#i forgot that the 'im not nor have i ever been adorable' is in this ep and already staerted this doodle uueue T_T
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MAG 164 - The Sick Village
doodle 164/200; days left - 14/110 4/128
literally speedrunning at this point dont even look at the quality ahzjg xD
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Omg- Omg- I just found this acc and have been binge reading your twst masterlist
Ane ways if your accepting req could you do hc with Riddle,Ace & Duce duo (like together)Leona and Vil (also if its not too much can you also do the leech twins, Crowley and Crewel) with it a reader (gn) whose similar to Ayato like Mc? Like Mc verry charming, witty, playful, and mischievous but also caring, dutiful, kind and gentleman like? (the last ones leaning to male so you can remove it if you like) Oh and also he has those uh- portal like sleeves and they witness Mc pulling out like a fkn sword?
Hopefully this wont violate any rules if it does you can ignore! Dont overwork urself and make sure to take care!! !(•̀ᴗ•́)و̑
Also I took A*e, Deuce and Tweels ^^
At first glance, you may seem distant and cold, having a disliking towards unnecessary small talk an constantly work and work and work, only being polite and well-mannered as formally as ever.
Truth to be told, those close to you would experience your tender kindness, inspiring loyalty to many you have touched.
You rather not show your face to the public often, preferring to do your tasks behind the scenes, and care for the people you hold close dearly.
Mature and determined, generous and polite, yet unforgiving when one harms the ones you love. Despite how formal you can be, you can be tricky and unpredictable, mischievous and cunning. Someone would have to keep an eye on you...
TWST The distant, yet kind, yet absolutely mischievous s/o (Ayato)
Ace Trappola
Oh god...
Ace sometimes can't stand how "noble-like" you behave. For someone who's too casual, talking to someone so formal...
Ace tries to approach to you with small talk, you politely, though quite bluntly refuse to converse with even a second with him.
What's the deal?
It seems like he can't even say a word with you other than homework, tasks and all the boring work he gets exhausted just talking about it.
For some reason, he still hasn't left. Maybe it's because sometimes you pull off harmless pranks on Deuce, other students, Grim and laugh about it. Or maybe when you've always helped him get out of all the troubles he has caused, maybe laughing a little of how silly he was for all the trivial ones he's been in.
Those are the times he enjoys being with you.
One time, you appeared out of nowhere after his basketball practice, even though he didn't tell you he was having practice. Slightly caught off guard, he asked what's up.
You only smiled mysteriously and charmingly, making your way to him as he lightly blushed by how close you were.
"W-what are you doing?" he frowned lightly, getting nothing in response as you only inched closer to his face.
W-what are they trying to do? Are they gonna do what I think they're gonna do?! A-Are we gonna -?!"
"It seems that Trappola has a little bit of his heart mark smudged."
He.. he forgot to wash it off before practice.
"Here's a towel for you, hm~" you smiled politely, handing him a red towel.
Sigh... so close... <3
Deuce Spade
Deuce is a little bashful by how formal you can get, and he doesn't really know how else to respond as formal as you.
All he really does is nod or shake his head and just try his best not to upset you or embarrass himself, although he mostly embarrasses himself by trying to make himself act as gentleman as he can.
But Deuce really adores your generosity you shower him without biasness and unlimited. You do that with people you're close with, and he's not going to lie, it makes him feel special.
He gets super flustered whenever you giggle at his attempts of being smooth in his formalities. He thinks back to when you used to refuse engaging in small talks with him. Maybe his silent persisting helped?
But sometimes he has to hold you back from doing anything mischievous, especially pulling pranks on delinquents.
He can't have you in trouble,
nor himself.
He especially needs to use four times the effort to pull both you and Ace back when you two combine your plans together. Although sometimes he can't help it and then all three of you get involved-
Sometimes he wonders just what is going on in your head. The way you approach him almost flirtatiously, leaving him baffled and flustered, wondering what you would do next.
You simply just said hello and turned away, going to your next class.
Gah... he really needs to keep his guard up with you... <3
Jade Leech
He's intrigued. He already could tell to your formal politeness when first meets the eye.
He doesn't see you often in Monstro Lounge, but when you're dragged by the Adeuce combo, he smiles politely and tries to start the ball rolling with you.
You simply decline, opting to tell him your order rather bluntly even with a polite tone as you smoothly dismiss him as if he was just a light mist.
Aren't you an interesting one?~
Jade simply can't wait to have you visit Monstro Lounge as he tries to engage in a conversation with you. Your unpredictable appearances whether forced to go or simply on your own accord has Jade thrilled and excited to see you.
You're quite a kind soul, and something about your kindness have Jade almost vulnerable.
Your mischievous side is something he finds amusing. Pranking Azul, Floyd and almost everyone without discrimination, and sometimes you can hide that you're the true culprit behind all the fuss.
It's funny, and it makes his day.
Ah, how refreshing to see you so unpredictable in nature. Your charming smile fooling everyone, yet your kindness remains true and genuine.
Perhaps one day he could finally call you his... fufu~ <3
Floyd Leech
Although annoyed by how formal, boringly polite you get,
He can't help but want to know more about that... enigmatic aura you possess.
Something about your charming and polite smile seems playful and teasing, which makes him a little bit more interested in you.
Floyd tries to talk to you, give you a little friendly squeeze, but all you do is reject him! He doesn't care no matter how nice you act.
If you're not talking to him when he's trying to, that's the same as ignoring him, and you are!
So, he persists.
Eventually you just let him pester you, opting to sometimes pull off harmless pranks at him in response. He blinks when the whipped cream of Ace's latte smears his nose, as he flashes a toothy grin soon after.
From then onwards, you two pull pranks on others non-stop that Azul and Jade have to try and get you two to stop. But you guys didn't care
and just laughed about the ridiculous faces made by Azul when you pulled a prank on the octopus.
He very much enjoys this side of you!
Your rare appearances leaves him bored and upset now. You should go out more often! He rather have you appear out of nowhere in front of him and pull him to your dorm, just messing around and having fun crammed into your tight schedule.
He could enjoy these moments with you forever... <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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I don’t remember if it was you who wrote the spoil of war, about a prince being kept captive by another prince when he loses a war.
part 1, part 2, part 3
Rendered speechless. He was rendered speechless.
The protagonist woke up, sweating. There was a pressure on his ears — on his entire head — which he couldn’t explain nor treat. The hectic motion of sitting up in bed caused him to sink right back into the incredibly fluffy sheets and pillows.
He didn’t remember his bed being this unbelievably comfortable. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, breathing in the sweet scent coming from the sheets. The protagonist was about to turn and fall right back asleep. But then he realised.
It was the prince’s scent.
It was the prince’s bed.
He jerked back up, trying desperately to get out of this horrible heaven until he realised how much his throat really hurt.
“You’re adorable when you’re asleep.” The protagonist turned around and there he was — the prince. He was sitting on his chair lazily, or better, he tried to. Somehow he looked tired, though, as if he’d been up all night. “Your eyebrows do this cute scrunching thing. It’s delightful.”
“Ah,” the protagonist answered, his voice embarrassingly hoarse. But for the first time, the protagonist was actually curious. He didn’t want to curse his enemy right away. He didn’t want to spit in his face. Sure, he was angry that his plan hadn’t worked out but he was also stupidly happy that it hadn’t. “You saved me.”
“Charming.” The prince didn’t react. It was odd in itself but judging by his state, he should’ve rested instead of arguing with his nemesis.
“Why did you help me?” the protagonist asked eventually. If he had been creative enough, he could’ve killed the prince. Maybe strangle him to death with the sheets.
But somewhere, deep inside of him, he was pitying him. The prince was so vulnerable and all of that just for the protagonist. He had saved him. Despite the horrible things he’d done, the protagonist was still thankful.
Apparently that was what distinguished the both of them.
“You know the answer,” the prince answered. He pulled himself up out of the chair and walked to the edge of his bed. There, he let himself sink into the soft fabric.
“You’re in love with me,” the protagonist said.
“I am,” the prince answered. “And I hate it. I hate you.”
The prince looked at him and the protagonist thought he forgot how to breathe. He’d known for a bit, suspected it. He hadn’t wanted it to be true. But now there was no denying it anymore.
“You’ll never choose me, will you?” he asked. The protagonist didn’t know how to answer that. There didn’t seem to be a right answer.
Even though it should’ve been easy. It wasn’t.
The prince sat up in his bed and suddenly his hand was on the protagonist’s hip.
“It doesn’t matter what I do,” he said quietly and leaned over, his lips almost brushing the protagonist’s. “What I did can’t be forgiven. Your friend isn’t dead yet. I’ll release them. Alongside with you if you wish.”
The protagonist was shocked and this time it wasn’t out of fear.
“I’ll order my troops to return to the capital. And you can have back your home country. I believe that’s the only thing I can do to ever earn something close to your affection. And even if it’s not: at least this makes you happy.”
“Is this a trick?” the protagonist asked, forgotten about his own headache. It was only replaced with a burning face. “Another game?”
The prince’s hand wandered down to the protagonist’s thigh and the protagonist wasn’t disgusted.
“No,” the prince whispered. And then very sloppily, very shortly but very sweetly, he kissed the protagonist.
The protagonist kissed him back — unquestionably out of instinct — but as soon as the prince had started to show his affection, it also ended. He dragged himself back into his bed and fell asleep.
And the protagonist was even more rendered speechless.
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Part 4
(The side characters strike again!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Part 2.5 Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Part 3
L!MC= Lucifer’s kid | M!MC= Mammon’s kid | A!MC=Asmo’s kid
Let’s get right to it!
The Uncle That Hardcore Simps For His Spouse In the Most Wholesome Way (Diavolo)
Gasp! More half-demon kids? Oh my! Maybe if he tried again next year a kid of his own would pop down! Hang on- he hadn’t slept with a human in almost a century... dang. No kids for him...
Remember when I said Diavolo would try to do those stereotypical dad (tm) things and be hip with the kids? Yeah he keeps doing that.
The number of broken windows related to wayward baseballs goes up 150%. At least that’s how they all figured out that M!MC is nearsighted like their dad!
M!MC had developed a bit of a habit of telling Diavolo about cool human stuff and making the Crown Prince even more interested in the human world than normal.
You may be thinking “what’s so bad about that?” well, the number of yo-yos at RAD went up so high that Lucifer had to ban them.
Belphie and Satan, being the rebels they are, became yo-yo masters specifically to spite Lucifer.
It was sort of like the fidget spinners craze if you were in school for that.
Oh, hi Lord Diavolo. What’s a fidget spinner? It’s this- I should stop talking...
Since no one learned their lesson from the previous incident, Diavolo threw another BBQ.
“Why are we doing this again?” L!MC asked to no one in particular.
“Don’t worry, L!MC. I’ve taken every precaution possible to make sure that what happened last time doesn’t happen again.” Diavolo said and continued in his crusade to cover the entire pathway with sidewalk chalk doodles.
L!MC, Luke, Diavolo, M!MC, Belphie, and A!MC were all busily drawing a wide variety of doodles and drawings with chalk while the other guests milled around nearby. A!MC was in the middle of drawing quite the nice looking Cerberus chibi, while M!MC and Belphie were drawing a lot of stick figures. L!MC and Luke had just finished a wonderful drawing of... an alpaca? Giraffe? Thing...? Hell, even they didn’t know what it was.
Diavolo looked over at M!MC’s stick figure army with a big smile on his face. “So what are all of them doing? It looks like that one’s flying!”
You could practically hear the Addam’s Family theme play as M!MC and Belphie looked at each other and grinned.
“Oh Belphie was just talking about L!MC’s flying lesson fails and I felt that an artist’s rendition was needed.” M!MC explained, he began to point out certain doodles. “Here’s L!MC getting up off the ground, then there’s them actually flying, and this is them falling in the fountain.”
L!MC looked over at the chalk and glared at M!MC. “It’s generous to call that an artist’s rendition. It looks like crap.”
“And what did you draw?” Belphie smirked at the alpaca-giraffe-thing, Luke protectively covered up the drawing (side note, Luke was wearing white and playing with sidewalk chalk, by the end of the day he looked like a walking pride flag).
“None of your business!” Luke huffed.
“And what about that one?” Diavolo seemed completely oblivious to the hostility brewing between the two groups, A!MC was completely used to this and walked away to grab a drink.
“Ah, good eye, Lord Diavolo!” M!MC chirped. “This is a drawing of the time L!MC almost burned down your kitchen.”
Diavolo laughed and gave M!MC a few pats on the head. “Very accurate!”
“You’re so lucky I followed the rules and didn’t bring a water gun...” L!MC growled as they slowly reached for their backpack.
“Yeah... lucky. Real lucky...” M!MC nodded as they tried to casually reach for their bag, Belphie followed suit.
“I’m so glad we all followed the rules.” Luke smiled, his own hand inching towards his bag.
There was a brief moment of stillness before the four of them whipped out their water guns and pointed them at each other.
“This BBQ ain’t big enough for the both of us!” M!MC’s terrible cowboy impression aside, their gun was poised to shoot directly at Luke and L!MC’s alpaca-giraffe-thing.
“Everyone, I know this is a human world tradition but-”
Belphie silenced Diavolo by pointing his water gun at him. “Sh, don’t talk unless you have a water gun as well.”
Deciding not to smite Belphie for treason, Diavolo pulled his own water gun out of his shirt. “Okay, what now?”
“Now, we’re in a standoff...” L!MC glowered at M!MC, the air was practically crackling with hostility...
Until a burst of flames got everyone to whirl around to see A!MC with hairspray and a lighter.
“No water guns! I refuse to go home shivering and covered in grass again!”
Crisis averted. Everyone went to go fail at throwing beanbags into a hole instead of shooting each other.
That was probably for the best... Belphie filled everyone’s water guns with paint.
The Uncle That Does All the Cooking for Family Dinners (Barbatos)
Remember how I said that Barbs liked smol Lucifer? Yea, he likes smol Asmo too. Smol Asmo is willing to admit that they don’t know how to use an oven and is willing to learn.
M!MC is formally banned from being within 50 feet of the kitchen. It’s for the best.
A!MC often tries to get Barbatos to look into the possible futures so they can see if they can avoid messing anything up and A!MC is just so adorable that Barbatos actually thinks about it.
He still says no every single time.
“Could you at least tell me if I have the possibility of doing something embarrassing in the near future?”
“My apologies, A!MC, but no.”
“The answer remains the same.”
A!MC sighed and went back to helping chop vegetables. Under Barbatos’ tutelage, A!MC’s cooking ability had increased tenfold, they could now make as many burgers as they wanted without worrying about burning down the kitchen.
Pitying the anxious half-demon, Barbatos sighed. “I cannot confirm nor deny a future where your outfit gets ruined.”
A!MC perked up. “H-huh?”
“I cannot confirm nor deny a future where your outfit gets ruined.”
Quickly understanding what Barbatos was trying to do, A!MC quickly nodded and spent the rest of the cooking time carefully taking note of their surroundings.
“Hey! What’re you guys doin’?” M!MC had managed to get in... damn! Everyone must have been putting their best efforts in keeping Solomon away from the kitchen and forgot about M!MC...
“We’re just finishing up, M!MC,” Barbatos had on his ‘oh no...’ smile. “We don’t need any help.”
“Really? You guys sure?”
“Why are you so interested?” A!MC asked.
“Lucifer said that idle hands are the devil’s playthings and that I should go look for something productive to do.” M!MC huffed. “Very ironic phrase.”
“F-fine, I guess you can...” A!MC searched for the least destructive task they could give. “Take the utensils and set the table.”
M!MC gave them a mock salute and grabbed the utensils, as they turned to leave, they knocked a large bowl of chopped fruit over, sending the fruit pieces flying.
Remembering Barbatos’ prediction, A!MC didn’t bother to try and stop the fruit from falling, they only grabbed the nearest big plate they could find and shielded their outfit from harm. The fruit splattered harmlessly against the shield.
“Whoops... my bad. You alright, A!MC?” M!MC asked as A!MC inspected their outfit.
“Y-yes actually...” A!MC turned to Barbatos, who was already getting the cleaning supplies.
“Thank you!” A!MC whispered.
Barbatos smiled and nodded. “You’re very welcome, A!MC.”
Barbatos now has two sorta-children. A!MC and Luke!
M!MC means well, I swear! He just shouldn’t be allowed in a cooking environment!
The Cousin That Your Mom Points at and Goes “Look at Him, He Helps With the Dishes, Be More Like Him.” (Simeon)
Oh man... time for some more embarrassing stories.
“Asmo was the most adorable child, it’s a shame he was such a troublemaker...”
“Really? My dad?”
“What about mine?”
“I think you can guess.”
I cannot comment on Simeon’s help with flying lessons because I refuse to Headcanon what Simeon’s wings look like until canon gives us a GLIMMER. LIKE SERIOUSLY SOLMARE IM CURIOUS-
I have a feeling the children were quite curious as well.
“What do you think his wings look like?” M!MC asked A!MC as the two peered around the corner of one of the hallways in Purgatory Hall.
“I bet they’re super nice. But besides that...” A!MC leaned over and squinted. “Why is Simeon writing with a pen and pencil? He’s writing a book... shouldn’t he use a computer?”
“Bold of you to assume he knows how to use a computer.” M!MC snickered.
A!MC frowned. “Don’t be mean... I’m sure he knows how...”
