#how dare you call me average WELL FUCK YOU
russenoire · 1 year
in the manga, teru calling ???% a 凡人 (ぼんじん・bonjin・'average or ordinary person') makes him explode for ten pages.
in episode 10, he can be heard to exhale sharply in response before unleashing absolute hell all over teru and anyone else still in the vicinity. for almost three minutes of screen time.
that's not a sore spot for ???%. it's a minefield.
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how dare you call me average WELL FUCK YOU
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graves-simper · 7 months
What really happened in Room 302?
Yes, just like everyone else I am finally doing a small essay/analysis on TCOAAL.
This time I wanted to dive in something that wasn't a big part of the game, but has been on my mind since my first play through of the game and that is like the title states; What really happened in Room 302? Lets begin.
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I wanted to start off by talking about the Lady in Room 302. Who is she?
We really don't know much. Her eye color isn't shown, she looks somewhat average but in terms of others opinions (ie; the Warden's and even Ashley) She is a very pretty woman. Even at a point Andrew says that she looks good. Take a look at some of the dialog below:
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I mean, wasn't she?
After this very tasteful conversation these two love-birds have, Ashley heads up to commence the ritual to sacrifice the 2nd Warden, and of course Our Ashley pulls it off with no problems, and back downstairs she goes with full intentions of painting the wall with Lady 302's brains, but it appears someone beat her to the punch.
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Your honor, this man is absolutely lying. The first thing that made me question everything about his story here is where she is lying dead. On the damn bed. Your honor, let's enhance this real quick.
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That nail gun is a damn good several feet away from where Lady 302 lies dead on the bed. In fact it is in exactly the same position as when we left Andrew alone with her, and look at the sheer distance. These apartments clearly aren't huge but let me just be critical for a minute. Her mattress appears to be a single style mattress, so lets take in some measurements.
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I can settle on the length being 75" or 6.25ft. So the apartment is about 12 feet wide. Not huge by any means, but to go from sitting down on a bed, even the edge, she would have to make quite the lunge while accounting for some random maniac being right next to you with a meat cleaver. I also do not think she would be the type to risk her life for a daring escape. Look at how absolutely bewildered she is the second Andrew rushes her.
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That is NOT the face of someone who is absolutely down to fuck around and find out. She also had a chance to get help while also risking her life, when she is given the radio she could have screamed for help, and while yes she would've died, at this point I would say the risk factor was relatively similar.
Now that I have established my reasoning for why I don't think this lady tried to kill Andrew with a nailgun or even had the chance to, let's go over some of the reasons I think he DID choose to kill her.
No Witnesses.
This is a very boring theory but I have to bring it up no less. I think there is a good chance he just said fuck it, and killed her for the sake of not leaving evidence behind. She saw their faces, heard their names, and they even said they were her neighbor from upstairs. Leaving her behind could've ruined EVERYTHING for them after this point, and based on Ashley's sour reaction to her mere existence, I think he already knew damn well Ashley would want her dead too.
Make my Ashley happy.
This ties back to the point I made in No Witnesses. Ashley took her as a threat, and obviously Andrew noticed. She was not pleased after he called her "Pretty". I think once he was alone, he figured he would off her to show Ashley that he wasn't ogling her or wanting to do anything with her. In fact she meant so little to him, he butchered her right on her bed. To support this, the way Ashley reacts when she returns absolutely floors Andrew, he is calm about what happened but Ashley is still coming up with thoughts that he tried to fuck her, when in his mind, he was probably hoping she would be thrilled that he killed this awful, hell-bound, hussie. But instead she is still somehow mad despite her being now a corpse. He becomes to fed up that even though he did what she would've anyways, it is somehow not good enough for her. (I will dive deeper into this interaction below with another theory that relies heavily on this.)
The Hussie hit on him.
This one ties into Make my Ashley happy. There is a good chance this obviously sexually attractive woman tried seducing Andrew while they were alone. She had no problem doing it with the Warden's to get better treatment, and I have no doubt this was her go-to get out of trouble free card. This charming young man would surely fall for her good looks right? Right? There's two thought processes that would make this reasonable. 1. He was worried how Ashley would react if she walked in with her clearly flirting with him and how that would make her feel. 2. My personal favorite of these two, he is dedicated to Ashley and was offended by her advances and killed her in a show of devotion to her.
Now that we have the more sane theories out of the way, lets get to the GOOD STUFF.
Andrew's Fantasy.
This theory is more of a mental guess as to Andrew's relationship and views of Ashley. He has been clearly fed up with her more than once up to this point, having arguments, dealing with her shit, and all the trauma he just experienced from starving for weeks, isolation, and having to butcher and eat someone, and then murder a man to save her.
What if once Andrew had a moment alone with someone who was essentially his victim, he decided to truly see how he felt about something. I believe Andrew may have not seen Lady 302 as Ashley, but just for the hell of it, imagined that she was Ashley. Despite the different appearances, I'm sure he could overlook it in the state of mind he was in at this point, and decided how it would feel to finally kill "Ashley". The way he kills her just doesn't feel like he said fuck it and wanted the lady dead, she is laid out on the bed, there's no signs of a struggle either. Later in the game during one of the visions, there is the one where Andrew finally kills Ashley. When she accepts that he will kill her, he brings the cleaver to her throat similarly to how the throat of Lady 302 was cut. The similarities just feel so similar that I had to bring this up despite it being possibly far fetched but that's what makes these fun!
and now for my most absolutely far fetched theory yet.
Don't these two look similar?
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This theory is much more far fetched but hear me out on this!
I know this may be a result of Nemlei's artstyle but these two have some stark similarities in my opinion. Both blonde, same eye color based on the greyscale of them, similar hair parting, and a similar face shape.
After all the trauma Andrew went through in the weeks locked in their apartment and then killing several people and eating one no doubt sent his brain to a bad place.
I think after all that hell he endured he may have simply had a breaking point and felt like he saw a ghost or just the stark similarities between Lady 302 and Nina just made something snap.
I want to back this up by making a point to the story telling in the game. Before they go and escape their apartment conveniently before the Room 302 incident, there is a dream about how Andrew and Ashley killed Nina. This could be just the flow of the story telling however, I feel like it was a lead up to what really happened in Room 302. It just feels too perfect to include that scene right before he kills someone who I am assuming is what Nina may have grown up to look like, AND then with this scene occurring once Ashley returns almost feels like a nail in the coffin of this theory.
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Nina isn't brought up in the apartment, or once they're in the motel. Nina is brought up during a heated exchange in Room 302 right after Andrew might have felt as if he killed Nina once again, yet just like when they killed Nina, Ashley still somehow thinks that Andrew has a thing for a woman he helped kill, and this absolutely drives him off his fucking rocker.
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This exchange floored Mr. Doormat so intensely he finally was ready to absolutely throttle the life out of her. Andrew was finally so fed up with being berated for doing things for Ashley's sake he just wanted it to be done and over with forever. Andrew once again found himself in the same place Ashley put him in all those years ago, but this time he knows he isn't as vulnerable as he was and uses it to his advantage, but after their little squabble, they leave together to bless our hearts with Chapter 2.
Perhaps this was as plain as the story made it out to be. There is a good chance that Andrew didn't want to leave a witness and said hell with it and butchered the woman in Room 302. But I'd like to believe that with all the hidden details Nemlei has scattered throughout this game that there is truth to one of these theories, hell maybe even a giant jumble of them all together is the true story of Room 302.
But with everything I presented today I hope you all perhaps are too questioning what really happened in Room 302 like I was.
I'd love to hear any theories you guys have regarding this or twists/opinions on the ones I presented here!
Thank you all for reading!
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mahboimahboi · 9 months
TEACHER'S PET x M!Reader (featuring Actor Mackenyu)
Smut (⚠️)
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"Yo, our P.E Teacher is so fucking capital H-O-T. Do you think he's married?" You nudged your seatmate, eyes lingering towards the instructor who was standing at the front while he wrote some very important notes on the whiteboard. 'Damn, even the marker look so small in his hand', you thought to yourself, too lost in your thought. It was never your intention to especially fall in love with a teacher, let alone someone who's really strict, but it was the way how he looks so above average than the rest of the teachers in the school. He's so out of this world and looked as though he came straight out of a comic book. Oh, and let's not forget the biceps and the strong arms. He's just so ethereal.
"That's what I've heard," You got snapped out of your trance and looked at your classmate confused. She sighs and stops from listening to the lesson for a minute and turns to you, knowing you were once again daydreaming about the instructor who's literally a whole lotta years older than you. "I mean, I've heard that he's a married man and has a child. So, if i were you, I'd stop sending heart eyes to him, unless you want to get fucking obliterated by his wife." She deadpanned.
"Oh, well—"
"Mr. L/N. Yes, I'd really be glad if you'd come visit me in my office after our class." Your instrutor said, fixing the glasses he had on, before he looks towards you and eyes you. "Don't think I haven't caught you not paying any attention to my class. All you did is disturb your classmate. I can't tolerate that." He let out with a deep, authoritative voice. It sent shivers down your spine and you swore you felt yourself go pale at the sight of his tiger eyes eyeing you down with anger.
"Y-Yes, sir Maeda." You stammered, not even daring to look at his eyes. With all the times he taught the class, this is the only time he called your attention out for not listening to the class. You are finally at the last strike. Only for this specific teacher, you wanted to be seen as a good student. One who studies and does well in class to impress your instructor, but all you ever did so far was to irritate the male. So much for a good impression. Embarrassed, you buried your head in your arms, wanting to just vanish.
Later, after your class session with Mr. Maeda ended, the instructor gestures with his eyes for you to follow him to his office. You did as you are told, hanging your head low, ashamed of yourself. Usually, Mr. Maeda would talk to you about important stuff, but now it is rather silent and... awkward. The rest of the walk was quiet, too much that it was deafening.
Once you both arrive at his office, he lets you in first, looking up at him only to see him raise a brow at you. You squeaked in fear and entered the room quickly, scared with what he had in plan for you. "Mr. L/N. Your attitude in class is getting out of hand." Mr. Maeda starts, his voice low as he puts his books on his table before sitting down his swivel chair. "It's quite disrespectful staring at your teacher with so much going on inside your head." Hearing those words, you hesitantly look up to see the adult male with a smirk on his handsome face. He tilts his head to the side, then stands up from his seat and slowly starts striding his way towards you. "Tell me, what goes on in your head during my class... Y/N?" His voice came out like a slither, a spell from a book that entranced you.
You swallowed the huge lump that formed in your throat, looking away from the male. The male scoffs, leaning on the edge of his table, now stood in front of you, crossing his arms. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, Y/N. Haven't I taught you proper respect enough?" You stayed silent, but you could already feel yourself start to get hard. You subtly moved your hands to cover your erection that made an obvious tent on your pants. "Well, look who got excited." He mocked. "Y/N. While I'm asking nicely, answer me."
"I-It's... too absurd." You answered him, but the other male was unfazed.
"Well, I don't care how absurd it is." But then, a bright idea flickers in his head and a soft chuckle moves past his lips. "Alright, if you're afraid to tell me," He trailed off, moving towards you. He sat down beside you, enticingly spreading his legs open and whispering to your ear. "Why don't you show me?" His smirk grows wider, when he notices the red color on your face.
You covered your ears and moved away as far as you can from him. "S-Sir. I mustn't. You have a child and a wife. I can't simply—"
"Who told you that?" He asks you, his voice stern and sounded frustrated. You didn't say a word. "Y/N, I'm starting to get fucking bored." You started to think about it, whether or not you'd take the opportunity, but the fact that he never confirmed whether or not what you heard is true, scares you and it isn't just right.
In the end, it only took one forceful and lust-filled kiss that was initiated by Mackenyu who had one hand behind your neck. At first, shock was the only thing you felt, before the male started to feel you up and down your waist. This wasn't right. It didn't feel right at all, but why did it feel so good at the same time? You, soon melt into the kiss and start kissing him back lavishly, following the same rhythm.
Much to the male's surprise, he didn't know you were that easy of a prey and he was a predator, ready to eat the result of his hunt. Too high in the clouds and your head filled with lust, you made your way to ride on his thighs, being careful not to break the kiss. Mackenyu notices how you still looked a little hesitant. Wanting to help, he pulls away and puts his hands on both sides of your hips. "Listen, Y/N. Don't believe everything you've heard about me. You're getting too stiff for me to handle." You blushed at his words, then nodded your head in reply. "That's a good boy." He commented, before pushing his lips back to yours.
Your bottom felt a slight poke, catching your attention. You pulled away from the other male, watching you start to stroke him. "Whatever you want, doll." He smirks.
You got down to your knees, feeling the warmth he gave off. Hurriedly, you unzip the zipper to his pants only to realize that he wore no under garments underneath, turning you on even more. Due to his tight pants and the girth of his cock, the button pops off, almost hitting you on the forehead. "Oh my, sir. I've always imagined just how big you are." You stated, smirking proudly to yourself now that you've finally made a dream come true.
The male groans and puts his hand on top of your head as you desperately wrap your lips around his cock. Mackenyu lets out a breathy moan, pushing his head back as he lets you do your own thing. It felt good to know a person is very skilled with their mouth. "Fuck, doll. You're making me feel so good." He hums in pure bliss, standing up as he takes a hold of your head and starts fucking your mouth out with his dick, surprising you. Fortunately, you have trained yourself enough to get through a rough mouth-fucking, but the taller male's size is a lot larger than what you've thought. You took it good, though and it was enough for Mackenyu who looked like he was having the time of his life. "Holy shit. Fuck." He grunts, biting on his lip.
This went on for a few minutes, before his thrusts started to get sloppy, indicating that he was near his climax. He doesn't say a word or heads up, only shocking you when he buries his thick cock in your throat and finishes. "FUCK!" He moans out with his mouth left hanging open, convulsing in place.
He gives your mouth a few more thrusts to ride out his high, before pulling out and taking out spare pants from his drawer. "Haven't felt that good for so long, no rather, at all." He told you, yet you are still in a daze with what just happened, smiling to yourself. "I don't think you'd want this to be the first and last, right, Y/N?" He asks you in a sultry voice.
"No, sir." You let out making the teacher smirk in success. You pass out in his office room and the male lifts you into his arms and puts you down on a bench near his desk where you can rest comfortably.
