#ghoap gifs
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Scenario for the gif game 😊
okay, this was a challenge! it took me a while to think of a scenario, but here's what i came up with. i hope it's okay! thanks so much for the ask, my friend!! <3
TW: ghoap written by someone who doesnt write ghoap (sorry, im trying to get better!), references to anal sex, masturbation, smoking
Simon had been out on a mission for nearly two weeks, and Johnny was stuck in their apartment, losing his mind. He’d binged three Netflix series, all absolute shite, and finished the novel he’d been putting off for months. The house was spotlessly clean, and his hands had angry calluses from how often he had used the gym to blow off some steam. 
Nights were the worst. Johnny would lay, spread-eagle, legs wide with his ass in the air, and his mind would wander. He could almost smell Simon’s body as his scent lingered on his pillow, and he crushed it to his nose, trying his damnedest to get to his scent. 
Johnny’s cock twitched, thinking about all of the nights he’d laid here like this, prone, keening like a whore underneath Simon’s heavy thrusts. Shameless and desperate, he allowed his hips to rock into the mattress, his prick humping lewdly across their sheets, feeling the way his foreskin threatened to slip over his swelling cockhead with each vicious, teasing movement. He squeezed his thighs tight, hips popping forward, showing himself little mercy, the pillow still crammed into his face, muffling his broken whimpers. 
Each rushing thrust was like crackling, sparking torture. He was so close, but it wasn’t enough. He needed more.
He could use his hand, or…
Johnny paused his efforts, digging around in Simon’s nightstand, finding his stache. The little white box of menthol cigarettes seemed to taunt him, laughing at his pitiful need. Then, like some sort of fiend, Johnny held the half-used pack to his nose and let his hips grind into the bed once more. 
With his nose buried in the pack of menthols, the minty smell of stale tobacco filled his mind with memories. Like Pavlov’s faithful dog, he was flung backwards in time to all of the nights, after Simon had made a mess of his holes, stretching him cruelly, making his muscles ache with his girth, he would light a cigarette and come down from their high together, letting the smoke billow and curl through the open window. Meanwhile, he’d play inside of his sated sergeant, flexing his thick fingers into Johnny’s well-used hole, smearing his own come along his walls, making wet little circles with his fingertip. 
As Johnny inhaled again, he began to come. His hands hadn’t even made it to his shaft, and he was spilling his seed like a teenager, rattling through a fierce orgasm just at the memory of Simon’s affection. The mint and the harsh nicotine spurred him on like a bull as he bucked into the wet sheets, and he could feel his own spend swiping across his belly, dampening his hair and ruining the middle of the bed. 
He rolled over, panting, and suddenly brightly aware of what he’d done, more than a bit embarrassed. Johnny felt like he was his own voyeur, judging himself for being so thirsty for his partner that he’d sniffed a pack of old cigarettes like a damn bloodhound. 
“Fuck me…” He lamented, stripping the sheets and avoiding looking at himself in the mirror. 
After he remade the bed, he sat on the edge of the mattress and looked into the pack of smokes once more, studying them as they stood up in the pack, all in a jumbled group. Just as he was about to toss them back in the drawer, he heard the keys jangle in the old lock of their front door, getting stuck in the strike like they always did. 
He jumped up, thankful that he’d at least thrown on a pair of joggers after he’d cleaned his mess, and rushed to meet Simon coming through the door. 
“Si! You’re back,” Johnny smiled, going in for a hug. 
Still in his mask, the helmet of his motorcycle in his fist, Simon stopped him. 
“What’re those?”
The enormous Brit’s brown eyes peered down at Johnny’s hand. He was still clutching the menthols.
“What? Och, your smokes. I was just —”
“Are you pickin’ up my habit, love?” Simon’s voice was dark, and it made Johnny’s hair stand on end. He’d heard that voice in the field, but never in their peaceful home.
“Well, no. But I –”
Before Johnny could answer him, Simon’s gaze twisted into a fearsome rage, snatching the pack from his hands and launching it through the den. It fell with a soft slap against the wood floor, lost somewhere behind the couch.
“Don’t you dare start,” Simon crossed the space between them, clutching his lover by the nape of his neck, towering over him, pulling up the bottom half of his mask, “Don’t… I don’t want to lose the way you taste.”
Johnny was stunned by his aggression, and he tumbled into a sort of pliant submission as Simon claimed his mouth, pressing his warm, pink tongue through his lips and down his throat, forcing his jaw to open to take more and more of his kiss. 
It was everything Johnny needed. The minty flavor mixed with Simon’s own unique, human musk went straight to his core. Johnny’s cock seemed to have forgotten its recent release, and it was preparing for round two, eager to be plunged into whatever part of Simon he’d be given, hungry for that sacred gift. 
Simon pulled away, ripping his mask all the way off, throwing it down on the floor with his other gear, staring at Johnny in disbelief,
“You didn’t smoke?”
“No, you mad bastard,” Johnny smiled, shaking his head, “I just… I needed you, and… uh…”
Simon’s lips curled into a sultry grin, pressing his body against him, tugging playfully at the handful of mohawk he was still grabbing,
“Johnny… were you havin’ a wank with those?”
Johnny felt the flush rise into his cheeks, staining them red. Worse still, his cock jerked in his pants, too obvious to hide, eager at the thought of living out his fantasy in real life. He didn’t answer him. He couldn’t think of the words. His mind and his body were slipping out of his control.
Simon chuckled in a deep, warm rumble, his hands digging into Johnny’s elastic waistband, sliding over his dripping rod. He pumped him once, twice, watching as his sergeant’s eyes fluttered closed from the pleasure, so sensitive from his recent release. 
“You needy little slag. Come show me how much you missed me.”
