#i don't understand you guys but i'm glad you let me hang out sometimes
warlordfelwinter · 1 year
i don't know how the hive interest completely missed me when it got literally everyone around me even my own sister but it is kind of funny because normally i'd hear tarot theme and get really excited and want to play because like. yeah. i love tarot and delphi's whole thing is like divination and stuff. but it's hive so i'm just like... i'm gonna play baldur's gate.
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moonastroellie · 4 months
can you write some sfw trans ellie headcannons?? :) just stuff about her trans identity and discovery
Warnings: transgender!ellie, weed and alcohol usage, slightly depressing but not too sad, Ellie is a silly girl in this :3
Trans!Ellie who came out to everybody and was surprised by their reactions, she was expecting more tears and possible rejection but that didn't happen, of course it wouldn't happen, Ellie was only surrounded by people who genuinely love her.
Trans!Ellie who started going to therapy to understand herself better, she had a lovely therapist called Rita.
"okay so, I came out to everyone! It was NOT the responses I was expecting" she says excitedly "were they bad or-?"
"No, it was amazing they all thought of me the exact same and I genuinely feel so... Happy? Different? I thought they would feel differently of me"
Trans!Ellie who's mental health got 30x better than before, she was happier, you'd see her more often, she'd hang out with you, Jesse and Dina more often and would actually enjoy herself.
Trans!Ellie who has defiantly had a few mental breakdowns about being trans and just in general having a hard time, even with therapy because that's just how it was sometimes, you'd hug her from behind as she sobs into your arm.
"Sometimes I just forget you don't care and that you don't see me any different" she sobs and you chuckle, slowly massaging her scalp and just letting her cry it all out and immediately after she'd feel embarrassed
"bro, it's okay, we all have our bad days- now shut the fuck up and listen" she shuts up and looks at you with a smile on her face "let's go get maccas, get stoned and play video games" she agrees fast
Trans!Ellie who is stoned off her tits and playing video games with you, before saying some of the most unhinged shit while playing the last of us "if Arthur was real.... Ohhh man" you chuckle out a 'what?'
"If he was real, I'd let him do me, I mean I'm lesbian but I don't care something about him" you laugh out loud, trying to contain yourself "ellie what the fuck?" she looks at you with red tinted eyes and laughs with you.
Trans!Ellie who goes to a party with you and her other friends, and gets a little bit too drunk and just starts yapping about the most random shit
"you wanna know how I found out I was trans?" she mumbles into your shoulder as Jesse drives Ellie and the rest of you guys home, you hum at her "drugs" Dina laughs so hard she thinks she pissed herself, "Oh babe, you're fucking funny" Dina chokes out between laughs
"you didn't think of me differently? I love you for that!" her voice is slurred and you massage her scalp as she laughs, "idiot" you mumble.
Trans!Ellie who was at a family event one time and announces to everybody in her family that she is trans and everyone congratulated her, hell, even Seth did.
"i'm glad you came out kiddo" tommy says, patting her shoulder.
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Gojo Satoru x Reader x Geto Suguru
The Cursed Trio | Shared Moments
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Your arrival to the academy came as a surprise to many, apparently you were some transfer from overseas. You'd show a shit ton of promise that they transferred you to Jujutsu in order to more efficiently reach your true potential. Rumor was it, you'd one day make it as a Special Grade. Even so, for now you remained a Grade One.
Your Japanese was decent at best and your adaptation to their customs was a work-in-progress but you held this certain charm that just drew people in. And no, I'm not talking about the kind of charm where everyone falls in love. No, it's the type of charm that makes people relax around you, makes them want to put their faith in you no matter how much to try to prevent that.
You could be a fresh of spring just as you could be a fresh of icy air, the kind that freezes up your lungs.
The first time you saw them, you were being shown around by your mentor --- a stoic expression written on your scarred face as you nodded at them. Briefly acknowledging them as you continued on your way.
Geto had figured your eyes as beautiful --- like an eternal flame hidden behind layers of stone wettened under a stream of a freshwater. Whilst Gojo had figured you a possible new victim for his pranks and teases. In fact, Gojo even had the nerve to interrupt your tour. Demanding to know your name. Shoko, who had been hanging about, was glad another girl had joined the academy. Afterall, it was getting rather stuffy with all the testosterone.
They knew you'd get well with the duo when the first thing you did was insult Gojo, although both him and Geto didn't really understand your insult. Actually, they didn't even know you insulted him until Shoko just started laughing out loud.
You called him a phospholipid??? The actual fuck is that
At that, you gave them a deadpanned stare, speaking in broken japanese that at the very least he should get educated because he was obviously missing a few brain cells
Now at this, both Shoko and Geto bent over laughing while Gojo stood there momentarily stunned before a sinister smirk adorned his lips. He went to insult you back but was quite literally by the sight of your hand in his face, "No time for idiot. Bye."
The absolute nerve on you!
Geto absolutely loved you since that day. On the other hand, it was a enemies to whatever with Gojo, which is ironic considering that he sought you out every moment of the day.
You and Shoko became the best of girl-friends. To be honest, the two of you were incredibly similar. The both of you were lazy as hell, smart as hell, and blunt as hell. Although, you seemed to have mastered the trick of honeying your harsh words so much so that people didn't even fight you on it.
To put their friendship into perspective, Shoko brought the cigarettes and you brought the lighter (despite you being a non-smoker. Once you tried to smoke but you didn't like the taste of it so you left it at that)
Although there was a time Gojo was being a nuisance so you grabbed a cigarette from Shoko's carton, lit it, and blew the smoke straight into his face when he wasn't expecting it
Watching him double-over choking was a grand sight indeed
You managed to make quite the number of friends while there, although many noticed how you kept a distance. I say this literally. You never let anyone come physically close to you, as though a simple graze from them would kill you or something. No-one dare question it consider that they also had their traumas that prevented them from certain indulgences. But sometimes, you'd make small exceptions. I think it's mainly of a "dont touch me but I'll touch you" situation.
Like you don't mind swiping dust off of Nanami's shoulder, or neatening Shoko's hair when it's gotten all frizzy due to the wind, or picking off lint off of Yaga's clothes.
But if you didn't initiate it, you'd go silently rigid.
During class, you like hanging around this one guy name Yu. Mainly because he knew a bit of your native language (surprising I know) and so, you felt safe enough to speak with him considering that you both spoke brokenly in either tongue. The only other person you felt safe enough to speak was Geto. He was actually the one that took it upon himself to teach you Japanese.
He'd recommend shows to watch and he'd watch with you so that he could explains certain customs and what-not of his culture. He found great amusement when a scene he knew you wouldn't understand played and you'd instantly pause the show to look at him with a questioning expression. It made you look rather cute in his eyes.
Gojo would often times crash during these hang-outs. Pestering you to learn his language quicker so that he can properly cuss you out (he says this while having an arm over you shoulder and leaning his full weight into your side. Surprisingly, you never said anything despite your reservations to touching.)
You chalked it up to wanting warmth.
Then came that point in your language-education where Geto wanted you to try speaking in a public setting and you just about cried right in front of him and Gojo. You gripped your fist so tight your nails drew blood, an action to prevent you from clinging onto Geto's clothes as he scolded Gojo for worsening your nerves. Gojo didn't stop laughing until he saw actual tears in your eyes.
