#i guess i can't really give a straight answer
Danny crawled down the aisle of the GAV, his stomach churning with every sharp turn and honest to ancients barrel rolls his parents suped up war car was doing while speeding down Gothams city streets.
He didn't think it was possible for anyone to be a worse driver than his dad, but it turned out the GAVs own Ai was powered by ectoplasm.
Who would have thought ectoplasm could be affected by Scarecrows Fear Toxin? Not Danny.
So now here he is, lying on the floor of his parents' car as its firing missiles and lazers, and the Bats are trying to beat it up.
The GAVs ring tone suddenly rang through the air, and Danny had never been so grateful to hear a Katty Perry song in his life. Hoping it was his mom calling so he would be rescued from this nightmare, he yelled out, "Answer!"
"Hello," an unfamiliar robotic voice chimed in from the speakers. Okay, so not his mom.
"Hello." He replied without thinking, his Midwestern hospitality kicking in despite no one actually being in here with him. "How can I help you?"
"Are you able to stop the machine?" Oh, so it's straight to business. Danny could respect that. "No. All the controls are on the fritz. But I think I know what caused this." He didn't give her a chance to respond before he continued, "There was a leak in the fuel line under the GAV. All my parents' tech runs on ectoplasm, which is sensitive to emotions."
"The fear toxin." The voice was still mechanical but held an undercurrent of realization, "You're a meta," the voice stated, though Danny had no idea how they knew. Scratch that. He had used his powers in Gotham a few times already. Guess the bats really do see everything, huh. "Can't you use your density sifting ability to get under the vehicle and fly underneath to repair the damage? I've seen you work on your parents' weapons before."
Danny laughed mirthlessly, "No, the GAV is specifically designed to have energy shields that I can't pass through. Besides,the problem isn't actually the leak. It's the fear. If you could force a new emotion into the ectoplasm, it might override the fear, and while I have many abilities, the Care Bear Stare isn't one of them."
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glazedyeastring · 6 months
So, after the silly character question, I'll spitball another. What's your process for designing characters? Also, what's your favorite Mobini?
Why would you ask that (╥_╥)
Unlike character concepts, designing is something I'm not that good at(?
In the early days, a lot of my character designs were largely based off of other sources that I thought were cool, then again I guess that's how a lot of designing happens
But design cohesion wasn't really my thing, so a lot of character designs I made ended up looking messy when I tried incorporating too many elements. At some points I was constantly redrawing outfits on a character because I just really didn't like the other one
Although, occasionally some non-media-inspired design choices come to mind. Like, Ashes' weird undercut braid thing
Also I don't know enough about Mobinis <:)
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aliferousdreamer · 2 months
also alicent hightower
ooh this is a good one 🗡️💚
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thanks again!! :D
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt. 5
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.6][Pt.7]
“So you’re that dead kid everyone’s talking about.”
Danny smacked a trash bag into the purple clad vigilante. “You can pick up the glass.”
“Wait, I’m just here to-”
“Bother me when I’m working? At least the litterer brings me cash. You can help clean or you can leave. Plastics go over there.”
Danny pointed at a pile of plastics, ignoring Spoiler’s bemused look. Hard to tell, really, considering her mask.
“I’ll help clean if you answer some questions!” Spoiler chirped, already moving to pick out the glass in the general trash pile Danny’s managed to gather. He nodded.
“Alright. At least you’re helping. The other one just bothers me and leaves his stuff on the beach.”
Spoiler snorted. “I’m Spoiler. Is the litterer Batman?”
“Sure. I don’t really care what his name is,” which was a complete lie, Danny was a fan. It’s just that messing with Batman (especially after he couldn’t clean up after himself, honestly!) overrode his fan behavior. “But if I catch him leaving shit in the waters again…”
Danny frowned, eyes glowing. He could feel- even with his partial tangibility, the muck of Gotham's waters seeping into his boots. It was not giving 'Live, Laugh, Love' to Danny, and he needed it gone.
“Whatever. They dropped a lot of guns down here. You can deal with those too, yeah?”
“I'm pretty sure that's evidence?!”
“If you could call it that.” Danny plucked away the Styrofoam and the hazardous (more than regular, anyways) materials away from the trash pile so Spoiler could dig through with her gloves without contracting sixteen different sorts of illnesses.
“So, what brings you to Gotham?”
Danny pointed at the water. “Came for school. Stayed because you losers polluted the water with dead bodies and gross chemicals.”
“You go to school?”
“Hey, that’s discriminatory.”
“Oops! No, sorry! I meant-”
Danny waved her off, irritably separating a bottle cap from the crushed bottle. Seriously, what’s the point of putting the cap back on if you were going to throw it in the bay anyways?
“It’s fine. How else am I supposed to learn about the advancements made in the scientific industry otherwise?”
Even if Danny wasn’t too sure that science could sure stupidity, but a halfa could dream, right?
"So... do you just... listen in on lectures?"
Danny stared at her. "What else would I do in a class??"
"Oh. I just thought since you're dead and all, you'd do something more... fun?"
"I mean, I could terrorize the local villains for kicks, if that's what you meant."
Spoiler brightened. "Actually, yeah! That would be helpful! If Mr. Freeze keeps bringing the cold during my latte Thursdays, I'm gonna snap and wring his cold little chicken neck."
Danny snorted. "Alright. I will keep an eye out for this Mr. Freeze." Danny paused. "Hey, tell your friend to come down and help us."
"What- oh. Black Bat!" Stephanie waved her partner down. Black Bat gracefully slipped down towards the bay, casually knocking out two goons gunning for Spoiler.
'Careful,' Black Bat signed.
"Thanks!" Spoiler bounced on the heels of her feet. She swept an arm out. "Wanna help?"
Black Bat tilted her head and, after placing Danny under quick but thorough scrutiny, nodded.
'You can get the salvageable stuff. Anything you can't lift, leave to me.' Danny signed clumsily, placing emphasis on can't.
"You know sign language?"
"I'm not too good at it, I just learned this version."
He knew ghost-sign first, after all.
"Chop, chop. I don't have all night."
Danny learned that Black Bat had the skill to knock cans into their designated piles if he threw them in the air so she could kick at them.
"You two can come back anytime."
Spoiler whooped while Black Bat leaned back, smug.
"Wait, tell the litterer he owes me $200. He was short last time."
"...Are you telling me Batman owes you money?"
"Yeah. He might be in financial straights, so I gave him some lee-way."
Black Bat and Spoiler looked at each other.
"Hey, so guess what I learned about sea boy!"
Bruce's head swiveled to her with startling intensity. The rest of the clan tuned in.
"He knows sign language! Maybe he even knows ancient sign language! And goes to school, but since he's like, dead, he could only listen to the lectures."
"Bruce, Bruce, do not start a ghost-education plan. Stop. We don't even know if he even-" Dick tackled Bruce, who was already writing a petition as Bruce Wayne to give partial credit to students that diligently goes to class.
"Oh, yeah!" Stephanie shouted over the unraveling chaos. "He promised to fuck with our Rogues for a bit so we can get a break! And we also got a bunch of guns!"
"Where? Gimme!" Jason demanded.
"Do not give Todd more firearms!" Damian cut in.
"Also!" Stephanie grinned as Cass shook with laughter. "Batman's a debtor! He owes Phantom $200!"
"Ain't no fucking way." Tim cackled. "Hear that Bruce? That's karma! For not defending me when he called me broke!"
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
i need pervy older bf konig :(
good god. bro you and i are both so lucky i had today off. this was some good shit to write thank you very much for requesting this ( ◡‿◡ *) also ngl i really think i just don't know how to write characters not being possessive. it's just in my dna
✎ tags: mdni!, smut, female reader, age gap (reader is 18/19, könig is mid-40's), mentioned loss of virginity, corruption/innocence kink, size difference, size kink, pet names, free use, posssessive!könig, exhibitionism, mention of violence (reader gets turned on by it dw), edging, dacryphilia, bondage, praise kink, reader calls könig "sir"
✎ word count: 1.4k words (not proofread)
✎ translations: "hase" = bunny , "liebling" = darling "mein schatz" = my darling/sweetheart , "mein herz" = my heart "mein kleiner hase" = my little bunny (please correct me if anything is wrong, i'll edit it whenever i get the chance!)
masterlist | requests
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✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!könig who is just obsessed with his darling little girlfriend. he loves everything about you, how small you are against him, how easy you are to manhandle and twist around, so happy to just have him touch you however he wants. how you always crane your neck up to look at him with such adoration in your pretty eyes, even when he makes you do the nastiest things for him.
✧ ˖ ° ever since the first time he sunk into you, your first time where you couldn't even take his whole dick (it took you a few rounds to fit it all in), he just can't get enough of you. the whimper when he pops his fat head through your tiny hole, how you dig your nails in and gasp for breath the further he pushes in, it's straight up addicting to him. könig's favorite thing is seeing you fall deeper and deeper into the pleasure he gives you, seeing you become more and more corrupted by his huge hands and cock.
✧ ˖ ° he's got such a kink for your innocence and naivety; his heart skips a beat every time you think it can't get any better, and then it does and your little body doesn't even know how to handle it. könig will try every position, every kink his expansive mind can come up with with you.
✧ ˖ ° it always starts with him pulling you over one of his thighs (it strains your legs too much to try and sit over both of them without his help) and him dragging your hips back and forth across it. his hands cover the entire expanse of your thighs and the globes of your ass, fingertips digging in until it's just on the edge of bruising. always soaking up your little whimpers, how you dig your nails into his shoulders and hide your face in his chest. "hase, my little bunny, does that feel good? look at me, liebling, answer me. always so shy when i have you like this. it feels good, yes? are you going to cum for me? heh, what is it, you need more, liebling? ask me nicely for more, then."
✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!könig who steals your underwear and most of the clothes you pack when you come over and pretends to have no idea where it all went. oh well, guess you'll just have to wear his clothes! it's such a shame that you don't have any underwear left until he does the laundry that he keeps "forgetting" about. it's so sad that you have nothing clean left to wear except his t-shirts that almost reach your knees.
✧ ˖ ° he just loves being able to come up to you in the kitchen, lift you up onto the island counter and run his hands up your thighs until his thumb covers your clit. you always get so squirmy when he does that, bucking your hips into his hand and clawing at his arm. könig chuckles and teases you about how needy you are for him, how you're such a dirty little girl for walking around with no underwear. "don't you know how men are, mein schatz? they'll snatch you up every chance they get," he mutters in your ear, the hand that wasn't shoving two fingers into you gripping your hip to keep you still.
✧ ˖ ° when you start stuttering out little pleas and fumbling with his belt he relents. he pushes you flat against the counter and kneels to lick a sloppy stripe up your pussy, never forgetting his dedication to not hurting you (not in a way you didn't like, at least). and when he's finally lifting your hips up to line up your sopping hole with his dick, he tells you how much of a good girl you are for letting him use you like this, whenever he wants.
✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!könig who gets off on having you sit on his lap in public; in front of anyone, really. könig knows that his overwhelming size and heavy stare makes him live up to his name of "king", and having a pretty little thing like you in his lap just completes the picture. he doesn't admit it, but you know it's an ego boost for him every time.
✧ ˖ ° it just makes him so happy to have you so close! he tells you it helps him with his social anxiety, having you there to calm him down. especially when he invites over his friends, other colonels and military men. könig knows you always feel out of place, feeling like you're going to hear something you shouldn't. he just coos reassurances in your ears and rubs his hands up and down your thighs, fingertips grazing just below the hem of the pretty dress he had asked you to put on. "relax, hase, it's okay for you to be here. mein schatz, mein herz, you know i would never let anyone harm you. i would break their neck before they even came close."
