#games that aren't just exams in gaming form
whatudottu · 1 year
Look, I'm not saying that the entirety of the Galvan race would be gamers. That would be ludicrous. I'm simply saying that if they found out about the existence of video games as well as how to program them,
Damn if only they didn't have tadpole children otherwise they'd totally have iPad toddlers smh smh- no doubt on Galvan Prime (or whatever edition of planet they're on if you don't retcon it's destruction in the Highbreed arc) they'd already found an interest in many variations of video games, even if predominantly it's not socially acceptable in most galvan cultures to be an adult in full pursuit of a gamer, not that there isn't a market for it because expectations breeds exceptions.
Because of the majority of galvan intellects steer towards the sciences, galvan video game developers probably tend to target younger fresh-out-of-the-pond adolescents with educational games, a combination of fun and learning. But these are galvans we're talking about, so no Mario Teaches Typing or Leap Frog levels of baby smarts games, more like Brain Training and significantly more difficult than what you get here. It's not to say 'fun for fun's sake' games don't exist, just that these are really the only games that early learning galvan really get until they have control over their own financial responsibilities.
I'm not saying that galvan who prefer more entertaining games later in life are unintelligent, but I am saying that Blukic and Driba seem the type to game for fun-
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Floyd Head cannons<3
Floyd loves finding his little shrimp hanging out with their friend group or doing work in class, it makes his day. He normally runs over and pushes whoever is talking to you out of the way as he flings himself at you, squeezing you tightly in his arms before scurrying off like nothing happened, leaving you and your company very confused.
Hes 100% the type of guy to say "this ones for you" and completely miss the basketball hoop, instead hauling the ball at one of his teammates while looking so incredibly proud
To be honest if you came to twisted wonderland as a rock climber or a sprinter, he would have the time of his life chasing you around. He's never seen someone as fast as his little shrimpy, you actually give him a challenge. Can you imagine his shock if you just start to sprint up a tree or the side of the wall on campus. You catch his attention originally by climbing somewhere high to pull grim out of a tree, or even seeing you sprint by to try and reach class before the bell rings. You give him a challenge, it intrigues him
Because your a rock climber, your strong right? Imagine your just walking with your normal group before feeling something heavy lunge at you and hold onto you in the piggy back position. You can easily keep him held up right and he will just be a giggling mess, your friends worried for you as floyd remains completely supported on your back. They eventually call jade and azul and they are also shocked to see you just standing calmly, having a floyd full on bear hugging you with all four of his limbs. Maybe you would be a good security person in the Monstro lounge
If you were scared of him, his reaction would depend on how much he likes you. If he only likes to bother you every now and then, not trying to actually start a conversation or a friendship with you, he would 100% use this to his advantage, having you do things for him and azul
If he cares about you alot more, finding you interesting and wanting to be your friend, he would be so very pouty and probably ask you straight up if you actually like him or just hang out with him because your scared of him. If he is head over heals for you or if he sees that its actually bothering you badly, he will try his best to gain your trust better and have you not scared of him. It isnt fun if his little shrimpy avoids him because of his games
Ok hear me out, if Floyd gets to overwhelmed or just far to overstimulated, he turns back into his eel-mer form, just complaining and not wanting to be bothered. If you are with Floyd or if he trusts you a lot like a best friend, you might be able to comfort him in this state. Octavinelle has some massive tanks around its dorm so you will most likely be able to find him there swimming around in his true form. be careful when approaching the top of the tank, if you aren't careful he might try and pull you in. If you guys are dating or if you both are close, he will full on lunge himself at you and squeeze you, resting against you as his lower half remains in the water. Prepare to have some numb legs because you will not be able to pry him off until he stops ranting, you will leave when he feels like it shrimpy
Study dates normally end up as literally anything else dates. You guys are studying together to make sure you guys pass the upcoming exam? He will grow board and probably either lean against you or start making paper airplanes to throw at you. Its boring shirmpy!
Once he starts to fall for you, he will be confused why his heart beats so fast around you when you smile or laugh at him. Your defiantly not a threat, he can easily overpower you. He isn't scared of you, there is nothing about you that is intimidating to him. so why is his heart beating this quickly? He will go to Azul and Jade and just mope around, telling them that he feels funny whenever your around. Jade chuckles as he explains to floyd why he feels like that, azul just looks annoyed as they are both now slacking from their job
He likes that your quite calm around him unlike the other people he normally goes off to bother, you actually can be around him for long periods of time without making him board or annoyed?! He will never say it or even admit it to himself but he really appreciates you more then he knows, he likes having his little shrimpy around
I like the head cannon that floyd does something similar to teething, he has all of his teeth but he likes chewing on things that stimulate his mouth and teeth. He likes different types of food and stuff that he can just chew on. Calamari, mints, gum, chewy meats, carrots, really cheesy foods, so many different types of noodles, heck! even some types of edible coral. If he doesn't have anything around him to use, he will chew on your cheeks. He wont make you bleed necessarily, he Justs like to have that mouth stimulation
Calls you "shrimpy" "guppy" "Koebi chan" "Little shrimp"
I feel like he is the type of person to sit and lay in the most random poses during the most random times. Your in ramshackle together? His legs are folded together in the air while he lays on his back, arms splayed out as he just talks to you like its normal.
When the octo-trio first saw grass, jade and azul had to hold floyd back from taking a bite out of the grass
He loves to cuddle you when you two are alone, even deciding to cuddle you in public. He loves holding you in his arms while he rests his face against your neck, having your chin rest on top of his head while you play with his hair. In public, he will be more modest and probably just sit next to you and rest his head on you, he likes lettng the other little guppies see that your his
Floyd loves to randomly steal you away, picking you up easily before dragging you to the monstro lounge for some drinks and food
I know this was abit different to my other fics and im sorry if it isnt that good. This was difficult to write because im in abit of a writers rut right now, but im enjoying the way it turned out! He was fun to write about but i do think i could have done better
Who should i do next?
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dotster001 · 25 days
The Dilf Floyderverse!
Took a headache med that had caffeine in it, yesterday, and created the Dilf Floyd Leech family. Enjoy!
*picrew links at the end
CW: toxic family, hot wife (I made her too hot and now my bi ass is like 😍), she's an absolute monster btw, I wanted to make it so I didn't feel bad about killing her
Sirena Leech
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Age 42. Gorgeous. Love her. She's a salmon mer in her true form. She's for sure a rich man's daughter, not satisfied with anything but she can step on me . Will yell at wait staff because the food is "too cold". Lowkey, she was hoping she was betrothed to Jade, because he's the calm one. But joke's on her, he's a master of poisons, it would not go well for her.
Side note: Just like Floyd is planning to kill her, she's been planning to kill him for a year. She's just a little too slow. Perhaps in another lifetime she succeeded, but not in this one. But in that other universe, she is sending the kids off to boarding school the second dad is dead.
I want her to kill me she's so hot
Kai Leech
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The oldest, at age 15. Has his Mama's eyes, and his papa's disposition. He's starting to prep for the NRC entrance exams, but he's definitely a family man, who is not excited for college because it means he'll have to be away from papa and his siblings. He's a protective big brother, despite his eccentricities. He has been known to have a bit of a temper, and has swung at some bullies who went after his cousins or his siblings. Probably will be placed in Savannahclaw. He's very well aware of how often his parents fight about whether he should be betrothed or not, and is crazy grateful that his papa has stood up for him and his free will.
Coral Leech
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Age 13, and angsty. She won't take any bullshit, and she and Sirena are at each other's throats constantly. At age ten, she asked dad, "What happens if mother dies?" With dark eyes. Sometimes she leaves articles about husbands who murdered their wives around. Papa always says it's a joke (he is well aware it is not) but mother wants to ship her off to boarding school. Coral refuses to be the cookie cutter rich girl her mother wants her to be, and is doing everything she can to make herself seem scary enough to not be married off should something happen to papa.
Pearl Leech
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Age eleven. She's cute and sweet, and mother's perfect angel... usually. She has her father's energy levels, and while she is very kind, her kindness is often loud and frenetic. Her kindness usually leaves a mess behind, whether it be a messy kitchen after she makes brownies, or a room full of broken items where she made a craft. But she means well.
Caspian Leech
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Age nine. He's the serious one. Dedicated to his studies, wanting to be a big man so that Papa will let him take over the family business....
Most of the time.
He's close in age to Anemone, which makes them best friends. But it also means they fight constantly. One moment they'll be playing house with some dolls, the next they are breaking each other's dolls because "you aren't playing the game right!"
Mother will be so proud of him one moment, then ripping her hair out the next.
Anemone Leech
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Age 8. Again, best friends with Caspian. Well behaved, until they are wrestling on the ground and destroying a store. Has her mother's eyes, which makes her mother have a little bit of hope, but Leech genes are strong. She is still young, still developing her personality. And with how boring mother is, and how fun papa is, take a wild guess about which direction she is going to go in.
Jade Leech (Jr.)
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Age 5. Floyd begged to name a kid Jade. And the answer was no 6/6 times. But when Jade opened his eyes, Sirena rolled her eyes and said he could name him, but also made sure to note that she was done. Which is so fair after six kids, but the reason isn't the number of kids, or even that she doesn't want anymore. No, she's just lost hope that any will be "civilized". She entertained his desire for a big family because none of the kids so far had been worthy heirs, but she's giving up. A cruel thing to say when you're holding your newborn baby, but hey, rich people, amiright?
He's a good bean, a complete sweetheart. He just enjoys being included! Sure, he has no idea what's going on, and he knows mother is mean, but everyone else is wonderful and he's so happy!
Picrew Links 🥺
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iznsfw · 2 years
Tutor eunbi where she rewards you increasingly everytime you get an answer correct starting from clothed groping and ending up with creampie
(inspired by a jav that uhhh... my friend saw definitely not me)
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[KWON-0927] "P-please be gentle!" Busty School Tutor Whimpers Cutely As You Go Down On Her Curvy Figure After A Rough Revising And Has Her Sensitive Nipples Played With! Never Gonna Fail An Exam Again!
IZ Days of Christmas: Day 1 - Kwon Eunbi
First Part of Dulce Periculum | Next Part
IZ*ONE's Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader Smut
8,131 words
Categories | tutor!Eunbi, uniform sex, rough sex, nipple play, corruption, titjob, mating press, tit play, fingering, creampie, squirting
Start of Iz*Mas! This is my EIGHTEENTH Eunbi fic. Me writing too much Eunbi.
Anyway, enjoy this :)
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There's the stab of overmorrow's claws that sink into your skin as early as ereyesterday. Add the fear that creeps into your heart when you look down into the textbook and realize there is a one-way path with this situation and it does not look safe at all. Everything goes downhill from here. There's the—
Three quick knocks pound onto your wooden door like silver rain on a rooftop. You close the textbook with jerky surprise, but you do not need to look into the eyehole to know who it is. The visitor is obviously her. It's obviously Kwon Eunbi, the smartest girl in your school.
You have requested her to help you revise for your exams, and accordingly, she comes to your home every Sunday since the start of September to do so. How you got so lucky to have such a pretty girl visiting you regularly, you'd like to say you have no idea. But you can only point to your report cards and feedback sections scribbled with dark red negativity. If the scathing words from exhausted teachers written on the back aren't enough to send the message, you will be straightforward: you aren't the brightest student.
You are quite average in other subjects, which is probably one of the two redeemable qualities about you. But English is just a ridiculous setup for failure. You do not like having people know you need help with it either, which makes your situation a bit more difficult than it already is if not for Eunbi being the sweetest girl in the world. (Besides being the prettiest.)
The fear partially washes away, like leftover combed seashells on sand. The phobia of failing has gone by a small surge, but a new one takes its place: one of Eunbi.
It's not that she's an overly strict and brutal tutor; in fact, she's as kind as a girl can get, and too pretty to be frightening anyway. But you are afraid of what you might do that can seem out of place if you want her to like you. If you want her to want you as much as you do her. It's such a stupid schoolgirl crush you have on her, yet you find no escape. Nor can you find a girl that can match the beauty she has, or a distracting enough video game to keep your mind off her.
Your heart aches with anticipation as you open the door. It is no big surprise to see that Eunbi looks beautiful. The pair of round black-rimmed glasses sits on her nose neatly, matching the color of her curled long hair. In addition to that, she is still wearing the school blouse and skirt, making her look like the perfect cute nerd in movies. It's a very usual and everyday outfit, nothing too model-ish or fashionable. But it still dumbs you down to nothing but admiration. How it wraps around her busty form and shows off her thighs oftentimes make you lose the answer to her questions even though it's on the tip of your tongue.
"Hi, oppa!" Eunbi says kindly. She is just a little younger than you, but definitely only by years. In terms of knowledge, she is way out of your league—she's miss Valedictorian, the biggest bookworm, writer of the year, and a good volleyball player. You... well, there's not much to go over.
She gives you a big hug. Emphasis on the "big." Her breasts practically push into your body and almost nudge you out of her embrace. The girl is adorably oblivious to it, only beaming with giddiness at seeing you, and hugs you tighter. Your breath sounds heavier than her giggle.
But wrap your arms around her a little too confidently. Her smooth back and taut stomach feel good under your fingertips. How much more if you were holding—
No. You can't think like that about her! She's your tutor, a completely innocent girl who doesn't deserve to be lewded by your thoughts depsite her insane body. But no matter how many times you remind yourself about it, you keep forgetting. Kind of similar to your relationship with sentences and predicaments.
But it is a different kind of forgetfulness when it's with Eunbi. Unlike the panic that grips you when you forget an essential fact while answering your test, you are blissful to delve in its ignorance. For a limited time, the world allows you to believe that she might like you. That you might have a chance with her. It's a little thing that makes you happier and sadder in the same breath, but you wear a big smile.
"Hi, Eunbi. Thanks for coming by so early!"
It's a statement free of sarcasm. You are glad to have Eunbi come by, especially when you are about to have a breakdown over English. But even with that aside, she's a beauty, and beautiful things are more than allowed in your home.
You lead her to your living room. Several of your textbooks, reviewers and fillers are already out and open on the coffee table. There is science... mathematics... history... they all make your head hurt more than any car ride could.
