rambunctious boy quizzically. "Rook Jr? Is that you?"
The boy let out a sheepish giggle and even gave him a clumsy salute. Somehow, he seemed unbothered by the way he was held into the air. "Aye, monsieur! Maman loved to call me that as well— But my name is actually Philippe. I am the proud protector of my siblings!" he announced proudly and raised his nose upwards.
"Oi, stupid Philippe, as if you were responsible enough to protect Jaques and Laure!" The female voice came from below the professor, and he indeed found a young girl — she shared similar features with Philippe — tugging at his expensive coat. "I, Noelïe, am the protector of the Hunt family!" she corrected and saluted much more properly.
After Crewel had made sure that the door was locked properly behind him, he lowered Philippe to the floor again and removed his grasp from his collar. Without wasting another second, an enraged Philippe stormed over to Noelïe, and they began brawling on the floor.
"Oh my, quarreling siblings..." Crewel watched helplessly as they rolled away.
"Well," Crowley trailed off sheepishly, "at least Umbra and Solis get along better..." His finger pointed to a pair of twins by the other end of the room. Each of the siblings, a boy and a girl, possessed the strange feature of winding, black horns — and not to forget, pointed ears. They wore expensive gowns in the shades of green and black, befit of royals.
"Look, Umbra!" the boy cried out and held out a picture frame to his sister. "I found this floating portrait of the grand witch that Grandpa Lilia always talks about!"
"Oh my, let's show him! I'm sure he has more stories to tell!" Without another word, Umbra had taken the frame out of her brother's hand and was now on the move to another corner of the room. It looked like they really were searching for something with how they lifted up the sofa with their magic, only to lower it to the floor again when they only found dust and cobwebs.
"Where did all these children come from, Dire?"
"I don't know!" Crowley exclaimed and threw his hands into the air. "The heavens must have seen my boredom and blessed me with these adorable bundles of joy—"
"Wait," Crewel interrupted and inspected his boss more closely, "your coat is missing a few feathers—" Indeed, there were gaping holes here and there.
A pained sigh escaped the headmaster's lips as he pointed to a girl with lion ears. She sat on his desk chair and was happily munching away on dozens of black crow feathers. "Ah... yes... the little lioness over there likes them. Ouch, who knew that such ferocity could be hidden behind such an adorable face..." The headmaster buried his face in his gloved hands and began mourning for his poor, tattered gown.
When Crewel turned his gaze to the desk chair again, he realised that it was empty. Instead, he soon found a weight clinging to his left leg. "Sir, do you want to play with me? Play with me, please! Let's play hunting, okay?" A look downwards revealed that the little lion-girl was smiling up at him toothily. "I'll give you a head start, and then you run away as fast as you can? I'll chase you once the time's up! I promise I'm really good at it! My cousin Cheka says I'm the fastest predator he knows, even faster than my daddy!"
"Oh my, what might your name be?" Crewel asked in amusement and ruffled her hair.
"Aria! The fiercest lioness in the entire Afterglow Savannah!" she exclaimed proudly and drummed her hands against her chest, like a seasoned warrior. "No one can scare me! Not even my mommy when she yells at me to eat my vegetables."
The corners of the professor's lips quirked up into an amused smile. "Adorable."
His remark drew a little hiss from her lips, accompanied by an offended scowl. "I'm not adorable! Rawr!" she yelled out, although her roar was more similar to a cute mewl. When she realised that she hadn't intimidated him, she crossed her arms and stalked away to her friends, also beast-children. "Dandelion, you're the fastest hyena I know! Cereus, you're the strongest wolf I know! Come play hunting with me!"
The hyena-girl let out a little snicker before she darted away with nimble feet. "Shishishi, you'll never catch me, princess!" Then, she disappeared within the crowd of other children, never to be seen again.
"I'll show you two how to roar properly after this!" the wolf-boy teased before he also made his grand escape. Without an issue, he lunged over a tall bookshelf and disappeared behind it.
Now that he was free again, Crewel turned his pressing gaze to his boss again and put his hands on his hips. "Alright, Dire, so where did these children really come from? And don't you dare tell me that the stork delivered them to you."
"I don't know." Crowley merely shrugged. "They appeared after I accidentally destroyed the time-space continuum."
"You what—" Crewel spluttered out in horror.
The headmaster raised his hands into the air and shot his colleague the most calming smile he could muster. "I swear, I didn't mean to! It was all just an unfortunate accident... But you know, a wise man once said that there were no mistakes, only happy accidents! And can you believe it? Now we're surrounded by adorable, little children—" The happy grin on his lips disappeared, and he soon rushed over to a duo of children by the window. "Wait, Anemone! Don't bite your cousin like that!"
Anemone let out a low growl and bared her sharp teeth at the boy next to her. "But Nemo took my toy without asking!" she wailed when the culprit wouldn't pay her any attention. With unmatched vigour, she shook her head left and right, causing the mop of blue hair on her head to become a wild mane.
Nemo merely let out a little giggle and held the toy out to her. "I just wanted to show you a cool trick, Anemone!" he said happily and opened up the golden shell toy to reveal a glistening pearl. "Here, look!"
An awe-struck look appeared on Anemone's face, and she immediately ceased her crying.
"Wow—" Another child appeared by the cousins' side, a confident girl that wore a thick pair of black glasses. As she looked at the toy in fascination, she pushed her glasses up and let a sure smile appear on her lips. "That really is cool, but I know another trick! I can show you, if you want to!"
"Really? Ursula, show us!" Nemo cried out.
Anemone nodded along eagerly and held the toy out to the silver-haired girl. "Hurry up, Ursula!"
"I see what you mean with adorable now, Dire," the professor began and chuckled to himself. Yet, his moment of appreciation was short-lived when he turned to the headmaster to find him being mauled by the lion-girl Aria again. "But still, what are we supposed to do with all these children? Have you found a way to send them back home yet?"
"No, and I've tried really, really hard, believe me," Crowley began after the vicious predator had tired of him playing dead. He rose from the floor and dusted his tattered coat off, a giant smile on his lips. "But why send them back when I can just open a nursery with them? Just imagine, Divus! Night Raven Nursery? How does that sounds? I, for once, love it!"
"Have you gone entirely mad? We can barely handle the older students, as is, with all these overblots going on—" Crewel cried out in disbelief. "And you want to have small, helpless children nearby?"
"They can protect themselves, no?" Crowley rolled his eyes and pointed to a group of children by his coffee table. "Tell him, Rose!" The headmaster beckoned the girl over, and she at once appeared by his side.
The red-haired girl grabbed the alchemy professor by his hand and led him over to the coffee table, which was full with steaming tea-cups and cookies. She let out a little giggle before she took her seat again. "Grandpa Divvy! You're finally here— Do you want to join our tea party?" The girl patted the empty seat next to her. "My daddy always throws tea parties, as well— with all of his friends! But oh well, mine are so much more fun than his! Who wants to follow all these strange rules about how to drink your tea? You can drink your tea however you want to at my parties! If you want to add salt instead of sugar, go for it!"
The boy with orange hair, seated next to her, let out a hum of agreement. "I love salty tea! Way better than sugary sweet..." he exclaimed while pushing strands of hair out of his face. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips, and he gave a peace-sign to the baffled professor.
"Don't mind Anthony and his strange tastes... He got it from his father," a girl at the table said and let out a little giggle. Without wasting any time, she had skilfully poured tea into an empty cup and now held it out to the professor. She urged him to take it when he wouldn't, otherwise. "Here, have some tea, mister! I would usually hand you some cake to go along with it, but Grandpa Crow said that he doesn't have any."
Finally, Crewel took the cup and dared a little sip. "And who might you be?" he asked when she handed him a cookie and some sugar cubes for his tea.
"I'm Madeleine! Mommy always says I'm as sweet as madeleines, hehe. And Daddy always says my eyes are the same colour as perfectly baked madeleines." Her eyes shone proudly as she took another sip from her tea. "You should come by our bakery someday, Grandpa Divvy! It's been a long while since you've visited us. There's tons of new cakes on our menu that Daddy wants you to try!"
