#hes may look cold but hes just a shy grumpy cat
collecting--stardust · 6 months
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Ai Ogura before the 2019 Moto3 Assen GP
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Roommates (stucky x reader)
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3767 words
A/N: i'm writing this fic for...almost 6 months, i dreamed many times of stucky and their roommate. it was always hard to write i had seen in my dreams and to translate all i felt during those dreams. But here we are.
It's gonna be in idk many parts.
This one is a little introduction, and with slight angst.
TW: fluff, light angst, polyamourous relationship. Steve and Bucky (they're a warning...) <...>= texting
Don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
magnificient moodboard by the amazing @christywantspizza
divider by the talentuous : @firefly-graphics
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own.
Part 1 | Part 2 | part 3
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When you had to find an apartment. You never thought to find yourself with two gentle giants for roommates. But here you are, one year later with Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers in a nice and homely appartement.
You knew them from college, they were friends of friends and when your last roommate kicked you out because she wanted to be alone with her boyfriend… the two big guys were nice enough to propose you to come and live with them for a while. “Yeah, don’t need to pressure yourself, doll, take your time to get back on your feet. We have enough rooms for three.”, told you Bucky. “And when you find a studio or something else, we’ll help you to move out and in, sweetheart.”, said Steve.
But one year later, you don’t want to move out. You like to be here with these two. Monday is Buck’s night for cooking. Tuesday, yours, Wednesday is Steve turns, Thursday is movie night with take outs or leftovers and Friday to Sunday is more like “who’s there, who’s eating at home, who wants to go out?” vibes.
Life is easy, and you were surprised to see that…they clean, like ALL the time. Steve is the tidiest of all of you. Buck tries to keep is mess in his bedroom and ask for help when he has too much “trash”.  Sunday is almost always the day where you all clean the appartement. You cook pancakes or waffles and then it’s time to give the appartement a little bit of a makeover. It’s always full of giggles and pinning. Like the time you found a boxer under the couch. Bucky was a blushing mess, saying it was from like two weeks ago when this girl came home with him after a night out. “But I respected the rules, we didn’t do anything on the couch”. Or the time, Steve found your vibrator under the bathroom cabinet, you just took it back and gave him an innocent smile and told him to forget about it. Spoiler alert: Steve didn’t forget that and was impatient to finally have the guts to ask you if you wanted to use it with him one day.
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Today, it’s Friday. It’s the first slow day you have in weeks.  Steve is out with some friends and Bucky didn’t answer yet to tell you if he’ll be home tonight.
You decide to eat some leftovers and to watch for the hundredth time your favourite movie. Thirty minutes in, you hear the keys and then the door opens with a loud thud. An angry Bucky storms in the living room and lay on you without saying a word. He pushes his head between your breasts and groans. “Ok, hello to you too grumpy man. Can you tell me why you invade my space and doesn’t ask for my consent before shoving your head here?” Bucky starts to mumble fast, and you don’t understand anything.  You slap him gently on the back of his head. He stops and lifts his head to look at you. “Shitty day, shitty people. Need a stress relief. May I, doll, please?” he pouts and makes his best puppy eye.
Since you arrived, you realised that the two giants you lived with were very into physical touch. Bucky likes to lay on you meanwhile Steve likes to play with your hair during movie night or offers you little massages during them.
You never complain, you’re most of the time cold so this two are your personals heaters.
You start to massage Bucky’s head and this lovely idiot starts to act like a cat and purrs. “Did you eat?” he asks you.
“Yup, leftovers, there’s still some if you want.”
“The lasagna?”.
The evening goes on. But you can feel that Bucky wants to ask you something. He’s fidgeting, more than usual, and can’t seem to stop touching you. He’s currently massaging your calf. “What is it, Buck?”.
He sighs, and sighs again before sitting up and looking you dead in the eye. “Can I kiss you, doll?”. First, you think he’s joking, but then his expression is too serious for your liking. “Like kiss me on the lips?”, you ask him.
 “WHY?” you almost scream in shock.
He blushes and whispers “because you look beautiful, and I want to kiss you”.
“that’s a cheesy pick-up line, Barnes.”
He looks at you again and asks, “but does it work?” shyly you nod. You won’t lie, you already thought of what it would feel like to kiss Bucky, but you never really asked him, too scared to make thing awkward with your roommates. “So can I kiss you, doll face?” when you don’t say anything he gets closer, when his lips are almost touching yours, he murmurs “I need words, Y/N”.
You swallow loudly before saying “yes, you can, Bucky”.
Then his lips are on yours. The kiss is tender, lovely and your fingers grab his hair. His hands get under your shirt, and you shiver. You feel his tongue caresses your lower lips and you parted them. When both or your tongues meet, the kiss gets more and more passionate. Your legs circle instinctively his waist to bring him closer. When you need to breath you break the kiss and Bucky is panting above you. Pupils blown out and lips swollen. He’s more beautiful than ever. You smile, a little bit uncomfortable. You tap his cheek gently and whisper “gonna go to toilets, sorry”. He nods and lets you go.
Bucky can’t wait to tell Steve what happened.
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Two weeks later, Bucky has never once talk about the kiss… at least with you. You didn’t either. You felt weird. Not in a bad way, you wanted to start again, to try again and see if the kiss made you feel again all dizzy and warm.
But for now, you are alone with Steve. Bucky went home to see his family.
“Truth or dare, sweets?” asks Steve from the kitchen.
“Really, aren’t we like to old or outnumbered to play this game?” he snorts and come back with your cocktail and his beer.
“Nope, it’ll be fun”.
“If you say so, truth” you reply.
After maybe twenty minutes, you have to say that he is right, you’re having fun. You told secrets that both of you had never tell and you did some fun dares. But now, Steve wanted to ask you to kiss him.
He spoke with Bucky, and he was jealous. He’s best friend had the guts to kiss you, when he was too afraid to be rejected. But tonight, with the alcohol in his system he feels powerful.
“I dare you to kiss me…with tongues!”, he declares. You laugh because he made a move with his tongue, but you accept the dare. Why not try and see if your attraction for Steve is the same as for Bucky?
When your lips touch his. You feel sparkles down your spine. When you lick his lips with your tongue and he part his, you feel hot all over. His hands go to your waist, and he places you on his lap.  And like with Bucky it gets heated pretty fast. And like with Bucky, you end the kiss and excuse yourself to go to the toilets
&lt;Stevie: I did it, buck.
Bucky: how does that feel, punk?
Stevie: like a dream came true, but I don’t want to scare her. We are not playing fair.
Bucky: I know, we must discuss that the three of us when I get back.
Stevie: what if she says no. What if she wants to be just with you.
Bucky: or you…
Stevie: I am sure she likes you more.
Bucky: stop, Steve. We don’t know what she feels. Did she kiss you back? Like really kiss you.
Stevie: yup…that was so hot. She did the thing with her tongue you told me about.>
“Stevie?” you say when you come back in the living room.
“I-I think I’ll go to bed. See you tomorrow?” you ask shyly.
“Sleep well, sweetheart, brunch is on me!”. You kiss his cheek and retrieve to your bedroom.
&lt;Y/N: I kissed Steve.
Y/N: we were playing truth or dare. He dared me to kiss him. (with tongues, his words, not mine)
Nat: and ?
Y/N: I don’t know what I am supposed to do now. I felt the exact same thing with Bucky and Steve. And you know I don’t feel much when I kissed guys until I am pretty attached to them.
Nat: yeah I know…you and your demi-sexual thing.
Y/N: scuse you bisexual girl who dates only nerds guy. How’s Bruce?
Nat: currently massagin’ my feet so perfect. But you need to talk to them. I am sure they’re planning something.
Y/N: planning smth?
Nat: ask them. Good night, babe.>
What you didn’t know, it’s that before you join them in the appartement. Bucky and Steve had a thing, that only Natasha knows. They are best friends, sure, but they’re also lovers. They only tend to be like that when you are not around, since you moved in.
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You are not going to lie to yourself, you are feeling bad to have kiss your two roommates. And you are feeling worse to have like it, both time and even considering doing it again.
This Saturday, you come back from a little walk with Natasha. When you arrive, the appartement is quiet, a little bit to quiet. No one is in the living room and the door from Bucky’s room is wide open and empty, but the room from Steve is closed. You wait to hear something, like Steve has a girl around, but nothing.
You go there and knock. Steve’s voice comes to you in a grumble “yeah?”, “Hello, just to let you know I am home. “, you say.
 “Oh hey, little one, ok, we’ll be there soon for dinner.”
You can’t stop your question “We?”. You hear Steve chuckles and then he invites you in.
“Buck and I, sweets, who else?” he says when you open the door.
Steve is on his back with Bucky curled onto his side, sound asleep. You saw them bro cuddling now and then, but never like that. You raise an eyebrow but don’t say anything. Bucky has hard days and seems to find comfort in cuddling. “I have an empty space right here” teases Steve and tapping the other side of him. You hesitate and decide to go and join the cuddle. You lay down beside Steve, his arm goes around your waist. You put your hand on his chest, just beside Bucky’s hand.
 “He’s ok?” you ask quietly.
“Bad day, really bad one.”, answers Steve.  Automatically, you caress Bucky’s cheek and pass your finger in his hair. “How was your day with Natty?”.
“Good, really nice.”, you smile at Steve.
In your walk with Nat, you arrived at this conclusion: no need to put words for now, just enjoy the feeling of being close to those two wonderful men. So, you enjoy the cuddle and to pass your fingers in Bucky hair, while Steve caress your hip. You’re at peace. You’ve never felt like this with any of your ex’s.
Maybe they talked to each other, and they know that you have kissed each of them, maybe you can tell Steve now and Bucky when he wakes up. Maybe, just maybe you are, and they are into polyamorous relationship. Maybe…
“Stevie?” you murmur in his neck, he smells divine as always, citrus and pine. He hums in response. “I…I kissed Bucky before I kissed you.” His hand still on your waist and he squeezes it.
“Yeah, same Sweetheart, I kissed him before I kissed you.” You sit up, not sure to have truly heard what he said.
“Wait, what?”. Steve grins at you, then he turns his head to Bucky and kisses him on his forehead. Buck sighs in his sleep and get more comfortable on Steve. His leg goes on his thighs, and he tightens his grip around the waist. He looks peaceful. “You’ve kissed?”, Steve shrugs but his smile tells you everything you need.
You weren’t expecting that, of course not, but why are you not more shocked or disturbed? You look at them and it’s like the missing piece of the puzzle in your head. Everything starts to make sense, or you have more questions that need answers. “I always thought that your friendship was more than that”, you think out loud. Steve chuckles while Bucky stirs in his sleep. He tucks himself more onto Steve and his hand, who was on his stomach, goes right to Steve’s crotch. And the blond does nothing to stop him, well not exactly nothing, he’s looking at you and when he sees your expression, he gently takes bucky hand et brings it back to his sternum.
“I think we need to talk the three of us, Sweets” he whispers to you. You can only nod and keep staring at their interlaced hands. “We don’t want to scare you away, you know?”,
“Scare me away?”, you ask intrigue.
“Yeah, by telling you our little secret.” You stay silent, not sure you want to acknowledge the truth just yet…because it doesn’t scare you at all, it turns you on more and that’s what scares you, you almost feel like a creep.
“I would have never judged you. You can love who you want” you finally say. Steve smiles and brings you closed once again. You put your hand on top of theirs. For the first time in a long time, you feel complete and that stress you out.
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The next day, you all decide to have THE discussion. It’s just after your usual Sunday brunch. The guys are doing the dishes and you just looking in the void. Your mind is racing. What if it just a dream, what if they pranked you?
“Dollface? You’re with us?” calls you Bucky. You blink twice to focus on them again. They are smiling, and you get butterflies.
“Yeah, I am” you whisper.
“Good, good, so…” starts Steve. And then he explains everything, his relationship with Bucky, their attraction for you since they met you. You listen, stunned by their revelations. Bucky points out some details and makes you giggle. You feel shy and powerful. The more they talk, the more they stare at you with love and lust. You have the last word; you are the one who has to say yes or no.  You take a big breath and ask, “How would it works?”.
They are taken aback; Bucky takes Steve’s hand under the table and squeeze it hard. “If we try this throuple, we have to make rules, right?” You sound so confident; Steve’s heart is beating fast.
“Yeah, we need rules for the start, to try and navigate in this together” states Bucky. You nod and smile. Then you get up and round the table to go to their side. You see their hands and chuckle.
 “No more hiding now, show me those hands, guys”. They laugh and put their hands on the table, you place both of your hand on their neck. It feels good, you like that they don’t have the same texture, but they both soft. They lean against you and close their eyes.
 “I feel like I just solved a puzzle” murmurs Bucky. “Is it weird?” he asks.
 “I don’t know, don’t feel weird. “, you answer. Steve is the first to move, he stands up and takes your hand and Bucky’s and goes on the couch. He sits down and puts you on his laps. Bucky takes your calf and cuddle against Steve. One of Steve’s arms is around your waist and the other is around Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky has one arm around Steve waist and the other on your legs. You put your hand on each one of them that touches you.
 After a moment of silence, you ask” Can we kiss again?”.
 “Yes, please” they said in unison. “I want to see you kiss” you murmur.  They don’t move, Steve’s blushing, while Bucky is looking at you. You put your hands on their chins and turn their faces, so they face each other. “Please, can I see you kiss?”. Your gentle command makes them move. Slowly they approach each other lips. When they start kissing, it’s sensual, loving and you get flustered. It’s hot, you never thought that looking at two people kissing would be this sexy. Then Bucky does something that makes Steve moans. You did once or twice hear him having someone around, but he has never moaned like that. Steve’s hand on your hip squeezes your flesh. Steve breaks the kiss first; Bucky bites his lower lip.
 “You turn, doll face”, growls Bucky. You expect him to kiss you, but he does the same as you did, take your chin between his fingers, and make you face Steve. You kiss the blond; you try some of your trick to make him moan like Bucky and when you succeed you break the kiss and turn your intention on Buck. He smiles at you, and you smile back, before going to kiss him. With Bucky, each of you fight for dominance. You move on Steve’s lap and after a while, you feel him getting hard under you. Suddenly the reality of the situation strikes, and you start to panic.
You get up and say, “I’m going to the toilets”. Bucky and Steve watch you go, and they try not to laugh, because they recognise a pattern there.
Your room is next to the toilets and when you go out, you look at your bed and you really want to hide yourself. But why would you hide? You take a deep breath before going back in the living room.
They are whispering to each other, Bucky seems unhappy, while Steve tries to calm him down. “hey, guys!”, they turn their heads so fast, you’re sure they’re going to bump into each other and you giggle. “ehm, sorry to ran away, could we…could we go in my room? For more privacy?”
Steve is the first to get up, Bucky looks at you strangely “privacy of what? we are the only one here” he says in a cold voice.
“Bucky” warns Steve.
 You sigh and smile “No he’s right Steve. Bucky, I know that we are alone, but I would feel better and safer in my room…because it’s new to me and I need to navigate around all of that…around this new us. If that makes sense?”
Bucky relaxes and nods, standing up, “makes sense, sorry.” You wait for them to come close to you before you take each of their hand and guide them into your room.
“Where do we sleep?”, you ask.
“Let’s just say, that we can sleep on our own or together, but no pressure” answers Steve. You smile and walk into your room, sitting on your bed facing them.
Bucky is the first to go lay and waits for Steve and you. “Doll, in the middle” he commands. You giggle and do as he say, loving the few times you find yourself engulf between those two sweet giants.
Steve follows you and sighs. “Love the smell of your sheets, sweetheart”. You smile at him and blushes.
“I use the same wash as you…”, he laughs softly and kisses your cheek.
“But it still smells like you.” He boops your nose and you giggle shyly. Bucky brings you close to him, and he kisses your neck, making you shudder.
“When did you know?”, he asks you.
“When I did know what, bucky?”
“That you liked both of us”.
This question, you’ve been asking it to yourself for weeks now. But honestly, it just came along the way. The fact that they opened their home for you, that they’ve always been there since. Always have a shoulder to lay on, someone to rely on. You’ve never felt alone since you moved in here. You tell them that and they both smile, Steve strokes your cheeks and Bucky your hip. You feel safe, understood, and complete.
Then, they both lean in and kiss you. A three-way kiss, that left you breathless and panting. You look at them and you smile, stroking their chin with your thumb, loving the difference of texture. Steve is shaved, while bucky always have a three-day beard. You pass your thumb on their lips and bucky groans, pupils wide, the blue of his eyes almost inexistant.
“You’ve freed the beast”, chuckles Steve, who’s biting his lip.  
“Y/N, Sweetheart?”, whispers Steve. You try to focus on him, but flashback holds you in your terror.
You look between them, and you take a shaky breath. “Oh, yeah?”. Bucky nods and starts to pempers kisses on your cheek and neck.
“Can I kiss you doll?”. You nod and he kisses you tenderly, deeply, you let him have the dominance in that kiss. It feels good, but then his hands wonder on your body, and you start to panic. Bad memories coming back to you. You try to tell him to stop, but then Steve joins him and you freeze, panic taking hold of you, and you feel hopeless, unable to tell them to stop. You whimper and they stop everything they do and look at you. Your eyes are tearing up and you���re heaving, fright written on your face.
Bucky looks at Steve and he’s panicking; the blond understands he must be stronger for both of you. “Buck, it’s okay, she must have…”, they look at each other and remembered the time you came home totally shaking and afraid. It was just before you dump your last friend with benefits.
“Rumlow”, growls Bucky. “I’m gonna end him”.
You take bucky hand and holds it tight. “don’t leave me.”
“I’m not, I’m here doll.” You nod and looks at Steve.
“I won’t either, sweetheart, I’ll stay here with you. Just take a deep breath for us?”. You nod and do some breathing exercise, following what Steve does and then Bucky when he joins in.
“So-sorry”, you murmur, unable to look at them, fiddling with your nails. One hand goes on yours and then another.
“No need to be sorry”, they said in unison, their soothing voice calming you even more.
“it’s a lot.”
“Then we take our time.”, says Steve softly.
“Yeah, you’re stuck with us now”, jokes gently Bucky and that makes you smile.  
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part 2
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blueberrysimp · 5 months
Adding more stuff for Celeste (Oc)
she was more smug and rude and was more extroverted,but changed once she got to highschool, so she decided to be a better person now she is sweeter,caring,a bit shy,likes to tease sometimes as a joke and gets flustered easily, and she is very clumsy and gets hurt easily and she gets irritated super easily and has a cat personality so she can be nice but gets mad or irritated easily and is more introverted now but still extroverted so she is a Ambivert so when you see her she is not really talking until with her friends and always talking and laughing and messing around but in a joking manner and she is very funny and more chaotic and she likes playing with lighters because the fire looks pretty and cool,and is very good friends with Engel,Claire,Bubble,and Abbie and she started defending any classmate getting bullied even though she had a crush on Oliver she ignores it until it disappeares someday, now Celeste just ignores Oliver but loves him and wants to be friends again since she was friends at the beginning of highschool but got annoyed by him and his friends,but hes a bully and she wants to stay kind and defend the victims,but at some days she actually has a solid convo with Oliver but she doesnt know if they consider as friends and most of the time she is always bullied by Oliver for no reason and it kind of annoys her that she is shorter than him because she always wants to slap him for being a annoying piece of sh-, So her age is 17 and her birthday is may 15 (My actual birthday) and she is 5'1 and her personality is cat like sometimes she's sweet but when tired she is always grumpy and annoyed,She stresses over small things and is always tired and cold a lot and she loves animal her favorite animals are dogs,cats,and mostly hamsters and she loves ice cream,cake,candy,and cookies,she sometimes spend most of her time drawing or sleeping but does her homework all the time so she doesn't get a bad grade. I don't know what else to put here I am tired rn so I might add more later and this might become and Au but ill figure it out later on :) Oc account is @sweet-celeste
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tommybaholland · 4 years
first date with their s/o
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featuring: kuroo, kenma, akaashi, bokuto, nishinoya, kageyama, sugawara, and yamaguchi
kinda basic ideas but i had fun writing these so hopefully you enjoy your first date with ur fav hq boy!
kuroo would take you stargazing, most likely organically, with laying down close to each other on a blanket. he helps guide you through the constellations that he can spot, telling you a little bit about each one. it’s impressive because you never thought the night sky could tell so many stories. it was like he was reading you a book. you ask him how he knows all of it and he responds by pulling you closer, telling you he’s ‘all-knowing.’ he laughs when you shake your head before confessing, “okay, okay. i may have read up a bit on constellations beforehand but..i just wanted to romance you a bit.” his voice is low before he kisses you sweetly under the starry void. “is it working?” you enjoy yourselves so much you end up falling asleep for a bit, but he makes sure a little bit of the blanket is wrapped snug around you so you don’t get cold.
kenma might take you to a park. it may seem very casual but he doesn’t get out much and prefers to sit inside and play his games with you there with him. to him, that’s the perfect date all on its own. but he knows you like to get out every once in a while, so he figures he could as well. it means a lot to you that he would take time to unplug for a bit and lay with you in a secluded area, watching clouds. he actually really gets into trying to name the shapes of odd-looking clouds. he finds a blob shaped one that didn’t have a shape until he said it looked like a fried egg. you laugh but his intuitiveness never ceases to amaze you. he offers to walk you through a hidden path by the park. you agree and go to get up before he catches your arm and asks, “can we lay here for a few more minutes?”
akaashi considers taking you somewhere that you can admire with him, like a museum or art gallery. he eventually lands on a butterfly garden and he does not regret this decision at all. he gets to see the genuine look of joy of your face as you look around and watch the fluttering bugs. he thinks you look so cute when you try to follow several at one time, your eyes moving around quickly, making you almost dizzy. there’s so much to look at and it’s even better when it’s with your favorite pretty boy. he watches as a few butterflies will occasionally land on you, gently stretching their wings. he notes that they seem to really like you and you affirm it modestly as he moves closer to you. they flutter away as he caresses your cheek. “they’re like me. i really like you, too.” then he kisses you softly and it couldn’t be more perfect.