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deadunderorbit · 8 months
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nod nod nod
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al4thea · 5 months
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This wonderful meme has been brought to you by the ideas of @tapioca-milktea1978, thank you once again for the commission! This content wouldn't exist if it weren't for you ♡ I don't do animation (because I don't know how) but I can't help try it on Ghost's eyes and I just want to show my appreciation for the support! (人ŐωŐ)♡
If you have any ideas or drawings you'd like me to draw I still have my commission open!
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lululandd · 4 months
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könig's kidnapper watching him scoot his ass across the ground to get a closer look at their cat
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shadow0-1 · 3 months
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Your hand, heavy in mine
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It's a Match! || 141 x Reader
[Chapter 16] || [Chapter 18]
Pairing: Gaz x Reader x Ghost x Soap || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.7K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: we're getting there.
Gaz's outfit is 100% a rip off of this fanart by the lovely @temeyes.
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Chapter 17: Guard Dogs
You don’t exactly know what you did to deserve this.
You really don’t.
You went on Tinder one time. One night after work.
So why the fuck do you have three men lurking around you like guard dogs?
Ever since the Ethan incident last Friday, they’ve been taking turns going to pick you up at work and walking you home.
Monday - Kyle
Tuesday - Simon
Wednesday - Kyle
Thursday - Simon
It wouldn’t be so bizarre if it weren’t for the fact that people (especially your coworkers) stare when there’s suddenly men waiting for you after work… 
Especially when one of them is a 6ft4 man that’s built like a fridge, giving everyone copious amounts of side-eye as they walk out.
And then you wonder why they ask you get asked questions the next morning.
Today, Friday, you exit work to see not one, not two, but all three of them, standing shoulder-to-shoulder. They look frankly adorable, all beaming at you as you come out of work and preening themselves a bit.
Kyle’s on the far left, wearing a cream-colored hoodie with a blue flannel shirt atop, black cargo pants and white and black Air Jordans. The hoodie is pulled up over his hair and his hands are tucked into the pocket of his hoodie.
Simon’s next to him, in the center, wearing black boots, jeans and a black parka with an inner pollar layer that’s zipped up all the way, so as to cover his mouth, in lieu of his usual mask. His hair is sticking up all over and you just know he put hairgel on it. 
Johnny’s on Simon’s other side, the far right, and wearing a pair of distressed blue jeans, a shaggy burgundy Ramones t-shirt and an unzipped grey hoodie jacket. Just like Kyle, he’s also wearing some Nikes and they’re so pristine and clean you’d swear he’s gotten them from the box a minute ago.
“Hi…?” You said in surprise as you adjusted the sling of your laptop bag on your shoulder.
“Hey!” Johnny greeted you.
“Hi, lovie.” Kyle said with a beaming smile.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Simon said simply and nodded upwards at you.
“What are you… doing?” You trailed off as you came to stand in front of them, your eyes going back and forth between them.
“Couldn’t decide who should come get you. So we decided to both come” Simon told you sincerely. “And since the two of us were coming, Johnny wanted to tag along.” He added.
“Why are ye talking like I’m a puppy that couldn’t be left at home by myself?” Johnny said with raised brows.
“Because you were begging for us to take you with.” Kyle retorted from Simon’s other side.
“Go fuck yourselves.” Johnny added. ��You look nice.” He complimented you with a boyish grin.
“In my work uniform?” You retorted as you looked at him with a playful look of disbelief.
“Aye.” He replied. “Always love seein’ someone all knackered and sweaty after work.” He admitted.
“Johnny are you flirting?” Simon asked and he gave Johnny a look that could kill someone.
“Aye.” Johnny replied with a mischievous look in his eyes and pursed his lips together. “Is that forbidden now?”
“Mate…” Kyle quipped, his tone a soft warning.
“What? They already got two blokes after them, can have another one.” Johnny remarked with the same casualty of someone saying they ‘might as well have another biscuit from the box’.
You blinked away the surprise at the flirting. It was still bizarre to have one man like Simon interested… And you felt overwhelmed to have Kyle on top of it… And now Johnny too?
“Okay, erm… So… let’s go?” You announced and turned to start marching up the street to work before anyone could say anything else.
The guys followed behind you wordlessly, in a formation lead by Simon… like you were a mother duck and they were your ducklings… Or, rather, like they were your pack of guar dogs.
You’re standing by the door of your kitchen feeling like a guest in your own flat. 
Kyle and Simon are cooking… without even being asked. You stopped by the shop and they immediately announced they’d cook for you and… now they are.
Johnny’s sitting at the dining table behind you, sprawled open and sipping a can of Monster he got himself at the shop when you were all there.
“Okay, what’s up with you?” You announced as you watched the two men move about your kitchen as they made your meal. Simon’s was first in charge of chopping and dicing things… and now he’s in charge of frying… something, while Kyle takes care of basically everything else.
“What do you mean, lovie?” Kyle asks as he turns to glance at you while stirring something.
“You all came to pick me up together… And now you’re cooking for me…” You trail off as your nails clink a bit against the glass of wine they poured you. “What’s going on?”
“You’re adorably annoying with how perceptive you are, you know that?” Simon asks as he glances back at you as well before plucking something out of the frying pan and to a dish on the side. The oil sizzles loudly when he puts something else down to fry.
“Thank you.” You say with a playfully smug tone as you shift around. “But you didn’t answer the question.” You remark.
“After dinner, alright?” He answers and Kyle makes some sounds of agreement.
“They want to be yer boyfriends, officially.” Johnny says behind you and it causes you to whip around to look at him… Which also made Kyle drop whatever he was holding, in shock.
“SOAP!” Both Simon and Kyle shout, scolding the Scot who’s sitting at the table with a broad grin on his lips.
“You… You do?” You ask as you turn to look at them, mouth parted in surprise.
“Yeah...” Kyle replies as he looks at you. 
