#gonna start ranking all of the bat kids parents on how likely they are to get into a relationship with bruce wayne
oifaaa · 11 months
Everybody lives au where the batfam still gets together because Bruce seduces all the Robin’s parents into joining his polycule
This gets kinda messy when you get to both cass and stephs parents
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babyloposts · 3 years
Jealous Baby Bakugou
Head empty no thoughts just my manz Dilf!Bakugou tryna find love but his daughter is not having it
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(Photo creds @/cammmy_chan on Twitter)
For 7 years of his daughter’s life Katsuki had been happy just doing the dad thing. Sure it was hard being a single father on top of being a high-ranking pro-hero, but who would this man be if he didn’t take on challenges
But as his baby grew older and wasn’t so much of a baby anymore Bakugou’s friends pushed him more to start dating again (mainly because knowing all of the actresses and schedules of his daughters favorite shows was getting to be a bit sad) either way with a bit of coercion and confidence boosting Bakugou started to date again.
Now Bakugou should have known that bringing just any woman around his daughter was not a good idea, she was raised by him the girl has no fucking filter.
“Daddy she looks corny.” She would whine when Bakugou brought home a woman that he had saved while he was working. They had hit it off pretty well and the job had ended with her slipping her phone number into his pocket before leaving in an ambulance.
Anyways baby girl was not rocking with her. To her defense the girl was corny looking and she didn’t like kids, she was a clout chaser who wanted to be the only woman in Katauki’s life, so suffice it to say corny bitch #1 did not last long
After that incident Bakugou learned to bring women to the house only after at least three dates and knowing that they weren’t opposed to kids (he took finding love very serious and couldn’t get down with any lady that wasn’t down with his number one girl)
It took a few more failed attempts before he found you. You both had a total meet-cute moment in a park or something cliche like that and after a few coffe dates, a dinner, (and several sneaky links here and there) Katsuki was finally ready to introduce you to his daughter.
Off the bat the vibe was immediately better than the first go-round. “Daddy she has curly hair and skin like me! We look like we could be sisters.” You ofc thought the interaction was adorable, but that wasn’t the impression he wanted to give off. After explaining your relationship to the little girl it was all attitude and sass all the time.
You weren’t expecting her to warm up to you immediately, but you hadn’t expected her to be so territorial. The only alone time you and Bakugou could get was at your place, which he had gone to less and less because of work and after school activities. But your seldom moments of intimacy only brought you two closer and closer til one day you both realized you were in love with each other.
The day of reckoning was upon you and Katsuki as you told his daughter that you two were going to have some changes.
“Princess, Y/N is gonna be coming around more. And I know it’s going to be a big change, but we’re gonna take it slow and you can tell us if you’re not comfortable with anything.”
Baby girl took the news hard. Hysterics, tantrum and all. You couldn’t be mad though, it had just been her and her dad for so long. It could be hard to share. So when she calmed down you shooed Katsuki out of the room to have some girl talk.
“I don’t want you to take my daddy from me.” All the attitude was back and she sported the cutest lil pout.
“Oh honey. I would never try to take your daddy away from you. I know you love your daddy very much and I’ll never try to get in the way of you and your dad. I just want to know if it’s okay that I give him some love too. Between us girls he needs all he can get.”
“You love Daddy too?”
“Yeah I do. Very much.”
“Are you gonna be my new mommy then?”
There it was. You never imagined being a stepmom, but it just happened to be in the cards for you and Bakugou’s little family. “If you’ll let me be, I’d love to.”
She didn’t answer. Just gave you the biggest hug her little arms could muster. That was answer enough. As you embraced you saw Katsuki’s head peeking from around the corner smiling at you two. You beckoned him over back into the room.
“You’re such a helicopter parent Katsuki.”
“No I’m not.” He huffed and that caught the attention of his princess. She bounded into his arms eyes full of excitement and ideas about family life with you in it.
“Daddy, Y/N is gonna be my new mommy. Is she gonna be your wife? And can she do my hair like hers? You’re not good at braids and she is. And can I be in the wedding? I think we would look cute in the pictures. And me and y/n could match. And she can live here with us! As… as long as I don’t have to share my room.”
You and Katsuki were both laughing at this point. You don’t know how lucky you got to have found a great man, with a great daughter. You also didn’t know where you’d found an eight year old wedding planner, but you sure were grateful for the family that found you.
A/N: ahhhh I’m losing my fucking mind also in this au baby girl’s mother is not around at all. Maybe she died, maybe some other traumatic event ion know. But yeah lil mama doesn’t know her biological mother. Just thought I’d throw that out there
Kinda feeling like creating a continuation of this, but I’ll see how it’s received first
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
You’d first met him in second grade. Your dad was a high ranking military man and so your family moved around quite a bit. He had been rowdy but he’d always been nice to you.
You’d become close friends with him and his little group of friends, going to the school for kids whose parents were government officials gave you all kind of a weird perspective of the world. One that was from a more political perspective since many of the kids in your school will end up being involved in the government somehow.
You’d been so close that you’d even had a mock wedding, his best friend knew all the wording for a Nordic wedding and all through middle school he’d joked about being your husband. Even after you’d left Asguard you’d occasionally get emails from him that always started “To my Wifey” but you don’t see him again.
It wasn’t even until you had moved to a new boarding school that you’d even realized who he was. Your new roommate Jane had seen a photo of your friends and had promptly freaked out. She couldn’t believe that you knew Prince Thor, the hottest actual prince in the world.
You’d stayed in touch over the years, through high school and graduation but once college hit you both kind of drifted. You got busy with getting your MD and he, well you suppose that he got busy with learning to run a country.
You know he hasn’t married yet, Jane keeps you updated on that. There have been a few women he’s been spotted with but none seem to actually be dating him or even in the running. Jane always teases you about Thor still being your husband, you still have the little mood ring that he’d given you.
You’ve got about an hour before Jane comes for your monthly pizza night. So you order pizzas and change out of your work clothes into a pair of sweats and an old college tee shirt. Girls night is about being comfy and watching Disney movies so you’re able to catch up without missing anything in the movies.
Jane has her own key so she just lets herself in when she arrives.
“Hey Dummy. When’s the food gonna be here?”
“That’s rich you calling me a dummy. I’m the only real doctor in the apartment.” You fire back and you hear Jane laugh loudly from the living room. “But in all honesty I think it’ll be here in the next ten minutes or so. Pick a movie.”
“Wine first!” She yells and you come out of your room with your hair up and glasses on. Jane is also in a pair of sweatpants but her shirt is one that you’d made her a couple years ago.
“How has your month been?”
“Good, busy. We may have found a new star!”
“What! Jane that’s amazing congratulations!”
“We just have to track it for a bit longer to see if it repeats what it did last year and some other boring shit.” You laugh as she passes you a glass of wine, “How about you?”
“One of my patients came back cancer free the other day!”
“Oh yay!” There’s a knock at the door and Jane sets down her glass before bounding toward it, cash in hand. “Pizza!” She cries just before flinging open the door. She stands in the doorway gawking and you laugh.
“Dude what are you doing? You look like a psycho.”
“Not pizza.” Jane manages to say and you start toward the door eyeing the baseball bat propped against the wall.
“No, not pizza. Had I known you were waiting I would’ve brought some with.” The male voice in the hallway says. It’s accented and familiar but that doesn’t really help you.
“Jane you’re freaking me out.” You tell her scooping up the bat on your way to the door. “Who is at the..door?” You blink up at the large blonde man in the doorway. “Thor?”
“That’s Crown Prince Thor.” A man grumbles from behind him. Thor waves the man off and you understand why Jane is acting so weird now.
“Hi, I’m sorry I should’ve called but I didn’t have your number so that would’ve been hard.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I needed to talk to you about some things.” He looks good, his hair is short and he’s got scruffy beard going on that isn’t quite a full beard but not a five o’clock shadow. He’s got a dark blue peacoat on but those bright blue eyes are the only thing that haven’t changed. “Can I take you out tomorrow night? To dinner somewhere?”
“Oh, um that would be fine. Seven?”
“Excellent, it’s a date. We will come pick you up.”
“Oh, Volstagg and me.” He gestures to the man standing in the hallway behind him. “Odin insists now that I have a bodyguard.” He says with an eye roll, this is so reminiscent of your childhood that you can’t help but smile. “Sorry for interrupting your night.”
“It’s okay, it was nice to see you.” The pizza guy comes up and Thor pulls out his wallet and pays before you can stop him. “Thor you don’t have to.”
“I know.” He says with a wide smile before passing you the box. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Right here at 7.”
“Sounds good.”
“Could I get your number just in case anything changes?”
“Oh, yea sure.” He pulls his phone from his coat pocket and hands it to you. You punch in your number and hand it back, “Let me know who you are when you text okay?”
“Okay. Bye.” He and Volstagg leave then and after you shut the door Jane looks at you and whispers,
“What the fuck?” Then she yells, “What the actual fuck! You have a date with a fucking prince.”
“Oh my god Jane could you chill please?”
“No!” She cries, “forget pizza and a movie we need to find you a dress! I have more fancy dresses than you. We should go to my apartment! You always looked so pretty in that black swoop neck one that I have, or maybe a blue one so it can match his eyes. Have you ever seen eyes that blue.” As she rambles you head to the couch with the pizza then place it on the coffee table. You grab both wine glasses from the kitchen counter and bring them to the coffee table too.
“I am going to sit here, watch a movie, drink wine and eat pizza. You can do whatever the fuck you want.”
“But-but-you have a date with a Prince.”
“It’s not a date.”
“He literally said it was a date!” She protests.
“Turning the movie on now.” You tell her and she lets out a long groan. “Besides I have the black dress here.”
“Oh. Okay.” She sits down on the couch and reaches for a piece of pizza.
You’re actually able to get Jane to focus on something other than meeting with Thor tomorrow. You do wonder what he might need to talk to you about that was so urgent that he needed to come here unannounced, and after so much time.
When the movie is over you watch one more before Jane decides to head home. She hasn’t mentioned your ‘date’ since you’d started the second movie. But when she turns on you at the doorway you know she hasn’t forgotten.
“I want every. Single. Detail.”
“Okay okay, every detail.”
“No, no, every single detail.” She repeats emphasizing the single and you laugh.
“Copy that. I mean who knows I might have to sign a NDA.”
“Ooh, scandalous.” She teases with a raised eyebrow and you shake your head at her.
“You’re such a nerd.”
“Takes one to know one.” She calls as she heads down the hallway.
“Let me know when you’re home!” You call back and she gives you a little wave of acknowledgement.
Now that she’s gone though you’ve got plenty of time to think. What was it he needed to talk to you about? Why couldn’t it wait? Why didn’t you get his number too? You don’t even know how nice you need to dress because you don’t know where you’re going.
You get ready for bed, washing your face and brushing your teeth. You lay in bed for a while, you and Thor had always gotten along well. Now that you knew he was the Crown Prince of Asguard things might be a little, weird, but he’d seemed normal enough other than the bodyguard. Like he wasn’t putting on airs or being all posh, if you didn’t know he was the Crown Prince you’d have thought he was just some hot dude. Which, he is, those damn ocean blue eyes could convince you to do just about anything when you were kids.
Probably still could.
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@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity
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me4ml · 4 years
Why don't you like Maribat? Why do you think it's a spite or salt ship?
This is presumably because of my Adrigaminette post or the whole Maribat being on the ship list thing.
Quick disclaimer: if you read/ship/write/like Maribat, cool! This is not an attack. This is me answering why I, personally, do not like it. It’s tagged anti, and salt, so it should be filtered. Please don’t harass me over it.
Another note before we start: a lot of what I’m about to write is based on what I’ve read, fic wise or meta, and I blocked off the Maribat tag and fandom a long time ago. It may have changed over there-I doubt it, and I have zero desire to go and look-but this is based on what I’ve seen and read about.
There are, principally, three reasons I can’t stand Maribat, why I think it’s a spite/salt ship.
1). I don’t like Damian Wayne.
2). I don’t like how Damian and the DCU are written in Maribat.
3). Maribat is a mutated salt fic.
If you want to see my reasons why, the rest is under the read more.
1). I don’t like Damian Wayne.
Damian’s not just my least favorite Robin, ranking behind any of the others who have born the name. He’s my least favorite Batfam sidekick overall.
Part of this is his introduction, where he’s a violent, murderous, arrogant, entitled, snotty little brat of a thug. Lest we forget, one of his first acts is to go out, kill a guy, cut off his head, stuff a grenade into the decapitated head’s mouth, and try to blow up Tim. This is his introduction! There are a number of other occasions, including how he treats Jon, his best friend, and the rest of his siblings.
Another part is that he believes that he deserves to be Robin simply because he’s Bruce’s son, and therefore has the blood right to be Robin, to become Batman, and damn anyone else, who are all pretenders. Doesn’t matter that those characters might have a right to become Robin, or the future Batman, he’s the bio son, he deserves it!
Additionally, Damian feels.....not unnecessary, but repetitive, in his actions/characterization. There are other characters who can perform pretty much the same way for whatever storyline is necessary, without including Damian.
Trained by an abusive family to be the best, as an assassin and warrior? Cassandra.
A killer who breaks the main rule of his mentor, which causes tension and strain in the family? Jason.
Incredibly intelligent and talented? Tim.
Damian isn’t unique in what he does, and while that can make him an interesting character, it can also make the focus on him unnecessary.
As well, so much of Damian’s actions and motivations feels like he gets away with stuff, in-universe, because he’s Bruce’s biological son, and so Bruce gives him too much slack, and out-universe, because the writers let him/the fans will defend him. He gets woobified, or leather pantsed. Which leads to:
2). I don’t like how Damian and the DCU are written for Maribat.
For all his (numerous) faults, when written well, Damian can be an interesting character. For example: How does he deal with being deeply insecure? By putting on a mask of arrogance and overconfidence.
Some more examples: How does Damian act like an actual child, when he’s never had a childhood? How can he be a hero, if he’s been trained to be a killer? Can he ever catch up to his siblings, or will he feel like they’re always better than him?
Damian’s sense of being Batman’s son, of being the heir to the Cowl, slams right up against the idea of the Batfam: that there are people who have just as much of a right to call Batman their father/father figure, people who are just as talented and skilled and capable as Damian himself is, if not more. Watching Damian develop, when he’s written right, is actually enjoyable; mainly because when it’s done right, it shows Damian actually progressing and growing, becoming more of a person, with friends and interests. Most times, seeing Damian with his pets can be adorable, same with when he hangs out with Jon.
Is he still a brat? Still sometimes a bit too much of a Demon, an al-Ghul? Yes, but that’s always going to be part of him, and as long as he’s shown to try and grow, or gets called out on that, it’s less of an issue (There’s a completely different rant to be written about how DC likes to chuck character development or backstory into the trash when it suits them for a new run. Damian gets hit with this, as does Tim, or they get handed the idiot/conflict ball, but not the space for it).
Maribat hurls this all out the window. Damian’s bad traits are all “fixed” offscreen-he’s developed, matured, gotten better, whatever you want to call it. It’s basically a writer’s hand wave to make Damian into the character who will be the lead of the story, perfectly suited for his main role of being Marinette’s boyfriend and utterly devoted to her every whim and will. He’s enchanted by her at first glimpse, and defends her against everyone who hates her, because no one can understand her like he can!