✧ ˖ ° you somehow always end up trying to discreetly white-knuckle his wrist that's buried between your legs. könig plays poker with the rest of the men, pretending very well that three of his fingers aren't knuckle deep inside you. everyone knows, they grow to expect it at this point. you're just so obvious, squirming and glancing up at him anxiously and trying desperately to cover up the tiny moans you let out. then he'll finally lean down and whisper in your ear, telling you to be good and cum; you can't possibly hide the way you shake and arch your back or the choked whimpers. but the men carry on with their game, barely sparing a second glance at you (they still shift in their seats, sneak a hand down to readjust), talking amongst themselves.
✧ ˖ ° "you see, mein kleiner hase, they know to not even look at you too long. they know you're mine, just well as you do, right?" könig says lowly while he wipes his fingers off on your thighs. he's pulling you closer to him so you can feel the outline of his hardon pressed against your ass. you nod and mumble a little "yes, sir" and he pats your stomach where he's holding you against him. "good girl. don't worry, liebling, we are almost done here. i'll stuff you full soon enough, just be patient a little longer."
✧ ˖ ° pervy older boyfriend!könig who always has nothing but praise for you except for when you act up. he wasn't the kind of man to take insubordination lightly usually; you couldn't be if you wanted to be a colonel. instead of his usual punishments (making subordinates run suicides until they dropped) he likes tying you down and edging you until you're sobbing for him to let you cum, to untie you, anything.
✧ ˖ ° it's not that he enjoys seeing you cry (he loves it in this context), he just needs to teach you a lesson, to make sure you know your bratty actions have consequences. it just brings könig so much joy to reduce you to a brainless, overstimulated mess, whining pleas between hiccups and gasps for air. hearing you cry out, "no- nono please könig, please sir m'sorry, m'so sorry! ha-a- please, please let me cum, m'sorry, please-", is like an angel's choir to his ears. he knows you think he's being cruel and unfair, but könig is always going easy on you. you still are his sweet little girl, after all, he could never hurt you too much!
✧ ˖ ° he won't let up though until he's making you say whatever nasty things he wants, until you're so desperate that you completely forget about being shy. "have i taught you your lesson, hase? hm, i don't know if you have yet. tell me what you want- i know you want to cum, liebling, what do you want me to do about that? you want me to fuck you? ask properly, tell me you want my thick cock in your tiny pussy. you need it, don't you? tell me you need it, you need to feel me deep inside you. hah, alright mein kleiner hase, i believe you. it's alright, shh, mein herz, you did so well for me, let me reward you now."
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swarovskiseraph · 1 year
*WARNING: TOUGH LOVE RANT. also, like everything in life, take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not doing anything i mention in this post, then this post doesn't apply to you.
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before anyone comes for me, MOST of us are going through (or have gone through) hard circumstances. many of us have come from abusive households, abusive relationships, poverty, homelessness, & just overall bad circumstances.
but you know why the bloggers & anons who succeed in manifesting their desires/desired lives ACTUALLY SUCCEED?
because they took accountability for their current state and their limiting patterns.
because they were disciplined & determined enough to claim their desire(s), apply the law, & persist regardless of EVERYTHING.
because they knew that this practice would actually change their lives forever and allowed NOTHING to stand in their way.
if you were to be 100% honest and tell me why after months/years of being in this community you STILL haven't manifested your desires/desired life yet, what would be the answer?
overconsumption? procrastination? laziness? lack of persistence?
whatever the case may be, what i do know for a FACT is that it has been no one's fault but YOURS.
many of you guys come running on this platform; asking the same repetitive questions, complaining about not seeing results, whining about how sad your life is and how hard your circumstances are, or just straight up hating on some of these bloggers that are helping you FOR FREE, when they could be using that time to enjoy their desires/the life that they manifested for themselves.
"can you pleaseee manifest/tap into the void for me?" 🥺
"im so lazyyy, i can't be bothered to persist..." 🥱
"loa is FAKE! you guys are a bunch of lying b***hes..." 🤬
"my life is sooo hard, i have such a horrible life...*continues to trauma dump*" 😭
there are MILLIONS of people in the world who are in unfavorable/horrible circumstances that have NO IDEA what the law of assumption is, and have NO WAY to access this type of information!
you guys literally have the knowledge and awareness to make the most beautiful life possible for yourselves with JUST YOUR IMAGINATION, and yet, A LOT of you guys are the most ungrateful, lazy, irresolute, undisciplined whiners, who don't want to do even the BARE MINIMUM to change your entire lives!!
TRUST ME, everyone on this platform (including myself) understands that there will be setbacks. we all know that they are going to be bad days. we all understand that everyone has their own personal/mental issues. we get that life has obstacles and that not every day will be a win.
BUT, you guys NEED to put in the effort & not give up! you guys NEED to STOP letting your ego win! you guys NEED to get tf off of social media and stop overconsuming information. you guys NEED to claim your desires/desired life, stay consistent & persist until your desires/desired life has materialized.
because guess what, a day turns into a year pretty quickly, and you'll have gone another year of NOT having your desires/desired life, and it's going to be no one's fault but yourself...
do you REALLY want another year of watching everyone else get what they want besides you? do you REALLY want another year of not having your desired appearance, your sp, or financial freedom?
i hope the answer is no...because that's a HUGE waste of time that could be used to actually have the things & life you want.
everyone deserves to live the life they want...but at the end of the day, no one & nothing has the power to manifest the life you want but YOU.
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vbecker10 · 25 days
Language (Part 1)
Part 2 (in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Captain Rogers thinks you curse far too much at work so he came up with a way for each word to cost you fifty cents no matter where you are in the Tower. You are desperate for it to stop and go to Loki to see if he has a spell that can help you outsmart J.A.R.V.I.S.
Warnings: swearing lol... obviously?
A/N: I'm so sorry @soubi001 lol and you know why. I've been kicking this idea around in my head for a while because I'm very aware that I swear way more often than a normal person lol hope you enjoy it 💚
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You knock on Loki's door and wait anxiously for him to answer. A few seconds later, the door opens.
"Can I help you?" he asks you with his typical annoyed expression.
"I hope so," you respond. "Can I come in?" You take a step small forward.
"I don't see why that would be necessary," he crosses his arms and leans on the door frame, blocking your path into his room.
You sigh, "Fine, I guess I can show you my problem out here." He raises an eyebrow and waits for you to continue. "Damnit," you swear then look down.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming paycheck as you are in violation of SHIELD's Inappropriate Language Policy, per Captain Rogers' orders," J.A.R.V.I.S. announces from a speaker overhead. A small holographic screen appears next to you, showing your name and SHIELD photo ID at the top, the fifty cent charge in the center and a running total at the bottom.
Loki chuckles and shakes his head, "So the Captain finally made good on his threat."
"Yea. He thinks this high tech swear jar is going to stop me from cursing all the time but all it's doing is annoying the shit out of me," you complain to Loki.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcom-," J.A.R.V.I.S. announces again.
"Shut up," you tell the program, cutting the announcement short.
Loki smiles at your outburst then says, "What is it you expect me to do?"
"I have no idea honestly," you shrug. "Don't you have a spell for everything?"
"I have a spell for almost everything, yes," he says then he is quiet for a moment as if he is thinking. "I do think I may have a solution to your... issue." He waves his hand vaguely towards the speaker J.A.R.V.I.S spoke from.
"Really?" you ask excitedly. "That would be awesome." You thought it was going to be way harder than this to convince Loki to help you.
He leans towards you and looks you straight in the eyes. "Stop swearing," he says then he goes back in his room and closes his door in your face.
You stand in the hallway, looking at his door and mumble, "Fuck."
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from-"
"Shut the hell up!" you yell, cutting it off again.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming paycheck-"
"I know! I get it," you tell J.A.R.V.I.S. You can hear Loki laughing loudly through his door and you glare at him even though he can't see you. You turn, ready to give up then you suddenly get an idea. You walk close to the door and say, "Just so I know, it would really piss off Steve if I figure out a way to get around this. Tony too, he helped set it up."
He opens the door a second later and you do your best to hide your smile. "It would aggravate them wouldn't it?" he says almost to himself and you nod but try not to look too excited. He sighs and takes a step back to open the door further, "Very well. I think I might have a spell that could work."
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Loki closes the door and you stand awkwardly in the middle of his living area, unsure what to do. You've never been in his apartment before and as far as you know, no one else on the team has either. Loki isn't known for being a fan of having people in his personal space or of people in general.
You look around his living area. One wall is lined with tall, overflowing bookshelves and a leather couch is set against the other wall. A dark wood coffee table matches the end tables, one of which has a short stack of books and a steaming cup of tea. You walk over to the end table with the books and open the cover of the top book, assuming it's what Loki was reading before he opened the door.
"Sorry, I was just-" you suddenly feel nervous being alone with him, maybe this wasn't a good idea.
"Don't touch anything," Loki says from behind you and you close the book quickly, turning to see him standing closer then you expected.
"Sit," he motions towards the couch and you do as he tells you. You sit quietly on the middle of his couch with your hands on your lap, watching him search through the numerous books scattered about. While you wait, your mind wanders to a meeting yesterday morning with the team.
You take a seat at the rectangular table across from Thor and Bruce, scrolling through your tablet to find the notes for this meeting. Natasha and Clint walk in, followed by Loki then Steve and Tony. Without a word, Steve places a glass jar that says 'Y/N's Swear Jar' on in it between you and Clint.
You look up at him as he sits. "Seriously Steve? I haven't said a damn thing yet," you tell him then groan when he gives you a disappointed look. You reach into your bag to find your wallet and drop in your last two quarters. "Happy?" you ask him as you sit back in your chair.
"I would be happier if you stopped using inappropriate language so frequently," he answers.
"I think the odds of my brother voluntarily attending one of Stark's parties is higher than Y/N giving up swearing," Thor jokes. Loki roll his eyes as his brother nudges him playfully.
You look at thor, "Did you know that people who swear lie less often then people who don't?" Thor shakes his head and you turn to look at Steve, "They've done studies that suggest that people who curse are more honest because they use fewer social filters when they are expressing their opinions."
"Is that true?" Clint leans towards you.
"I have no idea, I read it online," you whisper back.
"That may be, but it is still not appropriate for a work environment," Steve lectures you.
"I send out super professional emails, isn't that good enough?" you ask.
"No," he answers sternly.
"That's bullshit," you cross your arms and look at him. He doesn't say a word, simply looking from you to the jar and back at you. "Ugh, fine." You grab your wallet and take out a bill, "Does anyone have change for a five?"
"Just put the five in there," Fury says when he walks in. "We all know you'll use it today."
"Hurtful," you tell him but you fold up the bill and put it in the jar then you smile at Steve.
"I don't like that look," Tony says and Steve agrees.
"It's like prepaying for ten words," you laugh, "I just have to use the damn things well."
"Nine," Clint says.
"Ah shit," you look at him and Natasha laughs.
"Eight," he smiles.
"Good thing someone is keeping track," Bruce says.
"Is it ok with everyone if we start this damn the meeting now?" Fury asks annoyed from his seat at the head of the table.
"How come he doesn't get a jar?" you ask, leaning across the table towards Steve and pointing at Fury.
Tony laughs, "Believe me, Steve tried."
Loki smirks as he looks up from one of his books, "This spell may help, it will render you utterly mute."
You stand up quickly, "Yea, no, fuck that."
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted-" J.A.R.V.I.S says.
"Oh, come the fuck on," you tell it and Loki laughs again.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your-" it repeats.
"Just forget it," you tell him. "You don't know how to help me anymore than anyone else did. Coming here was a waste."
You walk past him towards the door and he says, "Maybe you should ask for a raise."
"Thanks," you tell him in an annoyed tone and open his door.
He sighs loudly just as you step out into the hall. "Fine," he says and you turn to look at him. "I'll help."
"With another stupid suggestion?" you ask.
"No, I'm sure I have a spell here we could use," he tells you, gesturing towards his books.
