#gender therapist
genderqueerdykes · 1 year
Hi!! I sent an ask a very long time ago asking about age, potentially being too old, etc.; responded to your wonderful reply and I’ve come by for an update! I’ve a preliminary meeting with a gender therapist coming up! It took me months to work up the courage to contact him and I couldn’t be more excited, if quite QUITE nervous. But I must be honest, your replies were massive contributors to me making that step (albeit a tiny one). Wish me luck! Have a wonderful day! Cheers!! 💜
that's rad!!!!! i'm really glad you were able to contact a gender therapist!! i've never worked with one, but i hope he is accepting and works with you to help understand yourself better, and also helps give you access to medical procedures if you need them. that's a big step especially in getting hormones so i wish you the best of luck in working with this person!
i'm really proud of you for taking steps in taking care of yourself, good job!! ^ _ ^ i hope you're able to figure out who you are and how to enjoy being that person. good luck, thanks for stopping by to give some more feedback, that makes us so happy to hear, we love to see these kinds of developments (sobbing) u are so strong, keep it up!
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zimtherapy · 1 year
Understanding the Importance of LGBT Therapy in Minnesota and Where to Find It
Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community in Minnesota looking for therapy? It can be challenging to find a therapist who understands your unique experiences and challenges. That's where LGBT therapy comes in – it provides a safe space for individuals to explore their identities, work through trauma, and develop coping strategies. In this blog post, we'll dive into the importance of LGBT therapy and where you can find it in Minnesota. So, get ready to learn more about how this form of therapy can positively impact your life!
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What is LGBT Therapy?
LGBT therapy, also known as queer therapy or LGBTQ+ affirmative therapy, is a form of counseling that specifically focuses on the needs and experiences of individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning. This type of therapy aims to provide a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their identities and feelings without fear of judgment or discrimination. LGBT therapists are trained to understand the unique challenges faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community. They're knowledgeable about issues such as coming out, family acceptance/rejection, gender dysphoria, discrimination and more. Moreover they emphasize with their client's experience in the society which is still learning to accept them. One critical aspect of LGBT therapy is its focus on affirming clients' identities rather than trying to change them. Therapists work collaboratively with their clients to develop coping skills that allow them to navigate difficult situations while staying true to themselves. LGBT therapy plays an essential role in supporting mental health within the LGBTQ+ community. By providing a space for individuals to process their emotions and experiences safely , it allows people from diverse backgrounds with different lived-experiences who have been marginalized because of social norms around identity expression find support for leading fulfilling lives while being true selves.
The Importance of LGBT Therapy
LGBT therapy is important because it provides a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community to openly and honestly discuss their unique experiences. Many individuals within the community face discrimination, stigma, and marginalization on a daily basis, which can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. By seeking out an LGBT therapist, individuals are able to receive specialized support from someone who understands their experiences on a personal level. This can be incredibly validating and empowering, helping them navigate difficult emotions and challenges related to their identity. Additionally, LGBT therapy can help individuals develop healthy coping mechanisms that address specific concerns related to sexuality or gender identity. It offers a place where people can explore different aspects of themselves without fear of judgment or rejection. LGBT therapy plays a crucial role in promoting mental health within the LGBTQ+ community by providing targeted support that is tailored towards their unique needs.
Where to Find LGBT Therapy in Minnesota
Finding the right therapist who understands and can support you with your specific needs as an LGBTQ+ individual is essential. Fortunately, there are many resources available in Minnesota to help you find a therapist who specializes in LGBT therapy. One of the best places to start looking for an LGBT therapist is through advocacy organizations such as OutFront Minnesota or Rainbow Health Initiative. These organizations provide directories of therapists that specialize in working with LGBTQ individuals. Another great resource is Psychology Today's directory, which allows you to narrow down your search by location, insurance provider, and area of focus. Many therapists on this directory also offer virtual appointments if distance or accessibility is an issue. If cost is a concern, check with local community centers and clinics like The Aliveness Project or Family Tree Clinic, which often have sliding scale fees based on income. It's important to take the time to research and ask questions when searching for an LGBT therapist. Remember that finding the right fit might take some trial and error but ultimately can make all the difference in your mental health journey.