Uh, what? This is not Damian Wayne. Even at his best, he’s no broody boy, pulled from his “dark path” by the love of a gentle girl. He’s a Jerk with a Heart of Gold-emphasis on the Jerk. There’s a reason his nickname usually involves “Demon.” Is Damian trying to get better? Yes. But even then, he’s not the type to immediately fall in love. He takes a while to warm up to people, for them to earn his trust, and Marinette would not be like that?
Let’s say that Robin is in Paris for a case, he runs into Ladybug and Chat, and after they explains what’s going on, Robin gives them a stare over his mask, and goes “TT! What a worthless hero, I would have caught him already.” LB and Chat would probably want to deck him, and that’s before he keeps talking.
Same with if Damian transfers to the class, or they meet on a field trip to Gotham. Damian’s not gonna care about some random French teenagers on a tour, or if he was transferred he’s gonna be trying to figure out why his father sent him to Paris, and be focused on the mission, not making friends.
Of all of the Robins, the ones that would be the most likely to capture Marinette’s interest would be Dick or Tim, not Damian. He would remind her too much of Chloe, as Damian, and as Robin, he would be dismissive of Ladybug’s abilities, which would absolutely piss her, and Chat Noir, off.
In characters that aren’t Damian, no one seems to be written properly over in Maribatland. One huge example is that Marinette is so beloved, so pure, that she can make any character fall in love with her, and reform by her pure goodness, including a fic where the Joker-THE JOKER!-becomes her “Uncle J,” and pranks Lila on her behalf.
Uh-huh. Sure. Completely and totally something that one of the biggest, most sadistic twisted, notorious villains in pop culture would do. Maribat winds up worshipping the ground that Marinette walks on, cause she’s “Teh best evar!”
Which then leads to my third and final point:
3). The whole Maribat concept is a mutated salt fic.
Most of the themes you’ll find in Maribat? You will find in nearly every salt fic.
Maybe my biggest issue with the whole Maribat idea is that it doesn’t feel like a proper crossover, which, at their best, explore how characters from one universe and their rules would interact with characters from another universe, and the rules of that one. Putting ML and DC together is a rich opportunity to play with concepts in both worlds!
And yet, it’s mainly used to bash ML characters who the writers despise, predominantly Adrien, Alya, and Lila, with members of the class thrown in depending on feeling, and potentially even Marinette’s parents! The only “good” ML characters are the ones who are on Marinette’s side, usually Luka, Kagami, a Chloe who for some reason has been redeemed and is now Marinette’s best friend, and whatever members of the class the writer decides to throw in there.
You’ll notice it’s not called “MiracuBat”, or LadyBat and Bat Noir-it’s MariBat. It’s meant as a focus on Marinette, making her-the hero of the Miraculous Ladybug franchise, someone in-story in story who is incredibly smart and talented and the leader of her team, future Guardian-even more awesome.....by beating down everyone else around her.
Marinette is simultaneously treated as an beaten-up, beaten-down walked-on carpet, and the best person to ever exist ever, go who only needs a group of new, different, better people to recognize that and save her from the clutches of those greedy and ungrateful assholes! That doesn’t include the fics where she’s the unknown child of a superhero or supervillain, making her even more special.
It’s Chameleon salt, class salt, with pointy ears and a cape on.
Some specific examples.
Adrien: Adrien is a spineless doormat who prioritizes Lila over Marinette, or an entitled bastard sexual harasser, only fixated on Ladybug, or even both. Sometimes it’ll get worse, as Adrien will threaten or abandon Marinette if she steps off of his “high road,” and Chat will be a budding rapist, stalking or capturing Marinette after he’s learned she’s Ladybug, while ignoring her prior to that. He will, of course, have his ring stripped and handed off to Damian, who is the “true” soul of Destruction and so therefore a “perfect match” to Marinette’s Creation soul. Occasionally it will be Jason, or Tim, or Dick, but the key thing is that it’s not Adrien!
While Damian’s issues are magically fixed, Adrien gets no such courtesy. Adrien has been abused, just like Damian, and while Damian’s abuse is more extensive and extreme, abuse is abuse. If anything, if Damian met Adrien, he would probably see another abused kid, and want to be his friend/have his “adopt stray person!” Instincts go off. I can much more imagine Damian dragging a bewildered Adrien into the Batcave and yelling “Father I’ve found another one for you to adopt!” than I can Damian immediately hating Adrien, or Chat, simply for breathing.
We never see Clark taking Adrien under his wing, or Bruce, or any of the other Batfam; nor any of the other Justice Leaguers. We never see Selina try to fight Bruce over the kid, because he’s cat-themed, and Selina can train him, this one’s hers Bat, get off!
Adrien’s never treated as a kid, or given actual development. A major complaint among salters is that Adrien is treated as perfect and never develops, and in fic, rather than developing him, Adrien either remains static, with his flaws narratively exploded, or is developed negatively. He’s there to be beaten up on and punished by the writers, if not actually physically beaten up by characters in the fic.
Alya: the not-so-good friend, the cheap excuse for a journalist, the awful person who abandons Marinette for Lila and her “connections.” Never mind that Alya was Marinette’s friend from the beginning, or that Marinette’s chosen her multiple times for a Miraculous. One instance of questioning Marinette about Lila, and Alya’s a backstabbing bitch.
Maribat treats Alya as neglectful, bossy, domineering and submissive at the same time to Marinette and Lila respectively, and as a journalist, the worst of the worst. She’s played as a two-bit paparazzo, and once again, the DCU is used to punish her. We don’t see Alya get mentored by Lois or Clark-indeed, if they notice her, it’s with disdain or disappointment. Often, they’re crushing her under their heel, calling her not only a bad journalist, but a bad friend/person. This forgetting, of course, that Alya runs her blog as a hobby so far, she’s only a teenager, and that she’s had Marinette’s back against Chloe and Lila.
The Class: the dupes or allies as needed. Class salt levels depend on what the writer needs. If they’re pro-class, they’re all on Marinette’s side, aside from Alya Adrien and Lila. Chloe, for some ungodly reason, is “redeemed” nigh instantaneously, and often will become Marinette’s best friend, if that isn’t Kagami already. Kagami will drop Adrien like a wet tissue, never trying to reconcile him with the clas, or encourage him to stand up for himself, or if she does, Adrien, of course, will not listen.
If the writer is anti-class, whoo boy. Openly mentally, emotionally, physically abusive to Marinette, the worst gang of people you would ever have the displeasure of meeting, they all need to be in Arkham.
We never see any of the class make friends with the Batfam, the Titans, Young Justice-unless they’re on Marinette’s side, of course. There’s no Alix stopping Selina at the Louvre, for instance, or Max hanging out with Babs. It’s all based on how Marinette is treated as to whether or not the class is portrayed as being worse than the worst of the Rogues Gallery.
Wrapping it all up, Maribat has made me dislike the entire concept of a DC/ML crossover.
Even if someone had written an non-salt, in-character crossover, I don’t know if I would read it, simply because the well has been that poisoned.
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liquidstar · 3 years
I'd love to hear some of your recommendations! And I'm good without any content warnings, but since you're posting this for all your followers to see probably best to add them
Alright sure! I’ll be general then and since you’re just starting out this will sort of be bringing up a lot of really popular ones, the really good ones where the general consensus is “you gotta see this!”, but I’ll also try to give ones from different genres so you have a variety of things to pick from, so this isn’t really a list of personal favorites but I’ll throw in a couple of those too lol, but generally think of this as a handy beginners guide with just a little personal bias.
I wrote a lot so I'm gonna put them under the cut here.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist is a franchise that’s considered a must-watch, it takes place in a world where alchemy is a borderline magical power, but is considered scientific in-universe and follows scientific laws, namely the law of equivalent exchange. Something can’t be made from nothing, to gain something of equal value must be lost. The story follows the story of two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, who at the ages of 10 and 11 committed alchemy’s one and only unforgivable sin, human transmutation, in an attempt to bring their mother back to life. As a result, one brother lost his arm and leg and the other lost his entire body, leaving his soul bound to a suit of armor. However the brothers are resolute to regain their original bodies, and the older brother, Edward, joins the State Alchemists, a branch of the military, to try to gain access to research materials to help them achieve their goal. But was that really such a good idea?
Fullmetal Alchemist can be a bit confusing to get into due to the fact that there are two series: Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009). The latter is a reboot with a different story that follows the original manga. They both have the same beginning, but diverge paths and tell very different stories. My recommendation for how to watch this show is: Watch 2003 first, and Brotherhood second. Everyone has a different opinion about which is better, but everyone agrees that 2003 has better backstory but a contrived ending, and Brotherhood has a rushed beginning (Because it works off the assumption that you’ve seen 2003) with a great and fulfilling ending. If you can’t do both I say just watch Brotherhood because it will leave you more satisfied and you don’t have to watch 03 to get into it.
For both series the biggest trigger warnings are: Parental death, child death, pet death, war, genocide, dismemberment, religious themes, and miscarriage. For brotherhood specifically: on-screen suicide, and for 2003 specifically: rape (not on-screen) and pregnancy from it. The 2003 series is also a lot darker than Brotherhood which has a more optimistic tone, so that’s worth noting too.
Soul Eater
A show I think is incredibly fun, and a good one for an October watch if you wanna save it. It takes place in a world where certain people have the ability to transform into weapons, and they team up with other people who become their meisters. The characters often travel around, but the main setting is Death City, a fictional city in Nevada based off of Las Vegas but with a huge Halloweentown vibe, and a school right at the top of it called the Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA) where a bunch of kids that turn into weapons learn how to hunt down witches and kishins (Beings that consume human souls). The school, of course, is run by the grim reaper, Lord Death himself.
Our main characters for the series are a group of 7 students. Our protagonist Maka Albarn and her weapon partner Soul “Eater” Evans, a scythe. A loud mouth assassin named Black✰Star and his weapon partner Tsubaki, who has many weapon forms. And the son of the grim reaper, Death The Kid, and his two weapon partners Liz and Patty Thompson, who are twin pistols. There are also a bunch of really lively colorful background characters and antagonists, and the cast of the show being as insane as it is really makes it, on top of the great atmosphere and of course the plot, which just builds more and more as the series progresses. Also Crona is there and we all love Crona.
Trigger warnings for this show include: Child abuse (Mental and physical), manipulation, snakes and spiders (The motifs of two major villains), some very surreal moments that can verge on unreality. Also, in the dub and most subs: misgendering of a canonically trans character. Crona is a character who is non-binary, but the dub and subs use gendered pronouns for them due to general ignorance about neutral pronouns in 2008, though this isn’t the fault of the original series and falls on the translators hands.
Also it’s important to note: that the first 3 episodes are prologues and they take themselves less seriously, there’s more fanservice in them than there is in the rest of the series (Except for Blair she stays the fanservice character :pensive:)
Zombieland Saga
Idol anime is really prevalent as a genre, the most popular being Love Live, but my personal favorite is Zombieland Saga. It’s an idol anime, but it’s also a comedy about zombie girls who become idols. It sounds ridiculous but there’s an insane amount of heart in it regardless, it wasn’t a show I expected to get emotional at but I did! It also made me laugh a lot too. The series itself can serve as a bit of a subversion on what idols are, not just because they’re literally zombies, but because of who the characters are.
Sakura Minamoto is a character who starts off as a more typical idol, a peppy pure girl, as the series continues her struggle with depression gets highlighted. Saki Nikaido serves as her initial foil, a delinquent girl with a criminal record who subvers the idea of pure perfect idols. Ai Mizuno, a former idol who has since undergone severe trauma (The way she died). Junko Konno who has ideals that seem very different on what idols “should” be due to the time period she died. Lily Hoshikawa, an explicitly transgender idol. Yugiri nolastname, a former high ranking courtesan, subvering the pure image of an idol by being a sex worker. And Tae Yamada, a completely nonverbal idol who’s still treated with the same amount of importance as the rest of the team. The premise here really is just that these girls don’t fit the incredibly rigid mold of what idols should be and yet they still all deserve love and they gain a fanbase by being their earnest selves.
Trigger warnings for this series aren’t incredibly severe but since they’re zombies there’s still talks about death and they way they died (Including motorcycle/car accidents, plane crashes, getting struck by lightning, and a heart attack), there’s also comedic dismemberment, as in their arms just sort of pop on and off and stuff like that. The most notable thing is the deadnaming of Lily, the trans idol, by her father, but it doesn’t appear to be malicious in any way.
Note: this series is in the middle of it’s second season right now, if you want to wait until it’s over it should be 12 episodes long and just aired it’s 3rd, so about 9 more weeks.
Death Note
This is also absolutely another series that gets recommended to people right off the bat, and for good reason, this show is an intricate game of chess between a serial killer and a detective trying to catch him, and it’s incredibly easy to get super invested in the suspense of what happens next. The story begins when a shinigami, a god of death, drops his “Death Note” into the human world out of pure boredom. A Death Note is simply a notebook where if you write someone's name in it… They die! And who better to pick up such a powerful object than Light Yagami, a prodigy praised for his genius and academy accomplishments as well as his charm and popularity, and with a very strong but juvenile black-and-white sense of justice, likely due to being raised by a cop.
So naturally Light begins his power trip as soon as he finds the notebook, he intends to “fix” the world by cleansing it of all the bad people, but truly he intends to become the world’s new god. Or the “God of the new world” as he puts it. But there’s one thing standing in his way, a detective resolute on catching him with the codename L. The series entire crux is a game of cat and mouse between these two, as they try to outsmart each other and the murders continue, Light loses more and more of his humanity, L becomes more resolute on catching him. There are more twists and turns than a cheetah race, and it’s honestly pretty addictive to see what happens next.
Trigger warnings here obviously include a lot of death and murder, including suicide, but in some cases it’s a forced suicide at Light’s hands. Also abuse, as Light loses his humanity he isn’t above manipulating and discarding people who love him. And one instance of near-rape on screen fairly early on, but the purpitrator dies before it happens and the victim escapes.
Slice-of-life is an incredibly popular genre, and K-On! is the quintessential example of it. It’s a series that not everyone will like, because not a lot truly happens, and it can be overly saccharine or “moe” for a lot of people, and that’s fine. But I personally think that despite not a lot happening, the story has genuine substance, more than you may gather at first glance. It’s true that not much in the way of big plot really happens, it’s mostly life events, that’s why it's a slice-of-life. But it’s not about nothing. The real theme of the show is the fleeting nature of youth. It’s about how important the friendships you form at that time are, how they’ll stick with you for a lifetime, and how everything comes to an end. It’s sweetness even becomes a little bittersweet because you knew their after school tea time would end come graduation, and as they realize this it breaks their hearts a little, but they continue on, because they’re still After School Tea Time!
The series itself is simply about 5 girls in a band, Yui Hirasawa on lead guitar, Mio Akiyama on the bass, Ritsu Tainaka on the Drums, Tsumugi Kotobuki on the Keyboard, and Azusa Nakano on Rhythm Guitar (Who shows up later). They’re in a club at school called the light music club where they waste a lot of their time just drinking tea and eating cake, but they’re having fun and that’s what counts! The series has a lot of really great direction and expressive animation despite the fact that a lot of it is just sitting around and talking, it’s incredibly visually interesting so you don’t get bored.
I honestly don’t think there are any big trigger warnings I can give for this series, maybe that Sawa-chan can be a little too forceful when she wants to dress up the girls in cute outfits sometimes but it’s usually not presented as too creepy especially after season 1 where they tone it down due to straying from the manga.
