#i apologize to the other prompts that came before this that i sidelined to write this one
toasecretsanta · 1 year
A gift (1/2) for @m-arnie-xx from @bluefoxchild based on the prompt “If Diana didn’t come during TTT, so Apollo uses his own godly power to destroy Tarquin”
Warnings for character death and fire
Listen dear reader, I swear I never wanted this to happen. I swear on the river styx, on my sad and pathetic mortal live and if there is any chance it’ll make me sound more believable on my divinity as well. Although I’m not sure whether I’ll ever get it back. Or even want it back. If I should have it back. After what happened it might be better if I just… I don’t know, stay mortal and powerless forever. Yeah, I’d deserve that.
But you have to believe me, I am so so so incredibly sorry. And I know I should go apologize or something even though seeing me around is probably the last thing camp Jupiter wants. Also, an apology seems way to small as well. After all the only thing I’ve brought was death.
First Jason and now… by the gods why do I have to be forced to write that down. Why?!
But let me start at the beginning of my probably worst failure in history.
My mouth clamped shut as Meg ordered me to stop revealing important information to Tarquin. Sadly, my demigod master had been to late, I had already told him about Ella, Tyson and the tattoos.
Tarquin tilted his skull. “The chair in the back room… Yes. Yes, I see now. Ingenious! I will have to keep this harpy alive and watch her practice her art. Prophecies on flesh? I can work with that!”
“You’ll never leave that place,” Hazel growled “My troops are cleaning up the last of the invaders. It’s just us now. And you’re about to rest in pieces.”
Tarquin hissed a laugh “Oh, my dear. Did you think that was the invasion? These troops were just my skirmishers, tasked with keeping you all divided and confused while I came here to secure the books. Now I know where they are, which means the city can be properly pillaged! The rest of my army should be coming through the your sewers right about” -he snapped his bone fingers- “now.”
That’s when all hades broke loose. Suddenly the sounds of battle picked up outside the bookstore. Roaring cries of the undead echoed through the streets.
My wound throbbed painfully as the malicious grin on Tarquin’s face widened, twisting his rotten features in a grotesque way. His purple eyes glowed as they settled on me.
“See Apollo, there is nothing you can do anymore. I will take control over this city. I will turn every single person in here in one of my servants. And I will finally get my hands on what is rightfully mine, the books!”
Hazel howled with a rage I had never seen from her before. She shot froward, trying to land a hit on the undead king but before she could reach him, one of his zombie minions jumped into action to protect its king.
Now, I have to say, being able to grab swords with your bare hands is a really unfair advantage in a world where swords are the main weapons.
So naturally, out enemies could do exactly that. The zombie reached out and blocked Hazel’s strike with his bare, clawed hands.
The sudden stop made Hazel stumble dangerously, but she caught herself just in time to doge a strike from the zombie.
On the other side of the book store Meg was fending of another zombie and a ghoul, his oily feathers shimmering dangerously in the lights of the bookstore.
“It is time! Flesh!” It cried as it lunged forward to land a hit on Meg, but she was faster.
Tarquin just stood on the sidelines, watching the battle with interest and still grinning.
I wanted to help my friends. I wanted to jump into action like a superhero, completely destroy the army of the undead and save the day. If only I could get a burst of godly strength now. It would be a really good point in time. But because good things never come when you need them, at least not in the world of demigods, I did the only thing I could think of.
I pulled an arrow out of my quiver and was just getting ready to aim at Tarquin as the projectile began to buzz in my hand.
Wait… a buzzing arrow? Why  do I own such a thing?
Oh right, the Arrow of Dodona. How could I forget that? My brain felt like it was slowly turning into mush.
“HOLDEST THOU ON AOLLO, YIELDETH THYSELF NOT TO THE UNDEAD KING!” Its voice pierced the fog of pain and confusion in my head. But it also made me notice the darkening of my vision in the corner of my eyes.
“Oh, a pep talk from an arrow… that’s fun.” I giggled. In this moment it felt like one of the most hilarious joke I had ever heard.
Suddenly, there was a loud crash somewhere behind me. But I really didn’t feel like turning around to look. Instead I just dropped to the ground, still laughing about the projectile.
It took me a few seconds to actually process what the arrow had said.
“But I’m so tired… I’ll take a nap now and think later…” I mumbled, ready to close my eyes and just fall asleep (and probably die and become a Zombie) in the bookstore.
“And- Oh look, my skin is turning grey.” I giggled again as I noticed the grey slowly spreading from my ankles up my legs. Somewhere deep inside me I had a feeling that grey skin was not something to giggle about but I was too exhausted to follow that thought. Instead I just stared down in fascination.
“NO THOU MUST-“ the strange loud voice in my head suddenly vanished. I looked around in confusion. But everything was way to blurry to make out anything more that colored silhouettes . I noticed a flash of green somewhere on my right.
I think I knew who that was…
Yeah, I had definitely met them before..
the name…
something with an M…
Micheal Jackson? No, had nothing to do with green.
Meg! That’s right, her name was Meg!
Remembering her name was like a wake up call. I remembered again why we where in that bookstore. The ritual. I guess I failed that. The zombies. Oh an I was turning into one as well. Oops. Although my thoughts had been cleared a little they were still not entirely clear. I’m sure by now you are aware of that, dear reader.
But where had the arrow of Dodona gone to..? I looked around. Above me towered a dark silhouette. I couldn’t make out any features but the purple glow where the eyes should have been gave the undead king away.
He grinned down at me, in his boney finger the arrow.
“That’s a nice thing you got there… Tell me, what’s up with that arrow?” he questioned. Unlike the arrows voice previously I had no trouble understanding Tarquin. And the words formed in my mind all by themselves, I didn’t even have to think about them all that much.
I was about to tell him everything about the arrow as an ear piercing cry stopped me. Against everything that told me to keep on focusing on the king’s purple eyes I turned around.
Hazel kneeled on the ground, clutching her arm. Her sword laid abandoned a few feet away from her and over her stood one of the ghouls, blood dripping from his talons. Hazel stared up at the thing, eyes still full of rage and pain. But it was obvious that the battle was over for her. Her visible skin was littered with countless minor injuries and the ghoul scratch sealed her fate.
Meg had managed to stay uninjured so far, but she had ben pushed into a corner by five zombies. She still fought them off viciously but I could see the exhaustion setting in. She would not last much longer either.
Through the fog in my brain the realization slowly settled in. We had lost. The ritual had failed. We would not get any godly support.
I could feel my mortal heart slowly getting weaker and weaker. But at least I could think almost straight again. What cruel irony. I had been incapable of doing anything when we still stood a chance and now I could just watch my friends meet their impending doom. The bookstore felt unbearably cold.
Above me, Tarquin laughed. His rough voice echoed in my head.
“Yes, watch it Apollo. All your precious friends will soon be mine. Hazel has already been affected, now only Meg is left… but not for long. Feast on her flesh my loyal servants!” He called out.
The five Zombies jumped at Meg.
This could not happen. It couldn’t end like this. We were supposed to fight Nero together and I would regain my godhood by defeating Python. We couldn’t die now to Tarquin.
Something inside me awakened. I would not let it end like this. We would survive. Somehow. I would make it possible. I will make it possible. And if I had to fight Zeus and the Fates myself. Meg would not die here today and neither would I. Tarquin could not turn the entire city into minions for his kingdom of undead and he would also not get his hands on Tyson or Ella.
No matter the price, I could not let that happen.
A strange feeling started to rise in my chest. At first it was only warm. But then it got hotter and hotter. It spread through my veins. It spread until it had reached my fingers and toes.
Pure power rushed through me. It was a weird feeling but in that moment it felt good and right. That’s how I’m supposed to be like. That’s the power I was supposed to have.
The burning got almost unbearably. The Sybil’s chains were nothing compared to the powerful heat coursing through me.
I could feel it concentrating around my fingers. I questioned for a second whether my puny Lester form could actually handle that kind of power but I had no time for that now. As long as I had my powers, I had to use it to get rid of the undead within the city. And I had to save Meg. And make sure Tarquin could not reach Tyson and Ella.
I could do it.
I don’t exactly know what happened next. I only remember how a ray of divine light bursting from my body. Everything around me vanished into such a bright white it hurt my mortal eyes and for a second I thought I had gone blind myself, before I fell into a black void.
The first thing I noticed after I woke up was the smoke. It filled my lungs with every breath I took. My eyes were burning. And I hadn’t even opened them yet.
Laying there on the ground surrounded by smoke I started to giggle again for some reason. I can’t exactly remember why I did that though. My giggling soon turned into a violent coughing from all all the smoke I inhaled.
And then reality caught up to me. The battle of the bookstore. Tarquin. The Sybellin books. Meg and Hazel. My zombie poisoning.
I should be dead by now. But dead people (and zombies probably) could not suffer so much from a bit of smoke… Also, when the fight had started, there had been no smoke, so what happened?
And then I remembered my burst of godly strength. And also looking back how strong it had been, fueled by my hatred after the deaths of Jason, Frank and all the other brave legionaries, my desire to protect Meg and my wish to stop Tarquin and not let him get to Ella and Tyson, a horrible feeling started to form in my chest.
I sat up abruptly. The smoke was so thick it was almost impossible to see anything. I now also noticed the heat and my pain. And I would have almost passed out again.
If you want to have any idea in how much pain I was at the moment, imagine you have to run through fire. But with no skin. That’s how I felt. At least I assume that’s what it would feel like.
I covered my mouth and nose with what used to be my shirt but was now just a torn and burned piece of fabric to create a make shift mask to protect myself against the smoke. I doubted it would help much anymore.
“Meg!” I called into the grey clouds before me after I had carefully managed to get on my feet again.
A new wave of coughs almost forced me to my knees again but I stumbled further into the smoke. I had to find Meg.
My eyes were tearing but I wasn’t sure whether that was from the smoke or my own desperation. Sweat ran down my forehead. I had completely lost every orientation.
“Meg!” I called again.
I stumbled, fell to the ground and got up again. I had to find Meg. The wound on my stomach throbbed. But as far as I could see within the heavy smoke, the purple lines of infection had vanished. That just had to be a good sign. Tarquin had to be dead and his Zombies with him. I just had to believe it.
Suddenly, I managed to make out a silhouette of something on the ground in front of me. At first it only looked like a lump of fabric but as I got closer I noticed the vaguely humanoid form.
My chances were small. But as I got closer I could see a faint green color. If I hadn’t already cried from all the smoke I would have started crying now.
“Meg” I let myself fall to the ground besides her.
Her page boy haircut was disheveled and her clothes littered with burns and covered in ash. But aside from a few minor injuries and scratches she seemed remarkably fine.
I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.
“Meg, Meg wake up!”
But she didn’t move. I started to panic. I tried to feel her pulse but my hands were trembling too badly.
Okay, I had to calm down now. Taking deep breaths was for obvious reasons off the table but I just had to find a way to calm down.
The only thing that mattered now was to get Meg out of… well were even were we? The bookstore had been so cramped before, how could I not have run into something when looking for Meg? With my Lester-Luck knocking my little toe against one of the heavy bookshelf would have probably happened at least once.
I had to worry about that later.
I had to focus now.
This time, I could make out a faint pulse. I prayed to every deity I had ever known that it was not just my imagination. But now I stood in front of an even bigger problem. How was I supposed to get her anywhere? I could barely stand myself and Meg was not responding.
But I had to try anyways. I grabbed her and tried to lift her up but my strength was not great enough anymore and so I ended up half carrying her half dragging her in a direction I hoped would lead away from the smoke.
My lungs burned from exhaustion and I started to feel dizzy. I had no free hand anymore to cover my mouth and nose. I just had to hope I could make it time.
One step after the other.
Of course I knew it was impossible, but it felt like Meg hot heavier and heavier with every step I took. The heat was unbearable.
After what felt like twice as long as my entire (divine) life, I reached an area where the smoke started to clear. Maybe the universe had seen me in my pitiful state and decided ‘hey, we make this guy suffer so much, how about we grant him something nice for once?’ or I had just been lucky. I didn’t care. Because above me I could finally see the sky again.
Breathing air without the smoke was the best feeling I’ve had in forever. Finally seeing further ahead then just a few feet felt like a true blessing.
I collapsed to the ground and Meg fell down with me.
I realized we were somewhere in the outskirts of new Rome, probably close to the border.
Then next to me Meg started to stir. At first only a little, then she shot up and started coughing violently. I tried to reassure her that we were save now, that Tarquin was dead but to my surprise the moment she heard my voice she scrambled backwards, away from me. I knew it couldn’t be true but right this instant it looked like Meg was sacred. Of me. Then she stared at something behind me.
I recognized what was going on behind me from the reflection in her cat eye glasses. And every last bit of relief I had felt previously vanished and made place for pure dread.  
I swallowed dryly, the taste of ash and smoke still in my mouth. Then I turned around slowly towards the center of New Rome.
Columns of smoke were rising into the sky. Raging flames were devouring buildings and casting an orange light over the entire city. I couldn’t see it but I instinctively knew where the center of that inferno was.
I knew it was the bookstore.
I could feel my hand starting to tremble again.
“What have you done?”
Her voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper. I couldn’t muster the strength to turn around and face Meg. I didn’t even know how to answer her. Because I had no idea what I had done. I only knew that it was my fault.
But I had to say something, right? I mean I owed her some sort of explanation for what had happened. I desperately tried to make sense of everything. My memories of the bookstore were to blurry. Had it been an accident? On purpose? But there was no way I would’ve done that. It must’ve been an accident. Maybe I had lost control over my godly powers? That would make sense…
I ripped away my gaze from the raging inferno and turned around slowly.
“I- I don’t-“ before I could finish my sentence,  another wave of coughs mage me topple over and in all my burned and ash-covered glory I vomited on the ground.
I tried to ignore the disgusting taste in my mouth and find a new explanation, I was the god of poetry if anyone would find the right words it should be me. But before I could try to speak another word, the world around me suddenly got blurry again and before I realized what was happening around me I fell unconscious again.
My dreams were strange. Faceless figures appeared in the black void around me, mumbling incoherent words and reaching out for me, but before they could touch me the vanished again, their bodies dissolving into nothing but grayish mist.
I wanted to scream. But the black nothing swallowed every sound.
I had no idea how long I was drifting in that void, trying to get a hold on the somehow familiar figures and have them dissolving just before I could reach them. But after a while my dreamscape shifted. The void formed a solid ground.
I stood in a dark room, a muted grey light barely illuminated it. But there was no light source to be seen. Clouds of mist drifted lazily over the ground.
A strange feeling started to rise in my chest. I felt scared. On one hand. Something was demanding my respect within the black void. But I was also aware that I was in no immediate danger.  
It’s like looking at a hurricane after it has already destroyed your palace. Well, you probably never experienced a hurricane destroying your palace, think of your home instead.
Then three shapes started to emerge from somewhere in the darkness. They were covered in dark fabrics which seemed strangely solid and liquid at the same time.
They were too far away from me to actually see details, but I could definitely see the golden string swirling and twisting around them. I could barely resist the urge to cower in fear. Who would’ve guessed that the scariest thing in the universe are three old ladies.
“A call by fate has to be answered. There are no excuses to be made, otherwise the outcome will be more than regrettable.”
They spoke all at once, their voices echoing within the walls somewhere in the darkness beyond me.
“H-Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?! I have done everything you asked of me, I have followed every one of your prophecies! Why do you punish me now? That’s just unfair!”
Now dear reader, please, should you ever meet the fates, don’t do what I just did. Screaming at them will in no way make your situation any better. I was just really done in that moment.
But they ignored me. Just like they had appeared out of black nothing, they dissolved again. For a little longer I just stood there, within the grey light and started at the spot the three had just disappeared.
What had they meant when telling me to follow prophecies? I really had done everything I could. In my mind I went over the lines of the prophecy again but could simply not find a line which I had not tried to fulfill properly.
Just… the realization hit me like a truck hitting a deer frozen in the headlights. I had not failed the ritual. I had reached Artemis. But something had stopped her from coming to our aid. And there certainly was reason to assume that that something was in fact a someone.
But then why did Camp Jupiter have to suffer for it? That was just not fair. I wanted to cry. Again.
And because I was never granted anything in my mortal life, I was not given any time to process that my father might have doomed my quest, woke up.
The next time I woke up I was not laying on the hard ground anymore and there was also no smoke. I wish I could believe it had just been a nightmare sent by Tarquin into my zombie-infested brain but the burns along my arms told a different story.
I didn’t dare to open my eyes. I didn’t want to. I was scared of what I would have to face. Of learning the hard facts about… well everything.
Pathetic, I know but I really wasn’t sure how much more tragedy I could take. Jason had chosen his death. He had known he was going to die and willing accompanied us on our trip and I still had blamed myself, had thought about what I could’ve done to prevent that. Now…
I opened my eyes anyways. Because what else was I supposed to do. There just had to be a way to fix everything.
I was already thinking about ways to explain myself when every word I had prepared vanished out of my head. Again.
Because Frank stared down at me. Something seemed a little off about his face but it was definitely the same adorable demigod who’d believed to be my son a long time ago. So if Frank was here and I was here…
“… am I dead?”
It took me a few tries to speak coherently. And even though the words now were understandable, my voice still sounded incredibly raw and my lungs hurt.
Strange. I always thought the pain would vanish once you died.
“N-“ he started before I interrupted him.
“Your eyebrows are gone” I stated. I don’t know why, it just came over me. Remember one thing, never criticize someones eyebrows. For some reason that’s a very vulnerable spot for most people. Don’t ask how I learned that.
“The healers said you might still be a bit off once you wake up, the amount of smoke you inhaled almost killed you. But somehow you made it out alive.”
For a second there was an uncomfortable silence between us.
“What happened to Meg?” I asked, the look she had given me after I had carried her away from the bookstore flashing in my memory.
“She will be okay. Like you she inhaled a lot of smoke but… well we’re still trying to figure it out but it seems like she somehow managed to filter the air by using plants.”
I nodded with relief. I had no idea what I would’ve done if anything had happened to her.
There was silence again.
“Apollo… what the hell happened?” Frank’s voice was still calm. But I could sense the desperation for an answer.
“That looked like a targeted attack! The bookstore, the temple of Jupiter and of Diana were completely burned to the ground, not even the foundation is still there and they were all build with stone. The buildings around were damaged but compared to the force of whatever destroyed those three it’s nothing.”
The Fates’ word appeared back in my mind.
“There are no excuses to be made, otherwise the outcome will be more than regrettable.” I murmured, still trying to process what Frank had just told me.
“Look man, I really like you but we need answers. Two important temples were just incinerated and I won’t sugarcoat it, many were too close and just vaporized from the heat. The people are asking questions Apollo. Is this city in danger? Do we need to prepare sacrifices or…? We don’t have any idea what happened and now you’re sitting here mumbling something about no excuses?”
There was no missing the desperation now. I had always seen Frank as a strong but kind leader. But right now he just looked …done.
“And where is Hazel?”
The question hung in the air for a while as I remembered her kneeling on the ground, clutching her injured arm and blood dyeing her clothes red.
Tears gathered in my eyes.
And then I told Frank what had happened. From the bookstore battle to the failed ritual and the fragments I still remembered from my godly burst and finally to my dream of the fates. But I kept my suspicion about the reason for the issue to myself. If I was actually correct, Frank would figure it out himself. Otherwise I was maybe just trying to shift the blame on someone that was not me.
Frank sighed as he leaned heavily against the wall. For a second he didn’t say anything at all. Then he looked up again, his eyes void of any emotion, an expression I had never seen from him before.
“You said they said something about ‘not answering calls’. To me that doesn’t sound like the ritual failed…”
He looked up at the ceiling. We both knew he wasn’t looking for the ceiling.
“This… I don’t- I mean what is this? A declaration of war by the fates to the gods? The other way round? Just a warning?”
I wish I could’ve answered him.
He took a deep breath.
“Okay. We have to rebuild the city first. And not just physically. Until then the circumstances of the fire will be declared unknown but probably a failed plan by Tarquin. Once everything has settled we’ll discuss further steps with the senate.”
He was pacing through the room and seemed to explain his plan more to himself then to me.
I felt pathetic. I had to do something to help. Fix things somehow.
“And then… we will have to announce the loss of the sybellin books.” There was so incredible much pain in his voice.
The realization hit me seconds later. Tyson and Ella had been waiting at Diana’s Temple. Like Hazel they had probably still been inside when it happened.
“No…” I whispered so quietly, not even Frank could hear me.
“I have to go, the Legion needs me. But one more thing” he looked at me again, “it wasn’t your fault. You were just a Tool to pass on their anger.”
And with that he left. I just felt numb.
The silence within the huge room was deafening.
“you should’ve just let me go…”
20 notes · View notes
criminalshminds · 3 years
A Broken Whisper
A very, very, very late prompt from @eprcntiss, but good things happens to those who wait, right???
Prompt: “What are you doing here?  It’s late.” Pairing: Hotchniss (Emily Prentiss x Aaron Hotchner) Rating: General Audiences Words: 1968 TW: Canon faked death, slight intrusive thoughts
Summary: He didn’t know why he felt the need to check up on her, but he’s glad he did.  Though he never thought she’d be here. (Post Doyle)
He couldn’t say why he had the urge to check on Emily, he just did.  Something has been up with her since she came back after Doyle. Hotch has tried to be a sounding board for her, but her walls are always up that she manages to deflect any of his concern and places it back on him. But he saw her face at the take down that night.  He saw the lone tear that fell down her cheek, one that she quickly wiped away before anyone could see it.  Maybe that one tear led him to her apartment.  He parks in a spot that looks directly up into her apartment.  A spot that he has been in plenty of times before, back when things were simpler.  Back when they would steal little kisses.  Where she would wave at him from the window in her living room as he left to go back home to shower and change before work.  Where he told her that he loves her.  Back before she started to pull away.  Back when things made sense.