bokuto would take you some place where he can show off for you, so he takes you bowling. it’s not the most romantic or private spot but he enjoys being a little competitive with you. he admits that he sucks at bowling and that you’d probably beat him but he’d still try his very best. he’s amazed as ever when you hit a strike on the very first frame. he makes sure you’re paying attention in case he gets a strike and when he does, he’s just, “didja see that, babe? i got a strike! and i’m coming for ya!” he’ll try to get a kiss as a prize but you give him head pats instead and bargain that he can get one if he wins. so now he’s level 100 super determined. you end up winning both games and he decides that he’s taken enough defeat. he gets kinda slumped about it and it’s easy to see, especially when he asks what you want for winning. you tell him that even though he didn’t win, he can still have a kiss. which, in his mind, means two or three or as many as he can get out of you.
nishinoya would, without a doubt, take you to an all-you-can-eat buffet for your first outing together. maybe it’s not that special because mans will take any chance to stuff his face, but he plans it carefully enough that it lands on one of your busier days when you don’t get too many chances to take a break. it’s a bit of a risk because you can get kinda grumpy when you’re hungry, but the look on your face when he tells you where you’re going was well worth it. he pays for your entry fee and the two of you go absolutely ham, not caring what anyone thinks. and if you’re a little more conservative about what you eat, he’ll encourage you. not in a demeaning way, either. “i like the way you are and wouldn’t change anything but if you do, i hope it’s change that you can be proud of!” and afterwards you tend to your food hangovers by laying in bed (usually with him on top of you).
kageyama takes you to a rival team’s volleyball game. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at least a little disappointed, but you cherish the time you get to spend with him as much as you can. later on he realizes that was probably a stupid move, but the fact that you stuck by him and didn’t complain makes him fall faster and harder for you. he makes sure to explain it all as best he can as he hasn’t been the best about expressing his feelings because really, he has no clue what he is doing. he tries even though he thinks he’s lost his chance so he’s shocked when you say yes. he responds by fumbling over his words when he explains that he doesn’t have anything big planned but wants to take you to a cat cafe. long story short, he feels so lucky to be able to be with someone as kind and beautiful as you.
sugawara could honestly take you anywhere because he’s such a fun-loving sweetheart. he decides to take you to karaoke which, at first, makes you a bit nervous. it’s more of group thing because at least you can casually hide and get out of singing. he offers to sing the first song and even though he knows he’s not great, he still turns it into a lot of fun. and if you’re still shy singing by yourself, he offers to do a duet with you. he picks one of those silly duet love songs and it gets you smiling right away. he’ll dance a little when you’re singing your part which ends up being more laughing and less singing. even though there’s no one else with you, it’s certainly an entertaining sight. once you’re comfortable, you end up shocking the hell out of him by rapping a song so perfectly. he’s so in awe of your duality. you spend a good few hours there, in your own little singing world. you find that another great thing about being the only ones in the small room makes for perfect (even a little spicy) kissy kissy time.
yamaguchi would pick something simple and somewhere where you can’t see the constant blush on his cheeks when he looks at you, so you go to the movies with him. he lets you choose the movie because he knows he’s not going to be paying any attention. he’d rather watch you watch the movie and how the minimal light shines against your face and in your eyes. also your cute expressions and reactions truly make his entire life. he tenses up a bit as you lean against his shoulder but finds himself craving more, cursing the armrest from separating you. he doesn’t want to be blatantly obvious about wanting you closer but lets those thoughts vanish after a few moments. he lifts it up, allowing him to wrap his arm around you as go to cuddle into his side. but first, you press a chaste kiss to his freckled cheek, silently thanking him and making him go red all over again. he ends up resting his head atop yours as he looks at the screen. he’s still not paying attention, he mind completely blank from the nice scent of your hair.
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hellooooooo haikyuu night! anyone tryna request sum??
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Lost Letters
Masamune x MC Fluff Parts of this work include suggestive content. [To avoid suggestive content, skip the following months: May, January.] Word Estimate: 2k
Honourable Customers,
We are pleased to inform You all the lost letters were successfully delivered.
Your trustworthy messengers, Azuchi-Kasugayama Postal Service Crew
Content Warnings: war mention, injury mention, suggestive content, food mention, anxiety mention
To my beloved Masamune. It is March now, and the frost has begun its retreat from the air. You are not here, and I do not expect to send this letter… Yet I miss you so much the words seem to be writing themselves without much help. In this very moment, I wish I could ask how your day was. It is one of those rare instances where I miss modern technology – my helplessness is simply disarming me completely. I console myself with the thought that you will be back tonight. I missed seeing your face so bad. There are so many things I want to tell you, my heart is overflowing. I don’t think I should let any of them spill, yet I cannot hold all either. So, even if just on this paper, I must confess: I love you, Masamune. I love you so much it hurts. I could not focus on anything but your return the entire day. I cannot let you see this letter. You will never let me forget it. Although maybe... Maybe I should.
To my beloved Masamune.
It is March now, and the frost has begun its retreat from the air. You are not here, and I do not expect to send this letter… Yet I miss you so much the words seem to be writing themselves without much help.
In this very moment, I wish I could ask how your day was. It is one of those rare instances where I miss modern technology – my helplessness is simply disarming me completely. I console myself with the thought that you will be back tonight. I missed seeing your face so bad. There are so many things I want to tell you, my heart is overflowing.
I don’t think I should let any of them spill, yet I cannot hold all either. So, even if just on this paper, I must confess: I love you, Masamune. I love you so much it hurts. I could not focus on anything but your return the entire day.
I cannot let you see this letter. You will never let me forget it. Although maybe... Maybe I should.
To my courageous Masamune.
It is April now, and you came back all beaten and tattered. Your muscles tensed whenever I touched your skin. The disinfectant seeping into your cuts did not help either, I suppose… But you hugged me tight all the same, and did not let go for long. Your breath tickled my neck as you held your ear pressed against my pulse. I wonder, how bad was it this time? But do not get me wrong. I do not mind, I can stay in your arms for however long you desire.
This time, however, it was different. I cannot describe the feeling that I felt when you looked up at me and simply said you feel terrible and need rest. You… Appeared so vulnerable? And I know it never comes easy to you to be in this state.
I love you so much. Thanks for coming back yet once again. I am writing this as you sleep only a few meters away. Please, rest well – and thank you for trusting me yet once again.
To my flirtatious Masamune.
It is May now, and the weather has got quite warm already. However, my dear tiger, treat this as a note of complaint! Although… You will never see it, hopefully. You would see all the other ones then.
Never mind that! How dare you! You big, unruly, sneaky…!!! You know my knees get weak when you kiss me, and yet…! In the middle of the crowd, at that! Truly, my “knees were not a problem” as you put it after lifting me up, but my face surely was! I was red like a crab, Masamune!
How dare you uphold that air of coolness! If it were not for what you whispered… Curse that too, argh! Surely, nobody realised, and you always walk this fast, but… But it is the next morning, and I still am a mess after all the things you did to me the last night!
How dare you stay on my mind even now. Well, you did leave some marks, so surely, it is hard not to think of it, but… ! I want to lay in your arms a little longer, but alas. You had to start work early today of all days…
To my caring Masamune.
It is June now, and somehow, I managed to catch a cold. It is nothing much, really, but you insist I don’t leave bed today… Honestly, I feel a little guilty, but I am enjoying myself. You’re spoiling me quite a lot, my love, and I can hardly oppose it…
You brought some of your work here, so that you could watch over me while I napped. You checked my fever, brought me more covers when I was cold, even got Shogetsu to cuddle me up. When I woke up, you cooked me porridge, and I don’t know what rituals you did in the kitchen,  but it was beyond delicious. Or perhaps I’m getting better?
My eyelids are heavier and heavier… And you’re insisting I stop writing and cuddle with you now. You didn’t want to move to sleep in a separate bed either…  How could I refuse? I swear, tiger, some may say you hardly care, but whenever I see you acting like this, my heart beats faster.
To my curious Masamune.
It is July now, and this is both a letter of praise, and of complaint. For somebody who learns so fast, you surely never learnt not to get taken away by challenges. However, here end my complaints, as it… Surely is quite entertaining.
We are still running away from our own allies now. We have just settled for the night, and you are calling for me to come eat and sit with you by the fire. Have I ever told you you are the most beautiful when you are free and wild? No? Because your eye sparkles so gorgeously now.
You’ve made me appreciate so many new sides of life. I love sharing it with you, both the good and the bad. I don’t know what you’ve made, but let’s be honest, there are only starts above us and I couldn’t care any less about food right now.
Yes, yes, I’m coming, you impatient cat…
To my hardworking Masamune.
It is August now, and you are swarmed with work. I do not know how you manage to stay on top of it… But truly, you seem tired now. You set off early, and come back late, and it takes little before you fall asleep.
You… You cannot know it, but each night, you return my embrace quite strongly, even if deep slumber has already claimed you. You are adorable – your nose crinkles slightly whenever I kiss your forehead. I started telling you I love you, and you usually mumble back that you love me too… Then you generally get a little upset and nuzzle into my neck, and sometimes scoff about some pillows or radishes, whichever one it is this time around.
I must never reveal the fact that you talk in your sleep if you are tired enough. What if you forbid me from ever indulging in it ever again? I don’t think I could live without it anymore.
Your Beautiful Futon
To my joyous Masamune.
It is September now! I want to go celebrate with you, so this letter will be brief:
Thank you for having been born, Masamune.
Please, live a long life. I want to love you plenty more. I need to love you plenty more. To hear you laugh, to see your smile… Your happiness is infectious, and I want for it to last for as long as it can.
To my resilient Masamune.
It is October now, and it came in sour, as if to balance the joy of the previous month. This battle was harsh. You emerged victorious, but at what price? So many were lost… Although I think you would care even for a single person just as much. War is a dreadful thing, to say the least. You know it better than I will ever be able to. That is why you protect me from it, is it not? I wish I could carry half your burden...
When you returned, you only latched onto my wrist. Your hands were cold, and you looked almost lost. Were you scared that I would be gone too? My love, my heart… You held yourself together bravely the entire time, but I am glad you let yourself unwind once in our quarters. I needed to feel that you were alive too.
I helped you wash, and you seemed to relax when I ran my fingers through your wet hair. Perhaps the bath was a good idea in the end. I hope no nightmares come your way today – but if any do, I will do my best to chase them all away. I know you would do great by yourself… But I love you, so please, do share some of your concerns.
To my grumpy Masamune.
It is November now, and oh my, I got to pay you back for how sweetly you cared for me when I was ill. It appears it was your time, my love. I did not expect you to resist so much! “Sleep in a different room”?! As if I would even consider that much! But… You were quite sweet once you caved in. If we were in the future, I would give you a good patient badge!
Kojuro came in later too. You were so adorable when he started telling stories from your childhood! Ah, and you were locked in bed, so for once, I got a chance to actually listen to them too! A shy little Masamune… I wish cameras were a thing in this time.
It was a good day, but please, do not fall ill much. I will always care for you, it is only that… As much as your pouts were a sight to behold, I love your content smile even more. I will have to make some of today up to you.
To my thoughtful Masamune.
It is December now, and you surprised me yet once again. I do know we celebrated Christmas together once, but I did not expect for you to hold onto the idea. This time, you organised everything by yourself, with your own twists to everything.
The party was great – the music, the food, the gifts, I loved every single moment of it. You dressed well too, and I swear, you look even more handsome in the more so festive clothes. It was just cool enough for me to shamelessly cuddle into your side as well… Did you plan that as well?
I must thank you for the gift tomorrow. You must have had ordered this fabric months in advance. It… It really feels amazing knowing that you truly listen to what I say. I love you, Masamune. Somehow, you have this way of making me feel loved even without using any words.
To my adventurous Masamune.
It is January now, and winters in this part of the country tend to grow rather harsh. The snow is thick, and it seemingly keeps on falling, and falling… I did not expect for you to suggest taking a trip, much less one to the hot springs.
I do not know what heated me up more – your kisses or the water. Good thing we retreated to our room fast, otherwise we could be thrown out of the estate. I am quite relaxed after we have made love… Perhaps my initial fear of you suggesting doing it in the snow was completely unfounded. Well, you would not force me to go forward with it anyway, but your drive for novelty is infectious at times.
You went out to get some food for us to share, and I am still lying in bed. The pillow smells of you, and the covers are pleasantly warm from our shared heat. I think you will want to slide right next to me once you are back, will you not? I know you do better with cold than the heat, but is it not too tempting? Ah, I think I can hear your steps… I wonder, what are those plans for tomorrow you have made.
To my calm Masamune.
It is February now. You seem to be at home plenty, and I welcome the change. We cook together nearly everyday, and I am enjoying it a lot. At first, those were more of classes than anything else, but now… We recreated some of the future dishes I told you about. Is that not amazing? You truly could be a chef in my original time.
However! Today I shall take my revenge! Just you wait and see, Masamune Date! I will pay you back for all those hugs from behind, and “sampled dishes”, and for all those “you seem to have a bit of the sauce over your lips”! I prepared something you did not expect yourself, and you have made me this devil!
I hope I can get this surprised face out of you. It should be tasty enough for that? I should carry it to you before it gets cold…
To my beloved Masamune.
It is March again, and I love you all the same.
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx, @cottonfluffballofdoom, @ozziegrl71, @rikumorimachisgirl, @bestbryn, @kink-rabbithole  @ikesenfangirl @themysticalbeing If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, do remember to specify fandoms (and characters, if you are interested only in some) :D If it ever happens that you wish to be removed from my taglist, for any reason, do let me know. I will not ask why, it’s all fine ^^
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (28)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
Do you have a favorite season? I love spring and winter. Ah spring... the most beautiful season, where flowers bloom just like love stories. Cherry blossoms... the petals that fall... a romantic movie scene, isn't it? And winter! a cold a little dry certainly ... but that is where we see the thing that amazes children. I'm not talking about Santa Claus, no. I'm talking about... Snow. There's so much you can do with snow! Snowmen, snow angels, snowball fights etc...
The falling snow brings magic to the scenery, the frozen lakes offer an incredible spectacle that allows you to play and fish... if we're careful not to break it. Because I don't know if you've ever tried swimming in a lake where the temperature is... icy, but if you want to fall into hypothermia, this is a good way to get there. but it's a good place to ice skate. If you are good enough then you will have no problem! but if you start then... you'll often hurt. Generally, what inspires you to ice skating are figure skating competitions. Unfortunately, at the moment, it is not winter. So, no ice skating. Or... You have to go to an ice rink. And that's exactly what Melina had planned to relax everyone. Especially Danny.
What put him in a bad mood? The fact that you went out with Melina last night? No no... You have the right to have fun with your friends from time to time. And he sincerely hopes you had a good time! After all, if you ever come to leave Roseville, with him, if possible, you may not be out again for a little while. No, what put our dear Danny in a bad mood is this asshole who tried to charm you at the restaurant. This wretched little bastard had the audacity to come to you, to talk to you, and in addition to touching you? And the whole thing, like he honestly thought it was going to work?
And the worst part of all this was you and Melina made it clear to him that you were already with someone. But that bastard didn't want to know. Danny finds his next victim. Thanks to you, he knows what he looks like, and when he comes into action, Danny won't miss him. No spectacular staging. A hard-line massacre. A Ghostface classic. No one has the right to touch you, even less seduce you. He doesn't know what he just got himself into. Want a good way to know when Danny's angry? Look at his eyes. They are a piercing blue as normal, well when he is angry or when he goes crazy, they are even more piercing. Like the eyes of a cat.
“Jed? Are you...Are you sure you’re alright?”  
Danny came out of his macabre dreams to watch you. Your voice, like a sweet melody to his ears, will give him a smile, his beautiful angel smile.
“Yes, excuse me. I was thinking of something else. Were you talking to me?” He asks, putting his glasses back on his nose.  
“No, I was the one talking to you. I told you not to worry about that asshole last night. We said to him to go f*ck himself, (y/n) and me. And believe me, he was doing one of those faces... he won't forget me.” respond Melina, looking in the rear-view mirror.
“I'm surprised you didn't give him an arm wrench. Or a kick where I think... I'm really surprised!” said Mattew to her with a sneaky smile.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Like what, you see that I can perfectly behave as a responsible person and act with tact and diplomacy ... before moving on to the offend. But believe me, it's not the desire that I missed. I didn't want to get banned from this restaurant anyway, it would piss me off.”
“Anyway, Melina's right. You don't have to worry about that jerk, Jeddy. It does not reach your ankle I reassure you! You're a lot sexier!” replied Mattew with a wink.
“You know if Chris finds out you said that, he's going to be jealous? but... Thank you Mattew. You're right, I don't have to get in my head for bullshit like that. But is it really necessary to go ice skating? we still have work to do you know...” said Danny. He was not going to take his head for very long, since he intends to kill him. And just that image made him shudder. He was looking forward to it.
“It's going to be good for everyone! and then we'll have fun! Don't be shy! This is not the first time we have done so. Especially you Jed.” respond Melina.  
Indeed, this is not the first time that Danny went ice skating. The Zanesville ice rink is quite large and there are not many people at this time. It's perfect, you're going to have the whole ice rink just for you... for at least two hours. Melina parked in front of the rink entrance and indeed, seen up close she was big. very big.
“How long has it been? Two years? it has not changed in any case .... I wonder if the boss still remembers the falls he took here.” says Mattew before entering, following by the others.  
“Don't worry, I think if you tell him, his lumbar will remember it. And his ass too.” respond Danny who makes you laugh.
Each one your turn, you rent ice skates. And one thing that made Danny laugh was that if he wears 40, you only wear 36. How cute, you have such small feet, in a sense it fits perfectly with your body and size. Everything is small in you. It's cute and it's funny, especially when you react to it. So small, so fragile... And yet a hell of a temper!
The ice rink was practically empty at that time, there was only a couple and two teenagers who visibly didn't have class today. Melina entered the ice first once everyone was ready, and if the start was a little difficult, she quickly took the hand. This was not the case for Mattew, who kept clinging to her every time he was about to fall.
“Have you ever done one? Or would you rather I give you a few classes? It looks like I'm a very good teacher...” said Danny to you with a wink.  
“Really funny Mr Olsen, but before you teach me, I'd like to see if you can last more than ten seconds without finishing your ass on the ice.” you respond with a little laugh.  
“Ok...as you wish miss.” Danny replied with a smile, entering the rink, getting on the ice with a disconcerting ease. “So? Convinced? I am still waiting for an answer to my question.”
“Convinced. and... No. I have never had the opportunity to do it before. So I would need a couple of lessons.” you answer.  
“Ok, first...give me your hand. Trust me, I will not let you go. Promise. I know what it's like to fall your ass first on ice and believe me, it's not pleasant at all.”
Hesitating as you step on to enter the rink, Danny gently taking your hand to bring you back to him. Well, he had to quickly catch up with you in his arms because you were slipping. If the beginning was quite complicated, because Danny had to prevent you from falling several times, after several minutes, you start to take your marks. Little by little Danny let you go and gave you more space. And once he feels you're ready, he let you go completely but stood by you just in case.
“You see! it's not that hard in the end! You're doing very well!” He said with a smile.
“I confirm, you're an excellent teacher! Thank you so much Jed!” you respond, kissing him as he kisses you back.  
Danny left you for a few moments with Melina and Mattew to skate a little on his side. The agility he had, allowed him to move perfectly on the ice. If he wanted to, he could become a skating champion, but he knows the ruthless world of the sport. All shots are allowed. And he cared a little too much about his legs to lose them in an unfortunate "accident". And then be a sportsman and a killer... don't really go together. Fame is a good thing, the problem is that when you are also a murderer, your private life... is no longer as private. Generally, there is always a clever little journalist who hangs around... And as if by chance always at the right time. At least as a journalist, Danny is quiet in his private life.
During these two hours of tranquillity, the whole small group had fun, laughing every time Mattew fell. And when he fell, Danny was always the first to go to him and pick him up. While you and Melina laughed and chatted on your side. Then the crowd began to arrive. It was time to leave because when it has too many people, it's almost impossible to skate without falling, even when we're as good as our dear assassin. So, you leave the rink, return the skates and get out of the building to get back in the car.
“So, this ice christening? it went well to what I see!” Said Melina cheerfully.  
“Speak for yourself! I didn't stop falling to the ground or catching up on the railing!” respond Mattew, a little grumpy.  
“ haaawn poor little Mattew! You'll ask Chris to give you a little massage.... If you know what I mean.”  
“... the worst part is that I know very well that it will end like this, if I ask him for a massage. If I provoke Chris once... he can quickly become wild.”
“You're not going to complain about it... it's better to be like that than not. At least he is more tactile than before. If I remember correctly, he didn't even dare hold your hand for fear of breaking it.” Replied Danny with a little smile.  
“It's true... I'll always remember, he was really too cute.” answer Mattew.  
Melina started the car and drove off towards Roseville. The return trip was more enjoyable. Danny felt a little more relaxed. But he didn't forget the other asshole. And he intends to make him regret his actions in a way... irreversible. A good old-time murder will bring back memories. Like when he slaughtered that bastard Doctor who let Carla die. He hadn't missed him that day... or rather that night. That's where his career in murder began. Because of an asshole.
But the past is the past as they say! It is better to move forward. Melina offered a fast food for lunch, all while landing at the park to enjoy the fresh air before the hot days that will arrive. The whole small group moved the rest of the day to the park, chatting and telling old family anecdotes. Except Danny, of course. He had made a cross on his past with his "parents", it was not to talk about it now. He was free of it now. As the last light of day disappeared to make way for the night sky, Melina took Danny and you back to your building.  
She greeted you both with a wink not to go crazy, to which Danny answered calmly but with a smile not to worry about it. Then both enter the building laughing when they see Mattew's reaction. As you both arrived at your apartment, a noise was heard from inside. After a brief exchange of gaze, Danny took the keys to your apartment from your hands and opened the door cautiously. Lighting the light of the living room, he did not notice anything strange, for the moment.
“We must have been dreaming... Or maybe it came from your home?” you said looking at Danny.
“No. I checked three times before I left. It's all closed. The noise comes from here.” responds Danny before hearing another noise from the kitchen.  
Danny walked quietly to the kitchen, taking something to defend himself. If there’s a thief and he's armed, he's going to spend a bad time too. Arriving in the room, he suddenly turned on the light and raised his arm ready to strike before stopping cleanly in front of the source of all the noise. And this thing emits a very different sound this time.... a meow to be more precise.