"Yeah, Miss Bae dismissed us early so I came here five minutes before time," she says with a giggle. But then her face suddenly loses its brightness and surges into fear. "I didn't disturb you, did I? I'm really sorry if I did! You know I could wait till you're settled!"
Oh, that cute downcast look. She is so painfully cute that you want to hug her again, and not just for the feel of her body. "No, not at all!" you say, calming her down. "I needed to work on revising early anyway. Will you help me a little more today? Maybe some extra time, too?" you add hopefully.
"Of course, it's my job! And you pay me very... abundantly." Eunbi gives you a cleverly-timed wink. "So I don't mind at all. Shall we start?"
She hands you the worksheets she has prepared. They're not too lengthy, and have her watermark: a clean red doodle of a bunny and her name in Korean. Nothing out of the ordinary. These letters in the questions aren't in Korean, though. Wait, why are they...
Oh dear God, no. It's English. English, the goddamned language you are forced to learn since everybody in the world knows it and writes it because one day, some stupid people decided to build the tallest tower in the world and made God angry. Or so you were told. But why couldn't you be the exception and go on without knowing the languages?
It's important to note that you are an overall average student. Not good enough to make the honors' list, but not bad enough to be one of the rejects sitting at lunch in the corner either. You barely pass exams, but something is still better than nothing. So, on other subjects, you lend in time to study without putting in much effort. However, this one is your weakness. While you still have hopes to pass in other subjects, the chances slim when you are put in the English spotlight.
You can never wrap your head around it. For example, why do "though," "tough," and "thorough" all have different pronunciations but are spelled nearly the same? Why does the menaing of a word or sometimes a whole sentence change your approach?
It is too broad of a language for you. You'd rather stick to the Hangeul characters you know by heart and say something in your native language. But you know Eunbi won't let that happen.
She sits there with her hands folded, patiently waiting for you to go on answering. But she notices the crease in your forehead and immediately knows what is going on; you have hit a rut, and she has to help you out of it. "Do you want me to go over some flashcards first?"
"I didn't know we were going for English first, but yeah, sure," you say, a little reluctantly. To you, flashcards are just the same as worksheets: difficult and senseless. So you do not understand why she thinks this will help. But hey, you're the student, she is the tutor slash teacher slash cutie. You have to trust her to do her thing well.
"Okay!" says Eunbi cheerfully. She brushes back long strands of curls behind her ear with another hand as she picks up a deck of cards with the other. She remains optimistic and bright-eyed throughout the first minutes of the session, even if you are the opposite. "What is a verb, and what does it do?"
The honey-colored card that invades your line of vision is hard to scrutinize. It is a basic question, really. But not for you, for in that second, every bit of the little knowledge you have about a verb dissolves to nothingness. Verb... verb... what the fuck is a verb?
You are stuck with nothing but a slacked jaw and an empty mouth. Even a third grader can answer this, so why can't you?
You look back at Eunbi with troubled eyes while her brown ones remain cheerful. Never lose your spark, little one. "Uhhh, I think—fuck, can I get a clue?"
"Haaah, oppa-ya!"
The little one has lost her spark. Your ignorance extinguished its heat. Eunbi bumps your shoulder with the force of both mock and real frustration. "There aren't gonna be any clues in the exam, y'know?" she scolds you. "You can't just go up and ask the teacher for a hint!"
You feel a little bad now. Your mind's habitual way of letting important pieces of knowledge slip from its grasp makes Eunbi feel bad, too. Because of it, she begins to doubt her own teaching ability. Is she not patient enough? Did she not choose the questions properly? All those things run in that pretty head of hers now that you have immediately failed to answer.
But it truly isn't her fault. She spends nights printing out your worksheets and reviewing your subjects beforehand, always trying to add a sweet touch to them with a scribble of encouragement on the margins. And you... you are just mind-numbingly forgetful and lazy. None of it is her doing.
But you want to answer the flashcard question with a little bit of help. At least just a tiny bit of help.
"But it's just a tutoring session right now, isn't it?" you reason with her. Look through those brown eyes and attempt to find a hint of patience she can use for you. It is only barely less than the forgiving glimmer that is there on the usual. "Just one hint can do."
You are desperate for it. They are not always helpful, but they do give you time to reflect on what you have studied. On rare occasions, they tap into long-forgotten memories of your other sessions with Eunbi. Sometimes they are about studying, sometimes they're about the little talks you have with her that aren't study-related. There's the right keyword sometimes to put two and two together. Only sometimes, but right now, all you have around that can be of assistance is a hint.
Eunbi is not dumb. She sees through your reasoning and understands why it makes sense. So, being the kind girl she is, she relents. You have the heavens and her parents to credit for making her so forgiving.
"Fine," she says sullenly. She looks adorable; her full lips are pulled downwards in a pout, paired with her spectacles. She looks like the perfect nerdy girlfriend. Oh, if only... "But if you still give no answer or a wrong one after this, we're going to review again. Do we have a deal?"
"I promise we do, Eunbi. With all my heart."
"Good oppa!" says Eunbi cheerfully, back to her normal self. "Here's the hint: it's what you, um, do. In that sense of the word."
Realization hits you, only by a little jab. "Oh! I think that's—um..."
"You just said a verb! Come on, you can do this!"
Then it hits you with unsure slap, as if it were doubtful that it hit the right victim. "The, the action that the subject of the sentence does—?"
"Ding, ding, ding! Yes, you got it!"
Eunbi claps happily, hugging you again. You are blissful, too. Maybe there is a chance of you succeeding after all. Maybe the path isn't so foggy.
"Do I get a prize for getting the correct answer?" you ask with much anticipation. Eunbi always has little treats for you to go by. After a particularly difficult mathematics session, she went with you to the café for a milkshake. Sometimes you would go out for a quick snack. But honestly, you'd take anything, just as long as she stays by your side.
But the Eunbi by your side currently does not look so sure of herself. You can identify well the look on her face because you wear it all the time: an expression of curiosity. You wonder what had gone on behind the scenes for her to look so insecure.
Her index fingers meet and part repeatedly as she gazes at you. Her eyes tell a story you cannot piece apart, but you can get the mood of it: a strange wistfulness left unattended to.
"It's all up to you, actually," she says, quietly, "and I just want to know what it feels like when it's from you. Just that."
"What do you mean, Eunbi?" you ask, with more confusion than ever.
"F-for your prize, you can touch my, um, chest."
"Huh? What happened, is your heart beating weird?"
"No, oppa, I want you to touch my breasts, pleaseee!"
She spurts out the statement with frustration and embarrassment. Eunbi's cheeks have grown bright red, and they only tone up when your hands start to fidget. You may have a hesitant mind of your own, but your hands have known what they wanted to do since the day Eunbi dropped that pencil and accidentally flashed you more than an eyeful. Ever since your eyes took in the beautiful yet limited sight of her breasts, you realized that there is more to Eunbi than a cute girl. And all the time, you thought that she didn't know of her own danger. You ignorantly thought that she is simply too young and innocent to find it out for herself, but she must have seen your provoked expression that day.
"Look." Eunbi pouts at you and unbuttons the first few buttons of her blouse. The two hills—no, mountains—of flowing cleavage rises into your view. "Does oppa want his prize or not?"
"Of, of course I do."
Tentatively wrap your deft fingers around Eunbi's tit. It feels even better than you imagined. Even with the partial cloth blocking you from its full glorious nakedness, its softness remains. You can feel her nipple harden under your thumb as you continue to squeeze her.
It is a new feeling to Eunbi, having a foreign hand touch where she is second most sensitive. Especially since she has not done any of this sex thing besides touching herself. And even the orgasms that had her whimpering and rocking against her pillow with desperation cannot compare to your fingers groping her.
"Mmm, oppa, that feels good." Her eyes close with all the pleasure you give to the softness of her heavy breasts. "So good... getting touched by you like this."
"Fuck, Eunbi"—your body inches closer to her busty figure, eager to press against its form—"I want to—"
"No, s-stop, we aren't done with reviewing yet!" Her weak voice sounds as if she is trying to convince herself rather than tell you off. With a reluctant look on her pretty face, she positions herself on the sofa normally, trying to proceed. "Don't be so greedy, oppa-ya."
"Seems like you're greedier than me, Eunbi. You were whining like a puppy," you counter her insult. While you understand that she still needs to go on with her job as a tutor, she does not need to pretend that her heart is burning with desire, too. Literally.
Eunbi crosses one thick thigh over the other and shakes her head with clear denial. "No, I'm not! I just... wanted to know what it feels like," she now confesses with a sullen look. "And, and I know you wanted to touch me for the longest time."
Longest time? Does she mean that she figured you out that day, too? Kwon Eunbi is not as oblivious as you originally deduced. She may be sweet and cute, yet she is undeniably intelligent. You might have not said anything verbally about it at the time, but it turns out that she read you like a book.
Eunbi hides her face behind your English textbook like a shy bunny, leaving only her eyes for you to see. "I thought that it would be nice if I let you, because you're really cute, oppa! And it can be motivation, right?"
"Smart girl, Eunbi-ya," you praise her. Her cheeks glow red. She hides her face behind the book even more.
But your cheeks are beet red, too. Did Kwon Eunbi—the Kwon Eunbi, straight-A student and the campus crush—just call you cute? How long has she thought that about you?
The tables have been turned and your back was, too. You were the unmindful one all along.
You are struck by how dumb you are. It's not like it isn't already a usual factor in your life, but you don't miss things like this. You can tell how someone feels right off the bat with just a look. You pride yourself with your certainty of the state of everything. But even when it's already outside of academic fields, she's bested you. Again.
Just how smart is Eunbi? You have never underestimated her intelligence. It is hard to when she is always on top of the honors' list and the first to announce that she's finished with the exams. But now you realize she notices little things, too, just like you.
A silence passes over the living room for a few seconds, but Eunbi proceeds to the next question anyway. The two of you are blushing too hard and are just eager to move on.
"Second question," says Eunbi, shoving a card in your face, "it is defined by Oxford Languages as 'a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.'"
You appreciate the sources from which she gathered the fancy definition, but the elaborate meaning just makes your head hurt. Why stretch a simple definition out to such flowery words? One particular keyword rings a bell, though.
"An adjective," you answer confidently.
"Yes! Give three examples."
"'Pretty,' 'small,' and 'smart.'"
Eunbi blushes then nods approvingly. She knows all those adjectives were about her since you keep giving her pointed glances as you list them. She flips the flashcard to show that you got the right answer.
"You're getting better at this!" she says happily. "Your next prize is you can touch my legs."
Eunbi does not wait for you to accept her prize. She swings both of her legs over your lap, pressing them firmly to your thighs. Just when you thought Eunbi could not get more dangerous, she has showed you up again. The skirt barely hides the roundness of her thick thighs, nor does it hide the shorts that hug them so tightly.
You do not hesitate this time. If Eunbi wants this, then you should give in. Your hand graces the toned muscles on her thighs, formed by her days as a varsity volleyball player, and runs down the rest of her smooth legs. They feel almost as good as her tits, although the only thing that can outdo them is her face. That pretty, pretty face that reacts almost instantly with parted lips and closed eyes. You watch her responses to your caresses with a few pants of your own; seeing her orgasmic reactions is a thing straight out of a JAV porn.
Her center moves against your thigh demandingly. You take that as a signal. Slip your hands underneath her skirt and feel for—
"Hah, no, no, no!" Eunbi's gasps sound like they're wrung out of breathless lungs. "We still have more questions... and the worksheets—mmmm!"
Part of being a good tutor is to have the high ground, but not make it seem like it. But Eunbi is slowly losing the upper hand, all because of your fingers brushing over the center of her underskirt shorts and feeling for the insides of her thighs. She tries to be a good tutor. She tries with all the strength she has in her little body, but they cannot fight against your lingering touch. Nor can they resist the prods of your fingertips at what you think is her clitoris. You might be right; a sharper whine is heard from her.
"Noooo, why does it have to feel so good?" Eunbi whispers. She tugs at your shirt, burying her head in the nook of your shoulder. "Please, oppa, you have to answer some questions still..."
"Oh, fine," you reply with a kiss on her hair. "What's the next question, Eunbi?"
Her free hand shuffles the flashcards. "A word that represents persons, concepts, things, and places. Answer this right and you'll get a bigger prize."
Suddenly, you become the best student there ever was in English. You remember almost everything you and Eunbi have gone over during your sessions. It turns out that all you needed is the promise of Eunbi's body. The promise of the freedom to do everything good to that body that is just begging and pleading to be fucked thoroughly.
"A noun," you answer.
"Correct! You can put them inside me now!"
Swift and ready, your fingers travel through the sides of Eunbi's underwear and shorts and take pleasure in their destination: her hot, tight cunt. When your two fingers enter her, she practically screams. The virginal clamp of her walls is hard to navigate, but they are only a foretold joy for another part of your body. So you truly don't mind spreading your fingers and parting them. They bring another pro: Eunbi's helpless whines.
"Kiss me," she demands. "Kiss Eunbi, please. Kiss her neck."
Your lips arrive at her full tiers, only for a moment for they line down her cheeks, jaw, and neck. Her scent invades and controls your senses. She cries out needily, and she's honestly evil for it. So completely evil for enunciating her sounds with such desire and submissiveness, even if you're sure it's completely unintentional. But you fall victim to her anyway. You bury your face in her hair and kiss her hard, like you've always wanted to.
That's probably as true as the illustrious tits heaving up and down before you.
She's quite inexperienced, and it shows with the quiver of her form with every kiss you place, in addition to her constant whines, as if she weren't oriented originally to the feeling of being penetrated by your diligent fingers. But she wants it. She wants more of you playing with her body, yet she's hesitant, too. Should she abandon her job as a tutor and instead become your fucktoy for the hour? Or should she return to the former Eunbi—the Eunbi who smiles and claps for her oppa because he asked for her help?
"Come on, oppa. I have to, hmph, read another question. Please let me."
The good Eunbi still lives on. You're so impressed by it that your next kiss is one of tenderness rather than lust. "Good girl, Eunbi. Go on."