Since her return, they haven’t spoken of the past.  Actually, they haven’t really talked at all.  The only words they utter to each other are work related.  Well, that’s not completely true.  She did utter a goodbye today.  Maybe that’s why he felt the need to see her.  Looking up at the window that used to hold her smiling silhouette now just holds a darkness that sends a shiver down his spine.  Like he’s not supposed to be here.  Like he is intruding in a life that he doesn’t belong in anymore.  Taking a chancery glance around the parking lot, the first thing he notices is that her car isn’t in its designated parking spot.  Second thing he notices, is that she hasn’t been home since leaving work five hours ago, if the snow piled up on the concrete has anything to say about it. Knowing that she could be literally anywhere, he huffs out a sigh before digging around his pockets for his cell phone.
“Bossman, I know I am the goddess of all wisdom, but even goddesses need their beauty sleep.”  A grumble comes through the phone, definitely not the cheerful voice of Penelope Garcia that Hotch has come to know.
“Garcia, can you do me a favor?” He speaks quickly into the phone, no room or time for nonsense.
“Does it involve me coming back into the BAU?” Hotch hears some rustling noises, and only now does he realize that he is calling at almost midnight.
“Hit me with your best shot.”
“Don’t raise any alarms unless I say so.”  Hotch runs his hand over his mouth before asking his request.  “Can you get me a location on Prentiss?”
She immediately shoots out of bed and races to her laptop.  She skids to a stop, barely landing on her couch before frantically typing and shooting out questions.  “What? Why would I – why is she?  She’s not – “ Not again, not when we just got her back.
“Garcia!”  He interrupts her panic raise of questions hoping to keep her head on straight.
“Right, sorry.  Um, give me a minute.  You sure it’s nothing?”  She waits for a second, getting no response she continues to type on her laptop before it pings her location.  “I got it! I sent it to you.  Please bring our girl back home.”
“I will Garcia, and remember – “
“I know, I know, not a peep.”  As soon as the last word left her mouth, Hotch moved the phone from his ear and immediately went to his messages.  Letting out a sigh, he puts the car in reverse and makes his way down the empty streets.
His shoulders don’t sag in relief until he sees her car parked in the desolate lot.  Pulling into the space next to her, he glances at silver sedan hoping he’ll be lucky to see her behind the wheel.  Mentally groaning when the car is as barren as the parking lot he is in, he turns off his car and shuffles out into the chilly night.  It didn’t take a genius to know that she has been here for a while, if the buildup of snow on her car was any indication. The steady stream of snow flurries coming down has covered any footprints that could potentially lead him to her.  Although, none of that was necessary.  For the seasoned profiler he is, he knew exactly where she went once the coordinates led him here.
                                      Quantico National Cemetery
He stares at the sign, willing his feet to move.  A staring contest that even the famous Aaron Hotchner glare can’t win.  It’s not until a particularly strong gust of wind whips around him for his feet to catch up with his brain.  A shiver races through his body.  Either from the cold or from that sinister feeling of being alone in a graveyard at night. He silently moves through the sea of headstones, a walk that is second nature to him.  One that he frequented quite often for months.  He makes his way up to the tree that helped shelter the gravestone from the elements and finally sees the back of her head.   He knows that she hears him coming, the crunching of the snow beneath his feet hard to miss, even past the sound of the wind.  Stopping a few feet behind her, he waits a minute before speaking.
“What are you doing here?  It’s late.”  He’s expecting her to turn towards him, but she sits as still as a statue staring at the engraved stone.  She doesn’t respond right away, making him move closer to her.  He opens his mouth to ask again when he hears her soft voice reply.
“I come here to think.”
Curiosity got the better of him.  “About?”
“Life.”  Her soft declaration carries through the wind and wraps around him.  She reaches forward in a practiced motion and brushes the fresh snow away to keep the text visible.
                                                  Emily Prentiss
                               October 12th 1970 – March 7th 2011
                                        Fidelity Bravery Integrity
“It’s so precious.  You never realize how special it is until it gets taken away.”  He continues to stand behind her, keeping his mouth shut. This is the most open she’s been since her return and he’s not about to ruin it.  “I didn’t think it’d be this strange.  Basically coming back from the dead.  You know I came here the first time purely out of curiosity.  Taking my picture off a wall is one thing, but removing a whole grave?”  She lets out a humorless chuckle.
“With a click of her finger, Garcia could get it removed.”  He speaks before he could stop himself.  He holds his breath hoping that he didn’t just cause her walls to build back up.
“No.”  Her head tilts back towards the sky.  “I need the perspective.”
Furrowing his brow, he carefully walks next to her before slowly lowering to the ground.  He starts to reach for her before quickly retreating, remembering that she’s no longer his to touch. He starts to question what her fake grave can help her with before remembering something she said after a case years ago. I need to know that I can be human.
“Being reminded of your own mortality isn’t the right perspective to have.”  He spoke softly even though he wanted to scream.  
“Don’t you get it?  It’s a reminder of how fragile life is.  Logically speaking, I shouldn’t be here.”  She scrunches up her eyes, a tear streaks down her face as she pounds her fist into the ground.
His hand shoots out and covers her fist that is still resting on the snow-soaked grass.  His touch finally breaks her out of her trance with her eyes finally meeting his.
“But you are here.  Living, breathing.  Dammit Emily! Don’t you understand?  You can’t move on until you finally accept that you are meant to be here.  With me! With us.”  He is grasping at her hand like she will disappear any second while his shoulders are shaking with the intensity of his breath.  She keeps his stare for a second, before turning away back to the headstone.
���Am I?”  She whispers. He lightly grasps at her chin, moving her head to face him again.
“Forever and always.”  That little phrase breaks her.  In a second, she leaps from her spot into his lap, burrowing her head into the crook of his neck.  The reaction almost pushes him backwards into the snow, but he quickly settles himself. His hand moves and starts stroking the back of her head in a practiced movement before he gently starts rocking them consoling her quietly in her ear trying to overpower her chant of “I’m sorry.” They stay wrapped around each other until he spares a glance at his watch, telling him that it is half past one in the morning.
“Come on.  Let’s get you home.”  He whispers into her ear, helping her up to her feet.  He feels her shiver against him as a large gust of wind almost knocks the both of them from their feet.  Only now does he notice that she’s been in just a sweater this whole time.  
“Jesus Em, you couldn’t have brought a jacket?”  Shedding his coat, he drapes it over her shoulders before wrapping his arm around her waist guiding her to his car.
“Left it in the car.  Didn’t realize how long it’s been.”  She chatters out to him, leaning closer towards him for warmth.  He lets out a frustrated sigh before picking up the pace, trying to get her to shelter.
He helps her into the passenger seat of his car, passing off her concerns about her car.  “We’ll take care of it in the morning.”  
He quickly makes his way into the driver’s seat to turn the car on.  They sit in the warming car for a couple minutes in complete silence.  Neither quite knowing what to say to the other.  After another minute, Hotch figures it’s best to start to drive to her apartment.  It’s not until they are halfway there that she finally speaks up.
“Aaron?”  She says no more than a whisper.
“Hm?”  He hums out, sparing her a quick glance before looking back to the empty road.
“I – I, thank you.”
His lips start to curve up into a smile and he removes one hand from the steering wheel to grasp at hers, stopping her from the continued picking of her nails.  He squeezes her hand gently in response before leaving their fingers intertwined.  Neither of them speak until he parks back at her apartment complex.
She starts to let go of his hand to make her exit before his voice stops her.
“Em?”  With her hand still on the inside latch, she turns to face him.  “I know it’s not my place anymore, but please don’t be afraid to come to me.  If you’re having a bad day, let me know.  You mean so much to me.  I meant it when I said forever and always.”
She slowly nods her head, before leaning forward to give him an awkward hug across the center console.  Pulling away, she shyly gives him a peck on the cheek before whispering.  “Forever and always.”
She opens the door, and goes to leave his jacket on the seat, but he holds up a hand to stop her.  “Give it to me tomorrow.”  
Smiling softly, she nods before closing the door.  He patiently waits until he sees the light go on in her apartment. He waits until he sees her figure standing in the window, giving him a small wave.  Like before.  He slowly pulls out of the parking space, smiling to himself.  Yeah, things are starting to make sense again.
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sunlightbabe · 3 years
Hi there! So I just came across your kisses prompt list and so, do we just send in a request at any time? If so, I would love to see what you make of 33 and Damiano :). Also, hope you are having an awesome day!
hey hon! you can send in any request at any time, yes <3 in the future i'm sure i'll find some other prompt lists, so as long as you specify, i am more than happy to write whatever!! you're so sweet, my day has been Amazing and i hope yours was too!! xx
33) An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
With bated breath, you watch as the band takes the stage and gets ready to perform at Eurovision.
It has been quite the journey to get here. You’ve been working with the band since before they won Sanremo earlier in the year, and to watch them get this far has truly been a blessing. The lights dim and you watch from backstage as Damiano captures the world’s attention. It’s... incredible, really. There’s no other way to describe it- from day one, you knew they all had a magnetizing stage presence but to watch them tonight, so see them truly own the stage like they belong there? It’s something you can’t put into words.
You love and appreciate them all but you can’t help but follow Damiano’s every step. You know he feels pressured to do well, like their chance of winning rests on his shoulders- the bands can’t perform live, per the show’s rules, but the singers? The singers were live and expected to sing their hearts out, and so you watch as he masterfully shares the stage with each band member in turn, making sure they each get their share of air time, putting all of himself into this show.
He’s amazing and your breath catches repeatedly in your throat as he stalks the stage, eyes intense, every single action and movement aimed at capturing the audience’s attention.
The song is close to ending and you know that they’ve done it. Who else has mastered the stage like this?
Damiano falls on the stage, a perfectly practiced moved, and you can feel the ground of the arena shake as the crowd goes absolutely wild. You’re sure that the entire world is going insane after a performance like that- you feel bad for the last couple of acts, because how could you compare to that?
The show is on a schedule and after the band finishes- each of them drenched in sweat and high on adrenaline- they are ushered backstage. You stand by the sidelines, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, watching as they smile and celebrate their act. None of you will know how well it went until the end of the night, but the band feels so good about themselves that it’s contagious, and all of you are cheering and celebrating already.
They take their time, jumping up and down in their excitement, chatting with other people on the crew. From across the small space, you catch Damiano’s eye and-
It’s like the world stops.
He’s sweating, chest heaving from the performance, eye makeup smudged just a little in a way that makes him look ever more beautiful than before. Your heart swells in your chest and you watch as he makes his way over to you- as he stalks over to you, like he was doing on stage earlier, and you can do nothing but stand there and wait for him to get closer.
You don’t even have the chance to say anything before he’s cupping your face in his hands and kissing you.
His eyes fall shut while yours are comically wide, mind slowly processing what’s happening. Damiano is kissing you. You had dreamed of this moment, but you had never thought it would really happen. Yet here you were, knees weak as Damiano kisses you, mouth moving insistently against yours, and you have enough sense to kiss him back before he pulls back, forehead resting against yours.
“Sorry,” he apologizes, voice a tad deeper than usual, and all you can do is blink as he licks his lower lip, his thumb caressing your cheekbone. “I’ve- It’s been a long time coming and I should have asked-”
You don’t let him finish. You claim his mouth with yours, tossing your arms over his shoulders, and you’re aware that someone is whistling behind you two, that a few people are clapping, but it’s hard to focus on anything that isn’t Damiano kissing you back, stepping closer until your back is against the wall. His tongue flicks against your mouth and you part your lips with a sigh-
“We need to get back out there,” you hear someone say behind him. Damiano moves away from you and you catch a look of annoyance on his face before he schools it into something more appropriate. 
He turns his attention to you and you feel your stomach clench in your stomach. “We’ll continue this later?” he asks you, voice soft as he nibbles on his lower lip, voice hopeful.
it takes you a moment to collect your thoughts. “Y.. yeah. Yes, of course.”
Damiano smirks, and it’s like looking at the sun, and he leans in to kiss you once more before he’s moving away entirely, following their manager and the rest of the band back to the main floor of the stadium.
You linger against the wall, bringing a hand up to your mouth, fingers lightly touching your lips.
You hear the next acts start to perform their song and it kicks you into action. You clear your throat, straighten our your clothes, and then you follow after the band, ready to see if the entirety of Europe appreciates their talent just as much as you do.
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caermis · 3 years
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❖Karasuno 1st years X Black!Reader
❖Reader: Female ❖Characters: ↠Hinata S. ↠Kageyama T. ↠Tsukishima K. ↠Yamaguchi T.
❖Word Count: 2.2k
❖Warnings: ↠None ❖Prompt/Summary: I tried to ignore these feelings. I really did. ❖Notes: ↠Team Captains are next-  
❝Haikyuu!! M.List❞ ❝Taglist Request❞
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❖To Kageyama and Hinata, that’s all that mattered. Volleyball. That’s all that made their hearts flutter and feel immense joy. So what made you different? A foreigner from a different country, that seemed to always be writing or reading in a language they didn't understand. Hair that stood out, E/C eyes, a wider nose, and bigger lips.
You were in Kageyama’s eyes, weird and strange. In Hinata’s, you were different and new. 
❖A third-year student, that seemed to know not a single thing about Volleyball, so why were you in the gym where they practiced. They watched you glanced around the room before landing on Asahi and racing over to him. You both talked silently, a smile spreading across your lips as he passed over a notebook. A notebook Hinata and Kageyama had seen you writing in.
Why did Asahi have it?
❖They watched you leave, happier than you came, and before they knew it, they were surrounding Asahi and why you were here. “She let me read one of her stories.” He stumbled over his words, inching away from them. 
Stories. So you wrote stories. 
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❖You were kind, even if neither of them talked to you, you seemed sweet. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had met kind people before, so another one didn't impact their life. You looked different and spoke with an accent and at times spoke in broken Japanese. Yet you what made you stand out besides being a foreigner?
In Tsukishima’s eyes, nothing. In Yamaguchi’s, everything.
❖Another day walking through the same halls, and they had passed a certain classroom. Your classroom. Peeking through the windows, you seemed upset. Not the usual smile, or the resting bitch face you had, you looked sad. 
Why were you sad?
❖You repeatedly tapped your pencil against the blank page, you had writer's block. Or maybe you didn't want to write, but maybe you had to. “Hey L/N!” The two watch Sugawara walk into the room sitting across from you, still not noticing the two 1st years, your smile had returned as you spoke with your friend?
Did he make you happy?
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❖A volleyball game and everyone was on edge. They would surely lose, but what was different? You appeared with a smile before the game and wished them the best. Hinata and Yamaguchi believed they could do anything, especially with you on the sidelines with Coach Ukai. Kageyama and Tsukishima both refused to lose in front of a 3rd year, especially if this was your first Volleyball game for their team. 
They won.
❖“Congratulations on winning.” A small smile across your lips, you stared at them with pride. “Thank you for believing in us L/N!” Hinata was the first to speak to you, he couldn't hold in his excitement. “You did amazing Shōyō.” You had known their names. 
❖“Do you know mine!?” Kageyama went next. He refused to let Hinata of all people have your attention. But why? “Kageyama Tobio. I know all your names.” Did it matter to you? They wanted to know why.
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❖Every game, they invited you too. Hinata coming to you jumping up and down about a new move he learned and how you just had to see it in action. Kageyama would leave a note on your desk, or just expect you to come to the game. Yamaguchi would shyly mention that he had practiced, and he did better if you were there. Tsukishima would just say the date and time of the game and walk off. 
To you. It was very obvious they liked you.
❖Your graduation came sooner than they hoped. Not once ever confessing until that night you were to head back to America. They all showed up on your doorstep and confessed in the dead of the night. They expected to be shot down, to be rejected, but all you did was let out a soft sigh.
“Find me again once you graduate. I’ll tell you if I like you or not.”
❖The next day, they watched your plane leave. 
❖Kageyama and Tsukishima wanted to move on. They wanted to forget about you, to ignore you and devote all their time to volleyball, but how could they. That night Tsukishima gave you a pair of his headphones, demanding that when you both met again, you’d give them back. Kageyama gave you his volleyball, saying it was good luck, and he’d need it back.
❖Two years passed like a breeze at their last High school Volleyball game. Sugawara, Asahi, and Daichi all sat in the stands cheering them on, and there you stood, near the back with a smile.
“Good luck!”
❖How’d they hear you over the loud cheers of the crowd, no one was sure, but they did. Tsukishima’s headphones around your neck and Kageyama’s volleyball tucked beneath into your arm. Hinata’s scarf wrapped loosely around your neck, along with a headband that kept your hair in a puff, that Yamaguchi bought as your graduation gift. 
❖They won that game. Play harder than before, but before they could greet you. You had disappeared. 
You were in Japan, that’s all that mattered. 
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❖“You're going to keep hiding from them?” Settling into the guest bedroom, Sugawara stared at me with a questionable look as he placed my bags to the side. “I'm not hiding.” 
“Then why won't you go see them?”
“I'm just waiting.”
“They have feelings for you. I hope you see them at graduation.” Turning to Suga and slipping the headphones off and plopping down on the edge of my bed. “I will.”
“Oh, my goddess Y/N. You actually like them back!” Suga grabbed my face and stared into my eyes. His smile spread across his lips. Slapping his face away, I turned my head to the side. “I don't...”
“I gotta tell Daichi!”
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❖Most things I've accomplished within my life I had been hesitant on. Coming to Japan, I wanted to, but I was hesitant. I would be on my own. Writing, something that I believed myself in most times, to where I published a book, and it did well. Yet I was hesitant to share it to Asahi, but I did. My first volleyball game I went to, seeing Karasuno play, I was hesitant to go. Like I was a bad omen, and I would mess them up somehow. 
My feelings. 
❖I tried, I really did. An 18-year-old being in love with a few 16 years old, that’s depressing. When I went back to America, I tried to go on different dates, move on, but it didn't work. With Tsukishima’s headphones tucked neatly on my desk and Kageyama’s ball in the corner of my old apartment. With Hinata’s scarf hanging on the wall and Yamaguchi’s headband on my dresser. Every day, I saw these items, every day I wanted to contact them, but I didn't. I didn't want these feelings to be true.
❖So why did I come back to Japan if I wanted to forget them so badly? It was their last volleyball game, and I wanted to see it in person. So before I knew it, I was on the next plane to Japan and stayed at a hotel before contacting my old classmates. In a place that felt so foreign two years ago, became my home. I cried when I saw them. 
The volleyball game
❖I didn't them to know I was here, so when all their eyes whipped up to me, I broke and quickly ran once the game ended. I couldn't face my feelings. I regretted it, too far to turn back. Too late to run and apologize. I hesitated again. 
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❖Graduation came sooner than I expected. The next thing I knew I was sitting with Sugawara and Daichi waiting for the once baby flightless crows to walk across the stage. Every fiber in my being wanted to run and leave, while the other half of me refused to listen to my panicking brain and im 100% sure that if I attempted, Daichi would drag me right on back. Letting out a soft breath before my ears picked up Hinata’s name and he proudly strutting across the stage. He had grown taller. He looked out into the crowd, scanning his eyes across before landing on me. 
❖Feeling my heart stop, I watched his smile widened before he left the stage. 
❖Kageyama was next, walking across the stage seeming to know exactly where I was. Averting my eyes quickly, I could still feel his intense glare. Daichi and Koushi making fun of me, which earned them a painful pinch on the shoulder. Tsukishima went next, then Yamaguchi. Their stares less intense but determined. All mentally vowing to find me, I made a promise after all.
❖Soon the ceremony was over, letting me dart outside before the crowd came and get some fresh air. Mentally psyching myself up for this encounter. “Found you.” Stiffening in my position, I slowly turned around. It was Kageyama. And he is tall, staring down at me before glancing down at the old volleyball in my hands. “You kept it... Why?” Looking at the volleyball before passing it to him. “You said it was good luck and to give it back to you.”
❖“They got yo’ ass surrounded!”
❖Hearing Koushi yell, before I realized it, the four volleyball players surrounded me. “We graduated Y/N.” Hearing Tsukishima mutter, just as warm arms hugged me from behind, careful to avoid my hair. “I've missed you Y/N...”
❖“Shōyō,” Muttering quietly, my hand moving up to his head, softly patting it before remembering where we were. Pulling away, I turned and faced all of them. “Congrats.” Smiling, I looked towards Koushi and Daichi for help, but they only waved happily, before mouthing that they'll text me where to meet for dinner. “You owe us an answer.”
❖“Right now?” Tsukishima rolled his eyes and before I knew it, I was being pushed through the crowd and towards the empty gym. An answer… I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want to say that whatever i felt, love, was true. That i felt what I did for them. Yet at the same time I was ready, ready to tell them.  Tsukishima was the one to slide the gym doors open, letting Yamaguchi and Hinata push me inside, Kageyama close behind. Hearing the gym doors shut, I turned around, facing them. Standing on the court, I pulled off Tsukishima’s headphones and passed them to him. 
❖“Keep them.”
❖“You told me to give them back--”
❖“I lied. I don't need them.”
❖Dropping my hand to my side, I felt like I was in high school again. “I still like you a lot, L/N.” Yamaguchi spoke confidently, his hands in his pockets. “I know.” Muttering, avoiding their gazes. “Do you like us?” Turning to Hinata, I took a hesitant step back, clutching the headphones tightly.
❖“It’s fine if you say no.” Kageyama shoved his hands in his pockets, letting his old volleyball drop and roll to my feet. If I say no, I’ll be running away. Regretting this decision. Covering my eyes with one hand, a shaky breath left my lips as tears spilled from my eyes. “I tried to ignore these feelings. I really did, but i missed y’all a lot while i was away...it scared me to be honest. That I fell in love with four different people. That I... I couldn't decide--” I explained everything, while crying my eyes out. It felt like a heavy burden was off of my shoulders, that I could finally be honest. 
❖Once I stopped crying, I looked up. Both Hinata and Yamaguchi in tears, Tsukishima with a smirk, and Kageyama with a rare smile.
