#hes basically just trained n like an animal but dont tell him that he WILL flip
n-x-black · 2 years
Thinking so much about the zombie thing like in the beginning n just not responding to touya at all and touya like begging for any sign that he's still "there",
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Twisted wonderland character react to mother Mc that came to wonderland with a baby If it is ok you don’t have to if you don’t want to
Parent!Yuu coming to Twisted Wonderland with their child
Warning(s): teen parent reader, cussing, not edited
A/N: You didn't specify what characters so its just ganna be general hc. Keeping it gn cause I dont write fem readers rn.
Grim opens you coffin and finds you holding a crying baby then slowly closes it
both you and ya kid have your own robes and Grim tries to convince you to him him your baby's.
Crowley passes out thinking that the black carriage just picked up two kids and your parents were going to sue him all to hell
then you tell him that its your child and he's all better
cause you can't sue him :).
Grim always refers to himself when around the baby as uncle Grim
he will cry if the bbys first words aren't his name.
The ghost will babysit for you a lot, their its unofficial godparents
they also like to put the baby back to sleep when they cry I the middle of the night.
Train gives you some pointers on random parenting things, he also is happy to last minute babysit for you when you have pop quizzes or anything like that
same with most of the other teachers,
Vargas will do little baby exercises with them while you run laps or wtf you have to do that day
Crowley would offer to help, but please be my the responsible choice and never leave him alone with your child.
You two are always welcome to unbirthday parties, Trey will make baby food for them or baby friendly foods he also will be happy to teach you how to properly brush their teeth
Deuce and Ace love playing and entertaining them, Cater take so many pics of them
Riddle tries his best to get along with the baby but it's very awkward, which is also rly cute.
Take them to Leona and he'll throw yall out, he already has one brat to deal with he doesn't want another.
Ruggie will give you some easy food recopies for you to make that the baby can have
Jack will babysit in the early mornings on occasion by taking them out for a run with him in one of those chest/back strap things.
Do not on any occasion let Floyd hold your baby, he will throw them up into outer space!
Jade will try to give them some mushrooms so just to be safe keep your distance with him too
Azul will have war type flashbacks from seeing you chubby baby.
Kalim is spoiling the shit out of your child, he's also happy to babysit he's got more experience then most with how many little siblings he has
Jamil doesn't mind being around the mushy thing if it's not annoying.
Epel LOVES them! their just the right amount of chaos he needs to stay sane, plus they might remind him of some of the kids in his family or home town
Rook is another happy babysitter, likes to put his hat on them even though its way to big for them
keep the tf away from Vil, on his request
especially if they have ever or have come close to fucking up his makeup or hair or anything like that.
Ortho enjoys playing with them, he thinks their so interesting, also would love to hang out with them but Idia refuses to allow kids
especially babies
anywhere near his room.
Be carful, Lilia might try to adopt them, maybe both of you and he'll be a grandpa
he hasn't decided yet
he also might try and teach them to call him grandpa and Silver uncle
also for some reason, prob the animals that are always around him, your kid loves Silver
Sebek contently makes your baby cry cause of how loud he is, he also yells/scolds at them if they ever cry while Lilia or Malleus hold them
Malleus is basically their unofficial dad, he adores them and spending time with them, even giving them gifts
not just toys tho like things they need
this man even reads parenting books!
fuck after a while he might even start a collage fund for them.
Good luck raising your kid here!
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luffyvace · 6 months
Luffy x reader x Zoro
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yup ur relationship is basically this gif right here 😋
anyway uh y’all really like the sanji x reader x zoro so now i’m doing a version with luffy
the zoro simps are all over my acc?? 😭😭 anything zoro y’all on it. i don’t blame y’all tho ☝️i actually very appreciate all of you :)
contains (big) spoilers at the end for wano, (manga readers are fine)
your relationship is pure chaos
if you don’t mind the chaos all is well
you can try to take luffy out on a date but it won’t end well
either all YOUR money is blown off on food
yes YOURS because luffy ran out of the diner
or you guys end up fighting some other pirates or marines
you can’t keep him still for a minute
zoro gets the concept more but..
will hardly try to be romantic unless you display that it upsets you
”you said you wanted to eat out, so we’re eating”
assumes you were just hungry so he doesn’t treat it much like a date
dont let him lead the dates
YOU plan it out
he’s for sure getting you lost if you don’t
you’ll probably end up fighting some guys too
if you go on a date with them together
expect nothing less then them either arguing, getting into a fight with someone, not paying and definitely not acting like this is a date
outside of chaotic dates tho
you get chaotic energy and adventures from luffy
luffy sees something cool
drags you along with him
zoro follows saying you two’ll get lost
and you all end up into trouble <3
nami scolds you three
she tells you, you were supposed watch over these meatheads
💥💥💥 😓😓😅 😡
you know the context.
you’ll get all the physical affection in the world from luffy
even if you don’t want it- mwah! shishishishi!
with zoro it’s pretty much the opposite 😎
yeah if your affectionate person you have luffy
if not use zoro as a kiss shield
Luffy forces you to play with him because your like, his favorite person
Zoro forces you to train with him because your like, his favorite person
unless your highly expressive about your opinion like nami, robin or sanji
you WILL do such tasks with them 🤪
Luffy asks “are ya hungry” in front of sanji to get food out of him
especially if your a female
if not your probably not as annoying with food as Luffy is so sanji won’t mind fixing you a quick snack if it’s not close to dinner
Zoro tells you about Kuina
Luffy tells you about Shanks, Ace n Sabo
you probably tell them your past as well
Luffy praises and celebrates with you anytime your bounty goes up
Luffy probably doesn’t ask if you want a bath he just hops in when you do
makes a game and mess out of it
calls it a bath party
you have to force zoro to take a shower
even more so after he trains
which is like all the time
its not that he doesn’t want to he just doesn’t think he needs to
‘im not musty enough’
‘i dont smell bad yet’
if you don’t nip it in the bud quick fast it becomes a problem
they both protect you with your life
at this point you could punch a god and get away with it ain’t nobody gonna lay a hand on you
you got the protection of the straw hat pirate’s captain and first mate on you
if you don’t feel safe i don’t know what’ll make you
(Wano arc) Spoilers‼️:
don’t look unless your caught up with the anime
god forbid somebody hurt you
and i’m talking SUN god. Nika ☀︎
spoiler over :)
hopefully you enjoyed!! some more topics from my list will be coming out
as well as some i randomly thought of. LOL
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mainprotagonist · 3 months
ok ill bite, tell me about your ocs!
YES PERFECT... IVE GOT MANY!!!! You can see all of them on my toyhouse!!! A lot of them are WIP until I get their basics down but theres a lot of them that have icons so at least you can see what they look like
I do fandom ocs but since these stretch from fandom to fandom i wont go all over them but my Big OCs I talk about the most are Kelsey (one piece oc) or Prince (osomatsu san oc).... and i love oc/canon pairs sooo much and the biggest reason I make fandom ocs.... But look out for me making a dungeon meshi oc bc its def gonna happen.
as for my other ocs, I've currently have uhhh (checks hand) 8 'verses' I talk about which is basically just different worlds with different settings and stories that I jump around with working on.. EXPIER, Danger, OI!, Kingdom, Rampage, Red Wire Burn (RWB), V•RSE and Virus.....
I'll put descriptions in a read more so i dont spam up the dash <:)
EXPIER - newest verse of mine where all the characters are some sort of glee performer, drag performer so on so forth. all based on a very specific emotion and I'll give them playlists for songs that fit them. these guys help connect my love for music and ocs. Story follows the whole cast.
Danger, OI! - My oldest verse that I havent worked on in years and obvs needs overhauling and planning but its about people called animal whisperers who can command demons and free them from having no self control that cause them to attack civilians. Follows main character, Bibion.
Kingdom - A verse I work on with my bff milo most of the time and a lot of it wouldnt be possible without him. A world divided into multiple kingdoms: Astral, Angel, Dragon, Lava, Shadow, Spirit, Glacier, Flora n Fauna, Underdwelling and Reef.... All separated by lands considered neutral territory that many live outside of influence of the rulers. Story focuses on the aftermath of a long running war against the Shadow Kingdom rebelling against the others, which had left them devastated and leaving the rest to start anew to deal with their scars and rebuilding what was lost.
Rampage - Follows a train hopping, nonbinary shapeshifting duo named Fyle and Garrett!! Very casual loose verse I also havent worked on in a bit. They are thieves and pick up jobs that involve petty thievery in order to make ends meet.
Red Wire Burn - Usually abbreviated to RWB. Focuses on a vampire run bar and the entertainer that performs there and is given room and board, Desta who is an introverted magician; loves people but needs a lot of alone time, especially after his performances
Seasons - A family of huldrekalls living and surviving in a group or separated depending on the season. Huge plant motifs as they are tree creatures. They help local farmers with their fields and other tasks plus protecting them. Focuses heavily on Melian; the middle child of the family who catches the attention of a half giant by the name of Rexus (belongs to @not-amh). Lore related is that their names are chosen by their significant other as they are born n found no need for a name. Formerly simply known as Huldrekall until he meets Rexus and is given his name.
V•RSE - second oldest verse and arguably the more developed with almost all the ocs having their profile finished.... Its my fictional fashion industry, queer led and many of the workers are LGBT.... Creating clothes for all shapes and sizes regardless of gender; only separating the genres of clothing by the style and size rather than gender. Focuses a lot on Kåre who is the newest worker and learning the ropes of working at V•RSE
Virus - My lil scifi horror verse... An exploration team is sent to an inhabited planet as a means to research the lands. Jason, the teams head researcher, wakens a long dead alien virus, becoming infected and killing the rest of the crew and turning them into almost unrecognizable monsters; the only way to tell theyre the original crew is because of distinct physical features. A team is sent to rescue them or to find what happened to them.
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nishipostitz · 2 years
how the haikyuu men would act after having a dream + nightmare
tw! basically none… no y/n’s were harmed. it was only a light hit with bokuto’s part. so we’re FINE!!
gn! reader x bokuto, oikawa and yams
notes: i just wanted to say, thank you for over 200 likes on my last post 😔 i wasnt expecting it one bit.. 😟 also guys, dont be scared to send suggestions and asks for story ideas 😔 also, pls tell me if i need grammarly. bc rn, my stories are quite wordy.. and idk its just not sitting right.
he would have his head on your lap with your fingertips massaging his scalp as he was in deep slumber. you were sitting there, watching a zombie show so you were deeply engrossed in the film. you werent much of a person that fears zombies or monsters from movies or shows since yk theyre fake. really, these zombie moves and shows make you feel sad. *cough* train to busan. so of course, you didnt notice bo’s shifting in your lap. you were really impressed with the actors and actresses abilities to work their bodies like that. BONK! bokuto’s head had came in contact with your chin. luckily, you sat with your mouth closed, so he didnt injure you much. except, he did burst your ear drums. he had a nightmare 💀 boy was screaming bc he was being chased by an animal with rabies and zombies. yet, he screamed even louder when he saw the zombies on screen. you didnt even care about your chin rn. “bo.. calm down! its just a movie! calm down.. what happened?” it was only now bokuto felt a little pain on his head. and only now did he look at you and see a little red mark. “oh gosh.. did i do that?” he looked at you and at the tv, then you again. “wait.. did I do that??” you shrugged it off. “yes. but its fine, what happened?” he then continued to explain his nightmare to you, and apologizing for harming your beautiful chin 😔.
tries to act cool after screaming his lungs out. he just had a dream of his dog turning into a human and bullying him for all the times that he has been embarrassed and ranted to the dog. the dream included the dog being a female and gossiping with oikawa about the kardashians and telling oikawa how much he talked and that he could be a talk show host if he had a cuter attitude 😑 the pet’s name is probably something like “zumi” or “sparkle” 💀. so the dog would then talk to oikawa in his dream about how annoying oikawa is, and that it would try to steal you away and be your protector for life. thags when oikawa would wake up in a thick sweat. “babe.. my dog is going to steal you from me”
“you wouldve never guessed what i dreamed about just now” yamaguchi hugged you from behind. “im all ears” you replied with a questioning look. “i saw my twins, cousins and family start flying” “babe, you dont have a twin” “apparently, i did. and it was a yam. my whole family and alleged ‘twin’ all got yamified!” you laughed and muttered, “yassified!” leading tadashi to give you an uninterested look. “seriously?” you nod. “ok.. well im gonna continue the story” and there he went, going on and on about his flying family..
this was not funny enough for my standards LOL
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Hey bb! <3
You’ve quickly became my favorite bakugo writer, how you write him just feels so real to me. every time I see you post something new I get so happy!
I’m seeing ya write a lot about blasty with crushes and or S/O’s but not really about how he gets into a relationship so I propose to you how do you think he would realize his feelings and act upon them? If he even would lol he’s so stubborn and awkward with feelings I swear.
Anywho I love you and I’m glad your blog is getting the attention it deserves!!
hmmm hmm hmm tysm @kits-mania for the ask, this is a good one!! also ahaha i wrote this with tiny baby UA bakugou in mind bc his comedic potential is seriously limitless 
-ok, to start, so basically, he’s a mess. an absolute mess. 
-yes, yes, ik, we’d all love for him to be like, cool and smooth and suave and spit crazy game but he’s just not that guy. he’s a snarling animal at the best of times and an outright asshole every other second of the day.
-(honestly, if u asked me, the only confession you could ever get that would somehow be more disastrous than bakugou’s would be if u got one from tamaki. and even then, tamaki is a sweetheart so u would 100% be much more forgiving)
-but that’s not the point, what is the point is that bakugou would just be so weird around u and that’s how he recognizes his feelings
-lmao like he’ll be so ridiculous with his mood swings,,, very yelling at you for breathing one second, bc even that somehow flusters him, n then the next second he’s recommending an extensive list of personalized training exercises (that he devised) for you and telling you to shut up if you try to thank him for it
-and he’ll do those things almost without thinking about it. like, he’s already impulsive, we been knew, but for this?? pls he absolutely cannot control himself. he’ll just keep accidentally doing nice things, that he’d never do for somebody else, and he knows this. but then he also feels like he’s gotta act like a dick to cover the strangeness up
-and after being rude, to save face, bakugou’ll be in his head totally “man, i’m the best at this. i bet they don’t even know i fuckin’ like them!” n like, yeah, he’s right, you 100% don’t, but everyone else around him does.
-very obvious to his friends how quiet he is when you come up. like, he’ll say shit about everyone at any given time, but when you come up in conversation?? absolute crickets from him. (this is bc bakugou wants to keep his mouth shut, to avoid suspicion obvi, but in doing so he almost doesn’t seem like an asshole. n when bakugou isn’t acting like a dick that’s when you know somethings up)
-so, those two things combined,,, the mood fluctuation and uncharacteristic behavior make it pretty clear to himself that he’s got a crush. now, don’t get me wrong, he’s gonna be clueless on how to do anything about it, but bakugou’s not dumb. he’ll realize his feelings pretty quickly after they form
-now, for the acting upon his feelings part- whew boy.  talk about an embarrassing turnout
-basically, he’s not gonna do shit at first. he’ll recognize his feelings and he doesn’t want to be a wimp about them, but he also kinda just wants them to go away. so he’ll wait it out. bc it’s embarrassing.