Simon simply nods and turns away to focus on the food he’s frying.
“I… I’m honored…” You admit and feel your cheeks warming up so bright you fear you’ll start sweating. “I…”
“I’d like a shot at it too, if ye don’t mind.” Johnny adds. Once again, all eyes turn to Johnny with another ‘JOHNNY?!’ which causes him to laugh.
“I’m serious.” He replies. “I’ll gladly date ye too.” He adds.
Your eyes widen. “You-”
“Mhm.” He adds.
“No.” Simon replies as he turns around once more.
“What do you mean ‘no’, L.T.?” Johnny asks in exaggerated offense.
“I mean, I don’t wanna date you.” Simon adds.
“I- Wait.” Now it’s Johnny’s time to get flustered. “Date me?” Poor lad, his whole face warms up bright red.
“Y-Yeah… Kyle and Simon kiss each other sometimes.” You announce and out of the corner of your eye you catch both of the other men stiffening up.
“I KNEW IT. I FOOKIN’ KNEW IT!” Johnny jumps up to his feet, spilling his Monster can on the table. “Ah, shite!” He says as he scrambles to pick it up again before it spills too much.
“What do you mean you knew it?!” Simon asks in shock.
“I KEN YE LIKE EACH OTHER! SAW THE WAY YOU SHARE THOSE COY LOOKS BETWEEN YE!!” Johnny shouts as he points a finger at the two men.
You’re pretty sure they’re all blushing now, you included.
“We didn’t share any looks!” Simon says defensively.
Your eyes widen and you move your head side to side trying to keep up with the banter between them as Johnny marches his way into the kitchen so him and Simon can keep bickering.
“Are they always like this?” You find yourself asking Kyle, your eyes widened as they shout your house down.
“Yeah… This is a tame day for them actually. Should hear how they are on comms during missions.” He leans over to whisper in your ear.
“Ah…” You say softly. “I don’t know if I can handle dating this all the time.” You quip playfully, making Kyle laugh.
“You’ll get used to it.” He adds.
As you two continue watching the two men arguing, during which Simon is still, somehow, still tending to the food… You find yourself sneaking little pieces of carrot from the salad Kyle’s making.
Only to stop chewing halfway and let your piece of carrot fall right out of your hands when Johnny suddenly grabs Simon by his face and plants a big kiss right on the taller man’s lips. No warning.
At that moment, Simon looks every bit like Kyle did when they kissed for the first time. Perfectly statue-like still, eyes widened, both hands hanging in the air as if he was frozen…
Johnny’s hands are wrapped around Simon’s face, his palms over his ears, and fingers in his blonde hair, their mouths pressed together…
And then Simon comes back from the trance he’s in and his hands wrap around Johnny’s head too, his fingers digging into the back of his mohawk as their tongues battle together.
“Jesus Christ…” Kyle replies next to you, voicing your exact thoughts.
Once they pull apart, both the men are blushing red and out of breath, eyes widened.
“Ye’ll date me now?” Johnny replies.
Simon doesn’t reply, he simply turns around to finish cooking.
“I think that’s a yes.” You finally announce, finding your voice softly.
Johnny turns to look at you and smirks. “From him or from you?” He asks with a cocked brow.
“Both.” Simon quips with his back turned.
“I think that was the hottest kiss I ever witnessed.” Kyle says softly.
“I’ll give ye a smooch too, don’t get jealous, Gary.” Johnny quips and winks at Kyle.
Then, the Scot grabs a paper towel from the roll and walks toward the door to go mop up the spilled Monster from the table.
But not before he cups Kyle’s face and stealing a peck off his lips…
Then, he does the same to you… before licking his lips at the end. 
“Your wine’s tasty.” He adds, before slinking back out of the room.
You’re left blinking away the shock with an equally stunned Kyle next to you… And you’re pretty sure Simon’s stunned too…
Meanwhile, Johnny’s giggling to himself in the living room.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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kissesbyliz · 5 months
getting caught
(feat. simon "ghost" riley, johnny "soap" mactavish)
cw: smut!! mdni, actually pretty fluffy, dom!simon x sub!johnny and reader
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it was early in the morning, the sun barely present through your windows when you woke up. a soft smile stretched across your face as your drowsy eyes landed on a half awake johnny. you watched as his eyes slowly blinked themselves awake, before he leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on your lips.
"mornin' bonnie." he greeted you, the tone of his voice low and raspy from having just woken up. on the other side of him, your other partner was still fast asleep, indicated by the slow rise and fall of his chest.
"good morning, johnny." you nuzzled into the warmth of his bare chest with a contented sigh. you basked in the comfort of the early morning, appreciating the feeling of having your boys around you that seemed to be so rare nowadays due to their careers.
...however, it seemed as though your body had other plans. warmth bloomed in your core as a tempting daydream played across your mind. fuck, the tone of his voice in the morning always managed to do things to you. your libido was always so high in the mornings, after all.
you glanced back up at johnny, something close to mischief shining in your eyes. you slowly trailed a hand underneath the plush blanket and down his body, barely grazing his length that was still covered by his boxers. you heard him gulp in response to your touch, a look of warning palpable in his blue eyes.
"would love to, princess. but si' is right there." he whispered to you, his bigger hand moving to circle around your wrist but not applying any pressure to actually stop you. you two weren't allowed to play with each other without simon's supervision, unless you two wanted to be in for a cruel punishment. you only giggled, fully groping his hardening length in your hands as he desperately tried to hold back a moan.