LGBT therapy is an essential aspect of mental health for individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. It provides a safe space where people can openly discuss their experiences and emotions without fear of judgment. With the right therapist, patients can work through issues related to sexuality, gender identity, relationships, and more. Thankfully in Minnesota, there are many resources available for those seeking LGBTQ+ therapy. From individual counseling to support groups and community centers focused on specific identities or concerns - anyone looking for help should be able to find a suitable provider. No one should ever feel ashamed or alone in their journey towards acceptance and self-discovery. So if you're struggling with any aspect of your LGBTQ+ identity or simply need someone to talk to about your experiences - don't hesitate to seek out the help that's available!
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obsessivevoidkitten · 4 months
Yandere Therapist Drabble
Male Yandere Therapist x Gender Neutral Patient CW: Dubcon, abuse of authority, underwear sniffing, stalking, gaslighting, manipulation, isolation, general yandere behavior (Just a list of ideas I had for a yandere therapist, but nothing I wanted to write a full fic about)
-Yandere therapist that quickly falls head over heels in love with you.
-Knows it's wrong and totally unethical, but can't fight it anymore.
-You're so broken but still so trusting and desperate for love. It's too cute.
-Waves the fee because he doesn't want you to go with a cheaper therapist but says he "just wants to help you" and "doesn't care about money."
-Slowly isolates you, cutting you off from friends and family under the guise of professional advice. 
"That's toxic behavior you need to get away from that person." 
"You're talking to them too much, be a little more independent."
"Your boyfriend seems clingy and codependent, I really think breaking it off is what's best for both of you."
-Once you have fewer people around he begins stalking you.
-If you spot him in too many stores or other places that you are at and get suspicious he gaslights you.
-Breaks in when he knows you'll be away to get some trinkets to remember you when you're not in sessions.
-Keeps a pair of your underwear to sniff while he jerks off between appointments.
-Slowly conditions you to believe he is the only person you can trust and confide in.
-Starts using hypnosis so he knows best how to manipulate you.
-Uses hypnosis to begin to plant attraction and submission to him into your subconscious.
-Also gets you acclimated to his touch while you're hypnotized by groping, fondling, and kissing you.
-Very hard for him not to go all the way, he is extremely tempted to do so, but wants you to be fully aware when he takes you, wants it to be romantic.
-You find yourself slowly falling for him, thinking about him more and more until it is almost overwhelming. But you remind yourself how inappropriate it is.
-He takes things slow and is very patient. Never doing anything to risk the progress he has made.
-When it gets to the point that you can't contain your feelings anymore that's when he knows he can progress further.
-Once he gets you to that point he is never letting go and the best part for him is that you think being romantically involved was all your idea.
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gendertherapist658 · 2 years
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justmelookingbackatme · 11 months
A while ago, my therapist talked to me about dialectical statements. They're two seemingly contradictory statements that are both true. I'm happy and I'm sad. I hate you and I love you.
We weren't talking about gender, of course, but it's what my mind jumped to. I'm a man and I'm a woman.
Dialectical statements aren't about having these statements fight until one is proven to be true and the other is proven to be false. Neither statement has to be more true than the other. You can let them exist in opposition to one another. Not even opposition, necessarily. They can just coexist.
You're meant to accept the contradiction, and that's what I'm doing. Trying to do, at least. I'm a man and a woman. I'm a contradiction. I'm trying to accept myself.
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faux-ecrivain · 3 months
Yan Therapist x gn darling ———————————— (Name’s Conroy Simons) (Name means; Conroy; ’Wise advisor’ Simons; ’listener’) (Thirty Fourth Official Post) ———————————————— Yan therapist who hates his job, he finds it all tedious, and he hates listening to people talk about their problems. Why did he ever accept this job? Yan therapist that used to love his job, every day he’d wake up excited to make a change in someone’s life. But after doing it for so long, 7 years to be exact, he’s no longer excited, and would much rather be retired. Yan therapist that does his best to mask his exhaustion, but ultimately fails when you ask him what’s wrong. Yan therapist that insists nothing is wrong, he doesn’t really like opening up. Yan therapist that reluctantly spills his guts after some intense persuasion on your part. Yan therapist that starts to look forward to your visits, you’re a surprisingly good conversationalists, when you aren’t feeling spiteful that is. Yan therapist that starts to take notes, not about your mental health (although he does take note of that), but about what you like, and who you like. You know, personal throngs like that. Yan therapist that gets jealous anytime you mention someone besides him, he gets especially jealous when you ramble about the love of your life (can’t you see that he’s the only one for you?). Yan therapist that “accidentally” started stalking you. (He’s only trying to keep you safe!) Yan therapist that starts to manipulate you, he tries to rationalize his actions by pretending that he’s doing what’s best for you.
