#he ended up going to have a bath pretty quick so whatever
wings-of-angels · 1 year
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Hi, how you doing, luv? I saw your requests were open so here I am!
I told this idea to a friend and we liked it so much I needed to see it written, and I love how you write Arthur!
I don't usually request/like low honor Arthur but hear me out! Low honor Arthur with a female reader and he's user her as his alibi whenever he goes on a killing spree. But she happily applies, smiling at the officers when she gets questioned like "it ain't him officer. how do I know that, you say? he was with me the whole time🤭" while Arthur quietly cleans the blood splatters off his guns
Samy!! Here it is!! I really hope you'll like it😭 Also, hell yes, what an ask! Loved writing it. Makes me want to write more Low!Honor. And ngggh the best compliment ever telling me you love how I write him I can't
˖✧ Pretty lies
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✦ Pairing: Low!Honor Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader  ✦ Warnings/Tags: Blood (obviously), guns, cursing, canon era speech, ending is suggestive. Therefore, MDNI, please! ✦ Words: 1,8k ✦ a/n: Okay so, this is my first attempt ever at a Low Honnor Arthur. I guess I just made him bolder, extra cocky+extra flirty? Hope it’ll fit! ALSO, as always, English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if anything sounds weird. Please if you notice any mistakes, reach up to me! ✦Credits. First pic is from Reddeadcomfort on Pinterest, gun pic from Pinterest too. Second one from my playthrough; blood stains and dividers by me.
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Arthur’s violence wasn’t a secret to anyone. Not to anybody in camp, not to you, certainly not to himself. 
Not even to numerous people at this point, considering the large number of poor fellas who had the bad luck to cross him and ended up beaten to a pulp, covered in bruises, head in a drinking trough, riddled with bullets, or even worse.
But you loved him, no matter what. You knew about his flaws. Knew about his brutal, crude side. But around you, this heated aura was turning into something else entirely. And you liked it.
So, when a panting Arthur had rushed to you on the porch of Strawberry’s hotel, blood covering his entire self, face and hair included, blue eyes shining sapphires in a tide of rubies, you weren’t that surprised. You were even less when he asked you to be his alibi for whatever the Hell he just did, as he had taken the habit of doing lately. Lying for Arthur’s crimes could have looked like an immoral thing to do, but as a member of the gang too, you clearly weren’t a saint either.
And you really were enjoying this little game.
The subtle grin Arthur had every time you would lie in front of the police for him, asserting with absolute conviction you had been together all day. The rosy tone his cheeks, ears and neck were displaying when you felt bolder and added some details in your alibis. Details about fake, steamy nights or afternoons you were supposed to have shared, swearing to the Lord you had the unholiest of times together. Oh, the look he was giving you. Knowing, amused, dreamy and so, so proud and debauched. Lustful, even.
You were sure he was enjoying it too.
“Alright, I’ll cover for you again. But at least go take a bath, I can’t do miracles.” You ordered him, a devilish smile on your face. 
“Thank you, sugar.” Arthur quickly answered, his voice just a low, breathless mumbling, barely letting you distinguish his words.
He quickly entered the hotel and you heard the receptionist gasp from where you were. You chuckled to yourself, imagining his outraged face rapidly losing all its composure under Arthur’s hard gaze piercing through the layer of blood, ordering him to prepare a bath as gently as if he was doing a hold-up.
Poor man must have liquefied on the spot.
You leaned against the patio’s fence and breathed in the fresh late afternoon air of Strawberry, alpenglow golden and rosy on top of the mountains, a peaceful scenery under your eyes. Contrasting with the horror and brutality Arthur must have left in his trail.
He was quick to join you again, looking fresh and neat as if he were a completely normal gentleman. His messy hair and dirty beard long gone, a nice black shirt, shiny boots, and a scout jacket on, probably to match Strawberry people's clothes. 
The only things that hadn't benefited from a change were his eternal Gambler hat and his holster and revolvers, both still painted with blood stains, a red and morbid Appaloosa coat on shiny metal.
“Policemen won’t be too long to arrive. ‘Hid my face but they chased me down all the way from Flatneck Station.” He informed you, voice calmer and shoulders less tensed.
“What the Hell were you doing there?”
“Robbin’ a train.” He replied with a cocky grin, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“More like slaughterin’ a train, uh?”
“Smart mouth.” He retorted, amused by your remark. “Too many of ‘em bastards had irritated me.”
“And how much did you get exactly?”
“Seven hundred.” His smirk widened as he patted his satchel, which was probably full of stolen money.
“Damn, Arthur! All by yourself? You never cease to impress me.”
His eyes wrinkled in a genuine smile, a rare sight. He didn’t add anything, silence enveloping both of you, as often in his company. But you knew he had loved your praise. 
Arthur casually sat on one of the chairs behind you, legs open to be more comfortable, and took his guns out of his holster, as relaxed as if he had sat to draw in his journal.
He knew the Law had absolutely no proof against him, and that you were charming enough to lead them up the garden path as easily as if they were children. 
As he had planned, two terribly worn-out lawmen arrived, clothes soiled and face tired. It looked like they didn’t have the time to take a good bath contrary to your companion, probably interrogating the whole town before arriving here. One of them, the shorter of the two, climbed up the wooden stair treads and spoke.
“Sir, Missus. We’re searching for a dangerous criminal. He has been described by several witnesses as a tall man with broad shoulders, brown hair, blue eyes, and a black leathered hat…” His words slowed down and turned into a whisper at the end of his sentence, lost in the air, as his gaze landed on Arthur. His eyes narrowed realizing he matched the description perfectly.
“Oh, I’m really sorry, officer, we haven’t seen anyone like this…” You said with your most angelic smile, your body turning politely from the fence to face the policeman.
You were now standing right next to Arthur who didn’t look bothered at all. 
All the contrary, he had given a simple salute by nodding his head to the man, the tip of his hat shaking nonchalantly in his direction, and had begun cleaning his guns, blood visible like porcelain dipped in a vibrant red paint.
The officer frowned, clearly not convinced.
“You, where were you-
“Him? He was with me all day officer."
He does not believe you. Yet. You took his arched eyebrow as a personal invitation to give him a good show:
"To tell you the truth, we’re on our honeymoon here, so we took the time to enjoy our day together…”
While speaking, you put a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, to emphasize your words, to look convincing. But you would have lied to yourself telling you weren’t appreciating this, fingers caressing his muscles through the thick jacket, traveling innocently to his neck where you brushed the base of his hair, just underneath his hat, pampering him as if he was a cat.
And Arthur? He had the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen on his face. He loved it, the pure audacity of it all, your teasing touch on the back of his head, his own hands busy with his guns, oil and piece of fabric wiping the fresh remnants from his killing spree of a few hours ago, in the most carefree way possible, all of it under the Law’s nose.
A rush of adrenaline spread through him, tingling and warming his body. He tried to fight his own blood from gathering more and more between his legs, but after all, looking all giddy would just make it all more convincing, right?
“But this man really looks like…” The policeman tried to object, before being cut by you once again.
“Officer, I assure you we was here all day…” You asserted, honeyed voice soft to the ears, eyes as innocent as a dove.
“Oh, except for this morning though, we was out. We tried this really special spot, you know? The one in the mountains, where you can bathe in these hot springs… We had a good time there, didn’t we, honey?” You fibbed with perfection, adding even more details to your tapestry of lies.
The hand you had on Arthur slowly pushed his head against your chest, his face ending up cheek against your cleavage. His devilish smirk almost cracked from widening, and the tip of his ears got all red and hot. You could feel it against your skin, both of you relishing in your juvenile, corny lovers play.
Inside, he felt like he was on top of the World right now.
“Yes baby, ‘t was definitely a good time…” Arthur agreed, playful eyes adverting from his revolvers to look at yours from down there, his slightly crooked teeth visible through his gigantic grin.
“A-arlight, I erm…” The lawman coughed, visibly uncomfortable because of your behavior and finally convinced by your pretty little speech. “I’ll leave you to… To "it" then. Good evening Sir, Ma’am.”
He walked back to his colleague who had smoked a cigarette while waiting for him. Arthur and you kept on playing your naive role until both of them were far enough, the last echo of their conversation sounding exceedingly comical into your ears:
“Shit, we lost this asshole…”
 “Told you this couldn’t be him. Who would be stupid enough to strut around right next to the sheriff’s office?”
Yeah, who would be, uh?
You giggled a bit, eyes still locked on the stupid man in question. He hadn’t stopped smiling the whole time, a low chuckle shaking his chest, joining yours.
“This was a close one. You’re getting more and more reckless…” You warned him gently, hand still wrapped around his head.
“But you, on the other hand, are a brilliant actor, darlin’.” He added, his deep voice showing a hint of amusement and mischief. “And you're getting bolder too. A honeymoon, really?”
“The damn bastard wouldn't let it go…” You shrugged with an innocent smile.
It looks like he was comfortable like this because he wasn’t making any effort to pull away from your soft flesh. All the contrary, a sneaky arm curled up around your waist, pushing you onto his lap, his guns and the piece of fabric ending up on top of your thighs.
“Ya know, alibis are fun an’ all but… Maybe we could have a good time for real, sometimes.” He whispered in your ear, big hands handling you gently, one resting on your legs, the other holding your back.
“Yeah? You tired of lying, Arthur?”
“Am tired of doin’ nothin’ while havin’ the most gorgeous woman in town pretendin’ to be my wife…” His thumb slowly strokes your thighs while answering in a low, passionate tone.
This wasn’t just pretty lies anymore. His voice wasn’t joking, it was filled with desire; his hands warm and demanding on your body.
“Mmh… I see… Maybe we could actually book a room here for the night then…” You answered in the same quiet register, betraying your own needs.
One of your hands grabbed his guns, the other the blackened piece of fabric damped with oil, and you finished cleaning up his revolvers for him, fingers delicate and attentive.
His eyes are locked on your hands and their movement, completely hypnotized by them, his ears turning entirely red, this sanguine color spreading less and less subtly on his face and chest too.
You can't help but notice the hardness growing between his legs, pressing under your body. 
And he can't wait for the moment when this won’t be the barrel of his gun you'd be holding and caressing between your hands…
“Sounds pretty good to me, “Missus Morgan”.”
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
im so interested in what u think the moon boys would be like as dads???
Ohhhhh, this is gonna hurt my heart. In a good way. I have a lot of feelings about Moon Dads and I've not yet written fics about it so yeah...
I'm gonna jump right in with Marc.
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I think if Marc had a child, he would be all in: attentive, tender, affectionate.
I don't actually believe Marc would be afraid of parenting. I know that can be a popular hc/fic plot and I totally understand why, and love reading those.
But I think Marc would be one of those people that would try to do the opposite of what was done to him. Example: his parents were married and that went well... (sarcasm)
Yet Marc got married. He and Layla were together for years and, according to her, had "adventures together", meaning they worked as a (likely successful) team. Marc bailed on Layla once his mom passed and he could no longer control or hide his disassociations (plus Khonshu's threats for Layla to be his next avatar).
Point being: Marc did get married and seemed pretty successful at it, for the most part.
Marc is in charge of bath time. This includes little toy boats, fish that squirt water, bubbles. He's going to wash their hair, or whatever hair needs they have, depending on race and hair types. If it is a hair type he isn't as familiar with, he is going to be talking to his partner, looking up vids, whatever it takes. Touch is going to be so important to him. He is the dad who will know how to do french braids or styles for textured hair.
He's never going to react in anger. If he is angry, he's going to hand the reins to Steven or sometimes Jake (if he is able, it's obviously not a parlor trick), or he will just say to his little one, "Daddy is going to take a time out. I'll be back in a minute and we can have a talk." The idea of putting himself in time out is so endearing to his child that they end up calming from whatever misbehavior they were attempting, wanting to join him in the corner for time out, touching a plushie or reading a book in his lap.
They learn very young that their father's expressions can be stern but his hands are safe. They will not want to disappoint him.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Steven can converse naturally with children, this we see in the first episode. Steven's open, engaging nature is great for children. His own childlike wonder will shine in fatherhood. He was also able to quickly redirect the behavior of the girl who was littering at the museum. So a spunky child in a doctor's office waiting room will be easily wrangled by a distracting toy, quick game or wonderful story.
