#he doesn’t get as much recognition as he deserves so I want to do him right
random0lover · 11 months
Reading up on Gaz right now because I have started writing a fic for him (all fluff 😉) but I need to know as many details as I can which means research but I can’t write without it so 🫠
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 months
OLD GRUDGES (part 1)
A/N: wooohoooo im bringing something new!!! i feel like it happens so rarely it's like a miracle lol anyway, this will be hopefully a couple of parts (probably about 3) and lets all pray i will actually finish it lol
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry and Y/N go way back. Working together was like a dream when 1D was still going strong. Now, years later, when they end up working together again, things are very different. Mostly because Y/N seems to be hating Harry passionately. But he has not idea why.
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Everyone loves Harry Styles. It’s a known fact, not just amongst the people who actually know him, but all around the world. He is known as one of the most unproblematic celebrities, someone who gives just as much if not even more respect as he gets, always kind and patient with others, rarely loses his temper. It’s hard to imagine that there is anyone walking this planet who doesn’t see him as a lovable, sweet man.
Well, it might be hard to imagine, but there is actually one person who has a very different opinion when it comes to the british popstar. 
And that person is music producer, Y/N. 
The interesting thing is that their history goes way back into his 1D days. Y/N was an up and coming name in the industry, just started working with bigger names when she got the chance to produce several songs on the band’s third studio album. Harry remembers her as a bubbly, funny girl who is passionate about her job and is also excellent in it. Working with her was easy and motivating, she was always eager to perfect songs to an extent Harry couldn’t even imagine and that’s why songs like Story Of My Life, You & I and Midnight Memories were such hits. Y/N put her heart and soul into them, which eventually earned all the recognition they deserved. 
Harry loved working with Y/N and she was in talks of working on their fourth album as well, but the deal ended up ditched and she went on to do other projects and they somehow had a fallout. It was a shame, but he hoped his path would cross hers again. 
Years and years went by and so much changed by the time their professional ways finally met again. Jeff brought her name up when Harry just started writing for his fourth solo album and Harry gave him the go to do whatever it takes to get her on the project. A few weeks passed and Harry didn’t get any confirmation about her and just when he was about to bring it up to Jeff, he hit him with the news.
“Y/N is in for five songs. Contract should be signed by Wednesday and you can start working next week.”
Harry wondered why it took so long to get her on board, but he brushed it off because he knew she was a big name now herself and had plenty of offers from which she could choose from. He was excited to work with her and simply see her again.
It was utter shock for him when she was the complete opposite of what he remembered. Okay, that might be an overstatement, but Harry could feel something was off instantly.
She was still bubbly and fun, but for some reason, she had a certain iciness and bitter attitude whenever her focus was on Harry. To anyone else it was unnoticable, Harry knows, because he asked Jeff about it.
“What are you talking about? She is awesome,” the manager said with a shrug and Harry tried to tell himself it was all in his head, because if Jeff doesn’t see it, it’s not real.
But it kept happening and it felt even stronger when it was just him and her in a room. Sometimes she even pretended like he wasn’t there, sometimes her snarky comments were all he got and they just strengthened him in his belief. 
He wanted to ask her about it, he tried, several times, but his attempts just bounced right off her icy behavior so eventually, he gave up and there was only one thing left for him to do.
Return what he was getting. 
Yes, it is childish, but he felt like he needed to deal with her unreasonable hatred towards him somehow and this was the easiest way. Was it a smart idea to practically become enemies when working together on his album? Of course not. But it just happened.
And going against each other became their thing. 
They were great in arguing, disagreeing even when they could easily compromise, riling each other up and lashing out on each other when the tension had been building up for hours. It got to the point where others started to notice that something was off between the two of them and when Jeff questioned Harry about it, he couldn’t give him a reasonable explanation.
“She started it,” he said and instantly felt like a kid, telling on his classmate at school. But this is all he could say, because he had no idea why she was acting this way. And he has to live with it while they work together.
Something is off. Harry knows it. Something about the melody… or the guitar… or is it the lyrics? He can’t tell, he has listened to the recording a million times so it all melts in his ears and he can’t identify what’s setting him off every time he hears it. 
“Why don’t we take a break?” Jack, the technician suggests, turning in his chair. “Y/N will be here in twenty, I’m sure she’ll–”
“Okay,” Harry snaps, just so he doesn’t finish. He knows what he wanted to say. 
She’ll know what’s wrong and will correct it in a second.
Y/N always knows what’s wrong and most of the time it’s a perk, of course it is, but today, Harry feels like it’s gonna make him want to crawl out of his body. Maybe it’s because he’s been in the studio for five hours and he got nowhere or maybe because Mitch will have his first ever solo gig tonight and Harry has been worried his fame or relation to him might ruin this experience for him. 
Either way, today he is just extra pissed by the fact that Y/N will be the one to solve this mystery. 
“I’m gonna grab a coffee,” he clears his throat, standing up from his seat. “Do you want one?” he offers, feeling a bit guilty he snapped at Jack.
“Uh, yeah, just an espresso is fine, thanks man.”
“Sure, I’ll be right back.”
Putting on his headphone, Harry jogs across the street to the tiny coffee shop he’s been a regular at. He likes the place because they are discreet and their coffee is just simply amazing, though they swear there’s nothing extra in it. 
He waits for the two coffees at the end of the counter and scrolls on his phone in the meantime. Emails, messages, there’s always something to answer to. He sends out a few replies before he ends up in his calendar. It’s neatly color coded and he takes pride in keeping it up-to-date all the time so he can always be on top of his game, no matter what. 
His eyes land on one particular date. Five weeks from now Y/N’s contract expires and if the five songs are done by then, she’ll be out of Harry’s life again. Seeing how the work is going, she’ll easily outdo that number so there won’t be any reason for talk about an extension. 
An unsettling feeling spreads in his stomach as he stares at the date but he doesn’t have time to figure it out because  he is snapped out of his thoughts when the two paper cups are placed in front of him. He is trying his best to keep a positive mindset as he returns to the studio’s building. With the two coffee cups in his hands he makes a right turn and then stops at the door, seeing Y/N sitting where he did previously, already listening to the recording with Jack with a critical expression on her face. 
Harry doesn’t interrupt them, just stays put and waits for her feedback. When she is done listening, she leans back in her seat.
“It’s the bass. Or more specifically the lack of it. Can you double it? Let’s see how it changes.”
Jack is quick to do as she asked and then he starts the song again and…
Harry wants to scream and laugh in bliss at the same time, because it’s perfect now. He’s mad he couldn’t spot such an obvious thing, but he is also happy it’s finally sorted out. It’s just a shame Y/N was the one to do it and not him. 
“Great, so this is done then,” he makes himself noticed as he walks into the studio and hands over one of the cups to Jack. 
When he looks at Y/N he can see that familiar, irritated look on her face that’s almost always there when he’s around. He hasn’t decided if he wants to physically wipe it off, or…
“Thanks for bringing one for me,” she comments in a bored tone, turning back towards the screen.
“You weren’t here when I went out.”
“But you knew I was coming.”
Harry opens his mouth, but then closes it, because this time she is kind of right. And it irks him even more today.
It’s gonna be a challenging session today, Harry thinks as he takes a seat.
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It’s always exciting for Harry to be behind the stage when he’s not the star of the show. Kind of like a whole different world.
He hasn’t been here for long, but he’s been trying his best to stay as unnoticed as possible and let Mitch take the spotlight. Just a few minutes ago Sarah put him on Scout-duty which he gladly took up on, he’s always happy to spend time with the little guy. This time he is letting him explore freely and he’s just following him around to make sure he’s safe. Scout seemingly enjoys the adventure with uncle Harry, who doesn’t really pay attention where he is heading. 
That’s how they end up in the green room where Y/N is.
Y/N and Sarah have worked together a while ago, which is a random coincidence how they are connected outside of Harry. Because of their history, Y/N is often where they are, however she was never around when Sarah and Mitch were playing for Harry. 
Scout runs up to Y/N, arms in the air, asking to be picked up and Harry stops a few steps away from them when he realizes who he just found.
“Hey there, little guy! Are you all by yourself?” Y/N asks, settling the boy on her hip.
She’s changed since they parted ways in the studio. Harry has always admired her sense of style, which mostly consists of basic pieces, almost like a capsule wardrobe, but there’s always something extra, something vibrant on her that makes her sets interesting. Tonight she is wearing a simple black dress with a rather low back cut, simple heels, simple makeup, but she added a silky scarf with vivid colors and shapes around her neck that brings Harry’s attention to the curve of her neck and collarbones, almost as a cheeky invitation for his eyes to her naked skin. 
He has to fight the urge to touch her.
Despite the spiteful relationship they’ve been sporting lately, Harry had to deal with a rather unreasonable desire for Y/N in a physical way.
Unreasonable, because he never thought he could be attracted to someone who pisses him off so easily, yet there’s been plenty of occasions when Harry found himself imagining scenarios he could never admit to her, not when she hates him with such obvious passion.
Tonight it’s not just the outfit, but also the way she’s handling Scout. It’s not just women who find it incredibly hot when the opposite sex is great with kids, Harry can definitely feel something inside him moving as he watches Y/N sway from side to side with the little boy in his arms.
“Uncle Hazza is here!” Scout points at him, answering her previous question. Y/N looks up and because Harry was already looking at him, he catches a slipping moment where there’s no irritation on her face, but it returns quite fast when her gaze settles on him. 
“Ah, hi,” she says, lips pressed together as she nods, acknowledging his presence. 
“Hey. Long time no see.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth he regrets it. Who says that? Why did he even say anything else other than hi? He smacks himself in his mind. 
Part of him expects her to say something like ‘not long enough’ but she just keeps quiet and turns all her attention to Scout. Harry feels out of place, he is supposed to be babysitting, but Y/N is taking care of Scout, Harry knows he is in good hands but Sarah asked him to watch over him. Should he leave? Or just keep standing there awkwardly?
“You can go, I’ll watch him,” Y/N says, as if she could read his mind. 
“You sure?”
“I’m pretty sure I can take care of him until Sarah is back.” Her reply is not just dry, kind of offended, nothing Harry wouldn’t expect from her, but it’s still irking him.
“I didn’t say you’re not capable, I just–”
“I’m not in the mood for this,” she cuts him off with an icy look. Harry is too stunned to reply, just watches Y/N walk away with Scout. 
He almost finds it amusing how easily she can piss him off, not many people have been able to do that, in fact, Harry thinks she does it the best. 
Clenching his jaw he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and then just lets it all go. 
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The after party is always kind of Harry’s favorite. The stress is over, it’s just the relief and celebration that is left.
Mitch’s show went well, that’s what Harry expected, but it’s still great he was right. Seeing his friend be the star of the show was an experience he is glad he could be part of. Now that the core of the group has moved to a nearby bar, Harry has loosened up thanks to the couple of drinks he’s had. 
He’s been mostly sticking to the familiar faces he knows, rotating between the same few people  while enjoying how under the radar he is currently. 
The more drinks he has had, the less he’s been able to control where his gaze goes. To be exact, he’s been finding himself looking Y/N’s way the past hour or so. That damn dress and scarf, it’s like she’s put a spell on him that forces him to keep wanting to look at her. 
Harry is not experienced with feeling like this. Being attracted to someone who he hates, it’s such an ambivalent impulse, he can’t think straight. Or maybe it’s the amount of tequila he has drunk tonight, either way, it’s getting a rise out of him. 
From the corner of his eye he sees her slip out to the back where the smoking area is, he hesitates, shifts his weight from one leg to the other before making the leap and heading after her. He has no plan, no idea what he wants to ro will say to her, but he just feels like he has to talk to her.
Stepping out to the dimly lit back alley he is met with a few people scattered around, having a cigarette with drinks in hand, talking or scrolling on their phone and then he spots Y/N on the left, standing by the wall, cigarette in one hand, the remaining of her drink in the other as she stares ahead of her. 
She doesn’t smoke regularly, but she does enjoy one in certain social settings or when she’s had a few drinks. Harry knows it from years ago, because they shared a cigarette at a party, back then she seemed thrilled to spend time with him, he remembers all the conversations they had while working together, telling each other stories, sharing their plans, Harry truly thought they would remain good friends on this extraordinary journey, yet they ended up here.
As Harry walks towards her, she notices him and he sees her lips twitch in annoyance. 
“Care if I join?” he asks and she just shrugs without a word, avoiding to look at him. 
They stand there in silence for a while, she is lazily puffing the smoke out from time to time.
“Is it still just an occasional thing?” he tries to strike up a conversation.
“Mhm,” is all he gets as a reply.
“Have you tried to put it down fully?”
“Why are you doing this?” she snaps at him, finally looking his way. 
“Why are you trying to chit-chat when we both know we don’t do that?”
“And why don’t we?” He challenges her. “Tell me why we are like this in the first place, because I have no idea.”
She stares at him for long moments and he awaits her answer like nothing before, but then she shakes her head and turns to the pin beside her, puts the cigarette out and flicks it into the bin. Then, without another word she is already heading back inside.
It takes a moment for Harry to start moving again, but he is quick to catch up with her in the hall that leads to the restrooms. 
“Y/N, give me a fucking answer!” he demands, grabbing her wrist to pull her back before she could escape, but she shakes his hand off as she comes to a stop, turning towards him.
“I owe you nothing!” she hisses at him. “I owe you no one, but especially you!”
“What the fuck does that suppose to mean?! I never thought you owe me anything!”
“I’m not doing this, Harry, leave me the fuck alone,” she growls and tries to leave, but Harry pulls her back again, determined to get an answer this time. 
“Don’t think I will just swallow everything down forever. I will get to the bottom of this, whether you like it or not. It’s your choice if you make it hard on both of us.”
She is looking back at him with wide eyes, this time his hand remains on her arm as they stare each other down in the empty hallway. Neither of them knows what will be their next move, the tension is so thick, it’s almost suffocating.
But then it all changes.
If someone asked who moved first, they wouldn’t know. One moment they are standing like stone statues, barely even breathing, then the next moment they are kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
It doesn’t take long until Harry has her pressed up against the wall, his hands roaming her body, feeling her up the way he fantasized about before, they are both rough and impatient, she is clawing at him, moaning into his mouth when his hips press against hers and she feels how hard he’s gotten already. 
Blindly, Harry pushes the closest door open which happens to be the staff’s bathroom that someone left unlocked, lucky for them. Still glued together they stumble inside, Y/N kicks the door open before Harry pushes her against it and he locks it before his hand returns to her tempting body. 
He has never acted like this when it comes to sex. He does like to spice things up sometimes, but the way he’s biting her lips or unbuttoning his pants or reaches under her dress to pull her underwear down is just so out of character for him, yet so freeing. 
Nothing is said, but when her hands pull his hard, leaking dick out of his pants, there’s a fleeting look they exchange that says it all, just how much they both want it. 
It’s the fastest pace he’s ever experienced, yet the most passionate too. They moan at the same time when Harry pushes into her and starts moving in a rush, desperate for relief. She’s panting and whining for more, the only form of speaking she is able to as she holds onto Harry who is focused on keeping up his quick and steady pace while holding her left leg up to ensure the perfect angle. 
The animalistic need is there for them both, making them act like this is what they must do to stay alive. It’s messy, fast and mind-blowing and they don’t need much time to reach the peak. As she comes her nails dig into her shoulder and she bites into his bottom lip so harshly it draws blood, but he doesn’t care, only follows her into bliss just a second later. With the last bit of his consciousness Harry pulls out right before he comes, covering her thigh with the white, sticky evidence of just how much he enjoyed the past minutes. 
They are breathing heavily and Harry feels like a thick haze is still lingering around his head, stopping him from realizing what just happened. Y/N however is ahead of him and when reality comes crashing down on her, her instinct to flee kicks right in. Harry is still trying to clear his mind when she grabs a paper towel and cleans herself up as fast as possible and Harry only snaps out of his trance when she is already unlocking the door.
“Y/N, what the— wait!” He can’t go after her as she slips out of the room because he is still pretty indecent, so he has to pull his pants up and can only rush out then, but by that time she is already gone.
He’s quite frantic as he tries to find her in the bar, but she is nowhere to be seen. Harry returns to the rest of their group, hoping to catch her somewhere but she has vanished into thin air. 
“Hey, have you seen Y/N?” he asks Mitch, his eyes still roaming the place.
“Nah, haven’t seen her since she went out to smoke.”
Harry groans and makes his way outside, maybe she’s there waiting for a car, but as he steps out to the street he sees no trace of her. Fishing his phone out of his pocket he doesn’t hesitate before dialing her number. The line rings once, twice and then… it goes to voicemail.
“Hey, this is Y/N. Do whatever you want after the beep.”
“Fuck!” Harry ends the call and he has to stop himself from throwing it against the nearest wall. 
This is not how he planned. Well, he didn’t plan any of it, especially not fucking Y/N like a horny teenager. He wanted to solve this whole issue between the two of them but instead he just created another one.
A stupid, giant one. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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emmyrosee · 1 year
“Stop tossing and turning, it’s four in the morning.”
Bakugou was blunt. Though unsurprising to those who knew him, it always would come as a surprise when he’d be so quick when it came to you.
Never in a malicious way; always just sharp.
But tonight, it hurt different. You didn’t snap back, or try to press a threat to sleep on the couch, instead, his bluntness only tacked on to the pounding in your head, using it as ammunition against you, and he didn’t even know it.