(“Are you sure about this, doc? I mean, I don’t really think my friend’s all that bad.” Conroy sighs and smiles politely, masking the anger he feels when you question him.
“Yes, dear, I’m positive. It’s best if you stop spending time with them, they’ve done nothing but upset you, and confuse you. Don’t you remember when they left you behind at the mall? Or when they stole your sister’s boyfriend?”
He reminds you of all the terrible things that your friend did and makes you question your friendship with them. Still, you’re uncertain. “I don’t know, doc, I mean, that was all in the past. Surely, it’s okay to hang out with them now?” Conroy sighs and shakes his head, which causes you to groan because now he’s going to give you a lecture about listening to him.)Yan therapist that uses the close friendship the two of you curated to isolate you from your other friends, and people who may want to steal you from him. Yes, that includes your sister and your extended family. Yan therapist that gets irritated every-time you question him, why must you be so bullheaded? Don’t you know he’s only trying to keep you safe? Yan therapist that decides the only way to keep you safe is to keep you with him. Yan therapist that invites to his house at some point and eagerly hopes that you’ll agree. (Mostly because it’ll be easier to kidnap you that way) Sadly, you refuse his invitation, something about being uncomfortable in a stranger’s house. Instead, you decided to invite him to your house, which he happily agreed to. Yan therapist that looks forward to going to your house, his joyous mood is noticed by everyone at work (patients and colleagues included). Yan therapist that dresses in his best outfit (which is a rather sharp suit and a comfy turtleneck sweater, a strange combination, I know) when he comes to your house.
(You greet him with a friendly smile and compliment his outfit, which, of course, causes him to internally gush. But, he plays it cool and pretends your compliment didn’t mean the world to him. “Oh, thanks, it’s just something I threw on.” He shrugs, and you chuckle, then invite him inside.
Conroy shuffles into your house, the moment his feet his the threshold a strange feeling washes over him. It’s a mix of apprehension and elation. He can’t explain it, but it’s as though he stepped into a sacred place. A place that you only allow your closest friends to enter (this wasn’t true, of course, but he’s an idiot, and has no idea what you’re planning) Yan therapist that thinks this will simply be a friendly visit that may, or may not, lead to something more. (He eagerly accepts any, and all, hospitality you show him. Happily sipping the tea you made, even if it was scalding hot, and happily eating the scones you made, no matter how strange they tasted.) Yan therapist that listen to everything you say, even though it doesn’t make any sense (all your words are slurring together and for a moment, he thinks you’re drunk). Yan therapist that desperately tries to be active in the conversation, despite how strangely tired he’s feeling. He yawns and blinks rapidly as he desperately fights sleep. Yan therapist that’s ignorant to the malicious smile you flashed him. Yan therapist that succumbs to his exhaustion with reluctance, his cup falls out of his hand, and would have landed on the floor had you not caught it. You chuckle menacingly and, with some effort, tote his unconscious body into your basement. Yan therapist that wakes up many hours later to you taunting him for falling for your tricks, and yet he can’t help the strange joy he felt upon knowing that you spent many months planning his abduction. Yan therapist that’s slightly angry you abducted him because that was his plan! But, also, now he doesn’t have to try that hard to keep an eye on you! Yan therapist that decides this isn’t so bad, I mean, you aren’t the worst captor in the world (there’s room for improvement though, and luckily, he’s a master manipulator. So getting you to treat him better shouldn’t be too hard.) and you haven’t harmed him. Yes, you were a bit overzealous, but who isn’t from time to time? ———————————————————
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spookyteeth · 1 month
getting gender envy from a 47 year old man is crazyyy
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yorufi · 1 year
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i like venti a very normal amount,,
he means a world to me and i can write a lengthy essay on how important he’s to the story lore, his overall story, how he impacted every aspect of my life and-
anyways, happy b-day to Venti!!
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per1w1nkl3 · 22 days
so is spock into music and poetry because of his human side or do vulcans just make exceptions??