"Good pet." He laughs softly, before he goes out of his office and moves to his next class.
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nctsworld · 10 months
at your earliest convenience
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✩‌ haechan x reader | fluff | 1.3k
SUMMARY | in which haechan is always your one (and annoying) late-night customer at the 24/7 convenience store you work at and one evening, he forgets his wallet. in lieu of payment, he asks if he can take you out on a date instead. // part of the connection series
WARNINGS | slightly insecure reader, none really!
RATING | teen+
AUTHOR'S NOTE | please check out (and maybe send in some prompt requests) @nctpromptmeme!
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You ring him up, like clockwork. 
The scanner picks up a bag of the Korean brand onion rings, two Red Bulls, and an instant noodle cup.  
He’s the only consistent man in your life, ignoring the fact that the sole reason why he’s in your life is because he always comes into the 24/7 convenience store you work at during late, sometimes ungodly, hours. Tonight, it’s not that bad: 1:53am. 
Rarely, no one else strolls in during your shift (and you’re grateful it’s a safe neighbourhood). 
However, this young man lives to make your shift a painful one. 
Usually with ruffled hair, transparent-framed glasses, and a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, he saunters in as if he owns the store, often swinging his keys or obnoxiously whistling along to the song playing in the background. From the moment he steps into the store, his existence alone irks you. 
Unsurprisingly, he then takes a solid ten minutes on average (yes, you’ve timed it) to buy his items. Whistling evolves into screeches or emphatic oohs and aahs. Sometimes, he even narrates the entire process, as if he's the main character in a show. And yet, despite it all, he ends up buying the same rotation of his favourite items. 
If not the onion rings, the shrimp crackers. If not the Red Bulls, the bottles of Monster instead. He may be grabbing one cup of noodles tonight, but other times it’s three. Potentially even a completely different brand, if he’s feeling adventurous.   
On that note, predictability is in his nature. You plead internally for him to live a little, to maybe even spice up his night with a little change, for crying out loud. Heck, maybe even change the grey or black t-shirt he always wears to a shade that’s not a neutral tone or to put on a jacket for once. 
And the cherry on top is the constant annoying smirk he flashes when you tell him his total. 
You want to punch it off his face, smear it across the shiny floors with the dirty mop water you use at the beginning and end of shift.  
“How are you doing tonight, gorgeous?” he asks. Sometimes gorgeous is replaced with beautiful or cutie. It only adds to his annoyance of regularity and you have an itch he does this all the time with others, making you not take his typical endearing terms seriously.  
You can’t help but roll your eyes. “I’m not gorgeous, but, as always, thank you for the compliment.” 
His smirk melts, and you catch yourself feeling a tinge of something as his features soften. 
“You are, though,” your regular says. You quickly glance up, wondering if that pout and look in his eyes are genuine. “You know that I call you gorgeous because I mean it, right?” 
You’re unsure how to react, so you give a small nod and repeat the total, softly this time.
There’s a beat when the man gets lost in thought, but the moment quickly fades. He reaches into his sweatpants. However, he stops abruptly, before he reaches in again and pats the outside of his other pockets. 
“Fuck,” he hisses. You realize two things: one, you’ve never heard him curse; and two, he doesn’t have his wallet.
Well, that surely is different than usual.
Instinctively, you pull the snacks toward you. 
“Don’t you dare think I’m letting you walk away with everything for free,” you say, half-jokingly. Even though you’re 80% certain you can trust him, you still don’t know what he’s like.  
He smiles sweetly, quite differently than his smirks, forcing you to admit he’s handsome (just a little). “How could you expect me to stoop that low?” he whine-asks, clutching his chest in pain. 
After a moment of staring up at the ceiling in thought with his tongue running against his lower teeth, a Cheshire grin spreads over his face and he raises an eyebrow.
You don’t like it one bit and regret the moment earlier, mentally punching yourself for finding him a tiny bit attractive. 
“How about…”—he pauses as he rhythmically taps his fingers onto the counter—“...you let me take you out on a date in exchange for these items?” 
A scoff releases into the air. “Are you really telling me I’m only worth $11.87?” 
“What—no! Of course not,” he flicks a wrist upward in annoyance, then gestures to himself. “A date with me is worth way more in value, so you’ll be getting a better bargain.” 
You could not believe this guy. “Is a date with you really going to be worth it?” 
“Look,” he leans in over the counter and you catch a whiff of a light, woody scent. You fight off the desire to deeply inhale it. “No matter where we go or what happens, I’ll make sure you’ll be happy by the end of it. Isn’t that worth taking the risk of losing $11.87?” 
Squinting your eyes at him, while still clutching the goods he wants, you start to warm-up to the idea since you don’t have anything to lose (but maybe that’s due to the influence of his slightly intoxicating aura). 
“Will you choose the date location?” you ask, guarded.
He shakes his head. “Everything will be up to you and I’ll try to accommodate my schedule as best as I can.” 
You raise an eyebrow, challenging him. “And what if I want to go to the most expensive restaurant in town?”
Without hesitation, he nods. “Then we’ll go to the most expensive restaurant in town.” 
“If I wanted to order the $130 steak?” 
“$130 steak it is.” 
“If I—” 
The cute (you can’t deny it at this point) stranger cuts you off with a raise of his hand. God, you hate how cocky he is. 
Suddenly, he holds out a hand, sticking his pinky finger up. He waggles it, and you realize he’s waiting for you to do the same. You curl a pinky around his.
“There. I promise you—cross my heart and swear on my mother’s life—that I’ll uphold and adhere to whatever date conditions you ask of me.” He straightens, stepping away from the counter. “Now, can I please have my snacks and drinks?” 
The events of tonight took quite a turn. Never in a million years would you think Mr. Predictability would ask you out on a date, let alone be pretty sweet about it.  
Perhaps there’s more to him than you thought. 
You hand him your phone, and he does the same. 
When he gives it back, you shake your head at the text he sent and the name he gave himself.
“Hyuck?” you ask, unfamiliar with the name.  
“Short for Donghyuck, but yes, beautiful?”
You turn your phone towards him in disbelief. “What’s with the heart next to your name?” 
He shrugs, flashing you another smug smile. “What about it?”  
Glancing down at his phone, he beams. You wonder if it’s because you wrote the following in brackets after your name: You Owe Me a Date Worth More than $11.87. 
“And your name is just as beautiful as you are.” 
Again, another eye roll. You wonder if the date will be filled with more of it. You shove the stuff towards him. 
“I have to know: do those lines really work?”
“Well, I have a date lined up with you, so you tell me.” 
Before you have a chance to retort, he grabs something out from his pocket.
A wallet.
His motherfucking wallet, and he has the audacity to toss a $20 bill onto the counter with the same grin that you still want to wipe the floor with. Your jaw hangs. 
“Keep the change,” he says, along with your name and grants you a wink as he grabs his items. 
“I’ll be seeing you on our date soon, gorgeous.” 
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thank you for reading! i've been getting so much love for this - y'all are amazing. if you would like to read an informal continuation, see here!
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starlitmark · 4 months
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Summary: Chenle loves spoiling you. So much so that, sometimes, you just need to let him fuck into a changing room with you to let him show you. Pairing: Socialite!Chenle x fem!reader Tropes: socialite/nepo baby au, established relationship au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Warnings: language Smut Warnings: unprotected sex, public sex, semi-clothed sex, mirror sex, praise kink, oral (m receive), cum eating Word Count: 1,413 Host Tags: @sanjoongie @thelargefrye February Filth Masterlist Before You Interact
Listen to ♡ Nothing On Me by Kai
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“Chenle, you really don’t need to spend all this money on me.” You remind him.
“I have the money to spend and want to spoil you. You’re my girlfriend.” He chuckles, “Plus! My mom has the charity gala in a few weeks, and you mentioned that you have nothing to wear.”
You look around the shop and then back to your boyfriend, “Then why are we in the everyday wear department?”
Chenle smiles brightly again and pulls you against his chest. A laugh threatens to burst from his lips when you pout at him.
“Shopping doesn’t mean we only have to get the one thing!”
He drops a kiss onto your pouty lips and smiles brightly at you again. No matter how often Chenle reassures you that he wants to spend this money on you and that it won’t hurt his finances, you still feel slightly bad. You’re not from a background that lives as comfortably as him. You grew up in an average household, so when he takes you to these high-end stores to buy something as simple as a T-shirt, there’s a culture shock. It’s diminished over the time you’ve dated so far. It may never fully go away. Chenle grabs your hand and pulls you toward the escalator. The higher the floor, the higher the price. The moment you’re on the next floor, you’re met with gorgeous formalwear you’d never be able to afford in a million years. Your boyfriend squeezes your hand to reassure you before guiding you toward the formal gowns.
“Mom said the theme is 1930’s Hollywood… I don’t know why she’d choose that, but she did.” He shrugs, “What color do you think you’d like?”
“I don’t know, Lele…” you trail off, “Everything is really expensive, I’m sure I-”
“Let me spoil you, love. What color?”
“Didn’t that era of fashion really love dark green, red, lavender, and gold?”
Chenle chuckles, “Sure if that’s what you want it to be.”
Chenle gestures for you to wander. Finally, you step up to the racks and choose a few gowns. You don’t dare look at the price tag. Two of the dresses you’re more excited to try on are floor-length silk gowns. They have similar cuts. It’s not quite hourglass, but definitely accentuating your waist. The straps are strings, and the back dips low enough to expose your entire back. The third gown you picked up has the same cut as the other two but is a deep green sparkly velvet material. It has a shawl that comes with it made of the same material with faux fur lining the edges. It’s perfectly reminiscent of old Hollywood glamour.
“You’ve got a good eye, love.” Chenle muses, “Wanna try them on?”
You nod, “Wait outside the room for me?”
“Always, I wanna see what they look like on you.”
His comment has a suggestive undertone, but you choose not to read too deeply into it. You carry the gowns into the fitting room. The first one you put on is the velvet one, it looks nice. That’s about it; you know Chenle will appreciate it regardless. When he first started taking you out shopping, you joked that he was just playing dress-up with you as the doll. That made for an interesting night, to say the least.
“You ready for the first one?” You call through the door.
“Let’s see it, baby.”
You step out and see your boyfriend on his phone waiting for you. He’s created a new habit of randomly taking videos and pictures of you. You love it; it makes for some of the best candid photos and moments caught on camera. He puts his phone back in his hoodie pocket and looks you up and down.
“Well?” You ask, turning around a few times.
“Fucking beautiful.” He mumbles under his breath, “You look stunning, baby.”
“No objections? We’re only on the first one.” “If you look as beautiful as you always do, we’ll leave with all three of them.”
You feel heat rush to your face at his flattery. You turn and walk back to your room to change into the next gown.
“Babe,” Chenle calls before you can close the door fully.
“Hmm?” You ask, popping your head and shoulder through the opening.
“Do the others have that style too?”
“Yeah, why?” You ask, raising your eyebrow at him.
“No reason.”
You close the door fully and change into the first silk gown. This one is a cherry cola color. Honestly, it’s not your favorite. The color just doesn’t seem to be right for some reason. Standing there, you debate, even showing him for a few moments. In reality, a few moments must’ve been a few minutes because Chenle knocks on the door.
“You okay, love? You’ve been in there a while.”
“It’s just– I don’t know if it’s even worth showing you. The color isn’t right, making me look–”
“Let me in?” He requests.
You let out a long breath before opening the door to let him into the rather spacious room. He presses his back against the door and looks at you with that same heated look. You pick at your fingers when he doesn’t speak for a few moments. 
“I told you it’s not the be–”
You’re cut off by Chenle surging forward to kiss you. His hand wraps tight around you, holding your bare waist. With how he’s kissing, you could melt into a puddle in seconds. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, and your fingers tangle in the hair at the back of his head. Your nipples pebble up underneath the thin silk. The material does nothing to hide them at all.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I don’t even need to see the damn purple one. We’re getting all of them.”
“Chenle, that’s not–”
Again, you’re interrupted by a kiss. One of his hands wanders up to move the dress strap down your arm carefully. He pulls the other down a moment later with his other hand. The dress pools around your ankles, leaving you exposed to the chilly air and your boyfriend’s wandering hands. Your hands find their way under his hoodie and push it up a bit. Something about him being fully clothed while you’re practically naked makes you more desperate for him.
“We need to be quick, love.” He mumbles against your lips.
“Lele, need you right now.” You whisper back.
Chenle spins you around so you’re pressed against the full-length mirror. You hear him unzip his jeans and step closer to you. He presses kisses along your shoulders and upper back as he pulls your underwear to the side. The blunt head of his cock presses against your weeping hole. You pull your lower lip into your mouth to suppress the moan that wishes to escape. His jeans are just low enough not to be in the way. The skin-to-skin contact is barely noticeable, but there is just enough to feel his body heat radiating onto you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, my love.” He groans in your ear, “I’m so fucking lucky to be yours.”
“Chenle,” you whisper-moan, “Feels so good, why don’t we do this more oft–” you cut yourself off to hold back another loud moan.
“Cause you, my love, can’t be fucking quiet.”  He chuckles lowly as he picks up his pace. 
Your upper body is fully pressed against the mirror. Your breath fogs up the glass with each pant and stifled moan. Chenle’s fingers dig into your hips, pulling you back against him with each thrust. Even though you hold your moans back, the sound of skin on skin is probably a dead giveaway to what’s happening right now. Your boyfriend gives a few hard, punctuated thrusts before pulling out of you. 
Spinning you around again, he guides you down onto your knees. Instantly, you know to take him into your mouth. The combined taste of your arousal and his precum makes your head reel through more debauched fantasies.  You suck his cock while looking up at him through your eyelashes. You’re kneeling on the silky dress you had previously forgotten. Chenle’s fingers thread through your hair, holding you on his cock as he cums down your throat. You swallow every drop of it. He bends forward and places a small, sweet kiss on your forehead. “We’re buying the dresses, then we’re going home, and I’m gonna make you cum so many times you’ll forget your own name.” He smirks.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @bratty-tingz @yeosangiess @minjaeluver @abbietwilight @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
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theoldsports · 7 months
Hi, i want to request a remus x reader, where its a girls night before lily's wedding and they play a spicy truth or dare, where reader realises she needs to ask remus out.