“I think we have a little thief in your kitchen.” he said, laying the object he was holding before taking the frightened kitten in his arms.
“Haaawn, poor little guy... How did you get home?” you answer looking at the kitten.  
“Hum... It's a girl. And given the room I would say she came through your window. And visibly she enjoys your cakes. You've got two that's gone.”
“Oh... I had left the window open to let them cool and to prevent the apartment from smelling like bananas... But hey the main thing is that you ate well. You don't look like you have a necklace... I think I'm going to keep you!” you replied caressing the kitten who began to purr.
“You're going to have to plan on feeding her and a basket to sleep in... as well as a litter box, a cat tree... I think there's a pet store in Zanesville that owns it all for a cheap. And then she's going to need a name." responds Danny giving you the kitten.
“I'll see all that tomorrow. With a rested head. In the meantime, I'm going to set up a little corner for you in front of my bed. That way you won't be alone. It's convenient to keep old plaids. They're going to be able to re-serve again.”  
“In that case, I'm going to let you take care of that kitten. I still have a lot of work to do. Maybe tomorrow we'll see each other? If the boss doesn't make us run in the direction.”
You nod before kissing Danny, who kisses you back. Then he left your apartment to go back to his, locking the door. He sighed; it feels good to be at home. Not that he didn't enjoy the day, but since he knew about this guy at the restaurant, he had only one desire: to find him and massacre him. He went to his office to pick up his things. He took the opportunity to look at his hunting board. You can count yourself happy, Hoggins, to have gained extra life time because of the incompetence of the Roseville police officers... For once, and even if it hurt him to admit it, he felt sorry for Inspector Wilhelm. It's not easy to stay calm when you're the only 'smart' person in the whole police station.
He took his bag, and walked out of the building without making any noise. He got in his van and hit the road to the restaurant where you were last night. He parked a little further so as not to be noticed. When that bastard quits his job, Danny will follow him quietly home. It will do as usual, observe, note, analyse. And he'll do it again and again. Until the day it's time for him to meet Ghostface. And that night...
The massacre will begin.
Let’s the countdown begin.  
(My little finger says to me that you are 52 people whose following me! From the deepest part of my potato heart, I wanna say thank you to all of you! I never imagine to get so far and please so many people! I hope you will continue to be as numerous or even more numerous!  I hope you’ll like this chapter like the others ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all! See ya!)
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paganinpurple · 4 years
A Feline’s Family - MariChat May 2019
Hi guys, sorry for the lateness of all this. It's been like 18 months since MariChat May 2019, but as you all know I was struggling a lot last year and of course, everyone knows that 2020 has been ~A YEAR~
I've just been more overwhelmed and anti-social than ever and it's taking everything to keep me going to work and eating throughout everything.
Buy Me A Coffee?
Chapters (If there’s no link, it’s not written yet)
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31
Day 21 - Cold Night
“Feeling any better now, Kitty?” Marinette called as a blond head appeared through her trapdoor. The answer became intuitively obvious as the rest of Adrien rose up into view, a thick blanket covering his shoulders and obscuring the pyjamas he was wearing underneath. As he shuddered with a sudden chill that he was sure only he could feel, he sucked air between his teeth, refusing to let them chatter, lest he worry her.
“Still cold,” he said, fighting the stutter that threatened to surface. “I used up all the hot water,” he continued with a guilty glance up at her, “and got frozen again when the cold came through. So, that was fun.”
She couldn’t help but giggle as his grumpy cat face returned, his lower lip sticking out. She quickly tamed it as another shudder wracked his body and this time the chattering sound made itself known as well.
“Oh! Here!”
He was only beginning to register her words with his last chill-slowed braincell when she flung her arms around him, her gentle hands rubbing up and down his back to share her warmth. He remained stunned – frozen (ha!) in place – even as Tikki and Plagg appeared in his eye line.
“You should ask Plagg to transform you,” Tikki told him, “the suit might not be able to heat you up exactly, but it helps hold onto whatever heat you already have or gain as the night goes on.”
“Yeah great, Sugarcube, just volunteer me and all my energy instead of letting me sleep tonight.”
“Oh shusht, you. It’s a-” -she glanced at Marinette briefly as the girl pressed her face against Adrien’s chest- “-comfort thing. So enough complaining.”
Despite his misery, Adrien chuckled –partly at the exchange in front of him, partly from his giddiness at his proximity to his Lady– until a small sneeze reverberated through him, another threatening to follow. He quickly pulled away from Marinette even though internally he was protesting the idea, already craving another hug. But since he wasn’t sure yet if he was just feeling cold or had caught a cold, he didn’t want to risk infecting her.
“I, um, don’t think it’s a great idea for you to sleep downstairs tonight,” Marinette said when his sneezing had passed, her teeth worrying her lower lip, “The window guy didn’t finish the job today like he promised. There’s probably a horrible draft in there.”
“Yeah. Guess it’s a good thing your dad was suspicious and put off moving my bed earlier.”
It was true. The plan had been to move some of the bare basics into his finished room as the window fitting was completed. He could sleep there at night while they speed-decorated it during the day and hopefully his case worker would be appeased. They all really wanted to avoid any further issues she had with the two teens sharing a room.
But instead Tom had approached Adrien this morning and said he thought he should give him an extra night or two “just in case.” Adrien had frowned as he supposed Tom must have been wary of the contractors promised timescale, though he had thought that was odd at the time. The guy had seemed like a total professional and as far as he knew, had only been held up today by an abnormality in the wall which made sealing the facing more difficult than expected.
“Oh,” Marinette said flatly, “That’s…good.” She chewed her lip harder and he winced a little in sympathy even as he fought back another sneeze.
“Kid, I just checked your bed, and it is freezing over there,” Plagg said, dashing between them, “The window must have been open earlier or something. You do not want to sleep over there tonight.”
“You just don’t want to have to work to keep me warm,” he grumbled, sniffing back another sneeze as he spoke, “So tell me Plagg, where am I supposed to sleep?”
“Duh. All the heat in this place rises, so-”
“Oh!” gasped Tikki, suddenly catching on, “Marinette’s skylight is practically airtight. No heat escapes unless she opens the vent to let it. So, her bed is the warmest of all!”
“Tikki!” Adrien shouted, scandalised. He looked back to the girl standing in front of him and immediately noticed how she refused to meet his eye, instead glancing at a random spot on the floor. With her feet turned inwards slightly, and her arm reaching behind her to grip the opposite elbow, timidity radiated from her with every breath.
“Actually,” she started, turning her head a little towards him, but still not quite meeting his eyeline, “I was thinking the same thing.”
Adrien’s pupils shrunk to tiny specs, even as the rest of his eyes seemed to enlarge to fill up the remaining space on his face. He watched as she shuffled in place a little, enchantingly nervous but eager for his response.
“Are you…asking me to…take your bed?” He watched, fascinated, as the pink hue across her cheeks darkened and spread out further.
“It’s the warmest place in the whole apartment,” she said to his shoulder as she continued with her miniscule attempts towards eye contact, “and it’s where I sleep. So, I can always help keep you warm too.”
He blinked rapidly and a wonderfully cosy blush spread across his cheeks briefly before the heat was absorbed by the chill of his skin. “I am trying so hard not to make the kind of comment that usually gets me throw off buildings,” he admitted bluntly.
She choked on an adorable little snort-laugh and her eyes finally inched up the last of the remaining distance as he joined in, their rising giggles harmonising together beautifully. A tickle in his nose gave him a brief moment of warning and he turned his head away in time to prevent himself from sneezing all over the laughter-flushed girl in front of him.
“Aw, poor kitty,” she cooed, running her hands through his damp hair, even as her face bloomed with heat, “Tell you what. I’m gonna go make a hot water bottle for you. Head on up to bed and get bundled up. Plagg, take care of him while I’m gone, will you?”
“Can do, Spots,” the little black creature answered and the two of them watched as their other halves disappeared through the trapdoor together. Plagg turned back to his charge with a satisfied smirk, “You heard the lady, up the stairs to bed!”
“Oh my God,” the teen said in sudden awkward terror, “I’m really gonna share a bed with her tonight.”
Plagg rolled his eyes at the squeak of his voice and gave a long-suffering dramatic sigh, but his fond smile gave away the true affection he felt for the boy. “Yup,” he said as he started to gently push Adrien towards the ladder, only stopping when the stunned boy began to climb upwards on autopilot.
He managed to crawl across the mattress, and it was with a little assistance from the kwami that he got under the pink covers, blanket still wrapped around him beneath them. His mind was running a million miles a minute and he hated the foggy way his thoughts were forming because of how cold he was. He knew Marinette considered the two of them best friends on a completely different level than either of them saw Alya or Nino, but this was pushing those friend boundaries more than usual. The two girls could share a bed, or the two guys and it was fine, but this? A boy and a girl sharing a room was considered odd enough. His case worker had insisted he get his own room, or he would be removed from the Dupain-Cheng’s care, so for him to sleep on the same mattress as Marinette? Under the same duvet?
“Doesn’t she realise just how this is gonna…I mean, Plagg, isn’t she freaked out? She knows I like her. Does this mean-” he coughed awkwardly to break off his thoughts before he voiced them, “Isn’t she worried about sending me mixed signals or something?”
“Oh, my Me,” Plagg groaned, a phrase he had taking a liking to after it had made Adrien laugh once during a conversation about Plagg technically being a god. The small creature facepalmed with a sigh, “Kid, please tell me you’re joking. If you can’t see that Spots has it bad for you by now, then I don’t know how to convince you.”
The warm blush that swam across his face once more was a pleasant change to his frozen state. He smiled softly as Plagg’s words sunk into his heart deeper and deeper, drowning in the gooey affection they caused there.
“I was worried I was just imaging it,” he mumbled softly, “I still think I might be.”
“Uh huh. And I’m that pleasant white fluffball pooch from down the street.” His tiny paws came up to rest on non-existent hips. “She’s crazy about you. Tikki thinks she’s just scared to tell you in case you suddenly change your mind. I think she’s just awkward as heck and has no idea how to bring it up.”
“So, you think that I should-”
The trapdoor opened and Adrien clamped his mouth shut as Marinette reappeared, pyjama clad and looked delectable with her hair splayed loose across her shoulders. She took a moment to turn out the lights before she ascended the ladder rungs and joined him.
A blossoming of warmth spread out across his chest as she shyly pressed a hot water bottle into his arms. He smiled as he took in the calico design on the cover, and the nervous way the girl tried to adjust herself to get comfortable, clearly very aware of his presence so close beside her.
“This is nice,” he said with a short sniff.
“Yeah,” she whispered with a shy smile, eyes pinned to the pillow beneath her.
“Rest of me still feels cold though.” He smiled as she finally glanced at him properly. “Could I get a hug to warm up?”
She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she considered it. “Will you transform first so you stay warm?” she asked.
“Plagg, claws out.”
The light from his transformation hadn’t even faded fully when she snuggled into him, her face tucked into the crook of his neck and the cosy calico pressed into his chest tightly by her own. He wound his arms around her as hers in turn settled against him. He considered tucking a leg around her own but stopped himself before he took that step, fearing it might have been one too far.
“Did Plagg take care of you while I was gone?” she asked and the feel of her breath against his neck made him shudder in a way completely unrelated to his temperature.
“Yeah. Yeah, he was great really. He talked with me for a change instead of driving me crazy, so I guess that counts as exceptional care.” Her giggle reverberated through him and he decided he should get sick more often.
“I’m glad,” she said, her calf unexpectedly sliding against his and tucking under it loosely, as his heart stopped briefly, “I was w-worried he might make fun of you over this.”
“This?” he squeaked, clearing his throat quietly before he continued, “Nah. He was actually…really helpful. Cheered me up a bit as well.”
“Rea-” -She gave a loud yawn- “-lly?”
“Yeah. He said something to me, you know?”
“Mm hmm.”
“He told me that I’m not imaging some of the things I’ve been wondering about lately.”
“He said that you…Marinette? You know I like you, right? Uh, love you, actually.”
There. It was the first time since their identity reveals that he had said it out loud. He exhaled heavily. She didn’t respond.
“So, I need to know, do you like me? The same way that I like you?”
He pulled back enough to glance down at the girl snuggled against him. Her brow furrowed adorably at the loss of contact and her arms loosely pulled him back in towards her. She had fallen asleep at the moment of his emotional vulnerability and all he could think was that she was the most gorgeous creature alive. The view warmed his heart even as he shuddered at another sudden chill.
“Hmm. Purrs,” she mumbled sleepily, and he realised she was right. The sight of her and the feel of her arms around him had elicited a deep rumble in his chest.
Giving into the happiness he felt in the moment, despite the lack of an answer to his own internal dilemma, Chat replaced his head on the pillow and allowed the sleeping girl to cuddle into him tighter. He sniffed away the discomfort in his nose and gave into the soothing rumble and their mingled breathing as he fell asleep.
Buy Me A Coffee?
Hope you enjoyed!
Shouldn't be too long for another chapter. Next one's already written. Bit of editing...next weekend, I think. Gives me more time to write some more for other chapters too
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gladiasama · 4 years
idk why I wrote that lol it just passed through my mind so I here I am lol
(i continue to say that English is not my first language so there are going to be grammar mistakes or other things like that lol)
fluffy moments or something like that idk that title is too long: dorm leaders edition!!
riddle rosehearts🌹
he is so shy everytime he is kissing you!!
riddle always has scarlet cheeks but not the same as when he is furious about the 1st year's shenanigans. no it is more like pretty and pink flushed cheeks and oh great seven, he looks so cute.
if you are taller than him, he may try to tiptoed with his high heel shoes and just crossing his arms around your neck or just pulling you by your clothes in order to kiss you.
if you are smaller or about the same height as him, he'll just kissing you slowly and passionately while his hands are holding yours and his thumbs moving on circles against your palms.
but don't forget: only in private. he has a reputation to keep.
he is the cutest little bean you have ever seen if you make out after a long and tiring day, when he had to scream more than 10 times "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" because you know, dorm leader's priorities and jobs. just hug him and kiss his cheeks and forehead, he will be happy :)
he is just so cute dmksjduwi let me kiss him please.
adores all your pastries and food you make for him. his heart will always make a back flip while you tell him that you cook something to eat together.
he is working so hard so give him pastries make of strawberries, they are his favourite.
baby boy is always fond of you, as kalim, he'll try to support you in whatever you do!! do the same for him, because of his past, he didn't have any possibilities to do what he wanted to do... support him, hug him, spoon him (he wants to be the big spoon but in reality, he is the little one because he gets so flustered about your affection)
not too much affection in public, so only in private. expect chenya, cater and ace snicker in his back while he is looking at you with loving eyes. trey is smiling while deuce doesn't really know how to react lol so innocent.
during unbirthday party, he might push slowly the back of your back and putting his hand near your waist while showing you where to sit to eat pastries.
conclusion: a cutie only for you.
leona kingscholar🦁
oooh dude I hope you are ready for this man.
he can be the most passionate kisser or he gives the laziest kisses you will receive in your life.
he'll always have the control of the kiss but try to be reckless!! if you manage to find the best moment to slowly rub his ears while laying in his bed, he'll melt.
his tail is constantly grabbing your wrist or just rolls around your arms, hands, thighs or waist. he has no shame so except some kisses in public but not in front of certain people (*cough*malleus*cough). the same as riddle, he has a reputation to keep.
no difference if you are smaller or taller or the same height as him, just kiss grumpy man.
lazy kiss. lazy kiss. lazy kiiiiiss. after a nap at school or in bed, if your lips brush one one of his ear, it will twitch as many times as you do it. just expect him pulling you down and licking you face, you know lion thing or cat thing idk.
will look at you fondly while you take care of cheka.
but if you point out it to him, he'll look at you with a disgusted expression while cheka has sparkles in his eyes.
unfortunately, cheka tells to his papa that his oji-tan has finally find someone!!so when leona goes during holidays to the afterglow savannah, farena will make a celebration about it and will ask to his little bro to bring you one day!! blabla marriage. blabla party to celebrate it nanana.
leona threatens his family to throw farena from a certain climb lol if he doesn't stop.
if you want to help ruggie, cook for him but no vegetables because he is so picky :/
will say it is a tolerable meal but oh boy he is screaming in his head because you cook for him he is falling for you again and again
the best meal he ever has.
he takes the best nap while laying next to you or even better: his head on your thighs. pet his hair and rub circles around his ears and maybe, I say mayyyybe if he is in a good mood, he would purr. his tail would wag and tap a certain rhythm but don't worry, baby is happy.
but if you and leona manage to hear ruggie's particular 'shishishi', leona would wake up in one second and would run after donut boy in order to end up his life.
poor ruggie.
azul ashengrotto🐙
oooh baby octopus boy.
he has one condition about kisses: not in public. after all, he is one of the seven powerful dorm leaders of Night Raven College!! as riddle and leona and many others, he has a reputation to keep. moreover, he doesn't want to be laughed at by a certain duo of twins eels, who would never miss an opportunity to flustered azul:)
however, in private (in his room or the VIP room idk), praise him like you never praise someone before, pepper his face with little smooches and soft kisses and pat his hair. even if his cheeks are redder than riddle hair and some tiny tears begin to appeared at the corner of his eyes, don't stop. he trusts you so much that he accepts to show you his most fragile sides. ily azul urggg
just, don't make fun of him, he already has jade and floyd to do that lol these rats.
and don't forget to pat azul's head 3 times a day or he will pout lol
don't be afraid to spoon him, taller or smaller, just kiss him if both of you want it (it is important to ask and to be ok with it!!)
tell him he does a good job when he things that he is just useless (no you are not baby). even if he looks confident while doing jobs and contracts in mostro lounge, he panics easily when something he didn't think about appears.
don't judge him when his face is wet by tears and ink when he is in octopus form. expect jade or floyd calling you when azul refuses to leave his pot because of an unknown reason.
just reassure him and show him that he can trust you.
he trusts you so much that he cries harder while hugging you like his life depends on you.
too much affection and love to give for one person lol drown him with your love :D
kalim al asim☀️
my babyyyy sunshiiine :D
you don't ever have the time to propose him to give him a kiss that he is already throwing himself to you.
I hope that you don't hold anything into your arms or hands because now you are holding kalim.
everytime he sees you, expect kisses and cuddle lol
you wake up, kalim is kissing your cheeks. preparing to school or attending to? forehead kisses!! you eat and some food crust is at the corner of your mouth? oh boy smooching time!! goodnight kisses, good marks kisses, pain pain go away kisses when you injure yourself!!
I'm such a simp for him wth.
also expect him to always looking at you in classes or just whenever you are with him.
it is such a problem for jamil because he has to scold kalim and watch him at the same time because he is too occupied to focus on you :)
night adventures on his flying carpet are great!! will always give you his big and fluffy cardigan if you're feeling cold or if you just want him to roll himself in your arms while sitting between your legs.
he is so cute and is your biggest fan of whatever you do.
food date!! kalim takes you to scarabia to eat some good food that jamil makes. no, kalim is forbidden to approach the kitchen because he may destroy the dorm by accident just by trying to cook something for you. poor jamil dear.
will eat everything you cook for him and treats you as the best cook ever. don't tell jamil.
loves studying rendezvous, he helps you understand some lessons and you do the same for him. however it is complicated for the both of you to stay concentrated: kalim bright smile is charming you (there is only one sun in the universe and it is kalim *point a gun to the 'sun'*) and kalim has some difficulties to look at the text you are explaining, his eyes are only looking at you, his darling.
dance with you during his parties and if you are too tired or too shy to dance in front of everyone, go go in the carpet!! dancing in the middle of the night while jamil is screaming after kalim to come back because he can't see him from where he is. poooooor jamil let me kiss you bby-
looking at you with heart eyes is one of his favourite activities.
vil schoenheit💅🏻
good luck if you want a kiss from him. every mornings, he takes a lot of times to do his fabulous make up so he doesn't want you to ruin everything in less than 10 seconds.
or if you manage to kiss him, it is just a light peck on the lips or cheek. nothing too hard only if he wants to leave a lipstick stain on you ;)
as the others (less kalim of course), private moments are the best. here, in in his room after washing his face and after doing his routine, just lay in bed with him and cuddle time!!
loves to do your make up!! he will do your eyeliner while you're laying in his bed lol
difficult to have a full moment of intimacy at pomefiore. I won't give name but a hunter here seems to spy on you, hidden in trees when you forget to close the curtains.
I guess that his walls are now full of pictures of vil and you lol the 2 most beautiful persons for him
you try to convince vil to give more liberties to epel, since the queen has to take care of his precious potato instead of some ugly ones lol
don't pay attention to the potatoes who ask for his autograph or selfies when you walk together. he is super famous after all
but if you are jealous about it or some fans are too much intrusive or too sticky and still following you, just kiss him languidly. he doesn't matter anymore if his make up is on your face, he will leave you breathless while you can hear some 'kyyyya!!' behind you.
might be flustered lol he will blush
eheh you are his only love
sweet and fluffy moments are the best with him, just shopping, scrolling together on magicam, experimenting new make up or hairstyles,... everything is better together!!
make him some food low in calories but still sweet and yummy, he will melt right away:)
vil darling is super cute wtf.
idia shroud💀
imagine that this boy is naturally flustered, shy and attracted by you just by standing or looking at him, then imagine his reaction when you kiss him?
be patient and comprehensive with him. it is not that easy to kiss the one you love even if you believe and put your trust in that person. everyone has to go to their own rhythm so please respect that!!
once, he feels ready to kiss you, cup his cheeks and give him the softest kiss that you can give. his hair will bright a scarlet red while his pale cheeks will take a pretty red colour that he could make riddle faints. poor little bean.
show him that he can trust you and be natural in your company. he'll be so moved of how you treat him so gently.
he is a big sweetheart, please treat him gently or you will die by my hands.
videogames night date!! will invite you to come to his room while ortho is looking for sweets and junk food to eat tonight!! baby is so excited to have a night with his onii-chan and you that his eyes can't stop twinkling and idia even has to calm his down if ortho doesn't want to explode (I hope he won't).
say that you have cooked something for him and his heart will doki doki while he is screaming and stuttering some incomprehensible things. oh no, now the fire alarm is making a high noise but not so high as idia of course.
always thinks about couple date cosplay!! nosebleed if you manage to cosplay in his favourite character. you were his second husbando/waifu but now you officially are the first one!!
he has never be so happy since you are with him so please treat him so well.