Steven is your go-to guy for bedtime stories. With a young child, Steven will share how wondrous the world around them is. He'll always have a anecdote or a fun fact for tweens or teens.
He will offer choices. "Do you want to put on 'jammies now or after a story?" "Do you want to help Dad set the table or feed the cat?" Steven has lacked agency in his life, so he is going to give it to his child. He will teach them to speak up for their needs.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Jake is going to be such a little shit as a dad. I'm sorry but there is no nicer way to say it lol. Jake's used to operating in the background and he's a night owl. He's the fun dad. He's the "don't tell mom" dad (or don't tell dad, dad). Kid wants stay up 15 extra minutes? It's Jake that's gonna sneak them some of the popcorn he popped after they were supposed to be asleep. As a partner, you'd find your little one on Jake's knee in the most comfy chair, watching the Yankees play baseball.
You give them The Look™ and they know they are busted. They exchange guilty glances and then Jake starts repeating words in Spanish. Baseball, Popcorn, very good! If you are already all Spanish speakers then Jake pretends to be practicing in both Spanish and English.
Either way, he and his little twin, with their adorable curls, give you shit eating grins.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Moon Knight Masterlist
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet — Uzui Tengen
Author’s Note: for my own sanity, only some of these headcanons include Hina, Makio, and Suma. 😆 As w/ all hcs, these are simply my opinions in this exact moment of writing, and are subject to change depending on the context/my mood! 😉
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NSFW Alphabet — Uzui Tengen
Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~3,100
CW: 18+NSFW, ass!play, cream!pie, degrading language, explicit language, Fem!Reader, oral, public
Aftercare? what they’re like after sex
Tengen’s aftercare can be… overwhelming. 🤭 Water and cuddles are appreciated, but do you really need a three course meal? An entire change of bedsheets? A steamy bath complete with petals and/or bath salts? A full body rubdown? Occasionally, the answer is YES! 😌 But oftentimes, the answer is: “Tengen, I’m not going to make it through the appetizer, let alone whatever else you’re planning.” 😴 Because as grateful as you are to be thoroughly pampered and cherished, sometimes the best aftercare is simply a quick rinse followed by promptly passing out.
Body Part? their favorite body part(s)
Tengen’s obsessed with your tits. 🤤😍 I mean, have you seen Hina, Makio, and Suma?! *cue that “You six are the most important things to me.” “Six? But Lord Tengen, there are only three of us.” “I said what I said.” meme* 😂 Sensitivity matters more to him than size or shape; if he can’t elicit a soft gasp from brushing his fingertips across your nipples, then what’s the point? ☹️ He’d be your personal bra if you’d let him, glued to your back 24/7, hands cupping your tits. If you have smaller tits: “But Tengen, they’re not even that big. I don’t need a bra!” “Okaaay, but I come with heating and massaging services! 🥺” If you have larger tits: “Honey, do you need help? ☺️” “Help? 🤨” “If they’re too heavy, I happen to know a strong man who can ease your burdens.” *cue Tengen winking exaggeratedly at your tits*
Tengen’s arms and thighs are to die for. He can hold you up against a wall, biceps flexing as your nails dig into his skin, cock thrusting steady and deep into your pussy, hardly out of breath, until you’re whimpering T-too much, g-gonna cum a-again. He can also keep you in place while you grind your clit against his thigh, forearms toned and unyielding as you melt into his chest, whining as you near your orgasm, unable to rest under his gentle, unforgiving guidance. “Mm, such a pretty thing, getting off on my thigh,” squeezing your waist in warning as you try to slow down, “What a pathetic whore, so anxious to cum the moment she sits on my lap,” grinning smugly as your body shudders, “There’s no stopping now, babygirl’s gotta finish what she starts, gotta make a mess on my thigh, then, maybe, I’ll let you go.” If you really think he’s letting you go after slipping your panties aside to feel your wetness seep through his pants, casually lifting you—with one arm, of course—just enough to fuck rough fingers into your clenched heat… think again. 😃
Tengen prefers cumming in your pussy or on your ass. When he’s feeling intimate, finishing in your pussy feels like the ideal ending; it’s heavenly, sexy, and the perfect amount of lewd when you spread your folds so he can watch himself drip out of your stretched hole. If he’s feeling dominant, cumming on your ass satisfies his urge to claim and mark you in a more degrading manner; “My filthy fucking bitch,” as his cum coats your asshole, dribbling down the backs of your thighs, making a mess of the sheets below, “Wearing my cum so beautifully, what a slut.”
Dirty Talk?
Uzui Tengen aka King of Dirty Talk™️. Mind you, King™️ doesn’t mean everything he murmurs into your ear is mouthwatering, panty dropping, orgasm inducing, but it does mean he talks. A lot. Constantly. “You close to cumming? Close to squeezing the life out of my cock? Can’t wait to die by your pussy, mmm, yes darling, kill me.’ … … … 💀 To be fair, 9 out of 10 times he says something that’s actually pleasurable. 😆 “You hear that babydoll? The sound of your greedy pussy squelching around my cock? Look down gorgeous, look at how well you take me. Look and listen, tell me what you think, hm?” Spoiler alert: there’s no way you’re telling him what you think, because fucking you speechless happens to be his specialty.
Experience? their level of experience
Factoring in Hina, Makio, and Suma, Tengen’s quite experienced. They don’t have foursomes too often (coordinating four schedules is a nightmare lmao), which actually benefits his sexual familiarity and comfortability, because 1-on-1 with three different women means plenty of consistent variety and opportunities to experiment/learn/grow. Toss you into the mix (they’re all very happy to get to love and be loved by you 🥰), and fivesomes are even rarer than the elusive foursome. Omitting Hina, Makio, and Suma? Tengen’s still experienced, but sexual experience doesn’t necessarily equate to emotional or romantic maturity. Does he know how to bring his sexual partners to world shattering climax? Yeah. Does he know how to nurture intimacy and depth beyond carnality? ~Eventually! He isn’t inherently closed off to the idea or concept of closeness — he just needs the right person (you, heh) to feel like taking that next step is worth his time, energy, and investment.
Tengen LOVES foreplay, but he also LOVES penetrative sex, so it’s a perpetual, inner debate for him. 😖 Does he bask in the glory of you giving him head while he’s gaming with Kyojuro and Sanemi, or does he go afk (away from keyboard) to bend you over the bed and fuck you between rounds? 🤓 On that note, he prefers receiving, primarily because it’s easier for you to randomly suck his dick than it is for him to randomly perform cunnilingus. 11/10 has calender anniversary reminders for all the various places you’ve blown him i.e. 1/27 Bar Bathroom Blowjob 🍻; 4/19 Changing Room Blowjob 👕; 10/31 Halloween Party Blowjob 🎃. Besides blowjobs and cunnilingus, he’s a sorry sap for making out (when he supports the back of your head/neck and kisses you deeply UNF) and pinching your nipples until you’re begging him to play nice.
Goofy? their sense of humor
Ever seen movie/tv show bloopers where actors laugh while trying to film a serious/sad/etc scene? That’s Tengen during sex. He isn’t consciously silly, but his intensity/somewhat domineering attitude occasionally misses the mark. To his credit, he’s generally aware of your mood and what the ~vibe is, but sometimes all he wants to do is spank you—”Can you be good for me? Can you count? From one to ten, can you count out your punishment?”—and all you end up doing is giggling and sassing off: “Can I count from one to ten? Why, yes, yes I can!!!!!” *cue unstifled laughter* 🤪
Hair? pubes maintenance
Short of zero maintenance, Tengen has next to no preference about his pubic hair. If you want him clean shaven? He’ll do his best (shaving his balls only scares him ~a tad). If you appreciate ~some hair? He’ll literally have you sit on the bathtub beside him while he grooms, and rely on you to tell him when to stop. And if you also have next to no preference? He falls into a monthly trim routine.
Intimacy? their degree of intimacy
Sex with Tengen tends to lack toe curling intimacy. Your toes will certainly curl for other reasons, but he isn’t really a stare-into-my-eyes-as-I-whisper-sweet-nothings lover; he’s a, “Look at me while I fuck your pretty cunt,” firm thumb lifting up your chin, “I said look at me,” fucker. If you ask for more intimate sex, then he’ll certainly try his best, but all it takes is a few clenches of your walls around his cock—your eyes rolling backward, soft whine pushed from your chest, as he buries himself balls deep—for him to dissolve into his usual demanding demeanor.
Jack Off? masturbation
Including Hina, Makio, and Suma, he hardly ever masturbates. Sex isn’t a given—he doesn’t take anyone for granted, nor assume that someone’ll be available whenever he’s horny—but he doesn’t want any of you to feel rejected or neglected either. It’s a careful balance between respecting his right to privacy and personal time, as well as him not constantly declining sex because, “Oops, I already masturbated today.” Excluding Hina, Makio, and Suma, he tends to masturbate/initiate sex more days a week than not. If you aren’t in the mood, then he still checks in that you’re alright with him satisfying his needs alone, because again: he cares more about you feeling desired and taken care of than he cares about immediately fulfilling his sexual urges. He’s less so asking permission to masturbate, and more so ensuring nobody feels left out.
Kink? ~specific turn ons
Tengen enjoys shibari, but only when there’s enough time for it to be artistic and sexual. Bondage satisfies him too, but there’s a distinct difference between tying your wrists and ankles to four corners of a bed versus having you kneel and move in front of him as he creates fluid, silky knots and patterns across your body. Both forms involve you trusting him to a degree that riles and soothes his desires to control and protect you, just as both forms typically end with him cumming in your pussy, hands clutching your hips as he trembles, feeling his slick squelch out from the fullness of his cock inside you, balls soon sticky and messy. However, shibari is more meditative and collaborative—a mutual dance—whereas bondage leans toward leading and following—precisely choreographed (and he’s the choreographer). P.S. He’s definitely the type to own a sex swing. 😵‍💫
Location? where they prefer to have sex
When it comes to penetrative sex, Tengen prefers the bedroom (or living room) — nothing like knowing there’re solid walls to hold and fuck you against, as well as a soft and comfy bed (or couch) for less effortful/more creative positions — the bed/couch provides cushioning for potential falling/mishaps when trying something new. But oral sex? Tengen’s happy to receive a blowjob practically anywhere, anytime (so long as you’re comfortable). He’d much prefer he be caught with his pants down than you, and has likely had to laugh off one or two ~interruptions. 😅
Motivation? ~general turn ons
Modeling clothing and sleeping in his shirts! 😍 You could model a winter coat and snow pants, and Tengen would still be eager to “find” your breasts beneath the thick layers of polyester and fleece, as well as squeeze your now thoroughly padded ass. 🤪 And if you model lingerie, swimwear, or anything remotely revealing? He’s 100% chugging water and fanning himself, legs parting as he not so subtly grabs his crotch, “I think we need to do a sit test before you buy those,” while patting his thigh. Are some of his reactions exaggerated? Yeah. 😂 But does he do it all to hype you up and because he’s attracted to you? Also yeah. ☺️ On a different note, wear his clothing, and he’ll immediately offer to let you keep it for forever. “Wearing my shirt?” he grins slyly. “Mhm.” “Keep it,” he declares. Eyebrows raising, you tilt your head, “What?” “I just want you to have sweet dreams!” he winks. “And wearing your shirt…” “Will obviously grant you sweet dreams.” “Surrre,” you drawl, arms crossing amusedly. “Aaand you’re absolutely gorgeous.”
No? turn offs
Unless it’s with his cock, Tengen isn’t huge on breathplay. Light choking? Sure, if you ask nicely. But more serious breathplay? He’s just a little too informed about the dangers of cutting your brain off from oxygen to properly enjoy it. 😕
Oral? giver or receiver
Tengen prefers receiving oral sex, mostly because he can’t get over how stunning you look with his cock in your mouth. As beautiful as you look—and feel—cumming while his tongue flicks rapidly at your clit, it just isn’t the same from between your thighs; your head tilts backward, pretty eyes disappearing from view, legs suffocating him and his view. But you, tracing the tip of his cock with your glistening tongue, one hand shoved between your legs, the other clutching his thigh, struggling to balance bringing yourself to orgasm and coaxing shudders from him? That is a sight he’ll never tire of.