-but if that doesn’t work, and he really does just have one hell of a crush,,, then all he’ll be able to do, at first, is work up the courage to finally not be an asshole,,, using little gestures that include but are not limited to:
1.) offering you a pencil when you lose yours. alright, alright, ik, very small, but this is bakugou alright?? mans doesn’t give up anything unless somebody tries to kill him for it and somehow manages to succeed
2.) let’s u copy off his school work/homework etc. obvi not all the time, but if ur in class, at the very end of a test, n he sees you looking over, bakugou will just sit there. he won’t put his arm over his work. not like he would if it was anyone else but you
3.) when you ask him things, he’ll answer. and there’s a pretty good chance he won’t tell u to fuck off at the end (what a miracle)
4.) will probably try his best to avoid exploding/hitting your face during training exercises. now ofc, if u get paired up with him for sparring, rip say ur prayers, bc he will by no means go easy. bakugou doesn’t even know the meaning of going easy. but he will keep his punches and burns away from ur face. probably also tries his best to only explode you thru the fabric of ur costume. so you don’t end up with burns (what a gentleman. not.)
5.) if you drop something on the ground in front of him, and he’s closer to it then you are, he’ll pick it up for u. u know, like a normal person for once.
-okay so as u can see, those things, which are very big for bakugou, are tiny. so tiny. and no other person is going to see those regular-human gestures as romantic interest bc why would they??? 
-see what i mean by embarrassing?? pls i love him but come on man
-but anyway, he’ll do that for a while. like probably up to a full month tbh
-and the entire time he’ll just be pissed bc ur not getting it. so he’ll keep doing those little things more often in the hopes that you’ll finally understand, but ofc u dont
(sidenote: bakugou having a crush is rlly funny to me bc if any of the bakusquad asked you what you thought about him all u’d have to say is “idk? normal? he’s whatever?? what is this question about?” bc his gestures are so small. so small that they just read like normal person behavior, and thus you have no significant opinion about him. and that’s just v comedic to me bc the absolute shock on their faces when u say that? pls they’re like “Y/N we cannot deal with either of you anymore. bakugou is not normal to people??? obviously he likes you!! why do you not get it?!!!”)
-but n e wayz, yeah he’ll continue with the little shit for a while and then just impulse confess
-pls bakugou is 0-100 or not at all,, so he’ll be completely content in his weird behavior until one day he’s just fed tf up with you.
-like ur walking around with a nice outfit and your hair done up,, just 100% living normally, but for whatever reason the sight of you that day accosts him. just pisses him off bc he likes you, a lot, and it’s embarrassing
-so he just impulse confesses right there in the heat of his anger. very “jesus fuck, you really went ahead and did it now, idiot. you really fuckin’ piss me off. i’ve been busting my ass for weeks now, bein’ fuckin’ nice as shit to you, and you’ve got nothing to say? just gonna walk around like that, on purpose, and keep fuckin’ quiet?”
- n you just “....?” 
-and he’ll roll his eyes and huff and probably clench his hands into fists and “i like you. dumbass. fuckin’ obviously.” 
- and suddenly you just “oh.” bc now it’s very clear to you how much of a relatively ?pleasant? person he is around you and how much that contrasts with the absolute asshole he is to everyone else
-pls ik everybody says he’s a pomeranian but like, no, seriously he is. he’ll pick one person to like and act normal around,, but to everyone else?? pls guard ur ankles he will bite tf out of them 
so, in conclusion, bakugou with a crush is an embarrassing but oddly endearing affair. very much a guy who fumbles all the way to the finish line, but he doesn’t give up. not ever, and especially not when u piss him off sm (read: fluster him sm) just by being yourself 
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
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A/N: this is my first time writing lucifer!!! please give this some love and comments if i have done this character justice! i dont know how this will go but lets start this crazy roller coaster! Sorry for the word vomit, and sorry if the beginning statements don't match with where it's supposed to be...
Title: red riding hood a supernatural twisted fairytale
Pairing: Lucifer x reader
H&H: the colt
Kink: animal play
Tags: wolf form mating, being forced to battle with the love of your life without realizing its them, mating with said love in wolf form without realizing it is them, first transformation into werewolves, brothers learning your a werewolf in a family of hunters, i dont think there is anything else...
Rating: 18+ just to be safe
Summery: none to tell
Created for @heavenandhellbingo @spnkinkbingo @sweetness47
you marched right into the room, throwing the body of your dear father on the ground...
Yn: it is done... Now you have to release me...
Chuck: ya that's not gonna happen sweets, now give me the gun. Also you see your not the only wolf I've trained, you just happen to also be the victim as well as the killer...
You watched as a huge black wolf with eyes that seemed all too familiar to you starring at you, the wolf snarled and when it reverted back to human, you saw...
Whoa whoa I'm getting ahead of myself here.. Perhaps I should explain a bit more first... Let's start at the beginning..
You lived in a small village deep in the mounted jungle of upper Europe, the name is not important. what is important is that you are one of 3 children in a family of hunters!
yes you heard that correctly, you and your older brothers were all being trained to kill anything evil for your entire lives. but one day a death happens in the village the leaders of the village gather the people to enforce some new rules!
chuck: as you all may or may not have heard by now one of our own was killed, mauled to death by a viscous animal. this is not a good thing, so as of tonight we are imposing a curfew the village gates will close at dusk every night and not reopen till dawn. anyone caught out of the gates at dusk when the gates are shut shall be left out of the village till dawn. further more anyone caught suspiciously behaving shall be locked in the cells till further information's can be obtained. now anyone with information on this attack let him speak now and share their knowing.
lucifer comes up beside you, your love your life, you and he had a nice thing going. you both had been betrothed to different people since you were six. But you both had basically grown up together and been best friends for eons.
but you both had been sneaking off to make out in the barn for many many nights, however you both were in agreement married or not that tonight would be the night you both would give yourselves over to each other completely. but you both had yet to say the L word.
lucifer (whispers in your ear): if its a beast lets just kill it and get it over with. you and i have better things to do in the barn.
yn (whispers back): indeed I think this is just a ruse to keep the village more secluded than we already are. both you and I are indeed ready for the next step. I don't care if we are married first or not, i want this with you...
lucifer (whispers to you): then we should meet like normal, we both have our families, we both have things we hold dear. you just happen to be my most dear thing to me. both you and i have our whole lives together. but tonight we become one in more than just our mental and emotional states but we will also now take control of our destinies.
yn (whispers back): not to worry i will meet you in the barn at the normal time, technically we wouldn't be breaking curfew of any kind but we would be missing the start of the celebrations for Lupercalia.
Lucifer smiles as his face burrows in the crook of your neck, as the leader chuck spoke once more.
Chuck: furthermore, those wishing to sign up for the hunting party can see the head of the Winchester house for more details. Thank you and enjoy the beginning of lupercalia! Let the celebrations begin!
Lucifer(whispers): save me a dance I have something to check on first...
He leaves your form, leaving you hot and bothered. Your brother's however were loud and obnoxious.
Sam: hey sis, what with the face
Yn: what face... You talking about the face that you have on yours after you have drank all those beers. Geez where's Dean anyway... Please tell me he isn't planning some elaborate attempt to get into my best friends skirt.
Sam: lord knows he is trying, mom and dad are fighting again. That's why I'm drinking and Dean is well not here. So I saw you and lucifer... Lookin pretty cozy there sis but isn't whoever mom and dad picked out gonna be jealous.
You scoffed, and turned your nose at your brother.
Yn: I've already told mom I'm not gonna marry that pompous jerk, I told her about Lucifer, she told me to follow my heart to always trust my heart to ignore dad... Basically that what dad says doesn't matter if my heart is trying to lead me elsewhere.
Sam was just about to speak when a voice spoke your name with such fierceness that it scared you.
John: yn....
You and Sam turn toward the voice seeing your dad marching toward you.
Yn: father
Sam: father
John: yn how dare you. How dare you break off an engagement that has been in place since you and that boy were born. All for what the love of a wood carver. Your mother may be okay with this insubordination but I'm not. Now girl either you get your head on straight or I'll force you to marry and mate your brother.
Your father drunklike slurred his words, both you and Sam felt his words sting you both. Though you were disgusted at that ideal, you both accepted that his word would be so if he had his way.
Sam: father come on let's get you home. We need to get you sober for the hunting party sign ups.
John reluctantly agrees but his eyes glimmer gold with the light of the fire, or at least that's what you thought.
You went to see your mom before meeting Lucifer, you knew she was sitting at the bar having a pint.
Yn: mother I want you to know that I am meeting Lucifer tonight, we plan to well ya know....
Mary: my little girl isn't a baby anymore, I am just happy that your happy. Did your father find you?
Yn: ya he did in his drunken slur he found me and Sam talking and Sam just took him home to sober him up for the hunting party sign ups. How's your night going?
Mary: well your father and I were arguing, he isn't happy about you breaking your betrothal, and he threatened to match you to your brother Sam... By the way Dean announced to us that he wants to pursue your best friend Jo as a love interest.... He told us that he would talk to you about it later cause your blessing on this is very important to him. Now what has Lucifer said to you about yours and his future together.
Your mother, always loving, always caring, never judging, never cross, you were her most precious child. Her love for you even topped the love she kinda felt for your father.
Yn: he says no matter what happens tonight, he would marry me tomorrow if it was allowed. But I think his plan is to... Mom, what are you...
You turn around to see a full moon rising, and then you both hear a loud growling angry howl in the distance.
Mary: you best be off then do what you must daughter, oh and think about going to see your grandmother tomorrow, she misses you so, and I do worry bout her what with this wolf running amuck. Promise me you will go see her, please... Just spend time there help her out. And whatever you do, keep an eye on her.
The way she said that was almost like she was warning you of something, some danger or such none sense coming your way.
But you turned your head again toward the dancefloor where your brother and your best friend were flirting.
You walked over but got swept off your feet in a backward hug from your boyfriend, new betrothed was more like it.
Dean: yn, Lucifer you both look mighty cozy ...
Yn: thank you brother, Jo is he bothering you cause I have no issue taking him to the barn and beating on him for you.
Jo kinda looks at Dean and smiles before turning back to you.
Jo: umm nah it's the start of lupercalia Its the start for new beginnings and happy times. The blood moon means rebirth and renewal. By the way Dean wasn't there something you wanted to talk to your sister about.
Dean ushers for you to dance with him... He was your big brother how could you say no... Of course you went to dance with your brother.
While dancing the following conversation took place between you and Dean
Dean: so you and lucifer... How's that going?
Yn: not too bad, we are just taking it one day at a time. We plan to loose ourselves fully to each other tonight.
Dean: wow, I'm happy for you sis, really I am. But I have to tell you something well rather ask you something. Your opinion is the only one that matters for what I would like to happen.
Yn: what's going on brother?
Dean: I would like your permission to pursue your best friend Jo as my love interest. I've been in love with her for well forever and I want your blessing to court/pursue your best friend.
Yn: of course brother, I would be honored to bless your union. Don't worry brother I always have your back, as I know you will have mine when I ask you for a favor...
Dean: of course sis what do you need.
Yn: I need a comfortable place for me and lucifer away from home tonight. Private and secluded where dad won't find us... And I promise I will make it worth your while.
Dean: I have a barn spot that I use for hiding from father sometimes. Now I will make sure there is comfort in there for you guys before you go there and I will cover for you at home. Just promise me you will be careful.
Yn: of course I will, I always am, I appreciate this bro, you are awesome! Just let us know when it's ready!
Dean: will do, I will give you back to your love now. But never forget how much me and Sam and mom love you... Dad on the other hand has only one goal that we 3 succeed him in the family hunting legacy.
Yn: family hunting legacy... Wait so we are what hunters, Dean I already know what dad's trade is but why does this concern me
Dean: cause he isn't a normal hunter, our family legacy is to be the greatest family of werewolf hunters known across the entire world.
Yn: wow so no pressure or anything
Dean: your taking this surprisingly well.
Yn: well of course I mean I kinda already suspected as much when every time mom mentions me visiting grandmother she has said how extremely worried about her with these wolves running amuck.
Dean: and are you going to see grandmother
Yn: I'll go see her tomorrow and be back hopefully in time for the evening feast.
Dean: well be careful and if you see a werewolf you need only scream, your voice is your weapon. It's your greatest power, use it only in times of trouble, it's also gonna alert me and Sam to your distress, our father won't know, mother will Sam and me will father won't. Just keep that in mind with everything you consider for your future.
Yn: Dean why would it matter if father...
Dean: he is insistent that you with marry Sam by the end of the year, he is insistent that you will not marry Lucifer, that you will not marry a wood carver, he is not gonna let this happen peacefully!
Yn: well then let him try, I will renounce the family name and the job it entails if I have to... I won't renounce you Sam or mom as my family, I will however deny that John is my father and he will cease to exist in my eyes.
That was overheard by your father who had sobered up as it were but you were not however aware that your family had another secret, one you soon would be exposed to.
You were not aware of this at all, you were not aware that your father was standing in ear shot of you and Dean. then you and Dean both heard a sharp howl ring through the air...
You both turned to see the wolf standing there he was snarling and growling, it lunged itself at you, Dean, Jo and lucifer.
You barely managed to get out of the way, it would not be till later you and lucifer both would realize you were bitten. It was then you fell toward Lucifer.
Lucifer: missed me love
Yn: thank you for catching me.but we should hide.
Lucifer and you ran with the crowd to the church it was holy ground the wolf would not be able to stand on it.
The wolf paces in front of the church and suddenly you and lucifer both heard the same voice in your heads.
Wolf: come to me tomorrow evening when it's dusk, come to the caverns used for mining in the old days, and you both will give a chance for me to see you both into your new found gifts, use them well. Plus if you snog tonight you will make things more intriguing going further. I'll be in touch.
Neither for you were gonna say anything for saying you hear strange things Is one thing, but saying your hearing the voice of a large werewolf in your heads would land you both in an asylum.
After the wolf left, you and lucifer went off to the barn, the celebrations continued. But that moment nothing matter but you and lucifer. Nothing else not the threats by your father, not the life you both lead, not the fact that this is was an act against the odds.
Lucifer: come on love, let's go...
Both of you move to leave but are stopped by a announcement, from chuck of all people who magically seemed to vanish during/if not before all the chaos with the wolf attack started.
Chuck: alright, people listen up... This attack has left us with 5 dead and 2 missing. One of those missing is the brother of lucifer, Gabriel! Don't worry our teams are gonna work hard to find those missing and we will ensure proper funeral rites for those dead. Let tonight serve as a warning of what we are truly dealing with. The celebrations will continue after the bodies of those dead are moved to a safer location.
You and lucifer were the first to leave the building. Heading to the barn, well where your brother's note said you would be safe and warm and comfortable and man was he not wrong.
Lucifer was against you tearing at your clothes as you were his, it was like this ravenous hunger was tearing you both apart. But it sure as hell felt amazing.
Soon Lucifer was on top of your form pressing you against the bed as he began to thrust his cock in and out of your throbbing wet pussy. The movements quickening as the 2 of you shared in the pleasures.
A few hours later a knock was at the door, you remembered your brother's note that he would bring you both clothes clean and food too.
You both covered up and you signaled for him to enter... Dean came in with clean stuff for both you and lucifer as well as food.
Dean: well congrats sis, you have mated, how do you feel.
Yn: honestly Dean I'm happy as can be. How's things at home.
Dean: still very very very tense. Father and his hunting party are setting out in a while to hunt down the beast while the tracks may still be there.
You were only sure of one thing that you had to tell your brother of your plan for that afternoon.
Yn: can you make sure the path to grandmother's is marked.... I just don't want to get lost. And plus it will make things easier if I am in danger Dean.
Dean: that's true. Wait your going to see grandmother?
Yn: yes this afternoon, mom asked me to. Why
Dean: I don't think that's a good idea.
