#his love language is small acts of violence
radiostation23 · 1 year
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shit well
god it's been a fucken WHILE since i posted anything here, huh? only rly came back bc a buddy of mine uses this place anyways hi im back! have these two idiots in the meanwhile before i start posting again
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thewriterg · 8 months
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐰
pairing(s); simon riley x fem!reader, reader x toxic family
summary; You tried to keep it together to keep him away from it to not get attached but it only take one situation for you to come crumbling down reaching out to simon for comfort —angstober day;14—
word count; 900+
warning(s); age gap, sweetheart is her/your own warning, thinking college student reader so like early twenties and simon is about mid to late forties, arguments, crying, angst, kisses, pet names, mention of violence, simon abt to risk it all, and language
playlist; nothings new by rio romeo
A/n:—GIFs; @astrolux111 & @silenthqll— GIF does not determine race
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Simon was up it didn’t take much to wake him and when he heard the footsteps approaching his flat front door he was up the handgun from his scratched wooden nightstand that he’d bought off some older man who he was sure had passed to the unknown by now
The rough knocks on his door frame were demanding and rushed as if the person behind the wood was on time crunch he approached the door the firearm clutched in his hand his finger taking no time to rest on the trigger his hand was on the nob before he swung the door open his eyebrows furrowing not expecting to see what was in his line of sight
Your eyes were red and puffy tear streaks stringing your face your hair out of place as well as your shifted clothes Simon swiftly setting down his defense on standing table next to his door grabbing your arm to bring you into the shelter of his home he checks over your body to find nothing alarming but the soaking wet clothes clinging to your body
“S-simon” Is all you can get out as your body racked with sobs you shoulders hunched and he wraps an arm around you littered with tattoos your face hidden in his chest covered by the cotton tshirt that was a little small on him your cold wet clothes transferring onto his as shushes you slowly moving you into his bedroom sitting you on his mattress slipping your drenched shirt over your head as you sniffle your head throbbing from the continuous tears and energy spent you didn’t realize you were dressed in dry attire until you were getting picked up and suddenly the weighed down fabric wasn’t overwhelming you anymore your legs wraps around the blondes torso lying your head on his shoulder you body still shivering as you felt yourself dip onto his worn mattress rubbing his hands down your goosebump covered arms
“Come on love what’s the matter with my sweet girl, hmm? Tell Si what’s the matter” Something triggers in you causing more streams of tears to fall down your face and you try to speak choking out incoherent words and sniffles simon rubs a hand over your hair pressing a kiss your forehead his brain screaming at him to to go punch the nearest punk out on the street because there has to be something, something major to keep you acting this way
“I don’t want you to leave me” You body wracks you chest feels like it’s gonna cave any minute you feel like your airway you’ll be cut off and your sound will be free from your body
“Sweetheart it’s gonna take more than a few tears to get rid of me, matter of fact you won’t be able to you understand?” You nod your head before your spewing everything weighing your chest down to the floor about you family and how they make you feel more down then you’d ever been without meaning to the situation I particular causing your weaker construction to tip over and collapse your siblings couldn’t keep their hands out of your things and this time it had did it you’d been saving for a new laptop for class it cost more than you liked to admit and your sister god you loved her but she was at the age where she couldn’t keep her hands off of thing your things to be exact and long story short your laptop was broken in your sisters hands you berated her scolded her it was the least you could do for the trouble she caused you
When your parents arrived home you expected them to finish the job rip your sister a new one she ran into your father arms rambling of how mean and what a monster you are and even after you told your parents about what she had done she’s barely get a slap on the wrist you were older you shouldn’t yell at the younger ones defending your honor and standing your ground got you yelled at a stinging mark on your cheek
“My h-head hurts” You whimpered after a moment of silence and it was true you didn’t know how long you’ve been crying for and your head felt like it was going to explode Simon sets you down on the mattress briefly your head still spinning and pounding in your ears he leaves and returns again two pain killers that look like a spec of nothing in his palm he sets and on your cheek gently prying your jaw open setting the drugs on your tongue before you swallow the he praises you for it and your realize how much of a all time low you are
“Come on sweetheart no more tears you know it’ll make it worse” This time you’re not sobbing from the pain your chest but rather the pain your head hiccups slipping from your lips falling apart in his grasp and he held you like he always will and as he always had
He’d glue all your broke pieces back together
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©2023 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
NEW; sweetheart and simon headcanons
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
Eat your Young (viking!Konig x fem!Reader)
You weren't afraid when the Vikings came. Your ruler pays them well, and they protect you from enemies far worse - there is nothing to worry about as you, an unmarried maiden, wander into the embrace of one of them. They are on your side. Right? Tags and CWs: Age gap, size difference, Konig is a bit obsessive and a huge perv, mentions of violence, Vikings Are Actually Kinda Nice No For Real, hand jobs, oral sex, naked man/clothed woman, slightly historically inaccurate, jokes about inbreeding Thanks to @angelbabysblog for the idea. I changed quite a lot because I was reading articled about how many of the Slavic cities were actually cool with Vikings and worked with them AO3
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The Vikings are here. Your Father never allowed you to meet them before – as an unmarried girl, even if you’re already of age, it would be…scandalous. Not smart. Dumb, really – everyone knows that girls that are messing with the warrior from overseas often end up being taken away. And you couldn’t survive sea travel. The Vikings are here, but it’s not really a problem – you know that there are other countries over the sea, the countries that die and burn every time a ship is sailed in their harbors. You also know that you do not live in a country like that. That sound of Vikings approaching is a good one – that you’ll be protected from the other enemies your country has. You always stole glances, despite what your father has told you – you were a curious thing, always searching for trouble, always interested in everyone outside of your small village. You’re on the border – stuck between sea and great plains, open for any enemy if it weren’t for mercenaries who deemed this place as worthy of their camp. They live here, occupying the territory outside – even build themselves houses, despite every rumor calling them nothing more but overseas barbarians who would tear you down for a flick of a coin. 
Well, you always thought you’d have nothing to worry about – you are not made of coins, after all. The Vikings had a leader, the one that stayed in the long house just outskirts of the village – the one that would always visit the elders, discussing the payments and the spoils of war. Father always punished you if any nosy neighbor would see you sneaking out to look at the warriors – but you couldn’t care less. If you are going to end up in a marriage with a fool, you could at least steal a few looks at the real men. Not the ones from your village – they felt more like brothers than anything else. Some of them were – second, third, fourth, just diluted enough to make the babies a bit less disfigured. 
But, oh, nothing compared to the vikings. You see them when you run for the lake, far from the shore. They are clean – cleaner than sailors from Byzantine who sometimes stumbled upon the small village by the sea. You think you heard them talking about how cleanliness is a sin – and just how silly it sounded. You think you didn’t like people from this place very much – sailors were often drunk, always handsy and never spared a kind word without an insult…not that you knew their language – but you are smart enough to know that if a man is attempting to grasp your breasts while sneering something through his teeth, it won’t be a love poem. 
— What are you doing here? 
You were spotted. Like a fox in a hunter’s trap – you are standing in the tall water grass, looking at the man through the weeping willow branches. Maybe, if you are lucky enough, he’d think you were a mavka, trying to drown him – some men were foolish enough to fall for the act, sparing you the consequences of your curiosity. You aren’t sure if the Vikings have legends of mavkas – if they even have lakes back where they are from. All travelers are mixed in your head – desserts, great plains, barbarians who would steal your sisters if you’d been blessed with some. Sea beasts who will take you on your ship, away from your father and…ah, it doesn’t sound too bad. 
— Can’t you talk? 
His voice is rough, and accented. Younger than you thought he would be with a body like this – a seasoned warrior, ginger hair covering his muscular chest and a small trail falling down his…
Viking knows your language. Shouldn’t be surprising – they are working for the elders and your ruler, after all. They get gold from your village, they get food from your village. They get sons – you heard about at least some of the women falling pregnant to the guests overseas. No one dares to say anything against it – but the rumors are still falling. You wonder if it’s as bad as it sounds. — I can talk. 
This sounds dumb, but there is no use in hiding. Your intentions weren’t innocent – you are curious and curiosity is what leads to the devil. Or god of death. Or goddess – you are not well-versed in matters of spirit and while half of your village is still worshipping old gods while the other preaches about new, stronger ones, you wonder what kind of beliefs Vikings have. You heard their women can wield magic – and can count. And read. You would love to read, you think. — Gut. Thought I spotted a Margygr.
The word is weird. Rough. You don’t know what that is, but you certainly aren’t one. You take a step forward, not caring that your linen dress is getting drenched in water – not caring about what your father might say after. You would just tell him you wanted to go and drown since he was so adamant on marrying you off to some one-eyed half-wit quarter brother of yours. He wouldn’t be surprised – and you probably wouldn’t be missed. A whore to be, as some older women from your village would say. 
— What is that? 
He tilts his head to the side, his blue eyes looking at you. You notice a piece of cloth in his hands – something that must have been covering his face, you think. He is covered in scars and dirt, blood from some battle is getting washed away into the water of the lake. Gods, you say to yourself – you won’t even be drinking from it again. Although you promised it to yourself a few years ago already, when you spotted a dead deer lying in the water – and it’s not like you held to your promise. Better than seawater, after all. — A…drowned creature. Drowning creature. Your people are calling them… — Oh. Mavka. — Others call it mermaid. Selkie. Mermaid sounds harsh too. Rude. Other languages are rude – still, you would like to know more. Still, you would like to do anything to get out of your village. Learn to read. To write. Maybe hold a baby goat close to your chest and not have it ripped away for the nearest dinner. 
— I’m not…that. 
— I can see. 
He laughs and you steal a peak at his manhood. You should be ashamed, really – if your dear mother was alive, she’d beat you up for being so immodest. If your dear mother was alive, you wouldn’t be allowed to sneak out like that – but she isn’t, so you stare at the man who can crush your skull in one hand. You stare at the trail of ginger hair going down his waist. The muscles flexing and the scars on his hips, glossy from cold lake water. 
Is it supposed to be this big? 
He coughs and you peek to look at him again. Coughing isn’t good – he can be sick. Contangenous. There is a sickness coming around from sailor to sailor – you wonder if vikings have it too. You don’t want to get sick – but it would surely keep you out of marriage for a long while. Maybe, if you’re lucky enough, you could be buried like a pretty maiden. White dress and mourning relatives. That would teach them how to send you off to marry some dumb cousin you never knew before. Or knew too well. — You shouldn’t come here, Schatzen. 
— Why? 
— My men won’t be as nice as I am when they see a maiden in the lake. 
You smile, tilting your head to the side. There are rumors – you can’t invite foreign mercenaries into your country without them taking their toll on the locals. Some people like them, some people are scared of them. Some are going out of the ordeal pregnant and some are not returning at all. But, you can run. But, this is your lake. You like it here – the quiet, the tranquility. You think that if your father proceed with calling you an old bride who should be married as soon as possible, you could just run away and live here. Fish is nice and there are berries when it’s not too cold. — Where are your men? 
You never saw Vikings in battle. Never saw a group of them up close – you’d like to, of course. There are warriors in your village, but their best shot is wolves and deer. Not other men – you think you’d like to see war sometimes. Maybe, all the boys of age would die and you won’t have to worry about anything anymore. You would be nice as a local witch – or a local healer. Old hag sounds nice too. — Around. Waiting for the order. — What order? 
You ask so many questions, König thinks. Pretty thing – smart, too. You aren’t afraid of him, even though you have to be. Most women would be screaming and crying if they saw someone like him in the lake next to them. Not Viking women of course – but people from around here are soft. Cherished. Coddled. You also seem soft, too soft, too gentle – a woman living in a small village on the shore without a husband shouldn’t be this careless. König knows you’re just lucky that the ruler of your country is kind enough to pay the overseas mercenaries instead of suffering the pillaging. Not all of people are this lucky. 
If he won’t get a promised weight in gold this village won’t be lucky either. 
König looks at your sweet face, at the way your eyes constantly dart to his crotch. Curious little thing you are – he isn’t sure if he is that happy that the payments have been consistent up to this point. That he can’t just screw this all over and demand a payment in other ways. That pillaging this village and taking all of its women isn’t really an option while they get their gold from here. Your long linen dress clings to your skin - you’re shaking, he notices. From cold, probably, dumb lady who is too curious for her own good. Hm. He has furs not far from here. He can…
— We’re protecting the shore. The border, too. You smile, nodding. And here he thought the locals knew why the foreigners were here – but he can’t expect too much, he guesses. At least it seems like you haven’t heard of most of his accomplishments. The rivers of blood would be enough to fill this whole lake three times. Or, maybe, you heard – and didn’t care, brave and fearless little thing. König likes the sound of that. 
— Are you cold? 
You ask him, to his surprise. Your gaze is switching from his face – he is open, cheeks flushed from the cold and a maiden right next to him, and he can’t even find it in himself to cover his scarred mug – to his cock. It’s standing proudly, heavy, balls hanging low as if asking to be held in your soft palms. König isn’t embarrassed – but he is surprised that your body, showing only a little bit in that dress of yours, is already enough to make him this bothered. This ready to give up the supposed protection of this village and take what’s his. — You can warm me. 
You tilt your head to the side, mimicking his action from earlier. Curious bird – he could keep you at his ship. Tied up to the post, ready for anyone to use you. You’re strong, and resilient. Should survive the long way home – and he is getting quite ready to find someone at last. If the ruler of your little kingdom won’t be as stingy as the previous one, König can walk away with a sack of gold hanging on his shoulder. Enough for him and for him men. Surely enough to sway you. — How? 
— Do you have a husband? 
He knows, you probably don’t. A husband wouldn’t allow his wife to run around and flirt with other men – and if König was yours, he surely would keep you locked in like the treasure you are. There is too many men ready to take what doesn’t belong to them. 
— No. And I won’t.
— Why? — Soon I will be too old to be a bride anyway. Not that I want it. He laughs at that. Surely, little bird, it wouldn’t be your choice. If the luck is on his side, it wouldn’t even be the choice of your father. — Touch me, Schatzen. You want it, ja? 
He says this with more awkwardness than before. Swaying women by his side isn’t his strong suit – and even with his strength, not many of them would just throw themselves at him. Being a mercenary leader might bring him money but with the whole team consisting of equally strong and handsome men, the broody leader usually isn’t the first choice. He gets his fill eventually – but not the one that would make his heart flutter. With you, however… Your hands are traveling down his abs. Caressing every bit of skin you see – sending goosebumps down his navel and straight to his hard and leaking cock. He wonders if you’ve done this before – but your actions are the one of an explorer, not a professional. YOu grab his cock with both hands almost as if strangling him, and König lets go with a choked moan. 
You retrieve your hands, nervous. Good girl. Eager, pretty. Such a shame this village usually pays its tolls. — Are you hurt? 
— Nein, it’s…go on. You proceed to touch him, the softness of your touches is making him groan from pleasure. This is something else – you’re something else. Having the power to bring a seasoned warrior to his knees – god, how much he liked the way you looked at him. Eager and curious, always going down to touch his cock some more. You press your palm together, making s steady rhythm – using the pre-cum from his cockhead like a lube. 
König relishes in the feeling – he might be one of the strongest soldiers, but it was the first time he felt victorious. With your hand pumping his cock up and down, the pleasure settling in his stomach and threatening to burst, he felt like a king. No, the king. Gods, you were beautiful. Worthy of throwing this village into the fire for. Worthy risking the payment. Your mouth is warm on his manhood – he didn’t expect you to be this active, to wrap your lips around the bulging head and bop your head just a bit. Up and down. Tongue swirling, as if tasting him. Making him sweat that you will decide to take a bite out of it, just to satisfy your curiosity. To his peace, you didn’t. He came shortly after you decided to put your mouth on him – when your tongue started to swirl around and collect the bitter taste of his pre-cum. When your curiosity about foreign warriors bathing in your lake finally made you do something about it – and he would feel bad about pressing a hand in your hair and forcing you to choke on his length, your nails digging small red paths in his pale thighs. You choke and squirm and cry and this is the sweetest sound he ever heard – so when he finally drags you away from his cock, smiling as you wipe your mouth and whimper. Squirm again, some more. The light in your faded a little as he pushed one calloused finger into his mouth and pushed your lips apart. Poor thing, he thinks. — You did good, little bird. 
His seed tastes weird on the tongue. You wince, but swallow – it’s what good brides should do, you think. Somehow, looking at this warrior, you don’t feel so bad about being considered a bride. Maybe…no. You stalled here for long enough – you saw the Viking. You touched him. Tasted him. Father is probably looking for you. 
You don’t even bother to say goodbye as you come out of the water – but König stops you right on the edge of the lake, firm hand on your shoulder. Squeezing. Touching. Feeling. 
— I…I apologize, maiden. I lost control. 
His voice is hesitant. You don’t like how unsure he sounds. It made you feel unsure too. Weird. Uncertain and meek. 
— Are you going to leave soon? 
He stops mumbling, looking into your eyes. This is settled – he is not leaving you here. You must return to your family, say your goodbyes. Maybe enjoy a few weeks of peace before his troupe finally gets a clearing on killing whatever enemies grouped at the border – and he will take you no matter the payment your ruler can give him. Nothing will be worth more than you. 
— Yes. Yes, I will. You turn away, almost running. He didn’t stop you this time – you need to get as much freedom in your lungs as you can. He will take you eventually and, well…you best enjoy freedom as much as you could before this. 
When your village will burn along with all the cousins, half-triple brothers, and elders, you’ll find out why most countries fear the Vikings. When you will be hauled to the wooden ship over a giant’s shoulder, with his hand sitting firmly on your ass and his other palm preventing you from screaming, you’d know why taking the attention of overseas mercenaries is a bad idea. When your ruler would refuse to pay the warriors for their service and force them to just take everything by force, you’d know why making payments on time is so important. 
When König would finally make you his wife, you’d understand why you should have drowned in that lake instead. 
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 9 months
To Be Alive In Summer
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PAIRING: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Betrayal had never been in your cards, and you definitely didn't see yourself being the one responsible for the act. When having to go undercover, first comes the problem of staging your death.
WARNINGS: Angst, betrayal, intense gore, violence, death, allusions to intimacy, weapons, vulgar language, recovery, torture, happy ending, etc.
A/N: The final request is finished, hope you enjoy it @l-inkage! Onto the AUs next.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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You didn’t want to do it, but in this job, comfort was always an option and never a guarantee. It needed to be done. And that meant sacrifices had to be made to the dark altar of your contract with One-Four-One.
But this one just might break you in the process. 
“Are you sure that,” you pause and think over the instructions that Price had just given you—straight from the top of the line. “Are you sure that this is the best way, Sir?” 
The man’s lips are flat, eyes narrowed, he doesn’t like this either—especially if you don’t. John’s a Captain, he tallies out orders and expects people to listen without hesitation; doesn’t express his worry about their safety because that isn’t what this is about at the end of the day. It’s about keeping the good people outside of bases like these alive and breathing.
And right now that hinged on you being dead.
“Berto needs mercenaries,” Price grunts, “and any record of you needs to be wiped before we send you in.”
Vito Berto—head of a crime family that had been picking up traction in recent years, so much so that One-Four-One had to be put on it for covert reconnaissance before any more people ended up dead.
You would be sent in under the cover of an experienced mercenary; one among the ranks that Berto would need for a hostile takeover planned in three months on the Palace of Westminster in London. The House of Parliament. 
Vito was one cocky son of a bitch if he expected no one to get word of this.
Your job was to uncover the exact date, time, and the mission plan before getting out as quickly as possible. In order to do that, the soldier holding your name needed to be dead so nothing could be traced back to you, your task force, or your loved ones. 
And people needed to believe it.
“Can’t the records just be forged, Sir?” You ask, the meeting room dark and pulsing with the cold air from the vents. “What about Gaz and Soap?” Your throat closes for a moment and you speak slightly lower. “Simon?”
Price sighs and crosses his arms, fixing the stance of his feet.
“They’ll deal with it.” Inside of your pockets, your hands twitch. 
He won't. Not inwardly.  
“I…” your jaw clenched. 
Your relationship with Ghost was…strange. You’d both had your fun, of course, and you had a casual air about that sort of thing—it had happened, but nothing more could ever come of it. There was a modicum of soft care with you two; an acknowledgment of partnership in the field and out of it. 
You didn’t have to explain to people that Ghost was closer to you than others. You’d seen his face; that says enough. 
“It needs to look real,” Price explains, tilting his head down to you. “Not only for Laswell's state of mind but yours. I won’t be putting you in without giving you the best chance.” 
“You can’t tell them?”
“Negative. Security measure.” You frown, biting at your lip.
John closes his eyes and shakes his head. A second later a hand is set on your shoulder and the man leans in slightly to reassure you like a relative. You look up into your Captain’s gruff face, seeing the small amount of care he levels into his cerulean irises for you. 
He squeezes your flesh, watching hard.
“We need you for this, Trick.” The nickname was exactly why you were the only one who could do this. 
You were the first choice. No one was better at undercover work.
“How long would I be gone, Price?” Shifting out of the hold, you cross your arms and level him with a dead stare. “How long do they have to live with this lie?”
John grunts. “Less than three months, yeah? But all of it’s up to how long it takes to gather intel. Full black.” 
“Exfil point?” 
“Town five miles from Berto’s estate. Cafe with a red door near the bookstore. Woman inside’ll be your handler.” You turn away to glare at the far wall, hesitant even when you know you shouldn't be. This was your job. 
Brown eyes keep flashing behind your eyes—a skeletal mask that stares with stained glistening blood, blood you yourself feel reflected on your own visage. A shared damning of two people who would never see those great halls of the afterlife. Neither of you are good.
Simon had to understand. 
The Captain sees the shift in your expression.
“You in?” He asks you with a blank look. 
You take a deep breath, chest heavy and heart hurting. “I don’t like it,” your voice is low, monotone. “But, yeah, Sir, I’m in.”
“Good,” the man nods, hooking his thumbs into his belt. “It’ll happen in three days. Be ready.”
You watch him walk out of the room, patting you on the shoulder one last time before the door shuts behind him with a click of finality that pierces your lungs. You clear your throat and swallow down saliva, turning your face away as if ashamed. 
It’s the quiet that gets to you in that moment—the encompassing nothingness. So often you would have moments like these with Simon. Just sitting; not taking. But this silence was so different. 
This was betrayal. 
After you steady the slight tremor in your hands, you scoff and shake your head backing up a step before leaving the room; turning off the lights. 
You walk down the long hallway, feet heavy as your mind runs, and overhead the lights buzz like flies. Eyes stuck to the floor, your shoulders are hunched in with thought and your lids half-closed in a display of obvious inner turmoil. 
The shadow that waits for you, leaning against the wall, you walk past entirely—missing it and not hearing the confused call of your name behind you because of it.
“Trick!” Your hand comes up to itch at your chin, fingers pushing into your flesh. The aggressive Manchester accent slides off of you until large fingers curl into the back collar of your vest rig. 
You breathe in sharply, blinking in surprise as your feet get pulled back a step or two, pace halting as Ghost curls around your body, staring down at you. His brows are narrowed, that mask still on and the bottom fabric twisted in the obvious downward press of his lips.
“Bloody hell is wrong with you, then?” 
Sighing, you scowl and shake him off of you, moving back to allow yourself some air. Did he really have to show up now? Why was he even here, you had to ask yourself. Was he…waiting for you?
“Nothing,” you don’t look at him, speaking low. “Distracted, is all.” 
Ghost crosses his arms slowly, his brows flinching briefly as he makes a sound in the back of his throat. “Meeting go well?” 
“Fine.” He can tell something’s wrong; you know he can—he’s the best at interrogations for a reason. Ghost knows when someone is lying to him. 
You glance at his chest before you begin to open your mouth. 
What could telling him hurt? Just a hint. He’d get it—I know he would. Berto had the nickname ‘The Tanner,’ given to him by his men. When he found out anyone had double-crossed him, he’d take a large breaking knife and separate the thin layers of skin from his victims. Intel suggests he keeps them awake for all of it, stopping when they pass out only to start again when they wake back up. 
If there was any leak in this base…any at all…you wouldn’t be coming back. 
You wouldn’t be coming back to him. 
Simon’s thighs shift.
“Talk to me.” He always speaks like he doesn’t care about the answer, but you’d be a fool this far into your… relationship? To believe that he didn’t. You’d seen Simon panic over your injured body before—it told you enough. 
The easy moments and the side-eyed looks when he thought you didn’t notice or weren’t doing the same to him. 
Your fingers twitch, forcing a smirk that didn’t convince even you. Your heart was telling you to explain it to him, but your brain was firmly set behind iron doors; tongue held back by iron tongs. 
“Personal matters, Simon. Nothing you need to worry about, Big Guy.” He doesn’t look away from your eyes. Brows set in a line and that mask jeering at you; almost mocking. 
The Lieutenant doesn’t answer and your heart is visible from under your gear.
“J-just,” you stutter, face getting hot as you look away. “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s…” 
Trailing off, you rub at the back of your head in a self-soothing motion. 
Simon blinks slowly and you hear a large chest-rattling sigh. He shrugs in that way only he can—a fast jerk of shoulders that looks more like he’s trying to push off a bug than simply trying to move past what you’re saying to him. 
“Doesn’t make a difference,” it does. “Garrick and MacTavish are waitin’ down at the firing range. Best get down there ‘fore one comes looking like a kicked dog.” You can still feel him digging into you. Knives and the suspicion in his tone. 
You don’t want to do this to him. Not after all that you’ve gone through together. 
“Right.” Your feet are moving before he is, planted into the floor and pushing off through the small pinches of electricity in the nerves. Pushing out a hard laugh, you try to send him a light smile. “Did you tell them to be ready to get their arses beat?” 
Simon looks down at you as he walks beside your form in large steps; arms swinging. “Haven’t seen ‘em yet. Waiting for you.” 
If it were possible to shrivel up from guilt, you’d be nothing but bones.
“O-oh,” you huff, but it sounds like all of the air has been expelled from your lungs. “You didn’t have to do that, y’know.”
Simon grunts, accent grating as he stares ahead. “Wanted to.” 
“Good. That’s nice.” You feel like screaming. “Thank you.”
It’s nearly instantaneous how fast his eyes go dark with concern. “You sure that head of yours is on straight, Trick?”
You push open the doors outside and wonder if you even have the ability to answer him; out of everyone, you can’t lie to Simon.
“No,” your lips admit quietly, self-degrading in its own right. 
A hand grabs you by the wrist and before you can slip out, you’re being pulled back into the building and pushed into a side room. 
“Hey!” You shout, eyes flashing as the door is shut behind you. You’re released and the light is immediately turned on. “Simon, what the hell are you doing?” 
“Enough,” he levels, and your arms are clasped so you’re facing his chest, looking up into his serious and hard gaze. “Fuckin’ speak to me.” 
You’re surprised at how insistent he is about this. 
“I’m not telling you anything,” you speak through stutters and he growls in his throat. His hands are like motel lava even under his gloves and above your skin—burning like a brand.
“What happened in that meeting room, Trick?”
“It’s classified,” you say, harder than intended, spitting the words with a hint of desperation. If not for your own safety, then for his, but you know that if he keeps asking then you’ll tell him the truth. 
They were going to stage your death, and they won’t be making it pretty. 
“Fuck classified,” he leans in closer, curling over you. “You’re acting like someone’s bloody taking you hostage.”
“Simon! It’s not—”
“Cut the bullshit!” You growl and try to shove away from him, struggling with glaring eyes that go sharp with the onset of tears. “Somethings got you worried and I wanna know what it is.”
Simon wasn’t the greatest at articulation, but neither were you. 
You knew he was trying to tell you he was concerned. The man was holding you tight, but not hurting you; his face close and his shoulders wide. Along your face his eyes were darting, as if he could peel back your skin and make you explain what Price had told you. 
The Captain had given the Lieutenant a look as he’d seen him waiting for you but had said nothing. That alone had tipped Ghost off to something being wrong. 
But you weren’t having it.
Yanking out of Simon’s hands, you shake your head and put on your worst glare—meeting muddy brown and huffing. 
“Mind your own business, Riley. It’s for your own good.” The man blinks in mute shock, fingers in the air twitching before they fall to his sides.
You speed-walk out of the room before he can speak, lips slightly parted at your strange behavior. 
For his own good? What in the hell did that mean? 
Simon’s jaw clenches, a grunt in his chest as he aggressively rolls his wrist. He turns to follow after. The both of you don’t talk for the rest of the day.
Your body shakes along with the helo as it takes off, carrying you away from the scene of gunfire down below. In your earpiece, you hear the loud calls and yelling from your friends. Gaz is calling out to Price to give him permission to move up; the Captain too busy grappling Soap to the ground. 
Ghost is taking cover behind a wall, but he’s not quiet. 
“Trick’s in the damn building!” 
No, I’m not, you want to flick on the line and tell him. Over the three days before this operation you'd barely spoken—in fact, you’d been avoiding all of them fervently by the mass amount of guilt in your stomach. 
In the nights, you hadn’t even slept, and now you’re sure it’ll take even longer too.
Their forms become tinier, and you grasp the roof’s handle as the helo rises farther and farther. 
“Price!” Simon barks. “We have to get her—”
“There’s no time!” John responds, grunting and forcing Johnny down as he spits curses and tries to call your name over the comms. You flinch violently, looking away for a moment. “We’re surrounded!”
“I can get through!” Bullets wiz through the comms, and you can nearly imagine you are down there—trapped in the house down the way after being shot and injured by hosties. But you’d never been in that house. Never been alone down the way for recon. 
You’d been at the second exfil point. Price knew it. Laswell knew it. 
But Simon had not. 
“Negative, Ghost! Keep where you are, we can get to her later. We need to—” The building you were supposed to be in explodes in a fiery wreck; a great bloom cloud going into the air as the helo shakes from the after-blast. 
You have to turn your face away, shielding your eyes. The pilot calls to see if you’re alright, but you don’t answer. All you can hear is the screams.
“Simon, get back into bloody cover!” 
“Fucking Hell! Trick, answer me!” It gets too much—the bareness of his panic for you. The panting breath; the running stomp of feet.
You rip the connection from the radio on your vest and place a hand over your mouth, breathing as if you had really been in an inferno like a piece of fodder. 
Simon had already been through so much in his life, and doing this to him as well as the task force was the definition of betrayal of the loyalty you’d cultivated.
Of the love.
Because you did love him—even if you’d never say it to each other. If he found out about what you did, which he would eventually, in one way or another, he’d hate you for the rest of his life. So perhaps you were mourning, as you stare below as the helicopter takes you higher and higher up. Farther away from him. You were mourning what you had, because you knew it would never be the same. 
Simon Riley would never trust you again, and all you had to blame was yourself. 
The tiny tears dribble out of you and fall all the way down to the ground, where the man still screams for you to answer him; John barks orders with a sheen of panic in his eyes from the bare-bones ferality of the Lieutenant. Brown eyes blazed and cities burned in his pupils. 
John had underestimated the bond that the two of you shared. 
And he just might pay the price for it.
Getting through selection was far easier than getting through SAS training, Vito Berto seemed to only want mercenaries that had the faintest hint of the ability to hold a smuggled weapon. It made sense because if the people he was planning to send in were well-trained, it would be easier to trace to him—ability equaled a higher level of intelligence. Planning. Resources. 
To fit in, you made sure to miss a few of your shots, even if it made your instinctual perfectionism rise. John would have torn you a new one if you’d missed this many during your selection all those years back. Probably would have asked how a Muppet like you had gotten this far with shite aim like that.
But Berto ate it up like Sunday dinner. Gave you the nickname Cross, actually. Like the crosshair of a scope.
It was safe to say you despised him. 
But the days grew longer and the nights short with all of your running around. You’d found out that your Captain’s timeline was incorrect—the attack wasn’t in three months, it was in two. And while Berto was cocky, he wasn’t reckless. 
He somehow knew there was a breach in the ranks; you could see it by how he looked over the squads in the underground bunker, all of you hidden under rock and stone like prisoners. The man would sneer, eyes filtering back and forth from the perch. 
Sometimes you had to stop yourself from simply taking the shot presented in front of you and deal with the consequences afterward.
Price had been clear: all of the people gathered here needed to be taken care of quickly and quietly—if you snapped, the rest would disappear like roaches. Alive and biding time.
During those two months, the thoughts of Simon wouldn’t leave you. 
Moments that seeped in behind closed eyelids after you’d slunk back into bed, the USBs full of vital intel stashed into the lining of your uniform in a small hidden pocket. His twitching smile and those deep scars along his face; the ones that would never go away. 
In those moments you wondered what it would be like if you had told him how much you cared for his quiet company or his dark humor. The way he would level a hand on the small of your back off duty at the bars as a way to silently shield you from the stares from patrons. 
You’d never be able to tell him now. 
Vito “The Tanner” Berto knew of a leak, and when you came back to the bunker after sending out the multiple USB sticks, the physical files, and the first-hand accounts of what was going on—eager for just a little more to make this betrayal worth it…he was waiting. 
You could only fight off so many others, no matter how subpar the training on their part, before sheer mass overtook ability. Like a house of cards with a bowling ball, you were shoved to the ground surrounded by multiple dead bodies of those you’d taken down with you—writhing and hissing as if a feral animal. 
Restraints were leveled with your wrists; your head pulled back so your nose faced the ceiling. You only stopped struggling when the chilled barrel of a pistol was set under your chin.
Breath stilling, it was hard to understand how, even then, all that was in the front of your mind was Simon. Simon and his brown eyes. Simon and his screams when that building went up in fire and smoke.
You could still hear the exact pitch and rhythm like it was yesterday.
“Cross,” Berto mutters, gun heavy as it digs into your flesh. Men pant and grapple to keep you back as you sneer and jerk your arms. “I should have known it would be you.” 
“Well,” you growl, teeth bared, “obviously you didn’t.”
A slow smirk runs on his lips. 
“No, but I’ll have to rectify this. I can’t have you getting in the way.” You can only hope that the intel gets out before the end of the second month—if not, then all of this was for nothing. 
Why couldn’t you have left when you had the chance?
“Fucking Hell! Trick, answer me!”
He was why. 
Simon—the source of all of your problems and the only person who could fix them besides yourself. It’s a sick joke really. 
Vito grabs your chin and you huff out a swift breath, heart skipping beats as he burrows his digits tightly into your skin; hard enough to leave marks. He sighs and clicks his tongue and you have to keep back a whimper as his nails create crescents along your jaw. 
“You won’t tell me anything, will you, then?”
“Negative,” you spit, heated. 
He scoffs. “Of course.” 
Berto throws your head back as you try to snap out and bite at his hand, rabid, but the man’s already gone and the mercenaries behind you yank you back like a dog on a leash. Your knees slide along the floor and you rage trying to turn around before the others are forced to shove your face into the ground. There is a distinctive snapping in your nose bridge as the concrete comes up to meet you; the tears come instinctually after—unable to be stopped as you yell in pain. 
Blood floods your nostrils and mouth, making you cough as Vito’s voice echoes in your ringing ears. 
“Let me get my knives.” 
They had you chained in some damp back room, the corners riddled with mold spores and the air heavy with condensation. You were tied to the ceiling—feet dangling uselessly below you and the tips of your boots dragging across the floor with a quiet scrape and a creak of metal. 
Above you, on the hook, the chains were tied so ruthlessly that you’d lost circulation to your arms entirely, nothing but an electric buzzing far inside of your bones. Akin to the static of a TV screen in between connections. Your clothes had been shredded by blades—long sections of your flesh underneath, cut away. 
Blood stains most, if not all, of the floor. It drips from your nose; it falls like rain to pool at your feet in rippling crimson. 
Simon had been your partner during required interrogation training and he was far better at it than you. The man could go for hours through the mental strain that was leveled out by other soldiers on him; stoic and silent. It was the way his eyes would blank that told you he could live through far worse—that he already had. You’d had your fair share as well, but never before had you felt as hopeless as this. 
There was a slim chance that anyone would come for you here. Laswell and Price would carry the guilt of it, but you didn’t want them to. 
The blood slips over your lips, and the taste of copper makes you gag; spitting out saliva from your lips. 
It was half your choice, after all. 
You try to slip into a happy memory as the lights fade in and out, the footsteps and mutterings outside the door of little interest anymore.
ironic, that the man with the mask of a dead person brought you comfort when so little could. 
You never got to tell him how much you loved him. A thin smile comes across your lips. 
“Shouldn’t be out here this late,” the man utters as you lay out in the field, arms and legs splayed and twitching when the long grass brushes against them. “Past curfew.”
“Like you aren't out here with me?” You raise an eyebrow, looking up at the stars now that the large base lights have been dimmed. The air is cold, and the breeze makes you shudder through a chill. But you don’t wipe that smile from your lips. “Bit hypocritical, Simon.”
You hear a low grunt. 
“Out ‘ere because you weren’t answering your damn door.” A shadow slips to your side, and the man settles down with a huff on his lips. Simon retired his combat mask for a simple balaclava instead, and he sighed long as he settled his arm on the bent form of his right leg. 
You blink over at him, raising a brow. 
“Looking for me, Ghosty?” 
“Bloody hell, Trick.” You chuckle, shifting your arms to rest on your chest as you look back at the stars far above. 
“Oh, it’s alright, Big Guy.” The man shakes his head. “I won’t tell anyone you’re going soft for me.” 
“I’m not.”
“You definitely are.”
“Trick, I’m tellin’ you to—”
“Shh!” You wave a hand in his direction, silencing him and making him blink at you in deep annoyance and confusion. Ghost’s eyes were narrowed, the black of his face paint gone and smelling like standard issue body wash. 
He must have gotten out of the shower and come to see if you were still awake before making his way outside when you never answered the door. Funny how he knew where you would be.
“Fucking what, then?” He growls, shoulders wide.
You place a finger to your ear, shifting so you’re sitting up on one elbow and facing Simon. On your face, a wide smile lingers, but on his, the dark brows narrow with knowledge of a deceitful event incoming. “Listen.” 
A silence falls, Simon’s ears twitching for something in the long grass or across the field. Nothing. Nothing but the breeze and the way your face glowed as you watched him, eyes glinting with amusement. 
After a long minute or two, he looks at you with utter bewilderment. You lean in closer, poking a finger into his bicep.
“Can you hear it, Simon?” You’re one of the few he lets call him that, though never in public.
He glares. “No.”
You flutter your digits in the air, giggles trapped in your mouth. A whisper hits the Lieutenant’s ears. “Silence.”
“Bugger off,” he hisses as you reel back and belt out laughter, holding your sides and lightly curling into yourself. “You’re worse than Johnny. Jesus.”
“Aww, c’mon!” You let your laughter die down to chuckles, sanctity of night broken, but not so between the two individuals who look at each other with brimming affection none will name. 
“You’re the one that came to find me, remember?” Your tease makes Ghost roll his eyes, looking away across the open area with its wave-like grasses.
“You’re right, then, I did,” Simon grunts, his hand coming up to rub his neck. “Mistake on my part.”
“Jerk,” a soft slap is leveled to his arm and he chuckles deeply. “But you can’t fool me, Ghosty. I know you’ll always come lookin’ for me—I’m too important to you to lose.”
“Keep kiddin’ yourself, Trickster.” He doesn’t say how he would agree with the statement, it was true after all. “I won’t be dragged into your bloody messes.”
He wouldn’t leave you behind to drown in them, even if it was as simple as you sneaking out of your bunk to watch the stars. 
You’d both known each other too long for that.
You smile over at him as he sighs before slipping off his mask, itching at his stubble with hard fingers. The air settles. No comment about it entering in on the see-through waves—there didn’t need to be one. 
“Mhm,” you hum, beaming. “You keep thinking that, Big Guy.”
“Trick!” Your memory shifts, and you sit up immediately. You’d thought you’d just heard…
Eyes dart out over the field, jumping back and forth rapidly. You look to the side, but Simon is gone entirely.
“Simon?” Heart beating, you stand fully up and turn in a fast circle, confusion and fear infecting your mind.
“Trick!” Pain sparks in your body, and you hiss and grab at your clothes. You blink so fast that you half-believe the world is ending.
“S-Simon?!” What was happening? What was hurting so bad? Where did Simon go?
“Trick, fucking wake up!”
Your eyes snap open and you instantaneously feel the burning pain inside of your ribs. 
The ground is underneath you, hard and wet from your own blood as you yowl and cough, air entering your lungs in quick bursts. 
Hands encase your cheeks, shaking your head—keeping you present. 
A skeletal mask littered with droplets of human fluid stares down at you, and behind it, panicked brown eyes slash through your psyche in the small moment between agony and confusion. 
“Holy hell.” It’s that same Manchester accent. The same scrape of vocal cords. “Alright, Sweetheart. Keep those eyes open—keep ‘em on me, yeah?” 
What was going on? You try to open your mouth to say something but all of it is lead. Were your ribs broken? How? And why was Simon’s bottom covering pushed up to his nose; his lips stained with blood? 
The man frantically goes to press into his radio.
“This is Bravo 0-7,” he breathes, and you whimper as your throat gets clogged with congealed saliva and blood. You cough violently, gagging, and Ghost quickly turns you on your side to help you expel it. His hand is hard on your shoulder. 
“I say again, this is Bravo 0-7!” Those browns never leave you, shocked and serious. “Price, I’ve got ‘er. It’s not good; had to revive but I don’t know how long she’s got.”
Revive? You’re spacing in and out, limp, and trying to breathe. 
Simon tears open his medical pouch and begins wrapping tourniquets—packing the wounds with gauze until you can get proper medical treatment on the helo back to base. 