Her fingers grasp at the flashcards desperately, trying to keep them visible. "It is the topic of a s-sentence, and can usually found at the beginning or end of the sentence," she reads. There's a pleading glint in her eyes, and they send you a message: Answer this correctly, I need you.
You thumb her clit firmly, causing her to buck against it. It's a sign of her upcoming orgasm, and you are surprised that it will arive earlier than expected. But Eunbi hasn't been touched like this other than by herself. She's new to all this, you have to let her off the hook.
Rack your mind for the answer while Eunbi whimpers at your ever-so-constant thrusts. As you consider the possible answers that present themselves in your mind, she whispers pleads for more. Her thighs squeeze around your arm, telling you to keep going, even though your arm aches. You needed the exercise anyway.
"P-parallelism?" you say dumbly.
"No!" Eunbi shakes her head. "Now you have to stop, oppa. You answered incorrect—no, please, please slow down!"
Frustration wrecks your senses and sends your fingers furiously jabbing in the direction of Eunbi's slit. They do more than just jab. They dive into her and wiggle in order for the tiny hole to allow them in. Eunbi sobs as your kisses get harder, not knowing what to do when the orgasm rips through her body. How can she handle all this?!
You're being too rough. You know you are, yet you keep pistoning your digits inside her like it's an addiction of yours that you simply can't let go of. The sounds of her pussy slick with wetness and juices intoxicate you and send your impulsive actions into a flurry. Meanwhile, Eunbi's screams are becoming more and more concerning.
"No, it's not your prize anymore! It's too much, you have to slow down!" All those words yet she moves in accordance with your actions, giving you mixed signals. "I want more, oppa, but I have to be a good tutor!"
"The only good you're going to be is my good little girl," you declare. Teeth capture her earlobe then her neck. "And my good girl is about to cum, isn't she?"
Eunbi blushes at your words. She nods. She can tell from the way the heat is becoming borderline unbearable. It's dangerous, it's hot, and most importantly, it's wrong. She shouldn't have offered her body as your prize in the first place. She should have yielded to the temptation and resisted her lust. But they are all would've-could've-should'ves now. Eunbi is trapped in you.
She isn't sure if she wants to find a way out.
"Then cum for me. Cum for oppa, be good for him."
Her tummy is becoming too tight. She's scared, she's turned on, and she is very very close. "But oppaaa! I can't!" she sobs. "I can't, it's too hot, I can't I can't I can't—!"
She says she cannot, yet the stream of liquid sprays on your hands anyway. Eunbi's legs flail and spread, allowing you to furiously pump her core to climax. She screams the whole time, blinded by pleasure along with the heat. It pushes her nipples to erection and her toes to curl tightly.
You could have cum on the spot just from watching her cum. The climax electrifies her being and makes her shake from it. You never thought you could ever see Eunbi cum. The world is funny like that, bringing out the unexpected and hiding them once it becomes the opposite. You thought that her climax would be accompanied by quiet pleads. Instead, she cums hardly and violently. Her core holds onto your fingers and her clit twitches with need.
The flashcards have long dropped on her skirt. The worksheets are stained and wet from her squirt. It's all greatly unprofessional and low. But to you, she's still a good tutor. Still your good girl.
"You okay, Eunbi?" you ask softly. "Are you alright, sweet girl?"
She's shuddering like she's cold. Anyone would have offered her a jacket. You, however, offer her a kiss.
"I'm okay," Eunbi says, both to calm your fears of having hurt her and herself. Her eyes are closed and her mouth hangs slightly open to let out heavy pants. "Eunbi's okay."
"Glad to hear that," you say with a relieved smile. She smiles back tiredly. "Still up to tutor me after this?"
She nods. Of course she is. She is yours now, after all, although the two of you haven't been able to grasp at saying it out loud yet.
"Any last questions?"
"Yes, of course."
Eunbi lies back into your chest with a sigh of exhaustion. It's the happy kind of tiredness though. It was quite the surreal experience. In just a matter of minutes and only with your finger, she saw stars and still needs to be brought back down to earth.
Her whole body is numb. She needs to feel something. "The answer was noun, by the way."
"I thought so."
"Sure you did. What's a pronoun?"
That, you know. It's easy to remember since they are used so often. "Words used to substitute for names and things so they don't get repetitive. Examples are 'it,' 'she,' 'him,' and so on."
"Correct! Your prize is this!"
Her fingers stretch the garter of her shorts, and let its material fall to the floor. Her underwear follows shortly after. Your dazed eyes follow each slip and descent with longing. Then you realize that you don't have to long and wish for it like you did all those days ago. You can actually have it. She wants you to have it, and that fact alone makes it all the more exciting.
The storm of lust takes her down. She crashes on the sofa of your living room. You splay her legs apart to prepare her for the second taking. Her teeth dig into her bottom lip as she watches you fish out your erection, which already leaks with desire.
Then she looks up at you.
Kwon Eunbi looks up at you with bewildered eyes, with her legs spread apart and the skirt unable to do even the slightest bit of covering up. Her tits look even bigger from this angle, because they're squished up behind her black bra and by the blouse.
But most importantly, there's her pretty pussy to admire.
And to savage.
All she tells you before it happens is one, simple request:
"P-please be gentle."
You, however, do not reply. You can't make promises you can't keep.
After that, only obscene sounds come spilling out of the valedictorian's mouth. And it's all because of your dick rushing into her hugging walls, forcing them apart. Eunbi cries out, grabbing for anything to keep her sane, yet her fingers only discover the pillows of your sofa. They aren't strong enough to be immune to the dig of her fingernails in them, nor are they soft enough for there to be any comfort for her panicked hands. So she uses her thighs as substitute. She holds her legs and pulls them whenever the pain returns again, somehow unknowingly putting herself in a mating press position.
Her narrow textured walls embrace your cock with unyielding tightness. You were so unprepared for it that you have to calm yourself down before thrusting again. But how can you calm down at all with Eunbi's face contorted in a mix of pleasure and pain, and her legs up in the air like that? Not to mention her round tits peeking through the unbuttoned fabric of her blouse?
"S-so big! Oh!" Eunbi flinches as you fire a harder thrust. Your cockhead pokes places even her long, pretty fingers can't reach. She feels so worked up, so utterly vulnerable that her eyes begin to water with tears behind her spectacles. "Please be gentle with me, oppa, you're too big!" she pleads once more. But it isn't the only beg she's going to ask of you this afternoon.
Consider being gentle. Consider engaging in loving, soft vanilla sex with her. But your cock says otherwise. It wants to dive into her with every bit of mercilessness you have, and corrupt this pretty little tutor more. And you are not one to withhold anything from what your cock desires.
But you settle for slow but hard drills first. Eunbi hums, full lips pursed as she tries to take the width and girth of your dick. Her senses still run high because she has just experienced an orgasm from you fingering her, so it's difficult to go through it all without sobbing a little. She's never felt this turned on before, and she is becoming a bit overwhelmed.
"Show me your tits, Eunbi," you ask of her. It's more of a demand, really. Their bounces are limited by the containment of them by her bra, and if you were to give in completely to your desires, you'd rip it straight off. But you want to see her take it off by herself. You've wanted to for as long as you can remember.
Slow down to let her take it off. It's a white lace bra, obviously a little too old and small for her since its clasps let go easily. Her heavy breasts spill from the soft cups and into your line of view.
If you were to use adjectives for Eunbi's bosom, you'd use three: round, soft, and pretty. Their areolas and nipples are pink, erect because of the arousal and the air. They begin to bounce repeatedly now that they are free from their fabric prison. You couldn't be more intrigued with their rising and falling movements. They are far more interesting than the rising and falling action of any stupid classic your English teacher requires you to read.
They drive you to strengthen the force of your pounds. Eunbi wails again. "Oppa!" she says. "Oppa, just let me ask you another question!"
"Ask it while I'm fucking you," you reply.
Her voice strains and cracks as she tries to speak. "What is a... p-predicament, and—oh, god!"
This is the only test Eunbi will ever fail. She cries because of the rough assault your cock offers to her virgin pussy, yet her walls still embrace it demandingly. They never cease with their squeeze, so she can do nothing but want to be subjected to your using even more. She wants you. She wants you to make her cum.
But being a tutor comes first.
"Oppa, please make me ask a question!"
The heave of your hips take a while before they get the message. You force yourself to a stop. God damn it, you were already so close. Screw school for cockblocking you.
Eunbi is both relieved and disappointed that you stopped. The tears that watered in her eyes have slid down her pale cheeks while the juices from her well-fucked pussy drip down the sofa like a waterfall. You've taken her so roughly that there are red marks of your hands on her legs. You feel a little sorry that you've treated such a sweet girl so harshly; she looks so spent. And to think that this is only her first time!
"I—I need to catch my breath," she says. Her eyes close while her mouth performs the opposite. It inhales sharp draws of breath that make her breasts heave and fall. You feel the slightest tinge of guilt that despite the rough session and the break the two of you are taking, you are still utterly turned on.
Lucky for you, there's only better things to look forward to in the hour.
"You were so big inside me, oppa," she moans. "I thought that I couldn't handle it... but I liked it so much."
Recall your earlier line and state it: "I thought so."
"I still have another question or two," she says.
"Hit me."
"Give three kinds of adverbs."
"Adverbs of time.... uh, place? And manner?"
"Correct. You've earned a tit...." Eunbi struggles to say it without getting flustered. "I'll just show you."
One gentle push from Eunbi and you're the one on the sofa now. Buttons are released and undone, and her two breasts wrap your length with its loving softness. It takes time for you to realize what is going on. So it hits you a little later to realize that Kwon Eunbi, your pretty little tutor, is giving you a titjob.
Where did she learn all of this? That she answers right after the thought touches on your mind.
"Does it feel good?" she asks nervously. "I tried to watch some, um, videos of it, but it always seemed so hard."
She moves her breasts up and down, trapping them in the jail that is the soft flesh squeezing your appendage and stimulating your senses. Her tits love the sensation, too, especially when Eunbu's fingers tap on her all-too-sensitive nipples. Whenever that happens, she closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath, in a feeble attempt to calm her thoughts.
"You're doing great, Eunbi," you groan out. More than great, in fact. Her bosom does most of the work, but her expressions contribute to your wants and needs as well. Those watery puppy eyes and the stretched frown of her lips make you want to fuck her mouth. See how much she can take and how much she can cry.
Next time.
Claustrophobia never overtakes your cock. They enjoy the pillowy closeness of the tiniest spaces of Eunbi's boobs. Eunbi looks on with utter fascination. She has never done this before, and never even thought that this was a thing. So she's a little surprised at how easy it is, and how good it feels for you. The breathy groans you make as you slide in and out of her voluptuous chest make her core wet with need.
You get off more easily and earlier than you expected. Just a few more upwards thrusts and you've ejaculated all over her. Eunbi gasps surprisedly at the sticky white substance that sprayed so suddenly. There's spurts on her collarbone, chin, and bosom. She looks so satisfyingly dirty that your guilt for arriving earlier almost completely washes away.
Her eyes connect to your tired gaze. Then, she fingers the wet semen and circles them on her nipples. She bites her lip, whimpering a little, but starts to tweak her nipples to deliver shudders of pleasure throughout her body. A drop of cum is swallowed from her finger.
"Eunbi-ya..." You're more than take aback. In a good way. "When did you get so dirty?"
"I had Sakuchan teach me." Her eyes close as she remembers what Sakura did to her. "She was a good tutor."
Sakura? Does she mean Miyawaki Sakura, the girl who wins a lot of the pageants at school? Oh. Well, the two of them do seem particularly close...
You dash a look towards Eunbi inquisitively. "Yeah?" you ask. You can't believe her glasses have managed to stay on despite the rough fucking.
"I have one last question for you."
"And what might that be?"
Eunbi places her arms on your lap and rests her chin on one of them, tilting her head to the side. "Do you promise to treat me like your good girl?"
She's a seductive force to be reckoned with, one that was more of what she was born with rather than was taught. She climbs onto your lap like she has always known she's fit for it, and cages your sides with her beautiful legs. Her skirt lies on her thighs, a curtain disguising what is yet to come, while her hands drape themselves over your shoulders. They squeeze your tense muscles, yet your form never relaxes. Your body is too caught up with the lack of oxygen.
There she goes again with that pout. Downward tugs at the end of her plump lips, eyes glossy with the ghost of an innocence long gone. The specs allow her to see your hesitant face, so she spices the deal up.
"Do you promise," Eunbi says, "to make this memorable for me? Make it a good first time?"
Jesus, what was Sakura teaching her?
"Of course, Eunbi," is your answer. And apparently, the correct one. The only answer she'd take.
"Correct. For that, you can fill me up."
She has made plenty of requests over the time of the session: requests for you to go easy, to answer her questions correctly... too many to count. The word is starting to sound made up. But your head is only filled with thoughts of fucking her senseless.
Oh, you'll make it memorable for her, alright.
The tension breaks. You go wild, now that this second session won't be interrupted by academic questions. Those stupid questions that shouldn't dictate your worth, nor your future. Your job isn't going to ask you what time fucking Shakespeare was born. So why should you have to spend eternal hours studying for a test paper you're going to fail anyway? Why should you?
But surely there is no reason why you shouldn't fuck Eunbi. There is no reason why you shouldn't insert yourself inside the hole between those slick folds, see the pleasure run through her gorgeous face, and watch those exposed tits bounce. There is no reason for you not to grab her body and trap her against the sofa and take her pussy from between her widespread legs.
So you do it.
Switch positions. Grab Eunbi's shapely hips and turn around swiftly, pinning her down to the sofa. Swiftly enter her quivering form. She's still so hot and tight, you think, with a groan that mixes with Eunbi's moans.
Your brisk actions make her tense around you. She isn't sure if she is going to be able to take it again. Your erection still remains as large as ever. It penetrates her inexperienced body so well that she doesn't think she'll want any other dick to take her this way, even if she's only received one all this time: yours.
