#forgive the late reply my tumblr has been BROKEN!
imaginethathaikyuu · 4 months
Em can we please talk about Tsukki. Everyone keeps writing him as a mean dom and it’s killing my soul. Please say it isn’t so 😭😭😭😭
Lowkey hc Tsukki as ace and super sweet on his person… like he just simps and is very soft in private. I just wanna kiss his pretty fingers. but I’d love to hear your takes.
okay like ive beeeeen saying this since day one, popular fanon characterization is NOT satisfying for me.....
tsukishima kei would arguably be the best partner...imo... LIKE i think he'd be an annoying little fucker at first when you don't know each other well. but as you get closer he becomes the softest sweetest kindest bf.
especially as things get more serious, when he can let go of all of his insecurities and finally start feeling equal to you, his curtain of arrogance drops and he can just be himself :]
he is sooo cat coded imo like he's just always There. he will randomly lay next to u and put your hand on his head (instead of asking u to play with his hair) and just sit in silence forever. Annoys u just for the sake of being a Bother. puts cold drink on the back of your neck, pulls ur hoodie strings closed, places ur fav snacks on the highest shelf. but also ties ur shoe for u and remembers ur coffee order and compliments u every day. wait i love him
but also like i get the fun in writing him as big mean dom who fucks like if that is what u like to read i love that for u and honestly i see why some ppl write him as like. a big doodoo meanie like thats a fun path to go down too. that just isnt the tsukishima kei who lives in my house u know what i mean
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Wicked Romance
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Chapter 1
Character: Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve was hoping to meet the right one until he met her. But is he ready to be with her? He thought his life already dark because of his job. He wouldn’t able to find a woman that strong enough to face the hardship to stand beside him. Turn out his life is nothing compared to her. 
Warning: Maybe bad writing? Hehehe forgive me. This is my first time write and posting my own fan fiction on tumblr.
If an outsider sees Steve, he got everything: looks, money, status. But for him, he lacks one thing; the right person to stand beside him.  
But let’s talk about how Steve became the new mob leader.
Steve got raised by his mother Sarah Rogers, it was until he retired from the military he reconnected with his father again. 
He thought his father, Joseph Rogers owns a security firm every time he visits him when he was a kid after his parents divorced. Until he reaches a certain age he realized his father actually is a mob boss. He found his childhood friend Bucky, they went to the army together, also working with his father after he got into an accident that cost his left arm. 
He owes it to his father, but Joseph doesn’t need his son to pay his debt. He only wanted his son to stay with him. Joseph has everything, but he missing two things; his lovely wife and his son. 
Joseph loves Sarah, but he forgot she doesn’t come from a mobster background. When they got married, she was overwhelmed. Looking at her husband coming home with blood on his hands or they need to stay at the safe house when she was 8 months pregnant and when Steve was baby the rival gang tried to hurt her and their son. 
Sarah admitted to Joseph that she couldn’t live like this. In the end, she asks to separated but they never divorced. Joseph never sends the document to the court. 
When Joseph retired, he decided to be honest. He went to chase his wife again. With a lot of effort the couple reunited again.
Their love story was so sweet that could make Steve’s teeth hurt. Joseph appointed Steve as the new leader while he enjoys his second honeymoon with his wife. 
It’s been 5 years since Steve became the new mob boss, now he’s waiting for the one that could help him write a sweet story like his parents. 
Right now around lunchtime at the fancy that owned by Rogers. Steve and others like Bucky and Sam are sitting at the bar. While Pietro is the bartender serving their drinks. 
It's a usual day for them but it's a little bit different with Steve this time.
Steve head not looking at his food because notices someone seating near the window. She wearing a dress, not too sexy but he could see her legs. She is completely different from a woman who dressed less to get his attention. The reason is simple Steve is an attractive man, tall, broad shoulder, the expensive three-piece suit that wraps his muscles. He only sits for 3 minutes, few girls try to seduce him but he politely or in a sarcastic way to shoo them. 
And the girl who he watched for a while won’t budge to turned around. It poked his ego a little bit. He quite used to with the flirt and attention. 
“You still staring at her.”
Bucky’s words made Steve snap up from his trance. 
Steve shook his head, he couldn’t help it because he wants to see the woman face who sitting alone. 
Someone who holds his laughter. Three of them turn their gaze towards the bartender served their drink. 
“Something funny Pietro?” Steve raised his eyebrows. 
“I’m just surprised my boss lose his game before approaching Miss Lilly.”
Steve tilts his head “You knew her name?”
Pietro nodded while whipping the glass with cloth “Yup, the gorgeous lady that always left a big tip.” 
“She has become a regular?” Sam asks surprised. 
“Perhaps, it’s difficult to forget her since the first time she came here.” Pietro is a sucker for a beautiful woman. 
He put the clean glass on the shelf “The day she came here also the first day Peter Peter start his job.”
The alpha male grunted when Parker’s name mentioned. That kid is troublesome. He always late for his job and clumsy, but he’s the best chef assistant according to Wanda who the head chef at the restaurant. 
“So she’s been our customer for 5 months. How come we never notice her?” Sam whispered asking. They always come here every day for lunch and dinner. 
Pietro raised his shoulder “Usually she only stays for 10 minutes after buying one drink. Then she left. This is the first time she asks for a table.” 
After hearing the info from Pietro, Steve looking at her back once again. 
“Steve, if you don’t talk to her I will,” Sam said while moving from his seat. 
Steve stop Sam by grabbing his shoulder “I didn’t say I don’t want to.”
“Go get her punk.” Bucky raised his fist.
Steve nodded, he walks closer towards her table, he doesn’t understand why his heart beating so fast. 
He already in his game, using his usual pick-up line and smile, but before his foot stops at her table, she turns her head towards him. 
It felt like a slow-motion when he saw her looking at him. 
The first moment he looked at her eyes, somehow the time stop and world in only both of them. 
She looks at him with a friendly smile. ‘Her eyes,’ he couldn’t look away. 
“Hi…” He couldn’t believe he almost squeaked his voice. Steve could feel his face turn red like tomatoes. How he wishes, the situation could change.
The loud sound came from the gun sound. The door abruptly opened by a bunch of guys who wear suits, some of them holding guns, and baseball bat, and the one who leads them is Brock Rumlow. 
Steve cursed, because of the annoying newcomer, he already lost the moment with her. But partly he blamed himself, earlier he wished to change the situation. Be careful what you wished for.
It must be his rival gang who crash his business again. This is the third time in one month. Since Brock became the new head after Pierce died. 
“Damn it.” He saw Bucky and Sam already start kicking and punching. 
He turned at her, he looks at her with puppy eyes “Forgive me for today’s distraction. You don’t have to pay. It’s free.”
Before she could reply, one guy holding a baseball bat, and swing at Steve but he able to stop it. 
“Everyone leave this place !!!” He screamed his lungs out to alarm the guest who still shocked. All of them ran to save their lives. 
Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Pietro busy fighting their rival. 
No wonder why he had bad feelings, today seems nothing could go wrong. He knew something bad will happen. Turn out it’s Rumlow. 
“What do you want Rumlow?” Steve hissed at the uninvited guest.
Brock shrugged his shoulder “Oh nothing, I just want to say hi to my rival, since I became the boss now.”
‘Because of that reason?’ Steve inwardly thought. But he knew why Rumlow did this, he want everyone to know his name since he recently got this position. And this bastard choose his place at the wrong time and the wrong place.
Both of them punches at each other and destroyed the furniture.
Brock always sneaky, he prepares a hidden knife under his sleeves aka phantom blade. 
He succeeded stab Steve’s shoulder. 
“Urgh.” But because of his muscles, it didn’t go that deep. 
Brock brings Steve to his shoulder and throws him to the ground. 
Steve landed on the ground while Brock put on a mocking smile looking down at him. 
The seductive voice made both of them turn to see who it was. 
Steve widened his eyes when he saw the girl who took his breath away standing in front of them. 
When she stood, he could see she’s wearing a skirt that has a high cut on her left thigh. Steve and Brock were taken aback because under the fabric there’s a belt dagger. 
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She slightly pouted which made Steve thought for a second she looks adorable. But what the hell is she doing here when he already told everyone to leave this place.
She put her right hand on her left chest “It breaks my heart seeing my favorite restaurant destroyed like this.”
Steve somehow felt happy when he knew she like his work.
She grabs the dagger and throws it to Steve. 
“I’m lending it to you.” She winked at him, and turn around to grab her coat. She headed to the exit door, easily avoided the fight.
“That’s one hot lady right there.” 
“Yeah, she is.”  Steve took the chance to give a butthead towards Brock. He doesn’t want this jerk to look at his ‘future date’. 
Brock screamed while holding his broken nose “That’s was low, I was distracted.”
“Let’s get this over with. I can’t do this all day.” Steve finally let out his rage towards Rumlow. 
Their fight is done with the result Steve side who won. 
“I’ll get you next time,” Brock screamed angrily, his fingers broken by Steve. He got carried by the paramedic. 
Steve wiped his bloody nose with a cloth while Bruce pressing his shoulder “Yeah yeah, just not in this place again.” He answered lazily. 
He sighed because he’s getting tired of Rumlow childish fight. After his wound got treated by Bruce, Steve went back into the restaurant. 
What he saw is a broken window, table, the custom leather chair that imported from Italy also ruined. There will be one person who will be crazy over this, Natasha who also his accountant, and Bucky’s wife. 
His shoes step on the broken glass, his eyes locking to the table where she sat. 
When he arrived he saw the book she read. Steve notice there is a bookmark inside of it. He doesn’t want to touch her touch without permission but he eager wants to see what inside. 
Steve put his hand on his mouth and gasped “Oh f**k!”
“Language you punk!” Bucky and Sam appear from behind. Their face and hands also bruised because of the short fight. 
“What’s wrong?”
They got no answer from Steve. He look like a statue still looking at his hands.
Bucky and Sam glanced at the bookmark on Steve’s hand. Both of them smirked.
’When the restaurant re-open, text me: (646)-xxxxxxxx’
Steve’s mind went back to the first time he saw her face and that beautiful smile, then the way she’s not afraid of the craziness that happens today, and she lent him a dagger so he can win. 
He didn’t think it wasn’t a thing, but it happened to him. 
He fell in love at the first sight. 
“We totally lose him.” Sam waves his hand in front of Steve’s eyes. 
They could see Steve on cloud nine right now. 
“Good for him, maybe he could move on this time,” Bucky murmured. 
Sam pointed one critical point “But first of all, we need to tell your wife about today.” 
Bucky sighed “That’s the difficult part.” 
While his friends busy thinking about how to coaxing Natasha so she won’t stun them with the lecture that could last for the whole day and make their ear hurts, Steve is planning how to renovate the restaurant fast so he could text her.
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marshieee · 4 years
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Asahi x gn! Reader
Warning: angst to fluff
Requested by: @redbabydoll “I have no clue how to use tumblr so I’m sorry if this is not the right place to do a request 🥲 but if you’re willing to do it could you please do like an angst to fluff with Aone or Asahi or even Yaku? I feel like they’re so underrated and I struggle to find content about them. Anywho have a great day!!!!! 🙃🙃”
A/N: AHHHH MY FIRST REQUEST 😭❤️, oh no worries darling I’ve been there! It’s understandable, you could request in my asks though so yep i do hope that i made it angsty for you. A special thanks for proofreading and beta reading this @reallifemoana labyu bitch😘🥰❤️
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It was a surprise when you accepted Asahi’s feelings, he was ready to get rejected yet you held his hands and said yes, he changed his mind he was ready to marry you.
To be fair everyone was shocked when they got the news about you and Asahi dating, The volleyball club was happy for him and was enthusiastic yet other students didn’t like it.
You were popular at school, some would say you were on par with Kiyoko Shimizu. People like you and are always around you that’s why Asahi thought how could someone like YOU, basically a celebrity at school, notice HIM of all people?
Nevertheless you two were having a pretty steady relationship… but not until people started to get restless and irritated. This was when your once steady and stable relationship started becoming a rocky and bumpy road.
“So are you dating anyone?”
You looked at the random guy who just came to flirt with you, confused as to why he even bothered asking that. Everyone in the whole school KNEW that you’re dating someone so why is he still asking this?
“Yes i am”
“Ah… you mean that volleyball dude?”
“He has a name you know and yes I am still dating him”
“Aw damn! And here I thought you two would have already broken up”
“Excuse me? Why’d you say that?”
“I mean come on, look at him! You’re seriously gonna keep on dating him?”
“Compared to your sorry ass, yes, yes I am”
Of course this wouldn’t go unheard about with boyfriend as he was their main target. Getting a lot of whispers and murmurs, a lot of back handed compliments even though the team and you encourage him to not let any of that get to him, it still does.
It became his biggest insecurities, he started doubting himself. He’d constantly question himself if he was he even worthy to call himself your boyfriend? Maybe not.
Because of that he started to avoid you as much as possible, short text, short calls, whenever you two would go home together the walk remained silent and awkward even if you tried making conversation he would reply with short and curt answers.
This continued for two weeks until you finally had enough. Asking for the volleyball team to lend you a hand, since Asahi wasn’t doing well at practices either and it started pissing coach Ukai off.
“Make sure that Asahi is in tip top shape tomorrow y/n or else I’m gonna make hinata our new ace”
“Don’t worry Ukai-san leave it to me”
Asahi looked confused when he got kicked out of the gym, i mean sure he was off his game lately but that’s why he’s practicing right?
“Don’t come back here not until you talk to them”
Daichi said in a stern tone with his arms crossed, while Suga was ready to ‘negativity begone’ Asahi’s ass in the background.
But before Asahi could answer they immediately slammed the door in his face, leaving him dumbfounded.
“Talk to who?” he asked himself…
“Hey babe”
Asahi tensed up as he heard your voice, slowly turning around to see you standing there with a smile.
“Can you come with me for a sec?” you asked
He reluctantly followed you to the schools’ garden and avoided making eye contact with you as much as he could. Once you both arrived at the garden you turned to look at him with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Why are you avoiding me?” you asked him with a stony face.
He looked at you but then looked away right after , he doesn’t want to answer that, not to you at least. Pursing your lips together you took a deep breath.
“Asahi why are you avoiding me?”
“I’m not”
“Yes you are! You can’t even look at me”
You were getting frustrated, he wasn’t making any sense and all you wanted to know is why is he was being so distant.
“Y/N look I’m not avoiding you ok? Now I need to go back to practice”
He was about to walk past you when you grabbed his hand. He’s not getting away, not until he explains himself.
“Asahi please” you pleaded
“Y/N not now”
“It’s because of me isn’t it?”
He turned to look at you just to meet those sad eyes, no it wasn’t because of you, it was because of… him.
“Then why?”
He sighed as he stood in front of you debating whether he should tell you or not.
“It’s… it’s because of me, Ok?”
“What? What do you mean” Confusion evident on your face.
“Y/N look I- I’ve been thinking....is it really ok for me to be your boyfriend?”
That question shocked you but it also pissed you off.
“What the hell Asahi?! What kind of question is that??? Of course it’s Ok!”
“What do you mean no?”
“No it’s not ok”
You were confused as to why he was saying those things, why does he think it’s not? Is he dumb?
“Y/N you know people says that too right?”
“Asahi how many times—“
“Look y/n i know that I’m not the best person for you-”
“And i know! That someday you’ll leave me because you’ll find someone better than me ok?!”
You just stood there, his words slowly sinking in. What the hell is he saying?! Find someone better?! Leave him?!
“What the hell are you saying? I won’t leave you, ok? I won’t leave you because I LOVE you”
“You’ll break up with me eventually”
“No I won’t, that’s not true”
“Yes it is y/n”
You’re starting to get dejected with every passing seconds, he looked away not wanting to meet your eyes.
“I’m no good for you”
“How can you say that as if it’s a fact?!”
The sudden raise of his voice surprised you, his eyes still reflects frustration and it looked like he doesn’t have any plans on cooling down.
Asahi snapped out of his thoughts as he watched those frustrated tears drip down your face non-stop and now it was your turn to glare at him.
You were trying to keep your voice sturdy, wishing that your words would at least get through his head.
Standing there speechless, Asahi let your words sink into his mind and heart.
Asahi was about to say something but he decided to let you express all your pent up feelings, he wanted you to tell him how you really feel, he wants to hear you.
You were starting to hiccup furiously as tears continuously streamed down your face which made Asahi panic, slipping his hand out of yours he ran to his bag he got his water bottle out to give to you. As you finally calmed down Asahi just stood there, he wanted to hug you but he didn’t deserve that right now. So instead he let his chin rest on the top of your head.
“Why can’t you just believe me when I say I love you?”
“I do”
“Then why did you have to say stuff like that?” You asked sniffling.
Asahi sighed, his reasons were very invalid, he knew that, and he new they were just insecurities caused by what others would say about your relationship.
“Because...because you’re different than me, I think that you’re on a different level than I am..that’s why I said those things”
He kissed the top of your head then let his cheek rest atop your head.
“I’m sorry” He said with a frown on his face.
“You’re not forgiven”
Asahi quickly pulled away, that’s when he really started to panic, you looked so serious he started stuttering on his words.
“E-eh? Huh? W-why? I’m so sorry that I said those things- um- um I’ll make sure to not say those again! I PROMISE! S-so uh- can you please please PLEASE forgive me? I really am sorry” He asked pleadingly.
“No Asahi”
“If you’re gonna make promise, do it properly”
You held his large hands in yours, gently squeezing them, in which he squeezed back, slowly intertwining your hands with his.
“Promise me that you’ll never doubt yourself”
You looked into his eyes silently telling him that you were dead serious.
“Promise me that you won’t let their words get to you, because all the things they say about you...about us is nothing but bullshit”
“Y-Y/N! Language”
“Oh hush, just promise me that ok? Because you’re already the best person for me”
Asahi blushed furiously and laughed, this was you’re Asahi, the Asahi that you love.
“Y/N that was so cheesy”
“Hehehe really?”
He smiled at you and gave you a soft gentle kiss on the cheek.
“So do you promise?”
He slowly nodded in agreement.
You both giggled.
You both turned around and saw the whole team approaching the two of you. Hinata noticed your face and immediately gasped.
They all turned to glare at Asahi and for the third time he started to panic, holding his hands up he started to think of excuse.
“N-No! Well you see...the thing is! Um..haha”
As soon as they all reached you two, Suga instantly hit Asahi on the head.
You noticed coach Ukai approaching you all and you gave him a smirk.
“I told you I’d return him in tip top shape”
“Heh, good to have our ace back”
You smiled as you watch the team scold Asahi for making you cry.
“By the way that was so cheesy”
You blushed and looked at him with a surprised face.
“I accidentally heard it calm down”
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lalahbug · 3 years
Guidance - Zuko x Reader Chapter 6
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender Word Count: 3,232 My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: General 18+ Angst
Author’s Note: under story ___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Story under cut, 6 of 8, Guidance Masterlist
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        A few weeks had passed, ___ was healed and quickly became the new mother figure of the group. Teaching about survival, chi blocking, and helping with most of the chores. Of course, she also played with the group and lectured them like a mother as well.
        ___ and Aang were meditating together, during a sunrise, which Aang wasn’t too happy about after being up most of the night traveling. Aang peaked at her as she exhaled deeply, relaxing further, still keeping her posture. 
        “Staring at me isn’t going to help your mediating, Avatar.”
        “You didn’t even open your eyes; how did you know?” He pouted but started meditating again.
        “Your breathing went normal instead of trained.”
        “How do you do that?”
        “Do what?”
        “Hear so well, know when I’m doing something I’m not supposed to do.”
        “I’ve had heightened senses for a long time. But as for knowing when you’re doing something, we’ll chalk it up to Mother Instinct.” She chuckled softly. “You’re really not in the mood to meditate, are you?”
        “No!” Aang groaned before falling backward.
        “Okay, practice your breathing with me for a bit then I’ll let you go.”
        “Okay!” Aang agreed with a smile while sitting up. 
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        Aang and Katara were practicing some waterbending, while ___ watched their movements.
        “Why don’t you come join us? Aang could use the opportunity to fend off two waterbending foes.” Katara smiled and splashed some water at Aang.
        “Thank you, but I don’t know many waterbending moves, I’d be an easy target. I can only whip water and create waves.”
        “That’s right, being from the North Pole, they never taught you. But didn’t you learn on your own?”
        “I only got the water whip and the wave, that’s all I learned on my own.”
        “Why didn’t you say anything? We could have taught you.” Aang urged.
        “I’ve never been a good waterbender, there’s no point in teaching me. I’m an average healer and I can do pretty movements with a full moon, but that’s it. My strength is chi blocking and fast reflexes.”
        “Well, I think you could be a good waterbender. Why don’t you practice with us? You can learn some new moves and there is no pressure if you can’t do it well. Because like you said, your strength is chi blocking.” Katara urged, ___ shrugged before disrobing a bit, and getting into the water with the two masters.
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        One day before the invasion, The Day of Black Sun, and Aang wasn’t able to sleep. ___ was up with him, just after sunset.
        “You can’t stay awake before the invasion. You need to be rested. But I think if you’re alone, it’ll be worse. So, would you like to go over the chakras to help you with the Avatar State?”
        “I think I know them; I just can’t do the last one.”
        “Ah, you mean the Thought Chakra? Is it because of Katara?”
        Aang blushed a bit before sighing. “Yes, but also, I don’t know how to let go of Earthly attachments when I have to protect them.”
        “The Avatar is bound to this earth to protect it. You must learn to balance these or they will be your downfall. You let Katara go completely at Ba Sing Se, you were then attached to cosmic, too attached to cosmic energy. As the Avatar, you must find balance with your cosmic energy and your Earthly attachments. You can open the Thought Chakra, by learning to balance your attachments. Earthly, Avatar, cosmic, love, spirit, and even your nomad teachings.”
        “What about my nomad teachings?”
        “There will be a day where you might have to sacrifice your beliefs for the greater good, to keep balance in the world. But because of your teachings, I know you’ll find a way to balance the good with your morals.”
        “You’re talking about the Fire Lord, aren’t you?” Aang curled up and placed his weary head on his knees.
        ___ smiled at him gently, examining the bags under his eyes. “You can face him, you can beat him, we all believe in you, especially as he is powerless during the eclipse. But, what if, you can’t get to him in time. Don’t get me wrong, Sokka’s plan is amazing. Things don’t always go as planned. If you can’t get to him in time, you will have to fight him someday. How will you restrain him? Or will you have to take his life? I worry about the outcome of this plan a lot. From my talks with Roku to how devious the Fire Nation is. I just hope you know, if this fails. It’s not your fault. There will be some other factor that makes it so you can’t get to him in time. I have no doubt about you facing him, just our timing.”
        “It’s terrifying to even think of facing Ozai, but hearing the faith you have in me helps. Hearing that you don’t expect me to defeat him tomorrow, really helps. But your question haunts me. How will I restrain him?”
        She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I believe in you Aang, the world does. But in the end, you are just one kid, and you will need to listen to words of wisdom from your past lives. From ancient sources, and learn to bend life and energy itself if you are to defeat Ozai without taking his life.”
        “Bend life and energy? How do I do that?”
        “I’m not sure, I only read about it in the spirit library. You will have to hope that an ancient source shows you.”
        “Well, with you and the Spirit World to access, I think I’ll be able to find it if needed.”
        She smiled at him before meditating with him. She knew of the group's plan to make a bed for Aang so he could finally sleep, she was just keeping him company in the meantime.
        “___?” She hummed softly in reply, still meditating. “What if we see Zuko during the invasion? What will you do?” She opened her eyes, a sorrowful smile formed as their eyes met.
        “Depending on where he is in his journey, I’ll either have to disable him or listen to him.”
        “What do you mean?”
        “My first night in the Spirit World with Roku. He let me know of my future, to help me mentally prepare for it. He told me a beautiful tale of me falling in love, with his great-grandson. But he warned me, his great-grandson has the ability to be good or bad. As Roku and Sozin are both his great grandfathers.”
        Aang gasped, “Zuko’s mom is the granddaughter of Roku?”