"Grandpa Divvy?" he repeated the nickname in confusion. "How peculiar..."
The professor was ripped out of his thoughts when the sound of crying reached his ears. He turned his gaze to the sobbing boy who had sought refuge in the soothing arms of Madeleine. A motherly look flashed across her face as she cradled the weeping boy in her arms. "Oh my, Bernard... why are you crying?" she asked and stroked his soft hair.
"Eris is being mean to me again!" he yelled out and pointed to another red-haired girl at the table.
"Really?" Madeleine asked softly. "What did she say?"
"She told me that I would never become a magical enforcement officer like my father!"
Eris rolled her eyes at the accusation and threw her velvety hair over her shoulder. "I didn't say it like that, you idiot," she grumbled under her breath. "I only said that it's very hard to become one! So you need to work a lot and give it your all!"
Bernard's face hardened in determination, and he finally stopped crying. "Well, I will work hard!"
A look of relief flashed across Madeleine's face, and she removed her arms from around the young boy with bright blue eyes. "See? Now you two troublemakers play nicely with each other," she cooed and nudged him towards Eris again, who welcomed him with a playful punch to his shoulder. The sight caused Madeleine to shake her head in amusement. "Oh my, even worse than my own siblings..."
Now that the children were busy playing tea party again, Crewel was allowed to return to the only other adult in the room. "Hm... Dire?" he called out when he found his colleague to be busy handling a large group of children.
Crowley was being climbed on by an endless amount of children. They were giggling and laughing as they were put to the floor again, only to resume their climbing fun. "Yes? Pardon me, I was busy dealing with all these Al-Asim children... There's a bunch of them! They are never-ending!" Crowley let out a little wail when one of the younger siblings began fiddling with his mask. "At least little Zahra is there to calm them down when things get a little bit too hectic."
All the children began rejoicing at once. "Zahra is our bestest friend!" they cried out together and rushed over to the older girl nearby.
She welcomed them with open arms and hugged them all in what seemed like an overwhelming group-hug. A genuinely happy smile decorated her face as she exclaimed, "Aww, I love you guys, too! Everyone of you: Malik, Fatima, Aamira, Ibrahim—"
"See? Never-ending," Crowley remarked, chuckling under his breath. Then, he turned away from the children and focused his entire attention on his colleague. "Now, what is it you needed from me, Divus?"
"Have you noticed the way all of these children address us as their grandfathers? Isn't that peculiar?"
"Well, there is a simple explanation for that—"
"Grandpa Divvy? H-Have you seen my mommy? I... I really miss her!" a little girl with flaming blue hair interjected. Tears stung in the corners of her eyes as she extended her arms out to him, wishing to he picked up. The professor reluctantly did so and cradled her in his arms when she began sniffing. "She wanted to read me some bed time stories— my favourite, even! Do you know the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice? Can you read it to me?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't know where your mother could be," Crewel muttered and tilted his head at her. "But now, on closer look... You really do look like (Y/n)."
At that, Crowley broke out into a loud bout of laughter. "Haven't you noticed yet, Divus? All of them look like (Y/n)!" By then, he was wiping the tears from his eyes. "And each of them also shares traits with some other students here at Night Raven College. Do you see that tall boy over there? I swear I've seen someone with blond hair and purple tips around campus before..."
The boy he spoke of stood next to a much smaller girl. A little pout graced her lips as she handed him a hair tie and pointed to her lavender-shade locks. "Konrad... Can you braid my hair, please? The braids opened up when I helped my daddy on the farm earlier..." she muttered and clasped her hands together adorably.
"Of course, Daisy." The blond boy smiled softly and urged her to turn around. With the utmost of care, he ran his fingers through her messy hair and unwinded even the most stubborn knots. "Would you like a French braid, or a fishtail braid... or perhaps we could try out a pull-through braid?"
"Oh— I'd like a French braid! My mommy isn't all that good at braiding, sadly. But she always tries her best!" An enthusiastic grin graced her lips as Konrad went to work with skilful and nimble fingers. After a while, an adorable snort escaped her lips, and she added, "But you should see my daddy try to braid my hair... He is always so impatient and gives up within a minute."
Konrad and Daisy broke out into a fit of giggles.
"Well, I love braiding hair! I wish I could braid my dad's hair, but he's always so busy with his job..." Konrad muttered under his breath and exhaled softly. "At least Mom always allows me to braid her hair, even if hers isn't as glossy and smooth as Dad's—"
The two were interrupted by a boy having snuck up on them and yelling, "Boo!" A grin appeared on his lips when the two children began screaming. The fear on their lips soon transformed into utter frustration, especially once they realised that the half-done braid had opened up again. The mischievous boy merely shot them a large grin, his sharp front teeth sticking out. He also possessed pointy ears and shaggy black hair, where little tufts of hair stuck out on each side. "Did I scare you?"
The headmaster let out an exasperated sigh and scolded, "Ciaran, don't go scaring others like that! People might start crying or—"
He was interrupted by a slap, its echo bouncing around in the office. Surprised, he realised that sweet and adorable Daisy had marched up to Ciaran and had whacked him over the head angrily. "Oi, take that, you stupid fae!" she yelled and began growling like a feral dog.
A series of whimpers escaped Ciaran's trembling lips. "Ouch..." He held his head in pain and watched in shock as Daisy marched back to Konrad, smiling innocently as if nothing had happened. Konrad patted her on the shoulder before beginning to braid her hair anew.
"—or they might take revenge... and then you'll start crying..." Crowley finished and shook his head in disbelief.
At once, a gentle human girl appeared by the side of the wounded fae child. She tucked her silver-coloured hair behind her ears before she soothingly whispered, "Hey, don't cry... Where does it hurt?" Her voice was as soft as expected, probably even able to lull the wildest of beasts to sleep.
Ciaran let out a series of sniffles. "She hit me here, Chimere..." He pointed to the red mark on his forehead.
Chimere smiled gently and took his hand into hers. "You don't need to cry... Adam and I are here for you," she cooed, and at her command, a green-haired boy with slightly pointed ears appeared by her side.
A confident grin appeared on Adam's face as he yelled out, "Yes! Don't cry!" The volume of his voice was so loud that he managed to outyell every other child in the office. He gave Ciaran's hand an empathetic squeeze. "It will go away!"
"Now my ears hurt..." Ciaran complained, yet smiled at his two friends.
Crewel, who had been in deep thought until now, let out a drawn-out sigh after having analysed the faces of the last three children. "You're right, Dire... They all look like (Y/n)..." he admitted woefully and cast his gaze at the ground. "You say that you destroyed the space-time continuum, right? Could that mean that these are various timelines where (Y/n)—"
"—married a different student here at Night Raven College and had children? Yes, absolutely! That's the only logical explanation," Crowley finished while picking up a tired Aria into his lap.
"Ah... I hate it here..." Crewel huffed in disappointment. "To think that my adopted darling child would marry one of these dirty street dogs..."
Crowley, however, waved him off and began laughing happily instead. "Hey, don't be so pessimistic, Divus! I love it here..." A blissful sigh escaped his lips when Aria had finally fallen asleep in his lap, softly breathing and cuddling up against his destroyed jacket. "Lots of grandchildren for me, (Y/n)'s other adoptive dad. And who else would be better at playing babysitter than me? Oh, this is simply paradise..."
"Excuse me?" it came from outside the office. "Headmaster Crowley, are you in there?"
Crowley froze in fear. "O-Oh— don't come in, please. I'm very busy right now!" he cried out nervously.
"It's me, (Y/n). It's an emergency! Grim climbed onto a tree and doesn't know how to get dowm now!" In your desperation, you had pushed the door open and marched inside, initially not even noticing the many children. You rushed over to the headmaster and clasped your hands together. "Please, he's been crying for the last hour already... and nothing we've tried so far works—" It was only when a child curiously tugged at your blazer that you realised how the room was filled to the brim with children. By then, they were all silently staring at you in awe.