Position? their favorite position(s)
For cumming in your pussy, Tengen adores having you on top. Make no mistake—he’s happy and able to do most of the work (grabbing your hips and thrusting upward into your cunt)—there’s just no better way to watch your tits bounce. Make him suck on your fingers before playing with your nipples, and he’s liable to cum much sooner than anticipated. For cumming on your ass, Tengen doesn’t really care what position you’re in; he’s focused on chasing his orgasm and keeping his thrusts as hard and precise as possible. If you’re on your back, then he’ll simply flip you over when he needs to cum, impatiently waiting to paint a lil heart on your ass with his cum (he cums first, and then uses it as ~paint — his swollen tip’s the paintbrush). 
Quickie? a fan or not-a-fan
Tengen isn’t the hugest fan of quickies. He considers sex a privilege, an indulgence, an experience, and rushing it means less time to reach its potential. That being said, if he’s in the mood and there’s only time for a quickie, then he won’t hold off— he has the stamina to chase immediate gratification and enjoy his time (with you) ~later too. 😌
Risk? their risk tolerance
Despite his flashy persona, Tengen would rather partake in safe, “tame” sex than put his partner(s) at risk of bodily/emotional harm. Regarding himself, he’s less reserved. In other words, if someone’s going to be caught with their pants down, then he’d prefer it be himself than his partner(s). Even if you tell him, “Getting caught sucking someone’s dick can still be as embarrassing as getting caught having your dick sucked!” he’s unlikely to acknowledge his double standard — you’d really have to push to be the one undressing in a ~risky situation.
Tengen can go for hours, primarily because he can stave off cumming for hours. Sometimes you have to beg him to cum, as in, beg for him to cum, because your pussy’s swollen and sore and the copious amounts of lube aren’t enough anymore. “Tengen, please,” you whimper, mouthing weakly at his neck, body folded sweaty and exhausted atop his chest. “What is it?” he murmurs, only slightly breathless, slow thrusts continuing as he kneads your ass, “Please what?” “Please cum,” you groan, folds stinging from the relentless friction, “I swear if you don’t cum soon-” Smirking, he rocks his hips sharply upward, eyes closing as he drawls, “Then what?” “Then you’re pulling out and cumming in your fist.” That changes his pace real quick — best believe he’s cumming in your pussy, or not at all. As for his actual refractory period, he’s capable of multiple orgasms throughout the day, but the more he cums in a day, the more days he’ll need to recharge afterwards. 🪫
Tengen may or may not dedicate a sizeable portion of his income to sex toys, especially factoring in Hina, Makio, and Suma. While he appreciates being called a Sex God™️, he’s a relatively humble god 🙃, and is fine acknowledging the usefulness and efficiency of dildos, vibrators, etc. He definitely researches options of intrigue before buying, and only purchases well reputed— oftentimes more expensive—toys. If any of you (“you” being Hina, Makio, Suma, and you) request a custom dildo of his penis, then you bet he’s making four of them!!!!! 😃 Why would he squander the opportunity to watch all four of his partners—all at the same time—fuck themselves with ~his cock? 😤 If you’re into anal sex, then he might splurge even further and make eight… because why would he squander the opportunity to watch all four of his partners—all at the same time—stuff all of their holes? Does this mean he’d technically need twelve if we’re counting mouths as well?
Unfair? how they feel about teasing/being teased
Tengen loooves teasing, but isn’t fond of being teased himself. 😬 You can tease him—he isn’t a jerk about it/won’t promptly shut you down—but he will flip the tables sooner rather than later. Verbal banter goes over better with him than physical playfulness, because it’s just too easy for him to manhandle you. If you’re dominant/switch leaning, then he’ll occasionally relinquish his reins, but doing so absolutely requires lengthy discussion and upfront negotiation/explanation (of your needs) prior.
Tengen murmurs lowly and grunts loudly; a combination of seductive, filthy, and sometimes nonsensical dirty talk + guttural, staggered noises as he nears his climax. If he’s cumming multiple times in a day, then he’s definitely shouting, “Fuck, fuck, fuckfuck, FUUUUUCK!!!!!” by his last orgasm — similar to shouting through a difficult part of a workout, because cumming multiple times in a day is 😮‍💨.
Wild Card?
Tengen’s contemplated getting his dick pierced more than once, but hasn’t followed through with it because he’s afraid of the pain. Don’t get him wrong!!! 😠 He’s tough!!!!! 😡 Just not that kind of tough. 🫠
A show-er for sure, almost 8 inches when fully erect, and as thick as you’d expect (very). Proper preparation and lube are generally a must—another reason Tengen isn’t super into quickies—but he’s fairly straight with minimal veins, aka no wicked curves or texture that require further adjustment. The head of his cock is relatively small, so getting through the initial squeeze and fullness isn’t the hardest part; it’s a ~journey all the way down to his balls. 🤠
Yearning? sex drive
Goes through periods of initiating sex every other day to not feeling anything in particular about sex for like, a week. With four wives, that neutral period is important for resetting himself and getting shit done — taking care of himself + four partners sexually can take up a lot of time! Of course, you can obviously pleasure yourself + each other too (permutations, math, 5 numbers), and he’s more than content to watch—or hear about it later—when he’s not quite up for participating himself.
Instead of crashing immediately after sex, Tengen crashes immediately following aftercare. He has plenty of energy to go ~overboard with aftercare, and precisely no energy once he knows you’re both comfortably grounded and sated (if you let him, then he will cook you that three course meal mentioned in Aftercare, and he will start nodding off at the dining table once you’ve taken your last bite 🥱). He’s pretty indifferent about how you sleep after sex; just don’t roll over to the complete opposite side of the bed without even a pinky toe or finger touching him 🥲 — he’ll fall asleep thinking he’s upset you, but too tired to actually ask. 🥺😴
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cherryredstars · 10 months
hiii bb would you write smth w firefighter!ghost idk anything soft n cute :")<33 luv ur writing sm :*
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: Your love is the only fire he refuses to snuff out
Word Count: 845 (Not Edited)
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You’re a firehouse favorite. 
Not only for your pretty looks at your ability to calm Simon down, but because you always come with good food. Sometimes it's hearty meals, other times it's desserts or takeout from their favorite place. You always make for good conversation and an ego boost, too. Simon always seems to know when you’re there, head snapping up from whatever he’s doing and looking towards where you enter a few seconds later. He’s always the first to greet you, giving you a small nod and taking whatever it is from your hands to place it down. The rest of the boys are quick to follow, giving you hugs and asking how you’ve been. You let them tell you their latest stories and missions, watching them puff out their chests as you commend them for their bravery. Most of the time, you’re there to help take care of the babies left behind by mothers who couldn’t care for them until social services arrive. 
The entire time you are there, Simon is glued to your side. He’s mostly silent, watching you and giving you curt answers to your questions. He’s like a dog, standing by your side and making sure everything is okay. He’ll sit by your side, eating the food you brought and silently pushing his plate closer towards you so you can give him more. He’s easily content in your presence, only getting irritable when they’re called in before you get the chance to leave. But you only shrug, wishing them good luck and to be safe. Simon finds his anger dissipates when you take extra care to smooth down his hair so it lies better in his helmet and adjusts his fire jacket. 
If you end up being there when they were out on a mission, Simon loves the domestic look you have as you wait patiently in the kitchen for them. You’re entertaining some of the younger firemen who didn't go on the call, explaining to them the knowledge you have gained from dealing with firemen for the past six years. You instantly perk up when you see them walk in, getting up to start serving the remaining food to them. Simon appreciates when you serve him, staying those extra few minutes as he bends his head down while you fix his helmet hair. Then, he’s back at your side until he’s helping you for your departure home. 
When he comes home, you’re already in your house clothes. You looked nice when you were at the station earlier, but you look like a knock-out in his old training shirt and comfy pants. He’s quick to discard his stuff at the door, coming over to you and getting warmth from your hold. He makes up for all the quietness he had at the station, ranting to you about the annoying and irresponsible younger lads and about some of the calls he went on today. You hum along, hand in his hair. His skin smells strongly of smoke, but it's a scent you’ve become familiar with and find comfort in. 
Sometimes, he’ll fall asleep, opting for a short nap to escape the small ache in his muscles and the fatigue on his face. You’re content to stay there with him, hands trailing softly over his skin as he sleeps. He runs warm, and you find yourself falling asleep too from time to time. When he wakes up, you coax him off of you, bringing him into the bathroom so he can wash off any soot and smoke left on his skin. On the days where the work was especially taxing, you let him bathe, washing him gently as you tell him what you’ve done since getting back from the station. His eyes are half-lidded, the warm bath and softness of your voice giving him the perfect environment to doze off. But he tries not to, wanting to hear about your day with gooey eyes that shine up at you. On the days where he has enough energy to function normally, he’ll pull you into the shower with him and hug you under the warm water, kissing your shoulders and telling you how happy he is that you stopped by the station. 
Afterwards, you’ll cook him a good meal, something that’ll instantly pull him into a good night’s sleep when he has cleared his plate. You sit with him at the table, even if you already ate before he got home. You’ll nurse a cup of tea, one already waiting for Simon. Then he’ll help you clean up, staying as close as possible to you. When he finally finds himself in bed with you, he hugs you to his chest tight, already on the verge of sleep when his head hits the pillows. The last slurred words he tells you before he sleeps is how much he loves you and how cute you look with a baby in your arms. Maybe he’s just buttering you up so you’ll say yes when he asks you if he can adopt the firehouse dog once she retires.
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baratiddyappreciator · 8 months
Rainy Days with the Baki Cast
Been a while since I've made any of my own HCs, so we're going back to doing that., just for this one then I'll finish my asks lmfao (I'm so sorry these take so long)
He's a little bummed that he can't go out and train outside, but he gets over it pretty quickly once he accepts that the rain probably isn't stopping anytime soon. Once he accepts that, you can absolutely convince him to just take it easy and cuddle up with you and Musashi to watch a movie.
Boredom snacks. But like, teenage boy snacks. His "oh I'm gonna get a snack really quick, I'll be right back" is usually accompanied by him eating an entire rotisserie chicken in one sitting. He doesn't even feel remotely bad after, and will actively go back for more snacks.
If you have candles then now is the perfect time to bust them out and make a cozy atmosphere. He'll go through each candle you have with you and will absolutely insist on smelling each one. If you have a lot (like me) then he's going to wind up with a headache, but in the end you'll both have a candle you like.
If the power goes out, that's when he just dips to go train in the basement. Light all the candles you want and open all the curtains to let as much light in as possible, but he's downstairs in the dark, probably fighting a bug. He'll pop up once in a while to see if there's any updates on when the power will come back, otherwise he'll just keep training or napping.
Would he be down to go play around in the rain? Absolutely. He'll come in all muddy and soaked to the bone but it's worth it because you two will have an absolute blast. You're absolutely going to have to have a shower or a bath after though.
Sleeping next to him while it's raining is just perfect. He's warm, hugging you and nuzzled against your shoulder or the top of your head, Musashi is laying on your legs (probably doing that really loud doggy snoring but it's okay we love him) with the thick blankets piled on top of you, the sound of the rain hitting the roof. It's pure bliss and incredibly relaxing.
She doesn't mind at all, it means she can go straight home after school and take some time to either finish all of her homework, or work on a hobby! She accepts that if it's really coming down it's probably not letting up for a while either, so she just settles in to wait it out.
She doesn't really snack out of boredom, but she will have something warm to help warm her up, especially if she just came out of the rain. Usually it's fresh popcorn, but she's not opposed to just having some cookies and hot chocolate.
Do you have candles? Because she's got one or two really nice ones. Her favourite is an Elderflower and Honey scented one, it's calming and makes the room smell really fresh, but she's also got a nice woodsy one that goes well with a rainy day. She's open to using whatever smells nice though!
