#i am so happy i finally figured out how to make animated gifs
recurring-polynya · 1 year
Gin and Isshin open Senkaimon during Deicide, they skim over the cool stick-the-sword-in-the-air bit in the manga but they show it for Gin in the anime
Thank you for this tip! The Deicide chapters are not ones I habitually revisit, and now I have Questions.
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(from episode 301)
Is there a reason people are constantly asking their subordinates to open gates for them? Is it tradition? Just an asshole boss power move? The number one thing I wanted to know when I looked this clip up was whether or not one had to be in shikai to perform this move, but Gin is not. (seems like this might be kinda hard for Byakuya if this was the case altho I'm sure he would come up with some extremely extra method of forming his petals into a very fancy, pink key or something). It's probably best that shikai is not required, because it seems like that would be a problem for the low-level shinigami that seem to get sent on Living World missions.
If you had asked me to explain how this worked before these additional examples, I would have guessed that the zanpakutou performs a form of biometric (soul-o-metric? reishi-metric?) identification. Ideally, the boundary between worlds is warded, probably by Squad 12, and there is a white list as to who is allowed to gate into Soul Society, but even if that's technologically infeasible, there should at very least be a log somewhere. It obviously can't be the first case. Taking away senkaimon privileges is the very first thing I would do when a captain defects. (There was also that whole scene in the Soul Society arc right after Urahara sends the Karakura Kids to Soul Society and he touches the gate and it zaps him? What was that, then?) Even if it's just a log, you would think that Isshin might be a little reluctant to use this method, or possibly that there would be some blowback from "SHIBA ISSHIN - MIA - 20 YEARS" really ought to cause someone to get an email alert somewhere. Maybe Kyouraku slipped Akon a cool 20 to "accidentally" delete the logs, who the hell knows? Hold up-- I just read back a few pages, and while it appears Isshin is ultimately the one who opens the senkaimon, he initially tries to make Ichigo do it. It never explains this, but I do not for a second believe that Ichigo knows how to open a gate, based on the fact that Ichigo never seems to know any of the sundry workaday things you probably learn in shinigami school. However, does Isshin ask him to do it to avoid traceability, or is this just another example of "opening the door is the subordinate/son's job"??
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3. I thought that summoning a senkaimon this way would send you directly to Soul Society, and that traveling through the dangai was only necessary for cases involving matter conversion. It's a little vague in Urahara's two-gates-taped-together example, but Rukia makes it pretty clear in this scene from the Advance Team arc, which is how Orihime ends up getting kidnapped.
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Both Gin & Aizen and Isshin & Ichigo end up traveling through the dangai, and none of them get butterflies. Is this because they don't have proper permissions to open a gate directly to Soul Society? Are senkaimon an acknowledgement based transfer protocol? Hell Butterflies are an ACK and the dangai is the NAK? I can imagine that on a day Soul Society is more functional, a failed zanpakutou checksum would alert some special team of Squad 2 ninja who would meet you at your destination, where you could either provide a different form of credentials (or presumably be taken into custody)?
You know, this ended up a lot more coherent than I expected it to. Hopefully someone else will send me an example from the Bount arc or something that will make all of this nonsense again.
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helaintoloki · 24 days
heyy can you do a continuation of the umbrella ben story and how ben asks klaus to use his powers so that reader can see him so that he can talk to her and tell her about how sparrow ben is only using her and that she should move on or something like that(: thank you
a/n: surprisingly got a lot of requests asking for a sequel to this previous piece so here it is
warnings: language, angst, somewhat happy ending
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“No?” Ben repeats abhorrently, features scrunched in annoyance as he stares down his brother who nonchalantly flips through the pages of a magazine.
“I’m not going to be the bridge between you and your childhood crush,” Klaus reiterates calmly, not even bothering to give his ghostly brother his full attention. “You couldn’t even admit you liked her when you were alive, so what difference does it make to say it when you’re already dead?”
“You asshole,” Ben scoffs with an indignant shake of his head. Snatching the magazine out of Klaus’s hands, the spirit tosses it across the room so that the Seance is forced with no other option but to pay attention to him. “It’s not about that! Y/n deserves to know she’s being used by that jerk. Don’t you think she deserves better?”
Offended at the notion, Klaus rises from his seat to stand face to face with the Horror before poking a firm finger against his chest. “Of course I do! That sweet little angel deserves the world, but I’m not going to be responsible for breaking her heart by telling her that her second chance of happiness is a complete bust.”
“Then let me tell her!” Ben insists desperately. “No matter how hard I try she can’t hear me or feel me, at least not when I’m like this. How many times have I helped you out?”
“Last time I let you use my body you wouldn’t give it back,” the Seance reminds him pointedly. “How do I know you won’t do it again?”
“Klaus,” Ben utters desperately, prompting his brother to let out a defeated sigh. How could he say no when his ghostly brother looked so pathetically sad and hopeless? He knew Ben was right about telling you the truth, but Klaus wasn’t one for confrontation, and he especially didn’t look forward to what would come out of crushing your dream of finally being happy with “Ben.”
“Alright, alright,” he relents with a whine, “don’t get your ghost panties in a twist. You can talk to her, but I am not responsible for the outcome.”
“Responsible for what outcome?” Your voice prompts, startling both men who turn to see your figure standing before them in the doorway.
“Y/n!” Klaus exclaims in surprise as he nervously glances towards Ben. “My sweet, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Sorry,” you utter sheepishly, nervously tucking and untucking your hair from your ear. “I’m going to dinner with Ben and I just wanted to ask for your opinion on my outfit. Do you think he’ll like it?”
Your meek smile as you do a slow spin to showcase your clothing makes Klaus’s heart ache. Your naivety and trusting nature are almost painful, and he doesn’t look forward to what’s to come. Sharing a hesitant glance with Ben, Klaus sighs before stepping forward and taking your hands in his own.
“Sweetheart, you are absolutely breathtaking,” he professes with utter sincerity, though his solemn features fail to match his words and prompt a slight frown to form on your lips.
“But?” You press anxiously.
“But I can’t let you go on this date. At least not without letting you speak to someone first.”
“I don’t understand…” you trail quietly, your hands already begin to clam up with nerves as you wait with bated breath for him to continue.
“This is going to sound hard to believe, but Ben, our Ben, made his way back to us after being lost in Vanya’s mind. He’s here, and he needs to speak to you.”
A heavy pause follows his words, and his heart drops to his stomach when you pull your hands away and take a step back from his form.
“Klaus, that’s… that’s not funny,” you scold him, your tone defensive and hostile as if you’re a scared animal being threatened. “I know you guys don’t approve of what I’m doing, but you don’t have to lie to trick me out of going.”
“I’m not lying!” He exclaims with an oversensitive laugh. “I’m telling the truth! Just-Just give me a second, okay?”
Your brows furrow in confusion and slight panic as his body begins to convulse, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head as his powers begin to activate. You’re not sure if you should call for help or let this play out, but you’re not given time to decide as his head and shoulders suddenly slump down limply.
“Klaus?” You utter gently as you cautiously reach towards his figure. Almost immediately his body stands back upright, prompting you to jump back in alarm at his sudden change in demeanor. “Are you okay?”
“Y/n,” he breathes gently. A tender smile spreads across his features as he steps forward and carefully cups your face in his hands. You look up at him unsurely as he studies your features and runs his thumb across the surface of your cheek. “God, I… I can’t believe I finally get to talk to you after all this time.”
“Klaus, you’re scaring me.”
“I’m not Klaus. It’s me, Ben,” he insists only for you to immediately try and push him away.
“You’re being so mean!” You chide sensitively. Ben feels guilty for causing tears to immediately spring to your eyes, but he can’t help to tighten his grip on you to keep you from leaving. He desperately needs you to believe him, and he desperately needs to stop you from going on this date.
“Y/n, I swear I’m not lying to you! Klaus let me possess his body to speak to you. Ask me anything only I would know to prove it.”
You hesitate, sniffling away your tears and regaining your composure as you think of the perfect question. You, Ben, and Klaus had always been so close growing up; it was hard to think of something that Klaus wouldn’t also already know.
“What was the last thing you told me before you died?” You breathe out in trepidation. Klaus gives you a kind smile in response.
“Your shoe’s untied,” he utters with a gentle laugh. Your stomach drops as if you’re on a roller coaster when he speaks. Your eyes are blown wide and your hand reaches to cover your mouth and muffle the sob that leaves you. Ben is quick to use Klaus’s arms to pull you tightly against his chest and hold you as you sob into his shirt.
“It-It really is you!” You cry in astonishment, squeezing Klaus’s body tight and refusing to let go. “I never thought I’d get to speak to you again.”
“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to talk to you, to hold you like this,” Ben professes earnestly while carefully cradling the back of your head in his hand. “Using Klaus isn’t exactly ideal, but I’ll take what I can get.”
“I’ve missed you,” you sniffle quietly, peering up at him with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. He’s never thought you looked more beautiful than now.
“I’ve missed you too,” he assures you gently before carefully wiping away your tears. “And I love you. I always will love you. That’s why I can’t let you go on this date.”
Your face flushes with embarrassment at the realization that Ben has been able to watch over you all this time and is completely aware of your pathetic attempt to latch onto his lookalike. Your eyes immediately dart to the floor, too ashamed to look at him and confident that he probably thinks poorly of you now.
“I… I just don’t want to be alone anymore,” you profess quietly despite the way your bottom lip begins to tremble. “I know he isn’t you, but I thought maybe he could be if I gave it time.”
Gently grabbing your chin between his fingers, Ben tilts your head up so that you meet his devout and understanding gaze. He hopes his expression conveys that he isn’t disappointed in you, that he doesn’t blame you for the choices you’ve made in his absence, that he understands.
“You deserve so much better than that asshole,” he says earnestly. “He doesn’t care about you or about my siblings. All he cares about is inflating that massive ego of his, and I don’t want you to get hurt in the process. It’s okay to move on, to be happy, but you don’t need to cling to the past to do that.”
“I wish he was you,” you whisper as another tear slides down your cheek. Ben can only offer you a weak smile in return before pulling you flush against his chest once more.
“I know,” he consoles gently as he uses a firm hand to rub comforting circles onto your back. “I wish things could be different, and I wish I could be here for you the way you need me to be, but all I can do is love you from a distance while you move on with your life. That’s what’s best.”
With a gentle press of his lips to your forehead, Ben takes one last look at your features. He commits to memory the feel of your skin against his palms, the warmth of your embrace in his arms, the scent of your perfume, and the loving look in your eyes as you peer up at him through your lashes.
He can never be with you the way you both had always envisioned, but he will do everything in his power to ensure you live a long and happy life in spite of his absence because he loves you.
You won’t be going on that date, and you won’t be able to live out the life you had once dreamed for yourself with Ben, but you can live with that knowing even in the afterlife his love for you is still as strong as ever.
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tofupixel · 2 months
Thank you for getting me to finally try pixel art! I‘ve always wanted to get into pixel art but I never knew what to start with and always ended up procrastinating. Your blog and the post you made on learning pixel art were what finally pushed me to give it a go. It was really helpful and I managed this little animation in Libresprite.
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I definitely want to improve and your art is like the ultimate goal lol. Do you have any tips or instructions for how to get better or on what to focus on in the future? I‘d appreciate any kind of criticism/input you are willing to give! How do you manage to make such gigantic and beautiful landscapes?
thank you!! and i'm so happy you decided to give it a real go, you're doing great already!! the rendering on the body and the pink shading is really nice.
i can help a little with animation stuff but i'm not an expert, ill write something out about backgrounds at the end
i hope you don't mind but i edited the sprite a little, just to illustrate some stuff
🤺Animation stuff
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i added an extra frame near the top of the arc so it slows down. this is called ease or slow in/out and usually happens at the beginning and end of movements. u can do even more slow but this is just a quick version
i also removed the middle frame (where the tail is straight down) to make the swing appear a bit more powerful. this could be the principle of timing in the same video. you can exaggerate smears if you do this, its up to you!! lately i tend to exaggerate stuff a lot, things arent super noticable in motion
i also got a good bit of advice from nickwoz that helped me, basically when you begin to animate, it really puts the rest of the sprite being still into focus. try to think of how you could animate other parts of the body, even subtly. and sometimes if individual pixels stay still they can catch the eye in an unintended way as well, just keep it in mind!!
if you want to learn animation more, you could take a look at duelyst sprites, they have incredible idle and ability animations, i study them a lot
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heres one i downloaded a long time ago. i recommend just downloading stuff you like and looking at it!! i have a huge collection of pixel inspo. slowing animations down can really help you understand whats going on. its just a bunch of simple elements put together that makes it look so good.
🌿 OK lets talk about landscape stuff
it looks like you have art experience already, but im gonna talk as if youre a complete noob cos it might help some other people who read this!! ur doing great 👍
❓ how to learn: study (and practise a lot)
what i mean by study: draw it, copy it, try to understand it. you can try to change characteristics about it. changing the angle or lighting can help u understand how something works in 3 dimensions.
sometimes it takes time, dont worry, you will figure out your own style through doing studies, its all a process
❓ how to draw landscape details?
study pixel artists and how they do it recommendations: fool, slym, jubilee, deceiver
also please look at real world references!! you got to build that visual library
❓ how to learn composition?
study traditional artists or animation. i did a ton of studies of ghibli backgrounds which i think helped my growth a lot recommendations: arcane, studio ghibli, traditional painters
im gonna break down a piece as well and maybe that will help. this is one from 2022 but its still one of my most popular and its pretty simple too!!
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if we remove all the fancy stuff what we have is actually really simple. just a few large, overlapping shapes that all point towards our focal point. it's the brightest area with the most contrast and many edges point into it.
go to pinterest or google and just search "pretty landscape" or "mountains" or something and you can see what i'm doing is nothing special or unique!! break it down into bigger shapes to begin with, its just different areas of material mostly.
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and heres how you can make any landscape from any colours. purple sky or mountain? orange grass? ok !! it all works, it doesnt matter. i just blend the colours.
when parts of the landscape are in the distance they become closer to the sky colour as there is more "sky" in between you and it. its called atmospheric perspective. so if the sky was red, the clouds would fade towards red.