        “Yes, that’s why he is at war within himself. Between his two natures. He also didn’t have the healthiest of families to help him cope with it either. His uncle, although wonderful, found his path in life a bit late. I hope Zuko will find that path one day too, but I can no longer be the one to guide him, he must find it himself. But only time will tell if he will find it soon or if he will live a long life trying to find it.”
        “Do you still love him?”
        Her eyes fell to her stomach and the bump there. “I do, but when he took another woman because I was unconscious for weeks, I feel as though maybe my love might have been blinded by the fairy tale Ruko told me. For he never mentioned a child. He only mentioned I would have to choose to forgive Zuko or not, and that it would be very difficult for me. I love him, but I'm not sure if I can forgive him just yet."
        "It must be hard, not knowing if he loves you or not, yet still having this child."
        "It hurts not knowing, but it's not too hard. I'm not worried for some reason, not when it comes to this baby."
        Aang had a flash of the small baby named Hope that Katara had helped deliver a few months back. "Babies are a beautiful thing, especially when you have someone to share it with."
        "Katara asked me to stay until the baby is born at the very minimum, so in a way I will, you guys are the closest thing I have to family right now. So, I'll share that experience with you."
        "So, I get to be an uncle?" He smiled.
        "You'll be the best uncle!" They giggled softly and she smiled at him fondly as the group approached them, ready to help Aang finally sleep. 
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        After the invasion, Aang wanted nothing to do with the planning for the next steps, next attack. ___ shut herself away from the group and the others with them now. She should have been left behind with the other adults, but they wouldn’t hear her protest, since she was pregnant. 
        Walking along one of the many corridors of the Western Air Temple, she hummed softly to herself, enjoying her solitude, wanting to fix her mental state before joining everyone. No one needed a pouty pregnant woman around, all because they didn’t listen to her. They had her and the baby’s health in mind, they weren’t trying to make her feel more useless or weak. So; she needed to be alone to fix the brewing thoughts before they burnt anyone needlessly.
        She walked until she felt lost and sighed and started to head back to the group, for dinner. But when she arrived everyone was sulking and arguing about something.
        “What’s wrong?” ___ asked while getting some food after Sokka said something about not adding animal cruelty to the list.
        “I’ll tell you-” Katara started, ready to vent to someone else.
        “Wait,” Toph cut off Katara. "___ how would you feel, if Zuko came here asking for forgiveness and to teach Aang firebending?”
        She understood what had happened just from Toph’s question, her heart sped up, the broken pieces throbbing, she took a breath to reply. “Aang needs a firebending teacher, and Zuko, well he’s a good firebender. I don’t know how I feel about him asking for forgiveness, but if you thought he was sincere, Toph, I would let him stay. Because if you think he was sincere the whole time, it hopefully means he’s finally found the correct path.” She looked to Aang with a sad smile, reminding him of their conversation when he was so sleep-deprived.
        “How?” Katara asked softly. “How can you just allow him here? Forgive him and trust him? Especially after what he’s done to you?”
        “I don’t forgive him; I don’t trust him. But the options of firebending teachers are pretty limited to Aang. Only time can tell if he can earn trust and forgiveness from any of us. We have to look past ourselves. The world needs the Avatar, the world needs Aang to learn firebending. If we still can’t trust him after he’s with us and he’s taught Aang, then you can give him the boot and send him packing.”
        “I hate when mother is right,” Sokka grumbled.
        “I am not your mother,” ___ snapped. “I’m a friend. I’m tired of being treated like some soft pregnant woman with motherly love. I’m a fighter. My pregnancy doesn’t change that. I will only let motherly change take me when the world is no longer at war. I can’t soften and hold everyone’s hand through this. You’re all kids to me, but the world can’t have the Avatar, a master of waterbending, master of earthbending, and a sword master, be kids. You have to keep the goal in your mind.”
        “You’re still mad at us for making you come with us? Instead of letting you stay with the other adults, aren’t you?” Aang asked softly.
        “Yes.” She exhaled sharply before taking a deep breath. “But I know you did it because you care about me,” she rested a hand on her stomach. “About the baby. But you wanted me here, so I’m here. And I think you should listen to what Zuko has to say without emotion.”
        “All I know is that while he was talking to us, he was sincere. Maybe you’re all just letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly.” Toph said in agreement with ___.
        “Easy for you to say, you weren’t there when he had us attacked by pirates.” Katara spat.
        “Or when he burned down Kyoshi Island,” Sokka added.
        “Or when he tried to capture me at the fire temple.” Aang finished.
        “Why would you two even try to defend him?” Katara said so frustratedly she was shaking.
        “Because, Katara, you’re all ignoring one crucial fact. One ___ has already told you!” Toph stomped up to Aang and poked him in the chest. “Aang needs a firebending teacher! We can’t think of a single person in the world to do the job. Now one shows up on a silver platter and you won’t even think about it?” She shook the ground with a couple more stomps.
        “I’m not having Zuko as my teacher!” Aang walked away from ___ and Toph.
        “Aang-” ___ started before Sokka cut her off.
        “You’re darn right, you’re not buddy.” Sokka stood tall, finalizing his backup with Aang.
        “Well, I guess that’s settled,” Katara said smugly. ___ sighed before looking at Toph.
        “I’m beginning to wonder who’s really the blind one around here.” Toph stormed off, ___ followed behind her.
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        Toph and ___ were walking through the forest, to find Zuko.
        “You didn’t have to come with me,” Toph sighed.
        “I know, but I would like to talk to Zuko too. I think I know him well enough to tell when he’s lying, whether you can detect it or not.”
        Toph giggled pointing to ___’s stomach, “I would hope you knew him well enough.”
        “Oh shush,” she pushed Toph playfully, but it was clear she was a bit exasperated by the comment.
        “Do you think Zuko would try to trick us all; like he did to you and Katara?”
        “Zuko didn’t trick me. I don’t think he meant to trick Katara either. I think he loved me in his own way. He was good in Ba Sing Se. But the allure of home was stronger than the good.”
        “But now that he’s here, you think the good called him back?”
        “I’m hoping that. I’m hoping he found his true destiny.”
        “I’m hoping you’re right,” Toph said with a sigh.
        While moving through the brush the women alerted Zuko.
        “Who’s there?” His voice was groggy, the sound of it stung ___’s heart. As they got closer, he yelled. “Stay back.”
        “It’s me!” Toph shouted back, but it was too late, Zuko had already lashed out fire in his fear, Toph even tried to make herself an earth shield. She fell as the flames licked the soles of her feet “Ow! You burned my feet!”
        Zuko was up and running towards her as she started to crawl away. “I’m sorry, it was a mistake!” He cried while chasing after Toph, but sudden strikes to his body made him collapse.
        “Get away, Zuko!” ___ shouted while scooping up Toph.
        “___?” He gasped, trying to sit up, she only chi blocked his right side. As she started to walk away, he called out to them. “No, please, come back! I’m sorry!” He tried to get up, but the weight of his right side would not shift and he fell back. He groaned along with his heart ache seeing ___ walk away and ignore his plea, his apology. “Why am I so bad at being good!” He cried to the sky, wishing to be able to rewind time.
        He’d go back so far if he could, but he pleaded now silently inside his head. “Please let me go back, even just 5 minutes.” He exhaled in defeat, wondering what the girls had wanted to say, but now he’d never know.
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          Days passed and the threat of Combustion Man was gone, Hokada and Suki back. While sitting around the fire with everyone, Zuko served tea again, while he did so, he noticed ___ left the group. Excusing herself to go lie down. And the night where he burned Toph’s feet came to mind. She came with Toph, what did she want to say?
        After his failed joke and everyone had settled their laughter. “Does ___ leave the group often after dinner or is that because of me?” Zuko asked softly, silence rang afterward. Katara and Aang shared a soft look.
        “Before the invasion, I was restless, ___ was meditating with me. I asked how she would react if we were to run into you since, at the time, you were still an enemy, a threat.” Aang sipped his tea before continuing. “She simply said she'd either disable you or listen to you. She believed in you even then, she just wasn’t sure when you'd find your correct path in life.”
        “But when she thinks about you, hears your name, or even just briefly has a polite encounter with you. Her heart beats sickeningly. Like the broken pieces are trying to pull together.” Toph added since she was able to hear and feel ___’s heartbeat.
        “I want to explain myself, talk to her. But I want to do it alone.”
        “You should be thankful she even acknowledges you exist,” Katara spat, still angry.
        “I am, she’s always been forgiving. But I don’t know how forgiving she’ll be with me.”
        “___ still loves you,” Toph encouraged him.
        “But before we allowed you in the group, she did say only time would show if you deserved trust and forgiveness,” Sokka added, Suki elbowed him. “What? He should know the truth, the good and the bad.”
        “Thank you, that helps. Maybe she’s not ready to hear my apology, because she doesn’t forgive me or trust me yet.”
        “Make sense, you engaged her, impregnated her, broke your promise then left her for another woman because she was basically in a coma,” Katara stated with venom.
        “I never left her, but I was too cowardly to tell my father no to the arranged marriage. Scared to not be his perfect son again.”
        “Mai still seems to love you, since she helped with the prison break,” Sokka said.
        “Another heart I broke, by being a misleading person. She loves someone within me that I’m not. She doesn’t understand that I’m trying to save my country, my kingdom. The world fears and hates the Fire Nation. I need to try and heal that and help the Avatar bring balance back into the world.”
        “I think ___ just needs a little time, she was for having you here from the get-go with me,” Toph popped some more food in her mouth. “She’s just not ready to deal with you. Since she’s been having some health issues with the baby, every time we have stress, she gets sick.” Toph said sadly.
        “Well with the invasion being over, Combustion Man gone. Hopefully, things will calm down.” Katara said before standing up. “I should go check on her and the baby before we sleep.” She stood and left towards the way ___ had left earlier.
        Zuko sighed and sipped his tea. He would need to be patient a bit, wait for some alone time with his love, and keep an eye on her troubled health with the baby.
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Author’s Note:
Hello, I know I’ve been gone for awhile, but I’m getting better mentally and personally. I can’t promise when the next chapter will come out, but I’m hoping by the end of May. 
I’d like to thank everyone that’s liked previous chapters and stayed with me on this. This is still my indulgence, anime fanfics, but after this series. I might go into show/movie fanfics (like Marvel and Supernatural), make a list of who I’d be willing to write for and open a for request for a bit. 
Also, for the one lovely who wanted to be added/tagged for new chapters, here you go; thank you for your love on this <3
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caramelcal · 4 years
The Truth Hurts...{part nine}
Every time your soulmate lies, a mark presents itself on your body. In a world like this, people normally told the truth so that their soulmate didn’t have to deal with the consequences. But your soulmate? They seemed persistent to make your life hell, and mark your body until there was no skin left.
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n: i just finished this but im not gonna keep you guys waiting...i aint saying no more...
Taglist:  (comment if you want to be added, or you can message me) @itsjustmeiguessallrightthen​ @moonbeams-stuff  @cece-lives-here​ @aprilfire18​ @adrianaprox​ @slytherinrising​ @deadric
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, betrayal, and swearing. 
disclaimer: i do not condone plagiarism on my work at all, this has not been posted on any other platforms, or on tumblr anywhere else but my account (rosemoonmist) if you see anyone plagiarizing mine (or anyone else’s account) please inform the rightful author ! thank you lovelies x
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Corey was dead and now that you stood in the Sinema, seeing the needle go in and Hayden’s eyes fill with mercury, you couldn’t help the shout that came out of your mouth. The Dread Doctors hadn’t been seen in five days, no new chimeras and no deaths but every sense of security that you had felt in Beacon Hills over the past few days was hopelessly ripped away from you at that moment. Not caring about the foe there, you ran towards Hayden who fell to the floor.
Hayden was holding her neck when you and Liam had rushed over to her, her eyes no longer filled with mercury.
“Her eyes,” You spoke, your voice wavering as Scott and Theo came running in, body drowning in worry for the younger girl as you spoke, “they filled with mercury. I saw it, a-and now she looks fine but her eyes-”
“It’s okay, she looks fine, maybe she’ll heal,” Theo replied reassuringly, making you turn towards him. He immediately picked up on your worry, pulling you closer to his side whilst you looked up at him.
“None of the others did, Theo. I can’t deal with another body,” You whispered back, peering up at his blue eyes, making him form a small frown. He knew what you had been through, he knew the pain and suffrage between dead bodies and new threats. He hadn’t seen the pain these troubles inflicted upon you when you first met, but now it was clear as day. The more he got to know you, the more he seen what a toll the bodies took on you, the way the supernatural secret depleted your mental health.
Maybe he should’ve stopped. Seeing the broken look in your eyes, the way your eyes were silently begging him to stop without your knowledge, the way that he felt a small bubbling feeling of guilt as he looked down at you, his soulmate. To be with you he knew he had to stop. But he didn’t.
. . .
“Lydia?” You called out in confusion, your phone up to your ear as you answered the unsuspected phone call.
All you were met with was silence. An impending doom seemed to filter over your head, you knew that the Dread Doctors were attacking, that’s why you found yourself at the school. Yet, it was stupid to be alone but you knew that. Everyone was all over the place and you had hardly heard from anyone all night, which certainly didn’t do anything to calm your nerves.
You just hoped that Lydia would answer, give you some sort of useful information, or just at least let you know that she was alright. That she was safe and well. Alas, you didn’t get that, and instead, you made yet another attempt to get the girl to talk.
“Lydia is everything alright?” You called out, voice loud as you tried to get some sort of reply from your caller, “Lydia?”
No voice came from the other side and nerves and worry etched at your stomach. What if something was wrong? What if Lydia was hurt, or the Dread Doctors had taken her? Yet, your mind didn’t stay on her long as a large and pained howl sounded throughout the air.
The howl was one you had heard before, pain etched through the noise in a way only you could unpick. Eyes wide, you whispered in horror, “Scott.”
. . .
Seeing your unofficial boyfriend’s nails embedded deep into your best friend’s chest caused a scream to come out of you that was unlike anything that they had ever heard. Lydia’s screams, no matter how daunting and loud they were, would never match the utter pain and betrayal in yours. Your legs felt weak, you felt sick and your eyes filled with tears as Theo got up, chest heaving in power.
Before you even had time to be rational, you ran and you punched him in the face. Your other fist came up to strike him again as he caught both of your hands, and you chose to flail your leg out to kick him, one without much power that done zero damage; a lot less than you hoped to cause. You wanted to make Theo feel pain, to equal his physical pain to the emotional pain he had caused you, and for the killing of your best friend.
His eyes still glowed yellow, and your breath caught in your throat as you stared at him, his claws which were covered in your best friend’s blood gripping tightly onto your wrists with no plans to let go. You were elevated above the ground, and legs flailed with the best attempt to escape but it was futile. Eyes staying focused on him you spoke, tears building up thickly, “You bastard.”
“I’m sorry this is how it had to be, y/n,” Theo replies coolly, with no guilt in his voice. He didn’t care, he had consciously killed Scott for no reason and you would never forgive him for this. Ever.
“It never had to be like this, nothing ever justifies this,” You spat back, tears clouding your vision and blocking your throat whilst you stared down at the corpse of one of your best friends.
“You’ll understand, y/n/n, you’ll understand one day,” Theo said before dropping his grip on you, going to walk away from you and out of the library, completely unbothered by the destruction he had caused.
“That’s my best friend, you dickhead!” You ran up behind him, shouting at the top of your lungs making him stop in his tracks, “You, you were supposed to be our friend, I’ve known you since we were kids...How could you do this?”
Theo looked over his shoulder at you before slowly turning around looking down at you with a dangerous look in his eyes. He stalked towards you, his stance wide, almost intimidating, “He was your best friend. Not anymore. There was no room for him in my pack.”
You maintained eye contact with him, e/c eyes trying to look into the blue eyes despite the darkness in the room. It was several moments before you spoke again, your voice bitter as you asked, “Your pack?”
“Yes, y/n, my pack,” Theo replied with a slight nod of his head, walking even closer to you until your bodies were leaning against one another; barely leaving any room for breathing as you stared up at him. He peered down at you, before flashing his eyes at you, his voice stony like he was trying to enforce power, “I’m your alpha now.”
He ducked his head down so that it was closer to yours, his eyes no longer glowing whilst you guys stood in silence. The tension was thick as you looked back up at Theo, feeling his breath fan across your face, almost as if he was going to kiss you. Then, he started to lean in, your lips slowly reaching each other before his face was flung to the side.
You took a step back, your hand still held up after the action you had just indulged in as you stared at Theo with wide eyes, for a human you surely put a lot of force into that slap.
“Let’s get one thing clear, Theodore. You are and will never be my alpha.”
His hand hesitated but he lifted it to his face, touching the area that was already starting to mark red of where you slapped, before an annoyed smirk made its way onto his face, making him laugh. The laugh was chilling but you didn’t care at that moment, you would not back down no matter what. Not after what he did to Scott. Theo could kill you right here, right now, if it meant that you didn’t have to join his pack.
He looked back at you, his face now annoyed as he pointed at you. You weren’t sure if he was annoyed that you slapped him, or if you had slapped him and in the process rejected his kiss, but that didn’t matter either. He bared his teeth slightly as he talked, taking one step forward but still maintaining a distance between the two of you, “You act like this right now, Princess, but in the end, you’ll be by my side.”
“In your fucking dreams, Raeken,” You spat out, anger filling every atom of your being. You had been expecting Theo to argue again with you, but he just smirked and walked out without another word, leaving you to drown in the betrayal and grief he had left behind.
The silence that filled the room was deafening, and a sick feeling rose to your throat as you turned around, now facing the steps. Taking steady steps forward, trying to support yourself before you fell to the ground from weak legs, you reached him, bending down and taking one of his hands in yours.
“Scott?” You said, shaking his body as tears came to your eyes. Your heart sunk when you didn’t get a response from the boy, and you shook him again, but with this time you shook him wildly, trying to scare him out of whatever haze he was in, “Scott!”
“Please Scott you gotta answer, wake up, please,”
Cradling your best friend’s body was not something that you ever wanted to do. Your arms were wrapped around Scott’s body, your head against his as you let out the tears, and despite the sobbing now over with, the tears never stopped. You were all alone, the warmth from Scott’s chest gone and leaving behind only a coldness that could never be filled by anyone else.
Ten minutes. That’s how long that you were cradling Scott’s body before Melissa showed up, and when you saw her, you couldn’t even speak. Your throat closed up as she saw the boy in your arms, eyes sheathed with tears that would be let out until the late hours of the night, heart too heavy to support itself.
She ran over, positioning him on the ground and pushing her hands onto his chest in rapid and quick motions. Opening your mouth to talk, you hesitated as you watched the mother try to grab some tiny piece of life out of her son, to pull it back out so he could hug her one last time, and your eyes got even glassier, “What are you doing?”
“Trying to bring my son back.”
“His heart stopped beating fifteen minutes ago. You can’t bring back someone who’s already dead.” You shook your head, eyes falling to your lap which was covered in your best friend’s blood.
“He isn’t dead. He’s my son. He’s an alpha!”
But was he really?
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(art commission by the lovely and talented @curious-menace)
It is a time where I would like to see what my followers think about various concepts I have in mind pertaining to alternate versions of one my fics. It may take some time to write out any alternate versions since I've been busy and stressed out so much lately, but I am very curious as to what others would find intriguing to read.
But first, some backstory so be patient. We'll get to the voting at the end of this post.
I've been having a lot of bad days lately, and my mood has plummeted to a major low. This includes my self-esteem, which has always been in the dumps but is now basically a dumpster fire.
However, I don't want to be entirely cruel to myself. I deserve some sort of happiness, some sort of reprieve, and writing can be a good coping mechanism. I put a lot of my own thoughts, emotions, struggles, opinions, etc. into my works, as they serve as a way for me to get things off my chest. Sometimes, it's just cute and funny stuff, other times angsty but eventually fluffy stuff, and other times it's quite depressing and dark.
One fic, in particular, stands out, and that is the Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, "Volunteer," (trigger warnings: mentions psychological torture and suicide...more about this fic in a bit for those who would rather not read it because of those triggers) which features Arkham Knight Edward Nigma and Jonathan Crane, as well as a lady friend for Edward named Sara. It also features Erron Black and Cassie Cage from Mortal Kombat (Cassie is only mentioned in the story a few times).
If you read the blog intro/self-introduction post pinned at the top of my Tumblr, you know very well how I feel about Cassie Cage (particularly in MK11) and the Erron Black x Cassie Cage (BlackCage) pairing. Those negative feelings are mostly due to a very bad experience with a pushy BlackCage fan who just wouldn't relent one bit on their stance and it was emotionally and mentally draining to try and talk to them, including providing counter-arguments.
I've come up with alternate versions for "Volunteer" recently due to the spike in stress, depression, anxiety, and insecurities I've been dealing with as of late. This is where my followers come in!
I would like people to vote on which alternate take on "Volunteer" they would be interested in reading. Now, I can't guarantee when I'd get to it because, as I mentioned already, I've got a lot going on. However, I really want to try and write at least one alternate version of that fic, just to get some insecurities and negative thoughts off my chest.
Now, for those who are wary of reading "Volunteer" because of the trigger warnings, here's my advice: Just read the first chapter, if you want to. Chapter 2 deals directly with the sensitive subject matter, although, you can probably guess what happens anyway just by reading Chapter 1 and if you know anything about Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow...well, he likes to mess with people...mentally. To put it very mildly.
Now it's time for the voting. I have three different scenarios I've come up with that are variations/alternate versions of the current "Volunteer" fic's concept/storyline. I'd like followers to select 1 (one) alternate telling of the fic. I will open anonymous asks again, so if you are shy or just want your vote to remain a secret for some other reason, then that's fine by me. Otherwise, you can reply to this post with your choice.
Edit: if you are turned off by the idea of a Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, I get it. I don't read crossover fics myself, and that's usually because the crossovers either make no sense or do make sense but the ideas are poorly executed.
This crossover I'm talking about, though, isn't a full-on crossover of MK and Batman. There's no world-building, no larger plot, and no other characters in MK even appear or are mentioned except Erron Black and Cassie Cage.
If anything, it's more of a Batman Arkhamverse standard AU with Riddler and a female oc, and Erron and Cassie are the only concrete elements of MK brought in. I mean, yes, the other MK characters exist, I guess, but they have no purpose in this crossover I've written, and won't make any appearances.
So, if you had any concerns about the crossover aspect, I hope this clears things up
Choices below the cut!
A) "Don't You Wish"
This version is inspired by a song from Pink, called, "There You Go." In this alternate telling, Erron manages to survive Scarecrow's fear toxin, and escape (most likely because Erron is out of his mind and panicking, thus not a threat, and he has no one to help him, so Scarecrow doesn't give a damn what happens to the dude). The first thing Erron does is go to Sara's place, having already broken up with Cassie after realizing dating her was a mistake, and Sara means more to him than he thought.
Well, it's been several months since Sara basically pushed Erron out of her life for his poor choice in women, and (Arkham Knight) Edward Nigma has proven to be a much better (and, wiser and more sensible -- yes, I know, but he's not a skirt chaser, Guys) friend to Sara. While Erron ran off with a blonde selfie princess, Edward offered genuine comfort and companionship, and now Sara has been in the process of moving on from Erron even further.
Sara humors Erron and lets him tell her -- while sounding terrified, confused, and conflicted beyond belief thanks to the fear toxin -- what happened to him. Now, Sara doesn't know Edward asked Scarecrow to take care of Erron as a means of getting revenge for her. Doesn't matter anyway. She's unsympathetic towards Erron's plight, feeling as if he didn't even give her a chance to confess her feelings towards him, nor did he even seem to notice how she felt; it was like he was too busy with thinking with his privates to realize he had someone in front of him who would have treated him better.
Sara tells Erron -- in a flat, disinterested tone -- that his situation is tragic and all but wtf is she supposed to do? Why not go to his dumb blonde gf? Oh, they broke up? Well, how predictable. And Crane is also a (sort of) friend to Sara, which shocks Erron and leaves him feeling worse than before.
Sara sends Erron on his way, and he wanders off in a daze, unsure of what to do with his life now.