“Bloody…” he trails, Price barking an order over the connection to bring you out; the firefight was moving to the East to give him an opening to sneak back out. “C’mon, Trick.”
Everything swims; you want to go back to that field—those stars. 
Simon was here? Truly? The thought was hard to understand in your state. 
“S-Sim—” Your voice gurgles, and you can’t feel your legs. You had to tell him. Tell him the good and the bad; all of it.
“Don’t talk,” he growls, moving you as your body seizes in a state of static shock. “I’m getting you out of ‘ere.” You’re lifted up in one grand movement, Simon grunting as he shifts you carefully into a bridal hold. “Then you’re going to explain this to me when you’re squared. Won’t take no for an answer.” 
You could feel the anger sizzling off of him even half-conscious. The mixing emotions that convulsed into a mess of adrenaline and desperation. Forcing your eyes to stay open, you blink up at him as he glances down at you at the same time, just before he exits the door he had broken down. 
The visible skin of his lips and chin tighten; going down with the twitch of with a serious frown. Something flutters behind his eyes as he stares before glancing away and clearing his throat. 
“Eyes on me, Trickster. Don’t you dare close ‘em.” You grimace as he begins jogging, heavy boots echoing along the empty corridor as the sounds of gunfire and pandemonium sound off from the other side of the bunker. 
It was hard to push back the black at the sides of your vision; already it was seeping back in. Ghost holds you tight, unwilling to even let you slip an inch from his grip as the lights above swirl, brightening and dimming. 
“Oi!” You’re jostled, and you snap back to it, tensing as your wounds flex and pull. Simon glares. “What’d I just say?”
Your weakly poisoned grimace makes his lips twitch up. 
There’s the sudden flick of a safety being clicked off, and the Lieutenant halts in a jerking of feet and a ruffle of canvas.
“I’ve heard about a Ghost making his rounds, hm?” Berto stands at the end of the hall, pistol held in front of him. “I saw an apparition disappearing to find one of its own. No worries. She’ll be a ghost, too, soon enough. Perhaps I’ll have to put you both to rest together.” 
The voice makes you go panicked, remembering the tear of flesh and the sharp blades slicing your skin away, chunks that peeled, and the long stripes of flexible tendons. Your lungs fight for breath, your head weakly slapping into Simon’s neck after an attempt to move your body. Limbs shake and battle nerves; the fabric of your brain.
Your blood stains the man’s gear all the way down the front. It’s dripping to the floor, down his arms and off his elbows. You’re bathing him in it—a full-body baptism of betrayal. 
“Berto,” Ghost says, accent casual despite the gun leveled at him. The name is drawn out. “Apologies, but I’m taking back what’s mine.” He tilts his head. “Scratch that, I’m not apologizing for getting back on a Bastard like you, eh? Pity I can’t hang you up like a hog, I’m proper good with a blade too, but as you can see, I’m on a crunch.” 
Vito’s face goes confused, skin scrunching. “What—”
The bang of a bullet being discharged echoes down the way. The clatter of a great expulsion of air from lungs. Stumbling. Gargles. 
The slam of a body to the ground. 
Smoke spreads up from under the clutch of your knees, where Ghost holds the abyssal body of an M19 forward, his finger lightly on the trigger before he shifts it back in well-practiced discipline. 
“Slag,” he spits. 
Simon hikes you farther into him, lending over his available body heat as you shiver. He presses his face into the top of your head, sighing in relief before starting his pace again. The man’s lips brush your flesh as your lids flutter. 
“Still with me?” You whine into his neck, fingers twitching. “I know it hurts, Love. I know. Easy with it.” 
It didn’t just hurt, it burned. Buried like the nine layers of Hell. 
He keeps whispering to you, slinking around corners and stepping into shadows. By the time he makes it outside with you, the chill of the air on the bottom of his face he didn’t even bother to re-cover, you’re tapering on the edge of oblivion again. 
Teetering like a porcelain doll on the end of the high shelf. 
“Bravo 0-6, leaving the bunker now, I need that MedEvac prepped and ready to go,” Simon speaks quickly, not wasting a single instant. 
John’s voice wafts through. “Copy, 0-7. Helo is comin’ in, be ready it’s going to get hot!” 
“Affirm. Keep it frosty down ‘ere.” There’s a low chuckle and the swift wizz of bullets. 
“Get our Trickster back in one piece, Ghost.” Simon hears the buzzing of helicopter blades in the night, a slick form descending from the dark clouds not moments later. He turns away from the flurry of air, walking hurriedly backward so the air doesn’t aggravate you. 
“Trick,” Ghost calls to you above the noise, hearing the hurried feet of medics coming out to take you from him. Your face is scrunched and you burrow into him. “I’m handing you over!” 
You try to open your eyes enough to convey your unease at that. You have to tell him. You have to explain why you had to do it. The guilt is eating you; gnawing with red teeth and gripping with devil’s claws. You have to explain that you love him even if he hates you now. 
Medics grapple you away, and you are in pain, lips peeling back to gasp sharply, thrashing. 
“Fuck,” Ghost growls, pulling you away from the men as they ask him what in the bloody hell he’s doing. He doesn’t even know—all he knows is that he’s pissed at you for what you did, but never in a million years did that mean he wanted to see you in pain. 
Simon can’t lie, when he was told you were alive, the universe had held its breath. A miracle. A ruse. But alive. Alive and trapped. 
“Stop it!” He yells, caging you into him. “I’m here! I’m right here, Trickster!” 
You’re already too gone for it, not recognizing the metal of the helo as you’re settled on your back, the loud slam of the door. Fingers pull and prob as you hiss and snap, suffocating. 
Ghost holds down your shoulders, his eyes right above yours—but you’re not looking. The helo takes off
“Bloody hell,” Simon yells. “Look at me!” 
You don’t know what compels you to do so, but your eyes open just the slightest bit wider. Brown melts into your pupils, taking you in and reminding you of chilled summer nights. Simon. You pant but stop struggling. 
The medics jump into action, ripping away the remains of your shirt and pants so they can get to the wounds; assess the damage done. 
“That’s it,” Simon sighs long, swallowing. “That’s a girl. There we go, Sunshine.” 
You blink, face peeled as everything swirls far more aggressively this time. 
“Listen to me, Trick. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, you understand. You said I’d always find you, yeah?” Hands grab your cheeks. “Well, I fucking did, eh? I found you. We’re gonna fix you up, Sweetheart. It’ll all be gone by morning.” You stutter down a breath, ragged throat stretching.
“Let ‘em fix you up—”
“I love you.” 
It all fades to black, but all you remember is the sweep of horror that spreads behind the man’s eyes.
“You went back,” Price’s arms are crossed, and he stares at you as your fingers play with the sheets of the hospital bed. “Why?”
You sigh and rub at your face.
“I felt like I needed to,” you give away, twitching your fingers out in an expression of nonchalantness. “I felt…” Your voice trailed off into a growl. “Bad.”
“Feelings aren’t a part of this, Trickster, you bloody know that,” John hisses, leaning his head closer as you glare silently. “If you’d left when you could, none of this would have fucking happened.” 
“I feel bad, Price!” You break, snapping. “I fucking know! But I-I thought if I just got a bit more intel, then this would have been worth it.” Taking a deep breath you shake your head and rub at your face, all of the bandages and stitches pulling tight. “It’s eating at me. I can’t…I can’t just act like what I lied about can be forgotten.” 
You shrug as the man listens silently, monitors beeping and the small buzz of the overhead lights. 
“Soap barely looks at me—Gaz gave me that fucking pity smile and it makes me want to scream.”
“They’ll get over it.” The Captain repeats what he said months prior firmly. “They know the Op was top priority, they’ll grow up and be back to fucking around in days.”
You scoff, muttering in a dejected tone. “He won’t.”
John is still, fixing his feet from under him as he rolls his nose and looks away slowly. 
Simon hadn’t come to visit once in the time you’d been here in the ward—four days. That fact alone makes you restless. You don’t remember what you said to him, if you said anything. But you knew that he wasn’t going to be going out of his way to be near you anymore. 
You’d taken a grenade to the relationship you’d built. Toy building blocks are scattered. 
“Simon’s…Simon,” Price ends on. You groan and itch at the IV in your hand. “He cares about you more than anyone, yeah? He just needs time. Wasn’t himself after the set-up.”
“I’ve been told,” Gaz had informed you about the Lieutenant's self-isolation after your ‘death’. The snappy orders—deathly glares. He’d gone back to the ruthless man he was in the field and instead of being directed at his enemies, it was directed at them.
Kyle explained how he’d argued with Price about how he could have gotten to you, before abruptly falling silent and stalking away as if a flip had been switched. Snake eyes and clenched fists. 
They’d heard him in the gym late at night, reaming on the punching bags. They didn’t think he slept more than three hours per day if the red lines in his eyes were anything to go by.
And then they were told that you were alive but captured, and he’d gotten worse.
You’d nearly started sobbing when the Sergeant had told you all of that.
“I betrayed his trust, Price,” you level. “I…I never wanted to do that to him. Ever. Not Simon.”
A shadow passes by the door just as the Captain grunts. “That’s the job.”
“That’s not the job I signed up for when I got into this. We don’t lie to our own.”
“‘We get dirty, the world—’” You cut him off.
“Yeah, yeah, ‘stays clean’.” Your eyes level with his. “I can do the dirty work, John, you know that. Infiltration and undercover work is what I’m good at.” The man nods slightly. “But if you ask me to betray One-Four-One’s trust again, I’m out.”
Blue eyes blink in shock, but you don’t let him speak.
“Find someone else to get fake blown up in a building. I can’t get his fucking screams out of my head.” John watches you silently, eyes narrowed. 
You meet that gaze head-on, not backing down from this.
The Captain shakes his head a minute later. “Bloody made for each other,” he mutters under his breath, grunting. Another shadow slips past going the opposite direction, probably a nurse.
Without another word John turns and exits the room, tossing a hand behind his head casually in a way to say goodbye.
You huff and roll your eyes, heat on your cheeks. 
The day wains, and you let the nurses come in to do their checkups and replace the IV. As the curtains are pulled back into place, supper sits heavy in your stomach. 
You wanted to see Simon. 
You knew it wouldn’t go well, and wouldn’t be the goody-goody outcome you prayed for…but you felt wrong without apologizing in person. It went against your morals, and already those were incredibly skewed. Maybe he’d yell, or even ignore you as if you weren’t there.
Simon wasn’t above not speaking to people he didn’t like.
You had to try.
When all was dark, you shuffled out of the hospital bed and fought the weakness of your legs. Shaking like a leaf, you walked around with only your tied gown, unapologetic of the slit down the back showing flashes of your bra and underwear. 
It wouldn’t be anything the Lieutenant hadn’t seen before.
Walking through the silence, you sigh and stand outside of his door; dread in your heart and seeping from the pulled stitches of your wounds. Your bare feet on the tile make you shiver. 
Lifting up a fist, you hesitate. 
Your hand hovers over the wood, sliding forward before you pull it back to you. Closing your eyes tight, you clench your jaw once and take a deep breath.
Knock-knock-knock. Knock-knock.
The sequence was your call sign. If you knocked like that, he would know it was you—whereas Simon's own was just a single slam of the side of his fist.
The only real problem now was that he wasn’t answering.
You stare dumbly at the barrier, blinking like a fool. It takes you longer than you’d like to admit to understand the realization that he wasn’t ignoring you—he just wasn’t in his room. 
Taking a step back, you rub the back of your neck in exasperation and hurry to the nearest exit.
“Of course,” you breathe. You know exactly where he is at a time like this.
The field holds a standing shadow, a ghost of issued fatigues with a thick jacket against the chill that leaves you shivering. Simon stares out over the training grounds with his hands in his pockets, balaclava pulled all the way down to hide him from you. 
You come to a slow halt behind him and stare. 
It’s not long before the man gunts, turning his head back from over his shoulder to look at you blankly. He knew you were there.
The eye contact stays for a long, long while—until you’re hypnotized in the shades of brown and amber and the large build that seems to broaden because of your appearance.
“I’m here to apologize.” You say it breathlessly. “I’m not asking you to hear me out, but I have to let you know I regret doing it. Price said that it was time-sensitive and I—”
Stopping yourself, you look away. It sounded too much like an excuse, you hissed to yourself. At the end of the day, it was still your acceptance that pushed the pawn forward. 
“I’m sorry, Simon,” you breathe. “I betrayed your trust.”
His eyes are piercing you, but you still can’t look at him. The man slightly turns your way. His voice was monotone and grunting out like a dog.
“You think I couldn’t handle it?” Your heart starts, and you’re shaking your head instantly.
“No.” You explain quickly—honestly. “It’s that…I didn’t want you to.” 
You hear his lips take in a quiet breath. Simon rolls his shoulders before looking away from you. Nothing could have prepared you for what came next.
“You said you loved me.” Your body freezes, jaw going slack as your face drops. You don’t speak, mute as if the air in your lungs has been stolen.
You had done…what?
All of your tricks couldn’t get you out of this one.
“I,” you force a fake laugh, hands beginning to shake. “I, what? No, I’m sure that’s not what I said. A-are you sure it wasn’t, like, an ‘I appreciate you’ or maybe a…a,” your voice catches. “A whole ‘I’m fond of you’ sort of thing…? Hm?”
Simon takes a step forward and you take one back. This was worse than torture, you decided. The pain in your pulling stitches and re-set nose was welcome here.
“Trick,” Ghost utters, and you stare hard at his neck, humming. “Stop talking.”
“Copy,” you whisper quickly, shoulders falling. 
He’s so close you can feel his body heat melting into you, and you want nothing more than to touch him. Simon’s hand comes up to your chin, and he angles it up as you stop breathing, lips parted.
“I heard you in the med ward talkin’ to Price. Was outside the door the ‘ole time.” The shadow. 
He tilts your head to the side to stare at the medical tape over the slashes in your skin. The scars won’t bother you—you had plenty of others to show as well. But Simon was…studying you. Assessing. 
His eyes blink slowly with those long pale lashes, and they slide up to you as he leans in close to your ear. Still, you stand comatose.
“You put me through a fucking heap ‘o hurt, Love.” You stare over his shoulder, not speaking, not moving. 
Simon leans back and lets go of your chin, brushing a finger over your nose and the puffy skin there.
“Never do that again.” It’s final, how he says it. But the layers of depth are plain to hear. Simon speaks low and even—gaze trapping yours like a curse. 
You know he won’t talk about the things you’ve heard. The aggression or the late-night gym trips. You’ve known him for years, and know his brain like the back of your hand.
Shivering, you nod once, content with not answering verbally to break the sanctity of the moment. Seeing Simon like this made you ease your fears. You clear your throat to push back the stuffiness.
“Thought you held grudges, Big Guy?” Nearly not heard, you mutter and pick at where the IV needle is supposed to be. 
A hand catches yours and stops you from making it bleed.
“Do,” Ghost grumbles, turning your hand over and moving his face closer until you feel his breath. “Just not with my Bird.” 
His balaclava is suddenly up to his nose, and those lips that had been covered in your blood previously situated themselves perfectly to yours. 
You gasp, arm outstretched beside you in shock. 
You’d kissed him before, but this felt different. More intimate. Simon’s arms slip around your waist, and you retaliate by locking your shaking arms behind his back, feeling the gentle passes of his lips. 
Mouth to mouth, you breathe each other in as if grasping for the other’s soul in desperation. A desperation that tells you how much the beast of a man around you was terrified of your death and the body he had to carry into the helo—of the lengths he would go to stave death from touching your tender flesh. 
No, only he was allowed to do that, and he was a reaper in his own right.
A small death that infected you at every breath puffing into your mouth, every whine and whimper he could draw like water to swallow down as ambrosia. Nectar of the Gods, and it was right there in his arms. Back. Alive. 
To be alive in the summer field of this old military base was to accept that death, and into it, hope that the few moments you had together truly made a difference. 
Simon would hold you there—and when that was done, wrap you in his jacket and carry your battered body back inside; watching your swollen lips and the wide eyes as they gaze back at him. 
Because he could hate you all he wanted for this, for the lies, for the way you made him care…but the both of you would still be alive to do so.
He guessed that was all that mattered.
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irisintheafterglow · 10 months
invisible string (gojo x you)
summary: the story of the first time megumi used ten shadows.
wc: 3k
cw/tags: fluff to angst/comfort and back to fluff, canon-typical violence, mild language, mentions of kidnapping, weapons (gun, knives), established relationship with pet names (babe, baby, sweetheart)
note: coparenting megumi? coparenting megumi. something about little megs at a dog shelter is just so cute to me but then yk we gotta have the soulmate-tie-object angst/comfort because it's impossible for me to write solely fluffy jjk content hope you enjoy!
likes/reblogs/feedback are appreciated <3
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“Alright, Megs. Let ‘em rip.” You nod reassuringly despite the hesitancy riddled on his face. 
“Are you sure I’m not going to hurt you?” His voice is small, different from his usual boredom. For the first time in the two years since you’ve met him, Megumi was scared. He was scared of causing you harm, and for good reason. Even though he was barely taller than your hip, Satoru believed it to be a good idea to tell him that, in the future, he could grow to become the next god of the Jujutsu world. It made the boy slightly nervous, then, to unleash something that he wasn’t a hundred percent sure he could control. “I’d rather test with Satoru in case something goes wrong.” 
“You want to test with him or test on him, bud?” You smirk at his pursed lips and frustratedly furrowed eyebrows. It was no secret that he’d rather see your boyfriend get hurt than you, even though nothing could touch Satoru since he mastered unconscious activation of Infinity. “If you really want to, we can wait for him to get back from his mission, but that won’t be for another few days; I’d really like you to try out the technique with at least one of us with you, but it’s ultimately up to you.” You never wanted to push him into something that he didn’t want since he was already caught in a delicate balancing act. It was hard enough having the Zenins’ prized technique and even harder to prioritize relatively mundane spelling tests. If he were with his power-hungry relatives, you knew education and training would go hand in hand, but he’d also be taught that strength equals worth. That’s not shit you nor Satoru wanted such an inherently good kid to be learning. 
He bites the inside of his cheek in contemplation and you can see the gears turning in his mind. “I don’t know how to…say it.”
“You don’t need to say anything if you don’t want to; you just do the thing with your hands.” You squint against the sun hanging high in the sky, bathing in the warmth that radiated from the school’s courtyard. An idea crossed your mind of bringing Megumi inside where there’s less light, but he stops you before you can say anything. 
“No, it’s not that. I know how to do it, but I…don’t.” His eyes avoid yours in shame and you kneel down in front of him, taking his hands in yours. “I don’t know how to connect with them and I don’t know how to fix it.” You smile softly and gently ruffle the spikes of his hair. 
“It’s okay, really. Let’s get lunch and then we’re gonna make a pit stop before we come back; does that sound alright?” He nods and the tension in his shoulders dissipates. “Go get your bracelet.” 
He groans in protest. “Do I have to? It’s all the way over–”
“Fine.” His little steps run up the stairs in the direction of his backpack and you glance down at the shining black ring on your right hand lightly glowing with Cursed Energy. It was a gift from Satoru that you received a few months prior and a third of a shared present between you and Megumi. 
“As much as I love you, it’s way too early to get married.” 
“What? No. I wouldn’t propose using something as boring as that.” He shakes his head adamantly as Megumi inspects his gift with all the care of a scientist analyzing radioactive material. For all you knew, maybe it was radioactive. With a sly grin, he takes your hand and slides the ring onto your finger. “Look closer. I didn’t get it just ‘cause it’s shiny.” Your eyes narrow and you gasp when you see the faint aura of blue Cursed Energy imbued in the ring. “See it?”
“Why does it do that? It’s not a weapon, is it?” 
“Wait and see,” is all he whispers before he takes the beaded bracelet from Megumi and slides it carefully onto his wrist, cinching it securely. “Alright, Megs. Tell me what you see.” 
“It’s a bracelet,” the boy deadpans as his eyes flick up to Satoru’s boredly. 
“Well, no duh, it’s a bracelet. Tell me all your practicing hasn’t been for nothing.” Satoru gives Megumi one of his rare serious expressions and you see the lightbulb flicker to life in Megumi’s brain. His eyes narrow in concentration on the bracelet and his mouth opens in realization. Satoru’s eyes shine in determination as he asks the boy what he sees.
“What color–”
“Blue. Light blue, like the sky.” 
“Mhmm, good!” Your boyfriend hums triumphantly and pulls out a chain he must have been hiding under his shirt. Slung on the chain is a single black pendant glowing the same color as your ring and Megumi’s bracelet and you smirk in understanding. 
“You’re putting GPS on us? Didn’t know you were the stalker-type, babe.” You admire the ring and stick your tongue out teasingly when Satoru’s expression becomes defensive. 
“For the record, I am most definitely not that type.” A flash of amused skepticism blinks across Megumi’s face and you both catch it. “I’m not! I’m simply giving the people I care about a way of contacting me if something were to go wrong and they need me.” He crosses his lanky arms across his chest, huffing an indignant exhale. 
He’s so cute when he acts angry. “Oh, when we need you, hmm? What about when you need me to get you toilet paper at three in the morning because you didn’t check before going to take a–” 
“I’m still here!” Megumi’s slightly panicked voice pipes up and you can’t hold back your laughter any longer, doubling over and covering your teary eyes with your hand. Your boys start laughing with you, Satoru chuckling defeatedly and Megumi smiling a little nervously. 
“So, what? We hold these and talk to you like walkie talkies?” 
“No, that’s what phones are for. If one of these breaks, everyone else’s will too and I can use the Cursed Energy it releases to track where you are.” 
“How will you know which one of us broke it?” 
“There’ll be a significantly larger release of energy, or so I’m told.” 
“Does it repair itself afterward? Or will I have to get a new one every time you forget a towel in the shower?”
“No, and I forgot to mention that these are for emergencies only. Dangerous emergencies only.” Your face falls and the big picture hits you like a semi-truck. He wanted you two to be connected to him at all times with essentially a direct SOS line to the most powerful human on the planet. He wanted to be able to save you, even if you couldn’t reach him through technology. The fact that he needed to think about this felt like several hundred needles in your soul. “But!” His serious aura is gone in a snap. “I’m already with you all the time so these will probably just become redundant.” 
“Thank you, Satoru. This is really thoughtful of you.” You reach for his hand and give it a squeeze, the melancholy smile he shoots you making your heart ache. “Megs?” 
“Thanks. I’ll get strong soon, though, and then I won’t need it.” Your boyfriend breathes a subtle sigh and smiles sadly. 
“That’s exactly the point, buddy.” 
From that moment onward, the ring stayed on your finger at all times, even when you showered or went to bed. It was there as you drove to lunch with Megumi, there when you called a friend for a last-minute favor, and there when his voice quietly asked from the backseat where the pit stop was going to be. It was there when his little hand wrapped around your pinky while you walked up the steps of the shelter, and there when you gave the front desk your name. The rich darkness of the band glittered as you were led outside into the yard and met with the cacophony of barking dogs, and stayed there while an attendant brought you two enormous Husky-Shepherds. 
“What are we gonna do with them?” He hesitantly stands behind your legs, peering at the animals sprinting about the play area. 
“We’re gonna help you make a connection, Megs.”
When the two dogs first enter the field, they bolt to the other side and back multiple times. After they seemingly run out their excess energy, they make their way to you and Megumi, who reaches out a cautious fist for them to sniff. He laughs softly when they affectionately lick his hand and nudge their heads against his body. Despite being huge compared to the little boy playing with them, the dogs were incredibly gentle and obediently brought back the ball whenever he threw it for them to fetch. At one point, he turns back to look at you with a grin brighter than the sun as the dogs race across the grass for the ball. You watch him observe the dogs in awe when they play-fight, tumbling over each other and lightheartedly nipping at each other. In the short time that you’re there, Megumi creates a game with them where he creeps around the perimeter of the fence; when they inevitably follow behind him, he jumps into a funny stance and the dogs leap away playfully, tails wagging faster than helicopter blades. You take a video and send it to Satoru, hoping it makes him just as happy as it was making you. 
When the time comes for the attendant to take the dogs back to their kennels, Megumi has both his arms wrapped around the dogs’ necks and his head buried into their thick fur. You crouch next to him, rubbing his back while he kisses each dog on the forehead and commits their faces to memory. 
“So are they going to be adopted?” He asks on the walk back to the car. 
“They are. They’re gonna go home with one of the shelter’s volunteers who just so happens to be my friend from middle school. When I told her you were working on Ten Shadows, she invited us to meet them to better understand what it’s like having dogs.”
“I liked it.” His dark eyes twinkle more than you’ve ever seen before. “I like dogs.”
“I’m glad; I really am. Do you wanna get ice cream and try out your technique again at school?” He gives you a fierce nod and you smile, opening the door as he climbs into the back of your car and immediately grabs hold of his stuffed wolf. 
To your surprise, he continues to talk about the dogs even after you leave the shelter. 
“Would you ever get dogs like them?” 
You can’t help chuckling at the earnest hope in his innocent eyes and you wipe ice cream from his chin with your thumb. “Why, you want me to get dogs so you can play with them all the time?”
“Yep.” He takes another confident spoonful of ice cream. The sun finishes its descent over the horizon as the sky rapidly darkens. You can see the moon in the reflection of Megumi’s eyes. “Do you think Satoru would get dogs like them?”
“Satoru can barely take care of himself, Megs, much less two other living creatures.” Cool night air breezes past your face while you finish the last of your ice cream. 
“He takes care of you and me.” 
“That is true. Though, sometimes it feels like we’re taking care of him, huh?” He snickers, meeting your gaze contentedly before his eyes flick over your shoulder, to something behind you. His eyebrows furrow in suspicion. 
“Do you know him?”
“That guy. He’s been watching us for at least ten minutes.” You don’t look back at what Megumi sees yet, not wanting to raise unnecessary alarm. Instinct tells you something is wrong, but not your sorcerer instincts. You sense no immediate threat from Cursed Energy, but can detect the malicious aura from miles away. 
“Cursed Energy?”
“Not that I see.” 
“That’s weird. Is it okay if you finish your ice cream in the car?” He agrees wordlessly, eyeing the figure behind you that now walked closer as you turned to face it. 
The man looks at you with a revolting sneer and nods to another person you’d seen lingering by where you and Megumi were eating. There were more men now, all with an equally predatory expression that made your skin crawl. Before you can grab Megumi’s forearm and start running, a hand darts out with a knife. You dodge it easily, but the momentary distraction takes your focus away from Megumi. One of the men grabs him and you scream only to be cut off by a rough hand over your mouth. You wiggle out of your assailant’s grasp and kick back hard and he goes tumbling down the sidewalk. Autopilot takes over while you take down each attacker until the sound of a readied gun makes you freeze, cold metal pressed against your back from someone you didn’t sense. 
You catch sight of Megumi struggling in one of the attackers’ grips and shake your head, pleading with him to stop so he doesn't get hurt. He does, eyes wide with anger as you try to slow your racing pulse. The men were using Cursed Tools, you realized, but had no Cursed Energy which is why you couldn’t sense them coming. With sudden death at such close proximity, you couldn’t do anything but wait for an opening to attack. 
“This the one?” The man holding Megumi shoves him forward and it takes all your willpower not to grab him and kill everyone within a three mile radius. 
“Yeah. That’s the kid they want.”
“What do we do with his little babysitter?”
“Kill ‘em. Get rid of the body.” 
You have half a second to concentrate as much Cursed Energy as you can to your back before a bullet collides with it and you fall forward trying to push back against the energy-infused metal struggling to pierce your skin. With a pained cry, you successfully reject the bullet but it knocks the wind out of you, your forehead hitting the sidewalk while you futilely try to pull yourself up. Head spinning and barely able to summon any amount of Cursed Energy, your hand against the concrete gives you an idea. 
“Megumi, my ring!” Your voice sounds hoarse but he understands, throwing his hands together in the position you’d been helping him perfect for a week. You can’t tell who the screaming is coming from; but, in an instant, a gigantic white dog is tackling your assailants while an equally large black dog goes for the throat of Megumi’s captor. In that opening, the boy rushes forward, sliding the ring off your finger and smashing it to pieces. The beads of his broken bracelet clatter to the floor at the same time his technique wears off, the huge dogs returning to black voids. You grab Megumi and stumble to your feet, forcing as much Cursed Energy as you can physically create into your hands while your back hits a wall. 
Not that you need it. 
A telltale wave of vibrations hits your ears and your shoulder sag in relief when he finally takes form between you and the surrounding ring of men. 
“Hiring mercenaries and kidnapping? That’s low, even for them,” is all he says before he’s moving faster than you can blink, and in seconds he’s cradling your face gently while the men groan in agony behind him. Your arms are locked around Megumi, holding him close to your body, but you don’t realize that you’ve slid to the floor with your back against the wall. Satoru briefly checks Megumi’s face but returns to you when he deems him safe. “Hey, babe. You can let go of Megs now; I think you’re strangling him.” 
“Oh, shit. Sorry, baby.” You let your arms drop but Megumi’s arms stay squeezing around your torso, like you’d disappear if he stopped. “I hope I didn’t steal you away from something important.” 
“Nah, I was finished anyway. I was souvenir shopping, in fact. I found a very delightful pair of socks with pandas on them that I wanted to get Yaga.” You chuckle and his hands brush stray hairs from your forehead. “Thanks for keeping my kid safe, sweetheart.” 
“Our kid,” Megumi murmurs against your chest and Satoru turns a shade pinker. “You didn’t almost die trying to make sure I wasn’t kidnapped.” 
“You almost died?” Electric blue eyes dart to you in alarm and you tiredly shush his worries, reassuring him that you did not, in fact, almost die. 
“It was just a gun with Cursed Bullets. Not sure why they brought that if they were only trying to take Megs.”
“Probably thought he’d be with me.” Your boyfriend draws his mouth into a tight line and you lightly punch his shoulder. “Ouch, what was that for?”
“Stop thinking like that. I didn’t get hurt because you weren’t here. If it meant making sure he was safe,” you glance down at the boy curled into your body, “I’d get hurt like this a thousand times more.” 
“Alright, let’s get you both home before that becomes a possibility.” His arms effortlessly snake under your back and legs, lifting both you and Megumi off the ground and pulling you close to his chest. The familiar, roller coaster-drop feeling of warping envelopes your body and you close your eyes. 
When you wake, two pairs of arms wrap around your body as Satoru’s stretches over both you and Megumi, whose arms are firmly wrapped around your torso. A bright blue eye lazily winks open. Of course, he’s awake. You hush him before he says anything, glancing down at the sleeping boy between you both. He nods but his voice is still a loud whisper. 
“I’m so damn mad I missed his first Ten Shadows.” 
“It’s okay, babe,” you say as your thumb brushes over Satoru’s cheek and you think about Megumi playing in the yard with the two huge dogs. 
“I doubt it’ll be the last time he uses it.”
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[1] New Message - Volunteer Announcements
Today at 12:07 P.M
We are proud to introduce our Shelter Volunteer of the Month: FUSHIGURO MEGUMI (7 yrs old)
if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
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part two out now
Summary: Ao'nung is carefree and rude, to say the least. All he needs is the fear of Eywa in him, and a girl from the Omatikaya clan unexpectedly straightens him out.
Pairing: Ao'nung/Fem!Na'vi!Sully Reader
Warnings: Mature language, violence, mentions of blood, harassment, death threats, teenagers acting their age, time skips, overprotective fathers, military dad, puppy love, canon compliant, slow burn, etc.
Word Count: 5k+
Tag: #'anla ao'nung fic
Na'vi Words: ‘anla - yearn for, ikran - banshee, pa'li - direhorse, skxawng - moron, tsaheylu - the bond, marui - pod homes, tsmuke - sister, tsmisnrr - nectar lantern, olo'eyktan - clan leader, tanhì - bioluminescent freckle, akula - shark like, tulkun - whale like, maite- my daughter, sa'nok - mother, Iknimaya - Rite of Passage, matxe'lan - my heart, ilu - dolphin/plesiosaurlike, txampaysye - gill mantle, Ayram Alusìng - Hallelujah Mountains, sa'sem - parents, tsakarem - tsahik in training, tsahik - spiritual leader
(I do not consent to my works being reposted or copied)
read it here on ao3
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"It's called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again."
"Get him, Ao'nung!"
"Show him!"
"Stop this! Stop it! So stupid!"
"Ow! My tail!"
"My ear! Let go! He's got my ear!"
Kiri had begun to laugh the nerves off, amused by the ridiculous display of testosterone in all her short teenage life. Hiding her giggles behind her hand, all she could do was watched as her brothers pathetically fought for her dignity against Ao'nung and some of the other reef boys. It had all been fun and games until she noticed a familiar figure in the sky and she craned her neck up to see it.
A shadow looms over the boys, darkening the world around them as it drew closer. Lo'ak and Neteyam both take a moment to recognize the shadow before dodging out of the way, hot blood cooling from the fight as they quickly moved out of the reef boys' reach. Ao'nung, laughing because he thought they were running scared of him, was the last to see the shadow, only pausing when he noticed his friends looking up and their eyes widen in horror. He isn't given a moment to turn around because something large lands in the shallow water behind him and the force of it drove him to stumble into the wet sand below him. The growling and snarls coming from behind the chief's son send chills down his frame, despite the warm day, as he finally turned his body around to stare up at the beast.
Blocking out the sun above him was a large ikran, light blue with gold lightning running up its figure, cawing loudly as if it had caught a meal. Its wings splash in the water, digging into the sand beneath and cooling off like a tired pa'li. Ao'nung began to crawl away from the ikran by the heel of his hands and feet, breath panting rapidly as the fear took over. The fear didn't lessen even as the ikran's rider dismounted, feet splashing into the beach water, drawing up to their ankles. Ao'nung tried to control his breathing as the rider stood over him, snarling down at the Metkayina boy like he was a bug that was stepped underfoot.
Y/n te Suli Neytiri'ite bore a look of disgust, her bright yellow eyes boring into Ao'nung's very soul. Without looking away from him, she addresses her ikran, her four-fingered hand petting down the side of the beast's neck, "Easy, girl. He's the wrong kind of fish. You can't eat him."
Looking around, the oldest daughter of Toruk Makto demanded answers with a stern tone, acting years older than fifteen, "What's the meaning of this?"
Lo'ak spat blood onto the sand, "They called us freaks."
Blink and you would miss it, but for Ao'nung, who refused to look away in fear of the ikran and her rider, he caught the small shift in Y/n's ears before they reverted back to normal. Her tail twitched, too, and from observation, he realized this was the Forest People's way of showing alertness or agitation.
Kiri had caught onto her sister's shift in behavior as well, her voice cautious, "Y/n..."
"Go home, Kiri. Now." Y/n's voice was flat, rid of emotion as she took charge of the situation, pointing to her twin brother, "'Teyam. Pick that skxawng up and go wash your face."
Neteyam nods dutifully, bending down and grabbing Lo'ak's elbow, the younger boy rolling his eyes at the name-calling. Y/n's eyes narrow at each of the reef boys before directing her gaze at Ao'nung, who stiffens under her close inspection, "As for you... You think it's hard to learn your ways. So why don't you try learning our ways and you can be the judge of that?"
The female Omatikaya gestures to the ikran behind her, one corner of her lips slowly turning up as a challenge, "Go ahead. Make the bond."
In response, Y/n's ikran hissed, fangs bared and jaw open wide. Ao'nung could feel the hot breath of the animal fanning his face and could see down its throat. Suddenly the courage and the teasing had left his body. Eyes still wide, unable to look away, Ao'nung can only swallow down his rapid breathing while Y/n just huffs, unimpressed, "As I suspected. You're not even brave enough to get back on your feet. You wouldn't last ten minutes in the forest, Fish Lips."
Y/n waited until all three of her siblings were walking away before she made the tsaheylu with her ikran and mounted the creature, eyebrows raised while peering down her nose at Ao'nung, "Who's the freak now?"
She had flown away, leaving Ao'nung in the sand, the ocean brushing his legs while his friends stood around, gawking. After returning her ikran to the jungle behind the village, Y/n bounded her way back to the Sullys' marui, internally preparing herself for what her siblings likely told her parents. She was not disappointed as she turned the corner, entering the tent to only find her father waiting for her, her siblings already gone from sight.
"What the hell were you doing back there?" Jake demanded under his breath the moment he saw his eldest daughter.
"What do you mean?"
"Do not try playing dumb with me right now. Your brothers already told me what happened."
"I was humbling Ao'nung." She scoffed, smiling to herself as she mocked the boy not currently present, "He couldn't bond with an ikran even if he tried. They would eat him."
Jake sighed, exhausted beyond his years at her antics as he placed one hand on his hip and the other on his pounding head, "You weren't trying to humble him, Y/n, you were humiliating him. And you knew what you were doing."
She shrugged, "Either way it's a win-win. A bruised ego is a lesson-learned ego. That is, if he's smart enough to actually learn his lesson--"
"That's enough, young lady," Jake spoke sternly, the marine in him making an appearance, "Ao'nung is the chief's son. You either need to get along with him or at the very least respect him."
"And I am Toruk Makto's daughter!" Y/n snapped back, "Maybe respect should go both ways."
The tone drove Y/n to straighten her posture, glaring into the space ahead of her, avoiding her father's gaze as he approached her, "Any more backlash comes out of that smart mouth of yours and you'll be grounded from flying."
Her bottom lip pokes out as she pouts. Jake's eyebrow raises at her reaction and the simple facial movement is all Y/n needs before she mumbles out, "Yes, sir."
"Good. Now get lost." Slouching, she turns to leave.
"Hey..." She turns back to find her father standing there instead of the marine, his features softening into curiosity, "How scared was Ao'nung?"
A grin slowly dawns on Y/n's face, stretching the stardust on her cheeks, "Terrified."
"Atta girl."
It was close to eclipse and both Neteyam and Y/n were flying their ikran, bows in hand, and enjoying a few more laps around the island before they were forced to return to the village. Neteyam makes a hand gesture and instructs his ikran to dive, his twin closely following them on hers.
They land in the jungle, their ikran hooking their claws into the trunks and vines of the vast trees. Breaking the bond, Y/n jumped to one branch and then skillfully climbed down the trunk, Neteyam not far behind her. The twins land gracefully on the forest floor, their conversation cut off midsentence to the sound of a twig snapping. Both of them spin their heads in the same direction they heard the noise, their ears wildly twitching with every little sound they heard. Finally, with bated breath, the figure behind the noise emerged. It was Ao'nung, walking towards them from the direction of the village, a big bruise now sprouting over the right side of his face.
"Does this guy have a death wish or something?" Y/n muttered to her brother, all the while peeking up at her ikran nestled in the trees above her.
"Don't react until we know what he wants," Neteyam advises, leaning his weight onto his bow, acting casual.
A little smug to spite her brother, Y/n called out to Ao'nung as he approached them, "Little far from the reef, are we Fish Lips?"
He doesn't react to the insult other than a small sneer gracing said lips. When he stood still in front of the twins, they both noticed how he was struggling to look them in the eyes. His fingers twitched, trying to find something to do while he muttered, "I did something... some would think dumb."
"Tsmuke." Neteyam hissed at Y/n from under his breath.
Ao'nung continued, ears flattening to the point he looked ashamed of himself, "I brought your brother hunting outside the reef. And..."
"And?" Neteyam urged him to continue.
"And I left him there."
Y/n's head tilts at the same time her pupils shrink and her fangs make an appearance, "You did what?"
"I thought he'd find his way back to the village eventually, but he still hasn't returned. I just wanted to scare him!" Ao'nung defended himself, albeit a bit weakly, his eyes pleading when he finally looked up at stared directly at Y/n, "That's all!"
She huffs a laugh of disbelief through her nose and it sounded irritable. Y/n peered over at Neteyam with narrowed eyes, "I was right, brother. He does have a death wish."
"That's enough, Y/n!" Neteyam keeps a hand out in front of his sister to keep her at bay, then uses that hand to point accusingly at Ao'nung, "And you! We're going to see my father and you're gonna tell him what you told us. Let's go!"
Defeated and preparing for the inevitable, Ao'nung has the decency to at least lower his head in shame, half of his face still swollen from the fistfight so he winced in pain when he pouted. Neteyam moves to lead the three teens out of the jungle and Ao'nung moves to follow him. A hand shoves his arm, however, and the hiss Y/n breathes into his ear as she walked past him was the exact opposite of friendly.
"If my little brother is dead out there because of you, I promise not even Eywa will find whatever is left of you."
The twins had marched Ao'nung to their family's marui, demanding he explains to Jake what he did. After carefully listening, Toruk Makto didn't hesitate to seek out Tonowari and together they start a search party. It was already dark by the time the party set out, carrying tsmisnrr lanterns and other means of light around as they flew around on their tsurak. Neteyam and Y/n even took part in the search, flying their ikran back out after their parents made them promise to stay within sight of the village.
Soon enough, a Metkayina warrior hollers out a warning call, indicating he had found the missing boy. Lo'ak was safely brought back to the village and everyone had gathered around to check on his well-being. Neteyam and Y/n landed in the sand and rushed up to meet with their brother, watching him with their eyes as Jake and Neytiri inspect him for physical wounds. Overall, he appeared unharmed, all the while he glared up at Ao'nung, who had the decency to look ashamed. As the olo'eyktan insisted that his son was to blame for this incident, Lo'ak surprisingly came to Ao'nung's rescue, blaming himself and speaking for the other boy's innocence. Jake was not amused by Lo'ak's method of gaining friends and sent the boy home after berating him for shaming the family. Once alone, both Jake and Neytiri turn to Neteyam.
"Where were you?"
"Yeah, what happened to keeping an eye on your brother?"