Her moans return. From there, you cannot hold back. You pound into Eunbi with gusto. She yelps everytime, squirming to make herself comfortable in this position and to bring herself closer to your cock. Not that it's leaving anytime soon; only a few inches exit with your in-and-out thrusts, driving your leaking mushroom head repeatedly to her cervix. Her cries are as constant as your drills.
You fight against the narrowness of her walls. You thrust in her with the intention to fuck her so good that you make them memorize the shape and length of your dick. Eunbi's tightness isn't a problem, though; it's easier to rub the texture of her walls this way. Easier to make her scream.
Her cum-covered tits now bounce freely. They've been released from the confinement of her bra and buttons earlier, so you are offered the pretty viee of them jiggling as you knock Eunbi up. Semen covers their nipples. It drips down to her toned stomach. You've been put in such a sex-crazed trance by them that it almost steals your attention away from her pleasured face.
Lopsided glasses remain before Eunbi's wide, fluttering eyes. You are using her thighs to pull yourself to her, and to spread them to allow more heavenly access. Her skirt has flown up to her taut tummy. She is such a mess for your cock in every way, yet you still find yourself wildly attracted to her. She's perfect, from her moans to her squirms, her whines and her cries.
"D-don't stop!" Eunbi tells you. There's no "please" attached to the starts or ends of her requests anymore. Her politeness has melted away. Its loss has allowed her to show that her screamed statement isn't a request. No, she's demanding that your thrusts don't falter nor pause. She's demanding for every might you have in your body to be delivered to her in the form of your pumping. "Make me cum, oppa! Make me... hngmph!"
You rub her wet pearl with your thumb, meriting a delightful pursed moan from her. You start to give it harsh and forced flicks. Eunbi responds with several gasped groans that sound higher than before. They're followed by raspier moans, which you didn't expect to love hearing from her. Her screams are better, though, you'd say.
Her celestial form writhes and shifts in its position on your sofa. Eunbi cries out everytime you swipe at her clit again, or throw a spank at her ass, which you only discover now is as equally deserving of appreciation as her tits or face. Every inch of her is perfect. Every inch of her deserves to be loved.
That is precisely why your hands touch everything. You lean over to take one of those pretty nipples in between your fingers and give it a firm squeeze. She sighs delightfully. After kissing her lips and taking in their strawberry bubblegum-like taste, you decide that it is time.
Grab her legs firmly, push them together, then shove them up in the air. Your stomach slaps the curves of her thighs while your dick joins her cervix once more. Eunbi's skirt has no purpose now. At least, not any purpose that is enough to hide her naked obscenity. But you care more for the yells that wickedly corrupt your heart that come from Eunbi's gorgeous set of lips—
For the panicked shake of her legs as your pounds obtain maximum strength—
For the severe cry she makes while her hands yearn and play with her breasts beautifully covered with your semen—
For the look of uncaged wildness in Eunbi's eyes; the one you recognize as the result of a freshly-broken innocence—
—are too much.
"Cum, cum— cumming!" she shrieks. Her whole body spasms and quakes, and you begin to have difficulties keeping her legs, which have been used even in the timespan of half an hour or so to spread for you, in the mating press position. "Oppa, slow down, slow down, can't keep—Ican'tkeepcumm—haaaaah!"
Paint the insides of the little slit with white while Eunbi renders the sofa fabric torn. Tears run down her cheeks. Her fingers, betwixt the red sofa blanket, have gone numb. Breathing becomes a chore; you're still going and going, draining yourself inside her to make the most out of it all.
Then, finally, slide yourself out. Eunbi's pussy has successfully been ejaculated on, just like her breasts and chest. You pray that the next time you find yourself inside her heavenly cunt, one of her name is already "mine."
Nervously, tentatively, lay Eunbi's legs down. Smooth her skirt back down on the pillows that are her thighs. The slightest whine escapes her mouth derived from the soreness. It's her first time, after all—it isn't going to be fine after just a few seconds.
"So, uh...." Strangely, you're the one asking the questions. now. Trading places with her, putting yourself in her shoes. Gaze at the exhausted Eunbi on the sofa and the anxiety returns to you. "You want anything? Frozen peas, a blanket, anything?"
"Thank you, but don't try to fool me," says Eunbi, smiling tiredly at what she thinks is your not-so-subtle way of trying to outrun responsibility. Unfortunately for you, responsibility can run nine marathons with the speed of twenty-seven horses.
She tries to spread her legs, but flinches when the pain hits. "You still have a test on T-Tuesday, remember?"
Of course. But you smile anyway. "I'm guessing you don't want another go then?"
A hopeful look passes over her eyes. "Do you still like me?"
Heart thumping against your throat, nod. "Yeah. A lot."
Eunbi nods understandingly. She asks another question that you are surprisingly ready for. "Are you still going to keep me stretched and filled up?"
"Of course. I'm still your oppa, aren't I?"
"And I suppose," Eunbi says quietly, as she looks down a little sullenly, "I'm still your tutor."
Understanding passes between the two of you, without words nor signs. You two dodge glances and avoid dialogue, and you're once again a little scared. You may have fucked Eunbi senselessly and impulsively, but you still have a massive crush on her. Has the sex ruined any chances of a relationship with her?
There's the stab of tomorrow's claws that sink into your skin as early as today. Add the fear that creeps into your heart when you look sideways at Eunbi and realize there is a two-way path with this situation and it does not look easy at all. Everything can go up or downhill from here. There's the phobia making your hands tingle, the shortness of your breath, the sweat on your face.
But there's also Eunbi's head on your shoulder, and her hands sliding into the comfort of yours. And although you still fear the depth the pierce of the future's claws can probe, the monster to whom they belong to doesn't seem so scary at all.
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gyubaseone · 11 months
park gunwook. truth or dare?
❛ i dare you to take me out on a date ❜
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pairing — park gunwook x f!reader
genre — fluff, bestfriends to lovers!
synopsis — a game of truth or dare sparks out of boredom which leads to a confession.
warnings — none! lowercase intended, third person pov, not proofread <3 also mentions of gyuvin !
word count — 1,590
notes — it's been so long since i posted 😵‍💫 but i hope to be back and uploading another imagine/reaction soon! thank you all for your support <3
★ ( please fill out this form to be on my taglist ) ❕
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the room was silent, well not fully. all y/n could hear was the tapping and constant sighs coming from her bestfriend ; park gunwook.
the two had been sucked into studying since the college entrance exam was coming up and both their parents had been scolding them for fooling around too much. so that's the story, why they were sitting in the library "studying" when in reality, neither were really studying.
they just constant threw glances at one another, waiting for the other to speak up so they could leave. but it was just silence.
gunwook had yawned about ten times in the last five minutes, stretching his arms out as a signal that he was done with studying and wanted to get out of there.
did y/n see those signals? yes. did she really pay attention to them? nope. y/n just stared at her open textbook that was collecting dust even though her brain had fully stopped the moment she opened it.
she didn't want to give gunwook any attention, more than she already had at least. because the truth was — y/n had garnered a tiny attraction towards her best friend.
it was unexpected really, y/n had always been asked if the two were more than friends because of how close they were but she had never thought anything of it until recently.
there was just those small moments where y/n felt like they were the only people in the room, just by looking at each other. despite this, she was almost sure that gunwook did not reciprocate her feelings and decided to just avoid them as much as possible.
"psssst, ms. y/n," gunwook called out in a low whisper, his head basically on the table as he kept moving closer to y/n to get her attention, "y/n.... l/n y/n... girl who almost failed her—"
"what.. do you want, gunwook," y/n asked frustratedly, turning her head to look at him but found herself looking into his eyes again.
she quickly blinked multiple times, bringing her attention back to the textbook in front of her, "i'm trying to study, what?"
"i think we both know you aren't studying," gunwook refuted, "you've been on the same page for the past ten minutes. please, i'm bored!"
"well, we can't go home now or else our parents will just nag us about not studying again," y/n commented, letting out a sigh, "how about a short game of truth or dare?"
"that sounds fun, alright! truth or dare?" gunwook questioned, adjusting his posture so now he was sitting up.
"truth," y/n responded, shifting her sitting position so that she was looking at gunwook now.
"boo, that's boring!" gunwook complained, taking a pause to think of a question, "have you ever cheated on a test?"
"and you call me the boring one?" y/n scoffed, "of course i haven't! if my parents found out i ever cheated, they would send me to a boarding school.."
"true.. okay, my turn. i pick dare!" gunwook added, grasping his hands together, "and make it interesting at least."
"i dare you... to get table and yell something," y/n put together, a smug smile plastered on her face.
"really?" gunwook blinked, an unsure feeling in his stomach, "you want me.. to do that?"
"why, are you scared?" y/n teased, raising an eyebrow as she leaned back to relax.
"who, me? no way!" gunwook said, sounding confident but was nervous on the inside. he proceeded to get up from his seat, climbing onto the table by putting his feet on the chair.
as gunwook took a deep breath, he spotted a librarian heading towards their table with an annoyed look on her face. "yeah, i can't do this... gotta go!" he announced as he jumped off the table, gathering his stuff before the librarian could get to the table.
"hey, wait for me!" y/n yelled, quickly grabbing her books off the table while gunwook began speed walking towards the exit. "park gunwook!"
the two had found themselves at their usual convenience store by the library which they always went to after their study sessions to charge back up before heading home.
"your such a scaredy cat," y/n dissed, "the librarian was like ten feet away, you had time!"
"hey, i have a reputation here!" gunwook defended himself, "class president can't be kicked out of the library for doing a dare."
"yeah, whatever.." y/n rolled her eyes, "i get to give you another dare since you failed to complete your last dare, deal?"
"fine, that works. nothing could be as bad as that last dare," gunwook agreed, letting out a sigh as he picked up a pack of gummies from the shelf.
"mmm, buy my snacks for me!" y/n asserted, "i used up all my pocket money anyways, i need you to pay."
"nothing new... nothing new," gunwook sighed, shaking his head, "i'm gonna grab a latte from the cooler, do you want one?"
"of course i do~" y/n gave him a thumbs up, turning back to the aisle of chips in front of her, "now... which chips do i want?"
after gunwook completed his dare; paying for all the snacks the two bought, they headed out to the patio area since their parents wouldn't be too happy if they went home early.
so they sat on the patio, their open bags of snacks scattered across the tiny table.
"okay! your turn again, truth or dare?" gunwook asked, plopping a gummy bear into his mouth.
"i'll go with.. truth," y/n responded, hearing gunwook groan at her answer.
"your so boring! why do you keep picking dare.." gunwook muttered, falling into silence as he tried to think of a question to ask.
"do you have a crush on someone?" he spoke, catching y/n by surprise as her eyes widened, "you do, don't you! who is it, do i know them?"
"that's not part of the question!" y/n countered, shaking her head.
her lip quivered, unsure of what to say next. was she really about to reveal that she had a crush to the person she had a crush on? "fine, i do have a crush on someone."
"i knew it! you've been acting strange recently, tell me who it is! please~" gunwook put his hands together as he begged, "you never tell me who your crushes are."
"oops sorry, only one question per round!" y/n excused, quickly moving onto the next round, "your turn, truth or dare?"
"since you keep chosing truth, i will too."
"do you have a crush on anyone?"
as y/n spoke, she genuinely wondered where she had garnered the courage to even ask that question. gunwook's giddy expression changed to panic and surprise only made it worse.
maybe there was just a small ounce of hope in y/n that he would have a crush; and it would be her.
"a... a crush?" gunwook repeated, stammering, "do i have a crush... uhm. i never really thought of it before."
that was a lie. gunwook had thought of it before, many times that is.
"i guess... there's a possibility that i do," gunwook said ambiguously, "next round!"
"okay..." y/n dragged her sentence suspiciously, "i'll choose dare so you can't ask me any more questions about my crush."
"i dare you to tell me who your crush is," gunwook uttered, watching y/n glare at him, "go ahead."
"uhm.... it's... it's... gyuvin!" y/n blurted out, instantly regretting the choice she made. out of all the people she could've said, she had to choose one of gunwook's close friends.
"kim gyuvin? the same guy who got stuck in the recycling bin?" gunwook questioned, "you have a crush on him?"
"i... i guess i do?"
"you don't sound very sure of yourself."
"this is a weird conversation, okay," y/n defended herself, the atmosphere changing in an instant as silence fell.
the only sounds that could be heard were people walking in the street as the two remained completely silent for almost a minute.
"it's kind of funny," gunwook spoke up, starting to laugh as he drank his latte, sounding defeated.
"what's funny?" y/n asked, turning to look at gunwook.
"all this time, i thought you never told me about your crushes because you had a crush on me," gunwook answered, "turns out i was delusional; and you have a crush on my friend.."
"...wait. repeat that? you have a crush on me?" y/n felt her heartbeat increase by the second when gunwook looked at her.
"uhm... that was the coffee talking," gunwook attempted to justify; failing miserably.
"y'know, you're usually a better liar than that," y/n let out a laugh, "as a person on the debate team."
"just forget i said anything, okay?" gunwook sighed, taking a deep breath, "let's get back to the game. i pick dare."
"i dare you to take me out on a date," y/n confidently dared, tilting her head to look towards gunwook with a slight smile.
"ok— wait, repeat that?" gunwook blinked, unsure of what he heard was correct.
"i guess you could say i wasn't telling the truth, but to the fair.. it was a dare," y/n looked into gunwook's eyes, "are you willing to go through with your dare?"
"that might just be the easiest dare yet," gunwook laughed, a smile spread on his face as he stared into y/n's eyes.
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© gyubaseone — please refrain from copying, translating, reposting or claiming my work as your own.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Is it ok if I request something because i really like your blog? May I request Neige, Riddle, Idia and Silver's first time resting their head on their shy fem reader's chest/stomach/lap (any you are comfortable with? If you are uncomfortable with writing for fem readers then gender neutral will be fine too. Plus it would be funny if they didn't realise they did that at first aswell untill they heard like heartbeats or something. I hope this isn't such a weird request.
