#handmade gift giving is a real love language
Okay, my love language is giving handmade gifts, and so is Julie’s.
Everyone’s seen Julie’s hand-drawn mic that she uses for absolutely everything. That was a gift from her mom, and Julie liked the idea of handmade gifts having way more significance than a store bought gift. So, she showers Ray, Carlos, Tía, Rose, Flynn, and eventually, Luke, Alex, and Reggie with handmade gifts as well. She loves them, and that’s how she shows it.
—Family edition—
Ray Molina learned how to cook soon after his wife passed away. But, since he didn’t know shit about food, and the few times he had attempted cooking, he’d almost burned down the house. So, after his wife passes away, he experiments A LOT, and Julie and Carlos end up being his test subjects. The first few weeks are slow, because he doesn’t feel like being in the kitchen since it reminded him so much of Rose. But, he bucks up, and he starts cooking. Every meal he makes, he calls Carlos and Julie and asks them to taste and rate it, and some days, they would try and cook together. As a beginner, Ray lost a lot of T-shirts by spilling sauce on it, or accidentally burning off one end (that’s a whole other story).
Julie knew how much her father was struggling. He had just lost his wife, and he did not have time to grieve because he had to take care of her and Carlos. Julie was so grateful to him, but she couldn’t find the words to tell him. How was she supposed to let a man, who dropped everything in the world— including his job and own time to process emotions — know that she was so thankful of his presence and his efforts?
So, one day, when Flynn takes her to a grocery/home store (because Flynn 100% likes roaming the aisles for no reason), Julie finds a plain, light yellow apron. She immediately buys it, because its the first time her brain is doing something other than missing her mom. And she needs to move, she’s feeling restless at that point.
As soon as she goes home, she’s locked herself in her room. She pulls out her paints and brushes, and a pencil and an eraser (rubber) to outline a rough image. As soon as she was satisfied with the rough drawing, she started painting, and then she was outlining, and she spent three hours losing herself in art, because if not art, then what else? And anything was better than a conversation with Dr Turner.
She was done painting at 2 in the morning, and then she had to let it dry. She didn’t get much sleep that night, her mind was running. Every hour, she would check the the apron, make sure the paint hadn’t smudged. At 5 in the morning, she did a final outline and detailing that she had left to do, until she was proud of what she had made.
The next morning, when she went downstairs, Ray lightened up at her sight and asked, “Mija, would you be okay with Spaghetti for lunch? I made too much last night,”
“Of course, dad,”
Ray had noticed her quietness. How could he not, he’s the best damn father. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh. Uh, nothing. I kinda made you something,” Julie handed him the folded apron.
Ray opened the apron, letting it fall in the air so that he could see the whole thing. He was stunned for a second, before he let out a teary laugh. He pulled Julie in a hug, repeating, “I love you” over and over.
His apron had bubbly, colourful letters spelling “The Spaghetti Master” with a spaghetti plate turned over the S, and dripping over the M and A.
As a child, Carlos was a little (a lot) jealous of the relationship Julie had with their mom. Rose and Ray were excellent parents, no doubt. I meant look at their kids. But, Carlos sometimes felt like his sister loved everyone else more than him. He tried to seem indifferent to it, and tried to not let it bother him so much, but come on, he’s a kid, its gonna bother him.
He didn’t wanna say anything to Julie, because he didn’t want his sister to pity him. No, please. He was seven and he could handle himself just fine. He didn’t need no one, no thank you.
That’s a lie.
He needed his sister, and his mom, and his dad, and his tía. He didn’t like showing them that he needed him, though. Why? I don’t know.
But, his sister is observant (when she wants to be), and she knew her little brother had something going in his mind that he won’t tell her. And she did not like that. Carlos and Julie were siblings and would tell each other everything. Periodt.
But, since Julie didn’t know what was going on in her brother’s head, she didn’t know how to help him. She tried to talking to him, but he always seemed dismissive, and yeah, ngl, that hurt a little bit. But, Julie was determined to make her brother happy again.
She didn’t have a lot of money to buy the new game that he wanted. She only had the little coins in her piggy bank, and a little bit of monthly allowance that her parents gave her. She had to do something out of the little money she had.
So, after school, she decides to go to the stationary. Maybe, she’ll find something there for Carlos? She doubted it, but she had to try. Anything for her brother.
As she looked around the shop, she came across threads that seemed strong enough to not break if she pulled them. An idea formed in her head, and she decided to buy his favourite colour and her favourite colour.
Rushing home, she barely greeted her parents before running to her room. She had her scissors, a cello-tape, and a jewellery clasp that she found in her drawers on her table spread out so that everything was in reach.
With her head bent down, and her shoulders hunched, music played in the background as she worked on a simple plait design, using the two colours she got for the two of them, and repeating one colour in both for the third string, so that they could differentiate which bracelet was for who.
Julie had missed dinner, but once she’d told her mom that what she was doing was way more important than food at that moment, Rose did not disturb the girl. She could hear Carlos playing video games and him screaming at their father for cheating (Ray was terrible at video games, Carlos was worse. But he got better with Reggie, Alex and Luke).
Once she was done, she ran down the stairs.
“Hey, Mija! Hungry?” Ray asked, smiling at the girl.
“Afterwards, dad. Need to do something super important.” She turned to Carlos and said, “Come with me,”
Carlos shrugged and followed his sister to the studio. He didn’t know what she wanted, but he was glad he was getting to spend some time with his sister.
Standing outside the studio, Julie turned to Carlos and said, “You’ve been feeling down lately, and I don’t know why. I wanted to cheer you up, so I made you something just for the two of us.” She opened her hand and showed him the bracelets she had made. “One for you and one for me. This way, whatever is going on in your head, you can look at this and look at this and know that I’m always here for you.”
Carlos hugged her, wrapping his arms around her. Julie hugged him back, holding him tightly. The two slowly pulled back and clasped the bracelet onto each other’s wrists, promising to never remove it.
Tía had been a part of Julie’s life for as long as she could remember. It was only when Rose was in the hospital, that she started seeing her Tía more frequently.
Rose had told Julie that Tía tended to forget to take care of herself when she was taking care of others. Julie could see the truth in that. For instance, when Julie stayed up because of mid terms and Rose and Ray were in the hospital, Tía used to stay up for as long as Julie did, and came every hour or so with coffee, or something to eat so that Julie could stay energised and awake.
The day her midterms were over, Julie and Tía had taken the longest nap together, cuddled on the couch in the Molina household.
When Rose was admitted in the hospital the first time, Ray and Victoria had spent half their time with the kids, and the other half with Rose. They kept alternating, and it was getting exhausting for all of them. So, they eventually decided that Ray will take care of Rose when she was in the hospital, and Victoria would stay with the kids during the day.
It worked well for Carlos and Julie, because that meant delicious, authentic food all day, and a mother figure to help them when they needed.
Whenever Julie or Carlos wanted to cry because they were scared or worried or just missed their mother, Victoria was always there, hugging them, soothing them, cheering them up. Julie would always be grateful for that. She had seen many times when her Tía comforted Ray after Rose’s death.