"Sorry, sir."
Y/n, always her brother's shadow, stepped up from behind him, appearing in the soft glow of the village lanterns, "No, it was my fault. I asked 'Teyam to come flying with me and hunt." When both parents turned to one another, exchanging a voiceless conversation, Y/n's tail twitched, "You DID say we should always pair up if we ever go flying over open water."
Jake's posture deflated, eyes closed to refrain from getting another headache, "Sweetie--"
"He can't be in two places at once, Dad," the teen girl stated with drooping big eyes and lowered ears, "That's not fair. Instead of relying on your son to look after your kids, how about the parents do it for a change?"
The words stun both the parents and brother, all three staring at Y/n in shock as if she had just grown a second head. Neytiri's shock is the first to shrink in and turn to guilt, bottom lip puckered as she moved to reach out for her daughter. Jake didn't contract whatever sentiment his mate was feeling, however, as his posture stiffened back into a former olo'eyktan and war leader. He pointed an accusing finger at her.
"This attitude, Y/n, wherever it came from, stops now. This rebellious phase is over, young lady."
"Ma Jake." Neytiri's tone was gentle, with a small hint of a threat, as if daring Jake to interrupt her, "She is fifteen. Do you remember what you were like at that age? Although I doubt this personality is not a phase. I believe it is from watching you."
Jake looked back at his mate, scandalized while Neytiri just smiles and places her hand on Y/n's shoulder, "Look at her, Jake. Look at both of them."
He dutifully turned to inspect the twins, both of them staring up at him with identical, pouting eyes that nearly made him cave to anything they asked for when they were little. They kept their hair braided and near their shoulders, aligned with beads much like the hairstyle Neytiri wore when Jake first met her all those years ago. Their tanhì were not identical, Neteyam's forming rounded or lined patterns along his nose and under his eyes while Y/n's appear more scattered on her forehead and down her cheeks like constellations. Neteyam didn't have eyebrow hair, Y/n did. He didn't have an extra finger on each hand, but Y/n did. Both looked like Neytiri, which was easy to see, but Neteyam inherited more Na'vi features from their mother while Y/n definitely inherited the alien features from their father.
Neytiri admired her two oldest children with a fond smile as she reached out to grip her husband's arm, "They are the perfect balance of what we were like. They inherited the best parts of us."
A beat of silence is left between the four of them before Jake relents, unable to look his children in the eyes any longer and waving them away, defeated, "Go rest. Make sure your brother's alright."
"Yes, sir." They both say simultaneously, trying not to appear rushed when they quickly made their exit, beads clinking together as their braids moved while they walked.
The next day, both Neteyam and Y/n were surprised to discover Ao'nung hanging out with Lo'ak willingly, and Lo'ak didn't appear bothered. In fact, the future olo'eyktan didn't seem interested in being anywhere unless with the Sully kids and his sister and Rotxo. He still appeared wary of them, but at least he wasn't insulting them under his breath anymore. At one point in the early afternoon, all the kids huddled around on the rocks by the beach after their chores were done and had asked Lo'ak what happened the night before. He explained how he was attacked by an akula but saved by a tulkun. The reef children doubted his story until Lo'ak gave a brief description of the creature. Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo were all shocked and explained the horror stories they knew of Payakan, unwilling to believe he could have been friendly to Lo'ak until the young Omatikaya stormed away.
Y/n had listened quietly and waited until she was back in the marui to voice her thoughts while she and her twin were weaving a fishing net together, "He's confusing."
"Who?" Neteyam looked up and caught the knowing look in her eye, "Ao'nung?"
"Yeah. He's acting... nice. He's actually sweet when he's not around the other reef boys."
"Yeah, he acts like he's related to Tsireya." Neteyam chuckled lightly through his nose.
"You think Lo'ak made up with him?"
"I think so. Or maybe some level of respect and understanding has been placed."
"Still. He was cruel." She snarled, willing herself to remember the reef boy up until the day they met him, "I don't understand how Lo'ak could forgive him. He nearly died because of Ao'nung. Kiri was harrassed by him and you guys fought."
Neytiri and Jake both enter the marui and weren't ashamed to admit they were eavesdropping when the Na'vi woman pitched in on the conversation, sitting down in front of her twins to help with the net, "He's likely just starting to warm up to you, maite."
Neteyam grins teasingly, eyebrow ridge raised in his sister's direction while speaking to his mother, "Yeah, her especially. You should see the way he stares at Y/n when she's not looking, sa'nok."
Y/n feels her neck crack when she spun her head to stare at her brother, appalled as he laughed. Obviously, he must be right about Ao'nung staring when she wasn't looking since this was all news to Y/n. Her shock turns into a scowl as she reaches over to push his shoulder, "That's ridiculous. I attacked him with an ikran, ridiculed him in front of his friends, and threatened to tear him to pieces if anything happened to Lo'ak. He's likely planning another way to humiliate me."
Jake was cleaning his gun while they talked but took a moment to side-eye his daughter when she mentioned threatening the life of the chief's son. Y/n only smiled back in response to her father's silent scrutiny, her tail waving behind her with feigned innocence. Jake returned to his weapon while shaking his head, though he didn't hide the small corner of his mouth turning up. Neytiri smiled while watching the interaction, though it didn't reach her eyes. A small wave of sadness embraced her, a harsh reminder that her babies were growing and she could not keep them forever. Soon they'll be old enough to be considered adults once they have fully completed the trials of their Iknimaya, and then they'll be free to choose their mates. The idea of her children teasing each other over innocent little crushes brings both fondness and sadness to Neytiri's mind. Where had the time gone?
She shuffled from her sitting position in order to reach her daughter, pulling a braid out of Y/n's face, "People are cruel when they're faced with something they don't understand, matxe'lan."
"Neytiri, don't you dare try to teach our daughter Ao'nung is mean to her because he likes her," Jake spoke up, finished cleaning his weapon and now looking down the sights of it with a certain reef boy at the forefront of his mind, "That way of thinking never worked on Earth and I'll be damned if I let my children believe that sort of behavior is normal."
"It is true." Neytiri's eyes began to glitter with mischief, "Although if you are anything like your father, you'll likely make a skxawng of yourself when trying to impress someone."
Jake nearly chokes while his twins burst out laughing.
Y/n was disappointed when she was the last of her family to finish chores late in the day, leaving her alone while they were all elsewhere. Tsireya and Rotxo have taken Neteyam, Kiri, and Tuk to the Cover of the Ancestors to show them where their Spirit Tree resided, and Lo'ak disappeared right before then, likely to go meet with his new 'friend'. As for her parents, Y/n was certain they were with Tonowari and Ronal for the day, helping them gather medicinal plants from the jungle. This left Y/n to her own devices, though she didn't have any idea what to do with this newfound freedom, so she started by just casually walking along the beach. She traveled quite a ways, the village now in the distance behind her. The beach was getting thinner to the point where she was surrounded. One side of her held the vast ocean, the other side a dense, deep green jungle. Y/n wondered how long it would take for her to completely walk around the whole island, betting on possibly two days if she did nothing but sleep and walk.
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of something breaking through the gentle waves reaching up to the beach, and as her head spins around, her eyes immediately narrow on who was following.
It was Ao'nung, astride a hyper ilu as he himself appeared in a chipper mood, perking up and waving a fin-hand at her, "Hey! Forest Girl! Where are you going?"
"None of your business, Seaweed Brain." Was her immediate response, her internal defenses on high alert. She kept walking away but Ao'nung made sure to keep in stride with her, swimming just close enough to the shore where his ilu wouldn't get beached.
"Well, then let me come with you. Or if you are not actually going anywhere, I can show you a few good spots."
Her head turns back to him, openly skeptical as she pointedly stared at the distant village behind him, "What about your dick friends?"
He flashed her a confused grin, "My what?"
Right. 'Dick' is an alien word. Y/n huffs, rolling her eyes and facing ahead, still walking away, "You know, the pricks you were with while you were harassing my sister. Are they coming, too?"
"Oh. I dropped them."
It was said so casually, but it only confused her more, repeating the words on her own tongue, "You dropped them?"
"I don't like hanging out with them anymore," He shrugged, maneuvering his ilu to drift into deeper waters when it got too shallow, "They're no fun. All they wanna do is annoy everyone."
"And you don't?"
"Ha ha," he replied sarcastically with a deadpanned expression, "Come on, Forest Girl. Do I look like I'm in a position to trick you? I know your ikran is just one call away. I'm not that stupid."
"No?" She feigns surprise even as she slowly enters the water, the ocean greeting her up to her knees. She knew he had a good point and therefore, because of her boredom, decided to humor the reef boy and take up on his offer, "'Could've fooled me. Your stupid enough not to remember my real name."
Ao'nung rolls his eyes, "You don't exactly use my real name either."
One corner of the Omatikaya girl's lips stretches up and she shrugs with one shoulder in a touché motion. Using her tongue to make various clicks and calls, another ilu emerges from the ocean, and Y/n wads over to it, skillfully mounting it and making tsaheylu. Getting situated, she turns to Ao'nung impatiently, "Well? You mentioned a 'good spot'. Let's see it."
His grin wasn't the usual mischievous smile she had grown to correlate with him. It was more genuine and excited, his blue eyes twinkling like when the sun catches the striking blue sea. Y/n blinks in surprise at her own thoughts, quickly shoving them down as she tightens her jaw and her grip on the ilu, stubbornly staring ahead instead of at the boy.
Ao'nung drifted ahead of her, looking back over his shoulder, "Follow me! The best time to see it is at eclipse."
Both he and his ilu dive under the water and with only her thoughts, Y/n holds her breath and wills her ilu to do the same. The scenery vastly changes from land to ocean life, and the beauty below the water doesn't get ignored. Y/n was still fascinated by the ocean, always finding something new and exciting to explore. She dutifully follows Ao'nung and his ilu, smiling at the cute clicks and hums the swimming creatures make to each other. Swimming on an ilu isn't that different from flying on an ikran, only the ikran only have one rider their whole lives. The similarity between swimming in the water and flying in the air is that they both feel like freedom, riding faster than the two young Na'vi could on their own.
It wasn't a long swim, but they had completely lost the village behind them, still following the beach in the opposite direction as Y/n was doing earlier. Eventually, Ao'nung and his ilu rise to the surface, and Y/n follows, greedily gulping down air when she and her ilu breach. As she caught her breath, she looked around, trying to decipher where they were until she follows Ao'nung's gaze, her jaw slowly dropping in awe.
A large shadow had quickly grown over the teens in their approach. Looming above them was a high cliff, connected to the island and facing the open sea. This large rock face was greatly different from the ones Y/n remembered seeing as her family flew away from their home and flew across open seawater. Erosion had eaten its way through the center of the rock face, naturally cutting all the way through the cliff to form a large archway, hundreds of feet above Y/n's head. The only thing connecting the cliff to the rest of the island was the natural bridge made up of stone and plant life at the top of the arch.
"We call this place 'Sänrr Rong,'" Ao'nung explained while watching Y/n's amazed expression, craning her neck to look up at the tall archway, "'The Glow Tunnel.'"
Y/n lowered her head to face Ao'nung, the question on the tip of her tongue before he waves her off, "Wait a moment. You'll see."
And it was perfect timing. Eclipse came upon the pair and before her very eyes, Y/n witnessed a beautiful transformation. As the world darkened, bioluminescent algae began to glow and travel all the way up the inside walls of the rock archway, igniting the tunnel all the way through to the other side of the tunnel. It was so bright against the contrast of darkness that Y/n could look down and see all sorts of ocean life existing below her, an entire ecosystem that lived underneath this archway as she and Ao'nung slowly drifted through it. The water almost looked nonexistent because of how clear it was. The brightness of the arch led all the way down under the water and came back up the other side, surrounding them like a complete circle, giving off the illusion that Y/n and Ao'nung were floating on air, still straddling their peaceful ilu.
Ao'nung softly explains the beautiful sight, not wanting to ruin the illusion for the Na'vi girl, "The waves grow really high in this area, especially during storms. That's why the algae stretch all the way up to the ceiling of the tunnel. My people sing about this place, calling it the 'Doorway to Eywa' in many songs."
"Are we allowed to be here?" She asked, afraid this was a sacred place and as an outsider, she might be overstepping a boundary. This place was way too beautiful for her to be disrespecting it with her presence.
"We're still within the reef. Nothing big swims out here apart from txampaysye. We're safe. Some of the men take time away from the village and come here. Some of them cliff dive." Ao'nung catches a brief scrunch of her nose and eyebrows, an adorable expression if he wasn't trying to figure out her confusion, "You know-- cliff diving?"
Her expression falls into something more blank and impassive, unimpressed as she gestured to herself, "Do I look like I've lived around cliffs?"
He quips back in his own defense, "Do you not have an ikran rookery in the forest?"
"Well, yeah, but all the cliffs in Ayram Alusìng just lead to certain death. We don't have cliffs above water."
Ao'nung's jaw opened in disbelief, eyes bugging out of his skull as if she just told him the most unbelievable news of all time. The shock eventually wears off and is replaced by a shit-eating grin, the mischief she's grown accustomed to finally returning to his smile, "Come on. It'll be fun!"
He moves towards the cliffside and Y/n immediately reaches forward with a hand, words tumbling out, "Maybe some other time. We need to be home soon."
A mocking eyebrow ridge rises as he grins knowingly at her, "Are you sure you're not just scared?"
Her eyes narrow and her ears pin back, unwavering despite the nerves running about in her stomach, "I think you and I have been in enough trouble with our sa'sem as of late."
He relents then with a whiny groan, throwing his head up at the sky before coming back down to earth-- so to speak, "Fair enough."
The reef boy clicks his tongue, the ilu perking up attentively. Ao'nung moves to lead the way back home before he feels a hand briefly grip his arm, "Ao'nung."
He looks up, shocked as his eyes meet Y/n's, blue against yellow. Ao'nung's ilu makes a displeased noise, the creature doing a full-body shudder. Y/n didn't question it, but Ao'nung's gaze turned to the ilu, glaring down at it as if the animal betrayed him in some way shape or form. However, unbeknownst to Y/n, the ilu was only reacting to what it had felt through the bond after Ao'nung's name slipped past her lips. Ao'nung's glare relents after a moment, eyes glancing down at her small, alien hand touching his arm before he bravely glanced back up at her through his lashes.
She smiled, genuinely, like when she first saw the beauty of the archway. The attention sent a thrill up his spine, "Thank you for bringing me here."
His mouth felt dry, the tip of his ears burning but he was certain she couldn't tell in the dark. Perhaps the big ugly bruise her brother left on his face masked the embarrassment. He couldn't stare at her any longer and glanced back in the direction of the village, "You're welcome, Y/n."
Eclipse was over by the time they returned to the village. They had not returned as soon as they left, often finding themselves distracted during their swim home when either Ao'nung splashed her or Y/n chased him around on their ilu. Either way, their mounts weren't irritated, equally playful and mischievous as their riders. The young N'avi pair both felt estranged when they heard the other laugh, but it only egged them on to play around more, wanting to hear their laugh again. By the time they exhausted themselves from playing, they realized how much time had passed and finally returned to the village.
The only problem was that the village seemed tense upon their return. The joy quickly fled from Ao'nung and Y/n's faces, both scared and worried they were in trouble. However, the attention was not on the pair of teenagers, but on the gunship with war paint parked quietly on the bank closest to the Sullys' marui.
Ao'nung grabbed Y/n's shoulder instinctively and pulled her back to him, hissing at the sight of the gunship, "Sky People."
Y/n huffed and shoved his hand away, hope in her eyes with a small smile at the sight of the familiar war paint, "No, not these ones. These ones are loyal to the Na'vi and live among my clan."
Cautious and a little paranoid, Ao'nung only relented a little and eyed her down, "What are they doing here?"
That's where the hope died in her eyes, worry replacing it, "I don't know. I doubt nothing good."
The pair quickly rush to the Sullys' marui, finding a crowd of curious and equally paranoid Metkayina crowding up and down the walkways leading up to Y/n's home, worrying her further. Of course, it's always her family...
The first face she recognized was her twin, surrounded by Lo'ak and Rotxo. She rushed to her brothers with Ao'nung not far behind her, "'Teyam?" Neteyam spun around and his posture visibly relaxed, hand reaching out to gently grab the back of her neck as she looked around, "What's happening?"
"Kiri had a seizure underwater." He answered, eyes briefly glancing to Ao'nung standing behind his sister, taking note of it but not addressing it.
"What?" Y/n's eyes widen, her voice dropping to a whisper, shaking in fear.
"I don't know what happened." Rotxo explained, glancing between the teens who had just arrived, "I've never seen anything like it."
Ao'nung frowned, "Where are my mother and sister?"
"They're on their way. But there's Sky People in there, examining Kiri."
"I told you," Lo'ak addressed the concerned Rotxo, "Max and Norm are our friends. They want to help her."
Ao'nung turned to Y/n, "Aren't you the tsakarem of your clan? You could go to your sister."
Y/n shook her head, pulling Neteyam's hand off her head and squeezing it before letting go, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, "I chose not to be. Either Neteyam will find a mate who can be tsahik one day... or Kiri can do it. She's been more fascinated by it than I. And she had been teaching Tuk a thing or two..."
Y/n's eyes widen as a thought dawns on her, looking around before addressing her brothers, "Where's Tuk?"
"She's with Kiri."
"She shouldn't have to see something like that. She's too little."
Before Y/n could rush to the marui to fetch her baby sister, the tsahik arrived. Ronal glides through the crowds as they part for her, the destination the only thing on her mind. Tsireya walked close behind her with her mother's supplies gathered in her arms, handing them to her before Ronal stepped into the home. Tsireya remained outside, turning back to her group of friends, and managing to catch Y/n by the shoulders before she stepped into the marui.
"Let her work, Y/n. My mother needs the space and there are already plenty of people in there."
"Your parents and Tuk are with Kiri," the reef girl spoke gently, smiling with understanding and kindness as she guides Y/n away, "She is not alone, I promise. She'll be alright."
The group of teens keep a reasonable distance away from the marui, sitting or standing around in each other's company as they waited. Tsireya kept Y/n close to her as if she was waiting for the Omatikaya girl to bolt. Meanwhile, Y/n took note that her father had brought Norm and Max out of the home, but her mother, sister, and Ronal were nowhere to be found, and that made her more anxious than before.
Rotxo tried breaking the silence, glancing up at his childhood friend, "So what have you been up to today, Ao'nung?"
Ao'nung, who had his arms crossed while crouched down, glanced up casually, "I went to the Arch today."
"Without me? Not cool, man."
The dig was playful as Ao'nung moved to shove him, "Well, you went to the Cove without me."
Tsireya giggled, "But you hate the Cove, Ao'nung."
Ao'nung's ears pin back and his gaze lowers to the weaving patterns of the walkway below his feet, embarrassed, "I do not."
"Do, too. You think it's boring."
"I wanna see the Cove," Lo'ak perked up, "And the Spirit Tree."
Tsireya practically beamed, ducking her head a little bashfully, "I'll take you next time."
"And me?" Y/n asked, smirking to herself when she watched her little brother's face fall at the idea of her tagging along.
Lo'ak tries brushing his disappointment away with a scoff, "Maybe Ao'nung can take you, sis."
"Or we could all go together," Tsireya offered.
Y/n could tell that Tsireya was just trying to be nice. Well, Tsireya is always nice, but sometimes she's a little too nice. She'll gladly let Y/n come along even if it meant not having as much time with Lo'ak. It was disgusting how obvious those two were. Y/n rolls her eyes jokingly and shakes her head, "Nah. Never liked being a third wheel. You kids have fun."
Lo'ak choked as he tried to form words of disagreement while the other kids laughed and Tsireya's cheeks darken a deeper shade of blue. Finally, Lo'ak managed to form words and they were clearly defensive, "You have never been a third wheel ever in our lives!"
Y/n quirks an eyebrow, "Bro, have you seen Kiri and Spider?"
"That's different! You know they don't like each other that way!"
"What way are you referring to?" Y/n grins wolfishly, tilting her head as Lo'ak realized she had caught him in a web, "And what makes you think I was implying you and Tsireya felt that way?"
As the younger Sully boy sputtered, Neteyam groans a little, nudging Y/n, "Alright, that's enough. Leave him alone or he's going to whine to me later."
"Yeah, Forest Girl," Y/n's eyes dart to the sound of his voice, catching the usual grin plastered on Ao'nung's face, "Let the little ones go. I'll take you to the Cove a different day."
Lo'ak bristled at the words, glaring at Ao'nung, "I take it back, Y/n. You can come with us."
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Author's Note: Did I write this so I'd have a reason to call Ao'nung 'Seaweed Brain'? Yes, yes I did. For those who understood the reference I fucking love you.
Also, I don't personally ship Kiri and Spider, I just kind of used the pairing as a foothold for Y/n's brothers to tease her. I think they're cute, and I thought that's originally what James Cameron was going for, but the more I look into it the more I think they just love each other like siblings. In the graphic novel 'The High Ground', Kiri even states that she loves Spider like a brother and Spider doesn't question it. I think he loves her like an older sister because she protects him against other Na'vi (Neytiri) and she sticks up for him. She makes him feel like he belongs, hence why he chose her over Quaritch. Also, Kiri is played by Sigourney Weaver. I don't feel comfortable shipping two characters whose actors have zero chemistry and have a huge age gap. Clearly, I think their relationship will build up to something in the upcoming movies (Kiri uses her Eywa powers to grant Spider a kuru braid and he'll be able to breathe Pandoran air without a mask) but I don't think it'll have anything to do with romance.
That's my personal take on it. No hate to Spider/Kiri shippers. I know not everyone ships certain pairings and hates others because of their opinions and that's not what I was doing. I support Kiri/Spider shippers through and through. I also support Neteyam/Spider shippers (lowkey kinda cute) and Lo'ak/Spider shippers (also lowkey cute). Personally, I ship Ao'nung/Neteyam and I know people are going to hate me for that. But I don't hate people for shipping who they want.
Anyway, that's my PSA that ties to this Ao'nung x reader. Hope you enjoyed it!
The 'anla series masterlist here
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mistydeyes · 8 months
Hi,if you’re not busy can you write a fic of Cod characters with a cia agent gf ?
yes ofc! yk i love a good little government agent gf moment :)
a double life
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summary: From hidden occupations to a particular set of skill sets, the 141 learns to adapt to having a girlfriend who has all the right qualifications (and who could completely kick their ass).
pairing: Task Force 141 x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of weapons/violence
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"Sorry I can't be there to meet you, Price," Laswell spoke over the web camera feed, "got tied up in South America." Price nodded as he held the bridge of his nose, Laswell had promised her best field agent to act as a point person for their mission in New Zealand. However, just the thought of some middle-aged retired veteran or worse yet, hot-shot rookie, made his headache pound even further. "She's a good one, Price," Laswell reassured, "skilled in practically every major language and the best marks in her physical fitness examination." "Yes Kate, I read her file, but it seems like you failed to include a photo-" He was interrupted by a sturdy knock at the door. "Looks like she's here."
As you cracked the door open, you practically dropped the files that sat in your arms. "What are you doing here?" Price asked jovially and you could feel the breath release from your sternum, "didn't expect an on-base visit like this." As the pieces began to fit together, you realized he didn't know what you were actually there for. "John, Kate sent me here," you whispered as you shut the door gently, "heard you're going to New Zealand." As the realization hit him like an oncoming train, you braced for impact. "You-you work for the CIA?" he asked almost foolishly and you nodded in response. "I did say I worked in Virginia," you corrected, "and you had to know my surprise visit yesterday wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment thing." Price could feel his headache reach a fever pitch as he reviewed your file again. "Then what's with the name?" he asked, "you lie about that too." You let out a laugh as you explained, "People have nicknames and mother's maiden names, John." As you sat back in your chair and crossed your legs, Price wondered what he had done for the universe to gift him you.
Despite your initial reservations, Johnny was quite good at keeping your occupation vague and nonchalant in conversation. You were honest about your work in central intelligence and he took that secret to the grave. Your long-distance relationship was written off as you working in some company in DC and no one batted an eye at your occasional inference at military strategy or surveillance techniques. When you returned home, you would always be sure to show him extra appreciation for his covertness. "Tryna make me patriotic?" he would joke before you would kiss him and stifle his laughs.
However, he loved testing your skill set and seeing if you were as trained of an operative as your file read. "Let's see what they teach you over there, Bonnie," he joked as he lined up his sights at the air gun range. You refrained from kicking him as you stood back to watch him. You almost let out a laugh when you saw his small pellet ricochet just slightly off target. "Hmm and that's why Ghost is your long-range weapons specialist," you teased as he got up and switched positions. You breathed in as you looked down your sights and positioned your rifle towards the farthest target on the range. "You Americans, always so fucking cocky," he muttered under his breath before you quickly shut him up with a quick shot directly into the center of the target. The metal hen spun around widely at your expert marksmanship and you exhaled your held breath. You stood up and tried to size up your tall boyfriend. "Best 2/3?" you offered and you smiled as he kissed your forehead before ushering you out of the way to try again. "Fucking CIA training," he whispered as he got into position again. "You say something, you glorified sergeant?"
It was 4 am when you arose from the bed and leaned into Kyle, taking in his warmth and seeking refuge from the cold London air. You could always rely on your boyfriend to be your human-sized space heater. As you laid your head across his chest, you could feel him stir lightly. "Time to go already, love?" he asked with his eyes still closed and you muttered in confirmation. You always knew what challenges came with living so far away from the States but you had someone who made it all worth it. He kissed your forehead lightly as you rolled off the bed. You tried to quietly make your way to the bathroom to let him get some more hours of precious sleep but upon your return, it was clear Kyle was more awake than before.
"You sure you don't need me to drive you to the airport?" he offered yet again as you dressed quickly in dress slacks and a blouse. "MI6 is sending a car," you explained as you collected your overnight bag, "just try to get some sleep, my love. I'll text you when I land in Langley." Despite your soft kiss on the cheek, Kyle still pouted as you pulled away. "Don't understand why you can't be a liaison officer for us," he mumbled but you ruffled his hair slightly. "When the position becomes available, I'll be the first application on there," you smiled, doing a final check of your things, "just tell Price to write me a hell of a recommendation letter." With that, you shared another long kiss as you slightly cringed at his morning breath. "I'll be sure to say hi to the cybercrime analysis team for you, hopefully, they'll actually take my advice this time," you laughed before exiting out of your apartment and embracing the cold English air you had grown to love.
When the question arose of your occupation, you would always smile and defer to being just an "American government worker." However, you always knew Simon had more than just an inkling as to your occupation. When you spoke about military strategy, and combat techniques, or even had various conversations in different languages over the phone, it was clear to him that you were more than just a civilian. The shock didn't even resonate with him when you uttered the words, "Paramilitary Operations Officer," it all seemed to fall into place. He wouldn't bat an eye when it came to long stretches of days that you were in minimal contact with him. "I'll be back," you would reassure as you pulled on a dark hoodie and headed out the door with a bag. Simon would always be there to clean your wounds and ice your bruises.
It was a shock when Simon hadn't heard from you in a month. You had left in the middle of the day in a black Mercedes that disappeared off the English skyline. It was the unfortunate timing that he had been on leave when you left and there had been no word from Price regarding a new mission. Every morning, he would turn over in your king-sized bed expecting to see you smiling back at him. However, the days dragged on without any information meeting his ears. You could practically still picture his terrified face when you turned the key into the door and slammed your bag down. Simon paused upon seeing your blackened eye and wrapped knuckles. The eye bags on your delicate face further added worry to the situation. "Don't ask," you whispered as you fell into his chest, "intel was shit." That was all Simon needed to lift you gently and place you back on the couch. As he held you in his arms with an ice pack to your eye, you slightly pulled away from his touch. "I promised I would come back, didn't I?"
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flowerandblood · 6 months
The Fall from the Heavens (2)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: kissing, angst, arranged engagement, violence, swearing, bullying, chauvinism, mention of injury ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She had always felt that she lacked something – mostly when she looked in the mirror and saw instead of beautiful white hair her dark curls falling over her shoulders, which she hated with all her heart. Her eyes also had no shade of the gods, no shade of the Targaryens − her brothers laughed that her facial expressions made her look like a hamster.
She once tried, in an act of desperation, to cut her hair completely, hoping that what would grow back would be in a different shade; fortunately one of her mother's servants who brought her afternoon meal snatched the scissors out of her hand, horrified, and told her mother all about it.
That evening the future queen explained to her that there was also a Baratheon line running in Targaryen blood through her grandparents, that her cousin, Princess Rhaenys, also had dark hair.
This explanation reassured her a little, but she still felt that the gods had deprived them of something, robbing them of the looks that would prove who they were.
Fortunately, they had dragons.
Her dragoness, Larax, had beautiful silver-blue scales and shimmered wonderfully in the sunlight. She was still small and was just learning to breathe fire on command, but she was doing well and was her pride.
She visited her when she sought comfort.
She watched from the sidelines the only person among them who did not have a dragon of his own, namely her uncle, Aemond, only two years older than her. She could see that although he kept up appearances under a stony face, his suffering and disappointment was far greater than hers caused by the colour of her hair.
A Targaryen with a dragon was still a Targaryen.
But what was a Targaryen without it?
When Jace bragged to her about what they had done together with Aegon and Luke, that they had given him a pig with a wings as a joke, she said they were cruel.
She couldn't believe they thought it was funny.
At first she just wanted to see how he was doing, so knowing that he spent his days alone among the books she decided to visit him.
However, it turned out that his aloof nature was due to his caution and insecurity, his readiness to defend himself, although she had never intended to attack him. When he realised that her presence had no undertone he relaxed, even allowing her to exchange opinions with himself.
"I would like to be like Rhaenys in the future." She said softly, thinking dreamily that she was described as a woman of beauty, wisdom and dignity, able to solve many things with her shrewdness, wits, care and compassion.
She heard him snort under his breath, looking at her in disbelief, as if she had said something silly.
"Rhaenys? What's interesting about her? Visenya could fight with a sword and she rode the largest dragon still alive in this world. If I had a choice, I would marry her." He said lowly, as usual pretending to be older than he was. There was pathos in his posture and in his voice – he sat upright, comfortably sprawled in his chair, creating a semblance of confidence.
She raised an eyebrow at his words, unable to hide a smile of amusement. She saw the expression of displeasure on his face, as he clearly thought she was mocking him.
"Aegon the Conqueror thought otherwise. Out of ten nights, nine he spent with Rhaenys." She said with a wince and saw that he pressed his lips together, rolling his eyes, impatient with her remark, and shrugged his shoulders, returning to his reading.
She was really fond of him.
As a very young girl, she had given a lot of her thoughts to her future husband, knowing that as the daughter of a princess she would have her tasks, one of which would be to strengthen their lineage through marriage.
The thought that she would have to marry some boring old man by whose side she would die of despair, and with whom she would have to have many children, kept her awake at night; she wished her husband was someone closer to her in age, someone who shared her values and passions.
She wondered if it wouldn't have been better if her parents had married her to Jace − she knew him and, as his sister, loved him, so it would certainly have been easier − but on the other hand, something rejected her at the thought, she felt some kind of discomfort when she imagined their future children.
This was what she was contemplating when her mother walked into her chamber, wanting to ask her her opinion on the King's decision.
She and Aemond were betrothed.
"You may refuse, my love." Said Rhaenyra, kneeling beside her on the stone floor, taking her hands in her own, fearing apparently that this information would frighten her.
For some reason, however, she was pleased.
Although she did not have beautiful white hair, her future husband did.
She ran out of her chamber, rushing into the library like a storm, the pale face of her uncle expressing shock and fear as she approached him.
"Is it true?" She asked in a trembling voice and saw that he swallowed hard as he nodded, looking at her with wide open eyes.
She covered her face with her hand, a happy giggle escaping from her lips, her heart pounding like mad.
"I'm so happy."
To her relief, it looked as if her uncle himself had no great objections to the king's decision. He began to speak to her more, introducing her to his world, even explaining what he did during his trainings, apparently recognising that as his wife she should know what his life consisted of.
She absorbed everything he said, feeling her heart flutter with joy when he was by her side.
Though she knew it was unacceptable, she dared to ask him to let her kiss him, and after he experienced the taste of her lips, he wanted her to do it more often, though he never said it out loud.
Their kisses were innocent, short, warm and wet, on the forehead, cheek or lips. Every time she pulled away from him he smiled lazily, embarrassed – she knew he liked the feeling.
They both felt so mature then.
At his request she snuck into his chamber at night − they would lie then for hours holding hands, discussing about their future, about their children.
"When I become a rider of one of the dragons living in the caves beyond the sea, we will fly to Essos, to see the temples of Old Valyria." He said with confidence and calmness, stroking her hair in a soft, slow motion that her eyelids closed from; she loved it when he did that.
He had never tried to touch her naked body, put his hand under her nightgown or do anything else that Aegon had proudly told her about, but which she did not comprehend.
She furrowed her brow at his words, worried.
"Dragons in caves?" She asked quietly, and he nodded, swallowing loudly; she knew this topic was incredibly important to him, and he hoped to gain her support on the matter.
"Yes. Once I have a dragon, everything will be as it was meant to be. We will marry in the tradition of Old Valyria, beget our heirs, and then explore the world." He said with assurance, as if he had already planned and thought it all out carefully.
She felt warm in her heart at the thought that he had included her in everything about his life, that he saw her at his side as his companion and wife.
And then it happened.
Laena's death, her funeral and the great tragedy that followed.
That night she was roused from her sleep by the shouting of guards running down the corridor – she heard their words that the prince was injured, that he needed to be taken to the maester immediately, that there had been a fight.
With a pounding heart she put on her robe over her nightgown and ran after them semi-conscious, relieved to see her brothers, all bruised but without any wounds.
She then looked at the chair and screamed, covering her mouth, wanting to somehow silence how loud the sound was − she felt someone embrace her, her mother pulled her close, stroking her head.
"He called us bastards, mother, and he stole Vhagar!" Luke whined.
Alicent shouted to Viserys that she demanded justice for her son, but the King shook his head, looking at her uncle.
His wound was all swollen and red, a scar running across his entire left cheek, his gaze directed straight at her, dulled surely by the poppy milk to ease his pain after his eye had been taken out.
She was unable to say anything, her whole body was shaking.
"Who told you such a disgusting lie?" The King asked him, and only then did he look away from her, staring at him; she could see that he hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting.
Her mother wouldn't let her approach him despite her despair − she lied that she would be able to speak to him later, but it never happened.
They never spoke a word to each other again.
She wrote to him a letter in desperation, crying over it, having to pause several times, not knowing how she would convey to him what she was feeling, her childish mind unable to properly put into words what she was experiencing.
My dearest Prince,
know that my heart is torn by despair and disbelief. I pray for you and your health every day. I hope that as soon as you feel better we can meet. I am sending you books that I thought might interest you.
Your Rhaenys
She wrote this, not comprehending that the last thing on his mind now that he had lost his eye was to read, that he had torn up her letter as soon as he had read it, a lack of response from him made her feel even worse.
She felt he was blaming her and didn't know what to do, how to apologise to him so he would forgive her.
It turned out that there was no way she could do this, and the letters she sent to him in the months that followed were not met with a response.
The guards, on his mother's orders, would not allow anyone from their family to enter his chamber, guarded by Criston Cole himself, who, looking at her indifferently, informed her each time that the prince was unwell, needed to rest and would not receive visitors.
In addition to what had happened, she was heartbroken by what Luke had found out, what Jace had known for months, and what had been shouted in their faces that night.
They were bastards.
She felt even more defiant than ever before.
She had felt little when they moved to Dragonstone, when her mother had married her uncle, whom she had clearly loved forever, when Baela and Rhaena had joined their family.
They were sweet, kind and wise, taking her on long walks among the seaside cliffs, however, she was unable to bond with them.
Although officially their betrothal was never called off, it was clear that the King's resolve was no longer in force, the Queen suggested that any of Lord Baratheon's daughters would be a better candidate for her son, and this marriage would strengthen the royal army.
Instead, her mother thought that she, on the other hand, should marry one of her cousins of House Arryn, to secure their influence in the North and seal Eyrie's support for her cause once she was to become queen.
She was unable to find herself in this new reality, experiencing fulfilment and joy only during her solitary flights on her Larax, over the sea and high between the clouds.
To her surprise, her greatest support in her suffering turned out to be Daemon.
He saw her silent agony, he saw her emptiness, he saw her grief and he was able to reason with her, unlike her mother.
His mischievous, mocking nature reminded her in some ways of her uncle – as they walked for hours along the shore without any purpose and conversed, she felt she had regained at least part of her old life.
She liked him because he didn't treat her like a child, because he spoke to her about serious matters and didn't hide anything from her.
"Viserys is weak. He always has been. Your mother is making his mistakes, trying to hide Jace and Luke under her dress. She's trying to protect them from the inevitable." He said more to himself than to her, walking at her side with his hands entwined behind his back, looking off into the distance, his eyebrows arched in disapproval as they always did when he was frustrated.
She sighed heavily, agreeing with him in spirit, knowing what he meant.
Her mother was trying to protect them at all costs, her beloved boys, though the tension between Dragonstone and the Red Keep was greater than ever.
Something hung in the air and everyone felt it.
"And that bastard, that fucking traitor Hightower sits on the Iron Throne in his name and rules the kingdom, just as he always dreamed of doing." He hissed through clenched teeth, rage and disappointment beating from him, from which she felt her heart squeeze.
It shocked her how direct he was.
He was like a living, burning fire.
"When there's no cat, the mice scamper. Or maybe a better term would be rats." She said dryly, and he laughed out loud, glancing at her, his lips curving into a grin, a kind of contentment and pride in his eyes.
"You're like quiet water on the outside, but there's a great storm brewing inside you. I have heard that your would-be husband has become a fearsome warrior despite the lack of one eye. I fear that once you meet, heaven and earth will shake." He said with amusement and she swallowed loudly at his words, knowing he was mocking her.
"I have no grudge against him. Only he can have one towards me." She said lowly, pressing her lips together, feeling a tightness in her throat, thinking about how she had cried enough nights because of this event.
She felt him looking at her intently, a light summer breeze and the sound of the sea all around them, grey, gloomy clouds above them.
"You still haven't come to terms with it." He stated more than asked, and she swallowed loudly, feeling tears under her eyelids, shaking her head, unable to get anything else out.
"Sometimes it's better to rip your heart out than to let yourself be humiliated, to lose your dignity. Do you understand?" He asked, stopping, looking at her expectantly, with a kind of determination from which she felt discomfort in her stomach.
She stared at him with wide eyes, trying to behave as she should, trying not to break, but she burst into sobs as he pulled her close and embraced her, letting her pour out the grief that had been flowing inside her for years, which she didn't want to share with her mother or anyone else.
"– gods – I still love him –" She whined out breathing hard, clasping her hands on his thick tunic, his hand stroking her back comfortingly.
"The boy you loved no longer exists." He said lowly and she felt her heart stop.
A cold shiver went through her body, a wave of disappointment and the realisation that he was right.
When Vaemond Velaryon challenged Luke's right to inherit Driftmark it turned out, to her horror, that they had to appear in the Red Keep to discuss the matter before the King himself. Her mother wanted them all to travel there, as a whole family meant to support her younger brother.
She didn't have the strength for this reunion – she hadn't slept or eaten, thinking about flying on Larax at night and just running away.
But where to?
She thought in moments like this about how her uncle had said he would take her to Essos one day, to the kingdom of their ancestors, and she burst out sobbing again, hiding her face in her hands, listening to the sound of the rain falling outside her window.
The journey to King's Landing had been long and tiring for her − she landed on Larax alongside her foster sisters and brothers, her hair tied up in a long braid, a leather travelling attire on her body, more comfortable and giving her more freedom of movement.
They arrived in the Red Keep using the royal carriages; when she stepped outside she was struck by how smaller and tighter everything seemed to her.
She felt tense and looked uncertainly around, fearing she would see him somewhere, but that did not happen.
They were greeted by one of her grandfather's lords, the Queen not honouring them with her presence; they were informed where they would be sleeping and she shuddered when she heard she would be spending the night in her old chamber, feeling the cold sweat on the back of her neck.
Walking through the corridors of the fortress she was hit by memories from everywhere and even though this was her home, she had never felt so foreign before.
She changed with the help of servants into a more appropriate attire – her two-tone gown had bare shoulders, her long to the ground, wide sleeves were red, and the material wrapping tightly around her breasts and hips was navy blue – the colours of the Targaryens and Arryns, her expression that she supported her mother.
She wondered if she should go outside or if it would be better to stay in the chamber, but in the end she decided that she would not be a coward, that she would not allow herself to be intimidated in her own home.
Therefore, she moved alone through the familiar corridors of the Red Keep, skirting the entrance to the library, feeling her heart beating wildly.
She heard the sound of blades crossing, saw, standing in the cloisters, crowds of people surrounding a pair of warriors apparently practising hand-to-hand combat, heard applause and sounds of admiration, recognised the faces of her brothers among them.
And then she saw him, first his white hair and then his eye patch − she felt her whole body freeze, her throat squeezed so tightly that she felt like she was going to suffocate.
He was so tall that she could see his silhouette perfectly, she couldn't believe how much the man could have changed over the years.
She saw that he had said something to Luke and Jace, the sight of their horror made him grin broadly, but it was a frightening smile, a sneer that didn't reach his healthy eye, his gaze cold, amused.
It seemed to her that she saw more animal than human traits in him, his way of moving, his gait was defiant, agile.
He looked like a predator prowling around his prey.
She thought with pain that he was terrifying.