“Sorry,” you mumble, bottom lip wobbling.
He groans at the idea that he hurt your feelings, he’s not used to you not snapping back, and turns on his back- he never could sleep on his back, and it warmed your heart to know he was sacrificing a few more hours of much deserved sleep to comfort you.
“Talk,” he demands softly, opening an arm for you to curl into. When you do slip into his side, immediately tears swell your waterline and sting in a command to be released down your scorched, frustrated cheeks.
“I’m just… I’m so exhausted, Katsuki,” you whimper. You’re waiting for him to take it literally, but he doesn’t, and he stays silent in case you wish to keep going. “I put so much effort into everything I do, and it gets shit on; i get walked all over every. Damn. Day. I don’t want to try anymore, I don’t care to. Not like anything matters anyway, so why would I bother?”
Once again, he’s silent in case you want to continue. Hell, you’re almost convinced he’s fallen asleep until he lets out a soft sigh.
“You’re doing fine,” he mumbles, his calloused fingertips gently rubbing the tense muscles at the nape of your neck. “You’re doing your best, and even if you don’t see it, you take full pride in the things you do. Because that’s who you are, it’s one of the things that made me fall in love with you. You give, and give, and you don’t ask for anything in return, then you get in a headspace like this and wonder if it’s worth it.
“But baby,” he yawns, “it is worth it. Especially to you. And you’re not going to stop putting your all in the things you do, you know that. But there’s nothing wrong with wanting recognition. You deserve it.”
Tears swell in your waterline and you quickly bury your face into his side, tears soaking his shirt. “I’m always proud of you. You’re selfless, and as much as I adore that part of you, I wish you weren’t. Because it keeps both of us up at four in the morning and makes my shirt wet with tears.”
With a choked laugh, you shove him softly as he gives you a chuckle, but his words only have you crying more; he’s a man of few words but behind the blunt ones, the loving ones he picks are genuine, and you wouldn’t trade him, or the reassurances he gives you, for the world.
“I want to be better, Katsuki,” you wail. “I don’t want to be so tired anymore.”
“You’re already the best that you can be,” he assures, kissing you’re head.
“And that’s plenty. I promise you.”
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localtelephonebooth · 6 months
Thoughts on Kieran’s relationship with Ogerpon as a previously obsessive teenager:
(I did not proof read this. I just woke up, had the urge, and now it’s here.)
Kieran, to me, is a very relatable character. He is a shy, and quiet teenager in a small town. He lacks friendships and possibly meaningful connections with those who do spend time with him. He’s probably isolated due to the fact that he lacks a phone. Any friends he does make are likely school based only. So, Kieran latches on to anything he can to feel less alone in life. And of course he latches onto Ogerpon. Ogerpon is just like him. A sad “monster” all isolated and alone in the mountains. I’m certain that Kieran has fantasized about meeting Ogerpon and getting into wild adventures with her. I did the same thing with characters I enjoyed.
Princess Luna, for example (sorry to whiplash anyone with that), was a character I heavily related to. She was alone and isolated due to her previous actions. She struggled with fitting in and having a healthy relationship with her sister for awhile. To say I didn’t form an obsession with a character who understood my feelings would be a lie. I think Kieran is the same.
He became obsessed with Ogerpon. He become obsessed with the ideas he crafted of him and Ogerpon. In a way, that fantasy was VERY real to him. So when we come around and lie about meeting Ogerpon, and inevitably become friends with her behind his back, of course he freaks out! We stole his fantasy of him and Ogerpon! And that’s the key point here that people tend to not realize. We didn’t steal Ogerpon from Kieran, we just stole his fantasy and made it our reality.
With my obsession with princess Luna (again, whiplash), if anyone said they loved princess Luna it was a fucking attack on me. Princess Luna was my best friend, and she could only love me! Everyone else was just a jealous thief.
As an adult looking back on this mindset, it’s horribly embarrassing. It’s a mindset I carried into my real life, when I actually started making friends, that ruined so much for me. I lost friends because I was so angry that my fantasies were not reciprocated. I really do think Kieran does the same. He grows sad and frustrated over what happened with Ogerpon. His fantasy is just a fantasy, and that’s fucking with him. So naturally, he finds a new fantasy to, hopefully in his mind, make a reality. And so he chose battling and winning against you. The thing we used to “steal” Ogerpon away from him (Even though Kieran technically suggested battling for Ogerpon, I don’t doubt he used it to rationalize why she didn’t want to come with him). To him, being the best battler will solve everything. Kieran will get his revenge, he’ll finally be recognized, everyone can’t lie to him because they fear or admire him, and he’ll prove to Ogerpon he was the right choice.
Now, I want to say something about Kieran. A detail that, for whatever reason, people don’t like to acknowledge: He’s just a kid.
I’m not saying “He’s a widdle baby. He can do no harm!” No, Kieran’s an asshole. He became a bully. I can have empathy for his emotions, but not excuse his actions. He’s a dumb and entitled teenager with issues. And, quite obviously, he doesn’t really have a way to deal with his issues in a healthy manner (seriously, his school is based solely on battling. Anyone who’s going or gone to a specialized school can understand how toxic people can get in that type of environment. And don’t even get me started on the incompetence of the adults in Kieran’s school).
Kieran is a teenage boy growing up right now. He’s got a lot to work through, and a lot of people he’s gotta confront about his behavior. He was an asshole, a bully, and genuinely a bad person for minute. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t growing past that. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve recognition for his growth. You can recognize someone has changed and not forgive them.
Kieran is a really intriguing character and holds a valuable lesson in obsession. And I really wish people would recognize that he’s not just an irredeemable prick or an innocent little guy. He’s a kid learning. He’s going to make really stupid and bad mistakes. Just like how I, and probably you reading this, did.
Anyways, hopefully we see him interact with the Area Zero buddies. I think those three have amazing lessons that Kieran can learn from. Maybe Kieran can teach them a few things too!
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charmandabear · 7 months
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I got mad when the game wouldn't let me hug him after the Cazador fight. So I fixed it. Plus a bit more steaminess in the graveyard scene. (Also, yes, I'm insufferable about this title.)
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Tav Rating: M Word Count: 4.5k Tags/Warnings: post-Cazador fight, Act 3 spoilers, blood kink, biting, hurt/comfort, fluff and angst, soft dom Astarion, enthusiastic consent
It's been a good 10 years since I've written fanfiction and probably about 20 since I've published any online. This boy got me down BAD. I made an AO3 account for this fucker. (Which you can find here.)
“I can do this, but I need your help.”
You’ve never heard him plead like this. He’s usually so cool and confident. He doesn’t need anyone if he can help it. But this is different. Standing over Cazador, dagger in hand, fear and desperation in his eyes.
“I’ll be free - truly, completely free. Isn’t that what you want?”
He knows how to make your heart melt and break all at the same time. Gods, yes, of course that’s what you want, more than anything in the world. For him to be free to live the life that he never got to have, the life that Cazador stole away from him. He was so young when he got turned. And if he doesn’t take this chance, then as soon as you manage to get these damned tadpoles out of your head he’ll be relegated to the shadows once again. You can’t do that to him.
But this isn’t it. This won’t give him the freedom he so desperately craves, no, deserves. It’s just another form of chains. You take a shaky breath and prepare yourself for his disapproving glare.
“I know you think this will set you free, but it won’t. This power will trap you, just like it trapped Cazador.”
Astarion’s face goes slack, the recognition of the cycle of abuse suddenly clear. His eyes on you soften as he murmurs, “You– you’re right. I can be better than him.” He turns a steely gaze back to Cazador.
“But I’m not above enjoying this.”
With a ferocity that you haven’t yet seen in Astarion, he yanks Cazador’s head back and starts viciously stabbing into his neck. Two hundred years of pent up fury and revenge release in a matter of moments. At a certain point, he’s not even stabbing the man, but rather the idea of Cazador and everything he represents.
Eventually he slows and drops Cazador’s limp body to the ground. The dagger falls with a clatter, and Astarion takes a step back. His eyes finally come back into focus and he realizes that it’s over. Really, truly, over. He’s finally free.
His face is awash with an overwhelm of emotions that you can’t identify. He’s panting, first from the physical exertion and then the sobs that wrack his body. He lets out a howling cry filled with pain and suffering and relief and anguish and he falls to his knees, shoulders shaking. Up until this point, you and the rest of your party have been frozen to the spot as you watched Astarion claim his revenge. But something in you breaks free and you rush to his side. Where you need to be. Where you belong.
You grab him tight in your arms and curl into his neck, your own tears mixing with the blood and grime on his bare shoulder. You think with an almost sardonic humor how often your positions have been reversed. Whereas when he leaned into your neck it was often with hunger, or lust, or even just a flirty playfulness, now all you could bring is a shared pain and comfort. You plant a tender kiss just below his ear and he looks at you with tearful eyes, an unidentifiable question present. You wrap your hand around the base of his neck, fingers raking through bloodstained silver curls. Pressing your foreheads together, you sync up your breaths with his, trying to slow them back to an even rhythm. Gods, you love this man so much.
You finally dare to break the silence, whispering, “Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?” He lets out a weary chuckle and nods. You take one more look into those wet crimson eyes, bloodshot and tired, and smear some of Cazador’s blood left on his cheek in an attempt to wipe away his tears. He takes your hand and kisses your fingertips gently. You suddenly become aware that the other six spawn have been released from their soul-draining chains and are approaching, just as tired and sweaty as the rest of you. The two of you slowly get up to your feet, each helping the other in the process.
“Is… is it over? Is he…?” The woman you vaguely recall meeting in the flophouse in Wyrm’s Crossing, Dalyria, cautiously peers at Cazador’s body. Astarion lets out one final sigh, his breathing finally returning to normal.
“Yes. He’s gone.” He sounds like he can hardly believe it himself. As though saying the words aloud might somehow break a spell and make them untrue.
“What does that mean for us?” Petras, you think, comes up behind Dal. You do remember meeting him, feeling like he was like a knockoff version of Astarion. Trying all the same moves with half of the charm. You feel bad, now, about that judgemental assessment. He looks like such a lost little boy.
“It means you have a choice,” he says with exasperation. Sibling bonds, even when forged in fire, never die. “You can hide here, living in the shadows, like parasites.” His voice is filled with venom. “Or you can be more than what he made us to be. You can choose differently, of course. But the consequences are on your head.”
“What does it mean for them?” Dal asks, and Astarion falters slightly. 
“Ah. Now that is a question…” You can tell he had been trying not to think about the seven thousand vampire spawn locked up in the dungeons. He was trying to get Sebastian out of his mind since their conversation. You don’t blame him, honestly. Astarion may have been forced to do Cazador’s bidding, but that doesn’t make the fallout from that any less reprehensible. Worse even that he was good at it.
Astarion had taken a step away from you to talk to his siblings, and you can see him beginning to spiral. You close the distance again and lay a hand on his shoulder. You can feel him start under your touch.
“Let’s release them,” you offer quietly. “They deserve the same chance you got.” You have no idea who Astarion would be right now if he hadn’t gotten kidnapped by the Illithid. If he hadn’t been on this journey, seen everything he had seen. Met you. Honestly, you don’t know who you’d even be if you hadn’t met him either. The thought alone makes you run cold.
“You’re right,” he breathes barely above a whisper. “The poor wretches in the cells are innocent. They shouldn’t have to suffer just because I-” his voice catches in his throat and you see him shake off a dark thought, “lured them here.” He reaches down to pick up Cazador’s staff - Woe, you think it’s called - with a hand still stained reddish black with the vampire’s blood. He looks at it for a moment, considering it carefully, and everything this staff had ever meant. Then he slams it on the ground, red waves of energy emanating from it, using its power to unlock every single one of the cells in the dungeon. 
“They’ll need someone to lead them. Take the tunnels into the Underdark. Find somewhere… well, not safe, but less perilous.” Petras eyes light up with fear.
“What? No, we can’t-” he begins desperately, but Astarion cuts him off with a hand.
“Just try to keep them out of trouble.” The exasperated tone is back. How often had he needed to manage Petras’ emotions as much as his own? You vaguely wonder if Petras looked to Astarion as a role model. The other six spawn walk off slowly, exhausted but clearly relieved to be starting anew.
You turn to Astarion, who has just finished redonning his armor that Cazador had stripped him of. His gaze is glassy; you’ve seen this look before, sometimes even when you’re in bed together. He might as well be a million miles away. You gently touch his arm to bring him back to you. He jumps slightly, then a wan smile touches his lips, but not his eyes.
“That’s it. He’s gone. After all these years – these centuries – it’s really over.” He shuffles his feet, antsy and tired at the same time. You hesitate a moment, unsure of the best way to respond, but you finally settle on, “I’m proud of you. You did the right thing.” His smile isn’t free of bitterness.
“I’m glad you think so, because I’m not so sure.” His eyes flick up back to you, but that glassy look has returned. “I just feel numb. What I’ve lost, what I’ve gained – it’s all so much. And gods, all those spawn, free in the Underdark. I need some time, I think. Just to let it all sink in.” You reach out to touch his face comfortingly. Your heart sinks as he gently pushes your hand away, but it settles when he doesn’t let go of it.
“Let’s just go. This place reeks of death and I want to feel alive again.” He gives your fingers a small squeeze and then walks off ahead of your party, making his way down the long corridor into Cazador’s dungeon. Well, not Cazador’s anymore. You briefly wonder what’s going to happen to this place.
At the end of the hallway, you see the Gur standing there, too late to be even remotely useful. You struggle to keep a scowl off your face. You hate how they treated Astarion in your last encounter. You could be sympathetic of their pain, of course; they’ve lost so much to Astarion’s actions. But the fact that they offered no sympathy for him back, the fact that they could barely acknowledge that he was a victim himself? Absolutely despicable. 
Ulma stands at the head of the group, and her scowl matches yours. “You killed one vampire, but released seven thousand of his spawn? Have you lost all sense?”
“They were innocents. To kill them would have been an even greater crime.” Astarion couldn’t possibly sound more tired. You don’t blame him, these are the last people he wants to defend himself against right now.
“Some of those innocents are your fucking kids,” you grumble under your breath, hopefully not enough for Ulma to hear, but just enough for Astarion’s benefit. It’s clear that she couldn’t when she retorts, “And our children? What of their fate?”
“Cazador turned everyone we brought him into spawn. I can only assume your children are somewhere in those wretched cells. You’ll find them in the Underdark, although you may not like what you find.” The grief is plain in Ulma’s face, as well as the rest of the Gur. You feel a little more sympathy for them, but still no warmth.
“This is…” Ulma searches for the right word to capture the enormity of the situation, “difficult news.” She probably could’ve done better. “We will need to decide what this means.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “Thank you for what you have done – slaying Cazador was a great justice. As for the rest… well, time will tell.” Astarion nods curtly, and you’re relieved to be able to push past them and leave.
You and your party finally trudge back to Elfsong Tavern to rest. The rest of your companions are eager to gossip about the day’s events, everyone having something to say. You shield Astarion from their nosiness and distract them while he bathes in the tub in the corner, washing away more than just the physical dirt. 
Later that evening as everyone else is beginning to tuck into bed, Astarion comes to you, finally ready to talk again. You can smell his signature fragrance, an earthy citrus with an undertone of spice, and it’s positively intoxicating. You’ve grown to really love that smell, and even the slightest whiff makes your head spin. For the first time maybe ever since you met, his eyes look… soft. Almost warm, even.
“I should probably start getting used to the shadows, again,” he muses with a light smile. “Who knows how long I have left in the sun?” Your heart drops. This had been your greatest fear, that he would feel resentful of the fact that you convinced him not to go through with the ritual, thereby committing him to an indefinite lifetime in the darkness. You know how much he’s grown to love the feeling of the sun on his skin. Not to mention how it makes his skin look, soft and kissable.
“Don’t say that,” you plead with him. “We could still find a way to control the tadpole.” He shakes his head, his freshly washed curls bouncing slightly.
“Maybe, but even if I could control it, it’s a dangerous game. I’d spend every day waiting for something to go wrong. For the tadpole to find a new trick, reassert itself, make me a slave again.” His eyes grow lighter, discovering the truth of what he’s saying as he says it. “Maybe never seeing the sun again is just the price of freedom.” You reach out and give his arm a reassuring squeeze, relishing the feel of his cool, toned arm beneath the warm linen. Even after all this time, being this close to him makes you a little lightheaded. You feel the blood rush to your cheeks and neck, almost as though it’s aching to be drunk. 
“I’ll be with you either way,” you breathe softly. You can’t help but glance at his lips. “I hope you know that.”
“I think I do.” He sounds genuine, a bit of a rarity for him. Lest anyone believes Astarion to have a sincere bone in his body, he adds, “Assuming we survive, of course. Because a horrible death is always just around the corner with you.” You playfully shove his shoulder for teasing you. He laughs and gently pulls you in by your lower back and you feel the heat rising again. Your breath catches as his eyes rake over your body and face. He lingers on your lips for a moment before darting back up to your eyes.
“There’s… something I’d like to show you, if that’s alright? Something out in the city.” He cocks his head and looks at you with an almost impossible combination of bashfulness and lust. Being this close to him and breathing in his heady scent makes you dizzy. You manage to recover just enough to quip, “If you want to sneak off for a cuddle, you can just ask.” He lets you go and you feel a significant drop in your internal temperature.
