#i cannot lie OR tell the truth. i just cant communicate at all
zeestarfishalien · 10 months
[DPxDC Week Day 6: Dan Phantom // Ghost King Danny // Lightning]
•No ships and no warnings on this one
The music coming from Phantom’s belt was uncharacteristically bright against the way that his face paled to an icy white.
The Bat was first to respond.
“Phantom, what’s going on?”
Phantom actually fumbled a little as he dug a non-league communicator out of his belt and silenced it. He didn’t look at the screen, which meant the music chosen was for a specific warning.
“A zone problem.”
But Superman and others with enhanced hearing caught the barely there breath of a word, “hopefully.”
“We can send some back up with you,” Wonder Woman offered.
“No.” He said it too quickly and seemed to realize it because he added, “no, it’s all good guys. I’ve got this. It’s no big deal, really.”
That last statement was a lie and they all knew it. Phantom winced as he realized it.
“Phantom, we are fully equipped to help you wi-“
“I said, no.” There was a cold authoritative tone to his voice as Phantom’s eyes flashed blue. “Not for this. Never for this.”
With that, Phantom did something he rarely ever did near them, he ripped a hole in the fabric of reality and left via the bleeding green portal. It closed behind him with a snap only leaving behind a few drops of ectoplasm that quickly dissipated.
The room, full with a number of Earth’s heroes, remained uncharacteristically silent.
“Captain Marvel, keep an eye out for signs of Phantom’s return,” Batman ordered.
“Got it.”
There were no signs of Phantom for almost 3 days.
Late on the third day the JL Threat Watch reported a sighting of him in the sky over Chicago. He and a ghost in a similar outfit fought in the sky, breaking holes in two skyscrapers and several big chain grocery stores before Phantom threw the other ghost higher in the sky. He took off after and neither were seen in Chicago again.
It takes another 12 hours before they can track down Phantom’s whereabouts. He’s still fighting the same ghost.
They look similar. It’s impossible to deny the similarities even while the other ghost is far more bulky than the lanky 20-something Phantom.
Both are bleeding ectoplasm and looking worse for wear.
It’s Captain Marvel who’s first on the scene and prepping to join Phantom but it’s the other ghost that spots him first and a malicious grin splits his face.
“Perfect,” he says. Marvel stops in his tracks mid-air suddenly uncertain. The gods are dead silent.
Faster than Marvel can track, the ghost is in front of him with an arm halfway in his chest.
“HALT.” The words vibrate Marvel’s bones and obviously they’re affecting the strange ghost because he’s unmoving and looking very confused about it.
“Cap, get out of here. Keep everyone away. He will try to kill or use any heroes and villains that come within our radius.” Phantom’s voice is normal again and in that forced calm tone that people use when they don’t want people to freak out during a life or death situation.
Marvel doesn’t argue. He knows that look in Phantom’s eyes and he’s not about to test the truth in his words without more protection.
Dan is fighting the command for all he’s worth and Danny eases up on it without verbal confirmation. Marvel is gone. He’s safe for now and Danny has just laid out his trump card.
Dan slowly turns to face him.
“What was that?” He snarls. Danny wonders how Dan managed to go his whole life without knowing about or waking Pariah Dark.
“What do you think?” He’s not about to tell the man.
“How did you command me like that?” He’s seething mad and Danny doesn’t want to tell him but he’s pretty sure Dan will just run off to hide out if Danny refuses to give him anything.
“I’ve achieved something you never even thought of. Guess you’re not as inevitable as you thought.” He cant help letting his facade of uncertainty fall away.
“How.” It’s a demand, not a question.
“You cannot disobey your king’s order,” he says calmly and watches with faint amusement as Dan goes through shock and then what seems like the five stages of grief.
“You must challenge me for the throne in order to stand a chance against me.”
“You were playing with me this whole time…”
“It’s not my fault you didn’t make sure you had all the information,” Danny says as he allows the zone to flow into him and replenish his stores of ectoplasm. His wounds seal back together like they were never there while Dan watches with increasing rage.
“Why you little…” His breathing turns ragged and Danny can almost see steam pouring from his ears. “I challenge you then.”
Danny doesn’t wait for Dan to attack first. His shot misses but that’s not what matters; it’s not giving Dan a moment to think and gather his strength. Dan doesn’t know the implications or the rules. Dan doesn’t know the game like Danny does.
And it shows pretty early on in their duel. It’s frowned upon for the king to just outright squash anyone that goes against their rules. It’s frowned upon to order by compulsion unless in dire circumstances (protecting Captain marvel). It is seen as sporting to play fight with one’s subjects and to not take that fight too seriously unless the subject goes too far. And finally, all bets are off as soon as one challenges the king. Danny’s magic won’t work on Dan for the duration of the duel but no one will be locking him up in a coffin of forever sleep for putting the beat down on his alternate self.
So the fight is a lot more one sided but it’s not until Dan goes looking for one of the living to hold hostage that Danny really cracks down with the one thing he knows Dan fears most (because he used to fear it too).
He calls the clouds and charges the air until he can pull the lightning how he sees fit.
The first strike zings by mere inches from Dan’s face. The big man can’t help the trembling his hands do but he spins to face the electrically charged Danny.
Electricity crackles through his frosty hair. Lightning isn’t exactly the most conducive for Danny’s Space Core but it’s something he mastered because he needed it not to be his weakness.
“Yield.” Dan’s jaw tightens and Danny can see the mutiny in his eyes. He lets more lightning strike behind Dan, making him jump.
“You are not inevitable. You are not me, not anymore,” Danny states firmly. He knows he’ll have hell to pay when the JL get to him after this but ancients does it feel good.
Okay this one was finicky with me so it’s not how I wanted it to go but imma just let it be. Tomorrow’s is a fun one. Another surprise one. I’m excited to share it when I finish.
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cacodemonic · 11 months
My Biggest Piece of Life Advice for Happiness
It's a fine line between not caring about trivial matters and shutting your emotions down/apathy. But
You cannot control...
-What others think of you
-The past
-What others say
-What others do
-How others feel
-Natural events like death, natural disasters, and cancer
You can only control...
-How you act
-How you feel
-How you treat others
-How you treat yourself
If someone doesn't like you (Unless they have a higher hierarchical position than you like a boss or professor) it does NOT have to be your problem. Life is too short to worry about someone not eating enough, or the fact that someone doesn't like you because one time you accidentally stepped on their bag, or that someone broke up with someone and now someone is sad.
Do what makes you happy, just remember that...
Your emotions are NEVER the problem.
Your mindset is.
Your emotions are ALWAYS valid, and should NEVER be dismissed. Emotions are the outcome of how you interpret the world (in other words your mindset) and to try to solve the emotional problem by focusing on the emotions is like trimming the stem of a weed and dumping some soil over the roots. That weed is going to come back some time later, stronger than before, and you have no control over when it happens.
Focus on how you view the world. I personally get really defensive when people tell me to "change my mindset" because I feel like it's implying that how I think and feel is 'wrong', but that is definitely not what I mean here.
It's not a, "Everyone hates me- NO! Nope. I'm optimistic now and actually everyone loves me... totally..." it's a "Everyone hates me. ... I acknowledge that this thought feels real to me, but also that I know that this thought is an exaggeration of real life. It's okay for me to feel this way, but it's important for me to know that it isn't real." After enough time, it sinks in.
You must validate your emotions because it does absolutely nothing good to swallow them and you must recognize that your emotions exist and that is okay, but at the same time the thoughts causing them is a lie your mind tells you and it's okay that it feels real but it isn't. It's also okay to know that a thought is false logically but have your emotions respond to it like it's true.
Energy is so valuable, are you really going to spend it all on worrying about things that you cannot control in any way? That's completely wasting it, and God knows we need to preserve that crap. Save it for things like creative endeavors or bettering yourself or learning about something you're interested or even just self-care.
I cannot express how liberating it is to realize that it isn't a sin to not worry about things you can't control (as listed above). You can care, and you can control what you DO like texting your friend a reminder to eat breakfast or making soup for someone who is sick, but that does not mean that you have to worry for them. It is okay to worry, and it is normal to worry, but be wise about what you accept to be the truth logically when you worry.
You'll find that once you stop pressuring yourself to worry, you will just naturally worry less and less until your worry-energy is only spent on things worth worrying about (What you can control, or events that will still be impactful to you in 2 years). Hell, it's better to spend worry energy being sad or angry or jealous because those help release bad emotion while worry just builds it.
70 on a test? Oh alright, well you guess you'll study for the next one. Probably. You hope you'll study but you cant control what you do in the future right now.
Your friend and you had an argument? That sucks, and you wish it hadn't happened. You might be angry or insecure or sad. It's important to control what you can do. You can apologize, or try to have open and honest communication with them, or if necessary you can break it off... But you don't spend any energy worrying about what they think of you or what is going to happen.
Someone dear to you passed away? That's absolutely horrible, you are grief-stricken. You feel denial, or anger, or sadness, or maybe nothing at all, but you make sure that you relax your emotional muscles enough for something to slip into that nothingness gap when you start to heal. This is painful, and it is hard on you and others close to that person. It might take years to heal. You might never heal fully. That is okay. You do NOT spend energy that you should be spending grieving or trying to heal on worrying about how happy they were at the end, or if you're supposed to be more sad, or if anyone blames you for it (Unless you're an actual direct murderer...), or if they are happy in whatever afterlife form you believe in. You can't control these. You cannot. You can reflect, you can be sad, but do not stress over it. You have the power to accept that you cannot control it.
I know this was a MASSIVE post to read, I just had a lot to say about this. Thank you if you read it all, and I hope it is helpful.
I promise this isn't some concept some neuronormative 45 year old white lady wrote about.
I'm 14 and have enough disabilities to make a list.
Please, just give it a shot.
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lunar-fey · 2 years
finally maybe going to play dnd w skerples tomorrow probably so i was double checking my character sheet. oh buddy
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oh boy. this will be. a challenge!
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Do you have any tips for getting people to understand that I experience chronic pain and it might mean I can't do something one day that I could do a different day?
this is a really really tough question.
I have found surely what I am sure what you have, which is that peoples sympathy or empathy for chronic illness and pain seems to have a time limit. This is generally for a bunch of reasons which might not be malicious at all.
For me, my whole family and friends clearly understand that my illness is an insane influence on my life. They do not expect that it will be the same everyday.
Normally, to understand chronic illness, I compare to illnesses or injuries that other people might have experience, like pain after working out/ straining a muscle/ having the flu. But sometimes this does not always work. It could be that they literally cannot fathom it since every pain, injury or illness they have had did stop.
Communication is massive. Some things that I have done is just casually remind them a lot about my pain or illness in reference to future events or things for example, if they are talking about wanting to do x with you, I would say that is sounds so great but we might have to organise closer to the date because 'i never know how i am going to feel', or 'i hope i'm going to feel okay'. If you continue to insert this type of behaviour into just normal conversation, they will also begin to factor it into their lives. Even just little things like for me, the sun causes pain, so if its sunny i'll verbalise that i'm moving out of the sun cause 'damn its making my skin hurt!'. I also personally know my friends watch my instagram stories so sometimes i just throw a light hearted joke on my story like "these late night fevers really be lit", again just reminding my friends that its an everyday thing that changes. The more they know, they more they keep it in mind. For example, I can't sleep cause im in pain right now, and i already messaged my bestie saying 'cant sleep'. I'm just super open about it.
Make sure that people in your life know that your illness has varying states of pain and that there are a bunch of different things that might impact it. Explain that the pain can vary in intensity from day to day, symptoms can come and go and that we often don’t reveal the pain we are in. Be specific. Be SPECIFIC about the pain, each time. "eeurggh today my feet bones feel like they are burning!" We cannot assume they will understand unless we explain it. I always, for example, keep my important friends and family updated after every doctors appointment. I also have brought both friends and family to appointments. This gives them deeper understanding and keeps them up to date/reminded on your illness and pain. Let them know that they can ask any questions, whenever they want, so that they feel comfortable asking you, because we don't want them to assume.
Also, make sure that they know nothing is personal. I think it is really important not to make plans too far in the future and lock it in because people hate it when you cancel all the time on them, especially without a lot of warning, even if you are sick. Even sometimes, my friends will say that they will be going for a swim in a couple of hours if i want to come, and i'll say, let me see how i feel then!
Continue to reassure them its not personal if you cancel, and make sure to say you will reshedule. Don't lie and make up other excuses, just tell the truth about how youre feeling at the time and if you can, offer an alternate. 'Hey i'm not feeling very well, my x is hurting and I don't have the energy to really go out. I wish I could though, I'd love to see you today. Want to come over and watch a movie? If not, can we do it when I feel a bit better? I'll let you know and stay in touch.' and then make sure you do or they will take it personally. Also try to do it in a way where they won't feel guilty or like a bad friend and give them praise when they do take you into account. Thank them when they do what you like. "Thanks for thinking of me!", "thanks for inviting me, i appreciate it". When they offer their help, take it and say thank you!