OKKK i dont know what else to say so i hope that helps!! honestly 90% of what i do is intuitive and hard for me to really explain, so you dont have to know The Rules, you just kind of pick up stuff as you go.
GL and thanks so much for showing me your art!! please keep going!! 💕💕💕💕
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bryce-bucher · 10 months
Green Demon!!:
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This whole post is gonna be about the green demon challenge that I implemented. For those unaware, the green demon challenge is something that originates from mario 64. It's a self imposed challenge in which you try to complete a level after spawning a 1up without letting it touch you. I love the concept so much, so I decided to add in a lil challenge on certain contracts where you summon a green demon and run around to grab 4 token pieces before it catches you.
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The process of making the green demon's graphics was v fun. First, I made a sketch.
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Then, I rendered out the head and hands in blender. (The animation is only 6 frames of the head and hands bobbin up n down.) Then, I brought those frames into csp and drew the same face on each frame.
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After that, I shrunk that bitch down and dithered it with web colors like I had done with the environment textures.
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The final result is something that feels like a geocities gif, and I'm really happy with it.
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During playtesting I realized that players need to be able to figure out where the token pieces are gonna spawn before the demon is summoned, so I included these green token pieces to take their place before they spawn. Honestly, the only reason I'm mentioning this is because something in my lizard brain tells me to get very excited when I see floating green collectibles in games. I think it is because of how cool and special I thought the green stars were in Mario Galaxy when I was younger.
I am aiming to have a demo of this game done with a couple contracts you can play by feb. We will see if this will happn... Other than that I don't got a lot 2 say. Next week u might be seeing some v cool ui if I manage to get it done.
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yannaryartside · 4 months
I am tired of Sydney being a “knight in shining armor” for these immature men
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The trailer of s3 made me reflect on a big problem with the show for me so far. The use of Sydney on the plot overall and in the character arcs of men. This is a rant, if you happen to be on the side of the fandom that think these men are perfect and Syd is valued as their support, feel free to scroll.
Part 1: the woman
Sydney Adamu is insecure on her leader/social skills and her creative habilities. That, and her kindness, is what makes the audience root for her. She is releatable but most important she is real, she has taken it impulse by impulse, creating on the fly ways to succeed in a industry not very welcoming to people with her personality (or that look like her). All of that makes sense in a story of an underdog.
But yet, the show has normalized at this point how much shit she takes from a group of really emotionally immature people. And how much they expect her to figure it out answers to the problems that they themselves cause.
Thinking about it like an animal getting into a new pack without the capacity to defend herself from any attack. The shitshow she tolerated in s1 has never been properly addressed and it seems like the worst storm is yet to come in s3. She fixed the logistics of the beef and implemented a hierarchy. Things that Carmy was incapable of doing due to his story with the staff and his own mental turmoil. In s2, she was the only professional chef actively making decisions and efforts in the future of the restaurant. Carmy even reprimanded her for not making the decisions he was supposed to do. And she reminded him “you wanted the final say, this is on you)
Syd is not helpless in any way, but she has applied kindness and fairness most of the time to this point, and I wonder if this time that is gonna cut it. I am mostly tired to get her back to that scenario again. If anything, the part that got me the most excited of Richie’s redemption is how she could actually rely on him. And then it came the trailer.
Part 2: the men
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The part that got my blood boiling in the trailer is the response “Show me a functional one” from Richie and Carmy.
We are in season 3, and with all the growth and all those balls, these men seem to expect her to fix an issue, wich core is actually their own emotional immaturity. I am sick of it. “Mother, maid, therapist”🎶
She must deal with Carmy’s recklessness and the fight between him and Richie. A very green new staff and a unqualified old staff mostly. All of that creates the dysfunctionality in question, and I wonder where her character will go to resolve it. The restaurant had a shaky base (particularly on front house staff and line cooks) and now Carmy is getting on everyone’s nerves. Putting fire to an already unstable chemical.
Part 3: Heroine’s Journey
It would take a pro to resolve all of this shit, and the people involved (and responsible for the problem) turn to this young, inexperienced woman for guidance and answers because the only person in the kitchen with actual industry experience is trapped in his own destroying tendencies.
That is not only the underdog story that is human vs forces of nature, another common plot structure. Forces of nature incarnated in unstable men and our hero is a woman. That is so fucked up and yet so real. That is the value I give to this scenario.
I really don't think that, besides Tina and Nat, there is a single member if that kitchen aware of how much Syd was alone last season picking Carmy’s slack. And even they were barely able to help her. Everybody else was to happy for Carmy loosing his virginity apparently. All this scenario could very well repeat itself this season on how much they are insisting on Claire and Carmy getting back together.
I know the show is about leaving toxic cycles and the people who can help you get better. Sydney is supposed to be made from a different matter than the Bearzattos because otherwise, the toxicity will continue. I just wish she could coldly let them know how much of a pest they can be sometimes. And not be treated as unfair because she left her “role” in creating a new system. Anger is boundarie setting emotion and it can be very constructive, and expressed without the chaos of the Bearzattos. She did this in s1 and if done again I think this time the general audience (except the racist/misogynistic obviously) will understand that this tough love is necessary as well.
Let's not normalize (in this show) women taking shit to be good women and a reward for seeing the potential of men. It is not like society is not doing that for us already.
Sydney is not a punching bag, and she knows it, she definitely will stand her ground this season, wich can be very encouraging to young woman entering a workforce that is not designed to support them. I think she will go to Ember to work closely with Chef Terry (Olivia Coleman) to get knowledge of how women can shape this toxic places. It will be her version of forks. The toxicity may escalate to a turning point for her. She tolerated (and transformed) s1 and s2, we know what is in her heart. The point will definitely come, because this is the time for evolving or dying, for everyone.
But again, I need these men (besides you, Marcus, you are going to be her rock) to start taking responsibility for the shit they are fucking up. That would be nice. I am sure there will be moments of it since this growth is literally the show's theme. I am just kind of tired of the “Mother, maid, therapist🎶” undertone of it all. It could be applied to Nat and Tina as well.
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Because 2 of my biggest hyperfixations are Interview with the Vampire and The Amazing Devil, here we go....
"Little Miss Why So" is, to me, based on my interpretation of the song, very much applies to Loustat in S1. To me, Madeleine is singing from the perspective of someone who is very depressed and who has a partner who is trying to cure her by, basically, loving her out of it. This is, to me, confirmed by the few lines that Joey sings, as though if he does enough good things for her, if he just shows her how much he loves her, she'll snap out of it. (And it doesn't work and they split up.)
I've been thinking about it a lot but especially in relation to the animation in S2E7 that depicts Lestat constantly doing things to make Louis happy/cure him of depression, while it doesn't work and Rue Royale gets more and more dilapidated until they can't even see each other over the mountain of newspapers, books, and other things. (I am completely sympathetic to Louis, btw, but I also know how scary and helpless it is to love someone and want to help them but you can't.)
Throughout LMWS, Madeleine lists all the things Joey's character has said or done and she sounds so exhausted, and there's this repeated "he said", and then she starts going into a mantra of sorts: "It's so boring, it's so boring, it's so boring....." And she caps it off with "et cetera" like she's just too bored to keep going but she could if she wanted to.
There's a few parts I want to call out specifically:
"I don't know how to reach you when you get like this. I've been waiting for you to come home."
This is Lestat's frustration, basically. He keeps trying to reach Louis and nothing is working. Even when Louis is home, physically, he's not present (I've seen great meta about Louis having a disassociative disorder). Special mention here to the line, "It's daylight again and you look like I've failed you." Lestat is a provider; it's something that he takes pride in and enjoys, whether it's his human family eating food that he hunted, or how he sent money and gifts to his human family after becoming a vampire, or the things he buys for Louis and Claudia.
"If I'm good, will you come back?"/"Stop asking why I'm sad, just know it's enough to know I'm sad." Madeleine and Joey are literally singing over each other here, singing at the same time. Their characters are speaking past each other. They're not listening to each other. Joey's character just wants to know how to fix her, what he has to do to get her to come back for him. Madeleine's character is just exhausted from having to provide reasons why she feels the way she does. Worse, her character continues (as though quoting Joey's), "Yeah, but why?" He's still asking her. He's not leaving her alone about it because he's obsessed with figuring out the problem so he can solve it. And it's driving her away.
"Why don't you just tell them all to fuck off, love, and be mine?" ("Them" probably being "those wankers that you serve all night".) For Lestat, "them"/"those wankers" is probably all of Louis's human connections.
As others have pointed out, "The Rockrose and the Thistle", another of TAD's songs, is a good example of how to love someone through depression instead of trying to love them out of it (too bad Lestat couldn't have heard it back then).
And while I could probably relate several other songs from The Amazing Devil to Interview with the Vampire, I'll just leave ya'll with this line from "Battle Cries": "This isn't a breakup, dear heart, it's a season finale!"
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(Also, if you've listened to Little Miss Why So and you think that Joey sounds like Jaskier from Netflix's The Witcher, that's because it is! The Amazing Devil has 3 albums out, in case you want to hear more of his and Madeleine's phenomenal voices. Now, off you go, to be spellbound by these beautiful lovely Fae creatures!)
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Ski lodge trip||Part 2
Steve Rogers x teen!daughter!reader
Natasha Romanoff x teen!daughter!reader
Other parings: Josh Matthews x reader
Warning: Overprotective Steve, kissing, cuteness.
Authors Note: Hi everyone! It's finally here! I am so sorry for the long wait. I have been really busy and haven't had the chance to finish this one, as well as not having the best storyline figured out at that time. But now that it's here, I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you all for reading my fics. I really appreciate it.
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"What the hell is that?" You asked as Bucky brought out a book.
"This, this is a game we're gonna play. It's called the official guide to who belongs with who." Bucky replied.
"The book's gonna tell us?" Josh scoffs with an eye roll.
"No! I remember that book. That book, is evil." Tony states as his eyes widen in horror at seeing the book again. He then continued,
"The first question is 'If you could change your mate into one animal, what would it be' and the only answer is 'the falcon'."
Bruce and Peter look at him in disbelief.
Steve stares at Tony, "How would you know that?"
Tony glances between everyone in the room and exclaims, "Because I am the Falcon!"
"Of course you are," Nat mumbled. You and Josh glanced at each other, grinning.
"Let's play!" You state, walking over to the couch Josh was sitting on and cuddled up to him.
"Let's find out who belongs with who," Josh says, wrapping his arm around you.
"Don't do it, nobody do it," Tony exclaims, trying to stop this from happening. Only to be ignored by everyone.
"No one ever listens to the falcon." He says to himself as he sat down with everyone else.
"Question number one," Bucky started.
"If you could change your mate into one animal-" You interrupted Bucky, but he interrupted you back.
"Uh, that's not the question," Bucky states. Everyone looked confused, especially Tony.
"The first question is, 'The most important part of any meaningful relationship is, A, romance'." Bucky continued.
"Yes, romance. Isn't that the whole point of a relationship?" Peter says. Tony rolled his eyes,
"It says any relationship. It doesn't just mean you and MJ." Bruce nodded in agreement,
"Yeah, it also means relationships with your friends."
Nat sighed, "So if the answer isn't romance, what else you got?" 
"B, adventure," Bucky says.
"Yes, adventure. Break the rules." Sam nods. Bucky rolled his eyes,
"You don't have to break the rules to have an adventure."
"What do you have against breaking the rules, Sargent Barnes?" Sam asked.
"That's who he used to be, Sam. Cost him years of his life. I think maybe he's learned something." Steve states.
"Read the other choice?" Josh says to Bucky.
"How do you know there is one? " Bucky smirked.
"In multiple choice, there are always close answers, but then there's the correct answer, and as soon as you hear it, you know it's right." You state a matter of factly.
"And I don't think we've heard the right answer yet, so I know the most meaningful part of any relationship is C." Josh grinned.
"C, conversation." Bucky smiled. You and Josh smiled at each other, kissing for a couple of seconds, cuddling up to each other again after the kiss ended.
"I love these now." You say.
"How come?" Steve asked, knowing how you didn't really like hugs.
"Because Tanya and I have had so many good conversations now that I think she trusts me," Josh says. You smiled and mumbled a small, 'I do.' Seeing how sweet Josh was being with you warmed Nat's heart. Seeing her daughter with someone she feels happy and comfortable with makes her happy. Steve, while still being the overprotective father, was starting to warm up to your relationship with Josh.
"So the most meaningful part of a relationship is talking to each other?" Peter asked.
"And with the right person, sometimes you can talk all night," Tony states.
"Yup, maybe so. Well, if y'all will excuse me, I'm gonna go over there to maybe, I don't know, kick a tree." Steve states, getting up and walking outside. Bucky sighed, giving the book to Bruce as he said, "Will y'all excuse me? I'm going to go over there to maybe, I don't know, save a tree." following Steve outside.
"You know what? I'm through playing games. I want to talk to you." Pepper states.
"Who?" The people still in the room asked curiously, at the same time as she grabbed Tony's hand, dragging him to another room. You and Josh had a mischievous glint in your eyes as you smiled and ran upstairs to the room you were bunked in together.
"God help us all," Bruce mumbled as he rubbed his temple in utter annoyance and disapproval.
After a couple of hours, Steve and Bucky came back inside.
"Where's Y/N and Josh?" Steve asked. Bruce and Peter glanced at each other in second-hand embarrassment.
"Up there," Peter states, pointing to one of the rooms upstairs. Steve's eyes widen in disapproval.
"Oh, hell no!" He exclaimed as he ran up the stairs.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Life After
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Summary: After taking on Chuck, the reader wakes up in a bedroom she doesn’t recognize in September 1984. Only now she’s a small child and has no idea what is going on. When she finds out the Winchesters live across the street, things get even stranger...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 3,300ish
Warnings: language
A/N: I wrote this quite a while ago (pre-finale awhile ago) when one of my theories for the show ending would involve a time reset. A bit of a different read than my usual stuff!