A few months after Rose passed away, Julie realised that her tía hadn’t been taking care of her as well as she should. She had heard her tía late at night, or early in the mornings, cooking for them. She had heard her tía cleaning around, comforting everyone, just trying to bring a positive ray of sunshine when none of them felt like it.
Julie knew that her tía missed Rose too. She had heard her crying a few times, clutching a picture of the two women together. She had noticed how sometimes tía would walk out of the room in the middle of a movie, or something, making an excuse. Her tía needed to take care of herself, and grieve on her own time as well, and Julie felt guilty for stealing away that time.
So, on a weekend, Julie and Flynn went to the mall, buying all the lotions, face masks, nail paints, and oils that Victoria liked. They searched for her favourite candies and drinks. The two girls made cards for Victoria, thanking her for all her support. They even went to Build-A-Bear and got a cute little bear for Victoria, with a dahlia on the T-shirt of the bear.
When they reached home, Julie quickly assembled everything in a pretty basket, while Flynn looked for pretty ribbons or something of that sort to decorate the basket. When they finally managed to cover the basket and tie a bow with a net sort of thingy, the two took it downstairs to where her tía was loading leftovers in the fridge.
“Yes, Mija? oh, what it is this? It’s beautiful!”
“This is your self-care package. You’ve been taking care of all of us for a long, long time, and you were always there for us whenever we needed you. Now, its time for you to take care of yourself, and give yourself attention!”
Victoria had stared at the two girls for a moment, before bursting into tears. She had hugged Julie and Flynn tightly, touched at the thoughtfulness of the girls.
Julie’s guilt had reduced, seeing her tía taking care of herself.
Rose and Julie had a habit of doodling on their new sneakers, whatever colour they may be. It was another way of bonding for the two of them. The first time Rose and Julie had doodled on their shoes was then Julie was four years old, and had come home, complaining about her teacher who had scolded her in front of the entire class for drawing on her shoes. Julie had tears in her eyes, and Rose refused to accept her little baby crying.
So, the next day, when Rose went to pick Julie up from school, the mother daughter duo had matching doodled sneakers to show off to Julie’s rude rude teacher. The teacher had taken one look at Rose’s shoes, and shut up about people letting their creativity flow. (Thank God, cause we don’t need people like that)
When Julie turned 14, and her mother had been in and out of the hospital for long enough to become an everyday activity (it never should’ve come to that, but Rose needed the doc’s help, and every time she got better, she got worse), her mother had been complaining once how her hospital slippers were plain and boring, and the doctors won’t let her do anything because too much movement or force on the brain made her lose consciousness, and no one wanted that.
One night, her father had stayed at the hospital with her mother, and Tía had been babysitting Carlos and Julie. Julie was in her parents’ room, because she missed her mom. Also, it was partly her house, she was allowed to be in that room. As she flopped on the bed, and rolled over to her mom’s side, she noticed the plain, boring hospital slippers.
Grabbing her markers, Julie quickly set to doodle on her mom’s slippers. She made intricate designs, with flowers and ghosts and mushrooms here and there. She didn’t know what else she could draw quickly, so Julie stuck to the basics that she knew.
The next day, Ray entered the house, looking for the slippers. Julie had simply handed the bag with Rose’s slippers, and he headed out.
Later that day, Ray sent a picture of Rose showing off her new, doodled slippers, and smiling at the camera. The caption read, “She’s been showing it to everyone who enters the room. Thank you, Julie <3”
It’s one of the happiest memories Julie has from her mom being in the hospital.
This is longer than I expected it to be, so I’m gonna post a separate Friends edition to this!
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wonryllis · 5 months
────𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒, 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗍𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅.
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( NOTES. ) enhypen as eager ducklings. fluff. fem!centered. revamp. lowercase intended. 1036wc. from my old acct. 𓈃 ๋ 𝐍𝐄𝐖 峠
𝒢𝓁𝒸 ─ LEE HEE-SEUNG. 이희승 spends the entire time after you tell him you’re coming in writing a perfect song for you. barely gets a blink of sleep the night before, keeps tossing and turning every second quite literally. re-reads your text conversations, and looks at the photos and videos of you that you shared. at the airport he has a board with your name in case you don’t recognize him with his mask on, his doe eyes are all wide to spot you from far away. honestly has probably learned half of the whole of your language to impress you. when you reach and he sees you, boy doesn’t even wait already rushing to hug you. cries as he rocks your body side to side and on the way back home keeps looking at you.
"you mean so much to me, i don't think i can stay away from you anymore,"
𝒢𝓁𝒸 ─ PARK JONG-SEONG. 박종성 gets and gives himself countless peptalks on how to not have an embarrassing episode. chooses his outfit, perfume, shoes, accessories everything he will have on very very carefully. is nervous to the point of pissing his pants, but forcefully keeps on a calm composure. he just wants to look perfect for you. definitely buys a sweet gift, and has it covered in a pretty wrapper with a handwritten letter inside. looks like a model waiting for you, hands in his pocket as he stands all tall with a cold expression. but the image is gone the moment you arrive, as he melts and gives you a big long kiss. holds onto your hand- has your fingers intertwined the whole ride back home.
"having you by my side is like the greatest gift ever, i hope i always have it,"
𝒢𝓁𝒸 ─ SIM JAE-YUN. 심재윤 is nervous since day one after he got to know you’re coming to meet him. calls you every night to talk about what you’re gonna do when you’re here. flirts a lot saying now that you’ll be together in real life for some time, he’s going to take full advantage of it. updates you on his every action on the day of your arrival even though he knows you can’t check your phone. takes out time to learn his favorite endearment terms in your language so that he can make you feel special. also please he’s not waiting, as soon as you’re in his line of sight, he’s sprinting to you, picking you up and twirling you in a hug like in the movies. attached at the hip to you the whole entire time. gives tons & all types of kisses until the day of your return.
"you're so much prettier in person, so beautiful and all mine,"
𝒢𝓁𝒸 ─ PARK SUNG-HOON. 박성훈 wakes up early to stand in the line and buy your favourite food from your favorite place. has all the members gathered to help him decide what he should wear, nitpicks on every detail. practices everyday what all he wants to say to you face to face, probably changes the wordings a lot. yet forgets everything when he lays his eyes on you as you come running to him. stumbles back a little before holding you tight against him. whispers how he missed you, almost cries, eyes brimming with tears and shuttering when trying to speak. stealing glances, and looking away smiling all shy now that you’re going to be next to him for a while. cannot for the love of god make eye contact, he malfunctions.
"you have no idea how much i love this right now and how much i love you,"
𝒢𝓁𝒸 ─ KIM SUN-WOO. 김선우 excited from the very beginning, prepares something handmade to give you. almost everyone he knows closely, knows that you’re coming, he just can’t stop talking about it. everyone at the airport can already guess that he’s waiting for someone special. practically screams your name before you run to each other and he’s squishing you a bone tight hug. showers your entire face with kisses, while squealing and asking if this real and you’re actually here. for sure you both cry saying how much you wanted to meet and now, finally. he absolutely cannot stop giggling and smiling with his eyes the entire time of your stay. does not bother acknowledging anyone that's not you.