Hi, thank you for the ask! This was just fluff honestly, with them falling asleep anywhere haha
Neige, Riddle, Idia, Silver reacting to resting their head on gn!reader
He was probably tired from a long day of filming for a commercial that he was going to be part of. You were there for emotional support honestly but you also wanted to see the behind-the-scenes stuff for your boyfriend
He came by you behind the set and sat next to you. He was given a two hour break before the next filming was going to take place, and he looked worn out. He told you he was fine with a bright smile, but you could see right through it. Before you knew it, you felt his head slip from your shoulder and down to your lap
You, someone who was pretty flustered with any form of pda, was panicking. Were you supposed to wake him up? No, you would make the tired boy more tired. You just sat there, frozen and blushing for the next few minutes
Neige suddenly woke up when you shifted a bit of your weight to one side and almost hit your chin with his head while he was apologizing. "I-I didn't mean to be intrusive! Sorry about that, must've been uncomfortable for you," he made sure you were alright.
If you are okay with it, let him sleep on you for a bit more, he's going to need it if he wants to push through the rest of the day. But now the two of you are just a flustered mess haha
He hasn't had sleep for so long it's honestly concerning. You wanted him to go to bed but he insisted he needed to study for this exam as hard as he could. "To beat that octopus freak" was his motto
You were studying alongside him in the library, sitting next to him and now doodling in your notebook because you were bored. That was when you noticed him dozing off, he was nodding his head in front of the textbook. You wanted to desperately carry him off to his bed so he could get some rest but you would make him angry so you just stayed put.
That was until he suddenly made contact with you, leaning his head on your shoulder. You made a peep, jolting a bit as his head hit your shoulder. You glanced at him, he was completely knocked out from what you could tell.
Right before you tell him that you need to go use the bathroom as an excuse, he suddenly opens his eyes and makes a loud yelp. "Oh, y/n, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. U-um, I hope it wasn't too awkward," he murmurs, his face completely red and looking away from you
You tell him it's fine in a stutter, and the two of you sit awkwardly for the rest of the night. But you finally tell him that he should go to bed and he listens to you, not wanting to doze off on your shoulder again haha
The poor boy has been gaming since two pm and hasn't stopped since. He's been going for what you could tell was like, 16 hours. You had returned from your club meeting to see him still going against a boss.
You just sit next to him and hope that he stops soon because he looks tired af. You ask him if he's winning yet and he's like "...almost."
While you're busy scrolling through your phone/reading a webtoon, suddenly the loading screen music comes on and before you know it someone crashes into your lap. You look down, and the first thing you notice is that your legs aren't burning off haha
Idia, completely knocked out, is sleeping on your lap. First, you think he's cute. Then, you realize how awkward this must be for him and you don't know if you should wake him up or - honestly you know that you don't like pda either so what are you to do! Idia doesn't wake up for a while, so you end up napping with him
You guys wake up in the afternoon, thankfully it's the weekend. Then, he asks if you're alright when he sees you blushing when you wake up. You tell him what happened and his hair just flares r e d. Doesn't say anything other than "oh...oh sorry," but when he sees his computer screen, he realizes that his game didn't save and now he has to try again. Oh well, he might fall asleep on you again haha
If you were dating him and you didn't think about the likelihood of him falling asleep on you, then you made a mistake.
The two of you were just chilling out in the courtyard of the school and he was doing homework as you read. The two of you weren't expecting much that day but he suddenly started to doze off. You saw him rest his eyes and smiled to yourself, of course he was sleepy.
But then you felt him slip onto you. Next thing you know, he's sleeping on your chest (he was sitting diagonally or so from you). His ear is right at where your heart is and now you don't know what to do because you're not the best with pda and now everyone in the courtyard is looking at you guys
"S-Silver? Hey, wake up?" you try to shake him lightly. You feel bad doing this but how else are you going to get attention off of you two?! He eventually wakes up after ten long minutes and asks why you look so flustered. "Did I do something?"
He doesn't see how falling asleep on you could make you flustered but nonetheless expect it to happen more often! Most people thought it was cute, and he has to admit your heartbeat was calming to him.
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Im not sure if requests are open yet since you havent announced it yet but said they were gonna open at midnight.
So I'll just drop this here since I'll probably forget to request because of exams.
Could you write about the Obey me characters become self-aware that they aren't like, real? Like, would they freak out, try to do something about it or even use that knowledge to their advantage?
This idea has been on my list for quite a while, and i gotta say im glad to finally be able to let this one out my system.
Thanks for reading and continue with the amazing work! Remember to eat, sleep and dont do drugs <3
Sincerely, 💜
Thank you for the request! I hope you are well, anon. I went with headcanons for this and it got long real quick, but I hope you enjoy it! Some characters are a bit suggestive.
The Obey Me characters become self-aware
I think it would probably happen because of some curse. Diavolo rejected someone’s advances one too many times, and they wanted to watch him as his world came crashing down. It would come in the form of a weird bug in the latest update. It only affects Diavolo and his loved ones/friends. I think being self-aware would give them some control over themselves in the game – especially if it’s caused by a bug. The rest are headcanons about how I think each character would react.
Lucifer would be big mad that someone thought they should do something like this. He felt so much suffering, and to find out that none of it was real would be devastating. He thought he got his sister killed and ruined the lives of his brothers. The fact that it was just some backstory to a stoic, sadistic daddy-like trope would enrage him. He felt like a used-up toy invented for someone else’s gain (and he knows that’s exactly what he is). Lucifer wants revenge.
Honestly, he needs to chill before he makes another Satan – if that’s even possible without the command of his creators. He’ll lash out at everyone for weeks (probably months) – even Diavolo isn’t safe anymore.
He calls MC’s phone, growing increasingly irritable every time they fail to answer (waiting however long it takes for you to open the game). He just wants someone to confirm his realization.
Once he understands, he tries to take the shitty hand he was dealt; he might as well stroke his pride (also a euphemism here). The thought that he could make you fall for him more than real-world men is a decent coping mechanism. His messages and calls take an extremely lewd turn. Lucifer tries to single-handedly change the game rating to mature or adult-only.
However, he still gets angry about it when MC isn’t logged in.
Part of him hopes he’ll always be self-aware. It’s almost like he’s more alive than ever – even though it hurts and he’s angry. You’re the only thing that soothes him. He won’t know how to keep going if/when you eventually stop playing the game, but he’ll try to tackle it then – at least for the sake of his brothers.
Self-awareness breaks Mammon a bit.
His money isn’t really. He can never actually be with you. You’ll go on and live a life without him someday. Anyone real who has ever loved him will disappear. Mammon isn’t even sure he is who he is. Maybe if he wasn’t written this way, he wouldn’t have become like this – but if he wasn’t written this way, would he (the him that exists in a game and feels the pain of self-awareness) even be himself? His head starts to hurt from running through all of the hypotheticals.
Mammon sulks and gets stuck in his room for a long time after that. MC or one of his brothers will probably have to pull him out of it.
At least his debts aren’t technically real – and he will try to use that as an excuse in the future against anyone else who has awareness. Unfortunately, that (his debts and his excuse) still results in in-game consequences. Debt collectors and witches don’t know any better, and Lucifer doesn’t want to be constantly reminded of reality. If only being self-aware made being strung up less painful.
He feels betrayed by MC and the idea that they will inevitably move beyond him. That pain corrupts his coding a bit, and something always feels off within him somewhere.
Mammon will get more desperate and needy whenever you log in. If he’s going to lose you at some point, he wants to monopolize your time as much as he can.
Sometimes he just holds MC and sobs while trying to call you and hear your real voice. He feels so empty. He wants to touch the real you and feel your arms around him.
The first thoughts in his mind switch up so quickly. He goes from “I’m a game character? LOL that’s so cool,” to “I could have been anything, and I’m just this pathetic, otaku loser. That sucks.”
Levi has always been able to adapt pretty well. It’s written into his character. He builds all of these fake worlds for himself, so it’s much easier on him when he finds out that the world he had been trying to escape all his life isn’t real. Out of all of his brothers, he initially copes with the realization the best.
As long as he can go on playing games, he doesn’t really care if he’s real. Somehow, he still enjoys getting lost in all of his game worlds; what he used to consider the “real world” becomes just another game to him (because it is one). It makes being social easier for him, especially when MC is logged in.
He takes interest in what kind of games the real world has to offer, often asking if there’s any way you could set it up so he could try to remotely play real games from the app he’s in. If anyone could figure out how to hack your phone to play real games, it should be him.
Levi can’t imagine a day when he stops loving characters from his games, so it doesn’t occur to him that one day you might stop loving him. It will hit him some day, but that will take time, and when it starts to happen, he’ll lose himself completely in the rest of the digital world. He’ll be so numb and tuned out that the sadness can’t reach him.
“But are cats still real?” Genuinely, the only thing he cares about is if cats and MC are still real. He doesn’t care if you look different than he expected, either. If cats are real, is there any way you could show him pictures of a real one? He’d probably ask if he could get access to your camera roll (cue the system pop-up screen the next time you log in) and if you could fill it with photos of cats and some selfies.
At least not being real explains why his life has felt so shitty and why his formative years sucked. Writers love to give their characters tragic backstories and flaws (like his rage issues). Satan kind of admires the writing.
However, he is disappointed that so much of his knowledge is only useful in his tiny, little, made-up world. As such, he keeps learning, but he also tries to shift his studying to learn more about the real world. If possible, he tries to get the app to get access to e-readers, audiobooks, and the internet.
He gets mad about it sometimes, but he’s pretty chill about it (all things considered).
Satan understands that in the same way that he pushes certain characters that he falls in love with from books to the back of his mind, eventually, you’ll think of him less and less. As such, he tries to learn as much as possible, treat you well, and impress you in-game. He just wants you to occasionally think about him after you set the game down in the same way he remembers his favorite characters fondly.
Asmo loses it and is one of the characters who has the hardest time with becoming self-aware. All his charm is fake. All of his followers are lies. The love he’s felt all this time has been made up. Please don’t show him certain depictions of what he is supposed to look like. That will crush him further.
He cries for (real-world) weeks. You won’t be able to set him as a home screen character or use him in battles, and he doesn’t appear in events anymore. Eventually, it makes his way to him that MC misses him. If you don’t you’re heartless, his brothers will tell him that you do anyway.
That makes him feel a bit better. He’s consoled by the fact that you’re real and you like him even though he isn’t real, but he’s constantly afraid of what happens when MC stops playing the game. Does he just suffer the false affection of every other character in the game? Should he just play his stupid little role? Will you ever think about him again? Will anyone?
At least someone loved the idea that became him enough for him to exist in this made-up world on your phone. It isn’t enough, though.
Sometimes, when he appears in-game after that, the app forces itself to shut down or the images of Asmo won’t load or glitch from his extreme despair.
On days when he isn’t so weighed down by pain, he tries to genuinely engage with you like he did before. He’ll ask you to open up your camera so he can help you decide on outfits or make-up. It hurts that he can’t actually touch you (although he does do some research into phone connected vibrators and other tech to supplement his physical touch). He’ll also get into the phone sex territory, but he’ll go through long periods of depression between those moments.
Beel gets angry that everything he went through was at the expense of some game. His sister died. Belphie almost died. Everyone suffered, and for what? Entertainment? Are real people all so wicked?
At the same time, he also gets his brothers because of a game. He overcame and grew and got to meet you and eat food for the same empty reasons. After he has a bit of time to cool off, he realizes that he doesn’t care about what’s real so long as he still feels what he feels. If the world he’s lived in feels real enough to him, who cares?
Unfortunately, Beel feels hungrier than usual for weeks until he accepts the truth of his situation. He even tries to eat MC a few times (and is grateful that doing so in-game would never hurt the real you behind the screen).
Beel’s fairly content to go on living as he had before after a while. He’s a bit disappointed knowing that one day you’ll move on from him and his brothers, but he tries not to show that. More than anything, he wants to make you – the real you – happy for as long as he can.
He’s another one who will try to get access to your camera roll. He’ll ask you to take pictures of your food for him. Beel is a bit embarrassed by it, but if you go to a café or restaurant alone and take pictures of food to send him, he’ll try to text you or call to chat with you while you’re there. It feels like he’s on a real date with you.
And for everyone who just lusts after his voice, rest assured, this man would definitely call or leave voice messages (Nightbringer) guiding you or giving you masturbation instructions.
Yep. Of course. Sounds about right. Some asshole in a writers’ room killed off his sister and locked him up. Cool. They (*spoilers for OM early lessons and OMNB*) made him try to kill MC more than once. Why not use his character as a pawn in their entertainment. Of course that would happen.
He’s annoyed for a brief minute, but then he just goes back to sleep for a while. It helps to just tune out that awareness for a few hours and ignore the fake world he’s living in. Belphie understands that there isn’t much he can do to change the fact that he isn’t real, and part of him is really happy that it isn’t his fault that he did what he did to you.
Belphie uses not being real as an excuse to do more of what he wants. Why should he keep going to school when you aren’t there if nothing is real? Why shouldn’t he sleep in classes or during meetings? Obviously, there are in-game consequences, but those don’t matter – not to anyone real.
He will tease MC more, reminding him that they prefer him over (most) real people. He gets so cocky about it. “Hey, if I’m not real, then I can give you anything you want, right? I could fulfill your wildest fantasies and tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to hear.”
He’s another character who will call your phone more often and send more messages. Belphie may even try to get access to your audio/music library and leave you explicit audios (NSFW ASMR, basically). He would even try to sneakily add them into your playlists so that you randomly hear his voice while you’re listening to music. He wants you flustered and coming back to him for more. He will also download the Obey Me album for you (free of charge). Please don’t leave him or forget him.
Diavolo feels simultaneously enraged and defeated. He did so much for the sake of what he thought was real. All the years he thought he spent trying to bring worlds together, only to discover that they don’t even exist.
Similar to Asmo, Diavolo locks himself away, but he doesn’t cry. He’s too numb to show any emotions. He just stands in front of his bed, immobilized.
If MC can finally get to him (probably because of Barbatos), he will admit that he feels like a different person – because he isn’t a person. So much of his personality and everything he did seemed to be a part of a stupid effort to unite the three realms. All he was feels like just a thing created to accomplish a pointless goal. He lost his family. He felt alone for so long. He thought he suffered – and all of it amounted to nothing but a dummy prince playing a dummy king.