A large boom made your eyes fly open. You sat up, finding yourself in a dark bedroom. You took a deep breath, brain trying to decide on processing what was in front of you and what had just happened.
It went with the later for the moment, eyes closing once more. Your big epic battle with Chuck, saving the world from ending, taking out the big bad of big bads. You knew it had happened. You remembered the day of. Everyone prepared for the worst, knowing that none of you were making it out alive. 
For a split second you allowed yourself to take in the bedroom. Perhaps it was a memory and you were in heaven. But it didn’t look familiar and the loud thunder outside the window didn’t seem like a particularly happy memory if it was one. Something was nagging at you though that you hadn’t died. You threw back the covers and swung your legs over the side of the bed, wide eyed when you took in the sight.
A pair of very short legs with pink and purple unicorn pajamas were somehow attached to you. You glanced down, a short sleeve purple shirt with another unicorn on it, your arms tiny. You pulled down the right side of your pants and your shirt up, no anti-possession tattoo on your hip. 
“What the fuck,” you whispered, eyes adjusting to the darkness more. You spotted a lamp on a nightstand and switched it on. Immediately you sat back against the pillows, swallowing hard as you saw the white bedspread, the lavender walls, stuffed animals in a pile in the corner, a small bookcase of toys and games and what looked like Dr. Seus books. “Oh no.”
You looked around the room and got up, finally exiting it and finding yourself in a dim hallway, the sound of TV going downstairs. You swallowed again and saw an open door to a bathroom. There was a step stool in front of the vanity as you climbed up, finally able to look at yourself.
Your very much five year old self.
“Oh, what the fuck,” you said, quickly hopping off the stool and rushing out the door, heading for the stairs. You went down them quickly, looking around a moment before you spotted a front door.
“Y/N,” you heard from down a hall, a man holding a beer walking over with a tired smile. “That is the third time tonight you’ve snuck down after bedtime. I told you, it’s just a storm, kiddo.”
“I-” you said before he set the beer down on a front table and he picked you up, resting you on his hip.
“Honey. Please go to bed for daddy? Please?” he asked as he carried you up the stairs and down the hall towards your room.
“O-okay,” you said, figuring playing along for the moment was the best move. The guy definitely wasn’t your dad and you had no idea where the fuck you were. If you were indeed only five, you were going to need a better game plan before you snuck off. He sat you down on your bed and pulled the covers over you, kissing your forehead before he turned off the light. “Dad?”
“Yeah, Y/N?” he asked quietly.
“How old am I?” you asked.
“Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?” he teased. “Is that why you’re up so much tonight, cutie?”
“Uh, huh?” you said, the man smiling as he sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re turning five tomorrow. All your friends from school are gonna come over so you better stay upstairs and let mommy and me finish wrapping your birthday presents, alright?”
“Okay,” you said. You got a hug from him and it felt...nice. Maybe it was some kind of dream or something but you were nearly positive that you’d all shown up to face off against Chuck. Hadn’t that been the end of you? 
Hadn’t you died? Or if you’d lived...wouldn’t you still be an adult?
You gave your apparent father a forced smile as he left the room and pulled your door shut. You slumped back against the soft bed, glancing over to the window, the storm raging outside. 
You needed to figure out what the hell was going on and fast.
You groaned as you woke up the next morning, the sun filtering in. You sighed and pushed back the covers, throwing your head back when you caught a small calendar on the wall.
“No, no,” you whined. 
The stark red 1984 stared at you violently on the page and you wanted to cry, unbelievably so. You wanted Dean and Sam and Cas and Jack. You wanted the boys. You wanted it to be 2020. You wanted to go home to your bed and the bunker and be okay again.
Then it hit you that apparently it was 1984. September 1984. Last you checked, you had not turned five in September 1984. After taking a deep breath you reminded yourself that so far, this was not your childhood bedroom and that man from the night before was not your childhood father.
“Somebody fucked with the timeline,” you said to yourself, going over to your small dresser and getting dressed. You were less than thrilled with the options but you managed to pull on a pair of thick black tights, a pink and orange flannel and a pair of socks with circles on them. You found a hair tie in the bathroom and started to work on brushing it and putting it up when you saw your new dad walk by.
“Well good morning, birthday girl,” he said, cocking his head at you. “You want to wear that today?”
“Yes,” you said, working on your hair.
“I thought you wanted the pink dress,” he said.
“No,” you said, deciding minimal conversation was the best bet for now. You finished throwing your hair up and looked in the mirror satisfied.
“Well look at you. Doing your hair all by yourself,” he said as you reached for a toothbrush. It dawned on you that most five year olds didn’t do their hair by themself, not when it involved things like messy buns. You shrugged and hopped off the stool, your dad smirking. “I didn’t see you brush your teeth young lady.”
You rolled your eyes and went back up, brushing them as he watched.
“Alright, birthday girl. What would you like for breakfast? Your choice,” he said.
“Cheese omelette and bacon,” you said as you went past. He chuckled as he picked you up.
“What refined tastes from the big girl,” he said. “Try not to grow up too fast on me now.”
You pursed your lips when he wasn’t looking and forced yourself to wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder.
“I love you,” he said, kissing the top of your head. You still weren’t positive who he was yet but he was a whole lot kinder than your father ever was. You snuggled him harder, the man pulling out a cellphone at the bottom of the stairs.
The most recent iphone if you weren’t mistaken. 
You had to bite your tongue as he took a selfie of the two of you. He set you down and you cocked your head when he started to head away from a front room and down a hall towards what looked like a kitchen and family room area.
1984. Smartphone. Those two things did not go together.
Maybe it wasn’t 1984 afterall? But why the calendar?
“Birthday girl wants a cheese omelette and bacon,” he said. You quickly caught up and saw a woman with a big smile.
“No pink dress today, honey? That’s been the plan for weeks I thought,” she said, giving you a kiss before she went to the fridge. Double doors, stainless steel. You saw a 70” screen smart TV on the wall in the family room and excused yourself to the bathroom, finding a half bath by the front door. 
“Maybe it’s a djin,” you said to yourself. “Maybe it’s all in my head. Maybe we never even went and fought Chuck...or maybe I have finally lost it.”
You sighed and left the bathroom, walking past one of the front windows when you saw her.
She was parked in the driveway across the street, a modern day SUV in the spot next to her along with a pickup truck. You opened the front door and stepped onto a front porch, hearing footsteps behind you.
“I know you’re excited but you will see Dean after breakfast okay?” said your dad.
“Dean?” you asked. “Winchester?”
“You best friends with some other Dean I don’t know about?” he teased as he shut the door. “Now go eat your breakfast, sweetie.”
You wolfed down your food, your parents taking their time, asking about how excited you were for your party that afternoon. The Winchesters were going to watch you so they could set up which was no bother to you. You needed to find the boys and talk to them fast.
“Alright, alright,” said your mom when you looked at the door again. “You would think you two could go more than twelve hours apart.”
“Those two are so getting married someday,” your dad said quietly as you slipped on a pair of velcro sneakers by the door. You opened it and started to head down the path to the driveway, hearing a tsk when you were halfway down. “Y/N. Hold up. What’s the rule about the road?”
“Uh, look both ways?” you asked as he caught up quickly.
“Yes,” he said. He grabbed your hand and you glanced up at him, seeing him smile as he looked up and down the street. “Okay. Now we can go. We gotta do that so you don’t get hurt, remember?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you said as you walked.
“It’s okay, kiddo,” he said, dropping your hand once you were in their driveway. You ran up it and to the front door, ringing the doorbell. You saw John answer, a much younger John than you were used to. He opened the door wide and you saw Dean behind him. You weren’t sure who moved first but you sprinted towards him and gave him a giant hug, Dean returning it.
“Hey,” you said quietly.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he whispered and you instantly relaxed. That was your Dean. Your Dean was now apparently a five year old boy but that was your Dean. 
“You two are being more adorable than usual today, huh?” said John.
“She was very excited to see Dean,” said your dad with a shrug. “Thanks for watching her this morning.”
“It’s never a problem, Dan,” said John as Dean started to pull you upstairs with him. “Try to be quiet for Sammy, guys.”
“I know, dad,” said Dean. You jogged up the flight up steps with him and down a hall, running into a bedroom before he shut a door.
“Dean,” you said, getting pulled into another hug from him and a kiss on the lips.
“Sorry. That’s probably really weird given our current situation,” said Dean.
“I love you. Kisses aren’t weird,” you said, giving him one back, Dean and you holding onto one another for a moment. “What the fuck is going on?”
“From what Sammy and I have figured, the whole timeline has been screwed up. Do you remember anything about what happened with Chuck?” he asked.
“No. You?” he asked.
“Not really. I don’t think he’s alive anymore though,” he said.
“How do you know that?” you asked. The door to the room opened and you saw a toddler walk in, barely tall enough to shut it.
“Y/N. This is Sam. He’s two apparently,” said Dean.
“Sammy?” you asked.
“Yes but I have to share with Cas,” said Sam. “Otherwise I can’t talk or get around this good.”
“Hello,” said a deeper voice, your gaze going back to Dean.
“You see what I’ve been dealing with since last night?” he said.
“Cas, what is going on? Why are we little kids? Why the hell does my new dad have an iphone in freaking ‘84?” you asked.
“The timeline we knew was reset. Completely. That kind of power could have only come from a few sources. I take the fact we are all still alive as proof that Chuck is either dead or has been sealed away,” said Castiel. “As a result, some things have changed. Most things seem the same but technology now is as you all knew it. It seems that whoever sent us all back here attempted to do this for our benefit.”
“Jack would have done that for us,” you said, both of them nodding. “You think he sent us back in time?”
“We’re his family. It’s not crazy to think the kid sent us back to have a second chance. I mean, our mom is alive,” said Dean. “She should have died a year ago. I don’t exactly remember what went down but maybe in this new timeline, she never made a demon deal.”
“Guys,” said Jack, suddenly in the room and sitting down on Dean’s bed. “You could have just asked.”
“What is going on?” you asked as you walked over and gave him a hug.
“Amara, who I think is my great-grandma? She and I...after everything that went down with Chuck, I asked her if we could fix it,” said Jack.
“Fix what, Jack?” asked Sam.
“Everything. So we did. There’s still demons and angels and all that guys but monsters are gone. It’s not perfect here but it’s better off than what we had before,” said Jack.
“Why are we children?” asked Dean.
“He wants us to have childhoods,” you said, Jack smiling. “Jack…”
“You guys were my parents. You still always will be. But you all have trauma. I can’t take it away but you deserve to have normal lives,” he said.
“Okay. That’s great and all but can I least be potty trained?” asked Sam. “Or like, at least five?”
“I can do three,” said Jack. “That would make today your seventh birthday then, Y/N.”
“Yeah, by the way, today is totally not my birthday,” you said. Jack tilted his head and smiled. “What?”
“Yes it is. The year is wrong, I’ll give you that but today is definitely your birthday,” he said.
“Jackie,” you said, closing your eyes. “Today isn’t my birthday. I have no idea who those people-”
“Y/N. Those are your parents. Your real parents,” said Jack.
“My dad was never-”
“That guy wasn’t your dad,” said Jack. Your face fell and you stared at him. 
“Um, what?” said Dean. He took your hand and you looked around. “Her real dad was a piece of crap.”
“Her real dad is actually a really good guy. The parents you grew up with Y/N, in your old life, those weren’t your parents,” he said.
“Well what hap-” you said, the door creaking open. All of a sudden you felt a smidge taller, Dean and Sam growing a bit too, Jack missing. You spun around and saw Mary smiling as she brought in a tray.
“Hey you three. Who wants a snack?” she asked. You stared at her, Sam stepping on Dean’s foot.
“Sammy,” said Dean, pouting at his little brother. 
“Sammy, that’s not nice. You don’t hit your big brother,” said Mary.
“I didn’t!” said Sam, throwing his hands up.
“Is someone cranky?” asked Mary. She picked up Sam and he sighed, sticking his tongue out at Dean as she carried him away.
“I’m pretty sure that was his version of flipping you off,” you said.
“This may have a few benefits,” he smirked. You shrugged and sat on his bed, Dean taking a seat beside you, holding your hand still. “Okay. It’s gonna suck until we get older and can be together the way we want to but we’re both seven. Six more years and we can start making out and a few after that we can move onto other things and I’m gonna have the recovery time of a teenager which is gonna be awesome so…”
You sniffled and he pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek.
“I know. I know it’ll be okay. But I’m gonna miss seeing you guys whenever I want and we’re always going to have to be lying and it turns out those people that raised me weren’t my real parents. They must have stolen me or what, I don’t know but those assholes are the whole reason I became a hunter, why I found you,” you said. Dean smiled and pushed a loose hair behind your ear.
“I’m right here. I will always be right here. We’re gonna live across the street from each other and-”
“What if my parents move? What if yours move?” you asked, sniffling again.
“Y/N. Sweetheart. You’re my soulmate. I will always find you,” he said.
“You’re so fucking corny,” you said, kissing him, laughing when it felt all kinds of funny and different. “I miss your scruff.”
“Tell me about it. You’re taller than me,” he said. “But like I was saying, you’re going to grow up with nice parents that love you and keep you safe, not one’s you’re afraid of.”
“We both get to start over. Sam too,” you said. “I wonder where Cas is though.”
“I did not agree to this,” said Cas, popping up from the other side of the bed. He was about Dean’s height, black hair and a plain t shirt on.
“Oh, he’s adorable!” you said.
“I am an angel of my asshole father,” said Cas, giving you a death glare.
“You are kinda cute,” said Dean with a laugh.
“I believe Jack has made me your older cousin who lives with you for some reason,” said Cas.
“Why do you get to be older?” scoffed Dean.
“I am millennia old, Dean. Do you think I enjoy being ten?” he asked.
“On the plus side, he’ll be able to buy beer for us someday,” you said. Cas rolled his eyes but you wiped off your face, Dean using his flannel shirt to get the rest. “I’m better now. I promise.”
“I doubt that,” said Dean. “Cas, are you still all angel powerful?”
“Yes. In fact, my powers seem to be fully restored,” he said.
