#help! this is procrastination! 👍
zorionbbq · 1 year
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toshiki kadomatsu album redraw B^]
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bobzora · 1 year
while im at it shoutout im glad youre evil too. perfect song.
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red-flagging · 8 months
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line: for car fic <3 for me it was "to think, even for a second, that there's any universe where Vettel would ever brake first" it drove me crazyyyyyyyy
(fic ask meme)
jldkjfsfd you and me both anon. universal truths about seb in any era are that he is a) horny b) a competitive to the point of self destruction c) frequently both at the same time and d) unapologetic about any of the above
it's very plain out of context but seb's "then you can you can call me tomorrow and ask about it. and i will tell you that it's true" is probably my favorite! i feel like it captures both the blunt overconfidence and the seeds of the weirdly kind core that define early seb to me; i also like that it's seb asking lewis, in a very small way, to trust him (and that lewis doesn't reject the offer completely). imo one of the most compelling things about seb/lewis is how their current relationship would not have been possible without both of them choosing to trust each other over and over even when they have every reason not to. obviously in this fic their relationship is VERY far from where they eventually end up, but it was important to me that like...right from the start the seeds of those future decisions were there in some small way.
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pink-psychic · 11 months
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im great ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽👍
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akkivee · 2 years
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floylia · 3 months
20. Guilty as sin!
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hardest chapter to make, i had so many ideas i wanted to add that it was overwhelming, so i procrastinated 👍
also 4 more chapters 🫡
Synopsis: After 7 years of enduring the media’s relentless pursuit of painting you as a villain, you’re forced to go on an indefinite hiatus with a tainted reputation on your head. However, just when you thought your career was over, a certain 5WIRL member wants you to feature on his solo album. Surely, this won’t affect your reputation once more, would it?
Scaramouche x fem!reader
masterlist | previous | next
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taglist (closed!): @aruatsu @magicalink @featuredtofu @scarasbaby @veekoko @scaranthropy @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @vernith @thystarsshine @lily-lmao @lovemari @mellowberrie @kunikuzushis-darling @skyoverkill1 @alatusorrow @kukikoooo @kyon-cherri @keiiqq @tzuw1ce @xiaossocksniffer @kaitfae @infinitetrashbag @lvnalxve @lovelypadisarah @ulquiorraswife @sketcheeee @atyour-kitchencounter @pirate-of-the-dark-seas @neiiuna @sn1perz @kazioli @inelenastyle @hearts4shu @wisheslost @Kazeyozuha @kazumiku @eutopiastar @chemiro @bananasquash @mujiwuji @danhenglovebot @cremesluv @boomie-123 @kookiibun @help-whatdoimakemyusername @vavrin @beaniedoodz @misterpoofin @justpeachyteastea @one-and-only-tay @peaceindreams @strxwberryfetish @shutingstar @projectsfantasy @quacking-simp @morgyyyyyyy @cante-lope @k-cris
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tofupixel · 2 months
Thank you for getting me to finally try pixel art! I‘ve always wanted to get into pixel art but I never knew what to start with and always ended up procrastinating. Your blog and the post you made on learning pixel art were what finally pushed me to give it a go. It was really helpful and I managed this little animation in Libresprite.
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I definitely want to improve and your art is like the ultimate goal lol. Do you have any tips or instructions for how to get better or on what to focus on in the future? I‘d appreciate any kind of criticism/input you are willing to give! How do you manage to make such gigantic and beautiful landscapes?
thank you!! and i'm so happy you decided to give it a real go, you're doing great already!! the rendering on the body and the pink shading is really nice.
i can help a little with animation stuff but i'm not an expert, ill write something out about backgrounds at the end
i hope you don't mind but i edited the sprite a little, just to illustrate some stuff
🤺Animation stuff
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i added an extra frame near the top of the arc so it slows down. this is called ease or slow in/out and usually happens at the beginning and end of movements. u can do even more slow but this is just a quick version
i also removed the middle frame (where the tail is straight down) to make the swing appear a bit more powerful. this could be the principle of timing in the same video. you can exaggerate smears if you do this, its up to you!! lately i tend to exaggerate stuff a lot, things arent super noticable in motion
i also got a good bit of advice from nickwoz that helped me, basically when you begin to animate, it really puts the rest of the sprite being still into focus. try to think of how you could animate other parts of the body, even subtly. and sometimes if individual pixels stay still they can catch the eye in an unintended way as well, just keep it in mind!!
if you want to learn animation more, you could take a look at duelyst sprites, they have incredible idle and ability animations, i study them a lot
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heres one i downloaded a long time ago. i recommend just downloading stuff you like and looking at it!! i have a huge collection of pixel inspo. slowing animations down can really help you understand whats going on. its just a bunch of simple elements put together that makes it look so good.
