#garçon gay
jonarteen · 2 years
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🍁🍡🍬🍫🍭🌰😁 Jon Arteen's Halloween Best Wishes. Trick or Treat! #halloweengay #gayhalloween #gayhalloweencostume #gay #twink #femboy #asiangay #gayasian #asiantwink #twinkasian #asianfemboy #cutetwink #prettytwink #gaytwink #twinkgay #美少年
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cultreslut · 5 months
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Tom of Finland x Honey Fucking Dijon Red Printed Bandana
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celluloidrainbow · 2 months
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KIKI (2016) dir. Sara Jordenö Follows seven personalities from the Kiki community over the course of four years, using their preparations and spectacular vogue performances at events known as Kiki balls as a framing device while delving into their battles with homelessness, illness and prejudice as well as their gains towards political influence and the conquering of affirming gender-expressions. (link in title)
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sunoovamp · 12 hours
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i think that when you kiss me, you're kissing someone else.
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are you kissing another girl ? or are you kissing a boy ?
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11oh1 · 6 months
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freeby · 7 months
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New “Best of Paris Fashion Week” podcast episode out now!!!!! Search “Future Fashion Icons” on any streaming platform or click here!
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taramboyle · 7 months
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Jérémy a honte de son désir pour les garçons. L’homosexualité le répugne, jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre le beau Malik, à la fois viril, bien dans son corps et parfaitement à l’aise avec sa sexualité 🧡
L’Amour suprême amazon.fr/dp/B091F77X2B
#lecture #littérature #homophobie
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justdonotaskmewhy · 2 years
When I say that I don’t have a type…
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I’m clearly lying to myself
Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Moon) and Johanna (Hélène et les garçons) were my princess Diana before I fell in love with her
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ayanna-tired · 2 years
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Je voulais juste vous conseiller un petit web comics que m'a gentiment linké un ami, série très sympa sur un groupe d'étudiants homosexuels qui vont découvrir le polyamour et les aléas des relations romantiques :) Ca s'appelle "Boyfriends" et vous n'avez qu'à cliquer !
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Le style est "kawaii" et très pastel, ça se lit vite et bien, c'est très sympathique. Les personnages sont hauts en couleur et un peu archétypales mais au moins on reconnait vite qui est qui et le caractère de chacun.
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Il y a le gothique un peu désinvolte et sûr de lui (mon préféré), le BCBG un peu bourge qui couine tout le temps, le sportif dragueur, le geek qui est le premier à parler de polyamour, etc...
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C'est romantique et un peu niais, mais ça reste mignon et, encore une fois, ça se lit vite, il y a peu de dialogues et ils sont très simplistes.
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Pour le moment, là où j'en suis, (épisode 21) il n'y a pas de scène de sexe explicites, donc c'est safe pour les personnes qui ne sont pas ok avec ce genre de scènes. On apprend des trucs sur le polyamour, la morosexualité, tout ça... c'est assez instructif et surtout divertissant.
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Y'a des garçons qui se maquillent, d'autres qui ont des bijoux, d'autres qui n'ont pas le "passing" gay, d'autres qui sont plus intello dans leur style, et tout ça est ok. C'est une jolie leçon de tolérance :)
Seul défaut que je donnerais à "Boyfriend", c'est que tout ça n'est pas très réaliste... tout le monde est gay, tout le monde est ok pour être poly, tout le monde est séduisant, tout le monde est valide, blanc, jeune... Dans la vie les gens sont plus diversifiés et ce n'est pas aussi facile de se caser avec quelqu'un de pas nocif ! Et tout le monde n'est pas acceptant pour le polyamour, tout le monde n'est pas sorti du placard et peut se montrer en couple homo en public, etc...
Mais bon, c'est une fiction après tout ! C'est à prendre comme le The L Word masculin ! (Oui parce que cette série m'a aussi toujours paru totalement invraisemblable ! Toutes les femmes sont lesbiennes ou bies, tout le monde s'affiche, y'a jamais d'homophobie... mais bon, c'est du divertissement ! ^^).
Tout ça pour vous dire qu'il y a une 100ène de chapitres à lire qui vous attendent ! Aucune idée de si la série est finie ou en cours, mais en tous cas c'est très divertissant et mignon ! :) Bonne lecture !