"better be quiet then, huh, johnny?" you teased. "technically, we're not breaking any rules if he's right there."
his mouth opened to counter your words, but any and all attempts at protest left him as your hand slid quicker against his cock. instead, his head fell back against the pillows in pleasure, and you could see the gears turning in his mind as he contemplated your words.
he swiftly peered over his side, checking to make sure that simon was still fast asleep, before letting out a defeated sigh and shifting to give you better access. his bigger hand came up to rest on the small of your back, cradling you to his body as you released him from the confines of his boxers. you slowly worked your hand up and down his length, the precum leaking from his cock aiding in your motions. his brow furrowed in pleasure, soft sighs escaping him in place of the low groans your touch would usually draw out of him.
you bit your lip at the sight of him coming so undone; the soft rays of sunshine always managed to make him look so ethereal in the mornings.
all of a sudden, a muscled arm unconsciously came up to lay across the expanse of johnny's chest. the two of you immediately froze, looking to your lover who fortunately seemed to still be fast asleep. you held back a snort at johnny's disgruntled grimace, unsatisfied from the pleasure you took in making him suffer.
you continued stroking his cock, biting your lip at the sounds of pleasure your fingers were drawing out of him. he was getting close, you noted by the increasingly quickening pants that were muffled under his hand. you twisted your hand just the way you know he likes, eager to bring him to his climax.
"you two having fun over there?" a deep voice rumbled from the other side of johnny. you squeaked in surprise, immediately retracting your hand from your lover's body. looking up, your attention was now directed at simon who was slowly getting up to prop his head on his hand, peering at the two of you. you weren't able to discern the expression he had on his face, but if you knew anything about him, you knew that it didn't mean anything good.
"well, don't stop on my account, love." he encouraged you, eyebrows raising. you gulped, not daring to move a muscle. it was a trap, you figured. he always loved to challenge you to dig yourself into a bigger hole.
"s-si' we weren't doin'--"
"wasn't askin' you," simon shot a harsh look at johnny, causing him to shut up immediately. the younger man sat up straighter as you did, anticipating simon's next words.
the blonde then heaved a heavy sigh, as though he was disappointed that he had to punish the both of you so early in the day.
"i'm gonna finish off johnny here, and you're gonna sit there and watch, princess. since you were so eager to break the rules, you're not getting anything." he declared. his words made you groan in frustration, but a sharp glare from him was all it took for you to quiet down. he sternly directed you to sit on the foot of your shared bed, and you obliged with a grimace, facing the two of them.
simon climbed behind johnny, the man obediently moving to make room for his partner's bulkier body. a big hand soon wrapped itself around johnny's cock, picking up where you left off. you held your breath as you watched simon's hand working up and down his length, every single inch of the sight only serving to further heighten your arousal.
simon muttered hushed words into johnny's ear as he stroked him. you couldn't tell exactly what he was uttering, but you knew it was nothing short of filthy, as whimpers soon spilled out of the younger man as a result. johnny's head fell back against simon's shoulder as he gratefully accepted every ounce of pleasure being drawn out of him.
the sight of your lovers being so intimate with each other made wetness pool in your underwear. your thighs clenched in attempt to sate the aching of your clit for any bit of stimulation, desperate to get in on the action.
"please, simon, wanna fuck him.." you finally whined, squirming from your place on the foot of your bed. simon barely spared you a glance, seemingly indifferent to your needy whines as he focused on jerking your partner off.
"you don't deserve it," he chuckled meanly as he nipped at johnny's neck, leaving marks.
"please si', need to cum," the man on top of him panted, his chest heaving. if the way you were getting him off before had him flustered, then now he was properly ruined, eyes screwing shut in pleasure as his hips bucked up desperately. you were definitely skilled in pleasuring your partners, but simon ultimately knew just how to make the two of you break.
"go right ahead, baby." simon encouraged into his ear, flicking his wrist faster. spurts of white painted johnny's stomach a moment later, as he came with a low groan. johnny panted heavily as he grew lax in simon's embrace, recovering from the aftermath of his orgasm.
you could only watch the exchange, feeling so, so neglected as you stared at the two of them. by now, the heat in your core was growing unbearable, and you needed something to help satiate it.
"wanna fuck her, si', please." johnny breathed as he finally eyed you blearily, head still resting on simon's shoulder. simon hummed, pondering his words as he stroked a thumb over johnny's forearm lovingly.
"that what you want?" johnny nodded eagerly, and you moved closer in anticipation. simon chuckled, nodding towards you. "go ahead then."
johnny didn't waste a second, nearly tackling you as his big arms pressed you to lay down on your plush mattress. you complied with just as much enthusiasm, ridding yourself of your clothes and spreading your thighs wide to invite him in. he fumbled a bit trying to slide inside of you, and the two of you let heavy moans as he finally pressed into you.
his motions were clumsy at first, obviously still a bit dazed from his previous orgasm. however, his pace soon resolved and sped up, hips pounding into you as he desperately worked to bring the both of you to your climax. the two of you were all moans and whimpers, hands stroking all over each other's bodies as you relished in the pleasure.
eventually, you felt that knot start to tighten in your stomach, and you looked up at him johnny with a silent look of desperation. it didn't take long for him to catch on, lowering a hand to work at your swollen clit. the added stimulation made you melt, and you cried out with a gasp as you finally came undone. johnny finished inside of you a second later. the two of you breathed heavily, staring at each other with nothing less than love in your eyes.
however, your eye soon caught back onto simon, who now had his cock in his hand, hard and ready from watching the scene unfold in front of him. the need to have both of your partners overtook your senses, and you cried out for him needily, "want you to fuck me too, simon, please.. i need it."
"never satisfied, are you, princess?" simon snorted, no real heat behind his words. his arms planted themselves on either side of your body as he hovered over you, replacing johnny who had moved away to take a much needed break.
he took a moment to admire your body, leaning down to kiss and lick at every inch of your exposed skin. his hard cock pressed up against your folds, and you couldn't help but whine at his teasing. he shushed you softly, leaning back up before finally, finally sliding in.
he was big, considerably bigger than johnny, and the sheer size of him filling you was delicious but overwhelming at the same time. your face involuntarily scrunched up in a grimace, tears threatening to well up in your eyes. at the sight, simon eased up on his motions without a second thought, bending at the waist to press loving kisses on your face.