Simeon picked up his DDD and took a picture of his face, seemingly by accident, with the flash on, causing him to drop the phone in surprise.
The two surveyed their angel friend like two wildlife documenters, here we see, the Simeon, not in his natural habitat, surrounded by confusing technology...
“Do you think if we scare him his wings might pop out in surprise?” M!MC wondered aloud, A!MC shrugged.
“Maybe... but I don’t think we should bother him...” A!MC whispered. “He looks busy.”
“What are you two doing?”
It took literally every bit of willpower for the two half demons to not scream in absolute terror at the sudden interruption.
Ah... it was just Solomon... in an apron... Solomon... in cooking clothes...
Oh no.
“Spying on Simeon?” Solomon asked.
“N-no...” A!MC giggled nervously. “Just crouching casually in this hallway...”
“...smooth, A!MC.” M!MC rolled their eyes.
“Well, it’s great that you two are here, I made lunch!”
A!MC and M!MC looked at each other in pure horror, they needed to get out of there!
“Uh- um... we’d love to but...” M!MC looked around frantically before just pointing at a random spot behind Solomon. “LOOK! A DISTRACTION!”
A!MC and M!MC ran out of there as fast as their legs could carry them. Finding out if Simeon had wings was not worth being poisoned. Not at all...
Good ol’ Simeon... Mr. Cristopher Peugeot on the other hand- M!MC had some questions for him.
“TSL is literally the most popular book series ever, does that mean you’re completely loaded?”
“Oh, no I’m not, I don’t have any use for human world money in the Celestial Realm. All the profits go to charity.”
“...Dude really?”
“That’s nice of you, Simeon!”
“You didn’t keep any of it..?”
Wait... Who the Hell Are You..? (Solomon)
So A!MC basically has three dads; Fabulous-dad, butler-dad, and wizard-dad!
“So you just... have capes lying around?”
“Yes, would you like a cape?”
“Okay if they don’t take the cape I want it.”
Solomon shows up to RAD with his nails painted different wacky styles every week, courtesy of A!MC.
Though- the unholy combination that is M!MC and Solomon is feared by all.
“Road work ahead?”
“Uh, yeah I sure hope it does.”
Solomon and M!MC’s rampant quoting of vines elicited another glare from Lucifer.
Despite Solomon having literally been alive since the seven rulers of hell were angels, he had kept up with pop culture fairly decently. Decently enough that M!MC had someone that wasn’t Levi to bounce memes off.
“Pff...” M!MC suppressed a laugh at a seemingly normal water bottle advertisement. “Enslaved moisture.”
“I’m not going crazy, right Simeon? You’re hearing this too?” Lucifer tiredly turned to the angel, who shook his head.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg. Solomon quacked at M!MC earlier and they lost their minds laughing about it.” Simeon shrugged, unbothered by the sorcerer and the half demon’s rampant meme-ing behind them.
Lucifer on the other hand, was quite bothered. Incredibly bothered, if you will. “If you two don’t shut up right now I’m going to-”
“Quick! We must abscond!” Solomon turned and heelied away, followed by M!MC. The shoes that Mammon bought to replace the ones lost during the casino incident were apparently heelies as well...
The day was saved when a rock jammed one of Solomon’s wheels and he slammed face first into the concrete. Yikes... that had to hurt.
A!MC had fun glow in the dark bandaids for Solomon to patch up his face. Even though he he could heal himself with magic, he let A!MC do what they wanted because they were just too adorable to say no to.
Asmo has pictures
The Cousin Squad (tm)
(Luke, L!MC, A!MC, and M!MC)
Ah yes, the bab squad. The most adorable group in the Devildom. Surrender your candy immediately or face destruction.
M!MC teases the crap out of Luke, and A!MC tries to stop it, but L!MC is the one who manages to actually make M!MC stop.
Only L!MC gets to pick on the smol angel. GOT IT?!
A!MC and Luke are already baking buddies because of butler-dad so they get along swimmingly.
Poor Luke’s the victim of many of M!MC’s shenanigans.
Luke: Are you sure this is safe, M!MC?
M!MC (about to put mentos into the bottle of coke Luke is holding): No.
L!MC and A!MC get along really well, being honest, everyone loves A!MC.
A!MC makes sure L!MC gets some sleep because they don’t want their cousin picking up on Lucifer’s habit of living off of coffee and coffee alone. L!MC doesn’t get it but they’re very grateful anyway.
M!MC and A!MC were friends from the start. Well... M!MC decided they were friends right from the start and A!MC did not have the ability to fight the power of friendship.
M!MC: You are being befriended. Please do not resist.
Since M!MC is great and amazing like their pop, they took it upon themselves to be the friend that speaks up when A!MC is too nervous to do so.
M!MC and L!MC? Lucifer and Mammon 2 electric boogaloo. Sorta.
L!MC and M!MC bicker all the time but the babs bounce back from their fights way easier.
One minute they’re at each other’s throats and the next they’re showing each other memes.
“There’s no escaping this.”
Lucifer stood between M!MC and the door... their one way ticket to freedom...
“You need to go to the dentist.”
The entire HOL plus the Purgatory Hall crew were getting ready to go visit the dentist to get their teeth cleaned. It was the time of the year that Mammon dreaded most... and his child felt the same way.
“My teeth are fine! Lemme stay home! I’ll hold down the fort with dad!” M!MC smiled and nodded as enthusiastically as they could, but even the most unobservant person couldn’t miss the sweat beading on their forehead.
“Beel.” Lucifer snapped his fingers and before M!MC could do anything Beel had thrown them over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“Don’t worry M!MC, the dentist isn’t that scary.” Beel tried to assure them. By the way M!MC was still kicking and screaming, they were not convinced.
“Y-yeah kiddo, suck it up! Don’t be a baby! I’m just gonna take my car there-”
Lucifer had the important task of keeping a hold of Mammon as the very large group made their way to the dentist’s office.
A devious little idea popped into L!MC’s head as they all sat down in the waiting room. They began to hum a familiar little tune.
“She said be a deeeentiiiist~ a dentist!” L!MC sang to M!MC, who’s attempts to escape increased tenfold after hearing the song.
A!MC began to hum along, not seeming to notice the commotion going on next to them.
“Son be a deeentiiiiiist~ people will pay you for causing them PAIN! She said be a deeentiiiiiist~”
Belphie perked up and smiled deviously as he realized what L!MC was doing, he began to sing along as well. The three were a veritable choir of terror to poor M!MC. Mammon did not understand his child’s terror and was more unnerved by what a great team Belphie and L!MC made.
Satan rolled his eyes and tried to focus on his book, Asmo was absorbed in his magazine, Levi was having a very in depth conversation with the fish in the aquarium, Simeon and Solomon chatted about school, and Luke was stuck watching the train wreck go down.
Thankfully, it was halted by Lucifer. “L!MC, A!MC, Belphegor, stop tormenting M!MC with show tunes.”
“You would have made a good dentist in another life, Lucifer,” Belphie cooed. “You know what they say, the only difference between a dentist and a sadist is that one has newer magazines.”
Asmo grimaced at his magazine. “Is it the sadist? Because I’m reading a magazine from 1843...”
The conversation was interrupted by one of the dental hygienists coming into the waiting room and saying that Mammon was up first. The Avatar of Greed’s final escape attempt was foiled by Satan (not even looking up from his book) clotheslining him.
Thirty minutes later, Mammon emerged from the forbidden dentist room, with the look of trauma in his eyes and eating a lollipop.
One by one, the group went in, A!MC took it upon themselves to try and make the rapidly panicking Luke feel better.
“It won’t be too scary, in the human world dentists are usually very nice.” A!MC smiled encouragingly.
“I-I’m sure that’s true but...” Luke looked around. “We aren’t in the human world...”
Asmo skipped back in and flashed a blinding grin to the group. “Absolutely perfect, no flaws! It’s your turn, A!MC!”
“If you die I get to say I told ya so!” M!MC shouted as A!MC walked into the dentist’s room.
They did not in fact, die because of the dentist. A!MC walked out and gave a thumbs up. “The dentist said they had never seen a kid with such perfect teeth.”
“That’s my baby!” Asmo chirped.
“M!MC, you’re up.” A!MC and Beel had to practically drag the poor kid out of the room and into the dentist area of doom.
“GO BE A DEEEEEENTIIIIIIST!” Belphie and L!MC shouted one last time as the doors shut. Wow, what dickheads...
Mammon probably would have tried to save his poor little bugger, but he was in the middle an impromptu therapy session with Simeon over the scary scraping dentist knife thingie.
Beel was the last to go, and he walked out of the dentist’s room with his face covered in blood, the dentist walked out after him, missing a hand.
“You tasted like toothpaste.” Beel sighed. “Not good.”
“Don’t worry,” The dentist said to Luke, who looked like he was about to pass out. “My hand will grow back in about four to five minutes.”
Luke, still terrified, nodded. L!MC patted him on the shoulder.
“Anyway, almost all of you are fine, but I have to recommend M!MC to the orthodontist.” The dentist flipped through their notepad one-handed. “Their secondary set of fangs are coming out crooked and need to be corrected with braces immediately.”
M!MC sat calmly for a moment, then attempted to sprint out the door. “NO NO NO NO NO!” One of the dental hygienists grabbed them by the back of their shirt and halted their escape.
“Sucks to be you.” L!MC smirked.
“And L!MC needs to fix their cross bite, braces are a strong possibility.”
The colour drained from L!MC’s face as the news dawned upon them. “Pardon, but what exactly are you talking about..?”
“Your top jaw and bottom jaw aren’t properly lined up.” The dentist explained. “It will lead to problems later if it’s not fixed now.”
Lucifer rubbed his temples and sighed. “L!MC, if you try and run away I swear...”
L!MC stiffened and shook their head. “I’m not some coward, I’m not running away. Just... what exactly are you going to do to my mouth?”
The dentist pulled up a few pictures of the braces and explained what would be done. L!MC nodded, and turned to their father with a big smile on their face.
“It won’t be so bad, mind if I go to the bathroom before I get the mold for my teeth made?”
Lucifer nodded and almost audibly sighed in relief. He basked in the glory of having a child that wasn’t afraid of the dentist and faced their fears like an adult-
L!MC sprinted past the dentist’s office, they had busted out of the bathroom window.
A few minutes later, Beel returned with a completely irate L!MC who was screaming their demands to be put down and be allowed to run for the hills. Taking advantage of the distraction, M!MC ran for the door again, only for Belphie to tap them on the forehead.
M!MC collapsed into a snoring heap on the floor.
“FATHER! DON’T MAKE ME DO THIS!” L!MC practically screamed as they tried to wrestle themselves out of Beel’s bear hug.
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “L!MC, calm yourself down. It’s just braces.”
The half-demons in need of braces were dragged right back into the dentist’s area... poor fools.
“They’ll be okay... right?” Luke asked.
“Of course they will be. It’s just braces.” Simeon patted Luke on the head. “They’ll both be fine.”
The scream that came from down the hall right after Simeon said that did not reassure anyone.
“Hey,” Mammon piped up. “How much do braces cost?”
“From what I know about dental procedures,” Satan rubbed his chin. “A few thousand Grimm.”
“Mammon if you try and run for that door I will cut your credit card into a thousand pieces.” Lucifer growled.
Overall, it was a fairly average trip to the dentist. 0/10 would not recommend. A few weeks later L!MC and M!MC were fitted with their mouth prisons- I mean braces, and the two cousins bonded over their horrific mouth pain...
Seriously- braces suck.
So! Those are the headcanons! Four and a half whole parts... phew... To all the people who enjoyed this series, thank you so so much for reading! You guys have been so super nice!
Fret not, I plan on writing more for this universe! From what I know about season 2 of Obey Me things will get... interesting. Stay tuned for more! Or don’t, I can’t force you.
...or can I?
251 notes · View notes
phykios · 3 years
this one is dedicated to mi amor mari @perseannabeth, who is a beautiful bird and a wonderful friend and i am v v vvvvv grateful to have crossed the airwaves with her :”)
Today Was A Fairytale [read on ao3] T, modern royalty, fun at disneyland!
She stares at him. 
He stares back. “What?”
“You really think this is going to be enough?” Annabeth points at her head, the blue Yankees cap squishing her curls. 
“Of course! It’s the Clark Kent effect.” As if to underline his point, Percy slips on his fake hipster glasses, except that stupid grin of his is too bright not to draw attention. 
“That’s not a real thing.”
“Sure it is. Studies show that glasses are actually good enough to alter your appearance if someone doesn’t know you well.”
“Then why didn’t you bring a pair of glasses for me?”
“Because your hair is definitely the prettiest thing about you,” he says, automatically tugging an unruly curl which peeks out from under the brim, a gesture so practiced she almost doesn’t register it--until he blinks, dropping his hand, blushing lightly. “I mean--the most noticeable thing. You know. A hat should be fine.”
He looks away. Heat rises to her face, too. Because it’s so hot out, obviously. 
“Anyway,” he mumbles, “um. No--no one’s going to give you a second look if your hair is hidden.”
Chewing her lip, Annabeth can’t help but worry. Percy’s face is extremely well-known, possibly more than hers, and they’ve both spent the better part of three weeks with their faces plastered all over the media on their diplomatic trip. This is probably a really, really bad idea. Then, a thought occurs to her. “How about,” she says, perking up, “you give me your glasses, and I’ll give you mine.” From her backpack, she fishes out a pair of sunglasses, big and nondescript. He’ll practically be wearing a superhero mask with these.
Percy smiles again, and Annabeth thinks she might fly. “Perfect.”
Which is how Her Royal Highness Anna Elisabeth Ingrid Irene of Sweden and His Serene Highness Perseus Alexandros Ioannis of Thera play hooky from their day of boring meetings, insufferable dignitaries, and stuffy security guards, to go see the eighth wonder of the world: Disneyland Resort in California.
And how Annabeth eats her words as they make it past the security gate unchecked. “Eh?” He beams, nudging her with his elbow. “Eh?”
Rolling her eyes, she shoves him back. “Shut up.”
[description: a tiktok video which depicts a line at Disneyland. the op, a black girl with braids, covers her mouth and looking into the camera, turning the camera to focus on the two people behind her. one is a tall boy with black hair and sunglasses, and the other is a blonde girl with a yankees hat and glasses. both are white. video text reads: “p sure the people behind me are prince percy and princess annabeth??? um?????”. background audio is a dubstep remix of the fight theme from undertale. end ID]
Maybe it’s a little weird, on account of her being actual royalty and all, but Annabeth has always been interested in princesses, both as a matter of historical record (history is awesome) and in the general sense. Like millions of other people, she, too, was raised on Disney movies and tales of princesses and true love, and she was just as captivated as the rest of them. She and Percy used to watch the Disney catalogue whenever their families held state visits for each other, staying up into the small hours of the morning, sharing some popcorn and singing along. 
Luckily for Annabeth, her favorite princess is holding a meet and greet at the Royal Hall.
“Excuse me,” Percy says, approaching Princess Ariel. Well, her cast member, anyway. “Could I get a photo for my friend?”
“Of course!” she trills, her blue eyes sparkling. “It would be my pleasure.” Holding her hand out, perfectly poised and graceful in a way that would impress even Annabeth’s stodgy etiquette instructor, she smiles, warm and welcoming, pivoting to bring Annabeth in for one of those weird, semi-awkward half-hugs. “What’s your name?”
“Anna,” says Annabeth. Hey, it’s not untrue. She’s a little leery of using any of her names, but Anna is common enough. Annabeth? Not so much. Even with her glasses and hat disguise, a little paranoia is justified, she thinks.
“It’s so wonderful to meet you, Anna,” she says, cheerful, with all the grace and charm of someone who doesn’t spend hours saying the same thing over and over again to excitable, temperamental children. What a trooper, she thinks.
“Don’t you recognize a fellow princess when you see one, your highness?” Percy says, grinning that stupid, smarmy grin of his. 
Annabeth glares. Oh, he thinks he’s so damn clever. 
“Oh, of course,” says Ariel, smoothly. “How could I have thought otherwise? Your highness.” And she curtsies to Annabeth, a short dip, her hand placed delicately against her chest. “Perhaps I can introduce you to my friend Anna, princess of Arendelle?”
Still smirking, Percy takes some more pictures, trapping Annabeth into smiling for the camera. She can’t be glaring daggers in her pictures, nor can there be video evidence of her kicking him--no matter how much she wants to.
And she definitely doesn’t miss the way Ariel not-so-subtly checks Percy out, eyeing him up and down.
“You fucking asshole,” she hisses as they leave the photo area, swatting him lightly, and he giggles. 
“Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
“Ugh, I hate you so much.”
It’s hard to stay mad at him, though she definitely tries as they enter back out into the park proper, giving him just the barest hint of a cold shoulder. 
“Aw, come on,” Percy says. “I was just teasing.”
“You shouldn’t go around tempting fate like that,” Annabeth says. “Do you want to cause another international incident?”
Percy winces, no doubt remembering the Gateway Arch incident of 2008. 
“If someone recognizes us, we don’t have Zoe or any of her team to protect us,” Annabeth goes on. “Not that I think anyone here would try to hurt us, but…” But it’s a little nerve-wracking, being on her own like this. She hasn’t been alone like this for a really long time.