🌿 OK lets talk about landscape stuff
it looks like you have art experience already, but im gonna talk as if youre a complete noob cos it might help some other people who read this!! ur doing great 👍
❓ how to learn: study (and practise a lot)
what i mean by study: draw it, copy it, try to understand it. you can try to change characteristics about it. changing the angle or lighting can help u understand how something works in 3 dimensions.
sometimes it takes time, dont worry, you will figure out your own style through doing studies, its all a process
❓ how to draw landscape details?
study pixel artists and how they do it recommendations: fool, slym, jubilee, deceiver
also please look at real world references!! you got to build that visual library
❓ how to learn composition?
study traditional artists or animation. i did a ton of studies of ghibli backgrounds which i think helped my growth a lot recommendations: arcane, studio ghibli, traditional painters
im gonna break down a piece as well and maybe that will help. this is one from 2022 but its still one of my most popular and its pretty simple too!!
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if we remove all the fancy stuff what we have is actually really simple. just a few large, overlapping shapes that all point towards our focal point. it's the brightest area with the most contrast and many edges point into it.
go to pinterest or google and just search "pretty landscape" or "mountains" or something and you can see what i'm doing is nothing special or unique!! break it down into bigger shapes to begin with, its just different areas of material mostly.
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and heres how you can make any landscape from any colours. purple sky or mountain? orange grass? ok !! it all works, it doesnt matter. i just blend the colours.
when parts of the landscape are in the distance they become closer to the sky colour as there is more "sky" in between you and it. its called atmospheric perspective. so if the sky was red, the clouds would fade towards red.
OKKK i dont know what else to say so i hope that helps!! honestly 90% of what i do is intuitive and hard for me to really explain, so you dont have to know The Rules, you just kind of pick up stuff as you go.
GL and thanks so much for showing me your art!! please keep going!! 💕💕💕💕
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xanyiaz · 4 months
dude i desperately need someone to explain what order to watch all the redacted audio lore stuff PLEASE 🙏 i am in need of direction!!!! also if you answer this thank you so much i kiss the land you walk upon
HI HELLO UHHH well i feel like the order in which i listened (but slightly adjusted) was a good way to listen to everything- i'd say the first redacted 101 video about magic is very useful in explaining the basics so probably that first and then:
- freelancer season 1
- sadism's hold (ivan) you could listen at the same time as freelancer s1 bc it takes place at the same time
- freelancer season 2
- inversion
- freelancer season 3
- sovereign state (avior)
- project meridian ^^ with avior and project meridian you could switch their positions and listen either way
- hush
- carpe deus (vega)
- the balance ^^ again you could switch the positions of vega and the balance but just know they're both veryvery heavy lore wise so i'd recommend listening to last. i also recommend listening to hush and vega at the same time
these are just for the narrative/lore focused playlists ^^ as for the character playlists, you can listen in whichever order you want- i'd already listened to a lot of vincent before the freelancer series and i listened to milo just whenever- i finished listening to david, asher and sam last just bc they're not my kinda guys tbh 💀 the werewolves (david, asher and milo) and the vampires (vincent and sam) do also all appear in inversion and some people might recommend listening to them all first before inversion but i didn't and it was all fine- i could still figure out what was going on and could tell them apart easily but then again, if you do listen before, you'll understand inversion more and will have all the context so it's just up to you‼️i haven't listed all the character playlists btw, just the ones who appear in the narrative/plot-focused ones but there are others too like porter and morgan <3
and then there's other random characters like guy, ollie and geordi and stuff lol which aren't too involved in anything but they're veryvery cool and nice to listen to when recovering from angst 😃👍
oh and then there's the imperium au- which i'm actually still listening to (i keep procrastinating it lol). it's an alternate universe so just don't even go near that until you've listened to everything else 😭‼️
hope this helps & happy listening !! 🫶
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cheezbites · 1 year
How COD Characters Would Text
✎: I’m such a slow writer/procrastinator so sorry for the slow posts. But I upload lots of skits and I know y’all love those !!😋
♡Summary: Headcanons of how COD characters would text.
• He rarely replies to you or sees your messages, as for how you never see him texting you in the first place. (Or even using his phone for that matter). Every once in a blue moon, you would finally see a highlighted double check mark next to your messages.