Yn: and why not
Dean: cause the tracks were headed toward grandmother's. therefore there is a very good chance that grandmother might be in serious trouble and if that's the case, i don't think you going to see her is a good idea. okay things would be different if the tracks were not headed that way but hey are so i'm just telling you that ill mark a different way for you to go.. but if you see anything...
you turned fully to look at your brother.
YN: yes yes i know, use my voice and you will come save me. i know the rules dean... trust me dear brother to do the right thing. i appreciate you doing all this for us by the way. last night was incredible.
lucifer: yes it was and ill be honored to call you brother when this marriage happens.
dean: well i'll leave you both to it, and just so you both know, no one else is even aware of where you both are except for mom sam and myself. just be careful YN if you do decide to go to grandmother's the alternate path will be marked for you.
with that last word your brother graciously leaves. you turn back to look up at Lucifer.
Lucifer: when your brother showed up i was about to say good morning.
yn: well you could always say it now...
Lucifer cups your cheek and smiles as your eyes lock with his own.
Lucifer: good morning my love.
yn: good morning
Lucifer kisses you and another hour of passion goes by till you both realize that the day is slipping away and that you need to get going if you are to make it to your grandmother's before it's too late.
Lucifer walks out of the barn with you on his arm. this was a really tough thing for you both. having just spent the night curled up together in the hay, but you were now being escorted to the gate where you would leave down the path to your grandmothers.
Lucifer: i'll see you when you return.
yn: of course you will, i'll trust you to meet me right here... i'll let my brothers know when i return. trust me, i'll be fine.
you kissed him happily and upon pulling back smiled.
yn: not to worry love, both you and i soon as this wolf crisis is done and over with will be celebrating our engagement properly. i promise... now go work hard and see if you can figure out this entire wolf situation, offer some help with fortifying the fence...
Lucifer kisses you again before letting you go along the marked path. you held the basket of goodies for your grandmother, your mother had filled it up with things that she thought would benefit your grandmother.
you were not sure of what would happen and you kept hearing strange noises as you walked the marked alternate path... but you kept a steady pace.
you kept thinking about the wolf and what happened. you heard him speak to you mentally of course. but it was strange to say the least. definitely not normal. but you knew you had to go to him that night.
You arrived at grandmother's house and went inside. She greeted you as she usually would.
Deanna: Yn, my dear how you've grown here sit have some soup. And tell me what brings you by today.
You sat down and had some soup. You were into small bites of it when out of nowhere you felt this urging in your gut telling you to put it down and tell her all about what happened.
Yn: grandmother I mated last night. First of all, second of all there was an attack that left the village in a panic and the wolf that attacked the village well I could hear it talking in my mind. It wants me to meet it.
Deanna: ah well this is clearly connected to that mark on your arm. Or have you not noticed it.
You look down at your arm and see the bite.
Yn: omg omg what does this mean grandmother.
Deanna handed you a cloak a red one, it was soft and had a hood.
Yn: grandmother it's beautiful. But why are you giving it to me.
Deanna: cause I feel like you should have it after all, you seem to be targeted by this wolf. Maybe this cloak can protect you.
Yn: but my fiance what do I do there?
Deanna: well my dear what would you like to do?
Yn: I want to tell Lucifer the truth. About our family and what we do? I want to tell him what I am.
Deanna: then may the spirits be kind when you do. As for meeting this wolf I think you should for it may yield yet further answers for you child. Now enjoy your soup and sit with me while I knit this blanket for you to take home. But after you have meet with this wolf come back here so I can give you fresh clothes and such dear.
You nod and smile holding the blanket as your grandmother finished knitting it. Taking the red cloak you went to the meeting point.
It wasn't far from the cottage and you figured it would be alright. But the closer you got the stranger you began to feel.
You must have blacked out cause your body felt like it was going into cardiac arrest, you convulsed over in the entrance of the cave. You carried with you the cloak, you were unsure of what at the time was happening.
You put the cloak down, and sat down, not aware of your new form, not aware of how much you had changed. you were about to lay down when a deep snarl made you stand back up...
Yn: where am i?
Wolf: in my lair, don't worry you will learn what has happened to you soon enough. right now i need you to know that you and one other person from your village were selected to be my new recruits. by now they should be arriving as well. that's when you will mate with them and neither of you will remember a thing till its time. once that's done things will go back to normal and you will wake up at your grandmother's place. with your cloak. now stay right here while i usher in the other recruit. you and this other one wont be able to communicate just yet. but you wont care cause being alphas you both are gonna mate, and you will hopefully find yourself pregnant in a few weeks. by then you will know who gave you his seed, but you will also have a better understanding of what this all means
with that last snarled word the large wolf walked behind you toward where you entered from. you were so scared, though you were trying to make sense of his words.
but it wasn't long before you were basically for lack of a better word, mounted from behind. low snarls in your ear as you are pounded basically into the floor.
This overwhelming heat washed over you, your breathing became very ragged and your eyes swelled with tears. But yet still it continued.
you wanted to speak but knew no one would be able to understand you. after about half an hour the pounding stopped and you felt something or someone pick you up and carry you, your cloak around you.
They lay you in the soft snowy ground, then left, about an hour passed when you came too outside the cottage with nothing on but your cloak.
You wrapped in the cloak and walked inside the cottage. Your grandmother was standing there with a dress and some boots and a fresh clean hot blanket.
But instead of getting dressed right away you sat on the small bed and cried. Your grandmother comforting you the best she could.
Deanna: what happened to you my child?
Yn: grandmother do you believe that people can turn into wolves? Is it possible that when that wolf bit me...
Deanna: shh not another word my child. Just relax, your no good to travel till you have calmed down a bit and had some food.
You stayed a few more hours at your grandmother's before you knew you had to go.you gave her a big hug and turned to leave but stopped when she spoke again.
Deanna: yn, I shall tell you perhaps what you already know, but you shouldn't tell anyone else what happened to you. If they ask what took you so long to come back, say you and I were just talking and it got too late to come back. No one needs to know what happened here. And as for that boy you told me you mated with, well I am happy you are happy and I hope one day soon you will bring him to meet me.
Yn: of course grandmother and thank you again for everything.
Meanwhile, Lucifer was just coming out of the barn where he had just woken up a few hours before as well. In a similar predicament with some clothes from the previous day enough at least to go speak with your brother.
Dean: Lucifer, I trust you had a pleasant evening.
Lucifer: ya I would have if your sister had returned last night.
Dean sighed and shook his head.
Dean: she must have stayed the night at grandmother's. It must have been one hell of a conversation they had.
Lucifer: ya well it matters not what is important though is I need your help brother.
Dean looks at Lucifer who brings Dean toward the corner away from prying ears and eyes.
Lucifer: the night of the attack I was bitten, or scratched something like that, I didn't realize it till last night. I don't know if your sister was either. But I tell you this in confidence that you will not get us in trouble.
Dean starts pacing as he ponders what he has just heard.
Dean: it's all good brother, you have my sworn honor I will not tell anyone. But have you spoken to my sister about this yet. If not you should think about it, she love you for all you are, she has loved you forever. If you are honest with her she will open up more to you.
Lucifer nods as he picks up a cup of water and sips at it. Then turns slightly at the sound of people panicking.
Sam comes running over upon his eyes landing on Lucifer and Dean.
Sam: come quick you both are gonna want to see this.
Dean Lucifer and Sam all ran to get in front of the crowd. Only to see your form passed out at the gate.
Lucifer was the one to pick you up and carry you out away from the crowd. But it was your brother's quick thinking that made them not take you back home.
But instead send Sam to get your mother while Lucifer and Dean made a fire and tried to keep your body temperature from freezing anymore.
Your mother and Sam returned with more blankets, a change of clothes for you and some food. You were so cold but they were just giving you a once over.
That's when your mother noticed the bite mark on your forearm.
Mary: boys did you all know?
Dean: know what mom?
Mary: that yn was bit... It must have happened when that wolf attacked her and lucifer at the feast.
Dean looks at Lucifer who rolls up his sleeve and puts it next to your bite mark. Mary backs away and shakes her head slightly.
Mary: do you boys realize what John will do if he finds out. He is gonna test her and if she is a werewolf she will be disowned and hunted down. Now I'm not gonna say nothing but you boys best get your stories straight and make sure she keeps that covered up. Whether with bandages or long sleeves till it's healed. But know this, your father is gonna want to question her about where she was.
You started to stir, your mother instantly calmed down and went to sit on the other side of you. Your eyes fluttered open and your vision became clearer.
Yn: mom... Sam, Dean, Lucifer my love. What's going on why are you all hovering.
Dean: kiddo look at your arm. Tell us about that.
You sit up slightly to look at your forearm as the faces in the room train their expressions to your own.
Yn: you guys might want to sit down for this one... Cause this will explain why I didn't come home last night. And I beg of you all not to tell dad about this. Cause he would kill me dead if he found out.
Both your brother's sat down, your mom and lucifer already sitting down. Lucifer kept you steady as you spoke your tale.
Yn: The attack, the wolf was lunging at me and Lucifer, I didn't realize it till yesterday when grandmother pointed it out but I had been bitten. But at the church when the wolf stopped to stare at me and Lucifer I could hear him speak in my mind. He said for me to meet him in a cave near grandmother's house last night that all my answers would become clear. I arrived at the cave only to black out. I didn't come too till grandmother brought me back inside the cottage. By then it was much to late to make the journey back. So I stayed the night. I have no idea if I transformed or what have you. There is something else when I came too I wasn't wearing anything, so I was a little freaked out and very cold. After talking a bit with grandmother I passed out and woke up, got dressed had something to eat and left with fond farewells to grandmother. She is very excited to meet you Lucifer, of course that is once all this wolf business is taken care of. As well as she sent home a knitted blanket for you mother as she hopes to see everyone very very soon.
Your brother's still kinda on the defensive. You knew that things would be alot worse if John had been there, but it's been just crazy. Little did you know it was about to get alot worse.
Chuck was calling your brother's names both of whom stayed silent.
Yn(whispering): go both of you go, I'll be fine. Just go. Now, out the back go. I'll find you both later.
Both your brother's straightened out and went out the back door and came out standing talking together.
Chuck: Sam, Dean glad you both are well.
Dean: yes sir we are very well thank you.
Chuck: how is your sister, rumor has it she left early yesterday and hasn't returned yet.
Dean: did she do something wrong sir.
Chuck: not that I'm aware of but I would like to speak with her pending her engagement to Lucifer she needs to know the truth.
Sam was the one to speak for he could feel his brothers anger rising.
Sam: what truth?
Chuck: oh that her father already put through her wedding papers for her to wed you young Samuel. He said something about the power staying in the family or something like that.
There wasn't more to be said it was done, chuck set his trap and put the disfunction further in the family line.
Dean and Sam had already stormed off to find their father to get him to drop the papers in the fire or they would all leave the family business for ever or something to that extent.
Find John they did, but what happened next would define the entire state of their family line!
John: boys what the hell are you both doing here.
sam was the first one to reach john as he pushed john against the nearest tree. the anger in sam's eyes made dean step in nice and close for he was just as pissed at john if not more.
john could only smirk as he watched the anger growing more and more on his sons faces. he knew exactly why they were here and he knew exactly what was about to happen.
sam: why did you do it dad?
john: cause i dont approve of your sisters choice in mate and if she were to marry that has been wood carver... i would rather see her marry her own brother than a low on the food chain no good wood carver.
dean was at this point so mad that he placed a hand on his brothers shoulder.
Dean: so you plotted to marry my brother to my sister in what should be an illegal marriage. and for what reason. so you could keep the family line going, all the powers and abilities... that is just sick and wrong. undo it or so help us, we will take yn and lucifer far away from here, far far away from you thus denying everything you have taught us and raised us to be...
john now locking eyes with dean, the anger taking over his facials as he pushed sam off of him and spoke with a fierceness that he had never ever ever shown to his family like ever.
john: now you boys listen and listen good, i have trained you both and your sister to be the greatest hunters in all of history but when your sister announced that she would rather marry a wood carver than someone successful, well that set me over the edge and then you boys had to go getting involved. yes i found out that yn mated with lucifer thats why i put through the wedding papers for you and yn sammy. so that way she would have no claim to who she marries. that way lucifer would have no claim on her. your mama has no idea what she is talking bout putting all sort of crazy ideas in your sisters head. about true love and following her heart and and and.... ugh i should have killed her when i found out she was planning to turn my children against me and their birthrights. if any of you or your sister denies your hunters rite you will become the hunted the prey the thing i will hunt till the end of the earth if i have too. doesnt matter where when or how i would not rest till you were dead. do you boys understand me?
sam and dean breathing heavily from the adrenaline coursing through their veins, neither of them said anything instead just turned away and walked back toward the village.
they stopped by their family forge and finished constructing a special revolver, they would soon call it the colt. it would be able to kill anything and anyone. they had planned on giving it to you and lucifer as a wedding present. but they knew if you stood a chance at all against john the gift would have to be early given.
sam: how many bullets should we make for her?
dean: as many as we can forge, brother she will need all the protection she can get against father. now lets hurry.
a few hours later they would finish and by then the following conversation would have taken place between you and lucifer after you would have woken up from your rest, gotten dressed and eaten something.
lucifer: there is something i need to tell you, the night of the attack, the night you were bitten, i was as well. when i lept in to save you. i thought we were both fine, but i guess we were both wrong. Anyway when you mentioned the wolf speaking to you that rang a few bells for me as well, he said something similar to me that night as well. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner my love.
You moved to place your hand on his cheek smiling gently as you motion to speak but a soft knock at the door makes you look up.
Your mom went over to the door and looked opening it slightly to let your best friend Jo inside.
Yn: Jo, what...
Jo sat down and looked very very worried.
Jo: I over heard a conversation between chuck and your brother's apparently your father has gone and turned in your wedding papers for you to wed Sam... Your brother's went to tell at your father, must not have gone well cause now they are in the forge. I came straight here just in case.
yn: that son of a bitch, i hope my brothers return soon so we can hear what they have to say about what john said. as far as i'm concerned he will no longer be referred to as my father... i can no longer live as his daughter i don't deny my hunting talents and gifts i deny the man who taught them to me. mother i do not deny you i deny the man who you married.
Your mother could only smile for she already knew it was not her you were mad at, twas your father who had wronged you.
It would be 2 hours of you sitting with your love, your best friend and your mother that your brother's walked in with 2 boxes each engraved with symbols and Latin inscriptions on the lids.
You sit up and everyone else gathers round. Your brother's place the boxes on the bed in front of you.
Sam: I'm so sorry sis, I know by now you have heard from Jo about what chuck said to us. We did talk to dad and he is just doing this to keep your skills and power in the family. He doesn't want the power you have to be bred with the likes of a wood carver in other words he wants us to marry or he will hunt us to the ends of the earth and kill us all.
Dean: we told him that we would never let him harm you nor would we let him force this wedding between you and Sam. We said we would run with you and lucifer. yn we would run and live lives away from the village, away from father.
