#fuck dr cass
themainspoon · 5 months
One thing I haven't seen anybody else mention about Dr. Hillary Cass's whole "transition success should be judged by employment success, getting 'out of the house', marriage, and sex life, not happiness" thing is that it's a textbook example of biopower and biopolitical discourse. And I think it's important to be able to take apart what she's doing. Cass is not breaking new ground in the field of transphobia here, she's parroting some of the beliefs that have been causing issues for trans people for decades now. She's doing biopolitics.
This is Foucault theory so I'm giving a very abridged version here: Biopower is power over bodies. As Foucault writes in Vol 1 of the History of Sexuality: Power is no longer about having ultimate dominion over death, but instead about being able to control life itself. In Biopower, power has more than just the threat of death, it has access to our bodies and lives as well. When combined with the concept of the medical gaze, it can be said that medicine is no longer a body of techniques for curing illnesses, but is now an institution with the ability to define "health" and "normality".
In biopolitics, the body becomes a political object, and various technologies, political strategies, and diciplinary techniques operate upon bodies through various institutions in order to shape them and integrate them into society. Ultimately, what is defined as the healthy and valuable body is seen as necessary for the society/nation to thrive. The ideal body is the body of the "ideal citizen", one who fits definitions of "normality".
Within biopower, the purpose of trans healthcare is not to affirm gender or improve the lives of trans individuals. Instead, it is to create "healthy", "productive", "docile", and "normative" bodies that adhere with both the gender binary and understandings of the ideal citizen.
The criteria that Cass states that she thinks the success of transition should be judged by (employment, social involvement, and ability and willingness to participate within heteronormative relationship dynamics) is a list of things expected of "ideal citizens".
In the view of individuals like Cass, who funtion within biomedical discourses, transition isn't about allowing trans people to modify their bodies in ways that bring them joy, better embody their identities, and/or that allow them to feel more like themselves. Transition is instead purely about correcting percived dysfunction, to allow those percived by them as dysfunctional men and women to be transformed into normative, unproblematic, binary adhering, and productive women and men. Options like being non-binary, or using this transition technology to change your body in ways that do not align with medical understandings of binary transition, are seen as invalid, as they create disruption and non-normativity as opposed to 'curing' or 'treating' those things.
Therefore, for people like Cass it only makes sense that the success of transition would be judged by the ability of trans people to adhere to dominant gender norms, productivity, and overall normallity, as opposed to things unrelated to understandings of what "the ideal citizen" is. Y'know, things like happiness, joy, the ability to feel like oneself, etc.
One last point, and this is partially speculation on my part: But I think this is why the fact that trans people face discrimination that makes things like remaining employed and being in healthy relationships much more difficult is ignored by people like Cass. These forms of discrimination are seen as the result of the individuals failure to properly perform and embody "normality". Transphobia is therefore not percived as the fault of a patriarchal cisheteronormative society and culture, but instead a failure of the trans individual and the practice of medical transition.
If it wasn't clear, I think Dr Cass is a hack and that the discourses that inform her positions on trans health issues are not only incorrect, but also act to perpetuate bigotry and social inequality. Fuck Dr Cass, Trans Liberation Now.
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sacreblugh · 2 months
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here you go gannon gays
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bisaster-energy · 8 months
I have to know what nut allergy means 🤲🏻
god i had forgotten about this one til u tagged me💀i got the idea cos of some tiktok someone made about putting ghost pepper in their food to catch whichever coworker was stealing their food and ppl in the notes were freaking out cos "wHAt iF sOMeOnE iS ALlErGiC" me and my friend luke were like "god how funny would it be if you just went in someone's fridge drank all their milk and shit yourself cos ur lactose intolerant and then blame them for trying to poison u that logic is so crazy...what if it was a destiel au"
it's really just a silly hospital au i never got around to finishing it's cringy and basic but it's funny to me so i kept it
so cas is a doctor ofc i have to reward dean somehow.
he's neurosurgeon because i did watch grey's anatomy and dr. sexy being a parody of derek shepherd who's played by patrick dempsey who also played a guy named cass who was in a polyamory with jensen ackle's character and marilyn monroe. i had to put it in
i couldnt decide if i wanted dean to be a doctor too or a nurse but i know i wanted him in peds
basically it's one sided enemies to lovers with dean having beef with cas for no reason (he's hot and this frustrates dean to no end). meanwhile cas has a crush bigger than texas on that man
maybe a competitive aspect too like derek and burke had but less animosity. i try to lean into the soap opera aspect of it as if they're in a medical drama more than a REAL HOSPITAL because it's easier than doing extensive research <3
so maybe dean is a bit more of an asshole to cas than strictly necessary and no one else gets why. cas essentially gives up on trying to have a normal conversation w/dean and thinks he really hates him so he settles to only talk to him in a professional capacity so he wont encroach on his space more than he has to
dean takes this personally. i love misunderstandings
etc etc it comes to a head when maybe something happens that really sets dean off about cas (i haven't figured what yet) and so to get back at him he nabs a cookie from his lunch (cas already established that anyone can indulge in them but dean missed the memo ig)
anyways ruh roh! his dumbass is allergic to one of the ingredients cos it came into contact with walnuts or smth idk
dean's embarrassed as hell and cas finds him all swollen and fucked up and i haven't gotten past this part but yeah i just wanted cas to stab dean with an epi-pen really
overall very mid and silly and dumb but here's an excerpt anyway:
The neurosurgeon is, in Dean's humble (but also right) opinion, the only one worthy of the term Asshole around here, with a capital A.
Well, not the only one. But still.
And it's not like Dean didn't try to get to know him! New doctor shows up, windswept hair tousled to perfection, lab coat flaring behind him like some sort of superhero, gaze focused and intense, and eyes so so blue-
Ahem. Of course Dean is going to be intrigued he's a human being! It's not like Castiel was interested anyway. Barely said three words to Dean before rushing off somewhere else, probably to bless some other coworker with his angelic ass sculpted by god. Dean tried a few times after that and still ended up with nothing more than stilted small talk. Dude made talking to a brick wall seem like a cake walk. There was always something going on that had to cut their conversations short, and Dean thought Cas was just a shy guy at first, nothing wrong with that. But he's seen Dr. Novak easily chat with other staff for longer than two (painfully awkward) minutes. Especially Masters. God that snake just loves to hang off Novak, like that's her job instead of being a damn nurse. Even Balthazar, their own personal sleazeball of an anesthesiologist, allegedly manages to drag the uptight doctor out from time to time.