• Has a black screen set as his profile picture.
• Leaves you on read and you took it personally, but he addresses your texts in real life since he finds the keyboard too confusing, and he doesn't have time to figure it out.
“I saw your text on the... Uh, ‘What App’, the meeting’s going to be at 2:30pm.”
• Strictly sends voice notes; she also finds the keyboard too complicated. If she’s in an environment where she can’t send voice messages then she texts you back painstakingly slow, or she doesn’t bother trying.
• She adored calling you to hear your voice and have genuine conversations instead of staring at a screen and repeatedly tapping away. She also loved hearing about your day and what you were up to.
• Texts you at any time but mostly at night.
• Would only text you if you texted him; he has his notifications on for vital and crucial things but most importantly when you send him messages. Also a very messy typer, it would be impossible to not find a single typo.
• Has a cute stray cat he saw on a walk as his profile pic.
• König would frequently discover emojis; although you knew them all like the back of your hands you acted oblivious for him.
“🤪🤪 Did u kno this emoji existed?!”
“miawwww🙀!!! This emoji is very silly, we should use it more often.”
“🙈🙊🙈jajaja ich bin ein schüchterner Affe..”
• Sends you corny facebook memes to start your day. You act as if you hated them and they're obnoxious but deep down you love when he sends them. You know it’s an ‘off day’ for him when you don’t receive one.
• He’s a massive punctuation enthusiast, and he doesn't type slow but not too fast despite his age.
“Good morning, how are you doing today?”
“Please ensure to drink lots of water, it’s going to be very hot later on.”
“Please don’t touch Simon’s sandwich in the fridge. He’s feeling very stubborn today.👍”
• Would make a group chat so the group can bond but half of you guys left over petty arguments and the other half are inactive.
• Him fishing on some boat as his profile picture.
• Has one of the default options as his profile picture. Or him posing with a rifle.
• Sends you memes you actually laugh at, they’re usually short videos. But then on the other hand, he sends you corny puns that you still find yourself laughing at:
Soap: “Y can’t scientist trust atoms?”
Y/N: “???? why”
Soap: “Cause they make up everything!”
Y/N: “hahahah soo funny dude😐”
And behind the screen you have the biggest shit-eating grin.
• Always double texts you, even if you say you’re busy and can’t take messages. Not even that, he’d triple text you because he can and nothing is stopping him.
• He’s on Do Not Disturb most of the time from all the spam emails he receives, mostly because he carelessly gave out his information to dodgy websites.
• Over shares information so casually and then changes the subject, it honestly baffles you at times. To him, there's no such thing as TMI.
“Nearly got run over heading to the shops, but how are you?”
“There was a stabbing at the local chippy shop. What’s for dinner?”
“Just saw a homeless person buy drugs with money someone accidentally dropped. Fun day.”
• Texts you all the time, the moment you send him a message he opens it no matter what time it is or where he’s at.
• Has a selfie as his profile picture.
• Would try-hard being cool so he uses a shit ton of emojis in nearly every text, you can't help but laugh at his failed efforts. And expect lots of typos from him, too.
“Yo😁 any plans todsy🤔🤔??”
“Jow do I turn dowm the brightness.😎☀️”
• He only messages you in the afternoon, in the morning he's too occupied and at night he’s getting that beauty sleep.
• You’re like his tech assistant, always helping him with the simplest of things. This one time, he set his keyboard to another language and was only messaging in Arabic until you could help him set it back to English.
• Spams you like it’s super urgent, only to say: “never mind, it’s not important” knowing damn well he had nothing to say in the first place.
“pick up y/n, very important. asap!!!!!”
“are you dead? where are you.”
And once you do get back to him…
“nvm the issue was resolved.”
• Turned off auto capitalisation, but he’s still punctual every now and then. Never sends emojis.
• On that note, whenever you say “ur” he does that know-it-all thing which we all know and hate where he says “You’re*”.
• A mix of voice notes and texts, he generally does not text whatsoever even if it’s urgent. If you wanted to reach him you had to do so face-to-face.
• He would leave you on read with no shame and forget what you even sent ten seconds later.
• Is committed to that default image as his profile picture, he knows how to change it but he can't be bothered and he doesn’t even know what to change it to.
• When he sends voice notes he acts confused as to why you’d bookmark them. (Fully aware girls simp for his voice - it’s a massive ego boost at times).