Sam: I personally don't want to marry you squirt... It's too much fun when we spar... I hope you and lucifer have long and happy lives together and one day produce a beautiful set of kids. Now let's figure out a plan, dad knows you and lucifer mated and he knows something else is up.
dean: ya he figured there was more to the story when you didn't come home last night. when you went to grandmothers. i wouldn't expect a warm welcome when you go home... if you go home at all do so when you know he won't be there. also we need to keep the fact that you both are bitten from the entire village other wise this will turn into a bigger blood bath than expected. if we have too we will run tonight after dark before the gates close, we can be through the hills and away from here before light...
you got up and went to hug both your brothers, you were happier than ever... although in that moment you all had no idea that things were about to get worse... for in that moment when you were about to speak again, the wolf sighting alarm sounded.
you, your Mom, Sam, Dean, jo and Lucifer all ran out the back door one at a time, all running to the church, Sam with Mary, Dean and Jo, you and Lucifer. meeting once again together in the church. where you and Lucifer once more heard the voice of the wolf in your mind.
wolf: okay you 2 time for you both to remember what happened last night... time for you both to remember what you are, and what you will become again tonight. beware the blood moon for it doth not know no bounds. ill reveal myself in a couple days time. soon as its safe ill be in touch again.
the wolf howls once more and vacates the area dragging one of the dead bodies back into the woods. again no one saw chuck enter the church no one saw him on the grounds when the wolf warning sounded.
but anyway you and lucifer sat down in one of the pues and opened the boxes your brothers had given to you. they revealed a gun and a set of bullets...
yn: you guys did you finish the....
dean: we sure did kiddo... this is the same gun you had designed, on that piece of bark with the end of my carving knife. bullets and all. it's all yours kiddo. it can kill anything supernatural or not supernatural. it's better protection than just your fists in some battles.
well the conversation was cut short when chuck approached the group... this made you and Lucifer close the boxes and your brothers surrounded you bth.
Chuck: yn, how are you feeling?
Yn: much better now thank you...
Chuck: i'm very sorry to hear that you won't be marrying Lucifer ... you 2 are so compatible.
Yn: i am marrying Lucifer, i have renounced my fathers hold on my life. he is no longer my father and i would happily kill him for this insubordination. which is why i would like to formally turn in these wedding papers for me and Lucifer. and to formally ask that you burn the papers that my father so wrongfully turned in against our knowledge.
Chuck: done, seeing as you have denied him who helped create you let me give you some advise. kill him... however you wish to do it, kill him...
you heard a change in his vocal tones, the words kill him rang solely in your ear. it was all you heard even after Chuck left. but you shook it off as you leaned into the embrace of the love of your life.
Chuck: attention everyone due to this recent attack we are issuing a questioning period, a kill order for the wolf... whoever sees it and can do so kill it, you shall be handsomely rewarded for bringing its head. pertaining to this attack though it has left no one dead just some injured, those injured will be checked and if bitten they will be put down. anyone who had injuries from the previous attack, will too be put down if they hid being bit or hurt in the attack. we are taking this matter very seriously and i just want what's best for the village if that means sacrificing a few members then so be it. we will wait here a few more hours till sunrise and then we will be allowed to leave the church.
you now had to figure this out but when you were in the church just nestled in the arms of the love of your life, you had a dream...
of your time that you spent in the cave, your transformation, getting spoken too, getting mounted by another wolf and pounded into the ground. waking up in the snow with only your cloak on.
so that's what the wolf meant by you will remember what happened to you and what you became. and what you would become again.
tonight when you would transform would be when you would kill your father... maybe before hand. either way this would all end tonight.
once the time limit passed and light was passing through the panes of the church windows you and Lucifer went to get cleaned up and so did everyone else.
promising to meet up again after taking care of a few things he would see you for lunch. but you both would not be making it to lunch.
as it would turn out you both were whispered different sayings by chuck. sure it wouldn't be such a big deal if this was normal circumstances but this time it would turn into a big deal.
you took the cloak and went to the forest, to test if you could shift just your claws and teeth. well it worked a few moments later you were scratching a tree with your claws, finally something you were happy was happening.
you heard someone screaming your name as the night sky was coming in and the blood moon rising high in the sky.
yn: good i don't even have to go looking for him. he will come to me...
you turned around after the footsteps were coming closer. you changed your claws and teeth back to normal, and turned around after pulling your hood over your head.
yn: john
john: you shall address me properly you insolent little girl...
yn: i would if i was still your daughter. i have told everyone close to me that i deny being your daughter. i don't deny my brothers or mother cause they didn't betray me, they didn't go behind my back and try to force me to marry my brother. first of all yuck, and second of all yuck and third of all your a sick man who doesn't have a clue about what i've been through. okay yes i mated and yes i have taken a responsibility of ensuring my future by turning my wedding papers to wed Lucifer and chuck burned the ones you gave him when i told hi that i disowned you. oh but don't worry cause your day of reckoning is here, for you see, i have been given a gift and this gift requires your death.
you changed your teeth first, then your claws, you knew that it would be easier to do it this way. no emotional attachment and no empathy. just his death, if you bit him you could say he was bitten and you did the liberty of putting him down.
yes of course the town would believe that, what else would they do... never mind the fact that you were the only one around at this point, the gate was getting ready to close and this would be the last stop on the tour well for him anyway.
you lunged and pinned him to the ground, holding him down so he couldn't access his weapons, you bit him, now through the screaming and stuff your vision kinda blurred so you couldn't exactly tell where you did bite him but you could taste the blood and skin in your mouth.
getting round to pulling back. you felt strange, like you were being drawn to the cavern from the other night. you grabbed your father's body and stabbed it with a knife before dragging it to the cavern. once there you turned back to normal
you then carried your fathers body inside and threw it down before the large wolf that stood in front of you.
yn: okay enough games who are you and what the hell did you make me do that for.
the wolf turned into chuck and your anger went through the roof...
yn: why why did you... i mean...
chuck laughed and could only snarl at you as he proceeded to stalk toward you.
chuck: ahh good girl you follow instructions really well. why you ask cause i was tired of the lack of fear in the village. so i decided that instead of killing the wildlife, i would take the life owed me during the blood moon in human form. plus human tastes so much better than deer or bear or even our own kind. but turning you and the one other person well that was a happy accident. i also knew that this would bring so much joy to my cause. and you just completed your initiation now you much fight for your ranking. you and the one other person i turned must now battle for the right of being omega and beta. whatever the case... you nee
you shifted to a wolf and snarled your go... a wolf with eyes familiar came charging at you in that moment.
lunging at each other landing several good hits, you both were too tired to continue this charade. you both bowed out, you went and crawled under your cloak, so you could transform back.
you transformed back and buttoned up the rest of your cloak placing your arms through the holes. chuck tssed a pair of pants at the other wolf who transformed back.
going into a form you knew all too well. the form of the love of your life. lucifer.
yn: lucifer...
lucifer: yn... wait so that wolf i pounded that was you?
yn: well i guess if we end up pregnant i will be sure of who the father is... but chuck on the other hand needs to be taught a lesson love.
lucifer: yes i agree... but first i want to know why... and wen can we go...
chuck laughed and then let a low growl emit from his throat.
chuck: well you too are not done yet, you both called draw on a fight for dominance. that's not how this is done. either you 2 finish the fight properly or you both can perish at the hands of these other wolves. its your choice.
lucifer and you both stood ready to fight... but it was lucifer who spoke..
lucifer: never not in a million years but i have a secret, see i planted something near by and if i am correct itws right where i left it... so here it is, either you let us go and we will go leave and never come back, our families with us or we will kill you and your pack, this town and its people will be free to live in peace... it your choice...
lucifer noded for you to pull your fathers personal effects off his person, and in his belt, in his holster, there was the gun... the one weapon that you were sure would work...
you pulled it out holding it behind you as you stood behind lucifer. you nudged your love to face off with chuck but to keep him human. or well whatever would happen.
lucifer and chuck began to battle, lucifer had chuck at one point them chuck broke free and transformed, you pulled the colt and shot point blank at chuck before he dodge the bullet.
chuck: silver little girl that's only gonna work if your a decent shot.
you scoffed and smiled as a thud sounded in the cave. chuck looked behind him at the lieutenant of his on the ground.
chuck: you vile little ingrate... i otta turn you into a throw rug and your love into a pin cushion. now hand me that gun or so help me...
you made a move to toss it at chuck but instead handed it to lucifer who caught it just in time to shoot chuck as he was mid transformation back to human... his body flew against the wall of the cave, you both stood over him so you both would be the last faces he ever saw.
lucifer grabbed one of the coats from the floor and put it on himself as he then picked up the body of chuck, and you picked up your fathers body, you both walked back toward the village, passed the crowds, through the rows of people to the center stage...
placing your fathers body on the stage and standing above it, lucifer placing chucks body on the higher platform...
lucifer: Chuck murdered the father of my beautiful bride.. she has been through a great ordeal. she was knocked out in the snow when i found her like this.. together we defeated Chuck and brought his body back as proof that he is the wolf that was haunting this village. well he can do no more harm. also i am very happy to announce that my beautiful bride is pregnant. we will be announcing details of our wedding soon as possible. one mass funeral shall be held for the dead to be honored, lupricellia will continue as the blood moon is risen still for 2 days we will not let this dim our time to be joyful and happy. thank you all for your attention and cooperation.
you and lucifer go to sit on a near by pile of hay. he locks eyes with you for a moment before he senses your realization.
yn: how do you...
lucifer: i can hear an extra heart beat from you. it is a faint one but its there... we re gonna be parents.
you hugged lucifer and could only smile as his form now held onto you as the people began to re build the village. the funeral and the wedding were within months of each other but overall that is it.
this has been the tale of the girl, the wolf the love, the grandmother and the best told story in the entire world. though have you heard the one of the man who got cursed...
~that's all folks for now~
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violetnotez · 4 years
BNHA Boys  smacking their s/o’s rear
Dont mind me being tired and lonely and need of an anime boy and sad a fic of mine flopped SO THIS IS HOW I COPE
also pretty safe like its not nsfw at allll (trust me i TRIED)
Pairings: Bakugo x reader, Dabi  x reader, Kaminari x reader, Kirishima x reader, Shoto x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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hes a brattttttt
he would only do it though if their s/o is being adorable and annoying at the same time?
Like their taking a break from training after only working out for a few minutes?
Will give them a quick wake up with a slap
Their s/o is being hesitant about something and hes getting annoyed about how long your taking?
Good ol’ slap to the back
Also he doesnt just smack your rear-
most likely grab it too hes handsyyyyy
He will slap it hard though-you will have a mark on your butt from it
does not care, will not care, nope, has no remorse whatsoever
If you yelp or whine about it hurting, hes just gonna turn around with the biggest shit eating everrrr
“Hah- got a problem dumbass?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
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(side note but why have I never seen this screenshot he looks so prettyyyy)
Dabi gives me vibes hes an ass man
So he deifnitely would slap his s/o’s rear
Hes also kinda the same as Bakugo-
He only really does it if hes kind aannoyed but finds his s/o being cute?
Really wierd combo but trust me he’s just showing touch love
Honestly knows his own strength
So if he slaps you hard, he meant it
which can be pretty annoyinggg, but if you try and whine about it hurting
he doesnt care like at allll-he actually finds it kinda funny and your pouty face is too adorable
“Well if you stopped being so slow dollface, I wouldnt have to do it-”
“But-you have long legs though, I physically cant keep it-”
Also he loves to  hear you yelp or whine so it justs eggs him on to do it more
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
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cheeky bastard
*no pun intended
but seriosuly though he would do it
 BELIEVE ME he looooovessss your body sm
He would do it whenever he sees you and just thinks you look super hot or super cute
So basically every damn day
Mostly does it when your wearing shorts
And Especially when your lying on your stomach or when your in front of the fridge trying to find a snack
His slaps arent not that hard though
They sting, but he doesnt use his full strength (unlike somebody else *cough cough BAKUGO)
And if hes feeling a little extra *frisky he’ll send a little electric shot through his palms
One time though he didnt control it very well and the shock was so much it made your knees buckle and he was freaking out like he killed you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
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here me out
This boy drinks his respect juice
He does it rarely though, its not a common occurrence
even though he gets very tempted to do it more
He does it as like a reassuring thing 
Like if your playing a game of volleyball with Bakusquad and your getting tired
He’ll *sneakily run behind ya and slap your rear
“Cmon babe you gotta keep moving if we wanna win!”
He makes sure his slap dont hurt
hes not meannnnnn
But this boy strong
So what he thinks is holding back...
sometimes isnt-
he will feel so bad though if he actually causes you some pain and will hug the crap out of you 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
S H O T O 
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Like Shoto is pretty dense about relationships
So if somebody screwed with him (KAMINARI) by telling him that slapping their s/o’s ass was something you did in a relationship, like holding hands..
he would kinda be hesitant but believes it-cause he knows nothing about relationships, he needs all the help he gets
The first time he did it you were walking past him after sparring with Uraraka...
and he takes it upon himself to try out what he was taught
You turn around with the biggest “wth” face ever, cause damn this boy slaps hard
and Shoto is confused and his cheeks are on fire cause he knows he did something wrong- but what?
He stars back at his hand then at you then his hand...
poor baby looks like a deer in headlights
Once you figure out somebody had screwed with him, you just laugh it off
But after that he secretly wishes he could do it more 👀
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
Everything Taglist (All Fics, All Characters):
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​
@pyrofanatic​ @kai-charm​
Shoto :
@teddybear-jelly​ @mishtimitsuri​
@teddybear-jelly​ @mishtimitsuri​
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
33 notes · View notes
Maybe it is Love? Geralt x Reader
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So... lockdown going well... here have some smut for Geralt because while I cant literally fuck the witcher... I can at least write shitty fanfic about fucking him in these dark times. Also this is kinda long so........ sorry. 
“To be honest, I’m choosing not to listen to you.” Geralt grunted, keeping his eyes focused on Jaskier in front of him, drinking the ale from his cup.
“Why won’t you just let me help! For fuck sake Geralt, you’ll happily have me follow you around but god forbid you would ever let me actually be part of the action,” she all but screamed at him. “Your bard has been involved in more fights than me and unlike him, I don’t scream when monsters come running at me.”
“I do not scream,” Jaskier tried to protest only to be cut off by the pair saying in unison,
“Yes, you do.” Jaskier having been put in his place once again by the pair settled back into his seat, listening to an argument that he had heard a thousand times before at this point. It always happened after Geralt had a run-in with a monster. Geralt would make sure Y/N was out of harm's way, claiming she was far too delicate to be involved in such matters, he would then kill the beast on his own and spend the rest of his days following his fight with whatever monster it may be arguing with Y/N. No matter how much she protested Geralt would never give in and let her learn how to help him.
“Y/N,” Geralt sighed, putting his ale down before focusing his attention on her. “I do not say it to be harsh, but the simple fact is you do not have the skills to even begin learning how to defend yourself against any of the beasts that roam the earth. You have no experience, you were just a silly little girl I let come with us because you refused to go back to your boring life in that sodding village we found you in, not because I wanted you here. You shouldn’t even be here. Stop pestering me about it or you can go back to that fucking village, you know what, maybe that would be best anyway, you are of no help to either of us here.”
Y/N’s chest hurt a little at the words that fell from his lips. She knew he was right, but she thought that after the time they had spent together he would perhaps have grown to see her at least as a friend and want her to stay by his side even just for the company. Every time they had this argument it had usually just ended up with him making an empty promise about helping her learn to defend herself, but this time it got more personal. She hated thinking that she was nothing more than an annoyance to Geralt, she only wanted to learn to defend herself so he wouldn’t have to if she learnt to fight she could try her best and keep him safe just as he did for her.
Rising from her seat she brushed herself down, downed the last of her ale before making her way up to her room in the inn in which they were staying that night. She didn’t wish to continue this conversation, nor did she wish to be around either of them anymore.
Geralt ignored her departure from their table in the tavern, finishing off his ale and ordering another. Jaskier, on the other hand, watched as she walked through the crowded tavern, her usually cheerful spirit seemingly destroyed.
“You’re a dick you know that?” Jaskier spat at Geralt.
“I only spoke the truth, not my fault if she couldn’t handle it,” Geralt replied, his tone remaining as even as it always did.
“Oh, so you’re a liar and a dick?”
“A liar?”