"Why are you changing your mind?" you ask, unsure if you can trust him.
He shrugs, "Honestly I'm bored."
"Seriously?" you ask, crossing your arms.
"Were you hoping for a different reason?" he asks, crossing his arms to mirror your body language.
You unfold your arms, "I mean... yea. You could see least feel a little bad for me?"
"But I don't," he says with a light shrug.
"Oh... well I guess I'll take it," you tell him and close the door. He nods to acknowledge your decision but doesn't reply.
You sit on the couch while his focus returns to his books. You watch him pick up a hardcover book then put it back, taking the one next to it. He flips through the pages slowly and you ask, "Your not gonna turn me into frog or anything, right?"
He looks up at you confused.
"Thor said you've done that to him before," you explain.
He groans, "It was one time and we were children."
"I'm just checking. I don't know how any of this works," you tell him.
"Clearly," he rolls his eyes and goes back to his book. He looks up again and adds, "If I wanted to turn you into a frog I would have done so already."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" you ask.
"Yes," he says matter of factly then he goes back to reading.
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You try to get comfortable on Loki's couch but you can't seem to relax, you are afraid to touch anything including the pillows. After a few minutes of silence he sits next to you and you shift away from him a bit. He doesn't seem to notice your reaction and hands you the open book.
"Read this," he says.
"It's in Spanish," you tell him.
"Very observant," Loki nods.
"I can't read this. I took three years of Spanish in high school but it didn't really stick," you explain.
"Humans are so dull without the Allspeak," he mumbles.
"Do you always need to be annoying?" you ask him.
"No," he smiles at you.
"What was your point with the book?" you ask, trying to get back on track.
"I will explain after. Read this part," he points to a specific paragraph.
You give the short paragraph your best attempt. Based on the way Loki flinches at how you pronounce almost every word, you assume you did awful. J.A.R.V.I.S remains silent so you ask Loki what you said.
He smirks, "Something that should have cost you more than a few dollars."
"Really?" you ask and look back at the book. You grab your phone and use it to translate the text. Your eyes go wide at the excessive swearing and insults the character uses to describe another character. "Wow," you laugh, "You weren't kidding."
"Now that you know what it means, try it again," he suggests.
You read it again, your pronunciation still off but when you finish J.A.R.V.I.S charges you for eight words. Loki laughs and you look at him annoyed, "Great, thanks. That was annoyingly useless."
"I thought it was funny," he smiles. "And it wasn't useless. Now we know that it only works if you know what you are saying."
"You're an ass," you tell him.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from-" the program repeats.
"You owe me $4.50," you cross your arms and lean back on the couch.
He waves his hand and a five dollar bill appears between his fingers. He hands it to you, "I'm sure you'll use the other word soon enough. I want to try one more thing."
"I don't think I trust you anymore," you say, putting the money in your pocket.
"I didn't think you trusted me in the first place," he says.
"I... yea, that's a good point," you tell him.
"Here," he conjures a small notepad and pen before handing them to you.
"Where do you keep this stuff?" you ask looking at the objects.
"A pocket dimension," he explains.
"Right, sure, super normal," you laugh. "What the hell am I doing with this?"
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming-"
You groan and put your hand over your face.
Loki smiles and says, "I honesty thought you would keep those fifty cents a few seconds longer."
"You know, no one likes you right," you tell him in response.
"And I am truly devastated by that," he says, putting his hand over his heart.
"Whatever," you roll your eyes. "What do you want me to do with this?" You hold up the pen and notepad.
"I'm looking for a loophole," he says. "Go ahead, write some of your favorites."
You sigh and write a word but nothing happens. You write another and still nothing.
"Interesting," he says then J.A.R.V.I.S activates. "What did you do?" You hold up the notepad and he smirks as he read it. "Well now that's rude," he says, shaking his head.
"It's accurate," you smile then cross out what you wrote.
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"Do you eat pizza?" you ask.
Loki looks up from the book he is reading as he stands in front of the bookcase. "What?"
"Pizza," you repeat.
"Yes, why?" he furrows his brow.
"Its 8:30, I'm ordering food," you tell him. "I came here right after work so I missed dinner."
"No," he says and goes back to his book.
"What do you mean, no?" you ask, looking up from your favorite delivery app.
"I've heard humans are like stray animals, if you feed them, they return," he says.
He sighs but doesn't argue, putting another book in the pile of what you imagine are useless books.
You laugh, "First off, who told you that? And Secondly, if I'm ordering the food, technically that would make you the pet I'm feeding."
"What do you want on it?" you ask him. "Pepperoni, veggies, or are you one of those weird pineapple people?"
"Cheese is fine," he mumbles.
"One cheese pizza it is," you say, ordering from a place nearby. "It'll be here in half an hour," you tell him.
"Wonderful," he says without a smile. "I was so hoping you would be here all night."
"You can always tell me to leave," you say getting up from the couch.
He looks over at you and says, "I could but I won't."
You sit back down, "Okay, I really need to ask... why are you doing this?"
"I'm bored," he answers with a shrug.
"You said that before," you tell him.
"Because that is the answer," he insists but for some reason you don't believe him. You feel like there is more to it but you can't figure it out.
"I thought you were supposed to be good at lying, being the God of Lies and whatever," you say.
"I am the God of Lies and Mischief, not whatever," he corrects you. "And I am not lying. Why else would I want to help you?"
"Because you like me?" you smile and he scoffs. "You have to admit, I'm pretty awesome."
"I do not," he says but you see a hint of a smile on his lips. "Now, will you please be quiet and let me think."
"Can do," you give him a thumbs up.
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You put the pizza box on the coffee table and he sits next to you. "You owe me for half," you say. Before you can tell him how much it is he flicks his wrist and a brown leather wallet appears in his hand. He opens it, takes out a twenty dollar bill and gives it to you. "Wait," you say before he makes it vanish again. "Is that Thor's wallet?"
"Hmm," he opens it. "It would appear so."
"He's been looking for that for like a week," you laugh.
"I'm aware of that," Loki responds.
"Of course you are," you shake your head.
"Do you want to money or not?" he reaches to take the bill back from you.
You pull it away from him and put it in your pocket. "I'm going broke from this fucking thing," you tell him as J.A.R.V.I.S activates again.
"Ah damnit, I forgot to ask for plates," you say, ignoring J.A.R.V.I.S. Loki holds out his hand and two plates appear. "I've got to admit, you are pretty useful," you tell him. He smiles but then you add, "You would be more useful if you could fix my stupid problem though."
"I already told you the easy way is to just stop swearing," he takes a slice.
"That's no fun though," you tell him. "Plus, I really don't want Steve to win."
"What do you mean?" he asks.
You shrug, "Sometimes I do it more when he's around cause I know how much it bothers him."
He laughs, "I can appreciate that type of attitude."
"I thought you might," you smile. "So any progress with the massive pile of books or am I fucked?"
He looks up mid-bite and J.A.R.V.I.S goes off again. "I have not given up yet," he tells you but his attention is focused on the screen that popped up. "Do that again," he says. You sigh, and he flicks his wrist, putting another five dollar bill on the table between you.
"Fuck," you say and the screen appears again with J.A.R.V.I.S 's announcement.
"I'm sorry, the total says $47," he sounds shocked and you cringe. "I thought you said they only turned it on at noon."
"Yea," you take a bite of your pizza.
"You have said 94 swear words since noon," he says.
"Apparently," you shrug but he continues to look at you so you put your food down on the table. "When Steve and Tony first told me about it I was kinda pissed," you admit. "I might have lost a few bucks before I left Tony's office."
He tries not to laugh, keeping his hand over his mouth while you talk.
"Then I went back to my office to try out a few things," you tell him.
"Like what?" he asks.
You take a list out of your pocket and hand it to him. "What counts and what doesn't," you say. "Some words only count in a specific context so there's that."
"That still doesn't account for all of this," he says.
You shake your head, "I wanted to see how far it reached outside of the Tower." You sigh, "It's about half a block in all directions."
He laughs, "I imagine you were quite a sight trying to figure that out."
You laugh too, "You would think so but this is New York. I don't think anyone noticed the weird woman cursing every few feet, followed around by a hologram yelling at her."
"This city truly is very odd," he agrees.
"And yet, you still tried to take it over a few years ago," you shrug and take a bite of pizza.
"Technically, I was trying to take over your whole planet," he reminds you.
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"That's not better," you tell him and he shrugs.
"I found a few spells I would like to try when we finish eating," he changes the topic a moment later.
"Think one of them will work?" you ask hopefully.
"I certainly hope so," he says. "Of course, I could accidently turn you into a frog if something goes wrong."
"That's not funny," you tell him.
"I wasn't joking," he smirks.
I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
baby boy
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words: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, dom!reader and sub!rafe (hes so whiney <3), handjob, premature ejaculation, female recieving oral, face sitting, p in v sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, crying, orgasm denial a bit i guess?
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450
“what do you want?” you question, annoyed that you have to ask again after rafe failed to answer.
“i-i-” he pants, chest rising and falling quickly, unable to get a handle on the physical reaction his body is having to you sitting on his thighs, feeling the wet press of your pussy against his bare skin, having both stripped your clothes long ago, yet rafes cock remains standing straight up, completely untouched.
“if you can't use your words, i can go.” you hum, running your fingertips over his chest and torso, tracing his abs that he works so hard for, proud of himself for keeping in such good shape for you. “i can find another boy to use. maybe one that's good enough to tell me what he wants.”
“touch me!” rafe gasps out, his head clearing enough to get the words out when you mention another guy. 
“aw, baby.” you pout, leaning forward, pressing your clit into his leg. “did you forget? are you that stupid?”
rafe cries out, resisting the urge to lift his hips, knowing you will just punish him and make him wait longer.
“you have to be specific, rafey.” you remind him, a gentle swipe of your lips on the corner of his mouth. “you wanna be touched. but i am already touching you.” you give his side a pinch, a reminder that your hands are already on him.
“cock.” rafe gasps, eyes fluttering closed. “touch my cock, please.” he begs.
you smile at rafe remembering to use his manners and say please as you finally give in, wrapping your hand around his cock. you give it a single stroke before rafe releases all over his stomach, making you tsk in disapproval as you let go of his cock, ruining his orgasm as cum decorates his pretty abs.
“im sorry.” rafe cries out, tears streaming down his cheeks. “im sorry, im sorry.” he whines as he finishes cumming, his cock pulsing and still standing straight up.
“baby boy, you know you need permission.” you sigh, disappointed rafe couldn't hold out for you, but also impressed that you were able to make him cum with just the smallest of touches.
“let me make it up to you, please.” rafe moves his hands to your hips, a move you would usually punish him for, but seeing him all blissed out and covered in his own cum has turned you on enough to make you overlook the slight misstep.
“wanna eat my pussy?” you offer, and rafe nods ecstatically. “but would that even be a punishment? don't you love eating me out? why should i let you put your mouth on my pussy when you just broke a rule?”
“please, please let me make you feel good.” rafe says, and you shrug, like you're really thinking it over, before getting off of rafes lap.
“lay down.” you command, and rafe is quick to move so his head is against the mattress instead of the headboard. 
you admire his long body, muscles toned and tanned as you dip your finger into his cum, starting to dry out on his skin as you swipe it all onto your finger, sucking it into your mouth. you have to pull away from the taste to laugh as rafes cock bobs, a bead of precum leaking out.
“so desperate.” you climb onto rafes chest, settling all your weight onto him, spreading your knees so he can look down his body to your open cunt.
“please let me taste you.” rafe is practically salivating at the sight. you hum in approval and shift yourself forward, lining your pussy up with his mouth as you sink down onto his face.
you let out a moan as he instantly begins eating you out, mouth hungrily tasting every part of you, licking up your wetness like he needs it to survive.
“sometimes i think you like eating me out better than you like cumming.” you giggle as rafes eyes flicker up, half lidded and revealing how lustful he is in that moment.