Not that Dean has been stalking them or anything. He just heard it through the grapevine like every other godforsaken rumor at this high school of a hospital. And if the grapevine happened to just be Balthazar himself bragging about their nights out in the breakroom, well that's Dean's business.
"I still say you need to give him a chance, Dean," his mammoth of a brother insisted, brushing his mane out of his face. Seriously, dude, just get a haircut. "I don't get what your problem with him is. Castiel is great! A little awkward maybe, but it really adds to his charm." Dean rolls his eyes.
"Sammy, you do realize you sound like you're trying to get me to adopt a dog that's about to be sent to the pound? It didn't work when you were eight and it won't work now. And, for your information, I've given Cas plenty of chances to talk to me. He's the one with the issue. You should be selling him all this kumbaya bullshit. And don't you have some lawsuits to prevent?"
It's Sam's turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever, Dean. If you gave up on talking to him then why the hell do you call him by a nickname?" With another flip of his mop, his brother left Dean spluttering for a reasonable answer. Which there is, of course. But Sam's long gone by the time he manages a weak "Castiel is a mouthful, okay?" "I'll say," came an annoyingly sultry voice from behind. Without turning Dean lets out a sigh. "Can I help you, Masters?" He asks flatly, already resigning himself to an unpleasant encounter. "Oh, don't be like that, Dean," God, he can practically hear the obnoxious pout he knows she's wearing right now. "I thought we could bond over what a mouthful Clarence is!" That has him spinning around.
meg is cas' bestie she can't understand why he's hung up on dean but she supports his terrible terrible taste. and if she can manage to convince dean they're fucking in the meantime well. god forbid women do anything
the reason sam seems so invested is cos the hospital has a betting pool over if these 2 get together and when. bros tryna make bank
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 3 months
feeling the post election night hangover... i didn't even drink...
the buzz of a historic labor win has worn off, and now I'm left scared and so so fucking tired. trying to hold onto the joy of four green seats and no torys in wales and that stuff but its hard.
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feeling so so curious about Cassandra... how would they treat/see their darling and the relationship between them? would they boss them around too??
Cass typically has a more aloof and independent spirit, who easily slips into the role of the expert, the mentor, the leader around other people.
However, I think Cass’ treatment of Mika is a bit of an outlier in either of their relationships, stemming from years of an unequal relationship that was meant to become equal at some point, but never really did. You could think of Cassandra as an overbearing and demeaning parent/teacher, who expected much more from Mika as their child/prodigy, and is correspondingly harsh in their expectations and words.
Cassandra still has that air of unshakable self-confidence and even superiority with their Darling, but they are much more patient and gentle with their Darling than with Mika. They actually think it’s rather amusing whenever you fuck up, intentionally or not.
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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Cass is...unused to affection in general. He's been in a couple relationships in his time, romantic and purely physical alike. None ever lasted, not with how disconnected he felt from everyone.
Even with how disconnected he was, with how much of a stranger he was to affection. He really did prefer physical affection. He always felt some kind of distance between himself and others, on an emotional level even more so.
At least when it came to the physical, it felt like people could reach over the gap that constantly stood between him and the world, even in the smallest of ways.
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One of the bats has to go undercover as a patient of a particularly suspect new and upcoming therapist. Bruce already has a backstory fleshed out and a cover identity, but that's no fun now is it.
Dick: Okay, the bat council is now in session. First things first-
Steph: I'm the realest.
Jason: Shut the fuck up.
Dick: No, no arguing. We're here on a MISSION.
Tim: That's right, a very important mission.
Dick: One of us has to go undercover as Dr. Hoffman's patient. But why? Why are we seeking therapy?
Tim: Wrong answers only. If any of you get too real, Dick can and will find you a real therapist.
Dick: And Tim, no superhero related answers. Bernard's PowerPoint nights give you too much of an advantage.
Tim: You're just jealous I know that Batman is actually a tulpa.
Jason: You shut the fuck up too.
Dick: Okay, I'll go first to get the obvious answer out of the way. I'm going because I'm secretly Batman, BUT I'm not here about that. I just have incredibly selective amnesia and can't remember the code to the Batmobile.
Jason: Oh that one's good. Let me think.
Steph: Hoffman is a man, right?
Dick: Right.
Steph: Easy, I'll claim womanly problems. Maybe get prescribed a vibrator.
Tim: *wheezes*
Dick: Ok Gotham's in the dark ages of psychology but not THAT much.
Steph: Spoilsport. Fine, I'm Batman's long lost twin sister.
Duke: Come on, we can't all go to therapy because of Batman.
Jason: I don't know, I feel like all of us should go to therapy because of Batman.
Cass: I'll go because I'm Batman.
Jason: I'd vote for you.
Duke: I think I would go because Metropolis isn't real.
Tim: Like, the whole city is-
Duke: It's a conspiracy. The government wants us to think there's this wonderful city where nothing bad ever happens and an actual alien from space saves the day. Tries to make us buy into some utopian bullshit.
Tim: Hoffman's just going to drive you there.
Duke: Ha! He's not getting ME to a secondary location. He might be in on it.
Steph: Compelling, definitely compelling. I nominate Duke's for first place.
Jason: Don't jump the gun.
Tim: Yeah, you haven't heard ours.
Steph: Well? Let's hear it then.
Tim: I'm an alien spy, sent here to study humans. Only I'm not doing well because I was taken in by rich people and they act weirder than me. I want to know what it means to be human, but whenever I look around all I see is how to make a good margarita. It makes me... sad.
Steph: That's no good. We said wrong answers only.
Jason: Solid four out of ten.
Tim: Fuck off.
Jason: I think I would go because I was convinced I was the second coming of Jesus which is all fine and good, but my whole family is Jewish so it's making things a little awkward at the dinner table.
Steph: You did come back from the dead.
Jason: I did and I'll tell him that. Took a little longer than three days this time, though.
Tim: Okay, I'll be honest. Jason and Duke's are the best.
Dick: Hold on- Damian, do you have an answer?
Damian: Of course. And not one so foolish.
Duke: Well?
Damian: Well, my whole family is comprised of vigilantes and I'm under a lot of stress to be one as well and continue the family tradition. I will of course swear him to secrecy and avoid naming any vigilantes by name.
Dick: ...
Jason: This is what I'm talking about. This is exactly what I'm-
Dick: Yes, okay. Game's over. All of you are getting psych referrals in your inbox by the morning.
Steph: What about-
Dick: Duke won.