"Uh... You must be wondering why there are so many children here..." Crowley trailed off and shot you a sheepish smile.
"Yes, indeed." You furrowed your eyebrows when all the children began flocking to your side. "Where did these guys come from?"
Crewel rubbed his temples in exhaustion. "Well, it's a long story—"
He was interrupted by a sudden return of the screaming and wailing from earlier, now tenfold worse. In a united chorus, all the children yelled out, "Mommy! Mommy!" Small and chubby hands were grabbing you wherever they could, even toppling you over and sending you falling to the floor.
"I missed you, Mommy!" someone screamed from your left.
From your right, someone yelled, "Mommy, can we finally go home now?"
The masses around you blurred into one big mess. "Help!" you cried out as you were hugged and squeezed by more children than you could count.
"Oh no," Crewel muttered, furrowing his eyebrows. "We have to help (Y/n), Dire!"
However, Crowley merely shook his head woefully. "I don't think we can, Divus. It would be impossible to tear a child from their mother— even more so when its dozens of little brats." The worried frown on his face soon turned into a enormous smile, and another heavenly sigh escaped his lips. By then, his eyes were basically the shape of hearts as he stared at the children in delight. "Well, what a grand opportunity to have met all of my lovely grandchildren! I should destroy the time-space continuum more often."
Crewel rolled his eyes. "Please don't..."
The screaming and yelling soon became unanimous — and you could somehow discern them yelling, "Mommy, I love you!"
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monstersandmaw · 6 months
Holy moly, folks, this one was supposed to be a 3k word story, ready to post in the middle of the month, and (a bit like the last one which was 12k) it morphed into nearly 15k of feels and fun... oof. Thank you so much to those who reassured me on Discord that it was ok to take a few extra days to make sure it was something I was happy to post. I hope you enjoy Celann the grumpy werebear...
Let me also just briefly take this opportunity to thank you for returning to Patreon to support me and for joining up since I relaunched in October. It means the world to me that you value and enjoy my writing enough to pay to have access to it once a month. Really, I cannot tell you what it means to me for you to give me this income and independence. I tear up just trying to explain it, even in words.
Anyway, apologies for the delay! I wish you a very merry festive season, and hopefully there'll be another little Christmas bonus for you too, as per the poll from a while ago. May 2024 bring you every happiness and blessing, folks. And here's to many more stories and characters to share and enjoy.
Content: gender and body neutral reader who is a healer/surgeon, a thinly-disguised Roman Empire/Iron Age Britain setting, a secondary character is seriously injured (no super-gory descriptions, only a brief catalogue of her injuries), a big, gruff and reserved loner werebear, brief brush with hypothermia from the reader, some good old 'cuddling for warmth', and some penetrative sex later on too.
Wordcount: a whopping 14,585!
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Castle Rise Outpost, in the extreme, northernmost reaches of the Republic’s ever-expanding territories, was hardly the most illustrious or auspicious posting you could have hoped for.
As you and your tired horse plodded along the sandy track over the region’s high, wind-blasted heath, your heart ached for every last mile that stretched between there and your warmer homeland. It all seemed so far behind you now, but this was a new start and a new adventure as the surgeon and healer attached to one of the Republic’s vast network of military outposts, and you were determined to make a good life of it.
Gods though, this place really was desolate.
On your right, away to the east where the light was fast fading, a dense forest of gnarled and mossy oak trees looked as though it was spilling down from the rolling hills and tumbling inexorably down into the valley in a wild, green tangle, and below the treeline, a fast-flowing river cut through the landscape in a dark and sinuous ribbon. The water was rich with tannins from the falling leaves in the forest, and as the ebbing light caught it, you thought ominously of the colour of blood. Behind the forest, as the afternoon darkened towards the deeper hue of an early autumn evening, the far off shape of the snow-capped Highlands lurked on the horizon; their shape now black and foreboding as the stage background of a mummer’s drama.
The commiserations of your fellow graduates from the medical academy in the capital now rang in your ears as the wind picked up and you tugged the thick, woollen cloak further up around your neck to keep the damned weather out. The chestnut mare, your only constant companion for the hundred or so miles since the last major city, tossed her head and trudged on with her long, damp forelock dangling into her eyes and obscuring the white, asymmetrical blaze that dribbled down her ginger face towards her nose. She seemed half asleep on her feet, and you weren’t far off that yourself either.
A flock of rooks erupted out of a patch of dark elm and tall sycamore in the valley below on your right, tugging your mind back to the present. Your gaze tracked them as they sailed away like flakes of dark ash on the wind. Both you and the rangy mare shifted nervously, and you couldn’t help but remind yourself that the locals weren’t always friendly to the Republic’s advances further and further north. Stories of skirmishes and wild tales of shapeshifters and sacrificial magic swirled through the ranks of soldiers, but they were largely dismissed by those who had lived a comfortable life in the Republic’s neatly-planned towns and cities, with their hot bath complexes, intricate mosaics, and heated floors.
“Not long now, Copper,” you said, petting the horse’s mud-encrusted neck as much for your own reassurance as for hers. You’d named her for the vibrant colour of her coat, reminiscent too of beech leaves at the height of the season, but you’d been made to feel foolishly sentimental for giving such an ordinary horse a name like ‘Copper’ by the progressively rougher soldiers at the staging posts on the journey north.
The mare didn’t even flick her ear in your direction at the sound of your voice, and you sighed and pushed yourself back up into a better position in the saddle, shifting uncomfortably as your bruised seat-bones protested yet another day of riding. How the Messenger Corps managed, living almost their entire life in the saddle, you had no idea.
The fort itself came into view on the next rise in the road, and Copper’s ears finally pricked up at the break in the relative monotony of heather and sand and occasional rowan tree. Your own attention was caught, however, by the fact that ‘Castle Rise’ outpost was not, in fact, a castle at all. From that distance, it looked like little more than a grubby wooden palisade with a watch tower over the gateway, and a ditch running around it. Torches bobbed along the walls at regular intervals though, marking the sentries’ routes within, and when you reached the gate and drew rein, a woman’s rough alto yelled down at you.
“Announce yourself!”
You did, adding, “Healer and surgeon assigned to the outpost, until relieved of my duties by a replacement next year.”
“If you even survive up here that long!” she crowed back at you.
Read the whole thing now over on Patreon! For $3 you can have access to all my previous (pre-2023) stories, and for $5 you can have access to all that, plus all the new monthly exclusives.
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chloe-spade · 5 days
The Island Prince Prologue: Here on my Island
In the deepest part of the world, there resides an Island. But the map never shows its location, only a lucky few can find the island, let alone sail to it. But one day, the island met their first ever human after a horrendous stormy night.
"Oh, dear," sighed a peacock named Vil, "that was horrible. That storm almost took away all my feathers."
"Must you complain," yawned Leona, a very tired lion. "You already woke me up to warn me about the storm and now you complain after it's over?"
"Well, you shouldn't be with me if you can't handle my complaining," Vil huffed, shaking his feathers a little, "and you don't look any better. Your mane is messy."
"As if I care, Princess." Leona growled, walking towards the beach. "And my hair is always messy, so it's not a problem."
He wasn't fazed by the broken wooden planks that surrounded the area, and the unusual items that humans used. He wasn't even surprised when Vil went over to find a treasure chest of sorts, full of jewelry that he wore immediately, admiring himself at the ocean's reflection.
What he didn't expect was to hear soft breathing behind a big wooden pole. Leona, against his better judgment, walked over following the sound and to his surprise, a young human who seemed asleep. Peacefully asleep.
"A human?" He questioned, walking towards the human. "…and he's alive. What a miracle."
"Yes, miracle." Vil repeated, without looking up.
"Vil, come over here," Leona demanded.
Vil rolled his eyes and walked towards Leona and he couldn't hide his shock of seeing the human boy.
"Is that.."
"A human? Yes. And he's perfectly alive too." Leona answered.
"What should we do?" Vil pondered. "We can't take care of a human, now could we?"