"still good?" he murmured, and you nodded pathetically. even during your punishments, he always made sure to take the utmost care of the both of you.
you eventually adjusted to the stretch, and you were soon grinding up into him in need for more. he readily obliged you, his hips snapping into you. pleasure coursed itself through your veins as whimpers and whines spilled out of your mouth.
it didn't take long before you came with a loud cry. simon followed suit, finishing inside of you as well. a feeling of satisfaction settled in your chest as you panted, coming down from the intensity of your orgasm.
simon pulled you to his chest, laying back on the mattress. johnny took his usual place behind you, pulling the blanket to cover all of your bodies. you sighed, feeling complete with both your boys around you.
"love you two," simon hummed, a hand stroking through your hair. "though, let's not break the rules again, yeah?"
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loveindefinitely · 7 months
༊*·˚ DO ANYTHING FOR YOU — how your boyfriends react to you getting assaulted at the pub
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featuring. simon 'ghost' riley + johnny 'soap' mactavish
warnings. f!reader, unwanted sexual advances, minor sexual assault, graphic violence, possessive/protective relationship, pre-established relationship, implied gaz/price, polyamory, mm, nsfw content, praise, body worship, oral
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The smell of cheap beer and even cheaper perfume isn't usually your cup of tea, but then again, neither are pubs in general.
Yet, here you are, squished into a booth with your teammates -- your family, really.
They had insisted that you all go out tonight, something about a celebration for the week off. You just saw it as an excuse to get drunk and hope for a lay, at least, for those not cuffed.
That being said, being single was becoming rarer and rarer for your crew.
"C'mon, cap," the man beside you groans with an eyeroll, his thick arm coming around to rest on the top of the booth behind your head. Slick bastard. "We ain't gonna tease you for it," he insists.
You shoot a knowing glare to your side, and you know that he sees it, cause his mouth quirks in the corners and his dimple shows. Just slightly.
"You're a shitty liar, Johnny," the man to your right huffs with an eyeroll. His skull balaclava is pushed up the base of his nose, showing just a hint of his stubble and scars.
The same stubble and scars that you've felt against your skin too many times to count.
"Ya love me," Soap shrugs with a cheeky grin, his arm moving closer to rest at the nape of your neck. The man's always been a furnace, no matter where you were, or the climate. Hell, when you guys had been stationed in mid-winter Russia for a bit, you and Ghost had clung to him like fucking koalas.
"And look where that's gotten me," Ghost responds with a mutter, gaze harsh with a teasing glint.
"Just because you kids got lucky doesn't mean I will," Price says with a sigh, resting his forehead in the palm of his hand. "I've been out of the scene for... what, six years? More?"
You quickly check to see if Gaz is still at the bar grabbing you all another round, and when you do, he catches your eye. He quickly waves you over, head motioning towards the drinks at the bar. You get the message immediately.
"You guys have your boy talk," you tease, scooting past Soap where he sits, his large frame brushing against your ass and back no matter how hard you try to avoid him. "I'm gonna go help the man of the hour with the drinks."
Soap's hand rests at your hip as you finally escape the narrow confines of the booth, and you shoot him a chastising glare. He retorts with a smug little grin. Grabbing you by your nape, he scoops you in for a quick, chaste kiss on the corner of your lips.
"I'm not leaving," you say on an amused huff, to which Ghost gives you a softened look.
"Fuckin' co-dependent, the both of you," he says gruffly, but the love and adoration is a nice undertone. One you and Soap have grown to notice after months of practice.
With one more quick kiss to your lips, Soap lets you go, the sound of your booth quickly fading away as soon as you fall into the crowds of people.
Considering that it's a Friday night, the place's packed -- you guys had been lucky to score a booth.
Making your way to Gaz, spotting his head of hair, you find yourself pulled into the arms of a stranger. Confused, and head slightly light and cotton-filled due to the rounds you'd had before, you try and wrestle out of the man's grip.
He's strong, however, and you had not dressed for any type of combat. Nor were you in the right state of mind for it.
"Excuse me," you say, voice straining to remain calm and polite. "Could you please let me go?"
The man chuckles, and the sound grates on your skin the way that a snake would slither down your spine. "Love, you were practically beggin' for some attention," he breathes into your ear, breath warm and liquor-laced. "Don't go actin' a prude now."
You shove against his grip, eyes squeezing tight when his hand goes up to fondle at your breasts. He's rough, entirely disgusting about it, and you feel bile rising in your throat.
Heels. You were wearing heels. While the man is distracted with his groping, you raise your right foot, and then slam it down on his. Luckily, the guy was wearing some thin sneakers that allowed for the harsh pain that followed.
"Fuck!" The man seethes, hand moving away from your tits to instead cradle his foot as he hops on his left leg. "Fuckin' skank, you're gonna --"
The man stills, words stopping short when a large, gloved hand wraps around his neck from behind. "Gonna what? Finish your sentence."
Ghost stands behind the man, voice loud in the suddenly hushed pub, even when he grinds the words out by the man's ear.
You feel the familiar and comforting frame of Soap as he gently pulls you into his chest, body tensed and ready for bloodshed, yet soft as he cradles the back of your head and plants a soft kiss to your hair.
"Go ahead. You were so ready to yell at her, so do it. Speak up," Ghost taunts, his voice cold and devoid of the warmth that it had mere minutes ago. It sends a shiver down your spine.
Whimpering, the man instead begs for forgiveness. Spineless piece of shit. He blabbers, tears rolling down his cheeks as Ghost intimidates him, all while Soap holds you with tender touches and comfort.