You also might need to expect that friends might not invite you as much over time because they might assume that you wont come, which can suck and if this is something that would really upset you, make sure you communicate it with your family and friends.
I'm sure theres a bunch of other things but i cant think of much more right now, i moved today so i'm a bit fried and sore but if I do, Ill update the post (see what I did there)
Hope this helps
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comrade-meow · 3 years
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“If men could get pregnant,” Gloria Steinem famously said, “abortion would be a sacrament.” But we live in a new world — one wherein men can get pregnant, which has made things a little bit awkward for those fighting for abortion rights (though they refuse to acknowledge it). Today, it’s important not to exclude “men” from the abortion debate, as “men” can get pregnant too.
“Gentle reminder,” Imani Gandy tweeted last month, “it’s not only women who need abortions.” Gandy is Senior Editor of Law and Policy for Rewire News Group, once called RH Reality Check, Rewire has been focused on the abortion fight and reproductive rights since 2009. Today, they publish articles like, “Medical Students Are ‘Driving’ for Change Over Gender-Inclusive Language,” which tells the story of “Sam,” a trans-identified female whose pregnancy symptoms were, we are told, not taken seriously because she was not a “cis woman.” Rewire writer Alys Brooks concludes that “Sam’s story illustrates not only the high stakes of accurately communicating a patient’s gender and their sex assigned at birth, but also the need for health-care providers to factor those details into clinical decision-making.”
Medical students are “driving and demanding” changes to the med school curriculum that “better accounts for transgender patients,” Brooks reports. Which includes “degendering”: replacing terms like “pregnant women” with “pregnant people.”
Biology professor’s like Karen Hales, who is employed at Davidson College in North Carolina, have moved towards replacing “mother” and “father” with “egg parent” and “sperm parent.”
In truth, “Sam” had failed to inform the nurse that she was female, identifying herself as “transgender” and, even worse, her medical records showed she was a “man.”
To me, this exemplifies the false propanganda pushed by trans activists and the complicit media, constantly claiming incidents of “transphobia,” which are, in fact, simply about either people who identify as transgender being correctly sexed, or about people lying about their sex, thereby confusing the sane.
“Sam” was not treated ineffectively at the hospital because she claims to be “transgender,” but because it is imperative that medical professionals know the sex of their patients, and “Sam” had been informed by the government and trans activists that it was not only acceptable but necessary to her survival and happiness that she lie about her sex.
The notion that what is needed is to “degender” (which actually means “desex”) patients is ludicrous. Health care professionals need basic information about a patient’s biology/sex, easily communicated by using the (correct) language that already exists: female/male, woman/man, he/she. Imposing gender identity ideology on medicine and biology is clearly confusing, not clarifying, matters.
On Saturday, thousands gathered across America to protest Senate Bill 8, which was passed in Texas last month and allows people to sue anyone who helps a woman get an abortion after six weeks. While the conversation about abortion should be extended beyond the “legal” vs “illegal” one — a conversation too complex for this particular piece, but that I will say is oversimplified and limited by the notion that women should be reliant on the medical establishment in order to have autonomy over their bodies and reproductive choices — I of course disagree with a law allowing those who “help” women get abortions to be sued. But what is worse is the fact that so many of those fighting this legislation refuse to say that this is an issue affecting only women.
If you can’t understand or say that abortion only impacts women, you cannot fight effectively for abortion rights.
There is a reason men have attempted to control women’s bodies, autonomy, and reproduction all these years, and that is because of biology. ***In an evolutionary sense, men need to know if their offspring is indeed their offspring, in order to stick around. They have an evolutionary drive to spread their seed, as it were, and they don’t (again, in an evolutionary sense, perhaps not an ideal/moral one) wish to invest their time in a family that isn’t “theirs.”*** This is why men decided to keep women in the home and out of public life, gallivanting with other men who might impregnate them. If women have control over their reproductive choices, it limits men’s ability to control women and keep them dependent/in the home, tied up with baby-making/raising.
I am oversimplifying, but the point I am trying to make is that only females can get pregnant, which is why men have tried to control their bodies and lives, historically, and is the basis for women’s historic oppression.
Women were never kept in the home, their autonomy limited, because they grew their hair long, wore skirts, put lipstick on, or named themselves “Caitlin” or “Alana.” Nor have women ever been able to opt out of historical oppression by wearing pants or cutting their hair short. Their status remains vulnerable because they are biologically female. Modern, Western civilization and legislation has protected women from institutional oppression, but the fact of pregnancy still means we may be vulnerable to, well, having little control over our lives. Abortion and our ability to control if and when we get pregnant offers us some control over our life circumstances and freedom.
This all seems like basic feminist information, but has become invisibilized by trans activism and its woke disciples. At abortion rallies across the nation, trans activists insisted on disrupting what should be unequivocally woman-centered activism to remind participants that this was not just a women’s issue as “men need abortions too.” In Washington, trans-identified athlete and activist, Schuyler Bailar, said:
“This is a women’s issue, and it is also a transgender man’s issue. It is also a nonbinary person’s issue. It is also a gender queer, gender fluid, transmasculine person’s issue. This is about all of us.”
And, yes, pregnancy and therefore abortion could well affect anyone who identifies as any of these things, but that still doesn’t mean men need abortions. It just means only females will ever want to access an abortion, making Bailar’s entire statement unnecessary. Pregnancy doesn’t care how you feel about gender roles or about how you identify. The only thing that matters is your biology.
You might think it is merely “polite” or “inclusive” to discuss pregnancy and abortion in gender neutral terms, or to remind people that “men can get pregnant too,” but what you lose in doing so is massive: why this matters and is a fight in the first place. It is also, of course, embarrassing and farcical, and makes a mockery of women’s rights advocates. Who could possibly take seriously an activist (or reporter, or politician, or academic, or health authority) who demands female autonomy while also insisting that “men can become pregnant”?
Young women in particular have completely lost the history of and context for the women’s movement, and, as a result, are losing hard fought for rights. That they’ve allowed themselves to be bamboozled by a group of narcissists who have zero interest in women’s rights and are so privileged they can manage to occupy their time with academic notions of “gender,” rather than the material circumstances of their lives, is shameful, and demonstrates how thoroughly out of touch they are with the current and past real life struggles of women across the globe.
Erasing women from the fight for reproductive rights should be sacrilege, but instead it has become doctrine. Women’s rights will continue to disappear in front of our eyes so long as women continue to go along with this nonsense ideology. If you can’t even acknowledge what a woman is and what rights are particular to females, your role in this fight is a joke.
***replace evolution with class society imo***
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grimreich666 · 4 years
So once again we are to this point when it comes to the Christina + Ruby server drama. Now I realize I made a YouTube video that explained my disgust of certain Fanfic Writers writing community of Lovecraft Country that write for the Ruby and Christina fandom that's ran by Kswhateverspace and Hernameisjaye. Now know it looks like I bullied somebody but that's far from the case, as every action has a reaction. Now because the situation I wasn't going to go too much into it until, someone told me about the twisted mess both Kwhateverspace and the other admins were saying. And it had come to alot of my members attention that they done stuff with members in the past and it has clearly made people unhappy to a point where they aren't talking in thier own server. When it comes to the Ruby plus Christina server owned by Kwhateverspace, I joined with decent intentions and it thought it was a community that shared a love for Christina and Ruby, but it turned out to be a Sixth-Grade Mean Girls Special on Crack. I never wanted it to get to a racial points between servers, but it is looking like these white women with a Misguided Black Woman as thier Server Owner, obviously do not know what true racism is and how to handle their power as Admins and accept others opinions. And the saddest part is that not just me but other members have been kicked out for absolutely no reason and I don't know if anybody seen Kswhateverspace Blog. But everything on there is just about a lie, she claims that all of us violated the rules but nobody was given any warning before being kicked out. Now mind you I do know that the rules exist but the rules should have been implemented for more extremer conditions, but none of us members took it to that level. The issue that I have with the other server is their ability not to gauge a situation at any kind of frequency of balance as they just kick off people who they don't like. A friend of mine who's in my Discord now got kicked for absolutely saying a joke it was nothing that was malicious or ill intent to these people, and while I get that respecting their mental health as Fan Fic writers is a thing to do, me and others always supported before we started reading racist ass Ruby and Chirstina fics. This friend of mine was enthusiastic about reading their stories and very supportive and we all kept a good positive energy that could be see in my current Discord. The issue that the Admins on the Christina + Ruby Server is that they made someone's enthusiasm for a story seem like it was an issue with harassment and that was not cool eespically when she meant it in a LOL kind of way. There was no reason for her to get kicked off just like there was no reason for my other friends to get kicked off and there was no reason for ME to get kicked off. I understand people were all into safe spaces and making safe spaces but as Admins they should've addressed thier complaints to people in warnings, but the kicked people for simply commenting. Thus making thier own server and its members uncomfortable to be themselves and thats when becomes a dangerous place and if I hadn't of known that I would've never ended my own server to expose my friends to their toxicity. The issue between the Admins is that pride themselves on being Admins, but the lack leadership skills and comprehension skills necessary for it. For me as an Admin if there was an issue with a person's comments I would talk to them in Dm's and warn them. So for them to say that they're not big on public warnings that is fine, but when you do not privately warn somebody for a simple comment and for them to get kicked the next day something isn't right. Also how can a behavior improve if there is no communication between an Admin and their members? Me as an Admin I dont function that way, I always take the time if someone comes to me with a complaint to address the person on DMs. And if you read Kwhateverspaces blog on the issue and the screenshots nothing she says parallels to the intent in which these comments where said.
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The issue that I have with this group is there ability to flex around their power an act like we had did something so wrong when we were simply just expressing our opinions. And we were well within our respectable means to address our opinions in the saddest part is that these admins are white within a predominantly black server and they do not get our way of culture.
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Now as for the next member who was kicked it was totally uncalled for as she questioned why I was gone due to the fact that I told Hernameisjaye to learn her Black History due to the fact that she and another member Agent Sheryl did not understand why I did not think Christina was racist I had a whole You Tube Video about it. So they knew my opinion on it and why they chose to double team me on an opinion was so uncalled for. So when I made the comment that I'm sorry if I dont want to be black and militant to a character that I dont find as racist she flipped out on me, and kicked me I never called her anything I told her the truth and if you've seen my YT people know I could've taken it alot further with these Birdbrain Hoes. Nevertheless until a certain point I thought we were having a decent civil discussion, yet she took it out of context very fast when I said what I did and as for the Black History factor you could see that they were giving no concern to it and only cherry picking my words to make me seem antagonistic to them, as I was telling them about the harm that white women had done in history vs Christina Braithwhite. Now mind you I had told Hernameisjaye several times that she is entitled to her opinion and I was entitled to mine and it's as you could see on the time stamps. At one point I thought it was a civil discussion, that was until I got kicked out for it. It's clear that these Admins have no commonsense to read a room and come to a basic agreement, even as I was telling them they have an opinion and I have mine and I respect it. And yes I was mad for the kick and I did warn Kswhateverspace that I would be going to my platform with it and she even gave her approval of it as I do have the screen shots for that as well.
Hernameisjaye along with Agent Sheryl had been going on a Christina is racist rant for two days, and both were very antagonistic to those in the Serious Discussions Discord Server, who engaged her. I even went so much so to agree with her just to shut her up, yet she kept on at agonizing me and another member to the point of harassment. It was clear that they had spoken about us, before as they were so ready to kick us AGAIN WITH OUT WARNING US PRIOR. Now I will be continuing the Dandybear situation on part two. However I find it messy that these Admins cherry picked our conversations that me and the other member thought where civil and tried to turn it into something uncivilized on our end. This is the same kind of intent that always happens when it comes to black and white people, it always happens that a white person says something out of line and then when black person gets mad then they act as if the black person had antagonized and started the situation. Hernameisjaye is really sad at this point to try a tactic like that, and it's detrimental that shes allowed racism into her group, but has dropped the people that meant her no harm with there opinions as FELLOW BLACK WOMEN.
The Admins Kwhateverspace and Hernameisjaye claim that they want freedom for people to express themselves, but they act like bullies when the situation is not to their favor. Yet it was after the fact that told a lie and still continue to tell one after another member and I were kicked, that made the situation worse. You can read the screenshots of my responses on Kwhateverspaces blog or this one qnd you can clearly see I did nothing in the wrong, as I was coming at Hernameisjaye as one black woman to another. And if she had talked to me in DMs and cleared things out maybe I would've apologized for the comment even if I personally thought I wasn't wrong for it, as I had no shame in my game to apologize even when I'm not wrong.
YET the point I cant stand the most is that they overreacted to a statement I made, and yet they allowed a racist fan fic writer to stay in group. It is clear these Admins don't have thier heads on straight as they kick us out for having a simple opinion or objection to common discussion. Now I do understand there is a level of what Admins can take and what they cannot take, but when you do not make those boundaries clear and when other members make their boundaries clear when your antagonizing them, and you still keep doing it theres something wrong with you as a leader. All I have to say is look at the screenshots and out responses to ours.