Bachelorette parties were a time honored tradition where the bride-to-be wore heels that were too tall to be worn drunk and got legendarily plastered with about seven of her worst behaved friends. Lily Evans (soon to be Potter) was almost an exception, but Dorcas bought her these platform go-go boots and it felt rude not to wear them.
Lily assumed the event would be less of a nightmare if [Y/N] planned it, as Dorcas usually took things too far. This way, Lily could almost guarantee that there would be no Chip and Dale-type striper dressed as the left-winger chaser from Puddlemere United. [Y/N] was therefore the most convenient choice for Maid of Honour.
Carefully, the bridal party made their way out of the Three Broomsticks and hauled themselves up the hill to do the rest of the night in Godric’s Hollow. All of them were too far gone to apparate. Sirius had taken James and the boys who knows where for a Bachelor party so the girls could use the house that night. The ‘girls’ consisted of Lily and [Y/N], Dorcas Meadowes, Mary Macdonald, Marlene McKinnon, and Alice Fortesque; basically the contents of their dormitory at school. The seven hung off each other and giggled as old friends as they walked.
“Never thought you’d be the first of us!” Marlene cried in glee, shaking her sharply bobbed dark hair out of her face. “I can’t get over it. Simply.”
“Oh, come off it!” Lily groaned. She was awfully tired of hearing this same banter recycled day in and day out.
Dorcas laughed. “Well, yeah. Marls is right. You hated your poor bastard Potter, for, like, forever. I thought first in and out of the binding contract of marriage was to be Alice and Frankie for sure.”
The most sober player of the evening, Alice, sighed. “Sorry that we’re patient.”
[Y/N] let out a firm laugh, pulling Lily’s set of keys out of her pocket as the house entered their line of view. “Bold assumptions from both Dorcas and Marlene considering you both told me you were gonna marry Sirius Black when you were fifteen or something.” [Y/N] said. Her comment illicited silence from Dorcas and Marlene rampant giggled from Mary, Lily and Alice.
With their Godric’s Hollow destination reached, [Y/N] unlocked the door with some difficulty. The seven flooded inside. Before Mary could loudly announce how bad she had to piss again, [Y/N] asked: “I’ve got a quick question ‘bout Black, actually,” everyone seemed very interested because everyone [Y/N] knew was in love with Sirius Black - unfortunately. “How many of you’v’fucked him? Just… Show off hands.”
Many groans of malcontent echoed through the room. Dorcas and Marlene raised their hands without hesitation, but instead with a bit of regret. Mary’s hand slowly went up with a sigh. Lily and Alice exchanged some knowing looks but both resisted a comment. “Bloody hell, ladies. Is he actually packin’ or something? He’s not that tall, so… Nice hair, but if he weren’t one of my mates, I’d just say he’s average. How does he keep pulling like this?” [Y/N] asked incredulously.
As Mary left finally to piss, Marlene bit back at [Y/N]. “Honestly, I think he’s just charming. Like, something about the smile, the leather jacket. Plus, he’s so fuckin’… noble, like. Yeah?”
“Noble? A guy’s a better fuck ‘cause he’s ‘noble?’” [Y/N] sighed.
“You know what I mean.” Marlene said and Dorcas nodded in agreement.
Dorcas piped up. “Well, [Y/N]. You may be the next among us. Ain’t the Maid of Honour and the… What’s it called? Man of Honour—“
“—Best Man.” Alice correct, pouring herself a sipper of firewhiskey.
“Ain’t the Maid of Honour and the Best Man meant to fuck? After the wedding?” Dorcas finished.
[Y/N]’s eyes widened. “No. Superstition. Clearly. I… Right, Lily?”
Lily’s playful grin widened as she pulled off her go-go boots and tossed her auburn hair into a messy bun. “Well, seeing as neither of you have a real date, then have at it. It’s tradition.”
“That’s vile. You’re vile.”
Mary walked back in from the bathroom. “Who’s vile?”
“Lily. Or Sirius. Can’t remember. Maybe both.” Marlene clarified.
“Ah, he is ‘packing,’ by the way. If nobody’s said that yet.”
[Y/N] was tired of everyone pushing her buttons because she had been single for a while. Single, yes. Desperate enough to shag Sirius Black, no. “Fabian Prewett was not worth all the trouble to keep that relationship going just to have a date to your wedding.” She said.
“He was so pretty!” Dorcas remarked, a drunken slur apparent in her voice.
“Yeah, and he was also a prick. Anyway, there’s no sense in finding someone with, like, days til the wedding.”
Lily sighed loudly. She knew what she was doing. It was that sort of sigh that baited someone to ask why one was sighing.
“What?” [Y/N] asked, scoffing.
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
Strained silence as all the other girls leaned into listen. “Oh, I’m sure. What’s the problem here?”
“James said one of his boys also doesn’t have a date to the—“ Lily started.
“You already implied Sirius—“
“Remus. Rem doesn’t have anyone.”
A longer, more strained silence.
Marlene gasped. “Holy fuckin’ shit. You should finally ask Remus out.”
“Finally? What do you mean finally? He’s my best mate.” [Y/N] said incredulously.
The other girls shared groans of indignation or shouts of surprise. “Dear, every boy you’ve ever been out with looks like a cheap knock-off of Loony Loopy Lupin. You have to have noticed.” Marlene pointed out.
“Don’t call him that!” Lily butted in.
“Don’t call him that. He doesn’t like it. And simply, I don’t think that’s true. About the boy thing.” [Y/N] insisted.
“Amos Diggory.” Mary said clearly. Amos had been her very first boyfriend. [Y/N] finally said yes to his obvious advances after Remus took a Slytherin girl his friends all hated to Hogsmeade. Amos had then been the same height and build as Remus, with those aggressively kind eyes. However, he was nothing like Lupin in any other way.
“They’re both tall with brown hair. So’s James for that matter—“
“Amos is just the polite version of Lupin. They’re practically the same bloke.” Mary finished he brutal comment and strolled into the kitchen.
“Tony Dolohov—“ Lily pointed out. Antonin Dolohov had been a rebound repeated hookup after Amos had broken up with [Y/N] since he thought she was too ‘disinterested’ in him. It was familiar commentary that Remus and Dolohov looked similar. They were constantly mistaken for the other from the back in school, despite being completely different as people.
“Was a fling!”
“Evil Lupin…” Dorcas sighed.
[Y/N] was ready for another topic of conversation. “So what? I like tall brunette guys from the countryside. Sue me. Fabian Prewett was from out there too, but he was completely—“
“Mm… Yes. Redheaded, pretentious Lupin.” Dorcas grinned tempestuously.
Mary gasped. “That implies our Lupin isn’t pretentious!”
Alice cleared her throat amidst [Y/N] evident shame and irritation. “If you don’t mind my saying, [Y/N], you’ve been down for that boy since you were about fourteen. Lupin, I mean.”
[Y/N] watched Lily nod drunkenly at wise old Alice’s words. “Call him! Call him right now!”
“Fuck you! No!”
Before [Y/N] could do anything else, Marlene began leading a chant of “call him!” with others shouting such fare as “come on, don’t ruin Lily’s party!” That was when she had to pick up the phone, just to get it to stop.
She stood there, listening to the dial tone hum. “Shit. What number am I ringing? He’s not… He’s with James.”
Lily whipped out her wand from her back pocket and wordlessly summoned a number jotted down on a takeaway menu from who knows where in the kitchen. Lily dictated the number to [Y/N], just to make sure she would actually make the call.
“‘Llo?” Sirius Black slurred on the other line. [Y/N] had often heard him wasted, but he was gone-gone tonight. He spoke too loudly into the receiver. After multiple semesters of Muggle Studies, he still hasn’t mastered the telephone.
“Black, it’s [Y/N].”
“Hey there, love,” Sirius suddenly sounded on edge. The world was a scary place these days and such a call was scary to get this late during a bachelor party. [Y/N] thought he sounded more sober, or tried, after she announced herself. “‘S everything okay…?”
“Hm? Yeah, no. All’ve us are fine. Is Lupin there?”
“What you want with Lupin?” Sirius inquired, his tone sounding much more typical of a drunk Sirius Black.
[Y/N] looked over her shoulder at the expectant faces of the girls and an encouraging thumbs up from Alice. “Uh, drinking game, or something. Put him on. Please.”
Sirius sounded like he dropped the receiver away from his face and called something like “Oi Moony, there’s a foxy bird on the phone for you!” into the room near him. After some shuffling and unintelligible grumbling, Remus’s voice came through on the phone.
“Remus Lupin on,” he said too clearly. The kind of clearness of tone one had when stoned out of their mind and attempting to cover it up. But at least he knew how to use a phone. “Who’s speaking?”
“Lupin, it’s me. It’s [Y/N]. Everything’s fine.”
“Oh. Hi?”
“Yeah, hi. All the boy’s watching you right now?”
“Uh,” a pause. “No, yeah. All of ‘em.”
“Same here. Holding a wand to my chest, basically. You still don’t have a date to the wedding, right?”
A longer pause. “Hm? To the wedding, you said?” He swallowed. Dry mouth from nerves or smoking too much, maybe. “No.”
“Right. Nor have I. Wanna go with me? Since we already both, like, have to go? Figured it’d be fun to go with you,” [Y/N] dropped her voice to a whisper. “Like, go-with-me-go-with-me. Real deal date.”
Too long of a pause.
“Remus? You there?”
“Yeah. Yeah! Sure, I’m here, sure. Also, like, yeah, sure. I mean, yeah. I’ll go with you. If you want, I mean. Yeah.”
[Y/N] sighed in relief. “Brilliant. Pop by before and get me. We’ll go together. Ta.”
With that, she hung up.
“Ta?” Dorcas said dramatically. “Ta? You ask the man out and you close with fuckin’ ‘ta?’”
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callofdudes · 11 months
AleRudy ✨incorrect quotes✨ ft: Valeria, Ghost, and Soap.
Alejandro: As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Rodolfo: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Rodolfo: *chokes on something*
Alejandro: Jeez, Rodolfo, don't die on us.
Rodolfo: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
Rodolfo: Here are two pictures. One of them is your bedroom, and the other is a garbage dumpster. Can you tell which is which?
Alejandro: This one is the dumpster.
Rodolfo: They’re both your bedroom.
Rodolfo: Do you think sex without love is a sin?
Alejandro: If it is, I’ll see you in hell.
Alejandro: You need to stop swearing so much.
Rodolfo: Shut the fuck up.
Alejandro: Yeah, that's not how you do it.
Rodolfo: Alright sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words just creep up on me when I least expect it.
Alejandro: Now now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep' and you'll be fine.
Rodolfo: Shit the beep up.
Alejandro: Yes, I'm adopting Rodolfo and you cowards can't tell me no!
Rodolfo: Alejandro...
Alejandro: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Alejandro: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me!
Rodolfo: Oh-? Even more humiliating than-
Alejandro: We are not doing this!
Valeria: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?
Rodolfo: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
Alejandro: Well, has Valeria been wrong before?
Rodolfo: How wide are we willing to open this up?
Alejandro: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and…
Valeria: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Alejandro: Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said…
Rodolfo: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.
Rodolfo: Two years ago, I married my best friend.
Rodolfo: Valeria is still mad about it, but me and Alejandro were drunk and thought it was funny.
Valeria, to Alejandro: You know, Rodolfo can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Valeria: *blows airhorn at Rodolfo* GET FUCKED!
Valeria, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan??
Valeria: Wait. I the fuck used this pan…
Rodolfo: It was you the fuck.
Valeria: It was I the fuck…
Alejandro: Who cooks rice in a pan?
Rodolfo: She the fuck.
Valeria: Fun Fact! The average person will walk by 36 murderers in their lifetime.
Alejandro: I like how this is a "fun" fact.
Rodolfo: It's fun because they didn't decide to murder you.
Rodolfo: You really believe in Valeria?
Alejandro: Luckily, she believes in herself enough for the both of us.
Alejandro: Guys where did Valeria go?
Rodolfo: She got arrested.
Alejandro: How the hell-
Valeria: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Rodolfo, watching Alejandro with the new recruits he's fond of: Ugh
Valeria, watching as well: You know...
Valeria: He doesn't love you. You could always join me and my cartel, we'd treat you better than he does.
Rodolfo: You think I want to join your peacock feather spreading, egotistical little boy band??
Valeria: Ok, sorry I asked
Rodolfo: Yeah, be sorry 😤
Rodolfo: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Valeria: What’s up your ass this morning!
Alejandro: *walks in* ...Hey.
Valeria: Hmm… nevermind.
Rodolfo: WAIT NO!
Ghost: They... well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff?
Soap: Um, murder???
Alejandro: Adventuring!
Rodolfo: Tuesday.
Rodolfo: I give up. I am so tired.
Soap: Get the emergency supply!
Ghost: *carries Alejandro and places him in front of Rodolfo*
Alejandro: *smiles*
Ghost: Christmas is cancelled.
Rodolfo: You can't cancel a holiday.
Ghost: Keep it up, Rodolfo, and you'll lose New Year's too.
Rodolfo: What does that mean?
Ghost: Alejandro, take New Year's away from Rodolfo.
Alejandro: What’s up with Soap? He's been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Rodolfo: He's just a little overwhelmed.
Alejandro: Why?
Rodolfo: Ghost smiled at him.
Rodolfo: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am-
Soap: A doll.
Ghost: A cinnamon roll.
Alejandro: A sweetheart.
Rodolfo: ...stop it.
Rodolfo: What are you getting Soap for the holidays?
Ghost: I don't know. It's kind of hard buying a gift for your partner when they already got everything they could've ever wanted when they married you. So I'm not sure yet.
Alejandro: I'm getting Soap a divorce lawyer.
Rodolfo, opening his arms to greet Alejandro after coming home late: Mi amor!!
Alejandro: What's going on?
Rodolfo: I don't know what you mean love, we should go inside now
Alejandro: Where's the body??
Rodolfo: ...
Rodolfo: I don't know what you're talking about-
Alejandro: I'll get a shovel...
I made a few of these up myself, and I'm proud. Giving the babies the chaotic love they deserve.