“I’ll try to restrain myself if you do,” he says with a cheeky smile. He takes you gently by the hand and leads you out the Elfsong Tavern.
The graveyard is quiet, almost serene. Astarion walks forward towards a tombstone covered in ivy and, with something bordering on reverence, brushes the vines away to reveal the text engraved in the crumbling stone. 
Astarion Ancunin 1229 DR - 1268 DR
He wipes the dirt off his hands and steps back next to you to get a better view of the stone. You stand together in silence for a moment, as if in prayer.
“Nearly two hundred years and I never came back. Not since the night I woke up down there.” His gaze is overtaken by that glassy look, the one you recognize to be him reliving his trauma. “I had to punch a hole in the coffin and claw my way through six feet of dirt. Then when I finally broke the surface, retching up dirt and congealed blood, Cazador was waiting. From that day on I was his.” He sneers at the memory. Then he pauses, considering, “Until today.” 
He comes back to himself with a shake of his head, and his eyes return to this plane. He adds, as much to himself as to you, “Now I need to figure out who I am. What I want.”
“And what do you want?” Your mouth is dry as you ask the question. You can hope for the answer, but you wouldn’t dare presume. He might need to figure that out on his own, and if that’s the case, you will respect that. 
He turns to face you, his red eyes full of more warmth than you’ve ever seen. Your heart leaps into your throat as he smiles and says, “You… I want you. 
“You were by my side through all of this. Through bloodlust and pain and misery. You were patient. You cared.” As he’s speaking your heart starts beating loudly, blood pumping through your arteries at an almost vulgar rate. You know he can tell, and he chuckles softly. Cupping his hand below your ear and gently stroking your cheek with his thumb, he adds teasingly, “You trusted me when that was an objectively stupid thing to do.” He pulls you even closer and rests his forehead against yours. You could never get tired of this. As much as you love those moments filled with heat and lust, there’s something so tender about these intimate gestures that aren’t about sex. 
“I feel safe with you. Seen. And whatever the future holds for me, I don’t want to lose that.” You grasp at the back of his shirt, looking for purchase as you fall so much more deeply for him. Your voice is barely above a whisper as you breathe, “You won’t. Whatever comes next, I’ve got you.”
“Thank you.”
You two stand there for what feels like both an eternity and a fraction of a second before he pulls away and looks at the grave again.
“Well. I should probably fix this.” He pulls a dagger from his belt with practiced fingers and kneels beside the stone, carving something into it. You kneel beside him and see that it now reads
Astarion Ancunin 1229 DR - 1268 DR 1492 DR -
His new life. For the first time in two hundred years, he can call it his own. You find yourself at a loss of what to do, or what to add, so you self-consciously pick up a nearby wildflower and gently place it at the base of his gravestone. He glances at you sideways and smirks, “Cute.” You both sit back on your heels to admire his work. He heaves a great sigh, letting go of centuries of tension and fear.
“I’ve been dead in the ground for long enough. It’s time to start living again.” He turns to you and takes your hands. “With everything life has to offer.” His voice has taken on that gravelly tone that sends a shiver up your spine. You don’t want to pressure him, of course, but your desire for his touch is getting harder to ignore. These gentle grazes, lovely though they’ve been, have set your skin aflame.
His eyes glint mischievously and that familiar flirty lilt comes back to his voice. “If a night of passion is on offer, I could be persuaded.” Your body leans toward him instinctively, breath heavy in your chest. The words are out of your mouth before your brain catches up, “Sounds good to me.” He gets close to your face and you can feel his breath on your lips before he pulls away suddenly. He’s teasing you, and you know that he’s relishing in the satisfaction of it.
“You know,” he says with a feigned innocence, as though he doesn’t know the effect he has on you, “I didn’t care for you when we first met.” The sudden shift in tone knocks you back to reality, and you can’t help but laugh. He impishly glances up at you through his lashes.
“But I do now. Being with you is about more than lust or manipulating you into a tactical alliance.” He takes your hand, cheekiness gone, and looks you squarely in the eye with a rare earnestness. “I love you. I love this. And I want it all.” You will never tire of hearing those words. He reaches behind your ear and tenderly pulls you closer to him, finally giving your lips the reprieve they’ve been so desperate for. It’s a soft kiss, gentle, yet it still makes you burn up inside. 
He pulls away far too soon, and you gaze back at him with starry eyes. His features is soft and smiley, but in an instant he raises on his knees so he’s towering over you and he takes on that stern expression that makes your temperature rise. He shoves you back onto your elbows before bending down to crawl up your torso hungrily. He kisses you again, this time with more intensity. He pins you down with the weight of his chest and then traps you further by nudging your leg up with his knee, eliciting a small gasp of surprise from you. You couldn’t escape even if you wanted to. And you most certainly don’t want to.
His body presses against yours and you curl your leg around him, pulling him tighter. An almost imperceptible grunt escapes his lips and you smile through your kiss. You can feel his smile in return and you lace your fingers into his silvery hair. He deepens the kiss, rolling his hips harder against you and your mouth opens involuntarily. He takes advantage of this momentary lapse and makes his way toward your neck, marking the trail with kisses. You seize up and your fingers tighten in his hair, encouraging him silently. But he needs more than that, and you know exactly how he’ll respond.
“Use your words,” he hums between kisses. You squirm beneath him, trying to sound even remotely dignified.
“You can,” you manage to gasp out as you try to suppress the moans that his lips are tearing from your throat. He flicks his tongue right over his usual puncture wounds and then gently trails it up the shell of your ear. You shiver with the intensity of it all.
“I can… what? I can’t know unless you tell me.” How the fuck does his voice stay this even? You can bearly even think straight, let alone string full sentences together. And yet he remains calm, nigh indifferent to the effect he’s having on you. But as cool as he is on the surface, you know how much he wants it. You both love the teasing, each night a challenge to see who can outlast the other. 
“You can bite me,” you breathe and he nips at your ear ever so lightly, causing you to choke out the last few words, “if you want.”
“If I want? But what do you want?” He emphasizes the pronouns in a singsongy tone, and even hearing “I” and “you” in the same sentence does it for you. He’s still grinding against you all while assaulting your neck with filthy kisses. You try to remember what words are.
“I want you,” you gasp, trying to keep your words legible, “to bite me.” You suck in sharply through your teeth as he hitches your leg up a little higher. He grabs both of your wrists in one hand and pins them above your head.
“Are you sure?” his tone is still infuriatingly innocent. He knows how much you want this, and you know what he wants in return. You’re not quite ready to give it to him yet. But gods how you wish he would break first tonight. Odds aren’t looking great as his free hand slips behind your lower back causing you to arch it off the ground slightly.
“Yes,” you groan in agony as his lips continues their heinous walk up and down your neck and collarbone. “Please, Astarion. I want you to.” He nips you again at the same time that he presses his thigh right at the apex between your legs. He tightens his grip on your wrists and whispers sharply in your ear.
“Beg for it.”
That’s it. You’ve lost. You cry out in a delicious mix of pain and pleasure. The words come tumbling out of you, unbidden and unburdened.
“Please, Astarion, bite me. Please please please. Bite me. I want to feel your fangs pierce my skin. I want to know the feeling of my blood inside you. Gods, please, I can’t take it any longer and if you don’t bite me soon I think I might-”
Thank the realms that he cuts you off in that moment, acquiescing to your begging, because you have no idea how you planned to finish that sentence. The sharp moment of pleasure as he sinks in, followed by the loveliness of feeling your blood flow into his mouth. It makes you feel slightly lightheaded, and the high it gives you is better than any you might hope to achieve on Elendren pipeweed. The gentle feeling of his tongue lapping at your neck contrasts beautifully with the sharp tension of him sucking the blood out of you. You can feel him starting to get lost in your neck, his grip on your wrists loosening. You use this moment of vulnerability in Astarion to get him back by arching your back even more to move your hips against his. You hear the sudden intake of breath through his nose and you smile to yourself smugly. He knows what you did and isn’t about to take it lying down, metaphorically speaking. 
Once he’s had his fill he draws away from your neck, lips stained red with your blood. He sits up again, one knee between your legs as he looks down on you. He tsks quietly as he shakes his head, drawling, “So naughty. What am I to do with you?” You prop yourself up on your elbows and return his gaze wickedly, your blood tickling your neck as it drips down toward your shoulder. He swipes at the drop with a long pale finger and lasciviously sucks your blood off his fingertip. Your smug grin is back, knowing how weak he is for you. 
His face drops into that stern expression again, but this time a devilish smile plays on his lips. He puts his hand on your chest gently, then takes a hard turn as he grabs you by the throat. Not enough to be painful, nor enough to constrict your breathing, but just enough for him to have control. He studies your face for a moment, admiring its beauty, before he yanks you upward commanding you to look him in the eye. He leans in for a forceful kiss as he keeps his hand tight beneath your jaw. You start to lose yourself in the kiss, melting into him, and he takes the opportunity to sharply push you away, his pointer lingering on your chin to show that he’s still in control of where you look. He lets you go and leans back confidently, enjoying how you’ve become extremely pliable in his hands.
He stands to loom over you for a second more, then reaches for your hand to pull you up. You’re completely under his power and couldn’t be more than happy to give him whatever he wants. You take his hand and he pulls it behind his back, pressing your chest into his. 
“You’d better be good for me,” he murmurs against your lips, once again denying the kiss you ache for. “We wouldn’t want to punish any bad behavior, now would we?” He caresses your face momentarily and then turns with your hand still in his and pulls you toward… somewhere. Honestly, you couldn’t care where. You love him, and you love this, and you’ll go wherever he leads. 
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stylespresleyhearted · 3 months
In honor of the great @blainesebastian ‘s birthday here’s a little instagram compilation I’ve conjured up for our adored CCG nation <3 Austin, CCG, and Luci we miss and love ya’ll forever and Mccall you are a brilliant mind whom I will adore until the end of time! Have the bestest birthday ever, you deserve nothing less!
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liked by coffee.girl, salmahayek, and 20,342 others
enews And the Best Dad Award goes to ….! In honor Austin Butler and Y/N’s little girl turning three today let’s take a look back at our favorite moments of Austin Butler being the best dad ❤️ link in bio for full video of second slide.
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austinfan18 video of luci running into austin’s arm after two weeks apart you will always be famous!
butlerishh him throwing her in the air LMAO LUCI WAS NOT HAVING FUN
ccgfan HA fr luci was looking at her mom to save her
iloveaustin Can we talk about how proud his mom would be about what a great parent he is?
sharonbleu Austin even has Salma Hayek up in the likes 😉
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liked by austinbutler, priscillapresley, and 872, 196 others
coffee.girl Celebrating Luci day should be every day tbh. 🦖💕👁️🐠🪷🌸☃️🥞 @austinbutler and I can’t believe we created this wonderful being, she had to have come from a lab of perfection.
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ashleytisdale Luci told me she’s from Pluto and I believe her. It’s the only logical explanation.
austinbutler Nice use of all of Luci’s favorite emoji’s, she’s going to be so proud. ❤️
jillian.mua The best thing you and Austin ever did and will ever do is have sex three years ago to give the world the best human to walk the Earth
coffee.girl JILLIAN!
ashleybee I’m disgusted but I get what she means
austinbutler Babe close your comment section please
chrisevans Happy bday to the one who is gonna prove aliens exist!
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liked by austinbutler, bazluhrmann, and 20,807 others
people Luci Butler turns three today so we must not forget to credit her mother (and best friend) in a world where it seems moms get no recognition for being superhuman.
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user12 imagine using a 3 year olds bday to make some political womens movement statement. mom’s get plenty of recognition.
butlerfamupdates I actually applaud People Magazine for this. All day magazine’s have posted Austin’s cutest moments with Luci and talked about what a wonderful Dad he is - which no one would ever doubt to think he is - but Luci’s mom is very much present as well and deserves love too. Luci loves both her parents. It’s normal for a kid to have favorites, it doesn’t make the other parent ‘bad.’
ccgfan Y/N and Luci sharing their love for open water together and creating sea shell necklaces i cry
ccgfan1 You just know she’s the most supportive and loving mother! Austin and Luci are so lucky to have her!
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liked by coffee.girl, austinbutler, and 341, 289 others
ashleytisdale happy birthday to Jupiter’s bestest friend in the whole wide world! We are so lucky to have you in our life Luci ❤️🦖✨
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coffee.girl the cutest besties 👯 🤣
fan23 ashley and aus are bffs now their daughters are too 😭
austinluv STOP my heart can’t take it
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liked by ashleybee, ccgfan, and 34, 567 others
butlerfamupdates a cute little insight into Luci’s “THREE-REX” bday party! Posts and reposts from @austinbutler and @coffee.girl IG stories
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sugartreats Thank you for choosing us for her cakes and treats! The sweetest, most beautiful family 🙌🏼 #happybirthdayluci
fan34 so luc is like obsessed w dinos huh 🤔
fan33 austin literally calls her lil dino
fan45 u just know it was luci’s idea to put a tutu on the scary t rex LMAO
sugarcakes Oh it was! Her parents brought her in and Miss Luci was very specific with what she wanted haha
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liked by ashleytisdale, oliviadejonge, and others
jillian.mua Happy birthday cool girl 🥳 I love you
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austinbutler vibin’
ashleybee oh gosh i wanna kiss those cheeks
oliviadejonge i wanna be her when i grow up ✨🥳
coffee.girl @austinbutler trendsetter 😂❤️
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liked by austin12 and others
austinbnews via Austin’s IG story for Luci’s birthday! Happy birthday sweet Luci 🎂 ♥️
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austinfan23 she’s taking after her parents with her love of books 🥹
ccgfan yes Y/N and Austin built Luci her personal little library 😭
butlerupdates Austin taking a picture of Luci taking a picture of Y/N — ICONIC
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liked by ashleebee, coffee.girl, and 1,235,096 others
austinbutler happy birthday lil dino ♥️
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coffee.girl … and she’s out for the count
jillian.mua @coffee.girl she had a busy day bossing everyone around
ashleytisdale @austinbutler please tell me you at least wiped the cake frosting off her face
austinbutler @ashleytisdale I’m not dealing with that tantrum when she wakes up
coffee.girl @austinbutler neither am I smart move
ashleybee I LOVE HERRRR
LMAOOOO MCCALL WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF I TOLD YOU I WAS ALREADY WORKING ON THIS BEFORE YOU TEXTED ME TODAY ASKING ABOUT LUCI ?!???? OUR BRAINSSS INTERCONNECTED 🙌🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️ happy birthday mccall love you and your little universe and luci and ccg so much you’re awesome
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The Long Game by @lackadaisicallizard
Sirius learns that Regulus and James are dating, and he finds it a hard thing to digest. He also struggles thinking that the two of them won't love him anymore, now that they have each other.
James tries a different tact. “Do you love Remus?”
Sirius furrows his brow slightly. “Of course I do.”
“And when you realised, that did it make you love me any less?”
Sirius nods in recognition now. “No, it didn’t.”
“And do you love your brother any less now that you know he has feelings for me?”
“There’s no limit on love. You don’t reach your quota and then have to get rid of some, it just keeps going.”
Sirius smiles slightly.
“And I might be a bit biased here but doesn’t Regulus deserve to be loved just as much as anyone else?”
“You’re definitely more than a bit biased on that one.”
“Just answer the question, Sirius.”
“Yes, obviously I want my brother to be loved.”
“Then why can’t that be by me?”
I am so in love with this fic, my amazing friend Liz wrote it and it is well worth the read!! Jegulus modern au, highschool. Slow burn, great amount of angst and fluff. Background WolfStar. Soccer player!James, artist!Regulus, musician!Sirius, Smart Sassy!Remus. 27 completed chapters.
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king-crawler · 6 months
The scene where Ralph meets King Candy for the first time is one of the most interesting ones on a rewatch because you already know who King Candy is pretending Not to be. The way Ralph behaves is interesting too. (I’m studying these little 1kb game characters under a microscope)
Below the cut is a LONG scene/character analysis (~6min read?)
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First off. King Candy’s mere Entrance in this scene already characterizes him a ton and he hasn’t even said anything yet. He speeds obnoxiously around Ralph in his little go-kart BLARING HIS HORN. This immediately gives off the impression of: Very in your face. Very full of himself. And Very Annoying About It. (sir.. your Turbo is showing)
(Ralph Face Reveal While Screaming)
“Milk my duds! it’s Wreck-it Ralph??”
“Yeah...? And who are you, the guy who makes the donuts?”
“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I love this interaction because King Candy INSTANTLY knows who Ralph is. And from Ralph’s perspective that’s… weird.
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Ralph is probably a little confused. Given how he answers “yeah?” He doesn’t just straight up ask “How do you know who I am” because he’s currently being interrogated (Probably Not a Good Time) Also that recognition is something he rarely receives in the first place, so why from this guy…? So instead he asks: Well who are you supposed to be?
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WELL FIRST OF ALL. HE KNOWS WHO RALPH IS BECAUSE TURBO’S GAME CABINET SAT NEXT TO HIS FOR YEARS. Which is why King Candy is so surprised - he’s probably seeing him for the first time in decades.
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“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I also love how he nervously laughs at first before responding with “No!” In that particular way- simply laughing it off before being Rather Quick to reject Ralph’s proposal that he could possibly be someone else. Interesting .