"your smile is so cute, i feel so lucky to be the one you smile at,"
𝒢𝓁𝒸 ─ YANG JUNG-WON. 양정원 spends the entire morning at the flowershop picking out the perfect bouquet to show his love for you. also buys these little couple bracelet set he came across on the way to the airport. probably has a serious talk with heeseung or jake the night before. you bet jungwon's secretly learnt your language, has a big speech prepared in it. waits at the airport terminal looking like a soft bunny, breathing calm but exploding inside. noticing your figure, excitedly walks to the other side of the barrier, calling out your name with a smile. gives you the flowers then holds both of your hands as he speaks, small tears dropping. kisses your eyes when you start crying too.
"you're beyond precious to me, it feels like i'm addicted to you,"
𝒢𝓁𝒸 ─ NISHIMURA RI-KI. 西村力 so nervous he thinks he'll pass out any moment. asks for all kind of advice from everyone he knows and notes it down on his notes app. acts out a fake scenario in his head of how he's going to jump you, hug the hell out of you, pepper you with kisses and absolutely make it so cute without crying. but the moment he sees you, poor baby starts sobbing like anything. it's so overwhelming, walks up to you in quick steps and pulls you into a tight hug. nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, apologizing for 'ruining' this but he just so happy that you're here. after he's calm down it's just a shy boy. takes you both a while to get rid of the shyness but it's all really cute honestly.
"no one has ever made me feel the way you do, you're really my special person,"
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TAGLIST ( open. ) @kangseulgithegreat . .
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faeryarchives · 4 months
to my beloved (octavinelle x gn!s/o)
requested by anon: Hello! Welcome back from your hiatus! Hope you’re doing alright and relaxing. For request, may I request headcanons of Azul, Floyd, and Jade please? Pre-established relationship and their gn!s/o who likes to give gifts as a love language? Like handmade gifts or found trinkets/baubles the boys might enjoy. Thank you for your consideration! note: anon u are so sweet 🤍 hihi gift giving love language with octatrio sounds so interesting + SO i got into debate last night with my friends on what pre established means if it has no label yet or just having a crush so i decided to write it at the stat of their relationship recent works: i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader) & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & let me kiss you
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💌 azul ashengrotto
"oh, a gift for me? do perhaps need my help?" "oh silly azul! i knitted that octopus keychain for you! don't you want to have a little companion while you work?"
this was new to azul - both being in relationship with you and receiving such gifts because as someone wary of apparent gestures of goodwill and believing that “all contracts come with a price” he isn't use to receiving gifts just because it reminds you of him
is it for real? he tried asking you for the fifth time to confirm only to receive the same answer over and over again
he never met someone as generous as him 😭
"azul! azul! look! i got us matching bracelet, this one actually matches your eyes." "o-oh my word, matching bracelets?! aren't we too young for that?!" "...'zul we just kissed earlie-"
having to receive gifts from you just makes his heart so full especially when you also give him coins! + adds it to his collection
expect to see him putting some of your gifts on a special shelf in his office while your other gifts especially plushies are safely tucked in his bed (he sleeps hugging them)
as much as he loves receiving gifts from you, azul wants to give you with the same thought as you have - giving you the things that reminds him of you
"please my love, accept my gift. you've showered me so much love. it would be just fair if i also shower you the same"
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💌 jade leech
at first jade was confused - why are you avoiding his eyes and hiding something behind your back?
"love, what are you hiding behind your back" "jade! funny thing, so the ghosts at the ramshackle dorm got me into knitting and so i was thinking maybe a scarf would be nice so-" "so this is a scarf you made for... me? i love it." "really?!"
giving you a little push was his best decision because before jade knew it - his room is covered with gifts from you
receiving something from you as well as seeing you smiling and happy is the best thing he could ever get as a gift
always show your gift to floyd every time to the point that the other eel start to whine to you about jade bragging
"jade cried?!" "yeah! he was wiping his tears after opening one of your letters with "open when you are happy"!" "he can cry...?"
he couldn't help it you know - receiving small trinkets to small envelops with letters from you? can a person could even love him more than this?
in return, jade would try to give you more practical gifts like the things that needs to be repaired back at your dorm, he would replace it with a functioning one! feeling cold and alone at night even when you are with grim - this eel will give you the most comfortable pillows and blankets and even gift grim a new bed!
"jade, i don't think i deserve it?" "nonsense, you deserve everything in this world has to offer."
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💌 floyd leech
"floyd, do you have a moment?" "what's up shrimpy- oh, a shrimp brooch?" "i found it while going on shopping with grim earlier at sam's shop, i just thought you might like it."
like it? floyd loves it! you will never catch him not having that brooch on him every day + wears it like a medal
but there was so much more he didn't expect like you to have more under your sleeves!
"an explosion box for me? shrimpy, i thought you were busy this whole week?" "i did! but i will be never busy in creating and giving you something while i am away."
floyd is more like a physical touch giver but seeing you putting so much effort in your gifts - giving him from small to big valuable things it would be unfair if he doesn't give anything back (or so he thought)
this eel tried asking what you want only to receive vague answers
"what do you want shrimpy?" "i don't really need anything in return you know? i gave you gifts because i love to shower you with it." "so it's okay to also give you anything?"
and by mean of anything - you were in for a ride because you two meant things differently 😭
floyd is the type to always let you borrow his clothes from time to time and sometimes gifts you the same jacket for you to guys match + seeing an eel plushie? bought and giving it to you for you to hug your child every night (he said its your child now)
it doesn't take too long for both of you showering each other with gifts 😭 he never knew it would be this fun to think something for you
"you were looking at that necklace when we were walking around town, so i thought it would be a perfect fit for you. do you love it, shrimpy?"
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extra-v1rgin · 4 months
Love languages - Rengoku, Tomioka, Uzui, Iguro, Shinobu, & Mitsuri
wanted to write something quick because my current projects won’t be done for awhile and I feel bad about not posting ;-; Also love languages aren’t real but shhhhh it’s ok
Giving - Words of Affirmation
He’s not very smooth with words but as one might expect from Rengoku he is very enthusiastic. Mostly it’s simple things, saying “I love you!” or “You look so pretty!” If you ask him to elaborate he will but the man gets very flustered.
Receiving - Physical Touch
I think Rengoku likes very gentle touches. He’s “on” 99% of the time and has a lot of trouble relaxing but if you trace his face or run your fingers through his hair then he can melt into your touch. He likes recieving physical affection at any time but it’s most relaxing for him if you set aside time where he has to be quiet and doesn’t have anything weighing on his mind.
Giving - Gifts
Giyuu doesn’t see himself as someone with very much worth so offering up himself in any way doesn’t feel like he’s actually giving you something (even if you insist otherwise). If he gives you physical items then it’s something concrete and seen as valuable by others too. They’re very heartfelt though. It’s not pointless trinkets it’s something you can use often.
Receiving - Quality Time
On the flipside Tomioka sees you as someone with a lot of value. He’s happy with physical touch or talking too but he’s not always good at deciphering what things might mean if you’re not direct. It’s not that he’s happier when you’re quiet but if things are quiet then he doesn’t have to work to figure anything out.