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Hello I absolutely love your writing! I wanted to ask if I could request a Soldier Boy imagine? Specifically one where the reader is Black Canary. She’s an incredible fighter, has her loud ear piercing sonic scream & the bad ass bodysuit with the fishnet tights! He’s basically smitten & wants to go out with her. Although she hesitates for sometime because of his reputation he manages to convince her. But we also see him admiring her when she’s working out/training and when she’s saving people/being a hero. Thank you💕
A Compliment A Day
pairing: soldier boy x black canary!reader (female supe)
summary: soldier boy gives black canary a genuine compliment each day to show her he’s capable of being a good person
rating: R for language
word count: 1.6k
warnings: soldier boy (he’s a warning for this one, but he does get better), language, workplace harassment (?), i think that’s everything
timeline: set in an au a few years after season 3
author’s note: anon thank you for requesting!! i’m hoping this is what you were looking for! 🫶
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It had been years since Vought came crashing down and Neumann was put behind bars. Supe Affairs had been running smoothly, and from the ashes of Vought arose a group of Supe’s who called themselves ‘Avengers of Justice’.
They were determined to keep their fellow Supe’s in line before S.A. could take them god knows where, as well as keep the average citizens safe.
You were the informal leader of this small group. Mainly because it had been your idea in the first place, but also because no one dared go against you. Everyone knew you were holding back your full potential when it came to your powers. The last time you used them almost at full blast, was when you single handedly destroyed Vought Tower. One screech and the empty building collapsed; also temporarily damaging everyone’s eardrums in a two mile radius. (The damage only lasted a couple days, and reports showed that a few people even had better hearing afterwards.)
You were also the leader because you had saved most of the Supe’s who followed your commands.
Soldier Boy was one of them. When you learned he’d been put back under you were determined to get him back. And you did. You managed to free him and get him the hell away from the Feds before anyone realized you were in the building.
He was incredibly grateful, and at first he showed it in the most inappropriate ways.
For example, the first thing he said to you when he woke up and you were saving him was, “Wow, you’ve got great tits, miss.” You slapped him in the face before you both fled.
You didn’t stand for about half the things he said. You kicked his ass several times before he fully understood why you got so offended by the comments.
“Thank you for saving me all those weeks ago, Tweety Bird,” was the first non-sexist, nice thing he said to you. Although, the nickname made you want to scream and break his eardrums.
“No problem Army Man,” you replied with a forced smile.
He’d never admit it, but he genuinely liked how tough you were. How you didn’t let him get away with anything; his dirty dishes in the sink, his dirty socks in the living room, and many more everyday things that he never used to worry about.
But you kinda annoyed him too. To him, he was The Man of the house (well, old clock tower apartment, turned watchtower for Supe’s who worked with you) and you were supposed to respect him. You were a woman, it was your job to make him dinner, not the other way around!
The first time he said these misogynistic thoughts out loud every single Supe at the base looked at him like he had three fucking heads. You were pissed as fuck and demoted him to clean-up duty for two weeks. Suddenly his dirty dishes in the sink came back to haunt him.
He shut his mouth after that.
“Canary, we’ve got a live one!” one of your Supe’s informed you as you walked into the apartment. “Campbell down at Supe Affairs is claiming the Supe killed these people on purpose, we beg to differ.” You hit play on the video in front of you.
“Well that clearly wasn’t his fault!” you scoffed, watching as the Supe seemed to emit a force from himself but looked terrified at the outcome. “I’ll call Hughie and sort this out. Is the Supe already in custody?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Soldier Boy said. “I called the cum guzzler and he insisted that this Supe had malicious intent.”
“Please tell me you did not call the head of Supe Affairs and call him that?” you groaned. Soldier Boy just grinned. “God damn it Soldier Boy! Now I have to call the bastard and grovel.”
“Sorry,” he piped, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. “It kinda just… came out.”
“Well, you live and you learn.” You shrugged then eyed him. “Well, you live anyway.”
“Hey! I’d like to think I’ve learned quite a lot given the fact I was raised in the fucking thirties! I’ve been working with you for two-and-a-half years now and it’s been how many months since I called you a bitch?”
“Check the whiteboard, Soldier Boy, it’s been two weeks since you last hit on me.”
“I still think singling me out with ‘Days Since Last Soldier Boy Incident’ is a form of discrimination.”
“It’s not when you’ve personally insulted every single one of your co-workers,” you laughed.
“Insulted?” Soldier Boy furrowed his brows, seeming somewhat hurt. You picked up on that and decided to drop the conversation.
“Look, just listen in when I call Hughie and learn how I talk to him without pointing out the fact I could break his spine, okay?”
“Okay,” Soldier Boy huffed.
You were lifting weights in the gym room (a section of the “apartment” converted into a makeshift gym) when Soldier Boy came in to join you.
“Hey, did you mean what you said earlier?” he asked. You put the weights down and looked at him, silently asking what he meant. “When I try to compliment you… does it actually sound like an insult?”
“Soldier Boy, the last time you ‘complimented’ me, you said that my fishnet tights made me look fuckable. That is not a compliment.”
“Yeah it is! I’m saying they make you look good!”
“Alright, I’m gonna do you and every woman you come in contact with in the future, a huge favor. If you really like someone, try complimenting something other than their looks. For example, tell them you like their sense of humor, or their taste in music. Do not go up to a co-worker and say they look fuckable.”
“So, instead of saying what I’m thinking right now about your gym clothes, I should say that I think it’s incredible you can bench over two-hundred pounds even though strength isn’t really your superpower?”
“Yes! Thank you, Soldier Boy.” You smiled a little.
“Well, then get used to hearing really specific compliments from now on, Tweety, because you asked for it.” He smirked then left the room.
“It’s Black Canary, Army Man!” you called out to him.
True to his word, Soldier Boy complimented you on literally everything but your looks the next few weeks. He made sure to give you (at least) one genuine compliment each day in hopes you’d see him as more than a barely tolerable co-worker.
One you really enjoyed hearing was; “I like how you can keep a couple dozen Supe’s under the same roof without them killing each other. I think that really says something about what a great leader you are.”
He said that after two Supe’s had fought each other over breakfast cereal and you managed to calm them both down. At first you thought he was being sarcastic but when you looked at him, you realized he was completely serious.
Another one that stuck out was; “This may be ironic, given the fact you could deafen anyone you come in contact with, but you are an incredible listener, Tweety Bird. You’re really easy to talk to and you give great advice.”
The nickname was growing on you.
But your absolute favorite and the one that made you swoon (you would never admit it though) was when you and Soldier Boy had been too late to a crime scene to save a handful of hostages. The two of you were seated on the roof of a building nearby; you had tears running down your face and he looked at you with such compassion.
“I know it might not seem like it right now,” Soldier Boy started, reaching out to touch your hand gently. “But you are an incredible person and you do not deserve everything you’re putting yourself through right now. You are strong as fuck and what happened here was not your fault. You’re a fucking hero, Tweety Bird, and I love that about you. But you’re human too and I love that even more.”
You slowly turned your head to look at him, tears still clouding your eyes.
“Thank you, Soldier Boy,” you whispered. “I know I usually don’t take your compliments very well but seriously, Army Man, thank you.”
“Anytime.” He smiled, not looking away from you. “Can I say one thing about your looks right now?”
“Sure, I think you’ve earned it given the fact you’ve gone three weeks without saying anything,” you laughed a little.
“Your dark eye makeup is running like crazy right now-”
“Wow, way to kick me when I’m down!”
“You didn’t let me finish! It’s running like crazy but you still look so fuckin’ pretty.” He smiled wider when you nodded in acceptance. He stared down at your lips as you smiled.
“If you’re thinking about kissing me-”
“Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna try anything, I know I’m about one wrong word away from my ears bleeding.”
“Well, I was gonna say go ahead and kiss me but-” He cut you off again but this time with a kiss to your lips. “Wow you’re good at that,” you mumbled when he pulled away after a moment. “I think I understand your cockiness now.”
“I’d love to take the credit, but that was definitely all you, Tweety.”
“Maybe we just have perfect chemistry,” you whispered and leaned in for another kiss.
“Guess we won’t know without a few more experiments, huh?” He kissed you a third time.
“I’m free all night, Army Man.”
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wordy-little-witch · 2 months
Also, anon from before but relating to a non agere thing this time… but a while ago you did a supportive Papa Roger with transfem Buggy an you mentioned him wearing a gaudy dress to prove a point and I can’t stop cackling and thinking about this scenario:
You’re an average upcoming pirate on a ship. You’re not a big deal, your bounty’s not particularly high, you fly under everyone’s Radar. Suddenly your buddy in the crows nest is screaming frantically down at you. They spotted a ship! And it’s the fucking Oro Jackson. Your captain grabs his binoculars to confirm that they are telling the truth… and suddenly is stunned into dumbfounded silence. You grab the binoculars out of his hands to have a look as well and the reason for his confusion soon becomes evident.
There, one foot propped up on a barrel. Stands Gol D. Roger himself. He’s wearing the ugliest dress you have ever seen in your life, a hell spawn somewhere between a twelve year olds Sunday best and your grandmas bathroom rug that smelled like mothballs. He’s beaming with confidence, smiling and having his eyes set on your ship, while this sin against fashion is flapping majestically in the wind. Something else is also flapping a little in the wind. Apperantly the most feared pirate of the seas has decided to go commando today.
About half an hour later your entire ship is destroyed. Miraculously there are no men lost, but you feel like that was more to make a point and to make sure you carry the very important message to the next shore when you get there:
You do NOT make fun of Gol D. Rogers daughter.
This. This right here is the EXACT vibe I was going for. Someone look me in the eye and say Roger WOULDN'T pull smth like this. You can't. It's definitely canon compliant.
Bonus points, while Roger WOULD do this in response to a literal slight against his baby girl, he would also try smth like this to a perceived slight.
Buggy isn't even all that bothered by some guy saying she doesn't have the figure for that skirt or some shit, but Shanks is FROTHING. how dare this ingrate approach his Buggy, his Blue, his best friend with anything other than absolute WORSHIP in their souls-?!
Buggy shrugs it off, grabs her book from the stall and drags Shanks with as they continue shopping at the market. Honestly, she forgets about it. She's heard far worse.
Shanks though? He's telling captain. He's telling Roger, and Rayleigh, and everyone who will listen to his livid retelling bc this guy quite literally called Buggy's ability as a PIRATE into question because of her clothes, because of her build. He's so angry.
Roger is equally angry.
Roger might be angrier, actually.
Rayleigh and Buggy are both pointedly Not On Deck during the following events because they cannot, Do Not See. Out of sight. Out of mind.
They're both praying to get the mental image of Roger in that dress out of their brains without resorting to bleach or an ice pick.
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TTD - First Meeting 3/4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 and end
Let's carry on with this. This Hero and Villain have now their own tag and masterlist.
Hero was waiting, their back against the bars, their fingers nervously gripping an talkie-walkie. They were still on the cage on the warehouse. Villain had refused to let them free; they had decided to confront Supervillain alone. Before going, they only had given them this piece of old technology “so you can be the witness of my devious genius”. Until now, Hero hadn’t heard much of – of whatever “devious genius” implied, only a lot of meaningless sounds. This thing incessantly crackled.
During that time, they had examined their cage, but there was no use. The bars fit into metal holes that had come out of the floor as if magically when Villain had triggered the cage. You had to hand it to them: they were good at building traps. Hero was not going out on their own.
Regret began to creep into their mind. What they had done was insane. Sure, Villain’s power protected them from Supervillain, but what then ? Maybe they should have waited for actual backup up from the hero agency. Witnessing the disappearance of dozen of people had done nothing for their practical sense. No, they couldn’t think of that right now.
(How could they not think of that right now ?)
Time passed. It had to pass somehow. Nobody at the agency called and their phone line was busy. Hero was on the point of trying once more when the talkie-walkie crackled more loudly than ever:
“ Greetings, honorable colleague.”
There was some unidentified sounds that made Hero wince. At least they heard Villain shout:
“I came in peace, esteemed peer !”
“What are you ?”
“Just like you. Exceptional. Above laws and common people. The darkness that surrounds me has no equal but the blackness of my own heart.”
“...What ?”
“I am what common, lowly people call a villain.”
“I’m not a villain. I’m only doing the cleaning that no one will dare to do at my place.”
“I certainly admire your ambition. There is too much people in this world. What is a crowed place but a picture of sordid, graceless hell ? I can’t but shudder at the mere thought of a post office.”
“If you agree, what are you doing here ?”
“I do not want to fight. I wish to strike a deal.”
“I work alone. I don’t need help and I certainly don’t need another lackey.”
“I wasn’t offering you one. I simply desire for my humble abode to be spared. I do enjoy my workshop. In exchange, may I offer you a little present. Hero, would you like to say a few words to your new owner ?”
Hero stayed silent, but they knocked their head against the bars of the cage, their lips fashioning a silent “fuck”. This day was getting better and better.
“You give me a Hero ?” asked Supervillain in a skeptical tone.
“Indeed I do, and all wrapped up, too. I have no use for them. But you do, don’t you ?”
There was a quick silence, then a chuckle.
“ I have ideas.”
Then the connection was cut off. Hero let the talkie-walkie fall on the ground. With sweating hands, they grabbed the bars and give them a good shake. It was no use. They knew it was no use. But what else could they do ? There was no door and no lock. The mechanism that pulled the cage off was well out of reach. Their strength was above average, but that wasn’t enough to break sheer metal.
Yes, they still had their phone. Yes, the agency official phone line was still occupied. Yes, they were afraid to try every number of the list. What could they say ? “Hi, I’ve surrendered myself to a villain and it turned out that it was a bad idea, could you risk your own life to come to my rescue please ?” It didn’t sound very convincing. They would just distract the other heroes from saving citizens.
So they waited, sick with guilt and shame. They were nearly grateful when at last the door opened. Villain was, as usual, hidden in their own shadow. Supervillain, apart from the magenta suit, seemed quite ordinary at first, but then he got closer, and Hero could see that his eyes were not gray, but silver. The pupils looked like they were forged in the temple of some forgotten deity. Hero clenched their fist to prevent it from shaking, turned their head, then said to Villain:
“You shouldn’t have done this.”
“ Who are you to give me orders ? I’m a villain. Did you really think I was going to show you mercy when I never had any ?”
There was nothing to answer to that. Not now.