Sara and Edward meet the next day, and they have a pleasant time, obviously moving towards becoming a couple. She chooses not to mention Erron as she is completely severing the cowboy from her life.
B) "I Don't Even Miss You"
This alternate telling is similar to the previous one, but this time it's inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "WTF Do I Know" (Hey, her Plastic Hearts album is actually fantastic!), and Edward is with Sara when Erron arrives at her place in a distressed state. At first, Sara deals with Erron in the hall of her apartment building, unsympathetic to his plight and basically telling him, "I told you so," and "too bad." Erron is getting more and more upset, even angry at Sara's callous tone, and starts to raise his voice, demanding to know why she is being so cold at a time like this?
Edward overhears Erron raising his voice to Sara, giving her a difficult time, and he gets pissed. Edward steps out into the hall and not only mocks Erron in various ways, but demands that he leave immediately, or what Scarecrow did will seem like a trip to Disney Land. Erron has caused Sara -- who is currently moving on and growing closer to Edward -- enough problems and heartache.
Edward reveals he set up Erron, and while Sara is stunned to find this out, she handles it better than expected. Edward said it was his way of getting revenge for her, and he'd do it again if need be. Erron is sent away feeling so much worse, feeling lost, hopeless, and betrayed.
Sara and Edward talk and she admits she's upset that he did something like this without speaking about it to her first. However, he explains that he genuinely did it for her and he doesn't want her to feel pain at the hands of some "idiotic cowman," who doesn't consider the feelings of others and who behaves like a greedy, violent Neanderthal. (And yes, Edward does care for Sara, and he didn't send Scarecrow after Erron out of jealousy -- maybe a little jealousy but it was mostly rage over Erron causing Sara so much emotional pain)
Sara means more to Edward than he can express, and he may not be the best when it comes to emotions, but he does care about her and wants her to be safe.
Sara forgives Edward, understanding that, through his heartfelt but very nervous and shy confession that he is sincere about his feelings for her, and they make amends. She of course tells him to never do something so extreme without consulting her first, though, because what happened to Erron -- while she doesn't care what happens to him in the slightest -- was a bit too much.
C) "Listen When the Devil's Calling"
Another title inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "Night Crawling," and this alternate telling involves Telltale Riddler and no Scarecrow. Almost a year has passed since Erron went with Cassie and Sara, out of bitterness and heartache, refused to speak or see him. This didn't sit well with him as she was his only friend, and his relationship with Cassie dies within a few months.
He goes looking for Sara, realizing she has moved out of her apartment. It doesn't take him long to find out where she is, and she's with The Riddler, a notorious criminal genius and one of Gotham's elite villains. Erron is worried for Sara and seeks her out.
Turns out, Sara's just fine. This isn't one of those scenarios where the girl is with a guy who just using her and taking advantage of her vulnerability. No, Edward does actually love her and takes good care of her. He finds people like reckless, selfish, and ignorant people like Erron to be a disgrace but also amusing because of how pathetically primitive they are.
Edward also doesn't appreciate how Erron pushed aside a good thing in Sara to pursue a girl who is a social media brat and has more selfies on her phone than brain cells in her, well, brain. It defies all logic to Edward, but he's also not surprised because of how much of a disappointment Erron is as a human being (hey, this is Riddler we're talking about, and he's not one to be sweet and gentle to those he can't stand). Edward doesn't say these things out loud, though, as it's a bit too vulnerable and personal for him to do such a thing with someone he doesn't know or trust.
Sara is upset that Erron has resurfaced and she remembers how heartbroken she was when he went after Cassie Cage. She wants Erron to leave her alone like she asked, so she can move on. She can't trust him anymore, because he's just a skirt chaser in her eyes.
Erron tries to plead his case, tries to apologize to Sara, and expresses how he really feels, but this just distresses her further. Edward steps in and tells Erron he's done enough to Sara, she clearly doesn't want to see him, and he needs to take his leave.
This isn't a request.
Edward pulls Erron aside, telling the cowboy that the only reason he's going to walk away from this alive is that Sara hasn't asked for him to be killed. Should she tell Edward to take care of Erron, well, you all know what Telltale Riddler is like.
And those are the three variations on "Volunteer."
If you could be so kind as to:
leave a comment with your choice or
send an ask (even an anon ask) with your choice or
suggest your take on this story.
I'd appreciate it immensely!
Thank you all so much for supporting me and my writing and being patient with my sluggish publishing schedule!
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drakesdevils · 4 years
The Five Stages of Grief (Sam Drake x F!Reader)
Summary: Samuel Drake is dead to the world, stuck in a prison for a crime he did not commit for the rest of eternity.
(had to post them separate because Tumblr is a big bully)
Warnings: S*icidal thoughts, PTSD, imprisonment, violence
Uncharted Masterlist
RDR2 Masterlist
Of The Valley (Joel x Reader) Masterlist
A/N: I guess it has been some time lol. Wrote this because I’m forever angry at Naughty Dog for ghosting over the fact that Sam spent.. 13 years in prison.. also I don’t speak Spanish so these translations are probably a bit wonky.
I apologize this chapter is so lengthy! I can’t put a read more tab on mobile.
Sam awoke in a small room, dazed and confused There were stone walls, a blaring light above him. It reeked of blood and sweat and every grossly humane thing in existence.
At first, panic set in, he thrashed and writhed and felt a burning pain in his stomach, like his insides were being torn apart. He heard yelling, he felt two sets of hands push him down, something pricked him.
And then he was out.
When he awoke again, he was in the same room. There was grogginess in him, like something had been shrouding his mind. He blinked a few times before he attempted to move again, only to realize he had been restrained. He struggled against the restraints, feeling that same burning in his stomach, the pain became unbearable.
He laid back onto the metal table and caught his breath, his shirt was bloodied. There was blood all over him. Was that his blood?
Oh god.
He remembered being shot, watching his brother lose the hope in his eyes, he felt the blood rise in his throat, and then he felt his bones crunch as he fell. And he remembered thinking of you, in a way he knew it would be his last thought. A glimmer of you in his jacket, smiling and beaming at him. And then it was over. Why wasn’t is over?
Oh god no.
Terror and shock rose in him, no no, this could not be happening. He was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to die when he fell. He was supposed to be six feet under by now.
No, this was Hell. He was being punished, and forced to live a life of pain. This was his personal punishment for a crime he did not commit.
“Ah, Mr. Drake, you are awake,” A voice said as the door opened in the bland room. There was a counter with ‘medical’ supplies next to it.
A man stepped into the room, a doctor?
“You broke your neck when you fell. You’re dead. We could not save you,” The man began. Sam’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“You are legally dead. Except of course, you are not. A man came looking for you by the way, we had to break the news to him,” The man teased him cruelly, a glimmer in his eye.
“Where is my brother?” Sam croaked out.
“Oh, long gone by now. We told him we found you dead. As far as the world knows, you are. I hope you enjoy prison, Samuel Drake,” The doctor cackled menacingly as he left Sam. Two guards entered, they took the restraints off of his arms and legs, they pulled him off the table roughly.
He wanted to fight back, he wanted to throw every punch their way and escape that hellhole. But there was no fight in him, his body was broken, everything in him felt like it was screaming.
They dragged him to his cell since he could not stand. He heard the catcalls and whistles from the other prisoners, freshmeat they cheered, a gringo too. Maybe they would rough him up a bit.
They threw him into the cold cell, he landed on his back and it knocked the wind from him, even if the air was burning and stuffy, there was no life in that prison, there was no happiness, no joy, no human emotion. There was only ruin.
He quickly lifted up his shirt and examined his wounds. A large bandage on his chest, he remembered feeling the blood enter his throat and suffocate him.
He remembered watching Nathan become heartbroken.
He remembered the fall.
No, this was not happening!
The guards punished him brutally for killing one of their own. They beat him daily, they dragged him out of his cell, they made an example out of him even if he hadn’t done anything, they made a mockery out of him.
And the men followed suit too, they teased and threatened. He had to watch his back every waking hour. He could not let his guard down for even a second.
There was no one to help him, there was no one to save him. He was left alone in a foreign prison where he was hated, where he was starved and beaten. No men would talk to him, he was seen as a lesser being, someone to pick on.
A part of him began to hate the world too. He resented Nathan, for not trying to save him. He resented you for letting him go on this stupid trip. He had a life sentence, he was never getting out.
But most of all, he hated himself. He could not look in the dirty mirror, he would not talk to anyone, he let the guards beat him up. He did not fight back, but he watched his back. If someone were to sneak up on him, at least he would know it was coming.
He tried not to think, to not let his anger overcome him. He did not want to hate his baby brother and you, people who did not deserve such hatred. But he did think. He thought constantly, there was nothing to keep his mind off of it. He had no money to buy anything, no one to send him anything, no books, no entertainment. He was not allowed to get a prison job, the guards wanted to watch his every movement.
He saw red every hour of every day. He saw it every time he blinked. It was all around him, it was bubbling and pooling inside him. Sam wanted to punch the wall and scream, he wanted to lash out, he wanted every man in that prison dead. Sam wanted to scream at you and Nathan for abandoning him, for allowing him to live the rest of his life in prison. But there was no fight in him. There was no charm, no quips. A shitty slinged broken arm and healing bullet wounds, bruises all over his body and aching bones. There was no way he could fight. So he didn’t.
Time passed slowly. Late at night when he watched the moon through the barred window in his cell, he wondered what would have happened if things had gone differently.
The only thing that brought him comfort was the thought of you. Even if what ifs were painful, a part of him was comforted by them. As he viewed the night sky, when the tropical storms rolled in, through the sweltering heat, especially then would it bring him comfort.
A life with you. Maybe he would have had his big break, found Avery’s treasure and never have to work another day in his life. He would be satisfied by his winnings and never want to go out and look for another. You and him could have been married, like he had promised, a small wedding that was beautiful, seeing you walk down the aisle in the dress you picked out, kissing you in front of everyone. Then you would have bought a grand home in Boston, lived out your thirties and then had kids, he would become the father he never had. Raised them right, they would become doctors or lawyers. And then you and him would truly retire, be old and frail together and one day it would end.
And it hurt to think that way. To want something so bad, but know it would never happen. To know that he would be stuck in this hellhole for eternity, suffering each and every day. Being subject to such abuse and horrors was something no innocent man should ever have to go through.
Remembering the anger he felt at you especially hurt. There was nothing you or Nathan could have done. He never wanted to think like that again, to imagine himself yelling at you, for screaming and arguing. He would never forgive himself for feeling that way.
Some nights he would wake up panting, thinking he had first woken up in the ‘doctors’ office again, that the clock had been reset. Some nights he woke up thinking he was in your arms again, he imagined you shushing him gently and lulling him back to sleep. Most nights he wished he didn’t wake up at all.
He wondered if you thought of him, if you had moved on, if you were living the white picket dream he didn’t think he wanted until now. What he wouldn’t give to be out and see you one more time, even if you had moved on, even if you were married to some other person, he wanted to see you once more. To look you in the eye and remember all that had happened, to know that he had come out on the other side.
But it was all foolish. He knew he was never getting out.
“Sam?” A voice whispered into the cell. Armando.
“What?” He said groggily.
“Wake up. Dinner is in five minutes,” Armando said. He looked outside, it was still light out.
“Come on man, I’ll just buy from commissary later tonight,” He groaned, rolling back onto his stiff bed.
“Get up. I let you sleep and kept the other guards off your back. You have to eat, Samuel,” Armando pressed. The only guard who showed him kindness. Who smuggled books for him, who slipped him money every now and then, who convinced the guards to let him work on laundry duty to earn a few extra bucks. The guard he originally despised, who he thought was only trying to be nice to him so he could wait for Sam to slip up.
Sam simply let his eyes shut again.
“I have a present for you if you get up.”
“I don’t care,” Sam replied, nothing mattered to him anymore.
“I am sure you will like this one,” Armando continued.
“Fine,” Sam sighed, pulling himself out of his bed.
Armando unlocked the cell for him, he looked both ways to make sure no one was coming and shoved a book into his hand.
“No way!” Sam said surprised, looking down at the book.
“A General History of The Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates! You found it!” Sam spoke fervently, he could not quell his excitement.
“Shhhh,” He reminded Sam, looking around to make sure no one had heard him.
“Shit, sorry, but how the hell did you find it?” Sam said more quietly, flipping through the pages.
“Ah, simple really. The library got it shipped from another one. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to get your hopes up in case they couldn’t ship it,” Armando explained.
“Well shit, thank you. I have the other books in my cell so you can return them, let me grab them for you,” Sam replied, he didn’t want Armando having a hefty library late fee because of him.
He gathered the things in his small cell. Books about history, mostly non fiction, anything Armando could get his hands on that was in English.
He piled the books into Armando’s hands, hopefully no one would be suspicious if he managed to make it out quickly enough. Armando’s shift was ending in a few minutes.
Things were silent for a moment as Sam gathered his courage to ask Armando.
“Could.. could you send the letter to my brother? I slipped it in one of the pages of the book about the Renaissance,” Sam pleaded quietly.
Armando’s lips formed into a tight line as he contemplated it.
“I will see what I can do.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Armando, seriously, thank you so much,” Sam said sincerely. The only man in that prison who had his back.
The warden called him into his office one night. The cruel man who was one of the ‘doctors’, the man who haunted his dreams. Sam was nervous, he could feel his hands shake.
“Samuel Drake,” The man said with a fake inviting tone, urging him to sit down. He sat with cockiness, his hands steepled as he watched him with hawk eyes.
Sam didn’t sit.
“I hear you have been attempting contact with your brother. This is against the rules, Samuel, you know this.”
Sam didn’t reply. He knew he was screwed.
“We will have to punish you. Solitary for three days.” The warden was taking joy in seeing Sam suffer.
Sam’s eyes widened, three goddamn days?!
“And a correctional activity with a few of our officers.” Sam knew what that meant.. a beating, a rough one. Outside the solitary confinement cells, they’d shackle him to the wall, beat him and throw him in the cell for three days.
“Where’s Armando?” Sam asked, letting his emotions not leak into his voice.
“Gone. You will never see him again.”
Fuck. Armando had been fired? All because he wanted to send a letter to Nathan.
The warden smiled at his silence.
“Goodbye, Samuel,” The warden dismissed him, he was nearly at the door. His entire body felt heavy.
“And if you ever try anything like this again, we will make a lesson out of you.”
He knew what that meant too.
Just when things had started to look up, they had gone down again. Three days in solitary with a broken nose and black eye and split lip was not his favorite thing in the world. Not to mention his aching bones. The guards spat at him, pulled his hair, made fun of him, did everything to make him feel less than human. It didn’t work though, barely anything got through to him now. He had a devil may care attitude. It was better to.
He was thankful for the uninterrupted sleep even if it was on the concrete. Only time he got interrupted was when the guards would shove the shitty food to him.
It was maddening for him, to only hear silence when he was awake, to have his thoughts suffocate him. His life, wasted away in prison. Dead to the world and practically dead to himself, there was no reason for living.
Minutes ticked on, when he was sleeping he was trying to count how many times a fly in the cell touched a wall. He counted 473 times in the span of 68 hours. Eventually the fly died, or it escaped, he wasn’t sure because he was sleeping when the buzzing stopped.
The blood was caked on him, he could barely move, so he laid on the cold concrete and watched the fly bounce back and forth. He was losing track of time.
Most of his memories of his life prior to prison were blurred, he remembered how things went down, but people’s faces and voices were especially fuzzy. Like TV static, there was something there but he couldn’t quite see what.
He hated solitary, but it was better than being hit by the guards, teased in the prison yard, yelled at. Most days he liked being alone.
“Pongan sus traseros en línea, muchachos. ¡Es la hora de cenar! Feliz Navidad,” The announcer said.
“Aye! Carlos! Sam!” Victor yelled across the chow hall. Sam and Carlos looked up at their friend.
“Merry Christmas friends. I just got off the phone with my girl. She told me she sent a package here, it should arrive in a couple days,” Victor said happily.
Carlos snickered, Sam eyed him as he shoveled food into his mouth. Christmas, the one day of the year where the guards weren’t awful and the food wasn’t as bad. It was still gloomy in the prison no matter the day, but at least the spirits were slightly up.
“Something funny, Carlos?” Victor narrowed his eyes at Carlos.
“Nothing. Just think it is funny you have your girlfriend sending you things. Why is she taking care of you? You’re the one who got in trouble.”
Victor rolled his eyes, “That’s funny, Carlos, real funny, seeing how you love to drop your pants for-“
“Knock it off you two,” Sam threatened, glaring at the two of them.
“I’ll give you something from the package, Sam since you are so nice to me, unlike this puta,” Victor said, gesturing towards Carlos.
“Sure thing,” Sam said. He knew Victor was just saying that.
“I wish I was with my family this Christmas. How many has it been? Two?” Carlos wondered.
“Been three for me,” Victor replied. “Sam?”
“I think nine. Or ten. I can’t remember, all of its blurring together.”
The air became somber. “One day we’ll all get out, brothers, we’ll be with our families on Christmas and get presents and eat all that good shit,” Victor began.
Sam didn’t want to hear any of this bullshit.
“I can’t even remember what my girlfriend sounded like. I haven’t heard her, or my brother in years, I don’t even know if they’re still around, so Christmas with them is kinda off the table for me,” Sam confessed solemnly. He wasn’t in the mood to talk about Christmas joy. He never was.
Victor and Carlos were silent, they looked at each other nervously. They knew his story, rumors passed around over the years. He had risen in the ranks of prison, he had more freedoms, the guards picked on him less, the men respected him more. He had even made a few friends.
“You’ll get out one of these days, you just have to hold on. I bet she’s waiting for you still, probably will be waiting on the bed for you with her legs op-” Carlos said.
Sam quickly cut him off, “Yeah.. I doubt it.”
The guards roughly pulled him out of his cell one day. He hadn’t gotten that type of treatment in a long time. He was surprised as they cuffed him and pushed him down the hallway. What the hell was going on?
“You guys mind telling me what we’re doing?” Sam asked as one of the guards pushed him down the hall.
“Just keep moving,” One of them ordered. They walked through the cell blocks, the loud chatter was deafening. There was a game of blackjack happening in the yard, he could see the big group of men gathered outside.
They were headed straight for the warden's office.
Shit. What the hell happened now?
They pushed him into the room. The warden stood stoically, looking out the window.
“You’re a free man, Samuel,” The warden spoke.
This had to be a joke. The warden was just fucking with him.
Sam snorted, “Okay.”
“10,000 it took. The man was insistent on us letting you go for a fair price,” The warden glanced back over at him. The man who first gave him the news of his life sentence and laughed in his face.
“You can stop with the bullshit now.”
“It’s not a lie, Samuel. You are a free man. You may leave now.” The warden turned to look at him. And then he knew it was true.
Sam could feel every heartbeat, he could feel the freedom flow in him. He could feel the shackles being torn off. He was free. How was this possible?
Sam stood frozen in his spot.
“Leave,” The warden barked. Sam scrambled quickly and left.
This was happening. It was really happening.
There was no paperwork he needed to fill out since he was not registered. Victor and Carlos both got out a year ago, there were no needs for goodbyes.
The guards let him outside. It all felt like a dream, like he would wake up inside solitary again. He felt like he was floating, like every step was another one closer to the heavens.
He heard the buzzer go off, he felt the vibrations in his bones.
Who was waiting for him? Who bailed him out?
As he walked through the gates, he was officially a free man. Liberty rushed in his veins. That first breath of freedom was exhilarating, there was no stench of the prison, it was simply fresh and clean air.
Rafe. Rafe goddamn Adler stood by his sleek black car. Was that this year's model? So much had changed..
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Glad to see you’re alive, and somewhat well,” Rafe smiled, brushing Sam’s shoulder off.
“Where’s Nathan?” Sam asked.
“No thank you? Thirteen years go by and you would think he would be a little more appreciative. You know Sam, you’re starting to sound a little ungrateful.”
Sam narrowed his eyes. “I’ll be grateful when I know my brother is well.”
“Fine. I assumed as much. He’s doing well, retired, living the white picket dream as far as I know.” Rafe rolled his eyes.
“And Y/N?” A part of him was afraid to know.. he had wondered for so long. But he was scared too, he felt cowardly for being afraid to face you. All he wanted was to see you again, and now he was a coward for being afraid.
“Married too,” Rafe sighed, becoming annoyed at Sam.
It felt like a stab, worse than any pain he had experienced during prison, holding on to the thought of you was what kept him going. He should have expected it though.. he should have known.
“Well, anyways, I wouldn’t go moseying around, disrupting their lives. Especially not now, I mean come on, your brother is retired and your ex girlfriend is married. Don’t go trying to mess things up.”
“Yeah,” Sam agreed. Jumping back into their lives, especially if you were married was cruel. It was better if you and Nathan still thought he was dead.
He felt even more hollow than he had ever been before.
“Let’s talk business, then, shall we?”
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shianhygge-imagines · 4 years
Sundown 勿忘草 [Reno/Reader]{Final Fantasy VII} Episode 2
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AN: Here’s the next part of Sundown Wasurenagusa! I’m sorry that I’ve been slow on posting any new story material! I had a bit of a writers’ block, and I’m still trying to work through it!
I had intended for this to be much longer, but I felt like this part was a good length to post. The first part of this ‘episode’ is going to be formatted weird because I can’t get Tumblr to format a text conversation in the way that I want.
If you like the content I create, please consider donating to my Ko-fi! Please help me feed my tea addiction!
|Masterlist Link|
December 12
Reno {07:10}
[Good morning, sleeping beauty]
Me {08:30}
[Do you not need sleep?]
[You probably went to bed late last night]
[And while it truly does make my day to hear from you]
[Why? It’s so early ;.;]
Reno {08:40}
[Can you blame a guy for being eager to talk to you?]
[Lol, Sorry. I didn’t disturb you, did I?]
Me {08:59}
[No, you’re good. I gotta get up to get ready anyways.]
Reno {09:34}
[I mean, can you blame me? ;) ]
[So, I was thinking about taking you on a date outside of Midgar, but I realized that I should probably get your opinion on it first]
Me {10:01}
[I mean, that depends? How early do I have to get up on my day off? And how long will it take to get there?]
Reno {10:05}
[Um… well, it’s getting pretty chilly in Midgar, so I was thinking about taking you to Costa del Sol… beach date :P]
Me {10:30}
[Costa del Sol is pretty far, Reno…]
Reno {10:31}
[I’ve got a way]
[Don’t sweat the details]
Me {10:32}
[You’re taking a company helicopter, aren’t you  -.-]
Reno {10:33}
[Ack! You’ve figured out my master plan!]
Me {10:34}
[Are Turks even allowed to take company assets out for joy rides?]
Reno {10:35}
[ TT^TT I told you not to sweat the details!]
Me {10:40}
[I just don’t want you to get into any trouble.]
Reno {10:50}
[Awww, don’t worry about me.]
[You have a party to attend later, so do me a favor and have fun, okay?]
Me {11:03}
[That reminds me…]
Reno {11:05}
Me {11:11}
[bluedress.jpg sent]
(The image is of you in a sapphire blue dress, the sleeves long and neck high. The dress itself ends just below your knees)
[This dress?]
[reddress.jpg sent]
(The second image is of you in a backless ruby dress that ends just above the knee. There are no sleeves to this dress despite the fact that it has a high neck)
[Or this dress?]
Reno {11:13}
Me {11:15}
Me {12:01}
[If I don’t look good in either of them, just be honest ;.;]
Reno {13:05}
[Gah! Sorry, I got pulled away for something]
[The red one. For sure]
Me {13:06}
[Just because red’s your color… >.>]
[I hope you’re okay, Reno ;.;]
Reno {13:15}
[Hey, first of all, remember what I said about red being your color?]
[I don’t lie, k?]
[But also, yeah. Also because it’s my color, you should wear it ;)]
[Do you have a sixth sense or something?]
(Opening up the image file gifts you with a selfie of Reno, looking minorly roughed up and being supported by an infrantryman. He looks like he’s by the old church that Aerith likes to visit. Despite needing to be supported by the infantryman, the red headed Turk’s winking and holding up a peace sign)
[Just a few minor bruises ;P I’ll be fine]
[You want to kiss me better? ;)]
Me {13:30}
[… Well. I’m sorry for worrying (¬_¬) ]
Reno {13:45}
[Joking, joking! :D]
[All patched up]
Reno {14:07}
[I’m sorry.]