"Unless we find any other humans," Leona snarled, but he looked back at the sleeping boy, "but we can't leave him to starve and die. We need to help him, even if it means we have to step up."
"You are right," Vil sighed. "My conscious would not allow me! Oh, poor child."
Leona rolled his eyes and carefully put the kid on his back, ignoring the snuggling as he walked away.
10 years have passed since then and the young boy has grown into Sil. After his awakening, he had no memories of his past, nor his name, a hint was the chest he was found with, with Sil engraved. That was his name as he grew in his new forest habitat. He was already adjusted as he could speak into the animals quite easily.
He was able to live in his new life. With a new family.
"Epel! Come on! They're waiting for us!" Sil called out.
"Hey! You're bigger than me," Epel, a red panda, pouted, "You're faster than me."
Sil laughed as he slowed down, humming to himself.
Here on my island, the sea says hello
Dolphins are waving wherever I go
Sil grinned and waved back at the dolphins who jumped happily at his arrival. He was well-loved around the island, as each animal, whether land or sea.
There's a song on the breeze
And a home in the trees
Friends I can talk with whenever I please
"Come on! Vil's waiting for us!" Sil laughed as he ran into the oasis, watching Rook, a Black-Backed Gull, bother Leona.
Here on my island, the playgrounds are great
Slide every slide
And you don't have to wait
There's so much to be seen
From our new trampoline
Finding adventure is our daily routine
"I heard about a hidden jewel, deep on this island," Rook spoke, deciding on the adventure.
"Maybe, but I wanna eat first," Epel groaned, rubbing his stomach, "can we do that before we go?"
"Oh, yes, please," yawned Leona, "before I decide to leave you here to find my food."
"Always crude," groaned Vi.
Birds and bananas
And comfy cabanas
And shell-covered vases to fill
Coconut glasses
And mint with molasses
And pineapple patties to grill
Vil grinned proudly as everyone ate the patties happily, all complimenting the food. After that, everyone was ready for the adventure of the day, Rook leading the way.
Here on my island, there's nothing but fun
Vines you can swing from
A nap in the sun
There are mud pies to make
There are branches to shake
Treasures await any road that you take
"Ready!!" Cheered Epel, "Me and Sil are going to find that jewel."
"Oh, that's a challange if I heard one," laughed Vil, "Leona and I are verterans at this work. Best to prepare for defeat, Epel."
"Guys, this is not a competition, but I should wait until we win for you to decide," Sil grinned.
I'll take the high path
And I'll take the low path
And I'll take the path through the sky
I'll jump the river
And I'll climb the mountain
And I'll stay here, guarding the pie
"Told you," Vil laughed as he held the jewel in his feathers, ignoring Epel's pouting. "Added to my beautiful collection of well, beautiful things. Too bad I can't add myself to it."
"Ugh, you are such a showoff," Epel pouted.
"He did warn you," Leona yawned, "we did this for a living. Of course, we know how to find them."
"That was fun though," Sil laughed and picked up Epel, "we did went even deeper than we would've thought. I consider that a win than a dumb jewel, no offense, Vil."
"None taken."
Sil grinned and quickly ran off the cliff and onto the pond below, startling Epel. The others joined, reluctantly and/or happily, diving into the pond along with them, laughing to themselves.
Here on our island, the days are a dream
Hanging together, we work as a team
And the magic extends
Through our family of friends
Here on our island, the fun never ends
The night slowly formed as the moon and stars arrived. Everyone was ready to sleep to have a great day tomorrow. Sil was already passed out with everyone else, happy. But a shake startled everyone and awakened everyone, almost knocking everyone down.
It was Epel, who was sleep-running. Not a new occurrence, but it was a very bad occurrence, considering the tree branches he landed on shook once he landed. It was a nightmare, Sil concluded as he carefully grabbed the sleeping creature.
"Epel," Sil whispered, "hey, it's a nightmare, you're ok."
Epel flinched as he woke up, panting to himself. He looked up and cuddled against Sil, now sad.
"Oh dear, another nightmare?" questioned Rook.
"Interrupting my beauty sleep," groaned Vil, "..I wish i could be lazy as Leona. That lion didn't even woke up."
Sil sighed and got up. "I'll take him on a walk. It won't be a moment."
Sil got down and started to walk away, petting Epel.
"I'm sorry," muttered Epel, "I hate having these nightmares about them…"
"Oh, don't worry, I understand," Sil smiled, "I still have nightmares about the ocean at times as well. It's a normal thing, Epel. You don't need to be ashamed about then."
"…can you sing that lullaby again?'
"Of course," Sil grinned, letting Epel get on his shoulders.
Sun goes down, and we are here together
Fireflies glow like a thousand charms
Stay with me, and you can dream forever
Right here in my arms
"Where did you learn that song again?" Epel asked.
"I don't know," Sil shrugged, "I've always just known it…but I hear someone sing it in my dreams often. Maybe that's how."
It's magic when you are here beside me
Close your eyes, and let me hold you tight
Everything that I could ever need is
Right here in my arms tonight
"Sing me the other part too?" Epel asked sheepishly, "I like it.."
"Okay," Sil laughed, "but you know I don't remember all the words. But always for you."
La la la
La la la
Stars begin to climb
La la la
La la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
Sil grinned happily as he heard Epel snore on his head.
"Good night, Epel." Sil grinned and walked back to the three and rested Epel in his makeshift nest, petting him.
In the distance, Sil saw something big that swayed side and side on the waters. He just managed to make it, but he didn't know what the mysterious figure was. But he wanted to rest his head and close his eyes, dealing with it in the morning.
But that was a bad idea, as he witnessed a nightmare he had for years ever since his rescue. He found himself sinking in the waters below, finding it hard to breathe as he tried to surface every moment, a ship in the distance, a light being his only source to see. He also heard a voice, calling out to him, but it was muffled, unable for Sil to understand.
It caused him to wake as the daylight hit his face.
"Another boat?" yawned Leona.
"What?" Sil questioned and got down to Leona to see. "A boat…I saw that last night. I couldn't recognize it, it was so far."
"I wonder why it's here." Vil scoffed.
"Maybe we should look?" Epel gasped, running towards the boat.
"Epel! Wait!" Sil gasped and ran after him.
The boat was at the shore, with four people now leaving footprints on the sand. Each person was different and each had an odd reaction to being on the unknown island.
The first one was Prince Ruggie, who was unsurprised. He was a prince of a small island so being on one wasn't much of a surprise, so he knew how to navigate around the island and was marked as the guide in the expedition.
The second was Ruggie's betrothed fiance, Prince Riddle Rosehearts, who was the only one who was unfamiliar with the area. But he was convinced by his mother to go to bond with Ruggie as they were to marry by the end of the month. Riddle wanted to object but couldn't at the hands of his mother being his mother.
The third was Prince Malleus, a young prince who was known for wanting to adventure. It was uncommon when King Lilia, the fourth visitor, invited him. They were close when Malleus was a young dragon and they continue that bond. Malleus was the one who recommended traveling in the first place, as a bonding experience.
But he knew why he did it. King Lilia was the only adult on the expedition and tried to be chipper despite a tragedy in which date was nearby, and was trying to hide his uncomfortability with a smile every time he was asked if he was ok. Malleus knew this and made sure that Lilia was even ready for being on a boat. Lilia managed himself, which helped Malleus calm down.
So these four looked at the island in front and Malleus was the lead, with Lilia following.
Nothing beats a brand-new shore
Streaming into view
After weeks of the waves
The thrill of somewhere new
All the riches of the world
Can't compare to these
Golden sand and silver clouds
The fragrant island breeze
"And he;s off," Lilia laughed, "Ah, Malleus. Even now you wonder off."
"And I'm worried it was habit of his," Ruggie muttered to himself, watching Lilia following Malleus deep into the woods.
"Should we follow them?" Riddle pondered.
"Yeah, just in case he does get lost. I don't think he can survive this island," Ruggie laughed and walked forward.