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❖To Kageyama and Hinata, that’s all that mattered. Volleyball. That’s all that made their hearts flutter and feel immense joy. So what made you different? Maybe it was the way your lips curled up in embarrassment when you became flustered or when you looked fully entranced by something you read. Or when you always held their hand as they walked or you cheering loudly in the crowd, always making time for them to appear. Or when you introduced them to western ideas and food. 
You were in Kageyama’s eyes, different and strange. To make his heart flitter like volleyball did to place a gentle hand on his shoulder and comfort him.
In Hinata’s, you were understanding and loving, to indulge him on his late night walks, and even after he’d lose you’d be proud of him.
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❖You were kind, even after knowing you for years, you were sweet. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had met kind people before, so why did another one impact their life so differently? You being their biggest cheerleader and helping them every step of the way, or never you choosing between them and choosing to compromise. Or after a long day passing out in their arms only to wake up at three am with 15 different story ideas. 
In Tsukishima’s eyes, nothing. You were nothing like the other kind of people he had met. None made his heart so full or raise his body temperature.
In Yamaguchi’s, everything, like the kind people he had met, but yours was 10x, you believed in his capabilities and that alone was more than you could ask.
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writer-dreams · 4 years
Matchmaker (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Hi everyone! So....I know that it's been a while but I've recently joined a writing challenge called Cliche Month Challenge. It was made by @wreckofawriter (thank you so much for inviting me). Expect 2 more fics for this challenge. Also, I'm so sorry about being slow with requests, I am still writing them, I'm just being a turtle. This was really fun to write and I'm excited to write the other 2.
Prompt: 5 times Pansy and Theo failed to get Draco and Y/n together, and the 1 time they succeeded.
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Underage drinking, possible swearing, slight angst
Word Count: 4,822 words
A/n: If I'm being honest, this is a little messy and the point of view changes quite randomly at times. I'll also admit that it does seem pretty repetitive (heh). The reader in this story is female / uses female pronouns.
3rd Person POV
Pansy and Theo snickered to each other in one of the hidden corners in the empty corridor. They watched as Y/n and Draco bumped into each other, waiting for the scene to unfold. For years, Pansy and Theo had to watch as the two friends fell deeper in love with each other but refused to confess their feelings because they were afraid it would ruin their friendship. Pansy was almost at the point where she almost screamed out to Draco that Y/n loved him so much and that she was sick of watching them dance around each other. Theo, on the other hand, found the two's obliviousness amusing and he wanted to see how many times he had to push them in the right direction before they confessed. So, the two teamed up to try and get their friends together to stop their useless pining. They continued to watch, listening in to the conversation between the two.
"Oh, sorry Dray, I didn't see you there." Y/n chuckled, feeling a light blush dust her cheeks.
"I didn't see you there either, (N/n)." Draco smiled back at her, blushing as well.
They stared at each other, an awkward silence now filling the room. Y/n couldn't tear her eyes away from Draco's grey eyes and his handsome face. Draco couldn't stop looking at Y/n's swirling (e/c) eyes. There was a certain warmth to them that captivated him. A few seconds passed before Y/n turned away and coughed slightly.
"Um, have you seen Pansy anywhere? I got this note from her to meet her here." Y/n asked, pulling out a small piece of paper.
"That's funny, I'm waiting here because Theo left me a note to meet him here." Draco said, confused.
"Do you think they-"
The two suddenly burst out laughing, thinking that they had both been ditched. They had no idea that Pansy and Theo had orchestrated the whole thing to let the two spend some time alone.
"Well, seeing that our friends have seemed to abandon us, how would you feel about spending the day with me instead, bestie?" Y/n smiled.
"I would love that, dear best friend." Draco answered.
From their hidden corner, Pansy and Theo watched the pair walk away. Pansy let out a frustrated sigh, turning to Theo.
"It didn't work! How can two people be so blind?" She pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
"Calm down, Pansy. We'll keep trying and eventually they'll see." Theo smirked. "I have another plan."
Classes had just ended and the hallways were filled with students quickly trying to move to their dorms or next class. Pansy and Theo waited outside of their friend's classrooms, prepared to pull off Theo's plan. Although Pansy would call said plan stupid, Theo wanted to see how far something as simple as this would go. Finally, Draco and Y/n emerged from their classroom, talking excitedly to each other. Pansy stuck her leg out in front of Y/n while Theo shoved Draco forward. The end result was Y/n falling to the floor with Draco falling on top of her.
The two teenagers stared at each other, completely forgetting about the awkward position they were in. Their faces were turned into a deep shade of red, their lips just barely an inch away from each other. Y/n's eyes flickered to Draco's lips, feeling his soft breaths hitting her face.
Pansy and Theo watched from the sidelines, the latter convinced that his plan had worked. He had a smirk on his face while Pansy raised an eyebrow at him. There was no way that Theo's stupid plan would work if her note plan failed. She turned back to her friends on the floor, seeing that all of their classmates had created a circle around them, waiting to see what would happen next. At first, it seemed as though Y/n and Draco were in their own world before Y/n took a look around and noticed the crowd. She looked back at the boy on top of her, her face growing even redder.
"Um, Dray, do you mind g-getting off of m-me?" Y/n stuttered, as if finally taking in the situation.
Draco also seemed to snap back into reality as he too looked around. "Oh yeah, sure. Sorry about that." He apologized as he stood back up and offered a hand to Y/n, who gratefully accepted it.
The students who were watching the scene, grumbled disappointedly before continuing on their way. Pansy looked up to see that Theo's smirk had faltered, a fact that she found herself smiling at.
"Not so easy, is it Nott?" She taunted.
"I got further than you." He answered bluntly.
Pansy snorted, patting Theo's back gently. "Like you said, we'll keep trying until it happens."
Theo flashed Pansy a smile, chuckling softly. "Damn right."
This time, Theo had concocted a plan based on Pansy's first idea with leaving fake notes for Draco and Y/n. It was around the time that dinner would happen and the sky outside was dark with thousands of stars littered across the black space. Like last time, Theo and Pansy hid themselves away from view, waiting for Draco and Y/n to arrive.
The two teenagers arrived at roughly the same time. Their eyes were lit up in surprise when they spotted the picnic blanket and candles placed gently on the grass.
"Did you-" Y/n started.
"What? No. Did you?" Draco asked.
Y/n shook her head before stepping in closer to the blanket. Atop of the checkered material, another note was waiting for them. Written on it, their names were printed neatly in fancy handwriting.
"Well, it looks like this whole set-up is for us." Y/n said, showing Draco the paper.
Draco raised his eyebrows before his signature smirk made its way onto his face. "Well, who are we to deny?"
Y/n's face turned red as Draco sat down on the blanket and gestured for her to sit with him. She obliged, settling next to her best friend.
"So, I'm guessing this note I got from you is also part of the set-up then?" Y/n questioned, taking out the note that Pansy left on her desk out of her pocket.
"I guess so, considering I also got a note from you." Draco chuckled, pulling out a similar note.
Y/n rolled her eyes at the utter ridiculousness of this situation. This had to be one of the stupidest pranks that anyone has pulled on her. Though deep down, she was glad that she could spend more time alone with Draco, so perhaps this 'prank' wasn't as bad as it seemed to be.
"Hey (N/n), you can really see the stars tonight." Draco pointed at the sky.
Y/n looked up and admired the stars with him. It felt nice, just being here with him and looking at stars together. She lay down on the blanket and started looking for any constellations she recognized. Out of the corner, she could see Draco closing his eyes and breathing slowly. He looked so peaceful in the quiet evening, the candle's light making him more attractive. Eventually, he opened them again before turning to her.
"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for always being there for me. For always listening, no matter how little the problem is. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't my best friend." Draco said sincerely.
Y/n smiled back, "I'm happy that you're my best friend too, Draco."
About an hour or two had passed before the two friends decided to head back inside. They blew out the candles and took the blanket inside with them, smiling and laughing before they disappeared into the castle. Pansy and Theo came out of their hiding place, with Pansy grinning at a frowning Theo.
"It was a good attempt, Nott. Though it appears that not even you can get the two oblivious idiots together." She laughed.
"I'm still not giving up." Theo grunted.
"And neither will I. We'll get them someday, I just hope it won't take years."
Theo chuckled at the thought of him and Pansy spending the rest of their years at Hogwarts trying to get their two friends together. "Yeah, let's hope."
One of the students was hosting a large party in one of the school's unused rooms. Luckily for Pansy and Theo, they managed to convince their two friends to come join them. There was a rumour that Blaise had managed to sneak some alcohol into the party to 'spice things up'. Pansy and Theo arrived at the party to see Y/n and Draco already chatting away happily in a corner. Theo leaned over to Pansy, a worried expression on his face.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked.
"Of course. Drunk words, sober thoughts, all that stuff. Just keep Draco away from Y/n and leave the rest to me."
He nodded before making his way to their friends, greeting them before taking Draco's arm and leading him away, leaving Y/n all alone. Blaise approached Pansy, two glasses of firewhiskey in his hands.
"Hey Parkinson, you want to join in on the fun?" He asked, lifting a glass to her. Pansy smiled, taking both glasses from him.
"Of course." She said, making her way over to Y/n, who looked a little nervous as she watched the rest of the party.
"Hey Y/n."
"Oh, hey Pansy."
"Great party, eh?"
"I guess so." Y/n answered uncertainly.
"What's wrong?" Pansy asked, knowing exactly why Y/n was uncomfortable.
"Pans, you know I've never been much of a party person, I don't even know why I agreed to come here."
"Because of Draco?" Pansy questioned slyly, watching Y/n's face grow red. She laughed at her friend' reaction, becoming even more amused at Y/n's attempts to shush her.
"You know what you need, Y/n? I think you need a little bit of liquid courage." Pansy held up the glass of firewhiskey to Y/n.
Y/n seemed to consider this before she cautiously took the drink from Pansy. She looked at the Slytherin girl, who nodded approvingly. Gathering her courage, Y/n lifted the glass to her lips and let the burning liquid go down her throat. She looked back to Pansy, seeing her friend offering her another drink.
"Two drinks in and you'll probably feel more comfortable." Pansy smirked, knowing fully well that Y/n was a lightweight and two drinks would be enough to get her totally drunk.
Y/n ignored any warnings ringing through her head and gulped down the second drink. Not long after, the effects of the alcohol began to take over. The next thing she knew, her brain felt fuzzy and she couldn't quite think properly.
"Pansy, have I ever told you how much I love you?" Y/n hiccupped. Pansy chuckled at the sight of her drunk friend, gently wrapping one of Y/n's arms around her back and taking her back to Draco.
"Yes, you have. Now for you to say that to Draco." She muttered.
When Pansy had finally found Theo and Draco, Y/n was a drunken, blabbering mess. Draco looked worried as he took Y/n off of Pansy's back.
"What happened to her?" Draco asked, brushing some of Y/n's hair out of her face.
"She had a bit too much firewhiskey to drink. Come on, let's take Y/n back to our common room so she can sober up." Pansy answered, watching Draco take one of Y/n's arms and Theo take the other. The group then headed down to the dungeons to the Slytherin Common Room. The whole time, Y/n loudly exclaimed whatever was on her mind, with the trio trying to keep her quiet so they weren't caught.
"You guys ever wonder why the Dark Lord has no nose? Like, if I were to be the most powerful wizard to ever exist, then surely, I'd wanna look good. Who wants to be famous for not having a nose?" Y/n shouted.
"Yes, yes, Y/n. Noses are great. Now, can you please be quiet?" Pansy sighed. She knew that Y/n was a lightweight but she didn't know how difficult she would be to handle.
Soon, Y/n fell asleep, the trio letting out a sigh of relief. Out of the corner of Theo and Pansy's eye, they noticed Draco smiling softly at Y/n's sleeping form.
As they entered the room, they noticed that it was completely empty. Everyone was still at the party, allowing the four friends to have the whole room to themselves. Draco and Theo gently put Y/n down on one of the couches, Draco sitting next to her. A few minutes had passed with idle chit chat between the three as Y/n continued to sleep. The night was still young and everyone was not likely to return from the party for a few hours. Eventually, Y/n appeared to stir a bit from her sleep, though she was still very drunk. Pansy elbowed Theo gently in the side and they both excused themselves before exiting the Common Room. In reality, they were hiding in the entrance to the boy's dormitories. Pansy gave Theo a high five as they leaned against the wall to peer into the Common Room.
"Draco...." Y/n murmured, finally starting to wake up.
"Y/n! How are you feeling, do you need anything?" Draco took Y/n's hand and squeezed it gently.
"Draco....I need to tell you something...." Y/n continued muttering.
"Yeah, of course. You can tell me anything, (N/n)."
Pansy excitedly looked over at Theo. "It's finally going to happen!" She whisper-shouted. Theo put a finger over his lips and gestured for her to continue watching.
"Come on!" Pansy was ready to scream. Her body was filled with anticipation and she could barely hold it in.
"Draco....I'm really glad that you're my best friend." Y/n smiled sleepily at him.
"Oh come on!" Pansy face palmed. Theo was shaking beside her, trying to hold in his laughter.
"Shut up, it's not that funny!" Pansy swatted Theo's arm.
"Of course it is! You were practically splitting at the seams from excitement only for it not to happen!" Theo held a hand over his mouth, still trying to stay quiet.
Pansy rolled her eyes and went back to watching Draco and Y/n, disappointment settling into her stomach. She was so sure that this would work, that drunken Y/n would be dumb enough to confess to Draco her undying love for him.
"I'm glad that you're my best friend too, Y/n." Draco grinned. "Now, let's get you to your room. You're going to need to sleep off all that alcohol." Draco lifted Y/n up bridal style and carried her off into the direction of her room.
With both of them now out of the room, Theo burst out laughing. He practically fell to the floor from the endless laughter. Pansy watched him with crossed arms, waiting for him to finally finish. As the laughter died down, Theo took a couple of deep breaths before he settled down.
"Got anymore bright ideas?" Theo joked.
"Maybe." Pansy smirked, a new plan already forming in her head.
Pansy was tired of their plans failing. She took out a small bottle of a love potion out of her bag, seeing Theo raise an eyebrow at it.
"This is your big plan?" He asked, almost unimpressed.
"Well, everything else hasn't worked so far! This is almost a guaranteed way for them to get together." Pansy reasoned, pouring the potion into a glass of orange juice. Due to being hungover from the party last night, Y/n ended up sleeping in past breakfast. Although Pansy couldn't sneak any food out of the Mess Hall, she had managed to grab some juice on her way out. She watched the potion disappear into the orange liquid, smiling to herself. Theo was doubting the plan, but she'd show him. This would work, she told herself.
Of course Theo doubted the plan. He'd heard of far too many stories where love potions only lead to trouble. He looked back to Pansy, seeing her smile at the mixture in her hands. She was so confident, so sure that this would provide the success they needed. He couldn't wait for this to fail so he could have another laughing fit. Not saying that he wanted this to fail, just that it would be hilarious if it went wrong. He chuckled, thinking of various scenarios where it could take a bad turn.
30 minutes later, Pansy found Y/n tiredly walking through the halls to get to class. Luckily for them, the four friends had Charms together in the morning, so it would be easy to give Y/n the potion and watch her reaction.
"Y/n! You doing okay? You were pretty drunk last night." Pansy greeted, "I couldn't get you any food, but I got you some juice so you have some energy."
Pansy handed her the drink, Y/n thanking her. The three then headed to Charms class, with Y/n complaining about how groggy she felt. They arrived and saw that Draco was already there, patiently waiting for his friends. Y/n sat down next to him while Pansy and Theo sat behind them. Y/n took a sip of the juice, not expecting a strangely sweet taste to fill her mouth. It was an unnatural sort of sweet, like someone poured a whole bottle of honey into the drink. She brushed it off though, thinking that it tasted weird because it was the first thing she had consumed that morning.
"It's happening!" Pansy whispered excitedly, as she elbowed Theo's arm.
"Don't get too excited, Parkinson." He reminded her.
It didn't take long before the potion had taken over the (h/c) haired girl. However, to Pansy's confusion, the girl's gaze snapped from her notes to Blaise Zabini. To her horror, Y/n got out of her seat and settled into a new one next to Blaise.
"Oh no...." Pansy cursed to herself.
"Hey Zabini. Have I ever told you how attractive you are?" Y/n asked, giving Blaise a flirty smile. The potion apparently also gave her newfound confidence.
"No, but I would like to hear more about it." Blaise returned her flirty tone as Y/n giggled.
Pansy continued spitting curse words under her breath as she looked over at Draco's heartbroken expression. Theo looked at her with crossed arms and a smug smirk.
"What did I tell you?" He said, sarcastically.
"Shut it. Now you gotta help me convince Draco that she's not in love with Zabini!"
"Fine. Just keep in mind that this was your plan." Theo rolled his eyes.
Pansy and Theo leaned over their desks to Draco, who was still looking at Y/n with sad eyes. Pansy felt horrible and was terrified that she'd driven them apart.
"Hey Draco...." She started, not sure how she should approach the situation. Draco looked up at her, hurt evident in his eyes.
"Cheer up, I'm sure that she doesn't actually like Zabini." Theo reassured. Draco nodded silently before his eyes went back to the (h/c) haired girl clinging onto Blaise's arm. He let out a sigh before turning back to his work, glancing at Y/n every now and then through the corner of his eye.
"Merlin, Theo. We need to get an antidote for this thing and we need it bloody fast." Pansy scowled.
"Well, I could make it but it'll take me the rest of the day."
"Then, you need to get started on it now. I can't watch Y/n cuddling with someone like Zabini any longer without feeling the urge to vomit."
The end of the day was nearly approaching and Pansy was anxious for Theo to be done with the potion. The whole day, Y/n flirted and complimented Blaise, which really didn't help the Slytherin boy's already overinflated ego. Poor Draco was stuck watching his best friend fawn over an arrogant arsehole. Eventually, he was so upset that he retreated to the Common Room, hoping to avoid seeing them together again.
Pansy stood by Blaise and Y/n, cringing every time she heard her friend gush about the large muscles the boy had. Where was Theo? She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take and she could only imagine how Draco felt. Finally, she spotted Theo hurriedly running towards her, holding out the antidote. He quickly handed her the bottle and she turned towards her spelled friend with full intent to end this now.
"Hey Y/n! I dare you to drink whatever is in this bottle!" Pansy taunted.
"What? No! What if it's poison?"
"What are you, chicken?" Blaise challenged as he turned to his new admirer.
Y/n's face turned red as she begrudgingly took the bottle from Pansy's hand. Pansy smiled knowingly, realizing that Y/n was only taking it to impress Blaise. Y/n removed the cork and swallowed the contents, not even hesitating or stopping to breathe. When it was empty, she nearly dropped the glass as a sudden dizziness hit her.
"Guys, I'm feeling a little woozy." Y/n trailed off, the world spinning as her eyes closed and everything turned black.
Y/n awoke to Pansy and Theo calling her name. She opened her eyes and found the two looking at her with worried eyes.
"What happened?" Y/n asked when the memories suddenly flooded her brain. She grimaced at the thought of how she acted, especially when she constantly fed Blaise's massive ego. "Wait, where's Draco?"
"He's in the Common Room. He left after seeing-" Theo started but he didn't need to finish before Y/n felt the immense guilt build up. She hated the idea that Draco thought she liked Blaise. That would never be true in a million years.
"What about me? Why don't you tell me more about how attractive you think I am." Blaise asked, pushing himself between Theo and Pansy, holding out a hand towards her. Speak of the devil. Y/n scowled before shoving his hand away and getting herself up.
"Shove off, Zabini. I'm going to get Draco." She flipped him off as she started quickly making her way to the dungeons with Pansy and Theo behind her.
When they arrived, Theo and Pansy hid in the entrance of the boy's dormitories and Y/n found Draco sitting on one of the couches, staring intently at the fires burning warmly in the fireplace. Her heart twisted at the sight of him and how his usual bright eyes seemed blank. She sat down next to him and waited for him to acknowledge her. Finally, he turned to her with a deep frown.
"Didn't know you liked guys like Blaise Zabini." He said, coldly.
"Dray, I swear that it wasn't me. I was spelled with a potion. Please, you have to believe me. I don't love Zabini, I love-" Y/n cut herself off before she could reveal her big secret. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. You're my best friend, Dray. I would hate it if you saw me as that type of girl."
Draco gently took her hands in his. "You promise you're not into Zabini?"
"Yes. Merlin, I would take back all those compliments I gave him if I could. He such a pompous arse."
Draco chuckled, making Y/n's heart skip a beat. He wasn't mad at her and he believed her. Her best friend was back and she hoped that she would never come that close to losing him again. She loved Draco too much.
"And for the record, you're my best friend too, (N/n)."
"I know."
Pansy crossed her arms and sighed deeply. She royally messed this one up, didn't she? Theo smiled softly at the girl next to him, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Are we done with your extreme plans now?" He teased.
"I give up. It's your turn to come up with a plan now." Pansy said, dejectedly.
"Oh, I have one." Theo's smile grew wider.
"Are you ever going to tell Draco about your crush on him?" Pansy asked Y/n as they walked through the halls together.
"Pans, you're not supposed to be talking about this in public."
"I just want to know. You guys are best friends, you're not meant to have secrets."
"That's just it, we're best friends. If I told him, it could ruin our friendship. Or worse, if we fall apart, we could never be as close as we used to be. It's easier for me to just keep these feelings hidden because I don't want to lose him." Y/n sighed.
Pansy's face grew hard as she suddenly took hold of Y/n's arm and began dragging her somewhere.
"What are you—Pansy! Let go of me this instant!" Y/n shouted but Pansy ignored her, leading her to an empty classroom.
"I'm tired of you refusing to tell him about your feelings just because you think that you'll lose him." Pansy growled lowly as she tossed Y/n into the room. "You two are going to talk and I'm not letting you out until you confess."
Pansy closed the door and locked it, causing Y/n to panic. She began to knock furiously on the door, begging Pansy to let her out. "Pans, let me out! This isn't funny!"