But it’s the way he says “I’m King Candy!” That carries so much implication. His pose and smile, the perfect inflection in his voice- it’s theatrical, it’s like he’s rehearsed it. It’s almost like he’s trying to convince Ralph that he’s really who he says he is with the best performance possible. He’s been doing that for years and by this point he’s totally mastered it. Nobody suspects a thing. (For now……)
—————————— Skipping forward a little, Ralph explains that he got a medal from Hero's Duty.
"Your medal? (giggles) Bad guys don't win medals!"
"Well, this one did. I earned it over in... Hero's Duty"
"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
"What? No no no no no..."
"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
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First off we'll focus on Ralph. The way he admits it... He knows it sounds bad. He breaks eye contact and hesitates before saying "Hero's Duty." Probably because he knows what King Candy is gonna retort with. But he still says "I earned it" not only because he doesn't want to incriminate himself, but because he believes it. He did earn it... right? And then Ralph tries to brush off the suggestion that he's going Turbo before being interrupted by King candy's rampant tantrum. (WHICH I WILL GET TO.)
At this point, Ralph is becoming less confident that he earned his medal because he's in denial about “going Turbo.” His confidence wavers here especially because he's in the presence of this apparent authority figure whose trying to guilt and incriminate him. (And this is a situation he's already all too familiar with- think of how Surge Protector always halts him when going into games just because he's a bad guy.)
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But there's still one major thing keeping this denial intact: He wants to hold onto the fact he deserves his medal so bad. Others have hurt him for so long, he thinks getting that medal alone means he'll finally be respected, praised, and loved.
"Is it Turbo to want a friend? Or a medal? Or a piece of pie every once in a while? Is it Turbo to want more out of life?"
(I know that’s literally the Conflict of the Movie. BUT ITS WORTH MENTIONING OKAY I LOVE RALPH’S CHARACTER LEAVE ME ALONE)
I think the fact you can gather all this info just from the way he's portrayed during this SINGLE INTERACTION- its amazing. Amazing character writing is when when nearly every action a character does reinforces their motivations or personality and you're able to SEE IT!!
Now to focus on King Candy again… this FUCKER‼️
First off, him mentioning Turbo Isn’t even that suspicious at this point in the film… well… at first glance at least.
At first it seems like everyone knows who Turbo is. Ralph is questioned at Bad-Anon, Q*bert tells Felix and the nicelanders freak out- everyone who’s been around for a while knows who this guy is. But if you think about it… isn’t Sugar Rush a newer game? Not as new as Hero’s Duty, but it’s still a little odd that King Candy would know who Turbo is ON TOP of knowing Ralph. Just a little.
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"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
Ok but Seriously. That Part. The pure irony of King candy saying THAT a threat against Ralph in an attempt to incriminate him. The way he says it too... He breaks eye contact and glances to the floor like it’s something forbidden to even mention. His accompanied hand movements too (and King Candy speaks with his hands A Lot) they move like he’s describing a ghost story. He’s obviously trying to scare Ralph… trying to scare him into admitting something.
This is... a lot. Maybe even some level of self projecting...? Cuz MAN. that is too deep for me to even start getting into
But the fact that his OWN NAME (a SECRET IDENTITY MIND YOU) has become so infamous that now HE’S WEAPONIZING IT?!? IS INSANE??? Can you Imagine his thought process. Like how far gone into the deep end is he.
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THIS. this is so good. And the way King Candy eludes to “Turbo” as some kind of monster. Could that be offering him like. A Brief moment of catharsis. Or fuel some twisted sense of pride. What the FUCK is going on in this SICKO’S HEAD !!!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
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"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
SECOND!!!!!! King Candy gets SO defensive SO FAST. That man jumps to conclusions IMMEDIATELY!!! He essentially throws a tantrum while stepping closer to Ralph, stumbling over his words and giggling nervously. The mere thought of there being ANY threat of someone else taking over "his game" riles him up SO BAD.
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This is the same EXACT SAME TEMPER that made him storm into Roadblasters as Turbo years ago, because he saw Roadblasters as a direct threat to his own game's popularity - HIS popularity!!!! Because getting exposure- infamous or otherwise- is the ONLY thing that drives him. (Pun intended. Sorry.)
And the way he repeats “MY” kingdom “MY” game… mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine. Are you done with your tantrum old man.
Wow. Anyways I think that’s enough for now. And that was in response to only a minute of content. (Oh dear.)
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maislovebot · 2 months
200 followers event: kunikida & akutagawa nsfw abcs
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Tysm for the request!! I hope you enjoy it!! I’m so sorry for taking so long to post this, I have no excuses😭 also because you requested two characters the blurbs are a little shorter than the Sigma one!!
General: afab + gn reader, established relationship,
Letter C:
Kuni: breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, protected & unprotected sex
Aku: very slight breeding kink, mentions of hair pulling
Letter D:
Kuni: riding, mentions of him being a pleasure dom
Aku: fantasies of exhibitionism
Letter K:
Kuni: lingerie, breeding, praise (giving), implied overstim
Aku: exhibitionism, praise (giving), aftercare, marking (giving & receiving), biting/hickies/nail marks, intimacy, oral fixation
Letter U:
Kuni: teasing (giving & receiving)
Aku: teasing (giving and receiving)
Letter Y: Idk there isn’t really much of a warning for either of these
Kunikida does have a thing for breeding. His liking for it definitely isn’t as vibrant as some of his other kinks, but he most certainly enjoys it. He finds it so hot when you’re whining and wrapping your legs around his waist as you clench around him as he cums. Especially when you come with him. Kunikida does want a family one day, so that does fuel it. But he also just finds it so. Hot.
He is a responsible person though, so until the two of you decide to have a family (if you two ever decide to), he will use a condom. If you were to tell him that you were fine with him cumming inside, he would have a field day!
Dirty secret:
Kunikida is such a hard worker, isn’t he? Well, that doesn’t change in bed. He absolutely makes sure to try his hardest to make you feel satisfied when having sex. And especially after having sex. But he’s such a hard worker, he can get burnt out. So there’s a part of him that just wants to sit back and be taken care of every so often. He could never admit it! While this may not seem like a big deal to most people, being a hard worker is Kunikida’s number one goal. He wants to put in the most effort possible in every situation, and make it the best outcome for you, but sometimes he needs a break.
He can never bring himself to admit this, so you’d have to bring it up on a day where he’s particularly stressed and more susceptible. But god, has he fantasized about you hovering over his hips and bouncing on his cock while he nuzzles his face in your neck, guiding your hips with his hands. Thinking about the little noises you’d make when he leaves small licks to your neck, or the way your legs would shake when you get close is enough to get him going!
Kunikida is fairly vanilla, with very few kinks. But there are some things that he really enjoys.
Kunikida is a classy man, he loves seeing you in pretty clothes and nice accessories, and that remains true in the bedroom. He loves to buy you nice things sometimes, especially if he gets a bonus in his paycheck or something. Anytime you do as much as show him a bra-strap with lace on it, he’s all over you!
I went into this a fair amount in letter C, but he loves to cum inside. He doesn’t even want kids, at least not right now. He just loves the feeling. And if you two do decide to have kids, he’ll be using it as an opportunity to fuck you full of his cum. You’re going to be exhausted by the time he’s done with you anytime he decides to breed you!
Kunikida is such a good person, he deserves some recognition, doesn’t he? He is always checking in on you, making sure you’re having a good time. Being given that verbal validation that he’s able to make you feel good makes him so proud! He never allows himself to get cocky, but maybe he can let himself let loose whenever you’re giving him endless compliments and praise.
He doesn’t particularly like to tease? I mean sure, he will if you tell him you enjoy it, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to. It’s the same when it comes to being teased. He’s down if you’re down, but if you tease him, expect him to be extra desperate once you finally let him come. He’s gonna be all over you, fucking you desperately.
Due to him being so busy all the time, it tends to fluctuate. He’ll go a week or so without really thinking about it much at all because of all the stress he’s under, but as soon as that stress is lifted, it all catches up to him. You two end up having sex every day! There will also be times where because he’s under so much stress, all he wants to do is get home and fuck you. He tries to not let it hinder his work, but it’s really hard when he’s so horny all the time.
Akutagawa is relatively neutral on where he cums, but he does like the trust that it takes to let him come inside. He also likes the power dynamic it gives him when he does.
When it comes to you cumming, he always makes sure that you do. He loves the way your legs start shaking when you’re close, and how you pull his hair and hold his hands to help stabilize yourself. How you zone out when you finally reach your orgasm, nothing filling your mind besides the pure bliss that comes from his hands on your clit.
Dirty secret:
Secret exhibitionist? Yes!! While he would never actually do anything in public, after all, it’s way too intimate of a thing for him to do in public. If anyone were to take him down, it would be while you two are having sex, so he prefers to do it in the comfort of his own home. But god that does not mean that he doesn’t fantasize about it. Picturing someone walking in and seeing how good he makes you feel is such a hot idea to him. Especially if it’s someone that he considers to be an enemy. But the idea of an enemy actually seeing him in such a..compromising position is terrifying.
As I mentioned before, he likes the concept of exhibitionism, but he’d never actually act on it. He’ll sure as hell fantasize about it though.
Akutagawa has a constant worry that you’re going to leave him, realizing that you deserve better than him (his words, not yours), so being told that he’s enough is so reaffirming. It makes him feel giddy, although he’d never show it. He especially loves it during the aftercare. Mumbling kind words into his ear while you’re half asleep, holding him close. After all, people are at their most honest when they’re tired.
This ties into letter D, he loves the idea of people seeing how good he makes you feel. And he loves people seeing that you’re with him, and that he’s with you. He’ll bite your shoulder when he’s close to cumming, or dig his nails into your skin. He doesn’t really want to hurt you, it just happens in the moment, and even if he apologizes for hurting you, he’s proud. He also loves when you leave hickies or bite him because he’s so pale, so it’s almost vibrant against his skin.
Oral fixation:
He does love to get head, but it pales compared to eating you out. It’s almost as if he’s proving himself to you. ‘See how good I make you feel? See how you’re practically dripping?’ Are some of the thoughts running through his head. Not to mention how good you taste.
He quite enjoys teasing you. He won’t do it often, but he will gladly do it. Hearing the whines that leave your mouth makes him give the slightest smile into your skin. Especially because once he finally does let you cum, you’re so loud. It’s so built up, that your reactions are extra enthralling.
He has a pretty high sex drive. It does take him a long time to get comfortable with doing anything past grinding against you, but once he is, he’s never gonna stop. He’d have sex with you every day if you let him. If not, that’s fine, of course, but he does have quite the drive. It’s like an addiction. He’s addicted to the feeling. At least it’s a relatively healthy addiction!!
Wc - 1.3k
I’m under a lot of stress so I think my immune system decided to glitch out on me and I’m sick so I’ll probably be taking yet another break😭 I’m so sorry about all the breaks I’m taking:( but I gotta work through this so that I can come back with better mental health, so the quality of my writing can improve!! I’ll probably be gone until next Friday, maybe sooner if I start feeling better
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i-am-church-the-cat · 4 months
history of man
Or Brocedes in 3 parts
Part I: Before
Nico is not jealous that Lewis is a championship contender in his first season in F1. Lewis has always had to work hard for the things that Nico has with ease: recognition, support, community. Racing might have been in Nico’s blood but Lewis bled for racing and all he could feel for his best friend was proud.
Anyway, he was busy, too. Working with Williams, trying to build the historic team back up to its former glory, while also trying to prove that he’s a serious racer worthy of a championship car and not just riding the coattails of his father’s success in the sport.
Then Lewis wins a championship. It is the greatest moment of Nico’s life, probably third only to his own future championship or his wedding day. Lewis seems to have everything he wants at McLaren and Nico would have considered going with him there, being teammates like they always planner, if McLaren had wanted anything to do with him.
Instead, he is offered a deal at Mercedes, a team that people don’t think is going anywhere, but if they’re good enough for Micheal Schumacher then of course they are good enough for him. Playing second fiddle to a championship winner isn’t as hard as it sounds. If Lewis could do it, so could Nico, even if he didn’t get nearly as much recognition for it.
Though neither of them are getting much attention at the moment, what with Red Bull and Vettel totally dominating. Nico thinks Lewis is more upset about it than he is, having to listen to more than a few rants on the subject. He tries to be supportive, but it’s hard when Nico is so happy. He’s a racer in Formula 1 with his best friend, competing against certifiably the greatest F1 driver of all time. The only thing that could make it better is if he was competing against Lewis or for a championship. Or competing against Lewis for a championship.
That really would be the dream.
But Lewis loves McLaren, and even if they aren’t in fighting shape right now, that doesn’t mean they won’t be soon. And even if Lewis was considering leaving, he wouldn’t come to Mercedes of all places. He’d probably go to Ferrari as long as Fernando wasn’t there.
Nico uses all these reasons and more to keep himself from getting his hopes up when Micheal announces his retirement. When Lewis admits to him his frustration with McLaren. When Toto tells him that he’s been in talks with someone he “thinks you’d get along great with, Nico.”
He continues to rationalize it all the way up to when Lewis shows up at his apartment, using his key and announcing his presence with a loud “Rosberg!” and the sudden brute force of someone colliding with him.
“Oof.” Nico flops back into the couch, halfway up from where he’d tried to get up to greet Lewis. He pushes at the other boy, feeling like they were 12 again, wrestling in their hotel rooms.
“What you big bully?”
Lewis pulls back and grins, shark-like with a kind of kiddy glee.
“I’m coming to Mercedes.”
Part II: During
“I’m coming to Mercedes.”
A pause. Then, “Well, obviously, I’ve only been convincing Toto to sign you for the last year.”
George fully expects the pillow aimed at his head and dodges deftly. He and Alex are both grinning like fools, and George can see all his plans for the future start to unspool.
Lewis wins his 8th championship with Ferrari that first year, a feat only the man himself could have predicted. George is having too much fun getting paid to bully his best friend.
Next year though. Next year.
“This is a championship winning car, mate,” Alex says after the first day of testing. “I can feel it. Can you feel it?”
George swallows, the memory of how responsive the car had been that morning. Like writing a sonnet with a steering wheel.
“Yeah. I can feel it.”
It was a championship winning car. It won both championships that year, the Mercedes driver pairing ending up 1st and 2nd again after a long time. It was his first championship, and he deserved it, working so hard to prove himself out from under a world champion’s shadow.
George was so damn proud of him.
Watching Alex on the top step was like a dream, draped in the red-white-blue of his flag, doused in champagne and breathing heavy, as if he’d been holding his breath since the end of testing. Sure, it stung a little losing his own chance at a championship, but he’d put up a hell of a fight and he would again next year. George had no doubt that in 2027, he’d be the world driver’s champion.
Alex turned to him from the too step, wide smile and something devilish in his eye.
“Let’s do this again next year, George,” he said, somehow agreeing with everything George himself had been thinking. George grinned in return and could only shout an affirmative.
And they did do it again next year. Two championships, one-two, podium steps and drenched in champagne.
George looking up. Again.
Alex was a terrific driver. George knew it because he’d been there while Alex learned how to do it. How to win. George knew how hard Alex was to beat because he’d watched him climb further and further away from second place.
Maybe that’s why it was always going to end up this way. Alex had made himself unbeatable and only George was there to see all of it. That’s why it only could have been him that saw the chink in the armor of Alex’s driving.
George had won. He was on the top step. He was the 2028 world driver’s champion.
And Alex wouldn’t look at him. Wouldn’t give him the big smile that use to come so easily to his face. When did Alex stop smiling? When did Alex stop smiling at him?
George had barely eaten the entire week leading up to Abu Dhabi. That didn’t stop him from spending hours emptying his stomach at the memory of Alex’s clenched jaw and shunted eyes.
That’s why-
“I’m retiring.”
Part III: After
“I’m retiring.”
The flash of the camera hurt his eyes. You’d think by 2034 they’d have made cameras that weren’t so earth shatteringly bright.
It wasn’t a decision Logan had made lightly. He was the first American WDC since Andretti, he had the chance to be the only repeat American winner. Except there wasn’t really a chance. This season had taken everything Logan had and he’d still just barely been able to beat out Oscar. He couldn’t do it again and he didn’t want to try.
It wouldn’t get him his best friend back.
The story was old hat by now. The Mercedes curse. You’d think after Alex and George Toto would stop hiring childhood best friends as teammates. But the opportunity to sign the current WDC Oscar Piastri had been too good to pass up. He had three under his belt, now, definitely more after this, since he wouldn’t have Logan here to make it harder for him.
But it was a classic tragedy. Everyone knew the ending by now. The former-Williams driver gave their entire soul for that one championship, just to show that they could do it. Then the real winner went off and grew into the phenom they were always supposed to be. Now without the dead weight of their best friend hanging onto him.
They’d sworn it wouldn’t happen to them. They’d both worked so hard to keep the resentment from boiling over. But the threat of being dropped if Logan got another P2 in the championship had been the straw that broke the camel’s back. It hadn’t been Oscar’s fault that the team had decided to shift to him after all Logan had given them. But that didn’t mean Logan could let it go, either.
Now there were landmines around their relationship. Both too scared to reach out because of the chance of stepping on one and burning down everything they’d built. So the silence and the distance stretched and the structures crumbled anyway.