[Please talk to meeeeeee]
Me {14:00}
(It’s a picture of you in the red dress. Your hair is done up with an attractive amount of make up. You’re wearing a sensible set of black flats.)
[The party starts in an hour, so I might be answering my phone too often.]
[And Costa del Sol sounds perfect for tomorrow ;) I’ve got my outfit all picked out]
Reno {14:15}
[Uh, yeah, that’s gonna be your new contact photo]
[I’m picking you up earlier than we agreed so that we can have more time to relax in the sun]
[Duty calls. Have fun tonight, okay?]
Me {14:20}
[And what? My contact photo for you is going to be this?]
(It’s a screenshot of your mobile phone screen. There’s an edit with a red arrow pointing directly at the photo icon for Reno’s contact…it’s the photo that he sent earlier except you’ve photoshopped cartoon ‘uwu’ eyes and added pink anime blush to his cheeks)
[And don’t worry, I’ll probably have enough fun for the both of us.]
[We’ll have fun tomorrow, be safe, okay?]
Reno {14:30}
[I’ll try ;) But if not, I’ll have you to take care of me.]
[Also? That picture?]
Me {18:30}
[Hope you’re safe!]
[Message me after work to let me know you’re okay!]
(It’s a group photo of you and your friends in silly poses)
Me {19:21}
(It’s a close up shot of a delicious plate of food)
[I should have brought you with me ;.;]
|You called Reno| 20:58
[Unable to leave voicemail]
December 13 - 08:21
The morning after the confrontation with AVALANCHE at the Sector 7 Pillar, one would expect the medical bay in Shinra HQ to be jam packed full of patients. There should have been a horde of doctors and nurses, running around to treat the injured infantryman and civilian survivors. But there were only two individuals in the med bay, Reno and Rude. When the plate fell, only a handful of infantryman were able to escape the chaos. Many were left behind to fend for themselves.
Despite surviving a helicopter crash and the brawl with Tifa, Barret, and Cloud, Rude only sustained a few bruises and minor bone fractures. He had been assigned bedrest after being treated by the doctors, but the weight of what he and his partner had been tasked to do twelve hours ago felt like an overwhelming burden. Needing something to keep his mind occupied, the taller of the iconic Turk duo simply engrossed himself in a novel that Elena had brought over during her visit.
On the bed beside Rude’s, Reno groaned in pain as he sat up, eyes still not open and alert as he raised a hand to press against his pounding head. “Gah, what the hell.” Reno’s face stung at the cheeks when his face scrunched up at the pain that seemed to come from every part of him. Even the act of sitting up proved too painful due to his newly broken ribs.
Rude watched his partner sink back into the sheets from his own medical bed, sunglasses on as was usual of him. He wondered how long it would take Reno to realize that it had been nearly twelve hours since they had dropped the plate. He also wondered when his sassy partner in crime would realize that he had a date this morning. Of course, Rude didn’t think you’d get angry at Reno for missing a date when he was hospitalized, but the taller of the iconic Turk pair knew that Reno would never forgive himself for skipping out on you.
While Rude watched, Reno allowed his body to collapse back into bed, an exhausted and pained groan escaping his lips as he want, arms flopping onto the bed as he fought to remember what had happened to land him in such a pitiful state.
Oh yeah…Rude and I went to Sector 7’s plate… and we fought blondie’s group of self righteous freedom fighters… and then…I blacked out. Cracking both eyes open, Reno furrowed his brows and turned his head to examine his surroundings. Med bay back at HQ… The red head swiveled in place to stare at Rude, “The mission….” He trailed off with a questioning tone.
His partner merely grunted, “We finished it and escaped.” Lacking in detail, but still straight to the point.
Sighing in relief that his work track record wouldn’t have a stain on it, Reno flopped back down, “Whooo…” The red head cheered sarcastically, pumping a fist without any energy or cheer behind it. Gah, and I promised Y/N that I’d be safe… Reno’s eyes snapped open and he bolted to a seating position with an alarmed cry, “Crap! Y/N! What time is it?” Shit, I gotta message her to let her know that I’m going to be running late! The Turk second in command thought as he pat down his person for his cell phone.
When he couldn’t find it, Reno turned to his partner, who gestured towards the bedside table. “It was damaged during our fight with AVALANCHE, but it should still be working.”
Not paying any attention to the fact that he was now bleeding through the bandages wrapped around his abdomen, Reno grinned, “Whooo boy! Partner, you’re a life saver!”
The sheer amount of relief within Reno voice made Rude stop and stare at his partner. Hmm… maybe Reno’s serious about her after all.
Meanwhile, Reno quickly unlocked his phone screen, ignoring the fact that the glass display seemed shattered beyond repair. When he pulled up the chat room that he shared with Y/N, Reno cursed, “Five missed messages and one missed call.” Quickly reading through the text messages, and smiling at how much fun you were having at the party, Reno tapped out a quick message in reply to you before listening to the voicemail that you had left.
Y/N {19:21}
(Reno’s mouth watered at the sight of the food in the picture)
[I should have brought you with me ;.;]
|Missed call from Y/N| 20:58
[Click to listen to voicemail]
Today - December 13
Me {08:43}
[Gah, sorry Y/N, I may have bit off more than I could chew yesterday.]
[I just woke up in the med bay at HQ]
[I’m going to be a little late picking you up]
[And I’m a little roughed up]
[But nothing is stopping me from taking you on our date!]
[See you in an hour?]
When Reno lifted his damaged cell phone to listen to the voicemail that you had left him, the only sound that reached his ears was an error notification that the voice recording app had failed. “I’m sorry, but the voicemail recording that you wish to listen to failed to load properly. Please quite all applications before trying again. If the problem still persists, please contact Shinra Mobile’s technical support service to resolve this issue.” The phone recording informed Reno, pleasantly.
Knowing from experience that getting through to technical support at the current hour was next to impossible, Reno merely tapped out another message.
Me {08:47}
[Hey, the voicemail that you sent to me didn’t go through.]
[What was it about?]
Satisfied with the messages that he’d sent out, Reno shifted to get out of bed, an excited grin on his lips. “Welp! Time to get going! Got a wonderful day off with a gorgeous gal!”
Sighing, Rude lowered the novel to look in his partner’s direction. “Your date with Y/N?” When Reno only gave a sassy shrug in reply, Rude shook his head, “Just remember, you’re still injured.”
“Will do, partner!” Reno saluted the older man before dashing out of the med bay, dodging the nurses swiftly as he made his way to the elevators, itching to get back to the Turk dorms to change into something that would help him blend into the slum crowds of Sector 5. On his way to his room, the red headed Turk would raise his phone to check for any new messages, lowering it in disappointment every time there was no response.
“That’s weird, normally she responds by now.” Reno mused, sending out another quick text once he’d changed into dark jeans, a red hoodie, and a dark beige trucker jacket.
Me {09:12}
[I’m on my way to your place now.]
[Are you awake?]
Around twenty minutes later, on the helicopter ride down to the Sector 5 slums, Reno furrowed his brows and bit the inside of his lip when you didn’t respond again.
Me {09:32}
[Please answer.]
[I’m on a helicopter down now]
[Message back. I’m getting worried.]
When there is still no response, Reno taps on your contact and brings the phone up to his ear, trying to call you.
“Hey, this is Y/N. I’m probably away from the phone right now, so leave a message, and I’ll call you back as soon as possible.”
Straight to voicemail.
Something wasn’t right, and Reno could feel it in his bones.
When the helicopter started to land in the Shinra barracks, Reno didn’t even wait for the helicopter to fully land before jumping out of the aerial vehicle, landing solidly before taking off in a sprint towards your apartment.
She’s not answer any of the text messages… Did she lose her phone last night? Did she accidentally break it?… Did she find out what I did yesterday? Is she ignoring me?
The worries and thoughts that raced through Reno’s mind became more and more self-depricating as he neared entered the main town area and brushed past the crowds of people gathered in the streets. I know I said it was too late to grow a conscious, but damn it, please don’t let this be the reason she decides that she doesn’t want me around.
All but flying up the metal steps to your apartment, Reno starts to bang on your front door, calling your name in the meanwhile. “Y/N!” Bang bang bang “It’s Reno!” Bang bang bang “You weren’t answering your phone. Are you ready to go?” It took another few minutes of knocking before Reno head a door open below and slow footsteps ascend the metal stairwell.
Turning and expecting to see you standing there, Reno’s shoulders visibly slumped when he came face to face with a tiny old lady. “Oh, uh. Sorry for causing a disturbance.”
“Are you looking for Y/N, young man?” The old woman inquired, tilting her head to look up at Reno through friendly old eyes.
Feeling as if he was being judged by the elderly woman, Reno stood ramrod straight and nodded, clearing his throat, “Uh, yeah. We had plans for today.”
The old woman nodded sagely, “I see, I see. Ah, to be young again. I’m sorry to disappoint you, young man, but Y/N hasn’t been home since yesterday afternoon. I think she’s still at her friend’s home.”
The first traces of alarm flashed through Reno’s head, and suddenly his Turk persona was back, “Do you happen to know where her friend lives, ma’am?”
The old woman shook her head, “I only know that dear Selene doesn’t live in Sector 5. I’m sorry, young man.”
Suddenly jittery, Reno only nods and descends the metal staircase again, “Thanks for the help. I should get going.”
Reno doesn’t hear the old woman’s reply because he’s sprinting back towards the Shinra barracks, ears ringing and vision narrowed as he contacts a friend in Shinra’s tech department for help tracking down your cell phone’s location and retrieving the voicemail you’d left him. And while his friend works on it, Reno decided to change into a clean set of his uniform, mind suddenly kicked into overdrive as he tries to recall where you said your friend’s party was.
Gah, Reno… you pay attention to everything else she says, but you can’t figure out where her friend Selene lives? Some Turk you are! Reno scolds himself as he paces back and forth in Y/N’s office, somehow trying to find comfort in familiar surroundings. Damnit, think! What has she mentioned in the past about her friends. I only remember her talking about living in Sector 7 for a whi- Reno pauses in his steps as dread begins to pool in his stomach. “No.” He doesn’t want to entertain the possibility that you had gone to a party at your childhood sector the same night that he was tasked with dropping the plate on top of hundreds. But the more that Reno thinks about it, the more likely the possibility is, and he sinks to his knees in the middle of your office, eyes wide with horror and denial. “No… I refuse to believe it. Gotta wait for-”
His phone chimes with a notification.
Pulling out his phone as fast as possible without fumbling the already hazardously damaged device, Reno unlocks the screen, only to see that a voice file had been sent to him along with tracking coordinates.
Clicking on the voicemail and tracker, Reno’s frown deepens and his face pales as he stares at the map of Sector 7 Slums with a red dot in the center of it, the sounds of your final message to him playing in the background.
The voice recording loops until Reno regains his bearings, body shaking and eyes burning as his ears pick up the sounds of explosions in the background, of your sobs as you fought to leave a last message for the man who had thoughtlessly killed you, and of your fear and acceptance that you wouldn’t live past that moment. The phone slips from his hands and clatters to the floor as Reno’s fingers go slack. “No… I didn’t… Y/N…” A strangled sob escapes Reno’s lips as he raises a hand to grip onto his hair, trying to maintain his composure, “I didn’t mean to… If I’d known, I would have…” The Turk second in command paused and hunched in on himself, not caring if anyone could see him through the glass walls of your office.
M-maybe she left her phone behind when she ran? But… if she’s not there, then where would she have gone if not home?
There weren’t any excuses or any other reason he could come up with. Reno knew that. If he had known beforehand that you would be in Sector 7 Slums, he would have warned you, but you would have tried to evacuate as many people as possible from that sector, and AVALANCHE might have managed to leave, therefore ending in a failed mission. He would have done everything he could to make sure you stayed away from Sector 7, but in the end, he’d still go through with the mission.
“I killed her.” Reno sobbed in realization, biting his bottom lip so hard that he tasted copper, “Just like I killed all those people.” Shaking his head, inconsolable, Reno could only mourn quietly. “I’m just the worst. This is karma for all the shit things I did in life, isn’t it?”
Eyes dulled and slightly puffy, Reno hastily wiped at his face and sat down with his back against your desk, his phone ringing with notifications as Tseng and Rude sent him requests for ‘status’ updates. And the Turk second in command ignored his colleagues, eyes staring into nothingness as he wreaked his brain for what to do next.
I really was looking forward to the date. Reno’s thoughts trailed off, It’s sappy as hell, but I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend. Tseng said that relationships for Turks never ended well, citing Veld as an example, but… gah! This is the worst situation for Tseng to be right!
It was only the early afternoon… maybe he could start a search party for survivors… it was probably too late, but Reno knew that he had to do something to look for you. With renewed purpose, Reno got to his feet and marched out of your office, blue eyes burning with fiery determination as he hung onto the faint hope that you might have survived.
December 13 - 12:13
You groaned in pain and shifted your body, eyes cracking open to be met with blinding industrial lights. The pain from the glaring lights startled you into closing your eyes again, turning until your body was facing away from them. For a moment, you wondered why you were laying on some sort of weird metallic floor instead of your soft bed, and then the memories of a falling sky sent your eyes flying back open as you took in your surroundings.
The floor was indeed cold and metallic because it looked as if you’d woken up in a maintenance passage. Despite most maintenance passages usually being dimly lit, the one you found yourself lying in was lit from both of the walls. The ceiling above your face had a hole in it, though it was covered with metal and concrete chunks. You assumed, as you clambered to your feet, that you’d fallen through that hole and rolled a few feet away due to the pile of rubble directly beneath the hole. Wincing slightly, you poked and prodded your person for bruises, broken bones, or fractures. Slightly satisfied with just a few small skin lesions, bruises, and maybe a fractured rib, you patted yourself down for your mobile phone, hoping to call for help. Frowning, you found that you did not have your cell phone on you, nor was it anywhere on the floor near you.
Since you hadn’t expected to live through a plate falling on top of you, you could only look on the bright side of things, turning to walk down the metal tunnel with determination set on your face. I didn’t almost die from a plate falling just to give up in an empty tunnel. Plus, a fond smile appeared on your face, I have a date waiting for me when I get back topside.
It seemed pretty simple to you. You’d falling who knows how far down, but you knew for sure that the way out was up. So the only thing to do was to keep walking until you found a passage up. Easy peasy.
December 13 - 15:35
There’s a fierce snarl on Reno’s face as he stands by several parked helicopters. All around him, emergency responders and Shinra infantrymen scrambled to load up supplies and equipment. The dark look on the normally sassy, easy-going Turk’s face seemed like a literal beacon for anyone not bearing good news to stay the away. Though, if some of the troops were to be honest, Reno had very good reason to be irate. The Turk second in command had called in an emergency rescue operation for survivors trapped among the plate wreckage nearly three and a half hours ago, and they were only just beginning to start the rescue operation.
After Tseng, the Turk commander, had authorized the mission to rescue anyone buried under the rubble, the mission had quickly been side-tracked by Shinra executives Scarlet and Heideggar. Scarlet had protested against the operation simply because of the notion that dogs living in the slums were of no use to Shinra, and therefore, the mission was a waste of resources. Heideggar, meanwhile, had agreed that while in times of disaster, Shinra’s army bore the responsibility of launching operations to rescue civilians affected, the members of AVALANCHE were widely unknown and could easily disguise themselves as regular civilians.
It took nearly two hours of careful negotiations and subtle ego inflating by Tseng and Reeve, before both executives agreed to support the relief effort. Viewing it as a strategic move to improve public opinion of the Shinra Company, President Shinra gave little to no resistance when Tseng forwarded the mission brief to be sanctioned.
Now, an hour after the mission was sanctioned, Reno felt the beginnings of a headache forming as he directed the flow of supplies to each helicopter before making sure that there were rotations of supplies and emergency responders that would journey to and from the wreckage of Sector 7 once he landed with the first round of helicopters.
When he had deemed all in good order to head out, Reno sighed and hopped into the helicopter cockpit, buckling himself in to the pilot’s seat. Plopping the headset on while he waited for the rest of the crew to load up into the helicopter, Reno busied himself with flipping switches to make sure that pre-flight and the ride down to Sector 7 would be as smooth as possible. When his co-pilot buckled himself in and gave Reno the thumbs up, the red headed Turk spoke as clearly and seriously as he could into the mic. “Alright guys and gals in all active units, hope you’re all buckled up with headsets on because I sure as hell will not be repeating this briefing.” After a brief pause, Reno continued to speak while directing the helicopter off the platform. “You all probably heard about what happened yesterday. The official reports from HQ state that AVALANCHE launched an attack to compromise Sector 7’s plate pillar. Despite all efforts directed to stop the terrorist attack, the plate still fell. Our job is to go down to the disaster zone to provide relief to all affected civilians. We will also be launching search and rescue operations for survivors.” Reno paused once more as helicopter gained enough air to safely fly out of the landing zone. “I’m gonna be real with you all. Someone important to me was in Sector 7’s Slums when the plate fell and I’m going to try my damnest to look for her. So if any of you fuck this up… not gonna lie, I’m gonna be pissed.” Nobody replied to Reno’s admittance… not that he really expected much of a reply after he dropped that bomb on them. Having enough of the silence, Reno exhaled, “Alright… good talk.”
December 13 - 16:03
It wasn’t easy peasy. Definitely fucking not.
The chrome walkways and exposed piping-lined maintenance passage that you had fallen into hadn’t been a simple few meters under the surface as you thought. No. It’s was more like several meters down with a layer of minor blocked off passageways right above. And, as if that weren’t terrible already? The maze of pathways that made up the layer above seemed to take joy in bringing you up a level, just to drop you back down a level because some asshole decided to seal off the passages at various points.
Your eye twitched in annoyance when you walked down a metal walkway only to be face to face with another fenced off passage lined with reinforced plating. To your surprise, you could see a man stumble around the corner of the opposite side. When you saw one another, your eyes widened. “Holy shit!” The man gasped, stumbling forward with a noticeable limp and sliced up arm. “I didn’t think there’d be another person down here!”
“This place is like a maze, so I’m not surprised that any survivors had yet to meet up. A-are… are you okay?” The blood leaking from the deep scratches in his left arm seemed to ooze a poisonous purple color.
The stranger bit his bottom lip as he hastily hid his injury, “Yeah… I’ll be fine. Listen, girl, you should watch out while down here. I think the rumors about the underground lab were true after all. There are monsters running around everywhere.” Your expression must have been one of utter dismay and despair because the man coughed and reached into his pocket to roll two materia under the fence. “Uh. Shit. Well, it looks like you could use these then. It’s a Cura and a Fira. Hopefully you won’t need it, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Anyways, I hope you make it out of here, girl. I gotta keep looking for other AVALANCHE survivors.”
When the man made to jog away, you called out to him, “Wait! You said that you’re looking for AVALANCHE members? Are you one of them? Do you know what happened?” You pressed yourself against the fence in order to see the stranger from around the corner.
The stranger turned around to stare at you with a grim expression. “Whatever you’re thinking, AVALANCHE didn’t cause this, okay? We were framed by Shinra.” At your confused expression, the man scoffed, “C’mon, you really think that Shinra was going to let civilians protest and riot against them? They couldn’t figure out who was a member and who wasn’t, so they figured they’d drop the entire plate on top of us to get rid of us all.”
“But that’s such a drastic move!” You protested, wanting to believe that your employers wouldn’t have such blatant disregard for human life. “They wouldn’t just sacrifice thousands to eliminate AVALANCHE!”
“Believe what you want, girl. But the reality is that my friends and I all went to the pillar to stop Shinra from dropping the plate, and it dropped anyways because two Turks were sent to finish the job.” The stranger didn’t allow you to retort as he limped away. Not that you would have responded anyways with how the stranger had said that two Turks had arrived to help ensure that the Sector 7 plate dropped.
Pulling away from the fence, you knelt down to pick up the two orbs of materia, the color of your skin taking on a sickly pale pallor. Two Turks were sent to the pillar to drop the plate on top of all of us. Your mind instantly supplied the first Turk pair that you could think of and you felt like you were going to dry heave. I don’t know Rude too well, but from what I know, he and Reno wouldn’t do something so horrendous. Surely, there must have been another pair of Turks who were sent to do it. But you did work in a different department as them, how did you know that there were more members of the Turks? And with Reno’s position within the group… He could have known what was happening…
You told Reno that you would be hanging out with your best friend… that you guys were having a party. He’s smart enough to deduce that your friends still lived in Sector 7… Did he forget? Or… Your stomach churned violently as you sank to your knees on the cold metal walkway. Did Reno just decide he didn’t care if I survived or not?
The edge of your vision burned with tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. A simple blink sent them trailing down your cheeks as you stood upon shaky legs. “Can’t worry about that now.” You muttered, eyes filled with determination as you gathered the excess fabric of your dress to gird up your loins. “I need to find a way out of here. The tunnels might not be able to hold for long.”
Lifting your arm, you pressed one of the materia into your forearm, like you’d seen a few SOLDIERs do before, marveling at how the orb of power sank into the flesh of your arm. Smiling at how seamless it was to merge flesh with Materia, you pressed the other faintly glowing orb into your other forearm, concentrating for a bit before casting Cura upon yourself.
Newly rejuvenated, you back tracked through the metal corridor to find the ladder leading down. “Welp, there’s no time like the present,” you mumbled to yourself as you descended further into the tunnels below.
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crysanthemumlotus · 4 years
Drarry (Really) Slow Burn and Somewhat Over-Dramatic Angst
Don’t mind me guys, just putting this fic idea here because I need to get this out of my head somehow, and rather than attempting to write the first 2000 words before giving up, I decided to just post the outline here on tumblr. 
Feel free to use the idea if you want, just don’t forget to leave the link so I can read it!
So, without any further ado, here goes nothing:
Draco and Harry roomed together in Hogwarts eight year.
Draco being subdued at first, and Harry ignoring him, but then they’re them, so of course they’re going to start sniping and taunting each other.
Harry has nightmares, Draco is a light sleeper so he always gets woken up every single time. After a particularly bad one, Draco offered the proverbial olive branch and they spent the night talking about the war. Afterwards, it becomes their thing.
Harry telling Draco about his concerns and fears (”I wasn’t raised in a loving -- I wasn’t -- My relatives weren’t especially fond of me, when I was growing up. I think it screwed me up somehow. Sometimes, I’m afraid Ginny would see that I’m not -- That I don’t know how -- That there’s just something wrong with me, you know? And then she’ll leave me. Because I’m not -- You know.” Or, “He had planned it all along. From the moment I was dropped off with my relatives. he had planned it all along. He had... Designed my future. Shaped my path for me. Lead me right up to my death. I know why he did it. I understand. It’s for the greater good. But still, sometimes -- sometimes, I -- I’m angry. It’s petty, I know, but Merlin -- I’m angry at him. Or, “He was in love with my mother. He hurt her feelings. She never forgave him. He was -- An arsehole, but I -- I feel sorry for him, you know. In the end, he died without ever gaining her forgiveness. He died with regrets.”).
And Draco patiently listening to him, telling him it’s okay, he’s not broken, it’s okay to be angry at a dead person.
Then their friendship just blooms from there. Harry spends a lot of time with Draco (going to Hogsmeade together while bickering like old married couples, playing Seeker game while taunting each other, slow walks by the lake while talking about their hopes and dreams, joint study sessions where there’s a lot of academic argument and close leanings as they look at each other’s notes, snowball fights with lots of tackling and touching one another, ballroom dancing lessons).
Harry teaching Draco to be nicer to other people, and helping him apologize to Hagrid and Neville for being assholes to them.
The boys getting closer and developing feelings.
Then, their friendship slowly morphing into something more. A spark of desire that slowly begins to burn (insert tons of sexually charged moments with tons of subtle touches and lingering gazes and heatedly checking out the other person when they’re dressing up nicely).
Draco wants more than just friendship, Harry doesn’t (”I’m not gay”, “I love Ginny”, “Hermione and Ron wouldn’t approve”, “The Weasley is important to me, and they won’t accept you” etc.). The boys have a falling out.