Power outages suck, but she's prepared! She's got a chargeable lamp that holds roughly ten hours of battery, and she's got some pretty big windows! So she's got her curtains open while there's still some light doing whatever she can to keep busy and once it gets dark, she'll turn her lamp on, but she's not opposed to candles around the house to light things up either!
She won't really play in the rain with you, but if you're getting caught out in the rain she'll definitely race you back to any form of shelter. A store? A bus stop? The front door? She's taking off with no hesitation, barely even bothering to call a "Race ya!" over her shoulder so you know that it's actually a race.
Sleeping with Kozue while it's raining out is very cozy. Her bed is soft and full of pillows and plushies, so you'll both wind up cozy and covered up while it rains. You can hear the rain hitting the roof a little, but it's more pleasant background noise than anything.
Oh it's raining out? Okay, well, he's still got things to do, and a little rain never hurt anybody (it probably has but he doesn't care) so he's going to keep going on as normal, just a little soggier because he definitely forgets an umbrella. Normally one of the guys brings an extra or there's one stashed away in the car, so he doesn't get soaked, but he does get a bit damp because there aren't many umbrellas wide enough to shield his shoulders.
He's not really a huge snack person, but if it's been raining long enough he might be persuaded to have some fruit. Just bring him a bowl and he'll start picking at it. It'll be long gone before it's time for a meal, but you wouldn't think so considering how slowly he eats them. He will have a nice warm drink though.
He doesn't really care if you want to burn a candle, just nothing strong because he'll most likely get a headache. He doesn't have a single candle in his house that he's aware of, but I guarantee you that there's one or two stashed away in a closet just in case power goes out. They're not scented, but they're better than nothing when it comes to a light source.
The person you want to be with when the power goes out. He's not phased by anything, but if you think he's stupid enough to not have the backup generator serviced regularly then you're dead wrong. Because yes, he has one. He doesn't have a lot of food in the fridge, but he doesn't want what he does have to go bad. As for what he does... Well, for the brief time before the backup generator comes on, he'll just stare out the window, even if it is pitch black out.
He's not going to play in the rain with you, nor will he race you, but he will go for a walk with you if you ask, even if it's just around the covered parts of his property. Otherwise, he'd prefer to just lounge around, maybe watch the news or read the papers to see what's going on, or maybe he'll even manage some "business" with his gang.
Sleeping with Hanayama while it rains is relaxing for the first few minutes until he properly drifts off and he starts his impression of a whale with a respiratory infection. His snoring is so loud it actively drowns out any thunder, which is a bonus if you're scared of thunder, but if you're not used to his snoring you're screwed.
Are you kidding?! Do you know how much effort he puts into his hair?! He's not going to get it ruined by anything other than a heavy make out session or a proper fight! He's staying inside and he's pouting about it the whole time because all the humidity will make his hair frizzy.
He'll snack like Baki, to be honest. Maybe not an entire rotisserie chicken, but he's more likely to have a full meal and call it a snack. He'll even make you some too! Just don't question how salty all his food is, he's just gotten used to his own cooking and doesn't notices that he uses way too much salt in his food.
He cannot be trusted around candles. Not in the slightest. He'll play with the wax, light and extinguish the wick about a dozen times and probably forget it's there and burning until he knocks it over. Now there's wax all over the floor and the jar is probably broken. Do yourself a favour and keep your candles in a specific spot he won't walk past often.
He's oddly good at handling power outages. The second the lights are out he's begging you to make a pillow fort with him to watch movies that he downloaded on his phone forever ago and never remembered to delete. He'll eventually just pass out, leaving you to do whatever you want.
Gives you the dirtiest look imagineable if you suggest going to play out in the rain, but that's only if he's already done his hair. If it started raining before he woke up he won't even bother styling and will just comb it back to keep it out of the way. If his hair is already ruined then yeah, sure, fuck it why not? He'll come play around in the rain with you. Expect him to jump in a big puddle and soak you though.
Sleeping with Chiharu during a storm wouldn't be relaxing at all. You can't hear the rain all that well because he sleeps on the ground floor, but the walls are thin as hell, and he snores almost as bad as Hanayama. He makes goofy noises too, so if you do manage to sleep, he'll probably wake you up with some sound you didn't think he was capable of making.
Not upset, rain happens! He likes it, it's an excuse to stay in and just have a comfortable day. If he's at the dojo he'll train and hang out with his friends and students, but if you're both at home (his apartment or his parents house) he'll take the chance for some prime cuddles and a movie.
He doesn't mind having snacks, but if he's hungry he'll be more likely to wait until it's time for a meal. Unless he just had a meal, in which case yeah, he'll probably bust open a bag of veggie chips and chow down. He's shameless too, he just zones out and then snaps back to reality once the bag is empty, it's why he portions it out into a bowl and then puts the chips away.
He also can't be trusted around candles when he's alone. He'll forget that they're burning until he walks past it possibly hours later and catches a whiff of it. Then it's an "oh yeah, haha, that's going, whoops!" He likes woodsy scents, but he also likes the smell of baked good scented candles, they remind him of his parents.
He's great with power outages. If you're at his apartment and the power goes out, he'll basically set up a giant nest in the bedroom where you two can cuddle and do nothing for a few hours until the power comes back on. But if you're at Doppo and Natsue's house then prepare for the chaos of having him and his dad together with nothing else to do. They're going to spar.
He'll absolutely light up if you ask him to race you through the rain, and he'll mercilessly demolish you. You think it'll be something fun or cute at first because he's a slow start but then he zips past you with zero hesitation to wait for you at the end goal.
Sleeping with Katsumi during a storm is bliss. The bed's comfy, he's curled up with you, the rain is barely audible beyond what you can hear through the window, and you'll both probably fall asleep while watching a movie on his laptop. You'll both wake up the second power comes back on though because he has a billion things in his room (including the ceiling light) that will turn on the second power comes back on.
Well, I guess it's just raining now. He doesn't care. He can work out perfectly well inside, so instead of doing endurance training outside, he'll just do some weight training inside with some mild endurance training thrown in to make him feel a bit better about it. The least likely out of everyone to divert his day, he's dealt with some pretty bad weather back home and just gone on with his day, this isn't any different beyond the volume of rain.
He doesn't snack during the day. He'll just wait until the next meal to eat, and then he eats a lot. Usually it tides him over, but if it's late and the day's done, he might have a hand full or two of your snack, the only downside being he's got bigass hands, so they're some fairly large handfulls.
You can do whatever you want. Candles? Sure. Incense? Yup. Wax melts? Go for it. He doesn't care in the slightest as long as an open flame isn't unattended in his apartment. As a matter of fact, you can probably convince him to keep a wax melt in the bathroom or bedroom so he can have a calming scent in those areas of the apartment. Though if you have anything that smells like apple pie or apple cider then he's all over it.
Completely unphased by a power outage. He can still do his workouts perfectly fine without power, and that's what he's going to do. If he's taking a break from that though, he'll take the time to just spend some time with you. Be it lounging around doing nothing or watching you do a hobby, he's all for spending some time with you while you both wait for the power to come back on.
Asking him to race you back to the apartment through the rain is a quick way to realize that he's both much faster and more coordinated that you would ever assume, and that he's going to be a smug ass about it. He'll wait for you inside, already changed out of his wet clothes by the time you get there and open the door.
Sleeping with Jack while it rains is bliss given form. He'll fall asleep cuddling you. The rain is only just audible through the windows, but you'll mostly hear him softly snoring and his heartbeat. The only downside is that because he's such a heavy sleeper he probably won't be able to wake up and comfort you if you're scared of thunder, but as long as you just tuck against his chest you're perfectly fine.
He's annoyed with the weather, but he doesn't really care. He trains indoors anyways, so it's not that big of a bother, just a mild inconvenience at best. He'll probably just train for a little then do some basic stretches while doing other activities. You're going to find him doing the splits and reading a book.
He won't snack, but he will have warm drinks. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, he's all for them, especially if it's a cold rainy day, because then he embraces his comfy bitch era. You'll probably find him doing stretches and activities around the house with a blanket on his shoulders and a warm mug nearby.
He actually has a few candles of his own that smell very woodsy in the fruit tree sense. They just smell like fruit trees, that fruity overtone with that slightly woodsy musk undertone to them. Anything fruity is an instant hit with him.
Perfectly fine during power outages, though he doesn't really like them. He doesn't want anything in the fridge to go bad, so he pretty much restricts access to it to keep things cold for as long as possible. He'll eventually give up on that though, because you'll find him standing in front of the fridge going feral and eating literally anything that catches his eye.
He's not going to play in the rain with you, and he'll rarely race you to a dry spot, but he will go for a walk with you as long as you've got umbrellas and the rain's not too heavy. The second he sees lightning though you're both going home.
Sleeping with Kosho during a storm is a special event, because it's one of the few moments he'll actively seek you out to cuddle to sleep. Every time, without fail, he'll come up and drag you to bed to snuggle up and fall asleep. Beyond the ambiance of his home, there's not much noise to be heard other than maybe the occasional rumble of thunder.
Terrible. The absolute worst during rainy days. He hates it, it's annoying. You always get some sort of event in the hospital whenever it rains. People are cranky, wet, and more likely to slip, fall and get hurt enough to require a visit, especially if it's raining heavily and they think that just because they're in a car they're invincible. Newsflash, in a car vs a transport, the car usually loses!
He eats crackers with a nice goat cheese spread and a veggie on top as a snack, and this is no exception. He likes his crackers and cheese, especially with a little bit of pepper on the top. Good snack. Get him some hummus and watch it vanish in front of your own eyes.
He doesn't particularly care about scented candles, but anything with lavender or oud wood is an automatic win with him, those are two of his favorite scents. It also helps ease the tension of his busy day and helps establish an atmosphere of relaxation.
Terrible with power outages. He's got so much to do, and while he could train, he's got a strict routine, and overtraining isn't his style (He'll leave that to Jack thank you). He spends the entire time whining about not having power and being bored out of his mind, but if you have board games or card games he'll shut up and do those.
You think he's going to race around in the rain? Absolutely not. It'll make his hair frizzy, and he's seen enough broken elbows and tailbones to never want to run anywhere with iffy traction again. He'll walk with you though. Speed walk, sure, but it's a walk!
Sleeping with Kureha is never peaceful or nice. He's just as feral in his sleep as ever, the only difference is that he'll wind up so tangled in blankets that he won't have the chance to obliterate you with a well-placed kick to your spine. He's going to stick his cold ass feet against your skin though, don't trust him.
Rain is rain, he'll be perfectly happy going about his day as normal with a small chance he just takes it easy to watch the rain and just exist for a minute. It's easy to forget to breathe these days, and a rainy day is a perfect opportunity to meditate and reflect a bit.
He'll have a little snack, but he's mostly drinking tea with honey in it rather than a snack. He will make cosy meals since it's raining out though. Soups, bread, warm comfort food is perfect with the darker weather.
He doesn't mind you having candles, incense or wax melts! As a matter of fact, he's got some of his own tucked away for a day like this! Much like his mysteriously scented pillow, all of the scents he has are vaguely familiar and homely, but not in a way that you can identify beyond this one candle that outright says it's oatmilk and vanilla scented. It's not lying either, and it's one of the candles he saves for really yucky days.
He's fine during power outages. Open all the curtains, he'll set up some candles to make sure you both have light, and set up a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor. It's a perfect chance to just let him talk about anything and everything that comes to his mind.
He'd love to play around you while it's raining, but he wants you to be careful! He doesn't want you getting sick or slipping, and he makes that clear, so you only get a few minutes, but that's more than enough to make memories.
Sleeping with Retsu during a storm is peaceful. Everything smells like home and safety, he's cuddled up with you under some blankets. It's a very healing experience and you absolutely will end up crying if you've had a bad week.
Doppo & Natsue:
Doppo doesn't really care that it's raining, but Natsue LIVES for it! She loves when the weather forecast predicts rain because then she can dress all cosy and she won't have to worry about watering her plants out in the garden. She'll try and convince you and Doppo to also just dress comfy and take it easy for the day.
Natsue likes providing, but so does Doppo. They just spontaneously make snacks for you and each-other to share, and if Katsumi happens to be there too then he gets some as well. Snacks change depending on who prepared them, but they're pretty good either way.