“i do like it better.” he says, pressing kisses all over your pussy. “i love making you feel good.” “such a sweet boy.” you stroke a hand over rafes hair, smiling down at him as he moves his tongue to your clit, massaging it with the tip of the muscle as you grind your hips down.
“you want to make me feel even better?” you ask, and rafe nods enthusiastically, sucking your clit into his mouth. “i’m not gonna ride you today, pretty boy. you’re gonna fuck me, okay? gonna be on top this time.”
rafe blinks up at you, surprised that you’re requesting him taking control, usually liking to be the one using rafes body for your pleasure, not worried about what hes doing as long as his cock is hard and buried inside of you.
“finish eating my cunt, first.” you say, and rafe quickly refocuses his energy on your clit, determined to make you cum, switching between sucking and licking as his hands come to your hips, pressing you down onto his face, making a mess of himself without a care in the world, happy to submit to you.
you moan as your hand fists his hair, gripping it tightly, even when he whines as you pull on it. you give it another tug, this time to tell him to shut up and stop complaining.
“i’m close, rafe.” you tell him, eyes fluttering shut as you rock your hips forward and back. “gonna cum on your tongue. make me cum. make me cum.” 
rafe pulls out every trick he knows to get you to cum quickly, tracing letters onto your clit before sucking it between his lips, flicking his tongue over your bud once its inside his mouth. he licks a wide stripe between your folds, letting his tongue run over the sensitive underside of your clit until you let out a shout of pleasure, falling backwards as your orgasm hits you, unable to keep yourself sat up.
you lean against rafes body, chest heaving up and down as rafe rubs your hips. you turn your head to the side, in line with rafes cock, still pulsing and hard for you.
you sit up, giving him a tug to make sure hes ready. “get up.” rafe moves instantly, sliding off the bed so you can take the primary spot in the center of the pillows, your hair splaying out amongst the silk as you spread your legs, showing off your dripping center to rafe.
“kneel in between my legs, come on.” you command rafe. “you act like you’ve never fucked before. i know that i always ride you, but you’ve had girls before me.” rafe whines as you speak, getting into position. “you’ve let them think you’re all in control when you fuck them, but that’s just an act isn’t it, rafey? you’re my sweet little boy, you need to be told what to do at all times. well, it’s okay. no more pretending. just be my little fuck toy, come on.” you encourage him, reaching down to spread your cunt with your fingertips, stretching your hole open for him. “fuck me. put that pretty cock in me.”
rafe moves forwards, the head of his cock pushing into your entrance. rafe has to dissociate to stop himself from immediately busting inside of you, especially because you didn’t make him put on a condom like you normally do. you’re on birth control and don’t even need one, but you like teasing rafe by not letting him inside you bare.
“all the way in.” you command, and rafe continues to slide his cock into you until his entire length is sleeved inside your pussy.
“good boy.” you take a deep breath, hands coming to grip your tits, playing with your nipples as rafe watches your adept fingers working on your chest.
“fuck me. hard. fuck me like how i usually ride you, come on.”
rafe immediately begins to snap his hips forward and back, settling into a quick rocking motion, moaning every time his cock is fully embedded in your warmth.
“that’s it.” you moan. “rub my clit at the same time, baby boy. i know you can’t last that long.”
rafe nods, it’s true, he already feels so close. he was ashamed the first time he was inside of you that he bursted and came before you were even fully sat on his cock, and even after sleeping together for almost an entire year, he is just as excited as that first time.
“thank you.” rafe pants, eyes on your clit as he rubs over it with his pointer finger, tracing his name onto your skin, as if he belongs to you, but he knows its the other way around. “thank you for letting me pleasure you.”
“aw, my good boy.” you smile before he thrusts particularly hard and your jaw drops into a moan. “gonna give you so many kisses once you make me cum. wanna spend the night, yeah? and cuddle?” “yes, please, please.” rafe says, the aftercare almost as good as the sex itself.
“hurry up then.” 
rafe moves impossibly faster, his cock almost hurting with how hard hes fucking you, bruising your walls as you grind your hips down against him, feeling his cock touch every inch of your insides.
“fuck.” rafe cries out, and you feel tears fall onto your skin. “plea-please can i cum, pretty please?” you smile, feeling your clit pulse as well. “go ahead, baby, cum inside me. cum in my pussy and fill me up like the good boy i know you are.”
rafe rubs his finger as fast as he can as he releases inside of you, somehow still able to fill you up with his cum as he moans your name. upon feeling his warmth, you lose all control, back arching off the bed as you moan out, eyes squeezing shut as your cunt flutters around rafes cock, milking him for every last drop as your orgasm causes your body to shake. 
you reach up, pulling rafe down against your, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he presses his body against yours, your chests rubbing together as you ride out your highs together.
“fuck, you did so good for me, rafey.” you gasp out, wrapping your legs around his waist so you can keep his cock deep inside you, not ready to be apart from it yet.
“thank you.” rafe kisses your neck, smothering you with love as he moves to your jaw, and then cheeks, and then lips. “thank you for letting me fuck you. thank you. i love you.”
rafes cheeks flush red and you laugh at his reaction to him letting those three little words slip, knowing it happened in the heat of the moment. “it’s okay, baby, don’t be embarrassed.” you rub his back, squeezing your pussy around him as rafe lets out a whine. “come give me a kiss, yeah.” 
rafe bends down and gives you another kiss. “i love you too.” you whisper against his lips. “i love you when you’re such a good boy for me. now make me real happy and pull out nice and slowly.”
rafe nods, sliding his softening cock out of your tunnel, letting his cum drip out of you. he flops onto the bed once hes free from your heat, making you giggle as all his muscles slacken, exhaustion instantly settling in now that the adrenaline is gone. you cuddle into his side, wrapping an arm around his waist, whispering kind words to him, about how good he is for you, how proud you are of him, everything he’s longed to hear as he slips into sleep, mind now calm.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Escape II
Bruna Vilamala x Eriksson!Reader
Hardersson x Sister!Reader
Summary: Your sister meets your girlfriend
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In a feat of amazing strength and character, Bruna ended up tackling both Frido and Ingrid to the ground and distracting them for long enough for you and Lena to make a break to it.
You made good on your promise and took her to dinner at some up class fancy restaurant that you both ended up abandoning in favour of some greasy fried food that absolutely broke your diets.
You'd been with each otherever since, flying back and forth between Spain and Germany to spend time together. You go on holiday with each other. You go to the markets.
Your whole life used to be football and trying to make sure Lena didn't do something stupid like argue with the wrong player. Now Bruna slipped in too.
Making sure Lena didn't split her head open on a rock.
"Do you want to meet my sisters?"
Bruna's head is on your shoulder, staring at the tv as she flicks between channels. "What?"
"Well, I guess, Pernille's not actually my sister but she and Magda have been gross and in love for years so she's practically my sister too. Would you like to meet them?"
Bruna looked confused. "They know about me?"
"Was I meant to keep you a secret?" You teased, leaning down to kiss her. "You don't have to meet them if you don't want to. They'll be in town in a few days so I just wanted to put the offer on the table."
Bruna still looked a bit anxious. "You can't just say that like it's nothing. It's Magdalena Eriksson and Pernille Harder. They're practically living legends."
"They're idiots," You replied decisively," And they're just coming round so they can mooch off me and get in my business. They'll probably ask you if you really tackled Frido and then Magda might even give you a medal."
"I thought she and Frido were friends."
You shrugged. "They are but they like seeing each other in uncomfortable situations. True friendship and whatever." You flung your arm around Bruna. "Do you want to meet them?"
"I'll meet them."
Magda and Pernille arrived promptly in front of your apartment at ten in the morning a few days later and you rolled off the sofa with a groan. Bruna hovered by your shoulder, shifting her weight from one foot to another as you opened the door.
Magda grabbed at you easily, pulling you into a headlock and rubbing her knuckles over your hair.
"Hey! Hey! Get off!"
Pernille slipped through your grappling bodies to shake Bruna's hand - who was staring wide-eyed in shock at the way you and your sister immediately started fighting.
"Don't mind them," Pernille said," They'll knock if off soon. Have you guys got any juice?" She didn't wait for an answer, just heading straight for the fridge to pour herself a glass.
Bruna watched as you tore yourself from Magda's grip, jumping onto her back and trying to force her to the ground.
"Aren't you meant to be mature?" Magda said condescendingly, pinching at your cheek. "I don't think your girlfriend's very happy at seeing you act like such a child."
Bruna blushed heavily at being introduced into the conversation and opened and closed her mouth several times before settling on not speaking.
"Just because I'm younger and more talented-" You shoved Magda away and smoothed out your t-shirt "-Doesn't mean that you have to be so jealous."
"Jealous?" Magda scoffed," D'you hear that Pernille? She thinks I'm jealous! Hey, I made you into the player you are today."
"The only thing you made me do," You said with an eye roll, sliding over to rest a hand on Bruna's waist," Is run away to Germany to get away from your big head. But, of course, you followed me here too, you stalker."
Magda flicked you on the forehead before turning to Bruna.
"Terribly sorry you have to put up with her all the time," She said," I'm Magda, the prettier, more talented sister."
"You've got a girlfriend!" You lifted Bruna away. "Don't try and steal mine!"
Magda shrugged. "I can't help it if I'm more charming than you."
"Magda," Pernille said across the room in warning.
Magda quickly sent her a smile, suddenly red face and embarrassed. "But, of course, no one compares to you, Pernille."
"Hmm. I thought so."
"They're so gross," You whispered to Bruna though with the fondness of somebody who had been around this kind of stuff for years. You grinned at her, all confidence and cockiness. "I want to be like that with you in a few years."
Bruna's cheeks coloured slightly at your declaration. "I...I'd like that too."
"What are you smiling about?" Magda asked as your face lit up like a kid on their birthday.
"Nothing you need to worry about, nosey. I don't budge into your conversations with Pernille, do I?"
Magda groaned loudly. "How do you put up with her, Bruna? You deserve a medal."
"Don't mind them," Pernille said, finally inserting herself into the conversation properly after suitably raiding your fridge for refreshments," It's very nice to meet you, Bruna."
She jerked her head over to where you and Magda were bickering again, quick Swedish being traded between you two.
"Why don't we go and sit down and let them sort each other out?"
"Are they okay? I mean, do they not need to be interrupted?"
"They're always like this," Pernille said dismissively," Give them another ten minutes and they'll come back laughing. Now, I'm more interested in how you two met. Frido said that you tackled her?"
True to her word, it only took ten minutes for you and Magda to calm down, clapping each other on the back and laughing like you hadn't just squabbled and physically fought each other for the past half an hour.
Magda collapsed in the armchair next to Pernille while you slouched next to Bruna, an arm automatically wrapping around her shoulders.
"It's nice to meet you," Magda said eventually," I've heard all about you from Frido."
For some reason that made Bruna feel a bit nervous. "All good?"
"Excellent, more like," Magda said," Which is a little annoying because I was banking on you being insufferable. I've got this track record of hating all of y/n's partners but you're as clean as a whistle. Begrudgingly, I have to like you."
"High praise from Magda," You whispered in Bruna's ears," Congrats, babe, you're officially the favourite sister."
Her face flushed an even deeper red than earlier. "That quickly?"
"That quickly."
You leaned down to press a kiss to Bruna's lips, taking quite a lot of care to not deepen it while Magda and Pernille were over.
"If you two are done sucking face," Magda said," Can we order food now? I'm starving."
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save a horse (ride a cowboy) | lee minhyuk
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nsfw, minors DNI!
pair: huta x male reader
desc: (name) gives his boyfriend a wake-up call that will leave him desiring it every morning that follows.