"You're trapped here too, eh?" Y/n's pleading was cut short when she turned and saw Draco at the other side of the room.
"Yeah, how did you get here?"
"Theo told me to meet him in this room, then he turned and locked me in here." Draco glared at the door, knowing that Pansy and Theo were probably listening in to their conversation.
Y/n turned back to the door. "Pans, I swear to Merlin, let me out!"
"Did you two confess yet?"
"Then you don't come out." Pansy's blunt statement caused Y/n to bang her head against the wooden door.
"We don't even have feelings for each other!" Y/n shouted before she heard some sort of heavy breathing. Confused, she turned back to Draco to see him looking at the ground, his fists clenching and unclenching. She approached the blonde boy, worried about why he was suddenly acting like this.
"Dray, are you....alright?" She asked, cautiously.
"No, I'm not because, Salazar, I love you, Y/n!" He shouted.
Y/n froze in her tracks, unsure of what to say. Her heart was racing and her head was filled with a million thoughts. Draco loved her? After all this time, he loved her and she didn't even know.
"And it hurts to know that you'd only ever think of me as a best friend. Yesterday, when you were with Zabini, it was hell to watch you flirt with him because I was so incredibly jealous. I hated the thought that you liked him, and that you could never see me that way. Then you told me you were spelled and I actually thought I still had a chance. Now, we're trapped in a room together because our stupid friends think that we like each other. Under different circumstances, I would have never told you about these feelings because I was willing to let you be happy with someone else as long as I could still be with you, even as a best friend. I love you, Y/n. I love you so much and I would do anything for you. Though, it's been made clear to me that you don't feel the same." Draco finished his rant, still breathing heavily.
Y/n's brain was still trying to process this new information. Too many thoughts were running through her mind and her mouth refused to move. Those three words were at the tip of her tongue but for some reason, she couldn't say them. Her silence was all the answer Draco needed.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of have said that. This was stupid. Just forget what I said." Draco averted his gaze to the side, tears starting to form.
That's when Y/n couldn't control herself as she ran up to him and pressed her lips against his. Draco let out a surprised squeak but soon began to kiss her back. Eventually, the two parted and Y/n embraced Draco tightly.
"I love you too, Dray. Merlin, I was afraid to tell you for so long because I didn't want to lose you. I tried to push away my feelings but I never could. I wish that I had confessed sooner. Like I said before, I would never be into guys like Blaise because I love guys like you. I love you, Draco Malfoy. I truly mean it with all of my heart." Y/n whispered.
Unexpectedly, the door to the classroom burst open with Pansy whooping loudly as she walked in. Behind her, Theo smirked at the now couple as Pansy gave him a high five.
"We finally did it! Salazar, that took forever!" Pansy cried.
"Wait....all those other times....you guys were the ones setting us up?" Y/n raised an eyebrow at her friends.
Pansy froze, realizing the potential 'danger' she was in. She slowly nodded as Y/n's face twisted into a scowl. Taking this as her cue to leave, she tugged on Theo's sleeve and the two took off running down the corridor.
"Come back here, you two!!"
Thank you so much for reading! Fun Fact: A friend actually gave me a couple of ideas for this one! She helped edit it for me and she definitely ships Pansy and Theo in this one. (You don't have to ship them, I wrote it so that you could either see them as close friends or maybe growing closer and closer as the fic goes on. Let me know what you think.) I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you again. Until next time.
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twiceinadream · 4 years
Twice React: Fem! S/O Confesses They Love Them
Requested: Yup
Request: Twice reaction to fem/best friend confessing to them. (Written as a: High School AU)
a/u: It took 2 months but I finally finished a react and they ended up being pretty long. But, I hope you guys like them since this was one of the hardest prompts I’ve had to write, since some of them are based off real ways I’ve confessed to crushes. I want to thank you all again for 2k followers! I love you guys! Stay safe and wash your hands.
Category: Fluff and Angst (There’s only one)
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“I love me too.”
The two of you had known each other longer than you could remember. And now you hoped that you could make her your forever. “Am I really that hard to love?” Nayeon sobbed as you held her close to your chest, your best friend’s tears soaking your shirt. You sighed, “Nayeonie, look at me,” Nayeon blinked back tears as she looked up to meet your eyes, “How could you ever think you’re hard to love? You’re smart, beautiful, kind, literally every amazing trait under the sun. But, you somehow always find a way to waste your time on people who don’t deserve you.” The older girl looked at you in confusion as she pulled away from you slightly, “What do you mean, ‘Wasting my time’, Y/N?” You let out a frustrated sigh as you pointed between the two of you, “Like what we’re doing right now. I sit on the sidelines watching your heart getting broken over and over by people who barely even give a damn, and when they’re done ripping your heart to shreds I’m here to pick up the pieces. But, no matter how much you think you can see love. You’re blind to when it’s staring you in the face, Im Nayeon.” The room went silent as you could see your words being processed by the girl across from you, “What are you getting at, Y/N?” You pinched the bridge of your nose before throwing your hands up, “How can you not see that, I’m in love with you!?” As the words left your mouth, you felt as if you couldn’t breathe. The room was silent aside from Nayeon’s sniffling, you ran a hand over your face as you looked at your best friend, “Look, Nayeon. I’m really sorry I…” Before you could finish your apology, Nayeon’s lips were on yours. She seemed to take all the air from your lungs as you melted into the kiss. When she pulled away, Nayeon couldn’t help but laugh at the dazed look in your eyes, “I guess we’re both blind to love when it’s staring us in the face.” You gave Nayeon a confused look that made her roll her eyes, “I’m in love with you too, Pabo.”
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“No wonder you’ve been being weird!”
Yoo Jeongyeon wasn’t easy. But then again, when have you ever looked for easy. “Y/N. Y/N. Earth to Y/N!” You shook your head as you realized you had been staring at your best friend, Jeongyeon. She looked at you with concern as you sighed. “Sorry, Jeong. I’m just a little distracted.” Jeongyeon let out a laugh, “It seemed a little more than that, Y/N. You were staring at me for a good five minutes,” Your best friend smiled as she reached over to ruffle your hair, “From the way you were looking at me I could have sworn you must be in love with me.” Your eyes widened as you cleared your throat awkwardly, “What? No,” You pushed Jeongyeon’s shoulder playfully, “you’re crazy, Yoo.” However, Jeongyeon just rolled her eyes and turned away from you. You wanted to facepalm, ‘I’m such an idiot! There’s no way she doesn’t know I love her.’ Suddenly you felt Jeongyeon turn to face you again, her eyes wide as she looked at you, “What did you just say?” You blinked as you stared at her, “Please don’t tell me I said that out loud.” You suddenly felt the urge to cry as tears began to fill your eyes and you wanted to get as far away from Jeongyeon as fast as possible. “Y/N wait.” Jeong grabbed your wrist and pulled you back onto the bed making you lose your balance and fall on her, “Jeong…” But before you could stop her, Jeongyeon’s lips were on yours, your eyes widening before leaning into the kiss. Your guy’s breaths were labored as you pulled away, your foreheads resting against each other’s. “I love you too.” You wanted to say more but, Jeongyeon had pulled you into another kiss and you knew. She really did love you too.
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“Doesn’t this mean we kiss now?”
Momo could be oblivious. And apparently so could you. You yawned as your eyes began to blur the text in front of you, “This was a stupid idea.” You groaned as you looked at the time on your phone, Momo would be here any minute now and the anticipation was starting to kill you. You had come early in the morning to put your concessfession of love for your best friend, at her locker: eight red carnations (one for each year the two of you had known each other). And the longer you sat in the library by yourself your nerves were starting to get the better of you, until a pair of hands came from behind and covered your eyes, “Guess who?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you breathed in, “Let me guess…Momoring?” Your best friend laughed as she pulled her hands away from your eyes and took the seat next to you, your eyes still focused on the textbook, “You’ll never guess what I found at my locker this morning.” Momo gushed as she sat back in her chair, a giddy smile on her face, “Someone likes me, Y/N!” A soft smile grew on your face as you flipped the page, “That’s great, Momo! Red carnations always seemed to bring out your eyes. Do you have any idea who it is?” There was a long pause before you finally looked up from the textbook to face your best friend, a look of disbelief on her face, “How did you know they were red carnations?” You felt your breath hitch as you looked around Momo to see that there were no flowers in sight, you immediately felt like you wanted to slap yourself, “Momo, wait. Before you say anything, I understand if you don’t feel…” The shrill sound of the bell cut you off as a defeated sigh left your lips, you refused to look at the girl beside you as you closed your textbook and picked up your bag, when you were pulled back by your wrist and a quick peck was placed on your cheek. Your jaw dropped as your hand flew up to touch the spot Momo had just kissed, your eyes meeting Momo’s as a heavy blush set on both your cheeks. Momo let out a light laugh as she began heading towards her class, “I’ll see you after class, Y/N-chan. Don’t keep me waiting.”
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*Internally gay panicking*
Sana was the sweet talker of the two of you. But today, it seemed like you had her tongue tied. You and Sana walked in silence as the April breeze carried the scent of the cherry blossoms blooming on the trees around the two of you. The sight could only be described as straight out of a fairytale, and Sana was the Princess to complete it. You didn’t know if it was the milk you had drank earlier or the courage that was bubbling in your stomach, but either way you couldn’t hold it in any longer. You were a few paces behind your best friend as you looked down and spoke, “Satang, I’ve been meaning to tell you something for a long time.” You let out a breath as you continued, “I like you. Like a lot, and way more than just a friend. Dare I say I’m in love with you.” You squeezed your eyes shut as you braved yourself to finally look back at Sana, a confused look on her face as she stared at you before taking an earbud out of her ear, “What did you say, Y/N?” You felt your mind go blank as your heart sank in your chest, “Um...I said I have to go, my mom called.” Sana gave you a smile as she pulled you into a hug, “Okay, call me when you get home. See you tomorrow!” You gave her a small wave as you began backtracking the way you had come, ‘I’m so stupid!’ You sighed in defeat when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, it was from
Sana: I heard you, you Aho. And I like you too <3.
You felt a smile break out on your lips as your heart swelled in your chest, ‘Huh, I guess fairy tales really do have happy endings.’
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“I can't believe you remembered.”
Jihyo was like the universe. And you were lost in space. You have been hopelessly in love with your best friend for years, since it seemed humanly impossible to not fall for, Park Jihyo. But, even through the years you had never plucked up the courage to ask her, until the two of you had stumbled upon a flash mob proposal in a mall, Jihyo saying how she always dreamed of a big show as a confession of love. So with that in mind, your plan was finally in motion. “Y/N. Y/N.” Jihyo waved a hand in front of your face as she brought you back to reality, “Are you doing okay? Your hand is shaking.” Your eyes widened as you pulled your hand away from hers, shaking off your nerves, “What? Must have been a breeze. Can we get going? There’s something I really want to show you.” You shot a smile at your best friend as she let you pull her through the aquarium, going past various exhibits until you stopped at a large tank filled with various fish and plants. You quickly looked at Jihyo as you spotted two fish chasing each other in the tank, before pointing them out to her, “Hyo, look at that!” You drew her attention away from the divers that you could see in your peripheral, ‘The moment of truth.’ You looked at the opposite end of the tank when you felt Jihyo poke your shoulder, “Y/N, look! They’re waving at us.” You looked to the divers who were now in front of the two of you, holding a rolled banner in their hands. As they started to open it up, a crowd began to gather to see what was going on; when you suddenly felt Jihyo drop your hand.
The banner read: Hey, Hyo. I didn’t know how else to tell you I loved you, but I have for a long time. Will you be my girlfriend? -Y/N.
While she was distracted a lady that worked there quickly ran over to give you a bouquet of flowers to give, when Jihyo finally looked at you; tears in her eyes. You took a breath to calm your racing heart, “Park Jihyo. You have been my best friend for years and frankly I’ve been crazy in love with you from almost the first day we met. And, until the day we saw that proposal in the mall I had no idea how to tell you until now.” You gave Jihyo a small smile, “So. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” The tension in the air was almost suffocating until Jihyo finally answered, “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Y/N, took you long enough.” You let out a laugh, which was silenced when Jihyo suddenly pulled you into a kiss. Rounds of applause sounded as the onlookers cheered for the two of you, your foreheads resting against each other as you pulled away, “Well lucky for you, Hyo. I’m done waiting.
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“Wanna stay the night?”
Midnight confessions were always the best kind of confessions. You couldn’t put your finger on what exactly felt off, but even with how familiar the situation was, something just felt wrong. Your head rested on your best friend’s stomach as she ran her fingers through your hair, something she had always done when you couldn’t sleep as she hummed an old Japanese lullaby. “Want to talk about it?” Mina asked softly as she continued running her fingers through your hair. “I don’t know if I can, Minari,” you closed your eyes as you let out a sigh, “I know I can trust you with my life, but I can’t seem to tell you how much I love you. What is wrong with me!?” You ran a hand over your face as you sighed again, not noticing how Mina’s hand had stopped midway through your hair. Your words ringing in her ears as it seemed as though you hadn’t noticed you said it. It wasn’t until her silence became more quiet than usual did you sit up to face her, noticing how her eyes were wide as she looked at you. “Are you okay?” Concern clear in your voice as Mina swallowed. “You love me, Y/N?” You felt your heart drop as Mina’s soft words seemed to slap you in the face, “W...what?” Mina pursed her lips, “You said it earlier. You really love me.” You squeezed your eyes shut hoping you were just in a bad dream, but Mina was still there when you opened them, “I’m not going to deny what I said,” you pinched the bridge of your nose, “because, yes. I...I do love you, Mina. I have for a long time.” You gave her a small smile as you waited for her response, but instead of words, you felt Mina’s arms around you as she pulled you to lay down. Your head on her chest, as her heartbeat thumped in your ears. Before you could ask what she was doing, you felt her place a kiss on your head as she whispered, “Get some sleep, Y/N. I don’t need my girlfriend getting bags under her eyes because I kept her up all night.” You felt as if your jaw dropped at her words before responding, “Trust me, Mitang. Having bags under your eyes would be the least of your worries if I kept you up all night.” Mina blushed as she slapped you playfully, “Don’t push your luck tonight, L/N.” You chuckled as your eyes began to close, “I don’t need to push my luck, Myoui. I’m already the luckiest girl in the world.”
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You had loved Dahyun for a long time. And it seemed she had loved you too. The two of you were sitting on opposite sides of your bed as Dahyun continued to pout, “Come on, Y/N-ah. Why can’t you just tell me?” You crossed your arms, “‘Cause. It’s a secret.” Your best friend copied your pose and crossed her arms as well, “But, we’re best friends, we have no secrets! And I let you keep it a secret for four years. Please just tell me.” You huffed, “Fine. I’ll let you guess.” Dahyun smiled as she pursed her lips in thought, “Is it...Nayeon Unnie,” You shook your head, “Jeongyeon Unnie, Momo Unnie, Sana Unnie? Oh, Jihyo Unnie?” You let out a laugh as you shook your head, “No, no, no, and very funny, but no.” Dahyun raised an eyebrow, “Mina Unnie? Chaeyoung? Tzuyu?” You once again shook your head ‘no’ making Dahyun lay back on your bed in thought, “But, if it’s not any of them. That only leaves…” Realization seemed to hit Dahyun as you rubbed the back of your neck, “Yeah. Are you mad?” Dahyun blinked as she looked back at you, a smile forming on her lips, “Y/N-ah, how could I be mad? I’ve listened to you be smitten over this ‘girl’ for four years and I find out that my crush likes me back, of course I’m not mad.” As you listened to Dahyun’s words your eyes widened, “Are you saying?” Dahyun nodded as she smiled, “Yes, Y/N. I like you too.”
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“The little things, huh?”
The pun was coincidental. But falling for Chaeyoung was not part of the plan. Your thoughts seemed to race faster than you could process them as you looked around the school in search of your best friend. Unsurprisingly finding Chaeyoung in the art room, her back facing the door as she doodles in the sketchbook in front of her. “Son Chaeyoung.” You deepen your voice to imitate the school’s principal, making her jump. “Y/N!” You laughed as you pulled out the chair beside her as she slapped your arm, “You made me mess up my drawing.” Chae pouted as you poked her cheek, “Pouting doesn’t work anymore, Chaengie. I’m immune.” A proud smile on your face as Chaeyoung continued to pout, your facade fading, making her smile, “Ha! I win! No one can refuse my pout.” You rolled your eyes as a nervous look began to creep out into your face, Chaeyoung noticing it in an instant, “Y/N? Are you okay?” You sighed as you decided to just bite the bullet, “I don’t know why, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realized. I really need to appreciate the small things in life and take chances while I have them. So,” you purse your lips as you look into your best friend’s eyes, “that’s why I’m gonna finally just spit it out. I like you a lot, Chae. And it’s way more than just a friend.” You let out a breath as Chaeyoung looked you in the eyes, a smile on her lips, “Really? You just had to start off with ‘the little things’.” You laughed as Chaeyoung pulled you by the collar of your shirt and into a kiss, silencing you. “Pabo.” You chuckled as Chae pulled you in again. “But, you’re my, Pabo.”
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“Promise me.” (Whoops, my finger slipped)
Tzuyu has been your best friend since you had met that day in the classroom. And now you hoped this wouldn’t be where it ended. It was a week before graduation and the butterflies of finally being free weren’t the only thing filling your stomach. You had been planning the way you would finally confess to your best friend, Tzuyu, for months and you wanted to take your chance before she left for Korea, to chase her dreams. So now you were left with your own thoughts as you waited in the now empty Chemistry class where the two of you had met on the first day of school, four years ago. Your heart seemed to beat out of your chest as the door to the room began to open, revealing the gorgeous face of your best friend. Tzuyu looked around the room to see that all the tables were pushed to the side as you stood in the center of the room, a bouquet of purple hibiscuses in your hand, “Hey, Tzu.” You set down the flowers before reaching down to your phone on a chair as you started playing a slow song, extending your hand to her, “Care to dance?” Tzuyu looked at you in surprise before tentatively taking your hand as you pulled her into a slow rhythm, you took a deep breath before looking her in the eyes, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” The girl in your arms raised an eyebrow at you but nodded, “Four years ago we met in this classroom and have been best friends ever since. But, four years ago I also fell in love with the shy girl in this classroom and kept my feelings to myself till life finally kicked me in the ass to confess. And I’m here to say that, I’m head over heels for you, Tzumong.” At your confession, Tzuyu suddenly stopped. Hurt evident on her face, “Y/N. I’m so sorry,” the hope in your eyes began to fade as you felt your heart sink, “but I can’t accept your confession. When I leave for Korea I can’t ask you to uproot everything you’ve worked so hard for here, just to watch me chase a dream. I couldn’t live with myself if I did that to you.” You and Tzuyu both had tears brimming in your eyes as she placed a kiss on your forehead, “But, I need you to promise me something, Y/N.” You nodded, “Anything.” Tzuyu let out a breath, “Promise me, you won’t wait.” You bit your lip to distract yourself from the pain of your heart breaking, “I can’t make promises I know I won’t keep. But don’t worry about me and go chase your dream.” Tzuyu’s lip wobbled as she wrapped you into a tight hug, tears soaking your shirt. Her voice shook as she pulled away and headed for the door. A longing look in her eyes as she looked back at you, “In another life, Y/N, I promise: I’ll love you too.”
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jhoudiey · 4 years
I haven’t really been feeling my writing much lately so everything has sort of come to a screeching halt. In the meantime, I’ve been reading a book book rather than manga to try and get a grasp on how words work without it all being dialogue, and thought I’d give a writing prompt I’d had saved a go.
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Had a bit of fun with it, though apologies for not writing much of the other characters. I haven’t studied them as much as the fish so I’m not comfortable I can write them in character well enough to have them be a focus. Entire story under the cut, 1460 words, TW for blood.
How the hell did I get dragged into this? Yoru thought to herself as she flew idly above the other players on the dodgeball court. One second she had been enjoying her day reading in a tree out in the courtyard, the next she was in the middle of what was apparently a very heated game between bitter rivals. She’d never seen a dodgeball club, nor heard of one, so she was very confused on how this bitter rivalry had even started. She’d tried to ask Ace, but every time he tried to explain he’d ended up nearly being hit with a ball and shouting DAMN YOU GIANTS! She suspected it may have something to do with how tall everyone was, since everyone on the opposite team were indeed “giants”. Yoru looked at her team, Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Kalim. They were all eager to play, but none of them were particularly good at dodgeball. Not surprisingly the “giant” team had begun to sway the game in their favor once they stopped aiming for her. They’d learned early on that four limbs for catching meant that the large target that were her wings wasn’t worth the effort of trying to get a shot in… it was so much easier to aim for those who weren’t as adept at catching or evasion.
Sebek shouted in glee as his well placed throw took Kalim in the shoulder, knocking him out of the game to wait to the sidelines. Ace and deuce shouted in frustration, one of their team had fallen to peril! Yoru could see them trying to hatch a plan of revenge but saved them the effort. The ball that had ricocheted off of Kalim bounced upwards into her waiting hands. She held onto it, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Trey wasn’t a threat, nor was Jade. Jack and Floyd seemed to be the targets to aim for since they had the most power behind their throws which made her team too slow to dodge them for the most part. Sebek would slip up eventually, after every move he made he’d turned to look at Malleus and Lilia who were watching from the bleachers. Floyd had invited both of them to play as well, but they graciously declined the offer, stating that the match would never end with one of them on each side. A well placed ball from Ace took Sebek in the leg as he was basking in the praise of his much loved senpai, Trey fumbled a ball Deuce had thrown at him, and he and Sebek joined Kalim on the sidelines. Seems the first years had a bit more gusto than she expected. Jack puffed up, shocked that two of his team mates would be eliminated so easily and locked his eyes on Ace. Target Acquired. He put everything he had into the throw and the ball shot across the court like a cannonball, firmly planting itself in Ace’s stomach before knocking him over. 