"We got him," Price's voice cuts through the man's blubbering, his tone that of a Captain who was all too used to cleaning after his subordinates' messes.
"Don't do anything we woul'n't," Soap says, his voice hinting at humour. It allows a soft, albeit small, smile to creep onto your face.
Gaz shoots him his own cheeky look in return.
You doubted that the man would see the light of day again. Either because of a loss of eyes, or a loss of heartbeats.
Price and Gaz lead him out of the pub, the door ringing shut behind them. The crowd instantly turns to keep to themselves, cheering and conversation returning at full volume.
"Princess," Ghost is quick to stand in front of you, blocking out the rest of the world as he holds your face in his hands, gaze examining. Whatever he sees makes him relax a bit, his gaze flitting up to Soap to check over him too. He was always the most protective one -- the bodyguard in your relationship.
It never failed to get you going, and even after the event that had happened, you find that that fact is still accurate.
"'M okay," you say, gripping Ghost's wrists softly and bringing them off of your face with a tentative smile. "He's gone. 'M safe."
Soap's head moves to nuzzle into the side of your neck, pressing soft kisses to your skin where you stand. You tilt your head slightly to allow for easier access, and he accepts the offer gladly.
"Home?" Soap asks, voice muffled by your heated skin as he continues to place lovebites all over your neck, shoulder and collarbone.
Ghost gives one sharp nod, before grabbing your hand and gently pulling you along to the front door. Soap reluctantly moves away from your skin, his arm sliding around your waist as the three of you make your way out into the crisp night air.
It bites at your warm skin, allowing you to sober up just the slightest bit. Enough for you to realise how safe you felt between your two men -- how comfortable and protected.
Luckily, the bar you all frequented was a mere ten minute walk from your apartment, so the three of you managed to make it through the front door in no time.
"Lemme get your heels." Soap is quick to kneel as he delicately unfastens the buckle around your ankle, taking them off with the same amount of care one might use in heart surgery. He presses a kiss to your inner ankle, and then trails his mouth to the tops of your thighs.
Ghost's chest presses against your back, his gloved hands tracing along your bare forearms, then over your shoulders with light caresses. Your eyelids flicker at the attention from both of your lovers, the feeling unlike anything else in the world.
He makes quick, yet cautious, work of unzipping your dress, letting it pool to the ground as they both let out small groans at your undergarments.
Their favourite lingerie adorned your body, and what were they but weak, whipped men?
"Let us take care of you," Ghost grunts, nose brushing against the skin behind your ear. "Worship you, Princess."
You let out a breathy sigh at that, nodding almost immediately. You weren't sure if you could deny either of them anything when they treated you like you were something precious. Like they adored you with everything you had.
They both guide you to your bed, their hands never wandering far from your body as they gently lay you back on the sheets.
"Fuckin' beauty," Soap groans, groping and fondling your thighs like a man who'd never get to feel them again. His eyes meet yours, his ocean-blue darkened with lust and need. "Prettiest fuckin' thing I ever saw, Baby."
Your head falls back, lips opening in a gasp as he lowers his head to kiss against your inner thighs, lips brushing your sensitive skin. He's meticulous about it, savouring the experience.
"Eyes on me," that familiar, deep, dominant voice calls to you. You open your eyes, Ghost pulling off his black compression shirt with one hand, all while his dark gaze tracks every movement you make. It's taunting, making you delirious with lust and want and desire.
"She's so fuckin' wet for you, Si," Soap says on a deep moan, moving your lacy panties to the side to inspect your pussy. His finger trails lightly over it, a teasing touch, that has you clenching despite yourself.
Ghost's heated gaze directs to the man between your legs, appraising. "Tell me what she tastes like," he says, and Soap groans deep in his chest from those words alone. "If you're both good, I'll taste it from your mouth."
Without another thought, Soap dives in, enthusiastic and desperate. You whimper, whining at the sudden attention to your clit and pussy. He's rough about it, not nearly as careful as he had been mere seconds ago. He takes, and takes, so relentless in his motions that you grind against his face, his hands gripping onto your thighs.
Ghost's hand lands in his hair, pushing him in further to your core. You and Soap both let out identical moans at the action, Ghost's gaze focused on the both of you.
"You two," Ghost says, eyes encompassed nearly fully by his iris. "Mine. My fuckin' pets."
"Please," you moan out, hips frantic where they ache for more pleasure. "Fuck, Si, Johnny, feels too good, fuck."
"Yeah?" Simon tilts his head, only slightly mocking. "Like all that attention? He's sloppy, ain't he?"
You nod incoherently, Johnny's relentless attack at your clit and hole leaving you entirely too wound up. Your moans come out louder, needier, raspier, until you're falling apart, falling off of that cliff of pleasure that you had climbed.
"Good, such a pretty pet," Simon's hand pets at your hair, tone comforting and affectionate. Prideful. "Our good girl, huh?"
Johnny finally -- finally -- moves off of your pussy, entire bottom half of his face glistening with your essence. His gaze is completely lust-drunk, hazy in a way that mirrored your own experession.
"Si," is all he says, grabbing the taller man by the scruff of his neck and pulling him into a devouring kiss. You can visibly see their tongues fucking each others' mouths, passionate and wanton. When they pull apart, they both direct their attention to you.
"Ready, Princess?"
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a/n. first ever work in this fandom and the first smut i've written in nearly a year! hopefully this isn't completely awful. if you enjoyed, pls pls pls reblog, follow, like, comment, or whatevs!!!! tytyty &lt;3
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queermentaldisaster · 1 month
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anonymousqualities · 3 months
Ghoap Au: Where Soap lives but retires and helps his family on their cattle farm.
He sends pics of their cows to the groupchat and ghost is invested in the well-being of a particular highland calf
Soap answering a facetime call from Ghost: Hey Si-
Ghost: Where is she?