What will I discover next, it's all a mystery
Different every day
There's so much to do and learn and touch and hear and see
Just a step away
Sil looked at them from within the bush, now curious. He walked closer to them to get a better look at the new people, but the animals did not have the same response, now annoyed, worried, and beyond afraid.
It has no trunk
It has no tail
It's not a fish
It's not a whale
It has no feathers, I can see
I have to say, it looks like me!
It must be bad
It can't be good
Let's run and hide
I think we should
Just close your eyes, it goes away
This doesn't happen every day!
Sil immediately went towards the strangers for a much closer look, even the trees didn't carry him carefully. But he managed to see who and remembered the features.
Feeling the excitement grow
Every single stride
Sun above and earth below… whoa!
Sil gasped as the humans fell down a massive ditch and he rushed down, knowing what awaiting them below.
At the bottom, Ruggie groaned, looking at the swamp-like area. "Well, I had worse pitfalls in my life. Being covered in dirt and almost in mud is not that bad."
Riddle quickly helped Ruggie up, "My bad, I wasn't looking where I was going,"
"Ah, happens to the best of us, I'm sure," Lilia chuckled, stretching his back, "That's part of the experience of traveling, I'd say."
Malleus looks around, now walking around.
"But I saw something in the trees," Riddle admitted, "like…a someone. Not an animal, per say, but…a person?"
"But this place has been abandoned for years," Malleus spoke up, "no humans have been on this island. If this place wasn't discovered, why is there a human here?"
"I know what I saw, Draconia," Riddle scoffed.
"Hmm, understandable, Riddle,"
A snarl was heard, which made Ruggie's ears twitch at the vibration. His eyes scanned the forest area, and three pairs of eyes glared at them from the darkness, more snarls were heard as their eyes went closer. Ruggie, now with everyone else, watched and backed up from the newly found crocodiles.
"Did we fall into a crocodile pit?" Lilia whispered.
"Oh, what rotten luck," Riddle groaned. "I knew exploring was a bad idea."
"You didn't protest when we entered the boat," Malleus mentioned, "and frankly no one could have planned this, island trips can be unpredictable. Knowing this mysterious island, this was bound to happen."
"I suppose you are right," Riddle took a breath, "sorry about that."
"No worries..but how do we get rid of the crocodiles?"
The one in the middle snapped his jaw, ready to eat the legs in front of them. The rest started snapping, trying to eat anything close to their mouths.
"Excuse me?" Called an unfamiliar voice.
The group watched as an unknown silver-haired boy swung forward onto a rock, looking down at the crocodiles, and crossed his arms.
"Gwendolyn," he lectured the crocodile by Riddle, "is this how we treat guests? Especially ones who entered your home?"
The crocodile, Gwendolyn, growled sadly in response.
"How is he…" Malleus gasped.
"Geo, don't," the stranger lectured again.
A snap made Lilia jump as the crocodile swam away upset.
Ruggie glared at the third one, but he was relentless until the stranger came by and petted the crocodile. This made the crocodile smile and groaned happily.
"Nice to know you still love pets, Georgio,"
Ruggie took a moment to actually look at the stranger. Silver hair that is rare and beautiful purple eyes that were soft towards the cranky crocodile, with a matching smile. He must've been here for years, Ruggie concluded, especially when he didn't have clothes. But it was still early to ask.
The group was stunned as the crocodile backed away and slid back into the murky waters. The stranger smiles and looks over at them, standing up,
"I apologize," he spoke, "they can be hungry when seeing something new. I suppose I did forget to get them some of the mangos I have found."
"No, no," Lilia stammered, "I apperiete that you have saved us from being eaten."
"I only did what I could. I understand how they can be odd to new friends, and don't know how to express themselves."
"That begs the question," Malleus questioned, "who are you?"
"Sil? That's your name?" Ruggie asked, looking at the newfound chest they saw in the tree.
"I suppose so," Sil answered with a soft chuckle, "It was the only clue we have about who I am."
"So, you have no memory?" Riddle pondered, "How long have you been here?"
"I haven't been keeping check," Sil sighed, "but for a long time, I'm guessing. Just not knowing about who I am was never something I thought off, but now you guys are here."
"But I feel we are ignoring a big thing about you," Ruggie spoke up, "You…talked to the crocodiles, like it was nothing."
"And you guys don't?"
"I can," Ruggie noted, "cause I am part beast, it's natural, but a mere human like yourself couldn't."
"Hm, that is odd." Malleus hums, "Humans such as you could never have powers like that, unless it's been self-taught."
"Really? I simply woke up with this."
Everyone went silent for a moment, now confused about this mysterious man and his connection to this abandoned island. Lilia took a breath before walking over.
"Well, since you saved us, how about we get acquaintance with your friends?" Lilia asked.
"Yeah, but mind you, they haven't saw a human in years, or they have never seen a human before. So, I apologize if they are a bit defensive."
Sil smiled and walked down the trees to meet up with the group of animals that he called his friends.
"Are you ok?!" Vil immediately questioned, checking Sil for any wounds. "Ugh, you need to stop going off like that. My feathers can't handle all that stress, you know."
"I'm sorry, Vil, but I couldn't let the crocodiles eat them. As far as I'm concerned, they're innocent. And you know how the crocodiles get hungry when we miss their feeding schedules. So," Sil paused, "who forgot?"
"Wasn't it Leona's turn?" Epel pondered and looked at the yawning lion.
"Hmm, was it? I had no idea," Leona yawned, "I was simply taking a nap."
Sil sighed. "We really need to find a way to remind you, Leona."
The others watched in amazement.
"He's…he's having a actual conversation with them," Riddle gasped, "Like…talking to them."
"Yeah, he is," Malleus added, and smiled, "this is such a marvel."
"But what should we do with this?" Lilia asked, "I mean, he's a human who lives among animals, and I do worry for his develpment."
"What's your plan?" Malleus wondered.
"You know what," Ruggie sighed, "Should we take him with us?"
The red panda's ears sprouted up and he rushed over to Ruggie with his angry look, jumping up and down in protest.
"No! No! You can't take him with you, you mean humans!"
"Woah! Epel!" Sil gasped and grabbed him, "It's ok, they're not going to tale me away."
Ruggie's ears twitched, "Hmm, well, I guess that's options over."
"Well," Sil spoke, "I don't mind the suggestions, but I can't leave my friends here. They'll miss me."
"Oh, how true that is," Rook sighed, "We would miss him ever so dearly."
"Then we can take them with us," Lilia recommended, "I mean, the kingdom shouldn't mind it. Especially since I am part of the royal committee, I can convince them."
"Lilia," Malleus sighed, "you always use the committee to get your way."
"Your grandmother always helped me with those votes, and even your young mother, bless her heart." Lilia laughed, "And doesn't the Kingdom of the Sunset Savana have a beautiful scenery for him to stay in?"
"…Yeah, we do. And my grandma' loves new guests."
Sil looks at the animals, "Well, are you guys ok with this? It's a big ask."
"Well, I don't mind," Rook smiles, "I have been all around the world, and teaching you about the sights would be fantastic."
"Well, I'm not leaving you by yourselves!" Vil added, "You guys are reckless and someone as mature as me should come along, and of course, Leona, you have to come too."
"Ugh," groaned Leona, "fine. But I am not doing anything."
"Since when do you do?" Epel muttered before looking up at Sil, "I wanna come too! To protect you, Sil!"
Sil smiles and pets his head, "Thank you, Epel."
"Well, what do you say? Want to come with us?" Lilia offered.
Sil looked back at the ship and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."
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morrigan-sims · 1 month
People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @alltimefail-sims Thank you!! <3
Last Song: Overthinking by The Astronomers
Favorite Color: Black
Currently Watching: Just finished Season 1 of Black Sails today. Absolutely obsessed. (Letting the person obsessed with pirates watch a show about pirates might have been a bad idea, but I have no regrets.)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Generally savory, but I do love my sweet treats.