“Yes! You know full fucking well that you don’t want her to go anywhere! You like having her around as much as you like having me around!”
“I don’t much like that either,” Geralt hummed.
“Oh shut up. You should go say sorry,” Jaskier said, sipping at his drink. “You like travelling with her. I’ve seen the way you look at her when she dances drunkenly in the bars, or the smile on your face when she stands up for you, or the bigger smile on your face when she stands up for herself. For pity's sake, you even let her sit on Roach when she’s tired of walking, I’m not even allowed to touch the bloody horse let alone ride it.”
“Fine, I like her company, but she cannot be put in harm's way,” Geralt said more quietly than usual. If it was possible for his voice to ever be considered soft, now would be one of those times. “I won’t allow her to train if it means it will put her in danger's path, I want to keep her safe not help send her to an early grave.”
“Oh oh oh…” Jaskier grinned, leaning back in his chair. “If it wasn’t for the fact you’re a witcher and supposedly not able to love… I’d say you’ve fallen for our feminine companion.”
“Be quiet,” Geralt barked.
“No,” Jaskier grinned back smugly. “You like her, that’s why you don’t want her hurt. You know shes capable but you’re scared of losing her aren’t you. My my, the mighty witcher has fallen for a normal village girl.”
Geralt kept silent, staring into the dark ale in the cup in his hands. Jaskier was sadly correct. Geralt knew she was able to learn to at least wield a sword, but Geralt wouldn’t let her do it because he was scared, he didn’t know what he felt for her, but he knew it was more than he an emotionless witcher was ever meant to feel.
He had only originally kept her around because much like the bard, she seemed adamant to stay regardless of whether he wanted her there or not. As she travelled more with him, Geralt found her presence a comfort to return to after he had wrestled with the beasts and monsters. Whether they were in some crappy inn, or under the stars in the night sky, every night they spent together, just enjoying each others company, listening to the bard strum at his lute, Geralt found himself getting lost in the joy that radiated off of her or the beauty that covered every inch of her.
Jaskier’s voice brought Geralt back to the tavern they were in.
“You need to apologise, she seemed really hurt by what you said.” Jaskier was, sadly, correct. As much as Geralt hated admitting to being in the wrong, he knew it was best he went and say sorry for his harsh and false words.
“Fine,” getting up Geralt made followed the path she had taken out of the tavern, stopping only once when he heard the bard shout,
“YOU SHOULD ALSO TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL!” To which Geralt found the nearest empty glass and hurled it at the bards head, narrowly missing, before continuing out towards the inn just a few doors down.
When he found her room he was hesitant to knock on the door, knowing the woman behind it would be hurting. With a gentle knock, he waited patiently for her to open it.
“Jaskier if that’s you I’m really not in the mood to talk right now ok…” opening the door Y/N was surprised to see Geralt at her door. Geralt wasn’t exactly the check on her when she was down kind of man. Still hurting from his comments, she snapped at him, “What the fuck do you want witcher?”
“Please let me in so I can apologise,” he pleaded, something he was not used to doing. “I did not mean to hurt your feelings, nor did I mean those words that I said.”
She studied him for a moment, taking great interest in his face, checking to see if he was lying to her. When she didn’t detect any hint of sarcasm or the trace of a lie she stepped back, allowing him into her room.  
Geralt was a little taken back by the sight before him. Y/N had started to pack the small number of belongings she had into her bag, leaving only the clothes on her back out of the bag.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to the village you found me in,” she said, shutting the door behind the man. “You were right, I’m no use to you, I only came along because I wanted more from life, but I guess I was wrong for looking for it at your side. I’m going to head out in the morning, a man a few doors down has a horse he’s willing to sell me so I can make my way back on my own, that way I won’t be bothering you or Jaskier anymore.” Geralt could feel the sadness in her voice as she spoke, he could see just how his words had hurt her as she finished packing up the last of her things.
“You will do no such thing,” he said in his gruff tone. “What I said was not true, you are helpful, and well…” Geralt wasn’t quite sure how to get the next words out. Taking in a deep breath, he continued, “well I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy your company as we travel.”
“That’s sweet of you to say, don’t worry you are forgiven, but you were right,” she said softly. “I’m just in the way, and I certainly don’t have it in me to ever be able to defend myself against the beasts like you. I’m better off just going back to my family, I’m sure they’ll be delighted, they can finally marry me off for the price of a cow… or maybe a sheep, I’m not quite sure how much I’d be worth in farm animals.”
“You are worth more than any farm animal, Y/N. Look, I will let you learn to fight, but only the basics for now. I… I didn’t want to teach you in case you got hurt. I don’t know what Jaskier… or I would do without your company.”
“You didn’t want me to get hurt? That’s why you wouldn’t let me learn? Why didn’t you just tell me that?”
“Because it sounds so fucking pathetic… sounds like something Jaskier would sing about.”
Y/N didn’t quite know what to say. The idea of Geralt, a man known for his inability to care, suddenly telling her that he did actually want her around and didn’t want her hurt left her a little bit speechless.
Geralt was also not sure quite what to say. He wanted to leave it there, walk away and pretend that this hadn’t ever happened, that he hadn’t shown her his weakness, but he also knew he couldn’t. The slightly smug bard downstairs would simply not allow him to continue on his life as though he didn’t have feelings for the woman standing before him.
“Fuck it…” Geralt whispered, quickly thinking on his next words before he opened his mouth. “Witchers aren’t meant to have weaknesses, it’s a reason we are not supposed to feel. Feeling leads to weakness which can lead to downfall.”
“I know, you’ve said this a thousand ways before,” Y/N said softly. Before she could continue Geralt reached out his hand for her, pulling her closer to him, not too close that their bodies were touching but enough that each could feel the heat radiating off of each other's bodies. “Geralt…”
“If I could keep this to myself I would, but Jaskier knows so if I don’t say it the singing bastard will instead,” Y/N wasn’t quite sure where this was going, it wasn’t like Geralt to beat around the bush, he was usually so blunt and direct with everything, this was unlike him. She, of course, knew where she wanted this to go, she wanted him to pull her in closer, for him to make her feel wanted, but deemed that unlikely. “I have feelings towards you that are more than what I have ever felt for a person in my life, I won’t name it as simply because I do not know what those feelings are, but I do know that even the idea of you being taken from me makes me feel a pain I have never felt before.” Geralt silenced, not quite used to speaking of a subject like this he became unsure of how to proceed from there. Looking down at Y/N, he tried his best to read her, to find out what was going on in her mind, but she looked nothing but stunned and confused.
Y/N was very much stunned and confused. Geralt, the big bad witcher, was to put it simply, telling her he felt for her, cared for her, perhaps even loved her. Sure she had wanted to hear him say that for quite some time but never imagined it to be true. As the cogs worked in her head, trying to understand what it was that she had just been told, Geralt went to pull away feeling embarrassed, something he did not find himself feeling often.
Her hand held his tight, pulling him back to her, a smile now gracing her lips as she reached up on her tippy toes, pulling him gently in for a kiss. He was hesitant at first, still unsure of himself, but as her hand came up to rest on his cheek, allowing herself to deepen the kiss, Geralt eased kissing her back gently. Their hands found each other's hair, the kiss getting deeper and more desperate as they pulled each other closer.  
As the kiss became more intense, the heat began to prickle on her skin, a burning desire for his hands to touch every inch of her rolled over her. Geralt, while not someone who understood his feelings, was certainly a man who understood a woman's body. Feeling the desperation in her kiss, he pulled away, turning her in his arms before gently releasing her of the corset she had been wearing atop her dress. As each ribbon became looser, the garment began to fall away, allowing Geralt to pull her closer to him once more, his lips kissing softly at her neck while his hand came up to massage her breast. Keeping one arm locked around her torso, keeping her still, Geralt couldn’t help the arousal evident in his trousers as he heard the breathy moans escaping her lips.
Carefully, so as not to hurt the woman he cared for, Geralt picked Y/N up, turning her in his arms allowing her lips to once again find his. Her legs wrapped around his waist, as her core met with the erection in his, she pressed herself down against his clothed cock, earning herself a deep groan from the man.
“If you do that again, I will have no choice but to fuck you,” he growled, biting at her lower lip, before his lips once again found her neck, his kisses rougher than before, leaving little marks in their wake.
A sly grin was on her face as she pushed herself down again. Before she could even have time to respond, Geralt had her on the bed, particularly tearing away her soft dress and undergarments, leaving her bare to him. The heat that pricked her skin was not because of embarrassment, no, it was out of lust. Seeing him as he ripped off his own clothing before climbing back on top of her, his cock nudging at her clit as he kissed her, one hand holding his body weight above her while the other found her entrance, slowly pushing two fingers inside her, it was all too much for her. As his fingers worked themselves in and out quicker and harder, she couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips,
“Oh god, please just fuck me,” she whined. “If I’m going to come I want it to be on your cock, not your fingers, ah, pleaseee.”
“Mhmm, listening to you beg for my is perhaps one of the most wonderful sounds I have ever heard,” Geralt was, of course, happy to fulfil her request, slowly replacing his fingers with his cock, careful not to hurt her. He gave her time to adjust before he could no longer contain himself, his pace going from slow and careful to animalistic. His lips found her breasts, biting, sucking, marking her as he went. The string of curses falling from her lips encouragement to keep going until her body began to weaken, the orgasm racking over her body. Try as he might, he couldn't stop himself from following her.
They lay there, still just for a moment, only their breaths and pounding hearts making any sound. Reluctantly Geralt pulled away, slipping off to the small washroom attached to her room to get a cloth to clean the mess he had made. Coming back to her he couldn’t help the small smirk on his lips as he looked at how wonderfully pretty she looked, completely undone, his cum dripping from her.
The pair cleaned themselves up and climbed back onto the bed together, Geralt instantly pulling her into him. They didn’t need to speak, the beating of each other's hearts was all they needed to hear. Slowly they drifted off to sleep, Y/N feeling the safest she ever had while in his arms, and Geralt feeling a warmth in his chest he didn’t know he was capable of.
“Oh ho! You fucked didn’t you!” Jaskier mocked the following morning, seeing the bruises Geralt had left on Y/N’s neck. Neither responded as Geralt helped Y/N onto Roach’s back, kissing her before going to pay the innkeeper for their nights stay.
Jaskier couldn’t contain his excitement at the development between the pair, spending the next few hours of their travels asking all the questions he could, thinking up quick little ditties to strum as they made their way to the next town.
Usually, Geralt would have snapped at Jaskier, but today he didn’t, for Geralt could not care less at that moment, for as he looked at Y/N riding Roach, she was all he could focus on. Maybe love would be the right thing to name his feelings for her.
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roughentumble · 3 years
I'm almost afraid to ask...
What are your werewolf au ideas?
GSHBDKSND oh its not horny or anything its just like. kind of angsty, but like, in that way where sometimes angsty daydreams are fun, you know?? like
ok its like a geraskier thing cuz im a one trick pony, but basically geralt gets cursed, three nights a month he goes all wolfy. he's an intelligent werewolf with pretty great self control, BUT he's like, ridiculously worried that he's gonna snap and hurt people. (he's not, but, you know, he's had to put down werewolves for that before, and he's not a man with a lot of faith in himself, So.)
uhhhh i cant remember how jaskier finds out tbqh, but after traveling together a while, it comes to light, and jaskier is of course very "its just you, im not scared, and im not judging you." they hang out, they figure things out, and geralt starts to relax.
so all the time he's been cursed, he hasnt gone back to kaer morhen-- its only been a year or two, but still. he feels like they'd know right away, he's worried they'd just put him down, he doesnt think they should get used to "monsters in the keep", he just feels Real Bad about it, but jaskier convinces him that this is his family, they'd understand, and they must miss him.
geralt agrees, eventually, goes up to kaer morhen with jaskier in tow.
but once they get there, he just... totally refuses to explain anything. none of the other witchers have sussed out that something's wrong(other than jaskier's hushed whispering about how geralt should "just tell them, they'd understand")
geralt's genius solution is, he'll just sleep outside three nights a month, he'll bring blankets and his fur will protect him. jaskier doesnt like it, but he's not about to tell geralt's secret, and he cant bodily drag a werewolf inside, so. his only condition is that he gets to sit outside with geralt for a bit, cuddle with him n' such. their excuse is that theyre gross love birds who are going out for moonlight picnics. everyone buys this, partially because its sort of true, partially cuz no one wants to walk in(or out) on them fucking.
it actually works the first trio of nights, to jaskier's surprise, but the 4th night they try they arent so lucky-- they forget something inside(a bottle of wine, a blanket, who knows) and eskel is like "i'll fall on my sword, be the one to bring it out to the happy couple". he steps outside, and what does he see?
a gigantic werewolf pinning jaskier to the ground.
bit of a frenzy after that, eskel attacking and shouting for backup, trying to keep the werewolf in sight while also looking for geralt, getting between the monster and jaskier while jaskier shouts-- eventually jaskier gets through to him though. thats geralt, dont hurt him, its geralt.
geralt isnt saying anything though(despite the fact he's perfectly capable of it, even transformed), and eskel sortve misunderstands. doesnt really get that this has been a long-term affliction, and assumes this is the first transformation. so with geralt not responding, eskel says "not right now it isnt," and gets his hands on one of the training blades they keep in the courtyard.
more chaos-- everyone's outside now, jaskier is absolutely not having any of it but also three grown witchers versus one bard isnt much of a fight, no one's listening to him, and geralt's just pinning himself against the wall like a prey animal and not saying anything.
jaskier proves just enough of a distraction that geralt manages to hop a wall, takes off into the woods. jaskier is calling after him, while the three remaining witchers each make a gameplan(STILL not listening to jask). after a moment, jaskier darts and weaves and makes it just out of their grasp, so they've got a werewolf AND a bard loose in the woods in the dead of both night and winter, which. Bad.
eskel goes after geralt, vesemir stays behind because they need someone in the keep, and lambert's on bard wrangling duty. lambert doesnt have much trouble finding jaskier, but he does have trouble keeping a hold on him, because he's worried about breaking his tiny human limbs(and also he's wearing a lot of thick layers, which he has no compunctions about ripping to shreds to get out of lambert's grip.) he loses a boot and a sleeve to the ongoing tussle, as he keeps slipping out and darting away. lambert even tries axii, but the biggest trick to getting out of axii is just training a lot to resist it, so geralt and him'd run through that a long time ago, so his response is to go fake-limp, then kick lambert in the dick and run off into the night with one shoe.
lambert is extremely annoyed. its not jaskier's best plan.
he finds the cave that geralt had backed himself into by some miracle, and also because eskel'd made no efforts to hide his tracks and there are currently shouts coming from the cave. jaskier gets himself inbetween the two of them and refuses to budge. geralt's still pulling the silent routine, ears pinned back, looking like a kicked dog, and eskel's trying to coax jaskier away from the "monster".
lambert comes bursting in as well, pissed and sore, but stays near the entrance, the four of them locked in a sort of stalemate. the three of them argue about what to do, but jaskier is shivering because of his wrecked coat. eventually geralt breaks his silence to rumble out a worried "yourrr fingerrrs..."