“So you didn’t lie,” whispered Supervillain, glancing at the prisoner with curiosity. “That’s a Hero...of some sort. You were in that building. How can you still be here ? You can resist my power ?”
Hero shrugged.
“I’ll have to kill you the old-fashioned way then. Hmm - I never actually drew blood.”
“That’s a good thing. You should keep doing that.”
“Don’t pay attention to them”, declared Villain with contempt. “As you can see, they have a disappointing lack of flair. They don’t even swear revenge or anything. You should rage against your cruel fate a little, that’s all I’m saying.”
“Nah, I’m good.”
“See ? Far from me to flaunt my vast knowledge, dear Supervillain – perish the thought ! - but I am exceedingly skilled in making the deaths of my foes a masterpiece of horror and grotesqueness. Let me orchestrate this for you.”
“With your fake torture room ?” politely asked Hero.
“Let me remind you, humble prisoner, that to manufacture these tools the way they are, you need to learn how the true ones works. The noble art of torture has few secrets for me. I was thinking a televised show. I can hack the main channels that the plebe watches easily.”
Villain made a gesture towards the back of the warehouse:
“I’ve got all the equipment we need to make the performance we deserve. I’ll settle the camera and some dramatic spotlights, and while it’ll broadcast on the main channels, we will kill them.”
Villain gave a cold stare to Hero:
“That will be quite the appropriate fate, I think. It’s outstanding what you need to do to earn at least a little respect out there.”
Hero shook their head, but the two figures were still in front of them when they opened their eyes. It wasn’t going to be that easy to get out of that nightmare. Although they were well aware of how useless it was to try and reason them, they whispered:
“Please. Don’t do this. The public see enough horrors as it is.”
“Horrors ?” softly said Supervillain. “You have an inflated sense of your importance. Do you think that people will regret your death ?”
“I- I think. Maybe ? A little... I hope ?”
“ Did you forget what happened ? Forty-three persons lived in that residence. You’ve done nothing. Will they think it’s a murder or will they think it’s justice ?”
“I -”
“It’s your fault.”
Supervillain slowly stepped towards the cage. Hero didn’t move – Hero couldn’t move. They couldn’t break their attention from the cold glare.
“I want to hear you say it.”
Villain cleared their throat and said with a thin smile:
“So do I. Let them think about it so they’ll be ready for the show tonight. Won’t it be delightful to hear them say it in front of the whole world ?”
“ Maybe you’re right.”
“Let me show you my equipment.”
Supervillain walked behind them, but Villain went to the end of the corridor first.
“Halt ! I need to open this door first.”
Supervillain stopped. His feet froze on the ground.
“Your cooperation is most appreciated,” said Villain.
They pushed a button on the wall. A second cage fell on the ground, trapping Supervillain before he had the time to react. While he was thrashing around, Hero saw a sort of black smoke covering his eyes like a blindfold.
“How many of these cages have you got ?” they couldn’t help but ask.
“A reasonable and correct number.”
“You were going to betray him the whole time ?”
“Naturally. Did you think that I speak of my devious genius just for show ? That that I was going to break our pact ?”
“Yes. Completely.”
Villain stayed still a moment, then shrugged:
“Well. You underestimated me. Or at least how much I can’t bear to go to the market.”
“Will you free me now ?”
The shadow didn’t move and didn’t answer.
“Villain ?”
“I -”
This conversation was going to be difficult. However, Hero felt that it was going to be much harder because of two things that happened at the same time: one, a metal bar flying across the room, and two, the booming voice of Supervillain who yelled:
“Do you really think this was going to be that easy to keep me in ?”
Sequel and end here
These Two Dorks masterlist
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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youmarin · 1 year
I Don't Like You | Hanamaki Takahiro x Reader!
Word count: 5,462
Relationships: Hanamaki Takahiro x reader (enemies to...) Oikawa Tooru x reader, Iwaizumi Hajime x reader and Matsukawa Issei x reader (all platonic)
Another day, another class, another occasion for Hanamaki Takahiro to disrupt it with the ruckus he and his best friend Matsukawa had going on at the back of the classroom. You rolled your eyes. 
You’ve known the strawberry blonde ever since middle school. He was slightly popular with being on the volleyball team and everyone saw some sort of charisma in him that you failed to appreciate. To you, he was just a class clown who liked attention. An insufferable, dumb jock. 
Then you were first year highschoolers. You almost cried while you read the lists of your assigned homerooms when you stumbled upon his name. One thing was just bearing with him in the hallways, but now he was your classmate? 
“Sorry, my bad. Dude, stop fucking pushing me.” He absentmindedly apologized to you as his dark haired friend nudged him to make way to the front line before the bulletin board. 
“How?” You heard Iwaizumi exclaim. 
“Did you two bribe the principal or something?” Oikawa chuckled. “How is it that you ended up in the advanced courses?”
“What? What are you talking about? We wouldn’t be so dumb to do that.” 
“Well, apparently you aren’t as dumb as to not make it into first class.” 
“No wonder we couldn’t find ourselves anywhere else.” 
“I heard the advanced English teacher is hell.” some other student said, and they picked it up. 
“Oi, is that true?” Matsukawa asked warily.
“A lot of people have said that. They said a lot of upperclassmen used to complain about her.”
“But-But these are optional right? You can change to regular classes if you don’t like where they placed you.” Hanamaki asked not so confident.
“Sure. But you can validate these as college courses. If you plan to go.” Hajime explained. “You should give it a try either way.” 
“If by midterms you’re failing you could switch up. Or find a tutor.” Oikawa advised. 
“How is it that you’ve been in advanced courses all this time? Honestly, I never saw you as the smart type outside of a volleyball court.” Oikawa was triggered and offended, to say the least. 
“FYI, I’m very smart. Also I work hard and that pays off.” He adjusted his glasses.
“And y/n has saved his ass countless times.” Added Iwaizumi knowingly. 
“Y/n?” Hanamaki asked curiously, “That name rings a bell. Is it that nerdy girl with glasses who makes out everyone else is stupid and thinks she’s hot shit?” 
“No. How dare you confuse my sweet y/n with that meanie. She’s bitter because y/n always beats her and is first in our class. Wait, there she is. Y/n-chan!” Oikawa called out to you and Hanamaki followed his gaze ‘til he met a girl: average height, long, wavy black hair, cinnamon kissed skin, full lips, small nose and dark eyes. You smiled at Oikawa and at Iwaizumi who was by his side. But when your eyes landed on him and Mattsun you became serious. 
“Huh. Smart, pretty too. But, ” Matsukawa said, looking at you as you made your way over to them. “she looks quite scary.” 
“She can be.” Iwaizumi agreed, “but she’s good.” 
“How is a shrimp scary?” Hanamaki snorted, making fun of his friends.
“Who are you calling shrimp, My Melody?” you bit back. 
“Oh.”  Yeah, Mattsun still found you scary.
“Just so you know, that’s a compliment.” He smirked at you. “Bad bitches look good in pink.” 
“Okaaay off to a rough start I see.” Oikawa made a survey of the situation. “Y/n, you’re making me look bad.” 
“Huh, I thought that was just how you looked.” Iwaizumi pondered, making you laugh. Okay, she laughs, Makki thought.
Oikawa glared at his spiky haired best friend “Whatever.” He plastered a smile on his face addressing you, “I wanted to officially present to you some new classmates.” He gestured towards the duo, “Meet-“
“Hanamaki Takahiro.” He cut Oikawa off. 
“Matsukawa Issei.” followed the tall, black haired boy, throwing an arm over the former’s shoulders. 
“Oh I know you two.” 
“Keeping tabs about us?” 
“Rather staying clear of you.” 
“Tōru, I think your friend chose to be sour today.” 
“I… Hope we can get along. Someday.” Matsukawa said awkwardly. 
Back to the present, you were now in your last semester as second years and to your surprise he’d managed to stay in the group - barely making it yet somehow- and you still thought the same way about him. 
“Is there something you two want to share with the class, Mr. Hanamaki and Mr. Matsukawa?” 
“Uh, not really, sir. You see, this is a private conversation.” Takahiro answered, gesturing between Mattsun and himself.
“Then why don’t you take your private conversation to somewhere more private, like the principal’s office?” The teacher said.
“I wouldn’t want to bother the principal, sir.” You noticed how the rest of the class held back their smiles. Your teacher sighed, asking for patience from the heavens to deal with a brat. 
“Alright. I'll humor you too. In fact, class, thanks to Hanamaki you’re all to hand over the exercises from pages 67 to 72 in their entirety. They’ll be part of your grade for a surprise test.” If anyone had a trace of a smile on their face it had vanished now, and the entire class erupted in complaints, some throwing nasty looks at the culprit, remarkably his other two friends. Iwaizumi and Oikawa turned on their seats and muttered something to him. 
“Nice job, dumbass.” 
You gathered your things when the teacher dismissed the class. In fact, you just had to review your notes and the material from your textbook. You had already done the exercises from the workbook in advance, given that March was approaching and with it your finals. You had tons of homework assigned already, and you didn’t like to pile them up. 
“Y/n-chan.” You heard his singsong voice. Almost everyone had left the room besides the four volleyball team players and you. The teacher had held Makki and Matssun back to reprimand them. 
“Let me guess. You want the answers to the exercises.” You told Oikawa knowingly. 
“I don’t think the answers will be enough.”  Oikawa grimaced. “I would like to understand what he’s talking about if he’s going to make us pass a test.” 
You smiled a bit amused, “So, study session?” 
“Of course! Have I told you you’re an angel? 
“Yes, you have. Every time you use flattery to make up for what you asked.” Iwaizumi looked at him disgustingly. 
“I don’t know, she seems more like a demon to me.”  Hanamaki shared as he walked over to the rest of you, Matsukawa following him. 
You glared at him before dismissing his comment and addressing Iwaizumi, “You’re joining?” 
“Uh- Sure. I could use a little help too.” He gave you a small smile, feeling a little embarrassed. 
“Oh you’re making a study group?” Mattsun asked, interested. Makki wished he could take back his latest comment. While Oikawa saw the opportunity and grasped it. Hajime saw his intentions clear in the brunette’s eyes. 
‘Oh, yes! It’s perfect. Why don’t we all study together?” He suggested. It was a great plan where you could sort things out with both class and Hanamaki. It was hard for him that his friends didn’t get along -for whatever the reason was- when you spent most of your days together during class and rather often outside. He could try to make Makki be a little gentler with you and if he managed to convince Hajime to do the same with you he was sure it’ll work out. 
“Uh I don’t know…” you looked over indiscreetly at Hanamaki. 
Makki was about to respond “Wait. Me? With you?” He made a face. As much as he could use your help he’d rather die on the spot than asking you. But Tooru kicked him slightly, making him yelp in surprise, stopping him from finishing whatever he planned to say. “Okay, okay. If you don’t mind.” He muttered throwing foul looks at Oikawa. 
It was Monday, the volleyball club’s day of rest, so the group walked together straight to your house when school was over. You walked ahead with Iwaizumi, the air still cold in the mid February twilight. Your cheeks were turning slightly rosy, and you could see your breath when you exhaled. You wished you had brought your scarf. 
As you all agreed to stop at a coffee shop, Oikawa threw a look at Makki and gestured something before he left with Hajime to order. He didn’t understand what the former wanted, “What?” he mouthed.
Tooru almost groaned. This is why girls say chivalry is dead. 
Matsukawa picked up the message instead. “Here.” He said, getting your attention. Taking off his black scarf, he didn’t lose time to gently place it around your neck, not giving you any time to protest nor reject his gesture. 
“Thanks.” You welcomed in the warmth the soft fabric brought, and Mattsun took that as a win. Sure, he’d felt that during the past months you had at least become acquaintances and had been polite to each other. Things between you weren’t as hostile as when it came to Hanamaki, who finally rolled his eyes as he understood what the brunette meant. He’d lost the opportunity. Mattsun gave him a sorry look, but soon Makki brushed it off. Why did he have to be nice to you when you were the one who acted like you had a stick up your ass every time you were around him? He never did anything to you. 
“We’’ll go to my room so as not to disrupt my parents.”  
“Is your mom home? I'd like to greet her.” Your mom had already met Oikawa by the countless times he’d been over. She loved him and needless to say she would plan your wedding if you so much as told her you liked him. But to her dismay you were just friends. Your dad didn’t like him though. He said pretty boys like him must be looking to break your heart. Also Tooru was scared of him. 
“She’ll be here later.” You told him as you guided them through the hallway and to your room. 
“Would like to know where she gets her attitude from.” Makki said under his breath. 
“Oikawa would say from his dad because he doesn’t like him.” Hajime confided and they snickered, making fun of the brunette. 
Tooru sneezed, then turned to both of them at the same time you did, “What are you two going on about?” 
You had gone out of the room for a moment, telling the boys to make themselves comfortable, feeling a little mortified to let into your house and into your room a boy you supposedly hated his guts. 
Oikawa jumped in your bed while Iwaizumi got your desk chair, and Mattsun sat on a bean bag chair on the floor. Hanamaki inspected your room, seeing several posters of your favorite musicians, a CD player laying on your bed that Oikawaa had grabbed, bookshelves, drawings on top of your desk, pictures - Mostly of landscapes but there were also family pictures . He recognized you with Iwaizumi and Tooru on a couple -, some paintings on the wall and some on the floor waiting to be hanged. 
“It’s a nice bedroom.” he commented, and everything was going fine, until he opened his mouth again, “I remember this girl that took me over to her place and she had this collection of creepy porcelain dolls on one big shelf that covered the wall opposite her bed. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get i-”
“Okay,” you came back in time to cut him off, carrying another bean bag chair in for him, “Thanks for the compliment on my room but I don’t need to hear that.” 
“Right. Sorry. Forgot you probably have never gotten laid, or either kissed someone.” 
“Ugh, Makki, please shut the fuck up.” Oikawa shook his head and Hajime brushed a hand down his face. He was unbelievable. 
“Not that is any of your business, but I do have kissed someone.” You said calmly as you took your notebooks out of your bag and sat next to Oikawa. 
“That’s a shocker. Who?” He said, plopping down on the chair as he finished his tea. 
“Why do you care?” You raised a brow and Oikawa smiled down at his hands. In any other moment he would be harassing you about the subject in question to know but he was being real quiet. 
“I don’t but since you’re dropping information like that you could just share the whole thing.” He shrugged. “Does he go to Seijoh too?” 