Ghost: Where's the baby.
Soap: I'm doing well love. Thanks for asking-
Ghost: where's Rosie?? bring her here!
Soap grumbling as he flips the camera to show said calf trotting over at the sound of Ghost's voice:
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Soap fondly listening as Ghost coos and talks with Rosie: ......You know I got shot in the head once-
Ghost: shut up
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indigosunsetao3 · 2 months
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Johnny finally gets you alone after a mission…or so you think.
NSFW | 18+ | Smut - Voyeurism/Exhibitionism
“Johnny,” you whine as your hands grip the railing, fingers scrambling for purchase as your body practically vibrates. The sun dips below the horizon, taking away intense heat, but the warmth of the day hasn’t dissipated yet.
A light sheen of sweat coats your skin as you adjust your hold on the hot metal and you feel a line of it slide down your back as you arch. Soap doesn’t relent though. The hold of his calloused hand on your backside only tightens as you gasp and drop your head down for a second to try and stifle a groan.
“No one will hear you up here Bonnie,” Soap coos as he bends over your back, his lips on your ear. “Sing for me, yeah?” He smirks and nips at your ear lobe before his teasing second finger slips inside of you. Your body instantly clenches around the welcome intrusion, as if afraid he’ll take it away. Soap laughs when he feels you clamp around him before he begins a slow torturous pump.
“Fuck, please Johnny,” you beg, spreading your legs more, craving more, as you stare down at the busy city below. He’s right, no one will hear you all the way up here on the rooftop, far away from prying eyes and ears. “I’m so close,” you breathe out just as a finger gently rubs at your clit eliciting a filthy moan from you. “There, right there,” you plead.
“Yeah?” His voice is smug as he lets go of the handful of your ass to grab your chin to force your head up to hear you better. “There?” He slips his fingers out to spread your slickness over you, your body bucking as he skirts over your sensitive skin, before plunging back in. He grins as you just nod, the ability to use your voice gone as your knees shake to hold yourself up.
“You keep taunting her anymore and I’ll come finish the job for you,” comes Ghost’s voice over the comm in your ear.
You freeze, eyes snapping open to look around but Soap doesn’t stop. His fingers are still working in you as he tilts your head to the side a bit with his free hand to help you locate Ghost. You gasp as you catch the scope flare from the rooftop across the street.
You hadn’t realized Ghost was still on overwatch in your haste to be alone with Johnny. And while Ghost can’t hear you from two buildings away, he can certainly see you. That thought, and the delicious curl of Soap’s fingers, sends you over the edge, crying out loudly over the bustling of the city below.
“Maybe next time LT,” Soap taunts in his reply over his mic as you feel him slide his fingers out and the sound of his belt buckle being undone.
“Job’s not done yet Johnny, she’s still standing,” Ghost answers. “I’ll be there in ten,” his voice a dark promise that makes your toes curl in anticipation.
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losersimonriley · 2 months
W AIT A MINUTE. the end scene of mwii. I’m having a moment.
When soap passes makarov’s picture to ghost and ghost slowly (hotly) looks up and over at soap. Do you think he’s specifically remembering 3 years ago in verdansk when makarov threatened soap.
Like. The guy next to him was never anything more to him than another sas man but now. Suddenly he’s everything. And he only just got him. Now there’s this enemy reappearing, one who personally has it out for his Johnny, and he’s just sitting here remembering “I’ll be seeing you again, MacTavish. I promise.”
His inner monologue here is just kill bill sirens
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al4thea · 6 months
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I love this man your honor
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temeyes · 5 months
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when you're a ghostsoap stan, but have urges to self-ship with either of them
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shotmrmiller · 6 months
PAUSE! OH MY GOD. writing a soap smut got me thinking. 
As a medic in base, you see the 141 guys all the time. Whether in passing or because they get injured, you’re always interacting with them. Your particular lack of response at Ghost’s irritated glare after reprimanding him for being unable to keep his stitches intact during training is what solidified your friendship with Johnny— what Soap tells you to call him.
Every time Johnny goes out, he likes to drag you along and this is where you notice peculiar interactions between him and Ghost.
The way Ghost gives Soap Johnny his full attention when he’s speaking, turning his entire body to face him, even if it’s something completely trivial. Or how Johnny stresses over Ghost who’s injured on your med table and Ghost will comfort him. When going on a mission, if one goes, so does the other.
You wonder if there's something else going on.
You get your answer.
One day you’re knocking on Johnny’s door because it wouldn’t be the first time he’s tried to weasel out of a physical. You’d think getting shot would hurt more than a vaccine but here you are— about to twist his scottish ear off. The door finally opens, and you barge in because you aren’t about to cause a scene in the middle of the hallway when you freeze. 
Ghost is in Johnny's room, lying on the bed. If looks could kill, Ghost’s would’ve leveled the base. And he’s naked under the sheets— if that tree trunk-sized bulge is what you think it is. It doesn't even look hard. Bloody hell. 
You shift your gaze towards Soap, and your eyes drop— he's clad in nothing but a towel that hangs dangerously low on his hips. 
Massive. These men just walkin’ round with weapons in their pants.
Shaking off those thoughts, you shift your attention to his face.
“Meet me at the clinic in 10 or so help me god, Johnny.” and walk out the door.
You hear a muffled "Yes ma'am" , and a hiss escapes your lips.
That cocky smile Johnny had means he definitely saw you ogling them. 
A week passes and it’s a friday. You can’t wait to lock yourself in your barracks room and watch movies the entire weekend— you plan to start as soon as you're off the clock.
And then other medics twist your arm into going out for drinks.
Now you find yourself seated at a table in a lively bar, indulging in shots of tequila. As you glance around, your eyes catch sight of Soap and Ghost standing near the bartender. It appeared that some woman is talking to Johnny and he has a polite, detached smile on his face. Always too kind to strangers.