“So if I ever asked you to sneak over Y/N for a sleepover,” said Dean with a smile.
“I can do that,” said Cas softly. “I’ll give you two some privacy.”
“Thanks, buddy,” said Dean. Cas exited for a moment, Sam arguing about nap time down the hall from the sounds of it. “He’ll get to be a normal kid.”
“So will you,” you said. “I swear I so much as see you as trying to cook dinner before you hit double digits, Winchester.”
“I know. So, birthday girl, is there anything I can get you for your big day?” he teased. 
“I got you. I’m all good, Dean.”
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ygodmyy20 · 1 year
Okay I finally am getting around to this post! It's the 'Fuck how can mob psycho help me in so many ways god damnit I hate and love this show' post!
Shigeo joining the body improvement club, and everything about this part of his story is so personal to me. I just have to talk about it.
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So as we all know at the start of the story, Shigeo joins the body improvement club to impress Tsubomi. Thats it. Thats the goal. He also joins because he wants to get stronger and not rely on his psychic powers but really like...the main reason is to impress her.
And this isn't new. A character wanting to get fit, lose weight, change some physical part of themselves for a crush is SO common in stories that you barely notice it.
But what I love, what I ADORE is how this progresses and changes.
This gif from an amazing AMV by @thekagepro24 and it just UGH hits me so hard it is so perfect!!! I could watch this 5 second gif over and over and over again
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I just am. I just am dying while running, I just am making progress, I just am enjoying this because I really like it.
This puts everything I feel into visuals (it's so gooooood watch the AMV!!! DO IIIIIIT)
So many times society tells us to change something about ourselves, or we tell ourselves to change for the appeal of others.
Lose weight so people think you're pretty.
Get fit so you can get into clothes that make you look hot.
Get swol to make a person think you're attractive.
You are the one and only you, this is your one and only body. So why are you working out, why do you WANT to get "swol" who are you trying to impress. Is it for yourself? A crush? Society?
I have battled with the above for so long. I come from an athletic background, and did a lot of sports growing up, but I have never been small. I have battled with weight my whole life and had my own shitty bouts with ED.
I have been in therapy, I have read books, I have watched videos, I've been in and out of PT for nearly 5 years because of a lower back and hip pain that NEVER went away.
I never figured out WHY i wanted to exercise. It just always was "To lose weight" because I couldn't get that goal out of my head for years and years and years.
But then I watched mob psycho 100.
And I started a new type of physical therapy.
And was it mp100 or was it the therapy finally working, who can say which did it—probably both—but one day I thought...
....maybe I should just go for a run...for 5-10 mins. Just to see how it feels. It went against all parts of my athlete brain (because 10 mins is too short to see "gains"....which is dumb but whatever)
I thought of Shigeo and how he basically passed out every time he ran for like 2 mins, but he got better. He had to start from 0, well...kinda like negative 5 really. But then he was doing so much not even a few months in!
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35 pushups is so hard!!! You go my boi.
Shigeo started off doing it all for Tsubomi, for others, and even if he really wanted to do it to improve himself I think it was a secondary goal initially. Main goal was to impress someone. Secondary was to get stronger.
But then the marathon happened. And those goals SWITCHED! DURING THE RACE! just....man it hit me. It hit me hard. THAT WHOLE EPISODE IS JUST A LOT FOR ME GOD DAMN
He ran for her initially but he continued running for himself. He continued working at it because he wanted to and in the end, after everything, after confession arc, after all that
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This scene!!! makes me cry happy tears!! look at how happy he is UGH IT JUST IS SO UGGGHHHHHHH
Anyway if you made it this far, know that everyones journey through their body improvement, mental improvement, emotional improvement is different. We all have to tackle it in the way that works for us.
It took me nearly 10 years to start again because of this beautiful anime connecting the right dots in my brain.
Every journey is different, but just keep fighting on and you'll figure it out!
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pumpk1n-writes · 1 year
“Tell me about the dark places you hide” These are so good I’m just requesting part ten (I hop im not bothering you)
Oh you’re not bothering me at all!! I’d actually forgotten to post it and thought I had so thank you!!!!
Tell Me All About The Dark Places You Hide ~ Part Ten (final part)
➥ in which the reader figures out that their best friends are the infamous Woodsboro Killers and decides to help them rather than turn them in. {ft. Betrayal, murder, murder, blood, murder, more murder, more blood, did i mention murder?}
Part Nine || Word Count ~ 1.1k
Taglist ~ Taglist ~ @wasawattpadkid @katie-tibo @laurajmcmanus @sparklyphantom @minkyungseokie @misscaller06 @juda-the-simp @severuslovebot @asdorlia @billysbae @lilac-fangirl @bloody-delusion-expert @rubyroscoe1 @honeynicoole @ok-boke @thatonetallweirdo @ren-ni @fictionalcharacterslut @ennycutie @moneyoverl0v3 @lexasaurs634 @shady-the-simp @yourusername1 @zeldastag
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“Oh, Billy, Billy, Billy. You really thought I cared about you? You really thought I give a damn what happens to you?” You cooed, the gun in your hand steady and firm despite how crazed your voice was. “I’m not who you think I am. I was never who you wanted me to be.”
“Who the fuck are you?” Sidney asked, although it came out as more of a sob. You stroked her cheek with the knife.
“I’ll deal with you later, darling.” You turned back towards the boys. “But she does ask a good question. My name was never Leers.”
Billy had a sinking feeling in his gut. “Who are you then?”
“Valerie.” You bowed deeply, sweeping your arms out to the sides. “Valerie Weary.”
Sidney sobbed again, and Billy’s heart dropped. “You fucking framed my father,” the gun moved to Stu’s forehead. “And you were all too happy to help. You sentenced him to life, then death.”
“Valerie, please,” Sidney wouldn’t stop crying. “I didn’t mean to—“
“And Sidney, darling, you fucking fell for it! You dumb bitch, you fell for the oldest trick in the book.”
“You knew all along didn’t you?” Billy asked. “You never had to figure it out.”
“Don’t interrupt me, baby boy,” you sneered, laughing when he blushed at your words. “But yes, there was no figuring out to be done, I knew since the moment Sidney’s mom was babysitting me and you forgot to check the closet.” You laughed, a high-pitched, maniacal, laugh. “You forgot to check the fucking closet. I saw everything.
“And Billy, baby, it was all too easy to gain your trust. All I had to do was kill my best friend and make you cum. That’s it!”
Billy flushed an even deeper red at that and backed away slightly.
“What? Billy?” Sidney’s sobs were getting on your nerves. Without looking, you shot her in the neck, laughing even harder when her blood stained the walls. She fell, the gargle of blood filling her lungs music to your ears
“Now for you boys,” you raised the gun towards them, stopping Billy’s retreat. “Billy, you never cared about Stu. You used him for your own wishes, never giving a damn about what he thought or how he felt.”
“Billy is that true?” You almost felt sorry for the desperation in his voice. Almost.
“I- No- What?” Billy was looking between the two of you with frantic eyes, the look of a wild animal.
“Don’t lie!” You sung, gesturing towards him with the knife.
“I would never! Why would I hurt Stu?”
“Because he was too much, he was never careful enough, he was always too eager, he was never good enough for you,” you suggested, filling in the blanks for him. The wounded expression on Stu’s face struck you through the heart. You might have been laying it on a little thick.
Billy was silent, confirming everything. Stu blinked rapidly, trying to dissolve tears. “I gave you everything, I gave up my life, I listened when you said killing Sid’s mom would help fix my anger. And this is what I get in return?” The playfulness was gone, and only betrayal, in its purest and rawest form, was left.
“Would you do the honors, baby?” You crooned, tossing the gun to Stu.
He glared coldly at who used to be his best friend. “Of course, dear.”
You tackled Billy to the ground, holding his arms in place and laying cheek to cheek. “Oh Billy, you really thought you’d win. You really thought you’d get away with this, kill me, and live happily ever after, didn’t you?”
The knife in your hand stroked his cheekbone, similar to what you’d done to Sidney mere minutes ago. “Once I told Stu the truth about you, he was only too willing to switch sides. Why do you think he wasn’t shocked at all when I killed Sidney? When I switched things up a bit?”
Stu grinned, his previous anger long since dissipated. “I just needed you to confirm everything. And by god you did.”
“It’s okay, Billy baby. We won’t hurt you too bad.”
“Lie!” Stu laughed maniacally, waving the gun in front of his face.
You smiled up at him. “Do whatever you need to, honey.”
Stu nodded and smiled back at you, firing the gun. The bullet lodged itself into Billy’s thigh, and he screamed out — “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Same thing that’s wrong with you, darling!” You giggled. “Watched a few movies, took a few notes, improved on them a bit.”
“You’re fucking insane.”
“Aren’t we all?”
You heard police sirens and stood up, taking the gun from Stu and shooting Billy in the chest. “Here,” you said tightly, handing the knife to Stu.
He seemed to get the message and stabbed you in the side, waiting for the pain to leave your face before giving it back to you for his turn.
You collapsed into him and had him lead you, both of you limping, to the front, waiting for the police to get there.
“Please!” You cried, sobs racking your stricken body. “Anybody!”
An officer ran up to you, taking in the blood covering both of your shirts. He gestured for paramedics to put you both on gurneys, and followed you into the ambulance. Two of his buddies were checking on Dewey and Gale.
“It was Billy!” You gasped as soon as the doors slammed shut. “It was Billy, it was always Billy,” you echoed Sidney’s words, punctuating each of your words with sobs. They should give you an Oscar for this.
“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down. What happened?”
He grabbed a pen and pad of paper and you took it as your cue to begin your story. “I got drunk and passed out at the party,” you kept going despite the officer’s quirked eyebrow. “When I woke up there was. . . There was blood everywhere,” you paused, feigning a shaky breath. “And Gale and Dewey were— oh my god are they all right?”
“They’re going to be okay miss.”
Goddamnit. “Oh that’s great,” you took a deep breath. “Billy was in the kitchen with Sidney. He shot her before I could get to him and then he stabbed Stu,” you paused, letting your eyes fill with tears again. “I tried to stop him and he stabbed me too. I somehow managed to get his gun and shoot him, is he. . . Alive?”
“We won’t know for sure yet, ma’am. What’s your name?”
“Valerie Leers.”
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takeyourcyanide · 5 months
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
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Fandom: Soul Eater
Character(s): Spirit Albarn, Franken Stein, mentions of Kami
Tag(s): Hurt/Comfort, Age Regression (SFW), Men Crying, Mental Instability, Stuffed Toys, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff & Angst
Word Count: 2 710
Summary: Stein sees a T-Rex stuffed animal, regresses before and after being allowed to purchase it, and shit also happens to hit the fan, because I don’t write for happy people LMAO
Note(s): I finally wrote more age regression like I said I would. I don’t like this a whole lot either, but I’m planning on writing some longer and better things, so hopefully that will happen. I am just posting this and Muse of Tragedy, because these are ideas I’ve had in my head for a long time that I simply never wrote. So, here!
The vivid, fluorescent lighting of the quaint drugstore left Stein internally grimacing, keeping his limbs close to his frame as to make himself seem smaller and further away from the blaring stimulus.
Going in one ear and out the other was the apparently endless rambling of Spirit, as he went on and on about Kami, and Valentine’s Day, and how he nearly forgot, and how he just has to buy her the cutest teddy bear ever. Franken merely hummed in response, scanning the aisles both curiously and indifferently, bored and more than prepared to exit the store.
As they, at long last, arrived at the line of shelves filled with stuffed-toys, particularly bears and rabbits holding non-anatomically correct hearts (Stein would much prefer to see anatomically correct heart candies) and lollipops, the meister spotted the best thing in the entire drugstore; a medium-sized Tyrannosaurus-Rex, greenish-brown in color, and without the glass eyes that left him suspecting whether or not it came equipped with a built-in camera.
Albarn grabbed on his chosen teddy, beginning to march away from the aisle and to the checkout area, as he glanced over at Stein conspicuously gazing longingly at a stuffed dinosaur, not moving, simply staring. The glint in his partner’s eyes was almost cute; childishly curious and desiring.
“Stein?” He called out. And before he could ask the boy whether or not he wanted him to buy the stuffed animal (he looked too intrigued by the toy to deny him of it), Franken turned towards him, not verbally requesting the stuffy, instead, pointing at it with an expectant and hopeful look to his countenance. He appeared as though he was preparing for disappointment, or to be yelled at. He honestly seemed to expect overly negative reactions rather often - too often - and something about that sent a pang of sorrow down Spirit’s tired spine. He’d never seen him look so childlike and tiny before.
Now he really couldn’t say no.
“You wanna get it?” Stein clumsily nodded his head once, a dramatic motion of his head as he pursed his lips slightly. “I didn’t think you were the type to like plushies. But sure, go ahead and grab it.”
“Dinosaur,” the meister said, holding the animal to his chest, moving to walk beside his weapon-partner, not ceasing his intense and elated staring content with it.
“Oh, yeah. You do like dinosaurs and all that science-y shit, so, I guess that makes sense,” the weapon shrugged his shoulders, grabbing it briefly from Stein, as he scanned the toy. The silver-haired boy seemed to subdue a pout, returning to his former blank state. “You want it back, right?” Spirit returned it into Franken’s hands, placing the bear he bought into a plastic bag, paying for the items.
“Thank you,” Stein mumbled, not exactly smiling, though the corners of his mouth were more upturned than usual.
“Yeah, I don’t mind,” he felt more like something of a parental figure to him everyday, or at the very least, when his partner would begin acting… like whatever this was. But the meister’s policy was ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell,’ so interrogating him about his quirks would more than certainly get him nowhere. “You don’t have to pay me back or anything, by the way. Knowing you, though, you’d definitely find some sneaky-ass way to never pay me even if I wanted you to. You’ve done it before, you bastard! So, I know for a fact you would!”
Stein giggled mischievously in a hushed voice, Spirit joyfully smiling and chuckling to himself as he listened to it. He hadn’t heard the male really laugh in a long while, he’d seemed rather morose and sort of lacking in any and all emotion as of late - even more so than typical, which he frankly didn’t think was even possible. And for what reason his partner was behaving more overtired and flat, the ginger did not know.