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verdiiiii · 3 months
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shy-sapphic-ace · 2 months
So I’m going to Montreal next weekend to attend the pride parade (in August yeah…) and I’m going to be handing out handmade bracelets in the colours of a bunch of different pride flags. (I’ve made about 350, so feel free to congratulate me on that if you want :).) I want to make a display board with every flag I have available and also possibly their definition, both in English and in French. I’m bilingual (English-French) myself but I only ever talk or interact with queer stuff in English so I don’t know some of the names in French! So please if someone knows help me out!
Here are the translations I’d need confirmed:
Rainbow flag - drapeau arc-en-ciel
Gay - Gay (?)
Lesbian - lesbienne
Bisexual - bisexuel.le
Pansexual - pansexuel.le
Omnisexual - omnisexuel.le
Polysexual - polysexuel.le
Aromantic - aromantique
Asexual - asexuel.le
Aromantic asexual - aromantique asexuel.le
Abrosexual - abrosexuel.le
Transgender - transgenre
Non-binary - non-binaire
Genderfluid - genre-fluide (?)
Genderqueer - ????
Agender - agenre (?)
Bigender - bigenre (?)
Trigender - trigenre (?)
Demigirl - demi-fille (demi-femme?)
Demiboy - demi-garçon (demi-homme?)
Demigender - demi-genre
Thank you for the help!! This is sliiightly time-sensitive as I need this done at least by Friday but the sooner the better. Have a nice day & passez une belle journée! :)
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hekateinhell · 11 months
cleaning out a closet I haven't touched in years when I found an extremely unexpected copy of "a travel phrase book for gay men" (no I'm serious lmao that's what it's called and I live alone with two cats so I don't know how, when, or why exactly this came into my possession)
but without futher undo, for fic purposes or simply for the pleasure of imagining armand, lestat, and louis saying any of the following:
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Lestat: Je jouis! 🥵
Armand/Louis: Pousse-toi. 😒
and of course a moment for YOU'RE SPLITTING ME APART 🫢
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Lestat refers to himself as being TTBM aka très très bien montè 🫣
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Louis to Lestat: Ne faisons pas ça! 😒
Armand to Lestat: Quel mauvias garçon, tu fais! 😾
Lestat to Lestat: Tu es un vrai ètalon! 😍
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stationintern · 1 year
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Well, hello there! September has flown by, and I have to say, it was a month. Not the worst, but certainly not the best. In the end, I was not able to read as much as I would have liked, but I managed to scrape together a few delicious fics for you, my beloved mutuals and anyone who happens to come across this reclist (you're my beloved, too!)
Enjoy these fics I've gathered for your October gobbling.
Enterrement de vie de garçon by @wolfpants E, 2.7k
Am I starting a Drarry reclist with a Ron/Viktor fic? Yeah, I am. There's still a solid dose of Drarry in here. There's a solid dose of everyone, actually, and it's amazing. I will forever have the phrase "the gay circle of life" imprinted on my brain. Sexy, hilarious, and incredibly fun.
Scenes from a life by @aideomai E, 33.3k
This is a sequel to Such Great Heights, which is a fantastic fic in and of itself. But, this extended epilogue is just so lovely I decided to rec it on its own. There are a few moments in here that I go back and reread when I need something quick that I know will instantly lift me up. Getting to see the characters aideomai created in the initial fic continue developing and settling into various stages of life brings such comfort and warmth, and I just can't get over how beautiful this entire epilogue is. Some of the funniest moments I've ever seen in fic lie in here, and every time I reread I find something new to love.
Two Weeks by @shiftylinguini E, 21.9k
I've been turned to jelly. A fuck or discomfort fic, if you will. I really, truly, don't think I've ever met a hornier Harry. An adorable Harry & Ron dynamic. Draco is very, very sexy. The parallels between the Magical medical world and the real life one are hilarious, and give you a good chuckle if you've ever been given a pile of pamphlets by your therapist.
Semiplume by @tackytigerfic T, 923
I'm furthering my tackytiger agenda. Very cute and domestic, with beautiful descriptions of everything going on inside Draco's head. Dispels the rumors that Scorpius came from an egg. Though, I did enjoy the debates surrounding that. Harry eats crisps.
Terrible People by @wolfpants, @getawayfox E, 52.8k
Once again, I am reccing two wolfpants fics in one list. I loved getting to follow along as this fic came out, and plan to read it again (and again.) Gay cruises, healer Draco, and stunning art. What else could you want?