Giving - Acts of Service
Sort of a double-sided thing for Uzui. Mostly it’s out of love for you/his wives but he does enjoy the praise he gets for it as well. Part of the reason he likes getting the praise though is because he knows that means you appreciated it (And so on and so forth). It’s something about providing for his lovers that makes the man feel good.
Receiving - Gifts
Is that a surprise? He loves getting gifts. They gotta be big and flashy but other than that he doesn’t care about the price or if you just picked it up randomly. Not to say he doesn’t like heartfelt gifts, but just that he likes anything that made you think about him.
Giving - Gifts
Just like Tomioka he doesn’t see himself as someone of value, so again anything that comes from him looses value because of that. He’s much more meticulous than Giyuu though. Giyuu buys anything that makes him think of you whereas Obanai spends weeks looking at different shops for the perfect item. You mention your shoes are wearing out? He will buy you the most expensive most durable pair to ever be made and they will fit you absolutely perfectly.
Receiving - Gifts
Oddly enough he also enjoys getting gifts. It’s a sign that you were also thinking about him. But while he likes buying you things Iguro enjoys getting handmade or smaller scale things from you.
Giving - Quality Time
Shinobu is a busy woman so she sometimes struggles to make time for her partner. At the same time trying to fill that gap with gifts or little notes doesn’t feel the same. She has to find time to probably sit down with you and cuddle or talk.
Receiving - Acts of Service
As mentioned she’s very busy, so if you do anything to help lighten her load then she feels a weight off her chest. Even if it’s something small like making the bed or cleaning her desk she feels so relieved. Depending on your skills you may help out with medical things too. These moments are especially nice for her because Shinobu also considers you helping her wrap bandages as quality time.
Giving - Physical Touch
No surprises here either. She loves squishing you, hugging you, cuddling. If she could pick you up and carry you forever she would. Even if you weren’t big on touch I think she’d be just as happy to curl up against your side barely touching you. She also enjoys doing your hair or having you do hers.
Receiving - Words of Affirmation
Mitsuri has become a lot more confident in herself but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like hearing kind words, especially in moments of weakness. She trusts you a lot so if you say she’s beautiful then Kanroji will very much believe you. Whether you’re complimenting her appearance or her cooking or her fighting skills she gets so excited. If something particilarly catches off guard then you should expect a lot more hugging alongside a dozen thank you’s.
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hashtagboykisser · 1 year
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part one
also reminder! this is in terms of how they like to give their love
part one was how they like to receive it if you wanna check that out!
characters included: mirabell madrigal, camilo madrigal, luisa madrigal, dolores madrigal, isabela madrigal
MIRABELL MADRIGAL: words of affirmation
mirabell constantly felt as if she wasn’t enough throughout the movie
so she knows what it feels like to be all self conscious, so she wants to be your constant reminder that you are <3
she’s also very cuddly and she likes to kiss your cheeks almost every five seconds, but it’s cause she loves ya so :)
she also loves doing things for u! breakfast in bed - which i can see her getting julietta to help cook, helping you with basic chores, taking care of you when you’re sick (unless julietta is around so she can just cook you betta xD)
she also LOOVES making u little homemade gifts (doodles, cards, jewelry, etc)
quality time: 9/10
physical touch: 7-8/10
gift giving: 10/10
words of affirmation: 10/10
acts of service: 9.5/10
CAMILO MADRIGAL: physical touch
camilo (like i said in p1) is a damn love machine, he will give all the love he can, but also (like i said in p1) he CANNOT keep his hands to himself lmfao
he’s constantly holding you, in some way, he just loves feeling your guys skin touch. it makes his heart melt <3 he also may or may not do it to make pepa cry about that her little boy is growing up
he loves telling you how much he loves you, especially in flirty cheesy pickup lines 😭
“mi placer, i think i need a map, cause i keep getting lost in your eyes?~”
“oh my gosh, camilo..”
also yes, i headcanon he calls you “his pleasure” !!
i think he’d like gift giving - but the only thing he can give you is juliettas cooking and isa’s flowers cause this boy can’t make shit without setting the casita on fire 😭🫶
he also loooovesss seeing u all the time (he kinda stalks u when ur away😭) so quality time is a must!!
quality time: 9.5/10
physical touch: 12/10 !! lol
gift giving: 6/10
words of affirmation: 8/10
acts of service: 8.5/10
LUISA MADRIGAL: gift giving
luisa is the damn QUEEN of gifts
she likes to make them most of the time, but she does buy you things a lot too
she’s also very cuddly, but she’s careful becuz she worries she’d crush you when y’all cuddle🥺 (let’s be real, she’s probably taller)
she’s not so much words of affirmation, becuz she doesn’t know what to say a lot of the time
and she does like doing things for u, in terms of acts of service, but she’s a very stressed girl n she needs to focus on herself a lot yk :)
she also love love loveeeees to spend time with u so quality time is a go lol
quality time: 9/10
physical touch: 9.5/10
gift giving: 10/10
words of affirmation: 7.5/10
acts of service: 9/10
DOLORES MADRIGAL: quality time
dolores would hang out with you till the end of time if it were her choice
she loves spending time with you, and it doesn’t matter what ur doing
she also love’s physical touch (as mentioned in the last part) any touch can make her heart go 👆👈👉👇🫵👈👉👇👆🫵 XD so she loves to touch you so she can make you feel the same way :)
she loves words of affirmation too! pet names just make her internally explode lol
and as previously mentioned she loves gifts🫶🫶both making them and getting them
quality time: 10/10
physical touch: 9.5/10
gift giving: 9.5/10
words of affirmation: 9/10
acts of service: 8.5/10
ISABELA MADRIGAL: acts of service
isabela loves doing things for you and loves it when you do things for her
she loves cuddles too, and forehead kisses, whether she’s giving or receiving
she loves little handmade gifts - but she constantly needs ideas because she doesn’t wanna only give you flowers, and she grew up really only knowing her flowers, but she wants to give you so much more <3
quality time: 8/10
physical touch: 8.5/10
gift giving: 9/10
words of affirmation: 9/10
acts of service: 10/10
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this took a lot longer than i wanted it to, and i am so sorry about that!!
i have been stressed out, finals coming up for me and all
but my schools just about out for the year, so i’ll be more active!
-hermy <3
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nelladivinita · 1 year
More Dom Erik headcanons (mostly NSFW 🥀 with some SFW 🌹)
Gender Neutral
TW: collaring, objectification, demeaning language/behavior.
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Enjoy! 💞
🥀 Will craft a handmade collar out of leather, silver, gold, whatever you prefer, you will have! Won’t leash you, just loves to see such a gorgeous display of your devotion and his ownership. Loves to slip his fingers beneath the collar as he takes you, holding your neck.
🥀 LOVES your neck. Loves holding it, kissing it, marking it (bites, hickies galore). Won’t choke you; reminds him too much of his… recreational activities… but loves to feel the way your throat vibrates as he pulls moans from it, so his hand will be at your neck at nearly all times when he fucks you.