Logan moved back to America. He wasn’t going to be Nico, sitting in the same apartment, all but begging Oscar to come back to him on live tv. He wasn’t going to be George, reaching out every other year just to feel the rejection all over again. He might have been doomed to leave Oscar like this from the beginning but that didn’t mean he didn’t get to choose what he did with the rest of his life.
He was 34. He was still in top shape. He didn’t want to stop racing. He just couldn’t race Oscar anymore.
Logan did IndyCar for a couple of years, ending up next to Kyle again. Somehow losing the championship to him wasn’t as hard as losing to Oscar had been. In 2036, he retired for real this time, no other championship but at least a few wins under his belt.
He pretended not to be invested in F1. But he couldn’t not watch the races. Couldn’t not see Oscar win his fourth championship, then his fifth.
Logan wonders if he’ll go for nine, just to kick fate’s balls.
In the end, Logan can’t say no when Williams invites him to a couple of races. They’re the team that supported him when no one did and he can’t refuse James anything.
When Sky Sports here he’s coming, they beg to have him on. He reluctantly agrees.
When Oscar wins in Miami, Logan is there. There are so many cameras on him as he watches his ex-best friend win Logan’s home race. All he can think is that it was always going to end this way.
I've seen it, in the poems and the sands
I've pleaded, with the powers and their plans
I tried to rewrite it but I can't
It's the history, the history of man
history of man - maisie peters
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wonumatics · 10 months
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✰ wonwoo x gn. reader ; fluff ; 0.6k
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Wonwoo's blue full-sleeved shirt was curry-stain free and worn the proper way. He smells of freshly washed linen and breath mints. The weather is perfect, warm rays of sunshine spreading across a cloudless sky (he carried an umbrella nonetheless).
So far so good. Grade B, even.
Today is the day Wonwoo would try and catch the seat next to you in the Environmental Technology elective you both took. Maybe strike a colloquy with you on environmental toxicology. Maybe even exchange numbers.
“You’ve been saying the same thing for the past three weeks.”
“But-” Wonwoo stops, frowning at the notification on his phone. Soonyoung glances over his shoulder to take a look. The former sighs. The latter doesn’t bother to conceal his laugh.
Wonwoo had run a lot of scenarios through his head, finding appropriate solutions for each case. Nothing however would have prepared him for the class getting cancelled today.
“On the brighter side, you can practice your pick up lines on yourself for another day.” Soonyoung clears his throat to match Wonwoo's voice, “are you a data type? because you float inside my mind.”
Soonyoung sidesteps, avoiding the jab coming his way. He backpedals away, mouthing better luck next time as he leaves for his next class before the “Shut up.” leaves Wonwoo's lips.
And that’s how he ends up in the library, trying to finish his assignment for the OOP using Java bridge course. The key word is trying; there’s only so much freecodecamp.org can help with. He twirls his pencil around his thumb. Today was a failure. Maybe he should quit this and visit that new boba place instead.
“Hey, Wonwoo.”
The pencil falls from his hand and onto the floor. Wonwoo looks up to face you. Milliseconds pass by as he digests the fact that you did, indeed, call him.
He likes the sound of his name on your lips.
You pick his pencil up for him, a smile adorning your face as you continue, "I'm-
-(name)”, fuck, what happened to his lower register? “I've seen you around. We share the environmental technology class.”
It all comes out at a pace too fast for his liking, but you nod along. Wonwoo takes his pencil from your outstretched hand, mumbling thanks and trying not to hyperfixate on how his fingers would've brushed yours had he moved them a little closer. Cerise colours his ears at the thought.
You glance at the material strewn across the table, recognition flashing across your face. "I took this course last sem." Your eyes shift to his laptop's screen, which currently flashes a runtime error.
Of all times, why now?
He follows your gaze, feeling sheepish. "Well, this course is not for the weak."
You snort in agreement. "So, want some help debugging?"
"Oh please."
Wonwoo knew he should be paying attention to what you were doing but trying not to hyperfixate is easier said than done. '(name) pulled a chair right next to you to help you', chanted a little voice in the back of his head. From the spark in your eyes and the furrow of your eyebrows to the shade of your currently pursed lips, he couldn't help but notice it all.
This is nice.
"I'm done."
Wonwoo blinks. Already? He looks at the screen and then at you in awe. "That was really fast. Thank you."
Your smile widens. You move your chair and sling your bag over your shoulder, getting ready to leave. "Let me know if you need help with anything else."
It was now or never.
"Are you free for a boba run? it's on me."
One second. Two. Three. He shouldn't have-
-sure. Should we check out the new place downtown?"
"Yes." Yes, anything you say. He stuffs his bag with his books.
Maybe, today deserves a solid grade A.
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damon-loves-pie · 1 year
“Wish I Could Be Your Man.”
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I had to reshare this again this morning because I couldn’t find it any of the original hashtags I had done. And I spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME writing this for it to not get the recognition it deserves. 
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader.
Word count: About 11k words. ( I GOT CARRIED AWAY)
Warnings: 18+, SMUTTY- FLUFFY- ANGSTY KIND OF SLOW BURN STORY. Talks of reader moving around a lot, there is angst with crying and fighting between the reader and Eddie at some point. Reader was cheated on by an ex who slept with her best friend. LOTS OF POT SMOKING.(Eddie is her dealer.) There is pussy eating, fingering, sex of course, and not really much dick sucking. No safe sex happens, (WRAP IT UP PLEASE, I AM PREGNANT BY ACCIDENT SO DON’T BE LIKE ME), Reader does drive stoned. (DO NOT DO THAT PLEASE.) Cigarette smoking, other than that I think that’s all???
I did use inspiration from Eddie’s and Chrissy scene in their first hang out.
Requested by: Anonymous, link to request is here. Overall was requested for a female reader x Eddie fic based off the ending of the song, The Summoning By Sleep Token. (I am not taking anymore request at the moment.)
Summary: Reader had moved around most of her life leaving her unwilling to let anyone close to her after having her heart broken at a young age, she’d rather spend her Senior year alone than with people who probably wouldn’t care for her. She starts working at Family Video in which she asks Steve if he knew where she could find the local dealer. After learning about Eddie Munson ,reader starts buying from him, overtime starting to grow fond of him till a small relationship forms. Eddie wants more than the reader is allowing, causing a fight to break out over him begging her to come see his band play. Reader in the end pulls her head out of her ass, and realizes she cares about the boy as much as he cares about her.
Author’s note: I WILL SAY THE BEGINING IS LONG, AND EDDIE DOESN’T COME IN FOR A MINUTE. BUT PLEASE bare with me. I HAD TO ESABILISH SOME KIND OF STORY. You don't get to see Eddie till a little over 2,000 words in. BUT I PROMISE YOU, IT’S WORTH IT.
I spent the last few days working solely on this and have proofread but it was superlong so I hope I didn’t miss anything.
But to whoever requested this I hope you enjoy the vision I had came up with.
Writing Masterlist
Hawkins, Indiana. The home of the small town high school, Hawkins High, which I'll be attending till graduation in the spring.
Other than that, Hawkins was just another small town on the list of places I've lived.
It was a place that probably won't cross my mind ever again when I leave for college in the fall just like any of the other towns I have called home over the years.
My father's job caused us to move so often that I stopped being interested in finding ties to a town I wouldn't be in for long.
Ever since getting a promotion before I went into 7th grade, he has constantly moved our family  so he could help run or set up different stores across the country.
In result of that, the longest I tend to stay in a place is just for the school year. Maybe for the summer too if I'm lucky, but that seems to be about every other year.
Growing up with constantly moving made me crave structure. I act like I hate the idea of settling down and making friends, but actually I yearned for it.
I wanted strong friendships, I wanted to be on first name basis with the gas station clerk kind of thing, I wanted everything that came with a normal life.
But over the last few years I didn't see the point in making friends who would stop answering my calls or letters after a few weeks of me moving away.
So that dream life will just have to wait till I go to college next fall.
I had been dreaming of it since the summer of my freshman year.
I even started working that summer to save up for my apartment that I'll have during the four years I plan on attending.
I have so much money saved up because how badly I want this, and have worked my ass off to make sure I will get accepted.
I needed to have control of something in my life and this was the easiest most important way I could.
I thought about my life and the things that made up it as I drove down the run down road towards the high school.
How after having been to five other schools as the new girl, this sixth one probably wasn't going to be any different.
The nerves I had in middle school about starting new were gone now, having died out by freshman year.
The thought of being the new girl wasn't scary anymore, it was now routine.
My tires screech against the pavement as I pull into the parking lot, entering into an empty space.
Knowing what awaited me I grabbed by backpack and Walkman off the passenger side, throwing the worn out headphones over my ears.
My fingers pressing play as I hopped out of the seat of my car.
Walking towards the wide open doors, my eyes studied the school.
Hawkins High wasn't anything special, but neither were most the schools I went to.
It was your normal brick building with the school colors scatter about to capture that 'school spirt', with a big welcome sign seated up front to welcome in the new and returning students.
I reach the doors feeling eyes turn towards me from the lockers lined down the hall, other students taking a glimpse at the unknown student.
I was used to people whispering about me, usually wondering about the newest girl of the year. And I defiantly knew it was going to be bigger news once people found out I was a senior.
Not paying them any mind I followed the wall signs towards the door labeled 'office.'
I spent the twenty minutes before class filling out paperwork as the secretary retrieved my schedule. Reassuring the people in the office multiple times that I didn't need a student to show me around before heading to my classes for the day.
My first few classes were as normal as they could be. The teachers having me introduce myself to the class after realizing there was a new student on their roster. Syllabuses got handed out and read, stating what was expected for each class. And then most students avoiding me like the plague or gave me a small smile and a wave when passing in the hall.
Walking into lunch I felt heads turn towards me, knowing all the small-town kids who've known each other since preschool were talking about the new girl. Wondering if she had somewhere to sit or would dare sit alone.
That was the thing they didn't know though, I would rather sit by myself any day then beg someone to be my friend so I wouldn't be alone.
Finding an empty table near the windows I plopped myself into a seat, music playing through my headphones as I pulled out the work Mrs. Click had given us already.
I wasn't wanting to worry about finishing it later tonight since my first shift at my new job started after school.
I would rather eat a quick lunch on the way there than get off tonight and have to worry about finishing the assignment.
After lunch was over the second half of the day seemed to fly by, surprising me as the clock hit four pm when I got home.
I threw my bag onto my bed, grabbing the dark green Family Video vest off my chair as I made my way back to my car.
The job didn't seem like anything special from the outside and I doubt it was going to change my life or anything. But it was a way to make money and something to keep me occupied during my time here in Hawkins.
The sound of the bell ringing greeted me as I entered the store, causing me to groan internally because I knew soon I was going to loathe the sound.
My line of vision hit the front desk, looking for the man named Steve Harrington, who Keith told me would be training me today.
A tall brunette comes from behind the shelf, huge hands holding a small stack of tapes.
"Welcome to Fam- Oh, you must be (Y/N) the new hire. I'm Steve." He smiles, eyes glimmering as they meet the vest I'm wearing.
"That's me." I shrug slightly, watching as he studied me.
Steve wasn't bad looking and defiantly was not my usual type, but he wasn't something I wouldn't mind looking at from time to time. I memorized the way his longish hair sat and freckles that scattered across his neck to the way his muscles peaked out from under his polo as he held the tapes.
Realizing he had spent 30 seconds too long staring, he coughed awkwardly motioning his head towards the back of the counter.
"We should probably get you clocked in before we start training you in the 'Family Video way." He quotes sarcastically.
His free hand making quotations causing me to roll my eyes playfully in response.
Steve notices, laughing lightly while he placed the tapes on the counter.
"It's what Keith says we have to say when we train someone new. But I think he just likes trying to make my job a little harder." Steve explains, rummaging through a drawer till he pulls out  a blank time card.
Laughing at his comment, I take the time card and pen from his grasp.
"So you can smile, I was worried you were going to have the whole 'I'm going to kill you vibe' all night long." He teases, watching as I write my name and the date across the paper.
"Don't get too excited, if I end up not liking you it could still happen." I shake my head playfully, going to sign on the time.
"You can write you were here 10 minutes earlier, Keith never checks the cameras." Steve promises, catching me off guard as my eyebrow raises in response.
"You trying to get me fired already Steve?"  I mock, watching his lips turn up into a smile.
"I wouldn't do that unless you actually tried to kill me." He jokes, causing me to grin in amusement, scribbling 4:15 onto my time card.
The bell rings again for the second time that night as I look over to him,
"Looks like we have our first customer of the night." I sigh, placing my time card with the rest on the counter.
As the night went on I realized my job here at Family Video was actually one of the easier jobs I've had over the years.
There really wasn't much to it other than helping customers, keeping track and stocking innovatory,  taking care of the store plus it's merchandise and either closing or opening the store depending on your shift.
Not to mention as well that Steve was surprisingly a good trainer. He was fun, light hearted, and didn't get upset or acted like I was stupid if I forgot how to do something. Instead he would explain it again understanding sometimes it was hard to get used to some things.
The night went by fast due to the steady stream of customers we had, which Steve promised wasn't normal for a Monday and that next week would probably feel so slow compared to today.
Steve had allowed me to do honors of locking the door after waving off the last customer of the night,  celebrating a successful evening.
We finished rewinding the brought back tapes and putting them into their designated areas before closing down the register, deciding to save sweeping and mopping for last.
Steve followed behind me as I swept, mopping the hardwood floors.
"How is Hawkins treating you so far?" Steve asks filling the quiet air while swirling the soapy mop against the walkway.
Thinking about my response I stop sweeping, turning towards him.
"Can I be honest or are you going to judge me if I say the wrong thing?" I ask him with a serious look on my face.
Stopping his movements as well, he brings his eyes to mine.
"Why would I judge you?" He asks, bringing his hand to his hip while the other hand leaned against the mop handle.
"Hawkins has been fine the past couple of days, but uh" I trail off, moving my eyes down to the broom handle I was playing with nervously.
"But?" He asks as I sigh, lifting my eyes back up to meet his.
"But I can't seem to find out where to get any uh-stuff around here." I tell him, hoping he would understand.
"What stuff?" He asks confused, causing me to roll my eyes at the boy.
"Weed Harrington, weed. I haven't learned who sells here yet." I laugh watching the realization of what I meant wash over his face.
"Oh okay. Well that's easy, you could go to Eddie Munson." He tells me, dipping the mop back into the bucket of water.
"So where do I find him then?" I ask, going back to moving the broom across the floor, picking up pieces of dirt and dust.
"Uh, I think he's actually in school again this year since I didn't see him at graduation.  So you could probably find him tomorrow." He answers, letting the loud thud of the mop head hit the floor.
"But be careful around him." Steve warns, lifting up a finger to me.
Stopping my movements again I turn towards the boy.
"Wait why be careful?" I ask him, confused on why he would say that. Unless the guy was like a serial killer or something.
"He's just a little bit of a freak. He listens to crazy music and of course as I told you deals drugs. Plus he plays that kid game, DND, and he's also in like a satanic band." Steve explains, the judgment in his voice lingering as he mops the dry wood.
"In a band you say. Does he play the guitar? Can he sing?" I joke, going back to finishing the floor.
"Yeah, I think he does play and if you want to call what he does singing." Steve answers, chuckling slightly.
"Sounds like he may be my type Harrington." I tease, knowing he's rolling his eyes behind me while we finish closing the store.
Heading into the school the next morning I was praying to find this Eddie Munson that Steve had told me to find.
I was desperate need of release because I finished the rest of my stash after getting off work last night.
If I don't get something soon I don't know how I'll survive the stress of senior year and work.
I had asked Steve before getting into my car where I would more than likely find him at school but he didn't have a clear answer since he didn't know much about the boy.
Just said I'll know he's him when I see him, that him and his friends are different from everyone else the high school.
Which basically left me with nothing, because what the hell was the supposed to mean?
I've came to notice two things over the years when figuring out who the dealer or dealers of the schools were. They were usually either the jocks no one would expect or the students with just enough charisma that they could convince anyone they wouldn't dare do that.
But they didn't always fall into those categories.
I scanned the halls as I walked to my first class, seeing the usual cheerleaders and jocks in their letterman jackets but none of them giving off the vibe of the local dealer.
The rest of the students left in the hall looked like they wouldn't dare touch it, let alone sell it.
None of them looked the way Steve had led me to believe Eddie would look like.
I felt discouraged as I sat down at my desk, hopping to find him at some point in the day. But at the moment it felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack.
By the time lunch came around I wondered if Steve might have been wrong about him still being in school. Maybe he did graduate and Steve hadn't noticed. Or maybe he dropped out, having not wanted to finish school.
Or maybe he wasn't as bad as Steve tried to make him out to be so I'm looking for the wrong person.
Sitting down at the table I had sat the day before, I listened to the music playing through my ears. My eyes scanning the room over the top of my book.
I saw the usual cliques as I looked around the room but nothing screaming "Satan worshipers' like Steve had warned.
Turning my line of vision towards the tables in front of me I see a group stand out over the rest of the students a few tables down.
The occupants of the table were wearing leather jackets, torn vests and jeans. Just overall looking like themselves compared to the other students who looked like they walked out of a page of the latest magazine.
Leaning back slightly I eyed the table. My vision being drawn to the front to see a long curly haired brunette telling what seemed to be a dramatic story. The rest of the table watched in awe, laughing and making comments at the boy.