“Help, I’m dying. I’m dying” He whined dramatically, crawling off of the court where he joined a laughing Kalim and a concerned Trey. Sebek had no time to console his fellow first year, he had to look stern and proper for his senpai, Ace should have been more careful. Yoru narrowed her eyes and launched her own attack, Jack with his sight locked on Deuce had completely forgotten about her. The ball made contact with his thigh and careened out of bounds before he realized and could strike back at Deuce. She laughed as her team cheered. Jade and Floyd looked at each other and grinned, was this what they had been waiting for? Perhaps Jade was a threat after all. While Deuce was still cheering a ball took hit the side of his foot and bounced away, his cheering turning to cries of OH NOOOOO as he realized he’d made himself an easy target.
“Fufufufu, Deuce-kun you should make sure to pay attention. You can never tell what’s lurking if your attention is elsewhere” Jade laughed, setting his sights on Epel. “Ahh, Epel-kun. You’ve been quiet this whole game, have you perhaps been paying closer attention than your fellow first years?” he taunted as Floyd laughed and lunged in an attempt to intimidate the smaller boy. To his merit, Epel didn’t flinch. The twins intimidation wasn’t going to work on him, apparently he was much tougher than he looked.
“What’s the plan Yoru?” He said gruffly, without looking at her, keeping his eyes on the twins who were in possession of both of the game's remaining balls.
“Don’t get hit” She smiled. “If you don’t think you can catch something yell and I’ll get it. We can still win this” It was a waiting game, she knew that Jade wasn’t going to throw his ball without a guaranteed hit so they just had to wait for Floyd to get bored of the stalemate and make a wild shot. It came sooner than expected, he’d aimed for Yoru’s outstretched wings, making her raise her eyebrow. This play, again? Did they not learn the first time it wouldn’t work? She easily maneuvered around and caught the ball with her foot, lowering herself to give it to Epel, but as anything was with those two, it was a distraction. Jade had thrown his ball a few seconds after Floyd, aiming for the space she would surely move to after she’d caught the other ball. If not for Epels shout she may have joined the rest of her teammates on the sidelines, but he’d jumped in front of her, throwing the ball she’d given him with surprising accuracy, hitting Jade in the hip as he blocked her from the incoming attack. Jade’s ball bounced off his upper arm, upwards towards the rafters of the gymnasium from where Yoru could catch it.
Now it was one on one. Each of them had a ball, and again the waiting game began, she knew that as the final defender Floyd may last a little longer before he got bored, but she couldn’t let her guard down. She had to avenge Epel and his valiant sacrifice… and the other guys too, she figured. She watched him closely, wishing that there were a few stray birds in the gym she could borrow the vision of so he wouldn’t be able to make a move without her seeing it, but alas. Her only advantage was flight, however with how flexible Floyd was she’d have to make her throw count. If he dodged it he’d have the upper hand. His shoulders drooped, he put his head down and sighed. A small whine of I’m booooorrrreeeeddddddd leaked out from where he was standing, but she’d expected this. She flew forward and hoped that she was right. She was certain Floyd was faking to trick her into a false sense of security. She raised her arm and gripped the ball in her hand as if her life depended on it, swinging her arm back, bringing it forward with a rush. In his haste to win however, Floyd hadn’t noticed she’d never released her ball and threw his at her midsection as she completed the arc with her hand. She folded her wings and immediately dropped to the ground, finally letting loose the ball she still held in her hand. It slammed into his face, knocking him off of his feet, her team cheering as they all ran back onto the court. She could hear Jades quiet laughter and Jack muttering, concerned about the sound that echoed through the gym as the ball made contact with Floyds face, and the fountain of blood that had sprayed out as he fell. 
“Uhhhh… is he dead?” Ace asked, bending down to peer at him. Floyd was staring at the roof, trying to blink the stars out of his eyes and spit the blood out of his mouth.
“Fufufufu Floyd, it seems we underestimated Yoru-san and her team” Jade chuckled, standing over his brother
“Wasn’t...that a bit much though?” Kalim asked curiously from where he stood looking down at Floyd.
Yoru laughed and shook her head “Nah. he deserved that. The book I was reading was just getting good and Floyd spoiled it for me when he dragged me in here. I guess he read it last week”. Floyd rolled his eyes and sat up, blood dripping onto his shirt.
“There wasn’t even anything good to spoil!” he whined, spitting out a mouthful of blood “You could see the main character's death coming from a mile away!” He protested, Yoru glared at him.
“Epel, get me another ball. I don’t think he got the message the first time”
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Home isn't a place, it's you // Arthur Fleck x Reader // angst turns to fluff.
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Summary: Arthur makes a huge self-depreciating comment to you when you’ve both had a bad day and things escalate. He hides out in his bedroom to calm down, to deal with everything alone, and you have to try and get through to him. Can you do it?
Word count: 1, 994.
Arthur Fleck/Joker:  @writings-of-a-gen-z @x-avantgarde-x @mapreza1 @insomniabird @mavalenovaninagavi @itwasrealenough @morrisonmercurymalek  @rand0ms-fand0ms @rafaelina-casillas @aclownthing @rebs-doom @vivft @help-i-am-obssessed @autumnaffection @taintednihilist @vladtoly @mg-woolf99 @misstgrey92 @that-s-life @dopey-girl-blogs @seeking-dreamland @sweetheart-syndrome @heartxfdesire @xmusichealsthesoulx
Want to be added to the taglist? Please send an ask or a DM. 
You had thought that you had seen Arthur in every possible mood. Happy, sad, totally defeated, determined, upset, loved up… you had never seen him angry before. Annoyed, definitely. Frustrated, pissed off, yes and yes. But angry? No. You hadn’t thought your sweet Arthur was capable of such an emotion, least of all towards you. It was your fault, you supposed. He had had a bad day and you had had a bad day and you both needed something from the other that just wasn’t possible in your current moods; which came together in the tense, smoky room and made it seem as though electrical currents were rubbing through every available surface and going straight through your bodies. 
You fed off each other’s upset and discomfort, and the result had been Arthur gripping his raven locks in his thin fingers out of disbelief, his eyes wild as he looked at you. There was no love in his eyes as he looked at you in that moment. That realisation had cut you deeper than anything. He only felt negativity towards you as you raised your voices to each other in what was, admittedly, a very silly moment. Both of you just wanted to relax but here you were, starting to yell at each other. What a pair you made. 
You sighed deeply, turned your back to Arthur so you could just close your eyes and count to ten, pinching the bridge of your nose between your thumb and index finger. This was ridiculous. One, two, three, four... five  - you bit back a sudden wave of anger, focusing even harder on just calming down - six seven eight nine and - “Would you please just let me comfort you? You don’t have to do things alone all the time, Arthur!”
“I don’t want you to comfort me,” Arthur bit out his words, his anger finally exploding, changing and morphing into something all the more terrifying. “Oh, come on, I’m a comedian, Y/N!” You looked confused as he continued, not knowing what he was trying to say to you, and that made Arthur even angrier than he already was. He was positively livid, though now you understood that the anger was towards himself. “My life is the biggest joke of anything I could ever come up with!” 
Your stomach dropped and there was a horrible wrenching in your gut. You spoke before you were able to check your temper, so outraged were you by his audacity. “How fucking dare you speak about the man I love like that? Take it back.”
“No.” Arthur sounded like a petulant child who was aware that he had done something wrong, but he was being stubborn. The comment had been a little harsh, he supposed, but all he had were negative thoughts. How else was he supposed to feel? Couldn’t he talk to anyone now without there being a problem? He felt sick. He had to leave. His body ached and he just wanted to lay down with you and go to sleep. But instead, he had spoken without thinking and now you were going to leave him, too. Stupid, stupid, stupid -
“Take it back, Arthur. Now.” The callous way he referred to his own life and all that he was made you angrier than you could ever remember being. Tears, hot and salty, were pouring down your flushed cheeks. Neither of you could look at the other. Arthur’s words had done some real damage because you knew he thought it to be true. Seeing the resignation on your face and being unable to deal with your tears, Arthur emitted a painful groan which was immediately followed with the beginning hiccups of a horrific laughing fit. Without another word, Arthur buried his face in his arms, which he hurriedly crossed over his shoulders and sequestered himself away in the bedroom.
You stood there for some time simply staring at the place he had previously occupied and sat down to watch television, not caring what was on. You ended up pacing the living room floor. The carpet was already aged and far beyond needing to be replaced, so a few more holes in the worn material from your pent up energy and worry wouldn’t be noticed.
Minutes passed in tense silence, marked only by the breaking of your tried and tired heart. 
Half an hour. Time crawled passed without Arthur beside you.
An hour marked the end of your patience.
This was so stupid. You were both fully grown adults so why were you acting like children? Communication was imperative with Arthur, it always had been, so why were you enabling his bad behaviour? You were separated by far more than just paper thin, mouldy walls. There was a huge emotional rift with no real solution other than time and some vastly needed tender loving care. You hated it when this happened. You knew that Arthur hated it. But he couldn’t help himself.  You knew how damaged Arthur was, you had always known, and that had partly been why you had befriended him in the first place. That wasn’t, however, why you were with him. No... You were with him because from the urge to help had grown friendship and love. It had been a small seed planted in your mind from the very first time that Arthur had smiled at you, and you had watered and nurtured the seed until it had blossomed. You wanted to help him, to love him. You wouldn’t accept this any longer. He was going to let you help him, whether he wanted you to or not.
Laughter. It bounced off the walls and penetrated your inner ears. There was no hiding from this. You approached the bedroom door. Knocked. No answer. Your heart bled. You knocked again. Opened the door. Arthur was sat on the edge of the bed, his hand clasped to his throat. His face was bright red, veins popping in his forehead and neck as he struggled to breathe. He gagged on his laughter and it prompted you to act. Would your heart only get to break today?
You walked over to him, took his other hand in yours and squeezed. You weren’t angry anymore. Your bad day had faded into nothing, so insignificant was it compared to what was before you. “Ssh, ssh, I’ve got you.” You bent your head to press a kiss to Arthur’s forehead, “Just breathe, darling.”
His eyes, full of so much pain, flew to yours, and with a sudden show of strength did he grip your hand, his fingers shakily interlocking with yours. His laughter had stopped at your reassuring touch but Arthur was still hiccuping as he fought to get his breath back. Everything with Arthur was a fight today, it seemed. He was ferociously battling himself and all you could do was support him from the sidelines. Oh, but all you wanted to do was curl up beside him and go to sleep. 
He opened his mouth, tried to apologise, but you shook your head at him, a gentle smile on your face. Now wasn’t the time for words. Words meant next to nothing in this situation. Arthur was a man of action. Instead of saying he loved his mother, he would go out and work as hard as he possibly could to support her. Instead of promising you things, he worked even harder, thinking you wouldn’t notice, just to deliver on the promises he made to you inside his head. It did mean that sometimes he would mentally beat himself up if he couldn’t stick to his promises, but you didn’t need to know that. Arthur didn’t need words right now. He needed you.
“Come up onto the bed.” Arthur watched you cautiously as you moved away from him and sat down against the headboard. With tears in your eyes and the harsh yellow lamps giving the room just enough illumination to be able to see each other without straining your eyes, Arthur’s heart was in his throat as he scrambled to get to you. He lacked his usual finesse and it made you giggle quietly.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Was muttered so quietly that you thought you had misheard Arthur. But the way his bottom lip was quivering slightly and the way his eyes were glued to your face waiting for the inevitable rejection told you that he had spoken. Again and again did you stay in the face of Arthur’s bad behaviour, and again and again were you able to peel back his masks, to see the true raw vulnerability underneath almost everything he said and did.
“I accept your apology, but, next time, could you just... just talk to me? Don’t shut me out, don’t shut me down, just let me help you.”
Arthur had been kneeling near you on the bed, but at your words he laid down beside you, curling his legs up so he was in the foetal position. You shifted until you were lying down and facing him. With your heads occupying the same pillow, it seemed only natural for you to lay an arm over his waist lazily, your fingers dipping under the thin and worn material of his shirt. You made a mental note to buy him some more clothes. Everything about Arthur, his personality, his surroundings, his possessions, were worn out, thin, beaten down. Gotham had taken this ray of sunshine and rejected him time and again, neglected him time and again, and before long... Before long, there would be no Arthur Fleck to come home to every night. Whether by another’s hand or his own, he would eventually give in to his negativity. He was only human, and humans are fragile creatures.This wasn’t the first occasion in which you had found yourself wondering how much time you really had with Arthur. He was a fighter, this was true, but were you enough to keep him fighting?
In response to your touch, Arthur laid a hand on your cheek, his thumb stroking your face. The look of total love and adoration that you had so missed today was back in his eyes and it made you smile, your own gaze softening. He was forgiven. He would have been forgiven even if he hadn’t apologised. There was nothing he could do that would turn you away from him. You wondered if Arthur knew the depth of devotion that you felt towards him. You’d die for him, and he would do the same for you.
“I don’t deserve you.” Almost whispering, his voice was so soft, you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. There was nothing you could say to tell him otherwise. Only actions would show him the truth. Arthur lay without moving for a few seconds while his abused brain caught up with what was happening, and then the fingers still stroking your hair stilled and he gave in to your affections, kissing you with such desperate passion that the heat within the room rose quickly. You weren’t in the mood for sex, though, you just wanted to cuddle. Indeed, Arthur pulled back as he realised the same thing, and instead he rolled you over onto your back so that he could bury his face in your chest, his legs entangling with yours. This was his favourite way to cuddle. His head moved here and there, nuzzling, searching for that one noise under his ear which made the entire world still.
Your heartbeat.
It didn’t take him long to find it, and it was with a weary yet relieved sigh that Arthur allowed his eyes to close, his arms tightening around you. You held him, your fingers in his hair, and together you found the puzzle piece of the day that had been missing.
The morning would bring new challenges. In the present, however, you had each earned your rest in the arms of the one you loved most.
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shaynawrites23 · 4 years
Bucky x reader: Dances
This is my entry for @megthemewlingquim ‘s writing challenge.
Prompt: Would you care for a dance?
"Hey, Stevie. What's up?" Bucky greeted his best friend as they neared the venue of the wedding, Tony and Pepper's wedding to be precise.
"Nothing much. You got a date for today?"
"Nah. Didn't bother trying to get a dame. Not sure if I'm ready for the whole 'dating' scene yet."
The blond nodded in understanding.
"I get it, it can be really intimidating."
"What about you? Sharon here?" Bucky watched as Steve's face seemed to light up at the mention of his girlfriend.
"Yeah, she's just catching up with a couple of friends."
"Watch out, punk, or she may decide to ditch you for her girlfriends."
Bucky grinned. Steve shoved him with his shoulder, a playful gesture Bucky returned immediately.
"Shut up, man."
They entered the beautiful building, passing many people he'd never seen before. Bucky's glance flitted from person to person, finally coming to rest on a woman in an eye-catching evening dress on the other side of the room.
"Hey, Stevie, who's that beautiful dame?" Bucky nodded in her direction. She laughed at a joke on of her friends made, and he watched as she threw her head back, a pure, white smile on her face.
"Wow," he whispered under his breath.
"Oh, that's (Y/N)." Steve drew his attention away from her. "She's one of Pepper's childhood friends. I heard Pepper asked her to be the maid of honor but (Y/N) wasn't sure if she was gonna make it."
So Steve was acquainted with her? Had he ever seen her before? Surely he would have remembered her. Bucky racked his brain, trying to find her in his memories, nearly tripping over the legs of the chairs while he was distracted.
"Really? How come I've never met her?"
"She's been really busy with her career lately. Last time she came by the Tower was when you were practically living in your room."
Bucky snorted. Of course, if she came by right after they brought him to New York,  Steve wouldn't have let her near him. "Really? That was quite a while ago. What does she do?"
"She's a (Y/O). If you're so curious about her, why don't you go talk to go her yourself after the ceremony?"
Oh boy. Bucky began to understand Steve's nonchalant manner, and why he was letting Bucky pry for all the information instead of just giving it to him. "I, well, uh, does she have a date? Or a boyfriend who'll probably sock me in the jaw if he gets the wrong idea?"
"As far as I know, she's single. Just talk to her, man, it'll be good for you."
Bucky opened his mouth to reply, or possibly protest, he didn't know himself. However, the music started, cutting him off. He tried his best to follow the ceremony, but he was only half present, his mind instead choosing to decide and plan out how he was going to approach (Y/N).
"You may kiss the bride." The officiant closed his book, taking a step backwards as Tony locked lips with his bride. Bucky cheered along with the rest of the audience, making eye contact with (Y/N) for a split second, who smiled warmly at him.
It felt like the amount of guests had doubled during the reception. Bucky ended up swamped with attention, probably a result of his Avenger status. Apologizing as he rejected girl after girl, he tried to make his way outside for some peace and quiet.
Steve noticed his best friend's predicament and swooped in to save him. As soon as the females were distracted, he ducked out of the room. He'd have time to thank Steve later.
He took a deep breath of fresh air, relishing the silence and the cool breeze. Only when he reopened his eyes did he notice he wasn't alone.
(Y/N) sat on a bench in the large garden, eyes closed, oblivious to his presence. Should he approach her?
Bucky decided to summon his courage. Clearing his throat, he slowly walked towards her.
"Hey, doll. Are you having a good time?"
Her eyes shot open. She looked surprised for a second before shooting him a friendly smile. "Oh! Hi. Yes, I am. It's one of my my best friends' wedding, I'm really happy for her."
"Oh yeah, I think Steve told me once how close you were with Pepper. I'm Bucky, by the way."
She scooted over, patting the space next to her. Bucky took her invitation, sitting down. "(Y/N). But Steve probably told you all about me already."
"Nah, he told me just enough to leave me intrigued. Told me to come talk to you myself. And here I am."
He grinned, his heart skipping when she returned it. God her smile was beautiful. It was the most radiant thing he'd ever seen, and it caused his heart to overflow with happiness whenever he saw it, even though he'd only just met her.
From outside they could hear the music faintly, and his assassin's senses didn't miss the quick shift in her attention. He stood, bowing, his metal hand behind his back and his flesh one extended towards her.
"I know I only just introduced myself, but would you care for a dance?"
"I'd love to." She rose as well, slipping her hand into Bucky's warm one, letting him lead her back inside to the dance floor.
A slow song played, and Bucky rested his hands gently on her waist. She interlocked her hands behind his neck as they swayed to the music together.
"What are you thinking about?"
Bucky realized his attention had drifted off as her voice brought him back to reality.
"Just about how I've got the most beautiful partner of all of them."
(Y/N) let out a breathy giggle, looking down in embarrassment.
"Flattery won't get you everything in life, mister." There was a teasing lilt in her voice. Bucky grinned.
"Maybe not, but it can get me some things."
"Not with me. Not that easily at least." She pointed her finger at him, as if to issue a warning.
The song ended, and when they heard a more upbeat one begin, they returned to the sidelines to talk.
"Oh, hey Buck. (Y/N)." Steve strolled over, a drink in his hand and a look on his face which could only mean he knew what he was doing. His grin only widened when Bucky let out a long groan.
"Really, Steve? Now? Go dance with Sharon or something."
(Y/N) laughed, a light, carefree sound, as the blond raised his hands in surrender. He walked away, but not after shooting Bucky a cheeky wink.
"What was that? Is something going on between you?"
"What? No, we're good."
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow quizzically. She searched Bucky's eyes, and it didn't take long for him to give in with a sigh.
"Well, when you arrived here, looking so radiant, I was just blown away. I may have asked Steve about you, and he gave a few details, telling me if I wanted to know more I should ask you myself. I think he might have gotten an idea in his head when I asked if you had a boyfriend."
"Was it the right idea?"
"Well, I won't say it was the wrong idea. It depends. Are you as interested in getting to know me as I am in you?"
She nodded. "Yeah. And you're sure laying on the charm, aren't you?"
Bucky laughed, and (Y/N) quickly joined in. "In any case, will you let me take you on a date next week? We'll do anything you want."
She tapped her chin, looking around as if she needed to think it over.
"Well, alright. But no fancy restaurants."
"Whatever you prefer, doll."
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little-ki · 4 years
50 Day Challenge: Shiranui Genma
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Read the 50 Day Challenge on AO3
Prompt: Write a story that starts with a word you picked out of a dictionary at random.
Word: Chockablock (extremely full; crowded; jammed: a room chockablock with furniture and plants)
Song Inspiration: Fruity - Hyolyn feat. Kisum
Chockablocked. As soon as he walked into the club that was the first word that came into mind, seeing how it was chock full of people. The word of the day calendar Hayate gave him was finally paying off.
Speaking of Hayate, Genma suspected that the only reason he was dragged here was to take his best friend home once he became completely drunk. He’d had another fight with Yuugao and decided to have a night at the club with the guys. From the table they had commandeered he could see Hayate being egged into drinks by Aoba, while Raido tried to stop them from climbing on top of the bar.
Normally, he would be right there with them downing drinks and having a good time watching the chaos, but he’d just gotten back from a month-long escort mission to Sand. That meant 30 days of traveling on foot through sand, sun, sandstorms, and more sand. If the pay hadn’t been A-Ranked, he wouldn’t have taken on the C-Ranked mission. He’d only had time to take off his mission pack before Hayate barreled into his apartment and dragged him here.
A bright, airier song started playing which was an interesting change from the usual mix they played. There was a bit of commotion and noise on the dance floor, so he turned to see what was going on, and oh.
Moving on the dance floor was a petite woman in the middle of a dance battle. She had long black hair tied in a high ponytail, that swayed in time with each move of her hips. While the lights on the floor made it hard to see the color of her eyes, Genma could very clearly see her pale pink lips that were much too sweet for the way she was currently waving her body – and oh wow, did she just drop into the splits and get up in one movement. He couldn’t help but swallow seeing the look she gave her opponent over her shoulder.
He’d met many kunoichi and they always knew the best ways to use their allure, but somehow, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from this woman. She didn’t come out again, staying at the sidelines to cheer on her team, and every movement she made followed the rhythm of the song. He didn’t know how long he’d been watching until everyone started clapping (dear god, her smile).