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Thinking about disabled AK!Jason tonite with a disabled s/o
Let's be fr this man could/should be an ambulatory wheelchair user but he won't because he doesn't know that's a thing and wouldn't think he deserved it. If you're an ambulatory wheelchair user maybe one day you manage to lovingly bully him into just TRYING it and it is life changing
He uses his ambulatory energy to do Red Hood shit nbd
if he doesn't use a wheelchair he's got at least 2 braces--shoulder and knee
Baby has chronic pain, arthritis, chronic migraines from being beaten
Missing some teeth too
take this boy to your neuro or your ortho!!!! he is totally unaware he does not need to live like this. better living through chemistry
let's get him some therapy too
you WILL have to go to his drs appointments with him. mans WILL freak the fuck out for ANY medical procedure, has very serious medical abuse trauma. if he can see how your drs help you he is much more likely to go if he can see that you are benefiting from your providers and that they haven't harmed you
if you're scared of drs he will FULLY stand behind you. probably not that healthy tbh but he gets it
having a special Migraine Protocol for each of you (it's basically just a snack and a drink, blue light filter glasses, a sleep mask with headphones for that special Migraine Playlist)
make your own pain scales and talk through frequency of pain bc when you have constant or near constant pain it fucks up your ability to quantify it so making your own pain scale is helpful (he probably uses shakespeare plays or authors. like a 5 for jason is twilight, because you can see some problems but it's fun and fluffy but when you start looking closer OH NO SO MANY PROBLEMS)
pain meters on a wall near the kitchen so you can know what you're working with
CBD patches
the AK suit is basically a giant brace/mobility aid so you help him figure out how to adapt it for his red hood persona, how to make it lighter and allow for greater ROM
will remind you to do physical therapy
resistance bands ALL OVER THE HOUSE
learning bodywork techniques
AT LEAST once a week using a special oil or lotion to work into some of his bigger scars to make the tissue more mobile
giving him a back/neck/scalp/face massage
after a while obvi that's a lot of trust he's putting in you
NOT deep tissue. don't hurt him more. you can have effective therapeutic massage without hurting a person
trager work involves basically shaking a limb and letting the weight of the muscle do all the work but it feels weird the first time and he'd just start laughing at you
specially if you do his glutes
but it feels really nice so he stops laughing and it does help his lower body pain
putting magnesium lotion on each other's neck and shoulders
start to ask each other "are you angry or in pain?"
hand massages
teaching him to stop pushing through the pain
one of his knees is basically bone on bone so you always know when the weather is changing
if u both have bad knees u just don't even when the weather is changing. take some pain meds, use your topical pain reliever of choice, prop those joints up and snuggle in bed. watch a youtube series or he can read to you
heated blankets as heating pads supremacy
occasionally he'll be in pain and the kind of pain where you feel like you're going insane, so as a distraction he will go online and buy a bunch of weird pain-relieving gadgets and you'll spend a week trying them out
(sometimes his pain fog shopping spree is blind boxes, or nail polish, or statement shirts)
all of his siblings know to come to your place if they get beat tf up because your medicine cabinet is UNreal
you're about to give cass or steph a Controlled Substance Pain Reliever and you pause "this is technically drug dealing, isn't it? dOn'T teLL rEd hOOD" jason is literally patching them up right next to you
soft blankets
reminding each other it's ok to take it slow
he's constantly tearing into the other rogues for not having ADA accessible lairs (except Ivy who successfully argued that the plants make it ADA accessible which will do. FOR NOW.)
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Actually I think that we should pay more attention to what the "hand over the apostates" banter means for Sebastians character, not just Fenris's.
Because. Yes. It shows Fenris is unwilling to hand over Hawke but more importantly Anders/Merrill who he has an antagonist relationship with.
But also...hey, Seb? You could just do that. Alone. You do not need Fenris and Aveline. Your favourite person in the city is the grand Cleric and if you even slightly hinted at it to her I bet they'd be in chains in the gallows before anyone could blink. Technically, you could argue that maybe there's some rule about the chantry needing/wanting more than one person to inform them of apostates but do we really think that the KIRKWALL templars follow that rule? No fucking way.
So...why does Sebastian go to Fenris and Aveline? We as the audience enjoy the fact that Fenris says no as highlighting something about his character, but Seb has been to Fenris's gambling nights where Anders is a key player. He's watched Fenris and Aveline drink with these people. I don't...think he expects a yes.
He's also...not friendly with Anders. But he and Merrill have genuinely theological debates that I reckon Seb actually sorta enjoys.
He's doing a very Sebastian thing here that digs into the core of his character. He is paroting chantry retoric and pretending it's The Most Important Thing when really his heart isn't in it. He's pretending to be the good little chantry boy, but what he really likes is running around fighting thugs and taking on the evils of the city with these mages. If anyone (from the chantry) asks he can say "I wanted to hand them in, I tried, but they wouldn't let me".
It's SUCH a Seb thing. He doesn't hand them in either! He just thinks he should because the chantry said so. He doesn't want to. He just wants to want to. Just like he wants to want to be a chantry brother with no power or wealth. Just like he wants to want to be merciful when he is really just full of venegnce.
Sebastian never manages to distangle his faith from the chantry. He doesn't even really work out what he likes and what he doesn't, like Cass, Viv or Leliana do. He just. Thinks he should like it all without any higher thought. Which means that he reacts like this when the chantry seem to be telling him one thing and he wants something else.
Sebastian and his cognitive dissonance about what he wants and what he wants to want and the hoops he will jump through to appear "good" while still basically getting what he wants is so fascinating to me. I wish it had been explored more and Seb had managed to work it out for himself and explore what parts of his faith were important to him and what parts were just something he felt cohersed into doing.
tl;dr, Sebastian didn't want to hand in Anders or Merrill either, which is why he asked instead of doing it. He just wanted to say he had tried to appease the invisible ghost of chantry propaganda sitting on his shoulder.
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itsawritblr · 5 months
Looking out the window to see if pigs are flying.
oh my fucking god.
For the first time that I know of, an NPR program is interviewing Dr. Hilary Cass about the Cass Review.
This is fucking unbelievable. Up to this point I've never heard anything on National Public Radio that questioned anything trans related.
On Point with Meghna Chakrabarti.
You can listen to it here.
Unfortunately, they're also interviewing people who've been supporting trans insanity. "Both sides," I assume. Funny how they never had "both sides" all the years they've been promoting sterilization and mutilation of children. ;-(
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ninyard · 4 months
Nin, light of my life. I wanna know how you hc Andrew and Aaron's relationship after college. I love doomed by the narrative sibling relationships but I honestly can't see either of them losing contact with one another considering how much they fought to stay in orbit.