With silent chuckles, Gojo took you by the shoulders and guided you over to some random corner store. You never once told him what your favorite snack was but somehow he knew to choose it before placing it in your hand. He told you exactly what you needed to say to the cashier with the exact amount of yen needed.
The both of them watched as you walked up to the cashier, briefly glancing over your shoulder to Gojo (still very much teary-eyed and rigid-body), who silently mouth the words again, before doing as he instructed.
After the whole ordeal, you surprised Gojo with an incredibly rare hug. I think at that moment, you truly managed to snake your way into his soul.
Geto stood to the side, a knowing smile on his lips as he watched you quickly let go. Shouting at Gojo that he owes you a sweet because of how brave you were, which should've annoyed him but only made you look endearing.
(A/N): Have yet to see Season 2 but those fucking beta fish tiktoks are murdering me right now with their symbolism.
Say, why don't you like being touched? What happened to you?
Where'd you get the scar?
And what's up with Geto's eternal flame comparison? So weird.
Drop a comment
Feel free to buy me a 🦩
Hope you enjoyed!
Edited: 7/25/2023
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warping-realities · 1 year
Life Adjustment
“Did you want to see me, Jack?” Said Stu, throwing himself into the armchair next to the window in his brother's huge office room.
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Jackson, Stu brother and the current president of the construction company founded by their father, looked with sharp eyes in his younger brother direction.
"I'm glad you were able to attend our meeting, Stuart, as you've been busy every day for the last few years doing nothing." Was the answer given by the obiviously less than happy older brother.
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"Come on Jack, that's not fair, you know everything I've been through!"
“Whatever you've been through? Please Stuart, getting dumped by your college girlfriend is no excuse to let yourself go and become a slob who still lives in the basement of your parents' old house, you're 30 years old and you haven't done anything useful with them. ”
“I didn't get dumped, Jack. She died, you asshole!”
“Yes, very sad, but it's been almost ten years, ten years that I've supported your filthy habits, your gym, your whole lazy life. That’s enough!"
“ I have a share in this company…”
“Then take your responsibility!”
"... and you don't understand, Jen was the love of my life." Concluded Stu as if he hadn't been so rudely interrupted.
“Jen, who is Jen, Stuart?” Jackson asked with a slight smirk.
“Who is Jen? You've got to be kidding, Jack!"
“You know I don't tolerate childish habits, especially in my workplace, Stuart. So I ask you again, who is Jen, I never heard you talk about any Jen, brother.”
“Jen, Jeniffer, my girlfriend who… wait, no, I don't know… who's Jen?”
“Precisely.” Jackson replied, the sly smile widening but never reaching his cold eyes. As he watched an impossible transformation unfold before him. In the blink of an eye, with a flash, in place of the brother he knew and had come to detest deeply over the years, was a better-groomed version, with a smoother beard and cropped hair, with more defined muscles in gym clothes. Still, a far cry from what Jackson considered ideal.
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“So, Jack, why did you call me here? I have a client booked at the gym, so I don't have much time.”
“A client… at the gym?”
“Yeah, what else would a personal trainer do?”
Assimilating that information, Jackson decided on one more correction.
"I don't understand, why waste a college degree working as a personal trailer, Stuart?"
“Maybe because I studied sports science, Jack”
“But your major was in business, Stuart.”
“Business, no way… or… maybe…”
Another flash and another Stuart in front of Jackson. Much better, he thought, as he saw the figure in front of him, dressed more appropriately, with a toned physique, belonging to someone who clearly cared for himself, but didn't scream "gym rat." Still, there was certainly space for improvement, but he decided to let this new version of his brother talk.
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“I imagine you want to talk about the status of the new building downtown, I can assure you I'm in direct contact with the guys and everything is going according to the plan, Jack.”
“Guys? What guys, Jackson? ”
“Our construction workers of course.”
“And why would you have direct contact with them Stuart?”
“Ahn, maybe because that's my role at the company? Supervise the progress of the works, ensure that everything is allright, walk among the boys and know if they are satisfied with they jobs.”
“Perhaps that was the case a few years ago, right after you finished college, but a couple of years ago you came to me asking me to take a position in the office because you couldn't stand to hang out among lower class people.”
“What? No, I would never be so snobbish, no, or… did I… ask, no… ask?
Another flash, another Stuart. Almost there, Jackson thought as he saw this version of his brother. At least he's wearing a suit, but that stubble, that relaxed demeanor, he will need a few more tweaks...
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"So tonight I'm having another business dinner with some clients, I've been thinking of dropping by a club with some of them, you should come along sometime , brother.”
“I actually called you here precisely because I'd like to discuss those little outings of yours, Stuart, I understand social connections are important, but we have staff for that, plus it's a waste of your MBA . Só I’m moving you to the head of financial control, right under me.”
“MBA? Jack… not me… finance department? I don't want that...or do I?"
“Of course you do, so much so that you took the job last year.”
"Last year?"
A new flash and a new version of Stuart. This Stuart was impeccably dressed, with a charcoal suit with a black tie, a smooth shaved face, and a neatly combed hair. Still, that carefree attitude wasn't ideal.
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“The acquisition of the lot near Fifteenth Street was a success, Jack, so much so that I arranged a dinner with the responsible team, in addition to the bonuses they will receive.”
“If they're already getting a bonus, why host a dinner, Stuart? Furthermore, you have never been given to this kind of frivolity, your life has always been extremely rigid and regimented. Taking care of your body to present an imposing and assertive image, dressing appropriately and behaving with dignity at work, keeping yourself at adequate distance from employees, after all you are the boss. And I don't think I've ever seen you smile in their direction, let alone go to dinner parties with then. It's not like you, you know how to be sociable when you want to be, of course, but always when there's an interest for the company, after all, profits and the company's image are your biggest concern.” Concludes Jackson, thinking that finally this time the result would be the expected.
“I… don't… smile… of course I smile… no…. image… profits… yeah… knowing how to behave…”
One last flash and finally the perfect version of Stuart was in front of him, Jackson thought. Standing rigidly next to the office window, with a stern face and serious expression with the same cold eyes as his brother, making him look like a younger version of Jackson.
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“Staff cuts were executed Jackson, there was some crying from the others about the increased workload, but I told them they will handle it, or they will be replaced by whoever does.”
“Excellent, Stuart, and how do you feel about that?”
“Sorry, Jackson, but I don't understand your question.”
“Don't you feel bad about sending all those employees away?”
“Why would I feel bad about that? My role is to think about the good of this company and that's what I did.”
“So cold, brother. I have to be careful otherwise you'll end up taking my place."
“If you lower your standards, brother, I won't think twice.”
Quickly thinking that he might have overdone it, Jackson intervened one last time.
"I would believe that if I didn't know that since you were little I've been your biggest example, and that above all you are loyal to me, Stuart."
This time there was no visible flash, but a clear change in Stuart's eyes, which now showed a glint of admiration towards his older brother.
"Of course, brother, if I am what I am today, it's thanks to you!"
Jackson couldn't help but flash the closest thing to a smile that his non existent emotional ability would allow as he responded to what, in his eyes , was a much improved version of his brother.
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“Indeed brother and I am glad you recognize it.”