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mandowh0re · 5 years
Baby For a Week
Day 2 Part 2
Fandom: Avengers MCU
Summary:  Loki decides it would be funny to turn Peter into a two year old, thrusting Tony into the life of an actual parent for a week. Is he ready?
Word Count: 1383
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst
A/N: I’m,,, updating??? HI GUYS! Also, I made Stucky a thing in this. Sorry not sorry.
Happy Reading!
Part 1.1/ Part 1.2/ Part 2.1/ Part 2.2
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It was a relatively quiet evening after May left. Peter went down for a nap on his own and Tony took him and placed him in the crib along with the Iron Man plushie and puppy.
Deciding takeout would be a good idea after everyone tired themselves out playing with Peter, Tony ordered Chinese food to the Compound.
“So, how’s dad life treating you?” Natasha asked, before popping a piece of orange chicken in her mouth.
Tony shot her a glare, “I’m not-”
“Oh for the love of God!” Bucky slammed his flesh hand down on the table, “If I hear you say you’re not the kid’s dad one more time I’ll slap Steve,” he jerked his thumb to the man next to him.
“Um excuse me, don’t bring me into this!” Steve’s hands flew up.
Bucky ignored his boyfriend’s protest, “You literally walk, talk, and act like Pete’s dad twenty-four-seven. I’m pretty fucking sure the only person who doesn’t realize that is you.”
Steve quickly slapped Bucky upside the head at the same time Natasha kicked him under the table and Sam scream whispered, “Dude!”
Tony blinked a few times before his brain caught up with him.
“What did you just say?”
Bucky’s eyes got wide and they shot around the table.
“I no longer feel safe in this environment.” he said as he slumped in his seat.
“Oh now you’re intuition works.” Natasha hissed.
“Barnes,” Tony said, “What did you mean by that?”
It was silent for a few seconds before Bucky rolled his eyes and sat back up, “Well there’s no point in hiding it now!”
“It’s not your secret to tell, Buck.”
“I’ll get murdered either way. I’d rather get murdered by the spider.”
“You’re gonna make the kid cry.”
“He made us promise, Barnes.”
“Hey!” Tony yelled, getting everyone’s attention, “I’d like to know what secret my supposed spider child is keeping from me. So if you be so kind as to enlighten me,” he raised a brow.
Before anyone could stop him, Bucky blurted, “Petercallsyoudadwhenyouarentaroundto-.”
Tony choked on his spit at the same time Steve tackled Bucky to the ground..
“That’s a bold faced lie,” He said, but with such uncertainty that is came out painfully wavered.
His eyes flickered to Bruce, who just shrugged.
“Sergeant Barnes is telling the truth. I could not tell you because Peter convinced me not to.”
There were so many things swirling in Tony’s head right now.
How long had this been going on? Was it an accident at first? He really hasn’t fucked up with Peter? How had the kid manipulated Tony’s own AI to withhold information?
So he just avoided it altogether.
Turning to Barnes he said, “Can I at least say it one more time for the satisfaction of seeing Rogers get slapped?”
The look on Bucky’s face was pure evil.
That night, Tony was woken up by Peter screaming his lungs out.
Pepper had left on a business trip earlier in the evening to China, so he was left to his own devices.
Looking over the paper May had given him, she listed a few reasons as to why Peter may throw a tantrum.
Ear infection
Overly tired
Peter had an enhanced healing factor that made it damn near impossible for him to get sick, and he was sleeping. So all of those possibilities flew right out the window.
Tony had been bouncing the boy and cooing at him for the last ten minutes but nothing even caused Peter to let up on the screaming. And because he was screaming, he couldn’t communicate to Tony what was wrong.
“FRIDAY, can you scan him to see if there’s anything wrong that I’m missing?”
“I have already done so three times, boss. I cannot find anything physically wrong with him. Perhaps you should call Bruce up to look at him.”
“Right, right, okay. Can you have Bruce meet me in the med bay?”
“Will do.”
Tony grabbed puppy and the iron man plushie that the kid now called “kitty”, which the others made fun of Tony endlessly for.
“I don’t see him clutching to a stuffed version of any of you shit heads.”
When he got to the med bay, Bruce was already there in his pajamas with a white lab coat on.
The screaming child in Tony’s arms made him wince, “Mam, FRIDAY wasn’t messing around.”
“Does she ever?” Tony asked as he walked over to the bed.
“Yeah, if you ask her to.”
“One time. That was one time and you all basically grounded me.”
Just as Tony went to set Peter on the bed, the screaming got impossibly louder and Peter latched onto Tony with his spider powers.
“Well shit.”
“Just sit on the bed and put him on your lap. He should be fine there.”
After an extensive check, Bruce finally concluded that there really was nothing wrong with Peter. Luckily, by the time he was finished, Peter had calmed down to the point of hiccups and sniffles.
“Peter,” Bruce spoke quietly, “Can you tell us what’s wrong?”
Peter clutched the stuffed toys tighter and looked up at Tony, his chubby cheeks red and stained with tear tracks.
Tony ran a hand through the boy’s curls and carefully wiped a stray tear away, “It’s okay buddy. You can tell us.”
Peter looked between tony and Bruce a few more times before settling into Tony’s lap.
Wait what?
“What do you mean, bud?”
“Mean bird. Big a-and gween eyes. Hurt.”
“Peter, there aren’t any birds in the building,” Bruce tried to explain, but Peter shook his head violently.
“Drop me in water! Th-then big house fell down n I not move and nobody help!” Peter was beginning to hyperventilate.
“He’s talking about Vulture. Toomes. I think. I’m not sure what he means about the house though.” Tony told Bruce.
“So a nightmare.” Bruce stated.
“I thought he only remembered us and his powers. No events.”
Bruce shrugged, “Maybe he has memories of things in his sleep. It’s Loki. And it’s magic. Honestly, we have no way to control or predict anything from here. We just gotta play it by ear.”
“Wonderful,” Tony groaned, “Hey Pete. The big mean bird is gone, he isn’t gonna hurt you. It was just a dream. I promise you’re safe.”
Peter only whimpered in response, but Tony took that as an okay to take him back up to the penthouse.
“Sorry for waking you, Brucie.”
“Never a problem for Peter.”
“I see where I stand.”
“Against the world’s cutest kid? Yeah, you do.”
Tony chuckled but headed back to the elevator.
When he finally got Peter to fall back to sleep, Tony snuck out to the living room of his penthouse.
“FRIDAY, I wanna know what Peter meant by what he said earlier. Look for any collapsed buildings in New York City in the timeframe from when he first told Happy about Toomes to the night Toomes was arrested.”
“I have found five collapsed buildings reported within those constrictions.”
“How many are still open cases or listed as suspicious or unsolved?”
“How did each one fall?”
“One building was an old abandoned apartment that burned to the ground. No arrest has been made in the case, but it appears to be arson. The other was an abandoned parking garage, collapsed from possible structural integrity. No arrest has been made, but it happened the night of the plane crash. The call to emergency operators came in about twenty minutes before your plane crashed.”
Tony physically felt his heart drop into his stomach.
“Were there any security cameras around that night?”
A shop across the street had a camera with the garage partially in its frame. I’m pulling it up now.”
A video feed came over the tv screen that had a partial shot of the street, including the parking garage.
A few seconds played before a red streak flew through the frame.
“Stop. Rewind. Play that frame by frame and enhance the video.”
FRIDAY did as requested, and there on the screen was Peter, in his old homemade spiderman suit, swinging towards the garage.
Tony felt his heart beginning to beat faster. Faster than it should.
He watched patiently for another three minutes, before the structure collapsed.
BFAW tag list: @sirasslessunicorn @muggle-who-lived @thefourthnorn @jolandax13 @justsomeone-notimportant @thegraceofme @generalsuitcaselightflap @corkeecoderyt @tbhbrianmay @thatfakepoison  @mayfernandar5 @pityandchiil @quirkyoracle @jake-the-snake-from-state-farm @ironfamjam @vitrumpapilionum @gq3668and5 @lerums @im-with-tony @hawtrodred @shameless-n-weird-marauderette @band-be-boss-blog @goldenxnhl @timelock97 @arayici7 @brokenmasterpiece @lrel98 @theambracer88 @demo-kay @i-love-clouis-so-much 
Iron Dad tag list: @tranquility-or-chaos @a-black-pegasus @phiauniverse @justsomeone-notimportant @do-you-downey @ididntdothatnope @marvelbased @yourwhatisstuckwhere @terriblygoodrockandroll @love-every-fandom @starkaroos2034 @prism-opals @howisavebrainspace @multifandom-slytherin @insaneskyler @tbhbrianmay @morgooonahstark @fantasticnewt-imagines @starlightfound
Permanent tag list: @a-place-to-blog-marvel-stuff @yaarthoetree @yes-iamironman-blog @paradoxicalblueberry @the-regal-warrior @transparentparadiseglitterzombie @marvelgem @propertyofmarvel @avngrsinitiative @my-leg-is-not-a-chew-toy @lyricalstella @just-the-daydreamer
Strikethru means I cant tag you
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Ouija boards 2
I originally wanted to post about the Ouija board itself 💕 Before I even begin to consciously put that description out into the universe I really REALLY feel the need to stress the reasons you should not be using an Ouija board or spirit board in general 😓
I want to preface this with the fact I am aware people have good experiences with Spirit boards and Ouija boards. 😮 I, 100%, acknowledge that as a fact- sometimes you do get good spirits that come through. I do want to make note of- you aren't speaking with any angels. You aren't speaking with divine good. I'm gonna say 9/10 you get someone more malevolent that means you harm or wants something from you. 😔
If you are deciding to use a spirit board I really want you to not only keep how to use it in mind, but the consequences of using a board as well 😳
This was suppose to go up more edited on Wednesday at around 5:20, I'm not good with tumblr and probably messed using the queue up. I apologize for that. I am leaving my wording how it was posted in the main body. I use "Demons" loosely as more malevolent spirits, although they are really not the same imo. I want to note really briefly- that my experiences are not yours, for all I know most people probably take my posts like they are just stories to read. I'm fine with that and happy I entertain in some form. My experiences are mine. They cant be valued more than your own paranormal experiences to other people. I'm not here to debate with the paranormal community, I'm here to help out regular people who believe in next to none of this. It may not be for you.
The most IMPORTANT thing to note is- You have absolutely no clue what you are talking to. 😤 You have no clue the reason behind this entity contacting you, no idea as to what the intentions are and no real way to delegate a conversation with entities. You can ask it questions, yah sure, you get some answers, but that doesn't mean you get answers to the questions you ask.
There is a responsibility and energy you carry as an individual using an Ouija board. The brighter you shine the more entities you'll attract. (Moth to a flame so to speak) You are fully responsible for what you attract and what you let in.
You are also responsible for opening a door you cannot close. A lot of people do not accept responsibility when they mess up with things pertaining to the spirit board among other ways to contact the other side. It's a door you opened, along with anyone else who used the board. Please take responsibility for that door.
You are also responsible for the people you participate with. You are responsible if something happens to them, you are responsible if something follows them, you are responsible if they get hurt, and you are responsible if they die.
If you open a door, you should figure out what kind of damage control you can do. It's not something you can close back up 9.5 times/10. In my opinion, that space now has an invisible open door way for things to come in and out at their will. It's pandora's box and you opened it. That is your problem to now attempt to control. Moving sometimes doesn't help you, things will follow you if it is attached to you. If you sell a home with the KNOWLEDGE you OPENED something you can not close or control and you put other people unknowingly into that space where harm can come to them, just know you'll get burned for that. If you leave an apartment/home/townhouse because you opened something and refuse to take care of it, just know you passed the responsiblity you took when you decided to use a spirit board onto other innocent people who have no clue what happened in the space. You are sending them a situation, completely blind.
There are PLENTY of resources, first hand accounts, and books on the subject of why you shouldn't be messing with one. It's never worth it and the risks greatly outweigh the benefits.
I just feel like I should say this specifically. If you go to an Ouija board for lottery numbers, personal, or financial gain- just know that will come back and bite you 10 fold. Sometimes when I was little, we did not have food in the house. My mother never saw that as a way to survive and you shouldn't either. It's not going to gain you anything but a black mark on your spirit because maybe someone needed that lottery number more than you did. You're making a conscious effort to manipulate the universe to your own will to only benefit yourself. It's not just morally wrong, it's not just selfish (in some cases) you are opening up a line of communication with the demonic specifically. The demomic always call back for their "payment" whatever it may be.
You can gain almost nothing from a spirit board secession but something now in your space. I've seen some secessions have next to no information gained and a waste of 4 hours because time got lost. I say time got lost for a reason. Sometimes you just get bs'd for a few hours and tbh I think that's kind considering what you're probably speaking with.
You can easily open yourself up and become possessed. No one believes this because it's not something you hear everyday but it can happen. Even if it's for a fraction of a second. The end goal for them is to obtain a vessel. If you become their vessel do you think that demon is going to personally care it's using YOUR body as that vessel? I'm here to tell you that no, it probably does not and yes it can happen to you or even me. They do not care you have grandmas funeral tomorrow or mac and cheese you to make for the cook out next week.