Their attention was distracted by the sound of trumpets; the gates leading into the courtyard opened and Vaemond Velaryon appeared in it, walking at the head of his retinue. She swallowed loudly as she saw his chin raised high, as if he was sure of victory in his cause even though his brother was still alive.
She saw her uncle turn towards her and walk up to one of the servants, reaching out to him impatiently, wanting him to hand him another shield and then their gazes met.
She saw the surprise and disbelief in his healthy eye; he froze and although he took what he wanted he did not turn to face Criston.
Even from a distance she could see his nostrils moving restlessly with each of his deep breaths, as if he was trying to calm himself, his jaw clenched tightly.
She didn't know why, despite the fact that he frightened her so much, despite the fact that he never answered any of her letters, she felt like throwing herself into his arms and crying, simply to say that she missed him, that she prayed every day that she would see him again.
However, before she had time to do anything under the influence of emotion he turned and nodded at Criston, immediately attacking him with his sword which swished loudly in the air, as if he wanted to take it out on him for what he had just seen.
She decided to return to her chamber, and it was only behind the door that she burst into sobs, realising what had terrified and torn her heart the most.
Daemon was right.
The boy she loved no longer exists.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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exhaslo · 3 months
Corruption Ch13
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12
Warning: Minors DNI, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship/relationship? SMUT, Oral (m-receiving), grinding
One Month, Twenty Days Until D-Day
"Miguel, I said I'm fine now. No need to keep me on a lease," You said with a low whine.
"Every time I let you out of my sight, you seem to get injured. I can't have my little Spider escape again." Miguel grunted.
Hiding your flustered cheeks, you pouted towards Miguel. He could be so stubborn sometimes. Then again, he wasn't wrong either. You didn't want to admit it, but you were still aching in pain from your fight with Goblin.
"Alright," You huffed, resting your head against his shoulder.
Miguel had you sitting on his lap, his arm firmly around your waist. He was absorbed in his work, grunting to your small comments here and there. It brought a smile to your face. Miguel seemed so cruel but cared so much.
"Miguel, how come you don't want to at least take my blood sample anymore? You were so adamant before." You asked out of curiosity.
"Because once I knew it was you, I knew you wouldn't like it."
What a fucking lie.
"I know how much you dislike my experiments," Miguel continued, sweetening his words, "I wouldn't want my little Spider afraid of me anymore than she is now."
"Awe~ Miguel~" You cooed, wrapping your arms around his neck, "I was never afraid of you! Concerned, yes, but not afraid!"
Too easy.
"Hn, but I do hope you tell me how this happened. I am a scientist, after all, I have a curiosity to feed."
"You have to promise you won't get mad,"
Lord, you looked adorable with your little pout. Miguel couldn't help but give you a lazy stare, holding back the urge to bend you against his desk and fuck you. Miguel was craving you, but he had to wait. He needed to make sure it was safe for him to take his injection.
"I promise," Miguel sighed, already knowing everything.
He just wanted to distract himself from work and entertain you. Grunt lowly as you fixed yourself against his lap, Miguel gripped your waist. These frustrating human urges had to wait. Miguel was giving himself a harsh slow burn at this rate.
"Well, remember that day when your Spiders got loose...One bit me and I accidently killed it. It was the same day I fainted," You whispered nervously.
"Ah, so that's how it happened,"
"I'm sorry," You gave a small frown. Miguel leaned forward to peck your lips,
"I promised I wouldn't be mad, remember? Instead, you can make it up to me by showing me what you could do. A little show,"
Perhaps he should go into acting? Miguel leaned back in his seat, impressed by his own skills. It was either that or you being too gullible. Your love for him blinded you in many ways that Miguel thoroughly enjoyed.
Watching you give him your own little runway show, Miguel couldn't help but chuckle. Your blood was being used right now to make several of his new injections. He was going to use it on more prisoners or willing test subjects. Which ever was the successful injection...
Miguel will kill them.
Only the two of you were allowed to bear humanity's future. Miguel was not going to risk another person poisoning his plan. Only Miguel could rule, with you as his trophy.
"Okay, this part really freaked me out at first, buuuuuut, I got used to it." You chirped, showing your organic webs.
"Let me see," Miguel motioned you closer.
You as his pet. His trophy. His obedient wife. Honestly, Miguel was lucky that it was you and not some random woman. Just the thought of you crying annoyed Miguel. He would have probably made you super powered in that case as well.
"Fascinating." Miguel hummed, holding your wrist.
"W-Wait...I didn't think it...would be this sensitive," You whimpered, trembling as Miguel stroked your wrist.
"Perhaps you just are," Miguel chuckled, watching you fall apart, "I believe I recall you mentioning better stamina? That isn't what it seemed like when my fingers were inside you."
"H-Hah, M-Miguel...Don't say things like that...out loud," You whimpered. Miguel pulled you closer,
"Hm? Are you getting wet just by me saying it? What a naughty girl,"
"Mhm, Miguel~"
"Show me how sorry you are."
Miguel resisted a chuckle as you whined and got down on your knees. He motioned you under his desk and watched you crawl over before undoing his belt. Ah, how perfect you looked. Your lustful gaze just begging for him.
Miguel inhaled deeply the moment you started to stroke his cock. How nice this felt. Returning to his work, Miguel resisted a chuckle as he watched the time. Any second now his next meeting should arrive. Oh, how cruel Miguel was.
Was today finally going to be the day? You eagerly got on your knees under his desk and started to please Miguel. He was driving you insane with all this teasing. As you undid his belt, you kept glancing up at Miguel.
Ugh, the eye contact made you melt.
Taking his cock out, you pouted as you started to stroke his shaft. Oh, what you would do to have this inside you. To have Miguel ravish you and make you his. Gosh, you had a dirty and unhealthy mind. This man was straying you from good!
Dazed as you glanced up at Miguel, you swirled your tongue against his cock, hoping for praise. Miguel rested his hand against your head, stroking it as you treated him. Your thumb pressing his tip slightly as you felt him twitch from your tongue.
"Good girl,"
Oh, those words made your panties soaked. Bringing your lips to his tip, you hummed as you twirled your tongue against it. Miguel only grunted in response before he started to type away. This made you frown since you wanted his attention.
Taking his cock in your mouth, you closed your eyes to the bitter taste as you started to suck. As you were getting into the groove, you flinched as you heard the doors open.
"Good morning, sir. I've brought the files you requested."
"Hm, you're late. I should have had these before I walked in." Miguel spat.
You were shaking as you slowly moved your mouth away from Miguel's dick. Why didn't he tell you he had a meeting? Gasping quietly, you felt Miguel's hand press your head back to his cock. Oh, he was mean. Biting your lower lip, you returned to sucking Miguel off.
"Did you get the other thing I requested?" Miguel asked.
"Yes...Sir, not to sound rude, but why couldn't you have gotten (Y/N) to do it?" The man questioned.
You flinched at the mention of your name.
"Are you telling me how to handle my own assistant?" Miguel chuckled darkly, his cock twitching more as you fasten your pace, "(Y/N) is doing something far more important than the task I've given you. Now, I suggest you leave before I get anymore angry."
"...Yes, sir..."
Feeling your eyes water as Miguel's cock hit the back of your throat, you tried to breathe through you nose. You were waiting for the other associate to leave. Hearing the door shut, you whined as Miguel's hand returned your head.
"Now, now. Kept going while I had someone in here, how bold." Miguel teased, moving your head at a faster pace, "I might have to reward you after all."
Ah, those words made you quiver. Wincing as you felt Miguel hold your head down, you moaned as he grunted and cummed in your mouth. You swallowed hard and coughed as you moved your head away from his cock.
"You're....so....mean," You whined.
Miguel just chuckled lowly as he wiped your face. He pulled you onto his lap, adoring how easily you caved for him. How easy it was to turn the city's hero into his little sex doll.
"But, you did hide your secret from me for a while,"
"Miguel~" You cried softly.
Why was he tormenting you like this so much? Grinding yourself against his still exposed cock, you whimpered and begged into his ear. Miguel held your waist, just grunting and groaning to your attempts.
"Now, now. You were just being a good little Spider," Miguel said with a sigh, fixing your skirt, "I'll give you a taste."
You gasped as Miguel placed you on his desk. He lifted your skirt and started to rub his cock against your panties. You knew that Miguel wanted you to wear more skirts, was this the reason? To torment and tease you?
"M-Mig-" You whimpered a moan as he rubbed against your clit.
"Hm? Want my fingers instead?"
"Hah~ N-No~"
Miguel could see the tears in your eyes with every stroke. You were desperate, ready to cum. Miguel was tormenting himself as well. Moving you panties aside, Miguel groaned lowly as he rubbed his cock directly against your dripping cunt.
"H-Hah~ Ah~" You cried out, shaking in pleasure.
Miguel held your legs as he easily moved his hips. The thoughts of getting you pregnant were oh so delicious. Your moans were music to his ears. Just the thought of anyone else being in your shoes angered Miguel.
You were the only one for him.
"M-Miguel~" You moaned, arching your back as his dick hit your clit, causing you to cum.
"Heh, some stamina." Miguel teased once more.
"P-Please, Miguel...P-Please put it inside," You begged.
Miguel had to bite the inside of his cheek. Your pussy was making a wet mess on his desk as it clenched to nothing but air. If Miguel had a condom, he might just give into your advances. Shit, who would have thought that he was now going crazy over you?
"I can't, just behave." Miguel hissed.
Putting you on your stomach, Miguel pressed your legs together and squeezed his dick between them. You gasped and cried out as Miguel slapped his hips against your ass, giving you rough thrusts against your drenched cunt.
He wasn't fucking you, but he was giving you an experience. Miguel held your arms behind your back as he enjoyed the feeling of his dick between your legs.
Your moans were filling his office as Miguel kept attacking your clit. Grunting lowly as you cam again, Miguel released your arms to hold your waist.
Groaning your name lowly, Miguel took a moment as he cam between your legs. You body still twitching as he moved away, admiring the view.
Grabbing some napkins, Miguel proceeded to clean himself up. He then moved onto you, watching you sweat and pant for air. If this was the state you were in now, Miguel couldn't wait to see what would happen when he actually fucked you.
Miguel stroked your cheek, kissing you for a job well done. You were making a mess of him. Once you were clean, you promptly returned to his lap, quietly sitting in place until Miguel requested for your help once more.
Aaron sat in the lunchroom, watching some of the workers acting out. Everyone knew it was the effects of Rapture. It was almost that time of month for those affected associates to get their dosage of Rapture.
"Psst, I've told some of the others. They're willing to give you some of their supply for this month."
"Thanks, that's more than enough to do the job." Aaron whispered back. The other worked scoffed, sitting beside him,
"You're insane for trying this."
"The only way to stop a villain is to give him his just desserts."
"And how will you do it?"
"I'll just have to ask (Y/N) a favor,"
Next Chapter
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content @weirdothatwritess @smartyren @mangoslushcrush @nyxzoldyck6 @migueloharastruelove @chaoticlovingdreamer @sukioyakio @killjoy-nightshadow @heyohalie @the-pan-liquid @bokutosprettylittlebimbo @kpopscoups17130000 @pochapo @killerwendigo @barbiecrocs @miss-galaxy-turtle @oscarissac2099 @lazy-idate @lauraolar14 @safixiovi @migueloharacumslut @straw-berry-ghoul @daisy-artfield @sukunash0e @undf-stuff @iamperson12280 @nightingale1011 @reader-1290 @mcmiracles @keepghostly @marlyharper @jadeloverxd
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rosezza · 20 days
࿐ Cocaine and Roses
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warnings: dark!rafe, choking, age gap! reader is 19 and rafe is 28, strong language, use of drugs, violence, force
"get off me." Rafe sneered as he pushed you away from him. dipping his head back down to the table. sniffing up the remains of white substance he had even tho you didnt want him to, your opinion didnt matter to him when it came to his cocaine use.
"Rafe please– i dont like you doing that when im around.." you mumbled quietly, careful not to get on his nerves. "dont care." he sniffled as he wiped his nose, grabbing the small bag filled with white substance, ready to sniff more.
but before he could, you stepped in the way. snatching the bag from his hand and taking a step back, probably not the best idea at all. but you didnt wanna stand there and watch when your unhinged boyfriend kept sniffing coke up his nose.
Rafe immediately popped up from his chair, his big veiny hands clasping the edge of the table to get him up faster. "y/n." his eyes narrowed as he glared at you. he stepped closer, getting up in your face. the air tense.
you swallowed "yea?.." you said quietly, acting calm. he scoffed and bit the inside of his cheek "easy or hard way?" he said firmly, his voice deep as he got closer.
"im not giving it back to you" you shook your head. he didnt answer as his hand moved to your throat, his cold fingers gently caressing your skin as he pushed you up against the table behind you. "actin so fuckin smart, huh?" he tilted his head slightly as his fingers tightened slightly around your throat. causing your lips to part.
you swallowed your own spit, letting go of the coke. he noticed, but he didnt let go. "Rafe.." you said quietly "i gave it back" you added. but instead of letting you go, he only increased the pressure around your throat, slightly cutting off your airways. your lips parted more, your breathing started to be heard.
"i like seeing you squirm." Rafe said calmly as he held you in place. his eyes searching yours, noticing the fear in them. he enjoyed it, a wave of pleasure went through his body as his own hand kept you from breathing normally. it felt good to hurt you. he was sick. but you still loved him, in hopes of one day fixing him. even tho deep down you knew that wasnt possible. not at all
"R-Rafe-.." you gasped for air. your hands moved to his veiny ones. trying to peel him off your throat. but he was too strong. his grip only tightened. he kept you pushed against the table, his other hand on the table beside you, keeping you in place as he continued choking you.
he snapped back to reality when he noticed tears welling up in your eyes, he immediately pulled his hand back. you took a deep breath as he let go, your breathing shaky. a tear ran down your cheek. he sighed and snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you against him gently. "im sorry." he cleared his throat as he held you close to him, he felt guilty. he hated that he lost control sometimes. especially to those he loved. you stayed quiet, but tears kept slowly running down your face as you hid your face in his shoulder, your tears staining his shirt. but he didnt mind. he caused this anyways.
he kissed your neck softly, his warm lips touching your skin before picking you up, your legs wrapping around him, he made sure to be gentle with you. "how about we go get something to drink and then we can watch a movie or something princess, hm?" Rafe said softly as he brought you out of the room. carrying you in his arms
you knew he was nowhere near good. he was the devil, he just didnt have a red tail and horns. but you couldnt help but love him. atleast he treated you well after hurting you. most people called you crazy for dating him, but who cares? you loved him anyways. and he wouldnt let you stop loving him either
taglist: @necroflame @rafeownsriley
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borzoilover69 · 3 months
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I dont know about you but god sometimes i thibk abt some of the cannibalistic symbolism in dirk and jake relationship and i go a bit insane ok. Let me explain.
So if youre just catching up youre probably wondering, borzoi. Why is everyone doing Dirkjake cannibalism? Where did this come from?
Attached, is three images depicting what could be seen as cannibalism metaphorically. Attached are images of Jake with brainghost Dirk, Brobot ripping his own heart for Jake, and Dirks beheaded head, sent to Jake by Dirk. In simple terms, this sacrifice and act of giving Jakes parts of himself could be seen as cannibalism, which hangs on giving a part of you to someone you love for their own use.
But it runs a bit deeper than that. Cannibalism and violence as a love language is a rather nontraditional take, toeing the line on macabre, but its also a sign of extreme loyalty. It “highlights the contradictory urges of desire and aggression.”(Typeset, 2023). Dirk has two rather extreme examples of this, with Brobot ripping his heart out for Jake, killing himself, and Dirk beheading himself and transportalizing it to Jake to kiss, again, killing him.
This connects to Dirkjake by their dichotomy between the affection and intensely loyal bond they have to each other and their more violent combat based bond shown in the comic, from their relationship with their respective weapons to Jakes desire to fight (and Dirks subsequent gift of a robot to help protect and train him) to their hobby of choice in game (raiding tombs and fighting monsters) to even post credits (where they are seen engaged in a strife). Combat plays such a big role in their relationship.
Another thing to bring up about the cannibalism love metaphor is that it was often seen in old culture that to devour someone in death was to forever have a special bond with them, they become part of you and you share attributes. Which.. again. Need i say more? Brainghost dirk is a PART of Jake. The unique bond is one of Dirks fragmented self in Jakes soul, but also as a subconscious voice of reason given life in the form of Jakes best friend.
Cannibalism is a wordless nod to wordless acts of physical affection and intimate exchange between two people. Its no small feat to say that Dirk and Jake struggle with that. The majority of their lovelife is wordless, delivered through proxies or their reflections on their relationship through others. They find themselves feeling selfish and heartless for wanting to love each other in the ways they do. On dirks side, his desire to serve ingrains itself to him giving parts of himself to others whether it be a robot bunny, an autoresponder, or a robot. His gift to Jake are notably extreme, however Jake does not seem adverse to it, noting how he feels some sort of intimacy on being on level fighting ground with brobots (hence the upping in difficulty) and the “movie kiss.”
Its a selfish sort of love. Jake is known for his interest in non-traditional forms lf love over traditional (Think avatar and the.. hair connection thingies). But it serves them just fine. Its a way for the one that is cannibalised to offer themselves a gift to the devourer, and as a sacrifice. For the cannibal, its a chance for them to remain with a part of their lover forever. Dirk desires to be Jakes. In consumption, he will forever be part of him. A part of him surrenders all autonomy and ownership to seek the desire of being impossibly close. Which we do in fact see! When separated and in distress, Brainghost Dirk makes his appearance and fights for him, even as Dirk himself is hundreds of miles away hurtling through space… a part of him even haunts Jake after death in the postcanon, irrevocably, forever..his.
In short, Cannibalism is a nontraditional form of physical and intimate affection that seeks to show the depths of loyalty to the beloved and the desire to have a special bond and connection- to be a part of them- forever. Throughout the story of homestuck, Dirks splinters serve to accomodate themselves in that way, through the physical acts they act out or the special connection between brainghost dirk and jake. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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loaksky · 9 months
tw : ptsd
hi I love love love your work, may I make a request: abby comforting reader with ptsd after a nightmare/episode 🧸 only if you’re comfy with that of course angel!!
— 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒆 | 𝒂. 𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏
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roommate!abby x fem roommate!reader, fluff / mild angst, wc: 2.3k
synopsis: oftentimes when you’re lost in the darkness, abby’s your light.
content warnings: language, sprinkled mentions trauma and implied ptsd ! talks of death, brief mentions of canon-compliant violence. this is set in the tlou2 universe, but is canon-divergent (did i use that term right lmaooo ??), abby & reader get off to a rocky start, but they’re so fucking cute & i wanna write more of them ????
author’s note: sugar !! you don’t even know how excited i was to see you in my inbox bae ! ilysm thank you so much for requesting ! hope i did this justice <3 ALSO this is my first time writing in the tlou universe ?? usually i write modern!aus so i'm like pissing myself lowkey ansjkdnfjasf
main masterlist | tlou masterlist
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YOUR PRESENCE ON BASE SENDS a ripple of whispers from wall to wall. The circumstances pertaining to your arrival hadn’t been uncommon, but they were brutal, had people eyeing you with equal parts sympathy and disdain.
Truthfully, you don’t remember much of it, had blacked out after the first death, but the murmurs speculate that your entire family had been ambushed, turned and then picked off in a raid.
You don’t know how true that is.
Abby doesn’t really pay you much mind at first, isn’t all that thrilled when she finds out that you’re taking the spare side of the spacious room she occupies, but she keeps her mouth shut when she sees how fragile you are.
And it’s not like she sees you much, not even in the evenings when most people are turning in for the night. Your bed’s always made, your side of the room in pristine condition. The only indication that you lodge with Abby is the beat up backpack that hangs on the hook by your desk.
On occasion she’ll wake up in the wee hours of the night to find you tucked under the blankets, still as a statue, but come morning, you’re gone.
For a while, she appreciates the distance, but when she sees you only a handful of times in the nearly two months you’ve sought refuge at the stadium, she begins to grow curious.
First it starts as asking passive questions to those patrolling, then she starts briefly combing any areas she enters, but you’re like a fleeting wisp of smoke, gone with a gust of wind.
She happens upon you by chance one night, right as the sun is setting. She’s on her way to the weight room when she notices you. The library is relatively quiet around this time, everyone usually in the dining hall or working on their evening duties.
But there you are, going through a carton of what looks like newly arrived books from the most recent raid.
Abby acts against her own better judgment, door whooshing as she presses her weight against the pushbar.
You’re looking up from your sorting, eyebags still prominent, but the color has returned to your face and you look like you’ve been taking care of yourself.
“This where you disappear to everyday?” Abby asks, pulling an early 2000’s almanac from the shelf to distract herself from the sear of you gaze.
She glances back at you when you don’t respond, finds that you’ve returned to shuffling through the box instead of humoring her question.
She clears her throat, takes another step closer, and you’re looking up at her again.
“Any good titles?” she tries. “I’m kinda in a slump right now, think I—”
“You don’t have to pity me,” you say flatly, voice a lot different than Abby’d expected.
She’s floored, regardless. Doesn’t know what would compel you to say such a thing when she’s barely spoken a dozen words to you since your arrival.
“I’m not following,” Abby admits.
You’re small in comparison, but the look you level her with is mighty, makes her cheeks bloom red because a woman’s never looked at her in such a way. She feels like she’s in trouble, but maybe she likes it.
“I hear what you all say about me,” you say firmly. “That I’m probably batshit crazy, that the patrolling team should’ve just left me to die with the rest of my family, that I’m useless.”
Abby flinches, brows drawing together and lips parting incredulously.
You don’t expect her reaction.
“I’m lost?” she says in confusion, then adds, tone stony, “who’s been saying that shit?”
Frankly, you don’t really look convinced, but your shoulders are relaxing a fraction. Perhaps you won’t admit it, but Abby’s quiet outrage provides some semblance of comfort.
You shrug.
“Doesn’t matter,” you say quietly. “But you don’t have to go out of your way to be nice to me. I’m fine on my own.”
And Abby doesn’t know whose neck she has to wring, or how many for that matter, but despite initially being lukewarm towards you, she wants to squash every single person who’s made you feel like you can’t find a place among them.
“That’s bullshit,” she replies frankly, and you’re looking at her sharply. “People are bored, like to run their mouths. There’s a place here for everyone, you included.”
Such simple words shouldn’t make you feel warm, but you’re pausing, frozen like a hurt pup experiencing affection for the first time. You’re glancing up at her, lips pressed in a thin line.
Abby’s fidgeting because fuck, did she overstep a boundary with this interaction? Should she have left you alone instead? She wasn’t necessarily mad at the distance between you two, but the establishment of having a roommate makes her feel like she’s been living with a ghost recently.
“Thanks,” you murmur.
Abby’s shoulders deflate in relief, chest hitching as she takes in a shaky sigh.
“Have you...have you had dinner yet?”
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Abby learns that regardless of breaking the ice, you’re still reserved. It’s quiet breaths of laughter when she cracks a joke, learning how to settle for the silence when the two of you are spending prolonged periods of time together (which is a lot more frequent that Abby had expected), and being the buffer between you and most things you find uncertainty with.
Not only that, but you’re a nocturnal creature of habit that she usually finds cooped up in the library.
It’s half past one in the morning some weeks later when she wakes up and groggily squints over the railing that divides the room to find that your bed is empty.
She’s pulling on a hoodie, slipping on a pair of sneakers and brushing her hair from her face as she slinks out into the hallway. And, of course, you’re in the first place she thinks to look, curled up against the cushions of an oversized chair with your eyes drooping over a children’s picture book.
She enters almost silently, only catching your attention when she’s a few paces away.
“Hey, A–” A yawn pulls from your chest. “Hey, Abby.”
She smiles softly.
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
She leans against the armrest of the chair, peers down at you as you flip lazily through the pages before she’s pulling the book from your grasp.
You let out a sound of disapproval.
“M’not done,” you tell her.
“You look like you’re about to knock out,” Abby observes. “Why don’t we get you to bed.”
You yawn again, then sigh deeply.
“I won’t be able to fall asleep anyways,” you admit quietly.
Abby shifts and you look up at her. She notices the glimmer of vulnerability that glosses over your sleepy eyes.
“Is it because...” she trails off, swallows down the rest of her question because she doesn’t want to seem insensitive, but you seem to get the gist anyways.
“Among other things,” you admit.
“Oh,” Abby whispers. “I’m sorry.”
You shrug tiredly.
“Can’t be helped, really.”
And Abby’s learned to really like you these past few weeks, has felt for you and your journey here. It makes something tug hard at her heartstrings, especially when she sees little slivers of peace dawn you for a few moments at a time, only to be weighed down by the gravity of it all.
“Why don’t we go back and you can at least lay down?” she asks softly. “You need to rest.”
And you want to argue, tell her that it really is no use, especially when the darkness can be one of your sensitive triggers. But the look that Abby is giving you is pleading, like she can’t bear the thought of another one of your sleepless nights, so you nod carefully and let her guide you out of the seat.
“I know it’s touchy,” she says after a few silent moments down the hall. “But, you can...you can talk to me if you ever, y’know, need to get anything off your chest.”
You don’t mean to, you’re just caught up in the moment and Abby has a way of making you feel safe, but you’re grabbing gently at her fingertips as the two of you walk down the corridor.
“Thanks, Abby,” you swallow.
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If Abby looks hard enough out the window, she can see the beginnings of the sun as it starts its ascent. She’d spent the latter half of the late evening murmuring to you in the dark, hoping that maybe the sound of her voice would lull you to sleep.
And it does, miraculously, she thinks to herself, when she hears the light puff of your steady breathing. She stays still for moments that bleed into several minutes, monitoring the tandem of your breaths. She doesn’t even realize how much time has passed until the sky begins to ooze from midnight to burnt swathes of orange.
She hadn’t slept a wink, too busy wanting to make sure that you’re snoozing well enough in the short period of time since you’d laid your head down. So she decides to get dressed in the dark, is in the middle of sliding her belt through the loops when she hears it.
It’s most imperceptible, the murmur that slips from your lips, but Abby’s been hyperaware recently. She thinks that maybe she’d been a little too loud, jeans rustling a little too hard, belt buckle clanging too much. But even as she stills in the dark, she hears the whimper that echos against the exposed rafters.
“Please...” Abby freezes, lump lodged deep in her throat.
Your body jerks, mattress squeaking under the sudden movement as your sheets rustle once, then twice.
“No.” Your breath catches so hard in your chest, Abby’s worried you won’t take another.
She’s crossing the room quickly, pawing around your nearby desk for the small lamp. The dim bulb casts a yellow glow over the surroundings and Abby finds you damp with a sheen of sweat.
“No, no, don’t—”
When her hands find you, you’re shooting up, shoving her away with so much force, she’s knocked to her ass. Before she even blinks, you’re straddling her, dagger she hadn’t even known you had on you, drawn.
“Hey,” she whispers shakily. “It’s me.”
Your eyes are wild, cheeks streaked with tears as you take in your surroundings. You touch base with your senses to ground you; the sound of your ragged breathing, the smell of Abby’s pine-scented soap, the taste of blood on your tongue, the feel of Abby’s shirt bunched in your fist, and the sight of her rigid frame clearing from the fog.
“Fuck,” you choke. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
You’re dropping the dagger, fist loosening as you scramble to climb off of her. But her fingers are closing around your wrist to stop you, mooring you to place.
“It’s okay,” she says breathlessly. “It’s fine. You’re okay. We’re okay.”
Her hands slowly come up to brush over the sides of your arms comfortingly, and when you don’t flinch away, she’s reaching up to smooth the hair from your face.
The softness of her touch makes you melt, makes you wrap your arms around her shoulders and fall into her as her arms wind around your waist.
“I’m here,” she assures you quietly. “You’re safe.”
And when she feels your body shake against hers, her chest is squeezing, feels all those tamped down emotions from a loss that feels like such a distant memory resurface with every quiet sob that wracks your body.
She feels like she’d processed her grief well enough over the past few years after losing her dad, was buoyed in a consistent state of anger that manifested in a deep-seated need for vengeance as of late. But this makes her sad. Makes her want to take away everything that’s ever made you feel hurt in the world.
She’s squeezing you so tight, nose nestling into your hair as she rocks you gently.
Abby still doesn’t know how much time passes, but your heaving breaths turn into spaced hiccups as you sink further into her hold. She doesn’t realize that the exhaustion has crept over you until one of your hiccups fades to a sigh, until she’s pulling away to see that your cheek is pressed against her shoulder and your wet lashes brush the apples of your cheeks.
For once, it seems like one of those slivers of peace has found you in a moment of sleep and Abby wants to preserve it.
She’s shifting your weight, arms banding tight around your waist so that she can slowly stand. And when you stir, she cringes in defeat. But your breath puffs against the column of her throat, and while your proximity makes her cheeks burn, she can only focus on settling you back into bed.
“Abby,” you whisper groggily, as she sits on the edge of your bed to kick her shoes off. “Don’t leave, please.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” she assures you softly, leaning back against your pillows and taking you with her. “I’ll be right here.”
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True to her word, when you wake up, she is, one arm propped underneath her head, the other splayed between your shoulder blades.
The sun sits high in the sky, analog clock reading well into the morning and nearing the afternoon.
“Oh, fuck!” You’re leaning up abruptly, jostling Abby from her slumber and she’s gazing up at you with bleary eyes.
“Shit, are you okay?” Abby asks, voice thick with sleep.
“They’re probably looking for you,” you say frantically. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I—”
The hand on your back hasn’t left yet, rubbing slow circles there, the other mapping across your shoulders to pull you into her chest.
“S’okay,” she reassures you. “They won’t miss me for a day.”
“Shhh,” she mutters. “M’sleeping.”
And you want to cry. Equal parts because of embarrassment and equal parts because Abby’s showed you the most kindness you can remember anyone ever showing you and it makes your heart swell in your chest.
“Yes, ________?” she grumbles.
“Thank you.”
She squeezes you tighter.
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neng © 2023
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levmada · 6 months
PLEASE write about Levi’s mental state, i’m begging you
He’s faced death and precarious situations since he was born, yet he’s still standing strong and hopeful, WHAT THE HELL I LOVE MY SHORT KING
IT'S FINALLY HERE😭im sorry anon i hope you're around to see this and if u are i hope i dont disappoint
the tone in this analysis is so weird because i kept getting caught between 'this is an apa paper no contractions, academic language, double spacing -' and 'this is a tumblr post about a fictional blorbo wtf r u on'
i also use some scientific language i try my best to explain but if this turns anyone off i don't blame them because im unhealthily obsessed
*i'm a third-year undergraduate psychology student w/ a concentration in psychopathology
tw/cw: discussion of childhood exposure to sex (not assault)
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I’ve been putting this off for a while (I’m forgetful and this topic is intimidating what can I say), but being a year out from graduating with my bachelor’s to become a mental health professional, and being a Levi scholar(/hj), I wanted to give this a shot. 
I wanted to dissect and examine Levi Ackerman’s mental health “currently” (as in general canon), and explain as thoroughly but as simply as possible how and why he thinks and acts the way he does.
Seeing how AOT is pretty renowned for leaving out the ‘insignificant’ details, especially character details, a good majority of my assertions and even details of his life are built off of correlations and “signs and symptoms”; meaning some things could be an aspect of Levi’s personality, or a symptom of psychopathology. 
 I will examine his childhood (especially his childhood), adolescence, young adulthood, and “present” adulthood, with a short summary at the end of where he might be mentally after the war.
*Lastly, I don’t like it when things I say about a series or character are taken as fact or make it implied that someone else’s thoughts are “wrong”. This is partly built on headcanons anyway, which are influenced by my own experiences. Don’t take away from this that this is me telling you what to think.*
The most important period of development occurs in infancy and childhood, especially from the ages of 3-6. This is when a child learns where to find security, love, and basic skills, gaining stability as they develop.
Well, Kuchel died when Levi was 4.
Maternal Love / Learning Empathy / Anxious Attachment Style
Levi was born into deep poverty within a violent unwelcoming environment. Basic physical needs must have been very hard to meet (i.e., consistently fed enough, a clean environment, no physical threats). And where Levi was born is like the dictionary definition of a bad environment for a small child, excluding only his mother’s care and love.
As it’s generally understood in canon (and suggested from Levi’s special backstory manga so far) she was a caring parental figure early in Levi’s life that loved him unconditionally. We can conclude that Kuchel did everything within her power to compensate for both parenting Levi alone and shielding him the best she could from his horrible surroundings, teaching the kindness, goodness, and love that Levi would internalize and go on to strive for for his entire life. 
As far as we know, no other children lived in the brothel. Socialization is just as important for a young child as receiving love. With this isolation, it’s extremely difficult to learn how to connect to other people, or pick up on social cues. Levi would’ve never learned how to interact properly with his peers—aside from use of aggression and violence which Kenny would go on to instill in him.
With the danger/anxiety imposed by strangers, mostly if not entirely men, he would turn to his mother for comfort all. The. Time. 
And she would give him that support and affection of course. This early motherly affection is integral to child development: a child who receives empathy and affection is subliminally taught how to feel and express empathy towards others. 
While Levi’s surroundings were dangerous, lonely, and chaotic—traumatizing enough for a toddler or young child—Kuchel provided a safety net from that, so I think that Levi developed an anxious attachment as a child: exhibiting clinginess, excessive fear of abandonment, and an excessive need for security and/or reassurance.
Paternal Trauma / Potential Androphobia
Born and living in a brothel, we can assume that Levi was probably seen as a burden and a mistake by others, especially by men (both the likely majority of her customers and her boss).
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AOT ch69; Before the Fall, ch34
This is likely in contrast to the women (those living and working in the brothel like Kuchel). They should know Kuchel if not as friends, then acquaintances who could empathize for her and her son. 
There’s an obvious trend here. If Levi is going to feel fear/danger/anxiety because of men, he should have a general aversion to men and-or the behavior of men who he encountered as a child. This is impossible to know for sure or in meaningful detail, but it seemed to be resolved by the time he became an adult if so.
Although Kenny in his words was no more than Levi's teacher, Levi did see him as a father figure.
The subject of Kenny will be expanded on later, but it's clear Kenny in no way resembled a father, who also would go on to abandon Levi (at the age of 11 or so). Children without father figures tend to struggle more emotionally, psychologically, and socially. Specifically, (especially boys) tend to exhibit intimidating/aggressive personas to compensate for resentment, fear, and unhappiness. 
Sexual Trauma (Tangent, Probably)
This is unconfirmed but a likely trauma Levi went through: exposure to sex as a child. There’s no way to confirm what he experienced, so I’ll function on ‘probably’s’ and ‘most likely’s’. 
Because Levi and Kuchel only lived in one room, other rooms in the brothel should have belonged to other women, and he was at the oldest four, I wager that he was babysat by women who Kuchel knew and/or was made to hide somewhere while she worked, such as in a cabinet.
(for reference)
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AOT ch69
The odds are high that he was exposed to the aftermath of sexual violence (i.e., marks seen on his mother), and the sound or smells that have to do with it. That young, he wouldn’t know what it was, but he should have realized later as an adolescent.
In general, children regardless of gender exposed to sexual content usually experience early puberty (which is just as likely for impoverished children, or children who experience chronic high-stress in general); issues with intimacy; become desensitized to high-risk behavior; negative/inaccurate expectations about sex and relationships in the future; influence inappropriate behavior with other children or adults; sex addiction.
This is especially relevant to Levi’s fear of closeness/intimacy in the future. Exposure to sexual situations—possibly not including CSA in his case—very early in life inflicts on a child emotions and stress they don’t have the intellect or reasoning to process or understand. An extreme aversion to interpersonal relationships, especially physical ones, results.
This stress Levi must have felt, being powerless to this happening to his mother, is a different beast. Children aren’t capable of handling high levels of stress, and so the brain will automatically create coping mechanisms: dissociation (a severe form of “zoning out”; observing the self “from the third person”; numbness; the feeling of living in a dream), excessive daydreaming/overactive imagination, symptoms of PTSD (nightmares and terrors; flashbacks; spontaneous activation of fight-flight-freeze associated with anxiety; excessive worrying/fear; loneliness/self isolation). PTSD will also be prevalent in Levi’s later life, which I’ll delve into later.
Inappropriate behavior and sex addiction are also highlights for me because they shouldn’t exist in him based on Levi's personality and behavior throughout the series. In my opinion, Levi ought to associate sex with pain, shame, and violence; he does see it as an ordinary job—a means to an end. He should be desensitized to sex as a concept, but associates it personally with shame, sadness, and pain, possibly feeling disgust towards it. So it is highly likely that Levi in every stage of life following this experienced sexual repulsion (usually associated with high anxiety towards sex), a low libido, or a lack of sexual desire entirely. 
From a trauma perspective, he could avoid sexual topics of conversation, sexual settings (i.e., brothels), or an array of things which are sexually suggestive or he as a child possibly associated with sex (i.e., cleavage, panties, specific touch). Similarly, he might avoid direct reminders or have a post-traumatic reaction to them, such as anxiety or flashbacks (i.e., the sound of a bed creaking, the sight of wet clothes).
Importantly, it can be concluded that sexual violence was often exhibited, and the idea would be ingrained in him that sex, like everything else besides his relationship with his mother, is “give-and-take”, “victim-and-attacker”, and learn to be repulsed by intimacy. This impacts his willingness for later friendships and relationships as we’ll see later. 
Early Abandonment & Early Exposure to Death
As Kuchel’s health deteriorated, Levi’s sense of security would break down. Availability of shelter, food, and emotional support would be even less secure than before. He might have been providing for Kuchel for some time, even, as it can be gathered that he received little to no help from those around him while she was sick. To whatever length he had to take responsibility and both fear for Kuchel, this would cement a sense of responsibility and guilt in him from the age of just four years old.
He will fail to save her—regardless of the fact that that’s not his responsibility in the first place; a child wouldn’t understand that—and then lose her with nothing he could do to even cushion the blow.
How powerless he must’ve felt. How hopeless. How likely is it that Levi found comfort in joining her? A child his age wouldn’t be able to comprehend death, basing our understanding on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. To summarize, at the age of six or seven, children aren’t capable of complex, abstract thought like death or the finality of it. But Levi had to learn early. 
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AOT ch69
This will be center in his “clean-freak” tendencies later.
Most of this section is going to be rather vague again, but we already got the bulk of that over with in childhood!
Emotional Train Wreck / Lack of Identity 
It’s hard to notice if you’re not paying attention, but in every scene we’re shown with Levi after his mother dies but before Kenny leaves, he’s wearing some variation of his mother’s one dress styled into a shirt. He loves her endlessly, even or especially in death. And part of cherishing her memory, to him, should’ve been taking after her as much as he could.
That’s how to explain why he didn’t become a cruel person (Kenny for instance) as he grew into a teenager, even though much of Levi’s outlook and behaviors come from him (ch57).
The more pertinent question is how extreme violence, reinforcement of the idea that that violence is power, and Kenny’s total (or most likely total) lack of communicated emotional connection affected him.
Levi would still desperately want that connection deep down, especially with his mother gone. This is a major reason why Levi sought to get stronger to please Kenny. For chronically abandoned people, that continues into adulthood and even beyond. A hole inside which can't be filled.
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AOT ch69
Chronic loneliness—like I explained before—basically explains his aloof nature and awkward disposition. It’s not that Levi feels as detached as he looks, but he doesn’t know how to express himself or open up. He wouldn’t learn how to process his emotions, let alone talk about them. He’s basically emotionally stunted and immature in impersonal relationships (between friends and especially in regards to intimacy).
The Underground’s environment also makes him socially awkward, rude, of course stoic/not very expressive, and blunt. Levi was forced to become extremely observant of people to suss out their intentions, remaining vigilant of his surroundings at all times.
Levi doesn’t even get affection in any sense anymore. He doesn’t get a hug or a pat on the back, and he certainly doesn’t get a shoulder to cry on.
If anything, Kenny would punish him for showing weakness. Vulnerability is weakness; weakness is death.
What results is a continuous and boundless sense of emptiness inside that can’t be filled. He’s plagued by a chronic sense of unbelonging and loneliness. There’s no time or opportunity to develop “normally” as an adolescent. Socialization is limited at best; thinking of his place in the world is irrelevant when his one and only most pressing goal is survival; he doesn’t get to explore hobbies or interests.
OCD Propensity
One “interest” Levi is passionate about is cleaning, at least. Disease is what caused his mother to die. The easiest cause to point to would be their disgusting surroundings (although, Kuchel was infected by a customer). It is canon that Levi’s love of cleaning comes from "his personal experiences". In that interview, Levi first specifically references the important of fighting disease.
In other words, his "clean freak" nature comes, primarily, from the death of his mother: Filth -> disease -> death, and abandonment by extension.
His mother would’ve encouraged him to keep their room clean. There were times he or she had to have come down with something and dirtiness was the cause. On top of Kenny’s enforcement to keep up “clean” appearances to garner respect from everyone else in the Underground. 
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This in particular is extremely relevant to his mental health. When someone feels out of control of what is happening to them, especially in a recurring way, and especially as a child who doesn't yet know how to feel stable in an unstable environment, they look for something to control. It can be weight, bodily functions (blinking, breathing, etc), dominance over others, or cleaning, for instance.
Fear of disease, the urgent need to have control, and the basic need for stability makes it obvious that Levi would become obsessed with cleaning. And moreover, developing OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I’ll go deeper into this diagnosis later.
Lack of Self Worth
Despite the acknowledgment throughout canon that he trusts in his own strength, it wasn’t always that way.