They exited the drugstore, Stein seeming more relieved in a sense as they were shrouded in the shadows of the night, the desert air much cooler than just a few hours ago.
Stein plopped swiftly down onto the sofa with his prized plushie, Spirit sitting beside him and placing the lovey-dovey teddy bear onto the coffee table, where the tissue paper and gift bag happened to be located.
Whilst writing thoughtful sweet-nothings on the sparkly and shiny card he had bought a little while back, he made repeated glances at his partner, of whom was merely sitting and staring into space, a more petulant, yet deadpan twinge to his countenance.
He looked awfully squeezable, however, with his stuffy tucked against his sternum, his knees holding the toy even closer. Perhaps this newfound affectionate feeling he didn’t think he’d ever feel towards Stein would dissipate once the meister said anything about ripping someone limb from limb.
“You okay over there?” He chortled, his brows pinching together in mild concern as he signed the glimmering card, placing it into the bag along with the heart and candy-holding bear.
Franken remained particularly unresponsive and immobile, it was almost as though he was entirely zoned-out of life itself, not present in the room with Spirit. Though there was something stirring within him, he could see it in his exhausted and narrow eyes, they were both decomposing and lively simultaneously in a way that only Stein could achieve.
“Hey. Did you hear me?” Albarn poked his arm, only to receive nothing back.
He inched closer to his partner, untucking and lifting Stein’s arm from the stuffed T-Rex as gently as he could, as to hopefully not startle him. Though, perhaps if he were to startle him, he’d scare him out of his current stupor.
As he raised his appendage, he moved it up and down almost playfully, stopping and leaving it to hang right in the middle. And his arm did not fall.
Spirit rose an eyebrow in the face of this strange behavior; Stein had gotten like this before - he’d refuse to speak, and would either move too much, not too much, or very robotically. But he had never done this before.
Albarn simply stared at the unmoving arm for a moment, confused and worried, not even noticing the salty tear falling from his meister’s right eye, or the way his chest made abrupt movements as noiseless sobs escaped him.
He gazed upwards, eyes widening at the sight before him, as he marginally began to panic.
“What’s wrong, Stein? Don’t cry,” he hadn’t realized before how much the sight of his counterpart weeping would both upset him and frighten him. “Was it something I did? I’ll never touch you without asking again, how about that? Please don’t cry.”
Spirit’s eyes flicked all over the room as he pondered how in the world he could possibly comfort his meister. He’d never seen him cry before, how was he supposed to know?
“Na’ yu,” Stein murmured under his breath, his tone sounding pained as though it was his first time attempting to speak.
“Not me? It wasn’t me, then? Can I touch you?” Spirit reached his arms out, retracting them, only to flail them outwards once more.
He didn’t reply again, instead focusing on trying to relearn how to move his body, desiring to position his arm back into its former place.
Spirit noticed this, grabbing his arm and moving it to tuck around his plushie just how it was before.
“T’an’ yu,” he whispered out slowly, mechanically.
“Of course,” the weapon reesponded with a polite smile, looking around the room one more time, before just pulling his partner over to him, essentially sitting him on his lap, shoving his head into the crook of his anxious neck.
This more than certainly alarmed Stein, his eyes bulging, as he acted on instinct - squirming and writhing out of his grasp.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to freak you out, I’m sorry,” he shushed his perturbation in the sweetest voice he could possibly muster. Stein sat up, perched on his thighs, as his bottom lip seemed to quiver lightly in response to his former statement. More tears bubbled up in his eyes, spilling over, as the scientist shoved himself right back to where the redhead had originally pushed him, choking on pitiful sobs.
“Shh…… I’m sorry. This is all so.. not you, I just don’t know what to do - I’m sorry,” he held his head, thinking to himself ‘Well, at least he moved for the first time in however many minutes he hadn’t.’ Spirit soothingly rubbed up and down his back, his nails dragging along empathetically. “And I know you never tell anyone anything.. You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong. I know this must be really scary already, isn’t it?”
Stein had evidently lost control of himself. It was clear as day to anyone that he had unwillingly began blubbering, as he repeatedly attempted to hush himself up, his efforts ultimately proving to be in vain.
He nodded his head in agreement with the weapon’s question, as he sniffled into Albarn’s shirt, his hands still maintaining their iron grip on the stuffed toy.
“Yeah, I know it is,” Franken was seriously the absolute last person he expected to be coddling. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I’m sorry. I’m always here, okay? You don’t have to tell me anything, but if you need to, you always can. Whatever was happening earlier didn’t look too comfortable or fun.”
Stein hummed in agreement once more, the noise reverberating within his overtired throat, as he huffed out another sob.
He brought one of his hands to his face, placing his thumb in his mouth, gently suckling on it, as his chest bumped up and down due to the suppressed wailing.
While it was a considerably strange thing for a teenager to do, Spirit couldn’t care less what Stein found tranquillizing, so long as it helped him.
“It’s okay to cry, Stein. I’m not judging you. I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise. You’re stubborn, so I know you won’t believe me, but I’m not gonna tell anyone, I swear,” he tenderly attempted to reassure the meister.
That only sent more tears running down his flushed face, as Stein glanced cautiously up at the ginger, whimpering into his finger.
Spirit grinned down at him, whispering, “You don’t have to believe a word I say, okay? I can see it in your eyes,” he adoringly flicked Stein’s forehead. “I don’t know what exactly is so hard for you, but I can see it’s hard for you. Stop arguing with yourself in there. Stop thinking about whatever it is for a minute. How about we play with your little dinosaur?”
He snuffled, lazily and begrudgingly removing his face from his weapon’s neck, making his stuffy more visible to the both of them.
As he did as such, Albarn could get a much better look at his blotchy, tear-stained face, a pout stretching his poor lips.
“Do you have a name for it yet?” Spirit prodded softly, restricting the urge to fondly crush the male he had seated on his femurs, as he stared shyly down at the dinosaur.
When he received no response, he assured, “You don’t have to speak, that’s okay. We can just play with it, or do whatever you want to do with it… Except dissecting it!” He earned another precious titter from Stein.
The meister held the T-Rex up to Spirit’s doting face, the ginger patting it jestingly on the head.
Stein chuckled, sniffling a bit once more, as he patted the scythe on his own head.
“Top hat,” the aspiring scientist vaguely spoke.
“What about a top hat?” He confusedly questioned.
The giggly meister pointed at the dinosaur’s head, staring inquisitively at his weapon, trying his best to temporarily forget about the bickering and the static and the inevitable.
“Oh, I see! We should get a top hat for your T-Rex, shouldn’t we?” Stein nodded his head, biting on his bottom lip in thought.
“‘N f’r you,” he elucidated, slurring his words in a baby-ish voice.
“Oh, really? Wouldn’t I just look dashing in one?” Spirit said in an overly and theatrically elegant manner, his visage contorting into a rather silly expression, leaving Stein to grin.
“No,” he was a menace, but at least he was honest.
The redhead feigned taking offense to his utter brutality, fake-crying with a hand on his chest. Franken heartily laughed, or rather, sadistically, and yet innocently, concurrently.
Abruptly, his giggles ceased, as a deep and troubled sigh escaped his lips, his countenance falling and returning to its earlier indiscernible oddity.
Spirit’s did just the same, his brows furrowing as he solicitously studied the meister’s body language and face.
“What is it, sweetheart?” He was hoping to Death that he would enjoy being referred to with touchy-feely nicknames in the state he was currently in, and that they’d relax him somewhat.
“Top hats and your dinosaur can’t really distract you, huh?” Stein sat still, blankly staring down at the stuffed toy. “That bad?” He nodded.
“Is there anything I can do?” His eyes watered once again as he processed the question being asked, moving his head from side to side, as he wanted nothing more than to forbid the tears from rolling.
“Not’ing,” he mewled. “I can’t ev’n do not’ing.”
“Aw,” he brought Stein in once again, warmly hushing his bawling. “I’m sorry you’re feeling so fussy, baby.”
Franken immediately looked up at Spirit, his eyes switching from wide-set at first to squinted and glazed over, his fingers immediately making their way back to his mouth, as his previously taut figure melted into the weapon’s chest.
“F’ssy,” he shakily repeated, hiccuping.
“Yeah, fussy,” Stein nuzzled into this shoulder, one arm holding his dinosaur, the other wrapping around his partner and gripping his shirt, as he sniveled even more so.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay.. It’ll be okay, Stein.”
“Won’,” he denied in a voice Spirit found it difficult not to coo at.
“Even if that’s the case, I’m always here, okay? You know that right?”
Spirit delicately scratched at his scalp, primping his unkempt hair. “Hm…. That’s okay. I guess I’ll just have to show you, then, huh?”
“Don’ think I can live much longer,” he stumbled over his words, unsteadily speaking. “Na’ able.”
Albarn’s expression gave in to his sullen feelings, as he patted Stein’s back, rocking them both from side to side.
“No, you can make it through, you’re strong,” he encouraged the boy.
“You don’ get it,” he yowled. “Na’ my choice. Can’ do not’ing ad’all.”
Spirit continued to shush him, as that was all he could do, petting his hair, stroking his back, ensuring him that he’d always be there.
“‘M all gone. Bye-bye,” it was difficult to make much sense of what he was saying, but there was something at the bottom of the scythe’s soul that almost could grasp it.
Eventually, Stein’s eyes sluggishly closed, though he tried eagerly to hold them open. His sobs died down, his sniffling coming to a close, as he no longer babbled.
Spirit peered down at the male’s face, sympathizing with him as he witnessed how swollen and red his eyes were, his eyelashes doused in teardrops, cheeks completely damp. Even his neck was moist with the droplets that flowed downwards.
The weapon carefully and attentively pushed the meister’s bangs out of the way, caressing the side of his face perceptible to him, as he tucked the loose and free hair behind his ear.
“Please tell me what’s wrong,” he muttered, disquieted by the whole ordeal. “I hope you can learn to trust me. I’m sure that won’t be easy, though, huh? You’ve never trusted anyone your life, have you?”
And he hadn’t. That much was evident.
As he held Franken’s body in his arms, he didn’t dare to move, even as he groaned and whimpered in a distressed and distraught manner in his sleep.
Was he supposed to wake him? Or would that only prove to make him more fussy and irritable?
He never knew what he was meant to do when it came to Stein.
He could only pray that one day he’d finally figure the meister out.
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greatsylveon2007 · 9 months
"Kids with passion to play make-believe;
Will become young adults with the will to achieve"
Alright, so I figured I wanted to make this eventually. I finally finished my part for the Guaraná MAP a few months ago after like, almost two years of having it lmao, and those two years were wild and included a bunch of different versions of the part which would never see the light of day outside of the map server, so I figured I should put them all here :)
Here is the finished part which I am very happy with honestly, love some Hollyleaf angst
So now let me tell you about how the part used to be IWKFOLSPS
To get the part I actually had to fist fight a friend because it was one of the few really simple interesting parts and we both wanted it pretty badly
When I eventually got the part I made two storyboards for it, and my idea was for it to be very limited animation with mostly tweening, as, in my head, it would make my life easier
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The first storyboard I was not happy with so I threw it out the window and made another soon after
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This one I was way happier with and is the storyboard I used for most of these two years, here you can see a little light/shadow behind Hollyleaf that, while I liked, was really out of place so I didn't keep it in the end :(
What followed was multiple months of me chipping away at this part and telling myself every time that it would be easy to do because it was pmv, I got pretty far with this, making the assets for all of the cats and only needing to shade Hollyleaf, finish the backgrounds and guaraná plants and edit
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At that point however, despite being almost done, I really couldn't bring myself to work on this part anymore, I'm not sure what exactly it was, but messing around with all the assets and tweening and all that just wasn't fun for me at that point and I just began stalling to avoid having to open the file again
Eventually in February a light shone upon me, if I wasn't having fun with PMV then screw it AMV was my new best friend
In a few hours I made a new sketch, skipped the rought animation stage and finished Holly's entire animation (don't do this ever, don't be like me)
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I had also started on Lion but I was struggling on what to do with him because of how I animated Holly lol
I don't remember the exact plan but originally the character acting was:
Holly and Lion are looking up, Jay is a little frustrated. Holly talks to him to cheer him up and he looks at her, feeling a bit more encouraged. Then she would look at Lion, he would reassure her, and they'd all end up happy
Somehow though, while animating Holly, I ditched the plan and made her be surprised by Lion and look at him, so I struggled a bit trying to figure out what Lionpaw could do to get her attention, and spent a good while trying to figure out the solution to a problem that I created in a few hours of not following a simple plan ISMOCKSKKDS If you plan something, preferably follow it, don't be like me²
I could have just remade her animation so that would have been solved but I liked her animation I didn't want to redo it :(
Anyway, eventually I figured he could say something stupid to help cheer up Jay or something and I like his and Jay's new movements so it all worked out :)
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After making the first shot, I caved in to something I wanted to do for a while which was a transition between the shots, instead of having it cut to the second shot or move the characters around a little bit.
I didn't know if I wanted to do a transition with stars or with the fire scene, until eventually I figured that the fire scene and Ashfur's... thing was what really affected the siblings, especially Hollyleaf. The part also follows a sequence of Hollyleaf feeling guilty for what she did so in general I thought that Ashfur would transition well
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You may also notice that I hadn't splattered blood all across Holly's face in the second shot and that was because I forgot she was supposed to have blood on her until I read the script again for some reason and realized I forgot ISNKCKAKDLSL
So, what did we learn? PMV sucks, animate it all at 24 fps in one sitting instead/JOKE
This is all I have about the Guaraná part, it was pretty fun to work on and I loved joining a map about my country, this map lives in a little part of my brain rent free <3
Might do this for other parts that have a bunch of wips or something I'll think about that, it's kind of fun to just lay out your process like this, would recommend 10/10
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whimsyskittles · 1 year
hello ^^ i hope u are doing well today!! can i request a hobie x reader where they go on to an aquarium date, and the reader starts to ramble about the sea creatures theyre seeing ?? bonus if by the end they get matching keychains/gifts hdsjskfh thank you !! ;w;
i am!! i hope you're doing fantabulous as well 😚😚
oh my god i love this request okok
why is going on small trips with hobie so exciting??? woooo okay anon, let's do this!!