(werewolves roll their 'r's in tw3. dont ask me why, just go with it.)
eskel and lambert are stunned into silence, and jaskier is immediately turning towards geralt, letting him fret and dote on him. slips his arm inside his jacket so his fingers dont fall off-- lets geralt wrap a giant, warm paw around his foot to get some heat back into it.
lambert's like "wait, so you CAN fucking talk?????"
it all got escalated way out of hand, partially because of eskel's reaction, but also because geralt was too ashamed to stand up for himself-- thought maybe they were a little bit right. was basically just going to curl up and let it happen, which he admits with some gentle prodding, and leaves eskel looking sick.
jaskier, though, is absolutely nuclear levels of pissed, because he was explaining everything, even how he'd known for months, and that geralt was perfectly safe to be around, but all the non werewolf witchers were just tuning him out. and geralt nearly died because of it. so he's, like-- he's unspeakably angry at all three of them.
eventually, they do all four make their way back to the keep(geralt carrying jaskier cuz he's still missing a boot), and explain everything one more time for vesemir. everyone looks pretty ragged, because it was a lot of drama very suddenly late at night.
geralt still hesitates in the doorway of the main hall, says he'll make the keep smell like monsters, that it's dangerous, but jaskier just gently encourages him inside and they curl up together in front of the hearth, nice and warm.
from there its little bits and pieces of geralt showing his werewolfy-er side, like dragging in a deer one night to devour raw by the fire. (he looks bashful about it, but jaskier insists its a part of their routine on the road, helps geralt clean his muzzle afterword.) and jaskier slowly encouraging geralt to relax, come deeper into the keep, curl up in a real bed.
jaskier gets less mad, but never quite gets over the fact that geralt's family proved his fears right. geralt gets less ashamed, but never fully sheds his anxieties about being allowed inside. everyone else gets less tense, but never quite sheds the shame of nearly killing their brother in arms while he was fully cognizant-- or quite comfortable with a "monster in the keep". it's still their first winter, tho, so with any luck things will someday get smoothed out.
[the porny ending is that geralt knots all three of them and this wildly smooths over any remaining tensions, but thats just a little fun off-shoot, not the Official Daydream Ending]
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
She may be looking for Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess, or Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder. They're both into dark occult stuff. They're also in the same class as Chiaki and Ryota. I think they're pretty close friends, so if you find one you'll probably find the other not far off.
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"Princess!?" Hiro repeats, his eyes widening. "There's a princess at this school!?"
"As amazingly cool as that is-" Leon says, trying to bring them back on topic. "-this Gundham dude....Why would a...breeder know about occult bullshit?"
"The same reason a princess would?" Hiro mutters under his breath.
Chihiro furrows his brow in thought, the small boy looking very worried. "W-well, Mukuro did say it had nothing to do with his talent." He reminds them. "So perhaps it's a hobby of his?"
"Well, regardless, this is all we have to go on, and you guys havent been wrong yet!" Leon says determinedly, flashing the spirits a grin. "Since Mukuro specifically said 'he', we should check up on this Gundham weirdo first. So hurry the hell up, Hiro! Look up this Gundham guy!"
The clairvoyant nods and does as he was told, looking up a picture of Gundham Tanaka. When he finds one he stares at it in surprise. "This...this guy works with animals?" He asks, stunned.
Leon looks over his friend's shoulder and raises a brow. "Damn. Yeah, he looks more like an Ultimate Clairvoyant than you do! He obviously seems to be embracing the occult for a start!"
This earns the ghost a glare, but Hiro quickly shakes his head and returns his phone to his pocket. "Well, whatever. We know what he looks like, so let's go to his dorm."
As he begins making his way there, Chihiro frowns. "You know, the fact that Mukuro knows about this Gundham means she and Junko must have been studying him, or at the very least his class." He points out. "Which would make sense considering how much of her plan revolves around 77-B." His face saddens. "Poor guys. It's bad enough Junko put us, her classmates and friends through something like a killing game, but to basically torture a whole other class?"
"Its sick." Leon agrees, his eyes narrowed angrily. "She's sick."
Hiro simply nods in response, a frown on his face as he walks. Suddenly, he freezes in place. "Wait, what about Hajime?!" He asks. "I was supposed to meet up with him and-"
"That can wait a minute!" Leon interrupts him. "If we dont hurry and stop Mukuro, who the hell knows what could happen!"
Hiro nods in understanding, breaking out into a sprint towards the dorms, causing a brown haired boy in a Reserve Course uniform to look up and give him an annoyed look as he passed.
Hiro was thankfully able to find Gundham's room with relative ease. As he stands in front of the Ultimate Breeder's door, he hesitates.
"Dude, what's the hold up?" Leon asks impatiently.
Hiro frowns and begins picking at his skin. "Its just...the energy surrounding this room...its...really heavy and...dark..." He mutters.
Leon groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh for the love of-Hurry the hell up!" He snaps.
Hiro sighs and nods, reaching a hand up and knocking on the door.
A quiet exchange of voices could be heard along with some shuffling until the door is opened.
"Who dares disturb the Overlord of-"
The boy behind the door stops when he sees Hiro. The two lock eyes, and a wave of energy courses through the clairvoyant.
The extravagantly dressed man before Hiro stares at him for a moment more before he smirks. "Heh. I had thought the dark lady and myself were the only ones dabbling in the forbidden arts, but I can sense they run through your veins as well."
Hiro blinks in surprise at the guy's strange speech patterns. "Uh...i-if by 'forbidden arts' you mean fortune telling, then yeah!" Hiro finally responds, forcing a smile onto his face. "My names Yasuhiro Hagakure. I'm the Ultimate Clairvoyant!"
The other man lets out an impressed hum. "Clairvoncy, hm? Then have your visions sent you to my side for the aid of my dark powers?!" He suddenly poses in a strange way, and Hiro blinks in confusion.
"Uh...y-yeah. More or less. Youre... Gundham Tanaka, right?" He asks, scratching his head as he begins to regret coming here.
Gundham's smirk widens as he nods. "My reputation of course precedes me. Indeed, that is my name! GUNDHAM TANAKA!" The...eccentric fellow bellows out his name, cause Chihiro to flinch slightly.
Leon rolls his eyes. "Dear Lord this guy is gonna be annoying." He mutters.
Hiro gives a subtle nod in agreement before forcing the smile onto his face again. "Well, great! Do you, uh, mind if I come in, Gundham?'
Gundham shakes his head and steps to the side. "But of course not! A fellow user of the dark arts is always welcome in my abode!" He declares. "Although my Third Eye has failed me, for I did not forsee your visit." The breeder suddenly blushes, catching Hiro even more off guard as the man attempts to hide the flush by raising his scarf over his face. "I currently have...company over. The dark princess, Sonia Nevermind. But do not fear! I am training her to be my apprentice, so you need not hold your tongue with anything you must tell me!" He declares with finality as he turns with a flourish and walks into his room.
Hiro stands still for a moment longer, sharing an unsure look with Leon and Chihiro, before following the breeder into his room and closing the door behind him.
The dark atmosphere Hiro had felt from outside the door was tripled the moment he took a step inside, and he shivered. Gundham's room was dark, light blotting curtains hung at the windows that allowed the only light inside the room to be the many lit candles that were scattered around. There was a bookcase against one of the walls, and on it several heavy looking leather cased books.
"Well I guess we found the right guy." Leon mutters.
Hiro nods in agreement as he continues scanning the environment. His gaze stops at something that seemed out of place. A brightly colored hamster cage where four happy looking hamster were currently rested inside.
"Well, he is the Ultimate Breeder." Hiro thinks to himself. "I guess it would be more weird if there wasnt anything animal related here."
"Oh, Gundham! You have company!" A sweet, feminine voice speaks up, causing Yasuhiro to turn his head in its direction. He couldnt help but stare. There was a beautiful blonde girl, sat upon Gundham's bed.
"Indeed I do, dark mistress." Gundham confirms, coming to a stop in front of the hamster cage. He opens the lid and places some treats inside, the four critters skittering over to them and eating them hungrily. "He says his name is Yasuhiro." A grin spreads on his face as he turns from his four pets. "He is also a user of the arts."
The girl, who Hiro assumes to be Sonia Nevermind, gasps and clasps her hands together excitedly. "Really?!" She exclaims happily. "There is another one at the school?!"
"It indeed seems that way, Sonia." The breeder confirms, his gaze going to Hiro. "He says he is a clairvoyant, and that he received a vision that called him to me."
Sonia gasps and looks to Hiro as well. "Is that so? Then please! I insist you inform us of the details of your vision at once!"
For some reason Hiro felt extremely compelled to bow towards the upperclasswoman and the need to hurry with the explanation. He blinks and clears his throat, attempting to calm his nerves. "R-right. Well, it's a long...and, well, pretty unbelievable story if I'm being honest." He sighs before continuing. "But I swear to you, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Earth or whatever deity you believe in its true.
It started when my classmate Junko Enoshima came to me, asking me to read her future...."
"...and then Mukuro mentioned someone else with knowledge of...occult stuff." Hiro finishes explaining, holding back the urge to explain his distaste for the occult. "And the spirits mentioned it could be one of you two." He looks between Sonia and Gundham, both of which look extremely surprised. "And since Mukuro said 'he' we went to your room first." He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "So...yeah. We wanted to make sure Mukuro's ghost...future ghost...didnt come here and find something she could use."
Gundham stares at the clairvoyant for a while, seemingly at a loss for words. Finally he clears his throat. "Well...that certainly is...quite the ordeal." The breeder recovers quickly, a grin forming on his face as he poses. "However you are in luck! I am quite skilled in this department, and while I cannot see your apparitions-" He walks over to his bookshelf and shifts through the many books before letting out a soft 'ah ha!' and pulling out a rather large one. He flips through it before placing his finger on a page. He then begins muttering something, which causes Hiro to frown and shift uncomfortably.
Gundham's eyes close, and a soft wind suddenly blows through the room, despite there being no open window. When he opens his eyes, he meets Hiro's eyes. They then shift over to Leon and Chihiro, his grin turning to a smirk.
"Ah ha! Hello there, fiends!" He looks over to see the shimmering outlines of the unknown spirits. "And to you as well."
Hiro's eyes widen in surprise. "You...you can see them?!"
"Of course!" Gundham boasts, slamming the book shut with one hand. "Did you believe these tombs were for show?!"
Hiro holds his tongue.
"Now I can be of more help to you and your miss-" He stops, his gaze slowly moving over to his bookshelf. He narrows his eyes. "....I assume this is the fiendish ghoul you mentioned."
Hiro blinks before following his gaze. His eyes widen further. There, looking through the books, was Mukuro's ghost.
Gundham Tanaka can now hear you! He is open for questions!
A/N: I hope things arent getting too crazy lol. I promise everything has a purpose! Supernatural stuff is canon in Danganronpa, and its especially important in this AU, so please bare with me lmao
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Hey, it's me again, I hope you are still open for requests! You said I could ask for Mic content and, if I still can, what about some DadMic headcanons, with his own child and/or an adopted one?! Which one you prefer is fine! I hope you are doing well and thank you for the opportunity you gave me! Take care 💗
A/N: Hey you!! Thank you for requesting, it means a lot that you like my present mic work. And yes, you most definitely can have some DadMic headcanons. If you have any more requests just let me know. I did hours worth of homework and it deleted so i’m kind of like forget school and imma become a professional headcanon writer so honestly hit me up with as much stuff you want :)))))))
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(i kind of wrote this like you are in the ages of like 6-10 so just keep that in mind)
-I feel he would have his child out of wedlock, maybe when he was younger out partying things got a little crazy then bam, next thing he knows he has a child with no mom and no idea what to do.
-cAlLs AizAwa 
-No but He’s a great Dad honestly, although he's clueless sometimes, he tends to figures things out fairly quickly
- At first it was really hard for him since he had this baby, a new hero career, and the whole world trashing on him, he totally broke down a few times and wanted to give up. BUt aizawa and his other friends helped him through and encouraged him
-You’re his little sunshine and HE LOVeS yoU tO death
-calls you literally any pet name that is very soft and cute and innocent
-He buys evErything for you, i swear! If you just look at something for more than two seconds, it’s in his cart and he’s buying it for you
-”dad you don-”
-”shh pumpkin, let daddy buy it for you.”
-your room is filled with what every girl wants to have
-He learns to do your hair, no matter the texture or thickness or length, he’ll watch youtube videos and figure it out
-he lets you do his hair as well, braiding it, curling it whatever, he’s totally fine with it. JuSt DoNt CUt iT
-New school year and you need new clothes?? Yeah over 1,000 dollars worth of stuff brought.
-speaking of school, sometimes you get comments and stuff from teachers or students because you might not look like him or because you don’t know who your mom is, ect.
-At first when you were younger, it didn’t hurt you, you couldn’t understand that anyways, but as you started to get older it affected you more and more until one day you came home crying to present, and it literally breaks his heart
-”Daddy, why isn’t my skin as light as yours, and my hair isn’t as thin? The other kids make fun of me for it...it really hurts me. And WHere is mom? Does she not love us? You’re really sweet i don’t know why she doesn’t want to be with you…”
-”why are you asking this?”
-”The kids and teachers at school…”
-He literally storms down to your school and demands that the questions and comments stop or he’s going to press charges
-Never ever was asked about any of those things again...well, more or less, sometimes you hear teachers or students whispering or makings sly comments but you chose to ignore those things 
-HUGs!! He hugs you like all the time everyday when he sees you. Like it’s his way it’s saying i love you although he screams that to you all the time
-Like when the world found out that he had a kid, and he was still kind of a kid himself with a just starting a career, he kind of got shitted on a whole lot...by everyone and the press is always writing stories and stuff so when you were old enough to read or understand some stuff he’d often keep TV off or keep you away from the press and media although that became harder when you had to go outside and go to school but as much as he can limit that crazy stuff you see, he’ll do it.
-He makes sure you can defend yourself and as soon as you get your quirk, he’s training you. He will never push mega hard however he makes sure that the training is vigorous enough that when danger comes...you’re ready 
-Being a pro hero’s child can mean you’re in a lot of danger, people want to kill or kidnap you to hurt the hero so he’s constantly worries and on you about safety
-If your quirk is similar to his, skskkdnjsk he literally will SCREEEEEEEE, he thinks it’s so awesome you have a quirk like his and he will make sure that the both of you will annoy Aizawa 
-As much as Hizashi spoils you, you had to grow up a whole lot quickly. Even though he’s an underground hero and kinda works on his on time, his job is still quite demanding and he has to be gone a lot so that means you need to learn how to cook, clean, do your homework, etc. on your own so if anything happens (god forbid) you know how to take care of yourself. when you were younger tho he’d have a babysitter/nanny to look and take care of you while he’s at work
-Although when he is home he cooks and does all of that stuff. HE'S A REALLY GOOD COOK??????? Like seriously and don’t let me get started on the pastries he makes...mmmm yummm…
-only burnt down the kitchen once...Don’t tell Aizawa plez ;-;
-He actually feels very very bad about leaving you at home a lot with responsibility, he’s all about fun and really just being a kid so he always apologizes to you and plans something super fun when he’s off of work. Like laser tag, going out for ice cream, or just building forts at home. He makes sure you have a balance
-He might’ve brought you a puppy so you would have a friend, you let him name the puppy and now you have a “Mr.Ruffkins” running around your house
-He let’s you have girls night which is basically just you and him and sometimes a friend, and you guys just paint each other nails, put bows in each others hair, all the girly stuff,  and just talk about anything. 
-It’s his way i guess to make up for the mother-daughter time you don’t have in your life
-Cute picnics at the park with a bunch of snacks and you guys will just feed the little duckies and animals 
-Brings you around his agency or to his radio show all the time, like everyone that works there knows and loves you a whole lot. You even have a mini cute pink desk with a name tag on it.
-You have a little segment on his show called “LittleMic and PresentMic” and you guys just talk about crazy weird stuff and reach out to single Dads who are also raising up kids. It’s super cute i swear.
-Aizawa is your tired uncle that says he hates coming over but he comes over like everyday and eats all your food while watching TV on the couch 
-He’s the best uncle though but he’s super blunt. So sometimes you go to him for advice or just to talk. He adores you though and checks on you while DadMic is at work or something. 