Minhyuk wakes up to the feeling of someone's eyes on him. He keeps his own eyes shut, wanting to find out who's staring at him so shamelessly, and when he does, he finds the culprit is his boyfriend of almost a year, sitting with his legs folded by the side of Minhyuk's bed, looking right at his face. Minhyuk blinks a few times, still half-asleep. "Babe, what are you doing?" he mumbles, voice thick with sleep.
His boyfriend doesn't answer. He doesn't even react, really, except for a faint, secret smile curving his lips. He looks at Minhyuk, but also somehow through him, as though he's seeing something that Minhyuk isn't privy to. It's a little eerie, to be honest, but at the same time it sends a pleasant, tingling warmth into Minhyuk's belly, as it always does whenever he catches his boyfriend staring at him like this, with a kind of want and fascination, like Minhyuk is something to be adored, worshipped, savoured. Like Minhyuk is a work of art, and his boyfriend is a collector. That's how his boyfriend is, and that's what's so wonderful about him, Minhyuk thinks. He's young, yes, almost ten years Minhyuk's junior. He's kind and adorable, and all those other things. But there's a depth to him, an intensity and maturity that Minhyuk's never seen before in a man so young.
"Babe," he says, smiling now, stretching a little. "Come here, stop staring at me like that." (name) crawls over to him on the bed, and straddles his hips, knees resting on the mattress, one hand braced beside Minhyuk's shoulder, the other holding the blanket that's draped over him. He doesn't say anything. Just stares at Minhyuk with that look in his eyes, and god, it's hot, the way his gaze rakes over Minhyuk's face, his eyes, his nose, his lips. (name) doesn't hesitate to let his gaze wander downwards, admiring Minhyuk's bare chest, the broad, well-defined muscles that he loves to bury his face in when they cuddle, the firm, hard skin.
Minhyuk feels his dick twitch in interest, and he knows his boyfriend can feel it too, from the way his hips are pressed against Minhyuk's. But Minhyuk wants more than just that. He wants to hear his boyfriend's voice, and have him tell him exactly what he's thinking, what's got him so hot and bothered so early in the morning. "Hey, what's gotten into you?" he murmurs, reaching a hand up to stroke the back of his boyfriend's head. "Come on, say something." "I want you to fuck me," his boyfriend says, blunt and straightforward. And that goes straight to Minhyuk's cock. He can feel himself getting hard, the front of his boxers already tenting, and his boyfriend must have felt it, because he presses down a little, grinding himself onto Minhyuk's erection.
"Oh god," Minhyuk gasps, arching up. "Hyung," his boyfriend moans, rocking his hips, pressing down again. "Fuck me. Please. I've been thinking about it all night." "Shit," Minhyuk curses. It's a Saturday morning. He has nothing scheduled for the day, no need to get out of bed until later. But his boyfriend, he doesn't have classes until the afternoon. "Don't you have class today?" "I do," his boyfriend answers. He leans forward, lips hovering close to Minhyuk's. "But that's not going to stop me from taking you." "Holy fuck," Minhyuk whispers. "Where's all this coming from? Why are you being so aggressive all of a sudden?" His boyfriend shrugs. "I dunno. I just want you, I guess." Minhyuk groans, as his boyfriend's hips grind down on him again, slow, hard. "I want you too, babe. Always."
"I want to ride you, hyung," his boyfriend whispers, right against his mouth. "Want to ride your cock. Please." Minhyuk gasps again, hands gripping his boyfriend's hips, fingers digging into the skin. "Can I?" his boyfriend asks, looking right at him, a smile on his face. And oh, fuck. Minhyuk can't resist his boyfriend when he smiles like that, they both know it. "Yeah," Minhyuk agrees, a little too eager and breathless. "You can." (name) grins, and climbs off him, Minhyuk immediately missing his boyfriend's warmth. "Wait," he exclaims. "Don't you need to… y'know… prepare?" (name) shrugs. "Already did it while you were asleep," he says casually. And Minhyuk nearly chokes. "W-while I was sleeping? Holy shit." (name) laughs. Minhyuk then reaches up and grabs the back of his boyfriend's head to pull him down into a kiss.
(name) makes a surprised sound, muffled against Minhyuk's lips, but Minhyuk doesn't stop, just kisses him deeper, harder. He opens his mouth, licking along the seam of his boyfriend's lips, coaxing them apart, and then his tongue slides in, meeting (name)'s, tangling, sliding together. He breaks away from the kiss, and sits up. (name) temporarily settles beside him, and Minhyuk starts tugging down his shorts, and lays down, legs spread. (name) throws one knee over Minhyuk's spread thighs and moves, slowly, carefully, so that he's sitting right on Minhyuk's lap.
"Go on. Hop on your ride" Minhyuk teases. His boyfriend's mouth falls open. "That was such a dad joke." "Hey, don't diss the d," Minhyuk says. "That's going to be inside you in a minute." "Hyung," (name) whines, burying his face in his hands with shame. Minhyuk chuckles, and his boyfriend's cheeks are still flushed with embarrassment, but he lifts his head up, and looks at Minhyuk again, his eyes dark with lust. "Okay," Minhyuk murmurs, and his hands go to his boyfriend's hips, fingers wrapping around the jut of his hip bones. "Ride me." And oh, his boyfriend does. He rises up on his knees, and reaches a hand back, gripping the base of Minhyuk's cock. Minhyuk's fingers tighten their hold on his boyfriend's hips, and (name) positions himself over the head, ever so slowly sinking down.
"Ohhhh," his boyfriend groans. "Hyung, you're so big," his boyfriend whimpers. "It's always so hard to take you, it's so deep." "You love it," Minhyuk growls. "Yes, i do," (name) moans, as he lifts himself up again, and drops back down, taking all of Minhyuk's length inside him. "Fuck," Minhyuk swears. "Baby, do that again. Please." And he does. "Shit, baby, you're amazing. Look at you, riding me so well, like you were born to take my cock."
"Hyung," his boyfriend pants, head tilted back, mouth open. "Yes, god." Minhyuk grins. "Look at you, baby. You love it, don't you? You love being on top. Love showing hyung how well you can take him." "Yes, hyung," his boyfriend keens, riding him faster, bouncing on his cock. "Fuck, that's it," Minhyuk encourages him, squeezing his hips, bucking his hips up, thrusting into his boyfriend. "Hyung," (name) screams. "Fuck me. Fuck me harder, please. " "Yeah," Minhyuk growls, lifting his boyfriend's hips up and slamming him back down, impaling him on his cock, as (name) wails. "You like that?" Minhyuk says, doing it again. Minhyuk grunts, and slams the boy down on his cock, again and again, until he's sobbing, his voice breaking on every word.
"Please," he cries. "What do you want, baby?" Minhyuk taunts, as he continues fucking his boyfriend's ass, his movements becoming slower, more measured, deeper. "Hyung, please," (name) sobs. "touch me. I'm so close. ." Minhyuk grins. "Not yet, baby," he whispers. "You can't come until I say you can." "Hyung," (name) protests.
"You said you wanted to ride me," Minhyuk reminds him. "Ride me like you mean it. Don't stop, baby. Don't you dare fucking stop." (name)'s eyes flutter closed, his hands gripping Minhyuk's chest for stability. He rides him, bouncing on his cock, taking him in over and over, until his thighs are trembling with effort. "Good boy," Minhyuk breathes. "My baby boy's doing so well."
(name) whines, his eyes wet, his bottom lip trembling. "you can come," Minhyuk tells him. (name) blinks, and the tears finally spill, rolling down his cheeks. He sobs as his body spasms, as his hips buck, as his cock twitches, shooting ropes of cum onto his and Minhyuk's bellies. "That's it," Minhyuk purrs, fucking up into his boyfriend, feeling him clench and quiver around him. He whimpers, his body shaking with the aftershocks.
"Hyung, finish inside me," (name) pleads. "Come inside me, please." "Yeah," Minhyuk nods, and grabs (name) by the throat, thrusting into him, fast. After a a couple of times, he's coming, with his fingers digging into his boyfriend's hips, pulling him down, down, as he spills his load inside him, grunting loudly. Minhyuk lies down on the bed, pulling (name) with him so that the younger now rests over his boyfriend’s naked form. Minhyuk's hands slide down (name)’s back,down his ass, and when he reaches the swell of his buttocks, his fingers slide in, spreading his asscheeks apart, feeling his cum start to leak out of his hole.
"Hyung, don't," (name) says, pushing his hands away. "That's so gross." Minhyuk smiles, and leans up to kiss him. "I'll clean you up," he offers, and (name)'s face goes red, embarrassed. "Okay," he lets Minhyuk pick him up and carry him to the bathroom, and Minhyuk feels a rush of affection for his adorable boyfriend. Holding him close, he kisses his neck and whispers, "I love you." "Love you too," (name) whispers back.
Minhyuk gently places him on the counter, and wets a towel, using it to wipe the cum off of his body. When he's done, he sets the cloth aside and wipes himself too. "Thank you for that, baby," he murmurs as he pecks (name)'s lips. Minhyuk helps him off the counter, and then picks him up again, carrying him back to the bed. The older male lays him down, and then gets inside the sheets, next to him.
(name) hums happily, burrowing into Minhyuk's warmth. "How was that for a wake-up call?" he asks, a smile in his voice. "Wonderful," Minhyuk chuckles, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend as the two go right back to sleep.
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suugarbabe · 11 months
Saving Grace (II)
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[Chapter 2]
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warning: none
Summary: Mattheo and Y/n need to devise a plan and pray to Merlin their friends can't see through their facade.
[chapter 1]
Your fingers tapped the top of the table that you picked at the back of the library. Mattheo had agreed to meet you roughly ten minutes ago and you were getting restless. He was pretty notoriously late to classes so you guess you couldn’t be too surprised he was late to this meeting as well. You started chewing on the nails of your hand that wasn’t tapping on the table, mind racing of all the ways your plan with Mattheo could go wrong. “You know that’s terrible for your nails, love.” You jumped at Mattheo’s voice, breath brushing against your ear as he leaned down behind you to whisper. You glared at him as he sat down across from you. “So, what’s the plan, beautiful?” Mattheo’s eyes were playful, as was the smile he wore as he spoke. 
“Do you really think that or are you just doing that thing where you try to be charming just because I have breasts?” You seemed to have stunned him into silence for a moment, but he recovered quickly, “First off, the charm comes naturally. Secondly, do I really think what?” You sat up straighter, trying to find the confidence you had just moments ago. “Do you really think I’m beautiful?” Your cheeks burned as you finished your sentence. Mattheo grabbed your hand, “You are very beautiful, Y/n. But I don’t have some sort of ulterior motive, love.” 
“Then why are you helping me?” You questioned. Mattheo shrugged his shoulders, “Do I need an excuse to put Pucey in his place?” You laughed together. It was nice, seemingly feeling at ease with someone that could so easily instill fear in so many people. It was strange, you had known of Mattheo your entire Hogwarts career. You had come in together, sorted into Slytherin the same day. He’s essentially worn the same smirk for six years straight. He’s snogged two of the girls in your friend group, not that you think he’d remember. You’ve seen him in several fights, bruised and battered in classes for several days after. But you don’t think you’ve ever seen him like this, eyes crinkled from smiling, head thrown back, just looking comfortable in general. 
You must have been caught in a daze because Mattheo was once again snapping in front of your face, “Y/n, you still with me? You do this zoning out thing a lot?” You blinked a few times, shaking your head, “Sorry, aha, just lost in thought I guess. Pucey really gives me the creeps and I wanna make sure we’re convincing if need be.” He nodded, leaning his elbows on the table, “Like we’re gonna make out in front of him convincing?” He wiggled his eyebrows. You couldn’t help but laugh, “Well thank Merlin we’re setting ground rules because you clearly need direction. So…give me the details of the party, what time is it supposed to start, what houses are going to be there, where do you generally hangout in case I need you?” 