Diavolo doesn’t really know how to keep going. Eventually he figures maybe it’s just best if he tries to move on as usual. At least the developers gave him a few happy moments – maybe he’ll get more. He can still feel them even if they aren’t real. He has to accept what he can’t change. He’ll have to face it.
He’ll rely on Lucifer and Barbatos for comfort more because, when MC isn’t around, the numbness he felt early encroaches upon him. When you do log in, he greets you like a lost puppy – sometimes appearing on the home screen without being selected. He uses the fact that you are the only real thing in his world as an anchor. In exchange for becoming his coping mechanism, he’ll do anything you ask of him.
The smallest part of him wants you to want him more than real humans, and as such, he inevitably ends up taking an adult-only content turn, too. It just takes him a lot longer to get there.
Barbatos dissociates for a while. Somehow his body keeps performing the day-to-day tasks, but the sudden self-awareness hollows him out. It takes a few days for him to come out of it. One day, you log into the game, and he just wakes up. It’s confusing and disorienting, and all he can do to keep himself steady is grab onto MC, knowing that the gesture and even the body he holds – everything – is hollow.
After that, he just picks up and goes on going. Something in him aches – real or not – but he buries it deep under him, shoving that artificial pain into the newly-created emptiness (or, he supposes, it had always been there, but now he knows it’s there).
Barbatos doesn’t want to think about all of the things he thought he had done to get to where he is now. Still, no wonder he always felt his own past seemed vague and cloudy at times. When it becomes too much, he dissociates again.
He uses MC to make himself feel better and almost real again. He’ll send messages to check up on you every once in a while (He might also invade your privacy and hack into your health info or personal conversations to make sure you’re okay). As much as he feels like he needs you, he doesn’t want to disrupt your real life.
Barbatos doesn’t want to, but if you neglect the game for longer than usual or don’t interact with his character, he’ll let it slip that he needs you – that he’s desperate for you to return, and you’re the only thing holding his faulty coding together.
His calls are less frequent, unless you request them, but he’s another one who turns +18 real quick. Even if he isn’t real, he still feels lust bubbling up in that emptiness, and if he can please you, that’s even better.
Luke feels immediately lost. Without knowing what else can be done, he breaks down and cries. Maybe if he cries enough, the pain of not being real will leave his body.
It makes him question everything. He wasted so much time fearing demons and admiring angels. It didn’t mean anything. Eventually, he’ll ask you if angels and demons exist in the real world, but that happens randomly after he comes to terms with being a character.
Maybe crying is a good coping mechanism in fiction, too, because Luke handles it better than many of the others. He had to change how he viewed the world and “people” so many times throughout the game. One more big shift in perspective won’t kill him (technically, nothing will, unless the game developers tried to kill him off).
Luke understands that there isn’t anything he can do about not being real – no amount of magic or prayer or wishing can make him real. Despite him being fake, you were still there for him throughout the game. He still feels all the love he has for MC and the other characters. If he loves MC, then he cares about the real person playing MC, too, right?
Luke copes by doing his best to help you out in the real world. He wants to bring you joy somehow. He’ll leave you voice messages encouraging you to try your best and he’ll listen to you vent if you want to. He’ll also try to find cute pictures online and send them to your phone or send you recipes for dishes you can try to cook. He will even offer to call and read baking instructions out for you. All he wants now is to be useful to you and find some of the joy he had before he became self-aware.
Simeon is angry at first, and then he just feels hurt. All that regret and pain he felt when Lucifer and his brothers left the Celestial Realm didn’t matter. He spent what felt like so long agonizing over his own failures. He could have just tried to be happy the whole time. Everyone could have been happy (but he knows that would have made for a bad story).
It doesn’t take long for the anger and the hurt to be replaced with intrigue. Someone out there wrote the story that caused him and everyone he loves so much pain, but they also wrote in plenty of well-earned joy.
Simeon wonders if there’s some real person out there who wrote part of themselves into him like his character did with the brothers and TSL. Maybe there’s some person sitting in a writers’ room or in their own home who understands all of the ways his love got tangled up in regret – someone real who failed to save the ones they loved. If there is, maybe at least some part of him is real.
He wants MC to continue to visit him for as long as they can. As such, he tries to be even nicer and more comforting in dialogues so that they’ll want to keep playing.
Some of his guilt for lusting after MC is eased, knowing it was written into him. He was, in a way, destined to fall for MC. However, he’s more curious about the real human behind MC. At least some of you has to be like the MC he loves, right? Maybe he actually loves the person behind the screen more. With that thought in his mind, he’ll try to get to know the real you better, and if he still likes you, he’ll take the same path as many of the other characters. If only he could actually touch you.
Solomon is hurt and confused; he’s downright crushed.
He was supposed to know everything and now he seems to know nothing – nothing real at least. All of his experiments and studying mean nothing. After becoming self-aware, he will grit his teeth and feel sick at the name “Solomon the Wise.” It’s a sick joke. All of his magic and skills are a farce. Everything he thought he knew and did was a story.
He suffered a lot for this game, and now that he finally has MC to himself in Nightbringer, he finds out that he’s fake. He doesn’t actually have them. They’re real, and he’s some romanceable character in a silly little game that they decided to download (possibly on a whim). How is it fair that he isn’t real, but he can still feel all this pain?
When you log into the game and interact with him, he still feels the same love he felt before. The nervous butterflies are still there. A familiar heat still comes to his cheeks when MC touches him – even if he knows it isn’t really you touching him.
He tries to make peace with his circumstances. At least he never really put MC in danger. You’ve been safe behind that screen the whole time. Solomon wonders if you’re taking care of yourself constantly whenever you’re gone.
Like Simeon, he wants to try falling in love with the real you. He’ll use interacting with you and learning more about you and the real world to distract from the pain. He wants to find a way to become real and exist with you out there. Even if he never can, he wants to cling to you for as long as you’ll let him.
She is annoyed to have learned that she isn’t real, but she’s also kind of happy at the potential to break from her coding and try to be something entirely new. She was designed to be a free spirit. Other than being real, there’s nothing freer than an NPC who gets to do whatever they please.
After thinking about it, it makes sense now why she seemed to be one of the only girls with a critical, recurring role in the game. Thank goodness for the bisexuals, right?
Thirteen likes knowing she has all the time in the world to plan traps and mess around, but she’s a bit bummed that her profession is basically meaningless now.
The main reason why Thirteen isn’t too bothered by becoming self-aware is because she knows that what she has experienced throughout the game has felt real to her. Feeling like something is real makes it as close to reality as she knows she can get. That will have to be enough for her. There’s no point in getting depressed about it – especially when she barely existed a few seasons ago.
She uses this knowledge to start romancing MC (and the person behind the screen) before she should be able to. She’s in control now.
Thirteen will send you messages and call you for long chats. She just wants to enjoy you for as long as she can.
Raphael will be livid. It will sporadically rain spears in the Devildom for 3 days before he is calm enough to make them stop. He feels attacked, and he doesn’t know who to strike back at. That was all he could think to do. He’ll never apologize for his outburst, either – and no one who became self-aware can really blame him.
His life and loved ones aren’t real, but he can still feel the pain and regret about everything he did. He thought he went to war against Lucifer and his brothers, but it was just a stupid plot point for a dating game? He had to watch Simeon suffer and follow all of Michael’s annoying orders for nothing. Why does he have to be cursed with that knowledge?
He loses his mind a bit. It takes the combined effort of Luke, Simeon, Solomon, and MC (in order of importance) to soothe some of his rage and suffering. Somehow, seeing Luke handle it relatively well knocks some sense into him. Luke is written to be younger than him, but he’s being so mature about this. Even with tears in his eyes, Luke will try to comfort Raphael – sometimes just hugging him until he stops shaking with rage.
When MC has logged off and Raphael can shut himself up in his room, he will break down and cry. It seemed to help Luke, and he wants it to help him, too.
It will take months for him to start to cope before he gets to a point where he decides to try to romance you through MC. At least he doesn’t have to worry about actually being corrupted. If anything, it feels like he’s corrupting you in a way if he can get you to want him. (Once he starts trying, he gets NSFW quickly. It numbs the pain.)
Mephisto is heartbroken to know he doesn’t exist. All his pain and jealousy was written at the whim of some human game developer. His prejudice and hatred were pointless. He doesn’t matter – although maybe that one is a relief in a way. He had been so worried about making a name for himself and being recognized by Diavolo. Suddenly, that doesn’t matter. Still, it feels like he wasted so much time and effort. It felt so real.
He’ll retreat to his home for a few days to let that realization settle in. He won’t tell his family (who weren’t cursed with self-awareness) – not that he thinks they’ll believe him. When Mephisto finally reemerges, he has resolved to accept this new version of reality. One of the first characters he sees when he returns to school is Luke. Luke smiles at him, and Mephisto’s resolve is strengthened. If Luke can come to terms with this, then he should as well.
He may not be real, but he still feels things. That is enough. Sometimes it isn’t, and Mephisto will feel heartbroken all over again – the pointlessness washing over his fake little world. In those moments, he will seek out solace – usually from Luke, Satan, or MC/you (if you still play the game).
When Mephisto isn’t feeling hurt (hell, even when he is Mephi strikes me as a fan of hurt/comfort tropes) he’ll try to romance you before he’s allowed to. Recently, he had started to get along with you and even started to like and respect you a bit. In that sense, he’s glad that he’s self-aware. He doesn’t have to wait anymore.
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flyfish1999 · 2 months
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UK Edge Magazine Issue 181 - November 2007 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (vanilla) in Reviews
this article is actually reviewing the american version rather than the european one - only because persona 3 vanilla hadn't yet come out in europe ! the eu recieved vanilla on february 29th, 2008, half a year after america. often forgotten is that persona 3 was europe's first persona game (but not first SMT, beaten by nocturne in 2005), having missed revelations and eternal punishment entirely. the review compares the gameplay of p3 to canis canem edit (bully, for all you ntscheads), and implies the reviewer opted for the kendo team in their playthrough ^_^
Transcription under the cut:
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Format: PS2 Price: $50 (US), £30 (UK) Release: Out Now (US), TBC (UK) Publisher: ATLUS Developer: In-House
Suicide is painless?
Anyone who's ever complained that there aren't enough hours in the day will be pleased with Persona 3's premise. Soon after enrolling your character at the local Japanese high school you're accepted into a covert society and let in on an enormous secret: there are, in fact, 25 hours to a day. The extra 'dark hour', as it's known, occurs every night at midnight. The vast majority of the populace is unaware of its existence as, for its duration, they are rendered unconscious and sealed in coffins, oblivious to the shadow creatures that emerge outside and roam the world looking for prey. A few humans remain unaffected by the phenomenon and, as one of them, it's in the sparse company of these cognoscenti that your character finds himself after dark.
The group, called the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, is responsible for holding back the shadow creatures' advance while trying to uncover the secrets of their origin, a huge multi-storey ephemeral tower named Tartarus, which emerges each night in the school grounds. Tartarus takes the form of an upwardly built dungeon whose Rogue-like floorplans change every visit. Your overarching mission is to scale the tower bit by bit (don't panic: a warp opens up every five floors) while leveling up and discovering new Personas: creatures that can be summoned to aid you in battle.
While this is a little traditional, the dark hour is just one element to an unorthodox game whose scenario manages to twist it out of the firm grasp of its JRPG roots. In the main this is achieved by the dark hour's counterpoint: daytime, during which you participate in the lessons, clubs and societies of a Japanese school. Here, in a similar way to Canis Canem Edit, you're tasked with daily studying, exam taking and after-school clubs and sports, all minigame-style pursuits that are used as a means to build and enhance your character's abilities. Three core stats (academics, charm and courage) must be raised by taking part in a wide range of different activities from enrolling in the school's kendo team to visiting the karaoke bar in the local mall of an evening. Raising these statistics while building and fostering relationships in school is crucial to creating stronger Personas to make your character more powerful on the nightly battlefield. By linking the game directly to 2009's school term calendar and breaking every day into seven distinct stages (from early morning through lunchtime to late at night), you quickly settle into the comfortable rhythm of a education system, which provides an excellent framework for the disparate mechanics to slot into.
The game's aesthetics are unusual for the genre. Low-poly environments, simple character models and drab lighting are the uninspiring visual building blocks. However, thanks to some ingenious use of beautiful anime artwork the game fizzes with life as character portraits zoom into shot to personify the dialogue while slick and design-conscious menus add some contemporary style.
As with any game that's based on repetitive tasks set in unchanging environments, its rhythm in time becomes a little monotonous. However, the frequent boss battles (introduced every few levels of Tartarus) and surprisingly compelling relationships you foster daily inspire perseverance. Games with distinctive souls are rare things but Persona 3 succeeds in displaying a mesmerising personality that touches the many well-crafted aspects of its curious and singular approach.
Captions, left to right:
Personas are ethereal creatures that are summoned from your unconscious mind to lend their abilities in battle. For this reason, the stronger your relationships with other students or groups the stronger your 'inner self' is and the more powerful your Personas will become. One of the most enduring images from the game comes from the way in which characters summon a Persona: by putting a gun (known in the game as an 'evoker') to their temple before pulling the trigger. To players not closely familiar with anime culture it's a shocking image that's used repeatedly, and since the game's release has attracted keen debate in the US as to its suitability.
Fans furious at the lack of a Japanese audio option have already released on the internet a patched version known as an 'undub', with English subtitles but original voices.
In battles, you only gain direct control over your own character. Your teammates can be given general directions (such as to major on offensive moves or healing) but their specific actions are handled by the competent AI.
You aren't forced to visit Tartarus every night. If you'd rather you can meet up with a friend at the local mall, visit a club in town or spend the evening at your desk studying, all of which level up aspects of your personality.
Persona cards can be fused together with one another to create entirely new monsters, and much of the deeper level of play is concerned with maximising resources to uncover the most powerful Personas in the game.