I’ve very briefly talked about Aaron/Andrews relationship post TKM but honestly okay this is just one of many opinions on everything but I don’t really think they keep in contact THAT much until there’s a reason to but hear me out
I think maybe two years post TKM, in a session with Betsy, Aaron says something about Drake/Andrew and it’s as if there’s a switch that has been flicked on their relationship. They don’t really talk that much, still, but they have a really fucking raw and honest conversation that day. Andrew is receptive, and they’re talking, and it’s just so deep and intimate it’s not like any conversation they’ve had before.
There’s a lot of things tarnished but changed in their relationship by both the death of Tilda and the death of Drake. Aaron can’t help but see Andrew differently once he finds out about Drake, and maybe that’s something they talk about more, because it really humanises Andrew for him. Like a LOT. It’s like, “Okay, now there’s a reason why he is the way that he is. He’s not just an asshole for fun.” Andrew can’t help but see Aaron differently when maybe at some point he compares Tilda to Cass, putting up with abuse (by Drake/by Tilda) just to feel loved, to feel like you have a place. I don’t know. A lot of things change about how they see each other, but they still don’t feel like they could be…friends? Theyll be able to have a joke once in a blue moon, or they’ll talk to each other if there’s nobody else to talk to, but they’re not exactly texting each other for advice. Aaron still doesn’t trust him around Katelyn, and Andrew is fine with that.
They take pictures with each other at their graduations, though, and Andrew goes to his med school graduation and has drinks with him the day he becomes Dr Aaron Minyard, and every now and again they’ll text each other something that reminds them of each other. Like Andrew will text Aaron: “You” And it’s just like a meme about being a doctor or something
etc etc etc
but I believe this if Katelyn were to get pregnant, or they were getting married, or either of them finally had to chance to be a real loving caring family, they’d come together and be in much better contact with each other. Like their texts would look like this but it’s SOMETHING you know??? It’s a relationship they never had before?? Idk
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I think in their real adult lives, with families and careers and people to look after that isn’t themselves, it’d bring them together a whole lot more than anything else. They both realise this is an opportunity to be different than their families, to raise their lineage in a more loving environment than what they grew up in, you know? Andrew sees an opportunity to break the cycle, and maybe he mentions this to Bee or Neil and they’re like yeah you’re right. You’re an Uncle now. You’re a brother-in-law.
I think at the end of it all, continuing on their families becomes the thing to bring them the closest together. I think then, maybe they’ll have a drink and laugh and sing together at some Christmas holiday sometime in the way way way distant future. Maybe they’ll go fishing together while Katelyn is minding the baby. I can see them being brothers then.
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And they were roommates. 1-4
Summary: Your roommate comes to save you from a bad date and ends up saving your whole night.
Pairing: FemReader x Jason Todd
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, choking, teasing, swearing, praise, asshole men, drinking, plot? whos she?, Friends to lovers, Roommates!AU, Jason is the hood but his roommate has no idea. Mean names for mean men.
AN: OMG they were roommates. Soft Jason is getting me through my days right now.
Edit: Apparently I need to put numbers on theses, because I live in this world now and as of right now there are 2 more chapters in my drafts.
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“Hey roomie, what's up?” Jason's voice is somehow the only thing calming you down as you cower in the stall of the ladies room. This was supposed to be a nice date, the guy was a doctor for fucks sake. But if he isn't the creepiest guy, with the worst vibes in the world, you'd eat your own shoe. 
Shit, how are you going to tell Jason that you’re an idiot. The smart thing to do would’ve been to call Cass or Steph, but you’re not quite sure how they would react. Jason on the other hand, you know he will come. He might be one of the biggest assholes you know, but he’s got a soft spot for you. He did let you move in with him after you got kicked out of your last place and well, you panicked. So now here you are hiding in the bathroom, calling your massive roommate to come rescue you because you're terrified of what's going to happen when you turn this guy down.
“Princess? You there? Are you alright? You're breathing kind of heavy.”
“Jay, I need you to come get me.”
“That bad huh?”
“Yes, please. Were at-”
“I know where you are. Give me ten minutes.”
“Thanks,” you end the call. Ten minutes ok. You can wait ten minutes. You've just got dessert left. That should give Jason plenty of time to show up and you can just say Jay will give you a ride home and that will be that. No worries.
5 minutes to go, you think as Dr fuckin douchebag, stands from the table. “I can't wait for you to see my apartment  I just got the new-” Blah Blah Blah.......Fuck does he ever shut up? you think. Your eyes stay focused on the door. Maybe you could go back and hide in the bathroom until Jason gets here?
Shit, he's staring. Did he ask you a question? Who cares? You stand up peeking down at the message on your phone.
“1 minute away.”
Thank all the fucking gods for Jason Todd. You follow Dr douche outside, onto the busy street. His gross hand on your back makes you recoil into another passer-by. "Sorry, ma'am," 
"It's ok dear," the old lady says, brushing past you with her groceries, "are you ok?" 
“Yeah, thanks.” You say sincerely, hearing the echo of Jason's bike from down the street. Any second now.
“Don't worry about that old bitch. She needs to watch where she’s going,” Dr douche says, “my car is this way,” he starts to direct you. But you stand in place, he looks at you with his brow furrowed, “this is Chanel,” he points at his coat, “I need to get inside before it rains. Lets go.”
You just stare at him. Completely flabbergasted. Where the fuck is Jay? The Doctor reaches for you but you take a step back. “I think I'll walk home,”
“Don't be ridiculous, I can drive us back to my house.”
“Nah I'm good,”
“What! I buy you this expensive dinner and nothing? Typical fucking female.”
“The lady said she's good,” a gruff voice comes from behind you before an arm wraps around your shoulder. You lean back into the touch, letting out a deep breath.
“And who the fuck are you?” Dr D-bag shouts.
“Ready to go Princess?” Jay asks, handing you his spare helmet. You nod in response and Jason turns to lead you back to his bike when he suddenly stops. Turning around so fast you don't know what's happened until you see Dr douche on the ground cradling his face. “Fucking prick. Keep your hands off me,” Jason sneers over at him. “You ok?” he asks, as you step away from Dr D-bag who’s still shouting obscenities at you both.
“Yeah good, can we go home now?”
“Right this way Princess.”
“So what happened?” Jason asks when you walk through the door of your shared apartment. He’d be silent the whole way home and you’re not certain if it’s because you wouldn’t be able to hear over his motorcycle or if he was trying to calm himself down. He was gripping the handles of the bike so tight you thought they might snap off.