P.S i added a few small details like the fact that the reader wants to be a marine biologist which is why they're so excited!! 🤭 ALSO!! THERES ANOTHER BONUS!! towards the end, gwen, miles, and pavitr make an appearance!!! 😍
TW: major fluff teehee and a bit of teasing closer to the end
the title is an unintentional reference (iykyk) idk how i ended up with it lmao 😭
☆ his aquamarine hobie x gn!reader !!
"are we almost there yet??" you ask hobie for the hundredth time in the past five minutes
he chuckles and looks over at you as he's driving, "almost, love. about ten more minutes, yeah?"
you groan and look at your window "where are we going, anyways?" you look excitedly at him
"cant tell ya. it's a surprise, you'll love it though. turn on some music to keep ya occupied for a bit."
jokingly rolling your eyes, you smile and turn up the radio
ten minutes later
hobie pulls the car into the parking lot as you try to decipher the surroundings around you
"oh my god, hobie did you bring us to the aquarium??" you show off a wide grin and look over at him
"well, yeah, ya gonna be a marine biologist, arent ya? figured you must love sea animals and brought ya here. happy, love?"
you kiss his cheek and look back at your window
"only the happiest in the world! i cant believe you remembered!"
"why wouldn't i? you're the love of my life aren't ya?" he teasingly says, looking back over at you
you both get out of the car and head towards the aquarium's entrance
as you two walk, hobie grabs your hand to intertwine it with his own
"excited?" he asks as he looks at you
"well, obviouslyyy...!" you smile as you finally walk into the aquarium, admiring how it's decorated and looking at everybody as they gaze into the tanks
hobie chuckled at how mesmerized you looked "cmon then." he gently took your hand and you both walked over to where a certain species of fish were
you gasped and started to ramble about fun facts on the fish that you two were looking at
"these are angelfish! they can get as big as six inches and they will literally eat anything that they can fit in their mouth."
he laughed and smiled at your excitement "ya sure know your stuff, don't ya?"
as you continued telling hobie about all of the different fish and cool facts about them, you reached the stingray petting area.
"oh my god i've always wanted to pet one of these!! did you know that stingrays are considered to be apart of the same group as sharks??"
hobie gives you a quick kiss "no i didn't, thanks for telling me, love" he wanted to say so much more, but he thought it would seem a bit dramatic to praise you over your fish facts. he was thinking stuff like, "y/n is so cool..how do they know about all of this?? they look so adorable when they're excited!"
as you reach the stingray tank, you stick your hand in the water to pet a stingray
"feel how bumpy their skin is, isn't it awesome??" you were absolutely stoked and hobie was just admiring your utter excitement
he put his hand in and felt of the stingray just as you were
"i thought that they 'ad smooth skin." he states, smiling
"a lot of people do, but their skin is actually rough and the scales on it acts as teeth!"
hobie was genuinely surprised and nodded " 'at's pretty amazin', isn't it?"
he already knew the answer
you smiled and nodded as you took your hand out of the water and dried it off
he did the same and took your hand again
"looks like we've almost finished it up, we've got the sharks and then we can make our way to the gift shop, yeah?"
you agreed and walked with him, smiling as you also admired how cool the ocean themed decorations were in the aquarium (didn't expect that, did you⁉️😈)
as you and hobie finished up looking (and as you finished teaching him about them) at all of the different sharks, you stepped into the gift shop)
you looked at all of the plushies and gasped
"look at how adorable these are!" you exclaimed and beckoned for hobie to come over and look at the stuffed shark you had found in a bin
suddenly, a spinning rack catches your eye and you put the stuffed shark back, and hobie chuckles to himself and followed you over to the stand
you grabbed two matching earring pairs that were shaped as a fish (each pair sets had a different fish that matched with the other, almost looking like two had been switched. when is it my turn to be happy???? 😭)
you looked at him with puppy eyes
"can we pleeeaaasseee get these couple earrings??? look, they're shaped like little fishhhh, cmonnn!" you said this excitingly and looked up at him
"i cant say no to that, can i?" he smiled and you walked to the cash register and payed for the matching earrings and you both put them in, putting the earrings you both had previously had in inside of your pockets
[timeskip: a few days later (you and hobie had went to go eat with miles, gwen, and pavitr)]
you and hobie were sitting at a table with miles, gwen, and pavitr as you all talked and laughed
"sooo, what's up with the earrings?" gwen asked teasingly, smiling as miles and pavitr giggled a little
"oh, me and hobie got them at the aquarium a few days ago!" you grinned
"i thought hobie didn't li-" pavitr was cut off as hobie covered his mouth
"yeah, we did. it was lovely, who knew sea creatures were so interestin'?" hobie smiled as he continued to cover pavitrs mouth while you grinned happily
"oookay, lovebirds" gwen replied and started to talk to miles
you and hobie quickly kissed and began to chat some more with each other, while hobie still covered pavitrs mouth
(love how pav is third wheeling gwen n miles AND hobie n the reader 😍😍)
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! thank you anon for this lovely request and i'm looking forward to answering more from you guys!
-whimsy ☆
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eureka-its-zico · 3 months
Hi, how are you doing? Honestly missed seeing you in my feed and hope you are taking good care of yourself🤍🤍
Hello babes!
I wish I could write I’ve been doing well and happy things but, unfortunately, it would be a fat ass lie.
June fucking sucked. Not only am I still permanently disabled (what is this nonsense?!), I’m disabled without being able to make an income which fucking sucks because my doctor can’t release me to work without intense accommodations that apparently NO JOB can fucking accommodate, which makes no sense because you aren’t supposed to discriminate against people who unfortunately can’t function like a normal person, alas here we are. On top of that, my care team on the pulmonary side feels like they’re just twirling their thumbs and waiting for my immune compromised ass just to get sick again to see if I end up with congestive heart failure (again) in lung x-rays and lab work and I’m having a surgery I don’t really understand and now I feel like Oliver Twist because the only thing I got is my writing and my books and just me in the corner waiting for the universe to be kind to me like -
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^^^ literally me trying to figure out how to pay rent, bills, and get basic human needs in this economy while I wait for the government to decide if I’m broken enough for them to pay me.
And the cherry on top is my Grandma has been in the hospital since June with necrotizing pneumonia. She’s been intubated. Come off intubation only to end up on the bipap and hi-flow oxygen and yesterday, we as a family came together with palliative care to essentially talk about the fact she is dying and what route do we want to take in her death.
So ya girl is exhausted. Heavily seasoned. I can’t enjoy writing, reading, video games, or watching shows/anime. I just curl up into the fetal position and try and sleep away the day because being awake currently sucks.
I apologize profusely that this couldn’t be a lighter and happier reply, Nonnie. Ya girl is just exhausted with life and I want to say good days are hopefully coming soon, but I know my grandma will be passing soon. I’m both sad about it, but also happy because I know at least she’ll finally be at peace and be able to get some rest. She deserves it.
After all this, I hope you, dear Nonnie, are doing okay. That these days have been treating you with kindness and you’ve been treating yourself with the love you deserve, always. Take care of yourself, and wishing you happiness, always 🖤 much love, Jenn
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onskepa · 10 months
Muewehehehe! 😈
Hello Halo Hello! Once again I am Back! MUHAHAHAHA!
And I come back with another triplets request! Cause gosh darn it you do them so well. But anyways back to the request, that is if it's okay with you of course!
So hear me out years have past and the young triplets are now the beautiful age of 15! The kids along with the family are going to the plains to meet up with other Clans for a celebratory hunt. The omaticaya, Metkayina and Tipani gather together the young hunters ready to prove themselves and so forth.
But this isn't just about that that, this is about Lu'law gaining the attention of a very determined princling of the Tipani. Lu'law who's known for being pretty inventive and always crafting things or being intrigued by the old ways of human technology to help the humans of the omaticaya or just the Clan in general. But Lu'law isn't just known for her inventions they are also known for their beautiful gymnastic skills, practically making her look as though they dance on air.
The tipani princling is enraptured by her and is determined to court her for the following days, the thing is... daddy and uncle Loki ain't having it. Mischief ensues.
(I like to think the triplets call their uncle Lo'ak, loki from they're mama's stories cause he's mischievous.)
(Also Lu'law's siblings and mama help her to get with the adorkable boy they think is cute.)
Ooooooooooooooooooooohhh~!! I like this one! Sit back, relax, and Enjoy! Syawn series
Syawn ch 4: skxom Hunt pt1
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"Bro maybe we should head back, we got enough for the travel. Any more and we wont have enough space to carry the meat".
15 year old lu'Tstunwi says to his triplet brother, 15 year old lu'Lafyon.
Lu'Lafyon nods in agreement. They hunted enough. "Yeah, lets go. Lu'Law lets go!" the second brother calls out to his sister.
Where ever she is at.
Lu'Tstunwi and Lu'Lafyon roll their eyes in unison.
"She left didnt see? To grand uncle norm?" Lu'Lafyon asks in a bit of annoyance.
"No I didnt! Im right here" the voice of their sister was heard behind them. Turning around they see their sister landing down from a high branch.
Together, they head back home with their kill. Chatting happily about what they hope to see.
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In the Omatikaya grounds, jake sully was packing the needed equipment for their long journey ahead. He gets up, groaning a bit tired.
Close to him, neteyam sees his father and slightly grins, "is time finally getting to you dad?". Jake rolls his eyes but cracks his back joints with a satisfying pop sound. "I am still in my prime son. But even I must admit, it is slowly getting to me" Jake replies in slight defeat.
Neteyam chuckled. He looks up at the position of the sun, knowing soon his children will come back soon with their kill. And finish what is left to pack.
His children. Neteyam's precious triplets.
After so many years, the reality of the three has never faded from his mind. Neteyam loves his triplets equally and adores how each are different yet the same.
The most he enjoys is the triplets being very close to their grandfather. Since jake understands the triplets on a a deeper level. Seeing them thrive and bond with others have made him and syawn very happy. And speaking of syawn, where is she?
There she is.
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Everyone was preparing for the long travel for the Skxom Hunt. A hunt that only happens once every 3 years. Clans from all over gather at a specific spot to hunt. Where life thrives and producing never ending field of nourishment and quality of ripe fruits and healthy animals.
Usually there would be an agreed spot of where to hunt. But for the last 40 years, the Skxom hunt has taken place in the once homeland of the fallen Sarentu clan. Where all na'vi go as to pay respect for their fallen brothers and sisters.
For the future generations to learn and never forget the once thriving clan. Retelling of Sarentu's stories, most notable figures. How their culture was like and traditions.
What has fallen, now rises a new life. The Sarentu's territory covered high mountains, deep massive lakes, endless fields of grass lands and patches of forest. Perfect for every na'vi in different environments.
Perfect for many things to be born anew. New things would bloom.
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"ok now remember, you only have about 340 hours so make every second count, ya got it?" Norman Spellman was telling to lu'law.
"Dont worry uncle norm. Every second is going to be....how did you say it? A gem? Whatever. Know your trusty camera is in safe hands of sully the vlogger!!" Lu'law said with such confidence while holding a peace sign.
“That is the concerning part” Max says casually as he passes by with his wheelchair. “It happened one time. Besides, it was uncle loki that did it. Why put the blame on little ol’me?” Lu’law asks while making a pouty face. 
“Because you gave it to him”. 
“Oh yeah…”
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Night came, and the whole clan gather once more in their union dinner, to be close to their loved ones before the long journey ahead. 
Kiri and spider chat as much as they could with their family as they will be staying behind to watch over the clan. “And make sure the hunters are going through the right paths I laid out. The west side river is at its peak so have everyone be careful since the waters are rough this time of year, also-”
“Yes, yes, yes dad. Don't worry, we got it, "Kiri says as she reassures her father. 
Jake cant help but sigh. This happens every time Jake has to leave the clan for days. Often over worrying, extra observant and extra worrying. 
“We have done this plenty of times dad. We got this, the people trust spider as much as they trust you. Our people are in the safest hands” kiri says with softness in her voice. Jake shakes his head while his hands also shake slightly. Neytiri rubs her hand against his arms. “Ma’jake, our daughter is right. She and spider have proved themselves worthy to watch over the people. They will be fine. It is not the first time”. 
The soothing voice of his mate, Jake relaxed. “Neytiri is right, I can handle the torch while you are away,” Spider says with a grin. Excited to be in a position where he can help the people in a massive way. 
“Hey, I am the BEST of the BEST. I can heal anyone. Besides, it will be fun to see the whole fest!” tuk says as she sits beside neytiri and kiri. 
Over at the over fire pit, neteyam and syawn enjoy their meal with their beloved children. Syawn explaining to neteyam how her day with tuk and others went and he listens with all his attention on her. Lu’law sees it and often wonders if one day she would have what her parents have. 
“Sis? You are zoning out again” Lu’lafyon says as Lu’Tstunwi snaps his fingers in front of her face. “Oh, sorry, um, what were we talking about again??” lu’law asks while nervously scratching her nose. “Your sensor. You said it works better now” lu’tstunwi replies. Regaining her concentration again, lu’law explains her new item. 
“Oh right! So this will help us see if any danger is near with a super hyper heat sensor and…”
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Everyone awoke before the rising sun. They begin their journey both in Ikrans and palis. Jake took the front line to lead the way, as the warriors surrounded their massive group. Everyone was nervous yet excited for the hunt. Neytiri and Jake were chatting while being on alert. Neteyam and syawn enjoy each other’s comfort in silence. And Tuk chatting happily to some of her fellow friends who joined in on the journey.
The triplets decided to ride their ikrans during their journey. Letting the cool wind awaken their minds and feel the crisp morning air. Using the earpiece their grandfather gave them, they have clear communication long distant from the land and sky. Thanks to lu’law’s little tinkering, not only they can hear, but also give visuals from the person’s perspective. Which can cover more ground better. Making things better for her people gives lu’law a sense of pride and feels she is truly contributing to the clan in her own way. 