• Calls you early in the morning, (really early). As he knows you inevitably snooze your alarm and stay in bed for ‘a few more minutes’ but you stay glued there until the afternoon. It’s a really efficient way of waking you up so you’re not complaining.
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aurorangen · 2 months
10 Random Facts About Me
I was tagged by @druidberries and @faerun-s thank you so much 🥰
My height is 173cm and I am a Virgo ♍️
The other day, I went to the hairdressers for the first time in 3 years 😂 my mum usually cuts my hair every few months (no need to pay haha). She cuts 1-2 inches off the bottom and trims my curtain fringe a bit every time. I have a kind of wolf cut now, not too far off my usual style, but still, a bit different.
Binge-playing the sims is really hard for me because I get distracted easily and PROCRASTINATION 🙃. Mostly I play during the weekend to destress from life, but it was a few hours at a time. It was like a personal record posting daily and that was when I was really into it!!! I think I would be posting a lot more if not for this, plus I had several burnouts/breaks throughout the years. Playing two legacies really helped my motivation and it also kept my simblr alive 👍
Continuing from the previous! I'm a perfectionist and I'm really picky with my posts. 2-3 hours would be waiting for the game to load, letting the game do its thing for a bit, setting out scenes, then taking the pics. It's like making a movie 🎬 And that would only result in one post (no editing yet). I'd have planned what I wanted to do that day and written all my text/dialogue as I feel I don't want to play if idk what I'm doing.
I'm very clumsy!!!! The amount of times I have walked into something or banged my foot. This is TMI but I have broken my big toenails more than once lmao one time it was from playing basketball (I'm no good at it…and I was wearing sandals) and I dribbled it on my toe 😞
I have had bad acne in the past and have tried so many products to help with my skincare. My skin is a lot better now and mainly acne scars remain. Also drinking milk makes me break out and I didn't know it was a trigger back then. I have soya milk instead and it tastes just as good in tea (I love drinking tea).
I get motion sickness when playing particular games. I used to be fine, but one day I played COD with my brother and just couldn't handle the first-person view I was SICK 😵‍💫 I prefer third-person view in any game, but I still get dizzy if playing for too long. Sims is great because it's like GOD PERSON VIEW 😂 With games, I don't really play a lot now and sims is the only one!
I had no fizzy drinks for 5 years one time!!! I thought "let's see how long I can hold out for". During my first year of uni, I had a really bad flu and nothing helped. My mum told me to boil coke and ginger together (it's an old Chinese remedy lol) and it helped like MAGIC 🤩 There went my 5 years of cutting it out and now I drink it sometimes!
I was close to studying architecture at uni. I studied computer science and 3d design at A level, but was unsure of an artsy route or technical one. I loved both and I knew I wanted to do something with maths. In the end, I went with engineering because it had more opportunities with me still being able to program (thanks to robotics and electrical modules), design stuff (with CAD) and lots more 😊 IG that's why I live my architecture dreams through building in sims!! Speaking of...
I HAVE 🎓GRADUATED🎓 (graduation ceremony was the other day 🤭). The final year was really tough for me but I can't believe I have completed my undergraduate studies!!!
I will tag: @mikachusblog @duusheen @mdshh @sharona-sims @gingenr but feel free to ignore this 💖
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff
warnings mentions of food
notes me? your favourite zb1 writer ⁉️ pls im so touched, ilysm🥹 i hope your exams go by smoothly and thank you for requesting, ina ! i hope you enjoy this (i went to do this so fast bcuz of ur exams 💕)
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— zhang hao
so affectionate 🥹
soothing touches like tracing circles on your free hand while you study
reassures you alot like “you’re gonna do great”
listens to your rants and complaints abt a certain topic/subject you don’t like
his reaction to that is literally: “oh, it must be hard.” ☹️
always tells you that he is proud of you
overall comforts you as much as he can
“you have all the time you need, take it easy.”
— sung hanbin
worried 24/7 for you
not bcuz he thinks that you’ll do bad but because he doesn’t want to see you so stressed out
always supervising you cuz he doesn’t want you overworking yourself
maybe even more stressed than you 😭
insists you take a break even when you started studying like 15 minutes ago 😃
makes sure you take care of yourself while also putting your all into studies
hands you meals and drinks himself just so it’s easier for you
“remember that i always am and will be proud of you.”
— seok matthew
learns the subjects just to help you
sometimes, you end up teaching him a thing or two
creates a study timetable for you
his motivation makes you motivated; win-win ‼️
maybe a bit too motivated…
gives you questions during the most random times throughout the day 🫢
you’re brushing your teeth? question.
you’re taking out the trash? question.
his motto is ‘no pain, no gain’
“don’t fall asleep just yet, i have another question!”