I took his appearance in, he was wearing black jeans that were ripped at the knee. There was a chain poking out beside him, the leather jacket he wore had a battle vest paired with. It had patches and pins scattered across it. The hand that brought whatever he was eating to his mouth were decorated in chunky silver rings, leather and chain bracelets sticking out as his sleeve rolled down slightly.
That has to be him, I thought to myself as I drooled mentally for a second.
I may have been right, this man was just my type.
I decided to let myself admire him for a second longer, not realizing he would notice the feeling of my eyes observing him so soon.
His eyes turned to meet mine as I adverted my sight quickly towards the words in front of me, feeling my face reddening slightly while the boy watched me for a moment.
I didn't dare to look up from my book the rest of lunch and wondered if the stares I felt were coming from him or someone else in the room.
I was one of the first students out of the lunch room when the bell rang to dismiss us.
Nervous about having been caught, I headed to the bathroom before going to class to catch my breath for a second.
Making my way down the hall I turn the corner not expecting to run chest first into someone this late into the passing period.
"Oh shit I'm so- you're new right?" I hear as I look at the chest of the person I ran into.
The battle vest and leather looking familiar as I took in the pins and patches, realizing as I stepped back that I had ran into the person I've been looking for.
"Are you alright?" He asks with concern in his voice, his hand moving to touch my forearm gently.
"I'm fine, just kind of shocked that's all." I laugh lightly, lifting my gaze to meet his to see the worry in his eyes disappear.
"And uh- yeah I just moved here for my senior year." I finish, watching his brown eyes crinkle while his lip curl up into a smile.
"Well welcome to Hawkins, I'm Eddie. Eddie Munson, I do wish we could of had a less painful introduction than this though." He grins, dimples popping out as he extends his hand towards mine.
"(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I smile lightly, taking his hand into mine.
The bell above us rings making me pull my hand away in shock as we realize passing period is now over.
"I should get going if actually plan on graduating this year." Eddie chuckles, pulling his hand back awkwardly.
Nodding in agreement we both stand there for a second, neither of us taking the first step to leave.
"Before I go, I uh saw you sitting alone at lunch. And if you want you could always join me and the rest of hellfire." He offers, twirling the ring on his left pointer finger nervously. A small blush playing on his cheeks, while he glances down at his shoes.
"Hellfire? Is that your band?" I ask curiously, watching his demeanor change in response.
"It's not, but you have heard of me?" He questions with amusement in his voice. His body stands a little taller, moving to lean against the lockers next to me as his arms cross across his chest. Smile tugging on his lips playfully.
"I had um- asked around about finding uh- supplies and I got your name along with some warnings." I tell him sheepishly, hearing his laugh escape through his lips.
"Sounds about right, just I can't get you stuff at the moment." Eddie tells me, glancing at the clock on the wall.
"But we are already late, so how do you feel about going out to the woods?" Eddie asks with a raised eyebrow, bringing his fingers to his lips in a smoking motion.
"I would beg please." I laugh, watching his smile widen.
He leads me out the door in the hallway, showing me the way to the picnic table in the woods.
I sit down across from him watching him dig around the pack of camels he pulled out of his jacket pocket.
Pulling out an already rolled joint Eddie smiles in triumph, handing it to me along with his lighter.
"Most people around here have smoked my weed at some point before they even come up to me. So um since you're new I figured you can smoke it before you decide to buy it." Eddie explains, watching as I bring the joint to my lips. The clicking of the lighter lighting the paper into a burning ember.
Inhaling I feel the familiar haze wash over my body and mind releasing all the stress and tension the day had brought so far.
Coughing slightly due to the harsh hit, I pass the joint back to Eddie.
"Thank you, you don't know how bad I needed this." I thank him, exhaling the thick smoke into the air around us.
"Trust me, I get it. High school and life can be rough." He welcomes, bringing the burning smoke to his lips.
"So tonight doesn't work for me to meet up with you because I'm playing at the hideout tonight. But I could meet up with you here tomorrow or after school at one of our places if you're comfortable with that." He tells me, as my smaller fingers takes the joint back from between his.
"I couldn't do tonight anyway because I work Tuesdays, but I can do tomorrow. And meeting at your house will work, I need to learn my way around town anyway." I laugh lightly feeling the high starting to hit me as I breathe out what was left of my hit.
"So what's the hideout?" I ask him curiously, seeing his eyes spark up as he takes a hit.
"It's just some shitty bar here in town, and it's pretty cool actually. And we get a crowd there of about um- five drunks." Eddie tells me, humor in voice.
I hear myself giggle in response, fingers brushing against his more the higher I get.
"Yeah, it's not exactly the Garden, but you gotta start somewhere right?" He finishes, playfully shrugging his shoulders.
"So is that what you hope to do with your life? Get somewhere with your music?" I ask, taking the second to last hit that was left.
"That's the plan. I love music and love the thought of being able to travel the country while doing what I love." Eddie nods, taking the joint between his lips before putting it out on the table.
"If that's what you want, then it sounds nice. I think everyone should do what makes them happy." I tell him, touching his forearm gently.
"How about you? What plan do you have?" He questions, resting his chin on his hand.
"Um, I've moved around every year the last five, six years so I'm really trying to make it to college and decide from there." I admit to him.
"So we're on two different spectrums?" He chuckles, as I nod in agreement.
"So it would seem." I laugh lightly.
"Do you know much are you wanting tomorrow?" Eddie asks, pulling a cigarette out of the pack on the table.
"What are your prices?" I ask him, watching him light the cigarette.
He inhales, chewing on his lip for a second before talking.
"I can do a half ounce for um $20." Eddie offers, lifting the cigarette up for me to take.
"That works and would be great." I smile, taking the cigarette from him.
"You know you don't seem as bad as people say." I tell him as the cigarette rest on my lips, my glassy eyes smiling over at him.
"Mean and scary?" Eddie asks, hand rubbing his cheek while a smile forms.
"Yeah." I nod, biting back my smile as I pass him the cigarette.
"Actually in other good news- flattery works with me. " Eddie smiles, as I raise an eyebrow.
"So uh 25% discount for the half. I can do fifteen bucks. But just so you know, you're robbing me blind here." He finishes, with a grin and a blush across his face when he brings the cigarette to his lips.
The moment in the woods with Eddie helped me surive the rest of my classes and made me ready to set Steve straight at work.
"Steve, he is not that bad." I tell him grabbing my time card out of the stack.
"Who?" He asks, glancing up from the computer.
"Eddie." I tell him scrunching my eyebrow, because who else would I be talking about?
"Whatever you say." He shakes his head, tying away on the keyboard.
"So does that mean you got your stuff?" Steve asks, looking up to me as I peak over from the side of him to watch him check accounts for past due movies.
"No, but I did talk to him. We're supposed to meet at his place tomorrow." I shrug, watching him mark an account with a late charge.
"Meeting at his place huh?" Steve teases, playful smirk on his face as I bump my hip against his shoulder.
"Stop it's not like that, plus I don't do relationships. I learned that after my freshman year." I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You do know you don't have to be in a relationship for stuff to happen right?" He asks, eyes meeting playfully with mine.
"Steve, we aren't close enough yet for you to tease me like this. Now stop before I do go back to having my murderous stare." I laugh, giving him another small shove.
"I was just saying." He shrugs, going back to typing away.
The next day and a half went by fast as I waited in anticipation for meeting with Eddie.
Pulling into the Munson's drive, I felt more nervous now than I had felt about starting school.
It felt different being here than being out in the woods with him since now I knew he wasn't a dick like some of the drug dealers I had in the past.
Walking up to the door I take a deep breath as I knocked, praying to god Eddie would be the one to answer.
A few moments after my fist met the door, it opens to reveal a smiling Eddie.
"Hey, you made it, come on in." He tells me, extending his arm out into the home.
"Why wouldn't I?" I ask him, taking a step inside.
All the mugs scattered on the walls catches my eye as I scan over them. Turning towards him with a raised brow, I smile watching him redden up a bit.  
"Yeah sorry about that, they're my uncle's. It's just me and him here, but don't worry he's already gone for work. And uh, I was worried you might have decided against meeting here." Eddie tells me, leading me to the kitchen.
"But anyway, my stuff is on the counter over here." He motions to the counter where a scale and a jar sat.
I watched as he set the scale, weighting the product to measure it out.
"You want to take a look?" Eddie asks taking a step back so I could read the scale.
"Eddie that's a little more than a half?" I turn towards him to see him nodding lightly.
"Consider it a gift for being a first time buyer." He winks, going to bag it up for me.
"Can I just give you $20 then, you're already giving me a great deal." I beg digging into my purse for the money before holding it out to him.
"I told you 15 yesterday so it's 15."He shakes his head, pushing away the 20.
"That was for a half though, and this clearly isn't a half." I argue holding the bag he gives me, feeling bad because he gave me two more grams than he was supposed to on top of the deal he was already giving me.
"Sweetheart, it's fine I promise you." Eddie reassures me, as I feel my cheeks redden at the nickname.
"Whatever you say Eddie." I sigh, going to grab a 10 and a 5 to complete the transaction.
Eddie walks me to back to the front door, his hand resting in his back pocket.
"Thank you for this, it should last me a while." I tell him, tapping my purse.
"It's no problem really, thank you for coming to me." He smiles, freehand rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well it's kind of late, I should probably be heading home." I trail, looking around nervously, not wanting to intrude.
I'm about to reach the doorknob as Eddie interrupts.
"Unless you want to stay for a little while?" He asks, causing me to turn back around.
"We could watch a movie and match joint for joint?" He offers as my thumb plays with the strap of my purse while I contemplate staying.  
I don't usually hang out with people, let alone smoke with other people, especially more than once.
But he doesn't seem to be a horrible person to be around, and I probably will be seeing him for a good amount of the next year.
"Okay." I nod, watching Eddie's face light up.
We sat there watching something that was playing on TV, surrounded in thick smoke as we passed the joint back and forth. Bodies naturally getting closer with each pass we do.
"So what do you do in your free time? Other than smoke obviously?" Eddie asks me, pulling my attention away from the movie.
"Oh um, I mostly work or just do homework. Like I said the other day, I've been dreaming of college so I mostly just focus on that." I tell him, blowing out smoke.
"I wish I could say the same for me, this is my third year as a senior. My GPA is like less than 1 if that's even possible." He admits to me, a nervous laugh following as I give him the joint.
I watch him take a hit, feeling shy to look over after sharing the information.
Leaning in a bit more, I rest my hand on his freehand.
"Hey, at least you're here. There's many people who would of gave up after failing the first time. Plus everyone has their own speed, life isn't a race to win." I smile softly, Eddie's brown eyes moving to meet mine.
"Plus, if you ever need help you could just ask me." I tell him, feeling my eyes glimmer.
"Thank you." He nods before opening his mouth again.
"I actually really think this is my year." Eddie tells me smiling slightly, causing me to laugh lightly in response.
"Yeah?" I grin at him.
"Yeah," He nods, giving my hand a light squeeze.
Seeing through the cloudiness in my brain, I realize we're still holding hands after a few moments.
Pulling away, I glance over to the clock by the TV.  
"It's been fun, but I should really get going." I tell Eddie, standing up.
"It is getting late, but I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" He asks, standing up as well.
"Yeah, I'll be there." I nod at him, feeling him watch me gather my things.
"Think you might sit with Hellfire at lunch?" Eddie questions as I start heading towards the door.
Reaching the door I turn around slightly, hand resting on the knob.
"Probably not Eddie, nothing against you or them I promise. I just don't like to make friends, I've lost too many of them over the years." I confess, his face dropping slightly as he nods.
"Well if you ever change your mind, there's always a spot available." He smiles lightly, trying to mask the pain while taking a step forward.
"But really thank you for this Eddie, I really needed it." I tell him truthfully. Taking a step forward before I realize what I'm doing, I find my lips being placed on his cheek.
Pulling away shocked at my actions, I open the door quickly, turning to tell him goodbye.
"I'll see you soon, I promise," I smile, basically running out of his trailer.
It's been a little over a month of me living in Hawkins since that first transaction with Eddie.
School had been decent and working with Robin and Steve had actually been a blessing. I don't know how I would survive there without them.
Eddie and I talk quite a bit actually, sometimes just in passing through the halls. Sometimes before entering lunch as he asks me if I'm sure I didn't want to sit at his table, which I reassure him I'm okay alone especially since I usually work on homework anyway and didn't want any distractions.
Sometimes we just meet up in the woods for a smoke break on days that seem unbearable.
With everything going on with Eddie and the duo at work I've been feeling conflicted and have been questioning everything.
I don't usually allow myself to be so vulnerable with people.
I've had laughs with them, hell have hung out with them all at some point even.
That wasn't who I was when I got here, I hadn't allowed myself to feel for years before moving here.
It has me wondering what was in the air here in Hawkins.
Hell Robin even sits next me in the few classes we have together, leaving me to have a partner when a teacher says to partner up for the first time in years.
I am thankful for her though because she does make school not be as boring.
Exiting our last class for the day, Robin follows me towards my locker.
"What are you doing today on your day off?" She asks as I open the door.
"I have no idea, but I need to talk to Eddie about getting some more.. stuff soon." I whisper quietly motioning to the teachers standing outside their doors.
"On a Friday?" She smirks teasingly.
"Stop, it's not like that." I tell her, rolling my eyes while putting away the books I didn't need.
"Mmmh. Well because of Dustin I know they have Hellfire tonight, but I'm sure Eddie would love meeting up with you after its over, you know late at night." Robin says playfully, leaning against the locker next to mine.
"Robin, I swear to god I will quit our job right now leaving to work with either Steve or Keith alone on all of your shifts." I raise an eyebrow, challenging her to continue.
"Okay, I'll stop but I just think you two would be cute, and I know you two like each other. I can see it." She says holding her books in defense.
"I think you're delusional, plus shouldn't you be leaving to get to work on time since band isn't needed today?" I ask her, packing my backpack.
"Okay, I may be delusional most days but I promise you not on this." Robin laughs, removing her back from the locker.
"And yeah, Steve's probably outside. I'll see you tomorrow night at work though, and make sure you tell me everything that happens." She calls out, turning down to walk towards the exit.
"Nothing is going to happen!" I yell, hearing footsteps approach me on my other side.  
"What's not going to happen?" A curious Eddie asks as I look over.  
"Robin was just being stupid and teasing me about not having anything to do on a Friday since I'm off." I shake my head, throwing my bag over my shoulder while my free hand closed my locker.
"Oh?" He asks, playing with his rings.
"Yeah, but actually would you be free tonight for me to come... visit? I got paid yesterday." I trail off, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Are you already out again?" Eddie chuckles as I redden.
"No but I'm getting close, I don't think you understand how much I uh-consume a day." I chose my words carefully, waving as Mrs. Click walks pass us.
"Would around 8:30/9 work for you? I have hellfire tonight and it's probably going to go on late tonight." He asks.
"Yeah, I'll be there then. Thank you, see you then." I smile, touching his arm before waving goodbye.
I wait till it's closer to nine to leave my house, determining it would be better to arrive later in case he wasn't done as early as he thought.
Pulling into his driveway I see his van parked and Eddie waiting on the porch for me, smoking a cigarette.
"How was your campaign?" I ask climbing out of my car as he stands up.
"It actually went really well, how was having some free time for once?" Eddie teases while I make my way to the porch.
"Actually I uh did homework for most the night, but now I don't have to worry about finishing anything this weekend." I tell him, shrugging slightly, feeling my lips turn up into a smile.
"You're something else (Y/L/N)." He chuckles, opening his door for me.
"Same as usual right?" Eddie asks as I nod.
As he goes to weight it I sit on the couch opening my draw string bag I brought with me.
"Yow know, I um checked this out last night before I left work because in the next couple months everyone's going to want it once the second one comes out. I still haven't gotten around to re-watching it, and really don't want to waste the money I spent renting it?" I explain, waving Nightmare On Elm Street between my fingers.
"Is that your way of asking if I want to watch it with you tonight?" Eddie grins teasingly, walking over to hand me the bag he filled.
"Might be." I laugh, handing him his money and the tape.
"What if I would of been busy tonight?' He questions, humor in his voice as he puts the tape in.
"Then I guess you would of had to cancel." I tell him, raising an eyebrow as Eddie shakes his head making his way towards the couch.
Smoke filled the room while we watched the movie.
Even though I had seen this a few times, I tucked my head against his shoulder throughout different portions of the movie. My high making me jump more than I would usually.
"Scared princess?" Eddie smirks, lighting another joint he had rolled.
"No," I lie, taking the joint from him as he gives me a blank stare.
"I'm not, I'm more like grossed out." I laugh, bringing it to my lips, still leaning onto him with my feet tucked under me.
"Don't like gore?" He asks, watching my mouth pull away from the joint.
"No, not at all." I admit, holding down a cough as his fingers linger longer than usual when I pass him the smoke.
"Then why would you pick a glory movie?" Eddie snorts.
"I didn't remember it being it this bad." I tell him truthfully, feeling his arm wrap around to hold me while he leans forward to ash the joint.
"You know, if you wanted to cuddle with me you could of just asked." Eddie jokes, leaning back to pass it to me.
"I didn't want to cuddle with you." I shake my head in response, inhaling the smoke.