Natsue loves candles, if you have a collection it will double in size and be merged with hers. Just claim an entire closet for candles at this point, it'll be easier. Doppo doesn't really care as long as the house smells nice, but he likes wood wick because of the crackling.
They're both fine during power outages. You'll all just wind up working on your own hobbies until it's time to eat or go to bed. Most of the time it's an entirely silent affair, unless Katsumi is over, then things are a bit more lively since Doppo will absolutely rough-house with his son like the good old days.
Doppo will absolutely take you out if you ask to go goof around in the rain, but Natsue will politely decline. She'll just watch from the sidelines as two of her favourite idiots go and get soaking wet. As long as you both clean up your mess, then she's got nothing to say other than have fun!
Safe sleeps and frequent naps. They're not ashamed to admit that rainy days are nap days unless they have plans that can't just wait until the rain ends. You'll all wind up napping on the couches, in bed, just anywhere comfortable and big enough for the three of you to cuddle up, not a single sound can be heard from outside other than thunder and the wind, maybe rain if it's really coming down hard against the windows.
Oh he loves a rainy day. He'll go and just chill out at home or talk shit with Tokugawa over some tea. He'll calm down a lot when it's rainy, admittedly. Something about the smell of ozone and the chill to the air just mellows him out and makes him tired, so if he does train it's more low-key.
Not a snacker, he'll mostly just drink tea or a proper beverage to tide him over until there's a meal, but if there's a small quick snack that you're having he'll have a little bit. One or two bites, really.
Can't trust him around candles, because he'll find a way to replace your nice smelling ones with awful smelling ones and then you'll both be disappointed in him when you actually need one to be lit. As for him, he's probably got some random half-gone old candle laying around somewhere that he forgot about. It smells really good, but it just doesn't burn well.
Pretty good during power outages, he'll just do some easy training, read a book, meditate and watch the rain. If it's too dark to do any of that though... Well then he'll just go to sleep. It's as simple as that, really. He's only got the one eye left, so he's gotta take care of the vision he has.
He oddly enough just wants to sit and watch the rain instead of messing around in it. No going for walks or a race to the door (though if one happens it's because he wants to go in and relax), he just wants to sit on the porch under the roof and just watch the rain and enjoy himself. You're more than welcome to join him.
Sleeping with Shibukawa during a storm is oddly sweet for him. No pranks, he just follows his routine and then kisses you on the forehead and pulls you into bed for a cuddle. Whatever allows him to stay warm and comfortable, he's all for it, especially if there's nothing left to do for the day.
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tatsumessy · 1 year
How they kiss you - {blue lock men}
nsfw down below
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Hiori Yo - cheek kisses
One thing he made a tradition is when he comes home from a tiring practice the first thing he does is he comes to find you where ever you are. Whether you’re cooking dinner, in the shower, working out or watching tv he always comes and cups both sides of your face then gently presses multiple kisses on your cheek. He once said that you were his charger, why? Because his battery gets drained when he’s outside of the comfort of his home or when he’s away from you for too long so he needs you to recharge him. HE ACTUALLY HAS YOU SAVED IN HIS PHONE AS ‘MY SEXY CHARGER’ 💀. You gotta love him though, he will always prioritize you first and whatever you’re needed before spending an unhealthy amount of time gaming.
Isagi Yoichi - temple kisses
Save this man because he is so in love with you. He spoils you with every little things he wants for you!! And he treats you like the princess you are. He’d be running off the field right after his game to search for you, when he finally finds you he kisses your temple and let’s you know that he’s going to go take a quick shower then come back out. The paparazzi and fans EAT UP the two of you, they all love your cute innocent relationship. If only they knew what goes on behind closed doors, this man is a beast. Not just in bed but out of bed, he’s like the ultimate husband. Cooking dinner, running you a bath, giving you a massage even if you didn’t ask for it. He likes doing this for you because he appreciates your love and support for the things he wants to do, especially with soccer.
Itoshi Rin - forehead kisses
It would be during those late nights where he’d be reviewing film and taking notes, you’d be asleep next to him. He’d look over letting out an exhausted sigh knowing that you were exhausted and probably wasn’t sleeping well because of all the noise and the lights still being on, but you didn’t care because Rin was working and you cared. He cared, that’s why he put all his stuff up and turned off all the lights, he’d pull you into his chest melting into your soft breathing and steady heartbeat. Leaning down to press his lips against your forehead he heard you hum in satisfaction before drifting off to sleep himself.
Nagi Seishiro - neck kisses
Especially during sex. Imagine this. You and Nagi hadn’t seen each other in a LONG time and you two missed each other, you went from making out of the couch to being naked on the bed with Nagi pressing his body weight onto you. After not having sex for a while Nagi was always causations with just shoving his dick inside of you. So while he’s slowing inching himself deeper into you, he’s gently sucking on your sweet spot listening to the small moans and whimpers dripping from your mouth. When he finally bottoms out and your clenching repeatedly around him as his tip pokes the spongey spot, your hands grip his hair letting him bite your neck then kiss it once again. Even after sex and the two of you have cleaned up and are cuddling for the night, it’s like a comfort thing for Nagi. He likes to relax into your body while peppering kisses on your neck.
Bachira Meguru - makeouts
If he had the chance, he’d do it everywhere. Anytime at that. The most intimate moment the two of you had when the both of you realized when you two loved making out was when Bachira lost a game and he came home really upset, all he really wanted was to be with you and comfortable. The two of you just ended up with your lips connected to each other, he’d have you straddle his lap while his hands rested on your waist keeping you still on top of him. Kind of like Nagi your kisses calm him down when he’s acting too hyper at night when the two of you should be going to sleep. Even after his games right when the last point if scored, he’d run over towards you and attacks you with sweaty hugs and get distracted by your pretty face that while his teammates are calling him to come back, he’s holding the back of your head keeping your mouth on his as the two of you make out infront of thousands.
Hyoma Chigiri - pecks/ hand kisses
Chigiri doesn’t like PDA, he made that clear when the two of you started dating and you didn’t mind. Just he was never set on his word if that makes sense, he’d always want you to play in his hair, or kiss his cheek, etc. He liked being doted on by you and treated like a prince. But when he did have those rare moments every once in a blue moon, where he’d be so entranced by you that he would hold your hand tightly at the beginning of the night. And while you two sat quietly towards the end of the table listening to his teammates and their partners conversation, he would continuously bring your hand up to his mouth to kiss it. Or when no one is paying attention he’d lean over using his hair to block the two of you and peck your lips, blushing a bit once he pulls away. Chigiri is really vulnerable with you especially when you two are alone, that’s what you lived about him.
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arminsumi · 1 year
spicy #10 with Armin? I'm thinking reader and 'min move in together and he becomes hyperaware of the readers presence, scent, clothes etc. and it's too much for him to handle...
freaking love your blog btw<333
teehee thank u darlin!! hope u enjoy mwa
░ 🐬 Armin
Armin just craves you so badly that the smallest things get him going 🤷‍♀️
⚠️Cws; juicy SMUT
Notes; AFAB!gn!reader
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⚠️💦Smut cws; 'pretty baby' and 'darling', 🐶position + against wall + against the washing machine + against the countertop + in the shower/bath, 🐱eating + fingering, panty fucking, cumshot, jerking, unprotected sex + creampie
░ 🍒 While adding your clothes to the washing machine, he plucks your panties from the pile and stares at them. Then he calls you into the laundry room, "Y/n, could you come here for a sec, my darling. 'Need your help real quick..." you hear him almost moan behind the door.
░ 🍒 And you enter to find him fisting his needy cock with your panties wrapped around it. "C'mere, need to feel you, god damn." he blows his bangs out of his eyes, takes your hips in his hands and spins you around. He presses his tip into you, groaning into your ear at the plush sensation, and rubs back and forth against your clothed pussy until he shoots out a hot load. "I guess I'll be adding these to the washing machine..." he giggles guiltily afterwards.
░ 🍒 Even just seeing you change out of your day clothes into your pajamas drives him wild. He'll look at you needily from the bed and ask you to come over and model those clothes for him, but really he just pulls them right off and dives between your thighs.
░ 🍒 You'll just be casually gaming in the living room, relaxing, when he curls up next to you and lets out a needy groan. He inhales the scent of your shampoo and feels himself getting hard. He's rubbing against your leg in no time, looking up at you like a puppy. "Can you stroke me off, please please please?" he begs with big eyes. He visibly melts against the couch when he feels your hand wrapping around his cock. "Mmm, fuck 'm gonna cum all over your hand."
░ 🍒 Sometimes at night when he's curled up into your arms like a cute cat, he'll get achingly hard. He'll hug you real tight and press his dick against your tummy to get your attention. Sometimes he audibly whines until you help him out. He's too shy to use his words :(
░ 🍒 But you can bet he gets verbal as soon as he's sinking inside you. One second he's a cute boy curled up in bed, and the next second he's fucking you nastily until he's got you s(creaming) for him.
░ 🍒 You definitely can't get away with giving him a frisky kiss/teasing touch and then just walking away. No way, he'll whisk you right off to the bedroom before you can blink.
░ 🍒 If you're stood in the kitchen, no matter what you're doing, Armin will hug you from behind. Of course, nine times out of ten, he's rubbing his hardon into your ass. "Bend over for me, pretty baby, 'need to feel you so bad right now."
░ 🍒 Doesn't matter what clothes you're wearing, he always gets hard at the sight of you. He even gets hard to the sound of your voice. So many times you've had him laying on your lap, stroking his hair, when suddenly he asks you to spread your legs so he can eat you out.
░ 🍒 Trust that when you live with Armin, you can kiss showering/bathing alone goodbye. The second you announce that you're getting in a shower/bath, he's running out of whatever room he was in and stripping his clothes off. He loves supporting your body while you have a shaking orgasm from him fingering you 🚿or making the water spill over from fucking you too intensely🛁
░ 🍒 Honestly, if it's a weekend, he doesn't bother wearing anything underneath his sweatpants because he knows they're gonna be coming on and off too many times to bother with that.
░ 🍒 Armin's so impatient to fuck you sometimes. He pushes your panties to the side or only peels them halfway down your thighs. He forgets his condoms, ends up creaming inside you, probably pressing your body up against the wall. " 'm sorry, needed to have you, 'been so fucking horny today..." he groans, driving his soaked cock in and out of your heat like he's addicted.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I just had the best idea for the cafe . What if Saber put on a maid dress (so he’s a cat maid) to seduce reader but Clyde/Spot gets jelly and put a bunny girl outfit on (because he a bunny) to seduce the reader
"Care for some milk tea, master~?" Saber purrs, leaning on your shoulder as he holds up a glass. The bells on his headband ring as he bumps against you: laping up the soft laughter you expel as its ruffles tickle your cheek. His left leg is thrown over your lap, skirt wrapped modestly around his stocking clad thigh. His tongue darts over his glossed lips as you place your lips around the bitten straw.
This was his best idea by far - and he didn't even think of it to begin with. Some lingerie store paid him to model a few of their latest items, and after a few more than savory comments, a light bulb struck. As soon as the shoot was over, Saber made a quick purchase and a beeline to the cafe to marvelous success. You complemented him on the dress. Even going so far as to call him your "pretty kitten" which rotted whatever common sense he had left. You may not have realized, but you were playing more attention to the needy cat which was the end game he had always hoped to achieve. As far as he could see, there were no faults in his plan. Not a single one.
"I'm h-here for my appointment?"
Clyde looks around the cafe as the Hostess checks for his name. Others have never really noticed him except for when he's with you, but he felt like everyone was staring at him. He hugs his coat tighter to his chest as the host welcomes him and leads him towards the back area. His face grows as red as the objects causing his blight as his heels click against the paneled floor.
"Am I really going to do this?" The question rattles in his mind like its the only thought he's ever known. This was such a pathetic attempt at getting you to notice him, but seeing you cradle Saber in the main area made something in him snap. It was either this, or snapping the cat's neck and for everyone's sake only one path could be taken. He sighs as he settles into his seat, the coat rising against the skin of his long legs. He pinches the fishnets as they bite his flesh.
"Y/n will be with you in a minute. Take care."