— shen ricky
knows exactly when to help you or to give you space to study
if he sees you studying, he won’t disturb you
but if he sees you procrastinating, he uses the power of ✨bribery✨
“if you get an A on this test, i’ll buy you anything you want”
boom ez motivation 💥
“finish these questions and i’ll give you one of my photocards” “i want a jiwoong photocard though..”
isn’t jealous at all because secretly, he wants a jiwoong photocard too 🤫
“i’ve ordered 2 jiwoong pc’s!” “wait, why two?”
— park gunwook
helps you study 🤞
one condition tho; a kiss for some help
gives you tips and tricks on how to answer questions precisely
also gives you all his notes
makes sure you get enough sleep the night before an exam so you won’t be tired while answering it
very experienced in these matters 👍
when you feel like giving up, he gives you a motivational speech that would inspire many
very very very patient in teaching you so that you don’t feel pressured
“you got this one correct, you’re amazing!”
— kim taerae
he sees you studying and thinks that you’re very hardworking
therefore, he doesn’t want to bother you
absolutely silent whenever you study because any form of noise can be disturbing
like he tiptoes around 😭
but when you’re done, he asks if you need anything
a hug, a kiss, ricky’s wallet? he can give you them all
okay, maybe not the last one but you get what i mean
he convinces you to think that you’re the smartest person ever 🫵
“you’re gonna kill this!”
— kim gyuvin
he tries to help you study and cheer you up
as in, he doesn’t want to see you stressed so he cracks a joke or two 🤝
it becomes very distracting but he has good intentions
“do you know how to do this?” you ask, pointing to a question
“let me see…” bringing the book towards his face, squinting his eyes
places back the book in front of you “yeah, no. sorry..” 😃
eventually you ask him to be a bit more quiet and he has his lips shut
but he’s always in the room while you study whenever you need a joke to hear
“no joke, you’re the smartest person i know”
— kim jiwoong
checks up on you ALOT
gives you shoulder and head massages to release the tension you have there
goes up to you and rubs your shoulders 🫠
“hey, you deserve a break. let’s go for a walk.”
with him, all your worries disappear and suddenly you’re like ‘the tests are gonna be so easy’
if you just happen to become slightly anxious; he will notice
comes up to you to give you a kiss 💋
which breaks you from all bad thoughts
“after your exams are over, i’ll take you somewhere nice.”
— han yujin
studies with you cuz he most likely is also having exams 🤝
if he doesn’t understand, he asks you and vice versa
sometimes he spaces out and you have to bring him back to reality
when you’re really worried and start saying ‘what if’s’
he gives a whole list on why you’re going to get good grades
“firstly, you’re good at everything you do. secondly, i think you’re smarter than gunwook hyung.” 😦
before the exams start, he makes sure to say good luck to you
“i don’t need to say this because you always do so well but good luck!”
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© keiwook
taglist @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @trsrina
here, if you want to join the taglist !
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lowcallyfruity · 5 months
Sebepel headcanons 💞
😈 finally posting them after like 5000 months of procrastinating ☝️☝️ ummm they are long because well, I love them.
(about 1k words 😨😨😨)
Headcanons are like in chronological order I guess, from before they were dating to during dating basically 👍
I also changed my writing style/point of view (?) near the end, idk just wanted to give a heads up
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Sebek being confused why he thinks of Epel so much. He’s just a human after all. I mean he is really cool and talented but still!! He’s a human. It’s strange to him.
Sebek treasures the squirrel plushie he got from Epels hometown
Sebek occasionally thinking about Epels hometown and wanting go there again.
Sebek getting frustrated and eventually decides to hang out with Epel more.
Sebek calls Epel by his name often instead of human. He calls him human sometimes but not as much as the others. People start noticing this and go “huh. Strange”
Sebek being nice to Epel and Epel being like “huh.”
Sebek hanging out with Epel often and giving him gifts and Epel being confused. Epel being like “this is….weird? I can’t believe SEBEK is doing this? Especially knowing what people say about him??”
Epel getting used to Sebek after a while and gladly accepting his gifts hanging out with him.
Epel eventually thinking its cute and endearing.
Sebek thinking Epel is really cool and strong and thinking he’s a very capable human. So much that he invites Epel to workout/train with him and occasionally to Diasomnia training sessions.
Epel really appreciating what Sebek does for him. Epel getting happy that Sebek invites him to train with him.