Demons lie. If you didn't know they lie pretty often. They can change form and change their story. Most of the time they don't care to keep their stories consistant. They can tell you fact about things only you and your bestfriend know. They can lie and say they were alive. You can't make them tell the truth either!
I would do your own research on whether or not this is a good decision for you personally. If you do this in your home, wouldn't you feel bad if it broke someones favorite thing? Or hurt someone you love? Or for god sakes something harms your animals? Do you think things from the other side care about your cat/dog/lizard? They do not. I would NEVER EVER want to see my cat harmed due to making a decision like that. There are risks, rewards and consequences when using this as a tool to communicate to the other side. The universe would not make you use an Ouija board to speak to your dead family members that you miss dearly. I don't believe the universe to be that cruel.
Some demons see the use of an Ouija board as a direct challenge. They will invite themselves in if its powerful enough.
These things also go for any demonic game. I'm sure many demons use the midnight man ritual as a means to get out into the open, or invited in.
Also if you use your blood for any demonic game or put it onto an Ouija board- its now attached to you. 🤷‍♀️ you used your blood as a binding contract to whatever decided it wanted your blood. You let your blood be up for grabs and something took it. Don't put it out there in the first place. You can't escape those sort of things, if you can its very difficult to accomplish.
You don't have to be religious for 'demons' to show up. I don't consider myself a part of any certian denominations of Christianity. To some degree, there is proof certian demonic energies become reactive around Christian idols, Christian artifacts and Christian Churches. That is any denomination of Christianity- I'll try to really dive deep into that over the next few weeks to give you a better idea with facts.
Those are the main reasons I can give you as to why using a spirit board really gets you nowhere. 😅 I think the main thing a spirit board ends up doing is it scares a lot of people away from the other side and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to anyone, especially something as avoidable as this. You have to make reasonable and responsible choices when using tools to contact the other side. I believe deceased family members come into your dreams to see you or they'll come to your home and visit you. They won't make you use an Ouija board. That's just the way I believe though- 😅
Again as always, if you have an questions, concerns, thoughts, my DMs are always open and I'm willing to answer any questions you guys have! 💕💕 I'll always try to point you in the right direction and help you to the best of my ability!
kawaiigirlgoingghost out
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bandsanitizer · 7 years
Hey so I read a fanfic and I couldn’t fit everything I needed to say in an ask, so here’s the fic reaction post that tends to occur after I read the most amazing of fics.
As per usually, this is NOT A SPOILER FREE POST.
(In two ways ahahahahah Because Stephanie Brown is mentioned and I can’t be excited over and review a fic without including spoilers)
Now back to the actual point...
Okay but seriously? It was beautiful from beginning to end and slowly this will be a more coherent post as I calm down, but as of starting this I kind of just finished reading the entire thing at 2:30AM.
Can I just say Birdflash is my favorite and I absolutely love Dick Grayson? Especially stories that really portray the “oldest sibling” side of him in a way that isn’t perfect.
This story does that.
first off, the concept of the AU is a fantastic one and it’s... It’s really interesting? Because Bruce Wayne/Batman is an extreme person who is prepared for everything and anything. There’s a reason he has his contingency plans and knows the weaknesses of the people he’s meant to trust, the people he works and fights alongside. This AU really kicks it up a notch but in such a Bruce way? Like only Bruce Wayne would be like “I LOVE YOU KIDS so you’re not allowed to tell anyone who you are”
I mean, that’s a really simplistic view of it, but the idea of keeping your loved ones safe through not the best of plans, is such a Bruce Wayne move that this AU hardly feels absurd or something so... out of the box. It’s also really creative though and I think it’s a fantastic idea. I will cherish this AU for the rest of life i s2g.
REMINDER: SPOILER ALERT!!!! (go read the fic and come back)
Now onto the Batfam.
@grxysxns Your writing of the characters were amazing??????? I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERIZATION OF DICK GRAYSON AND I WILL SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS!!!!!! The way you write Tim is superb. I also do like how you wrote the rest of the batfam (even though there wasn’t everyone necessarily, the idea of family was there). Sure, like other fanfic writers, there was some glossing over of the tensions between Jason and the rest of them and maybe some of the other members BUT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE STORY IT WORKS SO WELL AND I CANT REALLY COMPLAIN
Dick takes on so much and he does this thing where he acts strong for the people he loves and the people he wants to protect. The way you wrote that was stunning. I love the balance of you showcasing how much Dick was doing and how much Dick was screwing up. I like the contrast between the things superhero working out with things falling apart with Wally and then sort of a switch later on. I love when writers capture the good and the bad that comes with Dick Grayson trying to take the world on his shoulders for the sake of his family (specifically his younger siblings). I also love how vulnerable and just broken he seemed, which I know sounds bad, but I love me some Angst™️ yknow? This story has a perfect balance of that and happy endings that are too happy, but just right. A nice ending that feels like a happy batfam yknow?
To be honest, I could go on forever about your characterization of Dick Grayson. !!!!!!! Your showcasing of his infamous anger was not missed and I love it! You included his flaws but showed him being great too and that’s !!!!! The best
As for Tim, holy shit, I love the way your wrote Tim, especially his transition out of Robin. Like, it’s not from Tim’s point of view but I LOVE COMMUNICATION AND DICK SITTING DOWN TO HELP TIM WITH THE MESS OF TIM NO LONGER BEING ROBIN AND DICK REALLY MAKING SURE TIM KNOWS THAT DICK ISNT REPLACING HIM AND THAT TIM IS SO SO SPECIAL AND SO SO LOVED!!!! Also their brotherly interactions about Kon were just ... so beautiful *cries*
Damian was great too??? I like the balance of “from the league of assassins” and “still a kid” that was there. I appreciate that moment where Damian’s just so unsure and Dick’s like “over my dead body” because I just love dick!bats and dami!robin?????? I mean Dick!Bats alone isn’t a favorite of mine, but Dick and Damian have this dynamic that I really like and I think you captured their relationship quite amazingly. (I’m sorry I lack a large vocabulary so my adjectives might repeat)
Then with Cass and the signing... It’s not huge but I love it so much.
Also the hints of Babs and Steph, I love them, but the way you wrote their lack of presence was powerful, too, because I think the distance portrayed really fits how they’d handle everything and despite anything to the contrary, I feel like Dick really does understand his siblings enough to know which ones need the daily check ups and which ones need the prolonged space, until they’re ready. (Tim and Cass vs Steph and Jason) And both are good and fine and did I mention I LOVE YOU AND THE WAY YOU WROTE THE BATFAM????
Plus the whole Dick watching everyone move on while he’s busy living the life of his dead father, was a really intriguing contrast that I found unique and interesting. I like the depth of Dick’s distain for being Batman extending beyond the fact that it’s the opposite of everything he tried as Nightwing. It’s also tying to something he knows he needs to move on from and I just love how you wrote it.
And Jason? My god the ending part was great. I liked the interaction and I like the way Jason shooting those guys was handled, because to some degree, I do believe that between Dick and Bruce there are difference in their beliefs in the whole “don’t kill” code. I think it’s be in character, especially for a stressed and tired and hurt, Dick Grayson to overlook it a bit for the sake of family and just cos it’s not the most pressing issue. Idk Bruce might, but Dick Grayson screams family and I love his interaction with Jason
And now to the bIRDFLASH!!!!!!!! Let me tell you, this will FOREVER be my favorite Birdflash fanfic. Okay so like there’s always a chance you’ll write something more amazing, but this is, by far, one of the greatest fanfics I have ever read. It’s beautifully constructed, well planned, has great emotions, and a nice balance of “IMMA MAKE YOU CRY” and “HERE LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF”
Okay anyways, Birdflash.
CONSENT! IS! IMPORTANT! and even if Dick wasn’t necessarily deterred by those kinds of things and more for the sake of keeping up the lie, I really appreciate how much Wally listened and just had basic! human! decency! It was beautiful and soft and just ... so breathtaking
I love soft birdflash yknow?
AND THEN THE ANGST! The whole Dick “learning” Wally’s the Flash and the guilt from Dick and the later misunderstandings and the eventual truth telling... It was excellently crafted in my opinion. It’s a cliché to have the whole superhero and “oh no are they cheating?!” but you wrote it so amazingly and then Wally calling Dick the next day with understanding and apology was refreshing and really sweet.
WALLY REASSURING DICK HE LOVES HIM AND YET ASKING FOR SPACE IS ALSO THE BEST!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HOW YOU WROTE THIS SCENE SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH BECAUSE ITS SO SWEET BUT SO REAL AND GENUINE! It’s realistic to have Wally express love and care but also need space, while Dick gets why Wally needs space but kind of wishes Wally could stay. It’s a lovely balance and I’m so in love with your writing.
Finally, the ending. Which basically is great because I love Robins (and any batkid really) not taking Bruce’s shit. Like him telling Clark and Diana I understand, but then forcing Dick and the rest of them to stick to the gag-order... Not his best move. Yet, like the kids, you can understand part of where he came from... And I like that. I also love how you wrote the scene like...
Bruce: WTF?
Kon: 0.0
Wally: 0.0
Tim: uh...
Dick: *comes running in, but like more hobbling* hI YES I DID IT NOW FIGHT ME BROOSE
Damian: *running in after* You cannot be fighting, Grayson!
So a little off, but main idea: Big Brother Dick Grayson, Protective Damian, Cute TimKon, and Wally “What’s happening?” West.
Overall, what I am trying to say is that this story was a phenomenal read and by far one of my favorites across all fandoms and ships. It stands out as one of the best that I’ve read, in terms of characterization of Dick Grayson and his relationships with the other batfam members. The writing of Dick and Wally’s relationship was stunning and this is definitely one of those fanfics I’ll always find myself coming back to read.
You’re an amazing author and I hope to read more of your writing! This piece had me in awe from start to end and I just... Just Thank you? For writing something so amazing and interesting and balanced.
Seriously, “Every Fiber of My Being” is wonderful, so well written, and a really special type of AU that leaves you with a little sense of “What do you mean this isn’t canon?”
“Every Fiber of My Being” by @grxysxns is a fantastic Birdflash/Batfam AU, that really hits all your Dick Grayson feels with a loving handful of soft and caring Birdflash. GO AND READ IT!!! AND THEN EXPRESS YOUR LOVE TO THE AUTHOR!!!
Also this is intended both as a reaction, a love letter to the author, and a rec for people who haven’t read it, and I apologize for how confusing this might’ve been. But wow, there were hardly enough words to explain the way I feel about this particular fanfic.
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murlinxmaverick · 4 years
Dear Erika
No more horsing around. I want you to be my valentine. but not just today, i want you to be my valentaine for the rest of our lives. No more horsing around, its valentinmes day
No more horsing aroud its valentaines day! you gave me this valentines day card 7 years ago today and asked me “ Do you get it?” i replied with yeah bc its a horse.” you said “no do you get it?” and in truth, I did but i was too emotionally imature and lacked the to know how to put it into words what i was feeling; How I felt about you. Ive held on to this card for all this time because dont want to let it go. You demonstrated such courage that day and all i could do in responce was to deflect your question and avoid the answer you wanted to hear. There’s alot that has changed about me but one thing remains the same, im a terrible liar. i didnt want to tell you the answer i thought you wanted to hear bc i didnt want to lie to you. i hate liars and i always have, but i have become a really good one over the years. this card is really important to me and im giving it to you today
theres always a moment when you hear someone talking about a biggest regret or maybe you hear a song about 
Unfortunately 7 years is a long time and we are no longer the same people we were back then. the little things i do remeber have have stayed with me and you pop int . but what i do remember has stuck with me. Every holloween i think of spooky Erika because you onve told me it was your favorite holiday. I remember that you hate cheese and every time i eat cheese i think of you which is very often. every time i look at furniture or pass a interior pass the funiture section at a  store i think of how you wanted to be an interiior designer and do you still hate your floor? and that you would watch anime and watched to be a voice actor, i actually decide I wanted to make a short animated fim and always had planned to ask you to be apart of it and voice act in it. but tthings have probably changed i mean you just got into a masters program and im sure those things arent on your mind anymire by the way congrats on that! ihad decide to writ you this before you posted that on the 11th andf i wanted to reach out so bad but i thought that would be weird and out of the blue. 
I was on instragream and i saw a tweet that said something like “after relationships boys learn how to treat the next the next girl but the girl is left broke for the next guy” or somthing like that. i thought of you when reading that and thinking that relationship taugh me so much about myself and i feared that the second half of that tweet was true just how the first [part was.  i was angery with myself and hating the fact that i cant go back to change it or the fact that i never appoligized and told you how i felt i kept telling myself shes moved on and woulkd rather not think of the past. ive tried to appologize before but everytime i would type out an apology i kept hinking to myself shes probably doing just fine without it and would rather not hear from me. ive doubted myself alot when it come to you but i want to change that. I dont want to hesitate osting something on social media just to avoid seraching for you name under the likes or views, i want to not care about that because ill have something better then a simple like, ill have y ou.
last year wasnt the best for me, i got in to a new relationship at the beginning of the year and the more i got to know her the more she reminded me of you. i making the comparison and eventually told her about you and what you meant to me and how i can never make it past the threee month mark whenever i am talking to someone new because Thats around the time we broke up and i just want our relationship we had to be the most impoortyant to me. when i broke things off with her and told her my reson she told me “I am erika and youre running away from something you want.” her words got me angery because i felt she had no right comparing herself to you and that she was wrong. months after the relationship ended i was going throw the things she had givven me to toss them out when i found this valentaines day card from you and when it came down to it i could let it go the way i was letting go of the things she had given me. i treated you so poorly and its my biggest regret but i cant change the past. i can only choose my future and i am choosing you! I am so sorry for what i did in the pastand i honestly feel like i dont deserve another chance but if you give me another chance i promise to never make that same mistake again! this card means alot to me, thats why ive held on to it for all this time, and today i want to give it to you.