🥀 Loves when you play with him! Dom Erik is VERY SERIOUS, it’s just his nature, but he has a great appreciation for playfulness from others, particularly someone as sharp and bright as you are. Is tickled pink when you ask to try on his many hats (who is the real slave of fashion, sir???) and model them as different characters, or tell him silly made up stories or play make believe with him (think the IKEA scene from 500 Days of Summer but mostly you doing the pretending).
🥀 Calls you his pet/doll. For Erik, (at least, as far as he shows you), you’re entertainment to him, like a toy or something nice he can look at and use in between long sessions of composing his music. Can be a little demeaning, talking down to you like you’re foolish when you tell or show him things: “that’s cute, pet”, without looking away from his work. Doesn’t really feel this way, but likes to play with the idea that he does when you’re both in this space.
🌹 Likes to feed you only the finest of foods and the best of wines, and gets a rush from showering you in lavish gifts and earthly pleasures. Watches you intensely from across the table, (it’s giving Gerard Butlers phantom) studying your reactions. Will ask you often how you’re enjoying yourself, “how’s the food? The wine?”. Loves being in control of your pleasure and how you feel, and this helps him indulge this.
🥀 Will wash your body and your hair in a warm bath, perhaps fucking you while your hair conditions, whispering how pretty you are. Dries you after and anoints you in fragrant oils from far-off lands, brushing your hair. Worships you in this way. Sees you as divine, as if your acceptance of him and his ability to possess someone as gentle and pure as you is his salvation, or a signifier of his worthiness.
🥀 Expects you to be ready for him at all times. Will snatch you as you walk to your dressing room and carry you down to his lair when he’s feeling physically needy, sometimes not even waiting that long, opting to grope at you in a dark, damp catacomb hallway, loving the way you whimper at a scuttling rat when he’s feeling like kicking up the depravity of his obsession (usually when he’s in a dark place mentally.) Will always always listen to “no”, however, and never wants to truly scare you or put you into a position you’re not comfortable with.
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mykinkyyandere · 2 years
What do you think is yandere fives love language?
Five's Love Languages
Pairings: Yandere/Dark! Five Hargreeves X f!Reader
Warnings: Yandere, dark, kidnapped reader, obsession/possession/controlling, dominance, daddy kink, praise kink, (forced) age regression, naive reader, smut/dubcon-noncon mentions, grown-up Five
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Quality Time: This man values a real time with you, with everyone. He doesn't want anyone to waste his precious time and wants something worth it. So spending time with you is so important to him. No need for fancy plans when he's with you (If he plans, it'll be a place away from people or at home, depending on your behaviours.). Even if it's just you playing with your stuffs and him working on his files, your every single second is worth it.
Touch: He loves when you touch him. When you crawl into his lap and rub yourself to him, hold his hand and rest on his chest... What a good girl. He loves to hold your pretty little neck and burry himself deep inside of you. To him, possessive sex is a very effective way of showing how much he loves you. He also loves to pat your head and hug you while you sit on his lap all submissive.
Words of Affirmation: Any kind word from you means the world to him. Tell him how much you need him, tell him how well he takes care of you, thank him, praise him... It makes him feel needed and fills his whole body with a more protective instinct. Even making you moan in bed is nearly enough. It blows his mind to hear you make noises with delight. But he still wants to hear constant praise from you. "Does your daddy make you feel so good? Tell me how good I make you feel. Do you love your daddy?" If you're a good girl, you'll always hear him praising you.
Gifts: Of course he appreciates everything you give him, a handmade bracelet or a drawing, but mostly he's the one who gives gifts and you're the one who receive them. Besides the reason that you have to stay at home all the time and he tries to distract you by can you so many things, it can be considered as a love language. They're not always have deep meanings, generally clothes, stuffed animals, books etc. But he does gifts you special and of high quality things. It shows he cares about you.
Acts of Service: We can say that him being in charge of everything and you just sitting there and waiting for him to provide is acts of service. He wants you to depend on him in every way. Let him take care of everything. I'm not sure if it's his love language or a cause of his overwhelming dominance and his sick obsession with you.
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chowaya · 11 months
Monoma headcannons :
— as much as most people think it would be toxic with dating Monoma, they would be wrong. I can see complications but that's all settled if the chance to communicate and set boundaries was given and taken.
— forces you to watch the Lord of the rings franchise and the hobbit but still talks over the movie. ( probably to explain some heavy detailing and differences between the books )
— had a weird style phase, he finds it embarrassing but shoves it off by saying it was a needed canon event to develop such expertise and taste as him. So he finds ways to match your outfits even when your styling and aesthetic is different from each other.
— is more likely to have piercing than tattoos.
— has sticky notes all over his room that contain context from all sorts of quirks and the techniques to use them, mathematics formulas, history notes, lyrics or poems, favourite lines from books he's read or some incoherent affirmation that he's the hottest and the best.
— hated conflict as a child now, now he stirs all the pot that is available to him. And does he give a sht? Not really.
— popular among the girls because of his eyelashes. They're somewhat in love and jealous at the same thing.
— not a dog or cat person but a bugs and snake person. Had hyper fixations on moths and reptilians— he will talk to you about them if he trusts you enough to not make fun of him. But will elaborate with heavy detail if you find either of them disgusting or scary— just to annoy you.
— doesn't like gift giving that much. Prefers forms of affections from physical touch ( secretly ) , acts of service ( high on this) and lowkey quality time. He prefers giving words of affirmation rather than receiving only because he doesn't know how to react.
— but if gift giving is someone's love language who is he to give that person an opinion of his. He's not hellbent on hating it. Truly adores it if the gift is well thought through or handmade— he values the time and soul of others that put into it.
— finds waist beads, belly cabins and belly piercings hot.
— has this concept that pale skinned people and dark skinned people look best under moonlight while tan and brown skins look best under the sun.
— a Swiftie that relates to 🧺🩹🗝🧸🪞🌿 but prefers 🍾💫🫧🎟🥂📸 music
— also listens to chase Atlantic. A blonde arrogant mean cocky guy that we all would know would totally be a flirt? It fits.
— if he would get a tattoo of his significant other, he would get a tattoo of their eyes.
— wants love, affection and attention and receiving it without having the feeling that he asked for it.
— sucks at mobile games, he's not interested in them that much.
— he prefers to not be around children, he thinks he isn't so experienced or good with them but he's literally a toddler magnet. Especially the real ones who spout whatever they think and the ones who're extremely quiet and shy.
— has divorced parents and is thankful for that everyday.
— will let 1-B girls or his significant other do his makeup, much more prefers if it's natural and enhances his features but he doesn't mind douyin or k-beauty makeup. He likes the glitters but hates heavy matte looks.
— amazing time management and is always early to things. That's canon at this point.
— and last but not least, he's the most amazing, spectacular, outstanding, gorgeous, pretty, ethereal, intelligent, showstopping boy. And I'm sad I don't have him 🫠
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larcenywrites · 1 year
headcanons for affection with tony? like the ways he shows it, his favorite ways to receive it. specially physical affection since I think he'd be quite touch-starved
aww yes❤️ he would be really touch-starved and just melt at the gentlest touch 🥹
Headcanons | Receiving and Giving Affection ❤
💠Affection can be confusing and hard for him at first, both giving and receiving, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love it and want it!