Wincing, Percy rubs the back of his head. “I guess I forgot you’re a little higher profile than me. Sorry.”
She doesn’t like to think about it, but it’s true. Percy, by his nature as the younger son of a largely defunct royal house, doesn’t have quite the same number of… issues… that someone like Annabeth might have.
Deflating, she uncrosses her arms. “It’s okay.”
“I should have asked you first.”
“It’s really okay,” she says. “No harm no foul.”
“Do you want to get out of here?” he asks, entirely serious. “I can call someone up.”
She knows just how long they’ve planned this, how many favors he’s called in and policies he’s sidestepped. Backing out now would just be a waste of a day. She shakes her head. “It’s fine,” she says. “I’m just… feeling a little exposed, I guess. But, I don’t want to ruin all our plans. Let’s keep going.” She grabs his hand, squeezing a little.
“...Okay,” Percy says. “But say the word, and we’ll call it a day. Okay?”
“Good.” Like he doesn’t have any other expression today, he smiles at her again.
It hits her, suddenly. He’s so much taller than she remembers. Once upon a time she used to be taller than him; now, he’s basically a whole head above her. 
It’s annoying. But also… not.
Spying something over her shoulder, his eyes light up, and he practically gasps. “Cinderella!” he points with his free hand, like a five-year old. “Come on!” And he takes off to one of the park corners, dragging Annabeth along with him. 
He has to wait in line behind a pair of twin girls, six or seven years old by the looks of it, in identical Cinderella dresses for a photo, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, and when it’s finally his turn, he nearly trips over himself to go up and ask for a photo. 
Cinderella agrees, and now Annabeth is relegated to the job of cameraperson. Percy slides in next to the princess, his hand on her waist, but, ever the respectful gentleman, loosely held, so the cast member can slide out of his grasp without any difficulty at all.
Taking a few shots, it does look kind of strange to have Cinderella’s beautiful, shining face, and Percy’s enormous sunglasses blocking his. “Take off your glasses?” she says, lowering her phone for a second. 
Dutifully, Percy slips them off, smiling again for the camera. 
Cinderella’s smile doesn’t falter, a credit to her professionalism, but Annabeth can see her eyes widen, just a touch.
Annabeth snaps off a few more photos, “Got ‘em!” and Percy once again gushes over the princess, thanking her for her time. Grabbing Annabeth’s hand again, he practically skips off, leading them in the direction of a nearby candy shop. 
sis: prince percy?
sis: its on twitter already
They’re walking along, Annabeth slurping up a Dole whip, when she suddenly stops in her tracks, outside of one of the many, many gift shops. “Wait up a second.”
“Hm?” Percy says, around the giant lollipop in his mouth. 
“I want to get some Mickey ears.” 
Very quickly they get lost in the sea of Disney merchandise, walking the labyrinth of Star Wars and Marvel and Pixar goods. There’s a surprising amount of black for the so-called happiest place on Earth, but things do brighten up when Annabeth finally turns a corner and finds the enormous selection of Mickey ears. It’s a wash of sparkles, flowers, bows, and occasionally characters, for children and adults alike. Annabeth eyes a pair designed like Baby Yoda, eyes wide and ears adorably huge, before she fingers a pair of white Mickey ears that have a bridal veil attached to them, contemplating its counterpart, the black ears for the groom, each ear emblazoned with a sparkling silver “Happily Ever After.”
She looks around. Where did Percy wander off to, anyway? 
Well, wherever he is, hopefully he hasn’t gotten mobbed by a horde of excitable fangirls. Given that she can’t hear any screaming--well, any unusual, non-Disneyland-relevant screaming--that’s probably a good sign. 
Running her fingers over the ear selections, she finally picks out a pair of silver sequined earrings with a shiny gold bow, a tiny, rhinestone Cinderella’s castle placed delicately in the middle. 
Yeah. This one. 
Percy finds her as she is paying for her ears, a pair of his own already on his head, red balloons inside of plastic circles. The sunglasses, she notes with a tinge of nervousness, are tucked in his shirt, and not on his face, protecting his identity. “Oh, check mine out--they light up!” he says, giddy, pressing the button on the side, not that she can tell in the brightly lit shop.
“That’s not why I was looking.”
Walking out of the store, ears firmly in her possession, she looks around again. Percy’s face is out there for the world to see, and no one is giving them a hard time. 
And her hat is really sweaty. 
Ah, fuck it.
She removes the Yankees cap, shaking out her sweaty curls, sliding the ears on in its place.
And the glasses, for good measure.
“Cinderella?” Percy asks.
“I thought you’d approve.”
Outside the shop, next to a corn dog cart, Percy pulls her aside, out of the way of a whole classroom’s worth of children, holding up a plastic plag. “So, confession.”
“Percy…” He didn’t. “We said no gifts!” They had agreed to it that morning!
“Well, see,” he says, fumbling around in the bag, pulling out a black t-shirt. “I saw this, and I thought--I thought you might like it.”
He unfolds it, and Annabeth frowns at the shirt design. 
It’s… a drawing of a man in a purple mask against a solid black background, glaring at the viewer. Circling him, in distressed, white-grey military font, are the words “BARON ZEMO,” and the logo for the show he must star in, Marvel’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. She doesn’t really watch superhero shows, though, and she’s pretty sure Percy doesn’t, either. Maybe he’s started this one and he really likes it? “Thanks,” she says, confusion coloring her voice despite her best efforts. 
But he doesn’t look too disappointed. “I was looking through their pride merch, and they didn’t have any stuff with the ace flag, which totally sucks, but then I thought that maybe you might like something a little more subtle? So, yeah.” He shakes it. “Ace pride!”
Oh. Oh, this boy. 
She remembers, so vividly, visiting his father’s summer home on Kalymnos, a few years ago, the summer she turned nineteen, waking up to a banging in the kitchen, noisy pots and pans making a real racket. Granted, it had been one in the afternoon, and Annabeth probably should have been awake sooner, but she had stumbled out of the guest room into the kitchen, rubbing sleep out of her eyes, to the sight of Percy wrestling with the standmixer, making bright, neon purple frosting. The night before, sometime around three or four AM, that weird, liminal hour where the shadow of night just starts to recede, the sky a sweet, soft, dusky blue, she had come out as demisexual to her best friend, saying the words aloud for the first time ever. Loopy from lack of sleep, the moment had passed without much fanfare.
But Percy, dark-circled and still yawning, had woken up early to make her a chocolate cake. By the time she had woken up, he had baked the cake, chilled it, and made two out of the three frosting colors, a beautiful, moist, dark chocolate cake which ended up being frosted with a marbled mix of purple, black, and white, all folding into each other into a kind of colorless, grey sugar. 
Here, now, in Disneyland, she throws herself at him, wrapping his arms around his neck. His arms automatically come up to circle her, hugging her tight. 
She had been worried it had been some kind of defense mechanism. A young girl with an alarmingly high profile, Annabeth had been the subject of intense scrutiny with regards to any romantic entanglements, with critics, tabloid reporters, and fans alike attempting to invent gossip-worthy relationships with every boy she ever talked to--most usually Percy. They did grow up in the public eye together, attending all kinds of events and functions together over the last fifteen or so years. And they did tweet at each other. Like, a lot. They even had their own portmanteau hashtag. But no relationship ever materialized.
She thought maybe she was just being stubborn, unwilling to play the media game. But it hadn’t been stubbornness. It wasn’t about shyness or inexperience. It was real, and it was her.
And Percy hadn’t even blinked.
“I love it,” she murmurs. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he says, swaying her from side to side, just a little. “It was my pleasure.”
What’s happening: #percabeth (Entertainment • trending)
@kndrck__ STREAM CHROMATICA: um @TheraUS @SwedenRoyals i think i found your sick royals? #percabeth #disneyland
@wasabiviking: omg werent they supposed to be at some hospital opening today #percabeth
“Holy shit,” Percy moans, his mouth full of food. “Oh my God. Dear God in Heaven.”
Annabeth kicks his ankle under the table. “Don’t be rude.”
He swallows, eyes fluttering. “Oh my God, Annabeth. Holy shit. This is the best damn sandwich I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
“A monte cristo?”
“A deep-fried monte cristo! In sweet batter!” Taking another bite, he moans again, just this side of indecent. “Oh my God I love Americans. They are absolute culinary geniuses.”
“Better than Bistrot Chez Rémy?” They had both been to Disneyland Paris, separately, sadly, and Percy had recommended the restaurant to her with great enthusiasm for her upcoming trip. As usual, he was spot on with his food recs. 
He nods, eyes closed in rapture. “By a mile.”
“You’ll have to learn to make your own when we get back home, then.”
He jolts, straightening up, cheeks full of food. Roughly, he swallows. “You’re right! I need to take notes.” And he takes out his phone, hurriedly typing down whatever scent and flavor notes he must be able to discern. “This is definitely challah…”
Plucking another piece of chicken with her fork out of her jambalaya, Annabeth lets her attention wander a little, content to watch the passengers on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride as they float on beside them, down in the artificially constructed bayou river. 
Truth be told, she’s kind of tired. They’ve been walking around all day, and even with the brief reprieve of rides, her shoes really aren’t the kind that deal well with huge amounts of walking. She can already tell that she’s going to crash, and crash hard, whenever they get back to their hotel. You know, if their security detail doesn’t eviscerate them first. 
When Percy had first presented his idea to her, she had agreed without hesitation. They had had a long, dense schedule of public appearances planned for their excursions to the states, and the days had begun to seriously wear them out. Together, they had worked out the kinks, coming up with contingencies, negotiating things to do, all over Discord so no one else would get wind of what they were doing. Prior to this trip, she hadn’t seen him in… probably almost a year. She knows his father had been keeping him close to home for whatever reason, and Annabeth had had a handful of official functions to deal with. Their paths just never managed to cross, up until now. 
She hadn’t realized how much she had missed him. 
It’s lonely, growing up in the public eye. It’s cliche, but it’s true. And while Annabeth is afforded a metric ton of various intersecting privileges, she thinks she’d probably give it up in a heartbeat. It kind of sucks being a living, breathing tourist attraction. 
Growing up, she had her cousin Magnus, and a handful of other assorted children to play with, but she would never say that she had a best friend, or even a good friend, until she’d met Percy. Her mother and his father, famous for their mutual dislike, had put aside their differences to host some kind of charitable dinner for the disgustingly wealthy, and had trotted out their respective children in all their finery. Annabeth, being all of twelve years old, hadn’t really grasped the gravity of the event, and had gotten into an itty bitty little food fight with the then-unknown Prince Perseus, the result of an extramarital affair whom his father had so graciously decided to acknowledge and adopt. 
After that night, they became fast friends, and she decided that, if she ever left the royal life, she’d make sure to take Percy with her. He’s one of the few things that makes her life bearable. 
She thinks about it, sometimes. Renouncing her title. It wouldn’t exactly be hard. There was Magnus, just in line behind her. And it’s not like her family held any executive power anyway. They’re just fancy, historically interesting celebrities. 
Would Percy give up his, she wonders?
He looks at her oddly over their dessert, two vanilla-bourbon creme brulees. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she says. “Just tired. Long day.”
“You want to call it a night?”
She frowns. “What’s left?”
“Well, we did Space Mountain, Rise of the Resistance, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, a few others,” he counts off his fingers, “saw the princesses, got Mickey ears, ate at Blue Bayou… I guess all that’s left is walking around the pier, if you want.”
“Sounds like you two had a full day.”
As one, they almost leap out of their seats, Annabeth choking on her spit. “Jesus, Zoe,” Percy pants, his hand over his chest. “You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“Oh?” says Zoe Nightshade, the head of their security detail, who had just apparently materialized out of thin air. “Funny. I could say the same about you, sir.”
Coughing, Annabeth eventually manages to get her air back. “Hey, Zoe,” she wheezes. “How was your day?”
“Eventful. Let me tell you about it in the car.”
Annabeth glances at Percy, who’s looking a little bit like a deer in headlights. Honestly, she’s surprised they even made it this far without one of their own tracking them down. Still, it looks like their game is up. 
...Or is it?
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a large tour group, approaching on the horizon.
“Sure,” Annabeth says, getting up. Luckily, they’ve already paid, so they can just head out; they don’t need to wait for another big group of people to cross their paths. “Will you let us go to the bathroom, first?”
Zoe squints. She’s always been able to see through Annabeth’s bullshit. But Annabeth has her best, Percy-patented baby seal eyes on, perfectly innocent. Surely, Zoe wouldn’t deny them a physical need such as relieving themselves?
After a moment, she nods. “Make it quick, if you please.”
“Of course,” Annabeth says, looking over at Percy, hoping he gets the message. He stands up, slow and stiff, eyes darting between the two of them. “We’ll be right back.”
They wander through tables and chairs towards the bathroom, her eyes always on the tour group as it just starts to pass by. Reaching out, Annabeth grabs Percy’s hand, and with a turn that would make her track coach proud, sprints out of the restaurant, using the throng of people as cover. 
She thinks she hears Zoe yelling behind them, but maybe it’s just her own laughter. “Come on!” she shrieks, breathless, as Percy’s long legs keep pace with her. “To California Adventure!”
darthbingus said: the monarchy are fucking parasites but percabeth is pretty cute i guess :/
ladyofsandwiches reblogged and said: it’s obviously a publicity thing lmao, also prince Percy is gay???
eowynning reblogged and said: he’s dating rachel dare, right? he can’t be gay 
ladyofsandwiches reblogged and said: That was a publicity thing too obvs, and Annabeth hasn’t ever been linked to a guy. The king of thera is hardline greek orthodox, there’s no way he’d let his son come out publicly. They’re both gay and pretending to date because homophobia
lardoftheprks reblogged and said: people can be bi and ace and pan and all sorts of things you know
batgirlcock reblogged and said: can you animals leave them alone fr
Zoe only spots them after the ferris wheel starts moving. Sprinting over to them, they’re still a full forty feet off the ground by the time she reaches the operator. “Sorry!” she yells down to her, hands cupping her mouth. “We’ll be down in ten minutes!”
“Ananbeth!” he chokes, giggles still escaping him. 
“What?” she laughs. 
“We’re in enough trouble as it is!”
“Exactly,” she says, settling back on the ride. “You’ll probably be grounded for life.”
“Me?” he squawks, playfully offended. “What about you?”
She scoffs. “Please. I’ll just pin it all on you.”
Leaning back, he pouts, arms crossed. “Wow. I plan this amazing day, violate a few embassorial rules, and probably put both of our countries on a massive red alert, and this is the thanks I get?”
“I helped plan it, too.” But he does have a point. “Thank you,” she says. “I had a lot of fun today.”
He turns his head to her, a grin stretching across his face. “Me too.” 
His voice is so soft, so fond. They share a look, a moment, no words between them, only the silence of a true, deep companionship. They don’t need to say anything else, because they already know what the other would say. 
As one, they break away, looking back out into the California evening. 
They don’t talk much as the ferris wheel climbs higher and higher. Honestly, Annabeth is kind of impressed with how well he’s handling himself--she knows heights are a bit of a weakness of his. He grabs the edges of their gondola every once in a while as it drops a few feet, knuckles white and face a little green, but he manages to keep his dinner down, even as the ferris wheel grinds to a halt, Percy and Annabeth at the top of the world. The swing back and forth a little, hot faces against the cool evening breeze. 
And they stay there. 
And stay there. 
And… stay there. 
Annabeth checks her watch. How long have they been up here?
Percy taps his feet, a little too frantic just to be ADHD. 
Finally, there’s a burst of noise from below them, garbled and static. “Uh, yes, excuse me--” the voice says, amplified through a megaphone. “Yeah, um, it appears we are having some… uh, technical difficulties with the Pixar Pal-A-Round. Please remain calm, as we have our best technicians on it, and we are working on evacuating the ride in a calm and efficient manner.” Then the voice cuts out. 
Annabeth glances towards Percy. He has his hands in his lap, fists clenching and unclenching, over and over again. “Uh… you okay?”
“Hm? Oh, sure,” Percy says, “just fine. Peachy keen.” He squeezes his eyes shut, slowly blowing out his breath through his mouth. 
“Hey.” She reaches over, and takes one of his hands in hers, lacing their fingers together. After a long day of holding hands, somehow it still manages to surprise her, how well they fit together, how her skin tingles as she rubs her thumb against his finger. “It’s gonna be fine. We’re gonna be just fine. They’re going to get us off this ride, and then we’ll fly home and be grounded for life.”
“I thought,” he wheezes, “you’d blame it all on me?”
“As if you could come up with a plan as genius as hiding from our guard in It's A Small World.”
He nods, shakily. “Right. All you. Definitely not my idea. Everyone knows I’d have looped back to Pirates of the Caribbean.”
“Definitely.” She squeezes his hand, scooting a little closer. “Just breathe with me a little, okay?”
They breathe together, slowly and evenly. At some point, Percy takes her hand in both of his, running his thumbs over her palm, tracing her lifelines like a map. His hands are big, and warm, and it seems to calm him down a little, so she doesn’t mind all that much. 
Twilight darkens, stars twinkling against the grey, dusky sky, and still they are holding hands. Eventually, Percy relaxes, slumping against his seat.
“You good?” 
He nods. He still doesn’t let go. “Yeah. Just…” he sighs, stretching his arms up, taking Annabeth’s hand with him. “Not super looking forward to the dressing down I’m going to get.”