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life-of-an-asexual · 9 days
Hello. I hope you and the other mods are doing okay. I want to talk about an experience I had a few months ago that I didn't really have the proper words to talk about it back then. I don't really have all of the right words now either, but I feel more comfortable talking about it now. It's an experience that I find confusing, and kind of aromantic or asexual, but I don't know exactly how to define it. I went on a date a while ago with a guy I met on Hinge. We decided on it kind of spontaneously, but he seemed really sweet and I enjoyed talking to him, so I agreed to go out with him. We went out for dinner, and then to a comedy show, by a comedian we both are big fans of. I had a good time on the date, and I enjoyed the guy's company, he was very sweet. But I didn't really feel anything more than that. When I told one of my friends about how my date went, I told them it was good, and they immediately started asking me if he paid for dinner, if he dropped me back, and if he kissed me (he didn't kiss me, which I'm glad about because I didn't want to). I do genuinely appreciate how courteous and kind the guy was to me, but what really confused me (and kind of annoyed me), was the implicit romantic pressure behind all of these gestures, because I just viewed his actions as a courtesy and politeness. I was also kind and courteous to him, and I know my friends meant well when they asked me these questions, but I don't understand why I was expected to feel so strongly about a guy after only one date. I joked with my friend that I had more feelings for the comedian than my date, and honestly, that's kind of true. I really didn't think...anything about the date I went on other than it was nice. I just need some reassurance that I'm not overthinking this and maybe some advice about whether or not I should try dating again or not. Why are allo dating expectations so confusing?
so wayy back in the day, in high school, before i realized i was an aroace enby, i started hanging out one-on-one with the guy who would later be my boyfriend. my dad said "that boy is trying to date you" and i said "what you're insane lol we're just hanging out" and he said "you're a boy and girl going out places together just the two of you" and i said "your antiquated ideas of gender and sexuality are showing" and he said "has this boy been paying for things?" and i said "yeah so what sometimes you pay for things and sometimes the other person does that's called FRIENDSHIP old man" and he said, again "that boy is trying to date you" and i laughed in his face
anyway, it turns out the guy WAS actually trying to date me and was, in fact, under the impression that we WERE dating for several weeks before i clued in. in my defense, he never tried to hold my hand or kiss me, so how i was supposed to know?? he wasn't doing anything i hadn't done with other friends. why should his gender and the fact he paid for things make a difference??
the point of this is that Heterosexual* Dating Culture has always been something beyond my comprehension and i definitely sympathize with your situation
( *i use "heterosexual" here to refer to heteronormativity, which includes the standards of gender roles, bioessentialism, monogamy, allosexism, and sexnormativity)
as for dating again, it's honestly up to you. i ended up dating that guy for almost two years, and i never developed sexual or romantic feelings for him, but i appreciated the relationship that we had. i've dated one other person, a girl i did have romantic feelings for, and that lasted about five months and i really enjoyed it. i've attempted dates with a couple other people and was not particularly inspired by the experiences. it's been over a decade since i've tried it out and i've been just fine
you can try whenever you feel like it and then stop trying when you don't. i'm afraid i haven't got much better advice than that lol. in the meantime, try not to let the allos get you down
~Mod Q
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New to tumblr, please bear with me😭🙏 I love Bucky x sunshine fics and read them religiously on ao3! Wondering if u could do one where Peter/sunshine are hanging out a lot bc he feels safe with her/looks up to her. Bucky is craving sunshine’s attention so he flirts with sunshine but she just doesn’t really pick up on the ques, and the team is teasing them bc they’re all assuming she understands. Bucky progressively flirts more obviously to try to get her to notice but it’s not working.
Hi! Welcome to Tumblr, friend!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying them. So for the flirting ones, I definitely have a few like that already, I can link them here:
From Friends To This, Snow Day, The Compound Conspiracy, 5 + 1 (Flirting Edition) (especially that one, Bucky really lays the flirting on thick), if none of those are exactly what you had in mind, just let me know, I'm always open to more ideas!
BUT THAT PETER ONE. OKAY. OKAY. You're not the only one that's asked for more Sunshine + Peter interactions and that it so cute. Love it. Absolutely love it.
I'm hoping to put Peter in some more one-shots, but here's a little drabble for you. I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the ask.
"Can I ask you for your advice?"
Peter's voice comes from the other side of the common room where he'd been working on homework. It was a common enough occurrence. Today, it was just you and Peter, but there were plenty of times that MJ and Ned also joined him.
You look around the room to find no one else besides you and Peter. You turn back to him pointing at yourself, "You're asking me?"
"Er... I don't think I'm supposed to be giving advice. That's Steve and Sam territory."
"Nah," Peter disagrees. "I want to hear what you think. Besides if I ask them, Steve'll start calling me 'son' again, and Sam's still pretending I'm invisible."
"Again?" you sigh, shaking your head. Peter wordlessly nods. You dismissively wave your hand, "Don't worry about it, I'll talk to Sam."
"Wait, that wasn't what I needed your advice on! Please?"
"Oh.. sure!" you shrug.
"Well, I guess, I'm sorta having a hard time with the superhero thing. Sam told me that you've never, you know," Peter hesitates, tugging at his collar as an insinuation. "Killed anyone."
You frown, "Oh."
"I mean, I just - I wanted to know how you do it."
"How I don't kill people?"
"No - I mean - Sorta. Sam told me that you hold back a lot," Peter sheepishly explains. "And I guess, I sorta knew that already. I mean you could kill us all if you wanted to. Not that I thought you would do that or anything, but like even with bad guys. And you're just like so happy all the time!"
You take a moment to process Peter's rambling. Your mouth twists apologetically, "Pete, I won't lie to you, I don't think there was a question there."
"You seem decently happy with Mr. Bucky, not that I can really tell because he's always frowning at me. But you are. You're happy. You have a life. I just wanna know how you do it."
"You want to know how I have a life?"
"Is that a stupid question? It's a stupid question, isn't it?"
"No!" you assure Peter. "Of course not! I'm glad you came to talk to me, I'm very wisdomous."
"Oh, right..." Your mouth twists as you think about Peter's question for a long moment. "I dunno, that was a choice that I made when I was thrown into this. I didn't want to be someone other people were scared of. I want to be good. I want to believe that people are good."
"Even when they're not?"
You chuckle, "I didn't say it was easy. I forget that sometimes too. That's why you surround yourself with good people. They'll remind you when you forget."
"That's really it?"
"And I listen to a lot of Taylor Swift."
Peter nods in agreement, "Already do that."
Grumpy Sunshine Series Grumpy Sunshine Drabbles
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez@ludicbouquetfromearth@matchat3a@famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff@valoraxx@blue786sworld@buckyandgeraltsupremacy@geminigengar@ansaturn@ecolle@lexhalstead3@ybflkmj@mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112@thegirlnextdoorssister@toomanyfanficsbruh@moonlightreader649@breathtaking-cynthia@mirikusashes@beans-and-toast@niyahcoca@katiechikin@elxvrr@antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy@krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne
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inkblot22 · 7 months
I agree!! aftermaths are ALWAYS my favourite to read during forced pregnancy stories and I actually hate when it ends with the yandere impregnating darling like how do u know if she truly got pregnant? where’s the horror in finding out you’re carrying your rapist’s child(ren)? how does reader deal with that? how does the yandere react to that? (I’m sure he knows but finding out the news from you yourself would surely elicit different emotions) how does he react when you say you wanna get rid of it? how do they both cope as parents? sooo many possibilities!! I’m glad to know the story I requested will not end with epel just impregnating darling!! thank you sm for that <3
also seeing as how both you and the other anon rank epel low I hope to see he be ranked higher in the future >:3
- epel felmier anon 🍎💜
ALL the freaking possibilities! The machinations of the yandere's mind when the baby-trapping (consensual or not) isn't received well is bound to be endlessly fascinating. Idk, stories work well sometimes if you let the reader imagine the hopelessness of a situation, but they work even better if you showcase it.