💠It's just... the few affections he's used to aren't exactly, uh- soft, or innocent, or loving, or real 💔 So when it is suddenly soft and innocent and loving and real, he might not exactly know what to do, but he does know that it feels... well, good ❤️‍🩹
💠His favorite ways of both giving and receiving affection are definitely physical. He was always handsy, confidently putting a hand on your lower back and cheekily sliding a hand up your thigh. But when you held his hand and snuggled into his side, all that confidence in touching turned into a blush and an overwhelming warmth in his chest. He probably went a little stiff at first, but he learned to lean into it! He was 1000% smitten when he was working at his computer one day and you unexpectedly wrapped your arms around him. His head instantly flopped to your chest and he could've fallen asleep with the fingers and kisses in his hair!
💠It just makes him feel so safe and adored when you hold him tight or smother him, and it makes him feel so special and like your protector when you bury yourself in his neck or chest and let him smother you back! It's a language he understands best, after all, so he hopes you feel the same way 🥹
💠Definitely lots of kisses, too. The easiest way for him to say thanks or let you know you're being cute wherever and whenever. He may just come up and litter your face with sweet little pecks when you tell him something exciting or do something nice for him. Or maybe you just look extra cute while he's walking by and he'll suddenly trap you in a long, deep kiss before going about his day and leaving you dazed 😘
💠Gifts!! He loves giving you things that reminded him of you when he saw it, or maybe he thought it would look pretty. Maybe he gets you something that you had your eye on but kept brushing off, or maybe just that lion plushie at the zoo that was super soft and you kept coming back to it. In a way, it's one of the few ways he feels he can repay you for everything you do for him and how much you love him, and show you just how much you mean to him. They say money can't buy happiness, but you usually look pretty damn cute and happy when he gives you something soooo 😌
💠He's not as big on receiving gifts (besides, what do you get for the man that has everything and can buy anything?). Low key feels like that's His Thing™️, and also doesn't want you to feel like you owe him anything :( He will appreciate anything you do, though!! If it's something small and thoughtful, handmade or meaningful, he'll feel pretty sappy 🥲 After all, it's another language he understands pretty well, so he knows you're thinking about him and want to give him everything you can ❤️
💠It may be annoying at times how overprotective, nosy, and occasionally controlling he can be, but it comes from a good place! Yes, he may have constant access to your location via phone or even your favorite necklace he gave you and noticed you wore it everywhere so he may or may not have bugged it... and yes, it might also have a sort of 'panic button' in case something goes wrong and you need him...
💠He might call to ask where you're at, even though you told him three hours ago, but he just thought you were taking too long 🙄
💠There may be a very specific road he's decided you aren't allowed to take 🤨 or a specific area he'd rather you not go to anymore 🫤 And while he can't really do anything about it other than pout, he can see your location (and may even get notified about it)
💠He just really wants to keep you safe and wants you to know he's looking out for you and cares about you! And let you know that he can protect you, and wants you to feel safe! He can't bear the thought of something happening that he could've prevented, and now that he has something so safe and loving he'll do anything to keep it!
💠He doesn't expect anything like this in return, but in a way, you protect him too! He's incredibly grateful when you chase off any press when he's tired, or sass those agents away that won't leave him be. Even when you drag him out of the lab for some rest, or 'forget' to tell him about something that would've just stressed him out more than he already was, but now it's been dealt with or it's passed now anyway. It lets him know you care about his well-being too, and want to keep him safe in your own way 🥰
💠And while it may be hard for him to say back sometimes, a simple 'I love you' can do wonders. He'll always look over and smile, with a little kiss to your cheek to say it back. But he says it in many other ways! Like those check-in texts at three in the morning making sure you're okay, or asking if you need anything, or silly compliments when you walk by. It may be when he's thanking you for something so mundane, or thanking you for being his 🥺❤️
💠He knows he may not be the easiest person to love sometimes, but he'll make sure to let you know he appreciates you for sticking around! And loves you 'til the end of time ❤️
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seareefer · 2 years
Thanks so much for the info my dear!
I would like to know if I could request Trey, Cater, Vil and Idia headcanons over a S/O (gender neutral) who just leaves out of nowhere some cute notes or small handmade gifts around their things.
If you have a shorter character limit, feel free to just write about Trey and Vil my dear. I am excited to see how it will turns up... I bet it will be wonderful!
With love, Lust~ 💜
I'm sorry if this took a bit, I had to try and get used to writing on Tumblr again. I had to go back and experience Cater again to be honest. But I hope you like this :).
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Trey Clover
Trey would know immediately who was leaving the gifts when they started appearing if you do it secretly at first. I don't think he'd bring them up at first, he'd probably start leaving his own.
When he's done studying, helping the first years, and as long as he doesn't have any other general duties to do he'd whip up a small treat to leave on your desk before a class or at your lunch table.
If he was sadly busy preparing or baking for an unbirthday party or something like it he'd do his best to make an extra or two and make sure you get it the next day. Bonus if he changes the taste to your favorite sweet since he might not have had complete control over what he was baking.
When he does "confront" you about it your notes and gifts he'd say that it felt nice to have someone giving him such encouraging and loving words, since he's usually been the one to do that to others.
I think if anything his gifts would turn into dates, instead of him making small treats to leave you he makes a picnic or you guys start baking together.
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Cater Diamond
This one I had to go back and my research for.
I keep imagining gifts so, I think a good gift for Cater would be a new case that he’s been talking about wanting since it came out or got teased. Maybe when he comes back from a long day of classes and just wants to relax and play on his phone, when he sees a box on his bed.
He’d be the one to want to know who gave it and start asking around immediately. It’s such a new and expensive case who would just give this to him? He might even make a post about it.
He’d probably talk to you about it, how he wants to know who gave it to him to thank them and maybe try and do something back. You’d just be giggling and laughing the whole time.
When he finds out he’s literally so excited and relieved. He makes a post bragging about you and the gift and then immediately starts planning dates and activities to do as a thank you for you the new case. First is probably shopping so you guys look cute together on your dates.
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Vil Schoenheit
I think at first Vil wouldn’t get your letters if you send them the normal way. So you might have to ask for help from Rook to put them in a place he’ll see get them.
When he does he thinks they’re just letters from a fan that somehow got into a new place in the dorm somehow but when they consistently start showing up in different spots he can’t avoid he goes to Rook immediately to avoid stressing over who was leaving him these letters.
I don’t think he’d ever really confront you about them, they’d just continue and become a part of the relationship. Like how some people have an s/o that always makes them things, or does things for them because it’s their love language.
It would just be a special little thing between him and you every time he opens a letter. I also definitely think he saves them in a box where people won’t find it.
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Idia Shroud
If he ever finds your letters or gifts it’s because Ortho brought them into his room. He would malfunction in real life because, why and who would leave him anything.
After calming down through some gaming sessions he’d probably vent to Ortho about his trust issues of the whole situation. Unknowingly calling his s/o a normie. I imagine his panic would lead to Ortho checking his door more often and that’s how you get caught.