I felt my cheeks start to redden as the air seemed to shift, wondering if there was tension between us or if I was just high and imagining it.
"Babe, you're already are." Eddie laughs, giving my side that he was holding a light squeeze.
"Munson, if I wanted to get under you I wouldn't have had to use a scary movie, that's just more work on my part." I tell him, smirk playing on my lip as I give him the last hit.
"Are you calling me easy?" He asks, eyes gleaming as he inhales the rest before putting it out, strong grip never leaving my side.
"I don't know, are you?" I tease, feeling my heart starting to beat faster at the way he was looking at me.
"Are you trying to find out?" He questions, eyes moving from my lips to my eyes while his hand traces circles on the exposed part of my hip.  
I took a deep breath, resting my hand onto his chest.
"And if I was? What would you do?" I ask batting my eyes lightly, the glimmer of the forgotten movie lighting his face.
"What would you let me do?" He gulps, other hand moving to hold my knee.
"Honestly? Anything." I barely whisper, this time taking my eyes from his to his lips and back.
Taking that as a sign, Eddie leans in gently. His lips brushing against mine as his hand lightly digs into my thigh, both of us holding our breath as our lips meet.
Kissing back slowly, I feel him part his lips lightly against mine. The tenderness of the kiss making me breath heavy as he presses into the kiss a little harder. I feel my hand grip his shirt tighter as my other hand moved to hold the back of his head.
We sit there for a few minutes, lips connecting sweetly as we explore each other's mouths. His tongue lightly licking my bottom lip before entering. The feeling of his hair between my fingers made me moan as he ran his tongue against mine, a little rougher than how he had been kissing me.
Not removing my mouth from his, I lift myself up slightly so I can slide onto his lap. Straddling him, I feel his hands move to hold the tops of my thighs as I slowly rock my hips against his. The kisses start to get a little heavier as I start pulling his jacket off his chest, biting his lip lightly between kisses.
I felt like I never wanted this moment to end, the taste of weed and cigarettes taking up my taste buds as I slide my tongue against his. Eddie groans against my mouth, his hands roaming up underneath my shirt to hold me close.
Pulling away I felt my chest feeling like my heart was about to burst through my shirt.
"Eddie?" I ask him, resting my forehead against his.
"Hm?" He hums at me, breathing as heavily as I was.
"If you want this, then that's all this will ever be. Nothing more, and I'm okay with it if you are but I just needed you to know in case you thought this was something else." I tell him watching him take in the information as I pull back slightly.
"If you don't want to do that then we can forget this ever happened." I continue nervously, loosening up my grip on his shirt.
Eddie licks his lips lightly as I held my breath. In reality it had only been a few seconds but the cloudiness of my mind made it feel like forever.
"(Y/N), I'm okay with this if you are." He reassures me, hands moving to hold my hips as he looked at me deeply.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to do something you don't actually want to do." I ask, watching as he groans teasingly.
"God, why won't you listen to what I say?"  Eddie laughs, moving to lay me down on the couch beneath him.
Climbing over me, I smile as he hovers above my face.
"When I say I'm okay with something, I'm okay with it. Doesn't matter if it's this, giving you more weed, or anything. If I said it's okay, then it's okay." Eddie tells me, smile playing on his lips.
"Okay." I nod biting my lip as he leans down to connect his with mine again.
Pulling away he starts kissing on my neck, hands running beneath my shirt to pinch my nipples lightly causing me to gasp underneath him.
"Now, let me make you feel good." Eddie breaths against me, licking a sensitive spot on my neck.
"Okay," I nod, eyes closed as I whimper at the feeling of his rough tongue against my neck. The coolness of it soothing the hash bites and nips he trails across it.
"Good, because you deserve to relax princess." He tells me, tongue connecting with my ear lobe, as my shoulder tenses in response.
"Uh, uh. Sweetheart, lets see you loosen up." He tsks, biting my lobe, causing me to cry out beneath him as I take a deep breathe in hopes of relaxing my body.
"Good girl sweetheart, how about we get these pants off?" Eddie praises, pulling up to unbutton my jeans.
Hooking his long fingers with the inside of the pants, he pulls them down completely along with the purple lace panties I had wore tonight.
"Aw did you expect something to happen tonight sweetheart?" He teases, tossing them to the floor.
"No, but I wore them in case." I admit, breathing hitching as he licks up my thigh. His mouth  leaving small bites while one of his hands moved to sperate my legs. Pulling it over on to his shoulder.
A gasp slips my lips when Eddie takes his tongue lightly between my folds, licking softly.
One of my hand move to hold his hair as he dives in, tongue meeting my clit as he slowly circles around it.
"Hold as tightly as you need baby." Eddie tells me, taking one hand and tracing his finger up and down slowly before slipping it inside of me. As I arche my back in response feeling Eddie smirk against me.
Matching speed with his finger, he flicked his tongue against my clit while he pumped his finger in and out of me leaving me moaning beneath him.
Taking my freehand I move to lift up my shirt, feeling Eddie help me slide it up with his other hand.
Pitching my nipple I look down to make eye contact with Eddie as he moans against me, brown eyes shinning towards mine.
He adjusts himself so he can support himself up and pay attention my other nipple while my hand holds his hair.
Feeling that usual squeeze in my stomach, I cry out feeling him add another finger.
The feeling of his mouth licking and sucking lightly on my clit driving me wild as the edges of his rings press inside of me when he curls his fingers, pumping them in and out.
"Come on princess, let yourself go. It's okay to relax," Eddie mumbles against me.
"I feel you tensing beneath me. Just breathe okay? Let yourself cum all over me." He assures me before diving back into pleasing me.
Nodding, I take a deep breath, allowing my body to feel the pleasure coming from all directions.
Eddie speeds up a little bit. Fingers pumping faster as his tongue rubs against my clit at the same pace.
"I'm getting close Eddie." I cry out, leaning forward more as he hums against me, bringing his eyes back to mine.
I feel the usual wave of emotion hit my body as I unwind all over him, screaming out his name as he rides out my high on his mouth and fingers.
He pulls fingers out of me, bringing them to my mouth which I opened up obediently for him, licking and sucking on them while he licks me clean below.
"Such a good girl baby." Eddie smirks, pulling away from me as he wipes his mouth clean.
"Think you're ready for me? Or do you need a moment?" He asks, sitting up to undo his jeans.
"I'm ready for you." I nod, leaning forward to help him pull them down as his cock springs up.
"You're just full of many surprises aren't you Munson?" I smirk, leaning forward to lick up his long shaft, hearing him groan from the friction.
"Sweetheart as much as I would love to see what that mouth could do, I almost came while taking care of you." Eddie chuckles, hand going underneath my chin to stop me  when I tried to go back down on him.
Nodding I sit up, pulling my shirt off completely as he pulls his off over his head as well.
Climbing on to him I position him below me, moving down slowly as his hands grip my hips harshly.
"Fuck (Y/N), you feel so fucking good wrapped around me baby." Eddie breathes, face scrunching up in pleasure as he bottoms out into me.
"You're so big Eddie, stretching me out completely." I tell him, eyes rolling to the back of my head as I rock against him.
The feeling of his huge cock hitting my cervix makes me whimper as I started to lift and roll my hips against his.
Leaning forward I attach my mouth to his Adam's apple that he had exposed while being a moaning mess beneath me.
I bite the area lightly, letting my nails dig into his chest while I worked on his neck.
"Fuck baby, just like that." Eddie groans, making me moan as I feel the vibrations through his neck while I licked and sucked all over him.  
I whimper feeling him adjust below me as he starts pounding into me while I work my hips down.  
Moving his head so his lips meet mine, I moan into the kiss, tongue sliding against his as I struggled to hold myself still against him. All the movement from both us making me cry out as I felt my stomach starting to turn again.
Feeling Eddie let go of one side of me, I feel my body shutter when his thumb meets my clit, rubbing a circular motion as we both chased to find our highs.
Eddie moves his other hand to hold my throat, making me look straight at him as he pounds up into me.
"Come on baby, you can do it. " He mutters, leaning down to bite my collarbone.
"Let yourself cum for me again baby, just remember to breathe okay?" Eddie orders bringing kisses to my jaw.
I feel my airway tightening as he brings his mouth towards my neck and ear, licking and sucking making me want to scream as I try my hardest to breathe through the stimulation at hand.
"Cum for me princess, cum all over my cock." He whispers.
Taking a deep breathe I cry out feeling my stomach twist, knowing I was done for.
"Eddie, I'm cumming. Fuck." I let out, feeling him not stop his motions as I ride out my orgasm.
Once I was done I felt Eddie twitch inside me, warm liquid pooling as his thrusts got sloppier.
Pulling off of him, I lay down onto the couch, not being able to breathe.
Eddie gets up tiredly, walking to find me a cloth get get cleaned up with.  
"Do you want to stay the night?" Eddie asks, still breathing heavily as he hands me my clothes. Shaking my head, I go to pull my shirt over my head.
"Eddie I can't, I told you what this was going to be. That's going out of territory." I sigh, standing up to put on my bottoms.
"Come on just this once, it's late and you're still a little stoned. We smoked more that usual and  I don't want to risk you getting hurt." He pleads, grabbing my hand to pull me towards him.
I sigh, looking up into his eyes while pressed against his chest, knowing he was right.
"Only this one time Munson, I swear." I tell him, watching his eyes light up the few inches above mine.  
It didn't end up being that one night only.
It's been a few more months since that night and I have spent the night at least one time every weekend, breaking my own rule because I couldn't say no to those big doe eyes.
It had became ritual to hook up either before school or after school, (sometimes even during school,) at least once a day.
Robin and Steve have teased me, especially the day after the first night because it looked like I had been mauled by a bear by the time I had gotten to work the next day.
But they say I look happier, which I shrug off because there wasn't any reason for me to be happier. We were just two people hooking up.
At least we were supposed to be.
But not long after, things started to go into a territory it shouldn't have.  
It started off with small things, Eddie leaving notes in my locker. Sometimes leaving hand picked flowers in my drivers side for me to find after school.
Hell he even brought me lunch at work a few times, trying to pass it off that it was because Dustin wanted to visit Steve.
With every action I would ask him if he was okay with what we're doing, scared he wasn't. But he would always say he was fine with our arrangement, it was my fault I listened.
It wasn't that I didn't like how Eddie was treating me, to be honest I was shocked most the time because I had never had anyone do the things he's done.  
The last time I had fully dated anyone was my freshman year and we promised each other to still talk over the summer and see about me coming down to visit. But before I was supposed to visit I found out he had started hooking up with the girl who was supposed to be my best friend.
After that I swore I wasn't going to date again, or make friends, just leave things casual with me and anyone.
Which is why I wasn't sure how casual it was with me laying in Eddie's arms cuddling with him on a Friday night after hooking up for probably the millionth time.
I felt his fingers run up and down my arm as my eyes grew heavy.
"Do you think you could come see me play Tuesday?" He asks out of nowhere causing my eyes to open up wide.
"What?" I question, sitting up slightly to look down at him.
"Would you come see us play Tuesday, it's been months of this and you still haven't came to a show." Eddie tells me, moving to sit up with me.
Holding one of his blankets to my chest, I stand up.
"Eddie, you know I work Tuesdays." I tell him nervously, looking for my clothes on the floor.
"Just ask for the day off." He shrugs, standing up with me.
Grabbing my shirt off the floor, I throw it on.
"Eddie why would I ask for a day off to see you play? We aren't serious enough for me to do that." I ask him, feeling anger starting to take over.
"Not serious enough (Y/N)? Then what the hell have we been doing?" He expresses, raising his voice slightly as I grab my jeans.
"We've been having fun Eddie, and it's not my fault if you couldn't keep your eyes on the agreement we had made." I spit at him, the words hitting him like venom.
"Well I'm sorry for thinking you had started to feel the same way I did." Eddie rolls his eyes,  grabbing his shirt to put on.
"I think we need to end this." I tell him going to grab my purse as he pulls my hand.
"Wait, please don't go." He begs as I take a deep breath, realizing how serious this fight had gotten.
"Eddie, I think I need to leave before you get hurt and your heart gets broken." I whisper, watching his eyes break.
"(Y/N) I don't care if you hurt me, because guess what if you walk out that door my heart is going to break either way. I would rather have whatever this is as long as I can before it does get broken." Eddie admits to me causing my eyes to water, tear slipping down my face.
Shaking him off my arm and wiping away the tears, I start walking towards the door before turning around slightly.
"That's why I have to go Eddie, I couldn't stand to know how much you were hurting and that it was my fault. I might as well leave before it gets worse." I apologize, turning towards the door before rushing out.
Eddie follows me out in his boxers and t-shirt calling out to me, begging for me to stay and fix things.
I ignored his advances pulling out of his drive with tears streaming heavily, seeing  him follow me out into the street, yelling as he watched me drive away.
Getting home I made my parents promise to tell anyone who may show up other than Robin that I wasn't feeling well or accepting visitors.
I called out from work the next two days, knowing Eddie would show up looking for me and I wouldn't be able to handle seeing him.
Robin came by Sunday night after work demanding to know what was going on.
"Tell me what is going on with you? It's not like you to call out one day let alone two in a row." She asks sitting next to me while I sniffle against my pillow, not wanting to look at her.
"I just feel like a bad person. I broke one of my few rules and hurt someone important to me." I tell her, feeling the sympathy radiate off of her.
"Is this about Eddie?" She whispers quietly, bringing her hand to rub my hair.
"Mmh. And god, why do you and Steve have to be so great too? All of you made me break my rules." I sob into my pillow as she laughs lightly, patting my head.
"(Y/N) most rules are meant to be broken at one point or another." Robin tells me as I catch my breath to look at her.
"You don't understand why I have them." I remind her, sitting up slightly as she scoots over.
"Then tell me, and then maybe tell Eddie." She asks as I nod slightly.
"My freshman year I fell head-over-heels for this sophomore,  thought it was love. All that 14-15 year old crap." I laugh lightly as she nods, listening.
"We did everything together, went on dates, car rides, even lost my virginity to him." I continue, playing with my hands nervously.
"And then I moved and we continued talking on the phone for the first month of summer all the time. But then he started missing calls, or getting off the phone earlier than usual. Then when I would try to call my 'best friend' she would be missing calls as well, and that went on for about a month before I was supposed to go down for the fourth of July." I tell her.
"Then what happened?" Robin asks, face in her hand as her arm rests on her knee
"Then a week before I was about to come down Bailey called me crying one night, telling me she was sorry and hated herself. Told me she had started hooking up with Michael a few weeks prior." I sigh, feeling my eyes water as hers widen.
"No way." Robin exclaims as I nod.
"Yeah, and when I confronted Michael he said it was all true. So from there on out I refused to make friends or even try to let someone in." I  finish, feeling her rest her hand on my knee.
"Why didn't you just tell Eddie that? Look I don't know him very well, but I don't think he could ever do that to you, also I think he would understand what that kind of trauma could do to you." Robin reassures me.
"I don't know if I'll ever speak to him again. He deserves better than me, I'm selfish and don't know how to be social since everything. He deserves someone who can match his energy, which isn't me." I tell her, sniffling to hold back tears as she gives me a sympathetic smile.
"Look (Y/N), you clearly care about him. And I know he gives off golden retriever energy once you start talking to him and you're more of a black cat energy kind of girl. But those sometimes are the best combinations." She tells me, smile still holding on her lips.  
"Trust me, I do work in a movie store, so I do know the best couples." She teases softly.
"Do you think you could do me a huge favor?" I ask her as she nods.
"Anything." She agrees.
I spent the next two days avoiding Eddie the best I could. I would turn back down the hall when I saw him walking, would hide in the bathroom telling the teacher's I was having girl problems. Even ate lunch in the my car and parked down the block in case he decided to go see if I was outside.
I had went to work on Monday, and spent most the night in the back putting the newest tapes into the system.
But by the end of the night Steve had said there wasn't any sight of Eddie.
Now I was sitting in my car tapping my fingers nervously as I stared at the little rundown bar in front of me, wondering if I should actually go in.
Robin had agreed to skip band practice this once to take my shift so I could come tonight.
Glancing at the clock I realized it was now and never, and knew if I didn't go in Robin would kill me for making her take my shift.
Walking inside I hear them playing from the corner stage in the bar.
The lights illuminating only the stage and the bar for those wanting drinks.
I take a seat at the bar stool closest to the door, watching as they finished the song.
Eddie looks around at the small crowed who was hooting and hollering before speaking.
"Our last song for the night is a sneak peak of something I'm working on. So far it is unheard of outside of the band, but it's something I've been dealing with recently and it means a lot to me so I hope you all enjoy." He tells the crowd before starting to strum his guitar, fingers moving up and down as the rest of the band seemed to follow.
I watched him play. Seeing his face focus in concentration, tongue peaking out slightly as he worked against the instrument.
His long hair that was usually free was held back by the black bandana that mostly took home in his back pocket.
Pieces of his hair remained free though, peaking out around his face as his arm muscles flexed slightly with every pluck he gave the cords.
I didn't know what to expect when he opened his mouth, I hadn't heard him sing at all yet.
But god when he opened his mouth I thought I was going to die. If I hadn't already fucked him, I would of wanted to right there.
His voice was so raspy and sexy as he sung into the microphone, keeping eye contact with the crowd.