She was a tiny thing but her black off-shoulder top and matching high-waisted shorts, clung to her svelte form, and paired with high-heeled ankle boots showed off her legs that went on for miles. He was broken from his stupor when Aoba smacked him in the back.
“Hey! Why aren’t you joining us?” Genma couldn’t respond, watching her dance with her friends in a daze. They danced around her protectively and he could see guys and girls alike trying to move closer to the group, only to be pushed aside. One guy decided to be brave (more like stupid) and reached into the circle to grab onto her arm.
In a flash, Genma was there gripping the idiot’s arm, “I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” The other guy wasn’t bad looking, tall, dark haired with dark eyes to match, he looked built with lean muscle but was clearly a civilian with the way his eyes panicked. 
Once the idiot stumbled off, Genma turned back to apologize for meddling only to be dumbstruck seeing her dark blue eyes look up at him. “I-I-I uh,” he stuttered like a fool before stiffly nodding and walking away.
What was that! What was that! What was that! He was a grown man struck dumb because of the most beautiful set of eyes he’d ever seen, even thinking back now he felt like he was looking at the night sky. God, maybe he was the idiot.
He avoided his previous spot at the table where Aoba and Hayate were staring at him like he’d grown an extra head – and was that Raido hunched over the table in laughter? God, he wasn’t going back there.
Going towards the bar, he wanted to order a drink but knowing he’d have to lug his three friends home later, he opted for an iced tea instead. At his side, a soft voice chimed in, “Actually, could you make that two iced teas, please.” His head turned so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash.
Standing there was the petite fairy of his dreams (and what glorious dreams they will be), smiling at him and speaking – oh, she was actually saying something.
“Thank you for earlier.” Oh god. Even her voice was adorable, and he was even more confused now, how old was she?!
“Uh, yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t trying to be nosy but he’s a regular here and known to be pushy,” he sheepishly rubbed his head with one hand.
“It’s alright, let me pay for your drink,” she said with a smile, looking up at him shyly through her eyelashes.
Was she flirting with him?! There was only so much he could take and watching her eyelashes flutter against those blue eyes made it hard for him to breathe. “Uh sure! What happened to your friends?” Internally he was panicking, trying to figure out how to ask for her age without sounding like a creep.
“Oh, they’re still dancing. I can’t keep up with them sometimes,” she laughed.
One of her friends came over and slung an arm over both of their shoulders and slurred, “Sshe’s Hikari and sshes ssingleeeeee!!!!” She turned towards Genma and he tried not to grimace at the strong smell of alcohol in her breath. Cupping her hand to cover her mouth as if she was planning to whisper, she loudly remarked, “Dooooonnn’tt worrrrryyyyy! Sshe’s tiny! And frickin adorableeeeeee! But sshe’sss actuallyyyyy 25 this yearrrrrrrrrr!” Winking in his direction she bounced off back to the dance floor and welcomed by the cheers of the crowd.
Hikari covered her face with one hand and he could see her face flush with embarrassment, “I’m so sorry. She’s mostly harmless.”
Genma swallowed and felt the last shred of doubt fade away, extending a hand he asked, “Do you want to dance together?”
She looked at him through her hands before placing her hand in his, “I’d love to.”
The two danced for hours, and when he woke up the next morning with her in his arms, he kissed her shoulder, hugging her even tighter when she sighed in contentment.
Next time they went out, he’d buy Hayate all the drinks he wanted.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
Hey! I sent this prompt to a few other BNHA pages, but I'd love to see your take on it please! Your writing & headcanons are so good! Reader is a sweetie from Class A & despite the rivalry she really supports Class B & she has a soft spot for Monoma. She's always encouraging him in joint trainings & stuff. Reader does what everyone seen coming & asks him on a date. Monoma, our awkward boy, laughs in her face & ruins it. However he really likes her too & tries to fix things in the end. Thanks!
Anon, let me tell you right now, that great minds must think alike because I’ve been legit toying with an idea similar to this in my head for months! Also, thank you, let me see what I can cook up for you in my little mind. And you requested my favorite feral boi thank youuuuu
- Monoma was never sure how it came to him liking you.
- First and foremost, you were from class 1-a, and therefore there was more than enough reason to detest you like the rest of your classmates.
- But noooo, you had to come in and make things all confusing for the blond.
- You were always supportive of his class from the start. Even going so far as to become good friends with some of them, offering tips and helping to train.
- You tried offering the same to him, but he always disappeared before you could really ask him.
- And you were so sweet, especially to him, which he couldn’t for the life of him understand. Always shouting tips from the sideline, watching his back if you were on the same team in joint training. And even if you weren’t and you knocked him down, you always lent a helping hand to him afterwards and words of encouragement.
- Monoma couldn’t pin down one instance where you’ve ever treated him like a nuisance, as someone to be ashamed to know. You even laughed at some of his quips!
- Yeah, safe to say, he fell very hard and had absolutely no idea how to handle it.
- And it’s basically obvious as hell because now he has a giant blush on his face every time he talks to you and especially when he teases you.
- Lol he figures he has some time to figure out how to approach this but alas, your wonderful, adorable figure comes into view with a shy smile. “Monoma I really, really like you… do you think we could go on a date?”
- Monoma.exe has officially short circuited.
- Now, what he wants to say is “Yes, I’ve liked you for so long. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, name it.”
- But what comes out is hysterical laughter as he turns and power walks away from you as fast as possible because he doesn’t actually know how to face his emotions.
- It’s only at night when he realizes just what he’s done and he’s banging his head against the wall and blaring heartbreak songs on almost full volume.
- If it weren’t for Kendo almost breaking down his door and for once not seeing Monoma act like he has all the answers, she talks him through it.
- And for some visuals, just imagine Kendo sitting on the bed next to Monoma who is completely wrapped in his blankets like a burrito. He has the biggest pout on his face as he whines about how stupid he was.
- Kendo kinda agrees on that stupid bit, but heavily suggests that he needs to go talk to you about it and “an explanation is better than nothing, at least she can understand why you did that.”
- So, the next day, Monoma has flowers, chocolates, your favorite stuffed animal, anything to make up for his mistake. He is 100% prepared to apologize and hopefully woo you back into liking him.
- But then he knocks on your door, and he sees your puffy eyes and the tissues scattered about behind you and his heart just breaks. He did that to you, he broke your heart all because he didn’t know what to do. In that instance he just drops everything he’s holding and brings you into a hug and apologizes to you over and over again.
- It’s probably the most genuine you’ve ever seen him.
- If you decide to hear him out, he sits on the bed, confesses that he’s liked you for a long time, and you really surprised him asking him out and he didn’t know how else to react. Albeit it’s all a very awkward confession because he’s still trying to maintain his cocky attitude but it’s too late, it’s already fallen apart and you can see the real him now.
- He grabs your hand gently and just looks into your eyes. “I’m not the best at this whole… relationship thing. But, I’m willing to try for you and, if you’ll let me, I would love to take you out on a date.”
- It’s up to you whether or not you want to go, but if you say yes, be rest assured, he’ll be doing everything he so possibly can on that date to spoil you, even if he’s super awkward about it.
This got long but oooh it fueled my passion that I couldn’t stop typing. Thank you so much for this request, anon! I hope you enjoyed it!
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saintlavrents · 5 years
Together [p.p]
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Prompt: “Do you trust me?”
Summary: Peter’s been putting you on the sidelines and you were tired of it.
Words: 1,254 (probs the longest ive ever written so far omg)
A/N: FFH SPOILERS!! hi this is super late but this is my entry to @definitely-not-black-cat​‘s writing challenge. and this is quite meh bc I am so out of practice but im so busy with college n stuff so yea. enjoy??
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Upon noticing that Peter had walked out of the opera, Y/N followed him out, but far enough that he didn’t notice her following him. She soon lost him as the streets were crowded due to the festival, so she decided to suit up.
She flew for a bit before seeing him on the side of a building, in a full black suit. She decided to land in an alley near the building he was at. Upon hearing the familiar sound of an iron suit, Peter swung down on his web and walked over towards where she landed.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?”
Her helmet dissolves, “I came to help you.”
“No, Y/N, it’s too dangerous.”
She rolled her eyes, “Oh, c’mon, not this again.”
“I’m serious, Y/N. You should be with the others in the opera.”
“I’m sick of being on the sidelines and doing nothing, Peter. I want to help. Don’t you trust me?”
He walked closer to her and puts his right hand on her cheek, “Look, it’s too dangerous, okay? I don’t want you t-”
The two broke it off as the huge fire monster started to appear from beneath the ground. Mysterio had also arrived on the scene and started to shoot it, whilst telling Peter through the comms that they had to prevent the fire monster from absorbing metal. Y/N tried shooting at it from above, whilst Peter tried to get the metal away from it in order to stop it from getting even bigger.
Y/N spotted Ned and Betty on the Ferris Wheel, but since Peter isn’t wearing the Iron Spider suit, there’s no way for her to tell him to get it as far away as possible from the Ferris Wheel, so that she could have enough time to get Ned and Betty out of there. So, she flew down.
“Peter! Ned and Betty are up there. I’m going to get them out of here.”
“Okay!” And with that, Peter swung a huge rock towards the monster, making it stumble back and turning its full attention to Peter, whilst Y/N flew towards the component, where Ned and Betty were at.
“Guys, hold on!” She yelled at them as she reached both her hands over, trying to carry them both at the same time. She had both of them holding her suit arm tight and flew towards the opera building, as it was quite far from there and dropped them off at the entrance before going back to the fire monster.
Y/N came back to the sight of Mysterio flying towards the fire monster and turning the glowing orange creature to green. Before the monster exploded. And the next thing she knew, Mysterio was lying on the ground, as Peter tried to help him up.
And soon enough, Fury and Maria Hill came and Y/N walked away from the scene as Fury, Maria and Mysterio started talking to Peter. She went back to the hotel, her suit dissolves into her necklace and she walked over to her shared room with MJ.
“Hey, where have you been?” MJ asks the moment she walked into the room.
“I tried to help, with the fire thing.”
“Oh my god, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. You?”
“I managed to get out of the carnival the moment I saw the thing come out of the ground, so I’m okay.”
“Good.” She nodded.
“The trip’s over, by the way.”
“I heard. Ned told me on my way in.”
“Oh, and I found this while I was running away.” MJ dug through her bag and handed Y/N a strange looking object.
“Where did you get it?” She asks, as she took the object from MJ’s hands.
“In an alley, not that far from where the monster was.”
Y/N inspected the object in her hand before she was interrupted by a knock on the door. She shoved it inside her bag. MJ going to the door to see who it is.
“It’s Peter. Should I open it?”
“Sure.” And MJ opens the door and before he could even ask, she pointed at Y/N, who’s started packing some of her things into her suitcase.
“Hey, Y/N, can we talk?”
Y/N walked out of the room and crossed her hands over her chest as she waits for Peter to say what he wants to say.
“I’m so-“
“Do you trust me, Peter?” She interrupted him, knowing that he’s going to apologize yet again.
“Of course, I do. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
She scoffed. He has been doing this ever since her father died and it annoys her that he’s treating her like some helpless child, when she can definitely fight and defend herself.
“Y/N, please, you have to understand that this is for your own g-”
“Stop treating me like a child! I can fight and I’m not the fragile thing you think I am!” Her raised voice got a few head turns to the two from a few of the people in the hallway of the hotel.
The two paused for a bit. “We should probably finish this somewhere else.” Peter suggested.
She nodded before going back into the room to grab her bag and out of the hotel with Peter towards a quiet and empty bridge. The two walked in silence as neither of them knew how to continue.
But Peter was the one to break the silence, “Look, Y/N.” The pair stopped in the middle of the bridge, Y/N finally turning to him.
“I… I don’t want to lose you, Y/N.”
“I don’t want to lose you too, Peter. That’s why I wanted to help.”
“I lost my parents, my uncle and Tony. I don’t want to lose you too.”
Y/N look down at the mention of her father. She still misses him. She could feel the tears building up on her eyes. Peter placed his hand on her cheeks, which made her look up at him. He wiped the teardrops that were already falling down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Pete. I know it’s for my own good. I just… I just felt like I had to do something to help, you know. To keep his legacy alive. And I’ve just been so angry all the time. It’s like I’m mad at myself for not being able to accept that he’s gone. I’m sorry I took it out on you.”
“I’m sorry too, Y/N.”
Peter leaned in and kissed her and the two hugged, embracing each other’s presence and warmth in the cold night air. The two pulled away from each other and Y/N wiped the rest of the tears from her face.
“Oh, by the way, MJ found this. She gave it to me earlier.” Y/N reached into her bag and handed Peter the object.
“What’s this?”
“No idea.” And suddenly the object came on and there was a huge projection of the fire monster from earlier along with Mysterio.
“Wait, so it’s fake?”
“Oh god, no.”
“Peter, what’d you do?”
“I gave him E.D.I.T.H. because I figured Tony would want me to give it to a more responsible adult.”
“Oh my god.”
“I gotta get to Germany.” Peter said as he started to walk towards the direction of where the hotel is, with Y/N following beside him.
“To tell Fury.”
“Then, let’s go together.” She smiled at him.
The fear of losing her will always be there and she will also feel the same about him. But what matters is, sticking together through it all.
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emergenciesstory · 4 years
For the King
For @star-spangled-bingo square “Royal AU” and Lyric Prompt (in bold)
Pairing: King!Bucky x Reader
Words: 4554
A/n: I don’t normally write these types of things, but that's why I got into SSB2020, to be challenged. I may go back and edit this in the future, but for my first true AU, I love it. It’s long, but I think you’ll like it.
“Your highness.” You murmur softly, bowing your head and body slightly as you passed in the hall. His head inclined toward you in acknowledgement, a hello he was custom to. You waited until he had passed, resuming your upright posture and watching him leave, Royal advisor speaking low in his ear. Blue eyes looked back and locked with yours, a soft smile making the cool Grey dance before disappearing through the doorway. If only he knew how his look affected you.
“You’re late.” Natalia smirked as you retied the corset over your top. After running into the Prince, you scurried to change your skirts and get to training on time.
“It’s only a few moments. It doesn’t matter, you are not supposed to be teaching me to fight anyways.” You rolled your eyes, grabbing the test sword from the racks and giving it some swings.
“You act like I don’t know you’ve fought before. Besides, Steve seemed to think it was a good idea.” Nat shrugged, sauntering to you with the point of her weapon dragging the ground.
“You spoke to the Royal Advisor about this? Do you know the consequences of doing this?! I’m no one here, a groundskeeper and herbalist. Expendable staff, you could have gotten me killed.” Your voice was getting louder as you thought of what may have been going on.
“Like James would ever allow that. Besides, I spoke to my betrothed about my friend wanting to learn. Not work related.” Nat gestured for you to begin your training, conversation over.
“I’m sorry, I just, I’m not some cool weapons trainer betrothed to a royal advisor, Nat. I’m a nobody who has no one. My family is dead, It’s only me.”
“Sounds like you have a lot in common with our Soon-to-be King.” She smiled, still blocking each swipe with ease.
“Have they set the date for his Betrothed to arrive?” You asked after a few moments, dropping the sword solemnly.
“Rumor has it she arrives tonight, per orders of Queen Rebecca.”
“And the wedding?” You asked, dreading the answer.
“Rebecca must return to her Husband, and kingdom, by the end of the next, meaning the Prince must take the throne before then.” Nat placed her hand on your shoulder. “You have two weeks to fight for him.”
You raised your head to meet her eyes, tears forming and making your eyes watery. “No, I have fourteen days to learn my place.”
              You swiped the apple from the tree, sitting softly on the high walls of the garden. Tossing one down to your horse, you reached for another, plucking the bright red fruit from the tree. The crisp skin gave way under your bite, juice running down your chin.
              “Hey, you! Stop!” The calling startled you, and you jumped from the wall onto your horse, riding around the garden wall. You ducked into the woods, only to stop short buy another guard on horseback. Head hung low, he walked you and your horse back to the palace, and into a large room. You kept your head down, trying to make the tears stop.
              “A child?” A females voice rang out.
              “Stealing apples, tried to run when we called for her.” The guard said. You stayed quiet, sniffling softly.
              “There there, no need to cry.” The female voice came closer, hands soft making you look up. The soft eyes of Queen Winifred looked upon you gently. “How old are you?”
“Six, ma’am.”
“Nothing to cry over, it's just some apples. We have more than enough to share. Why did you run?”
              “I’m sorry, your majesty, I was just hungry, I didn’t see the harm in taking a couple every now and then. But then he yelled and I was startled and-“ Your breathing got faster, so you stopped, reminding yourself to breathe.
              “Where are your parents, child? We can at least make sure you get home safely.”
              “I don’t have any. Mum passed about a year ago, and Papa was in the mining accident.” You shrugged. “Its just me and Red.”
              The queen looked back at her husband who nodded, then took your hand. “How would you like to stay with us, hmm?”
              “No, ma’am. Thank you but I will make do.”
              “Nonsense, why, I believe you will get along well with our son and his friend.”
You moved effortlessly around the guest chambers, placing flowers and herbs around, opening windows and curtains, allowing the breeze to come into the balcony door. Soft trumpets alerted you to the Princess’ arrival in the village, and you made your way to the grand entry, smoothing your skirts. Prince James stood beside his older sister Rebecca in the entry hall speaking softly, Nat and Steve murmuring to each other nearby.
“Your highnesses.” You bowed upon entering, alerting them to your presence.
“Ah, Y/n! Just the girl I was speaking of.” Rebecca said joyfully, acknowledgment allowing you to enter fully. You looked at her with a soft smile, refusing to meet James’ eyes.
“How may I be of assistance, my Queen?” you approached her, hands folded in front of you.
“I’d like for you to assist the arriving Princess with all her needs. You will be her maiden for her stay with us until her departure after the union.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You nodded, mentally cursing the drop your heart made. Rebecca smiled, speaking once again to James but you stopped listening.
A guard came to announce the arrival of the carriage, and Rebecca and James moved forward towards the entrance of the Palace to greet their company, Nat and Steve falling in line behind them. Nat squeezed your hand as she passed, silent understanding and beckoning to follow. Only at this point did you allow yourself to look up at James, as he was already focused on meeting his betrothed. His short dark hair was lightly tussled, simple white shirt and Storm blue vest accenting his eyes perfectly. His silver sword hung in the black leather cover at his hip, relaxed and casual in a way you had always envied.
The carriage pulled up, slowing to a stop. Steve came to the door, opening it with a smile and offering his hand to the occupant. Out of the carriage a beautiful Petite Redhead emerged, Dress a golden color, but light and flowy around her body, much like yours. For a moment, you questioned if she was the princess or simply another maiden, but the jewelry that adorned her head told you she was the betrothed. Intricate silver and gold flowers wove together into a crown, a compliment to her gown and complexion.
You watched silently from the sidelines until a gesture was made to you by Rebecca, eyes moving towards you. You smiled at the Princess, receiving a gracious one back. Your eyes flickered to James, his crystal blues a stormy grey, the smile not quite reaching them. Quickly glancing down, you waited until instructed to show the princess her chambers to freshen up before meals.
              “Come on, you can do better than that!” You yelled back, head falling back with laughter on your lips. Prince James raced towards your lead, leaning into his saddle. You slowed up at the top of the hill, swinging a leg over to sit sideways and face him.
              “You cheated!” he laughed, jumping down from his horse.
              “How so? Just because I’m better than you doesn’t mean I cheated.” You teased.
              James reached up and lifted you off your horse, placing you on your feet. “Riding bareback might be cheating.”
              “And what are you going to do about it?” You taunted, looking up at him. The two of you had been thick as thieves ever since you accepted the Queens generosity almost thirteen years prior. You went to classes with Rebecca, his older sister for a while, learning about the grounds and finding a true home in the gardens and caring for the plants and animals over the grounds.
              James leaned his forehead on yours, challenging look in his eyes before his hands pushed you, him already on his horse by time you landed.
              “I’m going to race you home!” He laughed taking off, but still looking back to make sure you were okay. You laughed; Prince James would be the death of you.
“Your highness?” you knocked on the chamber doors, shortly before the call to meal.
“You may enter.” Dolores’ voice carried through the large door. You opened the chambers, seeing her sit before the vanity, twisting her hair softly back into place.
“Your highness, Dinner shall be served soon in the grand hall. If you’d like to be escorted, I’d be happy to do so.” You kept your eyes to the floor, waiting to be acknowledged.
“That would be lovely, y/n. After, perhaps you could give me a tour of the grounds?” She stood, slipping on a pair of flats with a soft smile.
“Of course, your highness.” You nodded, holding the door.
“Dot, Please. I hope we can become friends.” She placed a hand on your shoulder softly, your eyes landing on her face. You smiled and held your hand out towards the hall.
“Of course, Dot.”
The two of you spoke through the walk across the palace to dinner, then again as you showed her palace grounds. She was well versed, with big dreams and views of the world around her. You spoke much for the next few days, as you aided her in getting around the palace and settling into what would be her new home. Standing off to the sidelines as she and James attended Outings and Planned the Ball to happen right before their union.
              “Dot, I do believe you will be a great queen for our people.” You spoke softly, closing curtains.
              “I hope so. It is my duty to bring goodness and change as best I can.” She said simply, no more elaboration as to her plans for the kingdom. A knock rang out through the chambers, a questioning look passing between the two of you. “Come in.” Dot spoke with a shrug, pulling her silk robe around herself tighter.
Nat’s head came into the chambers, worry on her face. “I apologize for the intrusion, your highness.”
“Oh, it’s nothing Natalia. And Dot, please. What may we owe the pleasure of your visit this late hour?”
“My business is actually with y/n, pertaining to her former duties.” Nat looked at you, trying to gain your attention.
“Oh, that’s right, you weren’t always a maiden. You looked over the garden and horses, correct?” Dot smiled softly. You nodded, looking at Nat.