Mob Psycho 100
This series is an absolute love letter to the art of animation as a whole, the artstyle itself may not seem like much to look at but the animation is some of the most expressive, fluid, creative, and vibrant out there right now, it’s the type of series that you can tell was made with a real passion for its medium and it’s story. It’s protagonist is Shigeo Kageyama, nicknamed “Mob”, a term that literally means “Background character”. Mob is a middle school kid and an incredibly powerful psychic, like, insanely overpowered, but he’s currently working part time for a shady conman, Reigen Arataka. Though it may seem as if Reigen is just using Mob for his powers, their bond is actually a very sweet one and you can tell they care for each other, it’s a very important one at the heart of the series.
The core themes of the series itself are what really make it shine, it’s message is stated as clearly as possible in the opening songs, “your life is your own” and “if everyone is not special, maybe you can be what you want to be”. Put simply, you’re the protagonist of your own life, but the other important message of the series is that all the supposed background characters are just as important. The friends you make, the connections you have with other people and the way they impact you, they’re what make you strong. No one is born special, everyone is just a normal person, and everyone deserves kindness. It’s a series that I recommend incredibly strongly for just how powerfully it portrays this message.
Trigger warnings for this series include kidnapping, possession, a scene with a “man in a dress” joke, and a racist design for a background character. Also (spoilers) a scene where it seems like a child was murdered and a scene where it seems like Mob’s entire family was murdered.
Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War!
Hey, speaking of amazing animation, Kaguya-Sama is a romantic comedy series centered around the premise of two incredibly arrogant people falling in love. Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane are the vice president and president of the student council at the prestigious Shuchi'in Academy, they eventually develop feelings for each other but they’re both simultaneously too proud and too insecure to admit it, so the real crux of the series is the 3D chess they play with each other to try and get the other to confess first. Along with the scatterbrained secretary, Chika Fujiawara, the treasurer in desperate need of Prozac Yu Ishigami, the cast is incredibly fun and they all fit into the comedy great. Every single little game of “do you like me?” that they play is written like the most intense thing in the world, the insane animation absolutely adds to it, making it seem almost like a psychological thriller, the comedy comes from the absurdity of just how much they hyperbolize it.
It’s not pure comedy though, due to a lot of the series being set up around mindgames, the characters are actually fairly psychologically complex with a lot of genuine development stemming from their childhood to explain why they are the way they are. The series may be about mindgames, but the actual narrative frames them as a juvenile way to go about relationships, a way to try to protect yourself from getting hurt because you’re afraid to trust. The entire core theme is that communication in relationships of any kind is the most important thing and you cant replace it with clever little tricks, so the main pair only ever make actual progress when they’re actually upfront with each other. Even if it’s scary to be that vulnerable with someone, especially if you’ve been hurt in the past like they have, the relationships you build off of mutual trust and openness will be worth the risk, and they can help heal you. And one of the things I love about the series is that this doesn’t just apply to the main pair, but it places equal emphasis on the importance of friendship. All the characters' relationships with each other are unique and interesting and they all develop the same way, with trust and openness, and they become better because of each other.
Despite being generally a comedy, a lot of the characters deal with some really heavy things too so trigger warning for: child abuse (not on-screen), child abandonment (again not on screen), anxiety and panic attacks, suicidal ideation- initionally played off as a joke but it becomes very obvious the character in question is legitimately suicidal and in the manga he nearly attempts it but is stopped, this plotpoint will most likely be in the anime at some point as it’s also not complete.
Your Lie In April
Alright I gave you a funny show now I’m going to make you cry. In fact it’s hard for me to type this synopsis because I’m an absolute crybaby and thinking about this show gets me, but I think it’s absolutely worth checking out because it’s a very beautiful sadness. Your Lie In April is a series that follows the stress and trauma young musical prodigies face in their lives, as well as the people around them, and it’s a series about the beauty of music and art, and just how much it affects people. The music in the show is absolutely gorgeous, the way that they convey emotion through it is so beautiful and intricate that it just sticks with you. You feel the music, and you understand.
I’m actually going to give the trigger warnings right now instead of at the end because in order to explain the plot I’ll have to talk about them so tw for: Child abuse (phsyical and mental, on-screen), terminal illness, death, in depth depictions of PTSD, vomiting, panic attacks, the works.
The series follows Kousei Arima, a formal piano prodigy who hasn’t performed since the death of his mother two years ago. Kousei's mother was terminally ill, but she was also incredibly abusive. Kousei has incredibly complex feelings about his mother because of this. The trauma she instilled in him is severe, but because he was a child, he still is a child, and he loved his mom a lot, as any child would, and he didn’t want her to die and he blames himself for not being good enough. He wanted to make her happy, and the only way he knew how to do that was to play the piano. So he played and played and practiced until he was perfect, they called him the human metronome. But he would still get severely punished for being anything less than perfect. He had lost all the passion he once had, and after his mother died it was the final nail in the coffin, his trauma manifests now in a way that makes him unable to play. But all that changes one day in April when he meets a violinist named Kaori Miyazono, a girl full of life and passion for music, she’s someone who according to Kousei “Exists in springtime.” and she’s going to help him play again and refined that love for music whether he wants to or not! Teen drama happens of course, but there are much bigger roadblocks ahead.
Assassination Classroom
This series is thankfully generally more lighthearted… Most of the time at least. The premise is pretty simple, but incredibly ridiculous. An incredibly powerful octopus-like creature is the teacher of a classroom of middle school students tasked with the assignment of assassinating him in order to save the world. The series starts off very slice-of-life as it focuses on introducing the very large cast of characters inside of Class E, also known as the “end class”, but it quickly gains traction and gets a lot more intense as time goes on.
The octopus creature in question, Korosensei, is actually a very kind and genuinely good teacher to all his students. The real crux of the series is that it’s sort of a critique on the educational system, the students in the end class are there because they’ve been ostracized from the rest of the campus, far away in the mountains, to be made examples of. Why? Because they’re students that are considered worthless, instead of getting help they’re only pushed back further down in the system and left to struggle within it fruitlessly. They’re given up on, despite being children with so much potential, because they don’t fit a very rigid mold. That’s what Korosensei wants to help them with, and they’re able to grow as people together. As the series progresses you feel such a great sense of unity for the class, they’re like a family, they stick together and it’s very heartwarming. And watching them work as a team of assassins is so fun!
However the series can get heavy at times too, it doesn’t stray from heavier subject matter at all and i found myself incredibly shocked by it a few times, so trigger warning for: Child abuse (on-screen and off), both at the hands of a parent and a teacher and in one case a parent who is also the principal, misgendering of a character, sometimes as a “joke” but other times played dead serious at the hands of his mother, child death- specifically suicide, a successful one as well as 3 assassination attempts that doubled as suicide attempts by the main 3 characters (weird parallel they all got there huh)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Honestly this is a series that is good to go in blind for if you need to tws, it’s a deconstruction of the magical girl genre, but if you don’t want to know more than that you can stop reading here. If you want to know more, it’s a series that starts off very light-hearted and in tune with typical magical girl conventions at first, however by episode 3 it’s made painfully clear that these girls are being led to sign up into something they shouldn’t. It’s heavy, though not incredibly so, but it’s also a lot to explain in a summary. Madoka magica is… It’s Faust with magical girls.
I’ll explain as much as I can without giving too much away. The story begins when Madoka Kaname and her friend Sayaka Miki encounter a creature who calls itself Kyubey, who says it can grant a wish of theirs and in exchange they have to become magical girls and fight witches. Both the girls are hesitant, but Sayaka wants to wish for her childhood friend’s injuries to be cured so he can play violin again, while Madoka is content as she is and can’t think of a wish. Luckily they have a mentor, a magical girl named Mami Tomoe who helps introduce them to everything. However something is stopping Madoka from becoming a magical girl, a mysterious new student who is also one herself, Homura Akemi, is resolute on keeping Madoka from becoming a magical girl by all means possible, for reasons Madoka doesn’t understand. Things get even more complicated when a rival magical girl shows up, Kyoko Sakura, who becomes Sayaka’s new rival. As things get more heated between those two they discover a terrible secret about the nature of magical girls, and what they truly signed up for.
Spoilers ahead but trigger warning for: Child death, parental death (backstory only), decapitation (off-screen), needles, incredibly surreal imagery inside the witch’s labyrinths that may feel unreal, mind control, suicide, depression and despair expressed by young characters. Also don't bother with Magia Record
The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.
Alright something lighthearted now, there are a lot of comedy anime I enjoy, a lot of series that have made me laugh, but none has made me bust a gut like this series has, it’s absolutely hilarious. It follows the life of a boy named Saiki Kusuo who has psychic powers. His powers are incredibly overpowered, and he absolutely hates them, in his eyes they cause him nothing but trouble. There’s not much in the way of a plot to describe, because there isn’t any, the series is comprised of 5 minute segments surrounding Saiki and an incredibly vast and colorful cast of characters that are just all completely insane, many serve as parodies as types of anime tropes because the series as a whole is very self aware and doesn’t shy from breaking the fourth wall a lot, but the characters surrounding Saiki are what make his life… Disastrous.
Like I said there’s not really a plot to describe but like FMA people may get confused with this one, there are 3 seasons but one of them is titled “The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K: Reawakened” as is a continuation of the first two with just 6 episodes in it. Also for some reason only the second season isn’t dubbed so if you’re planning on watching it that way you’d have to either stop or switch to subs for season 2
The only major tw I can give here is an ongoing joke about a character being into his sister, he’s treated as disgusting for it of course because he’s a parody of that trope but that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable, luckily he doesn’t show up much.
Little Witch Academia
Little Witch Academia is a series I personally just adore, it takes place in a world where witches are common and well-known among the people, but the era of witches is over and magic is dying out. However that doesn’t mean passion of magic doesn’t exist, the protagonist is a young girl named Atsuko Kagari, or Akko for short. She’s resolute on being just like her icon, a witch known as Shiny Chariot, as she attends the same magic school: Luna Nova! Unfortunately Akko isn’t exactly a magical prodigy, in fact she can’t even fly a broom, but that’s not gonna stop her, nothing will. Just like Chariot said, believing in yourself is your magic.
Once at school Akko gets into all types of crazy shenanigans with her with her two roommates, Lotte Yanson and Sucy Manbavaran, and occasionally her rival, Diana Cavendish. Akko still struggles a lot in school, in fact her inability with magic is pretty explicitly handled as a metaphor for a learning disability, and though this makes it harder for her she’s still resolute. Though the series is generally episodic, a concrete plot starts to form by the second core. Along with the help of her guidance counselor, Professor Ursula, Akko learns that she needs to unlock 7 “words” to bring magic back to the world, each time she learns a new one it comes with an important lesson to her and ultimately relates back to each of the core themes of the series
The series is pretty lighthearted so the biggest trigger warning I can give is one for bullying, two characters in particular tend to target Akko for not being a good witch and it can really sting to watch. Other than that none come to mind
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team-gabriel · 3 years
▼ for glass and bright ?
▼ - childhood headcanon
Ah yes, the kings of “fucked up childhoods.”
Jack definitely has more “canon” background on why it was so fucked up (*cough* *cough* Major Tom) but between the absent parents, to the equally messed up older sibling who raised them, to the two anomalous younger siblings (one of which is half-dead) who get taken away and stripped of their names and identities... yeah, the man’s got some childhood trauma.
He likes to pretend that it doesn’t bother him. He downplays it. “Oh, that happened so long ago, I barely remember” when it’s burning into his memory so bad that he still has nightmares almost 100 years later.
Simon’s childhood is more of a mystery in “canon” (as is much of his background) and I’m gonna try not to ramble too much on this (but still putting it below the cut to save space and give a tw for emotional manipulation and abuse)
He was raised by a single mother, and spent a majority of his childhood isolated and sheltered — he was more of a “pet” or “prized possession” than a child. His mother was a relatively high ranking operative for the Chaos Insurgency, mainly tasked with the retrieval and transportation of stolen information. Simon was initially a means to divert suspicion — because who would ever suspect that the innocent toddler had stolen government documents in that little dinosaur backpack (the kid sure didn’t!). She’s just watching as her son climbs on the monkey bars or looks at the baby ducks in the pond, absolutely nobody bats an eye at her sitting on the park bench for an hour — and nobody notices the man that slips her money and swaps out the backpack.
Her temper was unpredictable. She would blow up on Simon for extremely minor things and end up lashing out — sometimes with more force than she “intended” and Simon would be given amnestics and later fed some gentle, apologetic story about how whatever injury he’s waking up without recollection of was the result of his carelessness (you slipped on the sidewalk again; you’re such a clumsy thing, Si. Don’t you remember...?)
It got worse the older Simon got. When that cute, innocent small child charm began to wear off, and he was much closer to being a gangly, awkward teenager, she couldn’t “use him” the same way she had in the past. Instead, she began training him to be an Insurgency operative, but Simon’s gentle, cautious disposition wasn’t a good match. But still, he did everything he could to make her happy, to make her “love him” the way she used to... until the amnestics stopped working and he came to the realization that all those times he woke up with cuts and bruises were because of her. He started to be more aware of how frequently she lied to him and manipulated him, he realized that she never loved him — she only used him.
He ran away at 14. He allowed himself to purposefully be taken into custody by the Foundation, and he pleaded for a job — returning whatever stolen objects were in his mother’s possession that he had crammed into his backpack before he left home in an effort to show his loyalty and gain their trust. He, of course, is not hired. Their initial plan was to completely amnesthetize him, wiping all of his childhood memories and identity, and stick him in foster care somewhere far away... until one of the head researchers starts to grow attached to him and he ends up being adopted by her instead.
Headcanon Ask Game
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Tough Guy Pt. 2 (DonnyxFem!Reader)
Pt. 1 Here :) 
(theres a few call backs to it ^^^)
Requested by @sodapop182​ and @deadways​
@owba-chan​ @war-obsessed​ @inglourious-imagines​ @tealaquinn​ @struggling-bee​ @frozenhuntress67​ @kwyloz​ @sodapop182​
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
Requests still open! ____________________
"Meet me after everything...When the war's done..."
You promised to meet him right there, in that little town, just a few miles away from Paris...
But there was a slight change of plans.
Alarms rang, calls were made, orders were given...
The war was over?
It was the middle of the night.
You stood on the cobble stone path where you watched Donny leave with the basterds only days ago.
You turned around, spotting the jeep taking you to Paris.
"Lucky you. You get to see the boys that done it!"
You raised your eyebrow, a little distracted as you watched the town roll by.
What if Donny came back and you weren't there?
"The boys that killed Hitler. Lucky them, I should say. They get a medic like you, they'll be fine."
You were a bit overwhelmed.
Frankly most of the nurses were...
The war just...ended... The news hadn't even broken out to the public yet.
So you smiled...
What else could you do?
Maybe...maybe this meant you had a chance of getting your sister back.
Maybe...if you hurried, you'd get back to the village before Donny.
No sooner did you step off the jeep, were you met by a high ranking nameless OSS officer giving instructions out to everyone.
"Right this way, lieutenant. They're in bad shape."
"How many?"
"Four survivors. Our two boys and the owners of the cinema. The owners are being treated already. One of your nurses is with one of the soldiers already. Right this way." He showed you to the sidewalk across  the smoldering carcass of what was once a cinema.
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Your heart stopped.
There he was.... lying on the ground, covered in blood, ash, and burns, half of his leg blown off in the explosion.
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His eyes shot open with a smile when he saw you, "So this is heaven, huh?"
You rolled your eyes as you started checking his pulse.