She winces. Annabeth’s dad is a little more flexible than Percy’s when it comes to breaches of protocol. The king of Thera is somewhat famous for his paranoia. “I hope it was worth it.”
He whips his head to her, eyes wide. “Of course it was worth it!” he says, as though the opposite were even fathomable. “You kidding? This was the best day of my life.”
“Better than your sixteenth?” His father had officially acknowledged him that day. Annabeth had spotted him in a deserted hallway with his mother, the two of them fighting off a few happy tears. She knows just how special that day was for him. 
“Not even close.” Squeezing her hand, he smiles again, that smile she knows almost better than her own by now. That smile she grew up with, a quiet oasis in a whirlwind of ancient tradition and modern media coverage. That smile is safety, familiarity. That smile was there to greet her when her mother chose to leave her family, when her uncle died without heirs, thrusting the position of heiress on her, whenever she had a rotten day or a bad grade or a lonely night, just on the other end of a phone, or down the hall, or in the kitchen. 
Whatever happens, she knows, Percy will be her best friend. Her anchor. 
She swallows. “Thank you,” she says again. “I needed this.” A day without an agenda. A day just for them. 
His eyes are dark, and soft, like the water beneath them. One hundred and fifty feet in the air in a broken ferris wheel, there’s nowhere safer she can be. “Me too.”
So she’s not really surprised at herself when she says, “I’d really like to kiss you now.”
Eyes widening, just a hair, he opens his mouth, momentarily speechless. “You--are you sure?”
She nods, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
“Cool. Uh, me too.”
Neither of them move. 
“So, do--do you want to--”
Annabeth leans in, her other hand cupping his cheek, and kisses him. 
His lips are soft. His mouth tastes like vanilla and bourbon. They are trapped in a metal box, one hundred and fifty feet off the ground, about to get the punishment of their lives when they get down, and it is absolutely, utterly perfect. 
And when Annabeth pulls back, there are fireworks. 
Quite literally.
Percy’s face glows with pink and green and purple, and a little fire in his eyes that’s all him. The pops of the fireworks, loud and brassy, and muted, completely overshadowed by the pounding of her heart in her chest. 
They rest their heads against each other, breathing each other’s air, quiet and intimate, the calm before the storm that is surely coming. But that’s fine. Let it come, she thinks. She’ll be safe with Percy.
When the park technicians eventually get the ferris wheel moving again, Percy and Annabeth disembark from the gondola like nothing’s even gone wrong, waving to the crowd of people, fans, and reporters alike, who have swarmed the pier, phones and cameras held aloft in a constellation of light, before being quickly hurried away by Zoe and her crew, ushered to the end of the pier where Annabeth’s embassy’s car is waiting. 
Percy doesn’t let go of her hand once. 
KALYMNOS, GREECE--Prince Percy has arrived on the island for his family’s annual summer retreat, bringing his girlfriend, Princess Annabeth of Sweden, with him for the fifth year in a row, and the third as his official partner. Lifelong friends, the couple were most recently seen at Disneyland Tokyo, continuing something of a tradition for the two royals where they visit Disneyland parks across the globe. Our sources inside the castle are hinting that the family is planning something big this year. Could we see a proposal by the end of summer? Be sure to subscribe for more updates!
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x NB!Reader
Warnings: some angst, FLUFF, and our boys being the best boys.
In which they comfort you after a rough day or week
A/N: im sorry if Izukus section is shorter than Bakugou’s. trying to practice writing other characters. enjoy!
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Saturday's are reserved strictly by the majority of the girls from class 1-A, leaving the guys to hibernate inside their dorms as they allow the commencement of girls night. You've never rain checked nor rejected the idea of spending  quality time with your friends, considering all the tribe's and trepidation's everyone has endured together during their time at the academy. It's nice to just strip away the stress and dip your toes in pure relaxation.
Unfortunately, you woke up with a bad case of cloudy thoughts. For the past week you've been carrying the weight of dread, causing your mood to drastically change throughout the day. You'd be having a civil conversation with someone one minute and then the next minute you're completely irritated by their presence. You've tried to balance it out and fix it overnight with the regimes you researched on the internet. A new sleeping schedule, healthier diet, yoga, and even went to the extreme of writing in a journal. It was all so cut throat and prestigious, nothing close to your liking. Katsuki made fun of you for it one day when he snuck into your room and read the many inscriptions in your journal entries.
"This stuff reminds of Deku. Always shoving his nose in that stupid notebook of his," he didn't care much to hear your refutes about Izuku. "Anyways, what's with all this depressing shit you are writing? You don't really feel this way do you?"
You didn't give him a definite answer that day. Only a curt "no" and he resumed rambling about his day like nothing happened, having you listening with his voice like white noise going in one ear and out the other.
And that's how it went on throughout the duration of the prior week before Saturday.
Inside the confinement of your dorm, you made the rational decision to sleep in instead of attending classes. The chilling thoughts kept you up all night, never once allowing sleep to take full throttle. You tossed and turned around on your bed, unable to shut off your brain. So when you woke up in the peak of late afternoon, you weren't surprised to see the unread messages on your phone. All of them were from your explosive boyfriend.
King Explosion🤍: Oi you running late? Mr.Sleepy head is taking roll call
King Explosion🤍: y/n where tf r u?
King Explosion🤍: fine don't answer me ig
King Explosion🤍: are you at least coming down for lunch? i made curry last night and imma make you finish it
King Explosion🤍: fking hurry before dunce face eats it
King Explosion🤍: nvm he ate it 😐
Katsuki never intended for the message to be funny. He's probably blowing actual steams of smoke through his nostrils and ears while chasing kamanari amongst the halls. The comical imagery made you laugh harder. At least he made you crack a smile. You haven't shown any emotions let alone a hint of enthusiasm for tonight.
Maybe it'd be best to sit this one out.
"Hey, we're missing a person! Where's my y/n?" Mina asked after scanning the group of girls huddled around on the carpeted floor.
Momo shifted uncomfortably on the cushioned pillow she stole from the couch. "Y/N said she wasn't feeling too well to join us for tonight. Something about food poisoning and throwing up every hour."
In unison all the girls gasped, along with a concerned 'ribbit' from Tsuyu.
"Well I hope she gets to feeling better. I wouldn't want her to endure such sickness for much longer," Tsuyu croaked out.
Everyone in the circle agreed and promised to pay a visit later in the night to check on you.
On the fourth floor, Katsuki stared blankly at his phone, hands shaking due to the repressed anger he's been holding. Each of the messages he sent previously were all left on read, including the one he sent an hour ago asking if he could have a cuddle session with you before girls night. Yes, even an ill tempered guy such as him enjoys sappy shit like cuddling. After pacing back and forth in his room for a solid 5 minutes, he was now dead set on confronting you in front of your friends.
Katsuki made a beeline for the elevator and aggressively pressed the 1st floor button repeatedly in hopes it'll make the process go quicker. He reached the commons area in precision time, overhearing the girls giggle after someone suggested playing truth or dare. He towered over Uraraka's figure, casting a demonic shadow version of himself in the circle. Hagakure shrieked and clung onto Jirou.
"Where's y/n you extras?" He demanded, voice deafening the brunette under him.
"She didn't come tonight. She's in her dorm room sick," Jirou explained to him as she tried pry the invisible girl off her arm.
"Like hell she's sick!" Katsuki spun around quickly and retreated back to the elevator, mumbling obscenities under his breath. "She's going to pay for being so careless and irresponsible."
The commons room fell silent once the explosive blonde disappeared behind the doors of the elevator, all eyes searching each other in complete shock. Uraraka was the first to speak out of the small group.
“Should we warn y/n that Bakugou is coming for her?”
Jirou averted her gaze to the direction bakugou left off from, a ghost of a smirk spreading on her face.
“Nah. Knowing y/n, she can handle the asshole on her own.”
King Explosion🤍: can i come over? i wanna cuddle, i miss u
The text message kept flashing behind your eyes every-time you closed them - a sad image of Katsuki waiting impatiently for you to reply back with a heart or one of those unusual memes he unapologetically adores. You knew he’d be furious, no doubt about it, but you rationalized your decision and concluded it would be best to avoid your boyfriend like the plague till this undesired feeling dissipates. Katsuki doesn’t do well with people being emotional, let alone handle his own emotions for god’s sake.
Your own thoughts were interrupted by someone raping the outside of your door. The continuous knocks made your head spin, a painful sting ghosting back and forth between your eyes. Remembering back to an hour ago, you messaged one of the girls that you weren’t going to make it to tonight’s session. Surely they respected your wishes and continued on with their hangout? But you forgot about the one person who’s persistent and stubborn like a cat.
“I know you’re in there y/n! You may have fooled your idiotic friends with a lie, but you keep on forgetting you’re terrible at lying!” Katsuki hollers against the wood of the door, not once being considerate of those living above her.
He’s right. You’re absolutely horrible at making up excuses for yourself. Dating someone as intuitive as him will be the death of you.
“If there’s something going can you at least let me in? You can’t ignore me forever y/n.”
Again, he’s right.
You slipped out from the comfort of your bed and padded towards the door, mentally preparing for the blonde to scold you once he enters your room. What you weren’t prepared for was the tears swelling up in the ducts of his vermillion eyes - his hands clenched tightly into fists as he looked down at you. Your breathing hitched when his arm outstretched to rest on the door frame to keep his trembling body steady.
“What the hell y/n? Why the fuck have you been ignoring me?! Did I do something wrong?!” He asked, not caring about his current appearance.
You grab ahold of his other arm and absentmindedly started rubbing it affectionately, trying to coax him into calming down. “Katsuki no! You didn’t do anything wrong! Why would you think that?”
“Because dumbass, you’ve been distant this past week,” he paused, choking on his words. “Are...are you breaking up with me?”
Your eyes shot up instantly at his horrifying assumption. “Katsuki, if I tell you the truth, will you promise not to make things worse for me?”
He tilted his head in confusion, but nodded once you led him into your messy bedroom. Once inside, your boyfriend plopped down on your bed, watching intently as you anxiously bit down on your nails - a nervous habit you picked up at the beginning of the school year.
“I’ve been feeling weird lately. Ever since the beginning of last week. I don’t know how to describe it but, my brain is constantly feeding into my already negative state. Telling me things I know aren’t true but I’ve convinced myself they are. Almost as if a grey cloud is hovering above me,” tears were already starting to pour down your cheeks. “I just...I just feel so miserable and lonely and useless and irritated and- I’m so sorry for ignoring you. You probably want nothing to do with me after this!”
You manage to turn away from the sight of the blonde during your speech, ashamed of pouring out your emotions onto a person who disregards other peoples emotions and constitutes them as a quote on quote “pussy”.
From behind, you can hear faint shuffling nearing your already shaken up figure. A pair of muscular arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a wall that could only be described as his own chiseled chest, doing the same as you did moments ago with his arm - lulling you to calm down a notch before he stared speaking.
“If you been feeling this way, why lie when I asked you a few days ago after reading your journal?”
“I know how you are, Katsuki. You get very uncomfortable when people talk about their feelings. So, why should I be any different?”
Your boyfriend suddenly maneuvers you around in the circle of his arms, shifting to where you’re now making direct eye contact with him. His gaze intense and unwavering.
“Because you’re my girlfriend? I don’t give a rats ass about any of these extras. When it comes to you, I’d make an exception for. I made that promise to myself when we first started seeing each other. So don’t think for a second that I’ll disregard your true feelings, dumbass.” He stepped a couple of inches backwards, ankles eventually hitting the bottom of your bed - making him fall and dragging you along with him. You landed on top of him, head still buried in the depths of his hard chest. The vibrations of his chuckle shook your whole body. Katsuki gently titled your head to be leveled with his, a red tint of blush painting his pallid cheeks.
“I’m being serious though. Don’t be afraid to come to me when things get tough, okay? I love you too much to see you like this.”
Next thing you knew your boyfriend stole your breath away by meshing his plump lips onto yours, hands snaking their way into your hair and carefully massaging it. By all means, you let him have his way with you by kissing the sadness away, tears puddling together cheek on cheek.
He let go eventually, pecking a quick chaste kiss on the side of your mouth before hauling you further into the bed. You settled on letting him spoon you, knowing how much he likes the feeling of your backside pressed against him, and the fruity aroma of your hair infiltrating his senses.
“I promise Katsuki,” you said after some time during the cuddle session.
He shifted in his spot, head placed firmly in the crook of your neck. “Promise what?”
“That I’ll come to you when these thoughts return again. I should trust you by now, and I need to not let these emotions ruin everything in my life. I love you that much.
Your confession swelled the very last evidence of Katsuki being a human being, his heart.
He smiled weakly to himself and nuzzled more into your shoulder, brushing his warm lips against the tender skin. “You better, dumbass.”
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Today was just so exhausting, and the big fat 'D-‘ written in red ink on your final report was the icing on the cake. To make things even worse, Aizawa reminded the whole class before the exam that this was to determine wether or not if you'll be joining the training camp that'll commence the following winter break.
Hopefully this was one of your teacher's terrible deception tactics into making everyone do their absolute best, go plus ultra even. But to your dismay, he was indeed very serious of the matter this time.
It wasn't your fault, not entirely. You stayed up all night listening to another one of your boyfriends rambles, the conversation lasting till 2 am. Izuku grew worrisome and anxious ever since his encounter with a gruesome villain, thus resulting in him to pour his emotions out onto you. Poor baby kept mentioning the safety of All Might and you.
Solemnly, you left class and trailed back to your dorm room, wanting to ignore the jovial atmosphere inside the cramped room as everyone traded and talked about their scores.
Izuku noticed you leaving abruptly and got up from his desk to follow you behind, bidding a quick goodbye to his friends.
Your room was dark and dramatically colder than usual, a trickle of light threatening to pour in from the cascading sunset. You laid down on your stomach with one of your pillows propped on your head, in hopes to shield away anyone from seeing your ugly-crying face.
Too late because Izuku was already standing outside your dorm room, swaying back and forth on his feet while biting down harshly on his lip. He can hear your soft cries seeping through the door. He doesn't know why he's hesitating, he's your boyfriend after all.
Moments later you hear the acute sounds of someone knocking on your door, followed by the soft spoken voice of your green haired boyfriend.
"Baby? Can I come in? I-If that's okay with you I m-mean! It's alright if you need some space but you left class so early I figured something happened to you and I got really worried because you always wait for Iida and uraraka to walk us back to the dorms as a group and maybe it had something to do with what I was telling you last night-."
You crack the door just a smidge before fully opening it, revealing your bloodshot eyes and tear stained shirt to him. His breathing hitched once his eyes fixated on your disheveled state. 
"Can you comfort me? I need you right now Izuku," your voice cracked a little, throat still tight after the crying session.
His strong, lean arms wrapped around your body momentarily, encasing you into a bear hug. Hugs from Izuku were amazing, no exceptions. He placed a quick peck on the crown of your forehead.
"C'mon, let's get inside and snuggle. How does that sound?" he asked as he unwrapped himself and took your trembling hand, leading you back inside the dimly lit room.
Izuku laid you gently down on your side once reaching the bed, crawling alongside with you before  draping the covers over the both of you. His familiar hands snake around your waist and nudges you to roll over. You obliged and shifted your body to face his, sparkly green eyes staring straight at you.
"Tell me, what's wrong baby? Does it have to do with the recent exam?" his thumb started tracing delicate lines on your hips, your uniform long gone and now replaced with comfortable clothes instead.
"I failed Izuku...I did so terrible on the written exam. I kept falling in and out of sleep during the test that I didn't have time to finish the middle portion of it," you exhaled a shaky breath. "Who knows what'll happen on the practical. I'll probably fail that too...I'm such a failure compared to everyone."
Izuku grabbed the tender flesh of your cheeks and directed your vision to level with his. He looked angry and concerned.
"Don't say that y/n! You're not a failure! That exam doesn't determine wether or not if you're good enough to be a hero. I've seen you in action hun, and I know for a fact that you're possibly the most strongest person I've met in my lifetime! You're ambitious, smart, determined, and so freaking beautiful." He then kissed you tenderly on the lips, his eyes closing slightly due to the contact.
"So...freaking...beautiful." He whispers against your mouth.
His sentimental words were enough for you to push back the negativity and simply enjoy the intimate moment.
Izuku lifted his head away from your face to rest it against your temple. "You're going to do great things, okay? One failing grade isn't going to be the end of the world. Trust me sweetheart, I've had my fair share in failures during our time here in Yuuei. But look at me now, still standing."
You nuzzled more into his chest, tickling his chin with your hair. Faintly, you can hear the pitter patter of his heart beat bursting through his rib cage.
"Would you love me even if I was a horrendous looking-failure?" you were clearly teasing him, but sometimes Izuku became dense when it came to that.
"Y/n! W-Why would you ask that! Of course I would you dummy! I'd love you no matter what."
This time you return the favor and kiss him, knowing how to easily fluster him in seconds. He whimpers into your mouth at the sudden contact and cups your jawline affectionately.
The two of you stayed like that till the moon shone through the balcony curtains, illuminating your skin in a dusty glow.
Lips bruised and swollen red, you laid lifelessly in his arms, letting him wove his scarred fingers through your hair. Izuku would occasionally stop to peck your lips, then resumes his attention back to your hair.