If you don’t want him to know it’s you I can see Ortho helping make the gifts fit what he might need or want atm, like a new game or a figure he’s been wanting.
When he does find you leaving a gift it’d probably be as he’s leaving to go to the Board Game Club. After he buffers for a few minutes the door would slam closed and he wouldn’t leave even for his clubs for a while. But when you drop off your next letter or gift there might be a copy of a multi-player game waiting outside his door.
Im so sorry if any of these turned out bad, especially Idia. I am a hater so I don’t write for him ever usually. I also apologize to Idia lovers because I will slander him, it’s uncontrolled at this point. But I hope this was like you wanted <;3.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about adorable sub!Charles making a gift for his mommy. Like handmade, but it would look as nice. He’d spend awhile on making it but is a bit too shy to give it to you. Poor Charles thinks that it’s not good enough. You convince him to still gift it anyways, he is so happy when you say that you love it! (Hope I’m not too late for your Valentine’s Day ideas!)
Ok I know I'm one day late for this but it's so cute and I do not care that it's not valentines day anymore because this is simply too good to ignore and I know that you guys are always up for some soft Charles.
Firstly, Charles takes gifts for his mommy VERY seriously. Of course he's always giving you random items, because it's a big part of his love language? He'll think of you when he sees something and then he simply MUST buy it for you, and well... he thinks of you very often.
But he doesn't see those gifts at the same level of your birthday or Christmas or anniversary or valentines. Because those days... those are special days. VERY special days. He puts time and effort into those gifts, because he loves you so much and he needs to make sure his gifts show you how much you mean to him.
(By the way, he spends you anniversary in tears every single year, so overwhelmed that he's had a whole year with his mommy!!!)
So yes. He puts a rather ridiculous amount of time and effort into his valentines gift for you.
The year before he bought you a very nice necklace that he spent weeks choosing and you still often wear it. He considers doing a similar thing this year, and while he knows that you would like it, it just doesn't seem right?
He wants to give you something that took him hours to make, something that he put real effort in. And yes, he does feel a little silly over his desire to give you a handmade gift but he wants to so badly!!!
Maybe he makes you book? A special notebook filled with pictures of the two of you and hand written notes about how much he loves you and how thankful he is for you and how he sees you. The colour scheme is your two favourite colours, and he puts SO much effort into it. He'd even do a scrapbooking class to make sure he can make it as pretty as he can.
But then Valentines day comes around and you present him with a bouquet of roses, a new day collar and his favourite pastries. He holds the new collar in his hands, feeling so soft it is and how he'd be able to wear it most days without anyone questioning it and then he thinks about the book he has hidden in the linen cupboard for you and well... it doesn't seem nearly as good.
The poor thing starts panicking, because he loves his gifts SO much and all he has for you is just a handmade book? He really just made his mommy an art project? There's no way you could like that.
Of course you realise something is wrong, and it actually takes a while before Charles can manage to tell you that he thinks his gift for you isn't good enough.
You just smile and kiss his forehead, telling him that he is already the best gift you could ever ask for, and that anything else is just a bonus.
That statement makes him blush and burry his cute little nose in your neck, clinging to you and trying to figure out what to do. He wants to give you his gift so badly!! But what if it's not enough?
Eventually you coax him into showing you, and at this point you're expecting just a sad bunch of roses or something. But then you see that it's actually a handmade notebook filled with pictures and love notes that he made himself? That he decorated and wrote and spend hours working on?
Firstly, it's an incredible gift. You love it so so much.
You tell him that immediately, and then you pull him into your lap and let him show you the book, explain to you why he wrote what he wrote and how he chose the pictures and decorations and he's so so happy.
It's truly the best gift.
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schnuckiputz · 1 year
Steve's love language has always been gift giving. Especially handmade gifts - it felt extra special to present someone with something that he made real with his own two hands. That he put the time and effort into creating from start to finish.
As a pre- and grade-schooler, he often brought home little trinkets that they made in class to present to his parents. He knows from visits to classmates' houses that other parents like to showcase what their kids made in class. Fireplace mantles filled with little wood figurines and pasta picture frames, first coffees of the day drunk from oddly shaped mugs. His parents are, as so often, different from the rest. There are no watercolor pictures pinned to the fridge in the Harrington Household. The picture frames are made from dark wood, not pasta. When he's seven, he finds that days gift in the trash, half buried under food waste. He stops bringing home anything after that.
When he's eight, he spends his summer with his grandparents, who, by that time, were already pretty frail and unable to keep up with a kid with too much nervous energy. So his grandmother sat him down and started teaching him how to crochet. He instantly falls in love. And when he comes back the next year, she teaches him how to knit, too.
In middle school, he falls in with the popular crowd and learns quickly that when your parents are rich, people have certain expectations in regards to gifts and "handmade" isn't it. Tommy's face after Steve gifts him a handmade scarf says it all. So Steve plays it off as a joke and gets him something expensive with his parents' allowance. The cardigan he made for Carol gets stuffed in a bag and shuffled to the back of his closet.
He doesn't stop making gifts - a sweet pastel pink sweater for Nancy, scarf-hat-mittens sets for the kids, a big ass blanket made from granny squares for Robin in her favorite colors. He never tells anyone about them. At this point, it's more therapy for him than anything else. Every piece gets bagged up and shuffled away in his closet or under his
It'll take years, getting thrown out by his parents, a move to a new apartment and a curious metal head until the recipients of his gifts will finally get the chance to give them a loving home.
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octorocktopus · 11 months
Metry headcanons because she's my girlfriend now
Silly Metry headcanon because she deservesbit all
Look at her look
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She and her team are gyarus yeah
She is a glass squid yuh
She likes to bake cookies and tend to make them heart shaped
Prob listen to Ayesha Ero, Ariana Grande and Slayyter lol (plus her fav idols are the Squid Sisters ofc)
She likes to decorate everything, and by everything, I mean LITERALLY everythin, such as phone cases, backpacks, clothing and etc. (She likes to offer phone case decorations to people)
Her house is always clean and smells like candies all the time lol
She has a garden, but according to her it's unfinished, because she wants to finish it with someone special
She likes to make origamis and usually makes heart shaped origamis and likes to gives it to her friends
Her love language is Acts of Service (mostly likes to give handmade gifts)
Althought she likes pip music, she listens to Metal music sometimes, mostly listen to Metal covers
She probably bullied some people on her young age, but changed her actions and apologized for these people
Laughs at unfunny jokes
Sometimes she writes songs but never showed them to anyone
Pretty popular and constantly has people asking to take pictures with her
She's my gf real and I love her
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
Could I do a Romantically creepypasta match up!?!?!!!!
Appearance: I’m 5’5 and mid size. Ftm gay fella, I’m also blasian so my skin color is #825d4a. I have black eyes and shoulder length curly hair.
Personally: I’m a isfj. I’m mostly chill and down to do anything but I do have limits. I love to Tease ppl who are close to me. I’m playful and sometimes I can be overly hyper. I’m kind and I love to help others. I’m a push-over :”D. I could be really shy but once I’m comfortable I’ll be hyper and energetic. I also have social anxiety which is an ass.