"T-thank you..." The anxious smile on his face drops the second they're gone. Clyde gets up from his seat, quietly exiting the room and following the sound of your voice to the neighboring door. Your joy both raises his spirits and beats them into the ground. He tries the handle, door opening with no restraint. Figures- No matter how clingy he is, Saber is still his prideful self. Lips nearing yours form a scowl as the intruder enters the room.
"What the fuck are you doing here, rabbit? I still have three minutes" Saber snatches. Clyde ignores him and locks the door. He grips the shoulders of his coat.
"M-master.... I love you. Far more than he does. I may not be high classed, but I'm still useful to you and willing to let you do whatever you want to prove that I'm yours so please... don't throw me away."
Clyde peals the coat from his body. Underneath the heavy jacket lie a black bathing suit and fishnet stalkings. A pair of red heels give the already tall rabbit a four inch height boost. He wears cuffs around his wrists and one beneath the collar he bought for himself. A bow is tied to his left ear, the appendage itself folded. He grips one arm, forearm cradled beneath his chest.
"H-how do I look? Am I cuter than him? Call me your pretty rabbit... That's all I want to be."
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themultifandomgal · 9 months
Hiiiii, I know I can be a bother 👉👈, but could you write another imagine of Blake Gallo x fem!reader? (there aren't many stories about him) The imagine could be about the reader convincing Blake to watch "Shadowhunters" (the series), and while watching, she mentions that he looks like Simon (since they are played by the same actor), but Blake denies the resemblance, and she insists. Later, she jokingly tells him that maybe he's right because Simon is more attractive; it ends with something fluffy. Feel free to change anything or do it your way. Thanks again. 🫶
(I haven't said this before, but I'm sorry for my bad english.)
No bother at all. I’m so glad you chose me to write your requests (even when it takes me a while to get round to do them).
Blake Gallo- Simon
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Today both Blake and I have a day off from work so we’ve decided to just have a bed day and binge watch TV shows. I get on to Netflix while Blake goes to the kitchen to get us some snacks and drink. I scroll through my watch list and see shadowhunters. A show I’ve not watched for a little while, but have a bit of a itch for. Blake walks back into our shared room with his usual smile on his face
“Can we watch Shadowhunters?”
“I don’t know. It’s not something that would normally interest me”
“Pretty please?” I beg him batting my eyelashes at him. I watch him give in and sigh
“Fine. Just a few episodes”
“Yay” I click on to shadowhunters and the first episode from season 1 starts.
Just a few episodes turns into binging the whole first season “you know, you look like Simon” I say while watching the final episode of the first season
“No I don’t” Blake frowns
“Err yeah you do. You literally could be twins. Like how Nina dobrev and Victoria justice look alike”
“I don’t see it” Blake shakes his head
“Whatever” I roll my eyes and we watch the end of the episode. Once it’s over I look back at Blake, having an idea in mind I smirk at him “you know what you’d right. You don’t look alike because I think Simon is more attractive” I shrug and get out of bed
“Woah woah woah” Blake then gets out of bed as well “take that back” he points at me. I walk backwards as he walks towards me
“Nope” I smile innocently
“Take, that, back” he says slowly. I squeal and run out of our bedroom and downstairs when he catches up to me and pulls me into his chest and starts tickling me “take that back!”
“Ok ok” i pant out of breath “I take it back”
“Say that I’m more attractive than Simon”
“Your more attractive than Simon!” I yell still being tickles. Blake finally let’s me go
“I love you YN”
“I love you too” I give Blake a smile then that smile turns into a smirk “I just love Simon more”
“Right come here” I’m quick to run awake again but just like before Blake takes hold of me and starts tickling me
“I’m sorry I love you more” I laugh
“You better” Blake chuckles kissing my cheek “now how do you feel about sharing a bath and a bottle of wine?”
“Race you?” I smirk and wiggle out of his arms and run to our bathroom.
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robo-writing · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet - Barnabas Tharmr Edition
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Pairing: Barnabas Tharmr/Reader Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors DNI Author's note: Took me a while to get his manner of speech right, but I think I nailed it in the end. Warning for some more dark romance themes in this one, otherwise enjoy!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s clingy, preferring to lay in bed alongside you, indulging himself in your presence. Afterwards he’ll have one of the maids run a bath for the two of you, but until then you’re not leaving the bed for anything. Whatever you need it can wait, right now Barnabas needs you by his side and nothing else.
Stubborn as anything, he pins you to the bed. “And where exactly do you think you’re going?” He asks, as if you leaving his embrace is a betrayal. You don’t get a chance to explain yourself, silenced by his lips against yours. Sweet as they are, you pull away with a laugh, pressing your fingers to his chest. “I only wish for some water, is that too much to ask?” He buries his head in your neck, nibbling at the vast expanse. “Yes, it is.” 
“It’s only a short walk away!” You laugh.
He lays his head between your chest, peeking up at you with pale blue eyes. “Far longer than I could stand to be separated from you.” An arm snakes its way to your back, pulling you ever closer. “I will summon one of the handmaidens, but until then you will stay here, with me.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
If you ask him to choose he will look at you like you’ve grown feathers and a tail. What do you mean favorite? He loves everything about you, he’s not so simple to prioritize one thing above another.
He’d probably say his hands, because he gets a lot done with them. The same hands he uses to cut down foes is the same ones he uses to make you cum.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s coming inside of you, no questions asked. Don’t try to argue with him either, he’ll just fuck you until you’re too stupid to say no. Afterwards he’ll watch it drip out of you fascinated, might even finger it back inside.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Enjoys the idea of having you sat on his cock during especially boring meetings, your moans forcing the other council members to stop and take pause at your blissful expressions, spread open in a way only he could provide.
Of course he’s far too possessive to let such a thing happen, but a man can dream.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Has experience with bedding women for the sake of pleasure, but you’re the first woman that has caught his eye in a more profound way, made a dent in his bedsheets. It’s the first time he’s felt genuine love, and it took him a while to understand those emotions.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary or lotus position, close third would be cowgirl. Really anything that lets him hold you close.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very serious, do not try anything funny. Any attempts will be met with an ache that persists for days.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Does the bare minimum in terms of shaving, but if you ever mention it he’s making it a regular habit. He’d do anything for you as long as you asked him. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Initially he struggled with his emotions, didn’t quite understand why his heart picked up its pace when he looked at you or why your smile could lift him from the foulest of moods. He didn’t have a name for it, but he knew that he needed you more than he needed to breathe. When he finally understood that this yearning for you was love, he was quick to express that.
The power you have over him is something so grand, so tangible he would kiss the very ground you walk on if it pleased you so. Sex with him isn’t an act, it’s devotion; sweet and simple.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
High sex drive, doesn’t jerk off. He wants every single drop of his seed in you and you only. He had left for an excursion beyond Waloed, forced to suffer the words of politicians for hours on end. He shouldn’t have to be here, but they had insisted, wanting an answer from the king himself even if it would be the same as it always had. He had grown antsy in your absence, images of your form haunting him as he pretends to be interested in what they have to say. Days pass and he can feel a nagging in the back of his mind, wanting nothing more than to hold you in his embrace, to taste the sweat against your skin, feel you call out his name in bliss. He lies awake at night missing you, erection pressed against his sleepwear uncomfortably, but makes no move to relieve himself. 
No, he wouldn’t dare, not without you. A week passes, and he is finally returned to his love, your familiar scent putting him at ease the moment he steps into your shared bedchambers. He can never tire of this, of how you so easily bring him at peace.
You jump into his arms without hesitation, kissing him tenderly. “Welcome back, my lord.” There’s a coy smile on your face, a hand gingerly playing with his hair. “I’ve missed you.” He admires you, a familiarity in your gaze. He is glad to know he was not the only one left wanting. He picks you up unceremoniously, walking to the bed. “As have I, my love. Allow me to show you just how much.”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lingerie - Seeing you dressed in the finest of lace is a gift in and of itself, and being able to rip off the wrapping makes that gift even more enjoyable.
Body Worship - You are his queen, expected to be treated as such. 
Mirrors - An extension of body worship, he will watch eagerly as you shake on his lap, a single hand placed at your neck. “Do not turn your eyes away, my beloved. I should have you witness yourself, as I do.”
Choking - Either giving or receiving, depends on what he’s in the mood for that night. Sado-Masochism - Let’s be real here, this is Barnabas we’re talking about. The man lives for battle, both in and out of the bedroom. Treat him rough, he can handle it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bedroom, occasionally the throne room if he’s feeling bold. Also has a tendency to drag you away to the nearest empty room if you’re looking extra desirable that day. It’s not like anyone will complain after all, he is the king.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A single look from you is enough to get his blood boiling. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything involving bodily fluids, or anything that would permanently scar you. He may be a masochist but he’s not unsanitary, nor is he evil.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As mentioned before, his only experience with sex prior was whatever woman would occupy his bed when he felt like it. He used to think he had a preference for receiving because that’s all he knew until that point, focused on his own pleasure above all, but you quickly changed his view.
His mouth moves against your pussy enthralled, his eyes dark with lust. You mewl for him, a beautiful sound that stokes a fire inside, brings him closer and closer to completion without a single touch.
You squirm under him, unable to handle his ministrations even if he knows you crave them so. His two hands lock you in place, no room to push away as he devours every last drop of your lust.
It runs over his chin, spills against your plush thighs, and he makes no move to remove himself. He indulges, gorges himself on your taste until he’s satisfied, and returns for seconds greedily.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
On a good day he’ll drag on for hours, teasing you until you cry, on a bad day he’ll fuck you until his fingers bruise your skin and your legs give out. Depends on how annoying his royal advisors are.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes, but not too often. He’s aware of his reputation, but he will throw it out the window in a heartbeat if he sees the brand new lingerie set he’s bought you peeking out beneath your dress.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, without a doubt. 
The cold bite of steel sends a shudder down your spine. Ever so slowly, the flat of the blade moves against your naked chest, to your stomach, and finds its target at the fine line of your panties.
Barnabas watches you mesmerized, how your body reacts to the danger, goosebumps forming as he moves his blade across your skin. You don’t move away from him, even when the blade moves back to line your throat.
“So well behaved,” he whispers, pressing the blade further against your skin. “You would trust me with your very life?”
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. “I would.”
You bite your lip when you feel his knee pressed into your pussy, knife still at your throat. 
“And what if my hand were to slip?”
It never would of course. Barnabas is far too experienced to let such a thing happen.
A quick flick of his wrist and your underwear is left in pieces, the blade now lying flat against your mound. His eyes roam across your body, a hint of something sadistic rising when he sees your reaction.
You tremble, forcing yourself to stay still lest the knife truly hurts you. Even as you try your best, he can feel you just barely moving against his knee, still seeking pleasure.
A whimper, shaky hands moving to rest at his chest. “Please, keep going.”
A wicked grin passes across his face. “As you wish.”
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
You can try to beg him to stop, the key word here is “try.” Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t listen.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Assuming this is a modern AU, he’ll entertain a buttplug or a vibrator. If ropes count as toys,  then those too. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Damn near fucking evil. His dick could be throbbing in his pants, ready to make a mess of himself but he will hold back just to draw out your pleasure one more time, just one more time dear— It’s never just one more time.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Grunter, not very loud. Would rather listen to your cries instead.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Loves to teach you how to defend yourself. He was over the moon when you asked him to hold a sword for the first time, and now you’ve gotten to the point where you can parry a blow. Not only is it an excuse to spend time with you, but he can have the peace of mind to know that if you’re forced to fight, you could handle yourself. 
You would never have to, of course, because he’d never leave your side long enough for anyone to harm you. Any fool bold enough to try would be unrecognizable after the fact, but he’d be a liar if he said the image of a sword in your hand wasn’t arousing.
The both of you stand in the courtyard, not a soul around save for the birds that fly overhead. You hold your sword in a strong grip, despite your exhaustion, while Barnabas has barely broken a sweat. Inexperienced as you are there is a spark in you, one that may yet grow into a wildfire with the right training.
“You have been practicing without me, I can see it in your stance.” He muses, eyeing your weakened body.