I'm putting the other stuff under a cut because I'm about to go on a bit of a tangent. Also, I have not read book seven yet, if anyone spoils it, I will temporarily block you until after I have read it.
I ranked Epel a C the first time because I didn't know anything about him at the time, almost every character save for the ones I really loved the designs for were lower than I would put them today, and frankly some were higher. I've done another tier list, this is not the old one. I have a pretty high opinion of most of the characters regardless of their ranking, here's the maker I used.
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Okay, so, I feel the need to specifically explain Crewel: I don't like being treated like a dog. Pet play is not my thing, and I do not understand the hype surrounding him whatsoever. Why would I want to hang out with someone who probably smells like a really strong, expensive cologne and refuses to call me anything other than "good boy"? No thanks, y'all can have him. Crowley is self-explanatory.
Riddle, Silver, and Lucius all have their good qualities, I will admit. But I'm the type of person who would avoid both of the people for varying reasons (Riddle is annoying, I don't like being bothered when I'm minding my own fucking business because I'm "breaking the rules" and I don't want to wake up Silver and I don't know enough about him,) and I would get irrationally mad at Lucius for always getting into fights with Grim.
C tier is somewhat similar to D for me. I'd very likely not go out of my way to interact with these guys, but they're either more approachable or less irritating than D tier. I'm sure you can see a trend with at least two of them, but most of these mfs are too high energy or too intense. Sebek is here because while I don't like petplay, I do like degradation and I think he would be excellent at that, given his usual temperament and opinion on humans. Deuce is there because I find him to be a very one-note character. Everyone in this game is well-written, but not everyone can be interesting. Trein is here because I know I'd be constantly getting in trouble in his class for drawing instead of paying attention. By the way, when did people who were 50 become old? Idk I consider old to be like 70+ but maybe that's just because of the people I grew up around.
B tier is characters that I am aware I am sleeping on, with the bonus of Vargas, who I actually like quite a bit. Not enough to put him in higher than B tier, though. Ortho and Idia are sort of a package deal, but I do like Ortho less than I like Idia. Azul pisses me off but I am a sucker for a pathetic man.
EPEL!!! THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!! Epel is like Deuce, if Deuce had more of a twisted view of himself. Reading though his little dilemma in book 5 didn't make me sympathize, but it did endear him to me. I can understand getting upset because you are literally unable to express yourself in a way that you would like because of reasons outside of your control. Beyond that, I love it when characters have a secret rough side (sorry Deuce.) Two-faced characters are my favorite thing.
A tier is characters I would like to put in S but I am too scared of them to do so. While C and lower are characters I would avoid because they're annoying, A tier is literally just characters I would avoid because they're freaky. I think people forget that the first interaction we have with Leona is him threatening to beat the shit out of us because we accidentally tripped on his tail. While Trey is sweet, he's the absolute definition of a two-faced character and he's way too observant to be comfortable around. Idk, maybe that makes him boyfriend material. I feel like anyone who has been on this blog at this point already understands my viewpoint of Jade, Floyd, and Rook. They scare the mess out of me and I love them for that.
With S tier, I'm actually going to specify a couple things: Sam is up there because I know I'd constantly be in his shop, buying things with thaumarks I should save just because I know his shop would smell like home. I feel like where a lot of people see Sam and think "this man can FUCK," I see Sam and think "big brother material." The sibling that I am closest to is literally just barely a year younger than Sam. Also, to clarify, I'm Black with family from the south. Grim is also sibling material. He's like a little brother, and I love him for that even though he pisses me off.
Now back to the WHORE KNEE. I very desperately want to bring my personal Vil series to this blog. I think maybe someone else would enjoy it, because what's more lovely than a man who sees what he wants in a person that isn't what he wants but forces to be what he wants anyway? I love that shit. Lilia is prime fodder for coercion fics, and I'd love to see more of those because he's very wise (because he's old as hell) and he's had a lot of practice at being a sweet talker. I think with a gullible reader?? Oh my god??? I'm not shy about my opinion on Malleus, Jamil, and Idia, and I think I talk about Idia a bit too much. Jamil stole my heart from the minute he was all sweet and kind in book 4 because he is so obviously two-faced that only the overly trusting would fall for that. Also, Jafar was something of an awakening for me. Who cares about Aladdin? I want the old man. As for Malleus, I like that he fills out the gap moe trope, but not overly so. He absolutely strikes me as the type to assume he knows best for both parties involved, and if he doesn't assume, he decides for you.
Anyway, knowing me, this list will have switched all over the place in a month's time. Thanks for reading my garbled nonsense.
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nataliealynlind · 10 months
queen america sentence starters
episode 5: psychological warfare
"do you know how many times texas has threatened to secede?"
"so important everywhere"
"he has all the vibes of a sash chaser"
"i really hate meet and greets"
"she may seem nice, but that's only because she's good at this"
"she has this ability to make every person feel like she's speaking only to them"
"you will not hang out with that girl"
"she can't keep wobbling around like some baby giraffe"
"when did rich people get together and decide kitchen islands needed to be 30 feet long"
"everything okay? you just seem ... happy"
"she's not the type to change her schedule for family"
"don't let her start messing with your eyebrows or nothing"
"we've been literally telling everyone how you used to work here- you're our claim to fame!"
"they're being really strict with you, huh?"
"i had to get totally naked for a spray tan"
"but on the upside- my ass looks awesome"
"my parents definitely miss having you over for dinner"
"no matter what happens, when all this is over, we'll be here waiting for ya"
"hopefully- hopefully- who knows what'll happen at nationals"
"you should just be so proud of yourself for making it to state level"
"you're late- is there a boy or something?"
"i'm sorry are you under the impression that we're friends who joke about their personal lives with each other?"
"for the record- i'm allowed to be late. you're not"
"are you using the literal meaning of the word science right now?"
"walk across the goddamn room"
"makes it look like you're in a gap commercial"
"you want it to look like you're so goddamn beautiful and graceful that the person looking at you might think they're hearing the music in their head- that maybe you inspired the music into existence"
"maybe you inspired the music into existence"
"however bad you think you are multiply that by three"
"i hate the thought of being stuck on a boat with a bunch of strangers"
"she probably just wants to spend time with you"
"i'd like to put you on a boat where you can't run away from me"
"i really like you... a little bit"
"do i need to explain further or do you still not understand the logic?"
"don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about"
"this may shock you, but i don't remember every conversation we've ever had"
"those were important conversations"
"you enjoy it too much- until you don't"
"you are such a little idiot sometimes"
"you'd be miserable- all three of you"
"he'd really be a terrible father, wouldn't he?"
"and you my sweet girl, would be a terrible mother"
"like i said back then- people like you and me- not meant for parenthood"
"the yellow's gonna make (name) look like a skinny little banana"
"i know what it is i'm asking why you're wearing it?"
"i don't really drink-"
"well you will tonight"
"the prep schools in dallas played the prep schools in tulsa"
"plus a bunch of us went to camp together"
"you have my full attention"
"okay i'm not that needy"
"we were barely even together to be honest"
"and you didn't try to push her down a staircase- good man"
"it wasn't with the right person, but it's still my kid you know?"