(+he even makes a list to azul to explain why you are the best lover ever.)
(++ortho tells their family about you, I swear they cry and scream when they learn that their shy, introverted and otaku son has finally find someone so caring and loving as you.)
malleus draconia🐉
malleus chuckles everytime you try to kiss him. indeed, he is probably one of the tallest student in NRC and looks also very intimidating. however, he is the sweetest dragon fae that you have met in your life.
his kisses are so passionate and sweet at the same time!! his hands are holding yours or he caresses your cheeks.
he always try to flustered and teased you. he can't do anything about that, faes love to make so pranks on people! but considering that you are his lover and he is not like a particular little and old fae, he just keep teased you in order to see this beautiful and blushing face of yours~
likes dancing with you, even some easy dances. as long as he can spend time with you, he is genuinely happy.
absolutely loves to go to night walks with you. he will show you the most beautiful places he noticed before coming with you and honestly, he has good choices. the landscapes in twisted wonderland are so magical and incredibly pretty. but malleus can't stop looking at you, he thinks that you are the prettiest thing living in this world. how cheeky of you. lilia is so proud of him.
lilia, sebek and silver are watching you further, hidden behind some bushes. lilia is chuckling and smirking of how much the two of you are so cute while silver is asleep against a tree. sebek is staring and can't stop muttering about how great his waka sama is and how a simple and little human like you could be with malleus. he secretly ships the two of you because you make malleus happy but whatever.
lilia had to hit him at least 6 times because sebek can't stop shouting when malleus takes your hands in his, tucks hair behind you hair, kisses you or just looks at you lovingly.
he has a stomach makes of iron because of lilia's cooking so he will eat whatever you do to him but please, don't bake a cake. he really dislikes cakes. buuuut, if he learns that you can make ice cream or these sort of cake only make of ice cream (I have no idea of what they are called??), surprised pikachu face. will eat a tons until his guards (mainly sebek) tries to explain to him that eating only sweets are not good for his health and that you must NOT give them to the young lord because you can hurt him yada yada yada. malleus makes you run away to ramshackle dorm in order to have peace.
he is just so happy that he finds someone -as strange as you are- that is not afraid of him because of his name or nature. he will cherish you so cherish him with all your heart and soul lol I'm soft.
~~the end~~
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kachulein · 4 years
It's just Felix's voice is on another lvl and everytime his part comes in a song it's like "I knew it was gonna happen but I still feel attacked thank you" and ya I'd love to get some help in knowing who they are like, I recognize them most of the time but a guide to who's who wouldnt hurt mostly abt their personalities you know?
Oof I feel you so much with this. In the new album 아니 (Any) is my favourite song and I especially like Felix's part. His voice isn't as deep there but god, the tone of his voice is just so pretty?? It had me hooked from the start.🥺
And I'm really sorry for only answering this ask now, granted, I have to admit I felt very grumpy after tumblr deleted the whole guide I was working on but I finally finished the new, and definitely better/more organized one, so I hope this will be of help and that you'll enjoy reading through it~
A Guide to Stray Kids' Personalities
I'll put this under a cut as it got extremely long. :3
Bang Chan:
Chan is literally the biggest sweetheart and I keep referring to him as 'emotional support kpop boy'
he is so kind and caring - I mean he even hosts a weekly vlive broadcast to help stays fall asleep, he really cares about us/our problems and truly wants to help us feel better with his music and his words
truly does not have one bad bone in his body- he's super sweet and caring but when it comes down to business -music- he gets strict, maybe a little cold? but that's just because he wants everyone to do their best
he used to be (too) strict with Felix in the past but that was because he had a special bond with him/he liked him so much, so I assume he's the type of person who wants to see his loved ones succeed and do their best and so he might end up being a little too strict to them since he wants them to improve
he used to get more angry at the members when something didn't work out in the past but nowadays, he rarely loses his temper and he tries to stay away from them when he's really angry - he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings
he actually really likes acting cute!! he used to be the youngest member at jype and he used to hang out with older peers, so he got a habit of acting cute and giving hugs to others and now he does it to the members, haha so precious
he gets super shy and flustered when he's being complimented - he starts giggling and looking down, it's literally the most precious and he deserves to know how amazing he is because he truly is so humble
his humble self is what makes him a great leader as well since he's never greedy or selfish and always puts the members before himself - the members are his top priority and he definitely sacrifices some things for the team
but he also said he can't talk about himself well or he gets nervous when he's got a schedule by himself (like when he recorded his dance cover of 2pm's my house), so he really seems like someone who gains strength and confidence from having his team around him
he's very selfless and very supportive and encouraging but he can also be very funny and teasing
he's very genuine, sincere and nice and he's got an extremely strong sense of responsibility (vvv good trait for a leader ofc), he may seem a bit scary at first/in the past but the more you learn about him the more amazing you will find him and the more you will fall in love with him tbh
in general he's honestly top notch boyfriend material and also just a very wholesome and high quality human being
he also likes to lead and set the mood, he enjoys entertaining others and making them feel satisfied - he hopes that everyone can be happy, he wants to make people happy and then he will be happy, too
and ofc we can't forget how talented he is, music production/composition, making arrangements, writing lyrics, translating lyrics, speaking multiple languages, beautiful singing voice, amazing dancer (he's actually done ballet in the past), and also a great rapper
like tbh, what can't he do??? but believe me when I say, we're going to be asking ourselves this question quite a few times in this post
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Minho is the definition of a tsundere personality - even the members said so - at first glance you may notice that he can be quite savage and funny and maybe there's even a chance that he seems cold to some-
however, he's truly a sweet person and has a very warm heart and he selflessly cares about others without trying to make a big deal out of it - like, he'd never boast about helping others or doing someone a favour, he's the type to quietly take care of others
he doesn't like admitting to it but he truly cares a lot despite acting nonchalant most of the time - like one time Changbin asked him to get him something,,, and he shrugged it off as "nah dude, I'm not getting this for you" but he kept searching for it for 30 minutes when he couldn't find it - so that really shows it all (Changbin that dork asked Hyunjin to get it for him and then when Minho finally came back and said he couldn't find it, Changbin was like "oh shit sorry, I already asked Hyunjin to bring it to me." 🤦🏻‍♀️ #justiceforminho)
anyway, I don't want people to view him as just a pretty face who's an amazing dancer and a savage guy because he's soooooo much more than that, like there's a lot more to him below the surface -
DID YOU KNOW HE MAKES THREADED BRACELETS IN HIS FREE TIME??? THAT'S THE ABSOLUTE SOFTEST THING EVER BUT ALSO WHAT CAN'T HE DO??? SO MUCH TALENT IN ONE PERSON- (he wore one in his recent solo live and he said he made 7 in total and gave some to others, I wonder if some of the other members got one since I saw Hyunjin wearing a bracelet like that-)
he's a cat person which I love but he also resembles a cat so much?? a true kitty boy- he's very independent and self-reliant, he used to live by himself (I read that once), so he knows how to get around
he also enjoys things such as the smell of gasoline/gas stations or the smell of new buildings or even the smell of cat paws??? it's really odd but also really funny and his reason for it is that smells leave behind memories and I think that makes so much sense then-
he cares a lot about the wellbeing of animals and people and he even sponsors a child in Africa through UNICEF - my heart melted when I found out about that, he also can be seen wearing safety pins on multiple occasions and that just makes me feel like you'd be very safe with him
he can be a bit of an enigma though, even the members think he's "weird"/hard to understand as even they don't fully get him but I think that's his charm! he's not like everybody and he doesn't shy away from being himself
also, he never makes the younger members do stuff for him, on the dance team(s?) he was on predebut, he always used to be one of the youngest members so he said he never learned how to treat people younger than him (he's also an only child), so he's just comfortable with the younger skz members and I feel like they really appreciate it since it makes them feel as if they're all the same age
he also reads a lot and he's said that he reads many self-help books so that he can gain knowledge and help stays out there/convey the message of these books to them
with Minho it's really about the little things, he doesn't make grand gestures and that's why I think some people may overlook his kind and caring nature but if you really look closely, you can see it and it'll warm your heart
He's also very diligent and hardworking, albeit he seems to be someone who gets bored here and there ("I work out to kill time") he really has his goals and ambitions and he works hard for them.
His dancing is freaking amazing (@ jype pls he is a main dancer why is he rarely in center spot????) and his vocals and rapping have improved tremendously! He's got such a beautiful and angelic falsetto tbh you will fall in love with it-
So all in all, you can totally appreciate him for his wit and his savage comments but honestly, his kind and caring heart is what really made him my bias wrecker. I truly believe that he's a very caring and protective person and I find that so beautiful.
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Changbinnie oh god, I have so much love for him and I can relate to him a lot. First of all, he always makes sure to be a good listener, so others tend to go to him with their concerns and he tries to take everything in that they say and then give them comfort
he cares a lot about other people's feelings and he puts a lot of importance on his relationships with other people - he wants others to feel comfortable around him and he is very thankful that the younger members also feel comfortable around him
he's a very honest person and doesn't pretend or fake anything, however, if his truth/his feelings would hurt someone else's feelings, he's not going to be honest. That doesn't mean that he's going to lie but he just cares a lot about not hurting other's feelings.
he said even if someone else's feelings are just a little bit hurt, it drives him crazy and he also said that he might be like that since he's sensitive and gets hurts by others easily (this is all so relatable😭)
anyway, Changbin is known for liking to joke around and also is one of the member who get teased by the others a lot, but fear not, he said that he actually enjoys when others tease him because that means they're comfortable with him and that makes him happy
how precious is that omg-
he makes jokes a lot but he is serious when he needs to be, he tends to be more fun around others/with others but is more serious when he's on his own, that's why he actually prefers to be around friends since it helps him forget about his own concerns
I guess he'd be an overthinker and to stop himself from overthinking he spends time playing around with the other members but in a way, I also feel a bit worried since he doesn't open up a lot and I hope he doesn't bottle up his feelings too much since I know how difficult that can be :c
on another note, Changbin is very focused on his health, he apparently works out every morning even when he's tired, he also cares about healthy nutrition and he takes supplements so that he can be healthier
apart from wanting others to feel comfortable around him, he also wants to be seen as a reliable person and it feels good to him when he can help someone/give them comfort
he's truly such a sweetheart and despite seeming so confident, I always feel like he might harbour a lot of insecurities underneath - but that's just my personal opinion, so take that with a grain of salt
the members also said he's the scariest when he gets mad but the sweet thing is that he always apologises to everyone after getting mad
even if he didn't get mad at everyone, he still apologises to them all, and it just shows what a good heart he's got-
and pls can we also talk about how talented he is as a producer, composer, lyricist, main rapper, and vocalist?? His voice is so beautiful and I hope he gets more confident in it and tbh he's also a really good dancer, so I hope he can get praised for his dancing more often as well (before he became a rapper he actually tried out dancing first)
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"sexy boy" Hyunjinnie here is actually so much more than just a pretty face with great body proportions and amazing and sexy dance moves/skills
Hyunjin is the biggest soft boy, he's truly a sentimentalist - he gets hurt easily, Seungmin compared him to a snowflake that breaks when it touches the ground
he first thought of himself as mentally strong since that's what helps him overcome all the difficulties but later on (in that video) he felt like he was more mentally weak
he cares a lot about other people's opinion of him and it's really hard for him to ignore hate comments, he gets really sensitive about those (pls for the love of god, what a**holes are sending this precious angel hate?!?!?!?! I WANNA FITE (ง'̀-'́)ง)
with that being said, he's a very emotional boy, he tries to control his emotions or hold them in but he gets influenced by them quite often
he's also very honest with his feelings, so when he expresses them and when he breaks down, they all just burst out of him and he ends up spilling everything he's held in for a while
he doesn't really express his emotions skillfully (don't @ me, Changbin said that) so that can make you feel a bit sorry for him or it can make you feel like you want to take care of him because he's so innocent, naive and trusts easily
like really, he is, he almost got abducted by a cult once- SOMEONE PROTECT HIM PLS-
he also gets immersed in things very easily and boi do I feel him on this one; especially when he watches dramas, he gets so immersed and feels like he's living through the drama as if it happened to himself, he puts himself in the shoes of the male/female main character and the storyline just affects him so much that he often ends up crying (same same😭)
it also happens when he reads webtoons or so, he's also a huge fan of reading - ever since an acquaintance recommended him some books when he was going through a hard time and those books comforted him in a way that words never could - that was the start of his interest in reading
from the outside, we also know him as a bit of a drama queen which actually makes for so many hilarious moments - this impulsive/emotional side of him is just so authentic and he said that there's no side of him that he hasn't shown to stays
he can also be quite critical tbh and he's got his own standards for his likes and dislikes, so when something doesn't meet his standards he breaks down akdksksoals but when there's something he doesn't want to do or thinks doesn't serve him, he's got no problem cutting it off
despite that, he can actually get swayed by other people quite easily (hence, him being trusting and naive), when others make suggestions, he often agrees to them but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have his own opinions whatsoever, because he does have those as well
it's just easy to sway/persuade him, even when it comes to things like shopping - he rarely goes shopping tbh, despite dressing so well - but when he does, then he'll go get the things he finds pretty but when someone points something out and says "that's pretty" he'll buy it (so in conclusion, I really wanna go shopping with him now)
so yeah, Hyunjin is amazing and he's so compassionate and emotional and empathetic and I love him so much wtf and he's so hardworking and talented and his dancing is so amazing and his rapping has become so damn good, like his voice is loud and stable like good job baby🥺, I'm so proud of you🥺, and his singing voice is so soft and lovely, and he's also great at taking pictures- and aaaah seriously what can't he do??? he is a full package imo and you cannot escape his charms even if you try-
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okay so Jisungie is seriously such a precious and shy bean and you don't really see this at first glance because he's so sociable, outgoing and cheerful when he's with the members
but that's the thing: he's close to them and they make him feel comfortable and confident, so he feels at ease and can show a more talkative side of himself - he's even the one who usually leads the conversation
he's extremely funny, has a lot of wit, is great at doing acrostic poems and in general, he's just such a creative person with many amazing ideas - some may call him a genius😌
but coming back to that shy side of his; he's actually a very introverted person; he doesn't like to leave the house and and hates moving in general - Jisung in bed is Jisung in his natural habitat tbh
on days off he prefers to stay indoors, lay in bed, and just watch youtube videos or tv shows or something - he doesn't like to go out or do outdoor activities and his eyes are always glued to the phone (relatable)
even when he's eating with the members he's having his earbuds in and watches something on his phone and then he gets really creative and uses all kinds of things to mount his phone (again, so relatable hhhh)
his routine is something like watching youtube videos/cartoons etc., falling asleep, waking up, spacing out and then repeating the whole process-
he sleeps really well and he can actually fall asleep in the weirdest places, it really shows how he can fall asleep everywhere but maybe he also seeks special hideouts to nap because he doesn't like being woken up and if the members can't see/find him, they also can't wake him... you get it hahaha~
Chan thought that maybe Jisung watches all these things on his phone as a way to escape reality and to relieve stress but Jisung also said that he gets a lot of inspiration from cartoons and videos to write lyrics - due to watching all these videos he actually harbours a lot of random trivia knowledge, which fits the genius description~
however, despite this outgoing side when he's with his close friends, he actually gets scared easily, may it be heights or dark places or meeting new people - protect him omg - especially with strangers he's extremely shy -> the introvert showing
he actually doesn't talk at all when he has to meet new people, he gets very nervous and awkward and scared - when they're at music shows and there's a lot of people around, he gets very nervous - he said he's never been good at making friends and he only keeps a few close friends
when he gets close to people, however, he becomes extremely talkative with no limit, he's also very affectionate and warm-hearted, his sentimental, soft and dreamy side really coming through
so basically, he's very cheerful on the outside but thoughtful on the inside - he's actually very mature despite the goofy and silly/playful side he usually shows us -> Changbin once said that Jisung feels like an older brother to him because of how mature he is, he really is a deep thinker and I guess that's also a reason why he's so amazing at writing songs
Jisung also got something we're all envious of; he can eat lots of unhealthy things without gaining weight - he loves sweet things (but also chips) and he frequently eats late night snacks and luckily for him, his face rarely puffs up despite those late night snacks, there's only been a few occasions during which that happened (and I think I got a picture of one of these instances hahahaha he really looks different with a puffy face, so cute!!!🥺😂)
he's also just such an adorable person and it's so soft and cute and fun to watch him get excited and he absolutely loves to receive praise and he's just such a baby boy tbh :(( jisung protection squad where ya at?? and well, of course, we can't end this without talking about his endless list of talents like WHAT CAN'T THIS MAN DO??? producing songs, composing, writing lyrics, amazing rapping, amazing vocals, amazing dancing, drawing, voice imitations - he's seriously one of the most talented all-rounder out there and god I love him so much and you seriously can't escape his squirrel/quokka charms🥺
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if you need a definition or a personification of the word pure, it would be Felix, like seriously, this boy is so soft and precious we need to protect him at all costs
he's literally so nice, so sweet, so kind and so creative - he's often referred to as the "romanticist" in stray kids and yeah that really fits because you know what? he once surprised Seungmin for his birthday in the cutest way. He called him on his birthday and asked him for help (as an excuse) and when Seungmin came down, Felix was there with a birthday cake with Seungmin's nickname on it - he basically organized this little surprise and Seungmin tried so hard not to cry🥺🥺🥺
Felix is so considerate and cares a lot about the other members, he's usually more of a quiet person but when he feels comfortable around someone, he can get really talkative
but him not talking doesn't mean there's nothing going on inside of him - he's literally got so many thoughts running around in his mind and he's truly an overthinker - he talks to himself in his mind a lot
he also loves playing games and he can seriously go on playing until 6am, the members said that he is very good at concentrating (for example when he studies Korean) but especially also when he's playing games
Felix said that playing games is something that helps him relieve stress or it's what he does when he's tired - playing games is a distraction for him, so he can avoid thinking of whatever's troubling him
however, recently he wants to focus more on his concerns and worries, he thinks it's not something he should avoid, so now he tries to focus on these worries and talk about them/express them more since he thinks it's important to do so
something that's really cute about him but also worrisome is that he gets sleepy easily, especially after eating, so whenever they got dance practice, he tends not to eat in order to avoid getting sleepy :(
protect him pls and pls lixie don't avoid eating~ especially when having dance practice you need your energy and it's not good to have an empty stomach and fill it with coffee and sweet beverages instead of food :(
anyway, Felix is winsome and cute and an absolute cuddle buddy, he says he doesn't really know what it means to act cute but I suppose he's just naturally cute and adorable- I MEAN C'MON-
whenever Felix talks about serious matters, it's like he needs some sort of comfort afterwards so he requires a lot of cuddles (but the members said that after a while it gets too hot (I guess because of his body heat??) so it can be hard for them to cuddle him for long periods of time :'))
Felix is also known as our sunshine, he always wants to give a positive and happy impression to others/us stays even when he might be dealing with negative thoughts, it's too precious but I hope he also takes care of himself
but trying to be optimistic and think positively instead of letting the negative thoughts consume you is already a good start and I feel like Chan also helped him a lot with this, Chanlix best soulmates ever
Felix has high expectations (it seems) and he always wants to do better and do well, he's working hard on improving himself and it really shows!!
his singing voice improved so much (as well as his rapping!! and I mean H I S  V O I C E in general oof😭🥺) and his dancing is freaking amazing!! I hope he can become confident in himself because he deserves to be happy with the person he is since he's such a huge inspiration to so many of us!! SERIOUSLY WHAT CAN'T HE DO?? he shows us that we can achieve anything with practice and hard work and that's so inspiring PLS EVERYONE LOVE OUR FELIX SUNSHINE
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I think the first words that come to mind when thinking of Seungmin is how diligent and clean/organized he is. He was one of the only (if not THE only) trainee who never missed a day of writing his trainee logs
he's not just diligent but extremely hardworking overall and he describes himself as serious and a bit funny - he's got very strong willpower tbh
he may also be known for teasing the members, especially Jeongin, or for nagging when someone (looking at you, Jisung) leaves behind a mess at the dorm but he is truly a sweetheart and he doesn't mean any harm
and in turn, he's also one of the members who gets teased the most- when that happens he becomes upset but he recovers very quickly as he often thinks it's not worth getting mad over
like honestly, he is a puppy, he can't do no harm :< but yeah, Seungmin is actually extremely soft, emotional, empathetic and supportive!! I've been keeping an eye on him recently and whenever something happens to a member (on a variety show - for example when one member shows off something and embarrasses himself or so), he's always there to give them a hug, comforting them
he also always tries to cheer other members up when they feel down, then he may act silly or he does/say something that's supportive because he truly cares about the members and doesn't like seeing them in pain
he's also someone who cries very easily, showing how he's truly an emotional baby but don't be phased, he's actually very emotionally strong and it's something very admirable about him
he has God sent vocals, his dancing is amazing and omg have you heard rapper!Seungmin?? Tbh I dig it!! He strictly takes care of his voice since his vocals and recording songs is very important to him - he dresses warmly when it's cold, always wears a mask and tries not to get sick
he's also very good at taking photos and he always brings his camera to official schedules and takes photos of the members. SEUNGMIN BEST STRAY KIDS FANSITE!!!!!
if you ever hear a weird noise, especially something sounding like "GAAAH" or "DA", it's probably Seungmin. He's truly a puppy, he's so cute and adorable, I feel like he's the type of person you can't get mad at
he also manages himself well, from getting up early, to cooking food for himself if there's none, to taking care of his body and health - it's really admirable and he also practices his singing so diligently and it just s h o w s- he's so good
also, he actually wanted to become a baseball player when he was a kid and we're still waiting for him to show us how he plays-
but also!!! he is a very smart and logical person (he wanted to be a prosecutor if he wasn't in stray kids) so he's got both the logical and also the very loving, empathetic side since he's also very considerate of the members - he seems to be a really good listener to them, this is just a personal observation from watching two kids room episodes- and he's actually the only member who thinks before he speaks- THANK YOU SEUNGMING I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE DON'T JUST BLURT EVERYTHING OUT-
so really ???? WHAT CAN'T HE DO HE IS A FULL PACKAGE- and fun fact, he brushes his teeth around 6 times a day-
but anyway, Seungmin is the type of person who appreciates the small things in life and finds happiness through those. I really like that attitude and he's truly someone worth looking up to. Our multitalented dandy boy- you can only love him~
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Jeongin here may be the youngest - and granted he is absolutely cute and adorable no matter what he does - but he's actually also a very mature person and I feel like that can be overlooked since he's the youngest of the team
while it can be hard for him to share his struggles as there's no one else his age in skz, he's also generally a person who doesn't want to burden others with his hardships so he keeps a lot of stuff to himself (so relatable)
but recently his mom talked to him about him not sharing his feelings and he's trying to open up more and share a bit, when the other members ask him if it's been hard, he often bursts into tears - god, protect him pls
even though he doesn't talk or show that much there's these moments - one time he was eating with Hyunjin and just broke down in tears since it's been hard for him - I suppose he bottles stuff up and then it comes out all of a sudden
however, his mature side is still there and the members, especially Hyunjin or Chan really enjoy sharing their feelings with him
Jeongin is a really great listener, he doesn't try to give solutions, he just listens to the other person and then shares his own experiences - it's what makes him seem mature
though he also has a bit of a mature and even cold look, so usually the first impression he gives off is different from his actual self and he said he enjoys seeing how people get surprised when they get closer to him and learn about his true self
he's also extremely clumsy and causes trouble often - from breaking doors, to accidentally hurting members, to spilling stuff, he's a clumsy boi
and he's also really forgetful, he tends to forget when he orders something online and gets surprised when it suddenly arrives or he forgets where he put his belongings (like his airpods jajdjskdks) and then he just buys new ones and then loses them again after a few months- aish that boi-
but these things are also what makes him even more lovable, like yes, he definitely has a mature side about him but you just want to protect and take care of him when you see him, amiright???
the members also said (or more like Hyunjin said) that he doesn't know anyone who's kinder and nicer than Jeongin
and on top of that, he's also a very hardworking member and his dancing and his vocals have improved soooooo much, and I'm so so so proud of him, like his voice is so beautiful
and he's been getting into working out recently, so now he's also trying to take good care of his body and wow, he's been doing a really good job even the members commented on how his back/shoulders are becoming broader
all in all, Jeongin is the cute and adorable maknae of Stray Kids but he's also so much more than just the youngest member and he's got so many things going for him and he always pushes through even when it's hard and never gives up
it's truly admirable like what can't he do right????? pls show our cute baby lots of love uwu
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When the Sun Melts the Ice
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Written for my bff @junghelioseok, I finally wrote your Hobi fic!