"I turn my back on you for a second and look what happens!"
He groaned a in pain, as you started to take a look at his leg.
He tried to keep his mind off it, by thinking of you. "Weren't you gonna stay and wait for me there..."
"This is the only way to keep you around, isn't it?"
He smiled a little, but then it hurt a little too much. "FUCK! SHIT Y/N IS IT BAD?"
Then it all came back to him, he shot up, sweat rolling down his forehead,  "Where's Omar?! And Aldo? He never made it! And the lady?! Von Hammersmark! Wh-"
"Hey! Take it easy!" You helped him back down, "That kid over there Omar? The one winking at the nurses with his good eye?"
Donny glanced over and mumbled through a smirk, "Yeah...yeah that's him!"
"I heard your lieutenant is alright and one or two of your boys are with him." You started to stop the bleeding, "Some of the resistance found your German friends. Three right?"
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"Ones a British officer."
"They're in our hospital now. There alright. I promise, Donny."
He gave you that look.
That feverish look of uncertainty.
You gently rested your hand on his chest as it moved eratically. He raised his hand shakily, and dropped it over yours. His chest began to steady a little and you smiled, "They're alright now, Donny. Everything's alright. You just won the war."
Donny nodded slowly, his eyes looking up at the stars in your eyes. "Ya know..." His voice was strained, but his smirk was his own, "I took down Hitler."
"My hero," you chuckled as you wrapped up his wound as best as you could. He'd need a surgeon but for now this was all that could be done by any nurse.
But you weren’t just a nurse.
You were in love.
And all you could do wasn't enough to you.
You needed to keep him steady, take the pain away as much as possible.
"And all without your bat, huh tough guy?"
He took a deep breath, and tried to focus on you, but you seemed hazy...
He would have been perfectly fine with dying in an inglourious haze of revenge and justice. It was Operation Kino... he could’ve gone out like any basterd could hope for...
But then he met you...
He wanted to know what would have happened if he made it back to that little village.
He knew what revenge was... But now that it was all over, he wanted to know what more life could offer.
He'd wondered that before.
What could life give him after the war?
Well when war gave him the best it had, life gave Donny the best he could have.
The answer had been in front of him before, and stood between him and death twice.
It was you.
And now that he knew the answer to the questions he'd asked himself for years...he wasn't sure he could let go anymore.
Not now...
"Y/n..." He managed to mumble through the blood in his mouth.
"Yeah Donny?" You looked up from a harsh burn you were treating.
"Don't....don't let me go..." He pleaded softly, his eyes torn between victory and goodbye.
"Hey...your job was to kill the enemy. Mine is to keep you alive. You did your part now I'm gonna do mine and-"
"S-save me?" He grinned throufh the pain and blood.
You nodded as you fought back the tears, seeing he could still remember the night you met,  "Yeah. You."
He smiled.
Nothing had changed since the first time you met.
He looked up, now at the stars of the free sky...
He got too quiet for your liking ... He was Donny Donowitz for crying out loud. This was too quiet for him.
"Do me a favor...be a tough guy now, huh..."
There was a pulse. Barely there, but better than nothing.
You sighed, "You did it tough guy... Rest up. It's ok."
Suddenly, you heard him mumble, "You'll be there...when it's all over, Right?"
Your heart stopped as a knot in your throat threatened to take the stars from your eyes.
There was nothing more you could do.
But...you didn't lie to him.
So you took his hands in yours and smiled softly, "I promise, Donny...I-"
His eyes shut, and a faint smile because he trusted you.
You leaned over him, a tear falling over his soot covered cheek, as you finished your broken  thought, "...promise."
**** When Donny opened his eyes, he was in a hospital. His heart leapt initially, believing he was back in the place he met you... But he wasn't. He was in an actual hospital. He could hear people celebrating in the streets... He looked around, and once again, you were gone. Dull pain in his leg, the room spinning around, he mumbled your name. He knew you wouldn'r lie to him, but you had your orders to follow, too. He couldn't blame you for that. How could he be mad at the nurse that saved him....twice... He knew there were countless more that needed you more than he did.  Still, it broke his heart. Then again, when he sat up, and looked at the cots next to his, he spotted Hugo, Wicki, and Omar. "Donny!" He cracked a wide grin, and turned to the door, spotting Aldo leaning against the doorway.
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"Yeah?!" He sat up, spotting Utivich and Hirschberg behind him. Aldo chuckled, and Donny noticed he was wearing civilian's clothes...new ones, that weren't covered in blood and dirt. "At ease, son, at ease." The moment they were all quiet, Omar asked with a sly grin, "Who's Y/n?" Aldo shut his eyes in frustration. He told that boy a million times not to ask. "Fuck did I tell you!?" Wicki smirked, "That's all you've been saying in your sleep, you know?" Aldo sighed, and smirked a little, "That wouldn't be the perty lil' nurse hangin' roun' here all night, would it?" Hirschberg frowned a little, thinking out loud, "Say ain't that the dame we saw you with back in that town?" Donny smiled softly, "Yeah...that's her..." Smitty sighed, "Oh...well....I saw her leave this morning. A lot of nurses got shipped out..." Donny nodded, "I know, kid...She's got work." Aldo sighed, "Well, Donny, maybe you'll see her again before y'all get discharged." Omar grinned, "Before we go home." Home... His heart sank a little, though he smiled softly. Maybe you'd get that root beer float then. Maybe you'd get your sister back... "Maybe, sir... Maybe." ******** Months passed... It was finally all over. The basterds were in D.C., getting the medal of honor. Donny looked out onto the crowd, and spotted his parents, his little brother... When did he get so tall? And his sister. Married already?
His parents... His dad had more grey hairs, his mother looked tired from worrying... But they were happy now. His eyes then fell on one more familiar face in the back, jet lagged, but just in time. He smiled when he saw you, and didn’t stop.
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And in all the pictures taken that day, Donny was the basterd with the widest smile. When the cameras stopped flashing, the speeches were done, the goodbyes were made, and the hellos were given, there was time again. "Goin' my way?" He winked, and you laughed, as you threw your arms around him, "You know it." He chuckled and kissed you. "Pick me up, Friday at seven?" You winked and slipped a piece of paper in his hand. He looked down and spotted an address and number. He smirked, "You know it." So less than a week later, you'd both gone home, back in Boston... You got more phone calls from him than you could count. And one lucky Thursday night, a knock on the door. "Donny, can't you wait until tomo-" Your heart stopped, and you sobbed, as your sister stood there. Things were finally the way they should have been... And only getting better. Because the next night, Donny was the one at the door. He waited for you to get that piece of pie. Boston cream pie.
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(A/N Art by @sodapop182​ !!! She’s so talented y’all should check out her blog its amazing! ;-;) _____ It became a tradition. Every Friday night, at the same booth, same order. A slice of pie and a root beer float to share. Some nights, you worked late at the hospital, but that was ok. He'd be waiting outside at the end of your shift, with the pie, knowing you were hungry and tired. One Friday night, not long after, there was pie, a root beer float, and a diamond ring. A year or two later, there were three people at that table, then four, then five. It was 1952 now. Your two year old daughter was sitting in his lap, as he chuckled, "Come on, kid sit still!" desparately trying to wipe away crumbs of pie from her face. Your two sons, four and six years old, rushed to the juke box. You looked up at Donny, laughing as you watched your sons dance. "They have your moves, tough guy." He smirked a little, though he was looking down at his baby girl, straightening out the bow in her short, black, curly hair, "They have your smile, doll." He scooped some more pie in a spoon, and fed his daughter, "Ain't that right kid?" She just giggled, and in that moment, everything was perfect. At that table, Donny wasn't a sergeant, he didn't need to be a tough guy anymore. He was wearing the same wife-beater, as always, still loud and obnoxious like any guy from Boston, and he was still a basterd at heart... But he still wore the same smile he had the moment he fell in love. Things had changed so much since you both shipped out overseas, but that smile stayed the same, and always would.
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dandyvespa · 4 years
Calling All K-Pop Survival Show Trash (I-Land Edition)
What’s good everyone
In the past I have talked about my interest in  kpop survival shows and my preferred lineups for shows like Produce 101 X and Youth with You.  These such posts got some attention and made me befriend some cool mutuals so I thought why not do more for any other shows I come across so I can also discuss with people and fangirl with them? Though I myself continue to like these shows despite evil editing and clear favoritism from producers/global fans, I still wish to share with you some hardworking trainees that I think you guys would be interested in, especially if ya’ll kpop survival show tl’s are dry and looking to fill the void with something different.  Well, I-Land happens to be that different show.  Now I know not everyone is a big fan of BigHit or even Mnet for that matter, I do encourage this show because it is a lot different from the format of the Produce series, or any past kpop survival show for that matter.  The standard for ranking trainees is not entirely up to global votes and the producers in the show give their valuable take.  Not only that but their living conditions, music choices, and selected trainees are very distinct and refreshing in my opinion.   Not only that but you have big names like Rain, Zico, Bang PD, IU, and much more contributing to the show to create the best global kpop group.
Now when posting this I realized I should have done this earlier because the show is already on its second part hehe.  I-Land is split up into two parts so I’m just gonna give a brief rundown.  The first part of I-Land involves these 23 trainees that all arrive individually or within groups to do this isolated and intricate building in the woods.  These trainees then go through a series of performances to see who is the most competent member in entering I-Land, this really swanky and high-tech living space fit with training areas, a kitchen filled with a bunch of food, very pristine and spacious dorm rooms, etc.  The catch is that only 12 members are only able to be apart of that paradise and will be determined by voting amongst themselves (already pretty political off the bat lol).  Those who are unable to attend the I-Land are sent to The Ground, basically a way more downgraded version of I-Land with much fewer resources.  This first part basically has these two groups pitted against each other and shifted between the I-Land and The Ground based on this trainee voting system and the producer voting system after completing various tests/competitions.  The only time where the global voting system mattered was towards the end of Part 1 in which the global votes determined the 6 trainees eligible from The Ground to be with the other 6 I-Landers (which have been selected to stay by the Producers).  These 12 trainees then dive into Part 2 of I-Land which is really the start of the actual competition to make it to the official 7-member debut line.  The 12 to 7 members are shaved down again based on a series of tests that will showcase their individual and teamwork skills.  This time the voting is completely based on an alternating system of producers and global fans deciding the ranking, the lowest such member being eliminated every other week.
So like I said I should have started this sooner since this show premiered back in June, but because a lot of people are just starting to know about the show because BTS and now Seventeen (Performance Unit) guested or are about to guest on the show (this includes possibly TXT and Gfriend given they are also tied to BigHit), might as well update ya’ll now on why you shouldn’t just be watching just because your ults are there for barely an entire episode.  Though I admit that there are shady moments and complaints I have with the show, there is no denying that these trainees that are picked are all really good in their respective areas and are incredibly dead set on becoming idols.  Now you may have heard people saying that this show is a “flop” based on Korean ratings.  Given I don’t know how tv ratings work in South Korea and know that this show is steered more towards global fans, a number of people I have talked to already about this show just watch on different video sharing websites or apps the next day so subtitles appear or they watch during the scheduled time of the live broadcasting on YouTube which I have to say is SOOOO pleasing for us international folks.  Ratings and famous artists contributing to the show aside, I once again stress that you guys should give the show a try just for the sake of getting to know these kids because I feel like with time and practice, even if they don’t make the final lineup, they will achieve their dreams eventually.
Now as much as I want to talk about the entirety of the show, I will once again post my top 7 members down below in the (Keep Reading) section.  If ya’ll don’t want spoilers and wish to look up the show first then by all means go ahead!  If you guys are curious about the show or even want to scream and talk about the show if you are caught up, please message me ya cuties!
1) Lee Heeseung
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No question about it Heeseung is one of my biases on this show and for a good reason.  This boy, a former BigHit trainee, is considered the ace of the show, an all-rounder who so far has shown stability in both dance and vocals (have yet to see rap being portrayed a lot in this show, but the producers, specifically Bang and Pdogg have said he really excels in rap and it was strange to them because he entered the show to focus more on vocals lol).  Not only that but he is selfless, a trainee that has been putting a lot of his fellow members first and sacrificing his own time to help them or steer them in the right direction.  Bro is also dorky and a total crackhead behind the scenes of I-Land lol.  As of part 2 I believe he is the trainee with the most seniority, as in years of training.  Despite showing his playful side here and there, he seems to be the most well-spoken and mature of the trainees, putting him as a major candidate to become a leader.  It is just a bonus that he looks this good too!  At this point in the show, it would be insane for anybody to not include Heeseung in their final debut lineup predictions.  Plus this is legit Bang PD’s favorite son ya’ll already know.
2) Park Sunghoon
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Ah the little ice prince! Another former BigHit trainee (and my second bias lol),  Sunghoon is incredibly charismatic and knows how to show the right facial expressions on stage.  I honestly kind of see him as a dark horse in the show.  His vocals are pretty decent and he can really keep up in dancing.  Overall just so hardworking, and it definitely shows because he really has been consistent through the show! It’s pretty known he is a major visual in the show but a lot of people also like him for his clean-cut and simple personality. He is also very observant of the other members and can be just as doting and selfless as Heeseung.  What irks me is that the producers and even some viewers complain that his personality “overlaps” with other members, which is honestly an odd reason to have when considering the debut lineup.  He seems quiet at first but the kid can be so hyperactive, funny, and radiates crackhead energy as time goes by in the show, giving us more of his personality to work with.  What is more fascinating is that he used to figure-skate for 10+ years and decided to choose this path as an idol after seeing BTS.  He is also determined to show his parents that they shouldn’t have doubted him and that he took the right path and I just love that.  Please look out for him because with his popularity and competence, I am sure he will make it to the lineup!
3) Yang Jungwon 
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Pack it up ya’ll we found our little maknae of the group who is a cutie and an all-rounder!  He is also a dark horse to me, but then again a lot of people consider him to be a “hidden ace” in the show.  Jungwon may be one of the youngest members in I-Land but amongst the other younger trainees, but he stands out as the most skilled by a landslide.  He excels at singing and is very stable.  In fact I think he is one of the few trainees that has a really good singing voice next to Heeseung.  He is also really good at dancing as well as free-styling.  I think he is also a former BigHit trainee (I... yes I know a lot of my picks just happen to be BigHit trainees but trust me I’m not just being biased lol).  I think Jungwon is someone who, though he excels himself, really appreciates his hyungs who he respects and wishes to learn from.  Coincidentally, his role model is Jungkook haha.  His ability to adjust to concepts, even the most mature ones, is also very astonishing.  Hoping that global fans not only see him as a cute kid but as a talented, caring, and hardworking soul.  Baby did not quit taekwondo to follow his dreams as an idol too!
4) Jay Park
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Ya’ll you see this kid?  He is a fighter.  A competitor who brings the heat.  And behold he is also formerly from BigHit lol, but also SM entertainment! Jay is incredibly skilled at dancing and is very charismatic on stage. I think he is one of the few people who showcased rap pretty decently, but again this show barely showed the rap skills of any of these trainees to really conclude that.  The kid has been through a lot of humiliating moments in the show, even coming up with the iconic and meme-worthy line to accept such moments: resentment, anger, humiliation.  He has been placed in compromising situations, but he owns up the the situation and accepts responsibilities that no one would.  He is not as intimidating as he may want to look as he also very caring and helpful (plus his fear of ghosts is adorable). Even other trainees approach him to teach them choreography or get advice.  Also the way he was able to lead the Grounders in the Fire performance made me appreciate him even more since then.  I feel like he has the potential to be a great leader for the group as well.  He is also honest in what he feels and has no problem stating that to the viewers, but is never someone who whines about not getting his way.  His stubbornness will take him all the way to the debut line in my opinion haha.  Go hard my sweet potato boy!