Canonically, Levi sought praise from Kenny by showing his strength because that was the only thing he received praise for. The conclusion Levi came to once Kenny left him was that he wasn’t strong enough (wasn’t good enough) to warrant staying with him.
In conjunction, Levi’s first conclusion was that he did something wrong, not that Kenny possibly had some obligation that forced him to leave the Underground, pointing again to his own lack of self-worth.
This scenario created a complex in him, the very root cause of Levi’s pain, the very foundation of what Levi would go on to prioritize in adulthood. If he isn’t useful to those he wants not to abandon him, he’s worthless. He’s only useful when he shows his strength. Every other aspect of him like his interests is either irrelevant or bland by default in his eyes.
He would go on to make it his mission to try his best to be good enough in order to save and protect the lives of others, but foremost those he cares about.
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Young Adulthood
Our first exposure to Levi as an adult is in A Choice with No Regrets, his OVA/backstory.
(By the way, I’ll be basing this analysis off a mix of the manga and the OVA.)
Emotional Immaturity/Affective Dysregulation
Generally, Levi’s defining negative character trait as a young adult is his emotional immaturity/anti-social behavior. Yes he’s grumpy and rude which is always indicative of him, but he’s very quick to anger, too. He cursed at the Squad Leader who offended him (by assuming that because he, Isabel, and Farlan are from the Underground, they’d be dirty), and argued furiously with Farlan that he would kill Erwin—not because it was required for the job, but because he disrespected him—for a few examples. 
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He tended to be arrogant, too. Such as when he ultimately called a Scout who had experience with the Titans stupid for telling Levi to hold his swords in a certain way. He spoke to every officer the same as he would anyone on the street, having a remarkable lack of basic respect for authority. He was insistent on distancing himself from the entire setting and structure of the Scouts as much as possible, both to not get attached, and he found their mission childish/foolish. 
He’s rather selfish. There is nothing Levi cares about genuinely more than Isabel’s and Farlan’s lives and the job that will set them up with a good future. Farlan’s advice is the only one’s he takes and the only judgment outside himself that he considers, such as when Farlan asks him to not cause trouble with authority to keep a low profile, but even then he acts stubborn. Levi trusts nobody wholeheartedly except himself (until later in ACWNR).
There’s a cognitive dissonance in him. Growing up, and still as a young adult, Levi’s headspace is marked by fear and uncertainty, with his power as his source of confidence. The first time he kills a Titan (with Isabel and Farlan), he uses too much gas because he refuses to potentially risk his friends’ lives; when the expedition is upcoming, he abruptly tells Farlan and Isabel to find a reason to stay back, and that he’ll complete the dangerous part of the job on his own. 
Levi is full of repressed fear and uncertainty. He hides and/or buries all of it for the sake of self-preservation both emotionally and physically.
Antisocial Personality…?
It’s extremely interesting how a character as selfless, heroic, and empathetic as Levi exhibits antisocial symptoms. I’d even argue that if his childhood was spent entirely without his mother figure, then he might be a dictionary definition of ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder).
People with this disorder live day-to-day under the constant assumption that whoever is around them is “out to get them”/searching for a weakness to exploit. Humanity is made up of only prey and predators; morals are completely subjective, perpetuated by the society that surrounds them. This constant need to defend oneself, the effect of the exact trauma the potential sociopath experienced, combined with a muted emotional spectrum, results in a complete disregard of everything, including people outside of themself. They might believe they’re entitled to comfort or admiration, but overall, they’re intensely self-serving, often aggressive, and ruthless. 
Because Levi for instance learned to rely on violence both for “love” and survival, then he might fall on violence to manipulate a person or situation into serving himself. I see reason to believe that Levi could have grown into worse than Kenny’s image if it weren’t for his mother’s influence.
However, the greatest cause for deniability is Levi’s wide emotional spectrum (especially including empathy and shame), while a lack of shame is the most significant marker of ASPD . (It is arguably one of many testaments to his strength that a victim of so much suffering, violence, and cruelty could become a man as empathetic as him.) 
However, these tendencies may still be relevant: A sense of arrogance—both to the way Levi thinks of some who he perceives as weak and live without good morals—lacking issue with using deceit or violence to attain a goal, and living outside the rule of authority.
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I go into more detail about this idea here.
As is true in general, there’s very little to say of mental development once someone has reached their early–mid-twenties. What we know of Levi’s young adulthood does reinforce his fear of abandonment, but he finds a cause where his strength and compassion can be “put to good use” and give to him a life that is worth living.
Conclusion: the ‘Present’/Diagnoses Overview
C-PTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Levi’s emotional dysregulation (i.e., inability to sit with and process negative emotions), his difficulties in relationships, insomnia, negative worldview, absent sense of self, and finally, his persistent sense of unworthiness/worthlessness are all indicative of C-PTSD. It’s distinct from PTSD in that he didn’t endure one short-term traumatizing event, but he grew up surrounded by trauma and saw it as normal (e.g., gang violence, extreme poverty, death of a parent, (more presumably) physically and emotionally abusive parental figure). Levi as a child developed no understanding of a nurturing, secure environment. 
Negative/Absent Sense of Self
I’ve talked about this at length already, but it’s worth noting how Levi’s perception of himself must have changed when it was revealed that he is extremely strong physically not from his own efforts as much, but because he’s an Ackerman. 
His self-confidence and self-worth have always been built on the foundation of his strength. He’s useful if he’s strong, so he’s worthy if he’s strong. Along with the extreme high pressure his goal to kill Zeke put on him in season four, he might have gone to extreme measures to compensate for his strength he might have felt was “unearned” (such as excessive exercise for example). This is an aside, but it was a blow to him for sure.
Emotional Dysregulation
The causes of emotional dysregulation generally which he experienced are as follows: early childhood trauma, feelings ignored, judged, or invalidated at a young age, and physical and emotional child neglect. Beyond his first four years of life with his mother, Levi experienced all these things (early exposure to sex and likely exposure to domestic violence aside). 
It’s important to focus on emotional neglect specifically, when any and all perceived “weakness”, no matter how small, is unacceptable to Levi. He will never ask for help (being independent to a fault), he can’t define or process his emotions, and it doesn’t occur to him—and it could be a shock—when he learns that his friends care about him, not him insofar as how useful he is. 
As an adult, Levi appears to be emotionally mature, but I argue that this isn’t the case. It’s more accurate to say that he has better control over his emotions (in that he buries them or ignores them) with a mature outlook because of all his experiences with suffering.
Similarly, he’s not outwardly emotional not because he’s antisocial (as related to ASPD, not introversion), but because he’s so “emotionally constipated” that he’s numbed the vast majority of the time.
Relationship Issues + Fear of Abandonment
Because of his fear of abandonment and impaired emotional intelligence in close relational conflict, he’s extremely passive and/or passive aggressive. In order to avoid potential abandonment, he doesn’t go out of his way to win major arguments—such as threatening to break Erwin’s legs if he didn’t stay away from the expedition in season three, but ultimately giving in. He’s also more likely to sneak petty insults into arguments, give “silent treatment”, slam doors, etc. His kindness and exceptional empathy shouldn’t let him be physically or overly violent.
These are likely additions to why Levi doesn’t foster many close relationships.
Fittingly, as a child I thought that Levi might have had an anxious attachment style (clingy, excessive need for security), but as this possibility for security was removed entirely, and he was taught to not rely on others, he would develop more of an overt avoidant attachment in adulthood in combination (fearful-avoidant): making very few emotional demands—even though he has needs—withdrawing when there’s conflict, acting aloof yet fearing abandonment, having difficulty expressing emotions he feels intensely, and fear of depending on someone else.
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His cool-headedness even in the heat of battle/war (other factors like experience aside) is exactly what you would expect from someone diagnosed with C-PTSD; he’s accustomed to chronic high-stress. But small stressors (i.e., a change of plans) are overwhelming and make him quick to anger/excessive annoyance.
Emotional dysregulation is also closely associated with OCD.
OCD is much much more than being concerned with keeping clean or organized. OCD is an anxiety disorder composed of anxiety-related obsessions and compulsions, such as frequent and disturbing thoughts or images (intrusive thoughts). These attempt to be managed through rituals (i.e., handwashing, counting in patterns). Although symptoms will fluctuate with anxiety, OCD at its baseline is a distressing disorder.
Since he was young, Levi should have had an incessant need to be in control at all times. A shining example of this is his mother’s death, an incident he couldn’t control but included dirtiness/disease as a cause he could pinpoint, so this anxiety with dirtiness becomes a major obsession, and the compulsion is cleaning. (Putting aside the fact that Levi enjoys cleaning by itself too.)
It’s a widely-held belief that if Levi has OCD, it’s contamination OCD, as it specifically has to do with an obsession with dirtiness and a compulsion in cleaning (i.e., damaging handwashing, ritualized bathing that may take hours). However, based on the multitude of times Levi was covered in blood and remained unbothered by it (Titan and human), and in fact the obsession’s lack of relevance entirely during urgent missions/situations, contamination OCD is simply not plausible. Instead, it’s general OCD.
There’s no way to know for sure, but I don’t see his OCD as mild or severe. Levi is an extremely orderly and balanced person, so it can be concluded he must have things done a certain way, routinely, organizational, or planned; when the dirtiness is “negative” (i.e., Titan blood, blood on a knife he used to kill Isabel’s attackers), he is never more rigid with cleanliness; it’s probable he suffers intrusive thoughts (likely of the violent nature), a fear of contamination, and/or counting ritualistically, but the most obvious compulsion is cleaning. He might have sensory issues, such as disgust if he happens to brush shoulders with a stranger; aversion to particularly bright lights, irrational rage towards “mouth sounds” (i.e., chewing, coughing, swallowing), etc.
EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified)
Levi should have a complicated relationship with food to say the least. 
In the realm of eating disorders, EDNOS is sort of a catch-all term when an individual doesn’t qualify for the diagnostic criteria of anorexia or bulimia, and it encompasses lesser-known eating disorders like Pica. It’s the most common diagnosis for clinical eating disorders.
I already covered how integral the early years of life are, and beginning at a young age, if children aren’t given a basic need like food, and they must seek out food on their own, it becomes an anxiety deeply rooted in the brain regardless of how well-fed they are when they’re older. There will always be an urge to have food available. Levi’s years in the Underground were spent either actively starving, or going about every single day having acquiring food as top priority. He was a young adult when he left, so it’s impossible to unlearn this (without extensive therapy, which Levi doesn’t seek). It’s similar to compulsions found in OCD: even though he logically knows that there will be a dinner after lunch, it’s impossible to put aside this worry. 
That may mean always having food stashed, eating too much—especially in his early years Aboveground when he’d eat as much food in a day than he’d eat in a week Underground— stealing food, or eating way too quickly (as someone who lived in a place where food was considered something of a luxury resource and threatened being stolen at any time).
The latter factor contributes to Levi’s suggested preference to only eat alone—joining the fact that Levi only eats with Erwin after expeditions. Eating in front of others should be considered a weakness to him.
As time passes with this easy access to food, combined with his extremely narrow sense of what makes him “good enough”, his relationship with eating may become toxic. Especially when the stakes of his worthiness are so high—literally life and death. He may think that he’s privileged to eat at all, and when he feels worthless, he restricts himself from that “privilege”. 
He may be so accustomed to the feeling of hunger, that it doesn’t immediately register with his mind when he is hungry.
Lastly, he may have a generally low appetite. This is often associated with depression, but depression is comorbid with C-PTSD.
Some tangents/miscellaneous speculation about Levi’s psychology:
Sexuality is formed and shifts due to a wide variety of factors, which most if not all are terribly understudied: genetics, hormones, and your environment/experiences. So again, my speculation.
With his fear of close relationships and negative experiences with sex, I think he should land somewhere on the queer spectrum, specifically under the asexual or aromantic umbrella (i.e., pansexuality/being panromantic (attraction to personality) and demisexuality/being demiromantic (attraction only to those he has an emotional connection to)).
The odds of Levi having MDD (major depressive disorder/clinical depression) are iffy. Most if not all of the symptoms are comorbid with childhood trauma and C-PTSD: Such as persistent apathy, guilt, and/or discontent; sleeping too much or too little; lack of energy; reduced or heightened appetite; irritability. 
Oftentimes, depression, C-/PTSD, and related mental illnesses cause unexplained physical pain, such as back pain and occasional tension headaches. “Stress hormones” like adrenaline are built-up in the body, and usually persist without physical therapy and-or medication (Disclaimer this mention is based on nothing more than Levi always standing with at least one hand on his hip).
Body Language
Similar can be said of his body language from a cognitive perspective. The vast majority of the time, Levi has himself closed-off in some way, usually by crossing his arms to protect his chest; a subconscious barrier between oneself and another person.
Also see this official art of Levi asleep.
We’ve known it’s not just Levi’s physical strength and skill that makes him the strongest, right? It should take immense mental strength to make it day-by-day dealing with the trauma and issues that he does, but not only has he survived and continues to, but he lives heroically, selflessly, with the wellbeing of everyone around him as a top priority. He buries all of his pain by moving forward always and without exception regardless of how painful the present is. Living with “no regrets” should in mental respects be a guise for pushing his trauma down, too; there’s just no words that can properly do Levi’s resilience justice.
Part of me wants to go into detail about his later adulthood, but given how very little we know (right now), I think it’d be too speculative.
However, based on what we have seen at the ending of AOT, it’s comforting to know and plain to see that Levi wasn’t defeated when he “lost” the reason to be so strong, and even his strength itself; he didn’t lose his love for his friends nor of life. 
In middle age, based on Erikson’s psychosocial stages, the conflict that should enter Levi’s life is the idea of generativity versus stagnation. He seems satisfied with his life despite the negative effects of all he went through—grief, physical disability, inevitable mental scarring—and he’s still concerned with helping others, especially the younger generation in a world after the overwhelming devastation that was the Rumbling.
My speculated psychopathologies/diagnoses of Levi:
C-PTSD (insomnia prevalent)
OCD (contamination obsessions)
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year
(Joel Miller x Reader)
Summary: things go wrong when you try to cross a small city. joel almost gets himself killed and you finally confront him about why he never seems to trust you with anything
Tags: angst and fluff, probably a little ooc, a bit of humor, love confession
Warnings: mentions of violence and wounds (but nothing very graphic), age gap, swearing
Word count: 3.8K
A/N: this is my first fic ever published so i'm kinda nervous but i couldn't stop thinking about this guy. english is not my first language so excuse any mistakes. hope you enjoy <3
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Joel was acting like nothing was wrong.
Which wasn't exactly anything new, really. Ever since you knew the man, he always had this rough exterior, that ‘do not fuck with me’ aura around him, and was never, ever, one for showing emotions.
Back in the QZ, when he and Tess sometimes let you hang along with them to get a job done or sneak into the restricted territory, you saw how he burst, pent-up and concealed emotions spilling out of him at long last when something went horribly wrong. He had never aimed his yells at you, though, even when it was clearly your fault that someone noticed you or you fucked up your part of the job.
Just like today. You weren't exactly to blame this time – something heavy fell over around the corner of the building you were sneaking by, and the thug looking for you three spotted you as you were ducking behind a car. Shit like that often happened when you had to work in the ruins of the old world.
Then you got separated from Ellie and Joel when the gang shot at you. All of you saw before that the street was blocked and you were practically surrounded. You barked at the pair to get out of here and that you’ll join them later, and ran in the direction of the ravaged stores, hoping to find a way around the blockade.
You remembered bullets firing at you and missing your head by centimeters. You remembered shooting and killing some of the guys chasing you, then screaming when you bumped into one of them and they grabbed you. The kicks to your stomach, the struggle, some nasty comments made by the thugs before you managed to stab one of them through the cheek. You remembered faces contorted in fury and a man lifting a gun to your head.
In that brief moment, you were glad it was you who was about to die. Better you than–
The man who was about to shoot you dropped his pistol after a loud bang pierced the air and he fell to the ground, dead. Others were soon to follow, too slow in drawing their own guns. It was Joel, of course, all bloodied and livid, blasting a head after head of the guys who were trying to hurt you. You were pinned face down to the floor and couldn’t do anything but watch as he fought them with only his knife and bare hands, as the corridor he was in was too narrow to make use of the gun without it catching on a wall or his clothes. You struggled and tried to break free, unable to bear the sight of the men’s blood mixing with his own from the growing number of cuts on his skin.
The thug holding you down apparently decided to finish you off, but didn’t have a chance before Joel tackled him to the ground, receiving another long gash below his ribs. For one terrifying moment you were sure he was stabbed in the chest and your whole world stopped. But the grunts and curses coming from the spot where Joel was knocked down on the ground quickly told you that he was fine.
You saved Joel just in time, driving a sharp shard of metal into his attacker's neck. After that the older man quickly looked you over, asking if you were hurt, and when you told him no, he grabbed your arm and led you to where Ellie was waiting.
All of you managed to get out and it didn’t seem like the gang was following you anymore. Excluding a couple of cuts and scrapes you all were fine and alive, which had to be a goddamn miracle.
That didn’t mean you weren’t absolutely furious.
Joel knew it and you suspected that’s why he was so insistent about walking in total silence, sending you and Ellie angry glares every time either of you opened your mouth. You were shooting daggers at his back as he walked in the front and even Ellie had to sense the tense atmosphere, for she was unusually quiet.
You knew Joel Miller was a protector at heart. That, among other things, was what made you care for him more than anyone else in your life, more than you’d care for a companion or even a friend. His caring, gentle nature hidden from the world under the rough exterior was what ultimately made you fall for him.
But no matter how attractive and admirable you found him, it drove you up the fucking wall that he never listened to you, never let you do anything even slightly risky or dangerous, like he always expected you to mess up. He didn’t even want you to sneak outside the QZ with him and Tess, and it was the other woman who finally convinced him.
You hated the thought that he might see you as a daughter, or worse - a burden. But the age gap between you two seemed bigger and bigger every time he did something like that, going after you because he didn’t trust you to get the job done.
And you hated it.
Only when the place you’ll spend the night in was picked and Joel took off his backpack with a wince of pain, you marched over to him and shoved his chest in frustration. Even though he was tired and hurt, he still towered over you and was much heavier, which made taking your anger out on him extremely difficult.
“The hell you're doing?” he asked incredulously, looking almost surprised at the fury painting your face.
“Don’t you ever think about doing something like that again, Joel!” you yelled at him, knowing you’re too far for any unwanted ears to hear you screaming. “I fucking told you to take Ellie and run! Why the hell did you come back?!”
“You’d prefer me to leave you behind and let those bastards do whatever sick things they wanted to do? A ‘thank you’ would be nice.”
Okay, now you were seething. You clenched your jaw and pushed him again, feeling honestly so fed up with his bullshit.
“Why don’t you ever listen to me?! You almost fucking died, not to mention you put Ellie in danger, too!”
“Hey, I was safe!” Ellie chimed in, straightening from the place she was sitting in on her sleeping bag. “And there wasn’t actually–”
“Ellie,” Joel cut her short harshly, making it clear it’s not the time for her usual sarcasm. She rolled her eyes and muttered something about grumpy old men, turning their back to them.
You huffed and turned around, going deeper into the woods. Joel said your name but when you didn’t react he went after you with long strides, grabbing your arm and halting you.
“Will you tell me what’s going on?”
“You know damn well what’s going on!” You yanked your arm out of his grasp. “I told you to go and you didn’t listen, like always, and probably had to hack your way through the whole group of these idiots just to almost get yourself killed because of me!”
“Did you really expect me to leave you behind?” he asked with his voice raised.
“Yes! At that moment it wasn’t about me, I was thinking about Ellie and you! She’s way more important than I am! You’re more important!”
“Don’t you dare say somethin–”
“Do you think I’d be able to take Ellie across the country without getting any of us killed?!” You threw your hand to the side, huffing with anger. “I don’t have your skills and experience. You’re the only one able to handle it on your own, so if any of us is to die, it will be me, no questions asked.”
“Like hell it’ll be you!” He was seething now, too, and he came up to you in two long, angry strides, stopping just before he could stomp on your shoes. Suddenly you two were so close that you could feel his breath on your face. “I am not fucking letting you get yourself killed! Not now and not ever.”
“Can’t you just think logically for a second?!” you shouted in his face, tears of rage and helplessness gathering in your eyes. “I’m a goddamn burden to you both! Yes, it was me who alerted them of our presence and I understand that’s probably why you never trusted me…” Actually saying those words out loud was more painful than you anticipated and you had to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. “It’s just, I can’t fight like you can, I’m not as valuable as Ellie, I…”
You had to press your lips together not to sob accidentally. Although you knew you had to make your point across, you still didn’t want Joel to see how weak you actually are.
“But I’m not fucking useless, understand?” you said sternly, looking him dead in the eyes. “I am gonna help you both go as far as possible, but if we’re ever in that kind of situation again, you’re leaving me behind and I’m buying you and Ellie as much time as I can.”
His expression hardened and he started to shake his head, but you beat him to it.
“I know you never wanted me to go on any missions with you, but just once let me be useful, alright? Even if all I can do is buy you a couple of precious minutes.”
“By letting yourself die.”
He said it with such finality and disbelief, all your anger got swept off and replaced by weariness. You sighed heavily and leaned against a tree.
“Yes, Joel. I know you’d rather not lose anyone else, but if I have a chance to help those I care about…” You realized you said too much and shook your head. “I don’t understand why it is such a big deal for you.”
He opened his mouth, then closed it again. His warm brown eyes were on you and for the first time ever you wished he'd look away. You turned your head and sighed again.
God, you were so very tired.
“I’m going to look for some firewood. You go check if the place is safe, alright?”
“No, listen–”
“Just this once, Joel,” you cut him off, not turning around. The tears that have gathered in your eyes before were threatening to spill down your cheeks and you weren’t going to show him how much this situation has pained you. “Just this once, drop it. Please.”
This time he didn’t stop you when you wandered further away from the camp and you truthfully didn’t know if it was better or worse.
The rest of the evening went by mostly in silence. Ellie tried to lighten up the mood by reading some bad jokes from her book and though Joel was his usual grumpy self, it actually helped you a little. The girl seemed pretty proud of herself about making you crack a smile, but her efforts to bring Joel into the conversation came to naught. The smile disappeared from your face every time your eyes met and he looked away.
He almost didn’t say a word throughout your meal and preparing for bed, only muttering something under his breath when Ellie told you both goodnight. You were so tired that you managed to fall asleep almost immediately despite the worry and sadness gnawing at you when your thoughts drifted to the man laying on the opposite side of the fire.
When you opened your eyes again, the dawn was only just breaking. The air was cold and crisp, and you groaned, shivering and pulling your coat tighter around yourself, only to realize something else was draped over your form.
You rubbed your eyes and noticed the familiar green jacket covering your torso. Its owner was a couple of feet away, sitting with his back to you on a big log. The rifle lay next to him, propped up against the fallen tree. Your shoulders slumped at the sight of him and you remembered your argument from last night. You almost laid back down, but ignoring his act of kindness felt wrong, so with a quiet sigh you stood up, making your way to where he was sitting.
Joel glanced to the side when you approached and his gaze was instantly drawn to his jacket you wrapped around yourself.
“You were shivering,” he muttered, apparently knowing what you were about to ask. He said it as if giving you his jacket was the most sensible thing to do in a situation like that.
Was that an attempt to say he’s sorry for how he reacted earlier? You decided not to question his intentions too much and instead sat down next to him, nailing your eyes on the patch of recently disturbed ground.
“Thanks,” you replied under your breath, still not looking at the man. “But you didn’t have to. You’re probably cold now.”
Liar. Stubborn as always.
None of you said anything else for a long time. You contemplated whether you should just go back to your sleeping bag and leave his jacket on the log, or stay and try to defuse the tension between you two. Somehow neither of these options appealed to you but it was so difficult to just sit here in silence and–
“I’ve been thinkin' about what you said,” Joel spoke up suddenly and very quietly, which interrupted your dwelling. “And I couldn’t stop remembering how damn sure you sounded when you said I don’t trust you.”
A wave of uneasiness washed over you and you wrapped his jacket tighter around yourself. “It’s okay that you don’t,” you said slowly, not really sure what he was getting at. “I mean, I’m not sure if even I would trust my–”
“That’s the thing,” he interrupted you with an irritated sigh and turned his head to look at you with his brows furrowed. “I do trust you. I just have no clue how…” Another sigh. “How I could’ve fucked up so badly that you’d think that.”
You blinked several times, not sure if you weren’t still dreaming after all. It kind of felt like a dream when he was sitting so close to you, his jacket around your shoulders and a rising sun painting his hair in a golden light.
“But you never let me do anything important or dangerous on my own,” you contradicted quietly, which caused Joel to drop his head loosely and close his eyes. “You’re always against taking me with you anywhere, and–”
“That’s because you’re important to me!” he cut you off, evidently louder than he intended, because he immediately glanced at you and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Sorry,” he muttered. “It’s just hard for me to understand how… how did…”
Joel seemed at a loss for words and you longed to touch him, to take the burden of carrying the conversation from his shoulders and ease the weariness on his face, but you weren't really sure what he intended to say. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but it almost sounded like…
“I can’t bear the thought of losing you,” he said softly at last and you could pinpoint the exact moment you stopped breathing. Joel’s eyes were closed and he was propping his forehead on his hand, and he looked so… sad. “That’s why I never wanted you to take any risk, because if something happened to you and I weren’t there to protect you…”
He swallowed heavily, inhaled, then straightened up and looked over at you. The look he gave you was so tender and open, it was almost difficult to focus on his words.
“I care about you, too,” he whispered, and you remembered what slipped out of your mouth when you were arguing earlier. “A lot. Much more than I should, but I can’t… I can’t help it.” He turned to look forward, his eyes narrowing from the sunlight creeping from between the trees, and he looked so beautiful in that moment, you wished you had a camera on hand.
“Joel,” you breathed, but he shook his head.
“I didn’t want to make shit weird between… us.” He waved his hand in a vague gesture. “So don’t feel pressured into sayin’ anything. Just don’t expect me to idly stand by while you’re risking your life because–”
“Joel,” you repeated, louder this time, which finally made him shut up.
You didn’t really know what you were going to say. You just wanted him to stop talking because he was only torturing himself with this ramble and you couldn’t bear it.
Very slowly, and very gently, you took Joel’s hand in your own and moved it over to your lap. Ignoring his eyes on you, you traced the length of his calloused fingers and brushed the center of the palm where a cut from a couple of days ago was still healing. Your heart was beating so damn loud in your ears, you wouldn’t hear if a parade of clickers just walked past you both, but with all your might you tried to keep your breathing steady and your face from going beet red.
He said you were important to him. That he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. He didn’t see you as a burden as you feared, so maybe… maybe he didn’t view you as a kid, as well.
Throwing all caution to the wind, you laced your fingers together and brought them to your lips, leaving a small kiss on his bloodied knuckles. Joel tensed in a split second and you weren't sure if he was still breathing, but you didn’t look at him in fear that his expression may take away the remnants of your temporary courage.
“If I misread you, this is gonna be painfully awkward,” you mumbled in a feeble attempt to defuse the tension in the air, so thick it was almost choking you. “But I’m still grateful you told me all thi–”
His other hand – the same hand he was ready to kill and protect with, with which he was ready to tear his way through the mass of enemies just to save you – lifted itself to your face and cupped your cheek. Joel was looking at you with wonder, the fingers you cradled in your own twitching slightly as if he was holding back from tightening his hold. His eyes seemed like they were made out of liquid gold in the light of the morning sun and he looked at you with such adoration that you once again humored the thought that it was just all some cruel, vivid dream.
But no, it couldn’t have been. Not when Joel’s skin was so cold against your burning face and not when his eyes flickered to your lips…
It was you who leaned in first, but once your lips touched, Joel took the reins, untangling his fingers from yours to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer.
You expected him to be rough and confident, just like he was during a fight, to take what he wanted and devour you – at least that’s how you always imagined kissing him would be like. What you didn’t expect, however, was a trembling sigh that escaped him when you two parted for a moment to take a breath and a gentle touch of his fingertips along your jaw. His hold on your body was by turns firmer and more loose, like he was afraid he’d scare you off if he let himself use too much strength.
You, on the other hand, had no reservations in taking his face in your hands firmly and parting your lips, encouraging him to go on. It seemed to work at first, because Joel pulled you in even closer, letting you crawl onto his lap, but then he stopped abruptly and moved you gently away, still keeping his hands on both sides of your face.
“Darlin’, I need to know if you’re sure about this, because I won’t be able to…”
You pressed your lips to his again, this time much slower and more delicate, in an attempt to silence him. Joel finally relaxed when you cupped his face and planted a kiss on his brow, always so furrowed in concern and worry.
“Joel, I wanted you to kiss me for the whole time I knew you. I really, really care about your bullheaded skull.” You looked down at him with a playful smile, to which he chuckled. “Though you’re shit at sending signals. I was sure you hated me.”
“Well, you are hard to deal with sometimes,” he mused in a teasing tone and you jabbed him in the stomach before he managed to grab your wrist. “But I… I'm sorry that I made you feel this way. Like you didn’t matter to me.”
You furrowed your brows at the uncharacteristic vulnerability and sadness in his voice and your worry must’ve etched itself in your eyes because when Joel looked at you, he turned away and closed his eyes immediately.
“Listen, you know now you matter to me more than anyone else in this cursed world. I don’t want to ever be as worried sick about you like I was yesterday,” he whispered. You brushed some hair off his face and the creases on his forehead softened a little. “And I don’t ever want you to think you’re not important. You’re… fuck, you’re the goddamn reason I’m doing all this. You're my reason, you hear me?”
You just nodded with a wide smile that threatened to split your face in half.
“I understand,” you answered, just as quietly. “You’re also the reason I’m doing all of this for.”
This time it was unclear who initiated the kiss. Nevertheless, you ended up held tightly in his arms, marveling at his touch on your skin and the feeling of his chapped lips on yours, and there wasn’t any other place you wished to be in.
It lasted just a couple of seconds though, because you were interrupted by the sound of fake barfing and gurgles of disgust coming from the direction of your camp.
“Gross!” yelled Ellie loudly, but she had a shit-eating grin on her face when she squinted at Joel holding you in his lap. “Don’t suck faces when there are children present!”
“Shut up!” Joel yelled back, but without any bite in his tone. A soft smile played on his lips when he looked back at you. “She’ll be insufferable now,” he murmured and you snorted at how done he sounded. He mirrored your expression and held your hand to his face to kiss your fingers tenderly, which made Ellie gag even louder.
“If you start making out in front of me, I won’t hesitate to throw a fucking sandwich at you!”
“She won’t,” muttered Joel, not even turning to the teen before he leaned in and kissed you slowly again.
You smiled into the kiss, barely noticing stale pieces of bread flying over Joel’s shoulder.
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ellies-little-thing · 5 months
You are going to be mine (e.w.)
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*not my images, but i edited them
My masterlist <3
pairing: bodygaurd!ellie / fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW smut; reader is referred to as she/her; reader has a vagina; violence; SA; drinking; sex toys; strap!usage reader!receaving; dom!ellie; sub!reader ; cunilingus; mature content; very explicit; Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: Hi! Sorry for this being such a long fic, but personaly i love to read longer ones myself. I hope you like it, I really liked writing it! I need ellie to do these things to me urgently. Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you! Enjoy!
word count: 31k
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Your parents had hired a bodyguard to be with you 24/7. You were a rebel and would get in trouble all of the time. You liked going out and doing things you weren't supposed to. You liked flirting with boys you didn't know and you liked to drink a bit too much. Your father was the new town's mayor and didn't want his daughter to stain his reputation and his impression on other people. You despised him.
You were all set to go out, dressed in your short, skin tight, black dress and heels, with your makeup on. A winged eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man. Red lipstick and highlighter that made you shine like a star. Just as you were about to walk out the door, the bodyguard that your father hired, stepped in front of you, blocking your path. In her suit as usual, black with a matching tie and her brown leather belt, she crossed her arms underneath her chest and began to examine your outfit. Her eyes scanned up and down your body, stopping at your legs, a subtle frown appearing on her face. She didn't like you, how you always tried to disobey her and be reckless. She was visibly upset by your clothing choice. "Don't make me find you something to wear myself." Her tone was authoritative.
“What? I like it!” You said not thinking of anything wrong with your outfit. The bodyguard looked at you, the frown on her face deepening a bit. Ellie didn't say anything for a few seconds, but her gaze was firm and uncompromising as she looked at you and tried to make her decision. Finally, she spoke again. "It's a little too short and revealing for my liking."
“Too bad it's not your choice.” You said trying to sound defiant. Ellie was always getting on your nerves, never letting you do what you wanted. She was hot, no denying that, but it doesn't make up for all the things she keeps you from doing. There was always tension in the air between you two. You hated each other so much, she made you so mad.
Ellie shook her head and took a step closer to you, standing very near to your body, close enough for you to feel her breath as she spoke again. "Actually, it's my duty to make sure that you're safe. And if your attire puts you at risk, then it's definitely my choice." Ellie hated your behavior and how you would never do as she said. You were just a spoiled little brat and she couldn't stand you.
“It's just a dress.” You rolled your eyes at her, she could be so annoying sometimes. You felt her eyes on you. She let out a small grunt. "Just a dress." She repeated, this time her tone heavy with sarcasm. She shook her head again. "It's not just a dress. The length of it is going to leave your legs exposed. And the cut is just..." She trailed off, looking at you and rolling her eyes. “I'm not changing, I have to go, I'm already late!” You said, trying to stand your ground. Ellies face was firm and unyielding. "No, you're not." She said sternly. "If you really want to go, then I'll find you something to wear. But you won't go wearing that."
“I hate you…” You said clearly frustrated. Ellie's face became a little less firm. That was unexpected. She hadn't expected for the brat to actually be capable of hatred. "Oh, you do?" She asked coldly, her tone dripping with irony. She hated the way you acted, like a spoiled brat who thinks she can do whatever she wants.
“I really do.” You say looking her dead in the eyes. ‘Interesting,’ the guard thought. But, she had a job to do. No matter what you, the brat, thought of her, you were still the bodyguard's responsibility. It was clear to the bodyguard that the brat had a very rebellious streak and thought she knew everything. A small smirk appeared on Ellie's face. "Good." She said, her tone still very cold. "I wouldn't want someone like you to like me." You look at her annoyed and then go to your room and put on another dress. Behind you, you hear Ellie sighing. But you don't care. You close your door, slamming it shut behind you. That body guard is so annoying. Always telling you what to do. She's always got something negative to say. Why can't she leave you alone?
You look through your drawers for a different dress, frustrated. You chose a black dress but with a princess cut, short, but not too short. Still black but the skirt was flowy. You find the dress and put it on, admiring your reflection in the mirror. And for once, you think Ellie might approve of this one. The dress is black, giving off a more mature vibe, while the princess cut and length make it more cutesy and feminine. Maybe this will be more to your bodyguards liking, you thought with a small smile on your face. You came out of your room. “Is this good enough for you?”
Ellie is standing by the door, waiting for you to come back out. She is imagining you changing, she can't help it sometimes, especially after seeing the dress you had on before. When you emerge from your room, she looks you up and down, her eyes scanning your body. For a second, she seems impressed. "That's more like it," she finally says, "It's not perfect, but it'll do." You roll your eyes at her. Ellie sees your eyes roll, and rolls her own as she shakes her head. She is used to dealing with your bratty ass, but you are still just as stubborn and annoying as ever. "Let's just get out of here."
“Finally.” You get into the car with her, and she quickly drives you to the party. The drive is quiet, and the guard seems to be lost in her own thoughts. She's thinking about how you looked in the previous dress and how good your body looked. She can't deny that she's attracted to you. She is also driving incredibly fast, and your body is thrown from side to side in your seat. It's a miracle that she hasn't gotten into an accident.
“Hey! Drive slower!” You shout at her, feeling uncomfortable. She glances at you through the rearview mirror, her eyes sharp and piercing. "You want me to drive slower and get you there later?" She counters, "Or do you want me to get you there on time and keep you safe from the drunk drivers on the road?" Her tone is hard and uncaring, clearly trying to get a rise out of you. “I don't want to get into an accident before I get there!” You shout. Ellie just scoffs and keeps driving, speeding up even more. You can feel yourself being pushed further back into your seat as you try to brace yourself against the motions of the car but it's no use. With her foot pressed firmly on the accelerator, the car is gaining speed dangerously fast.
“Ellie!” You call her out. You were a bit scared of her driving. She hears you but doesn't seem to care. She keeps speeding, seeming to enjoy the high speed that the car is reaching. The car is moving dangerously fast now, and you start to worry that you're going to crash into something. Ellie suddenly takes her foot off the pedal and slams on the brakes, the car stopping with a jolt. She looks at you, her expression completely flat and emotionless. “I hope that was slow enough for you.” She says, her tone very sarcastic, as you arrive. 
“I hate you.” You say looking at her with an angry expression. Ellie seems unaffected by your statement. She just stares at you, her look cold and unreadable. “Let's just go in, I'm not waiting in the car.” She finally says, getting out of the car. You also get out as she opens your door, after she reaches out and grabs your wrist, gripping it really tightly. “Follow me, don't mess up.” She says, starting to lead you to the party. “You are not coming in! It's my friend's house. You're waiting here.” You say frustrated with her.
She just shakes her head. “I'm your bodyguard, I'm going in.” She replies firmly. Then she grabs your wrist even tighter, pulling you along with her. “But if you have such a problem with me, I'm sure I can find somebody else to protect you. Do you really think I want to babysit you anyways?” You roll your eyes at her and knock at the door. You approach the door, waiting for somebody to answer. A few seconds later, the door is opened, and one of your friends peek out, their eyes widening with shock. “Hey! You actually came! And you brought your bodyguard with you…” They say, taking in the bizarre scenario in front of them.
“Yeah, sorry. You know how my parents are…” You talk to your friend as if Ellie is not there. As you talk to your friend, you can feel Ellie's hard stare on you, and notice that she has moved to stand right behind you, almost completely blocking you from the rest of the party. You get the feeling that she is eavesdropping on what you're saying, listening to every word you and your friend say. Ellie stares at you and scowls, as though she's just waiting for you to say something wrong.
You and your friend go to the kitchen to grab a drink. Ellie doesn't like it when you drink. The guard follows quietly behind you, her footsteps barely audible as she follows you and your friend into the kitchen. She keeps her distance behind you, but she sticks pretty close. She's only a few feet behind you as you grab your drink, and she keeps watch, making sure you don't do anything that she wouldn't approve of. Your friend talks to you as you get a drink, and Ellie is just hovering back there. Listening to your every word. “Is that guy here today? You know, the one from the other party?” You say as you sip on your drink.
Your friend laughs softly. "Yeah, he's here. Why? You got a crush on him or something?"
She asks you, taking a sip from her drink as she does. Ellie seems to listen intently, but doesn't seem willing to butt in for now. “Maybe…” You blush a bit. Your friend just laughs again. "Oh, you and I both know you're too shy and reserved to actually talk to him. You don't make the first move. You never do when you really like someone." You notice your bodyguard still listening, her eyes glued on you.
“Can you make him come talk to me? But don't tell him it was me that sent you.” You ask your friend, blushing a bit more. Your friend just laughs again, taking a sip of her drink. "Oh, so now you need me to be your wingman?" She asks you, her tone teasing and playful. You just smile faintly, not answering her question. Then, almost on cue, you notice that the guy your friend was talking about has come into the kitchen and is talking with a few other people. He was tall, blond with blue eyes and incredibly handsome.
“Come on, please…” You whisper to your friend. Your friend is still teasing you. "Oh, so you are into him. I knew it!" She is clearly loving this. Then, she smiles and nods towards the group of people in the kitchen. "Sure. I'll go pull him away and start up a conversation for you, ok? Just stand here and try not to look too awkward, or else he'll probably figure out you sent me."
“Thank you.” You try to look chill. Your friend nods and smiles. Then, she heads over to the group of people in the kitchen to go speak with him. You wait nervously, trying to look relaxed and calm while you wait for the guy to come over to you. Ellie is just loitering near you, her eyes locked on your every movement. You look at Ellie for a second then look away again. Ellie has been watching your every movement this entire time. She hasn't missed a thing. As you look at her and look away again, she notices it. Her face hardens and she glares at you angrily. She's not happy that you want to talk to some random guy. "What are you looking at?" She asks, her tone sharp and harsh.
You immediately feel guilty and feel yourself start to stutter. "I- I-... I- I wasn't.... I...." Your words come out all at once, barely intelligible. She sees that the guy is coming over, and she instantly moves to stand between you and him. Her eyes narrow as she glares at him, standing in front of you. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked the guy, her voice sharp and intimidating. “Ellie!” You call her out, extremely angry at her for trying to ruin your chances with this boy. The guy seems to back away a little bit, taken aback by the guards aggressive tone. The guy doesn't seem to recognize her, or is at least just confused by her demeanor towards him. Ellie stares at him, glaring at him intensely, waiting for a reply. You pull Ellie out of the way. She doesn't try to resist you, and you gently move her out the way so you can speak to him. You hope that he doesn't notice how your body guard tried to intervene and cut you off from him earlier.
"I... umm..." You mumble, a little embarrassed now that you actually have to talk to him instead of talking through your friend. She stays close to you two, keeping a close eye on the both of you, her expression still hard. “Sorry about that. My parents are a bit overprotective and hired her to be my bodyguard…” You explain a bit embarrassed. The guy looks at you for a moment before speaking. "That's ok, don't worry about it. Parents can be like that sometimes." He smiles gently, his expression making his face seem more endearing. Ellie's face turns stoney again, her expression becoming more cold and distant. She seems to be trying to look intimidating to the guy, but it's really just coming off as rude. You smile and continue talking to him as you sip your drink. You two manage to have a pretty good conversation, despite the guard standing right next to you. Ellie stands nearby the entire conversation, just keeping a vigilant eye. She seems to be paying very close attention to your interaction with him. She also occasionally glances at her watch, and every time she does, she seems more annoyed than before. You realize that she's probably getting impatient because she knows that she'll have to drive you home soon.