"regardless of what i think of her mother, which is very little"
"you're a very nice man"
"you look terrified- it's okay- this room is terrifying"
"those guys- they look so judgmental"
"who's that pillow for- it's so tiny- why would anyone want a pillow that small"
"let's start over- i'm name- this is my parents house- i have nothing to do with how they decorated it"
"if you need anything- like- at all- call me, okay?"
"it's not like i'd have sex with your dad to get in your head"
"girls do that?"
"she was taking pictures of you and name in the hallway"
"this whole process is crazy- and lonely... we need friends"
"i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks that"
"to me all of this sorta feels like a vacation in a very different life than mine.
"i'm almost scared to want any of it too bad."
"oh my god i bet you were so cute in your little outfit"
"listen to me- this is a launching pad. you just have to play the game."
"look at 90% of news anchors in every major city. what do they have in common? pageants"
"i'm not good at this stuff like you are. i don't know how to say the right thing all the time."
"i wasn't born good at this- i trained for an embarrassingly long time."
"you'll get better- and then life can be whatever you want"
"oh no i've had 11 shots- this is what i'm like when i'm hammered"
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miguelmeiai · 17 days
Life is Strange 2 - Alternate Storyline - Episode II ("Discoveries") - Part II
It's two in the morning, but Sean and Lyla didn't notice the time passing while they were at the Denny Blaine Park watching the sky, relaxing, venting, and wondering about going to space. Sean looks at his watch. "WTF, 2 AM? My dad is gonna kill me! I… I have to go home". Lyla tries to calm him down and convinces him that she is going to talk to Esteban so he wouldn't scold him.
They run back to Sean's house. When they arrive home, Esteban seemed desperate, but now relieved to see Sean.
─ I thought you had escaped from home because of our argument earlier. I was so desperate, your brother called me to tell me you escaped. Hijo, I'm sorry if I said something that might have hurt you. ─ Dad, I… I'm sorry, I just needed some time alone. And I was safe, I was with Lyla. ─ Hi ─ Lyla says. ─ You're still grounded, nevertheless, Sean. You live in my house, rules are rules. ─ Come on, Esteban, can you… ─ No exceptions for Sean, Lyla. He did something wrong, and he has to learn from his mistakes. ─ It seems Boss Esteban won't, Sean. I tried my best, but he didn't even let me speak. ─ Come on, hijo, you left me desperate. Don't you think I deserve a hug?
Sean rolls his eyes. ─ I'm sorry for everything. He hugs his father. ─ I love you, Sean. ─ This was all Daniel's fault. He's such a jerk! ─ He isn't. And I'm glad he told me you left home without my permission. Luckily you're back, safe and sound. Are you calmer now? ─ Yeah… talking to Lyla really helped me. Esteban looks at Lyla, grateful. ─ Thanks for being a nice friend to my son. I'm relieved that he has someone to look after him. ─ This is such an easy task… most of the time. I mean, I like spending time with Sean, he's like… the nicest guy in this town. Daniel comes running and hugs Lyla. ─ Hi, Lyla! ─ Hi, Daniel! ─ Thank you for bringing my bro back home. ─ You're welcome ─ she laughs while caressing Daniel's hair. Daniel looks at Sean, mad. ─ You're a bad bro, Sean! I miss the times when you were nicer to me… ─ I'm sorry, Daniel… it's just that many things have been going on in my mind recently. I'm a little stressed. ─ Daniel, give him a break ─ Lyla gently asks. Teenage years are sometimes hellish. You'll get there one day and understand what I'm talking about. ─ I promise I'll try to be nicer to you, Daniel. Lyla yawns. ─ I have to go home, man, I'm so tired. Catch y'all tomorrow. Sean hugs her. She turns her back and walks back home. Sean gets inside with his family. Esteban is still a little mad at him. ─ Son, I don't know what to do with you. I wish I could help you more, but I don't really have much free time to spend with you. ─ I feel that you always understand Daniel and believe whatever he tells you, but you don't always do that to me. ─ I'm sorry if I've been acting that way… Daniel looks at Sean while holding a joystick. ─ Wanna play with me, Sean, please?! ─ Yeah, but I don't think dad will let… ─ I think papito can make an exception in that specific situation. I'd love to play with you, guys, but I have to go to sleep. I'm so tired after this eventful week. And please, don't have another fight! I get very sad when I see you two fighting. ─ I promise I will be patient with Daniel. ─ Please. We are a team, we are the Diaz! There's no space for fights here. So, I really have to go now. See you tomorrow ─ he yawns. ─ Sleep well, and please don't stay up past four AM. Sleeping well is important. ─ We get it, dad, come on! ─ Okay, Sean… He goes to his bedroom. Sean and Daniel sit on the sofa. Sean is a little sad. Daniel turns on the TV. ─ Why are you sad, Sean? ─ I had a bad day at school yesterday… ─ What happened? ─ I don't know if you'd understand, but… I saw… a crush of mine… hanging out with another dude. ─ Who is that crush? ─ Daniel, let's focus on the game. ─ You never tell me anything! You're boring! Sean laughs. ─ You too, bro. He hugs Daniel. ─ You're jealous, aren't you, Sean? ─ I'm not… I mean… fuck, forget it. That's why I never tell you anything!
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tgrailwar-zero · 9 months
!!!!!!!!! Hello!!!!! Nice to see you again!! :DDDDD!!!!! Sorry, I think some of us weren’t sure if it was you for a sec, you look a little different from what we remember- and we kinda have amnesia too and that’s a bit of a long story but we’re really glad to see you, have you been doing alright? This is Rider! Musashi is somewhere here too!!
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SETANTA: "Hey, hey- hang on! You guys weren't always this talkative! I mean, I'm fine and I'm sure I can get to whatever questions you have later on, but you're drownin' me here!"
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SETANTA: "Ah, we can come and go as we please. Some of us just don't make a habit of it... we're better off in our territory, but some of us are more suited for wandering. And plus, sometimes there's an enemy that needs fighting out there that I can't reach from my little piece of the world."
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SETANTA: "Well... the Solar Cell draws energy from the Grail War, and... well, I wouldn't know much about it. There are a few braniacs on the Solar Cell, and I'm not really one of them. I don't think it's a bad idea, though."
As he spoke, a Valkyrie stepped into the doorway, bowing her head.
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VALKYRIE: "I apologize for the interruption, but Lord Sigurd is requesting your presence as guests of honor. It'd be rather impolite for you to dawdle as well, Beastmaster."
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SETANTA: "Gah, Brynhildr is gonna kick my ass if she finds out you were late because you were talking to me! Just look for me at the party, alright? Later!"
...About as quickly as he appeared, the young man left. It seemed as if he was a relatively free spirit, even like this.
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CONSTANTINE: "I suppose that's our cue as well. Let us be off, Masters."
With an bemused expression, he stared at a doorway a few moments after SETANTA had left.
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CONSTANTINE: "...I can certainly see how this 'Setanta' was one of your old Servants. He seems like the type."
With that, you were led out and away to the ballroom.
It was an ornate banquet hall, with a massive spread set out. You could certainly feel the air abuzz in celebration.
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There were a few more guests than you expected, a bunch of people milling about. Though there were a few that instantly stood out from the crowd. From their air and general dress, you could assume regarding the ones that you didn't instantly recognize that they were probably Servants of the Solar Cell.