He pulled at his bottom lip as he thought about his answers. He started talking with his hands, using his fingers to make sure he responded to each question, “Slytherin is hosting the party, obviously. I think it’s supposed to start around nine or something like that? But as you experienced today, I don’t generally show up on time. As far as who’s invited, I’m pretty sure it’s just a free for all, so that should be helpful in putting some distance between you and Pucey.” You stared at him blankly, obviously confused as to how that was helpful, “More houses means more bodies, more bodies means more obstacles between you and the git. Easier to duck away from him and find yours truly.” He smiled so cheesily his dimples started to pop out. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms in the process, “Again, where would I find you at this people packed party that you’ll be late to.” 
“Typically, we hang out in the back corner, where the more comfortable sofas are going to be.” You motioned with your hand for him to keep talking, “And this ‘we’ consists of who exactly?” He started rattling off names, “Me, Theo, Pansy, Enzo, Blaise, Draco and whoever happens to be Draco’s flavor of the week.” He smiled at himself for the last bit. “I’m sure your flavor of the week is typically included in that as well?” You asked cheekily. “This time, that’s you, Princess,” he winked and you scoffed. You had set firm rules for yourself that you were not going to fall for his normal tricks. In this situation, you were the one using him and it was not going to be turned around at any point in time. 
“Okay, loverboy, ground rules. We need to set them. If we’re gonna convince Pucey that I’m with you, you’re gonna have to control yourself and not flirt with, or at least makeout with any other girls at the party. Think you can manage that?” You were teasing him mostly, but also slightly worried that his head downstairs might dictate his actions more than his head upstairs. “Contrary to popular belief, I am capable of controlling myself. I just choose to make sure I’m fully entertained at these events.” 
“Well, I’m your entertainment this party, understood?” Mattheo nodded slowly, “Understood.” You took a deep breath before continuing again, “How much PDA do you think will be necessary?” He smiled a little too widely for comfort, “Well personally, physical touch is my love language, so I’m very touchy. I won’t shy away from touching you, maybe have you sit on my lap if we go by my friends. Maybe a kiss or two, yanno, just to be convincing.” You nodded, “Okay, I can do that.” Mattheo looked a little shocked at your response. “Listen,” you started, “Adrian’s a fucking pest, as soon as he notices me at this party he’s going to try and be attached to me like a leech. So I’m willing to do anything at this point, which leads me to my next question.” 
He waited for you to continue. You took a deep breath, your words seemingly slamming together as you let your breath go, “Doyouthinkwecouldstartthiswholetonight.” His eyebrows furrowed together, “Slowly for me, love.” You closed your eyes, wincing at your words, “Do you think we could start this whole thing tonight. Like, at dinner? Just be seen together, maybe a little flirty banter or something. I just wanna make sure other people besides just Adrian see us interact in a slightly-more-than-friendly way, if…that’s okay…” you trailed off, peeking one eye open to gauge his reaction. To your surprise he wasn’t smirking for once. He just nodded, “I agree, our friends have to think something is blossoming as well otherwise their confusion will throw Pucey off. Wanna let me know anything that’s absolutely off limits?” 
“No sex,” you might’ve answered a little too quickly. At least that was what you hoped was the reason Mattheo started laughing. “There’s just obviously no reason because we’re just…faking it for when people are around. I get your adventurous with…things…but yeah, I don’t think that’s necessary.” Mattheo held his hands up in defense, “Not a problem. I can handle it.” He smiled now, “What are you friends going to think when they see you with me? Will they be skeptical?” You shook your head, “No, I don’t really talk about to them about guys I like or anything like that, so they would probably just think it was another guy I’ve kept from them. You’d definitely be the first guy I was out and open with whilst at school though, so that would be new to them.” Mattheo’s head tilted slightly as he listened, curiosity in his eyes, “Who have you been with? Do I know them?” You pretended to zip your lip and lock it, indicating you were not going to reveal any names to him. 
He stood then, holding his hand out to you, “Shall we go to dinner then, darling.” You stood, grabbing his hand. He laced his fingers with yours immediately, leading you through the library toward the corridor to the great hall. The two of you earned several stares on your way out, a few people leaning in closer together and whispering to each other. As you left the library into the corridor Mattheo leaned down to whisper to you, “A simple walk through the library and we’ve already got people talking about us.” You smiled at the ground, following him quietly through the halls. The staring and whispering continued. You’d never had attention on you like this, but Mattheo barely seemed to notice. He pulled you closer to him in the hall, making sure you were right on him all the way up to the great hall. He stopped right before the doors, turning back to you, “You ready for this, love?”
You nodded your head, “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He turned back around, still holding your hand as he walked through the great hall doors. It felt like everyone’s eyes were on the pair of you. You knew that probably wasn’t the case, but there were definitely those keeping a close eye on you. He led you towards the Slytherin table, your friends eyes nearly popping out of their head. Your friend, Ottilla, stood, stopping you both, “Y/n, care to introduce us to your…friend?” Mattheo plastered on a smile so deep his dimples popped through, “Mattheo Riddle, pleased to meet you.” You found your voice suddenly, “Mattheo these are my friends, Ottie, Darcy and Flora. Though I’m pretty sure you’ve made an acquaintance with two of them previously.” Your mouth leveled into a thin line, but no one seemed to notice.  The three said a chorus of ‘hello’s’ to the boy. “Darcy, Flora, nice to see you again,” Mattheo winked, “Do you mind if Y/n sits with me for dinner tonight? I promise she’ll give you all the details later.” The smirk never left his face. All of your friends nodded, like they really had a say anyway. 
As you approached the other end of the table, Mattheo’s friends didn’t even look up. He sat down next to Draco, patting the bench next to him for you to follow. You sat, waiting for his friends to start questioning you being there. Mattheo cleared his throat, making the others all look at him, “This is Y/n, she’s erm…a new friend.” Draco scoffed, “Is that what we’re calling the girls you bring around now?” He immediately regretted his words as Mattheo elbowed him in the ribs, “Don’t be rude, cousin.” Draco mumbled a muffled ‘sorry’ under his breath. Mattheo introduced the rest of his group. You, of course, already knew of all of them. Admittedly you used to have a crush on Theo in third year, but found him far too intimidating to even approach. They all said a proper hello to you. You weren’t sure if they were actually being nice or just feared Mattheo too much to be rude to you in front of him. 
“You coming to the party with us tomorrow then?” You turned at the sound of Blaise’s voice. You stole a glance at Mattheo, who simply nodded, encouraging you to answer on your own. “Erm, yeah, i-if that’s okay.” You heard Mattheo laugh softly next to you, “It’s not up to them, love. If you want to show up with your friends first, that’s okay. You know where to find me when you’re ready.” He gave you a soft kiss on your temple, the gesture causing Draco to raise his eyebrows. Enzo and Theo looked at each other, smirks plastered on their faces. “Something to say Enzo? Theo?” Mattheo challenged them. They shook their heads, smiling to themselves. You didn’t talk much the rest of dinner, just watched and observed how Mattheo interacted with his friends. He was quick witted, and very funny. Funnier than you expected him to be. You found yourself smiling a lot more than you anticipated. Mattheo and his friends actually weren’t that bad of company considering. The group seemed to have warmed up to you by the end of dinner. All except Draco who stayed skeptical, though you were pretty sure that was his constant state of being. 
You could feel someone watching you. You turned to see Adrian down the table, glaring at you. The sight of him made you physically stiffen. Mattheo noticed your change in demeanor, following your stare. Mattheo leaned in close, whispering in your ear, “Let’s give him a show, shall we?” You weren’t sure exactly what Mattheo had in mind, but at this point, you had to trust him. You nodded your head, silently giving him permission for whatever he had planned. He cupped your cheek, lightly rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip. His hand slid down to your throat, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he used this grip to pull you into him. His lips pressed to yours gently, adding just enough pressure to make your heart race before pulling back, “Ready to go, Princess? I’ll walk back with you.” You were at a loss for words, your heart racing wildly. You nodded and began standing, Mattheo following suit. You said a quick goodbye to the others, looking down the table once more to see Adrian sulking. That made you smile. 
Mattheo wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he walked you out of the great hall. Once you entered the corridor you found your voice again, “Pucey looked like someone pissed in his pudding.” Mattheo giggled, and you didn’t think you would have heard something so adorable from him. “It was fun to fuck with him, you played along pretty well,” he was holding your hand now as you two walked toward your common room. “Honestly, the kiss was more tame than I anticipated,” he raised his eyebrows at this. “Oh? A hand round your throat a usual occurrence for you, y/n?” His tone was teasing, you played along, “I don’t kiss and tell.” He hummed to himself, filing that bit of information in the back of his mind, “Well I thought my tongue down your throat might be a bit much for the dinner table.” You smiled but didn’t respond, instead just kept walking until you reached the common room portrait. You let Mattheo speak the password, then followed him through the entrance. 
The few peers that were already in the common room kept peeking over at the two of you. You did your best to ignore them as Mattheo walked you to the sixth year girls' dorm door. There was no one in the hall, but he still held your hand. You were facing each other now, you were the first to break the silence, “Well I guess I’ll see you at the party tomorrow?” He shook his head, “Not unless you plan on skipping divination…and charms, and…potions.” You laughed, “Forgot we had classes together.” You paused for a moment, tilting your head, “Wait…we don’t have potions together.” He was smiling to himself now, “I convinced Slughorn to let me switch from the afternoon class. Told him I needed the afternoons for quidditch practice. Figured I could keep an eye on Pucey that way, seeing as after that class is normally when he stalks you.” You shook your head in slight disbelief, “Seems you’ve thought of everything.” Mattheo wore a proud look, “I’m a lot smarter than people give me credit for.” 
More students started coming back from dinner, filling the common room and walking toward their dorms. You looked back at Mattheo as Pansy turned the corner towards the dorms. You wrapped one hand around the back of his neck, going up on your toes to place a kiss on Mattheo’s cheek, “I’ll see you in class tomorrow.” His smile seemed genuine, not just one to convince other people. “See you tomorrow, Princess.” And with that he walked back down the hall, leaving you to follow Pansy into the dorms.
[chapter 3]
AN: I don't have a set schedule on when I'll be updating this story, just kind of doing it as things come to me, but if anyone wants to be in a taglist for this one, let me know 😊 . I'm also open to any suggestions about what you may want to see, etc. I do have a general idea for the party in the next chapter already, but I'd love to hear what you guys wanna see happens
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daistea · 12 days
I love love love the scenarios of Kabru with a person who is oblivious, but what about someone who is hyper aware of how other people feel towards them as a defense mechanism? Someone who is constantly aware of everything that's going on and it's something they can't turn off but as a result hates guessing games and won't act unless the other person is genuinely forward. They aren't bad and are polite but will blatantly ignore hints. I think there's another layer of hilarity in that one.
Ya! I don't know if I captured what you're looking for, to be honest. But I tried my best, and I hope you like it!
1600 words !
no tw or spoilers I don't think
Cracks - Kabru x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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Your heart was a fortress. There were moats and ballistas and canons aimed straight at anyone who dared approach. You weren’t sure when the fortress walls raised, but you knew when another stone was added, when they grew higher. 
And Kabru’s charming smile only piled more stones atop the wall. 
That smile was intended for another purpose, you knew. He’d realize that soon enough, but until then, you would maintain eye contact and nod along with his conversations. He didn’t talk about himself often, but he had stories to tell, anecdotes, theories. And he wanted your opinion on every single one. 
“What do you think?” Kabru asked. It was a line cast into the water with bait on the hook. It was the sliding of a chess piece across the board. And he didn’t mean to play these games, you also knew that. It was just how he was. 
“I don’t know,” was all you gave him. 
Kabru nodded to himself. He was good at covering up his disappointment, but you could practically see the gears turning in his pretty head. The only thing you weren’t sure of was why, exactly, he had wanted to see you today. 