Relationship: Happily single for eternity. (aroace <3)
Current Obsession: My dnd character Rook, and the stuff that is going to and might happen to him in the future of our campaign. Our session today got canceled and I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure in impatience.
Last Thing I Googled: I genuinely don't know? Probably either Brookfield Zoo koalas or something to do with dnd?? Oh wait, I think it was the doesthedogdie page for black sails was the last true Google search.
Tagging: @simgerale @bibliosims @hauntedtrait @systsim
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horizon-verizon · 8 days
Timeline #1
Viserys' death (52 yrs old)
("A Question of Succession" -- F&B)
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("The Blacks and the Greens" -- F&B)
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the third day of the third moon of 129 AC
03/03/129 A.C. [let's pretend it's March]
Aegon's Coronation Day
("The Blacks and the Greens" -- F&B)
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the tenth day of the third moon of 129 AC
03/10/129 A.C.
Rhaenyra's Labors Begin
("The Blacks and the Greens" -- F&B)
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tidings from KL had driven the princess into a black fury, and her rage seemed to bring on the birth
in her third day of labor
So if Rhaenyra is reacting to the coronation, which would have taken, at most, maybe 5 days to travel to Dragonstone:
c.03/10 to 3/15/129 A.C.
First Black Council
("The Blacks and the Greens" -- F&B)
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the next day [...] And so the Dance began
c.3/15 to 3/20/129 A.C.
*After Jaehaerys' Death, Cole advised to send Arryk Cargyll after Rhaenrya & her sons, Cole also leads attacks against Lord Staunton's Rook's Rest. Specific Dates Unknown*
Rhaenys' Death (55 yrs old)
("The Red Dragon and the Gold" -- F&B)
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for we know that nine days after Lord Staunton dispatched his plea for help, the sound of leathern wings was heard across the sea, and the dragon Meleys appeared above Rook’s Rest. The Red Queen, she was called, for the scarlet scales that covered her. The membranes of her wings were pink, her crest, horns, and claws bright as copper. And on her back, in steel and copper armor that flashed in the sun, rode Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was.
and the semi-official wiki for the Battle at Rook's Rest is "late 126"
*Specific Date, still, Unknown...BUT I'd guess Rook's Rest was--if we rely on the semi official site, knowing that a Westerosi year has 12 months and depending on what "late" constitutes...
c.10/1/129 - 12/?/129 A.C.*
Aegon and Viserys Prepared for Pentos
("The Red Dragon and the Gold" -- F&B)
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In the waning days of 129 AC, the young princes boarded the cog Gay Abandon—Aegon with Stormcloud, Viserys clutching his egg—to set sail for Essos.
*again, depends on what you'd consider "late"; I'd guess: c.12/25/129-12/30/129 A.C.*
Jacaerys' Death/Battle of the Gullet
("The Red Dragon and the Gold" -- F&B)
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In the early morning hours of the fifth day of the 130th year since Aegon’s Conquest, battle was joined.
01/01/130 A.C.
Rhaenyra & Daemon Take KL
("The Red Dragon and the Gold" -- F&B)
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The queen would have none of it, however. Only the gods truly know the hearts of men, and women are full as strange. Broken by the loss of one son, Rhaenyra Targaryen seemed to find new strength after the loss of a second. Jace’s death hardened her, burning away her fears, leaving only her anger and her hatred. Still possessed of more dragons than her half- brother, Her Grace now resolved to use them, no matter the cost.
Again, no specific date, so I'd guess this happened at most a week or two after Jacaerys' death:
c. 01/04/130 A.C. - 01/18/130 A.C.
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gideongrovel · 5 months
5, 12, and 13 for the Insert Lore asks!
Sunnyyyyyyy thank you!! 😁😁😁
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities? Answered here :)
12. how would the fandom view your character? Well not to be a negative nancy but fandom spaces tend to ignore black characters so most probably wouldnt think much of him💀 And then there would be the toxic/phobic fans would probs treat him how they treat Y/amato (like misgendering and such)😬 But on the positive side!! he would also be loved deeply by fans who do have it as a fave!! Like the fans he would have, they would be so die hard!! They would love him and B/rook together as well, they would be on many of fans "underrated ships" t/iktok edits 😂 Also any edits/gif sets people make of the grown ups of the crew he'd be included, since i notice people like making those as well lol
13. does your self insert have any information about their family? He grew up with his Uncle on his human side, since his parents left him there to keep him safe, Gideon isnt told this yet but the actually reason is because his parents are part of the R/evolutionary A/rmy,,, And they couldnt look after him while doing that,,, although Gideon doesnt know this atp, He is just told since he looks more human then m/ink he should stay with the human side of the family,,,, His Uncle doesnt know much about it either, he just knows vaguely his brother and sister-in-law are doing important work of some kind,,,, But not knowing his parents he basically sees his uncle as a father (uncle, mom, or dad dont have names yet- im working on it still lmaooo) He honestly feels indifferent (tho more neg) about his birth parents during this time before setting sail But during S/abaody when K/uma yeets the crew their separate ways, he actually sends Gideon to an island where his parent establish a small community of M/inks and Humans (so other mix species couples, and like hybrid characters born from those couples live there) Gideon stays there during the 2 year time skip,,, His parents aren't on the island anymore, nor have they been in years, No one on this island has heard news from them in a while- however!! Some individuals do reveal the information that Gideon's parents are part of the R/evolutionary A/rmy! This conflicts Gideon, but also comforts him know that they didnt leave him on purpose,,, (Tho he doesnt know if they are still alive or not atp) He also learns more about his powers and abilities from the other M/inks while he is there, so knowing the reason he has electric powers, as well as why he feels stronger when seeing a full moon (he learns about S/ulong forms as well) He learns about what the others mixed m/inks can and cant do with their powers as well as other animal that m/inks can be,,,, He also learns about "garchu" during this time 🥰🥰🥰
During the time skip R/obin actually ends up meeting Gideon's parents during her journeys,,,, Once the crew comes together again, She informs Gideon that its parents are alive and they know of its pirating adventures (Since they've seen his wanted poster and such in the news) Gideon again doesnt really know how to feel about it,,, still indifferent (more neutral then negative now) he is glad to know theyre at lease alive,,,
Also after the timeskip during Z/ou he feels even more comradery, meeting some distant relatives/cousins even! He learns even more about M/ink culture! Also he condones his fellow dog m/inks biting on B/rook,,, the other dog m/inks are like "wow you're so lucky!" 🤭
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p-isforpoetry · 1 year
"This Lime-tree Bower my Prison" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (read by Sir Ian McKellen)
Well, they are gone, and here must I remain, This lime-tree bower my prison! I have lost Beauties and feelings, such as would have been Most sweet to my remembrance even when age Had dimm'd mine eyes to blindness! They, meanwhile, Friends, whom I never more may meet again, On springy heath, along the hill-top edge, Wander in gladness, and wind down, perchance, To that still roaring dell, of which I told; The roaring dell, o'erwooded, narrow, deep, And only speckled by the mid-day sun; Where its slim trunk the ash from rock to rock Flings arching like a bridge;—that branchless ash, Unsunn'd and damp, whose few poor yellow leaves Ne'er tremble in the gale, yet tremble still, Fann'd by the water-fall! and there my friends Behold the dark green file of long lank weeds, That all at once (a most fantastic sight!) Still nod and drip beneath the dripping edge Of the blue clay-stone.
                                          Now, my friends emerge
Beneath the wide wide Heaven—and view again The many-steepled tract magnificent Of hilly fields and meadows, and the sea, With some fair bark, perhaps, whose sails light up The slip of smooth clear blue betwixt two Isles Of purple shadow! Yes! they wander on In gladness all; but thou, methinks, most glad, My gentle-hearted Charles! for thou hast pined And hunger'd after Nature, many a year, In the great City pent, winning thy way With sad yet patient soul, through evil and pain And strange calamity! Ah! slowly sink Behind the western ridge, thou glorious Sun! Shine in the slant beams of the sinking orb, Ye purple heath-flowers! richlier burn, ye clouds! Live in the yellow light, ye distant groves! And kindle, thou blue Ocean! So my friend Struck with deep joy may stand, as I have stood, Silent with swimming sense; yea, gazing round On the wide landscape, gaze till all doth seem Less gross than bodily; and of such hues As veil the Almighty Spirit, when yet he makes Spirits perceive his presence.