I dont want to make any promises i cannot keep so i wont promise to never hurt you or to never disappoint you, but what i will promise is to always do everything in my power to make you happy. there are going to be times where you get fustrated with me and want to stranggle me because i am too “boy” to understand something you want from me but i promise to always try to give you the future you deserve. the future that i left in the past 7 years ago. i can only contol my actions and i am choosing to do everything in my power to dserve another chance at making you my valentine. not jsut today but everyday feburary 14 from here on out. I want to be the one who gets to know you entirely inside and out! i want you to always feel safe with me where vulnerability and love is communicated with our words, our gaze, our touch, and our embrace. theres so much i missed out on in the last 7 years and i dont want to miss anything else. Im leaving the card with you but I’d like it back. If you give me this chance, return the card to me and I will keep every promise i have and will make to you.
 Erika, will you be my Valentine?
0 notes
treesinspace · 8 years
I’m currently reading Thud!
There is this talk between Vimes and Vetinari which is FULL of touching moments and ITS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL
“What would you do if I asked you an outright question, Vimes?” “I’d tell you a downright lie, sir.” “Then I will not do so,” said Vetinari, smiling faintly.
Then they proceed to communicate through Looks which is Wow
He gave Vetinari a look that said: If you take this any further, I will have to lie. Vetinari returned one that said: I know. “You yourself are not too badly injured?” the Patrician said aloud. “Just a few scratches, sir,” said Vimes. Vetinari gave him a look that said: Broken ribs, I’m certain of it. Vimes returned one that said: Nothing.
And then Vetinari throws compliments at him left and right like “Sam Vimes once arrested a dragon. Sam Vimes once arrested two armies to stop a war. Sam Vimes once arrested ME. He is an arresting fellow. Sam Vimes cannot be bribed, cannot be corrupted, he keeps digging until he has the truth!” Vimes is like ?? And Vetinari: “… that’s what the people out there are saying. This is why you need to find the murderer.” Like, sure, Havelock. It just becomes beautifully clear that Vetinari, in a way, ADMIRES Vimes. He definitely respects him, made even clearer by the next part:
“But if his death can be turned into a casus belli-” here Lord Vetinari looked at Vimes’s sleepy eyes and went on, “-that is, to a reason for war, then suddenly he is the most important dwarf in the world. When did you last get some proper sleep, Vimes?” Vimes muttered something about ‘not long ago.’ “Go and have some more. And then find me the murderer. Quickly. Good day to you.”
Vetinari KNOWS Vimes can translate casus belli. But he sees that the man is dead on his feet and TRANSLATES IT out of CONSIDERATION And then he is worried that he isn’t getting enough SLEEP
Every scene these two have together is BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL AND THIS ONE JUST KILLED ME
(look at me, i typed practically the whole scene here lmfao But literally all of it is SO! IMPORTANT! I just need to have it on my blog I NEED EVERYONE TO SEE IT LOOK! LOOK AT THEM!!!)
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bellaswansong · 7 years
how to make sure nobody in system talks about the trauma without everyone here agreeing that its a good idea
clarification under the cut
looking back on the memories & reading thru the texts it feels really highkey manipulative like eehhhh and he got two of our friends to make contact with us about it and man i shouldntve let elia handle that but shes been moving under the radar for a while and i thought she was mostly dormant and i figured it was a good thing she was getting involved in stuff again fuck fuck fuck fuck and she seemed like a better option than!! fuckignf! peggy! cus peggy cannot use any other method besides brute fucking force but like honestly seriously why did i do that, why did i do that. im so glad i blocked him. im so glad elia SOMEHOW had no idea that i had any hard feelings still towards him because shes ridiculously honest about everything feelings related and nothing else and i hate it i hate how she wont fucking lie even if itd be better to. she shouldve told him we werent okay with talking about it even though she personally was and somehow she managed to get descriptions of his involvement in the trauma without triggering a switch to the people who hold the trauma?? she remembered my poetry of all things and literally pretended she wrote the two poems about it and acted like she could absolve him when that wasnt her prerogative at all i dont know why that girl wanted the conversation to happen so much but rest assured i am PISSED and i fully plan to keep him blocked.
i just. hate how we have a part of ourself fully dedicated to functioning like we feel a Whole Person should. she didnt exactly lie, because she believed everything she was saying, but it wasnt true either. it wasnt completely true. and now hes gonna think everythigns Fine and it isnt??? its not, its highkey not just fine. and i cant tell him that without looking like im starting drama. and if i start anything, even if my original intent isnt to start drama, peggy is gonna sabotage me to yell at him, shes not even trying to pretend she wont, she literally just told me she would. i hate this.
elia thinks he had the best of intentions. peggy thinks hes an irredeemable person who has no chance whatsoever at ever being good. i think, i dont like him. i think i dont like him and i dont want him near me. and i think hes not gonna ever not hurt me, i think i dont like the dynamic we’re starting to develop with him, it’s playful and lighthearted and im not, im not playing, this isn’t a game, i want him Away. that’s not a light feeling, it’s a heavy one. and i think he cant handle the delicate type of situation that a sexual abuse survivor is gonna be in because his lack of clear communication is scarily like that of an abuser and i think he needs to keep that in mind when hes choosing people to date. i really think he needs to be more careful. i think it comes down to him not being careful enough. not making Sure. i think i want him out of our life until he does that. i dont know.
elia sees herself as honest. she isnt. she grabs at the most convenient story, the one a whole person would most likely tell, and bends events around it. thats how she perceives truth
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novapopstar · 8 years
Im so tried of all the Hate.
Alright listen. I dont watch Felix aka Pewdiepie anymore and havent for years but this is seriously seriously getting out of fucking hand. I cannot fucking believe the extent its gone. You people have to understand something. The Media has alot of the old generations people who absolutely hate Youtubers as a whole. The majority that read WSJ are them and people who claim to be SJW but take SJWing too far, and they know itll get them the clicks and read time they want by feeding to that crowd. I finally watched the video where he apologized and once again im not a fan of his BUT that was a sincere apology. He made that video about the two indian guys holding up the sign to prove a fucking point about how stupid and out of hand things can get on that website. That is a completely valid thing to do. In no way did he ever mean to hurt anyone. He was proving a point about the website. You people who think youre "SJW"s are not fixing the problem. Youre feeding it and making it worse. We need you to realize this. Youre not helping by bashing Felix online. I dont even like him and i know better. Because thats what having respect is about. Listening to THE PERSON instead of what some new article said that took "evidence" from videos that werent even about Nazi propaganda. You guys need to research before accusing people or believing a news story completely. Make sure theres really anti semantic propaganda going on before doing the damage youve done.
For the Youtubers that have defended him had the respect to make sure their friend wasnt doing this stuff before defending him. They believe in their friend 100% just like you would if it was your friend in Felixs shoes. Yes what Felix didnt wasnt completely okay, but if it was your friend you know youd tell them "hey man thats not okay" and if he said "im sorry i didnt mean it like that. Its not how i meant it." Youd believe them, youd defend them to the end because thats your friend.
You guys are literally bashing people that literally care so much for our world and our rights and donate so much money from what they make to charites and they attend rallies and marches for our rights and support the LGBT+ Community whole heartedly.
I want all the stuff to just end already. All thats happening is that were feeding WSJ and destroying our reputation for the Youtuber community. Destroying upcoming youtubers and streamers. All because you believed something right off the bat that you didnt do research enough to figure out what was the truth or not. The only truth comes from the person its about. And yes people can lie but lies unravel quickly.
Im just one person but i really believe we can fight against WSJ and destroy the claims and not make it seem like Youtube as a whole is Anti semantic because thats what coming next. WSJ attacking the Face of Youtube, its to destroy a community that does so much good for the world.
We can fight against the lying media.
WSJ wont sway us.
We will not believe WSJ, we cant.
You know we have to fight against this.
So please understand and help stop the fight against the hatred on Youtube.
Dont waste your energy yelling and insulting Youtubers because you think its the right thing to do.
Yell at WSJ. Cuz were not taking this shit.
At least im not. And i hope im not alone in all this.
Cuz im just really tired of seeing hate.
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This is not a Sci-fi novel, this is an experimental short story.
  Take all notion of time or possible dating out of it!! IT should just be, time has become timeless, no more history. Fukyama.
 This story is about 9/11, this story is about conspiracy, collective unconscious, genetics, memetics, humanism, nihilism, the universal, neo liberalism, primeval regression, death drive.
 Add segment about the solar economy ( bataille), this is absolutely necessary, linked to the two collective unconscious segments, one relatively recent, 9/11, and one thee deepest of primeval, the sun, the universe etc.
 9/11 is the main point of this story. The deep trauma, the sleep walkers, turning up outside peoples houses, realatives of those involved, relatives of victims and perpetrators. Their young menstruating daughters then taken under hypnosis, their psyches filtered and deciphered, fragments of 9/11 found in them. All of them menstruate at the same time, all try and walk to 9/11, all walk to different clues in the lie. WRT 9/11 the subconscious just knows something’s not right, because the people that perpetrated the killings are still alive and thus are still effecting the group collective consciousness. Without being able to control it a guilty partys unconscious will project it to those around him, and they in turn will know that something is not right, they will then pass this message on, until it eventually travels from human to human. The lie is known, we unconsciously know the truth. That is why we cant stop making the 9/11 memes, cant stop revisiting the trauma , the scene of the crime. The perpetrators start to try and avoid society, kill off any unnecessary members of the group, lead line their clothing, lead line their house, use special creams to interfere with the collective unconscious transferring from person to person.
           This could also be linked to the collective unconscious of all people in all time and more specifically ancestors in your own lineage. My grt grt grt grt grt grt grt….. caveman grandfather was a passionate killer and his conscious will cannot stand the idea of such a bastard thing happening, so much so he causes these unconscious take overs of the self .
           Perhaps people who want to uncover the truth, drug themselves, hypnotise themselves to find out what the collective is trying to tell them.
 Perhaps these sleep walkers become more and more aggressive, start to have the characteristics of zombies.
 Free will needs to be fully explained as in where it stands right now, peter watts. should be pushed more, Varley should be more representative of the madness of humanity, its obsession with dominance over collective unconscious, genetics, memetics and eventually even consciousness itself.
 Varleys character should be unrecognisable perhaps? Unhuman, everything that we think of as human is gone, cut up, sectioned off. All that’s left is a slither of conscious thought, which is then useless on its own, what could be the purpose of life after that?
     The guttering woke Varley, water spilling over the edge, louder and louder. It had been coming away from the brickwork, it spilled out onto the dustbin 2 floors below.
 All the fastenings coming loose form the house, mortar now rotten, just sand, washed away by the heavy showers. 400 year old house, polymer upgrades would be expensive, and none of the tradesmen would want to touch it. The display systems flickered, audio splitting with cracks and stutters. The bricks glowed slightly, something about the clay, about the nature in them. It seemed to effect the wattage to pieces of hardware, increasing in areas, only a fraction, seemed to change the way things were processed, things take the long way round, a certain unpredictability within the cores.
 Not a bad time to wake, Varley prayed, forearm fizzed, leaped out of bed, the bedding, completely shocked, flung itself across the room. Its materiality, suddenly becoming strange as it crumpled against the wall, falling to the floor it resumed its regular physical properties. Stopping in the landing, placed their hand on the wooden balustrade and felt its vibrations. There was noise, the bin room, back of the building, the sound drifted up, stillness now, right hand against the plaster board wall, resident moisture met the specks from the skin.
 Varley switched on the Articles, started where they’d left off, volume 569, 4.5 billion years of natural, cosmological, cultural history shuffled and on loop.
 Article 8437:3894.1 Birdsong deciphered, 17 year research programme at the U.C.L.A COMA Institute of Animal Welfare. 97% of their language is directly translated as verbal abuse (bigoted, racist, death and rape threats), 3% is used to talk about shitting and the colour of shit. Their social structures seem to be some of the most bigoted and brutal to have been discovered. The Common Sparrow inspects its young within 3 minutes of birth, checking for ‘weak’ or ‘disloyal’ features. A male with the wrong shade of brown, the father will scream ‘Faggot’, the mother will push her beak into its soft chest to crush its heart. The father will scream ‘Faggot’ again before tossing it out the nest. Females deemed ‘un-sexy’, the mother will scream ‘Cunt Faggot’, the chick’s eyes gouged, raped by father, womb ripped out by mother before being thrown out the nest. The sparrow community is enraptured by these birthing rituals, adult females are raped repeatedly, and many males are killed in a frenzy of fights.