Pairing:  Jung Hoseok X Reader
Genre: Angst,  strangers to friends, unrequited love, college au,  fake girlfriend! Reader, surprise ending?
Summary: You don’t think much of it when the Sunshine boy of Seoul University asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his ex back. After all Soomin hates your guts.
Words: 4431
Warnings: Unedited
You don’t think much of it when one of the hottest boys on campus asks you to be his fake girlfriend. You don’t know much about Jung Hoseok aside from common knowledge and the college rumors floating around, but you do know Soo-min- his ex,very well. The dark haired beauty was your sworn enemy having tormented you since the early days of elementary school. So it only makes sense in Hoseok’s desperate need to make Soo-min jealous that he turns to the one person she despises.
“What’s in it for me?” You ask, unimpressed by his dimple smile. Many girls on campus would kill just to be called Jung Hoseok’s girlfriend, even if temporarily. 
You’re not like other girls though. The idea of being anyone’s significant other pretend or not fills you with dread. Love, attraction, sex, you don’t react normally to those things-mainly because you saw no point behind them. 
Hoseok’s smile falters. “I can hook you up with one of my fraternity brothers if they interest you more? But that would have to wait-”
“Does it look like I’m interested in your fraternity brothers?” You question, voice void of all emotions.
     A shiver runs up Hoseok’s spine as he’s reminded why your college nickname is Ice Queen. Suddenly he wonders if you can even pull off pretending to be his girlfriend. You aren’t exactly known for your warm loving personality… 
    “Well, what is it that you want?” he sighs.
He doesn’t know what to expect. Money would be the obvious answer since none of his brothers interest you. Completing your college assignments for the rest of the year is also a likely possibility (though he assumes you’ll request Namjoon the genius of Beta-Tau-Sigma to do it, instead of him). However he is completely unprepared for the request that slips out of your mouth.
   “I want to learn how to make friends.”
He blinks. “What?”
  To say he expects you to be joking is an understatement, but the frown marring your face says otherwise. His eyes widen. “Shit, you’re serious.”
   “Why not? You’re sociable. I mean you’re fucking Jung Hoseok, Sunshine boy of BTS. Everyone loves you.” You point out, finger prodding his chest aggressively. “If anyone can teach me how to make friends, it’s you.”
   “Alright fine, I’ll teach you how to make friends. Just stop poking me.”  Hoseok promises, hands raised in surrender. “But in turn you have to help make Soo-min jealous.”
    You eyed him suspiciously.  For a second Hoseok wonders if you’re going to back out. “Deal.” you finally reply. “So what now? We spit and shake hands or is this more of a blood pact thing?”
   To both your surprises Hoseok actually chortles. “How about we write up a contract? Blood pacts sound kinda scary.”
   Later that day Hoseok and you draw up a contract. He promises to teach you everything from small talk, first impressions and social norms in exchange for three months of servitude and prostitution  fake dating. Luckily Hoseok outlines everything that comes with the territory of dating, which in all honesty minus the few chick-flicks you’ve seen you are completely clueless of. In the end really all you have to do is hang around Hoseok, talk to him, laugh at his jokes, and occasionally display some form of physical affection. So far nothing vaguely alarming to  you.
 “Do I have to wear your hoodie? I can get my own.” you ask, picking at the fabric.
On your third week of dating Hoseok throws one of his hoodies over your head, claiming it too cold for you to walk around in short sleeves. Admittedly the fabric is comfier than anything you own and the warmth of Hoseok’s body still permeates it despite a solid hour passing. Part of you wants to keep it, but the rising goosebumps on Hoseok’s skin makes you rethink. Why didn’t Hoseok just ask for it back if he’s cold?  
   “Your dorm is a good four blocks away. You’ll become an icicle before you ever get there.” Hoseok laughs.
    You raise an eyebrow. “I think you’re the one becoming an icicle. You’re practically shivering Hoseok!”
   “Aish…you’re making me sound so uncool, Jagiya.” He bemoans playfully.
     You roll your eyes and pinch his arm. “Seriously Hoseok. Take the hoodie. I am perfectly fine in this weather. They call me Ice Queen after all.”
Hoseok shakes his head. “Ice Queen or not, what type of man would I be if I let a friend freeze to death?”
   His words strike an unfamiliar feeling in you. It’s a strange feeling one that can only be described as a pleasantly warm ache. It thrills you as much as it scares you. Later you would pinpoint this moment as this beginning out it all, when your heart first started to melt. For now though you shove the feeling back with the reminder that this was all pretend.
    The real trouble begins when Hoseok introduces you to his ‘brothers’ a week later.’  The members of Beta-Tau-Sigma are undoubtedly the hottest students on campus, but what really scares you is the mere idea of making small talk. “Are you sure this is a smart idea? I mean we’ve just gone over the basics of small talk last week.”  you say clinging to Hoseok’s sleeve.
    The cherry haired boy laughs unable to deny your cuteness. If someone told him, he’d grow attached to Seoul University’s very own Ice Queen, Hoseok wouldn’t believe them. Hell, when he first approached you one month ago, Hoseok was low-key scared of you. You were just so unsociable, glaring at everyone who came your way, giving people the cold shoulder, and never speaking more than necessary. He whole-heartedly believed Soo-min’s claims of you being sociopath.
       “I want to learn how to make friends.” 
Your words echo in his head. A smile makes its way to his face at the memory. No sociopath would want such a thing. You were just a lonely girl whose awkwardness and shyness came off as apathy. “You’ll be fine, (Y/N). The guys are nice, I promise.” Hoseok assures. “Besides I’ll be here the whole time.”
    Your lips press together in what Hoseok recognizes as your version of a smile. The sight warms Hoseok’s heart. It may not be a full smile, but it isn’t your normal frown either. Hoseok hopes one day it can turn into a real bright smile. Moreover he hopes to see it when it does.
   “Guys! I’m back and I brought (Y/N) with me.” Hoseok calls as you guys enter the fraternity.
  You shy even closer to him practically hiding behind him. You are too cute, nothing like the cold-hearted (Y/N) (L/N) everyone feared. “Are they even awake?”
   “It’s mid-afternoon of course we’re awake.” Yoongi snorts coolly, appearing from around the corner. The two of you jump bringing a gummy smile to his face. “So you are Hoseok’s fake girlfriend? Definitely not the type of girl I imagined he’d go for-even if pretend.”
   Hoseok frowns.  “Yoongi-” 
“I don’t know you look like grumpy cat and he is friends with you sooo..” You snap back, reverting to your usual defensive nature.
   “(Y/N), remember what we talked about?” Hoseok pleads.
  However his pleas are ignored as Yoongi’s eyes narrowed into slits. “Grumpy cat?”
     “Meow.” You mock sassily.
Tension fills the room. Hoseok swear he can see lightning flash between you too. He’s about ready to have a panic attack when Yoongi snorts. His heart stops as his white haired friend doubled over laughing. “Meow? Did you really just meow?”
    “Maybe.” you shrug, pink dusting your cheeks.
     “I like her, Hobi. Keep her around.” 
   The excitement of his approval brings a fluttering to your heart. You’re so happy you miss Hoseok’s response. In hindsight you know it is such a silly thing to be proud of. After all you weren’t friends or anything with Yoongi, but it is a start. Something Hoseok seem to recognize, because he engulf into a big bear hug. He praises you, not once mentioning your poor etiquette or how you didn’t follow any of his teachings. The warm feeling from last week returns this time planting itself right into your thawed heart.
By the sixth week you’re so deeply ingrained in Hoseok’s life, he can’t remember a day you weren’t there. His mornings now consist of idle chats while walking you to class and the occasional coffee stop. Afternoon involve study trips to the library, followed by lunch either at the café or his fraternity; you are shockingly a good chef, something Hoseok never would’ve guessed. Nights tend to vary in activity, however almost always you two were together. Not day seemed to pass where you weren’t glued to his side and vice versa.  Even his brothers took a liking to you, which is unusual given their distaste for Soo-min.
Either way if Hoseok hadn’t already saw you as a friend, he definitely did now. It’s only ironic that during such a growth in your guys’ relationship Soo-min finally takes notice. 
“You’re pathetic, you know that Hobi?” Soo-min corners him one day outside of class. A sneer paints her cute little mouth as her nose twitches in obvious disgust. Hoseok swallows hard unable to stop his heart from beating against his chest. Even with that nasty look on her face, she’s still adorable. “I mean seriously? Hanging out with that loser (Y/N) to make me jealous? As if that would ever work, you know she’s a freak right?”
The harsh words against you causes him to frown. He never really understood Soo-min’s hatred of you. All she ever said was you were an emotionless freak and several other mean accusations excusing her dislike of you. Nothing ever substantial. “Stop it, Soo-min. You’re being mean.” 
Soo-min’s jaw drops. “Excuse me?! You’re not really defending that-”
    “Don’t. I love you Soo-min, but I won’t have you bad talking (Y/N).” Hoseok replies firmly. “Now if you have nothing nice to say I suggest you leave.”
    An indignant cry escapes Soo-min as she stomps off like a child. Hoseok releases a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. His head spins with confusion and frustration. Confusion at his sudden shift from how willing he was to drop Soo-min for you. Frustrated at Soo-min’s hatred of you, why couldn’t she see how truly vulnerable you were? He only thank god you weren’t around to hear Soo-min. He could imagine you’d pull back into that shell of yours from her words.
    “Well, she still doesn’t like me. Guess that’s a plus for you.”
 Hoseok leaped at the sound of your monotone voice.  The hairs on the back of his rising as he turned to find you lounging a few feet behind him. Your lips twitch in amusement by his fright. “Jagiya, don’t do that. You know I don’t like it when you sneak up on me.” he breathes out.
     You raise an eyebrow shooting him a look. “Jagiya? Aren’t you milking it a bit? Soo-min is nowhere to be seen, and I doubt her little lackeys are watching.”
  Another frown finds its way to his face. He rubs the back of his head, guilt eating him inside. “How much of that did you hear?”
  “Just the usual sound of her calling me a loser and what not.” You shrug. “She was rather tame if you ask me-sorry, I shouldn’t be talking bad about your girlfriend.”
   Hoseok shakes his head. “No, I’m the one who should apologize. Soo-min’s not normally like that. She’s kind, loving, a good person-”
   You hold a hand up to halt him. “You don’t need to explain Soo-min to me. There’s a lot of good, kind, loving people who hate me. I’m used to it. I mean I’m the Ice Queen after all, what does it matter if someone is mean to me-”
    “IT SHOULD MATTER!!” Hoseok snaps, startling you. This is the first time you ever seen Hoseok mad. It’s alarming. You didn’t even know he could get mad. The boy was the epitome of sunshine and rainbows for God’s sake. 
    He let out a weary sigh seeming to calm down. “It should matter to you. No one should treat you like this…I can’t stand it. I especially can’t stand why they do it. They don’t even know you. They don’t even try to know you.”
   A smile graces your face for the first time ever, but it’s not the smile Hoseok longs to see. It’s a bitter smile full of what he knows to be self-depreciation and hatred. “Could you honestly say you’d be any different if not for Soo-min breaking up with you?”
    No, he can’t and it kills him.
On the two month anniversary of your fake relationship Hoseok takes you out to a nice restaurant. It’s a little overkill you think given the hostility Soo-min’s begun to display since her and Hoseok’s confrontation two weeks ago, but you say nothing. Instead you wear the nicest dress you can find and do your best to look enviable for Hoseok’s sake. Your heart aches at the thought that soon the contract between you two will expire, meaning the end of your relationship and friendship. Just the thought alone cause pain to shoot through your being.  The seed planted by Hoseok’s kindness has finally started to take root within you, and while you are yet to recognize the emotion it brings, you know it’s nothing good.
“Are you sure this isn’t a little too much? I get that we’re putting on a show for Soo-min, but wouldn’t a café do just as well?” You suggest as Hoseok leads you into the brightly lit restaurant. It’s like something seen on the travel channel or a movie. Its ceilings hung with chandeliers and white silk cloths draped from one end to the other. Servers are dressed in crisp black uniforms setting the tables with multiple silverware. It’s all too much.
You are (Y/N) (L/N), Ice Queen/misfit of Seoul University. You aren’t meant for such treatment. “Aish…like I’d let my girlfriend fake or not go to a café for our anniversary. Nope, sorry Jagiya tonight we dine like royalty.” Hoseok winks.
Heat rushes to your face. Warming your inside as well. Another root spreads off the seed within you. “Hoseok…” you whine. “Really, I’m not meant for this treatment. I’m meant to have frozen pizza and the occasional takeout. Not rich people food.”
Hoseok snorts shaking his head. “Rich people food? You’re sounding awfully judging there. I’m not that rich.”
You’re about to argue otherwise, seeing how his net-worth is twelve million compared to your negative two dollars, but you stop yourself. “Spending this much money isn’t worth it for a fake relationship.”
“No, it’s not.” Hoseok agrees. A serious expression appearing on his face as he stares straight into your eyes. “But it is worth it for a friend.”
The smile reappears on his face as he drags you straight to a table hidden in back. “Come on (Y/N), think of it as a celebration for your success. In the last two month you’ve managed to befriend all my brothers and a few of their girlfriends. If that’s not cause to celebrate I don’t know what is.”
You frown. “Then why don’t we celebrate with them?”
  “Really (Y/N)? Can’t you just let me treat you to something nice?” Hoseok pleads.
     Your eyes narrow in on him untrusting. It reminds Hoseok of two months ago when this thing started. All the glares and narrowed glances you gave him shook Hoseok to the core. He spent the whole time hopping you wouldn’t murder him as the contract was drafted. Never once did he consider you might be as cautious of him as he was you.
      “Fine, but I’m getting the cheapest thing.” you decide, lifting the menu up.
   Hoseok watches entertained as you stare at the menu in hard concentration. Your brow wrinkles, nose twitching irritated as you look over the words. You look so much like an angry bunny, he can’t not to smile. “Problem?”
    You glare at him over the menu. “You know damn well it’s in Japanese, Jung Hoseok.”
 His smile splits into a grin, he wags a finger at you. “Now now (Y/N) remember what we talked about not directing anger at others.”
   “Shove it, Sunshine boy.” you reply, pouting in your chair.
 Hoseok laughs. He can’t remember why he ever thought you were anything but cute. Meanwhile you are trying to do everything in your power to stop the unpleasant roots of affection clambering beneath your skin.
     A week later you find yourself hunched over the toilet sick to your stomach. As fall rolls into winter, flu season hits the college hard. Nearly half of the population is absent from class due to puking their guts out and you’re no exception. So you text Hoseok letting him know not to bother picking you today since you are definitely not leaving anytime soon.
    He replies with a simple text telling you to get better, and you spend the rest of the day curled on the couch watching Friends. At some point you must’ve dozed off, because you awaken to a cool towel being placed on your forehead. Your eyes shoot open to see a grim Hoseok hovering anxiously over you. “Hey Jagiya, didn’t mean to startle you.” he murmurs softly.
   “Again with the Jagiya? You know we’re the only ones here right?’ you croak, bringing a smile to his face.
    “Sorry. I guess it’s just kinda becoming habit you know?”
Yes, you do know and you don’t like it. Jagiya is a nickname lovers give each other, while it was appropriate to use when feigning a relationship it shouldn’t be used so thoughtlessly outside that time frame. 
    “Whatever.” You mutter, ignoring the sharp pain in your ribs. “What are you doing here anyway? Don’t you have stuff to do?”
     Hoseok pouts. “I’m taking care of you aren’t I? Doesn’t that count as doing something?”
You blush as yet again warmth floods your body. It’s been years since someone’s taken care of you. When you were little all you had to depend on was your Aunt and Uncle, they were never too fond of you. Hoseok being here for you…it’s almost too sweet to handle. 
“I should have never given you a key.” You mutter, burying yourself under the blankets.
        Thankfully Hoseok laughs not turned off by your rudeness. “Well it’s too late now. I’m not giving it up without a fight.”
     You roll your eyes. “Don’t you have a frat house or something to go invade? I’m sure they’ll be happy to have your sunny ass.”
    “Maybe.” Hoseok hums. “But I’m not returning until I’m sure you’re alright. The flu is a nasty thing. It kills you know?”
    It kills…your mind flashes back to the contents of your vomit earlier. A hollow feeling fills you as your chest tightens. The flu killed, but maybe not as bad the affection blossoming within you for Hoseok.
    Barely a week passes by when you decide to take the bull by its horn. The contract is on its last legs. While your end of the bargain is more than fulfilled, Hoseok’s still is nowhere near complete. Since that day he stood up for you, Soo-min had been sniffing around more, but it wasn’t enough. Time was running out in more than one way and you’d be damned if Hoseok didn’t get the happiness he deserves by the end of it. 
    Which is why you decide to make the ultimate move one day after class…a wide mouth sloppy kiss pressed against Hoseok’s unsuspecting lips. He jolts not shocked by your brazen behavior. Physical affection had been apart of the contract, but until now it consisted solely of hand holding, hugs, and the occasional peck of forehead. For you to throw yourself at him like this…well you’re surprised Hoseok has enough sense to kiss you back.
    Unsurprisingly Hoseok is well versed in the art of kissing. His tongue gently entangling itself with yours as he guides you through it. He’s so good at it you almost believe Hoseok’s kissing you because he wants to and not to make Soo-min jealous. The thought causes your heart to leap, but reality brings a choking feeling to you. Reluctantly you pull away before the sensation gets too overwhelming.
    Hoseok silently stares at you, tongue running across his lips. “That was…”
       “Unexpected, I know, sorry.” You says. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Soo-min glaring daggers at you. Undoubtedly this little stunt will book you meeting with her, but you could care less. “But if it’s any consolation, I think it did the trick. Don’t look now but Soo-min seems rather jealous.”
    “Soo-min?” Hoseok asks, eyeing immediately going towards the girl. He lets out a breathy laugh, running a hand through his hair. “Right, Soo-min.”
     You pat his shoulder. “Give it a day or two, but I promise she’ll come running back.”
        Hoseok nods wordlessly his eyes never leaving Soo-min. Your lips twitch upwards into a small smile, the suffocating pain growing as your love for him blooms. You lick your lips tasting the foreboding flavor of iron. “I guess this is it for us, huh Sunshine boy?”
       You press one last kiss to his cheek. “Thanks for everything. I really enjoyed being your friend while it lasted.”
      Hoseok snaps out of his trance. “While it lasted? (Y/N) wait-”
  However it’s too late. You’ve already disappeared into the throng of students nowhere to be seen. Hoseok’s heart squeeze at memory of your sad smile. For the last few weeks all he wanted was to see you smile, but never like that. Silently Hoseok wonders if he caused that hurt smile of yours. If he did, Hoseok doesn’t think he can forgive himself.
    Two days later you find yourself surrounded by Soo-min and her minions. It is nothing new, seeing how your antagonistic relationship goes back a good decade and a half. However this time there is more than just mutual dislike between you two. “You know Hoseok’s only dating you to get me back right? He would never look at you otherwise.” Soo-min taunts, a wicked grin splitting across her face.
    She wants to make you suffer-to hurt you in the worst way possible. It’s something Soo-min’s always dreamt of, only to get disappointed by your apathy towards her. This time is no different.
 “You’re probably right.” You agree. “But then again, you would think he’d realize it’s not working and give up, if that’s the case. I mean you’re obviously not going back to him, yet Hoseok’s still dating me. Hmmm …I wonder…”
     Her face turns red causing you more joy than necessary. Normally you didn’t antagonize Soo-min like this, but you have a part to play. Hoseok wants her back, and you would do anything to help, even if it meant putting yourself in the line of fire. 
“You disgusting freak! Stay away from my boyfriend!” Soo-min shrieks.