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"You think the Tyrangi clan will be there?" Lu'Lafyon asks during the time of resting. His siblings look at each other before rolling their eyes. "Brother, it be unlike the Tyrangi clan to NOT be there" Lu'Law responds.  “Really brother, are you Omatikaya or Tayrangi?” Lu’Tstunwi teases, making those around him grin.
“Wouldn't be surprised if my nephew would present for that clan” Lo’ak adds in as he makes himself comfortable. The Tyrangi clan, or more specifically, their Olo’eykte, Ikenyi, holds favoritism towards Lu’Lafyon. The oldest triplet became a symbol of unity between the Omatikaya and Tayrangi. For what reason? That is a secret buried between Lu’Lafyon and Ikenyi. 
“Please uncle loki, grandpa would never let that happen” Lu’Tstunwi says. “Damn right I won't” Jake comments as he sits down with neytiri. The triplets scoot closer to their grandparents. “In fact, I am sure Neteyam can agree with me on this one. The three of you, dont take after your uncle lo’ak-” 
“You are Omatikaya no matter what. And in the future when you fully participate in the hunt, present Omatikaya and show the others what we can do '' Jake ends his little speech. Neytiri smiles as she leans on to him. 
“You are still hurt from your defeat of the last hunt” 
“Those fuckers cheated”
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It was a long trip, but at long last they arrived at the preserved lands of the long gone Sarentu clan. Thanking Eywa for reaching their destination, the Omatikaya members began to settle. But they weren't alone. Their brothers at arms have settled before them, the metkayina clan. 
Lo’ak ran walked to Tsireya as everyone else was welcoming each other. “It has only been a few days and he acts like he hasn't seen auntie Tsireya in years' ' Lu'Tstunwi comments as he rolls his eyes. But Lu’Law inwardly hums at the scene of her uncle and aunt. “Must be nice though, to see someone you look forward to seeing no matter how much time has passed,” she says with a sigh. 
Syawn heard her and pulls her daughter closer, “my sweet girl, are you perhaps thinking of something like that?” she teases. Lu’Law playfully rolls her eyes, “no mother, it is just a silly thought” . Syawn hums while smiling slightly, “no thought is too silly”. 
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“My little Lulu’s!!” 20 year old Ti’ong sings out as she embraces the triplets into her arms. Giving them each a kiss on the head, she lets them go. “You three keep getting big! Stop growing and be cute and small forever!” she pouts while complaining. Lu’Tstunwi chuckles, “It has only been 3 months, Tsmuke. Don't be dramatic”
Dramatically, Ti’ong leaned against Lu’Tstunwi, “3 months is too long”. Lu’law giggles at her Tsmuke antics when her eyes landed on the arriving clan. 
The Tipani clan. 
It is rare for the Tipani clan to attend the hunt since they live farther out in the forest region and would take longer to arrive. Perhaps they had a head start. 
Lu’Law took notice of her father smirking a bit playfully. “Dad? You know someone from the Tipani clan?” she asks, neteyam nods. “See that man over there? With the yellow shield on his back?”. The daughter nods. The man in question looked a bit older than neteyam. Seemed more experienced and a master level. 
“Well, his name is Tan Jala. We have a bit of competition in terms of physical skill. It is a bit over due to settle the score” neteyam says with determination in his voice. 
“You and your father are much alike” Syawn joins with a deadpan in her voice. 
“It is as uncle lo’ak says mom, like father like son”
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On the other side of the field, young princling of the Tipani clan, atan afyawusìntxu was looking all over the na’vi that are settling in. It was his first time attending the Skxom hunt. Ready to prove himself not only to his people but to everyone else. 
His parents told him that the legendary Toruk Makto is here along with his clan. To hear the stories never tired him. And the clan he lives in must be powerful and strong too! But Toruko Makto wasn't the only person the young Tipani prince wishes to see. The blessed triplets too. 
Atan has heard of the historic communion from his mother. To see the triplets in front of him would be such an honor. Though secretly, the boy wishes to be friends with them. Not to hold political connections but to be genuine friends. 
“Atan, focus. This is your first hunt. You do well in being the face of our future to the others” atan's father says. The boy nods. “Yes father, I promise I won't make a fool of myself” 
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“Stop making a fool of yourselves!!” Tuk warns at her niece and nephews. The triplets giggle as they make silly carvings while hanging upside down on one of the tall tents. Syawn giggles and places a hand on tuk’s shoulder. “Did you forget it was you who taught them to be silly, sister?”. Tuk inwardly groans, “Yes, and I regret it”. Syawn laughs heartily at it. 
“Auntie tuk! Come on! Join us!” Lu’law shouts, inviting tuk to join in their silliness. “You too mother! The view is lovely up here!” Lu’tstunwi says. The ladies shrug their shoulders and join in the fun. 
Lu’lafyon helps them up but wasn't quick. “Wait mother, don't step there-” 
“Thank Eywa we didn't inherited mothers clumsiness” 
“I heard that!”
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The next day arrives, and the skxom hunt begins. As the sun has risen, the games begin. The entire sully family prepares for the first rounds. Lu’law prepares the camera norm gave her. To record the best parts for the clan to see when they return home. 
“Ok, aaaaand we are rolling!” she announces. Lu’Lafyon and Lu’Tstunwi made silly poses in front of the camera. “Hello Omatikaya people! Today is the first day of the Skxom hunt! The first games are fishing and gathering in the lakes!” Lu’Lafyon announces to the camera. “Todays competitors are the Tipani clan, Ta’unui clan, Tayrangi clan and our fellow ally, the Mekayina clan!” Lu’Tstunwi follows. 
Lu’law giggles at their silliness. She turns the camera facing her and grins widely. “Join us as we record the greatest event in na’vi history! We are your voices! I am lu’law Sully!” she makes a peace sign. Her brothers join her on each side. 
“I am Lu’Tstunwi Sully!” 
“And I am Lu’Lafyon Sully!” 
“And you are watching Disney channel!” the three say in unison. 
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“And uncle ao’nung is in the lead!! GO UNCLE GO!!” Lu’law screeches in excitement. She zooms in to where Ao'nung was head to head with a Tayrangi clan member. “The Tipani is falling behind a bit” she comments. 
There were cheers among the crowd. “*gasps!* uncle is-” 
A loud voice echoed in the massive field, reaching everyone's ears. Lu’law pointed the camera to show a na’vi holds a large sky demon technology that works as a speaker. “And that is O’ame of the Hulanta clan WHO IS VERY LOUD!” Tuk shouted behind lu’law. 
The young triplet laughs and while holding the camera, she leans over to get something from her bag when she unknowingly was recording someone…
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Atan was cheering for his fellow clan member. He screamed at the top of his lungs, seeing the metkayina warrior having a greater chance at winning. 
He heard a bright cheery voice amongst all others. The voice is clear and bright. Atan carefully trying to pinpoint who it was, his eyes widened slightly in surprise. It was the triplet sister. Atan was awestruck. She wasn't that far from him. As his parents wanted, to make strong bonds with the Omatikaya clan. Perhaps this is a good chance. 
The sister was holding some demon technology. Something he despised of. It was odd looking like all demon technology. It had some dark circle in the center. Aiming at the competitors. Nothing was coming out of it. Perhaps it is somehow aiding the metkayina warrior? 
Atan was very confused but more bewildered when it aimed at him. The sister wasn't looking, she was leaning down and her arm moved when the object was facing him. He didnt feel any pain, no mind controlling, nothing of the things he has heard. Still feeling the same. 
The sister stood up straight again, and for a moment, Atan made eye contact with the sister…
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Everyone surrounded Ao’nung as he was named winner of the swimming round. After that, more clans competed in the coming rounds. 
When night came, a huge communal feast was served. Many cooks, hunters, gatherers came to create a giant feast with each clan's specialties. Jake and neteyam, along with ao’nung and lo’ak, they left to meet with the other clan leaders, as for tuk, syawn, and neytiri left to assist in cooking. And where does the three little mischievous triplets leave to? 
An open field of chaotic adventure. 
“Let's go before Ikeyni smothers me again!” Lu’lafyon says as he and his siblings run along the long grass. 
The other two laugh at him and keep on running. Enjoying the feeling of freedom and the soft grass. At night does the land looks just as alive as in the daytime. 
Lu’Tstunwi was holding the camera as he slowly scans the grasslands with the camera. Trying to capture every detail. “And this was once home of the Sarentu clan. We have already paid our respects to the fallen. Sorry we couldn't record it. It was a private thing” he narrates. 
“Hey look, seems we aren't the only ones in thirst of adventure” Lu’law comments, Lu’tstunwi turns the camera to show young na’vi around their age and younger exploring the area. Playing games or just enjoying the environment. 
“Well my fellow lu and lu, I believe that is our cue to cover more grounds. Here, my turn” Lu’Lafyon says as he takes the camera from his brother. “Remember, it only has 335 hours left of the camera, so make each second worth it!” Lu’law warns. 
“Yeah yeah! Got it!” Lu’Lafyon says dismissively.  
And off the three went to their own little adventures and what to share with their family. 
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Lu’Law flew her ikran high in the sky. The nightly breeze was refreshing and felt wonderful. “Come on Ichi! Let's practice some more!” Lu’Law speaks with her ikran who screeches in agreement. 
Getting in a position as her ikran dives down in high speeds, letting the pressure of the wind take her off of ichi and fly high in the sky. The bioluminescent light illuminating her deep blue skin. Looking, for a moment, other worldly. 
At least that is what Atan describes when he saw Lu’Law making some insane tricks. As he too took his ikran flying in the young night. But hearing Lu’Law’s howls, it lured him to follow. And there, in the vast open skies, did he see Lu’law dance among the wind. Her movements were delicate as a leaf floating in the wind. 
Truly, Atan was in awe struck. His ikran roars, he looks and makes a quick move to avoid crashing the tall trees. Atan makes a sharp right, back into the open air. His eyes still staring at where he could have crashed before-
“LOOK OUT!!” a voice called out to him. 
His ikran took the initiative and ducked down. But atan looked up, as if time slowed down, once again he made eye contact with the na’vi who was on his mind for the whole day. The na’vi, Lu’law  truly is otherworldly. 
Time resumed and both passed each other. 
Lu’law turned ichi around and flew at the same pace as atan. “Hey are you alright? You almost hit that tree” she spoke with concern in her voice. Atan blinked a few times, “y-yes. I am fine. Thank you, I wasn't seeing where I was going” he explained. Lu’law smiles, assured he is fine. 
“You are from the Tipani clan right? What is your name?” she asks. Clearing his throat he replies, “my name is Atan afyawusìntxu. Or atan for short”. Lu’law gasped a bit, “for a name like that. That means you are the son of Olo'eyktan and tsahik, correct?” she asks. Again, atan nods. 
Lu’law giggles. Took a bit for Atan not to give such a reaction. It was a cute sound she made. Light and bubbly. “Well then atan, my name is Lu’Law sully from the Omatikaya” the girl introduces herself. “But I get the feeling you already know me” Lu’Law says, slightly nervous. 
Atand nods, “Hard to not know of you and your family lineage” he says. “But…I only know the surface” he continues. This made lu’law light up in glee. “Well then, atan. How about joining me in a little flight? Show you more than what you know?”. Taking the open invitation, atan accepts. And off the two fly higher together. Their ikrans dancing in rhythmic patterns. 
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Down on the ground, Syawn was searching for her little mischief children as it was dinner time. Purposely, the triplets left their ear piece behind so as to not be found wherever they are. 
“This is getting old” Syawn says with a tired sigh. Her little complaints were hauled when she heard the familiar howls of cheers. She looks up to see lu’law flying ichi, but she wasn't alone. 
“Oh my…” Syawn whispers. Recognizing who is the second rider, she couldn't help but have a soft smile on her lips. The scene reminds her of many precious memories. Seeing lu’law enjoying her fun with the Tipani prince was certainly a sight. But one syawn won't share. Not until her daughter was ready. 
“No no, maybe I am thinking too deep into it…” the na’vi mother says to herself. Deciding on leaving her daughter to be with her new found friend. Syawn silently leaves with joy in her heart. 
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“So if his name is lo’ak, why do you call him loki?” Atan asks. The two of them sit near a clif side of a hill, taking a break from their flying activities. “Loki is an old god the humans once believed. Was mischievous and would pull pranks and create trouble for fun. Thus, uncle loki since it suited my uncle” Lu’law explains. If atan has eyebrows, it would be raised. 
“Human stories? What good do they have? Don't you hate them?” he asks. He has heard of the Omatikaya clan were constantly being attacked. It would be logical to hate them. His clan does. Was raised to hate them as they only came to destroy their home. 
Lu’law shrugs a bit. “Not all of them, in fact there are humans that live in unity with my clan. My mother was once a human. But Eywa blessed her to be in her dreamwalker body to live with my father. The humans, or “science guys” as my grandfather calls them, are loyal to my people. Would rather lose their heads than betray”. 
Atan looks rather surprised and a bit perplexed. Lu’law caught on. “Well...I understand its odd for other clans. I would assume you were alright with the humans since your clan was the first to interact with them” she says. 
“Correct but it didnt mean we trusted them. After everything they have done. And killing my great grandparents. It is a wound that won't be healed for a long time…” Atan replies with slight sadness. Lu’law can only nod in understanding. 
“I guess it is only right to have different views on them. It is alright. Maybe-” She was interrupted by the sounds of the long horns being blown. Signaling that the communal dinner has started. 
“Right on time. Today worked up an appetite” Lu’law says with excitement to feast on some yummy food. Atan reflected her mood as he too smiled, “yes. Uumm..I enjoyed our chat together. Perhaps, if it is alright with you. Can we talk some more tomorrow…?” he asks a bit nervously. This made lu’law’s ears perk up and her tail swaying. 
“YES! *ahem!* I mean, yes. I enjoyed our time too. How about after tomorrows rounds? My aunt tsireya will be competing tomorrow and I want to be there to support her”. 