Random:I love love love madoka magica and Pokémon. I play tuba! I own a lot of stuffies and I love them all. I own 2 cats and they are my world. I have a problem with info dumping about something I like. I love to draw and im good at it if I do say so! i like playing video games, Especially smash bros and deltarune. I play badminton. I’m a Virgo. My music taste is nu mental, rock, game osts, j-pop and jazz I’ll listen to anything expect for country and pop.
Romantical: my love language is physical touch and words of affirmance. I complement a lot. I’m also clingy. I love giving gifts to people I love!
THANK YOUU!!!11!11!
madoka magica omg you're so real for that, that anime ruined my life.
your matchup is... jason the toymaker!
i feel like he would match your energy pretty well! he's a pretty down-to-earth uhm. entity. and he's pretty easy to get along with as well! he also has a habit of teasing the people he considers himself to be close with, so i definitely think you two would banter a lot. he finds your playfulness to be endearing, and it shows in the way he looks at you.
you being a pushover... well... sad to say, it would work in his favor. so would your social anxiety, if we're being honest, but if it ever gets too bad then he's always right by your side to offer you any form of comfort you may need.
he likes that you're clingy! he's... clingy as well, if you want to look at it that way. and any compliment you give him, he returns with equal measure.
physical affection is also something he enjoys. it's one of his favorite forms of affection to be on the receiving end of, to be honest. he enjoys every ounce of touch you give him, even if it's something small.
his own personal love language is gift-giving, so expect him to give you plenty of handmade gifts. and when he learns you have a collection of stuffies? you bet he'll make you his own. it brings him an endless amount of joy seeing you surrounded by the things he's created.
and any gift you give him will be proudly displayed in his workshop!
also, he loves your cats. cats are wicked cool, and he makes little stuffed versions of them to keep in his workshop.
while he may not personally be interested in anime or video games, he's definitely willing to hear you infodump all about your most recent interests.
he likes hearing about the things you like because seeing you happy about something makes him happy in turn.
also, i'm just picturing the two of you sitting in his workshop. he's working on a random toy or two while you're tucked away in your own corner drawing.
DOUBLE ALSO jason is totally the type to slow dance to jazz. and if you don't know how to dance? don't worry, just let him take the lead. he likes holding you close and swaying to the music. it's so romantic.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hi! I saw that you were doing match ups, so I couldn't help myself! ^^
I wanted to ask you for a platonic match up for the Hazbin Hotel fandom :) (Maybe a character that would look up at me as a mother figure or smth like that) I'm a 23-year-old cis-girl that goes with she/her pronuns. I'm biromantic and asexual ^^ I'm a (I think xd) very cheerful person that lives for making other's laugh, I can be serious when needed though, I tend to give up my happiness to make others happy until I can't no more and vent to my reflection in the mirror with the objective of not making anyone aware of my problems, I don't like the feeling of relaying on someone that could stab my back if they wanted. I am a very patient person and I like to make sure that everyone is comfortable in the environment we are in. I can cook variated (and good) meals but I kinda preffer baking pastries or sweets to give to others.
My main love language is gift giving. I usually give gifts like handmade sweets or cookies, drawings of the person/character in question, and even little things that I think the person/character in question would like.
I've been told that I'm a pretty comfortable person to vent and I'm the "terapist friend" of my group.
I'm a very physical person that likes hugging very much but I'm also very respectful so If a person doesn't like hugs, I'll respect that.
I would also be very grateful if you add a mini fic to the match up, you can use wichever idea you like, surprise me! ^^
hi there!!!! i have the perfect character for you!!! and i just cant wait, so here we go!
the character I chose for you is...
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my personal favorite character in hazbin if im being honest
and now your best platonic buddy
i think that he would appreciate how cheery and kind you are because it's a real change of pace due to what he has to deal with everyday, so having you bring a smile makes him very thankful
he will ask you how you're feeling though and he wont stop bothering you until you tell him
you're dealing with a very emotional man who is very willing to talk to you since you're so close, so having you be a patient person is perfect for him, he literally just needs that
but do know that he is a very happy guy most of the time, so expect a lot of fun activities like painting your nails together or gossiping lol
if you make him sweets he will cry and then proceed to eat ALL of them
he will be very sure to give you a deserved break because being the therapist or mom friend can really be a burden sometimes, so he wants to be there for you as much as possible
partners in crime moment who are always there for each other
he will 100% get you to be friends with Cherri
and then all 3 of you are unstoppable
please give him hugs, especially when he needs them most
after spending some time with valentino though, he will definitely need that space, and having you respect that makes him love you so much more as a friend because that's all he really needs
but when he's ready, he will curl up in your arms
he just loves that you are there for him <33333
and per your request, lovely, here is your mini fic :)
"Angel!!" You chimed, running up the stairs to his hotel room, trying not to drop the platters of pastries you had in your hands. "Angel Dust!" You knocked on the door with the tip of your shoe and instead of Angel, Nifty opened the door with a bright smile on her face.
"Hi, y/n!! What's up?"
"Is Angel in here?" You asked, but immediately got answered by Angel's smiling face from across the room.
"Hey pumpkin'!" He stood up and walked over to you, drying off his nails that were just recently painted a bright pink. "Whatcha got there?"
You handed him a pastry and he beamed at you. "y/n, you didn't have to!!!"
"Of course I did," you giggled and walked into the room, sitting on his bed. "You know how much I love baking for you."
"You're the best!" Angel pulled you into his arms, smelling like perfume and sweets. "I was having a bit of a rough day and asked for Nifty to give me some company, so to see you here too makes it a way better day."
He pulled away from the hug, giving you a soft smile and you sat down, lying the pastries next to you. "Rough day, you say?" You picked up some nail polish and began painting your own nails. "Tell me about it and we'll go ahead and have a sleepover tonight."
matchup rules --- pinned post
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ninthhousesteel · 2 years
hello i haven't actually *seen* the show at all but the brainrot is real and going through your blog made me consider vickie as a proper person and think about her a lot
and because im hashtag neurotic i have to project my specific crafting/art hyperfixations onto at least one character at any given time and since I can't definitely see steve, robin, Eddie or nancy being into knitting willingly, I took one look at vickie's quirky little artsy girl look and went 'SHE KNITS' so now I would like to ask you to consider vickie knitting things upon things upon things for everyone she knows cos her love language is gift giving and she's the kind of autistic where once she sets her mind to a craft project there is No Stopping Her and she has singlehandedly taught herself how to knit sweaters, vests, scarves, gloves, socks, shawls, beanies, tea-cosies, blankets, toys and literally everything in between and gifted everyone at least one knitted thing 'just because :)'
thank you for your time (and the vickie brainrot as well I'm love that sweet ginger ladie)
vickie is so. i want to carry her around in my pockets and study her
and i love how it is a common consensus that she likes to knit! she'd always give the best gifts because they're handmade With Love and even if you don't need a sweater or a scarf she'll find a way to knit a steering wheel cover or mug warmer just because <3 (plus she always knows everyone's favorite color. they never even have to tell her and she never asks. she just Knows)
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