 A sharp slap rings through the air as pain spreads across your cheek. It takes you a second to realize what had happened. Your cheek stings something awfully fierce, and you know without a doubt it’ll be swollen later. Yet none of this matters, because Soo-min said the magic words. The words that would bring Hoseok happiness.
   “What the fuck are you doing?!” a familiar voice yells.
Your head whips over to see Yoongi marching over. Anger radiates off him as Yoongi pushes his way in front of you, his back creating a barrier between you and your tormentors. Confusion fills the air as everyone, but Yoongi are surprised by his actions. Soo-min steps forward looking as innocent as can be. “Yoongi-oppa, what are you doing here?”
   “I was walking to class, when I saw you attack (Y/N).” Yoongi grits. 
  Soo-min actually has the gall to play dumb. “Attack? I would never attack anyone, oppa. You must be seeing things. We’re just having a friendly chat with (Y/N) weren’t we girls?”
   “Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s rain, Soo-min. I know what I saw and when Hobi finds out, you can kiss that stupid little hold you have over him goodbye-”
    “Stop it, Yoongi. Please.” 
Yoongi stills at your words. His eyes wide with disbelief. “No (Y/N), you can’t let her get away with this. Hoseok wouldn’t want-”
   Your eyes screw shut not wanting to hear his words. Your chest constricts with a pain you’ve grown all too accustomed to. “Please Oppa, just take me home.”
    Yoongi give you a conflicted look, but cedes nonetheless. He wraps an arm around your shoulder glaring at the girls as he leads you back home. You don’t even bother opening your eyes. You know Soo-min’s grinning victoriously. 
   Night falls and your cheek is now the size of a golf ball. Yoongi sits besides you pressing a cold pack to it. You’re eternally grateful for the blonde, even if you wished he’d leave. His presence only reminds you of how soon everything will end. “I don’t see why you refuse to tell Hoseok this?  Soo-min or not, he won’t put up with someone treating his friends like this.” Yoongi says for the millionth time.
   You shrug, curling into yourself. “What does it matter? It all be over soon anyway. Soo-min will undoubtedly return to Hoseok like he wanted, and our friendship will be over.. It’ll be like none of this ever happened.”
   “That’s bullshit.” Yoongi gritted. “And you know it. Hobi isn’t one to abandon his friends like that.”
    “Maybe.” You murmur, eyes flickering to the jars on your shelf. Each one of them is filled to the brim with white orchid petals. The sight makes you laugh genuinely laugh. Of all the flowers out there it had to be something so rare and exotic. A flower to represent the fragility and abnormality of the love blossomed from the Ice Queen for a ray of sunshine. 
     The taste of iron coats your tongue as your chest gave another excruciating squeeze. Swallowing back the blood, bile and petals threatening to escape you turn towards the blonde haired boy. Shooting him a soft smile you ask. “Hey Yoongi..do you know what Hanahaki disease is?”
Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病 ) is a disease where the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim’s romantic feelings for or memory of their love also disappear.
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galactichen · 4 years
mama au, 19 + 20, with jongdae for the drabble game!!! 💞 and congratulations on your milestone, i love your blog sm!!
prompt #19. “You look like you need a hug.” prompt #20. “Sacrifice. That’s what we do for people we love.”
description. jongdae, the nature spirit of thunderstorms, is faced with a choice: to leave you... or to lose his powers.
word count. 923
author’s note. hi!! i’m so sorry for the long wait, I knew what I wanted to write but the execution of it took some thought so I hope you enjoy~ and thank you so much!! ur words make me go asdkjfhakds <3
warning. bit of explicit language.
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“So here’s where you’ve been hiding.”
Your voice pulls Jongdae from his thoughts, your soft steps behind him muffled by the pouring rain and occasional thunderous clap of thunder. He stands atop the roof of your apartment building, fingers fiddling with his silver ring that bore the symbol of his nature. Despite having stood beneath the rain for quite some time—he was still dry, like always.
“I didn’t want you to find me,” he says. After a long moment, he finally turns to you with a rather solemn look. Something was troubling the spirit, and it made your heart clench at the thought of what it may be.
“You look like you need a hug, Jongdae,” you say softly. “Come here.” 
He lets out a deep sigh when you close the gap between the two of you, your arms sliding around his waist. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap you up in his arms either, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he breathes in your scent; something that never fails to bring him a sense of comfort.
The two of you stand like that for a long while, Jongdae deep in whatever was troubling him and you drowning in worries for the spirit who also happened to be your boyfriend. 
It’s strange, really, the concept of a human being together with someone who… didn’t really exist. Jongdae was what someone would call the personification of thunderstorms. He was a spirit of nature who occasionally took the form of a human, which he argued allowed him to roam the Earth better along with many of his brothers. Albeit, much of his presence came from his storms; wherever they were, Jongdae would be there too.
You first met Jongdae on your way back from a party at your friend’s place. It was a stormy night, and you were stuck seeking shelter at a bus stop without a jacket or umbrella—curse the weatherman for providing false information about the weather! You were wet, cold, and really fucking grumpy. What was supposed to be a celebratory night was immediately dampened by the terrible weather—not to mention that the bus you were taking was late too.
You turned with a frown towards the voice, and there stood Jongdae. He adorned a sweet smile and held out one of those collapsible umbrellas as if to say, go on, it’s for you.
But what really made you confused was the fact that this guy was dry. It was raining cats and dogs—how was this guy dry like he hadn’t stepped a foot outside? And yet, here he was, beside you beneath the bus shelter.
“...Thanks,” you finally said after a long moment, accepting the umbrella from the strange man.
That was the moment that sparked something between the two of you. Whenever you caught yourself without protection in the middle of a rainstorm, Jongdae was always there to provide. It was strange at first—who wouldn’t be creeped out by a strange man who only appeared whenever it rained? But, eventually you did muster the courage to speak to the man; albeit, a little harsher than you wanted to, inquiring how and why the man always seemed to be there whenever you forgot an umbrella in the rain.
Jongdae wasn’t quite sure why he kept an eye on you, either. Perhaps it was the pity that started it, watching you as you dashed through the rain towards the bus shelter with nothing to shield you.
But nonetheless, he’s quite glad you eventually opened up to him; and he, to you.
“I have to give up my powers,” Jongdae suddenly whispers, bringing you back to the present. 
“Wait, what?” you gasp, bewildered at the sudden revelation. He has to what?
“Mother Nature isn’t happy,” he begins to explain. “She claims you’re pulling me from my duties, which is to bring storms around the world. I’ve been staying here too long—either I leave you, or I give up my powers and become a real human.”
“Then leave,” is your immediate response. You pull away from him, holding Jongdae at arm’s length. You didn’t want to be the reason he loses his powers for good; and besides, why would Jongdae, a nature spirit who has existed since the beginning to time, give up his powers all for you, a simple human with a lifespan just shy of a century?
But then Jongdae’s shaking his head. “No,” he whispers.
“Why?” you ask. “You’ve lived for longer than I can even start to comprehend. I’ve barely lived a mere fraction of your lifetime. Why give it all up for me?”
Jongdae smiles, one of his hands coming up to caress the side of your face gently. The rain is still pouring, water streaming down your cheeks and it makes your hair stick to the sides of your face; but Jongdae still gazes at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
“Sacrifice,” he answers. “That’s what we do for the people we love.”
Then he reaches down and tugs the ring off his finger, giving it a mighty toss over the edge of the building.
Mother Nature responds with the loudest, the most fierce clap of thunder—
—and everything ceases.
The dying rain begins to stream down Jongdae’s now-human form, soaking his hair and his clothes.
“Thanks to you, I’ve found meaning in my life,” Jongdae whispers, his voice barely audible over the rainfall. “I’d rather live 100 years with you than live a millennium without you.”
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protect-him · 4 years
First line game!
Thank you @blarrghe for kindly tagging me!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you  have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns.  Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite  authors!
A lot of the fics I have are short ones, but turns out I do have 20 now!
You Did Not Know Me: Anders’ least favorite part of his day was the walk past the slave market.
One Shy of a Dozen: Anders bent over to pet the little cat that lived in Merrill’s shop.
When Love Submits a Help Request: Anders’s voice rang frantically in Garrett’s ear.
In My Head (In My Head): The last thing Anders remembers is blood.
Warmth (By our Campfire): “Bloody cold it is,” Anders grumbled, kneeling to start the fire beneath the neat little campfire he’d set up. “Why do the herbs never grow close to Kirkwall?”
Somebody Bends, Unexpectedly: Anders groaned as he started to come back to consciousness.
No Strings Attached: Anders turned the card over in his hand. Danarius’ Gentlemen Services it read. For a good time, to help you relax. Anders did need to relax.
Fear Not, Fair Mage: “Then you say: ‘Fear not, fair mage, you shall never be in such danger again!’” Anders prompted.
The Day When: Anders woke up to the cacophony of snoring.
Seasons: Fenris had spent several winters in Kirkwall now, but the change of seasons still had him grumbling.
Honor: “The sun has been up for hours, mage.”
Strings: Anders came into the apartment decidedly grumpy, tossing several colorful bags with kittens on them into the couch before flopping down into Fenris’s velvety red armchair.
Impasse: “No!” Anders took a deep breath, tried to calm himself. Fenris was being absolutely unreasonable.
Confusion: Fenris wakes to a frantic prodding to his tail fin. Justice nudges him urgently.
Water: Bubbles swirled around Anders’ brightly colored fin and he giggled at the tickling sensation.
Fallen: The battle was going wonderfully. No one had yet been injured, the slavers were falling back easily, and it looked like they would be easily victorious.
Compliment: It was an inconspicuous afternoon when Anders realized that Fenris was struggling.
Warmth: Anders often saw the same people in his clinic. Whether the same illnesses or different ones, the same faces often appeared in his doorway.
Barefoot: It only took two three-hour sessions for their friends to convince Fenris to go after Anders.
Searching: Fenris awoke in the darkness and saw with large glassy eyes that Anders was still asleep.
Through Glass: Anders was bored. He flipped his glittering tail out of the shallow water where he was sunning himself and watched the shower of sparkling droplets when it flopped back down.
I realize with horror that almost all of my first lines are a) boring and b) involve Anders. Is there to be no balance? I think Fear Not, Fair Mage has to be one of my favorite first lines, since it sets the tone for the silliness of the story. I am not proud of the little drabbles I did early on, I wish I’d put them all into a single work as separate chapters, and I may still do that someday, just to get them all off my page. The other solution is write more, and that’s a slow process when you’re working on a longfic and have another long one in the planning stages.
Tagging: If you haven’t been tagged, but want to participate, see this as your invitation to do so ♥ I’ve been largely re-reading/catching up on fics that I missed in the last few years while I was preoccupied with survival. And if you do participate, feel free to tag me so I can check out your writing as well (please). 
A few of my favorites I’ve been reading lately: I’ll Take a XIII With a Side of Mutual Pining by ContreParry, Goat Rope (I don’t know if they have a tumblr but I adore this one so far), and Truce or date by thejourneymaninn. Both of the last two I am reading through slowly and savoring, because they are delightful. And a special mention for an old fic, the one that got me first reading fenders, and I’ve never looked back since: Sweet Little Words.
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suckerforv · 4 years
Your Protectors (Hybrid!BTS x Female Reader)
You walked through the door, smiling as your bunny hybrid, Jungkook, bounded up excitedly to meet you. “Y/n!” he exclaimed, his bunny ears bouncing as he flew into your arms. “I missed you,” he mumbled into your neck, making you giggle. “Don’t stay away for too long next time.”
   “Kookie, I wanna hug her too, don’t hog her all to yourself,” your other fox hybrid, Taehyung, whined, his plush lips forming a pout and his ears drooping sadly. You laughed and held your arms out to him. He burrowed his nose into your neck, scenting you. You were used to it; you often had to stay for long times at your school where you taught. You would come home after being around other men and boys, “smelling like trash,” as Tae called it. After adopting both Taehyung and Jungkook, you decided to adopt five others: Namjoon, a wolf hybrid, Jin, an alpaca hybrid, Jimin, a cute calico cat hybrid, Hoseok, a golden retriever hybrid, and a panther hybrid, Yoongi. It was challenging sometimes, dealing with all of their different personalities, but you loved them all so much. Namjoon was quiet and intelligent, yet extremely clumsy. You had no idea how many items he broke in the house, yet you loved his quiet and comforting character. He was studying at a college especially for hybrids and was pursuing business and English Literature Arts. Jin loved to help you cook and clean, because everyone knew you weren’t the best cook in the house. You would often come home, tired and exhausted from a long day at work, and Jin would have tea and a fluffy blanket ready for you on the couch. He was really a sweetie. Jimin was very intimate, and he loved to cuddle with you while watching Finding Nemo on the TV. He loved singing and dancing, which he did a lot while you were away. He required a lot of attention and care. Hoseok was the ball of sunshine, always finding ways to cheer you up if you were feeling down or sad. He loved to play catch and dance, and you encouraged him to pursue his dreams. He was currently at the same school Namjoon was at, and he was studying dance. Taehyung was very like Namjoon, but goofier and sillier at times. He loved chasing squirrels and playing with his toys. Jungkook was best friends with both Tae and Jimin, and they all loved playing with each other. When you first adopted Jungkook, he was very shy and used to not talk most of the time. Once you adopted Taehyung and Jimin, he began opening up and you would often hear him laughing and talking with Tae and Jimin. Eventually, he began warming up to you, and you were on speaking terms with him now. A word that could describe Yoongi was sleepy. Of course, Yoongi loved to sleep and eat. He loved to sleep, spooned by you. He seemed like an old, grumpy grandpa on the outside, but he was just a big softie on the inside. You smiled as you thought of your seven lovable hybrids. You were so glad you adopted them.
       You set your bag down on the counter and felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, a wet nose burying into the nape of your neck. You felt a furry tail wrapping itself around your ankle. You reached back and scratched behind Jimin’s ears. Purrs reverberated throughout the room, and you giggled. “Jimin, it’s very nice to see you too,” you smiled as he snuggled closer to you. “How was your day, darling?”
    “Fun! Me, Taetae, and Kookie played chase and tag in the backyard! Then me and Taetae watched Finding Nemo, although it wasn’t the same without you,” he pouted at the last part. “How long will you have to stay like this, jagi?”
      You sighed, sitting on the couch and beckoned him to sit next to you. “I don’t know, Minnie. I’ve been trying to find another job I can take up, but I haven’t found any yet.”
     Your other hybrids appeared, one by one, listening to you speak, and to your surprise, Yoongi appeared as well. He was usually sleeping, so this was a pleasant surprise. Namjoon sat next to you, his head leaning on your shoulder. “Well, you just have to find out what you’re good at,” he commented quietly. “It’s not too hard to find a job once you figure that out.”
    “Well, I’m good with hybrids, I know that at least,” you said slowly. “Maybe I could take up a job at a hybrid shelter.”
   Jin frowned. “I don’t know, y/n. Some hybrids tend to be,” he hesitated. “violent and well, we don’t want you getting hurt.” Your other hybrids nodded in agreement, Yoongi coming to sit next to Jimin.
     “But if you really want to, y/n, I know some shelters that are looking for help,” Yoongi offered. “Some of my friends are working there, and they say it pays well and the environment is very positive and promising for the hybrids who live there.”
    You smiled, coming over to where he sat and hugging him. “Thank you, Yoongles. I knew I can always count on you guys. What’s the shelter’s name?”
    “Um, I think it’s Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter,” Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember. “Yeah, I think that’s it.”
    You took a deep breath. “OK, I’m going to go ask them about the job. Who wants to go with me?”
 “Me!” seven voices chorused. You chuckled; you should’ve have known all of them wanted to go. They were all very protective of you, especially Namjoon and Yoongi, them both being predator hybrids.
         Twenty minutes later, all of you stood in front of Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter. Namjoon slipped his hand in yours, his ears standing alert. You opened the door, your hybrids following you inside.
     “Welcome to Sunnyside Hybrid Shelter! How may I help you today? Oh my goodness, you have some hybrids already! Are you here asking about the job?” the cheery girl at the front desk prattled on. You felt Namjoon’s hand tense in yours. You knew her voice reminded him of his previous owner, who was very abusive and used to beat him whenever he made a mistake or broke something. You squeezed his hand comfortingly, reminding him that he was safe and you were with him now.
     “Yes, I’m interested about the job. I would like to apply,” you spoke, nervous.
“Perfect! How long have you had experience with hybrids?” the girl asked as she scribbled something down on a notepad. “Oh, and please call me Eryka.”
     “I’ve had my hybrids for about three years now,” you replied, smiling fondly at your seven hybrids. “I love hybrids, and I’ve been looking for a job, so this seemed like a good go.”
    “Awesome! I’ll take you to our manager, and she’ll ask you a few more questions and just show you around,” Eryka smiled widely at you and led you and your hybrids to the office.
     Taehyung stared at the hybrids’ faces pressed to the windows, some cold, some hopeful, and some just plain curious. He knew how painful and lonely it was to live in the shelter, his heart ached for some of the hybrids. They passed a play room, where baby and toddler hybrids played. Jimin’s tail twitched, aching to scoop a cute baby hybrid into his arms and cuddle with it.
    “Here we are,” Eryka announced, stopping at a well-furnished office. “Would your hybrids perhaps like to wait-”
    “No,” seven voices chorused forcefully. You smiled, and whispered to Eryka, “It’s okay. They’re well behaved, they just are protective of me.” She looked unsure, but nodded and let you all in anyway.
     The manager, who looked shocked as your seven hybrids filed in, quickly composed herself and smiled at you. “Hello, y/n, I am Carrie, and please do sit down,” she gestured to a chair in front on her desk. “Your hybrids, um-”
     “We can stand, ma’am, it’s fine,” Jin smiled at her kindly. You smiled internally at his manners, Jin was a very polite hybrid once people got to know him.
 She looked surprised at his polite manners and smiled at him. “Thank you, er-”
  “Jin, Kim Seokjin,” Jin bowed and introduced himself and the others to her. Each smiled and bowed to her as he addressed them.
     “Thank you. Y/n, I must say, you have very polite hybrids. You must have some good experience with hybrids, then,” Carrie commented as she sat back in her chair.
   “Well, yes. My father was actually a hybrid officer,” you began, ignoring the shocked looks of your hybrids. “He didn’t like hybrids that well, and didn’t do his job like he should’ve. I would always beg him to be compassionate towards them, but he would beat me. My mom found out, and threatened to separate if he didn’t change his ways. He didn’t, and my mom moved out and took me with her,” you blinked back tears and Jin came to stand besides you, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. Jimin stared at you, mouth agape. He never knew this. “He eventually got fired. I got a job at teaching at a school and I am still doing that now,” you finished, wiping your tears with a tissue from the tissue box Carrie gave you. “Sorry,” you apologized, wiping the last of your tears away. “I haven’t talked about this in a while.”
      “It’s okay, y/n. I understand how you feel,” Carrie told you gently. “I was in a similar situation. My dad-”she frowned. “He really hated hybrids and used to abuse those he brought home. I moved out of the house with my mom, who loved hybrids, and she actually helped me start this shelter.”
     “That’s nice. Yeah, I have always loved caring for hybrids, that’s why I decided to adopt my first two hybrids: Taehyung and Jungkook, then I found out how much I enjoyed their company, so I went ahead and adopted five more,” you smiled at your hybrids who crowded around you, comforting you.
   “That’s great! Now I can show you around the compound,” Carrie smiled, leading the way out of the office. “It’s good that your hybrids are here to protect you, because-”
     A savage growl escaped the throats of Namjoon and Yoongi, shocking both you and Carrie. “Namjoon, Yoongi!” you scolded them. “Please, nothing bad will happen to me. Behave, or no cuddles,” you admonished.
     They flushed sheepishly, their heads bowed. “Sorry.”
 Carrie laughed. “So that’s what you use to punish them? No cuddles?” she asked you playfully.
You laughed sheepishly. “Yeah, my hybrids love cuddling, especially Jimin and Yoongi.”
    As all of you entered the hybrid room, a cute Black Lab ran up to meet you. “Hi, I’m Jisoo. Will you please adopt me?” Her eyes widened as she saw your seven hybrids. “Oh, never mind,” she mumbled, turning away.
   “Jisoo, wait!” you called after her, hoping she would turn back and hear what you had to say. Jisoo turned back with hopeful eyes.
    “Jisoo, I can’t say I can adopt you, but I can say that I will help you find you the perfect family for you. So don’t give up hope, okay?” you smiled kindly at the shy hybrid in front of you.
    Jisoo nodded, a smile gracing her features. “Thank you, y/n!” She hugged you suddenly, making you gasp a little and then giggle. “You’re welcome, Jisoo.”
     Carrie had been watching from afar, and when you came back to the group, she whistled. “She actually hugged you, y/n! Jisoo has been one of our hardest hybrids to reach, and she has spoken the most since she’s gotten here!”
    “Glad I could help-” your sentence was cut off as a snarling hybrid stepped in your path.
  “You smell like filth,” the hybrid sneered, but Namjoon and Yoongi placed themselves in front of you, growls escaping from them. “So you’re her two little sluts, huh?” the hybrid smirked, enjoying the way your body stiffened at the word sluts. “All humans aren’t to be trusted, you know,” he snarled. “Some like her, for insistence.”
     “Not all hybrids can be trusted either,” Yoongi snarled back, his jaw exposing his sharp canines and Namjoon’s eyes turned a deep crimson red. You could feel Jimin trembling behind you. Jimin had never seen this side of Namjoon and Yoongi, and he didn’t like it. The hostile hybrid hesitated, then muttered “spoiled brats” and walked away.
    You let out a deep sigh of relief. “Wow. Thank you, Joonie and Yoongi. I didn’t expect that to happen.”
Carrie sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. “Sorry, y/n. That was Mark, our panther hybrid. He’s very-” she paused, then added, “violent and frightening.”
      Yoongi snapped, “I knew it! He smelled like a panther!”
“I smelled it, too,” Namjoon muttered, his tail still nervously twitching back and forth. “Y/n, are you sure it’s safe for you to work here?” he asked you, worry lacing his features.
   “Don’t worry, y/n. We’ll make sure you’re safe from him,” Carrie laid a reassuring hand on your shoulder and looked back at Namjoon, then added, “I promise.”
      Once you all got home, you asked everyone to gather in the living room.