                                                       A delight Comes sudden on my heart, and I am glad As I myself were there! Nor in this bower, This little lime-tree bower, have I not mark'd Much that has sooth'd me. Pale beneath the blaze Hung the transparent foliage; and I watch'd Some broad and sunny leaf, and lov'd to see The shadow of the leaf and stem above Dappling its sunshine! And that walnut-tree Was richly ting'd, and a deep radiance lay Full on the ancient ivy, which usurps Those fronting elms, and now, with blackest mass Makes their dark branches gleam a lighter hue Through the late twilight: and though now the bat Wheels silent by, and not a swallow twitters, Yet still the solitary humble-bee Sings in the bean-flower! Henceforth I shall know That Nature ne'er deserts the wise and pure; No plot so narrow, be but Nature there, No waste so vacant, but may well employ Each faculty of sense, and keep the heart Awake to Love and Beauty! and sometimes 'Tis well to be bereft of promis'd good, That we may lift the soul, and contemplate With lively joy the joys we cannot share. My gentle-hearted Charles! when the last rook Beat its straight path along the dusky air Homewards, I blest it! deeming its black wing (Now a dim speck, now vanishing in light) Had cross'd the mighty Orb's dilated glory, While thou stood'st gazing; or, when all was still, Flew creeking o'er thy head, and had a charm For thee, my gentle-hearted Charles, to whom No sound is dissonant which tells of Life.
Source: The Poetry of Coleridge, 2006
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campgender · 1 year
every time that post about describing your Type when it comes to fav characters is on my dash i’m like hmm idk but just now i realized oh duh it’s autistic in a blunt way + cunty. some are at different points along this spectrum but they’re all on it. free space for queerness bc obv & extra close to my heart if canonically mobility impaired although y’all know im rejoice! chronic illness be upon ye! about everybody
in roughly chronological order: bert from sesame street, ryan evans, warren peace, lando calrissian, sam wilson, bodhi rook, cassian andor, raphael santiago, meliorn, magnus bane, alec lightwood, enjolras, hermann gottlieb, trent crimm, roy kent, jughead jones, cheryl blossom, betty cooper, bobby singer, cas, rufus turner, anne bonny black sails
maybe i’ll make a venn diagram
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thelordslight · 2 years
remember when i said i’d post more ic stuff ?
yeah , same . but listen , i was working on mel’s hotd verse ( details below cut for those of you on mobile or who are just curious and don’t wanna dig through my blog ) . how are we feeling about it , besties ? does it work ?
melisandre, a shadowbinder from asshai and red priestess of r'hllor, has crossed the narrow sea to learn what she can of the prophecy that foretells the return of her lord's most beloved, azor ahai, the prince that was promised. during her travels throughout westeros, she has met and offered her counsel to many —- some green, some black, some neither, and some in between. perhaps your muse can be counted among them. it has oft been said in the whisperings of the lords and ladies of westeros, particularly those who supported aegon ii's claim to the throne, that melisandre herself was the one who put it in the late king viserys's head to name rhaenyra his heir. some believe that she bewitched him in one way or another, but none can say whether it was with potions and poultices or even if it was only her beauty and the red gem upon her throat that forced him to take leave of his senses. there are few who know the truth of it. when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, azor ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone. at some point, melisandre's focus began to wane and turn like the moon on the tides to driftmark, and it was there that she stayed for a long while as a guest of house velaryon and its lady, for one reason or another (partner determinant). through to the dance of the dragons’ conclusion, melisandre lingered in westeros but seemed to waver like a shadow cast by one of her red lord's blessed flames after the battle of rook's rest. no one knows why, but many have speculated that she seemed to be grieving some great loss. it was only after the deaths of rhaena and baela targaryen in later years that she left westeros and sailed back east.
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
Looking back on a week in amazing Anglesey and wonderful wider North Wales
Over the past week another trip outside of England for me this year among mountains centred on a beautiful island has allowed us to have a special wild adventure. It was a week of splendour, spectacle and thrilling experiences.
Bird and mammal wise we saw some of the finest sights UK wildlife has to offer, from being ensconced in the spectacular tern and gull colony of Cemlyn, seeing our first Arctic Terns this year and marveling at the many neat Sandwich Tern, also seeing Common Tern and Black-headed Gull with views of chicks enjoyed to watching in aw in the evening sunlight a Red Squirrel feed in the magical Newborough Forest an astonishing sight to ensure I’ve seen these divine mammals in England, Scotland and Wales this year. The distinctive smell, consuming noise and fantastic sight of seabird colonies dominated the week, with charismatic and eyecatching Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Shag and more enjoyed between two visits to the fabulous RSPB South Stack and a brilliant boat trip around Puffin Island. Days full of glee. Staggeringly intimate views of Grey Seal on the boat trip and fine evening views of Manx Shearwater gliding across the sea at Cemaes where we stayed and Llanbadrig and some seen at Cemlyn on the last morning were other moments of nautical wild bliss. It was phenomenal and valuable to get such splendid views of Black Guillemots again across the week, a favourite bird of mine we don’t get at home which I am having a top year for. Anglesey is synonymous with Choughs and at South Stack, the Range and on a journey at one point we have had some sensational times seeing these red and black wonders exceptionally well. Their sharp call and breathtaking appearance has left me spellbound and filled my heart with joy. We also saw some at the Great Orme on a wider North Wales part of the trip.
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A Black Guillemot at Holyhead Fish Quay on Sunday evening
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Chough at South Stack on Monday
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The Red Squirrel we saw at Newborough Forest 
Adding further gloss and helping my bird year list become personally historic was my first sighting this year of a Little Ringed Plover on a wider jaunt to RSPB Conwy. Other standout birds of the trip included Shelduck, Oystercatcher, Red-breasted Merganser, Gannet including on Ynys Badrig, Herring Gull, House Martins, Swallow, Whitethroat, Bullfinch, Pied Wagtail, Wheatear, Rooks heard and seen well from the lovely cottage we stayed in, Raven, Jay and Buzzard. Crossing Eryri on Wednesday on the way back from Conwy seeing Grey Wagtail at Betws-y-Coed, Hen Harriers and Goosander and Common Sandpiper at Llyn Ogwen added some top species to the week.
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Wren at Nant-y-Pandy on Thursday which was a joy to see too. 
In spring/summer holidays geared towards birds it’s always nice to see some insects during it and it occurred to me during the week we might be able to see Silver-studded Blues here, that we did at the Range by South Stack on Tuesday. Immersive moments watching this precious gem of a butterfly. In heatwave conditions as the week went on Ringlet, Dark Green Fritillary, Small Skipper and Common Grayling at the Great Orme probably of the sub species Hipparchia semele emerging early and unique to this site were ones we saw for the first time this year as I sailed into seeing summer butterfly species, with Meadow Brown, Common Blue, Large Skipper, Small Tortoiseshell and oh so many Red Admirals also seen. Hummingbird hawk-moth, Silver Y, my first Six-spot Burnets of the year seen well, Straw Dot, Brown-silver Line and Grass Veneers made it a marvellous moth week too.
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One of the Red Admirals seen this week at Newborough Forest
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Caterpillars played their part too with a few seen, this of the Oak Eggar moth at South Stack.
As hoped we saw Four-spotted Chaser dragonflies, with a surprise Golden-ringed Dragonfly an exquisite moment in the trip at a stream at Nant-y-Pandy aka the Dingle and Southern Hawker also firsts for the year. Emperor, Broad-bodied Chaser as well as Blue-tailed, Common Blue and Azure Damselflies and Banded Demoiselle were pleasant to see too. It was also a top trip of beetles with many Swollen-thighed beetles and my first ever Chrysomela populi and Rose Chafer beetle seen.