Sebek and Epel hanging out/training/studying in Sebeks room.
Epel visiting Diasomnia so much that he knows it’s layout and where stuff is.
Epel getting close Sebek and the Diasomnia gang.
Epel inviting Sebek to the Pomfeiore dorm and Sebek being nervous internally
Sebek becoming more nervous and self conscious about his actions and behaviors.
He doesn’t want to lose his beloved friend.
He doesn’t want him to this he’s annoying.
Sebek eventually getting over his hatred for humans and loving Epel to the fullest extent.
Epel being one of the reasons Sebeks hatred for humans starts chipping away.
Sebek loosening up with Epel and being much softer with him. He feels he can be more vulnerable with Epel.
Same with Epel, he feels like he can really be himself with Sebek.
Epel teasing Sebek a lot and vice versa.
Them sitting in silence doing their own thing <333 (huehuehuehuehue parallel play….)
Sebek hugging Epel tightly, baisically squishing him/crushing his bones
Epel getting used to Sebeks hugs and hugging him back the same
Sebek is so pathetic and such a loser. He tries to impress Epel but he struggles.
Lilia catching onto Sebeks crush on Epel and teasing him about it.
Sebek swears it’s not a crush.
Sebek talking about Malleus to Epel and Epel just listening quietly. :]
Sebek slowly talking about Epel more and more. The students can’t believe it! Sebek talking about someone other than Malleus or Lilia?! That’s insane
Sebek sends letters to Epel… because Lilia says that’s the old fashioned way to court someone! And it definitely works! So he should try it
The letters are a bit awkward and silly at first but Epel doesn’t mind…eventually they get really sweet,, and Epel thinks it’s cute but he’s still confused why he’s sending letters instead of texting, they have each others number after all.
Sebek starts texting Epel a lot, telling him all about malleus, things he did that day, and showing him things that remind him of Epel.
I like to think Sebek is a bit uncomfortable talking on the phone but Epel helps him get used to it.
Sebek learns how to play guitar for Epel. Lilia said it would be so cute to play him a Song
It’s night time when Sebek confesses, They’re sitting outside of Pomefiore just sitting there and laughing. It starts with “I think I love you” and from there Sebek starts rambling about how much he appreciates Epel. And the whole time Epel is just looking at him like “wow.”
Sebek talking about his lovely boyfriend who is the coolest guy to ever exist!!! (He might even surpass Malleus. Sebek is very conflicted) boasting about how amazing and strong he is for a human!!! How he’s very talented and skillfull.
Epel taking Sebek to his hometown to visit. Sebek being happy he can go back. He loves Epel’s hometown
Sebek going to Epel’s hometown often that he has now seen it in all of its seasons.
Epel speaking less formally with Sebek and occasionally going full blown with his Dialect.
Sebek wanting to learn more of Epel’s dialect and culture
Epel gladly teaching him
Sebek loves Epel’s accent so much.
Sebek genuinely being so happy and proud to have Epel as his boyfriend.
Sebek holding Epel’s hand tight because he loves him dearly.
When they held hands for the first time Sebek was so nervous he didn’t know what to do. (Internally he was screaming crying throwing up)
Epel wanting to take Sebek on rides on his motorbike
Sebek would definitely accept if Epel asked but he would be so nervous to do it
Epel wanting to do more stuff to show Sebek how much he means to him because Sebek does so much for him.
Epel asking Vil and and Rook for advice on gifts.
Vil not fully understanding why Epel is dating Sebek, but supports it anyway.
Sebek is just happy that Epel is his boyfriend and hangs out him.
Sebek introducing Epel to his family and Epel just being like “wow.” (/pos)
Sebek picks up Epel just so he can kiss him better.
Though sometimes, Epel will pull Sebek down to kiss him.
Sebek only kisses Epel on his cheek or hands because he’s too embarrassed to do it on the mouth.
Epel being awkward and rarely kissing Sebek, and if he does it’s on the cheek. Sebek is okay with it and wants to make sure Epel is comfortable
Sebek kissing Epel often. Sometimes in public. Epel starts finding it cute.
Epel getting more used to being affectionate and doing the same with Sebek!!!
Idk man they just love wholesome kisses and holding each other 😭😭😭😭
They probably had their first kiss on the lips in their junior or senior year. They were too embarrassed to try it before.
Sebek happy stims SO MUCH when he’s with Epel.
Epel loves it SO much because he’s just so glad Sebek feel comfortable enough around him…..