-Aizawa call you “Kiddo” or “littleMic” or just “y/n”
-Present lets you pick out his new tattoos, and one time he let you draw one….now he has a crooked purple butterfly on his arm...it’s all good tho
-Father daughter danceeeeee ya ya ya! You guys bring the moves and the music to the dance floor like get out the mf way swines.
-He picked out your dress and you picked out his suit, he even let you do a little man bun
-sometimes when you guys are just chilling at home, you will play some of your favorite classics, and you will step on his feet and he’ll dance, you guess may have fell like twice.
-speaking of music and dancing, he will turn up all of the pop jams that you love (slipping some of his rock n’ roll faves) THROW candy all through out the house and both of you are dancing in weird costumes while singing
-You are very much involved in music and he showed you how to make your own mixtapes, playlists, and how to DJ on your own
-piggy back rideeeesss yuuuuhhhhh. When you’re feeling sad he randomly picks you up, twirls you onto his back and runs around the house yells
-Usually does this until you’re laughing and playing along with him
-one time you like dressed up like him for halloween and it was lit. hair somehow slicked up, black leather jacket and some headphones...wooo child you looked cool
-”nO PapArazzi PleAse”
-I feel as though you’d be bilingual, Japanese and English. I feel at home it’ll lean more towards English although there’s a hint of Japanese in there
-He rarely gets mad at you but if he did, it’s probably because you put yourself in danger or something of that sorts
-If you cannot sleep, he’ll let you sleep with him and he’ll have blue clues playing in the bakground to help “sooth you” (he enjoys that show very much”
-”dad? I-”
-Tells you stories about his high school/early life and gives you advice
-”in conclusion do not throw a pumpkin at a security guard or you might get hurt...okay love bug?”
-The sweetest thing ever, like he randomly makes weird faces or says random things to make you laugh
-Forehead kisses or little cheek kisses
-Twirls you around and says “Ah my little princess looks lovely today”
-You help him choose outfits when he’s indecisive
-”take away the scarf and go with the graphic tee and maybe the black boots instead of the red ones”
-”Look at my child, a fashion Icon.”
-He let you decorate the house so now there’s glitter, pink stuff, rainbows and sparkles all around the house but it’s super cute. 
-Many cute photos of you guys in macaroni picture frames.
-Being Present’s Child would be super cute and mega fun. He’s one of the most interactive loving dads out there, you would never feel lost or lonely for a second. Seriously he is the dad that we all wanted/ needed as a kid lmao. 
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
A light in the dark heart
Arya Stark x Male Reader
Request- Can you make a platonic Male reader X Arya stark the reader is a extremely dangerous person with a lot of skills who can kill a man in ways they didn't even think possible and reader ends up taking Arya under his wing and helps her at first she feels afraid of him but later she cares for him enjoys his company and he developed a soft spot for her and during a big battle he tells her to leave and she thinks his dead but later he comes back and she's crying hugging him and it's awkward for him (1)
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Arya ran away Winterfell when the Lannister took over. She cut her hair short and tried to blend as a boy. She hasn't eaten anything in days and she has been walking in the woods for days.
A group of criminals has Arya hostage and they start to think about what to do with her. You hate when criminals or anyone hurt kids.
”Who the fuck are you?” He asked.
You take out your sword.
”Your worst nightmare,” You said.
They run towards you and you start to kill them one by one. You brutally cut out their guts, cut their heads off and you went on until their bodies dropped.
Arya never saw someone brutally kill other people without hesitation. She felt scared because she feels you will kill her. You cut the rope around her wrists and ankles.
Arya starts to stutter and you walk away. She runs after you but she still feels scared of you.
”Go home,” You said.
”I-I’m Arya house of Stark,” Arya said.
”I don't care what house you are from,” You said.
”Teach me,” Arya said.
”No,” You said.
You walked away but Arya starts to follow you. You keep letting her follow you until you stopped and you notice she is scared of you.
She followed you to the pub. You sit down, she looks at you then she looks down. You order the food and a beer for you. When the food arrived Arya ate like a wild animal. You let her have your chicken and she is still avoiding your eyes.
You travel from city to city and you let Arya tag along. You made camp now you are cleaning your sword.
”That can't be your sword,” You said.
”It’s my only sword and I know how to use it,” Arya said.
”I can use your sword has a toothpick. That's not a sword, it's for a baby” You said.
”It’s not for a baby!” Arya snapped.
She aimed her needle sword at you, with one swing with your sword you knocked her sword out of her hand.
”Never aim your sword at someone if you are not ready to fight,” You said.
You have your sword really close to her face. She doesn't say anything and you out your sword away. She thought you were going to kill her.
✧ ✫ ✧ ✫
You started to train Arya showing her the basics of what you know. Arya would wake up at dawn and she starts to train with you.
”Non-skilled fighters will always leave themselves open, take it. They don't care if you are a girl, they will still want you dead” You said.
”That’s unfair,” Arya said.
”Listen! There are no rules went it comes to fighting. What happens if you lose your sword and he has a dagger then what? He won't wait for you to get a sword, he will slit your throat” You said.
”I’m ready,” Arya said.
You grabbed your daggers and the training starts. She tried to punch you but you grabbed her arm then aimed the dagger at her eye.
”That was sloppy,” You said.
”Again,” Arya said.
The goal is for Arya to take-away the dagger from you. She has failed many times. All-day, she has failed to take away the daggers from you. But you can see that she doesn't give up.
You killed an animal and you teach her how to cook it.
”Why are you always alone and killing people,” Arya said.
”My mum gave me away since then I been alone. But someone took me in and he was a thief and a skilled sword fighter. He taught me everything” You said.
”I have a list for the people I want to kill for hurting my family and killing my mum and dad,” Arya said.
”When we are done we get back to training,” You said
As time went on, you started to develop a soft spot for Arya. She trains hard to get better and she is improving. You and Arya do travel and arrived in King's Landing. Arya is back in the room while you went to see you, friend, Gendry.
”Y/N, it's been forever. I thought the vulture got to you” Gendry teased.
”Nothing can keep me down. It’s good to see you, Gendry. I need you to make a sword for me and fix my old sword” You said.
”Interesting. I will need more ideas for the sword” Gendry said.
You explain to him what you want and he agreed to do it. You paid him half and you will pay the rest later.
✧ ✫
You and Arya are training in sword fighting. It's intense because Arya is using all strength and you see the anger coming out. Arya keeps fighting back, you knocked the sword out of her hand. You put your sword down then Arya takes out a hidden dagger and aimed it at your stomach.
”Don’t let your guard down, remember?” Arya said.
”Smartass” You teased.
You and Arya laughed. You sit down on a log to drink water and eat. Arya keeps training but hitting the tree with her sword.
”Rest and eat,” You said.
”No, I’m not tired or hungry,” Arya said.
She is pushing her limit. Her arms are aching but she keeps going. You eat while she keeps training.
”Come with me,” You said.
”Where to?” Arya asked.
”Just follow,” You said.
You took her somewhere quiet, it's the woods. You took her by the lake and she sat down by the water. She starts to feel relaxed, she touches the water and she smiled.
Later, Arya sat by the tree and she starts to fall asleep. You picked up Arya and took her back to King’s Landing. You put her on her bed and you left to see Gendry.
✧ ✫ ✧ ✫ ✧ ✫ ✧ ✫
-Time Skip-
You and Arya are in Winterfell, getting ready for the war against the Night King. She introduced you to Sansa and she is scared of you. She whispers to Arya
”He won't kill us, right?” Sansa asked.
”I trust him and you should trust him too,” Arya said.
”I don't think you should trust him,” Sansa said.
”He trained me and took of me. I trust him. He had many chances to kill me but he never once tried to kill me. I trust him and you should too” Arya said.
The nightwalkers started to attack everyone and break into the castle.
”Dont be sloppy” Arya teased.
”We will see who is sloppy,” You said.
Sansa watched you and Arya fight together. You helped Sansa and the others get to a safe place. Arya keeps fighting and you protect Sansa.
Arya went to save Bran and you keep fighting and helping anyone who needs it. The war is brutal and a lot of good died.
The sun came up, you start to look for Arya. You scream her name and Sansa is worried about her sister.
”I didn't let death win,” Arya said.
She hugged you and it still feels awkward. She has hugged you before but you never hugged her back, until now.
”Good,” You said.
Sansa can see how much you care for her. Later, after the funeral, everyone is celebrating winning the war. Arya introduced you to her brothers and like Sansa, they question why Arya is friends with you.
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vacuousauto · 4 years
tysm for tha ask molli!! ill talk abt kny here bc its takin over my life rn qwq
spoilers ahead 4 tha whole series!!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
kny is a manga w an anime adaptation thats had 1 season so far n a movies bein made of my fav arc!! (also this plot desc may not b perfect bc i havent read it in like 4 months)
its abt a boy called tanjirou whos whole family got killed by a demon, n his sister nezuko got turned into a demon (which fun fact: in kimetsu theyre man-eatin creatures w different powers called blood demon arts!!)
hes sent by giyuu (a demon slayer!) 2 join tha demon slayer corps so hell become stronger n mayb get a little revenge. as a treat (and also mayb find a way 2 turn nezuko human?)
as he trains he learns how 2 do water breathing (a sword technique taught by him n giyuus mentor, urokodaki) n his final challenge is 2 cut a massive boulder in half w his sword
its real hard 4 him (as u can imagine) so 2 kids in fox masks named sabito n makomo come n help him, but after tanjirou cuts tha rock n tells urokodaki abt him its revealed theyre dead???
@ final selection (basically a demon slayer entrance exam where u win by surviving on a demon-infested mountain 4 seven days) he learns from a real fucked up demon that hes exclusively been targetin urokodakis students n that not even sabito could slice its neck open?? (thats how him n makomo died)
after tanjirou kills tha demon n basically puts all tha water breath students’ souls @ peace he passes tha exam!! its been 7 days n now he gets his nichirin blade (the only kinda sword that can kill a demon, tha only 2 ways they can die is thru a slice 2 tha neck from a nichirin blade n sunlight)
turns out nezuko was turned by the strongest demon of all, michael jackson muzan kibutsuji, n so he sets out 2 hunt him down n try 2 kill him
but he aint so strong @ first so he needs 2 try 2 take down tha twelve kizuki first (the 12 strongest demons besides muzan)
another reason he needs 2 kill tha kizuki is 2 gather their blood for a demon named tamayo n her assistant yushirou!! tamayo can make a cure if tanjirou can gather blood samples 4 her (the stronger tha demon tha more of muzans blood they have so hes gonna have 2 aim high)
he meets a bunch more slayers along tha way, includin zenitsu (a scaredy cat thunder breath user who basically simps 4 nezuko n becomes a badass when hes asleep) n inosuke (a rowdy beast breath user who wears a boar mask n lived in tha mountains)
after lower moon 5 gets killed by giyuu, nezuko unlocks her blood demon art (exploding blood!) n tanjirou remembers how 2 use tha hinokami kagura, him n nezuko get captured by a slayer called shinobu qwq
turns out she n giyuu are 2 of the nine hashira, the strongest of all tha demon slayers!! but theyre all havin a debate over whether they should kill tanjirou n nezuko 4 goin against corps rules n travelin w a demon
eventually oyakata-sama (tha leader of tha slayer corps) comes in n tells em its ok, urokodaki sent a letter explainin that nezukos never hurt anyone n if she does, tanjirou giyuu n urokodaki all have 2 die basically
oyakata-sama also tells em that tanjirous met kibutsuji, at which everyone goes feral at (and understandably, none of em had ever even seen him before hes that elusive)
so they get 2 live bc theyre like. tha best hope the slayers have @ findin kibutsuji
the rest of the hashira are kyoujurou (flame), muichirou (mist), mitsuri (love), obanai (serpent), gyoumei (stone), tengen (sound) n sanemi (wind)
theres also kanao (shinobus pupil, flower breathing) n genya (sanemis brother, eats demons 2 gain power n basically become a demon temporarily, also He Has A Gun)
ive gone on a lot here so ill try 2 keep it brief now but i HAVE 2 explain infinity train or ill die (slight suicide tw but no one actually does that outside of dreams)
BASICALLY the lower 6 moons have a meetin @ kibutsujis infinity castle, muzan decides 2 dismantle tha lower moons bc they keep fuckign dying
all of em get their shit wrecked except enmu, who avoided death by usin muzans “dont tell me what 2 do” rule against him n beggin 4 death basically
so he gets a metric fuckton o blood n goes off 2 kill tanjirou
turns out he keeps killin people on his train n kyos gone 2 investigate!! the main gang (the kamaboko gang as the fandom calls it) are there too bc tanjirou needs 2 investigate what hinokami kagura really is (turns out its sun breathing, the og form and ones that only folks w the same mark on his forehead can use) n if anyone knows abt the alleged “fire breathing” as they know it rn its the fire hashira!!
so they get on tha train (inosukes lovin tha experience bc hes Literally Never Seen A Train Before) n kyo basically adopts the whole group
BASICALLY he can make people fall asleep in a buncha ways (the mouths on his hands, his weird eye thingies, the tickets) n once thats happened he n his henchmen can access said dreams (he can even control em!!) n if they find tha “spiritual core” they can destroy it n essentially leave em as an empty shell thatll never wake up!! yaaaaaay /s
he fails bc tanjirou realises a way out n its by cuttin his own head off in his dream, eventually everyones awake again n tanjirou finds enmu on tha roof(?) of tha train
after a while he does manage 2 decapitate him but surprise!!! hes not dead
turns out he literally FUSED WITH THA TRAIN n is plannin on eatin everyone inside, includin kyo n the gang
but he doesnt bc Main Protags Cant Die(tm) n dies while complainin that he wants a redo (sorry enmu, ily but u cant turn back time unless ur yoshikage kira)
also sidenote enmus tha only kizuki w/o a canon backstory as far as i can remember and????? H??