"I'm sorry by the way. I shouldn't have kept you up last night before the exam. I'm such a horrible boyfriend..." he admitted suddenly.
"Yes. Yes you are."
He gasped and stopped his movements altogether, obviously taken aback by your blunt words.
You giggled and said, "Kidding. You're the best boyfriend. Apology accepted.”
After hearing that, Izuku shoved himself onto your chest and let out muffled cry. "D-Don't scare me like that. Almost made me have a heart a-attack!"
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hitozy · 3 years
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twin stars ‹ masterlist › have you ever
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𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢
Iwaizumi had forgotten how rowdy his friends are, and one isn't physically present.
He had not seen any of his friends since the wedding and even then he didn't get to see and chat with them very long, he was out of it that day. But here he is on a Friday night, with YN sitting beside him per request of the three dumbasses sitting across from them; Maki and Mattsun with Oikawa on their phone screen, demanding attention like the needy shit he has always been.
He feels you more than he hears you laugh at whatever the others are telling you and he takes a chance to take a peek, as if he hasn't been doing that since you walked out of the room to go out with him.
Your short black skirt that he had already thought was short when you were standing is even shorter now as you sat, it barely covered your ass, leaving your beautiful legs on display for all the perverts. On top of that you wore a skin tight shirt that had a boob window and he has been wanting to punch every creep that keeps on looking at it. He wants to snarl at every single person that makes a double take on her, of course she's beautiful.
She's also too good for anyone out there.
He relaxes as he watches her laugh freely, her cheeks tinted pink, her eyelashes wet from laughing so hard at his friends antics. He decided he should bring her to these reunions from now on, take her out more, she must feel lonely just doing school work and being at home since most of her friends are to engrossed on their future or on their relationships.
"Earth to Iwachan!" He felt someone smack his head, finding the culprit to be a smirking Mattsun, "We get it! You're married and happy, I mean..." Mattsun, Maki and Oikawa all turn to look at YN, "I can blame you, YN has always been the most beautiful woman in our life."
YN, used to their flirty but harmless antics snorts at it, "That's not what I heard when Hajime and I walked in as you fucked that 2nd year cheerleader. What has her name again? Mina?" She smirked at it, making Iwaizumi laugh at the memory. He had been horrified and had accidentally pulled you into the bathroom instead of running outside. Both stuffed uncomfortably in there while hearing Mattsun pound (roughly) into the poor girl until the cheerleader moaned out a 'Daddy' to Mattsun, making you both laugh and interrupted them.
Mattsun laughed at it, "I can still hear you both laughing about it! What's so wrong about having a Daddy kink, huh? YOU KINK SHAMERS!"
"You weren't even close to daddy age, Mattsun!" YN joined Iwaizumi's laughter, leaning against him for support, "You were only 18, what's so 'daddy' about that!?"
Mattsun only huffed at that and Iwaizumi thought that maybe he was angry, the slight scowl on his face as he watched YN grip his bicep as she hid behind him from laughter remained there for a long time afterwards.
YN had just gotten up for the bathroom when his friends sharp glances turned to him. Usually, he would ignore it since it really wasn't their business, but he know from experience that if he keeps on avoiding it, they'll get worse.
Taking a sip from his beer and without sparing a glance to any of them, he gives. "Just spit it out."
It wasn't a surprise that shittykawa was the one to initiate it, "I can't believe YN took your stupid ass in marriage."
He turned to glare at his friend on the screen, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that she could've and SHOULD HAVE gone for someone who is emotionally available and isn't still chasing after his ex."
"I- this marriage is just - it's-"
"It's what?" Mattsun interrupts him, "Convenience? Because she's your friend, so its comfortable? You think that's fair?" He scoffs at Iwaizumi and it makes him feel small, "She's so in love with you and you don't even see it," he points at his, harshly poking his chest, "its so infuriating seeing you chasing after that other bitch when YN has always been right there!" He takes a swing of his drink, obviously irritated with his wedded friend.
"I- its-... she isn't in love with me, we're friends, best friends." What the hell is wrong with his friends? "What the hell is this? Why do any of you care about me and yn? You guys said you were happy about me marrying her!"
"We were, until we saw that you aren't in love with her."
Iwaizumi feels his heart drop at his friends deadpanned expressions. He doesn't regret marrying YN, he just wishes he had done it under normal circumstances.
"I'm trying."
"We know Iwachan," he looks up to see Oikawa giving him a pained smile, "But you need to cut off Jae for good. YN deserves at least that."
"Speaking of the queen of Rome... someone is following her."
Iwaizumi feels his body tense at Mattsun's words, someone is following you? He turns a bit to catch you fast walking towards their table, a worried expression on your face. He can also see the creep walking behind you, eyeing you hungrily.
He doesn't like it.
Once she makes it to the table, all of the boys can see how out of breath she is and wonder just how long she's been trying to avoid him. She sits beside Iwaizumi, meeting no one's eye and soon enough the guy is there with a smirk, "Hey baby, why did you runaway? Come on, ditch these losers and come with me instead."
He has no right, Iwaizumi knows that he has no right to get so mad at this perverts words but he can't help the possessiveness that is pouring out of himself, blinded by rage, he acts on impulse.
Iwaizumi pulls her close to him, seating her casually on his lap and looking square at this randos eye, says, "She's taken, beat it."
When he notices that the other one is about to open his mouth, he cuts him off by kissing her instead.
The last time he had kissed her was while she was drunk and it hadn't felt right to return it since she was very out of it. Now though? Now, they're both pretty sober and in public. His friends are at arms length and he can't find it in himself to give a damn when your lips feel like the softest pillows ever.
He gripped the back of her neck to angle her face and kiss her deeply, he was surprised to feel her kissing him back with the same fervor. She took the hand he had on her knee up to her thigh, which he gripped on immediately and pressed her chest against his, her small hands clutching his shoulders as if her life depended on it.
At the back of his mind, he could hear his friends wolf whistles and a couple of others exclaiming at the way they were making out, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. She was here, she was present and so warm underneath his fingers, her lips following his, her tongue exploring his mouth just as he was with her.
He didn't know for how long they had been kissing, but when he slightly pulled apart, her lips were red and swollen, her eyes sparkled and shined like diamonds underneath the sunlight. She looked adorable and he felt his heart throb painfully in his chest.
"Well... I guess I'm not the only exhibitionist anymore, huh?"
His friends laughed when YN started to blush and the implication that was made. With Iwaizumi still feeling a bit high from what had happened, he pulled her against him close, his grip tight and barked, "Leave her alone, you pervs."
After a few jabs directed to him, they continued as if nothing had happened, though he did catch them stealing glances at him with raised eyebrows, questioning his actions at the passionate kiss he shared with her.
I don't know what's happening either, he thought as he peered down to look at her face, feeling himself blush at how small and comfortable she looked in this lap, in his arms, but I know I'm in trouble.
When they got home later that night, he feels himself feeling hot and bothered by every move you make. You way your hanged your purse at the entrance, the way you shook your hair out of its up do, the way you leaned forward to take of your heels.
He followed you down the hall to your shared room, watching the way your hips moved side to side tantalizingly. His hand itched, he wanted to move closer and glue himself to your back, to hold your waist in one hand as the other guided your head to kiss him, to have the hand on your waist dip down and shove his digits in your panties to find them soaking wet, to hear you sigh out his name "Hajime, please."
Your solid voice pulled him out of his trance, a blush adorning his face in shame. I need to snap out of it, its too late to be so horny about my best friend. "Yeah mochi?"
"I um..." He noticed they way she was twirling her hair around, a nervous habit she's had since they were kids and wondered what could have her in such a state. "I- urgh, there's no easy way to say it."
She smacked herself in that moment. "Mochi?!"
He would've moved forward, if it wasn't for the solid gaze she had, her shoulders pulled back, full of intent.
"Hajime, I want you to take my virginity."
... What
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When words run dry, he does not try, nor do I.
We are on par.
He just is, I just am
and we just are.
He and I - Lang Leav
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taglist ! @daphnxy @zukoslosthishonor​ @i-am-a-hoe-for-shinya @mrsdoradominguez-barnes @anejuuuuoy
a/n! went on vacation and forgot to queue the post for this chapter, im so sorry, my bad D:
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shadowturtlesstuff · 4 years
you belong with me- thomas
this is thomas’s pov. i like doing both pov (i dont know if you can tell) but there are a few things im working on but enjoy!
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“How could-? Are you even hearing yourself speak you fool? No- no. God, you know what I'm done.” I throw my phone on the bed, scaring Sir Issac in the process. I cringe even as I begin pacing back and forth. It was truly absurd, utterly crazy, that William lived in such a world where he would ever consider me being with anyone but Audrey Rose. Whilst we weren’t together per say, it was clear there would be no one else for me. The fact that he had already caused trouble for us once makes this even more irritating. I turn and find Audrey Rose already watching me. Her hair disheveled in a messy bun which tells me she is studying or researching something. I give her what I hope classifies as a smile and watches as she pulls out a familiar notebook, searches for her pen and then writes: Are you okay?
Of course she would ask if I'm okay and not what happened; using our absurd way of talking to each other instead of using the window or even messaging me. I shake my head but smile and make my way towards my window. The wind hits me, sending my hair flying but I embrace the fresh air as I watch her move herself off her bed, cursing at her stiff legs. She has been there most of the day, not moving and lost in her work and music. She curses once more as she hits her elbow on the window sill and she looks truly adorable. “You have a wicked mouth Wadsworth. Did you not learn cursing is unlady-like?” I try to ignore the other thoughts I have of her mouth.
“Fuck you,” she scowls at me. It always makes me smile hearing her curse, she always sounds confident in them somehow, making them seem so real. The first time she swore was the time she failed a science test. Well, not exactly a fail, but she was marked wrong by a substitute teacher who didn't like her so she decided to berate him in front of the whole class, starting with her shouting ‘bullshit!’ as soon as she saw her results.
“I assume dear wadsworth, you want to ask what has made me so irate?” As much as I would rather climb across the gap and make her watch another one of my romance films again instead of talk about it, I know that I should. Otherwise it'll eat at my mind when I go to sleep. As well as it being used against wadsworth in some way too.
“Perhaps,” she says, eyes sparkling with mischief as she rests her head on the wall and brings her knees to her chest, “perhaps I merely wanted to ask if Sir Issac was okay.” I nearly burst out laughing at her. She has a love hate relationship with my cat. She pretends to hate the ‘beast’ but will often let him sit on her lap or pet him whenever she is over here. When I first got him, she stayed round mine for the night and we settled him. Even then she had tried to pretend not to like him but she doesn’t remember that she fell asleep with him curled up next to her. I had to sleep on my chair because they were sprawled out, surrounded by her work.
“Really? You always refer to him as a little pest, whereas as with me, I am your dearest person, of course you want to know how I am feeling. My son is good though, very energetic today.” Said cat brushes against me and I look at him, the memory still clear in my mind. Yet I know I need to stop avoiding the problem, Audrey Rose is too kind to push me into telling her, and will let me avoid it for as long as I need. It is not the worst thing we’ve faced yet I still hate it.  
“I assume you saw the call, well that was William,” she nods, her face already falling at the mention of his name, “Yes, awful. Apparently though, there is a rumor that I'm with Miss whitehall. I don't even remember her first name, but he was convinced of our relation despite my protests. Madness.” I scoff at the sheer audacity of him and his friends. Sir Issac nuzzles into me, knowing that I'm upset and wanting to change that. As well get attention.
“Is this the same William that had convinced everyone I was dating him?”
“Yes.” Anger rolls through me at the memory of that disaster. What hurt Audrey Rose the most is that she truly thought he was a friend. She’d explained that with me she didn't try, but everyone else she had too, so when they'd fallen into easy conversations during lessons she really enjoyed having someone other than me and lize and her uncle to talk to.
“Bitch. Why on earth is he such a problem? Where on earth does he even make this assumptions about us?'' She begins pacing, her mind working faster than her steps as she no doubt recalls everything that happened. I am inclined to do the same. I can still remember her walking into her room, looking at me and falling apart. I climbed into her room and held her letting her calm before she spoke to me. I cried as well, slightly, knowing how much that friendship had meant to her. I'd made us watch a really cheesy film and she'd fallen asleep in my arms.
“I have never once,”I say to drag her back to the present “shown interest in her, nor will I ever.” I drag a hand through my hair. “She's just- a lot.” the first time id met her she was just very loud and demanding, I couldn't stand her. I'd watched her insult so many people for being themselves, for liking childish things, or in Audrey Rose's case, morbid things.
“That is the understatement of the year Cresswell. Besides, you wouldn’t work, she's too- your,” she falls silent, either lost in thought or not wanting to tell me those thoughts. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink and I smile. She doesn't meet my eye as she sits herself down and I raise my brows as she asks what? As though she didn’t just show me that she has many inappropriate thoughts about me. She curls herself into a ball, hiding in her oversized hoodie, which is mine that I'm not sure she realizes is.
“I’m what? I'd be delighted to know your innermost thoughts of me, Wadsworth.”
“You're absurd but fine I'll elaborate,” she rolls her eyes though, even as the pink deepens slightly. Her eyes focused on my own. So I face her fully, like an astute student in class dying to seek knowledge, “you're too kind, too witty and clever and Whitehall wouldn’t appreciate you enough. You-” she stops talking immediately, as though whatever is in her mind she cant voice. Her face twists into something unreadable and I get the sense that she would rather not ever speak about me being with someone other than her.
“You forgot to mention how handsome I look, or how charming I am, but I'll take it,” she suppresses an eye roll and her smile and ignores the way my voice deepens ever so slightly. I pat Sir Issac off me and earn a whine but he jumps off me. I reach out to her and she leans, her hair ripping free of her bun with little effort from the wind. Her dark curls cling to her face, framing her perfectly too. It makes me want to hold her face in her hands and kiss her deeply.
“I don’t need to inflate your ego further Thomas.”
She inflates my ego every time she smiles at me, whether that be because of my joke or simply smiling at me because I am her friend. “I know but it would've been nice. I did say the inner most thoughts but we’ll get there. Audrey rose-I don’t belong with her, you’re right, my heart would never belong to her especially since it already belongs to someone else.”
She blinks at me, her face falling flat. Silence falls over us and I realize she thinks I'm talking about someone else. And idea forms, one that she may hate me for but one I'm going to do anyway.
“I-” she begins, no doubt going to tell me she wants me to be happy without whomever I'm with. I stand before she can say anything and she stares at me for a second so I motion for her to move. I want to be able to hold her and be next to her. I climb over and set myself on her window sill, leaving enough space for her on the other side. “I hope you are happy with whomever has your heart Cresswell.” I try to hide my smirk at her. Preparing myself for the worst. Preparing myself for her calling me an idiot and that she doesn't like me that way. I wouldn’t blame her.
“Of course I'll be happy. She's amazing. Let me tell you all about her. I met her many years back and was instantly smitten with her emerald eyes and her quick witted mind. How she sings to herself every morning and how her dark curls fall across her face whenever she sits on her bed and reads. I adore her curiosity for the dead and how wicked her mouth is and how delightful it is to watch your mind at work. I love when she shows me a note through the window to see if I'm doing okay and-”
“Wait,” she blurts out, her cheeks red now and eyes bright with shock, “Thomas, are you talking about me?”
I can’t help but laugh. She is one of the smartest people I have ever met yet she, just like I do, struggles with social cues sometimes. Albeit it she is better than I will ever be. “Yes, finally! I thought I'd have to keep speaking forever till you realized it was you.” Not that that would be a problem. As of right now I'd happily list the way her eyes are filled with both relief and shock and happiness and it's a look I want to capture whenever I need a reminder of something good in life.
She scowls at me, ignoring her blush. I take a risk and reach out my hand, moving closer so that her back is straightened on the wall, her attention fixed on me completely. No fake scowl or bright smile, just an intent gaze I can't quite pick apart. I rest my hand on her leg, now free of her (my) hoodie. “Wadsworth, darling, I have been in love with you for some time now.”
I stare at my best friend, my love, as she tries to convince herself this is real. It's truly adorable. Then her eyes widen slightly as she whispers: “I have something to show you.”
She jumps from my grip, running the short distance to her bed and then shuffling through the mountain of books and papers sprawled there until she pulls out a notebook and shakes it, letting a piece of paper drop. It's folded and creased a lot, as though it has been opened often. I watch as she faces me and slowly, her face fixed on the sheet as she opens and holds it out to me.
I read the words: I love you.
I love you.
I read them over and over and over, trying to imprint it on my brain. Her delicate handwriting and her confession reaches out to me and I desperately want to reach out to her, hold her against me and press kisses and make her laugh.
Audrey rose takes her seat across from me and I instantly reach out, holding her leg again. Anything to reassure me this is real. “I wrote that the night after you came here the second time.” her voice is soft, her curls once again framing her face as she looks at me, “Something in me clicked that no matter what you'd find a way to comfort me. Not save me, but work alongside me. I wanted to tell you I just couldn't face it. But I needed to acknowledge it. So I wrote it down, and I look at it every time we use the note system; I try to convince myself to show you.” Audrey Rose would never need saving, never want it, yet her words save my own dark heart that she has felt this way for so long, and we have somehow lived alongside each other and been so blinded by our love entwined with fears that it has taken so long to finally acknowledge them.