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As the music continued to play, you weren't given much time for thought as you were rejoined by the rest of your small group.
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MUSASHI: "There you are, and here I was getting used to the quiet. KUKULKAN: "Ah- Masters! Nice body! Now I can actually tell where you are when you're talking to me!"
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MUSASHI: "Aw, look at Rider, all buttoned up!" CONSTANTINE: "Quiet, you. At least I changed, it doesn't seem like you bothered to dress up at all." MUSASHI: "Is that the type of thing you should say to a beautiful lady at a gala? This kimono is perfectly fancy, you know?"
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With a smile, KUKULKAN nudged CONSTANTINE's shoulder.
KUKULKAN: "Still, the fact that you decided to dress up means you were at least a little excited for this, right? I understand the feeling, I haven't been to many parties!"
A bit flustered, CONSTANTINE looked away.
CONSTANTINE: "Well, I wouldn't say I was... well, nevermind. I'm glad you're excited for this, at least..."
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paleparearchive · 4 months
Bazille Is A Worrier?
Bazille's initial 2★ story (1/1)
Location: garden (morning) ; morning sky ; Renoir, Monet, Sisley & Bazille's room | Characters: Bazille, Monet
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Bazille: For God's sake… He's not even here, huh?
Monet said he was going to take care of the garden, but where did he go? Jeez… He didn't even go back for lunch, so I came to see how engrossed he was. I don't think so, but he didn't forget to hydrate himself and collapse somewhere, did he?
Monet's voice: WOAAAAH! What a spectacular view! It's so niceee!!!
Bazille: … This voice, is it Monet? God, where is he?
H-Hey! What the hell are you doing on the roof!?
Monet: Oooh! If it ain't Bazille! The view from here's awesome! Ya should climb up here too! Just put your feet up on the fence there and you'll get a good show!
Bazille: Who would climb that! It can't be that easy. No, I'm not a monkey. Generally speaking, gazebo roofs are not made for people to climb up. Get off before you fall!
Monet: Now now, don't say that. It's breezy and awesome!
Bazille: Listen up. Why are you even there in the first place? It's not safe!
Monet: Well, the flowers in the garden have started bloomin' and they look great! I just thought it'd look even more beautiful from up here!
Bazille: That's why you climbed up on the roof. … You really are a simple-minded guy.
Monet: Huuuh, why? When something's beautiful, ya just wanna see it from a better angle, dontcha think!?
Bazille: Well, I can understand that mindset... We're artists who pursue beauty after all. But I guess it's part of human nature to use reason in face of danger…
Monet: Noo way! Sometimes a painter's passion for beautiful things can get out of control!
Bazille: Jesus Christ. Don't be a sophist and get the heck off there! What if you fall and break a bone in your hand! You might never be able to paint the pictures you love again.
Monet: D-Don't scare me like that!
Bazille: It's not just a threat. It's a prediction of the worst possible future that could happen as a result of your shallow actions.
Monet: Uuuuugh… Gotcha, I'll just get off. Jeez, ya worry too much, Bazille.
Bazille: MONET!!!
Bazille: Hey, are you okay!? Stay strong!!!
Monet: Owowowow… Aaaah, I feeeeell…
Bazille: You're still alive, right!? Are you injured? Where does it hurt!?
Monet: Aaaaah… I'm okay, I'm okay… aaah, it hurts!!!
Bazille: You're not okay at all! Let me take a look at it. Where is it? You don't think it's your arm, do you!?
Monet: No, my leg…
Bazille: Your leg... It doesn't seem to be broken. Let's go back to our room and patch it up. Can you walk?
Monet: Y-Yeah. Thanks, Bazille.
Bazille: … Whatever.
Aaah, alright! I'll lend you a shoulder, don't try to force yourself to walk! You'll only make it worse!
Bazille: I can't believe you fell off the roof and only sprained your ankle. You're very sturdy.
Monet: I am! I'm workin' out like Manet-aniki! It's good muscle trainin', wanna do it too, Bazille?
Bazille: I won't do it. Mostly because I don't even want to climb up there.
Monet: It's good to change your perspective once in a while.
Bazille: Just be glad it wasn't your arm that got injured.
Monet: Uuugh… Okay. I'll be careful.
Bazille: Right. From now on, no more climbing up high places. And of course, no tree climbing as well.
Monet: Huuuh!?
Bazille: Don't go out too much for a while. If you walk around with poor protection, you'll lose your physical balance and it will affect your brush strokes. Oh yeah, muscle training is also prohibited.
Monet: W-Why!?
Bazille: You're the kind of guy who, if he moves his body even a little bit, is definitely going to want to move around more. At least stay put until you get better.
Monet: But I'm fine…! I'm not that dumb…
Bazille: If you don't understand it, I'll make a picture of you in your stupid bandages and hang it all over our room, okay?
Stay put. Got it?
Monet: O-Okaaay…
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No but it was just a random thought I had but if it's okay can I please ask for chuuya but how would he be in a relationship with ema
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She's an OC of mine you can find more information about her on my page here on Tumblr and you don't have to take this request if you don't want to
Will do!
Chuuya Nakahara x Ema
How he is in a relationship with Ema
Warnings:smut,fluff,(let me know if I missed anything)
Word count:sorry if I forgot
Chuuya really hasn't been in a relationship with someone maybe once but they weren't like Ema she is nice to him and values his thoughts and feelings sure she's a part-time assassin but he was in the Port Mafia so everytime she would bake him something he would injoy it sometimes Ema would catch him eating what she made him at his breaks he had a soft spot for Ema sometimes the leader of the assassin place where she works would as Mori for one of his men to go with Ema and it was usually Chuuya he knew she only killed if the person deserves it and he respected that one day Ema almost got in big trouble with one of the guys they were out for but he used his ability to help her and they made it back safely they would hang out at Café's or parks most of the times just inside watching TV and eating sweets he would hold her hand a lot and would keep her safe one day (when it was his birthday) Ema gave him a gift it wasn't any food this time but it was a bracket he wasn't the jewelry type but he did take it he loved it and he did know she was a bit scared and after he took it he hugged her and said "thank you doll I love it" Ema hugged back and said "I'm glad you do" and actually the next day Ema saw him wearing it he would take it off during missions to make sure nothing bad happened to it and he knew she believed in God and he didn't try changing it he loved Ema the way she was no matter what he would sometimes come home drunk and all what he'll do is love on her and kiss her on the lips forehead cheeks hands arms anywhere honestly he would than just hug her in bed mot letting her go until he fell asleep he made sure nobody knew how soft he could be with someone only Ema because in his view she was perfect and wonderful just the way she ways and nothing would change that
His relationship with her about sex is fine before they had sex actually he would be soft to her but after he would reallllly be soft to her of course they use protection if one day she didn't want to he wouldn't he Honestly just listened to they always did it when they were home maybe once they did it somewhere else during it he would be very gentle with her and if she wasn't in the mood one day he would understand and ask her if she wanted to just watch some TV than she would agree and before she even asked about the sweets he already had them ready if he was working and she wanted to do it he would tell her give him a few minutes and he'll be leaving people would notice sometimes Chuuya leaving early and asked him why he just said "none of your business why I am leaving early plus the boss let's me" they stopped after he death stared them his and Ema's life weren't their business so he had no need to tell them it was his and Ema's relationship not theirs sure Mori was confused and wondering he would tell him that Ema needed him for something important and Mori would just let Chuuya leave he was also careful with Ema he would do things she liked during sex and if she didn't like something he wouldn't do it he is respectful to her a lot more than anyone else even if her life was on the line if he had to choose between him and her to die he would choose him to die Ema means to much to him he can handle losing her sometimes when they were watching TV they would get in the mood and do it yes they took breaks if she wanted to take a longer one he would take a longer break and during sex he wants to make sure Ema is comfortable and safe more than anything he also wanted to make sure she felt good to he would give her princess treatment a lot and buy her things too
Hoped you liked it and hoped it was what you asked for ^^ and I know I said it would be done within a week or two but I got bored and just make it the same say so ^^
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
Chapter Eleven
Rex tries to make conversation with me which catches me by surprise a little. Must be he is warming up to me? Seems odd to say from a Captain but it's not like there's many women around... He even jokes with me some about the squad and we talk about some of the quirks of the group I've noticed.