5) Jake Shim
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Our Aussie boy and the icon of improvement in the show! He happens to be one of the trainees with the shortest training time.  Despite this, he has had potential since his entrance test with Crown.  Jake has had some rough criticism that lead him to work very hard.  In fact he always feared that he may get behind others or not keep up.  I think out of all the members--and that is saying a lot because they all really do try their best--he is the one who is the most hard-working and constantly practicing the choreography, even when others are asleep.  I also think he has a pretty good vocal range, and it definitely improved since Flicker recently.  The fact that he came all the way here to South Korea by himself to achieve his dream of being an idol after witnessing BTS is so brave. I really respect him and his friendship with a lot of the members in I-Land, especially with Sunghoon! I think he will only continue to rise up and gain more traction from the global audience.
6) Kim Sunoo
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Sunshine boy coming through! Sunoo came along with Jake and performed Crown together and since then I always thought he had some real talent.  This thought was only proven later on, but really set it for me his Save Me performance.  Listen his vocals are so promising despite also having a short training period.  I honestly think it would rival Heeseung’s vocals.  I do think he has room to improve in dance, but he really works for it.  He is always so positive and nice to others.  He is very modest and eager to learn and I love how he is basically this aegyo king who never cringes at the slightest when he acts like himself.  As someone who wishes to be on tv, I hope he gets there.  I feel like a lot of people have slept on him because he was mostly known as that one cute kid with adequate skills, but they are far more better than a lot of the trainees since the beginning of the show.  His popularity already puts him really up there so I can only hope he just continues to prove himself to the producers because they have already complimented him on his more masculine and skilled side in Fake Love.  Fighting my son!
7) K
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Our last member is K! Now I have had my eye on K because his visuals really stand out for me, like something out of a comic or drama.  Handsomeness aside, K hails from Japan and is the oldest member on the entire show.  He is very experienced in choreographing and is undoubtedly one of the best dancers on the show, which was definitely established in the dance unit competition.  His vocals are also pretty underrated.  I think he that knows how to grab attention and make us wanting more.  Now as much as I adore his skills and ability to lead other members in the choreo, I have noticed that he is the type to be very straightforward, and it may come off as intimidating to other members.  I am not sure if this is just South Korean etiquette of respecting elders and just trying really hard not to upset them, but the way that members have had their fair share of discussing issues with how K just turns icy whenever he doesn’t see things his way or makes a mistake leading them to be frightened to the point of not being able to chime in with their thoughts is very alarming.  I get that no one wants to step on his toes further, but I hope this attitude and relationship doesn’t persist.  I like K and I can see that he dotes on other members and helps them out as much as he can, but sometimes his hypocritical and isolated attitude gets the better of him.  Now granted this may be a result of MNET’s evil editing, but seeing all these trainees share their uneasy thoughts regarding him makes me feel another way.  Even when these issues happen, it ends up with him having to talk it out with his members and reflect, which is highly appreciated.  Even the producers feel like K is important and is promising in his ad-libs and skill set.  May he recover from all these issues and keep himself together!
★ Hanbin
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I thought I would add an additional member that I have been on the fence about if one of these other potential trainees do not make it, especially considering I am a bit scared of K’s placement due to global fans being easily persuaded by how MNET edits their shit.  I actually have never laid eyes on Hanbin since the entire first half of the show because he was always in The Ground.  After seeing him lose confidence their I was scared if he would ever recover.  Luckily, he opened up this time around! Not only do I see him acting more like this sweet older brother towards the other trainees, especially in times of conflict like with K and Niki, but he has really been standing out with his dance and vocal skills.  I already know he used to be part of a Vietnamese cover dance group, but I never knew how stable and clear his vocals were.  Though I don’t think he is as stand out as other members in these skills, he definitely showed more of his confidence and improvement since Part 1.  I was honestly wondering why so many people have been hyping him and I guess I was the one wrongfully sleeping on him and his hidden talents heh.  I also hope he is getting more recognition now and it would be nice to see another member who is outside of South Korea appear in the group, especially since Bang PD is going for a global group. Call me a Hannie now lol.
ALRIGHT end of this thread.  Again feel free to talk to me about the show or finally start watching the show.  Even though I did not list your favorite, understand this is my personal debut lineup.  This in no way means I am hating on any of the other members.  I think they all have what it takes if they were all able to get casted onto this show, and I hope they eventually will.   Given that I was looking for much more trainees that caught my eye, have had experience, a good personality, a natural and improved skill set, and just an overall good connection with them, these were the trainees I was most enticed by.  It is pretty set like this and I doubt it will change, but who knows.  Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope check out the show or continue to stream it! <3
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the-ventriloquizt · 4 years
i was looking up adam's big backstory post, and i couldn't find it, so im going to try and gather all the info i've come up with for adam into one big old post!
adam ascott /aka/ easter info dump!
adam has a sorta complex motivation for his crimes, something that goes beyond 'getting money for trans surgeries' but somehow is exactly that... though it's hard for him to explain
it started during his childhood. childhood in metropolis while superman was there meant seeing the guy everywhere, and the expectation that you would look up to him too. adam was born anna, and his life was spent in fear of superman. it started with paranoia. you see, in metropolis, a big way that kids were made to feel safe was that superman would always be there, would always hear you. adam's bad childhood, what with bullying and a lot of victim blaming from his parents, warped this feeling into 'superman knows you're bad'.
once he started noticing he was a guy, suddenly the masculinity exuded by superman and praised by all the men around seemed threatening. this extra threatened feeling led to adam hating superman, and having awful, mean thoughts, and these mean thoughts  led to 'superman knows you hate him'.
adam tried to hide his transness for a while, kept going by anna, even though it made him ill. he began thinking of 'anna' as a different version of him, something still dying off so he could eventually pop out of her corpse, and he waited. he waited.
when he was trying to find a place for himself in metropolis after finishing high school, he was caught up in a bank robbery with some no-name creep that wanted superman's attention. since he was presenting rather femininely and seemed really vulnerable, the guy grabbed him up and dragged him all the way to the top of the bank, holding him to the edge with the threat that he'd be dropped if superman didn't come save him.
superman did show up, and the guy panicked, throwing adam off the edge to distract the superhero. someone in a building across the street took a photo, a photo of a long haired blonde person in a white dress falling to their death, doing nothing, not even screaming. superman caught him, but when he was set on the ground, superman asked...
'Are you okay, miss?'
adam screamed. it was all too much. he screamed, and he pushed away superman, and he ran past the cops, and he ran past the reporters, and he ran all the way to his shitty apartment his family got him while he was in his 'weird phase', as they called it.
'anna' had finally died. the fall killed her, and adam was still raw.
a popular tabloid would have that photo, the photo of 'anna' falling, on the front page. the article would talk about 'the mad woman of metropolis' and how adam screamed, how someone literally screamed after being saved by superman, in this day and age? what, did 'she' want to die?
adam couldn't get work after that. everywhere he went, people asked, 'aren't you that lady that freaked out after getting saved by superman??' and eventually, he couldn't stand it.
the last thing he did before he cut off his family and move away was take what money he could from his account and change his name. 'anna' had died so 'adam' took over.
not that this adam was complete. he still felt wrong when he looked at himself, new name or not. he was still a shell he needed to escape from.
in gotham, nobody asked if he was the 'lady scared of superman'. in fact, in gotham, nobody referred to him at all. he could finally wear his binder and refer to himself properly, and he could start his work. he began working in a bike delivery company during the day...
and when he saw a coded offer for a henchman for egghead leaving retirement for one last heist in the wanted pages, he decided to go for it. he was bad anyways, and he needed the money, and gotham was better. batman couldn't hear him. batman didn't know him. and it didn't matter what happened to this adam, because it was the incomplete adam.
he put on a rabbit mask, and wore some bright clothes, pastels, things he knew egghead wore. the rabbit mask was just what he had on hand, something he got while still in middle school.
the heist went horribly. batman showed up, and while he was distracted with egghead's upset rant about the bat ruining everything, adam ran. he ran, and he ran, and he ran, and batman apparently didn't bother going after him, because he ended up going home without a hint of the bat or his robin chasing him.
he didn't want the egg. the egg was an extremely valuable, priceless, last of it's kind egg, a piece of art. he had no use for it. he thought about selling it, but he didn't know how, or where to bring it. egghead was in jail. there wasn't anything he could do...
(he stashed the egg in a drawer, wrapped in the same white dress 'anna' wore on the day she fell. it was safe, and began standing as a motivation. finish yourself. finish yourself.)
the media ate up the idea of a rabbit running off with an egg while wearing bright colors. began calling him the 'easter bunny', and then eventually just Easter, since it was catchier. adam watched the media die down, and he fully accepted his title. he liked the idea, and realizing that he needed the gimmick if he was ever gonna get the money he wanted for his surgeries to 'complete' himself, began thinking more about what he needed to fully realize his new identity.
he began thinking about this new midpoint between 'anna' and 'adam' as 'easter'. easter was the point between what he had to be and what he wanted to be. easter would still be called adam during the day, but adam couldn't bring himself to actually count as that version of him.
he began playing with some ideas. he carried baskets with him when he stole things, and the best thing he did for himself was formulate his spring-heeled shoes, though the design was stolen off the internet. his boss let him borrow some tools from the shop, under the excuse that he needed to fix his bike up, and he made something that would help him with his escapes and break ins.
he isn't popular yet, but a few higher ranking rogues have borrowed him for a some tasks, including two jobs with the joker (one job to break into a judge's house and steal some family photos, and the other job to break back into the judge's house and replace the family photos, only now they had mustaches painted onto all of his family members. adam was payed in hollowed out carrots full of bills.) he's working on it. the rise in fame is a slow one.
and once he's complete, he's going to return the egg. thats a promise.
adam serves as a lackey for hire, specializing in in-and-out thievery and quick escapes, though he doesn't seem to care too much about the 'thrill' of it all. he has a hard time thinking of plans for hisself, and has an even harder time communicating, though if someone sets him on a task, he'll do whatever he can to continue it, even if he gets hurt.
he doesn't have much weaponry, throwing punches or using explosive eggs made specifically for opening safes if pushed, but he prefers to run from confrontation.
he lives in the wayne garden apartments, and does bike delivery for a delivery company during the day... though he's recently figured out that said company was owned by one warren white, who uses it as a way to transport the smaller goods he promises to his clients.
eventually adam is caught, not in some big blaze of glory, but confronted in his own apartment by the bat. even faced out of costume, adam still attempts to crawl out of his fourth-story apartment window, unable to figure out why the batman was able to figure out who he was... even though he hadn't really been hiding it so well.
he has a fairly long stint in arkham for endangerment of the self, where he ends up able to get the surgeries he needs for his dysphoria, though it's not as cut-and-dry as he thought it'd be. he'd bet on the surgeries giving him the epiphany of who 'adam' really was, but it wasn't as easy as that, so he still struggles with who he is...
the identity of 'easter' hasn't died yet, and adam often falls back on it when he feels unsure of himself, though after a good deal of therapy he's much less likely to recklessly throw himself off of rooftops... which is a great improvement, if you ask dr arkham.
post-surgery, adam still does heists for egg-themed objects for himself and some lackey work for others, trying to find some sort of balance between the life he'd lived up to that point and a future life.
the robin he most often goes up against is tim, though they fight less than they race, with maybe a little bit of teasing from easter’s side. it’s probably the only time he thinks its really fun to run
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babyloposts · 3 years
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Pairing: Ukai Keishin x black!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of lewd acts, mild language, DILF ALERT
Fandom: Haikyu
Summary: soft head cannons of everyone’s favorite volleyball coach :)
A/N: Ukai is so hot and I would like to manifest a life with him thanks. Enjoy this soft shit (ps requests open)
Adjusting to married life was weird for the both of you. Onlookers of your relationship always claimed you rushed into things by eloping, but you were both in love. So why wait?
The first year of marriage things were smooth. All of your friends claimed you were still in “the honeymoon phase” and that’s why you hadn’t annoyed the hell out of each other yet, but they were wrong. This man annoyed you any chance he got.
Of course there’s no malice behind it, but Keishin was a lot more needy than you had thought and was always pining for attention.
“Y/N, come eat dinner with me.” “Y/N stop doing work it’s late.” “Y/N come cuddle with me.” “Y/N make that tea that I like, please.” “Y/N come take a bath with me.”
To be honest you knew that he was only bothering you all the time for your own well-being because you were a workaholic, but you had a lot of business to attend to. Still you loved that he was always checking in on you.
Another way he annoyed you was that he was always touching you. Touch is definitely his love language (something about not getting hugged enough as a kid, idk) and no matter what you were doing he always had to be touching you in some regard. It only really bothered you when you were working though.
“Keishin, stop trying to lay on me while I’m filling out my timesheets.”
“But you’re comfortable.”
He wouldn’t let anyone know, but he was a giant cuddle bug and loved PDA. Going to the store together? You would be walking hand in hand even if you both were up to your armpits in groceries. Party at a friends house? If you were with him he made you sit on his lap even if there was space left on the couch he wanted that ass on him at all timessss
Although he wasn’t against PDA he usually internalized any jealous feelings he had, or at least try to. He was never the type to make out with you in front of a guy to make him back off, he knew you loved him too much to even entertain another guy, but he wasn’t above a menacing death glare.
“Kei stop, you look scary.”
“That’s the friggin’ point. That asshole was shameless.”
You two were both so hardworking. Keishin with the store, the kids, and the farm and you with climbing the ranks of your corporate job that your dates were purely de-stressors.
Sometimes it would be a relaxing night at home catching up on your shows, or you would go to a quiet restaurant and get some dinner. And every once in a while you would book an hour couple massage and then a dip in a hot spring.
On your first year anniversary Keishin took you to the beach, because you loved the ocean and since then going to the beach has become an annual trip. It seems every time you go to that beach you discover new things about each other (such as the fact that neither of you enjoy beach sex, too sandy) and the trip only strengths your relationship every time.
Your relationship is by no means perfect, you have your struggles (Kei smokes way too much and you’re worried about his lungs and you rely too heavily on alcohol too distract you from your work problems) but the most important thing is that you work them out together.
Although you and Keishin are rock solid you do get into petty arguments mostly stemming from your difference in cultures because you grew up in the states.
“You’re supposed to yell at the waitress to get their attention.”
“I know that, but you can be a little less aggressive. It’s not much to show a bit of kindness.”
“She’s an old lady. I have to yell at her so she can hear.”
“You didn’t have to call her an old bat! What if they spit in our food.”
Despite your little arguments here and there Keishin is really interested in how you grew up. He’s always so fascinated by the customs you have and the family dynamics of a black household.
“And why do you have to wear a hat to go to sleep?”
“It’s a bonnet. And it protects my hair.”
“Oh... I can protect your hair.”
“*sigh* that’s not what I mean love.”
As far as physical intimacy goes you both know each other like the backs of your hands. It took a while for you to both know what your limits were with each other, but after a few months every time started to feel electric.
You both had your fair share of kinks that overall complimented each other well. Though sometimes Keishin would get annoyed at the fact that you were a total pillow Princess, but luckily for him he had that brat tamer instinct.