I debate pinching myself. Only minutes ago was I miserable and upset, yet Audrey Rose has taken her time to cheer me up. Yet even if I had left it as I am fine, even though she knows me better than that, she wouldn't have pressed for answers; would have waited for me to open up. So i lean in and the world stops as we both wait until our lips are pressed together It's a light kiss, one full of promise and wonder. When I lean back we are both smiling so freely my heart feels as though it too is reaching out to hold Audrey rose. We trade kisses, never wanting to leave this loop but I do lean back away from her. I’m already too drunk on her kisses, I need to breathe, to process this so I can remember it. Once my back is against the wall I pull her, twisting so her back is against mine, leaning into my warmth and I rest my head atop hers. Trying to contain my smiles but to no avail. My hand covers hers and as i look down at her i notice she doesn't bother controlling her smile. It is a magnificent sight.  
“Now would be a perfect time to tell me how handsome I am, my love.”
let me know if you want to be added to my tag list: 
@fangirling-again​ @kittycat2187 @goatahoan @city-of-fae @the-hoofflepooff @padfoot-sirius-black-blog @purplecreatorhorsewagon @boredbookwormgirl @goddess-of-writing-wars @lovecakeandmore ​ @yikesitsmaddie @loveyatopluto​ @throneofsc @bookscressworth​  @ ink-insomnia
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part: another one. I still dontt remember how many o these ive done...
hi so ive been grounded n shit so thats nice- thats generally irrelavnt to most things but im mentioning it anyway. i will say that there probably more typing errors and that would be from me typing on an actual keyboard ad no autocorrect. anyway ive been doin’ some thinkin and ive swapped some stuff around so if youve read a few of these before- congrats, heres some updated bullshit.
ive changed sleep boys(now including fundy) family dynamic bullshit so the general age ranges for them all would be closer together. Phil is still techno and wilburs dad, hes just fundys now too (before wilbur had been fundys dad but fundys a teen so wilbur would have to be at least in his late thirties and thats lame so ajustments have been made).
also tommy is their cousin. 
so to anyone who mighve been thinkin “i thought it was like (blah blah blah)” wilbur no longer is fundys dad, nor has he had a fish lady for a wife. wilbur is probably like 26 and technos like 24 or smth idfk. fundys still a teen though, closer to tommys age n all. fundy is the rlly younger brother. 
anyway going away from the retconning-
etcetera etcetera memes n shit ya know
sometimes I’ll add little info/description lines next to drawings.
one on an eret sketch is “only slightly malicious”
technos a strawberry blonde with the naturally tinted pink hair but he still dyes it so it’s suuuuuper pink
fundy, tommy and tubbo are all about the same age and are friends.
wilbur is like the only full human in their entire family because I think philza got wings.
technos part pig, phils got wings, fundy is a fox boy and wilbur .
cooper and charlie always have an escape plan, Teds plans always fall through and/or he gets them into trouble.
additional stuff about the chaotic trio that is coop charles and ted- charlie and cooper are like the idiot henchmen and ted is the evil mastermind. thats their whole dynamic. that and coop and charlie drive ted up the fuckin wall-
schlatt is a cryptid.
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well— he was
like “oh yeah there’s this weird goat man who lives out in the woods, he’s kinda a scam artist,, if you see him and he tries to sell you something, don’t buy it.”
“pft that’s fuckin dumb there’s no way that’s real.”
and no one ever really goes to check because if he actually did exist all he’d do is try to sell them something and you know everyone hates that. it wasn’t worth it.
then his house burnt down and he left the deep dark forest to go knock on peoples doors.
no matter the spook- everyone always hides behind wilbur. always. hes too tall to not immediately be hid behind. 
minx n schlatt are my favorite duo in this au bs because it always ends in hijinks and weird shit.
like schlatt could turn 500 years old and minx would throw him a shitty bd party acting like he just turned 6. she’d slap a party hat on him, get one of those party horns and a ton of shitty confetti and just start screamin.
ah i was gonna just write something but i forgot what it was ahah im so good at this :,)
oH YEAH! uh schlatt as waterfalls coming out of your mouth by glass animals for obvious reasons. i was listening to it earlier and i was like “wait a fckin minute,,,” i think i might’ve been unintentionally/subconsciously been influenced by that- oops.
oh and dream as rue by gir
i havent talked much about sapnap because ive been at a bit of a loss on what to with him but ive figured some shit out so now this is a sapnap au info dump.
sap has a fire sigil like schlatt. makes sense because of his whole arson thing- his sigil is on one of his wrists. sapnap is a fairly well known arsonist- total fuckin criminal. the entirety of the dream team are criminals. uh hes probably best compared to flyn fuckin rider, hes got the dumb fuckin criminal dude with the finger snaps and the winks and the princess woo-ing. for a while he travels around with skeps and bad (an angel, an arsonist and a agent of chaos walk into a bar). that whole thing is bad just trying to stop sap and skeppy from setting the entire fuckin world on fire and bad succeeds probably about 85% in stopping that and its honestly the best anyone couldve done, so good for him. evetually he meets dream and george, following them around for a while. 
im gonna add kaceytron an im thinking of starting something with her, sap and karl. i watched the post-loh date and knew that i had to do this. kacey is gonna be like a princess or something who takes a liking to sapnap and also has an uncanny thirst for destruction and chaos. so basically saps like “hey mama ur pretty n shit” and shes like “yeah i am- ur kinda cute, whats up?” and then they go burn an entire vilage to the ground. karl is their impulse control.
kacey knows minx- idk how but she does. 
im gonna add niki because shes adorable
uh thats all i can think up rn. sorry for not posting but i literally cant post any art so :,)
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sapph-mik · 3 years
I know you said seeing these posts hurt but I have one more thought. I really hope that out of all of my posts this is the one you see.
You seemed more like yourself in our conversation. You seemed like the girl I knew. The girl I love. I don’t think I won’t ever love you.
I left that conversation feeling way better. Im sorry I doubted you. I should have known my faith in you was never in vain. I’m sorry. I’m glad we are trying to end things on a good note. They feel like it. Your father was right. Sometimes good relationships end. And maybe now we just transition into friends — not until winter break, I know. I’m really happy with how that phone call went, and I’m sorry you were so hesitant to have it.
I know I can be manipulative and cruel and mean and straight up a bitch. So I don’t blame you for being hesitant. But I hope you remember everything I told you. Because I truly meant it. If you ever need a reminder, just send me a text. I’d never turn you away for coming to me for something you need. I think you’ll forever be my weakness.
It was good to hear that your chest was legitimately hurting just like mine. I think with that conversation I can start to heal. And I don’t need to grieve the loss of a friend. Just the loss of my lover. One less thing to be sad about.
Maybe it’s bad of me to say but I am excited for winter break. I promise I will be healing, not waiting for you. But I genuinely think we can do this — being friends. And maybe winter break won’t be enough time, and that’s okay. You know there is never any pressure from me. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like there was.
I’m glad to hear that you’re also sad about losing another family. I feel the same way. I adore your parents and your little brother. I hope he knows I was waiting to hear where he applied to school and was excited to hear where he got in. I hope your parents know that I love their precious daughter with all of my heart.
While to me this was out of the blue, to you it wasn’t. And I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner. But I genuinely hope that you figure it all out. I hope you have exciting endeavors and do all that you wish and dream for.
I’m also glad to hear that your gut reaction to my question wasn’t “no,” I won’t wait around but I wouldn’t ever be opposed to trying again. Maybe right person wrong time really is a thing. Maybe it’s not. Maybe we are just meant to be friends.
One thing I am sure of, is how I feel about you.
Another thing I am sure of, is that because of how I feel about you, I want you in my life. One way or another. I promise I won’t wait around, but it’s not like I’m going to go out and find somebody else in the span of a few months. I need to heal and process and grow from this heartbreak. I won’t lie, I am still heartbroken but I am better than I was.
I’ll be sure to tell my family that you are sorry and that you still love them and that it was so hard for you to do this. I’ll tell you now they’re very upset but you know that I will still defend you to them. They’re just being protective of me. They’ll come around, they care too much about you to not.
I hope you get everything you want in this life. I hope I get to be a part of your big adventure — eventually. Whether it is platonic or not. I will try my best to not hope for more than platonic. But I can’t promise anything.
It was so healing to know that it wasn’t because you fell out of love with me. I know that I said some hurtful things but when there is so much noise I didn’t know what to think. I was terrified that my friends were right. But now I know that it wasn’t out of the blue for you. I now know that you did this because you love me. Because you want what is best for me. Because you want to be fair to me.
While I have differing opinions about going about these big hard things, I still respect your decision. And hearing your reasoning made it hurt less. I thought maybe you just didn’t care anymore. But it’s the complete opposite of what I thought. It’s because you care. You cared enough to not make me endure a bad relationship. We were so good. And you wanted both of us to remember that. You wanted to be with me, you just can’t right now. And as hard as it is for me to accept that, it’s okay.
I’m not mad. I’m still slightly confused but I got a lot of answers to my questions. I know I’m going to be hurting for a long time. But thank you for letting me change our plans of a talk in 10 days to today. I didn’t want to start to heal and then have a conversation and be right back at square one. I’m really happy you sounded like yourself. I could feel your emotion and intent. I recognized the girl I fell in love with.
You are always going to hold a place in my heart. I know that is so cliché and cheesy but you taught me so much. You taught me what a good, healthy, loving relationship is. I will forever be thankful for that. I’m not ready to move on, and I don’t think I will be for a while. I promise I won’t be waiting around (intentionally). Thank you for showing me how good love can be. How pure and safe it can be. I’m going to miss you so much. And I hope you miss me too. I hope you’re also excited for winter break and the possibilities it may bring. But I’m okay if you aren’t ready then.
I won’t lie, I am scared you’ll meet a really great girl and fall in love with her but that’s neither here nor there. Fuck that was the one thing I wanted to share but forgot. Regardless, I’m going to hold so much love for you. I know so many people say that they can still be friends to their past lovers but I hope you meant it. I meant it. I know we both need time away in order to make this platonic.
Thank you for knowing that I might not be perfect and I might slip up and text you. But thanks for telling me that you’ll treat it as a journal entry from me to you. I’m glad that we agreed that we will only talk between now and winter break if we felt like world war 3 was about to break out between us. That made me feel like you really do want to be friends. That was something I loved so much about our relationship, was we weren’t just lovers. You legitimately were my best friend. You were the person I turned to when I needed someone. You were the person I went to when I thought something was funny. When I wanted someone to pass the time with, enjoy their presence. It was a major bonus that you happened to also be my girlfriend.
Thank you for making the time for me today. I really needed it. Now it’s time for me to start healing. I don’t think I’ll be perfectly fixed in a week or a month, but maybe I’ll be a little better. I hope you start to feel better soon too. I secretly hope you slip up and text me. But I know you, you are strict rule follower. That was something I always admired about you, the fact that you can stick to your guns regardless of what you actually want to do.
I hope you stay what we consider to be “you healthy,” I hope that if your illnesses do flare up that you have the resources and good friends to take care of you. I hope the next crash is not nearly half as bad as the last one. I hope little Beau doesn’t forget me. I know he secretly liked me. I hope he still enjoys the toys. I hope his teeth are still being cleaned 3 days a week. And I hope your brushing of his teeth is paying off.
I am always here. Quietly waiting in the background if you need me. If you need a friend, a laugh, or someone to listen. Or maybe you’ll figure it all out and come back. But I won’t count on that part. The only thing I will let myself hold out hope for — is for there to be friendship between us.
One last time: I love you. All of you. For you. I adore every part of you. And I’m actually really really proud of the fact that you are doing something that is taking care of yourself. I know you’re such a people pleaser, and this decision could not have been an easy one. But thank you for everything, Alyssa.
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marvelouswritee · 5 years
Shameless: Verse 2
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A/N: I keep forgetting to put gifs because I havent posted in a long time. I forgot the basics of being a writer in this web/app. also i keep procastinating during christmas, which is why im posting this on new years eve sooo.... oops
Warning: pure smut and a lovey-dovey moment in the end
Summary: reader and ransom finally get together
Words: 1k+
Shameless- Teaser  - Shameless: Verse 1
“You like that?” Ransom asks as he peppers your neck with hungry kisses. You couldn’t help but squirm beneath his touch, just like every year since this one-night-stands started between the two of you. You were biting your lip to prevent any loud moans come out of your lips. “Come on, baby. You don’t have to hide.” 
“Fuck, yes, Ransom,” your lips escalated to the pleasured words Ransom wanted to hear come out of your pretty lips. You can hear the smirk formed on his lips when you said it. Ransom soon stopped peppering your neck and started traveling down to the rest of your body; stripping off your red dress as he snakes his cold hands up to your thighs. He loves relishing your body for he’s not going to see it for another year, which makes him sad because nobody is going to replace you ever. And, that’s saying a lot because it’s Ransom Drysdale. 
Ransom was teasing you by licking your cotton underwear, knowing his tongue is hitting your clit. He takes it off, revealing your drench opening. “Aw, baby, who made you this wet?” he looks up with mischievous eyes. He licks your opening to your numb clit, flicking it with his professional tongue. You discovered that Ransom Drysdale is a professional pussy eater. 
“You, Ransom.” You assumed he was going to ask you more dirty questions, but he surprised you by inserting his tongue inside your opening. “Fuck!” 
Every time you exclaim and praise his tongue, he increases the subtle pleasure he’s giving you. Not only does Ransom gives you the most memorable pussy eating you’ve ever experienced, but there are also side effects after. Your body shakes as your pussy is left numb but shaking simultaneously with the countless orgasm you experience. “So sweet,” he slurps your juices, “Who’s making you feel this good?” 
“You, Daddy. Fuck,” you pant after the first three orgasms. 
“Good girl.” Ransom licks your vagina before reuniting with your lips. “Such a good girl for me, baby. For that, you’re going to receive your reward.” 
“As if you eating me out isn’t a reward already?” you cheekily responded.
“That was your first present. Now, I’m going to give you your second.” He undresses out of his pants, as well as taking off his shirt, and teases your bare pussy lips with his freed erection. “You know the safe word if I got too rough?” You nodded, aware of never using the safe word because Ransom knows how to balance his roughness. 
Inserting his throbbing member in, you were practically preventing your deafening moans since both of you are in a hotel room. He thrust inside you harder to release those moans locked inside your mouth. “Fuck, Ransom, harder!” You know those words, the praises he wants to hear in bed. While he’s fucking you, giving it to you better than any one-night-stands you’ve ever done. “Give it to me!” 
Oh, he did give it to you. Pounding every moan, breath, and soul out of your body. When he runs out of breath, he bends down to your neck to plant kisses to still pleasure you even if he’s tired. Ransom knows he’ll never get tired of your body nor your kisses. Especially you. He just wants you all to him, never having to think about having sex with anybody else. And, whenever you’re around he manages to get this weird fluttery feeling on his stomach. He neglects it, however. 
“Shit, I’m cumming, Ransom!” you warned; his pace harder and faster for the past hour. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Fuck, me too, (Y/N). Cum with me, baby!” 
Sooner or later, the clock turning to another minute of being inside each other. The chorus of moans that was vividly loud for the next-door rooms to hear. Ransom releasing didn’t stop him from giving you love at the end for he still wants to plant kisses all over your body. He was fatigued from the rigorous exercise, but never tired from taking a minute to kiss you. He adores your kisses, always reminding him of the very first kiss. The first touch. The first time he felt the tension between the two of you.
After catching his breath, Ransom stood up and took a box out of his pants scattered on the floor. “I have a gift for you,” he announces before plopping down the bed next to you. 
“Really? Please don’t tell me there’s a cockroach going to eat me once I open it,” you tease. You never know with Ransom. 
“Shut up and open it,” he chuckles and hands you the luxurious box. It was a tiny velvet box, wrapped in a lace ribbon. It might have been a ring or a necklace, even a bracelet. But, it sure will be expensive. 
You opened it and the beautiful diamond necklace reflecting on your eyes. “Ransom, this beautiful!” The necklace was clean and shining as if you were just browsing around a jewelry store. It was a simple pick, but the shine of the diamond is just breath-taking. 
“It’s a Harry Winston,” he informs. He takes the necklace and puts it around your neck, fitting perfectly. “Looks good, (Y/N).” 
“Thank you, Ransom. Really, even if you’re such a dick.” 
“Well, look at the Harry Winston and there go my apologies.” You were relishing its beauty whilst Ransom kisses your shoulders. “And, it’s okay if you didn’t give me a present. You’re the only present I wanted for Christmas.” 
“Wow. Ransom Drysdale being a romantic has never been on my wishlist to see.” 
“I’m a spontaneous guy,” Ransom shrugs. 
After a few moments of silence, your mind wanders to the curious. “Why are you being nice to me, Ransom?” He didn’t give an initiate respond for he’s also contemplating it. Why, out of all people, was Ransom the sweet and romantic person that he is?
“Because,” he takes your face and turn it inches away from his, “I like you. And, you’re the only thing making me sane. Making me, I guess, want to love.” He confesses silently, but loud enough for you to hear. “I like you, (Y/N). Always have.” 
“Then, I’m yours, Ransom Drysdale. Always wanted to be.” 
Throughout the years of being confused with your relationship with Ransom, it all comes to an end. With him confessing his love to you, which felt like the music to your ears. You were planning on talking to him about it, either stopping this lustful tradition or being something more. But, tonight has taken another path. Turns out, Ransom can love someone instead of being a cold asshole for his whole life. He makes you feel like you’ve never felt before. And, you make him feel safe and happy. 