To anyone else it may seem a mockery, but you knew better. You raise your sword in front of your body, lips curling into a grin.
“Do you think I’ll be able to defeat you now?”
He shakes his head in amusement. “A Dominant you are not, but I will make a fine swordswoman out of you yet.” (As an added bonus, I also think he would love bringing you the most lavish gifts! Perfumes, jewelry, the softest fabrics straight from the Dhalmekian Republic, he enjoys spoiling you. Anything for his queen.)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
6.1 inches, uncut, slightly curved upwards, veiny. Always hits your gspot without fail.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Less of a sex drive and more like he’s ready to please you if you so wish. You would only have to ask, and sometimes you don’t have to, he can tell. The two of you are sitting in the throne room, side by side as he gives an audience with a member of royalty.
You’ve been eyeing him all day, sneaking a glance every time he speaks. You shouldn’t bother him, he has enough on his plate as sole ruler of Waloed, so instead you let your imagination run amok. Broad shoulders and strong arms, large hands that always know what you need and how you need it. Maybe he’d tease you, or maybe he’d fuck you until his name is the only thing you can scream.
Gods, just thinking about him makes your core ignite. Your focus is broken when the man rises from the floor, leaving the room. Had you been daydreaming that long? Your confusion is further increased when Barnabas motions for his personal guard to leave the room. “I would have a moment to myself,” He waves towards the large oak doors. “See that I’m not interrupted.” Wordlessly they file out, and only when he’s certain no one remains does he turn toward you. “How long have you been left wanting?” Your eyes widen. You try to deny it, but a hand at your chin stops you. “I could feel it, your gaze,” His hand moves lower, tracing against your collarbone, then grabbing your neck as he speaks lowly. “I can see right through you, desperate little thing you are.” He pulls you toward him, leaving your seat and moving into his lap without hesitation. “Tell me what has preoccupied your mind so, what you need.” You shiver, a hand slowly moving up your bare thigh, higher and higher. “You, Barnabas.” Pleased with your answer, those same large hands remove your underwear within seconds. “Then you may have me.”
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Doesn’t sleep, enjoys watching you sleep peacefully. He'll stroke your hair and whisper as sleep claims you. "My beautiful queen, forever and always."
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changingplumbob · 29 days
Knightstone Household: Chapter 9, Part 7
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In the morning Silas still felt pretty rubbish, his stomach churning away.
Silas: Mummy don’t you have some kind of medicine
Suzanna: Sorry Starshine, I’m all out of snake oil
Silas: I’m sure I’m going to be sick in class
Suzanna: Why don’t you finish your pancakes and go have a shower? If you still feel sick after we can see
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Suzanna didn’t want to send Silas in sick but she knows Adam faked being sick a lot during his school years so wants to make sure it’s not just nerves. After getting Pollock sorted for the morning she goes to harvest the garden. Many of the plants should be out of season but with rotational gameplay a mod keeps them all flowering. Adam takes time before his shift to work on his guitar skills, he’ll need to level up to get his final promotion.
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When Suzanna heads back in she sees Silas has gotten back into his sleepwear.
Suzanna: Shower didn’t help?
Silas: I feel like I just need sleep
Suzanna: You sure no one is bullying you at school? Making fun of us being aliens
Silas: Mummy I have Ruth and Tyree at school, we do fine. Can I please stay home
Suzanna: *sighs* Okay then, lets get you back to bed
Before Suzanna had even finished tucking him in Silas was back sleeping.
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Suzanna: *on phone* My eldest is sick, I won’t be in today
Freya: Whatever you say, must be nice being the boss and having us lackeys do your work
Suzanna: *sighs* Just mark me down as using one of my vacation days
She hung up before Freya could retort. If she wasn’t such a good worker Suzanna would fire her but the woman’s only fault was a dislike for aliens. Heading to the lounge she found Pol playing on his tablet and decided some video game time was just what her geek soul needed.
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Suzanna: Let’s see how many people are online for multiplayer at 9am
Pollock: What mul tee pee
Suzanna: It lets Mummy play with people who aren’t in the household
Pollock: Fun?
Suzanna: Yeah I enjoy it, I- get out of the way!
Pollock giggles at Suzanna pulling faces at the TV and turns his attention back to his own game.
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In the end some group of teenagers join and end up working together to sabotage Suzanna’s playing, rude. As she puts the controller away Pol pulls himself up on the couch.
Pollock: Mummy? I need... potty
Suzanna: You don’t want to go by yourself Moondust?
Pollock: *shakes head* Can't
Suzanna: That’s okay. But remember your brother is resting so we have to be really quiet going through your room
Pollock nods, eager for the challenge.
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Suzanna quietly carries Pol through the bedroom and he reaches level 2 potty with her help. Afterwards she reminds him to be quiet as he toddles into the bedroom. Suzanna goes into the main rooms to vacuum while Pol chatters quietly to his big stuffed friend. Luckily the vacuum does not wake Silas.
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Adam: I’ll see you after work, thanks for taking the day off for Silas
Suzanna: I’ve reached the top of my career, makes more sense for me to take a day off than you. I’m sure you’ll get promoted soon
Adam: I still think they want me to upskill but time will tell. I love you
Suzanna: Love you to
When she has finished the main floor Suzanna goes upstairs to vacuum the area around her aliens and frogs. After she tackles the basement where her main display collections are, it’s always quick to gather dust.
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Pol absent-mindedly chews on a toy, he’s happy he has an older brother who gives him stuff.
Silas: Pollock?
Pollock: Silas awake! Silas play?
Silas: I think I need a bath but how about you pick me a toy? Then I can play in there and you play in here and it’ll almost be like we’re playing together
Pol smiles and grabs him the monster toy. Silas hops in the bath and makes monster noises while in the bedroom Pol flies the superhero around, pretending it’s battling the monster in the bath.
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Pollock eventually grows tired of waiting for Silas to finish and heads to the lounge to play with his rings and tablet. When Silas comes out he does his homework as he wants to improve his mental skill. Afterwards he sits on the piano and tries to follow along to the basic tunes in the book. Pollock is intrigued and decides to still play on the tablet, just over where he can see his brother.
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cowboy-kidd · 3 months
Joker & Puppy Pet Regressor Headcannons
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notes: hi anon!! I accidentally deleted your ask trying to make everything look pretty for you + technical difficulties ...never doing things like this on my phone AGAIN. I think you’re talking about the 2004-2007 The Batman (my fav) if not! I can always write another one with specifications, n i’m sorry if I assumed wrong 🥲. Anyways, thank you for your persistence and patience 🫶🏾
Creds: x - x - x
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Lots of physical affection when you’re with him 
likes when he’s sitting down and you put your head in his lap
loves carding his hand through your hair and messing it up 
cuddling with you is the bane of his existence- he likes to run his hands up and down your back and just feel your warmth in his hands 
a complete suck up, you have him wrapped so tight around your little paw - “oh my cute little pup you’re just the most adorablest ever i can never get enough of you I love you so much!!” and then he proceeds to nuzzle your face a lot 
threatens somebody to make you a customized collar and tag- the collar is green and purple with hints of red so it “doesn’t look like a bedazzled christmas tree..” (his words) - the tag has your name, title, and a possible phone number to reach Joker but that doesn’t really matter because there’s a tracker implanted inside of it…
He just likes knowing that something or someone belongs to him, a loyal, lifelong companion that he may or may not commit heinous crimes with (he would never subject you to the horrors of what he does for work- “you’re much too precious for mamas work little one, i don’t want your pretty fur dirtied..”) 
Loves maintenancing you. Although sometimes he has to…employ other people to help make sure you’re all in order and smelling of blueberries and mint (his favorite scent apart from the gallons of versace and gucci scents he bathes himself in) - (even though this joker looks like he hasn’t had a bath in days i think he’s actually a clean freak and just likes to come off as dirty for his public “image” as a nuisance to society (trademark) and a general disgrace to the human race…) 
Before getting you he actually bathes in gucci and versace scents. After getting you he only does one or two spritzes around his wrists because you're sensitive to strong smells and like to nuzzle his neck. 
His eyes go soft when he takes you guys out to go eyeshopping at stores. When he sees you jump from paw to paw with this glittery look in your eyes he can’t help but go to that very same store and take the toys you were looking at and a couple others he thinks you’d like - (read: he likes.) - it’s just too cute when you finally have them and you're jumping up and down and spinning in circles and wagging your tail, he feels accomplished..like a good dad or something.
Therefore he’s always showering you with praise or toys- “Puppy!~ I got you a surprise!!! Come out, come out wherever you are!!” 
Loves playing silly games with you- chess, cards, hide n’ seek- and when he can’t play with you he forces Punch & Judy too- since they’re virtually indestructible you guys play rough. 
Oh man when you’re hurt he’s hurt and whoever hurt you is gonna get hurt too…
He hears you whining from the next room and immediately he’s at your side trying all the tactics and hacks to make everything better. He’s shushing you and trying to get you to calm down only to realize you're covered in sweat and your temperature is above average. Immediately he calls up a doc but the one he has on speed dial only does cosmetics. The clown paces at the end of your bed, watching you uncomfortable and overheated is the worst pain he could imagine, there has to be a solution, a quick and easy one that can help soothe whatever sickness you have. He’s never been sick before and therefore doesn’t know how to care for you the right way…solution: kidnap Batman’s personal doctor! 
I mean obviously Leslie Tompkins is going to treat you you’ve done nothing wrong and if Batman is being treated by her then obviously she’s the best in the business…the only way he knows is because he tailed her home and when she opened the door Batman was there…he KNEW there was some affiliation between the two. 
So he sends Punch & Judy on the job, he gives them detailed instructions so their mission could not possibly fail while he wades at your bedside. Pacing, checking your temperature back to back or just sitting and zoning out, waiting for you to wake up or for Leslie, Punch, and Judy to walk through the door. 
After what feels like years the door is knocked on- a rhythmic sound that gently pulls the clown from his thoughts. Leslie Thompkins and Batman push through…Punch and Judy following behind them dutifully. The sick softness of the room dissipates as a thick tension comes in clouds and the clown's expression turns from melancholic to incredulous. His mind runs through thousands of possibilities as to why there is a Batman walking through his house- in his BEDROOM looking seemingly worried at the sick pup tossing and turning on the bed. Yet he can’t seem to come up with one good idea as to why he’s here. Quickly, he turns around in his chair, hitting Judy and Punch with a stare that renders the entire room frozen. 
“Judy…Punch..” He starts out in his usual voice but there’s a baritone in it that he only takes when he’s plotting world domination in Gotham. “Why is there a Bat in my room?” Both scramble to offer him an excuse but he only holds up his hand after a minute of their muttering. Then the Bat himself speaks up. - “I wouldn’t let them take Dr. Thompkins without me, they said it was a health emergency.” 
The clown pinches the bridge of his nose and Batman isn’t sure if this is genuine or just the Joker being the Joker. He concludes it’s genuine when the person in the bed whimpers and Joker is at their side, shushing them and carding his hand through their hair. Whispering sweet things into their ear and placing a hand on their head only to pull back as if burned. He can see the sweat on the clown's brow as he bites his cheek and looks at Dr. Thompkins, his eyes completely ignoring the dark figure in the room in favor of business rather than rivalry...and woah that is an entire switch up from the Joker he knows.
The clown switches from his position on the floor for an upright but slightly bent posture. “Dr. Thompkins, I need your help.” he says it uneasily, as if the words were foreign on his tongue, and for all Batman knows, they might as well be. 
For the next 48 hours Dr. Thompkins works and schools the clown on how to take care of you when you’re sick. Judy & Punch go off somewhere and Batman fades into the background, he disappears when the sun rises but always comes back at dawn. A looming reminder that Leslie Thompkins is under his protection and Joker under his dutiful watch.
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notes: thank you for sending in requests!! i’m so grateful for you nonnie!! 🫶🏾
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
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mintmatcha · 2 years
oh oh oh mint this is fun! ideas are hurting!! sorry if i send in like ten!!!
how’s about late night, red lights + eren?
hello this ask made to create a very complicated au. If this fic that real it would be 50k+ and based around the concept of Eren reforming himself.