“You saw him. He was awful. Nearly dragging me back to his house wasn’t even the worst of the things he did. Sure, the not letting me get a word in bugged me, but when he started talking about OUR plans for the future I knew I needed an out.”
“That’s gross. But what I don’t understand is-” he pauses as if thinking over his response, “Why call me?”
“I ah-” you're not really sure what to say or why he's so shocked that you would.
“Noone ever calls me for help. You must be out of your mind,”
“I didn't know who else to call,”
“Dick, Steph, Cassie. Geeze I even thought you’d call the demon spawn before me.”
“I panicked and well, I knew you'd come.”
“Because I have no life?”
“No, because even though you're a jerk sometimes there's a reason you let me move in here when I was desperate.”
“Because you're hot?”
“No, because we're friends. You like me,” you tease,”you think I'm cool.”
“Not true.”
“I would not.” he dramatically rolls his eyes at you. 
You ignore him, walking over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of wine. With a little jump, you sit yourself on the kitchen counter and take a swig. Jason throws his favourite jacket off onto one of the stools, leaning himself next to you on the counter. He stares up at you, like he’s still very confused about why you called him instead of one of the others. The favourites, but he doesn't want to push you.
“May I?” he asks and you recall the dozens of other times you have sat like this together. So much easier and equal when his face is in line with yours and his massive frame isn’t hulking over you.
“For my rescuer? You can have as much wine as you want,” you smile, handing him the bottle.
“Rescuer, I like that. Though I am wondering why you went out with him in the first place.”
“He seemed fine when we were texting. But-”
“He wasn't.”
“Exactly. And honestly I'm so pent up that if he wasn't such a walking red flag, I probably would have gone home with him.”
“Asshole is lucky I only hit him,” he mutters under his breath, “Should’ve at least stabbed him a little,”
“Enough about him. What are we going to do tonight?”
“I could call Roy and Artemis, we could go to the club? We could prowl the streets to find this guy and I'll hit him again for good measure? Or we could stay in, do a girls night?”
“Dancing does sound good, but I'm not really in the mood for other people right now.” You slide further down the counter, before flopping onto the floor, “mogjt I wntd t gt ld tdy,” you mumble into your arm.
“What was that? You’re mumbling,”
“I said!” You shout, “MOSTLY I JUST WANTED TO GET LAID!” Jay peers down at you, his eyes  going wide and a tiny bit of shock on his face. “But apparently I'm picky and gross. No one I ever want, wants me.”
“Hey, I won't have you saying shit like that,” he bends down in front of you, his hand firm on your chin. You want to look at him but you can feel the shame on your face. “Eyes on me, Princess.”
“I can't,”
“You can. Come on now, just look at me.” You slowly raise your gaze until your eyes meet his. “There you are, now tell me about your problem.”
“My problem is being so horny I feel like I'm gonna burst.” you admit, “So, not so much a problem as an inconvenience.”
“That’s a really big one,” He says leaning back on his heels, “do you want my help?”
“What?!” you say, very taken aback by his offer.
“I said,” he stays where he is giving you room to think. But you know how fast he can move when he wants to, “Do you want my help?”
“I -” Shit, you can feel all your conflicting emotions swirling around in your head. Sure Jay is kind, sweet even. But he can be such an jerk. Is he going to hold this over you? Bring it up all the time? Is it going to change your friendship? You admit you always had a tiny bit of curiosity about what it would be like, how he would taste, what his big strong arms would feel like wrapped around you. But would this change everything? Would it be better or worse?
“Last time I'm going to ask Princess, you want my help or not? We can just sit and watch a movie or something.” he throws his head back towards the couch, “Clocks ticking, better decide fast.” He smirks, pulling away slightly like he’s about to get up and leave.
“Yes,” the word whispers on your lips.
“Going to need you to say that a bit louder, Princess.” He teases, watching you intently.
“Yes, Jason. I would like your help,”
“Good girl,” he takes your face in his two hands, pulling you into him. His lips meet yours and it's like nothing you've ever felt before. The sweet wine on his breath, his calloused thumbs brush along your cheek, his lips firm while not consuming. It's a great fucking kiss.
“Are you sure about this?” You ask when he stops to take a breath.
“Second guessing yourself already Princess? Coz we can stop. This is all it could be, just a kiss between friends.” He bites down on his bottom lip, his eyes raking over you in the tight red dress you'd worn for your date. “Be a shame, but we can stop.”
You take him in, the grey sweats that just cling to his thighs. The black tee that looks like it's been painted on and those beautiful curls that have gone all frizzy from his helmet. 
“Yes you want to stop.” he confirms, backing away.
“Yes, I want to keep going.”
He smiles so wide at that, “then get up,” he wraps an arm around you hugging you close to his body, “I'm not about to fuck you on the floor.” Your legs bind around him, even though you know he isn't about to drop you, “see now isn't that better?”
“Love this dress by the way,” his fingers graze along the underside of your thigh, “Red looks good on you,” he carries you down the hall. Stopping when he reaches your opposite doors, his eyes glancing between the two, “Yours or mine?”
“Damn, was hoping I'd get to smell you on my sheets tomorrow.”
“Maybe next time,”
“Oh,” he raises his brow, “going to be a next time is there?”
“If you're lucky,” you wink.
“Well, I’m shit outa luck.” he jokes as he takes a seat on the edge of your bed, placing you on his lap. His hand drift’s closer and closer to your pussy. “Maybe I don't need luck,” he kisses into your shoulder, “maybe I can convince you based on pure talent.”
“That's a big maybe,” you squirm rubbing yourself down into his groin,
“Not for me,” he hooks his knees under yours, spreading you open for him, his mouth dangerously close to your ear. His nose brushes along your neck, his fingers matching the movement on your inner thigh. 
His other hand reaches around, massaging your tits. A quick swipe of his fingers over your panties, you hide your face, knowing what he's going to find. “Fuck, you're wet already,” his finger slip up, moving your panties to the side as he dips his fingers into your wetness. 
You let out a small moan, his fingers feel so intense, slowly drifting up and down your pussy lips. You start to squirm aching to have them inside of you. “Jason please,”
“You want my fingers princess?” 
“Yes, shit that feels so good.” His hand rises from your tits circling your neck. His other hand moves your thighs up, your feet landing on his knees and making you fall further back unto him, 
“That's a good girl, spread open for me. I got you,” he says when he feels you tense, “relax into me.”
You let your muscles go loose, your hands wrapping around his huge biceps as he brings his free hand closer to where you need him. His hand slips into the band of your panties, ripping them from you and in seconds his hand is back on you. 