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N),” Ransom smiles through your kisses. 
“Merry Christmas, Ransom.” 
@thicc-daddy-evans​ @smyfmj
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pathcrier · 4 years
This ask game has alot of good questions!! But 💖 and 😊 for all the ocs in your tags!
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way?
Dahlia Shepard: romantically, she had been in love exactly three times. First time was with a girl back during Alliance training, Catalina. She was head over heels but never really told her, just because she felt it wouldn't work out in the end and let her doubts overcome her. Lasted for nearly a year, and no, she's completely over her (and actually attended her wedding and felt nothing but happiness for her.) Second was Aria T'loak, back when she was undercover on Omega. They had worked closely for months (trying to catch a cerberus cell leader) and had been seeing each other- but Dahlia presumed it was just a casual fling and would be over once she was finished. Dahlia knew once she was back in Alliance space, it wouldn't work out, and left it at that. Took a bit longer for her to get over this time, but she eventually did after focusing solely on her military career. Finally the woman she would easily rescue a galaxy for, Liara. For the first time, Dahlia allowed herself to be selfish and to want to be in a longstanding relationship. For the first time she sees herself willing to sacrifice everything for the one she loves, she is beyond head over heels for Liara. She platonically falls in love with every one of her friends, even if she's the worst at showing it. She loves these people more than life itself.
Nicola Amell: growing up in the Circle, with templars looming over your shoulders every second of the day- she never really bothered to invest any time in crushes, never giving them the chance to grow into something more. She devoted all her time to her studies and squashed any crush at the start. She didn't actually let herself fall in love until she felt her life was on the line, until she met Leliana. It was the first time she ever truly loved another person in a romantic sense, and she was going to live in every moment as if it were her last. Even by the time of the events of Trespasser, Nicola still takes the time and effort to send love letters and gifts to the now Divine Victoria. No amount of blights, ancient tevinters, nor elvish gods will ever keep the Warden Commander from her love.
Delaney Hawke: well, being a half elf mage apostate constantly living on the run for a majority of her life- she never really had time to actively meet people long enough to develop an emotional connection. Most of her crushes were as short lived as their homes. 
Until moving to Kirkwall, that was. Having a crazy band of misfits that constantly follow you around, it's hard not to form attachments. Platonic or romantic. And when she fell for Isabela, she fell hard. I'm talking about head in the clouds, only able to think of one name. She's never experienced a crush like that and it freaked her out. Instead of telling Isabela about her feelings, she ran to Varric. Almost immediately. Delaney unsure of how to handle love in a romantic way, and Isabela shutting love out- it took quite some time for those two to establish themselves in a relationship. But even in those standstills, Delaney had almost expected her heart to move on, but it did the exact opposite- caused her love to grow stronger. Even now in Inquisition time, it took all of Delaney's strength to leave the comfort of Isabela's ship to go aid Varric. Not wanting to be separated for long, but not wanting to leave her best friend high and dry (who she loves very very much.
Gryff Hawke: like his twin sister, Delaney, he never had the time (nor desire really) to search for any love. At the time, the love of his 3 siblings and his parents was enough for him. He was happy and content. He knew he didn't need a relationship to be happy and content, so he never actively searched for one. Hell, even in Kirkwall, he was too busy keeping him and his sister out of Meredith's grasp and keeping the qunari at bay. But he did quite literally stumble into thoughts of a certain glowing elf, and never realized just how far he had fallen for him. Despite their differences they saw on magic, Gryff knew Fenris was the one he wanted to be with. For the first time ever, Gryff was actively seeking out affection for another person romantically. He will never admit it, but it was the best feeling he ever had. His love language is traipsing across thedas taking out slavers with his badass boyfriend.
Kiri Lavellan: Kiri LOVES being in love, adores the feelings of warmth and security a partner brings. She has had a few partners of course, but none ever lasted too long, especially amongst her Dalish clan, where everyone knows everyone's business. That being said though, she doesn't jump right into anything. When she loves someone it's very slowly and then all at once, pouring her heart and soul into her partners. Which was fairly difficult when it came to Sera, given her stance on the dalish, magic, and dalish magic. That didn't deter her though, she was understanding and patient and more than happy to move at Sera's pace. Despite their difficulties and differences, there's never been a stronger bond between pairings- Sera was so devoted to her inky, even as far as post Exalted Council, following Kiri back to her clan and being introduced to Kiri's friends and family.
Niamh Valyn: here's another one who just claims she never has time for a relationship. Not saying she will actively deter them, she just- doesn't expect anyone to want to put up with extensive time apart due to her place with the Rangers. She's fallen in love platonically more than romantically, and she's not going to complain. She loves her friends very dearly, they're her whole world, even if they're miles apart. But when it comes to romance, she finds it to be more difficult to keep a relationship going, finds it more emotionally taxing at times and just hasn't really put any thought into seeking someone out. She's content with where she is, if someone comes along who willingly wants to deal with distance- she will happily accept. 
Ezra Marlowe (because I forgot to tag her and she's my baby): twice. She's fallen in love twice, and the first time damn near killed her. She let herself love so wholly and blindly, she never anticipated being hurt (quite literally.)
After that she felt very scared of any romantic advances, even if she was the one to initiate- she'd eventually run off if her overwhelming fear of being hurt overcame her.
After a while, the second time- it was a very slow, unsure path she took. But this man, the love of her life, Bashir, had proven just how much Ezra means to him. Through patience and care and understanding. Ezra once again allowed herself to love wholeheartedly, and for once, she's not scared.
Roux Lux: now here is someone who falls in love with the world anytime the sun sets or rises. She loves virtually everyone she meets. She falls head over heels for all her friends, in the most platonic way possible. She gives everyone the same special treatment, affection, and adoration as she does with a romantic partner. Though, Beetle may receive extra special treatment for being her amour. When she was ready to tell Beetle how she felt about him, she did so in the cutest puppet show..which she spent days hand crafting her props and painting new marionettes 😭
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Dahlia Shepard: it's hard for her to always feel happy when there's an impending invasion on their doorsteps, but one surefire way to cheer her up is a quick call to her son, Otikk, a little salarian boy. He is such a lively, happy go lucky boy, and always eager to cheer his mama up. Dahlia comes off very brash and intimidating, but she very much loves pulling her friends out of the dark- whether through inspiring words, or distracting them with their favorite hobbies.
Nicola Amell: even with the blight raging, she always looked for the little things to cheer her up. To be honest, just having her closest friends at her back was more than enough. Knowing that she will always have people to pick her back up if she falls was the greatest comfort and a thought that always lingered when she felt low. Making other people happy is what being a hero is all about in her mind. When others around her feel safe and are smiling, that fills her with so much pride and joy.
Delaney Hawke: ah yes, the one who finds any reason to crack a joke- ill timed or not. To be honest whenever she's in a low spot, just curling up in bed with her mabari, Junji, is enough. Though sometimes having Isabela sprawled across next to her, having her tell tales of her life at sea, watching her put on an exaggerated reenactment of exciting fights is just what she needs too. Or sitting around a table with everyone, letting Varric make up stories on the spot, everyone happily buzzed…. Never fails to bring a smile to her face. She's generally very chipper and easy going, so everyone assumes by the amount of quips and playful teasing. Deep below, she's miserable, and full of guilt and self doubt. She doesn't like letting her friends know that, so she puts up this front and goes to any extent to make sure no one else feels how she does.
Gryff Hawke: raging ball of anger who has a hard time letting himself be happy- especially trying to keep himself and his twin alive and out of the Gallows. It's hard to feel happy when everything you do backfires and bites you in the ass, even when you know you did everything you could. Even with this rowdy band of misfits at your back, sometimes it just feels like you're drowning. But sometimes there's a hand to pull you up, bring life and air into your lungs. Having Fenris curled up beside him, quietly and slowly reading through a particularly difficult chapter, pausing to ask you what a word says- it reminds Gryff that there are things worth smiling about, and oftentimes they're the ones to pull you out of the dark.
Kiri Lavellan: being dragged into a humans holy war and being propped up as their god's herald- it takes a lot out of you, and Kiri always fears she is about to get uprooted from her dalish heritage at any moment. So in the quiet rests, she finds herself reciting stories in private that the keeper once told her. Anything that reminds her of her roots, where she comes from. She tries very hard to keep a brave face, a beaming smile, one that would inspire hope amongst her men. She wants others to believe she can do this, that she's not scared, anything to instill security in those around her.
Niamh Valyn: when she's feeling lost or homesick, no matter where she is, she carries a leather-bound journal filled with bedtime stories her mother and father read to her as a child. Cuddled up with her wolf companion, Zarola, and her pipe- it's like all her worries just melt away. Even if she looks stoic and imposing like a stormy mountain, she's a very happy person. She's content with where she is, and easily makes those close to her at ease with her playfulness and cheekiness.
Ezra Marlowe: to her, all her happiness she keeps is heavily guarded and protected, not willing to let it go, risking getting hurt. She has no issues pushing people away and hurting them to protect herself. But that being said, those who truly know her, they know she can be enjoyable to have around...in an annoying sibling kind of way. Always looking to push buttons for a laugh. But on her darkest days, she finds the most comfort in the arms of Bashir. He's one of the fre who can easily calm her nerves, bring her back to reality and truly make her feel safe.
Roux Lux: a walking ray of sunshine, this one. Wherever she goes, she leaves a trail of smiles and mirth in her wake. She love love loves creating smiles and making people laugh and feel good. Its why she joined the circus to begin with, her puppet shows have brought nothing but joyful squeals and it's the greatest feeling in the world to the changeling. She's always in the happiest of moods, rarely is she seen without a smile. Yet on those rare days when she feels small and insignificant- curling up in Beetle's lap and listening to him hum soft appraisal to her is all she needs to bounce back to her original self.
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cooper--hawkins · 4 years
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I saw [COOPER HAWKINS] at a coffee shop in [BROOKLYN] today. I forgot how much [HE] looks like [JESSE LEE SOFFER]. They are a [THIRTY-SIX] year old [HOMICIDE DETECTIVE] who’s been in NYC for [EIGHTEEN] years now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [BRAVE & COURAGEOUS] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [SELF- DESTRUCTIVE & DAMAGED]. [WAY DOWN WE GO BY KALEO] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio.
hi friends! im brooke & comin at you with my first bb, cooper hawkins. hes an actual cinnamon roll who really just needs to be put first and needs to be loved so come love him pls lol. 
TW: sibling death, TW: drowning, TW: emotional abuse, TW: mental abuse, TW: alcoholism  
cooper elias hawkins was born on cctober 31st back in 1984 to two loving and hardworking parents named william and heather (nee' cooke) hawkins. the hawkins clan was verly well kown and well liked in their town of hilton head, south carolina which is where they resided and where cooper had grown up. william & heather are very successful owners of a diner that's family owned. it's beloved in their town.
ryan hawkins was the first of the hawkins clan, then ethan, the annie, then cooper and finally the baby megan whom they call meg. growing up cooper idolized his older siblings, his brothers were his best friends and his sister annie was someone whom he admiared and aspired to be like. meg was someone cooper always took care of and adored. the hawkins siblings were well known and well liked by the town and could do no wrong.
they were one big happy family. that was until one 4th of July annie and cooper had decided to take their family boat out onto the water alone, without their parents permission. he was 11 at the time and annie was a little bit older. they drove it illegally, but annie really wanted to go and she always had a way of making cooper follow in her footsteps.
they were having a good time and being safe until annie decided to jump into the water after cooper had told her and begged her not too. it was a while until cooper had realized she hadn't come up from the water. panicked and scared, cooper illegally drove the boat back to shore for some help. once reaching his parents & some cops, they ruled it as a drowning accident. they always said that annie held the family together and her death tore it apart.
his father was furious and devastated and wrongfully accused & blamed cooper for annies death even though he knew it wasn't his fault. growing up for cooper wasn't easy anymore. he wasn't the happy go lucky kid he used to be. his father mentally and emotionally abused him for years, and his two older brothers followed in their fathers footsteps. cooper closed himself off and didn't talk to them until he actually needed too. the only ones who truly cared about him and worried about his well being was his mother & his little sister meg.
he kept to himself and got into reading and writing. he hid himself away in his room, and only had a couple of friends. cooper excelled in school and kept his grade average high. he graduated high school with honors and had decided to move as far away from hilton head as possible to get a fresh start.  choosing the city that never sleeps, cooper was accepted into almost every nyc college but ended up choosing brooklyn college. he majored in & has a master in criminal justice, and minored in florescence science.
however that wasn't what he wanted to do in life. after graduating college with honors again, he decided to go into the academy and become a police officer. after a couple years of being a cop, he took the detectives exam and has been/is in the homicide unit ever since.
the memory of his sisters death still haunts him. and when it does he doesn't sleep at night but writers in a journal in the morning & keeps it to himself as hes writing to her. cooper has had trouble with commitment and relationships. only ever been in love once, with someone from college his sophomore & junior year but she ended up cheating on him with is then room mate/best friend. still doesn't get along with his father, nor his two older brothers but it super close to his sister meg & his mom. only goes home for their birthdays. 
cooper can be pretty self-destructive sometimes & will purposely get into bar fights but then will use his “I'm a detective” excuse to get out of it. he drinks, and sometimes his unit thinks it can be a problem. used to smoke in college but doesn't anymore. still loves to read and write and secretly keeps journals and writes in them. he decided on the city because no one knew his name and no one knew his story and it’s still that way. 
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nightklok · 4 years
TELL ME ABOUT HOW YOU WRITE PICKLES AND CHARLES PLEASE ;0; what are you inspirations for their dynamic? you write them so in love and it makes me immensely happy
Thank you firstly, means a lot because writing them happy brings me so much joy-even if I probably wrote more angst than fluff of them at a point-jkfl
I have answered Pickles here so I’ll write about Charles and why I write them together with the way I do! :D
I feel like Charles has a lot more emotions/feelings than the show tries to give him credit for (I like to think that by season 4, he learned to be a little be more emotional around the boys enough as he learned that it’s okay to be a bit emotional if he needs to around them BUT then Doomstar completely wrecked him) 
I really adore trying to write characters that are normally stoic in the show into more gentler/emotional people. I feel like the DVD extra of him taking calls and season 4/Doomstar shows he can be emotional! He has friends outside of Dethklok, his own hobbies/interests, definitely feels something and I don’t think my idea of him is really all that far fetched. He’s not just some asshole in a suit and while he has done questionable things, 9/10 it’s for the sake of Dethklok and not himself (Whoops forgot about Melmord here but even then I think Charles isn’t being selfish because he really does know he’s the only one that keep them in control-Melmord is just a snake oil salesman in a non-existent clown costume or something-)
I do keep in mind that he is a serious person and most likely is even when around people he completely trusts. He’s a person who can be a bit hard to read but he’s also not that hard when you actually get to know him and really know where to look when talking to him. Also I do headcanon that he is autistic but that’s for another story i think
He’s a character that even though I know is emotional inside, he does have to keep a stoic/non-expression look to him on the surface. He has the most important job in his life and he’s well aware of it. Being emotional/expressing anything but seriousness could possibly endanger him and Dethklok. It’s probably not by much because I do think even when he is emotional and can express himself, it’s still controlled to a degree. He can’t just let himself completely break in front of someone, he wouldn’t allow that at all.  I’d imagine he’d have to pretend that he only sees them as coworkers and nothing else or that the band would have to do the same to him or there would be kidnapping attempts. there probably is anyway on a yearly basis but thanks to him, it’s near impossible to do that as they do have highly trained klokateers.
But I still believe even regardless of that that it must get exhausting at times. A warm bed and wanting to sleep in is something that everyone desires to do at least once but they have to get up early and go to work or do whatever they need to do. Charles is human and he’s a human has needs like everyone else. I feel that he does probably have the days where just sleeping in sounds like a wonderful thing to do or that there are stressful days where he’d just need a long bath or something. Because of this, I don’t really seem him as aggressive or overly dominant when off work and in a relationship. Having to take care of a band and basically the world’s economy is exhausting. If he just wants to be taken care of, let him!!
Basically what I’m saying is let the guy take a nap
I do like to try and base off characters/writing off real people/situations so I think I gotta say Brian Epstein who managed the Beatles really helped in figuring out how Charles is like as a manager to Dethklok-I really began researching him around the time I got into the show because of class and it was interesting reading about him and I honestly think he’s one of the best band managers I heard of (next to Peter Grant of course-). I do also relate to Charles in some level though the patience he has I think is really almost inhumane because wow-
I kinda did write Chickles first before this so i might be repeating? So I’ll just leave this as it is but either way, I just like writing him as a little bit more emotional/down to earth. I get that it might be OOC a bit but I feel like the aggressive/dominant part is a little bit way too OOC-
I honestly wonder why I write them so in love too if i have to be honest dsflkj
To answer what the inspirations; i feel like a huge factor into why I write them the way do (and probably any other ship) is because while i have had the feeling of falling in love before, i never really had the experience of being in a romantic relationship or went anywhere even close to that with someone. I feel like this is kinda obvious but its about the yearning I kinda do fantasize what it must be like but I do also take what I have learned/read/seen from either relationships I know of personally or seen in media and apply to them. I take both toxic and good relationships to see what I do/don’t want to write when it comes to relationships and what they would/wouldn’t do. I don’t use toxic relationships to completely shape a relationship but rather analyze it, see why it’s toxic in the first place, and see what I can do to either when I write relationships/pairings in general. Obviously I use Addams family’s Morticia and Gomez as a base for writing good relationships in general because who wouldn’t???