A few years down the line and you’re both still as happy as day one, but you’re both now starting to settle down some. You both feel confident and stable in your jobs and are able to have more time for each other, but sometimes you feel like you’re missing something.
“Yes, Babe.”
“You wanna have a kid?”
You sure as hell got your kid. Who would’ve thought this man had a breeding kink too.
the pregnancy was pretty rough on the both of you. You had gotten pretty sick in your first trimester, super terrified that you might lose the baby. To keep from having any more complications your doctor had put you on bed rest for pretty much the duration of your pregnancy. That meant Keishin would pick up extra shifts anytime he could to make up for what you missed at work. Keishin was always tired, you were dead broke, and waited on you hand and foot, but he’d do it all again just to see your smile the day your little girl was born. It was the happiest day of your lives.
Being new parents was tricky, nobody is ever really ready to be a parent. But even through countless sleepless nights, and the biggest strain on your relationship that you’d ever faced. There was no place either of you would rather be than sleeping next to each other with your baby girl snuggled between your arms.
Being a father came easily to Keishin. Of course he was still coaching the new generation of Karasuno kids, but his personality with those boys was a complete 180 to how he acted with your daughter. He was hopelessly in love. He couldn’t say no to that little girl to save his life. You didn’t know how many times you’d come home from work and they’d be laid up on the couch waiting for you to return. As soon as you’d walk in the door your daughter would perk up from Kei’s chest and run to give you a hug. And he would always pretend he wasn’t just knocked out from watching cartoons.
“Mommy I have to tell you and Daddy something.”
“Okay. What is it my love?”
“I want a baby brother. And it has to be a boy, cuz I wanna be the only girl and he has to be cute like me, ok?”
The lip on that girl. She was definitely her mother’s daughter. She knew what she wanted and she was gonna get it. Keishin had no protests you and that little girl had him wrapped around your little fingers, so needless to say, she got her little brother.
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❉ 139 Dreams (Naga) If the World Ended…
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Angst ☁
Word Count: 2,650 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Naga ☁
World: Beelzebub ☁
Author’s Note: Angst. So very much angst. I almost cried a few times while typing this out but I’m also a sensitive lil’ bitch, so.
WARNING: This fic contains the death of an original character.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
Your eyes widened at the two demons that had appeared to help Hecadoth. Your heart picked up speed, hammering in your ears. You heard Zenjuurou talking, but it was a blur within your mind, your eyes glued to the short demon standing on Hecadoth’s right.
‘Why is he here?’, you found yourself wondering, but you knew the answer already.
The three demons rushed forward to attack and Zenjuurou countered, the sigil on his hand glowing brightly in the night. Naga realized the power dynamic was not in their favor, so he activated the teleporter on his wrist. Before they vanished, his blue eyes met yours and widened in surprise. It felt as if time slowed down and you resisted the growing urge to step backward.
Time finally resumed and the three demons vanished into thin air.
Your heart was aching. It had been five years since you last saw the blue-haired male and you had only just forgotten about him last year. Now he’s back in your life and, worse, he’s your enemy.
“Y/N!” A rough hand grabbed your shoulder and you jumped, instinctively grabbing their wrist and kicking at their shin, sending them to the pavement as you twisted their wrist to a near breaking point. “Ow, ow ow! What the hell are you doing, idiot?!”
You blinked down at Oga before releasing his wrist with a sheepish grin. “Oh, sorry, Oga.”
“Come on, we need to get Hilda some help.” He scowled at you before heading over to Kunieda and the wounded Hilda. You made a move to follow, but you met Zenjuurou’s gaze and your body froze up. You didn’t know why, but it felt as if he knew there was a history between you and Naga. You could feel it in your gut and it unnerved you.
It took everything within you to tear your gaze away, helping to lift the unconscious blonde onto Oga’s back.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
You sighed deeply as you walked down the street, hands stuffed into your pockets. You had woken up that morning intending to go to school, but your head was throbbing painfully and your back was sore from the previous night’s fight. You tried going to the arcade to blow off some steam, but the noises made your headache worse.
After aimlessly wandering around for a while, you decided to stop off at the park, falling onto the bench that sat in front of the fountain. With kids still in school and parents at work, the park was nearly deserted. Birds chirped cheerfully as they hopped around the grass looking for food. The water bubbled up through the stone fish in the middle of the fountain before splashing over.
You took a deep breath and your body started to relax, but it didn’t last long. A familiar presence appeared behind you and your body reacted accordingly, tensing up and preparing for a fight. Your hands clenched around your jeans, ‘Calm down, Y/N! Maybe you’re just imagining things…’
But you weren’t.
“How long do you intend to ignore me, Y/N?”
You released the breath you had been holding, trying to keep your voice steady and monotone. “I thought you left the human world,”
Naga stepped around the bench, but you refused to meet his rich blue eyes. “I broke free of the teleport at the last moment.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “That’s not smart, isolating yourself from your lackeys. You can’t even beat us as three, you think you can beat us as one?”
“That’s not why I stayed,” His eyes narrowed at you and you shifted nervously. You never understood why, but you hated it when he stared at you. It was as if he could look into your very soul and you hated it. Naga’s voice softened, pleading. “Look at me, Y/N.”
You finally lifted your head, eyes slowly trailing up his body and you noticed that he was injured, holding his right arm across his chest. As soon as your eyes met, time seemed to stop. Everything around you disappeared and you briefly wondered if it had ever existed, to begin with. It was just the two of you in the park.
Your lips parted and words tumbled out despite yourself. “I missed you so much, Naga…”
His gaze softened and he quickly turned his back on you. “It isn’t safe to talk here in the open. Where is your home?”
Something deep down inside told you that bringing a high ranking demon to your home was a bad idea, but you didn’t care. You stood up, walking past him and in the direction of your home. His footsteps echoed behind you as he followed you, but neither of you said a word.
‘What would Oga think if he saw me with Naga?’, you wondered. You certainly didn’t want to find out the answer, so you picked up your pace. Even though Naga’s legs were shorter than your own, he easily kept up with you. As you reached the front door, you hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open.
Being alone with Naga made you feel nervous, but you weren’t entirely sure why you felt that way. Though he was easily stronger than yourself, you doubted that he would ever hurt you. Now that you thought about it, what benefited him more – you being alive or dead?
Naga followed you into the kitchen, settling himself at the table. “I never would have thought that you would be one of those who supported Beelze-sama.”
You pulled open the fridge, trying to keep some distance between the two of you. “You, uh… you want some water? Or something,”
“Yes, please.”
You grabbed a bottle of water and a can of soda before shutting the fridge harder than you intended to. You debated on just tossing him the bottle, but figured it might not be the best idea with his injured arm, so you just set it on the table. You glanced at his arm, wondering how bad the injury was beneath his coat.
“I’m fine,” he answered the unasked question, carefully removing the lid of the bottle and taking a drink.
“And I’m the fucking queen of England,” you scoffed, debating with yourself for a moment. “Take off your jacket,”
Naga raised a brow. “You really shouldn’t talk to a demon like that,”
“Just do it and stop being difficult,”
“As fearless as always,” he murmured, standing up to do as you asked. His coat slid off his lithe form, falling to the chair behind him. Beneath the coat was a suit jacket, which he slowly unbuttoned, allowing it to fall from his body. Beneath that was a long-sleeved, white button-up shirt.
“For fuck’s sake, why the hell are you wearing so many layers?”
Naga raised a brow at you, but you ignored him, grabbing his wrist and carefully pushing the sleeve up to his elbow. His right arm had a large burn upon his skin, from the wrist to the elbow, the darkened skin a stark contrast to his porcelain complexion. The teleporter on his wrist had been cracked and melted in several places. With a frown, you gently ran your finger across the length of the burn.
“It’s not nearly as bad as it looks. Demons heal fairly quick.” He commented, carefully watching your face. “You need to stay out of this war, Y/N. It doesn’t concern you.”
“Don’t give me that bullshit,” you narrowed your eyes at him, grip tightening on his wrist. “Oga is my friend, my family, and you bastards come here trying to destroy us because En is scared of a little competition from a fucking infant.”
Naga’s eyes flashed with anger and his hand shot up to grip your shoulder, his fingers digging into your skin. “Watch your mouth, Y/N.”
The fear and nervousness you had previously felt was starting to morph into anger. You shoved his hand off of you, standing tall. “Or what? Just gonna kill me and walk away? Go ahead. I know how strong you are, Naga. I’ve seen it first hand, but I don’t care. Even if it kills every last one of us, we will fight back against all of you and you can bet your ass we won’t make it easy for you!”
“Are you done?”
Your eyes narrowed, offering him a challenging look.
Naga sighed, slipping his clothes back onto his body. “You and I have a bond that is absolute. I won’t harm you, no matter how much you taunt me. However,” he paused in the doorway, glancing over his shoulder at you. “You may be loyal to those humans, but I am loyal to En-sama. I won’t hold back against them.”
As soon as the door was closed behind him, you sunk down to the floor. You knew that all along, but it hurt to hear it, more than you had thought it would. Your body started to shake as you pulled your knees to your chest, burying your face in your arms.
Five Years Earlier
You watched your older brother fighting a gang from another school. He was outnumbered but easily managed to take out the thugs surrounding him. You stood far back away from the fight, half-hidden by the trunk of a thick tree – you didn’t want to get in his way or distract him.
Someone snuck up behind you, arm tight around your throat as he pressed a blade to the side of your face. He half dragged, half shoved you toward the fight, his cracked lips next to your ear. “Go on, scream for help. Call out to your precious big brother.”
You refused, keeping your lips in a firm line. No matter what he planned to do, you refused to cry out and distract your brother from the fight.
The man scowled before stabbing the knife through your hand, which was clutching the arm around your neck. You cried out before biting hard on your lip to muffle the sound. Tears stung at your eyes. Your effort was in vain when your brother noticed you. He screamed your name, not noticing the thug that approached him from behind. You screamed his name, thrashing against the man that held you, but it was too late.
A knife was thrust into his back, the tip breaking clean through his chest. Before he even hit the ground, the group rushed at him, stomping and abusing his body. A metal bat was brought down and you heard a sickening crack over, and over again.
The man holding you laughed and you slammed your head backward, colliding with his face. His grip loosened, giving you enough room to slip free. You screamed as loud as your lungs would allow, trying to shove the men away from your brother, but they were much too strong for you.
“Stupid bitch,” one of them kneed you in the stomach hard, throwing you to the ground. You coughed up blood, clutching your stomach as the group laughed. Satisfied, the group dispersed, giving both of you a kick as they passed.
You crawled over to your brother, hand clutching around his blood-soaked shirt as your head came to rest on his chest. His body was silent – no heartbeat, no breathing.
He was dead.
The realization hit you like a semi-truck and you screamed in pain until your throat was sore, tears pouring down your red cheeks. Pain mixed anger and sadness, swirling around your body like a hungry beast. Footsteps slowly approached and you threw your body over his as some form of protection – it was all you could do.
“Do you desire revenge?” Came a calm, male voice.
You could only blink as you looked up at the blue-haired man through blurred eyes.
He kneeled in front of you, his voice soft as if he were speaking to a child. “I can make you stronger. Strong enough to take revenge on those that took your brother from you.”
You looked back down at your brother’s body, fresh tears stinging your eyes. The man’s words rattled in your brain and you furiously wiped away the tears, turning back to look at him. “I’ll do anything,”
He held out his palm, running his index finger across the skin which then split open, blood dotting from the wound. “Place your injured hand against my own,”
You glanced down at the hand, covered in blood from the stab wound you had been given. Slowly, you raised your hand, fingers brushing his as your palms met. The blood mixed and mingled as a black aura surrounded his body, slowly crawling around his arm like a snake. It continued until it was tightly wrapped around yours, as well, and you felt intense pain within, as if your insides had been set on fire.
Your hand tensed, pushing hard against his own as your head fell back, eyes widening up at the dark sky. The dark aura continued to spread until it cradled your entire body, squeezing you tightly.
His voice was soft and muffled from the blood pumping through your ears. “Our blood is now bound and my power is yours,”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
It took an entire month before you were able to get used to Naga’s power enough to wield it as your own. In that time, you had kept close tabs on Yusuke Haraba, the man that had stabbed your brother. He was still with the gang and they spent most of their time hanging out in an abandoned building on the outskirts of town.
“Are you ready, Naga?” you questioned, sparing him a glance. He nodded and the two of you approached the building. Your foot connected with the metal door, kicking it from its hinges. The lower-ranking thugs rushed at you with various weapons and you fought your way to the basement. With Naga’s power within you, they couldn’t hold a candle to you.
You screamed angrily, throwing one of them down the basement stairs. The group inside was alerted, grabbing weapons and rushing to battle. The black aura covered both of your fists, increasing your base power, and they didn’t stand a chance. When everyone else was down for the count, you turned your attention to Yusuke, who was cowering behind a chair while his brothers and sisters fought.
“Haraba!” You barked, fists shaking as the aura spread to the rest of your body, reacting to the anger and hatred within you.
“P-Please!” He begged, tears streaming down his face. “Don’t kill me!”
You grabbed the front of his shirt, cocking back your fist. “This is for my brother!” You put all of your power into the punch, slamming his body into the ground and forming a crater within the concrete. He cried out, spittle and blood leaving his lips as his body twitched before finally stilling as the light left his eyes.
You fell to your knees, body shaking as tears rolled down your cheeks. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and you wondered if your brother was in peace in whatever afterlife there was.
Naga kneeled beside you, awkwardly patting your shoulder. You didn’t hesitate to throw yourself against his chest, clutching the jacket he wore. Even though it had been only a month, the two of you had gotten quite attached to one another, but he knew that En would soon be sent to destroy the human world, leaving him feeling conflicted.
His arms gently wrapped around your shaking form, holding you protectively to his chest as he rested his chin atop your head. “If this world should ever come to an end, I won’t allow you to burn with it, Y/N.”
At the time, you barely even recognized the words he had spoken to you. Maybe if you had taken them to heart, you could have been strong enough by the time the war began.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
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ohmytheon · 5 years
Press F
Day 2 for @shigarakiweek: Teamwork
Summary: Keep your enemies close - and your online friends willing to play the support and healer positions even closer. (AKA: Shigaraki unknowingly took Kaminari under his wing while gaming online when he was fifteen, but neither one of them actually bothered to figure out who the other person was and instead became sorta friends.)
Notes: Although this can very much be read on its own and I might write more for these two dumbasses, technically speaking, this is a prequel to Reconfigure and a spoiler for Chapter 24, although it's not a huge deal of the fic. This is pretty cracky, but I'll be damned if it's not one of the funniest things I've ever imagined. I've got a bunch of ridiculous headcanons. I didn't know it was Shigaraki Week this week until this morning, so when I saw the prompt for today, my brain went into over-drive. Hey, I guess I can knock something off my To Write List now? Also, apologies for not being like a ton of thought into Shigaraki's gamer name, but hey, I did my best in the thirty minutes I wrote this.
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ThePalebloodStrider: you up for a few rounds?
TazerBlazer: yeah man i got school tmrw but lol fuck it
ThePaleBloodStrider: you’re an idiot
TazerBlazer: hey my grades aren’t that bad TazerBlazer: also i’m not the one with the creepy ass s/n :P
ThePalebloodStrider: it has meaning
TazerBlazer: yeah lol ok edgelord
ThePalebloodStrider: god you’re such a kid
TazerBlazer: bruh you been know TazerBlazer: we gonna do this or what?