 Varley pushed off wall and banister, padded down the stairs, information was arriving, the monitor clicked on, messages piling up. Varley sat, chair towards the glass, a plane passing, 8 miles out. Its image starting and stopping.
 Second monitor clicked, dimmed as they focused. 1 pending job, Governmental, Financial, Swansea Council, Welfare and Pensions, 60mb/s, a Latency of 478, CPU share of 17%, a minimum 25% partition and an hourly of £73. Accepted, share was high but money was good, sat back to adjust to the new measures, prayed to account for increased latency, skin in between fingers itched. Via Sydney took a look at the work, data transfer, 7,643 seeds, so boring it had to be legitimate, disconnected and burnt the trail through the proxy. Head lolled from side to side. Four hours was worth it, you don’t even notice.
 Tingling in the groin and gut, designated a subconscious porn loop to restrain, tingling stopped, looked for nutrient levels, all fine, a spluttering hiss as the plankton paste regulated itself.
 Closed eyes, shallow in the animal brain, echo of an orgasm and breakfast, barely started. Gone now, pray, face washed in basin. Ever soft features. Neat teeth, tongue soft purple, gums grey. Micro genitalia, a clitoral penis, vaginal opening, universal anus. A prayer, tingling in the belly, soft colours around the tips of the ears, left eye shaking.
 The universal arsehole, the cosmic leveller, the purity of the squirting little squid in your pants, make me some putty now. Come brother come sister, stare at the sun, clean your retinas. Crouch, bend forward and shit, heels lifting out of our shoes, hands clasped to one another. The democracy of the arse hole, the point at which we can all meet, I know you a bit better because I know my own arse hole. Our best kept secret, we’re all the same, we all have a horrid little squirmer in our pants, let’s hold hands now.
 Noise from the bins, swivelled towards the doorway, palm up, sends a push down the hallway. Push loped round the corner, down the passage, through the larder and hitting the back door, dissipating in ripples through it. A cat, the cat pushes back, Varley prays, the cat pushes again, this time softer, watching as its colours tumbled and died away in the hall.
 Varley closed both eyes as the sun broke through the clouds, irritated at first, then thankful for the warmth and the delicate pink light making its way through the lids. Each nano second an eternity, you are here forever. An ever-dying eternity of the sun. Eternal entropic existence, warm and fuzzy. The solar economy, one way in, one way out. In between things, between states of entropic dissolvent, no fighting.
 Self cauterising laser surgery. Swivelled, legs outstretched, Stood, pulled a length of tissue from the roller. Covering the mattress with it, pulled the wheely from the corner. Laying down, starting scan, 0.25% growth, minor subcutaneous tissue near hip. Awkward ruptures between Tibia and Fibula on right leg. Display stutters, showing a helix of calcium spiralling up out of the bone, Varley could suddenly feel it. Fatty growth around the liver as usual.
 8.40am, a third of the way though the Swansea seeding, Varley paused the Governmental partition, always recommended full CPU when self cleansing.
 Room temperature boosted 5 degrees, undressed, reached for wipes and prepped the work areas. The wipe dissolving the hair and colouring the skin bright white, white for clean and white for display pickups. Liquid gathered between the fingers, painted their calf, around the liver entry, checking the display, painted left hip also. Droplets gathered and dripped, tracing down the leg, a glowing trail, speeding down the side of the foot and staining the floor. Liver area a patchwork of bleach, the skin especially soft from all the attention would split in funny ways, elastic mesh to keep the skin together. Petroleum lubed skin, hooked up pressure pads on calf, liver and hip, hissing blood pushed out of tissue.
 Article 4588:9379.6. Proven links in underground gene/meme warfare that leave the human suffering in the middle, hurt by both parties. The gene, the original replicator, the maker of the survival machine that is human, the maker of the brain. The brain, the birth place of a new, more efficient evolutionary force, the meme, each with it’s own blind agenda, each their own stubborn will to live. The human left confused between their blind squabbles, each pulling in a different direction, always towards suffering.
           The genes role was to best adapt to it’s physical surroundings, this in no longer necessary. The meme has created culture and society, a new environment for evolutionary survival. The pace of adaptation and change reached dizzying speeds. The parasites that are meme and gene fighting over the body and damaging it in the meantime. The body is just the vessel, the vessels only purpose is to carry the genes , it’s purpose now is to propagate memes as well as partially genes. Consciousness and the ffeling of self, agency, is just a mistaken by product created in the conquests of meme and gene. It has been allowed to stay as long as it is behaved. Consciousness, a transitional product between gene survival and the birth of memes stuck in the middle.
           Consciousness became involved in the mess, the growth of memes invading consciousness, the rejection of religion, the  fear of death, the adoption of memes that tried to comfort one of that reality.
           Part of the weaponry created by this mix up was cancer, a fumbled offspring of two blind, deaf and dumb mad scientists, part gene, part meme and part consciously willed. The gene losing the fight, the  meme wanting immortality, the gene responding, adapting as fast at it could, started to propagate cancerous cells, cells that were in blind short term understanding immortal. Constant reproduction, constant growth, but with the unforeseen consequence of killing the host.
 It began by redoubling it’s efforts to squash both, increasing violence, sex drive, selfishness in a bid to destroy culture and society. Trying to push humans back into small tribal pockets, back into the dark ages where they can forget their memetic pararsites and the plague of consciousness that had infected the brain. But memes and consciousness fought back, vying to stay alive and the cancer war began. It lead to millennia of backward stagnation, the strange hypocritical, contradictory projects, capitalism, communism etc etc. Strange societies, run on contradiction and obfuscation, fuled by memes counsness and a voracious genetic code. The war had begun and it was a foul state to witness. Memetics and genetics only know the primeval, they only know the brutality of the universe, the systems they make are ones of blunt trauma and self serving vice, this is what human society had followed for thousands of years. Society became a ritualistic place of genetic and memetic role-play, a strange stage for us to express our memetic and genetic desires, to enact our unconscious drives.
This war created conditions experienced in the 21st century, this bizarre unstable situation, 2 blind megalomaniacs and a scared confused consciousness. The ‘self’, believing it was in control of its actions, believing that free will existed, when really it had nothing, no say in anything, pulled this way and that by it’s unconscious masters. Until it was all revealed, genetic behavioural code revealed, consciousness becoming aware of what its master were. Fooling us all along, unconscious areas of the brain making decisions well in advance of any conscious process, the feeling of free will and ‘agency’ produced is a retroactive construction, protecting the mind from the feeling of helplessness. A key feature in genetic and memetic survival, the vessel must understand little to nothing of it’s actions while believing they are in full control.
 Cancer was a desperate attempt for the gene to take back control of the situation. It had started to feel the presence of the invaders, consciousness and the memes. Now the genes were turning on their own creation, desperately trying to pare it back. Cancer was it’s weapon, the body need not live that long anyway, only for enough time to reproduce and protect the family. The life cycle needed to be addressed, too much time for consciousness and memetics to start interfering in matters.  
 Memes and genes however lacked one thing, that was foresight, the ability to imagine. This allowed humans to retake control of the body, the brain. To regulate both gene and meme and allow consciousness to take back territory. Humanity unified by consciousness, the one true leveller that is shared by all, everything else is just memetic or genetic behavioural systems, race, gender, class, sexuality.
 Laying down on the bed, face to the paper towel. Turning over, best to do the calf muscle last. Scanned again, local anaesthetic injected around entry point, Varley began the clean at the liver, using hands, head to the side at wheely’s monitor, small claws pinching the skin, tension, pressure pad off, skin quickly parted, no blood. Pushing stomach out the way, fascia snipped, parted just enough to allow access to bottom of liver, 0.18mm shave, fat sucked and vaporised, liver shines, light colour of new cells, quickly pared back to the darker red. Exits, sealing partitions and skin, rearranging stomach, skin pulled together sealed, 1 inch opening when the clamps let go, final seal. Second cut at hip, cells on inside of subcutaneous tissue, more anaesthetic, pressure pad removed, small skin door opened, shaved and sealed, no longer than a minute. Unclips screen, flips over, drops pressure pad into sterilising bucket, suction skin, the layers peeling back, new pads sucking and holding. Small robotic arms from the wheely work calmly, anaesthetic, muscle split, calcium spiral bored out, bone saturated with inert solution, sealed, exits, layers back in place, sealed and finished. Varley flips over, reattaches screen, a pink droplet runs from the liver stitch, wraps midriff with surgical compress. Sits on edge of bed, flushes guts into bucket and wipes down body. Skin tingles, some potential energy. Varley prays and fingers itch.
 Washes face, features so soft, nose barely rising out of skull, soft dome eyes, wide slits, tiny lashes, hairless body, micro genitalia
  Article 4588:9379.6 Genetic code regulation, neurochemical inhibitors and digital brain stem attachments were now the standard. Consciousness was now the unifying factor for humanity, consciousness was the only way out of this ruinous situation that genes and memes and lead us. It was discovered that consciousness comes in and out of human society, sometimes it is necessary for both evolutionary parties, other times it is a hindrance and must be stamped out. The process of genes removing consciousness could be done in as little as 5 generations. This didn’t leave the world governments much time to act to try and save consciousness.
 The understanding of our genetic sequencing enabled society to quickly back some control of the genes. Reproduction for a time became a state controlled procedure, given the circumstance people were relieved, the current position being that 38% of the population was dying before the age of 45, with the age decreasing year on year. No one wanted the genes to be in control anymore.
 The memes were dealt with brain stem attachments, the aim being to overload the brain with information and then while it is distracted to try and let consciousness make unencumbered decisions. Artifical free will. Brain stem attachments developed, to confuse and hinder the animal brain, to lead it into a complete state of confusion. Just background noise. The Brain stem attachments, digital hyper loops for media projection techniques. The unit running constantly, updated remotely if more effective loops found. The loops floods the memetic holding areas of the brain, leading to saturation, this saturation temporarily dissipates the ability for memes to hijack consciousness and propagate themselves. The synthesised loop using imagery, sound, music, many different sensory devices. This part of the brain has been partitioned so they are not noticed by the user. It did cause headaches on some of the earlier models. The loops are updated and refreshed daily, the memetic receptors quickly learn the loops and began to operate outside them, refreshing them never gives them this option. The saturation of this part of the brain gives consciousness a chance to respond to reality without the constant pull of the memetic agenda.
 When first experienced, users felt rather empty, especially after v.2293747 of the genetic code, with many genetic behaviours removed. People’s heads all of a sudden felt empty, this feeling was worrying for many. Used to the comforting totalitarian drives of the gene and meme, now suddenly alone, left with no one to guide. People felt empty and life became very abstract, many suicides, it took a long time to get used to. Life suddenly, became a quite bizzare experience, where as before ‘things made sense’ but for no reason apart from delusion of agency and delusion of purpose.
 Artifical Free will, free will is never possible because synapses can never fire on their own. Need to stress this! One media loopto saturate the memetic ares of the brains. One part of the brain stem attachment fire synapse’ in the brain. When firing, the brain would be active and then thoughts upon this platform are slightly freeer than previously. We are reactive beings, we take information from the outside world and then respond to it, we are not proactive, we cannot create thoughts out of nothing. Our brains can only react to what we feed it, it cannot create anything of its own.
 Neurochemical brain levellers, brain chemicals regulated, remove all fluctuations, to reduce the chances of acting based on genetic hormone releases. Everything was flattened out to give consciousness the best chance.
 The cancer though was a continued problem, genes had seemingly become more sophisticated, something hidden to us was going on and the labs were in a constant battle to irradicate its cancer spreading, age of death had bee rescued and now stood at 85, still 45 years off what was once the average age of death, 135.
 Then go into brain rape, brain stem attachments, articial free will and the conscious trying to outplay genetics and memetics to gain some sort of control over their reality, this is the purpose of genetic control and brain stem attachments, to forcibly take control. How to supress memes? Overloading the brain with ideas and then from that point of total knowing make a ‘free’ choice, not allowing any one meme to take control, not enough space for all memes, just a little taster of each to create artificial free will.
 A reminder pops up as Varley is towelling the last of the pink saline droplets leaking from the incisions. All surgical rinsed at the wheely, then placed in it’s central autoclave for sterilisation. Wheely pushed under the mantle piece where a fire place would have been.
           The reminder was a Rotation notification, Varley stepped into stores and found the freeze dried samples. Once every 3 months sperm and eggs samples were given, for research and also reproduction.
           The door buzzed as Varley padded back down the stairs towards the front door. Opening as they neared it, the bright light pouring in, Varley moving feet to avoid it’s heat. There was an awkward whirring outside, the wheeled drone, stuck on the upturned bin lid. Taking a black umbrella from the hall, Varley slipped on some flip flops, opening the umbrella as they stepped out, the heat of the sun still making it through the shield. Being out in the sun all morning the bin lid was hot, it’s shiny surface reflecting the light back onto the pale legs, skin itching from the irritation.