I also think writing terribly written Chickles fanfics and even ones with Charles probably help to in writing Charles. Are they near uncomfortable and make me wanna take a shower after reading them? Yes-but reading them not for entertainment/knowing what you’re getting into and then thinking about why you didn’t like it honestly helps in keeping a character in check. Not something I recommend for works that can potentially trigger you but for for those fics that just don’t nail their character right, can be useful in knowing how you don’t want to portray a character/relationship. It can be VERY easy to make Chickles a toxic pairing if you don’t know how to handle them right. Having a character like Charles be with someone like Pickles can be easy to butcher if someone doesn’t really study their characters. Charles doesn’t have to be completely dominant nor is he a Christian Grey-like character that doesn’t seem to know how to properly communicate with his partners. And Pickles is definitely not a weak, submissive person and is stronger/braver than anyone gives him credit for when writing those relationships. I like to think that while one may be a little more dominant/in control of the relationship, they are complete equals. If one needs to be taken care of, the other will step in and help them out.
Writing them that they had knew each other in the Snakes N’ Barrels era/80s has always been basically canon to me too! So I guess it just makes it also a lot easier to write them as in love when I set the stories in dethklok/present day; whatever problems that they had in the beginning that they fear the other might judge/yell/misunderstand for would be long since resolved/handled by the time the show aired. Whether they actually date or not by then kinda depends on the story but either way, they would have a strong relationship. They would have learned about each other, their problems and who they are inside and out. They fall in love with the little things they do and learn to handle any pet peeves with them but accept them as who they are. They have gone through so much together behind the scenes and their relationship to each other probably is one of the few that hasn’t changed when Dethklok got incredibly famous.
Season 3 and onward might be a different story. Though it’s not because of personal grievances but more of just the topic of keeping secrets & not telling the truth when they would’ve most likely been so honest with each other before. And honestly that’s what makes it REALLY devastating to write about; Pickles would know jackshit for at least a few years (Assuming that Season 3 & Season 4 took place within 3 years at best.)  and I don’t think watching someone you really love/care about die in front of you, then come back less than a year later and refuse to talk about why they’re here and give vague/cryptic answers is gonna put things back to normal.  (Maybe one day I’ll finish that fic I poured near 10,000 words in-).
And honestly it’s probably where I would like to explore on their relationship the most but it’s just so damn complex and detailed that I definitely need a lot of time to work on. They’d both want things to go back to normal but by Charles coming back, it signaled that things weren’t as what they used to be and that they most likely won’t be. What used to be a relationship based on comfort, familiarity, and a predicted unpredictability, has become something much more than neither of them have either prepared for. They’ll have to work hard to move past it and accept that like their relationship, things won’t be like they used to be. But with how much time they have spent together and that they still love each other regardless, they’ll be able to go through with this and get their happy ending!! (And I guess this is why I evolved from ‘definitely not the marrying type’ to ‘yeah they definitely get hitched after galaktikon’ because charles and pickles have probably signed a lot of important documents all their lives, so signing a marriage certificate that binds them to each other would be the most sentimental/important document he’s ever signed.)
All in all,they have such good potential writing because it’s just easy to write them for me. From their first meetings to first relationship to getting to be signed to Dethklok, I feel like they have something I probably won’t be able to replicate in other ships. They are an absolute joy to write and getting to explore.
God i could go on forever about them but im gonna stop dlfskj
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ellie livewatches the night manager ep. 2
forgot to mention, but this intro is bussin’
drugs? (with a rolled r)
ah shit, we’ve got a bad relationship with a parent
well thats just a bit rude
girlie you need therapy
omg the little boy from wonder...JACK WILL, thats who he played
god she’s tall
ooh, i’ve never made paella before, nor tried it
my brother got to drive a boat once lol. that was the first time i ever saw dolphins
ah yes, rich people shit
thats a nice lil table
you see, i’ve tried veal, (deer) in sausage form and it A. tasted weird and B. was dryas fuck. i’ll have it again, but maybe like with rice, mixed in, like i sometimes do with ground beef. it was very lean lol.
i mean.....he’s gulping that shit my lord
remember kids, always make sure you’ve got some water on hand, as well as food in your stomach before drinking xx (or so i’ve heard)
hehe, STOP
ooh, i do adore mr. groff’s laugh though
awwwwwww. this is a very cute moment.
w-was she a little kiddie?
like, not 5 years old, but like a MINOR, um..hmm
oh shit
i’ll be damned if i dont run after MY kid, or someone in my family if they’ve been kidnapped.
also, this may not be EVERY KID.
but i’d be looking for weapons left and right to hurt this person, straight up. any type of exits, im looking for them. all of that.
poor baby
oh, we’re going back this time.
some backstory ehhehehehe
ah, attached memories i see
this is worrying, just a bit. my god.
i feel like he could’ve done that a bit better.
yo why tf didn’t he day “who is it?” before opening the damn door.
i want a tea n’ biscuit too goddamn
um.........i dont know if i could do this, personally. i really couldnt. maybe im too sensitive for it lol.
jesus christ, another murder
ugh yes, he can ride motorcycles. hells yeah
well thats a bit of a rude shock
thats even worse goddamn
ewwww more roper
look at him go
in case yall didnt know, im VERY anti-capitalist, anti-capitalism, all that shit
this dude is just grossing me out
i miss being on my bike lol
yayyy he can cook
RIP to her at that point
i take it back.
no, actually, rip to her.
i love watching people’s eyes dilate. one of the things that i really enjoy learning about is genetics, and how different traits come about. it’s one of my favorite things. he’s got such pretty eyes too, it makes this all the better.
whomst the fuck was that
he did a good pitch, if i say so myself.
ooh, a history between the two
thats a fair reason
i know his ass is scared
that reminded me of the one scene in family guy where stewie beats brian’s ass for not having his money. im talking blood and broken glass fighting, mind you.
im scared
god i hate this
i have never seen this man be this upset dear lord-
im scared of him
oh no-
wheres the body?? who’s body was it?
well fahk me innit
damn....das hot
oh, not the pot
..........oh lord
god, how long has he been there, and how long did it take them to get there?
im not a medical professional, but ehhh that blood looks fairly clotted, like...kinda.
damn he’s in rough shape
corky my beloved
bro wtf, this is SO TERRIFYING
woahhhh, he looks fucked up
wonderful hair, even with a fucked up face
this is such a beautiful shot, my lord.
that ambulance cut too close to the curve for me lol
u cant call dead people, ms. jed
danny ur father was right for asking you to thank the person who saved your life, HOWEVER, i do hate your dad.
awwww!! yes, i would love to hear about squids.
giving me captain james conrad vibes with the shirt color
yeah, corky’s cool (for the time being)
i like the name mordecai
speaking of which, i DID, in fact, have a crush on mordecai from regular show
i dont think smoking would be good for the cracked ribs
ah, so corky is figuring shit out
he does have nice ankles.
i dont know if he would be any good at running with CRACKED RIBS.
i would be milking everything i could if i was in his position.
he looks more upset than anything.
mr. frisky, i think you need some therapy for that.
get them pics.
thee river house
okay sir, shut the fuck up before i punch you through the damn screen.
angela burr my beloved.
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YAYYYY. he got a lobster!! im proud of him
bruh, sit in the chair, not on this man’s thigh hairs
watch him sleep through all of tomorrow
me pretending to sleep when my mama checks in on me:
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nuoyipeach · 4 years
Sick (seulyong OS)
Like the past few hours, she continued sitting there, sometimes on her phone, sometimes sleeping, sometimes having a snack. But her hand never let go of his lifeless one. Now she simply stared at him. She wasn't sad, nor happy. She was just relieved he wasn't dying, and she was there with him.
As she stared at his handsome face, she felt his hand tighten around her's, and smiled instantly as his eyes slowly opened. She moved the chair closer, her hand now carassing his face.
"Good morning."
But he knew the truth. He wasn't asleep. He was in coma. He knew it too well as it happened too many times, and each time she'd make it seem like it was a simple sleep. Tears pooled in his eyes, quickly wiped away by her sleeve.
"I'll get your breakfast." she turned around and pulled a tray from the end of the room towards his bed, opening the lid. "Red bean porridge. Your favourite." she sang chuckling. Picking up spoon by spoon, she slowly fed him, pouring it into his mouth, watching as he tried hard to swallow it.
She continued feeding him until his meal was done, then brought out his medicine the nurse had left them. She gave him the injection, patting his head as he hissed in pain to soothe him, then returned to sit next to him, hand in hand as she held his on her cheek, telling him about whatever was going on with everyone.
"Oh, and you can go home today too. I'll make stew, but not spicy, don't worry."
He looked down with a frown, finally speaking after a while.
"But I like spicy..."
Seulgi made a poker face, pinching his cheek. "But you can't, can you?" his frown made her feel bad, and pet his head. "Fine, I'll add a little bit of spice, alright?"
A small smile came from him, and she leaned forward to kiss his forehead. The door swung open, and the doctor came in. "Lee Taeyong." he called, then looked up to check on his patient. "Well, you can go back since you're awake. There's also good and bad news, but they're the same thing. His condition won't get any bad, but won't get any good either."
Taeyong's eyes welled up again. "You mean, I'll be like this forever? What if I die?"
"Like I said, it won't get any worse, so the chances of you dying are slim. But you won't get any better, so you will remain in this condition."
No matter how relieved it sounded to Seulgi, she instantly felt bad again seeing her husband's expression. She knew how he hated it.
How he hated being born this way. How he hated carrying medicine everywhere. How he hated being unable to do many things people do as a daily routine. And now, how he hated having to live with a pipe around his nose.
She knew him for a short while only, since university. But they grew close as Taeyong, the boy who wanted to do so much but was unable to, was able to make Seulgi do them instead, breaking the shy girl's shell and letting loose her inner self.
They were soon packed and in the car as Seulgi drove them home. She wondered what to do since she would have to go back to work, but she also needed to take care of Taeyong.
Thinking hard, she realised which would be easier. She could work from home, no problem. She was a good employee, getting a high ranking fast, and she could only thank Taeyong for that. They reached home and she helped him out of the car, into the house upstairs to their bedroom, then left to take everything else after laying him in bed. Taeyong looked around the room, as if anything would change. But he liked doing so, looking at all the pictures of them she had hung up.
With their friends. Their first date. Their graduation. The day he proposed. Their engagement party, wedding, honeymoon. He loved looking through their memories, memories of when he was in a better state.
Not a good one, but better than now. Better than carrying a vaccine in his bag with all those pills. Better than walking with support. Better than having a pipe on his face. But no, he was never in a good state, since birth.
And he loved Seulgi for she never looked at him that way. She made his sickness into such a normal thing, he sometimes wondered if he was dreaming it all. She was always there for him, even more than some of his friends, because according to her, she found him cute. His condition made him live in such a way, she for some odd reason found it adorable, not to mention how handsome he is. And Seulgi grew up helping her grandmother, so this was nothing new to her. She loved doing so, especially when Taeyong had helped her open up so much after her trust issues with people.
While he stared out the window, his back against the headboard, he felt the bed go down, and smiled seeing his wife already holding his hand, something she loved to do since they both loved skinship. But he felt terrible for her. She was stuck with him for the rest of her life, when he could do nothing. He couldn't shower her with as much love and affection as she does, or help out at home let alone find a job, because he was too weak to do so. And yet she chose to be with him forever.
"Do you want to go out tomorrow honey?" she asked sweetly.
"Wherever. I know you hate staying at home, so let's go out."
Another thing he loved about her. No matter how weak, how sick, how much in pain he is, she always made a way for him to enjoy life as a normal person. He nodded and kissed her hand before lying back down.
She moved and laid down next to him, head on her arm so she was propped up sideways, and played with his face and hair, touching wherever she could. It was her favourite game, touching Taeyong's face. She wondered how such a person existed, and why they were made to suffer this way. Taeyong looked at her and smiled, before she rubbed her nose on his, both breaking out into giggles.
"What?" Seulgi was in shock from what he said. It was their first anniversary, and Taeyong was ready to give her a gift, but he needed her consent. "Taeyong, I'm not sure..."
"Please. You've done so much for me, I've never been able to show you my love. Please for tonight, just let me love you."
They were sitting next to each other on bed, and he held her close to him tight with pleading eyes.
"It's not that. I'm worried about you. You know you're not well."
"You've always made me seem like a normal person, so why not tonight? Do you not want me to? After getting married and spending a year together, you don't want my love?"
Hearing his broken voice and seeing how he held back his tears, Seulgi shook her head pulling him im for a hug. "No honey. Of course I love you, and I want you to love me back. But... I'm just worried, that's all."
Taeyong sighed and pulled out, moving away from her as he laid back down in bed, turning to the other way without looking at her once. Seulgi sighed seeing his state, and left the room, thinking he'd need some time to himself. She sat in her office room, unable to do work as her mind was filled with thoughts. She wondered if she was being too strict with him, and if he was hurt that much from it.
After a while, she decided to go back to their room, and found Taeyong sitting up, looking down at a framed photo of them on a trip with their friends, the day they somehow confessed to each, and became a hot topic amongst the others. She smiled seeing him smile, and sat next to him. The moment he noticed her presence, he hid his smile and put the photo away, lying back down in bed.
"Taeyong come on, don't be like this."
"What's the point Seulgi? What's the point I'm still alive? Why can't I just die already? Life would be so much easier that way."
"No honey, don't say that. I love you, and I don't want to live without you."
"I can't even show how much I love you back, so what's the point?"
Seulgi turned away, unable to understand how he felt. But how could she? She wasn't him. She wasn't in a state ever close to his. She had been trying to help him live life to the fullest, but she forgot the small things that would have really made him happy. And this was one of them. Showing how much he loved her that way.
Seulgi pulled him to turn around towards her, gently so he wasn't hurt, and moved so she was nearer to him, slightly hovering above her husband. Taeyong simply stared at her, until she kissed him, pulling away with a smile.
"Love me."
Taeyong wasn't feeling any better, but he wasn't feeling any worse either. And he was sick of it. He was alive, and yet in so much pain. He'd rather die if this is the pain he has to go through for the rest of his life. But he knew how much his wife went through to keep him going, knowing how much she loves him, and he can only repay her love by being alive. They've had those nights a few times already, but each time Taeyong would be weaker than usual the next day, and still not care about it.
Today, he was too tired to care anymore. He didn't take his medicine on time, or eat, or do whatever he was supposed to do, thinking he'd die like that. And just as his body grew weaker and he started to cough continuously, he heard familiar footsteps running towards him.
"Taeyong! No, you can't do this!" she pulled out an emergency vaccine and quickly injected him, his body slowly calming down. She then replaced the pipe around his face and nose, just like how she was taught to, and helped him lay back down in bed. Before anything, once he seemed to be back to normal, Seulgi slapped him, not too hard though.
"What were you thinking!?!" she yelled, his head lowering. "Why? Just why Taeyong? What went wrong? Please tell me."
"I don't know..." he choked out, tears starting to stream down his face. "I don't know, but I don't want to live anymore. Look at me. All I do is lay around doing absolutely nothing. I'm as good as being dead."
Seulgi shook her head, pulling him in for a tight hug as she stroked his hair and he continued to cry into her chest.
"You are perfect to me Taeyong. I don't care if you're sick, unemployed, disabled, whatever. To me, you are a healthy, perfect husband. I loved you before knowing about all this, and I still love you the same, maybe even more now. But please, don't do this to yourself. You have me, remember, and..."
When she trailed off, Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows wondering who else she meant. His parents were dead, and her family barely ever saw him since they were always travelling. Who was she talking about?
"You have me Taeyong, and you have Jelly."
"Jelly?" Taeyong pulled out and asked, looking at her cheeky grin.
"That's the fetus name I came up with, since I know how much you like your favourite teddy bear jellies."
Taeyong didn't know whether to cry or laugh at the fact that she named their child after what he was used to call gummy bears. But he hugged her, burying his face into her chest. "Really? We're having a baby?"
"Yes honey. I found out day before yesterday, but I was waiting for the right time to tell you."
"Thank you. You just made my day ten, no, a billion times better."
He sobbed, but happy this time, into her chest as she continued to play with his hair, planting kisses on the crown of his head. She felt one of his hands on her stomach, thumb rubbing against it.
"Be a girl or a boy," he said moving his face down to her stomach, "just be like your mother. Don't be me."
"Don't say that. You're the most wonderful person in the world."
Taeyong smiled flatly before looking back down to her stomach, and lifting up her shirt, just until it's visible, "Maybe, but baby, don't be sick like me. If you are, I don't care, I'd still love you. But I hope you come out a healthy baby." he said with his forehead against her stomach, planting soft kisses over it. Seulgi giggled feeling ticklish, then sat down on her knees, sharing a kiss with him. She pulls away stroking his cheek with her thumb, before they both lie back down, her head on his chest.
"Jelly would love to have a father like you. I can tell. You're the best person I've ever met. So don't think you're life is useless. You have a big duty, that is guarding my heart and Jelly's."
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