Shigaraki peeled his gloves off to rub his temple. He hated wearing gloves when gaming - they totally messed with his dexterity - but Kurogiri said he couldn’t get another controller for two months if he disintegrated another one. His suggestion to wear gloves had been met with a lot of complaints and stomping around on Shigaraki’s part, but in the end, he’d dug a pair of gloves out of his nightstand and jerked them on with even more grumbling.
It wasn’t his fault that controllers were made to be held with all five fingers or that people online were such fucking idiots. Did these assholes even know how to play? They were wasting his goddamn time. Of course, if he stuck with simple RPGs, then maybe he wouldn’t have so many problems, but he had a viciously competitive side that craved destroying actual people instead of just computer NPCs. There was nothing quite like lording a top-ranked position in multiple rounds over others. Even his teammates got frustrated when he was infinitely above them.
He didn’t know why. They should be grateful since they were so pathetic and dumb. He wasn’t insulting them if it was the truth.
Tazer was different. He had been able to tell right off the bat due to his mic and playing style that he was younger than him, but he was infinitely helpful. Shigaraki wasn’t immature enough to not recognize the signs of someone that would be good in a party. There were a few people that were good at playing roles on a team. He was a leader, but a leader wasn���t a leader unless they had a follower. Tazer was chatty as fuck and tended to make impulsive decisions, but he was also reliable and a great team player.
A dumb, annoying, little shit, but happily willing to play the part of a healer and offer support in every campaign and game they played together, so Shigaraki would take it.
As the game loaded, he idly scratched his neck before remembering to Not Do That and then put his glove back on. Today had been frustrating. Okay, so he was sixteen, but he wasn’t a kid. He was fucking sixteen. There was no need to treat him like a child. Why couldn’t Sensei see that? It was like he flip-flopped between forcing Shigaraki to learn incredibly hard and brutal lessons and then acting like Shigaraki wasn’t capable of doing shit. He was ready for some real fucking action, but no, Sensei said that he had to wait. He was still learning.
It was hard to feel like he was being taught when all he felt was trapped. He knew the world wouldn’t actually want him, so he stayed inside. What little communication he did have beyond Kurogiri, Sensei, and a few of the villains that worked under him was online. And it would always stay like that. That little brat Tazer wouldn’t be so friendly with him if he knew what Shigaraki was actually like. The whole attachment was fake, but it paid off. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t-
“Aha! I got the mic to work. I thought I shorted it out.”
Shigaraki readjusted his headset. “Again?”
“Hey, hey, don’t get on me about that. Didn’t you say this is like your tenth controller?”
It was his fifteenth, but luckily Kurogiri didn’t know about at least six of them. He also didn’t know that Shigaraki might pickpocketed a few of the men that came to visit Sensei over the years. If they weren’t going to take care of their personal property, then what did it matter? Yes, he got a personal allowance that he kept very good track of, but he got in trouble for damaging stuff constantly.
And getting in trouble with Kurogiri was one thing, but with Sensei? Displeasing him was...unsettling. It was perhaps the only reason Shigaraki hadn’t argued with him more over things, especially since the fight that left him severely injured. He was recovering, which was why Shigaraki wanted to do more for him, but no, they had to stay quiet for now.
He had to be good - which meant no more destroying stuff in a temper tantrum.
“Whatever,” Shigaraki shot back. “You need to learn how to control your quirk more.”
“I am!” Tazer insisted. “I’m getting real good at it. I mean, my parents get onto me all the time because maybe I fry a few things once in a while, but I can even charge my own stuff now.”
“You’re using all your brain cells to charge up your electronics.”
“Well, you’re using all yours to be an asshat,” Tazer laughed.
Shigaraki furrowed his brow. No, he used his to be smart about shit unlike most people online. Okay, so he was probably an asshole too, but he didn’t need his brain for that. He could be one simply because he was better than most people on here. He liked to come up with strategies and plans, which Tazer dutifully followed for the most part. Young as he was, he liked being helpful, and he liked winning even more. At least he recognized his leadership qualities.
It wasn’t bragging if he knew he was smart. Tazer had been astounded that Shigaraki figured out he had an electricity quirk, but honestly, it was a no-brainer considering his gaming tag. Plus, he always felt like people with electricity quirks had more energy. Maybe that was why Tazer never seemed to have any issues staying up at all hours of the night gaming despite having school the next day.
When their game finally started to load, Shigaraki relaxed. The other team was filled with players holding high ranks. Man, it was going to be good to smash them. Nothing quite like taking down a few egos. Someone could play fifty times more than another player, but timing playing would never beat natural talent or inherent skill. It was why he stuck with Tazer. The kid played using instincts.
“Oh!” Tazer exclaimed excitedly. “Did you see the trailer for that new Godzilla movie?”
“There’s another one?” Shigaraki scoffed. “What’s this one? Thirty?”
“Don’t knock it, bro. It looks awesome! I’ll DM you the link.”
“I’m not gonna watch it.”
Tazer blew a raspberry. “Just watch it!” A notification popped up in the corner of his screen alerting him to a message with half of a YouTube link showing. “You’ll thank me later.”
“I doubt it.” Shigaraki would watch it later, but he might not admit it for a while. Let the kid hang a little. It was good to starve people of immediate validation - made them more patient. At least that was probably what Sensei thought. He could probably stand to work on his patience more, but he was getting better. He hadn’t thrown a fit the last time his connection had lagged while playing.
“E3 is coming up, so you’ve got a site to stream that, right, ‘cause-”
“Hey, kid!” some asshole from the other team named TopAlpha1321 barked. “You gonna ramble the entire game like a dweeb? Shut the hell up!”
“Stop being such a bottom,” Shigaraki snapped before muting the guy. He could see his name light up as he went off, but nothing could be heard.
“Eh? But his name says ‘Top’?” Tazer paused thoughtfully. “What’s a bottom?”
Shigaraki choked and held the mic of his headset to keep from being heard. Oh, shit, he knew that Tazer was a few years younger than him, but sometimes he forgot how much of a gap in information about shit there could be between their ages. Truth be told, he only knew about the term because of listening to chatter while gaming and accidentally stumbling across a very reprehensible site that nearly made him disintegrate his computer, but Tazer was dumb enough to look it up and-
Tazer laughed. “I’m just fucking with you, dude! I know what that is. I’ve got the internet.”
“You’re too young for that,” Shigaraki admonished, half out of shock and half in irritation for being tricked. Tazer might’ve been younger and a dumbass at times, but he could be a clever, little shit too when he wanted to be. It was probably why they worked so well together.
“What are you? My older brother?”
“Shut up and follow me.”
“Copy that, Captain.”
Shigaraki didn’t know why he put up with him. Oh, wait, that’s right - because the kid was quick as shit and always seemed to know when he needed back-up or to be healed. Maybe he wasn’t the best shot and he couldn’t tank for shit, but damn if he wasn’t sharp in that respect. People naturally good at support roles were not to be knocked. After all, a party couldn’t be complete or well-rounded without them. When it was time for him to take over and lead in Sensei’s stead, he’d made sure that he had a good team.
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codenamed-queenie · 6 years
ohhhh i just blew my own mind. consider this: six of crows batfam au. not sure how it'd work but they're fully qualified and the banter would be insane.
You just blew my mind too, anon! 😲
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This is a really great idea, and I think we need to get fic writers and artists on this ASAP! I swear not all my headcanons are gonna be this long, but here’s just my take on what this would look like:
Barbara Gordon: She and her father traveled to Gotham to make their fortune after Barbara’s mother passed away, and the family farm went under. A mob boss calling himself the Joker spotted a pair of easy marks and moved in. Barbara’s father was killed, and Barbara herself took a bullet to the leg. She walks with a permanent limp now, and relies on a weighted cane topped with a pair of bat wings.
Vowing revenge on the Joker, Barbara joined a Gotham City gang called the Signals (Bat signal? Eh? Eh? Yeah, I feel like I should come up with a better name…)  and quickly rose through the ranks. She always keeps her face hidden behind a masquerade mask, just in case Joker or any of his people might recognize her (he’d know her face, but not her name), and the act itself becomes a local legend. People can’t decide why she hides her face, and it only adds to her mystique. Especially once she starts going by the moniker ‘Oracle’. As in, ‘All-seeing’. Once she was powerful enough amongst Gotham’s criminal community, she formed her own inner circle within the Signals starting with a sharpshooting street kid she recruited and a Suli acrobat she rescued from a brothel.
Jason Todd: A stray kid from the streets of Gotham. He knows his way around a gun, and has a mind almost as sharp as his wit. After falling into heavy debt with Joker’s gang, he resorted to thievery, and even tried to steal Barbara’s cane to earn the money he needed. He almost got away with it too, but Barbara caught him in the act, and offered him a job. Work for her, and the Signals would have his back. Turn down the generous offer, and she’d kill him. Jason, surprisingly, agreed.
Dick Grayson: Grew up in a family of Suli acrobats, performing all over the world. One day, he and his little sister Cassandra were kidnapped from their family’s tent, and sold into slavery in Gotham, far away from their home. Dick went to a brothel, and Cassandra was sold elsewhere. One day, he ran into Barbara on one of her trips to collect protection money from the brothel’s owner, Tony Zucco, and impressed her with his stealth and ability to read people. (Much like Inej’s backstory in SOC) Barbara bought Dick from Zucco, and recruited him into the Signals, giving him the choice to join or walk away freely (deciding that the man had suffered enough.) Dick decided to join up, on the condition that Barbara help him find his little sister. Barbara agreed, and took him on as her right hand man and personal spy. On the streets, he’s known as the Nightwing, a name that earns almost as much fear and respect as ‘Barbara Gordon–the All-seeing Oracle’. Dick has since fallen head-over-heels for her, but Barbara’s only loves are money and revenge. (Or, at least, that’s what she tells herself…)
The trio received a tip on a job from Councilman Dent. A dangerous endeavor involving a highly-addictive drug that can supposedly grant humans ‘meta powers’ like the Grisha, and rescuing the only man who knows how to make it from the clutches of the Al Ghul clan. The man’s name? Bruce Wayne. The score? Thirty Million Dollars. The stakes are high; no one has ever crossed the Al Ghuls and survived. But if they do nothing, the metagene drug will be released on the world–and worst of all, they won’t get paid.
But first, they need to put together a good crew. Barbara’s first choice is
Stephanie Brown: A bright and bubbly Grisha Heartrender (The SOC equivalent of a metahuman with the ability to manipulate the human body at a molecular level) with an enormous love for waffles. (I thought Steph and Nina were way to similar to overlook!) She works for the Signals as a healer and assassin, but relies on the gang for protection. Currently, she’s on the run from the Al Ghuls–vicious Grisha killers who believe that Grisha power needs to be controlled or else wiped off the face of the earth. She had a run-in with one of them, but managed to escape…landing squarely in the Signals’ cross-hairs. Barbara has been hiding her, and the two share a strained relationship. Stephanie only agrees to help on one condition: her friend/partner, Duke Thomas, gets safe passage away from Gotham.
Duke Thomas: Duke wasn’t sure how he ended up in this situation. One moment, he’s living a quiet, normal life, and the next thing he knows, the mob leader Joker is extorting his family for everything they own. After the mobster kills his parents, Duke is left adrift on the streets of Gotham, never a safe place to be when you’re a lone Grisha. He was found and picked up by Stephanie Brown, and together, they do odd jobs for the Signals in exchange for shelter from the other gangs. All he wants is to get out of Gotham, but he’s willing to see one more job through if it means finally escaping this cursed city.
With the two Grisha on board, Barbara, Dick and Jason have one more potential recruit to pick up:
Timothy Drake: As the Signals’ best demolitions expert and chemist, Tim makes a valuable asset. But as the estranged ward of Councilman Dent, he makes even more valuable collateral. After running away from his legal guardian, Tim tried to make it on his own in the streets and alleyways of Gotham. He lasted about a day and a half, before he was cornered by a pack of thugs working for the Joker. Lucky for him, Jason and Dick were both in the neighborhood, and managed to fend off the attackers. They took the younger boy under their wings (after voting on whether or not to take him for everything he owned. Dick voted ‘no’. Jason voted ‘maybe’.) Barbara recognized him immediately, and decided to keep him around. Only so she’d have something on Dent. Not because she developed a soft spot for the wide-eyed little society brat. No. Not at all…
The last member of the crew arrives a bit later, but he proves to be every bit as valuable:
Damian Al Ghul: The heir to the Al Ghul clan, Damian was cast out of the family for showing mercy to a Grisha he’d been hunting in Gotham. Thanks to his quick thinking, Stephanie was able to get away. But when she turned him over to the police, he was unceremoniously thrown in prison. His family stripped him of his assassin rank, and essentially disowned him. But no walls could hold the pint-sized Al Ghul for long, and he escaped with a bitter mission to take revenge on the blonde Grisha. However, he seriously underestimated the people backing her up, and was beaten quickly. Barbara recognized a valuable asset when she saw one–an ‘in’ with the Al Ghuls, if you will–and offered him a deal. Run this one job against his family, and he’d have his pardon and safe passage to anywhere his heart desired.
But unbeknownst to the Signals, they aren’t the only gang after Mr. Wayne and the valuable information he holds. The Black Sirens, the Rogues and the Owl Court are all gunning for the same prize. Plus one more mysterious player…
Just kidding. It’s:
Cassandra Cain-Grayson: Raised in a Suli acrobat troupe, she and her brother Dick were kidnapped and separated. Cassandra was sold to the notorious Al Ghul family, and forced to begin training as one of their assassins. She has been tasked with protecting Bruce Wayne and his secrets with her life. If she can manage to destroy the thieves who are out to steal him, the head of the family, Ra’s Al Ghul, will grant her her freedom. And at last she will be able to seek out her brother and reunite them with their parents…
Aaaand, there you have it! I totally agree with you, anon, that the banter would be absolutely golden. You’d have gems straight out of the book, like:
Barbara: “Stephanie, love, always hit where the mark isn’t looking.”
Tim: “Who’s mark?”
Duke: “You have no finesse! No technique!”
Jason: “Sure I do. I practice the art of ‘pull his shirt over his head and punch till you see blood’.”
Steph [smirking]: “I can hear the change in Barbara’s breathing whenever she looks at you.”
Dick: “You…you can?”
Steph: “Mm-hmm. It catches every time, like she’s never seen you before.”
Jason: “ Usually people don’t start hating each other until a week into the job, but you two have a head start.”
[Steph and Damian glare at each other]
Duke: “She’s going to get us all killed!”
Dick: “Nah. Statistically, she’ll only get some of us killed.”
Barbara: “Who’d deny a poor cripple her cane?”
Damian: “If the cripple is you, then any man with sense.”
Steph: “ If any of you survive, make sure I have an open casket. The world deserves a few more moments with this face.”
Jason: “If the Joker kills us all, I’m going to get Tim’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.”
Barbara: “ I’ll just hire Damian’s ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.”
Damian: “ My ghost won’t associate with your ghost.”
Honestly, this was too fun. Maybe I should write a fic on this??? 🤔
Btw, if any of you haven’t read the book yet, definitely give it a try! You won’t regret it!
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kayclau · 5 years
Damian/Helena sibling rivalry AU
Ok, I've been holding on to this for a while now. And in honor of pride month, I'm gonna let it out for all of you here.
I headcanon Damian Wayne as non-binary. Specifically agender.