Namjoon and Yoongi sat on each side of you, the rest of the boys sitting on the floor or on the fireplace’s hearth. Jimin sensed the tension and awkwardness in the air, and sat closer to Taehyung and Jungkook. No one knew when to speak, so you cleared your throat nervously.
     “Guys, I know how much you love me,” you began. “What happened today, I’m sorry. I promise I will be careful when I start working there. But I want you guys to know that I love you all so much, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all that stuff about my dad. I will be more careful.” As soon as you finished speaking, the boys started to cry. They all hugged you, a big ball of fluff surrounding you. You began to cry as well, overwhelmed by the love your boys were giving you.
    “We love you, y/n, don’t ever forget that,” your boys’ voice chimed together, Jimin nuzzling into your neck.
   “I love you guys so much, too,” you sobbed, smiling through your tears. You loved them all so much, your boys. Your protectors.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 14
Warning: cussing, slight mention of the death of an asshole ex
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The sisters all went to get some rest after the long night, but Beetlejuice had other plans. He had so much built up energy that he terrorized the neighborhood 'till the late morning, then teleported back to the house, still wiping his happy-teary eyes.
He appeared in a green puff of smoke right behind Rei, who was clearly cooking something in the kitchen. Even though she dressed up properly in highwaisted denim shorts and a kawaii pastelpink tank top, and did her makeup, her baggy eyes showed that she haven't slept a minute. He peaked over her shoulder.
- HI THERE! - he shouted, which made Rei drop the ladle she was holding, spilling batter all over the counter.
- JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST!!! - she widened her eyes, held her chest and breathed out. - Crap dude, you scared the living shit outta me. - Beej flashed a wide smile at Rei while doing a little fist pump and hopped on the counter's clean part.
- What can I say, I'm a demon, get used to being jumpscared, doll. - he said with a theatrical shrug. Rei rolled her eyes, grabbed a dish towel and wiped off the counter. Beetlejuice watched excitedly as she opened up the waffle maker, slided the cooked waffles out onto a plate, then after yawning, loaded it back up. Beej tilted his head sideways. - I wouldn't mind if you'd throw one of those yummylooking thingies in my way, sugar.
Rei fixed her glasses and raised an eyebrow at BJ.
- Aren't ya... You know... Kind of undead? - the demon pulled one side of his upper lip up.
- Yeah, so?
- So you wouldn't have to eat? - Beej threw his head back and groaned.
- I don't HAVE to, but I LOVE to. - he looked back at Rei and shrugged with his hands held up. - I dunno, it makes me feel... - he sighed with a smile. - ...alive.
For a couple of minutes, Beetlejuice just watched as Rei made breakfast. He was pulled out of daydreaming by the sound of hissing. Sofía came into the kitchen, holding Minerva in her arms. The cat hissed and groaned at Beej, who, as a response, just put his stripey snakelike tongue out. He looked at Sofía who still seemed to be furious. He started to dangle his feet and flashed the cutest smile he could.
- Sofía, sugarpuffs, may I say you look absolutely stunning on this fine morning of...
- Cut it, demon. - she said with dead eyes. The smile on BJ's face froze off. - You'll achieve nothing with flattery. - she set the cat down on the floor, then got back up and pointed at the demon. - Plus. I don't like you. - Beej put his hands on his hips.
- Well then go and fuck yourself!
Sofía rolled her eyes and went to the refrigerator. Minerva sat down before Beetlejuice on the floor, watching him with hauntingly thin pupils and perked up ears. But at least she didn't hiss anymore. Rei looked at her sister's way.
- Hey I'm pretty thirsty, would ya, Miss Grumpy, check if we have any orange juice left? - Sof reached into the fridge, got the bottle out, shaked it, removed the cap, and drank every last drop of orange juice. After this, she put the bottle down and flashed a meaningful look at Rei.
- No, we’re all out.
- I have a lot of questions, first of all, how dare you? - Sofía didn't answer, just grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge and exited the kitchen. Beej looked after her with puckered up lips, then looked at Rei questionably.
- Is she always this abominable? - Rei shrugged.
- She's just pissed at the three of us now so no, not always... But a lot of times. You're gonna get used to it though.
Beetlejuice laid back, put his hands under his head and floated next to Rei.
- I'm getting bored, so be a doll and tell me, where's my favourite little baby rook? I wanna tell her how my daily hauntings went, she's gonna LOVE it. - Rei pointed to the back door without looking up from the waffles.
- Outside, in the conservatory. Since we couldn't sleep, we fixed the glass panel Matthias broke. Now she's talking with her mom on the phone. - Beetlejuice started to float towards the door but Rei grabbed his jacket. - Stopstopstop, bring her this. And make sure she eats it. - and handed him a plate full of waffles, and a bottle of Nutella.
- What, why? - Rei sighed, put down the Nutella on the middle counter and pulled her hair back.
- Look, Beetlejuice, that's your name, right? - the demon nodded with enthusiasm. It was SO NICE hearing his name from a breather's mouth, not his own. - Okay so, Beetlejuice, just so you know, Ari has a very bad habit. When she's feeling down, she just won't eat. And that makes her hangry. And that makes her insufferable. And you don't want that. - she shook her head. - You NEVER want that. But comfort food always makes her want to eat, so... - she raised her arms and shrugged. - Here I am! Being a best sister/bestie, making her fuckin comfort food for breakfast. - Beetlejuice put his legs on the ground and grabbed the plate out of Rei's hand.
- Okay, I'll bring it to her... - he snickered and reached for the Nutella. - ...you slavemaster you. - he headed out but in the archway, he turned back and looked at Rei with a light smile. His green hair turned glowy a bit and his tips got a shy white shade. - Hey Rei? - the girl stepped back from the waffle maker and looked at him. Beej pulled his shoulders up and bit his lower lip. - Thanks for letting me stay.
Rei smiled widely and looked at the ground, blushing.
- Well, am I a hero? Really can't say, but... yes. - BJ laughed then blew raspberries. Rei gestured with her hand in the winter garden's direction. - Besides, Ari doesn't make friends easily, and it was nice to see that there's someone who gets her and genuinely laughs with her... Even though they're not a human. - BJ was still smiling, biting down on his lower lips. And were those slight pinkish streaks? - So I didn't have a choice, really. But yeah, you're welcome. - she went back to making waffles but quickly stepped back to face the demon. - By the way, she will totally act like she's alright but, let's face it, she's a mess. - A hot mess, thought Beetlejuice. - So be a nice emotional support demon boy please. - BJ's smile turned into a frown.
- What? Most of the time I even suck at being a proper demon... and now you want me to be a nice demon? - Rei snapped with her tongue.
- Did I stutter? Be brave enough to suck at something new. - she made a shooing gesture. - Now shoo before the waffles get cold.
When Beej arrived at the conservatory, happily floating while munching on a bug he catched earlier, Ari was sitting on the stairs, facing the inside of the garden with a sleeping Sirius in her lap. She had a red dropped-shouldered top on, which had the image of a running cherry bomb on it. She also wore comfy black knee-high trousers and fluffy red slippers with devilhorns on it. She was having a call.
- Ay no me digas! - she exclaimed with a huge hand gesture. She sounded so enthusiastic. - Is that true? Ahhh I can't wait to see mis primos favoritos! I miss those little rascals so much already! - Beetlejuice stepped behind Ari, leaned closer to her ear and whispered in the raspiest voice he could produce:
- BOO. - Ari turned around with a smile to face the demon, and scruffed his hair. Beetlejuice's hair's tips turned into a light pink shade. Ari pulled it a bit towards herself to see it better but Beetlejuice snapped his teeth towards her hand. She let out a tiny laugh.
- Sorry Mom, I gotta go now. A friend came over. - she stopped for a second, listening to the answer while smiling. Beetlejuice crouched down to her level. Sirius stood up, sniffed around the demon and wrinkled up his nose. Beej petted his head. The dog lifted his head up, licked his hand, then turned around and headed towards his dogbed to sleep a bit more. Ari wrapped a lock of her hair on her index finger. - Yeah. - she all of a sudden shook her head. - No mamá! NO?! - she faceplamed herself, then made the impression of peeling her face off. Beetlejuice let out a loud laugh. - Yepp he's weird like me. - she laughed and held her phone away from her face. She gazed at the demon with a sarcastic look on her face. - My mom asks if you're handsome or not. - she held the phone closer to Beej and did the hand gesture of talking.
- I'm devilishly handsome, Miss Rodríguez. - Ari gasped. She mouthed "Did ya remember my family name?" to which Beej nodded happily. Ari put the phone back to her ear. Her mom said something that made her roll her eyes. Hard.
- Okay that's WAY too much Mamá I'M HANGING UUUUPPP. - she sighed. - Sí, sí, sí. Give abuelita mi besos y bendiciones, okay? I love ya. - she sent kisses. - Bye, bye, BYYYEEE. - she put her phone away. Then with glistening eyes, looked at her demon buddy. - How was your dawn of haunting? - she cupped his face in her hands which made him kind of melt. At least his eyes looked like that. - TELL. ME. EVERYTHING.
- The. BEST. - he took a deep breath (even though he didn't need to) as Ari released his cheeks and planted the biggest smile on his face. - You know the house down the road? With the pretty pond and shit? - Ari nodded as her eyes started to wander around BJ's figure. - Well, a couple lives there with their kids and...
- OH MY GOD MILLENNIUM FALCON WAFFLES!!! - interrupted Ari and snatched the plate out of the demon's hand. Beetlejuice blinked fast with annoyance in his golden eyes.
- I thought interrupting was my thing. - the girl rived the Nutella from Beetlejuice's hand. He gasped and held his chest in a theatrical way. - Wow. Ya rude.
- Shut up Beej and tell me what you did to those poor kids. - the demon lifted one of his eyebrows with a cheeky halfsmile. Ari gasped and held his mouth. - Shit can I call ya that? - she definitely started to panic based on the stuttering. - I'm sorry it just came out, it's okay if you don't like it, I mean if you don't like nicknames I understand just...
Beej interrupted her with a gurgling laugh which made his head fall back. His vertebrae were cracking like an old door. He held Ari's shoulder with one hand and squeezed her cheeks together with the other. He locked his gaze in the girl's.
- If I don't like something, I'll ring a bell. - he pulled the girl closer to him by her cheeks. He lowered his voice, tilted his head a bit, pulled a smirk and some hooded eye action. His face was only a few centimeters away from Ari's. - But I'd like the best if you'd call me... Daddy. - Did... Did she just stare at my lips?
- You wish. - she said in a cooky tone. BJ laughed and let her go.
During the next hour or so, Beetlejuice and Ari talked and laughed their asses off while the demon was floating around. Beej showed Ari what he did last night, for example how he took off his head and rolled it under one of the kids' bed. Or how he hid in the wardrobe of the other child, then when he was falling asleep, he pulled his lower jaw down and let his tongue wander out of the closet, making him scream out in a half-asleep delirium. Ari tried so hard not to think about the kinky uses of a tongue like that... But she failed so miserably. She turned red as a tomato. She stood up and went to one of her cupboards of herbs to distract Beej from her face. He quickly stood up as well and stepped behind her. He was still talking while Ari was looking around in the cupboard, searching for her herb-book. Gods he sounded so happy. Ari glanced sideways with a smile. The demon's golden eyes were full of life, of freed up energy and...
- WAIT, you wear eyeliner?! - asked Ari, interrupting BJ in discussing whether he should scare the old couple living down the road just a little, or whether he should scare them to death. He crossed his arms before his chest and his smile quickly turned sour.
- Well, I like it. - he sounded defensive all of a sudden. Like he got bullied because of this before, thought Ari. - I know it's a bit wobbly but I LIKE IT and that's...
- Bug, eyeliner makes every guy hot AF. - stated Ari, making BJ surprised. He shook his head in disbelief, which made Ari giggle. - Yeah it's wobbly a bit but it looks awesome anyways! - she put the herbs down and stepped closer to Beej. He almost stepped back but Ari held him by his suspenders and pulled him closer. Her eyes twinkled as she took stock of BJ's makeup. - I think slightly metallic purple or dark green would suit your face. - Beej had the biggest, horniest smile spread out on his face.
- So basically what you're saying is that you think I'm sexy? - Ari let go of the demon's suspenders go and shaked her blushing off with a laugh. Beetlejuice blew raspberries at her since he didn't get an answer.
Ari got back to dealing with her herbs. She took a big cleaver and a chopping board out of the cupboard. Beej stepped behind her and put his head on her shoulder.
- Whatchya doin'? - Ari shrugged.
- Boring mortal stuff. - BJ clicked his tongue and rolled his golden eyes.
- Come on now, I'm not usually interested in boring mortal stuff, but this involves a cleaver so it can't be THAT boring. - Ari looked sideways, spotting BJ's puppy eyes. She snorted. Beej pouted his lower lip. - Pleeeeeaaase.
Ari smiled lightly. Nearly nobody was interested in her home remedies, not counting her family from her mother's side and her sisters, of course. So hearing someone new genuinely being interested in what she was working on, made her feel warm and appreciated. She lifted up the big, leather covered black book, which had pretty golden cornflowers painted on the cover. It had a ton of bookmarks and notes sticking out of it; some were stained, time made some yellow, some were colorful and bright and fairly new.
- I haven't slept, only 2 hours since yesterday and my body can't function with that much. But, you see, my mind is still hectic, which keeps me up, but I NEED to sleep to work properly. - Beej nodded. - So I'm making myself a nice pot of sedative, nightmare-repelling tea. - the demon nodded again. Ari's eyes wandered around his hair: now it had a fairly light green shade, with light pink and yellow tips. What do these colors mean?!
- And what do you need that for? - he pointed at the book Ari was still holding. She opened it up and started to turn the pages over.
- It's my family's herb book. It's easier to work from a recipe, I don't mess up anything like this. - she flipped a page and touched the next one. It had an extruded purple flower glued to the page. - Only a couple pages survived from the original book, but I can proudly say that some of our recipes date back to the 17th century, some are even older. - she sighed. - What I'd give to own the original copy... - she lifted the book up and hugged it. - It's nice to use the knowledge of my ancestors, it's like holding their hands. - her face turned foggy for a bit. - Even after what happened to them.
- What happened? - asked Beetlejuice while looking at the book.
- The Inquisition. Back in the 1600's in Cataluña, many of my family members were burnt at the stakes. They were thought to be witches, bringer of sickness and bad harvest. - she snorted. Loathing was audible while she talked. Beej pinched her cheek and flashed a toothy grin.
- So, you follow their path! - Ari let out a weird laugh, turned around, still holding the book, and leaned against the cupboard, smiling at the demon's slight remark. She flipped through some pages then pointed at a coffee-stained recipe.
- THAT'S IT! That's what I was looking for. - she pulled her hair back and smiled nostalgically. - Anise hyssop for defeating fear, bergamot for a good night's sleep, buckwheat because of high vitamin and mineral content, californian poppy for my anxiety, sage for basically everything, granadilla flower for calming nervousness and against bad dreams, chamomile and lavender for flavour and chillsies. - she hugged the book once again and breathed in heavily, with a smile on her face. - It's gonna be so good with honey. - Beej leaned against the cupboard as well and scratched his stubble.
- Just... Leave the sage out. - Ari raised an eyebrow.
- Why?
Beetlejuice let out a loud, aversive sigh and looked sideways at Ari while pushing his hair back.
- I bet ya know they say it repels demons. - Ari nodded slowly, disbelief in her eyes. - Yeah, shit works.
Beej made a face so disgusted it made Ari burst out with laughter. He put his palm on the top of her head and pushed her away. She elbowed his side in return.
- Okay, okay, then sage stays out of the mixture. - she said, still smiling like an idiot, and pointed at the other cupboard. - Wanna help me find my dried herbs? - Beej shrugged with a sarcastic face.
- Yeah, sure, ask the dyslexic demon to look for labeled magic herbs.
While Beej was searching through Ari's a hundred and twenty frickin tiny glass vials, for a slight second Ari checked her demon buddy out from the corner of her eye. She flashed an evil smile as a devilish thought planted itself into her mind.
- Hey, Beej, can I ask ya something? - Beetlejuice looked out from behind the other cabinet.
- Sure. - Ari's smile turned even more maleficent. Beetlejuice exactly knew what that naughty smile meant. Shit, he made that face at least a thousand times a day.
- Aren't you a little short to be a demon? - Beej gasped, held his chest, then when Ari started laughing at him sticking his stripey tongue out like a snake, he said in the most angelic tone he could produce:
- Says the oversized toddler! - Ari opened up her arms, mimicking something huge.
- But aren't you supposed to be a big, flaming entity? - Beej stepped before Ari with a similar smile on his face then lifted her up by her armpits... which she seemingly hated, based on the angry pre-schooler impression on her face. Although, the thought of "shit, he's strong... WAIT, NO, THAT'S NOT HOT, FUCK, BRAIN, NO... Okay act angry that should solve ya problem... You hoe." passed her mind.
- Aren't you supposed to be with your parents, my sweet, tiny, chubby cheeky child? - while talking, Beej summoned 2 more arms, pinched the girl's cheeks with them and did smooching sounds.
- Imma so punch you in the throat. - said Ari with the maddest tone she could. Beej raised an eyebrow and changed to a crooked, husky, even kind of horny tone.
- You had your chance when I kissed ya, but ya didn't. - Ari smirked.
- You call that a kiss?
Beetlejuice dropped Ari. He turned around, all 4 hands in the air, looking so irritated that even the tips of his hair turned into a slight reddish shade.
- EXCUSE ME?! - he pointed at Ari, who was still sitting on the ground, stroking her hurt bottom. - NO, EXCUSE YOU! HOW DARE YOU?!?!? - he popped his tongue, then went to the plate of waffles smothered in Nutella. - You know what? - he pointed at the girl again with one hand, put 2 on his hips, and grabbed a waffle with the fourth. - No more waffles for you. - he said as he bit into the Millennium Falcon. As he swallowed the bite, his eyes got wide and his additional 2 hands disappeared. An expression of wander and astonishment found its way to his face. - OHMYGOD THIS IS HEAVENLY!!! - he said in an amazed tone, then quickly changed back to his normal. I'm a badass demon, I shouldn't show emotions. - Ironically. - he stack his index finger into the bottle full of chocolatey nougaty hazelnut cream. - What is this shit?
Ari looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a weird little smile, not understanding her buddy's fuss about the delicacy. She shrugged.
- Nutella... Never heard of it? - Beej rolled his eyes and grunted.
- Babe, this house was uninhabited for at least 25 years. And the last people who lived here were between 90 and coffin-break years old. And that was in the late 80's. - he licked the paste off his finger and changed to a more seductive tone. - Lower your expectations about me. I might look young and devilishly handsome but I'm so new to these modern shits. - Ari rolled her eyes and stood up. Horny bastard.
- Okay, grandpa. - Beej stack his tongue out but Ari just pushed him in a childish way. - Gimme a bite too, I'm still starving. - she said as she reached for the plate Beej was now holding.
She took a bite out of a waffle, then put it back and started chopping up her dried herbs. She was almost done with the chopping and the piece of Millennium Falcon when she noticed that BJ was literally staring at her face with a cheeky halfsmile. His eyes were wandering around her lips.
- What are ya lookin' at? - she asked abruptly. Beej shrugged a bit and pointed at her canines as she took a last bite from the waffle.
- I like the teeth. - Ari smiled widely. She put down the cleaver and tapped her teeth with her long, black, spiderwebbed nail on her pointing finger.
- Thanks, they're fake porcelain caps. - she pointed at Beej's smile. - I like your double canines too! They look so badass. - Beej's hair turned into a weird mixture of light pink, shy white and bright green. He started to play with his fingers and looked down at his shoes. He bit his lower lip with a flattered smile. Ari leaned closer. - Am I crazy, or just like your hair and your eyes, those can change too? - Beej lifted his head up and pulled his hair back. He scratched his scrag as his teeth changed into a bear trap-esque, sharklike weirdness. Ari jumped back and screamed while covering her mouth in excitement. - OHMYGOD THAT'S SO HARDCORE! - she stepped back to Beej and tapped his teeth. - WOOOOOWZAH! - she grabbed the demon's shoulders and shaked him a bit. - You are the most awesome person I've ever seen. - she stepped back and crossed her heart with her nail. - Swear on my black gooey heart.
Beej changed his teeth back into "normal", but he was still scratching his scruff and was looking down. He was obviously taken aback. It looked liked he had never been genuinely complimented before.
- Well... Thanks... - he stuttered as he turned more pink. Ari looked at the ground too, blushing and smiling shyly as she said the next words:
- You know, I'm glad we winded up at your haunted house. If you wouldn't have been here, all three of us would be dead by now. Nobody else would have been able to stop my crazy ex. So... Yeah. - she sighed and bent down to peak at Beej's eyes. They found each other easily. They both smiled with bitten lips. - Thanks for killing him. - Beej cleared his throat to quickly regain his composure. He put his hands in his pockets.
- Ey, I got you. You know I do. That's what undead best friends are for.
After a couple minutes of awkward silence, Ari grabbed her chopped up herbs and pointed at the kitchen with her other hand.
- I'll boil these up quickly. Wanna watch The Nightmare Before Christmas in my room while I dose off to sleep? - Beetlejuice's eyes lit up as he nodded.
- Sure... Let me grab my snack. - he snapped and with that, the Nutella appeared in his hand. His devilish smile didn't tell nothing good about his intentions. Ari laughed lightly and reached for the bottle.
- Hey, come on, that's my Nutella! Give it back! - as soon as she almost reached the bottle, Beetlejuice started to float with a laugh, just out of Ari's reach. - HEY COME ON, THAT'S CHEATING!!! - she jumped up but Beej floated higher. - GIVE MY STUFF BACK!!! - Beej layed on his back while floating out of the winter garden, eating the paste with his fingers.
- If you don't pay your bio-exorcist, you will get repossessed! - Ari jumped after him one more time, then stomped angrily.
- This fuckin' demon, I swear to Ra... - she looked at her puppy, who was looking after the floating demon. - Hey, Sirius! - he peaked his ears up. - CATCH!
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lothirielswan · 5 years
Writing Introverted Individuals: Guide and Sources
Hi Awesome Adventurers! So I’ve had to write about a few introverts on my journey through writing so far, and I’m sure you can find a butt ton of stuff like this, but I wanted to make this easier for you guys and offer up some things that I’ve found. Scroll down to see insightful videos, characters, tips, and more!