Varley soon freed the wheel, unable to pick the lid up, kicked it to one side of the path. Indifferent to Varley’s presence, the buggy carried on it’s journey to the front door where it tooted it’s chirping electronic horn. The mother drone waiting in the middle of the street, the little bays opening up for its returning kids. Varley made their way back inside, scanning the packages on the front sensor then placing them into the open hatch, its cooled interior air a huge contrast to outside atmosphere. The lid closed and the buggy whirred back through the front gate, down the curb and back into its designated bay in the mother drone. Last back the mother drone now sped off, back to the regional facility. The facility will process the specimens, apply any new updates to the genetic code (normally 10-20 alterations found made a month), some samples kept for research, viable stabilised code sent on to a randomised facility, where all the worlds modified genes were kept. There the lottery would begin, the whole worlds sperm and eggs, randomly chosen to create the next generations. V.8402893 was the current genetic base, our own gene pool, now consciously controlled. No parents, no tribes apart from humanity at large. (platos republic idea?, Sparta’s societal structure). Becoming a sole agent within society.
             Varley was back upstairs, already had a universal credit payment from the Reproduction centre. Sat down at the screens,
   Perhaps adding something to say that games were the future of all social interaction and experience.
      Sleep walker 9/11 article. The weaving of the collective conscious and unconscious into video form, film editors, the new order of priest soothsayers. Reconstructed from hive mind footage, which is exctracted from collective consciousness, sleep, hypnosis, young girls on mentrals cycles. A girls first period (girls monitored for this, as first period arrives they are examined for fresh collective memoris, passed down from generations, secrets, loves, stories, horrors.
 Collective conscious starts to get heavy, get saturated, starts to obsess over traumas, over guilt. The consciousness becoming more sensitive and more powerful. Sleepwalking was the first instant, people would begin walking, end up at ground zero, massed outside people houses (guilty people).
  Article 4588:9379.6. Senen Cove, 14th March 2014
 Without disturbing the covers, her bare legs slipped out of the bed, her feet instinctively finding the slippers. Her husband snorted at the slight disturbance, turning over awkwardly, his t-shirt catching in such a way that would eventually lead to his arm going numb, upon waking he would realise his wife had gone.
           Her feet had pushed all the way into the faux fur slippers, her night gown falling to just below the knee. She was now seated on the side of the bed, hands massaging the mattress, all the muscles in the face relaxed, eyes shut, still sleeping. She stood and made her way across the room, she crossed the landing, walked slowly down the stairs, hand on the bannister, at the bottom she slowly unlocked the door.
           Senen Cove was a small village, deep south west, Lands End, England, it was 4.12am and dark. The wind was blowing bitterly as Claire walked down the central road through the village. She turned sharply, through the pub car park, over the knee high timber bar and down the shingle embankment.
           Halfway down the slope she twisted her ankle, falling head first into the loose rocks. An automatic groan as the wind was knocked out of her, rolled onto her back and stood, carrying on her journey towards the sea. She hobbled down the rest of the embankment, clearing the shingle and out onto the sandy beach.
The sun was just pushing up over the land behind her as her slippers touched the cold water. Her pace unchanged as she proceeded into the sea. The blue black darkness calling her forward, her head held transfixed on the horizon, her eyes shut, still sleeping.
The dark water was now chest height, breathing now short, her footing lost where the sea bed fell abruptly away. Her head underwater, she breathed in, filling her lungs, the cold salty sea funnelled into her lungs. Chest convulsed, partly retching the water back up, with her head still under the next breath drew in more water, this continued until she was unconscious, each convulsion gentler than the last.
   Were part of the unearthing of the 9/11 myth, through a hive mind, collective conscious investigation. Groups have started to investigate the past, freedom of information of the past, the agencies tried to disrupt this but the hive minds managed to stop this. (think of Peter Watts at the beginning of that book, the government systematically killing the hive minds, against anything that goes up against them). They were able to contact spirits within the atmosphere, or troubled spirits from the actual locations of these traumatic events, these investigations are recorded, fragments of memories stored. Different spirit perspectives brought together, edited to work out what happened, moment by moment. Video editors, are now almost soothsayers, spiritual, their practice is magical as well as technical.
 The spirits are haunting the world, not being released into the cosmos where they are meant to join the flux/wind of the universal, the universal. The guilt plagues the spirit, and is spat out upon death only to travel within 8 km of where the death took place, given the size of the universe, 8km is like being stuck in a shoe. As you can imagine, in New york this was difficult, given it’s size and a human propensity to trauma and guilt.
 They unearthed the memories from the people, not only could they interact with the spiritual they could also tap into relatives of the people, particularly the daughters, particularly while menstruating. They did this with the help of drug inducement and hypnotherapy, stored memories deep in their unconscious.
 They also find fidden footage of the actual event, the inside of these rooms and the stair wells as they were being boarded up. Gassed, sleeping gas. They find this buried in the back garden of someone home, he never knew what his father had done in his life. He had himself always had an inexplicable fear of the garden. The package was sealed, and secured in special containers. It seems we never want to die with these things, we always want to leave some sort of trace, some way that the truth can still be got at somehow.
 The hive minds and Editor Shaman have got together with surveillance to set up detection posts across the lands. To detect these restless, ‘Grounded’ spirits.
 They depend on these conspiracy theories, they depend on terrorism, they depend on prejudice, cold war, racism, sexism. They depend on all forms of bigotry and self interest. All of these Narratives have helped the retainment of the status quo and the oppression of the masses for the world over, everyone has been fucked by this, everyone. Everything is a smokescreen for economic oppression, there’s no way that without these things people would put up with the lack of social mobility etc etc etc etc. The more the consciousness of the people grow, the more desperate the agencies get. Greater amounts of force is necessary, greater spectacles, the more outrageous, the more unthinkable the more believable and also the more open to conspiracy theories. They actually aim to make the false flag scenarios as complicated and outlandish as possible, of course they could have just blown up the twin towers on that day, but that would have been to easy, not enough of a spectacle, they needed the whole world to tune it, the whole world to see the fantastic display of badly masked planes supposedly hitting the towers. If it wasn’t so unbelievable no one would have believed it.
           They left too many clues though, the money, the bonds, the hijackers, the drills, that amateur masking.
 This was all revealed by a secret silicone valley group The Hive minds ended up unearthing all of this. Elon Musk  managed to get one up on the world agencies and set up an independent bureau of investigation.
Elon Musk is himself the centre of a conspiracy theory, he tactically nuked himself apparently after writing a digital suicide note. The tactical nuke became a favourite of the authorities as it handily enough vaporised all evidence and made the crime scene un-investigable for many months. I wonder what lengths someone such as Musk must go through not to be assassinated by the authorities, how careful does he have to be not to be framed, self suicide etc. What securities does he have to build up, personal, physical, technical, governmental, international. etc etc.
 There are some who say this has been planned for a long time, and that for years it has been forced into our collective conscience. Through imagery, 911 emergency, all these things, so when it does happen we’re already comfortable with the idea, we’re already halfway to believing it. ( talk about precognitional memory, the shadow government already have a deep understanding of this, they know that propaganda just needs to be maintained through ought the present and into the future to make us believe it right now, they know it’s a 300 year old plan that started yesterday.
 There are now inbuilt programs that can detect possible precognition patterns, like an antivirus. Every person now has their own defences, their only checks on everything, food, water, information, everything is checked, double checked.
   Need More Varley -Varley Gaming here, alternative economy, brain power used to organise economy (like bit coin harvesting). Neo liberal capitalism modelled on 3.5 billion year old genetic survival, need an economy for the future.
  Conscious Rape , started with the hyperfrontality epidemic, all forms of stimulation. This brought about the unification of the sexes, the unification of gender, sexuality, classes, nations. We were all suddenly seen as one thing, one being, slight human consciousness. The forever misguided human consciousness, forced, coerced into nearly all actions. Consciousness became the unifying force in all of this, all of us,
This first led to big crack downs on all visual, audio, media stimulation that could be seen as collaborating with either genetic or memetic survival at the detriment to the human subject. For billions of years the human consciousnessn the human being had always come second, now with memes on the scene, it was trailing in third place. There needed to be a rebalancing.
The brain was deemed woefully out of date, out of touch with the new world. The Brain is a 3.5 billion year old piece of hardware, only getting a firmware update every million or so years, it could not keep up with the alter, alien devices that proliferated around the world. Consciousness Rape clauses aimed to stop companies and media preying on us. Sex, Fear, Violence, Death, all these things were part of the problem. The populations of the Centro Western States came together and agreed to try and limit the constant inseccessant attacks on the struggling consciousness. All sexualities, all genders, all classes came together for this.
           Devices were developed to single out animal, or knee jerk brain responses. People were notified in real time when they were making decisions based on a limited free will or their animal instincts. There can never be free will, but the closest thing to it. Discuss free will, Peter Watts, how can there be free will when everything is a reaction, you can only ever react you can never assert yourself, you can’t make yourself think, full stop.
   Genetic Code roleplaying as humans, memes also roleyplaying as humans, consciousness stuck in the middle of these blind , waring factions. Memes and Genes also trying to get rid of consciousness, it wan’t good for either of them.
 Culture is a tool for genes and memes inject the illusion of agency upon a being. Culture/society as stage for us to role play within. Memes and genes needs consciousness in order to survive, it holds this consciousness, maintains it through culture. Society/ Culture is all an unconscious creation of these survival systems.
           All areas of human life just a performance to enhance reproduction of these entities. Different genes and meme sets , with different skills put together different showcase areas to highlight their skills in order to impress mates and engender themselves within the social structure. Sciences, arts, government, money, banking, finances, nature, these are all tribes that are vying with each other in order to promote their gene/meme sets.
  Reciepts (gang of murderers)
Gang of people murdering high ranking officials on their death bed, 40 years after their offence. The list of damned people is public, so they know it’s coming. Will kill you 5 years before your estimated death.
       End on the sun, the solar exchange, varley looking again at the outside world, the hot rays, perhaps he decides to spend the rest of the day on the roof sunbathing, building up his relationship with the mother of existence, his true parent. The Sun is our immediate provider, our immediate creator, we are her offspring, she is our mum. We can only learn from her example, for ever giving like the sun, even unto our own destruction.
 Perhaps elaborate on the idea that once we leave this we become part of the universal, then the universe dies and becomes a part of something else, then that dies and becomes part of something else. Where is the end point of this? Ballard, voices of time!!
  Fish all fucking the wrong types of fish. Both chemical and sound pollution began interfering with fish migration and breeding patterns. The high levels of mercury inducing bouts of clinical schizophrenia and mass hysteria amongst many species of fish. Oceanic disturbances first reported off the Costa Rican coast, the Gulf of Nicoya’s beaches and inlets clogged with rotting fish carcasses. A group of marine biologists with the help of local fisherman soon found the source. A shoal of cod, 850,000 in number, a gluttonous whirlpool, its exterior surrounded by adult males, the interior a prison to females and the young. At night the shoal would surface, their furious circular swimming creating a whirlpool capable of dragging under smaller vessels.
            The Cod seemed to be systematically dismantling the oceanic ecosystems. When their prey was bigger than them they’d devour it, when it was smaller than them they’d rape it. The death of 37 researchers over 4 years led to many countries not allowing scientists in the water. The swarm had developed a society of constant hysteria and manic bloodlust.
They came to have a semi religious cult following by some fringes of society. People thought it was the end of the world, hundreds sacrificed themselves to the shoal, large boats, full of sacrificials would head out after nightfall. Cutting off the engines upon approaching the shoal, the sacrificals would then enter the water, the current from the whirlpool drawing them slowly in. Satilite images of whole families sucked into the swarm of fish, the blood swirling round, in the anti-clockwise motion of the swarming fish. Simultaneously drowned and eaten alive. Underwater footage of these mass suicides were often leaked from military vessels monitoring the swarm. The fish passing the sacrifices down the walls of the shoal to the bottom of the tornado of fish, the limp bodies, clothes delicately stripped off, cartwheeling down the outside of the throbbing structure, pushed and pulled downwards. The bodies were almost completely  stripped by the time they reach the bottom the structure. The flesh prepared perfectly for the young of the shoal at the bottom, meant tender, ripped into manageable strips. The fish were seen as Satanic, the coming of the apocalypse, their steely dead eyes, looking into the camera, indifferent to existence.
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vcrfqsigdaej-blog · 5 years
Perfect Way To See Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video Quickly
It is quite easy to use, although it doesnt have the most comprehensible interface, but you dont obsession to spend much get older looking on it, maybe its not the prettiest website in the world, but it does the job it was intended for totally who views my instagram well.Can you see who views your Instagram, all you craving to get to check Who viewed my Instagram profile is enter your username in the commandeer box on the website and click upon the start button. Its quite simple, right?Are you an exhibitionist? accomplish you later with people watch you every the time? If yes, occupy skip this paragraph. Surely as soon as most people, you just desire to share when those you essentially know.