“Shit, can’t believe you’re so wet already. Do I turn you on Princess?” His voice teasing as his middle finger presses onto you. “Slides in so nice,” he presses it deeper, “fuck, I can feel you clenching on on it already,”
“Jason,” you thrust your hips up, “move your hand,” you reach down, pressing your hand ontop of his.
“Oh, like this,” he pulls his finger out, then puts two back in, “Show me how you like it Princess,”
“Yeah,” you moan, “like that,” guiding his fingers, exactly how you like it.
“That’s it, show me how to make you cum,” he moans, his stubble grazing your cheek as he peers over your shoulder to watch you, “You like that? How about this?” he tilts his head, lips sucking on your shoulder, his thumb moving how you're directing it while his fingers fuck into you.
“Yeah, that's amazing,” you move your hips in time with his thrusts noting the hardness growing under your ass. Relishing in the soft nip of his teeth as they graze up your neck. His other hand reaches round, slipping under your dress and pinching at your nipple.
“That's it, take it from me.” He moans in your ear, “take your pleasure from my hand Princess.” Your hips start to buck, your knees shake from trying to get his fingers deeper and deeper inside you. You feel a surge inside and suddenly your legs collapse, your feet tingle and your head falls back right into his shoulder.
“Jay, that was-” you're lost for words as you stare up at him with only half your brain left.
“Fuck, you made such pretty sounds, let's see of I can get some more,” his hands tighten on the bottom of your dress, tugging the material over your head and throwing it onto the floor. The chill of the night hair hits you and sends goosebumps all over your skin.
You're still basking in your post cum haze when he flips you. Landing on your hands and knees and before you can even ask what he's doing his face is on your pussy.
“I just have to, if this is the only time. I want it all,” his tongue thrust's into you, licking all of that sweet cum from inside you. “Fuck you taste so good,” he moans, the vibration of his voice sending jolts of pleasure through your body. “So fuckin hot when you twitch, Princess,” His fingers thrust back into you as he sucks down on your clit.
“FuucK Jay, yeah like that,” you quiver, over-stimulated from your first orgasms. You press your ass into his face and he growls in response, grabbing you by the hips to force you even closer. 
“That's it Princess, fuck yourself into my face. Give me all-” he stops, staring up at you in awe, “are you going to cum again?”
“Yes, so close.”
“Fuck, you must've needed this. So pent up, just needed a real man go take care of you,” his fingers work faster his whole arm wrapping under your hips to keep you upright. “So fucking delicious,”
“Yes Jay, yes I need to-”
“Cum then. Cum on my face,” his words muddled by how well he is eating you right now
“Jason fuuuucckkk,” you scream as you let go, your body shaking, held up only by the arm underneath you.
“Such a good girl,” he says, slowly easing off you, “take a rest,” his weight leaves you and you feel the bed rise as he stands.
“Where are you?” You turn your head with maximum effort.
“Can't fuck you with my pants on Princess,” he smirks at you, “do you still want me to fuck you? Or are you blazed out?”
“Yes, please,” you smile sweetly at him, even though your face is still smooshed into the mattress.
“Such manners for such a bad girl,” he says, working to get his clothes off a bit faster, “Can you tell me what you want?”
“Want you to fill my achy pussy, so fuckin empty Jay, please.” you pout your bottom lip at him.
He smiles so bright that it almost lights up the room, ”Since you asked so nicely,” he grabs your hips lifting and spreads your ass cheeks, “do you want it right now or?” His cockhead swipes through your soaked pussy.
“Yes, now. Please fuck me,” you try to back into him but he his massive hands hold you in place
“I wanted this for so long, can you let me enjoy this,” teasingly slowly he swipes his cock through you, slapping his head onto your pussy. You jolt up, so fucking sensitive, you legs start to twitch and your back arches your ass into him.
He lets out a pleased giggle to himself. He presses just the tip into you, slowly opening you up and pressing himself in deeper and deeper. His huge cock stretches you out wonderfully. You feel every vein, every inch of him, until he's fully inside of you. “Holy fuck, you feel so good,” he moans, leaning his body over yours and kissing into your neck. Goosebumps cover your skin and you can feel your pleasure starting to build again.
You try to move again, but his strong hands hold you in place, “Inpatient aren't we Princess. No need for squirming, I got you.” Drawing out slowly, he slams back into you. 
“Jason, holy fuck,” you pant, biting down on the blanket below you.
“Shit, you're pussy, holy fuck is right,” he keeps his movement consistent, the slow draw out before he thrust hard back into you. “You're so fucking slippery princess, it's so fucking good.”
His pace speeds up, your breath becoming raged and hoarse as he fucks into you. “Holy shit, I can’t believe we waited so long for this,” His cock worshiping you from the inside while his mouth rambles "so good, too good. Taking me so well, Fuck I want to live here,”
Your about to come again when he stops, his hand latching into your hair and pulling your back to his chest. The zing of pain almost, fucking almost sending you over the edge. But he’s still, holding himself inside you.
“From now on Princess,” his voice is almost a growl in your ear as you clench around him at the mention of your pet name, he shivers in response. Tugging tighter on your hair, “You come to me ok. No more fucking assholes that can't treat you right. No more late night rescues, just this.”
“Jay,” you pant, “is this-”
“I want you to be safe and if this keeps you safe, then we'll do it every fucking day,”
“I want that,” 
“Good girl, now roll over. I wanna see those pretty eyes when I make you cum on my cock.”
“Jason, fuck.” You squeal when he takes your ankles over his shoulders, his hands coming down to rest on either side of your head. 
He leans down pressing his forehead into yours, “kiss me Princess,” you reach up wrapping your arms around his neck and plant your lips on him. It's hungry and sloppy and it sends shivers down your legs. You only stop to let out a low moan when he pushes back in.
“You're so deep,” 
“I know, shit. I want to be all the way back in.” He pushes harder, “do you feel how well I'm filling you?” He grinds his pelvis into yours, “how well you're taking me? Fucking hell, hold on to me,” He tightens your grip around his neck, He moves faster, fucking into you like some wild animal let loose, his pace all over the place as he looses himself in you. “Princess, you're-” he grips your throat tighter holding you in place, “that should stop ya slipping away from me”.
“Jason, tighter,” you move your hand over his, pressing his fingers in harder. 
“Like that?” He confirms and when you nod he takes your hand back, “hold onto me. I need to cum, I need it so fuckin bad.” His hand moves back to your throat, "But I don't want to stop fucking you," his hips pressing yours higher and higher until your ass is fully off the bed, his other arm holding your thighs to his chest. 