“And what?” 
He smirked, as if realizing something, “Nah, wait. Bet it was some weird ugly ass kid and that’s why you don’t want to tell.” 
Now if he wasn’t able to speak, you four would’ve witnessed a miracle that evening, “Excuse you?! Who the hell you dare call ugly. If I may say I’m the prettiest male in the room.” Oikawa came clean and you smacked him right in his chest so hard he lost his breath for a moment. 
“Oh great.” you muttered, a hand covering your face. 
“No fucking way.” Makki started with a chuckle, staring at Oikawa incredulously.
“You didn’t know?!” Mattsun asked Iwaizumi given his expression.
 Hajime shook his head, “No wonder you weren’t curious.” 
“Really? This guy?” Matsukawa continued. 
“What does that mean?” Oikawa whined. 
“Fine. We were in middle school and were what? 15?” 
“Yeah I had just turned 15. And you were still 13.” Oikawa smiled as he recalled. 
“So you dated?” 
“Not really. We’ve always been good friends. It just happened, everyone was doing it and we wanted to know what it was like.” 
“We just figured at that moment that if we wanted to have our first kiss there wasn’t anyone better than us.” You chuckled, flustered. It was a little embarrassing, and you basically had forgotten what led you to this conversation. 
“Wait, so,” Hanamaki kept in interrogation mode, “you haven’t kissed anyone else since him?” 
“No.” you shook your head, “What are we doing? What am I doing? Grab your notes and let’s start studying.”
Spring brought new beginnings, a gentler breeze, slowly beginning to bid farewell to winter with soft sunny days and much livelier nights. 
Your eyes captured the pretty pink veil made out of cherry blossom trees, which flowers rained down as their branches danced with the gusts of wind. It was very romantic walking under the pink snow. 
Hanamaki was walking to school that morning when he saw you as he turned in the curve and got to the main road. He didn’t live far from your house, so sometimes - when he wasn’t late- he saw you. The couple of times you’d noticed him, you’d just nodded in acknowledgment and continued your way, walking with him just a few steps back. He wondered if he should greet you. Thinking about that time at your house it wasn’t that bad between you two. Hopefully you might think the same. 
He debated with himself and at the end chose to go for it, words dying in his mouth when he saw you stop to take pictures. Makki wondered how many cherry blossoms were in your camera roll by now. He waited as to not interrupt you, and that’s when it happened. He saw you slip as you were about to resume walking, and before he knew it he was running to catch you, under the risk of slipping on the blossoms himself and breaking something. 
You had screamed and closed your eyes tightly, accepting your fate, but the fall didn’t come. Instead, you felt a pair of arms engulfing you in a secure grip. You opened one of your eyes and were met with a worried Hanamaki looking down on you. “You okay?”  Having not recovered your speech yet, you nodded hastily. Then, grinning, “Falling for me?” 
“Shut up.” There it was. “Going to help me stand up?” you shrieked as he made it to let go of you while he laughed. 
“You really thought I would drop you after all?” Some of the flowers had gotten on his hair. He did as you said when you just remained silent looking up at him and his smile, and got you back on both feet safely. 
 “You could’ve hurt yourself.” You said, avoiding looking at him. 
“So you mean to say I was supposed to let you fall?”  you shrugged and he scoffed. Makki took a look at you: your hair had gotten a bit messier, hands buried in the pockets of your jacket, expression serious and rosy cheeks. He wouldn’t lie, he thought you looked cute. “Or by any chance you’re worrying about me?” 
“I’m not.” you quickly protested, frowning. “But I don’t want to be the reason you miss volleyball club.” 
“Of course. It’s just that.” He raised a brow, amused as you nodded along. You still weren’t looking at him. “A “thank you” would’ve been enough for me.” 
“You’re very welcome.” he smiled, pleased, but it quickly vanished as you turned to keep walking. “Wait, hey- Wait up!” He hurried to fall into step with you, careful not to slip, “We can walk to school together since we’re here.” 
“No, thanks.” you spoke back to him.
“I thought we just had a moment back there.” he gave you a side look. “And back at your house you had to admit it wasn’t so bad.” 
“Yeah, after I cut you off before you could talk about sex.” 
“Ugh, this is what I’m talking about.” you stopped and turned to him, irritation clear on your voice and in your features. “You’re so unserious. “I’ll be surprised if you actually cared about something.” 
A look crossed his eyes you couldn’t quite grasp. Did it actually hurt him what you said? No, whatever you said couldn’t possibly matter to him. You continued walking, thinking he wouldn’t say anything but then he spoke up, “Okay, you can think whatever you want. Even if you barely know me.” 
When you reached the school gates, he spoke up again, “Honestly, I think you could be nice. Maybe if you weren’t so worried about everything and guarded all the time… I don’t know. I think you could use some unseriousness.” Then he went ahead, leaving you to take a deep breath to get your cool back and reflect on what he had just said. 
Maybe… Maybe you’ve gone a little too far. 
 It was the day of the opening ceremony and you were about to begin your last year of high school. 
“Oi! Sour Patch kid.” You heard him call you by that nickname he’d picked for you. Makki was waiting for you at the entrance of the hall. Ever since that conversation you had, your behaviour around him had improved. He wondered if it had something to do with whatever he might’ve said - he’d forgotten most of it by now-. But he wasn’t complaining, and neither were the rest of the boys. At least now you could stand in a room without throwing comments at each other. It was a sort of silent truce. 
“Where are the others?” You asked, looking around for them. Still, it felt awkward to be left alone with him.  
“Oikawa was held back somewhere by a bunch of girls and Hajime went to the rescue. Mattsun is saving our seats.” You nodded.
“They let you inside like that?” You signaled. 
“Oh. That. We avoid the principal and the teachers.” He shrugged. He gave a step back and threw his hands up as you stepped over to him. “Woah, what the hell are you doing?” 
“You could at least button up your shirt.” You started to fix it up for him under his nervous gaze. “And where is your tie?” 
“I didn’t- I didn’t bring one.” He stuttered an answer and you shook your head. 
You fixed his collar without it. “There. Looks much better now at least.” You smiled, satisfied with your work, until you looked up at him. He was staring at you intently. You hadn’t removed your hands from his shoulders. 
“Sorry for being late!” Oikawa shouted and sighed as if he had been running for miles, breaking whatever spell you had fallen under and startling you both, “What were you two doing?” 
“Waiting for you. What else?” You crossed your arms defensively.
“Did our homeroom teacher see you?” Iwaizumi said to Makki and snorted. “You look like a model student for once.” 
When you three walked inside, Mattsun waved you over. “Makki, you look… pink. And I’m not talking about your hair.” He spoke to his best friend who was blushing furiously. 
One of your new teachers had thought that by moving Makki to another seat far from Mattsun or the other boys she was doing something. What she didn’t know was that the strawberry blonde was capable of making conversation with almost anyone. 
“From now on you’ll sit next to y/n.”  Your eyes widened and you gave her a pleading look. She glanced at you understandingly yet you could see her asking for your cooperation. Mattsun looked dramatically devastated as Hanamaki grabbed his stuff and switched places with the boy beside you. Iwaizumi and Tooru looked at each other. Things were either very convenient or about to go to hell. 
“Hello, partner.” He smiled at you while you merely gave him a look before turning your attention back to the lecture as the teacher took over where she had left. Hanamaki then attempted to start a conversation with the guys sitting behind you, yet they seemed a little apathetic. Turning to his side, his intentions were quickly discarded. No way in hell he was speaking to that Yui girl. So he propped his head in his hand as he tried to keep his attention on what the teacher was saying. 
After she gave the instructions for the day’s class work, you started to complete it diligently. By your side, Makki looked over at the board, then back to his notebook, turning his pencil on his hand and back again. To be honest, he had no clue about what he was supposed to do, yet he gave it a go. You threw glances now and then to your right, and seeing him erase something for nearly like the tenth time, you spoke, “Do you need help?” Iwaizumi perked up at the sound of your voice and nudged Oikawa, pointing towards you two. 
“Me? No. I’’m doing great. Easy.”  Oikawa smacked himself on the face. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, just… Peachy.” 
“Okay.” You went back to your notebook. Glancing around as lost as he was, he looked back again: notebook, board, you. 
He sighed, “Okay, I lied.” he admitted, “ I could use a little help.”  
You did the rest of the work together while you explained it to him. Makki swore no one had ever explained to him something as easy as you made it seem. Every day during that class you two worked seamlessly together, and needless to say everyone was surprised, and each time Hanamaki caught himself staring at you more. Noticing your small smiles, the small frown etched on your face as you focused, how you pushed your hair back from falling over your notebook until you gave up and tied it up in a messy bun instead, how you explained the things he didn’t understand. 
One day during practice, Mattsun caught him staring at you while you chatted with Oikawa sitting on the benches. The setter had sprained his ankle and was out until he recovered. They had a practice match soon, so his mood wasn’t the best, but you keeping him company kept his thoughts from spiraling. He laughed at something you said, making you smile. 
“You think Oikawa might like y/n?” Makki found himself asking as they practiced underhand passes. 
Hajime, who had paired with Kyōtani and was beside them, snorted, “He’s simping over his girlfriend so that’s out of the question.” 
“Didn’t they break up?” Mattsun asked. 
“Almost. They’ve been arguing a lot lately.” Iwaizumi clarified, then turned to Makki, “Why do you ask anyway?” 
“Unbelievable.” Matsukawa let the ball drop, “You like her.” 
“Doesn’t she hate him?” Kyōtani brought up and the trio stared at him. 
“Of course I don’t. That's ridiculous.” He brushed Matsukawa’s statement off as if it was the most absurd thing he’d ever heard. “And you,” he pointed at Kentarō, “are wrong. We hate each other.” 
“Oi! I’m still here and watching you all. Why are you stopping? Quit gossiping and get back to practice!” The captain yelled at them. “We have to crush Karasuno with or without me. But hopefully with me.”  You shook your head as he smiled, pleased with simply the idea. 
“Hate each other my ass.” Matsukawa called him out, “You’re always searching for her.” 
“That’s not true.” 
“So you fell for her but she hates you?” 
“Shut the fuck up, Kyōtani.” 
“What if I don’t?” 
“Well things have gotten better between you two but I can’t say from her part.” Iwaizumi thought. 
“Y/n/n,” Oikawa started, his demeanor changing all of a sudden, “Do you think I’m a shitty person?” 
“What? Of course not!” you laughed, yet you were confused, “What made you even think that?” 
“I don’t know.” He was looking down, fidgeting with his hands. Suddenly he resembled a little boy being lectured, “The way I act sometimes…” 
“That doesn’t make you a shitty person, Tōru. It just makes you a human being.” you smiled at him even though he wasn’t looking at you, “And I don’t think you really hate Tobio or Ushijima. You two just have this rivalry and it’s because you care so much for what you do. Well that’s how I see it. You’re great, don’t let anyone make you believe you aren’t.”
He nodded, finally turning to look at you with a smile. “Do you know I love you?”
“I love you too, stupid.” You laughed as he threw himself at you and kissed your cheek, “Be careful.” Then he laid his head on your lap and you brushed his hair as he looked up at you. “How’s stuff with Aoi?” His girlfriend that clearly disliked you.
He sighed, “We’re back talking but… She’s being distant.” He feared she might break up with him after all. “But let’s not talk about that.” 
“Then what?” you said expectantly. 
“How about you and Makki?” 
“What about him?” you looked over to the court and your eyes found him. 
“You don’t seem to hate him as much.” He chose his words carefully. 
“I don’t.” And that was what he called progress. “I still think he’s weird and a pain in the ass though.” But remember: don’t count your wins too soon.
“You’re not exactly the definition of normal.” you smacked him and he laughed. 
“Neither are you.”  
“Thanks.”  . . . “But do you find him attractive?” 
“What are you on now?” you said with a scandalous face that wasn’t not funny, but you were blushing. Oikawa took that as a yes.  
“Nothing. I was just asking.” 
“I don’t like him if that’s what you’re assuming. And I’m sure he doesn’t like me either.”  
“Want me to ask him?” 
“No. What for?”  
Next morning, you were a sight (not in a good way). Somehow, Hanamaki Takahiro had made his way into your dreams, startling you awake in the dead of the night. After that, you tossed and turned but weren’t able to go back to sleep. Finally, you had lost it, you thought. You blamed Oikawa’s absurd questions.
“Are you okay?” The brunette dared to ask when he saw you, “You look a little…” 
“You look terrible.” Hanamaki cut him off bluntly. You glared at both boys, and they backed off as you walked by over to your seat.  
Iwaizumi smacked both on the back of their heads, following you. “Way to go, idiots.” 
Needless to say, during class you were struggling to not doze off. After doing a pretty good job during morning periods, it was during your last class that you finally succumbed. Thankfully, since Iwaizumi was sitting in front of you, the teacher couldn’t notice from his spot in front of the class. 
Makki was sitting next to you too, and when he glanced your way he found you asleep. His gaze became softer seeing your relaxed features, your head lying on one of your arms folded on top of your desk. 
Later at home when you sat at your desk and took your things out of your bag to begin your study session, something slipped out from between your notebooks. Stranged, you picked it up, and saw the note stuck to the papers. “Notes from litt. class. Get some proper rest later. No use messing with someone who can’t talk back.” - Hanamaki 
You read the words over and over, and you couldn’t help but smile a bit. 
“It’s weird, y/n’s still not here.” Iwaizumi mentioned. The day of the practice match had come, and you were always there early to wish them good luck before you went to find a seat at the stands.
“There’s still a few minutes.” Mattsun allowed. “Makki’s not even here yet.” 
Aoi had come to see Oikawa and he’d gone out of the locker room for a moment to meet her before the match, otherwise he would be complaining about your unusual tardiness. He certainly would later. 
You were hurrying towards the gym at the same time the other team arrived and was about to go inside, getting the attention of some of them. “Look, it seems like Seijoh got a cute manager too since the last time we met.” 
You were wearing your PE tracksuit pants with the school t-shirt so thinking back you should’ve known that was what caused the misunderstanding. A dark haired boy you recognized as the libero stood in front of you. 
“Hey there, Miss manager.” He gave you a smile. 