ANYWHO after that whole debacle basketball akaza (UPPER moon 3) shows himself!!! FUCK
n after all that struggle against the 8th strongest demon of all time now they gotta deal w tha 4th strongest????? damn,
so yeah it goes how youd imagine, its a tough fuckin battle n its Not Fun but it turns out kyoujurou fucking dies n i genuinely didnt realise until he said “kamado my boy, lets have one final chat” bc i was so in denial n lets face it i still am now
long story short idk how im gonna manage 2 get thru the movie w/o breakin down @ the end
anyway after that horrible horrible time tanjirou goes n meets senjurou, kyos little bro, who gives him kyos sword guard thing (its shaped like a flame!!) n i havent read it in a while so i cant FULLY remember but i think this is where he learns abt sun breathing??
after that they end up goin on a mission in tha red light district w tengen, his 3 wives are there 2 serve as spies (theyre kunoichi, which i think are ninjas of some kind??) n the boys have 2 find em
they do manage 2 find em but not after runnin into upper moon 6, who are 2 twins called daki n gyuutarou
after that fight tengen has 2 retire bc he got fucked up p bad from that fight n he wants 2 make sure tha girls are ok above all
so after that arc tanjirou n nezuko go down 2 tha swordsmith village (bc the guy who usually makes his swords is fuckin tired of repairin it) n run into mitsuri!! she tells tan that theres smth in tha forest thatll make him stronger
ngl this is tha arc i remember tha least abt so this desc is prolly SO inaccurate despite havin 2 o my favs in it)
but muichirou shows himself too n hes mean 2 tanjirou >:/ (he does get nicer eventually but 2 him specifically)
a 10 y/o kid named kotetsu shows tan this 6 armed trainin robot called yoriichi type 0 (based on tha first slayer 2 use sun breathin) n tanjirou breaks it by accident qwq
but he keeps trainin thanks 2 kotetsu but tha kids a harsh fuckin trainer ill tell u that
anyway so we have a whole buncha demons 2 deal w here except most of em are 1 demon split into different parts
hantengu n gyokko, upper moons 4 n 5 respectively!! mui deals w gyokko while mitsuri genya nezuko n tanjirou deal w hantengu
in these fights mitsuri n mui get their demon slayer marks!! these are marks that they get when they surpass the limits of tha human body n they look like tha marks demons have (muis looks like clouds on his cheeks n mitsuris is 2 hearts on her collarbone)
next up is tha hashira trainin arc!! everyone gets trained by each of tha hashira 2 try n unlock their slayer marks
each have a dif trainin style that focuses on dif stuff (for example gyoumei focuses a lot on physical strength n stuff like that, obanai is more abt accuracy) n this is where giyuus backstory gets revealed bc he doesnt think hes worthy o bein a hashira :((
basically him n sabito were absolute besties!! they both trained together n sabito basically told him not 2 die ever
but it all goes wrong @ final selection- sabito manages 2 take down every demon on tha mountain but one of em, that bein the hand demon that exclusively targets water breathers (theyre easy 2 distinguish bc of their blue haoris n custom made fox masks)
he manages 2 save giyuu n everyone else from tha selection except 4 himself (this is why giyuus haori is like that- its made from his sister n sabitos haoris)
giyuu blames himself 4 both of their deaths bc he failed 2 protect em n says that he doesnt deserve 2 have passed tha selection let alone b a hashira,, but tanjirou convinces him otherwise!! ^^
then one day while giyuus trainin w sanemi disaster hits- oyakata-sama, his wife n two of their kids just died
the 2nd to last arc- the infinity castle!! thingsre gettin real n muzans revealed himself
in tha infinity castle EVERYONES there but can u really blame em theyve been workin up 2 this 4 millenia
shinobu runs into upper moon 2- douma, aka the bastard that killed her sister as well as inosukes mum
she is. justifiably pissed. n she gives it her all but he kills her :(( douma ily but also FUCK YOU.
so perfect timing!!! heres her adopted sister!! as well as inosuke!!!! revenge battle time >:0
in the end shinobus poison is what kills him- her whole body is filled w wisteria poison thats deadly 2 a demon so he basically consumed her whole body weight in poison rip
but ofc word gets out via messenger crow that shes dead n its just a real sad moment tbh :( but theres no time 4 that bc giyuu n tanjirou just ran into akaza >:((
so tanjirous pissed as hell now n w their combined efforts they take down tha basketball lookin bastard (bastardball??)
meanwhile obanai n mitsuri (n yushirou iirc?? he uses his own art 2 control her @ some point tho i cant remember when) deal w tha new upper moon 4 (nakime, whos also shiftin tha rooms around w her blood art n makin tha fight super fuckign annoyin tbh) n muichirou genya sanemi n gyoumei deal w kokushibou (upper moon 1, also tha original sun breathers twin brother so he gets moon breathin >:3)
mitsuri n obanai fake their deaths w help from yushirou n muzan falls 4 it, which comes in handy later ;3
zenitsu also deals w his former bully, upper moon 6 aka kaigaku aka dickhead supreme who if zenitsu didnt kill i would personally kill w my bare hands
so after everyones taken down all thats left is muzan >:( muzan kills tamayo real early on n everyones goin all out on him
we also learn that he has multiple brains n hearts in his body eww
also the hashira have their marks now!! but all but sanemi n giyuu get killed n giyuu loses his arm :((((
genya also gets killed noo
eventually ofc the battle is won thanks 2 everyones relief, it took for fuckin ever bc the only way muzan can die is tha sun so they had 2 kill time n keep him out in tha sun 4 a long time
also nezukos been cured!! shes a human!! n shes comin 2 help!!
the 2nd to last chapter is tha happy endin, the kamaboko gang visit tanjirou n nezukos house, giyuu cuts his hair n SMILES n tha hashira have their final meetin w oyakata-samas son kiriya
i cried readin it ngl their sufferin is finally over...... it cost a lot but now theres no more demons,,,
chapter 205 is set in tha modern day! kanao n tanjirous descendants are shown, as well as zenitsu n nezukos
everyone who died/never had kids get reincarnated (for example gyoumei is now a daycare worker, kyos reincarnation toujurou is besties w one o tans descendants n giyuu (giichi) is friends w sabito again!! makomos their friend too!!
ALSO KIRIYA IS STILL ALIVE hes the oldest man in japan!! this is huge bc the ubayashiki family dont usually live past 30 bc of a curse that was put on em when they had muzan
yushirou is still alive too but thats bc hes a demon n he paints tamayo for a living qwq
it just made me cry so hard bc waaah,,, everyone gets 2 live a demon-free life now,,, anyway typin this took me like an hour im sorry mint (as well as anyone else who read this)
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
tha infinity train arc as a whole tbh??? its basically enmu n kyoujurous big moment and. i care them sm. i cant wait 4 tha movie qwq except 4 their deaths ofc
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
i have a lotta headcanons really!! outta my f/os favs tho i hc:
giyuu is trans bi n autistic
kyo is gay n has adhd
muichirou is nb n pan
mitsuri is pan
douma is gay
enmu is nb pan n autistic
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunty movie 1
sooo ruth and i watched the first hxh movie holla
me as soon as we’re done w/the yorknew arc: OH FUCKY ITS ANIME MOVIE TIME
i love anime movies. theyre so often Entertaining As Hell, and also Not Very Good. its a very fun intersection 
overall this movie slots pretty easily into that category. it was a good time but nothing revolutionary. which is ok! and that makes sense bc its not canon apparently 
this movie was basically the ‘killua and kurapika have Trauma(tm)’ movie lmao 
we open w/killua having a trauma dream abt illumi, rehashing the stuff we saw in the hunter exam arc....we see this a few more times in the movie, and it really drives home how killua is still rlly scared of illumi and kinda just goes into a dissociative trauma state whenever illumi is around (even fake doll illumi or dream illumi, in this movie). poor kid :( :( 
regrettably tho ruth and i agree that illumis outfit in this movie was pretty sexy 
ok that whole beginning part where kurapikas eyes get stolen happens SO fast hvbfhdjshfsk its like ok guess thats the status quo for this movie!
jesus poor kurapika. they cant catch a fuckgin break huh
also that kid was totally the kid that was alluded to by kurapika at the end of the yorknew arc...so i guess that was included in the anime as a setup for this movie? 
also apparently that stuff was based off of a short story thing the author did a while ago which is p cool
leorios terrible drawing skills is hvhbjsdfbsdfngsjkdf
also leorio is so tender w/kurapika hhhhhhh im gonna die. im gonna gay die
and gon and killua are just. tiny soulmate boyfriends ok 
ah yes i see the obligatory movie original character who befriends the protag
it kinda cracks me up how hostile killua is to retz like vhbhskhdfbaj i get that its bc of Trauma and his fear of betrayal/betraying but it also reads as killua being a Jealous Gay which is kinda hilarious 
ruth and i when hisoka shows up: [prolonged annoyed groaning and dismayed yelling]
hisoka literally just shows up to sow chaos and throw around information to stir shit up huh
of COURSE the villain is the former 4th spider thats like. easy choice lmao 
it might just be the fansubs but i feel like there were strong implications that hisoka and 4th spider guy fucked bhjdfashfdjnakn
the most unbelievable thing abt this whole thing is that hisoka didnt kill that doll guy lmao 
ohhh shit its uvo
OHHH SHIT NOBUNGA AND MACHI....its so bad but i really like the troupe members and when they show up im like !!!!!!!
machi is so cooooool
aughhhh its like....i feel bad for nobunga for having to face down uvo like this....and THEN when pakunoda shows up too :( and nobunga tells her doll ‘rest in peace now’ or something when he cuts her down....oof. but also like theyre evil murderers so im!?! conflicted?!?!
also the shadow beast guys that uvo killed showing up and then proceeding to do LITERALLY NOTHING was kinda hilarious
and damn so technically the troupe is on the same side as the main crew, what with all of them wanting to wreck omokages shit
also omokage looks like sephiroth lmaoooo 
ill be honest i barely know what sephiroth looks like but ruth said this and i felt in my bones that its true 
ok i gotta talk abt the kurapika backstory stuff bc OUUGHGHGHGHGH my fucking UWUS BITCH!!!!
seeing a bunch of kurta was sad....and seeing baby-er kurapika OUGH and also pairo is sooo cute and him and kurapikas friendship is so pure 
kurapika is so different :( theyre like, so much more innocent and excitable....thats so damn sad bro wtf 
pairo pulling some slick moves swapping that little potion thing - all while using his blindness as a cover - was so good...no wonder he and kurapika get along so well 
also gotta say its even more brutal that one of the main reasons kurapika didnt get Big Murdered w/the rest of the kurta is bc pairo pulled this stunt - if he hadnt, kurapika wouldve failed the test and never would have left 
also kurapika saying theyre gonna find someone who can help w/pairos eyes ;_; the similarities w/leorios backstory/motivation makes me die 
and seriously im still caught up at how innocent and pure kp is oooof ough 
tho still defs the kurapika we know....theyve seemingly always had a temper, what with the reaction to the dudes in the market 
like, kurapika did NOT hold back...even after finding out that they were just part of the test! tho i do get it bc they insulted pairo...kurapika’s love for their friends/stalwart need to defend their friends is clearly a big thing 
also the market people’s reaction to seeing kp’s red eyes is rlly interesting to me...are the kurta like, known to anybody? or are they more of a vaguely talked-about group that like, ‘probably exists’? or is it that people know abt them but not the red eyes thing? it seems like these people, if any, would know, bc this market is seemingly a day’s travel from where the kurta live....i want more kurta lore bro!!
i big love pairo helping kurapika cheat like that....such an interesting twist, and makes it obvious that theirs is a friendship of equals 
anyways i loved that flashback stuff and it just drives home how absolutely fucked up and horribly sad kurapikas whole existence is, especially in this movie w/pairo’s doll being used against them
n e ways back to the non flashback stuff
i love that gon’s super nose returned for this movie omg 
im just auhghghghgh gon and killua know each other so well uwu....
aaaand illumi (well, doll illumi) is back to fuck shit up for poor killua
ugh it still gets me how clearly terrified of illumi killua is...we dont really see him act like this any other time :( and the fact that doll-illumi was able to scare killua enough to get him to run away and leave gon behind (albeit briefly) was oof 
gon jumping in front of killua and getting his eyes stolen instead....baby boyyyy oughhh
also can i just say thank fuck they didnt replace illumis eyes w/gons bc THAT wouldve been some serious nightmare fuel lmao 
cant believe killua then ran away again and walked emo-ly on the train tracks 
and THEN he saw a train coming and was like oh well :( guess ill die :/ JESUS KID 
but gon w/his Big Sniff Powers comes to the rescue!!
it was so cute how gon told killua that killua didnt run and abandon him - they were working together to fight :’) gon understands killua so well 
i love how the squad then squads up to fight omokage...with half of them being blind lmao 
and in the half that isnt blind is leorio, who STILL doesnt know nen, and literally brings a knife to a nen fight 
i totally saw the whole ‘retz is a doll and her older brother is omokage, and retz actually died a while ago’ thing coming lol but still, not bad
all omokage does is talk abt the beauty of his dolls or w/e like ENOUGH bro 
kurapika fighting pairo and killua fighting illumi (AGAIN) was all so fucked up they shouldve switched opponents for less trauma oof 
and poor leorio is literally no help vhhvdijfhjbashkj he just gets throw around this whole time
kurapikas fight against pairo was sad bc it was such a fucked up situation...kp did gr8 tho, i liked them saying that this isnt the real pairo, cause pairo would never say/do these things. still and extremely sucky situation to be in! 
meanwhile its the gon and killua vs doll-illumi rematch...and this illumi is like, a version of illumi drawn from killuas mind/heart (or something idk, it was kinda glossed over which i understand), which means that hes extra scary and focused on telling killua how much hes just a mindless killing machine who cant have friends 
but luckily we have gon here to help snap killua out of his trauma haze, which certaintly wasnt the case at the hunter exam - so it was kinda nice to see how things went w/gon around :’) they work so well together oughhhhh....and they love each other so much broo gay preteen love real 
hisoka just fuckgin materializing in the house place to help sow more chaos....unbelievable 
me: i bet hisoka wont want to fight doll chrollo bc its not The Same as real chrollo 
ruth: no i think he will bc hes a whore 
hisoka: [fights doll chrollo] 
me: oh shit u right 
kurapika: ok omogake its time for you to FUCKING DIE- 
and then killua stops them and says that he’ll do it, be he doesnt want kurapika to kill anymore :( :( :( bro im sooo fucking sad. killua rlly b out here thinking that hes already too far gone to matter when it comes to murder, but he doesnt want his friends to end up like that, so he might as well take on that burden, because whats one more person’s death on his hands? (EVEN THO HE SAID HE DIDNT WANT TO KILL ANY MORE...but theres exceptions when it comes to saving your friend’s souls and whatnot) :( :( AUGHHH
but luckily retz comes THRU with some good ole fratricide
killua: [takes notes]
the fact that the phantom troupe just fuckgin shows up and is like oh hey its you guys. this casual enemy stuff kills me lmao i love it 
then they just fuckgin LEAVE and theyre like welllll we cant rlly fight u bc of chrollo’s state so by i guess. its NOT On Sight but someday it will be! YOU TOO HISOKA DONT THINK WE FUCKIGN FORGOT ABOUT YOU. 
dramatic house burning! and rip retz, saw that one comin tho 
when they all went thru and said their life goals and then killua was like shit i dont have a cool definitive anime goal LMAOOOO
but THEN gon said his goals should be to stay by gon’s side UHMMM???? baby gays AUGHHHHH and killua is just like lovestruck AUGHHHH 
Gays Win 
then they all peace out to resume the next arc lmaoooo
and then we see flashes of other characters, like the blonde girl (who ruth and i totally thought retz was, seeing thumbnails from this movie....we were like w8 hasnt that girl not been introduced yet??? lmao)
we also see some dude w/long hair and a hat who ive never seen before but ruth went OHHH ITS SCYTHE GUY!!! so i guess hes gonna b important?? lol 
and then we saw chrollo....still in the same place the squad left him vbhajfdjkahsbfkdjabhsukfdj CAN HE NOT GET DOWN FROM THERE W/OUT NEN OR AN AIRSHIP??? THATS SO FUCKING FUNNYYYYYY ARE YOU KIDDING ME 
general thots:
so this was very much an Anime Movie, in that they cant like, advance to plot or develop the characters much, bc its a movie. and this one is non canon
it was enjoyable but i do feel like it was much more typical shounen then hxh usually is...like, i feel like this was made by the same people who make like, the naruto movies or w/e, and w/the same sort of approach/attitude 
this isnt necessarily bad - i LIKE shounen for a reason - but it was a bit noticeable bc it wasnt quite as smart as hxh is usually, and it rehashed a lot of stuff weve already seen in this show itself 
but still i think it did a good job w/what it had, and it had some good angst, and everyone was very gay which is good
the art style was SLIGHTLY wack but it wasnt as bad as i thought itd be 
overall a fun time like most anime movies. didnt reinvent the wheel but i had a good time. im excited for the greed island arc, and im also disproportionately excited to watch the hxh musical bc that is a thing that exists and i MUST see it asap bc that sounds like the kind of hilarious wackiness that appeals to me specifically
so thats it...later! 
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