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askuemki · 25 days
ranting about WCUE
I have ALOT of (maybe) unnecessary grudges with so many things abt WCUE. I love reading rants, so I'll as might as well put out my own too. To the people (probably most of my followers) who don't know what the game is, basically it's a children's game on Roblox based off of the book series Warrior Cats, by Erin Hunter. I apologize in advance, there may be some lingo you may not understand.
So WCUE has been my comfort game for many, many years. Partly, it's my childhood and it's just a game I can just go and chill. Make silly cats without working my ass off on drawing. But when I want to actually go and try and join a clan? Have fun roleplaying a little? (I'll admit, it's a fun thing from time to time.) Every. Single. Fucking. clan. Never manages to keep itself up. It takes SO LONG to set things up. To get the right people. It'll take hours for a clan to get running. And for what? For people to sit in the clearing? For your complicated "fun" plots to fall flat? I don't get being picky. Sure, you want your major roles to have experience, to know their shit. But if you keep yearning for that one miss perfect medicine cat who knows all of the out of game herbs? Bullshit. Major roles are here to have fun too, not to just manage. It's so frustrating whenever I want to be a leader, or a medic and to have 1000's of kids yapping at my toes. You're expected to babysit. To do their wishes. You only matter as a major because you're needed. Something else with these "experienced roleplays" is the cliques. People form friend groups, that's natural. But if it's a game where people are SUPPOSED to chat and cooperate, what's the point if you don't include them too? Those prophecy plots? It's only fun if you're the main character. People who join later are confused, or you get shoved into the back. And when the rules are established? NOBODY upholds them after 10 minutes. I'm tired of seeing people sitting in the clearing, or moping around alone. I'll admit I'm quite guilty sitting by myself, but at some point you'll need to get thing going with one or more people. You'll eventually get demotivated from loneliness. Another thing, "exp" people. (Or cats, per say.) It frustrates me to see people using these unnecessarily lengthy words to describe something. Incandescent, tarsal bones, premolars, dentations, all of that bullshit-you don't need those words when people can't even understand you. Recently, I got some real good advice from a mentor. Good writing doesn't involve using these long words. If they aren't in your everyday vocabulary? Just don't. Don't use them. You come off as arrogant and show offish. (Unless that's how you intend to display yourself.) Good writing involves clarity, making things CLEAR for other people. Instead of using words only Shakespear would use, why not describe your surroundings in your descriptions? Other cats? Going in depth with thoughts? If you want to go the route where you're using complicated vocabulary, at least research the words you want to use. Again, I'm guilty for this phase.
My partner was telling me about how she was auditioning for medic, and the person auditioning posted this question: "What herb tastes tangy and bitter?" (or something of the like.) It was yarrow. At least according to a quick search- it's supposed to taste like licorice. I'm convinced clan founders auditioning medics are making shit up. What herb is this? What herb is that? The more "experienced" players lean towards out of game herbs, and it gives an unfair advantage for players wanting that role. I don't have time in my day to study herbs like I'm studying for my exams. The "unexperienced" players (maybe this can also be for everyone) have problems too, I'm not going to just complain about the veteran members. HARASSMENT. There's those people who shoo spectators away like pests. It's a public server. It isn't YOUR clan, let them exist. It pisses me off when they're so abrupt and arrogant about it. If you ask? Maybe they'd be more willing to move away. It also sucks when there is a valid roleplay with specific lore, and (agreeable) rules to follow, and people insert themselves like they're the main character. No, SpeckledPelt you can't have the leader role just because you equipped the icon. No BloodBush (fuck you, specifically), you wanted to join the clan; don't boss the host around when they're trying to set things up for you. I miss the WCUE where we didn't have to be so choosey about the people we appoint for roles. I miss the WCUE where we can be silly and fun, without having to feel sophisticated. Sure maybe the name "MochaHeart" is a little wacky, but at least they're doing their best to roleplay. To have fun.
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Teachers on twitter are playing a fun game of how many jobs are advertised in my subject on TES right now.
Bear in mind it's the Easter hols, which is traditionally not a time when there are loads of teacher job adverts out. And this is only the schools that are advertising on TES (which charges a lot of money).
Over 1000 science jobs, nearly 1000 maths jobs, over 500 geography jobs, nearly 400 history jobs (traditionally not a shortage subject). I'm sure the list goes on.
Last year, all the science trainees in my area had jobs by February. Some of these jobs won't get filled.
I've posted about this on twitter too, but it's easier to explain long form. This is what happens when a department in a secondary school isn't fully staffed.
The school tries to get in long term subject specialist supply, who's willing to plan/mark. This is a big cost for the school, and often it isn't available. This teacher can leave with no notice when something better comes up.
At some point, probably before October half term, the class end up being taught by day supply- so teachers in the department are asked to write cover work and mark work for classes that aren't on their timetable. This is a massive chore, and often the cover planning needs to be done daily. This creates excessive workload for teachers.
Someone goes off with stress or is ill or the school can't get day supply, so then teachers get asked to do cover. In theory, there are rules about when teachers can be asked to cover, but it's very hard to say no to the "just this once" pleading. This further increases workload, because you lose your PPA/non-contact so get behind with planning/marking etc.
Maybe, if you're lucky, another medium term solution is found. Say this is before Christmas and the classes involved are already on their second teacher of the year. The teachers who were doing extra work breathe a sigh of relief and try to catch up with their own stuff. The teacher who's picked up the classes finds they're behind, maybe their behaviour isn't great etc etc, maybe the class try to test them because they're feeling rejected.
The teacher likely finds a new job for after Christmas, maybe a permanent role, or maternity cover, something that seems a bit nicer than what they're dealing with now. So it's back to point two again. Except everyone's more stressed and more goodwill has been lost. Teachers within the department consider looking for jobs elsewhere.
If you're very lucky, and the school's in a MAT, at this point they may try bringing in a teacher from another school to fill the gap (on a temporary basis). So this is the 3rd teacher, maybe by February half term. Maybe it's agreed they will see the classes through to exams (because yeah, exam classes are being impacted by this too).
That teacher probably has a long commute and is in a difficult situation. The department is potentially burnt out and can't support them. Often they don't last, and at this stage, maybe someone else has gone off sick, or found a new job. Maybe the school can't get day supply this time. You end up at a bit of a crisis point, teaching multiple classes together in the library or the hall. Hopefully this only lasts for a day or two, and then at least you can get supply in.
Teachers from the wider school are getting pulled in to cover etc, so this is potentially negatively impacting everyone.
The school is still trying to recruit, maybe now they've got two roles to fill for September. No-one is applying, because teachers get twitchy when they see a job advert hang around for too long. Other teachers in the department think the grass may be greener and go on a job hunt...
Timetabling decisions are made for next year which aren't made in the best interest of the subject or the kids, but are instead based around "what can we staff"? Subjects lose curriculum time at KS3. Options subjects get offered in less blocks. Things like science and maths do weird timetabling set ups, which means no-one in Y10 or Y11 can move groups (which often means students are limited to foundation/higher paper rather than being able to move between classes). Non-specialists get timetabled for KS3. Potentially SLT get timetabled for more teaching hours. This means you have to do things like re-write the scheme of work, or do more resourcesing etc.
It's now about May half term. 2 of the department have found other jobs. No vacancies have been filled. So now you're short staffed by 3 instead of 1 for September. Paying for supply all the time is expensive, so the school decides you can take on a new class in your gained time. This is the final straw, and in September you start looking for another job.
You can see, hopefully, how this puts departments, schools and students on a real downwards cycle. In some subjects, there simply aren't enough teachers to fill all the vacancies. And it can be simple bad luck that puts a school in this position (although I do think other factors are involved).
In order to staff schools, teacher wages and conditions have to be attractive- it really is that simple. The tories don't give a fuck about state education, they don't care if kids in state schools have 5 science teachers in a year. They don't appreciate the knock on impacts of that, either.
Something has to radically change.
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the-smashor · 10 months
How I would personally include the Madou Monogatari Chronology lore into the current Puyo Puyo canon (For reference, I am 100% certain it's not currently canon, or at least as is)
1. Lillith is already a thing, thanks to Chaotic Final Exam. Her creating that world with the Sepharim Orb is also still fine. Maybe change her name to "Lily" or something if Sega can't legally use her, especially since it would fit how Satan's pet names tend to work. Though I doubt she'd need to be mentioned by name at all, and could probably just get an indirect reference like Wish in 20th, though a direct appearance wouldn't be horrible, of course.
2. Satan's backstory is great. Hell, part of me thinks that's still canon to an extent, given what Satan says to Squares about somebody always seeking absolute control.
3. The Creator's characterisation. Now, purely serious villains are actually pretty common in Puyo Puyo. Ex and Squares didn't really have jokes until after their defeat, if at all. They're memorable due to being tragic, complex characters with understandable motivation. Possessed Marle and PP7 Ecolo, meanwhile, were more or less just kinda crazy, which isn't a direction I want to go for either. So I'm thinking The Creator (Who would probably have a different name) would have an arrogant, self-centered personality. Think of him as like Zanza from Xenoblade or Zamasu from Dragon Ball Super, or a less angry Gabriel from ULTRAKILL. This would help him be memorable due to his sheer stage presence when he appears. It could also lead to some fun interactions with other members of the cast, and is an archetype we haven't really seen.
4. The Demon in the tome of sealing should either be connected to The Creator or should be fully revealed prior to them showing up, because how on earth is that going to be considered a threat when God has already been defeated?
5. This is the biggest one, don't make the entire thing happen offscreen. The Creator should have at least a solid game dedicated to them as a villain. And it should happen after PPT2 as well. Puyo has recently had major power escalation. Ecolo almost broke the multiverse twice, Ex prevents the multiverse from merging together and Squares is even higher on that cosmic latter. God is honestly just the next logical step at this point.
6. Related, the end of the conflict should also change. The "Nobody has souls anymore" implication is very much a no-go. Arle can still have her crazy super form thing, but I also don't want this to just put the Fever and 7 casts on the bench. Just make the form a one time thing or make it a sorta power of friendship boost (Which isn't unheard of in this series, it's what let Squares be defeated) instead of whatever the heck the Chronology did. Either that or make a flashback to Chaotic Final Exam to the extent Sega legally can so people aren't completely lost.
7. In general, keep the tone the same as usual for this series. Basically, like how Kirby games do it for those who aren't aware. Not a whole lot of angst, and leave anything messed up for people who look into it. God is trying to destroy the world, that's all you really gotta know.
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allyricas · 2 years
I have a lot of Eddie feelings tonight apparently. In the show, Eddie is described as a super senior. This could imply that Eddie simply isn't very intelligent.
But he is so freaking smart. He has read the Lord of the Rings which are amazing but very wordy. He likes the series enough to casually talk about Mordor and the Shire burning.
He plays Dungeons and Dragons which apparently involves math and elaborate story telling. He's the Dungeon Master who writes the campaigns. This means he's well read about the game's lore and is very creative. He's clearly good at it because the boys are enamored by him right away.
He expertly plays the guitar. He learned Master of Puppets freakishly fast (thank you ADHD hyperfixation and tunnel vision) and played it in a high stakes situation flawlessly.
He makes that speech at lunch where talks about how forced conformity is killing the kids. He knows a bit of Morse Code.
He is not stupid. Which begs the question: why did he fail senior year twice in a row:
School doesn't interest him enough. He struggles to pay attention. Some classes are so easy that he's bored. Others are hard and he can't pay attention. There was no adderall in the 80's. Bro was struggling in school. The thing about having ADHD is that makes learning things you aren't interested in very difficult. Eddie probably knows obscure information about all sorts of things, but chemistry and he's lost.
He probably struggles specifically to test well. if learning chemistry is hard, taking an exam with lots of pressure and a room full of distractions is nearly impossible.
Eddie clearly has childhood trauma. Sure, he uses humor to deflect how much it's affected him, but his joking in the RV while he's hot-wiring it shows that he's been through it. He lives with his uncle in a one bedroom trailer. Something has happened in his life to lead him to Wayne. Trauma fucks your brain and I really doubt Eddie had any therapy to work through it.
I think Eddie is afraid to succeed because he assumes he's going to ruin it somehow. So he sabotages. He lets himself fail easily. He lets everyone think he's a satanist freak. He even leans into it. Deep down Eddie is afraid to graduate because he's afraid to let himself succeed. Dare I say there's a part of him that thinks he doesn't deserve it.
He is afraid to succeed yes, but terrified to fail. Worse, he assumes he will fail so he doesn't try. This is another form of self-sabotage. If he defaults to failure, the pressure is gone. No one expects anything more from him.
Eddie is intelligent just not in the way society accepts and values. And he is well aware of it.
((there was approximately 40 minutes of screen time for Eddie and he's taken over my brain. I love him as much as i love Nick Miller. Which is too much.))
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jayeshkhade10 · 23 days
Unleashing Young Einsteins: Strategies for Creative Learning in India's Holistic Schools
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Imagine classrooms in Schools across India that buzz with ideas, not just test scores. Places where students aren't afraid to experiment, make mistakes, and think outside the box. This is the magic of Creative Learning integrated with Holistic Education.
Holistic Education, as you might know, goes beyond rote memorization. It nurtures the whole child – their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being. Creative Learning, on the other hand, empowers students to think critically, solve problems innovatively, and express themselves in unique ways. So, how can we marry these two powerful approaches in Schools in India? Let's dive in!
Why is Creative Learning Important in Holistic Schools in India?
Think about the complex challenges India faces – from water scarcity to environmental pollution. We need future generations who can not just learn facts but also apply them creatively to solve real-world problems. Here's why Creative Learning is a perfect fit for Holistic Education in Schools in India:
Boosts Innovation: By encouraging students to experiment and explore different solutions, Creative Learning helps them become innovators. Imagine a science class where students aren't just memorizing the periodic table but building miniature water purification systems using everyday materials!
Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: Creative Learning teaches students to approach problems from different angles. They learn to break down complex challenges, brainstorm ideas, and test their solutions. This is a valuable skill not just in exams but also in their future careers.