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imaveryevilenby · 27 days
alright hold on hold on hold on we're doing 3am gender thinking again
so the initial idea of my views on gender that occurred to me at 5am last time in what was probably a manic episode is fuck gender I can't fit the boxes expected of me so I'll dismantle the whole system and do my own thing
so problem is I can't do that, I can't dismantle the whole system and go my own way because I am entirely dependent on the sex and gender systems we have in place and how other people view sex and gender
additionally the idea that gender itself is the outdated stereotypical system is flawed, gender is the way a person feels and we've made categories and boxes to describe incredibly complex feelings
the problem is the more specific a gender gets, the smaller that box gets, the more people are excluded from that box so the solution is another box that fits better or make their own like with neogenders
the solution is a line of gender boxes like hermit crabs...
the fun part about thinking of gender and stuff is that I personally believe that every single person on earth experiences gender and life differently from every other person, even if only slightly
so theoretically if every person on earth were to describe their gender outlook and gender experiences and form a gender identity from that, then there could theoretically be 8 billion god damn genders
the solution is more genders
the solution is running Doom (1993) on my fucking gender
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transfem vil: broke
gender-fluid vil: woke
transmasc vil: bespoke
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zimtherapy · 1 year
Professional LGBT therapist in Minnesota | Zimmerman Relational Therapy 
Are you searching for a professional therapist in Minnesota? Zimmerman Relational Therapy provides therapy services for individuals and couples, including those who identify as LGBT. If you are interested in scheduling a therapy appointment with Zimmerman Relational Therapy, you can visit their website or contact (612-470-9252) directly.
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aintgonnatakethis · 7 months
whenever i see the view of 'always be 100% honest with the medical professionals providing you with healthcare' i just... how much privilege do you have to have to not see the pitfalls with that statement?
i understand 'always tell first responders what drugs you've taken'. but when it comes down to trans healthcare or people who're disabled or have "scary" mental health conditions. do you really think being honest the entire time is safe?
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Two things that are simultaneously true:
1. Gender and sexuality are complex and can be fluid. An identity isn't always fixed and can change with time for many reasons
2. It is not acceptable to force others to change their gender or sexuality and the mantra that they (queer people) can change if they only "try hard" is both cruel and homophobia and/or transphobia
#queer#lgbt#lgbtq#homophobia#homophobia tw#transphobia#transphobia tw#when i first came out as trans i was told this story about how my dad's therapist had a lesbian client with homophobic parents...#...how her parents were *so close* to coming to terms with her lesbianism and she got a boyfriend and look! she changed so why couldn't you!#the thing that was so fucked up about that story was that it was presented as 'oh you don't know who you are! you'll change!'#and i was never listened to until i went 'so far' in my transness that changing was impractical...#...it never enforced that my sense of self is dynamic but that who i was is something to be 'fixed'#i think a lot of queer people are hostile to the idea of gender/sexuality fluidity because it's framed in such a way...#...that tells them that their queerness will eventually be 'cured'...#...so any notion of 'identity can be fluid' reads like 'your queerness is a flaw and a horrible thing'...#...but that's not the solution to people whose identity has fluctuated and changed...#...it isn't their fault that queerphobes latched onto them as 'case studies' to prove that queerness is curable...#...a queerphobe would latch onto ANYTHING in order to prevent you from living...#...'oh lesbians married men in order to protect themselves? why can't you do that?! why must you insist on marrying a woman?!'...#...that's an example of how they'd just latch onto something else if 'identity is dynamic' didn't exist#the context of 'identity is dynamic' is often one of the most important factors in if it is meant as queer-afirming or not ime
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Swiss!Reader: Neutral
Soap: NO! We decided to watch Highschool Musical 2!
Gaz: Let's just vote again.
Soap: But we already vot- ughhh, okay fine! Let's go! Vote, Highschool Musical 2 or Back to the Future??
König, Gaz and Price: Back to the future.
Horangi: Sorry but Highschool Musical is literally the only correct answer.
Soap: You get me! Ghost? What about you?
Ghost, sitting in the corner: ...
Ghost: Highschool Musical.
Soap: I knew you'd say that.
Gaz: Well it's 3v3 now. Y/N... you decide.
Reader: I'm neutral. Just watch whatever.
Soap: Come on... You're really milking it at this point.
[later in the evening]
Reader, laying on their bed, sniffling: Wieso hat er das gesagt? Like why??
König, trying to comfort Reader: Er hat das nicht so gemeint...
Gaz: But for real you're staying neutral a bit too often.
Reader, bawling: You know I have a crippling fear of decision making and taking sides, stop reminding me!!
König: D:
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fatsmyname · 1 year
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ramblings of a boydyke
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