I listened admiring the beauty of him and his words watching him belt out the rest of the lyrics.
"Oh and my love," He sang into the microphone. Lips brushing against the metal as his eyes came to the bar.
"Did I mistake you for a sign from god?" Eddie hums out, his eyes getting pulled to meet mine.
I feel my cheeks redden as he adjusts his guitar, clearly surprised to see me.
I watch him as he continues, not looking away from me.
"Or are you really here to cut me off?" He questions, eyebrow raising slightly, handing moving down the next of his guitar.
"Or maybe just to turn me on?" He teases into the mic, leaning more towards my side of the bar as he gets into his song.
"Cause these days." He continues as I feel different emotions start to run through my body.
"I would be lying if I told you that, I didn't wish that I could be your man." Eddie sings strongly, both hands moving to hold the mic.
"Or maybe make a good girl bad." He sings out breathy as I feel tears start to run down.
Wiping them away I leave, not wanting to be seen crying in the bar.
Wanting to run away from everything I find myself parked at lover's lake, just thinking about my life and the choices I made. Wondering if it was my fault for how miserable it was.
Laying on the hood of my car I smoked, hoping to find some peace while I decided what to do.
Moving to sit in my car I see the time flash as I start it.
I start my car, not even having a destination in mind as I start to drive.
Just letting my high lead my subconscious as I head down the road.
Which is why I'm not that surprised when I find myself outside of the Munson's trailer.
But Eddie's van was no where in sight, even with how late it was I hoped he would be home at some point soon.  
I opened my car door, lighting a cigarette, listening to music as I waited to the metalhead to get home.
Eddie's P.O.V.
"What do you mean you haven't seen her Robin? She's your friend." I ask her, rubbing my temple feeling a headache starting to form.
"As far as I knew she was supposed to go see you." Robin tells me, loading tapes onto a cart.
"She did, but she left in the middle of a song. It looked like she had started crying." I explain her.
"Why did she start crying? And did you check her house?" Robin questions as I follow behind her.
"Probably because the song was about us, and yes of course I checked her house first. Do you know where else she may be?" I sigh, feeling defeated while she starts loading the sci-fi section.
"I don't really. She is always either at school, work, home, or your house." She shrugs in response.
"Okay, thank you anyway." I tell her, going to head back home in hopes of her calling.  
"Wait Eddie, I think there's something you might want to know about why (Y/N) is the way she is." Robin calls, stopping me.
"What is it?" I ask turning around.
Reader's P.O.V-
I see the van pull up as Eddie's face lights up seeing my car.
Parking next to me, he hops out as I stand up out of my seat.
Eddie takes the first step, walking to wrap his arms around me tightly.
Connecting my body with his, I hold him close. Feeling the tears start to fall down my face as I hug him.
"I'm sorry." I sniffle against his shoulder.
"No it's okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know what you had been through." He shushes me as I pull away slightly, eyes still watering as I look at him confused.
"Don't be mad at Robin, I went to the store looking for you and she told me about what happened your freshman year." Eddie tells me, bringing his hands to wipe away my tears.
"I should of told you before things got this serious." I admit, bringing my hands to hold his wrist as he cradles my face.
"Are we still serious?" Eddie asks hopefully, smiling pulling on his lips as his head tils towards me.
"Do you want to be?" I ask, eyes lighting up as the moonlight danced across his face.
"More than anything." He nods, eyes gleaming down at me.  
"Good, because I want this too." I smile, feeling Eddie bring his lips to mine.
The kiss feeling soft against my lips as he pressed his into mine.
"So does that mean you're going to be my girl?" Eddie smiles, pulling away slightly.
"And you're going to be my man?" I nod happily, referring to the lyrics he sung earlier that night.
Standing up slightly on my the tips of my toes, I connect my lips with his.
Deciding it was okay to be vulnerable with him.
If you made it this far just know I LOVE YOU for reading my work even if you didn’t enjoy it. Thank you so much for your time because I know it was long.  
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andofone · 1 year
SNS fic rec
I have found lots of SNS fics that I think deserve even more love and recognition, so buckle in and here we go!
-PS, if you don’t want your fic on this list, I will take it off.
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou an idiot? by Skyheaven
Naruto thought he could impress his crush by landing the role of Romeo in their school play. With Sakura playing Juliet, it would be the perfect way to get close to her. So how is it that he ended up being forced to play the modern version titled Romeo and Julian with his arch rival Sasuke instead?
(It’s a full, flushed out fic. It was a joy to read through)
(This is part two - a POV change to see what Sasuke is thinking, I strongly recommend reading after the first.)
And Julian is the moon by Skyheaven.
Ever wonder what Sasuke went through when he got stuck playing the romantic lead together with Naruto in their school play about Romeo and Julian? Here's the answer.
A pov change of the fic 'Oh Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou an idiot?'
The Frog Dealer by lilypheria
Naruto’s trusty frog wallet breaks down after years of faithful service, and someone delivers a new one to his office. Naruto is elated, not caring if it’s proper for the Seventh Hokage of Konoha to wander around with a wallet like that. But then he starts to get even more deliveries to his office—frog-shaped keychains, fridge magnets, everything you can think of.
Naruto has no clue who has found out about his affection towards frogs. But the gift giver is closer than he thinks…
(It’s a adorable one-shot. What else could you possibly want.)
Unrequited: sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't by KizuKatana
Naruto hates to hurt people's feelings. So when Hinata puts him on the spot about dating her, he doesn't want to come straight out and tell her he doesn't like her that way. Instead, he comes up with a poorly thought out idea to tell her he is dating someone already. All he needs to do to convince her is to show her a photo of the guy. He just needs to get a picture of someone so ridiculously hot she will know it's hopeless. He actually has someone in mind, a guy he'd had a one-sided thing for from his gym. Although, the guy is sort of an ass and probably wouldn't agree to posing for a picture. Naruto decides to ask him anyway. What's he got to lose?
(Another wonderful, simple one-shot. Easy and very nice to digest.)
In Good Company by weialala
This will sound a little ridiculous, no matter how Sasuke phrases it. I see dead people is embarrassingly tacky, and I'm half-spirit seems like something Sakura might say when she's stoned sky high. So he settles for a shrug.
(This is a gem of a fic. Highly recommend.)
Iced coffee with extra base by Dotec_1
Working in a cafe certainly isn’t the worst thing, that is if you find a certain raven a few tables down.
(Not too long, just 25,000 words and a good plot.)
Fire & Wind by Cyllia
Wind and fire: it's the most powerful combination of elements there was. So when Sasuke, the most talented fire elementalist in his year, pairs with Naruto, who has the greatest air element seen in centuries, they should've been the most formidable team in history. Yet they can't seem to win one match.
(OH MY GOD, okay, this has got to be one of my favorites on this list. And these are all some of my favorite.)
all i want to do, just like this by lunoiere (aeon_uriel)
"Good morning," he whispered, content, and peaceful. 
Naruto's nose twitched, still asleep. His lips were pursed to form a pout that somehow looked even more childish in this state. 
Sasuke's smile got wider and wider and something in his chest bloomed and exploded.
 Unbidden, a thought passed by: he loved that man so much it was unreal. 
Sasuke gets another reminder that waking up with arms around his waist and the smell of sunshine filling his lungs means opening his eyes to yet another good dream.(Because Naruto is there and he’s never leaving.)
 I hope this gives you some good reads!
And if you want more, check out another SNS rec I created here
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bunchofdoodlesinspace · 7 months
Im kinda shocked I’m not seeing more about the parallels between what Laudna did and what Ashton did last night bc currently that’s what I can’t stop thinking about. This theme of self-sacrifice that just keeps coming back over and over. And it makes so, so much sense to me given who this party is made out of.
Ages ago they really fully grasped that they’re all just powder kegs waiting to blow, that at any moment any of them could cause serious harm to the others, whether it be because of the powers they wield of the unfortunate circumstances of their existence- They’re all dangers to each other in some way.
And now, we’re seeing that theme sort of twist into this concept of “fuck it. I have this power, and I could destroy the world and my friends and myself using it, but I might as well try to use it for something good on the way down” and there’s just. There’s something so tragic and beautiful about that. To finally have people you care about so much that you would destroy yourself to see them survive.
In my head, that’s why Laudna is accepting the help of her own murderer. It’s not to walk down this path of darkness, but to give herself the strength she feels she needs to take down the threats in front of them. If that comes at the cost of her sanity, her relationships with the others, her life? So be it. She’s died before, and she’ll do it again if everyone she loves, who have loved her in spite of everything (esp Imogen), can survive and live happy lives.
Same thing with Ashton. No, two shards were not meant be handled by one person. But Fearne didn’t seem to want it, no one else was going to take it, and but they still need the power. Because what they’re facing isn’t anything like anyone has ever seen, they need everything they can possibly get. And if the risk of taking on that power was his own life? Fine. He’s died before too. And for the rest of his friends? The people who have loved him despite everything? For Fearne? He’d do it. Even if it was just to give them a chance.
These aren’t selfish decisions made to try and gain power. This is selflessness to the most dangerous degree. It’s a demonstration of how much they love and how little love they think they deserve in return. It’s a recognition of how big this threat is, how desperate they are for a chance to succeed even if it means they won’t all come back.
I said it in the tags of another post I reblogged and I will say it over and over again.
This shit doesn’t come out of a place of hate.
It only ever comes out of a place of love.
And it is absolutely heartbreaking.
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lilacknights · 2 years
Obey Me Headcanons: What Your Favorite Demon Brother Says About You (but make it too personal)
ALTERNATE TITLE: I judge you based on your favorite brother but I'm not very good at it
CHARACTERS: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
AUTHOR’S NOTE: As much as I agree with all the other similar headcanons out there, I also want to write my own take on the “what your favorite character says about you” HCs. So I shall be using my very limited knowledge on psychology, personal development, and how to attack people where it hurts.
WARNINGS: (Edited) As the title already states, these HCs might or might not be on a personal level. This is not angst but please read with caution. But please don’t take any of these too seriously. I’m mostly basing on my own analysis of the characters and their representations.
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You’re used to sacrificing. Whether or not you get the recognition for it, you still continue to give and give and give to people.
However, it makes it harder to address your own lack of emotional support because you don’t know how to ask for help.
Do you really favor this character because he’s “dominant” or does it bring you comfort that someone else is taking the lead and you finally get to take a break?
And do you really just want him to eat and sleep well, or are you projecting towards this character as if he was you? Maybe, just maybe, you’re taking care of him the way you would have wanted people to take care of you?
Just in case no one had told you this today: You’re doing great, pal. I promise you won’t lose your value just because you stopped working. You deserve a break, too.
Ah yes, the classic black sheep of the group.
Is it a family thing? Or maybe you’re the forgotten member of your friend group? The one constantly left behind? The one who is only asked out at the last minute because you weren’t really part of the plan and they just needed someone to fill in the spot?
Or maybe you’re the one whose efforts are always thrown under the rug because someone is always better than you.
Like any human being, you have made mistakes throughout your lifetime. Which would be fine if only people would stop focusing on your shortcomings and forgetting about your achievements.
You want to support this man and be there for him when the whole world is against him — because that’s also what you’ve always wanted. To have someone. Someone who would stop looking at you for what you aren’t and start seeing you for what you could be.
Maybe, just maybe, you have a savior complex… but not exactly in a bad way.
It’s more in the “I’ve always felt ashamed of myself but this man doesn’t have to be.” kind of way. This makes you a good person if I do say so myself.
You have your own particular special interest at one or several points of your life but no one ever reciprocated the same excitement you have towards it, making you question whether it was even worth the attention you gave it.
Have you ever had an interest on an instrument, a sport, or maybe something with arts or writing? But because none of those are “real jobs”, you had to let go? Have you been asked something along the lines of “would that be able to pay the bills?” when you tried to introduce an idea to people?
A part of you probably still longs for that encouragement that never came. And so you’re doing it for someone else.
How’s the life of the "second best" treating you? /lh
Somewhat similar to those who favor Mammon, you were probably used to having someone else take all the credit for who you are.
Ever had a family member brag about your achievements as if they are the sole reason behind your success? Or maybe you’ve had an older sibling or a senior that everyone thinks is your “inspiration” and it made you feel like your own actions are never your own?
You also probably have a type and that type is a man who does the bare minimum. I don’t know what to tell you but this is most likely the case. (If it’s not, then good for you. /gen)
“He’s not being an asshole towards me and he respects my boundaries and he reads??? Sign me the fuck up.” - You, probably. If I’m wrong, good. But if I’m right, then you and I need to have a proper talk.
Your attachment and abandonment issues are showing, bud.
People say that those who favor him are the horny fans but it’s not all there is to it, isn’t it?
Is it possible that you find comfort that this conventionally attractive and well-known individual chose you? Is it possible that, out of all the people he could have had, you’re finally the first choice?
Tell me, how many times were you just an option? How many instances did family, friends or potential lovers didn’t put you first?
Or maybe you’re the introverted little bean in every room that needs someone else to remind you that you’re actually liked. You need that one person to explicitly tell you that “yes, you are wanted.” before your intrusive thoughts take over and make you believe that you’re just a waste of space.
I don’t know what to say except you probably just want to take a break from all the physical, mental, or emotional bullshit going on in your life.
You probably need a hug (preferably against soft tits) and want to live the quiet life with little to no stressors once in a while.
He reminds you of peace and simplicity, and that’s a good thing.
Not sure what you all think but this man is probably the healthiest brother to be biased towards.
I do hope real life for you finally settles down and you get the peace of mind you’ve always wanted. You got this.
Holy shit, you’re fucked up. Are you okay? For real?
Because if Mammon or Satan are kind of the “neglected guy” representation, this one is the forgotten left-in-the-attic version. The difference with this though is that you’ve probably became numb at one point.
Something inside you probably died a long time ago and you just stopped giving a shit. It could be a good thing or a bad thing, mostly depending on your attitude towards it.
You probably weren’t exactly given the biggest responsibilities growing up but, unfortunately, no one expected big things from you because of this — and neither did you.
Also, you’re either a degradee or a degrader. There’s nothing in between. I also believe you’re pretty chill but would be willing to set a building on fire when given enough reason to.
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I haven't written in forever! I do hope you all enjoyed this because I DIDN'T. Asmodeus and Leviathan were basically me attacking myself LMAO — 🌷
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hiya! so I was thinking about Peter Quill with an artistic reader (in the form of headcanons) bc omg i think that'd be absolutely adorable and ive been going in a spiral for him lately
Just a thought! You dont need to do it if youre busy, have a great week!
hii! omg yes I love it. and don’t worry me you and everyone else feels the same way😭 ive been defending him in comment sections for years so im glad he’s finally getting recognition he deserves. big up quill. I also did this first, as it was a fun sorta break in between other writing. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 have a great weekend also. xo
headcanons/ imagines (2)
Peter Quill x reader (gn)
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warnings || none
masterlist + rules
- he doesn’t always have the best attention span, but when it comes to you he could watch you paint/ draw for hours. it’s something that keeps him entertained
- he likes to ask questions/ communicate while you work “that’s cool, what does that do?” or “how did you do that?” feel like he’d be mesmerised watching the canvas come to life
- you both listen to his music while you do anything artsy, the combination is the best of both worlds
- but if he’s not watching you/ hanging around at the same time, you like to listen to his music so it feels like he’s still there. he’s silently caught you a few times and it makes him feel special that his music means so much to you
- he definitely brags to the other guardians about how talented you are (like tony and thor talking about their girls in age of ultron)
- I feel like he can be a great helper- if you’re at the easel, he stands next to you holding the things you need so you don’t have to keep bending/ reaching etc. or if you need a brush cleaned, he’d do it for you
- if you wanted to do pottery, he’d get rocket to make you a pottery wheel, whatever you needed, rocket will make
- if you live with him in his apartment on knowhere, he’s moved his things about so that you could paint by the window/ designated a space/ area for you to work at (he remembers watching bob ross a couple times when he was a kid, so he used the tips he learned and put them into practice for you)
- if and when he sees any kind of art materials on other planets, he definitely brings them back for you. over a while you’ve acquired quite a diverse set of tools that’s broadened the quality of your art
- I feel like he’d kind of pimp you out- would put your name out there to get more people to commission work from you
- you’re now the go-to that people come to when they want new things for their houses. a majority of people on knowhere have probably bought work from you
- you’ve made pieces for every guardian, something specific and detailed that has meaning to each individual (kind of like the holiday special) you’d be very creative and intricate in tailoring the work to the person
- mantis absolutely adores what you made. nebula was apprehensive at first but you caught her smiling when she thought you weren’t paying attention. drax goes into great detail when he describes what he loves about it, always using crazy big adjectives. rocket said he doesn’t care for art, but the way it’s displayed in his apartment tells you otherwise. and groot was super happy to have something made by you
- quill has treasured everything you’ve ever made him, he can be very sentimental so all the work you made is something he deeply appreciates. something minuscule you made at the beginning of the relationship, is kept in one of his memory boxes (like a flower made of tissue)
- maybe you’ve made things to honour his parents, using stories he’s told you into creating something beautiful (two separate pieces- one of meredith and one of yondu) they are something he has hung up and displayed in his apartment. I feel like it’s helped him deal with his grief- and over time he’s been able to look at the artwork without feeling sad. now he can smile when he sees their faces
- its definitely made him fall harder for you
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