“Jay, fuckin- oh my shit,” you pant as he cock reaches parts of you, you didn't even know existed. “I'm gunna cum Jay,”
“Me too Princess, want me to count us down?”
“Yes, yes whatever.”
“5, shit you're so fucking sexy like this,” he moves your head with his thumb  pointing your face right at him, “4, were definitely doing this again,” you feel your legs begin to shake and your world start to spin as you try to hold it at bay. “3, shit, shit, it's so good, too fuckin perfect,” his grip tightens on your throat, and you close your eyes trying to focus, “2, open your eyes Princess, look at me when I make you cum,” your eyes zap open and your met with that cocky smile, you feel your insides start to flutter, to squirm and buzz and all that good shit, “1.” You start to convulse like you've been possessed, the only thing holding you in place is Jason's massive body while he cries your name and buries himself in you.
“I didn't choke you too hard did I?” He asks rolling off you and gently putting your legs on the bed.
“I liked it,” you joke, turning on your side and slipping your elbow under your head. “How are you? Do you need some water?”
“Yeah, that'd be great,” he takes heaving breaths, not even sitting up to drink from your water bottle. “That was something else.”
“You got that right.”
“So have I got the skills or what?”
“Are you really fishing for compliments right now?” 
He shrugs at you, throwing the water on the ground. 
"Yes, oh great Jason Todd, you got the skills."
“Knew it,” he winks, “I meant what I said, you come to me, you cum on me, whenever you want.”
“Good night Princess,” he says, rolling over and tucking you into his chest.
“Hey! I didn't say you could sleep here,” you protest jokingly trying to push him away.
“Good luck with your whole pushing me away thing,” he yawns, his arms tightening around you as he presses a little kiss into your forehead and snuggling down into your hair.
“Asshole,” you mumble as you press yourself in closer, throwing a leg over his.
“Yeah, this asshole rescued your whole night Princess, So I think you'll let it slide this time.”
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spacedace · 1 year
Haunted by thoughts of an AU i don't know enough Batman/DC lore to write where instead of bent on revenge, Jason comes back obsessed with a need to make sure no other Robin (or any BatKid) faces the fears and horrors he faced and absolutely he will not let any more Robins die. (AKA writing prompt for whoever is interested)
He still comes back to Gotham, still takes over Crime Alley as Red Hood, but he never reveals who he is. He's just this new mystery vigilante that sticks to Crime Alley and uses more violence than Bruce would like but is always, always *always* there to look after the kids.
Red Hood becomes the over protective big brother of all the younger BatKids, showing up out of no where whenever a fight starts getting dicey to kick ass and keep them safe before shuffling them off to whatever of his safe houses is closest to get them some snacks and do a check in on how they're feeling/doing.
He makes sure Tim gets some sleep and isn't burning himself out. Has some heart to hearts with Steph about their similar childhoods. Sets up a safe quiet space for Cass when she feels overwhelmed. Drags them all off to Dr. Thompkins, gently bullies them i ti getting therapy, helps them with homework, things like that.
He avoids Bruce & Dick generally- too painful - but Red Hood is always there to have their backs, even if he never sticks around long afterwards.
When Damian shows up things get a bit weird. Damian knows him from the League, but won't say who he is. Red Hood seems to have a way with him and manges to treat Damian like the kid he is without Damian blowing up or getting angry about it.
Jason nips Damian's idea of killing Tim in the bud before it gets past the initial planning stage and slowly manages to get the two to some kind of understanding.
He actually sticks around to talk to Dick & Bruce after fights longer than a few seconds and gives advice on how to work with Damian on his issues. Some of the distrust starts to go away for Bruce after that, he starts trying to pull Red Hood into the fold, Dick helping as much as he can.
And Jason is so tempted to tell them. Make the reveal, face his fears and go *home* finally.
But then Bruce dies.
And Dick has taken up the cowl and made Damian Robin and Tim is left drifting, so sure that Bruce is still alive and Jason looks at it all and how close they all are to shaking apart and thinks "I'm not losing anyone else"
He talks to Tim and works with him to try and find Bruce and keep the little bird as far the fuck away from Ra's as possible. Tim takes the mantel Red Robin in honor of his adopted big brother Hood when the dust finally settles.
And when The Heretic comes for Damian, he finds that he has to get through the living tank that is Red Hood first. He doesn't, in the end. Jason swore he'd never let another Robin die and he'd reshape the universe with his bare hands if that's what it takes to do.
They all get on the same page finally, they work together and get Bruce home and well it's not like there's a better time to let them all know he's back.
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queermarzipan · 4 months
[append 12ft.io/ at the start all urls if you don't have a telegraph account]
Sex is biological fact, NHS declares in landmark shift against gender ideology
Campaigners welcome change to constitution, which will ban trans women from female-only wards, as ‘return to common sense’
Laura Donnelly, Health Editor
30 April 2024 • 12:01am
The NHS is to declare that sex is a matter of biology in a landmark shift against gender ideology.
Changes to the health service’s written constitution proposed by ministers will for the first time ban trans women from women-only wards, and give women the right to request a female doctor for intimate care.
The NHS constitution, a document that aims to set out the principles and values of the health service and legal rights for patients and staff, was last updated in 2015. It has to be updated at least every 10 years by the Secretary of State. 
Campaigners for women’s rights welcomed the significant shift, which comes after years of wrangling and follows accusations that the health service had been captured by “gender ideology”.
In 2021, NHS guidance said trans patients could be placed in single-sex wards based on the gender with which they identified.
The new constitution will state: “We are defining sex as biological sex.”
The clarification means that the right to a single-sex ward means patients would “not have to share sleeping accommodation with patients of the opposite biological sex”.
Until now, no commitment was made to biological sex, meaning some female patients complained that they were forced to share sleeping space with trans women – those who are born male but identify as female.
Women’s rights campaigners said the move was a “return to common sense and an overdue recognition that women’s wellbeing and safety matter.”
However, NHS leaders raised concerns that the health service was being “dragged into a pre-election culture wars debate”.
The changes to the constitution are a further indication of a change in attitudes after the Cass review into the NHS’s gender identity services found evidence that allowing children to change gender was built on weak foundations.
Dr Hilary Cass, a paediatrician, said allowing “social transitioning” for young people – when they are treated as the opposite gender – could “change their trajectory” and lead to them pursuing a potentially damaging medical pathway in later life.
The updates to the constitution will also include the introduction of a duty to help patients get back to work and embed “Martha’s Rule” into the framework of the health service.
This follows pledges by Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, to give families the right to access a rapid review from an outside team if a patient is deteriorating. It is named after 13-year-old Martha Mills, who died in 2021 after medics missed signs of sepsis and failed to heed warnings from her parents that their daughter’s condition was getting worse.