“Of course, in fact, my aunt will be attending as well” atan says. This sparked a bit of a competition between them. “Alright, may the best aunt win” Lu’law states, their hands shake as to confirm whatever they were doing. 
Saying their goodbyes, both left to their spots where their clan and family members are.
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“Alright alright, settle down. Tsireya and Tuk, help me with the portions.” Neytiri instructs her two daughters as everyone settles down. Jake, lo’ak, tonowari and ao’nung were chatting. While Unyor, Ti’ong, and Syawn were chatting too. Neteyam entered their massive tent observing the whole family. A smile crept up to him. The warm glow of the fire and the happy chatter all over brought happiness to his heart. 
But he noticed 3 members are missing. 
Sitting next to his mate, giving her a kiss on the cheek, “my love, where are the kids?” he asks. Syawn was reminded of what she witnessed earlier but kept her face neutral. “No doubt exploring the grasslands. Don't worry, they will come soon, the horn was heard” she treasures. 
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“Hurry before uncle ao’nung and uncle loki get the good stuff!!” Lu’lafyon rushes his siblings as they ran past everyone towards their tent. Lu’tstunwi and Lu’law do their best to keep up. 
“Would have been faster if we took the pali’s!!” lu’tstunwi with a bit of impatience in his voice. “And crash more people than we already are??” Lu’law asks a bit sarcastically as she steps on another tail on accident. 
The three kept saying sorry as they crash or step on someone. They see their family tent and ran faster. 
But Ronal was in the way. 
“What the…?” 
“BREAKS!!!” the triplets said in unison as they tried to halt their speed. Ronal was quick to step aside as the three tumble each other on the ground. “What are you three doing?” Ronal asks curiously. Bending down to make sure they are fine. The triplets groan a bit from the sudden stop and crush each other with their body weight. 
“Hi granny…we heard the horn so we ran as you saw” lu’tstunwi answered despite his cheek being smushed by lu’law’s hand.Ronal rolls her eyes at him, “there is plenty. No need to run like you are getting the scraps” she reminds. Lu’law hisses at lu’lafyon who moves around, “we will get scraps if we do-STOP TUGGING!!” he shouts at his siblings. 
Ronal was quick to separate the three. “Don't tangle your tails again, wouldn't want a repeat of that incident”. The triplets shudder at the old memory being mentioned. 
As the three separated, Ronal steadily took the lead in taking them to the tent. The three followed, neither walking in front or behind, but rather at her sides. “Your mother always leaves the best for you three. I doubt your uncles would leave bones behind for you”. 
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“Sheesh! Calm down you three! There is plenty, why must you eat like your uncles?” Jake scolds his grandchildren. The triplets were eating in a rather fast pace, as if to compete with ao’nung and lo’ak. 
“Backs straight, I raised fine na’vi not mindless skxawngs” Sywan also scolds. “So did we” Neytiri and Ronal side eye their sons who were doing the same. 
“Sorry mom, after a long day of activity, hunger comes with no warning” Lu’tstunwi replies as he helps wipe off the mess from lu’fayon’s mouth. Syawn shakes her head and does the same with lu’law. “You are a lady, at least behave like one. What if a fine young na’vi sees you gobbling up like a pali? hm?” she says gently. 
Neteyam shakes his head, “well if that is what will drive away any mindless young ones, by all means lu’law, eat like an ikran”. 
Syawn lightly slaps neteyam’s shoulder, “don't be like that. One day she and our sons will find a mate of their own. Who is to say they won't find one here?”. Again neteyam shakes his head, this time in more denial “no, not now, and not ever. They are still too young to even think about tha. Especially our daughter". 
Lo’ak was quick to agree, “I second that!”. 
This time tsireya lightly slapped his head. 
Unyor gave a look towards ao’nung as to silence him before he says anything. 
The triplets were giving everyone equal unimpressed looks. “Really?” was what the three said. “Mom, dad, I highly doubt I will find someone any time soon. Especially here. This is two weeks we will be here. There won't be enough time to get to know someone and fall in love. Besides, I am busy recording all the good stuff for the people back home. Cant get side tracked” lu’law stated. 
The answer did satisfy neteyam and lo’ak. But syawn can't help but make a slight face. 
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“We know that hum sister,” Lu’tstunwi says. The three lay side by side in their shared hammock. Despite being old enough for their own, they refused. 
“Sorry but…but I just can't help it. Would dad really prevent us from finding someone?” lu’law asks. Lu’lafyon and lu’tstunwi looked at each other for a few seconds. “Most likely, but mom will be there to keep him in check” lu’tstunwi answers. 
“But also, there is the factor, DO we really want to find someone? And if so, when is the right time?” Lu’lafyon questions. The three humm in unison as they stare up at the clear starry night sky. 
“Why not make a pact promise?” Lu’tstunwi suggest. Lu’lafyon and lu’law turn to him with raised eyebrows. He elaborates, “like ummm….who ever each of us falls in love first or starts to like someone. We help each other in going forth? And should dad or anyone try to get in the way, we tattletell mom and help? How about it?”. 
The other two looked at each other in thought. “Soooo…one of us likes someone and the other two become support and guards…sounds like a good idea” lu’law says. The three nod in agreement and twirl their pinky fingers to seal their new pact. 
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Sharing the same starry night sky, young atan was looking up with wonder and hope. After the recent exchange with lu’law, that girl couldn't be out of his mind. She was bright, sweet, and very engaging. 
But nothing is perfect, there is an itch atan can't get rid of. Her love for demon technology. That is something he cant easily overlook. 
“My son, what has got you so deep in thought?” his mother asks, interrupting his train of thought. She lays beside him, her warm smile bright and welcoming. Atan looks back at the sky and back to his mother. 
“It is a bit..complicated mother. I am not so sure myself” he replies in a low whisper. His mother wraps her arms around him, bringing him close. “M-mother, wait, I don't think father would-” 
“Oh hush, he is busy. A little hug won't hurt either of you. Now, about that head of yours” she playfully taps on his forehead. “If there is something you are not sure of, don't hesitate to ask. You can always come to me or to your father. Being lost in your mind isn't always good. Best to seek guidance from those close to you” the tsahik advice. 
Atan hums at her words, and snuggles closer to her embrace. “I guess, but this is something too early to tell. And I need to figure it out. Hopefully soon…” 
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“And what did we learn?” tuk teases as she applies healing paste to lo’ak bruises. He rolls his eyes as tsireya wraps his injured hand. Neytiri sat across from him, arms crossed, clearly not impressed. 
“What? I can't help it! After that talk last night I had to check if everything was, you know…ok with them. Especially lu’law”. Tsireya releases a huff in amusement. “So you thought it was a good idea to hide within the herd of the sturmbeest? To spy on them?” 
Lo’ak sighs and hangs his head. “Look, as their uncle, isnt it my job to make sure they are ok? That no dumb thoughts cross their minds?”. 
“And being in the middle of a herd was a good idea?” Neytiri asks a bit sarcastically. Lo’ak hung his head even more as his ears pinned against his head. “Ma’loak, I know you care for them but syawn and neteyam are there. They are the parents, let them watch over their kids. You on the other hand have a hunt to prepare in 2 days. Can't have you be distracted” Tsireya scolds gently with a warm smile. 
“Fine, but I am still going to tell neteyam-” 
“Absolutely not” 
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“Ok, here are your arrow-WOA!!” 
Neteyam caught syawn easily like it was one of his five senses. “Still falling for me?” he smirks playfully, making syawn blush like a teenager. It never fails. 
“N-neteyam, not now, you have to be up there soon” syawn said with a bit of shake in her voice. Putting the bow and arrows aside, neteyam picks up his beloved and spins around. Causing syawn to squeak in surprise. 
“Neteyam!! We can do this later!!” syawn says as her mate keeps spinning. Neteyam however laughs and keeps spinning with love in his eyes, “I don't mind skipping”. Coming to a halt, he stops but hasn't put his love down. “Come on neteyam. Didn't you say you have a score to settle with a Tipani? I want to see you win” syawn encourages. 
“I do. Buuuuut being with you is better” he pulls her in for a loving kiss to which syawn happily reciprocates. 
Quickly the mates pulled away to see their children cover their eyes and make gagging noises. “Hey, you may be grossed out now. But when you find your mate, you three will be doing the same” Syawn says. 
“Unlikely” neteyam comments with a little grin. 
“Yeahyeahyeah! They are calling for you dad. Don't keep them waiting!” Lu’tstunwi says. “Beat Tan Jala’s ass!” Lu’lafyon shouts, fisting the air. “Show him what you are all about!” Lu’law adds. 
Warmth filled neteyams heart, smiling lovingly at his children. Pulling all three close along with his mate, he hugs them all tightly. “Dad…?” he hears one of his kids say, but he just takes a moment of being with them. “Ssshhh…let him have this” Syawn whispers. 
The triplets then understood and wrapped their arms around each other. Their family fully embracing in their little bubble of love. 
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skxom = chance, opportunity
atan afyawusìntxu = Guiding light
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Taglist: : @quirkyhero , @theunfortunateplace , @moonchildxoxx , @galactict3a , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @cloudyw1ndzz
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your-next-daydream · 2 years
Deadpool's reaction to s/o who wants to learn how to use guns as they have an obsessive interest in it as they want to help him out on his missions?
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Im doing myself a favor and combining all my Deadpool requests. Also for the Date a Live request I unfortunately have not seen that anime yet, while I did look up the character you are referring to I just do not think it's practical to fight in a dress like that. That being said I have not seen the anime so I have no idea how she fights so if you'd like you can imagine you are wearing that I will not be specific about what the reader wears.
I will also be writing a gender neutral reader.
He looked at you with wide but excited eyes as he asked you to repeat your question. "Hold on repeat that did you just say you want to learn how to do what I do!" He looked like a kid on Christmas as he stared at you.
You shrugged rubbing the back of your neck. "I mean yeah, if you'd be able to teach me. It looks like a lot of fun and I'd like to join you."
He started jumping around the apartment you both shared happily before getting serious. "As happy as I am about you wanting to join me in my amazing job," he sighed before continuing, "I have to make sure you know how dangerous it is. It won't be a walk in the park considering how you don't have a regeneration ability or anything like that." He took your hands in his rubbing over your knuckles softly. "Trust me I don't doubt you I just don't want to lose you." He said sitting down in a chair in front of you.
You got up walking over to him and leaned down to place your forehead against his. "I understand the risks and I'm okay with them. I love you Wade and I think it'd be really fun to fight alongside you or just to help you out a bit. And I know with all of my heart that if I'm ever in danger you'll be there for me no matter what..."
Over the next couple of months Wade taught you various types of things. Ranging from different types of hand to hand combat, how to get out of restraints, weapons fighting, and he even had a friend of his teach you how to hack into all types of networks.
Turns out he was a pretty amazing teacher he was proud about how quickly you were able to catch on. Even though he had more of a let's say...hands on approach. He was still fairly serious during his teachings always rewarding you for your hard work afterwards.
He nodded watching you break into something on your laptop. "I know you probably wanted to do more with fighting but I figured this would be safer." He peeled off his mask leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek.
You nodded your head leaning into him for a second before continuing your work. "I'm seriously happy to help in any way Wade. Plus your teaching me fighting stuff on the side so this is just an added bonus." Tilting your head you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Though why exactly are you trying to have me get into the X-Men network specifically?"
He laughed lifing you out of your chair taking your seat and placing you on his lap. "Because if you can get into a program designed by a mind reader and a blue monkey, then you can go nearly anywhere!"
You sighed continuing your work. "But this is hard!" You leaned your head back on his shoulder ceasing your typing. "What do you say we take a break hm?" You winked at him grinding down on him.
He huffed lifing you up a little. "As much as I hate to deny you...and myself. I am going to have to pass on that." He stood up placing you back in your seat by yourself this time. "You continue that, I have a little job to go do I want you done by the time I get back!" He returned your wink blowing you a kiss as he walked out the door.
You shook your head resuming your typing. "He's infuriating but I love him...wait what's this folder named "Logan's moments."
About an hour later Wade finally returned. "I'm home! You'd better be done my darling little hacker!" He kicked his Crocs off at the door before pausing hearing laughter coming from where he left you in the living room.
You paused your laughing for a second. "Wade honey come look at this you are gonna get a kick out of this!" You stifled another laugh pulling the screen forward to where he could see.
Leaning down he tilted his head seeing a bunch of videos on screen. "Are these all of Wolfy?" He clicked the space bar hitting play on the most recent video you were watching.
<<start video log 23>>
It started off as Logan walking through the halls normally until he got to the end of a hallway. Jumping out from behind a corner a kid in a mask shot a confetti canon at him before running off. Logan jumped at the interaction ripping the door that he was going through off the hinges. "God damnit kid! Get back here!"
Hank rounded the corner seeing the altercation. "Logan do you mind me asking what's going on?" He took the door from him leaning it against the wall next to the doorway. "I swear if I have to keep ordering more parts to replace the ones you break around here."
He grumbled out an apology before continuing. "There was a fucking kid with a confetti canon...wait where's the confetti at?" He mumbled, "Look I swear a kid just came out of nowhere."
Raising an eyebrow Hank pointed to the ground. "If that did happen wouldn't there be something on the ground from the canon?"
Rolling his eyes Logan stomped off. "Leave me alone you overgrown blue monkey!"
<<end video log 23>>
Wade looked at you before looking back at the screen before busting out in laughter. "Wait this is seriously great! So you got in?"
You shrugged gesturing to the screen with your hand. "It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I know I probably should have been looking for secret files or something but this was way more interesting. Apparently the kids like to use their powers to mess with the teachers or even other students quite frequently."
He smiled at you ruffling your hair. "I'm proud of you. You've been doing excellent with your training, I'm glad to soon call you both my partner in both love and crime."
Silencing your mumbling about him messing up your hair you took his face in your hands. "I love you too Wade and I'm happy to be alongside you in this no matter what."
Okay I'd like if y'all could request something other than Deadpool since that's mostly all I have for Marvel writings. I wouldn't mind writing a part two for this with a fight scene though.
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