Then she starts caressing his thigh.
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline. Right in front of Ghost’s salad? You lock eyes with Ghost and he looks murderous. Jesus.
You usually don't stick your nose in others' business, but if you don’t intervene, Ghost might actually kill her in her sleep. Besides, tequila has always made you bold.
With a confident stride, you make your way towards Johnny and remove that woman’s hand before settling yourself snugly on his lap— and you wrap his arms around your waist.
“And who is this?” you ask Soap, but the girl questions back.
“No. Who are you?” 
Curling your upper lip, you answer, “I’m the one he comes in every night hoping it takes. Now leave before I make you,” completely ignoring the massive bulge pressing up into your arse.
She looks at you with a bewildered expression, but doesn't move so you finish off with, "Try it. Just a warning though, it'll be hard to fight when the fight ain't fair."
You cock your head to the side with a taunting expression and the woman scoffs before walking away. Noticing she left her almost full drink behind, you give it to the bartender to toss in the trash. She's just gonna have to get another one.
Your act comes to an end, so you shift to stand up— and realize that the arms encircling your waist tighten, keeping you on his lap. His clothed cock.
“Ye didnae think we’d let ye go after yer little show, did ye?” 
Unless Johnny’s speaking french, he just said we. You'd be nervous but you aren't about to decline what could be the best sex of your life. The want you feel in Soap's pants has you riding a certain high— it makes you feel confident.
Grabbing onto the edge of the bartop, you swivel the stool you're on to face Ghost. 
“And this okay with you? I wouldn’t be stepping on any toes, or nothin’?”
Ghost swiftly lifts you from Johnny's lap and places you onto his own.
“Does this answer your question?” and draws you closer before grinding his erection against you.
And it sure as hell does. Slapping the counter, you ask for some water. If this night is going to end with you sandwiched between these two, you want to remember all of it.
reader's a boss ass bitch. GET IT CHILE.
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loveindefinitely · 7 months
༊*·˚ YOUR PERFECT KISSES, HOLD ME SOFTLY — early morning cuddles with your boyfriends!
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featuring. simon 'ghost' riley + johnny 'soap' mactavish
warnings. sfw, fem!reader, polyamory, kissing, non-sexual touching, soapghost, pre-established relationship
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The morning sun filters in through the pale curtains of the window, brushing the three of you in strokes of soft oranges and yellows.
Ghost's arm is heavy around your waist, his chest pressed tightly to your back where you lay. He acts like a heated, comfortable anchor for your usually restless sleeps.
The smell of warm vanilla and musk is a familiar and safe one, Soap's head resting where your neck meets your shoulder. His leg is hooked over your hip, over Ghost's, too. He was always a koala when he slept, needing your touch, desperate for the feel of your bodies draped over his own.
"Go back to sleep," Ghost's gravelly voice murmurs next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. His normal voice was a punch to the gut, but the tone, the depth of it when he had just woken up?
It makes your heart skip a beat, your breath come out just the slightest bit harsher.
You turn, just slightly, gently opening one of your eyes to look at Ghost. His deep brown eyes are half-closed with sleep, just the slightest bit glassy.
"Morning," you whisper, brushing your lips against the morning scruff of his chin, then moving up to plant a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.
His arm tightens around your torso, pulling you just the slightest bit closer, like a possessive cat with its milk. "Mornin' Princess," he responds with the slightest quirk to his lips.
Soap murmurs in his sleep, eyebrows scrunching the lightest bit as he presses closer into you, head burrowing even further into your neck.
When your gaze drifts back to Ghost, you find his adoring gaze focused on the man in your arms, before it returns to you. The emotion in them doesn't change. Not in the slightest.
"Pretty," he says, like it's an admonishment. The word settles in your mind, the way he says it, the weight of the syllables on his tongue, all kept as a memory to look back on in years to come. "My pretty girl."
You nod, gently, as not to stir Soap still asleep in your arms. "Yours, Simon. All yours."
He presses the kindest of kisses to your forehead, so delicate in comparison to the harm you know that the man can cause. The deaths on his hands, the thrill of it in his bones.
And yet.
Here, Ghost is, cradling his lovers like they're the most precious of cargos. Ghost. Legend of the military. The man with the mask that sparks recognition and fear in the soldiers unlucky enough to cross his path.
The Ghost.
And he was yours. Just as much as he was Soap's -- Johnny's --but yours, nonetheless.
"Thinkin' so loud," that memorable scottish lilt huffs, but there's no hostility in the words. With a soft bite at your neck, Soap leans back with a soft groan, looking at the both of you. "Good fuckin' mornin' to me, aye?"
You huff out a breath of a laugh, and Soap's mouth twists into an easy smirk, movements lethargic and slow.
Grabbing your chin with large, roughened hands, he tilts your face to slot against his own, deepening the kiss almost immediately. His tongue slides against your own, lazy in its strokes.
"Gross," Ghost mutters, with a half-assed roll of his eyes. "Mornin' breath. Brush your teeth."
You giggle against Soap's lips, and when you pull away, he bites at your bottom lip and plants a couple quick presses against your mouth before pulling away. His smirk only deepens, the light in his blue eyes dancing with half-awake joy.
"Jealous, Lt?" Soap taunts, without the usual teasing bite. You supposed that even he had to awake before the real energy began.
"Told you to stop callin' me that after hours," Ghost grumbles with a furrow of his brows. "'Nd no, 'm not. Just mindful of my hygiene."
You hum, melting between the two large men, fully ready for them to converse while you didn't have to think for a single moment. Ready to just live in the space between the two who held your deepest adorations.
The dream is short lived, however.
"C'mon, gorgeous," Soap goads, "Let's make sure we're all perfect for our boy."
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