Women will also be given the right to request that intimate care is provided, where reasonably possible, by someone of the same biological sex.
It follows warnings that some female patients have been pressured into accepting such care from trans-identifying staff who were born male.
The proposed changes will also see discrimination requirements updated, with the word gender replaced with sex.
Gender reassignment remains a protected characteristic, meaning that a transgender patient could be given their own room in a hospital to protect their right to a single-sex service.
The document also places a duty on health providers to use “clear terms” to communicate and take account of biological differences. It follows pledges from ministers to stop NHS trusts using terms like “chestfeeding” and “people who give birth”.
In February, Ms Atkins highlighted her concerns, telling The Telegraph: “We need to be making this robust case to refuse to wipe women out of the conversation.”
On Tuesday, she said: “We want to make it abundantly clear that if a patient wants same-sex care they should have access to it wherever reasonably possible.
“We have always been clear that sex matters and our services should respect that.
“By putting this in the NHS constitution we’re highlighting the importance of balancing the rights and needs of all patients to make a healthcare system that is faster, simpler and fairer for all.”
Maya Forstater, chief executive of gender critical group Sex Matters, said: “It is excellent news that the NHS constitution is being revised to put ‘sex’ in its rightful place – at the heart of principle 1, which sets out that the NHS must treat everyone with equality and respect for their human rights.
“The confusion between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ in official policies like the NHS constitution is what has enabled women’s rights to be trampled over in the name of transgender identities.
“Sex, of course, is a matter of biology, not identity, and it is welcome that the NHS is now spelling this out in relation to single-sex accommodation and intimate care.”
Ms Forstater said too many female patients seeking that intimate care be given by a woman had been pressured into accepting a trans-identifying male instead.
“Healthcare providers have become confused and frightened by the idea that a gender recognition certificate, or even just a personal identity claim, overrides other people’s rights when it comes to same-sex care from healthcare professionals.”
She said the shift was “simply a return to common sense and an overdue recognition that women’s wellbeing and safety matter.”
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents healthcare leaders, said its members would review the proposals in detail.
However, he added: “What is absolutely clear at this stage is that a focus on high-quality care for all is maintained and that the NHS is not dragged into a pre-election culture wars debate. This is not where energies should be focused.”
Mr Taylor said staff worked hard to show fairness and compassion towards all patients.
“In particular, groups of people, including trans and non-binary patients, continue to receive some of the worst health outcomes of any group in our society and NHS leaders and staff will want to do all they can to support these patients, as well as their trans and non-binary staff to reduce inequalities.
“Whatever changes are eventually introduced following the consultation need to be clear and workable for NHS staff, who should not expect to have to interpret ambiguous guidance at a local level.”
The eight-week consultation will be the first stage of a review of the constitution.
The Government will consider responses from everyone, including the public, clinicians and medical professionals, patients, carers and organisations representing patients and staff and health stakeholders, before publishing the consultation response and the new NHS constitution.
Louise Ansari, chief executive of Healthwatch England said: “The NHS constitution plays a crucial role in shaping the culture of our NHS and helping the public to know their rights.
“Since the NHS constitution launched, it has helped to shift the balance of power from services towards patients and their families. But, with only a third of people knowing their rights, there is still a long way to go.
“Given the challenges our NHS faces, a conversation to reaffirm and raise awareness of the most important rights to the public has never been more timely.
“We urge everyone to take part in the consultation and have their say. This is your opportunity to send a clear message about the rights you hold most dear.”
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Okay this ain't even my country and I know that I'm preaching to the choir but "Dr" Hilary Cass' report on how trans youth in Britain are totally fine without transitioning and hey maybe we should just ban it all entirely is one of the most glaring examples of bad faith science I've seen and I want to dress down exactly why it's horseshit.
She did not conduct any research herself. She has never so much as interacted with a trans youth. What she did was cherrypick a bunch of publications, say that they "weren't conducted properly", and then read that as a "lack of evidence" for the benefits of transitioning. (Note: All of the studies she looked at were UK. Ergo every other country that has found that transitioning helps people can get fucked I guess because the laws of science only apply to Britain.) There were plenty of publications that did pass her narrow view for scientific rigor, and she deliberately left them all out. She can't even say they were wrong, she just says "they weren't good enough" and takes that as "proof" there was no real evidence to begin with.
If she was a scientist and not a TERF with a political agenda, she would be asking for these studies to be redone with her new standard. But she's not. She just wants all trans science to stop before it shows her something she doesn't want to hear, and for all trans youth to kill themselves quietly so she can say they were "just" suicidal and there was nothing that transitioning could have done for them. And the fact that the government and even other scientists are supporting her in this endeavor makes me sick.
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axel29-exe · 4 months
I'm watching supernatural for the very first time.
okay continuing from my last post on supernatural here's some of the things that i noticed or told my friend about.
the green screening still looks funky but it adds (screenshot below)
they really did an Actor AU
no early 2000's video program can do that AND GRAPHIC DESIGN IS THERE PASSION. (screenshot below)
Dr sexy is Dean's man crush.
Dean's obsession with cowboys is real, i love red dead redemption
(my friend said they wanted the chest tattoo) well you can't exactly get the rib ones. cause ya know. It's on your ribs.
HIT LIST, - John - becky for that fuck ass SA shit - John again for good measure
they really went international, to scottland.
Misha goated w/ the sauce
i can be ur angle or ur deivl
Another thing was that i was coming up with some theories BUT they were later disproven. my fav one is this:
The way I see it is that either Dean wasn't born with a full soul/ soul or he lost it or broke it in hell because he's been constantly eating since the start of the show. When he was with Cass at the striper club, he mentioned that it was the first time in a long time since he had laughed. which could also mean that because he lacks a soul, his body yearns for one and Cass's holy energy?? is substituting it a bit or that Cass has too much soul because ya know angel.
So his soul got taken when he took the fiery plunge and when he came back all his habits representing greed cranked up tenfold.
he fills his lack of a soul with human desires to feel something , so eating, drinking, sex, not sleeping . Just constant consumption that invokes human endorphins, because he's legit undead.
IT WAS A THEORY AND A BOY CAN DREAM but alas i was wrong.
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anyway ill do another one of these shitposts later down my watching line :) enjoy this art of Cass and the many screenshots.
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Dean w/ really high jeans
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bro rlly said "zoom, enhance" and graphic design is in fact, their passion.
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she has a green ring around her silhouette, i love the fuck ass green screens.
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