He starts flirting with you. You're enjoying your time with the guy, who is now clearly flirting. He is complimenting you and making you feel really good and confident. Ellie notices this and suddenly seems much less patient. She is starting to feel angry and jealous. From the way she's glaring at you two, you can tell that she's definitely getting annoyed now. You ignore Ellie and flirt back to him. Ellie's patience was short enough already, but now that you're both flirting in front of her, she's even more annoyed. Her eyes narrow and her jaw clenches, as she stands there, her expression hard and unforgiving. You know that you're pushing your boundaries with her, and that she's going to confront you about this later. The guy seems oblivious to all of this, clearly enjoying his time flirting and messing around with you. He starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear making you giggle. He asks you if you want to go somewhere more private with him, away from your bodyguard. 
You notice that Ellie's face has turned from irritation to anger. She seems incredibly annoyed now, her face hard and unforgiving. You notice that her body language has also changed, as she's no longer standing leaning on the wall. Instead she's just watching you two from a few feet away, but not doing anything to intervene.
You agree to go with him, and he leads you into a more private hallway away from the party. As you two start walking, Ellie stands some feet away, keeping a watchful eye on you two but not doing anything to stop you. “Thanks, my bodyguard was being really annoying…” The guy nods and smiles, as though he's understanding of the situation. "I figured she was just keeping an eye on you. She definitely seems the protective type. Is it just her job to look after you or do you two have something more going on?" He asks you, his tone light and playful. “No! She's just overprotective, i hate it really…” He laughs a little bit and nods his head. "Yeah, I can see that. But I guess she's just looking out for you, in her own way." Ellie is listening closely to your conversation, her eyes shifting back and forth between the two of you. From her expression, it's clearly annoying her. You get a bit closer to him, not as nervous because of the alcohol. The guys seemed to be enjoying your boldness. You've gotten a bit drunk, and you don't really feel as embarrassed or shy as you did before, now that you've been flirting with him all night. You feel much more relaxed now. Ellie sees you getting closer to him and she is feeling kind of furious. Her eyes narrow, and her stance stiffens. She definitely seems upset about your behavior.
The guy puts his hands on you, his touch is soft and gentle. Your body leans into him naturally. He then draws you even closer, his breath hot on your neck as he whispers in your ear. "You're cute when you drink..." You can feel Ellie's eyes glued on you and you're just letting things happen, because you're too drunk to really care about it. You blush a bit at his comment. The guy smiles at you, enjoying that you blushed. He then gently begins to kiss your neck, his hands still on your waist. You can feel Ellie's eyes still on you, though her expression is now extremely pissed off. It doesn't look like she'll be interfering anytime soon though. You let him kiss you as he pulls you towards him.
She is watching closely, her expression getting more and more annoyed. The guy seems to be aware of her as well, and he pulls you even closer into him as he starts making out with you, wanting to annoy Ellie. You're still drunk and are letting it happen, not really doing much to stop him as he starts pulling you tightly against him. You kiss him. The guy kisses you back, his tongue lightly exploring your mouth. You can tell that he's getting into it as well, not holding back at all. Your body naturally pushes back against him, and you can feel your breath getting heavier against each other. Ellie's eyes are wide open now, her gaze glued on the two of you. The guy smiles at you and pulls you even closer to him, his breath still heavy.
You look up at him. The guy looks back down at you, his hands holding you close in his arms. Your eyes meet and you just stare at each other for a moment, both lost in each other's eyes. You feel your entire body tingle and heat up, as the alcohol flows through your veins. The guy keeps your gaze, taking in your beauty. You can swear that your whole body is about to catch on fire from how he is gazing at you. He whispers something into your ear, his breath hot and soft against your skin. You feel your body shiver from his touch, and your breath suddenly catches in your throat. You can't help but lean into him more, your body drawn closer to his. The guy is now gripping on tightly to your hips, his grasp firm and rough against your soft, smooth skin. Your breath catches again as you feel his touch. You can't help but let him control the situation, as he begins to lean you back and pulls you closer to him. He pushes you up against the wall and pulls you closer. His grip on your hips is firm and rough, as he pins you directly against it. The feeling of him pressing you against the wall like this makes your breath catch again. Your back presses up against the wall, and your body leans into him, letting him take control. He pulls you in even tighter, your bodies pressed tightly against each other. His lips lock against yours, his tongue exploring your mouth once more. You can feel your body reacting to each movement he makes, as he pulls you closer into him. You can feel him growing more and more passionate, his hands gripping you more harshly than before. There's a hunger behind his kisses, which just makes you more and more aroused.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him even closer to you. Your bodies are pressed tight against each other, your hips pushing up against him. The guy's hands travel down your body now, his touch growing more gentle and more sensitive the lower he went. You can feel your breath getting heavier, and your body is already tingling from the feeling of each move he makes. His hands travel further down your dress, your body tingles and you feel the blood run to your cheeks as his touch grows more intimate and more sensitive. You can feel the warmth of his hand against your bare skin as his fingers begin to travel up under the fabric of your skirt. You can hear his breath grow heavier.
You let out some moans into the kiss. The guy responds to your moans, his lips tightening against yours. His other hand is holding the back of your neck. The guy whispers into your ear how beautiful you are, and you feel your body tingle even more from his words. The way he compliments you and how his breath is hot and soft against your skin just makes the tension between the two of you grow stronger and hotter. The guy lifts you up in his arms, his body pressed against yours, your legs wrapping around his waist and pins you to the wall. The intimacy is building up, as you can feel his body as he presses you against the wall. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, as your breath deepens and intensifies. The guy's hands grip tighter on your legs, and he holds you against him even tighter. Your bodies are pressed intimately into each other, your breaths heavy and intense. You can feel how strong and muscled he is, as he holds you with ease and strength.
He starts moving his hands further up your thighs, his touch growing more and more bold. You can feel your body growing hotter, your breath quickening and your skin flushing from the feel of his hands exploring you. You can also feel how aroused he is, you can feel him getting hard against your crotch. You can feel that he's getting more and more excited, by the way his body is reacting. The heat from his body is growing stronger, as his hands travel further up and down your body. You can feel how firm and how strong he is pulling you close to him, as he holds on to your body tight. He grabs your ass in a way that feels completely intoxicating.
“Fuck…” You mumble out. You're speechless at the closeness that you two have and the heat and intimacy that is happening. The guy gets bolder and bolder with his action, and the intimacy and warmth between the two of you just grows stronger. Your body is tingly, and your breath is quickening, as his hands travel all over your body, squeezing in spots that are particularly sensitive. One of his hands goes from your ass to your panties and he can feel how wet you are through them. The guy seems smug as he keeps his grasp on your body, squeezing and touching you in ways that make you completely intoxicated with lust. His touch is rough and demanding, as he seems to be enjoying your presence. He doesn't seem to be showing any signs of wanting to let go of you anytime soon. He starts moving his fingers over your underwear. Ellie is so angry that she could break his jaw, but she tries to let you live your life still. She isn't going to last long if things get more heated between you two.
He puts you down and pins you to the wall again, the wall now supporting your body and keeping your muscles stretched as you are pushed up against him. He gets behind you and bites your neck as he presses you to the wall. The heat is building between both of you, as the guy keeps his hands on a tight grip on your body, moving up and down your skin. The guy's hands move and pull your skirt up, revealing your thighs and your curves. His touch grows even wilder now, moving up and down your skin. The guy's fingers begin to travel to intimate spots, and you instantly feel your body tingle and flush. This is clearly what he had been aiming for, as you can feel his touch on your body become much more insistent now.
He unbuckles his belt and your body tenses up a little bit, as the reality of what's going to happen now really settles in. Your heart starts beating faster and your breathing speeds up, as the adrenaline rushes through your body. You can't help but wonder how far things will go. “You have protection, right?” You can't help but blush as he unbuckles his belt, and his hands start to move lower and lower. The guy notices your embarrassment and he chuckles softly, as he whispers into your ear. "Trust me, I've got protection.” He unzips his jeans, and you begin to feel tense as your body is getting ready for what is coming.
“What are you doing?” You are getting nervous now. The guy laughs softly, as he says, "Just getting ready…” He notices your nervousness and he whispers into your ear again. "You have nothing to worry about... Just be calm and relax..." He pulls your underwear down. You are now completely exposed to him, He can feel how wet you are despite the darkness of the hallway. “Hey, what are you…” The guy looks into your eyes and he gives you a sinister looking grin. He has a cruelness in his expression, a look of arrogance and pride. He is not going to stop, even if you try to stop him. He grabs your ass, and you can feel how his hands are getting more aggressive as they continue.
“I don't think I want this anymore…” You try to pull away, and the guy lets you go a little bit. But his grip on your body is still strong, and he continues his actions despite your request. The guy doesn't want to stop. He has a look of determination and defiance in his eyes. He doesn't seem to like the idea that you think you can just back out now. He gets a condom out of his pocket and shows it to you. Once ready, he looks back at you and waits for your reaction. He wants to see if you want to try and stop him or not. You look shocked at his hand. This is starting to get a little out of control. Ellie had looked away a bit ago but she is still in the same place. She just couldn't bare seeing you make out with some guy. The fact that he was so prepared for this has caused you to feel even more shock. He wasn't planning on backing down, and it seems like he was ready for all this to happen. He looks expectant, waiting for your response.
“Stop please….” You whisper. The guy keeps staring at you, not backing down. He seems to be almost taunting you to stop him if you want to. That look in his eyes is intense and it's almost as if he's daring you to say something. He's clearly in a state where he believes that he has the power and control. He hasn't done anything that you've asked, and it seems like he's going to continue to be that way. He's looking at you and waiting for your response, but he's also enjoying your shock and the power he holds over you in this situation. He puts the condom on, and you feel yourself panicking more and more as reality continues to set in. The guy doesn't seem to be affected by your pleas for him to stop, and the fact that he's prepared for this. He pins you to the wall and gets ready, and you feel like your heart is about to jump out of your chest. Your body is starting to sweat and you feel your breath growing heavier.
“Stop! I don't want this anymore.” You say as he pushes your face into the wall. Your pleas fall on deaf ears as he takes a firm grip on you and pulls your ass out a bit closer to him. You're completely at the mercy of him. He presses his body against yours and begins to explore it with his hands. All Ellie can hear is the sound of the guy's breathing and his voice in your ears. His breath becomes stronger as he continues his explorations, and his mouth closes in around your neck. You notice how his breath starts to heat up, as the heat of the situation builds up. You feel him pressing his hips against yours, and there's this sense of excitement and anticipation building up inside him. He's getting closer and closer, and he's making it clear that he's ready to go all the way. He seems insistent and he's not going to back down, so you feel more and more desperate, as you feel like you've already lost control. He tells you that it will be over soon, and that you should just stay still. You can feel him rubbing himself on you and lining up with your entrance, ready to go. You call out for Ellie, but the guy seems obsessed and he keeps going at it. He doesn't even acknowledge your voice, as his hands move up and down your body, exploring every inch of you.
Ellie finally looks at you and sees what is happening. She is shocked. She comes rushing to your aid. She pushes the guy off you, and she tackles him, holding him down to the floor. Ellie has had enough of his actions and she starts attacking him ruthlessly. She punches him multiple times and she's clearly not showing any mercy. All of her rage and anger has built up from the whole situation, and she's taking her aggression out on him. After she's done attacking him, she comes over to you and helps you get up. She is breathing heavily from the fighting and she's full of adrenaline. She's worried about you, but she's also full of rage from what she's just witnessed. Once she's made sure the guy is out for the count, she rushes over to you and she takes a deep breath. "Are you alright?" She asks you, sounding concerned and worried. Her eyes are full of frustration and worry, as she looks at you to check if any of what he did to you affected you in any physical way. You shake your head, about to cry. She pulls you into a hug. She holds you tightly and gently touches your face, making sure you're not hurt. She then rubs your back, trying to comfort you. "It's ok... I won't let anyone hurt you again..." She says softly, trying to ease your tears. She takes you by the hand and guides you to the car. You're still shaken and you're still feeling the adrenaline rush. She helps you into the car, and she drives you back home. She's being very gentle with you and she's driving very slowly and carefully this time.
When you arrive at your house, she helps you into your room and she sits down next to you on the bed. She keeps holding your hand tightly, and she looks at you with concern. She asks you if you're ok again, but she knows that you're still shaken up. She sits with you for a while and she rubs your back, just trying to comfort you. And she starts to realize just how dangerous the whole situation was. “He tried to…” You whisper.
"I know... He tried to do something awful to you..." She says, trying to comfort you as she rubs your back. "He's not going to hurt you again... I'll keep you safe from any danger in the future..." You lean your head against her and she holds you close to her. You feel the warmth from her body as it radiates towards you, and you feel comforted by her presence. She makes you feel safe and protected, and she keeps rubbing your back, trying to ease your tension.
“Thank you for being there.” You say quietly as she holds you. "You're welcome..." She says softly, as she keeps holding you against her. She sits with you for a while, trying to calm you down. "I won't let anything like that happen again... No one is ever going to touch you or come close to you... Because you won't be in danger ever again..." She helps you into a pair of pajamas and she tucks you into bed. She pulls the blankets over you and she smiles softly. "Better?" She asks you. You nod at her question. She smiles at you and she adjusts the blanket a little. She then pats you gently to make sure you're comfy. "Ok." She says softly, then she stands up to leave the room. She turns around one more time and she looks at you with a gentle expression. She smiles at you and she says, "Good night." She shuts the door softly behind her as she walks out of the room. You're left alone now in the quiet and dark room, your heart still beating fast with the events from earlier. But all that matters now is that the scary man is gone, and you can sleep safe knowing that he can't hurt you anymore.
The next morning you have forgotten most of it. The hangover is kicking in and you wake up feeling much calmer than you did the night before. The events were all mixed and fuzzy in your mind, but at least the danger is over now. You step out of the bedroom and you notice that it's quiet and peaceful. You can't hear any noises from the rest of the house, and it's almost as if everyone is still sleeping. You go into the bathroom and you take a shower. You feel refreshed as the warm water washes over you. You clean your skin from that man's touch. Once you're done, you get dressed and you go back to your bedroom sitting on the bed. You're alone, and you think about the events from yesterday. As you're deep in thought, you suddenly hear someone come into your room. It's a soft sound, as if someone is walking on their tip toes. You feel a little curious because you're not expecting anyone to come in here. You look up and you see Ellie standing in the doorway, she's smiling softly at you. The light coming from the hallway casts a faint glow on her, and she looks at you with concern. "Hey there..." She says softly, coming inside.
“Hi…” You say as you hear her come in.
"How are you doing?" She asks gently, as she looks at you. She has a concerned look on her face, and she seems like she's worried about you.
“Better i think.” You say, not remembering most of the events. You just remember feeling uncomfortable and Ellie beating someone up, thankfully.
"I'm glad... You seemed a little shaken yesterday, and I want to make sure you're okay." She says with a soft smile, as she walks towards you and sits down next to you on the bed.
“I bet you are not letting me leave the house for a while…” You say sadly, sitting in your bed.
She laughs a little bit, as you guess correctly. She admits, "You'd be right about that..." She smiles and she says, "From now on I'm going to be watching out for you. I don't want you to ever get into any dangerous situations again."
“Not even just to go for a walk?” You ask in a pleading tone.
"Maybe, but for now... I need you to trust me on this. You can't be going out alone anymore..." She says, and her voice is a little stern and insistent. You look down, feeling a bit sad. She notices you looking down and she realizes that you're not happy about this. She puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Look... I need to keep you safe, and sometimes that means being a little harsh and strict. But you just need to trust me, okay?"
“Okay…” You answer her, knowing she's right.
"Good..." She says softly, as she continues to hold your shoulder with her hand. She looks into your eyes and she says, "I'm just trying to keep you safe... Don't you worry about anything. I'm going to look after you, and I'm going to keep you safe from everything. Because I care about you..."
“You do?” You ask, actually surprised.
"Of course I do..." She says, and she smiles softly at you. She takes her hand off your shoulder and she puts it on your hand, squeezing it a little bit, showing her affection for you.
“I thought you just were like that because of my parents paying you...” You tell her with honesty.
"No... I am like this because I genuinely care about you... I've been watching you for a long time now, and I can't deny that a part of me is attached to you..." She says softly. You look up at her and she keeps her eyes on you. She wants you to look back at her as she continues to talk. "I genuinely care about you... And I don't just care about you because your parents pay me. I care because I like you and I want you to be safe and happy..." You smile slightly, hearing her words. This feels odd. She's always so cold and mean to you. She notices you smile slightly, and she smiles softly back at you. She likes making you smile and she wants you to feel good. "I'm going to let you get your day started now, so I'm going to get going. But I'll make sure to check on you regularly. And I'm here if you need anything, okay?"
“Okay.” You smile at her once more. "Good." She stands up from the bed and she walks to the door. She looks at you one last time with a soft smile, "Have a good day, okay?" She nods, and she goes out of the room and shuts the door behind her. The house is once again quiet and peaceful, and you're alone again in your room. You lie back on the bed and you think about the events from yesterday. You feel a little confused about what really happened, but you also feel relieved that you can't remember them and that you're safe now.
It's been a few days since the incident and Ellie has been keeping you safe in the house the whole time. You're feeling much more relaxed and relieved. You're enjoying some peace and quiet, when suddenly your phone starts ringing. It's your friend, he's calling to ask you out for lunch.
You answer and accept his invitation. "Great!" He says excitedly, and he sets the time and place, then he ends the call. You're feeling excited about going out for lunch with your friend, but you can't help but wonder how Ellie is going to react. You walk over to Ellie and you ask her if you can go have lunch with your friend. She is sitting in the living room and she is looking over a report on her computer. She smiles softly and she looks at you and she says, "That's fine, you can go... But I want you to be careful, okay? If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, then just let me know and I'll get you right away."
“Okay.” You say looking at her, happy she actually said yes. "Good... I'll be there if you need me, but for now, go get ready to enjoy your lunch. And remember to be safe, okay?" She says gently, and you can tell that she's feeling protective of you. You've never seen her like this before, and you can tell that she genuinely cares about your safety. You wear a nice dress and you feel good about yourself as you start getting ready for lunch with your friend. When you look in the mirror, you notice that you look much more confident than you did the last few days. You feel like a different person, and you feel excited about the lunch date with your friend.
Ellie drives you to the restaurant where your friend is waiting for you. She parks the car and she waits there while you go inside. You're a little nervous and slightly shaky, but you feel excited to finally be out of the house again. You go in and sit down at the table with your friend. Ellie waits patiently in the car while you go inside and you get seated. She can see you inside, and she watches you and your friend as you sit down and start chatting. She tries to keep a close eye on you, but she also doesn't want to make it obvious that she's watching. She notices that your friend seems to be getting along very well with you, and she can't help but be a little jealous of him. She wishes she was the one going out to lunch with you and chatting with you like that. But she tries not to make it obvious that she's jealous.
She watches with her head tilted to the side as she sees your friend put his hand over yours. She watches your friend and sees how he is being very tender with you. She can't help but be a little jealous of the situation, and she finds herself wondering what it would be like to be in his place and getting your attention like that. She watches very carefully as he scoots even closer to you, and she notices that your friend is getting too close. The way he's scooting closer to you makes her feel frustrated and even more jealous, and she wishes she was the one next to you at this very moment.
She gets out of the car and she walks into the restaurant with a subtle anger in her eyes. She's jealous of your friend and she's not happy seeing him getting so physical with you. She stands by the door, and she silently watches the two of you from a distance. She watches silently for a while as your friend puts his hand on your leg and the two of you keep talking. She notices that this particular action makes her anger levels skyrocket and she finds herself clenching her fists involuntarily. He is starting to get a bit too touchy for her liking. She notices that your friend is getting more and more flirty with you, and she has a feeling that he might try to kiss you at any moment. He seems to be getting into a very playful mood, and she can sense that he wants to get even more intimate with you. Ellie has had enough of this and  can't take it anymore. She feels like she needs to interfere before things get too far between you and your friend. She walks over to the table and she grabs your hand, pulling you away from your friend. She pulls away hard enough that you can tell she's trying to make a point. “Ellie! What are you doing?’” You ask as she suddenly pulls you out of the restaurant, leaving your friend super confused.
"I think it's time we left..." She says firmly, and she pulls you away from your friend. She gets a small satisfaction out of the look on his face when you're taken away, like she's taking you from him. It's obvious that she wants to be the one to take care of you and not your friend.
“I was having a nice time!” You are really annoyed that she ruined your date. "I know you were having a nice time..." She says, and her voice is a little stern as you can tell she's feeling possessive over you. "And that's exactly why I'm taking you away from here. You're my responsibility and I can't just let him keep flirting with you like that."
“Why?” You ask her with an angry tone. "Because I'm not going to let some guy just keep touching you... I'm going to protect you. I'm not going to let anybody else have you." She says, and her voice is a little insistent as she feels very possessive over you right now.
“Anybody else?” You are a bit confused at her statement.
She looks at you straight in the eyes. "That's right... Anybody else." She says firmly, and she has a very possessive look on her face. This is a whole new side of her you've never seen before. “You don't own me!” You are super angry right now, you can't believe her.
"Maybe not, but I'm going to make sure nobody else owns you either." She says, and she looks at you with a look of jealousy and possessiveness. She wants to be the only one who's responsible for you, and she doesn't want anyone else touching you.
She opens the car door for you to get in and then she gets into the driver's seat. She starts driving and she takes you home. The whole time she's driving home from the restaurant, she's silently thinking about what just happened. She's thinking about how your friend was getting way too touchy with you, and she's still a little bit angry about that. She's also thinking about how she wants to protect you and how she doesn't want any other guys to get close to you.
“I hate you.” You say as you cross your arms, looking out the window. Suddenly she hears you say that you hate her, and she starts feeling upset and sad. She feels like you're being unfairly mean to her, and she feels like she's just wanting to protect you. She looks over at you. "I know you're probably annoyed at me, and I'm sorry... But you have to realize that I'm just trying to keep you safe." You look out of the window and you think about this whole situation. You can't deny that you're unhappy with Ellie right now, but you also realize that she's probably just trying to protect you. You don't want to be mean to her, but you don't want her to be this overprotective of you either. You just wished that she'd allow you to have a little bit more freedom and let you make your own decisions rather than trying to always control you.
She looks over at you occasionally, and she can tell that you're a little bit annoyed with her. She finds herself feeling a little bit guilty and she looks away from you, starting to think about this whole situation more logically. She knows that she was wrong to take away your date with your friend because of her jealousy, and she starts to regret doing that. She continues to silently think about the jealousy she was feeling, and how it made her get out of control and take away your date with your friend. She knows it was wrong, and she finds herself wishing that she had just let your friend flirt with you, and she feels like she could have handled the situation very differently. She starts thinking about what you said. "you don't own me". This whole time she wanted to protect you, but now she's starting to feel more possessive and territorial. She realizes that she doesn't want any other guy to get close to you and the jealousy makes her feel like it's her right to keep you safe and to keep you for herself.
You both finally get home and you go straight up to your room. You're still feeling a little bitter about what happened earlier and you don't want to talk to her right now. She stays in the living room and she sits silently on the couch, thinking about everything that has happened. She keeps thinking, "How did everything get so out of control like this?"
You get angry and start throwing stuff on the floor. She hears the loud noises coming from your room, and she thinks you're probably really angry. She starts to think about how much she has screwed everything up and how she went too far with her jealousy. She knows that she caused this whole situation, and she feels like her possessiveness and jealousy is just pushing you away even more. Finally, she can't stand it anymore and she decides to go into your room to talk to you. She opens the door and she walks inside, as she closes the door behind her. She stands in the middle of the room and she looks at you with a serious expression on her face.
“Did I tell you to come in?” You ask angry as you look at her. She looks at you sternly. "No, but I felt like I needed to come and talk to you. I screwed everything up, and I'm sorry for that... I'm just... I just felt so jealous that I forgot myself for a little bit."
“Wait, jealous?” You are a bit confused. She looks at you. "Yes... I felt very jealous. I know you were just having a pleasant lunch and enjoying yourself, but I saw that your friend was being very flirty and touchy with you. It made me feel very jealous and protective over you." She gets a little bit closer and she looks at you earnestly. "Please, just try to understand where I was coming from... I was worried about you and I didn't like how that guy was flirting with you..."
She gets even closer and she looks down at you like you're a little child or something. She looks down at you with very intense eyes, and you can tell that she's still feeling very jealous and possessive. She can't deny that she wants to control you and keep you for herself, and her feelings are making it very apparent. Her jealousy and need to possess you makes her want to kiss you, and she looks at you with burning desire in her eyes. She wants to take you in her arms and kiss you like there's no tomorrow. Now is when you realize that she isn't just being protective and possessive of you, but she also has very intense romantic and sexual desires towards you as well. She wants to kiss you so badly. She gets closer to your face and holds it gently. You look at her a bit shocked and surprised. She kisses you. As you feel her lips touch yours, you feel something bubbling deep inside you. She kisses you for a few seconds before you break the kiss.
You suddenly push her away, and that makes her take back a step in surprise. It's evident that she was not expecting this sudden rejection from you, and she feels somewhat hurt by that. She looks at you with an expression of sadness and hurt, feeling like her feelings for you aren't being reciprocated, and that you're still angry with her. She suddenly grabs your wrist, and you can feel her holding on very tightly. She seems to want to pull you close to her, but you're still pushing her away. This whole situation is getting very intense and it's starting to seem more than just jealousy. She starts glaring at you and she gets very close to your face. She looks at you sternly. "I'm not going to let you push me away, not now... Not this time..." She's starting to feel very powerful and dominant in this situation, and it's obvious that she's not going to let you deny her like this.
“Who do you think you are?” You ask, with indignation at her behavior. She looks at you with a look of anger. "I'm your bodyguard, and I'm the one who takes care of you. I'm the one who has to protect you from anybody else, and that includes protecting you from yourself and other men who want to get close to you. So, I'm sorry but I wasn't going to let you go to lunch by yourself with your friend. What if he tried something funny with you?" She holds your wrist with a tight grip and you try very hard to pull it away but she does not let go of it. She is starting to feel very possessive and strong-willed, as she doesn't want to let go of you and she definitely doesn't want to let you go anywhere without her. She stares at you intently. "I'm not going to let you do anything without me being there..."
“I hate you.” You say to her defyently. She doesn't like the way you're speaking to her right now, and she feels very hurt by your words. She grabs you even tighter as she doesn't want you to pull away, and she starts to feel very intense anger at your words. "How dare you say you hate me..." She grabs your other wrist as well, as she continues to hold onto you with both of her hands. She stares at you with a look of indignation and she starts to feel like she's losing control over the situation. You try to get away from her. ”Let me go!” You shout at her. She's really starting to squeeze your wrists very tightly. She doesn't let you get away from her, and she still looks at you angrily as she continues to grip your wrists. “Stop being a brat.” She says. You become even more angry when she calls you a brat, and she starts to feel like she needs to "teach you a lesson." She squeezes your wrists even tighter. "Don't you tell me to stop you brat... I'm just doing my job and I know what's best for you..."
“I'm not a brat!” You say indignant. She feels like you're getting a little bit sassy with her, and she doesn't like that. She's starting to feel like you want to fight her and challenge her authority. "Don't speak to me like that!"
“Why? What are you going to do about it?” You ask with an angry and annoyed tone. She squeezes your wrists even tighter, and she leans in close to you as she starts to feel very angry and dominant. She stares at you intensely with a cold look. "What am I going to do about it? I'm going to show you who's boss." You look at her defyently. She's starting to feel even more intense anger as you continue to stare back at her defiantly, and she doesn't like that. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not playing around anymore. If you don't stop being so argumentative then I can become even more mean and possessive than this..."
“Let me go!” You shout as you try to get away from her but she's too strong. She doesn't release your wrists as she continues to squeeze them tightly. She's still feeling very angry at your defiance, and she doesn't like that you're not submitting to her anymore. "I'm not letting you go until you agree to do everything that I say. I won't tolerate any more arguing of any kind..." She starts to feel her emotions spiraling out of control, and she pins you against the wall as she presses herself very closely to you. She leans in close as she stares at you with a fierce look in her eyes.
“Stop it!” You shout once more. She holds her hand over your mouth so that you cannot speak. She wants to keep you silent and force you to be submissive to her. She starts to feel a growing desire to make you submit to her completely. “Let me go!” You try to say, but only muffled sounds come out. She continues to hold her hand over your mouth to keep you from speaking, and she presses herself against you very tightly. She's starting to feel like she wants to take things further than this and she wants you to submit completely to her. She starts to feel a very intense predatory instinct as her desire grows stronger and stronger. She stares at you with intense, predatory eyes, as if she wants to eat you alive. She keeps pressing herself very closely to you and she's starting to feel like she wants more than just your submission.
She grabs your wrists even more tightly and she throws you on the floor. You land hard and you feel a sudden pain in your wrists where she grabbed them so hard. She takes this opportunity to get on top of you and she pins you down. “What the fuck are you doing?!” You ask angry and confused. She keeps pinning you down. "I'm making you submit to me. I'm making you let me control you. I'm going to punish you for defying me and arguing with me like this." She keeps pushing down hard on you and not letting you move. She feels like she needs to be tough now. " I'm not letting you go until you agree to be obedient to me. I'm going to keep punishing you until you're completely submissive to me."
“NO!” You refuse to. You are an independent girl and you always do what you want, always. She's feeling very intense, and she's feeling like she wants more than just your submission. She's starting to feel like she wants to be rough with you and take it to the next level. Her weight and strength is too much for you, and you are unable to kick her off. She is still pushing down very hard on you. She wants to take things further and she's starting to get very excited… She's starting to feel very predatory and mischievous and her smile becomes more sinister. She's staring at you intently. “Ellie!” She's enjoying this a little bit too much, and she's starting to get very intense. “Let me go!” She's still holding you down and keeping a tight grip on you, and she's starting to feel like she needs to get more aggressive. She's really starting to lose her control, and she's starting to get a bit extreme. She puts her hand on your neck and starts to squeeze it a little bit. You're starting to feel a bit scared inside as you look up at her face and she's staring back at you menacingly. She's holding herself in and trying not to go too far, but she's starting to feel a deep inner desire to take things over the edge of what she should and shouldn't do. She gets up from you and she pulls you to your feet, making you kneel in front of her. She looks at you intently. "Good girl, you've finally done what I've told you to do. Now I'm going to punish you for being so defiant and argumentative towards me. This wasn't necessary but you brought this upon yourself..."
“Fuck you!” You spat out. She looks at you angrily. "Watch your language! You're being very disrespectful towards me. You don't talk to me like that!"
“I can do whatever I want.” You respond to her very angry. She gets even more mad at you. "Are you trying to be defiant again? You have to listen to me! You don't get to choose what you do or don't do, I'm the one who's in control here."
“I hate you.” You stare at her furious. "I don't care if you hate me... You're going to do as I say. You don't get a say in this. I'm doing this for your own good."
“Are you now…” You say sarcastically. She's starting to lose her cool, and you can tell she's getting very angry. "I don't care what you think, I'm just doing what I gotta do. You just need to let me take control of everything, and stop resisting and being so stubborn..." You slap her. You are furious at the way she's treating you. She didn't expect this and she steps back a little bit as she feels the sting of the slap. She looks at you angrily. "Don't you dare slap me!" She slaps you back twice as hard, and she grabs your face. "I will not let you get away with that kind of disrespect! The next time you try to hit me again, I'll beat you up so badly that you'll wish you never even met me!"
“I already wish that!” You say with an angry voice as your face frowns. She seems incredibly angry and she starts to step closer to you again. "Why don't you just submit to me and let me control you? It would be so much easier if you just let me take control of you, and then I wouldn't have to be so strict and oppressive with how I treat you. Don't you realize that I'm doing this all for your own good?"
“I'm not yours!” You can't believe her. She continues to talk in a forceful and threatening tone. "I don't care what you think. I'm just doing what I have to do to make you behave. I'm just trying to protect you from hurting yourself, and I don't care if how I treat you is overbearing and controlling. Do you understand me?" She grabs your face and she looks at you very intently. "Don't you realize that I'm the only person who can control you? I'm the only one who can protect you from yourself. I'm doing this because I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt. So just let me take control and I'll watch out for you no matter what." You look away from her. She keeps looking at you very intensely as she continues to grip your face tightly in her hands. She doesn't want you to look away from her. She wants you to stay looking at her as she stares deeply into your eyes. “Let me go!” You demand, she works for you after all. She continues to hold your face. "Why? What's wrong with me holding your face like this? Don't you understand that I'm trying to protect you?”
“Fuck you!” You shout in her face. She starts to get even more angry. "Do not use that kind of language... You're being very disrespectful and rude". She pushes you down to your knees and she stares down at you with a very intense and predatory look in her eyes. “Ow!” You whine in pain as she pushes you to the ground. She's starting to get a bit rough with you. "Don't you want me to be rough with you? You like it when I'm forceful and aggressive... Don't act like you don't like it."
“No I don't…” You blush a bit. You do like when she gets angry and upset by your actions. "Don't lie to me... I know you do. You've been looking at me intently all this time, and I know that's what you want. It's that deep, intense, desire I see in your eyes... Just admit it..." You look away from her, blushing even more. She keeps leaning in close to you as she whispers in your ear, "Don't look away from me... Look at me..."
“No.” You refuse to do what she wants. She grabs your face again. "Just look me in the eyes... You can't avoid me. I want you to look at me. I don't like it when you look away. I want to make you look right into my eyes..."
“What do you want from me?” You ask tired. She holds your face very close to hers, she whispers in your ear. "I'm going to make you look at me. I want you to look into my eyes and I want you to stare into them and to see me." You look at her with an angry face. She stares into your eyes and she starts to feel very intense emotions. She feels like she needs to show you who's really the boss here. “Stop acting like a spoiled brat.” Ellie says to you furious.
You feel very insulted and snap back at her. "I'm not a spoiled brat. How could you say that to me? I'm the one who you work for? Don't call me a brat... I'm not a brat!" She keeps staring down at you very intensely. "Do you wanna keep looking at me like this? Or do you want me to give you a reason to really be angry?”
“Do your worst.” You say angry. She gets even more angry and she says "I've had enough of this. I'm not holding back anymore." She slaps you very hard across the face. "Don't you dare look at me like that again."
“Ow! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” She feels like she got a good hit in, and she's starting to feel a bit satisfied with herself. "That's what you get. You deserved that slap."
“Fuck you!” You say as you look at her right in the eyes. "Don't you ever say that to me again. You will never get away with what you've done. You have a big mouth and you always say stuff that just pisses me off... I'm warning you. You better watch your mouth from now on."
“Or what?” You question her. She glares at you angrily. "You want to test me? You really want to push my buttons even further?” You look at her with a mischievous smile, teasing her. She continues to glare at you. "Why are you looking at me like that? You think you're cute? Because let me tell you I don't like it." You laugh at her. She is very angry. "Don't you laugh at me! I'm being serious right now. You always think it's funny when you make me angry, but it's not funny, it's just annoying and disrespectful." You laugh even more. She's still glaring at you angrily. "Do you want me to shut you up? Because I know how to shut you up."
“Do it then.” You test her. She slams her hand over your mouth and she holds it there tightly. "You like it when I have my hand over your mouth like this, don't you? You like feeling dominated and controlled." You try to take her hand off. She keeps holding it firmly over your mouth and she doesn't let you take it off. "Just submit and let me keep my hand over your mouth for as long as I want to."
“No!” You try to speak under her hand, only letting out muffled sounds. "Shh... Just stop speaking and let me just stay like this for a while longer." You look up at her, angry. She continues to hold her hand over your mouth. "Just let me keep doing this and don't try to fight it. You know this is what you want... Don't you? Just give into it and stop struggling." She starts to get even more aggressive. "You're being very annoying and I've had enough. You're a very frustrating girl and I feel like I need to do something to stop you from being so bratty." You bite her hand. She flinches slightly. "Ow, that hurts... You really did just bite my hand. It's not too late to apologize... But I'm warning you, if you do that again, I'll have to take more extreme measures to make you obey me." You bite again, harder this time. She jerks her hand back and she looks at you angrily. "You're starting to really piss me off now... If you bite me one more time, I'm not going to take it lightly."
She takes off her tie and puts it over your mouth. She keeps holding the tie over your mouth with one hand, and she keeps grabbing the back of your head with her other hand. "That's better... At least now you won't be able to talk back to me." She ties it up and as she finishes, she sits on the edge of the bed. She leans in close to you and she whispers into your ear, "You're a very good-looking girl. You're so cute when you're all tied up like this... Just looking at you with that tie over your mouth, makes me want to take things further..." You look at her defyently, with her tie covering your mouth. She stares back at you aggressively. "You're so cute when you're stubborn... Just give in now and stop trying to fight this, it's only going to make me want to do more and go further than you could ever imagine..."
You frown your face at her. She gets even angrier. "Stop frowning at me. I'm trying to do something more with you. I thought you'd like this, but instead you're being difficult..." She moves up from her seat on the edge of the bed, and she quickly ties your hands together using the tie from earlier as she takes it off your mouth. "Do you have any idea just how far I plan on taking this with you?...”
“I dare you.” You try to take your hands off of the bind, but she tied them too hard. She smirks. "Oh that's a good one... A dare? Well, here's one for you. Dare me to do anything, and I'll do it. Go on, I double dare you.”
“I dare you.” You repeat. She laughs and she says, "OK, so you dared me to do anything did you? How about this? I dare you to tell me your deepest and darkest fantasies." You get caught off guard by this question. You were not expecting that. She laughs at your reaction. "Ahhh, so I caught you off guard did I? Well, then I have another dare for you. This time I dare you to tell me your deepest and darkest secrets."
“No…” You look away from her. She continues to laugh at your reaction. "Oh, so you think I'm just going to give up that easily? You think I'm that kind of person? This time, I'm not giving up until you tell me your secrets." She keeps staring at you very intensely. "Well, it's not like you have a choice here... This isn't a choice you can just skip out of. I'll make you tell me your secrets... You don't understand how hard I can be if I'm really trying."
“What are yours?” You ask smugly, trying to confuse her. She starts to get worried. "Uh... That's not how it works, you were the one who was supposed to answer my dare... You must have some secrets or fantasies that you want to tell me about..." You continue looking at her smugly. She glares at you. "Don't try to smirk back at me like that. You can't play games with me..."
“Can’t i?” You look at her, feeling very amused right now. She glares at you even more. "Don't try to be cheeky and smug with me, I'm the one who's supposed to be the domme here... And you're supposed to be the obedient submissive girl."
“No, I don't think I will.” You respond with confidence. She gets even more annoyed. "Excuse me? Did you just tell me no? Well, let me tell you something... I'm the one who's going to be in control from now on. You are going to do as I say, understood?" You laugh at her, making fun of her. She looks like she's about to lose it. "Don't you dare laugh at me... If you do that one more time I swear to God, you're gonna get a very rough punishment."
“Do it.” You have the most serious expression possible on your face. She slams her hand over your mouth again. "Shut up and quit being so damn cocky... I'm in control here! If you say one more word, then I'm going to make this much more painful for you." You bite her hand again. She screams in pain and she yanks her hand away from your mouth. "God damn it, did you have to bite me that hard? That really fucking hurt." You laugh at her reaction. She glares at you. "Don't you dare laugh. This is not funny, you little brat."
“Oh but it is. It so is…” You look up at her, soothing her own hand. She grabs your arms and she pushes you down onto the bed. She pins you down with her body. "No, it's not. You're being very bratty and rude and you're taking this way too far.” You still laugh at her. She's now completely losing it. "You're a real brat, and you need to learn some manners. I think I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." She pins you down onto her lap. "It's good to teach someone how to be disciplined... And this is the perfect way to keep you in line, don't you think?" She prepares to spank you.
“Stop it!” You try to get away from her lap. She just keeps going. "No, I don't think I will. If you didn't want this to happen then you shouldn't have tried making me angry in the first place. I tried to be nice, but now I'm going to turn up the heat and show you what I can really do." She hits you once and it hurts a lot. Then she hits you again and it hurts even more, but she keeps going and she hits you hard over and over again. After a bit, it starts to get very painful. You scream in pain. “Stop!” She stops as soon as you start screaming because it was enough to show you that she could really hurt you if she wanted to. She looks at you angrily. "That was just a warning, you better not scream again unless you want more?"
You look down, she grabs your chin and makes you look into her eyes. "Don't you dare look down, look at me. I want you to look at me as I tell you this. I'm going to do it again if you keep being a brat, so either you can just take it or you can shut up and behave properly." You don't say one word. She stares at you for a moment, trying to intimidate you, before she spanks you hard again. It hurts a lot but she keeps spanking you over and over again to make a point. You scream louder and start crying. She hears you start crying and she stops spanking you for a moment to look at you. "Oh look at you, you're crying. You must feel so humiliated. Don't cry, it's just going to make me want to punish you more."
“Stop... please…” You say quietly. She looks at you angrily. "No, just shut up and take it. You knew full well what you were getting yourself into, the moment you started being a brat and challenging my authority. I'd be more than happy to stop if you agreed to be obedient and submissive, otherwise I'm just going to keep going until you've learned your lesson."