It all started with a desire. I wanted Damian and Helena to be siblings from the same universe, about the same age, constantly fighting over who gets to be Robin each night. And the other one can be the other Batman sidekick, Batgirl.
But then, I struggled to make it work, because while Robin has being played by at least 3 different girls, Helena being one of them, there are no precedents of a male batgirl, for what seemed like obvious reasons.
So I tried to find a solution, a replacement. Batboy wasn't an option, Damian had made that explicit in Batman and Robin annual 1 and I wanted to keep that.
Actually, it all started with the idea of Damian dressing up as Batman when Bruce isn't around, but now Helena accompanies him as Robin. And that evolved into this because she also wants to be Batman when Bruce isn't around and to stop the fighting the decided to take turns. And then I thought that they should do that all the time with the Robin mantle as well. And then I realized that Helena can be Batgirl while waiting for her turn, but what can Damian be?
So I had nothing. But then, I asked myself, "well, hang on a second. Would Damian actually care?"
I mean, work with me for a second. I'm trying to come up with a story that would interest me. And for Damian, that would be a story in which he has to work through his superiority complex. He thinks he's better than anybody, he hates everyone that isn't his parents and he thinks he has the birth right to the mantle of the Batman. But here's Helena, who's at most a year older than him, but is newer to the batfam than him. What would Damian think of this situation?
Well, he showed up first, but she's older. He sees the Robin mantle as the promise of one day becoming Batman, something he thinks he deserves by blood, but Helena is also blood, and she is older. But he's more skilled than her! But if that's all he got he'll have to prove it. Which means that he'll have to accept and take turns with Helena. The winner get to be Robin forever and the future Batman and the loser is Batgirl and, basically, the second ranked sidekick, the one who is under Batman's care, but will never inherit the mantle. From Damian's point of view. And Helena's too, let's not kid ourselves around here. I'm centering this around Damian because that's where it had the issue, be she's as much of a character in this story as him.
But there I was with the problem again, what should Damian be when he's not being Robin?
And at some point I started to play with the idea of him being okay being Batgirl. "Would that make sense for his character?" I thought. And then, I answered to myself "sure, why not? There's no reason for Damian to look women down in particular. My Damian will not be sexist. He hates everyone equally!" So he shouldn't see this as a humiliation or degradation.
Besides, he was raiced by the League of Assassins, which was ruled by his mother which he also believes he deserves by birth right. Until he doesn't want it anymore after being part of the bat-family for long enough.
But that didn't mean he would be okay with carrying the Batgirl outfit. I still needed a reason for him to not care to wear it for gendered reasons.
And then I realized "I can make Damian non-binary!" problem solved! Now, when he shows up in the Batgirl outfit for the first time, Helena can say something like, "that's not what I thought when we decided to take turns." to which Damian could say "well I'm not changing! If you're gonna be Robin tonight, I'll be Batgirl!"
And she'll say "Don't you have to be a girl to be Batgirl?" and he responds "It didn't matter with the Boy Wonder, I see no reason I can't be Batgirl. Maybe Batgirl is the true successor to Batman, she is the only one of his pupils to be also a bat after all." (because, you know, he's a little narcissistic, so he has to feel like he won anyways) "What about Batwing?" "His international affiliations don't count. They aren't his sidekicks, they're his colleagues."
All of this, just so Dick becomes Batman first.
Now, how would their customes be like?
The Robin part was easy, it could be a redisign of their original customes.
But Batgirl? None of them have ever be Batgirl before.
I could take inspiration from Bertinelli's for Helena, since their basically the same character. But we're talking about an 11 year old Helena and I don't have a base for that. I don't know if there are any comics with her that young.
So I thought I would be better to start from scratch. Taking inspiration from every Batgirl and from every other costume they've wore before. And then I saw this little jewel.
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Damian's Batgirl costume must have a skirt. And Helena's must not.
Also, since Helena is Selina's daughter. Her Batgirl costume should be more akin to her while her Robin is closer to Bruce.
Maybe I can play with that as well. Damian's Robin has a lot of the League of Assassins essence in it, maybe his Batgirl can be completely detached from them. Maybe closer to his Batman outfit, just a little more femenized.
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Take out the coat, keep the cape, replace the big gloves and boots for something more slim and add the skirt and we're ready with Damian. Maybe make his hear visible.
That's all I've got for now.
I hope you liked this silly idea I couldn't get out of my head. I want an AU with Damian and Helena as siblings fighting over who is Robin and who is Batgirl and Damian is also non-binary.
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Episode 88: The New Lars
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“This looks weird, but don’t jump to conclusions.”
Island Adventure is my lowest-ranked episode of the series, but it’s not my least favorite. All in all, I actually enjoy watching it. The problem, as I explain in greater depth in the review, is that it conveys a horrible message about consent in teen relationships and lionizes Sadie for a bevy of abusive actions, ranging from emotional manipulation to physical assault. And that makes it worse to me than an episode that I just don’t like watching. This is a kid’s show, and it’s not great for a kid’s show to espouse harmful message to kids, particularly when consent is such an important issue in the real world and in Steven Universe.
The New Lars isn’t nearly as bad, but it’s important to compare the two upfront, because both of them rely on the same conceit: Lars is a jerk, so it’s okay when bad things happen to him. The tricky thing is that seeing jerks get their comeuppance is an essential trope in comedy, so it should be okay for bad things to happen to him, but this is the second time that “bad things” involve ignoring Lars’s consent in a way that isn’t inherently comedic. There are fantastical elements to both stories, but forcing someone to do things that they explicitly don’t want to do is a bit more harrowing than, say, getting squashed by a falling anvil. Both episodes are from Raven Molisee and Paul Villeco, two extremely talented animators that I usually love (they did Mirror Gem and Rose’s Scabbard for Pete’s sake), and I wish I could get into their heads just to figure out why they’re so into abusing Lars in a way that evokes actual abuse.
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Fortunately, a lot of my problems with Island Adventure aren’t present in The New Lars. We get a crucial slippery slope element to Steven’s behavior that Sadie’s early-episode subterfuge doesn’t grant (we learn that she hid their only way off the island immediately after arriving). Yes, he’s prying a bit too much into Lars and Sadie’s relationship in the first scene, but as soon as he mind swaps he states his determination to “respect Lars’s body and his privacy.” His good nature is his undoing, as he’s unable to play it cruel with Lars’s terrified parents or play it cool with Buck and pals. And it makes sense after seeing positive reactions for following his gut that he takes it over the edge to try and meddle in Lars’s love life. It’s not right, but it makes sense.
(It requires a Steven from a different era of emotional immaturity as well, but this team also did Sadie’s Song so I’ll count their restraint here as a victory.)
((Bear in mind that they also did Warp Tour and The Return and Keeping It Together and Message Received in case y’all think I’m just gonna sit here and pretend Molisee’n’Villeco aren’t amazing.))
Most importantly, Steven apologizes for his actions. If Sadie had shown an ounce of real remorse in Island Adventure, all would be well. The issue isn’t characters behaving badly, because this show would be garbage if everybody was perfect. The issue is not acknowledging bad behavior, and even rewarding it while piling on the victim of it. This episode knows that Lars is the wronged party and that Steven did a bad thing, even if he had good intentions, and in doing so teaches a lesson about consent instead of showing abusive behavior and shrugging it off.
It’s notable that Steven never does anything like this again. Just three episodes later in Kiki’s Delivery Service he accidentally enters Kiki’s dreams and is flustered and apologetic right away despite doing nothing harmful. The best way to make lessons stick is for the characters themselves to learn them, and a big part of Season 3 is showing how Steven has been shaped by past episodes.
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And it turns out, a story about how Lars is treated is exactly what I needed. Because after nearly ninety episodes of the series, this is the first time I’ve actually liked Lars as a character. For the whole episode. I’ve always felt something was missing from his generic meanness, but everything clicked when I realized that the self-awareness that fuels his awkwardness is only a small part of his problem: he’s too aware of his status as a side character to be happy.
When Mayor Dewey acknowledges that Beach City is a magnet for disaster in Political Power, it’s a great gag that reveals hidden depths about the character. Lars’s bitter “Every day in Beach City is weird, that’s why I hate it here” is similarly revelatory, but about a character we’ve seen much more of. Lars has been the brunt of weird suffocating plants, a weird mouth-burning prank, a weird island trip complete with weird invisible monster, a weird haunted lighthouse, and now a weird body hijacking. He’s also witnessed the ocean weirdly disappearing and Beach City under siege from a weird space eye and a weird space hand, alongside who knows what else. And the kid who’s always bugging him to hang out is himself weird. This weird kid just took over his body and everyone, including Lars’s own parents, took the kid’s side. Of course Lars sees magic through a sour lens.
It’s so much easier to empathize for someone as ornery as Lars when there’s a good reason behind it, and noticing just how lousy life can be when you’re a regular person in a world of magic is a great reason to be ornery. It’s an excellent contrast to his former friend and fellow frustrating character Ronaldo, and allows Lars to grow within the context of a magical show. I’m not saying Lars is only irate because of this situation, people can be jerks just because they’re jerks and he’s a jerk in mundane situations, but after so many episodes where he seems to learn something and then goes right back to being a jerk, it’s such a relief to get this kind of depth.
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And seriously, thank goodness Matthew Moy is still capable of emotional range after spending so many episodes voicing a jerk. He shows it off a bit when Lars admits he’s depressed in Island Adventure (which would’ve been a better character moment if it went anywhere in that episode), but voicing Lars as Steven must have been a blast. Even as a kid, it always bugged me when mindswapped characters switched voice actors, because that’s not how voices physically work and I was a stickler of a kid. Moy shines as an exuberant, doofy, melodramatic invader in his character’s head, to the point where you can tell when Steven is being himself versus when he’s trying to impersonate Lars. That ain’t easy!
On top of this, Moy still shows his practiced mastery of Lars’s crabbiness spectrum. I like his withering asides about Steven interrupting his workday, even though I’m all about deducing the laziest animal (Koala all the way by the way, sleep>slowness on the lazy scale), and I love his reaction upon waking up, where his justifiable fury with Steven is ramped up further by his family and peers backing up the kid. As in Joking Victim, Moy shows off his flair for comedic screaming, which also ain’t easy.
What’s doubly nice is that Kate Micucci also gets a showcase of her growing character that isn’t Sadie’s Song. While we wisely avoid too much detail about the exact nature of their relationship (not just because this is a kid’s show, but because it’s none of our business) Sadie is done with Lars’s nonsense, and I love hearing such decisiveness from the Big Donut’s resident wallflower. This episode could have crashed and burned if not for Sadie’s fed up reaction to “Lars” declaring his love for her, and Micucci sells it perfectly while still making the most of Sadie’s shyness in asking Lars to hang out in the first place.
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This is also a great episode for other townies. Onion gets a hilarious cameo, and the Barrigas give a sterling first impression as loving but beleaguered parents. But come on, we gotta talk about the Cool Kids. Right off the bat, we get definitive proof that they’re not big on Lars (especially Jenny). It’s not shocking that such a jerk would be unwelcome, but it speaks well of the group that they keep giving him chances, and that Buck is quick to think the best of Lars when given the opportunity. It’s well-established that these are good kids, considering how awesome they are with Steven, but The New Lars shows that they’re even better than we thought they were. And we get a zany off-screen dance competition subplot. 
I’ll be honest, I was shocked by how much I liked this episode on rewatch. Season 3′s midsection contains a cluster of episodes that I’d literally never rewatched since they first aired, so I let a bad first impression shape my views a little too much. At that point in the show I was so done with Lars that I wasn’t willing to give him a chance, but knowing where his story is finally going made me reevaluate his behavior here. Because things do get sort of different for him now after numerous false starts. He’s still gonna be a jerk and make mistakes, but seeing what his friends and family think of him seems to jolt his system in a way Life Lessons With Steven couldn’t.
Knowing where a story is going isn’t enough, though; if it was, I’d like Sadie’s Song a lot more than I do, because I am all in on Sadie Killer and the Suspects. I think I was so against Steven’s actions in The New Lars that they loomed larger than the part where he and the show acknowledge that he was wrong. I rewatched this three times for my review, because I was all primed to dislike it again and want to give episodes like that a fair shot (which, yeah, meant I slogged through Sadie’s Song multiple times, you’re welcome), and the apology just makes everything better. I can focus more on the episode’s strengths, which are stronger than they first looked, and appreciate that this is a story about a kid making a mistake and learning from it. I wish Island Adventure had concluded with a similar realization, but I’m thrilled to see a show grow in its storytelling. 
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
Again, this was a surprise. I don’t wanna overcorrect and put it in my Top Fifteen or anything, but man this is more solid than I remember. Goes to show how far hindsight and a solid apology can take a story. If you’re like me and didn’t like The New Lars back when we were lousy with new episodes in the Summer of Steven, give it another chance.
Top Fifteen
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
The Return
The Answer
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Winter Forecast
When It Rains
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
No Thanks!
     5. Horror Club      4. Fusion Cuisine      3. House Guest      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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I've seen one of your comments about Klaus and Violet. I just wanna know, what made you ship them? Can you please cite instances in the books? Thanks. Btw, I'm a shipper for Klaus and Violet too.
I’m gonna preface this with: there are 13 books, a movie and a tv show and I ship them in all of them but yes, especially in the books.... so this may get a bit long. lolRight off the bat, the first moment that made me ship them was when they settled into their room at Olaf’s. Without any hesitation they kinda closed ranks and stopped behaving (imo) like just siblings and became Sunny’s parents. I’m honestly a sucker for moments like that, the co-dependent siblings co-parenting a younger sibling...I mean I could write a thesis on it I’m sure. I really like the moment in GG where Violet thinks Klaus and Sunny think Fiona fits them like a glove but worries she fits them like the wrong glove..like she wasn’t trust worthy. The first time I read it it felt a bit like jealousy but since I’ve reread it I don’t really think that’s true...but it makes for an internal shippy moment imo.Next moment that comes to mind is the big one (sorry this is going to be out of order and a bit spoilery)...another co-parenting moment. The ending...on the island, Sunny is now old enough to be more independent (but still dependent enough to need her siblings) and V+K are raising Kit’s kid. Alone on an island, co-parenting for years... I imagine they’d really start to explore their relationship in that time. Though, its not a ‘moment’ but a ton of different moments...I particularly like the way that even when they’re concerned for other people, both Violet and Klaus prioritize each other (and Sunny obv). From meeting the Quagmires to any of the guardians/friends who go out of their way to help them...even Kit to a degree (though tbh I think that while Kit was integral to the story by the time she was properly introduced to them, I don’t think she was that important to the Baudelaires personally).I don’t want to make this much longer than it is but I also like the way their dynamic plays on their strengths. Violet knows Klaus is going to save her/them all with some courage and some obscure knowledge and Klaus knows he can count on Violet to remain calm and inventive to save him/them all. (No, I don’t mean to diminish the help that Sunny brings but she is a baby and they frequently acknowledge that there are a lot of things she can’t and shouldn’t be relied upon for).I started writing this with a ton of different moments in mind, like when they’re sleeping outside the hospital or when Violet wakes Klaus from hypnosis, or about to escape the hospital or any of the zillion moments where they’re close to dying... But I ended up being inspired to re-read the books (or at least some of my fav moments). Ultimately what makes me ship them so much is their dedication for one another and how determined they are to stick together at all costs. It’s terribly romantic and I can’t help but say they’re one of my top OTPs. Thanks you anon for the feels :D Feel free to tell me your favorite moments. 
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