Finally, he returned his attention to you, “Do I make you uncomfortable?”
You felt yourself tense. Your shoulders slumped a little and you uncrossed your arms— he was probably reading your closed-off body language, but that was all simply habit, not a result of discomfort. 
“No, you don’t,” and you meant it. You weren’t about to inform him of why you never took the bait, but you’d throw him a bone. “You really don’t. I just… Wait, that was a very straightforward question, Kabru. How uncharacteristic of you.”
“I can be straightforward when I want to be,” He sent you another brilliant smile, though the look in his eyes told you that it was genuine. 
“Why do you want to be at this moment?”
Kabru looked away. He stared at his barely-touched mug of ale, doing his best not to shift uncomfortably on the bar stool. Yet, you saw it; the slight bounce of his knee, how his nose wrinkled. 
Finally: “I’m figuring something out,” he said. 
“Aren’t you always?” You teased. 
And he sent you another genuine smile with a hint of something, you weren’t sure. How annoying. Was it affection? You decided to push the thought aside for the sake of your sanity. 
“Yeah, you’ve got me,” he put his hands up and laughed, then took a sip of his ale as if needing something to do with himself to ease the tension that was slowly seeping between you. Tension: a noxious, invisible gas. It was about to give you a headache. 
You turned on the stool to face him, “What’s on your mind?”
Kabru’s smile turned wry, “Now you’re the one prying.” Your heart clenched. That was another stone on the wall. He knew you and it made you want to run away as fast as you could. 
“I guess,” you said, “Yeah, I do that sometimes.”
“I don’t mind,” Kabru murmured. 
What a lie. 
˚ · • . ° .
“Why are you two like this?” Rin asked. Her eyes were narrowed and her hands pressed down on her hips. Both you and Kabru took in the sight and began silently reaching conclusions. 
Kabru was the first to answer. “What do you mean? What’re we like?” He wasn’t confused in the least but made a good show of it. 
“Like this!” She gestured at you both, how close you were sitting with thighs and shoulders brushing. “You’re constantly dancing around each other and, frankly, it’s obnoxious.”
She was right. One step towards each other always resulted in two steps back. Kabru would create a verbal maze that you would instantly get lost in. You knew the general layout and that you should go a certain direction, but you never did find the exit. 
“Sorry,” you offered, hoping it would quell Rin’s annoyance. (It did not.)
“Are you two aware that…” Rin paused. She seemed to choke on her words as her cheeks slowly went pink. You and Kabru both stared. And stared. And Stared. Finally, Rin groaned, “Nevermind! This is your problem to figure out. Not mine.”
True enough. 
“She’s right,” Kabru murmured after she left. He lowered his head and looked at you, trapping you beneath his spotlight. Unfortunately, you had stage fright. 
“Right about what?” You asked, standing up to create distance; that spotlight was uncomfortably warm. But the lack of that warmth from Kabru’s body next to yours only created a gaping hole in your chest. (You'd have to fill that hole with sweets and distractions later.)
Kabru pursued your attention, “About our feelings, of course.”
Your feelings? At that moment, you were feeling quite shaken as cracks began to run up your fortress walls. 
“What feelings?” You asked flatly. 
His hopeful little smile instantly fell and he started to shift uncomfortably, “Our feelings.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Don’t make me say it.”
“I’m not making you say anything,” you corrected, taking a step backward, preparing your retreat. 
“Yes you are,” Kabru began to argue desperately, “I’ve spent months trying to give you hints! I told you ‘the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?’ and you started talking about how the craters kind of looked like Laois’s face. I compared our hand sizes together as an excuse to touch you, and all you said was that I have girlish hands!”
“You do.”
“You know me,” he grit his teeth, standing up from the bench, “you know how hard this is for me. I’ve given you so many hints, so many opportunities, but you’ve ignored them all!”
Hints. Even the word made you frown. Kabru wanted to play guessing games all day, while all you wanted was a simple game of truth and dare where everybody only picked truth. 
Sometimes, you couldn’t help but wonder why you loved this man. He always banged at the walls of your fortress and, recently, some stones had begun to crumble. You added more, but they would only fall when he decided to say something outright on rare occasion.
“I don’t like games,” was all you said. 
“I know,” Kabru exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes, “I know. I’m trying, really. Usually, I’m pretty adaptable, but this is just… Different.”
“And… You don’t like it?”
“I–” his mouth opened and closed before he looked at you straight on, “I don’t hate it, honestly. It’s different in a good way, as if it’s forcing me to be better with my words.”
“You’re already good with your words. You’re too good with them, that’s the problem.”
Kabru watched you for a moment. You allowed him to analyze you despite how it made your skin tingle. After a bit, he nodded to himself. “Do you want to get a drink?” He asked. 
“...I brought my water canteen with me, so I really don’t—
“You’re just blatantly ignoring my hints, aren’t you?” Kabru announced. His eyes widened and he threw his hands into the air. Whirling away, he gripped his hair and groaned. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. 
“Maybe you should try a new method,” you offered, patting his back, “one that doesn’t involve implications and guesses.”
Slowly, he lifted his head. He looked a bit dead inside, and his jaw tensed. You felt as if you were watching him force himself to eat a monster out of a sheer need to please. It endeared him to you, but at the same time, you couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the guy. The things Kabru put himself through simply to maintain good graces were endless and difficult. 
“I…” he paused, blinking a few times before he finally looked at you, “Would that work?”
Probably. “Think of it like therapy,” you said as you led him back to the bench and sat down beside him. “Try to be blunt with me. Practice.”
“Practice,” he echoed under his breath.
“Come on.”
His eyes narrowed, “Fine. Where do I start? Give me a prompt.”
Good question. You gave it a moment of thought, “Alright, try asking me on a date.”
“I just did a few minutes ago.”
“No, be blunt about it.”
A heavy pause. Kabru slumped forward a little, an intense look in his eyes. “Alright. Fine. Will you go on a date with me?”
“Why?” Fear and horror and exasperation filled his eyes, "Shouldn't you already know?"
“I don't. So, why?”
“Because—” just like Rin did earlier, Kabru choked on his words. His hands went up and he made meaningless gestures with them as if that would assist in the process of being blunt. “Because I would like that?”
“Good job!” You patted him on the shoulder. “Now, bluntly tell me how you feel about me.”
The horror on his face, you wanted a picture of it so you would always have something to laugh at. “Really?”
“Really,” you sang. 
“Fine. I—” another meaningless gesture as he cleared his throat, brows furrowing, “You really want me to be blunt?”
“Yeah. Tell me the truth, the whole truth, don’t dance around it.”
“Okay,” Kabru snorted, “Okay… I want to kiss you, I want to hold you, I want your attention, I want to pin you down on the couch and—”
“That’s enough,” you put up a hand— your cheeks were burning— and smiled, “we’re in a public place. But I get the point, thank you.”
Kabru sighed in relief. He closed his eyes and fell forward, burying his face in your shoulder. You couldn’t help but laugh and pat his back. 
There was a lot of work to do. He still had another layer of walls to break through, but he’d learn how to defeat and conquer. He’d learn how to stop building mazes for you. And it would be good for him, if it didn’t drive him insane first. 
You buried your nose into his hair. He groaned, slack in your arms. Part of you wanted to run, retreat. The other part of you rejoiced in the moment. You weren’t sure which one to listen to, but you and Kabru would figure it out with time. 
You and Kabru would figure a lot of things out together from now on. 
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sebastiannewai · 5 days
Missing you || csc
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✿ scoups x reader
✿ idol!scoups x actress!reader
✿ fluff, comfort
You sat on your dressing room, wiping away tears. Today had been one of the worst days of filming you could remember. Every scene went wrong, and the director’s frustration only made you more anxious. To make matters worse, it had been two long months since you last saw your boyfriend, Seungcheol, who was on tour with the boys.
The day dragged on, each hour feeling like forever. Finally, when the sun had set and the crew called it a day, you sighed with relief and head straight to the hotel. After freshening up, you just wanted to rest and lie in bed. As you close your eyes, your phone started ringing. You’re sure it’s cheol. It has been your ritual to talk at the end of the day, no matter where or how busy you both were. You were hesitant in answering the phone at first because you know you might break down and cry just by hearing his voice but in the 3rd ring you answered. You still can’t resist not seeing him or hearing his voice, even if it’s just through a screen.
"Hey, love!" he said, his eyes lighting up on the screen. "How was your day?"
You forced a smile. "Hi, cheollie. It was okay, I guess?"
He was puzzled by your answer and asked "You’re not sure? What happened?"
You shook your head. "Nothing, it was just a normal day. How was your show?"
Seungcheol grinned. "It was awesome. The crowd was amazing. But I missed you."
You sighed, hiding your face from the screen and wiping the tears away. "I miss you too, cheol.”
He grinned, but then his expression turned serious when he can’t see you on screen. "y/n, I want to see you. Please don't hide."
You sighed and moved fully into view, your eyes red and puffy. "It was a really tough day and I miss you so so much."
He looked at you closely. "There's something else, isn't there? I can see it in your eyes."
You hesitated, biting your lip. You wanted to tell him something but felt unsure. "It's nothing, really."
"y/n," he said tenderly, "you can tell me anything. What is it?"
You took a deep breath. "I just... I wish you were here. I'm having such a bad day, and I want to be with you. Would it be too selfish to ask if you could come home, just for a little while? Just to give me a tight hug? I know you're busy and that your tour is important, but I just... I know it's silly."
His face softened. He spoke gently, "It's not silly or selfish at all. I wish I could be there with you too, to hold you close and hug you tight. But we both know how important this is for us and for our dreams, right? We're in this together, and we'll make it through, I promise. Hey, we'll be together soon. Just a little longer, okay?"
His words wrapped around you like a comforting blanket, easing the knot of longing in your chest. You felt a wave of calm wash over you as you realized you weren't alone in this journey. You nodded, feeling a bit better. "Yeah, I guess so. Thank you, love."
"We'll take each day as it comes," He continued, his voice warm and steady. "And before you know it, we'll be together again."
You nodded, feeling lighter and more at peace than you had all day. "I can't wait for that day, cheollie. Until then, I'll hold onto you. Wow, you always know what to say."
He smiled. "That's what I'm here for. Now, tell me something good that happened today. There must be something."
You thought for a moment. "Well, I did get to eat my favorite ice cream during a break."
He laughed. "See, that's a start! And when we're together again, we'll have all the ice cream we want."
You giggled. "Deal."
You talked for a while longer, sharing stories and laughs until it was time to say goodnight. As you hung up, you felt a warmth in your heart. Even on the worst days, Seungcheol's love made everything seem a little brighter.
"Goodnight, my cheollie. I love you," you whispered to the dark screen.
"Goodnight, y/n. I love you too," his voice echoed in your memory.
You lay down, feeling a bit more at peace. Tomorrow was a new day, and you knew you could face anything with him by your side, even from miles away.