See Who Views Your Instagram
So if you want to keep your Instagram account secure, pick private account in the Options menu. I intensely recommend this step to every parents who say photos of their children to stay in lie alongside considering friends and intimates in the region of the world. Unfortunately, this does not guard your account from everyone. There are tools out there that allow stalkers to view your private profile without taking into account it. However, you can use the application we reviewed above in order to look who viewed your Instagram profile and block everyone whose username you dont recognize.Im not your parent, so, who viewed my Instagram. I wont tell you what and to whom you can share, but my target is to say how to see who viewed your instagram you that some frightening crazy people can watch photos of your child or yours. They can tell you where you do its stuff and behind and where you travel, or what new actions your child is attending or impatient in opening the web application by clicking the button above.you may be wondering what the order of that list means. Many users are interested more or less the order of aficionada and as soon as lists, likes, and story views, as it is usually sure that the order is not chronological. The truthful credit for the order of these lists is not very clear, but we know that it every goes assist to the Instagram algorithm.who you engage afterward the most on Instagram will likely appear at the top of the list, which is why you often look your closest friends or cronies as the first spectators on the list. Who Stalking My Instagram?So you cant see definitively who visits your Instagram profile, but is there a artifice to figure out your stalkers? Sadly, furthermore no although there is more room for comments on this question.The Instagram Algorithm shows you posts and orders your cronies and likes based on three factors: your interests, your relationships, and reference. By interests we want what you in the same way as and engage with.Relationship refers along with to whos content you behind and engage with, but also who likes and engages in the manner of you. This means that it could who viewed my instagram spread who is stalking you. If someone is always the first behind listed on your photos and you dont regularly interact like them online, they may be an Instagram stalker.Insert your username. Click the inauguration button and wait for results
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Now relax, listen to some music, watch some YouTube videos, make a coffee. Just dont near that website and wait patiently. According to the creators, depending on the current load on Instagram API servers, this process can resign yourself to anywhere from a few seconds to 15 or even 30 minutes in the most extreme cases. Its not up to them. Its every up to Instagram and their servers.The impact of social media and stalkers upon our lives. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a mayhem in building social bonds and establishing associations later further people.Do you behind when people watch you all the time? If yes, can you see who views your instagram story interest skip this paragraph. However, you can use the application we reviewed above in order to look who viewed your Instagram profile and block everyone whose username you dont recognize.Im not your parent, so I wont say you what and to whom you can share, but my intention is to say you that some frightening insane people can watch photos of your child or yours. They can say you where you exploit and bearing in mind and where you travel, or what extra undertakings your child is attending or avid in. I do not aspire to warning you, but I desire to remind you that there are many bad people in the world. The use of public settings could be recommended to those who in fact compulsion to be visible and have no mannerism out. The most important thing is that it does put-on and it works fast. It was supposed to decree me who viewed my Instagram profile and it did. There is of course room for improvement, the addict interface is especially something that stands out as below average and should be revamped to ensure that this application is easier to use for your average user. But you should admission carefully. We have reviewed various oscillate applications who are always advertised as the abandoned real solution that allows users to see who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the solitary business that they have in commonsee who views your Instagram the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they straightforwardly dont put it on as advertised. higher than time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our summative life. This is particularly felt today by pubescent people, for whom social media is usefully an integral part of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From mature to mature there are studies that describe, accompanied by additional things, how the use of supplementary technologies can be associated as soon as atmosphere disorders, whether it has a destructive effect on relationships past peers, or it affects the tone of moving picture and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we viewpoint on social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes certainly hard to identify and most platforms dont encourage us considering this situation since we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos. This is why its important for people to have entrance to applications such as the mentioned above in order to identify who stalks their Instagram. This is the subject of the future, and for that reason we are also describing new research upon this issue. Social media sometimes appear to be a crucial platform for teen people and a basic form of right of entry later than the world. It is not only a aerate in which one publishes self or comments, but then a form of communication, establishing family as soon as people whom the teenager who views my instagram person does not see, but who call contacts or acquaintances. The skill of social media and the faculty of their have emotional impact are moreover negative. We must not forget about cyberbullying, stalking and new negative experiences and dark social networking sites that enactment peoples suitability of security, self-esteem and emotional condition.
We have already written a lot virtually passwords most important concern to recall is that you have to regulate them frequently and never reuse them.Surely subsequently most people, you just want to allowance subsequently those you in fact know. consequently if you desire to keep your Instagram account secure, pick to look who views your Instagram private account in the Options menu. I deeply recommend this step to all parents who name photos of their kids to stay in adjoin when friends and associates how to see who views your instagram concerning the world. Unfortunately, this does not guard your account from everyone. There are tools out there that allow stalkers to view your private profile without in the same way as it. The fact is that one minister to can be a entry to further social networks or email accounts, and before it is quite common for social networks to use the similar usernames, passwords should be strong and unique.
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caredogstips · 7 years
Trump on trial: Kaine calls on Pence to defend running mate in conversation
Vice-presidential candidates spar on Putin, Syria and patrolling as Democrat launches assault on Trump safaruss most unconscionable statements
Donald Trump was put on trial in his absence during the vice-presidential conversation as his running copulate Mike Pence was accused of trying to defend the indefensible.
But Democrat Tim Kaine, hugging his persona as Hillary Clintons attack dog, ended so aggressively that numerous psychoanalysts felt he lost the debate on style to the soothe, written and assessed Republican Indiana governor.
In a focus radical conducted by strategist Frank Luntz for CBS News in the shaking district of Ohio, 22 people used to say Pence won and only four pronounced Virginia senator Kaine persisted. When Luntz ranged a same radical during last weeks presidential dispute, Clinton hit Trump 16 -6.
Pence committed a polished action that could have given some is expected to be Republicans, and much wishful thinking about a non-Trump pinnacle of the ticket, but he was frequently thrust on to the back paw by a merciless catalogue of the nominees words and deeds.
Six days tonight, I have said to Governor Pence I cant suppose how you are able to represent your flowing mates place on one issue after the next, Kaine replied. In all six actions, hes refused to defend his running copulate. And yet he is asking everybody to vote for somebody that he cannot defend.
Pence stood steady under barrage during the only vice-presidential dialogue of awareness-raising campaigns but when Kaine brought up Trumps campaign launch claim that the Mexican government is purposely mailing rapists into the United States, he awkwardly replied: You flogged out that Mexican event again. Kaine necessitated: Can you protect it?
Kaine assaulted the Trump record on issues ranging from tax, weapons and Senator John McCains war service to his description of women as slobs and pigs, his suggestion that women who have abortions should be punished and his questioning of Barack Obamas birthplace.
Referring to Trumps past kudo for authoritarians, Kaine suggested: Hes got a personal Mount Rushmore: Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.
Mostly Pence flatly denied that Trump had built contentious statements and, instead of defending the candidate, resorted to the programme of gaslighting, by frequently objection known facts to influence the truth.
He claimed Trumps past observes were small potatoes compared with Clintons infamous mention when she described half of Trump advocates as a basket full of deplorables.
Pence ducked, dodged or disavowed words that Trump has put on the record. The Clinton campaign accused of him telling downright lies in some instances. David Gergen, a former presidential adviser, said here on CNN: Pence will not fare well with happening checkers, but his position and polish played well with voters. For better or worse, mode countings a lot in these debates.
The debate in Farmville, Virginia, with presidential candidates sitting at a counter rather than standing at lecterns, was not expected to have a major impact on the presidential hasten, though Trump himself could not resist affording a live note via Twitter. He claimed: Mike Pence triumphed big-hearted. We should all be very proud of Mike!
Pence started strongly and examined directly into the camera in such a way that Kaine did not. After a bewilder political year that has shaken the Republican party, Pence, a 12 -year congressman and Indiana governor came over as a somewhat genuine articulation of conservatism who may be consoling and energizing for defendant fellow members who find Trump distasteful.
He attacked Clintons record as secretary of state, indicating: We realize entire portions of the world, especially the wider Countries of the middle east, literally inventing out of control. He quoth the crisis in Syria and a newly emboldened Russia following a failed Clinton reset.
Referring to Clintons use of a private email server at her dwelling, Pence, referencing the facts of the case that he and Kaine both have sons who are US navals, mentioned: If your son or my son handled classified information the way Hillary Clinton did, theyd be court martialed.
Seeking to play the role of Clinton attack dog, Kaine ended several times, perhaps a little too zealously. He gave some patently practised directions, telling Penny: You are Donald Trumps apprentice, and questioning: Do you crave a youre hired president in Hillary Clinton or do you want a youre burnt president in Donald Trump?
Pence, who remained written in style and spokesperson, a distinguish to the thin-skinned Trump, responded: You use that a whole lot. And I think your operating teammate use a lot of pre-done lines.
Debating the economy, the Republican added with security: Senator, you can roll out amounts and the sunny side, but I got to tell you, people in Scranton know different; people in Fort Wayne, Indiana, know different. I necessitate, this economy is struggling.
Kaine, however, gradually ascertained his statu and tallied degrees when he attacked Trump. He had batch of information working in cooperation with. He impounded the opportunity to rebroadcast, before an audience of millions, many of Trumps most offensive and notorious statements about Mexicans, Muslims and women.
There is a fundamental respect topic here, the Democrat read. And I just want to talk about the style defined from the top. Donald Trump during this campaign has announced Mexicans rapists and offenders, hes called females slob, pigs, puppies, outraging. I dont like saying that in front of my wife and mother.
He attacked an Indiana-born federal judge and said he was unqualified to hear a federal lawsuit because his mothers were Mexican. He extended after John McCain, a POW, and said he wasnt a hero because hed been captivated. He did African Americans are living in hell. And he inflicted this outrageous and bigoted lie that President Obama is not a US citizen.
He contributed: I cannot believe that Governor Pence will defend the insult-driven expedition that Donald Trump has run.
On almost every occasion, Pence offered little by way of justification. When confronted with Trumps mentions that girls should be punished for having abortions, a statement the former world Tv sun afterwards attempted to walk back, Pence simply offered: Look, hes not a polished legislator like you and Hillary Clinton.
Why dont you trust wives? Kaine retorted.
When the discussion turned to criminal justice reform, both candidates were in agreement on at the least one thing: the government must do more to support the police.
But Kaine and Pence differed dramatically on how to resolve heightened strains between law enforcement and communities of hue after a series of high-profile police killings of unarmed black men.
Kaine warned of the dangers of Trumps desire for a return to contentious stop-and-frisk tactics while Pence categorically denied there are still racial bias in policing tactics. Senator, please, Pence pronounced, turning to Kaine: Enough of this seeking every opportunity to demean law enforcement broadly by making the accusation of implicit bias each time tragedy occurs.
Pence dramatically cracked from his running teammate on several foreign policy issues, criticizing Putin as a small and bullying leader and carrying a willingness for the United States been involved in military action against the Assad regime. The United States of America should be prepared to use military force to impress military targets of the Assad regime to prevent them from this humanitarian crisis that is taking place in Aleppo, Pence said on stage.
In contrast, Trump said in May: I would have stayed out of Syria and wouldnt have pushed so much better against Assad because I thought that was a whole happening. Although the Republican nominee suggested Assad was bad in a 2015 interview with the Guardian,he has long become clear that the United States should not intervene in Syria and that the United States should cooperate with Russia, a close regiman ally, in the region to combat Islamic militants.
Jason Miller, elderly communications consultant to Trump, insisted last night: Mr Trump has been very clear where he stands where it comes to Syria and while I revalue your efforts to go and try to create a subdivide between the two, we have a very unified ticket.
Miller added that Governor Pence and Mr Trump will be right in line on Syria and said that there was no sunlight between the two on the issue.
David Bossie, Trumps deputy campaign manager, held after the dialogue that he didnt “ve learned that” specific thread when asked to comment on Pences commentaries about Putin. He also said he wasnt sure if Trump agreed with his running copulate on Syria. I am going to have to talk to Mr Trump about that, Bossie told the Guardian. Following the dispute, moderated by Elaine Quijano of CBS News in Longwood Universitys basketball arena, Clinton campaign aides told reporters that Pence had arrived with a gameplan to present a more reasonable posture and to avoid defending Trump at all costs.
Mike Pence could have given the performance of his life tonight and it wouldnt have made a dimes worth a difference in terms of reassuring the public that Donald Trump is temperamentally fit to be president, Brian Fallon, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said in the twisting room.
Clintons campaign manager, Robby Mook, pronounced Pence virtually threw Donald Trump under the bus on several policy issues, including US-Russia relations and the Syrian civil war.
Thats disturbing, Mook mentioned. These two people have to work as a division. That clearly was not on display here tonight.
John Brabender, an adviser to the Pence campaign, mentioned: I envisaged from the opening buzzer, Pence seemed strong and likable and articulated the questions extremely well and won the conversation going away.
He added: More importantly he did maybe best available position between the two debates of somebody demo both a imagination for Trump and laying out the subject against Hillary Clinton. I thought he did a better occupation than Donald Trump did.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Trump on trial: Kaine calls on Pence to defend running mate in conversation appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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