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by @lauren3210
Five weddings, a potions accident, and a scrumptious twist.
Alas, we have reached the end. I sincerely hope you found something new, or that I have reminded you of a past favorite that you can revisit. Until November 1st, friends.
xx, Moon.
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echo-s-land · 1 year
French queer playlist because why not
Comme ils disent by Charles Aznavour (1972) | about a gay man, he cross-dresses too. Don't really know how to explain that one. It's great, it aged really well (Aznavour was a straight man but he had several queer friends)
Sans Contrefaçon by Mylène Farmer (1987) | wasn't actually written with trans masculinity in mind, but it's a trans masc anthem at this point
Ziggy (un garçon pas comme les autres) by Céline Dion (1991; the original cover/song was in 1978 tho) | girl falls in love with her friend, a gay teen - is sad for herself but doesn't insult him or anything
College boy by Indochine (2013) | a song I found not so long after figuring out my own queerness so it has a special place in my heart. lots of cw for the visual clip (homophobia, bullying, conservatism, police violence, religious hypocrisy, physical assault, crucifixion)
J'ai le droit aussi by Calogero (2014) | gay teenager wants to live like he wants, is scared of other's view/judgement on him (including his parents)
Mohammed je t'aime by Gargäntua (2015) | being gay in the hood is like everywhere else - it may not be a good idea to be public about it. lots of cw for the visual clip (physical assault, homophobia, internalized homophobia, suicide). I hope one day Gargäntua will make a song about Mohammed finding happiness because he clearly deserves it if not for the trauma in this song
comme les autres by keen'v (2015) | gay man (teen?) coming out to his father, father is homophobic
C'est toi qu'elle préfère by Alice et Moi (2017) | sapphic anthem at this point; unrequited love
Normal by Eddy de Pretto (2018) | gay man responding to an homophobe (honestly i find it very satisfying)
Grave by Eddy de Pretto (2018) | the singer is an openly gay man, he talks to a wide range of different gay boys/teens/men and are telling them to not worry when they discover their homosexuality; that it's okay
Séduction by Joanna (2018) | bi woman falls in love with another woman
Ta reine by Angèle (2018) | wlw.
Amour censure by Hoshi (2019) | Hoshi is an openly lesbian singer; the song denounces homophobia
Immoral & Illégal by Gargäntua (2022) | 'Everything I love is immoral and illegal' - if that's not a queer feeling. More seriously, it's more me deciding to interpret the song this way then the song being about queerness. Still, whether you listen to this song and think about addiction, queerness, or any marginalized community, well.. well you can't change my mind about it having (intended or not) queer subtext
La mort avec toi by Gargäntua (2022) | literally 'partners in crimes', I decided it was queer for various reasons but you may not think like me
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mmmmalo · 1 year
Couple Pulp Fiction thoughts:
Between the adrenaline needle to the heart and the Gimp rising from his little BDSM crate, you can tell Tarantino was thinking about vampires... interviews tell me he was percolating the From Dusk Till Dawn concept at the same time. I'm also recalling an emphasis at various scenes of characters being greeted at the door, like they gotta be invited or permitted in. And entering someone's place uninvited results in punishment: Vincent Vega invadint Butch's place, and Butch/Marcelles busting into the pawn shop. Naturally, the actual rapists (uninvited entry) are punished too
Gay shit stood out more. Vincent provoking Jules about gay foot massages, Jules telling Vincent to "get into character" before spending 5 minutes torturing a condemned man for fun (versus the actual gay torture dungeon at the other end of the film), Marcellus making Butch repeat "my ass goes down", Butch hanging his special ass-watch on a little kangaroo and then singing a song about Captain Kangaroo after he reclaims it (which combined with Fabienne wish for a pot belly suggest mpreg...?), the little line about the restaurant robber calling the waitress Garçon (which sutures the first scene to the last)... idk lots of litttle stuff. I have heard Tarantino's Top Gun fujoshi rant, I know he takes this shit seriously
Oh missed one: Jules talking about Marcellus fucking up a Samoan guy for no apparent reason and then tormenting the condemned man with a Big Kahuna Burger. Sadistic homoeroticism!
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gcgazette · 1 year
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Un garçon à Rome (Piazza di Spagna) | Photo Silvano, Gay Cultes Blog My pic...
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