First off, here is a list of well-known characters in fiction that are incredibly introverted to study (no, there are no spoilers listed with character descriptions):
Ron Swanson — from Parks and Rec. Ron is definitely very far down the spectrum and could be considered the “stereotypical introvert.” Ron Swanson avoids and nearly despises any social conduct with people, yet he does it in a comical way. If you are writing an incredibly antisocial introvert with zero respect for other life forms, I’d look into Mr. Swanson (bonus: you get to watch Chris Pratt, our lovable extrovert, at the same time!).
Loki — from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The star of Tumblr. I’m sure all of you are familiar with him, and the best thing about watching Loki is seeing his introverted nature compared to the biggest extrovert in the nine realms: Thor. This gives us both sides of the spectrum, and it’s a great thing to watch when you’re trying to differentiate the traits of extroverts and introverts. Loki proves that introverts can be funny and witty, but most accurately shows the con of being the introvert: constantly feeling neglected/left out of things.
Everyone from the cast of The Big Bang Theory, besides Penny — well, not quite, but this show has tons of introverts and is one of the best sources to watch. One thing to keep in mind from this is that The Big Bang Theory is focused on a group of close friends—introverts have social circles, too. Introverts can be loud and boisterous around people they know well (the show has multiple examples of this). However, when these introverted individuals are put in a more crowded setting, some get social anxiety, some can’t talk to women, and some find it exhausting. This show is a landmine for studying introverts, and I extremely recommend it for this topic. 
Tyrion Lannister — from Game of Thrones (I’ll repeat this again because I know you: NO SPOILERS). Tyrion is more social for an introvert, but it’s been shown that he likes to spend his free time in solitude. Tyrion is a very independent thinker (a big introverted trait) and is very well read. However, he jokes with people, he is gifted with words (just because introverts have a reputation for talking much does not mean that they are not witty), and is sexually active.
Hope Van Dyne (the Wasp) — from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hope has a very direct way of thinking, and prefers getting stuff done instead of dealing with “fluff.” Hope also had a very cold, loveless background, and while introversion can be considered genetic, it’s interesting to note how the background/backstory of a character plays a role in the level of introversion. 
Bruce Banner — from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (played by Mark Ruffalo). This little cinnamon roll keeps to himself, I recommend watching him onscreen and how he interacts with his Avenging coworkers (when he’s less green!). Especially in social situations, where you’ll notice that Dr. Banner is very quiet and keeps to himself.
MARINA — No, Marina, is not a fictional character; she is a singer that is very real, but she deserves a spot on this list of “introverts to watch”. I’ve listened to Marina’s songs for years, and every album shows the struggle of how introverts struggle to just be in the world. One of her most famous albums, Electra Heart, actually describes her trying to change herself to fit in with this extroverted world. If you want to know more about introverts, I suggest listening to one—and this one sounds like a goddess. 
Some of you may be new to introverts, so bring over some books and blankets to wrap yourself in like a burrito as we explore/review this: what is the introvert?
Okay, there are a lot of myths associated with the Introvert that we should dispel here: NOT ALL introverts are stuck-up or shy, however, their independent nature sometimes leads people to make these assumptions. Instead of thinking of introverts as the Grumpy Cat and extroverts as the excited golden retriever, let me differentiate them a little:
The main difference between introverts and extroverts is how their bodies react differently. When people hang out with friends, it releases a “happy” drug in our body called dopamine. Introverts and extroverts react differently to this.
When extroverts hang out with friends, this releases dopamine in their body, which energizes them and makes them feel good. However, with introverts, dopamine can be overstimulating and overwhelming, making most introverts start to feel tired after hanging around people. This being said: introverts do not hate people. Interactions have a tendency to fatigue them over time. But this reaction can affect introverts’ opinion on social activities, and can discourage them. Back to sciencey terms, there is a drug that introverts experience that they cope better with than dopamine: acetylcholine. This drug is more of a “slow burn” feel to it, that is turned on when you focus on something or are doing something creating like drawing. Introverts favor this chemical reaction, hence their desire for independent activities. (You can find more about this here)
Introverts also tend to be decisive thinkers, and are at peace when in solitude. As the writer, it’s up to you to decide how sensitive your introvert is, but please, do not make the mistake of assuming your beautiful creation hates people for no reason! 
I’ve written about a couple introverts by now, and I am one myself, so here are some experiences, tips, and suggestions on what introverts go through:
What I said above is true about getting overstimulated: I met a good friend of mine about a year ago, and I remember we were hanging out at a Wendy’s (this was back when I was just getting to know her), and after 1-2 hours I just started to feel tired, out of it. There wasn’t anything wrong with her, or me: over time, I could spend more time with her before that tired feeling set in again. Other introverts also experience things like this, but it may not be at the same rate.
Now you understand introverts, and that is awesome! But most people don’t. And that’s a good thing to keep in mind when you’re writing: when you have your introverted character interacting with others, depending on the other character, they may be critical of the introvert’s natural ways. One thing introverts face the most is getting talked over/interrupted when they try to speak. Be aware of your introvert’s unique presence!
Introverts are also very perceptive: they are brilliant observers, and catch more things than the average bear. This seems like something quick to dismiss, but hear me out: introverts can be as perceptive as the deaf. Another personal experience: I cannot tell you how many times I’ve spoiled shows for myself, not because people tell me outright, but because I simply browse the internet (with no intent at all whatsoever), I see pictures, I overhear little details; I start picking up little clues that don’t say it outright but it hints, and eventually I go, “crap, not again.” This is how the introvert’s mind works: it can catch the smallest things, and they’re usually smart enough to stumble onto the right conclusions (this sounds cool, but it can be a real pain in the ass). 
I hope this has been helpful so far! Here are a few links I found to videos on Youtube that have some more insightful information about introverts: 
8 Strengths of Introverts
The Power of Introverts: Susan Cain (TED talk)
A Day in School as an Introvert (the Struggle)
Thank you so much for reading, Awesome Adventurers! I’d love to hear what you think about introverts or if you have anything to add, and if you’d like to talk more about this, go ahead and shoot me over something! I hope this helped you out before you go write your fantastic story that will light up the world! Love, fortune and glory to you!!
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taesbetch · 6 years
02 | Den Of Hybrids
Pairing: BTS  x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: Taking care of six hybrids can be a pain in the ass but when a stray needs y/ns help, y/n brings him home to his new family. Follow Y/n as she tries to help Taehyung (The new hybrid in town) fit in and continue to keep the other six alive along with other troubles that life brings.
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As the hybrids gathered in the lounge to watch re-runs of keeping up with the Kardashians a letter that sat on the counter caught your eye. Its electric blue envelope sent shivers down your spine, the design of it bring back memories of someone you would rather forget.
As you picked it up, the laughs of the hybrids halted as they sensed the change in your demeanour. Reading the letter, you stomach filled with dread. The news the letter presented made you want to vomit in horror.
“what’s wrong?” Namjoon asked worriedly as the seven boys waited for you to explain. Turning around to them you let out a huff of frustration.  
“Aunt May is coming over”
“Let's just pack up and move” Yoongi suggested as his face showed the disdain that the words aunt may brought.
“aunt may?” taehyung asked in confusion as jungkook whined, clearly upset that she was coming to town. The group's mood was a mixture of sadness and dread, taehyung couldn’t understand what was so bad about the aunt may that had the whole rooms mood dropped in 0.2 seconds.
“She’s y/ns grandmothers’ sister” Namjoon explained to taehyung as he ran a hand through his hair.
“More like the devil! That woman has never had a good intention in her life since y/ns parents passed away she’s been acting like a guardian but all she really wants is the fortune. Old hag” jin exclaimed, his face going red from not taking a breath of air.  
“when is she coming?” hoseok asked.
You scanned the piece of paper again, knowing you saw a date somewhere.
“she’s here in three days” You groaned. You had planned the next three days to a T, you were both busy with your book writing and running your businesses, not to mention the new addition to your crew; you didn’t have the energy for this woman.
“Can’t you just tell her we died in a car crash, so she won’t come to visit us anymore?” Yoongi whined as he folded his arms over his chest. You looked at the group with sympathetic eyes. Your aunt was always so rude to the hybrids, she has been a loud advocate when it came to disapproving getting hybrids. Never once had a nice word came out of that woman's mouth.
“well…anyway, we have a doctor’s appointment to-“ you started but couldn’t finish due the synchronised groaning from the boys.
“looks like this week is going to be a long one” You laughed the boys sighed, the mood grumpy and full of dread.
Night time fell and as the boys ate dinner you sat in your room finishing up on some work.
You looked up and smiled at your eldest bunny, a plate of food in his hand and a soft blush on his cheeks.
“jimin” You smiled as you pushed your laptop to the side, letting jimin sit in front of you “thank you for bringing my dinner” you finished as he placed it on your bedside table.
“of course!” he chirped his ears perked up excitedly.
“How are you doing? Are you feeling a little more comfortable?” you asked as he sat down, his sleeves pulled over his hands as he nervously looked you in the eyes.
He nodded happily his eyes watering a little which instantly had you worried. Before you could ask the nervous hybrid what happened you were engulfed in a tight hug.
“Jimin?” you asked as you hugged him back, the boy was affectionate, but this felt different it felt almost as if he was trying to love you back for all the things you had done for him. The way he held you tightly conveyed his message of never wanting to leave you and it made your heart swoon.
“I love you y/n, thank for looking after Yoongi and I. I know he can be a bit cold…but I know he’s grateful” Jimin confessed as he pulled away from you.
Patting his head, you smiled as his blush deepened to a dark red.
“Hey, I'll read you a bedtime story tonight mkay?” You asked knowing how much he loved being tucked in. A smile reaching his eyes made its way on its face as he did a few fist pumps in the air.
“oh! Can taehyung sleep in my room?” he asked as you grabbed your dinner, ready to dig in.
“well yea I mean If he would like to, I don’t see why not” you answered causing his smile to get bigger than you ever thought it could. You giggled as the boy hoped out, remembering when jimin would shake every time he moved around the house. Though he was still shy you began to see his joyful side and were grateful at his efforts to be a part of the family.
Breathing out you looked over at your work, slamming the computer shut before digging into your meal. You’ll deal with that shit later.
Even though 10 o clock was around the time everyone actually started going to sleep, you always did your roundly goodnights now, at 9, just because it was more convenient.
Knocking on Namjoons door you waited for him to answer as you looked over to the lounge watching Yoongi and jungkook playing video games.
“Come in!” He replied.
As you opened the door you saw him sitting on the ground and the amount of paper on the floor in front of him. You were incredibly confused, and it showed on your face.
“Hey bud, what’s going on?” you asked, moving into his room and motioning to the mess on the floor. Closing the door, you listened as Namjoon mumbled inaudible words. You sat down next him on the floor as you picked up a single page, looking at the small picture of a female hybrid in a corner.
“well I…you know my heat is next month,” he said softly his eyes avoiding yours.
 “Ohhh, my little namjoon is choosing his mate” you cooed as you gripped him into a hug.
“Y/n! its embarrassing!” he whined as he pushed away from you, his whole face heating up as he hid his face in his hands.
“don’t be embarrassed! it's completely normal. Do you have any front runners you would like to meet?” You asked as you watched him eye a certain profile. The girl seemed to be a lioness, a perfect match for your lion hybrids as they tend to gravitate towards each other. Hybrids weren’t usually bothered with mating with other hybrid types but hybrid types like lions and bears were often a bit to rough to mate with others, thus they liked staying within their own group.
“well…i…her?” he asked as he passed you the girls page. You smiled at how nervous and shy he was, this wasn’t his first time going to the mating centre, or his first time picking a mating partner but every time he seemed to be as nervous as the last.
The mating centre was the best mating service in the country, its quite pricey but its completely worth it. The males get sent profiles of the females, then the males choose who they would like and send a request to meet back to the females. If the female deems the suitable the two will meet and she’ll pick her preferred partner out of the requests she has gotten.
“what if she doesn’t want to meet me? What if no female wants to meet me?” he asked, his eyes full of worry as he ran a hand through his hair.
Even though the system of picking could end in a broken-hearted male who has been rejected by all, the situation has never occurred. You didn’t know how they did it, but the centre had a way of making sure everyone was paired.
“Namjoon, you know that’s not gonna happen and if she doesn’t want to meet, you’ll we’ll find another one! You’ve got a month bud” You answered as he pouted.
“I know…here, if she doesn’t answer maybe these girls” He said as he gave you a small list of profiles all the girls staying within the cat family.
“and who knows! Maybe one of these girls could be your forever mate!” you chirped as you patted his shoulder.
“Maybe…goodnight y/n” He said before giving you a hug.
Leaving Namjoons room you moved to jungkook and Yoongi, getting ready to rip them a new asshole for having the t.v too loud.
“Hey! Turn that shit down, you know the rules!” You shouted as you pulled the most serious face you could.
Jungkook groaned before turning it down, his ears flopping down as you mumbled angrily.
“Y/nnnn don’t be mad” he whined as you placed your hands on your hips.
“jungkook you know you aren't supposed to be playing video games this late – your bunny senses will be stimulated and it will-“ you started only to be cut off.
“it will mess with my human ones yes yes I knowww, I'm sorry! I'm going to bed right now!” he exclaimed as he rose from the couch storming past you to go up to his bedroom.
“fine, goodnight” you shrugged, knowing there was no way that baby bunny was going to bed without his hug.
“Goodnight Yoongi” You smiled cheekily as you shuffled towards him, your arms open hoping he might hug you first, instead he just shrivelled back in disgust. You paused for a minute wondering if you should continue your mission. Dropping your arms, you pouted before starting to walk away.
“goodnight y/n” He mumbled back, even though it was quiet it still put a smile on your face.
Hoseok room door was slightly open when you approached it, knocking you heard the scrambling of items as he let out a worried squeak.
“Hoseok? You okay?” you asked as you slowly opened the door. You gasped as you saw the absolute mess of his room. His bed was broken, his table was flipped up side down, there was chlothes everywhere.
“OH MY GOD. JUNG HOSEOK, WHAT IN THE BLOODY FUCK!” you yelled as you examined all the wreckage he had made.
“I can explain!!” He yelled back as he waved his hands panicking
You looked at him in disbelief. Shaking your head, you let out a sigh before glaring at him.
“fine. You’re an adult, you can handle this” you said signalling to the room. “goodnight my sweet angel who will now forever listen to me” You added with a sinister smile as you left his room.
“Do I not get a hug!?!” he yelled as you walked away.
You groaned as you thought about having to deal with that knowing that the horse hybrid would not be able to deal with it himself, trying to shake of the thought of having to clean and rebuy you decided now would be a perfect time to read a bedtime story.
Laughter was erupting from jimin’s room. As you opened the door you watched as taehyung and jimin smiled at you in sync, the two of them clearly becoming very close friends.
“Whose ready for a story?” you asked as you slid in and closed the door. The two perked up excitedly before running towards jimin’s bed. You smiled as you opened jimin’s cabinet full of stories, some were proper books and others were targeted towards kids.
“okay bud, wanna read your favourite?” you asked as the two-left room for you in the middle. Jimin nodded his head as taehyung looked between you in anticipation.
Placing Namjoon files on top of jimin’s cabinet you took the book and climbed in between the two hybrids. Watching as taehyung copied jimin’s every action. After a while of reading the book you noticed jimin nudging your shoulder as he lay his head on your stomach asking for pats.
Scratching jimin’s ear you watched as taehyung looked at him in amazement.
“what’s he doing” Taehyung asked as he looked on in amazement.
“he’s purring” you answered as you continued jimin’s petting, his purring getting more intense.
“p-purring?” Taehyung asked, his face contorted into confusion.
“yea you know, when you get pet don’t you purr?” You asked as you closed the book, knowing that jimin would be falling asleep by now.
“w-well I’ve never been pet before” He answered quietly, his eyes locked on his hands as he played with them nervously. You looked at him in shock. A hybrid that’s never been pet before! Absurd! That was true torture.
“would you like to be pet, I promise ill be gentle” you suggested as his eyes flicked back to your hand in jimin’s hair. taehyung looked at you nervously before nodding his head, placing it on your stomach like jimin’s was.
You started slowly by caressing the top of his head, once you felt that he was comfortable you softly played with his ears causing a soft wine to come from his mouth as he nuzzled his head into your stomach.
Trying not giggle at his way of asking for more you started petting him like you would any of your other hybrids. As he started purring you tried your best not to swoon. Here were two of your newest hybrids, purring together. Letting them both drift of to dream land you tried your hardest to move the two too their pillows without awaking them.
A sign of trust was how nonchalant they were about you touching them in their sleep. Usually hybrids are always on alert so for them both to have their guard down around you was heart-warming.
Just as you managed to scoot of the bed, their sleep was interrupted by the abrupt opening of jimins door.
“Y/N I WANT MY HUG!” jungkook yelled.
The doctors was never a fun place to be. Every time you went the boy’s patience seemed to last less then the time previous.
“Y/n he finished my check up, can’t I go with Namjoon and Yoongi to the park!” Hoseok pleaded
“I don’t know, what if something happens and I’m not there” You said as hoseok finished his check up and jungkook went into the examination room for his.
“We’ll be careful!” Jin added as he pulled the best puppy dog face he could muster.
You sighed as the silence of the conversation left you hearing the voices of other people in the room.
“okay but wait for jungkook, I’ll send Yoongi and jimin once there done then taehyung and I will meet you there” You answered slowly.
The boys excitedly talked amongst themselves as you continued to comfort jimin.
“Honey, your brothers are coming out alive and well. Its gonna be okay, they are all really nice people” You said as you stroked his back, watching him shake anxiously.
“Jimin, ill even let you have my grey hoodie afterwards, you love that thing” Jin encouraged as everyone looked at the boy worriedly. You looked over at yoongi who also watched the ground nervously, trying to keep his body faced away from you.
“Yoongi are you okay? Is there something you two aren’t telling me?” you asked softly.
Jimins eyes scanned the place before he whimpered, tucking his head in your shoulder as he cried.
“are you gonna leave us here?” he cried, shocking not only you put the other hybrids as well.
“What?! Leave you here? Of course not, I would never” you answered as you hugged your bunny tightly. “was…was a doctors office where you were left last time?” you asked, the two of them nodding their heads sadly.
You sighed as you stroked jimins face, looking at yoongi sympathetically.
“I know! Ill go in with you both. Owners aren’t allowed in but other hybrids are! I’ve been with y/n since she was a baby so if that doesn’t put you at ease then I don’t know what will, this place is the best doctor’s office in town. Not gonna lie, I hate it too but its better than any other ones” Namjoon exclaimed.
You smiled at you leader lion, he always knew exactly how to take care of the other boys.
“How does that sound?” You asked as yoongi scooted closer to jimin, giving you a glance as he nodded his head.
“if Namjoon comes with us then…I’ll feel a lot better” jimin answered.
“then its settled, when they call you, all of you go up, Namjoon will know what to do” You said smiling at the three. As jungkook walked out and jimin was called you watched as the group dispersed. Jin, hoseok and jungkook off to go to the park; and the others going for their check-up.
You looked over at taehyung as he moved up to sit with you, no longer blocked by the elder boys.
“So what check-ups am I doing today?” He asked you.
“the doctor just wants to look at your previous records so we can see what type we’ll have to do, then we're gonna have to come back and do all of this unfortunately,” you said talking about what the others are doing.
Taehyung sighed as he placed his back against the chair rest.
“jin said we get ice cream after this” he stated as he looked at you for confirmation.
You were about to answer when you saw the familiar doctor exit his room, looking around for you and the name on his sheet he had never seen before.
“ah y/n!” he called. You and taehyung got up and moved towards him. Dr kai was the nicest doctor you’ve ever met. He took very good care of your hybrids and you knew he’d take good care of taehyung.
“this must be taehyung” He smiled as the two of you walked past him and into his office.
“Nice to meet you, I’m dr kai and I look after your brothers, so if you have any concerns about me you can talk to them, they’ve been dealing with me for years” He laughed. As he tapped away on his computer the two of you stayed silent. taehyung’s eyes were wide as he looked around the room, noticing how posh everything was.
“wow…okay” he whispered causing you to perk up.
“Taehyung…you’ve had a rough childhood I see. A lot of broken bones, some that were left a little too long. Suppressants for your heat – a lot of medication” He said as he looked at the boy suspiciously. Taehyung gulped as he shot you a worried look.
You were shocked to hear these things from the doctor. A hybrid child needs to be taken care of, they are extremely vulnerable to accidents and growing up with hybrid specialties is a challenge. Heat suppressants made you sick, it wasn’t natural and fought their instincts, the medication often made them sick and weak and the whole thing was only invented because owners can't be bothered to support their hybrids cycle.
“It seems as though you’ve never had a full heat cycle” he stated as he started writing down some notes.
You looked at taehyung shocked as he looked at the ground in embarrassment. You pouted before stroking his head supportively.
“well, it looks like a lot of problems caused by a bad owner are occurring here. Luckily it doesn’t look like too many physical impacts are going to have a permeant effect. y/n if you give him some hybrid vitamin A every day for the next three weeks it should help out with his energy levels as coming off heat suppressants can be quite challenging and…maybe get him some therapy…physical impacts are temporary, but the mental impact will affect his daily life. We’ll need to do a full body examination and most likely a blood test” He stated as he printed out medicine scripts
You nodded your head as you took in everything the doctor had told you.
“Ill be back I’m just going to send this through to the pharmacy” He stated as he got up and left.
The room was filled with silence as you waited for taehyung to say something.
“were you…abused? I mean maybe it was naïve of me to assume that you were just neglected” you sighed as you stroked his head some more, feeling horrible for anything he had endured.
“Do…I have to get therapy? I-I don’t really want to” he said softly as he played with his hands.
“well your gonna have to talk to someone about this, otherwise how are you going to progress in life?” You asked as he sighed knowing that you were right.
“well…what about you?” he asked as he looked at you with watery eyes.
“Do you wanna tell me about it?” you answered as you dropped your hand from his head. Even though you couldn’t give him the life advice a professional could you knew that you could provide closure and if that was all he wanted, then that was fine.
“i…I think I do”
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