“Hello,” you started politely yet the look in your eyes showed you were confused, “Manager? I’m sorry I’m not-” 
“What’s your name?” He barely let you get a word in. The captain was about to interfere, knowing where things were going but Sugawara stopped him. 
“I’m Y/n. But I’m not-” 
“Are you going out with someone?”  
You shook your head, “I-” 
“Sorry, man, she has a boyfriend.” your eyes went wide, as you heard none other than Makki - who was late- speak up. Standing now behind you, he leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek, leaving your cheeks burning, “You okay, love?”  Love?  Then he looked over at the boys seriously. 
Sugawara snorted. 
“Boyfriend?!” You two bursted into the locker room. “What the hell was that?!”
“Well, it worked. None of them will bother you now.” He seemed amused rather than bothered by what he just did unlike before when he saw that guy flirting with you, although he was blushing too now that you came into the room with some of the boys still inside shouting about what happened. Being a sweetheart, as always, he thought. 
“You do tell, please.” Matsukawa smirked, “What are you two lovers quarrelling about now?”  
“Your friend just told the whole Karasuno team we’re a couple.” 
“What the hell made you do that?” Iwaizumi asked before he started laughing. His friend was an idiot.
“Same thing I’m asking.” 
“Some guy was bothering her so I told them we’re together to get him and anyone else off her.”  which Mattsun translated as I was jealous in his head as he looked at him biting his tongue to not call him out on his bullshit. 
“They found out before me?!” Oikawa screamed by the door, entering the room. 
“It’s not true!” 
“Not yet.” Mattsun muttered to himself, “But you’ll have to play along, right? Otherwise they’ll think you’re both liars.” Speaking up as a proper best friend and wing man. 
“What?” you looked at him, then towards the strawberry blonde, “It’s not like they’ll be paying me much attention.” 
“But my girlfriend should cheer for me.” He shrugged his shirt off and you looked away, flustered,  while he put on his uniform. Then he grabbed the extra one he had and threw it your way.  His club shirt. With his name, and the number three stamped on both sides. 
“How are you so calm about this?” You stared at the piece of fabric, then nervously up at him. “Everyone at school will think we’re together. Are you really okay with that?” 
“I don’t care what they think. Do you?”
A/N: Another example of terrible fic names for you! First time writing for my Seijoh boys. Oh I love them so much and hope you like the interactions between them and with y/n. Was going through Makki brainrot again back in December but also had to show some love to my Oiks <3. Also this had like 5 extra pages on my docs. buuut I wasn't entirely sure with how it was going and I still don't get a good scene to end this story lol. Until next time! -Youmarin
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holylulusworld · 1 year
History at its best
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Summary: You love history.
Square 1 filled for @ultimatechrisbingo​: Professor!Steve Rogers
Pairing: Professor (Silver Fox) Steve Rogers x Student!Reader
Warnings: language, undefined age gap (the reader is of age), Silverfox!ASteve, light smut, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive Steve, doggy style, Captain & Sir kink, dirty talk, hand around throat (no choking, but I add it just in case), inappropriate relationship
Words: 1k+
This story is part of my: Adventures with your professor masterlist 
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History. You love history. Especially when it comes on two long legs, and makes your panties dampen with only one look.
“Today, we will pick up where we stopped last time. Y/N, can you tell me where we stopped last time?”
Damn that man. Professor Rogers. Steve Rogers. He flashes you a bright smile as you nervously shift in your seat. 
You cross your legs and try to pretend you’re not having daydreams of your professor and his perfect cock. “Miss Y/L/N.”
“Page 385, Lesson 12,” you reply, praying that you remember the page right. If not, he’ll bend you over his desk and punish you for not listening to his lecture.
“Very good, Miss Y/N,” Professor Rogers points out. “As always. You’re such a good student…and a good girl.”
“I-“ dropping your eyes to your notebook you swallow thickly and pray none of the other students heard his last comment.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he puts on a big show as he walks toward his table. All tall and bulky he makes an impressive sight.
He puts on his glasses. The ones he doesn’t need. Steve Rogers just wants to act like he’s a normal guy.
But when he almost fucks you through a wall, he proves that he’s more than an average forty-plus guy lusting over one of his students. Steve Rogers is still the man saving the world more than once and a super-soldier. 
“Professor, can we talk after classes,” one of the new girls in your course asks. “Please.”
“Sorry, Miss—“ Steve furrows his brows as he can’t remember her name. “What was your name again?”
“Sandi, with an I, not Y,” you dip your head to watch her lean back in her chair to push her tits out. You chuckle and turn your attention back toward the notes you took last time.
If not, Steve will find a way to punish you. And you are not in the mood for a bruised ass and no orgasm again.
Once in a while, you love to be a bad girl and to get some well-deserved punishment. Just not this week. You want to be good this time to make sure he goes easy on you and your still tender ass.
“Right, Miss Y/L/N,” your head snaps up the moment you hear his voice. Steve narrows his eyes as you got lost in thoughts once again. “Do you want me to repeat the question for you?”
“I’m sorry, I was looking over my notes about the Roman Empire and didn’t hear your question, Sir.”
You watch his Adam’s apple bobble when you use the title. “Well, at least you were engrossed in the topic, not some fashion magazine. You are forgiven.”
He smirks as you release a shuddery breath. “Thank you, professor.” Steve doesn’t seem to be mad.
“Anytime, Miss Y/L/N.”
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“Why not? Every other girl would gladly join me at that party,” you roll your eyes as one of the frat boys tried to talk you into going to a party with him.
“I told you; I got a boyfriend at home.”
The annoying guy doesn’t need to know your boyfriend is your professor and the former Captain America.
“What he doesn’t know…” he grins, offering you a good time and more. “You don’t want me to tell everyone you’re an uptight bitch, right?”
“Fuck you,” you storm off, muttering under your breath. “No one gives a shit about your opinion.”
“I bet she’s boring in the sheets, bro. Let’s forget about her,” one of the other frat boys pats the guy’s shoulder. “We will find some other bitch for you.”
“Do we have a problem here?” Steve cocks his head to look down at the guy hitting on you. He was hiding behind a corner to jump in if needed. “What did you just say about Miss Y/L/N? How did you call her?”
“Virgins, you know,” the guy dares to snicker. “I bet she will mewl like a cat in heat when she gets fucked. Needy bitch.”
It takes everything in Steve not to break that grinning frat boy’s neck. He balls his hands into fists and takes a deep breath.
“Maybe she only needs a real man. Someone not treating her like a piece of meat. A man who knows how to fuck. I bet, you’d learn a thing or two listening to an experienced man, not a boy who creams his pants the moment he sees boobs...”
Steve storms off. If not, he’ll gladly kill the boys for daring to even lay eyes on you…
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The moment Steve sent you a message, demanding that you wear a naughty schoolgirl uniform and no panties you knew, someone fucked up big time.
You just didn’t know it wasn’t you but the guy hitting on you.
Now he has one arm wrapped around your chest, hand gripping your left upper arm tightly. He sinks his teeth into your neck to mark your body all over again.
“Who do you belong to, doll?” you whine at Steve’s words. You’re too out of it to even answer. “I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it.”
“Y-you,” you squeak. “I’m yours…only yours.”
“Fuck, this cunt.”
Steve moves his hand to your neck to force you to crane it. He grins as you look up at him with glassy eyes. “Say it.”
“Your cock feels so good, Captain,” you’re out of breath. Steve is fucking you hard from behind, never missing a beat as you struggle to even keep your body upright. “I love it so much.”
“Of course, you do, doll,” he lowers his head to kiss you greedily, lips and tongue dominating your mouth. 
“Not yet,” he growls against your lips while his hips mercilessly snap into your ass. “I’m gonna ruin this cunt first.”
“It’s yours…only yours,” you babble and whine. “Please…Sir…” You’ll do anything to get your high. “I love it when you fuck me.”
“Fuck,” your body goes slack as Steve slaps one hand between your legs to shove two fingers inside your cunt to join his cock. “Fuck…Stevie…Captain…Sir…professor…”
“That’s it. You can cum now, baby doll. Come for me and take all of my spunk,” Steve growls when his warmth fills you. “You’re so good for me. Always so tight and warm.”
You tremble against him. It’s all too much. “Please…I can’t…”
“Shh…I’ve got you baby doll,” Steve immediately wraps his arms around you. “I’ll carry you into the bathroom and we will have a warm bath. Just let me lock the door first…”
“Yes, Captain…”
Steve kisses your temple and mumbles soft words as he pulls out of you. “I’ve got you...baby...I love you.”
“I love you too, Steve.”
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tomato-turn · 8 months
"You're really attractive!"he says. The redhead,he proposed, looked at him perplexed.
"That's flattering, I suppose." The redhead replies while looking at the rose, the taller man had brought.
"Well, I hope you'll accept the compliment and my heart~My lady~" he says and adds,"I'm Dazai, Dazai Osamu!" While stretching out his free hand cheerfully.
The redhead snorts a little at the word 'my lady'. "I'm not a lady." He says, chuckling and taking brunnet's hand, adds "The name's Nakahara, Nakahara Chuuya. But please call me Chuuya." Amused.
Dazai's brain had stopped due to shock. What the hell was he thinking? It was obvious Chuuya was a boy, even though he had quite a feminine structure, that is if you look closely, and Dazai has been looking at Chuuya for a year.
Back of him, his friends, Ranpo and Yosano, were snickering and chuckling, trying to smother their laughs but failing miserably. In front of him, Chuuya's friends, Shirase and Yuan, were chuckling too. Dazai was having a hard time processing the information.
"Ah. I knew that!" He adds, quite hastily.
Chuuya snickers and says, "Oh? So you admit I'm pretty attractive, or was that a joke?" With a smirk.
"Oh, please." Dazai replied while rolling his eyes. "You're just flattering yourself. Of course, that was a joke! I'd never date a man and especially not a man as short as you." Dazai lies pretty easily.
At that Chuuya retorts. "Fuck you! I ain't that funking short! I'm average." He adds the last line quite hesitantly.
At this reaction, Dazai can't help but smirk. "Oh? But you as short as a plankton. I think I'll need magnifying glasses to see you." Dazai snorts. Chuuya's friends couldn't help but burst out laughing.
Chuuya ears and cheeks become a little red due to anger and embarrassment. He furrows his brow with irritation.
"Hey bud!" He starts talking, grinding his teeth. "I'll let you go with a warning. Don't call me short, or else I'll beat the living shit out of you!" He says threateningly.
Dazai snorts and starts talking. "Sure, chibi sure, you can't even -" He was cut short with Chuuya's fist landing on his fist within his gut. It was quite painful. Dazai seriously hadn't counted this one bit. He groans with pain. "Oww."
"Do that again, I'll make sure the next time I do, I'll aim for the face." Chuuya says with a grin plastered on his face. He turns and leaves with his friends laughing and snickering, leaving the hurt Dazai groaning in pain.
That was their first interaction. But certainly not their last.
Dazai Osamu is an odd character to many. He's a 22 year old, tall brunette, a student in a college with odd features.
Firstly, he wears bandages almost all over his body, ALWAYS. He prefers not to be called by his birth name, which is odd, even when if it is his friends calling him that. He gives them a cold look and requests them not to call him that.
But despite that, he's a very cheerful person, which would've been nice if he didn't talk about suicide and death alarmingly. He's also that kind of person who is very laid-back, chill, and annoying.
Right now, he's in his second year with his friends Edogawa Ranpo and Yosano Akiko. How did they meet? Dazai is one of the top 3 in his first year and even helps his seniors with their studies, too. This had caught the eye of Ranpo, Dazai's senior, since he's the top 1 in the whole campus. He thought it would've been nice to meet someone with high intellect because he knows that Dazai isn't top 3 just because he studies hard. Yosano was already Ranpo's friend the time Dazai met them.
It has been a year since he joined the institute, and it has been well and good. Until a redhead showed up a month later. Somehow, he had gotten the brunnet's eye and has been eyeing him for a year. Until Ranpo pointed it out to do it as a dare.
Chuuya joined a month late at the institution. He's a redhead with temperamental issues. His eyes are bright blue. And he's short, shorter than an average man. His facial and bodily features are quite feminine at first. But soon enough, it is obvious that he's a male.
His attire is very odd to Dazai. He wears a simple white t-shirt with a leather jacket over it. The pants he wears are also leather. He wears a choker and a very tacky hat, which Dazai says,'it makes him look like a slug with a bad fashion sense'.
His friends, Shirase and Yuan, are from the same year. He'd been with them for seven years now. They're from a group named 'the sheep' which Shirase formed. Of course, there were other members too, but they have gone to other institutions, they keep in touch though.
Although Chuuya is temperamental, he's a very genuine and caring person. He loves animals and nature and is humble. Even though at first he gives the 'bad boy, no else matters other than me', impression.
He also had been in the institute for a year like Dazai and had just started the second year. Until the whole confession thing. Somehow, Dazai had also caught his eye long before this, when he had never officially met before.
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lemonlover1110 · 2 years
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Things That Don't Work Out
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Warnings: Dumbass + Obsessive Gojo
*I read this wrong and answered it wrong when I realized I deleted it so here’s the continuation
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“She doesn’t want me.” Satoru’s fingers run through his hair as he sits on his bed, trying to process the whole situation. It feels surreal. A woman that claimed she loved him is now with someone else, giving an idiot a love that is Gojo’s.
But Satoru didn’t want that love, so shouldn’t she be allowed to move on and give it to someone else? No. That’s for him. Just for him, for no one else. Satoru just pictures your dumb boyfriend and anger consumes every ounce of his being. He’s so average… Someone not worth your time. He didn’t even know you’re into blonds.
He still hasn't processed it. You must be doing this for his attention, there’s no other explanation. Why would you settle for someone so… average, there’s no other explanation other than that. You claim you don’t want him because you’re too embarrassed to admit that you’re doing all of this for his attention.
���How do I get her to admit that she wants me?” Satoru asks himself. It’s like he’s about to go crazy over this. It has been two days since your encounter and that’s all he can think about. Your claims that you don’t love him have been clouding his thoughts. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!”
“Satoru.” There’s a faint knock on his door. His best friend is on the other side and he’s worried since Satoru has been acting rather… strange. “Are you okay?”
Satoru ignores it, but then takes a deep breath and stands up. He opens the door for his best friend. Suguru looks over the man who clearly isn’t doing his best.