Epel giving Sebek apple carvings is a tradition.
Sebek started to put preserving spells on the apples so they wouldn’t rot
Epel is Sebeks number one supporter frfr 🙏🙏🙏
Epel made Sebek want to do handcrafted things again…. They started doing woodworking together
Epel compliments Sebek a lot and it makes Sebek feel like the specialest guy in the world. He loves it so much. But they also leave him a mess
Epel goes to Sebek for compliments because he thinks they’re cute, and he feels very validated around Sebek
Epel and Sebek are the biggest hypemen for eachother. “If you guys don’t cheer for my boyfriend I’m going to blow this place up” type shit
Sebek gives Epel his jacket often because Epel loves wearing big jackets. He also likes how he looks :3
Sebek will go to Epel’s games and sometimes even practices and cheer for him like crazy. Probably the loudest guy there. (Leona finds it annoying, but whatever)
But a lot of times he will stand and stare in awe of Epel’s skill. He’s so talented.
When Epel is done with a game or practice most of the time Sebek runs up to hug him or grabs him by the shoulders and tells him how amazing he was!!!
Epel will also go and see Sebek in the equestrian club!!! He thinks Sebek looks really cute (and stupid) and is just so endeared by him
Sebek walks Epel to class as often as he can,,, he thinks it’s sooo cool of him
When Epel saw Sebek with his hair down, he freaked out. He looked SO handsome. He couldn’t function for like a week, he would just keep thinking of Sebek.
Sebek was SO embarrassed, he couldn’t believe his boyfriend saw him like that. Epel assured him it was fine.
Epel wants Sebek to keep his hair down more often,,,, Sebek says that maybe one day he’ll do it more.
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strawbsswift13-2 · 2 months
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Ello. It's me. Strawbs. Here with some. Coloured Gwendolyn. Lol I procrastinated this for way too long AND ended up doing it at 10.00pm help. 😭 (First colour drawing)
Anyways for the millionth time I am taking art requests because I'm bored af and I like giving people what they want. SO YAH! Give me requests!
And also stalk my account if you liked this art 😓👍
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bloggedanon · 1 year
Alright, listen up, folks.
My hours have been reduced to nothing for months now on account of disabilities I'm trying to get treated for, I got a med bill I wasn't expectin' in the mail, and now I'm woefully far from bein' able to pay for my upcoming psychiatrist appointment, which I have to pay for by the 24th of this month. This one is really important because there's a strong probablility this one will be the one to prescribe me some meds that just might enable me to be able to acually take care of myself (read: actually function at all) for the first time in my life. I'm prolly gonna need like $300 to cover the appointment. I ain't askin' y'all to help me for free, however.
I can sew together little pillow monster things. They have zipper mouths and button eyes. They're hand-sewn, from a pet-free home.
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This is my oldest (and smallest) example. about 7" wide and tall. The ones I'm proposing to sell will be about 9" wide and tall.
Here are the buttons and (9) zippers I have available for this endeavor. (Sorry about the lighting.) Note the loops on the zipper pulls for easier zipping.
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Uhh, those are soda can pull tabs in the corner. Ignore that, I'm procrastinating on working on a project.
In terms of fabric, I have fleece and flannel of various colors. 'S all preshrunk in a washer and dryer, but I don't have a good way to showcase or store fabric other than shoving it all into one plastic bag. That aside, here's the flannel I have:
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(Dark blue, light blue, teal, white, space [small amount], and scales [purple, blue, and green scales, small amount])
And here's the fleece:
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(Purple, red, orange, and black [small amount])
Note how I have more of some colors in one material or another than in others. This means certain body surface colors may not be possible due to material limitations. I have a whole bunch of thread colors, and just an overall abundance of thread tho 👍
These are custom made to order, and the production is paid in advance. You can do custom colors (body, front vs back color, the color of the inside of the mouth, whether or not you want it to have a tongue, number / color of eyes) and you can POTENTIALLY do other customizations. (Want it to have a ridge on its back like a cartoon dinosaur? Want me to give it horns? Want me to try to figure out how tassles work? Want it to have floppy, doofy, cow-lookin' ears? [I recommend fleece for these kinds of additions, trust me on this one.]) Shape alterations mmmmaayyyyy be possible, but that's pretty dubious. Bear in mind that any customizations / additions will likely drive priduction time wayyy up, and there are things I might not be able to do.