Draco leaves to France to continue his studies, Harry goes on for Auror training and they don’t speak with each other again.
Insert angsty moments where they miss each other, Harry convincing himself that there’s no room for anything more than friendship with Draco, and Draco trying to stomp down his feelings by sleeping around in France.
Draco still sending gifts to Harry on Christmases and birthdays though, because he knows that it’s important for Harry to know that he’s loved.
Harry pouring out his concerns and fears into his letters to Draco instead of talking to Ginny. And Ginny’s just there, thinking that there’s nothing wrong because Harry will talk to her if there’s something bothering him, right?
Draco finally accepting that friendship is all he’s ever going to have with Harry, and decides to just stop being selfish, because he loves Harry. So he returns to England after he finishes his education and settles down.
Harry’s adult-life schedule is packed, but he always finds time to hang out with Draco (to play quidditch, sits around in near the fire discussing books and just talking about their lives and their feelings). 
At one point, Harry tells Draco about his dream to build a mountain cabin (somewhere he can escape to when things gets overwhelming), and Draco’s just -- “Alright, let’s make one”. And so they have this weekend project thing where they visit mountains to find the perfect spot, and then building a cabin together with their own hands (because Harry insists doing it with magic won’t be the same).
Draco marrying Astoria, and Harry inevitably asking, “Do you love her?”
Draco telling him the truth. That they’re marrying out of convenience. That Astoria only wants to please her dying father. That his feelings for Harry hasn’t changed (”After all these times?” Harry asks. -- “Always.”).
They have another falling out.
Harry doesn’t attend Draco’s wedding. He goes to the cabin and continues working on it, all the while man-crying as he finally accepts that he too is in love with Draco, that he too wants to be with him, but can’t ( because ”He has Ginny and James now, too many people he can’t let down. He’s holding too many thing he can’t just throw away, and he’ll have to if he wants to be with Draco”).
Draco returns from his honeymoon in Sweden or something, and then Harry just tells him, all the while apologizing for realizing his feelings all too late.
And they just go on with their lives, longing and regretting and just aching for what could have beens.
They finish the cabin, furnish it, but Harry never used it. He tells his friends he was too busy, while in truth, it just hurts too much because it constantly reminds him of Draco.
Then Scorpius is born, and as he grows up, he notices that although his parents get along well, his father always looks lonely. Then when he turns eleven and is about to board the Hogwarts Express, he sees the way his father looks at Harry Potter, and then he just sort of draws the connection (in my HC, Scorpius is a genius when it comes to reading people and their needs).
Scorpius befriending Albus so he can get closer to Harry Potter. And when he gets invited to spend Christmas with the Potters, he notices that Harry Potter is unhappy with his marriage, and he thinks that everyone is being an idiot.
He confronts Harry and tells him as much (Ha! Imagine eleven-year old Scorpius trying to talk Harry about this whole mess!), Harry reluctantly admitting that he’s in love with Draco, but can’t be together because it’s too late.
And then Scorpius just straight-up telling him, “My father once told me a story about a man who wronged the person he loved and never gained her forgiveness. He lived the rest of his life haunted by his mistake, then died with regret. I’m sure the story isn’t actually as simple as that, his lover is probably a vindictive banshee too, since she refused to forgive him at all, but anyway. What I’m trying to say is that... If you insist on being this stupid, then I’m pretty sure you’re going to end up as miserable as him. You’re never going to be happy. And then... And then you’re going to die with regrets. Lots and lots of regrets. Just like him.” 
Or something even more profound than that, I dunno.
And then getting told that by an eleven-year old just slaps Harry awake. He goes back to Hogwarts, talk to Snape’s portrait. And then he’s just like, “If she hadn’t died so tragically, I’m sure she would have forgiven you eventually.” “And how can you be so sure of that, Mr. Potter?”
“Because you love her.” Harry replies. “And, I think, it’s impossible to ignore that. It’s impossible to -- to pretend that you don’t see it or feel it. Because it’s there. It’s always there, in the memories you shared, in your attempts to apologize -- I don’t know, but it’s just there. She would have seen it, eventually, and she would have forgiven you. Because, when someone loves you that much, you can’t help but love them back.”
And then Harry finally, finally realizing that if his friends and family do love him, they will forgive him for being selfish. So he talks to Ginny, talks to Ron and Hermione, talks to his children, and then Molly and Arthur and then everyone he was afraid of letting down.
And then, after he talked to all of them, made them understand, went through the painful process of baring his heart to be poked and prodded at, he goes to Draco.
He goes to Draco and he kisses him.
Astoria and Scorpius high-fives in the background.
They go on a honeymoon in the cabin they built together, and lived happily ever after.
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lovingleehaechan · 5 years
I adore you. - Jung Jaehyun (Part I)
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genre: fluff, angst(?)
word count: 1.8k
warnings: curse words
a/n: happy new year everyone! it’s been so long since i last posted on tumblr let alone post this first part T-T forgive me, it’s been so busy these past couple of weeks. but finally i’ve posted! i hope you like it and tune in for the next part, ba-bam!!! hehe
with all my love, summer x
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Jaehyun checks the time on his phone. Eleven twenty-four. 
He can’t help but use the remainder of his energy to sigh. Exhausted is an understatement as to how tired he felt. All day he had been working on an assignment one of his professors dumped on his class last minute. And as much as he loves going to university, it’s one of those days where he feels particularly low and ambushed by the universe. 
He grudgingly gets himself prepared for bed, dragging his feet along the carpet floor. With another helpless sigh he picks up his toothbrush but immediately halt his slow movements when he hears your distinct ringtone blast from his phone. Jaehyun’s ears perk in attention. He wonders why you were ringing so late in the evening, did something happen? Were you hurt? Where the fuck where you? 
His mind urges him to answer quick causing him to drop the toothbrush in the bathroom sink. He couldn’t care about his dirty toothbrush right now. He’s too busy worrying what happened to you. 
“Hey…” you answer hesitantly. 
“You okay? What’s up?” he asks in concern. 
“Yeah, I’m just-- a little…” 
Even without finishing your sentence, he knows exactly how you feel. He is never wrong when it came to his gut instincts. Jaehyun knows that you’re craving  for company tonight but your boyfriend isn’t there to provide it. 
“Do you want to go out for a drive?” he interrupts you.
“Hold up-” your voice immediately picking up in tone. “You got your driver's licence and you didn’t tell me!?” 
He shyly chuckles. “I’ve been meaning to today, but this bitch of an assignment didn’t let me.” 
You laugh loudly on the other side, “I’d love to go on a midnight drive with you Jae.” 
He shouldn’t feel butterflies in his stomach when he hears you say that yet he does. His heart is swelling with a good type of emotion for the first time that day. “Get ready, I’ll be at your place in ten.” 
“Okay.. See you in a bit.” you say, hanging up the phone. 
Jaehyun exhales the breath he didn’t realise is holding. He completely scraps his night routine out the window and proceeds to get dressed for your spontaneous adventure. It would be his first time taking a friend out for a drive since passing the test but since it���s you, it makes a whole difference. 
Quickly grabbing his wallet from the top drawer, he quickly makes his way to the car. The winter months were soon approaching with the light winds that blew through his jacket. Being it already past eleven, he takes notice of the amount of cars out. Only a couple every few seconds, unlike during the early hours of the day where they would be bumper to bumper. Once he’s inside the car he connected his phone to the car and blasted some new tunes from Lauv for the short drive to your house. 
It’s quite obvious that Jaehyun had only recently got his driver’s license, though he practiced a lot, he’s still unfamiliar with some of the functions the car had. Nonetheless he arrives at your house without a problem. He reaches for his phone by the clutch and calls you. Within three rings, he hears your, “hello?”, his heart rate racing immediately. 
“I’m here dummy. Right in front.” he says. 
He sees you peek from the living room window to check if he were really there. He chuckles on the mic causing you to laugh lightly. 
“Had to make sure, you’ve fooled me too many times Jung.” you reply, strolling to your front door closing it once you’ve stepped outside. 
Jaehyun hangs up the phone and watches you walk towards the passenger side of the car. You naturally smile at your friend at the driver’s seat, you couldn’t help but make a comment about how he looked like a grown-up. 
“Wow, you really did pass. Congrats friend!” 
“Is that all I get? A congrats? No, I’ll treat you to a meal since you’re driving?” he teases. 
“Alright fine, since you are driving, I’ll buy us food this once. Where are we going?” you ask curiously. 
“Hmm… I’m feeling a little hungry and all I can think of is Mcdonalds at this time. Their chips man, you know how much I love those greasy potato sticks.” 
“Oh! Now that you mention it, I’d love to have them too. Go! Go! Go!” you pointed towards the road with a childlike smile. 
He couldn’t help it but smile with you. After all the work he’s done for his assignment, you were definitely his happy pill. The highlight of his day- no doubt. You notice the songs he has on in the car and take his phone to play some music that you thought were more suitable for your spontaneous adventure. Though you loved Lauv too, his songs didn’t seem to fit well with the atmosphere at that moment. 
“Sure go ahead, take my phone, change the music. It’s not like it’s my car.” he rolled his eyes while he smiles at you. 
“Oh shut up, you know I have good taste in music. I love Lauv but listen, there are songs perfect for night drives.” you explain to your friend. 
He ponders for a while at your reply, after only a couple of seconds, he begins to nod his head in agreement. “You’re right. But make sure you include that one song of his that’s always good to listen to at night.” 
“I know exactly which one, Paris in the Rain?” 
“I didn’t even need to give you hints.” he laughs out loud. 
“I’ve lost count how many times you’ve said you want to have that song playing in your car while you drive at night. You specifically said night.” emphasising the word to remind him that you know him a little too well.
Jaehyun merely chuckles at your reaction. Any time he’s with you, he becomes soft. His tough exterior is broken down with your presence and he knows exactly why. You have no idea you have his heart in your hands. How could you though? Having a boyfriend erases thoughts that your best friend even has feelings for you. 
You both talk about your day like usual, never getting tired of hearing what normal and boring things you did. Jaehyun talks about his frightening driving instructor for his test as well as that last minute assignment his lecturer gave his class a few days ago. You on the other hand couldn’t help but rant about the few small things that bothered you throughout the day, like people walking too slow on the sidewalk or when you notice that people chew with their mouth open. 
Jaehyun couldn’t help but laugh loudly at your description of a couple of strangers eating their food at a restaurant you work at. While you on the other hand couldn’t resist laughing along with him. His dimples popped out with his smile and your automatic reaction was to poke it. That caught him off guard causing him to stop but he chuckles instead. 
Pulling up to the drive-thru of the Mcdonald’s you googled earlier, he asks you what you’d like to eat. 
“Bro, you already know I want nuggets and chips with a whole lot of barbecue sauce.” 
“How many nuggets do you want?” 
“Maybe… 20?” 
“Jeeez 20? Are you sure you can finish that?” he pretends to be surprised. 
You hit him on the shoulder, “bitch just get me my nuggets and we won’t have a problem.” 
A pleasant chuckle resonates from his mouth and shakes his head accordingly. 
Jaehyun orders the food and when its time to pay he looks at you expectantly. 
“Oh right, I said I’d treat.” you grin sheepishly. 
“Ye-huh,” he nods and takes your debit card from you and handing it to the staff over the window. 
You both wait for your food in the following window which comes rather quite quickly and thank the lady as Jaehyun drove off somewhere undetermined. You’re distracted by the food to take notice of where he was driving to, but it didn’t matter because you trusted that he would choose a location you both loved. 
There was a viewpoint on top of a hill by the motorway that allowed cars to park and look at the night skyline. It was one of the many places you both talked about driving to years ago and now that one of you finally got their drivers licence, what else is there that could stop you? 
As you munch on your third nugget and chips, you look up when he says that you’ve arrived. Your jaw dropped. The nugget you were holding also dropped to the floor of his car and your eyes widened in awe. 
“If I asked you where we should go, you wouldn’t have known so I figured why not here.” 
“Damn, this is beautiful.” 
Jaehyun was tempted to tell you that you were more beautiful but his heart held him back. You couldn’t peel your eyes away from the view and he couldn’t take his eyes off you. Looking at you and his heart swelling with emotion, it was almost too unbearable. He can’t hold you close. He can’t kiss your forehead and tell you just how much he felt for you. 
You turn to him abruptly, making him look at the bags of food he ordered. 
“Are we gonna be able to finish all this?” he asks, inspecting each bag. 
“Of course we are. If we don’t I can take it home. My boyfriend is getting off work soon and he’s always complaining that he’s hungry after.” 
“Right, that’s fine.” in his monotone voice. 
You’re unaware of the change in tone but you distract him by shoving a nugget in front of his face, urging him to eat. 
His dimple makes another appearance when he smiles and takes the piece from you. You grab his phone once more and play another song that fits the setting. 
The night goes on with endless conversations and eventually empty paper bags, once filled with warm treats. You yawn as you look out at the city lights and Jaehyun doesn’t fail to notice your eyelids falling closed slowly. 
“Do you want to head back?” he suggests.
“I think that’ll be the best. It’s already-- what? Fuck it’s already four am. I should really head back now. My boyfriend must be wondering where the heck I am.” 
“Sure thing. Seatbelt.” he reminds you. 
You buckle your seatbelt and he starts the car. 
The drive back was quiet and fast. Jaehyun glances at your sleeping figure next to him, fighting the urge to reach out and caress your cheek. 
If only he wasn’t driving you back to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend. 
If only he can take you back to his house and hold you to sleep. 
If only he can kiss you goodnight and wake up next to you. 
If only he was able to tell you how much he loves you. 
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comic-brew · 4 years
On Smoldering Ashes
Chapter Two: If any more blood is to be spilt
@whumptober2020 days 3. Held At Gunpoint, 6. "Stop, Please", 9. "Take Me Instead", 14. Branding and 21. Stitches (Altprompt)
Series summary: Bruce Wayne has gotten vulnerable. Bruce Wayne has found love. His love and his kids are all he needs to find happiness. Some sick concept of fate doesn't like him being happy.
Notes: Forgive me for I have sinned. Oh god, oh lord, what in the blazing hells is this. Shitty shitty but I'm tired and late *drops mic* (37 mins/4.6k words I've exhausted tumblr's paragraph limit)
Warnings: RATED MATURE. Graphic depictions of child abuse and torture, graphic depictions of violence, blood, swearing, heavy I guess angst
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"Why" Dick hears Bruce's voice implore. "Why are you doing this? I thought-"
Bruce's merely balancing on his toes inches from the end of the cliff, Dick can figure just by the way his voice wavers like it has only ever done no more than a couple times in the past.
Cecile knows this. She knows Bruce, and she knows this. And quite possibly she's enjoying it way too much.
"Because, dear, who can say they're getting paid to practise their hobbies?"
Dick can only gawk at her, an frankly that's the only thing all the others seem able to do as well.
They're nothing but a plaything to her.
It doesn't seem right. This shouldn't be happening. Dick should be helping B plan the wedding that made him beam just at the thought of taking place.
Not being held in an unknown location by his could-be step mother.
They really dodged a bullet, but in doing so they fell right into a different trap.
His family's unable to speak, stunned by the sudden revelations. He can't blame them, nor can he blame Jason for cursing under his breath.
Barbara's the first to snap out of their trance.
"What could you possibly want that Bruce's money couldn't get you?" she asks. Her true goal though, expertly weaved inside is search of Cecile's motive.
There's none.
Cecile giggles. "Oh dear. It's never about money. It's not personal either, if that's what's bugging all of you. And although my client does pay a fair amount, in reality.. pain and suffering are simply way too enjoyable."
Client, Dick notes. Somebody's paying for this. Somebody that most likely knows who they are when night falls. Somebody dangerous.
Cecile then turns to look directly at Bruce, as she expertly hides her poison inside cheerfully spoken words.
"And you, love, with as many kids as you have here,-" she says, and Bruce's face crumples, "-are going to be a very, very interesting subject"
Duke shakes his head in disbelief at the woman.
"You're sick"
Cecile sits back and ponders on this statement for a bit. Just for a split second, so it's enough to pass across that message, but not quite long to let them be freed from that entrapping mist of concurrent desire for knowledge, and repulse keeping them bound to every word that falls from her lips.
"Perhaps I am" she ventures.
"Perhaps we're all sick, just in different ways. Have you ever thought of that?"
Dick has in fact thought of that, but his answer would never share meaning with Cecile's. How different really are they from the people they fight? They lock all those costumed freaks up in Arkham, but they themselves could very well be described in the exact same way. Sometimes he wonders if they're insane for choosing this life, and the answer that his mind spits out is always yes.
Every life they save is worth it. That's the truth that makes him continue to put on the suit every night, even though the wounds inflicted on him the previous night are still healing.
But are they really making a difference? Aren't they just lunatics running around in kevlar and spandex. Isn't all the grime and mold of the city simply feeding off of them like leeches?
Dick can't focus on that now. Questioning his life choices might have to wait until he's not that tied up.
Heh. Tied up.
Meanwhile Cecile has exploited the moment of nonplussed silence she's created to tighten her sleek ponytail.
Keeping the attention to herself. Every move is calculated to milliseconds.
"Okay, so here's how this is going to go" she begins, clasping her hands together, then motioning towards their hanging limbs. "Do you see those cool little bracelets on your hands?"
On cue, nine heads tilt upwards to test Cecile's statement. And there, right on his forearm Dick can spot a faint blue light shining dully on what seems to be the middle of a silver-like device.
"Those give us, the immense pleasure of electrocuting you whenever you folks might try to escape, or cause any unwanted trouble" she informs, with her mouth taut into a completely mechanical smile.
"Or.. you know. If we're just bored and feel like it"
"And this little screen right in front of you, it's pretty bland now, if you ask me"
She then starts pacing around in the segregated room, seeming to find great amusement in hearing how her heels click against the concrete.
"Well what if I told you the sight will get more entertaining?"
Dick doesn't like this.
"Before you ask, I will not spoil the experience for you. But I will give you this: you will be the stars of a grand performance. You in particular, circus boy should be thrilled by this fact"
He flinches when he mentions him in that way. It's then that his mind fully comprehend just how much she knows them.
It's not just some kidnapping, of those they've had many before. But it's never been like this. Never has a stranger gotten so close only to betray them for laughs.
Some could argue that it was a similar case when Jason had come back, but Jason had always had a motivation. A goal.
Cecile's doing this for nothing else than pleasure.
Before he can compose himself and reply her voice strikes again, this time in the form of a snarl. "So? Any volunteers?"
No, Dick doesn't like this at all.
"Leave them alone" Bruce demands, only it's not precisely Bruce anymore. Not only has his voice assumed the dark edge of the Knight, but his speech is completely neutral, apathetic. Somehow, his emotional state is even more prominent that way.
"It's me you want to get back to"
"Oh, no" Cecile frowns. "No, no Brucie. This is not about you. Hell, it's not even about them. It's about me. And I say it will be nicer to leave you for last."
She rests a finger on her chin contemplatively, but it's fake. It's all fake, and provocatively so. Cecile's head twists around so that her malicious glare lands on Damian.
"How about our little asshole over here?"
No. Not Damian. Never in a million years. Never in a billion years.
"If you value your life you'll stay away you imbecilic Jezebel" Damian hisses, but Cecile makes no motion to enter their space. Instead, the man in black leaves his post to disappear behind the door Cecile had previously entered from, most likely leading even further away.
"I do value my life"
He comes back with three more identically dressed men, one slightly leaner than the other, and one slightly taller.
"Plenty, for that" she says loftily, and while one of the men returns to his post by her side, the other two barge in through a barely visible door next to the right end of the glass.
There's an outrage as the men quickly advance towards the boy. Everything's blurry and spinning and his ears are ringing so that Dick can't quite figure out if he's shouting along with his brothers and sisters or if he's simply been trapped in a lucid dream all this time.
Voices and bangs and thuds and yells, it all gets lost in the end. So much thunderous noice, yet still it can he broken down to its core. Raw and frantic cries of dissent, repeated over and over in a canon, until the words and senses are but a blurred collage of ire and desolation.
Cecile whips a rectangular device from her suit's pocket and before her finger has enough time to hover above one of the polished buttons, the last is pressed and Damian's body is released from the pipeline.
The boy wastes no time, immediately lunging for the men, and despite any rust slowing down his joints because of their inactivity, he manages to hold off the two men looming over him with size thrice his own.
Dick wants to hold hope inside his heart, but he knows it's futile. He also knows Damian is aware that this fight was lost before it even began, but his baby brother isn't a quitter, nor a coward by his own standards.
If Cecile is startled by Damian's fierce resistance, she doesn't let it show. Her finger finds the device held loosely in her grasp, and a different button is pushed. Sparks that are birthed from the device on Damian's forearm begin to climb throughout his every inch of flesh, until he soon collapses to the ground -like lifeless weight.
The men drag him out of their view, and Dick swears he witnessed a smirk manifesting on their faces while they yelled with all their might, yet completely powerless.
It starts with low and hollow grunts. It starts with insults, it starts with defiance, it starts with barely discernible hisses.
Most importantly, it starts with no image.
Only screams. Separated by breathless gasps.
"Please, stop"
Dick's heart shrinks into his chest, sinking deep, deep down, until his lungs are under too much pressure to expand.
The screen flickers to life only after the first hollow screams have subsided.
It's.. not a good sight. Nobody expected it to be.
The room is small and dark, the camera feed is black and white and grainy, but that doesn't help in reducing the horror.
The image focuses enough for Dick to make out Cecile finishing stitching deep gashes on Damian's torso back together in the worst way possible.
Cecile retracts her hand hastily, like she's forgotten something. She lolls her head to the side, waving primly towards the camera.
"Stay tuned for a surprise" she whispers almost conspiratorially before turning to Damian, severing the thread with her own fingers, picking at flesh and stretching it out until he's bleeding again all over the gurney he's tied onto.
Damian struggles not to let her hear the sound she would find oh so hedonic. He grits his teeth and grinds his jaw, but groans emanate from him without his consent.
Cecile sets the sutures and her other tools on a filthy table standing miserably beside her.
"Your brother's such an ass" she declares almost smugly, while shifting in her place to face the camera
Without a warning she pokes a finger inside Damian's open wound, evoking a strangled yelp of agony. Soon enough Cecile's retracted her finger. She brings her hand up to her face. She makes a show of admiring the fresh blood coating it, before she tastes it.
She giggles nonchalantly, but there's that certain grace to everything she does.
"Don't worry. We're not done yet"
No. No, this can't happen. He can't let this go on any longer than it already has.
He has to take his place. He'll take his brother's place. Just, god. Just please listen..
"Take me instead!" Dick screams at the top of his lungs, and the dread climbing up his ribcage seeps into his voice. Bent in ways abnormal, tuning in with his despair.
"Do you hear me?!"
He's flailing around wildly and almost hysterically, his voice is getting hoarser by the second. Kicking and bumping the air, but the chains are relentless, so that he's supposed to sit idly by and watch while his little brother is being tortured.
All alone in a dark room.
The man standing tall and unmoving on the other side of the glass only smirks slightly.
"Leave Damian alone!" Dick roars at the screen, and roars at the man, but he knows it's pointless.
Cecile smiles once again to the direction of the camera as she elegantly walks away from Damian, leaving him alone strapped to the gurney -panting, sweat dripping down his forehead.
Damian's head follows the woman even as she disappears out of Dick's sight. The boy's face crumples. Breathless pleas escape his trembling lips, in swift exhales of air that hold no power.
"Please no"
She reemerges cradling an incandescent piece of metal. The sickening calmness on her face is doused in its fiery glow, and all Dick can utter as he goes deathly pale and still is a breathless "No"
Dick finally has enough contact with reality to register his brothers and sisters' own twisting and shouting. The sounds are earpiercing but all hollow to his ears, and Dick only does acknowledge their existence by sight of tears on enraged faces, jaws snapping open with enough force to dislocate, muscles toned and clenched uncomfortably, bodies bent and struggling, in futile attempts to raise enough force and reach the glass to perhaps create a distraction.