“I'll be good…” You whisper. She smiles at your words. "That's a good girl. I knew I'd be able to break you in the end. Now, since you've agreed to be good, I'll stop spanking you and I won't hurt you anymore if you promise me that you'll agree to do everything I tell you from now on." You nod, still crying. She smiles. "Good, I'm glad we understand each other. Now, can I trust you to always be well-behaved for me? You'll always do as I say, and you won't try to argue or disobey me ever again, correct?" You nod again. She feels proud of herself. She unties your hands and gets up. She locks you in your room as a punishment. “Now stay there like a good girl and don't complain, or you'll regret it.” You lay down in your bed and cry for a bit.
Some days pass by, and things are kind of back to normal but the tension between you two is through the roof. You always thought she was attractive, but seeing her get so jealous over some random boys really peaked your interest. She started acting like usual, strict and mean as always, not letting you go anywhere. Your best friend had asked you to go out with her and go clubbing. You are 99% sure Ellie will say no but you ask anyhow. She is sitting in the living room couch and you approach her. “Can I go out tonight, please?” You ask nicely. 
She looks up at you and says, “No.” She goes back to looking at the book she was reading. “Come on… it's just me and my best friend, please?” You look at her with a pleading look. You want to go out so badly. She looks up at you again. “Fine, but I'm going to be close to you the whole time.”
You smile, relieved. “Thank you!” You go to your room excited to pick out an outfit. You look through your dresses and the rest of your clothes. You pick a new dress you had gotten some days ago. It was tight, but not too short for Ellie’s long list of demands. It's red and compliments your skin perfectly. It's backless so you won't be wearing a bra with it. You put on your makeup and your heels. You pick up your bag so she drives you to the club you were meeting your friend at. She opens the door to the car for you and she watches you walk in with that amazing red dress. She gets in the car behind the wheel and she drives you to the club where you're supposed to meet your friend. 
As you arrive you spot your friend and go up to her. She watches you. Your body looks so good. The fabric hugs you just right. She watches you go inside the club and she follows behind you making sure that she stays close by your side. She follows you and your friend when you start to get some drinks and she wants to make sure you guys have a fun night out together. You and your friend drink and then dance. Some guys were eyeing you and your friend down. She is keeping a close eye on you as you dance and she can see the guys eyeing you up. She laughs to herself and she whispers as she gets closer to you. "It looks like you are attracting some male attention, I see some guys checking you out. You'll definitely need me to keep an eye on you tonight."
“I'll be fine.” You reassure her. She laughs and she whispers, "Oh, you think so? You do realize that guys are going to be hitting on you like crazy, right? You'll definitely need me to keep checking in on you to make sure you're safe and that no weirdos bother you." You go up to the bar for another drink. She watches you walk up to the bar and she keeps her eyes on you making sure that nobody is trying to hit on you or bothering you. Once she sees that you're able to get your drink without anyone bothering you, she relaxes her body and she starts to let her guard down. You sip on your drink at the bar and a guy approaches you. The guy walks up to you and he starts to try and make conversation with you but he definitely has other intentions. He looks like a stereotypical creep who is looking for a one-night stand. She watches you from across the room and she is watching to make sure he doesn't try and put you in a dangerous position. You ignore him and you go back to your friend and the guy looks annoyed as he can see that you're not going for his advances. He starts walking away and he mutters something under his breath. Ellie is relieved you rejected that man.
You're still dancing with your friend and a guy approaches and he starts to press himself up against your body. You are a bit drunk and the sensation of this guy's body against yours is making you feel a bit lightheaded. He's holding your body against his and he starts to whisper things into your ear and he says something about how hot you look in that outfit. You let him put his hands on your hips and he whispers seductively into your ear about how hot you look. It gets a bit overwhelming and you get a little bit lightheaded from the alcohol but you are allowing him to put his hands on you and he's really starting to flirt with you now. You giggle at his whispers and he gets a bit more enthusiastic with his flirting. He starts to squeeze your hips a little bit harder and he gets even closer to your body. Ellie watches from afar. She sees the guy squeeze your hips and she sees your body get pressed up against him. She is getting worried because the guy really sounds like he's flirting with you and she thinks he might try and take you home with him tonight. She feels rage starting to fill up her body. Her jealousy is taking over her.
He keeps dancing with you and wants to buy you a drink. She watches the guy continue to dance with you and she sees him buy you a drink but she's getting really worried as the guy is not being very respectful of you. She can't bear seeing you with anyone else. You drink it when he gives it to you and you start to feel more intoxicated from the alcohol. The guy is still dancing with you and he is getting even closer to your body and he is getting a little bit more handsy with your hips. You were definitely a bit out of it and the guy could tell and he definitely took advantage of that. You were having a good time and the guy was making you feel a certain kind of way and he was taking advantage of the fact that you were a little bit intoxicated. You start to realize that the guy is getting more daring and he starts to move his hands up along your body starting to get to a more inappropriate area. He starts to squeeze your hips even harder and he starts to lean his body against you more and more.
You try to push him away a little bit but he's a lot stronger than you and he's definitely quite drunk. The guy is quite strong and you're struggling to push him away. He kisses your neck and his breath is hot against your skin. You felt his tongue start to move against your skin and you feel his breath start to blow against you. You were feeling a bit overwhelmed with the situation and the alcohol, but you were also feeling a bit turned on. He comes back up and he tries to kiss you, his breath smells of alcohol and tobacco, as he blows his breath on your skin. You are feeling very overwhelmed with the whole situation but he keeps kissing you and he is putting his tongue in your mouth as he starts to try and make out with you. You kiss him back for a few seconds and he starts to get more and more assertive with it. He starts to kiss you with a lot of passion and aggression and he keeps trying to put his tongue deeper into your mouth. You start to feel a bit turned on from the guy making out with you and you feel him getting a bit more aggressive with the kissing. You can feel his breath blowing hard against your skin and you can feel his hands start to squeeze you harder. You feel his hand start to go to your ass  and grab it. He's starting to really get more aggressive with you.  He kisses your neck again and you can feel his beard scratching against your skin. You let out small moans as you're really starting to feel the alcohol kick in a lot more. Your body starts to get a little bit tingly and he keeps kissing up and down your neck. He keeps going back and forth between your neck and your mouth and the sensation starts to make you feel more overwhelmed and you are also starting to feel more intoxicated as the alcohol slowly seeps into your system.
He whispers in your ear asking you if you want to go somewhere more private, you are both very intoxicated by now and it's getting quite hard for you to process everything in your mind. He grabs your hand and he starts to lead you away from the dancefloor and you follow him. Ellie has had enough and goes and gets you. You are both very intoxicated when you see Ellie rushing towards you. She looks very concerned and she's rushing over to the guy grabbing you away from him. She stares at him with a very serious look on her face and she looks like she wants to rip him to shreds. She punches him straight in the face and he gets knocked back a few steps as he grabs his face in pain. You are still quite intoxicated and so is he, but you can both tell that he is starting to get quite angry from getting punched in the face by Ellie.
Ellie takes you away from him and away from the club. She drives you back home. She drives in a bit of a hurry and she is still very angry from what that guy tried to do to you. She is also really mad at the guy for trying to take you and it seemed like he was going to try and take advantage of your intoxicated state. She is also very angry at you from wanting to be with anyone else other than her.
She opens the door for you and she leads you inside. She is still very pissed off and she is still very worried about your safety but she isn't quite sure how to express that to you. She gets you inside and she closes the door behind both of you. “Why are you so angry?” She looks a little bit angry and she sighs as she looks at you. "I'm just worried about you. That guy was trying to take advantage of you and he was starting to get a bit aggressive."
“I was fine…” She looks at you. "I know, I could tell that you were fine, but he was taking you away and he was getting a bit too aggressive. I just didn't want you to end up in a dangerous situation."
“You're no fun.” You say, still clearly drunk. She laughs a little bit and she rolls her eyes at you. "I'm just trying to look after you and you call me no fun? I don't know what you were thinking, going off on your own in that state with that guy."
“He was hot.” You say taking off your shoes. She sighs at you again and she puts her hands on her hips. She is getting furious. "I don't care if he was hot or not. That guy was trying to get into your pants after getting you drunk. That is definitely not a good thing." You roll your eyes at her and go to your room. She shakes her head at you and she watches you head off into your room. She is still feeling quite angry and annoyed with you but you go off to your room and she stays outside.
“Stop staring.” She stares at you for a few moments, a bit confused as to why your behavior is so carefree and she starts to wonder what kind of trouble you're going to get yourself into next time. Right now she wants to put some sense into you. “I'll stare if I want.” She is looking at you up and down. She can't resist your body. She wants you so badly. She wants to make sure that you don't go off with a random creepy guy who is trying to take advantage of you again. It's really worrisome and she's worried about your safety. Also she doesn't want you to be touched by anyone else but her. “You're just jealous.” You look at her annoyed. She scowls at you and she rolls her eyes at you again. She walks over to you. "Jealous? I am not jealous of you at all. He was trying to take advantage of you in your intoxicated state and he was getting way too aggressive with you."
“Yeah, right…” You are a bit over her right now. She sighs. "I am not just saying this because I'm jealous. I am saying it because I care and because you are very vulnerable.“ She looks at you up and down and she can't deny that the dress is amazing but she definitely has a serious look of worry written on her face. She seems really angry but she's not sure how she can express her anger without you feeling like she's being overbearing and controlling. Her behavior is definitely coming from a place of concern and she just wants to look after you.
“You were jealous of that guy.” You say as you start taking your jewelry off. She rolls her eyes at you again. "I am not jealous of that guy at all. He was trying to take advantage of you and he was getting really aggressive towards you. I'm happy that I was there to step in before anything serious happened. You should be thanking me, not saying that I'm just jealous." You get up to her and look in her eyes. She gave you a hard stare. She looks at you for a few moments and she seems a little bit taken aback by the closeness and the intensity of your gaze. She is pretty used to it since she is with you 24/7, and she knows that you can be a bit of a handful but she is slightly thrown off by your attitude tonight. “Don't think I didn't see you staring and checking me out.” She rolls her eyes and she smiles slightly towards you. "Okay, I might have checked you out once or twice. But that is not why I'm actually mad at you."
“No, you're jealous.” She laughs. "I'm not jealous, okay?! I'm just concerned about you and I don't want you to get into a dangerous situation again. That's all this is all about and nothing more. "
“You wanted to be in his place dancing with me.” You were right, she did want that. To kiss your neck, press your body against her, smell your perfume, kiss you… "Alright, fine. If it makes you feel any better, maybe I was a little bit jealous that you were dancing with him and maybe I wanted to dance with you instead…" Ellie wants to punish you for making out with that man. She wants to make you hers and hers alone. She can't take it anymore. Guys flirting with you everywhere you go, it's too much for her. You are going to be hers. She looks at you with a serious face. “You need to learn not to let guys use you.”
“Maybe I want them to use me.” You say to annoy her. She looks at you with anger in her eyes. “No, not happening ever again. You are going to start to behave.” She gets closer to you. “I'm an adult, I can make my own choices.” You raise your voice. “Your parents hired me to keep you from being scandalous, and you are at your limit. Tonight was the last straw, you hear me? I'm going to make you behave.” She says in a strict and commanding tone looking into your eyes. Ellie gets closer to you and grabs your wrist. “You are going to have your punishment now. Don't try to fight it.”
“Let go!” You say frustrated. She pulls you without saying another word and makes you kneel in front of her as she sits on the edge of your bed. She loves seeing you like this, at her mercy. “Quit being such a brat.”  She sits back down on the bed looking at you with a smirk. She grabs your face. “You are going to start behaving like a good girl whether you like it or not.” She is feeling more possessive of you by the second, and you can see it in her eyes.
“Let me go!” She glares at you. "No, I'm not letting you go. Do you think that I'm going to let you go now after what happened at the club?" She definitely feels a bit possessive and she's not quite sure how else to handle the situation. She's already told you all the different reasons why she's angry at you but it seems like she wants to punish you in a different way as well. You look at her angry. She stares back at you with a very angry look on her face and she seems like she wants to say something but she doesn't know what or how she should say it. She doesn't want to punish you too harshly because she knows that she's already acting a bit too overbearing but she wants you to know that she's not going to let you do whatever you want anymore.
She makes you kneel in front of her and she stares down at you with a very powerful and overbearing look. She is starting to feel slightly guilty for being so intense and dominant over you but she also wants to make sure you know who is in charge. At this point she has obviously completely taken control of the situation. She takes off her tie and she ties your hands behind your back with it, making you feel completely powerless in her grasp which gives her a bigger sense of control and dominance over you. “What are you doing?” She laughs slightly. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm tying you up because you're a wild child and you need to be under control, at least for a little while. Don't worry, it's for your own good." You try to get free and you struggle against the tight ties that are bound to your hands behind your back. It isn't very comfortable and you're starting to feel quite restricted. She laughs as she watches you helplessly struggling against the ties for a few moments. "You're not going anywhere now. I've got you in my control and you're not going anywhere without my permission."
“I hate you.” She chuckles a little bit and she looks at you with a teasing, almost mocking look on her face. "Hate me all you want but you know that you need to have this kind of discipline. I can't just sit back and watch you go wild with that kind of reckless and irresponsible behavior. You're way too impulsive and you need to have some sort of authority in your life." She grabs your face and she pulls it towards her own. She looks you directly in the eyes. "You need to understand that I'm not trying to be mean. It's just that this sort of reckless and irresponsible behavior is dangerous and something has to be done. If I didn't take control of the situation then who knows what could've happened to you tonight. It's for your own good and I hope that you understand that."
“Let me go!” She laughs. "I'm not letting you go until you've learned your lesson and I know that you won't do this again. You need to be a little bit more responsible and mature, otherwise you're just going to keep getting into situations where someone will take advantage of you again." You look at her defiantly. She stares back at you defiantly too. "Look, you're only going to make this worse if you keep insisting that I let you go. The only way that you will get out of this tied up situation is if you admit that you didn't take any responsibility for yourself tonight." She is definitely a bit more angry now and she narrows her eyes as she looks down at you. "You're being way too stubborn. I don't want to keep you tied up like this forever but you really need to admit that you need to be more accountable for your actions, otherwise this problem will keep happening again and again." 
“No…” She glares at you for a moment. "Do you really think that you can sit here and say 'no' to me as if you actually have a choice in the matter? I'm the one who is in control over here and I'm your bodyguard now. I'm the one who decides what happens to you." She grabs you forcefully and she pulls you to her lap. She stares directly into your eyes with a very stoic, dominating look. She leans in close to you and she whispers in your ear, "Just remember that this is all happening because you couldn't think for yourself and you had to let someone else take full control of the situation. You were reckless and irresponsible so now you are going to get disciplined for your actions. Do you understand?" She holds you tightly in her lap and she doesn't give you any time to defend yourself. She lifts your dress so she can spank your bare ass, as hard as she can, repeatedly. You scream out in pain. The blows are quite painful and they sting heavily. The spanks don't seem to stop either and they become more intense as she keeps spanking you with no sign of letting go. “Please stop…” She pauses for a moment and she finally stops spanking you after a few more. She pulls your hair tightly and she pulls your face towards her. “I hate you.” She smiles in a smug, arrogant way. "I know. But I think the feeling is quite mutual."
“Fuck you!” She laughs and she shrugs. "I've been called worse things before." She smiles slightly. "I think that might teach you a lesson but don't think that you're going to get away with your reckless behavior by only getting a few spanks. The way I see it, you've been very irresponsible and defiant tonight so you deserve to be disciplined and I'm the person who's going to do it." She throws you down to the floor and she pins you down with her legs on either side of your body so that you can't get away.
“What do you think you are doing?” She doesn't respond and she just keeps stamping her feet on either side of your body as she pins your whole body down with her weight. It's very difficult for you to breathe because her weight is pushing down on you. “Get off!” She doesn't say anything but she finally gets off of you. She looks at you with a very angry and intimidating look on her face. "I'm not getting off because you're telling me to. I'm getting off because I want to. Don't think for a single moment that you had any control over my actions because you don't."
She grabs your neck and she pulls you towards her own body with one hand. She looks at you intensely and she keeps your neck held tightly with her grip. She has a very angry and intense look on her face and she seems like she's about to do something. You look at her worried. She keeps her grip on your neck and she looks at you almost intimidatingly with a very intense expression on her face. She is giving you a very serious, intimidating, and almost terrifying look. She squeezes your neck slightly harder. “Please stop…” She doesn't stop and she keeps tightening her grip. She is squeezing your neck hard. You start to get light headed from this and your vision slowly starts to get blurry. She finally lets go and she gets off you. She looks at you with a very cold, callous and arrogant look on her face. She seems like she doesn't really care about the pain that she just inflicted on you. She orders you to bend over the bed and she stares at you with a very cold and intimidating look. She puts her hands on your shoulders and she pushes you down so that you are bent over the bed.
“What are you doing?” She looks at you. "Do you really think that I'm going to let you get off that easy? I'm going to make sure that you remember this lesson you've learned tonight and I'm going to make sure this kind of situation never happens again." She unbuckles her belt and she starts taking it off. She looks at you with a very stern and intimidating look on her face as she does this. She folds it into a smaller belt strap and she holds it tightly in her hand. She stares at you for a few moments before she raises her arm high up and she brings it down with a tremendous amount of force. The impact is very intense and you scream out in pain. The belt has a very sharp and severe impact on you and it hurts a lot. Your ass is starting to feel very sore and you can feel the pain of her intense belt spanking.
“Stop!” She finally stops and she lowers her arm, she takes a few steps back. "You see, now do you understand how it feels when you're on the receiving end of the discipline?" You nod. She smiles in a sadistic and cruel way. "Good, I was starting to think that you were going to be stubborn and defiant for the rest of the night. But I can see that you understand what I'm saying now and I hope that this lesson will stick with you for a long time." She looks at you as you look away annoyed. "Do you really think that that was enough of a lesson for you? I can see that you're still not completely remorseful for what you've done. Do you need me to continue disciplining you since that's what is going to happen if you don't give me a proper apology."
She spanks you hard and she does it again and again. She keeps hitting you with the belt in the same exact spot over and over again. “Please…” You cry as she hits you. The pain is starting to become very intense for you and you start to break down into tears. You scream and cry louder because it hurts so much. “Please stop..” She finally stops and she looks at you. "There, now do you feel better? I hope that it was enough for you to start being more responsible and respectful from now on, because if I have to do that again or something similar, I don't think I would be able to hold back the next time." She begins to tie your ankles together with the belt. She makes the belt very tight around your ankles and she keeps tightening it. You are quite uncomfortable due to how tightly she is tying you. You feel very tight and very restricted and it's starting to get a bit painful. She looks at you after she finishes and she smiles in a cruel way. "Do you realize just how helpless you are right now? I could do whatever I want with you. I could just leave you like this for hours or days on end until you learn your lesson and I could also do something more punishing if you don't take this seriously." You were still crying. She saw that you were still crying and she approached you. She wiped the tears off your face. "Are you going to stop crying? Can you control your emotions at least that much?" She is definitely very angry that you are still crying. She glares at you. "Control yourself. Your tears are not going to get you out of this situation. All they are doing is just making you look weak and pathetic. So stop crying now." You try your best to stop crying but it is very hard to do so, considering how you are currently tied up and how painful it was to get hit by the belt repeatedly. You still struggle to keep trying to stop it.
She demands that you get on the floor and she tells you to kneel. "Come on, do it. I'm not going to let you get away with trying to stay seated down. You're going to start kneeling now if you know what's good for you." You kneel in front of her. She keeps a close eye on you as you get on your knees in front of her. She is watching you very closely. "That's better. Now stay like that and stop moving. No more back talk or anything. Just keep kneeling and keep your mouth shut. Is that clear?" You nod. "Good. Now keep yourself in that position and don't move a muscle unless I tell you to. Is that clear?" You nod again. She keeps a close watch on you. "Good. Because if you don't stay perfectly still, I might just have to discipline you again and this time, I may just do it a little harder than I did before." You look at her scared. She notices the scared look that you have on your face and she smiles in a sadistic way. "Oh, is that fear I see on your face? I think that's exactly the kind of reaction that I was hoping for."
“Please dont hurt me…” She looks at you with a cold and ruthless stare. "What if I were to hurt you again? What are you going to do about it? You're stuck in this position without being able to move and I could just hurt you in any way that I want. Do you still want to disobey and test my patience?" You shake your head. She keeps staring at you. "Good. Don't think that I'm going to let you off easy just because you're nodding. I still don't think you've fully learned your lesson yet so I think I'm going to need to punish you some more." You look at the floor a bit embarrassed. She notices that you're completely avoiding eye contact. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. I want to see that you're not just avoiding me because you're scared but also because you're embarrassed by your behavior. Now look at me." You can’t look up. She is getting increasingly irritated with you and you don't think she's going to stop trying to get you to look at her. "Look at me. That's an order. I'm not going to let you get away with not looking me in the eyes." You look up slowly. She is watching you as you slowly lift your head up to look at her. She keeps a very intense and fierce look on her face. "Good. Now keep looking at me. I want to see your remorse and I want to see that you're embarrassed by your behavior." A tear falls down your face. She notices this. "Oh, are you finally starting to feel bad? Or are you just being manipulative and trying to get back into my good graces?" You start to cry a lot. She notices that your emotions seem genuine but she still seems reluctant to fully trust that you're truly sorry. "Well, I guess I could be wrong about you. It seems like you really are starting to feel bad. I'll give you one last opportunity to prove to me that you've learned your lesson."
“I'll be good…” You whisper and she looks at you. "Are you absolutely sure that you won't repeat this kind of behavior? Because if I found out that you did, then I would be very disappointed in you and I would make sure that you receive a much rougher punishment than what you got before." You nod. She seems satisfied with your answer. "Good. I expect that you will not only treat me with respect and kindness from now on, but you will also treat everybody else the same. Is that clear?"
“Yes.” She nods back at you. "Good. Now that you've agreed to be good from now on. I'm going to untie you and I'll let you up off your knees. But I will be watching you closely. Is that understood?" You nod again. She nods back and she walks over to you and she begins to untie your hands and your feet. She finally finishes. "There, now you can get up off of your knees and sit back down on the bed. I'll be keeping an eye on you and if you do anything to disappoint me, then I'll have to punish you again." You lie down and you can feel the pain and soreness of the spanking and the belt hitting you. She notices this. "Don't think that I don't notice how sensitive and sore your body seems right now. I definitely see that the punishment that I gave you seems to have left quite a bit of soreness and pain behind." She walks out of your room. "I think that I will have to keep you in your bedroom for a while. I will keep the door locked so that you don't do anything that will get you into trouble and so that I can keep a closer eye on your behavior." She locks the door behind her as she leaves.
The next day you wake up in your room and you see that the door is locked. You're still feeling sore and sensitive and you're also feeling a bit of pain and discomfort. You can hear the sound of the tv from outside of your room. You walk to the door and you try to listen in to what's being said outside, but it's pretty hard to make out what they're saying due to the door being closed and them talking in a low tone. It's just a bunch of muffled voices that are hard to understand. You hear Ellie getting closer and you can hear the sound of her footsteps approaching the door. You then suddenly you can hear the sound of the door unlocking.
After spanking you the previous night, Ellie was feeling very confident in herself. She loved to see you submit to her. She always wanted this. You were such a brat. So annoying and rude. Always getting into trouble and causing a scene when you went out. She always imagined what it would be like to be the one with you in the place of all the guys you flirted with. She wanted you to be hers. You were the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. She felt so turned on every time you dressed up in your tight little dresses. She just wanted to kiss you and make you hers. You take some steps back from the door. The sound of it being unlocked causes you to jump back a bit. As you step away, you see it begin to open slowly and Ellie walks into view. She comes into the room and she stops just as she enters. She doesn't say anything as she stares at you and she smiles in a cold and stern way. She is eyeing you up and down. "What are you doing?"
“I just woke up.” She nods back at you. "I understand that you just woke up, but I told you to stay in this room until I gave you permission to leave. So you are clearly not obeying me and that is going to lead to some serious consequences."
“I haven't left. Can I just go to the bathroom?” She nods back at you. "You can go to the bathroom. I will have to accompany you though, to make sure that you don't do anything else that would disappoint me." She follows you into the bathroom and stays close behind you as you move. She keeps a very close eye on you. "Just try not to do anything that will make me mad. I'm doing this because I want you to be able to take care of your personal hygiene, but I'm going to be watching you the whole time."
You start to run a shower and get undressed, she can see the marks she left on your body. She doesn't take her eyes off you as you take off your clothes and you begin to run the shower. She can see the marks that she left on your body and she feels very proud of how her punishments have left you sore and bruised. She smiles in a sinister way. "So that's what this is about. you just wanted to take a shower so that you could look at all of your marks in the mirror, wouldn't you?"
“No, I just wanted to get clean.” She seems a little skeptical. "Fine, just take a quick shower then. I don't want you wasting too much time in here and I especially don't want you looking at yourself in the mirror." You get in the shower and wash your hair. She keeps close watch as you step into the shower. She is watching the soap run over your body and it seems like she is getting increasingly amused and pleased with the way your body is looking. It hurts to move your body and it hurts to wash it, but you have no choice but to do it. So you carefully wash your skin and you take your time with it. As you do, she is watching you very closely and she is smiling at the sight of you naked. "Don't take your time. Make sure that you get done as quickly as possible. I don't really want to wait too long and I definitely don't want to risk you accidentally slipping."
You get out of the shower and get wrapped in a towel, She watches as you wrap a towel around yourself. "Good work, make sure to dry yourself off before you put some clothes on. I didn't let you take a shower just so you could get out and get wet again now, did I?" You dry your body and your hair before getting dressed. You put on your underwear, a t-shirt and some comfy shorts. She watches you as you're starting to get dressed. "Great. Finally you're ready. I see that you're moving very slowly and I can tell that you are still dealing with some soreness and discomfort. You still seem quite sensitive and delicate, especially in the areas that I hit yesterday."
“It hurts.” She nods back at you. "I expected as much. I did hit those areas very hard so the pain will linger for a few days before it starts to fade away. So in the coming days, you will have to deal with the pain and the discomfort for a bit longer, okay?" You nod. You only brush your teeth and then you are done. "Good. Well, it looks like you're finally ready to leave the bathroom now. I'll let you out and I'll let you get back to your normal routine, but I want you to keep in mind everything I've told you. I expect you to remain well-behaved and under control from now on. Is that understood?"
“Yes.” You look down. She nods back at you and she says "Good. Now, let's see if we can get this door open." She walks over to the door and she unlocks it. She opens it and she asks you to walk out of the room so that she can see how well you manage to behave yourself. You walk out and you can feel her watching your every move. You feel very self-conscious and you're having trouble avoiding her eye contact. You just try your best to behave yourself and to not do anything that she wouldn't like. She was absolutely turned on by the sight of the marks on your body. She found the marks that she left on you to be very sexy and she is getting more and more turned on as she keeps watching you.
Later in the day you two watch a movie together on the couch and she keeps her eyes on you the entire time. She can't stop looking at you and she is getting increasingly turned on by your body and the way you are behaving so well. She is definitely staring and she keeps looking at you very intently. She seems to be admiring your body and she seems to be really enjoying herself as she keeps watching you and she can't stop. She loved the marks she had left on you. She had marked you as hers and anyone could see it if they looked at your skin.
She places her hand on your leg and you can feel her hand resting on your thigh. She seems to be very close to you now and she is enjoying being near you and being able to touch you. You look at her as she places her hand on you. She seems to be enjoying being this close and the feeling of being able to touch you. She feels very close to you and she seems to be getting more and more turned on by the situation. Her grip on your thigh gets stronger and she begins to squeeze the fat of your leg. You can feel her fingers digging into your thigh and you can also feel her hand getting warmer as she continues to squeeze it. You start to blush, you weren't expecting this at all. She notices that your cheeks are becoming red and that you are starting to blush. She can even notice that you are starting to breathe a little bit faster. She smiles in a naughty way and she slowly begins to caress your thigh. “What are you doing?” You ask a bit confused. She doesn't answer you and she continues to caress your thigh. The feeling of her fingers on your thigh is making you blush even more, it's making you feel very hot and you can't help but keep your eyes on her and get increasingly flustered. You can feel her breath against your face now and you can feel her body heat against yours.
“what…” You are speechless. She moves forward until she's leaning against you. She is so close to you now that you can feel her breath against your neck. She has one of her hands caressing your thigh and her other hand is placed behind your head. She isn't saying anything and she's just breathing against you. She moves her head forward and your faces are now less than an inch apart from each other. Her breath is hot and you can feel the warmth of her body so close to yours. She seems to be enjoying the intensity of the moment and she isn't saying anything. You blush even more as she gets closer. She is enjoying seeing how flushed you're becoming and she continues keeping your faces close together. She continues to caress your leg and you can feel her fingers tracing circles along your thigh. Her hand is getting warmer and you can feel her breath on your cheek.
She whispers something in your ear and you can feel her breath on your neck. “I've wanted to kiss you since the first time I saw you.“ She whispers in a very sensual voice and she seems to be making you blush so hard that you feel like your face is burning up. She slowly pulls her face even closer so that her mouth is almost touching yours. You can feel her breath on your lips and you can feel like she is about to kiss you. You are having trouble resisting. She is slowly moving her face forward and her mouth gently presses against yours. Your lips make first physical contact and the feeling of her lips against yours is making you feel very hot. She is caressing your thigh still and her other hand comes from behind your head and begins to slowly run through your hair.
You kiss her back and the feeling of her lips on yours is sending shocks of electricity through your body. She kisses you harder and the feeling of your bodies being so close together and your lips being pressed against each other, sends shivers of pleasure up your spine. She seems determined to kiss you hard and she is keeping a firm grip on your thigh. She pulls you in even closer so that you are actually straddling her lap. Her body is making contact with yours and you can feel her chest rising and falling. She keeps holding you in her lap and she keeps kissing you hard, her other hand is now caressing your ass. You hold her face as you kiss. She leans her head back and she opens her mouth and she keeps kissing you and now your tongues are making contact. Your body is fully pressed against hers and you can feel her body heat. Your thighs are pressing against her and her hands are caressing your ass. She keeps kissing you hard and she doesn't want this to stop. She kisses your neck and she slowly moves her mouth down to your collarbone and she continues kissing it. Her tongue is tracing little circles on your neck. The feeling of her mouth slowly moving from your lips, down to your neck is making you very sensitive and it's sending shivers of pleasure down your spine once more. You can feel her breathing on your neck now and you are getting so turned on. The feeling of her mouth and her tongue on your neck is making you feel very hot and it's so hard to hold back your moans and not give her any clues that you are enjoying this way too much. You can feel your underwear getting wet, her touch is so intoxicating. 
“Ellie…” She moves her mouth back up to your lips and she says, "Yes?" in a very sensual tone. She seems like she knows what is going on inside your mind and she wants you to tell her. “We shouldn't…” She laughs at that. "Oh, I don't think so. Why is this something that we shouldn't do? Do you feel like this is too much for you?" She pauses for a moment and she looks at you intently. “My father will fire you if he finds out…” She laughs back at you again. "Do you really think your dad's opinion matters that much to me? I'm doing this because I want to and I won't stop. we’re just allowing something to happen between two consenting adults who want this." She whispers in your ear that she doesn't care if she gets fired and that she doesn't care if your father has any issues with your relationship. "I don't care if I get fired. I don't care if your father has a bad opinion on us. We are two adults and we both want this and I love this feeling so I really don't care what anyone else thinks. I'm doing this because I want to and I always wanted you."
She kisses you harder this time and the feeling of her mouth against yours is making you groan with pleasure. The feeling of the pressure of her mouth against yours is sending shocks through your whole body and she is still caressing your ass and holding it with a tight grip. She has absolutely no intention of stopping and she even pulls you in closer towards herself, making your bodies even more pressed against each other. She keeps kissing you hard and you can feel your core heating up from the amount of pressure and intensity of the situation. The feeling of her body pressed against yours is making you feel hot and it's also making it very difficult to control some of the sounds that you are making. She is still whispering in your ear. "I love to feel you like this. Just let yourself get wrapped up in the pleasure…" She grabs your ass hard and she is continuing to kiss you. This is the most intense moment of your life and you can feel her body heat on yours. You can't stop making a moan as she keeps on grabbing your ass and kissing you hard. Your body is heating up and you can't control many of the noises that you are making. She is enjoying this so much and she doesn't care if anyone can hear. She picks you up as you are in her arms and takes you to her bedroom. She is continuing to kiss you and she is making you feel very aroused. She closes the bedroom door behind her and she places you on the bed and leans over you as she is kissing you.
She starts undressing herself and she slowly removes her blazer. She is starting to get undressed and she is moving slowly to make sure that every single movement will make you feel really hot and turned on. She's taking her time to remove every single piece of clothing. She takes her tie off and she leaves it on the bed. She isn't in any hurry to undress herself completely and she continues taking off her clothes. She moves in a playful and flirty way and she is clearly enjoying every minute of this whole process. You feel like she is teasing you and making you more and more impatient for her to finish taking all her clothes off. She continues to stare at you as she proceeds to unbutton her shirt. She kisses you again. She is removing one piece of clothing after the other and she is enjoying the anticipation of it. Her body is a bit more exposed to you. She is wearing a white wife beater under her shirt and you can see her tattoo on her right forearm. She orders you to take your top off and she seems serious about this order. She doesn't want to make any more movements and she wants you to be the one to take away your clothing. You obey her command and you begin taking off your top. You slowly and nervously begin to move your hands around your shirt. She orders you to get up and take off your shorts and she seems to be very strict on this matter. You do as you're told and you get up from the bed as you begin to take off your shorts. She watches you the whole time and she never takes her eyes off you. You can feel your body heat up and she is feeling very interested and excited. You are now only in your underwear and she is absolutely enjoying this sight. She is watching you and her eyes are not leaving you for a second. She tells you to crawl to the bed and get down on your knees. She wants to have a closer and more intimate view and she wants to feel your body.
You get down on your knees and you are now on the floor in front of her. She can see your body in a much more intimate way. She starts praising you and telling you how beautiful you are. "So beautiful, you're absolutely gorgeous. I can't believe you're in front of me right now and I'm the one that gets to be this close to you. I always wanted you, and now you're here." She sees you blush and it just makes her want you even more. "Ah, so cute to see you blush. I really do think you're very beautiful and I'm enjoying looking at you right now. I just love the way your body looks and I love how I can just have you right here on your knees in front of me." She caresses your chest and she can feel your heartbeat. She is enjoying the sensation of your breasts and she really loves the way your body feels. She felt your nipples were already erect and she barely did anything. You bite your lower lip in a very sensual way and she notices and it just makes her even more turned on. She is enjoying this whole situation and she is enjoying seeing the different reactions on your face as she's caressing you.
She tells you to stay still as she uses her tie to tie up your hands behind your back. She wraps the tie around your hands. She is now completely in control of your actions. You let her do as she pleases and she is enjoying this moment. She now has complete control over you and she can do whatever she wants. She is enjoying herself completely. She bends you over the bed and she continues caressing you. She is touching your back and she is enjoying this moment very much. She uses her belt to tie up your ankles and she now has you totally immobile and in her complete power. She leaves you on the bed and starts searching for something. Your body now feels completely vulnerable and she can do whatever she wants. She leaves the room and you can hear her going somewhere. You are completely at her mercy and you have no chance of changing the course of this game and this is getting very intense now. You are totally helpless and you're at her disposal.
She comes back with a box and you can see that she has something in it. She is carrying the box over to you and she's starting to take some things out and that's the beginning of a new experience for both of you. She starts to take out different objects and she's looking at you with a big grin on her face. She is holding some very interesting things and you can't believe that she's even thinking about using them on you. She gets a whip and she's holding it with both of her hands. She is smiling at you and she looks like she's ready to use this whip to take things to a more intense level. “What are you going to do with that?” You ask a bit worried. She looks at you with a little smirk on her face. "Just relax, let me do what I do best and let's see how you react to this whip." You brace yourself  for the impact. She starts to gently and slowly whip the whip in different areas of your body and you feel the sting but you're trying not to react yet. She wants to see how much you can take and she seems to really enjoy the show of your reaction to each stroke of the whip.
As she goes harder you start to whimper and you are starting to feel the pain. The pain is getting more and more intense and you're trying to see how much you can handle. She keeps going harder and she continues to enjoy this moment very much. You start to cry from the pain and she stops. She is feeling a little embarrassed about making you cry and she thinks she went a little too hard on that last strike. She smiles at you. "You were a very good girl, you took that whip like a champ and I'm sorry if I hurt you. I think I went a little too far and I think you should rest for now. If you ever want to try this again anytime soon, let me know." She smiles at you and she unties your ankles and your hands from behind your back. She lets you go and she tells you that you can rest. She laid beside you and she pulled you close to her and she's now just holding you. She is being affectionate and she's comforting you because she noticed how much the whipping was affecting you. She holds you close and she wraps her arms around you and you're enjoying being this close to her. She keeps you in her arms for a few minutes and she's enjoying the closeness and the feeling of your body next to hers.
A bit later she ties your hands to the headboard of the bed where you cannot move them too much. She is clearly in control and she wants to get back into the mood and she has a plan. You look at her as she ties you up. She keeps tying the rope around you to make sure you're completely immobile. She's enjoying taking control over you and she's really feeling strong and powerful. She puts a blindfold on you to make you feel even more helpless. She moves around the room and she's trying to really make you vulnerable. She looks at the red marks she had created on your body and she's feeling very proud that she had that impact on you. Her body heat is still quite intense and she is still enjoying this whole situation. She gets up as she goes to the box. She comes back with something in her hands. She is holding a device and she is slowly starting to use it on your body. You can feel the vibrations slowly starting to take effect and this is starting to feel very interesting for both of you.
You jumped when you felt the vibrations because it was a very unexpected feeling. She was starting to use this device all over your body and it was starting to get more and more intense. You can feel the strong vibrations and they're making your whole body feel very hot and a little ticklish. You're feeling very vulnerable since you can't see what she's doing and you're just listening to the sounds of her moving the device. “I'm going to make you cum now, alright? Will you cum for me like a good girl?” She holds it over your clit as she takes you to your limit. She's keeping the vibrator in place for a lot longer than you expected and you can tell she's starting to push your limits a little bit. She wants to make you cum just from this. She's biting her lip as she hears you moan and squirm. You're starting to feel very nervous and vulnerable because you can feel the intense vibration but you can't see what she's doing. This feeling is exciting to both of you. You feel good and you're almost at your limit from all the vibrations that are taking over your body. She is enjoying your reactions and she is really getting into this entire experience. It is getting very intense, you feel your orgasm appear and she's pushing you to the edge of what you can handle.
You moan as she pushes you over the edge and she realizes that you've reached your limit. She's loving your reactions and she's really getting excited seeing you like this. “That's it, cum for me.” She says in a commanding voice. She turns off the vibrator and you finally get some relief. She sees that you reached your limit and she is now smiling at you. She tells you that you have been a very good girl and she is very proud of how well you handled this whole situation. Her eyes sparkled when she heard you cum. She can see how aroused you are. The wet patch in your panties is very evident by now. The vibrator only made you get wetter. She puts her hand on your thigh and she is enjoying this connection between you both. She is just caressing you softly and she is enjoying feeling the intimacy of your body. You get goosebumps as she touches you and keeps caressing your thigh. It is a very intimate moment between you both and you are enjoying the feeling of her hands.
She touches your pussy through your underwear and there is some tension in the air. She is taking things to the next level and her touch is becoming a lot more intense. she starts teasing you as she moves her fingers slowly over your wet cunt. You moan when you feel her touching you. She starts speeding her movements as her fingers form tiny circles over your clothed clit. “You're so wet for me. Does this feel good? Am I making you feel good?” She smiles as she continues to touch you and you can tell she is enjoying this a lot. Her touch is getting more and more intense and she is pushing the limits on your body once more. You can feel yourself reaching your limit and she can feel that from your body reactions too. She makes you moan louder with her touches. She is enjoying the whole situation more and more. She is starting to get very turned on. She loves the sounds you are making. She stops after you reach your limit and she knows it's time to pause things for a bit. Ellie is feeling very satisfied and she enjoyed getting to this point with you. She can tell this moment really got you going.
She takes off the blindfold and now you can see her again. She is smiling at you and there is a look of satisfaction on her face. She looks like she really enjoyed this whole experience and she's also looking at you with a very sexy and intense look. You catch your breath and you're feeling a mix of relief and pleasure at the same time. You're taking in this whole moment and she can see the impact she had on you. She asks if you felt good and you answer her honestly. "I felt amazing. It was intense but I really liked it." She feels happy to hear you.
She put the blindfold on again. She starts touching your pussy again, but now she's touching your wet patch. You can feel your juices on the fabric, Her eyes sparkle as she feels how wet you are. She pulls your panties to the side and dips her fingers in your wetness. You moan as she does so. Her calloused fingers start moving through your folds. Ellie bites her lower lip as she is mesmerized by the sight of your pussy. “I'm going to make you feel even better now.” Her voice sends shivers down your spine as she penetrates you with ease, due to how wet you were. “Fuck, look at that…” She is fascinated as she watches her finger disappear inside of you. Your moans can be heard in the bedroom as she starts to stretch your hole. She starts pumping in and out and your sounds are music to her ears. She goes faster and faster hitting your g-spot. She slowly inserts a second finger into your tight hole and your breath gets caught in your throat. As she starts moving her fingers again you feel a knot form in your stomach. The way she's moving her fingers in and out of you makes your whole body tremble. You let out moans of pleasure, you can't help yourself. You have had some fantasies about her before but never imagined this would actually happen. As she moves faster she starts curling her fingers inside you and hitting your sensitive spongy spot. She can tell she is about to make you cum again and she can't take her eyes off of your beautiful cunt. “You're doing so well, that's it… Cum for me again…” Her voice only adds to the pleasure and you can feel your orgasm approaching. You squirm and move as she continues, your legs are beginning to shake.