"They are good men. Some just have their...moments" Rex says.
"By what I've learned in the short time I've gotten to know them, I can only imagine" I laugh. He does too. "I enjoy them though, even with all their little quirks" I continue.
"Good, I'm glad" Rex smiles. "Oh I spoke to General Skywalker about getting you some clearance to help with reports. He doesn't seem to think it will be an issue because of how short we are for help. He also mentioned they may be sending you to fight with us."
"Oh wow, that's great! Hope you don't get too tired of me" I tease.
"Doubt that will happen" he replies under his breath.
I smile to myself and look at the floor.
Lunch is relatively calm...if you can call it that this with group... most of the time it was loud conversation from the squad, one yelling at the other for maker knows. Fives stealing food off someone's plate... that someone becoming annoyed and smacking him. I didn't realize focused I was staring blankly at the scene across the table until Echo gently elbowed my side. "Everything alright?" He asks. "Yeah everything's fine" I smile at him "sometimes it entertaining enough to just sit back and watch the show" I laugh.
Rex, on the other side of me lets out a deep sigh.
Echo laughs in agreement, "Hey, I'm off this afternoon and was wondering if you would want to hang out. We could talk battle strategy or something?" He asks with such childlike innocence. "Looking for a break from your vode (brothers)?" I tease. "I won't even deny that" he shrugs.
Fives from across the table points at us "Do NOT forget we are going to 79's tonight. Oh and look nice". Then continues to bicker, this time with Dogma.
Echo rolls his eyes and throws his napkin at him "We know you di'kutla (idiot) you don't have to keep reminding us". I lean into Echo to whisper "I don't understand how he hears us sometimes". Echo snorts out a laugh "Fives hears what he wants to".
Fives whips his head our direction "Do not". "Yeah that totally proves my point" says Echo annoyed. I laugh.
I turn back to Echo "I hate to drag you along but I don't really have anything to wear tonight other than armor or pretty much what I wore the other day. Would you mind tagging along, shopping with me?" I ask. "Not at all" Echo smiles and glances at Jesse who was definitely listening to our conversation.
After lunch I returned to my quarters to change into civvies before heading out. While I was waiting for Echo at the entrance to the barracks, Fox was at the desk and I decide I'd chat with him.
"Su cuy'gar (Hello)" I say leaning against the desk in. He picks his head up - buy'ce on of course - and nods "Su cuy'gar, How's training with the 501st going?". "Pretty good actually, we are moving faster that I sort of expected" I tell him. "Good keep those men in line will ya" he jokes. "I'll do my best" I laugh. "Are you waiting for someone?" He asks. "Yeah actually, I'm waiting for Echo. The squad is dragging me to 79's tonight and I need to get something other than armor to wear" I joke. Fox tips his head slightly to one side. "If you aren't too busy, swing by our table tonight. I'll be there with some of the other Commanders if you'd like to meet them all." The rest of Rex's batch...yes I want to meet them. "I'd love to meet them! You guys are all Rex's vode (brothers) right?" I ask. Fox's posture slumps a little - if you can even call it that - he clears his throat "Uh..yeah...yes we're all from the same batch". Oop I completely misread that...
Just then I see Echo heading my way. "There's Echo. Ret'urcye mhi (Goodbye)! I will see you tonight" I smile and Fox nods.
"You ready?" I ask Echo as he approaches, noticing he in his red GAR issued fatigues. He nodded and we strolled out toward the shopping district.
We got into some deep conversation on our walk. Some about my past and where I come from. He sensed to be very understanding. He even talked about some of the war he had seen. The loss of most of his original batch and how he, and Fives came to the 501st. "Aay'han" I say when he finishes. "What does that mean?" He cocks his head. "It's like, when you talk about those who are gone and have bitter sweet memories with them. It keeps them alive. Literally remembering and celebrating" I explain. "Oh...I like that....aay'han. I think Hevy would have too". Right then I decide Echo is probably one of my favorites...even though I try not to have favorites. I see myself being close friends with him... even Fives... but he definitely takes on the vod'ika (little brother) roll best.
Out of the blue he asks about my love life which totally catches me by surprise. "Uh no, I never really had time for dating. It was always me, Kal'Buir, and my vode (brothers). When they all grew up and the GAR needed them, Kal'Buir and I bounty hunted for a while... so yeah I have never really had time for that...". I can see the innocence again, all over his face, "just wondering" he says. I raise a brow at him but he pretends to ignore it.
We stroll in and out of different places but leave empty handed. Walking down the permacreate side walk I notice Echo eyeing a party shop. "Do you wanna go in?" I ask. "Oh no it's fine" he is quick to respond. "Well I do" I saying - knowing he wants to go in but is being polite - he follows me into the store and I follow his eyes as they settle on a fresh pastry in the glass case. "We'll take two of those" I tell the cashier pointing to them. Echo and I continue our walk and finish out pastry. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that you know" he says sheepishly. "I know Echo, but I wanted to" I say patting him on the shoulder.
We wander into one last store before we are about to give up and head back to the barracks. "I'm not sure about this" I say feeling a little uncomfortable. "Oh come on you'll look great" smiles Echo while I try to make a decision. "It's even 501st blue!" He continues while I hold up the shirt to myself. I have to admit...its a little out of my comfort zone but I do like it. The shirt is a short tank top that is all glitter - I mean ALL glitter - and meant to be rather form fitting. "Can I still wear my bantha leather jacket and boots?" I ask Echo. "I thought we came to get something you don't usually wear" he laughs. "Old habits die hard?" I shrug and he sighs. We both stare at it for a moment “try it on” he says catching me by surprise. “Try it on?” I repeat.
Putting the tank top on was not the easiest of tasks…it involved some mild cursing and some giggles from Echo from outside the changing stall. I finally felt like it was in the right place and looked in the mirror at myself. Honestly…it looked even better on me than I thought. Echo must have noticed I suddenly when quiet. “And? Can I see?” He asks. I step out of the changing room. “Mesh’la (beautiful)” Echo says with a smile. “Are your checking me out?” I playfully ask. “N-n-no ma’am” he stutters. I roll my eyes…. Men…
“What’s that?” He asks pointing to my necklace causing me to look down. “Oh, this?” I ask playing with it. “It’s the mythosaur, symbol for Mandalorians. My Kal’Buir gave it to me when he adopted me.” Echo studies it for a moment “That’s really cool” he replies. “So the shirt is a win?” I ask gesturing to myself. “Definitely…” smiles Echo. I change back into the shirt I had on before and we work our way to checkout, then back to the GAR barracks.