Dick can't figure out the faces from his peripheral vision, nor does he care enough to try.
His eyes are stubbornly fixed on Damian's own, shining wide with terror as the metal illuminates his skin more and more clearly on the screen. On Damian, desperately tugging against the straps keeping him bound to the gurney to no avail, struggling to be freed before the red-hot iron burns the exposed skin of his chest.
"No.. please no" Damian mumbles, and he looks so small. Smaller than a child his age should look. More frightened than a child his age should be.
Dick had promised -to him and to himself- that he'd always be there for his little brother.
He watches helplessly as the metal sizzles the first layer of flesh. He watches as his little brother writhes and squirmes helplessly under the red-hot iron melting into his skin, and he realizes he can't keep his promise.
No, no, no, no, no
Damian is screaming with all his soul and all Cecile does is laugh. Cecile is laughing, and Damian is being tortured because Dick couldn't keep his promise.
He failed him.
"Take me!"
Please no. Not Dami.
Every inch and acre of Dick's skin feels set aflame, but the pain is nothing but the child of wildfire blazing and burning in his chest. Its smoke has filled his eyes with tears burning like acid.
Failed him.
In his ears buzz cracking woods and falling towers. Not his brother's screams and pleas for mercy, not the echoes of laughter, not the thundering cries of their family.
And because of his failure his little robin is expected to endure agonizing pain, as also the wounds inflicted on him are what make Dick's failure not only discernible but grievous.
Failure equals repercussions.
Failure equals punishment.
Perhaps it's irrational, and perhaps he's lost his mind long, long ago. Perhaps this is all a nightmare that he can't wake up from, but Dick's senses don't deceive him.
His every cell is howling in despair but yelling and praying are not enough to relieve them of their pain. Flowers buried deep in ice, frantically searching for sunlight- too frantically to know that they're dead.
Dick failed him. Dick should have been the one punished for this failure.
Only moments have passed but the agony grabs them and twists them, draws them out until seconds can't be told apart by eons.
Dick's eyes are fixed on the form spasming on the screen, but those eyes are empty and hollow.
Their azure blue has evaporated, their glossy white has been burnt to the ground. Obsidian vortexes shining with the life they've stolen from his soul in the half light, is all that is left of them.
Damian's voice is rough from the perpetual screaming, but Dick can hear no more.
So he prays to whatever deity listens that Cecile is reached by his own cries tearing through his throat with fading intensity. Perhaps so loudly the air is grazing his vocal cords more harshly than it should.
Perhaps so loudly he is already silent.
But Dick won't mind it even if they fail to produce a sound ever after these, as long as his flesh is torn and burnt instead of Dami's.
The flesh being torn and burnt is his, in a way, but not in any way that matters.
The iron is removed and Damian's face slowly appears behind the sparse smoke of his own smoldering skin.
Cecile reappears behind the glass, walking ever so elegantly towards the barrier separating her from them. She peers at each and every one of them in amusement, deaf to te insults so full of hatred being hurled at her from every corner.
She smiles at the teary paths staining Cass and Barbara's cheeks,
"You fucking-"
"-embodiment of evil and-"
She laughs at the veins popping on Duke, Jason and Stephanie's necks as they shout their lungs out, feebly attempting to stop the world from sinking,
"I'm gonna fucking kill you"
"Jay calm down-"
"You repulsive.. abomination-"
"-to hell-"
She gracefully snickers at Tim and Bruce's state of dishevelled resignation, a progression of the rage and agony to the point where they're no more prominent than their breathing,
"You hear me? You're going to burn-"
"Don't you dare tell me to calm the fuck down, replacement"
"-in hell"
"He's right Jason, this doesn't help Dam-"
"you'll wish you were dead before I get my hands on you"
But she stops in her track when her piercing hazel eyes land on Dick. So visibly worn out, yet determinedly burning holes through her with his glare.
She stops, and can only regard him in newfound interest.
Dick doesn't shift in his place. Doesn't bat an eye as he speaks with the power of a thousand thunderstorms enhancing the calmness in his voice.
He's made up his mind.
It's his failure.
His decision.
"You'll stop" he says, almost nonchalantly.
Cecile cocks an eyebrow, scoffing.
"Excuse me?"
"You'll bring Damian back here with us. And you'll stop."
Cecile smirks ever so slightly. "I'm afraid I'm not quite done with your brother yet. Besides, why would I do that?"
"Because you will" Dick growls, but soon enough he masks his outburst beneath a carefully tailored poker face.
Something unreadable passes across the woman's face. Dick assumes she's caught up to his thinking. Of course she has.
"Well, you wound me!" Cecile exaggerates, clasping a hand to her chest. Overacting the entire thing, on purpose no less. She's proven to be too much of a hypocrite for Dick to know she's only acting terribly on purpose.
His stomach is urging him once more to let its contents out, only this time he's not sure it's just a lingering side effect of the drug.
"Although, while wounded, you can consider me intrigued."
Dick swallows thickly. He hopes Cecile doesn't hear him gulp as loudly as he sounds to his own ears.
"You'll stop. Leave Damian alone" he says and although his heart is beating a hundred times faster than it should, his stare is unyielding.
"And you'll take me instead"
Cecile eyes him half incredulously, half entertained, for moments that feels like an eternity. Dick is convinced his soul has already left his body, and the woman is simply left staring blankly at his hanging corpse.
She's still staring vacantly at his direction, with no indication of the fact changing.
But then she chuckles.
She chuckles, and soon snickers are finding their way up her throat one after the other, until her shoulders are shaking with laughter.
Yet the laughs escaping her are perfectly normal. Perfectly contained, just the average sound that could be prompted by an oddly funny joke. A joke so ridiculous it fulfills its purpose.
Perhaps that's the most terrifying part. How human it is.
And Dick is showered in cold sweat when he repeats himself, voice sounding just a little more tight and frantic than need be, but Cecile pays him no mind, laughing silently on her own.
Cecile -most likely pointedly- ignores his protests, which are growing more and more despondent as he's fumbling for words, caught somewhere in the crevasse dividing dread and ire.
"Do whatever you want to do to me! Just-"
He's just a child. Just an innocent child.
"-just leave Damian alone. And take me." Dick says.
An innocent boy caught in the crossfire of a war he never swore to fight, but was instead compelled to win.
His brother caught in the crossfire. His Dami.
His fault.
Dick's stuck in a loop. It doesn't end, it never does. Once it's starts there's no end to look forward to, there's merely one he can imagine, and they won't let him follow it.
All air leaves his lungs. Everything seems so peaceful when the flames tingling his heart have no more smoke to give.
"Take me."
His fault. His responsibility.
"Dick, no," Bruce pleads from behind him. Only then is it that he realizes the rest of them have grown silent, all eyes on him, reflecting the light nearly pensively.
Only then is it that he realizes he's been toeing the line of hysteria. That he doesn't know how to stop.
"B, I have to. I can't let Damia-"
"And I can't let any of you!" Bruce snaps. Dick is taken aback, only not due to the sonorous anger redirected towards him. Rather by the tears he can see glistening all over his father's irises.
Shining all across his father's eyes.
Under the enemy's scrutinus gaze, and still he let the sorrow swim all the way up to the surface.
Cecile has stopped laughing. Openly at least, as her palm is covering her mouth in a futile attempt to stifle the giggles, perhaps not wanting to disturb the show. The bright smile lighting her eyes betrays her nonetheless.
"You're my son, Dick. I can't let you do this. I can't let another of my children do this" Bruce concludes, never ending eye contact.
Never trying to deny the tears.
All Dick wants is to give in to the pain of his own, and let Bruce wipe at his eyes and tell him it's all going to be alright, just when he was little.
But he isn't little anymore, is he?
Is he?
Is he strong enough?
No. Not a question. He has to. He has to be-
"I was dead, I should go in next. There's nothing she can do to me that I haven't already gone through" his brother's voice cuts in, disrupting the debate that's been won in his mind, long before it even started.
"Half of us have died, Jason" Stephanie counters. "I don't mind going myself"
"You're not going Steph"
"I'll go then"
"The hell you are, replacement. You didn't make the cut for our club the first time, you'll not make it now.
"Are we seriously having this conversation right now?"
Cass clears her throat to get their attention.
"Me" she offers, and immediately after she's met with loud protests.
Dick watches as the others continue to fight between them, arguing on who should trade places with Damian. They can't understand that he has to do it. He doesn't expect them to. So when Cecile laughs and asks who's it going to be?, his decision is adamant.
"Like I said. It will be me" Dick insists.
He's not little anymore.
"No." Bruce says sternly. "No, you won't go. Do you hear me?"
He is strong enough. He has to be, so he's going to be.
Dick hears him, although elects to ignore him, staring proudly ahead, at the two men walking inside to retrieve him.
Bruce then is yelling, and the others protest, some are still fighting over which one of them should take Damian's place but it's already too late. The cuffs clink open and the two men go to stand by either of Dick's side as soon as his feet touch the ground.
Dick doesn't fight them. He doesn't mind being pushed around with his arms pressed behind his back so tightly his already sore muscles hurt as his arms are straining to bend backwards despite his flexibility. He doesn't mind, because he's doing it for his brother.
As long as his brother's safely reunited with the others, it doesn't matter whatever they might do to him.
Dick sends one last look to his family, and another full of a different kind of love directed right at Babs. He hopes his eyes delivers the thousand messages he doesn't have the time to relay with phrases.
The room is left in hush when the door slides closed behind him.
As far as looks go, Dick's were farewells.
As soon as Dick's dragged into the small room whose horrid purpose he's seen on camera, he spots Damian sitting upright against a corner, with a gun pressed to his temple.
Dick's shoulders stiffen and a breath catches on his throat. Still, it's all going to be alright. It's all going to be okay. Damian's going to be okay.
"I'd advise you not to try anything smart, or-"
"I won't" Dick interrupts sharply.
Cecile stands to the side and gestures towards a skeletal armchair with untied restraining straps. Dick shudders at the thought of how many people have suffered on this same chair, and his stomach fills with dread as the knowledge that he's next settles in.
"Grayson wh-"
"It's okay Dames" Dick says softly, scrambling to regain his composure as he's forced onto the blood stained metal by the men.
He winces when they securely latch the straps around his wrists and ankles, so tightly the leather is pressing into his skin, disrupting blood circulation.
Damian looks hurt and afraid, so Dick does his best swallow his own accelerating fear and suppress the shivers running down his spine, triggered by the icy feeling of metal on his skin.
"Everything is going to be okay"
Dick locks eyes with him and plasters something that feels like the poor excuse of a smile on his face, but he knows it must appear somewhat comforting to his little brother.
Masking his unraveling self beneath a charming smile and a lighthearted joke has always been his gift and curse.
Cecile clasps her hands together impatiently and nods towards the man holding the gun. He hastily shoves Damian into the arms of the leanest of the men, while his extended arm is turned around to point at Dick's head instead.
Damian yelps and as his arms are restrained behind his back, the hideous burn on his exposed chest comes into Dick's full view.
Dick's breath hitches despite himself and.. and..
The ghastly tendrils of burnt skin spreading across his little Robin's chest that spell out the word brat…
Dick could never describe the utter despair and pain and sorrow and ire and helplessness he feels, yet he doesn't have the time to stare right through the monstrosity etched onto his little brother's flesh as suddenly his chin is being pushed uncomfortably upwards by the barrel of the gun being pressed firmly against the soft skin right above his neck.
As Dick gulps, his Adam's apple bobs almost visibly on his inconveniently prolonged neck. The underlying dizziness finds the perfect opportunity to strike him again as his head slightly lolls backwards.
He no longer sees Damian, but amidst the sounds of his heartbeat echoing from inside the veins and taut muscles in his neck, a small and strangled Richard finds its way to his ears.
"I'm fine" Dick assures, even though he's nothing but. "I'll be fine. Love you, lil bro"
The absence of an answer doesn't concern him as much as that of shuffling or any indication that Damian is guided out of the room.
That is, until a delicate stray sniffle rips his heart apart.
If he could glance at his little Dami, he'd be able to see his reflection fall from his watering eyes in teardrops that he can no longer contain.
Dick can imagine the silently crying face, and so he shuts his eyes closed harshly, trapping inside all the pain and anguish lest it makes way to the surface
With a wavering voice he demands:
"Now let Damian go"
When he reopens his eyes with a breathy gasp he's all alone, bound to the metal skeleton of the chair.
Relief floods his heart.
If any more blood is to be spilt, it shall be his.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
You Died!
Alaric Saltzman x Reader
Context: Set towards the end of episode 20 of season 3, just after Alaric has completed his transformation. The reader is Ric's best friend and is distraught after finding out he will ultimately die, not yet knowing Esther has made him complete the transition.
Warnings: Blood, some death, "lethal" biting
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A/N: This is my first time using Tumblr as a writing platform, so forgive me if the format is a bit off.
Exhilaration courses through me at the sensation of the wind rushing around me, the cold air blocked out by my riding leathers, thankfully, my helmet preventing my eyes from tearing up, keeping my vision clear enough for me to navigate the dark, twisting road with ease. Beneath me, my black and chrome roadster growls loudly, the vehicle responding to my every move with a sensitivity it’s always had, the engines revving as I push the bike into a faster pace, knowing no one else will hear me out here. Normally, I would never consider going out at this time, especially not on the motorbike, and definitely not at this ungodly speed, but after today’s events, I feel as if nothing else will clear my head sufficiently.
Tightening my grip on the handlebars, I try to ignore the grief gnawing away at my heart, planning to deal with it tomorrow in whatever way I feel fit, whether that be drinking ridiculous volumes of whiskey or beating up some poor punching bag somewhere, or doing something much more dangerous. For now, all I want to do is forget about the fact that my best friend died, or is currently dying, and that there’s nothing I can do about it. And I never got to tell him how I really feel. At that, I grit my teeth and accelerate the motorbike again, nearly hitting the 100 mph mark on the metre as I drive around the winding bends of the deserted road, the thrill at riding at such a speed doing little to cure my current state of mind, only reminding me of what he would say if he saw me being as reckless as this. Under my helmet visor, I feel a tear roll down my cheek, leaving a hot trail in its wake.
Turning a corner, I brake a little as I catch sight of the thick bank of fog that seems to occupy the road, unsure of whether or not to continue on into it; after all, Klaus is still out there and up to his tricks. Too late, I figure out the bike won't slow down in time to avoid it, so I carry on through the eerie white mist, cutting the speed slightly, only to push it back up again as I decide to get through it as fast as possible, even if I can barely see a thing. The headlight seems to do nothing, the pale light catching on the fog, making it appear thicker than it actually is, illuminating only what is directly in front of the front tyre.
For what feels like hours but is in fact only minutes, I drive through the bank of fog, slightly confused as to its sudden appearance, until I reach an abrupt break in the suffocating cover, everything becoming clear and visible very swiftly. I only have a second to register the figure standing in the road, in which time I sharply pull the handlebars to the side, tilting the bike dangerously as it skids past, the wheels losing traction on the slick tarmac, careening into the side of the road. As it makes contact with the barrier, I am flung from the seat, the world spinning in my view briefly before I crash to the floor, my body smashing against rocks and tree branches as it rolls over and over, coming to a halt at the base of a road sign, pain exploding across me from multiple points of my body. Breathing hard, I try to move, only to find myself incapable of doing so without invoking a sharp stab of agony from my new injuries, leaving me lying helplessly at the side of the road, bruises littering my skin, my conscience slowly starting to fade.
A pair of hands on my waist snap me from the cloud of pain, the appendages roughly pulling me up onto someone's shoulder as they carry me back onto the road, their breathing as heavy as mine. A whimper of pain leaves my lips at the jolting motions, the air leaving my lungs as I am thrown, violently, onto the tarmac, my head cracking against it slightly as my helmet absorbs the shock. Agony erupts in my limbs and chest, drawing a long, low groan from me as I try to find my assailant, confusion and horror filling me as I recognise the person standing over me. Bending over, he harshly pulls my helmet off my head, revealing my bruised face to the world as he looks down into it in disgust.
“Alaric?” I croak out coarsely, thinking I’m hallucinating, spitting out a mouthful of blood as it wells up in my throat, signalling to me that I have internal bleeding. Above me, my best friend and crush of six years eyes the trail of crimson liquid as it flows over my face, a hungry look in his now-dark eyes.
“(Y/N).” His voice is low and sinister, the tone proving to me it’s not the caring man I know and love, but the side of him I’ve come to call Psycho Alaric, due to his murderous tendencies.
“Y-You died...” The words are forced as I feel the agony of my injuries, both mental and physical, start to take over my body, more blood flowing from my parted lips.
Above me, Alaric crouches down to my level, a predatory look on his handsome face as he stares at my prone figure, taking in the torn riding leathers, as well as the darkening bruises surrounding my jaw and temple.
“I did.” He simply states before reaching down to me, pushing his arms under my torso as he pulls my body closer to his, one of his hands cupping the back of my head, threading his fingers tightly in my hair, the overall movement wringing a quiet whimper from me. Hearing this, Alaric licks his lips, his eyes roaming over the blood covering my chin, dropping to the skin at my neck.
“What...What're you doing?” I question him, fear starting to accompany the throbbing pain in my body as he lowers his face to mine, his breath fanning over my skin, hotly. At any other time, I would’ve felt giddy at the thought of being so close to him, but now it scares me – there’s something off about him.
In way of reply, Alaric leans further into me, his familiar scent overwhelming me, as well as the sharp odour of blood, swiftly swiping his tongue over my chin, drawing up the crimson liquid staining my skin, a surprised grunt leaving my lips as a hungry groan leaves his. Pulling away, he looks down at me with obvious desire, his face suddenly changing as familiar veins form under his eyes, his lips pulling back to reveal razor sharp fangs, the overall expression not unlike that of a vampire's. In seconds, he pulls me to him, crushing my body against his as he sinks his teeth into my neck, biting into the soft skin with ease, blood flowing from the wound into his mouth, his hot tongue swiping over the area a few times to draw up every drop of the hot liquid. Around my head and shoulders, his grip tightens, the sensation of him sucking my blood out of my arteries somehow feeling euphoric in comparison with the previous, agonising pain from the crash, a sigh falling from my tongue, moans and grunts of appreciation and need leaving the lips he has pressed against my neck.
Already, I feel my conscience leaving me, black spots appearing all over my vision as he finally pulls away, blood coating his chin and lips, satisfaction evident in his eyes as the veins and fangs retreat, dropping my limp body to the ground as he stands, wiping the substance away with his sleeve. Giving me one last glance, he smirks down at me before leaving my broken body lying on the tarmac, the pain becoming too much for me to bear as I finally fall into the darkness at the edge of my vision.
Bright light assaults my eyes as I crack them open, a dull ache starting in my head as I try to lift my hands to rub them, trying my best to remember where I am and how I got here. Coming up blank initially, I look around at the room I’m in, recognising the bed beneath me as belonging to one of the Salvatores, Damon in particular, meaning I'm in the boarding house.
“Morning, sleepy head.” A familiar voice greets me from the corner behind the bed, a quick look proving to me that it is, in fact, Damon.
“W-what happened?” I manage to croak out at him, confusion lacing my voice as I try to recall how I got here, staring blearily at the raven haired vampire as he rolls his eyes, exasperated at my question.
“You crashed your motorbike, I think. I found you a couple of hours ago with your body broken and bruised as hell, and with an impressive bite mark to top it all off. You were nearly completely drained of blood.” He responds, his tone light even though I can see the worry in his piercing eyes.
At his words, the events that got me here rush back, the images of Alaric drinking from my neck sparking a sense of dread in me.
“Alaric.” I mumble, knowing Damon will hear me, even from his position across the room. Instantly, I find the vampire standing at the side of the bed, having used his unnatural speed to reach me, a confused and curious look in his eyes.
“Alaric? What do you mean?” His voice is tight at the thought of his friend.
Swiftly, I explain everything to him, watching as a look of grim horror crosses his handsome face, realisation setting into me. Alaric, somehow, made the transition.
As if on cue, a bang from another room interrupts the silence that has settled on us, drawing my attention towards the door, a confused look on my face.
“That’ll be Bonnie.” Damon muses, brow creased a little as he stands, looking back down at me.
“Bonnie?” I question him, puzzled.
“Yeah, Alaric got her, too.”
Shock fixes me in place for a second before I can speak again.
“He did? How?”
A pained expression crosses his face at my question, the subject obviously a sensitive one.
“Our old friend the Original Witch possessed her to go and help him complete the transition. It was her blood that sealed the deal.”
“Esther did this?” Horror and hopelessness well up in at the idea of the witch being back, especially when I consider the fact that Alaric's fate has been sealed by her, at which point anger accompanies the initial feelings.
“Yep. I’m gonna go deal with Bonnie now. Get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow.” Damon suggests, smiling slightly as he turns and leaves the room, allowing me to try and fall asleep once more, which is easier said than done, what with the turbulent thoughts and crippling grief churning around in my mind. Eventually, though, I manage to tire myself out, my body forcing itself to sleep.
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paintmearainbow · 4 years
What Is Love ?
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Love means different things to different people. Some people say love is making your partner happy and seeing them happy makes you happy . But love, is actually a figment of our imaginations. In a way, love is selfish and makes us lose our independence. You make the other person happy to keep yourself happy, and you become dependent and vulnerable. It's a somewhat like a shared dream. And until one person decides to wakeup, and that dream, albeit fun while it lasted, becomes a living nightmare
For Harry and y/n; sneaking out of premiers and award shows,buying tacos and eating them at 3 AM was love. For them, love was dancing in the kitchen to Elvis and baking with each other. Love was watching horror movies in makeshift tents, snacking on caramel popcorns and cans of soda; all while making fun of Harry's "those dumb bitches" in the movie. Love was falling asleep in each others arms and reading each other books. It was dressing up as Disney characters and acting out scenes from their favourite animations. It was etheral, perfect. Almost too perfect too be true
People always said "Love will fizzle out. One of you will get bored." Harry and y/n didn't listen. They burned so fast, so bright and didn't realise that their spark too, like all blazed and sparks from lighted matches, had extinguished. One second it was burning so brightly, and the next, it was gone
"When was the last time you spoke to him ?" asked y/n's sister.
" A week ago" a distraught y/n replied. "He barely has time to even talk to me on the phone, let alone show me the sights and explore the places with him via facetime"
For a brief moment, she allowed herself to close her eyes and all the memories flashed through her eyes, like a movie roll, playing over and over agai
"Y/N !" exclaimed Harry, the golden flecks in his eyes dancing with joy. Oh how she longed to see him, feel him and be with him in real life , rather than on a screen. Yet she was eternally grateful for Harry for never making her feel left out from the tour experience, he always made sure to show her around, even if it was only on a screen, while giving tour guide commentary in a horribly fake American accent.
"You're in for a treat ! We're going to see the Louvre today. Come on an enjoy the sited with Harry's Tour Experiences"
Y/n couldn't stop laughing.
Being an art fanatic, she giving Harry detailed descriptions of the art, while all he did was turn it inti a joke. His put on accent stood out when he kept saying " Oh shucks ! Here's another painting of a few women and men fighting and eating." He termed an entire style of art; renaissance art as "men and women barely dressed fighting and eating". He made a few sly comments on how y/n would look lovely in that dress. It was so wonderful and each of these virtual trips was marked with his signature end. Going to a park, and eating the same food.
His laughter was contagious and y/n loved it. She wondered how she got so lucky, so blessed to have hazza in her life.
She never thought that this love, would eventually fizzle.
end of flashback
Now she was lucky if he spoke to her for 5 minutes. Even those 5 minutes were filled with her talking and him showing least interest in what she had to say. She doubted whether he even listened.
Today, however was a low blow. It was y/n' bday. had it been any other year. Harry would've made this day perfect. They had been together since they were 18. The first year, he bought her 18 gifts on her birthday. The subsequent year, he got her 19 and so on. He would make her breakfast in bed and wake her up with showers of kisses and a "Good Morning, Happy Birthday Darling."
Today however, at 7 PM , she was yet to have him acknowledge that it was her birthday. She was yet to have any sign of news from him at all. She illusioned herself, thinking that maybe he had interviews to attend.