“She’s mine.” Satoru says, and Suguru blinks slowly, trying to process his best friend’s words, attempting to make sense of them.
“Who?” Suguru questions. Satoru hasn’t talked about any woman so Suguru is fairly confused.
“She’s mine, Suguru. Any man that dares to go near her is a dead man because she’s mine and only mine.”
“Satoru, what’s wrong with you?”
“I have to get to her before that bastard dares to steal her love from me.” Satoru says, walking past Suguru and going to the door. Suguru is confused. Perplexed. But he grabs his phone to call Shoko because perhaps Satoru confided in her, which is unlikely but not impossible.
Satoru isn’t even aware of the time and space around him. A rainy night, nearly midnight. He’s getting soaked in rain but he walks to your apartment and pounds knocks on the door. There’s no response, however, he keeps knocking. He has the right to see you, you’re his’ after all.
You will be. He isn’t letting any man take that from him. 
“Satoru, leave her alone.” He hears, and he slowly turns around to find Shoko of all people.
“She’s mine, Shoko. I have to get her back from that dumbass.” Satoru says.
“C’mon, let’s go. Let her move on.” Shoko puts her hand on his shoulder, but he quickly slaps it away.
“Don’t you ever touch me again. Only she can.” Satoru spits. Shoko is shocked by this reaction which only tells her that Satoru isn’t doing so well. She doesn’t understand where this is coming from when he so nonchalantly broke your heart. “She’s doing this all for my attention, and I hope she’s happy because she’s got it.”
“Sato-” She begins but he quickly interrupts her.
“Don’t talk to me! What if she comes out and gets jealous?” Satoru tells her. “Just leave!”
Shoko doesn’t really know what to do. She sighs and nods before walking away. This is worse than she thought. She’ll have to share everything with Suguru, which she didn’t want to do. But first she has to text you.
Luckily enough, Satoru hadn’t studied his surroundings because if he did, he would’ve found you making out with your boyfriend in your car.
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moodymisty · 2 years
How do you feel about overstimming with Cross/Wrecker? Cause it literally makes my legs weak if it’s like after a mission to cool off or they’ve been bad… dunno ~~~~
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Author's note: 11/10 headcanon 👌🏻. And since I have an overstimulating/Destroying Crosshair fic in the pipeline, stan Wrecker here's some juice I hope it's what you wanted. ❤️🖤
Warnings: NSFW, overstimulation, Quickie, Wrecker's a big boy, Fingering, Creampie
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If there was one thing you had established quite early on with Wrecker, it's that 'quickies', weren't really an option. Unless they were sloppy blowjobs or dry humping somewhere in a closet, you simply didn't have the time to prepare(yourself) for anything more. And when Wrecker's on unnamed planet after active warzone, meanwhile you're living your own life, there's not much spare time in the galaxy for either of you.
So needless to say it's been awhile, and Wrecker's a little, pent up.
You were as well, but you're not the one trapped up in a ship for cycles at a time along with multiple other people. You can go home, dive into the drawer of your bedside table, meanwhile Wrecker has nothing but his hand and a few naughty pictures you've sent him so he has something to miss you with.
When he'd finally returned from this deployment you could've sworn you'd heard him coming from far down the hall, all the way until he burst into your little office. You barely had enough time to make sure the door was locked before he was all over you, pressing his lips to yours.
"Hello to you too-" You eagerly kiss him back, after the surprise of it all. Wrecker's sweet and kind always to you, but sometimes he gets riled up and can't help but clamor all over you.
"Mmm, missed you."
It's all he can mutter out against your lips, your back pressing against the side of a cushioned medical table. It's not as if you're complaining, you missed him just as much, though you imagine he might feel a little bit stronger.
If there's one thing you've learned; It's that Wrecker’s libido is a bit, larger than what you would assume the average clone’s is. One of many things about Wrecker that’s larger than average.
You'd never dare complain though, feeling the way his hands tear at your clothes attempting to pull at your pants. He starts getting rough enough with them that you have to shoo his hands away to do it yourself, before he gives in and just tears them off.
He's done it before, hence your concern.
Just as you manage to get them and your underwear down to the middle of your thighs he’s already turning you around, ass facing him as he bends you right over the examination table. He groans when you back up enough to grind your ass against his cock through his body glove, teasing him. He’s already so beyond riled up he’s almost tempted to stop you, from the fear that he might cum before it even gets started.
"I missed you too, so hurry up and fuck me already."
He doesn’t need to be told twice, moving his body glove out of the way to pull out his already straining cock. He’d been hard since he landed; Thinking about this as he raced here to indulge in you.
His cock rubs up and down your wet cunt, coating himself with your juices as he groans.
“You’re already this wet; Been thinkin’ ‘bout me?” Teeth raking on your lip, you mewl as he grinds against you.
“Always am, big guy.” You know calling him that always seems to rile him up and it does, feeling hims his press against you harder.
He’s missed this, the feel of you. The way you mewl underneath him wanting for more, cunt leaking just for him. It’s perfect, cute and soft and tight; He’d eat it right now if he wasn’t so damn pent up and running on borrowed time.
But much as he might've just wanted to dive into you and run rampant he knows he can't; Not without hurting you. And that is the absolute last thing he wants to do, no matter what.
Biting the tip of his glove he pulls it off and slowly slips one finger inside of you, delighting in the way your body instantly shivers. Ever so slowly he curls it inside of you and feels the way your body tightens around him, slipping a second finger in and hearing you moan.
The stretch is something you'll never get over even with just his fingers, biting your lip. Wrecker’s size can pose its problems but when it doesn’t, it’s an incredibly feeling that can have you cumming on him so hard you loose feeling in your limbs.
And even in these frantic, quick moments he always wants to make you cum; On his fingers, thighs, face.
And he's going to again in the bright sterile lights of your office, your thighs tense and shaking as you cum around his fingers. They keep moving and you almost cry out at the way he teases the most sensitive parts of you, thumb grazing over your clit. Your skin feels hot and you pull at the collar of your top just to relieve some of it, meanwhile he slowly pulls his soaked fingers from your cunt and replaces them with his cock.
He once against teases you with the way he grinds up against you, listening to you whine and then suddenly yell for more.
“Wrecker, just fuck me already! You don’t get to barge in here like that and then decide to just-“ You moan. “tease me like this,”
For him being the one so desperate enough to barge in here he's awfully keen on teasing you, enough so that you’re trying to back up closer to him and push his cock into you yourself.
"You asked for it, gorgeous." He eventually does move to press inside of you, and even in his foggy arousal knows. to give you a moment to relax around him. Once he bottoms out inside of you and hears you moan absolutely stuffed full, his hands tighten around your hips and bounces your ass on his cock.
Body bent fully over, Wrecker’s thrusts push you only higher onto the table. Your thighs press together between his, and you can hear the squealing of your shoes trying to find purchase on the ground. When they can’t your knees bend upward, toes curling in your shoes as your soles face outward. The position makes you even tighter, so much so Wrecker almost feels like it’s an imposible fit. But it works and it feels perfect; As he loudly groans feeling your tight pussy almost suffocate him.
Your hands grip the cushions of the examination table to the point you think your nails are going to pierce it, gasping. The way your stomach is so tight and your legs are wobbly is overwhelming, body barely able to handle the way he’s absolutely battering your cunt.
”Gods-Wrecker you’re going to split me in half,” It always riles him up when you praise him like this, feeling the way his hips stutter and cock twitches inside of you.
“No one else is gonna be able to fill this tight little pussy up like I do, gorgeous.”
You had no doubt that would be true, with the way you feel stuffed beyond full as your ass bounces on his cock. He loves the sight of you no matter what, but the scene of you bent over like this for him just drives him wild.
“Kriff, you’re so tight-”
You can hear the examination table underneath you creaking as your fucked against it, not meant for this kind of movement as you let out an embarrassingly loud moan. You're so close your stomach is in knots and thank the gods no one else is usually in the rooms adjacent you, as they surely would've heard your full-throated moan. You’re so so so close your clit is throbbing and you can hear the way you’re so wet it’s making lewd noises as he fucks you, letting out a shaking, breathless whine.
Your head hits the table as you cum, forehead leaning against it as Wrecker moans at the feeling of you tightening around him. It forces him to slow down, as he's already struggling not to cum already. He just wants a moment more, to fill the time he's spent missing you.
But your pussy is always so hot and tight he can’t even think straight, and he barely has time to mumble out that he’s coming before he’s filling you up hands gripping your hips like a vice. It’s overwhelming, he feels like his legs aren’t stable as he barely has enough time to clear his head before you flex around his cock and he whines. Your cunt is milking him for all he’s worth as he cums in you, sighing in relief once he’s finally done and his hearts pounding in his chest harder than after any firefight.
But it seems he’s sowed a fire in you now, and Wrecker groans feeling his cock ache as you wiggle your ass.
"Can you handle one more?" Your ass grinds against him, and now you're the one teasing as he grits his teeth. He lets out an almost uncharacteristically weak whine, his nerves sending and overwhelming amount of feeling to his head after so much already.
"Kriff, you're gonna kill me," He breathlessly says and listens to you laugh in response.
“As if you weren’t the one begging a bit ago.”
When he slowly pulls out of you, you can feel the way that cum leaks out of you and trails down, now that his cock doesn’t have you stuffed full. It takes a good bit for your heart to stop beating against your chest enough so that you feel that maybe you can stand on your feet, and not topple over. When your feet touch the floor it's unsteady for a moment, until you gather your wits enough to turn to face Wrecker. He’s watching you, making sure you’re ok but also trying to ignore the way his face feels so hot after seeing his cum leaking from you like that.
He can’t get riled up again this soon; He’s running on borrowed time and his body’s already been run through the wringer. Meanwhile you look up at him, trying to hopelessly fix your clothing and clean yourself up.
"But Wrecker, maybe next time can you wait till the end of my work hours?" He looks at you a bit confused, watching as you attempt to clean yourself up enough that you can pull your underwear and pants on. Once you do however you can still feel that his cum is inside of you, and while it’s distracting, you can attempt to perish any lewd thoughts until you can run to the refresher.
"But what if that's hours away? I can't always wait that long!" You resist rolling your eyes, just because of how cute he is. He’s mostly toying with you, but there is a small part of him that definitely isn’t.
"Because now I have to spend the whole rest of the day like this, Wreck." For supposedly being apologetic, he doesn't seem all that remorseful for fucking you bow-legged. If you weren’t sore already you were certainly going to be tomorrow, wincing as you stood fully upright. The explanation and your pained noise had Wrecker now more out of sorts, thinking he’d actually hurt you.
“Wait you’re not hurtin’ are you? I-I was just playin’ and you didn’t seem-” You pat his chestplate, and attempt to adjust your pants into a more comfortable spot.
“I’m not hurt Wreck, just sore.” Wrecker lets out a nervous chuckle, and scratches the back of his head.
"Well, at least you're already in the medbay then, right?" He shrinks under your sudden glare, even if you are technically still smiling.
"You're so lucky you're cute."
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cosmo-lexies · 4 months
A proper writeblr introduction
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Hello people, you can call me Cosmo. I’m not a spacial doggy, no matter what the gossip says (I'm gonna turn this sentence in my new tagline). I have been around here for a while but I had never dared to do an introduction until now.
What can I say about me? I'm a Spaniard, my home is in Galician. I started to write in English to learn the language but I found out that I liked it.
I'm searching for other amateur writers. I'm really into urban fantasy, specially shapeshifters (you know, werewolves. I haven't gotten over Teen Wolf yet) and romance (with bi character is always better).
I have another blog for NSFW stories: @hotcosmo
Wolf Trip (My current WIP):
Senior year, the last chance to discover your true self before adult life. Jon was ready to enjoy it with epic plans: getting a spot on the basketball team, figuring out what university would be his new place the next fall, and of course, finding the absolute perfect prom date. But, seriously, since when do the plans of a seventeen-year-old boy work out as expected? Instead of parties and dealing with his new status like one of the popular kids, Jon found himself facing the fact that he's not your average human anymore. Romulo, the hot and strong young wolf who decided that Jon's essence was too irresistible not to spice up it with a little bite, had to deal with an emotional teen with a very aggressive newborn inside while they had to sprint across America to find a safe place where Jon can learn how to live in a world bigger than before. A world full of new creatures and magic where your position in the food chain may not be what you expected.
The Imperial Sorceress (complete):
Lady Dominica, High Sorceress of the Empire and the eldest of his coven, and his apprentice Ludovica have to confront a powerful semi-divine creature never seen before in imperial lands which is destroying the military forces of the empire and find out why the creature is helping the alliance of the Southern kingdoms to conquer the city of Lorencia.
Midnight rituals, season 1:
"A witch, a vampire, a werebear, and a human are in a clearing in the middle of a forest…" This could be the beginning of a bad joke or of a riddle; however, the witch was summoning an ancient demon while the human tried to avoid it; the witch and the vampire were in love but they fight more than anything else, and the werebear, well, he is there being a very handsome guy and tried to no one ended up dead. The peace of the small town of Santo Hills (Pennsylvania) is in danger and only the hardly credible team of four supernatural teenagers has some opportunity to avoid a massacre in the town.
Dylan, season 1:
"Do you know this feeling of whatever you do, you're going to fuck it? For me, it's not a feeling it's my day-to-day. Hooking up with someone older, yelling at my social worker, or kissing a girl for whom I feel nothing is only a small part of my problems. The big part is my powers which my family knows nothing about. Fuck, I don't know how I survive until graduation. I should talk to them, should I? Ahhh, fucking l…"
Malicious Wood:
"After Ragnarök, paradise emerged, Yggdrasil blossomed from its ashes, and a new pantheon was constructed, ushering in a new era. But time passed and nothing in this world was created to be at peace forever. Asktré accompanied by his sons Lunnec and Fenrir, return home after an arduous and fruitless journey. Against Aktré's wishes, they are unexpectedly drawn into the investigation of a series of mysterious murders in Odinia, Midgar. Could an Ashman and two hybrids discover the truth behind these heinous crimes? Malicious Wood serves as an enthralling introduction to New Yggdrasil a world base on Norse mythology post-Ragnarök where the delicate balance between Realms is starting to change. Can those born of an old world save a new one?"
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