She isn't going to stop until you cum all over her fingers. She has dreamed of this moment for so long. Every time she saw you in those tight little dresses you liked to wear when you went out, when she would catch you bending down to get something, or even when you simply walked in front of her. She wanted to take you there and then. She often masturbated to the thought of you. She couldn't help herself. You were starting to feel the knot on your belly coming undone as she fastened her pace more and more. The blindfold only made the feeling more intense than it already was. Soon you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you as you reached your orgasm. Your moans were the most beautiful sound Ellie had ever heard. She kept going until you came all over her fingers. She slowed down helping you come down from your high. As she stopped, she pulled her fingers out of you and brought them to her mouth. She sucked every drop of your cum. She even closed her eyes when she tasted you. You tasted like heaven. “Fuck… You taste so good…” She then came up and kissed your lips so you could taste yourself on her tongue. She took the blindfold off and looked into your eyes, completely filled with lust. She then kissed you passionately as she sat on top of you. You never felt so good. None of the guys you were with ever made you feel like this. You smiled as she kissed you, still letting out small moans. You couldn't believe you were missing out on this for a year. Ever since she started to work as your bodyguard, you could have had her anytime you wanted.
Ellie got up from the bed as you laid there still tied up. She went over to the box and took something out. She was still wearing her pants and her wifebeater. She took her top off and was left with her sports bra on, you could see her abs and how toned her body really was. You felt incredibly turned on by the sight. She took out a brand new strap-on. Your eyes widened when you saw it. Ellie laughed a bit at your reaction. You looked so cute to her. “Do you know what this is?” She asked you with a devilish smirk on her face. You could only stare, you were speechless. “Aw, did the cat get your tongue?” She laughed some more. She took off her pants to be left only with her boxers and her sports bra on. You didn't think she could get any hotter, but you were so wrong. She put on her strap and walked to you with some lube on her hand. She got into bed and got in between your legs. She solely took your panties off, they were soaked anyway. Your heart started speeding and you blushed so much you looked like a tomato. Ellie liked your reaction. The sight of your body was enough for her to feel her own boxers get soaked. She kissed you before starting anything. She then whispered in your ear. “I’m going to fuck you dumb, untill you forget your own name…” This made every hair in your body go up. She then sat on her knees as she moved her thumb over your swollen clit, earning some more moans out of you. She opened the lube tube and put some on her strap. She got into position, ready to fuck you, but she teased you with it a bit first. She held the base and slid it between your folds. It was cold at first, making you jump slightly, which only made her feel more excited.
She lined it up with your entrance and was ready to start thrusting into you. “I’m gonna fuck you now, and you are not going to complain, got it?” You nodded at her question. She bit her lip as she pushed the dildo into you. You moaned instantly, feeling her stretch you out. She pushed it in until it was completely swallowed by your cunt. Ellie was almost drooling as she started moving her hips. You felt her thrust into you harder each time as she looked you in the eyes. You closed your eyes due to the slight pain of the size of her strap. She suddenly grabbed your face and spoke in a very dominant and serious tone. “You look at me while i fuck you.” You nodded as she held your cheeks tight. “Good girl, don't you dare look away.” Ellie started to thrust harder and faster into you, getting into an intense pace making you moan louder than before as she looked you dead in the eyes. She started to fuck you relentlessly, moving faster by the second, stretching your tight little hole to the girth of her cock. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at you being fucked by her, finally. She would never get tired of seeing you like this. As she moved, the base hit her clit making her go crazy. She started going even faster, chasing her own high. You felt that familiar sensation appear once more and you weren't going to be able to take it much longer if she kept going at this pace. You could hear Ellie let out some grunts and curses as she fucked deep into you. “Fuck… taking me so well…” She was blinded with desire and lust, all she could think about was you. Her pace quickened and you felt your orgasm starting to wash over you. “Ellie… I'm cumming…” She smiled as she heard you and went even faster as if that was possible. You soon came as she fucked you. This orgasm was more intense then the last and Ellie wasn't stopping. She was very close to her own orgasm and was going to continue fucking you until she reached it. You were starting to feel very overstimulated as she hadn't stopped yet, even though you came already. Ellie closed her eyes as she chased her high as the strap hit her clit perfectly. She felt her orgasm wash over her and you heard her moan and curse. As she came she started to slow down and you were able to catch your breath.
Ellie was stopping and she came down to kiss you whilst still inside you. Your moans mixed with hers and both of you were sweating. She laid on top of you as she kissed you, letting you both calm down a little bit. After a minute or two she carefully removed herself from inside you. As she looked at your cunt she couldn't help but feel proud of the mess she made of you. She smiled as she admired her work. She then untied your hands and kissed your red and sensitive wrists. You were still feeling lightheaded from her fucking you. You had never felt this good before, ever, with anyone.
A few weeks pass by after you and Ellie finally got along. She was happy that you were starting to behave like she wants you too. You haven't flirted with any other boys on your nights out with your friends. On the outside she was just your bodyguard that took you everywhere. To other people that was all there was to it. But as soon as you two were alone, the dynamic changed drastically. She owned you and you liked it. You couldn't deny that you liked having her be so obsessed over you. You loved how much she actually cared and how she treated you and protected you. Ellie loved being able to finally be intimate with you, not having to get jealous over some random guy ever again. She loved the way you submitted yourself to her. She had never felt happier.
After a nice hangout session at the local park with your friends, Ellie took you home like usual. But today she was slightly upset and you were worried. When you got home you went into your bedroom and took off your shoes. She watched you very intently. She thought that your friend was being a bit too friendly with you. She didn't like when boys talked to you. You thought nothing of it really, just chatting with an old friend, but Ellie thought otherwise.
She came into your bedroom with a frown on her face. “Why were you flirting with that guy? He was clearly hitting on you.” She said with a cold and serious voice. You were a bit shocked at her question. “What are you talking about? We were just talking.” She didn't like your answer. She got close to you and grabbed your face. “You know exactly what I'm talking about.” She was not going to let this go so soon. “We are just friends, I didn't flirt with him.” You said, trying to calm her down but you were unsuccessful. “Bend over the bed, now.” She wasn't happy with your answer and she was going to punish you for flirting. You did as she ordered and bent over the bed making your dress come up a bit, showing your ass. She took off her tie and used it to tie your hands behind your back, then she took her belt off and got ready to spank you. “You know the drill. Don't you dare talk back until I'm done. You seem to be forgetting you are mine now.” She brought her hand high, holding her folded belt. She spanked you so hard you jumped. She heard you whimper and got a smirk on her face. She kept spanking you a few more times until your ass was so red that it was almost bleeding. You were crying when she finally stopped.
She smiled more when she noticed your tears. "That's good... Now, here's what I want you to do to show me you mean what you say. I want you to just lay there on this bed, while I take off my top and I take off my tie." She removes her top and she removes her tie, revealing her very attractive, fit, and toned body that's covered in tattoos, the one in her right forearm being the biggest and most complex of the bunch. She gets closer to you as she leans over you. "Just keep laying there, and don't make a sound. Understand?"
You look up at her slightly scared. She continues to hover over you as you lay on the bed. "You don't have anything to be scared about, just don't speak and don't move, and you'll be fine. So just relax and keep looking up at me..." She notices you starting to shake. "Why are you so scared? It's just me here, don't worry. I'm going to make this a nice experience for both of us, you just need to keep looking at me.... Don't look away..." She can see that you're still a little bit nervous but she reassures you. "Just keep looking into my eyes, it'll make this so much better. Don't break eye contact with me... You're going to love what's going to happen next...." You look at her. Her hands slowly start to slide down your legs. "Just relax and let me do whatever I want... You'll see that this is going to be a very pleasant experience for both of us." She continues to slide her hands down and she whispers in your ear, "You'll see, just keep looking into my eyes... Everything's going to feel so good, and you'll love my soft touches... You don't have to worry about anything, just enjoy this moment..." She kisses your neck and you feel her lips and her breath against your neck. You can feel her tongue start to slowly explore your neck as her hands start to slide further down. “Ellie....” She stops kissing your neck and she whispers in your ear, "What's wrong? Are you scared? I told you to relax and enjoy this moment, I'm going to make this a very pleasurable experience for you."
“Can you untie me?” She stops what she's doing. "Oh, you want me to untie you? Well, let me ask you something first. Have you really given up on acting out and misbehaving? Will you be obedient and submissive for me from now on?" You nod and she smiles. "Good, finally you're beginning to see reason... I'm really proud of you. Now, I'll untie you and you'll be able to move. But don't try anything, understood?" She unties you but she keeps her hands on your wrists to make sure that you don't try to run away or do something stupid. "There we go, I untied you like you wanted, but now stay perfectly still...." You look at her not moving. She backs away from you a little bit, but she still has one of her hands on your wrists, she doesn't want to take any chances. "Now get up, but don't think you're free just yet. Stay right by my side and don't try to get away..."
She lets go of your wrists. "Good, now start to follow me. I'm going to lead you somewhere special… You're gonna love it, trust me." She leads you down the hallway, she opens a door and she walks into her room. She sits down on the bed and she tells you to stand next to her. "Now, close your eyes and try to relax. I'm going to give you a surprise that you won't expect." You close your eyes and you feel a soft warm body press up against you, it's her. She's pressing up against you. "Just keep your eyes closed, everything's going to be okay... Now, I want you to imagine something for me, I want you to imagine that it's just you and me here in this room and no one else. Just me and you, the two of us alone, can you do that for me?" You nod, with your eyes still closed. She smiles as she caresses your body. "Good, now just keep imagining, imagine that it's just us and we're alone and we can do whatever we want. I want you to just keep feeling my touch and imagine that it's just a nice warm feeling washing over you...." Her soft hands keep caressing you. "Good... Good ... Just keep imagining and just enjoy this moment. Feel my touch and feel how close we are now, it's just the two of us here together and I can make you feel things you've never felt before."
She unzipped the back of your dress and she slowly pulls the soft fabric off your shoulders, so that the dress is slipping off your body. "You just keep imagining that it's just us here together and don't think about anything else. Just let yourself feel my warm and soft touch as I keep caressing you and let it completely take over your mind and your body." You get goosebumps as the dress falls to the ground. She sees you get goosebumps all over your body and she starts to get even more excited. "Good, that's the feeling we're looking for... I want you to feel my touch and let it take over your entire body. Don't resist it, let yourself feel the pleasure of it… Let the sensation take over your mind and get lost in this moment with me..."
“Okay…” She stops caressing you for a moment when she hears your voice. "Good, you're doing such a good job. Now, I want you to get into bed with me, can you do that?" She helps you to get into bed with her. "Good, now just stay there and stay close to me.” She lays down with you and she pulls you in closely, so that she's holding you tight against her body. She lies on your side and she starts caressing your body with her soft hands. She kisses you all over your body as well. "Just let me make you feel good. Just relax and let everything I do to you feel nice and pleasant." She slowly starts to unclip your bra and she removes it from you. She continues to kiss you everywhere. "Now, let's take off the rest of your clothes..."
Your skin starts to feel very sensitive as she moves on to touching you in other places and she whispers in your ear, "Just let go and give into the feeling. I'm going to take off your underwear now and I'm going to explore your body further.." You nod, closing your eyes. She takes your hands and she pins them down so that you can't move them. "Good... Good... Just keep your eyes closed and keep feeling... Just do everything I say and I'll make you feel good... Now, just relax. I'm going to take off your panties now." She slowly starts to take off your panties and they slide down your legs. "Just keep your eyes closed and lay back. Just breathe slowly and let me just take over and show you how much I love you."
You feel the air hit your skin. As your panties slide down, she rubs the soft fabric over your body. "Just keep your eyes closed and feel how your body is being touched." She moves her lips down over your shoulders and then she kisses your entire body with her soft lips. She kisses your chest and she moves down your stomach to your thighs. "Just keep lying here and stay with your eyes closed... Let me caress your body and let me kiss you on your skin, you only need to worry about feeling nice and relaxed and feeling the love that I have for you..." Her kisses are so soft and gentle that they're making your entire body tingle. She kisses your hips before she starts to kiss your thighs. Her hands slide up your thighs and she starts to caress them with her hands. She whispers to you, "Just keep your eyes closed and just take a deep breath and relax. Just let me take control of this moment and let your body feel what it's like to be touched by me." Her eyes widen as your body begins to shiver and she hears you start moaning. She moves a bit faster and she kisses you harder and more passionately. She whispers in your ear, "You're so beautiful and I'm loving this just as much as you are." She continues to kiss your body aggressively. She got in between your legs and kissed your thighs, leading to your pussy. “Ellie…” She stops kissing and she looks at you. "Yes sweetie? What is it?"
“Don't stop please…” She smiles. "Oh trust me, I wasn't planning on stopping. I have no intention of stopping at all." She continues to kiss your pussy and she starts to lick your sensitive clit. You let out small sounds, she kisses and licks your clit passionately. She starts to lick you more passionately and she slides her tongue in between your folds, tasting you. "Oh, I'm really turning you on now, aren't I?"
“Oh shut up…” You say in a playful way. She laughs and smiles as she goes back to teasing you by licking your neck and kissing your chest. She begins to talk in a provocative manner. "Hmm, I can tell you're really enjoying this, are you feeling good darling? Are you feeling turned on?" You let your head fall down as she goes back down and starts sucking on your clit. She smiles that you're not protesting and she starts to tease you more by bringing her fingers to touch your pussy and feel how wet you were. "Oh I can feel your breath catching now, and I can feel how excited I'm really getting you... Am I making you aroused?"
“Don't get cocky now…” She laughs. "How can I not be? You're getting really turned on right now. You're enjoying this as much as I am, so don't even try to argue with me!"
“Just shut up and keep going.” She laughs. "Aww are you getting annoyed at me now? What happened to that playfulness that I loved?" You look at her playfully annoyed. She is teasing you too much for your liking. She sees your playful look and she smiles. "Don't try and pretend like you're not enjoying this. I know exactly what I'm doing to you, and I know that your body is begging to be touched and caressed. So don't even try to complain because this is only getting more exciting and more arousing."
“Shut up…” You whisper. She smiles and she leans down as she starts licking your clit faster. She pulls away from you for a moment and she smiles as she hears you start moaning. "Oh, you are enjoying this, aren't you? You're so easy to manipulate, your body is so responsive to me. I'm going to keep enjoying this because I love how your body is reacting to me." She starts to move her fingers, getting them into position to penetrate your tight hole. As she teasingly keeps moving her fingers, her tongue becomes more passionate as she is almost making out with your pussy. She whispers. "Are you enjoying this? Your body is so responsive I can tell you're enjoying yourself so much... I am enjoying myself too." You moan quietly. Her other hand keeps traveling up your inner thigh but she stops for a second. "Can I ask you something? Just be completely honest with me..."
“Yes?” You say out of breath. "Does me doing this make you feel nice? Does it make you feel good? Do you like when I caress you?" You nod, closing your eyes. She smiles. "Good... Because I enjoy it too. I love touching you and I love the way your body responds to me." She keeps moving her fingers and she starts getting more and more into it. She inserts one inside you and starts pumping it in and out with ease. You were so wet that she inserted a second one without trouble. She could hear your moans as she fingered you and stimulated your swollen clit. She keeps pumping her fingers furiously inside you and she starts making you reach your limit. The moment gets incredibly intense and almost overwhelming. “Ellie... I'm almost there…” She keeps going as she hears your moans. You feel your orgasm wash over you, leaving you light headed. She keeps going a bit longer to tease you before she pulls away. "Just let it all out... I'm loving this." You smile with your eyes still closed as you cum and feel your body shaking from the pleasure. She keeps fingerfucking you as you smile with your eyes closed. When she sees you are at your limit she slows down smiling as she sees you cum on her fingers. She comes up and kisses you. 
Her hands begin to travel all over your body as she is getting more aggressive with her touches. She flips you around and she keeps you pinned down. “What are you doing?” You ask and she laughs. "I'm just taking advantage of you.. Just doing what I want to do." She kisses your neck before she starts to kiss your face. She starts to caress you all over your body as she is getting more and more aggressive. Her hands start to feel more intense as she starts touching your ass and spanks it a few times.
She gets up to get something. She comes back with a box. "Do you want to know what's inside this box?" You look at it. You don't recognize it. “No, what is it?” She smiles as she sits on the edge of the bed. "Okay... I was hoping that you were going to say that. I've been saving this for a special occasion and I think it might be time that I finally reveal it... It's something special and it's meant specifically for you." She smiles as she asks you, " Get down on your knees for me, then close your eyes and hold your hands out." You do as she says. She smiles as you keep your hands out with your eyes closed. She places something into your hands. "Okay, now open your eyes." In your hands you see a necklace with a charm on it. It is a small heart-shaped charm that glitters in the light.
You look at it. “Is this for me?” Your eyes sparkle in excitement. "Yes it is. The charm itself actually represents something but I think you can use your imagination and figure that one out. It's just something that I've always thought you would look nice in and I wanted to give it to you, so please, keep it and wear it with pride." She puts it on you and it fits perfectly around your neck as she locks it. She smiles and she touches your neck to see how it looks on you. It is like she claimed you as her own and that's what makes the gift that much more special and meaningful. The necklace is a symbol of ownership, and it shows that you belong to her now.
You look at her as she locks it and saves the key. "Now you belong to me and that's just the way I like it... And I have the only key to remove the charm so that way I'm the only one able to take it off. The necklace represents your loyalty and dedication to me. It's a symbol of our bond and it shows that I have full authority over you and your body." You blush a bit as you feel it around your neck. She laughs lightly. "Oh, I see that you're blushing now. You're so weak when I act possessive or claim territory over you. Am I making you feel shy?" You look down as you blush more from her comment. "Aw, are you getting too embarrassed? I'm just saying what we are both thinking. I've claimed ownership over you... Are you embarrassed by that? Do you not like that? I think it's cute... Is that blush actually for me?"
“Oh shut up…” You say playfully. She smiles as she is being playfully told to shut up. "Oh come on, you don't have to be embarrassed... You look adorable when you're like that and I can't take my eyes off of you... So don't tell me to shut up because this is only getting more entertaining for me watching you being all shy and embarrassed.” You touch the necklace around your neck once again. She sees your hands touching her necklace and she smiles. "I can tell that you like it. You're enjoying the fact that you are my property... And you're enjoying knowing that I can do whatever I want to you and your body."
She tells you to bend over the bed and she asks you to make yourself more vulnerable to her. You hesitate for a second. She looks at your hesitant expression. "Are you really feeling timid? I thought that you loved when I was assertive and dominant over you? I thought that you loved it when I was in control of you and you were vulnerable?" You gulp and bend over the bed. She smiles as you bend over. "There, you should enjoy being in this position... It'll make it easier for me to do whatever I want to you now..."
She goes to get something else and she tells you not to move as she leaves the room. You try to stay as still as possible but you start to feel increasingly more nervous and anxious as you wait for her to return. She comes back with a towel along with a jar of coconut oil. She walks over to you and she places the towel on the bed next to you. She then proceeds to squeeze a generous amount of oil onto your back and she begins to massage you vigorously with the oil.
“That was not what i was expecting.” Her hands are warm and soothing, and the combination of the oil and the massaging that she is doing is making you feel incredibly relaxed. You cannot deny how much her hands feel so good and how much your body is reacting to the touch of her fingers. Her hands continue to massage your body with the oil and as it warms up to your body temperature it becomes more relaxing. You start to feel completely at ease and relaxed. She is definitely putting you into the mood for something more intimate. It feels like her hands are everywhere and is the only thing you can feel. She continues to massage you with the oil and she starts to whisper in your ear, "Let yourself go and relax... I want you to forget the outside world and for me to be the only one that exists." You sigh out your last remaining bit of nerves. She whispers, "Shh... Let me take away your stress... Just relax and let me have my way with your body... I want to make you feel everything and want you to let me go as far as I want to with you.. Just let me take control..."
She unbuttons her shirt and she lays down on top of you with her chest touching your back. Her breath is warm and shallow as she starts to whisper in your ear, "Let me feel your body more… Let me explore your whole body with my hands... I'm going to touch you everywhere and there is nothing that you can do about it.. So just let me enjoy your body and let the oil and my hands do their work."
She ties both of your hands together and she pulls you over to take more control over your body. She then continues to massage you with more confidence and control over your body. She whispers, "Be a good girl and let me do whatever I want with you..." You get goosebumps as you hear her near your ear. Her warm breath on your neck and behind your ear makes you shiver and your body begins to get filled with goosebumps. It's an incredibly intimate and sensual experience. Her hands continue to touch your body with every stroke and every caress making you shiver. You feel the warmth of her breath on your neck and her fingers begin to explore your body more intently.
Her hands reach her belt and she unbuckles it. She slowly and carefully unbuckles it and it sounds like she is taking her time so she can enjoy taking away your freedom. She pulls your ankles and she wraps her belt around them tightly so that she can tie them together. She is taking full advantage of her dominance over your body and showing you that she has complete control over you from head to toe. You start to feel nervous from being unable to move. She can sense that you are feeling anxious and she whispers into your ear, "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you... Just keep taking deep breaths and let me take control over your body. Let me touch you in ways you have never experienced before... Just sit back and enjoy the ride." You close your eyes and try to relax but your body is shaking slightly as you let her take control over you and as she continues to explore your entire body with her hands. Your body cannot relax because of how intense and intimate her touch is. She suddenly gets up and she says, "I'll be right back... Just stay there and relax and don't move."
She comes back with a black box. "Okay, I have something for you that I think you will like... I want to try something that will make this experience even more enjoyable. Do you trust me?" You nod. "Okay... Now, I'm going to blindfold you. I know that this may seem like I'm being overly aggressive but I promise that it's only going to add to this experience... Do you still trust me?"
“I trust you.” She nods and she pulls a blindfold out of the black box. She wraps the blindfold around your eyes. "Now, I want you to keep your eyes closed and trust that I know what I'm doing." She smiles as she admires your body. "Just keep your body relaxed and let me make the decisions. I'm going to be putting the black box over here and if you need to get my attention for anything, I'll be right here." She gets up from off of you and she walks away from the bed. She turns off the light as she leaves, and you are now lying there with a blindfold on your hands tied behind your back with coconut oil still all over your body.
You're waiting for her and you feel more and more unsure about what she is going to do to you but at the same time there is something about the tension and the suspense that is filling you with excitement. You begin to feel more and more nervous and your heart is racing faster and faster with every passing second. You can hear her moving around and you're hearing the sounds of objects being moved but you cannot tell what she is doing. You can feel the tension and the suspense building up as each second passes by. You hear her steps coming back towards the bed and when she walks in she is no longer wearing her shirt, only her bra. She is also wearing her strap, but there's one difference. This one is a lot bigger than the one she normally uses on you. You still have the blindfold on your eyes and you can only see darkness but you can hear her approaching the bed and getting closer and closer.
You can hear her whispering something but you cannot make out what she is saying. It sounds like she is saying something about you and maybe how much she likes having this control over you. Your sense of touch becomes more heightened as she continues to touch you and you feel her fingers start to explore your body. Her hands start to touch your ass and she is taking her time with it. She caresses and grabs it, digging into the fat. Her touch feels hot and intense as she rubs your skin and she can feel the warmth coming from your body. She starts to massage the red marks on your skin from the spanking earlier and she can sense that they are still tender and sensitive. She laughs softly and you can hear her as she is teasing your pain. She rubs along the spanking marks more aggressively with her fingers and she is getting a reaction out of you. You try not to make any sound. She continues to push your buttons and she is getting into a rhythm of rubbing the spanking marks on your ass. She is enjoying making you feel this much pain and she is wanting to hear you hiss or make any sounds. She likes hearing the small sounds of pain and she finds it so cute that you are making them. She pushes your limits more and more, rubbing harder and more aggressively along the spanking marks. She's enjoying watching you squirm and she leans in close to your ear and she whispers, "I like seeing that you can't get away from this pain. I love to mark you…”
“It's sore, please stop…” She giggles as she hears you say it is sore and she whispers, "No, I like it better like this. I'll keep going until you beg me to stop. So do you want me to stop?"
“Please…”  She laughs. "I cannot believe you actually said the magic word... So if you really want me to stop then all you need to do is beg. Beg me to stop and I'll stop."
“Please stop… I'm begging you.” She smiles and finally stops rubbing your ass. She lifts her hands off your body entirely and she whispers, "Good girl, I'm glad you decided to play by the rules. You are such a submissive little thing and I love how obedient you are towards me."
“What are you going to do?” She smiles at you as she lets you feel her strap as she rubs it on your ass and she whispers, "Just lay there and don't move and let me make all the decisions. I have something new that I think you'll really enjoy... Just keep your eyes closed and stay relaxed." She pulls a pillow and she places it under your belly so that your ass is raised slightly. She whispers in your ear. "I have something really special for you but you need to wait patiently before you can experience it."
She straightens herself back up and continues to watch you as she chuckles to herself. She is in no rush to give you what she is wanting to give you and she is enjoying seeing you waiting in suspense. “Why are you teasing me?...” She smiles at your question. "I'm only teasing you because I know that you want it, don't you? You want to know what I'm going to do to you but you have to wait a little longer... I like seeing you get all worked up and frustrated." You let out a sigh of frustration, not being able to move or see. She whispers, "That's right... Just keep letting that frustration out... You are not going to get what you want until I'm ready for you to get it... Just keep waiting patiently and enjoy the suspense."
“Come on....” You plead. She smiles at your lack of patience.  "You are so impatient. Why don't you just lay back and relax... Let me take my time with this. I know how much this suspense is getting to you, but I want to make this last as long as possible... Just enjoy this moment of frustration." The more she sees that you're getting more and more frustrated, the more her smile grows and her tone of voice gets more sadistic and dominant. “Come on... just do it already.” She leans back and she continues to watch you with a devilish smile. "You're so impatient... And I love that about you. It turns me on so much to see how much you hate waiting for this... Maybe I'll wait even longer... Maybe I'm going to make you beg harder." You try to free your hands but they still can't wriggle free of the ties and you still cannot move much with your body tied down as it is. You feel yourself getting even more worked up and frustrated as she continues to watch you with a sadistic grin on her face. “Please…” She laughs and smiles, then whispers in your ear, "I love seeing you like this. You're so cute when you're begging... I'll wait just a little bit longer and then I'll give it to you, okay?"
Your sigh of frustration continues to turn her on and she watches you waiting with a sadistic grin on her face. She gets behind you as she lubes her strap and she whispers gently, "How badly do you want this? What am I making you wait for? Can you guess?" She can't help but laugh when she sees you struggling to make out what she's saying because she still has you blindfolded. She's enjoying this a lot more than she thought she would. "Keep struggling to guess so that we can play this game a little bit longer..."
“Give me a hint at least…” She whispers, "Okay, I'll give you a hint. It's something that I'm wearing." You blush as soon as you realize what she is talking about. She laughs a bit at your reaction. “Do you know what it is now? Or do you need to feel it to figure it out?” You blush even harder and your body tenses up from her voice. She places her hands on your ass and she spreads your cheeks open. She smirks as she sees how wet you were already from all the teasing. Without saying one word she holds one of your ass cheeks as the other holds the base of the strap. She pushes it inside you, all in one go, making you whimper at the sudden intrusion.
“Fuck… That hurt!” You say as she stays still with her strap fully inside of your cunt.  “Just shut up, take what I give you and be grateful.” She says in a stern and strict voice. “Be a good girl and let me fuck you, yeah?” She asked, but it sounded more like an order. She starts holding your hips so she can fuck into you better. You start moaning at the size of it and how she is stretching you. After a few seconds it didn't hurt as much anymore and she really started to go at it, fucking you relentlessly. You can feel her fingers grip the fat of your hips as she thrusts into you, making a knot form in your stomach. She now holds your tied wrists behind your back for some stability with one of her hands while the other stays where it was. 
“Fuck… Your pussy is so tight…” Ellie swears she can feel your walls clench around her cock. “You’re taking my cock so well… Like a good girl…” She fastens her pace as the base of the strap bumps into her clit. She fucks you as she chaces her own high, not caring if you are cumming or not. She just wants to cum herself. You can feel your orgasm approaching as she pushes your face into the mattress with each thrust. “Ellie, I'm cumming…” She slaps your ass and keeps going. She goes faster and harder, as she feels that she is almost there herself. “Shut up slut!” She slaps your ass one more time and uses that hand to cover your mouth as she fucks you without mercy. Ellie feels herself cumming as she fucks into you making you very overestimulated. You can hear her moans as she changes her pace to meet her needs and bump into her swollen clit just right. After cumming she stops and lays on top of you for a few seconds catching her breath. As she gets up she removes herself from inside you and then unties you. She lays you on the bed now free and kisses you deeply. “You were such a good girl… I'm so proud of you.” She lays beside you and holds you in her arms cuddling you after that intense experience. She loves you, she loves that you are hers now. She's not going to let you go ever. You are the most important thing in the world to her.
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Author's notes: Hi! Sorry for this being such a long fic, but personaly i love to read longer ones myself. I hope you liked it, I really liked writing it! I need ellie to do these things to me urgently. Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged!
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eetherealgoddess · 4 months
hey bestie. requesting a yandere rindou haitanj scenario where reader (cis fem) is currently dating Ran, but rindou is obsessed with her and wants her for himself. a noncon smut where ran leaves reader at home for some reason and rindou takes the opportunity to do the noncon smut and ran ends up catching them, but instead of getting mad, ran just joins them. 💜🖤
Of course!! Hope you like it ♡︎♡︎♡︎
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ꨄBrothers Conflictꨄ
Oneshot - Yandere Haitani Brothers Au
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Not fully proofread
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Brothers Conflict
Being a Haitani’s girlfriend comes with its perks. Not only is Ran an attentive boyfriend, he loves to spoil his girl with all the finer things. Jewelry, makeup, clothes, nails, you name it, it’s done. It was a done deal as soon as he set his eyes on you. It was interesting considering you were the pursuer at first, having a small crush that grew into something more. Finally, ignoring all of your anxiety you confessed, only to find out that he had the same feelings.
Considering it’s hard to read his emotions, you had no idea that he had been thinking about you as much as you thought about him. It was a wholesome moment when he accepted your confession and surprised you with his own gift the next day to properly ask you to be his official girlfriend. It almost felt too good to be true.
After the first hang out, you met his brother Rin. Unfortunately, the awkward meeting resulted in his subtle insults at the dinner table along with the scowl plastered on his face. Worried that you had crossed a boundary of some sort, Ran reassured you that he acted that way with all his girlfriends and explained that he was just being a protective younger brother.
Brushing it off, you let go of your anxious thoughts and continued on as a normal girlfriend. A few months pass and the tension flees, though you still catch Rin’s intense glare boring into you whenever you and Ran relax at their apartment. You refrained from bringing it up, not wanting to cause any problems between the two brothers.
One day, you had been watching tv as you stroked your boyfriend's hair, his head resting on your lap as he breathed steadily, indicating a deep slumber. After a while, he wakes up and slowly pushes himself off of your lap. You eye him in confusion.
“There’s something I forgot to do. I’ll be back later, babe.” He says before giving you a peck to your forehead and hopping off the sofa. He checks for his wallet in his pocket and opens the door to leave. Once the door shuts behind him, you grab your phone and pull up an app, bored out of your mind as you scroll mindlessly.
“Don’t you have your own home or something?” A voice speaks from the side of the couch. You almost jump out of your skin, you have forgotten that your boyfriend’s younger brother was home.
“Ran invited me over.” You shrug, already used to the subtle jabs to the point that they don’t really affect you as bad. He ignores you as he grabs a glass of water before walking into the living room and sitting next to you, crossing a leg. Your eyebrows furrow at his choice of seating.
“What do you see in my brother, Y/n?”
You pause for a moment, not really expecting a question like that out of nowhere. He takes a sip of the liquid as he readjusts his glasses.
“W-well, I don’t really know how to explain it other than the fact that I would take a bullet for him. I like that I can be myself around him.” You shrug. Honestly, your feelings couldn’t be explained though you know for a fact you’re smitten over the older Haitani. You had been for years prior. The excitement you felt when he accepted your confession was unlike any other happy moment you’ve had. You feel safe when you’re around him, whether to be yourself completely or physically, knowing he’s protective. Of course, this is hard to explain when you’re called out on the spot.
“What a lame answer. Are you sure you deserve my brother?” You make eye contact with him.
“Maybe not.” You sigh, “but I do love him if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m not going to try and hurt him or anything.”
It’s a funny thing, really. You think he’s asking as a protective younger brother. Such a naive girl, though that’s something he noticed in you from the beginning. The little love letters and gifts he opened whenever he found them in his brother’s trash. The excitement he saw on your face from a distance when Ran accepted your confession, not willingly on his own but by his younger brother’s bargaining. The hue that formed on your face when you read the notes from ‘Ran,’ not realizing who they were actually written by.
The plan was easy, really. Ran asks you out so his younger brother can get closer to you. What wasn’t part of the plan was Ran falling for you mid relationship. It just wasn’t fair. He never noticed you until Rin noticed you. Of course, they argued about it. Argued over you. It was interesting how much conflict you were bringing to the brothers without even knowing it. Yes, such a naive thing.
You eye him curiously, wondering why he hadn’t answered you. After a moment of Rin lost in his thoughts, he sets the cup down and stands up. Turning towards you, he bends over and snatches you from the sofa, placing you over his shoulder as he walks to the hall of the apartment.
“Hey! What are you doing?” You exclaim as you hit his back repeatedly. Once he reached his bedroom, he shut the door before tossing you on the bed.
He climbs on top of you, pinning you to the bed.
“Why? Why do you love him so fucking much?” Your eyebrows furrow as you gaze at him with confusion. You wince as his grip tightens.
“What about me? I’m the one who tried so hard to get you! I’m the one who did everything!”
“Rin, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You try to reason with him, anxious out of your mind.
“The notes, the letters, all of it! It was all me.” He hissed, nails digging into your skin. “It was all a plan!”
“What? N-no.” You say in denial. You were so happy when Ran finally decided to give you attention within your relationship considering the beginning of it was a little confusing. You take a moment to think back to those detailed notes that stated things only Ran should know. Was it really all a ploy?
The younger Haitani smirks. “Yes, your precious boyfriend lied to you. Multiple times. He didn’t even have feelings for you until recently.” Tears threaten to fall as a familiar lump forms in your throat.
“N-no. Please, stop saying those things.” You hold back from crying, no longer in denial though not wanting to continue to hear anymore of what was coming out of his mouth.
“I’m tired of waiting for you to wake up, Y/n. It’s time you give back to me.” He states, removing his glasses and setting them down. You take the opportunity to use your free hand to slap him.
“Get off of me!” You shout angrily, tears finally spilling. You just want to leave and sulk by yourself. Rotting in your bed as you send Ran a break up text.
Instead of pinning the arm down, he ignores your outburst by grabbing your neck and lowering his face.
“If you bite me, I will fuck you up.” He promised with a deranged glint in his eyes. You could only stare in horror as he brought his lips to yours. He moves his lips along you hungrily before piercing his tongue through, saliva sliding out of your mouth as you don’t respond.
Using your free hand, you attempt to shove him by the shoulder though it doesn’t work. When he pulls back, he stops for a moment to wipe his mouth and gaze at your eyes. Before you could stop him, his face nuzzled between your shoulder and neck, piling kisses slowly up your skin as you grip his shoulder.
“Rin, don’t do this.” You cry, ignored as he uses both of his hands to tear your shirt. You gasp as the cold air hits your skin, the shirt torn apart, revealing your bare breasts considering you didn’t wear a bra today. His hands grab your mounds, gently squeezing as he releases a quiet moan.
“I was angry the first time I saw you and my brother have sex.” He lowers his head as he sucks one of the nipples, flicking his tongue before closing his lips around the nub once more. A heartbeat forms from your clit as you slightly arch your back from the chill that runs up your spine.
“Rin, please stop.” Your voice cracked, still hurt from the words before though frustrated with the reaction your body is emitting. He makes eye contact with heavy lids.
“But then, I couldn’t help but watch. Your intoxicating moans drew me in, Y/n.” His husky voice vibrated against your nipple, his lips barely touching the nub as he speaks, breath causing your nipple to harden.
“Such a slutty girl. Legs wide open for my brother, begging for more.” He returns to sucking, along with one of his hands easing down to your pants, unhooking them before sliding into your panties.
“Rin.” You whisper. “Just wait, please. W-we can talk about this.” You bite your lip when you feel his finger push against your clit. He slowly rolls his finger against the nub, eyeing you as he continues to lick your nipple. His other hand fondles the other breast, pulling and rubbing circles on your nipple. Your hands held his shoulders, pushing him once more, to no avail.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about your face and how it looked when he was eating you out. The way you rubbed your pussy against his face. I came so hard thinking about you, baby.” He whispers the last sentence.
Your fingers tighten against his shirt as he accelerates his finger against your pussy. Your hips twitch as your head falls back. You felt the juice fall out of your pussy as he gave another lick to your nipple.
Suddenly, he pulls his hand out and sits up. He moves off of you and swiftly pulls your pants off. You try sitting up only to be pushed down before he tears your panties off.
“Rin! This is wrong!”
He ignores you as he opens your legs, fitting himself in between as he holds your thighs down. He doesn’t give you a chance before his lips circle around your clit. Your hips jolt up as you grab his head as an attempt to push him away. His grip only tightens around your thighs, squeezing his arms around painfully as well as using his nails to leave indents, eyeing you from below. You yelp in pain as you fall back, the pleasure of his tongue flicking your nub conflicting with your emotions.
“Well, brother. This was quicker than I thought.” A voice comes from the doorway. You look up surprised to see your boyfriend.
“Ran, i-it’s not what it looks like! I swear!” You cry out.
“It’s okay, baby. I know.” He sighs as he sits behind you, positioning himself to lean against the headboard as your back leans against him.
“I know I have some explaining to do. We can talk about it later, alright? Just relax.” He circles his arms around your waist, his hands moving to hold your breasts as he leaves a trail of kisses on your shoulder.
Rin uses his fingers to gather your slick before pressing two of them inside of you, angling it to hit your g-spot steadily as he continues sucking and licking your clit. You couldn’t help but thrust your hips to force his fingers deeper, releasing a moan before heavily breathing as the overwhelming sensation takes over your body. Your eyes fall into the back of your head as you lay against Ran.
“I just want you to know that I love you so much, even if our relationship didn’t start off as ideal.” Ran softly speaks against your ear while pinching and fondling your nipples.
“W-why did you, ah… lie to… fuck! Lie to me?”
“Oh God!” You exclaim as Rin continues to bring you closer to the edge, accelerating once more as the sounds of your wet pussy fills the room. You feel Ran’s hardened cock against your back.
“I said we’ll talk about it later.” He uses one hand to pull your chin back, landing a passionate kiss on your lips as your body moves against him, grinding your hips against Rin’s face as he adds another finger.
“I-I’m gonna…ah!” You moan as you finally release, Rin lapping up all your juices as your body convulses.
When Rin moves from your legs, he removes his pants as Ran gently shifts you on your knees. You breathe heavily as your legs tremble from your orgasm. Rin guides you on top of himself as you weakly rest your head on his shoulder.
“W-wait! What about a condom?” You say against his neck.
“It’ll be a Haitani either way.” Ran states as he removes his own pants.
Before you could respond, Rin pulls you down as he shoves his cock all the way in. Both of you groan as the feeling of your pussy is stretched and wrapped tightly around his girth. His arms wrap around your back as he holds it there. You feel Ran spread your cheeks before he uses your leaking cream and his own saliva to rub against his cock. He eased the head in, a pain shooting through your back as you whimpered against Rin’s neck.
“I’m gonna fuck this pussy so good.” Rin breathes out before pulling back and rocking his hips forward. Ran shoves himself all the way in as he grips your ass, pulling himself back before slamming in.
They both rock their hips, gradually accelerating as all of your moans and heavy breathing filled the air. The pain mixes in with the pleasure before it engulfs you fully, your mouth held open as your body rocks in between them. Your hands hold onto Rin’s shoulders tightly as you’re plowed from both holes.
“So good. Such a good fucking girl.” The blonde says as he picks up the pace. His head falls back as your sweat mixes with his. “I waited so long, Y/n. You have no idea… fuck! How many… ah! Times I’ve cum to you.”
In a twisted way, the words he spills out of his mouth causes another aching throb to hit your pussy, clenching around him as you both make eye contact.
Ran accelerates his speed, turned on by the display of you getting double penetrated by both of them. He smiles as the scenarios fly through his mind of you naked and waiting for them to come home. Another twitch of his cock forms from the ideas.
After a few minutes of his cock making contact with your g-spot and your boyfriend’s cock filling your ass, you squeeze your eyes shut as you subconsciously bite into Rin’s shoulder, orgasming. Your bite causes him to groan out before pressing himself deep inside you and releasing his load. Ran follows not long after, his cum leaking out of your ass as he pushes against you. Breathing heavily, Ran removes himself from you, pulling you into his arms as well as Rin hugging you from behind.
When you caught your breath, you attempted to sit up from your position, anger lingering from the truth spoken earlier.
“We need to talk.” You say to both of them who only ignore you as they hold you in place, dozing off into a deep slumber as you follow not long after.
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