Her sister, however, tired with y/n's moping, said" You're coming over with your friends to Club 22 this night or else I wont speak to you. I don't want you to spend your birthday moping around"
With great difficulty, y/n was persuaded by her friends to go clubbing. The loud music, the drinks and the dim lights were never y/n's scene. Yet, for the sake of her friends, she fixed up a smile on her face and tried to enjoy, trying her best to forget than Harry's call still hadn't come.
It was 10 PM and the party was in full swing. y/n's friends were drunk, so drunk. Everyone around her was laughing, drinking and joking. Meanwhile, a new disturbing thought had settled in y/n's head. What if he got into and accident ? What if he's really sick ? She was ridden with anxiety and couldn't get Harry off her mind, until that one fateful message from Nezza, her best friend, Harry's PA, through whom they had met, sent her that message. When y/n's phone lit up and she scarmbled to see the text, hoping it was Harry, she did not know it would change her life permanently.
The text was simple. "I'm so so sorry honey; you deserve to know" It was attached with a single file of pictures.
She subconciously knew what had happened. She had seen all the signs, yet chose to ignore them, not wanting to get up from her dream. The reduced duration of phone calls ultimately leading up to a call a month, the regular excuses, coming home late, half hearted kisses, they all added up. For a split second, y/n wanted to think that it was something else; maybe harry was too drunk or had passed out in a bar.
The message to forever to download. It was so slow and painfully excruciating. It was like the calm before the storm. The slow before the fast. The light drizzle before the thunderstorm. When the picture finally loaded; her heart shattered ever so fast. The pain she felt was numbing, yet somewhere in her mind, she was gald that Harry was safe.
There was Harry, his arm around the small waist of the redhead, his fingers entwined in hers. The same fingers which ran through y/n's hair multiple times, were now woven in another's hand. She thought her heart couldnt break more.
Fate was not kind to y/n.
She swiped to see the next picture, and she wasn't sure how, or whether it was even possible, but her heart further broke. Harry was kissing her in the booth, their booth, in Alessandro's the place he had her first date with y/n.
Fate had evil plans for y/n.
Tears streaming down her face, the makeup for the night ruined, y/n looked around for her sister and friends but they were nowhere to be seen. The only thing glowing right now was her glitzy dress, the one she had been forced into. Unable to take it anymore, she ordered an uber and left.
Fate wasn't kind to y/n at all
The minute she left the club, she was blinded with lights, the flashes from the camera, and the shouts from the reporters
" How do you feel about Harry cheating on you on tour ?"
"Did you expect this ? How do you react to Harry kissing a supermodel, younger than you!"
Y/n wanted to scream, but keeping her emotions in she pushed through the sea of people, got into her uber, gave her address and broke down.
She cried and cried. The uber driver tried to ask her what was wrong but she couldn't stop crying. she wanted the pain to go away. she wanted to cry. But most of all, she wanted Harry to tell her that it wasn't true and hold her in his arms and tell her it's alright.
But it wasn't. it wasn't alright. Far from it.
The next morning after an extremly broken sleep, y/n awoke. All the event's from last night wre remembered and her eyes started to water again. She switched on her phone to see the hashtag #y/ndeservesbetter and #harryandy/nareover trending. She also so 100 missed calls, voicemails and texts from Harry but chose to ignore them.
Y/n was raised to be strong. She spent most of childhood see her mom struggle to make meets end. She had seen the worst. She was strong. She went over to the mirror and saw her reflection and realised that she looked a mess. She took 3 deep breaths, washed her face, and masked her emotions, just as she did way back in high school, before she met Harry, before he changed her.
She went down and suddenly the apartment door opened. There stood the man who she loved, the man who had broken her heart, the one who still held her heart, no matter how broken it was.
He pleaded with her to forgive him. He begged, cried, said it was a one time mistake, and he regretted it, that he loved her; but y/n turned a deaf ear to his pleas. Their love had fizzled out, and she was blinded by affection not to realise it earlier. And as the saying goes " Once a cheater, always a cheater." Y/n wasn't taking any more risks. She put on a strong facade, made up her mind and left, leaving a crying Harry on the porch.
She wasn't over him, far from it. She was so broken, yet showed no signs. She had calm expresssion, yet her thoughts were chaotic. But she knew what was best and she knew this was the right thing to do. She had to take the lessons from this experience and move on, just like her mother had taught her. Dreams end, no matter how amazing it is, no matter how much you want to hold on and live it, and this, her perfect dream, had also come to an end.
So, what is love ?
A dream ? A nightmare ? Soemthing too good to be true?
Maybe all it is, is an illusion. A fairytale. Or maybe it is the truth, because truth teaches us lessons and so does love. i guess it's one of those things which just has no answers.
author's note
AND THATS A WRAP. I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING. it's something which definitely shouldnt be forgive . this the first ever imagine I've posted on my new tumblr. Please send feedback. Hope you enjoyed it. Reblog. What are your thoughts? i would love to hear them. Send requests for more imagines.
i should be studying but eh.
keep dreaming
(here's a random B99 gif for no reason)
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ladylb · 4 years
To Cry
Chapter 17  Lila Just Can't Escape
This chapter can be found here on AO3
To start at the beginning, chapter 1 is here on AO3 or here on tumblr
Summary:  Lila wants to sneak away and come up with a plan, but the class will not have it as they process everything that they've already heard and then some...
Lila looked around nervously as the other students crowded around her. Alya, Nino, Rose, Kim and a few others surrounded her as they watched Marinette interact with Jagged Stone and Penny the way that Lila had previously been saying that she was helping them with their wedding plans, which didn’t sound real at all right now, obviously.
Their classmates were still taking in the information that Chloe of all people confirmed that Lila didn’t know Jagged Stone or his crocodile Fang, not Kang, and according to Jagged not only did he not know Lila, but Fang wasn’t a rescue that she found in Australia, but from a farm of some kind.
Plus, there was the bomb that Marinette admitted to, that she considered Adrien as ‘just a friend’ and the one from Adrien that he was NOT secretly dating Lila, like Lila had suggested.
Their classmates whispered to each other as they tried to understand it all as they waited for the answer to Rose’s text to her friend Prince Ali asking if he knew Lila.
Meanwhile, they couldn’t help themselves as they listened in on Marinette’s conversation with the visiting celebrity and his fiancé as they ignored the crowd and Lila. Honestly, it was as if Marinette didn’t care about Lila or the situation at all.
“Well Marinette, back to business. Do you think that you could make something for Fang for the wedding and maybe for us too? We want him to be our ring bearer.” Penny asked Marinette nicely.
Marinette looked thoughtful as she glanced at Fang, “actually, I think a whole tuxedo wouldn’t be quite right, I mean as Jagged says he’s really Rock and Roll the way he is.”
Jagged grinned, “well, you got that right but if we’re getting dressed up, it wouldn’t be right to leave out Fang.”
“Oh, I know, I was just thinking about making him a sparkly tuxedo coat with twin tails and a matching top hat. Oh, and I could make it so we could tie the rings to the top of the hat so he could carry them for you!” Marinette looked excited by the idea as she pet a happy Fang’s head, “you’ll be the best ring bearer, won’t you Fang?”
“Marinette!” Jagged Stone exclaimed as he surprised her when he picked her up and swung her around as Penny laughed, “that is such an awesome idea! Can you do that for us?”
“Sure Jagged, now please put me down.” She squeaked as she smiled up at him before he put her down.
“That’s Uncle Jagged to you Miss!” He wagged a finger at her and she laughed along with him and Penny.
“And soon I’ll be your Aunt!” Penny grinned.
“I’m looking forward to it.” Marinette answered, which was when the five-minute bell rang, “but we’ll have to talk about it after school.”
“You’re on Marinette love!” Jagged grinned as he led Penny back to the limo, Fang happily walking ahead of them, a bit loopy from all the pets, “see you later Marinette!”
“I’ll call you to set up an appointment for measurements!” Penny called out.
“I look forward to it.” Marinette told them brightly. “Bye Jagged! Bye Penny and Fang!” Marinette waved goodbye to them as they got in the limo and waved from the vehicle as they drove off, just as Rose’s phone chimed.
Rose read the response to her text and gasped, “Lila! You lied about knowing Prince Ali too!”
“What?!” More than once classmate exclaimed.
“I, I can h-hardly believe it!” Rose squeaked as Alix took her phone.
Alix frowned as she read the text herself, “hey! It says it right here, he doesn’t know a Lila Rossi and he’s never partnered or worked with an Italian Ambassador’s daughter on anything!”
Everyone gasped as Nino asked as he looked at Lila, who was pouting a bit, “Dude, what else have you lied about?”
“Oh, uh, you know celebrities they can’t tell people who they’re really close to…” Lila tried to explain as she started to pretend to cry, “I-I mean, I’m s-sure Prince Ali is just t-trying to protect me!”
“Try again Lila,” Chloe pointed out. “Even Jagged Stone, the musician that you claimed htat sung your praises repeatedly didn’t recognize you just now or even admit to knowing you. He’s probably unable to keep a secret for as long as you claim to have known him, like his engagement announcement that lasted, what? A week as a secret, tops? That’s saying a lot about a guy that willingly adopts Dupain-Cheng.”
“Thanks?” Marinette wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not.
“Plus, she wasn’t dating Adrien, unless he’s lying about that.” Kim pointed out.
Adrien shook his head almost violently in denial as he stayed away from Lila.
“I’m not. Not only do I NOT like her like that, but I don’t think I’m allowed to date anyway.” Adrien pointed out, before he quietly added, “besides, there’s uh, that other girl that I like anyway.”
“But… but… but,” Lila stammered, fairly certain that her lies were finally being exposed, “I can explain.” She turned to Adrien and pleaded as she grabbed his arm again, “you can tell them about us, they’re your friends, they can keep our secret!”
Adrien frowned, “we have no secret because we’ve never gone out Lila. Stop trying to lie about it, I have never dated anyone! Unofficially or officially.”
Lila wiped her eyes and stomped her foot, “if you just give me a minute everyone I can explain!”
“No, you can’t. You’ve told so many lies, why would anyone with half a brain cell believe you now?” Chloe sneered as she flipped her hair over her shoulder dramatically, “not that I believed any of them in the first place. Come along Sabrina.” Then she waltzed away with Sabrina following right behind her.
“Coming Chloe!” Sabrina answered as they left the main group.
Alya gasped as something finally sank in and then she screeched at Lila, “WAIT! That TOTALLY means that you DON’T know Ladybug!” She pulled out her phone, and glared at Lila as she pointed a finger at her. “If I didn’t have to get started with cleaning all of this up, I’d deal with YOU RIGHT NOW!”
Alya took a deep breath as she clutched her phone like a lifeline and looked at Marinette, “I am SO SOOO sorry Gurl and I want to give you a better apology later, but I gotta get out of here before I do something STUPID that might land me in jail.” She glared at Lila again who shrinked away from her, because even Lila realized that you do not cross Alya.
Then Alya marched away from them as she started typing furiously while mumbling, “I have to delete those stupid interviews, write SO many apologies and retractions! Oh my gosh, and Ladybug! What must she think? UGH!”
Nino shook his head at Lila, “dude, not cool.” Then he glanced at Marinette, “Dudette, I’m totally sorry too and I’d apologize more, but I think I need to be on Alya watch.”
Marinette nodded, understanding how horrible this was for Alya and glad that she had her boyfriend there for her.
Nino then added, “just don’t forget, we are so talking more about this later Dudette.” Then he ran after Alya.
“So not cool.” Kim shook his head at Lila as he shouldered his bag. He then took a breath and pouted a little as he turned to Marinette as he said, “I’m sorry Marinette, I haven’t been a very good friend lately, I know I don’t really deserve it, but could you forgive me? Please?”
Marinette smiled at the jock as she replied, “sure Kim.”
He nodded, “thanks!” Then he headed inside too, followed by the rest of the class as they also apologized to Marinette on their way in. Which finally left behind Adrien, Marinette and Lila.
“You did this!” Lila pointed at Marinette with a growl as she finally quit trying to grab Adrien again now that her audience was gone. She was sporting a glare and a twitching eye as she realized that her spell over the class had been broken.
“I did what? Allowed the truth to be known? It was going to happen eventually.” Marinette shrugged, “so I send Jagged an interesting little video. All I had to do is to have a talk with him Monday night to be ready to get it.”
She didn’t need to mention that she sent the video minutes before he showed up. Marinette had insisted that he shouldn’t show up at all until she had some actual proof of Lila lying and the lies about Fang were certainly enough for Jagged to come running.
Marinette looked at Lila, “you’re the one that lied about someone special to me.” Then she glanced at Adrien, “and about Adrien too, this is all on you Lila.”
“I’ll get you back.” Lila swore.
“How?” Marinette tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at her, “and why? What horrible thing have I done to you Lila besides not believe you and let my friends know that they can’t trust you? It’s not like I threatened to take everything and everyone you hold dear away from you, that’s not my style. It’s yours.”
Lila growled loudly, “and I meant it too!” Then she raised her hand to slap Marinette, who only stood there to take it.
Adrien though, quickly stepped up and blocked her from hitting Marinette. “That’s enough Lila. You were warned not to lie and now you’re going to have to live with the consequences of your lies falling apart. Leave my friend alone.”
Lila huffed, “as if you’d do anything about it. I could ruin both of your lives and do it with a smile.”
“That sounds like a threat to me.” Marinette stated and glanced at Adrien, “did that sound like a threat to you?”
“Yeah, too bad we don’t have it on tape.” Adrien commented sadly.
“Who said we didn’t?” Marinette’s eyes twinkled as she gave him a wry grin, “my phone has been recording everything since Jagged arrived.”
Lila screamed and stomped away, “I’ll get you Marinette Dupain-Cheng, if it’s the last thing I do!”
Marinette and Adrien watched her stomp away, as Adrien sighed. “Well, someone should call Ladybug, she’ll probably be akumatized before class starts.”
“You know, I think that’s okay, Chat Noir and Ladybug can handle it.” Marinette shrugged, “I’m just glad that it’s not me. Besides, Ladybug already knew that Lila was a pot that was getting ready to boil over any day now. Sooner is better than later if you ask me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to run and, uh, pick up something that I forgot at home, yeah.”
“Sure, I’ve uh, gotta hit the locker room.” Adrien replied as they both darted away to transform for the inevitable akuma battle.
As Marinette darted back home as a purple butterfly was released from Hawkmoth’s lair, only to fly in the direction of a certain Italian girl…
After the battle with Lila’s newest akumatized version, Ladybug and Chat Noir pounded their fists together, “pound it!”
Lila of course screamed at them, accused them for ruining her life and was about to stomp off to go home on her own, after they politely declined giving her a ride due to the rumors that could surface if they were seen together.
“After all, I would hate to risk your safety if just helping you home made it look like we were friends, which would be very dangerous and I’d never endanger my friends by telling them who I am or even by spending time with them while I wore my mask.” Ladybug loudly announced just as Nadia the local reporter showed up, but before they started taping. Ladybug shrugged as she added, “besides my Kitty here anyway.”
Chat Noir grinned at Ladybug’s comment. Lila growled and left them angrily.
“Whoa! Care to comment on your best friend’s most recent temper tantrum?” Nadia asked Ladybug.
“I’m afraid that I don’t know that girl, aside from all the times that we’ve had to save her from Hawkmoth’s influence.” Ladybug rolled her eyes as she added with a slight mutter, “you’d think she enjoys it.”
Chat Noir cleared his throat, “I’m afraid Ladybug and I have to scat as well Nadia.” Then he nodded to the north, indicating that’s where he wanted to go and Ladybug nodded that she understood.
“Right, bye Nadia.” Ladybug waved goodbye, “bug out!”
Then they left together, only to stop on a nearby roof.
“My Lady, can we uh, talk?” Chat Noir asked her hesitantly since it was the first time that they had met after what had happened the other night, after Ladybug had cried herself out.
Ladybug nodded, “of course, I just can’t right now Kitty, but maybe later, like tonight on patrol?”
Her earrings beeped for the second time to emphasize how much time she had to get back home.
“Oh, uh, sure. How’s 9:00pm? I could bring something to share for dessert.” He offered flirtatiously.
Ladybug sighed, “Chat, I know we need to talk about what happened and we will, but it would really help if you pulled back on the big romantic gestures right now, please?”
“No big romantic gestures, got it!” He confirmed with a grin.
“I mean it Chat, I need a break from all of that, but we’ll talk about it later. I’ll take care of the snacks; I’ll tell Viperion and maybe Pegasus about the meeting?”
“What? They, I mean he’s still got his Miraculous?!” Chat Noir exclaimed.
Ladybug nodded, “it’s one of the things that we need to talk about.”
“Milady.” He looked at her sadly, with his ears and tail drooping at the news. “I, I kind of wanted it to just be us.”
She looked down, sad for some reason. “Look, Viperion, he’s uh, he’s been a really good friend and I think that it would help if he joined us this time, is that okay?” She looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes that he just could not deny.
Her earrings beeped for the third time.
Chat Noir sighed, “as you wish my Lady.” *(author’s note, can I really not write a story without this phrase anymore? I guess not. It’s a quote from the movie The Princess Bride. It literally means ‘I Love You.’ I’ll let you decide if he knows that meaning though.)
“Th-Thank you. I-I’ll see if he can make it,” Ladybug tried again, nervous and blushing now for some reason. “I’m sorry, but I g-gotta go now Chat…” her earrings chimed again, “bug out!”
A disappointed Chat Noir made his way back to the school, not really knowing why he had mixed feelings about spending time with his Lady and their new team members that evening. Still, he wouldn’t miss any time that she would give him for the world, even if he had to share it.
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kmomof4 · 5 years
Choices A new one shot written for @profdanglaisstuff
So, a little over FOUR weeks ago, @profdanglaisstuff had a massive work project that took up all her time, leaving very little time for reading or anything else really. And because she was so sweet to me a few weeks before that and wrote me a wonderful little one shot after a very hard day of adulting, I thought that I would return the favor with one of her favorite tropes, Neverland smut. She wouldn't be done with the project for several more days... plenty of time to write it, right? WRONG!!! Little did I know what I was signing myself up for, because writing Neverland smut is HAAAAARD!!! No pun intended. And the first draft reflected that. It was BAAAAAAAAAD!!!! After some straight talking from @hollyethecurious and stepping away from it for a few days (weeks), I came up with the idea of how to revise it and keep all the things I wanted to keep. Once it was ready, @snidgetsafan stepped in with her kick ass beta skills, did her thing, and now here we are. Only 4 weeks late, but now Saira is sick in bed, and maybe this is a better time for me to gift her with this fic. So, I hope you enjoy this Saira and I hope you feel better soon! All the love and thanks to Laetitia and Hollye for all their help in crafting this.
Ao3 link Rated M 
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
On the way to Dark Hollow
“What was that about?” Turning towards Hook, she held her hand up, stopping him in his tracks.
A rough exhale escaped his lips. “I assumed he’d heard my secret. And I also assumed you’d told him of our shared moment.”
“Why would you assume that?” she interjected, frustration lacing her tone.
“Because I was hoping it’d meant something.”
The naked vulnerability in his eyes had her hackles lowering. “What meant something was that you told us Neal was still alive. Thank you. I realize you could’ve kept Pan’s information to yourself.”
“Why would I have done that?” The honest confusion in his voice took her back momentarily.
“I don’t know. Maybe Pan offered you a deal?” she speculated. “Why else would he tell you?”
“It was a test,” he informed her. “He wanted to see if I’d leave an old friend to die. Even if the old friend happens to be vying for the same woman I am.”
“And you chose your friend.” Incredulity colored her words. Why? She thought.
“Does that surprise you?”
“You are a pirate,” she replied with a smirk.
“Yeah. That I am.” His face fell, and she realized just how deep her jab had hit him. “But I also believe in good form,” he continued, swaying into her space. “So when I win your heart Emma, and I will win it, it won’t be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me.” Realization dawned. He was a man of honor, and he was trying to be a better man, for her. He was committed to pursuing her with the full knowledge that he was not the only one seeking her affections, but he would respect her autonomy and her choice by not resorting to pressure or manipulation in order to gain unfair advantage.
She released a shaky exhale at the revelation and tried to dampen her own hopes and expectations. “This is not a contest, Hook.”
Hook was no fool and wasn’t having any of her deflections. “Isn’t it? You’re going to have to choose, Emma,” he murmured, gesturing in the direction Neal had gone. “You realize that don’t you? Because neither one of us is going to give up.”
Emma could feel her hackles rising again as the reason she was on this cursed island to begin with flooded her mind. She took a deep breath and tried to center herself. “The only thing I have to choose, is the best way to get my son back.”
“And you will.” The certainty in his voice exposed that raw, vulnerable orphan within her that no one had ever believed in.
“You think so?” She couldn’t keep the tremor out of her voice or the fear of failure out of her eyes as she probed his own for any hint of a lie.
“I’ve yet to see you fail,” he confessed. “And when you do succeed, well, that’s when the fun begins.” His eyebrows lifted flirtatiously as a smile spread across his lips.
“What do you mean, fun?” she asked, confusion on her brow.
“The fun of pursuit, Swan,” he asserted, swaying into her personal space once more. “Once your boy is safe, I’ll court you like a lady such as you deserves.”
She caught her breath at the seriousness in his eyes. She knew he was speaking the truth. Fun indeed.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey. I know I screwed up.” Neal tried to grab her arm. She spun toward him, fury in her eyes.
“Yes, you did. You both did. We almost lost our shot at capturing the shadow because you two were fighting over a lighter.”
“It wasn’t the lighter we were fighting over, love,” Hook drawled, sauntering into the clearing.
Children, they were nothing but children. Didn’t they see that now wasn’t the time for this?
Her veridian gaze bore into each of them, underlining her seriousness. “Okay. Let me be very clear about something. If I have to choose someone, I choose Henry. He’s the only love I have room for in my life.” Why did that feel like a lie on her lips? She turned from them and stormed back towards camp.
Quiet sobbing entered his consciousness. Killian opened his eyes and saw Emma sitting by the log, crying into her arms that rested on her knees. Rising from his bed roll, he slowly approached. “Swan?” he inquired in a whisper, reaching out to gently touch her shoulder.
She startled at his touch. Struggling to bring herself under control, she wiped furiously at the tears tracking down her face. “I’m sorry for waking you, Hook,” she said, as another tear escaped its confines and rolled down her cheek.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked, sitting down next to her.
“What do you care?” she snapped at him.
He was taken aback at the venom in her tone. But underneath it, he perceived a hopelessness that he wanted nothing more than to eradicate. “Is it Henry?” he inquired.
She looked up at him, her eyes still shining with unshed tears. The moment stretched impossibly long. His heart nearly stopped in his chest as her eyes searched his. “What if we lose?” she whispered. “What if I can’t save him? What if he really is a Lost Boy?”
“Nonsense, Emma,” he assured her. He desperately wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her, but he knew exactly how that would go: an even further fortification of the wall around her heart. The one he’d sworn to take down without manipulation or trickery. “Henry knows that you are here to get him back. That everyone here loves him. He’s not lost. Not by a long shot.”
The sadness tinged with hope in her beautiful green eyes nearly broke his heart. “How do you know?”
“I know because I’m looking at you,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. “As I said earlier, I’ve yet to see you fail. Your love for your son, your determination to get him safely home can be felt all over this island. Why do you think Pan has been visiting you so much?” he continued. “He fears you, Swan. He knows that the only way he’s going to keep Henry is to get you out of the way. Your mother’s heart,” he said, nodding toward where her heart beat, “simply won’t allow that. You’ll get him back. I have no doubt. And probably a lot sooner than you think,” he promised her, trying to pass the assurance he felt in her success on to her.
She wiped away the stray tears that had fallen as he spoke. “Thank you,” she sniffed. “I’m alright now. You can go back to sleep.”
“You need the sleep more than I do now, love,” he murmured. “I’ll take over for a few hours.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sleep now, Swan.” He stroked her hair as she laid down beside him, backing up until her back lined up with his thigh. Killian sighed as her breathing evened out, sleep finally catching up with her.