Summary: After 7 years in prison, Eren Jaeger knows he needs to get his life under control. Working as a busboy isn't the glamorous life he wants, but it's enough to keep his parol officer off of his back and his therapist on his side. Besides, he desperately needs the cash if he's ever going to pay back his brother and make it out of his hometown.
With life beating him down, the only good thing seems to be you- the late night waitress that works at his diner. With a blossoming friendship that might become more, Eren has to figure out how to hide his past as it quickly catches up to him.
"Speed up, speed up!"
Instead, you ease the car to a stop. The stop light stays yellow for another second before flicking red, bathing the empty intersection with deep crimson. The light is only touched by the yellow shine of your turn signal, patiently blinking over and over again. Eren groans, sinking further into his seat, his seatbelt catching right under his chin.
"Aw, you could've made it."
"Don't backseat drive!" you scold, throwing him a scowl, "You don't even have a license."
"I used to." He takes a long sip from his milkshake before holding it out to you. "I'm a really good driver."
Dipping down slightly, you take a quick drink, savoring how the ice cream melts across your tongue. When you pull away, he shakes the cup, silently offering you more. "Who taught you?"
"Yeah, dad was-" Eren pauses to think. He bounces his leg harder, matching the rhythm of the song on the radio without even realizing it, "I dunno, doing whatever he does. He wasn't around so I had to beg Zeke to take me out."
The light turns green and you let the car roll forward. There's no one else on the road, so you don't rush, driving right below the speed limit. There's no reason to go faster; you like having Eren like this: relaxed, honest, not trying to impress anyone else. It feels like high school again, long before everything fell apart.
"He was a good sport about it. It was really fun, actually." Eren slurps the bottom of his cup, chasing to last bits of drink, "He was like, what? 25, 26? Still in grad school, working his ass off, and he still somehow found time for that shit. He was so fucking happy when I got that stupid thing."
You think back to earlier that day. The way Zeke looked at you with such disdain, the way he treated Eren- it sits uneasily in your gut. The fact they were once normal, maybe even loving, feels unreal.
"What happened to you guys?"
Eren exhales much longer than feels natural, blowing a raspberry through his lips at the end. Out of the corner of your eye you can see him picking at the edges of the plastic lid, peeling it up into strips. He's pretty, tanned skin a gold glow even in the dark, lips still plump and pillowy even as he sucks them in to nibble on their corners.
"I can’t tell you,” he breathes.
The tires whir against fresh asphalt, delicate white noise. The fresh tattoo that stretches up his arm and neck, a cover up he won't explain and yet another secret, has begun to peel at the edges.
“‘Cause then you’ll stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” You wait for an answer, but it doesn't come. "Like what, Eren?"
You turn to see him and the man staring back at you, those green eyes round and wide with an ambiguousness, an emotion you can't quite place.
“Like that,” Eren says, “Like you think I'm a good guy.”
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
Babydoll: Lester Sinclair x afab!reader
Not historically accurate Cowboy AU
A/N: writing a brothel OneShot for each brother :3 the girl pictured in the moodboard is not what the reader looks like, the reader looks like you.
Warnings: unprotected p in v sex, fingering, not at all historically accurate.
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“We’ll take three rooms for the night.”
You watch as three men talk to your Madame at the bar. Two tall ones and a small one who seemed kind of anxious. They all wore 10 gallon hats and Wellington boots.
“Of course.” Madame Courtney whistles, you and several other girls are quick to get up. Tonight is a busy night, there weren’t many other whores available, some were busy in a room and others were all over other men in the saloon.
You look between all of the men, two girls already going for the two taller ones, a quick glance indicated they were twins. Madame Courtney gives the girls keys and tells them to start a bath for both of the men. A girl about your age pushes you towards the dirty-faced man. “Go on, no one else is gonna take him.” She scoffs. You nod and step over to him hesitantly.
Your hands sweat nervously and you wrap your arms around him. Madame looks at you. “This is Lester Sinclair. You’ll call him whatever he wants. Start a bath for him.” She drops the key in his hand and you two make your way up the stairs.
You fumble nervously with your undergarments as he unlocks the door. He gently takes your hand and guides you in.
“I’ll fill up the bath Mister Sinclair.” You’re quick to walk into the bathroom and turn on the faucet.
“Oh you don’ gotta call me that. Jus’ Lester is fine miss.” He says following you into the room. You nod your head nervously and grab a towel, wash cloth, and some soaps from the cabinet. You set all it on a small end table by the bath and walk over to Lester who is already taking off his shirt.
“Oh let me.” You gently swat his hands away, you get a better look at his face. Beautiful puppy-dog brown eyes look at you and you smile shyly. “What brings you into town, I haven’t seen anyone like you or the other men in awhile.” You finish the last button and slide the shirt off.
“We just been travelin’ a bit. Bounty Huntin’ all that kinda stuff. I don’ really do none of that. Just kinda hunt and cook for my brothers. I don’ think they’d ever eat if it weren’t for me.” Lester explains, a laugh escapes his pretty lips. You nod to signal you’re listening and go to take off his pants once your done unbuckling his belt.
“You like doing that?” You ask, genuinely curious. You guide him to the hot water and he steps in and sits.
“Yeah, I think so. I mean I don’t got anything better ta do.” Lester shrugs, you dip the washcloth in the water and sud the soap onto the cloth before gently wiping his face.
“You like doing what you do?” Lester muffles as you wipe the dirt away from his face. You shrug and give the same answer.
“Got nothing better to do.” You watch as his mouth forms a smile, it makes your stomach jump. But you immediately shut that down.
He’s a client, you two have to make small talk.
You wash his shoulders then tell him to lean forward so you can pour water on his hair. You make sure it’s soaked through before grabbing some lye soap and scrubbing his head. He hums softly and your heart starts swelling.
“Maybe I’ll convince Bo to take you with us. Since ya know, got nothin’ better ta do an’ you seem like good company.” Lester confesses.
“You sure it isn’t just cause I give a mean head massage?” You joke, Lester snorts and flicks you slightly with water. You giggle and grab your cup washing all of the suds out.
You get up off of your stool and take the towel you set by the radiator. Lester stands up and steps out of the tub and water drips from him onto the floor. You hand him the towel.
“You can go wait in the other room, I need to clean up a bit. Do you want any water or whiskey?”
“No thank you Babydoll, but thank you for offering.”
You watch as Lester wraps the towel around himself and walks back into the bedroom, you drain the tub and fill a small glass of water for yourself. You look at yourself in the mirror and sigh.
You need to get yourself together. Can’t go falling in love with a client. You have a job to do!
You finish off the water with a huge gulp and grab the soaps putting them back in the cabinet then hanging the washcloth on the side of the tub.
When you enter, Lester is sitting on the edge of the bed, towel still around his waist. You go over and sit on the bed, feet underneath you. Your lips touch his shoulder lightly, testing the waters. “What do you need right now Lester?” You whisper, you see him visibly shiver and smirk. He turns his head and leans in, cupping your cheek and kissing your gently, his mouth open and he licks your bottom lip making your moan.
Lester lays you gently onto the bed and touches lightly with his left hand feeling the sheer lingerie you wear. It’s soft and delicate. Mesmerized by it and he continues to feel around it. Fingers sometimes lightly touching your skin.
You hear the towel hit the floor with a soft thud and Lester crawls on top of you. Your hands make their way across his chest and his lips move down, kissing your jaw and leaving a trail of spit down your cheek.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen Babydoll.” Lester mumbles, before sucking and biting your neck. You let out a soft whine, your face heating up.
He pulls off your top and licks your nipple making you arch your back. “You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen Lester.” You reply back. “Honest.” He snorts and feels down your body until he feels the soft tulle bottoms. You lift off the bed and he slowly slides them off.
You lick and nip at his neck as he grazes his hands over your sex. You wiggle and whine wanting more from him.
Lester dips his middle finger in your sex, your hips buck into his finger and he pulls it out licking your wetness off of it. You watch him, a haze in your vision. He then pushes two fingers in and your mouth opens in a silent moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Y’make such pretty faces.” He mumbles. You bite your lip as Lester immediately finds the spongy area in you. Both your hands grip onto his brown hair. He curls them and you moan.
“Lester, oh my gosh!”
He continues finger fucking you, his thumb circling your clit, and you feel your orgasm bubbling in you. You moan and push into his hand.
“I’m gonna cum! Lester!”
Your eyes roll back, vision turning white, you’re legs shake. You let out a huge whine. Your vision goes back to normal and you look at Lester. You lean up and kiss his cheek, trailing down to his neck. His face looks even more handsome.
“I want you to fuck me.” You mumble, kissing down his cheek and to his neck. You bite and suck lightly on it.
“Of course.” Lester takes you and scoots you into the pillows on the bed. He takes his cock and lines it up with your cunt, sliding in slowly. His cock stretches you out in all the right ways making your back arch. “You’re so tight babydoll.” Lester looks as if he’s going to fall on top of you. “Y’feel so good.” He groans. You let out a small whimper and go to kiss his aggressively. You try and move him in you but he holds your hips in place and chuckles.
“So eager…”
You nod absolutely cock drunk. Lester slowly pulls out before thrusting hard into you, starting an aggressive pace. You let out load moans and wrap your arms around Lester’s neck, pulling him towards you. You hear his grunts and moans as his kisses your neck. You feel and tug at his hair, loving the feeling of his cock practically splitting you in half.
“I love you.” You mumble accidentally. Your heart stops for a second but Lester doesn’t.
“Fuck, I love you too. So pretty, so kind to me.” Lester grunts and looks at you in your eyes. You smile at him and he kisses your lips. Your cunt clenches around his cock and you whine.
“Lester! Oh I’m gonna cum please, please! You feel so good!” Your legs begin shaking and sweating. Lester pants and takes his middle finger circling your clit. You whine louder.
“Come on, cum for me baby. I wanna feel you cum around my cock.”
Your vision goes white again as you ride out your orgasm on him, you let out a loud moan and he cums inside of you too. You feel his cum hit your walls. He groans and falls on top of you. You let out a breathy laugh and play with his hair.
Lester pulls out of you and gets up heading to the bathroom. You sit up immediately.
“Where are you going?” You ask a little too desperately. Lester looks at you.
“Just gettin’ us some waters. That okay?”
“I’m supposed to be doing that.”
“Oh you hush and let me take care of you.” Lester laughs and goes to fill up waters in the bathroom. You sigh and shakily get up undoing the covers and getting underneath the blankets. Lester comes back in and hand you a water before drinking his whole cup. You thank him and he gets into bed next to you. You cuddle up to him tiredly and Lester eagerly wraps his arms around you, your head landing on his chest.
“I’m serious ‘bout you comin’ with me.” Lester sighs out, you look up at those beautiful brown eyes and smile gently.
“Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer.”
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jaimemes · 6 days
jaime whats having an indeedee like?
Indeedee are naturally pretty calm and docile in nature, and have a natural instinct to want to help and take care of others. They can sense emotions with their horns and draw strength from being surrounded by positive emotions, so they will do whatever they deem necessary to ensure that the people and/or Pokemon around them are happy, even going so far as to predict their actions to best meet their day-to-day needs. They make a great pick as a service Pokemon or caretaker for this very reason! The males tend to be more passive while the females are bit on the more energetic side, though there are always exceptions!
For me, Jorge has been a caretaker Pokemon of mine since I was very young! He has a pretty calm, quiet personality, a very serious-looking lil' guy. But he keeps me grounded when my head's up too high in the clouds. I love him to bits and pieces, he's like an uncle to me!
As far as Psychic types go, Indeedee overall are definitely one of the easier ones to raise and train. The main drawback for their species is that as goat-adjacent Pokemon, they are curious creatures and will try to eat just about anything (especially if they're wild), so it's important to teach them what is and isn't safe to eat. Additionally, if they're wild caught, they may try to interpret their trainer's needs through the lens of a Pokemon's perspective, so they might end up doing things like trying to bring you to a body of water to bathe you or getting you to eat raw foods. And they won't magically know how to cook or clean or do your laundry for you, those are things that you have to teach them yourself. But luckily, Indeedee are quick learners and love to mimic the habits of their trainers— they will learn your routine very fast.
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