I'm back? hahahaha
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poohsources · 1 year
[ 📲 message sent: ]  do you smoke pot? cause weed be cute together. [ 📲 message sent: ]  do you believe in love at first swipe or should i match with you again? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i see me in your future 🔮 [ 📲 message sent: ]  i can't see you right now but i bet you look great [ 📲 message sent: ]  can you send me a selfie? i just want to show my mom what my future partner looks like. [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you http? because without you i'm only :// [ 📲 message sent: ]  i believe in following my dreams ... so you lead the way. [ 📲 message sent: ]  should we get coffee? cause i like you a latte. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i see you like tequila ... does that mean you'll give me a shot? [ 📲 message sent: ]  you know what's beautiful? read the first word. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i bet you smiled when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now. [ 📲 message sent: ]  take a guess. which emoji did i place next to your name on my phone? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm sending you hugs and kisses 😘 [ 📲 message sent: ]  i just accidentally walked into a pole because i was thoughtlessly staring and smiling at your text messages. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i never believed in love at first sight until i saw your profile picture. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i do not think much. i do not think often. but when i do, i think of you. [ 📲 message sent: ]  just so you know, i'm not flirting with you. i'm just being extra nice to you since you're extra attractive. [ 📲 message sent: ]  you're so beautiful that i actually forgot that i was supposed to send you a pick-up line. [ 📲 message sent: ]  you see, i really suck at starting conversations. do you want to try? [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you free for the rest of your life? [ 📲 message sent: ]  ugh, i have to go to some boring event. will you come with me to make it fun? [ 📲 message sent: ]  hi, my name is trouble, and i'm looking for my soulmate. mind if i ask you if you have room for a little trouble in your life? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i can't figure out if i should start this conversation with a compliment, a pick-up line, or a simple hello. you choose. [ 📲 message sent: ]  they say nothing lasts forever, so will you be my nothing? [ 📲 message sent: ]  well, here i am! what are your other two wishes? 🧞 [ 📲 message sent: ]  hey, you're pretty and i'm cute. together we'd be pretty cute. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i would flirt with you, but i'd rather seduce you with my awkwardness. [ 📲 message sent: ]  when our friends ask us how we met, what are we going to tell them? funny answers only. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i had the best pickup line on the way, but i saw you and now i'm speechless. [ 📲 message sent: ]  if you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple 🍍 [ 📲 message sent: ]  hi, i know your name is [name] but can i call you mine? [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you a bank loan? cause you have my interest. [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you religious? cause you're the answer to all my prayers. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm researching important dates in history. would you like to be mine? [ 📲 message sent: ]  you look like you know how to have a good time! i like it. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i know you're busy but please add me to your list of things to do. [ 📲 message sent: ]  if i told you that you had a great body would you hold it against me? [ 📲 message sent: ]  complete this sentence: you, me, and ___ [ 📲 message sent: ]  dinner first or can we go straight for dessert? [ 📲 message sent: ]  do you like sleeping? me too. we should do it together some time.
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radioisntdead · 24 days
This is my first time requesting anything from you so I hope this idea is okay but would you be willing to write something where the reader is Alastor's child (I live for Dad Alastor) and they meet Susan? Maybe they get really attached to her so every time they visit Cannibal Town Alastor has to reluctantly take his kid to see 'Grandma Susan' and be civil around her?
Only if you're up for it though! I love your blog so MUCH and I live for both the platonic Alastor and Susan content you do
-TheAmberFist ♡
Good evening my dear! I did headcanons I hope that's alright, I adore your blog's content as well! I reread your "leave it all on the dance floor" series often! I positively adore how you write Alastor's and the readers friendship! Also thank you so much for requesting this because that gives me an excuse to bring back this header!
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Papa Alastor doesn't like Grandma Susan.
Alastor & child reader, Susan & adopted against Alastor's will grandchild reader.
Warnings: Cannibalism also reader is a fawn because deers.
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Much like my other Papa Alastor fics, he either picked you up off the streets, or you just straight up followed him home like a stray puppy.
He unwillingly became a father.
I imagine he was talking with your Auntie Rosie and You wandered off to explore Cannibal town!
Despite being in hell, it seems safe enough for children considering there were other children around.
Anywho you stumbled upon a cranky Susan and just immediately started going
"I like your dead rodent scarf!"
"It's a fox, what are you blind?"
Long story short she unwillingly became a grandmother that day because you would NOT LEAVE HER ALONE not that she minded
Alastor has to deal with you whining that you want to see Grandma Susan, dude does NOT want to call her your grandmother, in his eyes you only have one grandmother above that you will unfortunately never meet.
"I wanna see Grandma Susan!"
"She's not your grandmother, why in the devil's name would you want to see her?"
"Because she's my grandma,"
"No she's not."
"yes she is!"
Que a repeat of no's and yes until he eventually relents because you are NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER.
I imagine Susan enjoys your company but also uses you to peeve off the embodiment of red-40 that is your parent.
Like Alastor leaves you with her for whatever reason and is just like
"Don't give them any candy, no more then two juice boxes anymore and they get rowdy."
Guess who got a little goodie bag of candies and had a whole box of CapriSuns?
Also I imagine you as a fawn, specifically one of these [no this totally isn't an excuse to show the deer pictures I have saved noooooo]
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Susan puts either a bow or bow tie on you, I imagine she breaks into the hotel sometimes when Alastor is out and is just like "I'm taking my grandchild out, fuck off!"
Vaggie tried to stop her once and nearly lost an arm, so far the only ones that are successful in getting Susan to not kidnap you is Angel dust [aka your favorite babysitter] ,Rosie, Alastor himself, for everyone else they have to risk losing limbs, Charlie could probably coax you away from Susan.
They banned her from the hotel, set up security measures.
She keeps getting in they don't know how, they're terrified.
Nothing stops Susan.
Alastor keeps cordial with Susan because he can't do anything to Susan because of Rosie and also because much to his displeasure you are attached to the ornery old bitch.
Alastor wants to take you on a father-child day? Torturing sinners, getting cannibal ice cream, getting souls,
He can't BECAUSE Susan snuck into the hotel and snatched you up!
On the flip side, Susan wants to take you shopping because the modern [1920's-1930's] clothing Alastor dresses you in is horrendous, Her words not mine
But no Alastor literally just picked you up and teleported away, how rude! How dare he keep her from her grandchild?? Ungrateful brat who raised him? [She's lucky Alastor did NOT HEAR THAT, just because he's dead and his ma is in heaven does NOT MEAN HE'S NOT STILL A MAMA'S BOY the good version ]
I imagine as a consequence Susan starts acting like Alastor's parent, like threatening to ground him, telling him to go in the corner and think about what he's done, chastising him for his awful haircut, then grabbing a bowl and scissors.
Alastor hid behind Rosie while Susan and you looked for him because she was definitely planning on giving him a bowl cut.
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Good evening folks! Oh how I've missed writing for Susan! I missed our grumpy grandma, I hope you enjoyed this! As per usual thank you for tuning in I hope to see you again soon!
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bluecollarmcandtf · 2 months
"Dude, I took over your dad's body.."
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"...and goddamn is there a lot of him to work with! I've been a ghost for years now, but I've never been inside a 6' 3" ex-linebacker! I've been checking him out all afternoon, and let me tell you that this man is big and hairy all over," he punctuates his comment with a wink.
Your dad, the man you've looked up to your entire life, is saying things you don't want to think about while casually laying on the couch in nothing but a robe and booty shorts. The urge to puke is suppressed, but you know that Jimmy has crossed a line here. Your deceased friend has possessed bullies, professors, and more, but he's never had the balls to take over your own family. What was he thinking?
"I jumped into him while he was at work. I think his coworkers probably found it strange when I picked up his briefcase and waddled his ass out the door," Jimmy chuckles at the memory, "But don't worry. Your old man had plenty of sick days he wasn't gonna use."
It doesn't take long for you to burst out in anger at the spirit controlling your father. Your face is hot, and you can't stand to watch your dad get puppetted around like a fool!
"Calm the fuck down!" he swears uncharacteristically, "Give this big guy a hug. Come here. Daddy needs some love..."
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The thought of hugging your father while he's being forced to act like this feels wrong, but you relent. A part of you is glad for the embrace. It might not actually be your dad, but paternal comfort is exactly what you need right now, and your real dad isn't the type to give his child a hug.
"That's it, son," Jimmy pets your head with your father's thick hands, "Let daddy take care of you. Let your dumb old fart-of-a-father give you some much-needed attention."
You can't help but chuckle at the self-deprecating joke. Your real dad was too proud to laugh at himself, and he'd never made an effort to be anything other than distant and formal with you. In fact, there was a lot your real dad would never do; he'd never leave the office in the middle of the day, he'd never lay around the house like a lazy bum, and he'd certainly never let his hairy chest and thick legs be on full display in front of his disappointing gay son.
Suddenly, while still embraced, you realize there's something poking into your waist.
"Sorry, dude," your father whispers in your ear, "I guess your dad is just happy to see you."
You push him away, insisting that Jimmy needs to stay out of family members' bodies because this just feels so wrong! You search the pair of unnaturally blank eyes for any sign that Jimmy might be listening to you.
"You need to relax, bro," your dad (Jimmy) groans in annoyance. He looks disappointed, but then he sparks up and gives you a new look of excitement. "Son," he says with exaggerated machismo, "Take a page from my book and learn to chill out. It doesn't matter what the world thinks about you or me. I'll prove it to you..."
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With a placid grin and blank gaze, your father lumbers past and marches straight out the front door of the house. You're almost too stunned to follow. Was Jimmy really going to parade your dad's body around the neighborhood in nothing but his robe?
"Afternoon, neighbor," your father's rumbling tone bellows across the street, "Lovely weather, today. My son thought I should take my fat hairy gut for a little stroll in the sun. You know us dads have got to keep our boys happy. Am I right?"
Mr. Jones stares at your father from his porch, just as shocked as you are. He often drank beers with this man and every other neighborhood dad at backyard barbecues and living room game watches. This was not how he normally interacted with the man, and it obviously struck him as weird.
"You alright, Bob?" he asks hesitantly.
"Right as rain, neighbor!" Jimmy answers with a tone that's too goofy to pass as my dad's, "If that's how you're staring at me now, I wonder what'll happen if I take this robe off..."
Before Mr. Jones can process the flirtation in your father's voice, you shuffle your dad further down the street and away from the whole interaction. That may have been hilarious, but Jimmy was going to destroy any reputation and respect your father had around here!
You demand to know where Jimmy is going with this body. It's not like you have any ability to even slow the ghost down when he's got the weight and strength of your 200 lb father.
"I'm thinking the park. Your dad could use some cardio," he smirks, an unfamiliar expression on the grown man's face, "Or maybe the public bathroom on the north end. You know, it has that hole in the stall..."
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No amount of reasoning or arguments can change Jimmy's mind. Apparently he's set on wearing your father to the city's most notorious gay hookup spot.
"Don't look at me like that," his gravelly voice sounds amused by your frustration, "With me in charge, your dad will be the dirtiest slut that bathroom's ever seen. Don't you think it'll be funny to see such a massive, manly bear serving man after man in there?"
You sigh in disbelief.
"Or...maybe I don't have to rent out your dad's body to a bunch of strangers..."
You wonder where he's going with this. It sounds like an ultimatum is coming, and you don't like the idea of your crazy dead friend giving you an ultimatum.
"...your dad could hold off on bottoming for strangers...if...you let him be your submissive little bitch."
The choice is an annoying one, but you're pretty sure you can't let your dad have unprotected sex with strangers in a public place. This is what he'd want right?
"That's what I thought," the grin on your father's face twists maniacally. He tussles your hair like he's the proudest dad in the world, "Let's head on back home, buddy. Daddy's gonna lick every inch of sweat off that body of yours. He's got years of emotional absence to make up for."
One of his beefy arms cradles your back and turns you around. You're relieved to no longer be headed towards the public bathroom, but you're still a little nervous about what awaits you at home. How does Jimmy expect you to enjoy any of this when it's your dad doing all these things to you?
"Daddy's gonna treat you to a night that's all about you," he goes on, "Cooking you dinner, rubbing your feet, cuddling on the couch, and so much more. I want you to think of some humiliating things daddy can do for you while we walk back. Make sure they're extra degrading or your dad will just have to step out of the house and degrade himself where the entire city can see..."
The last comment gives you butterflies in your stomach, but it also gives you a bit of a hard-on. Maybe Jimmy playing with your dad wasn't so scary of an idea after all. With him possessed, anything was on the table: personal affirmations, some much needed bonding, roleplay, revenge, humiliation. Heck, you could even give your father a golden shower and Jimmy would have him smiling through it!
Walking home, you steal glances at your dad, towering over you as his rotund gut leads the way. Home can't come fast enough!
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