“You’re sure it’ll fly?” Emma asked once Pan’s shadow was attached to the sail of the Jolly Roger.
“It has no choice,” Regina answered, smug smile tugging at her lips.
“Then let’s get the hell out of Neverland.”
“As you wish, milady. Bosun, weigh anchor,” Killian shouted before turning toward the helm.
The Jolly surged as she took to the air, piercing the clouds over Neverland and sailing across the night sky. Once they were on a steady course, Emma watched as Killian left the helm in the hands of David and retired below to his cabin.
Once she adjourned to the first mate’s cabin, and she could no longer escape her memories of Hook’s words, Emma could feel a flush spreading from her cheeks, down her neck, all the way to the tops of her breasts. The physical manifestation of her exhausted but anxious thoughts only served to send those thoughts into even more of a tailspin than what they already were.
He had promised to win her heart. He had promised to do it without trickery. He had promised to court her properly, once her son was safe. Well, Henry was safe now, sound asleep in a hammock in the crew’s quarters.
And what about Neal? It was quite obvious from their time on the island that he was expecting a nice little happy family between himself, her, and Henry. And while Henry would probably want that, did she? Her secret in the Echo Cave was the truth. Yes, she would probably always love him. But that didn’t mean that she wanted to rekindle their relationship. She had hoped that it was a trick. She had hoped that he was dead. Facing the pain of what he had done to her all those years ago was not high on her to-do list. She’d much rather bury it down. Down to the same place where resided her anger at Regina both for casting the curse in the first place and the way she’d treated her before she’d broken it, as well as towards her parents for abandoning her, no matter what the reason had been.
But she also knew in her heart, that if she wanted a healthy romantic relationship with anyone in the future, whether that was Hook or anyone else, she was going to have to deal with what Neal had done to her. That meant letting it go, forgiving him, and putting it and him behind her. She may not be emotionally ready for a new romantic relationship at the moment, but it was the only way she was going to be able to live in the same town as him, see him every day, and share parenting duties with both him and Regina. For the foreseeable future, she was choosing Henry. Let Hook pursue her. Let him court her. One thing was for sure, having such a fine specimen of a man after her would not be bad for her ego. But she would still keep him at arm’s length. She couldn’t fall in love with him. She wouldn’t. She wouldn’t let herself.
Feeling at least a little better with that decision made, Emma fell into the first restful sleep she’d had since arriving on Neverland, while in the next room, Killian did the same.
A soft knock sounded on the door as Killian was removing his leather duster. “Enter,” he called. The door swung open revealing Emma standing on the threshold, anxiety rolling off her in waves.
“Come in Swan,” he invited. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” As much as he wanted to smirk at her, the tension in her brow and shoulders told him that now wasn’t the time.
“Uh, um,” she stuttered, “I wanted to talk with you, privately, if you weren’t too busy.” She cleared her throat and wrung her hands in front of her, clearly nervous.
“Of course not, Swan. Please, sit down,” he encouraged. She came in slowly, looking around his quarters. He found himself hoping that it passed her inspection. Sitting down next to her at the table, he waited.
“Look, I’m not good at this,” she began, eyes looking everywhere except at him. “I, uhh, owe you my thanks,” she stuttered. A snort escaped him as he waved aside her sentiment.
“You owe nothing of the sort, Swan. I made the choice to come. To be, as you said, a part of something. You owe me nothing for that.”
“You may not think so, but I do.” Her blazing green eyes finally met his and delved into his soul. “You didn’t have to do any of it. You didn’t have to turn your ship around. You didn’t have to offer your service. You didn’t have to fight on our side, risking your own life, to bring Henry home. But you did.” Looking down, a flush spread across her cheeks. “You believed in me,” she whispered. “No one has ever believed in me like that. Not in my entire life.”
Reaching out toward her, he lifted her chin with his finger until she looked in his eyes.
“I have every reason to believe in you, Emma.” Something in the words he spoke made her catch her breath. “You are, without any doubt, the strongest, fiercest, and most formidable woman I’ve ever met. I pity the villian who even considers taking you on.” He hoped that she could clearly read the certainty he tried to communicate with his visage. Holding her gaze, he spoke again. “Don’t you doubt it. Ever.” Vulnerability and uncertainty swirled in her too bright eyes. He lowered his head until his forehead rested upon her own.
The tears that had gathered at the corners of her eyes started to fall. Emma’s face lifted until she captured his lips with her own. A groan escaped him as her tongue requested entrance. His hands buried themselves in her golden locks as their tongues began a sensuous dance. “Emma,” he breathed, breaking the kiss. As much as he hated to break the moment, he had to know exactly what she was trying to communicate. “What do you need? What can I do?”
The uncertainty in her gaze was gone, replaced by confidence, belief, trust. Could I be so blessed? “You said that I would have to choose. That neither of you would give up and that you would win my heart without trickery.” He nodded. “I’m saying that there is no choice to make. Neal was my first love. He gave me Henry, so a part of me will always love him, if only for that. But, there is no coming back from what he did to me. I’m different. I’ve grown up and the wounds he gave me left permanent scars. You pledged to win my heart, to honor and respect me. You’ve never told me a lie. You came back for me and you believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.” Understanding came over him and a burgeoning hope blossomed in his chest. “You don’t have to ‘court me properly’ for me to know that you’re the one that I want. I want you, Killian, if you’ll have me.” Doubt started to creep back into her eyes at her final words that left him speechless. If I’d have her? Is she kidding?
Instead of answering her with words, he decided to show her instead. Crashing his lips to hers, he stood up with her in his arms and carried her over to the narrow bed on the other side of the cabin. When they came up for air he spoke with all the love and conviction in his heart. “Yes, Emma, I will have you. Just as you have me, for as long as you’ll allow me to remain by your side.” His gaze pierced her own as he lowered her to the bed. “And now my Swan, may I make love to you?” he whispered, as he hovered over her. She nodded and drew him back down to her again. He devoured her lips as if he were a condemned man enjoying his final meal. His hands worked their way under her top as she spread her legs and cradled him between her thighs.
Lifting her top up over her head, his eyes widened when he beheld her covered breasts. “Your breasts are divine, my love,” he murmured into her neck as he peppered kisses into the sensitive skin there, making her shiver. His hand cupped her mound while his lips mouthed at her nipples through the material, making her gasp. Her hands were busy as well, unbuttoning his waistcoat and linen shirt. Once she got them opened, she purred in appreciation and pushed them off his shoulders before starting to work on the laces of his pants.
“Not yet darling,” he gently scolded her. “I want to see you first.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “All of you, first,” he smirked in reply. As she removed the offensive garment keeping her breasts from his eyes, he deftly opened her trousers and slid them down her long legs, following the path with his lips. When he came back up he growled at the last undergarment that concealed her most intimate place from his gaze. A giggle escaped her lips.
“Need some help there, Captain?” she teased.
“Not in the slightest, Swan,” he replied, applying his hook to the material, ripping it to shreds. Once she was bare before him, he inhaled deeply, running his tongue along his lips. “You are exquisite, my love.” Diving into the decadence before him, he hummed at her taste on his tongue. Emma writhed beneath him on the bed as he continued his ministrations, fisting her hands into the sheet and his hair. Moans of delight and rapture filled the cabin, but he was too intoxicated on her to appreciate them. When the shouts of her climax reached his ears, he brought her down gently, slowing his ministrations. As she lay gasping on his bed, shaking with aftershocks, he hurriedly removed his pants and laid down beside her. Stroking her cheek, she turned toward him with a sleepy and sated smile on her face.
“My turn,” she cheeked. She kissed him like a woman possessed, running her hands down his naked chest until she reached his proud and weeping cock bobbing against his stomach. He groaned into her mouth as she took him in hand and started to stroke him from base to tip. With every upward stroke, she swiped her thumb along his slit, coating him in the precum that had gathered there. She straddled him and positioned him at her entrance before slowly sinking down on him until their hips were flush. A few rolls of her hips had his eyes rolling in the back of his head in ecstasy. He reached up and caressed her breasts as she rose and fell atop him.
“Beautiful, my Swan,” he gasped. “You are so beautiful above me, riding me into oblivion. Squeeze me, darling. I want to feel you come all over my cock.” He brought his hook down and pressed the edge of the cold metal onto her clit. Her cry was music to his ears as she dragged him over with her into sated bliss.
She collapsed on top of him, her hair covering his face. He placed a kiss to her temple and murmured into her hair. “Still with me, Swan?”
“Mmhmmm,” she hummed in reply. She lifted her face and placed her chin on his sternum. “That was…”
“Definitely not a one time thing,” he cooed, reaching into the dark loneliness of his empty cabin. Pushing himself up and opening his eyes and looking around, he realized it was nothing but a dream and his sheets were a mess. Sighing heavily, he lay back down. It was all wishful thinking. The midnight musings of a pirate who wanted, desperately wanted, to be a part of something. Something good. Something forever. With her. 
Another sigh escaped him. He had vowed to win her heart without trickery, and he would honor that. He would choose her. Every day. Until she chose him too.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
(treat me nice) never let me go [branjie] 7/15 - pinkgrapefruit
chapter 7. i’m powerful with a little bit of tender
previous chapters  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
A/N - Hi guys, It’s been forever and I am really sorry but I’ve had some rocky times with my mental health recently and I had to take a break from tumblr and from writing. I really hope I can get you another chapter of this in less than three months but I make no promises. In other news we’re almost half way there now! Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this one - it’s an apology <3
When Brooke shakes Vanessa awake, she is already dressed. Vanessa rolls over gently, Brooke’s hand on her lower back as she looks up into the blonde’s eyes, getting lost for a second in her sleepy haze.
“Wake up, time to shop,” calls Brooke, cheery after a coffee and a protein shake. Vanessa sighs with a small giggle.
“You never sleep, huh,” she grumbles, squinting upwards at the ornate ceiling.
“You’re always grumpy in the morning,” Brooke counters goodnaturedly, although without giving anything away as to whether or not she does sleep. She stands straight and appears to dust off the navy blazer she is wearing before reaching into an inside pocket and pulling out her AmEx card. She hands it to Vanessa as if it was a piece of cardboard to be disposed of or something equally as meaningless. Vanessa takes it carefully. “Now, if you have any trouble using it, call the hotel,” Brooke reminds her, hand already on her briefcase. Before Vanessa can say anything, the blonde leans over and places a chaste kiss on her forehead, smiling slightly to herself as she goes to leave.
“So, more shopping?” Vanessa clarifies, causing Brooke to stop at the bedroom door. She turns around, puzzled at the tone.
“Yes,” she confirms as if it is obvious, “frankly, I’m surprised you didn’t buy more yesterday.”
“It wasn’t fun.”
“No?” Brooke drops the briefcase at the door and sits by Vanessa’s legs on the bed, any plans to leave forgotten.
“They were real mean to me.”
“Mean to you? Well then.” Brooke takes Vanessa’s hand and pulls her up out of the bed, her face like a man on a mission, except more pressed and less forgiving. “We’ll see about that,” she mumbles under her breath, hoping Vanessa won’t hear. She doesn’t see the smile that graces the girl’s lips.
Vanessa is barely dressed when Brooke comes back into the room. She’s got her hair piled in a bun on top of her head and one of Brooke’s shirts is tied at her waist like a crop top, attempting to bring a modicum more class to the hooker skirt on its third day of wear. Despite looking like a self proclaimed ‘mess on legs’, Brooke still watches Vanessa for a second, eyes raking her soft, toned legs and ass lifted by her red stilletos.
The blonde picks up the AmEx card off the table and slots it into the breast pocket of the shirt, mentally appraising Vanessa’s memory before forcing an iced latte into the girls hand and using the other to almost drag her into the main area. They stand facing each other for a second, Vanessa looking up expectantly.
“Don’t fidget.” Brooke starts, tone clipped. “Drink the coffee.”
“Yes, mami.”
By the time they get to the store Vanessa is shaking. It’s in part due to the large coffee she drank in an inhumanely fast time, but mostly the sheer nerves of standing outside a place that managed to make her feel so small. Brooke notices, of course she does, and squeezes her hand comfortingly.
“What’s wrong?” She asks, quietly.
“People are looking at me,” she responds, shifting a little on the spot, hands running along the base of her skirt, nails buried in her palms.
“They’re not looking at you, they’re looking at me.” Brooke’s not wrong. She’s dressed in a white lace bodysuit, tailored navy cigarette trousers and a navy blazer, the outfit accentuating the impossible length of her legs and the gym workouts she does six days a week
“I don’t like stores like these, they’re not nice to people.”
“They’re never nice to people. They’re nice to credit cards,” Brooke counters with a tone that tells Vanessa they are done. She gives her a quick once over, smoothing one side of the shirt. “Quit fidgeting, get rid of the gum,” she commands. When Vanessa spits it out into the nearest street grate, the blonde just sighs.
Brooke leads them both into the store with a confidence Vanessa just doesn’t have. It’s been cultivated through years in a competitive field, and it oozes out of every barely existing pore on the blondes skin. Vanessa trails behind, timid and unsure, but immediately feeling the residual anger burn back up in her heart.
This store is painted in taupes and warm beiges, neutrals that extend as far as the eye can see. It even smells expensive, like if you step in without at least a million dollars you will be kicked right back out onto the street. Vanessa’s eyes get caught on the bright reds and golds and the deep sea blues covering the many racks and rails of the store.
They’re immediately approached by a tall woman in her mid twenties, red hair and green eyes that appear to reflect all the greenery Salifornia is missing. She has more conviction behind her eyes than she should when faced with Brooke, but it doesn’t turn Vanessa off in the way it should.
“Scarlet Envy, floor manager,” the redhead says, hand stuck out in greeting. Brooke shakes it in a business-like fashion, but her frown stays put.
“Brooke Lynn Hytes.”
“Ah yes, miss,” Scarlett appeases, acknowledging Vanessa for the first time - even with someone like Brooke she is still overlooked - people still don’t treat her like she has a voice.
“You see this woman?” Brooke gestures to the brunette behind her.
“Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?” Scarletts smile falters for a second, her face overcome with confusion as she scans the shop floor.
“Oh, yes.” Brooke’s eyes darken. “Oh, no! No, no, no, I’m saying we have many things as beautiful as she would want them to be. That’s the point I was getting at, and I think we can all agree with that. “ Her face now matches her name and it makes Vanessa chuckle in a way that Brooke definitely banned her from doing earlier that day.
“I think,” the blonde tests, “that we’re going to need more people helping us.” Scarlet nods. “I’ll tell you why. We’re going to be spending an obscene amount of money here. So we’re going to need a lot more help sucking up to us. That’s what we really like. You understand that?” She flashes the edge of her black AmEx card and recognition flashes across Scarlet’s eyes. She nods again, this time with more assertion, and turns on her heels to find the appropriate amount of people to cater to the extortionate amount of money due to be spent.
As Vanessa is fussed and tended to, Scarlet approaches Brooke again, the taller woman with a soft smile and a warm demeanour peeking through her cold front. “Excuse me miss? exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about?”
Brooke chuckles softly.
“Just profane or really offensive”
“Really offensive Scarlet.”
“I think I like you.”
At that moment, Brookes phone rings and she sighs. The spell is broken, and she hurries past Vanessa, sliding the card into her hand and kissing her on the cheek. She’s halfway through the conversation before she leaves the store.
“Brooke Lynn Hytes speaking.”
“Oh, Brooke. Where the hell are you?” Brooke runs a hand through her loose blonde strands, stifling a yawn as her eyes scan the street for her car.
“Busy, Mr Charles.”
“The words all over the street. Cain’s gonna raise the offer.” Ru sounds more excited than Brooke has heard in god knows how long, but she’s unconvinced.
“She’s countering? God, she is a tough old bird. Where’s she gonna get the money from?”
“I don’t know. She, uh– I think he’s throwin’ in with the employees.” Her hand moves to her forehead, no longer caring about her makeup. She is tired and clinging onto the happiness of Vanessa - hoping she can get through the day and just get back to her.  
“She still needs someone to underwrite the paper. Find out who it is, I’m on my way.”
“Yeah, okay. You got it.”
The line goes dead.
Back with Scarlet, Vanessa smiles to herself. She feels powerful in a store full of men and women who listen to her every whim. In the men’s section, she spots a red tie the colour of her lipstick. She taps the nearest woman and gestures to it. “Get me that tie, would you?” She asks - it doesn’t sound like a request though.
“Farrah, get miss Mateo the tie.”
She finishes up in that shop and orders a taxi to take her home - arms overwhelmed with the sheer number of bags she has. As they are driving down the street however, she spots a shop she has to visit and calls for the driver to pull up. She grabs four or five bags, and hops out, strutting into the store like she owns it.
“Hello.” She calls out as she steps through the door. She drops her bags on the floor dramatically and watches as two women hurry to pick them back up for her, moving them onto a stand ever so carefully. Carson is scurrying around in the back and she calls for him to come down to meet her. “Do you remember me?” She asks.
Vanessa is smirking because she can. She’s dressed like a rich housewife, and she has every intention of acting like one - all prissy and entitled because she can. She can do all of this.
“No, I’m sorry,” replies Carson and he sounds genuine. It’s a wonder what dressing well can do for you, she thinks to herself, dabbing at her forehead with a silk handkerchief.  
“I was here yesterday. You wouldn’t wait on me,” she states.
“Oh.” This time his brow furrows and she watches as her remember exactly who she is.
“You work on commission, right?”
“Uh, yes.” Vanessa wishes Brooke could see her now. She imagines the blonde would look so proud as she slowly pulls off her white gloves to reveal chipped red nailpolish. With her now unclothed hand, she reaches into the breast pocket of her cream pantsuit and pulls out the AmEx card. She tries to embody Brooke as she smrks.
“Big mistake. Big. Huge!” She beckons for her bags and they are placed back in her hands. She gives them one last look and then raises an eyebrow, lip quirking. “I have to go shopping now.”
She leaves and she does not look back.
Vanessa stalks through the hotel lobby looking proud, chest out, head high. She has a few bags in each hand with Courtney carrying the rest up to the room and she feels powerful. She could get used to the way people’s eyes are following her for good reasons instead of bad, and yet the grasp of wealth feels scary. It sickens her to know how differently people treat her because of how she dresses.
Nina’s talking to people when Vanessa walks in and she doesn’t notice her at first, but as her clients’ heads turn, hers does too. She sees the short brunette in a cream pantsuit and a small smile grows on her face. She sees Vanessa as kind of her child now and, damn, is she proud.
Vanessa goes out of sight, but Nina’s smile doesn’t change.
Brooke enters her office already done with the day. At her desk sits Ru, her boss, looking unimpressed with her lateness as he slams the phone back onto the desk, shuffling his papers and pointing to the chair opposite him for her to sit in.
“Brooke Lynn,” he says, monotone and with little care.
“Mr Charles.”
His facade seems to drop almost immediately, lighting up like a kid at Christmas as he hands her a sheet of mortgages taken out by Shuga Cain. “You were right about Shuga. She mortgaged everything she owns, right down to her walking stick, to secure a loan from the bank.” Brooke feigns surprise before giving him a raise of the eyebrow that can only be interpreted as ‘I told you so.’ Ru’s face replies with ‘and there’s more’ before he says, “Not just any bank, Visage Banking!”
“Uhuh,” Brooke follows.
“I think it goes without saying that this deal means more to the bank than even to Cain. And we‘ve got an in at the bank…” he trails off, like he wants her to end his thoughts, but she refuses with a stare. “So…..”
“We gotta call the bank.” She finally exhales with a sigh. He looks disapproving and a little curious as to her mood.
“Alright Brooke. What the hell is wrong with you this week?” He breaks, leaning onto her desk like he’s supposed to be interrogating her, but with all the power of a golden retriever. Despite this, Brooke cannot find it within her to withhold much.
“You know what I used to love when I was a little kid, Ru?” She doesn’t wait for a reply. “Building blocks, Kinects.”
Ru sighs and runs a hand over his bald head. “So, I liked Monopoly - I don’t get what you’re saying.”            
“In Canada, I help people build things. You don’t build anything, Ru. You destroy it.”
“I make money,” he counters with a stony disposition. “We’ve worked for a year on this deal. It’s what you said you wanted. I’m handing it to you.”
“You’ve worked for it. You want it. You don’t want your hands dirty.” Brooke gets louder as she says it, standing, hands flat on her desk.
“Morse’s jugular is exposed. It’s time for the kill,” Ru finishes, looking angry.
Brooke picks up her briefcase swiftly and has a foot out of the door when Ru calls after her, “Call the bank!” She doesn’t dignify him with a response.
When Brooke comes into the penthouse she is exhausted and frazzled, and cannot wait to relax into the sofa with a large glass of red wine and her Netflix subscription. What she does not expect (although it is not unwelcomed), is to find Vanessa lounged on her favourite armchair nude. The woman’s hair is tied in a messy bun on top of her head, single curls falling down to frame her face. The only item she has on (it cannot be deemed clothing), is a vintage red tie. It covers nothing, sitting perfectly between her breasts, and Brooke would be lying if she said she wasn’t fixated.
“Nice tie,” she gulps out, a little speechless.
“I bought it for you,” purrs Vanessa, tugging at it gently, teeth imprinting on her lip. She holds her hand out to Brooke and guides her through the archway into the ensuite.
They lay together in a bathtub full of bubbles, Brooke’s head on Vanessa’s chest as she slowly rubs a sponge over her torso, watching the bubbles lather and dissipate as if entranced. There’s something about bathing together that removes any sense of distance, and Brooke feels compelled to open up about things she’s never considered opening up about. She smiles contentedly before she begins to speak.
“My father always wanted me to be a man,” she states plainly, without preamble or caution. Vanessa’s hands stop briefly before a sloshing can be heard and then warm water is back, rolling over Brooke’s chest. “I suppose that’s why he never had a problem with me being gay - thought I’d make a butch lesbian.”
Vanessa chuckles at that and Brooke can feel the vibrations through her own body too. “You ain’t butch, Mary,” she gets out.
“I know,” responds Brooke with a lilt in her voice. “Anyway, back in my early twenties, I competed in Miss Continental. My dad,” she pauses to consider her words, “he was furious.” Vanessa places a warm hand on her shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “We fought for weeks, he always wanted me to be something, to follow in his footsteps and make something of myself, and insisted that I couldn’t do so if I won a beauty pageant.”
“Exactly. Anyway, he all but disowned me - called me names I’ll never forget and, god, I was so angry.” She sighs and tries to run a hand through her hair, but it’s wet and knotted, so she settles on running her nails up her thigh. Vanessa notices and drops the sponge in the water, settling them both into a position where she can detangle Brooke’s hair easily. “It took me ten thousand dollars in therapy to say that sentence. I was very angry with him.” She repeats with a smirk as Vanessa giggles behind her. “I say that very well don’t I? I’ll say it again. I was very angry with him.” This turns the woman’s giggles into full fledged laughter as she feels her hair become lighter, until Vanessa’s fingers get back to detangling.
“Hi, I’m Brooke Lynn Hytes and I was very angry with my father.”
“I’d be real mad at the ten thousand dollars, boo, but you do you,” Vanessa chips in and Brooke can hear the smile in her voice, glad they’re both enjoying their bathtub rendezvous.
“I won Miss Continental,” Brooke announces finally, deeming it important to finish the story.
“Damn, babe,” she sounds impressed and it makes Brooke flush under the dimly glowing bathroom lights.
“I won Miss Continental and I used the money to put myself through law school. And then I got a job and opened a firm under RuPaul and the first case of his I took on - I helped buy out the company my father was president of. I helped buy it and then I helped sell it off, piece by piece.”
“What did the therapist say?”
“He said I was cursed.”
“Well, you got even, so that must’a made you happy then.”
“Did I mention my legs are about 31 inches from hip to ankle,” Vanessa asks, suggestively wrapping both her legs around Brooke’s waist and leaning to dot a kiss onto her shoulder. “So, basically, we’re talkin’ about 31 inches of therapy, wrapped around you for the bargain price of…”
“Three thousand dollars,” they finish together, laughing. Brooke turns her head so she can lay a soft kiss on the back of Vanessa’s hand, a ‘thank you for listening’ and a 'thank you for still being here’.
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