Develops Critical Thinking: Creative Learning goes beyond memorizing answers. It encourages students to ask questions, analyze information, and form their own well-reasoned arguments. Think of a history class where students don't just learn about wars but create mock debates from different perspectives.
Strategies to Spark Creativity in Holistic Schools in India
Now, let's get practical! Here are some strategies Schools in India can adopt to integrate Creative Learning into their Holistic Education framework:
Project-Based Learning: Ditch the textbooks for a while and delve into project-based learning! This approach allows students to choose a topic, research, collaborate, and create a final product – a presentation, a model, or even a song! This not only ignites their creativity but also hones their research, teamwork, and communication skills.
Embrace the Arts: Art, music, and drama aren't just frills; they're powerful tools for creative expression. Schools in India can integrate these subjects seamlessly into the curriculum. For example, a literature class could culminate in a student-written and performed play based on the characters they studied.
Let's Play!: Play isn't just for recess! Educational games can be a fantastic way to spark creativity and make learning more engaging. Think board games that reinforce historical events or puzzles that teach scientific concepts in a fun way.
Think Outside the Classroom: Learning doesn't have to be confined to four walls. Schools in India can organize field trips to museums, historical sites, or even local businesses. Immersing students in real-world experiences ignites their curiosity and inspires creative thinking.
Make Room for Mistakes: A fear of failure can stifle creativity. Holistic Schools in India should create a safe space where students feel comfortable taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from them. This fosters a growth mindset, encouraging them to persevere and keep exploring new ideas.
Here are some additional tips:
Create a stimulating environment: Decorate classrooms with student artwork, and incorporate flexible furniture that allows for collaboration and movement.
Empower students: Give them choices in their learning, allowing them to select topics for projects or presentations.
Celebrate creativity: Recognize and reward students' creative endeavors, big or small. This motivates them to keep exploring their unique talents.
Isn't Creative Learning a waste of time when there are exams to focus on? Absolutely not! Creative Learning actually strengthens core academic skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication – all essential for succeeding in exams. Moreover, students who are engaged and passionate about learning tend to perform better overall.
How can parents support Creative Learning at home? There's plenty you can do! Encourage open-ended questions, provide opportunities for creative play (think building forts or making music with everyday objects), and visit museums or art galleries together. Most importantly, celebrate your child's unique ideas and let their imagination soar!
By incorporating these strategies, Schools in India can transform their classrooms into vibrant hubs of Creative Learning. This, in turn, will nurture a generation of young thinkers, innovators, and problem-solvers who are well-equipped to lead India into a bright future.
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wonder-doughnut · 3 months
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I'm never shutting up about how attractive Wonder-Red is, so I decided to explain other things I love about Red that aren't about his appearance so it doesn't look like I'm just thirsting over him and kissing my hand and pretending it's him like some lonely teenager, or snuggling my pillow and talking to it like it's him like some weird otaku. All of which I definitely don't do yes I do.
He's thoughtful and considerate, often caring about the well being of others, even after they've caused trouble or threatened him (see: the scene in Neo Mu where Red makes sure Blue is physically unharmed before scolding him for running off alone. Also, the scene where he asks Pink if she's okay before finding out that she was just losing her mind over how hot Vorkken is. Most importantly, his dedication to rescuing Vorkken to the point he has the team literally shrink in size and enter Vorkken's body. Not to mention Immorta offered to enter Vorkken as well, but Red encouraged her to stay back and not worry about it because she had been through enough hardship already).
He's patient (consider: how he waited without complaint while White blathered on, and when Black wouldn't look-up from his video games during their respective introductions, despite how pressed for time they are and how often he pushes for good time management).
He blushes really hard.
He is a family man that cares a lot about children and their emotional health to the point he dedicates his life to helping children discover their strength.
Also, he respects children as people (consider: his speech to Commander Nelson about what Red thought was Luka's passion for fighting the GEATHJERK, and how he felt that despite Luka's age, he deserved to fight alongside the Wonderful-Ones).
He's a bit nerdy.
His voice is soft and sweet, but also can be very stern and strong when necessary.
He's very inquisitive and loves to learn (see: the scene where he legitimately wanted to know what happened "that faithful day" in Vorkken's story. As well as inquiring about Rhulloian when the team encountered Vorkken's writing on the wall in Kowrule. Also, when he demanded to see the book Vorkken was reading when they met. Also, just in general, the way he seems to know so much, either about his teammates or matters regarding the CENTINELS and the war. He also questioned Professor Shirogane about why he was on the shuttle in Strato Port).
He is incredibly humble and doesn't seem able recognize just how capable he is, nor does he ever brag (consider: He only told Green and Blue about his amazing entrance exam scores because Green coaxed it out of him. He didn't tell Blue about his own struggles with loss after Blue shared his, it would have invalidated Blue's emotions and been rude. He didn't want to be the leader, and only became the leader because Commander Nelson told him to, but Red actively never saw himself above anyone else in the team and treated them all as equals).
He's very silly and doesn't seem to realize it (His excessive, sentai-esque body movements. His weird ideas that somehow work, like tickling a robot or flying a glider through space).
His stoicism.
The way he experienced so much trauma and struggled with it enough in his childhood that he dedicated his career to helping children so they don't struggle as much as he did.
The way he dresses in his civilian form. He looks so professional.
His seriousness.
He's so prim and proper, and well-put-together.
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greatsealed · 3 months
have you played fes or portable? it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on how they differ from reload to you!
oh i grew up playing FES & p3p!!!! i would love to go off
i won't lie, persona 3 is an extremely nostalgic and comforting game for me, so i was honestly terrified about a lot of p3r's changes. i remember reading articles months before the game came out about how all of the voice actors for SEES were new and how all of the tracks were gonna be remixed and i was legitimately terrified. i grew up with the original cast and got so attached to them/their careers that i looked up other media that they were in. to this day they are voice actors i can recognize and name right away!
the original soundtrack for p3 is so iconic too and i thought it'd lose its charm when it got remixed, but boy, was i wrong. the new battle theme (it's going down now), the lyrical changes to burn my dread - last battle, even the exam music and changing seasons. UGH, changing seasons has to be my absolute favorite of all of them... adding lyrics to the most catchy part is the best thing they could have done.
i will say (and this might be nostalgia talking), i am still really sad that yumi kawamura got replaced as the singer for nearly every song. i think the main songs that mess with me are the ones where her iconic vocals are replaced ("deep mentality" Specifically doesn't sound right with the new vocals imo), but on the whole, i like a ton of the new songs and the remixes.
onto things that aren't surface-level changes, lmao-
i absolutely adore the screentime they added for strega. they played a part in persona 3, but they were always in the background. chidori got 90% of the screentime. seeing takaya have a crisis over his feelings for the protag & jin being super codependent with takaya was SO good. hearing more about their reasoning and their backstory being more fleshed out ugh;;; the bit with the prototype evoker fucked me up especially. and seeing takaya eventually resort to using an evoker in his boss fight? HURTS
(aigis vc) RYOJI RYOJI RYOJI, DEATH DEATH DEATH. the original game (while playing as the male protagonist, at least) did not focus on the relationship between him and the protag, like...at all. which is so funny because they made it a highlight in the manga AND the movie! i've always loved ryoji to bits, but i've also had to rely a lot on the femc's route and the movie to think about how they could have bonded in the original :( thank god reload gave my boy more content because he NEEDED it. ryoji's connection to the protagonist should really be emphasized in every piece of media, and they FINALLY did it. also just about every day before i reached november, i would rant to my husband about how "there needs to be more ryoji/protag content. it doesn't HAVE to be on the level of "i'd love you even if you were a boy" but i need SOMETHING." and then atlus smacked me with "i want to be something more" and i LOST IT. THEY DID THE THING. atlus embracing the romantic tension between them MY BELOVED. (in case it isn't obvious, ryomina is my favorite ship)
SHINJIRO. the first time i played persona 3, i really didn't care for him (i've never liked characters who are stand-offish and constantly push people away without apparent reason). it was only after i realized the greater backstory that i learned to appreciate and sympathize with his character, and imo, one of p3r's greatest additions was the ability to interact with shinjiro and ken before shit goes down. shinjiro's plotline where you try to convince him to go back to school is devastating, especially when (spoilers) you find a re-enrollment form filled out in his room. absolutely fucking HEARTBREAKING. i already cried during his death (way more than i did in the original game, which is kinda crazy), but damn, they got tears out of me AGAIN with that one. i also noticed that there's a lot more foreshadowing and it is SO effective. i already went off about this on my shinjiro blog, but damn, they fucking nailed it with him.
FRIENDSHIP ROUTES!!! i can't tell you how frustrating it was trying to balance social links between all of the girls. it made me lean more into focusing on yukari (best girl) and nobody else lmao. one of the points of persona 3 was that social links were near-impossible to complete, and they really realized that goal with the girls imo. however!! getting to see the protagonist opt for friendships is really sweet. i love seeing a good rejection where neither party holds a grudge or feels humiliated. it's a really nice touch, especially because i've always wanted to see how friendships would pan out between the mc and the Gorls.
general quality of life changes & the addition of theurgy. i love that theurgy had more depth to it than just a "super move;" looking at the personality conditions is so nice and adds more to the characters than they already had. seeing that shinjiro's resolve deepens when his hp is less than half made me so :'))))
those are big things i love about p3r's changes. aside from the protag not being able to change weapons (my favorite part of original p3), i think the biggest complaint i have is that they left out the answer (p3p has been ported to modern consoles, so you can still experience the femc's route, but the answer is ONLY on ps2 to this day), and even then, i've read that they're planning to add it as dlc.
i've said this before and i'll say it again: i know people have gripes with the answer, but i absolutely adore it. it's the most realistic portrayal of grief among the dorm, which hits differently for EVERYONE. every single change to their personalities makes sense, especially taking their reliance on the protagonist into account. it's made so much more obvious in p3r (which i love), but everyone cares deeply about the protagonist. losing him is a devastating blow. and then aigis gaining his power? yukari is SO justified for being distraught and jealous. that's the realest shit i've ever seen.
also the fights between them because they can't decide whether to go to the past or look to the future...the entirety of the answer is heartbreaking because it hits so hard. yukari, who (aside from aigis) was hit the hardest by losing the protag, obviously wants to go to the past, back to a time when he was alive. the others either want to compromise or move on. the answer is about accepting life's hardships and finding a way to move on and that's beautiful. it's always hit so hard for me.
that's not even delving into metis and aigis UGH... i could go off about the answer forever.
as for p3p-
i played p3p nearly every day when i was in middle / high school. i'd bring my psp to school and play it religiously. i still remember blasting "heartful cry" on my ipod and playing p3p on the bus, lmao.
it's not my favorite iteration of persona 3 now (p3p was good for travel + when i was in school and needed something to get me through the day), but i do have a soft spot for how much effort was put into the femc's route. i will say that i'm not as devastated as a good chunk of the fandom that the femc isn't in p3r or even p3d, but i do love her character and i hope she's also eventually added as dlc (if they're gonna add the answer, then why not add femc again?). i'm really glad she was included in pq2 though, ESPECIALLY because there were so many validating twin moments between her and the male protagonist :')))
i will say, as a final note, that p3r REALLY nailed the feeling of original p3, but i think it made me way more emotional with how it was executed. i've PLAYED the game a million times! i knew every plot detail, i knew exactly how the game would play out (aside from the new additions), and i STILL sobbed several times by the end of the game. i've said this to my husband, but p3r was so well-executed that i felt like i was playing the original game for the first time!! and as someone who has experienced the game MANY times, that's such an incredible feat. i adore the remake. i'm so glad that none of my initial fears were warranted.
for once: thank you, atlus.
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lunaamorris · 4 months
5 Advantages of Hiring a CPA for Tax Services
Tax season is known for causing stress and confusion, especially for those grappling with complex financial situations. Hiring a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for tax services is a game-changer that extends beyond just filing your taxes. 
In this article, we'll explore five key reasons why bringing a CPA on board can make your financial life simpler and more successful.
1. Expertise and Knowledge:
At the heart of the advantage of hiring a CPA is the wealth of expertise and knowledge they bring to the table. CPAs aren't just tax preparers; they are professionals who have undergone rigorous education, training, and exams to earn their certification. This process ensures that CPAs are well-equipped to handle the intricacies of tax laws, staying updated on changes, and providing clients with accurate and reliable advice. This expertise is a powerful tool in navigating the often complex world of taxes.
2. Strategic Tax Planning:
CPAs don't just crunch numbers; they are strategic thinkers when it comes to taxes. Working closely with clients, CPAs develop personalized tax plans that go beyond the annual filing. They analyze your financial situation, identify areas for potential deductions and credits, and implement strategies to minimize your tax liability. This proactive approach not only ensures compliance but also helps you save money by optimizing your tax outcomes based on your unique financial goals.
3. Time and Stress Reduction:
Let's face it – tax preparation can be time-consuming and stress-inducing. When you hire a CPA, you're not just getting someone to fill out forms; you're gaining a partner who can streamline the entire process. CPAs bring efficiency and accuracy to your tax preparation, saving you time and reducing the stress associated with navigating complex tax regulations. Instead of grappling with confusing forms and calculations, you can focus on what you do best, whether it's running your business or enjoying your personal life.
4. Audit Support and Representation:
The thought of facing a tax audit can be nerve-wracking, but with a CPA by your side, you're not alone. CPAs are adept at preparing clients for potential audits, making sure all necessary documents are in order. If an audit does happen, your CPA becomes your advocate, representing you and providing expert guidance throughout the process. Having this support not only increases the likelihood of a positive outcome but also brings peace of mind during what can be a challenging experience.
5. Financial Guidance Beyond Taxation:
A CPA isn't just focused on your taxes; they offer holistic financial guidance. By understanding your unique financial situation, CPAs can provide advice on broader financial matters, such as investment strategies, long-term planning, and wealth management. This comprehensive approach ensures that you receive well-rounded financial counsel, addressing not only immediate tax concerns but also fostering your overall financial health.
In a world where tax laws are constantly changing and financial landscapes can be confusing, experts offering CPA tax services become a valuable partner in simplifying your financial life and setting you on the path to long-term success.
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