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I too am extremely excited for july to finally come!!! Not only will you be more free to bombard us with cmi content but I will be more free to enjoy it! Name a more perfect combination lol.
My exam yesterday went well! It was another oral exam that we had to line up for and just like the last time, me and my friends ended up going in at the very end and waiting all day. But I got an A! Even though I wasn't completely happy with the way I did, I'm glad it passed. Just one more to go and then I'm getting cocktails with my friends straight after lol.
Also just like during my last oral exam, I ended up hanging out with the pretty guy from my class all day again. And I've come to the conclusion that I don't really have a crush on him so much as I want to be more like him lmao. Like his aesthetic is just so good, with his brown/green colour scheme and cool thrifted clothes and rings and painted nails and earrings and at least one tattoo that I've seen. And he just pulls off a more androgynous look sooo well. Sigh, to be pretty like that... But yeah other than that, I feel like our connection is more so fully platonic tbh.
And what's this I hear about a work crush??? Do tell more 👀👀👀 (if you want to of course)
Sending you lots of love and hugs to get through this week 💞💞💞
iiiiivi!! i'm guessing your semester's over now, too, so congratulations!! i still have to write a couple papers by mid-august, but phew i'm just so happy classes are over at least. here's to more free time 🥂 :')
AHH AN A !!! congrats x2, you're such a smart bean and i didn't expect anything else. i know what it's like feeling like you weren't good enough, but that's us being our worst critics. the grade speaks for itself 🤍 and the guy lmaooo i totally understand!! sometimes a crush is truly just a fascination, and that's absolutely okay, too. i'm glad you figured things out !! and please don't doubt yourself, bc you're the cutest and you are pretty like that 😤
yeah and my work crush.. it's nothing too serious, but i do like seeing him around lol. and we had this work dinner on monday and the location of the restaurant was pretty far from my place. and since he lives nearby, he allowed me to ride with him and picked me up and we talked about literally everything under the sun :') he's genuinely so nice and sweet :'))) but yeah, thankfully nothing serious and i'm being cautious, so let's see! :D
we've gotten through the week! hope you're doing well too and have something relaxing and fun planned for the weekend 🤍
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harbingercfdeath · 3 months
To say he was stunned was an understatement. Leslie had been fully prepared to come up with excuses, to make up some kind of elaborate story in an attempt to talk his way out of the situation and end up using manipulation to make the other person forget when that inevitably didn't work. But before he could even say another word, the man had read him like a book and called him out for exactly what he was.
He felt almost like a child who had been caught red handed and was being reprimanded for their behavior. It wasn't as he he had meant to wait so long, his life wasn't always easy and sometimes he didn't have a choice, and he was glad at least that the other seemed to understand that. He wasn't sure if he should feel relieved or threatened by such a casual mention of killing him, though.
"I-uh-" His face turned a faint shade of pink. Who was this person? What was he? And how did he know all of this "Nah, I'm alright. It's not that bad."
He wouldn't have admitted it if it was.
He slowly got himself to his feet, using the wall for support.
"Thank you," He managed, returning a small smile. "I don't...I dunno what you did, but I appreciate the help... and you being understanding of my predicament."
"Leslie," He went to offer a hand, but thought better of it as he remembered just how covered in blood he was. "Uh... Not to be rude but...what was it exactly that you did to that guy?"
"i'm what you would call a reaper so i reaped his soul and sent it on to Death. i unfortunately am only called to the scenes of violent deaths around the universe because after all Death takes people from all worlds." He chuckles as the other drops his hand down by his side "i have been touched by people who have had worse amounts of blood on you, just remember that for future encounters and i will most likely want to be your friend even though you do give me extra work sometimes. You're cool and i think that you would make a very nice friend for me." issac glances at the body out of the corner of his eye "i won't tell anyone that you did this if you don't tell anyone that a reaper lives in this town some of the other supernatural beings don't like reapers."
He looks at the other man and then waves a hand and the body disappears. "Consider that as a little job done for a friend. i usually leave the body there for someone to find and for the police to start an investigation with but not the ones that are done by fellow supernaturals they have enough of a hard time with the hunters that are after them. Sometimes i really hate mortals and this fear they share for everything that is different. They either hate it or they want to kill it, it's just not fair. Not all of us are evil and the ones who feed on mortals need food just as much as a mortal only their food is the mortals. i understand that you need food and that you have to feed from mortals but i don't even have to feed to stay alive. i wasn't made to but i do it anyway, not only to fit in but i like the taste."
"i'm sorry, i'm just letting my mouth run when i bet you want to go somewhere and clean up. Tell you what, my apartment isn't that far from here and i know a spell to hide the blood until we get there but i don't have a car so i usually just walk everywhere i need to go." issac then gets a thoughtful look on his face and then cocks an eyebrow "Unless you would like to teleport like i do at time when i need to get there in a hurry like when i'm covered in demon blood and don't want people to see me. You would have to hang on tight to me and not let go or i could lose you during transport and i would never be able to find you again." He cocks an eyebrow at the other man and chuckles "it's up to you, i'm not going to force you to do either one of them."
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andi-kook · 4 months
I'm glad to know some bits of your story too ❤️ yk this other girl thing happened to me as well :) so within the years we weren't talking, he had dated one of my ex-friends from that friend group. And I had the most problems with that girl cuz previously I was very close to her but she gradually turned out to be very toxic, would lie to me a lot and would demean me at every single thing etc.
I don't blame him for dating that girl cuz he had no idea what had actually happened between us. However they went through a really messy breakup within just a few months because the girl really was a lying backstabbing bitch to not just me the people around her too lol. When we started talking he mentioned her and said how he didn't give a shit about her anymore and brought up her shitty personality and their problems, I shared my own problems with that girl and he said he understood cuz he knows what kind of person she was. I consoled him and helped him to get over that breakup. Oh and in school he would completely ignore her existence.
But guess what, after he ghosted me, he suddenly started to talk to that girl again and hang out with her. Adding her on Instagram then putting up a birthday story for her and what not. I kinda felt betrayed because that's the same girl we shared our dislike upon and helped him get over her and now he's being oh-so-friendly with her while he was ghosting me and ignoring me in classes.
Now what i heard from my friends was apparently they're fooling around. I feel like a complete clown. All the times he'd hang out with me or walk with me around the school now feels like a bait to catch that girl's attention back then.
Anyways I really hope we can get over this soon 🫶 you seem like a very nice person and surely deserve the very best! And thank you so much for your kind words in the previous ask ilyyy 😘😘
oh my god he’s such an asshole!!! i wanna beat him up fr 😡 ugh, men and their fucking audacity. don’t worry – they deserve each other cos they’re both shitty people and you dodged a bullet because i can already tell that if you guys ended up together in a relationship, he would just cheat on you with that other girl. but i understand how this still feels like a betrayal to you and that’s completely valid. i wish you nothing but the best and i hope that you move forward from this and live a happy, healthy, and contented life because you deserve it so much ♡
i’m so happy you shared this with me, 💗. i do have irl friends who i talk about Him with but since they haven’t experienced (and i hope they never will) what i did, sometimes, the disconnect is apparent. it’s comforting to know that there is someone who can relate (i mean this in the best way possible please). i hope you have a great day ahead, okay?? ask is always open ♡
let’s just focus on jeon jungkook and bangtan HAHAHA at least they never hurt us!!!!!!
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