“I’m sure Wanda can handle it in my absence.” You spoke softly, returning to turning down the bedcovers.
“Nonsense, go, please. I will be fine until morning. I insist.” Dot said, leaving no room for argument.
“Thank you, Dot.” Nat nodded her way before motioning to the hall. “Y/n, please.”
You followed, closing the chamber doors behind you and hurrying after Nat moving down the hall.
“Nat, what’s wrong? Wanda is far more than capable of- “
“It’s Redwing.” Your heart dropped. Your horse, the only reminder of your family. “She’s not doing well. She refuses to eat, to go to the pastures, we’re worried.”
Your steps quickened in the direction of the stables, concern taking hold of your features.
Five days. You spent five days in the stables babying your horse in hand feedings, soothing baths, and coaxing her through whatever illness had taken hold. White Wolf, James’ horse, refused to leave her side, but fortunately remained healthy. You sent them out to the pasture one night, mucking the private stables they had been staying in.
“I thought I’d find you here.” A deep voice made you freeze in place, the light of the setting sun illuminating his silhouette outside the stable lights.
“Your highness, how can I be of service?” you spoke softly, setting the shovel against the stall door.
“Y/n, It’s just us.” His voice broke softly, but you could have sworn you made it up.
“I am aware, your highness.” You turned to him, brushing your hands on your pants around the tunic top you wore. “Can I help you with something?”
James studied your face before sighing, looking over at the horses happily grazing.
“You should be proud. I heard it was touch and go for a while.”
“She is strong, much like your kingdom.” You said, joining him by the fence. James let out a low whistle, a solid tone, gaining the attention of White Wolf, who trotted happily towards you, Redwing close behind. Easily flipping himself over the wooden fence, James nestled the horse, rubbing his head and neck in greeting.
              “Do you remember the ride we took a couple years ago, right after my parents died?” James asked, looking back at you. You sat on the fence, stroking Redwings neck.
              “I do. Rebecca had just come home to rule until you were of age and was so mad when we came home covered in mud. Said we needed to grow up.” You mused, thinking back on that day.
              “I guess we did.” James said, watching you intensely. “I always believed in my fathers plans, his plan for my life, for this kingdom.”
              “He was a good and smart man.” You murmured, remembering all he had done for you.
              “Was this what he wanted?” James suddenly asked, moving to stand before you, hands on either side of your hips.
              “You carry your grandfathers seal to rule, James. The joining of the kingdoms would bring all four villages together as one alliance.” You said, plain and true to facts.
              “I always thought he’d want me to marry someone I loved, not of duty.” James said.
              “You’ve grown up betrothed to her. Dot is the uniting force. She can be good for you if you let her in.” You said softly.
              “You were always the sensible one of us.” James said softly. After a few moments, James sighed. “Part of me wishes my father had passed on his seal before he passed, taken this weight off my shoulders. That I could follow my heart rather than...”
              You brought your hand up to his face as he trailed off, rubbing his cheek with your thumb. “You’ll be a great king, Bucky.” His childhood nickname made him smile, covering your hand with his own. “I always knew you would be.”
              “Come on, it’s cold out here. Come inside.” James helped you off the fence and placed a hand behind you, escorting you back into the palace and pulling you into him softly. Little did you know, someone watched the entire thing from their balcony.
“I saw how he looks at you, every time you walk into the room.” Dot said simply while you were braiding her hair for the ball.
“I beg your pardon? Who are we speaking of?”
“James. MY betrothed. I will not feel threatened in my own kingdom.” Dot said simply, fixing her dress.
“I do not understand, your union is tonight, I pose no threat to you.” You said softly, locking eyes in the mirror.
“I know you like him. It’s quite obviously pathetic. And I know you are no threat. At least you won’t be.” Dot stood, slipping on her shoes. “For if you are not long gone by the end of the ball, a death sentence is what you obtain. For attempted murder of the new Queen, and successful murder of the King. Gone, and never to return. If I were you, I’d choose life far, far away.”
You stood in shock, Dot not looking at you as she walked out. She stopped in the doorway, eyes laced with venom. “If you think I’m joking, you should have learned better.”
You saddled up Redwing, messenger bags holding few belongings. The sounds of the party rang out the open windows, one last look upon a place that had been your home for thirteen years. Your sword sat on your hip, one last reminder of this home as you lead Redwing by her reigns to the gates. Pulling your cloak tightly around you, you allowed the moon to light your path, tears welling up in your eyes as you rode away. Not only had you lost your heart to a king, you’d lost your home to save his life.
*five years later*
You rode into the village, unrecognizable after the years you had been gone. The light and joy that was once evident had vanished, grime and darkness through the path. Pulling your cloaks hood over your face, you rode the familiar path to the palace from Rebecca's kingdom.
“Halt, who goes there?” The guard stopped you before the plaza, the two on the path crossing their spears.
“I come upon the invitation of Steven Grant and Natalia Romanov, the Royal advisor and Weapons Trainer.” You spoke, remaining still with a clouded face. “They are expecting me.”
You waited, a subtle nod from the upper guard for the others to stand down.
“Stables are to the East; you may board your stead there.”
You nodded, nudging Redwing towards the familiar path along the East tower. You moved slowly, head bowed to evade recognition within the palace grounds. Once to the guest stables, you dismounted, removing the saddle and placing it on a tack rail, brushing her out before opening her favorite stall door to the pasture.
“Oh, miss, we would have done all that.” A small voice came from the doorway.
“I know, but you shouldn’t have to.” You spoke, setting feed and water troths into the stall, still not turning towards the woman.
“Huh, you must have a special horse, White Wolf normally doesn’t take to other horses.” You glanced out into the pasture, and sure enough the two were excited to be reunited and running at full speed to the corners of the pasture.
“I’d say so. He’s beautiful.” You said softly, finally turning towards your old friend. “Although I’m sure Redwing is just happy to be home, Wanda.”
The small girl dropped the tack brush she was holding, launching herself to you.
“I didn’t recognize you! Where have you been? Why are you back?”
“I heard home needed to be reminded of it’s past life.” You said solemnly. “No matter the price.”
You left Wanda shortly after, making her swear to not speak a word of your return. Slipping into a rear servant’s entrance, hood pulled over your face once again, you managed to make your way across the palace in search of Nat. Not finding her, you left a note in her and Steve’s chambers. “The garden.” That’s all it said, no signature needed. Slipping back out, you went to your favorite spot in the garden by the cover of sun fall. As you approached, you froze at the sight before you. Lounging on the bench amongst the flowers sat a face that had haunted your every dream. His eyes were closed, relaxed in what seemed to be sleep. His dark hair was longer, pulled back into a low bun with many tendrils falling out. His features were pale, dark circles surrounding his eyes.
“One move, and you’ll be meeting a sword to your neck.” His gravelly voice spoke without opening his eyes. You glanced down to see his hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword.
“All due respect, your highness, but you know better than to leave your weapon fully sheathed when making threats.” You tried to hide the amusement in your voice, hand resting on your own sword.
“I am the King, you will not speak to me in such a way.” He muttered, removing his sword from his side.
“If a fight is what you wish, your Majesty, I’d be more than happy to oblige.”
His features stilled as his eyes opened, looking over your form, confusion on his face at the sass coming from your lips. His face slowly registered your voice.
“It can’t be.” He swung his legs over the edge of the bench, quickly standing before you. You tucked your head, his body towering over you. The soft calluses of his hand met your cheek as he made you look up, removing your hood with his other hand. “You, you’re dead…” His voice trailed off, eyes never leaving yours.
“I can assure you, I am not dead.” You murmured. “I’m afraid that was a lie forged by your Betrothed to rid me from your life.”
“You broke my heart.”
“You stole mine long before.”
You stood there, chest to chest, eyes locked with his hand on your cheek for what seemed like an eternity.
“When you left, I was devastated. When news of your death by poachers arrived, I couldn’t function. I was so sick, I… I gave her all control.” Realization began to register on his face of the events that transpired so long ago.
“It’s the past now.” You said softly, touching his face.
“I always loved you.” He said, you could feel the need in his voice, reaching to know you knew.
“And that’s why I threatened her to leave.” Dot’s crude voice interrupted the silent moment. Bucky jerked away, looking up at the new individual in the gardens.
“You did what?”
“Told her to leave and never return or you’d both die.” Dot said simply, malice in her voice. “Couldn’t have her ruining what I wanted, a little no one ruining my hard work. I made it possible to rule a kingdom alone, no one to stop me. To gain the riches and expand my father’s kingdom. All I had to do was get you out of the way, and let me tell you, I was ready to poison you, make you too sick to rule. But she made it so easy for you to hand over everything.”
Bucky stood frozen, processing what was being said.
“All hail the Queen.” The smirk on Dot’s face grew as she tipped an imaginary hat. Guards flanked her sides, Nat and Steve hanging their heads from the back of the group, no choice in who their allegiance was to. “I’m sorry” Nat mouthed, making eye contact with you. You nodded at her, knowing she was just trying to survive. Guards took Bucky to Steve, leading him away, his hollering of your name ringing on deaf ears. Guards began to surround you, but you simply reached a hand up to your cloak, pulling on the tie.
“I Stand up for my home.” You said softly, dropping the fabric and removing the sword from your side. “Even if I take this walk alone.”
“The Royal Guards seal of Protection.” One of the guards said, stopping in his tracks, looking back at Nat, unsure what to do. He hesitated, eyes studying the sword in which you held. The Seal brought much power to the owner.
“You gave it to her?” Dot sneered, venom spitting at Nat.
“I don’t have reign over the Royal Guard Seal.” She said simply. “A king must bestow it to the wielder, for great bravery and promise. As you know, it is normally bestowed to the true heir to the throne, gifted by a grandfather to grandchild in succession.”
              “I bow down to the King upon the throne.” You said, glaring at Dot. “My life is his, I’m no longer my own.”
“It’s fake. As though you could wield it properly, A pathetic girl. Take her to the dungeon.” Dot dismissed, turning around. The guards pulled their weapons, but were no match for you. Disarming them quickly, your training greatly improved since your old training with Natalia, soon it was left to You pointing the sword to Dot, no defenses left.
“By order of the Past King, George M. Barnes, I relieve you of your duties to this kingdom.” You said simply, dropping the sword from eye level.
“Under what authority to permit his words, he died many years ago.” Dot scoffed. “I rule here now.”
“Under the authority of his seal, gifted to me on my Seventeenth birthday, in the presence of Past Queen Winifred, Current Queen Rebecca Proctor, and the attending guard, Steven Grant.” You spoke clearly. “In the event the one who wield his fathers seal is unfit to rule, it is my duty to the kingdom to take his place.” You paused, nodding towards Steve who had just returned to assist. “No matter who holds the throne in their place.”
“Treason. You will be dead.” Dot sniped. “Natalia, take her away.”
“I’m sorry, your highness, but she is actually correct. Per our codes and laws, you no longer reign here. And After hearing your accounts of threatening, plans to kill our royals, and stealing from our people,” Nat looked to you and Steve, “I believe it is you who is under arrest.”
“You won’t get away with this.” Dot yelled, being led away.
“I believe she has.” James said, slightly out of breath.
“How did you get out?” Steve asked, bewilderment of his best friend’s reappearance.
“Y/n isn’t the only one who learned how to climb off balconies.” James looked at you, then at the sword. “May I have you for a moment?”
“Of course.” You nodded your head towards the bench, sitting softly. James sat beside you, hand reaching to the sword on your side. You handed it to him, his fingers tracing the seal of his father.
“You? It doesn’t make sense.” James muttered. “Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
“Your father was a wise man. He knew the union of our kingdom with theirs was wrong, but he had no diplomatic way to get out of it.” You began the story. “It was your mother’s idea to choose me. I had grown up with you, I knew how the kingdom should be led, and they knew if the time came, I would stand beside everything your father taught us, I’d stand beside you.”
“It still doesn’t make sense.” James said. “They were going to live long lives.”
You took his hands, to keep them from shaking. “I love you, Buck. I have since we were Twelve. Your parents, your sister, they all knew I’d do anything for you. So, on my Seventeenth birthday, when your betrothal was announced, they called me into the throne room late that night. Your father told me he knew it was only a matter of time before the kingdom was taken over. They didn’t know how or when, but they wanted to make sure the kingdom was protected. He gifted me the sword, taught me how to use it from then until he died.”
“So when I asked if you believed in what my father wanted for my life?” James asked, looking into your eyes.
“I knew his plan went far past you, and knew I’d get my heart broken multiple times before what he planned would come true.” You said softly. “He believed we could put this kingdom back together.”
“There’s only one way to do that.” James whispered.
“How’s that?”
“To put your heart back together first.” James leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize you were my one.”
“It’s okay. You still have my heart, Buck.”
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amethyst-noir · 5 years
Prompt: Wong and Tony became very close during the five years Stephen was gone. Both assume the other is going to get together when Stephen on his return and therefore neither of them do. Tony stays at his Compound/Tower and Wong returns to Kamar-Taj. Leaving Stephen alone in the Sanctum.
Uff. Kill me with the Angst, will you? I’ve been imaging this for a while now and have concluded that this one of those I can only do in outline form because it would kill me if I attempted to write in in longform. Sorry, but I hope you still like it like this:
Tony and Stephen have insane chemistry during their short time together but then Stephen turns to dust and Tony barely manages to get back to Earth. (Where there is no Pepper waiting for him because they never got together after CW.) He’s in pain, bitter, desperate and doesn’t want any comfort from the rest of the Avengers. But hestill has to honor his promise to Stephen - to tell Wong what happened.
Tony has some suspicions that Stephen and Wong are not “only” friends because he’s seen them interact back on Earth and he’d heard the heartbreak in Stephen’s voice when he begged Tony to tell Wong about his death. (Titan happened a little bit different here.)
Wong is heartbroken over Stephen’s loss but he doesn’t show it as clearly as Tony does. Still, Tony is drawn to him and seeks him out over and over again. At first, Stephen is the only thing they share. Tony tells Wong about Ebony Maw and Titan; Wong tells Tony about Kamar-Taj and Stephen’s rapid rise in the Mystic Arts.
Sooner, rather than later, they begin to talk about other things but Stephen’s ghost is always with them. Tony didn’t have time to really fall in love with him but by now he knows that it would have happened eventually. (He is aware that he uses his fixation onStephen as a way to deal with everything but he genuinely likes Stephen for Stephen’s sake.) Wong has been carrying a torch for Stephen for a while now but he never would have made any advances since it’s been pretty clear to him that Stephen’s not interested in a relationship or sex. (Not true. But Stephen’s shy, afraid of sexual intimacy, and thinks that he’s much too damaged to inflict himself on anyone, let alone someone like Wong who he admires greatly.)
Things happen and Wong and Tony fall into a casual relationship more or less by accident. What starts as occasional stress relief becomes a deep friendship with bonus sex which would have the potential for more if Stephen’s shade wasn’t still hanging around.
Fast forward a few years, Thanos is defeated and the dusted are back. Tony is so changed that the other Avengers barely recognize him. He’s spent lots of time in Kamar-Taj, he’s learned to mediate and he’s even started to dabble with harmless little spells under Wong’s careful guidance. He managed to almost overcome his panic attacks.
But now Stephen’s back. The man he’s been missing for so long. Tony and Wong take one look at another, then back to Stephen and come to a mutual agreement. Or so they think.
Wong thinks that Stephen belongs to Tony and goes back to Kamar-Taj to deal with his broken heart. He has loved Stephen for years and Tony has a special place in his heart by now. He needs time before he can face their happiness without breaking down.
Tony thinks that Wong andStephen are a match made in heaven and can’t bear to look at them being together and happy. Without him. He cares deeply for Wong (that’s what he tells himself, at least, he’s in love with Wong, period) and he has loved Stephen in absentia for five years.
He quietly leaves the Sanctum, where he’s more or less lived for the last few months, and returns to Stark Tower, since the Compound is in ruins.
He tries to rekindle his relationshipwith Pepper in his despair but it doesn’t work because she’s a smart lady and sees the truth. It’s bitter, it hurts, but thanks to her refusal they can save their friendship at least.
Tony is alone and miserable in his ivory tower; Wong is lonely and miserable in his library.
Stephen, who hasn’t seen anything beyond his “death”, returns to an empty Sanctum, not expecting anything else. He has a head full of millions of timelines and a deep love for one Tony Stark while his old love for Wong is still going strong.
He knows that he’ll never be worthy of either of them but really? Wong’s abrupt departure and complete radio silence since hurt. He hasn’t expected anything else from Tony, who must hate his guts, but Wong has been his friend for years. What has he done to deserve the silent treatment? He’s hurting, he’s confused, he’s lonely.But he knows that he doesn’t deserve anything else after what he put the universe through. Wong has his reasons, Stephen assures himself over and over again. And he doesn’t dare contacting Tony.
Tony yearns. Wong does the same. Stephen blames himself for everything and suffers.
It’s Tony who breaks first and sends Wong an e-mail, asking about how they are because he hasn’t heard or seen anything. Also, he forgot something in Kamar-Taj and wants it back. Wong isconfused and wants to know who he means with “they”. Tony’s internalalarm goes off and he calls Wong - who is shocked at hearing that Tony hasn’t seen Stephen since the day he came back. He thought Stephen hadn’t come to Kamar-Taj since his return because he’s busy building something with Tony.
Tony’s equally shocked that Wong broke off all contact with Stephen instead of being there for him.
They both arrive at the Sanctum pretty much at the same time, alarmed and ready to tear into each other for leaving Stephen alone.
The Sanctum is empty, silent and lifeless like it never has been before. By now Tony and Wong both have realized that they fucked up spectacularly and that Stephen’s the one who has to pay the price for their incredible stupidity.
Stephen comes back from some interdimensional trip some hours later and finds two frantic men in his house who ambush him with questions if he’s okay, how he’s doing and lots of apologies.
Stephen’s well, or as well as he can be. He’s not really sleeping and has trouble keeping any food down and sometimes the loneliness threatens to crush him but he’s okay, he tries to reassure the two of them. He’s confused but has to admit that it’s nice to have both of them here. He doesn’t quite get what they are apologizing for, though. He’s the one who fucked everything up, after all. He doesn’t understand why his words make Tony tear up and why Wong just gathers him in a silent embrace and just holds him. After a few moments Tony hesitantly joins them and all three of them cling to each other like there’s no tomorrow.
It takes a while for the truth to come out. It takes even longer to sort everything out. In the end Stephen is a confused mess and doesn’t understand all the fuss about him but he sees that Tony and Wong are brilliant together. He’s not quite sure what they want with him, broken as he is, but the other two protest against that self-diagnosis. A lot. Loudly.
Wong and Tony decide right there and then that they’re not going to leave Stephen ever again, not matter what kind of relationship might evolve. Be it friendship or more. Doesn’t matter. They stick together to see what the future brings. Stephen not only needs but deserves two people to watch over him.
Over time Tony and Wong rekindle their affair with Stephen being an enthusiastic supporter. Stephen tries to stay on the sidelines but they refuse to let him hide away in his loneliness again. In the end Stephen manages to acknowledge his attraction to both of them and they make their first, cautious steps towards a relationship.
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littledarlinwrites · 5 years
Walking Down The Hill
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 4462
Author’s Note: This is an entry for @bvcks’ 4.2k Writing Challenge! Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful challenge dear, I hope you love this fic! My prompt was: “I have so much I want to say to you but right now I just need to feel you.”  Also, I’ve had a long week and I’m needy so leaving me love would be much appreciated. So please comment and tell me what you loved!
Summary: The Avengers have to investigate and dismantle a HYDRA base. How does Bucky deal with his first HYDRA occurrence since his time sent in Wakanda healing from the damage they inflicted. Can the reader handle a fight against HYDRA?
Warnings: A bit angsty, Bucky being a bit of jerk for a quick minute, HYDRA doing HYDRA things, injury, fluffiness at the end. A couple of swears. potential typo and grammatical errors because I did not go through and edit this and did not have a beta. It be like that sometimes.
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Bucky felt as if there were a vise wrapped around his chest. Getting impossibly tighter and if he didn’t know any better he thought his ribs would break. He felt as if the blood in his veins and suddenly turned to ice, yet he felt himself getting sweaty like when Steve and him workout. He wasn’t able to pull himself out of it until he felt a small hand on his knee. A delicate finger tracing various patterns, the most calming a figure eight pattern that somehow calmed his breathing. After a moment or two, Tony’s voice came back into focus instead of just being background noise.
“No one goes it alone. Do everything you can to stay with your partner. Barnes I want you with-”
“Y/L/N is with me.” Bucky spoke up. His tone leaving no room for argument. Tony looked Bucky in the eyes and nodded before continuing.
“Barnes, Y/L/N, and Thor you three to work together sweeping the second level, so Rogers and Romanoff can get to the third level and take down the boss and get any data from this headquarters that may lead us to any others. Barton and Wilson I want you two ready on the quinjet ready to take off if necessary, but you two can also keep watch on the outside for any hydra members trying to escape. Vision, Maximoff and I will sweep the first floor and try to keep anyone from escaping the base. Over the next week I want everyone to not only train for what we’re up against, but I also want us to memorize the blue prints that we have of the base. It probably won’t be exact, but something is better than nothing.” Tony ended his speech looking at everyone, making sure everyone was all on the same page before dismissing everyone. You stood up and turned to face Bucky. You could feel the anxiety rolling off of him in waves.
While he had spent a considerable amount of time in Wakanda healing, facing HYDRA had him on edge, and you couldn’t blame him a bit for it. Bucky continued to sit unflinchingly in his seat while the others left the room. Steve look towards you with a question in his eyes and you shook your head letting him know you had it handled and to go on ahead. Once everyone left the room you moved slowly in front of Bucky before sitting on his lap, you looked into his eyes while one hand rested on his shoulder and the other carded through his hair, something you knew he found comforting. Bucky looked into your eyes and you could see there were filled with worry and something else.