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Mating Azure Damselflies which was a strong memory of a hot and sunny time at Cors Ddyga on Thursday. 
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The Chrysomela populi, one of many we saw on a Newborough dune walk on Thursday. 
It was a flower fest this week with massive species of my year seen such as my first alluring bee and pyramidal orchids of the year at RSPB Conwy and lots of sheep’s-bit. Marsh helleborine, early marsh orchid, purple sandwort, sea plantain and bright yellow-horned poppy were new flower species I was amazed to see. Thrift, sea and red campion, chamomile, wild carrot and cabbage, foxgloves, thyme, wall pennywort, bird’s-foot trefoil and rich English stonecrop seen consistently well were strong characteristic plants of the trip for me as many were when here two years ago. And on that note I could not forget the joy of seeing again at Valley Wetlands and Cors Ddyga RSPB reserves my star flower from 2021, excellent marsh cinquefoil.
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One of the many RSPB Conwy bee orchids seen 
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Centaury at South Stack, another key one this week.
The views were something else again; cliff, beach and dune coast, woodland, heath, meadow, lake and mountains. There were breathtaking moments observing stunning landscapes and being immersed in them on Friday riding the Great Orme cable cars at Llandudno and going three quarters of the way up Yr Wyddfa on the Snowdon Mountain Railway. I enjoyed stunning scenes of the sun going down over the water on evenings at Cemaes and Llanbadrig. It is such an aesthetically pleasing part of the world. What a week, so much covered and seen and so many glorious memories made. I love Anglesey and North Wales generally and I can’t wait to come back.
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Looking across to South Stack from the Range on Tuesday 
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Llyn Ogwen on Wednesday 
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Llandudno on Friday
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Grey Seal seen on the boat trip around Puffin Island on Tuesday.
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six-improbable-things · 2 months
I've watched 3 episodes of Black Sails tonight, and I had to stop myself from watching a 4th. I blame @transgods for this, but I'm not mad about it, aksjdaskdjas.
Character opinion update: I'm fucking fascinated by Anne. I need to know more about her, and fast. John is a prick, but he's an amusing one, so it works. I still hate Vane, but that's kind of the point. Mr. Guthrie sucks and I would like to stab him. I'm still invested in Flint and Silver and Billy, and love all three of them. Oh and Eleanor. I love Eleanor. She's stubborn as hell, and we all know I love stubborn characters. Especially those who are so stubborn it just might ruin them. And I hope so bad that Max gets to murder people. Yk, as a treat. She deserves the world.
And, of course, this show is providing me with entirely too much information about pirates and sailing, which is a bad thing because it only fuels my daydreaming about Rook's time as a pirate, both past and potential future.
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twstschemer · 1 year
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“Sailing the sea comes naturally to me.”
Technical Information: Name: Christopher Hook Nicknames: Lobster (Floyd); Monsieur Pirate (Rook); Chris (Peter/Marcus); Mister Hook (Makoa) Voice Actor: Wataru Hatano (Edward, Shadows House)
Biological Information: Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Age: 18 Birthday: February 5 Star Sign: Aquarius Height: 175 cm Hair color: Reddish brown Eye color: Black Homeland: Dream Land Family: Mother; Father
Professional Status: School: Night Raven College Dorm: Savanaclaw School Year: Third Class: 3-C Student Number: 15 Occupation: Student Club: Track and Field Best Subject: Practical Magic
Fun facts: Dominant hand: Right Favorite Food: Any kind of fish Least Favorite Food: Cabbage Dislikes: Being disrespected Hobbies: Wood carving Talents: Can balance things stacked on top of each other
Appearance: Christopher has long reddish brown hair he ties back in a low ponytail. He has black colored eyes. He also wears a singular gold hoop earring. He wears the standard school uniform for NRC minus the blazer.
Personality: Christopher is a strong headed person. He works hard and sometimes goes a little overboard. He wants people to respect him.
Background: Christopher comes from a small family that hails from Dream Land. He lives as an only child. His family runs a fishing business and has fishing boats up for rent when other people need to use them. He did not get along with other kids much, but he found himself a tight knit group of friends that was willing to stay by his side.
Unique Magic: Christopher’s Unique Magic is called It's A Pirates Life For Me. It allows him to use any item like it is a sword. However, this effect only lasts for a few minutes. If he tries to do it for any longer, it puts him at a higher risk of overblot. His Unique Magic only works with objects he can carry.
Chant: "Adventures at sea await. It's A Pirates Life For Me."
He is based off of Captain Hook from the 1953 Peter Pan movie
As such, his birthday is February 5th, the day the movie was released
His left hand is made of wood.
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courtfallen · 6 hours
// multi-muse blog for @ofcourtfables !
— as written by a e r i n . . .
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𝔳𝔶𝔯𝔬𝔰 𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔲 ❝ the white raven ❞, second in command of winter court. — cismale. he/him. 37 / 370. illyrian & high fae. intro.
a ribbon of night birds winding around a great mountain, hoarfrost cracking underfoot, the undying glow of embers in the cold dark, velvet black wings stark against the snow
𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔯𝔧𝔦𝔞, spymaster of dawn court. — cismale. he/him. 41 / 410. high fae. intro.
twin blades flashing like two suns rising, fitted leather gloves squeaking snugly as calloused hands are sheathed, the strain of mast & the whip of white sails in a morning storm, the mercurial trade of a fox’s cunning for a diplomat’s etiquette, and a stare 1000 heavens long
𝔯𝔥𝔶𝔤𝔢𝔯 ❝ rook ❞ 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔱, the owner of a tavern called “the legless man” ( + smuggler/leader of mercenary band ). — cismale. he/him. 37 / 370. illyrian. intro.
loose tesserae jingling in a stolen leather purse, the burn of rebellion in a poor man’s eyes, the stench of unwashed working men and ale, splintered crates teeming with stolen blades, night-black visions of a world made anew
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ofcourtfables · 7 hours
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𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒏𝒐 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍. 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒏𝒐 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏. welcome AERIN, you have been accepted into ofcourtfables. please have your account in within the next 24 hours or you risk your roles and face claims. also take a moment to look over our checklist.
‘ oscar isaac, cismale, he/him, 41 / 410 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems meric arorjia has finally made it to the capital, the spymaster from dawn court is said to be crafty and is said to describe themselves with twin blades flashing like two suns rising, fitted leather gloves squeaking snugly as calloused hands are sheathed, the strain of mast & the whip of white sails in a morning storm, the mercurial trade of a fox’s cunning for a diplomat’s etiquette, and a stare 1000 heavens long and with all of this in mind their evasive nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
‘ alexander dreymon, cismale, he/him, 37 / 370 , illyrian ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems rhyger “rook” morcant has finally made it to the capital, the owner of a tavern called “the legless man” ( + smuggler/leader of mercenary band ) from night court is said to be enterprising and is said to describe themselves with loose tesserae jingling in a stolen leather purse, the burn of rebellion in a poor man’s eyes, the stench of unwashed working men and ale, splintered crates teeming with stolen blades, night-black visions of a world made anew and with all of this in mind their vengeful nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
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morrigan-sims · 1 month
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Ah, thank you Salem!! <3
Playing D&D!! Honestly, even just thinking about D&D works, but playing it, especially Rook's campaign, is something else.
My cats! I adore all 4 of them dearly.
Reading! I've missed reading SO MUCH while I was living at the dorms. It's nice to be able to do it again.
Black Sails! I've been watching this show for less than 2 weeks, and it was truly and legitimately changed my life, though I can't quite put into words how.
My friends! All of the people I talk to (and even the ones I don't talk to as much as I'd like) on tumblr and discord are really very important to me.
And a bonus, because I'm not good at being concise: My OCs!!! Thinking about my OCs makes me so happy. Be they my D&D OCs, like Rook, Cyra, Avra, and Aspen, or my story OCs like Fallon and Captain Blackthorne.
Thanks again for the ask, Salem! <3 I hope you're doing well!
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