Shipping will be paid seperately, and at the time of shipping. I can't really afford to cover shipping, but also I have no earthly idea how to calculate shipping. I have a tiny scale at home now that I can use to weigh the finished product, but that's about it. These are gonna have to be personally taken to the post office, which means a lot of walking. I dunno, we'll figure it out.
This is all being said and shown in the interest of maximum transparency with this stuff. You will recieve update images with progress on your little monster dude, and you're gonna have to give feedback on the button placements and angles before I sew 'em on so that way I know I've got the look you want on it.
Payments are done over Paypal.
Base price: $35 USD + shipping
Comm slots open: 9
Customizations and additions will add to the price, but the extent to which it happens is (sort of) negotiable. Most customizations are going to be (sort of) experimental on my end, and hand sewing takes forever, especially when you have "everything magically is really hard and takes too long" disease.
If I hit my goal, I'll stop accepting donations. If all 9 commission slots are taken, I will update this post with a good ol'-fashioned pinned reblog and close commissions AND donations. Note that I can only work on one pillow monster at a time, and that it's on a first-come-first-serve basis. If I'm working on one and you want to commission one, I'll let you know and ask if you wanna wait for it. You'll get a number (1-9) to signify whose order I need to do next.
In the meantime, I need to go pop out and sell some blood plasma, probably. 🤡
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volturissideslut · 2 years
How would the guards be with a human mate that is very open and energetic with them but gets very timid and shy, clinging to them when around other vampires are around.
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉
Lifes been busy and I was procrastinating, enjoy👍👍
Honestly it doesn't make that much of a difference to him because :
1) most of the quality time you spend together is in private anyway
2) He also acts completely different in private with you and Jane then he does in public and in his guard duties too
and 3) he prefers if you don't draw too much attention anyway whilst your human to keep you out of the spotlight, just incase anybody wants to take a bite out of you
However, if it came to matters of standing up for yourself?? He's going ferrel
Because firstly, how DARE anyone insult you and secondly, STAND UP FOR YOUR SELF!!! Don't just sit back and take it! don't you know how important you are?
she may actually melt into a puddle of joy whenever your true self rears its head in private
she may also turn into a puddle of joy when you keep quiet around the guards
but also... she's not too happy
it's a complicated scenario, you see?
on the one hand she get to maintain her professionalism and the guards still fear her and by extnsion you and she doesn't have to go through some excruciating second hand embarrassment with you
but on the other hand, she want people to envy her. you are AMAZING and she wants them to know that and for you to dominate any room you walk into like she does. Also you don't exactly project confidence
so she's going to help you, just watch her and act like her please! your amazing and powerful so show them that
Is actually kind of sad about it and wishes his friends and colleagues could experience the same you that he does
he really wants to show you off to Felix and the guard because like hello??? you're you??
but then you go out in public and become this shy outer shell of yourself
and he genuinely thinks it's an issue of insecurity so he makes an effort to subtly show you how much he loves you and how awesome you are hoping that'll work.
If they'd the root of the shyness great! if it's not he's going to want to have a conversation with you because he's genuinely concerned and thinks something is wrong. if something is wrong hell work through it with you but if it's just the way you are then he'll actually be shocked
bros flabbergasted
*whiny voice*"I just want to show you ooofffffff!"
still thinks you two are the power couple of the clan 💪😭
Honestly doesn't care
sometimes it takes a while to warm up to people, especially a huge group of vampires you haven't been around fot that long
but you have an eternity to come out of your shell so he's not worried at all
he's just glad you feel comfortable enough to be excited and jumpy and happy around him
Idk why but it always makes me laugh so hard whenever I put '👍' in ANY context, I think it's just because I feel like a dad when I use that emoji but I genuinely laugh so hard and it's not even funny
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vanillaheartzxx · 7 months
yes it’s been a while okay shhh
but anyways i’ve REALLY been wanting to do this for so so long now like since hush’s second (?) video and here it is finally! (i didn’t procrastinate. of course i didn’t!)
so when i first saw hush’s icon/symbol (cutie mark💞) i couldn’t help but see the sovereigns/meridian symbol (idk what its even called) when looking at hush’s. hush’s two little raindrop things looked like they formed the (sovereign) symbol if the drops push slightly together and you just remove the circular part. (JUST WATCH THE VIDEO I CAN’T EXPLAIN THIS IN WORDS) but yeah and i just thought it was cool to share 💗
also please don’t mind me getting a bit silly at the end and taking ‘creative liberties’. 😁 (you may want to lower your volume.) and ignore that for a bit i couldn’t figure out how the layers worked with coloring. 👍
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