“Wanna talk about it, or do you want a distraction?” You asked him softly. Giving him the power to decide was a comfort he needed, but it also guided you on how to help him best. Sometimes Bucky would want to talk about it, sometimes he would want to be distracted for a bit before he would open up.
“I’m gonna hit the gym before going to bed, don’t wait up.” Bucky said in a soft, but gruff voice. He lifted you with ease from his lap and was out the door in a blink of an eye. Yes, sometimes Bucky would want to talk about it, and other times he would want a distraction before he’d talk about what was actually bothering him, but he had never just shut you out before. You took a deep breath before wearily getting up and heading to your shared room with Bucky, unsure of whether you should just head to your own room for the night. You walked to Bucky’s door, stopping for a second before heading in. You knew you would get a restless sleep in your own bed, if you got any at all. You hoped that once morning came things would be back to normal.
You reached across the bed as you opened your eyes and deflated a bit when you noticed Bucky wasn’t there. His side of the bed felt as cold as his metal arm. Not wanting to, but doing it anyway, you get up and got dressed for the first day of training. You walk down to the gym and you spot Bucky laying into a punching bag with Steve right beside him. Natasha and Wanda were in the ring training with Vision watching from the sidelines. Sam was standing against the wall taking a long drink from his water bottle. You walked up to him and began your stretches.
“On your left.” You said with a cheeky smile.
“Oh hell no, not you too!”
“Sorry, Sammy. I just couldn’t resist!”
“Oh, no you’re gonna get it!” Sam said as he pushed himself away from the wall. You let out a squeal and took off running across the gym. You knew Sam hated your nickname for him, but he also knew that you only used it to get a rise out of him. It didn’t take long before Sam was tackling you down to a sparring mat.
“On your left, Y/L/N!” Sam shouted as he tackled you. His fingers finding your sides to tickle you as his revenge. You were laughing so hard you were crying.
“Are you two done?” Shouted the irritated voice of your boyfriend. Silence filled the room after. Usually he’d be one to join in on the antics between you and Sam. Everyone knew that you were the little sister Sam never had, and he was the older brother you never had. Which was exactly why everyone was looking between the two of you and Bucky with looks of astonishment and confusion clear as day on their faces.
“My bad.” Sam said in apology while standing up. He offered a hand to you to help you up, and if he hadn’t you probably would have been stuck to the floor in shock. Sam looked at you questioningly and with a shake of your head you walked away and head towards the treadmill for your warm-up run. You put your headphones in and blasted your gym playlist during your ten mile run. Over an hour later you’re pulling out your headphones and getting off the treadmill, noting that your time had improved you gave yourself a mental high-five. You looked around the gym and noticed that most of your teammates had finished training for the morning. The only one left was Bucky who was stretching in the ring.
“C’mon, doll. I wanna show you some moves.” Bucky’s tone wasn’t the usual warm one that he used with you, it seemed tired and on edge, but the use of your nickname that uses for you and only you gave you a bit of reassurance that things were okay between you despite how he’d been acting since yesterday. You got into the ring and stretched a little to make sure you were ready for what Bucky wanted to throw at you. Bucky taught you some new moves, and pinned you down every single time. By the time he called it quits for the day you were frustrated, and he seemed no better. Bucky stalked off to the showers while you took a minute to sit on the floor of the ring. This was going to be a long week, and you already couldn’t wait for it to be over.
As each day passed with the same routine you couldn’t help but feel more and more frustrated. What was worse was that you could tell Bucky felt the same way, and even though he didn’t say he was disappointed in your inability to take him down, or at least not get yourself pinned, you could tell it was there. It wasn’t until the day before the mission when you were training with Bucky again that things finally came to a head and exploded between the two of you.
“C’mon, Y/N! You’re gonna get yourself killed out there if you don’t get a grip on this!” Bucky yelled at you. The venom and annoyance  in his tone didn’t go unmissed, and that was your final straw. You stared up at Bucky for a second before standing up and walking out of the ring. You heard Bucky let out a sigh behind you and you knew that he knew you were pissed and he had gone too far.
“Y/N, wait. Wait up!” Bucky jumped out of the ring and caught up with you before you could push open the gym doors. You spun around the second you felt his fingers graze your arm.
“Ya know, you’ve been a real ass all week Bucky, and I’ve kept my mouth shut about it because I know this has to be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done, but that doesn’t give you the right to not only push me away, but also act like a complete ass. If you’re so sure that I’m gonna get myself killed tomorrow then go to Tony and request a new partner and get me suspended from the mission. Otherwise quit the shit and admit that you’re problem isn’t with me, but with the fact that you’re scared shitless about tomorrow.” You yelled at Bucky with tears coming down your face. You swiftly turned back around and headed to your room to shower this god awful day away. You also wanted to wash away the guilt that overcame you from yelling at Bucky. He looked like a kicked puppy by the time you were done yelling at him and you felt terrible about it. You also knew that you told him the cold, hard truth. You just hoped that Bucky could forgive you and things would go back to normal after tomorrow.
You walked into your room, locked your door behind you, and told FRIDAY that you didn’t want any visitors or disturbances until you had to get up for the mission in the morning. You honestly didn’t know at this point if Bucky would try talking to you or not, but you just wanted to shower and attempt sleeping. You stripped your sweaty clothes on the way to your en suite bathroom letting the clothes fall to the floor as you took them off. You just didn’t care and couldn’t be bothered. You were emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. You stepped under the steaming shower and got to work scrubbing the day away. Tears continued to fall down your face and mingle with the stream of water from the shower. You prayed that tomorrow would go smoothly and quickly, but you had a bad feeling in your bones that tomorrow wasn’t going to go well.
Bucky paced outside of your bedroom door in the hallway. He felt like an ass. He knew that if his ma could see him right now she would be giving him an earful about how she raised him better. He tried opening your door to find it locked, it took him a minute to fight through the lump that was constricting his voice in his throat to ask FRIDAY to open the door. The answer the automated AI gave him sent his heart plummeting into his stomach. He knew as soon as the words left his mouth in the ring that he had gone too far. He did exactly what he didn’t want to and took his fear and anxiety out on you. Bucky stopped pacing and leaned against the wall beside your door before sliding down it, hoping that he could catch you before you would head to dinner. Bucky closed his eyes and waited.
After your shower you sluggishly walked around the room grabbing pajamas before curling up in your bed. Your stomach growled with hunger for dinner, but you made no effort to move. You were thoroughly exhausted and decided to just eat a bigger breakfast when morning came. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep, but not before swearing you could hear Bucky’s soft snores.
Bucky woke in the morning with a stiff neck. His entire body was stiff if he was being honest. It was also a little early for him to be up. He had a whole hour before he had to be up according to the AI when he asked the time. He realized that he had either slept through you going to dinner, or you never went. Bucky knew that when you were drained or stressed you wouldn’t exactly stay up on your self care like you should. Bucky got up and walked to his room to shower and get ready for the mission. He hoped the feeling of dread and guilt would wash away in the shower like a baptism.
You woke an hour early when you heard someone out in the hallway. You elected to ignore figuring it was just Steve getting up for a quick run and continued to lie in bed. You stayed there until you could no longer ignore the rumbling of your stomach and got up and made your way to the kitchen. You made yourself a bowl of oatmeal with a side of fruit, hoping it would settle your nervous stomach. You rinsed your bowl when you were done before putting it in the dishwasher, the last thing you needed was to upset Tony before the mission.
You made your way to your room and began getting dressed for the mission. You pulled on your under armor wear before pulling on your skin tight, black leather suit. You pulled out all of your various knives, guns, a collapsible baton, throwing stars, holsters, and anything else you could strap to your body. You pulled the thigh holsters over your legs before pulling on your combat boots and lacing them up. Strapping everything you could to your body you took a could of deep breaths in front of the mirror as you checked yourself over to make sure everything was in place and you weren’t forgetting anything. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a knock at your door.
“Everyone’s heading to the quinjet, just so you know.” Bucky’s voice drifted through your door. He sounded rough. Not rough in the way that he had been all week, but in the way that meant he realized how he had been acting and honestly felt bad about it. It sent a pang in your chest as you remembered your fight. You headed towards your door and opened it. Bucky’s head was bowed, his hair falling like a curtain and hiding his face. You pulled a spare hair tie off your wrist and handed it to him before tilting your head to let Bucky know to start heading towards the quinjet.
You two joined the others inside the quinjet, the walkway closing behind you. You headed to your seat and buckled yourself in as Tony stood in the front and began going over the plan one last time. Bucky sat down beside you in his regular seat. His fingertips grazed yours. You looked over to him and saw a shy smile on his face. Bucky could be a man of few words sometimes and you knew this was his way of asking if his touch was okay. You turned your hand so your palm was facing up. Bucky looked up to you, a little shocked that you were open to him after how he acted this week. He tentatively laced his hand with yours and gave him hand a gentle squeeze before redirecting your focus back to Tony.
“Everyone got the plan down?”
“Tony, I think even the plant in the office has the plan down at this point.” Natasha sasses back to Tony causing him to roll his eyes.
Tony then launched into the back up plans, what to do if you get separated, what to expect at this particular base and from these particular HYDRA agents, and then with the last fifteen minutes before the jet would land he went over the plan. You couldn’t blame Tony though, after everything with the Accords you knew he was just being thorough and wanting to have every possible outcome covered so this would go off without a hitch. You still had a bad feeling about today and it was getting worse the closer you got to the base. You wanted to make up with Bucky But as soon as Tony was done going over everything the quinjet landed and everyone was running out to blitz attack the base and its occupants.
You followed behind Bucky trying to get to the second floor so Steve and Nat could get to the third. There were more HYDRA agents than you all had expected and you and Bucky were fighting back to back.
“Barton, Wilson you two aren’t too busy up there, we could sure use your help down here.” Tony spoke through the coms. You wanted to let him know that you and Bucky weren’t fairing too much better down here but you could never get a breath to speak. As soon as you and Bucky thought that maybe you had a handle on the second floor a swarm of agents came out of nowhere. One in particular came at your left splitting you from Bucky. Bucky noticed and kept trying to make his way back to you but he had five agents against him, and you had three against you. The three you were fighting kept trying to get you backed against the wall. You fought for every inch you could to get closer to Bucky, but they kept coming at you and you were starting to get sloppy. Your guns were out of ammo and you were alternating between hand to hand combat and your knife. It wasn’t until you heard a shot that you stopped. Hot, firey pain erupted in your abdomen. You saw the butt of a gun and heard Bucky’s scream before everything went black.
Bucky had never felt so scared in his entire life. He could hear Steve in his com asking what happened, but Bucky’s focus was on you. With strength Bucky didn’t even know he had he took down the five agents one after another leaving them a bloody mess on the floor. He took the gun from one of the agents and fired it at the three surrounding you killing them instantly. Bucky rushed forward reaching for you. He felt you neck looking for a pulse and nearly cried in relief when he felt your heartbeat. Bucky started putting pressure on the gunshot wound  which caused you to groan but he knew that you were nowhere near conscious.
He didn’t know if it was seconds, minutes, or hours later since time seemed to stand still as he prayed that you would make it out of here. You didn’t deserve to die like this. You didn’t deserve to die at all. All he could think about was how he had pushed you away this week and the harsh things he said. Things he never apologized for. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand at his shoulder. That’s when he realized the team had made their way to them. He nearly sucker punched Steve when he tried to pull him away.
“I know, Buck. But you gotta let her go so Thor can get her to the tower so Cho can fix her.” Steve repeated this to Bucky four times before it sank in and he stopped resisting him. Thor gently picked you up before quickly running up the stairs and outside before lowering your legs to the ground so he could hold you with one arm and swing his hammer with the other. Using the quickest form of transport to get you the help you needed.
With the HYDRA agents dead or detained and the data on a flash drive the group made their way somberly to the quinjet. Bucky moved like a zombie to his seat and stared at the spot you had been sitting in on the way there. The hour and a half back to the tower was the longest flight of Bucky’s life. He felt like he would drown in the guilt that was overcoming him. As soon as the quinjet landed he was running to Dr Cho. When Bucky reaches the med bay his heart stops. He doesn’t see you anywhere and his mind starts to spiral to the worst case scenario. It isn’t until Dr Cho is in front of him with her hands on his shoulders that he notices she had been speaking to him.
“Sergeant Barnes, I’m afraid if you don’t calm down a little bit for me I may need to give you something to calm you down for you.” Bucky shakes his head to as if physically moving will get him to focus.
“Where is she?” Are the only words he’s able to croak out. The doctor looks at him wearily for a few seconds before conceding and telling him again.
“I finished her treatment in the regeneration cradle about 20 minutes ago. She’s resting in your room.” Bucky nodded to the doctor and whispered a quiet thanks before taking off for his room. He couldn’t believe you were okay until he saw it with his own eyes. Until he could replace the image burned into his retinas of your crumpled form with blood blossoming around your middle. When he reached his door he hesitated. He worried that this was some dream. The mount of blood that you had lost left him disbelieving that you would make it. He took a deep breath before opening the door.
The sight of you in his bed took his breath away. It always did, but this time outweighed them all. Bucky moved slowly towards his bed. He stood over you watching the soft rise and fall of your chest as you slept. Bucky didn’t want to tear his eyes from for a second, but when he reached out to touch you he noticed he still had your blood staining his hands. He quickly walked into the bathroom tearing off his gear as quickly as possible and took the quickest and yet most thorough shower of his life. When he walked back into his room after drying off he reached for his pajama bottoms so when he held you he could feel as much of you against his skin as possible.
He carefully climbed into the bed and gingerly moved you to your side so your back was against his chest. He peppered kisses against your shoulder while his flesh hand traced patterns on your arm. Bucky began humming a song you had showed him months ago. You had told him that you thought of him when you heard it and ever since it always made him think of you. It wasn’t long before he felt you start to wake. As much as he knew you needed to rest, and sleep was a big part of that, he was selfishly happy to see your eyes open.
“Hey you.” Your voice cracked as you whispered, but you knew Bucky still heard it.
“I uhm, I guess you were right. I nearly got myself killed. I guess I couldn’t handle that mission or HYDRA after all.” You whispered out while staring at the wall. You felt terrible about yelling at Bucky before, but it was even worse now. He had been right, and you nearly got yourself killed because you were frustrated with his actions. You winced as Bucky went to guide you to turn over. Even though the regeneration cradle healed you up just fine, you were still a little sore and tender. Eventually you turned over to face Bucky though, and what you saw broke your heart. His eyes were bloodshot and tears were streaming down his face. You reached out a hand to wipe them away causing Bucky to let out the softest gasp.
He hadn’t even realized he was crying until you wiped away his tears. His heart broke at your words of self blame. It wasn’t your fault and he needed you to believe that.
“Hey, I was a royal jerk this past week, and what I said was way out of line. I took out my fear and anxiety on you. But there wasn’t a doubt in my mind for a second that you could handle the mission or HYDRA. I was just scared because I know what they’re capable of. It terrified the absolute living shit out of me that they would be anywhere near you where they could potentially hurt you. My fear got the best of me, and that’s no excuse for what I said or my actions. And I hope to God that you forgive me, doll. Because I don’t know what I would do without you. But never doubt my confidence in your abilities. Even when I’m being an ass. I just couldn’t handle it if they did anything to you. After experiencing it first hand, I couldn’t live with myself if they got to you and hurt you, or god forbid killed you. I was scared that they would somehow find a way to initiate the brainwashing they did and make me hurt you, or if they separated us like they did. I’m scared to death about not being able to protect you from them-”
“Hey, hey, I’m okay. I’m right here, and I’m okay, thanks to you I might add.” You cut Bucky off from talking when you noticed he was hyperventilating, you knew if you didn’t get him to calm down he would go into a full blown panic attack. You tilted your head and brushed your lips against his. Your kisses were slow and soft, and you didn’t stop until Bucky’s breathing was nearly even with your own.
“I have so much I want to say to you but right now I just need to feel you.” Bucky whispered against your lips before kissing you. You nodded your head after the kiss broke.
“Sing me to sleep?” You asked softly.
“Yeah, c’mere.” Bucky laid on his back and draped a spare blanket over his metal arm so it wouldn’t be so hard or cold if your head drifted from his chest. Bucky began singing softly as you both drifted off to sleep, his deep voice lulling you into the best sleep you’ve had in a while.
Walking down this hill tonight
I had a thought all to myself
As I contemplated the moonlight
We've got it all, we've got it made
I don't know how I got here
But I'm holding on for the crash
Bucky Barnes Taglist: @ria132love @letstalkaboutsebbaby
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Main 6 Reacting to a Deaf MC
@spicysarahcha gave me this prompt over Discord so here we go. Please note that some of these are going off of my own experiences with deaf/hard-of-hearing individuals and don’t reflect everyone’s.
✨ Probably the most capable of handling it, knowing you for as long as he has, and having memories of those times. There was a bit of a learning curve when you first came back, but he rallies quickly and is consistent in making sure you’re comfortable. Most experienced/well versed in signing.
✨ Faust can be something of a shock at times, because you can ‘hear’ her so to speak. If there’s ever communication issues, she tries to help by getting messages across when Asra can’t. Similarly, with the Arcana, you can understand them and the messages they want to get across.
✨ Many attempts at using magic to help you hear, but eventually gives up beyond the occasional telepathy spell. Has absolutely used one of said spells to convey how much he loves you more than a gesture or sign can express.
✨ Bonus angst: If you weren’t deaf before you came back, but were upon him giving you half his heart, he’s distraught. He did everything he could to bring you back and he must have messed up somehow to have you comeback with a disability, and one that will affect so much of your life. Tries to find out what’s wrong, but eventually you convince him that its all you know now, and that it wasn’t his fault. His heart breaks a little bit every time you have to watch from the sidelines when it comes to things like music.
♠️ Has more experience with deaf people than you might expect. As a doctor he dealt with a lot of disabilities, especially as a result of plague complications. When he’s in ‘doctor mode’ he’s pretty well versed in signing and making sure you can understand the points he’s getting across. Non-doctor mode Julian is a whole other story. He knows medical related signs well enough, but for real life? Help this poor man he just wants you to understand what he’s saying. 
♠️ His flair for the dramatics is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, his facial expressions help get his moods across, and what would be his tone of voice. This is especially true if you can read lips. On the other hand, he has a tendency to gesture wildly which can throw off how things can be read.
♠️ It takes a little while, but he does eventually manage to combine his doctor-signing skills with his everyday signing skills, and things go smoothly from there. There are definitely bumps in the road, and there are many times when he wishes you can hear the music in the Rowdy Raven, or notice how off beat his dancing is, but you’re perfectly content with how expressive he is, and how happy he makes you, even if you can’t hear him say it.
👑 Probably the best at understanding how things need to be done, and how to best communicate with you, after Asra. I’d imagine her having at least some experience with sign language, but there being a difference between Vesuvian and Prakran dialect that can complicate things. She studies incessantly to bridge this gap so she can communicate as well as possible.
👑 Has called in a translator from time to time, especially in cases when you’re helping her with diplomatic stuff, and affairs of the court. As often as she accepts your advice and trusts your judgement, she’d rather not risk a gap in communications causing trouble on a more ‘official’ level if it can be avoided.
👑 When it comes to court members/servants/other residential people in the palace, she has them take something of a crash course in sign language so there’s free communication. However, if she hears someone talking bad about you, knowing you can’t hear it, its an almost guaranteed banishment, at minimum.
🌳 He doesn’t talk that much anyway, so this isn’t as huge of a problem as it would be for say, Lucio or Julian. Though he may deny it, he gives a surprising amount of his thoughts away through body language and facial expressions, and this is a huge help in your relationship. There are a few signs that you’ve taught him for necessity/ease, but compared to the others its not needed as often.
🌳 His real concern is how much danger you could be in if you can’t hear trouble coming. The forest isn’t exactly safe at night, especially if Lucio is still wandering around. He fears for you when you go out, and often refuses to let you go alone, often either going with you himself, or sending Inanna if you’re going to a place he’s uncomfortable going to (the arena, red market, etc.)
🌳 Makes you a bunch of protection charms that he has you carry, along with the pouch to remember him with. Probably had Asra charm them so if you’re in real danger, he’ll be alerted and can go to you. Speaking of Asra, has probably also secretly asked him for tips on how to best communicate with you.
🐈 Expresses herself through actions more than speech a lot of the time. Rather than trying to figure out how to properly sign for the the hi-jinks she wants to get into (ghost hunting and climbing down ivy are probably a very niche part of signing) she’s been known to do charades or draw them out.
🐈 However, I think she, along with Julian and Lucio, struggled the most with learning to sign. She’s either unable to read and write, or learned late in life (as shown in her short), so she probably has trouble learning what is essentially a new language on top of that. Nadia probably gets her a tutor when she brings it up at some point, which helps.
🐈 The two of you have your own secret signs that you use for certain things, think when kids have their own secret language/codes. Inside jokes, secrets, or just gestures that you find funny enough to immortalize. There have absolutely been times where you sign one of these and confuse anyone who can actually sign in the room because “Why did the court magician just wave their arm like that and why is the head servant about to fall over laughing?”
👹 Probably struggles the most out of the Main 6, not only because he’s so dramatic and hard to handle, but also because there’s likely some limitations in signing functionality with a metal arm and hand. Most likely to hire a full time translator for the palace, and rely on them, though he does truly try to learn for your sake.
👹 He’s probably the most prone to getting frustrated when the two of you struggle to communicate. He knows its not your fault, but its extremely frustrating for him to not be able to communicate what he wants to say to you, especially because he’s so used to people listening to him. Has gotten frustrated and left the room, only to come back later and apologize, that it wasn’t your fault, that he’s still getting used to it and trying his best.
👹 Like Muriel, he doesn’t care for the idea of you going out alone, especially because he knows he has enemies. Usually sends the pups with you for intimidation. Also, like Nadia, he takes no shit when people try to look down at you or make fun of you for being deaf. Has threatened hanging on multiple occasions, only for you to talk him down. “Educate, don’t execute.”
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